#sorry for going demon mode it probably won’t happen again
“your mum” joke aside, the subtext here is astronomical
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twilight-orchid · 3 years
How The Demon Brothers React After Fighting With Their SO
tw: some angst with resolution at the end, mentions of past arguments, insecurity.
This man is petty as hell.
He doesn’t do the silent treatment, but he acts like you aren’t dating.
If you need to work on something together, you’re a co-worker.
At RAD you’re a classmate.
Around the house you’re just a housemate.
His poker face is immaculate and it will not crack when you’re around.
If someone didn’t know what was happening, they’d probably think you two barely knew each other.
However, you won’t notice, but as soon as you look the other way his eyes are on you.
He’s used to arguing with his brothers and is no stranger to explosive fights that end with he and the other person not being on speaking terms.
But you’re different.
He tries to go on with business as usual, but he can’t think about anything other than how much he misses you.
Yet, he lets it continue because he just can’t put his pride aside and apologize.
If you decide to sleep in your old room it’ll both hurt his feelings and royally piss him off.
He thinks you’re being childish and will be pretty rude about it, but that’s because internally his blood just ran cold.
It adds a degree of seriousness to the argument that he’s uncomfortable with.
Yes he’s mad, but he can’t lose you.
If you still sleep in his bed, he makes sure to scoot over to the very edge so he doesn’t cuddle you in his sleep.
In fact, the first night after the argument he’d probably put a pillow between you just to really punctuate the fact that he’s still upset.
I’d say it could go 4 days to a week tops without you making up.
After a point though, he just can’t function until the issue is resolved. He can’t sleep, he’s falling behind on his work, and he’s just generally not doing well.
You get called to his office one night and find him at his desk surrounded by piles of paper, disheveled and exhausted.
“MC, come sit down. I’d like to talk this through. Please.”
He’s so dramatic.
You dare defy him? The Great Mammon can’t believe this tiny fragile human would have the audacity.
The theatrics are just a front though.
His ‘The Great Mammon’ act is a mask for his insecurity, one he hasn’t had to use with you in awhile.
Even as the words leave his mouth he regrets them.
He’s going to be very uncomfortable with everything until the argument is resolved, but most of all himself.
He’s learned not to take his brothers too seriously when they toss insults his way, but words have a way of morphing to belief over time.
Internally he is going to be super hard on himself. 
Regardless of if the fight was his fault or not, he’s going to kick himself constantly for making yet another mistake.
He’s over the argument pretty fast. The anger quickly melts into anxiety.
Are you going to leave him? Do you hate him? Did he hurt your feelings? 
That being said, he doesn’t know if you’re still mad and he doesn’t know how to ask. 
As a defense mechanism, he defaults to how he treated you when you first arrived in the devildom.
Calls you human, disregards you, stuff like that.
If you decide to sleep in another room, before midnight expect him to be knocking on the door.
“Oi, MC. You awake? I just - I can’t - *sigh* Can we talk about this?”
If you sleep in his bed, he makes a point of sleeping with his back to you.
Less because he’s actually mad and more because he doesn’t want his image of you as he drifts to sleep to be a look of anger.
Though as soon as he passes out he’ll roll over and tuck you into his arms on instinct.
I’d say any after effects of an argument with Mammon would be resolved in a day, maybe two tops.
Arguing activates his trolling the forums mode.
Goes back to calling you a normie and contradicts everything you say.
He’s less mad about the argument and more using the bitterness to cope with how upset he is.
He feels like a break up is less of an if and more of a when.
Why would someone as amazing as you settle for weird otaku like him?
Honestly doesn’t understand why you’re with him in the first place, so when there’s a serious argument he assumes its over.
Tbh don’t know how you and Levi would sleep together being that I doubt two could fit in a tub, but any deviation to your routine sends him into a panic.
It’s his reality check that the situation is serious and he needs to fix it NOW.
He’d have trouble apologizing in person. He can’t think of what to say, he stumbles over his words, and he feels like he’s on the verge of a panic attack.
Instead, expect a long ass text message.
He says how sorry he is, how much he misses and loves you, and legit begs you to forgive him.
If you sleep with him like normal, he’ll probably try to make up after laying there for awhile. His mind is going a million miles an hour and there’s no way he can sleep.
Still really has trouble verbalizing how he feels, so give the poor boy a break and take over the conversation.
He hasn’t had a serious relationship before and he doesn’t know what he should do to make it better.
So the after effects will last however long it takes him to read several mangas, watch some anime, and play a few games to see how the characters get over arguments in the story.
Satan makes sure not to fight with you over minor issues.
He’s worked tirelessly to tame his wrath and he refuses to feed into it over a minor issue.
Thus, if you fight with Satan it’s a major argument and it’s explosive.
The aftermath isn’t much better.
He doesn’t want to risk blowing up again, so he’s frighteningly calm.
He’s an absolute master of the silent treatment.
He won’t say a word to you until he’s certain he’s calmed down enough.
For the first few days he’ll straight up leave a room if you enter.
For a good while the only way you can expect to communicate with him is through his body language and the expression in his eyes.
Satan’s biggest fear is losing control and lashing out at you. 
He couldn’t live with himself if he hurt you and he can’t stand the thought of you being afraid of him. 
He’s a whirlwind of emotions, so he isolates himself until he can figure out how to deal with it.
Not just from you, but from everyone else too. 
Satan will not share a bed with you for at least the first night.
If he got worked up enough to actually fight, it’s gonna take him time to simmer down.
And he’d rather not risk doing or saying something he regrets in the meantime.
Once he’s ready, he’ll approach you when he’s completely calmed down and has thoroughly analyzed the situation.
He’s considered both of your sides, tried to pinpoint what caused the disagreement to turn into a fight, and made a plan of action to prevent it from happening again.
“MC? I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what happened. Would you please talk it through with me?”
He won’t apologize for the argument if he feels like he was right, but he will apologize for letting the disagreement escalate into a fight.
Satan could go weeks without making up if necessary, but he tries to resolve it within a couple of days.
Wants to give you the silent treatment, but is physically incapable.
He can’t stand to have you ignore him.
He’s the type to go back to normal then suddenly remembers you guys had a fight.
“Wait, no! I’m not talking to you! I’m mad at you!”
His biggest downfall is that he’s so stubborn.
If he thinks he was right, he will die on that hill.
There are arguments with his brothers that happened a thousand years ago and he could still tell you exactly why he was right.
But with you, he realizes that doesn’t matter too him nearly as much as it usually does.
If it means going back to normal, he’ll forget who’s right or wrong.
If you sleep in another room, he’s beyond offended.
“What?! Well fine! I don’t want you in my bed anyway!”
Laying in bed alone is a different story though.
He can’t sleep. All he can think about is you. Your face when you sleep next to him, your smell, the feeling of his arms around you.
He 100% cries.
Finally goes and knocks on your door with wet, glossy eyes.
“MC? Can we talk about this? I can’t get my beauty sleep and my tears are wiping off all of my skin care lotion!”
Will throw himself into your arms before you can answer.
If you sleep next to him still, he rolls over and watches you sleep.
It puts him at peace and he decides seeing your sweet, resting face every morning is worth more to him than the argument.
He’ll initiate the conversation the next morning.
I think Asmo could make it a few days if it was a really serious argument, but he will not function well until you make up.
Wants to make up immediately.
He doesn’t like to argue, even less so with you.
Whether he was right or wrong, he blames himself. He’ll take all the blame in the world if it makes you happy.
He’ll go make you your favorite food and bring it to you.
If he thinks you don’t want to talk to him, he’ll leave it outside your door and text you to let you know it’s there.
He’s honestly devastated if you decide to sleep in another room.
You guys migrate to your old room when you want privacy from Belphie, but you almost never sleep separately.
Seeing you grab your pillows and march out of the room nearly stops his heart.
He goes completely numb and silent as he just stares at the space you had just occupied.
Like Levi, he thinks this means the relationship is over and he genuinely does not know what to do with himself.
He can’t even bring himself to eat, he just wants to lie there, lost and trying to grapple with his emotions. 
He’s another one who will absolutely cry, but unlike Asmo he will make sure no one knows it.
If you still sleep in his bed, he’s very nervous about it.
He doesn’t know if it’s okay to touch you, what he can or can’t say, stuff like that.
He just lays there stiff as a board not even able to close his eyes.
Honestly the fight would probably have to be resolved before bed. His anxiety just can’t take it.
I don’t think he’d initiate the apology. Not because he doesn’t want to make up but because his confidence is rock bottom in these situations.
He catastophizes and honestly thinks you hate him.
If you don’t initiate the apology soon, Belphie will. He can feel what his twin won’t say, and he knows Beel won’t approach you about it for fear of making it worse.
Belphie will lock you two in a room if that’s what it takes for you to make up.
The embodiment of if looks could kill.
He won’t talk to you, won’t look at you, basically pretends you aren’t there.
If he must interact with you he’ll roll his eyes and sigh the whole time.
Tries to sleep through any interaction so he doesn’t have to deal with it.
He feels almost betrayed by the fight.
He thought the relationship was stronger than to have such a huge divide, so he’s really insecure about it.
After the first day, the anger has melted away to guilt.
He ‘s not guilty that you fought, but he is guilty about how he treated you after.
Guilt and self-blame have become unwelcome friends at this point. Guilt over Lilith, over his plans to destroy the human world, everything.
But more than anything else, the guilt for the fact that he attacked you weighs on him every day.
He moved past it quickly after, essentially pretending he hadn’t killed you, but that’s because he just couldn’t confront what he’d done. 
He feels like the luckiest demon alive that you forgave him, let alone  opened you heart enough to love him, and now it’s all in tatters.
Another thing to regret.
If you decide to sleep separately, it’ll hit him like a bag of bricks.
“You - what? Where are you going?” 
It’ll take him a second to process what you were doing, but then he’ll roll over and let you leave.
“Fine. Don’t let the door hit you.”
No one will see him for awhile. 
Belphie sleeps all the time anyway, but he just can’t make himself get out of bed.
If you don’t approach him to apologize, Beel will tell you that he’s been nauseous and randomly emotional which must mean his twin is coping very badly. 
Will beg you to go make Belphie happy again. 
If you sleep in his bed still, the argument will be resolved by morning.
He can’t keep himself from embracing you in his sleep, and it’s hard to say you’re mad at someone when you wake up in their loving arms.
It’s hard to pinpoint how long it could last with Belphie. If you don’t apologize first, he won’t let himself be conscious long enough to approach you.
This is both my first hc post as well as my first obey me post so I’m sorry if le boys are ooc. I just got this idea and couldn’t stop thinking about it so here we are.  Especially Belphie, he was hard to me for some reason. Let me know if you guys agree or disagree and if you want to send a request or ask, my box is open! 
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gloryofluv · 3 years
"Oh Baby!" Time Traveling Child? The Younger Brothers React to It Being Their Child.
The rain was absolutely horrendous so seeing a demonic version of yourself completely soaked and coddling a bundle was hard enough as it was. What the fuck? This probably is bad.
“Here! Please, I don’t have time! Take the baby, [Insert name] is the father! I’m sorry, I have to go!”
Future self. Time travel. Giant mess. Now… a toddler.
The Older Brothers with Their Child
The Dateables with Their Child (Luke's reaction to Simeon's)
Satan’s Child-
Oh, brother. If anyone, and I mean anyone, was any more excited to be a dad, it was this boi. You explain the oddity, and it doesn’t phase him on the surface, at least. Inside, his brain is moving a mile a minute. Doesn’t spew about the concept of time and reality theories. He clearly sees you’re overwhelmed.
Dad mode shifts into high gear. Creates a twelve-point plan with variances. Immediately gets on the horn with all the contacts he thinks could make both your lives easier to request returns on favors. Orders a vast amount of parenting books for pickup from the shop so he can just grab them when he runs into town for both of you.
Knows his room is definitely not the safest for the child. Books everywhere. Insistent on staying with you in yours until he organizes his room to be more child-friendly. Only leaves you two for a short period to do the shopping, comes back with more than intended.
Refuses. REFUSES Lucifer’s help. Suck it, bitch. He’s a dad first! He’s absolutely determined to master being a father even if his child grates his nerves. However, being angry with either of you is NEVER an option now. Moderate to coach, but willing to listen, especially since you’re the other parent.
Magic? Oh, yes. Especially in his room once it’s prepared for all three of you to move back into it. Cat stuffed animals. Cat-eared onesies. The child might as well be part cat. However, cats are now officially replaced as his favorite. His child is number one. You’re a very, very close second.
His child will have tantrums but be highly intelligent. Picture books, kitty cats, and his papa are the only things that quell them. Oh, and please, for the love of everything sane… be sure to have patience. That baby is going to be a master manipulator and Lucifer torturer. However, father and child will love you infallibly for eternity.
Asmodeus’s Child-
Dun, dun, dun! Plot twist! He’s so on board, and honey, you’re just the ticket for his partner in crime. Really doesn’t care how it happened after you said it was most definitely both of yours. A demon you from the future? Okay! Promises. Promises!
Probably the easiest of the brothers to convince to let you stay in your own room. Not because he doesn’t love you. No, it’s all about space! You and the baby will have your bedroom completely redecorated! Don’t even think you’re getting out of having him stay with you or having a crib in his room for nights you’re up there!
Already has a giant shopping list. Ordered and special ordered, babe. No child of his will walk around in semi-cute things! Doesn’t have a gender preference, so expect both dresses and handsome onesies. Googoo gaga for clothing. You will be pampered as well, so you best get used to trio sessions with him painting your nails while rocking his little cutie in their bouncing chair.
Super excited to take this next step. You’re officially never leaving him! Sorry, Solomon, you have replaced him indefinitely now, both of you. Just celebratory and giggly all the time, often asking his brothers to hold the baby so he can take tons of pictures. All the pictures. All the time.
A little grossed out about the changing and boogers but will do it for you and the little beautiful 'Mini Asmo.' Bath time is the best. Cuddle time, you guessed it, is the best. Everything the three of you do together is the best moment of his life, and it gets better and better. Lessons of life will be showered in sweet tips to his child. Beautiful is about living it, baby!
His baby will be a charmer, the sweetie demon who everyone falls in love with immediately. Or… he will make them. Expect your family to be chaotic in the best way. High fashion family with tons of love.
Beelzebub’s Child-
Sweet boi doesn’t get it at first. You, him, a baby? How? Lucifer specifically said that demons have to have sex to make them. Oh, this is a future thing? Wait, you both had sex? In the future?
Cue bright blush and a smile as he rubs the back of his neck. Well. Now what? Immediately asks Lucifer. Not because he’s dumb, but he really really doesn’t want to mess this up. Lucifer sits you both down and carefully designs a plan. He will follow this plan to the letter, with no variation unless you ask for it.
Very quick to hold the baby. It’s so small and definitely needs protecting. Nestled in his sweater, he’ll take it around the house while following this plan. Obviously, you can’t move in with him and Belphie, so he moves around your room with you before reluctantly leaving you and the baby behind to go shopping.
Calls Satan while out. Asks about the books he needs. What food should he buy? If Satan doesn’t have an answer, he’ll call Lucifer. Very much a concerned boi about getting this right for you and the baby. Will return home with too much food, many books, and clothing he wasn’t sure about but got it anyway.
You will have to take the lead on care. Show him. Teach him. Love him, please??? He won’t push, shove, or complain about what space you might need with this dramatic change. Just wants to be there with you and support you and the baby so badly.
Ends up sleeping in your room every night. If the baby is crying late, he’ll get up, get it a bottle, and himself a midnight snack. Talks to the baby all the time about you. He is just so happy and enraptured because he knows now you really are family, the three of you. Won’t ever yell, but will listen if you say certain rules your baby needs to follow. Strict on the routine for your sake. Great gentle dad.
His child will be sweet and gentle and likely always hungry. However, the easiest baby to care for and love. A big demon fan of yours and papa is in full support (you’ll always be protected then by him and the baby.) The sweetest, most natural family, full of love, and of course food.
Belphegor’s Child-
If you can manage to wake him. Telling him is a different type of adventure. He understands about realities, shifts in time, etc. He even gets the possibility of you being corrupted enough to become a demon. However, the child in your arms… his?
He had dreams about you being a happy family one day. Not that he wanted to be a father, per se. However, the idea of sticking it to Lucifer was there. This. Well… He wasn’t expecting it at all.
The conversation was easily a partnership about a plan. He would stay with you in your room; however, he apologized ahead of time for his lack of care. He worries about his sleepiness and affecting you and the baby. Things are ordered, items are built in record time.
The first cuddle sleep session between him and his baby is the seal of the deal. From then on, you're fucked if you think you’re going to pry that baby from his hands. Surprisingly alert about when it wakes up or needs something. (Stay at home dad??? Yep!)
He is actually less sleepy and more of an equal participant in both your lives. Shouldering much of the burden for you while letting you get precious hours of sleep at night. He carries the baby in his sweater with his pillow pressed under it. Loves hard. Really hard. This is both of your child, and he’s so fucking proud.
I repeat. You really have to pry your child from him. He is in full dad mode when he’s awake. Trips to the Planetarium, the attic, out in the garden with Beel. All the things his child needs to learn and know… yes, including all the dastardly plans he has in store for Lucifer.
Pushover for his child. Makes you be the bad guy. Often. Too much in love with both of you to give two shits about if his spawn is spoiled rotten, so does it all the time… to your greatest detriment. However, he makes it up with sweet kisses and so much love.
His child is probably the most devious. Not quite as sleepy as papa, but definitely devious. Finds ways to con Lucifer into letting them have their way and knows how often. Proud papa with so much love for the two of you. Don’t expect to ever leave their side… you’ll never be alone again, that’s for sure!
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ohbae-me · 3 years
Hey! I saw you were asking your readers to send you their favorite angst/comfort headcanons.
One of my all time favorite headcanons to write about is the LI (in this case, the obey me boys) comforting MC when they jolt awake from a night terror and vise versa. It’s one of the first things I write about when I come into a new hyperfixation.
I would love to see your take on this if you haven’t done it already :)
Love your blog! Make sure to drink enough water!
-Jamie (@obeydisdicc)
What's the best way to terrify the most powerful demons in the Devildom? Have their human look scared and helpless. The lord's of Hell be weak to that shit istg.
Also @obeydisdicc I'm sorry this was so late! I had a draft on my other comp but wasn't able to recover it after I left, but I really wanted to share these! ❤️
His brother's antics have made him a light sleeper, and he's very attuned to you in particular, so he wakes up right away when you jolt awake beside him.. He'll take in the heavy breaths, the sweat beading on your forehead and the pinched expression on your face and Protective Mode activates.
He will firmly cup your cheek, and turn your head so you can meet his eyes. “It’s okay love, it was just a nightmare.” If you're still shaken up, he will pull you in close and gently rub your back to help calm you down. After you've settled a bit, he will offer to grab you some tea.
It throws him off a bit, realizing he really doesn't like seeing you this way. He's certainly not used to his human all shaken and fearful looking. You live with the most powerful beings in the devildom, yet you have never cowered from them. He wants to know what spooked you so much, but also doesn't want to make you talk about it if it’s bothering you so much.
He will probably be unusually soft with you for a while after, trying his best to be as soothing as possible so you can fall back to sleep peacefully. Anything you ask for is yours in this state, no matter what the request might be.
The next day he will bring it up, he wants to know what freaked you out so much and if anything happened to trigger it. RIP to anyone who may have contributed if that were the case. However, if you don’t wish to discuss it, he won't push no matter how much it frustrates him to not know.
You give the boy a heart attack when you jolt up with a scream in your sleep. He’ll straight up fly off the bed. He’s about to yell at you when he sees the tears streaming down your face and a panicked expression on your face.
“He-hey, don’t go cryin like that, ya scared me half to death! Sheesh, control your nightmares would ya?!” He's trying to make you smile, but ends up just saying it all panicky because you've legitimately worried him to death.
His mind blanks, and for a moment he doesn’t know what to do. Does he make jokes? Hug you? Tell you it’s okay? Finally, he decides to do the same for you as you always end up doing for him.
He’ll pull you into his lap and hold you tight, whispering calming words into your ear and telling you that you're okay now, he's got you. He’ll play with your hair and hold you until you're fast asleep in his arms again.
In fact, he’s just going to stay like that the rest of the night. You know, just in case you need the Great Mammon’s help again. But he really just needs to know you're okay. Seeing his favorite person like that spooked him, and his heart is still beating a mile a minute. You will be showered with gifts and extra cuddles all day long afterwards. Anything to see you smiling and happy.
Asmo wakes when he feels you kicking and gasping in your sleep. When he finally gets a good look at you, he sees tears falling down your cheeks and his heart breaks when you let out a sob. He’ll wake you as gently as he can with soft hands running up and down your arm, and many smooches.
He’s definitely crying with you as you cling to him and continue to sob into his chest. He will rub your back and rock you gently, humming a soft lullaby. When you've both calmed down enough, he will offer to go get some tea and run you a bath. After all, now that you've both been crying, you won't want puffy red eyes in the morning.
Both the bath and the tea will be the most relaxing he can find. You're also going to get a nice massage to help you relax again. Asmo will gently coax you to tell him what the nightmare was about, and be the best listener if you choose to tell him. If you don't want to, he’ll settle for telling you the newest gossip, or taking cute bubble bath selfies with you.
When you get back to bed, he will gently trace his fingers along your back as you both fall back into a deep sleep, curled in to one another. Also plans on skipping class with you the next day to snuggle in longer since you’ll both need the beauty sleep, followed by a full day of shopping and pampering.
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unprofessional-bard · 4 years
Have it Your Way
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Request: yooo you should totally do a nsfw bigby wolf x f! reader 👀 Mr. Wolf going apeshit bc of work stress is lit
Pairing: Bigby Wolf x Female!Reader
Warnings: A lil bit of tension, then pure smut with (fluffy?) after care: Rough oral (m! receiving) and unprotected vaginal sex + fingering & Bigby going beast mode, so a lot of biting and scratching~
Summary: The sheriff is more than grateful to find you in his office after a rough day at work.
Word Count: 3.521
Author's Note: I got a little carried away while writing this sjsnsjdnjss I hope y'all enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it 😅
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Out of the corner of your eye, you see a fast approaching figure to where you were standing. You raise your head to see it's Bigby and he looks- well, pissed.
"Finally," You sigh as his steps slow down when he sees you. His knuckles are bruised and bottom lip cut, not to mention the bandages wrapped around his forearms and elbows. His frown dissolves just a little bit when you show your concern to him: "What the hell happened?"
"Woody happened," He growls and walks into the office before you can reach for his hands to take a closer look at his wounds. You follow him inside quietly and close the door. "What are you doing here, anyway? It's late."
He's right, it's around midnight and it was a little uncharacteristic of you to show up this late and at his office, instead of his apartment.
What you and Bigby have... it doesn't really have a proper name. Two people enjoying each other's company is a light term, fuckbuddies is a little vulgar for the both of you. There's sex, a healthy amount of it, but not too much romance. No romance at all, in fact. You weren't dating or anything, friends with benefits would be the closest term. People probably guessed you two had something going on, but it lacks certain emotions and behaviours to confirm their thoughts.
And you're okay with it. He's a bit of a wreck, truth be told - being this town's sheriff takes its toll on him, but by the gods he's one attractive man. Your relationship with him fit his aesthetic well, too. Surprisingly you hadn't caught feelings for him yet, but seeing him all beaten and tired like a puppy made your heart ache. You felt a strange responsibility of taking care of him, not like a wife and certainly not like a mother... but the instinct was there.
"I've been trying to reach you the whole day," You say calmly, not wanting to get on his bad side. "I got a little worried."
"I was out," He lights a cigarette and turns around to face you, leaning against the desk with crossed arms. "Nothing I can't handle... the usual stuff."
"You okay, though?" You take a step forward and take his chin in your hand gently, studying the cut on his bottom lip. "Come back to my place, I'll take care of this, hm?" You say, indicating his wounds. "If you want, of course."
His frown is still present and he senses that you're afraid: Afraid of pissing him off more and tries to calm himself for your sake, to no avail. He's confused about your sudden closeness - not physically, but because of your offer. You? Want to take care of him? We didn't agree to catch feelings, he thinks and his nose scrunches up with curiosity, trying to understand what was going on.
"Why? Are you a nurse and not telling me?" He takes a drag from the cigarette, but his tone comes off more annoyed than teasing and he notices the shift in your tone when you reply.
"Christ Bigby," You roll your eyes and turn around to leave. "If you want to be alone, just say so."
Before you can reach the door handle, he grabs your wrist to stop you, turns you around and places his hands on your waist. Your annoyance dissipates the moment his eyes lock with yours: "I didn't say I wanted to be alone..." He pulls you closer while pushing you against the door, then places a ghostly kiss on your jaw: "I need you."
"Here-?" You try to ask but when he lightly bites on that soft spot he knows so well on your neck, you interrupt yourself with a quiet gasp.
"Here..." He growls, suddenly gets impatient and kisses you deeply. His tongue is quick to find yours and you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, which he takes it as his cue to grab your thighs and lift you up. Another gasp mixed with a soft moan leaves your lips when your core brushes against his erection - you'd worn a slip dress before going down to his office, so his hands easily sneak under it to push it up until your upper thighs reveal themselves to him. He was too busy giving all his attention to your lips that he was caught a little off guard when his growing erection met with your clothed pussy.
You're a little overwhelmed by how he's trying to hold back, because he's angry and clearly wants to blow off some steam, but doesn't want to hurt you in the process - it excites you and you want him to be rough, actually, so you bite his bottom lip when he digs his fingers into the soft flesh of where your thighs meet your ass. He pulls back suddenly and for a terrifying moment you think you bit the cut part- you didn't mean to hurt him, but luckily he doesn't seem hurt but rather bewildered.
He holds your gaze for a torturous few seconds and you just squirm against him impatiently: He hears your heart rate pick up and it's because you're excited, so he asks: "You want it rough, sweetheart?" You nod in fast motions, expression somewhere between desperate and aching and it makes him harder, if that was even possible. "You sure? I won't be gentle-"
"Just fuck me, Bigby," You whine, to his surprise. "You're angry: Go ahead, take it all out on me."
You feel his growing nails dig into your skin, then he kisses you once more, rougher than any kiss you shared with him.
There's a moment when you're spontaneously turned on by one another: The thought of him fucking you until you forgot your name made you literally anxious (in a good way) and to see you this hungry for him drove the sheriff absolutely crazy, which made him rougher and it made you... It's like a vicious cycle.
Your hands are trembling as you devour each other against the door, a desperate need to fuck overcomes the both of you. It's as if, the seven deadly sins were demons and Lust had possessed the both of you. Bigby groans and bites your neck and for a moment you swear his fangs had grown sharper - it startles you and makes you moan.
"Lock the door," Bigby growls into the crook of your neck and drops you after you nod in his arms. You hear him clear his desk at the speed of light as you turn to lock the door, but before you can turn back around, he grabs your hips and places kisses along your shoulders. The heat radiating from your body makes him go, quite literally, feral.
"Up," He murmurs after he turns you around harshly and you don't waste a second to jump into his arms. He carries you to his desk with three steps and places you on the empty spot like a trophy. He admires you for a brief moment, admires how ruined you looked and grins to himself: It was all because of him.
You snap him back to reality when you grab his black tie and pull him towards you, placing him between your legs and kissing him. It's a lot more messy this time, all teeth and tongue as he tries to pull his erection out of his pants.
Just then, there's a knock on the door: "Bigby?"
"Bigby, are you alright?"
It's Snow White. The both of you go incredibly still and Bigby feels himself get soft at the sound of her voice.
"I'm busy, Snow!" He growls, angrier than before.
"Is everything okay? I heard a-"
"I'm on a call, can we talk later?" He speaks loudly and you bite your lip at how unfortunate you two are and to calm your breathing down.
"Okay, sorry," She sounds a little offended, but you could care less, because Bigby leans back and away from you after she returns to her office.
"Charming," You take a deep breath then stand up. Bigby looks a little embarrassed and you feel a little awkward, but immediately come up with a solution. Instead of speaking, you pull him back towards you, slowly, by his belt until your back hits the edge of the desk. He gives you a quizzical look, but you just smirk: "We're not done yet."
You keep eye contact when you drop onto your knees not a moment later, and he almost chokes at the sight. He lets you pull his cock out of his pants as he puts his hands on the desk to lean on for support. Your touch (and the view alone) is enough to make him go harder by the second and his knees buckle when you pump him a couple of times. If it were up to you, you wouldn't rush it and take proper care of him, make him sing for you- coax it out of him rather than rush him, but the sheriff was impatient at the moment- and so were you.
A broken moan leaves his lips when you place a kiss on the tip of his cock and take him in your mouth right after. You see him struggling to stand still and his eyes close as you start to bob your head in a steady rhythm, taking more of him with each move forward. You moan around him at how big he felt inside your mouth- not that it was a new feeling or anything, but his cock was a delight anywhere inside you; especially when he hits the back of your throat, just like he did now.
An animalistic growl escapes him, a bit louder than he likes, when he sees just how much of his length you took in your mouth and his hands find themselves in your hair. You grab the sides of his thighs and tap them, signalling him to start moving and let him fuck your mouth. You hear him groan at the feeling, which makes you moan and dip a hand into your underwear to touch yourself. His pace is rough and fast, but the doesn't go too deep for a while and enjoys the feeling without literally choking you.
"Fuck," He grunts out when he hits the back of your throat again and sees his cock completely disappear into your mouth. When you gag, he pulls out to let you breathe, a thin line of saliva connects the tip of his rock hard cock and your parted lips. There are tears at the corners of your eyes, but by god it's so worth it. You retreat your hand from your underwear and smirk at him at the best of your ability while breathing heavily.
"Up," Bigby growls and picks you up from on your knees and sits you on the edge of the desk again. He places himself between your legs, removes your underwear to the side and impatiently (but carefully) inserts a finger inside you.
A trembling gasp falls from your lips as you watch a second finger join the other not long after. You want to tell him that you didn't need him to stretch your walls, so you try: "Bigby, please, I need your-"
"Trust me, sweetheart," But he interrupts, looks into your eyes and stops his movements. "You're gonna need this."
You swear his eyes glow yellow for a moment, but before you can look deeper you throw your head back when you feel a third finger inside you: "F-Fuck!"
"Shh," Bigby smirks and kisses your neck. "You want Snow to hear what we're up to?"
Maybe, you think, but the word gets mashed up and leaves your lips as a shallow moan instead when he does come hither motions with his fingers. You tense around him and the sweet smell of your juices drives him absolutely mad.
That's when he had to pull out, because his claws are out, his fangs and yellow eyes are glowing and you whine at the contact loss. He lines himself by your entrance and whispers against your burning cheeks: "You let me know if anything hurts, okay?"
You quickly shake your head and unintentionally hold your breath, but immediately let it go as soon as he pushes into you.
He's big. Bigger.
"Fuck," You choke out and bite his shoulder through his shirt. He goes still for a moment and allows you to adjust to... a new experience.
"Shit..." He growls and immediately gets rid of his shirt. A round of teeth marks appear on his skin, he looks at it and smirks as you try desperately to not come and make it last a while. Your hands instinctively reach for his hairy chest and connect behind his back. He holds you close by your hips and pushes a little further: "You're so tight, sweetheart..."
You can only moan in his hear, the stretch bringing new forms of pleasure and pain to you, making you dizzy. Suddenly, you move yourself forward and sit yourself on the edge of his desk and completely take in his cock, letting out a cry.
"We should've gone to your place," Bigby breathes and chuckles darkly, then proceeds to fuck you.
You want to reply, but (you guessed it) you can't; you rest your head on his shoulder, ready to bite down in case you got too loud. With your hands and legs wrapped around his back, you let yourself relax in his grip and let him reach deeper into you. You could technically let yourself go completely and he'd still hold you upright, thanks to his hard grip on your shoulder and waist.
Your moans become more frequent and high pitched and his pace is a little out of rhythm, but he's absolutely ruining you.
"Oh Bigby," You whimper, letting him know that you're about to cum.
He's lost, completely, between your moans, heat and trembling legs. Neither of you realise his claws beginning to break through the skin a little, but when he does he immediately switches the place of his hands to the backs of your shoulders. He partly lays you down on the desk and bends himself over as he drives into you, the new angle making him let out a gruttal growl and you lose it. You have to bite on his shoulder again to keep you from crying out as you come undone- A sound so divine and loud (although muffled), it drives Bigby over the edge as well, making him bite you in the neck in return.
Your legs tremble as he empties his seed in you, his cock reaching the deepest parts of your insides and giving you the pleasure of your life.
"H-ah, fuck," You breathe out when he pulls back both from your neck and inside you. He immediately checks for marks and you can see a guilt ridden expression spreading across his face as he calms down.
"You... I'm sorry-"
"Bigby," You interrupt him with a snarky smile, matching with your (literally) fucked state. "I asked for it and you gave it to me. No need for apologies." He still can't help but worry and run his thumb gently across the bite mark on yout neck: "It'll heal by next day."
"Good thing we're fables, huh?" He sighs and you nod as you readjust your underwear and dress, then get off the table with shaky legs which almost makes you fall, but Bigby catches you gently.
"Let's take this back to my place now, hm?" You chuckle against his neck and place a small kiss there.
Reassured, he picks you up bridal style and offers you a small grin: "Agreed."
A second round hadn't crossed your mind while you were going up to your apartment.
He gently sat you down on your bed and asked you if you needed anything. You decided to take a look at his wounds from earlier today, so you sat there and studied the bruises on his knuckles and lips, while his seed continued to make a mess of your panties.
"You wanna stay over, or...?" You offered as he came out of the bathroom and, after taking his clothes of, joined you in bed.
"Let's get rid of this, hm?" He said and helped you out of your dress. It wasn't an intimate moment, per se, but you couldn't help but feel shy when he took your dress off- he hadn't even spared a look anywhere other than your face.
"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing you shying away, still keeping his eyes on yours.
"Nothing," You smiled softly when you realised this and let him help you with your panties.
When he took them off, however, he couldn't help but look down at the mix of cum leaking from your pussy; it made his breath hitch and you bite your lip. He gave you a look- the look...
... and that's how you ended up face down on the bed with Bigby right above you, pounding into your pussy. Your knees were holding your lower half up, while your arms were under your pillow and your face was resting, or rather, buried in it. Bigby's claws made their presence known around your hips and waist, then one hand reaches into the back of your neck and firmly holds it, pressing you down more. He throws his head back and closes his eyes, moaning at the pleasure- pure pleasue. The sounds in your room are just a mess of skin slapping  against skin, the occasional creaking of the bed and your constant moaning mixed with his.
He's close and so are you, you've had your relationship going on for long enough to understand when he's going to cum and vice versa, his pace becomes faster than you thought possible and you clench down on him. He sneaks his arm under your chest and pulls you up against him, on all fours. You're holding yourself up by the underside of your forearm and hand, while one of his hands grabs at your breast and squeezes it as he lets out yet another growl.
"Ah- Bigby," You breathe out and hold onto his arm across your chest. He inhales your scent deeply and with sounds close to brief shouts, he finally comes, once more, inside you. He sees the stars when he does and it triggers your second orgasm.
An earth shattering experience to say the least.
You both collapse to the left in a spooning position, breathing hard. He gently pulls out of you while holding you close: "Fuck..."
"Indeed," You chuckle, mind hazy with the aftershock and eyes closed, calmly resting in his embrace. Once he manages to recollect himself, which is a few long minutes later, he immediately starts searching your body for the marks he left. "Bigby, I told you it's fine-"
He simply ignores you and continues feeling guilty as he stares at them: "I... I'm really-"
"If you say I'm sorry one more time, I'll kick your ass," You smirk, looking at him with lazy eyes. You're too content -satisfied and utterly fucked- to move, the heat making it easier for you to fall asleep: "Sheriff or not."
He smiles at you fondly and kisses your shoulder- he seems more at ease: "Okay... Let me clean you up, then."
You hum, agreeing and letting him slip off the bed. Nothing seems to be significantly important to you at that moment. Perhaps tomorrow, things will go back to being difficult, but at that moment, it was just you and Bigby.
He comes back with a warm, wet towel and proceeds to clean your inner thighs. The sight made him feel a couple of things at once: A type of warmth, not caused solely by lust but the type that painted his cheeks red with... fondness? Sincerity? Something much more?
He didn't want to think or talk about it, even though the former was a bit impossible as he was cleaning and admiring your ruined state with an unintentional sprinkle of guilt. He then starts cleaning the small amount of blood that drew and you let him, not without adding: "If you feel that bad, you can make it up to me by coming here..."
He watches you pat the empty spot he was lying on moments ago and he complies, drops the towel on your nightstand after he's finished cleaning you and crawls under the sheets.
You slowly turn around and place your half asleep form on his broad chest, spreading an arm across it and lay your head on where his arm and body meet, dozing off as soon as you felt one of his arms around your waist and the other on your hand.
Sleep quickly catches up with Bigby too and his eyelids slowly start to close, his nose against your hair and an extreme comfort surrounding him because of your presence; right before he closes his eyes, his own thoughts echo in his mind: We didn't agree to catch feelings...
Oh, no.
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thewritingginger · 4 years
Obey Me! Brothers React: Baby?!?
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This is a VERY old request that I actually found I had when scrolling through my blog lol
I liked it so much so I did the thing. It also gives some fluff between all the sin I have in my WIPs 
Probably the calmest out of the bunch
“Are you okay?” “I’m prepared to take responsibility and make sure you’re happy.”
Makes sure you have your doctor appointments and goes with you
Very attentive to your needs
Over all he is pretty organized and prepared . . . on the outside
On the inside he’s a bit of a hoverer, but never too obvious. Just kinda stands to the side and observes,”just in case” you are carrying precious cargo afterall
Also he won't say it outloud but seeing your growing belly makes his pride shine the most and very territorial of you more than usual��You are his and everyone will know
Kinda low-key didn’t not-not try to impregnate you but you didn’t hear that from me…
You and lucifer ended up having a Baby Boy Great another boy in the house
“Am I just destined to be surrounded by boys my whole life?” “I can always try to give you a girl. Just tell me when.” 😉
Yeah you’ll probably wait a year or two to actually plain for another baby, that is if Lucifer doesn’t “if it happens it happens”you again and BOOM baby #2 smh
Not as strict as one may think when thinking of Lucifer’s parenting style
Mammon definitely has something to say about that 
Does like to try and keep to a daily schedule of when they not just eat and sleep but also scheduled play and study time when they get to that age
He may need an ambulance
JK but he is a bit of a nervous wreck
Wait till he finds how birth works
But after the initial shock he is still worried about you
Maybe a bit overbearing
“Mammon, I can walk! I’m pregnant, not crippled.” “What? I can’t carry you around for no reason now?”
You end up having a Baby Girl
Cue panic mode!
Must protect baby girl at all costs Daddy mode engaged!
“My Love, you don’t have to watch her all night. She’ll be fine.” “I don’t know that!”
That dad that gets upsetty spaghetti if a “snot-nosed brat” messes with his perfect daughter on the playground
Levi.exe has stopped working
Try turning off and turning on and try again later
Wasn’t ready for you to say it
I mean sure you guys do do the do, bUt hOw?!?!?
“Can we go back?” “Levi this isn’t a video game level.”
Don’t get him wrong he’s not mad just scared!
He’ll get into it after he has time to process it 
“I guess it would be nice to have another player when your busy.”
Started “practicing” with a life simulator game
You and Levi had a baby boy!
Games galore! 
When your little boy is still a baby obviously he can’t play video games with Levi but Levi has surprisingly really liked playing peek-a-boo
You do find Levi with your son on his chest as he plays video games most of the time when he’s watching him 
Is about tied with Lucifer on the calm factor
Actually knew before you told him
“How the heck did you know, I just told you.” “Your period was late.”
Read all the books he can find on parenting and newborns in both humans and demons
You kinda wished he didn’t read so much because it went from ‘just wanting to cover all bases’ to being a bit of a worry wart and always “helping” you and “informing” you
Can you say Papa Bear!!! VERY protective!!!
Will damn near bite someone's head off if they bump into you especially w/o apologizing
Reads and/or plays music for the baby every night
“They say they can start to hear and recognize things in the womb at about 18-24 weeks. I have so many books I’d want to show them so might as well start early.”
Finds himself talking to and kississing your belly when your asleep late at night
“I promise I’m gonna make sure I’m the best Dad for you!”
Does touch your belly though everytime he kisses you
You and Satan had a Baby Girl
Truely a Daddy’s girl! She definitely has him wrapped around her little finger
He denies it but it’s true lol
Checks under the bed for “the scaries” every time she asks 
“You know Daddy will always protect you!”
Obviously the one to teach her to read and write. Making sure they get at least 30 mins of reading time together where they take turns
You’ve walking into the library many times to see Satan laying on the couch with your daughter on his chest, both asleep
At some point he finally admitted to you that he’s scared to “let her go”
He wants his baby girl to be his baby forever but he knows sadly she has to grow up but he hopes that when that happens they still have their book discussions and reading time together
It’s how he bonds with her the most.
Okay. Okay. I’ll stop cuz we should know I love Daddy Satan so I’ll stop before i get out of hand lol
Ok but really he is excited
“With my charm and your cuteness, this child is gonna be the most sought after person in devildom.”
The day you told him he started preparing their room. Filling the room with bins of stuffed animals and toys
And clothes. Lots and lots of clothes.
“Asmo we don’t even know the gender yet.” “That’s ok! What ever we don’t use I guess we’ll just have to make another for those.”
He is gonna be in for a rude awakening literally when the baby comes
Say goodbye to your beauty sleep Asmo 
You and Asmo had a Baby Girl
When he found out you were having a girl, demon lord help this new doll baby
Dress up everyday 
Loves parading her around in his arms or the stroller
“Excuse me, Princess coming through!” 
Telling him you were pregnant made him really happy!!!
“I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.” “You’ll be the best mother.”
Of course he was nervous but he had you and you always knew how to make him feel better
And when the stress of the actual baby came up he just focused on what he did know
Snacks. Snacks. & more Snacks!!!
Your pregnancy cravings were arguably the easiest part of your pregnancy for him because he was always down to go get them for you it also gave him an excuse to get more snacks for himself too and he got to try all your favorite snacks and weird concoctions you’d want.
You and Beel had surprise, surprise. Twins!!!! Fraternal Twins to be exact, a boy and a girl
One baby was scary enough but, multiply it by two!?!? Oh nelly.
But Beel really has a way to calm you.
Divide and conquer is your modo
He’ll bathe and clothe them and you feed them Beel has helped with the feeding but somehow the food seems to disappear rather fast and the rest you share and tag in and out of
I’m sorry. He must have heard you wrong.
Maybe he is still asleep and this is a dream
But nope. It’s not! You are tellin his face that he had accidentally put a … baby… inside you…
“Are you really pregnant?” “Yup” “I’m telling you right now I’m getting rid of it if it interferes with my sleep.”
Yeah… that didn’t happen :)
He lost sleep, yes. But although annoyed he was even shocked with how attached?!? He was to the child
Oh you had a boy!
You thanked the heavens for not “gifting” you with twins
A plus is your little boy takes after his father when it comes to sleep
Altho he’s still a baby so restless nights are still very much in your future 
Belphie gifted him his very own special pillow :3 He was sick of his kid stealing/hogging his
I kinda went into them as parents bit oops  I got too excited lol
Maybe I can do more Daddy AUs in the future if that’d interest anyone.
I hope you enjoyed reading this, I really liked writing it.  I can’t be the only one obviously that really likes Daddy AUs :3
I love the fluff and I hope you do too :D
~ Undateables Reactions ~
💛 ~
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 3
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ー The scene starts in the hotel room
Yui: ( Ayato-kun still hasn’t returned it seems... )
( I wonder where he went? Should I go look for him...? )
*Rustle rustle*
ー She goes down to the lobby
Yui: ( Ah, I recognize that back... )
ー She runs up to him
Ayato: ...Chichinashi...
Yui: Where were you? I was worri...ーー
( ...Huh...? )
Hey, what’s wrong? You seem kind of tired...
Ayato: Shut up. I’m fine.
More importantly, are you well enough to be up and running again?
Yui: I’m fine, but...
Ayato: Mmh. Let’s go look for the locksmith together then.
Yui: Yeah...We have to find some sort of lead first though...
Ayato: I’ve got one. Seems like he’s hanging out in Saint Nore Park.
I found this person who spotted him there, you see...
Yui: Eh...?
( Then, could he have been looking around for the locksmith on his own this whole time...? )
Ayato: We might lose track of him again if we sit around too long. Let’s go.
Yui: Gotcha.
( ... )
ー She reaches for his hand
Ayato: ...Why did you grab my hand all of a sudden...?
Yui: S-Sorry...But...
( I was thinking of a way to say thank you and suddenly felt like doing this... )
Ayato: Hm, whatever. Anyway, let’s hurry.
Yui: Yeah!
ー The scene shifts to Saint Nore Park’s venue
Yui: It’s still as crowded as ever...
Ayato: Yeah, you’re right...
Yui: ( What to do? Even if we know he’s here, with this many people around... )
Ayato: Well then. Guess it’s time for these bad boys to make an appearance.
Yui: ...? Ayato-kun, are those...?
Ayato: Hehe. I figured out what the dude looks like while I was gatherin’ information on him.
I drew this portrait of him. Whatcha think? There’s just no way we won’t find him with this, right?
Yui: ( ...I thought it was an animal of some sorts...But it’s actually a portrait... )
( Ayato-kun seems very confident but...I’m honestly a little worried... )
Ayato: ...What? Got a problem with my drawing?
Yui: Eh? ...No, that’s not it, but...
Ayato: ...? But, what?
Yui: Well...
→ Beg the question
Yui: ...No, it’s nothing...
Ayato: ...Hmm. Well, whatever.
→ Praise him (☾)
Yui: ...No, it’s nothing. I just thought your art style is very distinctive...
Ayato: Hah, right? You’ve got a good eye!
Yui: ( Either way...I feel as if I’ve seen this face somewhere before... )
( ...Am I just imagining things...? )
Ayato: ‘Kay! Let’s go ‘round the whole park showin’ people this portrait!
Ayato: Che, fuck...We’re not havin’ any luck...
Yui: Yeah...You’re right...
( We’ve been walking around the park asking others for information, but we haven’t even gotten any clues... )
( I guess it’s impossible with just a single portrait... )
Ayato: Hm? ...Ah!
Yui: ...What?
Ayato: Oi, take a look over there...!
Yui: Eh...?
???: Hahaha, then afterwards...
Yui: ( For some reason...That man vaguely looks like...the portrait drawn by Ayato-kun...? )
Ayato: It’s definitely him! Oi, let’s go!
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
( Way to go, Ayato-kun! ...I guess? )
ー They run up to the man
Ayato: Hey, Old Geezer! You’re the locksmith, right?
???: ...I can’t deny I’m the one and only but... ...! You’re that guy from yesterday...!
Yui: Eh? ...Ah! You’re...!
ー A flashback ensues
Vampire gentleman: I was shocked to find you passed out here! Did you come with someon...ーー
ー Ayato runs up to them
Ayato: ...Oi! What are you doin’ to her!? Back off at once!!
Vampire gentleman: Uguh!?
Yui: ...! Ayato-kun!?
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( The guy who helped me yesterday...And who was kicked by Ayato-kun...! )
( Who would have thought he was actually the locksmith...! )
Locksmith: What do you want? I didn’t think I would run into you two again here...
Just when I was enjoying the Parade too...
Take a look! My smile has been turned upside down because of you!
Yui: W-We’re so sorry...!
Ayato: Che...For real? No wonder the guy struck me as familiar when I was drawin’ his portrait...
Listen, dude. I’m sorry for what I did yesterday...I was convinced you were...
Yui: Um, we truly feel sorry. It’s just, Ayato-kun honestly didn’t mean any harm. 
He just got the wrong idea and...Well...
Locksmith: Hmhp! A little late for those excuses now. Besides, I’m enjoying my vacation right now.
I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t disturb me. Now leave.
Yui: ...But...!
Ayato: Listen up. There’s somethin’ we wanna ask of you.
Locksmith: ...Of me?
Ayato: ...It’s this. We have to fix this key by the end of today, no matter what...
I’m beggin’ you. Can’t you please help us out?
Locksmith: ...And give me one good reason to do that!? The answer is no.
Ayato: Didn’t I say ‘please!?’ If not, she’ll...Yui will...
Yui: ...Ayato-kun...
Locksmith: What does she have to do with it?
Ayato: ...Long story short, we need your skill to be able to save her!
So stop complainin’ and help us out!
Yui: ...Ayato-kun! C-Calm down...!
Locksmith: Hmph! You should probably do something about that short temper of yours.
...Anyway, if I don’t fix that key, something bad will happen to the young lady over here, correct?
...I suppose I have no other choice then. Let me make you an offer then.
Ayato: An offer?
Locksmith: Exactly. I challenge you to a game of go-cart. If you win, I will help you out.
Yui: ...! Really?
Locksmith: Yes, I mean it. Hey, you. This is how you negotiate with someone. Take mental note.
Ayato: Che, the fuck? This locksmith thinks he’s the shit...I don’t like him.
But fine. I just need to beat you in a go-cart race, right? Challenge accepted! You better brace yourself!
Oi, watch me, Chichinashi. I’m takin’ this victory home for sure.
Yui: Yeah...!
( Good luck, Ayato-kun...! )
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Explanation: The player controls the go-cart of the character. Hitting the obstacles will slow you down. By touching the arrow, you can speed up. Use the D-pad to alternate lanes and reach the finish before time runs out.
You can play this game in EASY, NORMAL or HARD mode.
Ayato: Awesome, I win!
Locksmith: I didn’t think you could win against me in a go-cart race. ...As to be expected of Karlheinz’s son.
Yui: Eh? You knew...?
Locksmith: ...Guess so. That’s exactly why I wanted to beat him.
Ayato: Anyway, you’ll fix this key as you promised, right?
Locksmith: Yeah, of course. You won fair and square after all.
Ayato: I did it, Yui!
ー He scoops her up in his arms
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Yui: Kyah!
( Gosh, Ayato-kun...! )
Ayato: Heh! Didn’t I tell you? Yours Truly never loses...
There’s nobody out there who can beat me. I’m always number one!
ー The scene shifts to the locksmith’s shop
Locksmith: Well then, come on in.
Yui: ( Wow. There’s many keys I’ve never seen before... )
Locksmith: ...Well then, show me the broken key.
Ayato: Yeah. It’s this bad boy.
Locksmith: ...Hm, this is...
Yui: ( ...He went quiet. He looks a little troubled... )
Ayato: Oi, what do you say? You can fix it, right?
Locksmith: ...I can. However...I will need a special mineral to do so.
Yui: A special...mineral?
Ayato: You just have to attach one side to the other, right!? Then why not use whatever you have laying ‘round to glue it together!?
Locksmith: ...No, that won’t work. Well, let me just show you. For example, if I try to use this metal...
*Cling cling*
Ayato: ...!?
Yui: ( ...The metal bounced off...? )
Locksmith: ...See? This key has been manufactured in a special way and can only be fixed by using an identical material.
It’ll be difficult to repair the key without the right mineral.
Yui: No way...
Ayato: Then we just gotta dig up that mineral from somewhere, right!? Where can we find it?
Locksmith: Even here in the Demon World, you can only find it in a select few locations.
The closest site would be...Right. The abandoned mine on Smaragd Volcano...
That place used to be a goldmine for all sorts of minerals. I’m sure you could still dig some up to this day.
Ayato: The volcano, right? ‘Kay, gotcha! Oi, Chichinashi! We’re leavin’ right away. Follow me!
Yui: Ah! Ayato-kun!
ー The scene shifts to Diamante Fountain
Ayato: That bein’ said, how are we gonna get to this abandoned mine...?
It can’t be helped...The Four-Eyes might just know a good way.
Okay, I’m gonna send him a message through my Familiar.
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun’s trying his very best... )
( He barely got any sleep last night either, did he...? I feel kind of bad... )
( For one, I wonder if this stuff we’re doing right now is really what the Count expects from us...? )
( I won’t deny that we broke into his house and broke the key, but... )
ー A flashback ensues
???: ...Exactly. While everyone else is too preoccupied with the Parade.
???: ...I will act as the decoy. ...As for the location, is Zartan’s Mouth okay?
???: Yes, I do not mind. However, there’s a few issues...
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( They were being kind of suspicious, right...? )
( I wonder what exactly that key is for...? )
( If those guys are trying to commit a crime using that key... )
( We basically aided them in that, no...? )
( In that case, the Count will... )
Ayato: Oi, what’s wrong? You’ve got a frown on your face...
Yui: ...Ayato-kun...
Ayato: I got a response from Reiji. That bastard really knows all the weird shit, huh?
But it saved our ass this time. It seems like we’ll need some tools, so let’s go collect them right away.
Yui: Y-Yeah...But...
Ayato: ...? What?
Yui: Shouldn’t you take a little break first?
You know...You haven’t been able to rest at all since yesterday, right?
Ayato: ...That’s what you’re worried about? I’m totally fine.
Besides, it’s my fault all of this happened in the first place, right?
You really think I can sit still and rest now...?
Yui: ( Ayato-kun... )
Ayato: The quickest route to the volcano is to take a gondola and go up the canal.
I’m sure you’re tired as well, but let’s push through a lil’ longer and rest on the journey there, ‘kay?
Yui: ...I’m fine. I’m much more worried about you...
Ayato: Didn’t you hear me when I said I’m fine? You weirdo. ...Let’s go.
Yui: Yeah...
ー The scene shifts to Rubien Canal
Ayato: Accordin’ to Reiji’s message, there’s a lake at the end of this canal.
And the entrance to the mountain should be somewhere in the nearby forest.
Yui: ...
Ayato: ...? Oi, what’s wrong? You’ve been actin’ off this whole time, you know?
...You’re not feeling sick again, are you?
Yui: ...I’m not! There’s just been something on my mind...
Ayato: On your mind? What is it? Tell me.  You shouldn’t keep secrets from me.
Yui: ...It’s about that key...
Ayato: ...The key?
Yui: ...Yeah. I was just wondering what they’d use that key for...
Ayato: ...Well, it didn’t seem like they’re up to any good.
Yui: ...! You think so too?
Ayato: I mean, those dudes in the basements were obviously actin’ suspicious, no?
They were hella pissed we listened in on their conversation as well. I’m sure they’re up to something.
Yui: ...In that case, what we’re doing right now is...
Ayato: ...Hmph. But you know, what’s the point in worryin’ ‘bout that?
Anyway, it’s my fault the key broke...
If they won’t forgive me unless I get it fixed, then I have no other choice.
That’s all the Count told us. We don’t exactly have the time to worry ‘bout what comes after, right?
Yui: You’re not wrong but...
Ayato: Oh, seems like we’re here.
ー The scene shifts to Tilkeys Falls
Yui: ( Waah...What a beautiful place. )
Ayato: ‘Kay, let’s keep goin’. Here, gimme your hand.
Yui: Yeah.
( Swan-shaped boats...Everyone seems to having a lot of fun... )
( I would have loved to come here on a date with Ayato-kun instead... )
( However, now’s not the time for that. )
Ayato: ...
Yui: ...Kyah!
( Ayato-kun, out of nowhere...! )
Ayato: Why do you keep makin’ those gloomy expressions?
Don’t worry. Once we find the right mineral real quick and get the key repaired...
I’ll for sure retrieve your heart from the Count, okay?
Then afterwards, let’s enjoy ourselves here to the fullest before headin’ home. How does that sound?
Yui: Ayato-kun...
( Could it be, he’s trying to cheer me up...Right? )
Fufu. You’re right. We better hurry then.
Ayato: Yeah!
ー The scene shifts to the mine site
Ayato: Che, this place’s pretty slippery...Oi. Watch your step, ‘kay?
Yui: Yeah...
( It’s pretty creepy in here...It looks rather worn out as well... )
( It won’t collapse, right...? I’m a little worried... )
Ayato: There we go...Guess ‘round here should do. Let’s try diggin’ into the ground.
Yui: I’ll start over here then...
Ayato: No, you don’t need to help out. I’d rather not have you collapse on me again. Just sit there and watch, ‘kay?
Yui: ...But...!
Ayato: I just said it’s fine, right? Anyway, let’s get started! Heave...hoh!
Ayato: Uwah!
Yui: Kyaah!
Ayato: Che, bats...? Don’t give me a scare...There...!
Ayato: Reiji knew more ‘bout the mineral.
It’s some kind of magic crystal about the size of a fist which gives off a silver shine.
Yui: Silver...? 
Ayato: Yeah. That’s why the dark will work to our advantage! If it shimmers, we should be able to spot it right away!
Yui: Kyah!
( Again...! Is something lurking around...? )
Ayato: Hah, whatcha pissin’ your pants for? I bet it’s some lower class Familiar again?
*Flap flap*
Ayato: Che, it’s hella noisy though. It keeps on distractin’ me. I’ll chase it away!
Ayato: Imma go take a look up ahead so you stay here, ‘kay?
ー Ayato walks away
Yui: A-Ayato-kun...
( He left...Will he be okay...? )
Ayato: Hm? The fuck’s this? ...Wait. Uwah!? 
Ayato: Uwaahーー!!
Yui: ...!? Ayato-kun!?
( O-Oh no...! )
ー She rushes to his side
Yui: Ayato-kun, what’s wrong!?
( ...He’s gone...? )
Ayato: Chichinashiーー!!
Yui: Kyaah!!
( Ayato-kun...! He’s been caught by a giant eagle!! )
( W-What should I do...!? I have to save him...! )
Ayato-kun! I’ll be right thereーー!
Ayato: Forget that! Look! Inside its nest!
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: You can see it right!? There’s a silver light! Couldn’t that be the crystal!?
Yui: Ah...!
( He’s right...! There’s various silver crystals inside the eagle’s nest...! )
Ayato: Hurry up and take one! Make haste!!
Yui: ( B-But... )
*Chirp chirp chirp*
T-The chicks have got their wings wrapped around them...If I get close, I’m sure... 
( The Mother bird will get upset...! )
*Flap flap*
Ayato: Like we have the time to worry ‘bout that! Hurry up while I keep the big one busy!
Yui: O-Okay...
ー Yui runs over to the nest
*Chirp chirp chirp*
Yui: I-I’m sorry...I only need one, okay...
( Those crystals seem very dear to them...Right, I’m pretty sure birds are known to like sparkly things... )
*Flap flap*
Yui: ...Kyaah!
Ayato: Fuck! Seems like she noticed you!
What are you takin’ your sweet time for!? Just snatch one already! ...Uwah!?
Ayato: ...Ow...
*Flap flap*
Ayato: You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me! Look! The eagle returned to her nest. Now it won’t be easy to get close to it.
That was our chance! What are you doin’...!? 
Yui: B-But...!
( I just can’t...! Even if it’s from an eagle, it’d still make us thieves...! )
*Flap flap*
Yui: ( ...She’s wary of us... )
Ayato-kun, let’s go outside for now...
Ayato: Haah? Are you givin’ up? But why...!?
ー Yui walks away
Ayato: Oi, wait! Chichinashi!
ー The scene shifts to the entrance of the mine
Ayato: ...God, what are you playin’ at!? We were so close!
Yui: I’m sorry...But listen...
Those chicks were holding the stones so very dearly...
I just couldn’t bring myself to take them away...
Ayato: Haah? They’re eagles, remember? The fuck you sayin’...!?
Yui: B-But you know...We’re going around trying to clear our name so...
So don’t you think that by stealing something valuable from those eagles, we’d just be committing another misduct? 
Ayato: ...
Yui: Besides, when dealing with a human, we can always apologize and explain the situation to them.
However, when it’s an eagle, we would never be able to get their forgiveness, right...?
Once I realized that, I just couldn’t bring myself to steal the crystal...
Ayato: ...Haah. You really love to overthink stuff, don’t you...?
But well, whatever. No point in crying over spilled milk.
Let’s look for a different way for now. We still have to get our hands on one of those crystals no matter what after all.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun...He understood... )
Want to move locations and try digging along the tunnel? I’ll help this time too...
Ayato: Mmh. Well...Guess we have no other choice...
In what followed, the two of us went on our way,
digging around the entire mining site,
but we were unable,
to find the magic crystal.
With both of us completely exhausted,
we had no other choice but to return to the city empty-handed.
ー The scene shifts to café Tarte Tatin
Ayato: ...So what are we gonna do now...?
Yui: ...Yeah...
( For real, what should we do? )
( We have to get the key repaired by the end of today...Yet, we weren’t able to find the crystal in the end... )
Ayato: Say, I’ve been thinkin’. Don’t you think that Count might have one of those crystals in his possession?
He’s been goin’ ‘round stealing treasures from all ‘round the Demon World, so he’s bound to have one or two magical crystals amongst his collection...
Yui: ...I can definitely picture it...
( We had no other choice but to steal from the eagle to repair the key...I’m sure the Count watched all of that go down as well... )
( He might just be able to give us some advice at least... )
...Good point. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ask
Ayato: We don’t exactly have much other choice. With that settled, let’s quickly finish our meal and get goin’.
ー The scene shifts to Rubien Canal
Ayato: Oh, oi! Check that out!
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: It’s the Water Parade. Seems like we got here just on time.
Yui: Yeah, you’re right. It’s really pretty...
Ayato: ...
Say, listen...
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: ‘Bout the eagle’s nest from earlier...I’m sorry.
You actually weighed your options, didn’t you? Yet I kept on givin’ you crap for it...
Yui: ...
It’s fine. I should apologize as well. 
Even though...You tried so hard to get that crystal...
Ayato: ...Hey, Yui. Lift your face.
ー He steps closer
Yui: Eh? ...Nn...
Ayato: Nn...
Yui: ( ...What a gentle kiss... )
( It’s always as if his kindness is being conveyed to me... )
Ayato: ...Nn...
Yui: ( I can tell even if he doesn’t say it out loud. That deep down... )
( He’s really thinking of what’s best for me... )
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darealsaltysam · 3 years
what your paladins main says about you
a comprehensive essay by a paladins player of right around 4 years
this is like really long so i’ll make it under the cut so my followers don’t have to scroll through this if they don’t wanna
(for context i’m a current maeve main, i used to main skye and sha lin and played tyra a long while ago)
it’s not a phase, mum
“i don’t care we don’t have healer, i’m really good at him i swear”
you ult every time it loads in and you die before the final shot
your favorite mode is siege because you can fly up and shoot the whole point on ult
you’re usually really stand-offish and don’t communicate much and/or a 13 year old boy with anger issues
you are level-headed but in a scary way
you will hold the point solo even if it costs you your streak
“get on the point” “guys get on the point” “attack the objective”
you’ll ult to save yourself 99% of the time
good leader
you probably used to main lex or androxus before he came out
“he’s like a flank, but a tank, he’s great!”
you chase after solo kills instead of sticking to the point
healers hate you, flanks and damages fear you
your favorite mode is death match
you’re a former/current tf2 player looking for something fresh
you don’t like working too hard so you spam turrets on the point and hope for the best
“healer stick to me i’m boutta ult”
actually really nice between rounds
but you don’t communicate much mid-game and kind of do your thing
Bomb King
you’re a really old player. you have the beta makoa skin and you were there when lex was first released. veteran’s discount.
your favorite maps are the old ones and they barely show up any more
the team always underestimates you
“who plays bomb king in 2021 lol?”
you need a hug
“wait, he’s a flank? i thought he was a tank??”
you’re also a veteran in the game
you’re a dying breed. i like never see you. do you even exist?
you’ve been here since like the first day of the game
buck gets so many skins and you want all of them but the best you have is a random recolor
sweetest person alive
“we can do it guys! let’s try to all rush the point this time!”
you are the bane of every flank
the opposing team hates you, your own team kind of doesn’t notice you’re there
*casually gets a pentakill*
you know those weirdly political kids who like ww2 and know the details of every tank to ever exist? yeah that’s you
but like that’s corvus. as a character.
but no one ever plays him.
like i never even see him do you exist???
you are a cryptid.
yo ho you’re a hoe
no seriously the other team views you and they FEAR you
“yeah i just got a penta kill” “YOU WHAT?” “eyes on the point mate don’t get distracted”
hella good at the game and hella casual about it
you like onslaught on the one sea map the most
another veteran, are we?
you’re either useless or can wipe out a whole team in seconds. there is no in-between.
you always have a really cool skin.
dovahkiin, dovahkiin...
“i don’t care about the point i gotta get them trips”
you bought her because you thought she was cute, admit it
*turns into ice right before dying* *turns into ice right before dying* *turns into ice right be
your personality type is identical to her. no question about that.
always buys faster reload and better speed
strangely good communication with the team
gay gay homosexual gay
“he’s kinda hot if you look at him the right way”
fernando is the tank for gay people
you are gay people
i don’t have much more to say
mum energy. not as much as inara mains, but still, mum energy.
will protect every member of the team with your life, even the flanks
you’ve been maining her since she was first added
i bet you didn’t even know she’s canonically seris’ sister
“we’ve literally failed to capture the point the last 3 times we might as well give up and go to another game”
“yeah i have a gremlincore tumblr blog, how could you tell?”
i honestly have no words
you’re kind of like a catboy but a racoon
do you even heal the team or do you just pretend
you were there when lex got announced and thought he was cringe, now everyone finally agrees with you
he was your first purchased character and he’s stuck around ever since
he’s the only healer you can play well
“i am groot lmao”
you would never say a word to your team
would give your life for the tank but that’s about it
daenerys targaryen on drugs
your favorite anime is my hero academia
your husbando is todoroki
you see where i am going with this
“team protect me i’m gonna ult” *dies 5 seconds into ult*
your team is your family. you will protect them with your life.
can only hold your own with a good healer so you have good teamwork going for you
*cutely places wall in front of your ult*
useless in tdm so you stick to onslaught, siege and koth
are you a furry, furry, or a furry?
“victow! dont ult on my tweam pwease! uwu!”
you 100% find her attractive in some way shape or form
you are either a 30 year old redditor who enjoys loli content or a 16 year old teen who is playing a shooter for the first time
she’s kind of cute, i guess
i can never tell if i’m going to absolutely destroy you or if you’re gonna kick my ass
*cutely holds you up so the whole team can shoot you to death*
you’re a healer??? i guess???
your character has such deep lore and i bet you don’t even know half of it
one day you were playing and your team desperately needed a tank. you picked the first one you saw. suddenly, you’re lian’s foot stool
despite 2 layers of heavy armor, you’d still let this man walk all over you
“this skin is really cool, wish it wasn’t behind a pay wall...”
you actually know the game’s lore, for some reason
i never trust people who are good at a sniper. if you’re bad that’s natural and you’re 99% of the population. if you’re good you are definitely up to something
you’d sell your sister for 5 pennies if you could
you’re missing from the team all game and somehow have the most kills
“we have a kinessa???”
you are an urban legend to your team
someone’s been watching naruto
you are so shit at the game. like i’m sorry. no one’s good at koga i’m so sorry
how do you have so many skins for one character???
you’re always missing from the point
healers hate you. so does the enemy kinessa.
quit the game /nm
“who mains lex in 2021??? lmao???”
wall hacks, aimbot, and it’s all legal for you as an ability. you are a hacker in a world of puny vanillas. you like it easy so you go for the easy min max character. have fun getting hated
you think he’s hot and press on his loading abilities just so he can scold you and you can hear him being mad at you
*bonk* go to horny jail
"she could step on me”
you used to main some sort of healer but switched over when you got sick of everyone being needy
you can hold a point all on your own for a really really long time but the moment your team gets there you start flunking
you wish you had more skins for her
you don’t
so imagine this. it was like 2018 and you were just chilling playing the game. you kept getting killed by maeve. in every game. she was in every game you went to and she kept killing you over and over and over again. you got frustrated, snapped, and bought her to see if you could do the same to others. you are now the maeve in every game. the cycle repeats.
your whole team doubts you but then you casually get a quad kill and they just sort of look away
you die a total of two times each round and 99% of the time it’s because you go too fast and fall off the map
you repeat everything she says in her accent because you think it’s cute
“welcome to ze meant streets, kitten!” “can you shut the fuck up” “i hate to cut and run, he-he!”
you have the plushie skin or the beta skin, otherwise you don’t main and only play casually stop lying to yourself
“attack turtle go brrr”
you’re really good if you get paired with a good healer
otherwise you’re useless
you wish you could get better teammates because you could really thrive with an organized group. but on paladins you won’t get that, i’m sorry-
i always forget this guy is even in the game
you’re definitely under 6 foot IRL
you have an older sibling you always fight with
you’d love to have a snake irl
you’re really chill outside of the game, but when playing you hella rage
you are so precious
but also such a little shit
you annoy me but i also want to give you a hug
“let’s go guys!! to the point!! wheee!!”
please never change but also get out of my sight
you always main the new character until the new person drops
somehow always have enough credits to buy the new champion whenever they come out
you don’t like having a stable main cuz you get bored
you like hanging out at the training rage
hate siege and love team death match, you like your games quick
you are the worst and best thing to ever happen to this game
you only pick him to heal yourself and hardly ever heal your team
no one notices you there until you ult
then you get focused
honestly you just seem like you wanna do your thing and i can respect that
you probably go to therapy or desperately need it
you always love the demons in media
you like being in charge of the team and wreck the point any time you are there, you like fighting on your own but having a healer nearby is nice too
you probably have daddy issues
you think ruckus’ and bolt’s dynamic is cool and that’s one of the main reasons you started playing him
he’s the only tank you can play
you used to main either inara or ying at some point but chose violence instead
really short irl. you physically relate to ruckus and spiritually to bolt.
“funny goblin man :)”
certified girlboss
you can hold an objective all on your own or heal your whole team no problem. either way you are SLAYING
“alright. who’s ass am i kicking today?”
mum energy is inferior to inara but still kind of there
i’m like 50% sure you have a foot fetish
Sha Lin
*pointing and chanting* incel, incel, ince-
whether that’s about you or the character you can decide
you like minecraft bedwars on the side
“if i don’t get this headshot i am literally going to spontaneously combust”
really useful when there’s no other long distance people - otherwise a nuisance
AWOOGA *jaw drops to ground, eyes roll out of head* BOOBA BOOBA BOOBA
you bought her for the tiddies, didn’t you?
she’s actually really satisfying to play once you get the hang of her, but can be real tough on rough days
you need a break i think - maybe play some other game for a bit?
*casually gets team kill with ult*
you own at least one pretty knife
you played him when he was unlocked on rotation, fell in love, and spent a whole evening collecting credits to buy him fully
“haha bird man”
i’ve said what i said about snipers. if you’re actually good at him you are hiding a body somewhere. i fear you.
why does everyone ship him with viktor????
little furry child
he reminds me of tommyinnit because he is small and annoying
if you play him you are tall and intimidating 
i’m friends with a tall scary talus main
i can’t say bad things please spare me
you always ult at the worst time and just get killed again 5 seconds after
“hey losers watch this” *goes on the point, dies, revives, kills one person and dies again*
you’re only a good tank if you cooperate
you don’t
on your own you’re a pretty good player
you think the cat is hot, don’t you?
“his accent is kinda cute tho hehe”
you saw that one ending scene in zootopia with the dancing tigers and it CHANGED you
you are probably a furry. if not your awakening is coming. be ready.
you’ve been playing this game for too long
you’ve seen skins rise and fall. you’ve seen nerfs and buffs. you’ve seen reworks and remakes. you are ancient. older than the dragons and wiser than makoa. respect.
people see you on the opposing team and get really annoyed
“the point is really crowded, we can’t move in” “don’t worry guys, my ult is charged up”
you’re really good at all the characters but you like this guy a lot because you think he’s funky fresh
you’re either new to the game or have been playing for too long
either way you can KICK ASS but you need to keep behind your team to do the most damage
flanks are the bane of you, especially the fast jumpy ones
you really want one of the cooler skins but you can only ever get the basic ones. such is the curse of maining one of the OG characters.
“bite me”
you are level 100+ guaranteed, and everyone fears you
“oh shit they got a victor. flank focus him”
you probably play COD and CS:GO normally and wanted to go with something familiar and easy. your skill from the other more advanced games DWARFS everyone else
but why are you playing “guy with gun 132″ in a game with magical elves and fairies. like come on bro.
you don’t have any in-game friends because paladins is your guilty pleasure game you would never admit to
“step on me” syndrome cranked up to 100%
this woman could spit on you and you’d still respect her more than your own mother. good for you
“i’m not a simp. i’m just tier 3 subbed to pokimane ironically”
you sweat the game hardcore. former victor main or he’s your secondary.
you’ve got her on level 50+ at least
like the maeve mains but somehow worse
bought her out of spite or played her while she was on rotation, now here you are grinding credits for her a day after she became unavailable
honestly you’re really good at the game i have nothing else to say
you enjoy the newer characters more than the OGs - you’re either a former vivian or lian main
you miss the play of the game feature in the game because you’d get all of them with this girl
you seem like the moji mains at first but show your true colors soon after
“fuck you” x50
you are a trash talker on max overdrive. you need to sit down, do some breathing exercises and have a drink.
you hate your own team more than the opposing guys
when you see a willow on the opposing team you make it your sole goal to eliminate her as many times as humanely possible
i bet you didn’t know she was canonically female until you read this
you don’t like sweating too much so you pick the tank that leaves you heavily relying on your healers and damages
you can hold a point really well so you like siege and onslaught
“are vora and yagorath connected in the lore somehow and do i really care?”
you have a friend who you always party up with to be your healer, otherwise you might switch to another character
“tanks love me, flanks hate me”
you are too powerful. literally. how are you so strong
you’ve mastered the most difficult healer in the game. the others are really easy for you to play but you have trouble with seris
motivate your team a lot but start shading and trash talking if they don’t cooperate
you’ll gladly play someone else for a long while and like taking breaks from her
this is your first main after switching over from overwatch. we can smell it on you.
you’re really annoyed with his personality and voice lines but the character is too good to play for you to pass him up for that. you respond to his voice lines aloud very aggressively to let him know he’s an ass
you try your best but you’re not a great team player
infinite trips on a good day, die repeatedly without kills on a bad one and you switch over to vora or skye for a bit.
this took me hours to write out pls leave reblog and note thanks uwu
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Hiking with the Obey Me characters
Warning: Angst, Fluff, GN/MC, spoilers? Lesson 1-2. 
You’re going on hiking date with the brothers and the side characters and you notice you somehow manage to get lost. It turns out they had the map upside down the whole time. (Assume no D.D.D service. Luke is strictly plutonic) 
First off this probably wouldn’t actually happen.
Maybe the map was cursed by one of the brothers, not realizing you were going on this hike too. The map would read upside down no matter what way you held it. 
He’d be pissed, once you both realized you were lost. Instant demon mode.
He watched the fear in your eyes when he yelled while he crumpled the map and threw it as hard as he could. His pride is shattered, he doesn’t get lost, and he sure as hell doesn’t make mistakes. 
Finds out who cursed the map and punishes them when you two get home.
In the mean time wraps his wings around you while he pulls you in for a hug, comforting you while telling you he’s going to find a way out.
Holds you tight while he flies above the tree line to find your way back.
Once you get back you never speak of this moment again.
He really didn’t mean to, He’s not much of a hiker.
Once you both realize something isn’t right, you ask him if you can see the map.
“Oh Mams, honey. The map is upside down” you say as you cover your mouth trying not to laugh. He sees and instantly goes into demon form. 
He’s a blushing mess “Oy, stupid human. Don’t be laughing at me” 
You’re going to need to comfort him, hold him tight tell him you aren’t mad
Ask him to fly with you above the tree line, so you can see where you are and if you can find any landmarks. 
Asks that you not tell his brother’s what happened. 
Good luck getting him to go on a hike, but lets say you went camping with the brothers and decided to take your boyfriend on a romantic hike
“Why would you want to take a gross otaku like me on a romantic hike?”
Takes a lot of convincing, maybe bribe him with a Devildom version of Pokemon go and he will cave.
You ask him to hold the map and give directions. 
You realize after about 20 minutes that the path has disappeared and nothing looks familiar. 
You ask him if you can see the map, as he hands it to you you notice that it’s upside down. You take it out of his hands flip it over and give it back to him. 
He’s upset, hides his face and is sobbing. After you calm him down he thinks “Hey this is just like this anime ‘HELP MY *PARTNER* AND I ARE LOST IN THE WOODS BECAUSE I HELD THE MAP UPSIDE DOWN” 
He thinks about what they did in the show and does exactly that to get you guys back. 
He won’t leave his room again for a while. Next time use a VR set.
Another one where this probably wouldn’t happen. 
Again probably someone cursed the map or he got distracted by a cat. 
Once it’s pointed out that the map is upside down he nearly loses it. 
You put your hand on his arm and tell him to calm down and that you two would figure it out.
Once he goes back to his human form he stops and thinks about the next steps you two were going to take.
He gets you back safely and you now have a funny story between the two of you. 
He won’t say but he enjoyed problem solving with you. 
This only happens because he’s too busy taking pictures to post on Devilgram to notice that the map is upside down.
He starts complaining that his feet hurt and needs a break.
“Hey Asmo, have you been holding the map like that the whole hike?” You ask
“Yes, Why” “because it’s upside down!”
Cue flustered and angry Asmo. 
He probably won’t want to carry you while he flies so he goes up on his own and tries to find the way. Ends up asking you to use your pact to get Lucifer so you could get out of there
Sweet baby accidentally dropped the map and picked it, he got distracted by his snacks to realize the map was upside down 
When you both realize it he sees that your slightly upset (not at him though at the situation) he’s upset too. Holds you tight and calms you down.
He will either carry you back and uses his sense of smell to get you home, or he will fly you back.
Good luck getting him to hike
If you do he doesn’t hold the map upside down, he dropped the map and was just saying random directions as you went
You find out when he stops on the path so he could nap. Now you’re lost in the woods and your boyfriend is asleep. 
You check your D.D.D and see that you have no service. 
You use your pact to contact Beel to help get you two back
Innocent mistake, he really tried his best.
He probably has never had to read a map without Barbatos being around.
He wanted this date to be special, and it defiantly was.
When you ask to look at the map, you tell him politely that the map is upside down.
He’s embarrassed but manages to fix it and get you back to the Castle.
He probably teleports you back to the castle or flies you back himself.
You weren’t going to tell anyone but Barbatos asked you about it when you walked in the door
He’s not even sure how this one happened
He just doesn’t make mistakes like this.
He looks into the future and fiddles with timelines so you don’t end up getting lost and make your way back to the castle.
You wake up to various treats and tea outside of your room at the castle the next morning as an apology.
He’s a mess when he realizes it.
He’s the one to admit it “Uhh Y/N I have some bad news. I’m really sorry but it appears I’ve been hold the map upside down”
He’s going to bend over backward just to show you how sorry he is.
He doesn’t give you the chance to be upset before he’s trying to fix things.
Probably ends up flying you back as well. 
Solomon (and plutonic Luke)
Solomon suggested that you go for a hike together
Luke overheard and asked if he could join you, of course you said yes. (It meant you didn’t have to eat any of the snacks Solomon packed)
After a while Luke was starting to get tired so Solomon offered to give him a piggy back ride
Luke noticed right away
“Solomon what are you doing? The map is upside down” Luke is crying hard you are upset because Luke is upset. 
He tries to remember a spell while you calm Luke down offering him some water while you both munch on some of the baked goods Luke made.
Solomon finds a way to get you all back
Simeon puts him on dish duty for the next 2 weeks as punishment. 
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Can you write number 48 to Pluto?
It’s my pleasure.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, clinginess,mentions of death
Prompt 48: “I hate it when you pay attention to something else besides me.”
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“And why do I need to take care of him now? Not that I mind, I like Pluto. But still! Don’t you think I have other things to do besides taking care of a demon hound?” Ciel sighed loudly, not looking happy that he had to ask you for this favor. “Believe me, from all the people I could have asked you’re the last one I wanted to ask. But you’re the only person who I can trust with him. You know what he really is and besides...” You bent curiously closer. “Besides?” “Besides it looks like Pluto got very attached to you and you’re the only person he listens too.” You chuckled and glanced at his butler. “Hey. I thought you were one hell of a butler. How come that he doesn’t listen to you anymore?” Sebastian didn’t answer. “Well?”, Ciel asked you. You thought about it for a moment. “Alright then. I have nothing against coming over and taking care of him.” To your huge surprise you heard Sebastian and Ciel sigh in relief. “Thanks a lot. I was worried that he would burn the whole manor down if you don’t agree.” You raised your eyebrow. “Why would he do that?” “As I said, he got very attached to you.”
The next morning you quickly made your way to the Phantomhive mansion. Many people might wonder how you even know the young Earl Phantomhive. It was simple. Your parents and his parents had been friends since a very long time and you and Ciel had been friends since a very young age too. After the fire and after the loss of his parents he had become a bit more distant to you, but at least he had still talked to you. You knew about him and his butler as well. How? Well, you had always been fascinated with reading stories about demons, angels and all this other stuff. And one year ago you had caught him without his eyepatch, seeing the strange symbol he had in his eye. Ciel had panicked and tried to come up with an excuse, you on the other hand had just stared fascinated at it before asking him bluntly if this was a Faustian contract. Ciel had been stunned when you had asked him this and you had simply added one and one, quickly figuring out that his red-eyed butler must be a demon. You honestly weren’t surprised, you had always suspected Sebastian to be anything, but a human. Were you happy that Ciel had given his soul away? No. But you couldn’t do anything against it. Luckily Ciel had trusted you enough to keep it a secret, feeling impressed that you had figured it out.
You waited patiently at the entrance before Sebastian opened the door. “Miss (y/n). You’re finally here.” As soon as he mentioned your name, you suddenly heard loud barking. “Pluto! No! Wait!” Was that Finny’s voice? You stepped in, curious about what was going on. Finny was stemming his feet against the ground, leaning all of his weight back and pulling desperately on the leash he was holding. Pluto on the other hand was trying to move forwards, barking excitedly when he saw you and tried to run to you, but was harshly pulled back, whining loudly. At this point you were scared that he would choke. “Finny! You’re going to choke him if you continue to pull on the leash like this! Let him go!” “Are you sure?!”, Finny asked you. You nodded. The same moment Finny let go was the moment where Pluto jumped towards you, instantly making you fall down with his weight on your top. You started giggling when he started licking all over your face and neck. “Stop that! I’m ticklish!” Pluto barked excitedly. You started petting his head, going into full dog lover mode. “Who’s a good boy? That’s right, you!” You suddenly heard someone clearing his throat behind you. “Would you mind doing that somewhere else? Not right in front of the entrance?” You turned around to see Ciel standing on top of the stains. You started laughing embarrassed. “Sorry. Guess I’ll go into the garden.”
The next few weeks were spent with you visiting the manor every day to take care of Pluto. And slowly, but surely you noticed that Pluto had probably gotten a bit too fond of you. At first you had just brushed it off because this guy was after all a demon hound and dogs were known to be very clingy. But could his current behavior be considered as normal? You weren’t too sure anymore. It had begun with him simply refusing to leave your side, he was clinging on your waist all the time and whenever you had tried to leave him for even one second he had started whining and had refused to let go of you, even if you ordered him too. Whenever you had left the manor to go home he had thrown a drama. It had gotten that bad that Sebastian had to step in every time to prevent him from leaving and it happened more than one time that he had been forced to knock Pluto out. All of this was, even though highly annoying, still in a yellow zone. But it had gotten out of hand when Pluto had scared anyone away from you who even dared to come anywhere near you. For example when Mey-Rin had tried to talk to you Pluto’s grip around your hip had suddenly tightened and he had let a deep growl out of his chest, giving Mey-Rin a dangerous look which reminded you of a predator looking at his prey. He did that to everyone and at some point everyone had started to stop talking to you and if they wanted to tell you something they had started to yell it to you from the distance. Even Ciel kept a safety distance. And from day to day it became worse.
You knew that something was wrong the moment Pluto suddenly stopped acting excitedly. He was just staring at you with narrowed eyes before bending down and starting to sniff on your clothes. “...Pluto? Is something wrong?”, you asked confused. He just continued to sniff on your clothes before he suddenly started growling dangerously, his grip around you tightening. You needed some time until you finally understood what was wrong. He must have sensed the smell of your old classmate on you which you had met on your way here. You had bumped into him earlier this day and both of you had for a moment stopped whatever you had been doing to catch up on old times. When both of you had gone separate ways you had given him a short hug. You hadn’t thought of it as something bad, but Pluto seemed more than just enraged. He was furiously growling. “Wow! Pluto, calm down! He was just a friend of mine!” You had hoped to calm him down, but that didn’t work. Instead he became even more enraged when you mentioned the word friend. By now his nails were digging painfully in your skin and the look he was giving you made you feel scared. What was wrong with him? Was he really so territorial with you? Wasn’t it enough that you spent all your time with him? He had already scared everyone in the mansion away from you! You could endure a lot with him, but that was a bit too much! You had your free time as well! “Pluto! Quit it!” Pluto abruptly stopped growling and gave you a surprised look. You had never spoken that harshly to him since he normally always listened to you, but it seemed like you had to be a bit more stricter with him. “Listen Pluto! I really like you, believe me, I do! But you need to understand that I can’t spend all of my time with you! I have other people in my life and I won’t accept it that any longer that you scare every person who tries to make contact with me away!” Pluto looked completely crushed. He whimpered and tried to stretch his hand out to touch you, but you lifted warningly your index finger. “No Pluto!” For the rest of the day you treated him more coldly, being in a bad mood.
It was late at night when you were suddenly woken up from your sleep. You rubbed your eyes to get rid of the tiredness. What was that for a noise? You were sure you had just heard something right now. You listened closely into the silence of the night. For a few seconds it was quiet, making you questioning if you had just dreamed that. But then you heard it again. It sounded like...the whimpering of a dog! And it sounded like it was right in front of your house! You stepped out of your bed and left your room, heading downstairs quickly. You knew that whimpering just too well. But what was he doing here? He was supposed to be at the mansion this late at night. When you stepped down you suddenly noticed another noise coming directly from your entrance door. It sounded like someone was scratching with his fingernails against the wood of your door. You stood for a moment unsure in front of your door, not knowing whether to open the door or not. But then you decided to let him in, it would mean serious troubles if someone would see a naked man whimpering and scratching in front of your door. So you turned the doorknob around.
Pluto instantly stormed inside, jumping onto you and barking happily whilst starting to spread all his salvia over your face and neck. “Pluto? What are you doing he-“ You stopped when suddenly a nasty smell started to hit your nose which came directly from Pluto himself. The smell was overwhelming and made you nearly dizzy. What was that? You tried to push Pluto away from you so that you wouldn’t have to endure this sickening smell anymore, but as soon as your hands touched his bare chest you instinctively pulled back. His chest was covered in some sticky liquid. It was very dark and the only source of light was the moon who was shining through the open door inside your house. You squinted your eyes to try to get a better look at Pluto. Your eyes needed a moment until they had adjusted to the darkness. The second you realized what this liquid was you paled. Pluto was covered in blood! It was smeared all over his face and body and since he was laying on top of you your white nightgown was also smudged with the scarlet liquid. Why was he covered in blood?! Did he...? Pluto himself didn’t seem to mind that much, he just continued happily to lick all over your face. You gulped. “P-Pluto?” He lifted his head, signaling you that he was listening. “W-what did you do?” Pluto blinked for a moment before he suddenly hurried out of your door, grabbing something he had hidden next to the door before quickly returning and letting the object fall into your lap, looking proud of himself.
Your brain on the other hand stopped working when you saw what that thing was. It was an arm! Blood was still flowing out of the opening, staining your nightgown in even more blood. You took notice of the clothing that was still visible on the arm and that’s when you knew to whom this arm belonged. It was from your old classmate. Judging from all the blood in which Pluto was covered you didn’t think that he was still walking under the living. You should have screamed and thrown the arm away, but you couldn’t. Your whole body was paralyzed and your limps felt like they were made out of stone. No matter how much you yelled at your brain and body to move, they didn’t listen to you. Pluto nudged you with his nose and you slowly shifted your eyes to look at him. He had an expecting look on his face, wanting to be praised by you. You didn’t even realized when your hand moved to start stroking his hair and you told him:”Good boy.” Why did you do this?! You should scream at him, but your body refused to. Perhaps this habit had been too deeply engraved in your mind to shake it off and your brain probably thought that this was the best way to handle this situation. By telling him that he did good and encouraging him to do this again. Pluto was clearly joyful when he heard this and once again his warm tongue went all over your face. “W-why did you do this?” It felt hard to speak this sentence, your tongue feeling like it was made out of lead. For a moment Pluto tilted his head as if wondering if it wasn’t already obvious. He stared you directly into the eyes and it was like there was a silent message written inside of it, that was only meant for you. “I hate it when you pay attention to something else besides me.”
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Trans Male Reader HCs
ty @peachyplays​ for the request!
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A/N: PEACHY SIR I AM SO FUCKING SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG UHHHHHH but im still alive. i am here. im fine. this is some hcs about before transitioning and during and a lil after bc i feel like after it would just be. pretty normal. uh i did the 5 that appeared in ahwm, excluding heistiplier bc ehhhh. Darkipier, Wilford, Yancy, Illinois, Magnum. Rated T, i think. TW: mention of periods, scars, binding, dysphoria. Yeah. I think that’s it. Enjoy!
Trans Male!Reader HCs
Doesn’t really care
You have girl parts. Great
He has a century old demonic entity+a pair of twins. You're not special
Tries to be understanding, but mostly just doesn’t address it very much
There’s no need to! He loves you, it doesn't matter to him!
He will try to make you feel comfortable if you start to feel dysphoric
If you menstruate, he deals with it well
Both Damien and Celine would know precisely what to do so…
Heating pad, candy, movies + snuggles
Makes you lay down and hold the heating pad while you wait for the painkillers to kick in
Has a timer for 10 hours and you WILL take your binder off when it goes off
Is not afraid to threaten you over it
You know he doesn’t mean it and DAMMIT MAN YOU’RE GONNA HURT YOURSELF
If you start to take T, he just sits next to you
It might seem like he’s vibrating a little
That’s just the emotion seeping out
It seems like he doesn’t pay attention to your voice
In reality he listens closely everyday for how much deeper it went
You expected him to laugh when your voice cracked
he just asked you to repeat what you said
You appreciated that
He offers to pay for your top surgery if you decide to get it
Whether you say yes or know, he supports you
But he’s also nervous because Surgery
He checks the history of every person who even might be near you
Your surgeon was acting “strange” so he interrogated the poor man
You then explained he was doing his JOB
He squeezes your hand and kisses the back of it before you go into surgery.
The others have to convince him that you are not, in fact, going to Die
When you get out of surgery he stands on the other side of the room, waiting
He looks straight out of a horror movie
You almost scream when you wake up
He steps into the light holding a basket of fruit
He’s been watching a lot of romance movies…
Makes sure you DON’T FUCKING MOVE when you get home
You are going to LAY THERE and HEAL and you’re gonna LIKE IT
Often asks how your scars feel
A little defensive if people ask about them
A bit protective, but pretty much the same as before
I don’t… I don’t think he comprehends the situation
I don’t think he knows what you mean, i’ll be honest
I think he just. Loves you. And filters everything else out.
Because unless it changes how you feel about him, it Does Not Matter
He treats you the same way he always does
Which includes being extra clingy and cuddly when you’re feeling bad or dysphoric
If you menstruate he goes into Good Boyf mode
Meaning he absolutely SPOILS you, moreso than usual
Cooks for you, buys you… a lot of things you probably don’t need…
Asks "is it shark week?" and buys extra detergent
You will take your binder off when it's time
You have no choice in the matter
and when you don't he somehow gets it off of you???
I dunno man, he's like. A god. Who knows
He WILL make sure you're safe and healthy whether you like it or not
If you start to take T, he's not allowed at the clinic
He's banned from like. Everywhere.
He always makes sure to say your voice sounds deeper
Even if it's early and it doesn't and you KNOW it doesn't, he says it anyways
He's just being supportive, it's fine
He's a lil nervous if you decide to get top surgery
The idea of someone just straight up cutting you while you're ASLEEP???
hate. bad. no thanks.
He tries to watch through a window but has to give up bc he just starts feeling Bad.
he sits and bounces his leg in the waiting room and plays with a fidget toy you got him
He basically teleports into the room when you're out
The nurse faints because what the FUCK
He just holds his bowl of chicken noodle soup while they're dragged out of the room
You eat and talk for a bit and he just gazes at you bc your voice is so nice
He's very smothering when you get home
Thinks you're gonna hurt yourself whenever you do anything
sit DOWN you dumbass you're gonna TEAR YOUR STITCHES
makes you binge a bunch of movies with him
He doesn't really pay attention, just watches you to see if you need anything
likes to trace and kiss your scars if you let him
Loves you so much <333
I mean. He probably doesn't know what you mean
You are? a boy? I don't?
You explain and THEN he understands
He's a lil dumb, it's ok.
He isn't quite sure how to make you feel better when you're dysphoric??
Does he call you manly? Does he completely ignore you? What does he do?!
Eventually he’s settled on awkwardly calling you “Handsome” and “very masculine”
If you menstruate, he panics
He's had a mom before, he knows what it does
He doesn’t know how to make you feel better
He doesn’t wanna coddle you but also he likes feeling like he’s needed
He tries to cook for you but uh. yeah that didn't work out
The cook kicked him out and then made it themself, having Yancy deliver it to you
He convinced the warden to give him painkillers as well, and buys you candy
He’ll make sure you take your binder off when you need to
Might be a little lax, like with a child
“Okay… 30 more minutes. But then yous is takin' it off!”
Doesn’t fully understand the repercussions of you not taking it off
Once he does he literally BEGS you to take it off
Actually started crying one time
If you start T he asks a bunch of questions you probably don't know the answer to
He’s fascinated by how much your voice changes
He bites his lip to not laugh whenever your voice cracks
Once your voice gets like. As deep as it will go he kisses you and says you sound hot
He will panic if you decide to get top surgery
Constantly suggests robbing a bank or robbing a rich person
“There’s some expensive shit that’s been confiscated, i can help!”
When the day actually comes he's on the consistent verge of a panic attack
he can't even like BE there because. prison.
He cries while everyone else has to comfort him for the entire time you're healing
Once you see him again he interrogates you to make sure you're taking care of yourself
A guard lets you two have a little time alone, and you two talk about it
If you let him, he wants to see the result
He gives you a big hug and tells you how much he loves you
Probably the only one who actually understands and actually KNOWS shit
though he's too narcissistic to really… like… care
He loves you, but like. If you don’t mention it he doesn’t really feel a need to
He will make sure you’re okay, he knows when you act weird
Other than that he doesn’t actively do much
He says "hey there handsome" or something like that every morning, and that's about it
If you menstruate, he just tosses you painkillers and says there's ice cream in the freezer
I mean. that's pretty much all you need
He will cuddle if you ask, though
Also flirts with you and talks to you more
If you bind, he will be very pushy about it
Will not let you do anything until you take your binder off after the designated amount of time
if he's on an adventure, he calls the others to go to your place and tell you to take your binder off
He knows you won't listen but I mean shit he doesn't want you hurt
If you DONT take it off and have bruises he will straight up blackmail you
Keep doing this, you don't get any cuddles or kisses
Mostly for your benefit bc. bruises. but still
If you start T, he will help, but only if you ask
When your voice cracks he laughs
He apologizes while still laughing
He sleeps on the couch a lot
A little startled after he comes home from an adventure and your voice is deep?? hot???
If you get surgery, he’s relatively calm
He doesn’t like the sounds and smells of the hospital, though.
They weird him out
He’ll kiss you a bunch before you go into surgery and then waits outside.
Probably goes to get some food as well
When you’re out, he sits by you and eats, waiting for you to wake up
He slides an apple over to you and tells you to eat if you feel like it
He does his best to take care of you at home
He knows how to heal, and you need to SIT your ass down
Stays home from adventures while you heal
He doesn’t trust you to take care of yourself
He will not ASK you to take care of yourself he will TELL you because he KNOWS how you are
Stares at your scars sometimes
He doesn’t mean to be rude, they're just… there
He likes them. They’re cool. They’re yours, how could he not?
Tries to be as respectful as he can be
Kisses your scars. Like a lot. Like a LOT a lot.
He has a thing for scars, they’re badass
Captain Magnum
Completely Does Not Understand
At the same time, Does Not Care
Can you shoot? Can you stab? Can you loot? Then you’re perfect
Treats you the same way as the rest of his crew but with a lil more special attention
That attention being calling you rugged and tough
If you menstruate, he recommends hanging out with the rest of them to distract you
He also recommends LOOTING!
You’re pirates, what else would he want from you
Will stop in a town to buy whatever you need, if you ask
But you can probably get something from some other crewmates
If you bind, he won't let you do anything until you take it off when you need to
Think you can trick him bc he doesn't know what's happening?
ya can't fool the man, he may be stupid but he's not dumb
If you want to start T, he’ll stay in one town for a while.
Understands that you need this, and doesn’t want you to be upset
NO he’s not playing favorites but yes he absolutely is
Doesn’t ask questions, it’s not his business
However, if you explain, he will listen
Will be elated if you steal from the town
He’s still a pirate, and you are still his boyfriend, you had to do something
Makes you sing sea shanties when your voice gets deeper
Better be prepared to sing the chorus alone, even if you’re a shit singer
He just loves to hear it and therefore EVERYONE ELSE will hear it too
If you get surgery, he’s very nervous
He's never really been in a hospital but he thinks it's unnatural
Too white. Too clean. Too much.
Refuses to go in the hospital, but gives you a tight hug before you go in
He then regrets not going in because he misses you a lot :(
Once you're out and can go back on the ship he's very gentle
He's not a gentle man, but he tries
Makes you stay in your quarters and tries to make you comfy
Doesn't really know what to do so let's a crewmate help you
Claims that your scars make you badass! and attractive!
Puts you on the front lines to boost up your confidence
It only makes you nervous really, but you appreciate the effort
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Makayla Part One
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Sam Winchester x Reader
Words: 2767
Summary: Five years after abandoning your former hunting partners, you turn up at the bunker pleading for the Winchester’s help. Old wounds open for Sam and Dean goes into protective brother mode. Everything changes when you tell them why you’re there. 
Notes: I imagine this taking place in season 12. 1) because I think Sam is extremely attractive in this season and 2) I wanted to involve Mary. As always, reviews mean the world so don’t be shy! This is going to be another mini series, probably having three or four parts, so be sure to keep me updated on what you think. 
Special shout out to my amazing beta reader Sarah, @suckmysupernatural​ . I love her so much and honestly, she’s helped me so much in getting these imagines out for you and she has some absolutely killer writing of her own!
Want more Supernatural? Find it HERE
The violent rattling of the door was starting to scare her. She was crying, but you didn’t have time to comfort her. You grabbed her duffel bag, swept her up in your arms, and you ran like hell. You got to the car and rapidly buckled her into her car seat before feeling a hand yank you backwards. 
“Mommy!” Makayla cried. The vampire bared his fangs at you and you landed a punch his his nose, stunning him long enough for you to grab the machete from the front seat. 
“Kayla, baby, close your eyes.” You instructed before you lobbed off the vamp’s head with one clean swing. Blood splattered your clothes and the body landed with a thump. Your daughter’s tear filled green-blue eyes opened again and you quickly stood in between her and the gory mess. “Everything is going to be okay.” 
You jumped in the driver seat and practically floored it, ignoring the crunch and bump as you drove over the dead vampire. You drove for about an hour and pulled off into a motel parking lot. Makayla was still crying so you climbed back into the back seat and pulled her into your lap. It was quiet for a moment as her tears slowly stopped. 
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Can you tell me about him again? So I won’t be scared?” You brushed her brown hair back and kissed her forehead. God, she looked just like him.
“Kayla, you must have heard the story a thousand times.” Her innocent look morphed with enough sass to convince anyone. Now that, you were sure she got from her uncle. 
“I want to hear it again.” Adding a pout for good measure, she cuddled up closer to you. “Please?” You chuckled and let out a sigh of defeat. 
“Alright, alright.” Truth is, sometimes it just hurt too much to remember. But Makayla always wanted to hear more and more about her dad. “You’re dad and I had been friends for a long time. We traveled together, along with your uncle, for years and years, killing bad monsters and saving good people.”
“Dad was good at killing monsters, right mom?” A proud smile spread across her face. 
“The best.” You held her tighter, remembering how he used to smile at you when you’d defeat some evil spirit or demon. How you missed that smile.  “After a few years of traveling together, your dad and I fell in love. He protected me and I protected him. We were happy.” This was the part of the story you could never get through. “But one day, I had to go away.”
“Why?” Every time she asked you this and every time you just gave her the same answer. 
“I’ll explain one day. When you’re older.” You ran your fingers through her hair, looking at the stars through the sunroof. “But after I left, I had you.”
“And now we have each other’s backs.” Kayla beamed. You smiled. 
“That’s right.” 
“Mom, what was he like?” No matter how many times she’d heard it, she always wanted to hear more.
“Your dad was the kindest, bravest, and most caring person I’ve ever met. He was sweet and strong and he gave the absolute best hugs in the whole wide world. He had green-blue eyes that lit up when he smiled-”
“Just like me!”
“Just like you.” You pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. “Your dad showed me what love is. And when I had to go, somebody up there,” You pointed to the stars, “wanted to make sure I could pass that love onto someone else. So they gave me you.” You were both silent for a while, Kayla drinking in your words and you trying to keep your emotions in check. 
“Tell me something new, mom. Please?” She had heard all of this before, but she never could get enough. In her mind, her dad was a superhero. You thought for a moment. 
“Well, your dad had the best laugh. Even after an exhausting day of fighting bad, bad monsters, he could light up the room. His big brother meant the world to him. And me. We were a real family. He was from Kansas. And his name…” You took a deep breath. “Was Sam.” 
Five Years Ago
“Sam look out!” You shouted. He ducked and you shot the shape-shifting bitch in the heart. You watched as the false-Jessica crumpled to the ground. This particular freak had a vendetta against Sam for taking down one of its shape shifting buddies. To get revenge, it took the form of Sam’s dead girlfriend, Jessica. Even after seven years, the memory of her still hurt him more than you could ever know. 
For a while, you both just stood there. Sam was frozen, staring down at the shapeshifter’s body, the loss of what could have been lingering sadly in his eyes. You wanted to reach out to him. To hold him and comfort him so that the memories didn’t become nightmares tonight, even though you knew they would. But you knew that you weren’t what he needed. 
“It wasn’t her.” You said, trying not to look at her. Shape shifter or not, she was beautiful. She had been everything he ever wanted. She was normal. And you knew that he would always love her. 
“I know.” He sighed, finally tearing his eyes away from the body. He walked around it and pulled you into a hug without another word. Just holding you reminded him that he was okay. That even after everything he’d lost, he still had you. 
“Hello!” A voice shouted from the basement. “Could you cut the Nicholas Sparks crap and get me out of here!” You and Sam looked at each other. 
“Dean.” In the heat of the fight, you had honestly forgotten that he was caged up in the basement. 
After freeing Dean, you disposed of the body and headed back to the motel for a much needed shower. Sam let you have dibs, despite Dean’s protests. The boys opted to go grab some take out for dinner, telling you they’d be back soon. 
“You okay?” Dean asked, letting Sam drive since his head was still pounding from getting knocked out. Sam took a deep breath. 
“I will be.” He had you now. 
“Y/N kicked ass today.” Dean noted, giving his brother a look. 
“Yeah.” Sam chuckled. “Yeah she did.” Dean shook his head. 
“Uh oh.” 
“That is a dangerous look, Sammy.” Dean turned on the radio and Sam quickly switched it off. 
“What look?” 
“You know what look.” When Sam still didn’t understand, Dean sighed. “You love her.” Sam shifted in his seat. 
“Dean, Y/N and I have been together for almost two years now. Maybe...” Sam kept his eyes on the road, but his mind was only thinking about you. “Maybe I do love her. What’s it to you?” Dean laughed. 
“Just buckle up, Sammy.” Deep down, Dean was afraid for his little brother. Y/N was a survivor. And he knew that she would do anything to keep herself from getting hurt, even if it meant hurting Sam in the process. 
Present Day
You wouldn’t have come if you had any other choice. You were so far in over your head that you had nearly gotten Makayla hurt and that couldn’t happen again. You needed the help of the best hunters that you knew. So there you stood, outside a worn down looking building in Lebanon, Kansas. Knocking didn’t work and you knew that you weren’t getting through that massive metal door, so your only option was to wait. Luckily, you had a family friend in Hastings who had chopped a few vampire heads in their hunting glory days watching over Kayla. 
You froze at the sound of a gun cocking. 
“Who are you?” It was a woman’s voice. Maybe you had the wrong hideout. 
“I’m looking for the Winchesters.” Still facing the door, you felt the rifle press against the back of your head. 
“Who. Are. You?” She asked again. 
“I’m an old friend.” 
“What do you want with Sam and Dean?” She pressed the rifle a little harder into your skull. 
“Who are you?” You challenged. “How do you know Sam and Dean?” You moved to turn around, but you were knocked out cold as she slammed the butt of the rifle into the back of your head. 
When you woke up, you were tied to a chair in what looked like a kitchen. 
“What the hell…” You groaned, your head aching. A woman was standing in front of you- presumably the one that gave you the concussion. 
“I got you in passed the wardings, so I’m assuming you’re human or some kind of creature.” 
“I’m a hunter.” 
“Even if that is true, what do you want with the Winchesters?”
“I need their help taking care of a nest of vampires.” The more you looked at her, the more familiar her face looked. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” She just narrowed her eyes. 
“Sam and Dean will be back any minute so they can figure this out.” She sighed and walked out of the kitchen. 
“Are you just going to leave me here?” You shouted in annoyance. You didn’t have time for this. You didn’t like being away from Makayla. She had grown up as one tough little girl, but you knew she got scared when you were gone for too long. Thinking of your daughter, you felt a sense of dread wash over you. You were going to have to tell him. But how could you? How do you tell Sam Winchester that he’s had a daughter for the past four years? 
The loud clanging sound of the bunker door opening pulled you out of your planning. You heard Dean’s voice echo down the hall. 
“Mom! We’re back!” Wait… Mom? “Well, I’m back, Sam went to get more coffee, but I think he’s secretly buying conditioner.” 
“Dean, we have a small problem.” You heard your captor tell him before her voice dropped to a whisper. 
“You tied up a girl in our kitchen!” Dean exclaimed and she told him to keep his voice down. He appeared in the doorway a few seconds later. He froze when he saw you, his face changing from worried to pissed. 
“Hey Dean.” You greeted, giving him an awkward smile. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” He growled. 
“Can we talk after you untie me?”
“I don’t think I want to.” 
“Dean!” With an aggravated huff, he moved behind you to undo your constraints. “That woman is your mother?”
“It’s a long story that I really don’t feel like explaining to you.” You wiggled your wrists free and stood up, swaying slightly from the dizziness. Dean crossed his arms. “You need to leave.”
“I need your help.” 
“I don’t care.” The last time he was this mad at you was the last time you saw him. You would never forget the look of disgust on his face before he got in the impala and drove away. “You can’t be here when Sam gets back.” 
“Dean, you know I wouldn’t be here if I had a choice.” You pleaded. You didn’t blame him for hating you. You broke his number one rule. You hurt his little brother. Before he could respond, you both heard the bunker door again. 
“Dean, why is there another car outside-” Sam started to ask, his words catching in his throat when he walked into the kitchen. “Y/N.” He gasped, his eyes going soft. 
“She was just leaving.” Dean gave you a hard stare. 
“Sam I-”
“What are you doing here?” Sam stood up straighter, pushing his emotions aside, his eyes turning hard like his brother’s. 
“I know that I have no right to be here.” 
“No. You don’t.” His jaw clenched as he resisted the urge to throw his arms around you. Five years since ditching him at a motel in Missouri, why show up now?
“But I need you.” You tried to keep calm, but so many thoughts were bombarding your already pounding head. “I need your help with a hunt.” 
“Why the hell would we help you?” Dean scoffed, getting angrier and angrier by the second. Sam just looked hurt. 
“This is just about a hunt?” He shook his head. He was stupid to think you would come for anything else. 
“Look, I wouldn’t have tracked you two down if I thought I could find anyone else. But everyone knows the Winchesters are the best hunters around.” You had to drop your pride and just say it. “I’m in over my head here, Sam.”
“I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but that sounds like a you problem. Not an us problem.” Dean motioned for you to leave, but you stood your ground. 
“Sam, please.” You were almost tempted to get on your knees and beg, but your phone started to ring. “Damn it.” You muttered, answering to a worried sounding Naomi. 
“You better get back here, Y/N.” She whispered into the receiver. You could hear Makayla singing along to the radio. 
“Are you driving?” 
“There was a group of men I don’t know at my house so I’m taking Kayla to a motel run by a friend of mine. You better hurry up with those hunting pals and come and get her. She’ll be safer with three of you than just me.” 
“They’re going to need a little more convincing, Naomi.” You hissed, feeling Sam and Dean’s eyes burning into you. She sighed. 
“Well one of them’s her daddy, isn’t he?” 
“You’ll have to tell him one way or another. Just get them up here.” She hung up without giving you a chance to argue. You turned back to the brothers. 
“I need you to come to Hastings.” 
“Like hell-” Dean started but Sam interrupted him. 
“Why?” The way he looked at you made you feel like something heavy was weighing on your chest. You couldn’t breathe, let alone tell him about Makayla. 
“I… I can’t tell you.” Before Dean could explode on you, you continued. “I have to show you.” 
“No, no way. I am not driving an hour just to-”
“Okay.” Sam agreed, earning a very irritated glare from his brother. Dean’s eyes darted between the two of you. He ran his hand down his face. 
“Fine. Fine! But I am driving.” 
You rode in silence. You offered to take your own car, but Dean insisted on you riding with them. He probably thought you would just cut and run again. So you were forced to endure an hour of agonizing, angry silence. They had told their mother- yeah, their dead mother who was now kicking your ass- that they would be back soon, so it was just the three of you. Dean wouldn’t even turn on the radio. Sam couldn’t look at you. 
You shouldn’t have come. You should have found another hunter- anyone else. The little voice in your head suggested maybe this was just an excuse. A reason to see him again. You had to remind yourself that you were here for Makayla. You would do anything if it meant keeping her safe. But how were you going to tell him?
You arrived at the motel before you could really think of a plan. Naomi said she was in room 6 and she met you outside, thankfully. 
“Is she okay?” You asked quietly. Naomi nodded, eyeing the two men getting out of the car behind you. 
“She’s inside now watching old Scooby-Doo reruns.” She pulled you aside. “So what did he say?” 
“I haven’t told him.” You gulped. Her eyes widened. 
“Well, honey, you better think of something fast.” She motioned to Dean and Sam, who were now walking towards the door. 
“So what is it? What do you have to show us?” Dean huffed. Sam just watched you with curious eyes. 
“Okay, there’s something I need to talk to you about before I open this door.” You took a deep breath, trying to come up with a plan. 
“Mommy!” And there goes the plan. Makayla ran out of the door and latched to your leg. Sam and Dean froze. You bit your lip, putting a hand on her head. 
“Guys, this is Makayla.” You picked her up. Dean’s confusion started to morph into understanding as he looked at her dark hair and bright eyes. You couldn’t read Sam’s face. “Makayla, this is Dean. And this...” You felt terrified tears spring to your eyes. “Is Sam.”
Continue to Part Two
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto;
Supernatural: @desimarie12; @deandreamernp; @vicmc624​; @halesandy​
Sam Winchester: @theamuz
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serena-hart-09 · 3 years
A Story’s Analyzation Chapter 3 : When an exe. stops working and WHO ARE YOU?! HOW-
Summary (for this chapter): Some angst with Lucifer and some fluff with Luke and meet someone new! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Have a good day!
[Warning: Spoilers for Lilith (small, very small spoiler)]
“Do Not Insult My Child.”
Lucifer froze in his spot. He wanted to tease you and Luke but he no words came out of his mouth. He stood there with shock on his face and said “Sorry.” To Luke much to everyone’s and Lucifer’s surprise. Suddenly he was feeling a little heavy. There was an annoying ringing in his ears. It hurt. ‘S-stop it! Damn it!’ He felt dizzy, his vision had tuned foggy. ‘What is happening?!’ he thought to himself in a panicked haze he held onto anything that was near as it felt like if he didn’t, he would surely fall down……
“Lucifer!” came Mc’s worried voice and suddenly, he felt refreshed? Better, even.  Like there was no pain in the first place…. ‘What?’ he thought to himself. “Lucifer, w-what happened?! Are you alright?” Mc panicked. Lucifer looked up from where their voice was coming from. It seems that he held onto them during the painful haze. Everyone was looking at him with concern. When he understood what was happening, he stood up straight as prideful as ever. “I apologize for showing myself in such a disgraceful manner.”
Diavolo looked at him still worried, “You don’t need to apologize for something like this. You should visit the infirmary and rest there for some time.”
“My Lord, there is no need. I am perfectly fine.” Lucifer said with a scowl. ‘Here we go again, pitying me.’ He thought bitterly.
“No, Lord Diavolo is right.” Mc looks at him with a serious face, “Lets go Lucifer. I’ll come with you.”
“As I said, there is no need.”
“Lucifer, I swear, if you don’t come with me right this instant, I will drag your living body to the infirmary.”
“…” he looks at them with a scowl deeper than ever. ‘What does this human want?’  “Lord Diavolo, I can assure you, I just lost my balance is all. I am truly fine.”
“I said I am fine.” He growled. At this point, he wanted to break something anything that could come in his hands. A deep voice in his head was shouting at the people in front of him ‘How dare they pity me? Me?! I am not weak! I am strong than half of the people standing in this room!’
“…” Everyone was silent. Finally, Diavolo spoke “Alright, I won’t force you, but please take care of yourself.”
“…. Yes, My Lord.” He said as he rushed out of there. He wanted to run. The voice in his head was still angry at them but another voice in his head belittled him saying that ‘You deserve it, Lucifer. How shameful you are now.’ He closed his eyes for a moment, hoping that at least the darkness would help him gather his thoughts together….to be precise, push those thoughts away. But it didn’t help as he saw the monster of his past mocking him, his efforts, his everything and even his existence…. He opened his eyes and rubbed his face to remove the hidden tears. He heads straight to his office. When finally he arrives, he rushes into the bathroom to wash his face in the sink…. When he sees his face in the mirror however………multiple reflections of his face are seen as the mirror was now broken….as he was himself…...
Luke was very happy; he was looking at Mc as his hero. There was no one who had guts to stop Lucifer from teasing Luke. He tried talking to Mc but he was too scared to talk to them while they talking with the others. After what happened, Mc seemed sad even though they were hiding it their frown could seen for a second until, they again started talking happily. He didn’t talk much about much anything because he was still a little embarrassed as Mc literally declared him as their child right in front of Simeon, the Prince and his butler but still, that did not stop from him admiring Mc for their bravery.
So, while walking to the assembly hall for a meeting, he tried to start a conversation, “Uh…. Mc why is Simeon not with us?”
“Ah, its because Diavolo had some business with him it seemed.” They say with a little smile. Progress! They were at least smiling now! Now what he should talk about? “Uh, Mc….? Where is Mammon? Wasn’t he supposed to guard you and attend the meeting?”
“…. He ditched me.” They say nervousness evident in their voice. ‘How could that demon do this?!’ he thought. “So, what happened to Lucifer? Where did he go?” he asked as he thought ‘at least he is a responsible one right? He is not like his brothers, right?’
“….I don’t know where he went….. I am worried about him…” Oh no! The sad frown returned on their face! Aaaah! What should he do?!
Without thinking (also while blushing), he said, “Don’t worry Mc! I’ll protect you!”
“!!!!” Mc looks at him with shock which is then replaced by big smile, “Thank you, Luke, I really appreciate it. Hehe.” They laughed! Score!
Just then, a pack of lower demons came at them, “Oooh! Look at that isn’t that the other human?” one demon sneered at them. “Yeah! Wait isn’t that the Chihuahua Angel?! It seems he found his new owner!”
“Yeah, it seems Simeon got bored with him.”
“Hey, hey human, give me your D.D.D. number!”
“You better do it or else we will beat you to a pulp!”
‘Tch! Damn demons! They have no shame in them!’ Luke thought angrily as he tried to go and tell them…..just then, a hand on his shoulder held him back. It was Mc’s hand. “Let’s go Luke. We’ll be late.” they smiled at him. They took his hand and walked past the demons.
“OI, we are talking to you! Are you deaf?!” one of them shouted. Luke had a bad feeling about this.
“….” They looked at the demons and mumbled, “there’s a lot of them…” They looked at Luke smiled at them and hugged him and said, “Run. Run to the Assembly Hall and call Lucifer or Diavolo or anyone else.” Luke looks at them with shock and hears the demons attack them. Before he could scream, Mc pushes him away and shouts “Go! Now!”
They also shout, “How did these idiots get here?!”
Luke doesn’t know what happened to him but he runs to the assembly in tears.
Lucifer is worried. It’s been quite a long time Mc, Luke and Mammon should’ve reached the Assembly Hall by now, but none of them are seen… he is looking at his notes for today’s meeting. He continues reading the notes still worried. He hears Diavolo speak, “It’s quite late, everyone is here. Only Mc, Luke and Mammon are not here……”
“….I apologize on behalf of Mc. I’ll tell them to be early next time…” Lucifer frowns at his words.
“Are you worried for them?”
“Are you worried for Mc, Lucifer?” Diavolo asks him.
“….Yes, they are after all, the exchange student.” Lucifers says as if it is a fact.
“Hm.. they were quite sad after you left.”
“They were?” Lucifer asks astonishment evident on his face. Diavolo only smiles, “Yes, it seems they were still worried about you.”
“Why they would be worried about me?” Lucifer asks without thinking.
At this Diavolo frowns, “Why do you think that?”
“…” Really, now that he mentions it, they probably are worried about him, right? Wait, but why they would be worried? They know him for only two days after all. Wait, why is he getting worked up for this? Since when did he care? Why is he thinking like this?
Someone across the table is heard sighing, it was Leviathan. “Seriously, can I go back home?”
“No, you can’t. You don’t attend the classes have some courtesy of attending the meeting, will you?” Lucifer speaks getting out of his serious self-questioning. His brother sighs dramatically. Everyone is here, ‘where are these 3 idiots?’ he thinks. Just then, the doors open revealing Mammon “Evenin’…” Lucifer looks at his direction only to see no Mc and no Luke. Ok, if Lucifer was ‘just worried’ before, his blood pressure was rising now.
“EEK- wha-wha-what happened, big bro?”
“…….Shit I forgot.” Mammon answers after thinking for some time.
“Look I’m sorry-”
Just then, the door opened again, letting Luke inside. “Simeon! Lord Diavolo! Lucifer! Mc is-”
Before Luke could finish his sentence, Lucifer was in front of him with dark aura surrounding him, “Where?”
“Near the Library-”
Lucifer bolted out without looking back. He was in his demon form ready to destroy. He finally came to the spot. And as mentioned ready to break bones but-
He was shocked. ‘What in the nine hells?’
The whole pack of lower demons were kneeling down in front of the human…. Some of them were injured (severely). All of this when the human was smiling with satisfaction (and a bit of sadism). Their back was to Lucifer, so they couldn’t see him. Lucifer was stuck in a daze. Correction, his brain was stuck.
It seemed that the human finally noticed him, “Ah, Lucifer, sorry that you have to come here and sorry for being late. You see, I was stuck in a rather unavoidable situation because of these idiots.” They say while pointing at the demons still kneeling. At their mention the demons flinch in fear. “Don’t worry I haven’t injured them too much but just enough to make them understand. Anyways, lets go to the meeting, ok?” the smile at him all cutesy.
“Yes….” Mind you, he is still in his confusion-daze.
The human gives the demons another look (perhaps of anger) as they flinch under the human’s gaze, “I’m sure you have learnt your lesson, now go to the infirmary treat your wounds. Then, you are free to do whatever you want. Understood?”
“Good, now scram.”
Then the demons ran away.
Lucifer returns with Mc in the Assembly Hall. Luke runs to them and asks if they are alright. Everyone gathers around Mc to confirm if they are truly fine, all while Lucifer.exe. still can’t work properly, for some reason. The meeting starts and finally finishes. Diavolo comes near Lucifer, “Are you alright? You seemed in a daze…”
“Mc defeated the demons and made them kneel.” Lucifer spoke as if on ‘automatic mode’.
“What…..? Really?! That is brilliant!.... Wait, were the demons injured?”
“Yes, but they have been sent to the infirmary under Mc’s orders.”
“Woah…..” after this Diavolo went straight to Mc to take their interview of sorts on their new achievement being unlocked. Little anyone know, they unlocked the true achievement of breaking Lucifer.
Someone help this man- I mean demon…….
 After finally returning back home, he tried distract himself from the ‘confusion-daze’ by doing paperwork(locking himself in his study as usual). After some time, he hears a knock on the door of his study. He sighs and finally says, “Come in.”
The minute he sees Mc entering-
Lucifer.exe. is now ready to go.
“How did you do that? Humans are not supposed to work like that! How just how?!” if was not for Mc in his room he would have pulled his hair out in frustration as he couldn’t solve this ‘serial killer mystery’ (I mean, its understandable).
“Ok calm down, big boy. I didn’t do anything. I just did what I did to defend myself.” They shrugged.
“Yes but-”
They cut him off, “Here, coffee. I made it myself. I figured you would need it.” They hand a mug filled coffee. Wait, it was Melancholy Coffee.
“How did you make this coffee?”
“The internet is there for reason.” They laugh at him while he wears bashful expression.
“Anyways, you wanted to talk about monster-pets with me, right?”
“During the first day, before Diavolo suggested you to introduce your brothers you seemed as if you wanted to talk to me more.”
“…” Lucifer was looking at his stack of paperwork to avoid looking at them (again) as he was blushing. “I… yes, you are right I have interest in it.” He said while trying to find the correct words
“Oh? I am too interested in this topic.” They smirk at him, “tell me what type?”
“…. Hellhounds.”
 Their eyes sparkled and were looking at Lucifer with adoration, “really?! Even I love Hellhounds. Many people hate them, I but really love them!”
“You do?” This was first for Lucifer, as everyone around was afraid of the Hellhound that he adopted it was new to see someone like Hellhounds as he did. So, he continued, “In fact, I have a Hellhound as a pet in the tomb under the main house.”
“Reaaaallly?!” their eyes were sparkling even more. “Please can I meet them? Please, please, please?”
Lucifer looks at them with soft eyes. He starts laughing softly. He can practically see the dog ears on Mc now, pleading in a cute way. “Alright, but only if you have the guts to take him walk for the whole week.” He tried to scare Mc. Well except, they were not scared in fact their cat-like grin got even more big with excitement. “YESSSS” they practically yelled.
Lucifer, sighed and shook his head but weirdly not out stress. No, but out something warm that was rising in his chest. He brushed off as nothing and took Mc to the underground tomb.
“Mc stay behind me.” Lucifer said with caution. They nodded at with understanding. Mc was now standing behind of Lucifer.
“Cerberus!” he calls his beloved Hellhound. Cerberus comes in the view with a growl and a roar.
But then, he is kneeling?
Cerberus never kneeled to Lucifer even while greeting him any or other time. Cerberus had to be scolded to behave, but now the hound is not only kneeling but whining for attention?! But why-
Mc goes near Cerberus and hugs him?! Then proceeds to pet him?!
Lucifer observes both of them and then it clicks.
Did Cerberus kneel to Mc?! But why- How- WhEn-
‘Lucifer.exe. has stopped working again.’  
‘…I never thought Kerberos would be with Lucifer…..
But its understandable at least he’s taking care of him.
I’m jealous…..
Its not fair…..
….but it is the way it is I guess…..
Hm? Ah, Reader, you came? Would you like some tea?
Tell me of your day!
Hm? “Who is that?” you ask? The person pouring our tea?
Reader……. Are you sure you want to know?
You’ll get that information prematurely, you know?
*mystery person smiles at you*
Hm? You still want to know?
Alright then, my curious cat…..hehe…..
*looks at mystery person with a smile*
But I must say today’s tea is very sweet I like it can brew it tomorrow as well?
Yes, please do, both of would appreciate it, “Narukou”.
*”Narukou” laughs and says something*
What? You want the Reader to call you by your real name?
*looking at “Narukou” with concern*
*“Narukou” nods*
Aaaah… fine its your name after all *looks at you the Reader, smirking -*
Right? “Lilith”?
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Set In Stone - Choose Your Own Love Story Prologue (Tim Drake or Bart Allen x Reader)
Words: 2k
~ AH!!! Welcome to my newest multi chapter fic! Except there’s a twist! It’s up to you dear reader. I’ll be writing two different stories about each path, like a choose your own adventure, except you choose how your love story progresses to the eventual end! There will be a private masterlist specifically for this series where you can choose the way your personal love story unfolds. Just know that the future is never cemented, meaning you can always go back and try again! Think of this as the prologue to the actual event, but your first decision drops tomorrow, meet Bart or dig deeper into Tim? Hope you enjoy! ~
Seeing teenage heroes was really something else. They were your age, and they weren’t grumpy and old like the Justice League. “Okay well this is fun and all but I wanna hang with people my age!” you groaned following J'onn down the never ending corridors of the Watchtower. “You know your powers are not fit for the type of missions the Young Justice team attempt, you are arguably weaker than the regular human” he reminded you. That was rude. “Am not! I’m an asset! I can’t get hit cuz I know where they’re gonna swing so who cares if I have a mental breakdown every once and while!” J'onn knew you weren’t wrong, you taking a hit was a rare occurrence, but the Justice League refused to risk you even taking one hit, you’d protected thousands by scanning the infinite number of different possible futures. 
“Everything you need is here” you replied “I knew you were gonna say that, like I literally knew it” you also knew you had to prod J'onn just for about two more minutes until you met Nightwing. “Oh my god Nightwing fancy seeing you here!” you grinned at J'onn who now understood your goal. “Hello, I didn’t know the YJ team had a new member?” Dick glanced at J'onn who shrugged. “Do not blame me Nightwing, Flash found her and the team agreed she stays with us” you rolled your eyes before starting with Dick Grayson, but he didn’t know you knew that yet. 
“Hi! Y/N, no last name. Flash found me when he ran into the future and I was totally feeling the mode because I got these powers [ you tapped your head as Dick smirked ] and I can like see different parts of future when I’m super focussed, so like short time is kinda easy but far away and hard and I don’t remember anything from my past. I’m like a future only kinda girl.” you sighed, hoping you’d made sense. Dick’s eyes lit up. “So you don’t have a family, and they’re just keeping you here?” you nodded, crossing your arms to try to look more emotionally secure. 
“Dibs” and something sparked in your head, this was a new future. It hurt. You sunk to the ground clutching your head as a new future bounced around your consciousness. Trying to shake out of it you realized you’d been carried to a med bay, Dick and J'onn stood above you looking concerned. Pushing them off you as you got up you explained “sometimes people make big decisions that change the future, I’m guessing you calling ‘dibs’ on me changed something, but I’m a little too tired to check if that’s okay, also what does dibs even mean?” and Dick smiled, “you’ll have to come find out!” and against J'onn’s protests he pulled you towards the Zeta Tubes. 
Flash zipped in front of you and Dick. “No.” and Dick waved him off. “I’m taking her to the manor, get her to meet the family maybe I’ll get a sister if Bruce is in a mood” he waggled an eyebrow at Flash who was focussed now on you knowing he couldn’t get in Dick’s way. “I know you don’t know him yet but if Jason Todd asks you to do anything that seems dangerous say no. And watch out for Damian’s swords. I guess just look for Tim Drake, he’s a good one” and he patted you on the shoulder. “Go feel the mode kid”  and you face palmed. “Flash you mean crash the mode oh god don’t even try to be cool” you groaned. “You totally have to meet Bart” Dick mumbled before he cleared you for zeta tube access. 
You appeared in what can only be described as a man cave. There was a giant computer where a tiny boy sat covered in leather typing. There was a teenager looking about your age punching dummies while another boy was shooting literally guns at the dummies. “Welcome to the batcave!” Dick announced loud enough for the three boys heads to turn. The smallest boy stopped typing and stalked over to you. “A little young for you Grayson, stolen her from the baby justice team?” you knew this was Damian Wayne, and you couldn’t contain yourself.
“OH MY GOD BATMAN HI!” you screeched pulling him into your chest. “You’re totally crash like so cool but you’re so little right now! Last time I saw you, you were like super tall but you totally got moded or something - oh I wasn’t supposed to say that don’t worry!” Dick nudged you “this is Robin, Batman, Bruce Wayne, is in his office” and you slapped a hand over your mouth. “Right, no spoilers” and Damian stood still, processing his own future. “Moving on, Tim and Jason!” the two older boys had come down to get a closer look.
“Hood, Drake, this is totally cool!” you exclaimed, shaking their hands. “Why is he Red Hood and I’m Drake? Not Red Robin?” Tim looked puzzled. Best not ruin his life like that, this was one of the few things you planned on changing. “Because I know you’re Tim Drake! So does the world, Drake is a good LAST NAME right? Red Robin is totally crash for a hero name!” and Tim looked a little confused, but brushed it off. “What the demon said, she new?” and you shook your head, explaining your story again.
“20 bucks says adoption papers” “50 says she gets a room” “75 on a new animal persona” the boys started screaming bets as soon as they heard the “family trauma emotional instability” part. “Why can’t she be in Young Justice? Or the Outsiders? She’s still a teenager” Tim looked confused. “I dunno man, she’s been with the JL for a while because she’s apparently delicate which is bullshit” Dick explained and you strongly agreed. “None of you could even land a hit on me” you puffed out your chest. “Care to defend that claim?” Damian unsheathed a sword. “No! J'onn sai-” you cut Dick off. “Absolutely ”.
Now you were dodging and ducking Damian’s advances. You’d swung a couple punches but it means undoing some focus which allows Damian to get his own shots in, so you mostly stayed on defense, letting him get frustrated and tired. “I think you’ll get better with practice baby Batman” you teased him. Next was Jason, bullets were hard to avoid because you didn’t have lightning fast reflexes, although that would be nice. But Jason wasn’t as calculated as Damian so you could play a little dirtier. Knocking his guns out of his hands you let up, “this is boring I’m done” you raised from the ground where you and Jason had tumbled down on. 
“So you really have powers. Your moves are all the most probable choice mathematically, you can’t be running the numbers in your head that quick!” Tim was toying with a tablet, shocked at your prediction abilities. “That’s right Boy Wonder, that was fun but I’m feeling kinda diz-” and then you realized you’d overworked yourself a little bit, and it all faded to black. 
You woke up to fully aged Batman. “Oh god no I’m back. How am I back! Damian you were just a kid like ten minutes ago! How long have I been out?” you began to throw blankets off yourself, blankets? You were in a bed in someone’s room. “Calm down, Y/N, Y/N! It’s okay!” and the Older-Damian just enveloped you in a hug. You couldn’t remember the last hug you’d had. Literally couldn’t remember. And it was a welcomed comfort. Pulling away you got a closer look, and it wasn’t Damian Wayne, but Bruce. 
“Bruce right? Current Batman?” you whispered, trying to wrap your mind around what had just happened. “That’s me, I see you’ve met my son, at multiple ages too” his eyes were smiling but his mouth wasn’t, it showed concern. “Yes, I did, I’m sorry for being a nuisance, it’s a pleasure to meet you but clearly I’m a bit moded so I should head back to the tower” you explain beginning to get up. “Actually that’s something I wanted to talk to you about, if you feel alright? [ you nodded, your powers were still a little too weak to peek ahead at what he was going to say ] Well, as you can see, I’ve got a couple of children, and you haven’t even met all of them. And I take them under my protection and I train them, and it seems to me you want training. Now you’re not ready for field work but you can start with me and my team, and maybe do a couple visits with the Young Justice team when Tim heads over. I think I can help you, and give you a family, would that be something you want?” 
A family, you had one of those. And you knew the word brought you warmth, that had to be a good thing. “I think I’d like that a lot, but I’m kinda already with the Justice League ya know? Their personal magic 8 ball.” and Bruce shook his head. “They won’t be a problem for me, you’ll fit right in with my family” and you felt a smile spread over your face. “Then it’s a deal!” and you stuck out a hand, Bruce clasped it, pulling you in for another hug. 
“We’ll talk later about what this means logistically, but there’s someone really excited you’re here.” and Tim Drake came bursting through the door, holding cookies. “Welcome to the team Y/N! You don’t know Alfred yet but he made these! I’m so glad you’re here!” he was beaming with excitement. And blushing? “Hi Tim, I’m glad to be here!” you chirped. Bruce mumbled something about paperwork and left the room as Tim continued. “This is totally cool, if you want I can call Bart I think he’d totally want to meet you! Or, you and I could hangout just the two of us!” there was that blush again. “Yeah! Can I just sit and think for a minute before I catch up with you?” this was a decision you wanted to read into, it felt important. 
Tim left, and you sat back into the plush bed, diving into the future. And it was something you hadn’t seen you. There were two futures, still fuzzy from the infinite decisions to be made securing the future, but it was clear enough to see that it was your wedding day. Down one path you saw a beautiful wedding with someone you haven’t met yet, and you looked beyond happy. You heard yourself whisper “if only Tim were here to see this” wiping a tear away in the arms of your lover. Recoiling back you knew this future wouldn’t do, not at Tim’s expense. So you went towards the other. Same set up, but this time it was Tim that you were marrying, but the same tear slid down your cheek “if only Bart could be here” you recognized the name. Bart, the guy you’re supposed to be meeting. 
And you were stuck in the middle no matter what. Like yin and yang you couldn’t find a future where you didn’t end up in the arms of one at the other’s grave. Or worse, in the futures where you tried to pick them over yourself both lost their lives saving you. So how you do pick? Who gets to be your future and who has to perish to secure it?
“Y/N you ready yet?” Tim called from down stairs. It was years out, but you knew every decision you made from now on was one step closer to the loss of a hero. And there was nothing you could do about it. 
First Decision:
Get To Know Tim Drake First
Meet Bart Allen
 ~ I really hope you’re excited to make your own fic! The masterlist with the choices goes up with the actual start tomorrow! I can’t wait!!! ~
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joe-maristopher · 4 years
«WandaVision»: 3. Wanda, dear, do we have a problem?
Boom! We have a mention of Pietro, Ultron, Shakespeare (ah, Vision's an ntellectual), neighbors with a slight horror in their eyes, unjustified speed of events, as well as the subtext "Wanda in her world is a king and the god". And yes, that awesome soap ads! The slogan is a reference to Wanda's newfound abilities, I think. I keep my eyes on Agnes and prepare an invitation for her to go to the evil characters' bench. You can't be sure of anything, but who knows, she is able use the situation for her own purposes and be a helper of Mephisto.
Let's talk about the kids and the speed of everything.
I've never been a fan of Billy and Tommy in the first place. I don't understand all the excitement associated with them, and I remember that everything ended after their appearence... badly. Besides. I've always wondered why Wanda rode into the magical wilds and didn't think/want to solve the problem any other way. Adoption, for example. Donor sperm. Something else. Why was it necessary to create such problems, taking pieces of Mefisto´s soul, and thereby laying a huge dynamite under her family?
Let's say, our Wanda goes with a different vector, without the insane desire of a crazy momma-wannabe, but the children are still demonic? Playing with Mephisto's shadow isn't for nothing, is it?
I can't help but notice that Wanda's pregnancy in the comics also appeared suddenly. I might have forgotten something, because I was laughing so hard while reading the pages, but it was like this, the quotes are not accurate.
The magic poof!
And Wanda is on the eve of her confinement. I don't remember Vision's reaction...
Our Vision was as surprised as I was, because in normal life, it does not happen, even if you are a synthesoid (five points to Marvel for mentioning this term! Finally! We waited for the long time!). I felt like I was watching the Sims with their woohoo and three-day pregnancy. It was all very fast, and I couldn't even blink. I didn't like that part, honestly. Something is missing. I also don't like that Marvel didn't focus much on Wanda and Vision, and instead our characters existed for fast-paced development, plot tools for introducing the twins, and Geraldine-Monica's "deportation" beyond the bubble. In other words, long periods of time are reduced to the limit.
A small question. The child is already doing magic (and Wanda calmly allows)?
Creepy moment. Let's talk about Vision again.
I thought that my screen glitched or the cat walked on the keyboard, so I didn't notice... Wanda, we have a real problem... And a new question. In the opinion for the first two series, I posted a list of the questions and now it gonna be expanded. We're still walking in the fog.
So... Vision is an illusion? Highly likely! Who would give us a resurrected Vision, right? Marvel won't let us be happy, and neither will Wanda.-_-
But if Vision was an illusion, controlled, a Wanda's puppet, then why did he even begin to think about what was happening, to understand that something was happening? Why? And how many times has this actually happened, off-screen? Fic-writers, let's go! And I'm probably going with you.
I also remember Vision's face when their dinner went wrong. So what are you, Vision? And by the way, how much control do you have? The feelings are your own, aren't they? Yes, Marvel?! Don't mess with me here. Don't make the shippers angry, they're already traumatized by the comic book versions of Wanda and Vision.
A lyrical digression.
There is one more thing that I want to touch, connected with all above. A certain Twitter user previously guessed or knew the names by which Wanda and Vision will be in the series. Before the release of the series, I ask you to note. I'm talking about Illusion and Glamour. Back then no one took it seriously, but after the release of episodes, the account began to be studied almost under a microscope. There is a long history with the renaming of acc, creating new acc with the same info, it's not the point. The same acc wrote that what we see isn't Vision, but Wonder Man, who thinks he is Vision..
I have a confession. I can't stand Wonder Man and everything that goes with him, including his shenanigans with Wanda. I just hate this stuff. Who doesn't know: Wonder Man and Vision have a connection in the comics, Wonder Man's brainwaves formed the basis of Vision's, correct me if I am wrong. So, technically, they're kind of brothers. Difficult, you may say? It's comics, kids! In short, if it really turns out to be so — I will consider it a personal insult. I'm sorry, but I love Vision and I watch the show with him, not with someone else.
Also, in general, Marvel owed us one moment, and it's good if they remembered about it and give a serial explanation: for all the years of Endgame, you did not try to do anything with the Vision's body? Where is it? In what condition? Tony forgot and didn't remember Vision?
Screw it!
Okay, okay, I've calmed down. I return to the subject and stop burning with righteous anger.
Illusion or not, we know from the trailers that Vision will posibly receive an information about his death. I see how it can go: It turns out that Vision learns the truth, Wanda is not there to stop him, he decides to find out everything from Wanda, but the moment is not very good, because the agents of S. W. O. R. D doing their job, and Wanda is already in the berserk mode... And it ends badly.
Creepy moment. A sad moment. Give Wanda some cocoa and a warm blanket. Please.
That was full of pain. Wanda could try and run from her memories, or force herself to forget them, but they are coming back with suspicious questions from a stranger, with jewelry on someone's neck. Wanda's upset, the neighbors ara glitching (to Vision´s concern), and under the iceberg of family life with two newborns and a lullaby for them, there are the abyss, hiding... Creepy and painful.
I am kinda dissaponted with the 3rd episode, but still enjoyed some moments and still want to save Wanda from this darkness.
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skzsauce01 · 4 years
The Trials and Tribulations of Birthday Presents
Synopsis: Chan’s birthday is only three hours away, and you, his loving girlfriend, still don’t have a gift for him. Modern magic AU because it’s October.
Warning: one instance of calling and driving flying (please don’t do this!)
Word Count: 2.9k
Pairing: fem!reader x Bang Chan
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What does one find in a magic shop?
Fat wax candles, decks of tarot cards, and antique spellbooks, just to name a few. If the shop is particularly well stocked, there may be rare potion ingredients like bottled lightning and threads of moonlight.
Despite all the fascinating things available, the very magic shop you work at has nothing for your particular dilemma: a suitable gift for your beloved. In other words, there are only three hours left before your boyfriend’s birthday, and you still have no idea what to get him.
“What do I do, what do I do?” you mutter to yourself.
The minute hand of giant clock face mounted to the oak paneling wall ticks, reminding you that time is of the essence and something you have naught of. If only you knew a time wizard; then you could allow yourself to panic and avoid the problem for a few hours longer.
The black cat perched at the register counter beside you flicks his tail, making the pages flutter. “We do have an aisle dedicated to gifts, you know.”
“There’s nothing good there!” you wail.
Glass candle holders and generic happiness potions don’t scream “I cherish you and the day of your birth greatly!” Though the specialty potions shop across town could probably make you one that literally screams that…
You bat the absurd idea and the cat’s tail away, making it hiss at you as a result. “Isn’t your shift over, Minho? It’s past nine.”
“Oh!” He shifts back into human form and cheerfully hops off the counter, making the floorboards creak. “Lucky me. Good night then.”
“No, wait! Help me! I’m sorry I was mean!” you pathetically call after him. “Minho!”
He turns around and starts heading back to the register. When he sees how relieved you look, he heads for the door again. “Good luck!”
You do your best impression of a banshee in an attempt to stop him, but he doesn’t flinch. “Give some advice at least! Please!”
“Be spontaneous,” he says as he opens the door. “Stop being so practical and get Chan something fun.”
The door swings shut, and Black Cat Minho waves a paw at you before darting down the street. The store goes quiet, and you stand by the counter with your head in your hands.
“But I don’t know how…”
One of your finer attributes is being practical. Plenty of people, namely all your friends who have received presents from you, even say that you are overly practical. It’s not necessarily a bad thing; it just means that they get new brewing stands and gift cards to the local plant nursery for birthdays rather than plushies and balloons.
But Chan’s has to be different and special, which means you have to be reckless and spontaneous and everything you are not.
While you pace around the store, looking for something you would never even consider buying, Changbin steps out of a nearby shadowy corner. He mumbles a hello and brushes his jacket sleeve, no doubt to rid himself of any pieces of darkness from his journey.
“Hey, Changbin,” you brightly greet, walking closer to him with your hands behind your back.
He gives you a strange look at your sudden chipperness and tries to get away. Unfortunately for him, he chose to arrive in a corner, and you easily trap him in.
“How was shadow travelling? Great? That’s great. Anyway, do you think Chan would like this?” You hold up a mesh bag full of stuffed mice, taxidermied ones and plushie ones included.
“What is he even going to do with those? Can I go now?”
You let him pass. “So, it’s perfect then!” Merrily, you take the bag with you to the register and start applying your employee discount code.
Changbin, who has not started working, hovers around. “Wait, is this what you’re getting him for his birthday?”
You stop pressing buttons and fearfully look at him. “Why are you saying it like that?”
You can always count on Changbin on being blunt with you, but it still stings when he answers. “He’ll like it because you gave it to him, but he doesn’t need dead mice. He works with summonings, and what demon likes already dead mice?“
“I’m trying a new approach,” you indignantly say. “No practical presents.”
“Okay, but he doesn’t want dead mice either.”
He makes a fair point. You cancel the purchase and leave the bag on the counter.
“What did you get him?” you ask. You mournfully scan the inventory pages, and the words feel like they’re taunting you. “Crystal ball? Gilded owl cage? Velvet-lined coffin?”
He laughs at your guesses and shows you a picture on his phone. An image of a koala plushie holding a vial of something shimmery stares back at you.
“Is that… dust bunny dust?” you say, pinching the screen to zoom in. “But you can literally find that under your bed.”
“When we were fifteen, he said— never mind, it’s an inside joke.” He tucks his phone back into his pocket and picks up the stuffed mice to put back on the shelf. “Why don’t you get him flowers and chocolate?”
“But that’s so… pedestrian. And more of an anniversary thing.” You sigh and wave him off. “I’ll let you get to work now.”
However, since the shop is quite empty in the late hours — who wants to go shopping when all the best things happen at night — Changbin soon returns by your side to help you solve your issue. You scroll through old text messages between you and Chan to find something noteworthy. You’re starting to reconsider Changbin’s earlier suggestion.
“What if I get him a birthday cake and flowers?” you try after finding a link to a boutique bakery from the town across the river. “But a really special cake and really special flowers.”
“Isn’t that too ‘pedestrian?’” he jokes. At your defeated expression, he pats your shoulder reassuringly. “I think he’ll like it. It’s a little bit practical as well.”
You suppose Changbin is still little miffed by the lint roller and darkness duster you gave him for his birthday.
“Is anything still open though?” You do a search for the local bakeries and flower shops, but as expected, most are already closed. On the bright side, you do know a florist who may not be too appalled if you knock on his door at this hour. “Do you think Jeongin will mind if I barge in for flowers?”
As for the cake, a simple grocery store cake won’t do. The 24-hour grocery store, luckily, lives up to its name and is still open, which means you can make your own. “And do you think I can make a cake before midnight?”
“I will switch those two answers around.” You grab your broomstick from the stand and are ready to leave when you remember that you are still supposed to be working. “Oh wait.”
Changbin shakes his head and nudges you to go ahead. “I can handle it.”
“I can’t just leave early! I’ll get fired!” You nervously drum your fingers on the countertop. You need a new plan, stat. “How about no cake? Agh! But just flowers is… agh!”
He laughs — how dare he! — at your panic. “Jihyo will understand. You’re also the only one who doesn’t fight when you get the witching hour shift.”
Your boss is quite nice and understanding, especially about things regarding relationships. After all, she was an apprentice for a witch specializing in love potions before she decided to open the shop. You hurriedly run for the door as the giant, looming clock ticks again.
“Thanks and good night!” you call over your shoulder to Changbin, who wishes you luck in return.
With some difficulty, you light the lantern dangling at the front of your broomstick. It’s dangerous of you, but you dial Jeongin’s phone number while flying to the grocery store and hope he picks up. If there were actual traffic laws for flying, you are certain you are breaking all of them. The dial tone is cut off, and Jeongin barely gets out a hello before you interrupt.
“I need flowers!” you shout over the rush of the wind. The neon sign of the store slowly blinks, and you nosedive down, scattering a cloud of vampire bats as you descend, almost dropping your phone in the process. “For Chan! So the best ones you have!”
“What kind of flowers?” You hear the sound of water from his end, so he must be tending to his night plants.
“Did you not hear me?” You grab a shopping cart, throw your broomstick in, and haphazardly snatch cake ingredients off the shelves. “The best ones you have! Also, can I borrow your kitchen?”
“That’s not what I— never mind. Sure, you can use my kitchen.”
“Thank you!” you chirp as you grab the last carton of milk. “See you soon.”
You hear Jeongin mumble a goodbye and hang up. Your cart is filled, and you’re certain that you have everything you need to make Chan the most magical birthday cake of his life. Self-checkout is fortunately devoid of customers, so you scan all the products as quickly as you can. Your broomstick is back-heavy as you head to Jeongin’s with your heavy bag of ingredients.
The giant upstairs window of his house is wide open, curtains pulled back, and you fly right through, landing on the kitchen floor with a heavy thump. Jeongin doesn’t even look away from his activity at the sink.
“Hello,” you say a little breathlessly. You take your bag and lean your mode of transport against the wall. “Sorry for coming on such short notice.”
“You couldn’t celebrate his birthday later in the day?” he asks. He’s snipping stems. “I’ve got plants to take care of and harvest.”
You find a large enough cauldron in one of his cabinets and start adding in butter and sugar. “I know, I’m sorry. I couldn’t think of anything to get him, so cake and flowers was a last-minute thing. I’ll buy gift cards here instead of the nursery for birthday presents next time.”
Jeongin seems happy with your response, and he breaks out the extra fancy ribbon he usually saves for expensive orders. With the exception of you mumbling cooking spells and him shuffling flowers around, it’s mostly quiet. After fifteen minutes, you slide the cake pan into the oven and pray the recipe you followed works. You anxiously stare at the clock, the incessant tick tock growing louder with each second. You’re not going to have enough time to frost the cake and make it look pretty at this rate.
While you make the buttercream frosting, you ask Jeongin, “What kind of flowers are you using?”
“The best ones I have,” he replies. You don’t need to see it to know he has a crescent moon smirk on his face. “The real answer is roses, lavender, and jasmine.”
Minho’s reminder of being spontaneous and not practical echoes in your ears. “Those are very practical choices,” you slowly say.
“Isn’t that what you want?”
“I’m trying a new approach. But it looks very pretty!” you add, admiring the colors. “He’ll need the lavender for stress anyway.”
He chuckles, and you sigh at your one-track mind.
When the clock strikes eleven, you’re officially in full panic mode. The bouquet is complete and resting in a glass jar of water. Jeongin, who for some reason trusts you to be alone in his home, leaves you while he attends to his plants. The cake — the stupid, still warm, ‘cannot be frosted unless you want the entire thing to look like an old wax candle’ cake — is sitting on the counter, and you whisper cooling spells that do not seem to be working.
It does smell lovely though, so at least the recipe worked.
After fifteen minutes of waiting and reciting cleaning spells, you start applying the first assembling the cake and icing it. You’re scraping the excess off when your phone rings. You mindlessly swipe across the screen with your knuckle, smearing a tiny bit of buttercream across the surface.
“Hello? Who is this?”
“Hey, it’s Chan! Are you still coming over tonight? I just wanted to check since I know you’ve got work.”
You squeak and quickly push his almost-finished present aside, afraid he will discover the surprise even though he can’t see you. “Hey!” you say as nonchalantly as possible. He doesn’t know, you repeat to yourself. “Yes, I’ll be there.”
“Alright. I can’t wait.”
You hear him smiling, and a colony of bats flutter in your stomach out of anticipation and nervousness. “I’ve gotta get back. I’ll see you later. And happy early birthday.”
“Thanks, love. See you in a bit. Love you!”
“Love you too.”
He hangs up, and you quickly swing back into the thick of things, piping the birthday message in cursive across the top,and decorating the sides with the same sprinkles as inside the cake. It looks, let’s be honest here, terrible, and you decide to use magic to make it look better. It feels like cheating, but what’s the point of being a witch if you can’t use your powers for good?
Jeongin comes back inside and gives an appreciative “Ooh!” when he sees your creation. “That looks really nice.”
“Thanks, I used magic.”
He becomes less impressed. You make a face at him while you carefully put Chan’s cake into a cardboard box, which you stole from Jeongin’s supply cabinet. A cheerful alarm sounds, and your phone screen reads, “11:55 PM - Chan’s Birthday!”
Time is of the essence, and you possess none. You rush about, putting the box into the bag and letting it hang from the back of your broomstick like you did with the ingredients. There are still remnants of your decorating on the counter, so you hastily say a cleaning spell and hope it doesn’t go haywire.
Jeongin is a warlock; he can handle it.
The bouquet you hold with one hand, while your other one steers your broomstick. Your friendly but not useful friend watches you in amusement, and you bid him good night as you launch out of the window.
“Good night!” he yells, his voice ringing through the air. “Tell him ‘happy birthday’ for me!”
“Tell him yourself!” you shout back.
A few petals scatter into the wind, and you force yourself to slow down. You are flying, you should have adequate time, you cannot mess this up. Chan’s house isn’t too far away by broom, and you watch as the ETA on your GPS ticks down.
Destination in two minutes.
Destination in one minute.
Arrived at destination.
11:59 PM.
With a sigh of relief, you land and gather your gifts in your arms. Before you can even knock on the door with your foot, it opens. Chan, a grin on his face, stands on the other side of the threshold.
“Happy birthday!” you greet. You present him with his presents. “Happy birthday to the best person alive — you!”
He hugs you, gifts and all. “Thank you,” he says, his breath tickling your ear.
“Anything for you.”
Oh, how true that statement is.
After you nestle your broomstick in the rack outside, Chan leads you into the living room, and you place the box on the coffee table, which is surprisingly devoid of his usual clutter. The bouquet he takes from you and studies it.
“Lavender for stress, roses for… rosehip tea? And what are the white ones?” he asks.
“Jasmine, and I guess for tea as well. If one of your demons likes jasmine, you can use it in a summoning too.” You poke at his cheek, right where his dimple is. “Open the box.”
“Is it a cake? It smells sweet.”
He lifts the top of the box. He laughs, shuts it back close, and looks at you with lively eyes. “You made this, didn’t you? Your magic is all over it.”
“Do you like it?”
“Of course I do. It looks amazing!” He pulls you closer and rubs his nose against yours. “Was it hard to bake?”
A fifty times sped up video of the hours before play inside your head. “It was hard to decide what to get you,” you decide after a moment. “I wanted to do something different than what I usually do.”
“No basket of common summoning items this year?” he teases.
“You said it was useful last month!” A flash of worry passes through you. “Would you rather have received that instead? Oh my. By the moon and stars, I can’t believe that the one time—”
Your forthcoming rambling is cut off when he puts his lips on yours. It’s sweet, slow, gentle, and out of nowhere. “Hm?” you squeak out once you lean away, too shocked to actually say, “What was that for?”
“I love whatever you get me,” he assures.
“No.” Kiss on your left cheek.
“Matter.” Right cheek.
“What.” Left corner of your mouth.
“It.” Right corner.
“Is.” One sloppy smooch on your lips.
He peppers you with more kisses, and you giggle at his messy attempts. “Even taxidermied mice?”
“Yes,” he replies, seemingly serious. “Decent sacrifice material for small things and good for gag gifts.” He softly chuckles. “I would rather have cake and flowers though. Much more pleasant.”
You mimic his big smile from earlier. “Happy birthday, Chan.”
~ ad.gray
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