#so I’m gonna be applying it to more fandoms
DP angst: Dani gets revealed and accepted by the Fentons, even when it comes out that she’s a half ghost, but Danny’s still scared to come out to his parents because they’ve never favored him as much as they obviously favor Dani
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raskies456 · 2 years
my toxic trait is I’ll reblog posts about media I’m entirely unfamiliar with bc I like the art or the vibes
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moonstruckme · 4 months
hi !! i saw that your requests were open and i'd really love if you wrote something with james (or poly!m !!) with a gn!reader taking up literature in uni who tends to get back pains from being hunched over reading and writing almost all hours of the day (definitely not projecting, hehe!)
i love the stuff you write and everythings just so sweetly written and portrayed so lovely !! thank you for keeping the marauders fandom alive lol
Thank you ml <3
modern au
poly!marauders x gn!reader ♡ 709 words
James plops down beside you on the couch, and when he pokes your spine you straighten reflexively. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, only half in the room as the rest of your brain continues working on your essay. 
“Are you really not done yet?” Sirius asks, putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave. You start typing faster. They’re going to want to start the movie soon, and then your laptop is going to be wrested away from you whether you’ve reached a stopping point or not. “I can’t remember the last time I spent more than a couple hours on an essay. You’ve been laboring over that thing all day.” 
“It’s a long one,” you admit, “but it’s hardly labor.” 
“Sure looks like it, when your back is hunched worse than a coal miner’s.” 
You give him a deadpan look. Sirius glances down at your fingers, still typing rapidly, and shudders. 
“Fucked how you can do that.” 
“Literature students might be the new coal miners,” says James.
You hum dubiously, looking back to your work. “Not sure that’s a super fair comparison.” 
“Yeah, I wouldn’t quite say that,” Remus agrees with you, “but it’s not like you’re not doing yourself any harm when you write all day like this, love. Your back is already hurting you—” 
“You’ll probably get carpal tunnel,” James adds. 
“—and I know looking at your laptop for this long gives you headaches.” Remus’ slow strides into the living room feel like a countdown clock. You manage to hammer out the end of your sentence just before he pulls your laptop out from under your fingers. “If you’re not careful, it’s gonna fuck up your sleep. That’s enough for tonight.” 
You sigh but don’t complain, rolling back your shoulders to ease some of the tautness there. Your spine crackles, quicker and louder than the popcorn popping in the kitchen, and James flinches away from you. 
“God, make it stop,” he pleads. 
You ignore him and roll your neck to the side, eliciting a series of cracks from there too. James makes a dramatically horrified sound and squeezes his eyes shut, and Remus grabs your head in both hands, restraining you. 
“Don’t,” he tells you severely. “We’ve been over this.” 
“Freak,” Sirius says lovingly as he pulls the bag of popcorn from the microwave. 
“It hurts,” you complain. 
“Sounds like it, fuck,” James agrees emphatically. Now the danger has passed, he leans towards you again, splaying a protective palm over your mid back. “Sirius, could you grab my icy hot from the fridge? Here, lovie, lie down.” 
Remus lets go of your face somewhat reluctantly, letting James help you lay across his lap. His hand smooths up and down your spine, pressing down lightly upon muscles rigid with tension. You sort of wish he’d just crush you. You’re sure he could, he doesn’t spend all that time at the gym for nothing. 
“I’m gonna get you a back brace,” Remus mutters, fondness under the veneer of resentment in his tone. 
“That'd be kind of hot.” Sirius lifts your feet, dropping down onto the couch before passing James the tube of cream. “Those are the strappy looking things, right? I’m for it.” 
“I do not consent,” you say clearly, then hiss as James applies the cool balm to your lower back. 
He and Sirius laugh. Remus reaches over to press your shoulders back down. 
“Easy, angel,” says James. “It’ll help.” 
“I didn’t know it’d be this cold,” you defend yourself, a little laugh tripping out of you as well. “You do this voluntarily?” 
“You’ll see why in a bit.”
“If I were spending all of my Saturday hunched over my laptop and a bunch of books,” Sirius says, “I think I’d at least use the right ‘your.’ What are they teaching you, babe?” 
You suppress a groan. You’d sent Sirius a grammatically incorrect text two days ago, and he’s yet to stop lording it over you. 
“That was autocorrect,” you tell him again. 
He hums noncommittally, tracing a path up your calf with his forefinger. “I’m just saying, can it really be worth it if we’re making those sorts of mistakes? Will they even still give you your degree?” 
“Sirius, their back is getting tense again. Knock it off.”
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toadtoru · 5 days
Hello! We all know that there is a steady decline in interactions and reblogs in fandom and I think a lot of new readers are very nervous to interact with artists on here. So as a somewhat seasoned Tumblr user, I figured I’d make a little guide for those who might feel they need it. :D
Disclaimer: This is by no means a rulebook or a demand. I am not forcing you to do any of these things. This is simply meant to be helpful towards those who might be new to the app or are nervous about interacting with people. Also: Since I write fanfiction, most of these examples are gonna be rooted in fanfiction. However, this can be applied to any other form of art on here as well!
Customize your blog. A lot of people think blank blogs are bots. It doesn’t have to be a big thing but go on Pinterest, and find a cute profile pic. Choose a cool colour. Give your blog some personality.
It is completely fine and normal to want to remain anonymous on here. If you want you can choose a cool pseudonym (Alba is not my real name and I know for a fact that most of my mutuals’ “names” are pseudonyms.) but your blog can also just remain nameless.
If you are going to interact with NSFW fics and art I highly recommend putting your age in your bio. A lot of NSFW artists are not comfortable interacting with minors and ageless blogs and will block you if you don’t have your age somewhere.
It’s important to remember that writers and artists love interactions! We are here because we love a certain media and want to talk about it.
Secondly, Tumblr is not Instagram or TikTok. There are no “tumblr influencers”. Most of us are just normal people who do this as a hobby.
While it’s completely okay and normal to look up to someone or admire someone’s work, try not to put people on pedestals.
Lastly, fan fiction and art do not have a time limit. It doesn’t matter if it was posted yesterday, a year ago or ten years ago. It cannot expire. The love you feel for it now is just as valid as the love someone felt for it ten years ago. So please do not hesitate to interact with art just because it was posted a while ago.
“Part two?” It’s fair that you’re excited about a fic and want to read more, but simply just asking for part two without saying anything else can make a writer feel bad. We are not robots or content machines.
“X is stupid” “Your characterization is bad” “X wouldn’t do this” It’s okay to not like someone’s fic or art but commenting that it is bad or that you don’t agree is not okay. If you don’t like a fic you click off. If you don’t like someone’s takes or posts, you block them. You are responsible for curating your own online experience. Block what annoys you and move on.
Hate anons. I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this, but people still do it so I’m gonna say it anyway. Don’t send hate anon to people’s inboxes.
Don’t demand things. “When is the next part coming out?” “You promised you’d post” etc. Life happens. Most of us have school or jobs or both.
Use Character AI, Chatbot, etc. Do not use AI. Do not put other people’s art into AI machines without their permission or knowledge. AI steals people’s writing and art. Do not use it to finish unfinished fics for you, do not use it to get a part two, do not use it.
Do not repost* art without permission. Do not repost art on other platforms. Do not post people’s fics on Wattpad or other platforms without permission. Do not post artists’ art on Pinterest or TikTok without permission. Do not translate writers’ fics without permission.
*Note: reposts and reblogs are not the same. A reblog is when you press the 🔁 button at the bottom of a post. This is encouraged. Reposts are when you make your own post with the stolen art.
Reblogs. Reblogs, reblogs, reblogs. Reblogs. I cannot stress this enough. Tumblr’ algorithm sucks and sometimes posts don’t show up in tags. When you reblog someone's art you help more people see it!
Also, reblogs do not only help the artist but it also helps you! You can create a tag system on your account so you easily can find works you liked again. It’s much easier to find reblogged works than it is to go through your 300 liked posts. (Also if an artist deactivates you will still have the post instead of it disappearing.)
Comment on people’s art! Tell them what you liked! I promise you it will make their day!
Ask questions! Did you notice a specific choice the artist made that you found interesting? Is there something that intrigued you or you want to know more about?
It’s important to remember that your support does not have to be some profound intellectual conversation. This is Tumblr, we’re all just having fun.
“I loved this!” “Your writing is amazing!” “This art is so pretty!” “The way you draw/characterize X character is cool!”
What did the art make you feel? “This made me happy” “This made me sad” Your emotions about the piece do not have to be positive. If someone wrote a 6k fic about the SatoSugu breakup then their goal probably wasn’t to make you feel joyous. Tell them how you feel! It will make them happy to know that their art evoked emotions in you.
Predictions! Did you catch some foreshadowing? What do you think happens in the next chapter? It's super fun as a writer to read what people think is going to happen!
Okay, folks. I think that’s all I have for you. Remember that we’re all just here to have fun. We want to interact with you. Reblog and comment on the fics you like! Send your thoughts to people’s inboxes! Once you get over that initial fear, I promise you, it becomes so much more fun. Fandom is supposed to be fun.
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velvrei · 1 year
for jay from descendants, i want a smut bc he’s so scrumptious- sooo him and reader have been fwb for at least a month, and one day after jay’s tourney game it feels different? SMUT PLS LMFAO tysm i’m in luv your writing 💋
omg YES i’ve been wanting to write for him, also if your request hasn’t been posted yet i’m going down the line! sorry for the wait <3
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pairing: jay x reader
fandom: descendants
summary: jay & the reader are friends with benefits but one day after tourney everything changes
warnings: smut, switch!jay if you squint, oral (m receiving), pet names, somewhat pda, no sex but it’s still filthy
nsfw below the cut .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
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usually jay wouldn’t see himself as much of a sexual guy. that was, until he met you.
when you were first introduced to him, by ben, there was obvious chemistry. he was the “bad boy from the isle,” while you were the “good girl from auradon,” (which wasn’t true at all) but you couldn’t help but notice how he got nervous whenever you entered a room. he was basically head over heels for you.
there was even one time, where you overheard him masturbating and he was saying your name. that was what got you.
so that quickly turned into something, flirting, and teasing each other. then you both discussed it one night after mutually masturbating with each other, and you both agreed to become friends with benefits.
you were sat at his tourney game realizing how far you both had come, literally.
you watched in awe as he scored the game winning goal, making you smile as he was lifted up by his teammates and the whole crowd started cheering.
the group carried him into the locker room, cheering, and your smile stayed displayed on your face.
a couple minutes later, you felt a nudge at your shoulder, turning to see evie.
“i saw you staring at him. the whole game.” she spoke with a giggle, wrapping her arm around you. you rolled your eyes and smiled, “he’s hard not to look at. i was just watching the game.”
evie scoffed. “whatever you two got going on, friends don’t look at friends that way. go convince him! the worst that could happen is that he rejects your offer and you continue fucking occasionally.” evie laughed.
you smiled at her, “okay, fine.” you quickly ran to the locker room and made sure all the other guys were out. jay was the only one in there, you could tell, he was humming a deftones song as he washed his body.
you watched, trying not to giggle as you slowly started took off your clothes. you were fully undressed as you walked over to him and he turned, saw you and jumped.
“you almost gave me a heart attack!” he spoke with a laugh, holding his hand over his heart. “why are you in here!?” he whisper yelled, remembering where he was.
you smiled, “you won, jay, i’m here to celebrate. remember what i said earlier?”
jay felt his cheeks get hot, remembering what you said. “that if i won i would do whatever you wanted me to?” you nodded and wrapped your arms around his chest, hugging him and gently placing your lips onto his.
“what’s it gonna be, captain?” your words made him smile, and immediately get hard, “i don’t know, maybe you should kiss me first.”
as cliche as he sounded, you could never resist his touch. your lips smashed onto his, his hands roamed to your waist, using his hands to apply force and push you against the wall. he was always more aggressive when he was hornier.
your tangled your fingers in his soft, raven hair, smiling into the kiss as tugged and he gasped into the kiss, then moaned.
you slowly pulled your lips away, earning a small whine from him. he stopped and watched as you slowly got onto your knees. “baby…” he trailed off, as if he didn’t want you to.
you shushed him, “don’t even start, love. unless you don’t want me to…” you started to slowly stand up. he stopped you.
“no, please do. i just don’t want you to feel like you have to. that’s all.” he spoke. his words made you smile.
he watched as your face changed, and you smiled, completely changing your whole demeanor.
his mouth fell slightly open as you spoke, “baby, i like pleasing you. especially when i get to hear those pretty sounds you make. gets me wet every time. fuck my throat. do whatever you want to me.” his hips practically buckled as you spoke. he rested his head on the shower wall, “fuck, okay.”
he tried not to melt as he felt you run your tongue the underside of his cock, looking up at him with doe eyes as he swore loudly, his voice slightly louder than before.
you moved your tongue along his tip many times until his hips stuttered, “fuck. i’m sensitive, please,” his pants only made you more eager to tease him.
jay wasn’t normally one to beg, but when it came to you, and he was extra horny, he loved letting all his filthy little words fall from his mouth.
“be patient, baby.” you spoke. your hand gripped firmly, very slowly pumping his cock. his slit was leaking with precum, he was already so worked up by you.
he watched carefully as your lips wrapped around his tip, you kept pumping him but this time at a faster pace. “fuck, feels so good,” he managed to mutter along with his whimpers and pants.
you started to bob your head on him, resisting the urge to moan as he moaned. the realization was sinking in. the hot guy in front of you, was moaning and whimpering because of your mouth. you couldn’t imagine anything hotter.
he looked at you with half-lidded eyes, he was already a moaning mess and she knew he wouldn’t last much longer. he had a thing for being dirty in public and he also just loved the sight of you on your knees for him.
“keep stroking it while you suck it baby… i’m so close, fuck.” his voice was almost slightly high pitched, the whine he let out after added the affect.
you bobbed your head faster before holding your head at the base of his cock. he practically lost his breath, “oh fuck, you want it don’t you.” he said, throwing this head back. he moved his hands to the back of your head and held it there, keeping him at the back of your throat.
he started thrusting his dick in and out of your throat, practically using you as his way to release. “i’m cumming, oh my god!” his whine sent shivers straight to your core.
he held your head as he came tensing up before he shivered and loosened his grip after his high came to its end. you swallowed all you could, a few drops leaving your mouth and washing away with the water into the shower drain.
jay was still out of breath, shivering as he realized what just happened. “are you okay? did i hurt you? i’m sorry-” he immediately began to ramble, realizing how much his arousal took over.
“that was so hot,” was all you said as you stood up. jay sighed and watched as you just smiled at him, no sign of hurt or discomfort in your expression.
he pushed your wet hair behind your ear, “are you sure i didn’t hurt you?” he used his other hand to softly lift your chin.
you shook your head, “no, my love. i actually enjoyed that.”
jay sighed and stepped out of the shower. he grabbed your clothes and handed them to you before he got dressed himself.
when you were dressed, he turned to you with a grin.
“how about you let me take you out on a real date?” you could tell he was nervous, his hands were shaking, could’ve been from the breathtaking orgasm he had not even two minutes ago, he was still out of breath, and when he tied his towel around his waist he failed twice before actually tying it.
you smiled, ready to tease him again, “are you asking me that because of the blowjob or because you like me?”
jay rolled his eyes, “because i like you, y/n. you know you don’t always have to be so difficult and demanding.” as he finished his sentence his towel fell down once again.
you couldn’t help but giggle, “well, you seem to like it when i’m demanding, you were moaning at my words not even 2 minutes ago.” you slowly walked up and him and ran a hand through his hair, “handsome boy.”
his dick hardened immediately as he watched her walk away. “goddamnit, y/n!”
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
all the cpn for wyb’s 27th birthday part two 🎉💕
oh hello there. we are now on part ii of this clowning session and i’m gonna just put this here because i think it speaks for itself. p1 is xz’s bday post from last year and p2 is bobo’s for this year. see the similarities? the composition of the shot, their silhouette and it’s like you can’t see anything for miles. they really have the same braincell. twin flames. i’m sure wyb must have much cooler shots of himself with all the places he’s been and what he’s done. why not him car racing? or photos from his time abroad? playing tennis? why this?
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and that emoji he used, it’s like yeah i’m cool and also joking with xz. look, my photo looks like yours from last year gege 😎
we don’t even have to try and reach that much, it’s literally in our face. it’s so szd!
now let’s look at the other much less obvious clues
the yibo-official short video. i was honestly expecting a photoset from them at 10 or 10:30 but i was wrong lol. i’m surprised they posted at 11:55, cause we are sensitive with 55. i have to say that it’s so cuteeee and i like the details that were magnified. also the probability of yibo spending his special day camping and enjoying himself is giving me so much joy! ^^
but who do we know also spent their bday last year camping? with his literal cake in a camping theme?
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i mean.. come on! why is it always them? 😂😂😂 there just too many coincidences. it has always been their thing but coming up as themes for this bday is next level.
what seems to be a snowy mountain at the back? 👀
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let’s add some more observations.
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the panther who seems to be singing and on a swing which is a nice addition! hahahahahaha! the panther is supposed to be cool but singing makes it more real. the cake with green and red and the body looks to be yellow? what a nice combination! the helmet inside the tent! that reminds us of when xz gifted wyb a helmet. and the photo of wei ruolai! it’s a common cpn that xz really likes the character of lai lai <3
EDIT: there are also 27 fallen leaves! 🍃 kinda like the 29 light bulbs in GG’s bday art before. this level of detail is something else!
lastly, i will talk about this tag. right now as of writing, it’s #3 on entertainment HS. which is really high considering we are competing with hundred flowers award and olympics tags.
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i don’t think this is the time to get technical on what age is who blah blah blah blah. it’s already there. i can see a certain group of people foaming at the mouth because of this, but if they are so angry, then maybe they can work harder in posting for the other bday tag. anyway, i see this one as a really sweet tag. it’s been years and both of them have come a long way. the same also applies to the the fandom. 💛
yibo will grow up slowly and appreciate his life, xz will always be there beside him 🌸
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
Brian/Hoodie, Toby, + Eyeless Jack with a chubby S/O
Brian, Toby, + EJ x Gender Neutral Reader (Separately)
[Anonymous Request]
Genre: Fluff + NSFW
Content/Warnings: NSFW but no smut, lots of body talk (all positive), so if that makes you uncomfortable be aware, oral sex (reader receiving), Toby likes to suck titties, Toby is very handsy 
A/N: i’m almost definitely projecting on this one cuz i have a chubby partner and i lub him🥺 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
Brian’s a pretty lanky lad, he’s built like stickbug 
So having a chubby S/O would be a WONDERFUL contrast for him!
His favorite thing is being able to use you as a human weighted blanket 
He cant fall asleep without you, not after that first snuggle session! Your presence is so warm and calming 
You’re just perfect for cuddles, especially spooning 
Any excuse he has to wrap his arms around you, he’s taking it, 100% 
Big bear hug with a playful squeeze to boot 
+ He’s asking you to sit on his lap any chance he gets 
Oh there are three other chairs you could use? But he loves you:( Sit with him:( He’s just a little guy:(
( (manipulatively) )
I’m sure we all know that finding plus sized clothes that are cute but not expensive as FUCK is way too hard, but that problem is completely out the window now 
Brian has mad sewing skills, so he can alter OR duplicate anything you’d like! 
(The only catch is he has to make/get a matching one for himself, this is non-negotiable, sorry) 
Of course, we can’t always be family friendly wholesome here 
Let’s just say he loves having so much soft, plush skin to grab onto 
This man is a head giving god, like ridiculously skilled 
And not only that, he really enjoys doing it. For him it can sometimes be more enjoyable than the actual sex part 
He looooves grabbing onto your thighs and hips while he eats you out, just grabbing handfuls of everything he possibly can 
He gets really into giving oral too, like closing his eyes and moaning and just giving it his all, completely invested 
He’s gripping on for dear life 
Don’t be surprised if you have bruises in the shape of his fingertips 
And if you’re feeling especially generous, make sure you squeeze his head with your thighs 
It’s his fave ❤️ 
Honestly this segment is gonna be pretty short 💀
Writing anything SFW for Toby is hard, he’s too much of a horndog 
He’s also a cuddle bug much like Brian, so a lot of those headcanons could apply to him 
He’s very tactile so he tends to be grabby, especially with your thighs and love handles 
Not even exclusively in a sexual way, a lot of the time it’s really just a sensory thing 
His hands just absentmindedly wander, and you just happen to be close by most of the time 
He’s not a big fan of anyone or anything laying on top of him at all since it makes him feel trapped, so he likes laying on top of you instead! 
It really helps calm him down after he gets hyper or upset 
Forgive me if this is a controversial take, BUT: 
Toby is a boobs guy 
And I don’t just mean breasts, I don’t just mean AFAB chests
Any sort of soft chest fat will do 
He’s using his mouth a loooot, sucking and biting and leaving little marks all over your chest and nipples 
And every chance he gets he will grab your chest 
You could be fully clothed doing something completely unrelated to him and if he walks by he’s slipping his hands under your shirt 
He’s grabbing everything tbh 
Once again, it’s a sensory thing that can wind up horny 
He loves your thighs even more than Brian does 
Thigh jobs are his fave ever, not only because your thighs are easy to get to at all times but because they’re so warm and soft and perfect!! 
And the entire time his wandering mitts are squeezing and groping every bit of skin he can get to 
Since EJ can’t exactly rely on his sight, he has to use his other senses, one of the most common ones being touch 
He can be touchy too, but not in the same way Toby is 
He doesn’t grab or squeeze or anything, he simply runs his hands over you, often over your clothes 
He likes feeling the softness and the curves of your body, just tracing his fingers over your hips and tummy 
Especially holding your face, rubbing his thumbs over your round cheeks and admiring your beauty in his own way 
He also headbutts like a cat when he wants attention, so don’t he surprised when you randomly feel his face against your stomach or leg 
If you really wanna show him love, let him lay on your chest while you scratch his head 
He likes to be able to listen to your heartbeat 
Jack has many animal like behaviors, one of those being kneading or ‘making biscuits’ like a cat 
If he’s kneading the soft skin of your stomach or thighs, that’s how you know he’s suuuuuper comfortable 
Like, as comfortable as he can possibly get 
Be prepared to be used as a pillow very often 
Jack is also good at giving head, but not in the same way Brian is 
He’s not as skilled or practiced, but you can’t go wrong with up to five squirming tentacle tongues working to get you off at any given time 
(Plus, he purrs, which basically turns his mouth into a vibrator) 
He also really enjoys fingering you, and will often use his hands and tongue at the same time 
Your insides are just so warm and soft, and he’s attracted to that heat 
He could get lost in your warmth and sweet taste 
He’ll run his hands gently over your body the entire time, and it’s certainly not unusual for him to knead during these sorts of activities 
He likes to lick you as well, and if you allow him to get a bit carried away, he’ll run his tongue up and down your body 
There’s just something about your plush skin and wonderful curves that completely captivate him in a way that nothing else can 
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fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
Speed Limit 2525
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Summary: When Tim Bradford goes head-to-head with a bomber, he finds himself on a bus carrying a bomb and you.
Warnings: spoilers for Speed (1994) (I think this qualifies as an AU/rewrite), angst, bombings, nightmares, death and fear of dying, teasing, fluff, a little make out scene at the end? basically every warning that applies to the movie and The Rookie. I also made up a story about "Reaper"
Word Count: 11.7k+ words
A/N: This isn't completely proofread, but I'll be back soon to check it. I hope you enjoy!🤍
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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Shoot him.
Tim doesn’t feel the trigger depress, only the hot desert air beating against his face. Though the trigger doesn’t move, a bullet rips through the barrel and into Tim’s only surviving squad member. He yells to warn his teammate, but no sound comes out. The wind is loud in the desert, yet the sound of Tim’s friend falling against the sand seems to echo for miles.
“Bradford,” the injured soldier coughs. “Wrong target, Reaper.”
Tim’s chest is tight with guilt and anxiety when he wakes. The sheets are wrapped tightly around his legs, and his shallow breaths distract him from freeing himself. Before he has time to orient himself, Tim’s phone rings and snaps him out of his post-nightmare, adrenaline-fueled state as he reaches across the empty pillow to answer it.
“Bradford,” he says.
“Get to the station as soon as you can,” Sergeant Grey demands. “Your Metro captain has me calling everybody in. We’re sending patrol units out, too. It’s gonna be a long day, Tim.”
Tim forgets about the nightmare and the memory within as he rushes to get ready. Tim’s tunnel vision focuses on work, and everything else fades away. Middle-of-the-night calls aren’t unusual, especially for a Metro Sergeant like himself, but this many officers getting a wake-up call is. Whatever is happening is big, and it doesn’t sound to Tim like it will be over any time soon. He makes it to the station in record time, and his commander is directing the other Metro officers when he enters.
“We don’t have time,” she says suddenly. “I’m running this force from here. Sergeant Grey will fill you in on the way. Get to the target location and stick together. Bradford, you’re with Temple!”
Tim nods as Harry Temple walks to his side. Harry was one of Angela Lopez’s first patrol partners, but he decided Metro was a better fit when the time to move forward in his career came along. Like Tim, he was in the Army before becoming a police officer, and he and Tim have some shared experiences. Neither of them is overly eager to bond over them, however.
“Do you know what’s going on?” Tim asks Harry as he turns on the lights and sirens in the shop.
“All I heard was ‘elevator,’” Harry answers. “I’m assuming they’re more to this than that.”
“Listen up,” Sergeant Grey says over the radio. “This is your official brief. When we roll up to the scene, we go straight in. No time for questions after we exit these cars. Fifteen people are trapped on an express elevator. The owner of the building is also inside. A bomb took out the cables, and our bomber is demanding three million dollars, or he blows the emergency brake, too. Cell phone service is spotty in the building, so we can’t rely on that to track anyone or anything.”
“Cell phone service is nonexistent in the elevator. A defensive move against trade secrets,” someone adds.
“What’s our clock, Sergeant?” Harry radios.
“He gave one hour when he called, which leaves us with twenty-eight minutes.”
“The only thing that’ll stop the elevator is the basement, right?” Tim adds.
“The city plans to avoid that. They’re working to release the money.”
Tim stops the shop beside the curb at the front of the building. He leaves the lights on as he and Harry remove their weapons from the back and meet the rest of their tactical team in the lobby.
“We can’t just unload them,” an officer says.
“The bomber wired the elevator doors and the hatch to trigger the bomb. So, he’s crazy, but he ain’t stupid,” Wade explains as he enters.
“Harry volunteers to examine the device,” Tim interjects. “He was on the bomb squad in the Army.”
Harry turns to glare at Tim as he says, “Right. And since Bradford also has Army experience, he’d like to provide a second opinion.”
“Fine,” Wade says. “You two check it out. Hey! Where’s the nearest access panel?”
“32nd floor,” a nearby employee answers on his way out. “It’s in the hall by the storage closet.”
“Report only. We’re in a holding pattern until we get word from your Commander back at the station. Confirm building evac and keep your radios active.”
“What about the other elevators?” Harry asks the employee.
“In an emergency, all passenger cars go to the nearest floor and shut down,” he says.
Tim frowns and moves his gun to his side. “Looks like we’re walking up the stairs.”
Harry nods before sprinting up the stairs behind Tim. Tim outpaces him but waits at the access panel for Harry to arrive with his small tool kit. He begins removing the nuts from the metal cover while Tim watches the hallway. Harry gives Tim a signal and Tim lifts the metal sheet. Light filters into the elevator shaft as Tim crawls through the opening and moves to the top of the elevator, where the bomb rests.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the L.A.P.D.,” Tim announces loudly. “There has been an elevator malfunction. Just relax and we’ll have you out of there as soon as possible.”
Harry looks up from the bomb and raises his hands in question.
“I didn’t lie,” Tim defends.
“I don’t recognize this work, Tim. Whoever our bomber is… he’s a pro and the work is solid,” Harry says.
“Bradford, Temple, hold position,” Wade radios. “We’re waiting to hear back from the bomber.”
Tim looks at his watch and muffles a curse. Their time is nearly out, and Tim continues to look at his watch rather than think about the lives in the metal death trap below his feet.
Harry sees the look in Tim’s eyes and decides to distract him. “Terrorist in a crowded room, five pounds of dynamite. He’s got a deadman’s stick. What do you do?”
“How close am I?” Tim asks, looking away from the elevator.
“Twenty feet.”
“Taser. He can’t let go with enough volts surging through him.”
“Alright, hot shot. Fifty feet?”
“Nice try.”
“Airport, then. Gunman with one hostage, using her for cover. He’s almost on a plane, you’re a hundred feet away.”
“Why is the hostage always a woman in these scenarios? Watch too many romcoms in the academy?”
“What do you do?” Harry repeats.
Tim kneels to examine the bomb once more and remembers his nightmare. Shoot him. He shakes his head before answering, “Shoot the hostage. Take her out of the equation, he can’t get to the plane, and I have a clear shot.”
“You are out of your mind, Bradford.”
“This is wrong,” Tim says suddenly. “He’s gonna blow it. How much do you think this elevator weighs?”
“Why? You wanna try to bench it?”
Tim doesn’t acknowledge the teasing as he adds, “We can do something about the hostages.”
“No shoot them, right?”
“Roof,” Tim reads as he points to a roof access sign. There’s a heavy-duty winch secured to the corner of the roof, and Tim runs to it as he says, “We don’t shoot them. Just take them out of the equation.”
Tim pulls the cable from the winch toward the elevator housing on the roof. He drops it in and watches it fall several feet before it catches.
“It’ll hold,” Tim tells Harry. “It’ll hold,” he repeats, quieter.
“Six minutes,” Harry alerts.
Tim throws his legs over the edge of the housing and lowers carefully onto the elevator cable. He hooks the winch hook to his tactical vest before moving down in the elevator shaft. Wade and the Metro team argue with the city council about releasing the money in the lobby, and no one has a clue that the shooter is listening to their radio frequencies. Without cell phones, they’re completely reliant on their radios to stay in touch with one another. Tim ignores his radio as he flips so he’s headfirst as he nears the trapped elevator.
“One more pop quiz,” Harry begins. “Psycho Sergeant Tim Bradford rigs an elevator to drop thirty stories. What do you do?”
Tim rolls his eyes before gesturing for Harry to hold the winch cable steady. A small pile of C4 waits beside his feet, but Tim ignores it as he secures the cable hook to the frame of the elevator.
“Why did I take this job?” Tim murmurs.
“Hey, a few more decades and you get a tiny pension and a free watch,” Harry answers.
“Hit the switch, Temple.”
Harry runs to the winch, hoping that the cables used to wash windows are strong enough to catch a free-falling elevator. He flips the switch, and the winch begins pulling in the cable. As the extra cable Tim pulled into the shaft begins unspooling, he moves up to the open access panel.
In the basement, a man missing a thumb presses a button on his handheld device. Instantaneously, a red light illuminates on the bomb. Tim sees it and throws himself through the access panel just before the bomb goes off. The passengers begin screaming, but the winch catches the falling elevator before it reaches the bottom of the shaft.
“What is happening, Bradford?” Wade asks, his concern evident over the radio.
“He’s early!” Harry yells as he returns from the roof.
“We have to get them out of the elevator. They can’t be lower than 28,” Tim exclaims.
When he and Harry meet the rest of their team on the 28th floor, they see that the elevator is stranded between floors. Only the floor is accessible from their current position, but there is no time to run up and down the stairs and look for the perfect access point. The elevator passengers lower to the floor and Tim and Harry pull people out one at a time. Tim pulls the last woman to safety seconds before the winch fails and the elevator plummets to the bottom of the shaft. After the sound of impact, Tim and Harry lean back against a wall and pant from the effort they exerted.
“Is your watch slow?” Tim asks.
“Nah. He jumped the gun,” Harry says with a shake of his head. “We had three minutes.”
“He blew more than the elevator. He blew his three million dollars. Why would he do that?”
“Maybe he decided it wasn’t worth it.”
Tim sits up as he declares, “He’s here.”
“He could have blown that thing from anywhere, Tim.”
“He knew we were doing something, that’s why he acted early. That means he’s close.”
“He’s not gonna corner himself in the building. The building we evacuated.” Harry leans his head back against the wall and thinks for a moment before he adds, “He’d want to be here, yes, but stay mobile… The elevators.”
“All of the passenger cars stopped, and we checked them.”
“Did we check the freight elevators?”
Tim’s eyes widen in realization as he and Harry push themselves to stand and run to the freight elevator doors. Once Tim pries the door open, he slides down the cable and lands on top of a car. Harry reluctantly follows and freezes when a noise echoes inside. Tim doesn’t notice Harry behind him as he prepares to enter the elevator. Before he can, a shotgun is fired between them, and Harry falls into the elevator. The man inside knocks him out with the butt of the shotgun, and Tim waits until the elevator moves up to drop in through the roof panel. As he lands, he looks up and sees a shotgun barrel in his face.
“I don’t suppose anybody would pay me three million dollars just for you,” the nine-fingered bomber muses.
He pulls the trigger, but the gun is empty. Tim removes his Glock from his side and demands the bomber lower the shotgun. He does so but opens his coat to reveal dynamite strapped to his chest and a deadman switch detonator in his hand.
“Hotshot,” the man begins. Tim’s jaw clenches as he realizes the man listened to their conversations over the radio, but he can’t say anything before the bomber says, “Terrorist holding a police hostage. He’s got enough dynamite to blow the building in half. What do you do?”
“Fifty cops are waiting for us in the basement,” Tim states.
“Standard flanking, I’m aware.” He presses a button on a device wired into the elevator controls. “So, maybe we’ll get off early.”
The elevator stops at a parking level, and Tim watches as the bomber pulls Harry toward the door. His eyes open slowly, and Tim keeps his eyes on Harry rather than the man pulling him.
“Well, end of the line, Bradford. This day has been a real disappointment, I don’t mind saying.”
“Why? Because you couldn’t kill everyone?” Tim asks.
“There will come a time, hotshot, when you will wish you’d never met me.”
“I’m already there.”
“Look! I have your partner, I’m in charge! I drop this stick and they clean us up with a sponge!”
“Go ahead!” Harry yells. “Drop the stick!” “Shut up!” Tim demands.
Harry looks at Tim and mouths, “Shoot the hostage.”
Shoot him. Wrong target, Reaper. Tim takes a deep breath and shifts his arms to shoot Harry in the leg. He collapses onto the floor, and the bomber steps back in shock before running into the garage. Tim steps over Harry to shoot behind the feeling suspect. As the man reaches the door, he looks over his shoulder to smile at Tim before he disappears. Tim can’t check on Harry as the garage explodes and the force pushes him back against the wall. As Tim collides with the concrete behind him, everything goes dark. And everything changes.
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After Harry’s unplanned and involuntary retirement party, Tim nearly oversleeps. His alarm pulls him from a dreamless sleep, and he winces at the sound before turning it off. Before he showers, he decides to go for a quick run to clear his head. Once he’s dressed and ready for the day, he drives to his favorite café. It’s one of the only places in Los Angeles where you can get a decent cup of coffee and breakfast without being surrounded by millennials working on their screenplays. Tim nods at another regular, Vince, as he enters.
“Hey, Tim. You look awful,” Bob, the owner of the café, says.
“Thanks, Bob,” Tim grumbles.
“Pretty boy party too hard?” Vince asks Tim.
“I- I don’t remember that well.”
“Wake up alone?”
“Always do.”
“Must be nice,” Bob interjects. “The last time I partied like that I worked up married.”
Tim shakes his head as he accepts his order and walks out behind Vince. He sets his coffee on top of his truck as he retrieves his keys from his pocket. Vince’s bus starts behind Tim and pulls away from the curb. Tim turns to wave at Vince before unlocking his door.
After it crosses the first intersection, the bus explodes. Tim stumbles as he looks toward the source of the noise. He runs to the bus as it rolls to a stop and fights against the flames to help Vince, but it’s too late. As Tim lays his hands on his knees in shock, he notices an abandoned cell phone lying on the sidewalk behind him. It rings continuously, and Tim doesn’t hesitate before he answers the phone.
“What do you think, Bradford?” the bomber from last month asks. “You think if you and Harry find all the driver’s teeth they’ll give you another medal?”
“Where are you?” Tim demands.
“Twenty-second delay. I’m in the air duct when the garage blows. Did you think I wouldn’t come prepared? I spent two years on the elevator job. Two years. I invested myself in it. You couldn’t understand the commitment I have. A child, Tim, you’re a child. You ruin a man’s life’s work and then think you can walk away. You’ve got blinders on, but I got your attention now. Didn’t I, Tim?”
“Why didn’t you just come after me?”
“This is about money – 3.7 million. Not you and your ego. None of it had to happen, Tim, and I hope you realize that. How long do you think the driver’s wife and kids will wait before they get worried tonight?”
“When I find you, I will kill you,” Tim threatens.
“There’s a bomb on a bus, hotshot. Once the bus hits fifty miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If the bus drops below fifty, it blows up. What do you do?”
Tim doesn’t answer but looks around for any sign of the suspect.
“What do you do?” he repeats.
“I’d want to know what bus it was,” Tim answers. He’s accepted the challenge and knows that it has to end with a death: either his or the bomber’s.
“You think I’m going to tell you that, Tim?”
“Very good.” The man sounds happy, and Tim presses a hand against a nearby wall to control his anger. “Now there are rules, Tim; we have to do this right. No one gets off the bus. One passenger leaves, I will detonate it. Now, if I don’t get my money by 11 a.m., there’s also a timer.”
Tim looks at his watch: 8:05 a.m. “I can’t pull that money in time-“
“Focus, Tim! Your concern is the bus. Don’t call, the radios are jammed. Number 2525, running downtown from Venice. At the corner of Lincoln and Pico…”
Tim drops the cell phone and runs to his car to follow the bus. The lives on that bus are in his hands, and he doesn’t plan to shoot any hostages today.
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“Please stop! Sam!” you yell as you chase your bus.
You don’t want to ride the bus, but since your most recent speeding ticket, it is your only mode of transportation. In the few weeks since your license was suspended, you’ve gotten to know the driver, Sam, and some of the regular passengers. You hope that camaraderie is enough to convince Sam to stop for you. The brakes on the bus squeal as it stops, and the door opens.
“This look like a stop to you?” Sam asks.
“You are an amazing man, Sam,” you say as you walk onto the bus. “The men in books and songs have nothing on you.”
You swipe your bus card and take a seat before saying hello to Ortiz, a regular passenger. Comfortable in your seat, and glad that none of the passengers are in a talkative mood this early on a weekday, you relax and hope to get your car back soon.
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Tim drives his truck in and out of traffic, onto the shoulder, and into the emergency lane as he tries to catch up with bus 2525. Other drivers honk their horns, flip him off, and yell insults through open windows, but Tim doesn’t notice or care. If he can stop the driver before it reaches 50, then the bomb will never activate. The only danger would be the man with the detonator.
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You look up as Sam slows for a traffic jam.
“Can’t you just drive over them?” you ask with a smile.
“Is it always like this?” a man asks from the back of the bus. “It’s my first time here, and it took me three hours just to get out of the airport.”
“Yep,” you answer. “It’s usually worse.”
“That’s why I never drive,” the woman behind you interjects. “I’d never have a car in this city.”
“I have a car. I miss my car,” you lament.
“In the shop?” the tourist asks.
“Something like that. Sam, seriously, the bus is huge, just run them over,” you say again.
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When Tim sees the bus has stopped because of a stalled car ahead, he sighs before he pulls onto the shoulder. He exits his truck and runs toward the bus, but the accident clears faster than he expected, and begins moving before he reaches the door. Hitting his fist against the side, Tim yells for the driver to stop.
“Can’t blame him for wanting to get on the bus,” you mutter as you watch him slap an open palm against the door.
“Get off the doors, man! Wait for the next one,” Sam yells before he speeds up.
Tim removes his badge from his pocket a moment too late. He continues chasing the bus, and you look down at your phone as the other passengers watch the unknown man run down the freeway.
Nearly half a mile from his truck and with no other option, Tim stops and waits at the edge of the road. He sees a speeding sports car approaching, and he moves into the middle of its lane and raises his badge.
“Stop!” Tim yells over the traffic.
The young man driving the car slams on his brakes to avoid hitting Tim. Several cars behind him blow their horns, and he raises to yell over the convertible’s windshield.
“What the-“
“L.A.P.D.,” Tim interrupts. “Get out of the car.”
“This is my car! It ain’t stolen and you have no right!” the driver argues.
Tim pulls his gun from its holster and says, “It’s stolen now. Move over.”
The man nods quickly before he jumps over the console and settles into the passenger seat. Tim sits behind the wheel and swerves into another lane as he ignores the owner’s pleas not to scratch the car. Tim drives the expensive, sporty convertible exactly as he had driven his truck, and the man in the passenger seat covers his eyes in fear for his car more than his life. As Tim steers the car beside the bus, he lays on the horn. Sam looks over and immediately recognizes him, and his eyes widen to prove it.
“I’m a cop!” Tim yells.
Sam lowers the window and raises his voice to ask, “What?”
“L-A-P-D!” Tim spells slowly. “There’s a bomb on your bus.”
“There’s a what?” Tim’s passenger exclaims.
“I can’t hear you,” Sam says.
“There’s a bomb on the bus!” Tim repeats.
Sam shakes his head, and Tim looks at the convertible’s speedometer. He’s over 50, so the bus must be, too.
“Drive!” Tim yells as he gestures for the bus to keep moving. “FIFTY! STAY ABOVE FIFTY!”
Sam nods rapidly and trembles a bit as he holds the speed steady. The commotion draws your attention, and you turn in your seat to watch the man who desperately needs a ride or is crazy.
“Call the Mid-Wilshire division station,” Tim says as he hands his phone to the man beside him. “Ask for Detective Angela Lopez.”
“Okay, okay.” The man speaks into the phone briefly before passing it back to Tim.
“Angela,” Tim says.
“Why are you calling me on your day off?” she asks. “Harry’s here, if you’re looking for him.”
“He’s alive.”
“The bomber! He’s back.”
“Harry!” Angela calls.
“Tim, did he hit the bus in Venice?” Harry asks as he approaches Angela’s desk.
“Temple,” Wade interrupts. “We just got a ransom demand from your dead terrorist. Says he rigged a city bus. Where’s Tim?”
“Where do you think?” Harry replies.
Tim ends the call and navigates around the back of the bus to drive alongside the door. Traffic is increasing with the morning rush, and he doesn’t want to risk getting stuck in another slowdown. He honks to get Sam’s attention, and gestures for him to open the door.
“Drive straight,” Tim directs him. “Stay in this lane.”
Sam agrees before Tim speeds up to get ahead of the bus. He opens the driver-side door and hits the brakes, so the bus rips the door off the car. Tim presses the accelerator again to catch up with the bus as he is yelled at by the owner of the car.
“Take the wheel!” Tim says.
Tim waits until the car’s owner moves back into the driver’s seat to jump into the open bus door and pull himself up the stairs.
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When the bus rips the door off a convertible, you finally look up. The man driving the car beside the bus is attractive, but you’re a little concerned for his mental well-being. Sam seems willing to help him, and you don’t understand why. When he jumps from the car and onto the bus, you stand and grip the bar above your head. He locks eyes with you before holding up a police badge.
“Everyone, I’m Sergeant Tim Bradford, L.A.P.D. We’ve got a slight… situation on the bus,” he explains.
“Are you crazy?” you ask.
“Ma'am, if you’ll please sit down, we can deal with this in an orderly-“
“But what are you-“
His tone and the look in his eyes convinces you, so you sit down as Tim walks toward the back of the bus and looks at the other passengers. You watch him move and wonder if he’s truly a cop or just insane.
“Just stay in your seats and remain quiet,” Tim says. “Then we’ll be able to defuse the, uh, the problem.”
A passenger you’ve spoken to before, Jay, leaps from his seat and points a gun at Tim.
“Jay!” you yell worriedly.
“Get away from me!” Jay demands.
Tim pulls his gun and matches Jay’s stance. Two women at the back of the bus scream, and you look between Tim and Jay from your seat.
“I don’t know you, I’m not here for you. Let’s not do this,” Tim says calmly.
“Stop the bus, Sam,” Jay calls.
“He can’t. Look, I’m going to put my gun away.” Tim holsters it slowly and raises his hands to show they’re empty. “I don’t care about what you did. It’s over. I’m not a cop right now. See? We’re just two guys on the bus.”
Tim tosses his badge to the floor beside your feet, and you look at it before raising your eyes to Jay again. You understand why he calmed down so quickly; Tim Bradford has a soothing voice, and his presence is assertive but caring. More importantly, you can relax now, because his badge looks real. Jay’s hands begin to lower, but your fellow passenger Ortiz jumps onto his back before Jay puts it away.
Tim rushes forward as Ortiz tries to pull the gun from Jay. A shot goes off, and everyone ducks before a second shot fires.
“Sam!” someone screams.
You turn toward the front of the bus before moving to help Sam. Tim disarms Jay with minimal effort while another woman joins your side.
“Move him,” you say.
“He’s bleeding,” the woman argues.
“We have to stop the bus!”
At your words, Tim spins quickly to face you.
“No!” he yells. “Stay above fifty.”
“Sam is wounded,” you begin.
“You slow down, and this bus will explode!”
Tim holds your eyes and nods slowly. He’s not kidding, you realize. Turning quickly, you look at the speedometer, which falls to 51. While Sam is still in the seat, you push your foot onto the gas pedal and watch the line rise above fifty.
Tim handcuffs Jay to one of the poles before he explains, “There is a bomb on this bus. If we slow down, it will blow. If anyone tries to get off, it will blow.”
The women on the bus surround Sam and help him get comfortable as they try to slow the bleeding. As they pull Sam from the driver’s seat, you slide into position and steer into another lane to keep the speed over 50.
“We’re only gonna make it through this if everyone stays calm, sits down, and listens to me,” Tim adds.
You don’t hear everything he says, with your complete focus on the road ahead and the speedometer on the dash. Your knuckles are white because of your grip on the wheel, and you don’t hear Tim approach behind you. He lays a hand on the headrest behind you and leans down.
“This is great. A bomb on wheels,” you muse sarcastically.
“Can you handle this bus, ma’am?” Tim asks.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s just like driving a big Toyota, right?”
“Can you handle it?”
“I’m fine. What’s the plan? Is there a plan?”
Tim nods and stands to his full height. He watches you take a deep breath before turning to the rest of the passengers.
“Everyone, I need your cell phones,” Tim announces.
“No way, man!” the tourist yells.
“There is a terrorist out there with a bomb, and I don’t need any of you live streaming or interfering with the radio signal he could be using to detonate a bomb. So, I will only say this one more time. Phones - and anything else with a cellular connection – now.”
The passengers nod and offer all of their cellular devices. Tim accepts an empty bag from a woman beside Sam and places everyone’s belongings inside. He returns to your side and removes his phone from his pocket.
“Do you have anyone you need to call?” Tim asks softly.
“No. I- I don’t want to think like that,” you answer.
“We don’t have to. Everything’s going to be okay. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
You nod and Tim lays a kind hand on your shoulder to add, “But I need your phone.”
“Oh, yeah. It’s- uh- it’s in my back pocket. Right side.”
Tim’s hand brushes your lower back as he pulls the phone from your pocket. He apologizes, though you can’t imagine why. You’ve only known Tim Bradford for a few minutes, but his words mean something, and you can only hope he keeps the promises he’s making.
“You’re a cop, right?” you ask.
“That’s right. Metro Sergeant,” Tim says. “But you can call me Tim if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Uh, no. Thanks, and you can stop calling me ‘ma’am’ while we’re at it. I just- I should probably tell you that I’m taking the bus because my driver’s license was suspended.”
“What for?”
Tim shakes his head and hides his smile before calling the station again. He leans forward, but keeps his hand beside you, to look at the news chopper circling above the bus.
“Lopez, it’s me. I took phones from all the passengers. Where do we start?” Tim asks.
“Alright. Harry and Wade are with me,” Angela replies.
“Check the speedometer, Bradford,” Harry says. “Has it been messed with? Any wires or anything that don’t belong?”
“Sorry,” Tim whispers as he leans in front of you to check the dash area. “No, it’s clean.”
“Then it’s gotta be under the bus. Probably rigged to one of the axles.”
“I can’t get under the bus to check right now. The whole you stop, you die thing. Remember?”
Tim doesn’t sound like he’s kidding; in fact, he sounds grumpier than when he first boarded, but his comment makes you laugh. He pats the back of your seat before turning.
“Sergeant Bradford,” Sam calls weakly. Tim kneels beside him to listen, and Sam stutters, “There’s a- an access panel… in the fl-floor.”
“Hold on, Angela,” Tim says into the phone.
He unscrews the panel and pulls it aside. The asphalt moves quickly under the bus, and Tim looks around before handing his phone to a passenger. You look up in the mirror above you to watch Tim briefly before returning your attention to the road.
“What’s your name?” he asks.
“Stephen. I’m a tourist,” Stephen introduces.
“Welcome to the City of Angels. Hold my phone, please. Tell my partner what I see.”
Stephen nods and raises the phone to his ear as Tim moves so he can see under the bus. He takes a deep breath; Tim knows a bit about bombs from his time in the Army, but it’s Harry’s expertise.
“Okay, there’s a bundle here,” Tim yells over the wind. “Pretty big.”
“There’s a pretty big bundle,” Stephen relays.
“Brass fittings. I think I can reach the circuit wire.”
“He can reach the circuit wire- No, don’t do that, Sergeant Bradford. It can be a decoy, he says. What else?”
“Hold on,” Tim murmurs before moving further underneath the bus. He sees the extent of the bomb and pulls himself back up to take the phone. “Angela, Harry, there’s enough C4 on this bus to take out everyone on the highway. There’s a wristwatch: gold band, cheap.”
You look back at Tim quickly before inhaling sharply. “Sergeant,” you call.
“What do you think, Harry?” Tim asks.
“Bradford!” you yell into the bus speaker.
Tim moves to your side and places a hand on the dash to lean forward. His face is right beside yours, and you wish you were nervous because of him and not the bomb underneath you.
“Everybody’s stopping,” you point out. “What do I do?”
“Get on the shoulder.”
“This is an exit!”
Tim flinches as you sideswipe several cars.
“Off. Get off!” Tim yells.
You nearly miss the ramp and pull the wheel to the right to merge onto another road. Honking the horn and yelling for people to get out of the way, you take a deep breath. At least you’re off the freeway. Tim tells you to keep driving as he answers his phone again.
“Where?” he asks. “Got it.”
“Do I stay here?” you inquire.
“Yes. Just straight on this, they’re trying to clear the roads for us.”
“I’m never getting my license back, am I?” you grumble.
“The police commissioner will buy you a car if you ask,” Tim says quietly. “You’re doing well, okay? Don’t worry about anything else.”
You nod and return both hands to the wheel. Tim removes the flannel shirt he’s been wearing, leaving him in a white t-shirt, and drapes it over the back of your seat. Your eyes catch on his biceps before you chide yourself for getting distracted.
One of the phones in the bag rings, and Tim yells, “Who didn’t turn their phone off?”
No one is willing to admit their fault or doesn’t want to risk dealing with Tim’s wrath and ending up like Jay where he sits on the floor. Tim digs through the bag and pulls the ringing phone out. The number is one he recognizes, but he hesitates before answering.
“Taking their phones was smart,” the bomber says as the line connects. “2525… nice passengers, aren’t they? See, that’s the beauty of being in this day and age. I know everything about everyone on that bus. So, if you or your little girlfriend, or even the tourist from Kalamazoo try to double-cross me…”
“The bus explodes,” Tim interjects. “I’m aware.”
“What’s with the attitude, Tim? You’re seeing one of the prettiest places in the world, riding a bus for free… Oh, no, I know. Can’t shoot a hostage that makes that cold heart beat again, huh?”
“What do you want?”
“You know what I want! 3.7 million dollars. I get the money, and then we can both get what we want.”
“You don’t know what I want.”
“I know what you don’t want. Tell your girlfriend to keep her eyes on the road.”
The call ends and Tim raises the cell phone in his hands. “He knows who is on this bus.”
“How?” Ortiz asks.
“Your bus passes, your phones, both, maybe. Look, one of the conditions of our survival is that no one gets off the bus. If he knows who you are, then we are even more obligated to keep that promise.”
“You didn’t even try to get us off the bus!” Jay accuses.
“Because he would have blown it. I understand what you are feeling, but I need you to trust me, trust the L.A.P.D., and work with me on this.”
“Tim is this your team?” you ask over your shoulder.
A police car pulls into the lane in front of you as several more flank the sides of the bus. The road clears around them, but more news choppers are joining the airspace above you.
Tim nods and looks at you. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. What happens now, though?”
“My teammates are working on it. We’ve got gas and open road, so keep driving.”
“Is it- can I be okay and really nervous at the same time?”
“I’d be more concerned if you weren’t nervous.”
“You don’t look nervous.”
“My friend Angela says I never look anything; thinks I can’t show emotion because I can’t feel them.”
“Is it true?”
Tim looks at you and lowers to squat beside you. “No, it’s not.”
“How’s Sam?”
“The driver? He’s gonna be alright. Thanks to you.”
Someone calls for Tim, and he squeezes your shoulder reassuringly as he stands. You glance at him in the mirror as he returns to the access panel. A police helicopter drops to fly above you, and you wonder what the news stations and police officers know or think about the situation. The bus begins losing speed as you steer around a curve, and when you try to speed up again, you realize something is wrong.
Back at the station, Harry and Angela work with Wade and a bomb expert to search for a way to disarm the bomb and for their suspect. Harry has a description of the bomber, but there’s only so much they can learn about the bomb without seeing it.
“Sergeant Bradford!” you cry as you press the gas again.
“What?” Tim asks with wide eyes. You were calling him Tim, and your sudden change of formality and tone concern him.
“The gas pedal’s stuck.”
“What else can go wrong?” Tim asks under his breath. “Move your foot.”
You pull your foot from the pedal and steer as Tim presses his leg against yours to slam his foot down against the pedal. It doesn’t move, and the speedometer dips closer to fifty. Tim moves his hands to cover yours on the steering wheel and moves his leg between yours to try a new angle. You’re close to him, but the fear of dying keeps you from enjoying it in any way. He pushes the pedal again and his shoulders drop.
“There,” he announces as he steps back.
You take the wheel back and press the accelerator down again. The bus gains speed and you catch up to the police car before you.
“Lopez, talk to me,” Tim greets as he answers his phone again.
“You’ve got a hard left coming up,” Angela says. “Really hard.”
“Hard left up ahead,” Tim tells you.
“We’ll tip!” you argue.
“Who is that? Your driver?” Angela inquires.
“We’re not going to tip,” Tim says.
“Yes, we are!”
The curve in the road comes into view, and Tim suddenly agrees, “We’re going to tip.”
He leaves your side to move everyone onto the right side of the bus. The weight distribution keeps the bus from tipping, but as Tim helps you pull the wheel as hard as possible to make the turn, you forget why you were concerned. His presence is the only thing keeping you calm, and you wish he could just sit beside you the whole time.
“Angela, get those news crews off our tail!” he yells over the cheers of the passengers.
You look in the mirror beside you. The news crews must have arrived recently because you didn’t notice them before.
“On it. Harry’s working with the bomb squad. Keep it fifty,” Angela responds.
“Don’t try to make that a thing, Lopez,” Tim says before he ends the call.
“Hey, who’s doing this?” you ask Tim.
“The bomber? He’s just a guy who’s angry with me for foiling his last bombing attempt,” Tim explains.
“So, he’s trying again? Using you to get whatever it is he wants?”
“More or less.”
“What if you stop him again?”
“We do this again tomorrow. Until one of us dies trying.”
“That won’t work.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m not available to drive tomorrow.”
Tim nods but doesn’t reply before a flatbed truck merges into the lane beside the door. His Metro captain and two officers are on the back, and the driver blows the horn to get his attention. Tim opens the door and moves out of the door to talk to them. You can’t hear much but suspect that they want to get the hostages off the bus, which Tim already said was impossible. Your sudden and unbending trust in him should probably concern you, but you will do anything and everything he tells you, even if that means staying on a bus with a bomb on it.
“He called the station looking for you,” an officer announces.
“Why? He has my cell,” Tim says.
“Maybe it died.”
“Just give him my number again! And keep looking; find this guy so we can move these people.”
Tim steps onto the main platform again and closes the door.
“Are they going to help us?” the woman holding Sam’s head up asks.
“Sure, they will. They’re the police,” someone jokes.
Another phone rings in the bag, and Tim pulls your phone out this time. He hadn’t thought to turn yours off because he was concerned about you and wanted to make sure you could drive like the bus needed to be driven.
“Hello?” he answers.
“Tim, you know I trust you. But it looks to me like you’re trying to move passengers off the bus,” the bomber says.
“I need one as an act of faith,” Tim argues. “The driver has been shot.”
“You shot another hostage?”
“He’s dying! If you want your money, show a little charity.”
The line is quiet for a moment before the bomber says, “Fine. You can try to get the driver off. I have more people to kill. Tell your girlfriend behind the wheel not to slow down or he won’t get a chance to bleed out.”
“We’re getting the driver off,” Tim announces after returning your phone to the bag. “Just him for now.”
Ortiz moves out of the seat to help Tim move Sam to the door and onto the truck.
“Get as close as you can,” Tim says. “A little closer.”
The side of the bus hits the truck and swerves, and you rush to apologize.
“It’s okay.” Tim says your name, and you know that he means what he says. “Perfect! Hold it steady!”
You sigh as Tim walks past you again after getting Sam to safety, but then you see a woman walking toward the door. The officers on the truck reach out to help her, unaware of what will happen if she steps off the bus.
“No!” you yell.
“I have to,” she responds.
“No! Don’t get off! Stop!”
An explosion echoes through the bus as the steps fall out and go underneath the bus. The female passenger disappears after she falls with the debris, and you look away quickly as Tim falls forward trying to catch her.
“You’ve got to get those choppers out of here!” Tim yells to his captain. “He’s watching!”
The bus is silent as Tim stands up and waits beside you. With your eyes on the road, he doesn’t see the tear that leaks out. When the passengers start arguing behind you, your grip on the wheel tightens.
“Hey!” Tim calls as he turns to face them. They silence, and he moves his attention to you. “How are you doing?”
Tim steps forward, sees the tears covering your face, and squats with an arm behind you. “What can I do?”
His voice is softer than when he yelled at the men behind you, and you can’t lie to him.
“I thought that was the bomb. When I heard it… I thought everything was over. But then I saw her fall under the bus, and-“
“You’re glad you’re still alive,” Tim finishes.
“I’m so sorry. Does that make me a terrible person?”
“No. It doesn’t mean you don’t care. We’re still alive, and we’re all allowed to be thankful for that. The guy who put us here? He’s a terrible person. Don’t think that you’re a bad person. You’re not.”
“Tim,” you say before pointing to his Captain, who is waving for his attention.
“There’s a gap in the freeway. It’s big. We have to get these people off, Tim,” he says.
“You know I can’t, Captain.”
“Tim?” you ask as he walks past you. “What’d he say?”
“There’s a gap in the road,” Tim tells everyone.
“How big is a gap?” Ortiz asks.
“50 feet, a couple of miles ahead,” Tim says.
“Tim?” you repeat. “What if I shift down and just keep the engine revving?”
“He thought of that… Floor it.”
“There’s an interchange, maybe there’s an incline. Just floor it.”
“Everyone keep your heads down.”
The police car leading you falls off the side, but you continue driving toward the unfinished overpass. The needle on the speedometer nears 70, and Tim waits beside you. As you approach the end, Tim yells for everyone to hold on. He puts his arms around you and pulls your head down with his. You feel weightless for a moment, grounded only by his arms around you before the bus collides with the other side of the interchange. Looking up over Tim’s arm, you see more road ahead and press the gas again, so you don’t slow down.
Your forehead begins to burn and hurt, and you press your palm against your temple as the people behind you cheer. Tim checks on everyone before returning to your side, and he immediately realizes that you’re in pain. He moves your hand and presses the bottom of his shirt to your head. It’s stained with blood when he pulls his hand away, and you grimace at the idea of a wound on your head.
“Get off here!” Tim calls suddenly.
“Yes! Get off!”
You obey and soon enter the Los Angeles International Airport. Tim gives you directions to an emergency runway and explains that you can simply drive here. Without traffic or road closures, the only concern is staying above fifty.
Being in restricted air space is also a bonus, and you notice that the news helicopters are hovering at a distance. Tim seemed concerned about the presence of news cameras, so maybe the location will also keep the bomber from knowing exactly what is happening.
“Yeah?” Tim asks as he answers his phone.
“The airport. Well done. You had some close calls, but you did well, Tim,” the bomber says.
“What do you want?”
“My money. Help me get it before it’s too late, will you? The negotiators think I’m doing this for fun?”
“Are you not?”
“Oh, now you think you know me too?”
“I know you want money you didn’t earn. More than you deserve.”
“I did earn it! I got a medal, too, you know.”
“Let me off. If you want my help, I need to explain that you’re not bluffing. Just me.”
“Alright. But you have to come back. I can see everything; remember that.”
Tim ends the call and slides his phone back in his pocket.
“There’s a plan now?” you ask.
“Maybe. He’s letting me off,” Tim says.
“Hey, don’t forget about us,” you call as he steps off the bus and onto an SUV. “He’ll be back,” you promise the others.
While you circle the airport runways, Tim works with the other officers he told you about to find a way to disarm the bomb. Ortiz walks to your side and looks out at the airport.
“Ortiz?” you ask.
“He’s not coming back, I’m telling you,” he says.
“He didn’t have to get on in the first place. Hey, get behind the yellow line.”
Ortiz looks down and takes on short step back. “You let the cop up here.”
“What is that?” Stephen asks as he joins Ortiz.
“I have no idea,” you answer as you look at Tim standing on the back of a truck covered in machinery. It pulls over in front of you, and Tim lowers onto a cart attached to a winch, and you mutter, “I was right. He is insane.”
“How’d they get that so fast?” Stephen asks under his breath.
You focus more on driving in a straight line as Tim disappears under the front of the bus. He looks up at you just before he disappears, and you nod once. Knowing that he’s under the bus makes you more nervous to drive than you have been at any other point today. Driving in a straight line at the airport is more stressful because Tim is underneath a moving vehicle and touching a bomb. You know he has friends and colleagues who are helping him, but you feel more than a need to survive when you look at Sergeant Tim Bradford.
The winch on the truck releases suddenly, and the cable unfurls.
“Check and see if he came out the back!” you demand. “Can you see him?”
“He’s not back here!” Ortiz calls.
“Look under the bus! Back by the tires!”
“I don’t see him.”
The winch cable snaps and the back tire bounces over something. You press a hand over your mouth in shock, and Ortiz runs to the back access panel.
“Please tell me he’s alright!” you yell. “Do you see him?”
“I see him!” Ortiz responds. “He’s alright!”
You look back and forth between the empty runway and the back of the bus. Ortiz and Stephen pull Tim up onto the bus, and you can’t decide whether to be angry or relieved with him. Tim thanks Ortiz before walking to your side.
“How are you?” he asks.
“You scared me!” you accuse. You slap his vest to express your displeasure before hissing in pain. “What’s that smell?”
“Gas. We have a new leak.” “You caused a leak?”
“It was that or get run over. You can see the difficulty I had choosing.”
“Don’t try to be funny right now. I thought I killed you.”
“I’ll ask my captain to get a fuel truck.”
“Will it work?”
“I don’t know.”
“You’re not exactly comforting, you know that?”
“You just hit me and now you want comfort?”
You sigh and look at him again before saying, “Thank you, Tim.”
“Just doing my job… ma’am.”
Tim stays beside you while Harry and a S.W.A.T. team infiltrate the house listed on the bomber’s records. He was surprised by how quickly they found his identification, but now that they have the element of surprise, he hopes that this game is almost over.
 When he gets another call, you can only see the anger in his eyes as he listens to the person on the other end. The bomber tells Tim that Harry and the S.W.A.T. team walked right into his trap. You watch him and can only wonder what is making him so mad. His life is in danger, but something is capable of pushing him even further, it seems.
“I’m going to rip your spine out. If you know as much as you think you do, you know I can,” Tim threatens lowly.
“Oh, I do, Reaper. That’s why you should do what you’re told. You and I both know you can’t do it without Harry and his ability to follow a cheap watch, anyway. Get me my money and it’s over. Otherwise, you, lumberjack-ie, and the others are dead. Got that?”
“Yeah,” Tim says after a moment. “Howie.”
The bomber hesitates at the mention of his real name but doesn’t let it stop him. Tim listens to Howard Payne’s demands before ending the call. Tim turns around and kicks where the stairs used to be before pulling against the handrail in his anger. You try to get his attention over his yelling, but it falls on deaf ears.
“Tim! Please!” you try again. “I can’t do this without you. Please.”
Tim slows his movements before gripping the rail beside you. His jaw is clenched as he looks at you, but your pleas soften his eyes.
“Please stay with me,” you whisper.
“We’re going to die,” he says.
“No. You got us this far, right?”
Tim leans against the dash beside you and looks at you. His shirt is still behind you. Lumberjack-ie. Your little girlfriend.
“Lumberjacks wear flannel, right?” Tim asks.
“Uh, yeah. As far as I know,” you answer. “Why?”
“He can see you.”
“Keep looking straight ahead.”
You turn your face to the windshield and watch the runway as Tim examines the top of the bus. He sees the camera at the top of the windshield and shakes his head.
“He said, ‘your girlfriend behind the wheel’ and ‘lumberjack-ie’. I didn’t even realize. There’s a camera in your face. He can see the whole bus.”
“He can see me, but can he hear me?” you ask.
“Doesn’t seem like it.”
“Bus cameras can’t be very high-tech, Tim. Can’t your people get it on a loop or something?”
“You’re brilliant,” Tim murmurs before pushing himself off the dash and to his feet. “Guys, there’s a camera over my left shoulder. I need everyone to sit still. No big movements, no talking, just look concerned and sit still.”
He calls his captain and asks for someone to approach the news trucks at the fence to end the live broadcasts and use their equipment to make a video loop. His captain agrees and texts Tim with an update that the reporters are cooperating.
“Remember, stay relatively still. Just look scared,” Tim reminds everyone.
“That won’t be hard,” Ortiz grumbles.
Tim leans beside you while the video is being recorded. You drive in silence for a minute before noticing the blinking red light on the dash.
“Tim,” you whisper. “Look.”
“Cap, roll the tape. We need fuel,” Tim says into his phone.
“We only have a minute recorded. That won’t convince him, we need more footage” Wade argues.
“No time. Get these people off before this bus runs out of gas.”
“Fuel tanker is running behind. Driver said big rigs need radio signals, and they’re still jammed. Crazy not stupid, right?”
“Now what?” you ask Tim. “Are you tired of that question yet?”
“I’d like an answer to it,” he replies. “Get alongside this bus, okay?”
You nod and drive steadily alongside an LAX passenger bus. Tim’s team lays a wooden board between the bus doors and helps people cross to safety. You listen to Tim encourage the passengers across and are glad he was the cop who got on the bus today. The rear tire blows out suddenly, and you pull the steering wheel back to the middle and yell for Tim to come help.
Tim falls on his way back to the front of the bus, but when he reaches you, he moves his arms across you to pull the wheel.
“Use this to hold down the gas pedal,” he says.
You take the device from his hand and lower it into place. Tim steps back to tie the steering wheel to the floor of the bus, and you steer to keep the bus straight while he works. The moment it’s secure, he pulls you to your feet and tells you to get on the metal access panel.
“I can’t do this,” you argue.
Tim raises his hands to either side of your neck and brushes his thumbs along your skin as he promises, “Yes, you can. I’m right here with you.”
You swallow nervously and nod before sitting on your escape route, a thin piece of metal that Tim moved with no problem. Tim moves to lay over you, and he wraps an arm around your waist as you hide your face against his shoulder.
“I got you,” he promises once more.
The bus turns and the access panel cover falls out of the bottom. You clutch Tim tightly as the metal door slides across the runway and into a nearby patch of dirt. He sits up and watches the bus slow as it nears a plane but doesn’t let go of you. Just before the bomb detonates, Tim pulls you down again and lays over you to protect you from any debris. Sirens echo in the distance, and you wrap your arms around Tim’s back.
“Are you alright?” he asks again.
“No,” you answer, your first honest answer of the day. “Oh, I hate the airport.”
Tim moves to your side but keeps an arm around your shoulder as he looks into your eyes.
“You can’t get mushy on me. You can’t show emotion, remember?” you tease.
“I think I might be able to after all.”
“Relationships that start like this never last. It’s just the high-stress, adrenaline pumping, all that.”
“Oh, yeah? Well, maybe we can change that.”
“Uh, I think your friends are here.”
Tim looks up but doesn’t move as Angela and Wade exit a police car and run toward him.
“I was worried about you,” Angela says. “And here you are.”
“I’m sorry about Harry,” Tim offers. “I wish we could have changed it.”
“You good?” Wade asks. “’Cause I might be a nice guy and let you take the rest of the day off.”
“And stop worrying about what we could have done differently. You saved a lot of lives today, Timothy,” Angela adds.
“A day off sounds like a good deal,” you murmur.
Tim shakes his head before introducing you to Detective Angela Lopez and Sergeant Wade Grey. When he finally stands and sees the scrapes and gashes littering your skin, he forces you to let a paramedic treat you. Tim follows you to the ambulance but hangs back to talk to Angela. He’s lost a partner before, too, and knows what it’s like.
“I’m sorry for bringing everyone into this. Howard could have just come for me,” Tim concludes.
“I appreciate everything,” Angela responds. “But, you’re going to the hospital, too. Is that Chen?”
Tim turns quickly and sees Lucy running toward the police cruiser parked behind the ambulance.
“Sergeant Grey!” she yells. “We’ve got Payne on the line, and he wants to know when he’s getting his money. Whoa, Tim, are you alright?”
“He doesn’t know,” Tim says. “He doesn’t know the bus exploded.”
“Tell him thirty minutes,” Wade alerts all the nearby officers.
“Stay in the ambulance,” Tim tells you.
“But I-“
“Ma’am, stay in the ambulance.”
You nod and climb into the ambulance after refusing help from the paramedics. They continue bandaging a cut on your leg as Tim climbs in.
“I need to make a quick stop on the way to the hospital,” he tells the driver.
“Where?” she asks.
“The drop spot. Pershing Square.”
The driver reluctantly agrees, and you watch Tim as she drives. He demands you stay in the ambulance until he returns, and you agree but don’t mean it. You’ve been beside Tim for most of the morning, and you neither remember how to be away from him nor do you want to. You stand on the sidewalk beside the ambulance and watch people move around you. It’s another normal day for them, but your life will never be the same after today.
“Miss, you can’t stand here, you need to move back,” an older officer says as he grabs your shoulders.
“Oh, I’m waiting for Tim-“
“Tim Bradford, yes. He asked that I move you out of harm’s way.”
“But he told me to stay here.”
His hold on your shoulders tightens as he says, “And I’m telling you to move.”
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“Payne is late,” Angela complains.
“He’s not late,” Tim says. “He’s never late.”
“Two hundred cops are watching that sculpture, plus a tracker in the bag. He hasn’t been here,” Wade explains.
“Turn on the tracker,” Tim requests.
“What for?”
“Just do it!”
Wade presses a button on the laptop before him, and the blinking light of the tracker travels across the screen.
“He’s got the money,” Angela says.
Tim runs out of their hiding spot and to the drop spot. He pushes the art installation over and kicks it when he sees the opening in the sidewalk beneath it. As he drops into the defunct subway system, he sees someone walking farther into the tunnel and pulls his gun.
“L.A.P.D. Freeze!” he yells.
The person stops, and he aims at their head before saying, “Pop quiz. Someone has a clear shot at your head. What do you do?... Turn around.”
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“If you don’t do it, I’ll kill Tim Bradford,” Howard Payne threatens as he secures a vest covered in dynamite around your chest. “What are you going to do?”
“Wait- wait for him to come in and walk away. Then I listen to you,” you answer shakily.
“Perfect. Maybe you two can have your happily ever after all. You say one word that I don’t like and you’re both dead.”
Howard disappears down the subway, and you bite your bottom lip to refrain from crying or screaming for help. Tim may shoot you, no questions asked, but at least he will be safe. When you hear something crash above you and sunlight infiltrates the dark staircase before you, you take a deep breath and begin walking away.
Tim’s voice doesn’t carry the same comforting words or soothing lilt as in the bus, but you still recognize it and want to hear it as he yells at you.
“Turn around!” he demands.
You turn slowly and can see the moment Tim realizes he’s pointing his gun at you.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper.
The apology echoes off the concrete walls as Tim lowers his weapon. You don’t see or hear him, but you can feel the change when Howard appears behind you.
“Be prepared!” Howard says as he walks up the stairs behind you and raises the detonator, a deadman’s switch. “What are you gonna do, Tim? I don’t think you can shoot this hostage.”
“Let her go,” Tim demands as he points his gun at Howard.
“I don’t think I’m going to do that. Move the money,” he tells you.
You transfer the money from the L.A.P.D. bags and into Howard’s duffel bag as Tim yells at him to let you go.
“You don’t need her!” Tim adds.
“I will let go,” Howard threatens as he moves the detonator switch. “You don’t get it, Tim. Do you know what a bomb that doesn’t explode is? It’s the cheap, gold watch they gave me after I lost a finger and a life to my country.”
“You’re crazy.”
You push yourself against the wall as you listen to their exchange, but you keep your eyes on Tim rather than the bomb just below your chin. Howard demands you take his money and enter another part of the tunnel system and you know that you’re going to obey because he’ll kill Tim if you don’t. You tear your eyes from Tim and walk exactly where Howard leads you.
As you enter a crowded stop, Howard fires several shots into the concrete ceiling as you drop your head and cover your ears. The subway passengers waiting for the next train flee in terror as you try to get away from Howard. Tim can’t be far behind, but when you’re pushed into a subway car, you’re tempted to think that no help is coming. Howard handcuffs your hands around a pole before the subway lurches into motion.
At the back of the subway, Tim struggles to pry a set of doors open before he falls into the car. He moves strategically through the empty rows of seats with his mind on you and ending this game with Howard Payne once and for all.
The subway conductor reaches for his radio, and Howard forces the deadman switch into your hands and tells you to hold it. He turns his back on you and kills the conductor as you struggle to move away.
“Look, you won. You beat Tim, you beat everybody, you can just throw me off the train. I don’t care,” you plead.
“You see this stick? When you explode, the police will come there. But that’s not where I’ll be, so I get more time. I promise it won’t hurt,” Howard replies as he pulls the detonator away from you.
A series of dull thuds echoes, and Howard looks up quickly. He smiles, and it makes your stomach flip.
“Hey, Tim. Is that you?” he asks. “He’s so persistent. Wouldn’t be able to interest you in a bribe, would I, hotshot?”
Howard kneels and opens the duffel bag full of cash. You watch as a dye pack explodes in his face and paints his money purple. In his anger, he fires bullets into the roof, and you drop to the floor as Tim rolls out of the line of fire. Howard runs through a door, and you can only listen as he climbs onto the roof and begins struggling against Tim.
Howard has the deadman stick in his hand and can kill you by moving a centimeter to the left or right, but you’re more worried about Tim with every noise against the roof. You stay low on the pole you’re cuffed to, twisting your wrists and manipulating your fingers as you try to slip free. The struggle above you silences suddenly, and you watch the door nervously.
“Tim!” you call when he rushes in. “Tim. Where’s Payne?”
“Uh, he lost his head. Turn around,” Tim says.
You circle the pole, and Tim rips a wire free before loosening the straps of the vest.
“Let’s take this off,” he says before pulling the vest away from your chest.
“Tim, can you hear me?” someone asks through the driver’s radio. “This is Wade. Listen, the track isn’t finished.”
“What else can go wrong?” you murmur.
“Wade, I copy,” Tim radios.
“Do you copy? Try the emergency brake.”
“I copy!” Tim tries again before throwing the radio down.
He steps to the right and hits the emergency brake. After the train doesn’t even slow, he begins hitting other buttons, but nothing happens.
“None of this works!” he exclaims as he hits the control board.
He turns away from the useless machinery and returns to you. When he notices the handcuffs holding you in place, he slows.
“You can uncuff me and we can get off,” you say with an exaggerated nod.
“I don’t have a key,” Tim replies.
“You don’t have…”
You trail off and look at the handcuffs. If only you could slip your hands through them, you think. Tim begins pulling and kicking the pole as you try again to pull your hands through the metal cuffs. He pauses and lays a hand against your arm to look at how tight the cuffs are.
“Help me pull,” you grunt as you lean your weight back against the restraints.
“No, no,” Tim says quickly as he pulls you forward. “You’re just hurting yourself.”
You stand still and see a bead of blood running down your fingers. As you stare at it, Tim walks to a map on the wall. He remembers the nightmare again; a series of bad memories that end with him, “the Reaper,” standing alone in the desert before being rescued and awarded a medal. As he searches for a way to save you, Tim decides that he will never shoot the hostage again, and he won’t leave you behind, even if that means dying with you.
“Tim, please just go,” you beg.
“There’s a curve ahead. I can make it jump the track.”
“Tim! Sergeant Bradford!” Tim turns to you, and you repeat, “Get off this train. You can still jump. Tim, please. Please.”
Tim ignores you as he returns to the controls and increases the train’s speed. You slide your hands down the pole as you sit on the floor, and Tim walks silently to your side. He leans in beside you, and you raise your arms to wrap around his neck as you lean your head against his. He moves his arms around the pole to circle you and holds you tight as the train picks up speed.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper just before the lights go out.
The train car hits something and spins, but Tim tightens his arms around you. With every bump and move of the subway, you become more convinced that you’ll never get out of this position. Light enters the windows as you crash through something, and the car flips onto its side as it lands on asphalt. The impact loosens the pole, and you fall onto Tim, whose grip on you doesn’t waver for a second. As the car slides to a stop, you squeeze Tim and take a deep breath.
“You didn’t leave me,” you say before forcing yourself to open your eyes.
Tim cradles the back of your head before moving his hands to your back. You lean up gently and look into his eyes again.
“I told you to leave me!”
“I didn’t have anywhere to be just then. Rest of the day off and all,” Tim responds before pulling you down against him.
He kisses you, and you’re surprised that it is more than adrenaline. The kiss is more than a relief to be alive, and you want to feel Tim Bradford at your side every day for the rest of your life (which would have ended today if not for him). You move your hands to Tim’s short hair as you return his kiss. It’s relief, joy, love, and passion in a single touch. When Tim begins breathing heavily against you, you move up.
“I’ve heard relationships that start during intense situations like this never work,” Tim says.
“Oh,” you sigh. “Then I guess we’ll be the first.”
“Whatever you say, ma’am.”
Glass rains down on you as you kiss Tim again, and though your day went nothing like you thought it would, it’s now the best day of your life. Tim helps you stand as his team approaches the scene, and you stop him before you exit the car.
“You know if this was a movie, they’d make another one where the same thing happens again, right?” you say softly.
“We’re never taking public transportation again,” Tim states.
“Yeah. Hey, where is the truck you were driving this morning?”
Tim hesitates and tightens his arm around your waist before turning away to yell, “Chen! I need you to do something for me.”
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the-witchhunter · 6 months
I’ve had an interesting thought swimming around my head that I swear I’ve been meaning to write
You know what would be an interesting combination of characters?
Jazz and Harvey Dent/TwoFace
Specifically a Dent just getting back on his feet, released from Arkham and trying to learn how to exist in the world with his condition
I’m thinking a reveal gone wrong, Danny has disappeared to ancients know where, so Jazz cuts ties and Stays with her Uncle Dent, or maybe her bio dad if that’s more your game. Just an soaking wet and miserable Jazz showing up at his crappy apartment saying she’s his daughter or niece and him resisting the urge to flip a coin because he has enough on his plate as is, only to let her in telling her they’ll talk about it in the morning and point her to the shower so she can clean up and dry off
Why do I think this would be an interesting combo?
Jazz’s interest in psychology. A lot of times, as a fandom we depict her as an expert, and in a future timeline where she went to school and has been practicing psychology maybe, but default Jazz? She’s not an expert
Jazz wants to be a brain surgeon, psychology is an interest of hers but her understanding is very limited. She quotes Freud and Jung and has some amount of academic knowledge of the field, but she clearly doesn’t understand that psychoanalyzing friends and family and offering unwanted psychiatric advice is actually rude and something she shouldn’t do. She lacks understanding of actual therapy and is clumsy in applying her knowledge to people she knows
And I find putting her in proximity of someone with DID and probably PTSD would really be an eye opening experience for her
Because Dent might humor her, TwoFace will call her out. They both have hung around Harley to know enough to tell her, “maybe don’t take Freud so seriously” because man does everything go back to sex with Freud, and maybe quoting a guy that says she wants to boink her dad is not as strong of a point as she thinks it is
And the thing is, Harvey would likely still be receiving therapy as an outpatient, potentially taking meds to help deal with his conditions, likely a mood stabilizer or anxiety med to manage PTSD symptoms, so she’s front seat of him learning to live as a regular person in Gotham with his condition. She’s gonna see his good days, his bad days, the side effects of his medication, and it’s going to change her idea of what psychology is. It’s not just quoting things at people, it’s not just saying “this is good for people” but she’d see what it being put into practice would look like
Maybe that’ll push her away from the subject. Maybe it’ll make her more inclined to study, to learn not just about it as an abstract but how to actually apply it to help people. Learning about actual therapy practices. Maybe living first hand with mental illness would be the push to switch from neurosurgery to clinical psychology in her future plans
Also I just think that Dent would be empathetic and do what he could to help her, meanwhile TwoFace would help her cut loose a little, get a little chaotic and have some fun
You can’t tell me there’s not something fun about her and “Uncle Two-y” having a night on the town that only results in a little property damage. Relax Harv, they didn’t do anything too illegal, because they didn’t get caught or nothing
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blueberrymocha · 2 months
hii! I love ur hcs i don’t want to is fandom to die either LOL! Could i pls request main four x reader slow dancing hcs?
main 4 slow dancing head canons ⑅⋆˚✿˖°༉‧₊˚.
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ׂ╰┈➤ fluff
➢ characters: gon, killua, kurapika, leorio
➢ word count: 562
✯ this boy is such a ball of energy
✯ so he’d love to dance with you anytime
✯ and while he’s not particularly skilled at more formal dancing,
✯ he knows the general motions so he wouldn’t mess up too much
✯ while you’re dancing, he’ll talk every now and then in a soft voice about anything
✯ like the time he danced around the living room with aunt mito
✯ or what you two should do tomorrow
✯ he’s also gonna praise you regardless of how good you are
“woah y/n! i didn’t know you were such a great dancer.”
✯ as you step on his foot…
✯ you’re gonna have to do some crazy things to get him on the dance floor with you
✯ he just never learned how to dance and doesn’t wanna look silly
✯ but if you’re completely alone and beg him for hours… he’ll give in
✯ hopefully you have some prior experience because you’re gonna be guiding him through the whole thing
✯ honestly he’s never even seen people slow dance
✯ but luckily, he’s already fluid and a quick learner so he’ll pick it up eventually
✯ although he’s not putting in a ton of effort so he does mess up a few times
“you’re doing that part wrong, it goes like this.”
“then why’d you teach me the wrong way?”
✯ when you probably taught it correctly and he just wasn’t paying attention
✯ once you’re done, he’ll tell you how he’s never doing this again, you’re the worst teacher he’s ever had, and now you owe him
✯ but you’re pretty sure it wasn’t as bad as he makes it out to be
✯ he’s actually quite good at ballroom dancing
✯ neon probably dragged him to one too many formal events before he decided to learn
✯ but after a long day at work, it’d take a lot of convincing to get him to dance around for the fun of it
“love, you know i’m tired.”
“you’re always tired, just humor me once please.”
✯ unfortunately he has a hard time saying no to you
✯ don’t feel too guilty though because he enjoyed it a lot
✯ the two of you holding one another in comfortable silence, moving to the same rhythm, gazing into each other’s eyes
✯ any negative feelings he had that day completely dissipate
✯ eventually, he comes to a stop, laying his head on yours (or on your neck if you’re taller), giving you a quiet thank you and smile
✯ he’s not good at dancing, honestly i wouldn’t even ask
✯ on top of that, he’s very stiff and it just doesn’t come natural to him
“you know i’m horrible at dancing, don’t you?”
✯ he’d definitely preface with that, but if you don’t mind, neither does he
✯ and after putting on some music from the seventies, the two of you dance around your living room
✯ you might have to stop occasionally to reteach him a move, but he’s a good sport about it
✯ and good at applying your criticisms
✯ so who knows, maybe he’s half decent by the time you’re done with him
✯ at the end of the night, you joke about entering a competition
✯ and really, he wouldn’t mind dancing in public next time, as long as you’re having fun
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darkcircles4lyfe · 8 months
Behind the locked door
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In honor of Izuku’s mask disintegrating into rubble, I think it’s finally time for me to really dig deep into his character. I’ve been keeping this one in my back pocket for a while. Amid all the talk about Izuku’s fading narration, the “control your heart” subplot, I’ve been trying to find the words to articulate how I know exactly where this is going, at least on a certain level. Most recently, I read this meta from pika who brings up how the word “control” alone can be misconstrued (by us). And then I thought about how a while back I made a similar point, although I said Izuku was the one who got it wrong. At that time, I was holding back a huge piece of evidence because it was external to the story and I wasn’t sure it would be received well. As a result, my argument fell a little flat. Well, now—after 411, right before leaks for 412—it might be my last chance to play this card.
So about that external evidence. I struggle to bring it up because it’s gonna sound an awful lot like I’m projecting onto Izuku if I don’t do it justice. But… I look at the way his storyline has been going lately and I see a pattern emerging that I’m very familiar with. Fortunately, I don’t have to dump a bunch of personal junk on you in order to illustrate this pattern, because a certain personality typing system already has it all figured out: the Enneagram.
Now, hang on. I’m not one to put people in boxes. My trans ass? I managed to get a different result every time I retook the P0ttermore quiz. MBTI, zodiacs—not my thing. But the Enneagram comes the closest I’ve ever seen to covering all the bases and revealing actually meaningful insight, at least for myself. On top of that, I find it extremely useful for fleshing out fictional characters, hence this post will be taking advantage of that.
For those who aren’t familiar with it, here’s a quick overview: The Enneagram consists of 9 individual personality types, each arranged carefully in a sequential, circular manner. They are also simply named 1 through 9. While this might seem kinda basic, there is actually a surprising amount of nuance and fluidity involved. Typing is done largely through personal introspection (you don’t really have to take a test). Adjacent numbers share some core themes with each other, and according to a web of arrows between them, one type can take on either positive or negative traits associated with other types depending on how emotionally ‘healthy’ they are, causing a lengthy spectrum of different ways each type can manifest. That part gets kinda complicated to explain here, so for more info, the Enneagram Institute website is a decent place to start. I also highly recommend the Enneagram album by Sleeping At Last (and if you really want to dedicate some time, the accompanying podcast) to really get inside the heads of the types on a deeper level.
My interest in applying the Enneagram to Izuku comes from observing how differently one can interpret his character based on whether you read him as a 2 or a 9. And even though no one uses this language to talk about him, the distinction accounts for a bunch of different rifts in the fandom: whether you appreciate bkdk’s relationship, whether you can acknowledge Izuku’s flaws and weaknesses, the severity of his vigilante/rogue phase, and most importantly the gravity of his concealed heart, his rage, and what it all means—what he needs in order to grow and triumph.
Discussion of Enneagram types in the fandom is pretty scarce, but where it exists, I have only seen him labeled as a 2. Type 9 and type 2 can be similar at a glance in a lot of ways (actually, 9s can be mistaken for any type because they are like all of them combined). It’s easy to see Izuku as a 2 because he is the helping hero archetype. He puts others’ needs above his own and he is always ready and eager to help. If you listen to Sleeping At Last’s song for 2, you’ll notice that it’s all about care and noble sacrifice with the underlying theme of neglecting or even harming oneself: “I just want to build you up, until your good as new, and maybe one day I will get around to fixing myself too.” Sounds pretty obvious, right? Well, here’s the thing. You really get to know what your type is by how it hits you where it hurts, so I like to focus on each type’s basic fear and basic desire, first and foremost, as a tell. A 2′s basic fear is of being worthless and unloved. Consequently, their most basic desire is to be loved. And 2s have been taught through their negative experiences that love is conditional, something they have to earn from others. They need to be needed. So let’s say you think Izuku is a 2. This means you consider his heroic, self-sacrificing tendencies to be a result of his growing up quirkless and being told he is worthless and powerless because of it. Through this lens, he is trying to prove himself to the world by being useful. Along these lines, you may also assume he is trying to prove himself to Katsuki. Taking this train of thought even further, you may interpret Izuku’s relationship with Katsuki as an obsession of his, where he is either blind to Katsuki’s more negative traits in favor of gaining his love and praise, or else bitterly determined to prove him wrong. This is how a 2 might behave in an unhealthy relationship with an 8, which, yes, I do think Katsuki is an 8. That’s a tangent for another time, though.
But does Izuku ever “need to be needed?” It’s worth noting that while 2s’ search for validation might seem insincere, it is actually motivated by a deep, heartbreaking insecurity. They think they don’t even deserve love unless they are useful to someone, so they do everything they can to be worthy. Does Izuku show signs of this motivation?
If I stop to think about it, I can’t exactly see this in Izuku’s character. Yeah, his dream is to be a hero, and in his childhood, he was denied that dream. However I think we need to take a step back from that for a second if we want to dig deep. I mean, a lot of the other characters also behave heroically, act selflessly, and strive to help. Does that mean all of them are 2s as well? Of course not. So let’s instead turn to observe how Izuku acts with his loved ones, friends, and peers in other/adjacent contexts:
Inko: He is committed to protecting his mother from fearing for his safety. He wants to be good enough to not cause her to worry, rather than good enough to make her proud or make her love him. Idk about his father but at this point I think it’s safe to assume he is deeply unimportant.
All Might: I would describe their relationship as one of mutual responsibility. Izuku feels a responsibility to uphold All Might’s legacy, All Might feels a responsibility to teach him well. Because of this mutuality, I don’t think it quite makes sense to say Izuku deliberately seeks approval for its own sake. You know what I mean? They may be a mentor and a pupil but in practice they are almost more like co-conspirators. They don’t really have a power dynamic going on.
Shouto, Tenya, other friends: Izuku seems to take an interest in what makes his friends tick, and he sets himself aside in order to both analytically and intuitively determine what’s wrong and how to solve it. Examples include his fight against Shouto in the sports festival, and his stubborn concern for Tenya’s reaction to his brother’s forced retirement. He will put himself in the line of fire specifically when confronted with another person’s inner demons. This is not a labor that is asked of professional heroes, it’s just who Izuku is. You can also extend this observation to how he sees through Tomura to Tenko, but I’ll get to that later. Basically, while 2s seek to help in all kinds of ways, a 9’s strategy is always centered on the realm of the mind.
Kota: Adjacent to the paragraph above, before Izuku literally gets into a position where he needs to save Kota, he becomes interested in the boy’s point of view out of genuine curiosity. He doesn’t go “oh no, this kid doesn’t like heroes, I better get him to like heroes.” Instead he seeks out information as to why he thinks that way, and patiently listens. He’s sorry about what happened to Kota, and he understands. Twice (ch 71 and 72), he recognizes the fact that everyone has their own point of view on quirks, and he can’t really do anything about that.
Mirio: This might be one of the most telling examples. Mirio is the platonic ideal of an All Might successor. He’s “perfect.” He even looks the part. While this initially makes Izuku uncomfortable, he doesn’t become insecure and defensive over it. On the contrary, he easily comes to the conclusion that actually, Mirio should have One for All. Just like that (ch 172). If Mirio hadn’t dismissed the “hypothetical,” he probably would have gone through with giving it to him. That’s not how a 2 would respond. A 2 would double down and aim to be better than Mirio by trying to establish some relationship of need, fueled by the insecurity. Their shared subplot with Eri would have looked pretty different, I think.
Katsuki: I’ve mentioned before that I believe their rivalry only exists because Katsuki put it there. First of all, we can see that after the sludge villain incident, Izuku weirdly takes Katsuki’s dismissal of Izuku’s help as practical advice. Like, “oh yeah, I guess what I did was pretty stupid and dangerous, and I’m not cut out for this hero stuff. Now I can move on and find a realistic career.” Hello?? He accepted that so easily. So Izuku clearly isn’t motivated by a desire to prove himself to Katsuki. Even when he proclaims he’s going to surpass him, it’s like he’s happily mimicking Katsuki, not reacting based on insecurity or pride. Izuku is content to meet Katsuki wherever he is, and he’s satisfied with whatever kind of relationship they are able to have, including a rivalry, so he isn’t vying for his affection either. We can observe this when he gives up the role of reaching out a hand to save Katsuki to Kirishima, and also when he thinks about how “blessed” he is to even have a normal conversation with Katsuki. He doesn’t push things. It’s also stated in Deku vs. Kacchan 2 that Izuku doesn’t excuse or overlook Katsuki’s “bad side” but still admires him for his other traits. This is not at all characteristic of a toxic 2x8 relationship.
When 2s are at their very worst or pushed into unhealthy situations, they tend to become more needy and self-centered, even downright manipulative. But at Izuku’s worst, when he went rogue, he pushed everyone away to avoid being a burden. When the refugees at UA tried to prevent him from returning, he was like, “you’re right” and would have turned back immediately if not for his friends, loved ones, and other people who care about him telling him it was all okay. Meanwhile, Katsuki, in true 8 fashion, was pissed off at being rejected and having to deal with Izuku’s stubborn and evasive side (oh yeah, have I mentioned 9s are actually stubborn as hell?), but he made sure to establish that they are (he is) here to step in when Izuku can’t handle things by himself. Katsuki even opened up and admitted to his own weaknesses to show why mutual support is so important. Tbh, a lot of the above can be construed as just super healthy type 2 behavior, but not this. The way Izuku acts at his lowest, and his dynamic with Katsuki? Totally different. Dead giveaway for a 9.
Let’s get into the type 9 itself in more detail to show how it applies to Izuku more deeply—seriously, it’s beat for beat. One of the key differences is, while 2s seek validation, 9s are actually resigned to the belief that they aren’t important. Similar to 2s, a 9′s basic fear is of separation, but their basic desire is actually just peace or harmony rather than love. Notice how these motivations are just like a 2’s, except they have the “self” part taken out. With that in mind, they “achieve” their basic desire through selflessness in and of itself, without the need for recognition. That’s not to say that 9s are better than 2s. In fact, a 9 can be worse, in a way. If unhealthy, they will seek peace at almost any cost to themselves. In other words, they can be more self-destructive while still under the impression that they are doing just fine. “Peace” may refer to the expression of empathy, fulfilling the needs of others, sheltering someone, or mediating a fight—but also to repressing their own opinions and needs, not “rocking the boat,” ignoring negative emotions, or becoming a vessel for someone else to vent to.
What about inner peace? 9s value serenity, and thus they have a complicated relationship with the most tumultuous of emotions: anger. On the surface, 9s look like the type that is extremely slow to anger and highly tolerant. However, as much as they would like to believe this about themselves too, deep down, 9s are afraid of what might happen if they lose control. My phrase for it is this: I feel like a bottled tornado. Personally, I also think of anger as a basic desire to make others feel your pain—not necessarily sadistically, but in an effort to be known, to be understood. The difficult thing to grasp, especially for a 9, is that this is NOT inherently a bad thing. It isn’t wrong to seek sympathy. On the contrary, it is harmful to tell yourself that getting angry is wrong, because it’s like telling yourself that your pain is wrong, your pain doesn’t matter.
The problem is it doesn’t stop there. A 9, in shutting down their anger, ends up with such a low opinion of their own heart, their other emotions dull along with it. They cry less, laugh less, love less. It’s often said that they “fall asleep” to themselves. It all starts with anger. It’s interesting to note how different this whole mindset is from toxic masculinity—where men only feel allowed/able to express emotions through anger. This is sorta like the opposite. Anger becomes the dam rather than the river. For Izuku, I want us to consider that his suppression of anger carries with it the implication that he is hiding other things, too. It’s a given. There’s a whole sea of feelings out there, and we can only see the waves hitting the shore. This brings me to the whole “control your heart” thing. I do think it is worth mentioning that Banjou didn’t just tell Izuku to exercise control. He also told him that his anger could be useful if it is harnessed. With this added context, “control” here means “to master.” And Izuku seemed to grasp this concept… sorta. I think that if Izuku is like a 9, we can assume he has trouble understanding how anger could be a worthy source of strength. His emotions in relation to Katsuki feel more like a weakness to him, a character flaw in a hero, who is supposed to be detached and selfless. But he’s trying to understand, even though he’s afraid of it. He essentially applied the same strategy he used for mastering OFA itself: incremental strength training. Which, okay. Take a moment to absorb how odd that is, in relation to emotions, specifically. Does one learn to cry incrementally? Does one learn to use anger by bottling a fucking tornado?? Like, what, you think you’re gonna be able to let out juuust the right amount of air to avoid an explosion??? No, man… if you want to be the master of your emotions you have to be willing to sit with them. Confront them. Listen to them. Take them in completely and accept them as a part of yourself.
For someone like Izuku, though, it is very difficult to imagine how this is even possible. Tomura, as with every villain, can be used to reflect his hero counterpart’s greatest fear about himself. Tomura literally touches everyone and everything with his rage, and as a physical manifestation of that desire to pass his own pain onto others, destruction radiates from his fingertips. Thus, losing control in this manner must be Izuku’s worst nightmare, as if he would be completely unable to stop the collateral damage like an infinite line of dominoes. But his anger is not something he can overcome, as such.
An overarching theme in this heroes vs. villains conflict is that the villains are not merely obstacles to be overcome. Just think back to Himiko’s bitter rejection of the heroic sense of superiority. She demanded not to be pitied, condescended to, or lied to. Likewise, the answer cannot be that Izuku needs to restrain himself where Tomura doesn’t. What purpose would it serve to show that Izuku is better than him? Certainly not saving Tomura. If this was a battle against AFO, it might have been a different story. In that case, Izuku would have to overcome his emotional manipulation tactics. Tomura, on the other hand, is not so strategic. With his strangely childlike tendencies, he must relish making Izuku mad because it brings them closer to the same wavelength. It’s his own twisted way or seeking sympathy, or at least, the closest thing to sympathy he can get anymore, because he believes he is beyond saving. With that in mind, Izuku isn’t going to get anywhere unless he rises to meet him. Izuku has to match Tomura’s hatred with equally strong emotions of his own, whatever they may be, or else face the loss of OFA (as established in 305). This is not an easy thing to ask of a 9, once they have started to pull the blood from their extremities, become cold and numb. Bringing back circulation is painful and makes the skin crawl.
In case you’re worried about the focus on anger here, I want to reiterate that concealed anger in a 9 is just one sign of so much more. Back when everyone started fretting about Izuku’s habit of self-sacrifice, which would have been the only thing we need to worry about if he were a 2, I was freaking out because Izuku was also starting to look like a person who has too many secrets. You don’t even have to acknowledge the possibility that he lied about what triggered blackwhip. It’s written all over his face all the time these days. It’s especially noticeable when you contrast him with Katsuki after all his own growth. Katsuki confides in people. He acknowledges his weaknesses. He enjoys being himself. He asserts his place. He thinks about Izuku all the damn time and now he even lets himself be soft about it. All this warmth while Izuku is distant, muted, and blank. I know all too well what this state of mind is like. Man, I hate secrets. You get to the point where you don’t know how to talk about even the simplest most inconsequential shit. And the bigger things? They’re like a growing snowball of words in your throat that cannot possibly fit out of your mouth. The “easiest” way to cope is to simply fade into the rhythm of life. Go with the flow.
Since 9s have a natural curiosity about the interiority of other people, they may choose to focus on that in order to divert their own attention away from themselves. Taken to the extreme, they will lose track of their sense of self. Like I said, you can see Izuku doing this as he fights, analyzing the psyche of his opponent, and his match against Shouto in the sports festival was a fantastic early example. They became friends because of how observant Izuku is. His emotional intelligence and intuition are very strong, but gradually, as he has taken on greater responsibilities and experienced more trauma, he has gotten worse at applying these skills to himself. You know, we go on and on about how his narration has been reduced to nearly nothing, and it’s not just an absence of introspection, it’s an absence of self. It creates a lack of ownership over the narrative—what should be his narrative.
Right now, he’s focusing on trying to see Tomura as a person, figuring him out. I think it would be really satisfyingly ironic if in the process, he ends up uncovering insights about himself instead. It’s about time we learn what Izuku’s secrets are. I don’t actually think that Izuku mastering anger will constitute the emotion that is strong enough to keep Tomura from taking OFA. Moreover, he can’t expect to reach Tomura’s core, Tenko, unless he exposes his own. Rather, anger is the conduit for Izuku to unlock something else. Think of the way he described how Katsuki is his image of victory. The feeling manifests when he asserts a stronger sense of self (the urge to win) and he becomes more free with his words. I have no doubt that Tomura has the power to make unfiltered honesty spill out of him. He knows how to bring out his selfish needs, his pain, his pressure points, his fears, his insecurities. Hell, maybe Mt. Fuji erupting is a metaphor. I want to see Izuku explode while Tomura watches with mad glee. But then I want Izuku to Realize Things such that it finally sets him free. Then, instead of Tomura witnessing yet another person he touches fall apart, he gets to see someone become whole.
"I let the scale tip, feel all of it. It's uncomfortable but right. And we were born to try to see each other through. To know and love ourselves and others well is the most difficult and meaningful work we'll ever do." --Sleeping At Last, 'Nine'
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vivgst · 6 months
COD Headcanons
I mean they're not hc it's just shit I think they say/do but I needed the title okay?
As I previously said this is just my silly little opinion, I would love to read yours but don't take this too personal and I'm saying this cause Imma bout to write SHIT about two characters and I'm scared cause they're loved by the whole fandom.
Okay thats all thanks<3333
Let's start with my favorite piece of shit, shall we?
Alejandro Vargas
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I don't care what yall say this man is a CHEATER and he would make you feel guilty about it too because you're not "meeting his needs".
“I’m not sexist???? We cannot do the same things, it's basic biology!”
Maybe he's good in bed, let's give him that.
Alain meza said he loved Rudy so let's assume he's bi, uh... he wouldn't admit that shit, not in a million years, probably would get offended if you even dare to suggest it.
He doesn’t argue to fix things, he argues to repeat how much in the right he is, I feel like he NEVER admits he’s in the wrong, he seems very stubborn.
Now can we address that fucking temper of his? Breathe mf, no ones gonna die if you stop yelling for a second.
I feel like he must’ve had A LOT of trouble when he just joined the army because of his anger issues, think about it for a moment: someone with a higher rank yelling at him and you think he just took it? I doubt it.
MUST HAVE fought with Valeria more than once cause that temper of hers is just as shitty.
I promise I don’t hate him, well I do but he’s one of my favs, I don’t know how to explain this bye.
Simon Riley
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He’s very chill I love him <3
I think of him like a very nostalgic man, he thinks a lot about his past, past lovers, past experiences, when he was new in the army, you know? Not in a “I’m still traumatized” way, he’s just nostalgic.
He’s absent minded, he’s always daydreaming (when he’s not doing something important ofc).
Thin and I don’t fucking care, THAT MAN IS THIN, you can even see it sometimes!!!! He’s got chicken legs, I love them.
He really seems to enjoy dad jokes.
He cares a lot about his teammates and I love it, it’s very cute.
Can we talk about how everyone put him as a fucking beast in bed? I don't see it, I think he's ruthless when he needs to but I don't think this applies when it comes to sex, he suffered a lot too and sadly I know too well that sex is pretty fucking terrible after rape, especially because you feel like you're gonna hurt the person you're having sex with so...
John MacTavish
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Typa guy everyone loves, even your dad and your grandma's always saying how handsome he is.
Maybe he was bullied bc of his accent but he just told them to go fuck themselves.
Caring and loving, buys his partner flowers and their favorite candy/chocolates/desserts.
Remembers anniversaries, birthdays, medical or school appointments.
Too charismatic and funny.
Kyle Garrick
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He’s too good for his own good… I feel like he always end up going out with INSANE people, the jealous type, they’re always bitching and making him angry and stressed but he forgives them cause he’s an angel.
Very sweet, loves cooking for people he loves.
Kinda family oriented.
He smells good, I can almost smell his perfumeeeeee he smells good, he spends MONEY on it too.
Even the devil is afraid of him when he’s mad.
I think he's very private about his life in general, doesn't like to vent his problems.
Hot lover.
John Price
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Now this man is a FATHER, my fucking dad I swear.
He seems pretty conservative to me, not in a bad way like he wants you to be his personal maid and slave, more like he wants to date to marry, hates casual sex.
Loves whiskey.
Dad energy, he would be so caring and loving with his child, he would give that baby the moon.
I don’t think he would love to date a younger woman, not a woman in her twenties at least, I think he would be into women his age.
If you feel disappointment by that, maybe you could try fixing your relationship with your dad, sweetheart ;).
Hates confrontation and loves to work things out.
Let’s not talk about how sex with be with the old man, okay? Thanks.
He's not that old, I get that but he looks like he's fucking 68.
Phillip Graves
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He looks kinda daddy in that pic, not gonna lie.
“How come you don’t want to have sex? What about me? Have you thought about how that makes me feel? If your head hurts, sex would help but you never consider me, I’ll sleep in the couch”.
A selfish, self-centered bitch, only thinks about himself.
Feeling good having sex with him? Aw baby, try again cause this mf would use you like a damn toy and he couldn’t care less about your feelings or how much pain you’re in.
Cheater, he wouldn’t even be quiet about it. “Oh you want to divorce me? And where are you gonna go, sugar? You’re nothing without me”.
Doesn’t fucking know where the clit is, he doesn’t have a fucking clue.
Of course straight, loves to be white and American.
“Of course I can say whatever I want, I’m from America I have freedom of speech”.
Fuck you graves.
Rodolfo Parra
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He seems so sweet and kind and considerate I love him.
Smart as hell, probably got the best grades when he was a kid.
Doesn’t hate anyone, no one hates him.
Loves nature and animals but he can’t enjoy it too much cause he is always busy.
Dreams about having a big family and a dog (a golden, probably).
Forget about having rough sex UNLESS he’s mad (fr mad like losing his shit but that doesn’t happen frequently).
Could be a teacher if he wasn’t in the army, he’s very patient and can explain things easily.
Have a pretty smile.
Valeria Garza aka MAMI
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Feels like she needs to prove something, she was underestimated for so long in the army that now she’s always trying to prove to herself how badass and good at her job she is.
Almost no one knows the real Valeria, her favorite things, music taste, if she prefers cold or hot, coffee or tea etc.
She hates cold weather with all her MIGHT.
Likes to smoke only when she’s stressed.
Likes animals but thinks they’re so much work and she doesn’t have the time.
Did drugs once and hated it.
Feels guilty when she spots a church but she WOULD NEVER admit this shit to anyone.
Used to the worst of life so she didn’t like when someone is kind with her, is like “tf am I supposed to do with it???” but she gets used to it eventually.
I don’t think she has anger issues but def she doesn’t fucking know how to regulate her emotions, she lets stress take over her.
She would love a narcowife, kind of woman who wears a lot of beachy dresses and have a shitty personality like her (like Kate del Castillo in La Reina del Sur or in Bad Boys, exactly that kind of narcowife) (I’m kinda projecting, sorry lol).
I can’t picture her with a sweet girl and I think a sweet girl wouldn’t be able to handle that woman.
She keeps arguing even though she realized she’s in the wrong.
She wouldn't be able to spend a lot of time with her S.O, she's such a workaholic.
I don't think she likes to wear men clothes.
I don't think she hates kids but I can't picture her with kids.
Wouldn't divorce once she's married.
Btw I didn’t want to make this too sexual bc lately this fandom is full of just that, too much smut, too much violence and rape in the smut and it’s so graphic that I feel I’m watching instead of reading wtf, its uncomfortable and I honestly can’t picture the characters being that violent and vile.
As I said in my previous hcs… these guys are surrounded by violence, stress and blood every day, I personally don’t think they wanna get home to torture their partners (well, maybe graves cause he is a piece of shit that mf. Okay kidding, not even Graves is that much of a bastard).
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merriclo · 3 months
a lot of people found it really helpful the last time i provided some context for LU Legend’s games (this post!!), so i’m gonna do that again!! this time specifically about A Link Between Worlds. if you have any questions, please feel free to send an ask, and i will answer to the best of my ability! please keep in mind that i am only speaking on the english translation <3
also, i will only refer to this game’s Link as Link instead of Legend. while i’m writing this primarily to help the Linked Universe fandom, these details are only from the canonical game and can be applied to any interpretation of this game’s Link. it is not exclusive to Linked Universe whatsoever!!!!!
anyhow, in this game, Link has a family: the blacksmiths. while never overtly stated, it is so heavily implied that assuming the author’s intent is a relatively safe course of action.
for those unaware, the Blacksmith family includes three people: the unnamed blacksmith, his unnamed wife, and their little boy Gulley. also, prior to the start of A Link Between Worlds, Link worked as an apprentice at the forge!!
the Blacksmith is pretty tough on Link throughout the beginning of the game, berating him for oversleeping and not working hard enough to become a proper Blacksmith. this seems relatively mean at first, but then it becomes clear that he really just wants the best for Link. he’s a very successful man who wants Link to be just as prosperous. later on, there’s a really nice moment between the two after Link rescues Gulley (who was kidnapped by the game’s main villain, Yuga) where the Blacksmith says “I’m real proud of how you’re shaping up here, Link.” it’s a brief, heartwarming exchange between the two, and it really highlights their relationship dynamic.
his wife, on the other hand, is much more overtly caring towards our hero. in the description of Link’s green tunic, it’s said that the wife is the one who sewed it for him. more than that, she’s also the one who made the adventure pouches for Link’s belt, telling him “I made it for you so you could carry more items…. But please—you should use that pouch so I won’t have to worry about YOU quite as much!” once he receives them. she’s a very kind and caring figure in his life, who often takes time out of her day just to help Link out and make sure he’s okay.
Gulley is arguably the closest to Link out of all of them. For starters, A Link Between Worlds opens with Gulley waking Link up from a prophetic dream and mentioning that Link oversleeps too much, meaning that (a) Gulley has the key to Link’s home, and (b) this happens often. Gulley was also said to have insisted on being the one to give Link the adventure pouches his mom made! the entire reason Link originally goes on his hero’s journey is to save the boy after he was kidnapped, and when Link passes out and ends up in the middle of the road in Lorule, he’s said to have been mumbling Gulley’s name over and over again (furthermore, it was the blacksmith family’s Lorulian counterparts that had found and saved Link when he passed out.)
i don’t think Link is genetically related to the blacksmiths, even though they do share similar hair and eye colors. if that were the case, they’d simply be labeled as Mom as Dad. my interpretation of it is that Link is unofficially adopted :)
tl;dr: the Link in A Link Between Worlds isn’t alone. he has a family that loves and cares for him deeply. and this post doesn’t even include the countless close friends he made in ALBW alone. please guys acknowledge them im begging you
as always, i’m not saying that you have to take this post as gospel or even be influenced by it at all. i just want to open up new avenues to explore these characters through for people without access to the games <3
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baileypie-writes · 9 months
hii so can you do a velvet x fem!reader where reader is #2 artist on the charts and velvet expects her to be super competitive but really, reader just admires and idolizes velvet and they get together over time. pretty please and thank you :) <3
A/N ~ Sure! Hope you enjoy!
~In Love with my Idol~
Velvet x Fem!Pop Star!Reader
Part 2 here!
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Friends to romantic
Synopsis: Velvet was expecting to meet her rival, but as it turns out, you idolize her.
Warnings: None!
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“So, I finally get to see you in person, huh? You look pretty much the same in your pictures.” Velvet thought as she spotted you from across the clothing store.
You were the second most popular pop star. Your songs were always right under her’s on the charts. Velvet thought you were a pretty good singer, but obviously not as good as herself. Who knew she would see you in such a random place?
“Shoot, she saw me. Is she gonna come over here? Oh god, she is.” Velvet silently panicked a bit. She prepared herself for a less-than-friendly conversation with you. After all, anyone would be rude talking to the person who always beats them.
“Oh my gosh, hey Velvet! It’s me, (name)! Wow, I can’t believe I get to finally meet you! And here, of all places.” You laughed. Velvet was thrown slightly aback by your enthusiastic greeting.
“Oh, uh, hi.” She greeted back, trying to seem cool. Your eyes sparkled in admiration.
“I um… I just wanted to say that you’re such a big inspiration to me!”
What? “A big inspiration”? Where was the passive aggressive comment?
“Oh, really?” Velvet’s ice cold exterior was slowly melting away at your warm aura.
“Yeah! You’re the main reason I got into making music in the first place.” Your face turned a bit red, and your expression became more shy. “Ok, this is kind of embarrassing to ask, but can I get your autograph?”
That was the last thing Velvet expected to come out of your mouth. But nonetheless, she happily obliged.
It’s been a few months since your meeting, and your relationship has only gone uphill. The two of you had become very close friends.
Velvet was still a bit shocked at your lack of competitiveness. Whenever her song was, once again, number one on the charts, you’d be the first to congratulate her. And there wasn’t a hint of bitterness. You even occasionally asked her for some advice, and Velvet loves being your mentor.
Velvet often found herself thinking about you at the most random times. And whenever you two locked eyes during concerts, whether it’s hers or yours, she found that she didn’t want to look away.
You two were hanging out in the lounge backstage, just about ten minutes before you had to go on. You were visibly nervous. Your hands were shaking as you tried to apply the last of your makeup.
Tired of watching you struggle, Velvet took the mascara from your hands, and applied it for you.
“I’m surprised you still get nervous before concerts.” She teased.
“Oh, it’s not the concert I’m nervous about.” You said.
Velvet raised an eyebrow, and put the mascara down on the vanity. “Then what is it?”
You prepared yourself, taking a deep breath. “Okay.” You whispered to yourself, before speaking directly to her. “Velvet, I think you’re awesome. You’ve been, like, my idol for a long time, and thanks to your advice and support, I believe I’ve truly improved. You mean a lot to me so…” You look another deep breath. “Do you wanna go out with me?”
You avoided eye contact with Velvet, preparing yourself for a possible rejection. But instead, you got a lighthearted chuckle.
“Looks like you finally beat me at something.”
Your heart rejoiced, beating twice as fast as before. You took a step closer to hug her, but your action was interrupted by the door opening.
It was your manager. “(name)! You’re on in two minutes!”
“Oh, ok.” You turned towards Velvet, giving an apologetic smile.
“It’s fine, we can talk later. Go on.” She lightly patted your shoulder.
You nodded, and waved goodbye before exiting the room.
You’d never thought you’d say this, but you couldn’t wait for your concert to be over!
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poorslaindoll · 8 months
I’m gonna be so fucking real with y’all rn.
So I’ve more or less been casually keeping up with Hazbin Hotel since the pilot days. I did some fanart at some point and did a cosplay once, but I currently do not consider myself part of the fandom (certainly not the hatedom bc y’all are kinda ridiculous). But anyway I’ve seen a lot of the criticisms for the show and have seen the episodes (I’ve also seen all the Helluva Boss episodes and this all applies to that show as well). And while I have a handful of criticisms of my own, none of them involve the amount of cursing in it???
Because like…
I do NOT understand why everyone gets so pissy about the cursing. Like maybe it’s because I’m a homestuck fan and that comic curses more than both Hazbin and Helluva probably ever will combined and I see nothing wrong with it? Like cursing isn’t the punchline like some of y’all seem to think it is. That’s just how some people talk and for the LIFE of me I do not see why people are clutching their pearls about it. Like is there some social standard about swearing that I missed? I know some people prefer to not curse and that’s fine and up to personal preference. But like… Growing up on the internet in the 2010’s alone got me so desensitized to profanity that I literally could not care less when someone drops the fuck word.
I curse like a sailor, most of my friends curse like sailors, and even my super religious mom curses like a sailor sometimes. So every time I hear someone complain about it I’m just like… okay??? Get over it??? I understand that there’s a time and a place for the use of certain kinds of language, but you’d think that an adult show targeted for adults about a place where everyone’s an asshole is an appropriate instance for swearing to be allowed.
Sorry if that comes off as harsh or insensitive for some reason. It just really baffles me and I am so genuinely confused about it all. This isn’t even an "oH tHeY’Re iN heLL" thing either. I just don’t understand and low key feel like I’m either going crazy or just really missing something here.
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jolapeno · 9 months
presented by your friendly neighbourhood jo ✨🩷
✨ being an arsehole: this doesn’t just apply to your fellow writers, gif makers or readers, but also to yourself. if you talk crap to yourself, you’re giving permission for others to talk to you in the same way.
✨ writing things you don’t like: so, you’re mid-series and you’re not feeling it. the worst that can happen is your wip is abandoned, and some people might be a touch annoyed? I know it feels bad, but also, by pushing yourself you risk burn out, writing sub-par work you hate and feeling disinterest in the thing you loved doing. overall, not good for either you or readers, so.
✨ feeling guilty for putting yourself first: there is only one you. sometimes we have to draw a line in the sand and put our hands up and go “I cannot do this rn” and that is okay. we also need to know which people to walk away from, which things to give our time to and continue to protect our energy. it takes a second to deplete our batteries and several business days for it to return—remember that.
✨ things that don’t bring us joy: whether that’s your mobile theme, a fandom, a pairing, a character, the list goes on, but let’s do the things we want to in 2024. let’s also surround ourselves with people who lift us up and let’s choose things which make us smile. let’s also celebrate ourselves a bit more, cause we’re all fucking amazing.
✨ the notion of “to write X you need to have Y”: the beauty of fandom is that we’re all playing around in a playground with a bunch of swing sets, slides and sand boxes. you want to write X!character going to space, go for it. (pls be sure to label and mark warnings for people tho, it’s not cute to blindside people).
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and because I’m a believer of growth, here are some things I’m gonna promise to do more of in 2024:
➡️ begin accepting compliments and not moon-walking away: because I know by not accepting them, I’m both telling myself they’re not true and also possibly running the risk of telling those who are complimenting me their opinion doesn’t matter. be easy on me though.
➡️ apologising for silly things: I’m gonna slip up, but I’m going to try and stop apologising for writing too much, being a bother (more so when I say hi and strike a convo) and for my mental health.
feel free to reblog and add on one or two goals you hope to do in 2024 ✨
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