#she/her/he . <- aka use she more than he yknow
fort-stuck · 1 year
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Your name is SPIYEE. You do not wish to disclose your last name. It is no ones concern but yours.
You enjoy the FINER THINGS IN LIFE. Expensive clothes, literature, arts, beautiful men and women... and all of it is yours for the taking. You are a HIGHBLOOD after all. Things fall into your silk-clad lap.
You are the ARISTOCRAT to end all ARISTOCRATS. Ironic, considering you KILL OTHER RICH PEOPLE to prove that you're better than them. You prefer CLEANER WAYS of killing. A quick, elegant gunshot to the head. A slash to the throat. A stab to the back.
You've been having STRANGE DREAMS for your entire life, and today, unknowingly to you, you will play a game.
Your trolltag is recreantEnigma and you like to end a statement with something to remember. ◄
What will you do?
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thegamingcatmom · 5 days
Hi! :3
I come bringing question(s) mostly just one, I have recently started cooking something and I am debating wether I want Miri to be saved or not. Well "save her" i kind of think is a strong word bc she may be unhinged enough to have crossed the point of no return but who cares about that?
My question is, you think Miri is like evil for real? Or you think she has been manipulated by 'The Black God'? I have been reading some crazy theories and stuff so my mind is racing with million ideas mind you, kinda chaotic up there. Like she certainly is no saint, nobody in that forsaken village is but here we are, simping over all of da women, sins ain't stopping us from doing so XD
Their sins are the reason we simp for them. 😏❤️‍🔥
Right so, I know a lot of fics and theories portray Miranda as this divine being/demigod who was sent to bring Judgement or smt. For some, she is The Black God. However-
The Black God is actually the name Miranda herself chose for The Megamycete, also because it holds enough power that bringing back Eva seems entirely possible. As a result, she proclaimed herself a prophet of "The Black God" and started her cult. In other words: "Mother" Miranda was born.
So, what does that tell us?
That whole priestess persona is as much of a disguise as the Old Hag (which she uses to spy on the villagers). She has to keep her flock in check somehow, and what better way to do that than by parading as their sheperd? She´s basically a wolf in sheep´s clothing, snatching them up one by one (to experiment on them) without any of them noticing.
So, there´s no divinity involved here. Not really. Miranda draws all her power from the Megamycete aka The Fungus Root - an ancient entity that stores the genetics as well as the consciousness and memories of those it has come in contact with.
As for whether Miranda is actually evil? Hm...that depends on what you define as "evil". I like to think that there´s never just "good" or "evil". Life´s not that simple.
Like, let´s look at some of the facts here:
Miranda abducted Mia and experimented on her for (probs) multiple reasons. One of them being that she needed her DNA in order to take on her form and infiltrate the Winters household.
She played dead when Chris shot her because she knew it would be the easiest way to "rid" herself of her problems and escape with Rose into the night.
(She´s literally so cunning, I can´t-)
She unleashed the Lycans on the villagers because she had no further use for them.
But also to feed them to The Megamycete and thus, ensuring its power would be sufficient for the ceremony.
She checked the Village to make sure there weren´t any survivors left.
She killed the last one herself (Iulian).
Miranda divided Rose into several pieces. Not just to experiment with them, but also because it kept Ethan busy.
She gave each of the Lords one piece because she knew Ethan would kill in his quest to retrieve them.
Miranda basically used Ethan to rid herself of her "children".
She always planned on killing them.
She killed Ethan when he outlived his purpose, meaning she had no further use for him.
All of Shadows of Rose (haven´t played that one yet, but Ik Miranda is even more unhinged in this one)
Sooo, does that make her evil? Some would say yes, others would say she was driven by grief and sorrow over losing her only child. I say-
It´s complicated, lol.
No one is ever entirely "good" or "evil". It´s a mix of both and whether it leans more in either direction depends on your experiences and goals in life, as well as the minds you surround yourself with. And lots of other stuff that would take a lot more than one tumblr post to fully cover. The human psyche is a mystery, after all. 🧠🧐
I do believe no one is beyond redemption, though. Like I said, nobody is ever just evil, that´s a rather naive way to perceive the world, imo. While some certainly lean more in that direction than others, it´s not what makes them, yknow? Nobody is "born" evil, so we shouldn´t reduce them to their worst qualities. Instead, we should help them get better because that will ultimately lead to a better world. ✌️
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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fictionfixations · 4 months
Kalim in RSA (and I get off-topic)
Spoilers for Book 4 and 5 (im sorry jamil enjoyers. but im so biased towards kalim its not even funny)
(this spiraled into me talking all about kalim in the actual game so oops)
imagine how different the story would be if kalim was in RSA
and we just hear from jamil about these snippets about his 'master' (although itd be weird they'd be separated if jamil tended to him often to where he'd prob be like his personal servant? idk what situation would have jamil talk to us anyway but yknow maybe we get close, he's like the other friend who seems cool? he'll basically help us out with knowledge about things, fleshing out the world a bit more, as the only sophomore in the group cause he kind of feels responsible maybe? then BETRAYAL)
and then eventually partway through the school year KALIM IS THERE (we know why though) and he somehow ends up housewarden.
i have a dislike against RSA. its very petty and its kind of because they keep winning (and they dont even mean ill intent which is worse! …but its kind of like kalims kindness. and i like kalim but that might make me biased. SO. thus the existence of this.)
we probably wouldnt like him much right? (and i imagine he'd get his fair share of bullies. we find this out. he laughs it off like 'nah, im used to attempted assassinations and everything. this isnt nearly as bad.')
(id do the clapping between but ppl get annoyed, and i get annoyed) CUE KALIM BEING MORE THAN SMILES AND WE LEARN THAT ABOUT HIM !!
HES aware enough that he can cook food good using JUST magic (which takes precision to use it as good or even better than your hands right??. its in his labwear vignette. ruggies teaching him ofc so ruggie wants it to be good cause hes taking leftovers, BUT CMOONNN he can learn. ..and yeah it took a few years for jamil to teach kalim antidotes to common poisons so he could do it easy but kalims hardly a master at making potions so i call that good)
AND in book 5 he noticed vil had like the same look as jamil to where he knew something was going to go wrong (aka the poisoning)
maybe its to show how much kalim doesnt belong in NRC and thats why they dont pull the 'more than he looks at first glance' like cater with glimpses in vignettes and etc
but like COME ON.
the sultan might be dumb (i recently re-watched aladdin) but at least he knew enough that he didnt want jafar marrying his daughter cause hes OLD and also he doesnt want to force jasmine into anything (good intentions. im sure if they just waited and she didnt find a suitor in time he would've just CHANGED THE LAW like he did IN THE MOVIE because he wants her to be happy!)
ALSo he tried to look through the law jafar claimed to say that would make her have to be married to the vizier or whatever (aka jafar) but then jafar just pulled it away before he could (and then attempted to mind control him when he refused) mans was prepared to spend hours reading over it even if he didnt understand it but he wasnt given the chance
also kalim is worryingly nonchalant about stuff. i mean. you can get used to horrible things to where they just feel so normal and uninmportant i guess? but poor bby. hes been like 'i want to keep myself alive because if i die then someone else will get punished.' or like about poisoning, if someone has a change of mind and hes already dead, then he cant do something to help them, so he has to make sure he'll live.
..i really doubt that hes just. so oblivious. maybe in denial, but still.
anyway i got very off topic. my bad. and to be fair we do get to see more of him at some parts. but hhh
okay listen. denial. (i am also a believer that if when kalim confronted jamil, if he said he didnt do anything kalim wouldve believed him. bruh gave him excuses like '..i just got tired, right?')
"The real Jamil would never do such things! He's a good guy. He's always helping me, giving me a shoulder to lean on, and—" (Book 4 • Chapter 33)
we just. dont see him really crumble?? he just. keeps being optimistic
we convince him jamil is bad. he resolves to punch him for being a traitor and THATS IT?
he sobs at the end of jamils overblot but then he goes back to being optimistic like 'lets be equals!' (..it feels like he didnt really learn much though as he's still 'I didn't notice--' 'I--' and i wish he couldve gotten more awareness. cause he makes it about himself yknow and blaming himself but COME ON put some blame on jamil PLEASE? or like. ANYONE ELSE. you also cant notice shit if no one ever tells you about it that you dont even know to look for it! he doesnt want to be cautious about who he can trust so like, why would he think to doubt the person who hes known his entire life??? especially if its something that was just always there that it feels natural, how could he know better? hes sheltered! so someone shouldve explained it to him, made him realize things! aghhh)
heres the book 5 one btw
"I got a real bad feeling when I saw the look on your face after Neige's rehearsal. It was practically the same look I saw on Jamil's face when he lost control of himself over holiday break." (Book 5 • Chapter 62)
And I mean maybe he did learn in that he's more aware of this now than others because he knows what people could look like because of Jamil, but I feel like a lot of things were just so unsaid. That the first time blindsided him, but now he's kind of a little more worried about something happening while he's there that he didn't notice so now he's trying to notice things more??? Or like maybe having gut feelings that he'd ignored before because it was Jamil but now knowing better?
So he can be aware. but then the rest of the time he's just thought of as dumb or an idiot or forgetful and it just makes me sad. and i mean i get that he wants to see the best in people but we never really talk about how its more that its denial. a refusal to see it, and i want to understand why
or maybe its because he sees the good in people that he trusts they'll do the right thing. or he believes that the good outweigh the bad (although i dont know if it'd be the same case if it was someone he knew who got hurt)
like. okay back in book 5
"Besides, I would bet there isn't a single person in Scarabia who hasn't gotten help from Jamil at some point. Am I right?"
"See? There you go. He's been a model vice housewarden. In fact, he's put me to shame. He let dark thoughts get the better of him for a brief time. Other than that, he's a perfectly capable guy." (Book 5 • Chapter 10)
He justifies it with that Jamil isn't the only one to blame (he also blames himself), and that Jamil hadn't done anything wrong before then
which. AGAIn. means that in his eyes the good outweigh the bad. jamils better at his duties so jamil should stay as vice housewarden.
this was the first time jamil did anything bad so it'd be fine, it was just an error in judgment
nothing about the fact that his closest friend he views as a brother
"He's grown up with Jamil since a young age, and considers him a brother in all but blood." (from the In-game Album)
who would be the last person he'd expect to do such a thing BETRAYS HIM, planning to make everyone (or well just the people in scarabia) turn against him
like. that has to be a shock right??? AND THEN HE JUST. welcomes him back into his life like it was nothing im just. kALIM. SWEETIE.
and i mean i get its for the best since if anyone knew what actually happened anything could happen to jamil (and jamil has his own reasons i get that but this is about kalim)
but he still hangs around him. has him as his aide. so while something did change, it also feels like nothing changed at the same time.
"I'm always chosen. Always. That's such an obvious truth that I never even consciously processed it. But now I see that was only possible because of Jamil's constant sacrifices. He created that "truth" in my mind by always holding back. By always letting me win. ...It stings. "Galling" doesn't even begin to describe it." (Book 5 • Chapter 30)
also like one of the very few times he expresses how he feels about something (how it hurts not to be chosen for the first time, and/or that he was only chosen because of someone else so he wants to work hard)
and then grim shuts him down with "You wanna talk about galling? Imagine how I feel not even makin' the cut for the audition to start with."
like. COME ON.
Kalim responds with, "Ah, you're right. My bad! I didn't mean to rub it in. Goodness, there I go again! I'm super sorry, honest."
and yeah it can seem kind of spoiled but also. its probably because of that that he doesnt want to share his troubles because he's very privileged so it feels like he might not deserve to act like its anything when everyone else has to work so much harder, right?
AND ITS JUST. REAFFIRMING TO HIM THAT his troubles are nothing compared to anyone elses and im just aghhauihduadhw
he also cares a lot about other people (people like him as housewarden because he listens to their troubles and supports them) so i just. want him to be able to take a moment to care about himself and just admit these things that he usually doesnt get the chance to.
i got a lot more worked up than i meant to
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friendsyoyo · 8 months
gettin intuitive
psychic headcanon babble for the mother 1 crew (aka just ninten and ana) because i figure someone out there is interested
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i preface this with the knowledge that MOTHER 1 has the most mentions of PSI in the narrative out of the three games (mother 3 can be semi-debated). that ALSO BEING SAID, these are children and i don’t think they have god tier abilities. this ain’t the x-men—in fact the closest kid you got to Jean Grey is 11 years old. so this is just for fun
moves-wise: i love you ninten but you suck compared to everyone else. in fact, he doesn’t like that people are much better at PSI than him (especially not some girl he just met!). maybe he goes through a phase where he tries to improve, but it’s just not in his nature (or attention span) to do so. that being said, everyone’s cooked without him thanks to his prowess in assist PSI. sure, he can’t light people on fire, but he can make sure your next frying pan swing hurts bad. the added benefit of escaping into the fourth dimension is something that makes him very unique (or in teddy's words, "a one-trick pony") and makes him brag a bit, because what is ninten if not prideful? it’s not too bad though, because it’s dorky! there’s a childish glee to it, like a kid doing a cartwheel in front of his parents. even lloyd admits it makes ninten look lame, but “he’s not one to talk” either. like ana, he does possess telepathy, but this is the one ability i hc him to surpass her in. i really do think that with given time, he could be a very strong telepath! i think of telepathy as a spectrum rather than “transmitter and receiver” because the characters do portray differing levels of what they can do; basic communication with animals being on the lower end to near omnipotence on the highest extreme. ninten is no god for sure, but based on what we see in the game and novels, he “receives” more than he “transmits,” which can lead to very disorienting conversations. it’s an added level of hyper-vigilance he must deal with, but at least it's helpful in combat and against police officers. i wouldn’t say it’s textbook telepathy angst, but more like “can you shut the fuck up right now im trying to think” when no one has uttered a word in the past 2 minutes. too much at once leads to snappy responses, unintentionally looking daggers at someone, and unbridled rage when fighting lamps. he's best left alone in times like this. he gets tuckered out easily, bc thinkin's a lot of work. world's eepiest boy after massive boss fights
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like i said, she ain’t jean grey. buuuut, if i had to rank the most powerful psychics in the mother series, she’d be third to kumatora + her family and giegue. she is very disciplined in everything she does, only using it in dire or noble situations like her parents taught her to. in the game, she has a very good relationship with both her parents and religion, which is unlike many headcanons i tend to see.
they were both very involved, which led to her having near perfect control at such a young age. her father would preach about the responsibility she carries (because, yknow, great power) while her mother would find the best way to not let her skills go unmanaged. she starts off with precise telekinesis, fast healing LifeUp β, and manageable telepathy, but when she’s away from home and begins to learn more intense and formidable abilities, ana feels completely lost and shocked to her core. she hates violence, especially when she must enact it herself. with each new power she awakens, she feels a sense of betrayal towards her parents, wondering if she is straying from their teachings. worst of all, she fears over reliance on them the way ninten is (teleporting like it's no ones business). therefore, ana is very psychically repressed and mentally limits herself from the use of offensive PSI outside of battle.
she eventually realizes that although she didn't choose to be born with these abilities, they are a part of her and "God's plan." as long as there is someone to protect, she finds solace in being able to use them for the greater good.
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i have so much more to say but it's 2:51 am and i feel like this post is a bit too long now. remember to hit that like button and subscribe
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Is it me or is Immaru sounding more and more reluctant to actually, yknow, bring Savathun back? It feels like he's trying to find reasons not to. If he truly believed Eris wasn't gonna manage to defeat Xivu, he'd have already fled, but he's still sticking around. Maybe she didn't treat him as well as I thought?
Yeah, same.
We've only ever had one interaction between them, in this lore tab. And it's incredibly hard to judge if this was how they were all the time or just this once, as well as if this was genuine on Savathun's part. Basically everything she tells him here leads him to the conclusion that fighting fire with fire is okay - aka that Ghosts are okay to be killed. Which is what she wanted from him. She wanted him to be okay with this because she knew that her plans will involve Ghosts being killed.
Not to mention that the Hive have been killing Ghosts for as long as they've been in contact with the Guardians. Immaru's sudden surprise that Guardians would strike back in the same way is a form of hypocrisy on Immaru's part. Immaru simply believed that Guardians would never stoop that low and when we did, he was baffled by it. It didn't matter that he chose to ally himself with notorious Ghost-killers who have slaughtered thousands of his brothers and sisters.
Most of all, I think he's realising that Savathun is fundamentally a selfish person who has only ever done things for her own benefit. Savathun's goal from the start of her life was to be immortal. It didn't matter how this would be achieved or how many she would have to trample over to achieve it, even if it involved sacrificing her own family. I think Immaru knows that he's her immortality and nothing else. He's like a worm, but without the unpleasant additions of the worm. And it's much better for him to just stay as the leader of the Lucent Hive himself, with autonomy and agency to do whatever he wants, rather than return Savathun and then be her second in command where she can use him purely as a tool. I think he knows that's all he is to her.
So yeah, I'm not surprised that he's having second thoughts. As Savathun's Ghost, there's really no progress for him left, ever. It's a constant danger to his own life and freedom, with basically no benefits other than having a high position as a leader. And he can have a better position on his own. I'm really interested to see what he'll end up doing and how we'll end up wrapping up this season when it comes to Savathun being rezed.
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crushedsweets · 7 months
so I can't find it, but when the proxies were helping clocks, you mentioned that Tim doesn't like it when she screams or cries. Something about it bothering him. I wish I could recall.
OK SO i also cant find the post (cuz of tumblrs tagging system) buuut i'm gonna use this to ramble about clocky meeting the proxies again, since i sorta adjusted it...
in my au, O/S syndrome refers to slender sickness. it usually starts with the operator taking COMPLETE control over someone's body and mind, and then slenderman 'stealing' them and making them do his bidding (clean up operator problems) which results in them having a 'proxy mode' vs their 'normal' mode
so clockys backstory goes as usual, then towards the end she starts slowly getting O/S syndrome. i sort of want her introduction to toby/the proxies to be ALMOST a reflection of how toby and clocky canonically met. (her getting hurt cuz of him, him helping her as an apology)
so around the time natalie replaced her eye with a clock, O/S syndrome fully set in. while sick, she couldn't form memories, she had inhuman strength, an insatiable bloodlust - just became a general menace, and because bodies started dropping all around tuscaloosa with operator symbols slashed into walls, the proxies had to intervene.
it started with toby stalking her while she's stalking her next victim. her and toby get into a huge tussle and she locks onto him as her next victim. he chooses to play cat and mouse and run off to the forest, having her follow. i'm imagining an almost comical scene where she's slashing around branches and stuff with a machete and he's like 'ahhh cant catch meeeee' and she's screaming obscenities. . .
then by time he ends up at the cabin, tim or brian probably knock her out since she's, yknow, a huge threat. a bat to the back of her head.
and she would wake up in their spare 'storage' room thats filled to the brim with boxes, old bikes, massive stacks of newspapers, cds, etc. she'd probably have her wrists zip tied to an exposed pipe and she'd be losing her fucking mind. screaming at the top of her lungs, thrashing around, whatever. "LET ME GO YOU FUCKING FREAKS LET ME GO ILL KILL YOU ILL FUCKING KILL YOU"
the way to slowly heal O/S syndrome is being around slenderman(aka in his forest) for a long time, until the Operator loses grasp. the way to quickly deal with O/S syndrome is to um.. no nice way to put this. slendermans jaw unhinges and he oozes this gross fucking black tar-like goo, and drinking it (or putting it into pill capsules and taking those) makes the operator let go. it doesnt really have a taste, thank god, but it is thicker than water.
so it would be a whole ordeal of toby coming in like heeeeyyyy... lol... and he would think shes REALLY BADASS because he's never met a woman like her (so strong, loud mouthed, violent, etc). plus he's kinda lonely in general so LMFAOOOO . so he wants to befriend her, and is kinda ignoring the fat that she's mad as hell.
but she's in so much agony. from the O/S syndrome to getting hit with a bat, she's screaming and crying and never shutting up. throwing up, trying to literally bite and kick the proxies if they even bring in water. so toby would be 'designated' to her because "well youre the dumb fuck who brought her here, you deal with it"
he'd probably have to trick her into taking one of the pills or putting the sludge into an opaque water bottle or something. after the first bit is ingested, she quickly gains more clarity. he'd try getting a cot or air mattress set up for her. bring a book and drawing supplies. he wants her to trust him. within a day or two, she'd already start feeling immensely better and the operator is letting go - and toby would stupidly trust her, and completely undo the zipties, and she'd run the fuck off, and he'd be like FUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK. and not even a week later, she'd come back. because she's horribly sick again. and she'd beg for the stupid pills.
and she'd start to trust toby, and eventually kate. . and a little bit brian. but she would still not fuck with tim cuz it is true, he would hate all the screaming, and would occasionally bang on the door and shout at her to quiet down.
but yeah . . thats how she gets situated with the proxies and her O/S syndrome is healed. :3
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skyland2703 · 2 days
Your Honest Opinion: Duo/Single aid characters that NEED their own series. And for added fun, pick ones for multiple ratings~
Honestly, yknow, it’d be super fun if all these characters just huddle up for one series.
Let’s say, there’s a Drakkon-from-Comics/Zedd-from-CF’s reign of terror. And our main rangers are all captured. Aka, anyone who’s had the grid bless em with powers… is gone.
So, now, you’ve got a bunch of their aids/allies, not so ranger people here. In a full 22 episode season. And the aim is to free the rangers + defeat main boss.
Marah and Kapri. The wind academy is stormed again, but only the rangers are taken. A lot of the students flee, but the girls stay back. The academy is now the base for this team of rangers. They use sensei’s help to broadcast a message.
First one to get the message is Andrew Heartford. But the asshole doesn’t like joining a team where he can’t keep control, hence, he just decides to send in Spencer to “keep watch.”
Fran receives this message on RJ’s computers, after panicking, realising none of the rangers are here, that they’ve all been taken.
SPD receives the alert, but since there’s no head of command ATM, it’s Birdy who’s incharge. He promptly decides to ignore the call— but Boom saw the message and decides that this needs him, and he sneaks away, taking Kat Manx’s gear WITH HIM.
Commander Shaw also receives the message, but acts better than Birdy. She sends Megan and Betty. Ben decides he’s gonna go along with Betty, because he’s not gonna let her go alone.
Once everyone is gathered, they decide to contact Bulk and Skull— for expertise, for experience, for mentor-ism… for leading them.
AND FINALLY, it’s cassidy fucking cornell, who covers them in news, realising that “OH HOLY SHIT ragtag team.” She and Devin tail the team all the while until they’re finally discovered… and given a chance to join.
Additional headcanons:
Fran cooks for everyone. Teaches everyone how to make pizza. And every single variation of pizza known to humans. Spencer finds about 90% of them A DISGRACE.
Spencer does the delicacies cooking. They have competitions. Finally, they learn to work together teaching each other appalling recipes UwU
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻KAPRI 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻LIKES👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻CASSIDY
Also Cassidy and Marah are played by the same actress, so double role yay! And they stare at each other for a reaaaaaaaally long time. It’s weird how they have an exact likeliness. They find it weird and creepy and Marah hates that HER SISTER. LIKES. her doppelgänger. How does that work.
Kapri assures it’s because of the bitchy personality. Marah finally decides to play protective sibling, giving Cassidy the side eye every chance she gets.
Boom blows up everything in the ninja academy. Devin likes joining in. KABOOM.
You can imagine Skull sitting on a chair, head in hands, as they all act around each other ridiculously. And just how often Bulk joins in on the shenanigans.
Guest appearance from Jarrod and Camille. Devin is drooling on the both of them.
Megan is the Asshole™️ of the team. And nobody likes her. But she eventually redeems herself.
I have more stuff in mind, but this already got too long so imma end it at this~ Feel free to add more :3
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scalproie · 6 months
Im in writing mood but i dont think i could work that into a story so.
In the tekken hades au, Hell Embodied IS Kazumi but not really or more accurately, not anymore:
Quick lore/mechanic recap: during a run, Jin has a chance to go meet Azazel via ominous purple crystals randomly spawning and get the optional boss fight Devil Jin, which during the first encounter unlock the devil fighting style, and the next encounters allow Jin to get or level up devil style moves. Other than that, Azazel has a story sidequest involving "Kazumi" (basically the Chaos and Nyx equivalent).
Basically during that story sidequest, we get Hell Embodied/"Kazumi" backstory and lore. It was originally a place that came to be because of Azazel's influence but it was slightly closer to the surface than where Azazel, a primordial entity older than most gods, resides (Alex is also from where Azazel is from and that's why theyre both reptilian looking but that's another story).
Eventually it developped a curiosity for what was above and assumed a corporeal form to wander up there (and that's when it added she/her to its pronouns)
She attracted the attention of the new God King Heihachi that just finished usurping his father's throne and he eventually asked to wed her. Initially she intended to use him to gain power and control over this surface world but down the line she developped real feelings for him. And they had a son :)
Eventually Heihachi found out the truth about her nature and, feeling betrayed and wholly believing she did not in fact, love him, he stripped her of her corporeal form and status of goddess and drove her back to her "real" place, aka the middle ground between the primordial dark and the surface world, aka Hell, where she would be utterly incapable of leaving, not even getting the chance to stay a few moments up there like its son and grandson (And Heihachi could do that since his status of God King gave him the authority to do so.)
So that was one way to permanently "kill" a god: by forcefully making everyone forget about them, they are no longer a person. So as far as Heihachi and everyone else was concerned, Kazumi was officially dead.
(Another way is to keep a god in a constant state of dying, so to speak, because leaving a god for dead will only insure they return eventually. Not having the authority of the God King, thats what Lars, Lee and Kazuya did to Heihachi: after Kaz defeated him, they put him at the center of the earth, letting the deadly magma of the place do the job, and bind him there so he could not escape. Lars feels bad about it but it needed to be done for the good of everyone, Lee was like "Oh No! Anyway..." at that, and Kazuya would've thrown a party if it was smth he did. And was all too happy to let the memory of his father be buried forever and to never talk about him again.)
(Young gods can die permanently bc they didnt get enough time to cement themselves into the world. Smth smth if a chick cannot break its egg's shell it will die without being born. Wink wink)
Heihachi kept their child around initially for the same reason Kazuya will keep Jin eons later: he reminded him of his mother. And for the same reason Kazuya will treat Jin, Heihachi came to resent Kazuya: he installed a legacy of parricide by "killing" Jinpachi the Sky God, reducing him to a concept, so to secure his throne (but lying to himself as him making sure his son is a worthy heir), Heihachi did the whole heaven cliff tossing to Kazuya.
"Kazumi" found the body of its/her son and yknow the rest.
As for the reason Kazuya doesnt recognize her, well, for starters, the corporeal form of Kazumi was her human design, but Hell Embodied (who it/she just is now) looks more like a ethereal ghostly version of devil Kazumi. Another reason is that Kaz is a stubborn man who adamently refuses to aknowledge his past pain, be it losing his mother or his father in general.
If Jin confront "Kazumi" after Azazel spilled the beans, it will make Jin promise to not reveal anything to Kazuya, for a multitudes of reasons.
Jin relunctantly agrees but he does call Hell Embodied "grandma" when he's on his own, and he does feel closer to her now.
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woolpuppet88 · 1 month
Oh please leverage g/t there is so much potential there, i mean it too like- tiny thieving Parker?? Soft caring and could wreak your shit giant Eliot freaking Spencer? Hell yes.
Like we can pull the most classic of all classics of cave giant which humans stumble soon and quickly become THEE besties ever (or lovers, Yknow) i mean if we DID then OBVIOUSLY we gotta get a giant Mr Eliot ‘self sufficient’ Spencer, i mean the man canonically gets only 90mins of sleep per day and is stupidly self sufficient, he even grows his own food it’s perfect! And obviously we gotta do the ot3 like?(remember if you don’t like a ship politely ignore me shipping this) Parker dragging Hardison out for a walk? Or hardison being forced to go outside by nana then later bringing Parker to meet his new friend? Or Parker living with Eliot for years and hardison stumbles across them and they decide ‘yep ours’ like cmon- so many options.
And that’s just the beginning of my word spiral. Now onto sizeshifters, in this setting sizeshifters can only do ‘one or the other’ to a certain extent, there are really rare cases where a person can do either sizing, so OBVIOUSLY Eliot gotta be a giant shifter and what else other than hardison and Parker being tiny shifters? And Sophie obviously is one of the few exceptionally rare cases where she can go either side, really helps to sell her characters wether it’s Lara who’s 5’4 or Claire who’s 5’7, keeps people on their toes. Nate is just Nate, nothing else really fits unless he can shift both sizes but by only centimetres. Either way Eliot growing would cap at say 18 feet and Parker shrinking would cap at 9 inches, perfect for all those vents. Then we gotta have a pocket hacker, now the team can simply transport him to where he’s gotta go without him being seen or hurt. And Yknow Eliot can wrap around them and use himself as a shield for them from the world cause i ADORE that trope
Eheherm BORROWERS?? can’t forget them so OBVIOUSLY it’s an au meaning things are a bitty little different aka Sophie and Nate get to be married at this point because congrats for healthy(?) relationships ANYWAYS the main plot here is that the leverage ot3 are the borrowers, in Nate and Sophie’s home because what I’m imagining here is that Parker steals Sophie’s stolens then returns them a few days later like they never left the stand (Sophie 100% knows let’s be real, it may be the leverage ot3 but, cmon, it’s Nate and Sophie) Hardison could borrow like old phones and little gadgets to fix up and still be the best hacker ever because the man’s is smart gotta let him be smart, then Eliot could defend the two from any mice or spiders or literally anything he deems dangerous but also like the most competent borrower among each other. and like once one of them is ‘caught’ (Nate and Sophie knew but this is probably more “oh no can’t pretend we don’t know about them anymore” kinda situation) almost immediately after being caught (be angsty if you want but i like silly happy fun times) Parker and hardison decide ‘yes these humans make good parental type role models’ and proceed to take over the house within the hour to which Eliot just does his little eye roll and fond sigh and then help them and now Sophie and Nate have three actual little gremlins to watch over because i really love their found family dynamics
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chthonicgodling · 10 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 26!
featuring: Loki & Hecate
[in which I’ve made my very own #Huevember wheel this year (that you can use too! Pls tag me I’d LOVE to see!) - unabridged version continues, including a wide array of Elysium’verse characters across the rainbow!]
‼️moody deity with a superiority complex who’s built his entire identity around being a sorcerer VS actual goddess of all magic and witchcraft from competing pantheon just chillin’ = FIGHT!‼️ jkjk aka yay witchy gang in lavender!! well I SAID yesterday that today’s post was low key 🤭 notes!!
I am at a point in my life that I am constantly forgetting that Elysium!Loki is technically not an OC and is in fact transplanted from — but to me he is 🥰 listen he’s been here for like 11 years he can do what he wants
BUT Hecate’s supposed to be the big focus here cause this light pinky purple is her color! Hecate is 💞pastel goth💞 she is::: very cool. very nonchalant. extremely powerful but like, ehh yknow whatever, about it. not a big deal.
I’m not sure that she knows that she’s locked in an eternal behind the scenes competition with Loki, who IS also very cool BUT can’t be nonchalant about anything ever?? “Competing for what” I literally don’t even KNOW? but he views her as a Threat and a Challenge 😠
again I can’t stress how little Hecate knows or cares about his Opinion™ ffkfkfk. he’s actually more courteous to her than he’d like to be bc she’s sort of like, dating one of his sons (Fenris)?? lmao!!?? grinds his fuckin gears but WHATEV
these two witches (which is another strike against her, Loki does not appreciate being called a witch🙄) do often team up to perform magical deux ex machina tasks and favors in the palace, most famously co-healing Chal’s arm after Ker ate it off which came with a Chthonic-brand-magic side effect of some black claws on one hand. a cool look though! magic is cool, is the moral here 😎 that’s the gist
stay tuned for tomorrow, which has two pics attached to it!! 🤭😇🥰💞 get hype! Loki belongs to………… Well. cmon now E!L is mine. let’s be real here. don’t tag the m word. also hilariously I don’t know who has custody of Hecate anymore I think she’s currently @fenixethekid’s ?? does Not matter - click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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ladyimaginarium · 10 months
mini gangsta fandom rant bc im&. annoyed bc i& remember seeing a bunch of hcs back in the day of how like. striker never cared about beretta at all whatsoever & only ever cared about marco. or ppl just blatantly erasing or removing her autonomy & influence & power in the storyline & reducing her as a prop to be used for the male characters' angst or otherwise she's just there to look pretty instead of being. yknow. a villain. or g-d forbid a person. & ignoring & erasing beretta both as an individual character but also as a major person in striker's life. or that striker's lowkey violent or abusing beretta w/ her almost always being on the receiving end of all kinds of abuse or people implying that she's just plain stupid or dedicated enough to striker to be just his toy to be used for his own pleasures or that they're not equals in any way. despite canon indicating nothing of the sort & im& just like. are. ARE WE READING THE SAME FUCKING MANGA LMAO
like. striker literally NEVER, EVER, reacts negatively to her. striker CARES for her, he RESPECTS her, he PROTECTS her, he TAKES CARE of her, he TREATS HER LIKE A PERSON. striker NEVER abuses her. he NEVER swears at her. he has NEVER told her to mind her own business, he NEVER silences her or even worse, NEVER swears at her & NEVER hurts her like he had with spas when he told striker & beretta that he wouldn't be returning to the second destroyers. he NEVER said or did anything uncouth like that to her.
if anything, it's the exact opposite.
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maverick literally tells spas that beretta is striker's weakness. which, coming from someone like striker, that's a hell of a compliment. she clearly wants to fuck him & expresses sexual interest & desire for him. they're almost always touching. she reaches out to hold his hand. after she "gifts" him constance, he tells her that she's incredible.
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now. does any of that look like abuse or beretta being mistreated. lol
okay cw for upcoming gore & nonexplicit discussion of csa & creeps.
he PROTECTS her. he AVENGES her. he DEFENDS HER HONOR. he CANONICALLY MURDERS HER ABUSERS. i.e chau who's a grown ass 30 year old man when beretta is. literally 13 years old. a CHILD.
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the night before CURSED happens, he fucking SNAPS the minute beretta tells him that three men attacked her & kills the mfs instantly.
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& VIOLENTLY at that, particularly the one that threatened to kill her & after he previously said she "came onto" them, aka, beretta, a clearly visible 13 year old child, led three grown ass men on, & he keeps beating the guy even after he's dead into a bloody mess. good on striker. & seeing how unfazed beretta is, this has likely happened before. & that realization paints a very dark & sobering picture for beretta; this is a girl who grew up too fast & striker knows this & it's because of this that he's so viciously & violently protective over her.
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he saved her life before. look at the look on his face when he tells her to get the FUCK out of there. that's pure unadulterated desperation.
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now. do they have issues with marco?? yeah ofc !! but. yall. yall mean to tell me& that. HE DOESNT CARE FOR HER AT ALL ????
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literally look at how gentle he is with her. he doesn't just throw her ass on his back then yeet her onto the stairs, he gently places her down. then he leaves her momentarily to rest & recuperate bc he cares about her rather than selfishly going on with their plan together to... do whatever the hell they were planning on w/ daniel monroe.
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when the flare happens, beretta comes to get him & he's pissed because 1) he wants to go after daniel monroe & 2) he's pissed in like that angry protective bf way that she's even there with him.
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he even apologizes to her. he does so right away in fact & he does so sincerely & in a teasing, loving, lighthearted way, putting himself in a position we, the audience, never see him be willing to take ( not even in situations where it was more than warranted ) because striker is just. simply not the type to feel he owes anything to anyone & much less the type who admits when he's wrong. but most importantly, he apologizes to beretta bc he genuinely WANTs to, with not a single thought to her abilities, having no ulterior motives & no personal gain. he apologizes bc he knows he was in the wrong, that he hurt her feelings by staying away a bit from her for too long ( maybe clingy, but they're like 13 & 14 respectively here guys what do you expect y'all lmfao ), regrets that & wants to offer at least that much. & he always says "we" when referring to their plans; he includes her in their plan.
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with that said, it's. VERY obvious that beretta seems to trust only striker with the softer, more vulnerable parts of her personality since he was a source of strength for her in overcoming her trauma as a child experiment & he lets her cling to him so he can comfort her & vice versa. & keep in mind the above scene is all happening while striker is holding a decapitated head & neck & shoulderblades clean off. this is from STRIKER of all people, y'know, the guy who casually choked a man to death in front of his son while on the phone with beretta simply to kill time, the guy who deadass hulk smashed his way through a building while laughing like a maniac & wiped the floor with ergastulum's high ranking twilights. this guy is soft for someone like beretta, that has to mean something bc that's impressive tbh.
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he literally lets her bodily drag him around by the arm. lmao
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& that doesn't change not even as grown ass adults. lmfao
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literally look at his face is when he realizes that she's hurt/in danger.
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& he is literally ALWAYS near her afterward to make sure she's okay & acting as a source of comfort for her when he clearly doesn't have to.
& that's not to say beretta's a weakling, no, she faced several high ranking twilights even as a tiny 13 year old girl & caused so much death & destruction to ergastulum & by the end of CURSED, all she gets is a tiny cut on her right shoulder. all of that was a game to her. striker doesn't protect her bc she's weak, he protects her bc he Wants to. we don't have a full backstory for striker or beretta for that matter yet, but i'd& bet my& money that beretta, like the other destroyers, that she struggled & was experimented on & was traumatized in the government laboratories by scientists who treated her like she wasn't even human & that she had to work her ass off to get to where she is. like. this is only one example of how horrifying their treatment was.
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LITCHERAL STRAITJACKETS, WALKING ON COLD TILED FLOORS BAREFOOT & STRIKER LITERALLY HAS A MUZZLE ON HIM. that's literally so dehumanizing for anyone let alone a CHILD where they look about 6-8 years old here & even moreso for a BLACK child & just how horrible those implications are & how black boys are so often treated & it doesn't make it better that nobody else from the destroyers were seen with a muzzle on them & i& think the reason why striker cares about & i'd& argue loves beretta so much is that she never once thought of him like a monster like literally almost everyone else in the series has or as a rabid dog to be treated like the government or as a weapon to be used; to beretta, he's a person. so there's this underlying undertone & there are many canonical implications in the series that, precisely BECAUSE they both went through hell and back together as children growing up, they have an unbreakable bond that's unparalleled with anyone else in the series. & y'know, for being villains, they're actually in a healthy relationship.
beretta would do literally ANYTHING for that man & it makes me& wanna tear men in half & go clinically insane. & some ppl might find that crazy but like. if you're genuinely in love with someone & go through the same circumstances that beretta has, who wouldn't. if you haven't been abused your entire life & someone comes along in your life & they're the first person to treat you like you were an actual human being? you'd do anything for that person without question. so beretta's not "stupid" or "too devoted"; she makes her own choices. they both grew up together & witnessed unimaginable horrors & governmental abuse together, they really didn't have nothing but each other for a very long time. & then spas betrayed them, & minimi & maverick are both dead. & now only striker & beretta remain.
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this is one of my& favorite scenes in the entire series. there's no dialogue shared between them, but it carries one message: I'm here for you when the whole world stands against you. they don't Need that dialogue, the way they feel for each other is in their actions. it's a really heartwarming feeling despite the tragedies & crimes they both committed. don't get me& wrong, they're both horrible people who've done horrible things to both good & innocent people & tbh overall shitty horrible people, this isn't me& justifying any of their actions or trying to woobify them ... but the fact that beretta still metaphorically, symbolically & literally stands by & behind him is just so beautiful & it shows how much she loves him ( & by doing so she's saving worick's life bc let's face it striker can very well still kill him with one arm be for fucking real ). so striker's publicly humiliated by everyone, he's called a failure to his face, he's just freshly lost his arm & his eye & he'll likely live the rest of his life disabled, mocked & shamed by everyone else, after spending his entire life trained to fight & kill for a cause that he was brainwashed by the government to believe in ... but beretta still keeps her arms around him in his moment of greatest need, & if that's not genuine love, then i& don't know what is. even after he's hurt her by possibly making her think that he values marco over her despite all she's done for him, she still holds onto him to let him know that in his most vulnerable moments, she is right there beside him holding him. she still supports while knowing that won't get her anything in return & putting his needs before hers... that's something incredibly heartwarming coming from someone as cruel, cold & cunning as beretta; this is a side of her that only striker gets the privilege of seeing. because her love for him isn't shallow, it's not based on looks, power, glory or lust alone, because if it was, she'd have left his ass right when he became disabled, it's because she loves him as a PERSON despite how fucked up he is.
regardless, they have mutual development, i'm& not necessarily confirming whether or not their relationship is mutual & romantic in nature but it's definitely obvious they're in some kind of relationship. they have a significant amount of substance ( meaningful moments from both ends, interactions, they're literally almost ALWAYS by each other' side & almost ALWAYS touching, it's heavily implied & then confirmed that they've had sex, subtext, focus, backstory, remarks from other characters, etc. ). the most selfless acts they do ( as surprising as that sounds, coming from people like them ) that we have seen them have been directly related to their feelings for each other, like saving each other's lives & putting their lives in jeopardy & throwing aside any fear in order to courageously run to each other's aid & save each other's life to do so when no one else did... & that speaks volumes. & regardless of what happens next & regardless of whether or not you ship them yourself, you have to at least recognize that they do care deeply about each other, beretta is a MAJOR person in striker's life, striker has never ONCE abused her or treated her violently, they are EQUALS although she's happy to follow his lead but isn't afraid to make her own decisions, striker PROTECTS beretta, he murdered her abusers & there is no canonical evidence for any of the aforementioned headcanons & to suggest otherwise is an insult not just to the ship but also to their individual characters. & all this coming from a CANONICALLY QUEER BISEXUAL INTERRACIAL PAIRING? that's a MASSIVE deal in animanga.
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thegamingcatmom · 1 year
Carrot anon👋🏻
Hii mom, i saw your recent post, it was good. I was curious to know how Deadite Ellie would act if I noticed another Deadite eye on the Drama Queen, I can imagine a little, but your explanation will make everything clear.
I hope you are well.👋🏻
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Thank youuuu, so glad you liked it. 🥰
Ohhh the jealousy trope eh? I can see why my recent post has inspired that way of thinking, poor boy. 😅
May he rest in pieces.
EDIT on 18th June:
We´re covering quite a bit in this one (meaning: the batshittery going on here is on another level entirely) and I couldn´t be prouder to finally present to you the next installment of what-the-actual-fuck aka:
Enjoy (cause I sure as hell did). ❤️
(@gaym0m ATTENTION NOW ❤️)
AIGHT so, if a mere boy who´s really no match for her - because look at that scrawny thing - no claws or fangs or ANYTHING that could be considered useful or, more importantly, make for a worthy mate - has managed to evoke that fierce of a reaction in Momma then just imagine the utter carnage if another Undead was caught red-handed after Momma returned from a rather successful patrol and she´s been gone a mere 10 minutes for god´s sake but-
When the cat's away, the mice will play.
Maggot Momma didn´t even have to look because - head lifting to take one, two, three whiffs - she could smell it. Fear lies in the air - almost pungent - and while it´s an aroma that´d drive her absolutely wild - get her going - under normal circumstances, right in this moment it does anything but because no one but her gets to evoke this type (or ANY type) of reaction in her Drama Queen, her mate.
She´s off, skipping the elevator and collapsed stairs altogether because not fast enough and claws are digging into the wall and going up up up until she reaches the air shaft, nose first always first although she doesn´t even need it because she can sense you, is pulled towards you like a magnet, it´s instinct-
Meanwhile (somewhere else in this (cursed) building):
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Is one quiet, peaceful moment of sanity really too much to ask for?
When you woke up this morning you didn´t think much of the claws digging into your side or the cold nose pressed into your neck or even the long tongue that feels like sandpaper that´s come out to join the rest of It. You´ve become used to that being your alarm clock which you find quite the depressing development but it is what it is and at least you´re still alive and kicking (unlike boy) so yknow, the glas is always half full and yadda yadda.
Although, it has to be said, maybe things wouldn´t take such a toll on your sanity (unlikely) if it wasn´t for that stench that truly does make your eyes water and now that you think about it you can´t help but notice today´s...different. Its odor is even more unpleasant than usual because now it´s got this foul note to it whereas before you´d have described it as rather spicy, almost sharp and seeming to burn itself into your very core.
But that´s not the only thing that irritates you because even the way It´s touching you seems off today. You´ve become used to clawed hands raking and brushing and encasing you almost feverishly, like they´re trying to map out every inch of your body before you vanish (which, sadly, it doesn´t look like that´s about to happen anytime soon).
Now though? Clawed hands are rough and almost sloppy like they don´t quite know how to be hands. Gripping you way too tight and you´re sure that´s gonna leave a nasty bruise, more rubbing than brushing along your leg like It´s trying to pull the skin clean off and that gets you moving because it is not pleasant, at all and what the hell´s even going on-
As soon as It´s noticed there´s movement the grip on you tightens like a boa constrictor squeezing all life out of you and that´s exactly what it feels like actually and now´s the moment you really start to panic because you knew this day would come sooner or later when It finally gets tired of you but you´d hoped for (much) later and It´s started to snarl now which is most unpleasant because it´s so deep you can feel it reverberating through your whole body.
Its maw has opened now and you know this because you can feel Its breath puffing out against your neck, tongue running up and down again and there´s something cold dropping down on you and even that feels different - thicker, more viscous, almost like syrup and you manage to move your head just enough to be able to take a look at what´s going on and-
It doesn´t just feel different.
You see black, literally. It´s everywhere - on you, on the bedsheets, on the floor and - that´s new. And you have a sneaking suspicion which you hope against all hope will turn out to be just that but when you manage to turn your head a bit further to actually take a look at who...what has taken a hold of you-
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Have you become deaf?
You´re asking because, all of a sudden, the world around you goes silent save for the ringing in your ears and you realize it´s because you are screaming at the top of your lungs and it´s a wonder the windows in this cursed building haven´t shattered yet but that really is the least of your worries right now because-
This Undead doesn´t appreciate you trying to obliberate Its hearing, at all and so you´re pushed onto your back and into the mattress, clawed hand coming up to grip your throat and squeeze and, immediately, the room falls silent again.
(Aside from the sounds of you being strangled and literally fighting for your life.)
There are tears in your eyes now because of course it ends like this, just your luck, and death by suffocating is just as unpleasant as you´d imagined it would be (not that there´s been many occasions which would´ve encouraged this sort of thinking...until your sorry ass got itself stuck in this cursed building) and just when you thought-
Well, good thing is: it can´t get worse from here, can it?
Its maw opens again and those teeth look very sharp indeed and they´re getting closer, inch by inch, and you get the feeling It´s doing it on purpose - messing with you - because It thrives on seeing the sheer terror that must be written all over your face right now and jaws opening wider and wider and you´re certain one single bite could take off half your face-
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Your eyes close tightly because knowing your untimely demise is near is one thing, seeing it is another thing entirely and why would you need to anyway? It doesn´t matter, it´s not like that´ll change anything, change the fact you´re gonna end up as food for that thing any moment now and-
You don´t know what happened because your eyes remain firmly closed and you´re not planning on changing that anytime soon, but-
There´s a ripping sound and you can feel something splattering all over your face and there´s gurgling and then there´s nothing.
And all of that does pique your interest because, just a second ago, you were preparing for certain death so you should be a goner by now but you´re not so you finally find the courage to open your eyes to see what happened instead is-
Well, that doesn´t look normal...or pleasant.
Its jaws are still way too close for comfort, still as wide as they were seconds ago when It was preparing to swallow you whole. But what´s different now is that there´s a hand sticking out between them and there´s this urge to wave at it and this is the type of stuff nightmares are made of but this whole situation is so ridiculous that all you can seem to think of right now is to lift your hand and shake it-
You don´t get the chance however, because that hand closes abruptly, balled into a tight fist, and it´s pulling to the side with an alarming force and right through the head, tearing everything on its way out.
But damn, that thing´s tough. Didn´t even flinch through it all, just slowly turning around, head completely sunken in on one side, to face the force of nature that is It.
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("Helheim" - Rok Nardin starts playing in the background)
To say Maggot Momma is livid would be the understatement of the century. She´s shaking, vibrating with a rage that´s rare even for her. Her usually glowing eyes have turned so black one can see their own reflection in them. Teeth seem to have grown in length and become even sharper and there are black veins criss crossing all over her neck, her face and all the way to her eyes.
In other words: It looks every bit the demon you´ve always suspected (and feared) It to be.
And ever since It has crashed the (slaughter) party thank god there´s been an eery silence - heavy breathing from everyone involved is the only thing that can be heard for a while.
So, imagine your almost heart attack when, suddenly, there´s screeching and roaring and it sounds like war is about to start which doesn´t seem too far off because-
Maggot Momma has had enough of this disrespect - looking at what is hers, touching what is hers, harming what is hers (that Deadite´s dead). And now even going so far as to rebel against her? Openly questioning her authority - challenging her - in front of her mate no less? Hoping to impress her Drama Queen and snatch her up for itself?
Ridiculous. Laughable. Pathetic.
And so you can only watch all-out war indeed breaking out and ffs, is one quiet, peaceful, sane moment really too much to ask for?
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It´s ON now.
Bodies smashing together with a dull thump! and there´s snarling and growling and hissing, clawed hands are digging in to find purchase but also to grip and tear and rip limbs straight out of their sockets-
One arm is sent flying, catapulting in your direction and almost hitting you hadn´t you managed to duck just in time and when you realize which one it belongs to you feel utter relief and you can´t believe you´re actually rooting for It - your It - but considering what the other It was about to do...who can blame you?
Bodies are warped to the point you can´t tell where one begins and the other ends and there´s horrible, horrible sounds coming out of them and this brawl is getting way too close for comfort now and one of your hands is digging into the bedsheets, getting a good grip on them so you can push yourself closer to the head of the bed and away from whatever is going on at the foot of it and your other hand comes up in an attempt to shield your face in case more limbs (or worse) come flying and you truly are pathetic, aren´t you? Like THAT would make a difference when you´re nothing more than a disoriented lamb, stupid enough to wander right into the lion´s den and get caught in the crossfire when two of them decide to battle it out over a piece of meat.
And they´re fast. Everything seems blurred to you because one moment they´re in front of you - way too close - and next thing you know there´s a horrible screeching sound and one of them is smashing against the opposite wall, the force of it leaving a rather big dent and this is the first time since war has started that you´re able to make out more than a moving mass of limbs.
And you wish you hadn´t because the It that got smashed against the wall is your It and It´s missing half Its face - true to the motto tit for tat - which means the other It is no longer being held back from-
It´s rounding on you so fast, recognizing that now or never and It´s off, racing towards you like possessed, feet leaving the ground to take one massive leap in your direction and the sight of it is horrifying because all you see is teeth heading straight for you so you close your eyes again, tightly, because what else can you do but wait for certain death to finally claim you-
So you wait.
And wait.
...And wait some more.
Until you muster up the courage to open your eyes again to see what´s taking so fucking long and you realize-
Is this a joke? Are you a joke to them?
There´s only so many amost heart attacks one can endure and you swear to god you´re done with this shitshow-
Because the other It has made it onto the bed and those claws are way too close to your feet right now but they have a hard time reaching their target because-
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It - your It - has a very tight grip on that leg indeed. So tight you can see it starting to cave in but that does nothing to deter the thing from trying to reach you - snapping Its jaws at you like a rabid dog and sending blood and other fluids flying everywhere, the arm It still got left trashing about in an attempt to reach you - any part of you - but-
Maggot Momma has had it.
She´s kneeled on the floor in front of the bed, upper body propped up against it and a clawed hand having a rather crushing grip on that scum indeed. She´s gonna obliterate it - hack and bite and claw and rip until there´s nothing left. How dare it look at what is hers and touch what is hers and harm what is HERS and never before has she felt outrage when looking at her precious Drama Queen because how could she when you´re perfection and you´re her perfect mate, meant for her only her but-
She´s failed.
And someone´s gotta pay.
A sharp tug sends the other It tumbling down onto the floor and there´s no way anyone could´ve missed the pop! that´s accompanied Its fall and a leg goes flying next, landing right next to you and you´re about to puke-
Finally, after what seemed like hours when it´s been a mere 5 minutes since carnage´s started you manage to snap out of whatever the fuck´s just happened and you can´t get off that bed fast enough. Literally tripping over yourself in your haste to get away from that - your body just sort of collapsing to the side, letting yourself fall over and down onto the floor and yknow what-
Hasting under the bed because fuck that shit.
...Which puts you in the direct line of sight of It - Its hollow eyes staring right through you it seems, not an ounce of life in them and, for the very first time since "residing" in this hellhole, this does make you wonder - what the hell happened? These must´ve been normal people with normal lifes at some point. What went down in this cursed building that´s caused all this?
You´re brought back to the present when It lets out a pitiful wail and you realize it´s because your It has started to relieve the other It of Its remaining extremities. And you get the feeling It thoroughly enjoys doing so, if the sounds are anything to go by - teeth are chittering and there´s a low humming that almost sounds like moaning and then there´s a hiss before-
The other arm is sent flying.
And, poor fucker - flopping around like a fish because having only one appendage left is bound to make things rather difficult and you can only imagine what a blow this must be to ones ego because how can you ever come back from that? And It seems to have come to the same realization because-
It´s trashing about with everything It´s got now (which is one leg), literally fighting for Its (undead) life, fight or flight mode fully kicking in now and choosing the latter because wouldn´t you?
It´s kicking and kicking and kicking - over and over - to prevent your It from taking away Its only chance to, somehow, turn this situation around and make it out (un)alive and for a horrifying moment you fear It´s actually managed because-
A foot collides with Its face - the side that´s already demolished at that - causing It to falter and stagger and lose Its grip for a moment-
But a moment is all the other It needs.
Another solid kick! - this time right into the middle of the chest - sends your It flying, crashing against the dresser - wood shattering on impact and the other It has managed to prop Itself up, using the stump that used to be Its other leg for support and gaining enough momentum to actually get up and hop around - rather awkwardly - and make Its way to the door and you gotta admit-
That was quite impressive.
It doesn´t get very far however because your It is on the move again - covered in dust and wood pieces, some of them having impaled It - leaping up and clinging onto Its back like a deranged koala, sending both of them stumbling against the door and your position under the bed doesn´t really make for the best lookout (which you don´t mind in the least) so you can only assume what must be going on right now, which-
There´s a disturbing crunch! that sounds strangely wet at the same time and there´s gurgling like someone´s suffocating on something thick and viscous - like syrup - and then there´s a ripping sound and, suddenly, your It is on Its feet again, a clawed hand holding what seems to be a sogged rag that´s dripping onto the floor and-
What is that?
It´s eerily silent save for the ragged breathing which you´re sure is coming from your It because It looks to be trembling, whatever It´s got in Its hand shaking, making it drip even more and it feels like an eternity has passed when, at last, there´s movement. The other It using Its foot to rotate and turn to face your It - slowly - and you feel like you´re the one suffocating now and you realize it´s because you´ve actually stopped breathing because-
Now what?
You´re ripped out of your near panic attack - literally - when the other It suddenly comes crashing down and Its fall is so unexpected that it takes you a moment to realize it´s actually happened.
And it takes you another moment to realize just what you´re staring at.
There´s black, so much of it, it´s everywhere and oozing out of It and pooling on the floor and - squinting your eyes - is that a tongue?
You have your answer when what you thought was a sogged rag lands right next to It - lifeless eyes staring back at you, making you retch - and it´s a wonder you haven´t puked your guts out yet because it´s not like someone´s head getting ripped in half is an every day occurence and-
It´s not done yet. Casually walking (more stumbling like It's the walking dead, feet dragging behind a bit) to the other side of the room to pick up what looks to be a leg and just as casually walking (stumbling) back - leg dragged lazily behind, leaving smears of black on the worn out carpet. It´s coming to a stop right next to...what remains of It and you see the leg starting to leave the floor, going up up up only to-
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The leg´s brought down again and again and again, the force behind it making flesh and bones burst, sending black everywhere and it sounds just as horrible as it looks - a squelching sound that´s reverberating through the whole room and your hands are coming up to cover your ears because you just want this madness to stop-
Please stop it!
It´s not until all that´s left is black goo that It relents, letting the leg - what´s left of it - drop onto the floor with a dull thud!, still breathing quite heavily indeed and then-
("Closing In" - Michel F. April starts playing in the background)
You wait.
And you wait.
...And wait some more.
Until you´re absolutely certain you´re no longer in danger of witnessing utter carnage. Only then do you slowly lower your hands, letting them rest on the floor - digging into the worn out carpet to brace yourself in case you gotta run for your life.
After what felt like hours It´s on the move again. Bare feet slowly making their way to the side of the bed that´s closest to the door because of course - your eyes following every step, head turning to never break gaze - and you´re stuck, nearly starting to panic again because you don´t know what to do, there´s nowhere to go because even if you managed to crawl out from under the bed before It got a hold of you there´s just no way you´d make it to that door. You know this because you literally just witnessed another It getting ripped apart and if a mighty lion didn´t stand a chance then what could you - a disoriented lamb - possibly achieve here?
It doesn´t matter anymore because it´s too late, your habit of getting lost in thought has sealed your fate and now there´s no more time to do fuck all because-
It´s reached the side of the bed and is starting to bend down, hands coming to join the feet on the floor - claws, then fingers, then palms - and lowering down down down and face starting to come into view now - chin, then mouth, then nose - until bright, glowing eyes are staring back at you and you can´t believe you´re actually starting to feel something that could resemble relief because finally you no longer see black.
Its demon-like appearance gone, save for the black veins still criss crossing along Its face - their visibility reduced to a slight black hue though - and teeth are back to their usual length and oh, oh my-
Only now do you remember that It´s missing half Its face - teeth on the right side fully visible, skin and flesh torn off almost all the way up to Its ear - and you can see remains of the other It stuck between those teeth - must´ve bitten that head clean off - and it is not a pleasant sight but you can´t help but think that-
Didn´t it look worse before?
You´re brought back to the present moment rather quickly because-
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It has started crawling towards you and fuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK-
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Never in your life have you crawled backwards this fast (you´ve literally never crawled backwards in your life ever because who does that?), fingers digging into the carpet, nearly scraping your knees in your haste to get away from that and you´ve actually managed to fully emerge from under the bed and you keep crawling backwards because what else can you do there´s no time and fuck! your feet are touching the wall now, hands pushing against the ground to straighten up only to stumble and plonk! onto your butt, back against the wall now and-
It´s still crawling towards you and it looks like something straight out of a horror movie and you really start to panic now, one leg shooting up to use your foot as a (pathetic) shield which probably isn´t the best idea considering what is crawling towards you right now because It could easily take off that foot with one bite and-
Must you be difficult right in this moment? Usually, Maggot Momma would be more than happy to have you squirming and struggling against her, trying to defy her - her perfect, rebellious Drama Queen - but Maggot Momma has had more than enough of that today. That scum is finally rotting in hell for what it did - looking at and touching and harming what is HERS and if that creature has wounded you-
Your ankle is grabbed and It´s going absolutely crazy - sniffing like a hound that´s picked up on a scent, starting with the foot It has a very tight grip on and going up up up your leg before descending again to do the same with your other leg, coming to a stop right where the other It has manhandled you before, letting out a low growl, tongue slipping out and running up up up almost all the way to where your leg meets your pelvis - making you squirm - and the only thing stopping It from going even further being your rather short shorts-
And continuing to climb up your body - Its other hand digging into the floor to keep Itself grounded - and nose coming to rest there now which seems to slow things down for a moment-
...and another moment-
-before It´s on the move again, sniffing up your stomach and - oh, oh my - in between your breasts, nose stopping right where you can feel your heart beating out of your chest and lingering there for quite a while before the hand that´s been gripping your ankle moves up to take a hold of your wrist, pulling your arm towards It and you let It because you quite like breathing and Its nose is continuing its journey, sniffing your hand and up up up your arm, across your collarbones - pushing your head up and out of the way - and down your other arm until It reaches your hand, pressing the side of Its face - the torn side - against it and you swear It´s started to purr-
It seems calmer now, more relaxed, and you can´t seem to take your eyes off It - almost mesmerized - and you blame the utter carnage that went down minutes ago because that´s surely fried most (if not all) of your nerves along with some of your braincells it seems but it´s like being witness to a horrible accident where one doesn´t want to look but, at the same time, just can´t bring themselves not to look and you´ve just never seen It so...tame before and you´re actually touching It in what might seem an affectionate way to anyone witnessing except your hand is literally touching sinew and bones and there´s blood and saliva and other fluids (you don´t wanna know) all over your hand now and that does make your stomach churn a bit, reminding you of the situation at hand which is-
Save save save you´re save and whole and hers and whole she´s made sure of that - that scum is with the maggots now - and only seconds later and she doesn´t know what she´d have done because you were meant for her now and forever and if anyone, anything tries to prevent what was foretold by the dark gods - that you belong to her and with her until the end of time and-
Torn face finally leaving your hand but remaining pressed against you, sinew and bones sliding up up up your arm and leaving smears of black and other fluids behind and you think It looks absolutely deranged - like It´s trying to get high on you - and It has reached your neck now and seems to deflate, eyes nearly falling shut, pressing you against the wall and that purring is back for all of two seconds before-
Eyebrows furrowing, hands coming up to rest on either side of your head, claws digging into the wall, nose going crazy once more, running up and down your neck before wandering along your throat to the other side and you almost, almost muster up the courage to ask if It´s-
Looking for something?
But then, suddenly, It freezes. Nose coming to a stop again right where It has left Its slobber before and even you can smell that foul stench now that must be all over you from It licking you, tasting you and-
Defiling you, soiling you, marking what is hers and-
Are these...?
Maggot Momma´s been so busy fretting over you - smelling you all over, desperate, to be absolutely certain no harm has come to you - that she completely neglected getting a good look at you.
But once she does-
She wishes she hadn´t.
Maggot Momma is shaking, vibrating with rage and anguish because she´s reminded yet again that she´s failed - by a hair's breadth - and just a few seconds sooner and she wouldn´t be looking at the proof of her failure which is-
A clawed hand wrenches out of the wall - taking bits and pieces with it - and moves to hover over your neck and for the first time since you´ve found your way into her territory - your home - Momma doesn´t dare touch you because It has left Its trace clear as day because she´s failed and she´s trembling with rage, afraid she´s gonna snap your neck if she so much as lays a finger on you because-
There´s blue that´s turning more and more black as time goes on and it´s all over your neck and it´s agony because Maggot Momma can make out every single one of that scum´s greedy fingers, can see exactly where they´ve been placed to squeeze and choke and just the thought of one of those claws pricking delicate skin makes her want to scalp herself, gouge her eyes out because a small nick would be enough to-
Has It died on you? Because It sure looks the part - frozen, completely rigid, breathing has ceased to exist - and there´s been total silence for quite a while now and you´re completely on edge, expecting something to happen any moment now and maybe you should start trusting your gut instinct more because-
Clawed hand shooting up from where it´s been waiting, hovering over your throat - to do god knows what - to embed itself into the wall, the force of it sending cracks running in every direction, dust and wall fragments raining down on you and this must´ve been your third almost heart attack in 20 minutes you swear to god-
There´s ragged breathing and It´s trembling and twitching, seems to mumble and mutter something - sounding completely deranged - and Its teeth are chittering again - that clicking sound combined with the crazed chanting driving you mad - before Its head finally peels itself off your neck to rise rise rise, legs pulling up from where they´ve been entwined with yours to plant Its feet firmly onto the ground on either side of you, legs bending, knees nearly touching the wall - crouching over you now and you´re reminded yet again just how utterly long and tall It is - and Its forehead is resting against yours now, eyes closed tightly and that unhinged murmuring is still going, still twitching now and then and if someone was to walk in on you right now you wouldn´t blame them if they made a swift U-turn and legged it because you can only imagine what all of this must look like to anyone witnessing-
Black and red splattered across every surface - the floor, the furniture, the walls - and there´s limbs scattered everywhere like someone´s decided that Yes - a heap of somewhat human remains would really make this room shine and then there´s It, curving and bending around you like It´s trying to merge with you, become a part of you and that crazed chanting has toned down to a low rumbling now, its vibrations so violent you can feel them down to your very core and, suddenly, your vision is filled with bright, almost glowing yellow and a dull blue that almost looks like gray and there´s red everywhere - a ring of fire in front of an inferno - because-
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Piercing eyes have opened to lock onto yours so intently it feels like they´re looking straight into your soul, like It´s trying to bewitch you, cast a spell on you because you can´t move, can´t breathe and your insides are constricting and you are powerless to do anything about it because there´s nowhere else to go, nowhere else to look because It has you cornered, demanding your full attention and-
Beautiful, mesmerizing, otherwordly you´re so perfect and so delicate and so hers but today all of that - all of you - was nearly lost because she´s let you out of her sight a mere 10 minutes. Foolish, utterly ridiculous of her to believe that bunch of misfits capable of carrying out simple orders-
~Watch, guard, don´t touch.~
But not again, never again she´s gonna be with you every second, every step, never gonna take her eyes off you ever again because now you´re whole but you were this close to being broken all because that lower creature couldn´t keep its greedy hands off you - touching and licking and befouling you - and your smell, heavens! used to be so wonderful, so mouthwatering, so her but now it´s-
...Gone, not a trace of it left because you reek of that parasite and it makes her want to puke her rotted guts out and she´s actually considering because anything, everything to wash away that stench that´s all over you, encasing you and it drives her mad, must do something, anything to-
("Lion" - Saint Mesa starts playing in the background)
Clawed hands wandering almost feverishly across your whole body, like they´re searching for something and you can´t help but be reminded of other hands almost instantly. Those hands were harsh and rough and not quite behaving like hands, feeling like they´re possessed - someone else pulling the strings - whereas these hands-
These hands are fast yet mindful - gripping with a strength that can be unpleasant at times but it feels like they´re aware of that, doing it on purpose because It seems to enjoy the sounds they evoke, which means-
These hands know how to be hands.
And one of these hands has already found that familiar place against the wall, claws digging in, preparing for-
Well, you know where this is going.
Another clawed hand closing abruptly around the soft, round flesh it´s found while roaming up and down your legs, giving it a good squeeze and it catches you so off guard that you almost, almost swat at it because - Excuse you? - and that same hand lifting you UP UP UP - jesus! - and you actually have to brace yourself against the wall, against It - just anywhere - because Its movements are so sudden, almost jerky like It doesn´t know where to start, doesn´t have any control over what It´s doing right now but now It´s got you up and at eye level - forehead pressing against yours - and these are some crazy eyes alright, looking utterly manic and Its hips are already going, wasting no time at all and not at all caring that It´s missing the target, actually rutting against the wall now and-
That crazed murmuring is back as well but this time you can actually make out some of it and it sounds more like a mantra, like chanting as one word seems to be repeated over and over and over and-
~Mine mine m-mine -ine mine m- mmh- ine mah-~
Sounding out so distorted, voice seemingly unable to stick with one pitch - going up down up down from almost chittering to demonic in seconds - and sometimes swallowing words completely - all that´s coming out then a sharp hiss or low grunt - and it feels like breathing becomes more and more difficult because It´s leaning rather heavily on you now, eyes becoming unfocused, head seemingly too heavy to hold up because it just slides off to the side and forward, pressing Its face flush against the side of your neck and fuck, teeth teeth teeth! you can feel something wet pooling there until it´s slowly running down over your collarbone and into your shirt - staining it - and you can tell this is gonna be a fast one because It seems dangerously close to being there already and-
HersHersHersHersHers you´re hers gonna make sure of it gonna make you reek of her only her now and forever and you´re never gonna be without her again, it was meant to be, was foretold she´s never gonna let you out of her sight ever again, keeping you close and by her side where you belong and if anyone anything tries to steal you from her again - challenge her - she´s gonna make it abundantly clear who´s in charge, who´s entitled to lay claim to the human that stumbled into her territory all these months ago, seemingly pulled to her like a moth to a flame, waiting for her, enticing her, yearning for her to claim you as her mate and-
Whole body tensing - becoming stiff as a board - and claws sinking into the wall like it´s butter as Its other hand clings to you for dear life - that buttock´s gonna bruise - and head thrown back to-
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...That was a rather fast one and you reckon the only thing keeping the both of you from collapsing right now is the fact Its hand is still firmly lodged in the wall.
Well, that and the fact It´s nearly suffocating you because Its whole weight just collapsed forward and - Oof! - right into you, the side of Its face - the side that´s not torn thank god - coming to rest on top of your head like It´s completely overexerted Itself. So now you just kind of hang in there - face squished against Its neck - as It seems to struggle quite a bit to get Itself back under control - hips still twitching now and then, incoherent murmuring back in full force and today has been a very long day and just one moment of peace, of sanity, is that really too much to ask for?
It feels like an eternity has passed and just as you actually consider doing...something to move things along like...well, maybe wriggle about or lift a hand to very carefully swat at It or maybe you´re just gonna throw caution to the wind and bite that neck in hopes to catch It off guard, to startle It so thoroughly It´s just gonna drop you like a sack of potatoes and-
Finally, there´s movement. Head lifting from the pillow that is your head and It seems to become increasingly more aware of Its surroundings - eyes searching, zoning in on yours immediately, now as wild and piercing as ever, like a ring of fire in front of an inferno, staring into your very soul and-
...What? Do you have something on your face or-?
It´s looking at you rather expectantly - calculating yet hopeful at the same time - like It´s waiting for...something. It´s a look you haven´t seen on Its face before - almost like It´s actually, fully there and conscious and not seconds away from tearing into you and-
It´s still looking and has It even blinked at all yet? and it´s getting increasingly more uncomfortable because what does It want you´ll do anything to make It stop doing that and Its eyes can´t seem to decide which part of your face they want to rest on all of a sudden - flitting up and down, up and down, up down, up down your face and you´re brought back to the moment those eyes clapped onto you for the very first time - sizing you up, examining you, looking at you like It´s never seen a human being before, like you´re the oddity - and you really gotta stop spacing out because It seems much closer than before and keeps getting closer, eyes having found a place to rest on after all which seems to be-
Hold on, wha-
No fucking way-!
Maggot Momma can´t help herself, absolutely bewitched, mesmerized, drawn to you because - look at you, good heavens! - so perfect and whole and hers and whole she´s made sure of that and now that she´s reclaimed you, reconquered you as any worthy mate should she feels absolutely intoxicated, overcome with a need to do...something, anything to further strengthen and solidify the bond you two share and-
She knows it - she knows she does - it´s on the tip of her tongue, can almost taste what needs to be done, what is usually done in moments like this and she never thought that human facade worthy of her time - serving as bait more than anything else - so useless, so pathetic like the soul previously inhabitating this human shell and she hopes Ellie rots in hell where she belongs-
But right in this moment she can recognize the value of it, can see the use of a mind wired quite differently - plain, simple, ordinary - and it pains her to admit because she´s so much more than that, far superior to that, but what she wouldn´t give for a simple, ordinary mind right now because she´d know what to do in a heartbeat, so sure of it, even her eyes seem to know because it´s instinct-
Her body urges her to do something, anything - eyes locked onto the part of you that sings for her so sweetly, making the most wonderful sounds just for her and she´s close so close can almost taste it, taste you and it´s on the tip of her tongue, she´s this close to remembering she can feel it - something to do with saliva, of that she is certain and-
Yes, of course-!
You don´t know what you were expecting (you know exactly what you were expecting) but it surely wasn´t for that maw to open (you fear you´ll never get used to that aroma) and it surely wasn´t for a long, long tongue to come lolling out and what you sure as hell were not expecting was for that long, long tongue to glue itself to you - starting at the underside of your chin and - very slowly, almost in slow motion - going up up up over your chin, your lips and - thank god you remembered to close your mouth that´s been standing open from the sheer insanity of it all - reaching your nose and trying to wander into it only to come to the seemingly devastating realization - if the sounds are anything to go by - that not all holes are meant for tongues and, having to accept defeat (for now), the slippery muscle continues its way up and over your nose and-
...Going back a bit because Momma´s sure so sure it´s something to do with that part - prodding and poking at it like she´s trying to find the hidden lever that´ll open the treasury - only to have to accept defeat again because-
Nope, no way, hell to the no-
...Wet muscle reluctantly continuing its journey - over your nose again, between your eyebrows and all the way up to your hairline where It seems to pause for a moment, taking a deep breath and-
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Almost sneezing in disgust because you still reek of that creature, that filthy rat and this will not do Maggot Momma won´t tolerate it because you´re hers alone she´s gonna make sure of it, gonna let everyone everything in and out of this cursed building know-
More, you need more of her-
Its tongue is going crazy now - running all over your face like you´re a popsicle and It´s burning alive - and It´s back to making the most unhinged sounds - clicking and hissing and rumbling that seems to reverberate through your whole body - and no matter how hard you try there´s no escaping that ridiculously long tongue because it simply follows wherever you go and-
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Today has been a long day with way too many different bodily fluids when all you wanted was a moment of peace, of sanity and you don´t know how you´re gonna manage, don´t know how to distract It long enough to actually make it but you´re determined and even if you die trying you´re gonna risk it all because one thing´s for certain-
You need a bath.
(And you swear that face looked worse before.)
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acaciapines · 11 months
plant meanings!!!! ramble about em!!!!!! I wanna hear it!!!!
he he :3
plants! technically spoilers for the fic i just posted the vine that ate the south, so like, yknow. under the cut!
alright so! i spent. do not even want to know how long to come up with all of these. from the start i knew leafpool was gonna be kudzu and since (as probably is obvious from the title) the idea of kudzu growing over and smothering everything is strongly associated with the american south, the clans are vaguely set there! somewhere in the georgia-alabama area idk. so all my plants. should grow there lol.
and now to copy paste my notes! anything added i'll put in (parenthesis) at the end.
Leafpool: Kudzu (Pueraria montana), smothering imagery—she is smothered and left to die by starclan.
Squirrelflight: The wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana). There is something to this idea of always being this provider, and how that is taken from her, ex. how this is one of the parents of the cultivated strawberry. Also straw is similar to star <3. (i'll add--literally i just liked the vibes of this also, i tried finding something else but just kept coming back squilf being a strawberry <3)
Mothwing: While she doesn’t actually have a daemon, to hide that she weaves long-spurred violets (Viola rostrata) into her fur, because violets are lesbian flowers and also because they tend to grow near eastern hemlock trees…so, connecting her to Leafpool! (ie. to the forest, aka where leaf is from) Before her brother’s death, however, she wore aconite (Aconitum lycoctonum,)the specific species of which is non-native but grown in gardens in the Americas, and less toxic than some other varieties, so she gets the benefits of not being doubted (who would wear actual toxin in their fur) without like. dying lol.
Hollyleaf: Wood Lily (Lilium philadelphicum) as they’re poisonous to cats and thus get that association, but also in looks you could see them as a star—but not an aster species. She’s the odd one out. 
Jayfeather: Georgia aster (Symphyotrichum georgianum). It’s a rather rare species that used to be far more common as it depends on wildfire-made environments and thus occupies a far smaller range than it once did, like how Jay is sort of hemmed in and stuck by the clan system lol.
Lionblaze: Calico aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum). It’s a pretty common aster species with a wide range and it grows in tandem with other aster species—I write Lion as a pretty family-oriented guy so it fits.
and though she was cut from the fic dovewing would have both kudzu (to connect her w/ leaf, and very much show how starclan is now forcing dove to the prophecy and basically stuff i wrote in flightless dove) and Aster quitensis, which is a rare and maybe extinct aster species that is only found in ecuador. my notes here just say "she is not getting out of this alive" so take that as you will.
and for the minor characters who i gave plants...
Cinderpelt: Woodland Sunflower (Helianthus divaricatus) just. Because I feel like it fits her okay. cheerful despite her circumstances, happy to be here, taking it one day at a time.
Brambleclaw: Carolina Rose (Rosa carolina) because. C’mon. The thorns. The association with love. He’s toxic as get out. The story isn’t about that but it COULD BE. (brambleclaw was going to play a larger role but the fic turned way deeper into leaf being the mother of hollyjaylion than i thought it would be so he mostly got cut.)
Firestar: Southern Live Oak (Quercus virginiana), because it's a large tree that works with Thunderclan being The Forest, and also they're like, almost evergreen--they keep their leaves year-round mostly and Thunderclan would like that!
annnnnd that's my plants! wahoo!
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i would like to infodump about Vox (aka trip and dump my headcanons everywhere like it was spaghetti in my pocket)
Vox’s actual name was Vaughn Oxner, he was born in the August of 1909, his birthday was not legally recorded because his family immigrated from Germany to America soon after his birth, but Vox celebrates it on August 1st, even though he was probably born much later in the month.
Vox’s father died in a work related accident when he was 9, and his mother took to doing various odd jobs, mostly centered around cleaning or childcare for the richer people of the time. Vox would try to help by doing yard work and other hands on things to get some extra money.
His mothers name was Maud, and she couldn’t speak English very well. Vox used to act as a translator, sometimes she’d tell him what she wanted said in German and he would say it that way, or later on she’d try to speak in English on her own; but her accent was so thick that Vox would usually have to help anyway.
His family anglecised their last name, with it previously being Öxner, his parents kept the traditional spelling while Vox and his two little sisters got the anglecised one.
Vox has two sisters, Carolin and Anneliese. Anneliese was the youngest, then Carolin was 2 years older than her, and Vox was 7 years older than Carolin.
Carolin disappeared in the dead of night with her female ‘best friend’ when she was 23 and lived a relatively peaceful and very happy life with her ‘galpal’ in St. Louis.
Anneliese became a roman catholic nun, which is funny because her name means ‘devoted to god’, but she changed it to Philomena after the saint once she entered the convent. She was a nun until her death in the late 1990s.
Vox was NBC’s go-to TV personality from 1948 to his death in 1957 (in my fic i said 1953, but I wanted more years to work with, so tis now 1957), he started as an assistant newscaster for a station in Cincinnati in 1946 but quickly moved up the ranks with his charisma and likability, eventually being picked up by NBC to do a variety show; which later spanned into a talk show, various guest appearances on other shows of the time, and he even got a gameshow.
I like to think that Vox had a running gag on his shows where he’d constantly change his birthday, he would announce the days date like “it’s December 14th, my birthday!”, and he’d also have a special way of greeting the audience every episode. I can’t decide on how he would, but it’d be goofy as hell. but endearingly so, yknow.
There was another TV personality at NBC at the time named Vincent Orwell, so on the staff rosters Vaughn Oxner was shortened to “V. Ox.” to avoid confusion with “V. O.” who had been there before Vox.
The reason Vox is called Vox in hell though is entirely coincidental, as when he fell it’d been raining and his speakers messed up due to it. His speakers healed (his first head acted more ‘biologically’ than his later upgrades do) rather quickly, but did so after Alastor asked for Vox’s name.
Vox tried to say Vaughn, but could only get the ‘V’ out, Alastor took to calling him Vox because of his box-shaped head and it simply stuck.
Vox can still speak a bit of German, though he’s not as fluent as he used to be. He can still understand it just fine though, it’s just speaking it thats the problem.
Also, heres a list of what I’s think the names of his shows would be;
“The Wondrous Showcase of Various Talents” (sometimes it would include “:starring Vaughn Oxner” while other times it wouldn’t) - his variety show, it mostly consisted of music but had comedy segments from time to time. It ran from 1948-1956, but took a semi-hiatus while Vox’s talkshow was on. It released it’s second season over the four years Vox did his talkshow and was very irregular in that time. It went for 4 seasons, and a 5th was greenlit but Vox died before it could happen and it was cancelled all together.
“Goodnight with Vaughn Oxner” - his late night talk show that ran 1949-1953, initially it was created as a way to try and pull views from CBS, who ran The Faye Emerson Show at the same time (the first late night talkshow); but when the Faye Emerson show ended in 1950, NBC planned on cancelling Vox’s talkshow as well, but it was so popular they kept it for another season.
“It’s my Birthday!: Starring Vaughn Oxner” - his gameshow, which i don’t have the details worked out for, but it was definitely a guessing game of some kind. it only ran one season in 1956-1957, the finale was filmed a mere week and a half before Vox’s death; it was aired afterwards with an ending card reading “in memory of Vaughn Oxner, may you bring smiles upon the angels that surely surround you”, i think it’s ironically hilarious considering where and how he ended up.
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rayisalive · 2 years
Im gonna bully everyone just for the fact i can, LOVINGLY! /hj
Im abt to make a buncha simps angry /j
Riddle: yknow i would say “hows the ground” but im shorter than him sooooo- ngl him in his dorm uniform be looking like a semi-used tampon-nhe could commit a murder though and u cant see the blood bc of the red though lol. Hes got the boots, the cape, why bot just become a superhero or add some sparkles and become a drag queen idfk
Tr*y: ew. Broccoli head deku ripoff walmart dude with nike ass eyebrows, how ur dad gonna look better than u??? Evil smirk of death, id rather kiss gargamel
Cater: hes addicted to magicam and thats a problem he gonna become a clout chaser instagram bitch (/j) carrot face, should i feed him to judy hopps???
Ace: ✨ nope ✨
Deuce: i dont wanna- uhhhh- dummy but he has an excuse and i respect that- honestly how do i bully him- cant make fun of the chicken egg thing bc i learned it with him-
Leona: lazy? Ew. Furry? Double ew. Smug bitch? Triple ew. Works ruggie to the brim? Quadruple ew. Those shoes? Quintuple ew. That hair? Sextuple ew. Ur bed? Love it but ew probably sweat on it and he too lazy to clean it and u dont wanna make ruggie do it so u can lay on tbe bed nasty bitch.
Ruggie: furry whos addicted to donuts, and probably robbing people. He should be on dr. phil, “Hyena addicted to robbing people” or a dhar mann show “hyena loves robbing people, lives to regret it”
Jack: this is him mid-transformation
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Smh /j
Azul: ur a monsterfucker if hes ur fave, arent ya?(unless ur asexual then same hh-) need more corruption, need more businessman, need more capitalism. Also need more purple hair dye for yall to be calling his hair purple in fanfics its moreso periwinkle, specifically periwinkle silver(/j no need to be specific idrc lol)
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Jade: his mushrooms taste bad, 2/10 for easy acess aka breaking his door down and forcibly taking them (/j) fr though who cut u and ur brothers hair like what????
Floyd: eh- same as jade tbh except instead of mushrooms im taking ur snacks
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Also please clean ur room before shit grows and well- yeah- pretty self-explanatory, ur overtaken by it and become a mindless monster with one job, kill jade /j
Kalim: too naive, eat snake in front of jamil (/j) he reminds me of emma from tpn
Jamil: dance dance?? Dont have an opinion oh him so snake hair, UMA FROM DESCENDANTS- /j
Vil: done and done
Epel: bbygirl five words only, please dont gender dance moves-
Rook: french dora. Stalker. Berries and cream man haircut.
Ortho: baymax 2.0 except not better- u want me to bully a kid whos not a kid????
Malleus: horny boy (this stems from a joke abt his dragon horns for the love of the sevens please no more sex jokes-) how much do u think he has to pay in damages for them breaking dorways as he walks??
Lilia: peepaw. Grampy. Old. Boomer. Mega boomer. Scene kid wannabe. Emo girl wannabe. Emo boy wannabe.
Silver: slep
Sebek: loud, uptight, gReEn, hair??? Ugly, very ugly.
You thought i was gonna leave out the staff and rsa? No.
Crowley: lazy ass bitch who wont do his own work im not afraid to take him to the nearest kfc to be cooked chicken
Trein: old.
Crewel: crewel sounds like cool. What not cool? His pet kink (/j)
Vargas: no- just- no-
Neige: hair needs some fixing- please-
Che’nya: shes better. She slays. She queen. Ur nothing compared to her (/j) her mom cool too
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princesseevee06 · 1 year
Hi i have 3 questions plaguing me that you dont have to feel the need to answer at all!
What is momdori like as a floormaster?
Whats sous trauma surrounding her?
And most importantly...
thank you 💕
how naive of you to ask me questions about Sou Hiyori and expect me not to answer. /j
no but seriously i am happy to answer these questions ty!
1. Momdori takes a very similar role to Midori in that she’s the target for the….idk what do you call it. Murderer game? Basically they have to kill her. so in that sense the main “plot” of chapter 3 goes very similar in ytr. the differences come mostly in momdori’s personality. it always struck me that in the actual game when meeting midori sara says that he’s a little bit like sou (aka shin. the names get so confusing to me) but that there’s something distinctly different. in that same way i think there would be a lot of similar mannerisms between sou (the actual sou. real sou hiyori) and his mom, but she’s very much different in how she portrays herself and in how she views asunaro. momdori doesn’t have that same sort of childish “heeehee i want to see what makes people tick” characterization that midori has. Her work is very much more of a duty to her rather than something for entertainment. she views asunaro as something almost divine, and trusts that the organization knows what the correct path for her and all the candidates is. to her, asunaro comes before anything else (yes, even her family). it is an absolute.
2. …which brings us to the elephant in the room. god, where do i even start with these two? sou’s trauma surrounding his mom is less of a “specific incident” and more of like. a pervasive, continuous thing. i definitely don’t agree with the take that sou & momdori have a great relationship when she says things like this
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i don’t think momdori was a loving mother. i think she would’ve treated sou in a sort of apathetic or “logical” manner, focusing on making him remain loyal to asunaro. because of that, i see her as controlling a lot of sou’s decisions in his childhood, deciding what he can and can’t do, teaching him to revere/fear asunaro and to treat others “below him” as means to an end. so, sou grows to see his mother’s treatment of him as normal (and even thinks that that’s what “love” is supposed to be!), and it definitely plays a huge part in his frankly shitty behavior towards others.
part of the reason why sou is so attached to shin in this au is because shin is basically his first real friend outside of asunaro. and it’s so bewildering to him that anyone would treat him with genuine friendship/affection that he is just utterly fascinated by this boy. unfortunately, despite his genuine care for him, sou ends up treating shin with a lot of the same behaviors that his mother did to him </3
3. ok sorry that was getting kind of sad i just. i love sou. but anyways NOOOOOOO THERES NO WHOLESOME SOU AI BUT THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE </3 a lot of the stuff on the fourth and fifth floors is still catered towards sou because he was originally intended to be the floormaster before he ditched asunaro and his mom had to take over. (basically imagine like being a kid and you piss off your mom real bad and she takes all your legos and says these are mine now) so there’s still a shin ai BUT i didn’t want to just leave it the exact same so i was like. yknow what. screw it. kanna ai. GREENBLINGS AI. BOTH OF THEM!!!! (no haha this isn’t because i regret killing off kanna immediately what do you mean haha-[shot])
they are very cute :) until they get Killed again. sorry
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