#thanks for the ask anon and I'm glad you agree!
Baldwin x reader where he brushes and braids her hair before bed.
♡ Your Touch - King Baldwin x Reader ♡
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♡ Fluff ♡
A/N: Hello Anon, thank you for this cute little request! As always, this is based on the film Kindgom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
Baldwin returned to his chambers for the night as he did every evening.
The day had been surprisingly peaceful and he was looking forward to spending a quiet evening with his beloved y/n. He entered the room to find the young queen sitting at her vanity, running an ivory brush through her beautiful, long hair.
A soft sigh escaped his lips, his body relaxing at just the sight of her. As if sensing his presence, y/n turned around to look at her husband, a small smile crossing her face.
“How was your day my love?” she asked in a soothing tone, standing to greet him. “Quite alright angel, but I'm glad to be back with you” he replied, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his forehead against her neck.
The cool metal of his mask against her skin was pleasant, as was the feeling of him melting into her embrace. “Go lay down sweetheart, I'll be right with you. I just need to finish with my hair” she told him, pulling away slowly, not wanting to let go of his warm body.
“Could I do your hair myself?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. Like a curious dog she had thought. Y/n smiled at his request, “of course you can” she answered. 
Y/n returned to her place at the vanity, handing him the brush. As gently as possible, Baldwin began to run the brush through her hair. His touch was so careful and soft, his affection was just wonderful. It always was.
Y/n treasured the times of intimacy she had with her beautiful husband. He always knew how to make every second perfect. She closed her eyes momentarily, relishing in the sensation of his touch.
The brush going through her silky hair mesmerized the young king. Y/n always took such amazing care of her appearance and her hair was no exception. So soft and smooth. Never a single strand out of place, even in the mornings. Unlike his hair, which was almost always messy and uncontrollable. Mostly on account of the veil which had a tendency to flatten his hair down, causing it to stick out in all strange positions when he removed his headpiece. Never hers though.
Her hair smelt like lavender oil, the scent was so soothing to him. He always smelt it whenever he hugged her. 
Once he finished brushing her hair, he began braiding it slowly so as to make it as neat as possible.
His sister had taught him to braid hair when he was young. She told him that he “would need it for when he had daughters or a beautiful wife”. She was right about one of those things.
Once completed, y/n handed him a thin, white ribbon for him to tie it off. As best as he could with gloves on his hands, Baldwin tied the ribbon into a bow at the end of the braid. 
He smiled at his work behind the mask. “Thank you my love” y/n said quietly, standing to wrap him in a warm embrace. “Shall we lay down now?” she offered. “Yes please” the young king said through a soft yawn, suddenly very tired. 
The two climbed under the covers of the large bed as Baldwin removed his mask, placing it on the nightstand.
He buried himself into the warmth of the bed as y/n wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to close whatever gap was already there.
“I love you so much, y/n” Baldwin mumbled against her chest. “I love you too my darling” y/n replied, running her fingers through his golden curls.
He loved her so much, there was no doubting it. There was nothing better than feeling her soft, warm skin against his. Despite the lack of sensation, the knowledge that she was there holding him was enough to make his heart melt.
It still confused him that someone so beautiful and perfect would agree to marry somebody such as him. A leper, deserving of nothing more than a life out in the streets with all the other filth, but here in these walls, he was loved. Cherished and doted on by such a kind soul.
He could not possibly be more grateful for her. He would do anything for her and she would do anything for him.
Despite his thoughts, Baldwin was the most important thing in the young queen's life. She adored him just as much as he adored her. He was everything to her and the thought of him one day not being in her life sickened her.
But for now, the two would enjoy moments such as these. Just laying in eachothers arms, enjoying the silence of the night and each other's warmth. There is nowhere either of them would rather be.
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alexcutecolly · 3 months
i started feeling better but now i have a cold n it sucks!! but happy to hear you’re doing better n not so stressed!! uuu I would love some healing time napping in there while he goes about his day or sleeping while laying on his belly with no one else knowing! were small enough that no one would probably see us in him anyway but his uniform is also rly big so there’s no worries and we’re all his ❤️
intestines in safe stuff are super underrated to me cuz its like the same nice pressure of being swallowed but way way longer and v.olo can talk during this one! n he could say how much he trusts us to go into a sensitive spot like that and how he loves the feeling and rubs where we are sometimes tracing our path into his lower belly uuuuu I want him to rly enjoy us in there!!
I wanna be teleported out before it gets to the weird point but theres hours of time before that happrns cuz its slow and long and its so relaxing being gently squeezed around deep in him and knowing its totally safe for us and rly enjoyable for him >w<
uuu hed be surprised how much he likes us in there when we get swallowed the first time! and when we calm down a little bit and get used to where we are n what happened we see its kinda nice in here and V.olo gently presses on his stomach to see if were ok and uuuuu he’s so kind with us!! ❤️
omg yes we spend so much free time just talking and relaxing with him and his team and our mons can play together!! n maybe V.olo holds on to our po.keba.lls and takes care of our team while were in his belly so they get to know him and its like one big happy group!! a pile of us and him and both our mons while we relax and chat abiut ruins after we’re let out and unshrunk sounds like alot of fun too!
if thats what happens then m.erman v.olo would be super fun to journey with! its like we have a warm personal pool in there safe from cold water and deep ocean pressure and we get to look at what he found later and he gets a partner to talk to and not be alone!! hed ask if we wanna join him to look for artefacts and when we say yes hed get us in his mouth with a quick HOMF and swallow us right down so excitedly cuz he loves spending time with us! omg youre right he’d be so pretty with golden scales!! theyd be rly pretty with his grey eyes
Halfsize is so special to me omg!! It’s a lot more effort for him but that means finally getting us down is way more satisfying for him too!! uuuu licking his lips and telling us how pleasantly full he is now and massaging our spot a little as soon as were all the way inside his first stomach just so it’s a little extra comfy for both us and him while he waits uuuuu >w< that sounds rly cute btw id love to hear him humming happily from our new spot in him! We could probably feel him humming and sighing all pleased with this too! uuu him snoozing with a hand over his belly or reading a book until we finally get squished into his tail stomach with a sigh of happiness from him is good too cause he had to work alot to get us down and that has to make him sleepy. and it’s a good thing he’d be solitary cuz then he doesn’t have to get interrupted while he’s enjoying his full belly of his favorite human ❤️ and we get to be in there a long while too getting rested on and rubbed at and a little kiss!!!! >w<
omg omg I’m super duper excited for the new game!! X./Y left a lot of things open and not quite done n the sta.rters didnt get m.egas but this feels like its gonna give it the fixes it needs!! and its a l.egends game and theyre taking their time for it so I’m already rly excited!
- v.olo uwu
I'm alive! Sorry this is a bit late but my mood dropped like crazy this past week 😞 I'm glad to hear you've been doing better! Cold sucks so bad though, hopefully it went away in the meantime! 🥺
Mmmmm I agree! We could totally stay in his belly to heal as he does his errands or takes a nap, it'd be very relaxing and we'd all benefit from it! And it's true, his G.inkgo G.uild uniform can definitely hide us away since it's so cozy and large x3 we're absolutely pretty tiny too, we'd be undetectable basically all the time xD
Ngl, intestines stuff are definitely underrated in vore. Personally I love the thought of travelling through the long tunnel of the small intestine, surrounded by all the villi 🥺👉👈 I'm a big endosoma fan, and simply the idea of exploring someone else's digestive track even on deeper levels makes me very happy xD
So I wouldn't mind if we did this with V.olo's permission lol, he'd probably find it soothing and rub our spot a lot along our way x3 also yeah we'd teleport out before the weird point, but I think being in his intestine would be something very cute, and the squeezing would feel like a hug from him! ❤️
Yeah, his first time eating us would be a bit confusing at the start but then we'd all find ourselves kinda comfortable in the situation 🥺💕 he'd stroke his stomach to reassure us that everything is fine, and that we're perfectly safe inside of him! He's really a kind soul 🥺❤️
Oh I like the idea! We could chill in his belly, maybe to rest after a long day, while he takes care of our p.okemon team as well! They could all play together, he'd give them treats and pets and then the cuddle pile begins xD We'd definitely introduce him to our mons before he eats though, I imagine them going full protective mode if they saw him swallow us down with no context at all xDD and it'd be always lovely to hear him discuss ruins and ancient myths, especially when our beloved p.okemon are there with us!
Omg, now that I think about it, both m.erman!V.olo and n.aga!V.olo sound a bit lonely ;-; the former would be more curious and eager to show us the ancient artefacts he gathered from the bottom of the sea, and take us with him as he talks about them and looks for more 🥺 he knows a good way to keep up safe as he swims underwater, and omgggg, the NOMF as he sends us down would be so adorable!!!
While n.aga!V.olo would relish in spending most of his days on his own, maybe in his cave, if he shared his time and space with us it'd mean we're very special to him! ❤️ Half-sized vore works wonders here, I appreciate when a pred takes longer than usual to gulp down their prey x3 and I bet he'd be so satisfied after we fill his belly! ❤️ He'd definitely lick his lips and he curls up in his coils xD
I imagine he'd be able to send us in his second stomach immediately, but he takes his time to enjoy us in first belly too xD so he doubles the time we get to spend inside of him, hehehe x3 and I bet we'd have even more of his attention, once we've settled in his tail, with all the rubs, the hums and the kisses! x3 that's most likely his favorite spot for us to be, since we're his favorite human 🥺❤️ and we're 100% not coming out for a while xD ❤️ (Mmmmm, I'm definitely not thinking of writing some n.aga!V.olo vore AU rn now, lmao xD)
Oh I had no idea! :O I've only heard people say X./Y are among the worst p.kmn games, I'd love to see what they're gonna include in this new L.egends game! I'm actually intrigued! Plus I liked the combat style and the different gameplay from L.egends: A.rceus, so I can't wait!
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louisshomesharry · 2 years
You know I might not completely agree with how bad Harry's team is (but if yall bash them I'm not offended in the slightest) but I can acknowledge this comes from a genuine concern for Harry. I'd rather see posts like yours rather than acting like Harry is fine, or acting like the beard is the real victim, or just ignoring everything wrong. I even saw some acting like Harry is actually he awful person for not defending O (?????) And at this point I doubt those people are even fans of Harry.
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space-blue · 7 months
I’ve been rewatching Hammer Films, specifically some of the earlier horror ones from the 50s, and every time Peter Cushing is in one I’m seeing your amnesia Tarkin, especially within Van Helsing. Like not the same Grand Moff but someone still intense and highly knowledgeable, familiar character but different. Especially since 1950s Peter Cushing and your Tarkin would be around the same age. It’s not making fanfiction about fanfiction, maybe thinking about fanfiction characters? Either way I’ve been having a good time :)
I've been busy working and falling sick this week, so I was hoping that waiting would eventually give me the brainpower to have a more articulate answer for you but in the end I don't know what to say!!
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I also wanted to rewatch some Hammer films for spooky season and I ended up being stupid busy instead! And I clearly missed out and will course correct because you are RIGHT! Early Hammer Tarkin is exactly that age range and he's *crispy* and perfect.
Peter Cushing from beyind the pale listening to us gush :
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It really means a lot as an author that my little creation is on a reader's mind, colouring how they see another piece of media or an actor within. Very touched, thank you!!!
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izacore · 1 year
Harries on twitter be like “he’ll do a residency in Las Vegas omg he’s getting richer day by day slay king 😍”
personally I think he should just give some of that money to me
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samandcolbyownme · 2 months
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Summary: anon request- "Hear me out, y/n is on a girls trip to Vegas. When out at a club one of her friends spots Colby (and friends) and plays wing woman mentioning to Colby that he is y/n's "hall pass." He's interested and they party and hook up all weekend. Including heavy smut and dom Colby, please"
Warnings: this story is going to contain reader CHEATING on fiancé with Colby, SMUT18+, Hall pass Colby, LOTS of unprotected sex, rough sex, fingering, oral (f rec), hair pulling, choking, creampie, scratching, biting, lots of filth 
Again, this one shot is going to contain reader cheating on fiancé with Colby as their chosen hall pass.
Word count: 8.2k | kinda proofread
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N I G H T * O N E 
"I'm so excited for this trip." You say walking to your rental car, "I can't believe we're here!" 
Your best friend, Hadley sighs, looking around, "I know! Im so glad we agreed on doing the solo bride and maid of honor trip." 
You nod, throwing your suit case into the car, "So the hotel?" You ask getting into the drivers seat. Hadley gets in and nods, "Yeah we gotta get ready." 
"Ready for what?" You look at her with a laugh. 
"Please tell me you didn't think we were staying in the hotel room all weekend.." she shakes her head, "No baby. We're throwing a bride sash on you and not having to pay for any drink." 
You laugh, "Okay. Yeah. Your idea sounds so much more fun." 
"There's the spirit." She punches your arm handle and you laugh, "I'm so glad you remembered the bride sash. I literally forgot about it until right now." 
She points to herself, "I'm the maid of honor, of course I'm going to be on top of things." 
You nod and shake your head as you continue to drive to the hotel. 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
By the time you got settled and showered and all dressed up to go out, a few hours have passed by, making it time for you and Hadley to go out. 
"Oh!" She rushes to her suit case and pulls out the sash, "can't forget this!" 
"Yes!" You laugh and point to her. She walks over and lifts it over your head, "Perfect." She steps back, pointing to the door, "Let's go." 
Luckily, the club you were going to, was only a short walk away. 
You get your ID back from the bouncer and you walk in, looking around. 
Every thing was so, alive. 
You were amazed and excited because you can scratch going to Vegas off of your bucket list. 
"Alright." Hadley says, "Let's make that sash, work." 
She interlocks her arm with yours and pulls you towards the bar. You had to admit, you didn't think the sash would work. 
A guy does a double take, smirking as he reads over your sash, "Bride to be? Huh." He nods, "You get a drink yet?" 
Haley nudges you and you laugh, "Oh, Um. Not yet." 
"Here." He waves the bartender down and motions to you and Hadley, "Add the next two drinks to my tab." 
The bartender nods and you smile at the guy, "Thank you." He winks and looks away. You turn to Hadley and laugh quietly, "Oh my god." 
She prances in place and squeals quietly, "I knew it would work." 
After the last two hours of mingling and sipping on drinks, Haley rushes up to you and grabs your arm, "Guess who the fuck is here." 
You look around, "Who?" 
"Colby Brock." 
You feel your face relax with shock. 
Colby is your celebrity crush basically. You adored him. He was in fact, who you told your fiancé your hall pass is. 
"Isn't he the-" 
You nod, already knowing what she's going to ask, "Yes. Yes." You laugh slightly, "Avery knows my hall pass is Colby." 
She covers her mouth, "how often does this fucking shit happen?" She sighs, "So if you meet him do you get to use it?" She look at you and raises her brows, "Cause I mean.. I would." 
You laugh, "um, no. I don't think that you can ac-" 
"Come on." Hadley pulls you through the crowd and your heart starts beating. You can't sit there and say you haven't thought about Colby while having sex or while doing it solo, because you have. 
Colby's hot, like godly, you'd let him ruin your life hot. 
So, you would in fact risk it all, "Hey." You pull Hadley back to you, "Keep it low key, I don't want very many people knowing about my embarrassment if I get rejected." 
She smirks and nods, "Alright. I gotchu." 
You move over to an empty table and sit down, your eyes scanning the crowd. Hadley leans in, "Okay, so I'm going to wait for Colby to go up to the bar and then I'll go talk to him." 
You laugh at her, "You're too good at this." She shrugs, "Wingwoman things." 
You look around, anxiously thinking about what you wanted to do. 
Well, you already knew what you were going to do, you were mainly anxious about the possible outcomes for the repercussion of it. 
After a little bit of waiting, she gasps, "Oh. There he goes." She quickly gets down from her stool and she looks at you, "Look cute, okay?" 
You nod and quickly go into the mode of trying to be cool and cute.
You force yourself not to look over there, you couldn't believe that this was even happening, like, Hadley was right, how often does this shit really work out? 
A few moments later, Hadley returns and she nods, "He's interested." 
Your eyes go wide, "no." You shake your head, "You're lying." She laughs, "That would be a sick joke. I'm serious! I gave him your number. I told him to text you because it's a big deal. Blah blah privacy. You know." 
You stare at her, slightly in shock, "This isn't real. This isn't happening." 
Hadley sighs and reaches out, pinches your arm. You wince in pain, "ouch?" You look at her and she smirks, "You're awake. This isn't a dream." 
You laugh, "Oh my god." You sigh, "What about Avery? Oh god. I don't think I can do this."
Hadley lays a hand on your arm and leans in, "y/n. Look at me." She squeezes your arm, "You know that saying, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?" 
You nod and she nods, "Exactly.." 
"The fact that you're thinking about passing up the chance to fuck Colby Brock." She shakes her head, "Are you seriously going to do that?" 
So along with the whole wanting to fuck Colby, you also have had this, weird feeling, that you could always pull him. 
Maybe it was just your ego expanding because you know you're hot enough to actually pull him. 
"Is he really the person you'd risk it all for?" Hadley asks and you sigh, "Fuck, yeah. I mean, look at him." 
She laughs, "Good, because here they come." She straightens up and you sit up, "Oh fuck. Fuck." You smile as Colby's eyes meet yours. 
The way he makes you feel soaked just by looking at you, really tells you that you made the right choice. 
"Hey, guys." Hadley smiles, "Colby, who's your friend?" Colby smile and motions to the blonde next to him, "This is Sam." 
You laugh slightly, smiling at you nod, "We know. We watch your videos." Your eyes move from Sam to Colby. 
He smirks and nods, "We appreciate it." 
"So which one of you is the bride to be?" Sam leans in looking for the sash, "Ah. There she is." He smiles up at you and you tilt your head, "Here I am."
"I'm going to go get a round for us, be right back." Sam points and you nod, your eyes following Colby as he sits down next to Hadley, "So when's the big day?" 
You couldn't lie. You were so nervous you could throw up.
"Um, three? Weeks? Three and half maybe." You slowly lick over your bottom lip, "It's been quite crazy." You laugh and bring your drink up to your lips.
"That sounds like you need to take this-" Colby pauses and looks at Hadley, "How long are you here for?"
"Mm." Hadley pulls her straw from her lips, "The weekend. Friday to Sunday."
Colby looks back at you, "you need to take this weekend to relax." 
You slowly pull your bottom lip between your teeth and if it was just you and him, you'd jump him right then and there. 
"That's what I've been telling her! The whole plane ride here." Hadley sighs, "she deserves this." Hadley looks from you, motioning to Colby with her eyes and you can't help but laugh, "Yeah, yeah. I know." 
"Tell you what, our friend is throwing a party tomorrow night, why don't you guys swing by?" Colby looks between the two of you and you nod. 
This man has you in a mental chokehold, "That would be great, just text me the details." 
He smiles at you and nods, "I'll do that." 
Sam walks back up and sets the small tray down on the table, "Here we go." He grabs a glass and holds it up. You all follow along with raising yours and Sam looks at you, "To the bride to be." 
Your she's move from Sam, locking onto Colby's and he smirks, tilting his head slightly, "to the bride to be." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Alright. I think we're going to head out." You say getting down from your stool. 
"So soon?" Sam jokes and you laugh, "Yeah, it's almost two am." 
"Fair enough, did Colby tell you about our friends party?" Sam asks and you nod, "Oh right, yeah. Colby. Text me the address and stuff." 
Colby points back, "Yes, thank you for reminding me." 
The more you drank, the more the tension of wanting to fuck each other was growing quickly. 
You smile and link arms with Hadley, "Thank you for the drinks!" Hadley turns, "Bye guys!" She waves and you walk out. 
The cool, night air chilling your overheated bodies. 
"That did not.. just fucking happen." You press your fingers to your lips and think for a moment, "What the fuck." 
Hadley sighs, "Ah yeah. That's what you get for waking up in Vegas." You laugh, "Yeah, but wait, we didn't wake up here this morning." 
"Can you just-" she laughs, "don't ruin this for me." 
"Oh. Sorry." You both drunkenly laugh as you walk back to the hotel. As you make your way in, you dig your room key out of your purse. 
You step onto the elevator and the only thing on your mind right now is Colby. 
"Are you thinking about him?" Hadley asks and you nod, "Oh yeah." 
"Are you gonna do it?" You can tell she looks over at you but you keep your eyes on the doors of the elevator, "Do you think it's worth it?" 
"So you think Avery was serious about the whole hall pass thing?" Hadley asks, and you both walk off the elevator. 
"I mean.." you sigh, "I couldn't tell if they were joking or not." 
Hadley looks around and leans in, her voice going quiet, "The way Colby was looking at you tonight.. tells me that there's no way that man didn't catch feelings for you right then and there." 
You roll your eyes and she tilts her head, "I'm your best friend, so I'm going to be honest with you.. let's not forget who doesn't even want you on this girls trip to celebrate their upcoming wedding." 
You nod, "We talked about it.. it's fine now."
She nods, "Okay. But still." 
You look up at her, "Look I know you don't really care for Avery, but they're who I'm here, celebrating to being married to soon, okay." 
You both needed to sleep. You've been flying, driving, and just non stop going all day. 
You sigh, "We just need to go to bed and the alcohol isn't helping.. so yeah." You turn around and walk into the room. 
You go over to the door that conjoins your rooms and you stop to look over at her, "If this happens, are you going to tell anyone?" 
A smirk grows on her lips and she shakes her head, "I promise I won't." You nod, laughing slightly, "I'll let you know how it goes." 
She salutes you, "As you should." 
You laugh, "goodnight." 
You walk into your room, leaving the door unlocked and you go to get undressed. As you're stripping down, you can tell your phone goes off so your heart starts to beat faster. 
You grab your phone and walk in to the bathroom, smirking as you see it's a text from Colby, mainly just giving you the address. 
You bite your lip and type up your text back, Sounds good. See you tomorrow. 
You set your phone down on the counter and take a deep breath as you turn on the shower. As you're waiting patiently for the water to get hot, Colby responds. 
You pick up your phone and smile as you read his text, It was really great to meet you and Hadley. 
You hop into the shower and pull the curtain closed. You turn your back to the water and tilt your head as you type, It was really nice meeting you and Sam. You both are just absolutely unreal. 
You hit send and rest your phone on the little shelf thing so you can take an everything shower. 
You couldn't go without checking your phone, in hopes to see his name pop up. 
You couldn't lie. This was all a lot for you right now, like you couldn't believe that Colby Brock and Sam Golbach know who you are. 
When Colby finally answers, you give it a few minutes before you unlock your phone and read over his text, Speaking of, I gotta say. What she said kind of really peaked my interest.
You take a minute, because this could go one of two ways. 
Something tells you to just roll with it, so that's what you do, what did she say to you again? I just want to confirm that she got all the details that we talked about, lol. 
You sit your phone down, forcing yourself to finish your shower before looking at your phone again. 
It was a twenty nervous filled minutes. 
You wrap the towel around yourself and walk out to the room. You sit down on the bed and read what he said, Oh, I see. So you were in on it. If I have to say, that's probably the hottest pickup line ever.
Something flips in your stomach, peaking your interest even more. 
You lay back, holding your phone above your face as you type, I just need to know if it's a real thing, ya know? 
You jump slightly when you see Avery's name pop up at the top of your screen. You let out a sigh and accept the FaceTime with a smile, "Hey, babe." 
"What's going on, baby?" They ask and you sit up, "Just got back from the club a little bit ago.. you?" 
They shrug, "Nothing. Just got back from Cam's house." 
You nod, "Oh yeah? How was that?" 
"Eh. I just can't wait until you're back on Sunday, but you probably are having way too much fun without me." 
You laugh slightly, seeing Colby's text appear at the top of the screen, It can be as real as you want it to be, y/n. 
"Do you miss me?" 
You chew the inside of your lip, nodding as you look at Avery through the screen, "Of course I miss you, too!" You laugh slightly, "Why would you think that I didn't?"
"I'm just messing with you, babe." Avery laughs and you roll your eyes, "Very funny." You yawn and Avery sighs, "Yeah I'm going to head to bed." 
"Yeah, me, too." You nod, "I'll call you tomorrow, alright? I love you." 
"I love you, sleep good." Avery smiles and waves before hanging up and you take a second to process the call. 
You get this really strange feeling that you, honestly, have never felt before. 
You didn't like it. 
You thought about what you wanted to do, and either way, if your suspicions are right, at least you can say that you fucked Colby Brock, right? 
You go to Colby texts and type, The Venetian. Floor 25 room E, last room on the left.
You hit sent and you toss your phone as you now anxiously await the sound of a knock on your door. 
A few moments later, theres a soft knock on your door. 
You walk over, peeling back the tape on the peep hole to look and to your shock, you see Colby. You push the tape back over and open the door, "How'd you get here so fast?" 
"I was down in the casino actually, how weird was that?" He glances down, raising a brow a he tilts his head to the side, "So.. you're really getting right to it, huh?" 
You look down, completely forgetting that you were in just a towel, "Oh.. shit. Wow this is embarrassing." You turn around and Colby walks in, "Mm. I like it." 
You look at him shyly and smile, "Oh, okay." 
"So.." Colby walks up to you, "Can I ask you a question?" You look up at him, giving him a smirk, "Of course." 
His eyes stay on yours, which makes it kind of hard for you to stay focused as he asks, "Out of everyone, why me?" 
You bite down on your lip, "I mean." To step back and motion to him, "Have you seen yourself?" 
Colby chuckles and shakes his head, "I should be asking you the same thing." He bites his lip and sighs, "I am very flattered that I am what you call your - "He puts air quotes up, "Celebrity Hall Pass.." he laughs, "And you being hot makes it ten times better." 
You bite your lip, "How do you.. wanna do this?" Your eyes flick up to meet his and he shrugs, "How ever you want to do it, baby." 
Baby, you smirk, god you wanted him. 
He steps closer to you and you can feel yourself freeze. 
His hands hover over your body. Teasing you with the oh so close presence. You grab his wrists and push his hands to meet your body. 
His fingers dig to grow his grip tighter. Your hands slide up to his neck and your eyes never move from his, "I want you." 
That's all it took - Colby lifts you up, your legs wrapping perfectly around his waist and he walks you over to the bed. He gets up on his knees before laying you down. 
His lips crash into yours with that fiery passion you knew you felt. You moan against his lips as he grinds his bulge against your bare cunt, causing you to whimper out. 
You needed him, you want him so bad it hurts. 
"You sound so pretty, baby." Colby leans up, shifting all his weight onto his left arm as his right hand drags up to the top of your towel, "Can I take this off?" 
You nod, "Yes, yes." You bite your lip as he pulls back the towel, revealing your fresh out of the shower body. 
Colby can tell you instantly want to cover up. He licks His lips and leans down, "I think.." he presses a kiss to your neck, leaning back to make you look at him, "You are the hottest fucking person I've ever come in contact with."  Your pussy grows wetter and your cheeks grow hotter from his words, "You hear me?" 
You nod and lift your body so he can pull the towel from under you, "Hey." He tosses it and leans in, "You are fucking beautiful. Okay?" He nods at you and you nod back. 
He plants a kiss to your forehead and you feel his hand drag down your body. He stops at your waist, looking from his hand to you, "Can I touch you?"
You nod quickly, laying your hand on his to push it down to your achy cunt, "Yes." You breathe out, "Please."
Colby's voice is low, "Spread 'em for me, baby." 
You comply, parting your thighs. He smirks and you move your hand so you can watch his hand slide down to press his middle finger to your clit. 
You let out a gasp and buck your hips, you needed more, "Colby!" You whine out and he chuckles, resting down on his side and presses a kiss down your shoulder, "Tell me what you want, sweetheart." 
"I need you in me." You whine out, turning your face to look at him. You lay a hand on your cheek and moan out.
He watches your face twitch with pleasure as he drags a single finger between your folds, listening to you let out another moan as he pushes that finger into you. 
"Fuck." You breathe out, rolling your hips, "C-Colby." 
"What, baby?" Colby asks and you whine, "more.." you whimper, "I need more." 
"How do you want me to fuck you baby?" Colby slowly pushes in another finger, obliging to your request, making you moan out. 
Colby chuckles, "Want me to be slow and gentle?, Or do you want me to fuck you rough and hard?"
You nod, whimpering out, "y-yes." 
"Which one baby? Talk to me." Colby curls his fingers inside of you and you arch your back off the bed, "F-fuck me.. hard and rough." 
"Hard and rough? Mm" Colby leans down, kissing up your neck, "you want to be treated like a slut now don't you?" 
You nod and Colby chuckles, "Words, sweetheart." 
"Yes." You whisper out, "I want to be a slut for you."
He pulls his fingers out and stands up, "Rub that clit for me while I undress, baby." Your hand drags to your clit and you gasp as you slowly rub circles over your it. 
"That's it, baby." Colby nods as he strips his clothes from his body, "You're so wet already." He smirks, as climbs onto the bed, "I turn you on that much?" 
You nod, laying your hands on his shoulders, "oh yeah." You bite down on your lip as he positions his hips in between your thighs. 
"I couldn't wait to be inside of you the second I saw you sitting at that table." Colby whispers as he rubs the head of his cock against your opening, "So fucking hot." 
He inches his cock in, a groan from him mixing with your moan. Your nails dig into his shoulders and you squeeze around him. 
Your eyes roll back as you feel him stretching you the further he pushes in, "C-Colby." 
You drag your nails up his back, moaning out loudly as he pulls out and thrusts back in. His pace is slow, but his thrusts are hard. 
"Does your fiancé make you feel this good?" Colby mumbles with his lips against your forehead. You gasp out, tilting your head back, "Fuck, no no no." 
Colby slips an arm under your back and holds you up slightly. His other arm supporting his weight as his thrusts grow faster, more vicious. 
"You have the pussy that was made for me." Colby moans lowly and you whine, "You feel so good." 
Your nails sink into his shoulders as he rams himself into you. You moan out with each thrust, eyes rolling back as he lays you back on the bed.
He leans up, hands reaching down to hold your hips, and his thrusts grow hard, "F-fuck." 
Your back arches against the bed and you groan loudly, "F-fuck.." you gasp, feeling yourself come undone around him.
"Fuck, fuck." Colby groans, tilting his head back. He pushes your thighs back, pinning them down as he watches his cock disappear into you repeatedly. 
As he's fucking you through your orgasm, you feel his thrusts growing sloppy, "Where do you want me to cum, baby?" 
You roll your eyes, shrugging as you whimper out, "Anywhere, I don't care." 
He groans and nods, "Fuck." He thrusts his hips forward, slowly thrusting as you feel his cock twitch inside of you. 
You couldn't help but moan. 
Colby slowly pulls out, still keeping your thigh pinned back, "Fuck. Tell your fiancé that I'm sorry in advance." 
You bite down on your lip and furrow your brows, "Huh?" 
He lets go of his grip on your thighs and leans down, hands beside your head, "I said." He chuckles lightly, "Tell your fiancé that I said I'm sorry because I'm about to murder this pussy every day you're here." 
You swallow, nodding desperately. Now that did fuck him, you're addicted. 
"Really?" You whimper out quietly and he smirks, "Any chance I get, baby. This pussy is mine this weekend, right?" 
You nod and Colby tilts his head, "Come on baby. Let me hear it." 
You smirk up at him and nod, "This pussy is yours for the weekend." 
Colby presses his lips to yours, "Glad we're on the same page." He winks and moves off of you, "Now come on. I need a shower." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
N I G H T * T W O 
You and Colby fucked again last night. 
You fucked again this morning. 
And you're one hundred percent sure that he's coming back to your hotel room after their friend's party, which was honestly kind of boring. 
You and Hadley were loners until Sam and Colby and some of their friends joined. Once you got a few drinks in you, the night got a little bit better. 
When you're finally ready to leave, you look a Colby, "Are you, um." You laugh slightly, voice going lower, "Coming.. over tonight?" 
He gives you a nod, "Do you want me to?" 
You smirk, "I think we both already know the answer to that question." He nods, a smile on his face, "I think we do, yeah." 
An hour later, Colby is opening the hotel door from behind you. Your back is pressed against it, and his lips are on yours. 
He walks you backwards through the door and kicks it shut before bending down to lift you up, "This dress is fucking hot as hell, baby." 
You smirk, "I thought you'd like it." 
"Seems like you know me well enough already." He teases as he walk you over to the bed. He lays you down and lays down on his side next to you, fingers gently dragging up and down your thigh. 
You giggle, "I mean, I can't lie. I've followed you on social media for so long, so that kinda helped prepare me for this." 
"Smart girl." Colby slips his hand under your dress and you part your thigh a little more, "Sometimes." You breathe out with a laugh. 
Colby's fingers drag up and down your clothed pussy, "Are you wet for me?" 
"I've been all night."
He smirks and presses his lips to yours as he reaches down to undo his belt. You eagerly pull your dress up and work it up over your head before moving to get your panties off. 
As soon as the clothes are off and scattered, Colby's on his knees on the bed by your feet, "Roll over." He motions, "Ass up, sweetheart." 
You smirk and roll over onto your stomach, glancing back over your shoulder as you feel his hands on your ass. 
They stay on your ass as you raise your hips, keeping your arms bent flat by your head. 
"Good girl." Colby says lowly, gliding his cock up and down your soaked slit. 
You push your hips back as he slides in and you grip the sheets, letting out a loud moan, "Fuck, Colby." 
His hands tightly grip your hips and his speed picks up. He pulls you back to meet each of his thrusts, "Can't get enough of you." 
You moan out in response, pleasure consuming you as he hit that perfect spot with each of his thrusts, "F-Fuck." You whine out, "Gonna cum." 
You felt so close already and you blame the connection you and Colby have. 
It's incredible. 
Colby leans down, sliding his hands up your body to grip your shoulders. He pulls you up and you push yourself up onto your hands. 
His hands slide around your throat, gradually closing his grip tighter, "Such a good little slut." He breathes out, "Fuck." 
You let out a strangled moan, eyes rolling shut as he pounds you into orgasm. 
Colby groans as your walls squeeze his cock, "Fuck, baby. That's it, cum for me." He focuses on guiding you through your high, loosening his grip on your throat and you gasp. 
His left hand goes to your shoulder and his right hand grabs your hair and gathers it into a makeshift ponytail, "Can I fill you again. Sweetheart?" 
You nod your head, wincing as he pulls, "Words. Baby." 
"Y-es." You moan out, "Fill my pussy." 
Colby smirks at how much control he has over you. He knew you would do anything for him. He had you wrapped around his finger. 
"If you say so." He smirks, pushing your face down to the bed. 
You let out a loud moan as the slight position change and Colby's hand keeping a tight hold on your hair, "Fuck." 
Colby moves his left hand down to your hip, gripping it right as he thrusts harder into you. You clench around him, urging him to fill you, just like he did before. 
"Please please please." You whimper, "Fuck, fuck fuck." 
"Whose pussy is this?" Colby asks and you smile as you moan out loudly, "Yours, baby. It's yours." 
He pushes his cock all the way in as he lets go of your hair to grip your hip. He pulls out slightly and pushes back in, "Fuck." 
He allows you to feel his cock twitching as he fills you completely before he pulls out fully. He lets out a sigh, "You are fucking perfect." He leans down to look at your face. He brushes hair from your eyes and smiles, "Do you need anything?" 
You shake your head, "No I think I'm going to go for a shower though." 
He tilts his head and before he can even say anything you smile, "Come on."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
S U N D A Y * M O R N I N G 
Colby ended up staying the night with you again and you found yourself wide awake around four a.m. 
You just laid there, rethinking everything. 
You reach over slowly, making sure not to wake Colby and you grab your phone from the stand. You bite your lip as you navigate through your phone and into your text message threat with Avery. 
You struggled to type out your question, because you didn't want it coming off as bad, but you just had this feeling that either way, with you being in Vegas with a fiancé who doesn't even want you here isn't going to make it better.
You locked your phone, deciding on not sending a message. You cuddled back into Colby's chest and he pulled you closer, "You okay?" 
You nod against his chest, a soft toned lie coming from your mouth, "Yeah." 
It's quiet for a few minutes and you clear your throat, "I'll be right back. I'm going to see if Hadley has any melatonin or something..." 
Sounded like a decent excuse. 
You got up, walking over to the connecting door and quietly unlocking it. You push it open and step in. You quietly prance over to her bed and sit down on it slowly, "Hey." You whisper, "Hadley." 
She stirs but still no luck. You lean down, "Hey. I need to talk to you." You whisper slightly loud and her body jolts, "what.. the fuck? Y/n?" 
She rubs her eyes, "what time is it?" 
"I don't know like four thirty?" You move to get over the covers and your sigh as you lean back against the headboard, "I'm stuck." 
"On?" She knows, she just wants you to make yourself say it out loud, so you do, "Calling.. off the wedding.." 
"Why?" She rubs her eyes, "Like, because you've been hooking up with Colby or because you want to be with Colby." 
You know the answer, but you stay silent. 
"Do what makes you happy.. I mean.. all I'm gonna say is that you're with someone who doesn't even want you here celebrating their wedding." 
You nod, "But.. I still slept with Colby." 
"Okay, before he starts to get skeptical about what-" she tilts her head, "what are you here for?" 
"Oh." You nod, "I told him I was coming to get some melatonin. I was going to text Avery but I chickened out." 
"Well before he starts wondering why you're taking so long, I think first off you need to find out whether or not Avery was serious with the whole hall pass thing but you can play around it either way. Just tell them that you got to meet Colby and I was joking about it or something." 
You stare at the bed, thinking for a moment before you nod, "Yeah." You look at her, "That's good. Thank you." You go do get out of her bed, "Sorry for waking you up." 
"Mhm." Hadley mumbles as she moves around to get comfortable again, "Night. Good luck." 
You let out a soft laugh as you make your way back to the conjoining door. You quietly slip through, closing it beside tip toeing back to hour side of the bed. 
Your eyes move up and down Colby's sleeping figure and you just can't help yourself. 
You move onto the bed, sitting on your knees as you lean down to lay a few kisses over his abdomen. You glance up at him and smile as he stays asleep. 
You reach up, laying a hand on his cheek, "Colby?" You whisper as your thumb strokes his cheek, "I need you." 
"You need me, mm?" Colby smirks and you're not in the mood for jokes, which Colby picked up on when you moved to straddle his waist. 
You slip your shirt off and toss it, leaving your boobs in full view. You're thinly clothed cunt hovering above his sheet covered cock, growing harder as the situation continues. 
"Yes." You whimper out, "I need you." Colby's hands grip at your waist and slide up to move your shirt, "Whatever you need, sweetheart." 
You leaned down, pressing your lips to his and his hands slide around to your ass. He pushes you down as he pushes his hips up. 
You moan as his cock grinds against your clit, "F-Fuck." You whimper against his lips, "Please." 
He flips you over moving the sheet to bring it over you and he moves his body to hover over yours, "You're needy early this mornin'.." Colby tilts his head, "everything alright?" 
His hands move down to slip into the top of your panties and you gasp as you feel his fingers brush your clit, "I'm good." 
You were in fact not good. 
Far fucking from it. 
Your mind was racing as lighting speed, did I just ruin someone's life? What if doing this wasn't worth if? There's a chance Avery could have been serious about it.. 
You let out a groan, grabbing onto his neck, "Fuck me. Please." You could cry from the amount of emotions you have, you just wanted Colby for fuck them all away for a little while. 
He pulls his hand out of your panties and he slips them into the waist band, pulling them down your legs. 
He pulls them over your feet and your knees are spread wide. You reach out for him and Colby smirks as he leans down. His lips sync with yours and you wiggle your hips, moaning out as you feel the head of his cock rub against your soaked folds. 
You bite down gently on his bottom lip, gasping as you feel his cock slide in to you. Your nails digging into the top of his shoulders as you tilt your head back, mouth parted as you moan loudly. 
"O-oh.. F-Fuck." You arch your back and Colby takes the opportunity to slip his arm under your back and hold you like that as he begins to thrust. 
His lips meet the valley between your boobs, planting open mouth kisses as he moans against your skin, "Please don't leave today." 
"Colby." You whisper, clenching your walls around his cock, "I-I ha-" Colby cuts you off with a sloppy kiss and he shakes his head, "No. no. Baby, please don't say you have to." 
He rests his forehead against yours and you moan out, "why?" Colby rolls you over so you're now the one riding him, "Why, what baby?" He asks, hands tightly gripping your hips as you move your hips up and down.
"Why shouldn't I leave?" You breathe out as you dig your nails into his chest. He bucks his hips upward, "Do they fuck you better than me?" 
You shake your head, "N-not even close." You smile and look down at him, rocking your hips against his as you tilt your head back. 
Colby slides his hands up from your hips, gripping your boobs to knead at them. 
You let out a moan, whimpering as you look down at Colby, "I'm so close." 
Colby slips you back over, one arm bent by your head to hold his weight and the other on your cheek, "You feel so good." 
You were desperately chasing that high when all of a sudden your phone rings. Your head snaps and to the side and from as far as you can lift it, you know it's Avery. 
"Fuck." You gasp, trying to sit up. You groan when Colby doesn't move and you groan, "Colby, I need to answer that." 
"Answer it. I'm not stopping." He leans up and you quickly grab your phone, "please don't say a thing." 
He smirks at your plea and shrugs, "My mouth will be full don't worry." 
You answer the phone, sounding like you just woke up, "Hello." 
"Hey," Avery says, "What are you doing?" Your eyes fix on Colby bending up your legs and pushing them up and away from him, "Trying to wake up." You laugh slightly, gasping quietly when Colby's tongue presses to your clit. 
I mean, he did give you a few minutes of talking normal to your fiancé, so you can't be mad. 
"Yeah." Avery laughs anxiously, "Sorry about that."
You hum in response, mainly towards Colby slipping a finger into your soaked cunt, "No.. it's fine." You breathe out and Avery stays quiet for a few seconds, "Doesn't sound fine." 
You know this is turning into an argument. The anger rising within you, is starting to make you not want to care if they hear another person making you cum. 
You arch your back up off the bed as Colby adds another finger and you manage to choke out words, "What's that supposed to mean?" 
"You huffed when you said it's fine." Avery says, a hint of anger dashing their words, "No. no. You know what. You come home today, I don't want to fight with you. I shouldn't have even brang it up." 
You look down at Colby who is staring up at you, beautifully to add. His fingers thrust into you at a slow pace, curling up ward right when you needed him to. 
You felt awful for being on the phone with your fiancé while Colby Brock is knuckle need in your pussy. 
Also, turned you on in such a way that could never ever be waterboarded out of you. 
"Avery." You say, pausing as Colby moves to rub your clit with his other hand, "I just woke up." You breathe out, turning it into a fake yawn, "What's going on with you?" 
They take a breath and start speaking, "I just wanted to call and say that I love you so much and I'm so excited to see you today. You're going to make sure a beautiful wife. My beautiful wife." 
Your stomach drops and you get that same  gut feeling that you got when you were on the phone with them. 
Your whole demeanor changes and Colby notices, stopping his actions as he sits up. You hold your hand out to him displaying one finger and he nods. 
You move to sit up, "Avery.. what's going on?" 
"What do you mean what's going on?" They ask and you rest your head in your foreheads, "I don't know, you must haven't ever called me to tell me you love me like this before." 
You mainly repeat it just so Colby can know what's going on. You lay back down and roll your hips towards him. He smiles, taking the hint right away. 
He leans down, tongue sliding in between your folds and you fight back a moan. Luckily, it was Avery's turn to speak. 
"I'm just.." they sigh and you bite down on your lip, waiting for them to continue, "I'm nervous but so excited about the wedding I just wanted to tell you that I love you." 
Their excuse didn't sit right with you. 
"Oh." You laugh slightly, "I see. Well.. I love you, too, baby." 
Your words made Colby's grip tighter on your hips. You look down at him just as he rises to his knees, hand gripping the base of this cock as he slides it against your glistening cunt. 
You know this was going to be hard. 
"What time does your flight get in?" Avery asks and you hum as you keep your lips pressed together, "Five.. I think." 
Colby pushes his cock in and you lay a hand over your mouth, "Fuck." You quickly cover it up with a laugh, "I'm so excited to see you." 
Colby thrusts his cock deeper into you and you clench your jaw as you close your eyes. He lifts your right leg, placing his hand flat against the back of your thigh so he can push it back. 
You fight back the moan from the new angle his cock is  sliding in and out of. 
"That's the spirit." Avery laughs and you weren't sure, but you thought you heard the sound of a distant door shutting, "Alright, I think I'll let you go back to sleep." 
"Mm." You hum lowly, "Okay." You lay your left hand on Colby's as you keep the phone pressed to your ear. 
He leans down, replacing his hand on your leg with his bicep so he can interlock his fingers with yours. You squeeze his hand and tilt your head back, "Wait." You laugh, trying to make it a funny story, "Hadley and I were at the bar and you'll never guess who I seen leaving just as we got there." 
The lying is good, keep it going. Avery hums, "Mm, I'm not sure." 
"Colby Brock." Your eyes meet his and his gives you a wink, followed by a cocky grin. He didn't give a fuck about your finances feelings. 
Only yours. 
Colby really didn't you. He thought you were literally the perfect girl ever for him. He wanted you so bad that he sprinted to you at every call or text. 
He wanted to be yours just as much as he wanted you to be his. 
"I'm not su- wait." Avery laughs, "Colby Brock, isn't he the.. fuck, what do we call it?" They pause for a minute and you ask, "Hall pass?" 
You smirk at Colby and take your hand from his grasp, moving it to place your fingers on either side of his slowly moving cock. 
He fights back groaning at the sight and you bite down on your lip as Avery laughs, "That's wild. What did Hadley have to say?" 
"She pointed him out as he was waking away and all she said was, How often does that shit fucking happen." You answer, sliding your fingers up to your clit. 
Your eyes stay locked on Colby's as you continue to speak, "She asked if that meant I could have sex with him and I said no. Avery wouldn't like that very much." 
A laugh leaves their lips and Colby bites down on his, smirking as he shakes his head. 
"Exactly. I would in fact, not like that. Thank you, baby." They sigh, "Alright. I'm going to bed. I love you." 
"I love you." You whisper, "Mhm.. bye." You hear the three little beeps and toss your phone off the bed, sitting up at you reach up to grab Colby's neck slightly rough,"fuck me good." 
Colby smirks, taking your hand from his neck and pins it above your head. He does the same with your other one. He holds both of your wrists against the mattress with one of his hands as he holds his weight up on his left arm. 
Your legs wrap around his waist and your arms go to his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair as his thrusts speed up. 
His face is buried in your neck, leaving little love bites on where he can kiss. He whimpers out quietly, "I can love you better than they can." He kisses up your neck, whispering in your ear, "I can fuck you better than they can." 
He lets go of your hands and you instantly sig your nails into his back, squeezing his cock with the walls of your soaked cunt. 
You drag your nails upward which causes a groan leaves Colby's lips, "Fuck, baby." 
He lifts his head to look at you, "Stay. Please." He presses a sloppy kiss to your lips, whimper the next words against them, "Stay with me." 
You bit your lip, "C-Colby.. wh-" 
"Y/n." Colby moans out quietly, his forehead resting against yours, his eyes on you, "We work. I know you know we do." 
You arch your back, rolling your hips to meet his, "Fuck.." you moan, looking up at him, "Yeah." You breathe out, "We do. We do, baby." 
"Fuck." Colby groans, "As soon as I saw you." Colby shakes his head, letting out a sigh, "I just fucking knew that you were who I needed in my life." 
You smile, panting as your orgasm is teetering on the edge, "F-Fuck, s-so cl-" Colby lays a hand on your clit and you gasp, nodding as he runs fast circles with his fingers. 
"Fuck. Fuck." You moan out loudly, "C-Colby." You cling to him, moaning constantly as your body explodes with fireworks. Your walls pulsate around him as he kisses your neck, moving up to kiss your lips. 
You feel his cock twitch inside of you and you use your ankles, that are interlocked behind his back, to pull him in closer to you. 
You could tell that he loved it. 
"Fuck." He groans out, a smile on his face, "So fucking good for me." He presses a kiss to your temple and slowly pulls out, "Come on." 
Colby stands up and holds his hand out, waiting to lead you to the shower with him. You smile as you sit up, taking his hand to follow. 
He walks in, closing the door behind you and you go to turn the water on. You turn to face him, "I think.." you swallow, she's searching the ground as you the strength to say it out loud. 
"What's going on?" Colby is hesitant now, unsure if you're going to say anything towards him. 
You bite your lip and try to fight back crying, "I think Avery is cheating on me." You keep your eyes on your feet you quickly see Colby's before he tilts your head up to look at him.
"What makes you think that?" Colby asks, thumb rubbing over your cheek. You sigh and nod towards the steamy shower, "Come on." 
You pull him back and get into the shower with him. The warm water rushing over both of your bodies. 
"They said they went to Cam's house and I've heard from multiple people that Cam doesn't like me. And then they call me at five am and wants to tell me how much they love me?" 
Colby keeps his hands on your waist, nodding as he continues to let you rant, "I just.. usually that isn't a good sigh. I've been through something like this before with another person and they were in fact cheating." 
You take a breath and Colby cups your cheeks, "You deserve someone who worships you. Who love you inside and out." 
Was he referring to himself? 
He places a gentle kiss on your lips but that quickly grows into a slow, hands groping each other make out. 
"I just.." Colby sighs, "Fuck." 
"Say it." You urge him, "Tell me." 
Colby's hands slide up to the sides of your neck. His eyes search your face, "I.. I don't want to scare you away." 
You shake your head, "You won't." Your eyes stare into his and he nods, "I honestly.. think I may be falling in love with you." 
You nod, "I think.. I may be falling.. in love with you, too." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Hi hello! Thank you so much for reading! Please tell me what you thought of it, as always I love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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gglitch1dd · 16 days
Genuine question and it’s totally ok if you would never make it butttttttt would you ever write about Kane having a girlfriend or going out on a date and him either asking reader how to ask a girl on a date or how to tell a girl he likes them orrrrrrrrr reader and izuku see him on a date with a girl ? Maybe even katsuki finding out and trying to ruin it and they step in. This lowkey been on my mind since you did totally worth it. (Or maybe Kane asking reader and deku if he can bring his girlfriend home to meet them cause they’re such a big part of his life especially reader)
Meet my-
This had me thinking for a good 10 minutes but this is so WONDERFUL! I couldn't resist writing something small for it. Thank you so much for this idea anon.
Tumblr media
Izuku and you had promptly shipped the sprouts to their grandmas for the afternoon. Today was a special day, a Kane day, which meant you would spend the afternoon how Kane wanted to and he had asked you and your husband if he could bring a girl over for a lunch.
"It isn't really a big deal, I understand if you say no." He said, really not stressed if it was an inconvenience to the both of you.
You sat wide eyed next to your husband with a broad grin on your face. "Inconvenience? No! Definitely not! We would love it. Wouldn't we, honey?" You asked turning to your husband.
He nodded his head as he turned to look at Kane with a smile on his face. "Definitely. We'll make sure the sprouts are on their best behaviour, even better, we can boot them out, for the afternoon." He told the blond.
You looked to your husband with a bright smile. "That's a great idea."
Kane's eyebrows furrowed as he looked to the both of you surprised. "I think that might be a bit extreme-"
"A Kane day is never an extreme thing." You stated perfectly set on what you had said.
Which was how your husband was setting the table for lunch, while you were just about finishing up. With no little sprouts to embarrass poor Kane and no Toshinori (no matter how hard he begged to stay), this would just be a day for you, Kane and his guest.
"I'm glad he's warmed up enough to ask us to have guests." You stated with a smile as you switched off the stove and took off your apron.
Izuku nodded at that statement, agreeing with you. "Indeed. Kane's a pretty private person but he's adjusted well so far being here." Izuku straightened up, snapping his neck for a second before shaking it out. He pulled up his sleeves revealing thick scarred arms. "But this must be serious if he wants to introduce a girl to ask."
"I didn't know he was seeing someone." You let out quietly. Normally you'd hear all your tea from Toshinori who would randomly find you wherever you tried to hide and just lounge about and start spilling whatever was happening in his life (which you liked more than you let on).
Izuku opened his mouth to speak but the door opened. You both glanced at each other. You quickly scurred over to his side, making sure to wipe your hands clean before standing beside your husband. You both put in your prefect public worthy smiles just as Kane walked into the room, holding the hand of a girl.
Kane looked over to her before motioning to her and looking at the both of you. "This is Zahrah Ahmed." He introduced.
The girl stood with a bright smile on her face. She had a beautiful white hijab on her with a white cardigan and dark long skirt. She bowed her head to the both of you respectfully. "It is an honour to meet you both."
Kane then moved to motion to the both of you with his hand, "Zahrah, these are my-"
"Midoriya Y/N, it's very nice to meet you." You bowed with a smile. "This is my husband Midoriya Izuku."
Izuku smiled with a bow of his own. "It's nice to meet you."
Zahrah gleamed. "Its an honour, ProHero Deku."
Kane sighed but chuckled. He turned to Zahrah and motioned to the both of you again. "These are my parents."
You and your husband both nearly sprained your necks with how fast you both looked to Kane. You were shocked. He had never said that before. He had never referred to the both of you that way either. You tried not to look at your husband as to not give Kane the wrong impression but you felt tears in your eyes as you smiled and leaned against Izuku. Izuku tightened his hold you with a great smile on his face.
"How about we have lunch?
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sillysillygoofygoose · 4 months
Helloooo can I request single dad Toji living with his son megumi but then neighbor reader moves in and yk HAHHAHAH anyways love ur works
Hi!! Okay, okay, okay SOOOOO cute 🥰 I LOVE this trope sooooo much. Thank you smmm anon 💕💕 I have the smexiest ask in my inbox rn, so I thought I would start with some innocent fluff 🤭
Toji is like... super down bad in this one btw
One and a Half Men □○
Toji swore off of dating the day he became a single father. Never again, he told himself. He was too busy. Too preoccupied. Too grown to be playing a twenty-something year old's game. It was evident by his whisps of gray hair, earned over the three and a half challenging years of fatherhood.
When Megumi was first born, Toji found him and his bundle of joy a nice enough apartment, conveniently next to an uninhabited one so Megumi's cries wouldn't wake up any neighbors. Toji kept his head down and focused on what he needed to do. He worked, he took care of his baby boy, and he just kept moving forward.
And he kept good on his promise... very good. Until you showed up.
"Oh, good morning Megumi! Hi Mr. Toji, how are you guys doing today?"
There you were. A beautiful, shining sweetheart, kind and angelic down to your very core. A college student, roughly twenty years old, full of life and hope and love. And the Fushiguro's neighbor of six months.
"I told ya' a million times doll, don't call me Mr. Anything. Makes me feel older than I already am." Toji can't help the way his heart pulses in his chest everytime you flash that bright smile his way. He wishes he could.
"Okay, Mr. Toji." You giggle him off, shrugging away his gruff tone as Megumi let's go of his dad's finger and starts waddling over to you, the smallest smile parting his chubby cheeks.
"Hi y~y/n. M'mmorning. I have new shirt." Megumi makes his way over to you, grabbing your hand with one of his while the other stretches the fabric of his yellow and blue t-shirt towards you, showing it off.
"Oh wow! I see! You look very dapper this morning, Megumi!" Toji watches as you crouch down in front of Megumi, absent-mindedly patting down the raven strands of hair protruding out of the little boys' scalp
Hm, Toji thinks, watching as you blabber back and forth with the little man, smile widening more and more with every word Megumi stumbles out.
A buzzing notification from his phone distracts him from the heartwarming scene. Fuck, graveyard shift tonight.
"Well, I'm very glad you like it, you look suuuuper handsome, just like your daddy." Toji's ears perk up when he hears that. He let's a smirk slip when he realizes you're already looking at him, holding little Gumi's hand.
Hearing Megumi's quiet giggles reminds him of his current conundrum. He doesn't have anyone to look after Megumi tonight.
"Um hey, y/n, are you busy tonight?" Toji scratches the back of his neck, keeping a cool composure as his heart picks up speed.
"No, I don't think so! Why?" You stand up, caressing Megumi's head when he clings to your legs.
"I don't like asking for favors, but could you watch Megumi tonight? I'll pay ya." Toji ignores Megumi's excited squeal at the mention of spending the night at your place, knowing at this rate, he would probably have the same reaction.
"Oh my god, I'd love to! You really don't have to pay me, it would be my pleasure. He's such a little gentleman." Almost as excited as Megumi, you agree, softly squeezing the toddler's tiny shoulders.
You say your goodbyes, explaining how you need to run to the store and that Toji can drop Megumi off whenever.
As you wave goodbye, Megumi turns back to his daddy, huge smile overtaking his dumpling face.
"Yay, tank you dada! I wuv y/n, so nice and pretty." Toji has never seen his little boy so excited.
"Yeah, me too, little guy." Toji mused, walking down the apartment building's hallway, distracted by confirming his shift with his boss.
"Dada wove y/n too?" Megumi mumbles to himself, looking up at his dad with bright, hopeful eyes.
"Uhm, huh? Uh she's a very nice young lady, Megs." Realizing what he said, he backtracks, distracting Megumi with under chin tickles.
"Okay Dada." Megumi giggles, scrunching his chin to his chest, trying to stop the tingles infecting his little body.
Megumi was quick to warm up to you when you first moved in. It was just something about you. Maybe it was the same thing that had Toji head over heels the moment he first talked to you.
You were so refreshing to be around. Both Toji and Megumi were so used to only having each other. A young, smiling, motherly woman was such a fulfilling person to have around. Like a missing piece. Your presence was magnetic to the small family, both of them adoring you, only in different ways.
Everything about you was so beautiful. It almost made Toji nervous...
"Dada... knock knock." Megumi pulls Toji's hand towards your door, reminding him of the task at hand.
"You got it bud." Toji picks Megumi up under his armpits, letting him do the knocking.
Immediately, the door swings open, revealing a smiling you, clad in a flimsy tank top and baggy sweatpants.
"Megumi!!" You exclaim, laughing as the little boy grabs your neck and transfers himself into your arms.
"Yayyayayay, y/n!" Megumi squeezes you before turning to his dad.
"Bye bye, dada. Night night." Megumi immediately waves to his dad, almost kicking him out.
"Hold on, little man. Let me talk to y/n for a minute." Toji huffed a laugh as you smiled, moving to the side to let him in.
Toji declined coming in, explaining that he didn't want to intrude. He began explaining that Megumi was due for sleep, saying how it's already way past his bedtime. You point to your room, assuring him that Megumi would be sleeping like a king and that you were drowning in school work, too much to worry about sleeping on the couch.
Toji nodded along, beginning to tune your melodic voice out as he observed the way a sleepy Megumi snuggled into your neck, and the way your hand cradled his head, carding through his messy hair.
"Okay, well, I don't want to keep you too long, Toji! Megumi is safe and sound, and will be asleep verrryyy soon." You tease the little boy, knowing that he's already fighting sleep, dozing off on your shoulder.
Toji smiled when he didn't hear an honorific before his name. Your body froze up as he moved unbelievably close to you, face rubbing against yours as he cups the back of Megumi's head, kissing him goodnight.
"Thanks again, text me if you need anything. Be a good boy Gumi, love ya." Toji waves goodbye as you close the door, turning in your place to take a deep breath, feeling your heated cheeks with the back of your hand, pulling yourself together. What a man.
Your fan-girling subsides when you feel a yawn against your neck, reminding you of the exhausted little boy in your arms.
"Let's get you to bed, buddy. We can have fun in the morning, okay?" You feel a mumble on your skin as you walk to your room, taking in the little boys matching pajamas, little toes covered with fluffy socks. Your heart melts in your chest. How cute.
"Alright, there we go. All set, bud?" You smile down at Megumi tucked in your pink bedding, little head resting on your memory foam pillow.
"Back rub, please?" Megumi pleads, instinctively rubbing his scalp with flat hands. That's where the messy hair comes from.
"Okay, bud." You soften your voice as the boy rolls around in your bed, laying on his chubby little tummy.
He hums happily when he feels the weight of your hand on his back, making grabby hands at your unoccupied one, asking to hold it.
"Dada woves you. He said so to me." Megumi smiles softly, squeezing you hand.
"Oh! Um... oh! He said that?" A wave of shock and flush runs through your body, chest and face heating up.
"Mhm. He thinks you're pretty. I think he wants- marry you." Gumi goes rouge as sleep clouds his little mind, cutting into his own sentences.
"Allrrighhtt Megs... let's focus on bedtime, okay?" You giggle out, feeling like a schoolgirl after hearing the unreliable narrator's thoughts.
"Mmh, okay. Night night, Mama."
You didn't get a lick of sleep. How could you? Piles of work was banging at your brain, but the only thing you could think of was Toji and Megumi. Mama.
Pulling at your face, you snap out of your panicked thoughts when you hear a door open and the weight of a tiny body running to your couch. Looking up, your heart breaks in half.
"Y/nnn, bad dreammm. I had bad dream." Megumi sobs out, hands seeking comfort in his hair rubbing his head in agony. His face is puffy and red as tears run down his chubby cheeks, sniffing and crying.
"Oh Gumi, I'm sorry baby... here, come here honey." Climbing onto the couch, Megumi rushes into your arms, holding onto you like you would disappear. Sighing, you stand up with the little boy koala bear-ing you, pacing back and forth as you hush him.
Gazing at the time displayed on the oven, you see that it's already four in the morning. Megumi burrows himself into your body, getting as close as possible to you, seeking the maternal comfort your provide.
"M so sleepy. Don't wanna be by myself." Megumi eventually sighs after tiring himself out, fidgeting with the strap of your tank top.
"Let's sit down, okay bubs? Let's just take some deep breaths." You feel like a nervous wreck, hoping you're comforting Megumi well enough, not fully knowing what to do.
Sitting back down, you pat his back, resting your head on the back of the couch. The weight of Megumi's tired head on your chest grounds you. As you begin dozing off, you feel Megumi's grip on you relax, signaling his sleep.
Exhaling, you rest your arms around the resting lump, finally letting sleep overtake you.
Bright and early, you're awoken by the sounds of cabinets opening and closing. You freak out, thinking someone was ransacking your apartment before you open your eyes to see a little body wandering around your kitchen.
"Thirsty." Was the only explanation you get from the messy haired boy as he continued look for a glass.
Pouring him a glass of water, you place him on a chair in your small kitchen, starting his breakfast.
Megumi mumbles to himself as you prepare his scrambled eggs, keeping himself entertained. As you sit across from him, placing his plate in front of him, he smiles and thanks you quietly before digging in.
You drink your coffee, enjoying the peace and quiet provided by Megumi's preoccupied mind...
"Yes, Gumi?"
"Do you love dada?"
Megumi brings it up again. Great. Nosey little boy.
"Because I want a mommy. And you're good at it. I think you should be my mama."
"Hey, Gumi, what's your favorite dinosaur?" You blurt out, stopping the conversation as soon as possible.
The little boy glares at you, too smart to be tricked, but giving in anyway.
"Dada! Y/n took good care of me!" Megumi sung the highest of praises when you opened the door to an exhausted Toji.
"I'm sure she did! I hope he didn't give you too much trouble." Toji teased, seeing the dark bags manifesting under your eyes.
"No, not at all, he's a very good boy." You smiled giving Megumi one last hug before he grabbed onto his dad's thumb.
"Thank you so much again, really it means the world to us." Toji reminded you, pulling a fifty out of his pocket, almost begging you to take it. You insisted on him keeping it, joking that the economy is too tough to be stealing his money. Saying their final goodbyes, Toji and Megumi left you alone with your thoughts.
Oh my god. Toji looked so good. His sweatshirt made his already huge frame look unbelievably broader, looking so protective as he held onto his little boy at your door.
You needed him. Bad. And it freaked the shit out of you.
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
*PART TWO IS NOW UP!!!!!* https://www.tumblr.com/sillysillygoofygoose/740703539826917377/one-and-a-half-men-one?source=share
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jasmines-library · 5 months
Anonymous said:
Live for your writing <3 I’ve read the batfam and I am quite literally obsessed
Could I ask for a piece about the batboys comforting batsis reader because she had/is having a panic attack? thank you so much!!! :D
Fight or Flight
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Note: Hello lovely anon! I'm so glad you like my writing. You absolutely can, I hope you enjoy. Also I’m so sorry but I lost the original ask as my tumblr was acting up and I forgot to add tags the first time.
Warnings: Panic attacks, hurt/comfort kinda.
Word Count: 1k (short but sweet)
You had been feeling off all week. Not only was it Gotham’s busiest time of the year, which meant that you were constantly on your feet, but you also had a bunch of unfinished assignments to catch up on that were wearing you out. You had stupidly agreed to help Cass finish her assignments on top of your own and the load was becoming overbearing. On top of that, you didn’t have the heart to tell her that you couldn’t do them, which completely added to your stress level as it now meant you had to find the time to finish all of the paperwork.
You were still feeling overwhelmed as you suited up for patrol. You were out with your four brothers and you knew that the night would be busy. Gotham always was this time of year. The five of you had already stopped a few petty crimes and were making your way through the city. The silence that fell over the five of you allowed your mind to wander and you quickly became worked up over your increasingly large to-do-list and you began to hyperventilate. You just wanted to leave, but you knew you couldn’t. Conflicted, your heart began to beat faster and faster and your breathing got shallow and shallower like someone was cutting off your supply and-
You felt like you couldn’t breathe. Your chest was rising and falling in quick, sharp breaths as you tried to take in air that refused to come. Ridden with panic your body was completely tense as you fell behind your brothers, stopping in your tracks to clutch as your constricting chest. Trying to blink away the flood of tears that just fell heavier, you leaned against the wall. This only made you panic more as you knew that you needed to keep going with the patrol.
Dick had noticed that you had fallen behind. His trained ears noticed the absence of your light and smaller paced steps that contrasted against his and his brothers. He slowed his pace as he glanced behind him to try and spot you. The vigilantes eyes widened when he saw you clutching your chest and leaning desperately against the wall and for a heart-wrenching moment he thought that you had been injured. Turning on his heel he sprinted back toward you alerting your brothers who all followed quickly after seeing the cause of Dick’s sudden change in demeanour.
When they reached you, after what felt like too long but was actually only a matter of seconds covered by long strides, Tim was quick to search you for injury only to come back looking confused with his eyebrows turned down when he found you seemingly unscathed.
“What’s the matter, kid?” He asked frantically “Are you hurt?”
You shook your head and tried to give him an answer but all that came out was a ragged sob as you continued to clutch at your chest. Your heart pounded in your chest as you shook, surrounded by your brothers, and suddenly Damian clocked what was happening.
“She’s having a panic attack.”
You nodded somewhat recognisably as your brother's high alert switched off somewhat. Jason took your hands gently, moving them away from your suit that you were clutching and held them gently in his. He then eased you to the floor and crouched in front of you.
“Hey, Y/N/N. Look at me. You’re okay.”
The sound of his gentle voice and the feeling of his leather gloves in your hand grounded you somewhat and you managed to get your eyes to stop looking around sporadically and to focus on him.
“Good. Now deep breaths.” He moved your hand so that it rested over his chest to allow you to feel his steady rhythm.
“In and out, Little Wing. Follow Hood.” Dick added. He was still hovering over you anxiously as Jason tried to calm you down.
As you followed your brother's breathing, you found yours gradually slowing until it somewhat was back to normal.
Damian made his way over and sat down beside you to offer you some comfort. You were feeling slightly dizzy, and noticing he signalled for Dick to grab you some water from his pack. Damian took your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You’re okay, sis.”
You sniffled, wiping away the last of your onslaught of tears. “Sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Little Wing.” Tim told you. “It happens to the best of us.”
“Oh yeah.” Dick added. “I’ve totally freaked out during a mission before. We all have. In fact, just last week Damian-”
“Tt. We don’t need to talk about that.” Damian chided, rolling his eyes.
There was a moment of tender silence as you regained your composure before Jason asked:
“You wanna talk about it?”
You shrugged at them, bringing your knees to your chest. “I don’t really know what happened… I guess I’ve just had a bad feeling about tonight and I’ve been so stressed about all of my assignments I still need to write up. I guess it just all caught up to me at the wrong time.”
“Oh kid. I’m sorry none of us have been around to help. We’ve been so caught up in our own stuff that we’ve failed to notice that you might need help too.” Dick told you.
“How about we get you home so you can relax? Hm?”
“But…what about patrol?” You asked, voice raising an octave as you began to panic a little again “We can’t just miss it!”
“Bruce will understand.” Tim reassured you.
“And we’ll help you finish your assignments.”
“I can’t ask you to do that.” You protested.
“We’re your brothers, kiddo. It’s what we’re here for.”
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anton-luvr · 8 months
hi!! love your works so i wanted to request a fic where y/n and her bf (riize member of your choice) of a few months are together and since it’s only a few months they are all sweet and cute, they didn’t really approach the idea of sex yet.. but he gets his first boner with y/n and at first it’s all awkward and shi but then it gets suggestive but they don’t go all the way yk because it’s their first approach to the topic. hope you understood the request and thank you in advance 😭💖
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𖦹 bf!anton x fem!reader | fluff & HEAVILY suggestive 𖦹 note ; this is so anton coded no one can tell me otherwise... thank u anon!! its my first writing something like this and honestly,, i feel like this kinda sucks lol but i hope u like it :')
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"Does this taste okay?"
Anton looks up from the bowl of ice cream he was holding to see you stretching a spoon of chocolate sauce towards him.
"It tastes kinda weird," you mumble, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "But it's not expired yet."
Anton licks the sauce off the spoon, concentrating on its flavor.
"Okay, that's definitely weird." he agrees, wincing as he's met with a gross combination of sour and sweet. "We are not going to eat that."
Laughing at your boyfriend's reaction, you turn away to toss the bottle into the bin.
"Here, eat some ice cream." Anton suggests, getting a spoonful for you. "It takes the taste right out."
You hum happily around the spoon at the taste of the sweet icy treat, excited to eat more during your movie night later.
"I'm so glad we got vanilla flavor," you sighed. "It's so go-"
And all of a sudden, Anton's lips are on yours, cutting you off.
His warm tongue moves and licks against your cold lips, sending goosebumps all over your body at the sensation.
"Y-You had ice cream on your lips." Anton mumbles when he pulls away, face burning red.
You're blushing too, but you laugh, finding it adorable.
"Maybe just say you wanna kiss me next time, hm?" you tease, wrapping your arms around Anton's neck.
The ice cream is long forgotten when the both of you lock lips again, Anton's arms tight around your waist as he slowly backs you against the kitchen counter.
"You look so pretty today," he sighs, brushing your hair aside and leaning down to kiss your neck.
It blows your mind at how when you first met Anton, he had been a blushing stumbling mess. Always avoiding your eye contact, stuttering endlessly, and always turning crimson red at any form of physical contact.
But now here you were, eyelids fluttering shut in pleasure while his teeth grazes softly against your neck. He doesn't stop even while leading you to the sofa, letting out a soft grunt when you straddle him.
Now, with the both of you heading into the eighth month of your relationship, you've achieved your fair share of milestones.
Starting off with the basics like holding hands and cuddling, you were now at the stage of hot and heavy makeouts, but nothing past that.
And since neither of you had any experience, both of you agreed to take things slow.
"When we're both ready," Anton had said back then to you, lips prettily swollen and panting from your first makeout session.
You wonder where he stands on the matter now, when something snaps you out of your thoughts.
Anton had stopped his actions, his flushed and shy face buried in your chest instead. "W-What's wrong?" you ask, dazed and confused as you run your hands through his hair.
He doesn't say anything, merely shifting around a bit to let you feel it.
You gulp when you do, eyes widening at your boyfriend.
"Is that- Are you...?" you mumbled, flustered.
He burns in embarrassment as he nods, nervously biting his bottom lip. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for it to... do that, you just look so pretty today and you sounded so-"
It's your turn to cut him off for tonight, kissing him strongly on the lips.
"Don't apologize, it happens." you whisper.
"And... I can help you out if you want?" you offer, looking at him warily.
Anton's eyes widen at your question, and he manages to muster a small "Y-Yeah, please.", desperation heavy in his tone.
He's barely gotten the words out of his lips when you kiss him again, hips experimentally moving against his.
The curly haired boy lets out a loud whine at this, head falling back on the sofa, and you've gotten your green light.
Airy whimpers and moans slowly fill your living room as you continue, the pleasurable friction making Anton's head spin while you kiss each other messily and noisily.
Adrenaline courses through you while his hands feel you up, newfound pleasure burning like fire at wherever his fingertips touched.
"F-Feels so good," Anton pants, hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
He starts leaving hickeys again, the sharpness of his teeth and warmth of his tongue adding on to the pleasure. "Don't stop, please." he whines.
And so, you don't.
The movie becomes the last thing on your minds as you spend the rest of the night just like that; lips connected, hands exploring each other, repeated confessions of love, and hearts racing - closer than ever.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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kassiekole22 · 9 months
Can you do a Syzoth/Reptile x reader, about him telling the reader about things they should know about him & his reptilian form before they date each other? Thank you!!!
Are You Sure?
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Picture lightly edited by me.
Description: It takes all the courage in the world to tell Syzoth how you really feel about him. But Syzoth isn't so sure that you can handle a Zaterran as a lover. So he decides to tell you everything you need to know, before taking your relationship to the next level... Warnings: Fluff, Pining, A Small Bit Of NSFW. (For brief mention of breeding.) Word Count: 1.4k A/N: I am sooooo sorry this took so long for me to finish! I've been dealing with some health issues and other personal struggles recently so I've been having a hard time getting things done quickly. But I'm getting better so hopefully that will change soon. I want any other anons to know that I still fully intend on finishing your requests and to other readers, please don't let this discourage you from sending any requests. I love hearing all of your ideas! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this fic. 🖤 MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @bihansthot, @katiralovely. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
I slumped down under a shady tree after practicing fighting for a solid two hours. Lord Liu Kang told me the monks would be harsh, but I never expected training to be just as hard as it was. So I sat — the back of my head hitting the bark of the tree as it fell back onto my shoulders — and I let out a tired sigh. My eyes began to fall shut but then the wrestling of tree branches jerked me right awake as I let out a startled gasp. I looked up to find the source of this sudden commotion only to see Syzoth — in his human form — staring down at me from a high branch with a cheeky smile stretching his lips.
"You scared me!" I laughed as I reached an arm up to swat at his feet, which hung down from the branch he sat on.
After responding with a huff of laughter, Syzoth jumped down beside me. He sat down on the ground so close to where I was that I subconsciously held my breath, now very weary of moving in his presence. But not from fear — because it was the closest I had ever been to Syzoth before. The soft touch of his skin touching mine when our elbows brushed together, being engulfed in a cloud of his natural scent, even being able to hear his breath was enough to get my heart beat racing. To say I liked the man was quite an understatement. In my eyes, he was beautiful; I just wish I knew how to tell him that.
"It's so nice out here," he breathed before letting out a relaxed sigh. "I could sit out here for hours."
"Yeah, me too." I agreed, looking in every direction but his. Of course, I wasn't subtle about it — despite trying to be — and he noticed instantly.
"Are you ok?" He asked as his tone dipped softer with more concern.
I simply nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."
I finally mustered up the strength to look back at him and make eye contact. But as soon as my eyes met those pale green ones, I could feel my cheeks burn with a sudden heat of desire. The expression that grew on his face was much like his tone moments ago: concerned and worried.
'Shit! He notices!'
"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He asked while placing a hand gently on my own. The sudden contact did not help my rosy completion and I felt my skin burn even more.
I quickly pulled away and nodded my head, "Yes, yes — I'm fine." I assured him. "I just got too much sun today."
It was a good lie and I just prayed that Syzoth was as gullible as I had hoped. He did not answer me after that and for a good moment, peaceful silence had fallen over us and I was glad.
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and finally felt myself relax again. Looking up at the sky, I noticed that not a single cloud covered it, allowing the sun to beam down upon us. The birds chirped happily and the butterflies fluttered in the air — watching them helped all of my stresses melt away and bring me to peace. It truly was a perfect day. I let my eyes flutter shut as a cool breeze blew passed us, and then I felt completely comfortable in my surroundings.
That was until Syzoth's voice broke the long-lasting silence...
"(Y/N)," His voice came out serious as he spoke. His sudden change in tone instantly caught my attention and I turned to face the man. "I have a question that I must ask—"
"Ok — what is it?"
"Do... Do you have feelings for me?" He asked hesitantly and almost... Shyly?
I froze as soon as the words came out of his mouth and I instantly felt my cheeks burn with intense embarrassment. The shock I felt was overwhelming and I had absolutely no idea how to respond. I just sat there, thinking deeply about a million things at once.
'Does he know? Am I really that obvious? There's no way! I mean, I've done so well to hide it!... Haven't I?
As humiliating as it was, I knew I couldn't keep the truth from him for any longer. So after heaving a deep sigh to gain just a little more confidence, I spoke my confession: "Yes, Syzoth — I do have feelings for you."
He stared at me with a blank and not so surprised expression for a moment. I felt as if I was under a burning spotlight while under his gaze. Finally — after a moment that felt like a lifetime — he let out a soft sigh. It didn't seem necessarily stressed or disappointed in anyway — it was just a normal huff of air.
"Are you sure? Because — as you know — I'm no ordinary individual. I'm not human like yo—"
"I don't care, Syzoth!" I cut him off as I raised my voice slightly. I didn't mean to come off aggressive in any way — I was just eager to tell him how I felt. I exhaled slowly and lowered my voice to a more calm pitch. "I like you for you; that stuff doesn't matter."
He looked at me for a moment, almost like he was reading over my words in his mind. Something told me by his expression that he did not believe me and would need further convincing. And unfortunately, I was right.
"No, (Y/N). You do not understand." He heaved a deep breath and shifted so he was facing me more before continuing, "There is still a lot about me that you do not know. Things you are not prepared for—"
"Well... Prepare me!" I basically demanded with an enthusiastic smile and he raised a brow at me for a moment. He seemed almost hesitant to let me into his world but eventually he did nod in agreement.
"Ok... For instance, our diet mainly consists of raw flesh of animals and humans. We can eat cooked foods but we don't prefer it." He paused for a moment to check my facial expression before continuing, "We shed our skin once a year. It's a very long and uncomfortable process and I will become very irritable at that time. I like warmth and do not do well in the cold — I can't handle it, in fact. I also have to keep my skin hydrated and... There's also mating season... Um..."
His eyes averted away from mine as he shifted uncomfortably on the ground while letting out a cough. I blushed at the thought of this "mating season" he mentioned, but tried my hardest to keep my composure for his and my sake.
"I may appear human sometimes, but do know that my reptilian nature still lingers within. Are you sure you want to engage in a romantic relationship with someone like myself?"
I smiled warmly at the man sitting before me and took his big hands in my own, massaging the backs of them with my thumbs to sooth him. It was obvious he was nervous and I didn't want him to be — he deserved to be comfortable with someone for once in his life and I was going to make sure that I was that person.
"Like I said before: I like you for you. And I would be more than happy to engage in a romantic relationship with you — that is, of course, if you want to engage in one with me?"
I gazed up at him through my lashes with hope blossoming in my heart for the first time that day. I felt his hands grow sweaty in my own and the look of concern on his face remained, causing a little bit of that hope to die off.
But then his worried expression melted away with a fond smile as his cheeks turned a faint tint of pink. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against mine — not necessarily molding them into a kiss, but just holding them there. So I decided to take charge of the situation and pressed mine into his in the way a kiss would be formed. And happily, he kissed back.
I knew that loving a Zaterran would be a challenge, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My heart longed for him and now that I had him, that's all that mattered to me. I had finally found the one for me and I knew I'd be happy as long as he was at my side — this I was sure of.
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hearta54 · 5 months
Falling Asleep with Dom (reader x Dominic Fike Fluff)
Requested by Anon.
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Summary: After a long day at the studio you and you're husband Dominic Fike go to bed and when you can't sleep he reads to you. He never falls asleep before you. It's going to be a long night...
Word Count:
Notes: Send more Dom requests pretty pls and thank u, someone told me there's a drought and I 100% agree.
You and Dom giggled as you stepped back into your new house, Dom had surprised you with it last week, it was still a bit bare but it had character and warmth. And in the morning when you read your book and sipped ginger tea (it's good for vocals) you indulged in the view of the hills. Dom couldn't have picked a better spot in LA, he has good taste, I'm so glad I married him.
"Baby, I'm tired," whined Dom.
The long day at the studio had left you both fatigued. You admired the way his dark curls cascaded over his face framing his features and when his face stretched to yawn, you couldn't help but yawn too.
You yelped, abruptly Dom had picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder, laughing eruptively he walked stridently up the staircase and you gripped the dark oak bannister careful not to slip.
"Wow, y/n, you look so beautiful," you'd transfixed Dom.
"I know Damn, I always look cute." Dom laughs not breaking his gaze.
You were wearing a cotton, pink, boy short and tank top PJ set with perforated hearts. As you climbed into bed and lifted the blanket you saw Dom was shirtless - it still made you nervous - and he was wearing grey Calvin Klein boxers (Calvin Klein boxers on top fr) they made you think of his campaign from a few years ago, you felt your cheeks heat up.
You traced the squarish red cross on Dom's chest, his skin was supple and warm.
"Want me to go do your skincare?" You asked, still tracing his tattoos, you were focused on the one on his stomach now.
"No, I'm too tired," not liking his response you huffed.
"Maybe tomorrow," he hummed, he took your hand gently and placed it on your own pillow, the tattoo tracing made him not want to sleep.
You burrowed your head in the space between his shoulder and neck and he meets you with strong arms around your waist. These were your favourite times.
"Y/n, why aren't you sleeping, I'm going to read to you." Dom reaches to your bedside table and starts reading the book your on. He can't ever fall asleep until you have.
"Oh, and no fake sleeping this time," warns Dom teasingly.
Two chapters go by and you decided to feign a slow, consistent heart beat so Dom can sleep, he has a show at The Greek tomorrow and you want him to do his best. When you feel Dom's breath start to slow you smile to yourself. His eyelashes fan over his under eyes and you think about the apple tattoo below his right eye (live, love, laugh Apollonia).
You don't realise his eyes bat open until it's too late.
"You're such a liar, y/n" groans Dom, tired.
You go to kiss his plump lips (why his bottom lip so juicy tho), but he turns you over and he's on top now.
You shiver as his hand runs slowly up your leg lingering at your waist band.
"You never learn, y/n, do you?"
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕋𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕠𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Hello! May I request Lucifer, Solomon, Barbatos, and Simeon with a s/o who's a master at textile design?
I can't help but imagine how grateful Lucifer would be if they tailored him 5 different suits.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hii! Yeah of course! Not really sure about it, the first 2 chars at least but... I really hope you'll like it at least a little bit nonetheless!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Lucifer is indeed so so glad for your tailoring skills
✧ do you know how many suits of his are devasted because of his brothers antics and how many of his suits got holes in them because 2 of his brothers decided to cut holes in them one day?
✧ and if you agree to fix that for him, he'd be even more glad, you'll literally have his gratitude and special treatment!
✧ and he's definitely gonna try watching over his brothers to not use you too much... but then again, he'd probably be doing that himself!!
✧ the second you stop minding and asking you to sew something becomes neutral... be ready to be given those tasks more often... here curtain needs some fixing, here another cloth, here tablecloth, really anything!!
✧ he may accidentally give you too much so feel free to tell him about it! You already did enough so he'll accept it and try to not give you this much at once again
"Y/N, could I ask you to fix another suit for me? Allow me to explain... Satan and Belphie thought it was amazing idea to..."
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✧ Barbatos is a bit similar to Lucifer... but at least more gentler and understanding
✧ trust me, he knows how having too much on your head is like so he won't ever do it to the one's he cares about
✧ he doesn't even come to you with his own clothes! He literally will ask you to sew a curtain or something and not to save money, but because event is coming and service is getting late...
✧ you'll most likely have to tell him you can handle more work because otherwise, he's a bit too scared to overwork you... especially that you're human so your limit must be way lower than his!
✧ I have a feeling like he can sew himself but sometimes just doesn't have time for it... so that's when you come in! But mostly, you'll get the "I can do it myself in free time but thank you" answer
✧ if anything, he'd be more interested in you designing textiles! It's obviously most important part, so he'll honestly have lot of respect for what you do! Even if your work doesn't match his style... he'll still support you in what you do
"I'm sorry for interrupting you but may I ask you to fix this for me? I apologize if it's too much, I can explain everything in 10 minutes... I only need to finish few tasks first."
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✧ I feel like Solomon saw many who could sew and even tried that himself! He just never got that skill somehow and always ends up poking needle against his finger but accident... which leads to him eventually dropping whatever he was trying to sew
✧ but he can't decline it's useful skill so when he sees that his lover can do that, he's more than happy to watch you!
✧ but he does get nervous sometime that you'll also hurt yourself with a needle... which leads to him distracting you from time to time unfortunely...
✧ believe me, he has many clothes that need to be tailored but he never really had time to give that to someone or skill to do that himself! So if you notice that and offer to tailor one of his clothes... he'll pull out pile of many others... GOOD LUCK
✧ basically, he's just gonna be impressed and concerned... but if you decide to teach him... he'll be more than happy!
✧ he may actually not get it as easily as you'd want him to but a bit of more patience and he'll get it eventually
"Hey watch out! You'll hurt your-... Oh... well I guess your fingers are skilled enough to avoid it... well that's impressive... Would you mind sharing this little secret with me?"
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✧ Simeon maybe doesn't have too much experience with simple sewing, but he seems like the kind of person who'd enjoy embroidery!
✧ and those two are close enough + he most likely can sew basic things like fixing clothes, so you actually for few topics
✧ when he discovers you're tailor and textile designer, he'd be actually more interested in second part, just because he already knows enough about first part
✧ he'd be happy to see your scratches compared to the final product or maybe even see some materials used in actual clothes if you have some
✧ it's most likely first time he sees someone doing that with so much passion so he'll definitely listen to all of your possible rambles
✧ in fact, instead of just nodding, he also asks to the questions to show you how interested he is!
✧ but like mentioned before, he can only see simple things so when he sees you seeing clothes, he's also really impressed! And most likely will ask if he can watch you work, to both learn something maybe and watch over you so you won't hurt yourself accidentally
"This is the first design? Wow... it's not even slightly similar to finished product... but it also had a potential... what if you release it but with few adjustments, since it didn't suit you in the first place? For example..."
@vodka-glrl - come get your soft angel~
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easy-there-leftovers · 8 months
Hiii can I just say I’m OBSESSED with ISY,D!! Amazing work truly the best ❤️
I saw asks are open so I thought I’d slip in a little prompt 👀
Astarion and Tav have a bit of a spat at camp. Tav is trying to convince Astarion that ascending would make him just as bad as Cazador, but Astarion craves the power and the freedom. Tav, upset and frustrated, ends up leaving for a walk through the late night streets of the gate to clear their head. One of the vampire spawn out looking for their next prey find Tav, recognizing them immediately as Astarion’s love (and one true weakness) and kidnaps them to bring to Cazador. Cazador, being the sick fuck he is, locks Tav away and sends a note to Astarion that he finds the next morning, saying that he had Tav and that if Astarion wants them back he has to surrender to Cazador and go through with the ceremony. Astarion loses his mind and races to the castle with the gang in tow, praying that Tav is unharmed. Will he be there just in time to save Tav? Or will he be too late, will Cazador have already turned them by the time he gets there?
Sorry for the paragraph but this has been in my mind for DAYS and I would cry if you could make this story come to fruition ❤️
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Hello 🌸anon!! Thank you so much for liking the series, I'm glad that it's something that you enjoy reading! Also, I've decided to include @simp-4-astarion's request as they were rather similar in nature!! Thank you so much for liking my work :,DDD
In addition!! Just a heads up for people who'd like to request or send an idea in, I don't just write for Astarion! Feel free to include your favorite romanceable pcs (and non romanceable npcs lol) into the mix!!
That night at camp had been fraught with tension, like a fraying rope ready to snap. The campfire crackled, the tongues of the flame dancing and flickering about, mirroring the storm within the heated pair.
Your voice, something that he's come to find solace in as of late, quivered with frustration unlike any he's heard directed at him before as you tried to reason with him.
"I don't relish it. but my," He pauses, wondering what he should call them. "--Siblings lured thousands of people to their death over the years. I doubt Baldur's Gate would miss any of them." He seems rather taken with the idea, and you worry about what this could mean for him.
"But we don't even know if it's possible, Astarion. You're hypothesizing that you become the Vampire Ascended at the expense of eradicating the other spawn." Whether or not they had done things as horrendous as your,-- gods you don't even know what you are,-- as the ex-magistrate, they did not deserve to be subjected to such a ritual.
He paces around you, ascertaining your reactions, and making quick work to think about how he could convince you
"And so what? I've obviously thought about it. If I completed the ritual, this evocation, I'd have insurmountable power. And--" He nears himself to you, practically whispering the following words into the skin of you neck. As if anything he said would etch its way into your skin and carve you anew.
"I could walk in the sun without fear of becoming a mindflayer. Don't you want that for me, darling? For us?" The question instills an indescribable fear in you. Not the same fear that's been riddling you as you wonder if you'd perish in one of your many battles, but the fear you'd witness when you lost something dear to you.
It's as if he's giving you an out.
Agree with him, and you seal his fate as the Vampire Ascendant with a sure place at his side.
Or disagree, allowing all those spawn the same chance he had been given all those tendays ago, and snuff out whatever growing relationship you had between you.
He senses your uncertainty. And he feels lost. He figured that you would be so sure to keep him at your side. Doing anything it takes to make sure it stays that way, but now you're getting cold feet with his blatant proposal of companionship because of what?
These monsters he's hunted with?
These damned spawn that represent everything you've seeked to correct about the world?
"Astarion, please, give them a chance. They were just like you once, give them that much."
At any other time, he would've admired your efforts to help them. But in this moment, he thinks you a fool who could never truly understand what it means to be a slave and to want for power.
"You did not know them. And you do not know me as well as you may think, my dear, if you think they deserve a chance more than I do."
He doesn't know why it all happened the way it did. The way that his thoughts came tumbling out of his mouth and only allowing the worst of things to escape him.
All he knows was that it had surely hurt you and that he doesn't think he's ever seen your retreating form look as small as it did as you walked towards somewhere in the city.
And that he wished he had remembered where they were. So near to where his consanguines and he used to hunt.
So when he and the others are greeted with a letter smelling of undeath, telling them that they had their precious leader imprisoned in Cazadaor's manor, he knows not to tell them about the little argument you two had.
Knows not to tell them anything to dampen their mood as they search for you.
Knows not to tell them that the likelihood he kept you alive was slim to none, now that he has Astarion's attention.
Once they had been alerted of your whereabouts, a clear ploy to lure him back to his master, there would be no use for you anymore. They don't know Cazador like he did, and he was sure that by the time they reached their destination, you would be no more.
Stil, he's willing to take any chance he can get to get you back. No use in proclaiming you dead if he hasn't seen you, and he'd be damned if he let Cazador take any more from him.
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shadesoflsk · 4 months
Hiiii!!!! I have an idea! Imagine like getting married to leon/going through the whole process of wedding shopping etc with him. Also do you think he would cry at a wedding? I love your works sm you're so talented I hope you have a great day/night! 💗
leon kennedy x gn reader
Anon... You don't know how much I enjoy thinking about Leon getting married and all those sappy things. It's like you read my mind. And thank you so much ueueue. I'm glad you like my works. <3
I feel like Leon would act really calm and collected in front of you. Even cracking some jokes about not having anything planned out for the wedding. But Dear God that is far from the truth. 
But first, let’s talk about everything before the whole preparation. Leon would definitely struggle to get the right ring size for you. Acting smooth? Not in his dictionary. At first, he’d try it when both of you are ‘sleeping.’ He once read someone could get the exact size by wrapping a string around his partner’s finger.
He tried.
It was unsuccessful. 
You either shifted in your sleep or he couldn’t get the right angle to wrap the thin string.
Ultimately, he just asked you to try some rings, just for funsies… Of course. 
Now, after the exhausting task of buying the ring and actually asking you to marry him, he'd be delighted to start organizing the wedding.
At first, he'd try to brush it off by saying that both of you should go with the flow, not to stress over the wedding. But his old-ass would discover Pinterest and a new world was presented for him. His favorite late-night activity would be searching for wedding ideas and he takes his job very seriously.
Glasses and all, he’d hold his cell phone so close to his face for you not to notice him. Poor guy doesn’t know that you can see through the reflection of them. Usually, he’d leave all the decorations to you, even when you two decided to move in together since he lacks creativity. But a wedding involves two people, and that day is just as special for him as it is for you.
Eventually, he understands he doesn’t need to feel bashful. All of his life has been surrounded by destruction and violence, he may as well indulge in the domesticity and the tranquility of finally settling down with someone he loves.
Leon is a foodie, so his favorite appointments are the ones in which both of you have to try the dishes you want to serve at your wedding. Growing up, he didn’t get to eat home meals, and even when he first started the Police Academy most of his meals consisted of takeouts or food he’d prepare himself. So the mere task of devouring those plates for the sake of the wedding was a great excuse.
He wouldn’t wear a suit and you wouldn’t force him either. However, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t put some effort into how he looks. Part of the wedding planning included a visit to his most trusted barber! He’d definitely shave to look clean in the pictures, but his hair would remain the same.
Leon talks to you and shares his thoughts about the wedding reception. Flashy and showy types of settings aren’t his thing so he suggests going for a beach wedding. The suggestion soon turns into persuasion. He’d show you videos of people getting married on the beautiful Caribbean beaches, or some perfect attires for the beach.
“Oh, it seems that my phone is spying on me or something.” He glances a subtle look at you to see if you’re listening to him. By the tone of his voice, you already know what he is implying.
“Why is that?” And when you finally look at him, you see how his smiles get wider. Of course he got you.
“Because… YouTube won’t stop showing me beach wedding videos. How crazy it is, right?”
So, Leon’s pleas are heard and you decide to go for it. Although, something you both agree on is the fact that it needs to be private, just friends and family.
And yes, he definitely cries at the wedding. One thing he kept from his religious past is the vows, he promises you a future in which he is going to be next to you no matter what. So, in the middle of his speech, his voice would crack, a tiny bit. Clearing his throat he acts like nothing happened but everyone could notice how emotional he is.
Overall, Leon would be delighted to take this next step with you. The last thing he expected in his life was to find love in this messed-up world. And don’t get me started on how Leon would be as a husband because that man is husband material through and through! I’d write a whole essay just for him.
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hi, saw that your Sdv requests are open. I currently have my dogs sitting on my lap and had a thought. How would the sdv bachelors respond/react if the farmer said they didn't want kids and would rather adopt some dogs (or cats or any type of animal if I'm being serious) instead of having children.
Love your writing. Hope you have an amazing week.
Hey hey 👋 Thank you for your kind words and for the ask, dear anon! I'm glad you like my writing and I hope you like this hc too. Have a nice week as well 🫰💕
SDV bachelors react to the Farmer when they said they wanted to adopt a dog/cat/other pet instead of having a children:
Shane doesn't see any problem with this at all because he had previously sworn to himself that he wouldn't have children. Especially since Shane has already tried a few years as a father figure and realised it's... hard. Don't get him wrong, Shane loves his niece, but with his depression and alcohol abuse previously, he knew he wasn't the best godfather for Jas. But he has plenty of experience with caring for chickens, so Shane brightened with joy when his spouse suggested having more chickens instead of kids. Charlie would have more friends!
Harvey had always dreamed of a happy family, but the local doctor had never specifically thought about having children. He came to the conclusion that he would be happy with Farmer in any scenario. And recently, a friend of Harvey's from Zuzu City was looking for owners for three orphaned stray kittens... So after a conversation with his spouse and mutual agreement, Harvey now have the three furballs who greet him with chorus of meowing, climb up his pyjama, demanding food, and make Harvey and Farmer smile every day.
Sebastian was all for it. He didn't want to have kids either, and didn't have any particular reason. He was afraid that Farmer would take this rather negatively. But since they are both on the same page, how about expand their terrarium and get more cute frogs? Sebastian still remembers that the Farmer named the rescued frog "their son," so "they're already parents to green babies." Sebby will be happy about the addition to their frog family (and won't forget to lightly tease his beloved spouse again).
Sam holds up the Farmer's dog. "But we already have a baby!" And the pooch barked back, wagging his tail happily. Well, they're glad that Sam reacted to their words very calmly. But later the guitarist himself admits that he doesn't see himself as a parent. Especially since they are both so young, and there's still a lot to do and explore. But he also would like to have another puppy. Sam even called Marnie to ask about adopting a puppy. Or maybe two? How about three? All in all, Sam, like Farmer, would be quite happy without children.
Elliott had long since chosen the right words and the right place, for, as it turned out, he himself had wanted to raise the matter with Farmer. The writer decided that since they were both almost entirely devoted to their work and hobbies, they would not be able to pay proper attention to the child, and it would be unfair to the baby. What was the writer's surprise when Farmer told him that they also wanted to discuss the possibility of being childfree. And also the idea of having another cat. Elliott was fine with it, believing that their first cat would like a new friend.
Alex was a little discouraged by Farmer's question, as he was thinking of just discussing with his spouse about children/adoption. Not that he wants kids right away without prior preparation, of course not. But after listening to Farmer's opinion, Alex couldn't disagree with their reasoning. Perhaps he just wanted the happy family life he didn't have as a child. But he was already happy with Farmer. And he'd be even more happy if Farmer agreed to have a couple puppies. Dusty would definitely enjoy the new company!
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