#spiritual monkeys
the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
so i did a deep dive today for this thank you for the new headcanon
i’m thinking yuán as in 猿 - 犭 = 袁
ape - animal radical = long cloth
like how 猻 - 犭 = 孫 = 孙 (simplified)
猻 is from 猴猻 hóusūn which means monkey
monkey - animal radical = grandson
孙悟空 • sūn wùkōng • grandson awakened to nothingness
袁巫支祁 • yuán wūzhīqí • long cloth great shaman/witch/sorcerer/wizard to support/bear/sustain
if you look at old chinese paintings of gibbons, they look like they have black bodies and white heads
btw i high recommend an evaluation of robert van gulik’s the gibbon in china and its place in modern sinological discourse on the academia app. it’s free and ripe with information about how gibbons were viewed and depicted in ancient china. robert’s book is damn expensive tho. i envy anyone who has their hands on it.
here’s an excerpt that surprised me:
The third theme is suggested in the following: “The gibbon is better than the monkey , the former is clean, gentle and recluse, the latter is dirty, noisy, greedy and vulgar” (“Mei yuan su hou”美猿俗猴) (TGIC 58). RvG thought this idea was pragmatic. Ancient Chinese literati like Wu Yun (“Poem of the Black Gibbon”) (TGIC 54-56), Li Deyu (“Poem of the White Gibbon) (TGIC 56-57), and Liu Zongyuan 柳完元 (773–819)21 (“Essay on the Hateful Monkey-breed” or “Zeng wangsun wen” 憎王孙文) (TGIC 54-56). Each compared the quarrelsome and volatile monkey with the aloof gibbon (TGIC 56). The lament is evidently directed against the people at court who caused their patron’s downfall (TGIC 57). Wu Yün, Li Deyu and Liu Zongyuan contrasted the violent and vulgar monkey with the high-minded and well-behaved gibbon. So the monkey is described as greedy, cruel and undependable, and ugly in appearance” (TGIC 57).
oh and the novel calls wūzhīqí great sage water ape… they were totally born from water. water egg? water womb?
and since it’s semi-popular in lmk fandom to make six-eared macaque a wind monkey due to the macaque king, that would leave red-buttocked horse monkey a fire monkey. red is the color of fire and the horse’s element is fire. in buddhism there are 4 great elements: earth, water, fire, and air so it all weirdly fits.
Oh damn you did such an AMAZING deep dive in both the language and history!! I adore it!!
I am aware the theory that Macaque King is the Six Ears is a common theory and with that the tie in with being the Great Sage of Ventilation, not just in LMK.
It would be cool if the Spiritual Primates had a connection to the elements, even if it is not the five. I actually forget that Buddism had its own elements that are technical since I always counted akasa/space.
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But perhaps if the idea that each primate is also birthed from inanimate objects perhaps something like
Stone - Wukong
Pearl - Wuzhiqi / Gibbon
Magma - Baboon
Tree Root - Macaque (since air is also connected to wood in Chinese lore)
If they were ever to use the Gibbon as either the same Wuzhiqi from the Yuan Xiyouji she would be an amazing addition, or perhaps they could have used the Sage leaning background as well. In either case, there's so much history when it comes to both primate lore that I really think there can be a lot done with these findings
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jakkenpoy · 6 months
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emil1863 · 5 months
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asking the important questions
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I know it might be a big request, but can you talk about heaven's hyerarchy in JTTW?? And explain some titles like boddisahtiva (sorry for any typos, english isn't my native language)
I'm a little busy at the moment, but I can give a brief overview as I see it.
The Jade Emperor (JE) is the boss of the universe, but he still has deities over him, such as the Three Pure Ones, of which Laozi (LZ) is an incarnation (of sorts). The novel even describes LZ as the "Patriarch who separated Heaven from Earth"--i.e. the creator of the universe. While technically subordinate to the JE, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas are the true shepherds of the JTTW cosmos. (In traditional Buddhism, gods are still subject to the illusory world of Samsara, while the Buddha is beyond reality since they have achieved nirvana and broken free from the endless rounds of rebirth. In addition, the JTTW universe is patterned after the Buddhist disc-world system, and the Daoist heavens take the place of the Buddhist heavens in the traditional cosmology.) Despite this, Buddhist deities still act ritually differential to the gods. For example, the Patriarch of Earthbound Immortals (ch. 24-26) is so high-ranking that Guanyin mentions that even she has to be respectful towards him.
The gods of heaven are considered superior to those of the earth. Local gods of the soil and mountains, as well hell judges and their spirit-soldiers, are looked upon as "ghost immortals," the lowest rank. Celestials above are "spirit immortals," the highest rank. "Human" and "Earthbound Immortals" in the middle ranks can become heavenly beings if they are given an official post. But heavenly beings can be demoted to lower ranks for messing up. For example, one of Laozi's fire-tenders in the 33rd Heaven is demoted to a local god of the soil below for failing to help capture Monkey when he escaped from the Eight Trigrams Furnace in chapter 7. And a different local god of the soil in another chapter worries that two mountain gods will be beaten and further demoted to small, out of way shrines for unknowingly dropping their mountains on the Great Sage.
That's all I can think of at the moment.
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rebelliousdandy · 10 months
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i used my mandated 15 minute break to make this
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biblicalhorror · 4 months
Me when I don't like a movie: Ugh I can't stand when people say shit like "If you didn't like this movie, you just didn't get it." I understood it just fine. It was just a bad movie! People are so goddamn condescending.
Me reading bad reviews for Monkey Man (2024): None of you understood this movie at all actually
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
Who’s the cat-person & dog-person between you two?
Also.. *slowly shoves coffee pudding in front of you* :3
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srisrisriddd · 3 months
I'm in love with love and love is in love with me - Dr Devang H Dattani
Good Morning
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Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri
Doctor Devang H Dattani
Infinite SriSriSri DDD
Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team
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mythologyfolklore · 10 months
The 4 Monkeys of Havoc
(A/N: This is mostly for me, because I can never remember the right diacritics or special symbols.)
Língmíng Shíhóu (靈明石猴): “Stone Monkey of Numinous Wisdom” (=Sūn Wùkōng)
Chìkāo Mǎhóu (赤尻馬猴): “Red Bottom Horse Monkey”
Tōngbèi Yuánhóu (通背猿猴) / Tōngbì Yuánhóu (通臂猿猴): “(Arms) Through the Back Gibbon” / “Through the Arms Gibbon”
Liù’ěr Míhóu (六耳獼猴): “Six-Eared Macaque”
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variousqueerthings · 5 months
Dev Patel mentioned in his reddit AMA that some of the hijra in Monkey Man were not actors and were from the hijra community. I just remembered your tag and thought you might like to know!
I was trying to find anything in interviews and coming up short. It does make it have some grounding in real world collaboration with people, rather than "just" coming from the outside and making statements -- obviously can't say for 100%, but it feels like it was supportive and respectful in the narrative, and hopefully behind the camera too
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marinaratrench05 · 2 months
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
omg and in the play before the novel wukong had an older sister called holy mother wuzhiqi!
She was! Another good reason to remember the prototype Wukong (Xingzhe) was that he had SIBLINGS.
I always thought how cool it would have been if the celestial primates were inspired by them but considering that Xingzhe had four siblings making them five altogether would be one too many. And that there only seem to be 3 Monkey Sages and Wukong being one of them, making them 1 monkey too few.
The number four really never gets touched... damn.
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But if there was a way to combine the lore together it could be that three of his four siblings are actually monkeys (Wuzhiqi Shengmu, Qitian Dasheng, and Shuashua Sanlang) while his first sister is more human in her description in other sources (Lishan Laomu).
If I would have to somehow combine Xingzhe's lore with the Spiritual Primates then I think I would do it something like this.
Great Sage Equaling Heaven (Qitian Dasheng) 齊天大聖 - Changed to Sun Wukong
Great Sage Reaching Heaven (Tongtian Dasheng) 通天大聖, - Six Eared Macaque getting Xinghe's original title, maybe even hinting that he was the turbulent Sun Xingzhe prototype.
Playful Third (?) (Shuashua Sanlang) 耍耍三郎 - Red Bottom Horse Monkey
Holy Mother Wuzhiqi 巫支祇聖母 Wuzhiqi Shengmu- Long Armed Gibbon
I would think that maybe switching Xingzhe's original title with the 齊天大聖 would just highlight how different the Yuan Sun Xingshe and the Ming Sun Wukong were written. Giving a little meta-outlook that perhaps the Yuan tale was inspired by the Six-Eared Macaque all along which for an adaption I would find SUCH a cool reference.
There is a lot that could go into this kind of adaption, especially since there are still other monkey gods that are known about today that could be tied into giving the Primordial Primates some more background and lore, connecting them that they were all once monkeys of legend but eventually lost their prestige through time as their eldest brother overtook the spotlight.
It would just be awesome to give the Primates just more attention in that they had just vague backgrounds I get directors would want to just have fun with them, but having real ties to past Xiyouji adaptions just... would be so meaningful really.
Though another interesting tie-in (and might be more of a stretch) could be giving the other three celestial primates with the Three Monkey Sages.
That kind of adaption could be suggesting that the other three Sages were sticking together and making their own name until one of them gave in and wanted to imitate Sun Wukong.
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Cinnabar Cloud Great Sage (DanXia DaSheng) 丹霞大圣 - The Red Face Monkey Sage - Six Earred Macaque
Great Sage Reaching Heaven (TongTian DaSheng) 通天大圣- The Black Face Monkey Sage - Long Armed Gibbon
Playful Third ShuaShua SanLang (耍耍三郎) - The White Face Monkey Sage - Red Bottom Horse Monkey
This is more based on the looks and the particular reason that I think that Six Ears being the Cinnabar Cloud Great Sage is better here since the Cinnabar Cloud Great Sage actually DID steal Wukong's identity in the Pacification of the Demons of Linshui 臨水平妖傳. Also, the Black Faced Monkey Sage looks more like a Gibbon and the White Face Monkey Sage looks more like a Baboon to me.
This has made me go on such a tangent but this is all to say that there could be SO MUCH MORE LORE in adaptions given to the primordial primate with how many AWESOME legends there are out there.
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brokenolivejar · 9 months
I designed my own versions of the long armed gibbon and red buttoned baboon!
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Both are girls (they are dating)
And they hold a grudge against wukong for abandoning them bc of his social suicide decisions
I made the baboon a mandrill bc yeah but also I made both of them girls bc I feel as though we need more lmk female characters as like well there’s only 7 of them (in the show) and I think it’d balance out the 4 spiritual primates
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sorry to bother, but I've got a question that's been bugging me for a little while. In chapter one of Anthony C. Yu Translation, it states the monkey kings birth rock as an 'immortal stone' then goes on to describe its size. how could a stone be immortal, or is a just a way to say it was favored by the heavens?
I'm not sure, but I've always considered it to be a kind of "scholar's rock" (gongshi, 供石), a category of gnarled, pitted stones that develop in nature. They are often seen in Chinese gardens. The rocks were historically viewed as stand-ins for qi (氣)-filled mountains far away from the cities and towns where scholar-cultivators lived. I wrote the following in an old college research paper:
It’s important to point out that the very first reference to Chinese gardens appears in the Book of Changes. The aforementioned material also states that “Grace [can be found] in the hills and gardens” (賁于丘園). Here, gardens are associated with the wilderness and not a plot in a private residence. The first unambiguous mention of gardens comes from the Songs of Chu (楚辭, Chu Ci, 4th-c. BCE), an anthology of poetry written during the latter part of the Zhou Dynasty. One famous verse known as “Summoning the Soul” (招魂, Zhao Hun) describes how a shaman (巫, Wu) struggles to entice the meandering spirit of an ailing king to return by reminding him of the beautiful women waiting for him “in your garden pavilion, by the long bed curtains”.[7] Such imperial gardens took on a new significance during the following Qin (221–206 BCE) and Han dynasties (206 BCE–220 CE) as certain emperors became obsessed with Daoist immortality and built microcosms of landscapes—rocks for mountains, ponds for rivers, and trees and plants for forests—within their palaces. The hope was to entice lofty immortals to settle there and teach them their secrets of longevity. The first private pleasure gardens arose during the Han. There were two kinds, the extravagant park owned by the wealthy and the simple scholar’s retreat. The former was based on the great imperial hunting parks that served as a symbol for the emperor’s power since such spaces were stocked with exotic plants and animals gifted by conquered territories. Thus, the extravagant nature of these gardens served to broadcast the wealth and power of their owners. On the contrary, the latter were most likely born from privately owned vegetable gardens. The Book of Odes (詩經, 11th–7th-c. BCE), the oldest known collection of Chinese poetry, suggests that scholars during the Zhou dynasty already viewed their simple food gardens as relaxing places of leisure. The idea of a garden serving as a proxy for a mountain retreat was made popular by Tao Qian (陶潛, 365–427), a poet of the Six Dynasties period (220–589). His philosophy is best exemplified by poem number five of his “Twenty Poems After Drinking Wine” series: I built my hut beside a traveled road Yet hear no noise of passing carts and horses. You would like to know how it is done? With the mind detached, one’s place becomes remote. Picking chrysanthemums by the eastern hedge I catch sight of the distant southern hills: The mountain air is lovely as the sun sets And flocks of flying birds return together. In these things is a fundamental truth I would like to tell, but lack the words. ​Here, shear concentration of will transports an individual to the mountains far away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. This implies that any setting can be one’s own personal Eden, even a garden.
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cherrylng · 3 months
UK ROCK BEST 100 ALBUMS - The 00's [CROSSBEAT (August 2006)]
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00's UK rock's current location, where a diverse range of personalities are in turmoil
In the early 2000s, UK rock music was in a state of chaos, with the unprecedented idol boom taking over the leading role in the music world, but the seeds for the next generation could be seen here and there.
Since the end of the 1990s, several eclectic blues/folk/electronica bands, described as "the British answer to Beck", have emerged, and a branch of this, the "New Acoustic", has been gaining local attention. The post-rock/neo-prog rock scene developed in tandem with the rise of Radiohead, while the "new acoustic" bands that branched off from it gained local attention. It was Coldplay who drove an important wedge in the direction of the scene there. The band's "orthodox" approach to music captured the hearts and minds of the public at a time when there was an unabated demand for lyrical rock and a thirst for new Radiohead releases that were confused by the electronica-driven sound of the band. They went on to conquer the USA.
However, it was the American bands such as The Strokes and The White Stripes, and the Scandinavian and Australian bands such as The Hives and The Vines that brought about a decisive turning point in a situation where pop, dance and mellow music still dominated. It was perhaps the UK that was most affected by this simultaneous worldwide garage rock revival. People hungry for aggressive guitar rock greeted the band with enthusiasm, and new British acts such as The Libertines and Razorlight soon responded. The UK rock counter-attack began in earnest.
This led to a rapid revival of guitar rock in the UK. In fact, studies showed that guitar sales had increased several times faster than at the end of the 1990s. The fact that Alex Turner, frontman of the now flying Arctic Monkeys, was inspired by Vines as his first live experience as a frontman is testimony to this virtuous cycle.
The rise of guitar music has resulted in a wide-ranging revitalisation that is not confined to one genre. In Liverpool, for example, a unique and individual scene was flourishing around the local Delta Sonic label, represented by the eclectic psychedelic The Coral, and the fusion of rock and groove (The Music, Kasabian, etc.) also established an area of its own. Muse, who at the time of their debut were treated as a Radiohead follower, established their own dramatic rock opera world. Then came Franz Ferdinand, who further dramatically rewrote the UK rock map. With their clever blend of sonic sharpness and pop danceability, the neo-New Wave/post-punk revival (Bloc Party, Kaiser Chiefs, etc.) was in full bloom at once. This movement, which has been described as the second coming of Brit-pop, is not just a rehash of New Wave, but is also the culmination of 40 years of British rock music from the 1960s to the present (beat, glam, art rock, Madchester, etc.). -Sumi Imai
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Emperor Tomato Ketchup Stereolab (1996) A mid-period masterpiece that cleverly digested the experimental elements of later electronica into pop songs. Their taste and skill crystallised at their highest point. -Mima
OK Computer Radiohead (1997) Third album that catapulted Radiohead to the top of the world's top bands. Not the most accessible work, but perhaps it was the fact that it was somewhat esoteric that got so many people hooked. -Koguchi
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space Spiritualized® (1997) Jason Pierce led an orchestra in building this cerebrally delusional soundscape. A dizzying druggy spectacle that connects New Orleans and space in a straight line. -Kuroda
Word Gets Around Stereophonics (1997) The first album by this burly rock trio from South Wales, including the singalong classic "A Thousand Trees", and Kelly Jones' narrative lyrics were also highly acclaimed. -Yamashita
Urban Hymns The Verve (1997) The Verve's 'Urban Hymns' turned the previously often under-performing group into a national band (and a success in the USA). Listen to Richard Ashcroft's soulful singing. -Koguchi
The Man Who Travis (1999) A major breakthrough (second) with Nigel Godrich as producer, bringing naïve songwriting to the fore. Don't forget they were there before Coldplay. -Koguchi
Community Music Asian Dub Foundation (2000) Second generation Asians living in the UK hit the scene with their one-of-a-kind groove, and also worked with Primal with their anti-establishment message. This album is a reflection of London as a racial melting pot. -Otani
Rock Action Mogwai (2001) This is their controversial work, which is a step forward from My Bloody Valentine-esque guitar experimentation. It's impressive that they feature breakbeats and vocals in a big way. -Kuroda
A Rush of Blood to the Head Coldplay (2002) The band have continued to enjoy such huge commercial success since their debut that it's almost a little depressing. This second album is another fine piece of work with well-crafted songs, and has exploded around the world. -Hirose
The Coral The Coral (2002) 1st album by Liverpool's young super-individuals. They showcased their nostalgia by mixing psychedelic, acid folk and even Mersey Beat. They had hits such as "Skeleton Key." -Yamashita
Up the Bracket The Libertines (2002) Undoubtedly one of the most important albums of 00's UK rock. The band's unstable, uncontrollable performances and poetic genius in their depiction of everyday life painfully redefined "punk". -Sawada
The Music The Music (2002) UK rock newcomer of 2002, with a no-questions-asked groove. The whole band seemed to be beating to a single beat, and their development was simply breathtaking. Being Japanophiles, they have already visited Japan seven times. -Otani
Absolution Muse (2003) An epic rock drama combining hard guitar sounds with beautiful classical elements. Excessive romanticism has transformed the post-90s values of 'cool'. -Mima
Phantom Power Super Furry Animals (2003) A masterpiece from the Welsh outfit that succeeded in making a sonic leap forward. By suppressing their anger and mixing it with humour, their serious message stands out even more strongly. -Kuroda
Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand (2004) This Glaswegian four-piece crossed disco with new wave and created a worldwide fever in 2004. They are the ones who started the current UK rock boom. -Koguchi
Kasabian Kasabian (2004) New working-class rock of the 00's. The 90's hooligan appearance of Oasis and Primal was successfully evolved with 00's dance grooves. -Sawada
Hopes and Fears Keane (2004) One of the bestsellers of 00's UK rock, which popularised the middle-class rock pioneered by Coldplay. In a sense, the ultimate form of "melody supremacy". -Sawada
A Grand Don't Come for Free The Streets (2004) The Streets' second album from the UK garage scene. The song depicted the reality of working-class youths and gained overwhelming support, becoming No.1. Excellent dance music without lyrics. -Yamashita
Silent Alarm Bloc Party (2005) A record that symbolised the era when the 00's rock groove became known to the world together with Franz. The jittery beats are appealing, but the melodies are also very melancholy. -Sawada
Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not Arctic Monkeys (2006) Straightforward and straight to the point. A shocking debut album that opened up the possibilities of rock music with the most difficult sound to make it sound fresh these days. A brilliant crystallisation of pure initial impulse and passionate energy. -Otani
Translator's Note: And that's it for covering 50 years of UK rock music in 100 albums. Honestly, the reason why I scanned and even translated this while article was just because Chris Martin was in the picture. Would be nice to have Matt there instead, but I also like seeing a white man with curly blond hair and blue eyes. Hard to resist him ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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akwolfgrl · 4 months
•°♤°• Thank you for listening to my other ask! Sometimes I get nervous when other ppl respond to my texts.
Anyways; I like to call this AU Spiritual
For what Spiritual animals will look like, I took inspiration from the Patronus from Harry Potter. But they appear and reappear as they like.
The colors of a Spiritual Animal is depending on their human. An example is Zoro's, who's spirit animal is a green tiger, named Asura. Asuras spiritual form color is like a Patronus, but his color is green (or purple, when Zoro uses/activates his Haki). I like to also think that the more a person's Haki activates/grows stronger, the Spirit Animal does the same.
The Patronus form is basically the spiritual form for the animals. There Fur/Dry + Slimy Scales/Feathers/Moist Skin can change color based on their human.
I have Spiritual companions listed to some of the Strawhats (I will also add ZoLuSan pairing, but with a twist of Allsan).
Vinsmoke "Blackleg" Sanji: (Female) Red Fox or Kit Fox. Named "Blue" or "Oceania"
Roronoa "King of Hell" Zoro: (Male) Siberian Tiger. Named "Asura"
Monkey D. "Strawhat" Luffy: (Male) Barbary lion. Named "Rex" or "Kingsley" (Kingsley's name I got from the fic "Companians". Rex means "King")
Nico "Devil Child" Robin: (Male) Black-Necked Crane. Named "Nox"
"Cat Burglar" Nami: (Male) American Bobtail. Named "Citrus"
"Sniper King" "God" Usopp: (Male) Long-Nosed Armadillo. Named "Aster"
"Iron Man" Franky: (Male) Greater One-Horned Rhino. Named "Atlas"
"Soul King" Brook: (Female; Now Skeleton) Cob Horse. Named "Dia"
-More info soon! Tys for listening ❤️
Wow this sounds so awesome! I can't wait to hear more!
I love how sanji has a fox! What about chopper? Or becase he is a reindeer he doesn't have one?
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