#shes the youngest and shes always been a baby and she just loves her daddy so much and wants him to be happy
bun-parade · 8 months
I've been writing this *very* dark content fic for Endeavor for weeks and I know God is judging me and I'm going straight to Hell 😭
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Can We Get One
The youngest Leclerc loves baby Leo. So why the fuck won't her boyfriends let her get a puppy?
Norstappen x leclerc!reader
Okay I found out one of 'my' dogs died while writing this
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"Hi Baby Leo," she gushed as she scooped her little puppy into her arms. He was like a little shark with the way he went to bite at her sleeve.
But she didn't much mind, gushing over the dog that she had dubbed her nephew (well, if Arthur and Lorenzo weren't going to make her an aunt, Leo it would have to be).
"I'm gonna kidnap you," she said in that baby voice as she stroked under his chin. "Gonna steal you away from your daddy so you can come live with me and Lando and Max."
She was in her own little world as she played with Leo, her brother, her boyfriends, lost to her. Max tried to call her name, but she waved him off to press kisses to Leo's head.
Lando and Max couldn't deny how goddamn cute she looked, holding Leo close to her chest. She scooted around on her ass to face them. "Boys, I'm in love," she said and pouted at them as Leo went to bite her chin.
"Baby," Lando began as he joined her on the floor. "We're not getting a dog."
She turned her attention away from Lando and looked towards her brother. "Charlie, do you need a baby sitter?" She asked as she placed Leo in her lap. He happily sat there and chewed on her skirt.
"No way," Charles said. "You're not babysitting my dog."
A huff left her lips and she muttered something to Leo, something like 'you'd never be this mean to me, would you angel?' "If I move in with you, cook, clean, pay rent, can I get a puppy?" She asked as she looked at him.
Max couldn't stop the laugh that left his lips. "Um, excuse me," he called and tapped her on the shoulder. She ignored him. "Angel, just because we're not letting you get a puppy..."
"That's not it, Maxie," she muttered and scratched at Leo's belly. "Leo just wants me close, that's all."
The Leclercs had always had dogs growing up. It was one of the reasons Charles had gotten Leo. So, seeing his sister so in love with his little puppy, he knew he had to do something.
Charles picked Leo up and pulled his sister up from the floor. She put Leo in his harness, attached his lead and put him on the floor. "Why don't you take him for a walk?" He said and pointed her towards the door.
But she didn't leave. "Cha," she whispered, looking back at her boyfriend. "What're you doing?"
He whispered something in her ear, something that Max and Lando couldn't hear. Something along the lines of 'I'm gonna try and convince these guys to get you a dog'.
She couldn't help but smile as she walked out, Leo at her heels.
Charles began talking to Max and Lando. But what he was suggesting was unrealistic. How could they have a dog when they already have cats? It wouldn't have been fair to Jimmy and Sassy.
But Charles wouldn't drop it, wouldn't drop how happy she looked when she was with Leo. Wouldn't drop how happy she would be if they got her a puppy.
By the time she came back with Leo, they still weren't convinced. But Max couldn't get it out of his head. They were his cats at the end of the day.
It didn't take long for him to work out that he'd do anything to make her happy, including get a puppy.
Charles took her away for a week. He was in on it, happy to help however he could.
And, while they were away, Max and Lando brought home Baguette. The name was Lando's idea, a 'French Poodle for a French girl'. Which pissed her off because she was not in fact French.
It was Max's job to introduce Baguette to the cats. It wasn't smooth sailing, but the boys knew it wasn't going to be. And, by the time Charles brought her home, Baguette and the cats were coming fast friends.
The memory of the first time she met Baguette would always be ingrained into Max and Lando's memory.
She threw her arms around Lando's neck the moment she walked into the apartment, unaware. But then she heard the barking.
"Is Leo here?" She asked, clearly confused as she looked around for the puppy.
But Max didn't emerge with a puppy. Well, not that puppy anyway. The French Poodle puppy was a stranger to her. "We got you something," Lando said as he watched her expression.
"No." It was almost a whisper as Max approached, Baguette in his arms.
"Baguette, say hello to your mommy," Max said as he passed her the dog.
Her mouth fell open as she took Baguette from Max. "This... this is a joke, right?" She couldn't stop herself from asking as Max wrapped his arm around Lando's waist. "You guys got me a dog?"
"We sure did, baby," Lando said as he stepped out from Max's embraced. He stroked Baguettes head, touched his soft, curly ears. "Baby, meet Baguette."
(Baguette below)
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luveline · 1 month
I love your KBD universe, I know that Beth is having a hard time with being the weird kid and I just have to say as a lover of weird things and people I would love to see something where Bethie comes home from school happy to have met someone who LOVES that she’s a little weird!
dad!steve and his weird girls <3 mom!reader, 1k
When you get home from work with the big kids in tow, Steve’s gonna kiss you stupid. With baby Wren gurgling on his tummy and less-baby Dove sitting by his head where he lays on the couch, he’s never been this happy. He’ll be happier when the big girls are home, but for now, he’s snug as a bug, treated by his second youngest to a buffet of affection. 
“Love you,” Dove says, kissing his cheek for the tenth time in the last two minutes. He can’t stop laughing.
“I love you, too!” he says, shifting his hand to give Wren some more room. 
“Love you, dad,” Dove says.
“I know, baby, I know. Thank you for the kisses, you’re so nice.” 
Dove kisses him again. “You’re happy,” she says. 
“So happy. Can I get another kiss, you think?” 
He turns into her. She’s sitting too high to be cuddled; all Steve can do is take in her sweetness. He can’t believe how quickly her babyhood has passed into toddlerhood, and she’s been sort of a nightmare, but she’s also his little girl. She’s your daughter, her sisters’ sister. She was always going to be lovely, and Steve feels it like a loving punch as she noses at his ear. “Daddy,” she laughs, “you’re too warm.” 
“I’m blushing, babe, I’m getting all these nice kisses!” He laughs like an idiot and decides he must hug her, pulling his arm up and scooping her into his chest. 
She groans in annoyance before she realises what he’s doing, “Hug!” she says excitedly. 
“Hug!” he echoes, wrapping his arm around her. She’s starting to look less like a baby and more like a little tiny kid, which he hates and loves at the same time. “Aw, I love you, Dovey.” 
The door clatters open. Wren jumps at the sound, hiding her face in Steve’s neck, to which he gives a good back rubbing. “It’s okay, bubby, it’s just your mommy. Don’t be silly, huh? Just mommy. You’re gonna be happy when she turns the corner.” 
“Shoes,” you’re saying from the door, though Steve can’t see you, he can tell you’re smiling. “Shoes, Beth, then you can tell dad.” 
“Daddy, we’re home!” Avery shouts. 
“I can hear you, babe!” he shouts back, not unkindly. 
“Dad, I have something to tell you!” Beth shouts. 
Steve hoists himself up into a sitting position, two babies in his arms, knowing you’ll know he’s laid down all day from the mess of his hair alone but not trying to hide it. You can do whatever you want on your vacation days, you’d teased. Just make sure you feed the kids.
“Hi,” you say, appearing in the doorway, two balls of energy at your legs that bolt for Steve the second they see him. 
“Girls, I don’t have long enough arms,” he says, trying to cuddle them all, even though it’s impossible. 
He finds himself suddenly relieved of the second youngest. Dove might love her father, but she adores her mother, and she hasn’t seen you all day —she slinks down out of his hold and through the mess of her sisters to grab at you, to which you gratefully receive her, pulling her up to station on your hip. “Hi, gorgeous,” Steve hears you say. Avery pushes him back, climbing into his lap with a happy sigh. “Miss me today? I missed you,” you ask sweetly. 
“What did you want to tell me, Beth?” Steve asks curiously, grinning as Avery makes herself comfortable on his thigh, her arm wrapping behind his neck. He’s happy to see everybody else so happy, even if it’s hectic. 
Beth beams up at him with her brightest smile in weeks. She’s been having such a hard time at school, Steve wondered if he could start homeschooling, coming home upset nearly every other day. It isn’t fair. His relief that she’s had a good day is palpable. 
“Dad, there’s a new girl! Her name is Francesca and she’s got the same birthday as me and guess what!” 
“What?” he asks. 
“She said she likes being weird!” Beth’s eyes glow shiny with joy. “Cos Hilly called me weird, and she said she likes being weird. She said we can be best friends.” Beth hits his knee in her excitement. “She liked me, dad.” 
“Why wouldn’t she like you?” he asks, wondering how old he’ll have to be before he stops tearing up at Beth’s good heart. He blinks quickly to dispel any tears before they can gather. “Her name is Francesca? When did she move? Do you think she wants to come for dinner?” 
Your laugh is a snort. “Steve.” 
“What? Friends come for dinner. Best friends! Did you speak to her mom?” he asks you. 
“I didn’t see her.” 
“Don’t worry, Beth, I’ll speak to her in the morning. We’ll see if they want to come for dinner or go swimming or something.” 
Beth’s smile gets wider, “Really?” 
“Yeah, really!” He gives Avery a little shake. “Did you meet Francesca?” 
Avery nods. “She’s pale and she has big hair. Curly hair, too.” Her voice is a tad scratched, perhaps from the cold out. 
Steve lets his weight fall into the arm, cautious not to squish your baby, a grin on his face to rival Beth’s. She gets the memo and climbs up, claiming that last bit of space under the baby to hug his stomach. He tries to wrap them all up, gurgly Wren, exuberant Beth, and poor cold Avery. “You coming?” he asks you. 
There’s dinner to make. You ignore it, crossing the mess of the living room to flop down on the couch next to them all. Steve lifts his face in that way you always recognise, and is pleased as punch when you peck him quickly. 
You don’t realise how Steve thinks of you, he’d say. Don’t realise he wants another kiss, then another, that you’re on his mind when you aren’t there, and dominate it when you are. He loves his babies, but he loves you too. He wants another kiss. 
“Steve,” you scold lightly, surprised as he presses two kisses to the corner of your mouth. 
“Sorry. Beth, tell me more about Francesca. What did she say exactly?” 
Beth takes a deep breath. 
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archivesainz · 4 months
in that summer ˚✧ ₊˚ 🌊 sv5
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. . . Sebastian and Y/n go on a vacation with the kids, but they're not together. Something goes to change. .
genre: sebastian dad! pregnancy mention, smut, creampie, ex husband and ex wife.
pairing: sebastian vettel x y/n (reader she/her)
a/n: english is NOT my first language, so if have any errors please tell me.
The 6-year-old boy let out a hot laugh every time his father picked him up and threw him in the air, leaving him on the floor again and running after him next.
- "Dad will get you!" - Sebastian said aloud as he ran after his son, not to mention the laugh when he stumbled and fell with his ass to the floor, releasing a childish laugh.
Sebastian ran quickly to the boy checking to see if he was okay. Isaac smiled at his father, showing his beautiful dimples along with his perfect blue eyes, matching his little blonde hair with a messy bangs, a copy of Sebastian.
- "How are you, big boy?" - Sebastian asked the little boy, getting up and taking him on his lap quickly, fixing his little blouse with a drawing of some fishes in front.
- "Yes, dad, I'm fine." - Isaac answered him, getting a kiss on the chubby cheek. His little hands holding Sebastian' black shirt as they went to the kitchen.
It was a vacation and there was the Vettel family, it had only been a few weeks since they were in a very quiet and familiar resort where everyone had a lot of fun - especially the children - and relaxed from months of work and daily stresses.
But there was a catch. Sebastian and Y/n were not together. Yes, the couple decided to make that trip for the children. They knew how much they wanted and needed a moment with the whole family together. So they talked and decided to travel.
Things weren't exactly good between the two. It was hard to hear the children repeatedly asking if "Dad will go back to live with us, mom?" Or "Daddy, are you going to go back to live at home?" Anyway... they were just children who wanted to see their parents together again.
Sebastian and Y/n had broken up about 4 years ago, when the couple's youngest daughter was born. To tell you the truth, they weren't exactly together when the girl was close to being born, but they still lived together.
There was no way to explain specifically what happened for the two to separate. There were many reasons, and the main one was the routine. Sebastian worked too much, always very tired and when he got home the rest of his energy was spent by his eldest son, at the time still a baby.
Y/n also worked, but spent most of her time taking care of her son, not that she didn't like it, she loved to take care of her little boy. The problem is that she was very overwhelmed and this generated fights and more fights between the couple.
So after many nights of discussions and reconciliations with raw and dirty sexes, Ivy was born. Well, many things happened after that, and after a while Y/n couldn't stand that tense and heavy atmosphere that stayed at home anymore, and she couldn't handle all that being pregnant and having to take care of a child.
They separated and Sebastian left home. Leaving Y/n shaken. However, Sebastian never moved away from his children, he always came back to see them and whenever he had time he went out with the children. Ivy stayed more with her mother, of course, because she was very young. But Sebastian didn't stop her from nusting and giving her all her love and affection.
- "I want mom.." - Isaac grumbled on Sebastian's lap, when he entered the kitchen seeing Y/n sitting at the table while feeding Ivy. She looked at herself over her shoulder, that look that Sebastian knew very well.
Sebastian put his son on the floor watching him walk to his mother, who ran her hand on his straight hair, asking him softly if he was okay.
- "Did you fall love, did you get hurt?" - Y/n asked carefully.
- "Fall but Dad caught me, I'm fine mom." - He replied looking at the little sister who had her right little hand on her curly hair while the other leaned on her mother's chest while drinking her vitamin in her moana's cup.
Ivy was born full of health and joy. The little girl had a lot of energy and was the princess of her parents. The brown hair full of curls, the big and green eyes like the mother's, and the full mouth that also pulled the mother. The only thing that reminded her father was her little nose and eyebrows. And she also had no dimples, unlike her brother.
- "I want water." - Isaac asked while rubbing his face in his mother's hot hand, liking the affection he received.
- "Ask your father love, I'm feeding your sister now."
The little boy nodded walking to his father again who was leaning against the kitchen countertop, his blue eyes staring with affection Y/n feeding Ivy.
Isaac came close to his father touching his legs and having his eyes on himself next.
- "Water daddy." - Sebastian waved taking his son's spider man's glass in the closet and putting water then, giving the boy's little hands watching him drink. He handed the glass to his father when he drank everything and ran back to the living room to play with his various toys.
Sebastian approached Y/n, seeing when she put her sleepy daughter on her lap while wiping the little girl's mouth with a cloth.
- "Tell me soon, I know you're dying to complain." - Sebastian started crossing his arms under his chest, leaning against the wall.
- "These jokes of yours will end up hurting Isaac. I already told you that." - Y/n complained, the irritation was palpable in her voice.
- "It won't hurt, he just fell Y/n, children fall.. and he's growing up too, a lot of energy."- He said watching her walk through the kitchen.
- You know, Sebastian. - Y/n said rolling her eyes, going towards the living room.
Sebastian snorted by running his hands through his hair, he was angry and all he wanted was for things to be as before, he missed Y/n, he missed being a family with her, with the children.
He expected things to change on that trip.
- "Where do you think you're going like this?" - That's what Sebastian asked when he saw Y/n get out of the bathroom. He was sitting on the couple's bed - Sebastian did not sleep there to tell the truth - while watching the two children playing on top of her, when Y/n came out only in a bikini and short beach shorts.
- "I'm going to sunbathe in the pool, take care of the children for me?" - She asked not looking very interested in giving satisfaction to her ex-husband.
- "Y/n." - Sebastian got up, leaving the pillows near his children so they wouldn't fall out of bed, and walked to Y/n, who took her eyes off her cell phone staring at him - "You won't go out like that alone, if you're going out we'll all go together."- He said, jealousy burning inside your body.
Y/n frowned, observing Sebastian' angry and jealous face. She knew him so well. She approached her ex-husband seeing when he looked down at her breasts.
- "You don't decide whether or not I go out alone Sebastian, and no, we're not all going out together. I need some time for myself." - She said slightly irritated by Sebastian' jealous attitude.
- "Look at this.." - Sebastian said looking at Y/n's big tits - Everyone will look at you, and you know very well that I hate it Y/n.
- "But it's really to look at, I'm single." - She said debauched, but swallowed it dry when Sebastian locked her jaw.
- "Fuck you're annoying me." - He said turning his face to his children who were playing, not caring about the parents arguing there - "Please.. let's all go together, yes?" - He asked, watching Y/n roll his eyes.
- "No, I'm going alone. Take care of the children, I won't be long." - She walked away from Sebastian going towards her children, saying goodbye with kisses and smells.
Before Y/n left the room, Sebastian went after her, stoping her at the door. Y/n snorted angry, but loving to see Sebastian dying of jealousy and running after him like a domestic puppy.
- "What is it Sebastian" - She asked without patience.
- "Just be careful, okay?" - He said running his hand through Y/n's long, curly hair. She waved, liking the affection. - "And don't forget Y/n" - He held her chin - "You're still mine and these tits here" - He looked down - "They're mine." - And before Y/n could answer, he entered the room again slamming the door, leaving Y/n with hers heart racing without containing the naughty smile on her face.
Things would never change apparently, and even if Y/n tried not to fall into Sebastian's sly and seductive charm, she never could, her heart always spoke more for itself than her mind.
The whole thing is that Y/n didn't want to get hurt again. It was difficult to live without Sebastian, even though he had some passing cases, no one would ever be like him. And Y/n knew that his heart would always belong to Sebastian, after all, it was always him. Y/n knew that he would forever have a bond with him, and she still hoped that one day they would go back to what they were before. A happy and united family.
Sebastian was at the resort gym, it was about ten in the morning, and he had already been there for almost an hour. Working out lightly because I was on vacation. His little boy was also there playing in a corner with his toys, while Y/n was with Ivy at home.
Isaac watched Sebastian carefully making a treadmill, his curious little blue eyes thinking that it was a toy, so he leaned his little hands on the floor and pushed his body up standing up and walking to his father.
When he approached Sebastian automatically put his eyes on the boy, taking off his headphones to hear what his son was saying.
- "Daddy's toy?" - He asked pointing to the treadmill, approaching curiously. Sebastian quickly slowed down and turned off the device, telling his son to move away.
- "Don't, it's not a toy, don't get close, you can get hurt." - He said taking the little boy's arm and pushing him away. Isaac looked up staring at Sebastian's sweaty face, he was shirtless and only wearing black shorts, his body all sweaty.
- "I want to go up!" - The boy asked slyly. Sebastian bent down at the height of his son fixing his straight hair.
- "Isaac can't."
- "I want to go up daddy.. to play." - Isaac kept insisting, wanting more than anything to walk on the "toy"
- "It's not a toy son, is it to train hm?" - Sebastian smiled - "Be strong like dad." - He showed the muscles of his arm, pulling a childish laugh from his son.
- "I want to be like daddy!!" - Isaac said excited, imitating his father's previous movement and showing his chubby little arms.
Sebastian smiled, kissing his son's head. He took him in the arm putting the boy on the treadmill, Sebastian supported his feet next to the machine turning it on and putting it at speed 2 very slowly, so that his son did not fall.
- "You have to keep walking son, will dad hold you so you don't fall all right?" - He said holding both arms of Isaac who agreed with his head, smiling when he saw the treadmill walking under his little feet.
- "Faster!" - The little boy asked excitedly, Sebastian smiled putting it at speed 3 while holding his son carefully, while the child ran on the treadmill.
- "Run, run.. Wow! How fast you are Isaac."- Sebastian increased the speed to 5, Isaac let out a hot laugh running with all his strength while Sebastian held him.
- "I'm faster than Dad" - The boy said loudly, his little feet running non-stop on the treadmill. Your little hair is already sticking to your forehead due to sweat.
- "I want to see if it runs more than that." - Sebastian said fun increasing the speed to 7. The little boy screamed smiling and before he fell Sebastian stopped the machine taking him in his lap and throwing him up, the childish and hot laugh echoed through the empty gym, making his drooling father's heart warm up.
- "More, more, more!!!" - Isaac screamed when Sebastian put him on the floor, taking his water bottle and drinking to hydrate himself.
- "It's better not son, I'm tired and if your mother knows..."
- "Did you know what Sebastian Vettel?" - He choked on the water turning his face and seeing Y/n standing at the entrance of the gym, holding Ivy's little hand that seemed very entertained on her lollipop.
- "Nothing.. it's nothing, isn't it, son?" - He turned his face in the direction of the boy who was already running to his mother.
- "Mom! Mom! Dad let me play running on the floor that walks." - That's what he heard when he felt Y/n's sharp look towards him, he swallowed it dry, knowing that there was another complaint.
Yeah, sometimes Sebastian looked like a child, afraid of his mother (Y/n).
Hours later and they were all in a luxurious restaurant near the resort. All well dressed. Ivy was wearing a little white dress and in her blonde hair an adorable bow of the same color, her little hands with pink painted nails. Isaac was wearing black pants and a burberry blouse, his little legs swinging on the chair while eating.
Y/n was elegant in a burgundy dress, his beautiful smooth and thick legs to show and his big breasts highlighted by the neckline, which was devoured by Sebastian's look.
And Sebastian was perfect as always. A simple black pants and a black turtleneck T-shirt, elegant and a hot total in Y/n's opinion, who held on so as not to let out a sigh every minute, she loved it when he wore a turtleneck.
- "Can you cut for me daddy, please?" - Isaac asked politely to his father who waved cutting a small piece of meat in his son's mouth. Ivy ate next to her mother who also helped her.
- "Are you thirsty , princess?" - Y/n asked her, wiping her dirty mouth in soak.
- "Yes mom, I want juice." - She asked, her beautiful green eyes shining in the direction of her mother, who answered her request by helping her drink the lemon juice. Without containing the smile when the girl made a face.
- "So, tell mom how it was today, did you have fun?" - Y/n asked her children, while noticing Sebastian's look on her, to tell the truth she would never get used to those blue eyes looking so carefully at her details, it was something Y/n always loved about Sebastian.
- "Yes, Dad let me play at the gym and then rode a bike with me!" - Isaac said excited, his dimples like all his mouth dirty with soak. Sebastian smiled affectionately.
- "What a good son, your father is kind of crazy for letting you play on the treadmill.." - She gave a mischievous look at Sebastian who smirked for her.
- "But I'm glad you had fun." - Y/n said running her hand through the boy's hair, who waved, chewing. She turned her gaze to her daughter who practically slept sitting.
- "Are you very tired of today, my dear?" - Sebastian asked her, cleaning Isaac's mouth. The little girl blinked her heavy green eyes, smiling.
- "Yes, dad, mom and I had a day of beauty"- She said confident laughing from her parents, for the way she spoke the words taggled because of sleep.
- "Okay?" - She confirmed, Sebastian approached the little girl taking her little hand and seeing her painted nails.
- "It was beautiful, daughter. You look as beautiful as your mother.." - He said looking away at Y/'n who smirked exposing a dimple.
- "Mom is beautiful!!!" - The girl confirmed, smiling at her father who smoothed her little hand.
- "Absolutely love.. for sure." - Sebastian waved sending a naughty look to Y/n who smiled denying it with her head, helping her son to eat.
After a few hours, they decided to go back to the resort. The children were tired and didn't take long to fall asleep, so as soon as they arrived and changed them, their parents put them in the room.
- "Good night, loves of my life. I love you." - Sebastian said giving a long kiss on the head of his two sleepy children. Watching Y/n do the same before leaving the room.
-"Mom loves you. Sleep well." - That's what Y/n whispered to her children, fixing them right in bed and left more affectionate kisses all over their little face and left the room leaving the door half-open.
She saw Sebastian leaning against the wall and approached him, his gaze burning with desire in the direction of Sebastian who smirked, knowing more than anyone that look that only Y/n sent him.
- "Too tired?" - He asked crossing his arms.
- "Very.. you have no idea." - Y/n said in an ironic tone, when she rolled her eyes and went to her room, ready to take a shower and relieve her sexual tension. Before she entered the room she felt her arm being grabbed without force by Sebastian, who turned him facing her, grabbing her waist then, Y/n gasped putting her hands on her ex-husband's little breastplate.
- "Where do you think you're going hm?" - He asked, your rogue smile without leaving your face.
- "Rest.. know how to relax." - Y/n approached Sebastian's ear whispering softly: - "I'm so horny, I think I need to relieve myself."
Sebastian took a deep breath, climbing his hand to Y/n's hair where he pulled without much force, he brought his face closer to the fragrant neck passing his nose to her delicate jaw, reaching his ear where he left a wet kiss right below, smiling when he felt Y/n tremble in his arms.
- "I'll help you with that." - She denied it with her head, Sebastian smiled softly against Y/n's warm skin that felt even more wet. He walked away leaving wet kisses all over her neck, got close to her fleshy mouth lightly relacing his lips when he saw Y/n grunting irritated by the provocation. He walked away a little further holding Y/n's face with his hand and watching her give him a submissive look that Sebastian loved. - "Don't play hard Y/n, we both know the little desperate little girl for my cock that you are."
- "So convinced.." - Y/n smiled, biting her lips.
- "Oh you know that yes, and you know even better that only I know how to take care of you babe." - He lowered his voice - "Only I know how to make you cum very hot on my cock - Y/n let a moan escape from her lips, she couldn't help it, she always loved the way Sebastian treated her in sex, the things he said made her so wet. And she knew he liked that.
- "P-please.." - She asked sighing, Sebastian smiled taking his hand off Y/n's face and going down to her waist, feeling her arms on his shoulders soon after.
- "My little whore." - Sebastian whispered, leaving a wet peck on Y/n's lips, she lowered the collar of Sebastian's T-shirt scratching her neck lightly and couldn't stand the provocation anymore, glued her mouths together.
The taste of the wine they had ordered earlier was palpable on their lips, and Y/n grunted during the kiss feeling Sebastian's skillful tongue suck his hard. She missed that kiss and that footprint.
Sebastian pulled his lower lip slowly, passing his tongue then to relieve the pain, leaving a long peck on Y/n before plunging his tongue into her mouth again, she who squeezed the back of her neck and scratched while Sebastian squeezed her waist tightly. He pushed Y/n to the wall that moved her mouth away from her to breathe, opening her eyes and seeing Sebastian's red mouth and rogue smile.
- "So delicious.. I missed your hot little mouth love." - He whispered making the hairs of his arms to get goosebumps, he approached him again leaving a kiss in the corner of her red lips and talking softly near your ear: - "I really want to fuck you very hard in the shower, what do you think?"
- "Yes.. I want everything from you Sebastian" - Y/n confessed sighing feeling the warm breath of Sebastian who kissed her whole neck with devotion - "Do you fuck me hm? That way only you know love." - She said softly running her hands through
Sebastian's hair who walked away smiling.
He held his hand and opened the bedroom door, then locked it. Then they would go to the large suite of the luxurious room, Y/n leaning on the sink with a naughty smile watching Sebastian close the door, when he approached him again starting a new kissing session.
Y/n pulled Sebastians' T-shirt up during the kiss, he who soon walked away taking it off and throwing it away. She couldn't help but look down through the little spotted body, the volume of the big cock already very visible in the black pants.
- "Do you like the view?" - Sebastian asked convinced, Y/n agreed with her head biting her lips.
- "Yummy.." - She spoke quietly. Sebastian smiled, raising his hand to Y/n's thick thighs, lowering his gaze and seeing the breasts he loved so much in front of him.
- "Do you miss when I sucked on your very hot breasts?" - He asks softly, continuing to raise his hand into Y/n's dress, which where he felt Sebastian's hand got even more wet. - "Or rather.." - He arrives in Y/n's lace panties without containing the little smile when she closes her eyes and throws her head back, feeling his hand touching the hard clit - "When did I fuck them with my cock?"
- "Sebastian..." - Y/n moans in need, she rests her hands on her ex-husband's firm shoulders, feeling his finger rubbing hot on her sensitive clitoris.
- "Impressive Y/n. No matter how much time passes, you will always be so sensitive to my touches." - He ran his nose on Y/n's fragrant collarbone going up her neck and delighting in his panting breath in her ear - "A bitch so needs a cock." - And Y/n opens her eyes when he moves away, taking off his pants. Y/n does the same by starting to take off her dress, anxiously.
When the two are naked, Y/n throws a naughty look at Sebastian who wrapped his big cock with a hand masturbating watching Y/n's chubby pussy, he looked up at her eyes speaking authoritatively: - "To the shower. Now." Yn didn't even hesitate to go quickly, entering the large and spacious box, she turned on the shower feeling the strong jet of water hit her hot body, closing her eyes and enjoying it, knowing that Sebastian was watching her.
- "Turns." - She heard Y/n say opening her eyes and seeing him facing her inside the box. He masturbated his thick cock and full of veins jumped slowly, the bright red head with the pre-entment leaking from the slit.
Y/n bit her lip turning around and prancing her wet ass towards Sebastian, hearing him sigh heavily. She smiled naughty shaking slowly while the water wet her body, a fucking hot scene.
- "Do you like it like that, love?" - She ran her hand through her ass giving a strong slap on her wet skin. Sebastian increased the speed of the handjob moaning quietly with his eyesight.
- "Are you going to roll like that on my dick?" - He asked panting.
Y/n turned in front of him again approaching Sebastian's spotted body, she was kneeling slowly for all the glory of the ex-husband who felt more pre-joyment leaking from his cock.
- "First, baby.." - She said touching her strong thighs - "I want you to fuck my breasts." - She licked the red glans, watching Sebastian lock his jaw. - "And then... I'm going to roll and you're going to fuck me very tasty against the box." - Y/n smiled feeling a slight slap on the cheek, Sebastian held her wet hair masturbating the cock very close to her face and hitting her on Y/n's pink cheek.
- "Be quiet and open your fucking mouth." - He told her to watch Y/n wave. She did what was asked and opened her mouth to Sebastian, who stuck his cock inside to make it very wet. Then he left positioning the cock in the middle of Y/n's breasts, she who squeezed him between them.
- "Damn.." - He moaned starting to stock up, everything slipped easily because of Y/n's wet skin who had her eyes glazed on Sebastian who bit his lips moaning softly.
Sebastian supported a hand on the side of Y/n's neck, starting to stock up harder. She who with one hand squeezed his balls and the other leaned on her waist, looking at herself horny.
- "Go love, fuck my tits hm.." - Y/n said almost in a moan, which made Sebastian roll his eyes and slap her pink cheek hard. Y/n whimpered at the burning, then smiling at her ex-husband.
- "Fuck you whore, look at me like this again that I'm going to cum on this beautiful little face of yours." - Sebastian moaned when Y/n licked the sensitive head of his cock, staring at him like that again.
- "Oh fuck.." - He threw his head back taking his cock out of the middle of Y/n's breasts, masturbating fast on the hot tongue of the greedy little whore. Cumming minutes later in Y/n's little mouth and big wet tits.
- "Always delicious.." - Y/n said after a while, getting up and being pushed under the shower, where Sebastian kissed her willingly feeling his own taste.
Y/n reached Sebastian's cock masturbating him lightly to make him hard, which didn't take long. Soon after, she went up scratching Sebastian's abdomen that walked away throwing a silly look at her, Y/n felt her pussy contract with it.
- "Fuck me." - She asked sly, Sebastian just turned Y/n with brutality under the glass of the box. She leaned her hands behind her back as if she were handcuffed, Sebastian masturbated by opening Y/n's wet ass and rubbing his hard and wet cock in the little entrance that contracts anxiously.
- "Sebastian!" - Y/n moaned when he came in for good, starting to stock up. Sebastian held in her arms, while Y/n had her cheek prot in the wet box of the bathroom, her breathing hitting against the glass along with the noise of the bodies crashing under the water in the shower.
- "Hm.. it's still so tight for me, because you know I like it, isn't it a little bitch?" - He said behind him, without stopping stocking up. Y/n moaned feeling Sebastian's hot and wet cock stocking on her little cunt.
- "Yes Sebastian.. fuck your whore!" - Y/n contracted the pussy on Sebastian's cock that grunted excited stocking up hard and non-stop while moaning hoarsely.
The wet bodies collided hard under the shower, the water fell on Sebastian's chest and Y/n's big ass that hit his groin hard, while the two moaned too much at the moment.
- "Fuck" - Sebastian moaned - "Good as fuck." - Y/n got even more wet moaning. She leaned one hand on the glass going down the other to her little clit where she rubbed hard.
- "I'm going to c-cum Seb.. fuck I'm going to cum on your cock." - Y/n moaned with her mouth glued to the box, feeling Sebastian' shead resting on her wet back while he also moaned to himself.
- "Make fun of me that I'm going to fill you with cum." - He said hoarse - "Do you want that? Do you want me to get you pregnant again, you whore?" - He asked kissing Y/n's back.
- "Y-yes fuck.. fills me with cum Seb, cums very hot inside me" - Y/n said moaning loudly when Sebastian stocked up hard three more times cumming inside her in strong jets of hot cum. Y/n then came shaking on Sebastian's cock when he squirted feeling her legs shaking and Sebastian's cock pulsating inside her.
Sebastian turned around asking if everything was okay, Y/n waved smiling and the two kissed again and again.. Until they finish the bath and go to sleep together.
It seemed like things had changed.
- "Black daddy! I want black!!" - Isaac's voice echoed in the couple's room. They were all there in bed, it was about eight at night and while Sebastian was painting Y/n's nails, Isaac and Ivy entered the room wanting to play with their parents, so everyone decided to paint their nails.
Sebastian smiled at his son waving. It had been three nights since what happened with Y/n and things were good. They had not yet talked about what happened, but somewhere inside them the two knew they were already together again.
- "To match Mom!" - Ivy smiled looking at her nails painted red.
- "That's right, my princess." - Y/n stied her daughter's curls, looking away from her son and Sebastian who painted Isaac's nail with dedication. Her passionate heart is calming up by the scene.
- "Ready son, did you like it?" - Sebastian asked when he finished. Isaac smiled sangly agreeing then approached his mother and sister, Sebastian did the same.
- "I want to see everyone's get together here." - Y/n asked, the three of them did and put their hands under the bed sheet, it was a funny mixture of colors. Sebastian was in dark blue, Isaac black, Ivy red, and Y/n also red.
- "It was beautiful! Did you like it, loves?" - Y/n asked his children who agreed to look at each other's nails.
Sebastian got closer to Y/n taking her hands and kissing them, she smiled leaving a long peck on her lips. He turned his eyes to the children who started singing and jumping on the bed, and with a beautiful smile on his face and shining eyes Sebastian said seriously to Y/n.
- "I love you." - His blue eyes were shining in the direction of Y/n who turned her children's eyes away to Sebastian, also smiling and holding back the cry.
- "I love you too, Sebastian." - She said happy. The two sealed their lips in a passionate kiss moving away when the children played saying that it was disgusting.
Regardless of everything, they were a family, and both Sebastian and Y/n would fight to make it work. And they could do it, because love always wins in the end.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 10 days
Ex’s and Oh’s
𖤐Paring: Ex Husband! Ghost x Ex Wife! F! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐AN: Sorry, it has taken me so long to post this, I've been busy and struggling with writers block for a while, it was hard to think of a way to start this story and also trying to not make it boring as well. Anyways, I hope you all will enjoy the fic version of headcanon
𖤐Based On: ex-husband-simon
𖤐Warnings: fluff, smut, language, ex's to lovers, children, kissing/making out, more use of Simon, abusive relationship,
𖤐Summary: Divorce is hard, and Simon didn't know it at all, he loved his ex-wife and did everything he could to be there for his kids
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Simon waits in the driveway for his kids, Silas the oldest child and Luna his youngest. He remembers this house his first house he's ever bought with his now ex-wife Y/n.
Y/n had given Simon divorce papers because she was always worried about Simon when he was away on deployment. When she was pregnant with Luna, she couldn't handle the stress.
He watches the front door open and his kids come rushing out, Luna hugging Simon's legs and Silas hiked his bags into the back seat of his fathers truck.
"Come on, kids," Simon says, he turns and sees Y/n in the doorway being hold by her new boyfriend, Duncan. Simon couldn't stand him.
Duncan just leeched off of Y/n. Her money, home, food, he didn't pay bills, he was basically a roommate. Y/n tried to get Duncan many jobs but he never lasted then 4 days.
That was all information from Silas and Luna.
Simon looks at his kids helping Luna into her car seat.
"Daddy, can we go to the Zoo?" Luna asked.
"Maybe next weekend," Simon tells her.
"But I wanna go today."
"Not today baby."
"Because...it's close for cleaning."
"The Zoo isn't closed," Silas jumps in.
"Yes it is," Simon says, looking at his son to be quite. At the moment Simon didn't have anything plan with his kids, he just wanted to relax with his children and help them with homework if they needed it.
"Daddy?" Luna looks up at him.
"Not today," he says again. He shuts the door.
"I'm sorry for the last minute pick up," Y/n walks to her ex-husband.
"It's okay.
Y/n had a meeting and she didn't trust...Duncan. Sure they're dating and all, but she trusts Simon a lot more than Duncan.
"I can't believe you asked him to do it...I'm surprised he even agreed," Duncan says, watching Simon pull out of the driveway. Duncan acts like Simon is a dead-beat father when he's not, Simon works and barely even gets to see his kids.
And Duncan doesn't even help out with the kids, the week ago, Silas needed to be picked up from football (Soccer) and Duncan "forgot" and Luna was home but locked out of the house and didn't know if anyone was home or not.
"What the hell do you mean? Simon is a good father, this isn't his first time picking up his children," Y/n says.
"But like...I'm surprised really," he chuckles.
"Duncan, he's not a dead-beat father," Y/n says.
"Sure, he is, sees his kids 40 days out of the year."
"He...works Duncan, unlike you," she says. "I need to get going."
"Can't believe you married that guy too, seems like an asshole."
"He never was!" Y/n stood up for her ex-husband but why? She's the one who gave him the divorce papers, why is she standing up for him? Because she still loves him.
Duncan was a distraction for Y/n, she still loved Simon, but couldn't bring herself to tell him that, she thought if she had a boyfriend maybe her mind will love him instead but it wasn't, she still loved Simon, and she'll defend him even if he doesn't want her to, she'll still do it for him.
Duncan also doesn't know he's a 'distraction' he thought Y/n did like him.
Simon looks at his son and daughter in the rearview mirror they were eating their chicken nuggets or small cheese burger. They were hungry since Simon had picked them up around lunch time.
"How's everything?" Simon asked them.
"Good." Luna says.
"Amazing," Silas says.
"Good," Simon says as he starts to drive to his apartment complex.
Simon parked in his usual parking spot and he helps his kids out of the back seats of his truck. They head to the elevators and hit the 5th floor button going up.
Luna played with the toy she just got and Silas played with his. Once the door opened Luna headed to the apartment door and Silas walked with Simon holding his bag as Simon carried his daughters bag.
Simon opens the door and his kids rushed in going to their rooms grabbing more toys and dragging them to the living room that Simon cleaned just for them to mess it up again.
Simon smiles at his kids and jumps in to play with them, he jumps from playing Monster Trucks and Wrestling to Princesses and Pet Shops.
He likes to play with his kids, enjoying how they play and missed all times him and Silas use to play with each other, before Luna was born, he didn't play with her as much because of the divorce.
He lays on his back and Luna sits on his stomach, she pats his toned chest and was using his chest as a mountain for her Barbies to play mountain climber, he knew he had a big chest but he didn't think it was that big.
"Daddy, stop breathing it's messing with my Barbies."
"Baby, I can't just stop breathing," he chuckles which now causes his chest to bounce.
"Daddy," she groans.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop laughing, but I can't stop breathing," he smiles.
"Dad," he looks at his son, but he was looking at him upside down.
"Yes, buddy?"
"I don't like mama's new boyfriend," Silas says.
"You don't?"
"Yeah," Luna now jumps in. "He yells at us sometimes, even for nothing."
"Yelling at you? Are you sure it's just because you two might have...I don't know actually done something wrong?"
"Daddy, are you taking his side?"
"No, no, but-"
"No reason, dad," Silas says.
Simon sits up now holding his daughter so she doesn't fall and she slides down on his lap.
"I understand," he says, letting go of his daughter as she goes back to her Barbie's dreamhouse.
His children had gone to bed now, and Simon decided to do something, something he's never done because it was never his business.
Duncan Matthews Age: 31 Height: 5'11 Job: Unemployed Criminal Background: DUI, 1st degree Stalking, Demotic Violence
"Goddammit Y/n...you're smarter than this," Simon groans.
Simon copies the link and pulls up his email, he was going to send it to Y/n. If she was unaware, which she's not, she wouldn't keep this guy around.
Y/n was working late, she needed to get some files done and then she sees a notification pop up, it was from an anonymous email account.
She clicks it and then reading upon the email.
You're smarter than this with the screenshot of Duncan's police report attached to it.
She felt like she knew it was from. But she goes ahead and reads it anyways and then reading his charges.
Did you also know he yells at the children for no reason?
*Simon...what are you doing?* She thinks to herself.
Y/n then thinks of it, when she first brought Duncan home he was very rude to her children, but she brushed it off because sometimes her kids could be a little frustrating to deal with but she still loves them.
Duncan has also claimed that he didn't like kids and even though he knew about Y/n having kids still proceeded to be with her. Silas has brought up the fact that Duncan yelled at him and Luna a few times but Y/n thought was because they were doing something Duncan had told them many times to stop, so she brushed off again.
She now knows...she needs to listen to children more.
A Few Hours Later
Y/n was heading home now, she looks at her home from inside her car watching as the only light was on was the living room light, Duncan must've still been up.
She gets out of her car and locking it up and heading inside, she was right, he was still up, playing video games and yelling while he played them.
He was so annoying.
"Duncan, can you turn that off? It's almost midnight, and I have to go to bed to be able to get ready for work tomorrow," she says. She doesn't want to be up all night because of her dumb boyfriend always yelling at the games he play.
"Later, I'm not done-"
"Now, please," she cuts him off.
A sharp pain stung on Y/n's right cheek, she holds her cheek, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
He just smacked her.
A Few Days Later
Simon held his daughter and set her in her car seat. Silas buckled himself up and was ready to go back to his mothers house.
As Simon pulled into the driveway helping his kids out of the truck, the front door opened and he turns with a smile on his face ready to tell her how much fun his children had at his apartment, but he sees her face.
She looked upset, and then he sees a bruise over her left eye and a red mark on her cheek.
"Thanks for bring my kids back safely," she says, giving him a smile.
"Hey...are you okay?"
"Don't worry about me," she says.
"Hey," Simon then cups her face. She doesn't move, it was like she misses his touch and his worried face. "What...the hell happened?" He asks.
"Oh finally you brought the kids back, how was it, rug rats?" Duncan asks coming outside and Y/n moves her face from Simon's hands.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?" Simon grabs Duncan and Y/n ushers her children inside to not witness whatever Simon is going to do to Duncan.
Simon grabs Duncan's shirt throwing him to the ground, Duncan let's out a groan when his back hits the concrete.
"SIMON!" He stops whatever he's about to do, and starts pushing Duncan down the concrete stairs.
"Get the fuck away from my family!" He yells and Duncan starts to scramble to his feet and run away from the house. Simon was breathing heavily to stop himself from chasing after Duncan.
Simon turns to Y/n and her children hiding behind their mom, they've never, never, ever seen Simon like this before, it was almost like they didn't even know him.
"Are you okay?" Simon asks, Y/n.
"I know...I don't need to fight your battles for you...but when I saw you standing there with bruises on your body, I just lost control because I knew he was the one who didn't, you don't just get those from nothing," he says.
"You-I could've called the police!"
"Tell him to collect his things, I'll be here when he does show up. I don't want him near my children or you ever again."
"You're not my dad-"
"So, you want him to keep doing what he is doing?"
"Then call him and tell him to collect his shit, and I'll be here to make sure no funny business happens, do you understand?"
It was a week later now, Simon did what he said he'll do and he stayed in the house as Duncan and few of his friends gathered his shit and left, it was easy, a little too easy.
"Don't ever fucking come back, do not ask her for forgiveness, now fuck off, all of you," Simon says, slamming the door in their faces and he watched as they left the driveway.
"That was too easy, dad," Silas says as he stood next to Simon.
"I know..." Simon bends down to his son. "I want you to keep an eye on your sister and mother, anything happens, you call me or the police do you understand?"
"Yes, dad."
"I don't need protection," Y/n says.
"You do, if I'm not around," Simon says.
"Mommy, daddy, can we go to the park? It's nice out and I want to play outside," Luna says from the living room.
"Sure, come on, go get shoes on," Simon says. Y/n looks at Simon in a 'are you serious?' type of look, she wanted Simon gone, she wanted to spend her day with her children since Duncan was now gone for good.
"What?" Simon teases.
"Mama, are you mad at dad?" Silas asked, looking up at Y/n.
"No, no, I just...I just wanted to spend time with you guys."
"You can spend time with us, with daddy!" Luna yells coming down the stairs.
Y/n looks at Simon then down at her kids. Maybe, just maybe she'll let this slide once, she's only doing this for her children.
Luna was going down the slide and Silas was at the bottom of the slides arms wide open catching his younger sister from falling onto the dirty mulch.
"I'm sorry, he did those things to you-"
"Could we not bring him up, please. I'm only here for my children, I'm not here...to be friends with you, Simon."
"I don't understand what I did for you to hate me?"
"I don't hate you Simon."
"Seems like it," he rests his chin on his palm.
"I'm just...annoyed...I'm not a Princess that needs saving every time I get into trouble, I can handle myself. It seems like every time you're over here, I'm somehow in trouble and you come to my rescue," she says.
"I know you're not a Princess, Y/n...and I don't mean to come to your rescue every time, but I can't just sit back and watch someone hurt you for no reason," he tells her.
"Mama! Luna is picking weeds again!"
"DANDILIONS AREN'T WEEDS!!" Luna yells at her brother while giving the brightly yellow flowers to Y/n.
"Thank you, baby," she kisses Luna's temple as her kids went back to play.
"I'm glad you let me come," Simon says.
"Again...I only did it for my kids."
"I know."
A month later now. Simon was waiting for his kids, Luna or Silas haven't said anything about Duncan in a while, or anything about Y/n since the park.
Simon sees his kids rushing out and Luna pulled on Simon's hand.
"What, Luna?"
"Mama, wants to see you," she says.
"Okay, okay, get in the truck and I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay," she says as his kids get inside the truck he goes into the house.
"Y/n?" He calls out. "Y/n?" Once more.
"Upstairs," he goes upstairs and sees at the end of the hallway, her bedroom door open, he walks to the door, peeking through seeing her in a towel and she seemed like she was getting ready for work.
"Y-You wanted me?" He asks. Y/n turns and let's him in.
"Yeah, can you tell me which shirt would go great with my skirt?" She holds up a red button up and and black on, her skirt was just a plain black pencil skirt, black goes with anything, but why is she asking him? She already knows what will go good with the skirt.
"I think they both will look good with it-but why are you asking me?"
"Because...your opinion is a bit valid," she says, dropping the shirts.
"My opinion is valid?"
"Forget it," she says, she turns her back and Simon smiles, she was asking for his opinion.
Simon walks to her, his hands gently caressing her waist. She doesn't stop him, she misses his touch. It was always gentle and soft, he wasn't demanding for her attention or anything, he just wanted to know if his touch still had an effect on her, and it did.
He kisses her neck, earning a soft moan from her lips, her hand goes to his cheek to let him keep going. Y/n then leans back into his touch, his hands going to her towel and letting it lose and fall to the ground.
She turns and looks at Simon, his eyes roam all over her body, from her breasts and her perky nipples to her thighs that were squeezing together. She didn't cover herself up like she was embarrassed that he was staring at her bare body. For fuck's sake, Simon has seen her naked body before.
Simon picks her up and putting her on the bed, moving her clothes out of the way, he picks up her thighs and moving them against her chest, he leans down and kisses her lips.
His tongue along with hers dancing around, and soon her was messing the belt of his pants. He looks into her eyes almost like he was asking for permission. She slightly nods her head, allowing him to push himself into her, earning a soft moan from her lips.
He slowly rocks his hips back and forth watching her head go back against the mattress of her bed, her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to her chest and his kissed both sides of her breasts and then started to suckle on her left nipple while his hand kneads her right breast.
Simon starts picking up the pace her moans were loud now and with every thrust, her moans would go at a higher pitch. She missed this feeling of Simon being inside her. Duncan could never do what Simon does.
Simon looks down at her stomach seeing him just barely bulging from her lower stomach. He smirks and holds her face to let her look at him as he goes a bit harder now. Her nails dug into his arm from the pleasure.
"S-Simon." She moans.
"I know, baby, I know, you can come," he tells her, with a few more thrusts she ends up coming on his dick. He smiles and pulls out watching both of their cum mix together.
He goes down and starts cleaning her up, he then remembers.
"The kids! I need to get going," he says. "I love you, and I'll see you later, sorry for this all of a sudden."
Y/n smiles, he's so flustered, he's never been like that before, she rolls on her side to watch him leave, she gets up and starts cleaning herself up and starts to get ready for work.
She missed him, she truly did. She just hides it.
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kenananamin · 8 months
I LOVED your girl dad nanami hcs. This isn't a request but I was wondering like, imagine (I whole heartedly agree he's a girl dad) reader and nanami they had three sons. Don't get me wrong. Nanami LOVES his boys so much. And all of them are such gentlemen. He's raising them so good. Exact copies of him in manners and in looks some ways. The eldest son has his blonde hair, the middle son has his eyes and the youngest one has his highschool emo hair. BUT (now to the fun part) Reader is pregnant again and this time it's a girl.!!!!!! How would he react? And the boys too. Secretly they've also been wanting a little sister (that's so cute 😭)
Now, how do you think Nanami would react? I think he would cry, like legit he would. He's always wanted a baby girl. This is like a dream come true for him. And and the baby girl after being born looks exactly like him, hair, eyes, nose EVERYTHING.
While the boys take more after Nanami regarding their personality, meaning they're mature for their age and very well mannered. But his baby girl takes after reader's playful nature and is just so so precious and sweet. Of course she has good manners too. But she's like everyone's princess in the family.
Her brothers love her and are protective of her. And she's just so playful and adorable that no one can get mad even if she pulls a prank or messes something up at home.
It's like, even when Nanami tries to scold her (he never would) or discipline her, she would just giggle and and grab his arms and legs and just hold onto it (IM LITERALLY.. THIS IS TOO SWEET) A heavy sigh escapes Nanami and he smiles knowing his daughter has him wrapped around her fingers and he can never ever even try to talk to her in a stern manner. She's just so innocent.
Sorry sorry this was so Long 😭 even if you don't reply to it, I hope you enjoyed reading this at least.
i'm so happy you liked my girl dad nanami hcs!! thank you for reading it! 😭 and honestly while writing it, i was thinking of the exact opposite too, boy dad nanami but he finally gets his little princess at the end 🥹
so here are my hcs for nanami as a boy dad while secretly hoping the next one is a girl, and the boys praying their next sibling is a girl
is excited to have a boy as their first born, he thinks about the things he will teach him and how nanami plans to show his son how to treat women RIGHT
tells you that he's got this covered and his fiery passionate eyes tell you he indeed does got it
decorates the baby's room with old action figures and comic books/manga from his childhood
rewatches his old cartoons and shows to make sure they're appropriate for his son to watch with him
tells everyone how he has your eyes and his hair and lowkey brags that it's the prettiest combination
is excited to buy mini sneakers and baseball caps but stops with the shoes bc baby outgrows them in 0.2 seconds
likes to carry his son like a football bc it makes him giggle his heart out and nanami knows you're looking at his bicep 👀
is ECSTATIC when you're pregnant again and immediately wants to know the gender. he's excited for his son to have a partner in crime and is happy you saved all the things your first son used (nanami is very very pro-hand me downs and wants to see those tiny sneakers used again)
tells his son to kiss your tummy throughout your pregnancy bc he wants them to be super close from the beginning
on that note, nanami kisses and hugs his boys all the time to start to show them they can be a tough guy and like hugs and kisses just like daddy and not be embarrassed about any of it
is brought to tears almost every time he passes by the baby's room and the eldest is holding the baby's hand through the crib railings telling him "i love you baby"
likes seeing the eldest's patience when the baby is learning how to share and rewards the eldest with ice cream and tickles
tells his boys to open every door for mommy and hold it open if there's someone behind them
plays a little rough with the boys when they're play wrestling but they're all scolded by mommy when someone ends up crying (nanami was poked in the eye by a tiny finger and the boys thought they made their daddy cry)
buys his boys barbies so they can create a realistic fantasy world when they play. the eldest eventually puts the barbies in charge most of the time
nervous when you're taking the next pregnancy test and quietly hopes it's a girl. the eldest wants a girl too and the soon-to-be middle child just thinks it's another regular thursday aka he does not care yet lol
sighs when the doctor says it's another boy, he's happy bc they have everything they would need for another boy but he really was hoping for a girl since this might be their last child
last boy ends up being the blend of both kids, patient and quiet, but can be excited and loud if he's really into something
dedicates special quiet time w the boys to teach them to listen and appreciate quiet activities
takes his boys out to play sports every weekend to give mommy a break from so many boys and chants random phrases with them in the car
make his boys help with dinner, clean-up, and laundry bc he wants them to appreciate everything that's done for them
tells the boys to come into the room while you get ready for date night so they can see everything you do from deciding what to wear to hair to makeup, etc etc. this is when the boys get a front row seat to seeing how much dad appreciates and loves mom
then pulls them into the closet to show them everything he does to get ready bc a man needs to put in just as much effort
has coffee dates w his boys where he'll get his tea or black coffee and the boys will get a lemonade and their cake pops and they can drive around
hugs and kisses each one of his boys when he gets home which in turn makes the boys get used to being affectionate with each other
buys his boys flowers when he takes you yours. he wants to be the first one to ever them their flowers. this leads to the boys going outside to bring back a flower, dandelion, leaf, or rock to their dad. dad now has a collection of random things in his spot of the garden
weekly sit-down w the boys to talk about emotions to teach them how to put their feelings into words
does not explicitly tell his sons to kneel for women but his sons see how dad always kneels for you if you're sitting somewhere low (CUE TO EP 12 W NOBARA AND NITTA, THIS IS CANON)
is in shock when the boys come in for an intervention-like meeting asking why they don't have a sister yet and when they can get one
is impressed with how the eldest pulls him aside and shows him the plan to have a younger sister now so that he can have enough time w her before he leaves for college (eldest is not older than like 10 lmao but he's a planner just like dad)
shows you the plan and is in love with how everyone wants a girl
is very happy to keep trying 🫣😮‍💨
all the boys go w you to get the letter w the gender of the baby and start to plan a big gender reveal bc they all have a "feeling"
all start to cry uncontrollably when the inside of the gender reveal closet is full of pink clothes, blankets, and toys. someone's on the floor (eldest), someone is running laps around everything and everyone (middle), someone is carefully touching your tummy (nanami) and another is asking if they can name her like their favorite anime character (youngest)
all start reading and researching how to raise a girl and are visibly stressed yet excited
nanami starts creating lists of cute clothes and can stay up all night imagining a giggling little girl on his shoulders
cries if he's by himself and in his feelings bc he's so overwhelmingly happy w his life and kids, feels like the luckiest man
goes to lowe's to get paint to prepare his princess's room and the boys are in overalls and ready to paint when he gets home
imagines a little girl joining their coffee dates and the boys giving her their mud pies and holding her hand everywhere they go
sees the most beautiful little girl and is blinded by the love his kids have for each other
will pass by the baby's room in the middle of the night to see all 3 boys sleeping on the floor right next to her crib. grabs his pillow and joins his boys on the floor
buys a new baby kangaroo for the boys to decorate and carries their princess EVERYWHERE
has to break up arguments the boys start to have over who gets to push the stroller this time
the boys dress her up in their old sneakers and baseball caps
all wear tutus and tiaras while they patiently wait for her to pour them their cup of tea during tea time
the two youngest boys teach her how to get someone in a headlock to defend herself and nanami and eldest have to step in
eldest then secretly teaches her men's weak spots and plans to take her to a self defense class eventually
babygirl is always giggling and is so playful, her and mommy have got these boys wrapped around their fingers
nanami is always swaying whenever he’s standing still bc babygirl attaches herself to his leg and he swings her back and forth for as long as he’s standing straight. making a sandwich? swinging the baby on his leg. brushing teeth? swinging the baby on his leg. working on his standing desk? swinging the baby on his leg.
the bros get defensive if someone tries to scold her but they’ll pull her aside themselves and tell her why it was wrong. nanami stands outside the door and listens to them
nanami still asks his boys to go out and at least two suggestions from the boys include the little princess
nanami and boys for sure stare at mommy and princess in awe at random times
they all know the girls have the deciding vote and they run the whole house. and they love it 😌
nanami is so girl dad coded BUT he would be the best dad in general. he for sure needs a little girl somewhere in the mix but he’d win the fatherhood award for sure
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Honey, I want something for “being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter”. and being Garrett's love interest! I love him, however, he has few things on this platform! Guys are very protective of her as well as girls. Thanks for the attention 🌷💌.
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HCs:
Paring: daughter!Reader x Dad!Carlisle x Mom!Esme (Reader x Boyfriend!Garrett)
Summary: headcanons about carlisle and Esme's daughter dating Garrett.
💜MasterList 💜twilight MasterList
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So I think they're youngest daughter is gonna remain human for awhile. Your the only cullen 'child' that has been legally adopted by carlisle and Esme, So your actually they're daughter.
You were the daughter of an old friend of Esme's, your mother died giving birth to you and your biological father just wasn't fit to take care of you. Esme and Carlisle took you in under your bio-mom's wishes.
Anyway, Esme was over the moon excited to have a baby in the house, she practically never put you down... Unless Carlisle wanted to hold you and cuddle you.
The two never really gotten the chance to be actual parents, with the other's they were already grown and matured, but with you they could finally experience parent hood.
Your defently a daddy's girl, Carlisle loves you with every single cell in his body and he's very over protective of you... Unfortunately to the point he didn't trust Jasper alone with you when you were a baby.
Speaking of Jasper and siblings, you literally have the best siblings in the world. If you thought carlisle was over protective just wait till you see the boys.
Emmett and you are the closet, he's always making you laugh and 'wrestling'. He'll do just about anything for you or with you. He's probably also the most protective out of your three brothers.
When you were little Edward would often read you stories and teach you how to play piano.
Jasper is your go to person when you have a problem, he's the best listener and he has your back.
As you got older the protectiveness got old, high school wasn't easy with them around but honestly they're the reason you survived.
But the protectiveness didn't get really annoying till you met Garrett, your mate.
In all honesty it's Edward and Bella's fault (Emmett words not yours). You and Bella don't get along at all and she's jealous of yours and Edward's relationship... That's a story for another time though, this is yours and Garrett's story.
Anyway, the family didn't really expect it to happen. After going to Egypt with your parents you decided to met the other guests, that's how you met Garrett.
He cought your eye immediately and the feeling was mutual, Carlisle didn't like how Garrett would look at you.
“who were you talking to?” your dad asked after leaving the living room. “dose it matter?”
“no, no, it doesn't matter unless it's a Boy!”
You just brushed it off, knowing your dad was just being over protective and You continued to get to know Garrett.
You thought he was very charming and funny. Dispite the situation you were currently in with Renesmee he was always making you laugh.
Your parents were happy and all, but at the same time Carlisle didn't want to see you get hurt.
“Dad, what are you doing?” you asked after put some space between you and Garrett.
“there should be a safe distance between you and boys... Especially this one”
Anyway, Garrett realized the problem and went to Carlisle about it. They were both old fashion.
“I think I love your daughter and I want to your promising to date her”
Carlisle's problems seemed to go away slightly. “well it's up to her... But if you hurt her you'll deal with me”
after your family won the battle with the vulturi he took you at on that date. He treated you like a queen the whole time and he asked you to be his girlfriend at the end of the night.
So he did join the coven after awhile. The whole nomad life wasn't pleasant to him anymore. He even changed to the vegetarian diet for you.
He likes like being productive of you, but he knows you can take care of yourself.
Emmett dose send deth threats when you started dating. “you better not hurt her” carlisle doesn't have a violent bone in his body, but Emmett dose.
But after the family saw how happy you were they welcomed Garrett into the family with open arms.
“I'll follow you anywhere woman” he smiled.
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nebuladreamerrr · 1 month
“Where is mom?”| Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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Summary:  After a day filled with the profound exertion of bringing your second child into the world, a moment of tender anticipation arrives: it's time for your eldest to meet her new sibling.
Warnings: English is not my first language
After enduring six grueling hours of labor, you finally welcomed little Jules into the world—a spitting image of his father. As the nurse reassured you of his perfect health after all the tests performed to check both his heart and hearing, your thoughts drifted to your daughter, Manon, and how she might be feeling on this momentous day.
"Are you okay, my love?" Kylian's concerned voice interrupted your reverie as he made skin-to-skin contact on the couch in the room with Jules.
"Do you think Manon is okay?" you whispered, trying not to disturb the baby sleeping in your husband's arms.
"Honey, everything will be fine. You know she's with my mother, and if she was sick or something had happened, she would have contacted us," Kylian reassured, his voice gentle and soothing.
"Yes, Kylian, but she's not used to changes, and today has been anything but routine. Could you text your mother and ask her to come today instead of waiting until tomorrow to meet the baby? And to bring Manon with her, please," you pleaded, concern evident in your tone.
"Of course, my love. But try to relax and rest. I'm sure she's fine and just eager to cuddle us," Kylian said, gently laying Jules in his cot before enveloping you in a comforting embrace.
Your concern for Manon might have seemed excessive to some, but your motherly instinct told you otherwise. You knew your daughter well, and despite the joyous occasion, something deep down told you she wasn't having a good day. It had been a challenging few months for your family, especially for her. Manon was accustomed to being the center of attention, the youngest grandchild and only daughter of doting parents. Kylian, in particular, showered her with affection, earning her the title of "daddy's girl." Even on days when he had to travel for matches, he made sure she knew she was always his little girl. They had a ritual: before each pre-match training, he recorded himself telling her a story, allowing you to play it for her at bedtime. Often, she fell asleep hugging the mobile phone that displayed her father's face.
When you found out you were pregnant again, you couldn't help but worry about Manon's reaction. However, she surprised you by being thrilled at the news. Her excitement grew when she found out she was going to have a baby brother, and her joy was more than evident at the baby shower, where she participated enthusiastically as the one who popped the balloon revealing the gender of her baby brother.
But not everything had been smooth sailing in the past few months. Manon quickly grasped the concept of becoming a big sister. You couldn't blame her; you knew you and Kylian had indulged her, but how could you resist? So it wasn't surprising when she cried inconsolably as Kylian explained that she would have to stop sleeping in your double bed because the baby would need a lot of nighttime care. If she slept with you, she wouldn't get much rest.
Similarly, there was something you hadn't told Kylian in any depth because what little he knew had broken his heart, and had ended with him clinging to you as you both wept inconsolably, apologizing to her for having to leave home. But your little girl wasn't coping well with having to leave France next year, and you couldn't blame her. She had only just started kindergarten this year and had managed to make many friends at her little school. In addition, this year she had managed to start going to a ballet academy where she felt like a real princess in every class. You completely understood her frustration and understood how everything she knew would quickly cease to exist. There would be no more afternoons in the park, no more afternoons playing with Navas' children, and even your little girl would have to get used to another teacher and other doctors. But you knew that this was the best thing for Kylian and that he deserved to fulfill his dream. So you tried to convince your little girl, assuring her that she could still talk to her friends on your mobile, and you would keep in touch with their mothers so that, as soon as you returned to France for a holiday, your little girl could see her friends.
So when Fayza got that call, she couldn't have been happier. It was customary for her granddaughter to stay at Fayza’s home, but it had been exhausting trying to distract her when her little mind was elsewhere. Fayza had done her best to make the day entertaining, but it had started on a rough note. When your water broke at five in the morning, Kylian took you to the hospital, and they had to make a quick stop at Fayza's house to drop off your daughter. Fayza had prayed that her granddaughter would fall asleep quickly, as she had on many previous occasions, but it wasn't meant to be. Manon stayed awake all day, and by seven in the morning, Fayza had given up trying to coax her to sleep.
She had tried to make the day better by preparing her granddaughter's favorite breakfast, little Mickey Mouse waffles, accompanied by a good session of her favorite cartoons, but the plan failed when she barely took a bite. No matter what Fayza tried to cheer her up, the day wasn't working: not playing princesses, not a Disney movie marathon, not an afternoon with her uncle Ethan, who decided not to go out with his friends to try to improve his niece's mood. But when the clock struck five in the afternoon, the little girl couldn't take it any longer and cried inconsolably missing her mother.
Your daughter was very attached to her father, mostly because he was the father figure she saw the least of in her day-to-day life. As long as Manon felt you were close, everything was under control, but that day you were far away from her. Ethan quickly tried to calm her crying by singing her a little song while holding her in his arms and moving around the house. That calmed her for a moment, but both Ethan and Fayza knew that if the little girl did not see her mother that day, none of the household would be able to sleep that night.
Fayza tried to encourage Kylian about her little girl's state of mind by commenting that if they needed quiet and rest, it might not be advisable to take her to the hospital. However, Kylian played it down, thinking that her mother was simply worrying too much.
With a smile, Fayza turned to Manon and said, "Honey, put your coat on, we're going to see Mommy.”
Your little girl quickly buttoned up her coat and rushed out to the car. During the car ride, Fayza tried to explain to Manon that the hospital room would contain not only her parents, but also her little brother, but she barely paid attention when she sensed that they had arrived at the hospital. Strategically, Fayza quickly sent Ethan to buy a bouquet for you, knowing that when she unbuckled her granddaughter's car seat, she would jump out regardless of whether she was carrying a gift for her mother or not.
So when they asked where the room you were in was, Manon bolted for the lift and led the group as she walked down the corridors of the hospital looking at the different room numbers until she saw it: "Room 350".
She quickly opened the door and, catching a glimpse of your figure, couldn't help but burst into tears as she threw herself onto your hospital gurney, waiting for you to take her in your arms.
"My baby girl," you said as you looked worriedly at your daughter's reaction. You knew that her behavior had nothing to do with how she had been treated at her grandmother's house, where you knew she had been treated like a princess. But even though your maternal instinct had sensed it, you didn't know it was that bad.
Manon's constant crying caused little Jules to burst into tears as she woke him up from his warm sleep, which made your daughter cry even harder.
"Kylian, I think I'm going to go outside with Manon to soothe her. You can stay here while you introduce Jules to your parents," you said, making an effort to get up.
"Honey, you've just given birth. It's not advisable to stand for too long," said Kylian as he stopped you from getting up.
"Well, you're going to explain to me how we reassure our daughter because logically she needs a moment alone," you replied sharply. You hated talking to Kylian like that, but you felt that no one understood how much pain your princess was going through. You knew that with a few sweet lullabies, you could calm Jules down, but your daughter wouldn't be soothed so quickly.
With a short sigh, Kylian exclaimed, "I'm going in the next room with Jules and my family while you try to calm her down, okay? But don't make any sudden moves, please, I beg you. I'll be right back, sweetheart," he said, placing a small kiss on your daughter's head.
When the room fell silent, you couldn't help but ask your daughter why she felt that way and what was going on in her little head. Although many might think it was jealousy, it was quite the opposite. The little girl could not understand that you would not abandon her. So many things were changing in her daily life that she could only expect more changes. When she noticed the absence of both of you, she was frightened. She was used to Kylian's absence, but you had never been gone so long. Even when you were sick, she would lie on your breast while you watched a princess movie and wait for you to recover enough until you had the energy to play again.
After a long time of cuddling and stroking her hair, your little girl managed to calm down, but she stirred restlessly in your arms when she noticed someone opening the door to the room. However, she calmed down again when she noticed it was her father.
"How is my little princess?" exclaimed Kylian before lifting her nimbly into his arms as he gave you a look that begged you to tell him what had happened.
As she gave your daughter little kisses and caresses, you told him what had happened. "She was afraid that we were gone and that we would disappear from her life.
After hearing that, your husband's heart couldn't break more. "My love, that will never happen. Dad and mom love you so much and we will always be by your side. We could never abandon you," he said as he left delicate kisses on her little head.
"You promise?" your daughter asked with teary eyes. 
"Of course, sweetheart," he replied. 
After an hour of cuddling and enjoying a few moments with your firstborn, you decided it was time for her to meet her baby brother.
"Manon, would you like to meet Jules?" you asked cautiously.
Surprisingly, her reaction was a huge smile as she nodded her head repeatedly. Quickly, Kylian allowed his family back into the room as they relinquished Jules so that Manon could hold him in her arms with the help of her parents.
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goth-mami-writer · 10 days
~(Au) Leon Kennedy ×f!Reader drabble/work
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POV: You and Leon are tired parents trying to get some ~time alone~ from household responsibilities and decide to try your hand at scheduled...😉.
~[Part 2 coming soon!]
《 You lied there windedly in the bed beside Leon that night after your typical bedtime routine with your housefull. You were exhausted, and tonight, you just didn't get the few minutes you needed to unwind from the day. He had climbed under the covers beside you in the dark without a word, and you were almost thankful that he, too, was silent. The two of you had been married for 14 years this summer, and there was no doubt you were still in love. But having three children and a busy marriage was very changing for any relationship.
Your schedules were always clashing, and most of the time, you were always the coordinator of someone else's chaos. Between pediatrician appointments for your youngest who was a toddler, soccer practice for your son, orthodontist visits for your middle daughter - or Leon losing his watch and wallet for the fourth time that week-
You were exhausted.
Burnt out.
You often felt bad for Leon, too. His work kept him away from the kids most of the time, and they were always impatient to see him. He'd come home after three days, flown to a strange city, and would be greeted by a huddle of excitement that tugged at his waist first thing. There’d never not be a tiny voice ”daddy”-ing him. He was an amazing father, and of course, you were grateful. You just wished he wouldn't forget so much.
He sighed heavily with his face in his hands and he turned towards you in the bed to whisper in the silence of your room,
“What are we gonna do about Maya? Her braces are bothering her again.”
“On Friday, they should give her some stuff for pain at the orthodontist..” You whispered, closing your eyes to try and rest.
“Who's taking her to that?” Leon asked, clueless, and your eyes snapped open in disbelief. But not complete disbelief because he would often forget things much bigger than this.
You had told him three times before that he needed to take his daughter to that appointment on his lunch at work, and he suddenly snapped in the realization that he'd agreed to doing so already,
“Honey, I'm sorry, I can still take her. Are you taking Blake to soccer on-”
“Yes-” You said annoyedly, turning on your side away from him to try and get sleep, and his eyes narrowed to your snappy attitude all of the sudden.
“Alright, I'm just asking. Jesus.”
He turned on his other side, facing the opposite way in silence to get some sleep. You suddenly remembered something else on your schedule. You rose up in the bed, sitting on your elbows to tell him quietly over his shoulder before you forgot too,
“By the way, mom called. She's taking the kids upstate to Aunt Gretchen's this weekend for the holiday.”
Leon was silent in trying to remember who the hell your Aunt Gretchen even was, but he put that aside as he turned to face you, curious to the fact that this sounded like….a stress free weekend ahead?
“Is she taking the baby too?”
You nodded, saying that Aunt Gretchen hadn't seen the baby since you'd had him in the hospital a year ago. Leon looked around, almost wondering what a weekend being kid free would even feel like. Sure, Blake and Maya went to summer camp sometimes, but it wasn't always. He felt an idea beginning to settle into his mind, and he smiled, looking to you in the dark with a playful grin,
“Then, you wanna go out?”
You felt yourself turning over slowly because you knew exactly what he was insinuating and it in fact was not a romantic date night between you two, much to your disappointment and you asked suspiciously to weed out what he really meant,
“Go out… and do what? We can't book reservations this late. You hate the movies- I hate the movies so…”
“We could stay in?” He said smirking with dirty images floating in his head as he scooted a little closer to your side to try and act quietly persuasive,
“We can open up some wine and relax? Make something we haven't had in a while because the kids probably hate it. Lay in the bed …uninterrupted-”
“Leon-” You said, seeing through this with a straight face to remind him of the at least three other times that you both wanted to ‘just relax’,
“You get me pregnant again, I might go insane.”
It was true that your sex life was declining as you both matured. But due to the warmth of your marriage, it wasn't having a negative effect that you could notice. Although, both of you knew that your intimacy was in the graveyard at this point; spontaneous love making just wasn't a part of your routine anymore. Your kids were your world, but the time devoted to them was becoming a challenge.
He chuckled in defeat knowing you were too smart for his long monologue of what he had in mind for you two during your time alone. He nudged in closer to you, making you look away as he nuzzled into the curve of your neck,
“I'm just saying that it would be nice to spend some time with you, baby.”
“Don't ‘baby’ me.” You grumbled to make him stop sweet talking you like you were in your twenties again. Slowly, you felt as he began to lay on top of you, but you were more welcoming of his touch second by second. Finally, you melted and finally kissed him back, making him smile against your mouth in victory.
“We're tired parents, Leon. We get in this bed distraction free, and we'll end up just falling asleep.” You said during his kisses down your neck and across your chest.
He shook his head softly, trying to not get too imaginative but he mentioned with that sleepy gravel in his throat when he told you what his idea of the turnout might be once two tired parents finally get to mess around unbothered in the comfort of their own bed without having to worry about what time it was, if they were being too loud or who had work in the morning.
“I think we'll keep each other busy.”
You both slipped under the covers when Leon wrapped you around him, letting more of his weight sink into you as he kissed you deeply but you were awoken from this small daze of bliss by the crackling of the baby monitor when the baby began to stir from the nursery.
You sighed, unraveling away from him after knowing that you'd have to console the baby or else he'd cry all night. Leon laid on his side, watching you fan the blush away from your face sweetly but he mentioned quietly before you left to the nursery, pulling your arm gently to make sure you knew he wanted to add his own little activity to the list of things needing to be done this week
“Hey- you and me Saturday. Whatever we want, okay?”
You smiled but rolled your eyes, knowing that you had to give in when he spoke like this. You'd not had a date in forever and knew whatever you ended up doing, either in the bed or maybe wine drunk in the kitchen, would be special.
“I'll…put it on the calendar.” You said with a trusting smile before leaving to attend the baby.
You quietly hurried across the hall to answer the tiny cries but knew one thing for certain now that you wouldn't have Leon in eyesight, knowing that you were sharing the same dirty idea.
Uninterrupted sex sounded….fantastic.
But planning it like a PTA meeting sounded so strange. Although making things work when the schedule was so tight wasn't something you were unaccustomed to. You had been parenting for over a decade, after all.
What's the worst that could happen? 》
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mistydeyes · 10 months
little moments and little voices
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summary: Despite the long hours and constant threat of death, the 141 always has something to return to. Even when they're away, they love the moments you share with them and your children.
pairing: 141 x fem!Reader (established relationship)
warnings: none :)
a/n: i redid my little headers for each section so hope you enjoy!
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“C’mon babies let’s call daddy,” you said as you gathered your three little children. “Mum we’re not babies anymore,” the eldest spoke up as your youngest climbed in your lap. “Alright my mature adults, let’s call your father,” you said in a fake stern voice. Your children laughed as they got settled. “You sound like daddy,” your son giggled as he sat down. "Okay is everyone ready?" you asked and they all nodded in agreement. You grabbed the laptop and pulled up Skype and they all giggled as it rang.
After two rings, John's face lit up the screen. "Well hello there," he said as he sat back and your children rushed to wave hi. "We all miss you, sweetie!" you exclaimed and blew him a kiss. "I miss you all too," he replied as he held a hand up to the screen. "Daddy guess what?" your middle said as she climbed onto your lap to see her dad better. "What, pumpkin?" he replied happily. "I lost a tooth," she exclaimed and showed her dad the empty gap in her front smile. "She's been showing everyone, sweetheart," you laughed as you placed your face back in the frame. You continued to have your other two children provide their updates, your eldest had gotten the best marks at school and your youngest recently learned how to tie their shoes. You could see your husband smile at them proudly as he praised all of their achievements. Eventually, you saw the time and knew it was time for bed. "Kiddies I think it's time we head up to bed, yeah?" you asked and you were immediately met with groans. "Don't act like that for your mother," Price scolded and the whining stopped. "Maybe if you ask nicely, Daddy can read us all a bedtime story," you smiled and they begged your laughing husband.
Eventually, he relented and your kids happily climbed down and raced upstairs. This was their favorite part of the night when John was away and were all dutifully ready to be tucked in. You followed with the laptop in hand and set it up so that all your children could see. "Alright, let's see what we have here," John chuckled, "I have a new one for you it's called '‎Goldilocks And The Three Bears'" your kids oooed in response as you sat next to your youngest bed. "I have a special guest," he continued and shifted the camera to the left, "Uncle Kyle is here and he'll be doing some of the voices." You waved as you saw the Sergeant appear on the screen. The kids screamed with happiness at the sight of their favorite uncle appearing. "Hi kids, I'm Goldilocks," he said in a high-pitched voice and you let out a small laugh. As soon as everyone settled, John prepared his best narrator voice and opened the book. "Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Goldilocks," he began. Before you knew it, he was reading the last few lines. By now, your children were fast asleep. The excitement from seeing their father and the laughter from Kyle's impressions had tuckered them out. You kissed them all gingerly before picking up your laptop and heading downstairs.
"Hi sweetheart," John said as you settled on the couch. "How are you doing?" you asked and his smile faltered a bit. "Tired, missing home," he replied and your heart ached slightly. "We miss you too, John," you whispered as you brought the device closer. "I'll be home soon, just have to tie up some loose ends," he noted. God you missed him. You knew what you had signed up for on your wedding day but these last few months had been hard. You sighed as he looked at your thoughtfully. "Want me to tell you a bedtime story?" he joked and that's how you fell asleep to your husband just talking.
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“Daddie daddie daddie!” is all the warning Johnny got before his two twins came running to him. “Slow down there, wee little ones,” he laughed as he went to pick them up in his arms. After four years, Johnny would never get tired of this. “Mammy did face paint with us,” his son said as Johnny examined his face. You had in fact painted their faces and they were excited to show their father. “Let’s get a proper look at both of you,” he said as he sat them both down on the kitchen counter. His kids smiled widely at him and he could see a collection of butterflies and bees on his son’s small face and hearts and flowers on his daughters.
“Where’s your mam now?” he asked as he lowered them off the counter. His daughter excitedly grabbed her dad’s hand and led him to the master bathroom. You stood there washing off your hands and brushes to see your tiny terrors dragging Johnny in. You smiled when you saw them tugging at your husband's arm. You put the brushes down as your twins jumped up and down in excitement. “Hi sweetheart, everything good at the brief?” you asked as you walked over and kissed his cheek. Your kids squealed in disgust and hid their eyes as he held your face gently. "All good, love," he replied, "now what's all this face paint business about?" You looked down to see your kids running around as if they were in a sugar rush. "Ah I had them lying around and they were getting antsy waiting for you," you said and gestured for the twins to settle down. As you continued to clean and chat with Johnny, your daughter had a brilliant idea.
"Mam, can you do some face paint on Daddie?" she asked sweetly and you looked over at Johnny who looked equally as excited. You sighed as you had just finished cleaning your brushes but you always folded for your children and your husband. "I guess I could," you said and the whole group cheered. You set up your station again and Johnny sat on the bathroom counter, leaning down so you could see his face. He squirmed a little under your grip and you ran your fingers over his stubble. "I could make something work," you said before pulling out the paints in your other hand and beginning your masterpiece. You made sure as you were painting to tell your kids not to ruin the surprise. Johnny held onto your waist as you painted. Your children moved around every so often to get a better angle of your work.
"And done," you said with a smile and he turned to look at himself in the mirror. "You've outdone yourself," he said as he examined the delicate brush strokes. "I wanna see!" your son called and Johnny hopped off the counter so they could get a better look. The twins gripped his cheeks and giggled at the splashes of yellow and blue and white. "It's a duck!" your daughter exclaimed. "It's a family of rubber ducks," you said as you bent down, "There's a daddie, a mammy, and two little ones following." They moved Johnny's face around to see the two parent ducks on one cheek and the two smaller ones on the other side. "That's us!" your daughter said as she touched the wet paint. She quickly rubbed it off on her dress and you sighed as you had just gotten them changed that morning. They ran to the playroom and before you could follow, Johnny held you back and kissed you. At first, you thought it was romantic but you soon realized he had brushed off the paint onto your face. "You're a bastard," you joked as you examined your face. "Ye but I'm yours," he said and you laughed as you went to follow your wild children.
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"Shhh don't ruin the surprise," Kyle could hear you say as the door slowly cracked open. All morning, you and your daughter had worked on something special for him. According to your five-year-old, it was "Top Secret" and Kyle was happy to catch up on some shows while you and her worked in the living room. Your daughter jumped onto the bed as Kyle reached to pause his show and you joined soon after. "Okay it's time to close your eyes," she said and Kyle put his hands over his eyes. You smiled as you handed your daughter the masterpiece she had been working on. "You can open them now," she giggled and shoved the paper into his hands. "This is amazing Ivy," he said as you lay down next to them. "She made it all himself," you smiled as you turned to see the drawing.
Today was Kyle's last week before a long deployment and your daughter had wanted to give him something to have. All morning, she drew and colored a drawing of your family including your German Shepherd. The childish drawing had you and Kyle in front of your house and your daughter running around with your dog in a yard of green grass. Kyle kissed your head as your daughter described the scene and pointed out all the drawings. "...then we have mummy, she's wearing the green dress you got her," she said as she continued to point. "And who's that handsome guy?" Kyle said as he pointed to himself. Your son smiled up at you before replying. "That's you, Daddy," she said, "I wanted to draw your uniform but it was too hard so you're wearing a shirt and shorts." Kyle laughed as the drawing was surprisingly accurate, the clothes were things you wore daily and the house looked like the one you were sitting in.
"Well I'm sure my little artist is hungry," he said as he got up and placed your daughter on the ground. "Let's go out to eat today," he announced and your daughter jumped up and down. "I wanna pick out my outfit today," she triumphantly said before running off to her room. Kyle took this opportunity to grab you and hold you in his arms. "Thinking about another little one?" he joked and you laughed as you rolled over to face him. "Not when you're away," you exclaimed, "don't even get me started on the weird cravings Ives gave me." He kissed you gently and you knew you would revisit this as soon as he got back. "She doesn't want you to leave," you whispered after you sat in silence for a few moments. "I'm going to miss you too," he replied and held you closer into his chest. Parting was always such a bittersweet time for the family.
Before you knew it, Ivy came storming back into your bedroom. "Look at me!" she said as she twirled around. You and Kyle propped up to see her in a similar green dress. "Oh Ives, I told you that you were going to wear that when we picked up Daddy from the airport," you scolded but Kyle placed a gentle hand on your waist. "It's a special occasion though!" she exclaimed and you just smiled at her early surprise. "I love it, sweetheart," Kyle replied as he helped you up. "I only think it's fair if Mum wears her green dress," he smiled and kissed you on the forehead. Despite having the surprise ruined, you enjoyed walking around the streets of your town with your daughter in matching dresses and your husband lovingly smiling at you.
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Simon woke up to hear the soft taps on the piano and your soothing voice guiding your son. “Alright sweetheart let’s try that again,” he heard your voice instruct as he played the beginning notes to Heart and Soul. Simon lay in bed for a while as he listened to the peaceful melody. He had been gone for too long and your son had gotten even better since he was last home. You were now able to play duets with him and didn't have to direct him through the sheet music. He smiled softly as he got out of bed and made his way down the stairs. He made sure to walk gently as to not disturb his two musicians. As he descended, you joined in with the duet and began to play the other notes. “Heart and soul, I fell in love with you,” you began and Simon heard your son's little voice join in. Your voice was light and it filled the home with life. When you were first pregnant and he found out it was a boy, Simon feared he would turn out like him but after seven years all of his worries were quelled.
"...and stole a kiss from the night," you both finished as Simon entered the living room. After a few years, you knew when Simon was watching so it didn't surprise you to see him in the doorway. "When did you learn that?" he asked as your son ran up to hug him. He held him to his leg as he watched you turn from the piano slowly. By now, you were about 7 months along and were clearly showing. In just a few more weeks, you would be welcoming a little girl. "I taught him a few weeks ago, he's a fast learner," you proudly announced as you closed the piano lid. "I can play two songs now," your son boasted as Simon lifted him up and tussled his dark hair. "Better than I could ever do," he replied and he lowered your son and made his way over to you. "We might just have to get you lessons, Elliott," you said as your son joined you back on the piano bench. He beamed at you as you looked at Simon's mini-me. "And soon we'll have our own little orchestra," you continued and patted your growing belly, "she loves when Elliott plays, I imagine she's dancing in there." In the morning sunlight, you looked radiant and Simon kissed your forehead gently.
As you shared a brief moment together, your son insisted on playing a new piece you had just started to teach him. "I don't know El, you heard how bad I was singing last week," you joked as he looked at you with puppy eyes. Eventually, you relented and you motioned for Simon to watch. You cleared your throat as your son stretched his fingers and found the starting notes. Simon's ears were soon filled with the melody of Edith Piaf's La Vie en Rose. He smiled softly as you soon began to sing. "Des yeux qui font baisser les miens," you began in an attempt at emulating Piaf's elegant French accent, "Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche." He watched as Elliott's hands moved around the keys as you sang the romantic song. Despite not being as musically inclined, Simon recognized you were in the key of C, something you had taught him. He closed his eyes as you both continued to perform in sync, savoring the melody and your soft vocals. As soon as he finished with a few ending notes, Simon clapped softly. You and your son laughed as you bowed to your audience.
"It's still a work in progress," you laughed as scooted off the piano and joined next to Simon's side. As you enjoyed the soft moment with your head on his chest, Elliott posed a question. "What if we name the baby Rose," Elliott spoke up and you both thought for a moment. "But out of all the songs why Rose?" Simon asked as you looked at your son. "Mum's always so happy when she sings it, I think the baby would like it," he continued and Simon listened intently. You had been flipping through baby books for weeks and no one of them truly resonated. As you thought about the idea, you suddenly felt the baby kick and smiled. "I think little Rosie agrees," you said happily before sitting down. Simon joined on the other side of the piano and you three squished on the small bench. "Rose it is then," Simon said and enveloped you all in a hug. Before you could get up, your son had a brilliant idea. "Dad let me show you how to play 'Chopsticks'" he exclaimed and Simon knew he was trapped with his musicians.
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luveline · 9 months
kbd universe is my absolute favorite 🤩 maybe a request for when the new baby is home and she’s going through a colicky phase and won’t sleep and reader and steve are super stressed and doubting if they can do this and avery overhears and reassured them they’re the best parents? (srry if this is too specific, any direction you go will be amazing!!)
ty babe ♡ kisses before dinner au
Avery Harrington wakes up with her little sister's hand over her nose. She snorts in surprise, bed springs creaking formidably as she dislodges the small hand and rolls away from her added heat.
Bethie, the younger sister in question, has been sneaking into Avery's bed at night to put distance between them and the nonstop crying of the new baby. The baby, Avery notices, seems to be crying right now from downstairs. 
She lets her curiosity get the better of her. Slipping out of bed, she makes sure to cover Bethie with the blankets again before she leaves just like their dad does, imitating Steve's gentle cheek touch before creeping away. You and dad finally got rid of the baby gates (though they've been on and off over the years, you've retired them until the youngest learns to crawl), making her journey down a secret one. 
She can hear two voices at once just under the rattling baby cries. Steve's louder and yours softer, both speaking with the love Avery's come to expect. 
"Maybe try holding her legs higher," you suggest. 
"I think I've held her every way a baby can be held without hanging her upside down." 
"I know, honey." You're always tired lately, your voice hoarse with fatigue. "I can have her again. Pass her over." 
You get sweet when you're tired. Her dad gets cranky. He told Avery once that that's why you're good together, but Avery knows you can be just as cranky after a while. 
Avery pauses in the door of the living room. You're sitting on the farthest seat of the leather couch while Steve's standing, passing the baby to you carefully. She cries and cries no matter how much caution he shows. 
"What if she never stops?" Steve asks. 
"She will. She'll get too tired to keep going." 
"I heard about this baby who had his heart in the wrong place." 
"Steve. Honey, sit down. You're tired." 
"I can't sleep while she's crying like that. No point." 
Avery frowns as the conversation between you both devolves. She doesn't want to make things worse by showing you that she's awake, watching and waiting in the dark as you pat the baby's back desperately, and Steve's eyes get glassy. 
Avery has seen her dad cry loads of times. At the movies, the radio, sad stories. Steve cried when she broke her pinky finger, and cried again when they took the cast off. Avery isn't sure she's seen him get upset over something like this. 
He whispers something. You whisper back, trying to hold his hand in the dark, but you stop when he says, "What if we can't do this?" 
"Steve, we have to. This is it. And we want to, so… I don't know." You sound dejected yourself, looking down at the baby where she refuses to take a bottle hopelessly. "Maybe we can't do it." 
Avery can't know that neither of you truly feel this way, that you're both tired enough to catastrophize. She just watches her dad, an unshakable pillar of support, start to waver, and she knows you've got it wrong. 
"Daddy?" she asks. 
Steve rubs his eyes with a rough hand. "Ave?" he asks, plastering a meek smile over his face. He's one of the handsome dad's, everybody says so, probably because he's always smiling. 
"Sorry, did the baby wake you up?" you ask. 
Avery grins as Steve opens his arms and runs into them. Too tired to lift her up, Steve stays crouched for the hug, but eventually sits on the floor, pulling Avery into his lap. Closer, Avery cringes at the baby and her screaming. 
"Beth smushed my nose," she says. 
Steve turns her face to check it over. "You look okay. Does it hurt?" He squeezes her cheeks into a smile. 
"No," she laughs. 
Steve gives her another hug. "Well, that's good." 
He just cuddles her. Avery melts into his touch, the sound of the baby's cries feeling further away, Steve's hand covering one of her ears. 
"Sorry," he says into her hair. "I know it's not fair. Baby's just figuring out what she needs." 
"You said you can't do it." 
Baby shrieks. Steve pulls Avery's head back. "What?" 
"You and mom." Avery turns to look at you. You're frowning, bobbing the baby against your chest. "You said we can't do it." 
"We were being silly," Steve says. 
"We're tired," you agree.
"And your sister won't stop crying, we're worried she's not well, and it's really tiring, Ave, but we weren't thinking straight. Of course we can do it," Steve says breezily. 
"Yes, you can. You're the best mom and dad ever. Ever ever!" she says severely. "You can do everything, I know you can do it. Maybe I can have her and you guys can sleep and then tomorrow you'll be ready again." 
You and Steve laugh at the same time, chuckles that warm her heart, though she knows she's being shot down. "That's really nice of you, but that's okay. Me and mom got this," Steve says, brushing the back of his finger down her cheek.
Avery preens at the attention, back going lax in his arm. Steve leans down to hug her, his chin digging into her shoulder, heavy with fatigue. She doesn't tell him to move. 
It's a miracle that the baby seems to run out of steam not long after, marked by your happy sigh, "Aw, good girl. You're hungry, I knew it. You just don't like these bottle nibs." 
"See? I told you you could do it," Avery says.
You offer her a grateful, adoring smile. "You're my smart girl, that's why." You bop the baby on the nose with the tip of your finger. "And you're my tired girl." 
"What about me?" Steve asks. 
"You're my pillow, handsome. Come up here, I need to lean on you. Ave, you can be my blanket." 
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tinydeskwriter · 1 year
Actress!Y/n Talking About Harry in Interviews Over the Years(2018-2022) Part II
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 A/n:so, this is the second part, and I really hope you guys like it .
Jimmy Kimmel Live!, September, 2018
“I am so happy to have you here again.” Kimmel said, as they sat down. “You’re no longer my neighbor.”
“Unfortunately.” The woman agreed. “I miss you, Molly and the kids, we don’t have neighbors anymore.”
“You mean the house next door isn’t ready or…” 
“We literally have no neighbors, we bought fourteen acres ‘next door’ to a preserve, so it’s amazing views and a huge amount of privacy.” She explained. “Which when you have a job in the industry, and two young children is amazing.”
“That’s right, you had another baby!”Jimmy said as if he didn’t already now. “How far apart are they?”
“So, we had Atticus in January last year, and eleven months later we had Talulah,” She paused giving the audience time o cheer, “we wanted them to be close in age, which is a decision a lot of parents make, we didn’t know it would happen so fast, but apparently we are very fertile people,” She paused again, letting the people go crazy, “Yeah, so of course, we didn’t factor in our decision Harry’s tour, my album release, all my projects, and a very cranky baby, Atticus is physically all H, but he’s bad temper is all mine.”
“You went on tour pregnant and with a baby?” The host asked. “That must have been a crazy experience.”
“It was something.” She agreed. “But I was the boss’s wife, so everyone took good care of me, made sure I was comfortable, helped around with the baby, and H created an amazing environment with his whole team, it was lovely to witness.”
Met Gala 2019 With Liza Koshy| Vogue
���You co-chaired the Met Gala back in 2016, how is like to be back, and this year your gorgeous husband is co-chairing the event.” Liza asked Y/n as soon as they finished greeting each other.
The camera was zooming on the naked Gucci gown made of black lace, sequins and feathers the superstar was wearing, totally complementing her husband look.
“It is amazing, I am so proud of H, this is such an amazing honor, and is his first year, so I am happy we get to share this with each other.” Y/n said in a soft voice.
“What is ‘camp’ to you?”The you tuber asked.
“Just be yourself, whatever you want no matter what, be bold, be crazy, it’s camp.” The actress said moving her colorful feather boa/cape situation. “I think there is no limits.”  She had almost Rapunzel long hair extensions and a spectacular floral and feathers arrangement on top of her head.
“What was your inspiration for tonight’s spectacular look?”
“I just wanted to match H, tonight is all about him, and have fun, so I let Alessandro do as he pleased, and Ale being Ale didn’t hold back.” she shared. “My youngest didn’t even recognized me.”
“You look one hot mama, it’s hard to imagine you have two babies, does Atticus and Talulah know they have the coolest mother?”Liza asked.
“H is the cool parent,” Y/n admitted with a found smile, “Atticus has some idea that his daddy is a rockstar, so Harry’s definitely the coolest in his eyes.” 
The Late Late Show | Team USA v. Team UK- Dodgeball w/Michelle Obama
“I am here to support Harry,”Y/n said to he camera as the teams stretched in the background, “he’s not a very gracious loser, and I mean, he’s in James’s Team against Michelle Obama, there is just no way that they are going to win this game.” 
“Babe, “ Y/n called from the sidelines after watching Harry be hit in the ‘1D’ “Are you okay, honey?”
“I want more kids… in the future,” the actress blushed slightly looking to the camera.
The Kelly Clarkson Show, Jan, 2020
“How old are your kids know?”Kelly asked.
“Atticus is three years old, and Lulah just turned two, the terrible twos, funny enough, Lulah doesn’t suffer from it, but Atticus haven’t got over it yet…”Y/n said with a smile as pictures showed up on the screen, her children faces always blurred or hidden.
“People say terrible two, but threenager is a real thing,”Kelly said seriously.
“Yeah, that’s what I heard,”The actress said. “But Lulah just turned two, and I think it might not have fully catch up with her yet, because as I was leaving the house today, she threw her first temper tantrum.” Y/n commented. “She was just, on the floor, crying her little heart out, and of course, Atticus didn’t like to be outdone, so he threw himself at the rug screaming bloody murder, and I just left them there for Harry to deal,” The young woman told Kelly. “I sounded so bad right now, but really, I am that mom that keeps trying to calm them down, and things just get worst because it becomes a competition between the two toddlers, while Harry is just chill, he sit on the couch and just watches them unamused until they organically stop.”
“They lay it on sometimes, like ‘why are you leaving me’”
“I thing is worst with Harry,”Y/n confessed, “I have no problem in admitting H is the favorite parent, like, they come to me for comfort and all the ‘mommy’ things, but Harry is their favorite.” She said with a smile.
“And you don’t feel jealous or anything…”
“No, because, to me, it just shows how much of na amazing daddy he is, and I just feel like: damn! I made a really good choice.”The crowd cheer. “It’s really validating and I am just proud of myself for my choice in partner and baby daddy.”
Hailey Bieber | Who’s in my Bathroom? April, 2021
“Do you get uncomfortable by the amount of female attention your husband’s get?” Hailey asked as they sipped their margaritas.
“So, I have two answers for those questions: I don’t get uncomfortable with his fans showing their love for him, it’s lovely to see the amount of love and devotion he inspires, and they have always been so welcoming to me.” She said looking at possible the only other woman in the planet that understood the level of craziness it was. “But I do get uncomfortable with women in the industry hitting on him, I am not even talking women our age, it’s like: cougar level, and very recently we had a very awful situation, where it was in a working environment with a power imbalance, and it just got too much, more people got involved, media attention happened, and at the same time we had to deal with this as a couple and as a family.”
“Does you ever wish you guys just had normal jobs and careers?”Hailey supports her face in her hand. 
“Never, no matter what, I can’t imagine Harry not doing what he does, and I would never no make the career choices I did, I love acting, I love singing and songwriting, and I love directing.” She says with conviction. “For me it was life changing, I came from nothing, my mom was a single mother waitress, raising three kids on a small wage salary and tips, Disney changed my life, it paid for our first house, for the seed money in my mother’s organic company, it paid my sister college.”
“Is it surreal that your children have a childhood so different from yours?”The blonde asks with a smile.
“They’re extremely privileged, my four years old the other day was like: mummy, why do we have so many houses? And Lulah was complaining the size of the Jet, because she wanted the ‘big plane’, and H was like: sugarcube, you don’t know what your are asking for.” Y/n said with a soft smile. “My children…they have a lot of rich people problems.”
The Drew Barrymore Show, Aug, 2022
“Oh My God, you look even more gorgeous in person.” Drew said as they created each other. 
“Thank you, thank you, have you look at yourself? I was obsessed with you growing up, it’s so amazing to be here.” Y/n said with a big smile, arranging the skirt of her dress as she sat down.
“You’re the face of a Dior perfume, a brand ambassador for Gucci, multi- award winning actress and musician, your under thirty with two Academy Awards, which is historical, you have two successful companies, you just came back a few months ago from a very glorious passage through Cannes where you  debuted Top Gun: Maverick, your own movie and you own Camera d’Ore for your debut feature, also: 14 minutes standing ovation, for a movie produced, directed, written and starred by women,” she stopped for a moment to allow the crowd to applauded the guest, “and then, your also a mom, to three children, and you’re married to Harry freaking Styles, the world’s biggest rockstar, and most wanted man according to Rolling Stones.”
“You just made me sound so cool.”The younger woman said with a small smile and flushed cheeks.
“You are cool.”Drew affirmed. “How do you balance it all?”
“I have a great team working with me, and I have just the greatest partner, and this is really important.”Y/n said crossing her legs. “We plan things in a way that the children will always have one of us 24/7 and in a way that we can always be together, his career is never more important than mine and vice-versa, we’re on tour now, Harry’s Love on Tour, I am a non-touring artist, but H really loves touring, is his thing, and it was important for him to have me and the kids together  with him on the road as his support system, and the children just love going to all the different museums, and seeing new things, and eating different stuff, but, during his tour break we’re moving to Australia because I have a movie that is going to be shoot there.”
“What is like going on tour with three young children under five?”
“It’s chaos, Atticus and Lulah have some understanding that this is daddy’s job, this is Atticus second tour, but for them is just fun, Riley is just a baby, she’s with me 24/7, shes our calmest child,” Y/n said. “She’s actually the same age that Atticus was during Live on Tour.”
“Riley is your quarantine baby…”
“I found out I was pregnant in February last year during Where the Crawdads Sing pre-production, so yeah, she’s kinda of my Covid baby.”
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
Baby fever
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PAIRING | Husband!Young!Tony Stark x Wife!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Tony have three beautiful children, but since your youngest son is growing up faster than either of you would like, Tony's baby fever is kicking into high gear. He can't get enough of seeing you pregnant, and he's making it his goal to have it happen again. There's enough room in the house for one more, after all.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established relationship, nicknames (Sunshine, My Love, Baby, Handsome), tooth-rotting fluff combined with toe-curling smut.
SMUT | Porn with a bit of plot, D/S undertones, Sub!Tony is heavily featured throughout the story, breeding/pregnancy kink, lactation kink, drinking of breastmilk (sexual), daddy kink, mommy kink, begging, teasing, hair pulling, nipple play, nipple piercings, thigh riding, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), creampie, aftercare.
A/N | This amazing fic is completely inspired by the lovely @ccbsrmsf1, who has helped me come up with the idea and supported me every step of the way! Carol, this is for you, and I sincerely hope you will enjoy it! I love you, and I cannot thank you enough for being in my life 💜
EVENTS Masterlist | @fluffbruary Fluffbruary '24 | Wish Masterlist | @sweetspicybingo Sweethearts | Nice ass
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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Since you found Tony's old football jersey from your college days, you have been plotting a plan to wear it in the hopes of getting a reaction out of your husband. Today is perfect for that, as you're visiting your Mom in California, and she offered to take all three of your wonderful kids to Disneyland with her fiancé, Jackson.
"You two can stay home and have some alone time; you deserve it, Buttercup. You've been working so hard, and now that you're finally able to see him after he's been gone for filming, you should make up for some of the lost time," Virginia told you with a wink, and even though you were a little embarrassed at first, you also know she's right.
With three kids, it's proving to be rather challenging to have some time to yourselves and be intimate, so this is the perfect solution. That's how you find yourself standing in the bathroom in your Mom's house, wearing only your glasses and Tony's dark blue football jersey. The fabric reaches down to your knees, and your nipple piercings show through the fabric for a bit of a teasing touch.
With one last deep breath, you walk to the kitchen, where Tony has just finished the dishes from the lunch he prepared for you earlier. He turns around at the sound of your footsteps on the tiled flooring, but before he can say anything, he is greeted by you, clothed as if you walked right out of one of his wet dreams.
"Fuck, Sunshine, you sure know how to surprise your man," Tony growls as he walks over to where you're standing. As he takes in your form, he can already feel himself growing hard inside his sweatpants, which doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"I thought we could have some fun on the couch, My Love. The kids are with Mom and Jackson, so we have this all to ourselves," you whisper in his ear as you pull him closer by his shirt, his breath hitching as his now hard and sensitive cock makes contact with your soft belly.
"Who am I to say no when my beautiful wife looks like she walked out of my dreams?" Tony answers, his voice dropping an octave as lust fills it. Your hands glide under his shirt, pulling it over his head before discarding it.
Before you move on to anything else, you let your long nails rake over his sensitive nipples, a moan escaping from Tony's slack lips as you smirk up at him.
"Always so sensitive for me," you tell him before standing on your toes and taking his bottom lip between your teeth, biting down softly as he moans again. His long, dark lashes fluttered against his cheeks as he took in the pleasure.
"Good boy," you whisper against his mouth, his bottom lip lightly swelling, making him look even more beautiful than he already was. You kiss his tattoo softly as he lets his hands glide into your hair to ground himself gently.
"Let's move this to the couch, Sunshine," Tony tells you with a slight New York drawl, pleasure already taking over his brain. As you proceed to push him to the couch, you can feel yourself getting more and more wet with every step you two take. As soon as his legs hit the couch, he lets himself fall, spreading his thighs to give his achingly hard cock some room as it strains against the fabric.
Your legs are placed on each side of him, the jersey riding up dangerously high as you take your place. Your ass and pussy are barely covered when you sit, Tony's hands rubbing your thighs as he takes in the sight in front of him.
"You're so fucking gorgeous like this, Sunshine, 'm very lucky with you as my wife," he whispers before capturing your lips with his and taking the lead, effectively taking back any domination you had over him. You moan into his mouth as he slips in his tongue, his fingers digging into the inked flesh on your thighs.
As he glides his hands up your thighs and under his jersey, he finds the bare globes of your butt, kneading them softly as you start to move your hips to get a little friction, the fabric of his sweatpants relieving the burning ache of pleasure between your thighs.
"Can you look at me for a moment, Sunshine? I've got something important to tell you," Tony whispers in your ear, and that's when you realize your eyes have slipped shut. When you open them, you look into his dark brown eyes. As he takes a deep breath, you can't help but think about how beautiful he looks, and a smile tugs at the corners of your lips.
"I know we've been talking about adding a fourth baby to our family, and I can't stop thinking about it. How perfect would it be if we had a small girl who would look just like you? I can't stop thinking about it, you with your perfect, round belly as I drink from these amazing tits of yours before you make me a Daddy again," Tony says, another gush of arousal leaking out as you soak Tony's pants even further.
"Please, Sunshine, will you give me another baby? Let me fill you up with my cum until you're beautifully round for me as you carry our daughter?" he asks as he nuzzles his nose against your throat, your head tipping back to give him even more access.
"Yes, My Love, please! I want all your delicious cum inside me, and I want to make another baby with you; I would love to add another name to his amazing tattoo of yours," you tell him, your fingertips gliding softly over the ink proudly displayed on the firm plane of muscle. The sun, moon, and stars look beautiful; your kid's names make it perfect.
And with those words, it's officially decided: you and Tony will add another baby to your family. Whether it will be your Little Prince or Princess, it doesn't matter because you both know they will be loved deeply. And before it's time to find out, you can have all the fun in the world when you're making your newest addition.
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"Let's get the jersey off, hm? I want to touch my girl the way she deserves," Tony says, and you nod, lifting your arms in response to his question. During all this, you never stopped rutting your hips over his cock, his release almost there as he lifted the fabric.
"That's it, Sunshine, you make Daddy feel good," he tells you with a breathy voice. As soon as the fabric is over your pierced breasts, making them spill out and bounce before him, he loses every ounce of self-control. Groaning loudly as he cums in his pants like a teenager, a deep red blush covers his cheeks and neck as he rides out his orgasm under you.
"Ah, did you cum already, Baby? What do you think? Do you want Mommy to clean up her sweet, blushing boy?" you purr in his ear, and he nods as you slide off his lap and take your place between his legs. Your fingers hook around the fabric of his sweatpants before tugging them down, revealing the sticky mess he created not even a few minutes ago.
His cock is lying soft between his thighs, but it's by no means small, and you're already drooling at the sight. He whimpers softly as you take hold of his sensitive member, your tongue licking clean every single inch of him.
"M-Mommy, please, wanna drink," Tony whispers, and you smile before getting up, taking your place on his lap again. Tony has always enjoyed drinking your breastmilk now that you’re breastfeeding your son Paxton, and it’s something you both highly enjoy each time he does, whether it’s in a sexual manner or just to calm his mind.
"Yeah? Do you want to drink from Mommy? Go ahead, Baby, take what you want." As soon as the words have left your lips, he's latched onto your breast, suckling heavily until the first spurts of your breastmilk hit his tongue, and he sighs contently as his brain calms down at the feeling of the pierced nipple in his mouth.
Your head falls back as Tony drinks from you, and you can't resist sliding your bare pussy over his thigh, the friction feeling delicious together with the feeling of your husband drinking from you. Soft moans leave your lips as you brace yourself with your hands in his hair, pulling it as you can feel your orgasm creeping closer.
Tony seemingly gets the hint as he flexes his thigh muscles, and with only a few more thrusts over his thigh, you're falling apart with a chant of his name. He groaned before letting go of your one breast, only to quickly latch onto the other, which he drank happily from as you rode out your orgasm.
"That's it, my sweet boy, keep drinking from Mommy," you tell him as you guide him to sit with his back against the couch, his mouth never leaving your nipple as he sucks to get more of the precious milk he loves so much. You let yourself recover from your orgasm as he does, just enjoying the intimate moment with your husband right now.
By the time he's finished, he is also fully hard again, your hand wrapped around his cock as you jerk him gently, earning yourself soft moans and whimpers from him that have your pussy dripping within no time.
On days like these, when Tony's letting you take the lead, you're feeling a power you've rarely felt, and you love using him for nothing but your pleasure. And he loves being your human fucktoy, too.
"Do you want to make Mommy feel good with this delicious cock of yours? Want to fill me up with your cum to give me a baby?" you ask Tony, and he nods with a dopey smile on his face, eyes glazed over as they're looking at you from underneath his long, dark lashes.
"Please, Mommy, wanna fill you up," he whispers, his hand gliding over his chest to his cock, grabbing the base as you get in position on top of him. As much as you and Tony love missionary, moments like these make you like cowgirl even more. Riding Tony to his orgasm as you can play with his nipples, pull his hair, or have him do the most unthinkable of things to you have you clenching already, and he's not even inside you yet.
The moment you sink onto his cock, you can feel every single vein on it, the stretch giving a positive burn as it feels like you're being split open. When he's soft, he's already big, but when he's hard? You can barely take all of him in your mouth, and the stretch of your pussy is always something you have to take your time with. He doesn't tell you that he'll feed you his monster of a cock for nothing, after all.
"Oh, fuck! Such a perfect cock for me, Baby, splitting me open so well! Can feel you in my belly," you whisper when you're fully seated, his balls pressing against your ass while you adjust to his size. Moans are tumbling from both your lips, and Tony can't stop digging his fingers into the flesh of your hips, a pussydrunk look on his face.
"S-so tight, Mommy, such a tight pussy for me to love," he tells you after pulling you closer, the warm metal of your piercings a stark contrast against the rest of your flesh. His face is nuzzled in your neck as he breathes in your scent, and you pepper soft kisses on his hair and neck.
C'mere, sweet boy, give Mommy a kiss," you tell him, and he obediently lifts his head, meeting your lips with his in a heated, passionate moment that has his head reeling in no time. Your tongue slips into his mouth effortlessly, dancing with his in a loving, sensual way while his hands are wrapped loosely around your waist, yours tangled in his soft locks.
When you pull away, you put your forehead against his, and you feel his cock throb inside you as you make small, teasing grinds against him. As he looks up at you with sweet, puppylike eyes, your heart flutters, and warmth spreads through your chest at the sight. You're very fortunate to have fallen in love with Tony, and it brings a smile to your face.
"What's funny?" he asks as he pecks your lips, and you place your hands on his cheeks, rubbing them softly with your thumbs.
"Nothin'. I was thinking how lucky I am to be married to you and have our three beautiful Munchkins. You saved me and supported me to become the best version of myself after everything that happened, and I love you more than I could ever tell you," you whisper, trying to fight back the tears as you think back to everything that had happened before you had the chance to meet him.
"I'm the lucky one, Sunshine, got a beautiful wife-" he says as his hands wander over your inked body, fingers trailing carefully over the tattoo you got in his honor. "-and three beautiful babies too. 'M the luckiest man on earth," he tells you with such a sweet, soft voice that you can't help yourself as the tears spill over and Tony quickly wipes them away.
"I love you, Tony," you whisper as you pull him close, needing to feel him for a moment. He happily pulls you against his chest; his face nuzzled in your neck while you place kisses on his shoulder. The moment feels perfect, and you're allowing yourself to bask in the love shared between you two.
After a while, Tony's starting to feel a little restless as he tries to rut his hips up into you, rubbing the tip of his cock against your sweet spot each time. You allow him to do his thing as you let him go, and before you know it, he's flipped you over onto the couch, your back now feeling the soft fabric while Tony pounds into you at an unrelenting pace, making you see stars.
"Fuck, that's it! Fuck a baby into me, Daddy, I'm close!" you tell him, and with a shout of his name, you cum, clenching down on his cock as he keeps fucking, his orgasm nearing too. In an effort to ground yourself as he’s bringing you to your high, you take your nails over his back, and it only intensifies the pleasure he feels the deep stinging of your nails scratching his back. A loud groan escapes him before his pace gets sloppy, and you know he’s close.
"That's it, Sunshine, take it, take all my cum! Got so much for you- balls are so fucking heavy all for you," Tony pants out, his pace faltering as he spills every last drop of his cum inside you before carefully pulling out of you.
"I love you so, so much, My Love. Thank you for being the best husband I could have ever asked for," you whisper to his freckled skin, and he hums in response as he's coming down from his high. This was a much-needed moment for the two of you, and you're very grateful for every last second of it.
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The two of you took the good part of an hour to bask in the glory of what you two did as you whispered sweet nothings to each other and exchanged a sea of kisses and soft touches. Now it's time for a much-needed shower, as you're covered in dried-up sweat, cum, and arousal, and you're starting to feel a little sticky everywhere.
"C'mon, My Love! Let's hop in the shower, and after, we can watch a movie on the couch," you tell Tony, and he agrees as he gets up from the couch, though his legs still feel like they're made out of jelly. As he falls back onto the couch, you can't help but chuckle at the sight and take a moment to take in the sight in front of you.
Tony's seated on the couch with his eyes looking at you intently, his cream-colored skin slightly flushed from the exertion you have put him through. His broad shoulders, the chest hair trailing down to his toned abs, and his happy trail all led to his delicious cock. If he weren't already entirely spent, you would have happily spent more time on your knees worshipping it, but instead, you reach out your hand to help him again.
"You like what you see, Sunshine?" Tony says shyly, and you feel a heat roaring up inside you. There's nothing you love more than when Tony's shy side comes out, making him look even cuter. It's something all your kids have, too, and it's a trait you adore about them.
"Always do, Handsome," you tell him as you pull him up, finally making your way to the shower. You both take your time washing each other's bodies, and Tony can't help but pay some extra attention to your nipples, rolling and tugging carefully on the barbells adorning them to coax more moans out of you.
"Let's get you settled on the bed, My Love - you've been such a good boy for Mommy that you deserve a back massage," you tell him, and he can feel his cock jump at your words. The sight of you being pregnant shoots through his mind again, and he has to use every ounce of self-control not to bend you over the bed and take you right then and there.
When he's lying on his stomach on the bed, you go and straddle his thighs right beneath his butt before dripping some of your favorite massage oil onto his muscled back. With a soft hum, you start massaging it in, starting at his shoulders as you rub out the knots there.
"God, how did I get so fucking lucky?! Got a beautiful wife with a body to die for, an amazing personality, and great at massaging? I must have won the jackpot with you, Sunshine," he grumbles as you work out every last knot in his back, relaxing him completely as every bit of tension melts under your skilled fingertips.
"I'm lucky too, you know; I get to see the nice ass you have back here every single day," you tell him with a playful smack on his butt cheek, a deep chuckle escaping from his chest that has your butterflies go crazy. Even after a few years of marriage and over a decade of being together, he still makes you feel like you did the first time you met him.
When the massage is finished, both of you get dressed in matching grey lounge outfits, with 'Mr. Stark' and 'Mrs. Stark' embroidered on them, together with your wedding date. Both of you wear your glasses to finish it off, and now it's time to relax until everyone comes home.
As you watch a few movies together on the couch, you're constantly cuddling, kissing, or having a little make-out session between feeding each other various sorts of fruit until your belly starts to rumble around dinner time, and it's time for the two of you to order some take-out. Before they all went out the door, Virginia slipped Tony some money for dinner, and even though you two could easily afford it yourselves, she wanted to take care of you on your relaxing day.
"Pizza?" "Pizza!" you answered, and before you knew it, you were seated in Tony's lap while watching the fourth Harry Potter movie and munching on the pepperoni pizza Tony ordered. The only thing that could make your evening even better was seeing your Munchkins again; luckily you don't have to wait long for that to happen.
Around 8:30 PM, you hear some stumbling. Hudson and Orion are running into the living room, practically lunging themselves onto the couch where you and Tony are cuddling as the fifth Harry Potter movie is just starting.
"Hi, my sweet Munchkins. Did you have fun with Nanna and Jackson today?" Tony asks as he pulls Orion onto his lap for a big hug. Hudson is already curling against your side for his fill of cuddles.
"We did! We went on all the rides, and Gramps bought all three of us a stuffie to bring back," Hudson told both of you, and your gaze shot to Jackson, your Mom's fiancé, as you fought back the tears. This is the first time you heard them call him anything other than Jackson, which genuinely warms your heart.
"Yeah, see? I got Mickey Mouse, Orion got Minnie Mouse, and Paxton got Winnie the Pooh because it matches his sweater," he continues as he shows off his new stuffed animal.
"And have you said thank you to Gramps yet?" you ask them, to which they nodded profusely.
"Good, now you two can prepare for bed because you've had a long day today. I'll be with you to tuck you into bed in 10 minutes, okay?" you tell them, and they nod before getting up and going to the room they're sharing, both ready to go to sleep shortly after.
"And now it's time for some cuddles with my Little One," you sigh happily as you take Paxton from your Mom. He's asleep as you place a soft kiss on his cheek, reveling in the cuteness that is your youngest son. He looks exactly like Tony, making your heart flutter whenever you see it. Now, all you need is a little girl who looks like you and the entire set will be complete.
"How did he do today?" Tony asks as he straightens out Paxton's little sweater.
"Oh, he did amazing! He was delighted to meet some of the characters; he ate like a champ and slept perfectly during nap time as the twins were playing on one of the playgrounds. None of them caused us any trouble at all," Virginia tells you both, and you rest your head on Tony's shoulder as you take in the sight of your son.
It's clear to everyone that the baby fever has officially kicked into full gear for both of you, and there's nothing you have ever wished for more. One more baby will complete your family, and you can't wait to meet them when they're here one day.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 10 months
Can you write something angsts maybe Quinn and honey get into a fight and warren hears them and gets worried I love your work I literally reread them over and over
Late night fights ☆—
I made this so long for literally no reason 🫠
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Au Masterlist!!
The requested second part!!
So I picture the argument happening around the beginning of the 24-25 season, Hayden is around 6 months old and Honey is fighting for her life trying to get her youngest to start sleeping in the nursery rather than the crib in their room.
It’s been a struggle cause this baby is so damn stubborn (just like her mother) and will cry and cry, Hun is losing so much sleep over it cause Quinn’s away on a roadie, so she is just feeling like the shell of herself.
Quinn gets home from the first roadie of the season and although the team is doing better they took a few losses, so he’s in a sour mood, so he goes to see his little girl, the one that Hun just got to go down for the night after hours of her crying. And he brings her into their room to cuddle her and puts her down in the crib next to his side of the bed. Honey walks out of the ensuite bathroom, with wet hair and just a towel on to finally see Quinn after a week and a half of being apart and her face goes from 😌 to 😶, and she’s livid.
They start arguing, trying to be quiet for their babies' sake, but Quinn is just not getting why she’s upset.
“I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal” “Quinn this has been one of the hardest weeks of my life, and you just came in here and ruined all of my work!” they whisper yelled at each other. “I didn’t know,” “Obviously if she’s not in here there’s a reason!”
And it is just going on and on, an entire hour of them having a very quiet screaming match in their room until Quinn claims defeat and takes his pyjamas and heads to the spare room.
Warren is in his room awake during all of it, knowing that his dad was gonna be home late that night, he expected Quinn to come in and tuck him in like he always did so he stayed up waiting patiently. When he finally hears quiet and the door to the spare bedroom loudly shut followed by a “very mature” from his mother Warren is in tears cause he’s now convinced his parents no longer love each other.
Quinn heard quiet sniffles coming from outside his door, followed by the smacking of his son's little feet on the hardwood as a teary-eyed Warren opened his door and made his way to the side of the bed.
A tired Quinn picked him up and hugs him against his chest as he rubs Warrens back, “I’m sorry bud,” he mumbled as he felt tears hit his shoulder, “I forgot to tuck you in, I’m not on my A game tonight” he whispered as Warren wrapped his arms around his dad's neck.
“Do you still love Mommy?” He asked sadly, pouting as Quinn tensed and pulled away from his son to look him in the eyes, “of course I do, I love her so so much” he said with a frown, “Daddy’s just being stubborn, I’ll fix it in the morning” Quinn mumbled as his hands raked through his son's curls. “We’re you good for Mum this week?” The man asked as Warren nodded, “I was, Hayd cried a lot” he wiped his tears as Quinn laid him down next to him on the mattress.
The moment Warren laid down he finally closed his eyes, quietly asking his dad to tell him all about his trip. And the moment he hears soft snores coming from his son's mouth, Quinn is just staring at the ceiling like ‘fuck I’m a dumbass’.
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moneymasnn · 2 years
Our Chaotic little family| Charles Leclerc 
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Notes: This is around 4.5k words and ive not proof read it so im sorry in advance for that aha, also I dont speak French so im sorry if either anything is incorrect or the fact he his French and this is an English fic. But I hope you guys enjoy some protective dad!Charles xoxoxo
Blurb: One where you daughter gets a boyfriend, and Charles is not happy about it at all.
Warnings: Swearing, some small angst with angry Charles.
You and Charles had known each other since before you could remember, he had always been the boy next door that you had a huge crush on. After he set off on his formula 1 career you didn't see that much of him, thinking the ship had sailed, but somehow fate made it happen. You had been lucky enough to get to love each other when you were only young, Charles was 20, you were 19. 
You both experienced the bittersweetness of young love, until eventually he was the man you wanted to spend every waking moment with, you were never sure if you wanted to ever get married or even have children for that matter, but with him it was different. 
And here you were, you were married and had three children, and you couldn't ever think you could be more happy.
Your oldest, Leo, was now seventeen, his dad takes him out at least three times a week teaching him to drive. You hadn't had the confidence to let Leo drive you around yet, but you knew with Charles he would learn quickly, you knew because Charles was the first person to teach you to drive a car too.
Your third and youngest was little baby arthur, who earned his name after giving you the most chaotic pregnancy of them all. He was only seven years old, he had gotten a lot more better behaved with age but was still your little menace. Charles used to say that he would be a footballer when he was older considering how much he liked to kick your stomach. He was born three weeks early at the Monaco Grand prix. A story for another day, but even before Arthur was born he was a handful pregnancy so that's how it was an easy decision to name him after Charles' youngest brother, who was also a chaotic handful. 
Your only little girl, Juliana or jules was fifteen turning twenty one. she was starting to experience the world of womanhood. She wasn't as much her daddys little girl as she got older, something Charles had grown to hate.
Jules was your best friend, you wanted her to have the comfort of knowing her mum was there for her throughout her whole life, something you never had growing up. She had recently told you about a boy she had grown to like, you knew she had been hiding something from you, so did charles. You knew she would tell you about this boy soon, Charles however was praying that her happy mood had nothing to do with the male species.
You were standing in the kitchen, baking some cookies for a birthday party for one pierres children and Arthur junior was helping you, and by helping he was just eating all the chocolate chips. It was a late sunny friday afternoon, the type of restful afternoon where Charles wasnt off racing that weekend, the kind of fridays you liked to hold on too.
Charles was talking Leo out for an afternoon drive and Jules was sitting on the sofa giggling at her phone like the giddy little love struck child she was.
Leo was scrambling around the house to find his lucky driving shoes and Charles came up behind you in the kitchen, wrapping his hands around your waist and leaning forward to kiss your temples. He looked up to see what you were looking at, but his brows furrowed when he was his little girl twirling her hair and giggling at her phone.
“What on earth could she be laughing at her phone like that for?” He said.
You rolled your eyes at your husband's words, spinning around and placing your hands on his chest. His eyes still glued on his daughter.
“Her friends probably sent her a funny video.” You tried to shrug it off, but Charles wasn't dropping it.
“Mon amour, I know that look.” He looked at you, shooting you a knowing look. 
A smirk crawled on ur lips as you turned back around to watch your daughter who was now sprawled out on the sofa on her stomach, twirling her hair, biting her lip with her feet swinging in the air.
“What look?”
“You're her carbon copy, y/n. I know that look a little to well.” He glances at you with a knowing expression.
“Dad! I'm ready!” Leo's voice echoed around the kitchen causing Charles to kiss your lips quickly and whisper a goodbye.
“Papa! Gross!” Arthur shouted from where he was perched on the kitchen counter, an empty bag of chocolate chips in hands and the rest all around his mouth.
“I'll go to the shop for you on the way back or your chocolate chip cookies aren't going to be very chocolatey.” Charles said to you looking back at his son in gramance who was touching every surface in the kitchen with his chocolate covered fingers. 
After Charles left you gave Arthur a bath, watching as he climbed in the bubbled filled tub with all his toys.
“Mama, is papa your boyfriend?” He asked you, just as you were about to exit the bathroom.
“No sweetheart-” you giggled at your son's randomness, “he's my husband, we got married long before you were born.” You perch down by the bath, dipping your fingers in the bath, splashing him slightly making him giggle.
“What makes you ask that?”
“Julie has a boyfriend.” he said, blowing some of the bubbles from the bath.
“How do you know that?” You knew it was wrong to get Arthur to tell you all the gossip, but he was a great little ear wiger. 
It wouldn't be the first time he had told you and Charles a story that he had accidentally overheard. Like when Pierre and his wife first found out they were expecting another baby Arthur had accidentally overheard a private conversation about Pierre's wife not being able to drink alcohol, after that you and Charles added up the dots.
“She was saying she has a boyfriend on the phone, I heard Julie saying papa would be mad.”
You took a moment, so it was true, your daughter did have a boyfriend…
After getting Arthur out of the bath you decided to let him play with his toys in his room while you went to speak to your daughter, who still hadn't moved from her position on the couch. You decided to sit next to her and pry some information out of her before Charles got home.
“Soooo.” you said, pursing your lips, sitting across from her. She didn't even make the effort to look up at you, just a simple hum.
“Julianna.” you said sternly, that caught her attention as he raised her eyesight slightly.
“Yes, mother.” She sarcastically said, rolling her eyes at your use of her full name.
“Okay, if you want to be like that.” You said with a smirk, leaning over and switching off the phone and pushing it down onto the sofa.
“I just want to talk, you've seemed a bit… occupied at the moment.”
“I'm sorry I have friends.” she sarcastically said as she sat up, crossing her arms of her chest with a frown.
“Not only friends, I've been told you have a more than a friend.” You cringed as you said it, you were bad at this. 
“That little shit! Authur told you he didn't.” she said, shocked.
“Language, missy! It doesn't matter who told me, but I want to know what's going on in your life, you can trust me.” You smiled, uncrossing her arms and talking her hand in yours. 
“There's a boy…” she mumbled.
“Tell me, mon cheri.”
“He's not my boyfriend though.” You noticed the hit of sadness in her eyes as she looked down.
“It's silly, i know your going to tell me i'm too young-”
“I don't think you're silly, mon amour.” You said, pulling your arms open so she can rest her head on your shoulder.
“In fact, I probably understand more than anyone else.” you kissed the spot behind her ear, tucking her hair back as you could tell she wanted to listen to what had to say.
“You know, I was about, maybe fourteen when I fell in love with your father.”
She raised her head to look up at you, “Really?” 
You nodded your head with a small smile at the time, “I don't think I knew at the time, but I always had a crush on the boy next door for as long as i could remember.”
“It took your father a little longer than me to realise he liked me back, he came and gate crashed my first proper date.”
“What?” She said with a smile as she begged you to tell her the story.
“Your father was such a romantic, he walked into the restaurant right as the mains came out and said there was a family emergency and he needed to take me home. Then we got in his car and I was all panicked wondering what the family emergency was and he just kissed me.” You couldn't stop the smile that formed on your lips as you told the story. It was all true, Charles had gate crashed your first proper date, and ever since you had both been inseparable.
“That's really sweet mum.”
“The point is, these things take time, especially love. I don't doubt your feelings for this boy if you say you have them, and if he feels the same he will show you sooner or later.” You smile at her, holding her closer.
“I really like him, mum.”
You were about to reply when Leo and Charles both stumbled through the door. You kissed Julianna on the head and stood up to see your husband smiling with slightly flushed cheeks and a bag of chocolate chips in his hands. 
“How did your driving lesson go baby? You asked Leo, ruffling his long brown hair, the exact same way his father has it.
He just shot you a sheepish smile, shrugging his shoulders and he looked over to his father who smiled slightly.
“Hes- hes learning, that's all that matters.” Charles said as he looked at Leo with a smile.
When Leo walked off to his room Charles followed you into the kitchen, placing the chocolate on the side. 
You waited for Leo to be out of ear shot before Charles burst out with giggles in the kitchen. 
“Was it that bad?” You smiled as Charles placed his head on your shoulder.
“Mon dieu, i'm just happy to get home in one piece.” he laughed as he brought you into a hug. 
You watched as Charles noticed Jules was still on her phone, but he didnt question it this time, he decided he was going to have a shower and get into bed. 
After you had made the cookies for tomorrow you decided it was time for bed too, you decided to check on the kids before you did, leo was playing on his xbox and you could hear julie was on the phone in her room so you left her alone. You could hear faint giggles from your room so you knew you didn't need to check on Arthur since he and Charles were curled up in bed watching a movie. 
You smiled as you jumped in the shower, leaving the boys to watch their movie and by the time you were done Arthur was fast asleep on charles.
Charles looked up at you with a cheeky smile. 
“He's excited for tomorrow, I told him Pierre got a bouncy castle for the party.”
You leaned over and gave your husband a long kiss on the lips. 
“What was that for?” he smirked.
You shrugged before you got under the covers, pulling your book from your bedside table and putting on your glasses. 
Charles watched as you put the goddamn glasses on that he loved so much. 
That's when he got out of bed, pulling Arthur up with him, probably to put him to bed. 
“I will be right back.” Charles whispered with a wink. 
“I'll be waiting.”
The next day it seemed like a struggle to get everyone up and out the house. Arthur was ready first with Charles as they were both sitting on the sofa watching the tv. Jules had gotten changed about seven times and Leo was upset that he couldn't drive the whole family to uncle perrie's house. Charles just replied to his son with an honest answer that we all did want to make it to the party in one piece. And on the down side you hadn't felt the best all morning.
After putting on a small yellow summer dress you were ready to step out into the Monaco sun. 
Pierre had three children also, Noah who was around Leo's age, the pair got on really well, they reminded you of Pierre and Charles when they were younger, Noah even had pierres charm and witty humour. And then there was arlo who was six, with only a few months age difference between him and arthur the pair got on really well, and pierres new baby layla, who was turning one today.
After finally managing to get everyone in the car and to Pierre's house you could relax slightly more. Pierre and Charles stood in the garden by the bbq with beer in each hand while you sat on a chair lounger with a smile on your face as you held the birthday girl layla. 
You were reminiscing when Arthur was this small, when his whole hand would fit into your palm, but your smile never faded when you looked to see Charles smiling over at you. You held up Layla's hand and waved at him, and he waved back, his heart fluttering seeing you with another baby.
“Please don't tell me you have baby fever? Thinking about popping out another one.” Pierre nudged charles.
“What, no.” Charles blushed.
“So, you're all done then?”
“I don't know, we've never spoken about having more.” 
“Well judging by the smile on her face, she's already thought about it.”
When charles turned back around to look at you he noticed you making your way from the garden to indoors, you had mentioned all morning that you haven't felt well, he could only assume you was going to be sick, judging by the look on your face he handed pierre his beer and ran down to the bottom of the garden to the patio doors to pierres garden. 
When he walked through the doors he bumped straight into your back.
“Mon amour, are you feeling okay?”
But you never answered Charles' question, instead you stood with your mouth wide open looking over to the sofas in the corner of the room.
After seeing your attention was else where charles turned around to see what you were looking at, but his face flushed red when he was his precious little girl and pierres stupid son with his tounge down her throat.
“Oh no!” Charles shouted, his hand falling from your shoulder as he pointed at the two teenagers that had just been caught.
“No fucking way in hell, get your hands of my daughter gasly!” Charles shouted as the two teenagers scrambled to make as far distance between them both as possible.
“Noah is the boy you told me about?” Your mouth had been agape the whole time, you were not expecting that.
“You knew?!” Charles turned to you, his face still flsuhed as there was steam practically coming out of his ears. 
“Well i- I didn't know it was Noah she was talking about.” You shouted back at charles.
“You told your mum about me?” Noah smirked at Jules as she blushed a deep shade of red and put her head down. 
“Mum, dad you're really embarrassing me.” she said through gritted teeth and wide eyes. 
“Don't look at her like that gasly or I swear to god I'm going to-” But as Charles went to make his way over to the young boy who was standing still behind the sofa. Pierre had come in after hearing all the competition from outside, placing his hands on Charles' chest as he pushed him back before Charles could finish his sentence.
“Why are you shouting?” Pierre said to his friend, “What's going on?” he asked as he turned to you.
“What is going on? Good question pierre, what the fuck is going on, both of you!” Charles pointed to the two guilty teenages in the corner, that's when Pierre turned around and had figured out what was happening. 
Pierre was trying to stifle his giggles as he looked at his son, his best friend's daughter and back to his best friend. 
“No way! This is great, Jules is a great girl Noah, I'm happy for you!” Pierre exclaimed and turned to smile at you, you just nodded at the man with a smile. At least one of them was happy.
“What? No!” Charles looked back at Pierre who had a very contrasting reaction to him. 
“He is not good enough for my daughter, no one is, Julianna get in the car, we're going home!”
“Charles.” you called, but he didn't hear you.
He was shouting and you had a massive headache, and also so much was happening all you could tell was he was acting very irrational right now.
“What do you mean not good enough for your daughter?” Pierre asked, offended as he stepped to charles.
“You know exactly what I mean. I know what you were like as a teenager, remember?” 
“Charles-” you tried to interrupt.
“No y/n, i'm right. He's just like you, see that little smirk on his smug face, I know what he wants and he's not getting it from my daughter!”
“Dad!” Jules shouted from across the room as hers and Noah's face turned red.
“How dare you say that about my son!”
“I'm not wrong Pierre, you used to get through the girls when we were younger, I doubt he's no different!”
“Charles!'' You shouted his name one more time, however this time you caught the attention of Pierre who looked over charles shoulder to see you looking rather green with a hand over your mouth.
All of pierres attention suddenly turned to you as he cocked his head to the side and his eyes widened.
“Charles, I think she's going to throw up.” And with that Charles realised the reason he had abandoned his stop at the bbq to follow you in her anyway.
“Shit, mon amour, are you okay?”
You didn't reply, just shaking your head as you held your hand over your mouth and ran to the toilet. 
Charles had gone to follow you to the toilet but then he noticed a hand around his daughters waist and his attention changed.
And with that Noah's hands were in the air as Jules pulled him off of her, tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at her dad. 
“I'm not your little girl anymore dad!” she shouted before running back outside. 
Charles groaned as he ran to where he could hear you being sick in the toilet, he grabbed your hair and rubbed your back.
“Mon amour, what's going on?” he asked as he handed you some tissues to wipe your mouth. 
“Charles, I need to tell you something.” 
“I'm listening.”
“We're going to need a bigger car.”
Charles' expression dropped as his slight smile faded.
“Don't worry about that right now, you sick, okay? Once we get you home I'll buy you all the bigger cars in the world.” He smiled but you could see he thought you were delusional as he looked you head in his hands and kissed your forehead. 
“No charles, we need a bigger car for an extra person.” you giggled.
“If this is about Noah, he's not coming home with us?” Charles shaked his head as he looked at you.
You laughed again at how clueless he looked, you took his hands in yours, “we need another car seat too.”
“We got Arthur a new one last month- Mon amour? Are you feeling okay?” Charles was getting a bit nervous now, you were making no sense to him.
You look at his hand that was in yours and placed it on your stomach.
“Charles, I'm pregnant.” you smiled at him as you whipped the dribble from your chin.
“Surprise.” you smiled, lazily waving jazz hands as you dropped against the wall of the toilet, your head hurting even more after throwing up.
“Are you sure?” Charles' eyes lit up as he leaned over closer, his hand still on your stomach.
You nodded as you looked down at his hand and placed yours on top.
“Another one?” Charles let out a laugh as tears welled up in his eyes.
You both laughed as he moved so he was next to you crouched against the wall and you placed your head on his shoulder.
“How long have you known?” he asked you, kissing your temple as he tried to stop the tears.
“I've known for a few days, since when we went for that meal with Carlos and Isa and I was sick.”
“I thought that was food poisoning?” Charles laughed.
“Yeah, apparently not. Insted we have a sixth member to add to our not so little family.” You giggled.
After what felt like a few moments in silence with Charles as he held your stomach, continually kissing your temple and head you spoke up, nursing your little bubble on the toilet floor of Pierre's house.
“Charles, you need to apologise to Pierre, Noah, and jules.”
Charles groaned as he threw his head back, “let me just stay in here with you for a minute.” he complained.
“Do I really have to apologise?” he asked you with a pout.
Charles helped you to stand up as you both made your way out the bathroom, Charles could sense the angry looks from everyone at the party as he could see his daughter crying into her uncle carlos’ arms as he gave Charles a death stare. 
“Go apologise to her.” you ushered him on, he gave your waist a small squeeze as he kissed your temple and looked in a deep breath.
“Will you be okay?”
“Charles, go.”
When Charles made his way over to Carlos who had his arms wrapped around julianna as she sobbed into his arms you sat down on the outdoor sofa. Rubbing your head as you sunk back into the pillows, you prayed this pregnancy would be an easy one, and hopefully your last. 
Until there was a little cough that caught your attention. 
It was little Noah with a glass of water in his hands and a very nervous smile as he ushered the glass towards you.
“Thank you, noah.” You smile as you take the glass from him.
“Could I please sit, y/n?”
“Of course you can sweetie.”
You liked Noah, you could understand where Charles was coming from, Pierre was a very typical teenage boy growing up, but you knew from Noah's parents that he had been brought with the morals to treat girls properly.
“Are you feeling okay?” The young boy asked you. 
“I'm fine, dont worry about me, are you okay?” you asked him, rubbing his shoulder as you could see how tense he was.
“I'm really sorry, I didn't want to get jules in trouble.” you giggled slightly at the boy.
“No ones in trouble noah, just confused.”
“Charles- he can be scary when he's angry.”
You laughed again as you looked at the boy, “don't be scared of charles, he wouldn't hurt a fly. He's just protective of his little girl.”
There was a silence that loomed for a second as you both watched Julianna and Charles hug in the garden, a sign that they had made up.
“I really really like your daughter.” You turn and smile at Noah, the smell of young love radiating from him.
“I don't doubt your feelings, noah. But I am worried you both might be a bit young and naive. I know you don't want to hear that right now, but just be careful. We don't choose who we love, but we can choose who we hurt.”
And with that you engulfed Noah in a hug as he whispered to you a small thank you.
“First my daughter and now my wife, maybe I should take it all back.” You looked up to see your husband with a sheepish look on his face as Noah flushed red.
“Dad!” Jules shouted as she hit his chest causing him to moan a small sorry.
After that Noah sat up, shaking hands with charles.
“I'm here to be civil noah, you seem like a sensible young man, don't prove me wrong.” Charles nodded at Noah who replied with a ‘yes sir’ causing you to giggle.
“And if i see your hands on her again don't doubt that i won't-”
“Dad!” Jules repeated, “you said you wouldn't threaten him!”
Charles finally let go of Noah's hand, eyeing up the boy as he and Julianna walked off. He came and sat next to you on the outside deck, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he kissed ur temple and quickly rubbed his hand over your stomach when no one was looking.
“Let's hope this one decides she doesn't want to get married until she's at least forty, or even speak to boys.” You giggled as charles moves his head closer to your stomach.
“You hear me, no boys!”
“How do you know it's a girl?”
“Oh it's a girl, I can smell the trouble from here.”
You laughed as you leaned into his shoulder.
“Did you make up?” 
“We did.”
“They grow up so fast, y/n.” Charles sighed as he watched Leo think he was being discreet with his uncle Max as Max was letting him have a few sips of his beer, Arthur was jumping on the bouncy castle like he had been all day and Julianna was laughing with Noah in the corner.
“Well, we still have one more to enjoy, and athurs always going to be a momma's boy.” You shrugged as Charles turned to you.
“No way he's a daddy's boy.”
You laughed at Charles when you realised he was being serious.
“Oh no way, Arthur definitely loves me more.”
“At this moment in time Leo is my favourite.”
“Charles, you can't call favourites!”
“I can, and mine is leo.” charles smirked
You laughed as you snuggled up to your husband more, happy and content with your little chaotic family.
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xas24 · 1 year
papi ~ pedri
summary: pedri and y/n as young parents.
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pedri and y/n didn’t expect to have a child on the way at just the age of 19. they were both still so young, so adventurous - they both had their whole lives ahead of them. pedris career was rising by the day and there wasn’t a second to waste.
of course, pedri never really thought of it that way - a baby wouldn’t waste their time - he more or less thought of it as an opportunity for the two of them to get closer. as a way for their relationship to strengthen with a new piece of each of them, a symbol of their love.
he often had those little thoughts about his future, his kids, his family. how his kids would go to his games with his wife. how he would love to dedicate his goals to them. how he would come home after a long morning of training to his adorable family.
and in almost all of those fantasies, he saw y/n. she was his past, his present, and hopefully his future too. there was no doubt he loved her endlessly, and a baby wouldn’t have been too bad. they were young, but more than capable of having and raising a child.
pedri had reassured her of that factor as they sat on their bedroom floor, concerned and anxious for what was to come. he had reassured her that he made enough to provide for them both, they already lived together so he would try to spend as much time with her as possible throughout the pregnancy.
but y/n wasn’t worried about the financial problems or the lonely moments at home. she was terrified for their relationship. would the pregnancy cause a strain in their relationship? would it bring them closer or tear them apart?
it was clear that pedri and y/n both had different views on this unexpected pregnancy. it was a talk that they both needed to have, desperately, which is exactly what they did. they confided in eachother on their bedroom floor, for hours on end.
they spoke about the negatives. the positives. the effects. the hardships. the stress. the money. the time dedicated. the necessities.
eventually the talk turned into something every new couple entering parenthood talked about; the gender of their baby, the names they loved, who would spoil them more, who would love them the most, whose sibling would be more attached to them, whose name they would say first.
the somber looks turned into smiles and giggles, comforting eachother, creating a loving atmosphere around them just as any other healthy couple would’ve done.
that was all a little over a year ago. currently, y/n sat with her little baby girl, mía, facing her on her lap as she played with her small hands. she was now almost 7 months old and absolutely adored pedri.
the chatter of the stadium surrounded the two, the bright lights cascading down on them as the sun painted the sky in a gorgeous mix of orange and pink. the usual hot weather had now chilled, blowing a light breeze through the air.
y/n sat with mikky, frenkie’s girlfriend, as they, along with everybody else, waited for the game to start. y/n thought of mikky as an older sister, being five years older, the latter always looked out for the youngest wag but most importantly she was always there for her, even through her pregnancy. she helped her a lot mentally and emotionally, at times when even pedri had no clue what to do.
she also adored mía, as much as her own parents. she loved taking her away from pedri and y/n sometimes, going shopping with the two girls and spoiling the little one the most.
“mía.” mikky called out to the little one, her finger coming down on her chin, giving it a little tug. mías big brown eyes went from her moms to her aunt mikky, her small lips upturning into a smile at her excited expression.
“¿estás emocionada de que papi juegue?” (are you excited for daddy to play?)
mía only understood one word from that sentence, the one word she’d started saying a few weeks ago and said it non-stop everyday.
“¡papi!” she exclaimed in happiness at the mention of pedri. she was utterly in awe with her father, loved watching him kick around the football in their backyard, loved cuddling up to him on movie nights, loved sitting on his lap wherever they went, loved falling asleep on his chest.
it was as if y/n didn’t even exist when it was just her and her dad; pedri and y/n found that absolutely adorable. she was such a daddy’s girl, she wasn’t even a whole year old yet but her dad was the centre of her universe.
pedri often teased y/n for that. he loved kissing and cuddling with his baby infront of y/n, showing her who their daughter loves the most. y/n often just playfully rolled her eyes, giving pedri a small slap on his arm before cuddling up with the two loves of her life.
“¡sí, papi!” mikky replied, giving mía a tap on her nose and watching as she slightly scrunched it up as a giggle left her mouth. y/n watched the whole encounter with a loving smile plastered on her lips.
her hands held her daughter up on her lap, her little body dressed in the blaugrana jersey with pedris signature number 8 on the back and her name. it was a gift from mikky and frenkie when mía was born, a little big at the time, but now it fit her perfectly and she loved wearing it, loving how she matched with her dad and mom, and practically the rest of the stadium.
when she was born, she seemed to have lots of pedris features along with y/n’s lips. however, as she grew older each month, she started to grow more into her moms features. she had y/n’s long eyelashes, her gorgeous small nose, the chubby cheeks she also had when she was a baby, the same hair colour.
it was ironic how much she looked like her mom, yet completely adored and loved her dad.
mikky noticed the players starting to walk out onto the pitch and she let out a gasp, pointing to the centre as mía curiously followed her finger.
“¡mira!” (look!)
mías tiny hands came up to her mouth when she saw all the boys on the pitch, the expression something she caught onto whilst watching youtube videos. a toothless grin sat on her lips as her brown eyes scanned the grass, looking for her papa.
y/n turned her around on her lap so she could see better. she pointed towards pedri and when mía found what her mother was pointing at, she let out the biggest giggle ever.
“¡papiiii!” she clapped her hands together in excitement.
“sí, bebé, es tu papi.” y/n whispered into her ear, laying a kiss on her chubby cheek, loving the happy and cheery mood her baby was in to watch her dad. pedri took a few seconds to look for his two girls in the stands. when his eyes landed on them both, he gave a smile, waving at them. his grin widened when he saw his little girl trying to stand up in her mothers lap and give him the biggest wave ever.
y/n blew him a kiss which he returned before moving to go stand with his teammates. mía sat back against her mother with a big sigh, as if standing uneasily for five seconds was a huge task for her.
“¿cansanda, mi amor?” (tired, my love?) she whispered into her ear, earning a short babble to which she had no idea the meaning of.
once the game started, mía calmed down a bit. however, her little eyes couldn’t keep up with everything that was happening, she kept losing sight of pedri and she didn’t like how hot it started getting in this crowded area.
at that, she started becoming clingy. she kept turning around on y/n’s lap, touching her hair, grabbing at the strap of her bag. even after y/n put on her favourite youtube videos on her phone for her to watch, mía wasn’t interested. she sat on mikkys lap for a bit, babbling all sorts to her aunt, staring at a few other people sat around them, fiddling with her aunts jewellery before she became fussy again.
y/n took her once more and put her head against her shoulder. perhaps she was just sleepy, it was quite later in the day and she usually falls asleep at this time. y/n cradled her small head onto her shoulder, rubbing soothing circles against her jersey-clad back, whispering sweet nothings into her ear to calm her down.
with how loud it was in the stadium, mía did not care. she could fall asleep anywhere, loud or quiet, probably due to the amount of games y/n went to whilst pregnant, which is why she had the confidence that she could also fall asleep here in her arms; maybe just for a bit to refuel her energy.
in no time mía was sound asleep against her mothers shoulder, peacefully snoring away into her neck. y/n made small conversation with mikky throughout the whole game, talking about anything and everything that came to their minds whilst also keeping an eye on the quiet, sleeping baby in her hold.
the game had finally came to an end, mía having slept through most of it. y/n knew pedri would be coming out in a little bit, after showering and talking with his teammates, so she stayed behind with mikky and a few of the other wags whilst the rest of the stadium started gradually emptying out.
mía, now sensing the change in atmosphere and the low chatter of the people around her, started stirring around in her mothers arms. her little hand came up to rub at her eye as she lifted her head from the snug position on y/n’s shoulder.
she came face to face with her mom and her aunt, confused because that was exactly what she saw before falling asleep. with a pout on her chapped lips and with red cheeks, she turned her head to see the once packed stadium now slightly empty with no players on the pitch.
“ah, buenos días princesa.” (good morning princess.) mikky joked as she smiled at a sleepy looking mía. y/n laughed at her baffled expression, her hand coming up to tame her messy, disheveled hair and rub away the drool on her chin. she looked like she’d just woken up from the best nap of her little life.
“y/n, deberíamos ir ahora. saldrán en cualquier momento.” (we should be going now. they will be coming out at any minute.) mikky told her as she smoothed down her shirt, placing her bag back around her shoulder. y/n nodded and soon they were walking towards the car park, knowing pedri would meet her there.
they had just made it to pedris car when y/n felt mía wiggle in her arms, her raspy voice calling out to her favourite person. “papaaa.”
they both turned to see pedri walking over with a big smile on his face. frenkie, gavi and ferran were not too far behind him, but mías eyes were only on her papi.
her arms started reaching out towards him before he was even halfway there and pedri chuckled at her eagerness, taking her into his arms when he reached the two.
“ay mi niña hermosa. ¿cómo estás?” (oh my beautiful little girl, how are you?) he asked as he pressed lots of little kisses all around her face, his arms caging her in against his freshly showered body.
he only got a babble and a cheery “papi!” in return. her little arms went around his neck as much as they could, her giggling lips meeting his cheek as she pressed a kiss to his skin, or atleast attempted to plant a kiss. he laughed whilst she snuggled into his neck, getting comfortable with his familiar warmth and smell.
pedri leaned forward as he pulled y/n towards him too, his free arm wrapped around her waist and he leaned in for a kiss. she complied, pulling away after a few moments and running a hand over mías back.
“buen juego.” (great game.) she whispered to him, a smile on her face at his awed expression.
“gracias. ¿la señorita mía durmió durante todo esto?” (thank you. did miss mía sleep through it all?) he joked as he went back to stroking her hair, his heart warming at how she cuddled more into him.
“sí, estaba muy quisquillosa, así que pensé que sería mejor si se iba a dormir un rato.” (yes, she was being very fussy so i thought it would be best if she went to sleep for a little.)
“ah vale vale.” (okay okay.)
“mía!” the two turned to see ferran and gavi walking towards them with big grins on their faces. mía, at the sound of her name, lifted her head from pedris shoulder and found her two uncles running towards her.
she slightly screamed in happiness when gavi pinched her cheek and ferran leaned forward to give her a small kiss on the other. she smiled up at her uncles, her hands clapping together once gavi started squishing her chubby cheeks together.
“ay, que linda.” (how cute) ferran stated as he saw the little one trying to push pablos hand away, wrapping her whole fist around his one finger.
y/n and mikky shared a short goodbye as frenkie sat in the car, sharing his goodbyes from the open window. pedri and y/n lowly engaged in conversation whilst mía giggled and messed around with the two players. a few minutes later, they were bidding the little baby farewell with little kisses on her forehead. she gave them each a tiny wave as they walked off after saying goodbye to y/n and pedri too.
“vamos a casa, ¿sí?” (let’s go home, yeah?) he nodded towards the car, his voice tired and drained. y/n nodded and went to sit down as pedri put mía in her car seat. she did fuss around again, whining about wanting to be in her dads arms for a little longer but pedri only shook his head as he promised her he’d cuddle with her at home. after giving her his phone to watch youtube on, he shut the door and went to the drivers side.
¿cómo llega pablo a casa? ¿deberíamos dejarlo?” (how is pablo getting home? should we drop him off?) y/n asked as pedri started the car.
“no, ferran lo llevara a casa.” (ferran will take him home today.)
“vale.” (okay.)
with that, pedri drove back home with his two favourite girls in his car. his hand held his girlfriends warmer one, his heart content and his body relaxed as the loud sound of mía’s favourite youtube channel sounded from the back.
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