#sorry for subjecting my fandom stuff on you guys
helium-stims · 7 months
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@euniysu's Red Hood Real Flowers Charm
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19catsncounting · 24 days
I Got Really Into Anti/Proship Discourse And Read +30 Academic Studies - My Findings
(It’s a Yapfest but the whole post is a very long essay and study on morality and fiction and children’s safety and rape culture with a fuckton of freely accessible academic articles and resources on the subject, and I want to talk to other people about it. For a shorter abstract with all the articles and more easily ignored yapping, see my shiny new Carrd:)
It’s been a little shocking lately to have certain discussions with some parts of fandom. I spoke about shipping/harassment and how that contributes to the death of fandom on TikTok assuming that younger folks are just really, really intense about preventing sexual violence, but the more I saw the words “morally wrong” and “disgusting” and “addiction,” the more I thought about this guy-
Tumblr media
That’s Jerry Falwell, and I fucking hate this dead guy. You see, Jerry Falwell was a preacher who hated porn, feminism, and homosexuality. And I'm seeing his rhetoric and reworked quotes a lot.
Jerry would say stuff like:
“Pornography hurts anyone who reads it - garbage in, garbage out.”
“Someone must not be afraid to say ‘moral perversion is wrong.’ If we do not act now, homosexuals will ‘own’ America!”
Jerry wanted people to believe that it’s possible to see so much sexual content that it warps your sexuality, because he was gay and wanted to think that was due to thinking about gay sex too much. Jerry did not have a lot of evidence to prove that homosexuality was harmful, so he relied heavily on how “morally distasteful” it seemed to be to suburban Americans.
I spent the majority of my teen years arguing against Jerry’s rhetoric for the right to live as a lesbian online, and I never thought I’d see morality rhetoric in people I’m otherwise very politically aligned with. And I definitely never thought fandom of all things, in all its beautiful subversive glory, would seriously start advocating for censorship, anti-porn, and to consume fanwork with moral purity.
So, I’d like to have a deeper discussion on it, both here on Tumblr and on TikTok, but that does mean checking a few things at the door:
Personal feelings decide your personal life. What you feel is valid for you, not anyone else.
In general, things that do not cause direct and undeniable harm should not be broadly prohibited just because they’re weird or distasteful to the majority of folks. Ex. Loitering does not cause harm and is a tool of systemic oppression.
The discussion of “fictional CSEM” is the most inflammatory fork of this and it is often used to derail these kinds of conversations. This is all I will say on it - the legal status of explicit visual depictions of minors is muddy. In the US, there is just one dude in Utah who pled guilty for possessing explicit lolicon he bought by mail order without also possessing CSEM with real children, and explicit writing about fictional minors has been settled as protected free speech. Dedicated organizations from the NCMEC to Chris Hansen have asked that fictional content is not reported as CSAM as it is not actionable and clogs up finite resources. 90% of NCMEC reports were not actionable last year. There are studies suggesting that virtual CSEM or other non-victim alternatives could reduce actual child harm, but there is need for further research.
We’re all in agreement that untagged NSFW is not cool, and kids deserve kid-only sections of the internet. People who are triggered by or dislike problematic content deserve to be able to not see it. 👍
 (I’ve seen the argument that blocking tags/people should not be required - sorry, PTSD still requires that you manage your triggers, up to and including swearing off platforms just as I have sworn off bars/soap brands/etc to avoid my triggers.)
I have found a lot of accessible and free articles and studies that I will link throughout so that we can discuss the fact-based reasoning, in an effort to have a civil conversation.
(Also because we are not flat earthers, we are Fandom, and if we’re going to be annoying little shitheels in an “Um Actually” contest, we’re going to have the sources to back it up.)
Minors and Explicit Material
I’m not supporting minors engaging with explicit material. I have such little interest in the subject that I’m not even going to bring in articles, but you can feel free to. I personally engaged with explicit material as a preteen of my own free will and did not find it to be harmful, and the majority of people throughout human history have been exposed to explicit material at an early age with varying degrees of harm. There are undeniable legal and harm-driven differences between a 12 year old girl looking at Hustler on her own, a 14 year old boy being sent nudes from a grown woman, and a 6 year old viewing PornHub. (And I think the guardians of that 6 year old should be charged with grooming just like the woman, tbh.)
Personal Disclaimer
I’m an adult survivor of CSA and incest. I’m a happily married adult. I don’t personally like lolicon/shotacon/kodocon. I don’t like kids. I don’t like teens. I’m personally not attracted to underage fictional characters. I have family, the idea of fucking any of them makes me want to throw up and die, so I don’t write or read RPF of my family.
I am really, really fucking intense about preventing sexual violence, supporting survivors, and fandom, which is where this all comes from.
I read and love problematic fiction - my favorites are ASOIAF, Lolita, and VC Andrews. The most “problematic” thing I’ve personally written are Lucifer/Michael fics from Supernatural back in 2012. They are “brothers” in CW Christ, not blood. They do not have any blood.
Gen Z and Online Grooming
In 2002, a survey of 1500 minors from 10-17 found that 4% had been solicited for sexual purposes by an adult online.
In 2023, that number increased to 20%.
While the linked 2023 Thorn report suggests that the vast majority of these inappropriate interactions happened on platforms that allow for interpersonal communication, which by and large minors were greatly discouraged from and had less access to in the early 2000’s, a trauma-informed approach does not allow for blame to fall on the children. The guardians of those children have monumentally failed to restrict and educate before giving children the means to access those platforms.
It is my uncited but personal opinion that the increased rate of grooming, as well as an increased interest in combating rape culture, has led to well-intentioned individuals to become digital vigilantes attacking those who they hold responsible for their traumatic experiences in a search for catharsis and justice denied for themselves as well as a desire to make the internet safer for other children, whom they are increasingly aware are entering online spaces unsupervised at distressingly young ages.
Is harassment and bullying bad for perpetrators of it?
Before we get into how ship-related hate campaigns do not affect predation or combat rape culture, we should acknowledge that it’s actually pretty harmful for the people who cyberbully. Not just in the legal/social consequences, but people who participate in cyberbullying and cyberhate campaigns have higher rates of depression, estrangement from their parents, self-effacing habits, social anxiety, lower empathy, and so forth.
One study suggests that the treatment and prohibitive for cyberbullying, which contributes to a culture of cyberhate and a lower likelihood to report or confront other incidents of harassment or toxicity online, can be combatted with media competency to increase empathy along with other important life skills.
Some Common Pro-Censorship Myths
“Pornography is Addictive/Consumption of Pornography Leads to Increasingly Hardcore Imagery And Ultimately Real-World Violence” - The American Psychological Association does not recognize Porn Addiction as real and the DSM-5 does not classify it as an addiction. Additionally, many methods used in articles claiming that porn is addictive or causes users to seek out more hardcore material were flawed or biased. There is actually some evidence that compulsive porn use, the closest you can get to a porn addiction diagnosis, is associated with shame and the user’s belief that pornography is morally wrong, which sex-negative attitudes encourage.
“Jaws caused shark culling” - That's unfortunately a simplification that ignores a LOT of surrounding context. WW2’s modern naval battles with an increase of ship sinkings and thus contact with sharks prompted the invention and use of shark repellant by aviators and sailors in the 1940’s. The most deadly and famous shark attack of all time was the USS Indianapolis sinking in 1945, which led to 12-150 deaths. The 1974 book Jaws by Peter Benchley, which was the entire basis of the movie, was inspired by One Fucking Dude who started shark hunting tours and overall seemed to have a really immaculate vibe. The interstate highways that finished in the 1950’s increased beach tourism in the 60’s and onwards, inspiring the American surf culture, further increasing the cultural desire to purge sharks for the new swath of beachgoers and their fondness for using surfboards which make them look like seals to sharks. Additionally, 1975’s Jaws inspired a huge desire for education about sharks, and the relationship between problematic media and education will be the core of this yapperoni pizza.
“The Slendermen Killings/Other Fiction Inspired Crimes” - The ACLU states that “There is no evidence that fiction has ever driven a sane person to violence.” Inspired crimes are indeed no less tragic, and thankfully rare, but people who suffer from inability to discern reality and fiction do not necessarily need fiction to commit violence. The “Son of Sam” murder spree was not inspired by a book or movie, but instead Berkowitz’ auditory hallucinations.
“Violent videogames DO cause violence” - After a great deal of funding and study, the American Psychological Association has concluded that teens and younger may have increased feelings of aggression and not necessarily physically violent outbursts as a direct effect, but older teens and young adults do not encounter statistically meaningful rates of aggression.
“Your brain can’t tell the difference between fiction and reality” - Factually incorrect. Children as young as 5 years old can tell the difference, and they can even be more suspicious about “facts” that come from sources they know also host fiction, such as TV shows.
“This stuff shouldn’t be online because it can be used to groom a child” - While I could not find specific statistics on how often pornography is used to desensitize child victims, nor how often that is specifically used in online grooming, and especially not how much of that pornography is made from fictional characters - out of a mixed group of convicted offenders with adult and child victims, 55% of offenders used pornography to manipulate their victim. I would never refute that explicit fanart or fanfic could be used to desensitize a child, but that is by far not the only tool (asking about sexual experiences/identity, making jokes, etc is extremely common grooming behavior), and there is no evidence to suggest that it is used to a statistically significant degree. In my own anecdotal experience, normal vanilla legal pornography is used with far greater prevalence, and there isn’t a similar movement to shame its production for that possibility. Nor should the creators of any material, pornographic or otherwise, share blame in the actions of a predator.
The Fiction Affects Reality Carrd
(No hate to the person who made it, in fact I give props to them for trying to find unbiased sources, I just want to point out that their interpretations of their articles are kinda flawed and one of their studies is a kind of a perfect example on small and culturally biased samples.)
Reading Fiction Impacts Aggressive Behavior - (I cannot access the full study but this article is the primary source used in the Carrd and it goes into detail) - A study showed that 67 university students were more annoyed with a loud buzzer after reading a short story about a physical fight between roommates compared to a story with nonviolent revenge. However, this study was conducted at Brigham Young University, the same campus where we got a whole video series of hot ethical takes like “I’d rather shoot a kitten than drink coffee,” so uh. Yeah. Kind of a prime example on why it’s important to have large and culturally varied sampling. (Another BYU study with 137 BYU students being odd about moral ambiguity in fiction, just because I’m starting to add Dr. Sarah M. Coyne to my list of “Sarah’s That I Dislike.”)
Your Brain on Fiction - a NYT article that describes Theory of the Mind and how fMRIs captured how readers’ minds would light up centers of muscle control when reading sentences like “Peter kicked.” The quote “The brain, it seems, does not make much of a distinction between reading about an experience and encountering it in real life; in each case, the same neurological regions are stimulated” is speaking of motor functions. Emotional centers of the brain were not included in the study.
How Fiction Changes Your World - a Boston Globe article that actually describes how people who read more fiction are more empathetic and tend to believe in a just world. It does not state that the empathy a reader feels for fictional characters extends to corrupting their moral compass. In fact, there’s such a thing as a “fictive license” to explore taboo themes more thoroughly because it is not real - 123 participants were interviewed after watching two actors play the part of detective and murderer being interviewed, and participants who were told it was fake had more varied and inquisitive responses.
The Social Impact of Books - Actually reuses the previous study about the just world, so point remains. Empathy is understanding, not mirroring.
Is Problematic Fiction Good for Survivors of Trauma?
It absolutely depends on the individual.
Writing expressively about traumatic experiences has been shown to be effective to reduce depression, or more effective in reducing dysphoria and anxiety than talking to fellow survivors, and Written Exposure Therapy is broadly prescribed to survivors of trauma, with one study centering on car crash survivors finding that WET resolved their PTSD symptoms and continued to be effective after a year.
In this study, which sadly is not available online but it is too important to leave out completely, survivors of CSA were given fictional novels about CSA and in closely reading and analyzing those stories, were able to understand their own experiences and were indeed drawn to write about their own experiences as well.
Engaging in problematic fiction, like all fiction, allows for consent as well as control. If at any point a survivor does not feel in control or wishes to stop, they can at that instant. They can even rewrite their narratives and take control of their story in fictionalizing and changing the account. They can even try to understand what their abuser felt through fiction, which is helpful considering that the vast majority of survivors had a relationship that had been positive and even loving with their abusers at times.
Is Problematic Fiction Good for Everyone Else?
It again depends on the individual.
Antis might be a little right that most people don't want to read problematic stories. In a study exploring whether fiction can corrode morals, 83% of study participants stated that they would prefer not to read a short story justifying baby murder if they had the choice, even if that exploration isn’t inherently harmful.
This very small sample study of 13 participants discussed how young women interpreted sexual themes in writing, including explicit fanfiction, and how that was beneficial and informative to explore sexual desire and examine healthy and unhealthy relationships in a safe and controlled environment.
This meta-analysis further discusses how problematic and sexual themes in YA literature are useful to illustrate what sexual violence looks like, and begin educational conversations through those depictions to break down harmful myths such as “if she didn’t scream, she wanted it.”
Empowered by the “Fictive License” previously cited, problematic fiction can be beneficial for anyone who desires and is capable of consuming and analyzing it.
This study analyzing abusive aspects of three films - Beauty and the Beast, Twilight, and 50 Shades of Gray - concluded that these abusive themes should be discussed to increase recognition and awareness, not censored based on those problematic themes.
This study of 53 women were asked to read different versions of fictional intimate partner violence flags, or “toxic behavior” like surveillance, control, etc. In every version of the story, whether the female or male had those behaviors either courting or committed, the women recognized the behavior as wrong.
Another study that reading allows for the moral laboratory to explore morality in fiction without decisive impact to corroding moral permissibility.
Is There Ever Any Point Where Fictional Interests Definitively Speak On Someone’s Morality?
In short - not really. Loving Jason Vorhees does not put you at risk of murdering campers as long as you know he’s not real. Writing Wincest does not mean you look forward to family reunions, as long as you know incest isn’t okay in the real world. The real world, where real people are harmed, is where you find the measure of someone’s character.
This Psychology Today article is the best source I could find for quotes from a fantastic book ‘Who's Been Sleeping in Your Head? The Secret World of Sexual Fantasies’ by Brett Kahr regarding taboo sexual fantasies and how they are not only common, but not inherently harmful.
There are people who enjoy problematic media in an entirely nonsexual sense, of course. I myself don’t get off on problematic media - I think it’s just interesting to explore different experiences, and I think that can be revolutionary.
Additionally, fantasies in general have almost always been in the vein of “things you don’t want to really happen in reality.” In a study of 351 asexuals, more than half reported that they fantasize about having sex, but that doesn’t mean that they actually want to. You can fantasize about dating Billie Eilish - it doesn’t mean that you’d be happy dealing with celebrity culture.
(I personally fantasize about the internet being just for adults, but in practice I think that would be incredibly harmful and isolating for at-risk youth and LGBTQ teens) Fantasies always pluck out only the bits of reality that you want to engage with.
If You Get Off On Fictional Kids, You’re Attracted to Something About Them Being Kids
Not inherently, surprisingly. Wearing a schoolgirl uniform is a pretty common roleplay, and it’s not meant to “fool” the participants into thinking they’re indulging in pedophilia. There’s a wealth of emotional and sexual nuance in that specific kink - innocence and virginity play, tilted power dynamics in ‘scolding’ the uniform wearer for dress code violations, even the concept of a sexually provocative “teenager” can be played with without shame, because the world of fetish and fantasy is separated from condonable actions for the vast, vast majority of adults. (The only study I could find on this is this small study of 100 white guys found on Facebook, which itself states it is not definitive, found that while there might be correlation between attraction to children and interest in schoolgirl uniforms, there is no proof of causation. AKA, the rectangular pedophile might indeed like square schoolgirl uniforms, but not everyone - in fact, the majority at nearly 60% in this very survey - that likes square schoolgirl uniforms is a rectangular pedophile.)
Even sexual age play between adults is not indicative of pedophilia because it exists in a setting between two adults who fully understand that the mechanics are completely fake, allowing the power dynamics that would be abusive between an adult and child to be ethically explored.
I don’t have an official-looking study to cite, but I have asked people who like content about underage fictional characters why they do so. Overwhelmingly, a lot of the ones who like underage age gaps like the fantasy of an older and more experienced character taking a younger one under their wing, to have the opportunity to commit violent and blatantly objectifying harm and yet try to create what inevitably does not truly pass as consent, but seems near enough to the characters. Some think that the characters themselves have an interesting chemistry. Some read underage fic and still imagine the characters as adults. Some like to explore the feelings of shame that the older character must feel and how they mentally compartmentalize to go forward with the relationship, and how the younger character found themself in that vulnerable position - which is exploring a harmful situation through fiction to understand how it could play out in real life.
People who like fictional incest like exploring the shameful components of that taboo relationship - and I have seen a lot of works that compare how bad incest could be to other harms, like the Gravecest route in a game with parental cannibalism. And then there are folks who like analyzing the codependency of having one person fulfill every social need - family, friend, lover, AKA Wincest.
What makes a predator if it’s not just sexual attraction?
90% of CSA survivors know their abuser, discrediting the still-entirely-too-popular Stranger Danger myth. And shockingly, only 50% of abusers are pedophiles.
That means 50% of child molesters do not have sexual interest in children because they are children, but they victimized children because they are more accessible in lieu of adult partners, with increased rates of incest.
While I could not find a specific study on the relation between dehumanization/objectification of child victims and child molesters (and if you find one, please send it to me!), this study speaks on dehumanization as a precursor to adult sexual violence.
This study, conducted on convicted child molesters in prison, showed that child molesters tend to fantasize about children while in a negative mood, further contributing to the theory that child victims are dehumanized prior to abuse.
This very small sample study found that in a mixed sample of internet only/contact crime/mixed offenders, offenders who had contact with children had lower rates of fantasizing about children.
In short, half the time a child predator is someone who wants to offend against a child regardless of attraction to the fact they are a child.
Resources To Recognize Grooming/Abuse Victims/Predators
I would absolutely be remiss to not share my collection of resources to help detect signs of abuse/grooming as well as warning signs of a predator who may be targeting elders/women/teens/children:
Darkness 2 Light is a fantastic resource overall, this page details stages and signs of grooming.
RAINN personally helped me through my PTSD journey, and this article detailing the signs of sexual trauma in teenagers is thorough and non-judgemental
Signs of abuse as well as warning signs of predation that does not use gendered language nor play into the Stranger Danger myth.
Education, not Censorship
I think a lot of the energy against taboo content among young people still has a lot to do with the desire to end rape culture. The tools that we Millennial Tumblrinas gave you Gen Z kids were snatches of leftist theory, deplatforming, and voting with your dollar, so it’s reasonable to think that removing taboo content like pedophilia, incest, rape fights rape culture.
It doesn’t.
Rape culture is fought by education. Comprehensive sex education, education about consent. Talking about what consent looks like, what sex can look like, what rape can look like.
There should be more taboo content to talk about these things, to show all the shades it can look like. From a violent noncon to fics that aren’t even tagged as dubcon yet still are in shades that are hard to suss out, we should talk about it.
A Non-Empirical Example Of Good Media Analysis and Education to Combat Rape Culture
Let’s use the example of Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen’s relationship in House of the Dragon. Canonically, in both the book and the show, they have a romantic relationship that appears for the most part to be positive (the show being more contentious but I dedicated an aside to Sarah Hess and our beef at the bottom of my Carrd, but feel free to ask how I feel about writing producers with any variation of the name ‘Sarah’) despite an age gap, a sexual relationship that began while Rhaenyra was a minor, and incest - the problematic hat trick if you will.
I have seen anti-Daemyra shippers condemn Daemyra shippers for “Condoning grooming, age gaps, pedophilia, and incest.” Which is not just a broad, inaccurate, and harmful statement, it’s not at all constructive or educational analysis.
It would actually be beneficial to say “Daemon is grooming Rhaenyra as a teenager with gifts, devoted attention that takes advantage of her isolation and vulnerability, frequent nonsexual touches, the extreme desensitization to sexuality in the brothel visit,” etc etc. And even so, it is not useful to say that people cannot still ship the relationship and acknowledge those aspects. They might want to further explore the issues of consent in their dynamic in fiction, they may want to strip away some of them with narrative reimagining. Some might want to ignore the taboos completely and indulge in the fantasy entirely, and some might find the actors hot as hell - AKA, anyone who watches the show.
It’s honestly a little similar to me in how Jerry Falwell would tell his followers not to watch or read or take in any media that dealt with homosexuality unless it was condemning it - even Will & Grace was on Jerry’s shitlist. And so, Jerry’s followers missed out on a lot of media that could have educated them about queerness, could have humanized queer people for them - and that did not make queers go away. Just like ignoring or shutting out media about incest, rape, and other forms of sexual violence doesn’t make those things go away - it just tends to make you less informed, and little less capable of empathy towards people affected by those subjects.
So let’s stop shaming those that ship a complicated dynamic - you get less fanworks exploring those taboos, and less of a discussion overall. You shut down the morality lab of fiction, and to be honest, it’s wet sock behavior.
Some FanFiction Specific Studies
How dubcon fanfiction can flesh out the intricacies and messiness of realistic consent
A review of darkfic written about Harry Potter in 2005 (which, I will personally attest has never been outdone in how profoundly taboo those works were)
Interviews with 11 Self Insert writers who wrote on themes of rape, abuse, control, yandere, etc, and how that was beneficial to some who had experienced sexual violence themselves
H…holy shit, you actually read all of that?? Congrats dude! That is a lot of time and brain power to dedicate to any one thing!
By the way, I am not really gifted at writing articles or any of that junk, and I tried to make my hyperlexic ass a little more accessible instead of bringing out all the $5 words. I am literally just an autistic who took a couple technical writing classes over a decade ago and really wanted to sort out my thoughts and try to have a platform for discussion. Also, I am really fucking bad at math. I failed two different college level statistics classes twice each. Gun to my head, I could not tell you what a standard deviation is, which is why I worked entirely with the percentages.
And I do want to have a discussion! I would in fact like to not report anyone for sending me gore or death threats or any of that stuff! I don’t think everyone will agree with me, in fact I’m certain that you could find studies that contradict some of mine, and I’d love to discuss them!
I’m sure it will still be tempting to throw around accusations of pedophilia because sometimes, confronting your previously held beliefs is incredibly uncomfortable. If you could not do that, that would be great? I don’t like being compared to someone who profoundly abused me just because I have a different opinion on how to combat rape culture and empower survivors. If you can do that, I’ll do my absolute best to be cheerful and welcoming and respectful as well. 😁
PS - I’m also not really going to be phased if you call me weird or cringe - I am. Always have been. Cringe, weirdness, and autism have made me do and capable of doing some fantastically neat and impressive stuff. But if you try to say something like “proshippers are too yucky and weird to be in fandom” - I’m going to have to refer you to your similarity to Kate Sanders of Lizzy McGuire fame, you “prEpz >:(“ - [My Immortal, legendary author unknown]
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
Guys, every time I post something about like “you may not realize this but you’re really coming up on a kink here, consider tagging”, as the post escapes my circle I keep getting people coming into my notes like “YEAH I’m sick of those FREAKS in the fandom, get them out” and like that is not what I’m saying at all.
I have been posting things because I think some people aren’t realizing how they’re coming across in some cases, or not realizing that this connection is tropes they’re super into has a specific name. It happened just the other day with someone coming up to me like “wait intox kink is a thing”? And yes. These are all things. There are names for all these things.
I’m posting these things because a) it starts to get rude to take some of these tropes and insist there’s nothing but vanilla posting happening in this fic. In the same way as you wouldn’t show up to work in a bikini there are fic subjects that are rude to drop on people unwarned.
And like, when I hit things I’m not into unwarned there’s a whole spectrum there from raising my eyebrows and continuing to having to click off a fic, but I do not have a moral or ethical problem with people writing family relationships I consider to be suspect. I think you should tag it to be polite but in the same way as I would go Huh about someone coming into my work in a bikini, I think they’ve misread the tone of the room, but they have not committed a mortal sin. I’m not saying that this person who showed up in a bikini is someone we should shun out of the community. God, I have hit legit triggers unwarned for before, and I don’t enjoy that, but I don’t think the person who did this is a terrible person or something. You messed up but you’re still like, fine.
But I’m also posting it because b) knowing that what you’re into has a name can be an experience full of joy. Mortifying? Yes! Especially if you realize that this is a theme through multiple of your works and you had no idea! Ask me about my fucking discovery that I found dubcon interesting and I’d been writing YA novels with romantic interactions structured around uneven power deferentials. I wanted to throw myself into the sea and never write again.
But once I went ohhhhhhh that’s why I found interactions where one person had a dearth of options to be interesting, I could b) not put it in my work unwarned for and not for all audiences c) investigate that theme more fully and decide if I wanted to celebrate it structurally and focus in on it or just include it as a fun highlight d) seek out other works with that tag and see other people exploring that. e) understand the baffling reactions I had going on from people where sometimes I could bring up a story and it would go well and sometimes they would hate it and it seemed random? Connected to Whump? Me trying to do romance was bad? No, it turns out one of my friends hates consent issues and I think they’re fun. You know how much easier that made interactions with that friend?
Like, part of the posting I have been doing is because there are tropes you don’t bring up in polite company. Incest is one of them. Consent issues. Daddy kink. If I was doing these things and putting them in the platonic tag, I would want to be warned that I was doing it. And sometimes the tone of my posts has gotten a bit hysterical because seeing endless waves of this stuff presented as though it’s vanilla can make you feel like you’re in the mirror dimension. *I* know that you shouldn’t be doing that, but everyone around me had shown up to the exam wearing a banana bikini. They are gonna go out into the work world like that. Do they not know? Etc.
But like if you spend enough time with yourself you’ll find you’ve got one or two interests you have to pick the friend group to talk about because people will think they’re weird. Everybody is like this. People are strange and complex. I don’t want to get into pointing and going ahahahahahahah look at that, and I’m sorry if I’ve gone down that path.
I just think that it would be helpful if we use the right words for things occasionally.
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straycalamities · 5 months
Entre's 12th Anniversary Big Birthday Bash!
Alright! So I'd say in about 11 hours, we're gonna start the festivities for Entre's birthday/blog anniversary! He'll be turning [redacted] years old today! And his blog is turning 12 :) (Sorry about the short-notice. It took me this long to come up with something.)
Official start time is 12 PM (Noon) CT (UTC -5)
My plan is we start with a Magma board and have a good old fashioned draw party! If you want to check out Magma (or aggie.io as it was absorbed into Magma) ahead of time feel free to do so! You don't need an account to draw or chat, though! We'll do that for a couple of hours.
If you don't want to draw, feel free to put out prompts or suggestions for the ones that are drawing to pick up if they want! There's a chat feature in the Magma. (You click on your name on the top right to find it.)
(But, for the record, you don't need to be da Vinci to draw. Anyone can draw if they want to regardless of skill level.)
The board's limit is 30 people, and I don't think we're hitting it so feel free to pour in.
Then after that, we'll be headed to Hyperbeam to watch one of Entre's favorite movies: Inception! Unfortunately the viewer limit is 12 people so it'll be first come, first serve. :(
Of course it'll be the big guy all day and NOT me. So. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
If you can't join for whatever reason, feel free to fill his inbox with gifts/birthday wishes! I'll get to them as I can. :)
Under the readmore is the courtesy rules so that we make sure everyone has a fun time. If you break them, it's a 3-strike system (you'll get warnings) before you're banned (on the 3rd strike) from whichever location we're at. That sounds big n scary, but they're easy to follow so don't stress much about it.
Overall Rules: (For clarification on anything just ask me/Entre.) Rules with * are insta-bans and not subject to 3-strike system.
No NSFW discussion or behavior.
No bigoted or hateful behavior. *
Stay as polite and respectful as possible. Take all beef elsewhere.
No ship wars. No askblog/onceler fandom OC favoritism or hate.
No heavy negativity, heavy topics, nor inflammatory topics.
No trolling of any kind. (harmless jokes/pranks okay, but always use discretion/best judgement)
Magma Rules:
Do not draw on or edit other people's drawings in any way without explicit permission from the artist.
No NSFW imagery.
No triggering imagery. (Like the basic stuff: self-harm, gore, etc. If you have a question on what you're allowed to draw, ask me/Entre.)
Do not abuse the Magma permissions/tools. (excessively making layers, moving layers around, etc.)
Do not draw outside your area/draw all over the whole canvas. Leave ample space for everyone to have a spot.
Hyperbeam Rules:
No spoilers.
Do not spam the chat.
The movie has been chosen and there will not be a different one, if you do not like the movie choice, you do not have to join.
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 4 months
A Personal Post
Hi guys, I'm finally making the post I kept telling myself and my best friends I'd make but wanted to put it off until I felt better. That hasn't happened and with how things are going I thought it was best to just post it now.
So for a while, since probably late 2023, I've felt less like my blog is for me, and more like it's some kind of fandom archive. Which, if you use it this way as-is, great! I'm glad my blog could make you happy like that! But that's not what I set out for it to be.
I'm the sort of neurodivergent person who likes to categorize things, including my interests. All my tumblr blogs are specific to one thing, and this one was no exception.
I began tagging things soon after I made the blog because I saw a lot of people were sad about the twins, and I thought "well since I love both sad and happy stuff, and I'm really good about categorizing things, maybe I can try and help!" And according to many, it did help!
But I think that also gave off the impression that I was making this blog for other folks, and that isn't the case. I'm sorry I never clarified. It's not an archive; I do not reblog shipping posts, posts from people I've blocked, AUs I don't click with, and sometimes just not everything I see.
I've gotten popular in the fandom, and for the most part I do, from the bottom of my heart, enjoy it. I have people who care about my hyperfixation! That's amazing! I have people who love my cosplay and want to meet up with me. I've made so many friends of all shapes and sizes and it's probably the most incredible thing I've ever experienced, truth be told.
But yeah my blog being mine has gotten away from me a bit, I think.
I want to keep tagging my submas tags, that isn't going to change. I will tag triggers when asked, unless it's kind of impossible due to the blog's subject (trains, for instance) or a name or really common word (like the word 'head' or something). Other than that please reach out and I'll do my best to remember. But other tags? Those will be up to me. I don't want to tag when OCs show up. I love OCs and like seeing them, and don't want to have to remember that one person who visits my blog doesn't.
I had anon off for a while because honestly ever since making this blog, there have been anons who really made me unhappy. (Also yes, non-anons but that's been fewer and far between). I've gotten misinformation, accusations, horrible and disgusting explicit asks, and criticisms and complaints, and I'm just... Not here for that. Keep the explicit things and misinfo out of my inbox, I am no arbiter of morality or personal decisions, and I am not here for you to share your negative opinions of submas or the fandom.
Anon is on for people who are too self conscious to chat face to face, for people to send fun headcanon ideas (remember when people did that back in 2022 when this blog started? I miss that, it was sweet and wholesome), to share song recommendations... That kind of stuff. If you have an actual problem, please, PLEASE talk to me off anon, whether that be DMs or a non-anon ask that I can answer privately. Especially if we're friends; please, please just talk to me about stuff. I don't bite! I swear!
But yeah the bottom line is I'm here to participate in fun (and sometimes heartbreaking!) fandom stuff. I'm here for FUN, not as my job. I know that we're all a bunch of neurodivergent folks and sometimes interactions can be a swing and a miss, but please try to be mindful. Please treat me like a person and not just like a museum curator for this blog.
Truth is, I haven't been okay for a while now. It's gotten worse this year for sure, and due to life stuff I cannot see things feeling better for me for some time. I need to go day by day for a lot of things, and I am trying to get better about needing to set boundaries and all that sort of thing. I suffer from intense paranoia too, and having so many eyes on me is genuinely terrifying at times. I'm trying to manage that as best I can, but I do ask that folks be kind.
NO I am not going anywhere, my blog is staying and will continue on as normal, but I really, really needed to get this posted.
Please continue to interact with me and chat and everything like that! But also please remember to treat this space, my blog, as my space. Thanks for reading!
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myths-tournaments · 10 months
Awful Characters Round 4 (3/4)
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Propaganda under the cut!
he's evil and kills like hundreds, maybe thousands of people, for like not super good reasons (like killing the person who wronged you as a child? understandable in the setting of the story. killing every single person associated with that person? perhaps a bit overkill baby). tricks a character he's obsessed with into murdering a lot of innocent people including that guy's best friend. that all being said, I love him to death like that's my special little babygirl yeah he commits atrocities but have you considered that maybe he just needs someone to love him? or even that he looked cute while committing the atrocities? but nor fr I was kinda surprised when I got to the fandom stuff and realized that there were people who really hated Xue Yang because I just felt sorry for him and wanted to pat his head or something.
He's a manipulator, an abuser, a groomer (tho not sexually), and has committed both patricide AND fratricide. He took over a country through a bloody coup. He's the epitome of a toxic head of a family. People pity him because of what he went through as a child but his brother went through the exact same thing and didn't turn out Like This. VERY fun villain tho, I love him. He's just a horrible horrible person <3
Became king of a country by literally puppeteering the old king and royal army to start murdering his subjects ending the like 700 years of being in 0 wars, he is also turning people into toys who keep their memories but everyone else forgets they existed. These toys, along with some Little People (like the size of mice little) are also being enslaved to make something called SMILEs
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
I think part of the problem is the actor creating headcanon and if it were just that I would ignore it but no, he already said that we should leave Buddie aside and apparently what he says everyone should follow, he said this after 7x04 and I thought it was very wrong, he's just a guest, he doesn't have to say anything, everyone does that about the headcanons and it's fun, but as soon as someone tries to force that headcanon on you, the fun is lost. We're not making it up, we're not haters, but the show showed that Tommy abandoned Buck, made a joke, manipulated him a little to come out of the closet, it's not an invention, it's canon, it happened, it's more important than an actor's headcanon. I'm honestly muting everything on this subject because it's exhausting, it's horrible to hear that you're homophobic, it's horrible to doubt yourself, I'm a part of the community just because an actor decided to make up a story and say what people should do and create an army of people who bully virtually, No wonder Oliver doesn't participate in anything, it's a lack of respect for the fans who have been here for years and for his co-workers.
Sorry for my little rant but yeah
No, seriously, people are taking what Lou is saying too seriously. And the dude said T is someone for Buck to work out the kinks when it comes to liking men to get ready for Eddie too. Completely unprompted. Like? Of course the guy is gonna go nuts with the way people are reacting to bt, if bt is popular he might get to stay in the role longer, that means exposure, money, and the way he's doing the cameos, the guy is literally getting paid to feed into this madness, he's gonna say anything, but that doesn't mean it's what the show planned for him. The writers could wake up and decide to do anything with any character and to expect me to take what an actor is saying as canon is absolutely insane. T is a plot device. That's a fact. And I gotta be honest, dude is kinda mean to Buck and I don't see the effort people keep saying he's putting? He flew Eddie to Vegas for ringside seats for a sold out fight but he couldn't be bothered to put on a colorful shirt to pretend he was on the 80s theme for Buck. That's an actual thing that happened in canon. Like? Hello? Are we watching the same relationship unfold? Like, seriously, ship what you ship, write what you want, fanfic away, but people seriously need to stop trying to force people to accept this stuff as canon. Because the only thing that actually counts is what's happening on the show. And honestly, I have so many tags filtered but I am still getting the madness, and there's also the shit people send to me directly. It's hard to get away because the fandom went crazy.
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jayswritings13 · 1 year
Multi-fandom: Hello Nurse
Summary: After they get injured, you help clean them up.
Included: Robby Keene (Cobra Kai), Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom), Santana Lopez (Glee), and Moana (Disney), April O'Neil (TMNT), Moxxie and Millie (Helluva Boss)
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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Robby Keene (Cobra Kai)
"This is gonna sting."
"Do it." You nodded, quickly placing the alcohol soaked rag on Robby's cheek, hesitating when he winced in pain.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" Robby tried to grin, but even that couldn't hide the pain in his eyes. "You didn't do this."
"I know, but still," You shrugged, "I don't like seeing you like this."
"While we're on that subject, who di-"
"It was no one important." He said. "I was training with Mr. LaRusso and Sam."
"Okay," you said, "must've been one tough training for the great Robby to get injured."
"I don't know about 'great'."
"I do." You said, placing a bandaid over the cut on his cheek, "so keep the rough shit for the mat and not training."
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Santana Lopez (Glee)
"I told you," Santana rolled her eyes, "I'm fine."
"I'll believe that when you stop bleeding, San." You spat back, pressing the damp towel to her forehead.
"Oh, please," Santana scoffed, "You should see the other guy."
"Stay still. You're dripping all over the floor."
"Good, then maybe that little gremlin will face some consequences."
"What happened?"
"Just a little rumor that needed to be squashed and a huge ego that got brought to size." She shrugged, though you caught the small smirk edging the corner of her lips. "Just the regular stuff."
"And that led to you bleeding."
"I was getting there," Santana said, "Anyway, she didn't take it well and went at me." She paused, grinning, "But, you know me...."
"I do." You laughed, slipping your hand into hers, "I know you pretty well."
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Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
"Just because you're half ghost, doesn't make you invincible, Danny!"
"Ow!" He grimaced as you tightened your grip on his arm. "Some nurse you are." He grumbled.
"I mean, what the fuck?!" You continued, ignoring his comment and wrapping more gauze around his arm. "Were you trying to get yourself killed? I know that Vlad is your uncle and all-"
"That doesn't mean anything. Things just went too far."
"You got too cocky," You paused, dropping your grip on his arm, "is what I think you meant to say."
"I'm okay, FYI."
"This time, Danny!" You sighed, "This time you are." You dropped his arm, sitting down next to him. "What about next time? Or the time after that?"
"I've gotten myself out of things like these before and I continously will," Danny said, "Or, well, as long as I have you by my side, I will."
"That was so cheesy."
"But, it worked, didn't it?"
"Shut up," you laughed, "and just be more careful."
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Moana (Disney)
"Please don't tell my dad," Moana muttered against your shoulder as you helped her over to the sand, helping her sit down.
"Please, right now that's the least of my worries," You said, kneeling in front of her red and swollen ankle. "How do you think that he's not gonna notice this?"
"It's not that noticeable."
"Really?" You scoffed, "You can barely walk on it, Moana. I'm sure that if he doesn't notice, you're mom will."
"Just..." Moana sighed, "Please don't tell him. Please." She gripped your hand, taking your attention off of her ankle. "I don't need another lecture from him."
"You hurt your ankle walking through the village with me this morning."
"You're gonna need a cover." You said, "He means well, but I know what you mean."
"Thank you." Moana winced, as you wrapped her ankle.
"Just be careful out there. For me please."
"Of course." Moana smiled, "Now, help me up."
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April O'Neil (TMNT)
"It's just a scratch."
"Just a scratch. You're bleeding on my couch, April." You said, handing April a tissue, while you pulled the first aid kit closer to you.
"I'm fine." April said, holding the tissue to her cheek. "It barely gazed me."
"It- Grazed?" You shuttered, shocked. "Were you in the alley fighting with Jones?"
"It's called training."
"I call bullshit." Grabbing gaze and some tape out of the kit, "You know better than to do that shit with Casey. How the hell do you think he got that fucking gap?!"
"Whatever, I totally kicked his ass this time."
"What'd you do? Widen that gap, April?" You laughed.
"Maybe," April winced as you placed an alcohol soaked cloth on her cheek. "Ow! You don't have to press so hard?"
"You don't have to get hurt this hard." You countered, smirking. "Maybe, I should go teach Casey a god damn lesson."
"Too late." April grinned, wincing in pain.
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Moxxie & Millie (Helluva Boss)
"Wow, I thought that you said that the hit was 'no big deal'...?"
"It wasn't."
"Bullshit. Why are you both bandaged up?!"
"Well, we- I mean, I sort of-"
"It's not a big deal," Millie shrugged, "We're fine, (Y/N)."
"What if you weren't?!" You exclaimed, "What if you two were seriously fucking hurt and didn't come back?"
"No, I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna tell me to have more faith and that you too are a team, handling it together." You sighed, "But, that doesn't mean that I can't worry about you two. I mean, you guys literally kill people for a living and seem to have a target on your back from others."
"Not entirely our fault." Millie said, as Moxxie nodded.
"Yeah. Who knew that Blitz had so many people who hated him?" Moxxie said. "And I mean like a shit ton of peo-"
"What I think Moxxie is trying to say is," Millie interrupted, "We'll try to be careful for you."
"Thanks," You smiled, "Now, get over here. Whoever wrapped your wounds did a fucking terrible job." You laughed.
"Hey! It's hard to do it one arm!"
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So I’m relatively new to the fandom and I first started following back when Frontiers came out. I’ve been following along with prime and the movies and love them like you do, but I’m not really understanding the whole debate about Shadow sounding better? He sounds like a nice guy with what I’m seeing here in prime, kinda a bit of a loner and very focused and determined but know when to open up to people and stuff.
I think what I’m trying to say is is there a weird point in history where people didn’t like him? I keep seeing that people are saying that his character sounds like his old self. Did something happen? Sorry if this a dumb or loaded question. I’m really curious
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Hi Hon!❤️✨
This is not a dumb question. I promise you that this is an excellent question! It’s a bit of a long history because this character has been around for 20–odd years. And you see a whole lot with how a character grows within that time.
Shadow has gone through… a lot of changes. And I definitely mean “a lot.” We’ve seen Shadow go through some positive changes, negative changes, and even some questionable decisions throughout the years. Sometimes influence came from memes and media popularity, others came from writers butting heads with each other, translations from different regions are often compared to one another, and many more. Reboots of the franchise happened and it became a problem; character development changed when it didn’t need to. And it almost became an obsession with some where we felt this need to try and fix everything. With all of this going on, it kinda became hard with pinpointing how a character should be portrayed. On top of that, how can you talk about a character that has an interesting background without going overboard?
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I think that we—and when I say “we,” I mean a good majority of the fan base that welcomes Prime—fancy Prime!Shadow so much because he reminds us of an already existing Shadow… and that’s 06!Shadow. It’s not an exact copy, but they are similar. Both are developed. Neither of them hold onto their past in an unhealthy manner, but use it as inspiration to become something better. You can have a character with a traumatic past share that they’ve gone through something bad without it being angsty for no reason. The past is there, we recognize that it exists, but it isn’t used as a defining label. Instead, the time and energy that is used from mending is now used to create something positive. Prime is not a bad interpretation of Shadow at all, it’s a pretty good starting point to a character that we’re familiar with.
So, yeah. There’s definitely a LOT to the whole debate about what’s wrong or right with Shadow. However, I think we’re at a good place now. We’re taking a step back to examine the history of a character and building off of traits that worked well in the past. If anything, you’ve arrived to the fandom at a perfect time.
Anyways, this is just my two cents on the subject. I know that this didn’t cover everything that has happened with Shadow, but it’s a start. I hope that this answers some of your questions, my dear.
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homestuckconfession · 6 months
As a Jake liker who isn’t super interested in Dirk or DirkJake, this cannibalism stuff is starting to get really annoying. Like I get it if you just like it, and I respect alternative interpretations, but canon Jake wouldn’t eat people. Like full stop he just wouldn’t. Why the hell are people seriously factoring this into their analysis of him? The only things that support it as a headcanon are extremely subjective and could also be used to justify things like basic relationship anxiety and whatever what have you. And that’s fine!!!! But I’ll admit, going to my favorite characters tag and seeing it become full of untagged gore of some other guy is grounds for annoyance.
I saw people say that you shouldn’t criticize it as the interpretation is based on an acearo reading of affection/their relationship or whatever, but honestly as an acearo person I don’t see it and I don’t think that’s a valid justification for as to why your headcanon should be exempt from people getting annoyed with it. It’s like the new Davekat in the sense that people who are mischaracterizing the relationship feel entitled to be able to have their fun in a public space and not suffer any type of scrutiny. I’m sorry but you can’t love gore and think it’s super hot and sexy, and then become immediately uncomfortable whenever people detached from you see it and voice grievances with having to see/interact with it. You’re literally posting it public for all to see, and as such the public is allowed to go back to their own corner of the internet and post their opinions of that publicly. You don’t get to police that just because it makes you upset that people don’t think that Jake having attachment issues constitutes people eating.
Jade has more overt “cannibalism” themes with her grimbark form and her intense desire to feel a connection, Davesprite is portrayed as a prey animal in comparison to her. Kanaya literally eats people actually in canon due to being a rainbow drinker. But no, DirkJake, the DaveKat of fandom intellectual types, is the true cannibalism ship. Because everything alpha kid related always has to loop back to everybody’s favorite white boy. And please don’t analyze or think critically about that phenomenon, because it might introduce others to alternate perspectives which is practically violence on tumblr or something.
Anyway tldr; I’m usually just mildly annoyed that I can’t consume content of one of my favorite characters without having to sift through the most ooc torture porn of the guy he’s most commonly shipped with, but now I’m pissed off that they’re pulling a “you can't handle messy queer art that's nuanced and explores dark subject matter” when they’re literally talking about self indulgent DirkJake yaoi. At this point I’m asking you to please get over yourself and accept the fact that not everyone has to agree with you.
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(asks temp closed, see latest post)
" Uh...How do I do this again..? "
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"Uh...Hi! I'm Ryunosuke Naruhodo, but you can call me Ryuno, Ryu, or...um...anything basically!..as long as it isn't mean.
I'm a defense attorney, and my duty is to free the falsely accused and seek the truth."
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OOC: welcome to my silly ryunosuke blog!!!!!
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Info about Ryuno:
he/him (subject to change if i feel like it)
timeline tbd, but asoryuu will be the main ship here as my partner has a kazuma blog!! @guy-with-a-red-headband
mod has not seen tgaa yet (sorry :c)!! i've seen like a couple minutes of the first trial but that's it! i've been spoiled a fair bit so i know some big plot points tho
i will be basing my knowledge off the wiki and the game as i play/watch it, but i can't guarantee a full in-character response (especially regarding other characters) D:
list of hcs are at the end!
this will be mainly an ask blog for now, but i might poke in the rp blog territory if i feel like it.
also yesss i knowww its late 19th century japan they didnt have tumblr let me dreammm
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Info about meeee:3
main account is @bitesizedgummie (i mainly post aa stuffs :p)
he/they but a bit more they heavy at the moment
I AM A MINOR!!!! this is different for others, but please don't direct NSFW towards me OR character blogs. >:(
call me pickle!! :3
non-weird interactions are always welcome, even with non-fandom characters!!
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Headcanons (actively working on any that are inaccurate due to mentioned canon info, pls lmk if there are any!)
transmasc!! (top surgery but no bottom surgery, don’t ask me how that works in their time period)
doesn’t like telling ppl he’s trans bc he’s usually met with transphobia
hasn’t told kazuma he’s trans bc of the thing listed above!
actively trying to try new food/cuisine
also actively trying to listen to new music!
tends to snort while laughing
scared of the dark, as well as thunder
VERY ticklish
sometimes (a lot of times) misses jokes
modern slang of any kind confuses the living shit out of him
he does archery as a hobby in his free time
can get thrown off track real easy if u try hard enough
tends to forget/mishear words in english
if u give him food he'll either scarf it down within 5 minutes or eat it over the span of an hour but if he likes it he will eat it just give him a minute
needs glasses but prefers either not to wear them or wears contacts instead (yes contacts were invented in their time period i checked) bc he always breaks them
tends to sing/hum to himself when listening to music? idk how that works considering their time period tho oops
has rlly bad stage fright, especially in front of a bunch of ppl he doesn’t know
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midnightfire830 · 11 months
Blog Boundaries
I am ok with:
- People drawing my AUs and characters as long as you either @ me or mention that it belongs to me. (Hell, I’ll even reblog and help support ur drawings)
- Asks about my AUs and characters in general are ok. From questions about how an AU works/aspects, questions directed to my characters, or even if you wanna give something to the characters
- I don’t mind if you draw your OCs in my AUs or with characters. Just don’t expect me to make it canon or draw it into canon.
- If there was an ask that didn’t fully explain something or you wanted to clear something up then by all means go to the comments I don’t mind. Or put in another ask. That’s another way to do it. DM’s are fine too.
- I don’t mind people putting in drawing requests or ideas in asks. Tho there’s a chance I won’t do it if I’m not too motivated by the request.
Things I am NOT ok with:
- Asking me or pressuring me to draw your AUs, characters, or OCs. Even for asks. Any kinds of other OCs or AUs I draw would only be for my close friends.
- Spamming me with the same asks. If you sent in an ask and I didn’t response don’t send in the same ask again. (That includes reiterating the same ask) I can see all interactions with my blog and posts. I see your asks, replies, comments, reblogs, and likes. If I do not respond to your ask it is for a good reason. Sometimes I’m trying to answer other asks, I’m drawing up a response (that takes time), I’m holding on to it for a later date, I’m lacking motivation on answering or I just don’t want to. Pressuring me to answer your ask Doesn’t. Help. Just because you put in an ask doesn’t mean you’re entitled to an answer.
- Being aggressive or pushy with asks. I’m ok with playful aggression targeted towards characters (say for example someone expressing they hate Dice from Royalty) that’s ok. But there’s a line. And some have started to toe that line. Please tone it down a bit.
- Please don’t include me in any kinds of drama. Both internet and off. This includes political topics, wars, events, gossip, etc. I seriously don’t want anything to do with it. The purpose of this blog is to share my AUs and ideas and support other artists. Not for drama. If you’re gonna tag me it should be about art, AUs, and fandom related. I’m not gonna waste my energy, time, or stress on other stuff like that.
- And ig in terms of topics I want to avoid things like: NSFW, incest, p*dophilia, r*pe, proshipping, permanent disfiguration (like chopping off limbs stuff outside of I guess whatever I have built into the lore of my AUs), outright physical torture or major character death. (The usual things)
Warning: if you cross one of these boundaries I will give you some (2-3) warnings. If you continue to cross boundaries I will block you.
I’m sorry to be harsh about this but I really have to put my foot down on this. I can’t tolerate people who won’t respect my boundaries.
This post might be subject to change and updated as time goes and as I interact more with viewers/readers. If you are wondering if something you’re doing might be crossing a boundary, you can use this post as a reference. I’ll pin it to my blog so anyone can find it.
If you are still not sure or want clarification, or you have a specific circumstance in mind, you can jump down to the comments section of this post, send me an ask, or even go to my DMs (if you want to ask privately). I will more than likely see your question and I’ll try my best to answer as soon as possible. It might take a bit depending on if I’m busy IRL. So please be patient.
Anyway, thank you guys for taking the time to read this and respecting my boundaries. Your support with my blog and art so far is greatly appreciated im excited to continue to interact with y’all going forward!
List of my AUs!!!
This link will take you to the AU guide I had pinned previously!
I will update it as I go with talking about my AUs!
Thanks again,
Last updated: 06/24/24
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abschaumno1 · 1 year
How Not To Distance Yourself From Fandom Drama As A Youtuber
this is addressing what Scott Smajor said on stream regarding recent twitter harrassment of Ecto. I will preempt this by saying that I have known Ecto for a few years now and I support them. I think I have made my stance on "problematic content" and antis clear in the past, but to summarise: I am against censorship and harrassment. People can and should create whatever they want. If someone has an issue with what they make they should block and move on.
With that out of the way, what did Smajor actually say?
If you don't want to go to TikTok to hear it here's a transcript:
“If you don’t know what this is about, that is fine, you can stay not knowing. But if you do, this is me mentioning it, okay? I’m gonna do it. So. I’m going to try keep this short and simple, as I just want to clear some stuff up, I do not support proshipping. And until yesterday, I had no idea what proshipping was. Um, after last MCC, I removed, uh, Twitter from my phone, and I would only use it if I was on my laptop while I was travelling to VidCon and visiting [?]. So, on Saturday I was packing up my stuff and I checked Twitter before I shut off my laptop and noticed that an artist I followed, um, was receiving death threats and hate. And, me, not knowing fully what was going on, I shot them a DM along the lines of ‘sorry you’re getting hate’. Um, and then I logged out and flew home [?]. That was my mistake, as I should not have said anything without fully reading what was going on. Um, I’d just seen someone upset and wanted to help. After I got home and found out what was happening, I realised that people were saying that my DM meant I supported it, again, I do not. Um, I immediately unfollowed the artist, and have since told them that I do not- I did not realise the full degree of what had happened. Um, since this, I have made the decision to step away from Twitter, really. Um, I’m gonna do my best not to log in to look at it, um, or if you, or someone you know, is affected by this stuff, please do find the help you need, and take steps, uh, to protect your own mental well-being, like I am. Um, I would also like to say that my boundaries, um, with fanart and such has changed, and I am no longer okay with NSFW art of me or my characters. Um, and, that is the last I am going to talk on this subject. — As I said, chat, if you don’t know what it is, or what’s going on, enjoy the ignorance, enjoy the bliss. Just, you don’t need to know anything, nothing else is happening here, we’re not talking about it, we’re not going to be answering questions in chat, that’s it. Done."
(See also this twitter thread)
I'm not gonna inspect every word in that tbh and I've talked extensively about what I think of creator boundaries in fandom before so I'll spare you guys that. But there are a few points I want to address.
"And until yesterday, I had no idea what proshipping was."
I will say that I have no idea how the term was explained to him or where he got his definition from. I do know there are various definitions floating around the internet, often biased in their approach. It might be that he got one of the definitions that was heavily biased towards the anti side. I won't judge him for that. The internet, and this discourse in particular is hard enough to navigate for someone who knows their way around it.
I will also acknopwledge that it might be hard for an outsider to understand any of it in the first place.
Which is why I think the statement "I do not support proshipping" is not the statement to make in this situation. This is not a discussion he has any experience with. And I am perfectly aware of how loud antis can get, particularly on twitter. This should not be a statement. Not just because I disagree with it. He is entitled to his opinion, as am I to my own. But because as a youtuber or any other celebrity or creative, you have to realise where your space ends and fandom begins and you have to realise that fandom will have its own rules and discussions and terms.
Honestly, it's like walking into a foreign country, reading one newspaper and starting to make statements about their politics. It can and will go wrong.
Here's the thing. If you truly think you have to make a statement addressing this particular issue, while completely ignoring any other criticims thrown at you by a lot of the same people who are saying a lot of things about this, try and make an informed statement. And maybe think about the message your sending to your viewers.
Ecto received harrassment, suicide bait, death threads, and got doxxed on top of it all. I would think someone who's been on the receiving end of harrassment the way Scott has been would at the very basic least be able to address that.
Instead, what he actually said amounts to "I don't support them. I wash my hands of all of it. I don't care what you guys do with them."
At best the harrassers will feel vindicated and quiet down. At worst he just enabled them to find their next targets.
I don't think it matters what he (or anyone else really) thinks about the content that Ecto was harrassed over. No one has to like it. But that does not mean there should be any doubt about the fact that harrassment and doxxing are wrong and that there should be no space for that. Not suppporting someone is one thing. Being someone with a platform who makes a statement like this, effectively giving in to people who have harrassed someone with a vastly smaller platform, without even mentioning that the harrassment is not okay, is a very different thing.
I understand that Scott might also be trying to protect his own mental health. I understand his history with twitter. But I will say that telling affected people to "take steps to protect your own mental well-being" is not the statement I personally think he should be making. I guess we'll just leave everything to the loudest, worst people then instead of even pretending what they're doing is not okay.
Hands down, the statement he made feels very much like he's saying "but surely the leopards won't eat my face". It's only been a day and MCC teams were released. The leopards on twitter are eating his face once again. And I wager I am not the only one out there who now knows that a youtuber we enjoyed watching would rather side with people who send death threats and doxx others than their victims.
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kooki914 · 2 months
you should make a spamton rant. rip him apart and tell the world every intimate reason he is a disreputable and immoral individual who got exactly what he deserved. we need more spamton hate in this community. people obviously dont understand just how bad he can be
Seeing as the blog that sent this is empty, and the phrasing of this ask is downright comical, I'm willing to bet this is rage bait.
If not, I'm genuinely sorry you think like this, random person, because my dislike of Spamton is, you guessed it, subjective! Just like every opinion about a fictional character, it's entirely up to the reader to form their own thoughts and decide if they like them or not, if they'd put up with their actions or not, and if the context we're provided makes their actions justified or unforgivable to you. Opinions are flexible and valid, and even change over time!
Now excuse me as I write an essay in response to this general concept because you HAVE baited me, just not in the way you wanted.
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I'd like to take a moment to comment on the absolute state of discussing "character good/character bad" in fandoms, especially nowadays. Because of the increased politicization of fandom culture, it almost feels like people treat fandom discourse as inherently political and just as serious. And, while I'd love to talk about the rampant misogyny in fandom or how homophobia still permeates even in progressive spaces, I'm specifically referring to the moralization of media engagement.
The "you can't watch this" or "you have to watch this", the people in the old undertale fandom who'd tell you you're a bad person if you decided to play through the no mercy route, the people in current deltarune fandom talking about how Kris' race ambiguity makes Toby Fox racist, and, in this case, someone trying to bait ME into moralizing my opinion of Spamton for the sake of a "gotcha" or fodder for their hatred of me. Sorry to disappoint, I don't think Spamton is reprehensible in our, practical, human terms.
He's just some fictional guy who did shitty stuff to a bunch of kids and kind of got his comeuppance in the end. That exact description applies to him, Spade King, and undertale Asgore even though they're entirely different characters. And, also, I fucking ADORE Spade and Asgore, but my subjective opinion, the Vibe Check if you will, is that Spamton is worse than them. I think we can all agree that In Real Life murder of 6 children is obviously worse than being a con artist. However, this is also fiction, and those deaths shouldn't be treated with the SAME severity as actual, real crimes against humanity should be. They are severe, yes, and breaches of morality, but not REAL morality. Actual children weren't harmed in the making of undertale, believe it or not. These reprehensible actions from the cast are narrative vessels meant to show us the state of mind a character is and how far they're willing to go.
I think Spamton's desperation for reaching his "heaven" is disturbing because he was willing to extort and kill a child for it. In the same vain, I think Asgore is a coward for choosing to go through with his plan when the human that walked into his throne room was a literal child and not someone deserving of the death penalty, which happened 7 separate times. The difference is, I like Asgore and dislike Spamton. Not for moral reasons. Just Vibes.
This ask was 100% spurred on by the video I made about shadow crystals and secret bosses. It's kind of telling of their lack of media literacy, how this (practically) anon took nothing away from that video except "this guy thinks Spamton sucks", because that was decidedly not the point. Even during my rant about him in the video, when I call him a bad person I am simply stating in-universe facts. Things that most people who like Spamton as a character rather than a poor little meow meow can agree DID happen, and DOES make him morally grey. And this is where the politicization of fandom comes in again, because I only felt the need to add that rant into that section because there's SO many people who feel the need to justify liking immoral characters by making them super not bad at all - talking about the grey as if it's white, and if you point out the darker shades, they think you're trying to paint over all of it with black.
The people who over-exaggerate how tragic Spamton's or Spade King's lives were, the ones who justify reprehensible actions through "but he's mentally ill!" (even though a sentiment like that just further stigmatizes mental illness but that's a different topic), the people that say "X character did nothing wrong" without a twinge of irony in their tone.
Spamton is not Satan. He's also not a flawless angel.
The complete loss of being able to view a character as both Bad and Likable at the same time is tragic to me, because 90% of the characters I adore are bad, reckless, stupid, selfish, downright EVIL sometimes, and even if they may be lonely or misunderstood underneath it all, that is NOT something that erases their flaws! The whole POINT of moral grayness and complexity in characters is that we learn to take the good AND the bad in stride. Where do you draw a line in the sand? Does their charisma make them lovable enough to you that you want to keep watching them do The Bad Thing as long as they're having fun with it? Or does their grappling with and regret of The Bad Thing make them so emotionally compelling to you that you want to see where they'll go next, no matter the morality of their future actions?
If you like Spamton, more power to you. If you're in love with the weird funny little puppet man, even better, live your best life. But, for the love of god, engage with him as the character he actually is, without scrubbing away the awkward and the morally dubious for the sake of a cleaner character to play with. I genuinely believe most of the cult surrounding Spamton understands this, most of what I've seen from his most avid fans still paint him as his greedy conniving canon self, it's just that there's a loud minority (and the filthy casuals who don't read any deeper into him and just flatten every character they talk about) who deliberately try to convince you that Spamton is OBJECTIVELY a good person, or OBJECTIVELY someone you have to like, otherwise you're weird and, like, hate mentally ill people or something. I've gotten a Lot of weird comments on that video you guys wouldn't even believe.
All in all I consider that Spadesgore must be canonized.
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Ok here’s a request (u don’t have to do it if u don’t have time).
Relationship: Jesse/Becky/reader(or original character)
The reader has been keeping a secret from their partners Jesse and Becky, they had an abusive parent. They only find out bc of a fight or something when the reader experiences some ptsd/anxiety symptoms. This results in fluffy hurt comfort.
(I totally understand if this is to much to write bc of the subject matter, so if u can’t because of personal reasons I get it.)
For The Better
Fandom: Full House
Pairing:  Jesse Katsopolis x Becky Donaldson x Female Reader
Characters: Jesse Katsopolis, Rebecca Donaldson, Female Reader, Nicky Katsopolis, Alex Katsopolis
Word Count: 2319 // Rating: Mature
Summary: Jesse does something he regrets
Tags/ Warnings: Child abuse, Hitting, Spanking, Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Arguing, Hurt, Comfort, Angst, Bad Behaviour, Naughty Children, PTSD, Anxiety, Crying, Guilt, Request, Requested Fic, Polyamory, Throuple, Co-Parenting
Notes: I am working slowly through all my requests. I'm not into many of them atm because im focused on my Elvis stuff [Jesse would be 100% on board with this i feel]
Hope this is okay.
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‘Nicky, Alex stop!’ Jesse said as his sons darted around him. He was trying to work, to lay down new material, but he couldn't as his two rambunctious boys were determined to get under his feet. It had been like this all morning. Y/N had taken the girls to school whilst Becky was at work leaving him with no choice but to keep the boys in the basement with him as they worked on their new tracks. 
‘Jess man,’ Steve sighed from behind his drumkit. The twins had darted away from their father and were now interested in hammering on the cymbals and giggling at the noise they made. 
‘Boys!’ Jesse said lurching forward to collar them both and pull them away. He took his guitar off with his free hand and then bent down in front of them trying not to crack as they looked at him with those adoring eyes, ‘you need to behave now. I mean it. I don't want to have to punish you okay?’
‘Okay daddy,’ they said in unison. Jesse nodded and led them back to their small desk which was set up with a painting station in an attempt to keep them quiet, something that had not happened thus far. They sat down and started engaging which made Jesse heave a sigh of relief before he turned back to the guys and gestured for them to start playing again. As he took to the mic once more he finally started to relax.’
‘Well her love doesn't come along until midnight,
And her passion rages on until the daylight-’
‘Jess?’ came a call from the stairs interrupting his singing. The band groaned and he groaned along with them just as Y/N appeared at the bottom of the stairs. She smiled at him and said, ‘hey, sorry to interrupt I thought I’d come and take the boys off your hands.’
‘Well thanks,’ Jesse said as she sidled up to him, her hands resting on his chest, ‘didn't you see the on-air sign though?’
‘I must've missed it,’ she said, ‘sorry baby.’
‘It’s fine,’ Jesse said tightly making Y/N’s brow furrow.
‘Is this a problem? I mean it was a genuine mistake,’ Y/N said feeling uncomfortable. He was mad. She could tell.
‘You know better though,’ he said, ‘I mean you had to know I was recording down here.’
‘I did but I didn't think it was a big deal, Jess. I’m sorry okay,’ she said.
‘It's just between you and the boys we haven't gotten anything done,’ Jesse sighed exasperatedly. 
‘Well, that's what it's like when you have kids,’ she said.
‘You don't think I know that?’ Jesse said, ‘I mean, wait where are they?’ 
Jesse and Y/N’s heads whipped around looking for the tykes who were no longer at their assigned station. As he turned around he spotted two pairs of shoes sticking out from under his mixing table and headed towards it. Behind his desk were Nicky and Alex, tape in hand, unspooling masses and masses of black onto the floor around them. 
‘What the hell?!’ Jesse said. It was their current tape. The only thing they had managed to record the entire morning was now lost and unspooled all around his troublemakers. 
‘Look daddy,’ Nicky said offering up his now useless tape. 
‘What did you do!? I told you to behave!’
‘Jess it's okay we can sort it,’ Y/N said from behind. 
‘Can we?!’ he asked, ‘they don't listen Y/N! They run around and they make noise. They break things and terrorise anyone in the room. We can’t fix it! They don't listen to anything.’ 
‘So what do you suppose we do?’ she asked. 
‘I know,’ Jesse said and before waiting for her to reply he yanked Nicky and Alex out from the desk and stood them in front of him, ‘now I told you you had to behave and you didn't listen to me. So I’m sorry but I have to do this okay?’ 
And before Y/N could speak he spun them both around and placed two harsh spanks across each of their behinds. The twins didn't speak as he whipped them around, looking at him wide-eyed, ‘now I’m sorry it came to that but you boys understand right? You need to listen.’
‘Okay daddy,’ they said in a distinctly less jovial tone than before. 
‘Jess,’ Y/N said in barely more than a whisper. She couldn't believe what she had just whispered. All of a sudden memories cascaded in her brain like fireworks bringing with them pain and anguish. She couldn't think. Her body was in overdrive, there was ringing in her ears and sweat pumping off of her as she looked at the twins' hurt faces. Jesse looked up at her, clocking her blank face and offering one of worry from him but she couldn't say anything. Before he could question her she grabbed the twins and darted upstairs. 
She could hear him calling her but she couldn't stop. She needed to get out of there. She needed to protect them. She bolted upstairs, ignoring the tears that were now running down her face or the distressed cries from the boys as they asked her what was the matter. Once in the attic, she got them in their room, pushing their changing table up against the door. 
She collapsed against the opposite wall, trying to push out the echoes of shouting and the feel of red welts on her skin that weren't even there. 
‘What's the matter, mommy?’ Nicky asked coming to sit in her crossed lap.
‘Nothing baby,’ she sniffled pulling him in close and then Alex who was determined not to be left out in too, ‘it's fine. We’re safe.’ 
‘Y/N?’ she heard Jesse say, as he called her name again his voice got closer until she heard the rattle of the door handle from across the room. Her heart was thudding in her chest. It was a sound she had heard a million times before. Someone determined to get inside, to get to her when she didn't want them to. She couldn't let him in. She needed to protect her boys.
‘Y/N why is the door locked?’ he asked, ‘baby-’
‘Go away,’ she said and though it was faint he heard it.
‘Y/N what's going on?’
‘Go away Jess,’ she sniffled.
‘Go away!’ 
She heard movement outside the door as Jesse rested against it. He was confused. He didn't know what had happened. In the span of two minutes, he had gone from a loving father to a man who hits his children. He knew he’d messed up. Spanking was never something he thought he would ever do but he had lost sight of himself. Everything had been so full on. The noise, the running around, the interruptions and finally the tape. He had lost it. And he instantly regretted it, even more so when he looked up and found Y/N’s horrified face watching him before she bolted from the room kids in two. Now she wasnt coming out. Was she scared of him? 
Pain rippled through him at the thought. He needed to see her. He needed her to come out so he could apologise. So he could beg for her forgiveness and tell the boys how much he was sorry. 
But he couldn't force his way in. He needed help. He needed Becky. 
‘Jess just tell me what’s going on,’ Becky said as they climbed the stairs to the attic.
‘You'll find out soon enough,’ Jesse said as they entered their living room. Jesse gestured to the twins' room and then went to sit on their bed waiting with bated breath that this would work. Becky watched him confused before she headed to the door and tried to open it frowning when it wouldn't budge. 
‘Y/N?’ she asked gently. 
‘Beck?’ she heard a sniffle come from the other side of the door.
‘It’s me,’ Becky said, ‘can I come in?’ 
‘I can't open the door Beck,’ she said, ‘I can't-’
‘Why not?’ Becky asked.
‘I’m scared,’ she said, ‘and I keep telling myself Im overreacting but I can't get up. It's like I'm glued to the floor.’
‘Jesus, what happened?’ Becky said incredulously looking at Jesse for answers but couldn't bring himself to say anything and instead hung his head in shame. 
‘Mommy?’ Nicky said excitedly.
‘It's me, baby,’ Becky said, ‘Y/N you need to come out.’
‘Think of the boys,’ she said, ‘I mean you can't keep them in there forever-’
‘They're safe in here,’ Y/N reasoned.
‘And they're safe out here too,’ Becky reasoned, ‘why wouldn't they be?’
‘Jesse hit them,’ Y/N said making Becky’s eyes go wild.
‘What?’ she said, ‘is this true?’ 
‘Beck I’m sorry,’ he said, ‘I didn’t mean to.’
Becky watched him for a moment, hurt written all over her face before she retained her composure and she looked back at the door. 
‘Y/N, sweetheart, I know what he did was wrong but you have to come out. We have to talk about this. You can't keep the boys locked up forever honey. Please? Come out?’ she said. Y/N didn't reply but there was distinct movement behind the door and the next time Becky tried the handle it clicked open without issue. The boys flocked to her as she opened it, clinging onto a leg each as thas stroked their hair and then asked them to go and play. They ran into the living room resuming the leftover jigsaw that they had insisted on getting out at three am that morning. 
Becky walked into their room ad slid down beside Y/N on the floor as Jesse leaned against the wall watching them shamefully. 
‘Can someone tell me what happened?’ Becky asked, moving a strand of hair off of Y/N’s face as she sniffled. 
‘Jesse spanked the boys,’ Y/N said. 
‘Jess?’ Becky asked looking at her husband with the hope that it wasnt true.
‘I’m sorry okay? I don't know what came over me. They were getting into all sorts, they wouldn't sit still, we got no work done and then they ruined the tape we’d been working on all morning and I don't know. I just lost it,’ he said. 
‘So you hit them?’ Becky asked with disbelief.
‘I’m not proud of it Beck,’ he said, ‘and I’ll never do it again I swear.’
‘That's what he said,’ Y/N said with a scoff that made both pairs of eyes fall on her.
‘Who?’ Becky asked confused. 
‘My dad,’ she said shakily, ‘every time he used to hit me. Every time he’d march into my room finding the littlest thing to lose it at me over. He'd always say that that was the last time. That he never do it again.’
‘I never knew that about your dad,’ Bekcy said. 
‘I never talk about it,’ Y/N admitted, ‘I never needed to. I mean I thought I’d gotten rid of that shit but seeing Jess, I mean the boys’ faces just brought it all back.
‘Y/N you have to believe me when I say I couldn't feel worse right now. I know it was wrong. And believe me, I never want to feel this way again. I never want to upset you or the boys like this again.’
‘How can I trust that?’ she sniffled, ‘I mean I never thought you would-’
‘I mean it,’ Jesse said, ‘you two and the boys are my everything. You have to believe me.’
He came to kneel in front of them then. His hands were on theirs and he looked at them pleadingly. She looked at him for a second, her heart aching at the thought of his actions. 
‘Jess is right,’ Becky said, ‘I mean I don't condone what he did in any way shape or form but it was a momentary lapse. I believe that don't you?’ 
‘And if he gets angry again? If the twins do something like today again?’ Y/N asked. 
‘Like I said. Nothing they could ever do would make me want to feel this feeling again. It's the worst feeling in the world,’ he said.
‘Yeah,’ Becky said, ‘and I’m sure Jess doesn't expect forgiveness right away right aby?’
‘Whatever it takes for you and the boys to forgive me I’ll do,’ Jesse nodded. Y/N seemed to deliberate on that point for a moment before she nodded gently. 
‘And maybe we can talk about it a bit more?’ Becky said, ‘I mean we all have our own ideas about parenting and I know we discuss stuff but it's usually as it happening to us. Maybe it would be good if we talked a little more. That way when situations come up we’ll know how the others feel about it.’
‘Yeah, I mean I had no idea about your dad,’ Jesse said, moving to sit beside her. 
‘I’ve not felt those feelings in a long time,’ she admitted looking up at him, her eyes red-rimmed from crying which broke his heart all over again. 
‘I’m sorry it was me who made you feel that way,’ he said. 
‘Well I suppose it's better you’re trying to make up for it,’ she said with a weak smile, ‘he never even acknowledged it happened. A quick mumbled apology and then he’d be right back to where we started.’ 
‘Well then at least we’re making changes right?’ Becky said. 
‘For the better,’ Y/N said, leaning in so Jesse could wrap an arm around them both. 
‘For the better,’ he agreed. 
He didn't feel entirely better about himself and he was sure Y/N didn't either but they were right. What had happened in the past didn't matter as long as they tackled the here and now. And more importantly together.
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sweetmariihs2 · 9 months
🪄My thoughts on Cedric The Sorcerer🌙 (until now)
(not that anyone cares idk i just wanna talk about him, it's a lot of random thoughts and it's messy, but it's fun to read I guess)
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Did you like that cute moodboard I did for him? It took me like 10 minutes I loved it. It fits him so well I'm so proud of myself for doing this. The whimsigothic aesthetic matches him so well I wish more people knew it so we would have tons of moodboards and cute stuff of him in this aesthetic it would be so nice. Ok let me start my post
I wanna share some headcanons, talk about my first impressions, it's not really organized I just wrote down whatever I remembered and the result was that. I wanna share my new hyperfocus with more people, that's what I'm doing here today :)
Everything started when I saw this man on Tumblr and though "who's this guy and why is princess Sophia next to him?", when I clicked on the hashtag out of curiosity I understood that it's because he's a character from the cartoon, and I was like "lol another tumblr sexyman again let's move on keep doing my things and interacting with my fandoms" (december 24)
I also mentioned it to my friend on IG bc I saw a reels that was like "you don't have any weird fictional crushes right?" and then proceeds to show us an edit of him with millions of hearts around. I sent it to her and said "omg I saw ppl talking about this on tumblr" and we just laughed a lot because it was something we did not expected (not mean laughs, they were genuine laughs of shock and because that was very unexpected like HOW IN THE WORLD, and she remembered him in the show while I didn't)
Some days later I saw more fanarts of him on tumblr and that made me a little curious, but not enough to search about the subject.
After some days I just couldn't forget him, and that's when I searched his name on youtube purposely trying to find compilations of his funny moments to understand what was happening
And boy I did
At this point was just having fun and laughing thinking "omg another guy who's sassy, has good personality and is another ugly-atractive character that has a fandom on tumblr, I got it, he's very nice" and I went to do other stuff again but this man just DIDN'T CAME OUT OF MY MIND
Just making an interruption here, I loved watching Disney Junior as a kid, maybe when I was six or seven, idk I don't remember, and I was a huge fan of Sofia The First, it was one of my favorite cartoons from Disney Jr alongside Doc McStuffins and Art Attack. AND I JUST DON'T REMEMBER CEDRIC IT'S LIKE I NEVER SAW HIM IN THAT SHOW, EVER. I literally don't remember him being part of the cast i'm sorry Cedric 😭 now he stands out so much to me, he's carrying the whole show on his back. Btw now that I mentioned Disney Junior I would like to say that here in Brazil Sofia First is actually called Little Princess Sofia, and Doc McStuffins is Doctor Toys. Sometimes I call Sofia "Princess Sofia" but I don't even know if that's how they call her in the english version, I watched everything on portuguese 😭 but ok let's move on (I have more things to say related to the brazillian dub, but let me finish my train of thought first)
As I was saying this man just didn't came out of my mind, and I was like "Oh no another hyperfocus where people around me will make fun of me because they will say that he's ugly and that liking kid's shows is something weird 😭 I can't take this anymore" and I tried to deny it but I CAN'T i'm almost making a pinterest board for him, I just accepted my fate (gonna draw fanarts soon and no one can stop me)
I found a list of every chapter he's in and i'm watching every. single. one. of. them. I watched the movie first, and boy this is gave me so much nostalgia because I remember some vague objects and scenes from when I was a kid, I used to love the Disney Princesses, when I got a little older I started watching Descendants, I grew up watching Tangled and Frozen and I swear to god I almost teared up from nostalgia during the episode Rapunzel shows up, and they didn't changed her voice actor, that's what got me. It was like travelling back to a time I didn't even remembered that existed anymore. Because since I haven't seen Sofia The First in about 10 years, I don't even remember anything FROM the show except for some parts, and that this show had so much old Disney energy that I didn't even know made a difference, but it does.
I'm sounding like a granny here but (i'm not even in my 20s yet) it feels like another time, Disney changed so much. Some of the new movies are good, some are bad, I see Disney much more as a company that wants money and makes movies instead of that perfect place where all dreams come true and every girl is a princess (Here in Brazil I never had a dream to go to Disneyland because Disney in the early 2010's invested more in products and blue ray DVDs in Brazil, since the parks were in the United States and we weren't really the target audience for that. So they didn't minded making publicity about it, so I just watched the movies and Disney Junior). Everything felt more magical when I was a kid, I spent my days watching DVDs and sometimes had some Disney princesses themed toys, it was so fun playing pretend that I was a princess and I really felt like one. Rewatching Sofia The First made me feel like this again because they made this show at the time that their public were HUGE fans of the Disney princesses and it has the same characteristics, plots, even styles of the songs and soundtracks, visuals + I watched it when I was younger. It's not just "princesses" it has the whole Disney girly early 2010's magic into it and it made me so bittersweet, even if they tried they could never do nowdays a movie inspired by that time and give me the same feeling as a REAL movie from that time does. Sofia The First: Once Upon a Time was like watching a new movie from that old Disney, one that I didn't saw before, but at the same time I did, and that's the best part. The end of the movie gave me so much nostalgia that I almost cried too. That experience was amazing :")
It gives me the same nostalgia that I feel when I hear that song "a dream is a wish your heart makesss" it makes me cry how I miss to be a little girl again (i'm crying right now btw i'm very intense with my emotions)
(And hell I don't remember Cedric at all, since when he was there the whole time? Now that I know that he's there I'm feeling like really reeeeaaaaalllyy vague memories are trying to come back in my head, but I don't know if my brain is doing this on purpose or i'm just confusing him with an equally vague memory of Cruella. I guess it's the first option, I'm trying so hard that my brain is making up memories. Weird.)
But yeah at first I saw everyone falling to his feet and even though I understood that he was very funny and had a well-writen personality I couldn't really get why people were romantically in love with him. Well um I actually got it, he was a good character and was one more of these strangely atractive characters that people fall in love with, I've been there too. But I just couldn't see what was so atractive that people were simping over him, for me at that moment he was just funny and fits very well the "let's make a fandom" type of character, like for example Preminger from Barbie Princess and The Pauper. But then I thought "idk what i'm talking about i'm demisexual lol let's wait a few days" (That happened before. Many times.)
And I'm like. I don't know what's happening to me I'm so susceptible to weird (in socially non-fandom people's words) crushes and I thought I wouldn't be afected this time. Just so you can have an idea some of my last crushes were: Dr Flug from Villanos, Jackson Jekyll from Monster High, Victor Frankenstein from Okegom, Raggedy Andy, Mettaton from Undertale (and UnderLust), THE Eddie Munson (for a whole year and some months, and I was so bullied after his "trend" ended because people said that his fans were cringe and everything (that's fake lol they are very nice)), 70% of my list are just nerds and sensitive guys with different types of mental illness yay my fav type
and now I think I'm feeling unironically atracted by this man it's just happening really slowly 😭 (DEMISEXUALS ‼️‼️⁉️⁉️💥💥💥💥💥👊👊👊👊)
I'm gonna be honest with you, at the moment I can't decide if I like him or not I'm so confused at the same time that I get it I also don't like how tf am I atracted by this man 😭 and then I'm like hmm he's acually cute let me search for some fanfiction
I'M SO CONFUSED I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE i guess I'll just wait to see what happens
you guys know that tiktok audio "at first I was like 'hmmm feet' as a joke,,,,, but bro....... I don't think that's a joke anymore...." (that's me rn but with Cedric)
Also I would like to take this oportunity that you're listening to me talking about Cedric to say the most important thing that this fandom needs to know:
We need more Cedric representations in Whimsical/Whimsigoth/Whimsigothic aesthetic it's like it was made for him just search that on Pinterest please you won't regret
And I'm here wondering what kind of songs he would listen to. I think he would like dark fantasy music, or witch music. I don't care if he's on medieval era and people didn't had access to a lot of music genres at that time, we are talking about disney nothing is historically correct
I can't help but think about Lana Del Rey but being a huge fan of her songs I don't think that it matches his tastes. I guess he maybe would like Aurora's last album, The Gods We Can Touch. I don't know why, it's the witchy vibes I guess. But I don't know, it's still not something that matches him a lot. EXCEPT FOR THE SONG MIDAS TOUCH FROM AURORA. IT'S PERFECT FOR HIM YOU GUYS SHOULD CHECK IT OUT
The cover isn't giving the aesthetic though, Aurora made this song for a show and then put the show album cover unfortunately. But her aesthetics are usually whimsical and magic, inspired by theatre, greek gods and tarot. This song is so good 😭
And of course there are songs like Everything Matters that fits his vibe but idk it depends on who's listening since it's not about the lyrics. The Innocent has a small part who matches him a little, the whole song has that witchy vibe dancing around the fire, I don't know how to describe it.
Coming back to Cedric I think my favorite scenario is him having an apprendice not too much younger than him. I think it's cute. I've never seen any fics like this (in fact I just read like 5 oneshots which is almost nothing) and if you guys know any let me know. I think it's just nice the idea of living with him and being his apprendice while having like a romantic tension between the two characters. It's cute
Also remember when I said I was going to talk a little more about the brazillian portuguese dub? So, something that I thought was really funny happened to me: In the first season he had his voice actor obviously and I was already used to his voice some time after watching the cartoon. It was very funny to me because the first time I saw a "scene compilation" of him it was in english, so hearing him talk in my language was fun. And btw his voice actor did a really good job voicing him, he (had a similar voice and) was really expressive just like his english VA, so like, really nice 👍
And then at some point in season two, from one episode to another, his voice actor suddently changed????? And obviously I got a little sad because his first VA was really good and I was used to his voice :( but the thing is: The new VA wasn't just a new one, IT'S THE SAME GUY WHO VOICED DR FLUG HERE IN BRAZIL AND I WAS LIKE OMG
THEY ARE SO SIMILAR IN PERSONALITY AND NOW THEY HAVE THE SAME VOICE WITH THE VOICE ACTOR'S MANNEIRISMS AND EVERYTHING (because that VA really has an specific way to talk, he stutter a little, sounds a little ironic but at the time really anxious, make some funny sounds for no reason sometimes like his screams)
I was really upset when they changed all the brazillian voice actors in Villanos, and that Flug didn't had his full-of-personality-and-expressive voice anymore :( the new episodes now have new voices and eveything, and they did their best, but it's not the original voices anymore and it doesn't hit the same yk? And then BAM CELDRIC HAS DOCTOR FLUGS VOICE NOW BITCH TAKE THIS
and the fact that Sofia The First was dubbed even before Villanos came out it's so funny to me
So yeah let me show you guys his amazing work at voicing two of my favorite characters:
After they changed Cedric's voice actor I was a little annoyed by the fact that I couldn't hear Cedric anymore, just Flug 😭 but now I'm slowly getting used to it and it's starting to sound like Cedric again.
Before that happened I could see some similarities between the two but I thought that I was just thinking too much and trying to connect two fandoms that I like, so I just forgot about it. After that happened my mind just blew it all make so much sense right now
And they are so similar in personality that I had to make a list of everything they have in common:
They work for guys that are completely blind to their talents and think that they're just idiots all the time
They have more potential than people think
Their projects/spells always go wrong because people keep disrupting their public moments, and so they are seen and weak and dumb (when they're not)
Science/Magic guys (they keep throwing liquids from one pot to another and saying difficult words, only for someone to stop them halfway and the substance explodes in their face, making them angry because this person once again interrupted their project that was going perfectly)
Self-confidence issues
Anxious mess, are always nervous and scared of something bad happening all the time
Childhood trauma because people never really saw their acomplishments and again and again kept repeating that they are idiots who don't know nothing (when they are geniuses!!)
They say that they're mean and they say that they do mean things when actually they are just really nice. They just choose that path because they think it's the only one that can bring them sucess and recognition in the future, but they were never made for this. They just do that because they want to proof their value to people who can't see it.
At the same time that they are mentally unstable, sometimes their confidence is so high that they start to act arrogant because "they're too smart and their projects are amazing": "I love what I do I'm the best sorcerer/scientist in the world"
But when they need to show that to people something bad always happens (because of other people!) And their plan fails, leaving them with confidence issues
"I'm too smart you guys don't deserve me"
"I can't do anything right omg i'm so stupid"
Their movements and maneirisms are so expressive, they're both skinny and tall and keep making those anxious poses, fidgeting with their hands, always anxious, scared of something, thinking too much and overall being nervous and ankward around their bosses
Boss just treats them as failures and gives them orders, in which they respond in the most submissive and saddest way because they're just miserable and just two little guys who are trying to proof their value in a place where no one even see them as people
But sometimes they are genuinely egoistic and egocentric because duh they're the best sorcerer/scientist out there, hello everybody is gonna know their name when they rule the world bye
They act so stupid and lovesick in their official crushes episodes, it's so funny
And even if we never saw Dr Flug's official face there is a design out there in the fandom where he has black hair with white streaks on his bangs so like 👍👍
Well um I guess that's all I have to say about this subject for now
These are my thoughts 🫶
I feel like I said a lot in a short amout of time but I'm here writing since 04:30 AM and now it's 07:47 AM so like. yikes
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