oscill4te · 4 months
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she has varied interests .... >.>
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pngianne · 10 months
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🧠 Somatic Gardens 1. Neuron Garden (SOLD) 2023 Hand-cut prints assembled in wooden diorama boxes 13.25 x 19 inches (framed)
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lazyyogi · 9 months
The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body — to feel it at all times. This will rapidly deepen and transform your life. The more consciousness you direct into the inner body, the higher its vibrational frequency becomes, much like a light that grows brighter as you turn up the dimmer switch and so increase the flow of electricity. At this higher energy level, negativity cannot affect you anymore, and you tend to attract new circumstances that reflect this higher frequency…
Do not give all your attention away to the mind and the external world. By all means focus on what you are doing, but feel the inner body at the same time whenever possible. Stay rooted within. Then observe how this changes your state of consciousness and the quality of what you are doing…
Whenever you are waiting, wherever it may be, use that time to feel the inner body. In this way, traffic jams and lines become very enjoyable. Instead of mentally projecting yourself away from the Now, go more deeply into the Now by going more deeply into the body.
Eckhart Tolle
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venvellan · 9 months
dammon this zevlor that, okay i guess i'll carry the entire rolan fandom on my back. god and faerun should thank their incredibly lucky stars he's not recruitable. if i had him it would do irreparable damage to the trajectory of time and fabric of the universe. the horrible plague that would claim the land. that is my motherfucking wizard
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skaldish · 4 months
I find that so much of Heathenry comes from participation with the immediate, physical world around me; from being part of the landscape of nature.
I went for a walk today and found a spot with a nice view. The flat landscape opened up the world and the sky before me, and I just sat there and looked/listened to what the phenomena I experienced told me about themselves.
The wind shares things from miles away. She keeps no secrets. My guess is that it's a big factor in how this region talks to itself.
The weather front along the distant mountains seemed restless, like a restless old man. My guess is because of the oncoming snow. Maybe he's the one brewing it.
The mountains themselves remain intentionally enigmatic. I've seen them move plenty of times (owed to the changing of the light and other atmospheric conditions, if you want to be technical about it) but they seem to speak rarely. I get the sense they don't open up to people just for showing interest.
I learned that on most days, the clouds let sunlight shape their bodies from the inside, even as the wind shapes them from the outside. I want to try this practice myself sometime.
Even the cold had something to share with me. I learned that by not resisting the sensation of cold, you can fully accept feeling the heat from your core.
Here's where I'm going with this: Our spiritual beliefs exist in the context of how we view the world. And how we view the world is based on what is used to shape our understanding of the world.
For the Norse people, their views of the world weren't shaped just by ideas and feelings like the way ours are today; their views were first and foremost shaped by the world itself, by what the world (not books or people) said about the world.
(And naturally, the world says something different in different places, because it's different in different places.)
So for me, the heart of Heathenry is about understanding the world the way the world shows me, and to let that understanding shape me.
Now that I know the wind speaks, I'm curious to listen to what she's saying.
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moonlit-positivity · 3 months
Emotional Regulation- what's it all about?
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Emotional regulation is the work of releasing pent up stress from your nervous system.
Your body has an entire system of automatic stress responses. Some of which can be born out of hard wired prolonged exposure to trauma in our childhoods.
With no proper regulation from our abusive & neglectful parents, many of us are still stuck in these same fear responses from our childhoods. Which means a lot of that fear, sadness, guilt, and shame, reappears in the form of how we cope now as an adult.
By learning how to recognize which state of survival you're in- and you can be in all states at different times and triggers- you can then work on giving your body a more directed route to releasing the pent up exhaustion, fear, tension, and panic.
Which in turn gives us more room to breathe easier when we are feeling stress, panicked, and triggered.
There are many techniques to help with emotional regulation. Somatics is the practice of moving your body to release the energy.
This is why everyone will scream yoga and exercise at you. But its not just limited to those two types of movements.
If you are bed bound, somatics can be as simple as raising your arms, lifting your legs, and rolling your neck.
The key idea is to recognize when you're overwhelmed, panicked, and triggered in your day to day life. Work real hard on bringing these moments into your awareness. What are your thoughts like? What are your reactions?
From there we work to integrate a basic somatic framework over time. This can look like working hard to incorporate some form of comfort, movement, and acceptance for the physical discomforts of these moments.
A basic framework can include:
Butterfly hugs (put ur hand over ur heart)
Self hugs
Hold your shoulders
Rub your shoulders, arms, tummy, and legs
Lift ur shoulders, shake ur arms, clench ur fists
Wiggle in ur seat
Raise ur legs, stomp your feet gently in place, roll ur ankles
Deep breathing
Groaning, sighing, screaming, making noise
Humming or singing
Outwardly showing emotions on your face
Cold/warm compress or towel
Weighted blankets or comfort items
Sensory stems
These are just a few examples. You can literally do whatever types of movements that feel natural for you.
The secondary idea of emotional regulation is self expression.
That's why it's okay to groan and scream and be loud and expressive in these moments, if you need to. Remember that most often panic attacks, stress, anxiety, and triggers are deeply emotional responses to very personal scenarios and traumas that we have endured in our past. Some of these fears stem from some really scary places. It makes a lot of sense that you might need to scream, cower in fear, or use facial expressions in these moments.
Oftentimes in abusive environments we are restrained from doing so by our abusers. When in reality, these are the standard reactions for what we went through. These are the types of reactions that our bodies are repressing.
It can feel overwhelming to think about acting in such ways, especially if you're not able to practice these in peace, solitude, and safety. But please know that how you cope is an extremely personal and extremely precious part of who you are. Do whatever you need to do for your health and safety and stability and peace of mind. That should be the main goal.
One last thing about emotional regulation to remember, is that the goal is to not be "happy" or at a "peaceful baseline" all the time.
The goal is to allow the anger, allow the sadness and grief and all other emotional signals in-- and then express them in healthier ways than what you're doing now.
Because at the end of the day, groaning and pitching an intended hissy fit in the privacy and safety of your own home, is a much better and healthier way to cope than hurting yourself.
Allow your inner teen the proper emotional outlets your parents stole from you.
This is the work of emotional regulation.
[self regulation chart source- primaltrust-official]
"The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) communicates to us through our feelings and our sensations in the body. By learning how to recognize our ANS states, we can become better equipped with knowing what we can do to help ourselves in times of discomfort or distress.
Many people are aware of the fight/flight state, but there is often confusion with freeze and shut down states, which are actually different.
Dorsal vagal shutdown is a state of parasympathetic collapse, and because of this, a little movement and stimulation of the vagus nerve (since this nerve governs the parasympathetic response) is helpful. On the other hand, a freeze state is a mixture of sympathetic and parasympathetic (the dorsal vagal shutdown) immobilization, which to our nervous system is like having a foot on the gas and a foot on the brakes at the same time. In this state, the nervous system needs to be shown safety, so it can come out of paralysis, relax and then move energy as needed.
A telltale physical sign of being in freeze is having very tight, sore muscles, or noticing you are 'bracing' in your body, as if preparing for impact. Panic attacks can also occur in the state, which is a step beyond the anxiety experienced and fight/flight.
The aim of all the suggested exercises in this post is to help the body come into a healthy (not dorsal vagal shutdown!) parasympathetic state- ventral vagal- but to get there, you might journey from freeze to fight/flight for example, or dorsal vagal to fight/flight. This is very normal and can be explained wonderfully by the Polyvagal Ladder (see the teachings of Deb Dana for more). The goal is to not be in ventral vagal all the time. Our nervous system is highly intelligent and will flow between states as needed, thus the aim is to allow this flow, versus getting stuck in any shut down, freeze, or fight/flight state for too long."
[C-PTSD symptom wheel source- Lindsay Braman]
"This new C-PTSD symptom wheel resource is a tool for education and for advocacy.
The World Health Organization's diagnostic criteria for Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are split into 8 distinct categories. These categories were mapped by Dr. Wei-May Su and Dr. Louise Stone in an Australian medical journal in 2020. Simplifying and then building off their work* to highlight specific ways these symptom categories show up in a survivor's life, I've created this radial chart showing how the constellation of symptoms experienced by survivors of complex trauma can be organized under the heading of C-PTSD.
I often avoid creating art that can be used for diagnosis or self-diagnosis, but the fact is, resources and awareness are desperately needed on the topic of C-PTSD. See, although it has been recognized by the World Health organization since 2020, the USA's diagnostic manual, the DSM-5, doesn't include C-PTSD. Because it's omitted from the DSM, many therapists aren't trained to recognize it or treat it. Insurance won't cover treatment, and too often people get misdiagnosed and given ineffective treatments.
Historically, mental health providers haven't done a great job of understanding and categorizing experiences of complex trauma survivors, but through education and advocacy, we can change that."
Hope this helps
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youremyheaven · 22 days
female (yin)-centric exercises and movement practices
i am personally all for the burgeoning popularity of somatics and i think the rise of pilates is wonderful.
for a long time, "exercise" meant hitting the gym and painfully enduring sessions that felt like physical torture. unless you're a high performance athlete, i dont really see the merit in resistance training tbh. obviously everybody has different tastes and preferences and some people probably find somatics and pilates too boring and slow and want something more high intensity which is 👍🏼
however, for many of us who struggle to keep up with these and repeatedly admonish ourselves for being "lazy" due to our inability to thrive or be consistent or enjoy these workouts, there are manyyyy other forms of practices that are wonderful and fun to do and are perhaps better suited for our bodies, temperaments, lifestyles etc
first of all, the concept of "exercise" has become synonymous with either losing weight or making gains. we are told that we have to "exercise" to stay fit. but exercise can mean manyyy different things, its not just cardio and weights. and this means a lot of people think if you're not trying to gain or lose anything, you dont "need" to "exercise".
but this is not true, i think "movement" is a better word and everybody regardless of their weight, age, gender or whatever else needs to move their bodies. we were not meant to just sit, stand and lay down, we need to move. not to serve some moral purpose of "fitness" (another flawed concept) but because its spiritually, physically and emotionally bad for us to not move. we feel more alive when we move. our culture has become so dopamine fried, sex addicted, toxic eating and drug abusing in large part because our lifestyles are so sedentary and we crave stimulation. we wouldnt depend on external substances to feel "alive" if we felt that aliveness within us every day.
you dont need to "exercise" but you def need to move!!! when we dont, we feel lethargic, stagnant, our joints (from years of inactivity) become more sensitive, our body hurts, our immunity suffers and aging can bring aches of all kinds but this does not have to be anybody's reality. we change this!!
you're not lazy for not exercising, if you liked how doing an activity made you feel, you would do it all the time. dont punish yourself!!!
i personally think strength training works for many people. this can mean, swimming, cycling, hiking, dancing, pilates, yoga, barre etc
now about somatic movement practices,
somatics is all about the mind-body connection and intentional movement. pilates (which was basically developed from yoga) and yoga are examples of somatic practice
but there are other methods as well:
Alexander method
Feldenkrais method
Laban movement analysis
Fascia training (myofascial release)
and somatic practices also include things like progressive muscle relaxation, emotional freedom technique, body scanning etc
i know it can all be a little overwhelming but tbh there is a lot of overlap between all of these practices so dont feel like you're missing out by not trying them all,, stick to what feels right for you and focus on that.
yin yoga and restorative yoga (very similar but also different) are also helpful
the reason i put "female centric" in the title is bc i feel like the world of diet and exercise is dominated by a masculine worldview of doing things the hard way/aggressive way and by acting with resistance/restraint instead of a more open/whole approach and valuing "slow" progress over quick and easy ones. the reason why ppl hit the gym make quick progress and then relapse is bc its genuinely difficult to put up with a gym routine for most people who aren't physically immune to pain. movement does not have to "hurt", be "draining" or a proof of your willpower as a human being. its fun, easy, natural, fulfilling and a part of life<333 you can proceed more slowly and make progress over time but tbh you'll be lost in the flow so you wont bother checking to see if you have and life is long so there's no rush!! what we gain slowly will last us forever!! bc we alter our body's alignment and our own relationship with it + our lifestyle/routine to truly embody it instead of a "crash and burn" style that leads to burnout.
remember, the river wears out the rocks not through force but simply by flowing<3
anybody can do these exercises btw, not just women lol
if you have doubts or questions, feel free to ask me <333
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mareastrorum · 1 month
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origami-trust · 5 months
it's interesting that Jon and Martin may be in a computer, of all things.
I'd expect them to perhaps be in an older music/shows playing device of Apple's, given what 'The Magnus Archives' was.
You know, an Eye-Pod.
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pngianne · 10 months
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🦴 Somatic Gardens 4. Bone and Muscle Garden 2023 Hand-cut prints assembled in wooden diorama boxes 13.25 x 19 inches (framed)
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lazyyogi · 9 months
So when such challenges come, as they always do, make it a habit to go within at once and focus as much as you can on the inner energy field of your body. This need not take long, just a few seconds. But you need to do it the moment that the challenge presents itself. Any delay will allow a conditioned mental-emotional reaction to arise and take you over. When you focus within and feel the inner body, you immediately become still and present as you are withdrawing consciousness from the mind. If a response is required in that situation, it will come up from this deeper level. Just as the sun is infinitely brighter than a candle flame, there is infinitely more intelligence in Being than in your mind.
Eckhart Tolle
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seppukart · 2 years
Babygirl my brain is creating so many physical aches unexplainable by modern medicine
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zstraps · 4 months
i realized with this bts drop that i don’t actually rewatch the show that much. i am p much constantly thinking about it or reading fic or looking at gifs or screen caps, to the point that i can practically play it in my brain, but none of those involve SOUND. so watching that mermaid video with this woman’s work playing and the ep 8 clip with roads to moscow FUCK ME UP
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moonlit-positivity · 5 months
You're not lazy, you're depressed. If you were lazy then you would still be able to get up and do the things that needed to be done. The fact that you can't move at all is actually something called "freeze response" and it is a part of your nervous system fight/flight/freeze/fawn. This means your body does not feel safe enough to move. You are literally "frozen" in fear. Let's stop telling people they are lazy for this and start recognizing it for what it is- survival.
Want tips for breaking freeze response? Check out my blog. Happy healing 😊
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tuliplips · 6 months
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trilvyrose · 19 days
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Thank you, body. 💖
Living with chronic pain has strained my relationship to my body quite a bit. I've been angry with it for a while, and yet, all along, it's only been trying to protect me 💗
Let's do our best to treat our bodies & think of them with the kindness that they need 🫂
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