#self emancipation quotes
wocado · 7 years
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It's what you do in your free time
It’s what you do in your free time
freedom, freedom quotes, identity, identity quotes, free time, free time quotes, slavery, slavery quotes, self emancipation, self emancipation quotes, Jarod Kintz, Jarod Kintz quotes #PICTUREQUOTES, #QUOTES
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youremyheaven · 1 year
The 12th House in Astrology 🧜‍♀️🧚‍♀️ 🦋
(this can apply to both tropical and vedic placement of 12th house because regardless of the system employed, the energy felt and experienced is the same :-)
Most people have a lot of prejudice about the 12h and its energies. There is a largely negative portrayal of it in the mainstream astro community and very little nuanced discussion of the same. So, I thought I'd make a post exploring the 12th and final house in astrology and add more to the existing narrative regarding it.
The 12h is commonly described as the house of loss, liberation, isolation and decline
This house is said to governs misery, waste, expenses as well as divine knowledge, sympathy, Moksha (final emancipation) and life after death. It is also the house of detachment.
Now those are a lot of very contradictory terms. How could a house govern both loss and divine knowledge?
The 12th house and water houses (4h, 8h & 12h) in general are very complex and easily misunderstood. The thing about water is that it has no shape or form of its own, it takes the form of whatever vessel its poured into. another thing about water is that its the most easily polluted element. Water energy is one that must be precariously balanced because these natives easily absorb the influence of others (good or bad), this is one reason why the 12h is the house of "loss" because it truly is the death of the individual. you know those quotes about "i am an amalgamation of every person ive met, every book ive read, every song i loved...." 12housers are actually built like that.
being a 12h native can be rewarding because you absorb absolutely everything like a cosmic sponge but on the other hand, its very easy to lose all sense of self.
especially natives with 12h stelliums may often find it difficult to not take everything so personally. this is not because they think the world revolves around them but because its hard for them to separate themselves from others and their actions. they're personally of the type where everything they say or do is tailored specifically to the person they're interacting with. they may not even be aware that they're doing this, they pick up on energies almost by osmosis and guide their conduct that way. however they must realize that this is peculiar to them and is not something others are naturally accustomed to doing.
there is a reason why Venus exalts in the 12h. you lose all sense of self and give yourself completely to your lover with utmost devotion. love is sacred and profound to them, they will do absolutely anything for their love. which is why they have to be so careful with picking their partners. they have limitless capacity for giving but if you give to the wrong person, you'll be drained. when you merge with the right person, your cup never goes empty with your giving because your union satiates you completely.
if we were to think of houses 1 to 11 as a path of linear development, starting with the 1st house of self & identity and ending with the 11th house of friendship, community & legacy, then we will understand that after an individual goes through all these stages, the only thing left for them to do is seek liberation from this cycle; this is why 12h is the house of Moksha. once you've fulfilled your material desires, you will feel a lack in your life and the only thing left to do is pursue the path of spirituality. Moksha is however not given to one; one must strive for it.
this journey is a deeply personal one and liberation from one's ego and earthly pursuits is far from easy. no matter what these natives do, ultimately, they wont feel satisfied unless they've nourished themselves spiritually.
sometimes these natives may indulge in drugs or other substances to fill the void but as they evolve they will understand what theyre truly yearning for is the spiritual truth.
more often than not, these natives experience "spiritual awakenings" completely unprompted. god decides its time and it happens. much of their early life can be very dark and this "awakening" marks the beginning of a shift in their life. this happens in stages depending on the level of their spiritual evolution.
the 12th house is the house of isolation because what these natives experience is not something that others can understand easily. they are the most likely to develop psychosomatic conditions, simply because their energetic body is so susceptible to influence.
think of the vast endless ocean. can one individual possibly drink up all of that water? its absurd to even consider it. thats kind of what its like to be a 12h native. there's a limitless reservoir to tap into, the energy is so vast that its confusing and disorienting and you have no idea what to do with it. its very easy to be misguided as well. this is why its the house of decline. you have to constantly be on the look out in order to avoid the pitfalls, otherwise its easy to stagnate and easy to harm yourself.
There is a Latin quote that goes as follows:
"What nourishes me, destroys me"
This sums up 12th house energy pretty much. Its the energy of opposites and paradoxes. You need this endless reservoir to function, its the thing that feeds you but if you're not careful, it can also lead you to your own ruin.
Fun fact: Angelina Jolie has this quote tattooed on her. She is a Revati Moon. Pisces occupies the 12th house.
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remember that Pisces' symbol is of two fishes swimming in opposite directions. this shows that the innate nature of these natives is to be torn between polarising energies and opposing forces. it is a balancing act to say the least.
these natives are easily misunderstood, simply because there is SO much to them. whatever you think they are, thats what they're not.
going back to the cosmic ocean metaphor, its easy to see how such abundance can feel like an excess and lead to misery and wastefulness. its simply a LOT to handle, not just for others but even for these natives themselves. this is one reason why so many of these natives tend to keep to themselves.
even the more sociable 12h natives often have an interior life that no one will know about, they have a whole another side to them that they keep separate, just because they want to assert complete ownership of this private side as something that belongs only to them and the other, more "public" side that they give to others.
these natives are the most empathetic and if you look at the charts of most "legendary" actors, they'll either have pisces/12h luminaries. empathy does not quite cut it, they can not only feel what others are feeling but embody it fully and experience it as their own. this is what makes them incredible actors. even non-actor 12h natives process things this way and often find that others around them are insensitive or lacking the same capacity. they do not understand why others don't feel as deeply as they do or understand situations the way they do. they find society at large to be very callous and apathetic.
a 12th house native is also capable of feeling apathy and absolute indifference but this is very selective; the 12h is the house of detachment because as it is, they're tethered to the world by a thin cord and are only very mildly connected to things. they're in this world but seldom inhabit it. another side to this is that they're wildly imaginative. although mercury debilitates in the 12h, it does not affect the native too badly, as they simply channel their thoughts into other forms. they are gifted at communicating abstract ideas and make excellent artists due to the same reason. robbed of any sense of what is "practical" or "realistic", they roam free in the realm of the mind. many abstract, surrealist and expressionist artists have either Pisces or other water sign placements in their big 3.
these natives live a life of non-being, as they're already so detached from everything, including themselves; this is not negative on its own and will manifest differently for different individuals; this can mean that they're extremely empathetic or detached to the point of inaction and passivity in extreme cases; they dont find a lot of things to be meaningful and its hard for them to apply themselves because of it. this gives us a glimpse of what life is like after death.
the 12th house also represents spirituality, introspection, foreign travels, hidden enemies, & the subconscious mind and it is the house of endings and undoing.
12th house natives are always intrigued by all things foreign, they feel like they do not belong to the place they're from and feel connected to cultures and people that are foreign to them. since they themselves feel like an alien or are made to feel that way, they feel naturally at ease in foreign places and cultures where everything is alien. they often settle overseas.
these natives court attention wherever they go, because the 12h energy is a very distinct and potent one. a lot of celebrities have it and its a very common fame indicator. due to this reason, they also attract enemies who remain unknown to them. these natives are seldom if ever, engaged in actual feuds with people and if they are, its usually for righteous reasons or because the other person started it. theyre wayyyy too peace loving and lowkey to pick fights with others. this is why they dont know who is speaking ill of them behind their back. they're always minding their own business and it surprises them that others are not doing the same.
everybody is guided by their subconscious and one major part of spirituality is to try and make ourselves more conscious. 12h representing spirituality (the cosmic ocean) makes even more sense considering its opposite (2 fishes swimming in opposite directions) which is the unknown, the subconscious. to be spiritual means to seek truth and to seek answers and swim towards the subconscious to shed light to it and understand it better.
lastly, it is the house of endings and undoing. 12h being the final concluding house represents the end of the cycle. when a cycle ends, the energy is of a complete transformation. only when something has reached completion can it come to an end. the butterfly does not emerge unformed but as a completely fully formed butterfly. the end marks the beginning. the 12h gives way to the 1h.
the creature in the cocoon was not a butterfly. it only became a butterfly when it emerged from the cocoon and to do so means loss of an old identity, loss of self, loss of all that you've ever known. this is your undoing. in order to become somebody else, in order to ascend, we have to be willing to undo ourselves. this is essential to any spiritual practice. we have to rid ourselves and our flimsy shell of identity in order to grow further.
for the same reason, 12housers are constantly transforming. they're the type of people who seem to have lived 10 different lives in one. be it their style, lifestyles, jobs, you name it, they're constantly undoing and transforming themselves. it seems to be the only way they know how to live. once theyve gathered all they can at one place, they outgrow it and change themselves almost entirely afterwards as they venture into something new.
thats it for now. i hope this shed some light on the 12h condition hehe<333
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Isabel Jeans (Gigi)—gigi is not a good film but I think she’s absolutely stunning as the courtesan aunt! i want her entire wardrobe and then i want her to tell me how to sniff cigars and determine which diamonds are the good ones :3
Sophia Loren (Marriage Italian Style, Houseboat)—Major Italian star, first actress to win an Oscar for a performance not in English (for Two Women (1960)) and later when Roberto Benigni won an Oscar in 1999 he jumped over the chairs towards the stage going "Sophia Sophia!!" because he was running towards Sophia Loren and said he cared more about her than the Oscar, that's the effect she had on people. She was big in the 60s already even though she gained a lot more notoriety after that. And I mean. Can we take a moment and just.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Isabel Jeans:
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Sophia Loren:
im submitting her in honor of my dad bc she was the first celebrity crush of his he ever admitted to me and my sister :) and he was right. shes so pretty
She has maxed out all her stats: beauty, elegance, sensuality, she's got it all. her mesmerizing eyes, her sensual mouth, her sharp face shape, her everything is so striking and unlike any other beauty in films. she was also voted the world most beautiful woman when she was freaking 65
OSCAR WINNER. Worked with some of the hottest leading men in Hollywood but remained faithful to her husband whom she had a loving marriage with till he died (even though Cary Grant almost tempted her once, it's complicated)
One of the most well-known sex symbols of the Golden Age of Hollywood, and unlike some unfortunate others, she seems to have been pretty well at peace with occupying that status. She made assertiveness and a tempestuous temper seem glamorous, and although she's famous for side-eying Jayne Manisfield's cleavage, honestly? She's one to talk.
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Absolutely, drop-dead sexy, also a hard working, extraordinarily talented actress who didn't shy away from the less glamorous roles to gift us some gritty, memorable performances
Submitting this on behalf of my dad, who knows nothing of tumblr or this blog, but I remember being a kid watching Houseboat while my mom thirsted after Cary Grant, dad thirsted after Sophia Loren, and I was excited that they lived on a boat. Anyway, she's extremely beautiful and was an international star, doing a ton of movies in Italy before being recognized in the US.
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Global superstar and my late grandfather's long time movie star crush and for a man as quiet as he was, and as hopelessly devoted to his wife as he was, the fact that I know that means she was EXCEPTIONAL.
Very smart and beautiful, the characters that she played (I mean those in the movies that I put in the previous question) are as strong and determined as her which I think adds to her hotness.
Big in the chest, snatched in the waist, pretty in the face 😳
Her performance in "Man of La Mancha" is just so very captivating. Dubbed as "the Italian Marilyn Monroe", she looks beautiful in any movie and at any age.
Sexy, beautiful, deep. A real star.
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Forget the exotic sexpot of her Hollywood films and go back to her Italian career: sparking with Marcello Mastroianni as the woman who drives him mad and outwits all his fumbling attempts at macho posturing in their early films, and showing a tender side in their 1970s films. Sophia isn’t self-conscious about who she is or her beautiful body: she enjoys being herself and she wants us all to enjoy ourselves too.
She starred in films as a sexually emancipated persona and was one of the best known sex symbols of the time. She is a great cook and her filmography is immense.
On the misattributed quote that Sophia owed everything to spaghetti: 'Did you actually say the quote frequently attributed to you, "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti"?' "Non è vero! It's not true! It's such a silly thing. I owe it to spaghetti, no, no. Completely made up."
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lovepourspace · 19 days
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𝖺 𝗅𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝗆𝗒 𝖭𝖾𝗉𝗍𝗎𝗇𝗂𝖺𝗇 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾, #성훈
the good that you do me is part of a celestial and unique naturalness, originating beautifully from your ethereal little heart, so altruistic. each of your achievements, each goal touched by your feet and embraced with simplicity by your being is one of the things that most brings life closer to my essence. I coexist to love you with everything I am, therefore, devoting each of my proudly lustrous sparks to each of your dreamy tangencies. when i mention my great love for you, i am quoting you - with all the all-encompassing affection i have become to weave your substantial trajectory. like an ocean being driven by the driving force of its resistant waters, I am the eternal soul bowing to each chapter of your beautiful story. our tears turn into a single cry, our smiles forge a single base of happiness, our combined light are veils of clamor revealing the vitality of a limitless source. my enchanted, thanks to the lens of your eyes of blessed soul - I recognize, the impossible is nonexistence. I love you, and I will always love you. until a last breath is emancipated, & my personification conjures his intrinsic heart at your mercy, I will continue praying & hoping, with all my unshakable faith, for the reception of your most benevolent blessings. your name is perpetually tattooed on my psyche, and your image is exceptionally protected in the warm chambers of my inner self. there is not a single consequence capable of taking you away from me, my tender poet. thank you so much for everything, and especially, for never giving up on being you - my beloved soulmate ally fated.
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maryrouille · 7 months
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The era of dolls
The year 2023 in the filmography was full of the motif of women-dolls, puppets, marionettes and mannequins. The best example of a living doll in the most literal sense of the word is Barbie (dir. Greta Gerwig), who lives in an artificial world made of plastic. Whereas in Poor Things (dir. Yorgos Lanthimos) we can see Bella Baxter - a female version of Frankeintein, who has a newborn's brain transplanted. Another heroine worthy of the title of a little puppet controlled by a man would be Priscilla (dir. Sofia Coppola), who lives in a golden cage. All these female characters have in common their lack of independence, infantility and reduction to their own sexuality and appearance, at least at the beginning of the story.
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The perversity of a 'Baby Doll' can be handled by a psychiatrist; there are ways and means of calming the resentments of a rebellious gril and winning her over to virtue. [S. de Beauvoir, Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita syndrome, 1962 p. 22]
Both Barbie, Priscilla and Bella emancipate themselves at some point by freeing from the power of others. I could even say that they become more mature after being exposed to the real world or honest, difficult life experiences. At this point, we can agree with Beauvoir's statement about the perversity of Baby Dolls, as she called young women characterized by childish behavior and submissiveness. However, as the history of the characters mentioned above indicates, it is impossible to "calm" a rebellious girl, especially when she discovers her puppet dependence.
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Male requirements and female emancipation
It is not without reason that I quoted Simone de Beauvoir, one of the pioneers of contemporary second-wave feminism. The beginnings of all three films seem to be a small utopia created by men for men. However, when I called 2023 the era of dolls, I did not mean a return to the cinema of the 1950s, when Brigthette Bardot or Marilyn Monroe dominated the screens and patriarchy dominated homes. Over the course of the story, Priscilla, Bella and Barbie become independent, strong women who can inspire real women in various ways. The latest cinema is definitely feminist cinema and gives women back what they should have been presenting on the screen for a long time - strength, freedom of choice and self-creation.
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Pink lipsticks, petticoats, puff sleeves, false eyelashes are only an artificial cover for women's true identity
After all, women are not mannequins and dolls to be decorated, and they do not dance like puppets led by men. They have their own path to follow in life. Regardless of whether it is a path that leads to awakening and discovering sexuality, studying medicine and gaining mental and material independence from an abusive man.
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elisabethbabarci · 28 days
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How to foster peace and coexistence? We must draw our attention to deep inner reflections on destruction and the state of enduring distress. What is destruction? Suffering, pain, and sacrifice which results and causes extreme aversion, disassociation of reality and self, fragmentation of the soul, and an adoption of the belief or perception of threat, harm, and chaos are the natural states of our existence. What we define within our mindset must undertake a reformation. To accept that suffering, hardship, or valence of unpleasantness is to endure a full spectrum of life, is negligent, absurd, and should not be adopted as the norm as normative human behaviour.
There is a quote that states that “Those that have lost everything, fear nothing,” and we have blindly accepted that through difficulty character is then presented. However, what if we evoked deep inner reflections to ask ourselves whose normative responses we adopted to have accepted this as our fate? Character is represented in our choices, and to not act is a response as well. To be responsible and accountable is to take into account how our actions impact others.
Suffering, pain, chaos, and negative emotions are a symptom of dystopian society however, are not the root cause. Many have accepted that their truth or meaning will be a result from sacrifice or allowing imposed harm within their existence. It may be presented in our external reality however, if one removes themselves from catastrophic situations would it persist? Even worse, what has occurred within humanity that we allow suffering to be imposed on others at such great magnitude? If we remain silent, are we then in agreement or complacent?
Stress, trauma, and agony results in great physical and mental strain — it even affects our neurological process within life. Allowing constant conscious endurance of pain leads to neurological disorders, malfunctions of the body and development, which then leads to our internal and external environment being inhospitable and disruptive.
One has to remember, we do not have to allow it to persist or accept the reality of the situation to end in fragmentation. Wars deteriorates the fabric within society causing division, polarity, creating the enemy or other, and breaks the moral, ethical, principles and foundation of tradition or what we hold sacred.
When we become mindful, present, aware of our actions, not allowing our emotions to overtake our rationality, remaining neutral until we observe all the facts, or willfully choose to abstain from such detrimental acts of inhumanity or not allowing deterioration of the minds and souls of others — we then recognize the destructive nature of war mindset and evolve from it.
Growth, evolution, and transformation cannot take root on scorched land. When we allow others to wreak or create havoc or turbulence, it leads to no solutions, or enlightened conscious awareness. To be in a state of fear, panic, disorder, disassociation of life, or no motivation causes one to lose faith in a better tomorrow. What is the incentive to get better when it is accepted as the normative state?
War is not our natural state. Our purpose is to achieve equilibrium, harmony, and cohesiveness. Remaining present, not accepting our current life situation, acknowledging how the emotions of turmoil affects us as human beings enables us to have compassion for others. To deny creativity, solutions or even life, is abstaining from the natural laws of abundance, freedom, and peace. Resistance to any form of violence is not an indication of weakness, it is the courage and strength to seek peaceful relations, instead of irrational actions which in short term might lead to satisfaction but long term causes the destruction of the moral fabric of existence.
Motivation to move or distance ourselves, away from those that cause harm, enables us the freedom and emancipation from enduring destruction to the self and others. When we seek justice and not revenge, it is a moral paradox, as we have to question, what justice represents to one may not be to another, and revenge leads to a cyclical nature of vindictive manoeuvres which inflicts harm on others thus, escalating to a karmic response.
To accept that one deserves punishment, sacrifice, hardship, pain, powerlessness is a generational mindset to accept fear. To engage in vengeance, or to cause punishment is by itself a force that is not of peaceful rational mindset.
To be rational, logical, and patient is ascended knowledge. When one experiences anger, it is best to refrain from any intentional actions, thoughts, or words that can deteriorate relationships.
To live within coexistence is to enable respect, tolerance, and acceptance of one another. If one feels superior to dominate another — it is representative of a society that has undergone moral and ethical deterioration. Our actions have consequences, and we must be mindful that the actions of today can destroy the families or societies of tomorrow.
Evoking reason, impartiality, logic, reasoning, compassion, empathy, understanding, and patience are essential elements and ingredients in peace keeping and building. Making sensible decisions based on logical principles rather than emotion is what separates us from warfare mindset. When one critically examines the information, observing evidence and options available, we then allow the mind to look progressively to seek resolutions. Always be mindful that our emotions within time will restore back to harmony. If a situation causes deterioration of your inner peace or makes you question your moral judgment, it is not in alignment for the highest good. Irrationality leads to inconsistency and uncertainty and is rewarded with a karmic imprint, that one will hold for several lifetimes, until the lesson or cycle has broken.
Through diplomatic approaches, dialogue, deliberation, seeking peaceful resolution, and enforcement of intervention techniques can minimize and mitigate the impact of disturbances and conflicts. Being the first to initiate reconciliation, seeking inner forgiveness to emancipate the soul, and evoking discipline to learn to rise above and to make better choices enables cooperation, conciliation while maintaining integrity, standards, principles, respect and honour.
Within the world, we have a choice to evoke peace through negotiation and mediation. To be mindful and aware of human suffering is the first step to engage in humanitarian efforts to protect human welfare. To become a cohesive whole, the primary objective is to promote human dignity and to adopt tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion. We all are paramount in enabling peaceful efforts to alleviate human suffering, improve the welfare and happiness of others, to promote security and safety, and to help those that have experienced trauma heal and recover. We are here to make a difference, our actions echo in all space and time, we have the option and the gift to foster positive change for future generations. Be the difference.
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delta-queerdrant · 1 year
too much television watchin' got me chasin' dreams (Initiations, s2 e2)
I had a wild and extremely distracting August, but I am back, with no shortage of episodes in the hopper in need of my lovingly critical attention.
This time it's "Initiations"! Prior to now, we've only had two Chakotay episodes - "State of Flux," which introduces the Seska of it all, and "Cathexis," in which the poor guy spends the entire episode in a coma. So "Initiations" is a welcome, if flawed, opportunity to spend some more time with a generally underutilized and mishandled character.
There's a lot to like about this episode! It's not overly sentimental - instead, we get the kind of tense, understated cultural exchange that Star Trek is known for. Aron Eisenberg gives a sympathetic performance as the young Kazon-Ogla, and Chakotay brings a plausible mix of calculation and exasperation, as well as warmth, to their interactions.
While I have, ah, GRAVE issues with the Kazon, I was surprised and a bit pleased to see that their social structure is portrayed as culturally contingent and not biologically essential.
Buuuut yeah, let's talk about the racism of this show.
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About halfway through Season 2, it became impossible to ignore that the STV co-creators were attempting a painfully on-the-nose race parable with the Kazon. I did some digging and, sure enough, the creators are on record explaining that the Kazon were inspired by "the Crips and the Bloods." To quote Jeri Taylor more fully, "We felt with the Kazon we needed to address the tenor of our times and what […] was happening in our cities and recognizing a source of danger and social unrest. We wanted to do that metaphorically."
Even looking back from the rocky terrain of 2023, it's a bit baffling to contemplate how shameless white SF creators were in the nineties. They decided to use their goofy science fiction television show to exercise their white Boomer "war on crime" anxieties and they were proud of it! They wrote about their creative process in books. They used "Crips" and "Bloods" as stand-ins for the Kazon sects in their working notes. They gave them those goddamn wigs.
With all this in mind, it's hard not to watch this episode and hear "Gangsta's Paradise" in the background, a la Michelle Pfeiffer. Star Trek "races" have always been steeped in racist caricature, but it's egregious here, and as much as this episode attempts kindly, slightly condescending cultural relativism, it can't escape its own white gaze.
The result is shitty science fiction. We know, from US history and the history of other slave and colonizer states, that self-emancipated people do not uniformly descend into anarchic factionism as soon as they find freedom. The challenges of the postcolonial/post-emancipation state aren't the dangers of too! much! power!, but of material deprivation, cultural loss, generational trauma, and the reemergence of old forms of systemic oppression under new guises.
It's unfortunate, because we do need science fiction about post-emancipation and postcolonial futures. The Kazon's distaste toward "uniforms" is the one compelling aspect of their culture - I want more of that, and some acknowledgement of what their freedom means to them. Where are the Kazon philosophers? Where are the teachers and poets? Where are the visionary freedom fighters - they only revolted 26 years ago! Where the FUCK are the women? Voyager's creators had every opportunity to investigate these questions and, if nothing else, flesh out the story they wanted to tell. Are the Kazon rival polities (fighting over what?), organized criminals operating in some larger economic context, or something else entirely? Asking these extremely basic questions might have enabled them to decouple political questions from racial stereotypes.
It's notable that the Voyager casting director, perhaps losing their nerve, seems to have cast exclusively white actors for Kazon roles (compare to the at least somewhat multiracial Klingons). I wouldn't wish these roles on any Black actor, but the resulting character designs can't help but read as brownface.
My purpose in this cultural criticism is not just a takedown of a 30-year-old television show (though it's a satisfying takedown), but that (a) our culture is steeped in this stuff and (b) glaringly obvious anti-Black racism was treated as invisible by the white mainstream and (c) they could have done better. Most obviously, they could have had BIPOC writers in the writing room, but let's be clear, white writers should have known better. To my knowledge we still don't have antiracist Star Trek, but "less egregiously racist Star Trek" was within grasp in 1995 and these folks just couldn't be bothered.
Deeply flawed premise, decent execution. 2/5 uniforms that may yet decorate my walls.
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My final comments on CDDs
Anything after this will be deleted or ignored for my own MH
People fully admit they're not taking anything anyone says in good faith and refusing to allow anyone the chance to elaborate, and I'm not down for that
Complex: I've stated repeatedly that calling one thing complex is not saying another thing isn't. This isn't a complexity competition. I'm not comparing the complexity of anything, but instead discussing what falls under the HEADER of CDD and why. Whether it's under the HEADER or not means nothing (see quote below).
Parts/alters: fully autonomous with their own continuous sense of self (ANP or ANP-like, based on Nijenhuis' updated ToSD definitions)
Distinction between OSDD 1a and b as CDDs: I said that OSDD 1 falls into secondary SD (it does, generally, see below), though 1a falls firmly in the middle and 1b falls closer, or into, tertiary. This isn't just my own words, but coming from the authors of the ToSD.
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Neither is more complex than the other. In fact, it's suggested that the opposite is true.
-(there's another quote I want to include here, just need to find it)-
In principle, the number of parts of the personality in a given individual has little bearing on whether dissociation is at the secondary or tertiary level. A patient with secondary structural dissociation may have many EPs, while a patient with tertiary structural dissociation may only have two ANPs and two EPs.
The Haunted Self
The theory predicts that overcoming tertiary dissociation in DID is less demanding than overcoming secondary dissociation.
Trauma-Related Structural Dissociation of the Personality, van der Hart, Nijenhuis, Steele
CDD as a term simply encompasses multiple ANPs and multiple EPs. That's it.
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In my initial post about OSDD 2, I specifically chose the word "parts" instead of alters because I didn't want to leave out OSDD 1a. I should have used a different word or elaborated more on what definition I was using, and how OSDD 2 did not share that feature.
OSDD 2: is about identity confusion, not alteration. That's coming from the DSM. I said, if you experienced those things and have "parts" or a system or alters, OSDD 1 or DID would override the OSDD 2 diagnosis.
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I'm not sure why that's controversial. This doesn't say anything about the complexity of the disorder or the causes behind it. It just doesn't have alters or distinct parts. Why is everyone so angry?
OSDD 1a doesn't have alters: see this post with backup info. This does not mean that I believe OSDD 1a isn't systemhood or that they don't belong in this community. Again, just just a fact about the presentation of the disorder.
BPD and OSDD 1a: I provided sources where I was getting my comparison from. The difference here seems to be levels of amnesia and the... Strength? Of EPs. Does that make sense? In fact, I'd argue trauma-based, dissociative BPD belongs in our communities too for support.
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According to the Haunted Self:
However, patients with BPD have lower scores for dissociative amnesia on the DIS-Q than patients with DID and lesser degrees of identity confusion and alteration. These differences distinguish BPD from DID... Some patients with BPD have severe dissociative symptoms, and may actually border on DDNOS or DID. Our clinical observations suggest that dissociative parts in BPD patients have less emancipation and elaboration, and a less distinct sense of self than in DDNOS or DID.
I think that's everything, but if you send an ask with a point you'd like further clarification on, I'll likely add it here, but I won't be directly engaging any further.
Additional edit:
I'm not sure if it's because I live in America's hat, or just my own education, but DDNOS was always described as "not yet" and "not quite". People were diagnosed with DDNOS when they either failed to switch during diagnostic interviewing, or they showed no signs of amnesia, and the vast majority would go on to eventually display both and later be diagnosed as DID.
For example, during initial interviews, we would go into "states" where we believed we were still in active danger. We would cry and panic and completely shut down. If this was an alter, it was little more than a fragment that would manage to completely overpower the rest of us with the sheer... Size of its fear. Recognizing where our life was currently was just... Beyond our grasp in this state, and even if it could be convinced we were safe and calmed to hold a conversation, any progress was undone by the next time it appeared.
I came out of these sessions with only minimal awareness/memory. I knew I'd made a fool of myself, but not much else, though the way I tried to play it off as nothing major implied I had more awareness than I did.
This was the EP, I was told.
Its function was extremely limited and it was driven by emotional distress. Talking to it in any coherent fashion wasn't possible. It couldn't recognize our life as it was currently and was terrified that our abuser was standing outside the office door, waiting for us to finish. All that could be done was to reassure it until the episode passed. It believed it was me, but thought that I was someone else. That sounds confusing, but it was very much a part of me/us, and related to this body, this life, and the trauma we experienced, but somehow thought that we were a little boy, at the same time.
I am not a little boy, and I was little girl at the time that abuse occurred.
Again, confusing, nothing ever makes sense, it's wonderful.
Amnesia wasn't clear enough at this point, not for switching and not for past abuse.
I have never managed to fully switch in therapy, though at home my system is extremely comfortable with my partner. Several years later, long after I had chickened out of further testing, I was in therapy again and my doctor was aware of my previous history with OSDD. I still couldn't let us switch in front of her, but my husband was brought in to talk about some of my other alters.
Some appeared, by description, to be fully fledged ANPs. Aware of our life as it was, vaguely aware of our history, but relatively unbothered and disconnected from the... Fallout of that history. They had likes and dislikes and could hold conversations about current, relative topics, and held their own opinions and ideas about those topics.
For example, all except for one of my ANPs thinks COVID was bad. One of us thinks the world needed a culling to bring to population down before we completely kill the planet. That's fucked up, but he's got opinions and he's damn well going to share them, whether any of us like it or not.
This alter was a mix of an ANP and EP. He was still largely driven by paranoia and anger, and he occasionally found himself confused about days and times or where he was (sometimes even what species he was). He was mostly capable of holding conversations about current topics, though very selfish in that it would always turn back to him and his problems.
The EPs have no idea what COVID is (though if I split one because of COVID, that would be a different story), and have no interest in hearing about it.
I have never once said that OSDD 1a are not systems. They very much are. They still switch and have just as many (if not more) problems as I do. They still have parts.
However, in the context of CDDs, they don't fall into tertiary SD. That all I said.
EPs are not "alters" as they're known in DID because they have little to no awareness of positive life changes and instead remain stuck in trauma. I've lost hope of my little EP ever taking on ANP traits, and instead now focus on internal care for him.
Because he fucking deserves it.
I needed to stop hoping and expecting, because it was putting more strain and stress on him, and I needed to accept the little emotional bundle that he was. He likes mug cakes and watching Marble Olympics after he's been calmed. It helps him relax so we can scoop him back up in a hug and put him to bed, because naps after crying are the best.
In my opinion, all this makes DDNOS/OSDD 1 a pretty useless diagnosis, and I think it should all be part of one single diagnosis. I think OSDD should be in tertiary, regardless of EP/ANP configuration because of the relative emancipation and awareness of EPs in 1a. They may not be as distinct and autonomous as ANPs or alters, but this is clearly part of the same disorder and it goes above and beyond that of the other disorders considered secondary SD.
There have been dozens of recommendations for how this should happen, all with their own problems and positives.
I don't really have any thoughts myself on how to do this.
But I never meant to downplay anyone's experiences. I only meant to discuss the literature on SDs.
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robd-if · 7 months
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Ro facts, ok, here we go, I got this:
River 📢Random quote: ”Would it change anything now?!” ❤️At best: Kind, Artistic, Observant, Empathetic 🚩At worst: Withdrawn, Anxious, Insecure, Envious
4 random facts: 🍕hates cooking, would only eat instant noodles and microwavable pizza if left alone  👪does not know who their real parents are ❄️favourite season is winter  💅bites nails when nervous
Alex 📢Random quote: “I’ve never told anyone.” ❤️At best: Inspiring, Passionate, Loyal, Dedicated 🚩At worst: Nihilistic, Erratic, Burned out, Unreliable
4 random facts: 💌 his ex was his first everything 🐈‍⬛100% cat person, has a grey Maine coon named Gandalf 🔧 car enthusiast, would have been a mechanic if music didn't pan out  🎶 hums when bored
Morgan 📢Random quote: “No one needs to know.” ❤️At best:  Optimistic, Flirty, Supportive, Genuine  🚩At worst: Unreliable, Mistrustful, Impatient, Indecisive
4 random facts: 🦇had a pet snake and wants a bat next  🎁favourite holiday is Christmas  💭 spaces out completely if the conversation is boring 🥁 twiddles with things when worried, nervous or impatient
Hazel 📢Random quote:  “How did I let you drag me into this??” ❤️At best: Reliable, Generous, Driven, Charismatic 🚩At worst: Pushy, Deceitful, Driven!, Confrontational
4 random facts: 📖 has listened to all the self help books on Audible 🌶️ has read some of the Kai fanfics 🛍️has shoplifted out of sheer pettiness  🚬 she becomes easily addicted to things so generally avoids a lot 
Levi 📢Random quote: “Well, isn’t this an interesting turn of events?” ❤️At best: Confident, Uplifting, Alluring, Addictive, Sensual 🚩At worst: Manipulative, Troublemaker, Belligerent, Egocentric
4 random facts: 🎻enjoys classical music  🐕only movie they can't watch is Hachiko  🧒emancipated at 15 and hasn't seen parents since 👄annoyed by loud chewing 
Kai 📢Random quote: “We’re gonna have to be quiet.” ❤️At best: Assertive, Loyal, Passionate, Reliable, Kind 🚩At worst: Overprotective, …and um, nope that’s it!
4 random facts: 📸has refused several offers to become a model  💍was almost married once 👪has 2 younger siblings ⛪believes in a higher power 
Seth 📢Random quote: “Go with me. Somewhere, anywhere.” ❤️At best: Cute, Caring, Passionate, Supportive 🚩At worst: Trust Issues, Possessive, Jealous, Withdrawn
4 random facts: 🏍️ loves his bike so much because of his father and his own passion for motorcycles 🍫has a massive sweet tooth 🐈 is allergic to animals, but still loves and plays with them 🕷️mild arachnophobia, will not run screaming, but he ain't going near it either
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dailyanarchistposts · 27 days
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A.5 What are some examples of “Anarchy in Action”?
Anarchism, more than anything else, is about the efforts of millions of revolutionaries changing the world in the last two centuries. Here we will discuss some of the high points of this movement, all of them of a profoundly anti-capitalist nature.
Anarchism is about radically changing the world, not just making the present system less inhuman by encouraging the anarchistic tendencies within it to grow and develop. While no purely anarchist revolution has taken place yet, there have been numerous ones with a highly anarchist character and level of participation. And while these have all been destroyed, in each case it has been at the hands of outside force brought against them (backed either by Communists or Capitalists), not because of any internal problems in anarchism itself. These revolutions, despite their failure to survive in the face of overwhelming force, have been both an inspiration for anarchists and proof that anarchism is a viable social theory and can be practised on a large scale.
What these revolutions share is the fact they are, to use Proudhon’s term, a “revolution from below” — they were examples of “collective activity, of popular spontaneity.” It is only a transformation of society from the bottom up by the action of the oppressed themselves that can create a free society. As Proudhon asked, ”[w]hat serious and lasting Revolution was not made from below, by the people?” For this reason an anarchist is a “revolutionary from below.” Thus the social revolutions and mass movements we discuss in this section are examples of popular self-activity and self-liberation (as Proudhon put it in 1848, “the proletariat must emancipate itself”). [quoted by George Woodcock, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon: A Biography, p. 143 and p. 125] All anarchists echo Proudhon’s idea of revolutionary change from below, the creation of a new society by the actions of the oppressed themselves. Bakunin, for example, argued that anarchists are “foes … of all State organisations as such, and believe that the people can only be happy and free, when, organised from below by means of its own autonomous and completely free associations, without the supervision of any guardians, it will create its own life.” [Marxism, Freedom and the State, p. 63] In section J.7 we discuss what anarchists think a social revolution is and what it involves.
Many of these revolutions and revolutionary movements are relatively unknown to non-anarchists. Most people will have heard of the Russian revolution but few will know of the popular movements which were its life-blood before the Bolsheviks seized power or the role that the anarchists played in it. Few will have heard of the Paris Commune, the Italian factory occupations or the Spanish collectives. This is unsurprising for, as Hebert Read notes, history “is of two kinds — a record of events that take place publicly, that make the headlines in the newspapers and get embodied in official records — we might call this overground history” but “taking place at the same time, preparing for these public events, anticipating them, is another kind of history, that is not embodied in official records, an invisible underground history.” [quoted by William R. McKercher, Freedom and Authority, p. 155] Almost by definition, popular movements and revolts are part of “underground history”, the social history which gets ignored in favour of elite history, the accounts of the kings, queens, politicians and wealthy whose fame is the product of the crushing of the many.
This means our examples of “anarchy in action” are part of what the Russian anarchist Voline called “The Unknown Revolution.” Voline used that expression as the title of his classic account of the Russian revolution he was an active participant of. He used it to refer to the rarely acknowledged independent, creative actions of the people themselves. As Voline put it, “it is not known how to study a revolution” and most historians “mistrust and ignore those developments which occur silently in the depths of the revolution … at best, they accord them a few words in passing … [Yet] it is precisely these hidden facts which are important, and which throw a true light on the events under consideration and on the period.” [The Unknown Revolution, p. 19] Anarchism, based as it is on revolution from below, has contributed considerably to both the “underground history” and the “unknown revolution” of the past few centuries and this section of the FAQ will shed some light on its achievements.
It is important to point out that these examples are of wide-scale social experiments and do not imply that we ignore the undercurrent of anarchist practice which exists in everyday life, even under capitalism. Both Peter Kropotkin (in Mutual Aid) and Colin Ward (in Anarchy in Action) have documented the many ways in which ordinary people, usually unaware of anarchism, have worked together as equals to meet their common interests. As Colin Ward argues, “an anarchist society, a society which organises itself without authority, is always in existence, like a seed beneath the snow, buried under the weight of the state and its bureaucracy, capitalism and its waste, privilege and its injustices, nationalism and its suicidal loyalties, religious differences and their superstitious separatism.” [Anarchy in Action, p. 14]
Anarchism is not only about a future society, it is also about the social struggle happening today. It is not a condition but a process, which we create by our self-activity and self-liberation.
By the 1960’s, however, many commentators were writing off the anarchist movement as a thing of the past. Not only had fascism finished off European anarchist movements in the years before and during the war, but in the post-war period these movements were prevented from recovering by the capitalist West on one hand and the Leninist East on the other. Over the same period of time, anarchism had been repressed in the US, Latin America, China, Korea (where a social revolution with anarchist content was put down before the Korean War), and Japan. Even in the one or two countries that escaped the worst of the repression, the combination of the Cold War and international isolation saw libertarian unions like the Swedish SAC become reformist.
But the 60’s were a decade of new struggle, and all over the world the ‘New Left’ looked to anarchism as well as elsewhere for its ideas. Many of the prominent figures of the massive explosion of May 1968 in France considered themselves anarchists. Although these movements themselves degenerated, those coming out of them kept the idea alive and began to construct new movements. The death of Franco in 1975 saw a massive rebirth of anarchism in Spain, with up to 500,000 people attending the CNT’s first post-Franco rally. The return to a limited democracy in some South American countries in the late 70’s and 80’s saw a growth in anarchism there. Finally, in the late 80’s it was anarchists who struck the first blows against the Leninist USSR, with the first protest march since 1928 being held in Moscow by anarchists in 1987.
Today the anarchist movement, although still weak, organises tens of thousands of revolutionaries in many countries. Spain, Sweden and Italy all have libertarian union movements organising some 250,000 between them. Most other European countries have several thousand active anarchists. Anarchist groups have appeared for the first time in other countries, including Nigeria and Turkey. In South America the movement has recovered massively. A contact sheet circulated by the Venezuelan anarchist group Corrio A lists over 100 organisations in just about every country.
Perhaps the recovery is slowest in North America, but there, too, all the libertarian organisations seem to be undergoing significant growth. As this growth accelerates, many more examples of anarchy in action will be created and more and more people will take part in anarchist organisations and activities, making this part of the FAQ less and less important.
However, it is essential to highlight mass examples of anarchism working on a large scale in order to avoid the specious accusation of “utopianism.” As history is written by the winners, these examples of anarchy in action are often hidden from view in obscure books. Rarely are they mentioned in the schools and universities (or if mentioned, they are distorted). Needless to say, the few examples we give are just that, a few.
Anarchism has a long history in many countries, and we cannot attempt to document every example, just those we consider to be important. We are also sorry if the examples seem Eurocentric. We have, due to space and time considerations, had to ignore the syndicalist revolt (1910 to 1914) and the shop steward movement (1917–21) in Britain, Germany (1919–21), Portugal (1974), the Mexican revolution, anarchists in the Cuban revolution, the struggle in Korea against Japanese (then US and Russian) imperialism during and after the Second World War, Hungary (1956), the “the refusal of work” revolt in the late 1960’s (particularly in “the hot Autumn” in Italy, 1969), the UK miner’s strike (1984–85), the struggle against the Poll Tax in Britain (1988–92), the strikes in France in 1986 and 1995, the Italian COBAS movement in the 80’s and 90’s, the popular assemblies and self-managed occupied workplaces during the Argentine revolt at the start of the 21st century and numerous other major struggles that have involved anarchist ideas of self-management (ideas that usually develop from the movement themselves, without anarchists necessarily playing a major, or “leading”, role).
For anarchists, revolutions and mass struggles are “festivals of the oppressed,” when ordinary people start to act for themselves and change both themselves and the world.
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thistlecatfics · 1 year
Do you have any andromeda centric fic recs?
Oh boy do I! Listed with quotes from my comments.
not like the rest of them by unspeakable3 (Sirius & Andromeda, Andromeda/Ted, 11k, T)
Sirius has recently followed in Andromeda's footsteps and emancipated himself from their family. This afternoon, the two cousins will reunite - and see each other for the first time in four years. Andromeda is nervous. Sirius is nervous. There is a lot they need to say to each other.
I love this so much!!! oh they would have had such a complicated relationship! and Andromeda - her anxiety is so real and genuine and based in reality in so many ways. and her courage in actually being honest with sirius!!
Flying Lessons by Phantomato (Andromeda/Rolonda Hooch, 2k, T)
Andromeda takes Teddy to flying lessons so Harry doesn’t get that, too.
oh my god I'm so obsessed with this. I love this Andromeda so much -- so imperfectly realistic. I decided to snag some of my favorite lines when I started reading, and then I realized I was picking a lot of lines, and then I decided fandom is for indulgence and so here is a comment that is basically your whole fic reflected back to you.
we were sisters once (we have another love now) by Nefaria_Black (Andromeda & Bellatrix, 3k, T)
Dora is six and few things are more exciting than a day spent in Diagon Alley. Even if the street is packed with people. Even if she’s separated from her parents by the crowd Because Mother is easy enough to find, isn’t she?
I was SO tense this whole time. So emotionally immersive.
The Waves by nanneramma (Andromeda/Ted, Remus/Tonks, 3k, M)
Andromeda is not sure if she got it right. But she tried.
I love Andromeda so much, and I love THIS Andromeda so much -- loving and sharp with moments of cruelty as self-protection. What a woman, what a fic.
Clip, Ravel, Cleave by @vdoshu (Andromeda/Bellatrix, Andromeda/Rodolphus/Bellatrix, Andromeda/Ted, 15k, E)
Before Andromeda met Ted, she was a Black, through and through. While years later the story was told that she’d turned her back on her family’s dark ways, in truth, nothing was so simple. In the beginning, it was just Andromeda and Bella. And it was just the two of them until it was too much.
I'm just fucking STUNNED by this fic. The horror and recovery of it. The meaning of it. The feeling of leaving a horrifically abusive relationship for a healthy one. Love as control and then love as care and forgiveness. It's hot and disturbing and hopeful and loving all at once. I'm just so obsessed with it. There's just so much here!
The Flavour of Loss by doshu (Andromeda/Bellatrix, Andromeda/Ginny, 7k, E) (and the whole series!)
When Andromeda was emotionally alone, cut off from her family and feeling disconnected from her own body, she sought out her sister. And in her cruel, merciless way, Bellatrix helped. Years later, Andromeda saw the opportunity to help another.
I'm absolutely dead and buried. this is perfection. (this is why it's good to be honest about your kinks on a fic exchange?? because you get lines like this that sear into your memory forever??) Bellatrix's constant comparison of herself vs Ted and the balance of humiliation and praise with Andromeda???
the grace unasked for by leftsidedown (Tonks/Remus, 17k, T)
What if… instead of going to Bill's after the Malfoy Manor, Harry and co. flee to Tonks' parents' house, where Remus and Tonks are hiding with Andromeda? How would Remus and the others react and handle this? Remember, Tonks is in her last trimester, her dad just died, she's still being hunted down by Bellatrix and everyone is in hiding, and suddenly Undesirable No 1 shows up with a tortured Hermione, former hostages and a dead house elf and his presence is now potentially threatening everyone's safety.
YESSS I'm feral. this is exactly it. this is andromeda <3 <3  my Black daughter <3 <3
Blackpool by TheDivineComedian (Regulus & Sirius, 64k, T)
When Regulus is five, he nearly drowns in the sea off Blackpool. When Regulus is eleven, his brother befriends a ghost. It’s not until Regulus is eighteen and ready to die that the Black family’s darkest secret finally unravels. It might, perhaps, change everything.
Andromeda is a side character in this but her characterization is divine.
turncoat: in defense of andromeda tonks nee black by dirgewithoutmusic (Andromeda/Ted, 8k, G)
When her little cousin Sirius got disowned too, years later, Andromeda sent him a fruit basket.
This was truly so excellent - there are tears in my eyes. A fandom classic.
history books forgot about us by @spindrifters (Andromeda/Ted, 25k, E)
Andromeda Black meets Ted Tonks quite by accident, and it’s something like mischief at first sight. From the lost papers and mixed-up files of the marginalia universe, the complete history of a relationship that was never meant to happen.
Tedromeda in a Grindelwald wins AU!! They're so in love!
Plus my own lesbian Tedromeda long fic, but I imagine if you've found my blog you've found my fic :)
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terrence-silver · 1 year
How would terry exploit beloved who’s a people pleaser?
To quote myself; 'Terry Silver doesn't mind if his beloved's a good person. He just wants beloved to be a good person exclusively towards him and nobody else.'
It is quite the same case with people pleasing, for example.
The term 'people pleasing' implies there's other people being pleased.
People who aren't only, you know, Terry Silver himself?
And to someone who is hellbent on control, being territorial, possessive, vindictive, jealous and someone who quite honestly doesn't share that is one of those huge no-no's. So, how about a re-brand into a Terry pleaser? Beloved can become a Terry pleaser and that has a much nicer ring to it. Yes. That's more like it. A far worthier position to maintain in life.
Ironically, Terry will seem a rather positive influence towards beloved while he's there talking them out of being a pushover for people. Doing too much to appease them. Letting them get away with exploiting them --- not that he judges, he claims, he merely noticed, being the ever humble, unassuming good guy who hates to see the underdog trampled on and fair-natured individuals being done dirty...supposedly. He is here talking them out of overextending themselves and burning themselves out without mutual reciprocation. If one squints, he might actually come off like a quality, protective friend or some wise, sagely Guru coaching someone he cares about to stand up for themselves and embrace ��the power of boundaries and self-respect.✨ Such is the nature of Terry Silver's advices. He has ways to come off as legitimately well-meaning because the introduction to a great many things he says is often truly well-meaning and valid. He wont be here outright telling someone bad things immediately just for it's own sake and blowing his cover too soon or having them throw their walls up because of it; it takes build up, peppered in with truly admirable guidance, direction and suggestion that has him coming off like a near virtual saint who only ever wants the best for you --- incidentally, the best being him. His counsel has positive aspects, really, it does-- much like a Trojan Horse does --- the path to hell is always paved with good intentions, right before the kicker rears its head that really, he wants to talk and train beloved out of pleasing others because he wants and needs them to please him exclusively instead. It is one toxic influence casting out a variety of other toxic influences to take their place. Best is, beloved might actually feel empowered by this enlightenment Terry offers. Who wouldn't? Terry is genuinely giving them sound advice. It is easy to get lulled and fooled into thinking someone doesn't have ulterior motives when they come off as genuine as Terry knows how to come off.
Yes. Maybe he's right.
Maybe beloved, they have been exploited.
Maybe it is time for them to start learning to stand up for themselves.
Maybe Terry Silver is all too eager to teach them how to.
Listen to kindly, empathic, sweet-natured, observant Terry Silver who is here ensuring all his competition, the way he sees it, is promptly and really quietly cut off by beloved themselves under the guise of beloved's emancipation and assertion so he can quietly take precedence instead and reap all the benefits of a beloved naturally wanting to please. Well, now they can. They can please him instead. He, unlike everyone else, in his own opinion, actually deserves to be pleased and be pleased well --- by someone who knows how. And beloved, they'll want to. They'll want to because they'll be convinced Terry did them a massive favor and they'll thank him for the chance to do so by focusing everything around him, from now on. He doesn't want beloved to change. Not really. He adores them as they are. They're such a find. He just wants them to maintain their focus where it should be; on him ---because he's their noble savior.
Things are under new management around here.
I mean, would you ever doubt this angelic face?
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Kyōko Kagawa (Tokyo Story, Sansho the Bailiff)— She's just so charming and talented and pretty what else could you want
Sophia Loren (Marriage Italian Style, Houseboat)—Major Italian star, first actress to win an Oscar for a performance not in English (for Two Women (1960)) and later when Roberto Benigni won an Oscar in 1999 he jumped over the chairs towards the stage going "Sophia Sophia!!" because he was running towards Sophia Loren and said he cared more about her than the Oscar, that's the effect she had on people. She was big in the 60s already even though she gained a lot more notoriety after that. And I mean. Can we take a moment and just.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Kyōko Kagawa:
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Sophia Loren:
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im submitting her in honor of my dad bc she was the first celebrity crush of his he ever admitted to me and my sister :) and he was right. shes so pretty
She has maxed out all her stats: beauty, elegance, sensuality, she's got it all. her mesmerizing eyes, her sensual mouth, her sharp face shape, her everything is so striking and unlike any other beauty in films. she was also voted the world most beautiful woman when she was freaking 65
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OSCAR WINNER. Worked with some of the hottest leading men in Hollywood but remained faithful to her husband whom she had a loving marriage with till he died (even though Cary Grant almost tempted her once, it's complicated)
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One of the most well-known sex symbols of the Golden Age of Hollywood, and unlike some unfortunate others, she seems to have been pretty well at peace with occupying that status. She made assertiveness and a tempestuous temper seem glamorous, and although she's famous for side-eying Jayne Manisfield's cleavage, honestly? She's one to talk.
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Absolutely, drop-dead sexy, also a hard working, extraordinarily talented actress who didn't shy away from the less glamorous roles to gift us some gritty, memorable performances
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Submitting this on behalf of my dad, who knows nothing of tumblr or this blog, but I remember being a kid watching Houseboat while my mom thirsted after Cary Grant, dad thirsted after Sophia Loren, and I was excited that they lived on a boat. Anyway, she's extremely beautiful and was an international star, doing a ton of movies in Italy before being recognized in the US.
Big in the chest, snatched in the waist, pretty in the face 😳
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Very smart and beautiful, the characters that she played (I mean those in the movies that I put in the previous question) are as strong and determined as her which I think adds to her hotness.
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Global superstar and my late grandfather's long time movie star crush and for a man as quiet as he was, and as hopelessly devoted to his wife as he was, the fact that I know that means she was EXCEPTIONAL.
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Sexy, beautiful, deep. A real star.
Her performance in "Man of La Mancha" is just so very captivating. Dubbed as "the Italian Marilyn Monroe", she looks beautiful in any movie and at any age.
Forget the exotic sexpot of her Hollywood films and go back to her Italian career: sparking with Marcello Mastroianni as the woman who drives him mad and outwits all his fumbling attempts at macho posturing in their early films, and showing a tender side in their 1970s films. Sophia isn’t self-conscious about who she is or her beautiful body: she enjoys being herself and she wants us all to enjoy ourselves too.
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She starred in films as a sexually emancipated persona and was one of the best known sex symbols of the time. She is a great cook and her filmography is immense.
On the misattributed quote that Sophia owed everything to spaghetti: 'Did you actually say the quote frequently attributed to you, "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti"?' "Non è vero! It's not true! It's such a silly thing. I owe it to spaghetti, no, no. Completely made up."
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longwindedbore · 11 months
Trump and the attorneys surrounding him can NEVER BE WRONG about anything.
Just listen to Trump, Habba, Giuliani, Powell, Elllis, Chesebro, Eastman.
They must ALWAYS WIN at whatever they are doing.
If they didn’t win then they certainly didn’t lose. If they didn’t win they were CHEATED! Cheated by the System. Cheated by their opponents. Cheated by the Judge.
They would rather be sanctioned, disbarred, go to jail than be thought a…LOSER! Even once.
Their childhoods all must have been Hell.
We may say, “they are ego-maniacs”. But…
“ …ego always comes from a place of FEAR; FEAR of not being admired, FEAR of losing power, FEAR of not being liked, or FEAR of making a mistake. Overcoming the ego and releasing fear is hard work. That’s why emancipation from the ego is all too rare. The ego may provide a false sense of confidence in a competitive and stress-filled world”
—Quote from https://trainingmag.com/five-ego-traps-and-strategies-to-overcome-them/. [my capitalizations of the word ‘fear’.
Trump and his attorneys are people driven by traumatic terror 24/7.
Yes, their terror has made them successful by sacrificing their their Lives to their occupations.
When something goes wrong they have the appearance of success by never apologizing or admitting they made a mistake.
They can never be happy except in the moment of victory. But all too soon the traumatic cycle repeats.
Fear is also the parent of RAGE. So enraged MAGAs see - at least subconsciously - that the fear-driven egotist that is Trump is “just like them.”
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bakuninbeats · 7 months
I don't think we need government
This has become the motto of one of my favorite fandoms in recent years, and though I do not condone their favorite band's privileging of their top 2 percent, I gotta admit that these hyper-active little weirdos have my whole heart and truly give me hope for a better (or at least more interesting) future.
I am, of course, talking about the iconic hyperpop duo 100 gecs who, whilst not exactly quoting Kropotkin themselves, they have managed to garner quite the anarchic following. From their wild fashion, to their acceptance of all stripes of people, to their propensity to truly go hog-wild in the pit, I am proud to say that I am definitely a fan of the band's following. However, how did this band garner a fanbase with such a non-chalant distaste towards the state? Let's find that out by reviewing 100 gecs' 2023 single 'Dumbest Girl Alive'.
Overall, the production is great. The song starts off with a nice, simple acoustic guitar riff which is only a teaser for when the same riff starts blasting on the electric quitar with the distortion turned up to the max. As the track progresses, this phrase is repeated in chiptune, and then a cleaner guitar tone, before thrusting the listener back into the crunchy, wailing wall of distortion.. This is then followed by the verse where frontwoman Laura Les raps over an aggressive trap beat, filled with sound effects, glitches, and other fun variations.
This lyrics seem to mostly be about Laura's own stupidity which is already quite relatable, but trust me, if you're trans (and have time to look through the Genius annotations) these lyrics hit very differently. From making implicit references to estrogen, to comparing herself to Frankenstein to saying that she is both smarter than she looks and somehow also the dumbest girl in existence (perhaps implying that she thinks she looks like a man, because men are quite stupid). In short, she does a great job of portraying many of the insecurities and the self-hatred that come with the trans experience™ and it is therefore no surprise that the band has managed to attract such a large queer following.
This duo represents freedom in its purest form through their frenzied exploration of production, voice, genre and gender. What this particular song demonstrates is that, above all, this band has a true sense of honesty, authenticity, and a willingness to acknowledge their own struggles which may be one of the most vital forms of praxis in the path to emancipation. Sometimes, simply making people gain awareness of your pain is enough to make this world a little better, especially if is all you are capable of. Not only because it can possibly garner sympathy from those who might have otherwise ignored you, but also because it makes people who share your struggles feel like they're a little less alone.
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t33nsofstyle · 11 months
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1. A painting for a proposed sculpture
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1. A Painting for a Proposed Sculpture
Manuel Ocampo is an artist whose work, both stylistically and thematically, has inspired my process as of late.
Best known for his Catholic Grand Guignol imagery, Ocampo once claimed to have learned his signature faux retablo style from a priest for counterfeiting purposes. Largely self-taught, he dazzled the art world with his precocity and virtuosity, leaping from a single one man show in Los Angeles in 1988 to rave reviews and participation at the Documenta and Venice and Whitney Biennials. Among his provocative subjects are ancient forms of crosses, including the swastika, a symbol that caused his expulsion from the main floor and relegation to the basement at Documenta IX in Kassel, Germany in 1992.
Ocampo’s surreal imagery begs explanation; he layers Spanish religious icons, American pop culture, local kitsch and obscure texts to illustrate Filipino post-colonial identity.
On his compositional style: “This is where I live. It’s a mess, which is why my paintings are a mess,” he claimed, starting the slide show with an aerial view of a massive Manila traffic jam, vehicles and people gridlocked in anarchy.
On his provocative subject matter: “I’m not afraid of controversy—in fact, I invite it,” he admitted, in response to a question on his intentions. “I’m saying, look at this, but don’t look at it, it’s just a painting, it is not real” —reminding the audience that his paintings are mere two-dimensional explorations, and no gods were actually harmed in the making of his art.
On his choice of medium. “I’ve always been a painter, it’s always been about how I can push painting further. I might ask people to pay attention to the pieces in ways other than conventional painting, but in the end I’m expanding the concept of what a painting is.” Ocampo was referring to his forays into installation, such as at a Los Angeles show where he stripped his paintings from their frames and laid them on the floor to be walked on, hanging one as a hammock.
On sources of inspiration. He credits his first job drawing editorial cartoons for his mother’s newsletter with his love of incorporating text in his works. He finds material literally everywhere. A postcard with the cryptic text, “comprehensive only to a few initiates,” found on the floor, was appropriated in full for a text-only painting (2000-2001). Another text that sparked a work was conceptualist John Baldessari’s quote, “Everything is purged from this painting but art, no ideas have entered this work,” which he inscribed around a Duchampian toilet, overturned and spilling intestines, in his work, Artist Examining Life Closely (1998). The work currently on exhibit, An Object at the Limits of Language—Necromantic Kippian Emancipator: No. 2 was painted in response to the death of German artist Martin Kippenberger, whose absurdist humour Ocampo greatly admires.
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