#shitty mom
placetovent306 · 1 month
It's so funny when my mother doesn't consider my sexual assault as valid but always makes sure to bring it out for "reasoning" of my attraction to same sex
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ashtonisrottting · 2 years
i hate that mother doesn't know a single thing about me. the only things she remembers are conveniently distorted to fit her narrative so i can be the villain to her hopeless victim
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cavalrysystem · 10 months
Don't you just fucking love when your mother expects you to know where every dish she owns is because "you're the one who puts away dishes" and then she just refuses to admit she likely either gave said dish away or got rid of it?
Don't you fucking love when your mother or other parent expects you to constantly be okay with being a parent stand-in when they don't feel like being a parent for the kids they decided to have?
Don't you fucking love when your expected to cook dinner almost every night because your mom is "just so exhausted from work" and "doesn't feel good" despite being a fucking senior in high-school and on top of that being expected to watch your autistic siblings and not being allowed to complain about being stressed ever in your life?
Don't you fucking love when your parents refuse to do anything about the fact that you're burning yourself out trying to keep up with school, your siblings, the dishes, cleaning the house, and taking care of yourself all at once?
Don't you just love it?
(This entire post is using the word love in a sarcastic way)
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temedtime · 7 months
hey guys my mom keeps threatening to fuck up my room and throw away my arizona and hoodie collections and take my pc and streaming setup. my dads house is way more relaxed and I prefer my room there. when I get my license(2 months), should I take my shit and move to my dads?
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robinthetiredartist · 3 months
Tumblr media
See how the brain plays around
And falls inside a hole you couldn’t see
Falls inside a hole inside of
Someone HELP ME
Understand what’s going on inside my mind
Doctor I can’t tell if I’m not
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yourfavepookiebear · 6 months
Wow mom. Thank you so much.
You're such an awesome and cool person for screaming at and humiliating your own child in front of everyone.
You're so fucking cool for that.
Rant vent :
So long story short I was at a family reunion and my mom started acting up and yelling at me because apparently I was looking at her wrong. I'm not even kidding she got mad at me for "looking at her wrong" ...
And then she screamed my name which made me flinch and then she smiled and said "what ? Do you want to hit me ?" And then she yelled "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT ?" and i said "like what ?" And then she yelled "DON'T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME" and when I got quiet she smirked.
Like wow mom. Cool. Awesome. Amazing. You're so fantastic for violently screaming at me and humiliating me.
and I hate how my relatives looked at me with such pity in their eyes like i was a puppy on a deathbed.
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cuntwrap--supreme · 10 months
I come home to my mom telling me about how some girl she works with died and how she's happy. Says she "contributed nothing to the world" and "was a whore," after telling me how this girl used to call her a whore and how it hurt. She said she told everyone she works with that this chick didn't matter, too, and said she hopes it was suicide. She said it's gross how everyone pretends to have cared for her only after she died, to which I told her she does the same shit. I then said that she couldn't have full mental breakdowns when someone in her life dies but call everyone else who cries over someone's death selfish assholes. She said it's because the people in her life actually matter. I asked if she was implying that this whole ass woman had no meaning and brought nothing to anyone's life and had nothing that made her her. She said no, she's just some ugly whore who should have killed herself years ago. And I'm like... I don't know what you want me to say? You're a bad person for thinking like this, period. I told her she's a miserable, lonely old woman who's mad because this girl (around my age) "stole" the guy she'd been dating after he realized my mom's a psycho. She told me to go fuck myself, said of course I want to make her seem like the bad guy in every situation. Like? Hello? Are we hearing the same fucking story? How in the mother fuck am I supposed to hear you talk about someone killing their self and laughing about how it's dumb for anyone to mourn this person and then side with you? It's not like she killed one of your kids then shrugged and told you to get fucked. She's a 31 year old woman who you never even mentioned past the time you cried about how she "stole your man" 8 months after he left you, you buffoon!
Anyway, this is why my mother will die, sad and alone; and she'll never understand that it's her that people are repelled by. She thinks it's somehow my fault when people don't like her - people I've never even met! But really, it's just people seeing past the facade she puts up and realizing that, underneath the appearance of being a normal woman in her 50s, she's actually a hateful, spiteful, vindictive cunt.
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iraniq · 1 year
On today's agenda of You Do Not Yield:Don't cry while in the gym... i gained weight instead of loosing it... i am on a food not diet, but i eat as they told me, i sinned several times, but nort to many times ot so often... i am at the gum since January, i ate as i used to, no effect, i eat different, no effect, i don't train, i trqin, same effect... thanks to my gooorgeous mom i have this hate relationship with my body and i still struggle to turn it into love, food is binge eating, stress eating, overeating... so today i tried veey hard and won at not crying at the gym... i win most of my fights... but god am i tired... when will i have peace?
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placetovent306 · 3 months
Sometimes I think "maybe I shouldn't be so hard on my mom and maybe she's not THAT bad cause she could've been worse" but then I remember how she made excuses for my SAer and basically blamed me and when my psychiatrist offered me to help me go to police, she said that snitching is bad and so, I'm like never fucking mind.
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le-panda-chocovore · 2 years
Because I have shit on my heart.
When I was younger, my mom used to tell me that I should Act More Like A Girl, because being a tomboy wasn't pretty, I wasn't a glitterly love like she hoped her daughter would be. But she still encouraged me to do sports, to learn things, to play with boys, however it would have been better if I still showed my girly side.
When i was younger, being a tomboy was the greatest pride I had, because I learned so early that Boys were better than Girls, and I internilized that. I loved when others said that I was not like other girls, that I was not entirely a girl myself, because it meant that I worthed more that my peers.
When I was growing, my mom used to argue with everything about my apearance, beacause I started getting thick and she feared that All The Boys will want me. She insisted that I should hide my curves with large clothes, she told me that I was eating too much, however she still forced me to wear makeup to all family events we went because I should show my girly side.
When I was growing, finding who I was was incredibly hard. I didn't know where I fit but I tried, and everytime I found something I loved, I was so happy. I choose my own clothing and I felt powerful and beautiful with that. No one showed me interrest but I still wanted to fit, I thought being pretty would make me worthy, so I tried to be. I was a girl by my personal way and felt quite proud of that.
When I got older, my mom used to be desesperate about How I Didn't Want To be A Woman because I began to value confort more than prettyness. She criticized every single piece of clothe I had and litteraly begged me to take care of my skin and hair. She compared me to everyone and said that I should be more like them, she made me look at my weight, however she still judged me the time I decide to wear a skirt by myslef, so I said goodbye to my girly side.
When I get older, I stopped paying attention to what people think of me. I wanted to be me and to love me for what I am and not what they would see in me. So I bought large sweaters and started to play sport again. Some kept calling me tomboy, some just called me The Boy, some told me to stay at my place, but I didn't listen to anyone anymore. I valued my own point of view because I was the only one who could tell if I was worthy, so I choose to be.
She made me herself, she gave me her genes, she teached me to be seen,j how could she insult me for that ? I cannot forgive her. I will not.
I awlays tried to love me, but my mom never made me feel loved. I ntried so hard to be proud of who I was and she tried so hard to shape me into who she wanted me to be. She destroyed me, my self-esteem, my self-confidence, my self-love. She shattered me in piece and prevented me to heal. Yet I did. I forced me to. Every time she throw me down I whispered soft words to my heart. And I get up.
She's the reason I find it so hard to be appreciate, she's the reason I am so aggressively positive toward anyone else.
I owe me this love and no one is allowed to break it. And I offer my love to every single person who doesn't have some for themselve, because you all deserves it too.
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fluffycows4life · 16 days
sometimes I wish my mom didn't fuck me up so much that way I wouldn't have attachment issues but here we are anyways
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mentalflowers · 27 days
its absolutely amazing how a mother can imagine not four, not five but SIX CHILDREN…go online with her new man huffing balloons. not get in trouble. have no responsibility at all. if the cop’s aren’t gonna do shit, ill just make it so you are afraid to even your house. you wanna play the game, welp im better at it. ill plaster your ugly face on posters all around your hood. let everyone know. let all the doordash places know youre getting high while delivering food. mothers like you deserve NOTHING. if im the only one that can do something about it, since the cops are useless. i got you boo, you legit deserve to feel worthless. bc that is what you. fuck you, fuck your needs. you don’t matter babe, you neglectful piece of SHIT!
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justis4toby · 2 months
my mom put her crap in my room. what. its my room buddy, move your shit please. and stop trying to be my friend, we are not friends. i hate u
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momoffourwilds · 2 months
you wish you were still a teenager
This one is a little close to home. If you're a child of an addict, you may relate. My whole life I feel like I've raised myself, I know I haven't. I had my granny but not in ways you'd think. She took care of us financially, and really helped through a lot. I still wanted my mother. I never got it don't look for a happy ending this isn't gonna be that. Growing up around addicts (no, there not all bad, these we're)as a child who's 7-11... was hard. I had two little sisters also with me, and I think about it now, and I know God had to be there for my baby sister. She was less then a year around this time, I have the most horrible memories of. I think now, I didn't get it at the time. IT's NOT normal what we went through. I have to continuously tell myself that even to this day. IT feels like I've never been shit to her. Some girls say their dad was there first heartbreak, mine was my mom. Her husband left her, and she left us. IT's like that day, my mom walked out the door. Well our mom. She abandoned us, and has tried since to fill a void for love, when we loved her unconditionally. Children do that. WE adults don't deserve it. Shortly, after he left she had a "party" with a bunch of highschool boys, she thought she was so "cool"... your not gonna impress anyone worth a shit by getting a bunch of teens drunk at your house, with your kids there. That night was horrible, I'm sure in my moms POV it was amazing. But as an 8 year old child it wasn't fun at all, thinking back now that I'm a mom it makes me so mad. I had my first drink of beer that night offered by her new "teenage" boyfriends bother.. We will call the brother Chad for the sake of fake names. I remember him chasing us around trying to catch us, almost like tag, he chased me and his younger brother whom was younger then me at the time, into my moms room. When he "caught" us he would kiss us on the mouth, tounge down the throat and all. He'd laugh about it. That was the first time, I was sexual assuated (so I thought) I Was so confused, I didn't understand how "tag" made me as a child feel so gross and scared. As a mother again, it makes me so angry, where was my protector when I needed her. ( my parents were split. for context) I don't talk about that often. It makes me hate my mother even more. That she was so careless about who she let around us. As an adult now, my mom just wanted to be a teenager. At what cost did she go to get that? You regained your childhood while stripping ours away. Was it worth it? Are you happy?
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bixels · 2 months
vague-posting about this here cuz i don't feel comfortable yapping about my su takes on twitter, but after everything that's happened the most interesting thing about the su fandom to me is that so many are 100% there for applying the "everyone can change and deserves a second chance" message to everyone, even the diamonds. except for one ☝️ she doesn't count. cuz she's dead.
#personal#very extremely delete later#ok cutting the vague post this is about a “whose the worst cartoon mom” twt post with pink diamond in the running#and a bunch of people pointing at her. the woman who died in childbirth and never got to meet her child. and she's literally next to#mother gothel. the baby kidnapper who kidnapped a baby#i'm always gonna be a pink diamond nuancepilled defender. she was a shitty entitled teen who grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth#then got self-radicalized and rebelled for both selfish AND selfless reasons#“this show is great because everyone makes mistakes and learns from them. except the pink one. she's bad and dead forever.”#anyways this is a crit towards the fandom not the show#“she had steven so she could selfishly escape her mistakes and put all her burdens on her child” or she wanted a child#“she abandoned her family” or she died during childbirth#“she started a war that got thousands of gems killed and mutilated” and if she hadn't nobody on earth would exist#the fact that some fans are more willing to jump to white diamond’s defense when talking about her reformation and redemption#white diamond—the architect and supreme ruler of a 10000+ year old fascist empire—has 10000% done worse more unforgivable things than pink#guys even blue diamond has shattered gems before. like not just kill them but permanently split their souls into pieces.#ruby called her a “SHATTERER.” she was INFAMOUS for murdering people. pink never shattered anyone#for fans of a show that explicitly says nobody's truly a villain you guys sure do want a villain really badly#anyways “we need more compelx female characters y'all couldn't even handle rose quartz” etc. etc. etc.
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