#so maybe it's a little quick for them to already be falling but idk
with-ink-and-quill · 1 year
The Sound of Your Voice
Pairing: Astarion x Tav
Tags: demisexual Tav! (they/them) mostly flirting and sass, but brief mentions of rejection trauma, Act 1 compliant
Summary: It was supposed to be a quiet morning, but a short, bitter exchange between Astarion and Shadowheart has Tav paying just a little too much attention to how words are shared.
Word Count: 4999
A/N: Yeah I don't have much for this, it just kind of happened lmao please enjoy and if you want more uhh drop a like/reblog and hopefully my brain will throw out more ideas
The sky was still tinged with the dusty colors of dawn as the camp slowly woke up. Gale was sleepily digging through the collected rations, stifling yawns as he gathered ingredients for breakfast. Karlach was still snuffling out soft snores by the fire, the embers smoldering closest to her. Shadowheart was perched at the water's edge, pressing cold water to her face to chase away sleep. Lae'zel was beginning her morning stretches, the shining greatsword making slow sweeps through the air to cut down her imagined foes. Wyll was sitting by the fire near the sleeping tiefling looking barely more awake than her, but trying to encourage some life back into the wood. Astarion was still missing, assumedly out hunting or stealing some few quiet moments in the sun for himself. Tav was wearily sitting up in their bedroll, trying to rub the sleep from their eyes and cringing at the ache in their neck.
It was partly from sleeping on the ground and partly from the bite mark still healing from a few days ago. Shadowheart had offered to heal it properly the day it had happened, an unhappy slant to her mouth, but they had brushed her off with a smile. It was important to know the price, after all, and they had chosen to offer themselves. It didn't feel right to wave it away. They had relented to let the cleric properly dress the little wound, all too aware of the eyes staring down the vampire as it happened. The group had only been together for a few weeks, but everyone seemed a bit protective of Tav and a bit too ready to turn on the offending pair of fangs. No one had made more than a passing remark about it, at least, thanks in no small part to their insistence that they encouraged Astarion. That they trusted him. The man himself had been all smug smiles and shrugging confidence, but his gaze had been fixed on Tav through it all as if they were a queer puzzle; as if calculating where his next flash of teeth or dripping affections should be placed. It had sat uncomfortably on their shoulders ever since.
With a creaking yawn and shivering stretch, they rolled up their bed and plunked themselves next to Wyll. A murmuring good morning was exchanged, both of them equally half hearted in the attempt but smiling. They let a little bolt of fire spring from their fingers, properly igniting the logs the warlock had carefully propped back into order and he let the flint drop gratefully from his hands. They warmed themselves in peaceful quiet for a moment before the man was called over by Gale. Something about catching some fish for a refreshing breakfast and how the wizard could collect them himself with magic, but it was such a nice morning to ruin it with carnage. Tav smiled, huffing a quiet little laugh as they drooped forward on the log, eyes sliding closed. They were simply still tired from waking so early, that was all.
The log shifted as someone sat next to them and they started slightly, jerking awake as if preparing to get scolded. Shadowheart was perched next to them, doing a poor job to hide a laugh at their reaction. Her hair was neatly braided, not a single sign that the cleric had been resting even ten minutes prior. Her face was the usual mask of distant interest and hidden thoughts, but her eyes were fixed on the white bandage at their neck. They ran a hand almost nervously through their hair.
"Are you still exhausted, Tav?" She asked, not bothering to waste time with the check in this morning. "I confess little experience with such bites, but it worries me that you're still affected days later. Are you sure I can't heal it properly? We wouldn't want you to drop in battle over it."
They held their hands up defensively, shaking their head. "It's fine, I'm fine, honestly." They smiled, trying to disarm her worry. "I think it's just because of the last few days. Infiltrating the goblin camp has been a lot and letting that follower of Loviatar perform his, erm… ritual right after the bite was probably a poor idea on my part."
She huffed slightly, crossing her arms. "You didn't let me heal you after that, either. I am a competent cleric, you know. You don't have to rely on potions to fix everything."
"I know, I know!" There was a soothing tone to their voice, an almost sheepish look on their face. "I just… think there are better uses of your magic than fixing my choices. If we had gotten caught trying to find the druid, I figured it would be better if you had every option available in the fight. Being a little woozy isn't enough to take me out, anyways."
A heavy sigh escaped her as she shook her head. "You're hopeless, you know that? Our leader shouldn't be unsteady on their feet in a fight because they thought it was a good idea to let a vampire spawn use them as a snack." The term had fallen from her lips with venom, disdain obvious.
"Don't." The word snapped out before they caught themselves, a surprised look plain on their face before they rushed forward. "Um, please, don't call him a spawn. Not like that."
Her brows were furrowed, confused and a little annoyed. "Why ever not? It's exactly what he is."
They floundered for a moment, a hand spinning in the air as they tried to detangle their thoughts from a sleep addled mind. "It's, um, it's the way you said it. Like he's some gross creature instead of our companion."
She snorted, "Well…"
"I don't like it." They murmured, their mouth forming an unhappy line and eyes downcast. "We don't pick what we are or what our past was like. Maybe it's a little optimistic or soft of me, but if nothing else this whole situation is kind of like a new beginning, you know? We get to define ourselves again. I don't want to judge you all based on things that already happened, on ideas that others forced on us. You're all my dear companions and we're in this together. Our choices from here on matter more, right?"
"You're right, that is very soft." They both jumped at Astarion's voice coming from behind them suddenly, a wide grin on his bloody lips as they both turned to look at him. Shadowheart let out a little noise of disgust at the sight. "Do forgive my lack of decorum, I couldn't help but overhear you two on my way to wash up and felt the need to weigh in." He pointed a single delicate finger at the cleric. "You can call me whatever you like, I don't care. I'm honestly more surprised you can remember such disdain towards creatures like myself than I am offended by your tone considering the mess you let your dear goddess make of your head."
"Astarion!" Tav hissed, worry creasing their face as their eyes darted between the two.
Shadowheart's shoulders had climbed towards her ears as she pulled in a sharp breath, a look of thunder in her eyes. "Don't you dare try to talk to me about my holy mission. At least I have a purpose besides being a leech."
"At least I know what I'm about, darling." He countered smoothly, the smile on his lips all sharp edges.
"I didn't know slowly killing your own leader was such a strong identity to you." The cleric smirked, for all intents and purposes looking down on the vampire despite the height difference.
"Guys, please-" Tav tried to step between them, pleading, but they leaned closer together, sneering at each other as their voices rose.
"Careful, pet, I might try sampling you next. I do so enjoy a meal with spirit." His eyes were pure hunger as he loomed, a dire sight with blood still smeared around his mouth.
"Oh, do try. It'll be so fun to burn you to ash while you scream." Shadowheart was all cold angles and frigid looks, like a moonless night.
Tav was desperately trying to be heard over their barbs, frustration causing tears to prick their eyes. Why weren't they listening? This wasn't helping anything, but it was like nothing else existed beyond their vitriol for each other. A hand clutched at their shirt collar, trembling as they struggled to find the thread that would defuse the two before a large figure suddenly rose beside them. Karlach had woken up. They took a step back as she grabbed the offending party members by the scruff of their shirts and hauled them apart. She was quick to let go before her touch could properly cause harm, but it had been a sudden and very hot point of contact. They both yelped slightly, startled.
"It is too fucking early for you two to be yelling." The tiefling groused, voice thick with sleep still. "Can you go be school children out in the woods or something? Or better yet, stop freaking Tav out." They both snapped slightly guilty looks at the adventurer. "Great, good talk. I'm going to harass Gale for food now and if I hear yelling from either of you, I'm going to give you something to scream about."
As the warrior trudged over to where the wizard was cutting up veggies the two shot glares at each other. Tav was worried they were simply going to continue the fight, albeit a great deal quieter. They were about to bodily put themselves between them, but then Shadowheart let out an annoyed tch.
"This isn't over, Astarion." She snapped before smoothing out her rumpled shirt. "But Karlach is right. Besides, you aren't worth the breath."
He bodily rolled his eyes. "'Not over,' she says. Darling, it's been over before you even started swinging." And then he was suddenly too close to Tav, a finger hooked in the bandage around their neck and pulling gently. "Isn't that right, my sweet?" His voice was husked, dripping with smug affection and they couldn't help the blush that sprang to their cheeks as they slapped a hand over his. He laughed, eyes darting to the cleric. "You could just tell her instead of dancing around it every morning."
"Tell me what-" But then she stopped, realization dawning and her hands formed fists at her side. "Tav, have you been letting him feed from you this entire time?"
"I- um, well-" they stuttered, suddenly feeling very warm and lightheaded. "I mean, uh, sometimes- yes." The affirmation slipped free quietly as they deflated, defeated.
Shadowheart was pinching the bridge of her nose now as Astarion grinned devilishly at their side. "Oh, darkness preserve me," she muttered before rounding back on Tav. "I would have liked to know that. I can't make you stop indulging the spawn," and the word fell like another curse from her lips, "but I can at least counteract the effect. Next time, you are telling me and letting me heal you. I am not having this bastard be the reason you get hurt out there."
It wasn't a request, more of a demand, and they nodded numbly. "Okay. Sorry." They paused, almost vibrating with embarrassment. "Thank you, Shadowheart. For, um, caring, and trusting my decision."
"I think it's an incredibly stupid one, but we need all the help we can get, even from such pests." She hissed at Astarion before sighing, turning towards her tent. "And do wash up, Astarion. You look abysmal like that."
"Maybe to you! Tav seems to like it well enough." He was grinning wolfishly at them, eyebrow cocked.
They smothered a distraught noise in their hands, hiding. "Why did you do that?" They whined. "Now everyone knows."
"Are you ashamed, darling?" His tone had been jovial, teasing, but there was an edge in it.
"I mean, no, not exactly. It's just… we had a nice system and no one knew. They wouldn't say anything about it…" They were struggling again to sort out their feelings.
"Pet, they were going to notice the bandage never being taken off and always freshly applied." He was patting their head much like one comforts a sulking cat. "Besides, that was a far more fun reveal than letting them slowly piece it together."
"Then why do I feel mortified?" They groaned, dragging their hands over their face.
"You're a sweet, innocent creature unused to having such a devilishly charming specimen like myself showering you with affections." He offered brightly, linking an arm with theirs and leading them towards the water's edge.
"You are incorrigible." Tav sighed, begrudgingly letting themselves be pulled away from the warm fire.
"In all the best ways." He winked, flashing them a brilliant smile.
They nudged him playfully with their elbow and he laughed, the sound fresh and crisp to their ears. It caused their unease to melt instantly, a happy hum escaping them. They lingered a few steps behind him on the pebbled shore, perching on a rock as he knelt down. A hand hovered over the water, almost nervous, before he pressed it into the cold current. They thought idly how it must be a wonder for him, being in the sun and enjoying moving water without pain or worse. How the world must be so much fuller than he was used to. As he pressed handfuls of water to his lips, ruby streams washing away, they simply watched. The morning sun danced as silver light through his hair, glimmering in his crimson eyes, and shimmering in the water droplets he was wiping clean. He was dazzling in the daylight. It was easy to understand how so many had become his victims. There was a nagging worry in the back of their mind, wondering if they were simply his next mark. But then he was looking at them, that knowing smirk on his lips and crooked brow taunting and they couldn't help but smile.
"Enjoying yourself over there?" He teased, running a wet hand through his curls. "I am a rather distracting sight, aren't I?"
"The sun suits you." They murmured, lost for a moment in thought. "You're beautiful in its light."
He blinked at them, the usual charm melting away from the blunt compliment before it reasserted itself. He mimed an exaggerated swoon, grinning. "You can call me whatever you like if you keep showering me with such glowing compliments." Their mood seemed to fall at that, brows furrowing, and he let out a questioning hum as he stood to face them. "What is it, darling?"
They wrapped their arms around themselves, as if finally feeling the cold morning air. "Doesn't it bother you?" Their voice wavered slightly as they tried to delicately pick their words. "How people call you such terrible things, with such ugly sounds?"
He sighed, propping a hand on his hip as the other waved in the air. "I stopped dedicating so much energy to that decades ago. I'm achingly gorgeous and it's obvious they all know it, I see it in their eyes, hear it in how their hearts skip in my presence. What do I care if they call me spawn or leech when I know they're furious over how beautiful I am?" His free hand came to rest under his chin, framing his face as he fluttered delicate eyelashes at them. "I'd love it if they would simply flatter me like I deserve, but with their own bodies betraying their want, the scathing names can be just as enjoyable."
They were searching his face as he preened, trying to peel back the honeyed words to find the core of the feeling. There was a hollowness to him that they just couldn't quite place. A mechanical touch to his every move that was steadily confusing them the more time they spent together. It felt like a front of sorts, though they didn't quite grasp why he was always throwing it up. They wanted to reach out to him, cradle his face with tender hands and soothe whatever roiling ocean thrashed below his surface. They wanted to understand why he was always on the defense, dancing around them and keeping them at arm’s length.
Their mouth moved silently, awkwardly trying to form the desire into words. But their heart stuttered with fear, afraid that questioning him would cause him to dance further away, to melt into the sunlight and disappear. So instead they bit their lip, head bowing slightly as their hands tangled together in their lap. "It bothers me." They offered meekly. "We're supposed to be a team, helping each other get through this, but still they resort to such… such name-calling and bitterness. You haven't done anything to deserve being dismissed with spawn. You aren't a leech for needing blood to live. You aren't a pest simply because of your concern for yourself. Being different," their voice faltered, quiet, "doesn't make you less than others."
The rocks hadn't made a sound as he closed the distance between them, the only indication of his presence the shadow he cast and the cool touch of his hand on their cheek. He kneeled before them, ducking his head to theirs so his crimson eyes could meet their gaze, half lidded and searching. His thumb swept over over their lips, a smile gracing his own. "I do not care what they say. What need have I for their opinions when I have such sublime notions for me falling from your lips? Their praise is hollow compared to my name on your tongue. Your smile banishes all their petty jealousy like the sun banishes the rains. The world pales in comparison to your divine laugh." He was leaning in closer now, head tilted to the side slightly, mouth almost brushing theirs as his voice fell to a hush. "If I could have you, my sweet, then I would want for nothing."
They didn’t move as he kissed them, his hand sliding to the back of their head to press more firmly. They were too overwhelmed, too baffled at this turn of events. He was a helpless flirt, but he was like that to everyone. They weren’t special, they hadn’t thought they were so special. Yet it still felt like a performance, like he had rehearsed those lines in the mirror for a month straight before offering them up. As his fangs nipped at their lips, his tongue searching to pass them, their face contorted unhappily. Their hands pressed against his chest, pushing back against his advance as a displeased hum vibrated through them. He pulled back sharply, a mess of emotions on display. Foremost was sheer terror before it instantly warped into confused anger, indigent at their response. It was as if he had never been denied before.
It caused them to pause, their annoyance melting to panicked realization. He would misunderstand, had misunderstood. They hadn’t meant to walk him down this road, not like this. They never did. Their hands scrambled on the rock as they pulled themselves to their feet, taking large steps back and gulping for air. His own motions were slow, measured as he stood, head tilted in accusation and a sharp glint in his eyes. He pressed a hand to his chest, bowing ever so slightly as the other swept away from him.
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” He husked, an almost uncertain lilt to his voice. “I can be slower, gentler if that’s what you want.”
Something about the way he said want rang with a sour note to them. They shook their head adamantly, hands held up in defense before them. Rocks ground under their foot as their weight shifted, anxiety buzzing through their skull as they struggled against the turmoil brewing in their heart. He seemed to falter slightly, the corner of his mouth twitching in disbelief.
“Did you want me to be more forceful?” There was a purr now to his voice, a fascination.
Their whole body almost shook with their abject refusal, one hand holding up a finger begging him to just wait. They needed a moment to find the key for the locked door their voice had fled behind. He let out an almost exasperated sigh, his shoulders jumping with the breath before his hands were perched back on his hips.
“Well, what do you want then?” He was almost whining now, pouting at them. “I’m very flexible, I’ll have you know. Whatever you desire, I’m sure I can manage it.”
“Stop.”Their voice was so small, barely above a whisper as they trembled. “I want you to stop.”
And he did. He froze for a moment, blinking in the morning light, mouth slightly agape before the gears began to turn once more. He held his hands up this time, taking a step back and dipping his head towards them. “Of course, pet. Whatever you want.”
Still, still, it struck them as wrong. They screwed their eyes shut, forcing out long, agonizingly slow breaths. They brushed their hands over their face, tangling their fingers in their hair before letting out a last lengthy exhale. They were still trembling, but their eyes were firm as they opened and fixed on him.
“I didn’t mean,” they started slowly, voice shivering, “to make you think I wanted that. I…” And they trailed off as a wall went up in him, a cold wave washing through them. “I’m not like other people when it comes to this. I’m not- not disinterested, I just…” They floundered, a hand churning the air. “People usually are interested so fast in each other, right? Love at first sight and bodies aflame for each other. I don’t… I don’t experience that. Not like others. It’s…” They pulled in a gulping breath, eyes skittering to the ground so they wouldn’t have to see his expression morph like all the others. “I don’t fall like that. I’m- I’m slower. I need more time. I need to know you better before…” Their voice failed, bitter memories bubbling up and they blinked stinging eyes. “People don’t like waiting, usually, on a maybe. I understand if you’re upset-”
They jumped as his hand was back on their cheek, startled at how quickly and silently he was back in front of them. “It doesn’t have to be love.” He murmured. “It can just be physical, if you want.” He was cradling their head in both his hands, holding their gaze up to his. He was leaning down again and they shook. “Let me take care of you, repay you.”
Their hands shot back up to his chest, pushing sharply as they pulled their face away. Realization shot through them like they were a tree in a lightning storm. Things started to fall into place, his words and tone suddenly making sense. Repay you. The performance, the words, the touches, they were meant as a transaction. What in the world was he hoping to buy from them? What made him feel like he owed them? He was scandalized again, this time anger showing true on his face, but there was a desperation in his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” they babbled instantly, so, so scared he would leave, “I’m sorry, Astarion. I…” They were lost in his hurt gaze, struggling to find land in the roiling ocean. They swallowed thickly, blinking away tears. “You don’t have to repay anything. I’ve done nothing…” They faltered, a hazy memory of a night, days prior, coming back. This is a gift. It was like a floodgate opened in them, their words coming too fast, too numerous. “Oh, Astarion, no. No, no, no, it’s not- you don’t have to do anything- I gave my blood freely!”
“Nothing is free.” His words came out sharp like a dagger, cutting, before he softened. He almost crooned. “It’s easier like this, isn’t it? I promise, you’ll have a night you’ll never forget.”
“Will you forget it, then?” The question fell unbidden from their lips, regret causing their hand to cover their mouth instantly. A strange look came over him and they were back to apologizing on loop. “Sorry, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I-,” they paused, taking a breath to try and silence their thundering heart, “I don’t want you doing something you don’t want because you feel you owe me. I’ll always let you have my blood, even if you never speak to me again after this. You’re a dear friend to me and I want to help. Honestly, I just like having you around so if you need to pay me back somehow, then can you just… stay?”
“Stay?” He echoed, a curious grin pulling at his mouth. “What do you mean? At your side or in camp, or-”
“Just stay, here, in general. Don’t disappear one day and never come back. Don’t- don’t go so far into yourself that you never return.” They almost hiccuped in the next breath, a bitterness spilling free in their chest. “Don’t just nod along and then abandon me. Don’t leave me alone. Please.”
His head tilted to the side, faint confusion in his eyes. “And that’s what you want?”
They nodded mutely, hands clenching and unclenching at their side. “A-and maybe, later, in the future, if I decide I do want you like that, that I want more, then we can… if you also want it. If you’re okay with maybe.”
He stood in silence, eyes drifting from head to toe of them before he let out a dramatic sigh, shrugging. “Then I suppose I am yours in maybe.” The playful charm was quick to return to his eyes, his grin flashing fangs. “But I will not be relenting in my attempts to charm you into a memorable night. You’re too much fun.”
A nervous laugh bubbled in their throat, gaze falling to the ground out of embarrassment. “Now that I know of your interest, that… that’ll change my reaction.” And they scrubbed a hand over their face as he laughed in pure delight at their flustered reaction. “And, if drinking my blood makes you feel… like you owe me, then, I don’t know… Maybe we can find another way to sate you that isn’t so guilt ridden?”
This time his laugh was all breath, rumbling deep in his chest. “I think you will find I am very hard to sate, pet.” They couldn’t help the blush his tone caused and his grin was wolfish. “But, if you aren’t too squeamish, I could simply take a bite out of the next vagabond that draws their weapon on us. They’re dead either way.”
They weren’t especially keen to see just how vicious a vampire bite could be, but it was a good fix. Plus the party wouldn’t be so mad at him for using them as a snack. They bobbed their head. “That should work. But!” Their hand shot out to catch his sleeve, tugging slightly. “But, if you can’t get to someone in a fight, then you can still ask me. I don’t want you to go hungry. We can figure out ‘payments’ beforehand if you want. I just…”
He crooked a hand under their chin, his other wrapping around to the small of their back and pulling them snug to his chest. “Darling, you don’t have to say. I know you enjoy getting bitten. You were shaking so adorably last night it was hard not to notice.” He tilted their head to the side before ghosting a kiss to their neck, just above the bandage. “I may sneak a nibble from time to time, if you permit. You are simply too delectable to ignore.”
They let out a nervous laugh, gently pushing him away. “Okay, but does it always have to be the neck? This thing is itchy.”
His hand traced down their throat, fingers dancing along their pulse. “You could always just let the world know you’re mine.” They flapped a hand at the contact, shivering, and he let his hand drop to theirs. He pressed their palm to his cheek, placing a kiss on their wrist. “But yes, I could bite elsewhere. There are more discreet places, even, if you take me up on my offer.”
“Oh gods, you’re terrible.” Their free hand was trembling at their temple as they tried to look everywhere but at the vampire’s eyes. “I trust you won’t take advantage of me?”
He paused, brow furrowing for a second before the emotion was smoothed away. “Only in the ways you let me.” He let their hand fall free, smirking still. “Only as you want.”
They huffed at him, shaking their head. “You know what I want right now?” He didn’t answer, his eyes simply narrowing slightly, waiting. “Breakfast. I can smell it cooking. And since you already ate… whatever you found today, you can’t fault me for wanting my own meal.”
The usual taunting smile was back on his lips as he turned back towards camp, an arm crooked invitingly to them. “A stray wolf, separated from its pack and too close to the camp, considering how useless their presence makes our resident cleric. I elected to remove the problem before everyone woke up to her screaming.”
“And then you picked a fight with her and woke Karlach up anyways.” They sighed, taking his arm.
“Hm, well, she was being very rude and it’s fun to needle her.” He hummed, eyes crinkling with his amusement.
“So you do care, just a little, what they think of you.” 
“Just a little.” He conceded before a wicked grin spread across his face. “And if you tell anyone that, I’ll start revealing every little bite I give you.”
They let out a strangled whine and banged a fist weakly against his arm as he laughed, letting him lead them back to the fire where their companions were starting to settle down for a proper meal together.
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bpmiranda · 26 days
God I love your works!!
I just read your “marks” and I have to say I am SPEECHLESS
was thinking if you could write another similar with a breeding kink for Logan? Maybe he sees reader with another guy and he wants to be sure she’s only his?
Or Maybe Logan sees reader with some children and he decides it’s time to start a family? Idk sorry if this sounds messy is just that I have many ideas😩😩
Send Flowers (Logan Howlett) nsfw
A/N: 20+ mutant reader whose ability is growing plants, smut, oral f! receiving, breeding, jealous!logan, territorial!logan
The sound of your sweet voice beckoned him to you, following the melody of your laugh to the greenhouse. It was a habit of Logan’s to drop everything he was doing the moment he heard you, or smelled you, around the mansion or the grounds. He simply had to see you, if just for a moment, before he carried on with his day.
It annoyed him to find out that you were with Scott in the greenhouse. He knew you had been only friends since you both started at the school around the same time, but it still bugged him. Scott’s eyes settled on Logan behind you and you turned around, smiling at the sight of your boyfriend. “Hey you,” You greeted him, giggling as he pulled you into a hug that lifted you off your feet. “Look at this, Scott brought sunflowers to plant in the greenhouse.” You took his hand and showed him the little planted pots that had yet to grow.
“Your favorite flower?” Logan asked with a suspicious tone, eyeing Scott who only rolled his eyes at the jealous boyfriend.
“They’re an early birthday gift,” Scott explained with an amused chuckle. “Settle down, Wolverine.”
You look back at Logan who is visibly upset and you frown, touching his forearm. “You don’t like them?” You ask sadly and Logan’s face softens, his hand caresses your cheek as he kisses you.
“‘Course I do. They’re gonna look great when they come in.” He says and you smile, holding onto his arm and resting your head on him. Gently, you place two fingers onto the topsoil of one pot and the three of you watch the sunflower bloom in front of you.
“Oh, Scott,” You sigh, admiring the fully bloomed yellow flower. “It’s beautiful.” You move to grow the others until Logan stops you.
“Wanna grab something to eat with me?” He asks, already tugging on your hand so you can only wave a quick goodbye to Cyclops who is shaking his head, grinning.
Logan drags you straight past the kitchen and towards the staircase, leading you to your shared bedroom. “I thought you were hungry, Lo?” You ask as he guides you into the room and closes the door behind you.
“I am.” He smirks before he’s pushing you down on the bed and kissing you hungrily. You moan softly into his kiss, your hands immediately tangling in his hair as he’s reaching underneath your clothes to touch you, squeeze you.
Your mouth falls open as he suddenly rips your shirt open and he’s marking your skin, sucking large and painful hickeys onto your chest. “Logan!” You gasp, surprised by his sudden territorial behavior.
“Let me give you my early birthday present.” Logan smirks, undoing the button on your jeans while kissing your belly. You watch as he tugs them off, biting your lip as he presses his nose to your clothed pussy and inhales deeply. “It’s the perfect time too.” He comments, mouth watering as he smells how fertile you are right now.
“Lo, what’re you saying?” You ask, your mind spinning as he’s grazing your skin with his teeth, his hands rubbing and squeezing your thighs while he’s licking the insides of them.
Logan says nothing as he pulls your panties to the side and slowly moves his tongue through your folds. Your body trembles at the gentleness and you rake your fingers through his hair, gripping softly as he’s eating you out. “Mm, baby, tastes so good.” He murmurs as you’re whining for him. His lips leave you and you pout as he’s kissing his way up your belly to your neck. His hand is undoing his belt buckle while you tug off his t-shirt and he desperately pulls his cock out of his jeans and plunges into you. You whimper at the feeling of his thick erection stretching you out so quickly, one of your arms wraps around his neck, holding onto his shoulder while your hand pushes against his abdomen to slow him down. Logan’s relentless in his pace, however, and much too heavy for you to slow the momentum he is quickly building and you cry out.
“Oh! Oh! Logan!” Your body trembles as he’s thrusting into you deeply, hard, with a purpose as he’s attacking your neck with kisses. His hands are tangled in your hair, his body is covering yours like a blanket, keeping you locked underneath him as he has his way with you. “Logan, baby, you gotta pull out.” You remind him, your nails dragging down his back as your release is building a painful tension in your lower belly.
Logan only shakes his head, groaning as your cunt squeezes him, flutters around him in tandem with the force of your orgasm as you mewling, trembling for him. “Not this time,” He grunts, looking down at your dazed expression as you take him with little to no resistance. “Sick of them acting like you don’t belong to me.” He mutters, kissing you softly in contrast to how he’s pounding into you. “You’re mine, right, baby?” You nod, the pleasure of him fucking you through your orgasm bringing tears to the corners of your eyes. “All mine, just my baby,” He pants while dipping his head into your neck and biting on your collarbone. “Gonna have my baby?” He asks you in a tender voice and you find yourself nodding, your legs shaking violently as he suddenly fills you up with his seed. The throbbing of his cock as he’s pumping you full with his load makes your body shudder and you hold him close against you. “Fuck.” Logan growls, kissing your jaw and your cheek before landing back on your lips.
You kiss hungrily, breathing heavily into each other’s mouths, hands gripping firmly onto each other. “How territorial of you, Logan.” You tease as you’ve calmed down and you’re scratching his scalp softly while he’s laying on you, still sitting heavy inside you to prevent his seed from leaking out. “You could’ve just bought me flowers yourself.” You laugh softly and Logan smirks against your shoulder.
“I think this will send a clearer message.”
Oh my🤭
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klovesyall · 6 months
Oh my. My brain is full of ideas, but I can't write.
Spencer, but it's his first time showering with his gf? Either she casually invites him to join her, or maybe she's also a member of the BAU and was injured and needs some assistance?
AN: oh absolutely hun. I wasn’t sure if you wanted nsfw or fluff so I went with fluff for a safe option. Also I’m so sorry if this lowkey sucks. This is definitely my first rodeo with writing and I know it’s not perfect but I hope you kinda like it?
OK MORE RECENT AN: im sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry this took so long. I don’t even have an excuse. And I’m so sorry because this is ASS. But I feel bad not giving you anything so here you go
Warnings: Fluff, swearing? , talk of nakedness and stuff idk
Spencer had been extra protective of you ever since you got hurt. He didn’t want you to lift a single finger, even though you were perfectly capable. He made you food , carried your bags, hell- he even offered to carry you if your crutches got too annoying. All of this to say , he was willing to do anything to make you comfortable.
“Spence, I’m gonna take a shower.” You say with your back turned as you grab some pajamas out of the dresser drawer.
“What?” His voice was filled with concern, as it often was. When you turned around toward him he had the same amount of concern written on his face
“I have to shower Spencer, my hair is so dirty it looks wet.” You haven’t washed your hair in a few days, relying on dry shampoo and braided hair to get you by.
Spencer was thinking for a moment , you could tell by the way his brow furrowed slightly. He finally answers “Let me help you.”
You were slightly taken aback by his response. Spencer wasn’t usually confident enough to initiate or out right suggest anything intimate. And taking a shower together was definitely intimate. Not to say you were opposed to the idea though
“Are You Sure Spence? You do know I shower naked right?” Your tone was some what joking but also kind of not. Regardless you hear the little chuckle you love so much
“Yes I know. I dont want you to fall and get hurt any more than you already are. If you don’t want me to thats fine I just-“
You cut him off
“That would be really helpful, thank you.”
You see Spencer’s worry ease from his face and it’s replaced with a little curve of his lip
You give him a little smile before returning to grabbing your pajamas and walking to the bathroom. Spencer graciously follows you inside, locking the door behind him. When you turn to the counter , Spencer is quick to slip past you, turning on the shower for you.
“Do you take your showers warm or hot.” Spencer asks as if it’s so incredibly normal
“Uh hot I guess? It’s ok I can-“
He stops you when you begin to walk over
“Let me Take Care of you. Please.”
You sigh “you know I can do it myself.”
Spencer takes a step toward you, placing his hands on either side of your shoulders
“I know, but I don’t want to risk anything. You do so much for me and you deserve to be helped as well, especially when your injured. So please let me do this for you.” His voice is soft but you can tell how strongly he feels about this
“Ok, I’ll let you handle it.” I say
He smiles “can I take your clothes off?”
I Nod “You don’t have to ask.” You said that a lot, and it didn’t matter how many times you did. Spencer always asked
He grabbed the bottom of your shirt and you raised your arms. He pulls the shirt off your body and folds it before placing it on the counter. He does the same with your pants. Your standing only in your underwear now
“Do you want me to do the rest?” You ask
He shakes his head “turn around for me.”
You turn so your back is facing him and he unclasps your bra, sliding it down your arms until it hits the floor. He hooks a finger under your underwear on either side of you, pulling them down and helping you step out of them. He smiles when he meets your eyes again
“See something you like pretty boy?” You raise an eye brow in a teasing manner.
“Always.” He replies before walking you over to the shower. Holding his hand, you slowly take a step inside until your under the water. Once inside , Spencer takes a step back and sheds his clothes as well before joining you in the shower.
Spencer had ensured that you had a shower bench installed into the bathroom you shared when you moved in together. He said it was for safety reasons but, you still wondered if it might be for other things.
“Sit.” Spencer says, leading you to the bench.
When you sit down he detaches the shower head and wets your hair. When it’s what he considers wet enough, he lathers shampoo into his hands and begins to massage it into your scalp.
This man has very capable hands, many uses. And washing your hair just got added to the list of them. You close your eyes from a moment letting out a contended sigh
“Feel good sweetheart?” Spencer asks gently
“Mhm, definitely.” You reply, barely opening your eyes.
Spencer rinses out the shampoo and conditions your hair. He helps you wash off and when you finally stand , you wrap your arms around his neck. His hands lace around your waist
“Thank you Spencer, you’re an angel.” You say pressing little kisses to his jaw. You can see the blush creeping on Spencer’s face.
“You’re welcome, I’m always happy to help you.” He says peering down at you.
The two of you exit the shower. Wrapping towels around your selves and getting dressed- well Spencer refuses to let you dress your self so he helps you. He even blow drys your hair for you because he knows you don’t like going to bed with it wet.
You lay in bed on your side facing him as he looks back at you. You reach out and brush a strand of his hair out of his eyes.
“You should stay home tomorrow.” Spencer says breaking the silence.
“Absolutely not. I’m perfectly capable of going into work. Plus Hotch would have my head if I didn’t go.” You say and Spencer sighs
“I don’t like the idea of you out on the field” he says once again with concern
“You’ll be with me. I’ll be fine.”
He sits up “I don’t want you to be fine I want you to be healthy.”
You sit up and scoot close to him “Spencer I’m going to work. If it makes you feel better I’ll stay back with Penelope and help her.”
Spencer relaxes a little “yea. Ok that makes me feel better. But don’t go doing anything stupid. That means no trying to entertain Penelope with” Spencer throws up air quotes “crutch tricks”
You groan and lay back down “whatever you say.”
You can hear Spencer’s little laugh as he turns off the lamp.
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necromelli · 9 months
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you, your brother, and his best friend go beyond the boundaries of district four to see a pretty waterfall
brothers best friend! Finnick Odair x reader
warnings: porn without plot, plot what plot, Finnick Odair (he's a warning by himself), water play, breath play/choking , p in v , threat of getting caught (you don't) , nipple play? , oral ( m receiving) ,, I think thats it??? ,, idk names for NOTHING ,, softish Finnick towards the end (barely any fluff)
for kira ily <33
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It was pretty, you'd give Finnick that. The grass was soft, the trees were dense, and despite all the mosquitoes trying to get you, it was as peaceful as the beach. Your brother thought you tagged along because you had nothing better to do — that and he'd get yelled at by your mom if he didn't let you — but really he was the third wheel.
finnick had already promised that he'd fuck you so good when you got there. he promised he'd reward you so, so well for sucking him off before you three left. he told you how he couldn't wait to taste you, Finnick's hands tugging on your hair as you gagged around him. that he had a surprise for you, so if you could just be good for a few hours and be patient, then Finnick would rock you world.
and, god, that's exactly what the boy did.
your brother was the first to fall asleep, all tucked in his sleeping bag by the small fire you had going. and as soon as you were sure he wasn't waking up, Finnick was whisking you up and leading you through the woods.
"it's real pretty," he murmured, his hand wrapped around yours. he walked like he was an expert on the area, leading you so you wouldn't stumble on any roots. "maybe even a little prettier than you, though."
you laughed at his teasing, hitting his arm. You rolled your eyes with a scoff, not even bothering to respond, because finnick would take those words and twist them. he had to make fun of you — that was his job as your brother's best friend. just like his job was also to fuck you senseless.
but, Finnick was right. The location was beautiful, a gushing waterfall that flowed into the lake a little bit away. The water would do good to hide the sounds you were fixing to make.
you had barely passed through when Finnick's lips were on yours, all teeth and hunger. he never waited, never took things slow, because time was of the essence when you were together.
your hands were pulling his shirt off, his own slipping beneath your shirt. he pushed you further under the waterfall, now inside the dark cave. He didn't need to see, he knew your body like the back of his hand.
He groaned when you parted to take your shirts off, and you were kissing him before Finnick had the chance to touch you. His tongue shoved into your mouth roughly, big hands pulling your swimsuit top down so he could grope your breasts. you inhaled, holding back the moan that wanted to escape.
"that water's real loud, baby," Finnick smirked, pressing a kiss against your neck. This time, it was almost soft. He knew better than to leave marks that high up. "he won't hear us." to emphasize his point — and to be a dick — finnick pinched your nipple between his index finger and thumb.
a pretty moan spilled from your lips and immediately, your eyes widened and your hand slapped over your mouth. "Finnick," you scolded harshly. he didn't let up, his mouth hovering over the other. you bit down on your hand as the boy's teeth grazed over your nipple.
god, he was awful. Finnick was just doing whatever he could to get you to moan, just playing with your body like he owned it.
It didn't take long to get you wanting more. You groaned in frustration — the one time Finnick took it slow, you wanted him to be quick about it. you had been craving that pleasure only he could give you since that morning.
"impatient, pretty girl?" Finnick drawled, pulling away. He kissed you again, just a quick one, as he undid the button on your shorts. "I told you if you were patient I'd reward you."
Your hands copied Finnick's, tugging at the elastic waistband of his swim trunks. "Need you to fuck me, Finnick," you said, as if that explained everything. "How many times have I gotten you off today, huh?"
Finnick hummed as he thought, his big hands pulling your shorts and swim bottoms off in one fluid motion. his fingers delved between your folds, cleaning up the slick. teasingly, he pulled back to lick his fingers clean. "hm... three times?"
"four." You corrected with a huff. Once in the bathroom, once when the three of you stopped at the market store, once in the woods when your brother went to find firewood, and once in the lake with your hand wrapped around his cock.
"yeah, yeah," Finnick nodded, suddenly remembering. His thumb circled your clit lazily, appeased when you bit your lip. he guided you back towards the entrance, much to your dismay, and pulled you down to the cold rocky ground. "four times. if I remember right, you came twice just from sucking my cock."
to silence any protests from you, his fingers pushed inside you. they curled, hitting the spot that made you moan, as Finnick laughed. you were so easy to make fall apart. you weren't inexperienced, but the district four boys you slept with weren't finnick. finnick odair was the best.
his fingers didn't last long inside you, just long enough for you to be wet enough to take him. finnick lined himself up with your entrance, a big hand splayed across your thigh. you bit down on your hand, muffling the moans that escaped as he pushed inside. finnick loved to fuck you relentlessly from the get go — not letting you adjust to the stretch and size. your pussy was already molded to his dick, why should he account for anything else? time, of course, was of the essence.
"look at that, honey," Finnick cooed, his pace steady and fast. One hand moved to your shoulder, holding onto you tightly. He lifted you just slightly, so the rocky floor didn't scratch your back. "you just swallowed my cock. you love it don't you? love it when I fuck you like this?"
when you didn't respond, Finnick grunted, slamming into you hard. The thrust caught you by surprise, words tumbling past your lips. "Finnick," you moaned, your hands wrapped around his back, nails leaving little indents in his shoulders. "so good. feels good, don't stop."
Finnick grinned as your legs wrapped around his waist. You were so light, so easy to carry, that when he held onto you with just one hand snaked around your waist, you barely noticed. all you could think about was how Finnick hit that button inside of you that had you leaking, head buried against his shoulder as you moaned.
"you weren't patient," Finnick grunted, free hand gripping your hair at the scalp. he tugged and your head fell back with a loud moan. "Even when I told you to be. Maybe I should teach you how to be patient."
before you could ask what he meant, water rushed over your face, breaching your nose and mouth. You spluttered in surprise, but Finnick kept fucking you deep and hard. You couldn't help but moan as you tried to keep the water from entering your lungs. He pulled you back up, smirking.
"you liked that, didn't you?" you couldn't talk, too focused on his cock deep inside of you and the burning in your nose. "I would say I'm surprised, but I'm not." He tugged your head back just slightly, not completely submerging your face. Yet. "if you want to cum so badly, you'll do it under the water or not at all."
and, before you could process that, Finnick's thrusts had somehow gotten deeper and your face was under the water. he hit you in all the right spots, and your walls were clenching around him as you came. The waterfall muffled the cry of his name, and Finnick fucked you through your orgasm before bringing you out of the water.
"good girl," he praised sweetly, gently setting you down. He wiped your face, bringing you in for a deep kiss. Your body shuddered at his touch, anticipating his next request. "you'll finish me off, right?"
you blinked up at him through your eyelashes. it was a demand styled as a question. You would be finishing Finnick off in his second favorite place — your mouth.
you hummed with a nod, taking his pulsing cock in your mouth. He moaned, head falling back. Finnick's hands gripped the back of your head, gently fucking your mouth. He was already close, and he held your face against his groin as he came. Salty, a little sweet, and you were swallowing it all before Finnick even had the chance to pull out.
"god, I love you," Finnick groaned as he sat down next to you. He took you under his arm, kissing the top of your head.
Moments like these made you think it could work. Finnick could be your boyfriend, but of course, it'd never happen. Your brother wouldn't let it.
"whatever, Odair," you rasped, clearing your throat. Your arms wrapped around his waist, leaning against his chest. "You just love my mouth."
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rosesanddecay · 5 months
Pt. 2
TW: angst/comfort, reader cries a little and is mentioned to have been in therapy
<< Previous | Next>>
The silence was agonizing. The air felt drowning and heavy. It didn’t help that no one could look at each other.
Soap and you have migrated to the couch after realizing that the conversation probably should be had while sitting.
How are any of you meant to address any of this?
Each of you knew just enough to fill in the blanks, but how is-
“So…” Johnny broke the silence and your train of thought. “How do you all know each other?”
“Really, Soap? That’s how you want to start this?” Gaz remarked, letting his grievance show.
“Aye! How else ye expect this to go?! How ye think I feel knowin’ ye’ve shagged my lass?”
“Jesus Christ…” you groan as you hide behind your hands.
“Not everyone-“ Simon murmured leaning back in with his arms crossed.
“Simon!” You exclaim, revealing your warmed cheeks to everyone.
“Well with the way ye look at ‘er I would’ve guessed otherwise-“
“Okay- no, that’s it-“ you stand in front of them all, pointing as you addressed each. “You- Simon, are meant to be dead, I went to your funeral. Fucks sake, I visit those graves everytime I drive past them!”
Simon couldn’t stand to defend himself, because he knew that already. He’d seen you talking to his and his family’s graves every now and then when he went to see them himself. It had torn him apart to not reveal he was alive, but he’d convinced himself it was for your sake. Even if that meant you’d shed more tears.
“You pushed me away for months before ultimately saying that you needed to move for work, that you couldn’t be with me anymore-“ your eyes still held the hurt from long ago as you gazed at Kyle.
“It wasn’t a complete lie…” Kyle scratched at his head, his poor attempt to redeem himself falling flat.
“Shut it, Garrick. You-“ your finger landed on Price, “Why didn’t you tell me you were in town? I assume you’ve been back for a while, so why didn’t you say anything?”
John knew he had no excuse, so he didn’t attempt to deny his reasoning. “Though’ ye might’ve been with yer other man…”
A hefty exhale escapes you as you hold back from saying more. You could slap him, because how, after all this time, does he not see himself as enough? Instead, your gaze landed on Johnny.
“And you, Johnny, you didn’t really do anything, but still, this could’ve never happened if you or John just told me who else was on the team.”
“Or told us who ye were dating.” Kyle muttering was directed to Johnny, but it earned side eye from you.
“Moral of the story,” you continued, “all of you have been keeping things from me. And now we’re here… and I don’t know what to do or say…” your voice broke a little from the festering emotions. Everyone was quick to their feet to comfort you, John worming his way to the front.
“Aye, lass, there’s no need to cry. We just need to talk this out.” John’s hands cupped your cheeks as the tears threatened to spill. “Maybe we should take a break, take a breather. Later, we can talk one on one with you and each other.”
You nod as you try to calm yourself, doing the short breathing exercises you learned from therapy.
John placed a soft kiss to your forehead before being pushed aside by Johnny. His arms quickly envelop you and he kisses your temple.
“Common lass, let’s get ye out of here for a bit…” Johnny whispered and pulled you into the bedroom, leaving the other men standing in a circle, stuck their own thoughts…
Idk what to call this series so feel free to leave some suggestions!
Also didn’t want to make this series too angsty, but reader is definitely gonna need some one-on-one time with each of the boys…
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orangekittyenergy · 5 months
A little smutty ficlet (smutlet? Idk)
Gale x Reader (you - no mention of description or pronouns)
NSFW - 18+, blindfolded Gale, teasing, idk how many words I wrote this on my phone in a flurry
(Don't mind me, had to get a brain worm out so I could focus on my longer fic 😅)
Gale moans softly, his body tensing and wriggling beneath you. He reaches, as if by instinct, to the blindfold that covers his eyes. Quick as ever you grab his hands and force them back down to the bed.
"Tsk. Naughty." You say with a smirk down at him. He can't see you but you know he can hear the mirth in your voice; even if it is to chastise him.
He squirms again.
"I want to see you, my love." He breathes out, his chest heaving.
"In due time." You practically whisper, leaning down to let your breath gaze over his lips. He tilts his chin up, pushing out his lips, searching for a kiss but you have already pulled away.
"Can I touch you at least?" He practically whimpers, his hands clutching desperately at the sheets below your bodies. A smile plays at the corner of his lips; he's enjoying this as much as you are.
"In." You start to crawl backwards and place a kiss on his collar bone. "Due." A light flick of your wet tongue over one of his nipples. "Time." You're practically off him fully and place one final kiss at his navel.
He groans again. This time it's a noise of frustration. Most likely mourning the loss of contact of your warm body pressed against his.
Face to face with his groin, his stiff cock throbs beneath the fabric of his underwear. Whisper light, you trail a finger across it, outlining it with the barest of touches.
He gasps hard and you look up to see his jaw fall open. A wicked smile crosses your face. This was finally payback. All his nights insisting on spending hours between your own thighs, overstimulating you, teasing orgasm after orgasm from your body until you could barely move.
Every time, you said you'd pay him back through your chapped lips. But he would just smiled at you, give you a kiss, and the next time you were naked you fell into the same trap of his.
But Finally. Finally. You had caught him first. Pulling him to the bed and practically forcing him to accept the same devotion he gave to you. Mostly devotion... Maybe a little teasing.
One hand trailing around the upper part of his thigh your other goes back to his erection; softly touching it at first with your palm then more firmly as you slowly rub your hand up and down.
He moans loudly again and you look up to see his hands lift and twitch.
"No touching, remember." You remind him, your voice playfully sharp. He's touched you enough; this was your turn.
He sucks in a sharp gasp of air and lets his hands fall back down.
"I remember." His voice shakes as he answers and his tongue darts out to wet his lips.
You give him another stroke of his cloth covered cock as a reward. After a moment of teasing, his pulse pounding beneath your careful hands you gently pull down his underwear down a touch and ease his hardness out. The movement alone, your warm palm finally touching his aching flesh, is enough to bring forth another moan from his lips.
You smile again and let out a satisfied breath, letting him feel it, hot against his skin. You feel his whole body shudder, again, at the barest of your teasing touches. You lick your lips, planting careful kisses along his thighs, working your way closer and closer to your main goal.
"Gods, please." He groans out. "Touch me. Anything."
You haven't even started yet and he was practically begging, panting and quivering from the anticipation alone.
"Since you've been good." You breathe out again and slowly give him a long slow lick with your tongue, from base to tip, before pulling away again to wrap your palm around him instead.
You were in no rush. This was going to be a delightfully long night.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 11 months
Congrats on 5k my dear you deserve it!!!! <3
My humble request is a lil angsty, [Reader] passing away unexpectedly (accident maybe idk) and leaving their child in Simon’s care whom he didnt know existed until then. Child is probably 2-5 years old maybe. Angsty, bittersweet Simon coming to terms with fatherhood, where it goes its up to you!! <3
Also if it feels this can be more than your current limit to two page request celebration then feel free to ignore it! ^^
—Supposed To Happen
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [You died and left him a child he had no idea existed. How can he even begin to try and understand?] ❞
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He watches his child as they play in the living room with one of the blankets from the couch, his hands digging into the skin of his biceps. 
Simon didn’t know what to think, and that resulted in a panic that could only be seen in his unblinking eyes. So much had happened—so much gone wrong in so little time there wasn’t a moment to process before the next problem jumped on his already heavy shoulders. 
You were dead. 
And he’d had a child this entire time and had never known about it. 
Why hadn’t you told him? Why hadn’t you said anything? None of this made sense to him—even hours after he’d taken this small toddler back to his flat, Simon’s body was quivering under his clothes; indiscernible to anyone but himself. He felt nauseous. 
He wasn’t ready to be a father. Even normal civilian life was…difficult to fall back into. And that was putting it lightly. 
A child. His child. Flesh and blood.
Blinking slowly, the man hadn’t said a word as the child no older than two grabbed at the fabric with its tiny hands—raising it up and down to watch the material wave. Small cut-off giggles stab Simon in the heart and he has to look away firmly as his jaw clenches. It is a bone-deep fear that he holds like a brick in his lungs. 
“Fucking hell,” he breathes out, a hand coming up to rub over his face. Simon wasn’t wearing a balaclava—too afraid he’d scare the little thing. 
The last thing he needed was for them to cry.
“Fucking hell,” Simon repeats, slower and more harshly. 
He was a soldier—a killer…a father?
Simon hadn’t picked the child up after he’d last set them down on the floor, his hands gloved because of the blood he was afraid might be under the stitching; the stain that can never come out. 
A father? No, no he can’t be a father. Not now. Not…not after…
Tiny hands grasp at the material of his pants and he tenses, flinching back two quick steps. The mini body that had been attached to his leg stumbles, tripping on air as the balance it had disappears. 
Wide brown eyes stare tightly, face blank of any emotion as a small silence falls when the thump of little knees meeting the rug makes Simon’s ears twitch in remorse. 
Sniffles result in the man panicking. 
“No, no, no,” he utters, stepping closer with his hands raised as the toddler’s limbs move to their eyes, tears making their way to the floor. “Hey, d-don’t cry. You’re alright, Kid? Yeah? You’re fine.” 
Simon clears his throat as the crying continues—seemingly growing louder as his eyes move about the room. Seeing nothing, and locking with the grabby hands that are leveled up at his face, the soldier shoves down his fear and hesitancy grasps the child. 
Picking it up, he holds it to his chest, whispering quick pleas under his breath. 
“You’re fine.” He paces the room, slow heavy steps trying to make him ease his doubts as the thing grips at him, sniffling. “You’re just fine, eh? I’m begging you, little Devil, ease up on it. I’m right ‘ere.” 
Simon had a child. You were dead. He had a deployment in one week and a stack of paperwork to update. But he can’t leave his kid alone—no, no that was never an option. 
Family meant sticking by one another, and now…this one was the only family he had left. Brown eyes move downward to where the tiny being rests on his pec, his large hands splayed about to keep it secure—one on the little head that puffs breaths now that the tears have stopped.
When had they stopped? Simon didn’t know; he didn’t know the first thing about being a father.
He takes a deep breath of air, filling his lungs with oxygen. The shaking of his hands slowly settles as the minutes lengthen, letting his mind move back to the state it usually was in. There was so much to do—to try and understand. Truth be told, most of it would be shoved to the back of his fractured mind like the rest, but here, now…Simon grunts, keeping his child close to his heart.
First, he had to go buy baby food.
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alexa-fika · 6 months
Idk which pirate crew to choose but what about a fem ghost child who lives on an island or ship. Their pretty lonely since they died alone and all they want is a family. So when a pirate crew shows up she kinda tries to keep them from leaving. Kinda angsty? Maybe the crew ends up adopting her??
Hunger and Solitude (Brook x f!child!ghost!reader x Sanji)
A/N y’all I cooked right here, I ‘ll be homest when I read this I was like UM BROOK 100% but then I was like thinking of the plot and the backround of Reader for the story and I was like I need Sanji here. This story is more on the heavy side and unlike my other ones this is not the squealing like a little kid type as it includes themes of death and starvation but just as wholesome in my opinion
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Brook found himself walking around the cabin his crew had ended up in, attempting to take shelter from a snowstorm that raged on the island they were visiting.
The abandoned cabin, if one could call it that, didn’t seem abandoned at all; it seemed weird to the skeleton. Usually, he would be against abandoned places, lest they find a ghost or other undead beings, but this place seemed taken care of; everything was in order, no dust, no cobwebs, no roof caving in on itself; it seemed like a typical house, but yet not a soul could be found.
“Brook, you noticed it too, right?” Sanji says, walking up to him, the usual cigarettes resting between his lips
“Yes, this place… it’s abandoned, and there isn’t anyone here or around, yet this place is immaculate,” he replies, glancing around the room
“There has to be someone here,” The chef concludes
Dokucha looked down at the two men, studying them from the rafters up above
Brook paused at the sound of a childish giggle, slowly looking up and spotting a small girl looking back at him
“A GHOST!” He cries, pulling out his sword from the cane
“You’re a skeleton!” Sanji hollers back at him, annoyed
Brook stills for a second, taking over the ghost that was, at this point, in front of them
“You’re a child…”
“I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt me!”
“Hey, Hey, it’s okay; we have no intentions of hurting you,” Sanji said, kneeling down to her level and trying to ease her down
Brook sheaths his sword once again. He looked around once again, still perplexed at this place
“You live here, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” she said, sniffling
“Where are your Parents?” he asked, despite deep down already knowing the answer
“They all died, rain never came, and food ran out.“ she cried
“I stayed, but I saw momma starve, I saw papa starve, and no one came back.”
Brook and Sanji, both still at that, memories both flooding their minds at the story of the small girl
“So you stayed here, alone, by yourself, all by yourself,” Brook muttered
“I am deeply sorry, little Madam; I know the feeling very well.”
After the words had been spoken a sudden chill filled the air, snow beginning to blast around them as white began to cover the room they stood in
Sanji looks up at the spectable and back down at the girl, quick to understand the connection between the two
“Shut up! You don’t, you don’t know what it feels like!” She screams, eyebrows furrowed, eyes filled with both fury and pain
“Yes, I do,” The skeleton spoke
“LIAR” she growled as hail began to fall around them
“I cannot relate to starving to death, but I can relate to having to watch everyone around you die while you remain.”
“You’re lying!.” She hisses
“I am not lying to you, Madam,” He says calmly
“My whole crew died in front of me.”
The raging storm around them begins to lessen around them at the comment, furious winds going down to a cold breeze brushing against them as the girl stared wide eyes at the swordsman
“T-they died?” she said, stepping closer to the skeleton
“They did.”
She walks towards him
“But you stayed? Alone?”
“I did.”
With that the wind around them stilled, the snow that pelted them before now falling melancholically from the ceiling
“It hurts…” she cries
“I know, little Madam,” he says, opening his arms, signaling her to come closer
She runs to him, sobbing in his arms
“I miss Mama; I miss Papa!”
Brook wraps his embrace around the young girl, slowly rocking her back and forth
“Don’t cry; it will be okay. “
She turned her head to look at the blond man
“Did you stay behind, too?” She asked between her sobs and hacks
“Not quite,” Sanji replies
“I… I know what it is to starve, however,” He said, putting his hand over her head
“I got washed to an uninhabitable land with…my father. Our resources eventually ran out. I had thought father had more food and went after him only to find out he had given his rations to me, and he had taken to eat his own leg to survive.”
“It hurt so much, the pangs, I couldn’t stop them, I couldn’t get up,” she weeped
“I know…im sorry, i’m sorry” he whispered
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“Little Madam, this snowstorm, it’s your doing, isn’t it?” Brook replied, sitting down with Sanji and Dokucha next to him; once the girl had calmed down
“It is…I’m sorry I kept Mister Brook and Mister Sanji and their friends here, but… it’s been so long since I saw someone, and I got excited, but you were about to leave, and I … I didn’t want to be alone again.”
“Don’t apologize. Your intentions were not to hurt us, and I’m grateful because we got to meet you,” Sanji replies to the little girl
“How long have you been living here by yourself?” Brook asked curious
She shrugs
“A long time”
Sanji and Brook glanced at each other; at that moment, the two men had silently agreed to something; they were not leaving this place without the girl
“Dokucha, why don’t you come with us?” asked Sanji
“Come with you?”
Sanji nods. “Yes, you know a ship? Where we all live. A ship with a nice kitchen, and plenty of others that will always look out for you”
“You want me?”
“Of course!” Brook says, reaching out his hand toward her
“Come on, you're not staying.”
“You will love our Captain, you know? He won’t leave without you either.”
“Are you sure?”
The two men nodded with a smile on their face
“Of course, of course! Now, come on! Yohohoho,” Brook said, standing up, grabbing the girl, throwing her in the air, and laughing further when the girl let out an airy string of elated giggles at the action
“We won’t let you be alone anymore.”
“And I will never let you be hungry ever again, you hear?”
“Thank you, Misters, Thank you!” she cried, hugging the skeleton’s neck, more tears cascading down her eyes at the turn of events
“I have never been happier than I am now,” she confesses
“Yohohoho, I know that feeling as well, little Madam!”
“Don’t cry, and don’t worry, if you ever feel alone, if you ever feel lonely, you can always come and talk to us, alright?” He says to her
“The crew and us will always make some time for you, so you won’t be alone again.”
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Who the hell is cutting onions? Im not crying you are 😭
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
Just Take It | Bonus Drabble 4
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Summary: You come home after a hard day at work and despite your best efforts you can't hep but let it upset you but he's always there to comfort you no matter how big or small your problems are. (A little glimpse into their future together) Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 2.2K~ (y'all back to back hella long drabbles damn I'm on one tonight lmaoo) Warning: Some suggestive language but nothing crazy lol a/n: Damn I'm spoiling you guys but idk since I was able it get them done so quickly I thought why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ I promise I'll get back to the main storyline soon but these drabbles have been so cute I cant 😭 (written in one sitting and not edited cuz I need to go to bed lmao) Requested by: @pamzn 💜 Start from the beginning
I take a deep breath before getting out of my car after pulling up to the house.
I don't know why I'm so upset about what happened today. It wasn't even a big deal but something about it just struck a nerve.
Walking into the house I'm greeted by the sight of Jungkook already making dinner and just from that first glance I'm already feeling better.
"Welcome home Bunny. You're pretty late tonight" he says, focusing on the food that seems to be something that may or may not burn if he doesn't pay attention to it.
"Yeah I had some extra work to do so I figured I would just stay later tonight and get it all taken care of so I won't have to worry about it on Monday" I say, giving his a short version of what happened without telling him exactly what happened.
"Look at you, my darling little girl has been working so hard lately" he says as I walk up to him and give him a kiss. Glancing down at his adorable apron he's wearing.
"Maybe you should be my house husband. You look so cute wearing that and making me dinner. Could get used to this" I say getting up on my tippy toes to kiss him again and he smiles into it. "You know I would make a great one" he teases, rubbing his nose up against mine.
"Can you set the table for me baby? It's almost ready" he asks, turning back to whatever he decided to make us tonight. "Of course Daddy" I tease and he gives me a smirk before nodding towards the cabinet to do as he says.
"You still have enough time before it's ready if you wanna go upstairs and change. I know you hate wearing your work clothes all day" he says after I finish the task he had given me.
"Okay" I say and make my way upstairs to do just that but once I'm alone again that playful attitude dissipates and the emotions from before start creeping up again.
I make quick work of getting changed and once I head back downstairs I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him from behind, resting my head against his back, hoping that the feeling of being close to him will take it all away and it does but I can't help but let out a few tears to get some sense of relief.
"What's the matter Bunny?" he asks, the few tears I've let fall having fallen on his shirt and dampened it and soon I let out a soft sniffle which then has him turning around to face me. Caressing my cheek, seeing the sadness written all over my face.
"Baby tell me what's wrong" he says, trying to coax the answer out of me but when the tears start to fall more freely he pulls me in and rests my head against his chest, rubbing my back and telling me to let it all out.
"I should've known something was wrong when you called me Daddy. You only do that when you're upset and not feeling well" he mumbles to himself. He places a kiss on the crown of my head before grabbing my hips and setting me on the counter, trying to make us be at eye level so he can talk to me.
When he does that though I just pull him in closer, letting out a few more cries into the crook of his neck before I start to calm down, my sniffles becoming less frequent and my tears running dry.
He leans back and tilts his head to the side trying to catch my eye and when I still don't look at him he straightens back up and tilts my chin up so he can look at my face, studying me to see if he can read any signs before asking me any questions.
"Did the other interns leave the rest of their work for you to finish up?" he asks, hitting the nails right on the head and I nod while he wipes off my tears, grabbing one of the tissues off the counter to help.
"You gotta tell someone about that. It's not your job to pick up the slack for everyone else" he says, reminding me of the fact that I'm only there to do what I'm responsible for.
"I know but I'm still the new girl so I don't wanna rock the boat already" but he shakes his head at my answer. "You can't let people take advantage of you like that love, they're there to work too so they should be able to finish up their workload just like you do everyday" he says and I nod my head, knowing that in theory but still not wanting to get anyone in trouble.
"Weren't you guys all supposed to go out for drinks after work tonight?" he asks, remembering how excited I was about finally getting invited to spend time with my coworkers outside of office hours.
"Yeah but they said something along the lines of 'Go ahead and finish this up and when you're finished text one of us and we'll let you know if we're still hanging out. Although I think we're probably gonna finish up early tonight'" I repeate what the clearly self appointed queen bee of the total of five interns in our department said to me.
"Oh Bunny" he says, pulling me in for another hug as I let out a sob, still a little emotional about it. "You've had a hard time at work all week and then they go and do this. If you don't tell somebody then I will" he says trying to come to my defense but I just laugh at his protective nature.
"It's alright. I'll email our supervisor and let her know what's been going on" I say and he pulls back and looks me straight in the eyes. "You promise?" he says pointedly and I nod my head, leaning in for a kiss, "I promise" I reassure and he looks at me clearly still suspicious but letting it go for now.
"Honey" I say, grabbing his attention when he decides to head over to the sink and get me a glass of water. "What's up?" I asks, and I look over at the stove before looking back over at him.
"I think your sauce is burning" I say with a cringe and he places the cup that he had been holding down before hurriedly going to turn the stove off, taking it off the heat and assessing the damage.
"I'm sorry" I say, feeling bad for taking his attention off the food he had clearly put a lot of time and effort into based off of all the dirty dishes I see littered around the kitchen.
"It's alright Darling you have nothing to be sorry about. I should've been more careful and turned the stove off" he admits and I take the spoon out of the pan and taste the sauce, doing my best to keep a poker face as he watches me attentively, waiting to see if it's completely ruined.
I place the spoon back into the pan and he waits with bated breath. "So?" he says and I nod my head and swallow down what I had in my mouth. "Yeah it's good" I say and grants me a shocked expression.
"Really?" he asks and then does the same thing I did, surprised that it's still edible. "No" I giggle once he closes his lips around the spoon leaving him yanking it out of his mouth and rushing over to the sink to spit it out, grabbing the cup nearby and using it to gargle and hopefully get the taste out of his mouth.
"That's disgusting! How did you even eat that?" he asks, truly impressed with my tastebuds. "I didn't try very much. Plus I think your reaction was a little dramatic don't you think?" I tease while he gulps down a whole glass of water.
"We clearly have very different pallets because that is horrible" he says, filling up his glass one last time and gargling one more time before placing it in the sink.
"I really am sorry it got ruined" I apologize again but he shakes him head. "You're more important to me than any wacky new recipe I was trying out" he says, cupping my face in both hands and placing a big dramatic smooch on my lips.
"Should we order your favorite?" he offers, pulling up the food delivery app we tend to use. "You don't wanna pick this time?" I ask, remembering that I was the one who chose last time.
"No it's okay you had a bad day so you can pick this time. I'll just choose the next two times we order out" he says and I nod my head. "Sounds fair. Just please, don't pick anything weird again" I cringe, remembering the last time we tried something new.
"Hey! I liked those vegan shrimp burgers" he says, crossing his arms over his chest making me laugh at his pouting face. "Whatever you say Honey. Now hurry up and put your order in too I'm starving" I admit, remembering that I skipped lunch.
"You didn't lunch today huh?" he says, reading my thoughts as soon as they pop in my head. "I swear you're some kind of mindreader" I say, walking past him to get finally get that water that had been promised to me on my own.
As soon as I turn on the faucet I'm granted a slap on the ass making me yelp from the surprise of it. "What was that for?" I groan rubbing the tender flesh and he giggles pulling me in for a kiss running his hands down my back before resting on my ass giving it a squeeze.
"I told you if you wear those little pajama shorts around the house I can't be held accountable for my actions" he smiles against my lips and I hum into the kiss when he pulls me in a bit closer.
"Mmm nope I'm too tired and hungry" I say, pulling away from the kiss and he tries to chase my lips but I turn my face to the side so he ends up kissing me on the cheek instead.
He kisses my cheek a few times but then when I think he's finished he licks a long stripe from my jaw to my cheek bone and it try to wiggle out of his hold but he's got an iron grip around my waist.
"Ew you weirdo let go of me" I say squirming while he laughs, thoroughly enjoying my reaction. "Aw come on I thought I was Daddy tonight" he says, switching to ticking my sides now, no doubt a distraction and a thorough effort in keeping me from getting upset again.
"Okay okay fine Daddy please s-stop" I call out, still trying to get away from his poking and prodding and when he finally lets go I run to the other side of the room to make sure he can't get ahold of me again and just when I think I'm safe he's tackling me down onto the sofa.
"Okay okay I give up you win!" I say, hoping that this tactic will get him to leave me alone. "What do I win?" he asks, amusement written all over his face and when I lean in to whisper all kinds of naughty things in his ear his face goes from amused to seductive real quick.
"Oh yeah?" he rasps and I nod my head and he gets off of me and pulls me up by my hands and starts to try to pull me upstairs. "No no no I didn't say right now! We've got food on the way!" I say trying to remind him of what we've been waiting for this whole time he's been playing.
"Come on they won't be here for like another fifteen minutes" he argues and as soon as he completes his sentence the doorbell is ringing leaving him groaning at the contradiction to his claims.
"See I told you!" I tease while he walks over and opens the door to get the food and thank the driver.
"Yes! Come on let's eat!" I say grabbing one of the bags and rushing over to the kitchen table and start pulling the food out.
"Well I guess I know where your loyalties lie" he sighs and trudges over to the table. "Oh come on you crybaby. First eat this and then you can eat me later if you want to" I taunt and his eyes light up at the though and I swear I can see him drooling.
"Deal!" he says and we spend the rest of the night laughing and loving until the sun comes up. What did I do to get so lucky? No matter how long we've been together that is always my last thought before I go to bed and the first thought I have when I wake up next to him in the morning.
Our relationship might not be the most conventional but I wouldn't have it any other way.
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leondickrider · 1 year
relationship headcanons | leon s kennedy x gn!reader
💭 . . . hiii, so i moved to this account from my old account @movedoopsie so this an updated version of both of my old relationship headcanons posts and nsfw post (with some new bonus headcanons hehe) (‘. • ᵕ •. `)
before reading: fluff, suggestive, nsfw marked, some are sad bc i love making leon suffer ₍ᐡ。っ ̫-。ᐡ₎ not proofread | warnings: cursing, substance abuse mentioned | wc 2.1k
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love with him kinda gives me and your mama by childish gambino but very much guns and roses by lana del rey 🎀
ONE THING I FORGOT TO MENTION IN MY ORIGINAL POSTS: television heaven by lana del rey is so re2make leon coded !!!! and maybe perhaps starry eyed... just maybe...
it's canon that he listens to rock (refer to re2r opening) but I'm sure he would listen to alternative and hip hop
btw, to the spotify playlist makers, he would never listen to mother mother he is quite literally born in the 70s
also i doubt he would actually listen to lana del rey, but if he did he would listen to ultraviolence ₍ᐢ.”⚇.”ᐢ₎
when he's frustrated, he'll mutter curses under his breath like it's so sexy and hot and pussy soddening or dick hardening (I don't have a dick idk how it works)
he loves when you wear long, flowy dresses or shirts, especially if they are in white. if you get it you get it
he would like white clothes on you since white typically represents like purity and cleanliness. and with all the stuff he's been through and it's just comforting
his favorite colors are blue and green tho
he's a good kisser 10/10
leon definitely replies with the driest things ever over text. like you could say "hey baby I love you <3 be careful at work" and he'll say "Ok love you." and he uses the period too
also replies with 👍, 👎, 😀 and 😍
when you are both going to sleep at the same time, he will scratch your back out of habit, even if he falls asleep you will feel his hand making circular motions on your back
he's the lightest sleeper ever. he wakes up if you shift in bed too fast, if you make any unusual sound, literally wakes up so easily and this leads to him being very sleepy :(
he would want 2 kids so they aren't lonely. he wouldn't ever want his kids to feel the loneliness he felt as an orphan
he's a girl dad but if he had a son then you already know that kid is going to be a carbon copy of his dad
sometimes he comes home really drunk and he leans all over you, kissing you all over and saying how much he loves you and stuff and then he cries and then falls asleep
when he goes fishing or hunting or camping he always drags you along for it even if you complain
he looks like he goes camping like every season as the vacation he so desperately asks for 24/7
he doesn't understand text abbreviations. he's like a victorian child. he says "LOL" and doesn't even know what it means. "leon I'm feeling really sick, bring me some soup please" "Ok LOL."
he also replies really slowly to texts sometimes, it's not even on purpose he is just has no clue how to iphone
during missions, he has those cute lil kitten sneezes (like in re4r) but at home this man forces them to be obnoxiously loud because it always makes you giggle
and his hearts melts a little every time you giggle. your laughter is like his favorite sound in the whole wide world
he gets home at unholy hours of the night usually, so he usually just goes to the bedroom, gives you a kiss on your forehead or cheek while you're asleep and takes a quick shower before sleeping
however on nights where you wait for him to get home he is taken by surprise when you fling yourself into his arms when he enters
when be walks in he'll be like "sono a casa..." really quietly
yeah he learned a little italian bc he's like a mafioso son basically so he decided "why not just learn italian and make my girlfriend swoon over it?" il mio king
he's incredibly insecure in relationships. he thinks you deserve better than him, somebody who can be there for you without fail and isn't heavily traumatized
when you're sick he will literally do everything for you, he doesn't let you do anything until you're better
even when you aren't sick he does everything, he justa bit more lenient
hero complex ofc, he loves being there to 'save you' even if it's just helping you get something off the top shelf or helping you zip up a dress or a shirt
always puts his bed by you in minecraft even tho he has no idea how to play :3
also, loves bear hugging you. but he also does those hugs where he lifts you up completely and spins you around a little
if you where in raccoon city with him he would do the spinning hug the second you were finally safe
when he's feeling really affectionate (usually when he's a lil tipsy) he'll tell you things like "sei tutto il mio mondo" and "sei la metà della mia mela" (this is so cute if you also love apples)
he's a heavyweight this man can handle his alcohol, so if you get drunk easy like me, then yea he's def got you covered
doesn't let anybody he doesn't trust near you when you're drunk
also, even when he's drunk he's very protective. he's actually more protective
he is really good at comforting you when you need it but often pushes you away when you need it :(
sometime he will disappear for long periods of times. and he cuts off all contact. but eventually you will get a call from somebody like chris, claire, etc. that leon was drinking and they were bringing him home
he goes through cycles of highs where he stops drinking and lows where he drinks excessively (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
sometimes he'll send you random selfies when he gets service or random texts like "Hi." and tbh it scared the shit out of you to just get a random Hi when he's in the middle of like the desert a few times
he isn't really good with physical affection, he'll give you awkward hugs and hold your hands but he's just very awkward in general so...
but if we're talking cute re2make leon then omfg hugs 24/7 he will not keep his hands off you
he isn't really into pda bc he's shy about it, he will hold your hand and maybe give you an awkward side hug but that's really it unless it's one of those special occasions lmfao
this is kind of random but when he's alone he likes to look at old pictures of you both and just reminisce on the past ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
re2make leon the typa guy to play just dance with you
maybe re4make if he's in love enough (he is)
his style is actually really good so he ALWAYS looks so good next to you (refer to casual leon model) 🐩
he sings in the shower sometimes
he likes to take showers with you since it's relaxing when you wash his hair since you have like soft hands and not his big thick meaty manly leather beefy hands
falls asleep with light piano music and rain audios in the background 😭
his instagram is basically a fanpage for you. always appreciating you!! "My s/o took this." "Date night night with s/o." "Imagine not having the prettiest bestest amazingest s/o ever."
he and ada are mutuals, this is his revenge for ghosting him lol
takes you on picnic dates a lot
for people with periods, he is like so good with helping you woth getting tampons/pads, getting medicine, etc etc
his ideal house with you would be one of those stereotypical white american family suburb houses (he's so american i'll never let him live down calling luis 'lewis' 😭)
he pledge allegiance to the flag he is a PATRIOT🇺🇸
he spoils the hell out of you !!!! you look at a dress twice? magically in your closet the next day. you look at a pretty necklace that costs more than a car? he already got it
government paycheck
when he was 21 he dreamed of having a really normal life with you. a normal house, normal cars, 2 kids, a dog, all these other totally normal things
he does not get the normal life lol
he is very territorial, he definitely marks you up in spots that are very visible and harder to hide
he isn't really picky about what lingerie you wear but if you wear white sets with little blue or pink ribbons then you got your work cut out for you
he's very romantic during sex. on anniversaries he'll even get rose petals and candles in you're into that kinda stuff lol
had to buy a whole different phone just for videos/photos of you both because his phone has a ton of work things and he didn't want to risk accidentally sending the wrong picture to the wrong person
when he gets back from missions that were very stressful and got him pent up then sex is way rougher than usual
he is definitely into worshipping your body. he'll tell you how beautiful you are and kiss every inch if your skin that he can
sometime he'll also say some italian things to you while you do the deed like "sei molto bella"
when he's horny he'll tell you "mi ecciti così tanto"
although, italian bedroom talk is kinda cringe sometimes so he usually sticks to english
he is definitely very experienced, he's been with several women, usually one night stands. but we do also know he had a girlfriend before resi 2 so there's that
he would prefer sex stays in the bedroom, or the house at least
he probably gets pleasure from making you get pleasure. like just from eating you out he will... yea
as i said before, territorial 😊
one of his sexual fantasies is fucking you while he's on a mission but he probably wouldn't want to take that risk bc like zombies
it's not rare to have quickies in the mornings
he's big like maybe 6 or 7 inches? he may not have a könig bulge but he's absolutely packing
dirty talk. says things like "y'like that princess?" "that feel good?" "i know you like it baby" "you feel so girl pretty girl" "look at me lovie" when you close ur eyes
man is a freak (refer to THAT clip from death island)
however, sex with him is usually really vanilla simply because he is too tired from all these missions to be doing all that
when it's not vanilla he's a switch simply bc I know it. he'll let you take the reins from time to time, but he is always the one in control if we're being fr
also i'm pretty sure he's top leaning because like... the shit he's been through?? he'd want a little control over something and having control in bed makes him feel really powerful
he still likes to bottom tho lol
he also calls u mommy or daddy or master or mistress if u a freaky freak lol
loves brat taming!!!!!
he likes to hold your hand while having sex
enjoys morning sex lots, especially the morning after he returns from a mission. he's too exhausted the night of returning, so he wakes up early and fucks you
love love loves missionary bc he gets to look at your face and he can just look down to see him yk thrusting (goodbye i hate this word)
i will say tho sometimes he will say the most outlandish things like "i wanna pump so many babies into you that we repopulate raccoon city" but it's ok bc it's leon
loves white sets on you (refer to 8)
sooo good with after care!!! if you need something he will do it or get it. want a snack? he's grabbing it. want a nice warm bubble bath? he's running the water and grabbing the soap for bubbles
spoils you with aftercare tbh.... after him you really cannot ever get better aftercare
very vocal, lots of whimpers and whines coming from him
really good with his hands, I mean look at the way he handles guns. i'm sure his hands come in handy in more ways than just flipping a gun around
amazing with his tongue and mouth as well 🎀
he love love loves when u sit on his face !!!
when you give him head he likes to rub your scalp and he makes the most attractive noises ever
he owns a couple toys. he def owns a vibrator and a pair of handcuffs
he probably has no preference to if you're shaved or not when he's older
but when he's younger he prefers it shaved or trimmed cuz he lives between your legs and it gets a bit annoying getting hair in his mouth 😭
(i'm sorry if all the nsfw seems aimed towards afab people, I literally have no idea how to write for amab but i'm trying to spoil everybody...)
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౨ৎ translations "sono a casa" i'm home; "il mio [re]" my king; "sei tutto il mio mondo" you are my whole world; "sei la metà della mia mela" you are half of my apple; "sei molto bella" you're very beautiful; "mi eciti così tanto" you're turning me on | please correct me if any of this is wrong since i rarely speak to my italian friends and family and i don't say these things to them. i had to research :)
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reblogs and replies appreciated always <3
leon kennedy masterlist
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runningfrom2am · 9 months
leveling the playing field XV
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summary: with nowhere else to go after getting caught cheating to help lucy gray, you both make some desperately stupid decisions.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 5.7k (omg)
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. do they love each other or hate each other? who knows (we do.). implications and mentions of abuse and some non-graphic violence, so read with caution!! also a little bit of swearing but that's neither here nor there. oh, and manipulation (heavy on that one in this part guys). also, r is unhinged as shit in this one!! enjoy!!
a/n: and it all comes down to this… damn. only one more part 🥲. this one was long but so so fun to write and i really hope you enjoy it!! final part and the epilogue are coming soon! oh! and the playlist is here!!
series masterlist // playlist
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When you finally make it to the compound, you're grateful that it's almost deserted by the peacekeepers. There were a few around here and there, but from the hole in the fence you were about to enter through, you had a clear shot to where Sejanus was supposedly being held.
Deep breath. I've got to make this quick.
You exhale and start running, light on your feet with a crowbar in hand, either to break the bars or swing at anyone who tries to stop you from freeing him. Crouched down next to the wall now, you peek in the barred window to one of their many interrogation rooms. Nothing. He has to be in one of these, so you slide over against the wall to look in the next window. At least you didn't have to go far.
"Sejanus." You whisper through the open window, seeing that he's alone inside. And he doesn't look good. His face is swollen, cut, and bruised. Clearly, he's been tortured, but hopefully he hadn't given up Coryo.
He looks up, dazed as if he wasn't sure he was really hearing you. "Sejanus." You repeat. "Get up, we have to go. Right now."
Before he responds, you're already attempting to pry the bars apart.
"Y/N?" He says quietly, stumbling to get up as he makes his way over to the window.
"Yeah, it's me." You nod quickly. "Now how were you going to open these bars for that girl? We don't have much time."
"Uh, okay, uh... Give it to me." He says, gesturing for you to hand him the tool, which you quickly slide through the bars. As soon as he takes it you're digging in your bag, pulling out a hammer to see if you can help pull them out with the backend.
He's much stronger than you, so it doesn't take long for him to yank out three of them- just enough for him to fit through. He moves a chair over to help himself climb out, and you pull him the rest of the way, both of you falling back into the dirt.
You're grabbing him as soon as you get your footing, and you're both sprinting for the hole in the fence where you entered, hidden behind the generator shed. You run until you get to the treeline, stopping to catch your breath once you're out of sight. You don't believe anyone saw you. You're home free.
Panting, hands pressed on your knees, you look over at Sejanus who collapsed into the grass, chest heaving from the exertion. His injuries likely didn't help. "We gotta keep going." You breathe, throat stinging.
"Yeah, I know..." He agrees, clearly just as out of breath. He was in better shape than you, but you assume his injuries are no help. "Why did you do it?" He adds, sitting up and pressing a hand to his chest as if that will help slow his heartbeat.
"Come save me." He takes a quick, shaky breath. "You could have been caught, they would kill you too."
"I won't bury another friend." You answer, standing up straight again with a shake of your head. It was a stretch to call Arachne, Felix, or the Twins your friends, but they were just about the closest thing you had to it besides him and Coryo. "You didn't do anything worth killing you over."
Sejanus squints at the sun as he breaks a small smile, looking up at you. "Thank you."
"Anytime." You nod, readjusting the bag over your shoulder. "Now, we gotta get out of here. I don't know where we're gonna hide until morning, but...”
"We?" He asks, brow furrowed as he gets up, dusting off his blue peacekeeper jumpsuit.
"Yes." You confirm. "The four of us are gonna go, without anyone else who was there last night."
"Four..." He hums to himself. "Me, you..."
"Lucy Gray and Coriolanus." You nod, finishing the thought for him.
"I... why?"
You sigh, looking past the trees back to the base. "They're looking for the guns that killed Mayfair and Billy Taupe. The mayor is deadset that it was Lucy Gray, but if they find the guns it'll be both her and Coryo who are killed for it. And I... just aided a rebel escape." You explain, smiling a little as you point to yourself. "And released all those birds. My fingerprints are probably all over those cages, that's probably treason."
"You..?" Sejanus asks, shock crossing his features. "You set them free?"
"Yeah." You nod matter-of-factly. "God, it feels so good to tell someone too. I wouldn't have gotten any credit otherwise."
"Why?" He asks, tilting his head at you.
You shrug. "Wanted to piss off Coryo. It worked, didn't it?"
"Kinda..." He gives you a weird look you can't quite decipher.
"Anyway, let's get going. We have to get Lucy Gray."
"Why are we waiting until morning?" He asks, and you can't help but feel it's somewhat of a stupid question. He's also literally a peacekeeper.
"Coryo can't leave until dawn." You explain. "Probably has to spend the rest of the day hunting you down, now..." You say, mulling over the words as they leave your mouth. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to stick around, but you weren't leaving without Coryo. "Actually, why don't you go ahead?"
"I... Well..." He looks back over his shoulder at the camp as it disappears between the trees, both of you walking deeper into the woods to take the long way back to Lucy Gray's meadow.
"When we get to the meadow there's a pretty clear path out to this lake and cabin in the woods. About three hours walk on that knee, you could be there by supper time, spend the night there and we'll meet you there in the morning." You tell him. "No one knows about it spare for the Covey. You'll be safe there tonight."
"Okay. Yeah, that's a better idea." He agrees, following along after you through the woods.
The night couldn't have gone by slower. Curled up under the trees on the far side of the meadow, you and Lucy Gray hardly said a word to one another but you knew neither one of you was sleeping. That was, until just before you had to leave to meet Coryo. You felt a little guilty for waking her up when she had only just fallen asleep, soft snores falling from her lips until you shook her awake.
Groggily, the two of you made your way to the hanging tree, a clearing in the woods near the peacekeepers compound. It was a haunting area, to be certain. You didn't dare say a word, in case the Jabberjays were to make an echo of it.
You sat down behind the tree just before the sun was set to rise, letting Lucy Gray lean her head on your shoulder to try and get a bit more sleep before Coriolanus showed up. But again, that wouldn't be long.
It was a solid half hour, and the sky was in the middle of its slow shift from orange to blue when you heard footsteps approaching. You both stood quickly, backs pressed to the tree. You peak around it, relieved to see it was him.
"Coryo." You whisper, smiling softly and pulling him into a hug.
"Hey, Y/N/N..." He hums, rubbing your back gently. You can still see the sleep in his eyes; at least one of you got some rest.
"Alright." You sigh, turning to face Lucy Gray before gesturing in the direction of the woods. "Lead the way."
She nods, small smile forming on her face as she looks up at your boyfriend. You had to assume that's what he was to you now- friends don't do what you do.
The two of you follow after her for miles, as quickly but as quietly as possible. It's hard to think about the fact that you're leaving your whole life behind, so you just don't. You zone out as your feet crunch through the now familiar underbrush of the woods, thinking of what the future will hold. Not what it will lack.
It'll lack structure, no doubt, but you'll have all the freedom the world has to offer. You don't know where you'll go, but you can't help but daydream about building a cabin out of the woods, maybe by another lake, where you and Coryo could live together forever. Maybe you'd learn how to make new clothes with materials you find, if you could find any, or maybe you would start your garden again and grow all kinds of beautiful natural flowers alongside almost all of your food. Maybe Coriolanus would become a proficient hunter, and all you would have to do is lay in the sun and look pretty, occasionally gathering things from your garden to go with his catch for dinner. Maybe you'd grow raspberries and wild roses.
Maybe you'd have a child. A little boy he could teach how to speak as eloquently as he does, or hunt as successfully as he will. Maybe it'll be a little girl, who he can dote over while you tend to your garden, and teach her songs you learned from the Covey. She'll be a beautiful singer, a beautiful girl with Coryo's blonde hair and blue eyes to die for. Regardless, you can tell your kids about your lives. About home, about where you grew up and what life used to be. About the uncle they have back home but will never meet, and about your friends who you lost. About Arachne, and Felix, and the twins, about the games and about Sejanus who needed saving more often than not and about how you were both full of pride when your tribute won, Lucy Gray.
Lucy Gray.
You're snapped out of your daydreams within a moment. You don't know how long you had been lost in your own mind, imagining a life that doesn't exist, but by now, Coryo was walking a few feet ahead of you with her.
The endearing smile on her face that you can see only when she turns her head to look at him is making you uneasy. She would be there, you won't have to tell your kids about her because she will be there. That's not necessarily a bad thing, Lucy Gray is lovely, and by now you consider her a friend. But maybe she's too lovely. Maybe Coriolanus considers her a friend too, it's clear he does. He has much of a right to as you do, you both saved her life, but mostly him. He pulled the strings, you just helped however you were asked to and more. He decided that her life was worth risking both his and yours to save.
Maybe she meant more to him than you thought. Maybe she is what brought him to Twelve. Maybe, he got to choose and he chose her moments after "choosing" to throw your life away in front of you. He chose her.
"Are you thinking about Sejanus?" She asks, and it's the first bit of their conversation you catch.
"He's fine. Not too injured, he should be waiting at the cabin. I said we'd meet him there." You interject, reminding them of something they already knew.
"I just wish it hadn't come to that." Coryo replies, looking back at you for a fraction of a second before turning back to Lucy Gray. "Sorry, you had to leave this place." He adds after a few moments of silence.
"I'll miss the Covey." She hums, "I hope they'll follow me someday, though." You look at the orange scarf draped over her shoulders, a pit of unease settling uncomfortably just behind your ribs.
"You know what I won't miss? People." Coryo says, and you hum in agreement.
"People aren't so bad. Not really." Lucy Gray shrugs. "It's what the world does to them, like all of us in the arena. I think there's a natural goodness born into us all."
Both of you scoff in practical unison. If you had to guess, it was quite the opposite.
"No, really. You can either... cross that line, into evil... or not. And it's our life's work to stay on the right side of that line."
"It's not always that simple." Coryo replies, looking back at you with something indecipherable behind his stare. Pity? An acknowledgment of your nature being something unworldly in her description? You bite your tongue.
"I know. I'm a victor." Lucy Gray says with a click of her tongue, distaste dripping from her tone. "It sure will be nice to not have to kill anyone else out north though, huh?"
"Two and a half is enough for me." Coryo chuckles, stopping as she continues ahead. You stop with him. "I'm gonna make a walking stick. You want one?" He offers to you, picking up a tree branch from the underbrush.
"I'm fine, thanks." You smile, watching as he tries to brush it off and wincing when he sticks himself on the wood.
"Three? Who's the third?" Lucy Gray asks, turning slowly up ahead.
"You okay?" You ask, ignoring her as he sucks his thumb into his mouth to stop the bleeding you already saw begin.
"-Person you killed, Coriolanus. You said you killed three people I only know about two. Do not lie to me." Her voice is harsh. Accusatory. And you don't like it one bit.
"He said two and a half." You chuckle hesitantly, eyeing the girl up and down at her drastic change in attitude. You didn't know who he was talking about either, but you were the one with a hot temper and you wouldn't even react like that.
"Can you help me get this out?" He asks, taking a few steps over to her in effort to distract her from the question.
"Here." You stop him with a gentle hand on his arm. "Let me look..." He stops, looking between the two of you as you take his hand, looking down at the splinter in his thumb.
"There was Bobbin, in the arena, and Mayfair, and who's the third?" Lucy Gray continues, only escalating in her upset over nothing.
Coryo locks eyes with you for a moment, and you raise your eyebrows slightly to try and portray your antipathy with her reaction.
"My old self." He speaks, looking back over at her as you gently try and push the splinter out from under his skin. "I killed him, so I could come with you girls."
"And Sejanus." You giggle, trying to lighten the mood and also distract him from you using your nail to pull the splinter out. It looked painful. "Also, I would say your old self is half of you. Well put."
Lucy Gray clearly wasn't buying it. You could see it in her face as he hissed at you finally getting it out. "There you go." You hum, squeezing his hand gently as it was still cradled in between yours.
"Thank you, Darling." He smiles, pulling back his hand and patting your arm, gesturing to the faded path ahead. "C'mon."
You try your hardest not to glare as you catch up with Lucy Gray, Coryo's arm now rested comfortably over your shoulder.
The rain picked up into a downpour, further softening the ground you were walking on.
"Why don't we stop here at the cabin? Wait out the storm." Coryo suggests as the cabin comes into view up ahead.
"Ugh, please." You agree, already attempting to flatten your soaked hair that is frizzing up from the rain and the humidity.
"We should really keep goin'." Lucy Gray cuts in, making you roll your eyes.
"We're gonna need food on the way." Coryo insists. "Let's catch some fish while we're here." Even if you got to sit in the cabin for a few minutes, it would be well worth it to try and dry off just a bit.
"Sejanus!" You call out as you climb up the steps. "It's us! You okay?" You push open the door, finally feeling like you're able to breathe out of the rain until you realize he's not there. "Sejanus?" You ask, looking around the only corner in the small cabin.
"Not here?" Coryo asks and you shake your head, brow furrowed.
"No..." You hum, peeking out the window. "He must be nearby though. We'll have to wait for him to get back."
"If you wanted fish, there's rods under the floorboards." Lucy Gray says, completely ignoring you and closing the door as she's the last to enter.
Coryo nods, stomping around on the floor to check for which ones were loose. "These ones?"
"Uh-huh." Lucy Gray nods at him, watching as he kneels down to lift the old wooden planks.
"You gonna stay in here, Y/N/N? Dry up a bit?" He asks you and you nod, giving him a small smile. In the corner of your eye you can see Lucy Gray looking at you. She doesn't necessarily look mad, but something is just so... off.
You can't help but wonder if all her negative energy she's putting out is because of you. Not literally, because you remember her being so sweet when you were alone. Is she mad because of you and Coryo? That has to be it. What happened to the girl who helped you write a love song to him and encourage you to sing it?
She helped write it. She was dead set on writing it, actually. You provided the tune and she did most of the rest. You were never much of a poet. She wrote that song to him- you were just the voice she used to tell him. You were a puppet to her, and suddenly your wrists ache from the mere idea that she manipulated you in that way.
The floorboards creak underneath you as you sit down, leaning against the wall. If Lucy Gray was going to be handing out dirty looks, you could too. You lock eyes with her, trying to maintain some semblance of a smile, but you just stare at each other.
Within seconds it's evident that any bit of trust you had for one another is gone. That just won't do if you were running away together. She had to go.
She's the first to cower away from the staring contest, of course, when Coryo stands up again.
"What is it?" She asks him, and as you look, you see he's holding the gun.
You gasp, shooting up from where you had just settled on the ground. "Is that?"
"It's the gun." He answers before you finish your question, an expression of shock and relief embedded in his features.
"The one you fired at Mayfair." Lucy Gray gathers, seeming as she wasn't there. "Spruce must've known about this place." She shrugs, avoiding your gaze completely. "Well, you destroy that gun you're free. You can go back home."
You and Coryo look at each other, unsure what to do or say. He could go back, he was home free. But leaving you with her? And poor Sejanus who was out in the rain somewhere either dead or limping on an almost useless knee? No chance.
"Will you?" She asks.
"No more loose ends..." He nods a little to himself, looking down at the gun in his hands. You poke your tongue into your cheek and look down at the floor. He's actually considering leaving you behind.
"Besides us." You look at Lucy Gray through narrowed eyes as she speaks. What was she trying to imply? You would never do that to him. You figured that was pretty obvious.
"Besides you?" Coryo asks, looking between the two of you. When his eyes land on you he’s more worried, with something more accusatory when they glue on to Lucy Grayverifying your perspective that yes, he knows you would never do that. "You wouldn't tell anyone." He says to her, but it comes out more as a question.
She hesitates before shaking her head with a smile that's so anger inducing you'd like to throw her in the lake and watch her drown. "Course not..." She tops it off with, and you tick your head to the right.
"I mean, it's not like anyone would really believe you." You state. "They're all convinced it was you who pulled the trigger."
"I'm just gonna go dig up some Katniss. There's a good patch down by the lake." She ignores you again. Am I missing something? Am I fucking invisible?
"Thought it was too early for that." Coryo reminds her, and the nervous smile on his face brings you hope that he also knows something is off.
"Well, the world changes awful fast." Even so much as her heavy district accent is driving you up the wall at this point. It's hardly even english.
"Lucy Gray. It's still raining." Coryo pleads with her and you eye the knife in her hand, taking a small step closer to his side.
"Well, I'm not made outta sugar." Lucy Gray says, smiling innocently before turning and walking out, closing the door behind her.
You both stand there in silence for a few moments, him staring at the gun, you staring at him.
"It was Sejanus." He says so quietly you can hardly make it out from under a yard away.
"I sent a recording of his confession to Dr. Gaul. I was the reason they were going to..." He can't even say it.
"You?" You whisper back. "I... no. That's not your fault."
"It is."
You shake your head, reaching out to gently lower the gun so you can place your hand on his cheek. "It's not, but it doesn't matter anyways because he is out here, with us, and we're gonna be okay. He's gonna be fine, and you're gonna be fine. Yeah?" You assure him, smiling softly as you run your thumb over his cheekbone.
"Yeah..." He mumbles, relaxing under your touch.
"Will you go home?" You ask, chewing nervously on your bottom lip. You really, really didn't want him to leave you out here alone. You wouldn't survive and you knew that.
Coryo looks down at you, shaking his head softly. "No. Not without you. I told you that."
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry? No, no. Don't be sorry. We're doing the right thing." He promises.
"You think?"
"I know." He smiles. "Don't you trust me?"
"More than anything." You whisper. "But I have one... fear, I guess." You say, rubbing your forearm nervously and looking out the window.
"What is it?"
"Oh, no. It's nothing. I think I'm just being crazy." You chuckle, going over to the window to look out now.
"Y/N, what are you afraid of?" Coryo's tone is serious now, and you have to fight back a smile.
"Well, I was just thinking on the walk out here... Like, what will happen to us, what will we do, you know?" You start, letting the smile slip through at the memory of your daydreams. "I'm thinking we'll build a house out here, a little bigger than this one, but not a whole lot, and I'll have a garden and grow our food and some roses just for you, and we'll just have a happy little life."
The crease of worry in his forehead morphs into one of confusion as he smiles. "What? Then what are you afraid of? That sounds lovely."
"Well... And like I said, I'm sure I'm just being crazy, but Lucy Gray... I just feel like she doesn't want that for us." You say, looking up at him and scanning his face for a reaction.
"Why not?"
"I don't know! That's why it's making me feel crazy because it's so out of character for her but she's been really mean to me all day. Like, I don't know if you've noticed but she's been ignoring me or glaring at me and when she snapped earlier about what you said and I just... Yeah. It's not sitting right with me." You try and wave it off with a nervous smile, but Coryo's eyes are locked on the window, deep in thought.
"Do you think she was using us?" You ask him, when you can see that you're getting in his head. "I mean, from the beginning. She is a performer, after all. Maybe it was all a show, and she didn't want us to come here and she's been waiting for a chance to get rid of us ever since, but now she's stuck with us for the rest of all of our lives. I feel almost... unsafe."
Coryo looks over at you now, eyes cold.
"Okay, and actually, what the hell was that that just happened? She would totally go back and tell them it was you! That was the fakest reaction I have ever seen, and I was friends with Arachne and Clemensia for years!" You laugh bitterly. "Like, who's to say she wouldn't run straight back to town and tell them you shot Mayfair and exactly where to find me? I'm sure my father put out a reward!"
"You're not crazy." He mumbles, joining you at the window with the gun gripped tighter in his hands.
"You don't think so?" You ask, painting on the puppy dog eyes as you look up at him.
"No." Coryo shakes his head slightly, looking through the window to where you both know the katniss patch is, and Lucy Gray is nowhere to be seen.
"...She's been gone for a while." You add for good measure, and he just nods.
"Stay here. Don't come out. I'm gonna get rid of these." He says, picking up the bag of guns and walking out the door.
You huff at the seriousness of his tone and sit back down on the ground, leaning back against the wall. You really wish you had taken a towel from the house or something to attempt at drying your hair or warming your skin, but the only thing you had time to pack in your rush yesterday was those tools and your clothes from home. Most of the backpack was full of that coat Tigris gave you, folded up as small as you could possibly get it at the bottom. It was beautiful, and real, and you could tell it meant something to her so you wouldn't dare use it as a towel. Besides, it probably wouldn't be very effective anyway.
But, the Covey did always come out here to swim, so maybe there was one lying around here somewhere. Under another loose floorboard, or something.
While you're looking, you hear Coriolanus's voice fading as he calls out for Lucy Gray. Clearly, she wasn't at the katniss patch like she said she would be.
Maybe she did run back. She had a solid head start on you guys if she did, and as you scrap your task of looking for a towel to swing the door open, you freeze. Coryo told you to stay, to wait for him to come back. He's got it handled. But does he? Is he just going off to find her and they'll both run off without you?
Screw it. He'll forgive you for not listening later.
You open the door, looking out to see if you can catch a glimpse of his white shirt or blonde buzzcut anywhere, but you can't. "Lucy Gray? If something happened we can talk about it!" You hear his voice fading into the woods.
You take a hatchet from the side of the cabin, and follow the sound of his voice as best as you can, still not wanting to make your presence known.
Until you hear Coriolanus screaming. Pained screaming that makes your stomach turn in fear for his life.
"Coryo!" You break into a run toward the sound, trying to track him down with the axe clutched in your hand.
"Is that poisonous?" He shouts, and while you're absolutely panicking, you're happy to hear that he's not already dead. "Are you trying to kill me?" Much closer now, and you spot him kneeling on the ground a little ways away. "Lucy Gray!" His voice flipped from pained to angry like a switch, but you knew he was already on the brink. You designed it, after all. "I said, are you trying to kill me?!"
"Coryo, Coryo what happened?" You ask, running up and dropping to your knees in front of him as he starts to laugh, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Hey, look at me, what happened?"
He ignores your question, chest heaving as he clutches the scarf in his hands. It was a beautiful, orange silk that was now completely muddy and destroyed from being on the wet, muddy ground.
"Are you hurt?" You ask, dropping the hatchet and reaching for his face instead while he holds the crumpled-up fabric to his face.
"Snake." He chuckles dryly, shaking his head. It turns quickly into his shoulders quaking as he sobbed into the material.
"Hey, okay, okay. Let me see. Let me see it. Where are you bit?" You ask, trying to look him over.
When it's clear you won't get a better answer out of him, you stand up, picking the small tool up again, feeling the shift of the wood as it turns into a weapon in your grip.
"Lucy Gray?" You call out, trying to quell the shakiness of anger into something soothing. "You don't need to hide! Come talk to me. I'm not going to hurt you..."
You stop a few feet away from your friend, looking at the area around you and wishing you could see through the trees. "He didn't mean to scare you, Hun!" You adjust your grip on the wet handle of the weapon sitting heavy in your palm.
"Lucy Gray!" You yell, unable to hide the frustration in your tone as you walk further into the woods. "Did you do it on purpose?!"
A few more steps, and you hear twigs cracking a ways to your right. You quickly look, but see nothing. "Fine, Lucy Gray. If you want to play Hunger Games, we can play Hunger Games..." You settle the hatchet between both hands now, lifting it up to your shoulder as you walk toward the sound. "Don't forget, we survived it too."
"Y/N." You hear Coryo's voice behind you and you turn to look at him. He gives a quick whistle, nodding for you to come back to him as he stands with the gun back in his hands.
You look around quickly again before backing up to meet him halfway. His eyes are bloodshot, and he's breathing heavily. You can see it in the tense rise and fall of his shoulders.
He steps in front of you, nudging you behind him with his elbow as he lifts the gun. A twig snaps a little ways away, and by the time you look past him and catch a glimpse at Lucy Gray's dress between the trees he's already fired the gun.
She yelps, stumbling and falling behind some bushes. You grip the small axe tighter, brushing past him to go to her. To make sure the job is finished.
"Y/N. No." Coryo barks at you, voice stern. "Go back to the cabin, gather our stuff. I'll handle it."
You nod, glancing at him only briefly before following his direction and heading back toward the cabin.
You open the door, sighing with a small smile on your face. "Y/N? What happened? I heard a shot."
You're confronted with Sejanus standing inside now. You just stare at him in your shock. You had completely forgotten about him, Coryo must have as well.
When you don't reply, he speaks again. "I just was looking around to see what direction we should go from here, I came back as soon as I heard it."
Your eyes narrow as you look at him, eyes flitting back and forth while you decide what to say.
"Where's Coryo? And Lucy Gray?"
You glance back over your shoulder out the still open door.
"Y/N..." He mumbles, concern riddling his face. "Did he... did he do something to her?"
The silence that falls in the room is suddenly thick, and heavy, and it changes everything.
"Is she..."
You tighten your hold on the hatchet, shaking any reason out of your head. "No loose ends."
"Loose ends..?" Sejanus asks, taking a step back from you. "I won't- I won't tell anyone, there's no one for me to tell... but you have to understand he's dangerous right now."
"Lucy Gray," You take a step closer, lightly swinging the weapon. "Was plotting against us. You have to understand, he didn't have a choice. So I don't either."
"Y/N, you do." He holds his hands up defensively between the two of you. "You can be better. You don't want to do this, okay? You're just... panicking, and I get that, but let's just talk. Okay? We can sort it out." His voice is shaking now.
You bite into your cheek. "No. You're not one of us. You've made that very clear, Sejanus." You shake your head, raising the axe over your shoulder. "We, are going to have our own house, our own family, and I am going to have my own garden, and I am sick of people trying to stop me." You say through gritted teeth, taking steps closer with every statement.
"Y/N, I won't stop you. We're best friends, I know you don't want-" His panicked pleas are halted as his back hits the wall behind him, and you hear several more shots fire out in the woods. You look back for just a second before snapping your eyes back to your friend.
"Run." You tell him, tossing the hatchet onto the ground a few feet away in a moment of weakness.
"Y/N, I can't leave you out here with him like this. I just-"
"Sejanus, run." You tell him again, taking in the fear and panic on his face.
He nods, and you let him walk past you to the door. He stops, and you both turn to face each other at the same time. As you look at his beat up, sad face, you know you'll never see him again and your eyes start to well up with tears that you quickly blink away.
Before you know it, he's pulling you into a hug. "Thank you," He mumbles as you hesitate to hug him back. "For everything."
"I'm sorry." Is all you can muster up, whispering it as you rest your chin on his shoulder.
He pulls away, patting your shoulders gently. "Your garden will be beautiful." He smiles weakly, voice still shaking as he turns and walks out of your sight. Hopefully, for the last time.
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taglist: @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @klplynn , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @gloryekaterina , @andrewgarfieldsbitch , @queenofspades6 , @pepperonipastas , @ladybug0095 , @lunamothwrites , @sbrewer21 , @mus-tbe-a-weasley , @splxtscreen , @unclecrunkle , @karmaswitch , @coconut-dreamz , @nekee-lilac02 , @ooooglymoooogly , @riddlerloveb0t , @lovedbalances , @notyourwildestdream , @snowlandson-top , @too-lit-for-fanfic , @utopiakys , @deafeningballoonnacho , @roosterschanelslut , @chmpgneprblem , @cosmoetik , , @urvampgfsworld , @carolanns-world@nan-nie , @shakespearseclipse , @iovemoonyy , @notyoursweetheart-honey ,  @xyzstar , @eatpizzasass, @slytherinholland , @queenofshinigamis , @elodiebeau , @soulessjourney
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bellysoupset · 26 days
Heyy soupppp! You tagged you were requesting for Bell and Luke so maybe this could work? 😭
Luke is hanging w the guys, Jonah, Leo, Vince, and he’s already pretty out of it, and he falls asleep while the rest are playing video games or sm (idk)
When he wakes up it’s dark, he’s sweating, and he pukes on the floor. His fever is so high he’s delerious, crying, and finds Vince, he takes his temperature, panics, gets Jonah and decides he needs a hospital?
No hospital in this one, sorry, but I think I got everything else!
Leo was sure they were doing this for his benefit and part of him thought he should be embarrassed, but he really wasn't. He had missed spending time with his friends so much, Leo couldn't care less what had motivated their little "boys night".
It had been almost a full month since everything had gone down and he was back into therapy twice a week. His boss had pulled him aside asking if there was something she should know, thanks to his week long absence leave he had taken, but when Leo had brushed it off as just a family emergency, coupled with a hellish flu — an excuse Wendy had been happy to corroborate as his "doctor" —, she had left him alone.
His coworkers weren't as easy to convince, Leo had caught Sandy, Dean and Chuck whispering and all three of them had approached him separately to ask if everything was okay. Chuck seemed convinced it was something related to Jonah, judging by how he had squinted when Jon appeared to pick Leo up, seeming incredibly confused as if he had made up his mind about them breaking up, when nothing in reality supported that rumor.
"Yo," Vince slung an arm around Leo's neck and pressed their foreheads together, "get out of your head and help me with the beers."
"I'm not in my head," Leo bitched, following Vince to the kitchen, "I'm thinking- Oh, hi baby," he dropped to a crouched down position, finding JD happily eating away her food. The cat rubbed her head lazily against his hand, before getting back to the task, ignoring his pets.
"I said help, not come pet the kitty cat," Vince groaned, grabbing multiple beer packs and passing them along to Leo, "thanks- Luke's late. Amazing how he's never on time."
Leo snorted at the whining, then started tearing up the beer packs in order to plant the bottles on top of the table, while Vince hummed a song under his breath, making the snacks. He had shown up earlier than everyone, with his arms filled with grocery bags to prepare bruschetta and other Italian goodies.
Despite the music playing, Vince shared Leo's musical taste and they had been secretly playing Kit Howard since Luke wasn't there, they both heard Jonah outside the front door, his keys jiggling and also his voice as he talked with Luke.
"You guys started without us?" Jonah asked, stepping inside and moving straight to their sound system to change the music. No matter how quick he was, Lucas had clearly heard it, because he was frowning as he walked in.
"I brought dessert," he said in an annoyed manner, holding up a huge box of cupcakes. Behind his back, Leo cringed to Vince, gesturing how annoyed their friend was.
Vin planted his hands on his hip, "fucking finally guys, we almost lost the game!"
Leo was having a blast. They watched the soccer game while sprawled in the living room and stuffing their faces and, of course, Jonah and Luke were cheering for opposite teams, so they were yelling bloody murder at each other by the time the game ended.
Vince was down on the ground, more than a little tipsy, playing with JD and giggling, shoving Luke's leg playfully, "oh my god, sit down, you prick!"
"It was clearly a fault!"
"You're such a sore loser, Atwood, grow uuuup," Jonah retorted, planting his fingers in his ears to ignore him and Leo cackled, not lost on him how childish his fiancé was acting.
"Real Madrid would've won if your stupid team wasn't cheating," Luke glared, grabbing a cupcake angrily and shoving it entirely in his mouth.
Leo was shaking with laughter as he heard Jonah start to argue it wasn't cheating if Chelsea was simply superior. Across the room the phone was ringing, so he crawled on the couch to go grab it, giggling as he shushed the other three.
"Mr. Wagner? It's Matt, from the front desk-"
"Oh shit, hi Matt. I'm guessing the neighbors are complaining about the noise?" Leo cringed, turning down the music and heard a sigh.
"Yes, sir. I need you to tune it down and to remind you that parties are only allowed with the administration's permit," Leo rolled his eyes, he abhorred this HOA rules, but he knew Matt was only doing his job.
"I know, I'm sorry. It's not a party, we're just watching the game and they got a little riled up. We'll be quiet."
"Thank you, sir! Have a good night!"
"Thanks Matt, you too," Leo hung up, then turned to glare at the group, "shut up all of you, the neighbors are complaining about the noise."
"Him and his stupid fucking team," Luke mumbled darkly, grabbing the cupcake box and sitting down in the couch, slapping Jonah's hand sharply when the man tried getting one.
"I said, hush," Leo flicked at Luke's ear, "the Olympics are on, you guys wanna watch the gymnastics solo?"
"I thought that was yesterday!" Jonah perked up, shoving Luke's head so he could grab three cupcakes and they all settled down to watch the beautiful floor routine from Simone Biles. It was probably the one thing Luke and Jon both agreed on, so they were fairly quiet and the previous animosity melted easily.
After Olympics, they switched up to a video game and it was Leo's turn to all but hiss at Jonah, while Vince and Luke watched, since neither of them cared much about that.
They played only one round of Apex each, then switched up to Mario Kart so Vince could join, at what point Luke had already spread out in the bigger couch and was playing quietly with JD, sulking.
"Don't be a horrible loser, you're not five," Jonah passed him a controller, "stop sul-"
"I'm not sulking," Lucas groaned, pushing the controller away, "I'm sleepy, today was a long day. I think I just wanna sit here, you guys play."
They all exchanged an amused glance, Lucas was definitely sulking. However, they had learned long before to just let him ride out the poutiness, so they kept playing for another one hour and a half, when exhaustion caught up with them.
It was a Friday night, so both Vince and Luke were crashing there, their respective girlfriend (and wife) had their own thing going on, because Bella was going to NYC with Wendy so they could watch the Family Addams play.
Leo yawned, resting his head on Jonah's shoulder, "I think we should call it a night," he was pleasantly buzzed, almost in drunk territory but not quite and every surface felt so soft... He looked to his right, to Jonah, the giggles as he looked past his shoulder and saw Luke was curled up, knocked out, and JD was sleeping almost on top of his head, "that's sooo cute, Vin-"
"On it," Vince didn't need to be told, as he crawled on the rug to get a picture, fixing JD's tail so it looked like a hat on top of Luke's head, "send it in the group chat, Bella will love it."
Leo did just that, leaning fully against Jonah and not missing how burpy his boyfriend was. They stared at the screen expectantly, then Bella sent a picture of them in the traffic jam, Wendy curled up against the passenger window, wearing a sleeping mask and a thick hairband that had cat ears on top.
Bells: they're matching 🥰
Jonah snorted and Vince let out an amused huff, sending a bunch of hearts about his girlfriend, then he yawned, "let's call it a night?"
Thirty minutes later most of the trash was put away and Leo was changed into his PJs. He walked down the hallway to throw a blanket on top of Luke and retrieve his cat, pulling JD to his chest and smiling as he noticed how much she was purring.
Vince was in the guest bathroom, flossing, so Leo leaned on the door and knocked, "I got Luke some blankets and there's extras for you in the guest room-" he yawned, "and the fridge is all yours, you know the drill."
"Ioweeeill," Vince agreed, the words coming out all mangled since he was busy. Leo smiled, patting his friend's arm softly, then turned around to go to the master suite.
Jonah was in bed already, sitting up against the headboard and muffling deep burps against his fist, while JD napped on his lap.
"Beer got to you?" Leo guessed, turning off the lights and shutting the door, crawling on the bed.
"Uhm, it'll pass in a minute," Jonah's voice was all soft, he was definitely a little drunk, "come cuddle."
Leo locked their legs together, pressing his cheek to Jon's bicep and rolling on his side, so he could move his hand between smoothing JD's fur and rubbing his fiance's belly.
Luke hadn't been feeling well since morning. That was the truth, he had felt pretty damn shitty since he opened his eyes and had even skipped gym, something he never did, in lieu of lying in bed and trying to force himself to go to work.
He had wanted nothing more than to cancel all plans, but Bella was vibrating with excitement about her plans with Wendy so he didn't want her to know he was feeling gross and consider staying behind.
It was the same logic that got him to actually show up to his night plans. He felt horrid, but it was their first time all together since the mess with Leo and Luke didn't want to mess it up. Hell, Vince was driving four hours and missing a cool weekend with his girlfriend for this, Luke could suck it up about the lethargic feeling that kept trying to pull him down.
He had chugged an energy drink on his way there and plastered a smile on, that had quickly turned into a frown thanks to all of Jonah's picking on him, but thankfully his friends had chalked that up as their usual prickliness and laughed it off.
Lucas was feeling almost proud of himself when he fell asleep to the track of his friends laughing and JD's heat near his face.
He should've known better.
Luke woke up drenched in sweat and feeling like his heart was racing, drumming in his ears. He was flat on his back on the couch and was shivering, like they had left the balcony's door open and the freezing night air was inside.
He sucked in the air, feeling more than a little desperate and... Scared? For some reason? Then his stomach lurched suddenly and Luke coughed, nearly drowning himself. He managed to roll on his side in time to retch a large stream of vomit on the ground and Luke let out a pained whine.
His throat and nose hurt, since he had almost choked, and his stomach felt awful. He was sorely regretting everything he had eaten during the night, in his effort to force normalcy. All the damn cupcakes were churning inside and he could taste the chocolate on the back of his throat...
Lucas sat up, wrapping an arm around his stomach and waiting for the room to quit spinning. HIs head felt like it weighted more than it did, lolling to the side and causing Luke to plant a hand over his lips, muffling a wet belch in it.
He didn't want to cause a mess. Well, a bigger mess. Luke grabbed on the couch and forced himself up, wavering dangerously as wooziness washed him over, then blindly moved around the room. His mouth was watering all over again and he couldn't fight a sick burp, which caused liquid fill his mouth, but he gulped it down, all but falling inside the guest bathroom.
It was like his body was painfully aware this was a safe zone, because Luke didn't even have a chance to move over to the toilet, squeezing his stomach as another cramp hit and then coughing, struggling to breathe, when the motion set off a projectile stream of vomit all over the fucking tiles and down his front.
His knees buckled and Luke curled up, more than a little disgusted and humiliated, his thoughts a wind whirl- dark spots clumping together...
Jon woke up with a weight on his chest and it took him a minute to realize he was looking straight into his cat's big blue eyes. He frowned, blindly reaching to push her off his chest and causing the kitten to meow.
"G'away," Jonah rolled on the bed, still dizzy with sleep, snuggling up with Leo and hiding his nose in the crook of his fiancé's neck- There were whispers outside his door and he let out a sigh, rolling back so he was facing the ceiling.
"What do you mean don't tell Jonah, Luke?!" Vince's voice, louder than a whisper, filtered through the closed door and caused Jon to snort in amusement.
What were the two idiots up to?
He glanced at the bedside table clock, while JD climbed on his lap once more, nibbling at his fingertips when his hand automatically went to pet her. 3:23 AM. Definitely far too late for some secretive midnight snack.
Jonah leaned in, kissing JD between her ears, "keep daddy company," he whispered, before picking her up and slotting her in the little space that Leo left since he was curled up on his side.
The closer he got to the door, though, the less the whispers sounded humorous, turning frantic and distraught... Jonah tiptoed out of the room, hitting the hallway's light switch, "what is going on?"
Chaos erupted.
Luke let out a cry, while Vince shouted "JON!", behind him JD jumped from the bed and came to meow at his feet and Jonah's stomach reacted before he could fully realize the mess in his hallway, causing him to gag.
He swallowed, pressing a fist to his mouth, trying to piece together what was going on. Vince was crouched down in front of Luke, who had fallen flat on his back near the guest bathroom door and there was vomit... Well, everywhere. On Vince's and Luke's shirts, all over the ground near Luke's head, leading up inside the bathroom...
"Please, don't be mad..." Luke whined and Jonah's stomach froze over, not with nausea, but guilt and misplaced anger. He scoffed, shaking his head and stepping closer to the mess, despite his body begging him to turn away.
"What happened?" Jonah crouched next to them and Vince's shoulders sagged with visible relief.
"I- I don't know, I woke up just now and he had already fallen and was throwing up everywhere and- and-" he cupped Luke's red cheeks, "he's burning up, Jon-"
"Grab the thermometer in our bathroom," Jonah instructed, moving his hands so they were in Lucas's neck, "and wake up Leo."
"O-okay-" Vince jumped up and rushed away, while Jonah tried to ignore the way their sick friend was sweating buckets, fever so high he was shaking as if he was freezing.
"Don't tell Jon..." Luke groaned, pressing his forehead to the inside of Jonah's wrist, while the other man checked his vitals. Luke's heart was racing, "please, Vin-"
"I'm not mad," Jonah glared at him, grabbing Luke's ruined shirt by the shoulder and using all his strength to pull his friend sitting up, instead of lying on the groud, "c'mon-"
"Uhm," Luke moaned, Adam's apple bobbing up and down, "don'feel-good..." his words stuck together and he folded in the middle, all but drooling over his lap, "I want Bell..."
Jonah's own heart was racing now and he turned his head to holler, "VINCE, WHERE'S THE DAMN THERMOMETHER!?"
That caused some rustling inside the bedroom and Vince rushed out, holding the little device, as well as the bathroom trash and a bunch of towels, with Leo hot in his heels, although the blonde looked half asleep still.
"Here-" Vince dropped to his knees in the sick covered hallway, mess be damned, "what do I do...?"
"Luke," Jonah patted the other man's cheek, nervously, "hey. Lucas, Luke-" Luke finally opened his eyes, although they were dazed and confused, "look at me. Hey-"
"Jon...?" Lucas frowned, gulping down, "I'm sorry, I- I tried to stop-"
"It's okay, it's okay," it was terrifying to have Luke apologizing to him of all people, "you think you can hold the thermometer in your mouth?"
"Do we really have to? Anyone can tell he's got a fever," Vince protested and Jonah raised a hand to shut him up.
"I- Ye-yeah..." Luke nodded, squeezing his eyes shut, "I don't feel good..."
"We know, buddy," Leo had moved closer as well and was holding JD to stop her from getting her paws dirty, "Jon's gonna help, alright...?"
Luke sniffled pitifully and Jonah forced the thermometer in his mouth and under the tongue, checking the time on Vince's phone, since the man was the only one who had one.
"I'm gonna start cleaning this," Leo decided, squeezing Jonah's shoulder as he got up, "and put JD away."
"What do I do?" Vince asked in a small, worried voice, eyes glued to Luke's face, "this was so out of nowhere-"
"You're gonna help me get him in the shower," Jonah explained, "let's just wait a minute..."
Under his hand, Luke jerked and gagged, pressing his lips tightly around the plastic of the thermometer. He moved a hand to wrap around his stomach, but Vin held his wrist, "no, Luke, your shirt is covered in sick..."
"-urtsss," Lucas moaned, sniffling again and gulping down once more. A thin line of drool started to run from his bottom lip to his lap, as he was unable to fully close his mouth. He gagged and Jonah rushed to retrieve the device, as he heard the disgusting noise of liquid splashing...
It was just in time. Vince shoved the trashcan under Luke's chin and Jonah's hand was barely out of the line of fire as more vomit rushed up and splattered inside the bin.
Jonah glanced at the thermometer, a new one they had gotten after Leo complained about their European device one too many times, and cringed. 103.5ºF
Next to him, Lucas retched loudly once more and Vince rubbed his back in a reassuring manner, although his face was desperate as he said, "Jon!?"
"Lucas," Jonah moved so he could cup his friend's burning forehead and rubbed his opposite arm, "we're gonna get you up, okay?"
Instead of answering, Luke just nodded dizzily, and Vince removed the bin from his lap, wrapping an arm around Lucas' waist, while Jon did the same. Together, they pulled him up quickly to his feet, causing the man to let out a loud groan and pitch forward with a gag, bringing up another mouthful of bile all over the floor, just as Leo returned with a bucket and a mop, causing the blonde to cringe.
"Jesus," Leo winced, "that's some virus..."
Luke shook with a hiccup, which quickly turned into a sob and he crumpled towards Vince's side, hiding his burning face against his friend's shoulder and bawling.
"Aw man, it's okay, I got you..." Vince cooed, rubbing Luke's back while Jonah started to guide all three of them inside the ruined guest bathroom.
Jon side stepped the mess on the ground, gagging harshly himself and stopping in the middle of the way, still squeezing Luke's bicep, so he could spit inside the toilet. The lid was lifted, but the water clear, Lucas had never even made it inside the bathroom.
"Jon?" Leo poked his head inside the bathroom and Jonah shook his head, lips pressed in a line, swallowing down a burp.
"I'm fine," he pulled them further in, inside the shower area. Besides him, Luke let out another hiccup-sob, tears running down his swollen face, completely out of it.
Jonah opened the shower, turning the registers until the water was from lukewarm, ignoring the fact he was getting completely soaked as well, "Okay, c'mere-" he moved out of the stream, so they could hold Luke under it and the man immediately let out a pained yelp, very similar to the noise JD made when they accidentally stepped on her tail.
"Hurts..." he whimpered, sobbing harder, "please- pleasssstop... Why are you doin'this?"
Over his head, Vince looked mortified, and Jonah understood the feeling well. Last time he had seen Luke this distraught, had been back in Christmas when he was sick while in the midst of depression, but even then the fever hadn't been this high.
"You think he had a fever before?" Vince voiced his thoughts, worry coloring his words as he hugged Luke close, all but rocking him under the water, "shhh, bud, almost over."
"Probably," Jonah answered gruffly, turning around and starting to peel off Luke's soaked, sick covered shirt, "there's no way this climbed this high so quickly."
"What can I do?" Leo entered the bathroom, now with three towels draped over his arm, having just ditched the mop, "hallway is clean and living room too."
"Living room?" Jon frowned, glancing at Vince, who looked just as confused.
Leo cringed, nodding, "yeah, living room, I think he woke up sick..." Between them, Luke let out a groan and suddenly stopped crying- His knees buckled and both Vince and Jonah let out a shout as they almost went down with his weight.
"Oh my God," Vince cursed, stepping all over the place and forgetting Jonah was holding half of Luke's weight as he moved to fully grab his best friend, "Luke- Lucas, please, please, open your eyes-"
"Vin," Leo said in a small voice, "Vince, he's coming back to, calm down-" the blonde stepped almost inside the shower area, planting a hand on Vince's back in a reassuring way.
Lucas let out a little moan as he came back to, with Vince still patting his cheek frantically and all but snarling, "aren't you a doctor?! Do something!" at Jon.
"Was-what's going on-" Lucas' voice was raspy, but lucid, and all of them breathed out in relief. Jonah turned off the water, while Luke started to shiver violently, "M'fff-freezin'-"
"Yeah, we're gonna get you dried up," Jonah let go of his arm, side stepping Lucas and Vince, since Vin had a vice-like grip on the man, and as soon as he stepped out of the shower area Leo threw a towel over his head, starting to rub it in.
Jon squeezed his boyfriend's hand, but pulled away, stepping out of the rug so Vince could drag Luke there. The bathroom wasn't built for four men, so Jon was forced to step back in the wet section, while Luke fell sit in the still open toilet and Leo and Vin started to dry him up as if he was a toddler.
"Luke," Jonah wanted to touch him, but there was no space, "when did you start to feel sick?"
"Morning," was Luke's lethargic answer, head lolling with sleep, "I don't feel well..."
"Are you gonna be sick again?" Leo looked up from his crouched down position as they stripped Luke out of his soaked sweat pants, "Luke?"
"Hmmmm... No," he breathed in, "I'm sorry I got sick everywhere..."
"Shut up about that," Jon glared at his friend and Vince scoffed, rubbing the towel vigorously over Lucas' wavy hair, with so much force he was creating curls.
"Let's get him up-" Leo said and Vince was about to do just that, when the blonde shook his head, "you're getting water everywhere, dry yourself. Jon can help me."
"You two can't-" Vince started to protest and Leo glared at him.
"He's our best friend too," he said in a calm, but serious voice, "we can handle him. Dry yourself, you don't wanna get a cold on top of this mess."
Jonah decided he didn't need to explain contagion didn't happen like that, feeling a swell of pride at Leo voicing what he was thinking. He circled Vince, exchanging places with him, and helped Leo get Luke up.
They stumbled into the guest bedroom, which was the closest one. The bed was already unmade, since Vin had been sleeping there and Luke collapsed against the pillows with a heavy sigh, brows meeting in a frown.
"What hurts?" Jonah asked, going for the dresser where they left most of their older clothes for guests, and stripping of his wet pajamas, sliding on some new sweatpants.
"Head," Luke rolled on his side, until his head was resting on Leo's lap and the blonde promptly started combing his fingers through his hair, stroking lightly at Luke's cheeks.
"Like a migraine?" he asked in a whisper and Luke shook his head, while Jonah rushed out of the room to get their first aid kit. Once he came back, not a full minute later, Vince was inside the bedroom, now clad in his spare set of boxers and nothing else, curled up in the bed with Lucas and Leo.
Jon scoffed, pausing at the doorway, "do I need to explain you guys don't wanna catch this plague?"
"Get in here," Leo rolled his eyes, "you can fit right here."
"Are you crazy?" Jonah pouted, planting the first aid kit on top of the dresser and fishing out an antipyretic, as well as a painkiller, "Luke, are you still feeling sick?"
"No," the man's voice was sleepy, as his head was still in Leo's lap and he was being lulled to sleep by the hair pets, "stomach hurts."
"Yeah, that's because you puked things you ate back when you were three," Vince joked weakly, squirming on the bed so he could rest his own head on Luke's thigh and starting to rub his friend's belly, "this alright?"
"Get him to drink this," Jon climbed on the bed, over Vince's legs and handed the pills to Leo. He was planning to climb back out, but then Luke grabbed the cords of his hoodie and Jon nearly faceplanted over all of them.
The bed let out a whine under their weight and Vince snorted, "this thing is gonna go down with us."
"Here, swallow this," Leo pushed the two pills unceremoniously inside of Luke's mouth and caused the man to splutter and almost bite his fingers.
Lucas swallowed with a grimace, then curled up even further, "you guys are warm..."
Jonah sighed, collapsing between all three of them, resting his cheek on his hand and draping his legs over Vince's. Clearly, no one was going anywhere.
Luke met his eyes, little pained lines around them, but no longer the previous confusion, "Thank you..." he closed his eyes, relaxing, as Jon reached in and pushed his bangs back, brushing his thumb over Leo's knuckles buried in Luke's hair.
The blonde smiled at him, then squirmed until he was lying down instead of sitting against the headboard, causing Luke's head to rest fully against his tummy instead of his lap. Vince moved closer and Jonah went boneless, resting his cheek to Leo's thigh and planting a kiss there, feeling exhaustion catch up with him as the adrenaline wore off.
Last thing he heard before fully passing out was JD sneaking back into the guest room and climbing the bed so she could snuggle up against Vince's tummy.
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fun-loving-peach · 7 months
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10 Minutes
Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x FemReader
Word Count: 1k
Summary: You didn’t want to get caught, but Kita only needed 10 minutes to have you trembling against him, and who were you to say no?
Warning’s: MDNI 18+, female reader, smut, tit sucking, fingering, grinding, almost getting caught.
A/N: I did a little something, I think there’s not spelling mistakes? Idk I wrote this as 3am eyes closing every five seconds, enjoy <3!! MDNI 18+ banners by @roseschoices 🤍
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"want you..”
"We're at school, Shin." You say looking at the door to check if someone was coming.
"Yeah, but come on. No one's here.. and no one's about to be here..." His voice much lower now, and he continues to kiss you gently.
"Just for a moment... maybe just…" He reaches a hand up your back pulling the shirt down, exposing your shoulders.
"What if someone gets here early?" You say humming as you felt him grazing against your core.
"They'll figure something else out instead of coming in here.” Kita says mind clouded with lust at the moment, and he wants you so much right now. He kisses your shoulders, nibbling your skin, and starts to get lower and lower onto your chest staying there while he looks up to you.
"I need you now, sweetheart.” He says desperately.
"Fine but let's be quick, please...” You whisper looking away shivering at his touch.
"Only need 10 minutes, honey” He says lips moving onto your nipples as he takes it to his mouth sucking and biting on it.
"Shin." You try to argue whining as his hands go to your hips moving you back and forth on his already growing bulge.
"I'll make you feel so good...” He whispers against you, hands down tight on your hips that definitely would leave marks.
He pulls back, a string of saliva concepts his mouth with your chest as he pulls you down to kiss you. Tongue dancing with yours.
He keeps a steady pace as he pushes you closer to his bulge. Feeling you tremble against him more and more.
"Is this what you wanted me to hurry up and do?" He asks with a playful smile, looking up at you with half-lidded eyes. His fingers start to move over the fabric of your panties, and he feels your heat already seeping into his hands as you begins to move against them.
"Wasn't it your idea mister we have 10 minutes." You say breathless, shaking from the pleasure of his touch.
" guess so, but you don't have to be so impatient... I was having a nice time. Do you want me to go faster?" He says, voice shaky with excitement as his fingers rub against your clit with a little more purpose.
"You’re the impatient one, I just don't want the guys to see us like this.” You huff. “Please… faster.” You whined.
"As long as you promise not to rush me off and make me stop.” He pushes your panties aside as his two fingers thrust into you, thumb rubbing your clit as he feels you clenching around his fingers. He pushes your thigh more to his side wanting to push deeper into you.
"Fine… but if t-they see us, its your fault " You stuttered trying to stay quiet, failing as you whimper from his thrust’s as you felt him hitting that one sweet spot.
"It's definitely going to be my fault.” He says smirking at the sounds of your small whimpers filling his ears like music to him. He’s getting off just by how your hole takes his fingers and your cute little noises.
"You sound heavenly, baby." He says this in an endearing way. With your body humping against him like that, his breathing gets frantic, mind going blank.
"Just a little bit more, okay?” He whisper to you, breathe warm as he keeps you on the edge. He wants to make it last, to hear your sweet moans and feel your essence dripping from his fingers.
You nod as tears prick your eyes from the stimulation.
"Shhh, it's alright..." He says hitting your spot over and over again feeling you clench on him even more, knowing you were getting closer and closer to falling over the edge. He gives your neck a kiss.
“We still have time, relax., baby.” He says whimpering as your hands reached his bulge palming at it at the same pace he thrusts his fingers into you.
His breath gets a little more heavy as you touched him, he couldn't help but let out a moan as you kept your steady pace.
Their moment is interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door. You break off by the sound pulling away slightly from him.
His breath is fast, as he looks up at her now with half-lidded eyes.
"Fuck…Is that a good enough rush? Or do we have time for another…” he says teasingly.
"Shut up and help me get dress up." You said hurriedly brushing your hair so it didn’t look messy.
Kita chuckle’s at your reaction, but he doesn't find it in his heart to blame you. It would be pretty embarrassing to be caught like this in the middle of school. Groaning from being stopped just as things were getting really heated, he starts to help put your clothes back together quickly, pulling up your shirt and adjusting your bra as you put your panties back on right. He stared at you smirking as he looks at your hazed eyes.
"Stop staring go and open the door." You say turning you head away cheeks flushed red.
"Yes, ma'am.” He says with a laugh, and gets up quickly to open the door with with a serious face.
As soon as he sees the other members of the team, he lets out a sigh.
"You guys are early.” He says with his usual stoic attitude.
You stood next to the door as the team went inside, all talking back in a mix of voices. Saying what took so long and stuff about practice. Some are just mumbling clearly not fully awake.
One by one they go to their lockers and grab their bags and practice gear. Some are having quick chats with each other, but no one seems to pay any attention to you guys.
"So I'll see you later, baby." You say quietly touching his cheek.
"Yeah, later." He nods, pulling away from you as he looks over to his teammates checking to see if they were overhearing them.
"Maybe I’ll come by your house after school. We can finish what we started this morning if you want," he says in a slight teasing way.
"Sounds good to me. Don't be too late or I'll have to start without you." You say teasingly pecking his lips as you walked out of the locker room and out the gym getting ready to go to class.
"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it." Kita says quietly as you walk out of the locker room. He's not really thinking about the fact that the two of them almost got caught in the locker room. He was just looking forward to visiting her later tonight.
"It's gonna be a great today," he mutters to himself, and starts to get ready for their first practice session of the day.
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howlsofter · 1 year
You’ve been working for John Constantine for a little. He’s been too protective to let you learn anything but he wants to keep you close. Just my usual one shot smut with a little plot.
Words: 2.8k
Tags/warnings: m/f penetration, cunnilingus, drinking, smoking, a little dirty talk, choking, idk sex mostly
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John Constantine hates being bothered.
But he needs a new driver.
Just temporarily.
He’d found me on one of his previous endeavors, but many already know who I am. Taught of the occult and arcane by a small circle on the streets after my parents passed, my skills are above most.
Not that I ever get to use them with John. He’s worrisome, shaking as he presses his cigarette back up to his mouth, inhaling like it was his last breathe. He is peering outside.
“John, this time please,” I beg as I round up to the building, John doesn’t even look my way, tossing his cigarette to the ground the moment he opens the car door. He rushes inside and I sigh, tapping my fingers against the steering wheel and letting my head fall back.
30 minutes or so and he’s back, staggering with another goddamn cigarette between his lips. He climbs into the car and I drive forward,
“Where to?” I ask, glancing in the mirror. He’s been crashing at mine for this stent, but he’s been talking about something West. Something I could help him with.
My life is in Brooklyn. I pursed my lips together when he told me. I agreed. He knew I would. I’ve been following John blindly these past few months, yet I don’t know if he really gives a fuck about me.
“Fuck,” he spreads out in the backseat, closing his eyes and pressing his cigarette up to his lips, “anywhere. Do you have alcohol?”
That’s code for my place, because I almost always have alcohol. He’s not a terrible house guest. He doesn’t touch my food, he crashes on the couch fully clothed, no blankets no pillows. That’s only if he’s tired, otherwise he sits and, thinks. I guess.
I pour us a glass and leave the bottle in the middle of table. John sits back and retrieves his cigarettes from his pocket, knocking out another and putting it up to his lips.
He lights it before taking a long sip of his drink. He’s sat back in his seat but leaned forward in a long folded over shape. He takes another drag as soon as he’s swallowed the liquid, huffing out and looking around my apartment.
Nothing has changed since the last time he’s been here, he realizes quick and settles back to me. I reach out, “may I?” He seems annoyed but he snatches the pack from his side pocket where he’d returned them.
I scoot my chair over closer as he grabs the lighter. He holds the cigarette up and I lean forward, taking it from his fingers between my lips. I still, following his hands as he takes another long drag, looking at me waiting for him. I raise an eyebrow and begin reaching for the lighter myself. John’s eyes dart to it and he reaches out quick, flicking his wrist to open it and swiftly sparking it up. I inhale just enough to light it before taking a real drag and sitting back.
“Any plans here, John.”
He takes another sip, “always asking me shit. No, there’s no plans. I’m waiting for someone to slip up.”
“I haven’t found anything about the soul stones,” I’ve been researching, asking around, “most people say they haven’t heard of them.”
“Then you’re asking the wrong people.” He takes a hit after every sentence, this man breathes no oxygen.
“Maybe it’s not in Brooklyn anymore?”
“West…” he mentions again, “but it’s just another gamble.” He turns his head away, like he’s tired of the conversation and finally I take another drag of mine. I can feel the nicotine buzz in my body, I only ever palm one off of John occasionally. It mixes well with a little alcohol.
John leans back up, resting his elbows on the table and taking another large sip of his drink. “Are you really coming?” He asks, suddenly so serious. He takes his last sip of his drink, putting it to rest on my tabletop, he flicks his ash into the ashtray I have specifically for him.
“I said I was.” I respond, lifting my own cup, I swirl the liquid around and take a small sip.
“You don’t have to.”
“Do you want me to?”
John puts the cigarette out, leaving it in the ash. “Only if you want to.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“You’re… useful to me. But I don’t want to uproot your life.”
“I have no other life. Do you want me to go?” I’m shifting closer as I speak, John watches me careful, like I’m about to lunge at him.
“None at all?” He almost teases me, I watch his lips form the words, he tilts his shoulders towards me, leaning in.
I’m not going to engage, he tilts his chin up, like he’s going to kiss me, but I know John’s games and I turn my head. Quickly cutting him off to take a long drag.
John wants to roll his eyes, snaking a hand past me to take the short stick from my hands. He takes an equally long drag, burning through the rest of the cigarette before casting it out with his first.
“I want you to come,” he tells me. He says it like I’m holding a gun to his head, but his body is open, pulling me in slightly. I have to tilt my head up to him.
“Then I’m there,” I almost whisper it. He bites his lip for a moment, pats his blazer for his smokes and fills the gap between us. It’s sweet, one careful kiss. I capture it, silently allowing him to continue. He has his stance open, on either side of my chair. He leans in closer, sliding his hands around my hips and pulling me to the edge. I moan against his lips, he we taste the same almost, the same brand of cigarette. He pulls away and leans back, licking my saliva off his lower lip.
“This is your obligatory one minute to reconsider.”
“To reconsider being with me. You have 45 seconds.”
I reach out and wrap my fingers around his tie, pulling him back closer to kiss him again. He stops the count, swallowing me up hold. He pulls me over into his lap and stands, holding me up against his waist.
I’m straddled up against his cock, which poked at me through his loose slacks. He fumbled to my room, forgetting which door it is at first, setting me up on my dresser when we were there. He bites at my neck, sinking his teeth in hard enough for it to hurt. I hiss, going to shove him away. No matter there I pushed or pulled him, he didn’t budge. John secures his arm he already has around my waist, his other hand reaches into his pocket. He retrieves his smokes and sets them beside us on the dresser. He kisses where he was just attacking me, hand sinking into his pocket to retrieve his lighter. My break is short lived, he runs his nose down my neck and delves into a soft spot there. I choke and stretch away from him, knocking his lighter from his hand on accident.
I hear it bounce around on the ground with a few soft thuds then silence. John follows it with his eyes before they snap back to me. I dont know why it’s so embarrassing, I can feel my face burning and John simply moves on. He presses more pretty kisses to my neck, coaxing me again. I give in easy, wrapping my legs up around him. He moves to kissing me again, going to undo his belt. I groan, reaching out to knock his fingers away and do it myself. My shaky fingers fumble over the black leather, pulling it from the matching black belt loops. I wait to break the kiss once I’m done, blinking up at John through my lashes. He takes over, pulling it completely out and dropping his belt to the floor, he’s completely hard now. His slacks sink down his waist without his belt, his briefs waistline visible and the tip of his cock pressed against the edge, waiting.
He sits back up, running his hands along my thighs and yanking me closer to the edge of the dresser. He forces me to sit back when he undoes my jeans, looming over me and nudging my nose with his.
I push my hands flat against the wood, lifting my hips up and letting him slide them off of me. He sinks down, the flat of his hand running from my outter to my inner thigh slowly, making sure they’re well apart before he’s sliding over my panties. I grip the edge of the dresser, looking down at John for once. One hand curves around my thigh, fingers hooking my underwear and holding them to the side with his ring finger, the rest of his hand flat between my hip bones. He presses there with minimal pressure, wasting no time sliding his tongue right between my folds. He opens his mouth wide, running right from my entrance up to my vulva then a few open mouth kisses, his tongue seeking out my clit and pressing in rough circle. He has his eyes closed until he’s found a rythme, looking up at me and shifting his free hand down, palming himself through his slacks.
It feels way too good, really, I’m trying hard not to wriggle out of his hold in pleasure. I can only grind down and shake, unable to rip my eyes from him. I snake my hand into his short dark hair, pulling at it then fixing it to the side.
John’s tongue slips down, exploring my entrance as his hand finally manages to get his button off and he’s exposed himself. He stroked himself slowly, lustfully, trying to fuck me with his tongue.
I switch between his hand and his face, I’m getting closer. His mouth feels better and better each second, I begin to freeze up, focusing on the sensation. I’m almost smirking, I’ve never thought I’d have John Constantine in this position. Jacking off while I grind against his face.
He sees my smirk and he just can’t help but be an asshole. Slowing his tongue, he licks one more slow strip up me before pulling off, he practically rips my underwear off as he stands back up.
I groan, edging myself back from the dresser and cursing quietly, “getting too cocky there, Hellfire,” he warns me, brandishing my nickname he’s almost called me one before. He goes back to holding my hips, lulling me forward as he drags his cock right up against me. His saliva mixed with my pleasure coats his cock and he groans into my ear, “protection?”
“Already casted,” he nods.
He runs his hands up my hips and finally slips my top off, letting it fall with his other clothes beside us in the pile. He undoes a few of his shirt buttons quickly, pulling it off over his head when he’s had enough.
John assumes position. “Hold my shoulders,” he commands, bringing his hips back, one hand adjusting himself and the other holding my side. He presses the tip in carefully, my body rejects him. It aches, I tighten my hold around his shoulders, encircling him closer to me. “Fuck, relax,” he tells me to like it’s easy. I inhale stiff and sharp and he runs his hand around me to my back, “breathe,” he tries again, speaks slower. I do, inhaling again slowly. He’s pushing into me on my exhale, carefully, steady. We both make a noise when he’s, passed the hardest part for me. John is hungry, running his hand up to cup my breast, he sinks his hips into me further.
I lean back on one hand, supporting most of our weight, my other arm is still encased around John. I can’t go anywhere as he fills me up, pushing him away only makes him smile. He gets halfway in before he snaps up into me. His name falls past my lips, not given a moment to regain my composure before he’s fucking me. Quick and rough, his body makes a slapping sound every time we meet.
He groans over me, following the curve of my open mouth with his brown eyes. His pupils blown, he grabs at my neck, encasing his large hand around it and holding me still.
He’s gripping me just rough enough to steady me but I can still breathe. My gasps are raspy against his palm, the pain is all pleasure. I gaze at him through my eyelids, going weak against his grasp on me. I paw at him with my free hand, running the line of his collarbone and trying not to let my eyes shut.
John yanks me forward, my useless hand coming up quickly to his wrist as the rest of my body sits up in order. He speeds up his thrusts, holding me by my neck right up his face. He’s so focused in, there’s not a thought behind those dark eyes besides need.
I let my sticky forehead press against this, eyes eyes dip down, not realizing how hard he’d started choking me. He loosens his grip but only moves his hand when his hips have slowed, scooping me back up while he’s still pressed inside of me. I wrap both arms around him around, barely assisting him in the transition from my dresser to my low bed.
He gets on his knees, falling out of me as he sets me back on the bed. I fall back doll, letting my arms rest above my head as I lift my hips and stretch out. He runs his hand over himself a few times, trying to really take in his view before crawling back up to hover above me. He pushes my legs apart with one hand, still touching himself as he leans over, pressing an open mouth kiss to the soft spot of my thigh. The niceties never last long. Next he’s biting me again, holding my leg down when I immediately begin my escape.
“So pretty,” he hums, running his nose up my leg, licking my hip bone and adjusting himself to press against my entrance. It’s easier for him to slide into me in this position, he grabs my arm when I go to block my blush.
He eases slowly, shuffling to find the best position where he has at least one free hand. He runs it down my side, squeezing my hip and bringing me closer. With his thumb he presses more slow circles against my clit, I lay still and lazy, following his slow motions with my hips as encouragement.
“Am I being good?” I prompt him, my voice scratchy from him grip before. I say it quiet, unsure if he even heard me. But John most certainly did, unconsciously picking up speed.
“That’s what you want?” He snaps up in me, moving his thumb over me with a matching thrust. My hips jut out, trying to push my legs apart further. The same tingling heat building up inside of my groin.
I only kinda nod, too close to be embarrassed. I ghost over the tattoos on his forearm and grip his upper, pleading with him with my eyes. “You’re being so fucking good,” he murmurs, coaxing my orgasm with every thrust, “letting me use you.”
“John,” I whimper his name, trying to get him to keep talking and attempting to drag him closer. He’s getting closer, not daring move from where he is now he’ll spill. His arm is shaky, flexing under my grip. He is losing his breath, mouth ajar.
He sucks in quickly, “fuck, you can cum, baby,” he says it in a growl, edging himself as I spill. My body grips around him and his head falls slack against my shoulder, he bites into the skin there but I don’t even register it past the pleasure that’s hits me.
It rings out through my whole body, John slows, sloppy thrusts as he continues to use me. When I’m settling he pulls out, letting out a delicious moan and cumming. Warm spurts all over my bare stomach, I hum in delight, running my fingers to scoop some up and lick them clean.
John sits up slowly, huffing as he pushes his sweaty hair back. “Fuck, Hellfire,” he mumbles, climbing off the bed to grab his smokes and lighter. I’d knocked it off halfway beneath the dresser. He lights one up swiftly, how he’s done it a thousand times before, and grabs a random shirt off my floor. I don’t protest, it’s dirty anyways. I steal the cigarette from his lips as he wipes me clean.
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neowinestainedress · 1 year
soooo... can i ask a drabble with johnny and sex car?
w!: car s*x, outdoor s*x (there’s nobody around tho), unprotected s*x, failed attempt at roleplaying, rough s*x but also romantic idk, size kink, fingers sucking, mexico!johnny bc he looked too hot that day
a/n: this took long, sorry, but i hope you like it! it’s also pretty long cause i’m whipped for johnny + the car is a pick-up truck for the sake of johnny's tall ass
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“Babe, seriously, can you stop teasing?” Johnny huffs when you twirl around him and brush your fingers on his biceps teasingly, standing on your tiptoes to kiss his neck. 
“What? You look fucking hot like this,” you say, playing with a strand of hair, and mindlessly going to sit on the open bonnet of the car, but your boyfriend is quick at putting a hand between you and the car, not without sparing you a glare. 
“We are lost in the middle of nowhere, our car broke down and you’re trying to give me a boner.” 
You chuckle. “You already have one, I think I succeeded,” you smirk, tilting your head to the side before running your tongue on your teeth.
Johnny sighs, throwing the dirty gloves on the battery and rolling his head back. What was supposed to be a simple cute date to get lost somewhere and enjoy the early summer haze turned into your car giving up on an empty road in the middle of sunflowers and poppies fields. 
“Can you at least try to make me fix it?” 
“You’ve been at it for an hour, Handy Mandy, you can’t,” you say, cupping his face to kiss him. “You’re not a mechanic, but you look hot cosplaying as one, so why don’t you call a real one that can fix this shit, and in the meanwhile have some fun?” 
Johnny sighs another time. “Seems like the perfect time for a roleplay,” he jokes. You see his hands move to pull you closer but then he takes a step back. “I’m all dirty, I have oil everywhere, I will stain your dress.” 
“Not if you take it off,” you wink, lifting the hem, showing him your bare skin. “Also, you’re hotter like this,” you say, moving close again, touching his arm and face, tracing the black lines on his skin. “It makes you look… rough.” He’s still not convinced but when your thumb brushes against his lips, you see his eyes change. 
“And what can a nice, elegant and polite girl like you do with a man like me?” He asks, strong hand reaching your neck and pulling your head back. 
“You can show me a whole new world,” you say, keeping eye contact. 
“Get in the car,” he orders, pointing to the vehicle with his head while he searches for his phone in his pocket. 
You do as he says, but you can’t help but stare at him from the window. He looks so hot right now; khaki pants falling softly on his long legs, brown belt keeping them tight around his waist, and lastly, the white tank top that wraps his toned, broad chest so well. 
“So, it’s going to take a while for the tow truck to arrive,” Johnny informs you, leaning against the car door. “I could leave, but I will never leave a damsel in distress on her own,” he winks, leaning down, reaching your leg level, placing a hand on your knee. 
You smile, tucking your hair back and giving him an innocent look. “Maybe you could help me out, I’ve got a little problem… here,” you say, slowly parting your legs and lifting your dress just enough he could see your panties weren’t on you anymore. 
“Fucking tease,” he groans, squeezing your leg harder. “In the truck, now.”
“You think a big man like me can fuck you good in those crumpled backseats?” He asks, leaning against the door and flexing his muscles. 
“But it’s… it’s more open,” you mumble, looking behind you in panic. 
He scoffs, eyebrow twitching. “Well, then I’ll go back fixing the car.” 
“No!” You scream. “I mean,” you try to regain your composure, “no, you can take care of me.” 
“As I thought,” Johnny says, moving back to let you pass. You quickly follow him outside, watching him jump in the open truck. 
“Hey, do I have to jump?” You pout. 
“Do I have to carry you here?” 
“Well, with those big, strong arms,” you try to convince him, but he doesn’t move. “You’re so annoying.” 
“I’m fixing the hotel room for my horny travelling companion,” he teases, fixing the pillows and covers on the floor. It’s not much, just something you carry when you feel romantic and decide to go out at night to stargaze after travelling far from the city to avoid light pollution. 
You lay down, watching him kneel between your legs, lifting your pale yellow dress up, exposing your lower half. 
“Wait, sir,” you stop him when he leans down, hot breath fanning against your skin, “why don’t you go straight to show me what you’re hiding?” You tease. “Unless you want to share me when your mechanic friend arrives. I mean, you need more help with the car, maybe you might need more help even with me.” 
Johnny inhales deeply, throwing his head back as he starts to quickly unbuckle his belt. “You always run that pretty mouth so much?” 
“Mhh, sometimes,” you taunt, winking before he gets on top of you, and you feel small again. 
“Fine, I’m going to give you what you’ve been begging for the whole ride,” he says, tapping your thighs playfully, pushing your legs flat against your chest. 
“Fuck,” you moan loudly when he pushes into you, thick dick stretching you out and hitting deep inside. 
“I’d ask for how long you’ve been thinking about this but I’m not sure I want to know the answer,” he groans, eyes falling where your bodies meet for a moment, talking about how wet you are already. 
“Since you picked me up?” 
“Shut up, that sounds terrible,” he huffs, glaring at you, but you only giggle at his expression. “You’re driving me insane today.”
You chuckle and then bring him close to you, wrapping your hands around his neck, Johnny immediately kisses you back. You can’t resist the urge to run your hands on his arms, the light tan given by your, now frequent, dates outside, and the sweat pearling his skin after he struggled under the sun for an hour, driving you insane. 
“You know,” he groans, “it’s not fair you’ve got to see my muscles all day but I still haven’t got a glimpse of your boobs.” 
You giggle, “as if you don’t know them by heart.” 
“So what? Push the dress down, come on,” he orders, watching your hands hesitantly leave his toned arms to reveal your panting chest to him. “Fucking perfect,” he groans as he gets down to wrap his lips around your nipple, sucking on each of them until they’re both hard and sensitive. 
You moan his name, your head rolls back when he starts fucking you faster, keeping a firm hold on your waist while the other hand is planted at the side of your head to support his body up. 
“Have I told you that you look so beautiful in this dress?” 
“All day,” you moan, not able to hide the small on your face. 
“Good, it won’t hurt to hear it one more,” he chuckles before pushing his body down so his lips can directly stay against your ear, “you look beautiful in this dress, especially when you’re a moaning mess because of me. It’s a view.” 
His words make your heart beat faster in your chest and you turn your face to the side to hide how flustered you look. “You were supposed to be rough.” 
“I’m going pretty hard on you, babe. Pretty sure the closest house from here can hear the sounds of our skin slapping. Want me to be rough with words?” 
You shake your head. “No, I just — you’re really hot like this,” you mumble. 
“I’d really hate to ruin your pretty make-up but… if that’s what you want,” he shrugs. 
You gasp when he tugs your lower body up, angling you in a way he can go deeper and faster. “You want to feel small, babe? Is that what you like so much about me?” 
At this point you can only let out whimpers, eyes rolled in the back of your head while you gasp for air. You think you stop breathing for a split second when his hand leaves your side to cup your face, it’s not a harsh squeeze but it’s a strong, firm hold, and you feel like you could come just by that. 
“Open up,” Johnny orders and you obey with no hesitation, parting your lips to let two of his fingers in. “That’s it, good girl, suck it like you suck my dick while I fuck you.” 
You almost choke when he pushes them down on your tongue, watching you gulp and shudder, while your eyes snap open, as if you’re not squeezing harder than before around his cock. 
“Oh, don’t drool, it’s not very ladylike,” Johnny taunts, smearing the spit that’s dripping out of the corners of your mouth with his thumb. 
You glare at him, but the frown on your face disappears as soon as his fingers reach your clit. You feel like screaming from the stimulation, but your whimpers and cries are muffled. 
“Keep quiet, babe, do you want to get caught?” 
You’d argue there’s nobody in miles, probably even the tow truck got lost somewhere in the fields, but you don’t. It’s hot, the sun is shining, and the wind is not helping right now, but you know that’s not the reason why you feel like you could pass out right now. Johnny knows what he’s doing, giving it to you like you like it the most, pushing all the right bottoms, and you know you won’t last long. 
“Close,” you mumble around his fingers, your watery eyes looking up at him that’s hovering over you, and he’d look more intimidating if the wind wasn’t blowing his blonde hair, making him look more like an angel. 
“I know, babe, come on, come for me,” he encourages you, throwing his head back when your nails sink in his thick arms as you try to hold on to him while pleasure overtakes you. You come, head rolled back while your lips close tightly around his fingers to conceal your moans, hips bucking against him, and pussy clenching so hard, Johnny can’t help but come too, realising his cum inside you, pumping his dick a few more times as he watches it drip down slowly. 
You can breathe normally again when Johnny pulls his fingers out, grinning as he cleans your face with his thumb. 
“You should apply the lipstick again, it’s kinda ruined now,” he chuckles, watching you try to recompose yourself, fixing your hair and dress, and doing the same. 
“I wonder whose fault is that.” 
Johnny lifts his hands in defence before standing up and holding his hand out for you. “I’m not the horny one that teased the other.” 
“Oh, please,” you say, rolling your eyes as you stand up with his help and then you both jump out of the truck. “The wait would’ve been so boring.”
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© neowinestaindress; all rights reserved. do NOT repost, modify, or translate any work from this blog on any other platform and claim it as yours. you can find my works on ao3 (neowinestaindress) and wattpad (winestaintedress_; currently inactive).
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chrisevansonly · 10 months
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𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬
𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: what better way to celebrate your first christmas season together than by wearing matching christmas pyjama’s
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none, just fluffy goodness
𝐚/𝐧: i am in such a december christmas mood now that it’s almost the holiday season and idk it’s giving me little bursts of energy to write so here’s a lil harry fic for you all! i know it’s been a while, don’t worry he’s not going anywhere and is still very much my boy❤️
“Okay sit down, I have something for you!”
Harry raised his eyebrows at your excitement, I mean who wouldn’t be excited it was the first Christmas season for the two of you as a couple, and you were about to share a tradition with him that you’d always loved from childhood to now.
“Should I be scared?”
“Maybe of how much I love Christmas, but this I promise, will not hurt you”
He couldn’t help but laugh, giving you a simple nod as he settled onto the couch, his eyes watching you with a gentle curiosity
“So I know it’s our first holiday season together, and I wanted to give you this…it’s a tradition that-well I want us to share it…but only if you want to, here..”
Handing him the tissue wrapped package he smiled, taking your hand to kiss it gently before unwrapping your gift. When he spotted the soft pyjama bottoms dark blue with snowflakes and little reindeer, a matching top only it was plain, leaving all the fun to the bottoms he smiled
“Thank you baby, I love them”
“Um do you know why I gave you pyjamas..?”
He nodded
“To be comfy of course!” he stated, enthusiastic as always
“Well yes but…” you paused, walking to the love seat across the living room and picking up the matching pair, and bringing them over.
As soon as Harry noticed his eyes softened and he patted the seat next to him
“You got us matching Christmas jammies baby?”
“I did…” your voice was shy, it almost made you want to internally cringe
“I just, I loved wearing matching pyjamas growing up and I wanted to share the tradition with you…but if you don’t like it then it’s okay!”
Harry was quick to pull you in for a kiss, the thoughts and insecurities melting away as his hand moved to cup your jaw, knowing just how to get you to stop talking
“I love this, and I love you, thank you m’love”
Your heart grew warm at the sheer amount of love he held for you always making you feel that special kind of warm and fuzzy
“I love you…so do you maybe want to put them on and watch Charlie Brown Christmas…? I made cookies earlier”
“You know what, I think that sounds like the perfect night to me”
Some might think it’s silly, not even December first and you’re already in the holiday spirit, getting ready to wear your matching pyjamas, watch a Christmas movie and enjoy yummy sugar cookies, but Harry didn’t care, and neither did you.
He’d do anything to make you happy, and he’d be a fool to skip out on the greatest holiday movie of all, especially paired with your famous cookies, he’d never ever turn those down.
With the snow falling outside, there was no better night to get cuddle up on the couch with his favourite girl, and his new favourite jammies…
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