#song magic
cycas · 2 years
Magic in his words?
'I know only the little that Gandalf has told me,' said Frodo slowly. 'Gil-galad was the last of the great Elf-kings of Middle-earth. Gil-galad is Starlight in their tongue. With Elendil, the Elf-friend, he went to the land of—'   'No!' said Strider interrupting, 'I do not think that tale should be told now with the servants of the Enemy at hand. If we win through to the house of Elrond, you may hear it there, told in full.'   'Then tell us some other tale of the old days,' begged Sam; 'a tale about the Elves before the fading time. I would dearly like to hear more about Elves; the dark seems to press round so close.'   'I will tell you the tale of Tinúviel,' said Strider
Frodo begins to offer the little he knows about Gil-galad, but Aragorn stops him before he can say the name 'Mordor'. I am reminded of Gandalf inspecting the Ring, and saying that he won't say words in the language of Mordor in the Shire. Even the language of the place is, apparently, dangerous, and here, maybe even the name.
Sam, of course, always wants more tales of Elves, but I think Aragorn might be doing more than just telling a tale to pass the time when he chooses this particular story: the story of the woman who rescued her love from the dungeons of the Master of the Ring-wraiths. Aragorn does say the word 'Sauron' here, and he says it specifically in the context of Sauron's defeat:
Tinúviel rescued Beren from the dungeons of Sauron, and together they passed through great dangers, and cast down even the Great Enemy from his throne, and took from his iron crown one of the three Silmarils, brightest of all jewels, to be the bride-price of Lúthien to Thingol her father.
And that reminds me of the part of the story of Lúthien that Aragorn doesn't mention here, of Finrod's song battle against Sauron from the Silmarillion:
Then sudden Felagund there swaying Sang in answer a song of staying, Resisting, battling against power, Of secrets kept, strength like a tower, And trust unbroken, freedom, escape; Of changing and of shifting shape Of snares eluded, broken traps, The prison opening, the chain that snaps.
Finrod, long ago, fought Sauron with song, (and lost) but I wonder if Aragorn, telling the tale of Lúthien here in the wilds with the Ring-wraiths lurking just beyond the firelight, is doing something similar. Is he telling a tale of one of Sauron's old defeats, and holding back or weakening the wraiths in the darkness with his words? It's interesting that he focusses the story strongly on Lúthien's victory (not Finrod's failure). It is only once Aragorn finishes his tale that the wraiths attack.
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canarycanard · 1 year
The SIMUL format is a personal project that is based around a certain type of metaphysical worldwalker community’s pragmatic usage of Hymmnos. Co-developed by a young wolf man and sentient AI unaware of each other’s existence, the very nature of this format has a base in Central Standard Note Hymmnos but can have modules added via “include” commands or operator permissions to expand functionality. This is the first proper SIMUL song that I have made, and fittingly enough, it’s a recreation of Metafalica. However, the function is… a bit different to both the EXEC and METHOD versions.
Access Level: EXTRACT
Singer: Cú Redwood (registered as Cú Chulainn) via virtual emulation of FRELIA_ANSUL_ARTONELICO
Purpose: To convert the singer into an inanimate form based on their and their allies’ desires. In other words, a deliberate and perfected application of the imperfect EXEC_METAFALICA using a modified version of its METHOD patch.
Effect: Cú Redwood was transformed into a floating weapon platform / moving base for his allies. Afterwards, his soul was turned into a Heart of the Land that powered and administrated the structure, until the time came where this temporary form was no longer needed.
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sennamaticart · 2 years
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Running Running Running
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astearisms · 1 year
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fionna and cake drawings before and after watching the episodes so far. it’s nostalgic and somehow cathartic and poignant and relatable and—it just started
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
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(“the weather warmer, he is colder”)
— Army Dreamers, Kate Bush
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weirdlookindog · 6 months
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Franz Sedlacek - Lied in der Dämmerung (Song in the Twilight), 1931
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n-jostcn · 1 year
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the song of achilles — madeline miller
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night shift — stephen king
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euripedes — anne carson
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circe — madeline miller
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a conjuring of light — v.e. schwab
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west wind — mary oliver
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the song of achilles — madeline miller
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the fragile threads of power — v.e. schwab
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mimimar · 3 months
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♡cosmic love♡
(art prints)
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peppermint-walrus · 2 months
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A chemist? A witch? Or an evil combination of both 😈
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woundthatswallows · 1 year
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excerpt from leonard cohen's 1966 novel beautiful losers, from which buffy sainte marie adapted into her phenomenal song god is alive, magic is afoot 
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cycas · 2 years
Healing arts
He stooped again and lifted up a long thin knife. There was a cold gleam in it. As Strider raised it they saw that near the end its edge was notched and the point was broken off. But even as he held it up in the growing light, they gazed in astonishment, for the blade seemed to melt, and vanished like a smoke in the air, leaving only the hilt in Strider's hand. 'Alas!' he cried. 'It was this accursed knife that gave the wound. Few now have the skill in healing to match such evil weapons. But I will do what I can.'   He sat down on the ground, and taking the dagger-hilt laid it on his knees, and he sang over it a slow song in a strange tongue. Then setting it aside, he turned to Frodo and in a soft tone spoke words the others could not catch. From the pouch at his belt he drew out the long leaves of a plant.
I'm fascinated by the process by which the knife melts and vanishes only when Aragorn picks it up. Does it know who he is, somehow? What is it made of? Clearly this is what we would think of as a magical weapon, and Aragorn's response to it is also magical - or at least, both weapon and Man are using technologies that do not exist for the readers. His response to it is to sing over the hilt, before making an infusion of the athelas to bathe the wound. I think because the infusion bit seems more like conventional medicine, it's easy to forget that here is someone performing a magical cure on a magical wound, right in front of the Hobbits.
I wonder what the 'strange tongue' was. We already know that Frodo speaks some Elvish, both Quenya and Sindarin. You would think he (and possibly also the unexpectedly-learned Sam) might at least recognise both of those languages. Perhaps it's an older form of one of the Elvish languages, or maybe even Adunaic, the language of his Numenorean ancestors.
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kaycartoons · 3 months
I wanna share some of my favorite art styles from cartoons and animated movies. (This doesn't depict ALL the animation styles I like and please feel free to share your favorites as well)
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winterprince601 · 1 year
i don't know how else to say it: jon snow comes from two long lines of reckless magical bullshit and is basically a melting pot of feral royal blood but that's less important than the fact that he was raised by ned stark.
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emacrow · 4 months
The High Infinite realm king is missing and all of realities started to blurred in his absence while a Fright knights Quad are looking for their king.
It started during the time of Salam night of Halloween where the veil was at it's thinnest as Halloween Fright Knight was doing his job capturing the evil and dangerous creatures of the night, senting evils ghosts, demons, spirits and ghouls to the nightmare, hellish realm with his sword.
Once his duty was done as he was making sure on his checklist on his scroll because he refused to use those thing call Cell-phone as The rebirth Pharoah suggested to him.
And come back to report his duty was finished to find that The Throne broken and the king missing, and what seem to be ransacked with scorched walls here and there.
His grip on his green scroll loosen as it dropped to the green glowing ground, being stained by the splattered of ecto mixed red blood was on the purple tilted floor.
The High King was missing which mean the Infinite realm has lost it's very core.. which mean realities itself will soon collapse as very dimensions collides instead of staying in their balance places.
Meanwhile metropolis, gotham and even altantian was experience trouble as people were running/swimming and screaming from a the literal rifts and tears of the sky and ground, each having a alternate dimension of some sort.
One having literal pony verison of themselves with unicorns, alicorns and Pegasus.
There was one where serial killer are chasing poor victim and feeding them to some claw like being.
Another with literal hell with fire, demons and dead people screaming in torture.
And many other dimensions started to blurred in the seams like a mismatch blanket being sewed in terribly wrong by a amateur. Ghosts, mythic, supernatural beings, biblically accurate angels and monsters of unholy natures were popping left and right, here and there.
The justice league were in the middle of the meeting with John Constantine who was looking like he saw the very end of his life with how pale he was.
From what John Constantine knows that even every demons, Gods and Goddesses of death themselves were all searching as well for the High Infinite realm king... especially considering he was their boss that keep their dimensions stable and running in the first place. They do not like that some of their subjects were escaping in this particular dimension due to the literal dimension tears.
And what is on everyone's minds was, Where is Danny Phantom?!?
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elainiisms · 11 months
me watching two leaves fall into a puddle right next to each other: yuri.
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artypurrs · 5 months
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Art by the amazing artist @deyonside of lord bloodraven brynden rivers thank you so much 🫂
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