#smart x dumb
geoffparty · 3 months
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Rarepair reveal 2.
I love Trenteoff… Ahh GAAAAHHHHHH The obsession with it stays for a month or so and comes back 2 months later
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midiosaamor · 3 months
i need a lover that has their way with words so it’ll be wise smartass x sarcastic dumbass (im the sarcastic dumbass)
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adharastarlight · 11 months
The James Oblivious Potter Chronicles Pt1
James: people are so stuipd
Sirius: whats up prongs?
James: someone in potions just said you and moony were dating! Just because he's into dudes and youre gay doesnt mean youre dating?!
Sirius: James-
James: that would be like saying Marls and Cas are dating just because theyre lesbians
Sirius: uhm, James-
James: dont worry, i told them you're just friends
Sirius: WHAT!?
Remus walks in and he looks so hurt and a little pissed: we're... friends now are we?
Sirius: no- no, mon amour- no, james is just a fucking moron
James: what... wait are you two...?
Sirius and Remus: yes!?!
Sirius: for like five months!?!
James: WHAT
Remus: we kiss in front of you all the time???
Sirius: we're constantly holding hands???
Remus: we go on dates like constantly???
Sirius: I told you I want to marry him!?!
James: I thought that was in a best friend way!!!
James: wait so are marls and cas...?
Sirius: Yes!!!
Remus: james who the- what- how-
James: WHO ELSE!?!
Sirius: crouch and rosier, pandora and emmeline, lily and mary???
James: ohhhh... what about Regulus?
Remus, grinning: no one, why?
James: so you guys are dating, should i... buy you a plant?
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northernfireart · 5 months
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you know what? I like you. *turns Rose into an actual goddess*
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konigsblog · 7 months
ugh, könig is such a geek, i bet he'd enjoy subjects like physics and chemistry, always correcting your english and grammar, and has so much knowledge on everything ... :(
smart, mean & cocky könig x dumb reader ... dumbification and the taunting !! 🫂
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
Also, I'm pretty sure Steve knows music he just pretends he doesn't, so Eddie can educate him. It's a definite move. Also, he's hard of hearing and he uses that his advantage.
"You know, maybe if you sat in my lap, I would be able to hear you better," Steve would say.
Eddie would sigh before sitting in his lap and continuing his rant about all kinds of music. Of course, Dustin would ruin it.
"Why are you sitting in Steve's lap, Eddie?" Dustin asked as he walked into Steve’s house uninvited. . .again.
"So he can hear me, duh," Eddie exclaimed.
"Dustin," Steve warned.
Dustin pulled Steve’s hair to the side.
"He's wearing his hearing aide," Dustin said.
"Uh, I forgot to get new batteries," he said.
"The light says otherwise," Dustin said.
"You have deceived me! Forsaken me!" Eddie exclaimed and narrowed his eyes. "What else have you lied to me about? Dustin, leave, so I can punish your babysitter properly."
"I just got here!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Leave!" Steve and Eddie said without looking away from each other.
The next day. . .
"Oh my God! That's a lot of bruises on your neck, Steve," Dustin said. "What'd Eddie do? Punch you in the neck?"
"Yeah, that's exactly what he did," Steve said dryly. ". . . With his mouth."
"Oh my god!"
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
i hate to say it but the person in TLT most likely to fall for a pyramid scheme is Gideon Nav
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crimsonlovebartylus · 4 months
Regulus is smart but he has no shame copying off his boyfriend because Barty is smarter.
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narcissarina · 6 months
𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔰
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જ⁀➴Previous chapter
Pairings: bodyguard!Leon × college billionaire!reader
Word count: 2,661
Summary: You tried to run off to escape him, but failed. Now you two created such scene in school grounds.
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The most dangerous agent, now your bodyguard—stood before you. He’s prettier than you thought, pretty boy? Pretty boy. You just didn’t want to admit that he’s so much better in person, much more better than those pictures and in news.
He could be a role model of he wanted to, with that heartthrob of a face—you just took a guess that this man can pull any woman he wants, but little did you know that he’s actually awkward towards women.
“Hi..?” you began, tone indifferent with a cock brow, “pleasure to meet you, your father says that I’ll be your bodyguard from now on.” His voice deep and husky, you would be lying if it didn’t made your legs clench together, right?
You cleared your throat and mind, shaking off those kinds of thoughts, “I appreciate it, but I don’t need one.” You grit your teeth while uttering those words, you turn to your father and frown at him—trying to get your pretty, begging eyes to have your father throw him out. Eyes screaming, “but, daddy! I don’t want him, I can take care of myself.” Type of eyes.
Your father could only smile and turn to Leon, “I am so sorry about that.” Then grip your hand, it hurts but you could only frown and storm out of the scene.
Leon’s gaze followed your figure till you disappear from his sight, he turns and talk more with your father—getting his objectives and that when the others need him, he can’t be with you for a while.
You surround yourself with all your squishy, grumbling under the sheets and doing your assignments there. Yet, another topic that your stupid ass professor did not teach, you called Sarina—her phone is off. You whine and threw your feet, some of your plush got off the bed and you sat up, still under the blanket and stare at it.
You hiss at the light as your blanket got pulled off, “what are you doing?” It was Leon, your blanket in his hand and put it in the edge of your bed. “What are you doing in my room?” you hiss and got off of bed and walk towards, you heard him scoff and pick up the squishy and plush that fell off the bed, “didn’t knew father also hired a personal cleaner.”
You gave him a side-eye and cock a brow, he smiled at your remark, amused as he place them in bed. “Aren’t I the first one who asked you a question, sweetheart?”
You shudder at the name, either you cringe or just felt your stomach flutter. No one called you sweetheart before, not even your father. Either they call you dear or by your name, plus with a monotone or demanding tone of voice. But Leon’s? It was low and seducing. As if he’s luring you into a trap.
You didn’t answer, back turn to him as you resume your focus to your work. Pen tapping the desk, as Leon just watch you from the distance.
It only took a few minutes until Leon walked up to your desk and lean down to see what you’re up to, your breath hitches and turn your head to him—quickly moving your head away as you inhale some of his cologne.
“What are you up to?” he asked, “none of your business.” You replied, rolling your eyes as his hands were holding on to the edge of your desk, completely trapping you in between. “oh, this is easy.” He points then read the question aloud in my textbook, “Examine the role of women in World War II and the, both on the home front and in combat roles.”
He turns to you, leaning a little close, “so?” you stay quiet, not knowing what to answer since it isn’t even taught by your prof, or rather it was just a boring video that you didn’t payed attention in class. You mutter lowly, “dunno.”
He sigh and took out a chair and sat beside you, you grumble, “I didn’t think father also hired a tutor.” Your remark. “Well since you’re a woman, I think you should know this question. Isn’t women empowerment a thing?” he asked, you glared at him and punch him to his side, he didn’t budge and took your punch. He even thinks you punch cute.
“are you insulting me?” you said, “I didn’t say that.” He chuckle in amusement and took the back of your chair to scoot you close, he cleared his throat and took your pen. He points to the text and began, “women played a crucial role in world war two, what are those roles?” he asked, giving a pause and letting you answer but words didn’t come out of your mouth and just shrunk in your sit.
“eyes here, princess.” He took your jaw and gently force you to look at the textbook, “I’m not done explaining.” He added and continue, “women serves in various capacities, such as factory workers, nurses, and members or armed forces.” You listen attentively, never know that his voice sounded so nice when explaining things. Even kind enough to provide you answers.
“Countries like the Soviet Union, women served in combat roles as pilots, snipers, and partisans.”
“They held guns?”
“yes, they held guns.”
“I wanna hold a gun too.” You mutter and let your face fall to your textbook and turn your head, “continue.”
Leon nodded and stared at your face, then eyes on the textbook again. “Their contributions not only supported the war efforts but also challenged traditional gender roles and paved the way—” you cut him off.
“for greater gender equality in the post-war period.” You mutter lowly, Leon nodded and lean back to his chair, “and here I thought you didn’t know.” He gave you a faint smirk as he folds his arms. “that’s the only thing I heard when class ended.”
“you said your prof didn’t taught you this?” he raised a brow, “or did you simply didn’t listen to your lessons?”
You let out a ‘hmp’ and scoot your chair to your desk and statt working on your assignment, you were guilty but you didn’t want to admit that—you think it’ll make him a know-it-all. And your pride wouldn’t let you.
“You on your own? Or you still need me to break down history for you?”.
“You’re annoying.”
“that’s not the answer I’m looking for, princess.”
You ignored him, but he stayed incase you didn’t understand some parts and need him to explain to you. And he was right, you’d tap your pen again and it’s his cue to come and help you, you’re almost teary and at meltdown at your assignment.
Leon finds this amusing and stayed longer than intended.
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You start yet another day, doing your usual routine but the twist is Leon will be and always will be following you around. As long as you don’t disappear from his sight, he won’t interfere.
Good news, you finish your assignment last night! Congratulations, you wouldn’t finish it then interrupt Sarina from her book without Leon’s help. Not only is he hot, but also smart—you felt a bit embarrassed that for someone you just met for the first time would be tutoring you.
But, hey. At least he is much better than those boys who tutor you in the past then ended up getting tutored by Sarina.
You made your bed, showered, pick an outfit to go to school to slay yet again. Leon could only watch you move and do your thing in the distance, you come downstairs get your breakfast as you finally got to the car that’ll drive you to school.
Plot twist: Leon must be there with you.
You hate that idea, since you felt awkward from last night—you go from hating him then needing him when there’s a topic that you know nothing about, Leon must be thinking you’re just crazy and having a terrible mood swing.
The whole car ride was a bit eerie, even the driver that drove you yesterday felt uneasy. You steal a glance and you turn away quickly because you realized that his eyes were always locked into you. His icy and cold gaze always following your every move, sounds creepy. Isn’t that the type of book trope that Sarina reads?
You can feel him tug a small smile from his lips then turning away, his expression quickly changing to a cold, unexpressive expression. Like this man doesn’t smile at his whole life.
Your bag on your lap, your attention out the window as you and Leon sat at the same seat quietly—keeping a good distance between the two of you until you finally arrived at your destination.
You gave the driver another tip and now, he felt like he can’t stop you from tipping him. You got out the car, and so does Leon’s. You can tell people at your back stop their tracks and take out their phones as if they have seen a real life celebrity—scratch that, he is a celebrity. This motherfucker saved the presidents daughter.
You don’t like the whispers, since Leon is with you—they’ll ask you questions if you two were a thing, why is Leon with you. How come the most dangerous agent is with a person like you.
You like gossips, really—you love the juicy drama and tea, but you don’t like getting involve into drama. They’ll spread it like wildfire, asking questions if they could have Leon’s phone number or that if you two did the deed and if so, is he good? Is he endowed? Fuck them.
Turning your back at him, he follows, “you can stop following me!” you hiss, “can’t do that, sweetheart.” Leon remark, his front touching your back—towering you from behind, you look up to meet his blues.
In others eyes, they could see two people flirting in school grounds, one an agent that dates a college student. Scandalous, isn’t it?
“you can’t always follow me, Leon!” you said and start to walk off, but Leon caught your wrist and turn you around to meet his eyes, “your father instruct me to protect you, I can’t go against your father’s will, now can I?”
You could hear giggles from other students, their phones out and recording—word could spread and come to the principal. “I can’t always have you here, Leon.”
“I won’t interrupt you, I just need to watch over you and ensure your safety, princess.” You snatch your wrist away, you groan and walked away whilst Leon follows. People think that they just witness a fucking conflict of a love story.
You went to the cafeteria to buy some drink, Leon’s outside the cafeteria—it was bustling with people and every people that pass by, they see the blonde agent and asked to take photos with him, which you don’t know if he declines of not.
You took your drink, striking a right time to lose your bodyguard—but there’s only one in and out of the cafeteria and Leon seems to be busy making small talks with the students, so—the first thing that came out from your mind is to run. It’s quite dumb, really. Leon could catch you for 10 seconds max and held you in place so you wouldn’t be a naughty girl.
But you still made a run for it, good thing you still hasn’t pluck the straw in and that your bag isn’t with you right now.
“hey, hey!” Leon yelled, his voice changing to a higher pitch tone, “get back here.” He said and rushes over you, adrenaline kicks in—Leon’s chasing you, not knowing you’re making a scene and people recording. They’ll think that two people are having a chase of their life romantically, but it isn’t. Leon is pissed, your pace began to slow down and before you knew it—you were swept off your feet as he threw you over his shoulder.
“Let me go!” you whine and hit his back a few couple of times, you feel him pat and slap your ass and taking a few deep breaths, “naughty girl.” He said and picked up the drink you dropped.
He picked up your bag where he left it since you asked him to watch it for you. “Now, where to?” he asked, sliding the strap over his shoulder, “Leon, stop! People are watching.” You whine and move your legs to get off.
“No worries, you’re getting the attention you deserve.”
“Stop!” your ear and cheeks burning hot red, you could only cover your face with your hands and just accepts defeat. “where to?” he asked again, “Library…”
You cover your face from the entire walk where Leon still has you in his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, Sarina was waiting for you in the library and Leon came in with you in his shoulder—peoples eyes dart to you and him when he entered, “girl, I have been waiting fo—” Sarina cut herself mid-sentence.
Leon puts you down, you’re facing him and your back at Sarina—you don’t wanna face your best friend now and be dumped with a bunch of questions. You lose balance and your covered face made contact with Leon’s chest, you don’t fucking care anymore. You’re too embarrassed to exist now.
Leon looked down and grab you to your shoulder and try to turn you around, you don’t want to and whine at him. Hiding yourself to him and hitting him repeatedly.
“Don’t be a brat now, princess.” Leon whispered, “or else, you’ll draw more attention—which you don’t want, right?” he added and that made you sit down with your friend and ignore Leon’s existence.
Sarina’s kept wandering back and forth to Leon, scooting over to you and giggling as she whispers unnecessary things like how luck you were and that if you two were a thing.
“He’s my bodyguard, the end. Period. End of story. No more question.” You said with gritted teeth, Saeina backs out and chuckle, “ok girl.” She rolled her eyes while Leon only watch.
“by the way, who’s that guy?” you point at the distance, male group with a few females across the room—one particular guy catches your attention, but hey—didn’t you say that you hate guys?
“Why do you asked? I mean, you have Leo—” you hit Sarina with her book closed and she let out a hiss of pain, “god fucking damn—” she curses and glared at you.
“I’m just asking, that doesn’t mean I’m interested.” Or are you? Leon cock a brow and turn his attention to the group with males and female student whispering among themselves and as if they were being held back at being loud.
A brunette guy snatches your attention, curly hair and his smile is something that made you drift you away from reality—as if time froze and it’s just you and him. But Leon isn’t having it, he has this feeling but he shouldn’t voice it out. He’s here for work, he shouldn’t give a shit about you having a little crush over a guy.
But the feeling is that the guy will be a playboy, that’s the vibe Leon is getting since there’s two girls surrounding him.
But who is he to judge?
Leon snapped your attention away, “if you have laser eyes, you could’ve burn through that guys face, you know that?” you hit him and sulk.
Sarina rolled her eyes, “girl, if you want him. Try to have him, I’m just saying that your bodyguard is so much better.” You try to hit her one more time but she dodges and ran out of the library.
But little did you know that the brunette turn his eyes and laid on you, you never knew but instead his gaze met Leon’s cold icy blues. You want to question Leon why he has his hand on your waist as he drags you out of the library.
You’re really in for a ride, aren’t you?
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Next Chapter>>>
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qin-qin16 · 29 days
Killer, the type of guy who would take you to see cars burning in some abandoned lot on a first date.
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catiecriesalot · 6 months
My tl doesnt seem to get it so i guess I have to make a post. I dont ship zutara.
So so so so soo sososooooooo much.
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nico00235 · 2 years
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-slaps table-
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fallout-fucker · 6 months
Random Sole x Hancock Headcanon - Emails.
Sole figures out how to get some sort of online connection up and running again purely so they can send emails to Hancock's terminal from their Pip-Boy whenever they're apart. Love sick idiots.
Cue Hancock blushing and kicking his feet whilst reading the emails. He invents the ;) emote. Sole, in turn, makes the ^-^ and :3 emotes.
They both invent selfies. Hancock's the first to send one when he realises he can send pictures. It's a fucking process but he barters for old parts here and there and gets help from Kent. Eventually he has a working camera for his terminal. The first selfie was him stood on his couch, high af and surrounded by an assortment of baked goods (Edibles) he made. The email said 'Look what I can do ;D'.
He regularly sends pictures of what he's baking or random selfies when he's high.
Sole then made a similar upgrade to their Pip-Boy the minute they could. They send him random pictures of cats and other creatures they see in their travels. Cool views or old, historic buildings and art they think he'd enjoy. A collection of Dogmeat being cute. They sent one of Danse falling over. They send him pictures of books they'll think he like. Usually literature, history, or STEM stuff. Sole also takes pictures with their shared friends and lets them email him too from their arm for a quick update.
They also show off their new builds and inventions. Gun mods, armour, ect.
They also share a 'Spotting Deacon In The Wild' collection. They have a running joke that every new disguise they spot is a 'Deacon Variant' or new Deacon 'Synth'. They add names for each 'character' and the email will say '[Insert Character Name] Deacon Unlocked!' Like, Butcher Deacon, or Diamond City Guard Deacon, etc.
On that note, they invent memes. Usually from pictures of other companions or each other.
Like when Nick was 'sleeping' one time (Wide eyed stare Synth style) and Sole sent a picture of him, captioned 'Me after the horrors'.
Or when Preston was stood looking out at the Sanctuary River after a long night. Coffee in his hand. His hat and one shoe missing. Expressionless as he stared at the sunrise.
Hancock replied 'Me fucking too, brother'.
Sole will update him on their whereabouts regularly so he stays sane.
Hancock will tell them about how Goodneighbour is doing. From Mayoral plans to general gossip. How Daisy is doing, how the local kids are, etc.
Sometimes Hancock sends the most cryptic chain spam looking things when he is stoned.
Sole can email him whenever they're nearby and plan on visiting.
Hancock sometimes requests items if he knows they’re on their way, but only if they happen to come across it or already have whatever it is.
Will email them questions that he doesn't actually mean for them to answer. Just questions to the void, really. He just uses them as an outlet for his thoughts a lot.
Or for help on a crossword puzzle.
Sole will email him when they can't sleep just in case he's also awake. Nights feel really lonely when everyone you knew died 200 years ago.
Sometimes they ask him for knowledge. Like 'Do you know if this plant is poisonous?' or things that most Commonwealthers know for survival, but Sole is still figuring out.
They ask him for leadership advise. Especially during big decisions.
They both tell each other things they've seen/heard through the grapevine that they think the other should know. 'I heard that guy you were looking for was seen in Bunker Hill' 'Some Gens 2s were spotted patrolling Medford Hospital' 'Hi :) Sorry for the late response, I was running for my life :( Tell your traders to stay away from the East Bridge- Gunners'
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critterpdf · 2 years
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happy 1 year to this comic i forgot to post feat. my inq basil <3
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 67
Danny is forced to revel himself at a gala.
Vlad had Danny do with him to a gala in Gotham. He threatened Jazz or something into behaving. Jack was more than ha to send Danny off with his god father.
Vlad had a plan to obviously properly take out jack. However he needs Danny out of the way. The gala was just an easy excuse to get Danny out of town. He can duplicate himself easy enough to not arouse suspicion.
He can’t simply trust Danny will stay in place. So he figured out how to reverse the ghost shield. So it keeps people in and ghosts out.
Vlad had to act that night. Maddie was going to be out of town for the night with jazz. Jack would be all alone.
It was far to easy to trap Danny with one of Wayne’s countless children. He did it as plasmius even stating he’d finally rid himself of Danny’s father.
He leaves whichever one of Bruce’s children behind as he flies off.
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I got so lazy doing this hehee. I meant to get it finished the day after i posted the little comic as a cute follow up but uhh..
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