#society is supposed to be this thing that we work towards so that everyone can reap benefits from it y'know
gender-euphowrya · 1 year
the thing is when i'm doing better i think "hmm maybe i Can have a job some day and find a way to make it through this capitalist hellscape on my own" and then i get a panic attack from seeing someone else's résumé because the thought of having to sell myself like a product through a little fucking advertising flyer to an employer that sees me as a task-performing robot at best is dehumanizing as hell and sends me back to the worst period of my life
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plaguedoctorate · 6 months
good GOD I am so angry.
I, as my bio suggests, am a minor. I am also asexual. And feeling quite dysphoric about all the adults in my life telling me ‘I wouldn’t know until I’ve tried it.’ But that’s a different topic.
I needed a little boost for myself so I looked at the asexual tag here on tumblr, so I’d feel less alone.
There are always thirst traps and other things of that kind on any popular tag. But I saw so many, on the asexual tag, that I actually cried, ripping my skin off as I did so.
There will always be people that abuse the tag system, I know. Tagging your posts with trending tags to make them more likely to show up on people’s dashes is a corporate tactic. But to see so many of these ads, I can barely call them posts, on the asexual tag, made me physically ill.
Asexuality is often overlooked by not just cishets but the LGBTQ+ community so often. To see that a safe space for positivity for such a overlooked community was being vandalised for the sake of marketing makes me so angry and so upset for myself and all the other people who fit under the umbrella of asexuality or aromantic who just want to feel like they belong.
I’m a relatively new blog, but I know how tumblr works. I know how the world works. The way the world is run means that we are all victims, and I thought that maybe society, that damned, twisted thing, could let us have a little corner to protect ourselves.
All it does is hurt. it hurts, and it hurts, and it hurts. Companies aren’t going to get new customers by ripping apart supposed safe spaces, and young asexual kids like myself aren’t going to get any validation or even feeling of home from seeing thirst traps targeted toward our community.
it’s targeted. I can tell. And I am by no means an expert, but this tag abuse is hurting everyone. And no one is doing a thing about it.
please boost this. Reblog, like, whatever. This is damaging people far more than you think, and it needs to be resolved.
thanks for hearing me
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So this is a weird ask but I figured an Actual Welsh Person would be the person to go to, and you've been pretty gung-ho about the language thing. So I hope I'm not bothering you with this.
Is there a cultural consensus on foreigners learning Welsh? I'm American and I don't have a single shred of Welsh ancestry. My family is historically German, and we've been here since the English Colony days, so it honestly seems really weird even to try to claim some tie to German heritage.
Anyway, my point is, I have absolutely zero legitimate claim to the Welsh language. I don't plan to travel to Wales in the foreseeable future. I have no reason to learn Welsh except that it sounds pretty and I enjoy a challenge.
Putting aside the issue of "lmao it's gonna be stupid difficult to learn an endangered language if you don't have anyone to speak it with" (I have a loose plan for dealing with that, and the experience of learning two languages to "can read most novels without needing the dictionary" level without anyone to speak them with in person already) entirely, do you reckon it's okay for me to study Welsh? I know Americans are really, really bad about just kinda assuming the whole world belongs to us, and I'm trying not to do that here. Especially because Welsh IS endangered.
I imagine your average Welsh person probably doesn't care what some random American does. But like, for people who care about the language...Would it be considered disrespectful or overstepping for me to study it? I don't expect you to speak for the entire country, of course, but I respect your opinion and I feel like you'd have a grasp on what the general feeling towards a foreigner like me might be.
Thanks for your time.
I honestly, truly, do not understand how the discussion around cultural appropriation has been twisted in the cultural zeitgeist to such an extent that people now feel anxiety about learning other languages.
This is not a personal attack on you, Anon - the gods only know that you clearly care and want to do the right thing, and that's beautiful and wonderful and also I will come back to extolling your personal virtues at the end of this post, so stay tuned. But I do want to take a moment here to talk about the broader issue at play, which I have seen echoed multiple times elsewhere, because fuck me what are we doing to ourselves.
Learn. Languages.
That is what languages are for! To be used for communication. If you don't learn languages, you are forcing everyone else to use yours. How have we somehow, as a culture, twisted that into being the less selfish option? How have we done that? I posted my favourite Welsh idiom recently, and someone reblogged it and wrote in the tags that they loved the idiom and would start using it, but they would do so in English because their "Welsh pronunciation would make their Welsh grandmother spin in her grave."
What kind of mental gymnastics is that?
How the fuck do you twist it so badly that you think taking a Welsh idiom for your own and exclusively using it in English is less offensive than saying it in Welsh but maybe a bit wrong? I've literally had people proclaim to me that they're learning Welsh on Duolingo but they never speak it because they're too self-conscious, and they tell me this not to highlight a massive flaw in themselves that they need to work on, but as though I'm supposed to pat them on the head and thank them for... still making me speak English to them.
There was that post where a Deaf blogger received an anonymous ask saying learning sign language is cultural appropriation, as though Deaf people haven't been calling for Sign to be taught in schools. As though a Deaf person being entirely isolated in everyday hearing society unless they have an interpreter with them is less offensive than a hearing person being able to use BSL.
Like, these are not sacred or religious languages. The purpose of Welsh or BSL or what have you is not to perform the Eleusinian mysteries. It's a living everyday language, same as English -
Except it's not the same as English. As Anon here so rightly points out, Welsh is endangered. That means we are desperate for people to learn it. That's how it will survive. That's how we reversed it from 'dying language' to 'living language', in fact - we managed to get lots of people to learn it. You know what is a threat, though? People not learning it because, like poor Anon here, they've been somehow convinced by Western society that you're only allowed to learn languages if you personally have a historic or cultural connection to them that you can prove via six forms of ID and a letter of recommendation from a druid. Or people never using it because they're too embarrassed to try and risk losing face by getting it wrong, or maybe sounding a bit silly, and thus forcing us to use English anyway. Those are threats.
Anon. Listen to me, feel the sincerity of my words: we adore you. We adore you. You cannot imagine how appreciated it is when someone learns Welsh. You cannot imagine how touched we are that you wanted to, that you tried, that you respected us enough and considered us valid enough that you made the effort. Our closest neighbours are the very people who are still trying to stamp out Welsh to this very day. Do you know the number 1 reaction I get, by a country mile, when I tell English people that I speak Welsh? It's some variant on a scoff, and the sentiment "Why? What's the point? Bit useless, isn't it?"
By a country mile. That's the reaction I expect, and brace for, and is overwhelmingly what I get.
So when someone who isn't Welsh actually chooses to learn Welsh?
Imagine what that feels like! To go from not-even-hidden disgust, from outright mockery and often active suppression campaigns, to a foreigner earnestly telling me that they love and respect my language so much they're trying to learn it. Imagine how that feels.
Please learn Welsh. Please learn it. We will love you for it. We will build you a statue. We will bake little Welshcakes with your face on in icing sugar. We will write you poems in complex rhyme. We'll name an Eisteddfod prize after you. We'll name at least, like, three sheep after you. Thank you, thank you so much for even wanting to learn. You're a delight and a marvel and a wonder. Your hair looks great today, as it does all days. You're a strong, independent human being of immense wisdom and compassion. If this were a Welsh myth you'd be a wise salmon the heroes came to for advice. What a fantastic human.
The welcome awaits if you choose to learn
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kissitbttr · 10 months
Hi lovely! Your cake tasting fic was literally immaculate. I was just thinking about how r and miguel met, and how cute it would be to see a blurb where he gets all flustered when he sees her for the first time? You are amazing! Xoxo
sending u lots and lots of kisses MWAH MWAH thank u baby😚😚😚 anyHOWWWW i’m so glad someone asked for this! I’ve been waiting for it TEEHEE! now i did mention a little bit on the cake testing fic how they first met, sooo i might just have to expand from there yuhyuh!
this turned out a bit onger than i expected lol but I hope you'd enjoy it regardless!
miguel masterlist
miguel meeting his wife for the first time
“the laboratory is 80% damaged, miguel. we need to get it fixed or else we can no longer continue our work.”
miguel sighs deeply, pinching his eyebrows with his index finger and thumb. the ungodly amount of research papers stacked neatly in the corner of his working desk, along with bunch of scrunched papers on top.
“jessica, no ahora”
she rolls her eyes at his stubbornness, arms crossed over her chest. his eyes glued on the monitor, framed glasses perched on the bridge of his thick nose bone
“you need a break.”
“I don’t” he disagrees. if anything, he needs to put on more hours of work. “i can’t leave before everything is done. we’ll get it fixed next week.”
“that’s what you said last week, miguel” jessica points out, eyes scanning around the room. “look at this mess! the HQ haven’t got fixed in months! if you want this building to be safely secured and leave no casualties in the future, you have to do what i say.”
again, miguel disagrees. shaking his head without looking up. “and i said, no.”
but jessica refuses to be told like that, shrugging her shoulders like it’s nothing. “well too bad, because i already found someone who’s willing to work on it and you’re meeting them”
that seems to catch his attention, his pen dropping off between his finger as his head whips towards jessica’s direction.
“i’m not going to be responsible for many injured people in the future. not when we have too much enemies coming to bite our asses so i suggest you get down from there and come here”
miguel has a temper. a very short one, and it’s not easy to control it when he’s surrounded by people who’s trying to tell him what to do. it’s supposed to be the other way around.
but miguel has no energy to fight back, so instead of telling her to fuck off, he just nods his head.
“alright fine” an upset mutter falls from his lips before he makes his way down the stairs. hands on his hips. “where is he?”
jessica scoffs, “why do you always assume everyone is a he?” she chuckles lightly at miguel’s quirk eyebrow. “you can come in now, ms. y/l/n”
the sound of his office door clicks after that, and miguel seems to be less than impressed because he has no energy in him to talk to people other than himself,
yet, his jaw drops instantly soon as he sees the person who walks through it,
a woman—a very gorgeous one—who looks like to be in her mid twenties makes an entrance as her heels click against the marble floor, carrying what seems to be a tablet and folders. she’s dressed in a grey long tight fitting dress that falls down to her ankles with a cropped beige colored cardigan completing the whole look as an outer, leaving only the left shoulder exposed. a smile appears on her face as she fixes the frame of her black reading glasses.
miguel has never seen a more beautiful woman than the one he’s staring at right now,
“ms. y/l/n, this is miguel o’hara. the head of Alchemax and leader of Spider Society.” jessica smirks at the way miguel is gaping right now, as he makes no intention in hiding it away.
guess, her 70% of her plan is slowly working.
“ugh! come on, jessica you’ve known me long enough to stop saying my last name” she giggles, “mr. o’hara. my name is y/n. it is very nice to meet you. jessica had told me many things about you. i am so impressed with everything you had done”
‘fuck, even her voice is pretty’ he thinks
he regains his composure, clearing his throat before taking off his glasses. “thank you, y/n. you and jessica are close?”
with a nod, she responds, “we go way back. haven’t been off each other’s arms for a long time. hard to keep me away from this woman”
so jessica had been hiding her away from him? that’s rude.
“oh hush. always with the sweet talk” jessica waves her off with a smile. “miguel, y/n has plans on remodeling the hq for us. i’ve told her about what needs to be done and so forth. she has already inspected the lab, cafetería, training rooms. this smart woman right here came with conclusions in just five minutes.”
a blush creeping into y/n’s cheeks, shyly tucking a loose hair behind her ear which makes miguel’s heart warms at the sight,
“i’ve seen her work and i wouldn’t just bring anyone when it comes to our matter. she’s the perfect person for this. now since i have so many things to catch up on, i hope it’s okay for me to leave you two and have her explain it all—“
“yes” miguel replies a bit too quickly, causing the two women to raise their eyebrows. this makes him slightly bit embarrassed at how eager he might have come off. “i mean-yeah, of course. it’s not like i was doing anything. have a bit of a time off.”
“i though you said—“
“that’s enough jessica. thank you” he nods at her, shooting her a tight smile. “i would love to hear it.”
a giddiness blooms in his chest when y/n gives him a toothy grin. and it may become his favorite thing to look at,
“alright then. i’ll see you later. bye, sweetheart” jessica waves at her friend before walking out of miguel’s office and shutting the door behind her,
now it’s just them,
y/n’s gaze averts back to his tall figure. she had heard stories about miguel o’hara. jessica loves to spill teas about her partner and had showed pictures of him when y/n was curious on how he look like. he is indeed handsome.
but now, looking at him in person? fuck, even the greek gods are no match to him
beautiful bronze skinned, broad shoulders, high cheekbones with sharp jawlines. she glances a bit at his toned chest then down to his torso for a bit. abs rock hard enough to be seen through the working shirt he’s wearing. this man built like he contains zero body fat.
however, his mesmerizing red eyes are what got her hooked.
“it’s very nice of you to make the time for this, mr. o’hara. i know you are a very busy man and i hate to be the one who’s preventing you from your work.”
miguel’s head shakes, giving her a small genuine smile. “no apologies necessary. and please, call me miguel”
“okay then, miguel” she nods, returning his smile. “may i begin showing you what i’ve been working on?”
miguel’s arm extends towards a large wooden table, allowing her to walk first. “by all means” he folds his arms behind his back, following her from behind.
he’s very much struggling not to look at her ass while she moves,
“okay, so” she lays her things flat on the table, getting to work quickly. “i’ve planned a pre-design for your laboratory, given that the lab is one that needs extra precautions and highly detailed instructions, i’ve figured i should get that one done first. and here” she unlocks her tablet before tapping one app, showing the minimum design. “there are important keys that needs to be highlighted. i need exact measurements of how many people will be coming in and out of your lab, objects you’re thinking of storing, etc. because it will determine the amount of space i’ll be working on”
miguel doesn’t know jack shit about what she’s talking about but fuck, it sounds incredibly sexy to his ears,
“jessica had explained to me before that there will be less than fifteen people working in there. i would advise to create a fingerprint for entry. and it will require more space, more equipment and materials for me and my team to be able to carry on with our tasks. but i need you to not worry, miguel. i’ve done the trials and errors to limit the damage that might occur with the calculations.” she pushes her tablet for him to see clearly, colorful scribbles of geometry with shapes and patterns,
not only that, but she has a few mockups too. giving him a small vision on how the area would look like once it’s done.
miguel’s eyebrows raise, moving a bit closer to where she stands. “christ. this is amazing. you did that in…?”
“a week” she finishes with a smile, nails tapping against the table. watching how his eyes amazed at her small simple work “some would take more than that but, i take my work seriously, i don’t like postponing.”
his eyes move upwards to look at her, impressed by the details and efforts she had done with it. one thing about miguel, is that he is very much attracted to people who are putting their careers above anything,
and she has ticked that box,
“indeed” he lets out a breathe, nodding. “does that mean you don’t have a lot of free time?”
she thinks for a while. “not much definitely. but it’s not like i’m missing out on anything. what do people do nowadays? partying and gossiping? i rather not.”
he chuckles in amusement, “understandable. i thought that you might be into those kind of stuff.”
“and what gave you the assumption?”
he raises his shoulders. “you look young. young people like to have fun.”
“and how old do you think i am?” she asks with arms crossed,
he pinches his eyebrows. “28?”
she hums with a small laugh. “i’m 26”
miguel’a eyes widen slightly, “makes me older than you, then”
“how old are you?”
“really?” she asks in disbelief. “i thought older.”
“yeah. around 40ish maybe.”
“that’s quite offensive, love” he fakes a gasp, shoving his hands into his pockets as he watches her scramble through more papers,
her heart skips a beat at the nickname, though she doesn’t think much of it. “it’s a compliment. the older the better, i’d say”
miguel smiles at that, walking around the table so now he stands across from her. “what did you and jessica talk about?”
“about me” he confirms. “you said that the two of you had talking about me.”
“oh, well” she begins, standing up straight to look into his eyes and miguel swears his knees almost give up. “she told me how much she admires you. your intelligence, bravery. your work ethic. told me all about the good things you had done for the people—“
“i don’t know about that”
“which” she cuts him off. “i am so, undeniably impressed by. keeping the universe intact while trying not to lose your fucking mind is hard, i could tell. I don’t know how you do it. makes me admire you too”
he stares at her as if he’s searching for a trace of doubt or a lie on her face. when he finds none, his heart softens. never in his life had someone come up to him and say how he’s doing a great job. let alone being impressed.
“thank you— i needed that actually” he laughs a bit. “wish people could say the same.”
“in my opinion, i don’t think you need to know about what other people think or say. you’re a grown man, correct?” she taps the eraser of her pencil on one of her sketchbook, eyeing any misguided lines she needs to work on. “if they don’t appreciate that, might as well kick their asses into a new universe”
a genuine chuckle escapes him, nodding in agreement. “i keep that in mind” he clears his throat, thinking about whether or not to make a small talk,
she notices the long pause between them before speaking up, “please, i hate awkward silence. you can talk to me, if you want to, miguel” her head shoots up at him with a playful tone,
“is architectural the only thing you’re doing?” he finds himself curious at her line of work,
“apart from this, i do a little bit of interior design. not too far off from architectural but not exactly the same either. i love anything that goes from there. putting ideas in my head before making it into a reality. also, it’s warming to see how i can help my clients dream come true” she responds simply, a small smile engraves on her pretty features.
“i also am studying in biochemistry at the moment. having a bit fun with molecular study.”
that perks his interest. “biochemistry?” he asks in a surprise tone. “i’m no expert in architectural but i don’t think it has anything to do with that.”
“it doesn’t” she confirms, picking a ruler before sketching out more details on the design. “i do it for fun.”
“for fun?” again, his question comes out in surprise, “why’s that?”
“i just think that learning shouldn’t be limited to one, you know? i like knowing about things. doing more things. the more knowledge, the more you have room to grow. plus, learning about molecules is interesting. might take it seriously on that one”
‘holy fuck, she’s perfect’
“that’s a— wow—“ he huffs out a heavy breath, can’t exactly tell if he’s impressed or intimidated. earning a soft giggle from her.
so, she’s gorgeous, brilliant and ambitious.
“how about you? jessica mentioned about you specializing in genetics. is that some sort of science thingy? because it sounds pretty fucking cool”
miguel scratches the back of his head. “something like that. i more focused on DNA’s, genetics pairings, human genome. all sorts of that. pretty boring if you ask me”
“doesn’t sound boring” she scoffs. “if anything, i find it very attractive when men are willing to learn about science. and i’m not just talking about the glasses, but the brains as well. you ticked every single quota, miguel”
she points at the working glasses he has on, causing his eyes to bug out at her boldness. y/n watches how he shyly takes it off, flustered at the compliment. she smirks as if she keeps trying to keep score on how many times she’s succeeded,
“okay, so” she continues, palms resting on the table before shifting the tablet. “let’s talk about your office. is there something you’re willing to change? because, not to be rude but your infrastructure is quite—shit. keep this up in two months then the apocalypse might have come early”
miguel bites back a laugh at her choice of words, scanning over his office walls, ceilings and monitors. “what do you suggest?”
she pauses, biting the end of her pencil before her eyes begin to do a 360 walkthrough. the sight is almost too perfect for miguel.
“we could do something about elevating the ceilings. make it a bit higher. and i see you have lesser—safety features? which could be quite concerning. we need to install biosafety cabinets, more detection systems and fire protection. I know you’re no ordinary man and could probably handle all the damage that might happen in the future but, it is my responsibility to ensure my client’s safety.”
miguel feels like a lovesick fool right now. and an asshole. he hadn't been listening a lot to what she had to say, merely focused on the way her pink glossed lips moving and how her fingers would occasionally fiddle against one another,
he imagines how her mouth would feel like, molding against his. there is no doubt in his mind that he would immediately be entranced with it.
"miguel? you listening?"
her sweet voice pulls him out of his train of thought, eyes blinking rapidly before meeting y/n's confused gaze,
"oh--y-yeah! yeah uhm.. that sounds great, would love that” his nervous chuckles makes her smile. “you’re really quick with it, aren’t you?”
“just doing my job, mr.o’hara” her tone is professional and prideful. “i’ll work quickly on the building designs, exploring more concepts for it and run a few test drives. however this might steal a bit of your time, from your job. weekly meetings are needed during this process. i’ll bring the mockups, sketches, models and everything. your inputs and feedbacks are required since this is your building after all. would that work?”
spending more time with her? oh, absolutely. he’d make it work,
he gives her a nod. “of course. i’ll clear my schedule off for it, just let me know when”
“excellent!” she exclaims with a bright smile, clapping her hands. “i will do my best to get it done as quickly as possible for you, miguel. i made a promise to jessica and i intend to keep that promise. it’s a long process but i need your full trust on me, okay? do you trust me?”
“yes” he answers without hesitation. “i trust you.”
“great! okay, that is all i have for you today. do you have any questions?”
miguel doesn’t like the idea of it ending here. not seeing her again until next week? that doesn’t feel right.
“you have a boyfriend?”
y/n halts at his question, looking at him with a confused yet amused expression. lip quirking in curiosity. “getting personal, aren’t we?”
“fuck, sorry, hermosa. you don’t have to answer that”
her heart skips a beat at the nickname. he just called her beautiful?
she eyes at how his gaze cast down the floor, head shaking. probably mentally kicking himself at the bold question he had thrown at her,
but she finds it adorable,
tilting her head to the side, she responds. “no. i don’t have a boyfriend. they are not quite up the standards i’m looking for.”
“yeah?” miguel takes a step forward, eyebrow raising. “and what are they?”
“my standards”
he finds it attractive at how she doesn’t like settling for less. she knows her worth without coming off too cocky nor bitchy about it,
“am i not allowed to know?”
“you can fuck around and find out” she smirks, pushing her tongue against the inside of her cheek. “i like to see them try.”
“you like seeing men on their knees begging for your time?”
she nods. “i live for it.”
he feels his cock growing hard at that,
“are you free, this friday?”
she bites down on her lower lip, watching how his biceps almost ripping his shirt off when he crossed his arms,
“i’m a busy woman, miguel”
“so am i” he responds quickly. “say dinner or a drink, anything. an hour or two tops, how about it?”
the way he’s looking at her should be illegal. he has this glint in his eyes. primal, confident. and it’s extremely charming in her own opinion,
she hates how it makes her heat rises,
with a hum, she slowly gather up her things, stacking the compiling files on the tablet. tucking them against her left breast.
“pick me up at 7. don’t be late. and i’m choosing where we should go. it was nice meeting you, mr. o’hara. i will see you then” with that she gives him a smile and a subtle wink before turning around to exit out of his office. leaving miguel completely speechless but enamored.
“fuck. i’m in love” he exhales a dreamy sigh
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reverieblondie · 1 year
Tumblr media
Pairing: Gabriel O'Hara X Spider-woman!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Smut with Some Plot, Mutual pining, Lots of teasing, Miguel is a cock block, Inappropriate use of a work table, Lab sex, Unprotected Penetrative Sex, Hair Pulling, Fingering.
Summary: It all started with a boring Spider Society meeting...then you two just couldn't stop seeing each other.
A/N: So I usually only write about Miguel but I was inspired to make the when I saw h4mmiee's Gabriel doodles, Please check them out they are great:
Anyways, I will hopefully have two more Miguel x reader fics up by Friday, so please look for those. I hope you enjoy this in the mean time, it was supposed to be shorter but I got carried away, whoops.
Word Count: 6,552
Another dull meeting at the spider society, Miguel O’Hara the boss man himself stands on the stage giving us our usual depriving. Don’t go on missions alone, report anomalies in your dimension, turn in all paperwork promptly, keep an eye on new recruits, blah blah blah…
This all feels so redundant now, we have these meetings every six weeks on the dot. All the spiders are here getting our lecture from Miguel, as he stands on his stage. You were standing in the front row so you got an unobstructed view of the leader. Usually, you get lucky and get to stand in the back, losing yourself in a daydream to pass the time, with the others who are also not particularly fond of the meeting's usual dull tones. But today you don't have such luck, being in the front means you have to look interested or you could earn a scolding from Miguel. No thanks. 
As you look at Miguel you see the select few who got to stand up on the stage with him. His closest allies get the pleasure of standing on the rise and looking out to the crowd; those with this honor are Jess Drew, Peter B Parker, and Ben Reilly. unsure exactly why those three get to be there but they seem to always be the ones Miguel tells the most things to. Miguel's AI LYLA also makes a cameo, though a small one with her glowing at Miguel's shoulder. But someone is missing you notice. 
Then there he is emerging from the doors at a quickened pace trying to get to his usual spot on the stage. Gabriel O'Hara, the Spider societies lead technician, is the one who helps develop the tech here and works to keep everything functioning. You didn't know him personally, in fact, the only time you ever have had a chance to see the infamous Gabriel O’Hara was at these meetings. Everyone knew that Gabriel and Miguel were brothers, the resemblance was uncanny from what you could see. 
It was a little-known fact that Gabriel was always working in the back labs somewhere so not a lot of people had stories of him. Those who do, always positively speak of him. Apparently, the brothers were like opposites. Interesting… 
Gabriel spills onto the stage beside Ben trying to brush off the fact that he is definitely late and will properly get a lecture on punctuality from Miguel after this. Your mind wonders, thinking about Gabriel and his role in HQ, and why he was late. Why did he even come to these? If you were him you would find an excuse to skip these meetings using the whole I'm not a Spider-person as an excuse. 
Wrapped in thought you don't realize that your eyes are glued on him, watching as he gets in his usual place, looking out to the crowd. You haven't even noted that you are staring, but he has. Gabriel slides his eyes towards you, then he flashes you a grin. The sudden smile seems to wake you up from your thoughts. You quickly avert your eyes, A bit embarrassed being caught staring and thrown by the smile.
 Wait, did he just smile at me? No right? I mean we don’t even know each other?
You look back up and his eyes have returned to Miguel giving his speech. A tinge of disappointment rushes through you. But almost as if he can hear your thoughts he looks back at you and smiles again adding a slight wave. 
Looking to your left looking then to your right you try to figure out who he is waving at. Looking back at him he gives a slight chuckle before mouthing the word “hi” to you. 
Okay yep, he has noticed you, I mean it would be rude not to respond right?
Smiling, you give him a “hey” in return. He eyes you for a moment before mouthing “How are you?”. This makes you giddy, is he really doing this now? “Good” you mouth in return. This was definitely a turn of events. And here you thought you were going to have to deal with another grueling meeting with nothing to distract you, but here he is.  
You mouth back to him “You were late” wanting to tease him for his unprofessionalism that you definitely didn’t care about. His eyes light up at your words “I know, work-related” he responds with a smile and a slight roll of his eyes. Adorable just adorable; you nod, well he's definitely keeping you interested. “Did I miss anything?” he tilts his head giving you a knowing smile, he knows he didn't miss anything, it's always the same thing at these meetings. You shake your head no “Same as usual”. 
Gabriel is amused by this and starts to mouth some more words but quicker this time. Your eyebrows furrow as you stare trying to catch what he is saying but he's moving his mouth too fast. He finally stops and smiles at you pleased with himself. All you can do is look at him and shake your head not catching what he is trying to say. This seemed to only encourage him to continue to mouth words at you quickly then stopping to see your reaction.
You smile and shake your head again and mouth “I can't make out what you are saying.”. Gabriel's eyes widen slightly and his lips creep into a sly grin “I know”. Oh, he's enjoying this, now playing this little game with you. However you can't deny you're enjoying playing back. 
It's then that your spider senses shake you slightly, looking over you realize that Miguel is no longer talking. Jess is talking about teams and mentoring positions available. Not listening because all your attention has gone to the fact that Miguel's eyes are glued to you with a confused look on his face. Quickly you stop smiling and avert your eyes from him. Miguel's glare, then shifts to Gabriel, leaning in, Miguel whispers something to Gabriel and then goes back to listening to Jess. 
 Shifting your eyes back over at Gabriel,  his eyes move back to you, he mouths the word “busted”, grinning widely. This earns a chuckle from you, he was busted but he didn't seem to care all that much. 
You and Gabriel continue to steal looks from one another for the rest of the meeting. When the grueling meeting comes to a close and people start to flood out of the room you give Gabriel a small wave goodbye and head out the door. 
It seems like everyone is eager to get on with their day moving out of the meeting room in haste. Once you are finally out you head to where your duties are, you were on paperwork duty for the week and you absolutely were dreading it. Not wanting to think about the grueling task ahead, You think back on Gabriel and giggle to yourself. He seemed like a playful person completely different from his older brother. 
Then your spider senses start to tingle and you quickly look to your right. There's Gabriel with his hand extended out to touch your shoulder but your senses gave him away. Seeming surprised by your sudden turning he smiles at you and then puts a serious look on his face furrowing his eyebrows, “Don’t you know you're not supposed to goof off during meetings? You could miss something important.” He says in a mocking tone.
Laughing at his impression of seriousness, you quip back “Oh? is that what you think?” You put your hands on your hips and cock one to the side. His Smile spreads wide at you, looking at you up and down for a quick moment. 
“It's what my brother told me I should think'' he holds his hand out to you “I’m Gabriel O’Hara, and you are?” you shake his hand introducing yourself, and swapping pleasantries while you do. 
His hands are bigger than yours and have calluses from him working hard on different machines all the time. Now that you're closer to him you can see the differences between him and Miguel, like Gabriel's green eyes and slight freckles that dust his cheeks. His hair was exactly like Miguel’s but he kept it loose rather than brushed back. Also with him up close to you now you could get a better look at the goggles attached to his head and a striped scarf that hung down from his neck. He was good-looking, and he knew it. The hint was the confidence that flowed out of him.
“So where are you heading off to now? A dangerous mission? Going to fight crime and save the day somewhere?” A smile is painted on his face as he asks you. “Oh yeah I have a very dangerous villain I have to fight, it's called paperwork and if I don’t turn it in on time the whole universe could shatter” Everyone in the society thought that the paperwork we had to do was ridiculous, this universe was so futuristic and we still had to fill paperwork? The hell?
Gabriel tsks “That danm paperwork, you think we could find a better way to log reports? Well if you find yourself with some downtime you should come by the lower floor tech lab, that's usually where I'm held up at.” 
You nod “I might just do that,” you say walking backwards to your work area keeping your eyes on Gabriel before turning around to get your work started. 
Gabriel watches you walk away, your hips swaying in a way that he can't help but smile at, he is appreciating the must wear your spider suit rule right now as he watches your form, his eyes glued to the tightness of your suit and the way it leaves little to the imagination.
 “Oh I am in trouble,” he whispered to himself with a shake of his head, before walking down to his lab. 
Turns out that getting downtime while working at the Spider Society is a lot harder than you originally thought. It had been a couple of days and you finally had nothing on your plate to take care of so you slowly made your way to the tech lab on the lower level to hopefully have an impromptu meeting with Gabriel. During your time working you couldn't help your thoughts running back to your first meeting with the younger O’Hara. So it was only natural you were eager to get to see him again.  
Never having been to this part of HQ before you note that it was pretty deserted, the only things you could see were all the different machines, some whirling and operating while others were broken down into parts. This place seemed like a maze with you having to take turns constantly and having to go a different way when you would hit a dead end. This is where he works? No wonder he was late to the meeting. He probably got lost down here. 
Continuing to walk,  you start to hear what sounds like a voice and it sounds irritated. As you get closer and closer you can hear it more clearly and the words that are being slipped. 
“Come on you know you wanna…” 
“That's it keep humming for me, very good…”
“Mierda…” (shit)
The words you were hearing caused you to blush, is that Gabriel? Who is he talking to? When you round the corner you see Gabriel working on a machine, he's completely focused on his work. The whole body is crouched down in the machine, small grunts and the sound of metal scratching can be heard as he works tentatively.  The machine would seem to start working when Gabriel was working on it but quickly would shut off as he started to move out from under it. 
Getting closer and leaning against a machine a smirk on your face as you watch Gabriel work. From this angle, you can see his muscular back, oh? Hiding some lean muscle huh? Being so close to him you can observe his muscles tense as he continues to get more irritated, the smirk never leaving your face. 
“Come on your dirty thing, work for me!” 
The machine starts to whirl and work as he continues his tinkering. 
“That's a girl, work for Papi”
“So does talking to the machines help?” you say startling him
“ah, ¿qué carajos?” (What the fuck!?) Gabriel jumps at your voice and hits his head on the machine, he looks at you with goggles on his eyes as he rubs his head. standing there you can't help your giggle at his surprise. He lights up in your presence, quickly he moves his goggles to the top of his head to reveal his green eyes. 
 “Hey! You finally got some downtime!” He quickly stands to his full height with a warm smile looking down at you. 
“Yeah I did, I am a pretty busy woman so it took me some time to get all my stuff done.” you smile at him he seems excited to see you again, which causes your chest to warm up a bit.
 “Do you often talk like that to your machines?” you tease him. 
“Talk dirty? Yeah sometimes if they are being difficult” He says a bit embarrassed but quickly hides it with a smirk. 
“So you talk dirty often then?” you ask with a smile spreading to your lips, wanting to tease him more. But this only gets him to step closer to you and lean down to you slightly, his eyes roaming all over you, watching you as if you just told him a dirty secret about yourself. 
He smirks and looks deep into your eyes, making your heart race and your lower stomach tighten “Why? Are you enjoying it?” 
Oh, he's teasing you back, “Probably not as much as the machine is.” 
Gabriel looks over to the machine and smiles to himself before turning back to you. “Oh yeah, they can't resist my charm or these hands” he holds his large hands up to you in a playful gesture that has you blushing. 
Gabriel goes back to working on the machine stealing glances your way. Walking around you look at the different machines running your finger along some of them. “So how come you only come out during meetings?” darting your eyes to look at his tall figure up and down, when you do you catch his emerald eyes following your form as you walk. 
Moving away from his work, eyes still glued to you he shrugs. “Oh, I don't know, probably because Miguel doesn't like me getting distracted and leaving my work.”
Coming to a stop you look at what appears to be his work table, filled with tools and parts that you couldn't begin to understand. Pushing yourself up you sit yourself on the edge, slightly swaying your feet. Eyes glued to Gabriel as he begins to walk closer to you. That sly smirk on his face filled with mischief that you just couldn't resist. 
“Yeah? What gets you so distracted from your work?” 
Gabriel chuckles and looks to his feet for a moment before meeting your eyes again. “Well, I have a proclivity for flirting with pretty girls”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, it's very bad, I just can't resist the pull they have on me.”
“I couldn't even imagine how hard that is for you.” 
Gabriel stops right in front of you and leans both arms down to the edge of the table, trapping you between them. Being so close to his face you are trapped looking into his eyes, his tantalizing scent takes over your senses. Flirty smirk still glued to his face he slowly leans into you dragging his hands slowly back. 
“Sometimes it's downright painful.”
His closeness causes your face to flush and your heartbeat to race. Leaning in slightly. 
Gabriel looks from your eyes to your lips back to your eyes again. A slight hum left his lips. Leaning in you know you hardly know him but the tension between you two has been electric. This has to be what he's wanting right? Then he quickly pulls back holding a tool in his hand. 
“Pardon me, I just needed to grab this from behind you real quick.” 
That cocky tease just totally played you! 
Eyes wide you Quickly readjust yourself trying to make it look like you weren't just leaning in for a kiss from him. Gabriel just eyes you and laughs to himself. Great he's an incredibly cute flirt who knows how to push your buttons, you're starting to understand why Miguel keeps him busy in the lab. It's not that he's distracted by us, we would be distracted by him. 
After your first meeting with Gabriel going to his lab to flirt and hang out with him became a common occurrence. Now is flirting on the job acceptable? Not really you knew getting caught would mean some serious Miguel wrath but you justify to yourself that Gabri might just be worth it. 
The more you spent around him the more and more you wanted him, but you were not going to be the one to break first. The two of you seemed to be in an unspoken game, the game? See who can tease the other until they confess their feelings, or break the tension first. He was a tease and proved to be good at the game, but you will be damned to be the one to break first. The tension between you building and building till someone was going to burst. With any luck it would be him, you just need to be patient and play the game to the best of your ability. 
You two were not the only ones to note the sparks between you. People had started noticing the flirting and the stolen glances. Though to save your skin you had to play it off as just harmless fun, though on the inside you were burning with want. 
“You know Miguel won’t like that you're getting so close to his brother,” Jess says as she picks the tomatoes from her burger
“I say keep going, maybe one day you will be his sister-in-law and he will have to see you at family BBQs” Peter chuckles as he steals Jess’s unwanted tomatoes to stack on his burger. 
“Okay, wow, we are not talking about marriage. We are just flirting a little here and there is no harm, no foul.” taking a bite out of the blue and red burger, it's funny you thought that the food coloring would make it taste strange but the 2099 burger was actually decent. 
“All I am saying is be careful flirting so close to trouble, speaking of…” 
Jess trails off as she nudges her head behind you. Turning you see Gabriel approaching, quickly turning you check your teeth to make sure you don't have anything caught. This action causes Jess to roll her eyes and Peter to give you a thumbs up. Turning back around you kick the chair out next to you for Gabriel to sit. 
“Lunch out of the Lab? What's the occasion?” 
Gabriel sits down with a giddy smile “They are serving Birria! So I had to come get some.” Gabriel starts to eat the stew-like soup with glee. You watch Him enjoying his lunch, in a moment of relaxation, you rest your palm in your hand as you just observe him eating. Gabriel turns to you a mouth stuffed with birria, you quickly adjust your stare from him back to your burger. Seeing that you are watching he quickly swallows his food and hits his chest from eating too fast. 
“What did you get?” he looks over to your plate and sees that you are eating the burger with his brother's face, he scrunches his nose at you. When he does you note how this makes him look like his brother but you wouldn't mention that. 
“What's with the face? It's pretty good” You take a bite and chew and Gabriel's face contorts with disgust. 
“Yeah no I’m not going to eat something that looks like my brother” 
“Your loss”
“Here, put that monstrosity down and try some real food” Gabriel takes the spoon away from his lips and fills it with the hot liquid. Grabbing your chin gently with his warm fingers, he turns you to face him, that flirty smirk on his face and he watches you with hooded eyes. 
“Ah~” He teases as he brings the soup to your parted lips. Watching as you take the soup hypnotized by his emerald eyes. Taking the spoon in your mouth tasting the perfectly seasoned liquid, you can't help but blush at the fact you are using the spoon he previously had his mouth on. An indirect kiss is all that floods your brain as Gabriel just watches you, fingers slightly rubbing your soft skin. 
“It's good huh?” His voice purrs staring at your lips
The sound of a clearing throat breaks the tension as you look at Jess, she shakes her head and Peter just smiles as he takes in the moment you two just shared. Feeling your face heat up you quickly avert your gaze back to your unfinished lunch, your sudden bashfulness doesn't seem to faze Gabriel as he swings his arm around your chair and leans closer to you. 
“I could give you more if you want,” his voice whispers to your flushed ear, sending your brain swirling. 
It was a loaded question, he knew it, you knew it, but would you crack? 
Then just as if it could sense the tension Gabriel's watch starts to ring and Layla makes her appearance. 
“Hey Gabri, Miguel says he needs to see you.”  
“Can it wait till I’m done with lunch?”
“He insists it's urgent” 
With that Gabriel sighs and quickly eats his soup, taking the bowl to swallow down the contents. Turning to you he winks “Duty calls, see ya bichita.” 
Quickly darting towards Miguel's office his scarf and large jacket look like a flowing cape as he runs off. Staring, a smile tugging at your lips as you watch him go, but then you feel a set of eyes piercing you, you turn to see an unimpressed-looking Jess and a giggling Peter. 
“Girl, you're in trouble” Shaking her head she leaves you at the table and Peter follows behind her laughing. 
The next day you hadn’t seen or heard from Gabriel so it was the perfect excuse to go see him. Walking into his lab you see Gabriel. He seems sweaty like he's been doing strenuous work. The subtle sheen of sweat resting on his face makes your mouth water. Moving around the lab he's picking up what seems to be heavy machinery, this is what must have made him all sweaty not that you're complaining. 
Gabriel tries to lift what seems to be a very large, very heavy piece of equipment, he tries to lift it, even tries pushing but it’s not bugging. Sauntering over you look at his struggle, it strangely excites you watching him, face contorting in frustration, skin glowing from sweat, breath heavy with exhaustion. Wonder if he looks like that during…Taking a deep breath you calm yourself before you approach. 
“Hey Gabri, looks like you're struggling a bit. Let me help you” 
Bending over you go to grab the equipment Gabriel tries to stop you. “Wait it's too-”
Before he can get the last word out you have lifted the equipment over your head holding it with ease. 
“Huh, sometimes I forget you have super strength…” he marvels as you move with the machine with ease. 
“What? I don't have super strength? I'm just that jacked.” You say in sarcasm before You flex your arm to show off your muscles. 
Gabriel laughs, “Must be nice to be able to lift whatever you want.” 
Opening your mouth you go to rebuttal his comment but as you're placing the equipment down you see how Gabriel's face seems to flush from watching you work, he quickly turns to hide his flushed features. This is an interesting development, he's made you nervous about two times now. Maybe it's time we make him nervous…
Walking up behind Gabriel you quickly scoop the taller man from his feet and hold him like a bride, a wide grin painted on your lips as you take in his slight squeal and shocked expression.
“Yeah, it sometimes has its perks like getting to surprise people” You boost with him in your arms. If you didn't have powers you could never lift him. Not always loving being a spider-woman. It's moments like this that make everything worth it. 
“Aw don't worry, I won't drop you” You tease him as he tries to change his expression to fit that of someone who is unfazed, failing miserably he decides to lean into the role of a saved civilian. 
“Oh Spider-woman your my hero” he bats his lashes at you 
“All in a day's work Sir, no big deal” 
“Oh, well I just have to repay you somehow, you know for lifting that heavy machine and lifting me to carry me” You gently put him back on his feet, his tall stature immediately towering over you as you do. 
Craning your head up to meet his eyes you feel his hand brush against your jaw, thumb rubbing your cheek. “How about a kiss Spider-Woman?” Leaning down he is inches from your lips, noses almost touching, those green eyes studying your face. Is this him breaking? Is he going to pull back? Is this real?  
“Can I kiss you Y/N?”
It's real, you can feel your heart thrumming like crazy. This feeling is so intense. 
Your lips part and you start to rise to your tiptoes. Gabriel's other hand finds your soft neck as he leans down. Hands searching for anything to grab, they find a place gripping onto his striped scarf. Finally one of you broke and it’s led to this perfect moment. 
“Gabri, I think we need to relook at the go-home machine, I think if we can program it to work faster we could, oh…” Miguel stops walking and tapping away at his watch when he sees you and Gabriel in such proximity. Face contorting from surprise to confusion, to annoyance. 
Gabriel and you quickly let go of each other and face Miguel. Miguel walks closer to you two, his face in that unhappy glare. 
 “What are you two doing?” he asks placing his hands on hips narrow waist
“I-I-Uh-” you nervously stumble over your words trying to find an excuse. 
“She was helping me out, I needed someone with strength to lift some heavy equipment” pointing to the large machine you have effortlessly moved. 
“Well looks moved, you should head back to your dimension if you're done with your duties today,” Miguel says in a serious tone. 
With a quick nod, you slip past Miguel and look back at Gabriel. Looking back at him he looks like he is bracing for a lecture from Miguel. Feeling guilty because you know those are never fun. Miguel starts tapping his watch, something he does before lectures, you assume to think of what he will say before he says it. Gabriel's eyes land on you, he looks serious preparing for his talking to, then just like a flip of a switch, he gives a mischievous smirk with a wink. 
And with that, you knew you were going to break first. 
Miguel made sure to keep everyone extremely busy after he saw you and Gabriel together, maybe you were reading too much into it but it seemed to be the only correlation. It had been four days since you saw Gabriel and you were getting antsy. The almost kiss played on a loop over and over in your mind. The sudden distance between you two only made your thoughts of him run rampant. The whole absence makes the heart grow fonder thing was right. Not seeing Gabriel for four days made you realize how much you enjoyed being near him and how desperate you were to kiss him finally. You two had teased each other and flirted enough, it was now time to do something about it. 
As you wind and twist your way through the maze you make your way closer to Gabriel's lab, you didn't know what you would say or do once you saw him you just knew you had an uncontrollable urge, a desire to be near him and you couldn't wait anymore. 
Finally getting through the maze of a lab you reach your goal, Gabriel.
Gabriel sees you enter the lab, giving you a sweet smile and putting down the small apparatus he was tinkering with. 
“Well if it isn’t Spider-Woman, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Gabriel strides over to you still insistent on teasing you like always. Danm, He gets cuter every damn time you see him. That cocky strut is like he knows why you're here like he knows how bad you have it for him. Hating to lose the game but you're going to burst if you don't, just swallow your pride, tell him…
“My w-watch, it's acting weird.” you quickly stumble out. Okay, what the fuck? That's not the plan? What the hell is the matter with you?
Looking at you with concern Gabriel grabs your hand lifting your arm to examine the watch. 
“Well, that's not good bichita. Step into my office, let's see if I can't help you out.” 
Guiding you through the lab he takes you to his work table. Swiftly he grabs your hips and lifts you on the table. A small Squeak leaves you for a moment, you're here to confess and he's still making you nervous, danm…
He takes his time examining your watch. Nesting himself between your legs making your breath get shaky. He then raises his eyebrows in concern and shock. 
“Oh wow this isn’t good, it's really messed up…”
“What really?” You look down in surprise. 
Gabriel taps his index finger on your nose making you look back up to him. “No, it’s perfectly fine, now why are you really here?”
Taking your arm back you adjust your watch on your wrist looking at him irritatedly. “Don’t scare me like that…” 
“Well don’t lie to me, what’s up? You don’t need a reason to come see me, you should know that?” 
Starting to chew on your bottom lip you look at him and nod. “I know, I just…the thing is…I hate losing.”
Lifting an eyebrow confused he pry for you to elaborate. “Okay? What did you lose?”
Holding your head down you sigh and point between the two of you. “This I lose the game, which sucks because I almost won if it wasn’t for-” 
Before you can finish your sentence Gabriel's hands gently grab your face and lifts it to meet his emerald eyes, then his soft lips are meeting yours. The kiss was tender and passionate, his large hands carefully gliding down from your face. The slow movement of his fingers leaves a heated trail on your skin. Finally, his hands met yours, intertwined his fingers with yours holding your hands tightly, as if he didnt you would disappear. With a swift gradation of intensity, the kiss from his instant lips has yours parting making your body quake as you begin to feel the slight teasing of his tongue to yours.
Pulling back he's the first to relinquish the kiss looking into your kissed-hazed eyes. “I lose…this stupid little game between us, I lose, you win.” 
Grabbing onto his scarf you bring him closer so you're whispering into his lips. “You're not going to be a sore loser right?”
He laughs slightly “I will gladly lose to you whenever you want” 
With that you pull him into a passionate kiss, quickly heating to a blazing fever that has you both instantly stripping each other trying to cool the raging fire between you. 
Before you know it you're bent over his work table, bare for his taking. Warm lips kiss up your spine while his index finger explores your soft folds, finding you already desperately wet. 
“Wow, I don’t even need to prep you, so fuckin’ wet for me,” Gabriel says, his finger still rubbing through you teasing at the opening of your slit. 
Moaning and leaning into his finger you're desperate for him but he's insistent on still teasing you. Slowly he begins to plunge his finger into your walls and the sweet stretch has you rocking back and forth only to get worse once he slips a second in curling into you. 
“Amas mis manos, ¿verdad?” (You love my hands don't you?)
Nodding you are willing to agree with anything he says as long as it means more. A chuckle leaves his lips and he takes his other hand and starts rubbing tight circles on your clit, slightly pinching the bud to make your hips jump forward. You can't help the embarrassing moans that escaped your lips but Gabriel just relishes in them.  “That's it, gemido por papi.” (Moan for Papi)
You're approaching your orgasm quickly just from riding his skillful hands. Uncontrollably you're squirming underneath him, thighs closing and tightening around his arm. Gabriel nudges your feet further apart with his foot spreading you open and plunging deeper till you're practically panting as he continues curling into you and abusing your swollen clit. “No, no, stay spread for me, can't make you cum with you getting shy like that” he purrs into your ear. 
Your moans are reverberating through the lab, it is music to his ears getting to hear you approach your high. “God, bichita I've been wanting to do this to you for weeks, I didn't imagine you would be so loud though. Aw, don't hold it in now, I want to hear you scream my name.” 
The new pace as you lean further on the table as you clench down on his fingers screaming out his name as your orgasm flows over you, your juices coating his digits, some of it falling onto his floor. Gabriel finally pulls his fingers from you looking at your quivering pussy as you shake from your orgasm, tilting his head he watches as your juices drip to the floor, he lazily sucks the slick from his fingers releasing them with a pop. 
“Danm, you're making a mess on my floor.” Before you can turn you feel a hand caressing your ass and his breath fanning your ear “Let's make a bigger mess shall we?” 
You feel his hand grab onto your hip and rub small circles, then you feel him pushing against you, foot kicking yours to spread open again, he's going to have to break you of that habit. Then his cock is rubbing against your wet folds, and you're instantly ready to go again, breathing quickening in anticipation.  Carefully his tip teases your entrance before slipping into you spreading you open with a moan escaping your lips. Starting slowly he kisses your shoulders as he slowly pistons his cock, loving to see your pussy gripping onto his cock. The soft pleading of your moans and mewling of his name is making him throb inside you, like a siren song to fuck into you harder. 
Answering your sinful song he grabs a handful of your hair before his thrusting into you harder and faster. 
“Harder, Ha-Harder!” you cry chasing his cock with your hips. 
“Harder? Oh, dirty girl, you're already gripping me so tight and you want it harder? ” His hand presses down on your back stilling you as he fucks harder into your squealing cunt. Hiccuping and slurring you're getting drunk from the pace he's pushing into you. Sweat is forming on him as his chest starts to burn, taking his hand from your hair he lifts your leg to where your knee is on the table, pushing himself deeper where his tip is nudging that sweet spot that has you clamping around his cock. 
Approaching your second orgasm he takes his hand and rubs those same tight circles on your clit. Finally, you're coming undone on his cock, squirting on him. Gabriel lets you ride out your high as long as he can before he's about to bust inside of you, finally when you're wiggling and whining in overstimulation he's pulling out and cumming his thick cum on your ass. Gasping from the sudden emptiness, your skin tingles as you feel the warm liquid run down your leg. 
Gabriel is quick to leave a barrage of kisses on your back. He quickly grabs a clean rag and wipes the cum dripping down your leg off you coo sweetly to you. Turning to face him, your chest fills warm from his tired-looking expression, you're quick to wrap your hands around him and kiss him sweetly. Gabriel surrenders to your gentle kiss, but slowly you become more ravenous taking the lead, your tongue eager to push through to taste him again.      
Breaking the kiss to catch his breath he looks into your eyes, and all his confidence wavers as he sees the hunger in your eyes. You're already ready for the next round and he's still recovering. Using your hand you push his chest gently backing him onto the table. A sweet smile on your lips as you watch him lean against the table watching you with bated breath. Before he can even try to make a move or say something he is lifted and pinned on top of his disheveled work table. The surprised look on his face has you licking your lips as you crawl on top of him. 
You look as if you could devour him, he can't help how it's making his cock hard again. A smirk falls onto your lips as you see his excitement. Straddling him you start to lazily pump his cock making his hips buckle and he moans from the overstimulation. 
“Spidey powers means I have crazy endurance and quick recovery time. Can you keep up?” You start to pump his cock faster making him moan and the precum to pebble from his cock. 
Gabriel hiccups and hastily nods, he would do whatever you wanted of him. 
Leaning down you lick the secretion off his tip making him whimper and throw his head back.  
“Good…” you purr.
Completely spent you lay your tired body next to Gaberials. Your head resting on his warm chest, you could hear how his heart was still racing. Your stamina being higher than his, he had worked double time to satisfy you. Watch beeping, Gabriel lazily looks and sighs seeing that it is time for another one of the dull meetings. 
“We have a meeting to go to” 
Looking at him you think for a moment then a sly smile crosses your lips
“Well, that's no fun” 
“No, it's not” 
“Want to go take a shower in my dimension instead?”
A gasp leaves his lips “And skip our very important and completely not irrelevant meeting instead?”  
Biting your lip holding in a laugh you nod enthusiastically. 
Gabriel kisses your nose “Let me grab my clothes.” 
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phyrestartr · 1 year
Simple Things [1] | Miguel O'hara x Male!Reader
# SFW, fluff, light comfort, light angst, male!reader, dad!reader, spider!reader, smoking, implied depression, implied trauma, old men just doing their best, dad energy, miguel is a sweetheart and a nerd, multi-part drabble collection
[ 1 ] Smoke Break | [ 2 ] We Change Like the Seasons | [ 3 ] Meet The Kids
Notes: Yes, this will have more parts to it! I'm editing the next bit as we speak (beheh) and it should be up within the week? Maybe? I keep bouncing around from draft to draft, so finishing parts can take a while, pls forgive :pray:
--Smoke Break--
You were just another hero. There wasn't much else to it, you'd decided, and in joining the Spider Society, the same rang true--Miguel didn't think much of it, you didn't think much of it, none of the others did, either. It wasn't a bad thing, no, it was just how it was when one gathered hundreds of superheroes together. Everyone was special in their own worlds, so being a cut above the rest when you were all insane super freaks was exceptionally rare.
Miguel O'hara, however, proved to be exceptional.
Even after all the time that stretched on, he still existed as an anomaly of sorts within HQ. Cool, calm, collected, he led everyone with his head held high and his words resonating like a church bell; everything he said became gospel, everything he said affected their way of saving the multiverse.
Miguel knew that.
You knew that.
Most thought him invincible, unyielding and unforgiving towards the laws of the multiverse, and most admired his dedication. You knew troops clicked well with strong leaders, that they felt secure in their mission and battles when lead by a brave soldier, but your experience-trodden understanding burned in the forefront of your memories.
To you, it was obvious. If you watched his back long enough, if you too often caught glimpses of what he thought were well-hidden tells, the fracturing became all too easy to see.
Miguel was breaking.
You knew that feeling well, the feeling of being unable to bend anymore, to have your limits pushed and surpassed, yet still somehow stay intact and working, like a frayed web.
Maybe that was why you couldn't keep him off your mind. Maybe your primal loneliness, the weeping cracks you'd endured on your lonesome, resonated with another's. Maybe it begged you to do something while you still had the chance.
You'd come to see him one day to force some baked goods into his hands and leave, the excuse that you and your daughters had made too much armed and ready on your tongue.
Yes, you were caring, and yes, fine, you were a bit awkward approaching your fearless, strict, hard-ass of a leader with a piece of pie in your hands like you were at some fucking chummy pot luck or parent-teacher night, so you needed an excuse, something to veil your heart. Were you supposed to tell him you were worried about him, or something? No, no, that'd come later (if there was a later).
You expected to see his broad back turned to you, to hear him mumbling to himself or talking into comms; instead, you found him tucked away in the corner of the lab, sat in an old desk chair, napping. His arms rested crossed over his chest, and his head hung down. It was reassuring, a nice reminder that Miguel, too, was mortal just like yourself
The corner of your mouth twitched into something fond and lopsided, though barely there, before quietly, slowly, you left the Tupperware container on his stage console and saw yourself out. You couldn't bear the thought of waking a fellow "old man" from a much-needed nap.
Time stretched the way it usually did; missions assigned, spiders injured, anomalies captured--nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary.
But, shit, were you tired. You were always tired, sure, but these days the stress of life and love threatened to break more of you down and grind you into dust. It must have felt terrifying. But you couldn't feel it. Your mind wouldn't let you.
The smoke from your cigarette burned your lungs as you inhaled, grounding you, and reminding you of your existence. You sighed, thankful, and rested your head back against the outside wall of the secluded little balcony you'd found in your mindless wandering. Smoking inside always got you an earful from anyone and everyone in all dimensions, anyway, so you figured you'd skip the scrutiny and take it outside right away. Besides, it was easier to think and wallow this way.
But the door beside you slid open, ruining your quiet. You sighed, letting your eyes fall closed, waiting for the intruder to say something, do something, make themselves known. Seems they weren't in a rush, however.
You cracked an eye open, and spied him. He stared out at the city, his city, and held a clean Tupperware box in his hands. Miguel's fingers drummed against its sides in thought. His twitchy, fidgety restlessness made him too endearing.
"Finished the whole thing, eh?" You asked, cigarette hanging limply between your lips. "Guess you really do have a sweet tooth."
Miguel huffed a laugh, short and sweet, before handing back the box. "Yeah, well, can't say no to homemade food. Besides, Peter stole some." His face soured, nearing an annoyed pout.
"Ah. Bastard." You took the box back, words of gratitude light under your breath. "I'll give him a piece of my mind later."
"Let me know how that works out since, well, that Peter doesn't listen to anyone." Miguel crossed his arms.
"Pretty sure he just doesn't listen to you, Boss."
"Oh, great. Even better." Miguel was smiling, despite his annoyance. His eyes, warm and sullen like those poppies from your memories, flickered over to you, drawing your gaze. You'd never had the chance to speak to him so intimately, to be the only one standing beside him. It felt like a privilege, but it was too mundane to be so. You welcomed it.
"Didn't take you for a baker," Miguel said. His eyes followed your fingers plucking the smoke from your mouth. "Or a smoker."
You sighed as you glanced down at the wisping cigarette. "Yeah, well. I'm not much of the prim and proper hero type, I guess."
Miguel tilted his head, curious. "Never even had a phase?"
You thought back, far back, but shook your head. "Nah, I don't think I ever really had any pep in my step. Not that I can recall, anyway." You took another drag to suffocate resurfacing memories. "...A lot happened before Spiderman happened." For a long moment, you watched the smoke coil. So did Miguel. "But you? I can definitely see you as a peppy youngster."
Miguel sighed, something exasperated and light. "Dios, you're making us sound old."
"Aren't we?" You quirked a brow, almost smiling as Miguel put his hands on his hips. "What, you think we're young when we got kids like Hobie and Gwen running around? Damn, Pav too. That kid's the epitome of 'friendly neighborhood Spiderman.' Don't even get me started on May--"
"Okay, okay, stop, stop, stop," Miguel motored out, raising his palm to defend against the painful truth. "I get it. Y'know, talking to you is a lot more humbling than I thought it'd be."
Oh. You laughed. It surprised you with how it exploded past your defenses, choked and ugly, hampered by the plume of smoke in your lungs. Your hand waved at Miguel as you got lost in your fit, tears pricking your eyes and a smile aching unused muscles.
"Y-you're a dick," you eventually wheezed. "Humbling?"
Miguel smiled, too smug. "It's just been a while since I met another miserable bastard."
"Is that self-awareness?" You flicked ash from the end of your cigarette and shook your head, the aftershocks of laughter still shaking your voice. "Incredible. Inspirational, even."
"Alright, now who's being the asshole here?"
"That'd be me."
"Ah. Self-awareness."
"What can I say? You've inspired me. Such a good leader."
"Yeah, well, inspiration and good leadership come with a fee." His eyes flicked to the Tupperware tucked under your arm.
Your brows raised. Huh. Unexpected. But you nodded, and tapped more wasted ash onto the ground. "You're lucky my kids like to bake. You got a hankering for anything?"
Miguel's lips parted, surprise painting his face cool shades. He blinked then, breaking from whatever spell he found himself in, and ran a hand through his hair. "I--ah. Yeah, just, anything. Whatever your kids want."
"You're gonna regret that, but hey, your call." A comfortable silence fell for a few beats before, very unlike your blasé self, you pressed for the sake of curiosity: "So? Were you a plucky youngster? Sparkling eyes, heroic intentions 'n all that."
Miguel's gaze, pointed at the city, stared through the buildings and perhaps into a time you were not privy to. The tightening of his jaw told you more than you needed to know.
"Yeah, I guess I was." Miguel took a step and rested his elbows on the railing of the small patio. "Things weren't easy back then, but..."
"You didn't have to look after the multiverse?" You wondered, voice soft. The other's unshakeable shoulders slumped. You stuck the cig back in your mouth as you thought about your own history, about what you wish you had the chance to do, about who you could have been, who you wanted to be.
"Did you at least get to live a little?" You asked, maybe a little bit to yourself.
Miguel nodded. "Yeah. But I think I started really living after I became Spiderman."
Somehow, you understood.
"Kinda ironic."
"You're telling me. But it was eye-opening. Life-changing, in a bad way, in a good way." He paused before nodding with contemplative shrug. "Humbling."
"Hm. More humbling than me?"
"If you can believe it."
You snorted and shook your head. "Guess I have no choice."
He hummed, agreeing. Miguel turned, leaning back against the railing and crossing his arms as he regarded you. "You must've had a 'the hero is born' moment," Miguel suggested more than he asked. "We all do." And he was right, logistically--if you were all Spiderman, you all had to have a moment where you really became a hero.
So, you thought for a long, slow moment.
But too quickly did something find a soft, hollow place to fester in your chest. The pain pierced so like losing yourself in December's glacial lakes, so wicked with languid tortures and polar punishments. The pain could fade if you stopped fighting, if you let the water pull you into the peaceful darkness, but you'd indulged in the shameful malady of shadows too many times; your patience and self-loathing had grown so thin.
You don't need to remember, the lady of the lake would whisper to you, voice dripping with tears in a way that sounded so much like her. She lulled you, she pulled you back in, she urged you to turn her way instead of fighting her, instead of reaching for the roiling inferno that was the past. In those moments, in her arms, you never knew if you'd find your way back to the surface, but you were not one to obediently decay in ignorance.
Her wail filled your mind as you breached the blaze, and found that sunny day in the Bronx, with the wind carrying the honeyed scent of summer life when you'd met that pretty little thing from the flower shop...
You twitched a smile. "Well...I guess I--"
"Hey," Lyla suddenly cut in, blipping into existence between Miguel and yourself. The level of relief you felt upon being saved from talking about yourself was unhealthy, but you silently thanked Lyla for it: memories of the blaze and the ice could be put aside for a while longer.
The sprite adjusted her sunnies before continuing, "totally loving the bromance here, really cute, but we got a new anomaly that needs some extra love. You guys feel like kicking some bad guy butt, buddy-cop style?"
"Sure," you cut in before Miguel could. You need out of this conversation now. "I call bad cop. Wanna see good cop Miguel butter up a baddie."
Miguel twitched. "Hey--"
"Oooh, me too," Lyla agreed, nodding sagely.
"I don't think I like you two being on the same side--"
"Let's get the show on the road, Boss." You butted your cigarette out on the wall and set down the container. A warm sunset glow bloomed across you as a portal whirled open, shimmering and humming.
You tapped his chest playfully with your knuckles. "Last one there buys me a six pack."
With a hop, skip, and a jump, you were gone.
Miguel rubbed his face. Lyla fluttered around his head. "Well? Better go after him, good cop."
"You. You aren't allowed to team up with him," Miguel stated as he headed towards the portal. "Starting now, colluding is not allowed."
"Oh, what? Sorry, connection's getting fuzzy--"
"Lyla, don't--"
"Sorry--shhhrk--breaking up--" and she, too, disappeared.
Miguel rolled his eyes. His mask materialized over his face as he followed you, a comfortable fondness resting in his chest, chasing out any turmoil the day had brought him.
Good cop. Bad cop. It was stupid, childish, but maybe that was a good thing. Maybe it was a dumb little something that he needed.
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bibibbon · 1 month
You talked about Spiderman and Izuku's suffering in canon and fics. And hurt/comfort for Izu is a bit rare to find.
But that's not the point ...one trope I loathe is when they use "red sneakers" theory and ... apparently every hero shows up to see Izu being abused by BK and would step in to save but....."oh he has a red sneakers?! Quirkless?! Ewww"
You have no idea how I hate this trope.
It's has no base in canon and....if the idea is to make the heroes look bad...we do have canon for that. Their arrogance is a good start point.
I hate when a fic says "here a hero btw he does lots of crimes" to justify as why a hero wouldn't intervine in seeing Izu being beat up by BK.
Just wanted to rant. Bc I do hate this trope. Quirkless discrimination is just a gimmick and nothing else. Also...even if there is quirkless discrimination it would serve only to shit on Izu bc...what he can do? "Revolution!" Damn, he is a abused and traumatized kid who has no one...the whole "liberator spiel" don't work with him and frankly...the issue of racism is so more deep than "kid makes a cool speech and everyone is cool"
It's just complex nuance that...no one gave much thought.
And again, it's fic. People can write what they want. Not a cop.
Just I think this trope is horrible.
Hi @mikeellee 👋
We all have th right to dislike or like son tropes that exist and I for one have to agree with you as I don't like the use of red trainers = quirkless but I like some portrayals of quirkless discrimination in fics and I do think that the concept of quirkless discrimination makes sense but I don't like the whole red shoe = quirkless thing.
Most ways I have seen this trope be used is to show how a lot of heroes are quirkist and that they don't help quirkless people because they're quirkless which is a bit unrealistic in a way to me. Like canon has better ways of showing how corrupt heroes can be so the whole ignoring people because of red sneakers thing seems idk how to articulate it but bad ig🤷‍♀️. For example you can have a hero be passive aggressive towards a quirkless individual, or you can the quirkless individual receive weird treatments.
I suppose you are right to saying that there is little substance when it comes to quirkless discrimination because yes in reality there is however, we see a lot of the impacts to being quirkless. Every quirkless character we have seen have all voiced insecurities about their quirklesness and how they feel like they are useless because they are quirkless which is interesting because in some of the fan translations of the first MHA chapter quirks are labeled "individualites" aka what makes someone unique and quirkless people lack that.
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I think Izuku being discriminated adds more to his character especially because the early arcs do show us how that has effected him and how he has 1) no social skills 2) is incredibly attention starved 3) doesn't seem to have a grasp on what a healthy relationship is. All of these set izuku up as a character that needs development and needs to heal. Izuku needs to heal but he also needs to come to the understanding that what happend is wrong and shouldn't happen which would make him understand the greyness of society in a better light while also acknowledging his narration of "nobody is born equal"
Lastly, I don't think Izuku's story should be about him rising and changing and doing all of this on his own but it should be him being the last straw and influencing change.
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Small big problem
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Pairings: Peter B. Parker x giant spiderman reader (platonic), Mayday x giant spiderman reader (platonic).
Summary: Some times is easy to to forget that even the strongest can be vulnerable.
Warnings: none.
A/n: this is my first time writing straight and purely in English, and it’s freaking hard when it’s not your native language. All my respect for the people that can.
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In the spiderverse, a place of infinite possibilities, it’s easy to find every kind of people. Different Spider-Mans with different abilities.
There are different variants like Miguel with his claws and fangs, like Hobby with an always present distinction in his movements typical of his dimension, Jessica with her webs that come out of her fingertips and fights on a motorcycle or Margot with her avatar that has a physical and tangible form. Then there are the common variants like Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy. But even then, knowing of the possibilities, it was big shock for Miguel, Jess and Peter B. to land on a dimension were everything was huge. It was even more shocking to find the anomaly they were chasing, being pinned down by the big hand of the universe’s Spiderman.
But surprises don’t end there.
The moment he took off his mask in front of the team, every one was left speechless.
“Sooo…” started Jess.
Finally coming out of his shock, Peter smiles watching a young, smiling and fresh face under the mask. “Yep, a new teammate.”
Y/n rises both his eyebrows in slight confusion when both spider people turned towards the bigger guy among them. Because to him, they were all still small. His always been the tall kid in everything, but he totally feels like a giant in front of 3 people standing on an AC engine to stand shoulder height level with him. Basically, they were like 12 inches action figures to him.
Miguel, on the other hand, wasn’t thrilled to the idea of including another hormonal teenager to the society.
“Absolutely not.” he stated, turning his back on them and start messing with the watch.
Peter was the first to start arguing. “Oh come on. Big guy here-“ he said while pointing with his head at the young giant. “handled the anomaly effortlessly. He could totally be a good asset.”
Jess crossed her arms over her almost unnoticeable baby bump. “I agree with Peter in this.”
Miguel sighted turning around. “No. I already let you two persuade me to let Hobbie, Gwen and Pavrit into the society. I don’t need another teenager.” He said, making hand gestures to make emphasis in his point.
“Umm…” the three adults turned to the young boy when he got their attention. “If I may ask. What is this team you are talking about?”
Miguel opened his mouth under his mask to answer but was beaten by Peter. “It’s supper cool. You’re gonna love it kid. We are part of a society that reunites variants of Spiderman from different universes to protect the multiverse.”
“Wait, so- the theory of multiverses is real?” Asked the young one.
Peter, being the science nerd he is, started to explain. “Yeah. Miguel-“ he said, pointing at the líder of the group. “-our boss, leads mostly everything in there. He’s the only Spiderman that’s not funny, but everyone else is, so don’t worry. And it’s incredible to work with the other variants. Entertaining. But you should-“
“It’s not supposed to be fun or entertaining.” Interrupted Miguel with his authoritative voice. “This is serious. The multiverse is under our protection-“
“Ugh, and there you go again.” Complained Peter like a kid. “Killjoy. You keep repeating and repeating the same thing…”
While Peter and Miguel kept discussing the matter at hand like a married couple, Jessica and Y/n shared some glances between them. The younger asking ‘Is this normal?’ with his eyes, to which she replied ‘you have no idea’ with her own look.
Kind of feeling guilty for causing the discussion, Y/n tried to fix it. “It’s not necessary. Besides, I don’t think it would work.” He talked again, gaining the attention of the team. “You seem pretty surprised by my size. Which makes me think that the rest of the dimensions are on a smaller scale. It’ll be difficult or strange for the people in those dimensions to suddenly see a big Spiderman”
Peter turned to Miguel and threw him a bad look. “And now you made him feel bad.”
Miguel made his mask disappear just so Peter could see his offended expression. He can’t be serious, right?
Jess and Y/n felt the need to face palm so hard in that moment.
Long story short, Miguel ended up giving in and accepted the young Spiderman in the society.
The first days were something.
Most were intimidated merely by his height, that is until they all saw the friendly face under the mask when he took it off. But a special gang was the most interested in the newbie. Hobie, Pav and Gwen. The same teenagers Miguel was complaining about. He could understand why, the gang has too much energy for the poor man to handle. That’s why he has taken in to his own hands, the task to entertain the group whenever they are in his office.
Partly he does it so he doesn’t get in Miguel’s bad side and on the other hand, he wants to help the boss whose hate for life seems to grow every passing day.
Other than being busy with the gang, everything else was going perfectly fine.
He was called on difficult missions with Miguel, Jess and Peter B. after checking that the mission site is spacious enough for him to move. Or even leading his own missions with Gwen, Pav and Hobie. The last one was the hardest to convince to follow instructions, but he found a way to convince him to do what he wants without him even noticing, at least not until it was already done. Reverse psychology is what worked the most.
Until there was a problem. Hobie and Gwen were called to move a doc Oc anomaly to another universe in order to fight without causing damage to the surroundings. But they didn’t expect for the anomaly to have such an advanced technology so they called for back up, aka, Y/n.
But they forgot to mention a small detail.
The anomaly was in Lego Spider-Man’s dimension.
Y/n had such a heart attack when he came flying out of the portal and instantly had to calculate the landing to avoid destroying everything.
It was inevitable.
His foot alone covered the whole street.
Back up for the back up was needed, and seconds later Jess and spider byte appeared taking care of the situation.
But poor Y/n still was left with the horrified faces of the citizens in his mind. He doesn’t know how many bit the dust because of his mistake because there were to many casualties caused by the anomalies attack. It was a miracle that Lego Spider-Man’s dimension didn’t disappear.
Gwen and Hobie were scolded for how careless they were in their decision making once they returned.
Y/n didn’t leave his own dimension for a week with Miguel’s permission to stay out of missions until further notice.
It took the whole gang and spider Lego himself to convince him to go back to the HQ.
It was hilarious for him to see the relieved face of Miguel when he again was in charge of the teenagers. Poor man felt like he was one step away from strangling them all.
It took some time and encouragement from those who care about him but everything went back to normal. Dealing with anomalies and protecting tiny people, training with different variants of Spider-Mans that were brave, confident or stupid enough to face him, and last, the most fun thing to do is invite the gang to his universe just to see them mess around with things bigger than them. His locked screen picture is a selfie he took with them holding or eating a slice of pizza half their size.
But just like with any normal human being, there are good days and bad days. Just like the present.
Y/n dedicated himself to roam in the halls of the HQ trying to clear his mind of his thoughts while he waited for a call from any Spiderman in need of back up.
There has been some things troubling him at home. The need of silence and time brought him to the training zone.
Due to the busy day, most of the spider variants are out, dealing with things in their own dimension or chasing anomalies. That left the HQ almost empty, even the training zone.
He went to the machine that simulates carrying to trains and sat down letting his feet dangle from the edge.
Many would think that being Spiderman means not having to deal with common problems. That everything is about villains and training with cool super powers. But they forget that under the mask, there’s a normal teenager with normal problems.
But still problems.
“There you are.”
Y/n flinched in his place when he heard the voice so close behind him. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice he wasn’t alone anymore.
When he turned he found Peter B. walking towards him with his always smiling baby attached to his chest.
“It’s unusual to not see you with the teenage gang during missions.” Said Peter watching his daughter impatiently kicking her legs. His smile faltered when he didn’t recibe an answer from the young giant. He looked up encountering Y/n staring at his baby with an unreadable look. Not in a bad way but still worrying. “You okay kid?”
Y/n was startled out of his thoughts. He looked away and fiddled his fingers, putting a smile in his face that didn’t reach his ears. “Yeah, yeah. Just- you know… thinking.” Said the teenage with some insecurity. “The usual.”
Peter rises an brow at the down attitude. That is totally not the usual.
Normally, whenever the giant boy sees Mayday or Jess swollen belly there’s instantly a smile in his face. But today doesn’t seem like the case.
“Hey, everything okay?” Asked the father. “Because that doesn’t sound like the usual.”
He saw Y/n’s shoulders tense up when he was caught and he didn’t like it. That meant that something is bothering him.
In a silent message that he is not leaving, Peter sat down beside the boy, looking at the hyperactive Mayday to avoid putting pressure on the teenage.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Y/n visibly deflated at those words, letting out a sigh. “It’s just-“ the words got stuck in his throat, unable the let them out. “No, forget it. It’s something stupid.” Dejectedly, he placed his elbows on his knees.
Peter put a hand on the boys side, in a reassuring way. It was the only place he could reach. “If it’s bordering you I doubt it’s stupid.”
Both of the males turned to look at Mayday when she stared fussing in the carrier. Her little hands swaying in the boys direction.
“Oh look. Little Parker here noticed that someone is sad.” Said Peter while taking his baby out of the carrier. He bounce her up and down, managing to get a laugh out of her. Instantly, better than a charm, there was a smile in Y/n’s face. But just like before, his smile slipped of his lips, returning to that indecipherable look.
Suddenly a lightbulb light up in Peters head. He stood up with Mayday in his hands and held her in front of him. “Hold her.” He said.
The sudden request startled the big guy, making him jump in his place and lean away from Peter. “What?”.
“Hold her.” He said again, bringing her nearer.
“I-I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Oh come one. It’s rejuvenating.” Y/n shifted a little to the side when Peter walked closer.
“N-No. I’m serious. It’s not a good-“
“Here” in a swift movement, Peter put his baby in the teenager’s arm. Mayday’s spider ability did the rest. She stuck to Y/n’s spider suit.
The poor giant froze in his place, he even stoped breathing in fear of blowing her away or something like that.
He may like the baby, but he’s never hold a baby, much less one this small. He is truly terrified that he’ll hurt her. She is just so small.
Both males’ attention was on the baby that stared crawling with curiosity in the new surface. She looked happy to be freed of her fathers baby prison in his chest.
Y/n, instinctively put a big hand under the baby, in case she fell, finally letting out a breath.
When she actually let herself fall and land on her back on the hand, y/n had a mini heart attack. But ultimately let a sigh of relief when she let out a giggle.
To be more comfortable, y/n brought Mayday in front of him and put his free hand below the other just in case.
Peter felt accomplished when he saw that smile in the young one’s face again. “See? Everything’s okay.”
Y/n’s smile widened when Mayday grabbed his thumb and hug it like one of her plushies. She truly is adorable. With her fluffy and curly red hair she looks like a little peach in the palm of his hand. A small baby of the size of his middle finger.
“I’m going to be a big brother.” Blurted out suddenly the teenage.
Peter blinked a few times at the declaration before finally processing. “Congratulations kid. That’s cool. Your gonna be a big sibling.” Said the man, rising his hands in celebration.
The big smile in his face waved when he saw that expression in the teenage’s faces.
“Or not?” He said a little bit unsure.
Y/n kept looking at the baby hugging and chewing his thumb. Always making eye contact with her. “It is good.” He brought his free hand closer to the other, tickling her soft chubby tummy, earning a squeal from her. “It’s the almost inexistente relationship between my mother and I that worries me.” He finally confessed.
It may have been only a few words, but the relief that brought him was evident in the way his shoulders slumped. Finally he could talk about it.
Understanding the seriousness of the situation, Peter took a seat beside the young giant in a silent sigh that he is paying attention.
“When my father died, we unconsciously stared to distance ourselves from each other. And when we realized what was happening we tried to fix it but…” Y/n physically grimace at the memories. “It was so painfully awkward between us.”
Peter’s eyes softened when the teenager took one hand of his daughter between his thumb and index. Softly caressing the chubby palm.
“And then there’s Tom.” The adult gave him a questioning look, not knowing who is Tom. “He… is my stepfather.” The teenager clarified.
“Is he a bad person?” Asked Peter a little confused why it seems like something is happening.
“No, actually no. Totally the opposite.” Y/n sighed again. “He is a good guy. He loves my mother, makes her happy and everything.”
Mayday grabbed the index that kept her arm trapped, as a way of revenge. She wrapped her arms and legs around the finger before it was lifted.
The adorable baby giggle when she was moved up and down, always keeping a hand below her for protection. The sight brought a smile to the faces on those present.
“In short, he is good for her. But he trays way too hard to be on my good side to the point it becomes really uncomfortable. And now with the baby…” At last, after everything being said, he turned to look at Peter.
The adult didn’t need the teen to finish the sentence to understand what he meant. “You fear that gap between you will only widen.”
Y/n nodded.
Peter’s gaze softened at the simple yet complicated problem. He’s had a few of those and there’s always a way to clear it.
“Look kid. Let me tell you something” Said Peter, putting a hand in Y/n’s elbow again. “I may not know your mother, but if there’s something being a father and married has thought me…”
As if knowing what her father is saying, Mayday squealed while attaching a web in Y/n’s finger to let herself dangle between his hands.
“Is that, a parent’s love knows no limits.”
Y/n nodded understanding. It was right, after what happened with his father the same year he became Spiderman, his mother became a single mother who worked overtime just to pay the bills.
She could have just sent him to an orphanage or call social services. But she didn’t. She fought to give him a good future.
“But you should talk to her.” Said Peter again catching his flying baby when she swung to her father’s arms, startling the poor boy. “We know our kids more than anyone else. But we still can’t read minds.” Concluded the father.
Simple words with a heavy bust of confidence were delivered.
Y/n let out a chuckle. He couldn’t believe it. The goofiest spider dad he has ever met actually made him feel better.
“Thanks. That actually helped.” He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with air and straightening his back.
“By the way.” Started Peter again. “You held Mayday without her making a fuss. Have you considered being a babysitter?” The ridiculously out of the blue question with his serious face made Y/n snort and shake his head. “No, I’m serious. Mayday loves you and MJ and I have been planning to go on a date for months but there’s no one we trust enough you know. With her having super powers and all.” Quickly explained Peter while bouncing his baby.
Y/n rolled his eyes with a smile. “I’ll think about it Peter. But no promises.”
In celebration, Peter threw May in the air. “Yes.” He caught the squealing baby.
“If that is the case, I’ll totally have to make an appointment beforehand.” Said a feminine voice behind them.
They turned finding the very pregnant spider woman of the society.
“Why did I suddenly became a babysitter material?” Asked the teenager in fake annoyance.
Jess smiled up at him. “You always were. With babysitting the young spider gang and everything. You’ll just babysit a real baby this time.” She said with obviousness in her voice.
Y/n nodded his head, accepting his reality.
Peter turned to Jessica, standing up with Mayday finally in the carrier again. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in stand by ordered by Miguel.”
“Miguel needs a hand in the mission. Three pairs of hands to be exact.” She clarified while starting to introduce the coordinates in her watch.
“What? Is the boss getting his butt kicked?” Joked Y/n standing up.
“Seems so. Let’s move.” Ordered the woman.
After the portal big enough for them was opened, the three were launched through the multiverse.
Y/n doesn’t know how it feels to be normal and thinking civil problems are the biggest weight his shoulders could ever carry.
But he does know that being Spiderman is something he would never give up.
He could never give this awesome people in the society up.
He would give his life first.
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heliads · 1 year
Not sure if you write for Namor from MCU, but could you write Namor x Y/N Enemies to Lovers where Y/N is a Greek demigod who helps Namor after washing up injured and Namor pays them back by helping them deal with a monster? They’re enemies bc he still distrusts humans. Could Y/N also be a child of Hecate please?
had not seen wakanda forever but this request is so good that i specifically sought it out for you, anon. a+ job
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At this point, the man washing up on the shores of the sea isn’t even the strangest thing you’ve seen all day. Nor is he your chief concern. Normally, the boundary spells up around your city would keep out any intruders, unconscious men who might be soldiers be damned, but the boundary spells haven’t been working well as of late. That’s kind of why you’re here. 
You consider him for a while, his unmoving form, the weapons at his sides still softly clinking as the rolling surf pulls them together, then decide that this is so not your problem and leave. Men destroy themselves all the time. This one, although stranger than most, will either be able to sort himself out when he wakes or be far beyond the reach of your help.
This sort of sentiment would strike many as unkind, but to you, it is nothing uncommon. This is survival. It has never been pretty. It works as well as you let it, and one moment of mercy can spell your death in a second. Right now, you’re not just responsible for yourself, but your entire civilization as well. 
If you ask most scholars and historical enthusiasts, they’ll tell you that the lost city of Atlantis is a myth. Nothing real, just a bunch of old stories all tied together into one perplexing knot. The world loves disasters. The idea of a highly advanced Ancient Greek society sinking beneath the waves, all that knowledge and power gone forever, is highly corruptive. Some people spend their entire lives hunting down rabbit holes and paper trails to see if they could be the one to track it down, but in the end, no one actually wants to find Atlantis. The allure is in the impossibility.
You suppose that’s why they never managed it. Atlantis is somewhere out there, ripe for discovery, just as so many thrillseekers have envisioned. The only problem is that its inhabitants have absolutely no desire to be found, so no one has found it. You would know, you live there. In fact, you have lived there for a very long time. Not as long as the oldest; some of you have died by now, others have left, and many have been forgotten, but the stories of what it was like before you cut yourselves off from the world have been passed down for centuries, and you’ve heard and told most all of them.
The Atlantaens were in danger, that’s why you left the ancient world in the first place. Many scoff at the idea of the Ancient Greek pantheon today; so many gods and heroes and monsters, none of them kind, all of them doomed. We love to laugh at that which we do not understand, but the gods laugh at us for not believing, and then they damn us with curses and agents of destruction. The gods are real, all of them, and they do not take kindly to insults.
Over the course of time, while the Aegean Sea was settled and fought over, a certain kind of people tended to drift towards Atlantis. At first, the progression of its society was slow, but as rumors grew of its inhabitants, those who found they had more in common with the Atlantaens than their own people left their homes to find a true one. 
To put it plainly, Atlantis was home to the demigods, the ones chosen by the Fates for a higher purpose. Many Greeks went their whole lives without being called upon the gods. Others couldn’t have a good night’s sleep without being plagued by visions of future quests in their dreams. So much immortal attention attracted the ire of the Athenians, the Spartans, everyone. Out of fear for their lives and a desire for more, those of you touched by the Olympians went to Atlantis, and once there, you never wanted to leave.
For a while, this progression was fine. No one bothered you on Atlantis because they weren’t stupid enough to try and attack an island full of half-gods and heroes. During difficult times, though, when harvests weren’t bountiful and water supplies grew dry, it was easier for outsiders to blame the island of outcasts than their own city-states. Thieves started sneaking onto Atlantis, burning your crops before vanishing under the cover of night. Prized possessions went missing. Families were hurt.
Without a definable cause, infighting erupted between demigods. Old angers between godly parents renewed themselves among their children. Poseidon’s children swore destruction on Athena’s chosen scholars. Ares’ soldiers spit at the feet of any tinkerer of Hephaestus who crossed their path.
Eventually, it became clear to the island leaders that drastic changes had to be made before the island tore itself apart. The demigods never attacked each other before things started turning sour, so the enemy was obviously the outsiders. To solve the crisis, the strongest of the demigods turned to the gods for help, and for once, they answered. Atlantis was cast away from the rest of the city-states, veiled from mortal eyes and dragged further into the Mediterranean Sea. You still had all the resources you needed from your island, you just weren’t hurt by the mortals.
Thus life carried on for centuries. Your art and achievements continued to expand at a breakneck pace. You lived longer, accomplished more. The gods smiled upon you. Your island was huge, your society could flourish without being impeded by the limits of your land. It became clear that the bad times had ended.
Or, they had, and then the first monster showed up. Without constant invaders, the art of fighting had somewhat fallen out of fashion. Ares’ descendants would never allow it to die completely, but it had become almost archaic. The monster was eventually slain, but it sparked fear into the hearts of the Atlantaens, and made everyone realize that they weren’t invulnerable.
The people of Atlantis responded in two separate ways. Some flung themselves before their temples, praying to the gods to deliver them again. They waited in their homes for an inevitable second attack, shaking and scared. Others, like you, realized that the only ones who would save you would be yourselves. The gods respond to insult; they removed Atlantis from the mortals because their offerings were constantly raided. One monster on an island of many is not worth their concern. It is up to you to protect your people.
You have two ways of saving your island. One is through the sword. The other is with your spells. Your mother, Hecate, often visits her children in dreams to instruct them in the magical arts. You’ve learned many spells and incantations, and they’ve come in handy as more and more monsters appear. You can only hope that they will be enough to continue the defense of the island. It seems as if the attacks will never end.
And, chillingly, perhaps they never will. You and your fellow demigods, the ones that decided to fight back instead of waiting for a salvation that will never come, have made a plan to save yourselves. Part of that involves regular patrols and expeditions to the outermost reaches of the island to kill any monster that crosses your path. You have enchanted swords at the ready, plus half a dozen defensive spells burning under your fingertips. This is not the time at which you die. 
You have enjoyed many patrols over the past few years, but today, your veins are thrumming with adrenaline even more than at the start. You know something is out there. A couple of farmers turned up with bloody livestock, scared of something poaching their animals. Scales and talons have been found. If you’re right— and let’s be honest, you really don’t want to be— you’ve got a Hydra on your hands. 
That’s bad news. The monsters were small at the start; a lesser scourge here and there, a malevolent spirit, and then they got bigger. A harpy. A medium sized giant. If you’re getting hydras— well, maybe you’ll have to make some good offerings to the gods in addition to your regular training. Some divine protection couldn’t hurt at a time like this. 
That’s why you can’t afford to worry about a man passed out on your shores, not yet. Yes, he is a problem, a definitive sign that the godly interference that should be protecting Atlantis has started to slacken, but you can deal with him after you kill the hydra that’s after both of you. Always the monster you know, right? Or the monster you know is lurking in the undergrowth, ready to slaughter you and your entire island. 
You had planned on coming back for the guy, sure, but maybe his unconscious body doesn’t believe that, because you’ve hardly taken ten steps past his fallen form when he suddenly jerks to life. It’s like reanimating a corpse, how he moves; from nothing to everything all at once. His eyes go wide, and he gasps desperately for air, one hand reaching to his throat. Strangely enough, he doesn’t choke out water, but blood, a few scarlet mouthfuls before he lies on his back once more, twitching into stillness. 
You peer back over at him. Not dead yet, his chest still rises and falls with desperate breaths. It would be smart to carry on your path and only check in with this man when you’re sure a monster won’t lunge at you out of the surrounding trees the second you turn your back, but he’s spotted you already. One hand reaches out towards you, trembling, from where he lies in the surf.
He starts to open his mouth, and you silently prepare yourself for some sort of desperate plea, a call for aid. Instead, you’re surprised when all the man says is, “Were you really going to leave me to die here?”
You blink at him. “I thought you were already dead.”
He has the audacity to frown at you. “I would have died if I needed help and you didn’t provide it.”
You can’t believe he’s washed up on your island– you know, the unfindable one– and has the nerve to question your hospitality. “Same difference.”
“Not to me,” he harrumphes, and starts to sit up. So he really isn’t dead. If he isn’t dying, though, that means it actually is your duty to help him. You’re more of a soldier than a nurse, so he’d better not have any broken limbs. Seeing as you really have no choice, you bite back a bitter groan and help him at last. He eyes you distrustfully, but lets you drag him farther from the tide. You had intended to prop him up against a tree or something, but he protests when he gets too far from the water, so you settle for a smooth boulder close enough to the surf that the waves still crash over his feet.
Strangely enough, the water seems to be helping him heal. You can see the ghosts of scars criss crossing his chest, but they don’t appear to be old wounds. Instead, they might be recent. 
You squint at him. “Do you have enhanced healing?”
“And strength,” he adds. “I wouldn’t recommend trying to kill me. You would die before you got the chance.”
If this is how strangers act when you try to help them, you’re not surprised that the ancient Atlantaens asked the gods to cordon off their island. “I could tell you the same thing. Keep your hands where I can see them.”
He regards you for a second. “Why should I do what you tell me? I don’t bow to strangers.”
“Neither do I,” you force out through gritted teeth, “and right now, you’re on my land, so I suggest you learn to scrape at least a little bit.”
He narrows his eyes. The salty sea air blows his dark hair against his face, revealing more of the ornate jewelry around his neck. It looks ancient, perhaps even as old as your society. Although you’d like nothing more than for him to hurry off of Atlantis, you can’t help your curiosity and open your mouth to ask about it.
You’re cut off before you get the chance. The man doubles over all of a sudden, hands flying to his throat once more. Now that you’ve moved him farther away from the ocean, you have a better look at his wounds, and although they’re healing quickly, they look severe. Severe enough to kill him even with advanced health.
Swearing, you raise your hands and begin chanting. Healing spells have become increasingly useful as of late; Hecate’s children learn at least one before they're even knee height, and you’ve had plenty of chances to practice these sorts of incantations thanks to the sudden surge of monster attacks.
Tendrils of magic fly from your hands and wrap around the man. The spells target the injuries across his chest, his heart, his throat, and strangely enough, a few fly down to one of his ankles, repairing a set of wings above his feet. You chant until your throat goes hoarse, until he stops choking, until his breathing settles. Only then do you lower your hands, and wait there in terrible transience, waiting for him to say something.
At last, slowly, incredulously, he does. “What did you do?”
“I saved your life,” you say.
He nods. “I know. With magic?”
You incline your head. He ponders this for a moment longer, then extends a hand towards you. “My name is Namor.”
You stare at his outstretched palm, then take it. “I’m Y/N. Welcome to Atlantis.”
He doesn’t believe you at first. It appears that the rumors of Atlantis’ disappearance are more widespread than you thought if they’ve managed to reach an underwater Mesoamerican city across the world. Namor believes you soon enough, though, especially when he’s gathered his strength enough for you to lead him up a rocky cliff so he can see the majesty of your island sprawling out before him. 
The sight stuns even you, with your years of remembering it, so you’re pleased to see that Namor looks appropriately stupefied. Atlantis is a marvel; crisscrossing colonnades, magnificent gardens, marble roofs shining in the sun, temples to so many gods and goddesses that even you can’t remember them all. Children run laughing in the streets, and their parents chastise them or smile at the fun they’re having. A flock of university students chatter on their way to class. Soldiers practice in an open training yard, and the clash of bronze echoes such that you can hear it even here, on the very outskirts of the island.
“This is your home?” He asks.
You smile. “It is.”
“Why were you all the way out here, then?” Namor queries, “If not looking for dying men to ignore?”
You roll your eyes. “I saved you eventually, didn’t I?”
He laughs. “Only when I asked you to. Some would call that heartless.”
You arch a brow. “Would you?”
He takes a step closer to you. “No,” he says at last, “I don’t think I would.”
You breathe out evenly and then, to hide the sudden pressure between your ribs, change the subject. “How did you come here, Namor? Our island is under enchantment to hide us from the rest of the world. You never should have been able to come here, especially not since it’s so far from where you were.”
Namor sighs. “I don’t know. I was returning home with my people after a truce with the Wakandans. We were attacked on the way by something, some sort of monster. I don’t know what it was. We managed to kill it, but while I was leading it away from our home, it struck me through the chest. I must have lost consciousness after I struck the killing blow, and then I woke up here.”
This makes worry tie up your stomach in tight knots. “A monster?”
You look back towards your shining city. Everyone seems to be happy and carefree right now, but if your monsters are cropping up in other parts of the world– if you cannot protect yourselves, not even if you had to run from Atlantis– there is no telling how long any of you could survive, especially not if the monsters keep getting bigger.
Namor lays a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Is everything alright, Y/N?”
“No,” you say firmly, “It’s not. Our peace has been shattered as of late. More and more monsters show up on our borders. I was out here to find another one that’s been spotted recently, a hydra. Even if I kill this one, though, it’ll be replaced by two more the next day. They never stop coming.”
The look in Namor’s eyes is soft, understanding. He knows what it’s like to feel as if you cannot keep your own people safe. “I will seek out this hydra with you. I have to go back to Talokan soon, but you have my word to return whenever you need help.”
You regard him questioningly. “Why would you make such a promise? We only just met.”
He lifts a shoulder. “You saved my life, I owe you a debt. Besides, we only have so many places free of humans left in the world. We should protect each other when we can.”
You smile, then decide to tease him a little more. “You know I’m half human, right?”
He feigns disgust. “I will only help half of your city, then.”
You laugh. “And kill half the hydra? That’s ridiculous.”
“No more than someone only being half immortal,” he points out. “How does that even work?”
You grin. “I try not to think about it.”
He matches your pleased expression. “Then I won’t, either.”
And so your daily patrol is joined by a feathered serpent god. The two of you stalk silently through the forests on the outskirts of Atlantis, marking signs of heavy travel. Intent on your prey, you manage to locate it with a combination of your spells and his experience. Killing the hydra is difficult, obviously; Tartarus does not make its monsters without wanting them to be impervious to most attacks, but when the dust settles, both of you are still alive and without too much damage. The same cannot be said for the dead monster, so a win’s a win.
The two of you stand there for a moment longer, weapons in hand, and then Namor slowly, remorsefully lifts his gaze from the dead hydra to look at you. “It’s time for me to go,” he says softly, “Talokan will be expecting me. They will wonder why I have not returned. I cannot afford for them to attack Wakanda again out of some nonexistent threat to their leader.”
“I understand,” you reply. You don’t like it, though. Not nearly as much as you would have liked it when you first found him on your shores.
“I should go,” he repeats, but his weapons are gone from his hands and he’s striding towards you, closing the distance in a breath, kissing you.
“You should go,” you tell him, but his hands are on your hips and you don’t want him to let go, not now, and certainly not to a city across the sea.
“I should–” Namor begins, but you interrupt him to kiss him again. His fingers curl against your sides, and you know for certain that he wants to leave just about as you want him to.
He does force himself away eventually. Both of you understand that there is and will always be something greater than the two of you at stake. Neither of you are just a person, just a god; the fate of your homes is far more pressing than any personal want. Still, when you walk back with him to the ocean and watch him disappear beneath the glimmering blue of the waves, you know that you’ll regret every lost moment.
Still, there is hope that you might see him again. He told you how to find Talokan, and Namor is familiar with Atlantis now. You could find each other again, frame it as a need for your countries to have diplomatic relations. You could be happy again. It might take time, but it could happen. You, for one, will be counting down the days until then.
marvel tag list: @mayfieldss, @rogueanschel, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @callsign-scully, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @eclliipsed, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @gods-fools-heroes, @w1shes43, @deafsuperhero, @fadedver, @alex-1967s-blog, @crazyhearttragedy
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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bugboybuck · 4 months
do you have any wishes for any buck-centric storylines next season? I feel in desperate need of some proper buck whump, coz it feels like it’s been FOREVER. Like, I think the lightning was supposed to be that, but it kind of felt like it was as much about everyone else as it was buck, and then the whump that should’ve followed it never really turned into anything before being dropped for… Natalia?? I just need to see Buck terribly sad and/or injured next season and maybe that makes me evil, but I don’t care. Season four was so long ago! MAKE THAT MAN SAD 2025!!!
ohhhhh my god SO many wishes !!
the lightning strike was Such once-in-a-lifetime (literally lmao) whump potential and i def feel they didn't follow through after it tbh?? i loved the coma ep and the actual lightning plot, but then they turned it into a healing moment for his parents that didn't feel earned and then just wrapped it up in a plot w natalia that went nowhere, i didn't feel they actually capitalised on it?? i don't want buck to get hurt in a way that will take him out of the 118 for any length of time next season bc i do feel there will be a Lot of shenanigans with the team make-up, but i would definitely love to see what'd happen if he got hurt next season and had tommy to worry about him/have the team noticing how different it is now he's got tommy. like maddie trying to organise another look-after-buck rota like she did after the lightning but every time someone turns up tommy's already there and they're like maddie i don't think this is needed?? his big strong boyfriend is waiting on him hand and foot???
i'd obviously love to see more of him exploring life as a queer man, too!!! i think hoping for a pride ep is too much to ask for, altho something like the team responding to a regular call during pride (nothing majorly disastrous but like someone broke their ankle at a drag show or something trying to do a death drop lmao) and buck excitedly announcing to everyone that he'd be there if he wasn't on the clock!! bc he's bi!!! and just connecting wiht other queer ppl in any way really. in my dreams we get some kind of full plot related to him becoming more out-and-proud and figuring out what that means for him — i think this could work super well with a plot with hen where they do something like protest some anti-lgbtq policy within the department, or run an event for lgbtq firefighters or something. like u CANNOT tell me clipboard!buck wouldn't be alllll over becoming event-coordinator for the lgbtqia+ firefighter society or something lmaoo.
honestly there's SO MUCH i'd rlly love them to explore tho. other figures from his varied past before firefighting turning up! more nuanced exploration of his relationship w his parents that isn't just 'this is all fixed now bc they decided to care age 30 so i'm fine'. career stuff — i don't pretend to know how the lafd works but i hear there's some kind of leiutenant thing u can become that's a step above regular firefighter and he'd CRUSH that and we know he has the ambition of someday being a captain. him deciding to take steps towards that, or training in some kind of specific rescue technique, getting more uber-competent moments where he gets to run a scene on his own.
oh and i want an episode where him and tommy to run a rescue together and them both to be wildly attracted to how good their bf is at his job and then make out against a fire truck at the end
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laddersofsweetmisery · 3 months
There's nothing I can't stand more than elitist perspectives from supposed academics. Academia is a PRIVILEGE to pursue. You were lucky. You had just the right foundation, just the right experiences, and just the right support.
I was homeless, raised by addicts, and severely malnutritioned from the ages 12 to 20. I remember having to melt snow in the winter just to wash my hair and it was still a privilege for me to acquire a literary degree. I had just the right people looking out for me and just the right life experiences to encourage my interests. I've never considered myself without privilege nor have I believed 'I worked hard to get here, so I deserve it.' The truth is that thousands of people work hard and everyone deserves it, but their resources differed from mine and yours. I just had the right circumstances to encourage my educational pursuits.
Not everyone has that.
Even in my most unluckiest moments, I was lucky to receive an education.
If someone stumbles into dark/light academia for the vibes alone and ends up learning about art history, poetry, new books to read and obsess over...then THAT'S A GOOD THING. I view the aesthetic as a gateway towards learning. Telling others they have no place in academia is so counterintuitive and can make them resentful. If you can make education more palatable and more easily digested, why wouldn't you support that? If you truly love academia, then you will love all facets and not just the parts that allow you to stroke your ego.
I believe education is a privilege and we must take our privileges as a chance to educate ourselves so that we can educate others at a more affordable rate. To me, having the opportunity to receive a quality education means you now have a civic duty to pass on that knowledge to those who couldn't afford the same opportunities.
Education is not a pathway to superiority, it is a journey towards empathy and civic engagement.
I share my poetry and other writings not because I think I'm good. I share because someone somewhere might need to hear it. I found my love for literature when I stumbled into Instagram poetry at 13 years old--a realm of poetry that receives immense backlash from supposed 'lovers-of-the-written-word.' Now, I obsess over John Milton, the Brontë's, and Mary Hays.
Accessibility is vital to academic communities. These communities that utilize the aesthetic to encourage involvement are doing good in the world even if you think it to be frivolous. They are exposing those who may not have originally been interested in education due to their foundations and experiences to wear a cozy sweater, make some tea, pick up a book, head to their local art museums, and pursue something they didn't know was available to them.
I support the Colleen Hoover girlies, I support the Instagram poets, I support the aesthetic followers, I support ACOTAR, I support fanfiction. I support words and what they can do for others no matter the form.
In a world where literacy rates are at a low, encouragement and accessibility are our greatest tools.
Do not weaponize education for your own egocentric objectives. It is a selfless communal endeavor to enrich the way we understand, interact, and positively influence the institutions around us.
Most children enjoy learning about the world around them, ask yourself, 'What made them stop loving it?' and then, ask yourself, once more, 'Could it have been people like me?'
Mary Hays via Mr. Francis said it best: "When the minds of men are changed, the system of things will also change...Let us remember, that vice originates in mistakes of understanding, and that, he who seeks happiness by means contradictory and destructive, is emphatically the sinner. Our duties, then, are obvious--If selfish and violent passions have been generated by the inequalities of society, we must labour to counteract them, by endeavoring to combat prejudice, to expand the mind, to give comprehensive views, to teach mankind their true interest, and to lead them to habits of goodness and greatness...Let it, then, be your noblest ambition to co-operate with, to join your efforts, to those of philosophers and sages, the benefactors of mankind...everyone in his sphere may do something; each has a little circle where his influence will be availing."
-Memoirs of Emma Courtney, by Mary Hays
For those interested in learning from the security of home when you can't afford the privilege of a classroom, here are some links that I've enjoyed and perused multiple times throughout the years. They are FREE OF ANY COST. Have fun with education in whatever ways you can and feel free to ask me if your interested in further resources or just want to chat. I don't know everything, but I'll do what I can to help. Check out Perseus at https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/
Holy shit, they've got it all! I use it for their Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, but there is so much more to learn to and explore. The Mission of Perseus: "Our larger mission is to make the full record of humanity - linguistic sources, physical artifacts, historical spaces - as intellectually accessible as possible to every human being, regardless of linguistic or cultural background."
Check out Project Gutenberg at https://www.gutenberg.org/
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 70,000 free eBooks! They have a lot of free classics, so if you're struggling to afford books for school, this is an excellent resource!
Love poetry? Interested in Emily Dickinson? Then, read The Prowling Bee at https://bloggingdickinson.blogspot.com/?m=1
The Prowling Bee is a blog by Susan Kornfield. I love hearing her insight into the poems and hearing from someone passionate about Dickinson's work!
Check out the John Milton Reading Room at https://milton.host.dartmouth.edu/reading_room/contents/text.shtml
This one is a favorite of mine! It includes the complete poetry and selected prose of John Milton, with introductions, research guides, and hyperlinked annotations.
Interested in journalism? Check out The Outlaw Ocean Project at https://www.theoutlawocean.com/
The Outlaw Ocean Project is a non-profit journalism organization based in Washington D.C. that produces investigative stories about human rights, labor, and environmental concerns on the two thirds of the planet covered by water. The content they produce is so vital, I couldn't recommend it more highly.
Additionally, you can sign up for some newsletters so you can receive articles in your inbox everyday! My favorites are:
The Literary Hub at lithub.com
The Literary Hub is an organizing principle in the service of literary culture, a single, trusted, daily source for all the news, ideas and richness of contemporary literary life.
JSTOR Daily at https://daily.jstor.org/
JSTOR Daily is a daily magazine that contextualizes current events with scholarship found on JSTOR. They are published by JSTOR, the nonprofit digital library of scholarly journals, books, images, audio, research reports, and primary sources. JSTOR Daily stories are what we like to call academic adjacent—they are carefully researched and written by experts for a general audience. Each piece  provides historical, scientific, literary, political, and other background for understanding our world. 
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mdhwrites · 1 month
how do you feel about the oppressed mage or super powered individual cliche? The cliche where mutants or wizards or vampires etc are discriminated against? I think there are some logical issues with the trope (how do you oppress magneto? Somebody please tell me- he could end the planet if he wanted to) but I want to see if people have issues with the social issues aspect- I have no idea if I'm phrasing this well. Do you think it's a potentially offensive cliche?
So I'm going to give a heads up that this is NOT a fun topic and it IS actually, genuinely problematic as allegory for racial discrimination which is what it is usually used for. Of governments oppressing people just for the status of their birth. Of the jealousy and fear that motivates so much of the irrational mindset of the bigot...
...Except that they're right from go.
Someone asked me at one point what flaw I would give a magical race so as to make bigotry justified towards them to make a work more nuanced and I bopped them on the head for missing the point. After all, bigotry is irrational. It's never right. It's always selfishly motivated and personally motivated, not logically motivated. Claims like "They're taking our jobs!" aren't because of the race of the person, it's because they have been made a scapegoat about economic anxieties the person has and they want someone to blame. This is in contrast to "Eat the rich because they're hoarding wealth and destroying everyone's lives," because that's factually accurate. You're not being bigoted when you are literally stating what is true.
So the big question for anything that tries to do this is the WHY of these characters being oppressed, not the how. You can come up with any how you want, it's the why that matters much more for your allegory. So... Why are these people prejudiced against in the first place?
"If they make one mistake with their abilities, an entire town is leveled and a monster runs free!"
This is literally the argument for mages in Dragon Age but it is the very common argument for this. That these people are essentially massive bombs. You yourself pointed this out in fact. Magneto can destroy the planet. Superman can destroy the planet. Ironman can ravage entire armies while staying untouched. They are blessed in ways that humanity has no way to match. People saying that they are inherently a threat to all of us, that even accidents by them are likely to cause devastating consequences (the collateral damage of any superhero fight for instance, or what happens if someone accidentally knocks Cyclop's glasses off) so they need to in some way be controlled and monitored like we would treat weapons.
The argument for why this is supposed to work is that anyone can go out and buy a gun. Anyone can build their muscles to a point where they can overpower just about anyone else so how do you regulate against something that is genuinely universal? Here's the thing though: That bodybuilder isn't bulletproof. That gunman still needed to go through the legislation and regulation we have to get a gun, which is why you don't see as many shootings in places with more restrictions. They are also just regular people who took drastic action in one direction, perverting an element of society and causing harm. They are not someone who can talk to a child who turns out to be a demon and then go on a rampage because now they too are a demon because Dragon Age is really fucking shitty about its allegory when it comes to mages. And honestly probably the elves too, I haven't dived that deep recently.
It's much closer to why we TECHNICALLY hold people like cops and soldiers to a higher standard than a regular person. We empower these people with the ability to do more harm than ANYONE in regular society on the preconception that they only use the privilege to them responsibly. Cops don't fucking do that almost at all, ACAB, and any privatized military out there is a fucking nightmare on top of the nightmare of being soldiers because now they serve capitalism and the dollar, not people. Fucking Christ, why is it like this!?
And if you want to know why heroes don't kill, that entire fucking paragraph is why they don't kill. The Punisher is not a good person.
Is there a way to do this right? I... Don't really know. I think the mutants, for the shit I've given them here, are actually a decent example since most actually have fairly benign powers. Ones that can be controlled and have to be abused so as to be able to hurt people. Angel isn't hurting anyone with his wings after all, they mostly serve as an inconvenience to him if they're out during civil life. There are real questions as to whether he should be regulated just because someone like Magneto exists. It also is complicated by the worlds they live in. Superheroes are just a fact to the Marvel Universe and yet the mutants get so much more scrutiny and hate despite not being really any different from Bruce Banner except that they were born this way, not made. That is genuinely an effective way to shift that dynamic.
Which is probably the core answer to doing this allegory correctly. Make sure that the world you make adds nuance to trying to oppress these super powered beings. That it is genuinely unfair compared to other people like them. Dragon Age's closest version to this is how the Chantry Templars are blessed with holy power and the like but stand unregulated, even to the point where that became a core conflict as the Templars chose to boost themselves with magic rocks to murder mages better. That still mostly fails, it's much closer to the cops deciding to buy rocket launchers which is not an even similar argument to what is going on with the mages but it's an attempt. Then again, much of Thedas is built on inequality so shrug.
But no matter what, even with these potential ways of making it work, there is a very easy way to figure out if it's not working: If the characters are making an argument that is simply factually correct for hate, you have fucked up and you need to stop. See you next tale.
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sidekickjoey · 3 months
Rewatching Boy Meets World from S5-S7 is a wild time, because for all the emphasis this show places on the characters getting into college, we only end up finding out what one of them actually majors in once they're there. So, here's my ideas/thoughts that no one's asked for on everyone's eventual majors, from what I'm surest of to pure speculation:
Jack - Journalism & Engineering: First off, it's WILD to me that this is the only confirmed major we have from anyone on the show. Second, I have mixed feelings about it. Engineering makes total sense given his future career deals in the business of building pipelines/structures that could impact the environment but also make one very rich. However, why not make his second major be business then??? Even if the writers didn't know his future career then, they showed Jack has a propensity for entrepreneurship and is money motivated. It would've made way more sense for him to double in business or finance rather than a major we never saw him care for, as great as the journalism rep is. Or, if not business, do architecture! He mentioned wanting to be an architect and Eric said he'd be great at it! He had a highly technical and grand scheme kind of mind! Let him construct big things!
Topanga - Pre Law: Political-Science(?): We eventually find out in GMW that Topanga earns her Master's Degree in Political Science and ends up going to NYU law, but there's zero clue during BMW about her concentration while she's pre-law. Like...at all. I suppose she did political science given her later degree, but...maybe also not!
Shawn - English/Literature or Journalism: Shawn takes a lot of literature and writing courses in college (ignore that everyone else does as well), and he ends up working as a professional writer/photographer. I'd say he's an English major or something of the sort. Either that, or journalism adjacent. Very sure of this despite it not being mentioned directly.
Eric - Psychology: This is my strongest not-super-confirmed hunch. Not only do we see Eric take a ton of psych courses (ignore that everyone else does as well), but we're shown/told multiple times that the one thing he gets, even post-grad, is people. $20 what happened is he chose psych because, ah yes, I know people! I can study their minds!, only to reach graduation and realize he had no idea what to actually do with it. Panicked, he threw himself into community service/volunteering for a while as a way to still contribute to society/be helpful while buying himself time to figure things out. That built a solid rep for him with people -> people elected him mayor because he's great with people/the community -> people/the community elected him as senator because they trusted he cared about them/would work to advocate for their needs and what's right. Still think he should've been Feeny 2.0 or just studied meteorology like he wanted to from the start (screams), but I see the vision.
Cory - Education? History? Both?: Cory's college experience confuses me. He ends up a teacher, but we never received even a hint that that's what he was studying. I mean, you're telling me Mr. George Feeny, greatest teacher of all time, saw one of his favorite students majoring in education and didn't absolutely snag that boy aside to coach him in his image 24/7??? There's only two explanations I can think of here. 1) Cory majored in history (we see him take a few history classes) and went back to school to study as a teacher (since he later is a history teacher). 2) Cory switched majors to education after the show ended. I'm still mad he didn't just go into video journalism.
Angela - African American Studies/Literature(?): Angela mentions a few times doing papers regarding social justice/African American studies, but it's never really specified what it's all going toward. She also has a known love for poetry and literature (she owns lots of books/is seen writing and reading a lot), so she very well could've been doing something with that, too. I kind of like the idea of her becoming a prolific author writing on her feelings/experiences/thoughts on society/etc. It would be cool too if she ended up writing anything about her dad, especially in his honor once he passes.
Rachel - Social Work? Environmental Science? I think she mentions law at some point(?), but Rachel is kind of all over the place future-wise. We see her super unsure of what she wants to do in life, even right before graduation (ngl I giggled at the writers having her want to be so many things that require specific undergrad tracks & post-grad programs to even be considered for, be so fr you bunch). Given the fact she goes off to the Peace Corps, I'd like to think she was in the general realm of social work/sustainability/etc. and just went on to execute what she learned about that through the Peace Corps.
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angelicxboi · 3 months
LO critique / rant
(I haven't read LO in a while, this is based off memory.)
One thing of many things I didn't like about LO is that the fantasy world of the gods and mortals isn't explicitly explained or understood? Why do the gods need the mortals and vice-versa. How are they gonna tease Thetis and Achilles and then not really explain how and why that came to be. Why are most of the gods one dimensional, they have multiple titles and 'purposes'. And those with epithets don't clearly abide by those epithets (See; Artemis in LO. even Persephone herself. I'd argue everyone in LO...just is similar to the greek gods in name alone.)
And on the topic of 'powers' because I'm pretty sure that's how they describe it in the comic-whats the rules here? Why do some gods 'gain' different powers or titles, why do they get epithets if they hardly interact with mortals? Are other gods giving them their titles?
I understand that LO is, supposed to be a romantic, consenting re-telling of Persephone and Hades, thus these things shouldn't be my main strife but since the author added all these weird plots and plot-lines about succession to power (Apollo becoming..king?) and constantly having scenes where the gods just sit around in legit business meetings yapping about nothing- I think it'd be nice to at least have a consistent line of rules and thoughts to go along with these plots.
Also since Hades is 'king' i feel like there should be alot more discussion about that. Not just how his realm works but like, his relationship with mortals. He's a king, but unlike Zeus he's kinda a king of dead mortals, which once again. Why aren't mortals really discussed in LO? Gods without mortals are just...guys.
But even if I poke and prod at the romance aspect, its... alot. Alot wrong. Here's how I'd re-write LO.
I wouldn't model the characters entirely off real people I know. These Greek gods have literal centuries worth of characterization I can choose from, or include all of it. Ex. Persephone herself is described as 'girl' a child, her titles include the same ones as her mother, 'fruit-grower' 'lady of the harvest' etc. but she's also known as 'mad/dread Persephone' just based on titles alone this is a good basis to further develop this character.
Make it more campy and anarchic, and play into it. Or, make it completely serious. Having one panel or one chapter discuss themes of emotional abuse and dominance only to be followed by a scene where Hades dresses Persephone up as Marylin Monroe and calls her "kitten", is like whip-lash. I'd either try to make it as Barbie 2023 as possible or just not add the comedy at all.
Characters, (especially the main ones) need to be fleshed out. I cannot tell you any redeeming qualities Hades has by himself. He is a shitty partner to Minthe and creepy towards Persephone early on. (Full-grown god thinking about Persephone, a goddess not even half his age...WHILE he is still dating Minthe.) I don't know his personality other than his trauma, and that he apparently loves Persephone but...why?
^ Going off this point. Obviously, characters need to change, having Persephone as a 'blank slate' in the beginning of the story as we follow her while she grows up and discovers her strengths and boundaries is fine. But we also need that from Hades.
Hades in LO is kinda written as a guy who doesn't want to look like he's in the wrong, but by being wishy-washy he's just a really worse guy. I'd write him completely differently.
Maybe the real villain was the patriarchy...kinda like the original Hades and Persephone myth. I would cut the nonsense and villanification of Apollo, and instead give that to Zeus if we were to demonize anyone in the story.
Demeter... I love Demeter and her and Persephone's relationship would be rewritten and reworked so much.
Expand on mortals. Mortals can be the backbone of this god society, they can be envied or treated like dirt in the eyes of the gods. but regardless they are interwoven with the gods and shouldn't only be mentioned just to mass slaughter them off.
Expand on nymphs. As is, I'm not really a fan of LO's deception of them. But, big fan of Hades (game) nymphs.
TLDR; I initially thought LO was fun because of the...different character design and the premise was funny to me, Persephone being a broke college student just like me. But...then the story went on and the plot holes became bigger and less meaningful and i remember reading a panel where Hades called Persephone 'kitten'
All this to say, LO was good if you have no previous knowledge of greek myth. It was a nice way to dip your toes into it- otherwise if you are familiar with greek myth and start reading LO expecting a cool new spin or reimagining of these figures. You will only get mad.
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sapphic-agent · 1 year
i really appreciate your anti bakugo posts, because i don't like him. and people saying he misunderstood like??? he doesn't need to take 300+ chapters to give a half-assed apology I'm in another fandom where there is a character extremely like bakugo, and his stans treat him the same when in reality that character is the worst. Like, they treat him as short of misunderstood saint and underdog when he isn't. but the difference is how the writers treat them in canon; while Hori is trying to make Bakugo looks more likable with his plot armor and the fact that he only faces a slap on the wrist on his horrible actions.
while the other writer is like: Nha. He got the unhappy ending he deserves and he and the MC will not reconcile and he gets no bitchs. while the MC gets his happy ending with the person he loves and travels the world. like that character was so bad that they needed to soften him in lots of the adaptions; because he was that bad in the story narrative. both of them wrote about extremely angry characters, but the way that they did them is extremely different in the narrative of the story. like as someone with anger issues, since i was a toddler, the why fandom says that "he angry character it isn't his fault." is making me unironically mad. like; i can say lots of things in angry fits but i apologize like immediately after i calm down. taking accountability and facing consequences for your own actions is,,, suppose to be normal. sorry for the rant. I'm tired of my friend telling me that bakugo is misunderstood character (we have been going on it since the 1st session was released so like... 5 years)
Hi there, I'm so glad you like my posts!
The fandom certainly does victimize Bakugou a lot, doesn't it? People will point fingers literally everywhere else: his mother, his teachers, society, etc. But never towards Bakugou himself. Never holding him accountable for his own actions. One time when discussing with someone, they tried to tell me that Bakugou is aware that what he does to Izuku is wrong...
Okay? Then why doesn't he stop? That isn't the defense they think it is.
I think a great example of how to handle a character like this is what they do in Bojack Horseman. Bojack had a shitty childhood too with parents who were actually abusive. But the show stresses the fact that while his childhood is a reason for his actions, they are not an excuse. He also doesn't get a happy ending. He lost everything he ever had that was important to him: the TV show that made him famous, his money, his house, his close relationships- all of it.
Now obviously nothing Bakugou did was as bad as Bojack. And I don't necessarily think that (narratively speaking) he should have been expelled or had his life ruined. He was still a kid after all and I don't think he was ever at any point irredeemable.
But Bakugou never had to work hard to redeem himself, people just... let him. Ignored his behavior and the way he treated everyone (not just Izuku). I've said before that he continued to treat everyone like shit and got away for it because of comedy which severely undermined Horikoshi's attempt at redeeming him. This could have easily been rectified by giving Bakugou a moment of clarity whenever he did this. Even if it wasn't outright "sorry" it could have been an internal monologue where he shows regret for lashing out. It would not only make it clear that he's actively trying to be better even if he doesn't change immediately, it would have made him way more realistic.
I, personally, don't mind anger issues and his anger isn't why I dislike him. I mean, it can be annoying as hell but that isn't why I think he's a bad character. I've liked a ton of characters with anger issues (I have freaking Santana Lopez in my pfp lolz) and as long as they're well-written I've never had a problem.
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alex-the-moss · 10 months
Sorry for another question(i think i should deal with it somehow), but i saw a new mini special episode with 14th(???) and i wanted to know your opinion on it, if you have watched it
That’s OK, you just gave me the right opportunity to talk about it! And there’s a long text) Most important take: change in appearance is not the problem, change in character is!
Regarding the episode itself: I find it aesthetically pleasing and it was kinda funny at certain moments, but I couldn’t help but think that for the sake of those jokes something more impressive have been mercilessly sacrificed. For example I didn’t like how much Doctor had interfered with the act of creation of the daleks. It neglects how personally important to Davros are his children and how overprotective he’s over them. The Doctor shouldn’t have been involved in the genesis of the most horrible race in the universe this much either. Also the choice of their name is a spit straight in the face for all BF fans. And there’s an issue with kaled clothes: Davros is dressed like a security commander while there’s no reason why someone who’d always put scientists above soldiers and politicians would wear a military uniform in his own laboratories. He looks like a part of the military elite, but ranks exist for a reason and hence there’re different uniforms to distinquish them from one another. Also you have to wear light colored clothes in laboratories to be able to notice immediately any dirt or if anything have spilled)
Now addressing the elephant in the room: uncrippled Davros. First of all: I do not mind the way he looks, except for the fact that character’s iconic look is lost completely. But I may find this appearance of his attractive too. His new face isn’t something overly tragic. The problem is about the timeline and the statement RTD made on the topic: Davros was never crippled. And just like that it means that Davros never had to survive the bomb, he is not in constant pain and he does not need any physical assistance. Which leads to a number of results: he doesn’t have a trauma from burning alive, completely changing the way he looks and then going through a medical hell with all its pain and restrictions; he never had to choose to live and carry on with his work, because he was never inferior to the kaleds due to his condition and hence he was never separated physically and socially from other "pure" kaleds by his condition; he also have never formed a special villain&henchmen bond with Nyder, bc half of his services and fanatical sensitivity to changes in Davros’ mechanical voice aren’t required anymore, as well as him being ready to follow a “crippled kaled". I feel like some people completely forget what the character development is. And most seem to not understand the peculiarities of it for a person with special needs that lives in a fascist society. That’s the biggest problem. It’s not the same character anymore. And the cherry on top: "new Davros" idea undoes the work of everyone involved in creating 6-disk BF audio series that tells the story of Davros as we know him (btw in BF stories his trauma was something that lead us to be able to experience empathy even towards Davros. And empathy is a good thing, you know)
Isn’t it also offensive that the bosses of the show speak as if the trauma of losing half of one’s body means nothing so you can just toss it out of character development. How many people with special needs are really OK with that idea? That their trauma and impact on their life it had is no big deal?
Then there’re good and bad people in every demographic. Saying that special needs people aren’t evil sounds pretty stereotypical to me. Also I’ve literally never heard anyone complain about Davros’ needing a life-support chariot before. But what a way to ruin a great character. Davros wasn’t even a person with special needs for the reason "the RTD statement" suggests. He was supposed to look like this, to emphasise how far away he’s from other kaleds while much closer to daleks, and to visually represent how he’d put everything he is himself into his creations. Bonus argument: he’s not even in a wheelchair. What people view as such is actually his life-support system that also allows him to move normally. The best part in my opinion: they said no bad guys with special needs and now we have NO REAPPEARING CHARACTERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. So why couldn’t they just stop creating villains that have special needs for the future episodes, leaving old ones as they were. For me you either do that or you go and re-film EVERY EPISODE OF CLASSIC WHO that contains, for example, SEXISM. And they could have included a full time compainion who is wheelchair bound or something.
Also Davros had appeared in New who two times or so. He isn’t around most of the time, there was no reason to mess with this specific character! 48 YEARS it has existed peacefully and no one cared
The money are the key to everything but I’m convinced that changing a 50yo design of a well known villain will not help the bosses earn more!
So the more you think about it from each perspective the less logical this decision seems. And this is what I dislike just as much as the fact that my favorite character won’t continue to exist. Because if he dies, at least tell me WHY
And all of this distraction bosses of the show have managed to squish in only five minutes! Daleks would envy them)
This episode was such a backstab overall! If given a choice I’d prefer Davros to never appear again at all(
This is absurd and insanity
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