#stuck in naruto hell
cupajoscafe · 5 months
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commission for my friend of his oc and keeb >:3c check out the full thing on my tweeter
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umbraria · 8 months
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junk-heart · 11 months
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He must be jAsHiNg
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missingn000 · 1 year
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hanahaki270 · 3 months
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ “You Belong to Me” ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
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・❥・ Synopsis ・❥・ Having an Uchiha as an ex doesn’t mean anything. Once you’ve managed to make them fall for you, you’re basically stuck with them for eternity.
・❥・ Pairing ・❥・ Sasuke x Fem!reader
・❥・ A/N ・❥・ I finally decided to continue watching shippuden after having it on pause for 5 years.. yeahhh so I’m having a huge obsession with it rn. Also please feel free to send prompt requests for me to write! And I feel like I definitely could have written this out better but I was in a rush and stressed out about Job interviews so mb
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You finally gathered the courage within you to end your relationship with Sasuke. This wasn’t an easy decision. In fact it was tearing you apart. You still loved him. But the differences between your priorities and his were far too different to the point where they were conflicting with each other.
You might as well have been talking to a wall that day with how blank his expression was after you just announced how you were breaking up with him. The loud silence was killing you inside, does he not care at all?
-You wanting to break up with him was like a jab at his ego. The Sasuke Uchiha. The last prodigy of his clan and you wanted to leave him? Though this enraged him, he refused to let you know it. He couldn’t let you have the satisfaction of knowing that this actually affected him.
-After you left the apartment he started to completely trash the place. Everything in it was obliterated into nothingness. But as soon as he went out in public he acted completely fine as if nothing happened.
-Anytime you were around he would make sure you saw him with other girls. He wanted to show you that he could be with anybody he desired without a problem, at any given second. Show you that you weren’t nothing special to him.
-He was lying. Because as soon as you left his vision he treated the girls like shit and pushed them aside after they served their purpose in making you jealous.
-He tried to sleep with random women in the village to further prove that he didn’t need you. (He was really just trying to convince himself) but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. None of them even compared to your beauty. Even the thought of another person lying on the bed you two once shared disgusted him.
-After weeks of this even Sasuke couldn’t believe his own facade. He craved you. He craved your smile, your laughter, Your touch. And is willing to do whatever it takes to remind you that you belong with him.
-He sucked up his pride and begged Naruto to send you two on missions together. So you’d be basically forced to talk to each other . (Naruto uses this against him every now and then)
-During one of the missions, one of your comrades decide to get a little touchy with you. You pay this no mind since you have no interest in the guy, but Sasuke definitely notices it. What’s a worthless ninja doing talking to what’s his?
-A couple of days after that mission, the scenario of another man getting that close to you haunted Sasuke day and night. There’s no way in hell you’d ever willingly decide to be with any other man but him. Right? He needed the reassurance and he needed it now.
-It was 4 am when you opened the door to your apartment after you were awoken by loud desperate banging on the door just to be faced with your ex. He invited himself in, closing the door behind him as he slowly crept towards you.
-He reached for your hand and held it in his, as he focused on you as if there was nothing else in this world. You could tell he developed dark circles since the last time you saw him.
“The day we got together was the day I chose you to be the one I repopulate my clan with. The only one worthy of the surname Uchiha. You’re mine and I’m yours.”
-He noticed how you were at a loss of words so he took this moment to do what he’s been yearning to. He grabbed the back of your head pulling you into a kiss. The kiss was messy and desperate. He kissed you as if you were the oxygen he needed to breathe. And to him, you were.
-Needless to say you were vulnerable to his request and took him back. How could you not?
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somecallmegin · 2 months
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Kakashi : Maa~ (⌒_⌒ ; ) Sakura : Come on~ I wanna know, tell us everything ! Now ! ʘ‿ʘ Iruka : Yeah~ Kakashi, give us some flavour, tell us ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Naruto : Hell yeah, I knew was right, pay up ! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Sasuke : You're gonna fall of the tree, idiot (〃ー〃)
So fanart is the way to get out of an art block, but then again, there's the high risk of getting stuck in the fast lane for me, so more Naruto fanart it is till I manage to swerve out of the line (and get stuck in the Zelda or Lord of the Rings lane I guess).
To be honest, I haven't read Boruto, mainly because I hated the designs I'd seen for the adult Naruto characters, which I still find so damn boring. Anyway, have some intermediary aged Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi and Iruka; I'm guessing the first three are in their thirties or something.
I actually started this picture because I wanted to rework my Sakura design, and in the end she's the one you can see the least of, lol.
Who has an idea what they're talking about?
Thank the heavens for leaf brushes.
Poses are a mix of two pictures (groupe casual and casual friends ) by @adorkastock again, because her gallery is a gold mine.
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bomber-grl · 8 months
Hiro Hamada dating hc ❤︎₊ ⊹
~ Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!reader (no pronouns used)
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Hiro is most definitely full of nerves and awkwardness when the relationship first starts
I mean you can’t rlly blame him considering it’s super awkward when you start dating your friend 🫠🫠
He obvs eases up eventually and it becomes more casual between the two of you .
He pretty much stays the same but the way he tries to sneakily hold your hand doesn’t go unnoticed
He’s still the stupid and cringe prick he always was
Except 100x worse
You thought it couldn’t get worse than this? Well you were wrong 🦍
He’s alwayyyysssss bothering you
Sure he loves you and everything but bro
You can only handle so much
Bro is obsessed with so many things and is in a bunch of fandoms
So best believe you’re gonna have to sit and listen to him talk about the lore about random ass shit you’ve never heard about
How lovely ☺️
He seems to be on crack all the freaking time
Freaking demon child
You’ll especially love when you get comfortable enough to cuddle and he decides to trap you under the blanket with his farts while he runs away
And they say romance is dead 😍
And then he goes and acts like he’s an angel in front of cass
☺️ beautiful
Just smile for the time being, dw you can imagine the torture you’ll put him through to get you through the week
Also, you can’t not tell me this boy is a gamer or anime watcher
He’ll definitely watch shonen anime’s like Naruto or bleach but secretly watch them romance animes
Hell probably watch kdramas too, initially because cass would and it kinda stuck with hiro
Now going back
Hiro is super clingy
He tries denying it but he’s Fr super fucking clingy
It’s not a bad thing iggggg
He’s super cuddly and affectionate but not like in a super lovey way but more like a cat just doing whatever
Likes having his hair played with too
Will throw a whole ass tantrum if you don’t
Not rlly but still)
It’s pretty fun hanging around him especially when you’re not with him
When you’re not together you use social media to interact
Over TikTok, discord and just regular ol messages
Usually over TikTok since you guys be having TikTok wars
Whenever you open the app hiro always sends you 99+ TikTok’s and you do the same just to be an ass
He also uses those wack ass TikTok emojis 😭
Imagine going home after a long day at school and just seeing-
“Fnafl0v3r_66 tagged you “hehe [cute]”
If you don’t know that emoji go ahead and search it on TikTok)
Following that message is a video of sukuna x Cinderella w bakugo as their son
Like wtf
And then there’s the other end of the spectrum with hiro tagging you in those cute couple TikTok’s like bro pick a sideeeee
Ugly ass
Calling him that as if you guys don’t cuddle all the time
Well yea he’s pretty cool to have as a boyfriend when he’s not being a pain in the ass 😍
Extra - I just think of that one audio “I love you mr beast, I’ll love you forever and ever”
Best believe he says that on repeat
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hopeluna-archived · 2 years
Oh thank youu so much ^^
My request:
May i request the demon bro's (+side charac except luke) reacting to them walking on reader changing
If you don't feel comfortoble with that heres an another one!^^
Second request:
A Reader who is can turn into a Sheep, How would the demon brothers react?
(+side characters)
(I did this at 3:16 AM lol)
Obey Me! Characters reacting to them walking on MC changing
Obey Me! Brothers x GN!reader
Warnings: my bad grammar, suggestive, I'm sleep deprived don't judge me
Genre: crack
A/N: I'm gonna post the side characters in another post and I might do the second request, not really sure yet but yeah this turned out way longer that I thought it would but Enjoy!!
The side characters
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The brothers were once again on his last fucking nerve
Lets be honest, when are they not? But today was just a particualrly annoying day for the demon
What better way to de-stress than spending some time with his favourite human?
Rip MC's legs
Anyway, he's making his way to your room, mumbling under his breath about how he is gonna wring Mammon's neck.
He always knocks. He's proper. But this time it kinda slipped his mind and he just walked right in
Didn't even notice you were changing at first
So you're just standing there half naked like wha-
The moment he looks up at you, realizes you're naked, he closes that door so fast
Cause no, he can't have you seeing him flustered, his pride won't let him
After a few moments, cue slow opening door
This time Lucifer comes in with that smirk
"MC might I suggest locking the door from now on? Wouldn't want anyone else seeing you like this, would you now darling?"
Once again rip, i'll pray for you
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Now, he never knocks...like ever.
Why should he? The Great Mammon should be welcomed to see his human whenever he wants
So there he goes, happily running to your room to tell you about his plan on how he'll steal the money from the Demon Lord's castle and be rich forever
You know? Everyday stuff
You're just minding your own thing, changing, chilling
And in bursts this stupid fucking idiot that you love unfortunately cause you're a moronsexual
The second he sees you, he's screaming
And now you're screaming
He's screaming more
You scream louder, for some reason?
Now who hears this? Everyone
And now who else is bursting into your room cause of the screams? You guessed it! Everyone
Lucifer is annoyed, Levi is LOLOLOL- ing, Satan is rolling his eyes, Asmo is squealing cause someone is naked, Beel's covering his eyes while carrying Belphie
All while you're still there half naked
Mammon finally comes to his tsundere senses
Once everyone leaves, Mammon is at it again
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This ain't happening cause he never getting outta that room
Okay okay lets say, he is going to your room to show either his new Ruri chan figurines or to tell you the plot of "I work in a small cozy bakery and I get this customer who is really handsome and mysterious and I nearly get mugged but that handsome mysterious starnger saves me and in a shocking plot twist I accidentally find out he is a vampire, now i'm stuck between a vampire and human war"
That got out of hand
Anyway, Levi is naruto running through the hallways to your room cause the more he stays outside, there is a higher risk of encountering normies
So he's excited as hell (pun intended), so he just forgets that there is something called knocking
Here he comes, bursting into your room like a great beacon of anime
And you're there.....in your underwear changing
The great beacon of anime pauses
The great beacon of anime dies
No, he literally gets a nosebleeds, screeches like a banshee, falls unconsious on the floor
Now you're panicking, thinking he's dead
So you quickly put on some clothes, crouch down to check on Levi
He wakes up, sees your face so close to him, faints
He didn't come out of his room for a month after that
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Now he knocks always cause that is just decent manner
He was just too excited this time that he forgot
You can't blame him, he read a really interesting book and the first thing he thought was to tell you about it
He also a really cute cat today!
He has every reason to be bursting with excitement
And so he enters you room
Looking down at his book
Begining to talk about it-
He looks up
He freezes
For a second though, cause as soon as it registers to him that you're half naked, he whips around so fast-
Of course he'll keep his back turned to you while you quickly put on some clothes
We stan gentleman Satan in this blog
Once you announce that you've changed, he just casually turns around, clears his throat, and starts talking his book
Acts like that didn't happen
Satan on the outside: calm, quiet, talking softly about books and cats
Satan on the inside: fuck fuck fuck fuck
But there will be a light coat of blush spread on his cheeks the entire time
Always knocks every time from now
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Asmo: knocking? Whats that? Never heard of it
He has, he is just a little shit
So he's skipping to your room, lastest Devildom magazines in his hand
He just wanted to show you his photos there
I mean who wouldn't be happy to see pictures of the fabulous moi ♥︎♥︎
Walks right in the room
Squeals in a really high pitched voice
Rip eardrums
Falls glamourously in your bed and stars planning on how you should go shopping together next time so that you could have matching outfits
While you're just there trying to cover yourself up, he pouts at that obviously
"MC its not like I haven't seen you already"
If you're already in a relationship, cool
If you're not, sir what- 😃
Get a restraining order
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*sigh* sweet sweet Beel
The most sanest out of them all
Luke and Barbatos had just dropped off some cupcakes and other sweet treats they had made
Beel was over the moon
He just wanted to share it with you, so there he goes, on the way to your room
Food in his arms, frosting covering his chin adorably from already having eaten half the food
He couldn't help it
I would say Beel does knock before entering but he just sometimes forgets when he is too distracted with food
This was one of those times
So he goes in, chewing on some food
And poor you were there changing, your back turned to the door
As soon as he saw that you were lacking some clothes
He choked
He blushed a bright red, immediately turning away
As he waited for you to put something on, he just stuttered out a apology
He feel really bad
After you tell him its okay, he just goes to offer food to you with a blush on his cheeks
He's such a sweetheart
God bless Beel
Wait no-
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I don't think he even cares that much
He was just heading to your room to take a nap with you cause you're his favourite cuddle buddy next to Beel, who was busy eating away every food in some restaurant and giving them a crisis
He's too tired to knock, why bother right?
So he just gets in your bed, pulls you down with him, cuddles you and goes to sleep
You're now trapped in his arms forever
If you get flustered about it, his inner little shit comes out
And he takes that chance to tease you
But yeah he doesn't care much
Though you should start caring, cause now you're trapped in his arms for Diavolo knows how long
Good luck MC
Tags: @jaidenisasimp
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!! Do not repost or claim as yours though, its not cool.
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thevirtualvalentine · 10 months
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content warnings: (rough) face fucking, tobi who uses his madara impression on you, afab / femme reader, tbh he’s kinda mean, reader wants this guy bad, fatdicked!obito (real),
plot: you fuck around and find out with Tobi, they say curiosity killed the cat.
Can you imagine hanging around the akatsuki, for some reason you’re like .. really attached (attracted) to the goofy guy in the mask that’s just so silly and kinda a joy to be around. He’s real sweet to you and overall a lot different than the other cloaked members you’d met, he talks a bunch too! It helps to fill the more quiet spaces in your life.
You start trying to hold his hand, he’s pretty skittish at first. Pulling away and retracting before he’s the one initiating the touch with you in full force. Grabbing onto you or jumping into your arms when mean n’ grumpy Deidara yells at him for being a shitty partner and a sasori replacement. “Y/n!! Save me! Deidara-senpai is being a big ole meanie. Tobi doesn’t deserve this inhumane treatment! I’ll be calling HR on you.” Always dramatic and so whiny.
Then you keep seeing him, spending time with him alone in remote hideouts. He never takes off that mask of his, but you can clearly see his deep dark eye that stares into you. Even if your conversation isn’t ever breaching bellow surface level, you know he’s listening intently. He may be unserious and full of quirks, but he really does have his own sense of charm. You’ve always felt there was more to this guy than what he’s showing, maybe if you got to know him a bit more .. personally you’d figure it out.
One day you honestly just can’t take it anymore. “Tobi have you ever .. uhhh , you know.” You’re playing with your hands because you feel entirely ridiculous asking this masked entity such a lewd question. You’re starting to think it’s because of that same damn mask that you’re where you are now.
“Have I ever what y/n! You can tell me, Tobi’s a great listener~” he goads you, completely unaware of the whorish request you have in store for him. That same cheerful voice that makes you feel so comforted is asking you to be honest with him, your legs touching as you sit together on the floor.
“Y’know, you ever do it with anyone?” You’re gesturing with your hands nervously as he tilts his head in confusion.
“Do it? Do what! Tobi doesn’t quite understand what pretty miss y/n is asking for.” He places his hands together while leaning his head to the side, playing such an innocent role in all this.
“Has anyone ever sucked your dick?” You can’t even bother to face his masked appearance as it finally tumbled forth from your lips, the question you’ve been itching to ask. “Like, touched you in a way you liked or that felt really good?” He can’t be that unadulterated can he? If so this was going to be a very awkward conversation.
“Ooooo, does y/n wanna make Tobi feel good? Naughty girl asking such questions.” He waggles his finger at you as if to insinuate you were a pervert for asking him anything like that. He doesn’t answer your question but he doesn’t deny it either, pulling the tide of control back into his own hands.
“Eugh not when you put it like that” you cover your face with your hands in embarrassment, heat rising throughout your body wishing you could take back what you just asked.
“Tobi doesn’t mind, m’not stoppin you.” A schoolgirl like giggle escapes him as he stands up, shedding the ostentatiously long coat. Oh wow, you didn’t expect this guy to be so built, what the hell was he hiding under that cloak? An all black ensemble that covers him from head to toe but defines all of his muscle groups with a pair of black gloves. Still, the omnipresent mask doesn’t move.
You’re stuck peering up at him from your knees as he slides his fingers beneath your chin, angling your head to face him as he’s shrouded in light. “Still wanna suck my cock? Or did you change your mind.” When he speaks this time he doesn’t sound like Tobi, his eye flickers to life in dark red hues through the hole of his mask. The deep tone makes your jaw drop as you stare at him dumbly, grabbing his wrist as you scramble to make sense of what just happened. His entire being just changed in front of you, not even his chakra feels the same as it did before. They say curiosity killed the cat.
“Tobi?” You ask, almost afraid of what his answer could be. His chakra is dark and ominous, cool and uninviting as it swallows you whole. If Tobi had left and been replaced with another person in the blink of an eye, you’d believe them.
“No.” It’s simple, but you’ll take it. “Go on.”
You meekly nod your head while obeying his command, that voice of his is making your underwear drenched. That same red eye watches your nimble hands shake as you pull his cock out, “I’ll take care of you, good care.” The unnamed man pats your head in an effort to calm you but you just keep getting wetter and wetter each time he speaks. Something in his mannerism compels you to listen as if you’re in a trance.
“So obedient, what a good girl.” He’s not unaware of what his voice is doing to you, sharingan abilities and all. He just finds it cute, been waiting for this day for months. The day you stop beating around the bush and ask him for what he wants.
He’s thick, much thicker and longer than what you thought a man like Tob— no, whoever this man is, would be. You lick your lips at the sight of his angry brown tip that’s leaking thick globs of pre cum, begging for you to lick it up. He’s so hard it’s slapping against his own abdomen. What kind of expression must be on his face beneath that mask to be this stiff right in front of you.
He revels in the way you size him up, unabashed staring at the monster hidden beneath his pants. He thanks his Uchiha genes for such a pretty cock, it’s truly a masterpiece. “Don’t be shy when you were so eager earlier, I don’t bite.” A heavy chuckle leaves him as you start to work his pre up and down his shaft, spitting in your hands as it requires both appendages to fully jerk him off.
Once you find a rhythm with your hands that satisfies the man before you enough to elicit a grunt, you pop his head between your lips, suckling on the slit hoping to make him moan out. “Just like that, what a smart girl you are. You really know how to suck dick, hm?” But again, it’s him making you gush and clench your thighs as you sit up on your knees to suck him off. If you knew it was gonna be like this you would have asked Tobi to fuck eons ago, what the hell???
You start to take more of him in your mouth inch by inch, using a hand to brace yourself against his toned thigh. Your wrist twists in atune with each bob of your head along his girth as your cheeks hollow in. You try breathing through your nose so you won’t ruin the mood by gagging, but he’s just too thick. “What? Too big for you? Thought you wanted to suck my dick.”
You pull off of him trying to explain yourself but he doesn’t care, grabbing you by the curls as his red eye lowers in disappointment. “Less talking, ore sucking.” You’re shoved back on his fat cock while it jabs the back of your throat, effectively face fucking you.
“Your throat’s so warm, mhhm, and tight. Can you breathe down there?” Drool dribbles down his balls as your throat constricts around his cock. Tears forming in your waterline from the assault on your throat. You want to touch yourself to relieve the unbearable ache in your cunny from being used as a hole to fuck but the lack of oxygen makes you dumb, compliant in whatever way he holds your head still with his big hands. His heavy balls slap your chin with each thrust into your face.
It’s exhilarating and you almost wish you could thank him for using you so well, it’s exactly what you’ve been craving. You gurgle around his shaft with each drag of his hips, he doesn’t moan but groans when your tongue laps the underside of his cock. “Such a cute little thing, kept following me around. Wanted to fuck this throat so bad. Kept teasing me too, bet you were fantasizing about it.”
To say this is what you were expecting is far from the truth, you thought you’d have Tobi crying and whimpering while giving him the sloppiest top of his life, but here you are; having your throat bruised by a man you never truly knew. Shouldn’t you be scared? Alarmed?
Your cunt betrays you, oozing at the thought of what his heavy dick could do to your insides. You’d go slack from the intrusion alone, would it even all fit inside you?
Your jaw feels like it’s going to break off it’s hinges if he isn’t more careful with you, but it’s addicting with each revolution of his hips. The black fabric of his shirt riding up to expose scarred skin. Your hands trail up to his v-line and he shudders, “ahh— fuck, don’t do that.” He grabs a fist full of your hair before shoving you down further, not caring if you choke or not. “Make yourself useful, will you?”
His strong hands grip the side of your head, continuously fucking your throat raw in a way that you won’t be able to speak tomorrow. Each thrust of his hips lets the tip of his fat dick kiss the back of your throat and it makes your eyes roll back into your skull. You’re moaning, crying, drooling all from one man and it’s making you stupid.
“Fuck, swallow it. All of it, or there’ll be trouble to pay later.” The playfulness of his voice reminds you of Tobi, but the underlying threat awards you a pang of pleasure in your cunt. Moaning around him sends vibrations that rattle his being, at least you’re listening. “Be good and I may just keep you around.”
He throws his head back with a long groan as he keeps you pinned to his pelvis, you can only take it as his warm seed spills down your throat. You didn’t even have a choice to swallow it or not. Shallow strokes accompany soft curses as he grips your hair for purchase, orgasm causing him to shudder above you. He stumbles back a bit, letting you take care of his after shocks. You slowly pump him as you recover your breath, “you taste good.”
Voice already hoarse but you felt he deserved a compliment for fucking your throat raw. He simply laughs, tucking himself back in his pants. The discarded cloak on the ground resumes being draped back over his shoulders. “And don’t forget~ whatever you saw here you don’t speak about!” He’s back to to twirling around in that idiotic high pitched voice you love so much, a stark contrast to what just happened here. He grabs your hand to pull you up from the floor, wiping your knees of any debris in an animated fashion.
“It’s a Tobi and y/n secret, right y/n?” He extends his pinky to you while you stare at him incredulously trying to figure out which one is the real him.
You’ll later come to find out that it was neither.
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hozukitofu · 2 months
not a ship post but how funny would it be for people to mix shino and kiba's names up? at some point people give up and call them by 'shiba' just because it's guaranteed to send both kids running (we are talking genin-age).
tsume at some point: shi - ki - argh whatever SHIBA!
shino and kiba tuning into a very old summoning technique - call your kids the wrong name jutsu: THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!
bonus fun facts
tsume and hana had genuinely mixed up shino, kiba and akamaru. shino by virtue of his association with kiba had been called akamaru more times than his name. he's used to it
kakashi has a ninken named shiba that runs loose and he doesn't genuinely want to summon kibashino but somehow they've been trained to react to the name so kakashi is walking the street calling for shiba (the dog) and two teenagers (shiba - shino and kiba - unholy duo) turn up like 'you called?'
people who haven't met shino or kiba before think shiba is their name
shino and kiba have called each other shiba completely on instincts and now they just sigh and move on
it was funny when they were 12 but now naruto can't tease kiba anymore because kiba hypes up shino like you wouldn't believe. every team needs a cool guy and kiba nominates shino for this title (he literally told everyone but shino and hinata)
actually convenient to summon all three of them (akamaru is now part of the shiba bundle). imagine you're out in a field then suddenly there's a dog, a dog ninja and a bug ninja summoned from thin air. i'd retire
easier to shift blame. kiba played this card well into adulthood. he's perfected 'did you mean to call for shino or kiba?' and when people try to deliberate this he would disappear
shino's kids at the academy call him 'shiba sensei' and it stuck. they think shino's legal name is shiba aburame
kakashi somehow worked out a deal with akamaru and occasionally takes the massive dog out for a walk with all his 8 dogs (sometimes even without kiba knowing). when asked, he makes sure to introduce akamaru as shiba 2.0 and akamaru would nod and shake (why does he have two dogs name shiba? why not?)
it's listed in bingo books under aliases and as someone who have to endure bureaucracy weekly, making changes is akin to hell so people leave 'shiba' where it is. the trouble is that both shibas get in a rotten mood if they hear 'are you shiba?' from an enemy because that should really never leave village gossip
kiba very seriously said one day that if they get married it would be mr shiba aburame or shiba inuzuka x2 (think mr and mrs taylor lautner) and shino gave him fleas
mirai doesn't know who is who but she does know shiba. shino will let her have that one up until the age of 3
a lot of people just assumed they got married somewhere along the way? anbu delivering messages for kiba sometimes would find shino who's dead on his feet and would receive the message like it's for him. ANBU: are you mr inuzuka? shino who is too tired to correct the joke at this point: yes i am. people call kiba mr aburame in the same vein except kiba takes it with more fanfare
tsume wasn't that happy they eloped without her knowledge but shibi also genuinely doesn't know what's going on and he's not going to ask shino, so they roll with it and have family dinners between the two clans every fortnight and the shiba trio don't register this as anything unusual
im southeast asian and my aunt was a teacher so the spouse of a teacher is also a teacher by association. what this means is that kids also call kiba sensei. inuzuka sensei. shiba sensei. kiba who had never taught in his life after a child incorrectly identified him as married to his best friend and also his first name: yes sensei is here. how can i help you my child
when they do get married they were threatened by the clan elders to actually say kiba (shiba) aburame (he is a second son and the aburames love akamaru) and shino likewise dutifully put (shiba) on his actual legal marriage certificate
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cupajoscafe · 1 year
i just remembered this image exists
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im going to go sob over how perfect he is okay goodbye
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p3ach-gyals · 4 months
Relationships should not be built on hate, that’s toxic asf and anyone who supports that ideology is a certified weirdo. For example, Lucifer and Alastor. First of all, Alastor is aroace, and he doesn’t like Lucifer, and Lucifer doesn’t like him, they started arguing the moment they met each other. And Lucifer is still pretty much stuck on Lilith so absolutely not, no.
I used to be a huge fan of My hero Academia, not anymore but I was. I quit when Bakudeku had become a thing, absolutely disgusting.
Or, Jujutsu Kaisen. With fucking Megumi and Sukuna. First of all, I think you guys are forgetting that when you say 'Megumi x Sukuna' you’re talking about the actual embodiment of Sukuna, not Yuji Itadori. That’s pedophilia, and two it’s literally Megumi’s job to kill curses. He doesn’t like Sukuna, and sukuna almost killed him, so let’s not.
Naruto and Sasuke / 'Narusasu' is also weird considering how many times Sasuke has tried to kill Naruto, and even in the end they’ve both said they strictly see each other as brothers.
more examples of this includes 'chuuya x dazai' (CHUUYA HATES DAZAI FOR LEAVING THE PM), 'geto x gojo' (they don’t even hate each other but they are strictly friends.), Joker x batman. (THEY HATE EACH OTHER BATMANS JOB IS TO LOCK UP JOKER AND JOKER WANTS TO KILL BATMAN)
Like honestly we can just keep talking about this all day but the point is like I said before, love is not meant to be built on dislike and hatred. Honestly its strange to even think that way, please stop normalizing ts, like honestly. And its literally the women that are obsessed with shipping men together, like why are you so obsessed with that. Idc how many people hate me for this, its weird asf. Stop doing it, please.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
How would the yanderes, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Temari (from Naruto Shippuden/Naruto), Gaara (from Naruto Shippuden), Kushina Uzumaki, Minato Uzumaki (The 4th Hokage), Ichigo Kurosaki (from Bleach) and Toshiro (the icy shorty from Bleach), Ino Yamanaka (from Naruto Shippuden...), Mikoto Uchiha (included..in the Naruto series)...help their darling escape a loveless marriage to someone she doesn't even love. The yandere is fully aware of the extent of the darlings dislike for the man because the darling told him/her that the man whom the darling is forced to marry once was a little boy and the darling was not more than a little girl back then years ago bullied her because she was hard of hearing and made life hell for her and once ripped out her hearing aid and made her ear bleed. The darling hated that bloody guy and tried telling her parents to not make her marry him but they refused to listen to reason and said that the darling was a liar and he was a good man...(The darling was extremely lifeless and dull eyed telling the yandere that and nothing helped anymore. The darling used to be full of life when the yandere first met her/his darling...Darling didn't care anymore and rather preferred to stay with the yandere than her family who cared more about their reputation than their daughter who is going to be married off to someone she hates.)
I put Minato and Kushina into a poly edition because otherwise there would have been 11 characters which would have been against my rules.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsession, bullying, delusions, overprotective behavior, clinginess, paranoia, stalking, manipulation, threats, blackmail, violence
I don’t want to marry this bully!
Minato Namikaze & Kushina Uzumaki
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⚡️🌶️You’re always welcomed in the house of this couple, both of them yearn for nothing more than share their love and life with you. Minato and Kushina already complete each other so well but you’re the last piece of the puzzle for their lives to truly be perfect. Won’t you let them embrace you, love you and spoil you to their hearts content? Surely Kushina sometimes gets a bit impatient, asks Minato how long the two of them are going to wait but her husband always tells her to just be patient for a bit longer. Soon, soon you’ll be in their arms.
⚡️🌶️But then you turn up in front of their house, a look in your eyes that causes both to instantly usher you inside with a worried look on their faces. They offer you a hot beverage which Kushina ends up forcing you to take before you find yourself on the couch, stuck between those two. Kushina’s arms are already on your biceps as she asks you what happened. Both of them are ready to listen and so you spill everything that happened in your family. You don’t show any signs of emotions but notice how Kushina’s eyes widen in horror and how Minato’s lips tighten and his gaze narrows. When you’re finished with your story, Kushina throws herself at you and engulfs you in a tight hug. She can’t believe that your own family would do something so cruel to you, Minato has troubles helping her distressed and clingy state for the reason that he himself can only try to stay calm right now. Both instantly prepare a room for you to stay in.
⚡️🌶️Kushina needs to be around you to calm herself from the shock, is more touchy and possessive than she already is. Minato appears at first more composed but has gotten more protective. He doesn’t want you to be alone without him or his wife around and spends more time around you too. Both are also really sweet and doting as they want to cheer you up. They buy the snacks that you love, take you to places where you three used to go when you were children and do the things they know will make you laugh. And they help you to escape your loveless marriage. Kushina in her sheer rage alone would have already stormed to your bully and your family and would have given them more than an earful of threats and warnings but Minato reminds her that they should solve the problem differently.
⚡️🌶️Kushina urges him to do something and that influences him. Her anger gets added to his own as the Hokage is infuriated with the situation you’re in. He has the influence and power and strives for immediate humiliation of the bully. He exposes the truth and a lot of other secrets, might even add something that isn’t even there to worsen everything. After your family has been made aware of what sort of person he is, he breaks of the arranged marriage. Then he has a personal talk with your family together with Kushina. Kushina shows her anger and pain for you since your own family tried to force you into a marriage. Then there’s Minato who expresses his disappointment in a colder fashion which causes goosebumps to erupt on their skins. Both make it obvious that they would like your family to stay away from you for a while, Minato more subtly than Kushina. Until you’ve decided to forgive them, you’ll stay with them.
Mikoto Uchiha
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🌋Despite her being part of the prestigious Uchiha clan, Mikoto has never halted to befriend her darling. She knows that she’s harder of hearing but has no such things as prejudices. Mikoto wants her darling to he happy and it would be even better when her darling would be happy with her. As nice and sweet as this woman can be, Mikoto is still rather possessive and wants to be loved by you. She has told you multiple times to not be intimidated and come to visit her in the Uchiha compound when you need something. She knows that you’re still a bit frightened so she knows that the situation is more serious when you turn up in front of her house, a empty look in those normally lively eyes.
🌋She instantly gestures you to get in when she sees the look on your face, leads you to the kitchen where she tells you to sit down. For a while you just sit there in silence whilst she prepares some tea for the both of you although she casts concerned glances in your direction multiple times. She hands you a cup of green tea before she sits down next to you and tells you that she’s ready to listen. You expected it to be hard to talk but her honest onyx eyes make the words just flow out of you. You’re in a dire situation, don’t want to marry the same jackass that ripped your hearing aid off. You feel her warm hand squeezing your own tightly as soon as you’re finished, a smile on her face. It contrasts the bubble of rage inside her chest but this is to put you at ease.
🌋This is unbelievable and not something that should happen to you. Mikoto is instantly willing to lend her hand and support you in any way she can. At first she advices you to stay with her since outsiders are rarely seen venturing inside the Uchiha compound. Don’t worry, you’re not a bother by staying with her. She lives alone, she’d be more than happy with the company. Especially if it’s your company. If your family still dares to look for you, she is not afraid to become more scary with a frightening smile and a not sincere look in her eyes. Just because she appears like she’s nice doesn’t mean that she is actually all the time. Mikoto also gets in contact with Fugaku with whom she happens to be befriended.
🌋That friendship comes with it’s convenience since Fugaku just happens to be the head of the police department. He’ll surely be able to help Mikoto a bit. Mikoto opts for the way to really prove that this guy is a terrible person to your parents in hopes of getting them to break this whole marriage off. If they still refuse, she will grab things with a harder grip. She won’t hesitate to bring this case in front of the police or even inform the Hokage. She doesn’t care if she sounds petty, she just cares about you right now. She won’t rest until you jump at her and tell her happily that you won’t have to marry that man anymore. She’s so joyful together with you, wants to celebrate with you. You’re lucky that you never see the icy, sickeningly fake look in her eyes when your bully or your parents approach her.
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🌪️Temari is the type of person who tries to downplay her feelings here and there but it doesn’t take away from the fact that she cares. Most certainly is she a stricter person, slightly controlling over her darling which is a direct result of her own lucidity regarding her obsessive infatuation. She’s not one who would like to lose her cool because of her feelings and burden her siblings so she keeps you close to her side to calm her obsession and her more violent side down. A very busy jonin who works hard for her village and helps her brothers as much as she can. Temari always squeezes some time in for you though.
🌪️She’s a bit surprised when she returns freshly from a mission and finds her darling sitting in front of her door like a stray kitten, face buried in her knees. The woman can almost sense that something is filling you with distress and taps you lightly on your shoulder so that you notice her. One look at your face and she instantly knows that something is very wrong. She lets you inside, keeps her normally straightforward questions to herself. This must be something more personal, she doesn’t want to be too insensitive right now. She’s worried but should give you some time to brace yourself before you tell her. If you do hesitate a bit, Temari grows a bit impatient but that’s only because she’s concerned. Be aware that you have her undivided attention the moment you open up and she listens to everything.
🌪️The woman has a temper as terrible as the storm but she really attempts to hold herself back after you’ve told her the truth. She’s infuriated, her fists are clenched and her teeth are gritting slightly against each other as she takes in deep breaths through her nose as she tries to swallow her anger down for just this moment. After the worst is over, she pinches the bridge of her nose as a troubled sigh escapes her lips. Then she finally glances at you again, tells you in a matter-of-fact voice that you’ll stay in her house for the time being. She prepares the guest room for you and asks you to instantly come to her when your family or your trashy fiancé should try to approach you. Later that night, when you’re asleep and she thinks about everything you told her, her temper finally bursts out a bit as she slams her palms against the desk.
🌪️This woman has influence and quite the social status. She’s a respected jonin and the older sister of the Kazekage so Temari is confident that she can take care of this problem without much help from her siblings. She has your bully definitely confessing all the cruel things he did to you, will guarantee that your family will break off the marriage and and apologize to you. She’ll lecture your bully for his wrongdoing and your family for theirs and she’ll scare the shit out of all of them because she’s infuriated and for that quite intimidating. Obviously she’s especially spiteful against your bully since you shouldn’t marry such a jerk. You should marry her.
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🐼Despite his villainous past and somewhat cold appearance, Gaara is down bad for his darling. He’s infatuated, terribly besotted but still shamefully aware of it. It doesn’t stop the young Kazekage from his feverish longing and if he wouldn’t be so terribly shy, he’d surely be a lot more straightforward and maybe even scary. Instead he’s bashful and can’t stop his pounding heart when you grace him with a smile or gentle touch of yours. He just knows that he’d do anything to keep his darling safe and he wouldn’t even ponder to fall back into some bloody habits of his younger self. He knows he’s busy due to being the Kazekage but has to always have a few hours with you for the sake of his sanity.
🐼It’s late evening where he’s still sitting in his office and is busily going through some documents when a gentle knock is heard and he calls whoever is standing outside to come in. He looks up shortly to see whose coming inside and nearly drops the papers when he sees you. He stands up, asks you a bit flustered what you’re doing here. Don’t misunderstand, he’s happy but- He shuts up when he sees the emptiness in your eyes, fear suddenly twinging his heart. Something is wrong, right? The documents are forgotten as he steps to where you stand, his eyes hurrying with growing unease over you as he asks you what happened. A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you stare into his eyes. And then you talk, fueling the growing paranoia inside Gaara.
🐼He steps back after having listened to your whole story and you can’t decipher if the look on his face is one of anger or one fear. It’s possible that it’s both. When his greenish eyes meet yours though, a paranoid expression flashes his face before he embraces you in a slightly awkward hug. It’s not only to calm you hopefully down. You notice the slight shaking, realize this is for him to regain some semblance again by giving you such a tight hug too. So you return his hug, rub his back comfortingly to stop his distress. Why didn’t you tell him sooner? Gaara insists for you to stay elsewhere. It doesn’t have to be with him, staying with Temari would already be enough but he absolutely refuses to let you go back to where those people could find you.
🐼He informs Temari that she should stay with you, begs you to not leave without her or Kankuro out of fear that you might bump into a bad acquaintance of yours. He swears to you that he’ll help you though and considering his position, this is as easy said as done. He breaks off everything regarding the arranged marriage, gives you your freedom back. He doesn’t care what your family thinks of this, he’s uncharacteristically cold and distant to them as he holds a grudge for their intolerant behavior towards their own daughter. Your bully has it even worse if Gaara should ever come face to face with him. There’s a dangerous glint in his eyes as he stares at him, hopefully he shouldn’t harm your bully physically though. Gaara grows more clingy and paranoid after this, more possessive over you.
Naruto Uzumaki
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🍜Naruto is the sort of Yandere that really pushes the lines between a romantic and platonic relationship. He’s so affectionate with his darling that it has happened more than you could count on two fingers that people have mistaken you two for an actual couple. You have to correct them, to Naruto’s huge disappointment, but he is delusional so that gives him some sort of security. You two will be lovers at one point, it’s easy to fool himself that every small gesture of yours is a sign that you secretly love him too. The poor boy would love to spend every second with you but is the new Hokage of the Leaf village and for that has to spend a lot of time working.
🍜He always promises you with a lovesick look in your eyes that he’ll make time for you though. He couldn’t bear distance between the two of you. Despite him being an awful airhead at times, Naruto is pretty empathetic. He prides himself with the fact that he can sense your sadness at time, further proof for his delusions that you two are meant to be. During one of the nights where you two are on what he sees as a date he notices that something is clearly on your mind. It seems to burden you so he asks you worried what has happened since you look so down. You look him into his blue eyes and his heart clenches when he sees the suffering look in your eyes. You look around you before you grab him and drag him somewhere more privately so you can talk to him. You start speaking and at one point Naruto is tearing up.
🍜His heart is crushed by your confession of your terrible private life. He’s devastated by what you had to go through and the first thing he does is smothering you in a big hug and chaste kisses over your face. He doesn’t care that you two don’t have that sort of relationship yet as he is distraught by what you told him. Naruto will help you with all his power though. Not only because you are meant to marry him but also because he’d never let you marry the one who bullies you for your inability to hear as good as a normal person. There’s bitter resentment against your own family too. Naruto never had a family to grow up with but knows that his parents loved him dearly. Then there is your family who only cares about reputation and money. He just can’t understand and that fact makes him more apathetic.
🍜Considering that he is the Hokage, Naruto has so many options. It’s relatively easy for him to stop the marriage between you and your bully and he’ll definitely deliver him a punishment for the acts he committed against you and will also have a discussion with your family. He’s emotional though, unable to calm his feelings. He raises his voice against them as the anger and utter confusion to why they’d force you into a marriage and not even listen to you gets the better of him. If they prove to not care as greatly about you as Naruto thinks they should, he gives them a shocked stare before rage starts bubbling up in his chest. If they don’t care about you, he won’t let them near you for a longer period of time either. You deserve all the love, all his love.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙The relationship between Sasuke and you is not something either one of you saw coming. The man is basically a stray who doesn’t stay anywhere for too long yet your home has tied him temporarily down. Sasuke is fully aware of the extent of his obsession but is far too possessive to feel guilty for too long. He has embraced the full brute of his feelings and plans to take you with him at one point. He’s not the most vocal but expresses his affection through smaller actions. The protective step he instantly takes when he senses that something makes you uncomfortable or the light brush of his hand through your hair, onyx eyes looking at you with a softer glint.
💙Not all is that sweet though, the possessive and intimidating stare he gives anyone who tries to flirt with you is only one example. He could be quite insensitive to your feelings but Sasuke has matured throughout the war. He’s a perceptive observer and notices the change in your overall behavior. You’re more lackluster, the sparkle in your eyes is gone and you’ve grown more reserved and silent. He wants to ask you what’s wrong but doesn’t know how to do so. It isn’t until he overhears one day the fact that you’ll marry that he storms to you with an agitated expression and corners you. His grip on your wrists hurts you as he asks you in a low tone to tell him the truth. He can connect the obvious spots. What happened? You hesitate shortly before you finally open up.
💙His anger flares up as does his Sharingan, you have to physically hold him back as he considers in the heat of his wrath to storm to your bully and get it over with. He stops when he feels your arms wrapping around his torso to stop him from going on a small and murderous rampage and after a while you feel his one arm awkwardly hugging you closer to him too. Sasuke insists that you never leave without him after, promises you that he’ll help you out of this loveless engagement. He could never let anyone else marry you and claim you. You’ve always been his from the moment he gained feelings for you. He doesn’t play any complicated mind games either. The man just goes straight to the intimidation part.
💙He threatens your bully to stay the fuck away from you and he will hurt him more seriously too since that bastard hurt you before. There’s a cold look in his red eyes as he glances down at the guy’s bloody form as the man is begging for mercy. Your parents are slightly better off but Sasuke threatens them too and he means it when he says that he never wants to see them near you again or else he will harm them too. You don’t get much saying as Sasuke decides by himself that you’re never going to meet those people again. He tells you in a softer tone that you shouldn’t stay with such toxic people, that you instead should come with him. He loves you after all, is the one who listened to you and helped you. Be aware that Sasuke wil drag you with him one way or another. He’s triggered by the fact that you were nearly married off.
Sakura Haruno
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🌸Sakura has something in common with Naruto. Both really make it hard for others to distinguish between their platonic and romantic feelings when it comes to their darling. Sakura is pretty much already acting like your affectionate girlfriend. She spends so much time with you, is always there to tend to daily injuries you might suffer and is also involved with your hearing problems specifically because she is a doctor. The pink-haired girl belongs to the delusional category too. Whilst she knows that you two aren’t together yet, she is pretty confident that both of you will wind up being together at one point.
🌸 Since she spends a lot of time with you and is on top of that a medic I imagine that she detects signs of emotional distress and stress, not to mention that she is especially obsessive around her darling. She’s gone quiet and silent which worries Sakura since she knows that her darling is normally more lively. Initially she’s respectful, tells you that you can talk with her but if you keep it to yourself for too long Sakura can turn into a pushover. For your well-being of course. To her relief you decide to open up to her and appear one late evening at her house. She lets you in and starts acting out of habit slightly more like a doctor to her patient. That doesn’t throw you off though as you admit what has burdened you for a longer time now. Sakura attempts to keep a calm expression on her face but when she accidentally breaks the edge of the table because she was clenching her fist too hard, it becomes obvious that she’s not fine.
🌸 She's so sad that your own family wouldn't even believe you and instead just care for their own well-being and reputation since family should stick together. She is arranging for you to stay with her since she knows that you don't want to return to your family and she feels uneasy to let you leave right now too. It isn't the first time you've slept with her, a few days more until there has been a change to your advantage doesn't bother her. Sakura makes quick work too to help you out of this loveless marriage. Whoever is currently Hokage will have a visit from her where she explains your problem and asks for help. She has a good relationship with the Fifth, the Sixth and the Seventh so it's relatively easy work for her.
🌸 Not to mention that she is known and loved by the village. She'll also deal with your family and even if she attempts to stay more rational, she can't help but show her dissapointment in them. They shouldn't just marry off their own child! How could they do something like that? Your bully gets the worst of it though because whilst Sakura still harbors some respect in front of the elder and your family, she knows exactly how much that guy has harrassed you. She has monstrous strength too, will defnitely crush something made out of solid material to bring her point across. If that guy talks back and dares to insult you, he'll end up in the hospital or she'll mix something together and poison him a bit.
Ino Yamanaka
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🌻 Ino has so much confidence in the fact that she'll be able to steal her darling's heart which also makes her a rather delusional person. She acts on purpose like your girlfriend because she enjoys being affectionate with you and spending so much time with you. Additionally she loves it when people end up confusing you two for an actual couple because it enhances her belief that you two just look good together. It's also a rather effective way to keep possible love rivals away since the girl gets somewhat easily jealous. Just because Ino acts all sappy and confident doesn't mean that your emotions and behavior just fly over her head.
🌻 It's the opposite since the girl is very focused on her darling and very obsessive. Your personality is what she loves about you the most after all so obviously she realizes it when you start acting strange. Differently from Sakura she's quicker to become a pushover though, maybe because she's a tad bit more controlling. If you don't answer her, she'll most likely chat with the people to gather information. To her luck you trust her enough to give in after her first plead. She drags you somewhere where only the two of you are so that you can feel more comfortable and then she listens whilst holding your hands in hers. By the end of your story her grip on you has tightened and you can feel how she's shaking, gritting her teeth angrily together as anger is heating up her veins.
🌻 How dare they to do this to you? Not only does your family plan to have you marry someone who isn't her but they also have the audacity to marry you off to the guy who made your life a small hell back in your childhood. Don't even get her started on your bully or she'll never calm down. Ino grows more paranoid after she has listened to your story, pleads you to just stay in the compound of her clan and she ends up dragging you forcefully there. She doesn't want you to leave the place without her by your side and will definitely guilt-trip you to guarantee that you do as she says. She's surely more controlling and monitors your life more.
She doesn't see the wrong in it though since she is merely concerned about your happiness and health. Since she is part of the Yamanaka clan she has a good influence but the thing is that Ino holds grudges. She's spiteful against the people who have wronged you and if you consider her kekkai genkai this is especially terrifying since she can control the mind of people. Your bully gets the worst of it and probably no one will realize since she will use her ability so subtly that he doesn't even realize that he's being controlled, she'll shame and humiliate him that by the end no one believes him anymore. She'll expose all of his secrets and makes him to the clown of the town. To your family she acts very cold and indirectly rude too since they nearly sold you out to such a jerk. She'll guarantee that they won't get to see you anytime soon.
Kurosaki Ichigo
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🧡 Ichigo has always been a bit obsessed with his darling but is so awkward around her that he's too embarrassed to approach her at first. He might also be more aware at moments and feels shameful and guilty. With him meeting Rukia and getting thrown into the world of the Shinigami and Hollow though, he has too much other things on his mind than considering his unhealthy crush on you. The boy grows more protective as he instead becomes more aware how much danger really surrounds you and through all of his experience he gains enough courage to walk to you and actually befriend you. Orihime, Rukia and Chad epecially encourage him since they know that Ichigo has feelings for you.
🧡 He's occasionally concerned because he fears he might not be enough for you but always makes sure to do his best to be there for you and make you happy. He's known you long enough to sense the very obvious switch in behavior and since this triggers his protective side he is quickly by your side to ask you if something is wrong. You ask him if you can come to his house later on and he agrees. You two just sit on his bed and then you tell him everything that has been going on in your life. You see his jaw clenching and his whole body tensing up and when you get to the part with what your bully did to you and how your family just doesn't care, he nearly jumps up from his position and paces around in his room as he tries to cool down.
🧡 This is ridiculous! Arranged marriage still exists in this day and age? Why would your parents force one upon you?! His mind is racing and his heart is overflowing with different emotions. He's baffled, angry, sad and heartbroken all togther. At the end he just slumps back on the spot on the bed next to you, his face buried in his hands as he lets out a deep sigh. He sits there for a while with you in silence before he stands up and tells you that he'll prepare the guest room for you since you've made it very obvious that you'd rather stay with him than go back and risk seeing your family again.
🧡 He doesn't fall asleep that night, too burdened with what you've told him. He has to do something to help you! He could ask his friends but when it comes to you Ichigo always feels like he has to be your protector, they're going to find out and assist him at one point anyways. Ichigo used to be a little delinquent in his past so chances are that he returns to that side of his and just intimidates your bully a bit to convince him to stay away from you. If push comes to pull he will even use his position as substitute Shinigami to his advantage since humans can't see him in this form to scare your bully and maybe even your family a bit. Sure, he will feel a bit guilty to use the powers entrusted to him like this but every time he sees your sad face, he can't stop.
Hitsugaya Toshiro
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❄️ Toshiro is initially a bit more distant and cold around his darling which is mainly because he catches on quite early on his growing obsession and is inwardly freaked out about the escalation of love. He can't help but be slightly more rude and cold to you in an attempt to push you away from him. At one point he just sort of accepts it all begrudgingly though because he just realizes that the only one he's pushing towards insanity is himself. He looks out a bit more for you and will make sure to see you at least once everyday if there is nothing really important going on.  He might be the captain of a squad but he makes enough time for you to know that you're someone important to him.
❄️ He actually decides to keep quiet when he senses that something is wrong with you. He has problems himself he often likes to keep to himself and try to solve them himself so he decides to give you a bit time like this too. Instead you pop up one day in the squad where Rangiku leads you to him since you're searching for him. He can guess why you're here and tells Rangiku to leave you two alone. Luckily the woman senses that this is something serious so she leaves quickly. Then Toshiro just waits for you to start talking and you can see how the look on his face progressively gets darker and angrier when you tell him all of your problems. After you're finished, he squeezes his eyes shut and takes a few deep breaths to regain his composure.
❄️ So this is what has been going on? He's glad that you came to him with this. His controlling side gets the better of him as he tells you in an almost ordering tone that he'll arrange you to stay somewhere around him. He senses that you would take everything over going back to your family who is only concerned about a marriage you don't want to be part of. Hitsugaya has a lot of influence and even more connections too since he's th captain of the 10th Division. Aren't you lucky to know someone like him? He kind of puts some of his work back as he deems your problem as the one of more importance and when Rangiku finds out what's going on, she can't help but ask if he's behaving more brooding because he wants to be the one to marry you.
❄️ A single question that earns her one of the scariest glares Toshiro has ever given someone and after that she knows to shut up. He tries to get other captains he's on friendly terms with as little involved as possible though since he believes that he should solve this alone. Additionally he fears that someone would find out his hidden motives too since Rangiku is right. He's also so furious about the whole ordeal because he wants to be your husband. Your bully is definitely going to refuse marriage with you after Hitsugaya paid him a visit and threatened him indirectly and before your family can even blame you, they shut up after they've been visited by him too. He has made it obvious via his visits that you're under his protection and that messing with you will mean messing with him.
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transgendervelma · 1 year
One of the worst things about the ending of Naruto was actually that Naruto became Hokage. He became Hokage to be recognized and seen for who he was by the people around him, but he already got that during the Pain Arc.
We see at the Waterfall of Truth that Naruto actually feels contempt toward many villagers for how they treated them. But we never got a full resolution for that in the real world. For the sake of consistent writing Naruto should have much more complicated emotions, hell being the Hokage was totally secondary to bringing Sasuke home (which Naruto says during the beginning of Shippuden).
So, it would’ve been far more interesting and consistent for nobody to become Hokage at the end of Naruto (it’s not like Kakashi actually wanted to be Hokage either). The leaf is ran by a Jonin council who undertake the building of a new world under the guidance of people like Kakashi and Naruto (but it’s mostly a collective effort).
Naruto and Sasuke would’ve become Jonin, Naruto would’ve grown out his hair to be like Jiraiya (not that long, just a shoulder length ponytail, but he will not be fucking balding). The running of the leaf village becomes more and more of a transparent affair that even everyday people are aware of, not the shadowy cabal that it was under Hiruzen’s regime. The main threat would be loyalists toward Madara’s ideology who really believed in the Infinite Tsukuyomi (not space aliens). The Konoha 13 aren’t forced into undeveloped ridiculous ships for the sake of editors or trying to pump out a next Gen sequel (like Seriously, none of the Shinobi from the previous Gen had kids except Asuma & Kurenai). Hell I think it’s bullshit Neji died so let’s just redact that too. Sasuke obviously doesn’t do jail time like he did because if saving the entire planet isn’t a pardonable action idk what is, rip to those samurai tho.
The government of the leaf village, which before was essentially just an elective millitary dictatorship, slowly becomes more democratic and resembling an actual pseudo nation as opposed to a millitary colony. The feudal lords are slowly rendered irrelevant and basically atrophy into powerless figureheads (and any who resist probably become villains in whatever story gets told in this scenario). Underage Shinobi are banned from undertaking life threatening missions, that’s gotta be a big one. No kids fighting to the death.
So by the time Naruto is in his late 20s to early 30s he’s made Hokage by the people of the village hidden in the leaves in the very first actual election ever held that wasn’t just between feudal lords and councilors (if he even wants the position that is). His scalp is fine, he’s thriving and moisturized, Orochimaru and Kabuto are locked away at the bottom of the craziest prison you can imagine. He’s not stuck in a boring marriage that he avoids, Sasuke isn’t stuck in a loveless marriage with a woman he won’t even kiss. Sakura is girlbossing somewhere in the corner. Tsunade gets to have all the chicken breast and alcohol she wants and Kakashi is a retired dog dad.
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chronicangelca · 23 days
Link to this fic on AO3. Words: 2041 Date posted: May 7, 2019
Summary: "I didn't," he responds honestly, because Sai deserves to know. He does not deserve to be married to a secret and Ino can be mad at him if she wants but indignantly, Shikamaru can only think, You should have told him.
Shikamaru doesn't particularly like hanging out with Sai. It's not that Sai isn't a perfectly fine guy, he is, it's more that the guy has no sense of boundaries and no ability to read a room, and that Ino seems to expect Shikamaru to teach him these things. (He thinks that Chōji would be a much better candidate if she's that determined not to do it herself. Hell, even Naruto is better with people than Shikamaru is and that guy is a total idiot.) Plus, there's also the awkward fact that...
"You used to sleep with my wife," Sai says casually, as though commenting on the weather.
"Yeah," he responds, forcing his voice to be just as casual.
He and Ino haven't been a thing since they were 18, and they're both married now (him, newly, to Temari, and her to the man he's currently sitting at Ichiraku with after Ino made plans with him a month ago and then suddenly "came down with something," which at the very least Sai had confirmed to be true, she was vomiting all morning, but he suspects she was planning to cancel either way), and yet it is this thing that will probably haunt them both until they die. (He wonders if it can be a haunting if it is sweet. If it can count as a ghost if its sorrowful song is still tempting. There are times where he looks at his wife and he wonders what it would be like if she was somebody else, but he's never upset with how his life has come out because he does love Temari, he really does.) "She told you about that?"
"We make it our business not to keep secrets from each other," he says pointedly, taking a sip of his water. Shikamaru doubts this. Of all of Ino's virtuous qualities, she is not honest. She is not open. She is a book in an ancient, forgotten language with pages stuck together and a latch on the cover that requires a key that was lost a long time ago. Shikamaru thinks he might still be the only one who understands her language, but he doesn't have the key anymore. He can only look at her face and spout passages from memory and wonder if they still apply. Shikamaru has been thrust out into the same category as the rest of the world and it shouldn't sting as much as it does.
He cannot say this, though. He cannot pull at loose threads in someone else's marriage until it comes unraveled just because he still feels a sort of bitterness that it is not him. Not when his life is just as easy to pick at and his dreams are just as wont to come apart if they are too closely examined. "I guess I just didn't think it was that important to her," he lies, and it feels weird in his mouth. In contrast to Ino, Shikamaru makes it a point to be honest. He does not like fabrications.
Sai is quiet for a long time, continuing to simply sip his ice water while Shikamaru slurps up the last of his bowl of ramen. Finally, he says, back to a casual tone like he's just spotted a cloud in a neat shape that he wants Shikamaru to look at, "I occasionally suspect she might still be in love with you." Shikamaru chokes. He coughs for a minute and wipes at the broth on his chin and then stares at Sai with wide eyes.
"She doesn't make it obvious. She certainly hasn't said as much. I suppose she thinks the truth would hurt me," he elaborates, and he shoots Shikamaru a kind smile that doesn't really fit the conversation, but Shikamaru knows that he is trying his best. "So I suppose we do keep some secrets."
"Is it really a secret if you can read it so easily?" Shikamaru asks, because he doesn't know how else to respond. After all, Ino has never been able to keep a secret from him. He reads her too well, always has. Though she may not say what she is feeling, may even hide the text particularly well, he can see the way the lettering flickers through her blue eyes. He can read the words aloud to her in another tongue and she will crumble.
Sai shrugs his shoulders and places the money for his food on the counter, then takes another sip of his water which Shikamaru swears should be almost empty by now. Shikamaru lifts the bowl to his mouth to drink the broth from it and then pays his half, and the two of them get up to leave at the same time without verbally communicating it. He supposes payment should be enough of a cue. They walk in the same direction, which isn't actually toward either of their homes, so Shikamaru can't be sure where they're going. He thinks that they are going to have a long conversation, though. "If it isn't too invasive," Sai starts, and Shikamaru is sure it will be. "Could you tell me what it was like?"
He stops breathing for a second.
What it was like, he thinks, and he knows that Sai means his relationship with Ino but he wants to pretend that he is oblivious. He wants to pretend that he doesn't know what the other man is talking about just so he can push his answer off. Because he doesn't want to tell her husband that they were some of the best years of his life. He doesn't want to tell her husband that he really was in love with Ino and on a level he's still in love with her, too. He doesn't want to tell her husband that if he'd been able to choose when he was eighteen-- even when he was nineteen, twenty, for years-- his choice would have been Ino. He doesn't want to tell her husband that if she asked him to abandon his life and run away with her, he'd drop everything in a heartbeat. He doesn't want to tell her husband that Ino will always be a part of him.
"Well, I'm sure if anyone could get it, you would," he starts, because that, at least, is true. It is an easy truth to grant. "Being with Ino is like... I guess it's a lot like smoking a cigarette. It's a rush. It's a chemical soup. It leaves its permanent imprints on your brain and your body and the way that you think. It's not like they become your whole life, but they become a part of your life. An important part, a part you might change everything for if you had to. Even after you quit, a part of your life is always dedicated to getting another one. To taking another breath. To catching the secondhand."
"And is that what this is? Spending time with me? Is it catching the secondhand?" He asks, apparently in the spirit of genuine inquiry. Shikamaru does not think that Sai is a particularly jealous man. He could tell him right now that he was in love with Ino and that he'd leave his wife tomorrow to be with her (which at this point he does not think is true-- his life with Temari has become the default; the normal; the way that things are, even if they aren't really the way that things have to be anymore) and Sai would probably just nod along and accept it because he is a selfless man, a good husband, and if Ino would accept that life then Sai would too because all he wants is her happiness.
Shikamaru shakes his head and laughs a little bit to clear the air. "No, I don't think so." He doesn't need to bear witness to the life Ino has built without him. "You're a good man, Sai. She deserves a good man."
This seems to pique Sai's interest again. "Are you not a good man?" He asks, and Shikamaru isn't sure how to answer that question. He isn't sure how to explain that on a fundamental level, he doesn't really think so. He doesn't think he can be. He can't explain what allows Sai and Naruto and Chōji and countless others all to be good men when they have had the same life experiences as Shikamaru, would likely make the same choices without questioning themselves as they are trained to do as shinobi. He only knows that they are all inherently good and something within him is tainted in a way he cannot fix or even properly see.
He knows this is not the answer that Sai wants, and yet he does not like lying, so he chooses to gift Sai with a form of release instead. "You seem pretty determined to give your wife away," he jokes, although he doesn't think this phrasing is quite right. You don't give Ino away. Like waves lapping at the shore, she comes and goes as she pleases until one day she dries up and leaves you dehydrated.
"I suppose I'm more interested in why you did," he shoots back, and Shikamaru feels his heart stutter. So she didn't tell him everything. She told him that we loved each other, that we were together, but she didn't tell him how we came apart. She didn't tell him about our tragic ending which paved the way for his happy ending. For her happy ending. For everyone's happy ending, I suppose.
"I didn't," he responds honestly, because Sai deserves to know. He does not deserve to be married to a secret and Ino can be mad at him if she wants but indignantly, Shikamaru can only think, You should have told him. "I don't think I ever would have been capable of giving Ino up. I don't know how anyone could be," he says. He thinks it's the most honest he's been all evening. "We started dating when we were fifteen. We didn't tell anyone about it because it was forbidden. Children of the Yamanaka clan cannot be with children of the Nara clan, and neither of us could have been with a member of the Akimichi clan, either. It jeopardizes the InoShikaChō trio that our families have perpetuated for hundreds of years. And there's so little our families cared about more than tradition. When we told them, we didn't really have a choice. So, no, I didn't give her away."
He knows that he shouldn't be bitter. Things are better this way. He has a pregnant wife waiting for him at home and she has a husband who would die for her.
But he can't help it, damn it. He can't help it because he would have happily been the husband who would die for her, and she could have been his pregnant wife, and if they'd never told anyone-- if they'd just eloped one day and announced it to their families then when there was nothing they could do about it-- everything would be fine. Maybe not better, but it'd be different and it'd be okay. He misses her so much sometimes it aches and even as he loves his wife, is in love with his wife, he knows that a part of him will always belong to Ino and that's not only unfair to both of them, but it's unfair to the wife he loves.
Sai lets them stay in quiet for a long time, and really, he is the one in total control of this conversation. Shikamaru has never felt so much like he was at another person's mercy before, but he knows now that he is a mouse stuck in a trap and begging for death.
"I'm glad, you know," he says eventually, and Shikamaru nearly jumps though it is not that sudden. "I suppose I should be jealous, but it makes me happy that there is someone else who loves my wife as much as I do. She needs more people who care so deeply for her in her life. I think that she often feels tragically unloved and alone, even when I am in the room with her. So I suppose, on a level, she needs you."
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deadghosy · 1 year
Age: 7
(Kushina!enby reader)
*you are kinda like kushina and you are not related to naruto!*
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You usually don't go out on sunny days since it was always too hot for you to go. Plus you didn't like being sweaty all day and walking around. Trying to find someone to play with you. People were always scared of you because you remind them of someone.
But you didn't expect a sunny day to make you meet someone that will always be on your side
As you were walking towards the playground to make another Sandcastle, you see a couple of big kids picking on a boy that had dirty blonde hair, mostly yellow. Kicking him and punching him. You can even tell that boy is trying to fight back, but can't.
So, what did you do? You fucked them up.
"OI, OI OI OIIII!" You yelled at the kids they were mostly likely boys that were picking on a smaller boy. They turn around and they start laughing at how you look so small and weak.
(oh, and did I forget that you don't have a specific gender? Well you can change the pronouns if you want.)
Immediately they stopped laughing at you and got mad, forgetting about the boy with the yellow hair
you got cut off by the leader of the bullies picking you by your hair.
"Watch who you talking to girl"
"EEEHHH, 'GIRL'?! WHO IN THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU TALKIN TO YOU BIG DOPE?!" Immediately you gave the leader a nice hard high-kick to the chin making him drop you as your hair floated in anger.
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Immediately the bullies were scared straight to hell as every step you took, the ground broke.
Naruto hid behind a tree as you started pummeling the bullies by punching them in the stomach and punching them in the head. Even grab the bigger bully and started swinging like he was a ragdoll, as if he weighs nothing to you.
Naruto was afraid if you saw him you would hurt him to, so that's why he hid behind a tree. But as he watched you beat them up, he slowly came out of his hiding spot, and he started mimicking your attacks.
"Hiya! Woosh, punch punch, KICK!" As he watched with stars in his eyes at how cool you looked.
Naruto jumped as he heard a big thump by the tree, he looked and was shocked at what he saw.
Naruto then turned to look at you to see your hair floating in a beautiful way.
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One bully was stuck in the sandpit. One was tied up by the swing on the swings set.
༻꫞꯭ TIME SKIP ꫞꯭༺
Naruto ran towards you and started questioning how strong you were, as you hair had flattened back to it original look
each question he asked he got closer to your face and he was really freaking you out as you started getting flustered at the closeness.
"H-Hey, CALM DOWN BUD." You said as you gently pushed his face away. Naruto had to realize how small you were, and that even peaked his  interest at how strong you were.
"AWAHH YOU ARE SO CUTE!" He yelled hugging you and rubbing one of his face sides on the top of your head. "HEY LET GO OF ME YOU IDIOT!"you said in surprise as you waved your arms around
Naruto lets go of you cause of how people insulted him. "Oh....sorry.." "it's okay, but are you OK?." You said, as you were checking for wounds or bruises on his body. It was like if you were a mother checking her kid that fell on the floor.
Naruto was flustered that you were checking for wounds, and that you were caring for him, since no one would even get close to him because they all saw him as a different kind of human. But as naruto looked at you more closely, he saw you as an angel, and his savior
"W...what's your name!?" Naruto asked. You look up at him and smiled brightly as you made a superhero pose while having your thumb pointed at you.
"IM [L/N] [Y/N]! AND IM GOIN TO BE THE GREATEST SHINOBI EVER BORN, YA HEAR!?" Naruto had a boost of confidence to talk to you after your introduction.
"Hey....wanna be friends?" Naruto asked as in his eyes you were the greatest person he ever saw and meet.
'Love...love?...LOVE!?' Naruto blushed at how you said that you will be by his side.
"Eh, naru you okay?" You questioned as you walked closer to him and stood on your tippy toes to get a closer look. Naruto felt like he was in heaven as you gave him a nickname. "YE-YEAH IM OKAY [Y/N]-CHAN!"
Suddenly Naruto had an idea. "HEY [N/N]-CHAN, LET GET RAMEN!"  Naruto suggested as he want to set a good first impression of having a friend, a first best friend.
You and Naruto both were holding each other shoulders talking about each other and laughing while walking into the town.
★[A/N] : hopefully you like this chapter of meeting naruto! CAUSE NEXT IS SAKURA HARUNO!★
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