#source: batman and robin eternal
Mr Underwood: You wake me at night, you don't let me punch kids — this marriage has really gone downhill.
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thecruellestmonth · 2 years
Jason Todd + literature
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RHATO (2016) #20
Become What You Are by Alan Watts
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Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #8
Hannah Arendt, author of Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
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Batman (1940) #395
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Detective Comics #573 // Detective Comics #1042
The Gotham Gazette, local newspaper
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We Are Robin #7
Alexandre Dumas, author of The Man in the Iron Mask, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Robin Hood: The Outlaw
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Batman: Legends of Gotham
La Bête humaine by Émile Zola
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Batman and Robin Eternal #3
1984 by George Orwell
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Batman Incorporated (2012) #7
Richard III by William Shakespeare
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RHATO (2011) #6, written by Joshua Williamson
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Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
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Batman and Robin (2009) #5 // Batman: Three Jokers #2
Getting the Best Out of Your Brand
Chronic Pain Management
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Detective Comics #569
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale by Herman Melville
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Batman and Robin (2009) #23 //Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #31
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
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Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth
The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli
The Art of War by Sūn Zǐ
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Batman #648
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Batman #409 // Batman: Arkham Knight—Genesis #2 // Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #23
See also: lit nerd Steph by @our-happygirl500-fan, Shakespeare nerd Dickie by @luanna255
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suzukiblu · 11 months
WIP guessing game: "Robin"
Superboy has existed for about six months at best (five months, two weeks, and six days, but who's creepily spying on their fellow heroes and vigilantes? not Tim, for sure) and was created in a lab full of extremely niche genetic experiments whose creators very rarely bothered making look human, which is probably why he has some weird ideas about certain social norms.
Tim assumes that's why the guy just decided to drop a very annoyed Catwoman on him out of nowhere, anyway.
"The fuck?" he says, though through his vocoder it comes out more like the incoherent screeching of the damned. That being, well, the whole purpose of the vocoder and all. Superboy grins down at him from the nighttime sky all bright and sunny and weirdly adorable, for being a lab-grown weapon and a guy who is technically capable of disassembling Tim down to his individual atoms with, like, a touch and about two seconds' worth of thought.
Not that Tim has been creepily spying on anyone or said anyone's Cadmus files, again.
Also Superboy might not even know he can do that yet, so it's really not a smart thing to mention right now.
"Hey, man!" Superboy greets cheerfully. "She was breaking into that big museum a couple blocks over, figured you'd care about that. As opposed to, like, breaking into some rich asshole with insurance's penthouse. Figured you would not have cared about that."
"The museum also has insurance, for the record," Selina informs him sourly as she makes an art of getting off her unceremoniously roof-dumped ass while looking like being on this roof was her idea to begin with. Because, like: Selina. "And has not properly sourced the artifacts in their new Bast exhibit."
I know, that's why I was on my way to the museum to keep an eye out for you, is what Tim does not say, since Robin is supposed to be a splintered aspect of a mysterious all-knowing city spirit given human form and not just, like, a really dedicated teenager surviving on semi-legal energy drinks and conspiracy-board detective work and the occasional occult ritual to summon the Batman.
What he does do is jerkily cock his head and say, "Preyyyyy?", and let his vocoder horribly mangle the word into a sound usually best described as "unholy avian screeching". Superboy beams, which is not a normal reaction to hearing Robin's voice. Selina just rolls her eyes, but Selina of course knows about the whole "really dedicated teenager surviving on semi-legal energy drinks and conspiracy-board detective work and the occasional occult ritual to summon the Batman" thing.
Like she's never summoned the Batman for anything, geez. Or "Bruce", as an eight year-old Dick Grayson had once upon a time decided to randomly dub him. Tim still can't call the eternal and unsleeping eldritch protector of their city that without feeling like he's going to spontaneously combust, but it is in fact a thing that the Batman will answer to.
Might as well call Pennyworth "Alfie", though.
Jason was even worse at names than Dick, Tim is pretty sure.
"Yeah!" Superboy says, sounding still more cheerful and floating down the rest of the way to the roof to land lightly in front of Tim. Selina eyes him in a way that would end very badly for anyone who was not functionally invulnerable. "I mean, she seems cool and all but I dunno, figured the Bat wasn't big on Cats in his territory. And also the criming. Definitely also the criming."
"How . . . find Robin?" Tim asks. Superboy doesn't have enhanced senses, as far as he knows, so . . .
"Oh, I've been stalking you," Superboy explains. Tim blinks behind his unblinking mask and feels several ways about that statement. "That's what you Bats all do when you're interested in somebody, right? So I figured you'd like it if I did it back."
. . . Tim feels several ways about that statement.
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fantastic-nonsense · 23 days
Who would win a fight? Redwood or Nightwing?
While I am mostly aware of Nightwing's fighting prowess and skills(via many Tumblr metas, yours included), I have nothing on Redhood
This inquiry appeared because of a YouTube video that was telling about Vampire! Nightwing and Redhood's fight and at the end, Redhood said that he knew he would've won if Wonder Woman didn't help Nightwing (which I call bullshit). Many comments were glazing Redhood. So despite not believing how Redhood would've taken enhanced Nightwing in a fight when normal one is so op, I wanted to know the opinion of a comics reader
I also know how DC vs vampires is like a fanfiction story, undermining many characters, but still that inquiry grew beyond. Who would win? Canon!Redhood or Canon!Nightwing?
Nightwing would win.
Source: Nightwing: Brothers in Blood, Batman: Battle for the Cowl, Grant Morrison's Batman and Robin run, New 52 Nightwing, Batman and Robin Eternal, Task Force Z, etc etc etc.
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zahri-melitor · 7 months
I think there’s a discussion to be had about how the lack of current consistent character bibles affects comics in terms of characterisation.
Because I think there actually is a lot more consistent characterisation than people sometimes want to realise when they’re complaining about appearances being out of character. There tends to be a background set of character notes writers who DON'T follow a character obsessively know about them when writing them, and they're often based in their early or most prominent stories. Even if people are willing to look, they’re mostly going to dip in to a couple of recced stories to refresh their memory of what their characterisation is like. Which is part of why character growth has trouble sticking (if what a less-frequent writer is referencing is not the most recent run) but also is frustrating when you're having the 'is this in character' debate because if 8 writers over 10 years all pull this trait out and use it again, there's a level of consistency that's hard to overlook, even if the main writer for the character isn't using it anymore.
It’s particularly noticeable in characterisations in crossovers and events. Because when a writer is juggling half a dozen characters they don’t usually write, they’re going to draw on their memories rather than do deep dive reads for the ones they’re less familiar with. So you get the ‘everyone knows’ character traits and beats.
And this leads to people who love a character vs people who are fine about the character but don't specifically read their runs having differing views on their personalities if these things clash.
Let’s use Damian for an example, because it’s really really obvious by comparing what I’m reading at the moment: Batman & Robin Eternal, Robin War, and Robin: Son of Batman. Two events (one with a crossover issue) and his main title in 2015.
Because if you only encounter Damian in crossovers and events, Damian being a little turd who uses insulting nicknames and proclaims his superiority to everyone is…a lot of what you’ve seen in previous crossovers and events. And he’s doing it again in Robin War and Batman & Robin Eternal. Now there are specifically different beats to this – Damian’s fully ready to sacrifice himself for Dick when he realises Dick’s in trouble. But he’s using frankly derogatory nicknames to Jason and Tim and insulting their abilities, and is even nastier to the We Are Robin kids. And he shows up in Eternal and out of the gate tells everyone they’ve been an idiot.
While if you’re a Damian fan reading his own titles, some of this characterisation rings as backsliding, as he doesn’t really use nicknames anymore in his own titles and has been soul searching about his own past and actions, so it’s not congruent with what you expect to see him doing.
Because if you're fully enmeshed in a character's lore and all their appearances, you obviously centre their protagonist stories and discount the crossover appearances that don't match. But if people only read those crossover appearances… that’s the character they know. And see. And it’s pretty consistent BETWEEN those appearances, so telling those people they’re wrong about a character they’ve encountered in multiple storylines is only going to get backs up on both sides. When actually these are two different completely valid views on a character, sourced from comics. It’s just that those personalities are particularly out of sync between “how they appear as a protagonist/regular” and “how they appear as a side character”.
And that can be incredibly frustrating to hear, when that’s your blorbo. But also, people who are treating repeated characterisation they encounter with a character over many years, across many titles and writers as ‘this is who the character is’ are not deliberately out to be mean to your blorbo. That’s the character they know!
And I think we should all think about that a bit more and take a deep breath.
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sisaloofafump · 1 year
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DC comics but it's just characters as blobs in the background. Vague sources below cut
I'm not going to search back for the specific issues but they're:
1 & 2. Wonder Woman #770-774
3. Detective Comics #1046
4. Superman #113-117
5. Batman & Robin: Eternal #10-18
6. Batgirls (idk which one)
7. Superman 2018 #idk
8. Detective Comics #1032-1036
9. Superman 2018 #1-3
10. Super sons #10
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cephalog0d · 1 year
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Someone watched Star Wars recently.
I also like the implication that maybe Harper has bigger, shockier guns that were too big to bring along.
(Source: Batman and Robin Eternal)
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cosmicmordecai · 6 months
I’ve said this before but just to expand what I was saying earlier regarding Zatanna’s not necessarily being “de-aged” to be with Dick Grayson in YJ. In comics, Zatanna was moreover aged up to be closer to Batman.
Dependening on the stories, Zee starts off her heroism at 18-21. Sometimes she joins the JL after years of searching for her father or around the same time.
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[Secret Origins v2 #27 - Recounted through Dr. Mist, who reveals being the mastermind behind her father & her upheavals in life by force via Felix Faust. In the story, he does realize how fucking creepy and patronizing his actions were.]
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[ Justice League of America #51 - This story places her at 20 years old when she finally reunited with her father and joins the JL a short time later. But this story makes it seem like she was an orphan rather than raised by her father for a chunk of her childhood.]
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[ DCU Heroes Secret Files & Origins #1 - This timeline would imply that she joined the JL first at 21.]
All these sources came prior to her history with Batman, which would naturally move her timeline to make her adjacent with him prior.
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[Compared that to Dick, whom she met alongside the Titans in Tales of the Teen Titans #4 in the 1980s. By then, Dick was already college bound with high school graduation [Batman #217]or a teenager depending on your context, placing him roughly 16-18 give or take. This same series in which the picture above has him retire the Robin name in #39, which modern stories typically have that done at 18 years old.]
I think it’s very important to note that Zatanna’s character has changed overtime and that there’s no definite “Justice League generation” vs other generations of heroes. There’s not this neat little box where every DCU character conveniently fits in.
The Titans might fit in the “heroes in their 20s” box and the Teen Titans feature heroes younger than 18 but even then, some TT reached 18+ [Red Devil] and there’s been a plethora of heroes in their 20s in the JL [Kyle Rayner, Khalid Nassour, Ronnie Raymond/Jason Rusch]. Just like the JSA has younger members & successors who join, the JL features membership of varying ages.
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[I literally forgot the source of this.]
I understand the basis makes it seem like Zatanna is infantalized but that’s not necessarily true. The character wasn’t always Bruce’s childhood friend and at one point, only met significantly in the JL to Batman’s own recollection. & one other time where she was disguised as a witch unknown to Bruce himself long before the retcon that made them childhood friends came to be.
It’s also hard to say “Zatanna has to be around this age bc she hangs out with so-and-so” because characters like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman has had their histories altered in many ways. Barry Allen’s age has never been stated so using his interest in her as an age gauge is iffy and honestly, in real life, people have relationships, flirtations, and friendships with people older and younger than them. Part of adulthood is meshing with people & it’s not always convenient that you’ll be friends with people your own age. Interpersonal relationships are also multi-faceted and complex.
I also think it’s sets a bad precedent to not examine the character’s history and go off of the “idea” of where characters are instead of their history. Various DC characters already get this:
Billy Batson is always like 10 or 12 when people think of him but like he’s been 15 & 16 too. His relationship with Courtney Whitmore for example happened when he’s in high school himself. He is also chronologically older than Jon Kent regardless of space bullshit.
Raven & Beast Boy’s character get de-aged to the point they’ve been in Dick, Tim, and Damian’s version of the Teen Titans in media & comics.
Jaime Reyes remained eternally in high school until recently and it took a movie to budge him from that.
Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Caín are out here having Damian be closer to them in age because editorials, writers, and fanon completely forget both characters have been 18 far longer than anybody thinks.
Khalid Nassour debuted in 2015 already 23 years old & a year older than DICK GRAYSON IN THE SAME YEARS. Nowadays, he’s drawn as a teen/college age guy and his timeline either implies he’s in his 30s now or in 2023, all his 100+ appearances took place in ONE YEAR so therefore, everyone he interacted with also progressed one year overtime?
Long story short, it’s really important in my opinion to consider a character’s history and not just go off of whose their friend is, what you think their idealized version is like, and do not use the characters whose timeline DC & Didio has outright played Russian Roulette with accommodate their idealized version of the characters as a placeholder.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
somehow whatever's eternal in me knows whatever's eternal in you
by Demonic0Angel
"Recovery will be slow. Your body is recovering from atrophy and your mind and soul is recovering from death. You will get better."
Jason clutched at the thick blankets that pooled at his legs.
"Why... Why are you helping me?"
Jazz blinked again and then turned towards the open area in front of them, staring into space in thought. "I... don't know. I saw you on the ground and I just wanted to help you." She turned back to him and looked into his eyes.
Jason blushed.
Everyone knows the story of Jason Todd’s resurrection. He dies, he gets resurrected half a year later, he crawls out, goes to the hospital for another half year, and then gets taken by Talia to the League before he finally comes back fo Gotham 3 years later.
But what if that didn’t happen?
When an additional force comes to Gotham with the intentions to take over, she finds Jason Todd lying on the ground and then decides to take him with her.
Everything in Gotham changes.
Words: 14429, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, DCU, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi
Characters: Jazz Fenton, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Talia al Ghul, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley
Relationships: Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd, Jazz Fenton & Jason Todd, Jazz Fenton & Damian Wayne, Jazz Fenton & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Slow Romance, BAMF Jazz Fenton, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Good Sibling Jazz Fenton, Self-Esteem Issues, Hurt Danny Fenton, Hurt Jason Todd, Jazz Fenton Kills Joker (DCU), Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Tim Drake is Robin, Jason Todd-centric, Jazz Fenton-centric, Not Canon Compliant, Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom), Batfamily (DCU) Feels
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46411498
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tqgincorrectquotes · 2 years
Jolene [to Beth]: I honestly can't tell if you're geeking out or changing the subject.
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druish--princess · 6 years
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too much feelings i cant
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Detective Comics (2016) #1027
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Kaine: So that was fun, who wants a drinks?
Miles: I’m sixteen, Kaine.
Kaine: It’s New York City, Miles. I can find a place.
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rockin-robinz · 3 years
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It's Batman Day today (18 September) and to celebrate this auspicious day, I thought it would be apropos to do a photoset of Batman with his various junior partners. Related Post:
Batman Day 2015
Batman Day 2016
Batman Day 2017
Batman Day 2018
Batman Day 2019
Batman Day 2020
Image Source:
Barbara Gordon as Batgirl: Detective Comics (Vol 1) #1027 Variant by J. Scott Campbell and Sabine Rich (Upper Left)
Cassandra Cain as Orphan: Detective Comics (Vol 1) #950 Cover by Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Adriano Lucas (Middle Left)
Damian Wayne as Robin: Robin (Vol. 3) #1 Variant by Andy Kubert (Lower Middle)
Dick Grayson as Nightwing: Batman (Vol. 3) #99 Cover by Jorge Jimenez and Tomeu Morey (Upper Right)
Duke Thomas as The Signal: Batman and the Signal #1 Cover by Cully Hamner (Lower Right)
Harper Row as Bluebird: Batman Eternal #42 Cover by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Sula Moon (Lower Left)
Jason Todd as Red Hood: Batman: Urban Legends #1 Variant by David Finch and Tomeu Morey (Upper Middle)
Stephanie Brown as Spoiler: Batman (Vol. 3) #106 Variant Cover by Jorge Jimenez and Tomeu Morey (Center)
Tim Drake as Red Robin: Detective Comics (Vol 1) #934 Cover by Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Adriano Lucas (Middle Right)
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figofswords · 2 years
Bestie please. I want to understand the Wayne family stuff u reblog bc it makes me have feelings. Is there any free versions of source material or like. Fan Novelizations? 😭
Ok so. big question. as far as free stuff goes there’s the official Wayne Family Adventures webtoon which…is dubiously canon-compliant and often somewhat ooc but a fun read nevertheless, although I do think it fuels into a lot of fanon understandings of the characters which are. noticeably lacking in nuance? For actual content you kind of get into this messy realm that is comics. I have a subscription to DC’s online comics library (I’m studying comics and it gives me access to almost every DC comic ever published, so it’s worth the $8/mo) but I know a lot of people pirate them. I can’t vouch for any pirating sites in particular and I caution you to be careful of viruses but they shouldn’t be too hard to find? Your local library should have some sort of comics collection too so I recommend just going by and browsing their collection - that’s how I started.
As far as, like, where to start since what we’re dealing with here is 80 years of content, I can definitely give you some recommendations. There’s not a whole lot of full batfam comic stories that aren’t just like insanely long and complicated (i.e. No Man’s Land, War Games, etc) so I would say maybe start with Batman and Robin Eternal? It’s New 52 (DC’s 2011 relaunch/reboot of their entire comics line which royally fucked with canon) so it’s not Classic Batfam tm but as it’s own thing I think it’s pretty good. It was one of my earliest introductions into the batfam. Fair warning that it will reference existing canon and you’re just going to have to accept and roll with that because that’s how comics are—there is usually some exposition that tells you what you need to know and everything else is mostly irrelevant. Or you can be an insane completionist like me and embark on a mission to try and read every comic ever published for every character.
In general, I personally think the best era of batman/batfam comics is the stuff from the 90s-early 2000s prior to the New 52 reboot. If you want specific recommendations for specific characters, I’m happy to provide! I’ve been compiling extensive and growing reading lists for each character Because I’m Normal Like That. I can also point out some comic writers I think do a good job with their runs and some comic writers i think should never ever ever have been hired (scott lobdell).
Anyway yeah, sorry if that’s a bit of a wordy answer! My offer of comic recs goes to anyone else as well, and if anyone knows any free comic sites or comic recs of your own, feel free to pitch in!
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