#seriously so lovely to hear from you again
b14augrana · 21 hours
Hello , can I request barca x teen reader who loves to play prank and is the Clown of the team but is a very good player and Ballon d'or potential
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‘The Fool’
Beyond the jester of a girl that taunts her Barcelona teammates with endless pranks is a world class player that shines on the pitch
Barça Femení x teen!reader
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Warnings: ✖️
A/N: thank you anon for the request! this is kinda messy and a bit short but i think it does the job. im sorry this took so long for me to write, i hope you like it 💝💝
“(Y/N), hijo de puta!” Mapi screams, looking up to see your head sticking out over the top of the shower cubicle, pouring shampoo on her head. For the last 10 minutes, she’s furiously been trying to wash all the shampoo out of her hair, but it just isn’t coming out. Now she realises why.
Mapi grumbles and finally rinses the last of the shampoo out of her hair, cursing you under her breath with the slightest of smiles. You skid out of the locker room, abandoning the shampoo bottle and laughing to yourself in the halls. You can hear Patri’s laughter ringing from the showers as well, and it makes you smile.
Clowning around is your love language… in a way. It’s your form of putting time and energy into something special. To you, laughter is something special, and if you didn’t love your teammates, you wouldn’t be trying so hard to give them something to enjoy.
It’s your natural personality. You’re unserious, always joking around and having fun, and it is only normal for someone your age. As a teenager, all you want to do is have fun while doing what you love most; playing football.
You‘re damn good at both of those things.
El Clásicos are your favourite matchups. Every season, you look forward to it. Since you bleed blaugrana in every shape and form, you feel like it’s your duty to give the Real Madrid back line something to worry about. You want to be the one to sort them out… for the 16th time. Literally.
When you aren’t troubling your teammates with tricks, you’re troubling defenders.
It‘s kinda your thing.
One through ball from Aitana is all it takes. Your legs feel detached from your body, your strikes at the ground uprooting the grass wherever you step.
And the open space ahead is basically beckoning you in to occupy the green void, which you do.
The space beyond is as much of a blessing to you as it is a curse to the likes of Rocio and Andres.
Rocio and Andres should’ve learnt by now that their old school habit of holding you off will never work. You aren’t being stalled, you’re being invited in. The more you threaten them with small feints and sharp movements that make them twitch, the closer they draw you in to the goal until…
That satisfying swish of the net follows the sound of your foot making hard contact with the ball.
Rocio and Andres should’ve learnt by now that their old school habit of holding you off will never work.
You’re good at your position. You take your game seriously. That’s what surprises everyone the most.
Off the field, you’re regarded as ‘el embaucadora’, the trickster. You’re always pulling pranks, making jokes, finding fun in everything or making it yourself.
Even on the field, you’re no less of a trickster, but it’s less of the pranks and more of your deceptive play style and ability to make defenders dance.
When you play, you perform. To you, any pitch lit up by lights is a place in which your playing becomes poetry with the opportunity to engrave itself in the essence of the stadium, becoming your legacy.
The whistle blows, and you’re off again. The ball finds you again and it feels so right at your feet that every moment feels like you’re on autopilot.
And it finds the goal too fast for you to enjoy, because before you know it you’re walking off the pitch feeling uncomfortably sweaty beyond the swell of victory in your heart.
Alexia looks at you from a distance, the hints of a smile visible on her face, because she knows where hypnotising flair like yours gets you.
Somewhere in France, perhaps?
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uzurakis · 16 hours
coming to terms with gojo satoru. well, it’s not like you can escape from him, no?
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you slammed the bedroom door behind you as you barged in. feeling angry tears rise up in your eyes, you leaned against the door and tried to catch your breath. moments later, you hear a soft knock on the door. “hey, love, can we talk?” gojo’s voice is muffled but gentle.
no way, you say in your head. a little space won’t hurt for a while, right? “go away, satoru,” you snapped.
“aw, come on, don’t be like that,” he says, a teasing lilt in his voice. “i didn’t mean to upset you. i just love seeing you all riled up. it’s cute.”
“well, it’s not cute to me,” you retort, voice cracking slightly. “do you know how it feels to watch you ‘jokingly’ flirt with other women all the time?”
there’s a brief silence before gojo responds, sounding more serious. “i didn’t realize it hurt you that much. i just thought… i don’t know, it was harmless fun.”
“harmless fun?” you repeat, incredulous. “it doesn’t feel harmless to me, satoru. it feels like you don’t respect me or even our relationship.”
you hear a sigh from the other side of the door. “i’m really sorry, love. i never wanted to make you feel that way. i guess i just have a weird way of showing my affection.”
“oh, you think?” you say, a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
“open the door, love, pweasee,” gojo pleads, his tone lightening. “let me make it up to you. i promise, pinky promise. no more flirting with other women. just you and me, you hear me from behind there?”
you hesitate for a moment, then slowly unlock the door and open it. gojo is standing there, a mischievous smile on his face. his tall frame fills the doorway, and you have to tilt your head up slightly to meet his cerulean eyes. “hey,” he says softly.
“hey,” you reply, still feeling a bit hurt but willing to hear him out.
he steps closer, winking playfully. “you know, i never thought i’d see the day where you’d lock me out. do i really look that good when i’m flirting?”
“stop it,” you grumble, though the corner of your lips betrays a small smile. “stop making insufferable jokes, satoru.”
“i know, i know,” he says, holding up his hands in pretend surrender. “but you have to admit, it’s kind of fun seeing you all fired up. your jealous face is just so… cute.”
“not helping,” you warn, though your voice has softened.
he leans in, his breath warm against your ear. “you know i only have eyes for you, right? those other women don’t even come close to what we have.”
you sigh, leaning into his touch despite yourself. “you really need to find a better way to show your affection.”
“how about i start with this?” he pulls you into a hug, his arms wrapping around you securely. “i’m all yours, no flirting, i promise.”
“hmm,” you ponder, feeling the tension begin to melt away. “just… don’t do it again, alright?”
“scout’s honor,” he says, holding up three fingers in a mock salute, then immediately winking. gojo’s usual playful self shining through. “you were never a scout, satoru,” you say, finally smiling.
“details, details,” he dismisses, pulling you closer. “but seriously, i’m all yours.”
you wrap your arms around him, feeling the warmth and comfort you craved. “all mine,” you repeat softly, burying your face in his chest. “just remember that or i’ll seriously kill you.”
“always,” he murmurs into your hair. “and just for the record, i’m the luckiest guy in the world to have you.”
“flattery will get you everywhere, gojo satoru.” you tease back.
“good to know,” he laughs, giving you a gentle squeeze. “because i’m never letting you go.”
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Yes! So, Eddie decides to take his girlfriend on a fancy dinner date, maybe at Enzo's and clean up as best as he can, but he's still Eddie, and when they walk inside, the host is sneering at him and talking down to him because of that and it makes reader pissed of, giving him a piece of her mind, and perhaps then she tells Eddie "let's go get a burger or something instead, these snobs aren't worth your money!"
Can lead to them have sex in the van because Eddie is so in awe of her defending him. Request by @somethingvicked ❤️
Mdni, 18+, the reader is extremely protective of Eddie, a little smidgen of ronance, fluff, angst and comfort. A little bit of smut.
It was your fourth date with Eddie tonight and you couldn't wait. The anticipation had been building up inside of you all day, you could barely concentrate on your shift in Family Video, and you were so excited.
You had recruited Robin and Nancy to help you pick an outfit, discussed every moment of your last date with Eddie and listened to Robin gush about Vickie.
There's this look on Nancy's face when Robin is talking about Vickie that makes you intensely curious, the tightness of her smile and a flash of something in her eyes. It looks a lot like jealousy.
Oh, you two are absolutely discussing this development later.
Exactly one hour later you're ready for your date and hear the telltale sign of Eddie's van as it parks in your driveway. The sight of Eddie takes your breath away, he's dressed up. Not dramatically or anything, he's still undeniably Eddie but he's wearing a black button-down shirt, a leather jacket and black jeans, his hair is in a neat bun and he's carrying the prettiest flowers.
He looks amazing and you take the flowers, tug him close to you for a kiss and thank him for the gorgeous bouquet.
"Hello handsome" You grin and love the way he blushes, his eyes darken as he takes in your outfit and he groans.
"Princess, we won't make it to dinner with you dressed like that" he growls and it leaves you aching with want. You're seriously considering dragging him into the house and spending all night in bed but you don't think Robin and Nancy would appreciate that.
So you take his hand, wave goodbye to the girls and head out. He's a perfect gentleman while, opens his van door for you to get inside and kisses your hand before rushing to join you on the driver's side.
"I um, booked a nice place for us sweetheart. Enzo's thought we could go somewhere fancy, treat my princess" You melt at his sweetness and feel a thrill through you. No one has ever been so sweet to you, so willing to be romantic and treat you like a princess.
But Eddie is different to any other guy you've dated and you wish the two of you had met sooner, maybe in a scenario that didn't involve monsters and shit, but if the whole upside down stuff didn't happen then you wouldn't have found the family you have now or the man who you're going to spend the rest of your life with. You know deep in your bones that he's the one.
You're soon at Enzo's and that bubble of excitement has increased tenfold. This would be a magical night...
The host annoys you from the moment you walk in, the way he looks Eddie up and down and sneers at him, that's the asshole's first and second strike.
"Hi, I have a table booked here under the name Munson" Eddie's all smiles and clutches your hand, rubbing soothing circles on your palm. It grounds you and calms you for a minute but the host is quick to piss you off.
Magical night indeed you scowl.
"You have a table here? I think you're mistaken sir. This is an expensive establishment" Eddie frowns and looks confused, he clears his throat and speaks again.
"Uh, yeah. If you could just check" he trails off as the host snorts and looks down his nose at Eddie.
"Let me be clear. We don't have your sort at this establishment" Anger slowly builds in your stomach at the stupid, smug look on the host's face. Eddie is still smiling but there is a faint tinge to his cheeks and his posture is tense.
How dare this asshole act like he's better than Eddie, that Eddie is less than him. You try to hold your tongue but that resolve lasts for only a moment. Then you snap.
"Excuse me, sir! How dare you act like my boyfriend is beneath you, where is your manager because you bet I'll be telling him about this" The host pales and that smug look is wiped off his face.
"Ma'am" you cut in before he can say any more bullshit, quite frankly you're in no mood for it.
"Don't you Ma'am me. Eddie is an amazing man, he's kind and caring, and he doesn't deserve to be judged by assholes like yourself. Maybe you should have some self-reflection and realise who the horrible person is here because it's not my Eddie"
Eddie is staring at you stunned, the faint blush is gone and is replaced by a bashful grin and big brown eyes full of adoration.
"Come on Eddie, let's go get a burger or something, these snobs aren't worth your money, first things first though, I want to speak to your manager" the host mumbles under his breath but when he sees that you aren't leaving he nods and comes back with his manager.
The manager's name is Harry and you complain about the host whose name is Jeremy. You can tell the report is taken seriously but you still don't plan on sticking around.
With a last parting glare at Jeremy, you take Eddie's hand and you're out the door.
You're so angry that you don't realise you're crying, Eddie does though and his eyes widen at your tears.
"I'm so sorry princess, this is my fault. I just wanted this night to be perfect" he sighs and runs his hand through his hair frustrated.
"Don't you apologise Eddie. It's that asshole host who is to blame. I hate people like that, who judge without even knowing the person. How amazing they are. I never ever want you to apologise for being you. I adore you" Eddie blushes at your compliment.
"So uh I know this diner that isn't far away, burger and milkshakes sound so good right now" It does and you have an intense craving for chocolate milkshakes and maybe some waffles too.
Smiling you take Eddie's hand, kiss his cheek and the two of you make your way to the diner.
"You're a goddess" Eddie sighs in reverence as you straddle him. His hands work their way up your body and he's murmuring words of awe and tenderness.
The two of you are in the back of his van, in a clouded haze of lust. Eddie's mouth is everywhere on your body that he can reach, softly suckling at the skin and leaving little love bites.
You rock against him, enjoying the way his eyes roll back and the noises that leave his mouth are sinful.
The two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other and you had tugged Eddie inside the van the two of you giggling, giddy to be with each other, literally the moment that the two of you left the diner. Eddie was still gazing at you like you were some sort of deity, awed at the way you instantly spoke up for him.
No one got to treat Eddie like that, you would still be angry now if it wasn't for Eddie's very skilful tongue and fingers making you see stars. Now you were on top and in charge and Eddie was grinning up at you eagerly, brown eyes blown wide with lust.
"Hope you're ready to have your world rocked Munson" you tease and nip at his jaw.
Two hours later you and Eddie come out of his van still grinning like idiots and Eddie smirking like the Cheshire cat.
"World officially rocked sweetheart"
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The Malicious Daughter Is Back! - 6
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
Chap 1, Chap 2 , Chap 3 , Chap 4 , Chap 5 , Chap 6 , Chap 7 ,-
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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Bucky doesn’t understand what the heck just happened.
When he carried her into the house, the smell of lemongrass gave him nostalgia.
He gently put your grandma down on her bed. Then he went to the living room. You followed him after putting the blanket on Cassandra.
You found him standing near the air humidifier.
“This smell...” Bucky murmured, taking in the scent.
“Was the smell too strong? It's to calm my grandma's cough,” you explained, watching his reaction.
He shook his head slightly, still looking puzzled. “No, it’s not that. It’s just... familiar.”
You tilted your head, trying to understand. “Seriously, why didn’t you have an episode when you held my grandma?”
Bucky shook his head, trying to clear the fog of confusion. “I still don’t understand it.” His eyes wandered to the photos on the wall, lingering on one where a younger you stood next to your grandma. You wore a plaid skirt, and the scarf around Cassandra’s neck seemed oddly familiar.
“Ugh,” he groaned suddenly, clutching his head as a sharp pain struck. He stumbled back, nearly losing his balance.
“Bucky!” you exclaimed, rushing to his side.
He crouched down, falling to his knees as he was overwhelmed by a flashback. The disgusting laugh of the day he was kidnapped echoed in his mind.
“HAHAHAHA! We will be rich,” one of the kidnappers had said. Bucky clenched his teeth, the memory resurfacing with brutal clarity.
He hated this memory. He had tried so hard to lock it away.
“Oh my god, why is there a kid—? Are you okay?” A woman's voice and her silhouette appeared in his mind.
That voice. Her voice sounded familiar.
“Bucky!” You shook his shoulders, desperate to bring him back to the present.
Bucky snapped out of his nightmare, gasping for breath. His eyes were teary and red as he looked at you with a mix of fear and confusion.
“Are you okay?” you asked, your voice trembling with concern. You gently touched his arm, grounding him.
Bucky got up abruptly. “Sorry, but I have to go.”
“Wait,” you called out, reaching for him.
But he was already moving swiftly, his long strides taking him out the door and into his car. The engine roared to life, and the car sped off down the street.
You stood there, watching the taillights disappear into the night, a mix of worry and frustration knotting in your stomach. You could only hope he drove safely.
While driving, his headache eased after he left your place. But something had triggered his memory. What triggered it?
Was it because of you?
He returned to his apartment, his mind racing with questions. That night, he had the same nightmare again. But tonight was different. Alongside the voice of his kidnapper, he could hear another voice.
He woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat.
The next morning, when Javier arrived at his clinic, he saw Bucky in the basement parking lot, just getting out of his car with a pale face.
“Bucky, you look terrible. What happened?” Javier asked, concern etched on his face.
Bucky, leaning heavily against the car, ran a shaky hand through his hair. “I had the nightmare again, but this time there was another voice. It felt...familiar.”
Javier looked at Bucky with surprise. “You got another episode?”
Bucky nodded, his face set with determination. “I want to remember everything.”
Javier was taken aback. As Bucky's psychiatrist from the start, he had always tried to help Bucky forget the traumatic events. This was a significant change.
“Alright, let’s get you relaxed and start the hypnosis session,” Javier said, guiding Bucky into his office.
Bucky lay down on the comfortable recliner, closing his eyes. Javier dimmed the lights, creating a calming atmosphere. He began speaking in a low, soothing voice.
“Bucky, I want you to take a deep breath. Inhale slowly...and exhale. Let all your tension melt away. You are in a safe place. As you listen to my voice, feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper into relaxation.”
Bucky's breathing slowed, and his body relaxed. Javier continued, “Now, I want you to imagine a staircase. With each step you take, you’ll go deeper into your memories. Ten steps down, each one taking you closer to the memory you seek. Ten...nine...eight...”
Bucky's mind drifted back. He felt himself being pulled into the past, into a dark and cold place. The air was thick with dampness, and the sound of water dripping echoed around him. He could see nothing but shadows.
Then, suddenly, he saw a door open. Light streamed in, and he ran towards it with every ounce of strength. His heart pounded, his breath ragged, but he didn’t stop. He ran as far as he could from the kidnappers.
Flashback Starts
The sky was already dark, and he was hungry and thirsty.
He ran away from the abandoned factory where the kidnappers were hiding. Bucky was able to escape when one of them didn't check the locked door.
Not wanting to miss the chance, he ran as fast as possible.
After running for a while his legs felt weak, but he kept going. Across a lake, he saw a small house with lights on.
He hoped someone was inside, but his legs had given out. He stumbled and fell to the ground, his eyes growing heavy.
He thought this was his last lifeline until he heard a voice.
“Oh my God. Why is there a kid here? Are you okay?” The woman’s voice echoed in his mind.
In his memory, he barely opened his eyes, but one particular thing that caught his eye was the woman wearing a patterned blue silk scarf. He felt his body being held by someone. The way he was held was different from the person who kidnapped him.
He felt protected.
Younger Bucky felt his back rest against something soft. He didn't realize how much he missed the comfort of a bed until, because of the kidnapping, he found himself resting on a cold floor.
His body felt warm, and the aroma of the place was different from before. No more smell of tobacco. Instead, it was the scent of eucalyptus and lemongrass.
He heard someone calling, though the name was unclear. He caught snippets of the conversation.
“Could you watch over him? I'm going to call the police,” said the first voice, concerned.
“Okay. But... is he alright?” the second voice asked, sounding younger.
“I don't think so,” the adult woman replied, her tone worried.
Bucky’s mind struggled to piece together the fragments of memory. The warmth, the scents, and the voices mingled in a haze as he drifted between consciousness and sleep.
He felt something gently wipe the sweat from his forehead. “You're safe. My grandma will call the police.”
Bucky exhaled. He struggled to lift his hand, then he felt the one who accompanied him hold it. Her hand felt soft and warm. He murmured, “Thank you.”
He slowly opened his eyes to see the person near him. The silhouette began to clear.
It was you. A younger you. And the older woman who carried him is your grandma.
Flashback End
Bucky woke up from his hypnotized state, breathing heavily. He looked at Javier, his eyes wide with realization. “I remembered,” he said, his voice trembling with the intensity of the memories flooding back.
At the anniversary party of Celestial Enterprise, the atmosphere buzzed with opulence and excitement. The grand ballroom of the luxury hotel was adorned with crystal chandeliers casting sparkling light across the room.
Tables draped in deep blue silk tablecloths and gold accents were laden with exquisite white roses and lilies floral arrangements. Soft jazz music played in the background, adding a touch of elegance to the evening.
Guests mingled, holding glasses of champagne and exchanging pleasantries. Many were long-time associates, loyal clients, and esteemed partners of Celestial Enterprise, celebrating its 60th year in business. The air was filled with the hum of conversation, punctuated by occasional bursts of laughter.
Victoria, radiant in a shimmering silver gown that hugged her figure, was undeniably the star of the evening. Her blonde hair was styled in loose waves, and her makeup was flawless, highlighting her striking features. She moved gracefully through the crowd, accepting congratulations and compliments with a practiced smile.
Her friends, a group of equally well-dressed socialites, surrounded her, their chatter blending with the general noise of the party.
One of her friends, a brunette in a sleek red dress, leaned in closer. “Victoria, darling, was the rumor true that you and Bucky...?” she trailed off, raising her eyebrows suggestively.
Victoria shyly nodded her head.
“You’re so lucky. I’m so jealous,” one of her friends said, her voice tinged with envy.
Victoria put her pointed finger to her lips, leaning in conspiratorially. “But you have to keep it a secret,” she said, acting humble, though inwardly she was thrilled to see the jealousy in their eyes.
“You’ve secured your future with the most wanted bachelor.”
Victoria waved a hand dismissively, though she couldn’t hide her smirk. “You guys… stop it.”
“What about your older sister? She must be jealous,” one of the guests chimed in, joining the conversation.
Victoria flinched slightly at the mention of you, but she quickly recovered, taking a sip of her wine. She feigned a kind smile. “If she came home, our parents would introduce her to someone better.”
“Better than Bucky? Good luck!” They all burst into laughter.
“By the way, will he come to this party?” her friends asked, eyes wide with curiosity.
Victoria’s smile wavered for a moment. “Probably. He told me he would be late,” she replied, taking another sip of her wine. In truth, Bucky hadn’t given any reply, and she felt a pang of anxiety at his absence.
Oblivious to her inner turmoil, her friends continued to fawn over her, showering her with compliments and admiration. Victoria maintained her composed exterior, though her mind was racing, wondering why Bucky hadn’t responded and if he would show up.
She knew Bucky was a quiet person. "Challenging" was the perfect word to describe him. But she would be patient. She didn't want to be pushy and irritate him.
She resolved to act with patience, hoping Bucky would realize she was perfect for him.
“Ooh… it’s him,” one of the guests exclaimed, spotting someone entering the party.
Victoria’s eyes lit up as she saw Bucky arrive. She felt relief wash over her, grateful she wouldn’t have to make excuses for his absence.
With a beautiful smile, she moved to approach her fiancé. All she had to do was stand beside Bucky and bask in the envy of everyone around her.
But her excitement was short-lived when she saw Bucky holding hands with another woman.
Victoria’s grip on her wine glass tightened, the tension evident in her white knuckles. If anyone had been close enough, they might have noticed the glass starting to crack.
Beside Bucky walked another woman, her beauty undeniable as she glided gracefully in her elegant dress.
“Are you sure he’s engaged to Victoria?” another guest whispered, their words barely audible but still carrying across the room. The murmurs began to spread, and Victoria could feel anger rising.
The sight of Bucky holding hands with someone who wasn’t her, his fiancée, filled her with rage.
Of all the women in the world, why does it have to be you?
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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girlrotterr · 1 day
But I'm a Lesbian! pt.6
ellie x abby x dina x fem!reader a/n: omgg, the final chapter is heree!! thank you to everyone who supported this series!! I love & appreciate you <33
→ Part one! → Part two! → Part three! → Part four! → Part five!
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You and Ellie hurried through the dark hallways, The darkness of the night was cold, the moon casting long shadows on the ground. The only sounds were the distant chirping of crickets and the occasional rustling of leaves. Your footsteps were careful, almost soundless, but your whispers broke the silence.
“You should start the fire,” you said, glancing nervously around to make sure no one was nearby.
“Me? Why me?” Ellie snapped back in a whisper, wincing slightly from the pain in her asscheek.
“Because you’ve got the lighter!” you argued, trying to keep your voice low.
Ellie shook her head, “And you have hands! It’s not rocket science. Just light it up and run.”
"Seriously, I shouldn't be the one starting it," you argued. "If something goes wrong, I don't want to be the one to blame.”
Ellie snapped back, "And you think I do? This is your mess too!"
"Ugh! Why do you have to argue with everything?" you exclaimed in a harsh whisper.
Ellie scoffed, "What are you talking about?"
"You're always disagreeing or instigating something," you shot back. "Shit, it's the reason for most of your fits with Abby! Which, by the way, there's clearly some gay-ass tension between you two..."
Ellie rolled her eyes. "Seriously?! You want to talk about this now? We wouldn't even BE doing this if someone didn't kill the fucking nurse!"
You gasped, feeling a pang of guilt. "I didn't kill her!... At least I don't think I did... fuck! I hope I didn't!!"
Ellie scoffed again, her tone sharp. "If that blow didn't kill her, then a permanent coma is her best bet."
You sighed in relief, "I don't need charges on my record so soon... I still need to commit—wait, wait, wait! Don't fucking change the subject! What's the animosity with Abby?!"
Ellie shot you a look. "What's with the questions all of a sudden?!"
"I need answers to all the crazy shit you've all put me through! Like, how did the nurse and Abby even happen? Why is the director of a conversion camp a closeted lesbian? And why is Dina the only somewhat normal person here—"
Before you could finish, Ellie swiftly covered your mouth with her hand, her eyes burning with intensity. "You're... insufferable," she said, her voice tinged with frustration. "From the moment you stepped foot into our dorm, you've been aggravating."
You blinked, taken aback by her sudden outburst. Ellie's face was close to yours, her gaze unwavering. "I was doing so well," she continued, her voice strained. "I had everything under control, focusing on my tasks, keeping my composure. And yet, you came along and ruined it all."
"You've taken over my mind. Suddenly every thought I have is centered around you. I can’t focus on something without needing to gaze at you." Ellie muttered, her voice softer now, almost pleading. "You've completely thrown me off balance."
You could see the conflict in her eyes, the struggle between wanting to push you away and needing to be close to you. Your eyes widened . Ellie’s words sank in, and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks. You mumbled something against her hand, and she slowly let it go.
"If you were having gay panic, you should've just said so," you said, half-teasing.
A sudden light illuminated the nearby path, casting long shadows across the courtyard. The director was doing her rounds, her flashlight sweeping from side to side. Ellie reacted instantly, grabbing your arm and pulling you down into the bushes. You both crouched low, trying to steady your breathing as the director's footsteps grew closer.
"Shit," Ellie whispered, her grip on your arm tightening. "We need to stay quiet."
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. The director's light passed dangerously close, the beam brushing the edges of the bushes where you hid. You could hear her muttering to herself, something about the nurse not being at her station. Ellie glanced at you, her eyes wide. 
The light paused, and you both held your breath, the world seeming to freeze around you. The director's footsteps resumed, moving away from your hiding spot. You exhaled slowly, feeling a rush of relief.
"That was close," you whispered, glancing at Ellie.
You both stayed hidden for a few more moments, ensuring the director was far enough away. Then, cautiously, Ellie peeked out from the bushes, scanning the area. "Alright, she's gone. Let's move."
You both emerged from your hiding spot, hearts still racing. The courtyard was silent again, the only sound being the faint rustle of leaves in the breeze. Ellie took your hand, leading you toward the designated spot for starting the fire. 
"Okay," Ellie whispered, her eyes darting around  "We need to fucking hurry."
You nodded, your nerves on edge. "I'll keep watch. You start the fire."
Ellie shot you a look. "Alright."
She set to work, gathering some dry leaves and twigs, her movements quick and precise. You kept watch, scanning the courtyard for any signs of movement. The tension was suffocating, every rustle of the wind making you jump.
Ellie fumbled with the lighter, her fingers trembling slightly as she tried to strike a flame. The lighter jammed, and she cursed under her breath, shaking it and trying again. "Come on, damn it!"
You stood next to her, nervously glancing around. "Hurry up, Ellie! The director could come back any second!"
"I'm trying!" Ellie snapped back, shaking the lighter vigorously. "This piece of shit isn't working!"
The two of you exchanged heated words, the stress of the situation making it hard to stay calm. "Why isn't it working?" you hissed, your anxiety spiking.
Ellie pulled it away, her eyes flashing with irritation. "I've got it! Just give me a second!"
Just as you were about to respond, the lighter finally sparked to life. Ellie quickly brought it to the pile of dry leaves and twigs, the tiny flame catching and starting to grow. But before she could fully ignite the pile, the director's flashlight beam swept across the courtyard again, heading straight for you.
"Come on, let's go!" Ellie grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the scene. In her rush, she accidentally kicked a burning stick near the edge of the building. Flames began to lick at the wooden structure, spreading rapidly.
You and Ellie ran toward the forest, hearts pounding, not daring to look back until you were safely hidden among the trees. Breathless, you both turned to see the building catching fire, the flames climbing higher.
"Uh, Ellie," you said, staring at the growing blaze.
Ellie followed your gaze, her expression shifting from shock to disbelief. "Well, shit,"
"Hold her legs up higher!" Abby grunted, struggling with the weight.
"I'm trying!" Dina hissed back, sweat beading on her forehead. 
The two of them wrestled with the nurse's limp form, trying to fit her into the cramped space. Abby pushed, and Dina pulled, both of them gritting their teeth with the effort.
"Okay, almost there," Abby said, maneuvering the nurse's arm inside. "Just a little more."
Dina adjusted the nurse's legs, finally managing to tuck them in. The cabinet door barely closed, the nurse's fingers still visible through the gap.
"Shit, that’s not gonna work," Dina muttered, eyeing the barely shut door.
"We don't have time," Abby said, her tone urgent. "We need to get our stuff and get out of here..”
Dina nodded, moving quickly to the drawer they had been trying to unlock. "The nurse had the keys, right?"
Abby reached into the nurse's pocket, pulling out a small set of keys. "Fuck yeah."
Abby tossed the keys to Dina, but in the rush, Dina fumbled the catch, and the keys fell to the ground with a metallic clink. Dina scrambled to pick them up, her hands shaking . At that exact moment, a loud crash echoed. Abby turned to see the nurse's body come flying out of the cabinet, landing face down on the floor. 
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Abby groaned in frustration.
"Sooo, I know this isn't the most perfect time to ask this but.." Dina glanced at Abby who was holding the limp body over her shoulder.
"Just ask," Abby replied, her tone strained with the effort of holding the nurse's body.
Dina took a deep breath. "Do you think after all this, you and Ellie could reconcile?"
Abby's brows furrowed in surprise. "What?"
"Everything that happened with Cat, Ab's," Dina continued.
Abby furrowed her brows, "It wasn't that serious with Cat, alright? We were just having fun. And besides, Cat just wasn't the one for ellie."
Dina let out an exasperated sigh. "Imagine how Ellie felt walking in on you giving her crush mind-blowing backshots with another bitch suffocating on her tits!"
Abby rolled her eyes. "You were that other bitch!"
Dina scoffed, crossing her arms defensively. "Woah, woah, woah! I apologized to Ellie, okay?! I blamed it on the perc and told her that it made me hallucinate!"
Suddenly, the shrill sound of the fire alarm pierced the air.
"Shit, shit, shit," Abby cursed, glancing nervously at the door. "We need to hurry."
Dina's heart raced as she finally managed to open the drawer, revealing their confiscated belongings piled inside. "Got it!" She quickly grabbed their things and stuffed them into her bag, her movements frantic as she tried to gather everything.
"We need to go, now!" Abby urged. 
You and Ellie sprinted through the forest, branches scratching at your arms and legs as you dodged trees and bushes. The glow of the fire behind you illuminated the night.
Finally, you broke through the tree line and spotted Abby and Dina emerging from the building, looking frazzled but unharmed. They hurried toward you, carrying bags filled with your confiscated belongings.
"We need to fucking leave now!" Ellie gasped for air, glancing back at the burning building. "The director's out here—what the fuck?" She stopped mid-sentence, eyes widening at the sight of the nurse still limp and draped over Abby's shoulder.
Abby adjusted her grip on the nurse, "She wouldn't fit, okay!" Abby said defensively, her voice strained. "I didn't know what else to do!"
Dina, her face flushed with adrenaline, glanced nervously at the approaching flames and the chaos behind them. "Her plump fucking ass would take up half the space!"
“Is she still out?" you asked, looking at the nurse's unconscious form.
Abby nodded, "Yeah, she hasn't woken up yet."
"We need to hide her somewhere," Ellie said, her mind racing. "If the director finds her like this, we'll be fucking screwed."
Dina pointed toward a nearby shed, half-hidden in the shadows. "There! We can hide her in there."
With a collective effort, you all hurried toward the shed, Abby struggling to keep the nurse balanced as you navigated through the forest. Ellie pushed open the creaky door, and you quickly cleared a space inside, shoving old tools and supplies out of the way.
Abby gently laid the nurse down on a pile of rags,"Hopefully no bears chew her alive," Dina said, straightening up and wiping sweat from her brow.
 "Yeah, they’d have to chew through the silicone first." abby said.
As you continued through the forest, the distant glow of the fire gradually faded, but the urgency to keep moving pressed on. Finally, after what felt like hours, you stumbled upon a small clearing near the edge of the property. There, partially hidden behind some bushes, was the director's car.
"Fuck yeah," Ellie muttered, running her hand over the hood. "This is our way out."
Abby glanced around nervously. "We need to hurry. The director could be anywhere."
Ellie quickly got to work on the car, she pried open the dashboard and began fumbling with the wires. The silence of the night was broken only by the occasional crackle of leaves and distant shouts from the burning building.
Dina kept watch, her eyes darting around. "Come on, Ellie, faster," she urged, her voice tight with anxiety.
"I'm going as fast as I can," Ellie snapped back, her fingers working frantically. "This isn't exactly fucking easy."
Just then, you heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps rapidly approaching. 
“You fucking clit sucking lesbians!!”  You turned to see the director, flashlight in hand, sprinting toward you, her face a mask of fury. 
"Shit! She's coming!" you yelled, panic setting in.
"Why did we let this fucking loser do this intricate ass shit!" Dina yelled.
"Shut up and let me concentrate!" Ellie snapped, her hands shaking as she twisted the last wire.
You all turned to see the director sprinting towards you, her flashlight beam cutting through the darkness. 
The engine roared to life just as the director reached the car. Without a second thought, Ellie slammed her foot on the gas pedal. The car lurched forward, the tires kicking up dirt and gravel. The director, caught off guard, tried to jump out of the way but wasn't quick enough. The car clipped her, sending her sprawling to the ground.
"Oh my fucking god!" Dina screamed, turning to look back at the director lying motionless on the ground.
The car skidded to a halt down the road, and the four of you rushed out. 
Blood trickled from a gash on the director's forehead, glistening under the dim moonlight. You covered your mouth, a wave of nausea washing over you. "This is why I wanted to escape alone!" you exclaimed, "Whenever I'm with you three, some insane shit happens!"
Dina clutched your arm, "Maybe we can be cellmates!" 
Ellie began pacing back and forth, "I need a cigarette. " she said, running a hand through her hair.
Abby, meanwhile, had knelt beside the director. She rifled through the director's pockets, finally pulling out her wallet. "Well, we need money, right?" she said, flipping it open and inspecting it.
"Are you seriously robbing her right now?" Ellie snapped, her eyes wide with disbelief.
Abby stood up, pocketing the wallet. "We can't afford to get caught. If we have to be on the run, we'll need cash."
You felt a rush of frustration. "This is insane. We’re not criminals!"
"Maybe not, but we are now," Abby replied, her tone cold. "We don’t have a choice."
Dina glanced back at the car, her eyes flicking between the director and the vehicle. "We can’t leave her here. Someone will find her, and then they'll trace us."
Ellie stopped pacing and took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "We need to hide her, at least until we can figure out our next move."
You nodded, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on you. "Alright, let's move her into the woods, somewhere she won't be easily found."
Together, you and the others carefully lifted the director's unconscious body, moving her off the road and deeper into the forest. The underbrush crackled underfoot as you carried her, the darkness swallowing you up. You finally found a secluded spot, laying her gently on the ground.
"Okay," Abby said, looking around, "this should buy us some time."
Dina sighed heavily, wiping her forehead. "Now what?"
"We get back in the car and keep driving," Ellie said, her voice firm. "We find somewhere to lay low and come up with a plan."
As Ellie started the car, the headlights illuminated a figure standing in the middle of the road. It was another nurse, her eyes wide with shock as she took in the scene."Excuse me, ma'am," Dina yelled out the window, “Where’s the nearest gay bar?"
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sunflowers4life · 23 hours
Marauders - Moving In - Part 2
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heres part 2! thank you for the love on the last one, so here is part 2! again, warning for female reader. enjoy! the remus fan art in the header is drawn by @sophitil on instagram!
pairing: the story is marauders x reader, however, this part has a heavy focus on remus and the reader!
part 1 part 3
Sirius was the embodiment of a rockstar. He shined onstage, his presence captured attention everywhere, and there were numerous people in the bar fawning over him. The pub you had landed yourself in was perfectly described in one word: cosy. Aglow with warm yellow lighting, potted plants and records adoring the walls, giving it a comfortable, welcoming feeling to all that entered its walls. 
James had quickly sat up from the seat he had resided in, whispering something about grabbing some more drinks at the bar, leaving you with Remus. Remus had been picking at his nails for the past couple of minutes, and you came to the realisation that if you wanted to make it anywhere, you were gonna have to speak up first. “What animal do you think you could beat in a fight?” You sputtered out, before internally rolling your eyes in your head. What a dumb questions, I mean, you literally could have asked anything but you chos- “You know what? I think I could take a bear in a fight.” Remus had answered confidently, and you realised the beauty of his eyes. A colour like caramel, one you're sure you could spend nights getting absorbed in, the little gold speckles shining when the light hits them just right. 
“Do you read?” Remus had asked, quite quickly, and sure enough, the next hour had consisted of the two of you discussing your favourite books, authors, genre’s. James came and went, alternating bringing water to Sirius on stage, and bringing the two of you drinks as your conversations droned on. You found out Remus was currently at university doing a bachelor in English, and that one day he dreamed of writing his own book. It was then that you realised Remus was not shy - just, soft spoken at first, as you watched his confidence grow. A gentle smirk rested on his face, and he had begun teasing you lightly. It had begun when you mentioned your preferred chocolate - m&m’s - to which Remus cackled, before declaring that the superior brand of chocolate had to be Cadbury. “I mean m&m’s are alright, but like, Cadbury just melts! But, I guess, some as short as you would enjoy a short chocolate.” Now, you weren’t necessarily short, but Remus was 6’4. So, it didn’t really matter who he was talking to, everyone was short in comparison to him. 
The clock struck 10, and Sirius finally yelled “Thank you for coming out everyone! See you next time!” The pub filled with claps and applause, and James gathered the two of you so you could all go back to the apartment. You suddenly felt a weight fall on your shoulders, and turning slightly to your left, you realised this weight was an arm that belonged to the rock star of the night. “So, how’d we like it? Seriously, I think we’re getting somewhere! I recognised some of those girls in the corner, they’ve definitely been to our show before!” The three of you showered Sirius with praises. Quickly offering up the napkin you had brought with you, you turned to Sirius with a pen “Please, all mighty rock god, may I have your autograph?” Sirius' eyes looked like galaxies, the black iris’s glistening with the lights of the pubs, as he sported that wicked smirk of his, before signing the napkin.
“You keep that safe you hear me, one day, that’ll be worth millions!” Sirius proclaimed, as you finally made your exit. The pub was only a short walk from the apartment, and it was a little obvious from the stumbling and unstoppable giggling, you had all had a few too many. 
Retiring to bed happened quickly, however, Remus had grabbed your arm before you could go to sleep. Gently, he guided you to the bathroom, and silently grabbed a makeup wipe. He scrubbed lightly, and the repetitive motions were almost enough for you to fall asleep right then and there. You took the time to admire his scars, that made him so Remus, admiring the beautiful tan of his skin, and finally, being captured in the gold speckles within his eyes. Once Remus was 100 percent certain your face was clean, the two of you took your time to brush your teeth together - and you feared it was the most comfortable you had felt with someone in a while. 
You had known the man for what was literal 5 hours, and yet, you felt you knew him entirely. He was funny, charismatic, a little bit of a nerd, but you could also tell he was incredibly loyal to his partners. You had noticed, on either wrist, there was a friendship bracelet, one that said “prongs” decorated with dark reds and gold, and another that said “padfoot”, with a colour palette. Remus put his hand on the small of your back, before leading you to your room. You ran to your new bed, the doona, pillows and stuffed animals looking more tempting than anything you had ever seen. 
You heard the door close, a little murmur of chatter outside your door, before closing your eyes. You felt good about this. These boys so far had shown you nothing but kindness, and all 3 had such distinct personalities. The future was something you looked forward too, and finally, the world turned to silence, as you began to dream of what was ahead.
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skzdust · 11 hours
Snapshots: "Oh, do not fucking do that." + Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Changbin x reader, Hyunjin x reader
Bang Chan and Lee Know here! Other 4 coming soon!
Word count: ~ 300 each
Author's Note: I know Changbin's isn't super "enemies" but I followed my heart and here's where we are.
Reblogs, comments, likes all appreciated!!
You sneak another glimpse of him across the gym.
Seo Changbin. He’s about 5’6”, painfully attractive, always laughing or smiling or quirking an eyebrow at you.
You don’t know him, not really. You talk when you’re there at the same time-which usually happens to be Monday and Wednesday afternoons. You have a friendly contest to see which of you can run a faster mile.
But Seo Changbin is, in fact, painfully attractive. You haven’t been able to stop thinking about him.
He’s taking a gulp of water now, wiping some sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. You feel your cheeks heating up, and convince yourself it’s just because of the workout (never mind that you haven’t even started yet).
You take a sip of your own water and set it down, your stomach flipping in anticipation as you walk towards him.
He looks up as you approach. “Y/n! Have a new time for me to beat on the treadmill?” His smile is easy and relaxed.
“Not quite.” You force a laugh.
“What’s up?” He looks confused.
“I, er…” You start, trying to work up your courage.
“Oh, don’t do that, what is it?”
“I was gonna ask… would you wanna get drinks after the gym sometime?” You say in a rush, refusing to look at him.
“Drinks? With my greatest running enemy?” He sounds outraged, but you have a feeling he’s joking. “I’d love to, y/n.” You finally look up, and Changbin’s smiling at you, and your stomach flips again, a storm of butterflies.
You look up from your hands in your lap to see Hyunjin standing in front of you, head tilted to the side under his hood.
“Hyunjin.” You groan.
Your parents and Hyunjin’s have been friends since college, but you and he haven’t shared that friendship. Ever since you were kids, Hyunjin has been quietly teasing you, making jabs and jokes, and you’ve been doing the same. Neither of you knows who started it, but that’s the way it’s always been.
Your families haven’t seen each other in a while, but you know they live in this part of town. You hadn’t considered that when you’d come to this park with your boyfr—your ex.
“It’s raining.” Hyunjin says.
“Yes.” You agree.
“And you’re… sitting there.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Since when do you care?” You cross your arms. “What are you doing here, anyway?”
“I was out for a walk.” He crosses his arms. “And then it started raining, so I was about to head home.”
“Oh.” You look down again.
“Seriously, something’s wrong.”
“No shit.”
You hear the rustling of fabric, and you look up. Hyunjin’s pulling off his hoodie, holding it out to you.
“No, it’s raining, I don’t want—”
“Oh, do not fucking do that.” He shoves it at you. “Just put it on. You’re making me cold just looking at you.”
You slip on the hoodie, inhaling a deep breath of Hyunjin’s scent, which is oddly comforting. “My ex broke up with me.”
“Oh.” It’s Hyunjin’s turn to look awkward. “I’m sorry.”
You sniffle. “Whatever.”
You’re both quiet for a second.
“Come with me.” He says abruptly. “Come back to my house. No one’s home. I’ll make you some food or something.”
“Are you sure? Cause I don’t—”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He interrupts, nodding. “We can talk about how I’m gonna kill your ex.”
You smile. “That sounds like what I need right now.”
Hyunjin smiles, too. “C’mon.”
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wuwaworld · 2 days
tw: ooc Mortefi, married relationship, Mortefi the cleanfreak /j, insecurities, arguement, angst to fluff, crack
Mortefi x Reader prompt.
; please do not take this seriously. ik mortefi won't be like this in a relationship. it's all in good fun for me.
Mortefi who somehow married a reader who always let their things be carelessly placed around the house.
Mortefi who even WONDERS how in the world his mind could say "yes, they're the one." when he looks at them across the office. their desk a mess with papers scattered around.
“we're not going to that dinner date.” Mortefi taunts, taking a few steps back dramatically as he watches how you somehow make your already messy desk.. more.. infuriatingly dirty.
“w-what?” you blinked confused, pausing on your work as you look up to him with a frown.
“clean that, and maybe I'll change my mind.”
Mortefi who thought that taunting you with his words will encourage you to clean up little by little. but you only seem to understand his teasing taunts as painful jabs to your heart. his words making you more upset as days passed by, losing even the motivation to work properly in the Academy. much less talk to him when the both of you arrived in your shared home.
Mortefi who realizes that he was such an idiot. that he thought the same trick he pulled when he was still your boyfriend will work. for goodness sake, you exchanged vows with him. it meant that your relationship took a different level, so his (teasing) encouragement should take up a notch.
but Mortefi soon realizes how he really messed up, when he comes home a bit early that day— only to find you a crying mess as you spat out insecurities after insecurities. it hurt his heart to see you like that, and he loathed himself for being the part of the problem that made you cry.
“why even marry me?” you spat, teary and hurt eyes stare back at him.
“my love..” Mortefi slowly walks towards you, pausing his steps as he sees that you tensed up, “I'm sorry.. I hadn't realize that you have taken offense to my words greatly.”
you stood silent, trying to gauge the expression on his face. when the silents lulls the shared home, Mortefi glances back up to you. his legs carefully bringing him towards you once more.
“I'm sorry, darling.” Mortefi whispers, bringing your hand up to his cheek. his head turning to the side as he kisses your palm. his heart was swelling with appreciation and awe as you didn't step back from his touch. and so Mortefi's kisses on your skin became more profound and pleading.
“let me make it up to you, please.” he mutters, his eyes sincere and apologetic.
on the day onwards, while his cleanfreak persona would just like to let your desk burn with his powers. he held himself back. Mortefi instead began to clean up your messy desk little by little with shaky, gloved hands. it almost looked like as if it pained him to be in such near proximity of it.
“Mortefi?” you blinked, looking at your husband in mild surprise as you had just came back from a meeting.
“oh,” Mortefi looks up when he hears your voice, “greetings.. my wife..”
“......” you blinked again, this time dumbfounded as you hear his odd wordings. he was so out of character.
when you glance down at your desk and up to him, you could pat yourself in the back on how you kept a neutral expression. hiding away the laugh attempting to crawl out on your throat, the feeling of a somewhat sweet revenge from the way he made you cry back then. the same source of problem that Mortefi was facing right now.
“are you okay?” you mutter as you take a stride towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“...am I..?” Mortefi mutters, looking back at the scattered papers and objects in disgust.
suffice to say, your sweet revenge of making your desk even more messier lasted up to 6 months. before Mortefi had to forcibly sit you down on your shared home, a 20-page slide presentation on how being a clean and organized person would help you in the long run.
it's only up to you whether you'll follow his advice or not..
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finelinepie · 8 hours
"On The Field"
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Footballrry / Reader
Plot: Dating the football star is not what you pictured happening your sophomore year of college, but it's happening, and you have to keep calm...how does one keep calm when he looks like...that?
Word count: 3.51K
Warnings: a swift kick in the ass. JK, just a punch or two.
“I cannot believe we are even having this discussion right now. You promised you would be there.” Iris whined at me.
“Isla, I am still going. I am just going to be late.” I tried to reason with her. 
“Y/N, I can’t go out there without you?!” She yelled, throwing herself on her dorm bed, I rolled my eyes sitting on my bed across the room.
“Isla, you won’t be on the field for the first 20 minutes anyways, I am going to be there for you. I just need to turn in these essays to my professor so I can get this class over with, and since she has meetings tonight in the class room with other students, she is allowing me to drop them off. Also, it is dead ass across the street, please stop being dramatic.” I chuckle, watching my best friend throw her arms down on the bed. 
“Okay, the dramatics are done. But I am letting you know that if I embarrass myself in those 20 minutes that my good luck charm isn’t there, that’s on you, Y/N!” She sighed loudly.
“I will take the fall, you have my word. I love you, I’ll see you soon.” I promised and grabbed my bag before racing out. Hurrying down the two sets of stairs and out the door, I make my way across the street to the vehicle that puts a smile on my face everytime I see it. 
My 1967 Chevy Camaro. My parents were tuners growing up. They met at an illegal street race back when they were both 18, the grand prize? A dark teal 1967 Chevy Camaro Z28, but not just any ‘67 Chevy. MY ‘67 Chevy. They tied that race and agreed to split the time between them and the car.. That is not how races go, but my parents wouldn’t take no for an answer and the rest was history for them. She is a thing of beauty. With the bold, blacked out grille that has a Z28 badge in the middle, she stands alone in a crowd so beautiful as the white pin stripes make her stand out wherever she goes. She has 15-inch Rally wheels, which are iconic to the Z28, wrapped in Goodyear Wide Tread GT tires. She is perfect and I wouldn’t trade her for anything. 
Hopping into the driver seat I push the key into the ignition and listen to my girl come to life. The smooth revving of her engine fills my ears as I pull out of the parking spot I am in. I slowly released the accelerator as I came up to a stop sign, I texted my professor on the group forum that we have that I was on my way and quickly set my phone down. Looking both ways before driving, I pressed on the gas to get to campus. 
Pulling into a parking spot, I swiftly turn my car off before grabbing my bag from the backseat, hauling ass inside the building my professor's room is in. I have time. I shouldn’t be rushing, but Isla’s dramatic ass has me worried she’ll purposefully fall just to spite me. She is dramatic AND petty like that. The hallway is quiet and nearly empty as I walk towards her Office. I gently knock on her door, not wanting to interrupt the study session she is currently in. “Come in!” I hear her soft voice speak up. Opening the door, I see the students all sitting in their usual lecture hall spots as she has a powerpoint pulled up on the board. I walked down the steps at a leisurely pace and smiled at her as I made eye contact.
“OH! Y/N! Welcome in, do you have the essays for me?” Mrs. Portello asked with a smile.
“Yes, thank you again for allowing me to barge in here and hand them in. I also want to say thank you for allowing me time on that last essay.You are the best, seriously.” I smiled back while handing her my folder with both essays inside.
“Oh nonsense! Things happen, no need to dwell on it. I am glad you were able to go home for the week and be with your family. I will read these over tonight and your last official grade will be posted tomorrow before noon.” She patted my shoulder before setting my folder on her keyboard. Front and center so she doesn’t forget. “Now, Go enjoy the game, and tell Isla I am rooting for her.” She winked. I laughed loudly before nodding. She must have told the professor something dramatic.
Zipping up my bag I walk up the step towards the door. Opening the door as quietly as I can I am just as gentle closing it, careful to not disturb the students and Professor Portello once more. Making my way out of the building across to the parking lot, I climb into my Camero. Glancing at my phone, I see I have a text from Isla.
Isla ☼ : Hurry up, we have 10 minutes until Kick off!
Y/N: On my way, see you soon drama queen.
I fire up the engine again, listening in pure bliss over the purr she gives me and as the sound fills the air and I am making my way to the stadium.
Pulling into the stadium parking lot, I can already see the lights of the field glowling brightly against the night sky. I find a spot before making my way inside, showing them my photographer badge, I make my way in front og the bleachers next to the cheerleaders. Isla is front and center, giving her team guidance and confidence boosts like she does every game.
The excitement of the game, seeing everything come together for both the cheerleaders, and the footballers and also the prospect of seeing all the students and fans fill the stands lifting my spirits, making me quickly forget about the essays I handed in to Portello that decide my fate.
Isla spots me immediately and waves at me and motions me towards her.
“You made it!” She exclaims, throwing her arms around me.
“Ofcourse I did.I told you it would be quick. Now get out there and show them what you got.” I winked and swatted her leg. She squealed out a giggle and hopped over to her team and then quickly made her way out to the track to cheer for our college.
“You are the best, Y/N!” She yelled to me, but quickly let the smile leave her lips as she got ready to cound the girls in. I watch as she stands with the rest of the cheer squad, feeling a sense a pride and anticipation. Grabbing my camera out of the camera back, I am quick to capture her stance, before moving to the left and then the right to capture the other girls in their ready stances.
Isla puts her poms together over her head before shouting loud to the crowd,
“R-O-W-D-I-E, that’s the way we get rowdie, ROWDIE. let’s get rowdie.” and claps three times. This time her teams joins in before they yell for the Badgers. “LET’S GO BADGERS!”
The crowd does as they say and starts stomping lowdly, smiling at the enthusiasm, I lift my camera one more time and capture the crowd in their moment of pure choas.
Co cheer captain Daniel waves her palms before starting the wisconsin cheer.
“U, RA RA, U RA RA.” She shouts and the stadium is quick to shout back. “WIIIISCONSIN.”
Isla is next, “U, RA RA, U RA RA.” And ofcourse we all follow suit. “WISCONSIN.” Everyone joins in for the 3rd and 4th round and says it quickly.
“Alright Wisconsin!” The announcers voice comes. “Let’s give it up to the team that brings us to victory everytime, the WIIIISCONSINN BAAADGERRRRS.” He exclaims, and I am quick to capture the crowd before swiftly turning around and getting the star player smasking through the paper banner.
Harry Styles. Star player, golden boy, most beloved, and smart as a wip. He closes his fists together pumping them outward and roars for the crowd as he runs to the center of the field. *click* What a man.
He puts his arms in the air and screams. “Let’s fucking go!” *click* With his arms still up he makes eye contact with me before forming the goal post with his arms, eyes squeezing closed with his tongue. *click* What that tongue do. wtf is wrong with me.
With a wink to my lense, and a finally *click* I am quick to pan to over to where the once put together banner was and got flicker shots of the rest of the team coming out. The chilly-ness in the air tonight making it look cool as you can see their breath as they shout and run out towards their captain on the field.
“Tonight, we play Idiana University, The Purdue Boilmakers!” The annoucer says, and that moment the opposing team, Purdue is quick to make their exit under the tunnel and the loud crowd on the opposite side of the field is shouting for them as well.
Looking up at the scores never gets old, even almost two years in I get excited to see our team kick the opposing teams ass and it is a rush everytime. Hearing the cheers of the squad and the crowds, I am quick to continue flicker shots of my camera.
With time counting down, We are all in suspense as the Center, Ryder, snaps the ball to Harry, who immediately drops back to pass. The offensive line holds their blocks well, creating a solid pocket.
Harry has three choices for this pass, the wide reciever, the slot reciever, or the outside reciever. After seeing his options, he notices the linebackers biting on the drag, and the cornerback on the outside reciever giving him a bit of cushion. Harry reads the defense with precision, he delivers a high pass over the line backers and just ahead of the safeties.
Our teams tight end makes and athletic leap, catching the ball at its highest point, securing it with both hands. He lands in the endzone, securing the touchdown. The crowd erupts as the Badgers take the lead.
Harry shakes his tight ends shoulders with pride before getting bumped by Purdue’s captain, the surprise attack coming out of nowhere has harry knocking into his team mate. The visible anger is enough for the other Badgers to step in to help hold harry back.
“What the hell dude?” Harry’s deep voice snaps at the captain.
“Oh, my apologies, I didnt know my opposing captain was such a pussy.” The footballer snickered. I rolled my eyes. What a comeback dude.
“Harry!” The Badgers coach shouted across the field. “He ain’t worth it son.” He shouted once more. Harry’s team grabs him by the shoulders and pulls him toward their bench.
“I might not be worth it, but you know who is?” He patronizes. “Your cheer team. They look like a fun time.” He digs deep.
Our football team shake their heads in unison, still walking away without confronting the situation any longer. The announcer noticed the tention on the field before saying you cut it with a knife. I picked my camera up and pressed the capture button. Proud of our boys for taking the high road, documenting the moment, the click was like a pin dropping.
“Or maybe your little photographer. She looks like fun.” He chuckled. Um, ew?
“In your dreams, dude.” I scoffed, but my luck has never been the best, because what I thought was under my breath actually wasn’t.
“What the fuck did you just say?” He snapped. Choosing to ignore him, I am staring down at my camera, looking at him through the screen that is angled up at me. I pretend to click the non touch screen, trying not to add to the attention I have created for myself. He has angled his body my way before making his way towards me. Having the inkling to press record, I do, and my god this next part is cinema. “That’s what I thought, stupid bit-” He is cut off by a flying fist hitting him square in the jaw. Moving my camera quickly you can see Harry’s arm before he is on top of the rival captain and punching him once more in the jaw before getting up. Please god tell me I got that all on camera. Looking down and playing back the video, I see I did infact get it and cannot wait to show Harry later.
“Don’t EVER talk about a lady like that.” Harry barked. Officially walking away, and straight to the coach to get repremanded. My legs are metaphorically spread.
The crowd roared to life as the final touchdown was played. The Wisconsin Badgers beat the Purdue Boilmakers for the second time this season and with how halftime went, no one on our side is complaining. Infact, they are cheering and chanting the only four words that matter whenever we win a game.
“EAT SHIT. FUCK YOU.” Over and over until the last fan of the rival team is off benches and off our field. I have just captured the last photo of the night and while I am putting my camera down to hang around my neck I am looking every which way for my trusty hero.
I won’t pretend that Harry and I are friends, because that is not the case. He is nice and stands apart from the typical college guys who are either rude or just looking for a hookup. Harry parties hard, but he’s also incredibly smart and priorities his grades and football over being the campus’ biggest jerk. It’s this balance that make him Intriguing.
Our paths crossed often enough- shared classes, mutual friends, the occasional study group- but we’ve never had a deep conversation. Still, there’s a mutual respect there. He is the kind of guy who will hold the door open for you, offer a polite nod in the hallway, and never push boundaries.
So when Isla dragged me to yet another party at the frat house where Harry lives, I didn’t mind as much. The house was loud and choatic, filled with music and mingling voices. Isla was immediately swallowed by the crowd and I found a nice quiet corner to people watch and sip on my jack and coke.
As the night went on, I noticed Harry moving around the crowd, talking to everyone, yet never staying in one place for too long. He had this effortless way of making people feel at ease, and it was clear why he was well-liked. When our eyes met, he gave me a small knowing smile and raised his cup in acknowledgement.
I smiled back, feeling a strange mix of comfort and curiosity. It was clear that Harry had layers, and while I wasn’t looking to peel them back, it was nice to know that not everyone at this college fit into the same mold. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to him than meets the eye. And maybe, just maybe, i’d find out some day.
But until then, Let’s find him so we can watch this video in slow motion and watch the football captain of Purdue get his shit rocked.
“Hey, Y/N!” I hear my name get called. Turning around I see Isla walking over with the one I was looking for. He has an iceback on his fist and he is looking straight at me. I smile at them both and wave.
“Isla!” I screamed, “I got that whole thing on video and I need you both to watch it ASAP.” I giggled. Isla squeeled and agreed while Harry groaned.
“I can’t believe I let my anger get the best of me.” He sighed loudly.
“But it made for great cinema Harry.” I winked. Pulling my camera up I went to the video and played it. “I’ll send you a copy. BAM. Bitch went down.” I rewind and played it one more time in slow motion.
“You did not just quote Tatum from Scream because I punched someone?” Harry laughed loudly.
“OFCOURSE I qouted the second queen of scream. Thank you for doing that by the way, it means alot.” I smiled. He shook his head and waved me off. Lowering my camera, I looked down to the screen. I felt Isla put her arm around my shoulder.
“Well, I am off. I really do want a copy of that. Our own personal superhero, I want a keepsake.” Isla giggled when Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head.
When Isla walked away Harry kept his gaze on her, not once looking down, still focused on her head. When she turned left at the field gate to walk to the parking lot, Harry looked down at his cleats before inhaling a deep breath
“So, you’re a Scream fan, huh?” I can just hear the smirk in his voice, and when I looked up I was right, tucking some hair behind my ear I nodded. Stop smirking at me, I’m feeling things.
“It is a guilty pleasure for sure.” I blushed. Keeping my eyes locked on his I could see a glint of adoration in his eyes, why? I couldn’t tell you. I felt the shyness creeping up and I quickly dropped my head to look at my camera.
I heard is quiet laughter and then soon after felt his knuckle under my chin. Making eye contact once more, He smiles softly at me. “Maybe we could watch them together.” He whispered.
My eyes widen, “Like a date?” I whispered back. abort abort abort abort.
“Woah woah woah, take me out to dinner first.” He pulled away and smirked, resulting in me slapping him lightly on the arm and giggling causing him to howl out a cackle.
“I would love to have a scream marathon with you, Harry.” I smiled up at him.
After a few minutes of just staring at eachother, we quietly exchanged phone numbers and headed our seperate ways for the night. This is fine. I’m fine.
Taglist: @namoreno
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islandtarochips · 2 days
I'm Just a Man
I keep hearing the part of THIS Epic: The Musical song from "I'm Just A Man". Of where the part that says, "But WHEN, does a COMET becomes a METEOR."
And I couldn't help but to think each of those lyrics matched with WTF. I will typed down the lyrics that matched with the WTF and I'll explained as much detailed as I can. To tell you WHY it matches them!
Ok, here is the song that I got from TikTok for you guys to understand of what song that I'm TALKING about!
Now let's start with this, shall we?
"But when, does a COMET become a METEOR?"
For this lyrics. I believe that AELAN KALANI fits this one really well. Because for the COMET part explains that they can't predict of when the comet comes down. Same thing for Aelan as she was nervous of serving her first patient. Not knowing of what she was doing. Afraid that she'll messed up.
But with the METEOR part. They practical, logical, and task-oriented. Just like Aelan right NOW. She had became the best Medic in the Army. Always know what she was doing and is fast enough to patch up ANY injuries they have. So that's why she is the perfect matched with this lyrics.
"When does a CANDLE become a BLAZE?"
Pretty sure AGNES "BLAST" FALAGI fit this one! And yes, it's because of her codename...what? I couldn't help it. It was just...right THERE.
I know a CANDLE personality is different than the BLAZE. But I'm just gonna stick with this one. I mean, from a candle light to a BIG fearsome BLAZE. Am I wrong?
"When does a MAN become a MONSTER?"
.........ok. I know I said I will explained in details of as to why the lyrics MATCH. But I'm gonna save this one until I get to the story for the FUTURE. And to tell you WHO. This will be TIALA "SHARK" TOA.
"But when does a RIPPLE become a TIDAL WAVE?"
This will fit for NIGEL "SQUIRREL" HARRISON. For the word RIPPLE, it describes him as he was trying to fit in with the Shadow Company. But his personality and his behavior aren't very fitting into this group. And they were surprised that Graves is TOLERATING his behavior, even he was surprised. And after the incidents from Las Almas. He made a HUGE step of leaving the Shadow Company and joining with the Warriors Task Force. THAT'S when he became a TIDAL WAVE.
"When does the REASON become the BLAME?"
One soldier lost under HER command. Under ALANA KALANI'S command. If you read her bio about her being the Lieutenant General and had given orders/permission for her soldiers to go on that mission. She had lost ONE. One out of many. For the REASON of his death is because SHE had led him and his men there. Without knowing the consequences. So the BLAME of his death and some (or MOST) of her other men as well is cause by HER.
"When does a MAN become a MONSTER?"
And last but not least...this one match with KANOA TOA. I know most of his team and some of his close friends sees him as a happy man who can't take things seriously. But did they even KNOW of what he did 5 years ago? That mission that he went to save his sister? He wasn't the same man after receiving the news about her being MIA. He HUNTED those enemies and interrogating them with no mercy until they gave him the answer of where his sister been kidnapped. Sometimes his interrogation can be...a bit overboard too (Which I will NOT show it here...). But after that mission and a year later. He became that happy man again (Not really...). So yeah, that MAN he was before will soon come out to show his true MONSTER.
Imma just gonna tagged these two for they are an Epic: The Musical fan! Just like me!
@deeptrashwitch @justasmolbard
Love you peles!😙❤️
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he's gonna go and get us both in trouble
(Charles Leclerc/Carlos Sainz Jr., 1.1k, rated G, 1/1)
(based on that one video from the Miami shoot where it looks like Carlos is reaching up to fix Charles' hair, they're being oblivious menaces and driving the photo team insane in the process, POV Outsider, Ambiguous Relationship, kind of, they're acting like a couple soo, Idiots in Love, Crack)
They can't keep their hands off each other. It's becoming a problem.
Read it on Ao3 or below. :))
(Tumblr kept throwing this at me and somehow it got stuck.
Thanks again to the wonderful @leversainz for beta reading and preserving what's left of my sanity! <33
I hope you enjoy and I'd love to hear your thoughts! :3)
When Sal had taken over the role of lead photographer for Ferrari a few months ago, she’d known it would not be a cakewalk. She’d known they were going to have high expectations and standards. She’d not known it was going to be this kind of chaos.
Really, it should be simple. A simple photo shoot. Get the drivers into the clothes, position them on the set, take the photos and repeat until the whole line has been visualized - nothing new, nothing really exciting.
Also not a lot of room for problems. Sal is a professional, Carlos and Charles are professionals, everyone is a professional, who’s been through this exact thing about 1000 times before. However, for some inexplicable reason, shooting together seems to make their two models prone to ignore all that professionalism in the room and throw their own out the window with it.
Prior to her first shoot, Sal had already heard stories from the PR-team about most of the vlogs and challenges going a bit awry. But nothing could’ve prepared her for whatever they are.
(Teammates? Friends? Boyfriends? Insane mostly.)
Their exact relationship is a big question mark to everyone, probably even themselves, but they do seem incredibly comfortable - constantly in each others space, touching in some form or another.
And the worst thing is, no one can even really fault them, as they actually don’t seem to be doing it on purpose.
That, in of itself, is not a problem. It starts becoming one, when the people they work with need them to not do that for a few hours, and it is apparently impossible.
(They’re not getting downright handsy, but the way they move around each other is still too physically intimate to be edited around the power of teammates and friendship.)
Sal recognizes it from her own relationship – the need to be close, the bubble of intimacy that makes everything else disappear - so when she has to reposition them for almost every second shot because they keep unconsciously shifting closer to each other, she can’t find it in herself to blame them. At this point, she’s gotten used to it.
(That doesn’t mean she can’t still send them chastising looks every time it happens.)
What she definitely can and will blame them for though, is their current predicament - the candid videos of the new race suits, that are taking way longer than they need to - because Carlos and Charles seem to have a lot of trouble with the 10 cm gap between them. It has repeatedly taken about 20 seconds after positioning, for them to get lost in themselves and instinctively move closer again - much to the chagrin of the videography team.
After they have to cut off the video for the fifth time, because neither of them can keep their hands where they’re supposed to be, Sal also starts blaming the director.
She keeps giving them the call of “Act natural! Like you’re in the garage preparing for the race!” and somehow the guys seem to take that particular one very seriously.
Because, just like before every race, they are completely in their own world, oblivious to whatever is happening around them. Sal has photographed enough Grand-Prixs and therefore witnessed enough of their pre-race rituals, to know the phrasing is really not helping anyone.
They’re now on their eighth attempt to get a particular candid shot of the two drivers in their shiny blue race suits wearing equally blue sunglasses.
The longer she looks at it, the more ridiculous the scene becomes in Sal’s opinion, but it’s the last one and they need to make it stick, so everyone can finally go home. Although the photo-part of the shoot is done and the videographer has taken over two hours ago, Sal and the rest of the photography team are still there (company policy...) and it is starting to drag.
Most of the staff not actively working is gathered around the director and her video monitor, impatiently waiting. They need one minute of usable footage for the promotion. One minute.
As the first half counts down, everything seems to be going swimmingly - they’re keeping it cool, they’re keeping it civil and most importantly they’re keeping it an appropriate distance apart.
At around 20 seconds to go, Charles starts fussing with his hair.
It’s an innocent enough thing, to go down without any protest from the crew. But then Carlos, in a gesture that seems too intuitive to be entirely conscious, starts moving his hands up to where Charles’ are buried in his curls.
The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. It is almost entirely silent. No one is even looking at the two drivers. Everyone knows what’s coming is inevitable, so the only thing that matters is the clock ticking on the video timer.
Carlos’ hands reach Charles’ head with about 10 seconds to go. As he starts untangling his teammates hands from his hair and gently takes them into his own, the silence is disrupted by a cacophony of almost unison groans from the team. 10 seconds. 10 seconds later and it would’ve been completely fine. Everyone is already resigning themselves to do the whole thing over again, when the director sighs loudly and shakes her head.
“No. This ends now. I do not care how we do it, but we will find these 10 seconds somewhere else. Cut the last part. We are done here.” Then she gets up from her chair and, to everyone’s surprise, simply leaves the studio.
There is a moment of stunned silence, before the whole team lets out a collective sigh of relief and immediately starts moving to pack up.
Oblivious, Sal thinks as she waves back.
As the two drivers are ushered to the dressing rooms, Sal sees Charles lean into Carlos, making the other man reach out instinctively, pulling him closer.
They smile and wave her goodby, when they pass where she is zipping up her bags - talking animatedly to each other, once again caught in their own world.
Shouldering her equipment, she watches them for a moment longer. Carlos has one arm wrapped tightly around Charles’ waist, like he has been restraining himself the last six hours and now needs to make up for lost time. Charles is no better, as he seemingly tries his best to reduce the space between them even more, practically melting into his teammates side.
Sal sighs, turning to leave. They really are insane.
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analoceits · 13 hours
love bites CH. 1: new blood
Virgil leaned against the headboard and sighed. The apartment was strangely silent, and not in a pleasant way. It seeped into his bones and rested there, choking his lungs. It was the type of quiet that made him cry as a kid, because he could hear his blood flowing and his heart beating and he could feel how fragile both were..
At least he couldn’t hear either now.
Whatever. That was irrelevant. He was thinking about the quiet, because that meant Logan was gone and it was stressing him out. Logan had warned him, of course - some kind of after school program his professor had offered him that meant he would be staying a little later. Even if he knew why though, it didn’t stop his thoughts from racing.
Virgil had protested when Logan brought it up. Lo, jesus christ, that late? Seriously? C’mon, that is a disaster waiting to happen- what if you get lost? Or, you could get stolen away by some creepy guy, or you could get fucking mugged, or- (Or Bitten.)
But Logan, as comforting as ever, reached a hand up and gently patted his shoulder, stating, the cities crime rate is particularly low. That’s why we both chose to live here, isn’t it? I will be completely alright. To give you extra assurance, I’ll inform you when I leave so you can ‘freak the fuck out’ as you said if I’m not home in thirty or so minutes, ok?
As promised, the text had arrived twenty-seven minutes ago. Logan should be home any minute now. Virgil sighed, laying back against the headboard. Logan’s words were absurdly comforting. It shouldn’t be allowed, really. It’s as if Logan had stolen the voice of an angel somehow, and used it just to speak to Virgil in the softest way.
For the approximately 100th time since the realization had hit Virgil a number of months ago, that thought ran through his head again. Despite every warning and caution against, Virgil had fallen hopelessly, and desperately in love with a mortal.
The thought sent a miserably defeated let delighted sigh through him, before it was cut off by the front door pulling open and promptly slamming shut so hard that it shook the apartment. Virgil shot straight up, fear striking through his ribs, head spinning to the vague direction of the noise, “Logan?” He yelled across the apartment.
There was no answer.
“Logan!” He repeated, the force in his voice stronger this time.
Logan did not answer. Logan always answered.
Virgil was running before he really knew it, his body moving with unnatural stiff perfection, any passing thought of seeming human escaping him as his feet slammed against the floor. He flung around the corner in less than a second and caught his eyes on a figure.
No, not a figure, it was Logan. It was Logan, staring at him with wide, terrified eyes and only then between his terror and relief did Virgil remember there were actually reasons why he had to seem human. A major one being to not terrify his very human roommate
After a brief, embarrassed glance down that resulted in him seeing black, smoking marks in the tile (they were not getting their deposit back now) he looked back up and spoke, still unsure if he was embarrassed or terrified. “Logan, are you ok? Did something happen? You could’ve called me, you know-” Logan raised his hand to cut Virgil off, and Virgil hesitantly obliged.
In what was becoming a pretty concerning pattern - Logan still did not speak.
They both stared at each other in an awkward, tense silence. It’s like they were playing a game of chicken where Virgil was trying to not open his mouth again, and Logan was trying to remember what words were. Virgil barely resisted the urge to reach for him as the silence drew on.
Finally, finally because Virgil might fucking die - die again - if he didn’t hear the nerds voice right then, Logan spoke. “I am alright.” He said, but the words shook as he spoke them, “.. I didn’t know you could run that fast, Virgil.”
Virgil resisted the urge to cringe so hard his fangs would dig into his bottom lip, and instead responded with a very hesitant, “I didn’t know you liked slamming doors all of a sudden, but here we are.” Despite his best efforts, the words held more concern than annoyance.
Logan did actually cringe at that, seemingly having less self control than Virgil which - jesus, when did that happen? - but he managed to force out an answer. “I apologize, it was just stress,” he said and Virgil could see it - he looked strikingly pale. As pale as Virgil had been all those years ago. 
The thought sent a viscous nausea through him.
“So..,” Virgil started, picking over his words carefully, because Logan for the first time was the fragile one of the two of them and Virgil couldn’t stand himself if he broke Logan while he was like this, “you aren’t alright, are you?” He asked in his best soft voice, taking a hesitant step forward.
Despite his attempt at softness, Logan took the words viscerally, entire body tensing as he stepped back. As if Virgil had just torn him open for all to see. “I am fine.” He responded tersely, and Virgil was pretty sure the tension in the room might kill them both.
Virgil hated this, he decided suddenly. Whatever the fuck was happening, he hated it. He hated Logan staring at him like a terrified puppy, and he hated trying to advance on him like he was animal control. “Logan, something is clearly wrong. I’m worried. Please, please just let me help. This once?”
Logan stared at him, thinking over the words seemingly - and then he tried to run. He was running across the floor - and when the fuck did he learn to run that fast - then Virgil was grabbing him by his wrist, cringing with guilt at the way Logan made a pathetic half-shriek in his throat at that.
Virgil held on loosely, knowing it wasn’t a fight in the first place. Humans always felt weak against him now, it took more focus to not hurt them than it did, really. Even if it made him sick to think about, Logan didn’t really have a chance against him. Virgil took a deep breath.
Then Logan tore out of his grasp with a sudden strength Virgil didn’t know he had, pushing Virgil off hard enough to make him stumble before spinning around and starting to scramble with his rooms door. Virgil was frozen for a brief moment. That shouldn’t be possible. How was that possible?
His mind caught up eventually, and suddenly Virgil reached out and pulled Logan away from the door, holding tight to him with a strength that would have usually crushed his ribs. “Logan, Logan, what the utter fuck-” Virgil hissed under his breath, dragging him into the living room.
Logan kicked against him with that scary force again, but he was unfocused - even if he was.. stronger, somehow, he clearly hadn’t learned to use that strength at all. After a few moments, Logan calmed down enough for Virgil to hold him just by his wrists.
The way that Logan pulled against him, trying to use all the force in his body, reminded Virgil viscerally of himself freshly turned.
Fuck, he needed to stop thinking about his turning and being a vampire cause he was pretty sure that was just making things worse, actually. Instead, he needed to focus on the problem in front of him - the shaking fucking mess of his roommate he was trying to subdue.
Virgil choked down his best approximation of a deep breath and tightened his grip around Logan’s wrists as gently as he could until he could feel Logan stopping his attempts at struggle. It felt - mean, really shitty actually, but something was deeply fucking wrong and he was not leaving it. He couldn’t take the risk.
Even if he wasn’t struggling against Virgil, though, Logan was clearly struggling to breath and Virgil knew they weren’t going to have any of the good conversation he wanted while Logan was having a panic attack.
“Hey, bud,” he started tentatively, trying his best to speak to the shaking mass of Logan, “I got you, don’t worry.” He said before adding a few clicks after - he knew humans couldn’t hear them, but it was still instinctual. Even if Logan couldn’t hear them, Virgil would swear he relaxed a little after he did them - maybe Janus was right about his theory that humans could sense them subconsciously.
Slowly, painfully, over a number of minutes Virgil did not bother to count, Logan calmed down. His panicked wheezes turned to shaky but deep breaths and the tenseness slowly leaked out of him. That lost look in his eyes slowly became more aware, gaze focused on the tile. Virgil gave an encouraging smile, “there you go.”
Then, without a singular fucking warning, Logan lunged at him. Virgil didn’t even think to fight back, instead just standing dumbly as he felt what were now obviously baby fangs try to dig into his skin for blood that wasn’t there. Blood that hadn’t been there for years.
Logan choked out a shriek and pulled back sharply, looking at Virgil with overwhelming guilt and terror. “I- Virgil, I’m so sorry, that was unintentional I wouldn’t ever hurt you- I didn’t- Virgil-” his voice broke and he was clearly begging now, as Virgil just stood there, processing the shock.
As soon as he processed it, though, he was moving. He reached out and grabbed Logan, practically dragging him to the couch and throwing him at it. “Stay here,” he hissed, a million thoughts screaming through his head as he ran through the kitchen.
The loudest was in Janus’s voice. You had barely five minutes to live after that bite, if I hadn’t helped.
He was by the fridge and his hands were in the icy cold that he couldn’t even feel anymore and he was grasping around for a feeling of a latch, a secret compartment tucked away in the back of the fridge fucking hell where was it-
His finger caught on something and he pulled on it so hard the compartment door snapped and clattered to the floor with a slam. He did not care, his hands awkwardly grasping for the first thing he could grab. There was a bag of blood in his hands and he was moving, darting  for the living room.
Somewhere between the living room and kitchen he tore the bag. He must’ve, because there was blood pouring onto his fingers and onto the floor and it did not matter for a second, nothing mattered but getting too Logan. 
He dropped to a knee by Logan’s side, and he looked painfully, horrifically pale now. Virgil could see the way he struggled to breath, one hand grasping at his neck, this time not with fear but from the creeping death Virgil knew was approaching him. Virgil reached out, his bloody hands were on his jaw and he was tilting his head back and-
He poured the blood into Logans mouth, practically covering them both in red. Time stumbled back into place as he did, Virgil able to hear the telltale way Logan desperately choked down the blood. Virgil dug his nails into the couch, pulling himself up. It was all he could do to stop himself from physically tackling Logan.
Everything was slower now, every movement drawn out and Virgil took a shaky breath through his dead lungs. He was so indescribably happy he could breath again, that everything was alright, that Logan would be okay. They were okay.
Then his eyes drifted down to the literal blood on his own hands and he was leering again.
Not quickly like moments ago, no- time slowed around him, the whole force of it pressing against as his back just to indulge in his misery, his shame. Because Virgil had just done the worst thing he could do. He was just as bad as he thought he would become.
Technically, he didn’t. Virgil, for all intents and purposes did not turn Logan. No, that process was started for him by someone else. Someone who Virgil was going to slaughter, going to watch them choke and die starved of blood just like the fate they almost damned his Logan too- 
But Virgil had ended the process.
Without even giving Logan a choice. A horrible false choice; a choice between an instant death and a stretched out, painful eternity neither of which he would fully understand, but some semblance of choice. Instead, without asking he poured the blood in his mouth he damned Logan just like he had been damned and-
Logan hugged him. His arms were around Virgil’s torso and he was shaking like a leaf in the wind, gasping into his chest and getting more blood all over the both of them. Virgil stood, his arms by his side dumbly as he processed it and then he hugged him back, holding him in what was practically a death grip.
After a long, tender moment Logan pulled himself up, wriggling out of Virgil's hold embarrassedly. His cheeks were flushed red and he glanced down at the couch with wide eyes. Virgil could not fucking believe Logan had the emotional capacity to be embarrassed over a hug after everything that had just happened.
Virgil eventually fully let Logan go, sitting down beside him on the couch. He took a deep steadying breath and glanced up at Logan with the best reassuring smile he could muster.
Logan gave him a similar, if shakier smile back and Virgil could swear, for just a second, they might actually end up ok. Even if things were gonna be utterly terrible for a while they might, by some fucking miracle, be ok. Of course they would. They were together.
“So..,” Logan awkwardly pawed for the coffee table in front of them, grabbing a notepad and pen with shaky hands. He clicked the pen, turning back to Virgil. “Would the correct terminology be ‘vampirism’?” He asked, pen hovering over paper. Virgil blinked, and then started cackling so hard he was worried he would damage something.
Logan glared at him with withering embarrassment, but Virgil knew it held no heat behind it. He was pretty sure at the moment neither of them knew how to be mad at each other. After a moment, Virgil managed to nod through his cackles.
As soon as Virgil managed to officially calm down - which took a solid minute and a half, by his guess, he looked to Logan and gave him a reassuring smirk, feeling much more calm than just a few minutes ago. Ok. They were gonna be okay. “Sorry. I’m sorry, really, mean it,” he forced out with only a few giggles, “anything else?”
Logan squinted his eyes at him for a long second, still holding onto his annoyance from Virgil's reaction, but he eventually relented, “well, I.. have a list,” Virgil snorted again and Logan pointedly ignored it, “but firstly.. how long have you been 21?” He queried, looking to Virgil with curiosity.
“First thing,” Virgil started, “utterly fuck you for indirectly quoting Twilight at me.” That managed to startle a laugh at Logan, which made Virgil practically preen with delight. “Second thing, I was turned like five years ago-” Logan gave him a surprised look, and Virgil raised a finger before he continued, clarifying.“- when I was 18.”
Logan hummed acknowledgingly, scribbling something down on the notepad and then responding with a curt, “so, if you had aged normally, you would be around 23 at the moment, correct?” Virgil gave a casual nod. He would say he was 23, honestly, but that was a technicality.
“Yup,” he said and then suddenly he was grinning, realizing he got to do something very funny, “which means I’m now the oldest in the apartment. Bitch.” He added and the satisfaction was so much he was a small bit worried he might manage to actually drown in it.
Logan gave him a look with wide, mortified eyes, and then groaned, head in his hands. “Out of all the things that could come out of this..” He said, seemingly half to himself and half to Virgil. Virgil snickered.
“Nah,” Virgil said playfully, “there are a lot of things worse than that, like not seeing the sun ever again - I promise you that, pocket protector,” he spoke without a single thought and then looked back over, cringing seeing the sudden pained look on Logan’s face. Shit. That was the worst thing he could’ve said, wasn’t it? 
Virgil reached out, trying to think of something to say to make it better, but Logan waved him off, eyes focused on some invisible point in the middle distance. “Yeah, there is a lot worse,” he said under his breath, and Virgil wasn’t sure who exactly he was speaking too. “This is going to be horrible, isn’t it?” He asked softly.
“Yeah,” Virgil answered honestly, “it’s going to really suck.” He reached out, starting to gently rub circles into Logans back. This time, he didn’t refuse the touch, instead just slightly leaning in to it. “You’ll survive though,” Virgil said, “I mean, I did and I’m a fucking wreck?”
Logan choked out a laugh at that, rubbing his face off before sitting back up, leaning away from Virgil’s touch again. “I’ll uh, keep that in mind.” He said with a small smile. After a second, he dropped back to a more serious tone, “whats.. next? What do we need to do now?” 
Virgil sighed miserably, because he knew the answer and coincidentally fucking hated it. He hated every part of it with his whole being and how much of a trainwreck it would be. “Very fucking simple,” he said, annoyance already building as he pulled out his phone, and started dialing the number in.
“I have to call fucking Janus.”
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orchidyoonkook · 7 months
Hi Yoon,
This is your pal, Bubbles. Once more I have returned to Tumblr from a long break. I think I’m going to be taking these breaks more. Being off the platforms has been slightly relaxing, and I’ve been dealing with life in general more. Life is a crazy bundle of experiences and memories, and I’ve come to realize that I haven't appreciated that. I want to have that sense of peace or wisdom in a way. I'm looking forward to reading the newest chapter of Price Jungkook and Oc, and I saw that you have written a Yoongi oneshot. I’m so very excited to read them.   
Update I have read chapter 5, omg Jungkooooooook you should have talked to her about it, give a heads up at least. It’s only been three days after he carried her to bed, I expected him to be a lone puppy by her side and willing to meet up with Nel. OC has the correct line of thought and isn’t overstepping any boundaries, I like how she approaches this situation when talking to JK. She is so mature. I’ve fallen for her, she is loyal, caring, smart, talented, artistic, intuitive,  and kind. Jungkook and…Adaline? Really out of everyone in that college, honestly, he could have given Yuri a chance or something and I would have been more okay. Himself and Adaline are both taking advantage of each other she they are consenting there’s no problem. It still poses the moral question. I know Jungkook is a prince and all but surely he doesn't need to be in a relationship as of now. He has more than 3 years till graduation (I hope it's that amount). 
Either way, I’m super excited to see Nel and how that would go about. If JK, and Adaline cross paths with the long-distance-now-at-same-place couple that would make such an intriguing scene, I wish that would happen. I hope you having a wondrous and mythical Halloween. I wish the best for new life events yet to come. Oh and i still have to read the one-shot later so ill get back to you on that.
Hugs and kisses, 
Bubbles 🫧
Hi Yoon,
Hello Darling. It's so lovely to hear from you again <3
This is your pal, Bubbles. Once more I have returned to Tumblr from a long break. I think I’m going to be taking these breaks more. Being off the platforms has been slightly relaxing, and I’ve been dealing with life in general more. Life is a crazy bundle of experiences and memories, and I’ve come to realize that I haven't appreciated that. I want to have that sense of peace or wisdom in a way. I'm looking forward to reading the newest chapter of Price Jungkook and Oc, and I saw that you have written a Yoongi oneshot. I’m so very excited to read them.   
Online breaks are so important, and I'm so happy you recognize that and are taking them for yourself.
I'm sorry you've been dealing with life, I hope at least its good, and if not, well then I hope my little stories can give you some reprieve for a while.
And I definitely understand your want for peace and wisdom, as I've always been told I'm wise for my age, and that's a very big compliment for me as I aspire to be that. So I get that. I really, truly do. But also don't forget to act young and careless sometimes, in safe environments.
I'm thrilled you're still with me through this journey, and still check in with me too. Thanks for waiting for the new chapter, sorry it took so long. And yes I do! It's my first halloween post featuring my first smut scene, so I hope it goes well for you, but if it's not your vibe, that's okay too!
Update I have read chapter 5, omg Jungkooooooook you should have talked to her about it, give a heads up at least. It’s only been three days after he carried her to bed, I expected him to be a lone puppy by her side and willing to meet up with Nel.
I agree so much, he really should have. But he's still learning how to be normal. He isn't used to people caring in the way OC does.
And yeah :/// but again with his life and his role, he's used to putting his feelings aside for the "greater good." Joys of being in a position of power with a spotlight on you wherever you go, even if your on the brink of collapse, you can never let it show.
OC has the correct line of thought and isn’t overstepping any boundaries, I like how she approaches this situation when talking to JK. She is so mature. I’ve fallen for her, she is loyal, caring, smart, talented, artistic, intuitive, and kind.
Oc is my version of a small self insert. Not in the way that she is me, but I took a lot of my characteristics and made them into a character that fit the story, so I'm over here blushin real hard man. The fact that you like her so much just makes me giggly and happy.
And this isn't me saying I'm taking it as a compliment for myself, but it's really lovely to hear that someone likes characteristics in something you've made based on traits you have that weren't always looked at with appreciation, does that make sense?
Jungkook and…Adaline? Really out of everyone in that college, honestly, he could have given Yuri a chance or something and I would have been more okay. Himself and Adaline are both taking advantage of each other she they are consenting there’s no problem. It still poses the moral question. I know Jungkook is a prince and all but surely he doesn't need to be in a relationship as of now. He has more than 3 years till graduation (I hope it's that amount). 
Yuri is too low born for his father to accept and he knows that unfortunately. He's instilled that Jungkook need to be with someone of "good breeding and political advantage" since he was a kid. It's part of the reason he's at RABFA and not another school. RABFA has all the Wests and some of the Easts (see: Adaline) most eligible bachelorettes.
He does have three more years, yes. And yeah, I'm not a fan of the place he's put himself in either, but again he's still learning to navigate life for the first time without his father's watchful eyes all over his every move, so he's bound to make some questionable decisions here and there.
And that's not even delving into his love map.
Either way, I’m super excited to see Nel and how that would go about.
Me too!!! I'm so excited for you guys to meet him!
If JK, and Adaline cross paths with the long-distance-now-at-same-place couple that would make such an intriguing scene, I wish that would happen.
Ooooo it so would!!! That's a fun scene idea.
I hope you having a wondrous and mythical Halloween. I wish the best for new life events yet to come. Oh and i still have to read the one-shot later so ill get back to you on that.
I was moving so not exactly crazy, but it was also my cats second birthday so there was that, and I released that Yoongi one shot which was super exciting for me cuz I'm super proud of it so yes and no to the mythical Halloween 😅 but thank you nonetheless!!! And I'll look forward to your commentary on TDWV!
Hugs and kisses,  Bubbles 🫧
I love hearing from you Bubbles. I love our life chats and our random ones too. I got giddy when I saw you in my inbox and so I wanted to wait till I was in the right mindset to respond so I could take everything all in. So here I am sat in the corner of a starbucks with my drink, a snack and my computer, happily typing away!
Please feel free to check in when you can, whenever that is. And as always, thank you so much for reading.
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
Dabi’s the type of bf who gets so happy over your presence, even if he doesn’t outwardly show it. Like you send him a text saying you’re coming home from work because your boss let you clock out early and he’ll respond back with, “k see ya” but internally he’s twirling his hair kicking his feet and giggling like a teenaged girl with a crush
dabi is your #1 fan and supporter 🤧💜
AND every tongue that raises against you shall fall, by his hands no less.
he gets super defensive when someone speaks ill of you, would literally verbally demolish anyone that dares to say your name in vain, then if he deemed that it's needed he's gonna lit them up too!!!
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timeisacephalopod · 7 months
The type of Christian who asks atheists how they don't like, murder people on the reg are so funny to me because they seem to think their religion makes them the Peak of Morality when statements like "if you don't believe in God how comes you don't do X thing" all but outright state they have no idea why shit like murder and rape is bad except that God doesn't like it lmao. Like way to admit you have no intrinsic sense of morality and need to be afraid of a higher power to be a decent person, but I promise if you're not a piece of shit it's actually very natural not to want to do heinous evil shit all the time potential punishment from a higher power or not 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
#winters ramblings#seriously its SO funny when that happens because every time its like ??? the FUCK kind of thoughts do you have#to ask HOW i resist doing evil shit all the time because i dont fear god because i dont believe in God??#what kind of fucked up person do you haveto be to only resist killing people because of fear of a higher power??#these are people to avoid because typically they also come with the issue of using their religion to make any action they want#perfectly Good and Moral because GOD said it its in the BIBLE whether thats true or not and like bible or no#if you have no intrinsic sense of morality i dont want to hear about atheist morality from you lmao#not that athiests lack issues i swear to god white dudes who evangelize atheism like its their new religion#have WILDLY missed the point and often suffer the same problem as the aforementioned Christians#wherein the onky thing thats ever given them any kind of pushback is the church so they decide RELIGION is horrible and bad as a whole#which isnt true religion can be a perfectly lovely amazing thing for people but that brand of atheist#doesnt seem to understand that people turned away from the church because of wide spread abuse and discrimination not because#believing in god makes you literally mentally ill like some of these fuckos act like. abelist AND shite to religious folks in one fowl swoop#so you know atheists have problems too but like they arent making laws in their beliefs images across the world so you know#temper the criticism with how influential the group actually is although richard dawkins types DID get a lot of space to spew their idiocy#like dawkims if you think youre SOOOO much smarter than christians how come you have ALL the same misogyny problems??#youre not that smart and logical if youve decided a whole kind of person is inherently less than you buddy. in fact thats very Christian#of him actually. funny when that happens but again if you dont actually know WHY something is a problem#its very easy to say Thats Bad and then literally do the exact same thing you just condemned because when YOU do it its no longer bad#because its got YOUR flavor of fucked up morality on it now instead of being like hmm maybe Christianity isnt a problem#because it EXISTS but because a lot of people use their religion as a pointed barb to discriminate against huge swaths of people#and often the intolerance becomes a legal issue when Christians and other religious majorities shove through laws based on EXCLUSIVELY their#religions and opinions and that doesnt mean religion should be dismantled it means we ahould tell religious folk who would know what#morality was if it fucked them up the ass to shut up and figure out what morality is outside of rekigion before they start legislating about#it and whatnot. also i wish extreme opinions werent ALL the news focused on exclusively on the political right#can we platform some NORMAL well adjusted christians who are god loving AND not a bunch of wingnuts#who are two steps away from arguing thou shall not kill only applies to people they LIKE because they dont seem to understand#maybe murder is bad when EVERYONE does it not just The Bad People??!?!
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townslore · 16 days
Tumblr media
discovery of the day
#im sorry i do Not see what everyone sees in this movie. although from the years of browsing the internet ive began to realize#that i actually dont know if people actually like the movie or not#why is everything so rushed#their romance felt like nothing to me because i dont KNOW what they see in eachother#listen you dont have to tell me straight up into the camera why they love eachother#but the aggressive kissing and cut sex scenes arent telling me much#i get that it came out in 2005 but cutting mostly every gay sex scene? even the kissing for the most part?#but oh we NEED to see this happy husband and wife doing it. yes im bitter#a german movie by the name of summer storm came out the year before this one and actually shows something that feels like actual passion#i sound like i need to see people doing it in these movies all the time I promise thats not it#but even the kissing? the thing i Actually like the most? the thing that makes me feel things? felt like nothing at all#and oh i forgot that this is a tragic gay movie where one of them dies. Oh yeah. forgot.#mentioning summer storm again: it actually has a relatively happy ending. feels good that i dont need to be reminded of how gay people are#doomed 24/7.#the romance started good. with jack telling the guy whos name i already forgot to get his ass in the tent already.#the Pulling his arm over my body thing. it was going great#THEN IT WENT SO FAST! WHY WAS HE SUDDENLY SO INTO IT! WHY WERE THEY BOTH SUDDENLY DOING IT#im sorry i expected a slighter slow burn than this!!! calm down cowboys i have no idea why you two like eachother all of the sudden!#i seriously thought they would show these little moments of tension#and it just growing bigger and bigger#until they couldnt take it anymore#that would explain the aggressiveness of it! why they were so desperate! but it literally just HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!#im sorry i. I expected more of this movie that i hear so much about.#the most it made me feel was at that moment that turned into a meme where i thought “Hop on fortnite”#chuckled. that was it. did i cry? did my heart race at any moment? was i worried about what was gonna happen? not Once#im so. Disappointed.#after this i wanted to watch summer storm but netflix removed it. Its a german only movie no one knows from 2004. where the hell am i gonna#🏴‍☠️ that#AAAGHHHH!!!!!!!#not being able to watch summer storm made me cry more than this movie did What the hell
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