#sorry for telling the truth
etheral-moon · 4 months
Ngl the stupidest thing a man can do is vape. Like wtf are you doing? Sucking things off is that it? Yea no that's gay.
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allgremlinart · 2 years
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hm. Bruce Wayne. 
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potato-lord-but-not · 5 months
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you’re not the son I raised
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bookshelfdreams · 11 months
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That is certainly - a statement.
What about Jim, who both metaphorically and literally discovers a path for themself beyond what they were raised to be? What about Pete, who learns to overcome his toxic masculinity, his posturing and self-importance? What about Ed, whose entire story is about deconstructing the performance that is expected of him?
What about, oh, idk, our main fucking character Stede Bonnet, whose arc starts with him literally breaking out from the hetero marriage he was forced into despite never fitting in? Who tries (and initially fails) to build a community where he can be himself? Whose entire story is about discovering his own queerness! He starts out not even able to put a finger on WHY his marriage made him feel so suffocated, and then journeys through s1 until he reaches the emotional climax - "His name is Ed"!
Contrast that with Izzy, who has to be dragged into a supportive community kicking and screaming. Who rejects care and compassion, even at his worst, who has to be forced to accept help. He receives the leg and calls the crew a homophobic slur for it, ffs. Only after that, only when people refuse to let him push them away, is he able to poke his nose into something approaching positive human connections. And that's a powerful narrative, sure, in it's own way; but it's hardly the Ultimate Queer Experience, and it's definitely not the "only queer arc".
And Izzy never lets go of the old ways. He never abandons the Blackbeard-era pirate lifestyle for something more positive, not fully. And that's okay, because ultimately, his arc isn't even about himself.
It's about Ed.
Ed keeps repeating toxic relationship patterns, and Izzy is a part of that. He's linked (on purpose, and I wish it had been done more explicitly) to Ed's father; because Izzy represents the poison that was instilled in Ed from a young age, and that has become so entrenched in his system that he can't imagine a life without it. He keeps Izzy around despite being hurt by him because Izzy is predictable, and in that, is safe, even though he hurts Ed; at least it's a hurt Ed is familiar with and can rely on.
When Izzy slowly changes it's to show that Ed is growing beyond the little voice in his head telling him to reject softness, that he can never be loved, that We're just not these kinds of people. If Izzy can evolve from someone spitting boyfriend at Ed like it's a slur to someone congratulating him on getting laid by that same person, Ed can overcome his inner demons telling him the same thing.
That's the point of Izzy's arc. And this is why he has to die, because Ed can never be truly free as long as Izzy is around. So Izzy goes, quietly, peacefully, and releases Ed of the poison; apologizes to him, tells him I was so wrong, and I am so sorry, because that's what Ed needs to hear to move forward.
And that's such a kind, positive way to end the story of Izzy Hands.
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dvnieldraws · 1 year
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starfilledsea · 3 months
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lying liars of all time: fight
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httpiastri · 2 months
Can we talk about paul and his bare backk pleaaase
i fear that i have watched this video too many times to be considered sane….. (me? insane for him?? never)
like obvs we've gotten paul muscular back content before but i swear to godddd this did something special to me…. idk if you know but back muscles (esp upper back) are actually my favorite thing and the fact that he looks like this is just so 🫠🫠 the way they move and contract when he moves? i cant? anD WHY ARE HIS LATS SO BIG LIKEEE I WAS THINKING THEYRE ALRIGHT BUT THEN THE END OF THE VID COMES AND I SEE THE FULL LENGTH WND STRENGTH OF THEM AND I JUST ?? HOW?!?!? 😓😓😓 buttt how is it fair that i cant feel his muscles under my hands? why am i not allowed to draw along the lines with my fingers? press a few fleeting kisses on them maybe???
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Both Jason and Damian think the other has died during their time with the League.
Jason, in his grief, goes back to his plans of making Batman pay and beating his replacement into the ground.
Damian goes back to his assassin training like a madman, vowing to find the person who took Jason away from him.
It all gets a little complicated when he finds out Jason may not actually be dead at all.
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I'd let him ruin my life while I try to fix him!
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yuzurins · 10 months
# to tell you the truth
07 — you're being jealous
smau masterlist ∗ previous chapter ∗ next chapter
“sure, let’s get one for us all.”
if rin thought he was going crazy from not being able to believe what he was hearing, then you were absolutely insane for agreeing to bachira’s offer. for a person who was admittedly petty, it was way out of your comfort zone for you to voluntarily sit with someone that haunted every single one of your highschool memories. 
you could see it on his face, too. despite him trying to hide his distraught, you were able to make out even the slightest downturn of his mouth; he was really uncomfortable sharing a table.
isagi and chigiri gave each other a look after sensing the tension between you two. 
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isagi cautiously takes a look at you to see if you noticed their texting, but you were staring intensely at your fingernails to even see them take out their phones.
“y/n, you’re going to get wrinkles.” isagi pokes your forehead, though he regrets doing so immediately after as he can feel rin glaring holes in the side of his head now.
snapping out of your daze, you put your hand on your forehead and frown at him. “yoi, that actually hurt!”
“yoi?” rin mumbles. taken aback by what you’ve just heard, you try and get a glimpse at his face,  but he’s averting his gaze and staring at his hands. 
“yes?” isagi answers. he’s equally as confused as the other boy.
“short for yoichi.” you furrow your brows. “what’s wrong with that?”
a frown appears on rin’s face, but he doesn’t lift his head. “nothing. it sounds like a girl’s name.”
“what! no it doesn’t!” isagi exclaims in defense. “are you saying i act like a girl?”
“i’m just saying, people would definitely automatically assume you’re a girl with a nickname like that.”
“it’s literally the first word of my given name? what do you mean by that?”
“yeah, and it sounds like a girl’s–”
“what’s the problem with that?” crossing your arms, you glare at isagi and rin, receiving a guilty look from both of them. 
awkward silence befalls the table as your remark shuts everyone up. 
it was more than obvious why rin had decided to question your nickname for isagi, but what right does he have to be jealous? does he think he still has a say in what you do with your life?  it’s not like it was a bad nickname. at least his name allows for him to have a nickname. at least he’s happy whenever he gets called a nickname. 
bachira coughs and breaks the silence. “it’s okay! i like it, yoi.” he smiles. “i should go order now.’
you wonder if he’s saying that to get out of this mess, but regardless, still nod in acknowledgement.
“oh! i should go get my food too.” chigiri chimes. he looks to the boy sitting next to him and you can tell he’s trying to improve the situation. “rin, you coming?”
“no. i’ll stay.” rin grumbles, and you roll your eyes.
chigiri shrugs. “okay… suit yourself.”
now it’s just you, rin and isagi remaining at the table, starting yet another staring contest to happen between the three of you, so you take matters into your own hands.
“itoshi, if you’re going to be jealous–” you start, but rin cuts you off. he widens his eyes and slams his palm on the table.
“can we talk about this privately?” he whisper-yells, struggling to look at you in the eye properly. 
you raise a brow, but agree reluctantly and get up to follow rin out of the store. isagi gives you an understanding look as you return an apologetic one and mouth the words, “i’ll be quick”.
the bell from the door jingles as the two of you step out and walk over to sit at the bench in front of the store. despite being ready to tell rin off in the store, the tension in the atmosphere with him alone renders you speechless. the words are right on your tongue, but it feels like his intimidating pressure constraints your throat from letting it out.
much to your surprise (and relief), rin breaks the silence. “i can’t believe you actually agreed to share a table.” he exhales, as if he is talking to himself. “you, the one who didn’t even want to sell books to me.”
you scoff audibly. “what? you’re the one who pretended to not know me first.”
he blinks in disbelief. “what did you just say?”
“oh my god.”
you look over and rin has his head in his hands, but you’re beyond confusion as to why he reacted like this. “what??” you question, but instead it comes out like a demand for an answer.
“you know what- forget it. it’s not worth explaining to you even.” rin sighs and you’re even more confused. “go home and reflect on it yourself. now tell me why you needed to talk to me in the first place.”
curiosity clouds your train of thought but seeing as how rin doesn’t want to explain and that pressing him won’t do anything, you go on with your original plan.
“it’s obvious you’re being jealous.” you say, directly, and continue before he can interrupt. “but bachira doesn’t know about…” you point to you and rin, before shuddering and saying, “us, so i am asking you to refrain from doing so because it’s uncomfortable.”
despite noticing your disgust, rin carries on nonchalantly. “i know he doesn’t know.”
“so why do you keep acting weird!?”
“i’m just saying my true thoughts.”
you groan. “you’re so emotionally unaware sometimes.”
there’s a pause until rin retorts back. he looks away before speaking. “and you’re the biggest hypocrite to ever exist.” 
“okay, end of conversation.” you clench your fist and stand up to return back inside, because arguing with rin was like talking to a stone wall. he’s unbelievably stubborn, but so were you. 
he scoffs and follows behind you shortly after.
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throughout the course of the hour-long lunch, rin was unexpectedly quiet. he didn’t speak unless spoken to, and he spent his time eating his food rather than engaging in meaningless conversation. to an outsider perspective, it could look like he was listening to the rest of his friends talk, but in reality, he was deep in thought, questioning the conversation he had had with you outside. 
he can’t believe the audacity you had to say that he was the one pretending to be strangers first when you were the one who originally ghosted him all those years back. back when rin had given up on love after his brother, back when he was at his worst after his mom’s accident, and back when simply waking up every day was getting hard for him, you were the highlight of his days. you, a mere 17-year-old high school student, who rin unknowingly let hold and dictate his everyday life. but although you had built his life up from rock bottom, that was the sole reason why it completely destroyed him when you left. 
just as rin had started to believe in love again, all that belief that had been built after sae’s desertion came crashing down, resulting in a state much worse than before. he was a fool, to experience betrayal once but to let you play him exactly the same way as he had been before.
these thoughts couldn’t stop running in his head at that small table, during the lunch he never wanted to have, with the people he never wanted to meet. he couldn’t stop thinking about all those memories you shared with him and the period of absolute loneliness he felt after them, all whilst you were sitting a foot away from him, without an inkling of worry or doubt.
though not everyone wasn’t without a worry. just as everyone was leaving and walking back to campus together, rin notices one approaching him.
“hey rin,” bachira pauses in his steps, catching up to where rin was walking behind the group. “i hope i’m not overstepping, but is everything okay?”
rin blinks. he wasn’t expecting bachira out of everyone to notice. if anything, he thought that bachira would be the one to blurt something out to try and tease him. “yeah, why?”
bachira gives him a unconvinced look. “you’ve been uncharacteristically quiet, and you looked really deep in thought the entire lunch.”
“i’m fine,” he lies. “am i not usually quiet?”
the other boy hums as he skips ahead, walking backwards to look at rin. “no, not really.”
“or well! usually, you’re like the passive type of quiet, but today, you were like… the sad type of quiet.” bachira notes, and rin is surprised. 
he ends up laughing at the shorter boy’s concern. “thanks, i guess.” 
bachira tilts his head at his response. “hm? why thanks?”
“nothing. i’m fine, don’t worry about me.” rin smiles. “now go back to the rest of the group, they miss you already.”
“huh?” bachira continues to question, but he gets pushed forward by rin before he can get a response. “rin, you’re scaring me!”
“i said, don’t worry about it!” 
“okay,” bachira giggles. “as long as you’re smiling now!”
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notes: HII IT'S BEEN SO LONG. I'M SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING PLEASE TAKE THIS SHITTY CHAPTER AS I GET BACK INTO THE GROOVE OF WRITING !!!!!!! it's just simple dialogue i'm not going to write anything literature worthy pls
pairing ∗ itoshi rin x f!reader
synopsis — all you wanted was a peaceful and productive uni life, but despite your pleas, your plans start crumbling when the star of the football team, itoshi rin, begins to beat you in every aspect possible. as you confront the inevitable, what happens when you uncover secrets behind an unforgettable event from the past?
taglist ∗ send an ask / comment to be added or removed
@kitorin @starthz @jleijl @rintosei @strawberrypockybox @beanxiv @ode2rin @h4nman @hanmastattoos @kaitfae @idk-bro-gay @piichuu @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @invictax @chaosinanutshell @exatse @kirameki-kumo @heartsoji @mellozhi @certaindreampost @limerence-lu @nutsinspector @kawaii-angelanne @rroxii @saesins @anngelllla @anurst @y-sabell-a @hellothere9597 @evilenchantresss @msameikanevaeh @saesofficialwife @reiners-milkbiddies @f1yh1gh @celioderso @amenial @wooasecret @kascar-chronicle @izonoi @biaonww @blissblossom (if your name is in bold it means i can't tag you)
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etheral-moon · 6 months
If we all started cannibalizing on men, who's gonna throw us in jail?
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is-this-yuri · 3 months
it's hilarious to me when people suggest resources for homelessness like i haven't already tried/considered them.
yes, homeless people know the local shelters and food banks. yes, homeless people know what a case manager is and often work with them. yes, homeless people know what food stamps are.
i've been doing this for over 4 years in 2 seperate states. if this had been military service, i'd be considered a veteran twice over. you don't know more about this lifestyle than i do. i have your pamphlets, your phone numbers, and your resource guides. i have all the business cards.
obviously people can't know what my experience is, and it's a good idea to suggest resources just in case. the thing is, whenever i say 'yeah, i tried that,' and 'i didn't like that place at all' people get... disheartened? annoyed? it's hard to tell. they don't seem to take it well in any case, especially cops.
not every homeless person wants a job, or medication, or rehab, and not all the resources are good. some of them are actively bad for homeless people.
not sure what my point with this post was, but i guess just listen to homeless people. instead of approaching with an idea of how you could help them, ask them what they want or need right now. trust them to lead their own lives. help them because they are people, not because you want them to get a job
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potato-lord-but-not · 11 months
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redraw bc I got a new sketchbook with thicker paper and I’m trying to get used to it,, and I love these guys a lot ok
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wonkasz · 4 months
I need to stay on Twitter to keep up to date with all the news, but how much I sometimes hate this platform and the people who’s there... this hate towards Freya and Owen because of their "team ape/team people" comments is simply disgusting. People are such narcissists. Can't they have their own opinions? They didn’t say anything problematic, but everyone laughed at them, saying “that’s what happens when actors talk about something other than their work” GO AWAY FROM THEM, GET A JOB!!!
Don’t you hate people? I do. As Freya said: sometimes we get together that’s cool and seems optimistic, but in the end we ruin everything. The worsts living creatures on Earth I’m not kidding, LOOK AT THE OCEANS, WARS, FORESTS, ANIMAL TESTS, POACHERS, etc.
I stand with my children!!!
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m1d-45 · 2 years
You know, I've been thinking. The stars in our world often look quite dim, especially in areas where there is light pollution. Suddenly, I'm imagining that in the Imposter!AU, the Creator looks at the stars at night, captivated by their brilliance. Perhaps Scaramouche or Mona (Whichever you prefer, you may also just write another character you think fits this scenario :D) find them. The Creator looks at them, then back at the stars.
"They're very lovely, you know? The stars never shine this brightly back home. It's a lovely sight..."
They smile. "I'm happy that I'm able to see them, even if it's in another world. I appreciate you letting me look at them before I die."
Perhaps the character takes pause... And sits next to them.
It's a lovely night.
in the stars
word count: ~1k
-> warnings: violence, blood, both of those in your future so technically you’re not hurt yet, not written for mona mains, sorry, didn’t work with the plot :/ also diona/klee/qiqi/nahida/sayu mains are on thin ice with this one. questionable plot. barely edited.
-> lowercase intended
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie
< masterlist >
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the stars never lie.
mona clutches her catalyst to her chest, wide eyes turned to the sky. she whispers to them, hoping they’ll change, shift into something she’ll understand, anything.
they don’t.
her head lowers, inspecting the book. thrilling tales, the spine reads, the cover a simplified dragon with a sword through it. she tries to read into it, to try and pick apart the motives behind the weapon, but all it returns is a simple needlepoint.
a compass. one she’d followed ever since she caved into the pull on her catalyst, one she’d followed out of the city at dusk and into the plains, hiking up starsnatch cliff at its behest. her twin tails had lost some of their curl on the journey, her hat flopping sadly. it was late, later than she’d normally be awake, and she stumbled once on a rock before quickly catching herself, checking to make sure you hadn’t moved.
you, sat at the peak of the cliff. you, surrounded by cecelias, face turned to the stars. you, who turned at her short cry.
“are you alright?”
she couldn’t bring her hands to shift her catalyst into its attack position. her hands, free from their usual gloves, dug into the cover of the book, shaking both with the chill of night and with… she couldn’t tell, couldn’t pin whether it was fear or nervousness, or something else that blurred the line between panic and excitement.
“just fine, thank you.”
her voice was harsher than it should have been. she could tell you were being genuine, the way the water in the air shaped around you like it wanted to cling made that clear enough, the stars shining down on you as if you were the only being on the planet.
the stars never lie. so why were they saying you meant no harm?
you turned back to the stars, your hands shifting back to weave into the grass between the cecelias.
"they’re very lovely tonight. the stars, i mean. they never shine this brightly back home….” against her better judgement, mona glanced up. the sky was particularly clear, constellations shining down unhindered. “it’s a beautiful sight.”
orders from the knights echoed in mona’s head, orders extended from a god she’d never met. she knew the knights wholeheartedly meant what they said, truly believing the words they were told, but you…
hesitantly, she brought her hand in a circle in front of her, scrying for your constellation. you didn’t have one, unsurprisingly, and she relaxed slightly in the knowledge that you didn’t have a vision.. still, there was something strange about the empty space where yours would have been. swapping the sigils and rotating the outer edge, mona decided to read your future.
all the air was sucked from her lungs, the images depicted in the water making her mouth dry. the water warped and bubbled a dark color, as if it itself hated to show what it did.
you were on your knees, tight steel chains wrapped around you and latched onto hooks in whatever you were sitting on. in front of you stood the favored, the creator’s most prized, their weapon drawn. their form was taught with anger, nearly seething. it was strange, so uncharacteristic that it froze the astrologist in place for a moment.
no matter how fiery the disposition, vessels of yours were calmer after being wished upon, heart stiller for being by your side. they, the most prominent on your team of them all, should be at most handling such a severe situation with a tick in their jaw and quiet fury in their eyes, not…
she watched with sick horror as the favored attacks once, your chest caving once, twice with hitched attempts at breathing before you slumped over, blood trickling from your neck. the favored stepped back, weapon dismissed, and mona closed the illusion before it played any further. she hadn’t meant to look all the way to your death, only a few-
…only a few hours.
her hands shake where they’re still clasped in front of her, the remains of her scrying circle swirling in her palms. you didn’t even have a day.
she let the water fall, sending it towards the cecelias around you, willing them to stand brighter as she approached. she couldn’t bring herself to summon her catalyst, not now that she knew what your fate held.
the grass was damp beneath her, seeping slightly into her nightclothes. you didn’t say anything, simply passing her a flower that you had been twirling in your palms. she willed it to heal, restored the color to its petals and the strength to its stem, then passed it back. she had no use for it, not when you…
you chuckled as you took it, staring down at it for a moment before turning skyward once more. mona followed your eyes up, spotting a well known constellation directly above you. nearly perfectly straight up, glowing like a beacon, was the constellation of the favored, six stars making themselves prominent against the dotted sea of night.
“beautiful, isn’t it?”
she swallowed, eyes flicking down to you. you were still watching the stars, probably tracing the shape of the constellation above you. unknowing of what it spelled for your fate, unknowing of the warning written above you.
mona settled into the grass a little more, taking her hat off her head so it wouldn’t fall when she looked up again.
“indeed, it is.”
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you actually shouldn’t get into ace attorney if you aren’t already because i will just be going about my day before randomly being assaulted by the knowledge that a prominent and integral part of blackquill’s design are literal permanent TEAR TRACKS like when i say that i am DEVASTATED—
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