#someone do something with this pls xD
camellcat · 5 months
I think rose deserves to be COVERED in body glitter. alllll over but especially on her eyes and cheeks and shoulders. she smiles and it's like she literally lights up cause her face is shimmering with the stuff. and then she should absolutely smack some on the doctor
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truly-quirkless · 1 day
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@sparkles0n asked:
❝ where are you taking me ? ❞
[Prompted. || Accepting!]
Yagi let out a breath. He'd been holding Aoyama's arm for a minute, now- he let it go. It was through no pain towards the boy,...just disappointment in himself. Rage. He should have noticed. He should have seen it...and yet, he hadn't.
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"....somewhere you and I can speak. Alone, young Aoyama." He should have noticed...that thought swirled in his head. He was meant to be All Might,...everyone's Hero.
Why couldn't he notice the suffering going on right under his nose?
Why hadn't he seen the pleas behind those eyes?
What information he'd been given...to him, it showed that Aoyama wasn't a villain. The kid was a wreck- another life destroyed. Another soul he'd failed to save. The anger in his voice wasn't for Yuga. It was directed at himself- but he doubted the kid would see it that way.
He felt like someone was ripping his soul apart- again.
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if-loves · 2 months
etude op. 10 no. 4 (torrent)
// Yandere Dr Ratio
Sum: When the rain falls, so too does your tears.
wc: 3278
warnings: implied depression, suicidal thoughts, implied suicide attempt, ooc ratio probably
a/n: sorry for the disappearance LMAO uni was holding me by the neck and not in the way i enjoy
also this was a whole load of yapping ngl maybe i projected too much xd
also pls let me know if i missed any tags!! i’d hate to mistag/forget any cw tags
likes & reblogs are appreciated! asks are more than welcome ❤️
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As a student with the honor of studying directly under the one and only Veritas Ratio, you’re more than used to the bluntness of his words and his marking. After all, he’s the Dr Veritas Ratio, arguably one of the most intelligent people, beings even, in the cosmos, and you’re just a mere academic. Sure, you’ve had your theories and whatnot, but compared to someone like Dr Ratio you’re basically a child.
Everyone tells you that you’re incredibly fortunate to be able to have someone as prestiged as him as your tutor, that you would take advantage of the opportunity and use it to further your own studies and knowledge, but you’re not quite sure if furthering your studies is truly what you desire. Coming to university was already an expectation from your parents, who in their right mind would reject them when they’ve already saved all that money exclusively for your studies?
You don’t think yourself to be especially smart or gifted in anything. To yourself, you are just a regular person who will go on to graduate, find a job, and maybe settle down if you were given the chance. You don’t expect much for and from yourself.
However, Dr Ratio clearly seems to think otherwise; or else why would he choose you of all people to be under his tutelage?
It has been almost twelve cycles of the moon, and you have yet to figure out why. The agreed period of mentoring is coming to its end, and he expects a full length thesis and three separate reports from you concerning your studies and experience under him, and you cannot for the life of you think of anything that could ever satisfy him. In the whole period of his guidance, he has never once scored you above a low thirties. The more it happened, the more you thought it was more of a him issue than yours - but that’s what people who can’t take criticism say, so perhaps you’ll refrain from thinking that thought.
The sun had long set, leaving your side of the planet at the mercy of the night. In front of you, a too-bright screen from your laptop glares at you with a blank page, as if demanding you finally do something instead of staring out of the window wistfully as if you were some widow lamenting the loss of her husband.
It takes you everything not to just give up and curl up in the warmth of your bed.
With the nth sigh of the day, you woefully start typing, frustration in the pits of your mind. What in the world could you even write about, anyway? The spinning of the sun? No, you’re sure there’s thousands of papers written about that, similarly for the moon; you’re not one for mathematics either, so that was out of the question. Science isn’t really your forte either, so your options for a paper that would gain Dr Ratio’s approval is about zero. Maybe you should just drop out.
When the world is asleep, you remain awake, and so too does something else.
There are still a few days left before your thesis and reports are to be submitted, and you can’t help but feel like you’ve written utter nonsense.
What in the world are you talking about? Even you didn’t know. Something about some mythicised substance known as Xuixzedlm, that’s apparently supposed to be what the deep oceans of your world is made of, but none have been able to explore said oceans due to their size, toxicity and the creatures lurking beneath its surface. In fact, almost 99% of the oceans have remained unexplored.
You kind of regret choosing such a substance to be the main part of your thesis, considering how little information there is of it. Sure, the main point of a thesis is to propose a theory to be proved, but for something like this where the research is extremely minimal, you’ve ended up circling back to your previous points due to the lack of ideas and, of course, proven research. Not that he’d care about your excuses.
Your days leading up to the submission date are spent typing, deleting, and referencing your paper. You’re a little less stressed about the report because it didn’t exactly require the same thinking as a thesis did, so you managed to finish those in a week. You’d still need to proofread them a few more times to ensure grammar and whatnot was perfect, but ultimately, its priority was far lower on your list.
However, something odd has happened recently.
One evening when you had finally arrived back home after spending most of the day at one of the university’s libraries, you found a silver key with lilac purple highlights and a strange symbol in the middle. You’d asked your parents, but they hadn’t a clue either, leading to some concern that your room may have been broken into. There were a few off parts about that theory, some being that none of your belongings were missing, there was no evidence of lock tampering on your windows, and most of all, why said person would leave an expensive and important looking key on your table.
The sudden and suspicious appearance of the key led to you keeping it on your person at all times, for a reason you’re not exactly quite sure of other than because it felt right. There’s an inexplicable familiarity to it, as if it belongs to you, but you can never seem to recall where you’ve seen it before, if you ever have in the first place.
Another weird thing has been happening ever since you found the key - you’ve been feeling a strange desire to enter the toxic ocean.
The sounds of the waves splashing against the shore invites you in your dreams, and you always take a step forward, one step after another until the water almost touches your toes. The sun is setting upon you, the breeze gently blowing; the sight in front of you is the picture of ethereal. Just as you take one more step, just as you fall into the abyss, someone pulls you back and you are jolted awake.
Scholars say dreams are the subconscious taking its turn, toying with fantasies and fears indiscriminately. Sometimes they mix, giving birth to hopes that only end in hopelessness, happiness that only ends in despair. If this is true, does your subconscious desire death?
Veritas Ratio has always thought himself as logical. Most have thought the same of him as well, the rest thinking him some sharp-tongued snake that will not hesitate to bite them should he see fit.
When it comes to you however, he feels an unexplainable feeling in his chest and head, a desire that has only grown since the moment he chose you to be under his guidance for a year. His harshness may not reflect it, but it is merely his way of showing he cares - by being extra critical of your work so that you know how to improve. Veritas Ratio truly wants nothing but the best for a student like you.
Lately, this feeling has grown much in size and desire, leaving him finding trouble in resisting it. It lingers like a persistent headache, and acts up when you are around, leaving him in a constant battle for retention of sanity. His mental fortitude currently leaves him with the upper hand, but who knows for how long.
For someone who prides themself on being logical, he sure feels illogical as he stares at your student ID photo.
It’s one of your least flattering pictures he’s sure, but he finds himself staring at it all the same. The nuisance in his head keeps telling him frankly worrisome thoughts, but he feels no desire to act upon them… at least, the sane part of him doesn’t.
He knows there’s something special about you, and some selfish part of him doesn’t want this mentorship to end, to let you go. There’s no way of being able to guarantee ever seeing you again, so what if…
No. Irrationality has no place in his ideals, let alone in his life.
You’ve submitted your thesis and reports to him, and now you sit in front of him with your heart pounding in your chest. Is there anything scarier than the judgment of your teacher?
Your hands are laid on your lap, the key in your pocket. The coldness of it transcends the fabric of your pants, a constant reminder of the mystery it holds, and the thoughts it brings. Even now, you find your heart yearning for the sea.
You’re afraid to look at him. You’re afraid of what his expression could tell you, of the disapproval you’re expecting. You’re afraid of disappointing him once again, afraid of his rejection and the harsh words that will inevitably leave his lips. He will berate you once more, and you will be left to silently take it because truthfully, you know he’s right.
The silence continues, and you feel a sudden dizziness and the urge to throw up. You wish the sea would swallow you whole.
“I do not have enough time to finish reviewing everything today, so proper feedback will be given one week from now in person. As for the next few days, they shall continue as normal, as you are still under my tutelage. Do not forget, you still have readings to finish before tomorrow’s class.” He shuts his laptop and takes his alabaster head with him, once again leaving you to drown in the torrent of self-deprecation.
The sea embraces all, doesn’t it? It will lap up all those who dare to offer it their lives, no matter what achievements the person has made in their life, no matter if they are even a person at all. The sea… welcomes all.
(It’ll welcome you, right?)
After you left the university, you found yourself on the train to the beach. Night is upon the city, but the ocean doesn’t sleep.
People filter out of the trains one by one, until only you are left in the carriage. Announcement after announcement of stops and the sound of the train’s wheels scraping the tracks below it are the only disturbances in the otherwise peaceful silence. Despite the quietness, you cannot hear yourself. The key in your pocket feels like it is burning itself into your skin, but it is also the only thing keeping you awake, a reminder that you are still alive.
You wonder if the ocean too will eat the key, or if it will sink into its depths. Will you sink to the depths?
The train stops at its end, and your legs automatically move. You walk until you hear the sound of waves crashing onto the shore, until you are stopped by a barrier. In an act of madness (or is it desire?), you scale the wall until there is no more to scale, until you see the other side.
There is a certain beauty about the ocean that you can’t quite describe to anyone, that pictures cannot replicate. It brings you a sense of peace, like all will be right in the world. If you could just…
The jump down from the barrier is no easy task. It is a long way down, and the sand can only soften the drop so much; yet, you jump.
Something hurts, but you’re enamored by the sparkling surface of the water. It beckons you, inviting you to a new world beneath its surface, a place to be free of all worries and pains. A place to sleep peacefully, no nightmares or dreams to plague you. It offers you everything the world cannot.
You feel your bag drop off your shoulders, like a weight lifted. A hand takes the key out, holding it tightly as you walk towards the promise of a home. What mysteries will be answered by this new world?
You’d like to apologize to your parents for the disappointment that you are. You had neither the mental fortitude nor the drive to be a success, and you’d like to apologize to Dr Ratio for wasting a year’s worth of his time on an incompetent student like you. His time would have been better spent on honor students, not a mundane, average student like you. You are destined to be just another cog in the wheel, and once you rust, you will be thrown out just like everyone else has and will be.
You find yourself a step away from the water, just like in your dream. You think you see a door. The key in your hand burns hotter. The world pauses. You take a step.
The feeling of the liquid never comes, but being pulled does.
“Just what in the universe are you thinking?!” This voice… is familiar. This voice… Who is it? It can’t be Dr Ratio, no…
But those amber eyes, so familiar, it has to be…
But why? Why?
“I…” Words fail you, just like they always have. What could you possibly say to him? He must think you mad, unfit to graduate, unfit to live perhaps.
“Do you wish to be swallowed by the gaping abyss? For what? To prove the existence of Xuixzedlm? Do you think your life so worthless that you think sacrificing it for nothing is what will make it meaningful?!” He is… angry. You’ve never seen him like this. Dr Ratio doesn’t get angry. “So? Say something, anything, that could possibly help me understand why you’d attempt such an act of foolishness!”
“Why does it matter to you?!” You shout, wringing your arm free from his tight grip. He has pulled you far enough from the gentle ocean, far away from the door. You look back at it, and it remains floating above the water. The key is still in your hand.
“Are you so dull that you need to ask such a useless question?” He scoffs. He moves to grab your arm again, but you instinctively bring the hand holding the key to your chest, afraid that he would take it from you. His eyes, shades of intense amber, follow your hand and lock on to the key you hold. He frowns.
“Yes! Yes, I am! I am so utterly stupid that teaching me is a waste of time, that you should leave me alone! If… if I wasn’t here, then there’d be one less stupid person in the universe! Isn’t that what you want?” Are tears running down your face, or is the sky weeping on your behalf?
He stares at you, and his lips do not move. It goes on like this, until you are both drenched in the rain, clothes wet and only the tempting sound of the ocean, and the pitter-patter of raindrops blending into the dark waters. Moonlight briefly shines upon the both of you, and you see his face clear - there is no anger, only contemplation.
“If you have nothing more to say, then leave me alone.” You turn around and set your sights upon the floating door once more, the key still held to your heart. With a resolved mind, you once more walk towards the beckoning arms of the abyss, the promise of no tomorrow.
Dr Ratio doesn’t stop you until you are one foot in the water. There is a searing pain, but you are one step closer to the door, to a stagnancy that life could never offer you. You are one foot in the water when a familiar symbol appears on the door, like an eye staring at you. You are one foot out of the water when you realize what it is.
“You have lost your mind.” He says, pointedly. You struggle in his grip, but he doesn’t falter. If anything, his hold only tightens. The pain from the water is nothing compared to the pain of losing freedom.
“Let- me- GO!” You desperately push against his chest, legs swinging. Why couldn’t he just let you go? Why did he care so much? What value do you bring to him, other than more evidence that he is far more blessed than the rest of the universe ever could be?
“Struggling will do you no good. Stay still, and I would not have to restrain you like this.” He glares at you from the corner of his eye as he brings you further away from your salvation, and the final straw is when he wrestles the key out of your hand. You’re inconsolable as he takes you past the barrier, brings you to his vehicle, and takes you to the place you can only assume is his apartment.
You let him guide you to the bath and clean your injured foot with a gentleness that is unbecoming of him, and he runs you a bath all while you grieve. Both of you say nothing as he treats you like a child, and you let him bind you to the bedpost without any struggle. To struggle is to fight, to fight is to have a desire to spread your wings; you lost that the moment he took you away.
Dr Ratio, or rather Veritas as he insists you call him, has shown you such a different side of him that you don’t know what to make of it. He holds you at night like you’re lovers, kisses you like he means it. He dutifully takes care of you, and you do not respond in kind. Despite this, he treats you all the same, with no trace of the Dr Ratio you’ve known for the last year, and only of the Veritas that you’ve met ever since that night.
You never see the key again.
One day, he has packed up everything. You briefly wonder if this meant that he’d be leaving you behind, but to your disappointment, he brings you along. He has cuffed you to himself, a reminder of the rights you have lost when you let him have his way with you.
“Veritas,” his name tastes like poison. “Where are we going?”
“The IPC has assigned me to Penacony, the land of dreams.” He responds without hesitation, turning to face you. “Naturally, you’ll be coming with me.”
You want to say no. You want him to leave you here, to give you back your key, to bring you back to the sea. The scar on your foot is a reminder of what could’ve been, what he has taken from you, and you haven’t - or rather, will never - forgive him. He will never deserve your forgiveness.
“Have… have you told my family?” You whisper, your throat as dry as the sand on the beach. Your hands fidget, and you find yourself unable to look at him; but truthfully, you don’t need to. He has ensured that every part of him has been engraved into the depths of your brain, and carved into your heart.
“…There is no point dwelling on the past. I am your family now. Clinging to such bygones will only serve to erode your mind, and limit your ability to live life.” He is firm, sounding more like the Dr Ratio you knew. He holds the hand that he has chained to his own and brings it to lips, the band of silver gleaming in the sunlight. It is a reminder. A firm, cruel, reminder of who he really is.
Veritas Ratio is nothing more than an illogical, selfish, arrogant, cruel and lovesick beast who allowed his heart (if you could even call it that) to take the reins.
Veritas Ratio is nothing more than a liar.
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redbullgirly · 5 months
hi i saw your requests are open!! i was wondering if you could write a lance x indian!famous!fem reader where shes an actress and shes always getting shipped with other indian actors and she decided to hard launch her and lances wedding. fc - janhvi kapoor
thank you 💗
Lance Stroll x indian!famous!reader
Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a loved celebrity and her fans often speculate about her dating life, shipping her with other Indian actors and men. But what if, one day, she decides to hard launch her wedding with someone as unexpected as Formula One driver, Lance Stroll?
Warnings: I don't know many things about famous Indian actors, movies or series, and same goes for Indian culture. If you find any errors in this matter, please let me know! :)
Author's Note: Hi Anon, thank you for this request. I have to say it was probably the hardest social media au I have ever done, because I don't know basically anything about Indian movies, celebrities, actors and everything else... I found some random actors, but if some of you know them and I didn't portray them correctly, sorry about that! Though I hope you and everyone else will like it and enjoy it. Also thanks for the face claim, it helped me orient at least a little bit.
yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by shahidkapoor, bellahadid, ishaankhatter, lance_stroll and 2,349,122 others
yourusername time for loveee 🤍🌻👡
view all 3,206 comments
user1 step on me. i beg
user2 Loveee💜🔥
shahidkapoor Always need time for love!💕😁
user3 i'm sensing something here 👀
user4 Wow okay Shahid... are you hinting something??
user5 always time for love you say😏
user7 Guys he's literally happily married. Calm down 🙄
user8 well he can dump her ass and marry y/n instead lol
user9 Y/N & Shahid nation STAND UP he commented😍😍
user10 So elegant so beautiful just looking like a wow 😳
user11 dream girl with dream life
user12 I don't like the Shahid and Y/N shippers in this comment section... c'mmon guys it's not gonna happen you can chill
user13 exactly if she's dating someone then it's obviously ishaankhatter 🤭
user14 giiiirl tagging him is WILD😭 but same tbh, I also think they'd be better couple🤷‍♀️
user15 naaaaah y/n and shahid 4ever
ranveersingh 💜🖤
user16 OMGGG
user17 he's here. I repeat: THE KING ARRIVED🗣🗣🗣
user18 ohhh I kinda see the potential of y/n and him being the IT couple😻
user7 Why the hell do you keep shipping this poor woman with older married dudes? Stop!
user19 jesus user7 let us live we do it just for fun🖕
user20 Idk about you guys but I don't do it just for fun... I live for this😂
user21 yeah same user20
user22 Can we talk about the fact he used the black heart he often uses in his captions plus the purple heart that Y/N just used in her caption?? Like hello? This has to mean something!!
user23 omg right? they're definitely hinting something🤨
user24 Hear me out, I'm Y/N's fan and ship her with multiple actors... but now you're being delusional, it's literally an emoji xd
user23 nah user22 convinced me there has to be something more to it🫡
user24 Perfect💯 wife material
harnaazsandhu_03 Need your makeup tutorial asap!✨🔥
user25 ME TOO PLS
user26 guysss what if she's trying to hint she was on a date or sm??!!!
user27 THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!!! Sry but the rose filled tub looks like it can fit two 🫢
user28 who do you think it is then?
user29 Pls Shadid Kapoor🫣
user30 I'm actually praying it's Ishaan rn🙏🙏🙏
user23 and i'm a new member of y/n and raveer singh nation... like imagine the matching outfits they'd slay together😩
user31 Unpopular opinion but I see Y/N with Varun dhawan
user33 yeah real unpopular 'cause he just announced he's engaged like two weeks ago girly 💀
user34 youu>>>>>>>>>
user35 Medical science has really reached another level with your plastic operations🥴
user36 stfu
dior 🤩💜
liked by the author
user37 help not liking dior comment being y/n's only interaction under this whole post
user38 Poor her she probably doesn't want to have even more dating rumors going around because of replying to someone's comment...😕
user39 lmao don't make her into some tortured soul, she's probably just too busy XD
user40 your photos are so aesthetic🥰
twitter & messages between Y/N and Lance
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by dhramamovie, tigerjackieshroff, lance_stroll, ranveersingh and 5,207,155 others
tagged: vogueindia
yourusername thank you for this amazing photoshoot!🖤☀️
view all 5,908 comments
user1 Absolutely gorgeous 😍
user2 omg guys she used the black heart!!!
user3 No way, that literally has to be a sign🫢
user4 wait im so confused... what is happening?
user5 It's about Ranveer Singh using the black heart emoji in his captions pretty often, commenting it under her last post and now her having it in her own caption
user4 wtf? you ranveer girlies are CRAZY 😭
user5 stfu user4 they're meant to be together🥰🥰
priyankachopra Beautiful girl!❤️🙏
yourusername thx!!
user6 y/n finally replied to someone's comment🫣
user7 Noooo why is it Priyanka Chopra??! Reply to Shahid or someone you're dating😓
user8 guys let her live... this is exactly why she isn't replying to anyone
user10 Absolute Stunner 🖤🖤🖤🖤
vogueindia Our pleasure collaborating with you!🫶
liked by the author
user11 even vogue is Y/N's fan😌
user12 Why are some f1 drivers in this woman's likes???🤨
user13 'cause she's famous lol
user14 Lance and others are always in Y/N's likes, I guess they know each other from some event or maybe they like Indian movies she's been in... idk, the world can be really small XD
user12 It's still kinda suspicious🧐
user13 naaah it really is not
user14 tasteful🌹
therajakumari Icon
user15 we love women supporting women
varundvn Didn't see you for a while and suddenly you're dressed in black... any more surprises coming? 🤔🖤🤍
yourusername hmmm let me think 🤔
user17 I can't believe my eyes... did Y/N just reply to a man in her comments?😨
user18 OMGGGG
user19 no but what does it meeaaaannn?!
user20 This is a good day to be Varun and Y/N shipper🤭
user21 the emojis HELLO
user22 nothing will ever convince me they aren't secretly in love and dating 🥰
user23 Ehm... he literally has a fiancé?
user22 and what? maybe she's just a cover for him and y/n 😉
user24 I wanna be heeer
user25 I wanna be WITH her
voguemagazine 📸📸📸
liked by the author
user26 Bohot sundar 😍 [Very beautiful 😍]
messages between Y/N, Varun Dhawan, Shahid Kapoor, Ranveer Singh and Ishaan Khatter
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yourusername posted on instagram stories
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seen by lance_stroll, ranveersingh, chloestroll, fernandoalo_oficial and 3,209,877 others
lance_stroll replied to your story: Can't wait to see my beautiful bride! ❤️
yourusername ohhh baby i'm so excited and nervous for tomorrow 😭🥰
lance_stroll Me too... but as long as we have each other, it's going to be okay
yourusername ofc lance 🫶
lance_stroll And if you change your mind about going public, just let know, okay sweetheart?
yourusername thank you, but i won't
yourusername it's time for the world to see my man 😘
lance_stroll ❤️
user1 replied to your story: y/nnnn what's happening
user2 replied to your story: I'm praying for you & Shahid rn 🙏
user3 replied to your story: Girlie isn't that the song you once said you want to play at your wedding???🫣
user4 replied to your story: So pretty
user5 replied to your story: 😍
varundvn replied to your story: Let's go! 🔥
yourusername are you srsly trying to hype up rn? 😭
varundvn ... Is it working?
yourusername ...maybe
varundvn Then let's go you're going to smash it in the wedding dress!🔥
yourusername u have no idea how much i'm glad crazy people ship us 'cause we got to meet thx to that 😭
user6 replied to your story: Bf reveal!!!!
user7 replied to your story: pls tell me you're finally going to announce you're dating one of your co-stars
yourusername and lance_stroll posted on instagram
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liked by f1, shahidkapoor, charles_leclerc, kellypiquet and 20,344,109 others
yourusername Y/N & Lance Y/L/N Stroll 🤍💍
view all 34,029 comments
user1 I did NOT expect that
ranveersingh Congratulations to my favourite couple! Memorable day and beautiful ceremony.
liked by the author and lance_stroll
user2 my heart is breaking rn💔
user4 i feel stupid for shipping him w y/n 😃
user5 But can we talk about how sweet it is he attended her wedding???🥺
user6 nooooo my favourite ship
user7 I guess at least they're close enough to go to each other's wedding 🫠
user8 this was definitely not on my 2024 bingo card
fernandoalo_oficial my first indian wedding but definitely not the last 🤪
lance_stroll Already planning on changing us for someone else?
fernandoalo_oficial no, but you can have like a golden wedding in twenty years 😄
yourusername you'll be definitely invited
user9 never in my life did i imagine fernando alonso and y/n y/l/n interacting with each other
user10 RIGHT? it still feels like a fever dream😭
user11 the wedding looks so beautiful!🥹🫶
shahidkapoor Forever & Always
liked by the author and lance_stroll
user12 that was supposed to be your wedding to Y/N dude
user14 rip shahid and y/n girlies... 💔🥲
user15 Guys, let him be. He is married and so is Y/N now. It's actually sweet that he wishes them well.
user16 QUEEN😻
user17 who's here from f1 fandom ⬇️
user18 me and i can't believe lance stroll pulled some hot famous indian actress
user19 yeah, today has been crazy... 🤠
user20 I just saw one of her films and damn it's actually good xd
user21 how did we know NOTHING about lance being in a relationship???
user22 Idk I was just so shocked when I saw this post lol
user23 the twitter detectives got played this time😭
user24 No but why do I kinda understand why Y/N and Lance fit together perfectly-
varundvn We can't send each other funny theories about our secret relationship anymore... 😓
liked by ishaankhatter, shahidkapoor and ranveersing
varundvn Anyway, congratulation so much! I bet I was the best bridesmaid you ever saw! 🫶
liked by the author and lance_stroll
user26 LOL not him being at the wedding as well 😃
user27 Why are all the men she was shipped with coming into these comments dropping hints about being besties and going to the wedding?!
user28 guys they were making fun of us the whole time🙃
f1 We hope to see Y/N in the paddock next season!🤩
user30 she will slay
user31 she will eat
user32 If we get Y/N in the paddock, maybe I can get over my favorite ships being turned into dust🫢
user33 I'M DEAD
isahernaez Dreamy wedding 🎀🤍
yourusername dreamy girl right here 😻
user34 i mean... congrats, but what the hell-?!!
user35 🥰🥳
Author's Note: Thank you for reading this social media au! I hope you liked it and I'll appreciate likes, comments, reblogs, follows and every other way of support. If you want to send requests for either social media au or normal written fanfiction, don't be shy. Have a great day!
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moriahwritez · 5 months
Mizu saves you
(Mizu x Fem Reader)
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Summary: Your a princess that were chased by men from your home town. As you were seeking for help, a samurai twice as tall as you came to the rescue. 🤭💕
Warning: (Bit dark content)
How’s everyone day doing? I’m sure it’s doing well💜Tonight I will like to give out another story to read through and enjoy. Pls let me know for Mizu or upcoming characters which are my crushes such as Abby, Kuvira, Revy or so and so fanfics. I have to figure out a story for Abby still, but since I got requests from others, I’ll try to get those started without waiting too long . Besides that, please support my stories. Tysm☺️
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A samurai stayed in a brothel at the city for quite some time. But this time it was for the night. She didn't want anyone to come towards as she was in her own time thinking. She never let anyone allowed no company to start causing a problem. Whatever she was doing, you were off to leave her alone til she was done. In the meantime she heard footsteps along the way, trying to ignore. "I said no company please," she says sternly. There was a princess from the main town that have been in some sort of trouble. After all it was you who was in a dangerous situation. "Please sir…” You stutter at your words. Then start freaking out immediately. “I really need your help!" You grab them by the arm. At first you thought it was a man because how well they dressed in a masculine-samurai way, but from the voice, it was sure a woman. “I've been chased by several of men. Please if you can help me before they take me away!" You cried out, tugging piece of cloth that was from the samurai's outfit.
The samurai, known as Mizu, her tone soften quickly when she heard it was a cry for help and that it was literally serious. She turn to face you below, adjusting her glasses. "Stay calm dear. Who's after you actually?" She tried her best to calm you down, but the look on your face tells her that this wasn't the right time to start explaining literally everything and get right to the point. "Look, I'm not sure about their names. They just started attacking few of my bodyguards while I was in my room. I'm a princess coming from this town. And I need someone's help!" You start tearing up, releasing emotions out of your body. Mizu takes note that something was up and that she was willing to gain trust in you.
"Alright. You stay behind me from now on." She says like this type of behavior wasn’t so serious XD. She brings your wrist, turning you around to get behind her back as Mizu takes out her sword slowly, ready to take off. She lead you out of the brothel, walking down to a staircase from outside, seeing if the men were ever gonna approach. You hold onto the back of her arm as you slowly followed her without making a sound. Once you two look around the city in night, few shadows comes from a block away. "There! Right there!" You yell pointing at them. In a quick swift, Mizu drag you to a nearby wall bit far from the men, as she covers your mouth, leaning closer to your height. She didn't want you to make such noise to ruin the time where you two can easily get killed by several of men in groups. From the way Mizu shuts you down, she was literally pinning you to the wall by grabbing your wrist up on the wall with one of her hand as the other on your mouth, keeping you still and steady as possible. She slowly peak out to see if they were coming at her. Few of the guys notice, not realizing it was you two at first, til they start walking by.
You mumble, freaking out when you heard further footsteps. "Stay here. Remain quiet." Mizu says, drawing her sword steadly as few of the guys saw her. She was not having you take your life away from the night. So thankfully, she was that person, the only samurai to save you. (Give you at least another life). The fighting begun when the first men comes running at Mizu with his dagger. She didn't hesitate but to duck under him and slash him from behind. He fall on the ground, done. You didn't notice another guy came as bunch of them runs towards Mizu. She did whatever she can to attack each of them. And one of the men went towards you, trying to kill you. You did your best to throw rocks at him, a way to protect yourself. The guy had his dagger ready to jab in you as he slash you. Your arm was blocked from the dagger and felt the pain of the blood spilling bit. You scream in horror. Right away, Mizu strike the men through the heart, letting him fall on the ground as she bend down to take your hand.
Your face turn pale as you saw all the blood everywhere from every men Mizu attacked. You was so focus on that more than what Mizu was trying to say. A bit blur on your mind, you tried hard not to faint. "Are you hurt, dear?" Mizu asks, still trying to held up her hand at you. You were so speechless, you couldn't think what else to say. "Um..." reaches slowly at her arm. Mizu pulled you up holding you still. Your knees were buckled, as you slowly fainted to the ground. But Mizu catches you before you ever landed straight down.
Few hours later, back in the brothel, you were slightly awake, laying down on a purple mat. Looking around, you can see Mizu carefully pulling up her sleeves to see your wound from the arm. She slowly takes your own sleeve away from this deep scar. Felt like your arm was close to get slice up. Before Mizu was able to open the med kit, she sees your eyes watching her. "...you again..." you said quietly.
You've been unconscious for a little while now since the crazy incident happened earlier. Luckily, Mizu kept calming you down, looking at you; with nothing but a soft expression. "I'll take care of your arm. Must stay still and rest. I got you covered." She says, gently taking her time to stitch your arm, which you wince from the pain. You were able to see her for a quite a few seconds before falling back to a deep sleep.
You thought to yourself: (Who was this…this samurai that…saved my life?)
*Aaaha so glad I figure what to write for tonight :D I was so lazy not writing more stories as I'm suppose to. Been having a passion on writing stories for idk how long. So, enjoy this welcoming fanfic of my beloved, Mizu)
Please reblog would be appreciated!
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2012! Donnie: Secret relationship revealed
→ Request: Hi! I love your tmnt posts and was wondering if you could write a one shot (no 1st pov pls) of 2012!donnie x (fem) reader in a secret relationship but getting caught kissing/(or making out) XD I think the gangs reaction would be priceless!!!!
→ A/N: It’s been quite a while since I last watched the show, so some of it may be a little bit OOC
→ Warnings: Super indulgent because I was super sick and I hated it, no beta, nothing else I believe
→ Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
→ Genre: Oneshot
→ Word Count: 473
→ Pronouns: She/ Her [though most of my 2nd person writing pieces tend to lean more ]
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You tapped your pencil against the blank answer sheet, subconsciously rubbing your runny nose on your sleeve. 
Your headache wasn't intense enough to call 'splitting' but it was bad enough to be a distraction. While you were out sick the maths teacher had covered new material while you were out, and you understood none of it.
You sniffed and reached for your glass of water, your throat was dry and itchy but almost nothing you drank helped in the long run. You rubbed your eyes and tried to turn your attention back to your work, but it was a lost cause.
You laid your head down on your desk, using your arms as a pillow.
The window opened while you were cradling your aching head. You sniffed again, which instantly caught Donnie’s attention. “What’s wrong? Did someone say something to you? Are you hurt?”
You cut off his concerned questioning with a sneeze, which made him calm down the smallest bit.
“You look terrible,” he noted. You shot him a half-hearted glare while taking a large gulp of water. “Not like that. I just- I mean you look really sick.” You would have laughed if it didn’t mean feeling nails scratching the inside of your throat. 
He was always like this, shy and a little jittery, even though you’ve been together for a few months. It’s endearing, in Donnie’s own way,
He glanced at the clock in your room, and then back at your tired figure. “Shouldn’t you already be sleeping?” 
You let out a small groan, “I guess…”
“How long have you been working?” He asked, stepping closer to your desk.
“Not that long-” you slurred and took another sip of water “-since seven I think.”
Judging by Donnie’s face, it was quite a bit past seven already. 
“You really need some sleep-”
“I know.” You snapped, then let out a sigh, noticing his hurt expression. "I know,” you repeated, softer this time, “It’s just - this homework needs to be finished for tomorrow and-"
"Tomorrow's Saturday."
"...Oh." You both let out a small chuckle and you immediately reached for your water.
Laying down on your bed, you stared up at the ceiling and let out a sigh. “I’m sorry we couldn’t do anything tonight, D.”
“It’s fine,” he responds quickly, “It’s not like you chose to get sick.” 
“See you next week?”
He gave you a quick nod before jumping out of your window and onto the roof, only to be met with all three of his brothers waiting for him.
Leo stood front and centre, his arms crossed over his plastron. “Care to explain?”
“Um, well you see, the thing is- smoke bomb!” The egg landed at their feet, exploding into a cloud of black and purple fog.
“So not cool, dude.”
“He is getting pummeled when we get home.”
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Tagging: @urfavarab[requester]
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
What's Wrong With Secretary (Y/N)?
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Vox is the CEO of the biggest technology corporation in hell. His world is shaken when, one day, his highly capable secretary, (Y/N), suddenly announces that they are resigning from their position after nine years. Not willing to lose someone with such skill and competence so easily- The overlord decides to do whatever he can to persuade (Y/N) to change their mind.
My family loves watching romantic dramas so when we were watching "What's Wrong With Secretary Kim" yesterday I was reminded of all the Vox x secretary!Reader fics that are out there and I had to draw this thingy LOLOLOL- dunno if I'll make a fic of it cuz the drama is actually somewhat of a brainrot in my head. Either way, I ended up doodling a thingy based on the drama's promotional poster- and I might draw some more stuff cuz I am loving the content I'm getting from that show AGDISJJDKSJSKSHDHSHYD
SPEAKING OF- I know this fic could very well turn into something with yandere vibes which would be quite on brand for Vox- hence why I'm just sitting here twiddling my thumbs like pls someone take my idea and run with it before I start puking up nonsense to do it myself XD
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nothing-tolose · 2 months
All Because I Liked A Girl.
Part 2.
Warning: death threats, panic attack (?), lmk if i missed anything!
A/N: still kinda short anyway but yeah here it is. english isn't my first language so pls pls i hope u guys can understand t____t love u guys sm xoxo
Part 1.
🇵🇸 Daily click.
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You keep your phone on screen after you saw those comments on school's blog. You couldn't tell what's happening right now, too many comments made you so hard to search the problem. You bring that thing to everywhere; kitchen, living room, porch, or even to the bathroom.
It's been two hours since you woke up and you haven't showered yet. You were too focused on your school's blog. You sit on your dining chair with a cup of water in front of you, fingers still scrolling and searching.
'Why there's so much bad comments towards me? Why do people keep mentioning Ellie and Anne in between my name?'
You keep asking the same question in your head. You have no idea. Because, oh really, what the fuck is happening right now? You didn't even do anything wrong before!
And you stopped scrolling when you saw Anne's post.
11 hours ago
oh.. i think.. people should be know about a girl who just stole someone's girlfriend, yeah? been hiding this for months but i guess today is the right time to tell you all. aaanddd this isn't about a gossip at all since it was happened to me:)
i would never understand why did she still can smile so brightly after she stole my gf, oops, i mean.. my ex. sorry my bad ;(
there's no girls supporting girls when the one have NO SHAME 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
anyway, have a good night everyone! <3
You froze. You figured out that her post was the problem of all those bad comments, and that post finally answered your curiosity.
Who doesn't know about Anne, though? Everyone knew her as an 'IT GIRL' or something like that on your school. She was dated with Ellie back then and broke up 5 months ago. Everyone always praising her like she's the perfect one, no one could replace her. Good grades, good looking, good personality. Oh, she got them all.
You were confused. It was 5 months ago, you started talking with Ellie 3 months ago, and started dating with her a month after that. There's a little big gap between their relationship with yours, right? Why did she bring up about that and saying that you stole Ellie?
Did she really talking about you? Or you were just overanalyzing? Absolutely not. She haven't been in relationship after her break up with Ellie. If the post wasn't about you and Ellie, then who?
People in her comments section were shading you and even mentioning YOUR NAME.
I THINK I KNOW WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT :0 her name starts with * right?
@annel1se-torres replied
@brachhiosoreuzz girl i know you're smart but shh 🤫
i fucking agree w you anne, no girls supporting girls when the one have NOOO SHAAAMEEE FOR STEALING SOMEONE'S GIRLFRIEND!
lmfao, she's ugly tho why did ellie accept her to be her girlfriend? ugh she's not worthy to be compared with you, girl
ugly bitch always steal everything
she should be dead fr i don't care what anyone says
@dont-lookat-m33 replied
@plhrmc hey delete that, you're going too far
are you sure that she stole ellie from you? i mean, they started dating like around three months after your break up. think again, anne. im on your side if they were dating a week after the break up. she's already getting a death threat because of your post. not everything should be about you though.
@77-s18 replied
@dont-lookat-m33 guys it's her!!! use your real account you loser XD
You shouldn't have seen those comments, you should've just see the post. Those comments were worst than the first you saw before. The way Anne replied their comments, and didn't even care about the others. What's her actual problem with you? You both were never interacting before. All you know is Anne's post was absolutely a lie because you didn't even care abour her or thinking about her when you talking to Ellie for the first time until you dating with her.
It was your first time getting really really bad comments and death threats. You were definitely scared. Firstly they said they'll spit on you on Monday morning if you show up, and now they wishing you dead.
You can't stop scrolling and reading the comments, it gets worse. God, they made you scared to death. Your body starts to shaking, your hands too. You hold your tears.
Your phone buzzed when you were about to see more comments on Anne's post. Lauren calls you again.
"Hey, I just found the–"
"Lau, I.." You couldn't talk, words suddenly disappeared. Lauren can hear your breath, and you were panting. "I saw those comments. They–"
Lauren went silent, she took a deep breath, "Would you close the blog right now? Please?" Now she sounds more softer than the last call you had with her.
You nod slightly.
You swear to God, you can't hold your tears anymore. You were too scared, scared of what will happen next. What if they really spit on you? What if they give you a disgusting stare on you? And what if—
Then you cried.
You hear Lauren's voice from the call, "I'll be there in five minutes. Just sit there where you are and don't go to somewhere else." And she hang up.
Of course you're not going to anywhere. Your feet were limp, you couldn't do anything except crying.
Your phone screen was on, you can see the notifications on the screen there.
messages request from ssalxxxx
god i really hope you the worst
she's dating with you because she just wanted to make anne jealous
poor girl
messages request from qwrtxxxx
ellie was never happy with you and anne is better than you, girlie
i'll be waiting for your funeral 💘
You shut your eyes, you don't want to see it. But hey, remember that curiosity killed the cat.
messages from els <33
babe are you okay??
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taglist: @backedbeansh
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
Feel free to ignore this if you are busy but may I pls request a part 2? For Lord Beerus X God of Life Male Reader?? Just sweet domestic and romantic stuff, maybe the Z Fighters accidentally finding out about the relationship and shenanigans ensures??
Beerus x M. God of Life Reader pt. 2
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And here I am. Making a part 2. I kinda lost my flow but wanted to continue xD
Leh goooo!
Want more from me? Masterlist, baby
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
🥢Chaos & Love🥢 (DBS or Dragon ball Super)
Warning(s): Fluffy as a pillow, Mxm (but duh bc the title), I DID not edit 😭😭
You just want to be with Beerus in peace, why must these earthlings bother your peace yet again?
It's a little ironic that you're the God of Life, but never found domestic behavior something you wanted to experience.
Well, until you met him.
The God of Destruction.
Something else ironic that you never thought you'd like.
Just this morning, you woke up to another body draped over yours.
It still takes a little getting used to after centuries of being alone, too busy to have an actual relationship.
And when you tried to get up to make a stop at your house, those arms weren't letting you go anywhere.
"Beerus. I need to go to my realm-" "-No. You're warm," he muttered in his sleep. You didn't want to be rude and make him cold with your absence...wow, he's making you too soft.
Not that you really cared.
You simply made a compromise. You took him with you.
His legs were wrapped around your hips, chin tucked into your shoulder, arms wrapped tightly around you as you navigated through your house. Grabbing what you needed with one hand.
"My clingy little baby," you mutter after a while, smiling to yourself. "Shut up."
He couldn't help that you were so warm and comfy.
"Hey [Name], can you grab my shirt?" Beerus half-heartedly mumbled, lazily pointing in a direction. "That's my shirt." "Same difference, I wear it more than you do anymore. Grab it, please. I want it," he whined with grabby hands.
At some point, he finally decides to wake up...
...only to hug your waist as you make lunch
You don't question his clingy-ness, usually, when you leave for your job for a while, he's extra clingy when you come back.
But you jump when his stationary hands begin to move.
"Beerus! D-don't do that when I have a knife in my hand."
"Lose it, then," he purrs.
Later that day, after those activities and lunch, Whis approaches you both in the woods.
You hardly looked over from Beerus's lap and he didn't bother to open his eyes from their relaxed state.
"Yes, Whis?"
"It seems Bulma has invited us to try Earth delicacies again. Would you like to accept her invitation?"
"Depends on what it is."
It was a good enough offer for Beerus to go.
Well, that, and you mentioned a curiosity about Earth food.
Beerus told you about it the whole way, quite pleased to feel like an expert.
Although the meeting was a little awkward.
Upon arriving, Beerus and Whis went ahead.
And when you caught up with them, you met eyes with Goku first.
Considering the last time you met, you weren't surprised he was suddenly tense.
Which made his other friends tense, one even rose their power level a bit.
Which made you laugh, loudly, "How adorable."
"L-Lord [Name]!"
You titled your head at the Saiyan a little shorter than him, "Ah, you know my commonly known title, young Saiyan?"
"Lord Beerus, look behind you!"
"You idiots, he's not a threat. He's with me!"
"I will not hurt you, earthlings, not unless you give me a reason to—Now, where is this pudding, Beerus spoke of?"
You tried a few dishes of Earth, though your speed of eating was much slower than the other non-humans. You preferred to savor your food.
And because Beerus kept feeding you some of his food.
"Here, try this, [Name]," he offered a...something.
"Sweetheart, let me try one thing at a time, okay?" but because you were whipped, you opened your mouth to try it.
"'Sweetheart'? Lord Beerus, I didn't know were with someone," Bulma hummed as she brought more food.
"Why do you sound like you're in such disbelief?!" Beerus growled.
"Wait-you both are together?"
"Goku, who asked you to snoop into our conversation?" Bulma barked across the room.
And after that...all hell broke loose.
"How did you guys...?" "When did you guys...?"
Beerus just yawned.
"I don't see Beerus being the date type."
"What even is a date?" He asked you. A shrug.
Cue the gasps from the ones who cared And now they were planning a date, great.
While they were busy planning some date, Beerus dozed off of you while you read a book.
It was peaceful until voices started to rise.
"You can't just ask the God of Life to spar with you, Kakarot!"
"But you said he's more powerful than Lord Beerus! I want to see that power for myself!" he whined.
"All you men want to do is fight!"
"But it'd be so cool!"
Your gaze flickered down when Beerus shifted, then up to the group ahead of you.
Their heads snapped over to you, the calmest voice of all, yet the most intimidating.
"Beerus is taking a nap. Stop all that yelling for no reason. If you wake him up I'm going to be pissed. And you don't want that. Even Beerus couldn't stop me if that happened."
"Someone's protective," Whis teased behind a hand.
"S-shut up," you scoffed, focusing on your book again.
Until you heard the words.
"We set up a date for you, two..."
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i love your monster au so much!!
pls consider the twst charas reacting to yuu cracking their joints and being like
"did you... just break your bones.....?" or "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU OKAY??????"
or or them reacting to yuu telling them how dangerous human bites are like,,,
"did u know human bites are the second most dangerous animal bite?? (after mosquitos!) because of the amount of bacteria they carry? yeah lol sometimes ppl who get bitten (mostly by children) have to get that limb AMPUTATED bc of infection :))"
"what........ the. fuck???"
these have probably been mentioned before, but i'd love to see you elaborate or share your thoughts on them! it's not a request, but you can write something about it if you want to! :) <3
Technically the human bite one was touched up on in this ask here, but as for the other one...
It’s amazing how—despite the fact that cracking joints is healthy for us when we’re out of sorts—there are so many people who are shocked or recoil when they hear someone seemingly crack and pop every single joint in our body. XD
Humans are weird even to themselves, let alone to monsters who know next to nothing about us hoomans. :V So let’s take an extra crinkly Yuu and toss them in amongst these monsters, shall we?
It was another normal day at NRC, the sunlight streaming in through the clean windows of the freshly renovated Ramshackle Dorm. Stirred from their slumber, Yuu slowly sat up—minding Grim as the chimera continued snoozing beside them—and yawned. Despite the bed being comfortable, they still woke up stiff and tense. Without a second thought, they put a hand to their chin and—
“Mrah!?” Grim yowled as he jumped, staring at Yuu in horror as they repeated the process on the other side and earned more pops and cracks. “What the heck was that?! Are you okay!?”
“Mornin’ Grim,” Yuu greeted, stifling a yawn before twisting their back—earning a multitude of creaks and pops. “Just slept a little funny last night and woke up stiff, so I’m getting the kinks out.”
“Okay, I’m ready!” Hopping out of bed, they started getting ready and asked, “So what do you want for breakfast today?”
“…I think I lost my appetite,” Grim uttered.
“Okay, breakfast sandwich to go it is, then.”
“Gah! Yuu, what the hell?!”
“Are you okay?!”
“Human! Are you injured?!”
“Wot the hell?!”
“Can’t the Great Grim eat his breakfast sandwich in peace?!”
“Sorry guys! I just woke up really stiff this morning and needed to stretch.”
Ace looked at them in horror as he said, “Are you kidding me? Everyone thought you broke your arms and legs with all that cracking you did at PE this morning! How can you still be making more noise?”
“What? I was just loosening up a few joints with some stretches so I could keep up with everyone!”
“Coach doesn’t even chase you as hard as he chases us around the track, yet you’re the one who sounds like a crumpled soda can,” Epel commented warily.
“Is this normal for humans?” Deuce asked in concern, forelegs shuffling nervously as they made their way towards their next class. “It sounded like it really hurt…do you need to see the nurse?”
Yuu shrugged and said, “No, I’m fine, really. It only really hurts if you try to force it and don’t let the muscles relax first. Back home, we have people called ‘chiropractors’ who do the cracking for us when we’re in too much pain to move a certain way. Don’t your joints crack and pop too?”
“Well yeah, whenever we stretch it can happen sometimes,” Ace answered. “But if it’s constant clicking like what you’ve been doing, it usually means that something is wrong like an injury or something.”
“In canine monsters, it usually means that there’s a torn ligament or it’s bone rubbing against bone,” Jack explained. “My father experienced that once before, and it took him a while to heal after he got the problem fixed.”
“Oh wow…sorry, I didn’t mean to make you guys worry so much,” Yuu said, thinking back to the grape incident as they entered the classroom together. “I’ll try not to do it as often, okay?”
“If you have to do it, then don’t do it before or after I eat!” Grim said.
“You’re still eating the breakfast sandwich I made even though you complained about losing your appetite this morning.”
“As if the Great Grim would ever let good food go to waste…”
Class began as normal, Yuu listening to Professor Crewel as he instructed them on what was on the agenda for the day as the homework assignment was collected. For the most part it wasn’t bad, but today Yuu was feeling more tired than usual after the workout from this morning. As they sat at their desk, they shifted a little uncomfortably. There was some tightness in their upper back, and no amount of shoulder rolls or slight stretching could ease the pressure.
Out of the corner of their eye they saw one of their monster classmates begin to stretch, stretching his arms over his head as he yawned before settling back in his seat. Maybe that was the kind of stretch they needed to do…worth a shot anyway!
Raising their arms and interlocking their fingers, Yuu straightened their back and curved as their arms bent back—
The whole classroom fell silent, multiple pairs of eyes turning to face Yuu as they sat frozen in their seat with arms still stretched over them. Even Yuu was stunned by the sheer volume of the cracks that escaped their back, faintly making out their friend’s expressions as they stared in open mouthed disbelief and horror. That was the loudest crack they’d ever heard their body make! At this point Yuu was afraid to move, looking like some comically stretched out statue.
Before anyone could ask if they were okay, Yuu asked, “…am I dead?”
Despite the sheer amount of panic and concern the class had over their wellbeing, Yuu was given the all clear by the medical researchers after a quick x-ray revealed that they had not—in fact—broken any bones. It was during a discussion with the researchers that it was discovered that chiropractors were in fact a thing in Twisted Wonderland. But given the fact that most monsters don’t use it as often as other medical practices such as acupuncture, it’s become a rare practice that very few still teach.
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snoopsnoop07 · 1 month
By Sophie, Phoenix and mai😈😈 (English ain’t my first language btw - Phoenix)
DON'T READ IF UR SAD😨😨😭😭 No miners allowed😡 or ur going to get it lil bro, you’ll become the sussy imposter from among us.👿👿
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It was a beautiful sunny morning I thought as I looked out my apartment window. Today was the day my glorious king skibidi bae Ino Takuma comes back from work. I sighed and looked at a picture of him that was sitting on my desk. Ugh he looks so fine in the photo. (What The photo looks like)
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Ima go 𝓫𝓸𝓷𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓼 if I don't see my lil kitten soon I thought to myself. I get my ford f150 ready and start to drive to his workplace. While I was hitting the road there was an enormous gigantic car that looked like a cyclops that was a big back. It comes to me at full light speed and it crashes into me. Our car rolls up and down and left and right and it starts to float. Out of curiosity I open my door but then I slip and fall. I start to fall down quick as my body sways like an inflatable, I almost sharted myself until someone snatched me. My eyes were closed in fear but I heard something in the distance… ~now, now daddy's home darling~ no need to fret lil one” I open my eyes and I’m met with bright and luminous blinding blue eyes. I couldn't even tell it was blue because of how bright it was. It could almost make the whole city shine “shine bright like a diamond!!!” *the man covers ur eyes* “guessss whoooo” “Omg!!! It's Satoru Gojo!!!!” I smile and tears of happiness fall off my face “you crying?” He smirks. “O-omg gojo!!! Have you seen my bf???” I stammered. “No sussy Neko Chan!! We can go look for him though!!!” gojo said while smiling really goofy while sticking out his tongue REALLY wide while widening his eyes like a psycho ”
“First you gotta come back with me to my apartment and ur sussy bf will be there waiting 😈😈 we’re gonna give u the most devious little surprise” Gojo says smirking devilishly
Fast forward to gojos apartment
“It’s freaky time 😈😈😈😈” Gojo says as he slowly teasingly takes off his top. “G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-gojo San!!!! Nani are you doing?!?!” I exclaim. Suddenly, Osamu miya and Ino walk in!!! I blush and suddenly all my clothes start to grow wings and fly away. “Come here bbg” Osamu said while winking and licking his lips. “Let me ask you something…. You know where the place nonia is?” “w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what is nonia?” I nervously stammer. "NONIA OF UR BUSINESS HAHAHAHAH” Ino laughs while laughing."ughhhhhhhhh that's not DATEBAYO ino🤬🤬🤬'' I growl “stop not being fanum tax baby gronk rizzler ino. Now let’s get freaky” gojo mentions and suddenly he whips it out like BOING BOING BOING and OH MY GOD??!!!! IT'S BOUNCING ON THE WALLS???? I then spread my legs apart “pls fill me up with the power of friendship and pls make me a sussy baka Ohio sigma skibidi baby gronk fanum tax grimace shake 10000 level gyat” I shake and bounce my ass for them “let me ask you Y/N…. Are you naughty? Or nice?..” Ino whispers in my ear
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“because either way… we are about to give you the most devious backshots' ' Osamu mentions as he grimaces and oils me up. Gojo lifts me up and lays me down on the mattress “don’t worry… we’ll take real good care of you” Gojo says with an evil grin as he smacks my ass so hard it leaves a skibidi red hand print! Gojo then whips out his ohio grimace cock and shoves it in me. “ owchies!!! That’s going to leave a mark!!” Gojo starts to thrust at the speed of Phoenix slurping a grimace shake XD. “NUGHHHHHHHHH, YOUR TIGHTER THAN THE IMPOSTER FROM AMONG US NUHHHHHGGGGGGGGG '' gojo screams. “G-g-g-gojo senpai i'm going to bust😩😩” I said “BUST FOR ME MY LITTLE KITTEN WHISKERS NOWWWW, UGHHH, UR SO SKIBITI AND SIGMA'' gojo yells. Then gojo came. I lay on the bed breathing heavily but then I hear, “my turnnnnnn~” I look up and I see Ino my glorious pookie wookie dookie! “Uh ohhhh” I say
69 ohio Gyatt rizzler minutes later
We are all worked up, oiled up, and resting with each other on bed while making all the place wet. Until we hear a loud BOOM outside. It was a big radioactive explosion!!’
WARNING ANGST ALERT!!!! Do not read if emotional😞😞🙁🙁🙁🙁 PS. You might develop depression if you read this….
“G-g-g-g-g-g-guys… I’m scared…” I stutter “don’t worry dookie pookie… it will be us against the world” Osamu holds my hand “Y/N… we will meet in the next life” Ino whispers in my ear. I blush so much I look like a rotten tomato “Y/N… arigato.. sayonara~” Gojo smiles at me with his rotten Victorian child teeth. The radioactive bomb explodes our place and us and ends up disintegrating into bits of dust… just like Freddy Mercury (lead singer of Queen, y’all should know this🤬🤬) sang…. Another one…. Bites the dust…
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celestie0 · 2 days
binge read kickoff and I’m sooooo obsessed with it. >.< manifesting someone like Satoru. This might seem dumb but I’m just curious to know what satoru’s friends (Suguru, nanami etc) think of reader?
but anywayyy, thank you for this amazing story and have a great day! :)
hiiii my darling omg i'm so happy you've enjoyed kickoff so far!! it means sm to me :''')
omg not dumb at all i would love to answer this!! i think i answered a similar question to this before but i can't remember what i said xD so we'll start fresh haha i mean it's been a while anyway
suguru: oh yes i also got an ask that was wondering if kickoff suguru has feelings for reader or was romantically interested in her since he seems to be a lil flirty sometimes haha but no i think he's just naturally flirty LOL. he's definitely aware of gojo's feelings for her even tho gojo never told him that or anything, i'd like to think he knew gojo had feelings before even gojo knew SDKJFHSDKJF. but yea anywho he def thinks reader is cool n is kinda different from the girls he's used to seeing in gojo's company n i think that's also why he's intrigued by her bc he's like what's up w this girl that she's got my best friend glancing over at the sidelines every two seconds during practice LMFAO. tbh i can see kickoff suguru n kickoff reader being really great friends, they kinda have similar personalities :)
nanami: he has hella respect for her because he likes people who have a craft or a skill that they're passionate about lol. especially if it's something niche, so he thinks that reader knowing a lot about photography n has really fancy cameras etc is really cool. he's mostly indifferent/disinterested in what she has to do w gojo, he doesn't really care about their status of are they friends? are they dating? sorts of stuff, but i'd like to think he pulls her aside sometimes to ask her questions about her camera specs just cause he wants to learn more about it
choso: pls kickoff choso is soooooooo go with the flow, two braincells, smooth brained, slightly grumpy, chronically tired but very sweet hearted in my head. tbh i don't even think he knows reader's name n i'm p sure he's mistaken her as being three different people bc he just cannot cognitively retain faces for the life of him LMFAO. yea he was mostly indifferent n i'm ngl reader was probs invisible to him for the most part BUT when he saw her slap the shit out of ren at the bar he was like :0 god damn that girl's sick. and now his interest has been piqued n he’s like 80% sure he knows her name now. omg i feel like kickoff choso n reader would not get along for some reason skdfhsdflk choso's nonchalant cynicism would clash w reader's anxious optimism
other players on the team: they all are just really hoping that she's getting their good angles when she's takin her snapshots HAHAH. i'd like to think some of them be mewing on the field 💀💀
coach yaga: “STOP DISTRACTING MY STAR PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED HIS EYES ON THE BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
LOL hope this answers bb <3
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saintobio · 3 months
Omg ok ok hello! I had this huge rant in my head about sy and sn so pls feel free to ignore it, but I love your writing so much and it gives me some STRONG FEELINGS. First of all it surprised me that I like the way you write y/n cuz she doesn't become a "bitch" after the whole deal with Gojo and have some elaborate revenge plan, but she is also not a goody two shoes (even if she stayed with Gojo earlier but she had a lot of external pressure to stay in the marriage). Not that those tropes are necessarily bad but it's just more realistic this way. She's just a person who has been deeply hurt and is trying to do right by others. Even if she has made big mistakes, she still wants to make up for them cuz she's not completely in the right either. Also getting bashed by everyone for trying to make amends/ not following their advice regarding you own life; while very triggering for me (lol) is also just such a natural reaction. Not right, just natural. When things get out of people's hands and they want to blame someone for it, they often go for the one who is actually trying and won't retaliate if for nothing than to just keep the peace. Also wanting people to understand your side of the situation yet feeling undeserving of it at the same time because of your mistakes is UGHHH I feel like you do that so well! It's amazing but genuinely heartbreaking to see how far Satoru has come as a person too. Also when he thinks about how he wants to be a better person for Akemi IT MADE ME WANT TO PUT MY HEAD THROUGH A WALL... cuz WHY COULDN'T HE BE LIKE THAT FOR US!!! At the same time we have moved on without him, so if we are allowed that luxury then why isn't he? It's just so ANGSTY AND SO SO GOOD! Because we love Satoru we always will but he had a chance and he fricked it over terribly! So it would be idiotic to go back to him but at the same time the heart yearns for him. This is a side tangent but whenever any character says "this is not like you", "you have changed, this isn't how you'd act" makes me so MAD lol (maybe bc I am triggered?) But these guys WATCHED MY GIRL GO THROUGH SOME HORRIFIC SHIT AND STILL EXPECT HER TO NOT BE PERMANANTLY AND IRREVERSIBLY CHANGED???!! ;-;; IDK what they want from her oof >.< I do think Akemi is a shitty friend but I can't bring myself to hate her completely. Seeing them together is so ANGER INDUCING AAAAA (and her wanting a family with him is fine BUT THIS EARLY?!JUST AFTER ADMITTING YOU FEEL "SORRY" FOR BETRAYING US?! IT MAKES ME WANNA HURL HER TRHOUGH CONCRETE) but at the same time Satoru and Akemi both deserve someone who can love them. It feels hypocritical to be angry when we ourselves told him to move on and find someone who can love him the way he deserves. It's just very very shitty it had to be them. Sera is also such an interesting character. She has a lot of traits that I admire a lot. Her resourcefulness and complete and utter pride/confidence and being unashamed to ask for things/ stand up for herself (even when she is wrong) is something I wish I had sometimes. Still wanna stick her head through a toilet tho and yet when a person who slept with a married man can see the bloody violation of girls' code that is sleeping with your bff's EX HUSBAND oh BOY you should KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG. I have no strong feelings for Toji (cuz I don't like him much anyways but that's just personal bias XD )but I do think his anger and frustration is well founded especially since he runs over whenever the reader needs him. He's so supportive and invested and honestly he deserves someone who can give that back to him. It's kinda sad but then again I don't like him much to begin with lol.
All in all I hate how much I love this series and love to hate these characters and take out my repressed anger on them cuz I can't do that irl. This series is my Roman Empire lol. It's so painful, yet so beautiful and it makes you FEEL so many things and yet hold out hope for things to become better. I love this, love you and your writing- ok mwah bye bye (and thank you if you read this rant put together by my post nap, barely coherent brain) I have so much more that I want to say. I can write essays about this series and how it uses so many technically "cliche" tropes but it is anything but cliche . Truly some of the best angst I have read like ever!
oh wow !! i don’t even know what to say, this feels like such a comprehensive review of the sy series sdksks but i think many readers could definitely relate with some of ur points here :D this is such a nice perspective to read, thank you so much for sharing and tysm for reading sn/sy aaaaa i’m happy u enjoy the angst as much as i do <3
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iamumbra195 · 10 months
I want someone to write a bleach AU where Ichigo meets Rukia in his early twenties when he's a stressed out college student trying to figure out what he want to do with his life after trying to go down a medical route and not liking it but not knowing what else to do (I'm projecting so hard but we're ignoring that)
The chaotic potential of Ichigo going through his classes and having to run out randomly to deal with a hollow, of rukia attending his classes with him without formally being a student, of the chaos Kon would create
Give me architecture student Orihime that he occasionnaly talks to because of mutual friends like Tatsuki. Give me fashion design student Ishida that Ichigo doesn't recognize because he never bothered to know his classmates beyond a few here and there and Ishida definitely wasn't one of them.
Give me vet student Chad that has like three cats in his and Ichigo's shared dorm that are definitely not supposed to be there but Ichigo loves them. Rukia absolutely loves them as well.
unhinged ichigo fighting hollows the same way he used to fight those gang members in high school because he wants the adrenaline rush. He would probably get on with Shiro a little better too XD.
Ichigo, who started seeing hollows when he was like sixteen after being attacked by them. Ichigo, who has a weird little power that he doesn't quite know how to use that looks like this weird fullbring thing except without the pass so it's more of like a quincy arrow just not the usual blue colour. It's not really powerful enought to fully take out a hollow cause he doesn't know how to control it but it protects him long enough to get away
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It's an interesting idea, to have him see hollows but not be strong enough to fight them the way he usually does for a long time until Rukia comes along. His attitude towards the whole thing would be a little different as well.
Also having spiritually aware Inoue, Chad, and Tatsuki but the former two don't have their powers because they haven't been fully exposed to Ichigo's leaking reiatsu when he gets his soul reaper powers.
Having Tatsuki be closer to Ichigo because of this is a nice touch too, cause now the two of them can both see spirits and Ichigo doesn't quite feel as lonely as he used. The two of them having a rekindled friendship makes me happy for some reason and idk, her just teasing Inoue for having a crush on him and like, plotting to get them together with some help from Rukia when she arrives because she likes to tease Ichigo about Orihime all the time
Oh, and her having a water style fullbring that she incorporates into her martial arts and creates something like Fishman Karate from One piece would be super cool too. She just gives me water vibes for some reason
Also, Ichigo not being teen makes him far less susceptible to manipulation from the adults in his life, more mature, and probably less forgiving— that last part is because I want Ichigo to punch Urahara for what he did to Rukia in the SS arc because I sort of hate that he was forgiven so easily like Rukia didn’t even seem to care???
That makes me so angry for some reason. Like I like Urahara’s character but it doesn’t take away from the fact that he’s a shady shit. I feel like older Ichigo would be less tolerant of his antics than teen Ichigo
Idk, it just seems like such a funny idea to me-- chaotic substitute soul reaper Ichigo + College stress and the existential crisis of trying to figure out what the fuck you wanna do with your life = hilarity
(I'm projecting so hard, someone help me, my coping mechanism for stress is escapism and I've missed like three deadlines and there's like two weeks before school starts and I haven't even gotten around to making my schedule yet, I'm dying pls)
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morpheus-the-sandman · 8 months
The blog is open now!! :D
Info I might. Change some stuff here and there just so you know!
TW staring in the drawings at the bottom ⏬
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Hello im finstel or you can call me fin or finley
My carrd
More about me down⬇️ in this blog pls read everything thanks!
im not good at writing and my grammar isn't that great so forgive me for typos :'D I also didn't used Tumblr as much so I'm still learning things
Important none of the stories are Canon to clowns og project!!
the main aus that are mentioned here are the
Sandman au/ Morpheus or morph that's how most call him he's a bat demon he's there to give the children good dreams and comfort them protect them he lives in his smol dimension in the middle his tree where he lives in with Noah, his brother fushigi, ivy, and hoshiko / personality : he's sweet, caring, comforting his presence his inviting like a soft bed like you're getting tired and all yk but he can also be chaotic he loves to be crazy with his friends and do random funny stuff he's also very adventurous he loves to take a look around at places he wanders around alot of aus when he has time to he's interested in other aus that aren't dangerous or anything he loves to hang out and all so you might find him sitting near where you living at watching the stars!
Monsterbed au / crow is there to protect the children he will be under the bed or in the closet well most likely under the bed he doesn't like the closet very much / he can only speak in chirps outside his au when he's back in his he will speak normally / his au is a dreamcore au / personality : is still in work I didn't quite explored his personality yet but I would say for now that he's sweet and protective of his loved ones
SH wally ( I call him that now idk I feel like it's better then father wally) actually idk if I keep that name if you might have better names let me know I suck at them XD / anyway he's there to take in children in need let's say morph finds a child that has abuse going one or something else like it lost its parents ect morph will ask that child if it wants to come with him he doesn't force them but he if a child declines he will still look to take action and get them to a better place then in the human realm if a child says yes morph will take them to sh wallys realm and leave them there for sh wally to take care of them once they grew up they can decide if they want to leave back to the human realm or stay with wally/personality : not developed yet but he's very calm and patient that's all I can say!
Ugly duckling wally aka Noah he's morphs adoptive son/ personality : sweet, playfully, joyfully,
Hoshiko/wish wally he's also morphs adoptive son / he travels trough different aus grading wishes depending if a person deserves the wish he can see it in thair hearts if a person deserves it or not / he floats mostly in the air but obv he can also swim in water /personality : still in development but I would say he's quiet energetic, has lots of energy, he does like to mess around with someone, he's playfully and teasing,
Fushigi and ivy not alot to say here fushigi is there to defeat bad dreams ect like morph is he's morphs real brother / ivy is his best friend even tho ivy doesn't want to admit to that , fushigi found ivy while defeating bad dreams ivy was different from the other nightmares he seemed alone and seemed like he actually didn't liked to be feared and all so fushigi took him in / fushigi likes to Crochet stuff / personality of fushigi : still in development but he's sweet calm patient, ivy's personality : also still in development all I know is he's grumpy, teasing, likes to mess with people,
Comfort star / she's there traveling around aus to comfort everyone when they need it at any time when they try to sleep or whatever it might be / she has problems with feeling things she can't feel things so she might sound or act numb at times but she trys her best her sister is always there to help her with it her problem with not feeling alot is also why she often comes back with cuts ect bc she feels numb both emotionally and physically she does not feel pain so she would often be rather at morph or wherever to get stitched back up / personality : still in development but she's playfull, sweet
Letters from felix/Yeah I added another AU I have for a while idk why I didn't added him when I first did this blog but he travels trough dimensions too so I trough why not he's silly and is adventurin trough dimension and he writes letters to his human he's inspired my letters from Felix the series the bunny Basacally my childhood :3] personality : chaotic, he loves to mess around, playfully, adventures
Shooting star
She's like a help for traveling inspired by the cat bus from totoro uwu she acts pretty much like a cat and can't talk she be meowing and purring but she understand you!
And also morph father the uhh good home in this story I didn't drew him yet but he's basacally just like og home but a smol house that follows morph around
!! Boundaries!!
Yes you can
✅ make fanart absolutely tag me please!!!
✅ Shipping? Yes ofc but please only ocs sonas or yns.
✅ Im also okay with interactions trough I can't promise I will do all of them I mostly do what I feel like and if I don't feel like it I don't do it it also might take a bit
Please no applecest no wallycest no proships!!!❌
No nsfw with these aus mentioned here!!!❌
Don't do Ai bots of my aus I'm doing alredy bots but it takes a bit I get really exausted after a bit of working on bots like I get sleepy and all it takes a bit I know I'm working on them for quite a while now but still have patients I'm also not an expert when it comes to bots I'm still learning!! ❌❌❌
Don't message me privately if I don't know you please if I know you for a bit from my comment section you can ask me if you can message me and I might say yes , please have patients with me I don't feel comfortable calling you my friend so soon so I just call you a mutual if I know you for a longer while I might call you a friend! I had a really bad experience with an ex friend of mine I knew since my childhood and that left marks , I might get easily overwhelmed or exausted so I might dip or don't talk at all please don't feel like I'm ignoring you or anything I'm not I'm simply not feeling like talking or it is to much at that day for me!❌❌❌
🌟Things about me that are important 🌟
my pronounce are she/her, he him, im genderfluid and aroace, bisexual, ❤️
I have auditory processing disorder or called
(APD )
Wich makes me slower I might forget alot of things or I also have hearing problems sometimes like when somone calls me it doesn't end up in my brain I'm also very sensitive so sounds loud notices specifically
I also take a while to understand things so be patient with me
(HSP ) I am a highly sensitive person
I also have social anxiety
I'm really sensitive like I would say emotionally there are often times where I do take things too serious or something please tell me talk to me about those things if I understand stuff the wrong way
I'm 22 years old and German
I only speak English and German I can't speak other languages
I have 29 aus by now I might add more depending on what ideas I get ( idk for sure I know I have alredy alot and I didn't even developed alot of them enough I do want to put an line to it but I can't I love creating I love making it makes me happy so just be aware XD when I decide to do a blog for my other aus that I might not post alot about those depending on how I'm feeling ( maybe I post more when I get asks idk)
Fandom I'm in atm
Welcome home
And poppy playtime
I hope you have a wonderful time here!! :3
🌟Refs of my sillys🌟
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enavstars · 1 year
Please says yes it's amazing TOT
Of course you can! (Pls tag me I want to read it)
I was going to answer this in the part 2 (I'm working on it) but there's a few people asking so I'll answer now. I'm just making these drawings of scenes from the movie for fun, I won't make an au of this nor do I have more details or will think about it (I'll just draw this 4 characters).
Someone mentioned Jay and Zane being Jumba and Pleakly, but I also thought of Garmadon and Wu being them and I don't know which one is more hilarious xd.
I was also going to say that if someone wanted to do something with this idea (art, fics, etc) they absolutely can :)
Here's another drawing while you wait for part 2:
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