#soul of justice
mikeythebikey · 4 months
okay you talked about more aitale yellow quotes and. the feisty five iCarly bit. please 🙏
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this has got to be my favorite part of the uty ai mod
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the-spectral-hexes · 3 months
Hi, there. Happy Saint Patrick's Day! To celebrate I'm showing you the Soul of Justice:Serif the sheriff
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I gave him a Yellow color scheme to represent how his brothers wear Red and Blue. His Skin color is white to represent his brothers, and his hair is Red to represent his relationship with the Player. I believe that Miku's relationship with Serif will start out rough, with him helping his Brother Sans trick her into believing that he'll introduce her to Papyrus, but he ends up introducing her to Serif instead. I imagined that she'll be annoyed at both Sans and Serif for, but also at herself for not realizing that Sans' was planning to troll her a LOT sooner. The main reason why I imagine that it's serif that revealed Ralsei's secret, is both because Justice and honestly goes hand to hand(The symbolism of the soul tied to Truth to let the player know about the TRUTH regarding Ralsei's)and because I don't see the soul of Integrity finding out about the player until the Final battle, and I believe that Serif know about the player thanks to Sans.
Out of all of the human souls from Undertale, I feel the most bad about how Serif has been treated by the Undertale Fanbase. Like everyone just believes that he's evil and genocidal just because he uses a gun. I believe that the only reason why Toby even gave him a gun in the first place is so he can use the Serif/Sheriff pun later.
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afterartist · 2 years
They are real, and more of a family then you will ever be
(CW: referenced experimentation, child neglect/abuse)
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People r actually liking my random lore dumps for some reason, so here ya go,
(For those that have read my Sanschool comic this is why Idle wasn’t startled by voices)
Idletale is one of my main 3 AUs,
If you’re interested in small angst of the other two:
Spoketale Barrierfall
+bonus meme cause Idle is V memeable
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punchingmoths · 6 months
woah clover i didnt kno u were chill like that
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dyinggirldied · 5 months
Danny, burnout and exhausted of being the basically only one who can fight ghosts but still gets villainized and hated by the people he saved, decides he's done.
Because he's 14 he runs to another city, one where his parents and GIW cannot willy dilly do whatever they want. Yes, he runs to Gotham. Without telling anyone.
At Gotham, he ultilizes his intelligence in making fake ID and studies at a normal if a bit run down Gotham high school, not the fancy one where Tim or Damian is studying because 1) he's trying to lay low and 2) he hates the rich. He uses an old abadoned fire station as his home.
It's all fine and dandy. He doesn't need to intervene much since there are plenty of vigilantes in this city and he's free to just...focus. On himself, his education.
Meanwhile, Amity Park is literally and metaphorically under fire with his absence.
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kettlefire · 8 months
Constantine & the King
First time Constantine meets the Ghost King, he's expecting problems. In his line of work, when all the shadows in the room seem to be pulled toward a point in the room. Creating a dark portal that suddenly glowed a startling green, it's more than concerning.
However, Constantine was thrown off by the young man that stepped out of the portal. Young man could be putting it generously. The kid looked barely legal to drink.
However the kid was holding a scroll that looked thicker than his own head. A crown, ring, and cape that just screamed royalty.
Constantine did not expect the kid to greet with joy and friendliness.
It was the Ghost King. The being that held full control over that aspect of the mythical realms. His name was Danny, and Constantine found the kid's lack of professionalism a nice break.
That scroll? Every contract Constantine ever signed that used his soul as a bargianing chip.
Now, Constantine expected annoyance. If his soul was technically meant to end up in the grasp of thw King, wouldn't the kid be pissed?
After all, Constantine was certain one of those contracts was with the prior Ghost King.
Except, Danny loved it. He was all grins and laughter as he spoke about it. The kid complained about the amount of paperwork, sure. Who wouldn't?
Aside from that, Danny adored Constantine's work. His nonchalantness when it came to signing away his soul.
Danny relished in the chaos he has happening among various other entities. Praised Constantine, and thanked him for the entertainment.
Constantine realized that this Ghost King was a brat. He enjoyed the chaos and the drama as long as it hurt absolutely anyone. This kid was a little shithead.
And Constantine got a confirmation. No matter what, no matter what contracts he signed. His soul was going to end up in Danny's hands.
Constantine didn't mind that. He liked the spirit the kid had. Found a fondness for the King.
A fondness that only grew with every impromptu meeting. Every time the room grew colder, and the shadows moved and warped in the room.
Constantine grew accustomed to it. He looked forward to it.
Then it happened.
Constantine was at the Justice League Watchtower. A simple consultation, nothing too crazy. It was all going to be fine.
Until Constantine felt the shift in the room.
The temperature dropped. The shadows shifted and contorted, and a portal began to form.
Constantine waved off the other heroes concern and defense. Turning towards the forming portal, and prepared to see the kid. The kid who was easily his favorite being in the world at this point.
Except that changed once he saw the familiar being step through the portal.
Maybe step was the wrong word. Danny basically stumbled out of the green portal. Landing harshly on his knees in front of the league.
Constantine wasted no time rushing forward. Pulling the kid close to him, and taking in the sight. Looking for any sign of what was wrong.
Blood and a green substance coated the kid's closed. And Constantine noted the cape was completely missing. The kid was in tears, shaking horrible and in a state of complete hysteria.
All Constantine knew, was that he was going to make them pay.
Whoever brought this normally confident and carefree king to his knees, wasn't going to last much longer.
Those bastards will pay.
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emacrow · 29 days
Danny the universal immortal babysitter pt 2
Previous post
It was only a matter of time before he got summoned after his rise in power in the ghost zone.
He still kept all the little gifts and trinkets from all the children he had babysit, most are adorable drawing, plushies, some being cursed or tiny forever screaming heads of imp demons even though it been seemingly years.(the ghost zone time is wonky)
He can already feel another summoning trail pull him through and all he can see is the grown up John Constantine who look worn out, panicked and tired before the look of surprise overwhelmed him.
"BabE J?" Danny said not realizing he is speaking ghostly as he look at the sight before him.
As the Justice league was fighting and currently losing against Vortex.
Before John could say something, Danny point his finger against his own lips. Danny can see the years and years worth of nasty demons and Gods/Goddesses claims symbols on one of his most favorite well tamed babies he used to babysit for free out of charges.
"You don't need to offer me something you already paid for." Danny said softly as just meeting him still alive make the perfect offering to the Protection core.
Baby J was actually the well-loved baby he ever poured through babysitting back then, even though his mother died after his birth and was a mostly neglect by his own alcoholic father even though his sister raised him the best she could. John remind him of his life as Danny fenton.
After Danny easily dealt with Vortex and float back down with ease where the Justice League was.
A familar faces here and there, people and aliens he had babysitted over the years, all group up made Danny's teared up a bit from how overwhelmed his core was to see the people he took care of were still alive..
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rheakira · 3 months
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❤️🩵🧡💙Fallen Children💜💚💛❤️
Finally got the kids in my head down on a canvas! My personal take on the fallen children of Undertale's lore. Featuring also Clover of Undertale Yellow, because they're basically all that I see when I think of Justice now. ✨
I plan to do individual design sheets and notes for every child, so please expect those in the future!
The text is a little hard to read, so all of the basics are under the cut!
The kids names and pronouns! (In Order)
Chara (They/Them) - 13 Years Old(?) - DETERMINATION
Alice (She/Her) - 9 Years Old - PATIENCE
Léo (He/Him) - 12 Years Old - BRAVERY
Yue (He/They) - 15 Years Old - INTEGRITY
Charlie (They/She) - 14 Years Old - PERSEVERANCE
Robin (She/They) - 13 Years Old - KINDNESS
Clover (They/Them) - 13 Years Old - JUSTICE
Frisk (They/Them) - 8 Years Old - DETERMINATION
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satoshy12 · 6 months
A few moments of baby Danny having fun,
It all started when Danny learned he could change his age! Well, he took an item from Clockwork for this prank. But they are fun!!!
Red Hood lost his weapon to a toddler. Red Hood is trying to help the lost toddler talking about how he is a real hero with real Guns:" Come on, it's not a toy. It's the real deal." Danny: "No, no real!" Red Hood gets annoyed: "Fine, you don't believe it's real? Here, take it." Danny was surprised:" Ooo, real!" (holds the gun) Red Hood: "Yeah, yeah, it's real. Wait, what did I just do?" Danny teleports away: "Wheee!" Red Hood:" What the...? Oh, come on! Come  back, I'llbuy you candy for the gun!" +
John Constantine lost in a horse bet against baby Danny money; don't ask how or why he even bet with a toddler. He just lost money. John: (sighs) Bloody hell, lost again in a horse bet against you, Danny. Baby Danny: (giggles, waving a tiny hand) Horsie 2! Danny pointed at the empty wallet. John: There is no money left, mate. But, uh, how 'bout this?" John scribbles on a piece of paper and hands it to Baby Danny. JOHN (CONT'D) I owe you, alright?
Later, with the Justice League Dark, John summons a demon.
Demon: (roaring laughter)" Look who's here, the bloke who lost his soul to a toddler!" John: (bewildered)" What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Demon: (mockingly) That doodle on the paper. You handed over a piece of your soul to a baby. Now that's a first!" John: (facepalms) Bugges. I will later talk with Bat; I need money. around 10.000$" + Zatanna, while a magic show pulls toddler Danny out of her hat. Not a rabbit. Zatanna: And for my next trick... (pulls from her hat, has toddler Danny in her hand, not a rabbit) Zatanna: (confused) Wait, where did you come from? Danny: (giggling) Hat! Hat! Danny grabs her hat and suddenly disappears. Zatanna blinks in amazement, trying to make sense of the unexpected teleportation, as the audience applauds.
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catnip-dad · 4 months
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...and by popular demand, the 4th-wall break... in high quality, with faces!
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spacedace · 1 year
Something I've seen in fics a few times but not for comedic effect is the idea that Constantine selling his soul so many times makes him look/feel Wrong to ghosts.
Like I love various Danny ghost shenanigans giving Constantine a heart attack in stories but just imagine that Constantine is like deeply, deeply unsettling for Ghosts & Liminals to be around.
To the point of whenever he and Danny meet for the first time at the Watchtower after Danny's joined the League, Constantine just walks in and upon turning to look at who just walked in Danny just shrieks like a small child and throws a chair at him out of reflex, diving behind Captain Marvel to use him as a magical human meat shield while screeching "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" At the top of his lungs and doesn't stop until Batman makes Constantine leave.
Even after Zantanna explains Constantine's whole deal and Danny explains to the Justice League how totally fucked up that looks/feels like to him ("Dude, Ghosts are their core, for us you see that before you see the shape of whoever you're talking to. Like, imagine someone walks up to you with a face that looks like it's made out of a shattered plate and the pieces are bleeding"
Or like, imagine instead it's a thing were Jason and Jazz are dating and Jazz, Danny & Elle are invited over for a nice meet the family brunch - "Brunch is fun and casual!" Dick insisted, "Way less intimidating than if we had them over for dinner!") and Constantine pops in to talk to Bruce about a case.
And the second he walks into the room all three just shriek like they're from an episode of Scooby Doo.
Elle takes one look at Constantine and just nopes out of there so hard she doesn't even gk intangible as she throws herself out the window and starts flying for the hills. Danny screeches like a cat whose tail has been stepped on and jumps onto the ceiling and scrambles away. Jazz screams like a house wife from an old Looney Tunes cartoon and starts climbing Jason like a tree - which is a bit of a problem since she's half a foot taller than Jay and throwing his center of balance off a bit and now half of the plates are smashed on the floor.
Jason doesn't even notice though because he also is losing his shit over what the fuck that thing is and unlike Elle is far more interested in Fight rather than Flight and pulls out a gun - "Why'd you bring a gun to brunch?! Guns aren't fun or casual!" - and just starts unloading on Constantine (who is very lucky Jason has switched to non lethal rounds and that he's quick enough with his spells to largely keep most of the rubber bullets from hitting him) also while screaming at the top of his lungs.
And well, turns out Jason's new girlfriend is the older sister of that ghost hero the League's been looking to recruit and Bruce is gonna take advantage of that - Phantom has been hard to pin down, which is fair, bad history with government agencies trying to kill him and all - to talk to him about a place with JL, though first he's going to have to get him down from the ceiling and that'd be a lot easier if Constantine would just leave already, they are supposed to be having a family brunch this is his one day off!
(Elle screams her all the way to Metropolis and doesn't stop until she nearly knocks Superman out of the sky. He isn’t really sure what's going on, but he does manage to calm her down and takes her to go get some ice cream. When he pitches joining JL she tells him that she thinks he's kinda lame but that Superboy is cool so she's down. It's...honestly kinda devastating but Clark manages to get through it.
A note gets made when the two ghost heroes officially join the League that partnerships with Constantine should be kept at an absolute minimum.)
And lol yeah, just, Constantine being utterly terrifying to Danny and the Pham
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vangold · 8 months
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These two belong together. Would have felt wrong to upload them seperately, so don't mind me getting them up in a tandem.
There aren't too many alternate versions of the Soul of Justice Clover Wayne known. For the most known one you even have to leave the Underverse to find them. Fittingly that one ended up in the just the fandom that we are also honoring here in this challenge. Thus don't mind me using that perfect opportunity to draw the connection line between Wayne and Trevelyan. Just the perfect opposites for these two prompts.
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DP X DC crossover prompt
Sam and Tucker, thanks to living in Amity Park and being overshadowed and controlled by ghosts so many time, had become very liminal. Until an accident while trying to stop the newest ghost enemy led to the two of them becoming halfa’s. Sam’s ghost form looks like what she looked like during the whole Undergrowth thing. And Tucker’s ghost form looks like his King Tuck design.
After a reveal gone wrong, Danny, Sam, and Tucker flee Amity Park. The trio run away to Gotham, and using money Sam managed to snag from her account before they left, they buy a nice sized building right in the middle of Crime Alley. They decide to turn it into a bookshop and cafe. There’s a garden/greenhouse attached to the back end of the building where Sam grows all her plants and herbs. Tucker has his own tech room in the basement alongside Danny’s tiny lab space. They live together in the apartment above the bookshop/cafe.
One day while out on a walk, Danny stumbles across two tiny twin half formed baby ghost cores. They’re nothing more than tiny little balls of glowing light at the moment. Baby ghosts that are just starting to form but are nothing more than cores at the moment. But they seem to be slowly fading. Danny refuses to let them fade away into nothing. He scoops them up, infuses them with some of his ectoplasm to get them going, and then shoved them into his chest for safe keeping and so that they can be close to his own core which starts slowly feeding them energy.
Danny rushes back to the shop and drags Sam and Tucker to the upstairs apartment and shows him the baby ghost cores he’s found. The three all agree that they’re going to help these cores develop into actual ghosts. They switch off on who carry’s the ghost cores around. Some days it’s Danny. Some days it’s Tucker. And some days it’s Sam. Each of them feeding the cores a little bit of their ectoplasm to help them grow.
One of the cores feels distinctly female and has a purplish blue glow to it. The three start jokingly calling her violet. The other core has a distinctly male feel to it. It’s an orangish red and has a small crack along one side of it. Danny jokingly said one time how he (the baby core) kind of looked like Nemo’s egg at the beginning of Finding Nemo and ever since they’ve been calling him Nemo.
The two cores have been developing very slowly, both seemingly unable to absorb the needed ectoplasm, to form into full ghosts, quickly. The trio is fine with this, they can be patient, and wait to meet their twins.
Then one day there’s some kind of massive ghost attack. Maybe a cult or something attempted to summon the ghost king but messed up the summoning and accidentally summoned something else. The Justice League try and fight the thing, but they’re no match for this ghost monstrosity. And the JLD aren’t available to help for whatever reason. The trio decides to step in and help. They kick the crap out of the ghost pretty easily and send it back to the ghost zone. Then Danny, in his King Phantom garb (crown of fire, whispy white fire like hair, a regal looking version of his hazmat suit, the ring of rage on one finger, and a cape around his shoulders, the outside being pure white but the inside looking like the vastness of space) approaches the cult and rebukes them, telling them how even if they had managed to summon him he never would have helped them take over the world.
After that the trio become members of the Justice League. Thanks to some of Danny’s previous time travel shenanigans, and Danny being the ghost king, and Sam and Tucker his consorts/mates(?) the Justice League all think that the trio are ancient eldritch ghost gods.
And then one day when the trio are in the Watch Tower with the rest of the League their twin baby ghost cores come up. Maybe it was time to switch out who was carrying them, and mid meeting or lunch or whatever, Danny just reaches into his chest, pulls out two small glowing orbs. He cradles them close to his chest for a moment, looking at them lovingly, and whispering something soft to them in ghost speak. Then hands them over to Sam, who does the whole cradle them close and whisper softly in ghost speak before shoving them right into her chest.
They look up from this to see the whole League staring at them wide eyed and confused. Danny just casually explains that those are their children but they’re still forming so the trio needs to keep them close to their cores to help them grow, but they like to switch up everyday who carry’s them. Every member of the Justice League becomes super protective of the trio after this. They see it as the three essentially being pregnant (sort of), and they don’t always know which one of them is carrying the baby ghost. So best to just be protective of all three. The trio finds this kind of amusing and a touch bit sweet.
When the twin baby cores finally develop into actual baby ghosts, the two kind of look like a mixture between Danny, Sam, and Tucker’s ghost forms. Though Violet has dark purple hair and eyes and Nemo has bright orangish red hair and eyes.
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musical-attorney · 3 months
Idk how late I am or if I've posted abt this already but-
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crunchchute · 3 days
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my attempt at a bunch of my fav artists styles :] idea by sootnuki!!
i would love to do more but this was already a huge challenge
if any artist here dislikes this/is uncomfortable with it/any reason i can take it down or turn off reblogs etc. otherwise i hope its ok 🫡 im not gonna tag anyone just gonna let it do its thing in the wild lol
#crunchchute art#my art#sam and max#sam & max#i hope it will be viewable as i dont know how much tumblr will crunch it#in any case i have it up on twitter also and it seems to be in good quality there#it looks like a 'the 7 human souls:' meme hfhdhf#hey i can put more thoughts in the tags right? so first i didnt really put enough effort into my own one and i kinda realized my style#is kinda mid ngl. cause im lazy + this coloring style might not really fit them. anyway.#for sootnukis style i adore the rendering of the clothing folds and stuff but i couldnt get it just right it remains a mystery to me#silcrow i tried to do a traditional drawing but kinda messed up some of the coloring especially on the pants#also couldnt figure out if its just markers or markers + pencils or what. so i kinda did my own take of 90% markers 10% pencils#mtsodie i love the color palettes and the shapes so that was a lot of fun to try; i like the outcome#narnour i absolutely love the tiny little eyes and how goofy and round they look so that was fun to try to replicate too#as well as the colors which i mostly color picked cause i couldnt get a red overlay right#zembo was a nice way to revisit a chalky brush that i havent used in ages not sure if i got it right though#applettoast i feel like theres some gorillaz influence or its at least something i used while coloring. as you might know i used to draw#gorillaz a lot and tried to replicate the coloring etc. and i think it fit here. correct me if im wrong lol#snuckeys was also hella fun cause i love the cartooniness and the details like the teeth showing gums and stuff. hope i did it justice#also the eyes! i love the big highlight and that the eyes are brown its cute#it was nice to branch out for a bit
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sariels-world-ella · 5 months
Yeah, accidentally killed Starlo/North Star in my Undertale Yellow run, I was trying to lowwr his HP like how you can do in undertale to let monsters spare you, but.. he was like half hp and died immediately... yeah exited out there quickly.. too bad there wasn't any special dialogue for exiting after killing a boss like there is for Toriel in Undertale.
Yeah, I know it's the wrong background but I was too lazy to draw one so I just took an image from the game in the dunes area.
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Here's one without the dialogue and one with just Clover
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