#sensitive alpha
cringefail-clown · 9 months
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more of the cam cafe au, this time with strilonde family dynamic
so dave and rose are siblings and they both had their kids very young (other parents dipped out as soon as possible). they helped each other out with raising the kids while working on their careers, so the trio grew up very close to each other, roxy often acting as a mediator between dirk and hal as they were on each others cases basically since birth lmfao
gonna do the j squad next but holy shit is their family tree... complex
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nekropsii · 1 month
would cronus say that he’s a hufflepuff in his bio
Isn’t that the least threatening one? Lmao. Yes, absolutely.
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hedwig221b · 1 year
PSA: if I tag my fic with insecure Stiles you cannot honestly expect him to suddenly be bamf (in the beginning, nonetheless). No, he would not, in fact, stand up for himself. He'll blame himself for everything that happened and do what he thinks is right. He is insecure for a reason.
I get that my Stiles is wildly ooc. One can argue any characterization created in any fic is ooc, simply because it's not written by the initial creator. That's why I don't tag him as ooc.
Sure, canon Stiles is bamf. He's an annoying dickhead. He would not care if someone's an alpha or a deranged hunter, he will always fight and snark for those he loves.
My Stiles is a kitten, baby, princess, angel. I took his pale-ass awkward self and babygirlified him. I dunked him in softener. I like him that way. It's fun. It creates an interesting dynamic. I also love insecure Stiles. It's my cuppa tea, my jam, my three layered cake.
Will he always be like that in my fics? Probably not. In fact, I want to make him very prickly in my next fic. Will Derek soften him up? Fuck yeah.
And if I add the tag 'everyone wants Stiles' you cannot honestly come into my comments and tell me it's a giant plot hole bc 'it could only work like that in omegaverse'. I can make Stiles sensitive and soft without making him an omega or a girl!Stiles. I do not need that excuse.
I want to rant more and defend the specific characterization I created (in the au fics, mind you) and the choices the character makes, because it's my fic. But everyone's taste is different and I get that I'm being sensitive and defensive, but I guess I just had to put it out there. If you don't like something in my fic, if you missed the vibe completely, I gently ask you to close it and go read something closer to canon maybe. Our vibes are not the same.
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crunchysocklover · 4 months
No fr
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blkqueencharlotte · 22 days
Hi there! CLICK HERE to get my new Kamala lotus design on tee shirts, stickers, totes, dresses, sweats and over 80 other products! #LetsGo 🇺🇸 https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/163282988?ref=studio-promote
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
Gah Fox is in my head tonight!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The Jedi Council are in an uproar when Anakin Skywalker tells them that Palpatine is dead, and not only that, but the very Sith they had been looking for.
After a solid three hours of yelling, someone gets an idea to go talk with this Commander Fox and ask what the kriff he was thinking.
They don't get that far.
Few clones were skilled enough to make the Jedi pause, and while the number was small, there was no mistake that they could be a threat.
Alpha-17 was one of these said clones.
He's standing outside the door that leads down to the Corrie Guard barracks, and the anger that is filling the Force is great enough to make even Yoda stop walking. He has his helmet on, but the way he slowly looks over at the mass of Jedi is telling enough, and Anakin presses forward with his hands raised.
"What do you want?" The alpha ARC trooper has every word coated with rage, yet kept his calm tone.
"Thire said Fox was down here, and they want to talk to him..." He starts, but the Knight shuts his mouth with a click of his teeth when the rage increases.
"Do you Jetti come here often?" He's done being professional, snarling at the group like a viper. The only one who seems to be spared is Plo, a ripple of affection surrounds the master underneath all the anger, and all the Jedi shake their heads. "You don't get to come to play savior nor inquisitor, so go back to your Temple."
The anger isn't pure anger anymore, it's a roaring protectiveness over Fox that not even Windu was stupid enough to ignore.
"We need to ask him questions..." Master Luminara begins, and Alpha-17 stares her down. "How did he know about..."
Senators who pass by in the distance silence what she has to say, and the clone regards them before pointing back the way they had all come.
"We will come to you. Leave...except General Koon and General Skywalker." Yoda motions for the two named to walk forward, and the rest of the Council quickly depart to await news. The rage has now drawn back to more of a simmer, and Alpha-17 points to the door that looked a bit worn compared to most of the Senate building. It becomes clear to Anakin that Plo had been here before, the master giving a shake of his head as they enter the area of those who patrolled Courscant and kept its citizen safe.
To be kind, it looks like shit.
The barracks of the Guard looked, for lack of a better word, more of an afterthought than a place to house hundreds of men. Anakin can see remnants of bloodstains that never got fully wiped up here and there on some walls, and the chill that runs down his spine makes him shiver. It's no wonder Fox thought he'd be killed, serving Palpatine and living in conditions like these?
For the second time within a few short hours, Anakin feels his blood boil in rage.
Alpha-17 finally pauses outside of a door, and regards the generals for a moment.
"Play nice, Prime adjacent is with him." Plo and Anakin share a look, and Alpha-17 stands aside to take guard by the door.
The room appeared to be some sort of office, its desk that was normally in the middle of the room pushed up against a wall to create some space in the cramped room. Fox was sitting in a chair against the far wall, head in his hands as he murmured something in the clones' language that far few outside of their circle understood. The hand on his shoulder belongs to a clone that few civilians of the Republic ever saw, one that only Anakin had caught sight of once himself.
"Captain Fordo." While he may share the hazel eyes found among millions of his brothers, neither Jetti had seen them sharper than a beskar blade nor colder than Ilum on a bad day. They seem to pass through the two as if examining their very core, and it takes a moment to realize it's more than just a physical examination.
"Generals." Fordo has withdrawn his probing before speaking, and Plo is quite impressed. "Do you need something?"
"We have questions, for Commander Fox." Plo remains in place as those eyes just stare, only for them to flicker over when Anakin took a step closer. "We can ask the easiest, how did you know?"
"I had my suspicions..." Fox sounds tired, and both Jetti can see that he's still suffering from Force exhaustion despite trying to hide it. "When he ordered us to hunt down Fives...I knew. None of us were in his office, and when that happens, it's usually corpse retrieval, sir."
"Corpse retrieval?" Plo sounds horrified, and wonders how they had been so blind. Imagining his children secreting away corpses while the Chancellor smiled and played audience, it made the older Jetti feel ill, and he sends out a feeling of love to both Fox and Fordo before he can help himself. Fox jerks like he's touched a live wire, and Plo does similar when he feels a rush of protective fury slams against him in the Force. Fox puts his hand over Fordo's, and the assault ceases immediately as the older clone averts his eyes to the younger commander.
That beskar sharpness fades into a soft adoration, just for a moment.
"What happens now?" For once, Fox isn't sure what his next orders were, nor what the blade he held in his hand meant.
"Right now, suppress the information as long as we can. You and your men will not be staying down here any longer." Plo Koon knelt down in front of the trooper, and carefully placed a clawed hand on his knee. "No one will harm you ever again, you have my word."
"Mine as well. Rex and the others can clear out some unused space so your men aren't...here." Anakin spat, glaring at a poor wall as if expecting it to change into something more homely.
"Really?" Fox finally looks up, and allows himself to feel a small bit of hope.
"Really, I can't believe you've all been stuck down here like this." The younger man scowls, but gives Fox a warm smile when he looks over.
"...yes sir." Fox doesn't feel his smile as a grimace for the first time in ages, and just leans into Fordo's touch as the alpha ARC begins to comm his men with the news.
He's fallen back into the Force with a blink of his eyes, and drifts among the stars that are each of his brothers' souls.
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thatuselesshuman · 5 months
So, today I saw a few videos on the devil site known as tiktok that really pissed me off (and I'm going to yap about it).
Apparently, over on Gen Alpha tiktok (Gen Alpha is those born in 2010-now for those wondering) there's a trend going around that's literally making 2020 an aesthetic. Like, under a video where it was like "Pov: your morning routine in 2020", I saw so many comments like "I wish I was a teenager during 2020 😭". And it may just be me but that BAFFLES me. Ignoring the fact that the video was literally just a collection of tiktok trends from 2020, the comments piss me off.
When the pandemic hit, I was in High school. We were let out for an early spring break, and we all thought that we'd be back soon. Little did we know, we'd be forced to stay inside for the next 6 months because if we went outside, we may catch a disease that could kill us. That pandemic changed so many things for me (and I know I'm not alone in that), that it's so insane that it's now being romanticized. My dad went to the hospital when he caught covid (thank God it was later in the pandemic, so they had some treatments), I lost some pivotal teenage years to the pandemic, and I had a whole ass identity crisis. I am permanently different because I only had human contact with my family for half a year. Because of circumstances outside of my control, I didn't have a proper phone during 2020 (I couldn't call or text), so I was effectively cut off from my friends. I had the pandemic a lot easier than some, but I think it's fucking stupid that kids now are saying that they wished they went through that.
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Requesting Advice For My AU!
Hello, everyone! I'm looking for someone who can offer me advice/critiques for Unikitty: Big Bright World, my AU fanfiction based on the show Unikitty.
Unikitty: Big Bright World follows Unikitty and her friends as they discover that their world is bigger than they know. There are other lands beyond the Unikingdom and Frowntown, but the people there aren’t like them or Frowntown’s citizens. Due to disagreements, dissonance, and people’s intolerance with how others were living, the lands went their separate ways, and have been living in isolation ever since. So, in the series, the lands learn to work together and get along while also being mindful of their differences.
The stories introduce six other lands beyond the Unikingdom and Frowntown:
Swan Lake, a land across the sea known for its dancing, fashion, art, traveling and athletics.
Ice Cream Land, a frosty land up north that, as its name suggests, is full of ice cream and dairy treats.
Elegancia, a kingdom created by my friend @/ButterflyRage410 from Wattpad; she let me use it in this series. It is known for its gemstone theming and elegance.
Charm Valley, a land in a deep, wide valley with a taiga climate. It is known for its citizens' specialties in magic.
Botania, a lush land that spans a forest, a tropical rainforest, an open grassland, a desert and a tundra. The people live in harmony with their world and the nature within it.
Marevi, a land under the sea that spans a bed of seagrass, a kelp forest, a coral reef, a golden yellow sand bed, and a rocky volcanic ridge. The people deeply respect the life and nature within their ocean.
None of these lands are meant to be based on any real life cultures. I wanted to use made-up places to reflect how different people from different places interact.
However, I've been having doubts.
Unikitty is set in a world populated by 2D-animated Lego beings. Some are animals, some are more humanoid creatures made of shapes, and some are anthropomorphic objects. There are non-anthropomorphic animals as well. There are no Lego minifigures or any actual humans in the show. There are two main locations: the Unikingdom and Frowntown, neither of which are meant to be based on any real countries or cultures.
However, there are still some connections to the real world in the show. In one episode, the characters order from a Thai food restaurant. Hawkodile practices martial arts and frequently mentions karate; in one episode, he acts as a sensei to a bunch of baby chipmunks. In some episodes, the characters are shown celebrating Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine’s Day. Languages other than English are confirmed to exist; the Unikingdom and Frowntown are treated as different countries from each other, but everyone speaks English in both places.
There are some connections to the real world in this AU as well. In Botania, there’s a J-rock band that was inspired by BABYMETAL, who performed the theme song for the show.
My mind keeps telling me that I need to include elements from real-world cultures in my AU and code my characters as real-world races; otherwise, my message about people from different places working together won’t go through right.
Writing this AU means the world to me, and I want to have fun writing it, but I also don't want to offend anyone.
I’ve been told that, as long as I’m being respectful about it, I’ll be fine. But sometimes, you don’t even know when you’re not being respectful.
Maybe I'm just overthinking this. Maybe it's all coming from rejection sensitivity. I get frustrated, stressed out and offended very easily, and mean-spirited criticism hurts my feelings. But, I would feel a lot better if someone gave me their two cents on my AU.
Here is a video documenting the history of Big Bright World:
Here is a post documenting the history of my characters:
Here are some differences this AU has from the show:
Several episodes from the show itself didn’t happen in this AU, including its finale, The Birthday to End All Birthdays.
This AU is set in the future of the show; to be more precise, it takes place about 3 years after the show.
It is much less episodic and over-the-top silly than the original show.
Unikitty and Puppycorn’s parents are introduced, but they’re usually away because they work for a cruise liner. They also don’t live in the castle with the gang. Unikitty and Puppycorn are still being cared for by Richard, and Unikitty is still ruling the Unikingdom in her own right. Their parents are still around, but they’re not often seen.
Legendary figures like Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Sandman appear in the canon show, but in this AU, none of them exist.
And here are things I’d like you to look at:
The first story in the series, Broken and Frozen.
Fanmade citizens of the Unikingdom in this AU.
Fanmade citizens of Frowntown in this AU.
Citizens of Ice Cream Land that appear.
Citizens of Swan Lake that appear.
Citizens of Marevi that appear.
Citizens of Botania that appear.
Citizens of Elegancia that appear.
Citizens of Charm Valley that appear.
Schools that I made up for the Unikingdom and Frowntown.
The Seagang in their Land Forms.
How far space exploration has gone in each land.
A plant that is symbolic in Marevi.
How fashion has influenced weapons and armor in Ice Cream Land.
How the climate has influenced fashion in Ice Cream Land.
A fact about Botania’s performing arts.
How performing arts are taught in each land.
The Unikingdom and Frowntown’s Wizard Scouts system in this AU.
A headcanon about Legos’ lifespans.
Shelltop and Waterlily’s hair.
What kinds of beings live in each land.
Me explaining how I want there to be things that the Unigang and the other lands can find common ground on.
References I made for a Poe-themed musical that Spike was in.
What it means to be wealthy in each land.
Dr. Fox’s family tree in this AU.
The characters’ relationships with one another.
The characters’ confirmed sexualities and gender identities.
The characters’ confirmed disabilities.
A comparison I made with this AU’s lore.
The difference between adoptive and biological children in this AU.
A disclaimer about my characters and their headcanon voices.
What my characters’ rooms look like.
Birthdays that hold a special significance to the people in this AU.
A historical event that changed traditions in Swan Lake.
My characters’ backstories.
How isolated the different parts of the world are.
Ten facts about Marcella and Germafrost.
Maps depicting the regions of Marevi and Botania.
More facts about the lands’ performing arts.
A fact about having black spiky hair in the Unikingdom vs. Marevi.
A fact about table etiquette in the Unikingdom vs. Ice Cream Land.
The characters in formal wear.
More in Ice Cream Land’s history.
The Unikingdom’s equivalent of Broadway/West End.
Which generation of Imogen’s family moved to Frowntown?
More about Piano’s life.
More about Germafrost’s brother Neapolitan.
I’m considering bringing back Deepa, a yak who lived in Ice Cream Land.
More about Swan Lakers and their dancing customs.
How the lands as they are now came to be.
An idea for Waterlily’s moon jelly bell.
More on Needle.
I’m considering changing characters’ names so they match where their animal species is from in real life.
Fake wiki pages for my characters:
Swanna and Lee
Sgt. Wolf
Master Cupid
Thank you for your consideration!
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echo-s-land · 1 year
broke: Betas' sense of smell is the weakest among the dynamics/Betas are normies like us in the real world and are not sensitive to smell like Omegas and Alphas are
woke: Betas' sense of smell is actually the strongest
bespoke: Betas' nose do not have a broad sense of smell and are weaker than Omegas' and Alphas BUT they do have the strongest sense of smell still - because they can smell with their tongues (like snakes do) and have more smell receptors there than any other dynamics'. As such, they can decide of the intensity with which to scent something (not much with their nose; a lot with their tongue); are able to read the room better than the other dynamics and are still not as affected by scents as the other dynamics are
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not-poignant · 6 months
hola pia! maybe this will come up in Utr but, how are betas affected by alphas/omegas? they cant ‚smell‘ as good as them, but theyre still affected by pheromones? when caleb flared his in the bar, was that a turn on for faber like omegas? im guessing its why caleb did it. but he doesnt get ‚dazed‘ does he? he is susceptible to alpha persuasion, and he thinks omega heat ‚stinks‘, right? and they dont smell ‚special‘ to alphas/omegas? and faber is such a cute name, it fits him so well 😂🥰
Hola, anon! :D
how are betas affected by alphas/omegas?
It depends on the beta! While they can't smell pheromones as acutely as alphas and omegas they can definitely still smell them, and they are still affected by their pheromones! But it's kind of different? A beta doesn't feel any urge to be with an omega during their heat, for example, and they don't smell an alpha's pheromones and think 'oh that person smells delicious maybe I'm meant to spend the rest of my life with them.' They might think 'interesting' or 'I don't mind that' or 'that's an alpha, I'd better be careful' and not give it much more thought.
That being said, Faber is more sensitive to pheromones - much more sensitive - than the average beta, unusually so, to the point where both Dr Gary and Temsen remark on it in Underline the Black:
A quick business-like knock on the door - Faber's knock, Gary would know it anywhere - and Faber stepped into the room and then blanched. He placed a hand over his mouth, and Gary stepped back from Temsen automatically, even as Temsen turned back to the computer screen.  'I seem to have interrupted something,' Faber said hoarsely, and Gary opened his mouth, but it was Temsen who talked across him.  'What is it, Faber?' 'Ah,' Faber said, looking nervously between them. Gary felt some sympathy for the man, given his loyalty was primarily to Gary, and Temsen was his boss right now, and the air wasn't exactly thick with pheromones, but it didn't need to be to crush anyone who wasn't a peak alpha. What Temsen and Gary found easy to withstand was too much for most, and Gary knew his assistant was struggling. 'I- I- ...Yes. Well. That's... I wanted to say that we've arranged a date for Denis Deschamps to meet with Lucien Beaumont and Caleb, Sirs. Sir.'  Faber looked a desperate apology to Gary. Then he closed the door quickly, leaving them both in the room, Faber no doubt rushing to get some air.  'Oh dear,' Temsen said. 'Should one of us go find him?' 'No,' Gary said. 'If he gets overwhelmed like that, he needs time to himself. He doesn't like to be seen at all when he's vulnerable.' 'A strong flight instinct then,' Temsen said. 'He's been ever so helpful. I'm not even really trying to get my pheromones spiked, are you?' 'No,' Gary said.  'He is sensitive,' Temsen said, scratching at a neatly maintained hairline. 'We've both been far worse than that, haven't we?'
Even though Gary admits most people would find it hard, they both note that he's unusually sensitive.
when caleb flared his in the bar, was that a turn on for faber like omegas?
Not exactly? When Caleb flares his pheromones in the bar, Faber already finds him very attractive, and instead he feels additionally weak and overwhelmed. Like, he's definitely impacted! And I think he kind of likes the feeling with Caleb, and he doesn't feel sick like an alpha would. But not all betas would react the same way to someone like Caleb.
he is susceptible to alpha persuasion, and he thinks omega heat ‚stinks‘, right? and they dont smell ‚special‘ to alphas/omegas?
Betas don't really smell special to alphas/omegas at all. They just smell "regular" - like all of us, basically. Though that doesn't mean that an alpha or omega can't like the way they smell, some people do like the smell of body odour / sweat from certain people, after all!
All betas are susceptible to alpha persuasion. And yeah Faber thinks heats "stink" but when you think about it - you've got two people who have been fucking intensely for several consecutive days, with mountains of come and sweat, and that's not going to smell good, if you're the one stripping the bed and changing the sheets. Like, sex marathons just actually don't smell that great in general.
I think on top of that, Faber finds omega pheromones off-putting and there's a reason for that, but we'll find out more about that in Underline the Red later, heh.
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fullg4sly · 1 year
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"the rabbits are chasing, Ricciardo is racing." — goal of the century, gang of youths
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ciefstatten · 2 months
Ngl, it's kinda funny that the same generation of people who draw the line at making jokes about Trump getting shot also grew up with flash games and animations of Columbine, Bush getting shoes thrown at him and 9/11.
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guardian-of-da-gay · 2 years
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#subtopkrbkweek Day 7 Be Mean (Baku would say ‘Be Responsible’)
When your alpha boyf is in rut but you still got an organic chemistry test in the morning--cue lofi hip hop radio - beats to get h*mped/study to
See it uncensored on Patreon~
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teddybeartoji · 20 days
ALSO omegaverse you say... interesting topic i am completely normal about and cannot infodump on (< guy who will be publicly stoned if he talks to his friends again about the socioeconomic repercussions of 2/3 of the population needing a week off to fuck like animals)
OMGGGGG!!!!!!! you could definitely teach me some of the basics daisy!!!!!!!!!! i wanna know moree please please please infodump meeee:33333333
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faggotmox · 4 months
Share the previous 5 sentences. 
Omegaverse please!
on my phone at work so no nice formatting lol
“He’s been rock hard since I sat on his lap.” Bryan grinned over at the other backseat omega. “He’s so pretty like this, isn’t he?”
“He is.” Yuta nodded as he tipped Claudio’s face towards him to start a deep, heated kiss. 
A happy warmth spread through Claudio at being told he was pretty for his omega’s. Maybe since there were three omegas so there were a lot of pheromones and sparks flying around, but Claudio always felt practically drunk and sedated. Other Alphas became aggressive and heightened, but Claudio became blissful and passive. 
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