#strictly platonic here
rensart617 · 2 years
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“Sono così orgoglioso di te, novizia.”
The final product of that lineart I did! It looks a lot better with color and having been through my scanner/printer. :D 
A proud older brother/father figure congratulating his little sister in arms as she’s about to embark on her newest adventure of being a full-blooded Assassin Novice. 
And he is going to be with her, every step of the way. 
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siddyyyyyyyy · 1 month
You're Only Sixteen
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wc: ~3.6k
summary: child soldier gets into task force 141 part TWO, things are getting a bit funny; first part, third part
warnings: description of scars, some violance (combat training)
a/n: I'm actually pretty shocked of how well this fic is going, I hope you're all enjoying this so far, and the plot's is going to intesify a bit the longer this goes on.... and I'm talking too much. Have fun!
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Waking up to the familiar alarm is hard enough, but eventually making yourself ready for the first training together is harder. You put on your new uniform and make yourself look more presentable, only to stop midway by the mirror. Your eyes move instinctivley towards your neck. There's no material covering your neck area, making you slightly anxious. There is a long scar across your neck; the scar tissue white and stands out a bit. You feel your deep scar across your neck that goes horizontally through your skin with a slight curve up to your jaw. Hopefully no one will notice. But how is it possible to ignore such thing? There will be questions, there will be eyes on you all the time, there will definitely be snarky comments, and... deep breath in and out. It's no one's business, and you don't owe an explanation to anyone anyway.
Picking up your last courage for today, you walk out of your bunk to the training hall. Walking in, you see a few other soldiers training together, and also Price seemingly waiting for the rest of his team to arrive. He notices you almost immediately and waves you over to him.
»Good morning. Sleep well?«
You shrug, answering him. »Yeah, good enough.«
»Great, you'll need it today.« Perfect, so he planned something tough for today, that's for sure. Shortly after, Ghost and Soap arrive into the hall, as well as Gaz, who seems to be in a good mood. Price claps once, having the attention of everyone on him. He announces the morning stretch you'll be doing first and the next exercise has got to be some teamwork exercise already.
The supposed 'morning stretch' was nothing short of relaxing, but lucky enough you're flexible and got along just fine. Afterwards, the first exercise begins, and as Price explains it, the more you start to think he can't be serious.
»Trust falls?« Soap asks again, also not having expected this exercise to be the first one. Usually, they never do something like this together since they already trust each other with their lives. Price nods, hands on his hips and dead serious. »Who wants to start?«
You're stiff, silently looking around while hoping you won't get picked out. Luckily, Gaz raises his hand slightly and volunteers as first for the trust falls. The captain smiles and nods once more, letting him pick a person to fall against. He chose Soap as some might've expected, and they do it naturally. Nothing bad happens, they trust each other, and one catches the other. They repeat it after switching also, nothing spectacular happening. You watch silently, arms crossed and with nothing to do. It's almost amusing to watch these buffed military guys do silly things, like trust falls. Next was Ghost and Soap, then Price and Gaz with the others. It's awkward now for you since you're the last one, having to just fall back and trust the other to catch you. How can you not feel at least a little awkward while doing it?
»C'mon, it's fun. Just trust us.« Soap encourages you before you could say anything in the first place and already opens his arms for you. There's really nothing you can do but accept your fate and do the trust fall, knowing you have no choice but to trust them all as your teammates. You turn your back to him with a small sigh and close your eyes before falling back, feeling how he indeed catches you right up and lets you sink down a little more. He feels strong and big against your back, not that you doubted it. Soap leans you back up, and you stand up straight again. You hate to admit it but it was fun. Maybe you'd do it again... oh, you need to do it again. Trust falls with everyone, remember?
Price wants to be the next one to do it with you, an almost loving smile across his lips and open arms as he steps up to you. You do the same as before and fall, feeling how he catches you the same and lets you stand right back up afterwards. He pats your shoulder lightly and steps away, looking to the others to see who wants to go next.
»Me next.« Gaz states with a raised hand, standing at the same pose as the other two before. You can't help but crack a small, tiny smile at that before turning back around and falling back, trusting them all by now. The last one should be Ghost, and to be honest, it's somehow scary. Maybe it's his height or his aura, but there's no choice but to trust him. Eventually, you fall, back and he catches you just the same as the others, feeling as if he's more careful with you for whatever reason. But that could be just your mind hallucinating at this point.
The next station for this training session is more serious and requires more technique and skill. You're glad, it's something you're good at and won't be awkward to complete.
Knife melee. With fake combat knives. Each gets a combat knife to fight with and a randomly assigned partner. You get to be paired up with Gaz, and he shoots you a soft smile before standing in front of you to test out your true skills. Price is mostly there to watch over everyone and lead the practice, standing not too far off the big mat.
»You go first, I'll try to go easy too.« Gaz tells you with a small nod, waiting for you to attack and see how you'll do. Or maybe he's just too afraid to hurt you, knowing how young you are.
»Okay.« You think for a split second before going straight in, grabbing his right wrist with your left hand, pushing it out while moving the blade close to his neck. Gaz is briefly surprised at your attack, especially with how you went straight at him. But he's strong enough to bend his right wrist slightly and wrap his left arm over to grab his knife with his non-dominant hand. You didn't expect this to happen, being spooked for a moment by the sudden action of him wrapping his arm over you just so he has his knife in his free hand. He presses his knife against your stomach just enough for it to be touching your shirt and is about to swipe your feet off the ground.
You back up, trying to kick off the blade off his hand quickly, in which you fail. You don't want to hurt him, but you also know that it's just training and minor injuries are normal. You know it from the camp, but this feels different. You have... more respect for them. Getting back to reality, you're the one who sweeps his feet off the ground, kneeling over him and pressing your knee against his chest with your knife against his throat once more but not pressing onto him.
»Fine- you win.« He gives up and throws his hands up in defence, looking to you impressed. You get off him and give him a hand to stand back up, feeling like he went too soft on you on purpose.
»Was that all you had?« You ask before being able to think about your words longer, not meaning to sound rude. »What? Of course not. Told you I was going easy on you.« He shrugs with a small chuckle, dusting his pants off quickly before standing straight.
»Want me to attack first?«
He's quick to land a kick to the side of your thigh, making you wince lightly, but you quickly regain your focus and step out of his way. You quickly kick him into his side instead, knocking out his breath briefly. Gaz realises how strong you actually are and decides to go harder on you. There's a sharp pain on your ribs before you feel the dull slice from his fake combat knife against your arm. You give him a rather irritated look before going in once more, slicing across his chest with your own fake knife before kicking him into his chest. He stumbles back, once more out of breath. It's your chance to get close to him and strike another attack, so you do just that. You step closer to him quickly and jab a few more slices against his ribs before kicking his legs in. He's on the ground and probably more out of breath than you. Gaz looks up to you and catches his breath before standing back up, not giving up yet.
»Where'd you learn that?« He questions almost confusedly and simultaneously thinks of another approach at you for his next attack. You shrug, not giving him an answer as you're studying his stance. He's about to cage you in, that's for sure, with his wide stance. That's got to be the most annoying technique for you, not liking how it feels like to be trapped or pinned by anyone. Moving your eyes back at his, you waste no time to kick against him once more, but he catches it.
He has your ankle in his hand and twists it enough for you to lose balance and fall to the ground. You huff and try to get back up quickly, but he's fast, kicking your knife out of your wrist.
Price watches you both fight, and he must admit you're quite strong. Beating Gaz twice? That's already impressive for him. He watches as you manage to fight yourself out of his pin, having him on the ground instead. You both fight like siblings at this point, at least that's how Price views it. He sees that Gaz is still trying to be gentle with you even though he doesn't need to. You're highly trained and fast, thinking logically as well. Meanwhile, Soap gets his ass beat by Ghost since he's trying to watch you fight but gets awfully distracted that way.
Price keeps most of his attention on you both anyway, being curious about how much longer Gaz will be gentle with you before being sick of losing every time. After losing for the fifth time, Gaz stops fighting for a moment.
»Wanna catch a break?«
»If you say so.« You agree and shrug lightly, having a light coat of sweat but being nowhere near done. You're still full of energy but also can't wait to sleep tonight.
»So, how do you like it on the base so far?« He asks, his tone friendly and voice smooth. His eyes are on you, hands on his hips.
»Yeah, it's... fine. Like a base.« There's just no way you can answer otherwise, not sure of how to answer it anyway. You press your lips together lightly, unsure of how to continue. Gaz is rather talkative, so you're grateful for that as he goes on, seemingly wanting to get to know you better.
»You should check out the mess hall too, the food‘s a bit plain, but it's cosy in there.« That's great information however, you do not know how to respond to that.
»Cool.« With a light nod and a more or less forced smile, glancing away shortly after. Gaz notices that you don't seem to talk much, having a similarity with Ghost on that. He accepts it however, and stretches his arms before suggesting another round which, you also agree on.
You're sweating way more now after the training session ended, Price saying that it's time to have lunch and just have a normal day afterwards. The sun is fully up, it's a warm day outside for once and there are no annoying people around you. Until Soap is approaching you on the way out from the training hall.
»Wanna eat lunch all together? It won't be boring, promise.« He suggests with a friendly smile and waits for your answer, coming off more excited than you.
»Uh, yeah. Where's the mess hall again?« You ask sheepishly since you have no clue how this building is laid out, let alone know where the exit is again. »Oh, you haven't been shown around, eh? Well, I'll just show ye around after lunch. The mess hall's on the first floor, 's pretty easy to find.«
Soap explains to you shortly, having faith in you that you won't get lost on your own. You simply nod back in response and make a mental note of where the mess hall should be, retreating back into your own bunk after taking a shower.
You're hesitant at first, having considered just skipping lunch, but you can't let the others hang. So, you make your way to the mess hall shortly after putting on new clothes, making sure to cover your neck once more. Stopping mid-change, you realise something. No one made comments or even looked at your scar earlier. You expected the total opposite, now trying to remember any moment that was close to some of your expectations, but there were none. Maybe, just maybe, they don't care. Not in the rude way, but in a way that they won't judge you. Well, considering the small but slightly more visible scar on Soap‘s chin, there's a chance they just don't want to pick on you with stuff they also have. Brushing away those thoughts, you enter the mess hall and are shortly after greeted with Soap. He stands out from the crowd with the way he waves at you, seeming to be excited to show you around or just have an addition like you on the team.
»Hungry? I don't know about you, but I am.«
His ways of starting a conversation with you are always a little strange. The way he is more energetic around you and is being overly friendly while trying to use 'modern slang' is slightly off-putting.
Ghost would be greater company at this point. You don't say anything, too caught up in the large hall and all the people around that are patiently getting their food for themselves.
»Well, there's where the food is, the trays and the utensils. Alrighty?«
»Alright.« You answer slightly unsure and look to where everyone is picking up their food, seeing that it won't be too difficult. Picking up a tray for yourself, a plate, and a few utensils, you make your way to the buffet. There's an option between a vegetarian meal that looks mostly... bland and another meal that doesn't look too bad. Soap is before you and loads his plate with the second option, grabbing a glass of water afterwards. You do the same, considering the vegetarian food seems too dry to even look at. Sitting down at a free table where Gaz is already seated, shooting a friendly smile your way.
His teammate sits down beside him and you on the opposite of them, taking a last look around the huge mess hall.
»How was the training for ye today?« Soap starts again while stuffing a bite into his mouth, ready to listen to whatever response you'll give.
»It was fine. Easier than at my camp.« Soap quirks his brow at you, asking further. »Easier? What'd you do at your camp, then?«
Ah, there it is. Finally, the burning question that seemed to have been on their minds since the day you arrived, even though they won't admit it verbally.
»Well, any kinds of things. We had a big variety and did everything a little every day.« You explain calmly, leaving out a lot of things for now and just giving out useful and light stuff. Gaz glances at you while eating his own meal, listening quietly to the conversation between you two.
»Everythin'? What was everythin'?«
God, he's giving you no chance to eat right now, is he? »Combat, shooting, underwater training, hostage saving, medical training... oh, and our stamina.« He nearly chokes on his food while you finally take your first bite, thinking it tastes quite good. For military food, it's actually quite good, it tastes fresh and is warm- »Everyday? Every focking day?«
»Language, McTavish...« A familiar, rough voice is heard from behind him, and he quickly glances back to see his Captain. Price takes a seat beside you, facing the two other teammates.
»Sorry, did you hear what she just said? That's like- that's... that should be illegal-«
»I know, Soap.«
He interrupts him again, giving him a hard look. He's either trying to stop him from saying something that could hurt you or is just fed up for some other reason.
»I'm glad we don't have such hard training here. That's it.« Soap realises that he may have gotten too far with his reaction and tries to be more calm and himself from now on. The problem is now that it's awkward because no one talks for a solid minute or two.
»Where is Ghost?« You speak up for the first time by yourself, not able to listen to the silence around the table any longer. Price answers your question calmly, seeing no reason to keep that from you.
»He eats alone, mostly. Or does some paperwork right now.« So, no one really knows what he's doing at breaks. That's something you could have expected from someone like him.
»Do you think his mask looks cool?« Gaz chimes in and looks at you almost amused, waiting for your answer. Soaps eyes also study you now, waiting curiously on your answer. Unsure of what to say, you answer them briefly.
»I mean, it's not bad.« Gaz shoots his teammate a quick look with a small nod, telling him something without saying anything. Soap sulks a little about your response, having hoped you'd say something more positive.
»Told you...« It's very quiet from Gaz and non-threatening, but you still heard it and now feel curious about what these two jokesters are talking about. Price continues to eat his own meal as he's not fascinated by their usual antics, seeing no reason to dig deeper and find out what they're on. That is until Soap notices your confused stare and wants to clear the confusion.
»We had a bet. I thought you'd find Ghost‘s mask cool, but wha'ever.« He shrugs and now has to pay five pounds to Gaz, having officially lost the bet. You can't help it but be amused by it, seeing how they're all trying to understand you, but know absolutely nothing about you but your age and name. They probably think you're like most teenagers, thinking in stereotypes, and you choose to just watch them trying to figure you out.
»He was actually quite scary at first.« You mumble, carefully trying out talking more to them and letting them get to know you more. It's something new for you to be able to be so open and casual with new people that are much older than you. Even though Soap is about ten years older than you, it still seems a lot. It's a whole decade, either way.
»Well, yeah, Ghost has his way to scare people off. But don't take it personally, he's got a good soul.« You glance at Price saying that, reassuring you about Ghost.
What kind of name is that anyway?
»Hm, depends on how you see it. He's only friendly to people he likes. Like a cat.« Gaz shrugs, adding his opinion on Ghost. You're all lucky he's not there with you right now, considering that he would shoot death glares at everyone. You listen to them, being invested in their opinions and views on him since you know nothing about him. »But he doesn't scratch us. So, that's good.« Price jokes, probably still trying to reassure you mostly and not let you get spooked. Eventually, after some more exchanges, Soap is standing up and wants to finally show you around the base. You accept and follow him out, curious to see the whole base and not get lost from now on. He walks through the building and shows you the important parts first: showers and bunks, training rooms and halls, shooting range, going on about the storage rooms, and eventually making your way outside the base. There's a small park attached to the base, great for taking small walks.
»Wanna go for a round?«
»I don't see why not.« You can't help it but still want to add that respective 'sir' at the end of a sentence. It feels like disrespecting him, but they made it clear how open and friendly you can talk to them way earlier.
Walking besides Soap is somehow calming, not needing to talk much when he does most of the talking. »You handled the surprise attack well, yesterday. Just try to warn us before firing, though.« You nod and look away slightly embarrassed, knowing you forgot to give them a sign before doing something like that.
»Sorry, thought too quick.« »'S fine, I'm actually impressed. Were ye taught that back in yer camp?« Soap can't help but be curious and ask questions, making sure to be careful with his wording.
»Yes, kind of. It's always smarter to be meaner to the enemies, so they don't have a chance.« Soap shrugs lightly, thinking about that statement. »Well, yeah... but aggressive approach is not always the best, you know?« He eyes you for a moment, continuing to walk beside you through the small park.
»It really depends on the situation and enemy, there.« You reply back after a second of considering his words, not realising that you once again impressed him.
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a/n: came out a bit floppy, but the next part will most likely be better, pwomise :33
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fumifooms · 5 months
"Marchil? I guess I can see it on Chilchuck’s end, but what about Marcille’s? What makes you think she could develop feelings for him?" I’m glad you asked!
The first thing to note is that she does think highly of him
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In the page on the right, literally defending his virtues and literally comparing him to Dalclan. And oh…
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She does love a brooding mysterious guy who closes himself to love. But surely, Chilchuck isn’t her type at all, right? He’s not princely or knightly at all. In apperances certainly not, both looks wise and demeanor wise, but then that’s why she seeks to know him on a deeper level, to not only look shallowly.
And hmm. Chilchuck really is quite selfless isn’t he? Always looking out for others, and saving specifically her often, always making sure himself and, staying in or even running towards danger for her sometimes. Modesty is often considered heroic…
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And can we talk about that drowning one… You can definitely frame the special attention as him knowing she tends to hesitate or be clumsy, and then his insistance on pulling her out of danger that she’s the healer aka the most important to keep alive, but. From the one who says that he just keeps his ass out of fights and won’t help this is a lot of risk to take, and he does die trying to pull her to safety in the dungeon rabbits chapter. And the drowning bit??? That’s when the dungeon collapses. The only reason they DON’T die of drowning here is that the water then gives way to outside. There was NO hope of pulling her to safety here and resurrections would likely not work either, he truly preferred to die with her than try to survive himself.
Sit your ass back DOWN you are in no state, self-sacrifical hero much damn
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And Marcille definitely noticed this imo, after all she loves learning all she can about him, remembering things like how he hates waiting on people too. She pays attention to him and what he does and what he says. This to say that it’s notable, whatever reason for it you may think (though we know by this point at least she was already aware he was an adult though it wasn’t internalized), out of everyone it’s Chilchuck’s bed that she wants to sleep in during the Golden Kingdom stay. He’s safe and comforting to her: dependable, the defining trait in her view of him as is shown by the relationship chart in the Adventurer’s Bible.
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^ Lending handkerchiefs is a romance trope btw and handkerchiefs have irl history of being used for courting. Especially in old English literature and plays like Shakespeare’s Othello, and personally I do see a lot of Shakespeare in Dalclan (nobility political drama with some romance). There’s how his cowl is a dearly beloved souvenir from his family too, there’s a lot of aesthetic tropes you can apply to him.
All this to say you can 100% romanticize Chilchuck into a princely noble guy if you try and that’s exactly what Marcille does with the wife roleplay. She doesn’t need much in the first place, she latches onto crumbs and makes aesthetic narratives out of details, give her an inch she’ll take a mile.
But what’s interesting about the shift throughout the arc of her and his relationship is that she starts out idealizing him into a little angel of a kid (shapeshifter), and she ends it idealizing him as a virtuous husband and family man instead.
And what’s doubly interesting is that in the former, she’s actively warping who he is personality and demeanor wise to fit the aesthetic, he doesn’t have that bitter pride of not asking for help and the edges have been smoothened. But what she does during the wife roleplay is something else, she acknowledges the flaws and just… Accepts them, rolls with them. She’s aware of his flaws and implements them into the narrative, but the reason why his wife left doesn’t capitalize on them even, rather Chil is chilblivious and his wife loves him very much still, she’s just testing him after having had a night of feeling out of place at his side.
And this is what separates the idealization vs romanticization, she’s not twisting him into someone else she’s just uplifting what he is and focusing on the good sides.
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Marcille: "he has a shitty personality sometimes but if he was my husband I’d still cherish him" "If I were your wife I’d be overjoyed to go out with you and would get myself prettied up while you complain about me taking a long time, your friends would tell me that I’m nice and that’d make me happy, but I’d also be sad because you wouldn’t tell me that you love me enough"
He’s angry and his wife left him, he’s *flawed*, but he’s still worth hyping up, still worth having his own romance story, still has a shot of winning back his beloved. She sees him for what he is, human and real and not a carefully scripted character that fits an aesthetic, and she thinks it’s still worthy of love and admiration and fighting for
And what’s funny too is that you might expect her to cool down on him once she learns more about him but actually she only gets increasingly into his business. You tell her your age and next thing you know you promise to introduce her to your family. Give her an inch she takes a mile. And too the thing is, Senshi is equally mysterious but she doesn’t pester him like at all, asks him ONCE about his succubus and he doesn’t even answer and that’s like… It. With Chilchuck it starts off innocently enough with her wanting to know his age, hometown, the stuff she mentions having asked pre-canon. But it just keeps and keeps going and escalating. Think she’ll be satisfied now knowing you have a wife and kids, maybe she’s disillusioned now? Wrong! She wants to know their names and ages and occupations and hey how did you propose to your wife? Do you think she’ll stop after meeting them? What’s next? What will she want to know next????
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She’s… Like it’s not a reach that Marcille is all over him. Like it doesn’t mean it’s romantic but she just is. She is not normal about him idk. Can you not ask him about what tongue technique he used when first kissing his wife, give the man breathing room
Marcille could literally go "if I was Chilchuck’s wife" having deeply pondered and thought out the hypothetical and people would still ask where anyone sees any romantic potential between them. Oh wait
There’s a platonic explanation for everything (almost?) in Dungeon Meshi don’t say I’m saying otherwise, but it’s definitely not like there’s nothing here to read into lol
Going off a bit more under read bc it’s my fave topic
Marcille has a whole theme with the charming prince trope with her idealization and storybook motif and Chil is kinda the "Well someone perfect like that isn’t very realistic and romance is usually more complex and that’s ok and good and flawed people can still be ✨virtuous✨" catalyst
Do you see do you see she starts canon thinking the most romantic thing is a prince charming but her arc in the end has her romanticizing an average, flawed, real and realistic family man, who’s on the poorer side and is on the verge of divorce. And that’s what he needed, too, seeing the positive of himself and the situation instead of focusing on the negative is explicitly what inspires him to hope that he might be able to reconcile with his wife, gives him the courage and self-esteem to shoot his shot.
He IS a prince figure instead that now it’s not about idealizing the grand and overt it’s about romanticizing the small things in real life!! About finding joy and beauty in things that seem normal or mundane and uplifting them to make the world feel kinder!!!!
He’s the devoted virtuous man that she wantsss not the storybook prince that’s unrealistic and could crumble like a script at any time. He’s the perfect example of a flawed realistic but virtuous & devoted & loving man. Far from a prince charming, but not fully detached from it either. Something worth fighting for despite the flawed cracks. Like literally, flawed romance being worth fighting for is literally the finale of Chilchuck and Marcille’s arc on the matter, where their separate arcs and issues intersect at the most crucial moment.
Marcille is important to Chil’s arc not only because of her optimism, but also because of her interest and knowledge in romance & matters of the heart, and that’s what he needs to both open his heart up to hope and to try to reconcile with his wife, like idk sounds gay
Their arc together is literally learning to 1) see each other for how they are and not undermining their qualities capacities etc etc while still not leaving flaws unchecked either and 2) opening up to people. Marcille LITERALLY makes Chil open his heart up to hope like idk man. What do you want from me. He’s literally the guy helping her through deconstructing novels and fantasy and rose tinted glasses and like. Deconstructing the prince charming figure into something more real but still romantically beautiful like KUI KUI STOOOOP STOP I’M ALREADY HOOKED I’M ALREADY-
 Ok fine that’s me reading into the tropes too much forgive me for being storybook brained but like. Speaking his heart out to a lone woman on a balcony, Romeo and Juliette shit, asking if she, too, doesn’t want to meet his family, madly blushing. And like she’s learned with Chilchuck it’s all in the little things, all the implications he cannot speak aloud. She does reciprocate, does blush madly back, and the first thing she does is shower him in flowers and jewelry and what in her heart is coded as romantic gifts
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A lady, stashed away in a high tower by her lonesome, waiting for someone to call out to her from below… Romeo courting type shit with an offer, a heartfelt spiel, implicit confession from underneath her balcony. Offering him flowers because he succeeded in calling out to her heart…….. And they have to climb to her too…. Crazy
Doesn’t it sound like a proposal. One that’s both so storybook-like and not, contrastedly real and grounded, all about the implications rather than in your face grand gestures, "Don’t you want to meet my family?". They literally have an arc about the topic of romance and this is the climax/pinnacle of it like god?? This is @ the woman who said "Chilchuck is a shy/bashful man so I know he wouldn’t tell me he loves me, but…" btw
And the way that this is the culmination of their arc together… Like people are not ready for the ‘Chil calling out to dunlord Marcille on the balcony has Romeo and Juliette romance novels imagery’ take. Or the ‘their arc is about growing to see beauty even in the non-idealized, in the flawed and in the real’ take which makes it so so perfect if she were to lower her ideal from a charming elven prince to a virtuous halfling man (which she does end up romanticizing)
So there, you got to witness in real time what happens when I think about marchil for longer than 2 minutes, there are so many layers it’s a deranged rabbithole. I saw the necronomicon of subtext and it’s driving me to madness with forbidden knowledge that no one else sees
……. Like what if I told you she implicitly picked Chilchuck over a "unrealistic prince charming who’s actually disingenuous" much earlier in the story already. If she was given the choice to think through going with a guy that seems perfect and chivalrous like her succubus she’d pick Chilchuck over the other actually. If I sound insane rn tune in for my full analysis on them coming this month hopefully thank youu. Interwoven arcs of fantasy vs reality and idealization vs pessimism I love youuu
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So now you know the general thesis of my planned analysis about the importance of the prince charming figure in Marcille and Chilchuck’s arc, where she romanticizes things to a sometimes worrying degree or idealize people into something easy and digestible and poetic (like Chil being a kid, and then him being a virtuous ✨✨✨husband), and how she needs to value aesthetics less and actual acts and facts more, be more grounded (like seeing people for what they are flaws and all, and accepting that people need money and not pulling through on principles of honor or unity shouldn’t get Namari shamed) and a part of that is accepting that Chilchuck is BOTH flawed and virtuous, a loving husband that still has shitty moods and fumbled his marriage so bad etc etc. So it’s like, her image of perfect prince charming that will whisk you away on an ethereal romance -> realistic flawed middle aged dad with personality issues and a failing marriage but he still is worthy of love and having his cute grand romance story and his happy ending. Ik I keep repeating the same point through this but I need it to be burned into everyone’s brains it has its grip on me I can’t do this. They are so special……
#Someone did ask (on discord) btw i’m not just being a smartass though I do love being that too#This is stuff I cover in my upcoming marcille & chil arc analysis except here I can go full romo and don’t keep the strictly platonic angle#It’s at like 15k words rn I think. The 30 pics limit is killing me which is why I started asking my friend to do collages of panels for me#Sob#I keep alternating between it and the Falin analysis save me. Should be dropping soon idk i might test out having a beta reader for that on#Marchil foreplay is 2 years of being coworkers and slowly worming personal questions out of him until he blinks and she has#a key to his house#Dungeon meshi#marchil#marcille donato#chilchuck tims#like they’re so so funny look at this shit. Nonconsensual romanticizing of you as a person. Obsessive interest in your personal life#She’s latched so hard onto the “mystery” of him they’re deranged#MAYBE ITS ALL COMPROMISES MAYBE ITS ALL SWEET INBETWEENS <3#maybe we'll take our vision of what we thought we could be and make something new together. something for just us#Fumi rambles#Maaan Marcille’s ‘idealizing him into liking him even for all his flaws bc his personality is often kinda shitty’ arc’#and Chilchuck’s ‘prejudice against elves and mages and optimism into respect and trust’ arc are everything to me#Meta#Spoilers#Dungeon meshi manga spoilers#Tagged this so late oops#It’s so funny. She’s canonically wondered how Chil would be like as a lover#No no but like do u see. Fantasy is a key part of her chrcter and arc and he’s the foil to that he’s the thing that comes challenge it
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skeletood · 1 year
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These are old as hell but I have a lot of thoughts about the dynamic of these two. :]
This isn't ship art.
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nyxi-pixie · 1 month
fake ass queers you dont even WANT to rearrange the traditional understanding of relationships
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Fuck all this gushy angst bs
Give me your most sloppiest and sweetest fluff fic of Apoclypse yuu x music club members
Yuus pronouns are he/him, so lady's for the love of God, just keep scrolling
Characters: kalim, lilia, cater, grim, you
Warnings: no real warning but there are a few lines about post-apocalyptic poverty and one line with some intrusive thoughts soooo...do with that as you please
Damn shawty these blankets are SOFT
About a week ago, lilia had approached you with a piece of paper with a room number on it, saying how you should stop by sometime after school.
He said nothing when you asked what it was for, making an exaggerated turn on his heel that looks more like a playful twirl, and left to wherever he came.
You hadn't had much of a reaction at the time. Only blinking in a confusion and putting the paper in your pocket, saying you'd deal with it later.
Later turned out to be earlier this morning, as that's when you finally remembered the exchange happening after putting your hands in your coat pockets and feeling something there.
You knew the way to the room, the school had signs all over the place for how to get to which hall or which office or whatever room you'd be looking for. So you could get there just fine.
That wasn't the problem.
The problem is, do you want to go. What would happen if you do go.
The thought if this potentially ending in blood only crossed your mind for a brief minute before you quickly dismissed it.
Over the past- was it seven months now? You had come to trust lilia the most.
He would never hurt you.
And you believed that with every fiber of your being.
So, with a leap of faith, and a bit if tuna to convince grim, the two of you found yourselves walking down the hall, reading the panels beside each door, trying to locate the right room number.
The door is unlocked when you find it, the lights however are off.
You hesitated. Could you still go in? Lilia gave you the right room number right?
You checked the paper and the panel again. Yup. The numbers matched.
You slowly put your hand on the door handle and took a deep breath. Lilia gave you the paper. He invited you here. You can go in if the lights are off.
The door creaked open and you stuck you head inside, you could vaguely make out a drum set and some microphone stands from the light in the hallways, but nothing beyond that.
Grim was standing right behind you, saying how maybe you should turn around and head back.
You ignored him.
It was just a room. A music room too, it looked like.
You smiled.
There was never any real music in the tunnles. Only a light humming here and there, and the ever so rare old funeral song.
Nothing like this.
You had only gotten to enjoy people singing their hearts out and banging on drums and pouring out their very souls when you got transported here.
And you loved it. You were atrocious at making it, but by God, you loved it.
So instead if listening to Grims words of caution, you stepped into the room, the opened door letting more light in.
There was no reason to be afraid right now.
You were so done with being afraid.
With the extra light, you could see some guitars hanging on the back wall, and some other smaller instruments here and there, but what really caught your attention was what was in the middle of the room.
An array of soft pillows, fluffy looking blankets, and plush cushions were all place together in one big, messy pile.
It looked...comfortable.
Apparently, Grim thought so too, as he ran toward it and flopped down without hesitation.
And if you, albeit a little less dramatic, did the same? Well.
That was really no one else's business, now was it?
Now, from the door? The blankets looked comfortable. From up close? Everything looked so warm and so, so inviting.
But from here? Buried under a good four and half blankets with differently shaped pillows and cushions all around you?
Oh my God.
I mean really, this was getting a little ridiculous, don't you think? To just have this many, obviously expensive, items just...lying here, in the middle of a music room.
You moved a hand to feel underneath you. Ah, there was a giant, padded cushion (?) thing under the pile of heaven.
And it was warm.
Luxury. This was luxury. You could tell. Even if it turns out not to be for the regular students, it definitely was for you.
To go from spending your days in a cold, mold ridden, leaky, death bringing tunnle, to this?
You thanked your lucky God damn stars, that's for damn sure.
You could only pray that the others find themselves in a simular situation. Maybe to this world, or the next, but even if it has just some semblance of peace, you hoped they could find a life worth living there.
(....but why you? Really, you didn't deser-)
You shook your head. If you were going to have those thoughts again, you'll have them later.
Now was not the time.
Grim decided it was definitely not the time, as his snores and sleep talking, mostly about food, started to fill the previously silent room, muffled slightly from the pillow he had stuffed his face in.
You smiled. You were...you weren't exactly happy. That you could tell. There was no childish sense of glee that you lived your life in.
But you were content.
So, so content.
And so, so warm.
You could vaguely here the door creaked open and a completely unsurprised "oho?", but you paid it no mind.
You were tired.
So, with once last smile, you closed your eyes, and drifted off into a well deserved sleep, you know, from all the bullshit you put up with from ADeuce.
When you woke up, it was to the blankets being shifted, and something warm laying right beside you, something way too big to be grim.
Your eyes shot open, and you could feel the beginnings of an adrenaline rush that was way too familiar.
Only for it to calm down immediately after you caught a glimpse of brown skin that contrasted with stark white hair, which was...in a beanie?
Your shoulders dropped, although you confusion rised. When did Kalim get here? And where was his turban thing? Did he lose it.
Also, how long was he there for? Must have been long, because he was currently knocked out and rolled up into what Trey had once described as a "blanket burrito".
It looked comfortable. You wanted to do that.
Also.... who turned on the lights?
You slowly emerged from your own little blanket cocoon like the world's most confused butterfly. You blinked. Once, twice, thrice.
Cater was on the couch (since when was there a couch in here?) eating what looked like were some kind of chips, while talking to lilia in a voice just barely above a whisper. And lilia...
Lilia looking a little different these days huh.
Looking a Lilia Vanrouge, the first words that should pop into someone's head should be "Victorian, Vintage, Regal, hell maybe even Elegant", they should not be "early 2000's punk-pop emo garage band".
You can't say you meant to let that little sound out, but you think it conveyed your absolute confusion better than any proper conversation ever could.
Caters head snapped towards you while Lilia calmly turned and smiled, like he wasn't surprised in the least that you had come back to the world of the living.
Ok then.
You brought the closest blanket to you up to your shoulders in a pathetic effort to regain the comforting warmth that you'd been engulfed in just moments earlier. It worked just enough to get you to not do much else about it.
Cater slowly got up from the couch and started making his way to a large, see through tub, which you could see bags of the same chip brand that he was munching on earlier.
Cater looked back to you, and with a soft voice, probably to not wake up kalim, he asked, "Hey yuu, what kind of snacks do you want? We have chips but I can get you candy if you want something sweeter".
Cater was considerate like that, when it came to food at least. Probably steming from his own hatred of sweet things.
("Hatred..is a bit of a strong word yuu...", cater had said with a sheepish expression, holding his phone barely beneath his eye and looking off to the side.
"Ok, but is it the right word?"
He didn't say anything. You knew his answer either way.)
You let out a little smile and quietly told him your preferred snack, which he tossed you with the accuracy of someone who had who had to grow up with two sisters who liked to throw absolutely everything.
You know this because he liked to complain about those two a lot. Although, you get the feeling that something else is going on that he's not telling you. Weird.
Your mind flashed to a little girl that you used to feed and play with after her father died. She never had a mother.
...She would have loved this.
"Hm? What are you thinking about?"
You jumped and whirled around to face the old ass fae that you had opened up to all those months ago, who was floating upside down like it was the most normal thing to do on a Friday evening.
Despite being the only one who you trusted with your life, Lilia loved scaring the shit out of you.
You guess it wouldn't be the same if he hadn't. You honestly don't think you would've made it this far if he started treating you like you were something breakable after that. You could only be grateful that that's not what happened after all.
Lilia let out a mischievous little giggle like the gremlin he was, and gently lowered his head down on a cushion before dramatic flopping down on the mountain of blankets. Which somehow seemed to have gotten bigger.
You looked around.
Yeah no, they definitely got bigger. You could barely make out a small lump around the same spot where grim was.
Damn, must be nice.
You heard a small shuffle next to you. Ah, Kalim must be waking up.
Looking back at the boy you woke up next to, you saw him with his face stuffed into a pillow, with his limbs going in every which way and sticking out in some areas like a particularly confused spider, making a noise that sounded like someone desperately gasping for air. Still knocked out cold despite everything.
...or not.
Uh...he won't mind if you just...
You nudge his face a bit to the side, no doubt making preparations for a massive crick in the neck, but hey, at least he's getting proper air flow now.
Cater let out a snort, which had you looking up and cater trying to cover up with the fakest cough you've ever heard in your life.
Aww. He's embarrassed. Loser.
Lilia rolled around from his spot on the floor, sitting up and scooting closer to you. You raised a brow. Did he need somethi- oh.
You swatted his hand away from your food. Now, usually you'd just let him take whatever he wanted, you let all your friends have some of your food if they wanted it. Except ace. He would just snatch the whole bag and run with it.
But you could clearly see the five, very much empty chip and candy bags on his side of the couch when you woke up, so you decided that he could chill a little.
He still pouted, which probably would've made you give in if said pout wasn't so obviously fake.
To make a point, you took out one of the bigger chips and gave it to Cater, who had made his way to the blanket fortress and was now sitting right behind a sleeping Kalim.
Cater happily took the chips and Lilia looked the most offended you'd ever seen thus far.
You just shot an innocent smile in his direction, knowing that everybody here knew you knew what you did.
The start of what woould have been a playful argument was cutoff, however, when Kalim made a sound that could only be described as something out of a rejected layer of hell.
Three heads snapped to his direction. All wondering what the fuck he was made out of to be able to produce a sound like that.
You have never heard a man sound so much like a rapid squirl trying desperately to devour a full size walnut.
Lord help him.
A crunch came from right behind you.
You kept your head trained on the sleeping gremlin, slowly growing a larger amount if pity for Jamil by the second, knowing that if you even took a glance towards lilia and his snack stealing ass, he would win. He would win the non-existent competition that youve just established in your head!
And you couldn't have that now could you?
So here you were. Staring at a now drooling Kalim that looked like he could go into both cardiac arrest and a really good drug-trip at the same time.
A truly disturbing sight.
You could feel Caters gaze burn between the two of you, you didn't dare look, less you be greeting with a dead stare that somehow still had enough life in it for you to recognized that, ah yes, this is the face that people make when they see a white van full of candy.
Kailm. Kalim what the fuck.
You looked down, maybe you should readjust him, or wake him up or somethi- WHAT ARE HIS EYES OPEN?!
Kalim Al-Asims eyes were glossed over, letting you know that he was still asleep. You could hear what sounded like psychopathic giggling behind you, letting you know that Lilia was loosing his shit.
Cater shooted up towards you, phone in hand, being held out in front of him like the world's most dangerous weapon.
Quietly, while putting as much space between his club-mate and him as possible, while his phone was right the fuck up there, Cater pressed record.
You could only imagine what kind of emotions that video would invoke. Kalim Al-Asim, house warden, heir to a big ass legacy and bigger asset company, everyone's resident little ray of sunshine, looking into a camera with a dead stare, drooling, and making sounds that you'd image came out of the devil, while hearing the giggles manic giggles of a widely feared fae in the background.
Cater pressed stop and didn't dare rewatch it. Only scrolling to what you just knew would be Jamils phone number.
Oh. Bless him.
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doubledyke · 2 months
it was all a ruse 😂 and i knew that. i guess i was just hoping against hope lmao
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delimeful · 8 months
same anon as the roman and virgil bonding ask: depending on how close virgil and roman get after this, there’s a decent chance their gonna have “wake up sleepyhead!!” vine moment
im imagining a friend of roman's sneaking onboard to surprise him after not having seen him for a while and yeah it basically would go just like the vine except the gasp and shocked laughter at the end would be a scream of mortal terror
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grapecaseschoices · 9 months
things i'd like from bg4 or any similar future games
I think BG3 is very detailed; but I would really like it if the backgrounds had mattered more. Or at least for every one. I heard if you're a drow/half-drow noble you get special dialogue with Minthara. But why didn't my Folk Hero!Tav with Wyll [or just in general?] Or my Outlander!Tav with Karlach? I love that your character gets special interaction with all and sundry, at times, re: class and race. But backgrounds make a charcacter. I don't need details. Just a bit of a nod. At least within the camp.
This brings me to point two. I wish there was a way to get friendship points. It is so strange the characters can be 'meh' about you, dislike you [and strongly], but high to exceptional bonds trigger romance. What about close friendships or growing into a family?
Speaking of, I definitely would have love some down time chatter. It is so strange to me that you get a 'this could be our last time in camp' but don't do anything with it. I appreciate the tiefling [or goblin] party. I love the idle banter on the road. But why not a couple of casual fireside chats. As a group?
I love Halsin but the fact that he is the only one we can have a polyamorous dynamic with, is bull. I'm fine with not every character being into polyam -- but maybe research more before diving into it. I am 90% sure Wyll would've been okay with Polyam - a triad too! - if it was Halsin or Astarion [maybe with Lae'zel but I have to play further to be sure]. I could see Astarion and Shadowheart swinging a 'v' dynamic, and being the best [or worst for Tav's sanity] of metamours! Maybe it would have been a hassle for coding to fit every configuration, but we deserved at least a COUPLE of Tav x Origin x Origin loving.
Also, I think we should have been able to encourage - or maybe it could have happened sans MC involvement - the npcs getting together.
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zukkaoru · 2 years
grace would u care to share more about what u think the tsumikirara dynamic is like 🎤 (ur a visionary btw)
(manga spoilers under cut)
YES okay so. i think what's most important to me at the core is that they help each other grow. tsumiki teaches kirara about makeup and other girly things, she invites kirara to slumber parties and spa nights with her friends, she gives a kirara a chance to just be a normal girl, which is something kirara never got since they started transitioning after transferring to jujutsu high. and in turn, kirara helps tsumiki see that she doesn't need to be the Perfect Golden Child. she doesn't need to be megumi's perfect role model, or the straight-a student who has never done anything wrong in her life. she's allowed to be a person just as much as kirara is, just as much as megumi and gojo are. and they also help tsumiki falsely see that being a sorcerer doesn't have to be as tragic as megumi and gojo seem to think it is. sorcerers can still have meaningful relationships, and it isn't always doom and gloom - because kirara is happy when they're with tsumiki. and of course, there's still the underlying knowledge that sorcerers tend to die early deaths and the higher ups don't like kirara because of their technique, but kirara is quite a bit more optimistic about everything than gojo and megumi are, and at least for a little while, both kirara and tsumiki believe they can be happy together.
i imagine gojo introduces them either in kirara's first or second year bc either they want to learn how to do makeup and gojo's like i know just the person!! or gojo just. senses that kirara is wanting more friends who are girls bc kirara's never really had any friends who are girls before so he's like hmmmm i happen to know a girl who is about kirara's age!
so anyway gojo introduces them and they really hit it off. they both like stars/outer space and it's nice for kirara to have a friend who isn't a sorcerer and is just a normal girl and tsumiki is excited to have a friend who is a sorcerer bc megumi and gojo are both pretty tight-lipped about sorcerer stuff around her (bc they don't want to worry her.. it's not exactly working) and originally, my thoughts were "and then they become best friends ❤️" but the sapphic rarepair enthusiast that lives in my mind was like ".......but what if they kissed about it? 👀" so. i think they should kiss. and no one really knows they're dating and they don't exactly put a label on it but like.. the feelings are There. megumi is Not a Fan and he pretends it's because he's not a fan of kirara but the truth is he doesn't want tsumiki involved in jujutsu society any more than she has to be bc he doesn't want her getting hurt. but he knows they're dating-not-dating and hakari also knows and they're. the only ones.
canon compliant tsumikirara would be tragic bc. what relationship isn't tragic in jjk? i imagine kirara is one of like. three people who visits tsumiki while she's in a coma. megumi of course visits her all the time, gojo does sparingly bc he feels guilty when he doesn't but he also feels guilty when he does. kirara tries to visit as regularly as they can and talks to her about everything that's happening and what she's missing out on etc, etc,, and they visit tsumiki one last time before they and hakari leave jujutsu high and apologize for leaving - they don't regret leaving jujutsu high but they regret that they'll have to leave tsumiki too. they reunite after "tsumiki" wakes up, and kirara can kinda tell something is Off, but they write it off as the fact that it's been over a year and a half since they've Actually spoken to each other and the fact that the world is in shambles and the fact that they're dating hakari now so like.. Awkward, right? it's supposed to be awkward? this is normal yeah this is normal everything is fine--
BUT! then there's the potential for non-canon compliance and this is where things get fun. this is where i take all the jjk characters and make them barbie dolls with which i play out a soap opera sitcom.
SO in an au where the culling games never happen (maybe shibuya never happens also) and tsumiki wakes up from her coma as herself, there's an adjustment period bc kirara is dating hakari but like.. they never truly got over tsumiki and both them and hakari know that. tsumiki thinks kirara has moved on and is sad but also like yeah that's fair i was in a coma for a while i can't blame them. but eventually they work out the fact that kirara has two hands and then hakari and tsumiki end up being besties too so tsumikirara and hakira can co-exist ❤️
megumi hates this. so much. solely because of all people, hakari is involved. it's very important to me that hakari thinks megumi is the cringest person to ever walk the earth and also he thinks tsumiki is the coolest. this is true in every universe; i know it in my heart. also it's so funny and jjk is a comedy if i play pretend hard enough. so megumi and hakari have the dynamic of that one scene in gravity falls where dipper and robbie glare at each other while wendy's back is turned but the Moment she looks at them, they pretend they're besties. that is megumi and hakari. they will throw punches when tsumiki isn't looking but as soon as her eyes are on them, they're best friends who enjoy each other's company very much thank you :)
anyway at the end of the day tsumiki and kirara are just two girls (gender neutral) who look at the stars together and help each other grow and even if the ending is tragic, for a little while, they made each other happy. for a little while, they were twinkling stars illuminating each other's worlds
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minotaur-asterion · 8 months
Oh, I’d love to see the knife fight with your versions of them OwO
I’m really happy with how this turned out actually
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rensart617 · 2 years
"Sono così orgoglioso di te, novizia." (Lit. I am so proud of you, novice.)
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This was not intended to become an Assassin's Creed fanart! 🤣 I have Ezio on my mind after a rp that involves another oc completing her training as a assassin and Ezio, being the best big brother/father figure in my eyes, congratulating her in the only way he knows how.
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kuromi-hoemie · 9 months
i think it should be completely normal and encouraged to tell people you love them if you love them, and to say when you're in love with them when you are.
i don't want to say ily i want to say i love you because I Do, i am simply not in love with you. ykwim
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winter break
Hermann has never met Newton’s family. But after a falling out with his own father and a month’s holiday looming on the horizon, that’s about to change.
Tackled yet another prompt while my students were doing their free writing. Not sure why I chose the holiday season when it’s nearly the middle of May, but here we are~ Possibly from the same universe as Nelson’s Lake. 1.331 words.
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"I’m just saying- You haven't met my family." Hermann feels his expression quirk into that familiar doubt that Newton seems to so easily trigger, activated this time by the truly ominous tone said biologist had chosen to employ. Prone to theatrics, a perfect countermeasure to Hermann's ceaseless criticisms. "Newton, I'm certain that your father and uncle are perfectly decent people." After all, nothing could be worse than- Well. He didn't warrant any more of Hermann's time. Newton's eyes had turned to study Hermann's, peripherals still keeping firmly to the road beyond the spider-webbed fractures of the windshield. "See, you say that now, but you don't know them like I do, Herms. They're-" Newton's focus turns fully back to the road, right hand lifting in a vague gesture that, in Geiszlerian Interpretation, roughly translates to: It's a complicated matter, and I'm not going to waste time trying to explain every minute detail proving exactly why it's complicated. Hermann's unsure when exactly he became fluent.
Unwilling to continue with this particular tirade, and most definitely wanting to avoid a discourse that would eventually leave them both frustrated, he offers his own form of a truce. "Every family is complicated. But for you to care for them this much, I'm certain they're good people."
Newton doesn't react at first, but then comes a jerking smile, a quick glance towards the passenger seat, and Hermann knows the compliment- I trust your judgement.- was picked up after all. For a few moments, the conversation wanes, the only sounds coming from the balding tires on neglected tar-patched asphalt, the slight squeak of the serpentine belt, and the nearly silent hum of a J-Rock CD Mako had gifted Newton five years ago. It's... surprisingly peaceful. In another life, in another time, another place- Hermann would have flinched away from the very idea. Joining his best friend- and God help him if Newton ever heard him admit it- for holiday instead of returning home, neglecting his familial obligations? Inconceivable. Inexcusable. Batshit insane, as Newton would say. But after the recent fallout with Lars, Hermann had absolutely no desire to return home for the winter holiday. Frankly, he had no desire to ever return to that place. And then Newton- wild, spontaneous, caring Newton- had not-so-casually mentioned a spare bedroom, an offer that Hermann hadn't thought twice about accepting. Clearly, the other was rubbing off on him. For their part, both Jacob and Illia were allegedly delighted to have Newton's part-time colleague, full-time flatmate joining them, leaving Newton to run reconnaissance back-and-forth between his family and his- frankly, bemused- friend about allergies, traditions, and- worryingly; Hermann recalled several truly alarming Hanukkah jumpers hidden deep in the photos of Newton's Facebook- favorite colors. Several times, he had nearly reconsidered, awash with a familiar anxiousness which followed him whenever meeting new people, particularly those of some level of authority. But thoughts of his father filled him with a nauseating sense of ill-will, and he knew that, should he submit to Bastian's pleading emails and Karla's angered texts, a small war would be fought on the home front. No, for everyone's sake, it was best to avoid darkening Lars' doorway this season. It's begun flurrying. Newton curses under his breath as he starts the wipers, lips twisting into something resembling displeasure as he switches on the headlights. Hermann feels a small smile. He misses the snow, remembers when, not so long ago, drifts left from late November would cling to the landscape through mid-February, each winter bringing him a whole new world to explore, to study, to catalogue, to master in that way in which only children can. These days, winter was warm, a small blessing as his muscles despised the cold weather. But a small, whimsical part of him still misses the snow- its crisp, polished gleam as sunlight dances above and below, the world frozen in a space beyond Time, beyond beauty. "Ya know, when I was a kid, I used to stand out on our back porch every time we got snow. I'd spend forever just staring up at the sky, pretending I was flyin' through the Milky Way. Onkel Illia used to get so mad at me for it cause I'd get sick every frickin' time." Hermann smiles fully at the image. "I'm sure you were a terror." Newton snickers, not denying the accusation. "What do ya mean 'were?' Still am, dude." Hermann feigns a put-upon sigh. "A fact I am intimately familiar with, alas." "'Alas,' he says, like he fell out of some 19th century novel." Hermann gives his driver a mildly irritated scowl. "Must we rehash such a ridiculous argument, Geiszler?" Newton smirks, eyes practically sparkling in mischievous intent. Hermann finds himself rolling his own, exasperation not so exaggerated at this juncture. "Please, whatever it is you are thinking of, do not. The last impression I want to make is-" Newton's expression falls into something less menacing, almost... sincere. "Dude, you don't have to worry, alright? I promise Dad and Illia already love you. There's literally nothing you could do to change that." Hermann frowns, nearly scoffs in disbelief. "Be sensible, Newton. You can't love someone you've not even spoken to." Newton offers one of his half-shrugs- a gesture that mimics a consideration for Hermann's words, but one that indicates that Newton is fully confident in his own stance and isn't truly absorbing what the other is trying to say. "Like I said earlier, Herms: you haven't met my family." That- That is reasonable. Newton is, after all, drawing his conclusions from nearly 30 years worth of data, and Hermann- He cuts those thoughts off immediately, determined to find familiar footing. "And not even 10 moments ago, you were lamenting how overwhelming they can be." Newton shoots him a grin. "What can I say, Herms? I contain multitudes." The remainder of the car ride is relatively quiet, Hermann and Newton both taking turns to point out the various houses with holiday themed decor- some beyond garish, others beyond excessive, and in the case of one pink house with an astonishing amount of plastic flamingos out front, both. Americans, Hermann thinks to himself, distracted by the way Newton's begun tapping out a frantic rhythm against the steering wheel, buzzing with excited energy. For Newton, this is a homecoming. There may come squabbling and disagreements over snack foods and bickering over who used the last of the hot water, but it would be from a place of unconditional love, foundations only strengthened as the years progressed, the bond only growing fonder. And now, pulling into the drive of a mostly nondescript house- apart from the nearly four-meters-tall Godzilla replica bedazzled in holiday lights and a Santa hat- Hermann finds himself almost envious. An envy that is soon forgotten- lost, abandoned- somewhere between Jacob's engulfing hugs and Illia's quiet asides and Newton's endless ribbing. He's surprised at how easily he is pulled into the fold, barely has a moment to wonder at how fluidly he is woven into conversation. Hours, and one long dinner, later, and Illia has dragged him into a particularly heated debate about their favorite Fußball clubs, a debate which has earned the mockery of both other Geiszlers, a not-so-polite gesture from a slightly tipsy Hermann directed to a certain other (now allegedly affronted) professor, a warm laugh from his host, and a bright grin from his debate partner. Soon after, Illia is rising, kitchen-bound in the perilous quest for more drinks. Hermann takes the lull as an opportunity to check his phone. He's missed several texts from each of his siblings, multiple calls from his father, and there is a blinking red light not-so-kindly informing him that he has several voicemails waiting to be heard. For a moment, he nearly submits to his sense of duty, but it's aborted immediately. In a frankly Geiszler-esque gesture, Hermann tosses his phone away to the furthest recesses of the sectional and starts in on another snickerdoodle. Lars' lecture can wait til morning.
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Thanks for reading!
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star--anon · 10 months
How do you tell when you talk about traditionally romantic things in a platonic context way too much?
Are there any ways to tell that I talk too much about platonic relationships?
Because I just got kicked out of a server for “fetishizing friendships and aromantics” and I’m wondering if maybe that could be a sign?
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nitroish · 2 years
sorry if this is in bad taste but the wording of your last post makes it seem like someone thought u and quirkle were both link irl and were upset at the idea of two real life people dating which is hysterical to me
anon you quite literally hit the nail on the head. they saw me go by legend, saw me call quirks my partner, and called our Real Life Relationship ( that is ENTIRELY Platonic by the way !!!! ) linkcest. it blew my fucking mind.
its hysterical tho ur right. moving from the fact quirks and i arent even Dating nor are we romantic and therefor cant be considered linkcest by default, can you imagine their reaction to my two partners that i Do kiss gayly? my boyfriend and my partner that i Do kiss ??? woof . they called the wrong relationship i have linkcest if they want to be loud and weird about me being Gay and kissing someone behind a dennys
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