#suprisingly this wasn't that hard
boxbug · 1 year
A Canary’s Final Flight
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My piece for @trafficzine 4th edition! Get it for free here! 200 pages of excellent art and fics, incredible work from all participants and from the mods especially!! huge shoutout to the mods for real
Process notes under the cut! (I struggled a lot so it's a bit of a novel)
So the entire process was a Ride. I knew when I picked this prompt that I was going to have a hard time, because Jimmy’s final death had been illustrated a billion times over by extremely talented artists. But I had a Vision of the snapshot of the second before the impact, when everything is still but you know what’s about happen. It was very much inspired by the clip of Fog by Jabberwocky, bu the thing is, they have the advantage of all the build up of the fall, and that’s when the trouble started.
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This was my first version, and obviously it wasn't working. And I was trying so hard, with so many iterations! Small wings, big wings, no wings, different poses, less backgrounds elements. I'd done compositions were everything seemed peaceful but something is Wrong, but it wasn't working this time.
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So instead I focused on what rendering I'd like to do - I tried a painterly approach, for that visceral feeling, but it wasn't working either (but hey, I did keep the red sky, so, progress)
At this point I'd been doing back and forths for weeks and I was just as lost as at the start. Now that's my tip for people who make art of any kind, in situations like that, stop thinking about how you can make the best piece possible, and think about you can have fun with it (because when you aren't it's visible). And for that was, 1 - going back to using ink and pen nibs and doing way too detailed inking, and 2- looking at Dave McKean's covers for Sandman (which, funnily enough, was also a reference for my previous trafficzine piece)
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And from there I was actually going somewhere! Between the jagged rocks, the red sky, and the increased verticality with the borders, I had hit the vibes I wanted.
I did some experimentation with the border, and even though I really liked the bad boys I drew they were taking too much away from the lonely desolation, so I actually used Red (Unecessary Redstone)'s idea of all of Jimmy's worldy's possessions scattered on the ground post impact, with the idea to make it looks like the central image is his grave being dug.
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(and yes for a short amount of time the were supposed to be clock markings on the sun, but there was already enough going with the wings so I scrapped that) (also fun fact the reason why the wings aren't fully material but more ghostly is because my toddler cousin was watching me draw the very first draft and asked why he didn't just use his wings and i went :( so the wings are a metaphor now)
So from there I found a bunch of picture and took some myself, cut and assembled everything together, added shadows in all the appropriate places, and repainted some elements so that everything would look better intergrated (some of the wheats are basically 100% handpainted, the cardboard as well). This took a suprisingly long amount of time, but I was done!
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Well I wasn't expecting to have that much to say, but I hope if you're still reading, it was at least interesting!
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dynachan · 1 month
Those of you who follow me know that one of my kins is Bakugo...
Which is why suprisingly, when I first watched the first few episodes of MHA back in 2016. I wasn't sure how to feel about Katsuki Bakugo at first. To be honest... Til episode 8 that is...
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When I first saw Bakugo, I thought "okay, another bully to the MC trope thing.. yeah yeah whatever..."  But then this happened... This scene right here was the moment I realized, Bakugo's character was a lot more complex than I first thought...
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In this scene at first glance, it seems like he's being a dick to Deku like usual. Which granted, is true for the most part... However, this is when I realized this is deeper. This scene I believe is when Bakugo's inferiority complex started to show. You can see him trembling, being hard on himself subtly, getting defensive, and even crying. It was clear at this moment to me that Bakugo had a lot complexities to him than just the typical bully character, and that they were doing something different this time.
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williaml0ver · 7 months
Ok ok ok, hear me out- Naib x a charismatic!sunshine!reader who tries his best to cheer everyone up in the manor 👀👀
☆ <3 Naib Subedar With a Sunshine Like s/o ☆ <3
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[🖇️] word count: 1213
[🖇️] warnings: g/n reader, Naib's a little grumpy
[🖇️] author's note: first of all THIS IS MY FIRST REQUEST EVER i'm emotional thank you so much 😭🫂 i honestly wasn't sure how to portray reader's personality well sooo this may not entirely be focused around it but i tried my best in sneaking some traits here and there, hope you'll enjoy this!
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☆ ☆ ☆
-You make his stay at the gloomy manor more bearable.
-Wouldn't understand you at first, because what's so nice and exciting about having to stay in this cursed place?
-He would have some suspicions towards you. He would be convinced that you're hiding some cruel intentions behind this bright smile. You would quickly notice how strange he's acting around you, and yeah, he is kind of stiff around most people, but you're feeling a whole new level of coldness here.
-Naib's attitude would spark amusement among other manor residents, at some point the rumous get to you.
-What can you say, you did feel surprised, thought felt a little bad for the mercenary, his life was probably filled with many dangerous moments and he grew cautious of his surroundings. Who can blame him?
-You decided to get closer to him, step by step. Start with something small, like initiating short conversations. His answer would be very short at first. That challenge is not for the faint hearted. You won't give up.
-Naib would just notice a weird pattern how you recently started talking to him more and eventually sense danger. He'd make himself clear and possibly threaten you.
-I think the best way to make him let his guard down is to have a honest conversation with him. Let him known your thoughts. Naib, slowly, would actually open up to you.
-Whenever in a bad mood, he would unconsciously be looking forward to seeing you again. There's just something about your smile, positive attitude and the little jokes you make. He craves comfort.
-Let's make this clear: he has no idea why you're being so kind towards HIM. He'd see you casually handing out small trinkets and laughing together with other people who did much more evil things than him, but he would still be in denial, does he really deserve this?
-Yet something would make him appreciate your way of being. Something would make him want to be near you, spend more time with you... get together with you?
-Yeah, it was a hard thing for him to admit he's got a crush. How awkward would that be... he definitely isn't saying that out loud.
-Funny thing is that you've also grown fond of the green hooded boy. Overly grown. There just was something about his cautiousness and hints of mystery. You quickly spotted how diffrently he started treating you compared to others lately. You even caught him softly smiling during your small talk.
-It wasn't long until you became a couple. One would think Naib would not make the first move, however he wished to show his gratitude to you, he just wasn't sure how!
-The mercenary ended up giving you a simple boquet of flowers. But what really touched you was his speech. He was usually a man of few words, so you quickly understood how important this was to him. His speech felt very honest and emotional: Naib was touched by so many things you have done for him, although for you they were something absolutely ordinary.
-He would feel relieved that you accepted his feelings and feel shocked finding out you feel the same.
-Spending time with you on a daily basis made him change his personality a little. Yes, he would still be THE mercenary when needed, no doubt, but overall he'd become more open. Seeing him go from someone very closed off to a suprisingly cheeky person made you melt. You felt glad that you helped him grow.
-Isn't afraid of showing PDA.
-Whenever someone new enters the Oletus manor they would immediately feel like this is some inside joke between the both of you, because how would that even make any sense? A cold hearted mercenary walking hand in hand with the literal definition of a ray of light? Truth is, you are a great match for Naib! Your relationship is perfectly balanced.
-Perfect example of a grumpy/cheerful duo.
-It was not a rare sight to see the mercenary utterly tired after his matches. Being a rescuer was a demanding position. It was a good thing other players trust and depend on him, but on the other hand the big pressure can cause a huge toll on his calmness.
-If someone got chaired, everyone else expects Naib to go to the rescue, even if he's currently far, far away. Of course, Naib learnt to control stress and work in difficult situations much before he even found out about the manor, but that didn't change the fact that post-match he'd isolate himself from everyone else.
-From everyone else besides you.
-You are his escape from reality. His soft spot. Naib has no idea how you've did it, but you managed to win him over completely. You're always trying to make him smile with this mysterious comforting aura, whether it's with words of affirmation and telling him he's done all in his power, how strong and devoted he is or with gentle touches, like holding his hand and kissing his palms.
-It's therefore no secret that during his bad days he wants you to be near.
-You can spend several together hours together just laying and cuddling. He lives for your smile.
-Naib appreciates how you comfort him after tough days and he comforts you in hours of need as well:)
-I wouldn't say he's very private when it comes to pda, though he's not overly affectionate in public either. He would have absolutely NO SHAME. You're needy for his attention but there are other survivors around? Don't worry! Naib is already patting his lap, awaiting you. He loves how you don't care what others think of your behaviour.
-Does not care about his reputation anymore. Those people know you are his soft spot. Just because he's gentle with you doesn't mean he's going to be merciful for everyone else. Someone dare to complain about you being annoying - they would be quickly receiving the glare.
-Naib would ALWAYS feel very protective over his s/o, no matter what personality would they have. He is a mercenary, a soldier, if his loved one wouldn't have a thing against being with someone like this, he'd become a total keeper as long as he is breathing.
-And when you're so positive almost all the time? Wanting to make sure everyone is feeling good? He would be all over you. A lot of, if not most people, residing in the manor were, to put it simply, bad people, so to have someone so pure next to him would turn him quite possesive.
-Of course, he is aware you are not stupid. You are aware of who the people you spend time with are. The world is not all unicorns and rainbows, you know that. He's going to understand if you show you're feeling uncomfortable with being constantly monitored. He'd try to withdraw from doing it but sometimes Naib can't help it. It's both the protectivness and the jealousy.
-When jealous, Naib would love to come near you and the person you're talking with, hug you from behind and be very affectionate. At some point you both gain the reputation of those people you'd see in citties kissing and making everyone feel awkward according to other people in the manor. Naib loves it.
☆ ☆ ☆
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Wishing you guys a good day/night 🫂🫂🫂
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scorpioriesling · 5 months
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Random Tropes HC (pt. 1)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairing(s): Rhysand / Azriel / Cassian x reader
Warnings: slight sexual suggestions
Summary: Random tropes, and how each would play out, depending on the character... and you, of course.
SR’s Note: I saw a filter on Tik Tok talking about book tropes, and ranking your favorite to least favorite... so this idea came to mind. I am using my top 6 (not in order) for the purpose of this post -- enjoy! Part 2
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Rhysand - "Slow Burn" / "Forbidden Love"
Only he would get involved in something very dangerous, for both you and him
But, he wouldn't care. He had to have you
In this version, you'd be Tamlin's sister, and he knew how dangerous it would be to be with you
At first, you hated him (as your brother taught you) but... over time you realized how shitty your brother was and you started falling for the High Lord of the Night Court
But, like Tamlin, your stubbornness would get in the way
"Keep playing pretend all you want, princess," Gods you hated when he would see right through the walls you tried to put up. "I know it's me you think of when you're alone at night."
When you finally drop the act, Rhysand is... oh boy
"You really like making me wait, don't you?" He would say, breath hot on you ear while he ran his fingers down your arms from behind.
You couldn't even begin to explain how hard it's been to hold out, to pretend you still hate hijm even though you haven't for quite a while.
"Shhh..." He would brush a strand of hair from your face, lips grazing your jawline. "No need to explain anything. I quite enjoy looking at what's going on in that pretty little head of yours myself."
Every time, you feel like you'll fully give in...
Rhysand doesn't mind the chase.
"You know what I want..." he would say. He would always wait until you were alone together, not wanting to cause anything with his enemy.
"... when the time is right." You finish. He would start staying overnight with you, his fingers tracing up and down your thigh but never going much further.
That alone and his eyes gazing into yours as he laid with you... that could turn you to mush.
The soft kisses he'd leave on your cheekbones, toying with the tendrils of your hair...
All for it to end in the morning, him pressing a kiss to your forehead before winnowing back to the Night Court without a trace.
Cassian - "Fake Dating"
Rhysand had not only given his brother the title of War General, but had also supplied him with a second in command.
You'd been taking training lessons from Cassian in a group setting. He tried really hard to keep his attention to other participants fair, but... something about you really stuck out to him.
Maybe it was the way your braid swung when you executed a move he'd only just taught the class; maybe it was the way your leggings hugged the curve of your ass, accentuated when he would have you practice punches and kicks with the punching bag...
It wasn't just your beauty. You were smart, witty, cunning... but also a very skilled fighter.
Cassian wasn't the only one to notice either.
"As the newly appointed second in command," Rhysand said, hands folded on his desk before him. You stood next to Cassian in Rhys' office. "You will be joining Cassian on his excursions from now on." Your eyed widened, and you elbowed the gorgeous male to your right.
"He can't defend himself all alone?" You say, a smirk pulling your lips. Cassian rolls his eyes, but Rhys just stares between the two of you, grinning smugly.
"Something like that."
You got along suprisingly well with the Lord of Bloodshed; he asked for your thoughts, took your advice, and leaned on you for support when you ventured to the Continent together. You'd become... dare you say it... friends.
"Oh come on, everyone's going!" Cassian threw his hands up, still standing in your doorway. You shrugged at him.
"Yeah, but... I don't really know anyone. Besides Rhys, I mean. Even then, he is kind of my boss, so..." You say, folding clothes and putting them in drawers. Cassian plops down on your bed, and when you return for the next stack, he's looking up at you with pleading hazel eyes.
"You don't have anything else tonight, right?" He asks, grabbing a hand in yours. Cassian was very touchy, and though usually you weren't, it was something you decided to let slide.
"I mean... no..."
"Its settled. You're coming with me! I'll even fly us there, so you can wear whatever shoes you want. Don't worry about the walk." He winked and walked out, so... nonchalantly. Like he didn't just reduce you to a pile of putty with his sweet notion.
It wouldn't have mattered if you wore a potato sack, Cassian would have still stared -- but you chose a tiny black dress, and glittering silver heels instead.
His eyes roamed over you when he came to pick you up, and a small chuckle fell from his lips.
"W-wow, Y/N, you look...." He doesn't finish his sentence. You roll your eyes and blush.
"Different than usual?" You supply. He gulps and nods his head, offerring you a hand. You take it, and walk to the front patio of the House of Wind.
"Hold onto me, okay?" He says. You look into his eyes, and he grins at you. "If you get scared, tell me and I'll return us to the ground.
You snort. "Oh please, Cass, do I look like I'm afraid of anyTHING-"
In seconds, his arm has wrapped under your thighs, the other holding you close around your waist. You squeeze your eyes shut, burying your face into his chest. His teakwood scent invades your nose, and you relax a little knowing this is right where you've wanted to be for months.
When you get to Rita's -- you find that you are easily the main attraction. Not only of the Inner Circle, but the place itself. Morrigan is talking your ear off, you politely spoke to Azriel, and even Rhysand has forgone his usual formal appearance.
But, like I said... others in the bar have noticed you too.
"Heyyy baby," a man's hand braces your lower back as you stand at the bar, waiting on the two drinks you offerred to get for your new friend Mor and yourself. You turn, a look of disgust on your face.
"Eew, don't touch me." You say. He only snickers, sliding onto the seat next to you.
"Let me buy you a drink." He says. His eyes are glazed over, and you continue to stare in pure distaste.
"No thanks." You clip. He huffs a laugh and leans closer to you.
"Why not, pretty girl? I don't see anyone else up here takin' care of you." Your face heats. He isn't going to leave you alone. You look over your shoulder, hoping to spot Cassian, Morrigan, Hell, even Rhysand. But you can't see anyone.
You angrily turn back to the loser next to you. "I'll have you know, I could totally kick your ass right now if I wanted to." You sneer. He laughs out loud, scooting closer and putting a hand on your leg. You gasp. "And-"
"And what, doll?" He drawls. You fumble for words, any excuse to get this creep to leave you alone.
"And... uh... and-"
"She has a boyfriend."
You turn, feeling Cassian's large hands bracing your shoulders. You let out a sigh of relief, and shoot him a Thank the Cauldron look.
"Oh... oh Gods uh I am so sorry-" The idiot fumbles, scrambling back and out of his chair.
"Save it. Don't touch her again." Cassian glares, and the guy shoos away. When he is finally out of earshot, you turn and take Cassian's hands in yours.
"Cass, oh Gods thank you..." you say. He gives you a strained smile, eyes flicking between yours and to where your hands now held his.
"It's no problem." He said. You turned, facing the bar as two drinks were slid across it to you. Cassian grabbed them both, and followed you to the booth where his friends sat. He sat one in front of Mor, and took a sip from your straw before handing yours to you.
"Heyyy," you said. He only grinned at you, allowing you to slide into the seat before him. Rhys looked at you with a smirk, and you didn't think to hard what he was getting at because the conversations started up again. Within minutes, Cassian rested his cheek on the side of your head, arm wrapped around your waist, tracing tiny circles on your bare thigh. You sucked in a breath when you caught onto what he was doing.
"Cassie, what are you..." His hand stopped to rest on your hip, and he peered down at you.
"Dance with me?" He asked. You simply nodded, following his to the dance floor where upbeat music played. You faced him, and he once again took your hands in his, swaying with you to the beat. When a more sensual song came on, he moved your hands to his chest, and replaced his on your hips, pulling you impossibly close. With each movement, you felt your heart explode a little more; you knew you cared for him more than usual friends do. But pretending to date would only hurt in the end; you enjoyed this way too much.
"Cass, I.." You started. His left hand moved to rest atop your butt, and your breath caught in your throat. He leaned down to talk over the loud music.
"You... what, Y/N?" Ughhh. Your name sounded so good on his lips.
"I, uh... that guy. He isn't here anymore, so. We can stop pretending." You gazed up at him, his hazel eyes dark and focused on your lips.
"And what if I'm not pretending?"
Azriel - "Enemies to Lovers"
Ohhh he would want you from the get go.
In this version, you'd be Eris's full sister, and Lucien's half sibling.
"What's she doing here?" He would ask when Eris brought you with him to the meeting he was to attend with the Inner Circle.
"Trust me, I didn't want to. Beron made for her to come with me." Eris would say, not missing the glare Azriel pointed at you. You only returned the sentiment.
"What's it to you?" You asked. Azriel folded his arms across his chest, his biceps bulging from the tight black tee he wore. You couldn't help but let your eyes linger for a moment, before returning to his face when he spoke again.
"Whatever. I just don't want any other liabilities." You scoffed, beelining for the door to the meeting hall where the rest of the Inner Circle waited. Your shoulder clocked Azriel as you passed, and Eris chuckled.
"Maybe I brought her for some entertainment," he whispered lowly, following you into the meeting room. Azriel said nothing else as he trailed in last, pulling the door closed behind him.
"So whatever did you need to talk about?" Eris says, taking the seat across from Rhysand. Of course he would, leaving the last two empty chairs across from one another for you and Azriel.
"You know why I've called you here." Rhysand purrs. They begin their conversation, and you feel a tiny tickle around your wrist. You look down and see a slim, black tendril of a shadow. When you peer down at it, it seems to seize its movements. You give a small smile, and it continues its dance around your fingers.
"What has your sister said about this arrangement?" Rhys asks, making you look up. Your cheeks heat as all eyes are now on you. What was the question?
"I uh, I think whatever needs to be done is up to the better judgement of my father," you say. Rhysand's eyebrows rise, and Eris glances sidelong at you, giving you a silent confirmation. You're glad you answered somewhat correctly.
Glancing across the table, Azriel is still staring daggers into you. You shoot him a small snarl, and remember the smoky tendril winding around your knuckles. A devilish smirk takes over your lips.
You flutter your fingers, and the shadow follows your command, returning to Azriel. It drifts up his exposed forearm, and slips under his shirt. He shifts uncomfortably, glancing around and swallowing.
"It's settled then. Y/N will reside here for the time being-"
"Wait, what?" You say, realizing you've spoken in unison. Azriel is squirming in his chair, shadow still tickling him as he looks at Rhys with pleading eyes.
"Why would she need to be here?" He asks lowly. You snarl at him, crossing your arms.
"Its obviously not my first choice either, bat." You say. This time he glares back at you. "Don't worry; I won't have anything to do with you while I'm here." You finish, nose upturned as you fix your gaze on your brother beside you again. He leans over and gives your knee a squeeze, pride showing in his face.
"It's settled then." He stands, and you do the same. Eris and Rhys shake hands, and he makes to walk out the door. You trail behind him, as you hear Azriel pleading and begging Rhysand to make you go home.
"She is staying, Azriel. I've already made up my mind. This is the next best move we could make." He explains and Azriel shoves his chair in, the legs scraping on the floor. Pathetic.
"Listen, if anything happens to you here, you just give me a shout, okay? I'll come get you-" You wrap your arms around your big brother. He sighs and returns the hug. You peer over his shoulder and catch Azriel staring at you from the doorway. You snicker.
"I will be just fine, I promise." He nods, placing a hand on your arm one last time before making to leave. The rest of the members have already cleared out, leaving just you and Azriel.
He doesn't wait to pounce on you once your brother is out of earshot, but you know better. You've known better for years; Azriel is always so tempermental. So... ugh, annoying. So, hot.
"Save it Az - you cant't get rid..." You're cut off by his hand gripping your elbow, falling into darkness as he winnows you both. When you open your eyes, you realize you're in a bedroom. A big one, with cream colored drapes and sheets on the bed. You barely take in the scene around you before your hands are pinned above your head against the back of the closed bedroom door.
"Azriel." You say, tone low and menacing. He glares down at you, leaning in towards your face.
"What the hell was that?" He seethes. Your brow raises in question.
"What are you-" You breath is coming in short pants. The scent of sage and sea salt rolls off him, gently caressing your senses as you try to focus on what he asked you. You're a bit distracted, you'll admit. This golden flecked eyes, staring intensely at you. The light dusting of freckles across his sun-kissed nose. His lips that are so close to yours...
"Manipulating my own shadows. Trying to distract me duirng the meeting? What the hell was that?" He breathes. You let a small smile grace your lips. His pull back as he bares his teeth at you, and you chuckle.
"Aww, Az, it's nice to see you still brush every morning -- maybe if you smiled more-" He surges forward, crashing his lips onto yours. Your eyes blow wide in shock, his free hand grasping your hip bone and pulling you close to him. His lips feast on you hungrily, biting your lower lip as his tongue dances with yours, battling for dominance. You can't help but let out a low groan, and his grip on your wrists loosens. When he finally pulls back, gasping for air, you grin mischeviously at him.
Gotcha. Right where I wanted you.
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cursedzucchini · 2 years
Sandwiches taste better be without ketamine — part 1
Y'know all those Danny is in wayne mansion and Alfred drugs him (bc they're sus of this dude, Bruce wants to interrogate him whatever).
Well i had a thought and i think i wanna write it haha
Tw: drugging, disasosiaction (from first pov), overall Danny is not in a good mental space
It was evening.
Danny wasn't sure where exactly he was, nor even what year it was. The mansion he broke in was huge and fancy, all the gothic aesthetic this city seemed to be almost worshipping and the slimy smell of money, included.
At first he hoped no one will notice him, as foolish as it was with his luck. He wasn't all that suprised when an elderly man in black suit tapped his shoulder and asked if he would want a 'brunch'. If Danny didn't have ghost sense, he'd suspect he was the ghost of a butler or something, but no. The man was very much alive, if not a little liminal. But at this point who wasn't.
:read more:
And yes, Danny can admit it was stupid not to ran the moment he noticed the man, but... was it so wrong to hoped maybe for once he met nice people who wouldn't try and vivisect him?
Feeling the familiar artificial feeling of fatigue, yes, yes it was.
In the private of his mind, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. The man seemed nice, but more importantly his food was divine. God, if his existence wasn't banned by the government, he might've even take the drugging for the food.
Yes, he might be disasosiacting. Not like he has any other choice, if he doesn't want to destroy this place.
“Is something wrong sir?” the elder (he introduced himself, but Danny figured trying to drug someone made him loose name privileges) asked, a great imitation of genuine worry lacing his voice. The boy had to give it to him, he was an excellent actor (who tried to drug him. Put something in his food and he didn't notice. Wanted to do who knows what with.him. druGgeD hIM lIKe tHE gIv dIiiiIIiIi—)
Danny blinked. It was getting harder to keep his eyes open. He opened his mouth to speak, but the ever boiling anger was now even stronger than normally. He wanted to scream and punch the man. He wanted to take the tasty guacamole toast and throw it so hard it cracks the wall. He wanted to destroy and wail and-
Instead he continued staring at the man, no emotions visible on his face. Danny didn't want to say anything, or even move, because what if that was the catalyser for him to break and just... do something he might regret later. But the longer was sitting on the stool, the stupid toast in front him, the man's eyebrows scrunching in fake worry—
"If there is anything I can—"
"is it normal for you to drug every guy who visits, or am I just that special?" he could hear himself say. Or well, Danny knew he was saying this, but it was as if it was beyond his control. Like he was just a onlooker in his own life.
The butler blinked, but other than that no surprise showed on his face. So it wasn't a mistake, Danny noted, ignoring the rising tension in his body. Some part of him sighed, already preparing to fight the grandpa before him.
"it appears there was some sort of—" the boy jumps over the island, zeroing onto the older man's hand. He wrenched the stun gun out of his grasp, not afraid to bite or scratch, all the while dodging a kick to his side. The other man had suprisingly strong grip, but it was nothing in face of Danny's rising suspicions and surprise attack.
The boy swiftly got as far away as he could, dismantling the weapon without taking his gaze away from the butler. The man was watching his action, apparently already gotten over Danny's surprise attack. A shame, he hoped he'd be able to overshadow the elder when he was in shock. He wasn't otherwise suprised, when he brushed his mind before, he could feel his mind was strong.
The familiar haze of pills was starting to take over Danny's body. He had to leave quickly. He couldn't leave without injuring the older man. If he didn't do something right now, he will fall unconscious.
Snarky quips it was than "If you wanted to get rid of me, you could've just called the police like a normal person y'know" the words came out more bitter than he wanted, but even that didn't shake the man before him. The butler was still watching him, positioned in something Danny vaguely recognized as fighting stance, face impassionate. That fact alone made him add "Or just... Tell me to leave. Literally anything but putting anesthetics in a perfectly good sandwich" only to see him squirm. The way he was so unbothered... Well it made Danny uncomfortable. (No one who drugged a kid, even if they had white hair and glowed, without showing an ounce of remorse was not a good person)
His eyes were closing, and he could feel his grip slipping on his power. What was the old man thinking?? The average human would probably be dead if they ate this much ketamine... This was getting more and more dangerous by the second, he had to... He had to... He...
"I apologize for all of this, but anyone able to enter this mansion unnoticed, cannot simply leave before some... Conversation happen" and didn't that sound ominous as hell. His vision was swaying, and he couldn't stay on his feet anymore. The panic was the only thing keeping him conscious. The moment he fell asleep, he wouldn't be able to keep his ecto signature in check, meaning They would immidietly know where he is. He would no longer be putting only himself in danger, but also the old man (as much as he deserved it for drugging him).
And he didn't know how his powers worked after everything. He could easily destroy this whole mansion, just by unravelling his true appearance.
"No... I- I have to... I..." his core was screaming. the similarity of this situation was a reminder of how he changed and what he used to be. He try to move towards where he thought could be the outer wall, but his limbs were so heavy. The boy didn't even bother to look at the old man anymore, just trying to get out of here. He turned on his stomach, crawling away from the man, tears gathering in the corner of his eyes. They stung in anger and hopelessness that once again filled him.
"It will not take long, you have nothing to worry about child" if he was little bit more aware, he might catch the pity in his voice, but he wasn't. All he could hear were threats and scorn. A noise, that wasn't entirely human, build up at the back of his throat. He couldn't stop the pathetic high pitched whines that escaped his mouth, even as his eyes were closed and body no longer moving.
And exactly in that moment the door to the kitchen smashed open, a burning core answering his own "What the fuck is going on here?!"
Yeah idk this was just something on my mind, idk how this would even continue lol
Uh some more stuff i thought of for this
Danny wouldn't have a good relationship w Alfred at first. Like dude wouldn't trust him at all, not his food anything he says, and all. Idk the batfam could feel guilty, or it'd just be a cool new experience it doesn't matter
On that note, their relationship would probably get better, but i just wanted to acknowledge that someone drugging u is super traumatizing even if they do it w good intentions
Danny got kidnapped/sold to giv it doesn't really matter, but what is important is that he's full ghost. Why? Idk i just think it'd be so terrible for giv to see this Schrodinger's boy and went "yo what if we made him full ghost" and them succeeding. Like first of all that shit would destroy Danny and also it'd be such a terrible situation. Also batmans reaction to Danny dying, surviving (kinda) and than dying again would be so interesting
Also the person to come in is obviously Jason. He heard a kid screaming and felt it, and the pits went "baby >:((("
No idea what happens after, but at some point he stays at the manor and stuff happens. Idk what yet but it could be anyying
Where's batfamily? In batcave probably idk
I'm so tired i just finished writing this an holy wow kill.me. it's been a rough week haha. Hope u liked this i might continue this but probably not
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bornagainmurdock · 5 months
pancakes & coffee // matt murdock
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You woke up this morning to find Matt's side of the bed empty and messy, sheets and duvet tangled within itself. It wasn't unusual for him to be missing, but it made you sad regardless. You turned over again, waiting the few seconds for your alarm to officially go off, but instead you were met with a crash of dishes from the kitchen. Your brain immediately went to robber, but when Matt shouted from across the apartment you knew better.
When you emerged from the doorway, you were met with Matt, trying as hard as he could to not laugh at the mess of dishes at his feet, hands over his mouth.
"I was trying to suprise you with breakfast, but I instead convinced you we were being robbed."
"So now you really owe me breakfast Murdock."
You both giggled as Matt continued to pick everything up, refusing to let you help him. He was almost done with cooking and was attempting to plate it when the crash happened. Luckily, no food was lost in the fight.
"Sit down and I'll be there in a second with pancakes."
He set the plate in front of you at the dining table, and then walked back to the kitchen to grab the coffees.
"Coffee too? Don't I feel lucky!" You bounced in your seat.
"I was trying to be romantic."
"And I'd say you're succeeding."
He joined you at the table offering to clink glasses before taking your first sip. Matt was suprisingly good at making coffee, finding the right ratio of milk to coffee every single time.
"Thank you for the suprise."
"Always happy to please." He said with a smirk.
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aoiveae-monsters · 11 months
Including Mothman, Dullahan, Yautja and Khonshu
Edid: Finally a real note. Just a Post of my beloved silly skrunkles. Also for Khonshu's part I used witch reader from the headcanons I wrote for him before because I just felt like it.
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- He has seen humans celebrate halloween before but didn't quite understand it, always wonderd why humans tried to mimic other monsters.
-Once you properly explain it to him, and talk about free food- he's hooked. His antenna stand straight and he goes to put on a white blanket to go as a ghost Trick or Treating.
-He could already go without a costume but he looks so cute and happy in his little white robe, you couldn't bring yourself to tell him.
-You go around everywhere and he does the most adorable chirb when he says "Trick or Treat", almost everyone gives him extra candy because it's that cute. The sweet old Lady next door gave him a full bucket of candy and his antenna did a cute little wiggle.
-He munches himself into a sugar rush with all the candy he eats. Also he hand feeds you candy. Still in his costume too. By end of it all you got a chonky moth in a ghost costume, happily purring as you rub his belly.
-Come on, Halloween is one of his fav times of the year. He get's to walk around freely, get candy and scare people shitless! He even made you a matching outfit to his.
-You'll both be riding on his steed, scaring unasuming mortals. Sapphire Flames erupting as he let's out a wicked laugh, terrifying anyone he sees.
-Sometimes he'll put his head somewhere for a person to pick up and then igniting his eye sockets, giving the poor someone a heart attack.
-Other than that he'll gallop the streets with you, drawing the attention of other halloween goers, drinking up all the praise he get's for his "costume". Will do tricks like taking his head off in front of everyone. Let's the children even play with with, creating dancing figures with his flames.
-In the rare event he meets another Dullahan, he'll talk for ages with them and do some duo pranks. The horses will just chill with you, judging their riders.
-Like a real Gentleman he comes back with his head filled to the brim with the candy, all for you. He won't answer any questions about how he got it...
-It was suprisingly easy to get your mate to celebrate halloween. He's mostly excited to adorn you in the bones of the beasts he hunted.
-He's purring the entire time you put on your costume, the skull of a xenomorph being your mask.
-He himself puts on something, some giant jagged bones. Sharpening his claws and showing off his face. You two will have all the eyes on you.
-If you wanted candy however, you could have simply asked him to get you some, your mate loves to spoil you, but if Trick or Treating is what you want than you shall have it. He can never say no to you.
-With him by your side, you get aalllll candy. After getting the sweets going to horror maze is a MUST. He doesn't get scared but he puffs up with pride whenever you get spooked and cling to him.
-Lowkey he scares the workers there. Some other people there think he works there and fan over him.
-By the end of it all you turned him into a halloween fan, he cannot wait for next year, but before the night ends there is one last thing you two need to do...going on a hunt!
-The God of the Moon wasn't too interested in your mortal holiday. Yet somehow, you managed to convince him to go with you, manifesting him in a corporeal form. So that's why you asked him to teach you the magic to invoke entities...
-But you did go through all the hard work to summom him into the material plane, he can't bring himself to say no to his favorite human. And it has been centuries since he last walked the earth with mortals.
-Okay fine, you did it, you got your oh so great and benevolent god to acompany you during this wicked night. Steve and Marc are beyond impressed with your skill to make Khonshu do anything you want.
-Surprisingly enough though, you didn't have to say anything about Khonshu needing a new look, all his idea. After all, the god has decided that since he'll walk among mortals after so many years, he might as well dress for the occasion.
-Pale bandages and golden crescent moons get replaced with black robes that shine like the stars and are adorned with blood red moons. He looks a little like a Vampire.
-Old Birb Man mantifests some fangs after you said that, threatening to take a sip out of you.
-He even dresses you up himself, whatever costume you had before will be changed to make you look worthy to be a god's consort. All will look upon you with awe. Only the best for his beloved star.
-You walk the streets together, the witch and their terrifying patron drawing the eyes and adoration of everyone.
-Daddy Khonshu decides to go even extra and cause a Blood Moon, with a jack'o-latern face filling the celestial body.
-He puffs up when people compliment him, ah yes, how he missed the worship of mortals. Hand feed him the candy you got and he'll coo about how a perfect human you are, his best accolyte. That's how you find out about Khonshu's massive sweet tooth
-However manifesting Khonshu for so long takes it's toll on you, invoking a deity upon the material plane is quite a lot of work. Khonshu already plans to reward you plenty for not only for letting him walk among the earth again but also feel the joy of halloween.
-The night ends with you getting usherd to bed, face lovingly carresed before Khonshu dematerializes.
-While all gaze upon a grinning blood moon.
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Guys 😍 This is just a small one shot that copy pasted from MY WATTPAD.
Trigger warning: not much just a lil smut and Y/n acting like a PUSSY.
Also English is NOT my first language and neither my second so i apologize in advance.
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A buzzing sound was heard and Y/n's screen lit up in the darkness. A small yellow light was placed infront of her book, giving her enough light to read and write some information on her paper. Y/n was deep in her notebook, finishing her worksheet for the next day.
The buzzing sound however distracted her and she looked at her phone screen.
1 new message
She could already figure who it was.
R u home?
She looked over her small apartment. It wasn't too dirty.
Yes. Come over if you want!
She closed her book and opened her balcony door. The warm summer air came into her room. The sun was almost set and the balcony lights were on, which attracted all kinds of insects.
She turned her lights off and in the darkness she tried to find her way to the bathroom.
She looked in the mirror of her bathroom and took off her mascara, refreshed her concealer and put on her new lipstick. It wasn't hard to pick one of her perfumes, that were placed on her sink.
Ellies favorite was the one she had bought the day of the party that they had met.
Y/n sprayed the perfume on her collarbone and was immediately hit by the smell. A small smile had formed on her lips.
The relationship between her and Ellie is mutual. Well it was. Both of them agreed on one thing.
Just sex nothing else.
Neither of then had time for a relationship anyway, they were too caught up with college, their jobs and their own friends. But it was only a week before summer break.
Y/n finally had time to reflect their relationship. This had been going on for 4 months, and Y/n never thought that their relationship would last that long. But it did. And now it had started to cause unwanted feelings.
Her thoughts were disturbed, when she heard a knock on the door. Ellie was as pretty as ever. The only thing that gave them light was the bathroom light Y/n had forgotten to turn off.
As always, it started with a little kissing and pretty quickly, developed into a full on make-out session. Y/n felt good, everytime Ellie would call her pretty or hot. Tho the only times she said that it was while they were hooking up. Ellie knew Y/ns sweet spots, she would always kiss Y/n so gently but hard at the same time.
They rarely kissed on the lips.
It was way too romantical. But this time Y/n wanted more than just physical affection, she wanted it to be more intimate. Ellie had stopped for a moment, to take off her shirt. She wanted to continue where she left off but Y/n took her chin and kissed her on the lips. Ellie was taken back, but suprisingly kissed back. Y/n could feel the butterflies in her stomach intensely.
Y/n broke the kiss after a few seconds, and looked at Ellie, to figure out if Ellie was ok with the kiss. But Ellie kissed her back again, and continued their session, like always.
"Girls tend to fall in love through physical affection" Y/n remember what she had once heard in a podcast. Back back then she had rolled her eyes at that, but in that moment she felt so much in love.
Y/n was staring at the ceiling, while she was listening to the raindrops. Ellie was standing on her balcony, having a cigarette after their intimate moment. She threw a shirt on, and walked to her balcony, to where Ellie was. Ellie handed her a cigarette and gave her a lighter.
"There is something I want to talk to you about." Ellie raised an eyebrow.
"Im all ears"
Y/n took a puff off her cigarette and blew out the smoke. The soft summer rain had cooled the hot weather, and left an earthly smell which had calmed Y/n.
"I fear I have breaken our arrangement." She started.
"I don't remember signing one" Ellie says jokingly and brings the cigarette back to her lips.
"Ellie. I have-" fallen in love with you. She so wanted to confess, but like a coward she could not.
"I have been seeing someone." She lied instead.
Ellie stared at Y/n. After a long short while she nodded. "Alright then. We shouldn't see eachother then. Anymore. I was scared that you were about to tell me that you were in love with me or something"she joked.
Y/n breathed out, relieved that she didn't confess and she didn't make a fool out of herself. "Yeah i dont think we should anymore."
Ellie looked over Y/ns face, maybe hoping for Y/n to change her mind about her lover and come back to her.
They both smoked their cigarette till the end and once they were done, Ellie got up and left Y/ns apartment. The second Ellie shut the door Y/n frowned. She had ruined the whole relationship. Maybe it was for the better. Clearly Ellie didn't like her back but at least they wouldn't see eachother anymore.
But both couldn't deny the fact that there wasn't a sting in their hearts.
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grimespial · 6 days
Pretty Boy
10k x Addy's twin brother reader
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See 10k is innocent, he knows all about hunting, shooting and survival, but that poor boy is completely unaware of anything sexual
Even his romantic knowledge is lacking, anything he knows comes from the couples around him.
He had crushes, they were small, the kind just based on looks that pass on not long after it came.
They certainly weren't requited, and the hope he had for a relationship was crushed when the world ended.
Before the apocalypse he was already out of the loop, but now he was in his early 20s and atleast half the world was dead.
Not ideal for dating.
One of the first people he saw out of the group was a boy, a little older than him, with auburn hair, shouting at the old man to stop spinning "or you'll lose your head too"
Why did he shoot the zombie for them? It was hard to think when he locked eyes with the other guy.
10k thought he got shot at that moment, thats what it would feel like right? Suddenly losing your breath? He wouldn't feel the pain from adrenaline so it must be.
When 10k joined the group, it was suprisingly simple to fit into
Doc definitely took his part in welcoming him into the group.
But there was you.
It was different,
You were the same as everyone else really, it was Tommy that was the problem.
Yeah you were slightly touchy, not that he minded, but you were with Addy and Mack so maybe he was just overthinking everything.
But it was hard not to when it felt like he has allergies everytime you lock eyes, whenever your hands touch he swear he was struck by lightning
Even lightning wasn't a good comparison, because that would surely hurt, and this didn't, he almost melted in your hands.
Not very good when he's keeping watch while the group is travelling.
When you and Tommy date, Addy especially runs with the teasing, everyone joins in, but nobody teases as much as Addy.
Especially to 10k, everytime he's just admiring she manages to catch him.
He is very much a hopeless romantic, i mean youre one of his first big crushes, and his very first relationship
You will almost never have an empty hand, if he's there, he will be holding it.
He's not the proudest of it, and he's very shy when he does it, but he will take something if he sees it and thinks it would be a nice gift for you.
Any time you two have to split up (which isn't the most often because when you have a choice you will stick together, Warren learnt that too) he'll give you a bandana, a promise to meet again to return.
Neither of you needs a bandana to see eachother again, but its a sweet connection.
It doesn't matter how long you two are together, the fact he's dating you still makes him blush everytime you kiss him.
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junnieverse · 1 year
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➙ synopsis: he was unattainable and yet you still wanted him. pretending to be someone you weren't putting yourself in difficult positions simply for his attention. with every move you made, it seemed you were digging yourself a deeper hole for a one sided love and through it all you were losing not only the people who cared about you but yourself.
pairing: lee heeseung x afab!reader
genre: angst, suggestiveness towards the end if you squint hard enough, unrequited love au?
word count: 0.8k
warnings: not proofread, reader is somewhat... obsessed with heeseung, mentions of alcohol/drinking
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"You've made your bed so lie in it." you tell yourself looking into the mirror wiping off your make up and the dry runny mascara you had from crying earlier on.
Everything was falling apart and only you were to blame.
But the same questions continued to swirl around your mind.
'Why couldn't he choose you?'
'Were you not good enough for him?'
'Why did Lee Heeseung never look your way?'
All you had ever wanted was for the notorious Heeseung to give you atleast a small bit of time and attention and no matter what you did he never seemed to even linger your direction.
Well that was until he finally did.
This was a skillfully plotted and attentive plan you had set all for popularity and Heeseung.
You had moulded yourself like clay to fit right into Heeseung's groupie.
You had went from drinking and partying where he was to slowly befriending his own friends just to get closer to him.
Your friends had tried to stop you multiple times, said you weren't acting like yourself anymore and what you were doing was... well, 'stalker-ish'
You knew deep down you had to stop, you were going too far just for someone who couldn't even give you the time of day before and the ones who did were slowly leaving you.
Admittedly, this was something you regretted now.
Changing out of your bodycon mini dress, you put on some pyjamas and climb into bed pulling the covers over your head as you cried yourself to sleep.
Was this karma, you ruined your own life for your own selfish reasons that were meaningless to you now.
"Stop! STOP!" you yell out pushing the brakes but to no avail the car was still going at full speed.
You were losing control from the steering wheel after crossing a red light and all you could hear were the cars honking and the front lights blinding you making the road hard to see.
Why couldn't you stop, you just wanted to gain control again before you swerved off the road.
Jolting up awake you feel a sudden cold sweat run down your spine as you still calm down from the intense dream you had just woken up from.
This wasn't the first time you'd had this dream, it would reoccur more lately and this seemingly attested to how much your life was spiralling out of control.
You had put in so much of your time and efforts building shallow relationships for those few minutes of popularity around campus building a facade of someone you never were for somebody who didn't pay any mind to you in the beginning.
And when you finally did get Lee Heeseung's attention, it was... suprisingly unfulfilling.
Yes, you finally did it but at the cost of your happiness and personal identity.
Heeseung simply knew you at the surface level but he didn't know the true you, he never batted an eye at you before you 'changed'.
You pushed away all the people who knew who you really were and you missed that feeling.
Missed the feeling of not having to hide who you were behind layers of heavy makeup and short uncomfortable dresses.
Trying to impress a group of shallow people who only cared about their social image and presence yet never had time to get to know you but would only call you when they wanted to get drunk in clubs in fear of being out drinking alone.
"Hee- heeseung-" you urge stopping the boy who was kissing along your neck with his arms wrapped comfortably around your waist.
"I can't keep doing this. This- this isn't me." you tell him with your hands removing his from your small frame as he depicted a puzzled expression not understanding where this was going.
You were unhappy.
This 'full proof' plan of yours went into shambles.
All you had ever wanted was Heeseung, that was the entire reason you even spent so much time crafting everything and when you got finally got him, you only lost yourself.
You couldn't let yourself keep living like this, building fake relationships with people you never really liked to begin with just for a small boost in the social hierarchy, you wouldn't let it happen any longer.
"Maybe it's best we end this... whatever this even is." you tell him getting off his lap but before he could even plea with you, you were quick to stop him.
Directing Heeseung out the house, you closed the door behind him and let out a sigh of relief as you sunk down to the floor leaning on the door.
It was all over now.
You lost so many genuine people and yourself all for someone else and now you had to work towards gaining all of that back and rebuilding those sincere connections.
In the end, the popularity and Heeseung were never worth it.
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SERIES TAGLIST: @enhastolemyheart @jungwonscafe @firstclassjaylee
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You know, in MW5 I kinda dismissed the Corsair as a bit of a joke.
Sure, he hits hard a bit when ya don't stare at him, and good fucking luck hitting his head, but it crumples a bit under sustained fire to the torso, and he doesnt exactly have the heaviest of weaponry. Even with my difficulties in the arena mode tryna fight him in a Nightstar, he wasn't impossible.
But oh fucking man. I salvaged an XT1 from one FFA arena mission, so after a ridiculous repair cost cause some madman stuck an XL engine in here, and replacement guns, I took the mech for a spin.
He appears to have taken my bad faith criticisms.. personally.
He stuck to one rock for cover and proceeded to rain hell upon the enemy, ripping some poor Hatchetman a new one with his AC/5-RF and 3 backup AC/2BF's, and severely crippling several assaults while the other mechs in the lance moved in. He occasionally used his backup LRM 5s to poke at unsuspecting mechs, but loved his autocannons more than the salvage we could have gotten by NOT annihilating everything in his wake.
By the time his magazines had finally clicked empty, he began his forward march to glory, holding down his TAG laser and spamming his additonal-backup PPC-X while remaining suprisingly cool.
For reference of that fight, our Highlander HM, had come back with neither of his limbs, as he was in the thick of the fight for most of the arena match.
The Corsair came back with 90 damage out of 576. 90. Fucking. Damage. He came strolling on back with a bruise on his knee compared to the punishment the Highlander endured.
And he laughed the whole way home. Knowing damn well I was wrong. Knowing damn well that the assault-mech sized liability that could, very well fucking did. And came back with empty ammo bins and a shit eating grin on its face. Of course, the mech cannot laugh. Nor does it even have the paint in the rough shape of said aforementioned shit-eating grin.
But I know that groan of myomer and the telltale clanging of a wrench accidentally falling through a gap in the steel, because one of our junior engineers has fucking butterfingers.
He was laughing at me. "Who's not shit now," he mocks. "Who's an assault-sized trashcan now?"
What I still lament about this mech is the fact that it does not have more gun slots. For if you sure as shit aren't going to be civil,
You may as well be efficient.
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lizlovell · 9 months
You're losing me
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part 1
part 2
''Stop staring at her,it's creepy''
Pansy rolled her eyes at the blonde.
''It's not creepy,she is my girlfriend'', Draco replied, suprisingly for the first time since class started, ignoring everything else his friends were saying.
Pansy snorted,''Well apparently not''.
''Yeah man,why don't you just go talk to her instead of sending death-glares to everyone sitting next to her''
The words were simply ignored. Draco couldn't help it. He hated seeing her living like her life doesn't revolve around him anymore.
During the exam months before they take a break, all Draco thought about was to get away from you and all the tension built in your relationships. Being too busy under the exam pressure made him think your problems were nothing. He could see how your built up your guards up and how the dry conversations were cut short. He were annoyed that you kept on being strong for both of you although you were hurt. He didn't know how to handle,he couldn't find any word to make the situation better.So he ran away. But now that the exam pressure is gone, he found himself in the worse agnoy. He have to fix this.
''Y/N wait!''
''Y/N there are flowers for you in front of the common room..again''
''Miss Y/L/N, stop running in the hallway and bumping into everyone!The school is not a playground for Tag''
''Y/N I'm sorry i can't come to the library with you today''
It is an understatement to say the following weeks were funny and eventful for everyone at Hogwarts.They got some free shows to enjoy. It was a strange sight for them at first to see Malfoy trying to chase his former girlfriend. But then they got used to seeing you running in the hallway with Draco trying to catch up, flowers for you in the classes and in front of ur dorm, your friends getting paid to leave you alone, and everyone is just so invested to know what is going to be Draco's next move and how you are going to slip through it,again,some betting it won't last three weeks.
Despite you using all of your effort not to lose the bet and keep ur dignity, there you are again,back up against the walls and embraced in someone's warmth.
The familiar mixed scent of green apple and pine hovers and a wave of nostalgia washed over you with the familiar chest-ache.
There you are again– after nights and nights of crying your eyes out till they were dry– you find yourself pinned under the Draco fucking Malfoy against the cold stone wall of Hogswart .
''Y/N'', he voice cracked out of his throat betraying the tough act he is trying to put on. He just couldn't take it anymore. He can't stand the void that left him with dark circles under his eyes and he refused to believe you are doing well without him.
''Come back to me,love. I know you missed me too''
His eyes do not match the arrogance the words are carrying. You hate yourself for it but that longing gaze filled with sorrow and a tight grip on your waist was all it took to break down the self control you have tried so hard to build around you. He see right through you.
''Didn't you want this Draco, wasn't this what you wanted? away from me'',
''I was scared Y/N, i was so scared that i doubted us. So i ran away like a coward because i didn't know any better..i'm sorry'', he mean every apology he is saying.
''But now i'm scared to live without you, i don't want to be away from you,never again, please love, come back to me''
Your knees are weak and your vision is blurry. You taste something sour, is that a tear, are you crying again? ''Merlin,i'm so damn tired to crying'', you thought.
Soft lips pressed down on yours. You felt your stomach dropped. The taste of fire whiskey and your tears linger on your lips. A few sobs chocked out of you, feelings like you are finally woken up from a nightmare. All these touch and warmth,merlin knows how much you yearned for these. A sharp pain drew some blood from ur lips as if he is letting out all the frustration and finally finding comfort in it. The familiar feeling of belonging and love filled up the void.
''shouldn't have let you go my love''
Students of Hogwarts are going to be happy that they won't have to worry about falling victims to the certain couple's stunts and tantrums .
I'm sorry this is rushed and bad but here's the ending >~<
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nogenderbee · 1 year
May I request Albedo, Baizhu, Al-Haitham and Kaveh with a reader that who's Hydro Vision allows them to create liquid poison?
Hello! The moment this request came Baizhu wasn't playable but now he is so why not, I can do him! Just sorry if he's a little bit fanon...
Also this might be a bit short but honestly, idea was great so I guess I just didn't had idea while writing... but anyway, I hope you'll enjoy <3
Albedo, Baizhu, Alhaitham, Kaveh with hydro!reader creating liquid poison
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @miya-akane
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⊱ Albedo was definitely interested in your abilities even more from the very beginning
⊱ when he saw you in fight and how you use toxic liquid on monsters, he started thinking how much more can you actually do
⊱ he knew well that asking you to be his test subject might be a bit inappropriate so he just observed you and if anything, asked you few questions
⊱ in the end tho, he couldn't help himself but ask you to give him at least poison sample for his research
"I really don't intend to be rude but would you mind using your ability to create liquid poison and give me a bit of it for my research?"
⊱ but honestly, he's also more relieved and isn't as much worried about you since he's much sure that you can take care of yourself or at very least threaten someone with toxins, not like he's encouraging you tho...
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⊱ Baizhu is also pretty interested but he's not scared to immidietly spoil you with any questions he might have
⊱ some toxins can be healing if used properly I don't know, I'm not good with these stuff but I hope I'm right so he's interested if you can create some kind of it
⊱ if you do, then as inappropriate as it may be, he'll use your abilities for others health sake
⊱ if not then he's really not all that surprised, after all it's not that common for any toxin to be like that
⊱ but he's not uninterested in poisons either... let's just say it's a little darker part of things he's interested in, he won't use it on someone tho... probably...
⊱ but at first, he was a little worried about you... after all, from what he saw the toxin is pretty dangerous and you just produce it from yourself... aren't you hurt?
"I couldn't help but notice your fighting style... I was thinking if you know what kind of toxin you use? If not... would you mind answering few questions for me?"
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⊱ Alhaitham found it a bit interesting as well but he never really said anything about it
⊱ but he did observed your fighting style and as interested as he was in knowing more, he put a challenge on himself so he can discover that himself
⊱ so you could see few books about poisons and toxins all around his room
⊱ and he suprisingly discovers it by himself that you have these kind of powers thanks to your hydro vision
⊱ so if you try to ask him why he's so casual about it, he literally says that he already figure it out by himself with smug on his face
"Yes, I would say I know all about your poision creating. I saw how your vision glows when you create it so the source was really obvious."
⊱ may or may not use your abilities for his own benefits but he'd never mix you into any trouble
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⊱ Kaveh is another one who becomes more interested in you but he also becomes a bit more scared of you now...
⊱ don't get him wrong, he trusts you a lot but just the thought that you can wield any poison you'd like makes him scared a bit
"N-No! It's not creepy or anything at all! I just... I'm just still not used to it! That's all!"
⊱ but of course he slowly gets used to it and is visibly more comfortable around you and even admires your abilities while fighting
⊱ he really becomes amazed by your skills with time but not in like any creepy psychopathic way
⊱ probably speaks about you to his roommate to show you off and later you get many questions from him maybe even in slight teasing way but not with intentions to hurt your feelings
⊱ but he definitely encourages you to maybe not use your skills on others but to threaten anyone who gives you hard time if needed
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omni-present-god-send · 10 months
Crack-fic 2 Electric Boogaloo
Ok wow, that last fic got some attention. Even the original creator of the AU I was writing about liked it. Wtf. So, um, here's another one! Based on @lets-try-some-writing 's Mr. Pax Au. Yes, I'm bothering you again.
Basically: Prom is coming up and the kids want Optimus to be there. He's flattered. Then cons show up. Destruction.
It was odd to have your favorite teacher also be an alien robot. At least Miko made money because of it. Jack and Raf are still mad that she, of all people, called it. There were many advantages though. Easy access to tutoring. Free rides. A shoulder to cry on.
The three of them even helped Optimus with his human disguise! If only to help with the Uncanny Valley he would give them sometimes. His hair was messier now, and he finally got something close to a wardrobe. However, there were some things they couldn't control. Like the way his eyes would get this subtle glow when he got angry or was concentrating. The way his holoform would appear to stop breathing for an extended period of time. Or when we would sing, it was hard to describe, but an almost invisible sound could be heard. Like a bell in the back of your mind. The three of them would soon learn that it was because Optimus, and the other bots in general, could produce sounds just outside of what the human ear could hear clearly.
As the months went by, Mr. Pax would be the best teacher any of them had ever had. Then he would drive them to base and be Optimus. The best dad on this, or any other, planet. It was the best of both worlds!
Sure they had to deal with the Vice-Principal. Trying to get Mr. Pax fired for being a better History teacher in one year than he had been in 15. Vince who, no matter how much Mr. Pax intervened, always went out of his way to make someone miserable. Whether it was Jack or some other poor soul. On top of getting shot at, blown up, stalked, and kidnapped by Decepticons. A break is always welcomed.
Which is how we got here. Miko borrowing Raf's laptop to look at some very sparkly dresses at the base while the boys went to grab some food. Very out of character for the little punk and Optimus noticed immediately. It didn't take more than a few minutes for Optimus to go into the back and for Mr. Pax to emerge out of the dark hallways.
Mr. Pax walked up the stairs and towards the couch where Miko was. She looked very puzzled as she scrolled through the array of dresses on the screen. "You hardly ever even consider that type of fashion Miko. Is everything alright?" Mr. Pax questioned. Miko's head shot up. Clearly not expecting him. "Oh, hey boss. Yeah, everything's fine. Just looking at Prom dresses. My parents are insisting I go." She rolled her eyes and went back to scrolling. "I heard some of the other teachers talking about that. What is 'Prom'?" Mr. Pax inquired.
"Basically is an over-hyped party for seniors to dress up and take pictures with their dates," Miko explained. Mr. Pax hummed. "I hope you have fun regardless." He smiled. Miko gave a laugh and waved him away. Instead of leaving, Mr. Pax took a seat next to her on the couch. "How about we look together? Maybe we can find something you like. Or at the very least something you can edit to fit your style." How could Miko refuse? It wasn't every day she got 1-on-1 time with Best Dad!
Hours passed with them just...looking at dresses. Short ones, long ones, ugly ones, expensive ones. Till, finally, they found it. A knee-length, off-shoulder, black cocktail dress. With a silver detail on the waist. It was a decent price, and Miko could already see every edit that could be done to make it hers. SHe gave Mr. Pax a tight hug before writing down the link to go back to later. Once she got home and back to her own computer that is.
Mr. Pax repeated the process with Jack and, suprisingly, Raf. He thought nothing of it. He was helping his kids students pick out some decent clothes for an importent event. It was the least he could do. Esspecailly with the war dragging them into places and senarios they had no buisness being in.
Before they knew it, Prom was right around the cornor. Mr. Pax was in his classroom grading some papers for the math teacher. When a knock at his door brought him out of his trance. It was Ms. Summer. The science teacher. He opened the door.
"Hello Ms. Summer, can I help you?"
"Yes. You see Mr. Pax, I have a date next weekend." "That's great!" "It is... except I suck at scheduling and our date is at the same time as Prom. I was wondering if you could chaperone in my place?"
Mr. Pax was taken aback. He was not expecting this. "Um... sure. Why not? I don't have a lot going on anyway." He chuckled. Ms. Summer gave him a big smile. "Oh thank you, Mr. Pax! You have no idea how much this helps!" Ms. Summer exclaimed.
Back at base later that day, the children were all talking about their prom plans. "I have some money for bowling if you guys are interested." Jack offered. "Bowling sounds nice," Raf replied. Optimus glances over at the children, trying to hide a smile. He failed. "Hey Boss, you're gonna be there. Right?" Miko suddenly asks. Optimus, now very confused, turns to her. "You...want me at Prom with you all?" The three of them looked at him like he was stupid. In that moment, he was. "Of course, we want you there! You're our favorite!" Raf's words sent warmth through Optimus's spark. He smiled "Then you will be happy to know that Ms. Summer has asked me to chaperone Prom in her wake." Immediately the children started hopping and cheering. "Just because Prom is coming up doesn't mean you all get to skip out on Homework. Miko." She gave him a look of fake offence, before laughing and returning to celebrating with Jack and Raf. Optimus gave a small chuckle and went back to his duties.
Before they knew it, Prom was here. Mr. Pax stood near the door to the building. Glad in a, rather beautiful , black suit. Red flower details covered the suit jacket from top to bottom. Even the tie had red flowers on it! Making it look a lot more expensive then it was. Being a hologram and all.
Prom went, surprisingly, well. The children had fun. Their classmates had enthusiastic reactions to Mr. Pax being there. Except Vince. For obvious reasons. Miko had taken the dress and added spikes, pink and green mesh, and had taken a knife to the skirt. While Jack and Raf were in a blue and yellow suit, respectively.
That was, until Prom got raided by US soldiers. They evacuated everyone from the building. As Mr. Pax was dragged outside by a soldier, he saw what caused the commotion. Even from a distance he could tell they were Deceptions. Three of them. Flying straight toward him. Threatening his students.
He tried to calm down. He really did. He helped get his students to safety. He got as many personal items as he could carry. Nearly punched a soldier. Nearly. He held himself back don’t worry. Blasts of Energon rained down on the building. Chunks fell off. Rubble caught fire. A couple light fixtures exploded.
As the last of his students was taken away by soldiers. Optimus finally let himself take out his anger. Returning to his bi-pedal form, he fired three shots. Each one took out a wing on each con. As the Cons fell from the sky Optimus grabbed them. With the strength of a thousand suns he, as Miko would describe, cracked them like glow sticks. Then threw each one toward the horizon.
When the cons returned they looked like they had been through Kaon. Shaking and rattling like newsparks. As they relaid the story Megatron could feel his spark freeze. Optimus did this? When did he get so violent? Even Soundwave shivered at the story.
Back at the Autobot base, Optimus held Raf, Jack, and Miko close to his spark. Literally. He refused to set them down for longer then necessary. They were still in their, now destroyed, prom clothes. Shaking and crying. Though you didn’t hear that from me. Eventually the day caught up to the and they fell asleep, still in Optimus’s hand. Going into his room, he layed there. His kids sleeping on his chest, close to his spark.
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
For the ask game: Hyuna!!🔥
favorite thing about them:
Man, what's not to like... she's just a fantastic character all around, probably the most likeable character in my personal opinion! I love her perserverance and her incredibly strong sense of self. Her character design is also just so incredible, probably the most unique and distinct character in the cast (shades?? almost 6ft?? abs??? a prosthetic leg???)
She's just so badass.... save me noona......
least favorite thing about them:
I don't really have anything that I dislike about Hyuna honestly. Maybe a cause of concern would be her habits of drinking and smoking but hey she's grown and reclaiming her freedom so really she can do whatever she wants with her life!
favorite line:
This might be a weird one but "A bird is set free​" from All-In has always stood out to me. It carries a certain feeling and just perfectly encapsulates Hyuna. The shot that's presented during this line is one of my favorite Hyuna frames too.
(Honorable Mention: "c-cheers!" man I love Hyuna.)
MIZI AND TILL!!! I love the idea of Till acting as an adopted little brother to Hyuna (is this a Hyunwoo coping mechanism? Who knows). Of course her fellow rebels Dewey and Isaac as well! I also think Hyuna and Ivan would get along (suprisingly enough). She'd have a hard time figuring him out at first, but eventually they'd warm up to each other and probably be gym buddies or something.
Hyuluka is the given of course since they're paired together.... while I don't have any particularly strong feelings about it in a romantic sense I find their relationship incredibly interesting to analyze and think about. Hyuluka and Ivantill are really in the same boat of obssessive perfect guy x rebel who does not like them back 😭
A ship that I genuinely do find adorable (and super underrated) is offrec/actor Hyuluka!! Offrec Luka seems much more chill and down-to-earth but also kinda jaded because he had to go through the whole idol thing which he hated. Offrec Hyuna is bright, innocent and the youngest of the cast which I find really cute.... there's this one offrec fancomic I like where Luka gets flustered because Hyuna approached him and then immediately deflating when he finds out she just wanted an autograph 😭 cute
Honestly haven't seen many other Hyuna ships besides Hyuluka.
random headcanon:
Hyuna has accidentally seriously fucked people over with her voice mimicry talent. At one point she was begged to stop doing it because she kept freaking people out.
unpopular opinion:
Okay, this one is a bit long and kind of less an opinion and more of a story, but I will admit that at first I really did not like All-In. LISTEN TO ME OKAY SAVE THE GUILLOTINE FOR LATER.
I fell off of Alien Stage after ROUND 5. I saw ROUND 1 and ROUND 2 and while I found them interesting, I didn't really think about them that much. ROUND 5 was the only one that caught my attention enough for me to come back to the video maybe 4 or 5 times after my first watch, even searching about Alien Stage on social media and stuff. Still, I wasn't too invested yet.
When I saw All-In freshly released on my Youtube page I was like "oh hey it's this thing again. there's a new one? okay" and out of curiosity I watched it.
I don't know what it was, but something about All-In just did not click with me at first 😭 I remember feeling as though it sounded kind of dissonant? Like something was a bit off with the instrumental, maybe it sounded a little low in volume or something. The rhythm of the song threw me off a little and I could not for the life of me explain why. This is purely personal by the way, I'm no professional music analyst or anything, it just seemed weird to me personally at first.
But that's the thing. Because I found it so strangely off, I kept coming back to the video (it helped that the visuals were absolutely banging). Everytime it showed up on my homepage I would just sit there and watch it entranced like a zombie and I couldn't even explain why. At one point I woke up at 1AM, opened my phone, and watched All-In completely unmoving expressionless unblinking in the dark of my room, then shut the phone off and immediately knocked out again. Once again I cannot explain this. That video had me in an absolute chokehold no joke. Eventually I started to understand it more and it really grew on me, to the point where I played it in the shower on loop and then proceeded to start the rest of my days with the damn thing. I began to get curious about the deeper aspects of Alien Stage, took the plunge, and now we're here.
Anyways, that's the story of how my opinion on All-In went from "this sounds kinda off" to "this is the best thing to ever be created by human hands". All-In is now one of my most favorite ALNST songs and Hyuna absolutely killed it in her debut video. Sorry I couldn't understand the true extent of your genius back then queen, but at least I do now.
song i associate with them:
Eight by Sleeping At Last
When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things,
I see the familiar
I was little, I was weak, I was perfect, too
Now I'm a broken mirror
But I can't let you see all that I have to lose
All I've lost in the fight to protect it
I can't let you in, I swore never again
I can't afford to let myself be blindsided
favorite picture of them:
It's come to my attention that Hyuna was being taken away by the guards. I didn't notice because she just looked so cool in this shot 😭
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schizoidcel · 5 months
Hii! Saw that you’ve opened requests for project moon. What about Sinclair x reader (original universe or mirror) where reader was sure that Sinclair hates them. But Sinclair was just shy + his menacing gaze wasn’t particularly helping. Kinda hurt - comfort. Btw have a good day!
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- notes ̽ ۪⠀i did cinq sinclair since i think he fit lol (for the other anon who reqeusted (yk who u r) ILL GET TO IT I SWEAR m just struggling abit but with the prompt u gave vut bear with me pls♡)
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : not proofread, MIGHT be abit the tiniest bit ooc
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : your new director lowkey scares the ever living shit out of you :heart:
Oh he's terrifying
You were recently promoted to south section 4, and ofcourse you heard the things you dubbed as 'rumours' about the director of the branch.
Now, not only did you think wrong, but you felt like he had something against you
Yes, you talked to him from time to time, and from the way he spoke with you and with others you gathered that he was a timid and nervous man
But it all just changed when he was lecturing people, moreso if he was in an ACTUAL duel
Seeing him in the 'training hall' trying to teach tricks and whatnot to his underlings, but ultimately he either accidently ends up being too hard on them or
Actually just that .
Frankly you were abit scared to train under him aswell
Sure, he did seem truly kind hearted ..
So why is it that whenever you felt a stare on you, you felt like you were having a fight to the death with the south section 1 fixers
UEAG anyway
Soon enough, it was your time to train with him! Yay!
He had his eye on you (very obviously) and was excited to have a friendly training session with you<3
But you were (also very obviously) scared and reluctant around him, sighing alot
Which made the maneven more nervous 😭😭
He's used to people being frightened while getting trained by him but he genuinely thought he was nice with you so far and that you two had something going
Did he do something wrong. Why are you scared. He dosen't mean to bite he swears
He tries to distract himself from the fact you might REALLY REALLY not like him by straying off course and teaching you random ass association battle tricks everyone should actually be aware of (even though suprisingly you learnt some new stuff)
He can't properly express his emotions, it's a thing he struggles with
After interacting with him you can pick up that he's just a demure young man, one you'll have to be patient with
You'll have to reassure him that he's fine and he'll go back to normal! (as normal as he can got back to)
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────────── ♱ ❜ 🖤 . .
"G-good day, [name]! How are you?" The child asked, looking at them with curiosity. "...Well, you know, same old, same old... Ha. Ha. Haha." Some thoughts suicide got into their head for a moment.
However, the child didn't seem to care. Infact, he was ecstatic at the answer he had been given. "That's good to hear..! Uhm, as you're new, I'll make sure to teach you alot." He said with a smile.
Yet again, he wasn't entirely stupid. He could tell that everyone he duelled against had always been in a state of distress, and this time was no different.
What was different was the fact that the child had a newfound determination of trying his best to make sure the same incident dosen't happen again.
He had been wanting to talk to the newly promoted fixer for awhile now. At times, he would think of trying to figure out what to say that would be a good enough excuse to approach them.
He did not find this excuse, and kept staring at them for a long period of time accidently, which in turn inevitably brought upon a wrong idea in the head of his person of interest.
Sure, he was awkward, but he tried, and he found this a good oppurtunity. The child didn't want to give up.
"Alright, so..." He started to raise his voice just a little bit, not wanting to come off as too uncertain. "First, it's important to know the right way to yield the sword, but I'm aware you know that..." He chuckled abit, trying to lighten up the mood. He was in thought for abit, then began speaking once more.
"'Disengagement' is a commonly used tactic, as it is also very effective if executed correctly. I assume you also know of that?" The child questioned and proceeded to draw his sword.
The other child, dubbed [name], nodded their head. "I do." Although, the voice suggested more of a 'I don't actually know, but please let me be.' tone rather than a 'I know, and you don't have to teach me.' tone.
"Well, I would still like to teach you it in a more proper way. As your new director!" A sigh came out of the newly promoted Fixer's mouth, which made the child awkwardly chuckle. "...Uhm..." He thought he might've done something wrong. Not just in the interaction happening right now, but also the several times he attempted to be friendly with his person of interest, who now looked completely done and unnerved infront of him. Yet he couldn't focus on that right now. "Alright, let me demonstrate --"
The childs underling looked abit more stressed after he uttered those words, but they drew their sword aswell regardless.
The child proceeded to instruct his trainee.
It was obvious that both of them were in completely different physical spaces.
"'Pistol Grip', [name]." "Like this?" "N... No. Wait, let me -" "Ouch." "- Sorry!"
What was also kind of obvious was that they were in completely different mental spaces.
'Oh god. I can't keep going on like this... The awkwardness is killing me. I feel like I'm doing something wrong.' 'I wonder if director Quixote is singing in the Caféteria again...'
However, as both the children were distracted on the training field, an accident was sure to arrive soon.
Unfortunately, the director almost completely pierced through the shoulder of the one he trained. "Shit--" "O-oh dear..! [Name], I'm- I'm so sorry! I was..." The child panicked as he dropped his weapon and walked towards his trainee for today with haste, abit uncharacteristically. Thankfully, nobody really paid attention to nor noticed the both of them, due to the hall being so loud. The injured child groaned abit in pain as they clutched their shoulder, which made the directors heart fill up with guilt.
"A-again, I apologize sincerely, [name]. I'm just... Really distracted, I don't know how to explain it." He did, actually. He just really didn't want to because pf embarassment. "Maybe we should cancel the training session, I'll get you some assistance --"
"O-oh, director, don't worry about it." "..?" "It's alright. I know how you feel, actually. So I can understand. Cancelling the session really isn't necessary, It was probably my fault for treating this whole encounter weirdly in the first place... Maybe you in general, too. So I should apologize... Sorry."
The child looked abit taken aback from that statement, but shook his head and let out a relieved chuckle, "It's alright, please don't worry... I'm, uh, glad we resolved this." He smiled, a smile unusually soft and heart felt, especially coming from this one.
"Then, I hope you can come to me abit more in confidence if you need anything, [name]." The child seemed to have been abit more at ease now, which made him manage to speak quite normally.
He wondered if it would be considered weird to ask them to hang out later right in this moment.
"... I change my mind, can we bandage this?" "Ah, but ofcourse..!"
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HEARTS FOR UR REQUEST <3 i had fun writing this hes so pathetic lol. i added a scenario cus i didnt rlly know how to do the hcs (ALSO SORRY IF HES OOC? im not the biggest sinnie fan so i mightve messed up oops
on another note .. i wanted to use the narrator for the id uptie stories cus i feel like it'd be neater that way. so i didnt really describe every single emotional change but im sure yall can like figure out where and what
ૢ་༘࿐ thank you for reading ! Ⳋ᧙
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