#seeing all the colors just go away from the top down is INCREDIBLE
louisloulouie · 1 year
I have been crazy obsessed with the beautiful lighting during the Faith In The Future tour. Watching all the color almost melt away during Louis performing Written All Over Your Face feels like pure magic.
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rapplesart · 4 months
Random fic idea
Tim drake but instead of loosing his spleen he lost part of his leg.
Tim thought it was obvious he was missing his right leg from the knee down. It was a whole leg that was missing after all. Sure he was wearing a prosthetic made by Ra's' best people.
One he painfully earned after that crazy fucker made him fight a bunch of his assassins one legged in order to "proof himself as the true heir of the bat he saw in him" or something. So sure, the leg might be more advanced than most, and it imitated natural steps a lot easier and even made it possible to easily run without switching to a different leg. Truly it was a perfect leg be vigilante with. But he never even bothered to give it human like appearances.
But apparently the Fam didn't notice. When he returned with Bruce everyone was too reliefed to give Tim a closer look and it just never came up afterwards.
Tim thought they just didn't want to ask about it in a weird attempt of being polite or even caring. Bruce surely did enough research on how it happened on his own. The man spend the whole travel back to Gotham with Tim after all. Tim truly believed the world's greatest detective would have noticed his missing leg.
Except he didn't. Not if he interpreted the way they looked so incredibly disturbed by is nonchalant way of handlinh the boiling hot chemicals that landed on his metal leg. He just brushed it off, the battle continued and since nothing seemed to be injured no one pressed him when he said "Must've missed me after all"
Now, how do you deal with a family that didn't notice you're missing a leg? That's right you fuck with them.
First thing he did was buy himself a few more realistic looking prosthetic leg. It had to be custom made to fit his stump so it took a whole but it was a worthwhile investment.
The first one was Jason. Call it a twisted revenge for trying to kill him but Tim just really wanted him to be messed with the most. So one day when he knew it was only Jason and him on patrol he strategically set himself down to fall. Crunching some spaghettis to ass in a sickening way only to stand up and walk away as if nothing ever happened.... With his foot toned the wrong way around. Insisting on nothing being wrong and Jason being delusional whenever the older boy tried to get him to get medical treatment. He switched it up the whole evening, whenever he was out of sight he turned the fool right and wrong. Driving the guy insane.
Jason did not sleep well that night. He was also top weirded out and unsure if what he saw was real to talk about it with anyone else.
Then, he challenged dick to a flexibility contest seeing how far they han bend their knees and feet. Even Mr bones are a social construct gymnast Richard Grayson looked horrified as Tim stood there, food bend almost in half, knee twisted to the impossible and what looked lihe a bend in the middle of his leg. Dick claimed cheating except the thing that greeted him when he demanded Tim to puch up his pant leg to expose his trick was a normal looking leg. The first Robin did lots of stretches in the following weeks. His pride was hurt after all.
Finding a way to mess with Damian was a bit more difficult. The brat still made a bunch of harsh comments again and again and he really wasn't close enough with Tim to be easily gaslit. The kid was a trained assassin and was probably used to a bunch of weird shit considering everything Ra's. So Tim decided he could go a bit more gory on Robin than the others. So one night he sat in front of Damians room, in the dark hallway and waited till one of his pets passed him. Once Alfred the Cat came along he made some louder coping noise that would Definetly make the kid look out to check on his animals. It worked just as planned, Damian peeked out his door to see Tim, crosslegged and barefoot on the floor, seemingly cutting off his toe to feed the cat. In reality it was nothing more than a cat treat and carefully picked, animal safe food coloring.
The kid scremed at him, threatened to stab him, punched him real good for harming his cat and took off with said cat to find Alfred so the older man could check on the poor kitten. Of course not beforeaking sure Tim was in an adequate amount of pain on the floor, with his 'injured' food secured to the floor with another knife. Only to return with a worried Alfred on tow to see Tim, standing two whole bare feet with a confused expression and a bag of cat treats in the hall.
Tim got a broken nose for it but it surely was worth it. Especially once he quietly whispered a 'no one will ever belief you' to the kid in passing. He might have traumatised the boy a little but Tim fought it justified for all the attempted murder he suffered.
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milkteahood · 6 months
together through it all
Simon Riley x fem!reader
Summary: being there for Simon during one of his many night terrors
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“No! No! Fuck no! Please… please not her. DON’T TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME”
Sweat broke on Simon’s forehead as he jolted awake, gasping for air. Stumbling, almost as if running from something, he made it to the bathroom where he threw himself over the toilet, puking his guts out. His whole body was breaking in cold sweat, shaking, with a blurry vision.
He didn’t hear you come in and almost attacked you when you placed a hand on him. He stopped midway, eyes bloodshot, his body only shaking harder when he realized it was only you.
“Si? Baby, it’s ok” your soft voice echoed in his mind, hand running up and down his back as he started vomiting again.
It wasn’t the first time this happened. Simon had severe ptsd, and this reaction was nothing new. He tried to warn you, saying you wouldn’t be happy with him. To go find someone that can actually love you normally. But he didn’t get to decide for you. And over time you got better and better at helping him when needed.
“You’re ok Si” you spoke gently, using a towel to wipe the sweat off his face.
He didn’t respond, but when he finally looked up at you, his face was incredibly pale. His lips were losing color too, and his eyes were a little glossy. This panic attack was one of the worst you’d seen him have.
Your hands cupped his face, and without even realizing it, he leaned into your touch, almost to see if you were actually real.
“You’re ok now” you said. Again, he didn’t respond. His breathing was heavy, and he closed his eyes, leaning more into your touch.
You held him for a while, giving him time to relax. His head almost fell onto your chest and strong arms wrapped themselves around you. There was something different about all of it. The way he held you, as if he was almost afraid you would vanish into thin air.
“Do you feel alright enough to walk?” you asked, arms wrapped around his neck, holding his head close to your chest. He only nodded in response.
As you stood up, you gently helped him up too, using your body to support his.
Once you made it to the bedroom, he collapsed on the bed, but still refused to let go of you.
He didn’t speak, his body still slowly shaking as he buried his face deeper into your chest, taking in your scent, trying to convince himself you’re actually real. He’s not hallucinating. You’re indeed there, trying to wrap a blanket around him as he refuses to let you move.
Once the blanket was over both of you, you resumed your gentle touches, fingers running through his hair as his breathing was slowing. Your fingers worked like magic on him. Your patience, something he never saw himself worthy of. All the times he yelled at you during one of his episodes. And even now, he was about to attack you. He didn't understand why someone like you would put up with someone like him. He didn't deserve you, he was sure of that. But he will be damned before he lets anyone take you away from him.
“You’re ok now” you said again, kissing the top of his head “it’s just us here” you continued, nose nuzzling his hair.
He nodded, closing his eyes.
You only closed yours once you heard the soft snoring coming out of your lover’s mouth.
“I love you, Si” you said, earning yourself a little snore in return, which made you chuckle.
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daycourtofficial · 6 months
Come back, be here
Azriel x reader
Summary: It’s the anniversary of your mating bond ceremony and despite his reassurances, Azriel is nowhere to be seen.
Author’s note: this is the end of my 1k celebration and ironically the first fic I finished for this week. I hope you guys enjoyed reading these fics as much as I enjoyed writing them
Word count: 2k
(1k celebration masterlist 🍾)
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Tick. Tick. Tick.
Every second you sat in your kitchen felt like an eternity, the fabric of the dress you’re wearing growing heavier with each tick of the clock.
You had bought the clock for your mate for your mating anniversary years ago. A rare antique that you knew he would love - thousands of years old, and you got it for an absurdly low price due to the condition it was in.
You spent months with a restoration expert, cleaning the clock, repairing pieces as you dismantled it. It was a labor of love, one you thought Azriel was deserving of.
The months spent restoring it were nothing compared to the time you’ve been sitting here.
Now you sit, practically taunted by its song. Tonight was supposed to be about the two of you. Objectively five years in a mateship isn’t a long time, a blip in the lives of fae, and yet the both of you were looking forward to the evening.
Despite his intimidating demeanor, Azriel was meticulous about celebrating your anniversaries, oftentimes mentioning an event you didn’t realize he knew the date of. You imagined he had an internal index of the days you two spent together.
“I waited five hundred years to meet you,” he had told you when he wanted to take you out to celebrate the anniversary of your first date, “I want to remember everything we do together. I want to celebrate us every day that I can.”
His words were incredibly sweet, but sitting in the cold kitchen, the tempting aromas of the meal you made long gone, you wonder just how much of it was words.
He waited 500 years for you, and you waited several hours before packing up the dinner you had made for him, tears running down your face as you packaged it all up.
Perhaps his overeager celebration of anniversaries led to the intensity of the sting you feel deep in your chest.
The clock chimes twelve times - he’s four hours late and your anniversary is officially over. You have no indication from the bond what he’s doing, it’s golden hum having gone silent hours ago.
You blow out the candles littering the house, taking off the ridiculous party hat you were wearing and throwing it on the ground.
It feels silly, the brightly colored hat with a pompon on top. It’s bright demeanor heavily contrasting the loneliness you feel inside. You sigh, looking around the downstairs of your home, deciding to leave the rose petals you had scattered so perhaps he’ll feel at least a little guilty when he came home.
Whenever that would be.
Trudging up the stairs, each step growing heavier, you wonder what could have kept him away. Rhys certainly wouldn’t have asked him to go away - Azriel had mentioned earlier in the week he’d be unavailable for a few days to celebrate.
Besides, Rhys knew how anal Azriel was about your anniversaries, and Feyre would chew him out if he forced Azriel to do anything on a day as important as your mating ceremony anniversary.
He had left this morning, promising you he’d be home at 8 because he had some tasks to do. You knew he was going to help one of your neighbors with a fallen tree, something that had to be done as soon as possible.
You move silently, going through your nightly ritual, an early end to the night you didn’t see coming. You pull back the covers on your bed, slipping into its cold grasp, ready to cry yourself to sleep, when you hear the door open downstairs.
You can hear Azriel moving through the house, a swiftness to his step as you hear him climbing the stairs quickly, taking them two at a time.
You make your way to your shared bedroom door, that you had locked upon entering, and lean against it, unsure if you’re ready for his excuses.
He tries the handle, then begins knocking.
“Baby, baby please be awake.” He pauses for a moment, listening. “I’m so sorry, baby please I know you’re awake I can hear you breathing.”
One of his shadows snakes underneath your door, checking you over to see how you are. It lingers on your cheeks, tear tracks still fresh. The shadow doesn’t return to it’s master, instead opting to stay with you, providing you company.
“Please, baby, I lost track of time. I was working on a surprise for you and I fell asleep. Baby I’m-“
You push off the door and turn to crack open the door, taking in the sight of your mate. Despite your annoyance, the bond made it practically impossible to want to avoid him. Every piece of you begged to be near him, to open the door further letting him in.
“You were working on a surprise?” Your voice cracks from all the crying, and he doesn’t mention how his heart cracks in response.
He nods gently, his hair sticking up everywhere from his hands having ran through it, and likely also from the flight home.
You’re still upset, but the frost you feel starts thawing. You can make him grovel a bit, and you’re about to open the door more, when the smell hits you.
He showed up late to your date for your mating anniversary with some lame excuse about falling asleep because he had spent the day with Elain.
Elain, who was mated to Lucien, but made her affections for your mate abundantly clear before your mateship. As far as you had known, Azriel had shut down her affections when the bond snapped for you both, but now you’re reconsidering everything that you know.
Had they been sneaking around? Is this the first time? Does Lucien know?
The questions swirl in your mind, and Azriel puts his foot in the door begore you can slam it on him, your emotions swirling inside of his chest.
“You spent the day with Elain?” You spat, “you were late because of Elain? You reek of her, Az!”
You push against the door, trying to shut him out, but he doesn’t budge, he won’t pull his foot out of the way, no matter how much it hurts.
“Baby, no let me explain-“
You laugh, “what’s there to explain? You are covered in her scent.”
The tears start pouring again, and the shadow starts wiping them up, more of them coming through the door to console you.
He starts panicking. Things with Elain have been great the past few years - her distance from Azriel allowing any lingering feelings of lust or awkwardness to dissipate, allowing the two of them to have a cordial friendship. Despite this, he was aware of how insecure you were around her.
You could never grasp why he’d want to be with you when he could have been with her.
Panic laces his tone as he tells you, “baby, no, I went to Elain’s to bake you a cake! We’ve been working all week on a recipe for you!”
You stop pushing so hard against the door, your movements stilling. An invitation for him to continue talking, but to stay where he was and not try to come in further.
“We spent the day baking you a cake. I laid down on her couch, and you know how damning that thing is. Lucien was there all day. I fell asleep waiting for the cake to cool so I could frost it. They must have left because-“
He pauses, his words rushing from his mouth, afraid you’d shut him out before they made their way to you. “I-they had me promise not to tell anyone, but Elain’s pregnant and they left for an appointment with Madja. They got back not too long ago, waking me up. I came straight here, forgetting the cake and your gifts.”
You lift your eyes to look at him for the first time and you know he’s telling you the truth.
“Gifts? Plural?”
A laugh breaks out from him, your obvious attempt to diffuse the situation. He pushes his hair back with a hand, and you finally take in how messy it was. He clearly had rushed over here, if it’s wind-blown look was anything to go off of. “I got you these incredible books that I spent ages tracking down. I was in Day earlier this week to pick them up.”
You perk up at that, “but you hate going to Day alone because Helion begs you to-“
“Then I had to stop by the jeweler’s.”
You perk up at that, your love of jewelry rivaling Amren’s.
“The jeweler’s?”
He smiles faintly, hoping he’s slowly convincing you to let him in.
“I had Winston take part of one of my siphons to make you a necklace.”
You still at that.
“Your- your siphon?”
He smiles softly, “yeah, I’ve been talking with him for years on how to best remove a piece to make you a matching necklace.”
You narrow your eyes, “years?”
“Yes, my love. We’ve gone through probably dozens of unused syphons to figure out the best method, he finally figured it out a few months ago.”
His hand taps his chest, where one of his siphons usually sits.
“I had a bit chiseled off of the one that stays on my chest.”
Your resolve crumbles, seinging open the door and launching yourself into his arms. He holds you tightly, and the two of you just stand there, enjoying the embrace.
The clock chines downstairs, but this time it’s tune is one of love, not dread.
You smelled him again, and as prominent as Elain’s scent was, you also picked up strong hints of Lucien and a soft, delicate scent.
“So nothing happened?”
“Nothing happened. And nothing ever will happen.”
Your eyes are lined with tears, pulling back from him, you place your hands on his face, bringing his face level with yours.
“If anything did happen, or ever happens, I’ll skin you alive.”
“My love, I think if I were to ever do anything to break your heart, Nesta would put my heart on a platter.”
You giggle, and he hums out, “actually I’m not sure who’d get to me first - Cassian or Nesta.”
Your soft giggles soothe the erratic beating of Azriel’s heart, “Gwyn and Emerie might take a chunk out too.”
He pushes the strands of hair away from your face, guiding the two of you further into the toom so he can shut the door.
“Let’s assume that if I did anything to hurt you, there would be a long line of fae coming to hunt me down.”
He kisses you, quickly pecking your lips several times as he guided you backwards until your knees hit your bed.
“However I did leave my mate all alone on our anniversary.”
He crawls on top of you, kissing your neck as you close your eyes at the contact, “and I am very good at groveling.”
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princeguri66 · 7 months
Leave a mark
Monster!John "Soap" Mactavish (with Poly Monster!141 at the end) x Male Reader
Cw: it starts off with Soap but the rest r mentioned and written but not as much as soap, marking with markers, nothing else I believe lmk
Silly thought but like imagine a monster reader who has crazy fast regeneration. Like deep cuts heal in seconds. Maybe you're a ghoul who just has crazy regen, or something like that.
Wouldn't a relationship between Soap, who loves leaving bites and see the aftermath due to his instincts as a werewolf and you who literally heals in seconds be interesting?
He loves getting fucked by you, but everytime he leaves a bit unsatisfied. It's not because you can't make him cum or anything, hell you can pull multiple orgasms from the guy and you have.
It's just that he can't leave satisfied knowing that he left a mark on you. He has bit you so much but the marks just won't stay. With the other members he can clearly see the marks he left on their neck and shoulders, even with Price who due to his dragon blood heals faster but the marks still stay for a day or two.
So everytime you two fuck, even if his ass if filled to the brim and his balls are empty he still whines because he can't leave his mark on you. You're a member of the 141, his pack, so it pains him that he can't put a claim on you like he has with the others.
So one day you get a bit creative.
One night in your room where he's riding on your cock, bouncing up and down while you lay your back on the bed, your hands gripping his hips and slamming him down on you as you cum. He leans down and bites as hard as he can on you as the feeling of you filling him up makes him cum. Pulling away and only being able to whine because he can't even admire his mark before it fades away.
"Aw, is puppy unsatisfied?" You tease and chuckle. And before he could insist that he was, you reached to the bedside table and picked up a red permanent marker, "why don't you mark me with this instead?" You say handing him the marker.
He huffs out a laugh at your little solution, but it's the best you got since you can't really make yourself regenerate slower. So he indulges, testing the marker on the back of your hand, the ink incredibly opaque so it stands out against your skin. Then he draws a bite mark at your neck then adds "Soap's Claim" in big letters, covering the whole left side of your neck.
He leans back, the bright red against your skin and the obvious letters, he finally sighs a sigh of relief.
It doesn't go unnoticed as well (just how he likes it)
The other members of the task force noticing Soap's eyes seem a bit brighter and his tail has been swaying peacefully the whole day. And that's where you enter, neck bare for everyone to see (it's the least you can do) Soap grins, happy to finally be able to show off his claim on you.
And now they want to have their names on your body too.
It's all color coordinated too now, Price who loves to write across your shoulder blades, with words like "Price's hoard" or just a simple "Price" with a heart next to it, it's simple but huge.
Gaz with a bright blue marker who likes to do it on your lower back (because he can also rest his head on your ass) writing something like "Gaz was here" and likes to draw wings on you. (Wing themed tramp stamp with 141 between the wings anyone?)
And Ghost with either white or black who loves to mark your chest, either a simple "ghost" or "Simon Riley" on each pec. Also likes to draw a ghost doodle on top of your heart.
And if you five fuck together, you aren't the only one who ends up having ink on you, but you'd have the most. And when you wake up to find a big arrow pointing to your dick and ass that says "Property of 141" written in multiple colors, you'd wish you could show it off.
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vivwritesfics · 9 months
Mr All American
Just cute moments between Logan and his not American girlfriend
Godamn I want him so bad - in something non fanfic that I've written one of my main characters is called Logan and, ugh, it's such a pretty name
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Y/N held her phone up towards Logan, giggling away as she filmed him. "Can you do your best British accent?" She asked him, phone shaking in her hands as she giggled.
He rolled his eyes, but Logan was unable to hide his smile. "What do you want me to say?" He asked, looking down at her.
If it was possible for a person to have heart eyes, Logan would have. His heart would have been beating out of his chest like a cartoon character. "What do you want me to say?" He asked as he leaned against the wall.
"Fancy a cuppa."
"Fancy a cupper?" He said in his usual American accent.
Her giggles grew into full blown laughter.
Logan let out a huff and rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "Alright love," he began in an incredibly bad British accent. "D'you fancy a cuppa?" He asked, emphasising the A.
It was hard to see Logans face in the video, not with the way Y/N was laughing uncontrollably. Her tiktok was a goldmine of Logan videos, where most of the fans got their content.
It was rare for a video of Y/N to go viral. Her videos of Logan always blew up, and she was always seen liking the compilations fans made of them. But she never got herself in the videos, that wasn't her style.
But then she logged onto tiktok. Her phone was silent as Logan slept behind her, his arms wrapped around her and his face pressed into his neck.
They didn't spent the entire night cuddled up. As much as Logan wanted to, it was near impossible. He fell asleep holding her, but when Y/N woke up in the middle of the night Logan was almost always no longer holding her. But then she woke up and once again Logan was holding her.
She had a theory. She suspected that Logan would wake up at, like, 5am, just to wrap his arms around her and spend the next the next few hours asleep and holding her.
So, Y/N had her phone on silent as she watched Tiktok. There were a few Logan edits, too many clips of Lando Norris streaming and at least thirteen Charles Leclerc edits.
And then Y/N came across another video. It was from the live sky sports feed that played during the last grand prix, focusing in on the Williams garage before the race.
Logan was there, walking to his engineer. And Y/N was in front of him. He had his arms around her, swaying her from side to side as he spoke. It was subconscious, he didn't even realise he was doing it, but it was so cute.
At least the fans thought so. Careless Whisper by George Michael played in the background of the video as Logan put his chin on the top of her head.
Groaning, Logan slowly woke up. He kissed the back of her neck and sat up slightly, tired eyes looking at the screen over her shoulder. "What're you watching?" He asked as Y/N saved the video.
She showed him. In response, Logan kissed her shoulder and tightened his grip on her.
This is a couple who loved to tease each other. It could be about anything, but their main targets were spelling and pronunciation.
Well, it depended what grand prix they were at. If Logan was caught spelling 'colour' as 'color' during the Silverstone weekend, Y/N wasn't going to let it go.
But the same went for her at any of the US grand prix.
When she landed for Miami, the first thing she did was text Logan. 'God, I didn't realise I was so tired,' she texted him as she climbed into the taxi.
'Couldn't hear you, what was that?' Logan responded.
'You didn't realize you were so tired?'
There was no response for a good minute. He could see that she had seen the message, but she didn't reply.
And then...
'I hate you'
'I wanna marry you'
When they got dinner that night, Y/N wanted a burger, something stereotypically American, but with no tomato.
Logan sat opposite her in the restaurant, hand covering his mouth, hiding his laugh as she ordered. "Can I get a burger with..." She looked at Logan, the enthusiasm dropping from her voice. "With no tomayto."
Logan couldn't hold himself back. his sniggers turned into full blown laughs as she gently kicked him under the table. "You're adorable," he said as she glared at him.
Oscar had known Y/N just as long as Logan had. He loved her like an annoying little sister that he pretended he couldn't stand but actually couldn't live without her.
He, Lando and Logan stood together, talking before the first practice session. Y/N hadn't arrived yet, set to arrive on Saturday, and Oscar missed her.
Not as much as Logan missed her, though.
He hadn't stopped talking to her, managed to slide a mention of her into every conversation.
Lando hadn't had the pleasure of meeting Y/N yet. "How did you guys get together?" He asked him, and Oscar sighed. He audibly sighed and rolled his eyes.
They'd been friends for years, since Y/N's karting days. But she'd quit to focus on studying, focusing on getting into a good university and landing her dream job.
When Logan was in F3 and Y/N was completing her first year of university, he missed her. Oscar missed her too, but not as much as Logan. So, during the summer, after her first year of university, he invited her to Florida.
It was maybe the most incredible summer of her life. Not because anything in particular happened, but because she was spending time with Logan.
Y/N knew he liked her. She knew she liked him too. But Logan wasn't going to do anything about it.
Actually, he tried. He tried to do these ridiculously subtle things that she was never going to pick up on. So, she took matters into her own hands.
They were in the back of the truck she had rented out for the summer. They'd done maybe everything, from go karting to carnivals. They were underage so they couldn't really experience spring break at its best.
In the back of the truck they looked up at the stars. "This has been sick," she muttered as she laid against him. "Properly, properly sick." (Genuinely can't imagine an american person using sick to be cool, pls correct me if wrong)
"I can't believe you have to go home tomorrow," Logan replied as he wrapped his arms around her.
Y/N snuggled closer to him. It was warm, but she didn't care. Music played from her stereo, and Logan hummed along.
"I'm gonna miss you," he said as Y/N sat up and stretched her arms up.
She faced him, crossing her legs and getting comfortable in her new position. "Are you gonna miss me? Or are you gonna miss me?"
Logan didn't answer, and that told her all she needed to know. "Dude, just ask me out already," she said, emphasising the 'dude'.
Again, Logan didn't answer. His cheeks were red as he looked away from her face, looking back at the stars.
So, Y/N leaned forward and kissed him.
Once Logan finished his story, Oscar shook his head. "You forgot the most important bit," he said and continued the story. "So Rick Astley started playing on the stereo, so Y/N pulled him up from the bed of the truck and made him dance with her. It's disgustingly cute."
Logan was a grinning, blushing mess. Oscar was right, it was disgustingly cute.
Fuck, he couldn't wait for Y/N to get there.
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mrsshabana · 3 months
Modern/after all odds Gyutaro definitely did it on the motorcycle despite the risk in being a secluded alleyway or smth since someone was needy and impatient. Gyutaro would have it on or even rev it up sitting backwards while having y/n ride him. The hypersexual thoughts have lead me to a wild imagination once again 😞 Also can I be the 🍰 anon if its not already claimed? ^^
𝐀𝐀𝐎 𝐆𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⋆ 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱
꒦꒷‧₊ Content Gyutaro x female!reader, 18+ MDNI, Against All Odds au, public sex, vaginal sex, creampie (if you aren't familiar with my Against All Odds fic, it's an au where demons live amongst humans in a modern au. And all of the kny demons go to university with reader.) ꒦꒷‧₊ Note I decided to write about AAO Gyutaro since I really miss writing that au! And of course, you can be the 🍰 anon if you'd like. Sorry for answering this so late btw. I've been working on other things lately but I was in the mood to write something quick today so I hope you all enjoy it. ♡
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"That fucking student council meeting took so long, what the hell were you guys talking about anyways?" Gyutaro growls as he parks his bike behind the science building.
"Douma couldn't decide what color banners we needed for the festival this weekend," you giggle, watching your boyfriend's face contort in annoyance.
"Idiot," he rolls his eyes and turns off his bike, "Making me wait so damn long..."
You look around, confused as to why he is stopping behind the science building on campus. "Um Gyu, why are you stopping here?"
He flips around so he can face you and begins to unbutton his pants, "Cuz I'm gonna fuck you."
'WHAT!?" You yelp, and Gyutaro immediately covers your mouth with his hand.
"Shut it!" he snarls, "I've been so horny all goddamn day ever since you put on that stupid skirt this morning. And now since you made me wait so long, I don't have any other choice but to fuck you right here."
He smirks and pulls his pants down just enough for his cock to spring free, already incredibly hard. The large vein that runs down the side of it already popping out, that's how you know he's been hard for quite a while.
"B-Babe I-," you start but he cuts you off.
"Shh, it's ok. The sun's already gone down so no one will see us. I promise..."
He bites his lip and pulls you in for a kiss. His other hand goes under your skirt, slipping into your panties to feel you've already started to get wet. But how can you not when seeing him so hot and bothered for you?
Pleased by this, he groans and pulls you into his lap. Slowly bucking his hips, gliding his cock along your slick panties.
"Gyu..." you whimper, "maybe we should move off the bike. I wouldn't want it to fall over..."
"Typical human, always worrying," he smiles, showing off his sharp teeth, "It won't fall over, I promise. My feet are on the ground so I can balance it while you ride me."
"R-ride you?" your entire face goes red. Usually, your boyfriend is on top, taking control and plunging into you aggressively is his favorite way to have sex. So it isn't often that he asks you to be on top, but you can't deny that you enjoy doing it. And he does too, it's just that most days he can't stop himself from fucking you silly. But today he doesn't have much choice.
"C'mon baby, you can handle it right?" He smirks mischievously as if challenging you.
"Of course I can!"
"I dunno... maybe you're too weak to take it. I mean you are just a pathetic human after all," he teases.
You furrow your brows, determined to prove him wrong. So you lift your hips, move your panties to the side, and gently lower yourself onto him.
"F-fuck," a breathy moan leaves his lips as he sinks into you and bottoms out.
"That shut you up, huh?" you tease back as you begin riding him.
He can't deny that you took his breath away, he didn't expect you to take control like you did. His nails dig into your thighs as you pick up the pace. Moaning loudly as you bounce on his lap, squelching sounds filling the air as his thick shaft splits you apart.
"C-C'mon babe ah, if you k-keep movin' like that I'm gonna cum too soon," he clenches his teeth and tries to hold back his moans.
"I don't want us to get caught," you gasp, "Ngh- you do want to cum in me don't you?"
"C-course I do," a needy moan escapes him. He moves his hands to your hips and begins to move you up and down, assisting you in your motion.
You lean forward until his cockhead slams into your sweet spot, "Ah- right there!" Your eyes roll to the back of your head as the mess between your legs spreads all over your thighs.
Your legs are beginning to feel sore but you're too determined to chase your high to even care. Moving faster and faster despite the pain and your thighs trembling.
Usually, your boyfriend would take over at this point but he's too high on cloud nine to pay attention to anything but the way your slick walls wrap around him and squeeze him so tightly. Making it impossible for him to hold back any longer.
And with a strained groan, his nails dig into your skin, his cock twitches inside of you, and he leans back - accidentally revving his bike. But he's too busy filling you with his seed to even care.
Wanting to make sure he got his cum as deep as possible he tightly grabs your hips and thrusts up into you. Creating an absolute mess. A combination of his cum and your slick splattering all over your skirt and the seat of his bike.
You were already getting so close, but now the breeding instinct of your demon boyfriend brings you over the edge. Your walls tightening around him as your desperate moans fill the air.
Gyutaro smirks, pleased with himself as you slump over onto him. Feeling your body shake uncontrollably, he feels satisfied.
"That's it baby," he whispers as he gently kisses the side of your face, "You did so good for me."
"We should do this again sometime..." you whimper and nuzzle against him.
He smirks, "Hell yeah, but let's get you home and cleaned up for now."
He ignores the mess on his bike and pulls his pants up. Then he turns, positions himself properly, and shifts his bike back into drive.
"You good back there?" he shouts, making sure you're holding on tightly.
"Mm hm," you nod, wrapping your arms around him and leaning your head on his back.
"Y'know, maybe we could do this every week after your student council meetings," he snickers as he revs the engine.
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sylusjinwoon · 8 months
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{ 122 }
say you like me.
megumi fushiguro x fem.reader
{ if you like me, then say you like me. }
being around megumi fushiguro made you incredibly nervous.
he was handsome and tall, with ebony locks of hair that fell perfectly across his face. each time you would inadvertently meet with his gaze, you found yourself becoming spellbound by his emerald green eyes.
your friends would laugh at your every panicked expression when megumi would walk past you, sometimes brushing his shoulder against yours as you swore you nearly fainted. your heart just couldn't calm down when he was near.
"it's so obvious that you have a crush on him." your friends would laugh at you, clearly stating what was painfully obvious, but of course you would deny having such feelings for him. if you were to admit that you did like him, then your friends would try and convince you to confess to him.
and you had no intention of ever letting megumi know about your crush on him. you didn't wish to burden his life with your meddling emotions-
so you did all that you could to avoid him; to ignore that surge of joy each time he was near, your emotions seeming to run on high each time he was in your periphery.
but there was no way he would ever notice a wallflower like you.
being so caught up in your wistful thoughts, your feelings became soft as you had the sudden urge to read a romantic story. with your assignments completed and your school day finished, you began to make a dash toward the library.
since it was already late in the afternoon, the library was empty, and you were excited to find a few books that would suit your desires. you crept across the various shelves, completely lost in your own world. when you found the shelf you were looking for, you allow your eyes to eagerly scan at the selection.
that's when you saw it- a book settled on the very top shelf. it had a rose colored cover and an appealing title, one that promised you the type of love story you were craving for.
however, there was one slight problem-
it was a bit too high for you to reach.
trying to bite back your disappointment, you slowly stood on the tip of your toes, trying to see if you could somehow reach your desired book. when your fingertips could only grace at the book's lower spine, you half considered using a chair as your stepping stool-
that is, until you felt a lean chest pressed on your back, the unknown person brushing up against you as they easily took the book out of the shelf.
you face the kind student, ready to thank them when your words immediately died against your lips. standing before you was megumi himself. he held a blank expression on his face while extending the book out to you.
"did you want this?"
"y-yes!" you squeak out a reply, taking a hold of the book, your fingertips casually brushing against the palm of megumi's hand as you fought back the heat threatening to dye your cheeks. you let out a rushed "thank you!" before moving away from him.
the blood was felt rushing to your ears when you met with the librarian, making a quick work of checking out the book in hopes that megumi wouldn't catch up to you. despite how you couldn't see him, you could hear his footsteps approaching you. once you were able to obtain the book, you thank the librarian and began to quicken your pace out of the library.
please go away, please go away. just go home, just go home.
you mentally prayed that megumi would leave; that his footsteps weren't behind you at all and that you were probably just hearing things. as you made your way around the hallways, you felt a strange sense of relief coursing over you at the sight of the exit just a few feet away.
you were close to pushing through the door, making your quick getaway back home when a large hand was felt encircling your wrist coupled along with a grunt of your name.
"it's dangerous for you to go home alone like this." you let out a sharp gasp, being pulled back gently as you heard megumi's voice ringing within your ears.
"i-i'll be fine! you don't need to worry fushiguro...!"
your poor attempt at convincing megumi was evident as a scowl was seen on his face. "it's just... let me walk you home."
your mind was spinning, and you weren't sure how you were going to handle spending the next thirty minutes of your life with megumi. "i-i probably live opposite of where you are, so it's okay. you don't need to do this."
the boy continues to shake his head at you. "it'll be fine, come on."
without saying another word, he leads you out of your school, keeping your hand in his as you clutched at your book to your chest.
the walk to the train station was silent, with megumi never once letting go of your hand. as you waited for the train to arrive, you notice the way the girls from neighboring schools seemed to gawk and blush at the sight of megumi, calling him incredibly cute as they debated whether to ask for his number or not.
yet megumi seemed oblivious to it all, still keeping his grip on your hand even as the train arrives. with the locomotive quickly approaching, megumi tightens his hold on you, as if silently demanding that you stay still and by his side while the train stopped.
only when the double doors slide open did megumi step forward while taking you with him. he takes a hold of the handrail while asking you what your stop was. you tell him the name of your stop, with megumi nodding in response.
suddenly, the train begins to move, jolting you forward as you nearly lost your balance had it not been for megumi keeping a steady hand behind your back. "hang on to me..."
by now, your heart was pounding, making it race as your cheek was pressed against megumi's chest. you didn't know how or why megumi could act so nonchalant about all this, whereas you were close to dying from the intensity of it all.
you continue to cling to him, holding on to him for dear life as the train sped onwards. you bask in his warmth and the faint scent of his cologne, feeling so content while in his embrace. almost too soon, your stop has arrived as the doors open for you to exit.
you figured that this would be where megumi would leave you, but he didn't. he continues to hold on to your hand, leading you out of the train as he walks with you out of the station.
the walk to your neighborhood was uneventful, but before you could make the turn to your home, megumi suddenly takes you to the side. your mouth turns dry, and you were suddenly pressed against one of the concrete walls.
his breath was felt against your heated face, and you could see his large hand gently brushing back the strands of your hair. there was a solemn expression on his face when his fingertips touch at your parted lips.
"why are you so afraid of me?"
you had to break eye contact with him, your heart pounding so relentlessly now that it was getting harder to breathe.
"i-i'm not afraid of you..."
"then why don't you ever look me in the eye?"
megumi's hand was felt gently against your chin, with him tilting your face upwards so that he could see your eyes. the more you looked at him, the more you could see how soft his gaze was, as if filled with a yearning for something.
"why don't you ever want to stick around when i'm close?"
megumi leans closer to you, lips brushing against your skin in a kiss that was no heavier than dew.
"why don't you ever stay when i want nothing more than to have you near me?" megumi leans back for a mere second, looking down at your lips before coming closer to you.
your shaky sigh of his name was all you could manage, allowing yourself to cling to him when he carefully moves his lips against yours in a brief kiss, one that was enough to make your heart soar as you spilled your secret to megumi the moment he moves away.
"i-i like you so much that you make me nervous. and when i get nervous, i don't know h-how to act when you're near."
megumi's eyes widen upon hearing your confession, but then his look of surprise was quickly replaced with a genuine smile.
"silly girl, if you like me, just say you like me, too. don't torture me like that anymore." megumi sighs, wrapping his arms around your back as he brought you achingly closer to him, with you grinning like a lovesick girl when you felt him pressing his lips against your hair in a sweet kiss.
and as you were surrounded by the comforting scent of him, you realized that you had the perfect love story all along.
{ it's time to fall into my arms, because i've been waiting for too long. }
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a.n. - unedited, but so so soft. i really wanted to write something soft for megumi ♡
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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ashtheketchum · 4 months
●Night swimm●
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Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader
Era: Season 1
Summary: Daryl has a crush on you since he saw you. Merle kept teasing him that Daryl should finally talk to you, but the archer never had the courage. One day you were taking a bath at night and Daryl saw you.
Warnings: +18 CONTENT, FEM.Reader, unprotected sex, shy Daryl, Merle being a tease/asshole, in the water, one slap on the ass, Daryl being a lil perv, tits sucking
Words: 3.5k
PoV Daryl:
Our small group had come together at some point and we all had tasks. There was me and my brother, Merle, we looked after the food for everyone, Shane the 'leader' who ran everything. Lori, Carol, Jacqui, Andrea and Amy took care of our laundry and the children were still learning things from school. And then there was (Y/N). She somehow took care of everything at the same time, she defended, caught us fish, taught the children new things and also helped with the laundry. She really was strong.
Unfortunately, sometimes I caught myself staring at her sometimes, and not in a harmless way. She always wore shorts and a top, with a lumberjack shirt. The shorts fit her ass perfectly and her top hugged her breasts perfectly too. Her loving yet stern smile turned me on again and again, so that I had to satisfy myself that same night. Inside, I felt incredibly embarrassed for staring at a woman so much that even my brother noticed and annoyed me about it.
Merle had tried to flirt with (Y/N) many times, but she always ignored him or turned him down. However, after he noticed the looks I kept giving him when he flirted with her, he actually stopped, but not because he was begrudging me and being a good brother. No, he did it to tease me. “Hey, her ass is hot, but don’t stare so obviously, little brother.” “Maybe we can share the little one? You get her every Monday and I get her the rest of the week, okay?” “Hey, slap her ass! Let’s see how she reacts.” He told me again and again, no matter when and no matter where. While hunting, while eating, and he even stands outside when I sat in my tent and masturbated. But one day he really went too far.
It was another one of those days where I stared at (Y/N) and today I would also talk to her about the food. I wanted to ask her if she wanted anything specific, whatever it was I would get it for her. So I slowly walked towards her, her back was turned to me and she was hanging up the laundry with Lori. (Y/N) had bent over slightly to pick up a basket, so I had a perfect view of her ass for a moment, but I had to pull myself together. I was standing just two meters away from her when I suddenly saw Merle. He walked between us as quietly as he could and slapped (Y/N) hard on the ass. Before she could turn around, however, he had disappeared again and (Y/N) was now staring at me.
Unknowingly, I stared after Merle for a moment before looking at her. Her look made me pause, all the color in my face disappeared and I only now checked what had just happened. Merle had slapped her ass and now it looked, to her, like I had slapped her ass. “Daryl?” She just said confused. I looked at her uncertainly, like a child who wanted to ask an adult something but didn't dare. She still looked at me confused, although I didn't see a trace of anger in her eyes. “You need something…?” When she asked me this, I shrugged together and realized why I wanted to go to her in the first place. And now my entire face turned bright red and I could now feel Lori's gaze on me. She looked at me confused, just as did (Y/N). “N-nah… s-sorry…” And with those words I walked away from her. In my head, I planned to stay in the forest for several days until this situation might calm down.
As I went to my tent to get my crossbow, I saw Merle staring at his hand. It was the hand he had used to spank (Y/N)'s ass. Merle had a satisfied grin on his lips before he looked at me. "And? Does she have a wish for the food?” His innocent question got on my last nerve, but I decided to just ignore him and disappear into the forest. Merle just laughed loudly before following me.
PoV (Y/N):
I looked after Daryl confused, I could still feel the stinging on my butt cheek. My eyebrows furrowed a little, but I slowly turned back around to pick up the basket to get the next load of laundry. “Is everything okay, (Y/N)?” I heard Lori ask. I jumped and looked at her with wide eyes, completely forgetting she was still here. So I gave her a quick little smile before nodding and then walking away.
However, nothing seemed to fit together in my head. Of course, I had noticed that Daryl stared at me sometimes and that he had trouble being alone with me, but I never expected him to slap my ass. A strange tingling sensation formed in my chest, but I ignored it and instead picked up the next load of laundry.
<Time Skip>
The sun was slowly setting and the temperature dropped a little, but still not enough. It was incredibly warm and sleeping naked or just in underwear these days was too dangerous. With the apocalypse, however, things changed and many things could no longer be done. And showering or bathing was one of those things. It wasn't that I really needed to wash, but I was longing for some grooming after a month of going without.
So I grabbed a few clean clothes, two towels and thick socks before I went to this huge pond. The water was pleasantly cool, clean and no walkers would come because I had searched this area twice today. The water shone in the moonlight and I was already smiling slightly.
I put my clean clothes on a stone before I started to take off my dirty clothes. It was risky because someone could see me at any time, but I hurried so that my body was quickly in the water. I also checked again to see if anyone in my small group was nearby. Since no one was there, the cool water greeted me very quickly and I sighed quietly. I briefly submerged myself completely so that my hair would get wet too. I gently massaged my scalp and body to rub away all the dirt.
PoV Daryl:
The world really wasn't on my side today. On a day when I wanted to stay in the forest for a long time, Merle and I found a deer and three rabbits. Merle had already brought the animals to camp and then gone to sleep, but I didn't want to lie down yet. I wandered around in the forest for a while, kicking some stones around and looking around. But suddenly I heard a loud splash, as if someone had gone into the water. I immediately raised my crossbow and I slowly moved towards the pond, which was right next to our camp.
I slowly walked through the trees until I suddenly tripped over something. I looked down in confusion before kneeling down and picking up the strange material. But as soon as I realized what material it was, I turned bright red and held my breath. It was a bra and not just any bra. No, it was (Y/N)´s bra, I sometimes saw the straps on her shoulders, through her top or when she bent over slightly. So I immediately looked around to see her, maybe something had happened to her, maybe she was kidnapped or someone forced her to take off her clothes. But when I looked into the pond, I turned even redder. She stood there, naked and wet. She was in the water up to her cleavage, but I could see the slight hint of her breasts. I saw her side perfectly, her fingers running through her wet hair.
Even if it was wrong, I hid a little more behind the tree, but only so that I still had a perfect view of her. It became incredibly tight in my pants and I had the uncomfortable need to touch myself again. She looked around briefly, which is why I hid completely behind the tree. I even held my breath. After a few seconds I looked back at her and my eyes widened more. (Y/N) had stood up and was now letting her hands slide over her perfect breasts. Her nipples had become a little hard from the cold water. My cock was throbbing incredibly hard, it was already painful.
Just as I was about to reach for the bulge in my pants, I stepped on a branch and it cracked far too loudly. I immediately squeezed my eyes shut, hoping (Y/N) hadn't heard. But I was wrong. "Hello?"
PoV (Y/N):
I heard a branch snap, which made me immediately go under the water again. I stayed quiet for a moment to hear any grumbling or growling noises, but I heard nothing. So it was a human. Fuck and right now I didn't have my knife in the water with me. "Hello?" I called out in the direction from which I heard the noise. There was a moment of silence before someone stepped out from behind the tree. It was Daryl and he raised his arms innocently, slowly lowering his crossbow to the ground. My cheeks immediately turn bright red, but my shoulders relaxed. I sighed quietly before standing up again, more unconsciously than consciously. “Daryl-?” Before I could say or ask anything else, the archer interrupted me. “I-I can explain tha’…” He murmured quietly, his face bright red.
It didn't fit together again. First he slapped my ass and then he watched me how I take a bath? Or were these all just coincidences? So I looked at him waiting, but I was too far away from him. We would have to talk too loudly and probably wake everyone up. So I crossed my arms over my chest so he could barely see them and I stepped more out of the water. I came out until the water only covered my waist and everything below. I could tell Daryl wanted to sink into the ground. "Yeah?… I'm waiting…" Although I didn't want to push him, I did want to get this all over with as quickly as possible. "I-I… I was… huntin' and then I saw ya… I'm sorry…" He didn't lie. Daryl wasn't the type of guy who liked lying, nor was he good at it. So I smiled slightly before relaxing a little more.
Daryl was attractive, I really had to say that. His arms, his blue, intense eyes and his physique in general always attracted me. Sometimes I felt really honored that he was staring after me. So I took a risk. “You wanna join?” My question immediately made him look up, but he immediately closed his eyes when he saw my naked body. I really had to hold back a chuckle, he was really cute. I slowly walked closer to him until I was completely in front of him. I gently grabbed his hand and I gently pulled him towards the water. “Come on… We can talk a little bit…” I then suggested. Daryl just grumbled under his breath before turning away and unbuckling his belt. I bit my bottom lip briefly before turning around and slowly walking into the water. I went low again until my breasts were now hidden again by the water before turning around and looking at Daryl.
He was now up to his stomach in the water, but he kept his top on. I looked at him briefly, confused but also amused, but I decided not to ask him. As he stood in front of me, his eyes wandered everywhere. To my eyes, to my shoulders, to my collarbone, to my lips, to my cleavage and then back to my eyes.
“Soo… why exactly did you slapped my ass?” I then asked teasingly. The tips of his ears now turned bright red and he cleared his throat quietly. His gaze shifted to the side and he took a few deep breaths. "Tha'… wasn't me tho… 'was ma brother…" He then admitted quietly. I tilted my head slightly to the side in amusement and I smiled softly at him. It was kind of clear to me that Daryl hadn't slap me on the ass, but I wanted to hear it from his mouth again. “And…why were you spying on me?” He shrugged again and looked down at the water.
I came a little closer to him so that my breasts were now pressed against his chest and he then looked deep into my eyes. His blue eyes lit up briefly and I could have sworn I felt his cock against my thigh. But I didn't mention it. Not yet. "I-I was… huntin'… just as I said…" Giggling, I placed my hand gently on his cheek and stood slightly on my tiptoes so that I was closer to him. With my other hand I grabbed his wrist and I put his hand on my hip. His other hand followed automatically and now he held my hips. “It’s okay… but next time just ask if you could join me, alright?” My suggestion made him gulp.
I looked briefly at his lips before looking back into his eyes. My hands went to his shoulders and I pulled myself up slightly until I could wrap my legs around his waist. Now his shaft was pressing against my pussy and I moaned softly before I came closer and closer to him. Daryl took a short, sharp breath before looking uncertainly into my eyes. “W-wha’ are ya doin’…?” He asked me uncertainly. He looked excited, almost afraid, but your grip on my waist pulled me a little closer to him. My eyes sparkled briefly with excitement. “I just want to spend some time with you… you don’t have to…” I whispered again quietly to confirm that he really wanted all of this. When the archer shook his head slightly and then nervously licked his bottom lip, I grinned wider and then pressed my lips gently against his.
The younger Dixon growled briefly before returning my kiss sloppily. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued to grind my pussy against his shaft. A strangled groan escaped him and his grip around my hips tightened. “You’re so hard…” I giggled softly against his lips before placing my hand on his cheek. "'m sorry… 'm jus'…" Before he could say anything else, I kissed him gently again. “Don’t apologize… I like it…” I then purred softly against his lips. Swallowing hard, he nodded briefly before I reached down between us and gently grabbed his shaft. Daryl immediately gasped quietly and he also looked down. I bit my lower lip lightly, while I rubbed the head of his penis between my folds until it hit my entrance.
“You want that…?” I asked, just to be sure. The archer nodded again and he pushed me down slightly until his tip was inside me. I immediately inhaled sharply and pressed my face into his shoulder. I already knew that I had to stop myself from screaming. I lowered myself deeper and deeper onto him until he filled me completely. His pubic hair tickled my clit slightly, but as I pressed myself harder against him, I felt his abdomen against my sensitive skin. Without realizing it, I had bitten his top and narrowed my eyes. Even though I tensed incredibly hard, a loud whimper escaped me and I was breathing heavily.
“Ya okay…?” I heard Daryl ask quietly. I felt his rapid heartbeat against my bare chest and his breathing was incredibly fast. I wondered if this was Daryl's first time, but I immediately shook the question out of my head. “Y-yeah… It’s just… I haven’t fucked with anyone in a long time…” I then admitted quietly, which only made Daryl grumble. His one hand went to my ass and he massaged it gently. The touch immediately made me tremble and I felt him lift me up a little, only to immediately press me back against his pelvis. “Fuck, woman… ya’r so tight…~” He growled softly against my skin. Whimpering, I clutched at his top and quickly realized that it was bothering me. So I tugged on it gently, but right after I did, he bit my neck hard. Squeaking loudly, I tensed up. He lifted my pelvis faster and faster. "No…~" Was all he growled.
I understood what he meant, but I whimpered loudly. “Daryl, please…! Faster~…” My lips found his neck and I covered his skin with gentle but passionate kisses. He listened to my request and moved my pelvis against his faster and faster, the water around us sloshing around wildly. With my eyes closed, I enjoyed the feeling while placing thick hickeys on his neck. “God, ya feel so good~…” Daryl's deep voice made me tremble for a moment before I moaned softly into his ear. I kept whimpering or moaning his name, making him twitch. His cock twitched and throbbed more and more and the tip of it constantly brushed against my special spot. A tingling sensation spread through my stomach and I breathed faster and faster.
I leaned away from him so I could look Daryl in the eyes. His blue eyes looked deep into mine, his pupils were much wider so that you could barely see his blue irises. He bit his bottom lip hard and looked closely at my features. I had my eyebrows furrowed slightly and my mouth open in an 'O' shape, my eyes staring deep into his. “Fuck, why haven’t you ever spoken to me?” "'Was afraid… god, ya're just so pretty…" He lowered his head and moved me much faster now, my clit rubbing over his shaft again and again.
His sweet words sent a chill through me and I had great difficulty suppressing my voice. My inner walls hugged his shaft much tighter and they sucked him greedily, which only made the archer moan loudly. His gaze went to my bare breasts, which were bouncing up and down due to the movements. Water slowly ran down my breasts and my nipples became hard. Suddenly he pushed my upper body closer to him and he sucked greedily on my nipple. I immediately gasped loudly and grabbed his short, dark blonde hair tightly. “God, Daryl~…! Yes, just like that~!” My words made him growl and he twitched again inside me.
He flicked his tongue over my nipple and moved his pelvis slightly against mine. “Ya’re driving me crazy, woman~…” I had to grin, but another loud gasp escaped me as I felt myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm. “I’m cumming~…!” I whimpered loudly. Daryl growled briefly before letting go of one breast and moving to the next. As his lips wrapped around my nipple, he sucked hard again and I arched my back. "Fuck, Daryl~!" With his name on my lips, I came around him and I gripped his top tightly.
Daryl immediately growled loudly and pulled out of me. In the same second he shot his sperm into the water and he moaned my name. I was still in his arms, my pussy still throbbing but calming down a bit before Daryl slowly carried me out of the water. Once we got out of the water, he put me on the ground to put his pants on himself. I could briefly see his cute ass and a grin crept onto my lips. “Cute butt…” “Shuddup…” He must have been embarrassed. Once the archer was properly dressed again, he helped me get dressed and then picked me up bridal style. I just wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. “Do you wanna sleep in my tent?” I then asked him quietly as his footsteps led us to my tent. Daryl seemed to think for a moment before looking at me. "If ya want…" “I wouldn’t ask you if I never wanted that…”
Daryl snorted briefly and a slight grin briefly appeared on his lips. He then let me down to the ground in front of my tent and opened the tent. I quickly climbed in and then looked back at Daryl. “'m gonna get some clothes… gonna be back again…” And with those words he disappeared briefly. Smiling, I closed the tent slightly before lying down in my tent bed. I looked patiently at the tent door until Daryl opened it again and walked in to me. He had new clothes on. “Ya tired?” "Yeah… a little… you fucked me good." I teased him.
The archer looked away briefly, a visible blush forming on his cheeks. "Tha´ was nothin´, hun..." Giggling, I then moved to the side a little to give him some space. He very hesitantly climbed into the tent bed and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Well… was tha’ now jus’ a one-night stand or…?” Before he could continue, I pressed my lips to his. "No… I love you, Daryl…" He snorted briefly in amusement before kissing my lips gently. Even though he didn't respond to my words, I saw in his eyes that he loved me too. And that's how we fell asleep. With the knowledge that we loved each other and cuddled together too.
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mythmash · 2 months
Bouncer!Sukuna AU
Bouncer!Sukuna x Stripper/Dancer!Reader. Warnings: MDNI 18+, bullet point fic, uncle!sukuna, violence, blood, nudity, vague mafia mention, kinda toxic relationship, sukuna is a walking red flag, unfortunately reader wears rose-colored glasses A/N: this is a collaborative work made with the amazing @pastelbunnelby and @pastelpixies & dedicated to @chaoskrakenuwu and this fanart from @kcokaine for giving us collective sukuna brainrot Series Masterlist | Next
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Sukuna, fresh out of prison, working as a bouncer/security for some sleazy-might-be-run-by-the-mob strip-club
No one knows what he was in for, and he sure as fuck doesn't tell anyone about it, but he's big and he's mean so he quickly builds a reputation of do NOT fuck with this person
The club owner loves him because Sukuna can and will fuck someone up and everyone is scared of him, including the dancers
There's significantly less bullshit happening at the club and the owner doesn't have to worry about Sukuna hooking up with the "merchandise"
Enter: you
You're pretty, friendly, and a great dancer who makes it a point to say hi and offer snacks and drinks to the big, scary bouncer that no one else will go near
The rumors about him don't bother you cause you're working at a seedy, back-alley strip-club?? Of course the bouncer has probably done time??
Sukuna doesn't care about you all that much when you first meet
He tries to scare you away but you keep. coming. back. so he thinks fuck it, it's been a while so he might as well have some fun
He teases you, watches you dance, touches you sometimes
You blow him kisses on stage and wink at him when you're taking someone in the back for a private dance
At some point, one of your clients gets too handsy, you're trying to get away, but he won't let and you get hurt
You scream and here comes the bouncer from the top rope!!!
Sukuna is there in seconds, beating this man to a pulp while the other dancers are trying to pull you away to the dressing room
He doesn't stop until the man is nearly unrecognizable, looking back to find the other dancers cowering and he fully expects to see you doing the same
But you're not?
You're shocked and concerned obviously, but he wipes his mouth and smears blood across his lips and you're so incredibly turned on
To everyone's surprise, including your own, you're reaching out to run your thumb over his bloody lips
He's staring at you and you're staring at him and the club owner is yelling at you two to get the hell out while he takes care of this mess
Sukuna's got an arm around your waist almost dragging you outside with the promise of taking you back to his place while you’re licking a trail down the side of his neck
You barely make it to his surprisingly nice? car before he's tossing you in the backseat and having his way with you
You spend the next day lounging naked around his surprisingly nice? apartment
When you're both allowed back at the club without the owner getting pissed off at seeing Sukuna, he drives you and walks you in and the other dancers are asking about what happened? Are you two together? Is the dick good? Are the rumors about him true?
And you don't answer because you don't really know
You and Sukuna never talk about what your relationship is, but you're at his place most of the time, and he’s always around you at the club being touchy and not letting anyone near you, and you’re getting fucked within an inch of your life almost every night so you’re not complaining
After a few months, you get reprimanded by the club owner because you stop getting asked for private dances since Sukuna scares the fuck out of anyone who goes near you
You complain to Sukuna about it, and he does not give a single fuck - no one else is touching you and you have to deal with it
You go to bed without letting him touch you just to piss him off and avoid him during your next shift
You don't see him much, but you're told someone's requested a private dance from you specifically, so you take it partially because you have to, but also to spite him
It's been a while so you're prepared to put👏🏼on👏🏼a👏🏼show👏🏼 until you go into the room and find your stubborn asshole of a maybe-boyfriend lounging back with his legs spread wide and that shit-eating smirk on his face
You almost leave, but decide it would be better to give him the performance of the century instead
He goes to put his hands on your hips and nope! you bat his hands away because he knows the rules - he's allowed to look but not touch
You don't get very far into the dance before he gets frustrated and pinning you and fucking you up against the door
It becomes a routine after that
Sukuna gets one (1) private dance from you every shift, you spend an extra hour-ish fucking in the room, and somehow the owner doesn't complain
You ask about it eventually cause why is the owner cool with you giving dances to your boyfriend(?) for free everyday?
Sukuna is ??? The fuck are you talking about??? He's paying for every dance??? Plus tip???
You're flabbergasted. Absolutely befuddled. Because why is he paying??? We have lap dances at home???
He gets offended because are you implying he's so cheap he can’t even pay his girl to dance for him (even though that’s not your point)
That’s when you discover that your sleazy strip-club really is a front from some nefarious dealings, and Sukuna not only gets paid under the table, he gets paid well
You're stupefied, but also a little turned on because he called you his girl!!! That's the first time that's happened and oops! now you're on your knees and his hand is in your hair ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You meet his family by accident when you run into his brother and little nephew while grocery shopping
You're looking for ingredients to make hangover meals when a little pink-haired boy shrieks and latches on to Sukuna's legs rambling about look dad!! it's his cool uncle with all the marker on him!!!
Jin is a little sheepish, but invites you both over for dinner while Sukuna peels Yuji off of him
It takes a week and lots of sex to convince Sukuna to go and another week of the same to convince him not to just show up, say hi, and leave
Dinner is okay. You meet Jin's unsettling wife and his grumpy father. Yuji is absolutely obsessed with you and you are with him because he's a mini you, Sukuna!!! How cute!!!
Jin and Wasuke make a few snide remarks about Sukuna and Sukuna wastes no time firing back
It's tense and leads to a blow up argument where you're warned to stay away from Sukuna for your own safety as Sukuna's pulling you out of the house
There's a tense car ride and, after a lot of questioning about why you wouldn't be safe with him, an even more tense talk at home where you learn about why Sukuna went to prison
Drug possession, resisting arrest, assault of an officer barely scratches the surface
There's some breaking and entering, grand theft auto, and a dash of mass property damage in there and that's only because there wasn't enough evidence to prove he committed the various murder charges aimed at him
Apparently he has a great fucking lawyer because he only did a few years before being let out early on "good behavior"
He used to babysit Yuji (which he says wasn’t completely annoying) but now everyone acts like he’s gonna snap the kid’s neck or something
If there was any neck he was gonna snap, it would be Jin’s or the "old bastard’s"
You know you should be worried - you should definitely leave - but he tells you about the people he killed and they weren't innocent or good people so what do you really have to be worried about?
Yeah, he's kinda possessive, but he treats you well (in his own asshole-ish way) and the sex is mind-blowing
It's not rational or reasonable in any way with red flags slapping you in the face, but...you really like him...
So, you stay.
And you really hope you won't come to regret that decision.
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A little Drabble for Ghost x mute!reader (Quiet)
Figure you might like it @thedevillovesflowers 🩵
That’s really the only thing going in your mind right now as you sit across the table in the common room, your breakfast getting cold as you stare at Ghost.
Ghost is reading the newspaper that Price has left on the table after he had finished his morning tea. He’s not wearing his mask with the skull plate sewed on or one of the many black balaclavas but instead a simple cloth face mask that covers the bottom half of his face. Strangely, he still has the black face paint around his face as if he had planned in wearing a different mask.
“They were dirty.” He told you when he first walked into the room and you had gawked at him. “So they’re in the wash.”
You haven’t stopped staring, unable to take your eyes off his blond hair as if it were a spectacle. Never mind that you could most of his face now, being able to see exactly the shape of his eye brows and how his eyes are tired, his hair is what caught your attention the most.
He was blond. Not exactly what you imagined for him at all, in fact you would’ve guess he has stark black hair or very dark brown.
“Quiet.” Ghost glanced up at you from the newspaper. “You’re staring.”
You eyes widened and you suck in your bottom lip. Of course he knew you were staring, you weren’t exactly keeping it hidden but Ghost was also incredibly observant.
“Sorry.” You signed truthfully but didn’t look away. “It’s just that…you’re blond.”
“As opposed to…?” He raised an eyebrow and you weren’t sure if it was because he was curious or confused by your statement.
You shrugged. It was hard to explain him being blond was such a shock to you. Perhaps maybe it was because you never expect anything of color to be on him besides his dark brown eyes. The sight of light blond locks, not like straw but not quite platinum either, on top of his head was a stark contrast to the mostly black attire he was wearing.
“I thought maybe you’d have black hair.” You continued to stare at the short hair on top of his head.
“Dyed it once, didn’t like it.” Ghost told you and you can bit the inside of your lip.
“That could mean your blond hair is dyed too.”
“It’s natural.”
Ghost couldn’t help but let out a huff of amusement from his nose. Out of all the things that you could possibly talk about, his hair was not something that he had thought about. Truthfully he doesn’t ever really think about it unless he needs to cut it. He didn’t even brush it this morning.
You eyed him suspiciously. You weren’t sure if he was joking with you or not, but now you were determined to figure out the truth of something this trivial. You couldn’t ask him because he would lie and you were sure no else probably knew either.
Before you could even really think, you stuck your fingers through his hair to feel the texture. Surprisingly, his hair was soft to the touch and not dry or bleached in any way, which made you stare at it in awe.
Ghost on the other hand was too shocked to react. Every muscle in his body tensed up and he couldn’t look at you as he felt a shiver run down his spine when your fingertips lightly scratched his scalp. The feeling of you pulling his hair made him short circuit and he couldn’t think of anything as he felt the tips of his ears start to burn hot.
“Quiet…” His voice was strained as he glanced at you and you stopped moving your hand. “What’re you doing?”
You blinked at him for a few seconds before you realized what you were doing and immediately reacted your hand as if you had been burned. You felt your entire body heat up as you began to panic.
“Sorry!” You couldn’t look at him as you quickly took your plate and practically ran out of the room. “I’m going to go.”
Ghost sat at the table unable to really move as he watched you leave.
He could still feel your touch even though you were there and another shiver went down his spine as thought about it again. He couldn’t read the words on the newspaper as he ran his hand across the place that you had touched, unsure if he was trying to get rid of the feeling or if he was trying to replicate it as he tugged on a few of the strands himself.
It was the latter, especially as he realized he would like to have you hands in his hair again.
(Disclaimer: don’t touch people or people’s hair without permission irl.)
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sonder-paradise · 1 year
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐞 — 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐤
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◊ ft. isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, chigiri hyoma, nagi seishiro, reo mikage, gn!reader
◊ genre. fluffy fluff, potentially ooc, don't perceive me this is pretty on-brand
◊ shoutout to @planetxiao @starglow-xx @my-neighbor-todoro for enabling this 🤭
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— 𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐘𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢
there's something about the way he hyper focuses on the screen in front of him. his lips purse in a sort of frustrated pout and his eyes analyze each and every one of the little players running back and forth on the laptop.
nothing. you repeat his name once more before he pries his eyes away. he blinks at you as if readjusting to the way you stood there.
but he flashes you this nervous, silly, little grin that has you filling with this horridly giddy feeling in the confines of your chest.
"sorry. what's up?"
"oh, you're so cute."
the words tumble from your lips just as quickly as you thought them and isagi stares at you, red-faced and unsure what exactly he did to illicit such a reply.
"w-wait, what??"
you scoop his face up in your hands which only makes his blush worsen. beaming at the poor boy, you give him a peck on the top of his head.
"nothing. what do you want for dinner?"
"no, no! let's go back!"
— 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮
when he comes speeding back into the apartment with a wide grin on his face, you don't have a choice but to be the 'okokok' to his 'lalala.' if you get what i mean.
whatever it is he's found, he's bouncing and abound all while telling you about his little shopping trip.
"look, i found us matching cardigans!"
he puffs his chest, whipping out the two toffee-colored cardigan with pretty little stitches and flowers decorating the sleeves. you can practically see the stars in his eyes.
"do you like 'em?"
you laugh, "god, you're so cute."
without missing a beat, bachira smiles even more, offering one of the cardigans to you. "yeah, i know, but we could be cute together if you wear the cardigan!"
"alright, alright."
you take one off his arm and slip it on over your shoulders. the fabric eases onto your body and it envelops you in a plush hug. "how do i look?"
he nods, clinging onto you now. "see, now you look cute too."
— 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐇𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐚
tumbling back into chigiri's arms, you drunkenly grin at the way he simply rolls his eyes at your behavior. after a splendorous night out, it seems you've come back a little more than tipsy.
"what did i tell you about pacing yourself?"
"pacing, smacing. i'm alive, that's what matters."
he sighs, smiling at you while you sunk down on the couch. bending down on one knee, he slips your shoes off one by one.
you find it a little amusing that the princess is the one taking off the shoes rather than trying them on.
at your giggling, he looks back up at you, reaching up to cusp your cheek gently.
you take his hand in your own, smiling mischievously. "has anyone ever told you, you're the prettiest in the world?"
he pauses, turning as red as his hair. his eyes can no longer meet yours especially when you start peppering kisses on his fingertips.
"cause you are~"
"alright, alright, i get it! now let's get you some water...!"
he swears, you're going to be the death of him.
— 𝐍𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨
his breath falls gently against your skin. his arms envelop you in this warm bubble. with his chin resting atop your head, he's watching some video just behind you.
you shift, squirming underneath his arms and readjusting yourself just a bit away from his chest. he takes note of your actions, pausing the video to look down at you.
"something wrong?"
shaking your head, you take his face into the palms of your hands. a serious look crosses your face and he raises an eyebrow at you.
"i just realized something."
"you... are incredibly cute."
no reaction appears from his sleepy expression and simply he stares at you before plopping his chin back on your head and unpausing his video.
"sei!! you're suffocating me!"
of course, he'd rather have you buried away while the pink in his cheeks fades.
— 𝐑𝐞𝐨 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞
what a peculiar sight. you stand at the entrance of the doorway, blinking at the figure currently wrapped up in a frilly apron and leaning against the counter.
it seems there's something in the oven that's enraptured reo's attention since he doesn't even notice your arrival. but you slink towards him anyways.
he jumps, backing up and immediately going into defense mode. but upon noticing your grinning expression, he flattens his own.
"why didn't you say you were home?"
"i did." he flushes a light pink upon hearing that.
"where'd you get the apron?"
he glances away, crossing his arms over his chest as if to cover the little cutesy logo printed across it. the pink and white apron somehow matches him rather... perfectly.
you lean closer to him, foreheads kissing as he avoids your line of sight.
"it's cute." and just as he spots the teasing look in your eyes reo immediately snatches the apron off him.
"aw, wait no! put it back on, please!"
"nope! nope!"
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jarofstyles · 11 months
Indigo- Sapphire
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Hello my loves, here they are! Your favorite tattoo artist and his girlie. Let me know what you think plz plz plz
Series Masterlist
Warnings- tattooing, mention of anxiety and needles etc
Y/N had a lot of thoughts. 
The first one was that tattoos hurt, yes, but in a different way than she had originally thought. Harry had been right in telling her it was more so uncomfortable than anything else, because while it wasn’t a sharp, blazing pain, it was dull. Throbbing. Like she was being scratched by her cat in the same spot. It was bearable, though. Way less discomfort than she had thought. It was nice to feel capable, to not worry that she was going to embarrass herself in front of Harry.
Which brought her to thought number two.
Harry was stupidly, ridiculously, infuriatingly gorgeous. 
Y/N had been peeping at him as they spoke, his eyes glued to the piece as he spoke which gave her more of a sense of comfort. Like she was getting away with staring. It would be hard not to with him up so close to her, his warmth radiating through the plastic-y gloves. The first thing she had noticed was how nice his hair was. A warm chestnut hue with some natural caramel highlights- at least, she was pretty sure they were natural. It was longer and curled, little ringlets near his ears making her fingers itch to tuck it back for him. It was clipped up in the front, and that made sense considering he had a habit of running his hand through his hair, but she wanted to see it down again. The full effect. 
In another way, she was happy that it was pulled out of the way because she could really get a good look at him. His jaw was sharp, but not so much that it was necessarily stone like. He looked like a statue, but one that was carved with the human likeness that made people feel uneasy. His cheeks were high and his brows were straight, not a ton of arch to them, but he kept himself well groomed. There was a tiny hint of stubble on his upper lip along with a cute little birthmark that she hadn’t noticed before. That had brought her attention to his mouth.
It was almost embarrassing, how distracted she had gotten watching his lips move while he talked. They were a raspberry pink, slightly wet from his habit of occasionally licking over the bottom one before starting a sentence. A pronounced cupid’s bow dipped in the middle of the top, making her want to trace it. They were a little bigger than she had normally noticed, but then again- she didn’t typically spend this much time observing a man in such detail. 
He had a few blemishes, a few cuts that looked like he may have gotten himself while shaving, but it just made him human. Reminded her that he was just like her in that way. Just… gorgeous. His eyelashes were something she was incredibly jealous of, the irritating trait of men getting the good eyelashes striking yet again. She had to wonder how they’d look if he used her lengthening mascara? A wandering thought to think about later. 
They’d been chatting about this and that, a bit of gossip about Niall and his new girlfriend who he had recently introduced to the group, some about her work, some about his. What really caught her off guard though, was how easy it was to talk to him.
Silences aren't awkward. Sometimes they fell into them and it stayed that way for a moment before moving on naturally and she didn’t feel like crawling out of her skin. Y/N had a bad habit of wanting to fill those silences so she would babble, and considering she still had a decent amount of nerves because her crush on Harry was growing in size by the minute, she really liked this detail. He was being sweet and inquisitive without prying all that much, asking the basic friend questions- and some odd ones. 
What’s your favorite color? His was Yellow, he responded.
Did she have any pets? No, her old roommate did and she catsits sometimes. He didn’t, but he wanted one. 
What was her favorite gift she got as a kid? A knock off barbie dreamhouse. She hadn’t cared that it wasn’t the same as the rest of her friends, her mom had been so happy to give it to her that it had become the most cherished thing. She had it in her attic to this day for her future kids, should she choose to have any. His was a high quality art set. 
Did she believe in the paranormal? Yes, she did. He was undecided. A healthy skeptic, he’d said.
It was lighthearted but also not necessarily small talk, which usually made Harry itch. He’d confessed that earlier to her, making her see a bit further into him. It was obvious that he was curious about some of the things about her and considering what had happened the night before, she had to wonder what the intention was. 
He had said he got nervous around her because she was so pretty it intimidated him. That he said and did stupid things when he was around a girl like her. Insinuating maybe a returned crush? Confirming it? She didn’t know. She also didn’t know what he wanted out of this. Was it going to turn into a nice friendship where they laugh about his crush on her later on down the line, or would this develop into something more?
Y/N didn’t want to get ahead of herself. They’d just started talking, but having been repressed from allowing herself to feel that attraction to him, it had just hit her like a truck. He was so sweet, so gentle with her. The opposite of what people may assume about his exterior. When they went out, despite how charming he was, he was quiet most of the time. Outside their friend group, she had seen him revert back into a cool mask, stony and giving the impression that people shouldn’t come up to him. Not quite as intense as the one he had worn with her but enough for her to see that his resting face definitely gave him the reputation he had. Sometimes she wished she had that ability, considering all sorts of people came up to her to talk when she didn’t even know them.
If this was the real him, the one who had theorized with her if ghosts were real, she wanted to know more about him. 
“How are you doing?” He had stopped to wipe some excess ink, looking up at her from the stool. 
Harry had felt her staring. It had become increasingly harder to keep his cool when he’d thought about it, so he had tried his best to focus on the piece. It was easier said than done. He could feel her eyes scanning him, seeing it from the corner of his eye. It intimidated him. Him out of all people! That’s how he knew this was actually deep for him. Sure, he had crushes before. It was just- Y/N made him feel a lot of new things to him, and that’s why he had fumbled so hard early on.
This was her first tattoo and she had entrusted him with it. His art was currently inked on to her skin and the linework was done, finally moving on to shading. She’d taken it like a champ, sitting better than a lot of other people did. There had been no squirming, no complaining, just a request to move her arm a bit which he had happily done. Her skin took the ink well, the lines standing out against the tone of it. Still, he wanted to check in again.
“I’m good.” Her tiny smile came up again. It flipped his stomach. “Great, actually. I expected it to hurt a lot worse. I mean, it isn’t great but I wasn’t sure how my pain tolerance was going to hold up. It was just like you said, the scratches!” There was a bit of babbling from her, making his own lip quirk up. Too fucking cute. 
“Great. You’re doing fantastic. I’ve had veterans sit in my chair and bitch about it hurting, so you’ve got them beat.” He knocked her knee with his hand before moving to switch out the needles. “M’gonna switch to doing a bit of shading now. This is going to feel a tiny bit different but let me know if you need a break again.” Eyes looked towards her water bottle he had given her sitting between her legs. “And take a sip of that, please.”
Y/N gave a little salute, nodding to him and doing as asked as he switched the things out. It was little cute things like that salute that made him want to cuddle into her. She was just stupidly fucking adorable and he had now gotten to a point where he was seeing deeper parts of her personality. It drove him mad. He had to pace himself, aware that not even 24 hours ago she had been nervous around him for a completely different reason. 
The new set was finished being set up, Harry turning back towards her when he heard the water bottle crinkle again. Holding it up, she shook it slightly to show that she had drank down to another divet in the bottle, making him chuckle quietly. “Good job, sweetheart.” He praised, gloving up. “Thank you for listening t’me. Now we have to get started so we can get proper food in your stomach.”
Y/N was happy he couldn’t read thoughts because hers were going wild. 
Sweetheart? Good job? The fact that he was going to feed her after? 
Her thighs subtly pressed together. The words had gone straight to a hot, gooey, sticky place in her stomach and jolted right down between her thighs. It was depraved on her part really, considering it had all been chaste. He had praised her for listening, for drinking water. He’d only used a nickname… and that smooth voice that had her toes curling in her shoes. Heat burned her ears as he turned back to her with the buzzing gun in hand. Yeah, he would definitely have some thoughts if he could see how much just a simple praise affected her.
Sure, she knew she had a praise kink. It wasn’t a shock to her, but the ease of Harry being able to trigger it was a real problem. It had always been something that she melted with, being called a good girl, doing a good job, taking it so well. Praise kink 101, beginner stuff. Adding in the strikingly handsome and mysterious to her man with a semi admitted crush on her, his hands on her body and his willingness to take care of her? She was a goddamn goner. Finished. All he had to do was continue to stroke her ego a little bit and she would slide down to her knees. Pathetic? Perhaps. She never claimed to be anything otherwise. 
His hands were warm through the gloves, holding her arm in place as the needles stippled her skin. Eyes went back to his face, his septum piercing corrected from being out of place earlier. Only this time, she caught him licking over his lip and swore she saw a flash of… something. Did he….? 
Her mouth opened before her brain could tell her not to ask because it would be a blatant admittance to staring, but it was too late. 
“You- Do you have a tongue piercing?” 
Y/N winced slightly at her own tone. It sounded incredulous, but it was more so shocking that it had taken her a bit to notice that had her so surprised. More than judgemental, she was curious. “Sorry, sorry. That was a weird tone. M’not judging you! I swear. I just didn’t notice it and I thought I would have.” In her head, she facepalmed severely. Probably would have physically if it wouldn't have jostled her arm that was tattooed. “God, ignore me. I just didn’t know you had one and for some reason it surprised me.”
Her flustered nature made Harry grin. It was fucking cute. He hadn’t even remembered that he had one because he’d had it for a while but he had changed it recently. “Hey- It’s cool.” He let himself laugh, squeezing over her arm as he shot her a look. “I do. I know you aren’t judgin’ me. I changed it recently. It used to be pink, so not as noticable, I don’t blame you for not noticing. I wanted to go back to silver though.” He poked his tongue out a bit so she could see as he wiped away some ink, watching in amusement as her eyes widened. 
“Oh. I feel like I keep rambling at you.” She laughed, her own embarrassment evident on her face. “That’s so cool. I thought about getting my nose pierced at some point but I don’t think it would suit me.” It still did sit in the back of her mind sometimes, though. It looked good on Harry, his occasional hoop and the stud he had most of the time always having been attractive to her. “I’m going to ask the overasked question- Did it hurt?”
Her curiosity was only natural. If anything, it made him feel nice to know she actually had an interest in that sort of thing. He hadn’t been hiding his piercing on purpose, but if he had realized she would be so interested in it earlier then maybe he would have switched a while back. “Eh, not that bad. It swelled up a bit so I had to be careful for a bit but luckily mouth stuff tends to heal seemingly quicker. I stuck with a soft food diet for a bit- got one of those punch cards at the smoothie place down the block, had 2 free ones by the time I was done.” He laughed at the memory. It was still a place he frequented every week. “Couldn’t do anything with it and had to be careful so I didn’t bite my tongue. It swells a bit and it’s partially why it’s recommended not to eat hard or spicy foods.” 
Harry had given plenty of piercings before and the tongue wasn’t the worst, but the healing was defintely one of the more annoying ones. You couldn’t really forget about the swelling in your mouth, and the iron taste stuck around for a few days. Luckily for him, he wasn’t a chatterbox and people barely knew he had even had it done. 
“Wow. I think you have a bigger pain tolerance than me.” Y/N laughed, feeling her cheeks cool down slightly. Harry hadn’t seemed offput by the questions, rather eager to answer it. But one more remained. “So is there a reason you got it? Y’know, the aesthetics and stuff like that? I’d be worried about a tooth chipping or something.” Y/N babied her teeth so any piercing in the mouth 24/7 would worry her. 
“No, no. It’s far back enough that it doesn’t rest on the teeth, the roof of my mouth. There is a piercing I refuse to do that is a bar through the tip of the tongue. If you do it incorrectly you can cause severe nerve damage, and it’s known to chip teeth. But a regular piercing on your tongue isn’t much of a risk. Not in my experience.” He hummed. Again, he felt a little flustered at this one because the reason for the piercing was for aesthetics, yes… but. “Real talk? I thought it looked cool and there are… benefits to having one.”  At her raised brow he knew she wanted the proper answer, making him exhale deeply. “Uh- It’s like… It enhances oral sex. Some people think it feels better.” 
Harry was a self proclaimed pussy lover. He liked dicks just fine too, he didn’t limit himself, but there was just something about licking up a pretty cunt that had gotten dripping just for him. His hookups were short but there was always a longing to give more of that. It was something that plagued his fantasies, as shameful as he felt, thinking about the girl sitting right in front of him. 
Sitting between her thighs with his arm locked around her hips, keeping her nice and still despite the twitches she would give off involuntarily as his tongue swiped up her folds, nose bumping her clit as he greedily lapped her up. He could beg for the chance to have her sprawled out for him and her thighs locked around his head as he took his time tasting her. He had been very respectful and wasn’t planning on doing anything to make her uncomfortable, but she had asked. He wouldnt lie to her. 
“Oh!” She squeaked. “Damn it. See… I looked up tons of stuff about tattoos and nose piercings but I’m showing my lack of knowledge here.” A nervous giggle erupted, Harry noticing as she squeezed her thighs together. It was subtle- if he hadn’t been paying attention he wouldn’t have seen it. It was caught and he felt downright smug. She was thinking about it and obviously, she didn’t hate the idea. 
“S’alright, pet.” He replied, looking up to give her a smile. “You’re sweet. Not a problem to ask me things you want to know. You don’t have to know it all, m’happt yo teach you anything.” 
There was a slight shift, a heavier more charged energy in the room as Y/N sat quietly. She found Harry exceedingly handsome, his sex appeal not only oozing from his pores but his heart. She was trying very hard not to get ahead of herself here, knowing she definitely could fall into it if she allowed herself to do the thing she actually wanted. Shyness was her savior, at this point. 
They continued talking until he was finished, helping Y/N up and standing with her a moment to make sure she was steady. One too may clients passed out after standing up after a session and he didn’t want that to be her experience. Once she was all clear, he led her over to the mirror to look at her tattoo reflected in the glass. How it looked on her body. She looked it over with a wide smile, flexing her arm to mimic the movement he had told her about before to see the stem did indeed stay where it was supposed to be.
“Harry.. I can’t even thank you enough.” Her words were raspy, awe showing through as she let him wrap it up. He had given her the lecture, the talk about keeping it from the sun, the moisturizing it, not itching, the whole nine yards. She knew most of what he said, but she had still managed to be surprised at how much he seemed to care about the integrity of the tattoo. “It’s incredible. Everything I could have hoped for, both in the tattoo and the experience. I’m so happy with it.” Big eyes were shining up at him, giving him the most awed glint to them. Without warning, she tossed herself into his arms, wrapping them around hus shoulders to take him in for a hug. 
He froze for a moment, their embrace catching him off guard. She hadn’t seemed to initiate much touch except for last night when she was tipsy and leaning into him, so he had been surprised at her willingness to do so- but he wasn’t about to waste this. Arms wrapped around her torso, a chuckle leaving his throat as she squeezed herself to him all while being mindful of her tattoo.
She smelled really fucking good. A hint of sweet but defintely something floral. Her cheek pressed against his shoulder as she whispered thanks to him again, pulling back much too soon for his liking. She was beaming, a beam he had put on her face and a picture he wanted to photograph in his mind forever. He had made her smile like that. It had altered his breathing a little bit, watching as she gave him the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
Yeah, he was effectively fucked. 
“You don’t have t’thank me, Y/N. I’m really happy you chose me to do it. It makes me feel good that you trusted me enough even before we cleared things up.” He knew he would be making up for that for a long time. Not because she would hold it against him, but becaus he hated that his awkwardness had caused any sort of negative feeling for the sweet girl. 
“Of course I did. If anything, I knew you’d be professional.” There was a pause before she lightly nudged his foot with her own. “I do prefer us like this, though. I had a lot of fun talking to you.” He had interesting stories, despite being quieter than her, and his voice was utterly delectable. She would eat it up anytime. 
“Me as well.” He returned the shy smile to her, walking back towards his office. All her stuff was in there along with his own. Their hands bumped as they walked side by side, his heart rattling in it’s ribbed caged, the slight hook of her pinky as they entered the room making it pause before it was dropped. He had a lump in his throat, one that was begging him to ask for more from her, but it wasn’t the right time. 
The right time didn’t come until after they’d grabbed some food down the street. Playing a slight game of knocking feet under the table and gentle flirations, both of them having hated cheeks and in harry’s case, heated ears as they spoke softly to one another the entire time. It was far different than being out with their friends, his attention solely focused on her and the quieter atmosphere allowing her to hear his quieter chuckles and little hums he made in the middle of her sentences as a reply. He let her talk his ear off about her hunt for a certain eyeliner brand at the shops lately and how she’d made friends with employees who text her when it came in, she was only missing the Sapphire and Indigo variations. 
Harry sat and responded appropriately, even adding in some things, but he wa content to hear her sweet recalling of the baby penguins she wanted to go see at the museum desperately, her nosy next door neighbor, anything really. It was one of the best meals he’d ever had and he hated that it even had to end. 
He could see himself more than happy listening to her rambling every night as they ate. It was a bit shocking considering how much Harry loved his solitude and quiet, but Y/N just tickled a part of him that had never been open for access before. There was no way he could fumble this, no way he could waste an opportunity to take a chance on this. He had to man up and simply ask. 
The walk back to the shop was similar to the hallway, their hands knocking until Harry took initiative this time and let their pinkies link. Y/N continued talking, stumbling over her words once as she felt their fingers connect but her pace in words only increased. The smile wider. He took it as a good sign. The journey had been far too short for his liking, the fact he had to take his hand away from hers as she unlocked her car making him frown. Hands stuffed themselves in his pockets to keep from reaching from her again, watching her toss her bag to the passenger seat before turning to him. 
“Thank you for-” “Go on a date with me.” Harry’s words tumbled from his lips without being able to stop them, interrupting her mid sentence. Working up the nerve to ask her not allowing him to wait a second more or he would lose the confidence. “Shit- sorry. I meant, would you? Want to go om a date with me?” He watched as she blinked up at him, those pretty eyes rounded and shocked as her mouth opened and closed. It was his turn to ramble. “I had a really good time with you today, and I like you. I know I probably hurt your feelings in the past but I will make it up to you. I took you out tonight but this wasn’t a date- I just…” 
Oh, god. This was why he tended to stay the quiet and mysterious type. 
“Harry.” Y/N’s hands braced on his forearms, squeezing as she laughed through the utter of his name. “Harry. Relax. It’s okay. I… I would really, really like that.” She watched him deflate slightly from his tense stance, head tilting to the right. “I had an amazing time with you. You don’t have to make anything up to me at all. It was an accident. I’m sensitive. But I like you too.” The admittance was quieter than the rest of her words, shyer. A grown woman feeling like a kid all over again. He liked her. 
Liked liked her. 
“Yeah?” He asked again, “I’m really happy t’hear that. I wanted to ask you before we went to dinner but I got nervous.” His hand returned to anxiously rub the back of his neck, shooting her his own relieved smile. “I won’t let you regret it. I promise..”
He stepped forward, holding her car door open for her while getting closer to her. It was getting dark and she had stuff to fo tomorrow which she had told him about, her whole itinerary actually. It was- you guessed it- fucking cute. “Need you to get home safe, so text me when you walk in the door, and then we can plan our date. Sound like a plan?” 
Y/N nodded, not hesitating before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. This hug wasn less awkward, Harry’s hand falling to her back to rub gently a few times before she pulled back. He’d dwell on how nice she felt pressed against him later. Again, the girl decided to shock him, reaching up on her toes and pressing a kiss to his cheek before sitting down in her driver’s seat. 
“Bye Harry. I can’t wait to talk to you again.” 
His cheek burned with the heat of her kiss the entire time he watched her drink off. It was cool but very much there as he drove home. The lipgloss stain burned yet again as soon as he got a text once he got inside his own place, shoes kicked off and arm over his head trying to relive the feeling of her lips on his skin yet again.
Y/N: I’m home, inkmaster :-) 
H: All in one piece, I hope.
He wasn’t. Surely, a tiny bit of his heart was still stuck in her palm. 
 Y/N: Yep, lost my sunglasses though. Think they’re in your office. Good thing I’ll be seeing you soon 
Y/N: So… our date?
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kishibe-kisser · 1 year
Hello! May I ask for a situation where the reader invite student classmate Mahito to her home to do a Biology group project together but then they get distracted and things get smutty?
Oh I love this!!!
Okay, okay! I hope you enjoy it. I really liked writing this and because there wasn't all too much direction I kind of free handed it.
The class should see this (Mahito/nsfw)
tags: pervy student Mahito x fem! reader, dirty talk, oral (fem receiving), fingering (fem receiving), biting, cumming inside (wrap it up kids), hickies
Word count: 2044 words
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There was an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach the whole time as you tried to take notes, your hand shaking slightly with each stroke of your pen. His gaze was unsettling, making you so incredibly nervous you couldn't even put down a coherent sentence without scribbling through it. "You seem nervous. What's on your mind?" His tone was condescending, a laugh being evident in his voice. It was even worse because he knew exactly why you were nervous.
Mahito thrived off the fact that he made you uncomfortable, even though you had never spoken before this project. His presence was simply like a black shadow in the corner of every room, watching everyone and everything but especially you. What made it even better was that you noticed. You noticed his dark gaze following everyone, following you. You even noticed the way his tongue peeked out over his lips as he watched you during classes. He made you uncomfortable in the worst ways, yet you couldn't ever bring yourself to look away and he loved it.
It tickled him pink to see your name next to his in the biology partner list. It tickled him to know you were screaming on the inside at having to be this close to him.
"Nothing's on my mind. I just want to do well on this project." You lied through your teeth, knowing that he knew. You just couldn't give him the satisfaction of saying it. Your words weren't an entire lie, Mahito knew you wanted good grades and that was the whole reason you even invited him to your house to work on the project. You let him into your private space and he was going to take advantage of it.
"What's on your mind Mahito?" You asked, finally looking up from your work and at his face. He was sat across from you at your coffee table, his blue and silver eyes trained on you as you put your pen down. His unique features made him impossible to hate, his crooked smirk, mismatched eyes and all around gorgeous face making him the most stunning thing you had ever seen. A part of you was angry at yourself for finding him attractive and liking the way he watched you at school.
"I don't think you want to know." He smiled and you felt goosebumps coat your skin. "You know what I think you might be right." You said and picked up your pen again. You listened to his laugh, watching from your peripheral vision as he placed his elbows on the table and leaned forward. His face was mere inches from yours as you looked up at him. "Though since you're so persistant." He tipped your chin up to make sure you looked at him, his pale hand holding your chin so that you couldn't look away. "I was thinking about how nice you'd look spread out on this table. Your cute skirt all hiked up to show me those pretty pink panties I know you're wearing underneath."
Your heart pounded in your ears and you couldn't help but wonder how he knew the color of your underwear. Squeezing your thighs together, a whimper escaped your lips despite your best efforts to keep it in. "Hmmm, sounds like you don't mind the sound of that." He teased further, squeezing your cheeks to make your lips pucker. He was humiliating him and you were letting him, even worse you were enjoying it.
It took him no time to throw both of your school work off of the table, coaxing you to sit on top of it with your legs spread. Mahito's fingers toyed with the hem of your skirt and danced over the skin of your thighs with surprisingly gentle touches. His eyes looking up at you as he continued to grin. You kept your hands planted on the table for stability, not knowing what to expect with him. His gentle touches disappeared nearly instantly, hiking your skirt up roughly so that he could get a good look at the wet patch forming in your panties.
He leaned down suddenly, making you gasp as his fingers ghosted over your core. He wanted a closer look, he wanted to touch, feel and explore every inch of you and that was exactly what he was going to do.
"Never thought you'd let me do this, did you?" He asked, pulling your panties to the side causing goosebumps to coat your skin. "Your pussy is so pretty, so wet for me." He licked over his lips at the sight and you fought the urge to close your legs. His fingers dug into your thighs as he wrapped his arms around them, pulling you closer to the edge of the table before diving into your core.
You had never experienced anything like it, the way his tongue prodded at your entrance, the way he gripped your thighs and the way he inhaled you. It was different from your past sexual endeavors, Mahito was eating you out because he wanted to, for his pleasure. His nose grazed your clit as his tongue continued to fuck into you and your nails scratched at the wood of the coffee table. "Mahito-" You cried out, not being able to hold it back any more. You felt dirty and it felt so fucking good.
"Play with your tits while I tongue fuck your cunt. Come on pretty girl, you can do it." He commanded, fingers rubbing harsh circles over your clit as he watched you. You lifted your hands of the table and pulled your top off over your head, hesitating for a moment before unclasping your bra. He watched your every move like a starved man and to make sure you listened to his orders.
Your hands found your chest, massaging your breasts and shutting your eyes. Mahito hummed in approval before continuing his assault on your clit and swirling his tongue over the sensitive nub as his fingers dipped into your pussy. Even though your eyes were closed, you knew he was watching you and making sure you were still touching yourself as he made you shake. You were so close, so incredibly close, the walls of your cunt squeezing his fingers as he continued curling them.
"I'm gonna cum." You choked out, tears brimming your eyes as you finally opened them again to look down at him. His eyes nearly rolled back at your words, feeling so much pleasure in the way you cried out. His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked harshly as his fingers pumped a little faster, not slowing down at all as your legs tried clamping around his head. You didn't mean to let out a scream as you came but it couldn't be helped. You were certain your thighs would be bruised from the way he held them open, not slowing down the assault on your pussy until he felt your legs shaking and screams of his name turned into incoherent babble.
"I wonder what our class would think if they saw this. Their beloved friend cumming on the tongue of the class perv. I think they'd have some pretty interesting things to say." He remarked, looking at the way your chest heaved as he slowed down the pace of his fingers before pulling them out of you. "Lean down." He added on, watching you shakily move forward to get closer to him. "Open your mouth." He continued, enjoying the way you hardly hesitated at his commands anymore. He placed his fingers in your mouth, watching as your tongue cleaned your cum off of his fingers without command. "See, you're even starting to enjoy this." Mahito made sure his eyes were locked with yours, taking in your fucked out expression as you cleaned off his fingers. This was everything he had always imagined and more.
He pulled you off of the table, sitting you in his lap before laying you down on the ground and hovering over you. Mahito's hands moved back to your underwear and roughly pulled them down your legs before stuffing them in his pocket. "Making sure I don't forget my souvenir." He smiled, sitting back on his heels as his thighs spread your legs further. He pulled off his shirt and showcased his lean yet muscular body, watching as you reached forward to touch him. He let you, your fingers tracing over the lines of his abs before dipping down to the waist band of his pants.
Looking over you laid out for him, wanting him, made his cock ache. Feeling your fingers wanting to touch him, greedy for more even. He was now even more than eager to split you open on his cock.
He pulled his pants down quickly, wasting no more time before lifting your hips to meet his. You already knew from his attitude that he wasn't going to take it slow, blunt nails digging into your hips. His cock slipped into you, stretching you out and making you mewl as you tried to find something to hold onto. Sinking all the way into you, Mahito threw his head back and let out a laugh.
"God, you're sucking me in. Your pussy feels even better than i thought it would." You whined at his words, still adjusting to the stretch of him. He pulled you onto him, thrusting his hips at the same time. His cock hit that sweet spot in you harshly and making you cry out as he repeated the action. It felt so good it almost hurt, making it feel even better. The angle he had your hips raised at made it impossible for him to miss your sweet spot, hitting it repeatedly as you tried to hold onto something.
Mahito watched your tits bounce with each thrust, face contorting as you moaned, tears streaming down your face at how good it all felt. He hovered over you, placing a hand by your head to steady himself. Looking into your eyes, taking in your fucked out expression, he kissed you. Lips sloppily pressing into yours as he surpressed your noises, tongue snaking into your mouth to taste every inch of you. He could feel you tightening around his cock, walls squeezing him, milking him for everything he was worth and he pulled away from your lips. Not leaving them before biting your bottom lip first.
"I can feel you're close, pretty girl." He groaned into your skin, kissing his way down your neck. "God it feels so good." You cried, wrapping your arms around his neck to tug on his hair. He continued his way down your chest, leaving marks down your neck before sinking his teeth into your breast. You let out a scream as you came around his cock, the bite only triggering your orgasm.
You could feel yourself spasming around his cock, his pace speeding up as he chased his own high. Mahito continued biting over your chest, tongue swirling over nipples to overstimulate you more. You were a babbling mess as he kept going, marking you as his before halting all movements with a moan. You could feel him cumming inside of you, painting your walls with him as he caught his breath over you.
Mahito sat back up, looking at the piece of art he had created. His marks over your chest, hickies and bite marks on display. He pulled his cock out you, smiling at the whimper that came out of before looking at your wrecked cunt. His cum slowly dripping out of you.
You felt absolutely violated, trying to shield your body from him despite letting him wreck you no 2 minutes earlier. However Mahito was faster, holding your arms away from your body before holding onto your chin again to force you to look at him. "You know you can't hide from me." He said and you found your cheeks heating up. You couldn't move even if you wanted too, your body to sore to leave his touch and gaze.
"You better wear these on display tomorrow." Mahito continued, his finger dipping down to trace over the hickies and bite marks on your chest.
"I want our whole class to see our biology project on display."
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
How bout 10 for the Moon Boys asks? 👀 Something a wee spicy!
How do you think the boys react to coming home and seeing their girl trying on lingerie that was meant to be a surprise for their date nights? Who is the first to wanna see it on the floor?
Marc Catches You Trying on Lingerie
Read Steven Catches You Trying on Lingerie
Nice! 🌶️ Uhhh...this one got away from me.
Word count: 645
Marc x gn!reader who likes lingerie
nsfw below the cut (but I did stick to a "wee spicy"), sensual and suggestive but no actual smut
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You've saved your money and watched a particular store for the right time to buy this absolutely divine little number for the boys. Thankfully it didn't sell out.
The color and fit compliment your skin and shape perfectly. You have to admit, you feel pretty sexy in it.
You've tried it on once you got it home, making sure it fits and looks as good as you thought it would.
You're standing in front of the full length mirror in the corner of your bedroom, turning this way and that, deciding you will save it for your date night this weekend. The style is sleek enough to fit under your outfit, so you can wear it the entire night, and then surprise them.
You do a little skip/hop of excitement, grabbing your phone to snap a few selfies in the mirror. Once they see the outfit, you'll love teasing them with some pictures. You can just imagine Sweet Steven's face if he gets a pic of scantily clad you while he's at work.
Oh, who are you kidding, Steven sends dirty texts all the time.
The music playing on your phone completely drowns out the sound of your man arriving home.
One second you're posing, and damn, it's a provocative pose, you have to admit.
The next second, you hear a whistle, followed by, "Holy shit, baby."
Your poor phone crashes to the floor as you let out a little shriek.
"Marc?" You gasp, smoothing your hands over your barely covered body, as if you need to straighten your appearance.
Marc is chewing gum, leaning against the door frame with his arms folded over his chest. He cocks his head almost condescendingly, his eyes darkening a shade. "Don't let me stop you."
He can see how flustered you are. As you scurry to collect your phone, one corner of his mouth curls into a sexy smirk.
"I...wanted to surprise you," you feebly attempt, bouncing on your toes before slowly approaching him.
"Mmm," he gruffs out, running his hand over the stubble on his jaw. Pushing off the door frame, he closes the distance between you.
"I'm surprised," he murmurs, his hands finding your hips, greedily squeezing as he pulls your body flush against his.
His smoldering gaze makes you go weak, but you manage to grip his biceps for support. "It's for date night." You shrug one shoulder adorably. "Oops."
He's nodding now, and smiling wolfishly, smacking his gum a couple times as he eases you toward the bed. Your knees hit the bed's edge and you tumble down.
"Oops," he taunts, climbing on top of you. His nose nuzzles your cheek as he settles between your open thighs. "You're gonna leave this on for me."
His lips open hotly over yours as his hands roam all over your curves. He groans into your mouth, feeling the slippery material hugging your incredible body.
Your fingers tangle in his neatly styled waves, twisting as you pull yourself flush against him.
He feels so good against you like this - the satin and mesh teasing your flesh in a new and erotic way. You're finding it difficult to be upset that your surprise for Friday night is, perhaps, ruined. You could still surprise Steven or Jake, you suppose.
Although Jake will have you out of it in about 2.5 seconds. With Jake there's no reason at all to not be naked at any given opportunity.
"You better send me those pictures," Marc darkly whispers on your ear, his fingers trailing up the inside of your thigh as his lips kiss a hot trail down the side of your throat.
He teases you right where you crave his touch, but waits for your answer. "Baby?"
"Y-yes," you gasp as he drags his fingers over the spot that makes your back arch in pleasure.
Money well spent.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Moon Knight Asks
Marc Spector-Centric stories
Moon Knight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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jadedxhearts · 8 months
You wear a new bikini with the intention of teasing Law with it. Only, your plan backfires on you.
Warnings: nsft, afab reader (no pronouns but Law does say “my girl”)
Originally posted on April 21st, 2023
repost from my main @jadedrrose as a part of my most popular fics event.
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You’d practically doomed yourself from the very start of your evening out. 
The crew was having a night out at some island, and truthfully you’d completely forgotten the reason why. It wasn’t anyone’s birthday, and there weren’t any holidays that you could think of. But, nevertheless you were excited for the excuse to dress up. 
It was very hot and humid on the island you’d be spending your evening at; and even with the sun fading away, the heat just never left the air. You also knew it was a beach town, meaning just about everything was on the front of the island, bars and such all incredibly close to the water, some even built on the water. So, with this knowledge combined you decided on an outfit that would work best. 
The base of it was a bikini. It was vibrant, your favorite color in a bright shade with a hibiscus floral pattern in white, littered across both the top and bottoms. It was also rather flimsy and small. The top was a basic triangle cup bikini shape that was held together by two string ties; one behind your neck and the other in your mid back area. The bottoms were similar, only the strings were more high-waisted and tied in little bows at your hips. The set was skimpy and daring, hardly hiding anything from wandering eyes. But it was an easy fix. You grabbed a pair of denim shorts and pulled them over the bikini, only leaving out the strings as the bows would get in the way. So while your ass was covered now, one could only imagine how the outfit looked underneath…
You slipped on a thin floral print open front shirt to cover up a bit more, then grabbed your favorite pair of sandals and sunglasses to complete the look. You reviewed the look over in your mirror, before deciding everything was set in place and you were ready to go.
When you emerged from the stairs of the submarine, it became evident that you were the last one to be ready. Some of the crew had stayed back to wait on you, but most had already departed for the island. 
Law stood at the front of the group, wearing white shorts and similarly to you, an open front shirt with a pattern on it. He looked at you suspiciously, raising an eyebrow and scanning the outfit you wore. He only let out a light huff and didn’t say a word, though. Once you reached his side, he seemed flustered as he slipped your hand into his and muttered, “took ya long enough…”
You looked up to gaze at his face, playfully smiling. There was a hint of blush dusted across his cheeks. But, you decided not to embarrass him over it. “I wanted to look cute… for you,” you replied to him, leaning up to place a little kiss on his flushed cheek. 
In the time that you’d spent pretty much partying in the beach town, you’d abandoned the shirt due to the heat. And now, since you were on the beach, you figured it would be fine to remove your shorts. Everyone else was in their swimwear, after all. It’s not like you’d stand out too much.
So you stood up from your seat in Law’s lap, stretching out your limbs before unbuttoning the shorts and moving your hands to slip them down your frame. 
You’d only gotten them slipped just under your bottom when you were suddenly stopped. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
Letting your hands and shorts freeze in the position they were in before you’d been stopped, you turned your head back to look at Law.
“Taking off my shorts so I can get in the water?” 
It was only then you noticed you’d barely stepped a foot away from Law, so you were pretty much directly on display for him. 
“Y/n… don’t you know what your bikini looks like?” 
“Yeah, why?” You asked, trying to play along with him; pretending to be oblivious.
“I can see all of your ass, you’re practically wearing a thong.” He remarked, arms crossed as he frowned.
“Do you like it?” You teasingly asked, smirking down at him. 
“Wh-? Yeah… but, I don’t want some creep looking at my girl’s ass.” He pouted, the same blush from earlier dusting across his face.
You giggled, deciding to let the shorts fall to the sand beneath your feet. “Fine then. You can come with me and cover my ass.”
“I can’t get in ocean water, y/n.”
Rolling your eyes, you decided to just return to his lap, only this time facing him. “Fine, fine. Honestly I just wore it to tease you… I didn’t really plan on letting anyone else see it anyway.”
“Then why did you-“
“To tease you,” you repeated, wrapping your arms around his neck and shimmying further into his lap. 
Law sighed, placing one of his tattooed hands on your lower back. “And did you plan on paying for it, too?”
“Don’t think you can just tease me and get away with no punishment,” he muttered into your ear, placing a small kiss on the skin of your neck. 
Feeling more daring, you decided to just dig your own grave now. With a sultry grin, you moved to kiss Law, removing one arm from his neck and placing your hand against his face, holding him as your lips connected.
Law seemed to tense up, probably because of the rather intimate display of affection you two were showing in public, but he moved his free hand to grab your bare thigh, squeezing the soft skin in his grasp. 
He briefly pulled away, but only far away enough to get some air. His breath came out hot as he panted against your wet lips, your mixed saliva still connecting you both together. 
Just before Law could kiss you again, you subtly began to rock your hips, grinding your lower region against him. A breathy grunt escaped Law’s lips, his body tensing up even more as he hardened his grip on your back and thigh. 
“Shit… you’re just asking for it now, hm?” 
You decided then to reconnect your lips, giving hot, wet opened mouth kisses against his own lips. You pushed your hips down harder, whining at the friction of your just barely covered cunt against his hardening length. 
Though your reply was late, you did so anyway, “mhm… please take me back home… punish me for being a whore, Law.”
Not wasting anymore time, Law practically shoved you off of him and slid your shorts back up, tossing your sandals and shirt at you before grabbing the towel you’d been laying on and taking your hand to lead you back to the sub.
As soon as you were back in your bedroom with the door locked behind you, Law jumped at you, grabbing your body and biting at the tender skin of your neck, sucking it between his teeth to mark you.
You let out a high-pitched cry, tilting your head back to give him more access. His lips were still wet, and as he dragged them across your skin, your neck became slick with his spit. The sensations felt so intoxicating; the slight pain of his bite before the feeling of his lips sucking you in, the hair of his goatee pleasantly scratching your skin.
“Law,” you quietly whined, legs shaking with need as you tried squeezing your thighs together, desperate to be touched. But his lips didn’t leave your throat.
“Law, please,” you pleaded, fisting his shirt into your palms. “I need you so bad…”
Finally, his attack on your neck ended and you watched with hazy eyes as Law looked down at your needy body with lust evident in his eyes, along with a mischievous look that meant you were really in for it this time.
Just before you could open your mouth to beg for him again, Law pushed you down onto the bed, grabbing at the fabric of the bikini top between your breasts, ripping the entire thing off of you. 
He quickly tossed the garment away, wasting no time to put his tattooed hands on your chest, groping and massaging the plushy mounds. Another whine left your lips as his palms brushed against your nipples, and you leaned your back up into his touch.
“God, you’re so needy,” Law shook his head, removing his hands and watching with amusement as you cried from the loss of his touch. 
Then he was grabbing your waist, fingers digging into your skin as he harshly flipped you over to lay on your tummy, one hand landing on your ass to hold you in place as the other delivered a teasing smack to your skin that poked out from underneath your ridden up shorts, which were removed from your body only a moment later.
Law didn’t even try to be gentle as he forced the denim off of you, throwing it away to free his hands. His palms were on your skin again, squeezing the fat of your bottom as he looked over what was left of your bikini.
The bottoms didn’t cover your ass at all, so when he spanked you again, the contact was directly on your skin this time with a loud slap. 
“You bought this thing knowing it’d piss me off, didn’t you?”
You tried shrugging but that was difficult with your current position. “I knew you’d like it on me… but not in public.”
“Exactly,” he hissed, smacking you again. “You’re such a brat, y/n.”
Letting go of your bottom, Law hastily untied the bows from your hips and pulled the rest of your bikini off. Once that too was tossed away, he freed himself from the restraint of his shorts. You continued to whine, voice louder now as he rubbed his cock against your skin, spitting down at it to get it wet. 
“Law, please!” You begged, “I need to feel you in me… I don’t care what else you do, just stuff me!”
“Don’t care what else?” He echoed your words, lining the tip of his member up with your soaked cunt. “This is a punishment, don’t forget. How about you don’t get to cum until I say so?”
You whined, clearly not liking that idea; but you had no say in whether or not Law would do it. 
You felt one of Law’s hands slip into your hair, grabbing fistfuls of it before pulling on it and finally sliding into your throbbing pussy at the same time. Already it was hard to not cum from that alone, and all you could do was moan and scream in frustration as you tried to hold your orgasm back. 
Law’s pace was ruthless and hard, not giving you any time to adjust to the stretch from his cock as he repeatedly slammed himself into you, getting lost in the feeling of your warm walls fluttering around him as you tried fitting him in. 
Already, your cunt was flooding with juices and that only created more opportunity for Law to fuck you faster, hitting into you more forceful than before; lewd squelching noises accompanied by the slapping of skin echoing throughout the bedroom. 
You moaned and grasped desperately at the sheets underneath you, letting your entire body rock back and forth from the motion of Law’s hard thrusts. “ah-ahh. Law!
“Law! I can’t hold it in anymore,” you cried and begged, letting his name fall from your lips a few more times. “L-Law! Please, I need to cum, Law! I can’t take it!”
You listened for his approval but all you got were grunts and loud pants from behind you, Law not giving you any mercy as he kept up with the abuse on your cunt. 
“Law! I- I can’t- Law,” you screamed, clenching hard onto his cock in an attempt to stop yourself from cumming.
“I don’t give a damn anymore,” he groaned. “Just cum, baby… cum on my cock.”
With his approval, you finally let yourself go and moaned loudly into the mattress as you came; creaming on Law, leaving a white ring of your cum around his cock. 
And Law wasn’t far behind, he continued to fuck you, slam his cock into your spasming pussy for just another moment before tightening his grip on your hips, thrusts becoming sloppy as he let himself start cumming. 
He let out a flustered moan as his hot seed began spilling into you, but he quickly pulled away and let the rest of his cum spill onto your back, leaving a warm sticky mess on your skin.
You both panted heavily, catching your breath and calming down from the intense punishment you’d just endured. After a moment, you felt his mess being wiped off of you, Law gently cleaning you off before turning you on your back so he could look at your face. 
His soft hand cupped your cheek and a kiss was placed on your lips. “You okay, y/n-ya?”
You nodded, blinking away the tears from your eyes. Another kiss against your lips, and you wrapped your arms around Law once again. 
Lifting you up into his hold, Law decided you deserved a relaxing warm bath after what he’d put you through. He carried you to the bathroom, kissing your shoulder and whispering quiet “I love you”s to you the whole way.
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