#so i post all my poetry too. even the ones i think aren't as good
the-four-humors · 1 year
No hate towards the "make bad art because how else are you going to make art" mindset but I'm different*
*Genuinely obsessed with my own art so even if something isn't as good as previous pieces, I still love it and therefore none of my art is "bad" art
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punkshort · 3 months
Will you eventually do a Swept Away, likes and dislikes post for Joel? The little taste of his character is just delicioussss, he’s so mysterious. I’m dyingggg to crawl inside your brain and see how his character is going to unfold 😍💋
I would love to! I love getting this ask because it always gives me good ideas for future chapters, so thank you!
Let's jump in:
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1. Sunsets: he loves the colors and how every day is different. He loves it because it's a work of art that everyone in the world can appreciate, no matter who you are.
2. Boxing: it's the only form of exercise he actually enjoys. He really likes taking his anger out on a punching bag, and he tends to hold in a lot of anger from his job.
3. Money: I mean, come on, that's not a big surprise. He likes to live comfortably and without having to worry about the cost of anything. And, sure, when he slaps his black card down and someone does a double take, he feels a rush of pride.
4. Cigars: he didn't used to like them but they have grown on him throughout the years. A colleague of his convinced him to join a cigar club and he found it was a great way to network and rub elbows with the elites.
5. Poetry: he will never admit it, though.
6. Filet Mignon: he loves a perfectly cooked medium rare steak. When he was choosing which restaurant to lease space to on the first floor of his hotel, he only looked at steakhouses because he liked the idea of having a good steak a mere elevator ride away.
7. The Natural Look: he prefers women who don't use too much makeup or plastic surgery/fillers. Almost all of the women he knows, whether through set ups or spouses of his colleagues, all look like they've gone to the same doctor and had the same procedures. He likes women who are comfortable in their skin and aren't fake.
8. McDonald's French fries: it's his Achilles heel. Every now and then after a long, boring art gallery opening or cocktail party, he will instruct his driver to go to McDonald's on the way back to his penthouse to get some fries.
9. Private Jet: he loves being able to come and go whenever he pleases, anywhere he wants. And he especially loves not having to go through security and be surrounded by people squished into a tin can. He likes that he can stretch out and eat a good meal and even sleep in a real bed when he travels, which is often.
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1. Kale: it's a vile weed and he won't touch it.
2. Surprise parties: he absolutely loathes being surprised. Especially when it's been a long enough day and he thinks he's going home to relax and suddenly his penthouse is filled with fifty people drinking all his booze and making a mess of his home and he has to pretend to enjoy it.
3. Lifting weights: he thinks it's obnoxious and he doesn't care about glamour muscles but his trainer always makes him do one day a week where he lifts weights. He gets it over with as quickly as he can.
4. Satin sheets: too slippery and his pillow always ends up on the floor.
5. Campfires: he hates the smoke from campfires because it gets stuck in his clothes and he has to send everything he was wearing to the cleaners right away before it spreads to other fabrics.
6. Lillies: they remind him of funerals.
7. Tea: he could never find a tea he actually enjoyed. All tea tastes like hot water with a dash of some vague flavor and it's just never worth it. Unless he's sick with a sore throat. Then he might have some.
8. Boats: he tends to go out on yachts and sailboats quite a bit, but he doesn't like the open water. He gets seasick and he always has to take pills beforehand.
9. Golf: because all my Joels hate golf, for no particular reason.
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fangirleaconmigo · 8 months
In your expert opinion, do you think there’s any deeper reading to interpret from Geralt’s rebound with Essi, and traits she shares with Dandelion? (I know it wasn’t authorial intention in the least, but when he kissed her within 10 minutes of meeting, I got a “she’s a lot like Dandelion, surely she’s safe to embarrass myself with” vibe).
Hi Nonny!
Essi and Dandelion, Poets and Parallels, Ballads and Broken Hearts
Thank you for the ask! I'm on my lunch break from work, but I'm so happy to be answering Witcher book questions again that I'm sneaking off to do this.
Essi is such an interesting character, right? On one hand, she seems to be treated as the 'anti-Yen" by the narrative and the thing that Geralt 'should' want, thereby reinforcing his love for Yen when he *doesn't* fall in love with Essi.
But then there are all the curious parallels and similarities with Dandelion, which also makes it fun to analyze in that way. The list of similarities is long: their profession, personality, looks, their level of talent, and my favorite, their readiness to throw hands on behalf of Geralt of Rivia. And then there is The Ballad.
Ok. I'm going to set authorial intent aside for the moment, because writers write things all the time they don't intend to write. And I think any artist worth their salt should be thrilled that their work is layered and interesting enough to inspire differing interpretations.
That being said, let's get to the fun part.
Profession, personality
Let's look at Essi's introduction! She enters the scene acting just like Dandelion. Both poets are mercilessly insulting one another in their fake-genteel way. (Lots of shade, as well as out and out insults)
Geralt is taken aback, thinking they are fighting, but then they fall on one another embracing and he's like...oh lordt. There's two of them.
"The Witcher was taken aback, but not too greatly. A professional colleague of Dandelion's could not, indeed, differ much from him in terms of predictability."
--Sword of Destiny pg 195
So we have profession, and personality being very similar. Bards with sharp tongues and ready emotions. Then we have looks!
I've done a post on Dandelion's looks here. And Essi is similar! Blonde hair, blue eyes, and beautiful. Same same. Sorry, her eyes are a dark blue whereas Dandelion's are cornflower. Much different so contrast.
Level of talent.
They are both beloved and famous. When Ciri is studying at Nenneke's temple, she has access to both of their books of poetry.
[Ciri] read The Adversities of Loving and Time of the Moon, collections of poems by the famous troubadour Dandelion. She shed tears over the ballads of Essi Daven, subtle, infused with mystery, and collected in a small, beautifully bound volume entitled The Blue Pearl. --Blood of Elves pg 298
And Geralt adores both of their voices. When Essi and Dandelion are singing together, Geralt thinks to himself that they have the most beautiful voices that he has ever heard.
They Stay Ready to Throw Hands for Geralt of Rivia.
The text even classifies Essi and Dandelion together on this. And as I said, it's my favorite part of her character, and not just because I love Geralt. It shows her strength, her strong sense of self, her courage, and her values.
First, she, much in the way that Dandelion does, uses her fame, connections, and higher social standing to protect Geralt. And she throws Dandelion into the mix for good measure to strengthen her threats. So when Duke Agloval threatens to drive Geralt to the border with a whip. Essi reponds.
"...please dont threaten Geralt. It so happens that Dandelion and I have several friends...King Ethain of Cidaris...always says that our ballads aren't just lively music and rhymes, but a way of spreading news...Do you wish, your Grace, to be written into the chronicle of human kind? I can arrange it?" --Sword of Destiny pg 212
And when Geralt turns down Agloval's 'offer' of permanent work killing sea creatures in a permanent war with them, (keeping in mind that the noble has stiffed Geralt twice on payment so far) Agloval invokes Geralt's poverty in a demeaning way.
"Oh how proud," Agloval smiled. "How haughty. You reject offers in a way some kings wouldn't be ashamed of. You give up decent money with the air of a wealthy man after a lavish dinner. Geralt? Did you have lunch today? No? And tomorrow? And the day after? I see little chance, Witcher, very little..."
It is so infuriating. Agloval is saying...who the fuck do you think you are? Someone important? Someone with status?? Someone who is allowed to decide his own ethics for himself?
This is a constant theme. The...know your place. Stop trying to think for yourself. Ethics look stupid on you, because you aren't 'real' enough of a human being to have them. So it is super satisfying when Essi lets loose on him.
"How dare you!" Little Eye cried shrilly. "How dare you speak like that to him Agloval!...How can you be so base?"...
Geralt tries to stop her. He sees little point.
"Stop it Essi," Geralt said. "Stop, Essi, there's no point." "Not true," she said angrily. "These is a point. Someone has to tell it straight to this self-appointed duke....who now thinks he has the right to insult other people."
And she isn't done.
"Yes, Agloval, " Essi continued, clenching her shaking hands into fists. "The opportunity to insult other people amuses and pleases you. You delight in the contempt you can show the Witcher...you should know that the Witcher mocks your attempts and slights., that they do not make the faintest impression on him..."
Then we bring Dandelion back in. Because guess who also feels anger and revulsion when Geralt is treated so contemptuously? Let Essi say it...
"The Witcher doesn't feel what Dandelion and I feel, and we feel revulsion."
Sword of Destiny pg 237
That's like...not even half of her unloading on this guy. She is like...you are worth less than Geralt, so jot that down.
The Ballad
Here is why the ballad matters to me. I think that perhaps even more interesting than how Geralt responds to Essi (interesting though it is) is how Dandelion responds to Essi. Why does he think someone who is almost exactly like him is perfect for Geralt? I mean, he sees himself in her so much that he thinks of her as his sister.
He loves her more than Geralt does I think that is clear. Geralt cares deeply about her. But to Dandelion, she is like his family.
He is put in a shitty position of seeing her distraught and anguished about her feelings for Geralt and Geralt afraid of leading her on or hurting her. Geralt and Essi go back and forth, making it insufferable for Dandelion as a third wheel.
I talked about it here here and here.
Dandelion's response is the subject of controversy in fandom, and there are many valid and differing reader responses. But it seems clear that Dandelion has come to terms with the fact that Geralt and Essi will not be together in love, despite his advice to Geralt. So he suggests they just fuck to get it out of their systems and then everything will be ok. (that's his solution to most things)
So, if he is at ease with that, why the ballad? At the end of the story, Dandelion composes a ballad while Essi and Geralt sleep.
Dandelion, staring into the dying embers, sat much longer, alone, quietly strumming his lute. It began with a few bars, from which an elegant, soothing melody emerged. The lyric suited the melody, and came into being simultaneously with it, the words blending into the music, becoming set in it like insects in translucent, golden lumps of amber. The ballad told of a certain witcher and a certain poet. About how the witcher and the poet met on the seashore, among the crying of seagulls, and how they fell in love at first sight. About how beautiful and powerful was their love. About how nothing - not even death - was able to destroy that love and part them.
Sword of Destiny pg 246
Why this romantic song?? About a witcher and poet?
Yes, it could be just for the ballad, for a successful song. The text talks about the real story not being a good one for a ballad.
But there is so much emotion and magic in that scene. What is he thinking? What is he feeling?
Of course you know about what happens next, Essi's heartbreaking end, and Dandelion's crushing grief. She dies of smallpox during an epidemic. Dandelion is there. Did he go as soon as he heard? Was he visiting her expecting some lovely evenings singing around a fire and found her dead?
However it happened, Dandelion does not leave her to die alone. He does not turn tail and leave, avoiding smallpox. He literally carries the cold dead corpse of this woman he loves, who he sees as his sister, in his arms...
...Dandelion had carried her out in his arms between corpses being cremated on funeral pyres and had buried her far from the city, in the forest, alone and peaceful...
He buries her alone with his own hands! Oh how his heart must have shattered. It is moments like that, that you see the deeper, kinder, even (dare I say) noble side of the vain, braggadocios, whorish bard.
It goes on to say that Dandelion could have changed the song at any point to be a true version (the one where Essi dies), but he never did.
No, Dandelion stuck with his first version. And he never sang it. Never. To no one. Sword of Destiny p 246
To me there is a story about a young girl who cares enough for ten people, who has a huge heart, and a deep soul. A fearless girl who feels things too big for her to handle for a man others call a monster. A girl whose voice is like an angel.
And then there is a story about a broken hearted poet who loved her (far more than Geralt did) and who wrote a song about a witcher and a poet and he never changed the words and never sang it to anyone.
And I wonder if he wasn't writing that ballad about a witcher and a different poet entirely.
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goodluckclove · 6 months
How I Critique Writing (A Loose Collection of Tips)
Someone asked me for insights into my methodology when it comes to giving feedback on writing and I realized I had way more than I could say in a reasonable amount of private messages. Are you someone who I've spoken to about their writing? Did someone send you their work and you don't know how to respond? Maybe this will help? Based on how people react I feel like it might be controversial but it seems to work.
When someone sends me their writing, no matter the size, subject or genre, I:
Take it seriously. It's a generational epic about the Vietnam war and its effects. It's a cute, young adult romance. It's Zim and Dib from Invader Zim realizing they've always been in love with each other. All of these things can be written with earnestness, strength, honesty and skill. It's fucking hard to write and if someone writes a single sentence that wouldn't otherwise exist its worth holding in your hands and examining with the same eye as if you were taking an interesting book off the shelf.
Respond with curiosity. It's common for critiques to follow a theme of ambiguous disdain. This doesn't work. Delete this. Bad. No. Gross. Guess what? That's not helpful. If you got that feedback, even if you followed it, you wouldn't be thrilled about it. Oftentimes you can take a line that makes you want to say Bad and ask something else. What is this supposed to express? What were you trying to do here? Am I supposed to feel happy/sad/uncertain when I read this? Curiosity can reframe something that you don't think works as a reader and turn it into an opportunity for the writer to look inward and solve their own problem. They might explain what they were trying to do, and if you were to say that it didn't pan out for you they're way more likely to tweak things themselves and feel like they still have control over their project.
Give comments. I've started giving more in-depth comments on the writing people give me depending on how anxious they are about it. If you're a pretty confident writer I'll give a summary of what I gained and what I was left wondering, what I thought and what I felt, what associations it made me think of in terms of tone and other forms of media - stuff like that. For newer writers, especially those who are far more doubting of their own abilities, I go buck wild. And in my opinion notes should be less like Good! I like this! Wow! Nice! (What are you, grading my book report? No thanks), and more like what you think when you're reading a book you're truly invested in. Make jokes about the characters (Not mean ones. I will send bugs to you in the mail.), chart exact lines that provoke physical reactions, even a small one. Can you imagine reading someone treat your work like it has its own fandom on Tumblr? You can do that for someone else.
Fucking have some fucking awareness of the fact that it might not be for you and that doesn't mean it's bad. I'm angry about this one considering the novel a friend sent me last night that they've been too terrified to try and post online, despite it being fucking brilliant. I'll try and calm down. Listen - you read what you like. I mainly read literary and experimental fiction, some poetry, horror and some sci-fi. Not a lot of genre fiction. But I will always be down to read someone's high fantasy story, because even though I don't really like fantasy I know what the good ones sound like. I've forced myself to gain a sense of what someone else would like, even if I don't like it. And I can still critique it. If I'm a builder and I see a house that's painted a shade of green I find sinful for a home (i.e. mint), I can look past that and focus on the state of the walls and the stability of the foundation. You aren't a reviewer, man. You are neither Siskel, nor Ebert. They write for readers, you write for writers. So you don't like historical fiction? Cool, man. Congrats. If someone trusts you enough to give you some to read and critique, you should still do so objectively. If you give it an automatic F because you wouldn't buy it, then you are legally a stinky little trash man. That's just the law.
Ask them what they liked to write and what was the hardest. There's apparently a weird trend on online writer communities that say there are specific rules that all writers need to follow. This is not true. It just isn't. If the dialogue in a story you read is weak, and the writer says they hate writing dialogue and really struggle with it, maybe tell them they don't have to use it. You might change their entire life.
RESPOND WITH CURIOSITY. You see the Ask games where people try and get more detail on the WIP of certain authors. If you have a WIP and I ask you a worldbuilding question that doesn't relate to the direct plot of the story as it exists now, I bet you'd like to talk about it. If I ask if you were inspired by a certain tone or movie, you might know the work I was talking about and feel happy. Or you might not know it, look it up, and feel inspired. I don't think people realize that a critique of new/unfinished writing is not a one-and-done exchange. You are taking part in an isolated process in a way few other people on the planet will. It's not homework. It's. Not. Homework. We spend so much of our time alone just fiddling our hands and making our magic, and in instances like these we share something in one of the ultimate forms of artistic trust. They're taking you into a world that hasn't fully formed yet. Is it cool? Can you tell me about it? Can they?
Be nice. Storytime, friends. In the way early 2010s, there was something on the internet called sporking. It was pretty much a line by line roast of someone's writing - typically fanfic. And I hate to say this, but I read a lot of it. I was 13, somehow untreated and overmedicated, and I was miserable constantly. Just cold in my chest. At one point I had the chance to critique a stranger's story - probably another child - and I essentially mocked the whole thing. They ended up deleting the story off the website. I cannot begin to describe to you the shame I feel about doing this, even ten years later. It burns in my heart and makes me sick to my stomach. If you are a serious writer, especially a young writer, and you insult another writer's craft to their face just as they're getting started - you will regret it. I promise you that. You will think about holding something alive and full of potential in your hands and squeezing your fists until it is just flecks of meat and crushed bone. It will haunt you. Maybe only a little, but constantly and for the rest of your life. So don't do it.
Wow what a grim note to leave on! That's essentially my philosophy on writing critique, do with it what you will. Want to send me some writing to receive this kind of excessive treatment? Cool! I have an email in my pinned post and I'll do that! I'm also down to chat if anyone wants to send me asks or DMs on writing/writing struggles/publishing tips.
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missmagooglie · 8 months
Fuck It Friday
Throwing out another bit of the omegaverse thing I've been working on. Previous snippets here and here.
Buck’s mouth against his neck feels good, too. He tips his head to the side, making room for Buck to press sloppy, open-mouthed kisses all along his throat and beneath his jaw. It's close to where his mating mark will go, but Eddie’s pretty sure they aren't at that part yet. And Buck would warn him, probably, before trading gentle lips for sharp teeth. It might not even be so bad, Eddie thinks. Maybe the way Buck keeps touching him will distract him from the pain of being bitten, like pinching his hand so he doesn’t feel the needle when he gets a shot. Then Buck's hand slides down the back of his pants, thick fingers sliding across the swell of his ass just as Buck grinds their hips together and Eddie can feel that his cock isn’t the only one getting stiff. There’s a sudden, nauseating lurch in his stomach as he remembers the other thing Buck is supposed to do to him tonight, and the thought of it makes Eddie flinch.  Violently. Buck swears and stumbles backwards as Eddie twists out of his grip, elbowing him hard in the ribs as he does.  Eddie's heart is racing as he looks up wide-eyed at the alpha now standing several feet away. He feels his face heat as the old fear that jolted through him subsides, leaving him to feel mortified.  “I'm sorry,” Buck gasps, clutching his side where Eddie has probably left a bruise. “Are you ok?” Eddie manages to nod and tries, unsuccessfully, not to tense up as Buck approaches him. “Do you–” Buck asks haltingly as he takes cautious, slow steps to close the gap between them, “–and listen, I want you to be honest, because it’s ok if you don’t, but. Do you actually know what we're supposed to be doing right now?” Eddie presses his lips together tightly and stares harshly at the ground. He's supposed to be submitting. He's supposed to let himself be claimed. Bobby had all but ordered the two of them to get this done, and Eddie can’t even let Buck touch him like he’s supposed to. “What I mean is," Buck continues when Eddie doesn't respond, "did your parents or anyone ever explain to you what’s, er, involved when two people get mated?” Oh, Eddie realizes, semi-hysterically, he thinks I'm a virgin. “Because I can talk you through it, if you need me to,” Buck tells him with wide, beseeching eyes as he so sweetly as he offers to explain the act of sex.  Eddie's jaw clenches tightly he tries to think through what he should do.
Tags under cut. Drop a note if you want to be added or removed from my tag list for 911 fic!
@onyxmoonstone @daffi-990 @lover-of-mine @pleasestopdeletingmyaccount @coatedpanda16 @littleblackraincloudofcourse @littlefruitybastard @idealuk @blackberry-l @imabtastic @indiearr @machtaholic @zahlibeth, @ladydorian05 @piratefalls @poetry-protest-pornography @911-on-abc @robinplume @mattsire
This is my first attempt at creating a tag list, so I apologize if I got the etiquette wrong. I more or less just tagged anyone who's shown interest in my snippets in previous posts or I thought might be interested?
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moodymisty · 1 year
In His Shadow
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Author's Note: A fun, personal project for one of my favorite clones. Finally a fic that I actually feel somewhat pleased with; It just seemed to work out well. I hope other people think the same, or at least enjoy it.
Summary: Sev has always been very purposeful in his gentleness towards you, but you don't want that this time.
Relationships: Sev/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Rough sex, Clothed sex, Alleyway sex, Quickies, Getting boned by a clone in full armor, Unprotected sex, Mentions of alcohol, Big meanie Sev has two modes
Word Count: 4368
Ao3 Link
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Sev has two sides.
He’s a romantic. You remember how surprised you'd been at that; How you'd read his messages to you that would be so heartfelt and dreamlike, telling you of pretty skylines on faraway planets and how he can still feel your touch on his skin. What he says could be at times be considered poetry in it's own unique way, sending them to you in the middle of the night when he’s just off the battlefield and the adrenaline was just starting to wear off, or when he's stuck on Kamino in the same routine since he was first popped from his pod.
Sev is also gruff. Cut off, quiet, to the point; Rough.
He rarely speaks a word at times, eyes always watching and thinking. Clone Commando training has sharpened him to a point, and leaves him stern, tight-lipped, and at times overprotective of the few things he loves.
You love both sides of him. You couldn’t get one without the other, and you wouldn’t want to in the first place.
But it would be wrong to say that you always want him to be a romantic. You love him, but you also wouldn’t mind if for a night, he didn’t handle you like you were a fragile figurine.
You know he can do it. You’ve seen glimpses of it, when he’s moments away from losing control, the edges fraying like a shoddy old rope about to snap. But he always manages to hold it together, to kiss your lips like it’s the first time, to gently cradle your neck instead of grabbing a fistful of your hair.
Maybe it just needs to be teased out of him. You know some of the things that make him hot under the collar, so you think you have the gathered up confidence to do so.
It helps that Sev is a little looser than he usually is tonight; Not by much, you don't think he'd ever let himself get plastered, but a good drink and some post deployment rest have made him just the tiniest bit more malleable. The same goes for the rest of his brothers, who sit at the same booth all relaxing over some drinks. Scorch and Boss have ordered the most by far, but no one is truly drunk yet.
You take a quick glance outward and note that the bar isn’t too busy; But the Deltas aren’t the only clones having been given a rare break from the war effort, so there’s still plenty of colored armor organized in batches throughout the bar.
The shinies will intermingle, but clones painted with the colors of a particular squad or battalion will usually stay within groups of their own. It's more so just familiarity than anything else, but it's something that's hard not to notice. The behavior is even more so common with the rare squads of Commandos who come in here or presumably other clone friendly bars, as they always stay with just their pod-brothers; And everyone else eager to stay away and let them do so.
It’s less so a suggestion and more a general rule of thumb; You don’t fuck with Commandos.
They are stronger, larger, and more antisocial. And when you pick a fight, you get the whole squad. Rarely do you deal with only one. As such, it’s not out of the ordinary for Clone Commandos to have bubbles around them, as many are too nervous to risk offsetting one of them. Rightfully so. And you aren't dealing with the usual training; Commandos are a whole 'nother level, at least according to troopers you've spoken to. Hell, one of them still thinks you have a screw loose for asking Sev out all those cycles ago.
Maybe you just have a thing for the odd ones.
“Come on, who wouldn't be confident in our flawless record?” Looking back across the table instead of staring off, you join back into the conversation. Scorch downs the last of his drink, and you’ve lost count of how many down he is now.
"I just think you all should keep being careful,” You look towards Fixer. “At least for Fixer’s sake. He has to deal with you lot the most.” He rolls his eyes, but hopefully for his sake they'll listen even a little bit. You'd like Sev to remain in one piece.
"Don't bother. They'll never listen. Not like I haven't tried a million times." Fixer shrugs his shoulders in less so defeat, and more so acceptance. He knows his brothers well. It makes you laugh, but you can't help but worry about Sev's recklessness at times; He always promises to come back home, but you can't help thinking about something happening.
But now isn't the time to worry about that sort of stuff anyways. Not when he's right beside you.
As if he felt you looking at him Sev turns his head slightly and looks down at you right against his shoulder, his eyes softening just a tad. He gives your knee a little squeeze, before taking back his hand. He throws his arm back around the top of the booth, so it lays just behind your head.
He's said before he loves the soft feeling of your skin, and once admitted in a moment where his lips were looser than normal that it distracted him. It's a weakness of his, and one that as you'd planned earlier, intend to exploit quite heavily.
It's been weeks since you've touched him, and now that he's finally back safe from deployment, you want him riled up.
Hidden underneath the table gently take Sev’s hand, holding it with both of yours. You keep it like that for just a bit, before finally making your move.
Slowly you pull his hand until it lands on your thigh, his fingers brushing just what would be the middle. Not high, but close. He glances over at you curiously for a moment, before looking back to his brothers. You've done nothing crazy, so he doesn't take too much mind to it; It's not as if he wasn't doing something like it moments ago.
You don’t even know what the rest of them are talking about anymore; Scorch is a blabbermouth when he drinks and conversations are changing so fast. You're more distracted by Sev now anyways, and you can feel your face start to heat up just a bit at the thoughts running through your head. You fan feel his large hand gently squeezing the meat of your thigh, feeling it mold underneath as he moves his fingers in an almost mindless gesture. Or maybe it isn't so mindless? He's sitting upright a little more now, and seems a bit more on edge.
With one hand you place it over his again, and slowly you begin pulling it upwards towards the tops of your thighs. His fingertips fall between, and he can feel how warm you are through the fabric of his gloves.
Sev this time gets keen on your plan, however. He only has to turn his body a tad, before he leans down into your space. His breath is hot against the shell of your ear, and you swear you can smell him even through the liquor and greasy food. But no one can hear him but you.
“Thin ice.”
Is all he has to whisper in your ear.
If his goal was to stop you, whispering in your ear with a voice so deep like chocolate over gravel isn’t going to calm you. If anything, he only makes your thighs tighten together, a jolt of sensation traveling down your spine directly to your cunt. You can feel his now warmer than usual skin as he presses his forehead to the side of your face, still looking like he's whispering something in your ear for a moment.
You have no plans to heed his warning however; And in another feat of daring, you slowly take a few of your fingers and slip them into his glove, your skin brushing against his as you try to take it off. You can hear his disapproving hum- even though he makes no effort to actually stop you- and once you manage to get his glove off your thighs spread just enough that you push his hand deeper between them.
He can feel the softness of your skin just below the hem of your dress, and given how sitting has risen it up slightly, he wouldn’t have to move much more to reach their apex. In fact, he swears he can feel your clothed pussy brush over the outer side of his hand. You only need to move his hand once to rub against the fabric of your underwear, before he pulls his hand away.
Sev leans back to look fully at you, and with one glance at his expression you know it’s over.
That ice he mentioned? It’s cracked under your feet, and you’ve fallen into the dark water. He is going to kill you.
Sitting up more rigid you clear your throat in an attempt to get the rest's attention, while also trying to ignore Sev glaring holes into the side of your head. Maybe you should've done this a little later, or maybe a little more slowly.
“Sorry guys, I’ve had a great night tonight, but I think I should head out.” Scorch is loud, louder than usual with so much spotcha in him, groaning at you.
“Oh come on! Don’t leave me with the two hardasses! You’re the only other fun one!”
You ignore his plea, and with hands pressing on the edge of the table you get up, moving to slide out. Sev follows, almost like a shadow. When you’re both standing he has a hand gripping the fabric on the small of your back tight.
‘Hurry it up.’, is what the silent gesture clearly says. You back up into him just a tad and your body presses against him, and you hear him make a quiet noise.
“Sorry Scorch. I’ll make it up to you all later." You take one step back, giving a small smile. "See you guys next time.”
With hasty farewells given, Sev's hand on your back pushes you in the direction towards the back of the bar, where there’s a hallway; At the end a door leading into the alley. It’s mostly storage back here and whatnot, but it avoids having to push through the crowds at the front of the bar, which is what Sev wants right now. He wants the soonest possible spot where he can surely cuss you out for this, feeling himself strain against his armor. No matter now many times he attempts to make room for his heated neck or adjust his codpiece, nothing gives him relief.
You glance up at him while you both walk, before looking down and seeing the way his hand is gripping the edge of his own helmet; You fear any stronger, and he might snap it.
Pushing the back exit door open you both quickly shuffle through it, the warm summer air feeling much cooler than the stuffy heat from inside the bar. Neither of you comment on it, despite there clearly being some unsaid words being between the two of you.
They definitely aren't about the weather, however.
The moment the door closes and the two of you are finally alone, he grasps your shoulder, pushing your back against the wall. He stands in front of you, trapping you against it as an unmovable force. Though not that you'd want to leave.
The alleyway is dim; The lights are burning out and the shell around them is old and worn. As such Sev’s face is shadowed, his body pressing you hard against the wall.
“What were you thinking?”
His voice is strained, glaring at you while you sink into his shadow. You purse your lips and roll your eyes.
“Can I not hold your hand?” Sev’s tone of voice is borderline venomous, strained as the rough fabric of his glove slides along the exposed skin of your shoulder.
“You were not just holding my hand. You know it.”
You do, but half the fun was pretending otherwise. Especially since that was another part of teasing him.
Your can feel the rough texture of the brick and ferrocrete through your clothes, all the while Sev’s chestplate is nearly pressing against your own chest. His helmet, which he’d been holding in his hand drops to the ground, settling upright so now both hands can grip at your form.
Leaning down his lips are ghosting against yours, and you can just barely feel them brush over your own as he whispers.
"You did that all on purpose, didn't you?"
He hears you let out a breathy laugh.
"Maybe." It didn't seem like Sev had the chance to shave since coming back, so the stubble on his face is rough when it brushes against your skin.
"Would you have kept going if I didn't stop you?" You more than likely would've hauled him off far before things got crazy, but it's not to say you wouldn't have dragged out the torture just a little bit more.
You feel his hands tense against your waist, and in one smooth motion you go from facing him to the wall, to your chest pressing against it. His hands slide downward to grip your hips and pull them towards his groin, forcing your hands to press into the rough texture of brick to keep steady. He takes a step closer, trapping you harder against the wall. One of his hands leaves your hip, pulling the front of your skirt up before sliding forward to slip between the front of your underwear and stomach.
It lingers for a moment, as if he's internally debating something; Before suddenly the tips of his fingers slip below the hem of your underwear, and you can quickly feel them roughly pressing against the soft mound of flesh just above your cunt.
“That little head of yours is going to get yourself in trouble,” He says, his lips pressing against the side of your neck just below your ear and feeling your blood thump with your heartbeat. It's a good thing you were in the market for trouble.
“Fuck Sev,” His gloved fingers finally slip between your folds, the rough texture teasing before he quickly removes them.
He says, raising two of his fingertips to your lips. Gently you bit the fabric, helping him pull the glove off so he can shove it into one of his belt pockets with one hand. Once finished his hand quickly returns to it’s spot snug inside of your underwear, brushing across your clit as his fingers become slick before slipping inside of you.
"I missed you too..." He doesn't seem to respond to your silly little joke about his roughness, his fingers deep in your cunt as you pant.
The weather has been warming, so the evening is less a freezing nightmare and more so a cool evening, with just enough of a breeze to make your shiver. At least in normal circumstances, with Sev’s stuffy breath against your skin and his body right against yours, you feel more than warm enough- even with plastoid armor impeding.
You attempt to swallow your moans and keep quiet, even though the likelihood of anyone actually hearing you is quite slim. The music from the bar, and even more so the crowds of people, are producing an almost deafening amount of noise, not even considering the other ambient noise of the district; As well as the alleyway being tucked back between a maze of buildings.
“You’re so warm,” He growls in your ear, the deep gravel of his voice you can almost feel in your gut. It’s even deeper now, almost more so than it’s even been. At least that you remember hearing.
He hears your soft mewl as his fingers curl inside of you, the soft sounds audible even with the amount of noises from outside. Your thighs quiver just slightly before you manage to steady yourself, pushing back against him.
His hand slipping away from your cunt you can hear him fumbling with his armor, forehead leaning against the side of your head as he does so. You can feel how he has you nearly trapped against the wall, body looming over yours.
You know the moment he’s managed it, as suddenly you can feel his groin- and subsequently the outline of his cock through his bodyglove- against your ass. He groans, in both relief and ache as he feels your soft body against him. He's slow however, taking his time pressing his hips against you, lips against the corner of your mouth.
“You act all needy, and now you’re going to make me wait forever?” Sev’s grip noticeably tightens around your hips, slipping along the sides of your underwear and wrenching them down around the middle of your thighs.
“You’re really trying to test my patience, aren’t you?” Sev is a patient man, he has to be at times given his trigger discipline, but somehow you always manage to make it run thin. You turn your head over your shoulder in an attempt to look up at him.
“I thought I already did; It’s why you dragged me out here to-” Sev’s cock pressed harder against your ass, while his lips press against the corner of your mouth.
“You need to be quiet,”
He says, before pulling back and tugging at the seam of his body glove, pulling out his cock to slide against your cunt. Instantly it becomes slick against your outer lips, Sev letting out a shaky groan as he grinds between your thighs. It makes you press your body almost backwards towards him, even though you don’t have much room to move.
You can hear the strain in his voice, clearly already pent up from weeks apart. He might not say it, at least not often, but you know that's the case.
You gain a bit of room when he pulls back just far enough, though only to press his cock against your entrance and slowly sheath himself inside of you. While he isn't overly rough, he certainly isn't gentle; You're absolutely going to feel it in the morning. The feeling makes you gasp; The angle making him feel even larger, if that’s even possible.
The hem of your dress lays on the small of your back, pushed up by Sev while the front remains somewhat in place. He makes you suddenly gasp as his hips hit your ass, fully sheathed inside of you as the rough fabric of his bodyglove and sharp edges of his armor press against your exposed skin.
Even though he had just hissed at you to be quiet, he’s not exactly setting a good example.
You can hear the lewd sounds as he fucks you, as well as the grunts and groans from deep within his throat. Sometimes he swears, sometimes he has a moment where he mumbles your name against your skin, though it holds less sweetness than usual. Not to say he isn’t loving, but he’s more, animalistic.
He isn't saying those usual little mutters of incomprehensible praise, or giving soft touches, instead gripping your hips and driving into you hard enough to almost press you into the wall, borderline desperately fucking you. Your knees keep wobbling, unstable though Sev's grip is helping keep you upright. Your underwear slides farther down to your knees, upper thighs slick from how wet your are.
“I love it when you act like this,” His hips slam into yours harder, making you moan loud enough that you quickly clap a hand over your mouth for a moment.
“Rough? Fuck you with all my armor on like this? That why you kept acting like a tease?”
His teeth gently nip at your skin, hands gripping your hips hard enough to leave dents. It’s not too hard, he’s teetering right on the line. Like he knows exactly where it is, as he’s had to steer clear of it. Now that he knows you aren’t made of glass, he can step just a bit closer to it.
“Want me to put the helmet back on?”
He teases, the deep gravel of his voice you can feel directly in your cunt. Next time you’ll consider the bucket, but your little escapade is already running on borrowed time.
He’s close, you can feel the way his face is so hot against yours, and how he can barely keep an even pace; Now so less fast and hard, and more uneven but slower, and deep. He's still nowhere near gentle, fucking you for all he's worth enough to feel like your feet are going to leave the ground.
His hips stutter, slowly almost to a crawl as he grits is teeth, hearing it in your ear as he groans as he finishes inside of you. Your body feels so warm, almost overwhelmingly hot; The building the only source of cold feeling.
Slowing down you feel his one hand slip from your hip back to your front, sliding over your already battered pussy. You just need that little bit more, heart thumping against your chest and lower stomach tight and twisting in knots.
His hand presses against your clit harder, almost rough- too rough- making you gasp and bite your lip. He wants you to cum on his cock and is on a mission to do so, his teeth scraping against the heartbeat he can feel against his lips.
“Fuck, fuck Sev-”
So so close, right on the edge...
He can feel your cunt tighten around him as he finally coaxes it out of you, your knees barely able to hold yourself up even with with being pressed and held so tight by Sev. Your breath leaves a moist patch on the wall, hands scratched and sore. All of you is sore, and will be even more so tomorrow.
But you did coax it out of him, with this being the goal. So while it this was the cost, you consider it more than worth it.
“Fuck,” Sev pants, his body heavy against yours- even more so with the added weight of his armor. “We should get out of here. Before someone sees.”
The likelihood of someone coming back here, other than maybe a clone with a similar idea as you, is incredibly slim. But needless to say you still agree. You're now a disheveled mess; Your dress is wrinkled and underwear stretched, a few stitches snapped and what amount of makeup you'd been wearing is now far less clean than it had been. It still looks in place, but you can see where your eyes had almost been watering, or your lipstick smudged across your face.
And Sev's; He's sporting a little kiss mark on the corner of his mouth but you elect not to tell him about it because of how good it looks against his tan skin and stubble.
Leaning away from the wall, the way Sev had you for so long it made your feet almost numb, stinging like little pinpricks. It makes them harder to walk on, your knees wobbly and body still hot.
“Just, give me a minute.” Sev’s hand weighs gently on your hip even after you gather you bearings, looking up at him. He gently brushes a chunk of hair from your face as you fix your clothes, before he follows you. He stays close the whole time, a hand on the small of your back.
“Don’t give me that look,” He says, even as you make sure for the fifth time your clothing is totally fixed before emerging from the back alley. Once you do his hand leaves your back, but he's still staying quite close.
“What look?”
He doesn’t answer, just looking down at you with a firm set brow, while hailing a taxi with his hand.
You both squeeze inside, and you give the address back to your place. While Sev doesn’t mind the barracks as much as the average clone, he’d still much rather go back to your place than them. Especially after everything.
You could more than do for a bit of a lie down after all of that, and surely Sev will join you. You only have him till sunrise, so you'll also like to get in some nice, quiet time.
He seems all for that as well, as he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
It’s in the mess hall after he's returned to the base, that Scorch finally decides to pry into Sev’s absence, doing so over a tray of lukewarm soup. The subpar food isn't of any interest to Scorch, especially since gossip is on the menu, and Sev was caught by them sneaking back into the barracks far later than he should've been.
They won't tell, but it's not as if they aren't going to pester him about it.
“So…” Sev looks up, just knowing that was a warm up sound to the question he knows is going to be thrown at him.
“How’d it go with the princess?” Sev takes a bit of his own food, not even bothering to look up at his brother. He knows Scorch is referring to their abrupt absence at the bar, and that's where his intel ends.
“None of your business.”
Fixer isn’t even going to step into this minefield of a conversation, and even makes effort to avoid eye contact and thus being roped in. He continues eating his food as normal, and hoping it eventually sizzles out.
“Oh what, did you finally scare her off with your shitty attitude?” Boss gives Scorch a stern look;
‘Play nice’, as he’s starting to tread into territory that is beyond his sort of teasing jokes.
Sev seems to have the matter settled on his own, however. He gives Scorch one look that would boil anyone else’s blood, along with the cover of unwavering confidence.
“She doesn't seem to mind it.”
Scorch rolls his eyes and resists the urge to audibly gag.
“Ugh, you two were made for each other. It’s disgusting.”
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iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year
Lighten Up Moony
Sup bitches im back
This has been sitting in my drafts, fully finished for like a week and I totally forgot to post it soooo here ya go lmao
So yeah enjoy
Remus didn't laugh that much. When he was a little boy he didn't laugh alot, he started laughing more when he met the other marauders. When he was 17 was probably when he laughed the most. After the war his want or need to laugh died down so much it was almost dead. The most anyone could ever get out of him was a scoff or a small chuckle at best.
Now-a-days, even while living with basically two re-encarnations of Sirius and James and Sirius himself, he didn't laugh alot. And when he did it was very quiet, timid. He didn't even notice that he didn't laugh alot until one of the twins (he couldn't recognize which one it was) mentioned it.
"Hey, Lupin?" Fred (he assumed) asked. Remus glanced at him. "Why don't you ever laugh?"
"What are you talking about, I laugh." Remus hid his surprise.
"Yeah but not alot, even at jokes and stuff you never laugh." They answered. Remus contemplated what he had just said.
"Well, maybe you guys aren't as funny as you think you are." Remus teased to help mask his confusion. Honestly he didn't know why he didn't laugh alot. It might be because playful banter always reminded him of staying up late with his friends back at school. Or that Fred sometines made him think of James. Or maybe being alone for all that time made him unable to just laugh at something.
After that no one mentioned it again but it always stuck with Remus, and apparently Sirius too.
Sirius found Remus in one of the many rooms of this house, reading a book off of one of the shelves, it looked to be about poetry. How boring. Remus looked up when he heard Sirius enter and gave him a brisk nod, closing his book.
"Hey," was all Remus said.
"Hey Moons, can I ask you something?" Sirius walked over to him.
"Sure, what is it?" Remus tilted his head slightly, something he did when he was listening.
"The others were talking about a while ago how you never laugh and I want to know why."
Out of habit, Remus tried to think of a good lie to come up with before realizing he shouldn't lie to Sirius. He didn't have to. He sighed and thought.
"I don't know." He finally answered. "Really I don't! I'm being completely honest." Remus said to Sirius' skeptical look.
"Maybe all the years of trauma finally got to me." He shrugged with a small smile.
"I could get you to laugh." That startled Remus. He didn't expect Sirius to say that. Though, Sirius said alot of out of pocket things so he shouldn't be surprised.
"Alright.." he said warily. He decided to humor Sirius. "How?"
Sirius immediately grinned and grabbed his hand, tugging him twords a dusty looking armchair. He sat Remus down and the leaned over in front of him.
Without warning Sirius scribbled his fingers on Remus' sides. Remus yelped quietly, his elbows shooting down to clamp to his sides.
"What are you doing?!" Remus said in a higher pitched voice than his regular voice.
"Just trying something out," Sirius said nonchalantly. "You wouldn't happen to still be ticklish, would you Remus?"
"N-no, of course not." Remus mentally kicked himself for stuttering. He didn't even know if he was still ticklish or not. It had been years since someone had actually tickled him.
He watched and let Sirius' hands contiune their scribbling on his abdomen, moving over to his stomach where he had to tense his muscles and bite his lip not to let out a giggle.
Sirius watched his face to see any changes in his expression. He narrowed his eyes and poke his sides and belly again, still getting no response. But when he moved up to scratch at Remus' lower ribs-
"Okay, okay!" Remus' hands came down and grabbed onto Sirius' pulling them away from his ribs.
"Aha!" Sirius shouted excitedly. He broke free of Remus' grip quickly and rapidly squeezed his ribs causing Remus to break into a fit of giggles.
Sirius grinned devilishly down at Remus. He looked ten times younger while laughing like this, head throw back onto the back of the armchair, eyes squeezed shut, his nose scrunching up in that cute way he used to do when they were younger.
Even after all this time Remus noted that he still didn't mind when Sirius would mess with him.
Sirius allowed Remus to grab his wrists and hold them away from his body while he caught his breath. Sirius leaned closer and kissed Remus in the cheek, just to watch his face turn red.
"I can't believe I'm still ticklish." Remus grumbled as he covered his face with his hands.
"I can." Sirius grinned when Remus glared.
"Oh, come on." He smirked. "You're like, the king of being ticklish."
"Shut up." Remus punctuated his works with a sharp poke to Sirius' stomach.
"I can't wait to use this against you," Remus groaned at that, rolling his eyes. Sirius gasped. "I need to tell Harry!" He jumped up and ran out of the room.
"I'm gonna tickle you back!!" Remus shouted after him but to no avail. He sighed shook his head fondly. Never a dull moment with Sirius Black.
Hope you liked
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angevinyaoiz · 7 months
saw Dune 2 (2une?), and since I don't have my dune blog anymore I'll post here, since blah blah this is my place for posting about Dynastic Weirdos. This is long but NO MAJOR SPOILERS, except about like, small detail things that aren't plot things but whatever
Tbh it was disappointing. It had all the correct elements to be liked but one thing grated on me the whole time...the Bad Dialogue and lack of Elevated Speech! Why the hell were all these characters saying stuff like "these guys" "we're ok" and "literally" it took me out of the fantastical world sOOO bad. Super bummer because what I loved about Dune 1 (D-uno?) As someone who went into it before reading or knowing anything was how much it didn't explain, how it let the visuals and the world unfold before you, and how serious and somber it was in a way that gave it a sense of scale and time.
I can only wonder if WB saw all the complaints and tweets about people being like "we didn't understand the first movie!!! It wasn't funny and quippy!!!" And decided to simplify it down so characters just SAY things really obviously and inelegantly. The writing has some competence in moving the story forward but there's no poetry or rhythm to the way characters say things, it's serving "Rings of Power" scriptwriting to me lmao. And it's not like any of the actors are bad? I've seen them do well in the previous movie and in other things, so wtf was going on with the direction. I know people complained Abt Villeneuve saying that whole thing about being more into visuals than dialogue but maybe he was right...there needed to be LESS WORDS. bc much of the words we had were NOT GOOD.
Positivity: the middle and latter part was where the movie picked up for me. The Harkonnen Freak Villain behavior was everything I could have wanted! Finally instead of EXPLAINING everything obviously we got to see a LOT of character building, for Feyd specifically in a very short amount of time. I know a lot of us complained about Bald Feyd-Rautha but Mr Elvis did a very good job. And we got Madame Fenring and weird scifi femdomming finally, which is Essential for the Duniverse! Wonderful fantastic no notes.
Of course, getting back to our heroes, I anticipated this 2 years ago sadly and it was true...the Fremen were badass but SWAGLESS. More Learned ppl have already written about the frustration with the erasure of the Arabic/North African cultural presence so I won't reiterate that here since I'm not super knowledgeable about the specifics of that but even as a casual watcher there was a weird emptiness to the way I feel the society was portrayed. There were individual good character moments, such as fun bantering among the Fedaykin etc, but for Pacing or Whatever they cut out the community aspects that served to make them feel more like well, a People rather than just either Grizzled Soldiers/ Religious Fundamentalists aka Marks/Panicked refugees. I have to guess this was ppl were like "we can't show a culture too cool and colorful and the part with Harrah (Jamis' widow) would feel too ORIENTALIST!!! But the result is something sadly very dry. At least in more older orientalist works, the interest comes from when the ~exotic~ stereotypes figures are able to have charming personalities and personalities and be known as people despite the cliches sometimes but this sadly wasn't even like that....
Jamis' funeral is a good example of this; in the Book, it's a moment where you first get a good look of what rituals are like in this world, and how people relate to each other and to the dead. In the movie, the funeral is looks more foreign and even a little creepy as the water is extracted from the body. There's not really a Personal or community connection aspect to it at all.
The ending was pretty good as it satisfied all the Cool Dune Moments I think we all wanted to see, and also did literally the end of The Godfather Part 1 Framing which was hee hee heh. Anyways, Messiah is MY favorite book of the series personally so curious how they get to that.
Maybe I've been too spoiled by Cool Historical Fiction lately? I've been watching too much of The Devil's Crown where action happens mostly off screen but the dynastic drama is written and acted so compellingly, the historical mindset and setting so alien and yet so human and relatable, it's frustrating to see when works try to do the opposite? Idk??? Dune books themselves is fun in how action is mostly an "offscreen, offstage"' thing.
*if ANYONE in the Universe is a quippy Bastard, it should be Leto II esp in God Emperor where he literally has nothing to do all day but quip all day to terrified acolytes
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kairiscorner · 1 year
bc i have no life, i made (and will expand):
dialogue prompts list or something
REMINDERS! imma use these on fics if y'all want, though you guys can use these too for your own fics, just make sure to give me credit and tag me, attaching a link to this post is also appreciated if you use this ^^
(btw, i can also repeat some prompts, though please be patient, i might not be able to post so much this month ^^'')
1.) "you're a bad influence on me, y'know that?" (miles 1610)
2.) "yeah, i risked my skin saving you. i don't care if you wouldn't do the same for me, i'm not you."
3.) "mind using your eyes AND brain next time?"
4.) "my heart beats all the time, shouldn't be a big deal, but i can't help but notice how loud the beating is when you're around." (teen!gojo)
5.) "never really understood poetry, but when i read a few lines from this... you were the image that came out of the words." (noir)
6.) "if you really wanted to drive me insane... you'd hold my hand for more than 5 seconds, then you'll see me insane with love." (noir)
7.) "please, for the love of GOD, never shut up."
8.) "my hands are cold... wait, what are you doing, i thought you brought mitt--never mind, this is nice."
9.) "something tells me you aren't happy about it. and something tells me you'll be angrier if i keep asking. it's okay, take your time. just know i'll be right here for you."
10.) "if you can't believe me, then i'll have to show you that i'm serious about you."
11.) "sometimes, you don't have to worry about loving me enough--you do that too much already. what you should worry about... is giving me too much love that you forget who you're supposed to be loving first: you."
12.) "man, after 5 shots of whiskey and a good laugh, i think i've made up my mind--you're gonna be the one i'll marry." "we just met." "and i just fell for you."
13.) "they came to get their shit back without even getting their shit together, how nice."
14.) "i would've thrown a brick in your window if you didn't answer, and y'know, i was going to, but then i remembered you hated getting stuff on your carpet so i left and did it in my mind."
15.) "i want a platypus. and yes, i want you, too."
16.) "your place is filthy." "it's gonna be yours too, one day." "you mean ours."
17.) "why are my eyes gross right now?" "it's... you're crying." "nu-uh." "y'need a tissue?" "yes please"
18.) "you're so stupid, and reckless, and a literal danger to my very way of life--and yet i love you to bits!"
19.) "if i could just go back in time and see you again, maybe then i'd tell myself to love you for a long, long time. even if i never knew it at the time, i regret all the years we've lost together, i regret living my life without you in it."
20.) "now before you ask why i beat the shit out of him in the locker rooms, it was because he was gonna ask you out before i could, okay?" (soccer captain!miguel)
21.) "i am a fully grown adult. i am capable, i am independent, i am strong-willed." "and you lose your shit when you see me come home with a mcdonalds' kiddie meal."
22.) "nobody loves me..." "..." "ahem, i said, NOBODY LOVES ME" "and i'm nobody?" "yay"
23.) "i just wanna bash their head in, but... it's so distracting. their eyes get me lost and i'm, i'm out of it."
24.) "man, they're a lost cause. and yet i keep busting my ass trying to save them. i love being your spouse and curse being your spouse, dammit."
25.) "i wanna kiss... right now... but my spouse'll... hate me." "i am your spouse." "oh damn, then you'll... hate me if i... if i kiss your pretty face, love..."
26.) "go to bed right now." "no." "i guess i'll give your plushie all my kisses." "ok on my way."
27.) "again, would it be me or them? me who's been with you this whole time, me who's took you in when you're so used to being refused, me who's... who's loved you, all this time?"
28.) "where are my--" "keys? here, scatterbrain." "damn, i'm so glad i married you."
29.) "kids, go to your room." "as your co-parent, i say protect me from the dragon about to breathe fire on me."
30.) "i may be his wife, but i'm not his lover."
31.) "i think you have me confused for someone else."
32.) "it's because i care about you that i push myself away, don't you get that?"
33.) "we'll never be okay again, will we...?"
34.) "the noises in my head keep getting louder and louder and louder, but only you... only you help calm them down."
35.) "oh, i get it, fine. i'll fuck off."
36.) "i want that though." "it's a waste of money." "you got it for me anyway."
37.) "how could you say i don't love you when all my life, you're all i come home to and kiss a good morning and good night?"
38.) "what a stupid man i married."
39.) "don't... fucking move... not unless you want me to do it..."
40.) "you went in my ROOM?"
41.) "i accidentally broke the bed."
42.) "i love you." "what?" "ah fuck, i mean, i'll see you."
43.) "GOD, I HATE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH." "is that why you draw you and them kissing together all the time?"
44.) "i can make a mean burned down house and scorched lawn."
45.) "i'll admit it, fine, i can't win your heart. because your heart isn't any prize to be won, you're not an object. you're... you're you. and i LOVE you."
46.) "what, why're you staring? can't handle how hot i am?" "no, it's just that you've got a shit-eating grin on your face i'd love to punch off you."
47.) "i actually hate summer vacation... i won't be able to see you everyday for 3 whole months."
48.) "ooh, you drank from my cup, you know what this means, we had an indirect kiss."
49.) "just tell your crush you like them already and stop being a big baby about this." "okay, fine. i like you." "wait--"
50.) "i know it looks stupid, but... i tried."
51.) "it's funny, because i had you in mind while making it."
52.) "you think infinity is real, or... are we just living every day hoping tomorrow will come, despite all odds?"
53.) "you're so fucking stupid...! stupid, stupid, stupid... why did you... dammit, why?"
54.) "i don't even know who i share my bed with anymore."
55.) "bite me and get what you want, what we both want."
56.) "we'll never have to see each other again after this."
57.) "quit making promises you can't keep."
58.) "tell me to shut up one more time. go, i'm waiting."
59.) "ah, sorry, i... oh, your hand's really soft."
60.) "what are you doing?" "just capturing the moment in my mind when i'm with the most perfect person in the whole multiverse."
61.) "and you know what your problem is? you can't stand seeing me happy, that's your fucking problem."
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quietbluejay · 22 days
Fulgrim 2
also I should warn that this one (commentary for the book not this specific post) has more swearing than usual for me no I could not come up with a better way to express myself. I realize that it's a bit hysterical warning for swearing given everything about this book but there's the book and then there's the commentary
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Fabius: is it tho Fabius: uh you do remember what happened with the EC geneseed- Fulgrim: YES I REMEMBER OKAY Fulgrim: hmmmm guards leave us so Fabius got permission to modify the geneseed
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is it really that brilliant then also they continue to take brutal casualties i don't really have an idea of how many are in each company to know what these loss numbers mean but they're calling it brutal this is the EC version of a warrior lodge meeting which is supposed to be without rank but uh
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when the primarch is in your warrior lodge what are you gonna do ok becky pov
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also there's a lot to unpack here re going after the young she's also got writers block lol
of course she has blue hair and pronouns though I'm pretty sure this was written way before the meme
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wheeze so they decided to completely get rid of the ostensible reason for the lodges and the best part of them Fulgrim has two new dudes to introduce to everyone oh!! it's Saul!! and Lucius!!
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tarvitz: literally the sole non-dickish EC
so they're going to right away go and link up with Ferrus and the IH once they're done
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you know more people should talk to Fulgrim like that, it'd be good for him
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everyone :NooooOOOOoooo everyone: we wanna chill with the IH okay so this is Eidolon, Saul and Lucius being sent off to end up on Murder Fulgrim: food time now!
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lmao suuuure they're in a stormbird about to fly in for the final attack on the Laer solomon is also the guy who talks about fate and "god of battle" heh solomon suddenly feels like sth terrible is going to happen to his legion
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if i had a nickel for every Heresy novel that talked like this about war poetry i'd have two nickels now lmaoooo kharn, julius, shake hands Fulgrim: well this is perhaps maybe not quite going according to keikaku Fulgrim: kinda smells nice though
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you may now enjoy the mental image of Fulgrim punching the air also the laer managed to cut his face because he was too distracted thinking about cool things to do in the future well fulgrim my days of not respecting you sure aren't coming to an end actually you know what it's weird i haven't seen a single muscle description squints at McNeill this is so un-McNeill-like annnd they're going underground to the temple
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well julius: are they like dying or something fulgrim: well they seem to be enjoying themselves- ooooooh shiny
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THE RETURN OF THE UNDULATION but this time it's the snake people undulating so it makes more sense than ahriman's muscles Fulgrim has taken up the sword also huh it's weird there's been zero mention of Laer civilians or kids or i guess eggs? Fulgrim: ok let's kill them all now i mean…you were already doing that…
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they were investigating a place that should have had low resistance so these interlopers must be destroyed
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balhaan is a history nerd and is excited by this
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beautiful lmao
also you know what makes Balhaan sad about attacking the Diasporex? he's destroying a piece of history when he targets their ships
like if this was a WWII book from a Nazi POV at least 75% of everything about this guy wouldn't feel out of place (the 25% being the metal limbs)
hahaha get rekt the diasporex ships pulled a fast one on him and lead him into a trap
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it sure would be nice if i got a pov in this book of someone who wasn't a deeply unpleasant person okay i guess sculpture dude isn't that bad new POV, Santar goes to brave the primarch in his den
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this isn't too bad but what does it even mean "kept the chamber dark" are they stuck over the windows??
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AUGH MCNEILLS ROCK HARD FLESH STRIKES AGAIN im hoping that by "nearly naked" he's at least wearing a cup or something because i'm pretty sure freeballing it in power armour is uhhhh
wait don't even primarchs usually wear that suit thingy in between the armour and their skin wouldn't this be hideously uncomfortable everywhere?
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does ferrus have a single positive quality
ferrus yells at santar about them getting sloppy
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so, kind of blue-coloured then?
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lmaoooo also "eyes like silver coins" has me imagining something like coraline eyes so far in terms of attractiveness tiers we have: everyone thinks they're the hot ones: sanguinius, fulgrim creepily beautiful: lorgar "so very beautiful": horus magnus: magnus attractive but only some people can see it: russ not bad looking: dorn, guilliman ugly and/or wrecked by war: ferrus, angron, mortarion tbh i don't remember everyone else's descriptions well enough anyways santar is staring at ferrus' arms of course he is
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what a guy that ferrus
anyways santar successfully defuses him oh ferrus' eyes don't have pupils creepy Ferrus and Santar have a moment lmao, Santar feels like his soul's exposed as Ferrus stares at him and Ferrus puts his hands on Santar's shoulders and is like "you're important to me"
note to self: do separate post later re: World Eater and Iron Hands parallels and why Ferrus should have been Angron's foil
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you'd think he'd be used to it lol
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donnerpartyofone · 11 months
I'm trying to picture the logical outcome of that rhetoric going around about how we should all reblog people's art and fan content out of the goodness of our hearts--like just to satisfy everybody's cravings for attention, as opposed to reblogging if and when we actually like something enough to want it on our own blogs. I mean there's no other reason NOT to reblog something than that you just don't enjoy it enough, so the only reason to press people about reblogs is to override that basic lack of desire and pleasure. With that said:
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Let's say person X is earnestly writing and recording really shitty music. You don't like it, but you feel duty-bound to make them happy by acting like you think it's good so you reblog it, all of it, every time. And let's also say your supposedly heroic urge to promote things you don't believe in, to make your blog represent stuff you don't actually care for just to create a feeling of artificial popularity for someone else, catches on, and we all start doing it. Now everyone is playing music they don't like, or are even indifferent to, and we're putting it on all of our blogs, like you're covering your room in posters for something totally uninspiring, that you're only involved with out of pity. And then one day we all find ourselves middle-aged and tired without that much money or energy to go around, and we're still dragging our asses to shows that start too late and go too late, trudging from the bar to the bathroom as the only way of breaking up the monotony of politely sticking it out until your friend goes on--who actually isn't even your friend, they're just some rando on social media who everyone collectively decided to boost out of the misguided notion that we are all owed zillions of notes and followers just because we want them, and now this person gets to go about their days imagining that they're deservedly famous and never learning things like, for instance, you should make art for your own personal satisfaction and not to get everyone else's approval, or that being loved by a few people who really understand you is better than being popular with masses of strangers, or that there are forms of success that aren't just doing numbers on some cretinous website.
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One of the more important parts of the above is, person X is not your friend, they're just some guy. In real life, there is a good probability that you will sometimes have a friend who makes bad art or bad music or writes bad poetry etc, and you will feel obligated to go to their show/reading/etc and act supportive and come up with nice things to say until you're exhausted to the point of death. And you sacrifice your time and comfort like this because X is someone in your life who you care about, even if it doesn't feel completely honest to be this positive about everything they do, it's worth it because you're invested in how they feel (this is providing you don't have more of a tough love relationship, which is maybe ideal, but not everybody does so well with that, so ANYWAY). And if you're part of an actual community of artists, everybody winds up buying each other's zines and being the only people at each other's shows and basically just passing the same $10 bill around in a circle forever and man is THAT exhausting, but at least you all know the score, even if no one is saying it.
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But what I'm saying is, this is the burden of relationships, the result of not being able to necessarily choose who you love. The most common type of relationship on Tumblr is between strangers; I will never know anything about the vast majority of people whose posts I see, even that I like. I will make some friends and acquaintances, but for the most part I'm here to have my own experience, to follow people because I like what they do, to interact with their stuff for no reason other than that I enjoy it. So for me, the Tumblr pitch is basically "Come to this site, people post all kinds of cool shit and you can amuse yourself for hours!" The pitch should not be "Come to this site where people will conspire to make a charity case out of you by making you think they like your stuff when they really don't," nor should it be "Come to this site where you have a moral obligation to help promote all kinds of random crap you might think is lame or boring, but you're forced to because you feel sorry for strangers who make bad art and you don't think they should have to learn that no one owes them a successful artistic career and popularity isn't everything!" I mean that is a nightmare. If you're lucky you'll have enough of that going on in your real life that you definitely won't want to join a website where you have to do it for people you don't even know. If you're extra lucky, you'll never have to do anything like this at all!
PS If half your likes and reblogs are inspired by charity and not informed by your actual taste, then your approval becomes totally meaningless and nobody should care what you have to say. Same goes for always agreeing with whoever is talking to you and always saying you're sorry even if no one asked for an apology. It's a way of being a liar. You turn your own word into mud.
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roserefrain · 4 months
[1950 words]
Florian does the hardest thing he's ever had to, and Aster picks some daisies.
(A piece for mine and Aster's anniversary!)
One foot in front of the other, head down the usual patrol route. Walk around the garden on the designated path, return to the post, and keep watch. It's easy.
"Ah! Florian!" A cheery voice and the rustling of pages suddenly makes the job much harder. Florian picks up the pace, keeping his eyes straight ahead, his face entirely neutral. Don't look, don't speak, don't do anything you haven't been told to.
"Florian." Metal gently hitting against metal, the garden chair has been pushed in, bumping into the table. Walk faster, eyes ahead. He can hear their hurried footsteps behind him, struggling to keep up with his longer stride. "Why are you ignoring me?!" Their voice is not cheerful anymore.
He lets a thousand words die in his throat before they ever make it up to his lips. Because I want to be good, because you make me feel things I shouldn't, because I'm scared, because-
Florian freezes completely as he feels a gentle tug on his long sleeve. He can't stop his eyes from glancing over, at their face.
Aster- They're tearing up. He feels like ice is crystalizing inside of him, in his veins, his throat, his lungs... They're about to cry, he has made them feel like crying.
"You've been ignoring me for days! Did I do something wrong? Aren't we friends?" Their voice cracks, they don't let their eyes leave his for even a second.
That shine of tears in their eyes, it feels worse than every training mistake he's ever made, it makes him want to make any foolish, rash decision in the world that would make that sadness fade away. It's dangerous, how much he wants them to smile, isn't it? Dangerous, he repeats that word in his mind until he is able to say something other than a choked apology.
"...I am on duty. I must continue my patrol route."
"Talk to me!" The tears slip from their eyes now, their grip tightens. "Actually talk to me! If you don't want to see me again, then say that right now, and I'll go!"
That's it then, isn't it? Florian's options, laid out before him as plainly as possible. His opportunity to be a good knight, to bury those hidden feelings forever, to have it all go back to the way it used to be... Here it was, he simply had to say it. It should be easy, yes? Just a few words.
"I-" Want you to go, want you to go, want you to go. Finish the sentence, force the words out, do not think about how it will make them feel. Do not think about how it will make you feel. You do not feel. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't- I-"
All the wrong words come out, along with tears. He desperately covers his face, perhaps he can will the tears away, perhaps they didn't even see them. Perhaps he can pretend he's not being weak.
"Hey, hey... Florian." Aster's voice is immediately soft, hiding shock with gentle compassion. They've never seen him cry before, he can't remember the last time he cried. "Let's go to our spot, okay? C'mon, we can talk this out, can't we?"
It sounds too nice to possibly resist, to sit with them in their usual spot, to figure this out... Even if it means he is a bad knight, a bad angel, he can't bring himself to say no. He walks with Aster, still covering his face, he knows every part of this garden, even without his full sight. Better to hide his tears than to see clearly.
He can hear them sit down in the grass, and he follows suit. Their usual spot, a hidden area between many bushes and trees, barely enough room to sit. This was where Aster had shown him their poetry for the first time. The place where they had trusted him enough to put their very future in his hands, and had done it with a carefree smile.
"Can you tell me what's going on?"
"I do not wish to break the rules, and so, I am attempting to avoid you." That's the easiest way to explain it, without saying it all. Without taking his very heart out, right here and now. He does not know if he is strong enough for that, if he can ever be as strong as Aster is.
"...Do you think my poetry writing is gonna rub off on you?" Aster wipes their eyes and gives him a little grin. Even now, they're trying to be lighthearted, to joke, to make him smile. "It's not contagious, I promise."
"It has nothing to do with the rules that you are breaking." He finally manages to uncover his face, having calmed himself enough in order to staunch the flow of tears. "And I cannot think of a single way to go about this where I both interact with you, and continue to be a good knight."
"...Mm." Aster looks down, running their fingers gently over the many little flowers that pop up from the grass all around them. "Okay. If that's true, then what? Are we done?" Their tone implies that they do not necessarily believe it is true.
Florian looks to those little flowers, how gently they touch the petals, as if they might shatter under their fingers otherwise. “I don’t know. I thought it would be easier if I avoided you. Things would simply go back to how they were before I met you,” he explains, his voice quiet. “But, all I could do was think about how much I missed our talks. …It hurt.”
“It hurt me too, to just have you ignore me,” Aster says, stopping their fingers on one flower in particular. “I thought I did something wrong. Or… or you were going to report me for breaking the rules.”
Oh. Of course they thought that, how could he be so foolish? Who wouldn’t think that in this circumstance? He had been so caught up in his own fears, he didn’t even realize theirs.
“You must’ve felt terrified.”
“Mm. Lonely, mostly.” Aster shrugs their shoulders. “…There was some fear though, yeah.”
“I…” Florian thinks for a moment. A thousand ways to apologize, and none of them seemed right. “I will never report you. I swear it.” More, that’s not enough. “And, I am sorry I made you feel lonely, and scared. I did not do my duty as your friend, I did not think of your feelings.” More, one more…
He can’t. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. Aster waits for several seconds, staring at his expression, at the way he clearly is fighting to say something else. Their response is simple, they pluck the flower they were touching out of the ground, and press it into Florian’s hand.
“You know what flower this is, right?”
He stares down at the white petals surrounding the little yellow center. Two layers of petals, indicating a composite flower.
“It is a daisy.”
“Do you remember what daisies mean?” Their voice is patient and soft. Aster had been teaching him these flower meanings. Florian had been doing his best to memorize them, to read about it even when they didn’t speak. He wanted to impress them, to show that he could learn about this thing they enjoyed.
“Well, every flower has several meanings. But, the one you told me about specifically… It meant ‘I can keep a secret’, did it not?” He didn’t understand why they were quizzing him on this now, of all times.
“Yep. …And I just gave it to you, Florian.” They add the last bit when they see the confusion on his face. “I’m telling you, whatever it is, whatever rule you’re scared of breaking, it’s okay. I won’t tell anyone. You can trust me.”
“It is not as if I am worried that you will report me. That would be hypocritical of you,” Florian states, and Aster can’t help but laugh at the bluntness of it. “I am simply worried that saying it will make it real. Then it’s not just thinking, then I am truly breaking the rules.”
“Aren’t you already doing that by letting me break the rules?” Aster tilts their head to the side. “You’re already a rule breaker, we’re already in this together.”
He wishes that thought upset him more, but all he can think about is how they said that they’re in this together. Somehow, it almost completely defangs the idea of breaking the rules, as long as Aster is with him, if they’re keeping each other’s secrets.
“I’m sorry for making you cry.” He has to go back to that, to avoid the main topic of discussion.
“It’s okay. We’re all good,” Aster says gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. They then just stare, waiting for him to actually say what has been causing all this. Ah, they’re not going to let him end the conversation here, are they?
“…Is there any way we can pretend this did not happen?”
“I’d be sad if we did that.”
So it was impossible to get out of this without admitting it. He couldn’t bear to make them sad again, saying what he needed to would be easy in comparison to seeing them cry again.
"I have developed feelings for you." He lets the words tumble out of his mouth before his mind can catch up, before his fear and shame can stop him. He glances to Aster, seeing that they don't look shocked, horrified, disgusted with him... Nothing. They're just smiling. He must've not explained it well enough, they must not understand. "...Romantic ones," he elaborates, but that doesn't change their expression either.
"You had me so worried." Aster lets out a laugh, and all of a sudden their arms are around him, and they're so close. "Florian! Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?"
Florian is confused, he's speechless, he's completely frozen. It doesn't make any sense, why are they acting as if this is no big deal? Did he not explain himself properly? That must be it, he must have not used the right words.
"No, I... I don't think you understand!" He tries to ignore the warmth rushing to his face. They feel warm, they're so close, they're smiling so wide. "Aster, I have fallen for you!" He waits for them to react poorly, they have to, nothing else makes sense.
"Yeah, I understand." Aster's wings spread ever so slightly, the feathers all fluffing up. "I feel the same, Florian. I'm so happy you told me."
Oh. Oh! It was that simple? It could be that simple? They were happy? They had been feeling the same?
"...Oh man, you were really struggling with all this, huh?" Aster reaches a hand up, gently touching his cheek. He thinks that their smile must be hurting their cheeks at this point. How in the world could they treat this so casually?
Well, that was a silly question. It was Aster. They marched to the beat of their own drum. The rules of Heaven could never hold them back. They must've been the bravest angel he ever met.
Florian stiffly lifts his arms and bends them, returning the hug that Aster initiated. The movement is awkward at first, but as soon as he's actually hugging them, it feels as natural as flying.
"How are you feeling?" Aster stares up at him, still resting their hand on his cheek. They sound ever so slightly worried, unclear on how internally conflicted he still was. But, how could he be? Like this, in their arms, there's only one possible answer.
"I'm happy."
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archiveikemen · 1 year
'A Dangerous Gamble' Story Event: Premium END
Akihito's Route
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Not proofread.
The screenshots I have for this event aren't very good quality, so no pics attached.
At the end of the poetry competition— Tomoyuki’s poem received the most votes.
I wasn't the only one who was surprised by the results…
Masanari: Lies! This guy’s poem should’ve been much worse than this!
Court Noble 1: The results are not a lie.
Court Noble 2: I never expected Lord Tomoyuki to write such a beautiful poem…
While the other participants buzzed amongst themselves, Tomoyuki spoke in a calm manner.
Tomoyuki: — Since I have been chosen as the winner, there is nothing that can be done.
Tomoyuki: Lord Masanari. Remember our bet.
Masanari: He’s disqualified! Disqualified!
Masanari’s tyrannical behaviour made me flinch while seated behind the bamboo blinds.
Tomoyuki’s poetry skills had indeed made great improvement, thus the favourable results.
Akihito: It’s alright, Yuno.
Akihito reached his hand out to me.
Akihito: Come here. Let’s open the blinds.
Yuno: Y-Yes.
I placed my hand in Akihito’s outstretched hand, and stepped out of the michodai with him.
Akihito: I shall explain Tomoyuki’s poem.
Court Noble 1: Y-Your Majesty!?
At Akihito’s sudden appearance, all the court nobles present immediately prostrated themselves in silence.
(No matter how many times I’ve seen this, it’s still so amazing…)
After seeing me take a step back, Akihito turned his gaze toward Tomoyuki.
Akihito: I am quite well acquainted with Tomoyuki. The poem he presented was a modified version of one he had written, which I modified myself.
Masanari raised his voice.
Masanari: Isn't that cheating…!? A poem written by Your Majesty will naturally be chosen as the winner.
Akihito: Masanari. Your poem was written by someone else as well, was it not?
(What the!?)
Despite my surprise, Akihito and Tomoyuki remained calm while confronting Masanari.
Tomoyuki: His Majesty suggested the possibility of that happening, and so I looked into it.
Tomoyuki: I obtained a testimony from someone who claimed to have been forced by you to write a poem for this poetry competition, Lord Masanari.
Akihito: If the rule “a poem written by someone is to be disqualified” applies, then Tomoyuki has won the bet.
Masanari: B-But—
Akihito: Moreover, unlike you, Tomoyuki’s poem was not entirely written by someone else.
Akihito: This poem is a result of Tomoyuki’s hard work in the past month, studying poetry. I only helped him make a few improvements to the final piece.
Masanari: …!
Masanari was at a loss for words.
Akihito: People who trample on others should be prepared to be trampled on.
Akihito: This is my warning to you.
(It’s amazing how he’s smiling, and yet he sounds so powerful…!)
Akihito’s smile intimidated everyone in the room—.
(Tomoyuki kept thanking us and was over the moon… I’m so glad it went well.)
After being intimidated by Akihito, Masanari swore to never bother Tomoyuki’s sister ever again.
Akihito: You did a good job today.
Yuno: You too, Lord Akihito.
Akihito and I changed into our sleepwear after returning to the palace, and were finally able to relax.
(Come to think of it…)
Yuno: So, you’re the winner of our bet.
Akihito: Mm-hmm. We made a bet on whether Tomoyuki’s poem would receive the most votes at the poetry competition—
Akihito: And you bet that although he would win Masanari, his poem wouldn't receive the most votes.
Seated next to me, Akihito teasingly nudges the back of my hand that was resting on the floor.
(Tomoyuki’s poem did receive the most votes at the competition, but…)
(His poem contained Akihito’s efforts as well.)
Yuno: Even though I accept my defeat, it’s still a little hard to swallow.
Akihito: It does seem that way. Because you're honest.
Akihito looked into my eyes with a wry smile.
Akihito: Tomoyuki was against the idea at first, because it was cheating…
Akihito: But I managed to persuade him.
Yuno: You did?
Akihito: Yes. I told him that if he had to do so if he wanted to continue being able to protect the people dear to him as a court noble.
Akihito foresaw the future and made his move in advance.
I imagined Tomoyuki standing next to Akihito after his rising in rank as a court noble.
(I wonder if… I’ll be able to stand next to Akihito someday.)
I was suddenly worried about my future.
Yuno: Should I be capable of doing those things too…
When I lowered my head slightly, looking downcast, Akihito gently combed my hair with his fingers.
Akihito: You’re already capable of forming your own path in your own special way.
Akihito: Therefore, I’ll be happy enough if you would stay by my side.
He gently placed his hand on my cheek, making my heart race while filled with warmth.
His hand slid down from my cheek to my neck—
Akihito: By the way, I won the bet and so I can order you around, right?
His soft whisper with a hint of laughter brought me back to my senses.
Yuno: Y-Yes. Only one order, right?
Akihito: Mm-hmm. So—
Akihito pulled me into his arms.
Akihito: I order you to listen to everything I say tonight.
The way his shapely lips moved as he spoke was kind of attractive.
I was captivated by how elegant yet sexy he was…
(... Oh!)
Yuno: … That’s more than one order!
Akihito: No one said I couldn't use it to get more.
(I got tricked…)
Akihito: Unfortunately, you’ve fallen for my trick.
Akihito moved his face closer to mine—
(... Mm.)
His gentle kiss was passionate and bewitching.
Akihito: I’m a bad guy. I’m willing to use anything, even gambling, to bother you.
Akihito laid me on the mattress with a soft smile.
Akihito: Here’s my first order, Yuno.
Akihito: … I want you to kiss me.
He traced my wet lips while ordering me sweetly—.
Yuno: Lord… Akihito…
Anticipating a night of being showered with passionate love, I reached my hands out toward Akihito.
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evilwickedme · 2 years
I'd love to hear more Bat social media thoughts if you have any
Oh I absolutely do
Bruce, Dick, Cass, Tim, Steph, and Jason all have twitter. The first four have verified accounts (like proper verified, not the shit Musky introduced). Jason's twitter is just something like litlover666
Tim has an extra anonymous account to post absolute shit in and pick fights with. Steph picks fights on main and makes fun of Bruce constantly. Jason posts mostly book reviews with the occasional photo of whatever he's eating right now and recommendation for some mom and pop restaurant in the worst parts of Gotham. He has a cult following
Bruce's account is entirely PR. He doesn't even have the password. Not because he can't be trusted with it but because he doesn't give a fuck. Every once in a while his social media intern asks him for some photo or he texts them about a charity he wants to promote and that's the extent of his involvement
Dick is sporadic with his use. He tweets happy birthdays to everyone including members of the batfam who aren't on Twitter (see Damian) and responds to random @ s a lot
Cass mostly uses it to crosspost videos of herself dancing from Instagram and retweets Steph's shitposting
Duke, Cass, and Steph all have Instagram. Only Cass is verified, because Duke is too new to the batfam. It irritates him more than he'll admit
Again, Cass's insta is mainly photos and videos of her dancing. She also posts a lot of photos with her family tho, especially in embarrassing situations nobody knew she'd managed to capture on camera
Steph uses it mainly to lurk but her friends only stories are a LOT of fun
Duke posts his poetry on there sometimes, but mostly it's a casual Instagram with pictures of friends and family and selfies. He also posts pictures of Damian's pets every once in a while cause he thinks it's a shame Damian is too young to join the platform and post them himself (Damian is like 11 or 12 at most in my mind and Alfred actually enforces the no social media before you're 13 rule)
Tim deleted his finsta when he became Robin cause it was dedicated to Bat content and that was Embarrassing
Only Steph and Tim have tumblrs. Jason would thrive on here, but he doesn't have time to figure out any other platform beside the one he's on. Neither Steph nor Tim told each other outright they have tumblrs, but they found each other and became mutuals anyway. Tim doesn't use the platform so much anymore, he was way more into it when he was like 13 or 14, but Steph keeps up with ALL the memes. Both accounts are anonymous but Tim has a HUGE following for telling random stories about his life that sound entirely made up except he always provides photographic evidence or some other kind of proof
WE PR made Bruce start a TikTok and he insisted it be a Wayne family TikTok because, again, he Did Not Want To Deal With It. Tim's supposed to be in charge of it but Dick is addicted. He has his own account too but he only ever posts on the Wayne family TikTok account, mostly to brag about his siblings' accomplishments
Cass, again, has a dance-focused account. She once posted herself dancing with Jason and everyone freaked out over who this giant dude is until he was legally brought back to life. Nobody in the batfam knows how she managed to get him to agree to participate but he was actually really good
Dick's personal account is not as active as the Wayne family account but he posts gymnastics there sometimes
Neither Alfred nor Kate are on social media for very different reasons. Babs is on every platform as a lurker, but on Twitter she interacts with Dick and Cass sometimes. Damian isn't allowed yet but once he turns 13 he becomes an absolute TERROR on twitter
The JLA, Titans, and Young Justice teams all have team accounts of various diplomatic quality. Diana runs the first for the most part, basically every member of the Titans team gets their chances with it at some point for theirs, and Cassie and Tim have learned their lesson about letting anybody except the two of them tweet from the YJ account
Nightwing's account is excessively popular. A lot of people thirst follow him but also sometimes he eviscerates someone horrible and it's extremely funny
Spoiler's account is also popular for being just as feral as her civilian main
It's a recurring joke among the superhero community that everyone is very lucky that Robin doesn't have an account
Signal's account is low-key
Oracle's account is vital, she provides a lot of early warnings for civilians when there are Arkham breakouts and the like. A lot of people have notifications turned on for her account
Just like the Wayne's account, the batfam has an account. It's mostly funny bits from cowl cam but Red Robin has posted a series of videos triggering Red Hood into talking about his various interests (literature, proper gun maintenance, the actual programs that would benefit crime alley) all of which go extremely viral
And that's everything I have right now!! If anybody wants fic recs for social media aus or wants to know my hcs for other heroes' social media just shoot me an ask 🥰
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Manfred von Karma: For Real This Time
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Hookay, got the fluffy poetry out of my system. Now it's time to break down Manfred in scientific terms - his role in Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright, why he works and perhaps some shortcomings as well. This will be formatted similarly to my Damon Gant analysis, though hopefully more well structured (and much, MUCH longer lol). Bare with me on this!
The Build-Up
By Case 1-4, chances are you've built yourself up pretty high. You've matched Edgeworth - the "Demon Prosecutor" - twice in succession, having to deal with non-cooperative police and systemic corruption all the way through. Both Redd White and Dee Vasquez may have had their share of strings to pull but you managed to cut both down in the end. They were shaky wins though, so there's still room for you to be afraid of what comes next.
Case 1-4 shakes things up massively; Edgeworth is framed for murder, the police seemingly have no leads, and your own investigation comes short of being able to figure anything out. But... who's prosecuting the case if not Edgeworth? A new prosecutor? Payne, even?
Enter; Manfred von Karma. As mentioned in my Gant post, he is built up to mythic proportions before you even step in the court. 40 years undefeated. 10-20 times as ruthless as Edgeworth. He is spoken in godlike terms, and by Edgeworth himself no less! By the time you see him, you're already dreading what you're about to face with so little evidence or leads to back you up. And the first thing he actually does?
Shut the Judge right down. The Judge! The guy who - dim as he is - is supposed to be the one calling the shots! And he holds on to that control for the rest of the trial before Udgey finally stands up for himself when Nick requests Lotta to testify again. Even still, you are no closer to proving Edgeworth innocent than you were before - you just bought time with the only contradiction you could find.
As far as first impressions go, Manfred is nothing short of perfect - winding up the tension until striking you as hard and fast as they can with this monster of a prosecutor before you even have the chance to collect your thoughts.
The Character
Now, this is where Manfred gets a ding on his otherwise spotless record, because... He's honestly not that interesting as a character.
Most of his character comes down to being a perfectionist - he's willing to do whatever is necessary to maintain what he sees to be a perfect life. When someone disrupts that perfection - say, Gregory getting him penalised for falsified evidence - it's enough to send the man into a murderous vendetta that will last long after you are dead, and paid back by your descendants. Hell, he tazed Nick and Maya for so much as daring to spoil his perfect victory when they reveal the note he wrote (good going btw Phoenix... you'd think he'd have learned by then). He doesn't get many chances to be humanised in AA1 though; he is presented to you as a monster and stays that way through to the end.
Terrifying to a capital T and a worthy final boss, but he's no Damon Gant or Godot as far as personality or motive goes. He does what he does because he is obsessed with his idea of perfection, from his actions in court and his abuse towards his children/protégé Franziska and Miles. There aren't too many other gears spinning in his head beyond that.
He's more a presence, a force of nature, than a character with the same depth or humanity as Edgeworth before him or Damon Gant after. I won't say that's a bad thing necessarily though! For what the story is aiming for, a pure-evil villain in a lavish suit does the job well enough. It helps that Edgeworth carries the majority of the character growth so that his mentor can mostly coast off his fear factor alone and get by well-regarded anyhow. Plus, he's not above being as comical as every other Ace Attorney character - see his ATM number line for my go-to example of him being an absolute cartoon.
"I set my ATM number to '0001', because I am number 1!"
You'd almost be endeared by his supervillain ego if he wasn't making you soil yourself all the way through the case.
The Impact
DL-6. This event defines almost the entirety of Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright - it's hinted at as early as Case 1-2, likely the reason why your mentor Mia was murdered by Redd White and why the Fey clan is in such shambles in recent days. It's the reason Edgeworth is such a cold, ruthless person, as it stripped him of his father and put him in Manfred's iron grasp. That event ruined the life of an otherwise innocuous bailiff, to the point where he was willing to kill his former attorney to frame the child he was convinced was actually guilty all along. DL-6 was a defining event for a lot of characters and the ripples of that case continue to affect them up to and after Case 1-4.
And it likely never would have happened if not for Manfred.
A man so consumed by his ideas of perfection, he decided 15 years ago, in that moment, to set in motion a chain of events that would weigh on everyone in proximity; From Misty Fey to Maya, Mia and Nick, from Gregory to Miles, from Yani Yogi to everyone he had to push away to keep his façade going. Had Gregory not been murdered that day, Miles likely would have continued on his path to follow in his fathers footsteps. He, Phoenix and Larry may have kept in touch instead of suddenly breaking off contact under Manfred's wing. Hell, Phoenix himself may not have become a defence attorney at all! He was more likely to have been an artist as Trials and Tribulations would reveal if not for this one event.
The name "Manfred von Karma" is synonymous with this event. The lengths he went to in order to hide his involvement - up to and including framing Miles, taking him in as his own, and keeping a bullet wound untreated for 15 years - ensured that none of these threads would be resolved by the time they dealt serious damage to everyone involved in the resulting trial. Though, as with any Ace Attorney culprit, his cover-ups leave a trail of lies we can trace all the way back to him. The only downside is that he's more than used to playing dirty to get the result he wants - resulting in a case that starts out as hopelessly as possible and continues to be so, up until Yani Yogi decides enough is enough and confesses his involvement.
Huh. In hindsight, Yani might have inadvertently gotten his own back against Manfred for essentially ruining his life. Don't think he expected us to nab him for DL-6, but a victory is a victory!
I could go on and on, especially regarding Miles and Franziska, but wiser people than I have spilled their guts on those two and it would be much, much too long a post otherwise. It's important to cover everything, but it's more-so to know when something is done. So I will leave with this;
Manfred von Karma is a simple meal well made - a pure-evil villain with more than enough menace and deeds to carry him through the final case of Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright. It's easier to get something right when there's not much to get wrong, and as far as simple villains like this go?
I dare say he's nothing short of perfect.
Almost perfect.
Really, who shouts their ATM number in the middle of a packed courtroom....?!?!
EDIT: As mentioned in another post, I had mistakenly assumed Phoenix was pursuing a prosecution career for some time. This post mentions the same misconception which has been removed for accuracy's sake. Sorry bout that!
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yourlocaldisneyvillain · 11 months
20 Author Questions
thanks to @statelysapphicfor the tag!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
it's that sweet gwendoline chistie brain rot for me :))
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
push me gently (into love) -> (nsfw) -> two chapter Larissa x reader story in which reader is an art teacher at Nevermore. fluffy, cozy, and sweet, featuring easily skippable smut. rom-com vibes.
when the last restraint is gone -> (ongoing) (nsfw) -> an intense victorian romance between Jane Murdstone and her lady's maid, Laura. sort of in the style of Sarah Waters's historical romance novels. heavily influenced by Vita and Virginia's love letters. featuring a lot of sensually read victorian poetry and dirty, delicious smut.
danger level - one (nsfw) -> filthy smut featuring the good ol' sex pollen trope. Phasma x fem!stormtrooper!reader. hot and a bit silly. straightforward and simple porn lol.
particular (nsfw) -> Larissa Weems x (adult) Wednesday Addams, aka the fic that got me cancelled. ongoing, but written. still in the process of posting it. rom-com with dark humour and some more mature themes, but still relatively light. sort of a coming-of-age story.
so very chivalrous (and so completely oblivious) -> Brienne x princess!reader. very fluffy. Brienne is very good with a sword, but a bit oblivious in the matters of love. featuring good ol' lesbian yearning.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try my best to! i feel like i either wanna rant abt my blorbos and my thought process or i want to be polite. someone took the time to write a comment, and i feel like that warrants a thank you!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmmmm. perhaps the sad ending option for my ruin tastes so sweet (almost as sweet as your lips) -- it's a choose your own adventure story!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
it would have to be either so very chivalrous (and so completely oblivious) or push me gently (into love) which now that i think about have a lot of kudos and comments and hits, so i guess ppl love happy endings hahah
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i'm the queen of controversy apparently, and i was cancelled! but the fic itself didn't get as much hate as ppl didn't even wanna read it lol, i personally got hate mail. so fics? i suppose not. but there is still time, who knows what else i'll post (i know, and ppl will likely have opinions about it)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i very much do lol. the real hot kind :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i've written exactly one! larissa x phasma bc. reasons. it's smut. chrome and lipstick
11. Have you ever had a fiction stolen?
not to my knowledge! but ppl have heavily copied my work :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my knowledge!
13. Have you ever co-writtten a fic before?
tried to, but the person in question sorta ghosted me lol
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
ughhhhh idk man. i guess the one i spent the longest being obsessed with is malora. i have a dark past lol.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i hope to finish them all Eventually lol but idk, we shall see!
16. What are your writing strengths?
characterisation, point blank haha. i have a sense of rhythm that i sometimes put to good use.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
uhhh i tend to be vague abt things i am bored with while i write, and plot driven things aren't my forte. i can get very dash and comma happy lol. sometimes i tend to Fixate on a word or a phrase and i'm like okay gurl let it go lol, you've used this too many times. i am not very meticulous and i hate doing outlines and i feel like Sometimes it Shows. i feel like sometimes you can tell english is not my native language no matter how hard i try.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
speak the language at least somewhat, please. otherwise it's really hard for it to land well. personally, i feel very lukewarm about it
19. First fandom you wrote for?
uhhhhh. i honestly don't remember. supergirl perhaps?? or ouat.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
our little dance and particular :)
tagging: @the-frankenman-writes @dianneking @zephyr-is-tired @alder-saan @notinmyvocab @theflashesoflove
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