#sdv traveling cart
Signs I have been playing Stardew Valley for too long: I saw on my phone's lockscreen that it was Friday irl and I got excited bc traveling cart shopping day
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I'm imagining Shane asking the farmer what happened to all their money, only to walk into their bedroom with a huge portrait of Shane. Needless to say, Shane's pissed. The farmer is beyond happy & says it was worth every penny.
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4rt1f1c14l · 2 years
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a rest stop ⊹˙
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stardewremixed · 1 year
How Each Bachelor Reacts to the Traveling Cart / What They Would Buy
(FYI, the seller is called Suki in the mod, Stardew Valley Expanded so I will refer to her as Suki).
Alex - laughs when he first stumbles across the cart by accident. "You sell contraband?" Hee... hee.. somehow he finds this hysterical. But the "herbal creme" Suki sells works wonders on Granny's sore back so Alex makes the trip every week.
Elliott - the type to spend all his money on other people and then wonder where it all went. He would get rare foragables from outside the Valley for Leah, and unique fish for Willy. Then he would stay and chat, maybe even have his fortune told or palm read over a spot of strong herbal tea with Suki.
Harvey - doesn't wander that far into the woods that often. However, he knows of Suki and recognizes she is dealing with tough times financially. Once a quarter, he walks out to her cart to offer a discounted wellness check. Suki insists on paying, so he accepts trade in goods like truffles and specialty wines.
Sam - money burns holes in this man's pockets. He wanders out in the woods once when Vincent gets "lost." Sam finds his kid brother chatting it up with the mysterious Suki. He is all about the snacks and stocks up whenever Suki is in town. Sam is also very open-minded, and definitely eats up the crystal ball stuff. They would discuss star charts and horoscopes (which Vincent thinks are "horror-soaps," exactly what he repeats to their mom later).
Sebastian- where do you think this guy gets his "weed?" Certainly not from the local grocer. Suki stocks gummies sometimes too, which Seb hides from Maru (since she once consumed half a bag and thought it was just candy). It was a weird family dinner.
Shane - doesn't care and doesn't really believe in mystical arts. But Suki has a magic concoction for helping him beat alcoholism. Tastes nasty. Burns going down. But man! That stuff works.
Victor - an upstanding citizen. He hears rumblings about a mysterious seller but it's not on his radar. Once, he may have stumbled across Suki's cart and asked about its construction.
Magnus - I like to think these two are friends. Maybe even friendly competitors. After she closes up, Suki goes to smoke with the Wizard and shares tales from the road.
Lance- like Magnus, Lance likes to swap tales of adventure with Suki. Probably over a pint. He would definitely pick up some specialty adventuring items from her cart when he's around.
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lipstickhotchocolate · 5 months
Stardew valley fish wake up every morning and be like if I get a plate of crack for the table, would you have some? You'd have crack if I got a plate of crack? Yeah, okay, yeah we'll take an order of crack. And then I don’t complete the community centre until year four.
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tinytveit · 5 months
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farmerstarter · 4 months
maybe some general seb relationship headcanons if you dont mind? especially prior to it or crushing/early dating. how would he react to the confession? would his friends tease him? etc.
im a little picky w sdv hc blog interpretations and i love yours! theyre so sweet. if this is a lot feel free to just do as much as you'd like 💟
ʚ👾ɞ ˚ · . Crushing
tags: sebastian from sdv x gn! reader
OMG Anon! I am so sorry this is sooooo late. I just finished my 2nd year of college and it was so hectic. But now I have WAY more time to write. Writing this was so fun! if you have any fic requests then feel free to send me an ask! <3 purple divider by @saradika-graphics <3
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𐙚⭑ Sebastian couldn’t deny that he, like everyone else in the valley, was curious about the new farmer moving into the overgrown expanse of land to the west of town. He was a bit down on the idea of not having his usual smoking place anymore, but the intrigue easily overpowered it. He was one of the last people to meet you. Sam and Abigail couldn’t stop talking about you. Which was reasonable, nothing ever happens in the valley. The more Sebastian knew about you, the more confused he got. Why move out in the middle of nowhere? Why leave the city for a pile of dirt and a mosquito-infested house? It was weird. For him, at least.
𐙚⭑ You two finally met at night. Sebastian was smoking by the waterfall, and you ambled your way out of the cave with a bag full of copper and coal. The mountains were wisped with fog, cold with dew. Sebastian was sure he was the only living soul out in the open. Much to his surprise, and at the expense of his dignity, he let out the loudest scream he could muster when you decided it was a good idea to sneak up on him to say hello while you were covered in soot and mud. While he was calming himself down and you were washing your face in the lake, you promised not to tell Sam or Abigail about the encounter. Sebastian was very grateful for that. The two of you spent the next hour talking.
𐙚⭑ The next time you met him was when you were discussing building plans with Robin in her house. Robin was just explaining that you needed more wood for your planned chicken coop, and Sebastian just so happened to come out to return his pile of plates to the kitchen. Robin waved him over to introduce him to you. His eyes met yours, and you immediately introduced yourself properly. You gave him a discreet wink when Robin’s back was turned. You deduced that Robin wouldn’t have been too happy to know her son was out at the late hours of the night, smoking his third cigarette in one sitting. Seeing this as an opportunity for her son to get some sunlight, Robin asked Sebastian to accompany you while you got more wood. He didn’t have anything to do; he had finished his module for the week, and he was curious about what his friends were telling him about you. So, he agreed to do it.
𐙚⭑ The two of you decided that Cindersnap Forest would be a good place to chop down some trees. You led the way while Sebastian followed suit, dragging along a wheelbarrow that Robin gave you to make the trip back to the mountains easier. Sebastian spent the day sitting on the makeshift bridge over the river and watching you cut down too many trees for him to count. There were times when you offered to teach him how to wield an axe. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of you, so he just shook his head and decided to arrange the logs of wood in the wheelbarrow instead. It was 2 pm when you finally had enough wood for the coop, but neither of you wanted to go back just yet, mostly because it was too hot to walk back, and Sebastian didn’t want to burn off his skin.
𐙚⭑ You and Sebastian went to look at whatever the traveling cart was selling. You couldn’t help but laugh at the way the dark-haired man’s eyes widened when he found out the merchant was selling an egg for 500 gold.
𐙚⭑ It would be so cute if you and Sebastian stumbled into the secret woods and that became your little hideaway to hang out when life got demanding for both of you.
𐙚⭑ You definitely fell for him first, but Sebastian fell in love harder. It all started when you invited him, Sam, and Abigail over to eat the many fish dishes you cooked when you finally had a kitchen in your abode. You specifically made sashimi for him since you remembered he mentioned it was his favorite. He was touched. You took the effort to even remember what he said, and that made his heart stutter. (“It tastes just like the ones Linus makes.”) ((Side note: it would be so cute if Sebastian and Linus became friends because Linus would make sashimi for both of them to eat at night by his tent, but I digress.))
𐙚⭑ Your friendship with Sebastian continued to bloom when you found a frog egg in the cave. You immediately ran to Sebastian to show it off. The two of you became parents to a very hungry frog named Blimp.
𐙚⭑ You and Sebastian rode his motorcycle at night when the two of you had nothing to do. He didn’t have an extra helmet yet, so he insisted you wear his helmet instead of him. He wanted you safe.
𐙚⭑ I am a firm believer that Sebastian is the type of person to become loud and talkative when he’s around people he is truly comfortable with. So, the moment you two became friends, Sebastian would invite you to hang out with him and Sam in his room to play Solarian Chronicles. He becomes more animated the longer you play, laughing at Sam’s crappy rolls and your insistence that every small enemy is the true boss in disguise. To both Robin and Demetrius’ surprise, Sebastian spends more time outside compared to the past. The two of you either hang out in the Secret Woods or play the arcade games in the saloon. PICNICS! IN THE SECRET WOODS!!
𐙚⭑ You confessed first, and Sebastian became red in the face in an instant. He couldn’t stop smiling, though. Sam doesn’t let him hear the end of it.
𐙚⭑ On clear nights, you and Sebastian climb up to the roof of his house to stargaze. He loves pointing out constellations to you, showing off what Maru taught him. If he asked nicely enough, his half-sister would let the two of you borrow her telescope.
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tasty-arsenic · 5 months
Hermits as Stardew Valley???? 1/4
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the brainrot consumes and as i gain over 130 hours in a game ive had for like a month i decide that i should make an au
these sprites can be unproved apon but im happy with them right now
i know that there is already hc sdv aus out there but i wanted to make my own!!!
part 2, part 3, part 4
roles below
note: not 1 to 1 with the game
note note: not all sprites reflect their jobs, ill get to that
Bdubs: Carpenter
Cub: Scientist
Doc: Doctor
Etho: Electrician
False: adventurers guild shopkeep
Gem: gardener
Grian: fishermen
Hypno: idk man
Impulse: blacksmith
Iskall: local menace
Jevin: mines shopkeep
Joe: book seller
Keralis: Museum guy
Mumbo: Wizard
Pearl: Postal
Ren: saloon owner
Scar: travelling cart
Skizz: new farmer
Joel: bus driver/new guy
Stress: also works at the saloon
Tango: sewer creature
Beef: rancher
Wels: adventurers guild other guy
Xb: general store shopkeep
Xisuma: mayor
Zedaph: Scientist
Cleo: seamstress
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yyokkki · 2 months
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Riddle Rosehearts
A former city boy who ran away from home after refusing to become a doctor like his mother was.
Actually works as a lawyer at a small firm in the nearest town. He commutes by car and it's only a 30 minute drive with minimal traffic (thank god cuz his road rage is abysmal) but he works remotely on most days.
Is often found at the town saloon (the community centre after you fix it!) holding tea parties with Trey, Cater, Ace and Deuce or at the local library.
Loved Gifts: Strawberry Tart, Fairy Rose, Ruby, Universal Loves
"...Oh! Ahem, thank you farmer. Expect a return gift in the mail soon."
Hated Gifts: Eel, Clay, Royal Sword Cola, Universal Hates
"Ugh! This is unacceptable!"
Trey Clover
The local baker! His family runs a bakery in the city and he moved to NRV on his own to open another branch of Clover's Confectionaries.
He says the fertile soil and rich foragables make it the perfect place to gather ingredients on his own.
Rumour has it he runs a backdoor business for specialty toothpastes.
Is often found at the town saloon serving his pastries for Riddle's parties or at his bakery tending to his mini garden at the back.
Loved Gifts: Limestone, Pearl, Candied Violets, Universal Loves
"Thanks farmer! How did you know I needed this? ...I don't owe you anything, right?"
For Limestone and Pearl: "This is perfect! Now, to extract the calcium carbonate..." (Yes, for toothpaste)
Hated Gifts: Broken Glasses, Mustard, Universal Hates
"Oh... Uh... Thanks?"
Cater Diamond
A social media influencer and former travel blogger.
Used to travel a lot but decided to settle at NRV. He claims it's because the scenery and people are 'cute'.
Occasionally will go to the city with Kalim and Lilia to perform and hold concerts.
Is in a band with Kalim and Lilia, plays the guitar.
Is often found at the town saloon with Riddle, Trey, Ace and Deuce or in the town square chatting up the other residents.
Loved Gifts: Spicy Ramen, Diamond, Universal Loves
"Aww, you shouldn't have! #lucky #cutefarmer"
Hated Gifts: Anything Sweet, Clay, Universal Hates
"Aww, thanks but no thanks. #lame"
Ace Trappola
The local carpenter! Stays at Night Raven Valley with his older brother who he learned all his tricks from (bad and good).
Loves causing trouble and playing harmless pranks on the other residents (Deuce is his biggest victim), good at magic tricks too.
Plays basketball on sunny Saturdays with Jamil and Floyd.
The first character you meet, who was assigned with fixing up Ramshackle Farm. Shit talks your farm right to your face and holds no remorse.
Is often found at the town saloon at Riddle's tea parties or at the back on the arcade machines.
Loved Gifts: Cherry Pie, Cherry, Royal Sword Cola, Universal Loves
"Dwoes the wittle farmer have a crush on me~ Ack, I'm kidding!"
Hated Gifts: Clay, Oyster, Universal Hates
"Gross! Do you hate me or something??"
Deuce Spade
The local mechanic/handyman! He's self taught and lives with his mom, Dylla Spade who handles the deliveries in town.
Used to be a delinquent but has since turned a new leaf.
His passion project is modding the hell out of his motorcycle and hitting the roads.
Goes on runs with Jack every sunny Wednesday.
Volunteers at the Adventurer's Guild and takes requests from the board for security as his goal is to become a full time officer in the future.
Is often found at the town saloon at Riddle's tea parties or at the back getting obliterated by Ace in Junimo Cart.
Loved Gifts: All Eggs (Except Void Egg), Omelette, Battery Pack, Universal Loves
"Farmer! I knew you were a real one!"
For Battery Pack: "Thanks dude! I needed this for the finishing touches..."
Hated Gifts: Void Egg, Juice (He drinks it, it just reminds him of Ace), Bell Pepper, Universal Hates
"Hah? Oh, I thought you were pickin' a fight..."
TWST x SDV Masterlist
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acepalindrome · 6 months
SDV QoL Mod Recommendations
(1.6 Edition!)
Some years ago I made a big list of some of my favorite Stardew Valley mods, because I am a mod gremlin and there are so many fun and cool things you can do with your game! Modding has changed a lot since then. Some of the old mods have been abandoned and aren’t compatible with 1.6, and lots of new ones are popping up all the time to help keep this 8 year old game fresh and interesting! So I’ve put together a list of mods that currently work with 1.6. Since there are so, SO many mods, I’m just going to list quality of life mods for now. Let me know if you guys are interested in recommendations for expansions, cosmetics and other fun stuff!
Firstly, if you’re new to Stardew modding and don’t know how to start, I highly recommend checking out Salmence’s How to Add Mods video on YouTube. He walks you through all the steps and makes it very easy to get the hang of it! And without further ado:
The Mods
UI Info Suite 2: I’m new to this mod, but now that I’ve got it, I’m not sure how I lived without it! It does so much! It shows your daily luck, any birthdays, if it’s going to rain tomorrow, when tools are ready with Clint, when the traveling cart is in town and more! It also shows the range of your sprinklers, scarecrows, bee houses and junimo huts, and if you mouse over your crops, it shows when they’re ready for harvest! Super useful, and the daily icons are small enough that they don’t feel intrusive. I usually get all my mods from Nexus because it’s easy and reliable, so I had put off trying this one since it’s only on GitHub. I absolutely should have tried it ages ago.
NPC Map Locations: Shows where everyone is on the map. No more running around trying to figure out where someone is to give them a birthday gift! This is an essential mod for me, it’s such a simple but good improvement!
Look Up Anything: This one basically eliminates the need to have the wiki open in another window. Virtually everything in the game can be clicked on to give you more information. Mouse over Shane and press a button to see his birthday, how many hearts he has and how many points to the next heart, and all loved and liked items (with items you have on hand highlighted!) Select the hardwood in your inventory to see how many you have total (including storage you don’t have on hand,) everything it can be used for and how many you need for each thing, so you know how many you need! Almost everything can be selected to give more information!
Visible Fish: Useful AND pretty! It shows all the fish currently available to catch swimming in the water, so you don’t spend ages trying to catch something that doesn’t spawn at a certain place or time! Also it just looks really nice. I love seeing the fish in the river when I’m just passing by!
FriendsForever: Eliminates friendship decay, so people don’t hate me if I forget to talk to them for half a year! Also works on animals, so I can ignore my pigs all winter and they still love me.
To-Dew: You can make a to-do list that will appear on the screen and can be marked off as you complete different tasks. No more will I take a trip to town for seeds and forget that I also wanted to donate to the museum and give Caroline a daffodil! You can also set items to be reoccurring on certain days of the week, if you want to remind yourself to look for forage on Saturday, or make Thursday your designated day to empty and refill your kegs. Very customizable! I also like to make lists of all the seeds I want to buy every season.
TreeTransplant: Robin can now move trees around your farm just like she moves buildings! I’m really bad at planning my tree placement, and it’s so frustrating to have to cut down full grown trees to change my farm layout. Now you can move trees anywhere!
Fishing Made Easy Suite/Combat Made Easy Suite: I love these mods over others that make fishing/combat easier because you can decide the exact degree you want to make things easier! You can make fishing anywhere from 5% easier to 99% easier, if you want to just take the edge off the difficulty, or make it impossible to fail a fish. You can take just a little less damage from monsters to make the Skull Cavern less daunting, or become unkillable and oneshot everything. They also have options to do fun things like put legendary fishing in fish ponds or craft magic rock candy. You can also make things harder, if that’s what you want!
Automate: Machines can pull items from chests, process them, spit them back out into the chest and pull in the next item automatically, without you having to do anything! It can be a little op early on, but it’s super handy when you have a million machines to keep track of. I especially like it for things that have shorter processing times. I can stick a chest of ore and coal next to some furnaces and let it do its thing! Or put a bait machine, recycle machine, crab pot and chest all together. The crab pots will empty and refill every day from the bait generated by the bait machine, deposit fish and trash into the chest, and any trash will be processed by the recycling machine! There are tons of fun ways to combine different machines!
TimeSpeed: Lets you stop, slow or speed up time! You can select time to freeze at certain locations (I like time to stop when I’m inside a building, like in old farming games,) set time to move slower or faster in general, or press a button to change it on the fly!
That’s all I have for now! Links will be coming in a reblog because tumblr is weird about posting links sometimes. Let me know if you’d like recommendations for other kinds of mods, like cosmetic mods, expansions, stuff that adds items or changes dialogue! I love to share the cool mods I find!
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surreal-duck · 6 months
screw it. midoyuzu sdv au (very long bullet point post warning in advance)
midori inherits his late grandpa's farm. parents' greengrocers shop in the city used to get a good chunk of their crops from there til his passing and the farm was since abandoned
kanata is definitely handling the fishing shop. though he spends more time in the water puka pukaing than actually fishing and manning the store but its fine she manages somehow. when midori gets the fishing rod kanata just straight up pops outta to water to give him the rod and floats away 👍 souma helps out there also
chiaki owns the saloon and bartends even if he does Not drink himself and the only thing that ever plays on tv are tokusatsu shows
as for the others i havent thought abt as much and subject to change. kuro blacksmith with his apprentice tetora maybe . nagisa the museum and library curator (and by extension i think itd be really funny if ibara was a joja executive. mostly to keep an eye on nagisa but also keeping the yzib hostility). eichi is the mayor though keito his vice mayor does most of everything and his boyfriend wataru organizes the town events and such like the valley fair etc!! natsume is the forest wizard w his apprentice sora and tsumugi comes by weekly in that traveling cart thing. madara owns the ranch probably.
everybody else is probably just normal townsfolk, among others hajime and hinata take care of the towns plants n stuff!! tatsumi priest, mayoi is half shadow person and hangs out in the sewer (of which noritama at some point explore together and shinobu befriends and invites to visit the surface). i said i didnt think about this much but thats a lie at this point. mika stays in an atelier in the forest (owned by shu whos in the city but does visit on occassion) to cultivate his own art, still best buds with arashi. jun koga adonis and maybe hiiro part of the adventurers guild, trick5tar are their own lil band!!
some charas r not present most of the time or yet like tori who is off at uni w his longtime academic rival and childhood friend and also now roommate tsukasa. their presence is very important for later trust me. rich family rivalry still remains here (along with military camp Because)
due to tori being at uni and learning independence yuzuru is off of his usual butler work for a while and working in the general store owned by the himemiyas! partly to pass the time partly encouraged to find something new to do outside of his servant duties. he calls and nags at tori regularly to make sure hes fine and such
the request board outside of the store is always a good source for side jobs and one day a request for foraged spring onions is pinned up with a terrifying drawing scribbled on it. midoris head over heels Immediately and she already has a good amount to spare so why not take it
hes probably a week into living in the valley already? while yuzuru had just started working over at the store therefore she wasnt aware of this yuzuru fushimi and finds the very one while looking for who put up the request!! the master artist + fan dynamic goes from then on
other than the usual chitchats and more requests with encouraged atrocious drawings accompanying them, been thinking a good amount of the specific town events that happen through the year!! other misc things are various quests and errands from each of the characters, like helping mika gather cloth or hajime requesting various flowers to brighten up the town
Y1 Spring: egg festival, noritama hanging out, shinobu sweeping the egg hunt; flower dance , as they havent gotten to know each other to well enough to actually dance (just like in the game) (haley please. anyways) its mostly just small talk and maybe including some other side pairings i like djdhhfjdj chiaki with a suspiciously soaked kanata and hina dragging off tetsu
Y1 Summer: acquiring the rusty key from nagisa, noritama sewer exploration and befriending mayoi; luau, nothing special particularly for this one; dance of the moonlight jellies, from here yuzuru and midori get a lot closer playing in the sand and just getting along (a bit like siosai marina)!! probably some background drop for the both of them like takamine gramps' farm and yuzurus actual role as a butler while telling him about tori as well dkhdhdjs. they spot the rare green jellyfish together here too
Y1 Autumn (yeah im calling it autumn sue me): valley fair commences, led by everyones own wataru whos hopping here and there somehow managing three attractions at once. yuzuru obliterates the shooting game; spirits eve, chiaki is desperately being clingy out of fear. just more shenanigans in this one
Y1 Winter: festival of ice!! i kinda want to recreate the snow bunny/cute critter scene in jingle bells here, while the fishing contest isnt even a contest at all except between souma and kanata; feast of the winter star ill probably keep somewhat similar to that in the recent luck fest campaign gift exchange!! midori -> hajime and yuzuru -> kanata at the very least. just good vibes all around. community centre would also be finished by then so while joja closes, ibara ends up assisting at the museum w nagisa instead jshshdh
Y2 Spring: only thing of note is that This flower dance they do get to dance together!! 👍 had to get those hearts up beforehand sjhdhdjshd midori at this point fully realized he really does like yuzuru, but kind of the calm before the summer storms
Y2 Summer: gets a bit (a lot) more complicated from here. yuzuru receives word from tori that he'll be visiting from midsummer til the beginning of autumn, and coincidentally tsukasa is tagging along to meet up with his pen pal and friend sora!! bickering the entire way there and due to circumstances yuzurus hosting tsukasa as well in the end, having to share toris room with him aksjdhjwjs
tori gets introduced to midori. the famed young master of midoris crush and this random farmer boy tori had heard so much about for some reason. midoris rather intimidated in the end but it ends up not Horribly to say the least. didnt quite help how tori had noticed how yuzuru softened up even just a bit when interacting with him. sora as well finally meets tsukasa and "the torikun he's heard so much about through tsukasas letters" 🎉 toris awfully smug and tsukasa tries to salvage it saying he was badmouthing him the whole time (not completely a lie but definitely not completely the truth either. dork)
with toris arrival inevitably comes yuzurus duties as a butler, its plain to see his priorities and out of consideration midori backs off a bit. she thought he'd only have to keep his distance until tori's gone back but little did she know toris main reason for coming not only was to assess how yuzurus faring (well and to meet eichi again) but had planned on bringing yuzuru back with him too to which yuzuru of course though not without feeling a tinge of pain for a reason unknown to him agrees to it
midori hears this from tsukasa, how he didnt think yuzuru would stay in town for much longer. and of course midori ended up pretty devastated at the news but who is he to stop yuzuru from leaving? in the end yuzuru would all but abandon his duties, and after all that same diligence and devotion is what midori had fallen for in the first place. if this short year really is all he'd get to spend with him then at the very least she'll have to make the most of what time they have left
the moonlight jellies come around again, probably one of the last times they both thought they'd be able to spend together and went off with just the two of them. a bit of an awkward air around them, yuzuru comments on how toris been complaining about the sand and other attempts at casual small talk as usual but its painfully obvious theres still that tense atmosphere
midori finally asks if yuzurus really leaving after all, to which she got a yes. midori simply nods and had long since accepted that inevitability, and already resolved that when the time comes to put an end to his feelings and get rejected properly. and so he confesses, and while saying she didnt need yuzuru to give him any proper answer in return, all yuzuru could really say was an "i'm sorry" while finally realizing what that awful ache that has been eating at him the entire time was. even if he did realize he felt the same, no matter how much he wanted to say it back theyve both resigned to the fact that its not something that could or would really ever happen between them
once the jellies have all left, their parting was pretty awkward, with that one goodbye feeling a lot like their last. tori notices something off about yuzuru and that something had probably happened between them, but didnt pay it much thought until a while later
yuzurus made more mistakes than whats normal, miscategorizing the stock or putting salt in his coffee, tori and tsukasa are both shocked and tried to pry it out of him but hes a brick wall that wont budge even a bit. it was only when midori came around for his usual errands and groceries that tori could note how distant and awkward theyre both being and that slight bit of hurt behind yuzurus all perfect mask
after much uncomfortable tension and quietly longing gazes enough is enough amd tori eventually confronts him, that while he did say yuzuru could come back to the city asks him if thats really what he wanted. and of course, all hes ever wanted or rather, knew how to want was to be able to serve tori to the best of his ability and really theres no other reason to stay anyways. even more frustrated now tori brings up midori, if he really wont regret leaving things like that when theyll surely drift apart to the point of no return if he keeps it up
argues that whatever was between him and midori has nothing to do with it!! tori is Mad and says if yuzuru is hiding behind his role to run away from the depths of his own feelings hes being a freaking idiot. eventually tori calms down and while he did want yuzuru to come, never wanted him to tear himself apart so much and that he didnt need to sacrifice his desires or getting close to anyone else for his sake, and how before being a servant yuzuru is his family as well and he just wants him to be happy too. then asks one last time if leaving the valley really what he wanted
yuzuru finally thinks it over again and apologizes first. for letting himself get so caught up and carried away for even daring to get close to someone else (tori glares daggers at him. he stops) and affirms that while he did wish to stay, theres still nothing more important to him than tori and his wellbeing and even should he open up and find more people in his life its not gonna change that fact
toris finally satisfied, reminding him again that even if he were to run off to be with some farmer boy hed still be his butler and that he wishes them the best. then proceeds to grab the bouquet from over the counter, shove it into yuzurus hands and lock him out of the store until he has a proper talk with midori. yuzuru tries to argue but it all goes one ear and out the other with tori he is Not gonna let him back inside until then
eventually gives in and goes looking for midori. he asks all around town and seems to just miss him each time, til eventually it starts pouring and into a pretty hard rain. at this point all he could rly focus on though was wanting to see him so pushes on until running into her taking shelter in the forest. yuzuru is Soaked and disheveled and with the wind and rain the bouquet is stripped down to only a few of its flowers left but he does not care at this point
midori is understandably shocked and tries to dry him off with what he had, lending her jacket and asking what he was doing out in the rain like that. well with yuzuru only being able to think about wanting to meet him had completely ignored the rain and brushes it off saying there was something more important he wanted to say
even knowing that he'd (somewhat) rejected midori before, asks if he could give him a proper response this time if midori would give him another chance. she agrees, yuzuru lets him know he wont be going back to the city after all to midoris surprise. goes on that before he knew it midori had become important to him as well and that he truly does adore him, and if his feelings havent changed would like to court him properly. midoris just processing the entire thing before crying. never thought his feelings would be reciprocated and between sobs hugs him. rain clears up, a nice rainbow arches over and while midori accepts what was left of the bouquet they almost had a moment until yuzuru starts sneezing. cue them running back to the store before he gets sick
while yuzurus taking care of himself it leaves midori and tori in the store together. tori gives her a bit of a shovel talk and if he dared do anything to hurt yuzuru he could have his entire farm shut down. and asks to take care of yuzuru for him too. they do talk a bit and end up getting to know each other a bit more before tori and tsukasas impending departure
once midori leaves, tsukasa, having seen the whole conversation, asks tori if hes really okay with it and while tori cant say hes absolutely happy is glad someone cherishes yuzuru just as much. and even if he is a bit lonely will always have tsukasa anyways half as a tease and half being genuine
Y2 Autumn: tori and tsukasa leave the valley, promising to come back next year!! theres a lot more ive planned out from this point out but i am keeping it to myself for now. or maybe forever it depends 👍 my apologies if youve read this far you deserve a medal thank you for listening to my silly rambling 🏅
theres some other things like mini chara arcs/episodes and such (or stuff like specific "heart events" of a sort) i thought abt but among them is tatsumi and mayoi meeting and [omitted] or tetoras apprenticeship under kuro, or shus visit to observe mikas progress and [omitted], and specifically a certain trks episode also
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sleepy-stitches · 8 months
omg please post about your sdv co-op i love hearing about them
(i am currently going through my first solo playthrough and i like to pretend my mutuals farmfarm is a distant neighbour i occasionally hear about, would love to incorporate your shenanigans into my delusions)
fuck everything that was here before i wrong like a long post but we have been on the grind to try and get the entire community centre done in year one and we have been cutting it CLOSE desperately trying to find red cabbage seeds before they appear at pierres in year two. we just found them at the traveling cart on the day that we got married happy pride <3
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olive-the-olive · 6 months
is anyone else getting insane droprates for ancient seeds on sdv 1.6. my wife and i started a new co-op file and we have a stupid number of ancient seeds growing on like spring 20 or something. we did get 5 from the traveling cart but we've got 10 or 12 so that's more than 5 drops from bugs without making a particular effort to kill bugs at all
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not-poignant · 1 year
Do you have any stardew mods that you absolute *must* have (for any reason) or any QoL mods you'd like to recommend?
Hi anon!
I'm not really going to do a 'must have' mod list because you don't need any mods to play Stardew Valley at all, and actually many of my farms I never played with any mods at all. So instead I'm just going to list the mods I enjoy using the most, that make my time more enjoyable within the game.
They're not must haves, and I don't actually think just about anyone should use mods before they've played the vanilla farm/style of the game a few times (because that's also the best way to see if you'll need mods in the first place. I don't need them. I just enjoy them). The one exception is people who can't handle the fishing mini game. But I find that dead easy (except the octopus, fuck the octopus), so... I don't need mods for that anyway x.x
My main mods are the following that I use pretty much in every game no matter what (for these to work you will need another mod called SMAPI, and sometimes a mod called Content Patcher, each mod will tell you what it needs to run in the Requirements section):
Mini Obelisks - The standard obelisks look cool but are just too damned tall. This changes the size lol.
Hudson Valley Buildings - Look, there are a ton of reskins for the buildings in the game, I just like these ones.
Vanilla Tweaks - A texture pack that re-skins pretty much all of the objects in the game (fish / vegetables / fruit / nodes / minerals etc.), it's pretty!
Simple Foliage - One of the nicest tree/bush reskins, it's just pretty.
Quality of Life:
UI Info Suite - is one of my favourite QoL mods, because it just comes with so many different things that are so useful, and my favourite are that you can access the calendar and fetch quests from your standard menu, as well as the little pop ups under the day/time which tell you if the Travelling Cart is there, who's birthday it is, if it will storm the next day, and whether or not there's a new recipe. It also tells you which of your pets need petting etc. It pretty much made my Better Ranching QoL mod redundant lol.
Gift Taste Helper - Despite having like 1800 hours in this game, I never remember loved gifts, and in the heart menu, this allows you to hover over a username and see someone's most loved gifts automatically. So useful. Saves me visiting the Wiki 400 times in a playthrough.
NPC Map Locations - Tired of looking at the Wiki for their schedules? Just use this and you'll see all the people / where they are on the map. Great for gift-giving.
No Kids Ever - Your mileage may vary on this one but I don't want children in SDV ever with any of my spouses and I don't even want to be asked. This eliminates all questions around parenthood and means you can also turn the nursery into whatever kind of room you want. You'll never have to worry about kids. This is definitely a must have for me ;)
Ship Anything - It pisses me off that I can only sell weapons etc. through Marlon's because they open from 4pm and it's just inconvenient. Ship Anything allows you to ship swords etc. from your shipping bin, and also use your recycling bin. SO useful. Can also use it for furniture / wallpaper etc.
DeepWoods - One of my favourite 'end game' places and so enjoyable (and a good source of wood and hardwood), this is very much like the Skull Caverns, but instead it's the Deep Woods and 'what if there were levels of the Secret Woods and they were easy-to-really-fucking-hard.' The levels change, there's all these cool little secrets, but a warning, some of the monsters can oneshot you even if you're late game (have all the stardrops / Galaxy Sword in the Forge etc.). There are monsters here that are absolutely way more dangerous than *anything* you will ever find in the Skull Caverns.
This is kind of a cheat because wood and hardwood become so important in the mid to late game, so ymmv on how comfortable you are with something like that. But I love the DeepWoods. Just a warning, take a warp, because once you're past level 1, you'll need to warp home.
I've also started playing Stardew Valley Expanded but that's like 10-11 mods in total and tbh anon I only recommend going down that rabbit hole once you've played the vanilla farm a few times.
These days I will also occasionally play with CJB Cheats, just because I've played like 15+ farms now the 'hard way' and sometimes I want life to be a little easier, lmao.
If I needed to go without all these mods tomorrow, I could and I'd still enjoy the game, so none of them are 'musts.'
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wickedsick · 9 months
Daily SDV- Day 6
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Another rainy day, but my bad daily luck meant I would spend today fishing, after doing my various chores of talking to the wizard and getting my geodes broken by Clint.
After talking to the wizard, I rushed back to the Community Center with one of each spring forage and completed my first bundle, unlocking the Fish Tank and the Pantry.
Unfortunately, I had turned on Remixed bundles.
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And I got the bad ones.
Heading up to the mountains, I decided to go for the lake fish I needed, only to get the Quality Bass on my first catch.
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Okay then.
I pivoted to the river, where I needed 3 rain fish; a catfish and two Shad.
I caught the regular Shad easily, but it took me a while to get a gold one. During the interval, I caught three silver catfish and donated one.
Now, I moved down to the Ocean, looking for Eels, but not before making a stop by the Saloon to talk to my good friend Pam.
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Guess not.
I headed down to the docks, caught my Eel, then fished up plenty of Herring and Halibut. I headed home around 11:30 and made it to bed, where I stuffed my spare fish in the shipping bin and hit level 3 Foraging.
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Not a bad haul, I think. I'd have saved them for once I got the Fisher bonus, but tomorrow's the Traveling Cart and I want to be ready.
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yellowgnomeboots · 1 month
SDV Polestar Farm - 2
I was wrong about how levelling up fishing would slow down, I'm going up one level basically every day!
Day 3: Spent most of the day fishing and got to level 3. Since I can't use the north or south farm exits there's a lot of running around the map. Got into my house at 1:50 am, just avoiding passing out at 2am.
Day 4: Bought the fibreglass rod that takes the bait I've got from chests. Level 4 fishing.
Day 5: Achieved "Mother Catch" achievement for catching 100 fish! Lucky yo get a fishing quest to earn money and friendship from Willy. Accidentally also succeeded at the quest from Clint I'd picked up the day before - he wanted copper ore and I got enough from treasure chests that when I said hi to him he started going on about it. I was very confused!
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Level 5 fishing achieved and of course I chose my bonus as 25% more cash from selling fish.
Day 6: I was shown the dilapidated community centre. I bought enough resources to build the furnace and recycling machine. Recycling machine is great on any restricted challenge to take advantage of the rubbish you get when fishing. Just standing in the dark making iron bars ...
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Day 7: Level 6 fishing achieved! Got to start thinking about the next skill to max out! Looked at the community centre first bundles. Realised for the first time the rooms are arranged by skill... The first room is foraging. I might be able to buy stuff from the travelling cart to complete a bundle and unlock some more rooms. Ran back to the cart to get the cave carrot they were selling but they had closed :( Not sure whether to try and do any bundles or go joja route :/
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