#that and my garden have really kept me from drawing
chocodile · 1 year
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Hyden feels he has a lot of wisdom he could impart upon Theo, if only Theo would take his excellent advice to heart.
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The great thing about having an awful memory is that you get along really well with people with Alzheimers. "Grandma kept forgetting your name I'm so sorry about that" I forgot her name in that conversation three times also. It's not a personal slight. "Grandpa keeps thinking he's still working on the farm they sold twenty years ago" yeah he can't remember much and he's extrapolating from older memories and context clues. Like me trying to remember where I know the woman who talked to me for ten minutes in the grocery store from. The last thing he remembers is being a farmer and he's holding a pitchfork in the garden, of course he's going to farm shit. If I can't remember why I came into the kitchen but there's a teabag in one hand and a mug in the other, I draw the obvious conclusion and make a cup of fucking tea. "Auntie May mustn't have long for this world, she keeps forgetting her parents died years ago" bitch I get a sudden burst of serotonin AT LEAST once per week when I'm thinking about my stepfather and suddenly remember that he's been dead for five years. Stop riding these old people so hard. Put anything poisonous somewhere they can't get into it and let them live their fucking lives. AND STOP REMINDING AUNTIE MAY THAT HER PARENTS ARE DEAD AND QUIZZING HER ON IF SHE CAN REMEMBER. SHE WONT "GET BETTER". YOU'RE UPSETTING HER FOR NO FUCKING REASON.
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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🎀 Hobbies 🎀
I feel as tho I don't have much time to do things besides school, work, some chores, and survive right now, but I've been thinking about some hobbies I enjoy and would like to incorporate into my life when I decide to make the time without burning out!
Reading - I used to be big on reading just about any books I could get my hands on. Then I was really focused on reading self help, and now that I haven't been reading at all, I've been thinking about getting back into reading. Always looking for book recommendations, and I do have my eye on some books I'd like to purchase.
Gardening - if I had the time and space, I'd love to have a flower garden or a vegetable garden. It always makes me happy when the fruits of my efforts come to life, so tending to plants and gardening sounds super fun and relaxing.
Video Games - I used to play video games on and off, but I wouldn't mind owning a PS4 or a Switch and spending some time playing video games whenever I'd want time to wind down.
Cooking/Baking - I love learning things, and the sense of pride I've gotten in the past when receiving praise for things I've cooked or baked has really driven me to want to increase my skill. I've only baked something from scratch once in my life, but I'd really like to expand my skills in making desserts.
Exercise - I'm talking all forms of it! Dancing, martial arts/kickboxing type activities, yoga, pilates, running, swimming, spin/cycling, weight lifting (again), calisthenics, all of it! I don't currently look like the exercise type but I find various forms of movement to be so fun! If I had more time, I'd be trying new things all the time!
Volunteer work - This is something I used to do all the time, and it's a hobby that I enjoyed that kept me humble. Not only that, but I thoroughly enjoy showing kindness and compassion to others. Making a difference in anuwau brings me so much joy, and I love meeting new people and learning their stories. I also would love to volunteer with animals, because they deserve so much love and affection too!
Drawing/Art - I used to draw for fun but when I started college, I didn't have the time to devote to continuously increasing my art skills. I still own a sketch kit, coloring materials, and several sketchbooks so it really is a matter of having time.
Crochet - The thought of making things that I can gift to others seriously makes me so excited!! Crochet seems like such a fun, crafty, relaxing activity and the added fun of gifting those crafts to others would make it so fun!!
Scrapbooking - I don't know if I'd ever do this one, but I do Ike the idea of keeping my memories in a physical space, and not just in like pictures on my phone.
Learning - if school wasn't crazy busy, I'd spend all my time learning languages (ASL, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Italian, etc), computer coding skills, how to make and do certain things, just anything I can do to keep my mind enriched.
Upcycling/Altering Clothes - I would love to upcycle or alter articles of clothes into more personalized pieces for myself. The thought of having a personalized, hand made closet full of clothes makes me really want to buy a sewing machine and learn how to use it to my advantage!
That's all I can think of for now that I'd like to someday incorporate into my life. Having hobbies is always so fun, but I've been so busy and tired that I don't mess with any of the hobbies I'd want to do. If anyone has any tips for time management, or resources for beginning new hobbies, please let me know!!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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weirdmorefics · 3 months
Could you pls do a fake dating fic with Colin bridgerton? Tysm xx
A Life Long Scheme
A/N- Sorry for the delay! I really do have the fanfiction writer curse! I say that every time but I mean it! I got my appendix out and rode in an ambulance. They don't even play music in them FYI.
Readers Pronouns- She/Her
Word Count- 2,512
Summary- You convince Colin to fake court you to gain the attention of other suitors but jealousy consumes Colin.
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I knew I would have a hard time finding a suitor from a young age. My family may be wealthy enough to attend balls but certainly not enough for a sizable dowry for each of their children. I grew up competitive trying to prove myself worthy even if I came with a small dowry. My siblings relied on their looks but I was determined to be the best at everything. I will treat coming out like I do life competitively. As the eldest, I must set an example.
I was lined up with the others coming out into society this year. They all nervously played with their clothes and looked to the floor. I too felt like doing that but I kept my emotions bottled tightly in my chest and held my head high. We all took our turns bowing in front of the Queen she looked completely unbothered by us, dare I say bored.
I was last in line she looked me up and down and said, "I am unsure if anyone qualifies as a diamond this season."
I can't fight back the sharp inhale I take, I can physically feel my heart launch its way into my throat. I feel as if I may hurl as she gets up and walks away escorted by her guards. I look around at others visible shock. I can't help but feel the Queen just left because of me. I mean I was the last one. I need to do something! I can't fail already I just came out into society!
My night was filled with pacing and plotting. There has to be a way to impress Her Majesty. My Mama tried to comfort me but Father quickly told her there was no point in speaking to me when I was like this. I hate to admit but he is unfortunately correct. Once I am in a thought spiral there is no getting out. I thought of other seasons for most of the night as I lay in bed. What did they do to gain the Queen's attention? The most notable season of late would have to be Daphne's. I can't recall the last time The Ton has seen a marriage done with such haste before. She had a massive amount of suitors after her though that was only after The Duke's appearance.
The idea hit me suddenly I launched out of bed, put my carpet slippers on, and ran out of the house. I am lucky my family sleeps so soundly because I am sure I sounded like a horse trotting as I ran through the house. The Bridgerton manor is right next to ours, so close in fact that I grew up playing games with all the Bridgertons. Colin has always been my dearest friend (even though Mama always told me a male friend was improper). I knew Colin would go along with my plan, we have been scheming and pranking since we were children. This should be no different! It unfortunately hit me how late it was when I stood in the darkness of the Bridgerton Garden. I was here now I refused to backtrack just because it was an untimely hour.
I used the bushes to help guide me to Colin's familiar window. Once there I gathered tiny pebbles and started ricocheting them off his window. It did not take him long to wake and open the window with a messy bedhead and a lit lantern. His face instantly flushes at the sight of me.
"My god Y/n what are you doing out here in this state!" He shouts
I follow his gaze to my clothes and feel my face heat. My god, I did not think this through as I stood in front of Colin Bridgerton's window in the dark, in my silk nightgown. I will see this through the damage is done. "I have a plan," I smile.
He sighs and rubs his forehead, "Oh no… you are lucky my sleeping schedule is still askew from traveling abroad. Now get inside before someone sees you!"
I met him in the drawing room and he refused to look me in the eye, "So what is so important that you have decided to grace the house with your presence at this ungodly hour."
"I am here to present you with a proposition," I clasp my hands as he finally looks at my face suspiciously.
"And what might this proposition be? I can assume nothing good," he questions.
I roll my eyes and pace as I recite my plan."As you know Daphne was utterly suitorless during her season courtesy of Anthony. However, the moment a Duke entered the picture she had men competing for hand. They could not care less about Anthony's interventions."
Colin nodded confused, "Your point?"
"My point is I need competition! So I propose that you pretend to court me! If you will? I know you are aware of my Papa's financial situation… I mean the whole ton is after Lady Whistledown published his unfortunate business decisions and his one-too-many daughters for a dowry. None of this will matter if I can get a suitor who loves me and will help my family but that can't be done if I can't attract a suitor!" I continue to pace as Colin looks entirely unsure of what to make of this situation. I take a deep breath, "So what do you say?"
Colin looks at me with puppy dog eyes, "Of course Y/n. You are my dearest friend. I must know why you decided to discuss this so late at night in your…" he flushes again and looks to the ground. "In your nightgown."
I suddenly became all too aware of my attire and became a stuttering mess, "the conversation was of utmost importance the time of day and clothing choices have nothing to do with it!"
Colin smirks, "I see."
"I must save my Papa's business if not for him but for the chance my sisters will get to marry for true love and not for financial gain," I sigh. Colin's eyes which were once teasing turn to sadness, "Do not look at me like that Colin. I don't need your pity, I need your help."
He nods and straightens his posture, "Of course Y/n. Of course, I will help."
I quietly snuck back into the house after speaking to Colin. The plan was set in stone he would be the first dance on my dance card and we would round up potential suitors together. We were joined at the hip for every event and I purposely chose the busiest times to promenade so the most amount of suitors would see us.
I soon began to gain the attention of many suitors and even had many coming to my house to call on me! Mama was so proud I was so happy to take her mind off the situation with Papa.
Mama pulled me to the side of the drawing room, "Maybe hanging out with the Bridgerton boy will help you! Maybe their fortune will rub off on us!" I was proud to inform her I was to promenade in the park today with Colin. It was odd to see her smile with excitement instead of pale at the thought of her daughter spending her time with a man who never planned to court her. I wish she wasn't only proud of me when I wasn't doing something that benefited me in finding a wealthy suitor. It's no matter though, I will do anything to make her proud, and it feels like I'm finally doing it. She spent the whole morning with me to find a suitable dress for my outing.
Colin arrived promptly at the time we set previously and accompanied me to the park. As we promenaded I felt many eyes on us they truly believed Colin would court the daughter of a family barely escaping financial ruin. It is truly almost humorous how easily we have swayed the ton.
"It is truly working Colin! Mother is so proud that I will be the one to save my family's reputation. Such a shame she picked such a layered gown for one of the warmest days of the season," I whisper and fiddle with the seams of my dress.
Colin sighs, "How many suitors are you getting from this Y/n? They can't all have honorable intentions given your beauty and your family's standing."
I roll my eyes, " Why Colin Bridgerton are you jealous? I would not think you are the type. Do not worry you will always be my dearest friend. No husband could replace you."
His face turns serious, "I am just worried. I hope you are doing this for the right reasons and not for the sake of your Mama… and I am most certainly not jealous."
For someone who said he is certainly not jealous he didn't sound quite certain. That, however, is not what distracted me. "You think I want to marry a man not for love but purely for financial gain? It is every woman's dream to marry for love! We can't all have the privilege to do so! Especially one born into a family with a gambling addict for a father and a mother too frail to defend herself. My mother has been preparing me for coming out since I was a child! This is my job as the eldest! To secure a good future for my siblings so perhaps they get the opportunity to marry for love as I will never get to!" I back up as if I may burn from Colin's shocking gaze but I still point a finger at him, "And the fact that you don't already know this Bridgerton is having me question if we ever truly were friends! Perhaps all those travel stories in your head leave not much room for anything else."
I storm away from the Bridgerton, I think after his initial shock he calls for me but my rage prevents me from looking back to see if it was true or a cruel trick of my ears. It was perhaps not the greatest idea to run off from a suitor with no chaperone. Maybe I wouldn't have found myself in such a precarious situation if I had chaperone. I find myself cursing my father in my head for his terrible gambling habits that prevent anyone from wanting to associate with the likes of us. Therefore getting me into this mess in the first place.
"Y/N L/N, we have been watching you for quite some time. Your father never described your intense beauty but how could one put it into words?" The seedy man approached me.
I smiled politely, "Thank you! May I inquire how you know my father?"
"Oh darling I think you know why we are here. I mean the whole ton knows about your father's habits shall we say." He smiles menaceingly and I think to myself of course this has to do with his damn gambling habits.
I back up in case I have to make a quick escape and he unfortunately catches on. He grabs my wrist to keep me in place, "We have been very patient with your father. Given his position in the ton, we thought we could be lenient with his payment schedule. However, it turns out we were mistaken. What is more shocking is the fact that his daughter thinks she has a chance of finding a suitor with no dowry."
"Sir please unhand me," I try to pull away from his grasp.
"You think being in the company of the Bridgertons will help your family situation? Perhaps we could take you as payment? You do draw a lot of attention despite your social ruin. We could use you to bring more men to the establishment," he smiles sinisterly.
I yank my hand away even harder out of fear but his strength still outmatches mine, "Why would I ever help you put more families in financial ruin!"
He laughs, "Darling you think you have a choice?"
His eyes narrow at something behind me and I hear Colin's voice, "I believe the lady asked you to unhand her."
"This does not involve you, sir," he growled.
"You see it is my business when you have your hands on my betrothed, Colin growls back.
My eyes furrowed in confusion. He had been fake courting me of course but we certainly did not discuss a fake betrothal.
The man laughs yet again, "I read in Lady Whistledown that you were courting her but the fact a Bridgerton would sink to the likes of the L/N family."
I took in a shallow breath and Colin growled in response. This situation was going quickly downhill.
"You will not besmirch the lady's name! Now I won't ask again unhand her!" Colin shouts.
"Whatever you say," he smirks and tosses me to the ground. Colin's grimace seems to only encourage the man more, "I'd honestly prefer to use her to replace her father's debt but if you want to drag your family name down with her so be it." He walks away with a peppy jaunt in his step and I glare at him from the ground.
Colin quickly helps me to my feet, "I would have dueled him right here and now if I was not in the presence of a lady."
I brush the dirt off my gown, "It's fine. I'm fine. I will handle it."
"No, you will not! you will not take a step towards that insipid man," he yells.
"Well, Colin you don't really have any choice in that matter! Do you? You are just fake courting me. Or fake betrothing me now? I don't know. I have lost track honestly!" I rant.
His face turns serious, "Y/n I care for you! I would forsake my whole family name for you! You think I do not burn with rage every time I see a new man attempt to call on you after I started court you! I noticed your beauty and your smarts before any of these men did! The fact that they only noticed you once another gentleman entered the picture is disgraceful! I will always notice you Y/n! I will never let your family go through this! I hope to be a love match for you and help your family."
Tears collect in my eyes. As the oldest sibling I've never been the one that was cared for but the one that does the caring. Colin's words made me feel full. I try to tease but it comes more out as a sob, "Mr. Bridgerton are you proposing to me."
He smiles, "I think it is about time I finally proposed to you after you always proposed your schemes to me. So what do you say Ms. L/N? Would you like to continue proposing schemes to me for the rest of our lives?"
I nod aggressively smiling. There was no stopping the happy tears now.
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ebodebo · 20 days
i have a benedict bridgerton idea for you queenie! okay so reader works for the bridgerton family and she and has a huge huge huge crush on benedict. so one night she goes to his room (for whatever reason you pick) and she hears him jerking off and she's like !!! and then he moans her name and she's even more like !!!
you can fill in the rest wink wink
Illicit Affairs
—benedict bridgerton x reader
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Graphite pencils, quill pens, and an inkwell lay spread across the mahogany wooden table in the corner of the drawing-room, close to the bay window that overlooked the gardens. 
Several pieces of rag paper were spread across the table, and some even crumbled onto the floor, tainted by lead and ink. Judging from the messy lilacs and composition of a forest on the papers, you guessed Benedict had tried his hand at scenery drawings. 
The head maid had asked you to clean up his things, and you were, but surely there was no shame in seeing what kept the man occupied seemingly all day and all night.
You brushed your hand over the sketches, taking note of each delicately drawn petal and leaf, up to the bark on trees that looked so existent you swore you could feel the harshness of the wood along your fingertips.
As you scanned the sketches, gently picking them up, your eyes dilated as you noted a familiar face before you. Surely, it couldn't be, but it was hard to succumb to that idea when it was the same face you stared at in the mirror every day, your own.
He had drawn your eyes, lips, jaw, and even minor details, which you didn't even know anyone noticed, in his precious ink. You grasped the paper by the corner, holding it in eye view, unable to comprehend what you were seeing.
"Have you yet finished, my dear?" Your mother's voice echoed off the walls as she entered the room. You jumped back slightly at her voice, turning quickly to face her, clenching the paper behind your back.
"I…um…have to deliver a particular…thing to Mr. Bridgerton," you gab as you attempt to move past her, tucking the drawing into your apron pocket, though she's quick to grab your arm.
"Dearest, tis' late. It would be best if you did not wake him," she furrows her brows before glancing at the mess still scattered on the table and giving you a disapproving look. "You have not yet done cleaning, I see."
"I must make haste, mama. I do not wish to keep him waiting any further," you urge, putting your hand over hers to pull it off. She gives you another disapproving glance. You sigh, becoming slightly orated by her disagreeable state.
"Do you really wish for me to keep a Bridgerton waiting, mama," you raise a brow, a knowing look plastered on your face.
"I suppose—" She begins before you kiss her cheek and exit the room, heading towards the grand staircase to ascend the stairs, feeling the paper burn a hole through the cloth of your apron.
Your heart pounded as you reached the end of the stairs, clammy hand slipping off the end of the railing to rest against your side. You took deliberately slow steps down the corridor, slowly inching towards Benedict's room.
You stand in front of his door, deciding to simply slip the sketch under his door so as not to wake him. As you bend down to your knees, head close to the door, you hear something curious.
Ragged breaths slip through the crack under the door and hit your ears. You lean closer so you can hear the noises more clearly. He's muttering curses and spewing prayer after prayer—a soft 'shlick,' 'shlick,' 'shlick' repeated in a synchronized pattern. 
You had not a single clue what he was doing. Perhaps he needed assistance?
"Mr. Bridgerton," you tentatively question, though you receive no answer. The sounds in the room halt. You lean even closer.
"Mr. Bridgerton, are you in need of assistance?" You repeat a little more persistently. Again, no answer. Your hand moves to grip the door handle.
You tell yourself that if he fails to answer once more, you will go in to ensure he is alright.
"Are you quite well, sir?" You ask. Once again, there was no answer. You turn the knob quickly, pushing the door open to see him. Your eyes take in the view. Benedict was unclothed from his waist down, with a sketch in his hand. A sketch that looked eerily similar to you. His cock rests in his hand, his face gleaming with a light sheen of perspiration that made the front pieces of his hair stick to his skin.
Your eyes widen as you stumble back.
"Mr. Bridgerton, I—I am quite sorry. You seem quite…occupied," you avert your eyes awkwardly away from him. "Pardon my intrusion," your voice is unstable from embarrassment, and you feel your face heat as you turn on your heels towards the door. He quickly outstretches his hand to grasp at your own.
Your breath feels like it has been sucked from your diaphragm as you feel his skin on yours. You flick your eyes to him in an instant. His pupils are dilated. "You have not a thing to apologize for," he finally speaks, his voice steady. It was odd, considering you had just walked in on him pleasuring himself, and his cock was still out.
You pay no heed to the words coming from him as your eyes drift from his eyes to his hand on yours to his erect cock mere inches away from you. Your lips part slightly as you exhale a small sigh at the sight of such an intimate part of him that you should not be seeing, now or ever. Though, you couldn't help the knot that formed in your lower stomach at the view.
"Are you curious?" He asks, though his voice is low and rough this time around. You flick your widened eyes to him, mouth agape at his insinuation.
"Pardon me, Mr. Bridgerton, but you are truly mad," you laugh out, pulling your hand away from his and turning away from him.
"Am I?" He smoothly questions. You swivel your head towards him, letting out a huff.
"You are, sir," you confirm, your voice containing humor.
"No need for the formalities," he quips, the corners of his lips quirking at your perplexity. "Call me Benedict, I insist."
"I cannot," you shake your head as you cross your arms over your chest.
"Tell me," he inches closer to you, making sure to take in your body language. He raises his hand to reach for yours, pulling it from its place tucked under your forearm. "Is this formal?"
"Well, I—I suppose it is not," you stutter as he brings your hand to rest against his cheek, allowing you to feel his freshly shaven skin. His eyes are light, you notice. Lighter than you initially thought. 
"Then, there is no need for the formalities," he shrugs casually.
This was preposterous. You are a mere housemaid with blasphemous conceptions about someone you work for. It was unprecedented and unacceptable. Your only job was to aid the Bridgertons when they needed help, not fantasize about one of them in a compromising position.
"I am only to help you when you need assistance," you piously say, dropping your hand from his face, though he can read through you. You considered his offer; your eyes and clammy hands said it all.
"In truth, I need your assistance greatly," he tuts.
"Oh," you raise a brow, as the corner of your lip lifts to form a soft smirk. 
"You see, I am in a great deal of pain," his voice was sardonic. "Could you find it in your heart to aid in taking the ache away?"
"Pain, you say?" You bring your finger and press it on your chin, plastering a thoughtful expression. "That might constitute for my help, I suppose," you begin. "I am here to aid you in all your endeavors. Am I not?" You smile smugly, watching his eyes drift to your plush lips. 
You don't know why, but the way his eyes gloss over, taking in a feature so simple makes you feel a sense of confidence. You gently raise your hand to tilt his chin slightly, making his eyes lock with yours.
"Am I not?" You repeat, slightly more assured. His eyelids lazily close over only half of his eye as his mouth opens slightly.
"You are," he murmurs out. A self-satisfied smile spreads across your face at his compliance. You find yourself placing the palms of your hands on his chest, gently nudging him to a nearby wooden chair to sit. He leans his head back to rest his neck on the back of the chair, breathing labored at your touch.
As you move to sink to your knees between his spreading legs, out of the corner of your eye, you see another loose paper lying just next to you on the floor. You turn fully to look at it, grasping the corner of it with your hand to examine it.
It was similar to the sketch of yourself you found in the drawing room. Though, this sketch's ink seemed much more messy and tainted.
"Poor man," you flip the sketch to show him, a phony frown on your face. "You were using just this?" His eyes lazily dragged over the sketch in your hands to your face right next to it.
"I am afraid so," he tuts. You push the simple sketch into his hands before you bring your hands to his soft linen shirt, slowly slipping it off until it falls somewhere off to the side—his eyes on you the entire time.
"Do you wish to look at your sketch of me or the real me?" You ask, placing your hands on either of his thighs as you see his eyes bounce from you to the sketch and back to you.
His lip quirks as he crumbles up the sketch, tossing it to his side. You let out a light chuckle, bringing your face closer to where he aches. Your lips nearly grazed his erect cock.
"Whatever will you use now?" You breathe out, hyper-aware of his cock so close to you.
"I will find you," he breathes out, bringing his hand to grip your plump cheek. You smile before sticking your tongue out to swirl around the head softly. He hisses at the contact, moving his hand to rest in your hair.
"Dear God," he groans out as you sink him further into your mouth, flattening your tongue and tilting your head back slightly so the head slides across the roof of your mouth and skims against your teeth. His hand in your hair tightens as you suck gently as he slides in and out of your mouth.
You suck for only a short minute before you pull your mouth off, replacing it with your hand carefully and slowly pumping up and down the length of his cock.
"Is this not just satirical?" You question, paying close attention to his eyes, nearly rolling to the back of his head.
"How do you deduce?" He groans, pushing his head back further and his body up more so his cock moves more in your hand.
"In normal circumstances, I am at the mercy of your family, including you," you say, licking the seam of the lips. You continue your movements, though now they are antagonizing and slow-paced. His eyes shoot back to yours as his mouth widens, releasing ragged breaths and throaty moans.
"Though," you begin, tugging him a little bit harder as he throws his head back against the chair, "in here," his eyes peer into yours, "I am singularly and wholly in control. I have you at my mercy." 
"I quite like being at your mercy," he immediately says. You stroke him a little faster, satisfied with his response.
"Is that so, Benedict?" You inquire as he begins pushing himself into your hand faster, desperate for even more of your touch. 
Your movements continue until his body is convulsing and his mouth hangs open, moaning as he comes all over his thighs and your hand. His head hangs low as his heart palliates and his chest heaves.
You even find your own chest heaving alongside his. He picks his head up slightly to make eye contact with you, bringing his hand to brush against your bottom lip, which unbeknownst to you, was covered in blood from sinking your teeth too deep.
"Are you alright?" He questions, taking in your perplexed look. He hopes you didn't have regrets of what had just occurred since it was taboo in nature.
"I am. Are you?" You regurgitate his question, and he nods, a small smile pulling on his lips. He reaches to the table next to him to grab tissues to clean you and himself up.
Once he wipes you clean of any remnants of himself, he instructs you to make your way back before anyone notices, but not before pressing a light kiss to your temple.
You stand and turn towards the door, reaching out to grab the door handle, but before turning it, you turn your head to face his.
"Glad I could be of assistance," you murmur, not awaiting a response before you fully turn the knob and step out the door.
It may have been unbecoming. Perhaps, unlawful and unconstitutional. And substandard in every sense.
The immorality of the situation does nothing to stop you from slipping your fingers underneath your nightgown that night in your room all by your lonesome, reminiscing of the image and sound of Benedict being subdued by you, a mere housemaid. What a glorious night, indeed.
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a/n: benedict is such a bottom idc also regency dirty talk is so hilarious
reblogs & comments are encouraged!
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demonic0angel · 1 month
Haunted Paintings Sketches!
Part one
I hope you enjoy the sketches I made of the paintings!
Also! You’re free to use my ideas (please give credit ofc) if you’d like, bc I REALLY don’t think I’ll write this one, no matter how much I want to. It’s just too much and I’ve already got 3 unfinished fics and several other series to write for. If you have any questions, feel free to ask or send me a submission! You can also DM if you’d like!
TW: mentions of suicide, murder, depression, mental illness, just really dark, creepy stuff bc these are haunted paintings and they torment people :/ no scary drawings tho! I only described them (click for clarity)
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Description: Jazz is sitting at a table in the middle of a flower garden with a book in one hand and a teacup in the other. She looks tranquil and is dressed formally. On the table are a few plates, a plate of cookies, a bookmark, an opened envelope and a bloody butter knife, and a teapot that is slightly out of view.
Use of mediums: gouache paint, watercolor, and pencils
Focus: Jazz amidst the flowers
• The Queen of Hearts from “Alice in Wonderland”
• Galna from “Mairimashita! Iruma-kun”
Location: She used to be in the home of a random crime lord in Gotham for intimidation purposes. She was kept in the crime lord’s office before being relocated into Wayne Manor, where she sits in the hall across from the library.
Extra facts:
+ Her scary form would be one where her tea is filled with blood and the roses would be replaced with decapitated heads. The sky would turn dark red and the ground would be a pool of blood. Jazz would smile and look at the viewer with shark-like fangs and hollowed out eyes.
+ The tea she drinks is Darjeeling and the cookies are chocolate chip.
+ Although Jazz is the weakest painting, her effects are deadlier, more painful, and longer lasting than the others if her victims survive.
+ She causes paranoia and dizzy spells. Her effects are rather weak compared to the others, but when spending enough time with her, victims can also display symptoms of scurvy, which cannot be cured.
+ She was the first one I drew and also the easiest to plan. I just love her so much, she’s one of my comfort characters so it’s not hard for me to find ideas for her 😭
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Description: Valerie stands in the middle of a dark, foggy forest, wearing a long dress and pressed close to a tree as if she is about to hide behind it. A branch covers her face and the trees around her curve into a circle with multiple holes within them. There is a Fenton thermos in the background on the floor and an axe in front of Valerie, sticking into the tree and oozing something.
Use of mediums: pencils and watercolor paint
Focus: Her hidden face
• The Son of Man by René Magritte
• The Beast from “Over the Garden Wall”
Location: She was kept in the back of an art museum, but the director has been hoping for someone to buy her and get rid of her, since he cannot handle the strain of having her inside of the gallery. Now she stands near the door to the entrance of Wayne Manor, a silent and deadly sentry.
Extra facts:
+ Her scary form would have her surroundings to turned into the entrance to a mouth or an intestine, red, fleshy, and bloody. There would be bones littering the floor everywhere and Valerie herself would become bloody and stained, with her face still hidden. Tortured faces would be seen through the fog.
+ The holes on the trees sometimes leak a mysterious substance.
+ Valerie is not the weakest, but she is not that powerful. However, she does amplify the others’ effects to fatal degrees.
+ She causes paranoia and auditory hallucinations, often causing her victims to feel as though they are being watched relentlessly, which cannot go away. Eventually, her victims will shut themselves into their rooms and starve to death from the fear.
+ She and Tucker had switched ideas, but I had to trash them. I never got the opportunity to draw those ideas because I struggled so much with Tucker that when I eventually got inspiration for Valerie, I just went with it. I’m quite happy with Valerie’s portrait now.
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Description: Dani, dressed formally, sits at the head of a table with a large painting and curtains behind her. She holds a fork and a knife over a pig head. Her gaze is downward and she looks like she’s frowning softly. The dinner table is messy with three other dishes and a knocked over bottle of wine.
Use of mediums: oil paint and oil pastels
Focus: Dani holding the fork and knife
• Rosie’s Tea Party by Mark Ryden
• “Spirited Away” (specifically that one scene where Chihiro’s parents eat the food)
Location: She was hidden by Vlad and kept safe with him. He keeps her in his office, where he can watch her. He only recently found her again, and he was determined to watch over her. Now she stays in the Wayne Manor's dining room, but often changes her position to be next to everyone else in the bedroom hallway.
Extra facts:
+ Her scary form would be one where all of her food dishes would be replaced by very obviously human parts, especially with the pig head becoming a human head. The curtains would turn to blood dripping down the wall and Dani would be smiling, taking a direct bite of the human head that was in front of her with her fork and knife.
+ The dishes she eats in the painting are: pig head, vulture thigh, lamprey eels, and sheep brain.
+ Her at the dining table is meant to signify greed and gluttony, 2 of the most simplest sins.
+ She causes great feelings of hunger and paranoia in others. When spending too much time with her, some victims turn to self-cannibalism to sate their never ending starvation.
+ Originally, both her and Dan’s ideas were switched, so Dan would’ve been the one feasting and Dani would’ve been the one looking at her reflection. However, I switched them around because I felt like it would’ve been spookier. I even finished the drawing with Dan and everything, but then I just erased him and drew in Dani 😓
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Description: Dan is standing in front of a mirror, glancing behind his shoulder, while his reflection shows something different: him looking at everyone else and the door behind him by looking at the mirror. The party guests are all wearing masks and there are chandeliers on the ceiling. The party looks vaguely fancy, but messy with secrets.
Use of mediums: Oil paints
Focus: His reflection
• Jeff Lee Johnson and his art
Location: He was kept in a locked safe within a rich person’s house in Italy. He had to been wrecking havoc on the nerves of everyone around him, but he is now safe and happy in Wayne Manor, where he is kept in the office to the entrance of the Batcave.
Extra facts:
+ His scary form would have all of the party guests dead, but their eyes would face the viewer. Dan's reflection would also be dead, but his actual self would be the same, only with an eerie smile as his eyes follow the viewer. In the doorway would be the figure of Danny. Blood would cover the entire floor and walls, but nobody would react to it.
+ Dan keeps his own masquerade mask in his pocket.
+ The woman who is directly staring at him is supposed to look like Maddie.
+ He causes viewers intense mood swings and long, often violent mania episodes or mind-numbing depression episodes. Those who keep staring at him will gain the feeling of being watched and haunted, often with visual hallucinations, resulting in losing their mind from fear and then killing others in their terror and panic.
+ I tried so hard to make Dan as handsome as possible. I think I pulled it off bc I’m a little bit in love with him ong, but I also kinda have to be bc I draw him so often
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Description: Tucker is in the back shot of a desert, with his back towards the viewer, staring at a large skeleton that is seemingly climbing over a large sand dune. The skeleton has flowers in its eyes, and its hand reaches over the horizon. There is a single sun in the sky and an arm holding a pocket watch sticks out of the sand close to the viewer.
Use of mediums: gouache paint, pens, and pencils
Focus: The large skull
• JT Music (specifically their JT album covers)
• The Giant God Warrior from “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind”
• “Dune”
Location: He was originally kept in one of the rooms within the GIW headquarters. Now, he is kept within Wayne Manor, and stays in the theater room, where he whispers to the Wayne residents what movies he wants to watch. Sometimes, he moves to the garage.
Extra facts:
+ His scary form is one where the skull becomes covered in meat and flesh, oozing blood and tar while the sand turns red. The scene turns to darkness, and more limbs would sprout from the ground. Tucker would be nothing but a pile of flayed skin, crumpled into the sand.
+ GIW agents were unable to experiment on him, since he would purposefully cause machinery to misfire and slowly corrode his surroundings.
+ His painting is meant to be a little comic book-esque with one of his mediums being ink, but I felt like that wouldn’t be a PAINTing, so nvm
+ He causes visual hallucinations, hypovolemia, headaches, blindness, and osteoporosis :). Often, when his victims are autopsied, sand and salt can be found within all of their organs. He emits so much radiation that he can wear down the materials of the place he is stored in.
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Description: Sam stands on top of a small, grassy hill with a path leading to a grave and an angel statue on top of it, close enough that she is blocking it. Around the hill are pomegranate trees and hanging corpses. There is no sun, but there are clouds as Sam stands with her back to the viewers in a long goth-styled dress.
Use of mediums: paper, glue, acrylic paint
Focus: Her standing on the hill
• This Reddit picture of a liminal garden
• A mix of weirdcore and dreamcore aesthetics
Location: She was tossed into the ocean by her parents when they first saw her, but she later washed up on an island and now the animals and plants there act erratically and strangely. Finally, she was relocated to Wayne Manor, where she hangs on a wall within the greenhouse, happily watching over the plants there.
Extra facts:
+ Her scary form would be one where eyes would replace all of the pomegranates, staring at the viewer. The paper used to make her would become flesh textured and bloody, and Sam would appear abnormal, broken into pieces and cracked, turning around and smiling at the viewer with shark-like teeth. The grass would become hairy skin and the sky would become red, with swirls and more eyes.
+ Sam's "painting" is actually made of mostly paper, since it is a collage. It is a bit touched up by paint and all of the materials used are vegan and ethically sourced, though they do change.
+ The flora and fauna in the island she landed on have mutated so much that they’re basically mindless. They protect Sam relentlessly.
+ She causes general insanity and relentless symptoms in her victims, such as paranoia, intense episodes of mania and depression, itchiness that can result in self harm, and violent, unexplained behavior in animals and plants. She also emits so much radiation that she can cause sporadic DNA mutations, resulting in several forms of cancer and mental instability, often resulting in victims becoming inhuman and monstrous forms of themselves.
+ Originally, Sam’s portrait was supposed to be in a garden, but I wanted it more “liminal space” themed, and I think I got it right. I think it’s really simple, but I also feel like if I was able to create it in real life, it would be more interesting because it is a collage of paper and paint.
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Description: a picture of black blotches and scribbles with muddy and red stains. Any features besides the ornate frame is hidden underneath the stains.
Use of mediums: pencils, ink, charcoal, tar, blood
Focus: His crying
• SCP-035 (“The Possessive Mask”)
• The Anguished Man by an unknown artist (it’s a haunted irl painting!)
• Bendy and the Ink Machine
Location: He was cloning himself in order to jump through universes to find his family. In the current universe, he was with the League of Shadows before he was found and brought back to the Wayne Manor. He is in the hallway with the bedrooms of the Wayne residents.
Extra facts:
+ His scary form is technically his normal form because he cannot turn it off. Once he is happy again, his normal form would be one with him and his family, smiling and happy. Until then, he haunts the minds of others and ravages their sanity.
+ He’s been traveling all over the multiverse in order to find his family. Coincidentally, they’ve all been in the same world for some time.
+ He screams all day and night for his family. It’s so bad that Danny has destroyed thousands of worlds in his grief.
+ He causes the worst of all symptoms, often causing the viewers who look at him to go insane and kill themselves or others, even if it is only a few seconds. Even those who stay in the same room next door to him are consumed with suicidal thoughts and intense moments of psychosis. Those who have survived encountering him and have some semblance of mind left say that he “cries” relentlessly. His paintings leak a black substance that corrodes the place around him.
+ Literally all I did for this picture was scribble in my notes app, take a screenshot, and then scribble some more on photos LMAO
Extra notes:
+ Jazz, Dani, and Dan showing their face while Sam, Tucker, and Valerie hiding theirs is intentional. Danny is a mix of both, because he actually IS showing his face, but you can’t see it past the black and red.
+ Every painting has a flower inside of it, specifically a carnation, which are often funeral flowers, and can mean gratitude, remembrance, love, and affection.
+ Every painting also has a mention or appearance of Danny in it.
+ I also tried to put hints of bad omens or signs of death within every painting. Some examples are Dani’s painting with the chopsticks sticking out of the bowl (a sign of bad luck and death), or Dan’s painting, where a woman is being strangled in the background and another is being killed.
+ All of the paintings generally have an ability to teleport to places nearby and can actually snatch up viewers to shove them into their domain. This can be a defensive mechanism (the paintings protect the Bats) or an offensive ability (they pull victims in and kill them). They also all have weapons on them that are hidden or not so hidden.
+ I struggled a lot with ideas and how to get started on some characters because I just had so many, and I wanted it to be creepy, but not noticeably creepy, like most paintings. I’m sad to say that I wasn’t able to use some of my planned ideas from inspirations of actual haunted paintings.
+ Discarded inspirations: The Rain Woman by Svetlana Telets (my favorite!! Please look it up if you can!!), this picture I saw on Reddit of a sheep being stuck under ice with its back exposed, a workshop idea with Tucker, and Dani and “Daughter of Evil” with mirrors and everything.
+ The world where Danny and co., come from is different from the world they’re currently in. It’s like a world where some people are the same, but others are not. Example: the GIW, Maddie, Jack, and Vlad exist, but Danny and Jazz never made it past their childhood. So basically a What-If world or something.
+ Their backstories are somewhat undecided, but basically, something dangerous happened to them in their home dimension and it was so bad that Danny captured all of their souls and put them into paintings so they would live (with the help of Clockwork). However, by doing this, he scattered their souls and paintings throughout the universes and he went crazy from it, and turned himself into a painting too so he could find them. Now his cloned paintings travel and sends itself to other worlds to find his family again, often leading to their destruction from his power.
Or something? Lol
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lionneee · 3 months
Aemond hates when you bite your lips
English is not my first language, please be kind
•Warnings: kissing, taking of blood.•
Modern!Aemond x Fem!Reader
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She was just scrolling her phone as she was sitting on the couch, her fingers to her lips as she kept peeling the skin off, alternating it with bites. Sometimes she just bit the inside of her lips or cheeks. He had told her countless times to stop doing it, he didn’t like it at all, but he knew it was just a habit of hers, she usually didn’t even realize she was actually doing it.
“Y/N.” he calls her but she doesn’t even lift her gaze from her phone to look at him. He was looking at her from the doorframe that connected the living room to the little garden, where he was just smoking a cigarette.
“Mh?” her lips were beautiful, full and soft, except for when she bit them so much to draw blood.
“You’re doing it again, stop it.” he says. She looks up at him, confused.
“Doing what?” She was wearing a big old sweater of hers with simple black shorts, her hair tied up in a messy bun, and her face without makeup. Aemond loved to look at her when she was unready, just being as comfortable as she could.
“You’re biting your lips again.” He warns her, she immediately drops his hand down as he gets closer to her, taking her chin between his fingers and leaning her head back so she would look up at him. He inspected her lips and just as he thought, she kept going enough to draw a bit of blood. She turns her head to the side, looking away,
“It’s nothing.” she mumbles.
"It's not nothing." He grabs her chin again and pulls her face straight back again, looking at the marks she got on her lips just from this tiny bad habit she kept doing repeatedly.
“Whatever, Aemond!” she sighs annoyed, and that only pisses him off. She pulls away again and she goes back to looking at her phone. He sighs frustrated and grabs her wrist to throw her phone away somewhere on the couch.
"You really want me to get annoyed and mad now?” he growls, and she looks up at him with an angry look, closing her hands into fists.
“You’re the one who’s being annoying.” she answers back. His grip on her wrist gets a little bit tighter and he doesn’t say things as calmly as he used to when he first brought this issue up.
"I’m trying to help you. I swear you do your best to annoy me whenever I tell you to stop this." he groans as he passes his hand over his face letting go of her wrist, as he takes a few steps back.
She rolls her eyes. She knew it was true, it was a bad habit of hers, but she just couldn’t stop it.
“Just let go.” She raises her shoulders dismissing the issue nonchalantly.
"You better stop it. I don’t want my girlfriend walking around with her lips all bitten and marked."
He exhales loudly and he crosses his arms as he looks at her. Her expression turns quickly into one of anger, but he saw she was also hurt. She crosses her arms to her chest.
“Why? You’re ashamed of me?” she accuses him, and he looks at her as if she went crazy.
"No, I’m not, Jesus! You’re hurting yourself like this. And I’d like your lips getting red for a different reason than this, and not from your constant biting."
Another frustrated grunting comes out of him. She sighs and looks away
“I just can’t stop it, okay? I can’t.” She finally admits He sighs again and speaks more calmly, even though he is still serious about this issue.
"You could stop it, if you wanted to. Or else you won’t be getting any kisses from me.” He was talking in a soft, almost threatening way. His tone still showed frustration, but his approach now was more gentle than it was before. 
“Oh, really?” her answer is filled with sarcasm. She looked at him in a way that made clear she wasn’t believing him.
"Yes, really." He leans closer and he stands in front of her, looking down at her.
"Do you really want me to stop kissing you? Just because you can’t resist biting or peeling your own lips off, mh? Do you really have no self control when it comes to that?"
“Just like you don’t have self control when it comes to kissing me. So your threat is empty”
"You really want to see if I can actually be serious about that threat?" He steps even closer to her and his grip becomes firmer as he says his next words: "Because you really don’t want to experience that. I know how much you crave for my lips, my tongue, my breath on your skin." he smirks as he sees his words having their effect on her, as she fixes her position on the couch and pouts at him.
“I’ll get my kisses.” She answers back with that attitude of hers. Always so stubborn.
"No you won’t." He was fully serious about this. He takes a few steps back from her as he speaks with a more threatening tone.
"From now on, everytime I catch you peeling your bloody lips again, I will refuse to kiss you for the next whole week."
She grabs the hem of his shirt and tries to pull him closer to her, so he is standing right in front of her on the couch..
“No you won't.” She almost whines. She was so beautiful like this, with her pretty little stubborn head of hers, always ready to fight him if he did something she didn’t like. He loved how she refused to have anyone get above her. That, of course, when he wasn’t fucking her. He knew very well she liked having him above her on that occasion.
The movement she makes is enough for him to step even more close to her. He grabs her wrists again and she pulls her away from the couch, forcing her to stand up. He presses his body against hers as he whispers his next words in her ear.
"That’s a whole week of no kisses for you." His hand starts to rub her back gently again as he says his final warning. "I’m not bluffing. I’m warning you. One. Last. Time." 
“That’s not fair. I want my kisses.” She leans her head back and gets on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck as she tries to reach his lips but he quickly pulls away or turns his head so she won’t get to him, making her whine as he smirks.
“That’s not fair!” She whines louder. “I want a kiss.” she orders seriously, but as Aemond looks at her, he only wants to laugh. She was too little and cute to be taken seriously like this.
“You’ll get it in a week.” He answers towering over her. She furrowed her eyebrows.
“I want it now.” She specifies. Aemond smirks again, making her only more angry.
"No. You’ll get it in a week. Stop trying, baby." This was just too amusing to him. She was too small and he was enjoying her little tantrum. He didn’t want to give anything to her at this moment, and just wanted to see more of her frustration.
"Come on, baby... You don't want to kiss me?" She licks her lips, as if to make them more tempting for him to kiss them, as she looked at him with her big eyes
He looks down at her lips, glossy and wet and his breath becomes a bit heavier. Even though she’s frustrated, he can’t help but to look at her eyes and mouth as they were both pretty and tempting to him. He wanted to kiss her so much, kiss her until they would both be out of breath, and their lips swollen and red, but his words remain the same.
"No... Not right now…" He shakes his head even if he keeps staring at her lips.
"Please, kiss me. Kiss me now and I'll stop biting my lips, I promise... Just please, kiss me."
He looks at her eyes, and he sees how desperate she is for that single little thing from him. It was making it even harder for him to refrain but he wanted to see just how desperate this was going to make her, so, he speaks in a low, teasing tone:
"Make it worth it for me to give you a kiss."
She smiles immediately and she starts kissing his neck, driving her hands under his shirt, so she could caress him with her fingers. She hums as she keeps leaving wet kisses on his neck, slowly going up to his jaw
He exhales deeply once she starts kissing and licking his neck, his breath grows even more heavier and stronger. He leans his head back a bit, giving her more freedom with her hands as he does so, allowing her to access more of his neck. He tries to stay standing and keep his arms still, trying to refrain himself from stopping her and from grabbing her and simply kissing her back instead. His breathing becomes heavier and he makes a little sound of pleasure as she keeps kissing him on the neck. The caress on his muscles makes his body loosen up more and he keeps grunting with pleasure. 
"Fuck... a kiss is not out of the question for you if you keep at this... good girl."
She pushes him with her hands on his chest down on the couch, making him sit on it, as she sits on his thighs.
He lets out a small groan as she does so, her hands going underneath his shirt was enough to drive him crazy. He lets his head tilt backwards on the couch and he closes his eyes as his heartbeats increase in speed. Her hands keep on roaming under his shirt as she starts lifting his shirt, so she could kiss his abdomen and he leans his head further back as she begins to kiss his abdomen.
"Have I earned my kiss?" She smirks as she goes back to kissing his jaw.
His breathing became even more rapid as you switched to kissing his jaw. Your small, delicate, and soft kisses were enough to make his body tense, he was getting hard, and keeping his hands to himself was getting almost impossible, especially when she was putting all of this effort to please him. This little teasing game was actually getting him to reach his limits faster than he expected. 
“Almost.” He groans. She smiles as she kisses his chin, and her hand goes down to his covered cock, palming it softly.
"...And now?" She whispers in his ear as she presses her hand harder on him.
God, she was such a tease.
He lets out another deep growl and he grabs the back of her head harshly, pressing her lips against his own, kissing her aggressively. She immediately clings close to him, sliding from his thighs to his lap with her hips, so she could grind against his cock as she welcomes his kiss with passion, letting him slip his tongue inside her mouth as deep as he wanted. He grabbed her ass and squeezed in return, pressing her more on himself, and moving her faster. She whines and pulls away from the kiss, smiling at him. “I’ll stop biting my lips.”
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marblejack · 6 months
Watching RTGame Minecraft playthrough and Daniel's genuine fascination with vanilla experience made me reflect on how I view this game. It reminded me how I first discovered it decade ago, had the ultimate Minecraft experience of trying to figure stuff on my own (and miserably failing), then having a knowing friend behind my back teaching the basics™ and slowly getting on track from there. Surely, it's not a new game. And I feel like over the years, as I grew up, Minecraft-the-game slowly morphed into some hybrid virtual medium to hang out with friends for me. It became less of a world I get immersed in and more of an algorithm I'm really good at navigating and using its restrictions to my advantage. In a weird fashion, the only thing I can compare what modded Minecraft is to me is Hatsune Miku, an entity who functionally is an avatar with million faces and myriad stories for you to tell. In the same manner long ago modded Minecraft became a neutral base to create any game in (almost) any genre I felt like playing. It's a welcome development, but what I ultimately gave up in exchange is appreciation for simplicity of vanilla, and I became desensitized to it. Watching Daniel discover all these novelties with almost childlike wonder, I can't help but get nostalgic over how I used to see it, and how I never will be able to go back to it. That's so obvious, but so many decisions he makes I wouldn't, if I was playing. I'm probably one of those people who kept suggesting creating new world, until Daniel put effort in exploring it and discovering all those gorgeous places that I wouldn't. Seeing him roleplay and genuinely engage with the world surrounding him reminded me how decade ago I used to have a small house with a single dog on the edge of the cliff in the snowy taiga. I didn't really do anything to progress the game and was too scared to go into the caves to upgrade my tools to iron, so I tended to my little garden, fed my dog with chicken and wrote something in my only book and quill as a diary. It was all these same actions every single day, but I never felt bored. I felt isolated, but never lonely with my dog by my side, and as soon as sun had set, I was racing to my tiny hut, afraid of mobs, and my dog would feel really sad if one day I didn't return, after all. For some reason, decade later I remember everything to the tiniest detail. The layout of the house, the surrounding forest and what I wrote down back then. Since those times I had countless worlds and multiple projects, I used to speedrun Minecraft for fun and competition, but I remember so little about it all, a blurred memories of something that vaguely happened. But seeing Daniel build his tower, having beef with villagers stealing his sleeping spot, parting sea and for shits and giggles, spending two hours trying to draw a circle that functionally doesn't work for an assumption he lowkey gaslit himself into believing is true, filling out the maps of surrounding areas and looking for Bubblegum to lead home make me feel those exact feelings again. Maybe that's what it feels like to be the knowing friend sitting behind someone's back and teaching the ways of Minecraft. I never got to know what it feels like. After all, who hasn't played Minecraft nowadays?
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Flower Crowns
🦆: Finally finished I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it
Pairing: Happy Lowman x OC (Katherine Morrow)
Warnings: A few swear words nothing else I think let me know.
Word count: 4,203
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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Happy, standing amongst the other bikers of the club, surveyed the event with curiosity. As he looked at the various activities set up for the children, he spotted a flower crown making booth led by a young woman. She was helping the children make their own crowns, while teaching them about flowers in the garden. Her soft and nurturing nature seemed to draw all the children to her, her delicate features and light brown wavy hair adding an air of gentleness to her presence.
Intrigued, Happy couldn't help but take note of her. He had heard of her from the other members of the club, knowing she was the daughter of the club's president and sister to the VP. Her reputation for kindness and gentleness, contrasting with the rough and tough world of the Sons of Anarchy.
Unable to look away, he continued to observe her. He noticed the way she smiled softly at the children as they crafted their flower crowns. Her delicate hands gently guided them to weave the stems. There was a certain purity in her actions, a innocence that seemed untouched by the darkness of the club.
Sensing someone approaching behind him, Happy spoke without looking. Back.
"Shouldn't you be at your booth Bobby? Gemma will castrate you if u bail on another event brother"
"I'm on a break man get off my balls" Bobby replies
Happy chuckled as he turned to face Bobby, a smirk on his face. He crossed his arms over his chest as he replied
"A break, huh? More like avoiding responsibility as usual."
He teased Bobby, knowing all too well that he had a fondness for shrugging off his duties whenever he could.
Bobby rolled his eyes but couldn't help but grin. He knew that Happy was right, he had a reputation for avoiding work whenever possible.
"Hey, I'm entitled to a break every now and then, brother. Can't be on duty 24/7." He retorted.
Happy let out a smirk, enjoying the playful banter with his brother. He shook his head in amusement, knowing all too well that Bobby's excuse was as weak as his excuse to skip out on church.
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Bro. We both know you'd rather spend your time chasing women than doing your job."
Bobby feigned offense at Happy's comment, his hand going to his chest in mock hurt. He was well known for his love life.
"Hey, man, I'm just a man with...certain needs. Can't blame a guy for having some fun, can you?" He replied, a sly grin on his face.
Happy gave a hearty chuckle, finding amusement in Bobby's feeble attempts to defend himself. He knew all too well that Bobby had a wandering eye and a reputation for being a ladies' man.
"Yeah, just keep telling yourself it's all about your 'needs'. We all know you're just looking for the next woman willing to keep you warm at night."
Bobby let out a mock gasp, pretending to be offended but unable to keep the smile off his face.
"Hey, I'll have you know that I'm a romantic, brother. Not my fault these women just can't handle all of this" gesturing to himself.
Just then Gemma approaches "Hey Bobby Elvis!! There are kids wanting to take photos with you get your butt back to your booth or my boot is going up your ass"
Bobby chuckled and held up his hands defensively.
"Okay, okay, I'm going. Jeez, Gem, I was on my break!" He jokingly protested but knew better than to argue with Gemma. He shot another playful glance at Happy before heading back to his booth.
Happy snickered as he watched Bobby leave, amused by the way Gemma could always crack the whip. He had always admired her no-nonsense attitude and the way she kept the club in check.
"Hey Hap, have you seen the prospect around?? Katherine needs some more flowers from the van, but she can't leave the booth, and I ain't carrying them boxes in this heat"
Happy raised an eyebrow at the mention of Katherine's name. He had yet to have the chance to meet her properly.
"No, I ain't seen him for a while Gem"
"Clay better not have sent Half Sack off somewhere I need him later to tidy up.... You wouldn't mind getting them, would you?"
Happy shrugged and nodded. He wasn't about to decline a chance to get closer to the source of his curiosity.
"No problem, I can grab 'em for you. Where's the van parked?"
"Great, it's just round the back, its the only one that says florist on it you cant miss it" Gemma says, handing him the keys. "And don't drop any of them. Katherine wants them all looking perfect for the kids" she adds heading back in the direction of her chilli booth.
Happy took the keys from Gemma with a sharp nod, knowing better than to upset Gemma.
"No worries, Gem. I'll handle 'em with care."
He reassured her as he headed towards the back to find the van.
As Happy approached the van, his eyes scanned the area, taking note of any potential threats. The club's security was always on high alert, especially during events like these. Satisfied that there was nothing out of the ordinary, he unlocked the van and climbed inside.
He rummaged through the back, looking for the boxes of flowers that Gemma had mentioned. Finally, he spotted them, carefully stacked among various gardening supplies. He hoisted the boxes with ease, their weight insignificant to his muscular frame.
With the boxes in his arms, he closed the van door and started making his way back towards the community centre. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the woman he was about to meet. When he had heard about Katherine from Gemma and the others, she was always described as kind and soft-hearted. It was refreshing to hear about someone untouched by the club's violent nature and he was curious to what she was like.
As he turned the corner, he caught his first glimpse of her working at the flower crown booth, her delicate features focused on the task at hand. His steps quickened as he approached her.
His heavy steps caught Katherine's attention, and she turned breaking out in a greatful smile, ready to thank whoever her mother managed to rope into helping.
When she locked eyes with Happy he got distracted. So distracted he stopped looking where he was stepping and didn't see the curb...
"MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Happy shouted as he lost his footing falling forward landing on the boxes crushing all the flowers stacked neatly inside. Definitely not the ideal first impression he wanted to make.
Katherine gasped as she watched Happy stumble and crash into the boxes of flowers, the colorful petals scattering everywhere like a colorful explosion. She quickly rushed over to him, concern etched on her face.
"Oh my goodness, are you okay?!"
She knelt down beside him, worry in her eyes as she looked over his condition. Her attention briefly shifted to the ruined boxes and the crushed flowers, but her main priority was making sure he was alright.
Happy grunted, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration as he sat up, nursing a slight bruise from the fall. He looked at the mess of flowers around him, a hint of guilt on his face.
"Ah, shit..." he muttered. "Gemma's gonna kill me for this."
The surrounding bikers couldn't help but burst out laughing at the scene. Seeing big, tough Happy fumble like that was not something they saw every day. Tig, Chibs, Juice, and Opie approached, all wearing grins on their faces.
"Dude, that was graceful." Tig snickered, teasing Happy like any good friend would.
Chibs chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Yeah, really graceful, mate. Smooth as silk."
Juice just shrugged, trying to suppress his own laughter while Opie smirked, clearly enjoying the moment.
Happy shot daggers at his brothers, clearly not amused by their teasing. He pushed himself up, dusted off his jeans, and tried to salvage what little dignity he had left.
He looked back at Katherine, who was still looking at him with a mix of concern and amusement in her eyes. He could tell that she wasn't judging him, but still, he felt embarrassed at his clumsy entrance.
"Uh shit, sorry about that," he muttered vaguely gesturing to the boxes.
"it's okay, it was just an accident. I'm sure some are still salvageable, and if not, I can just turn them into potpourri" Katherine replies kindly
Her soft voice and gentle smile helped to ease his embarrassment a bit. He shot another glare at his club mates, who were still chuckling in the background, before turning back to her.
"Yeah, sorry about making such a mess... I, uh..." he trailed off, not sure what else to say.
"Hey miss, can you help me? I can't get this daisy to stick on." One of the little girls from the booth called over.
"Sure sweetheart i'll be there in a minute ive just gotta tidy something up first" Katherine called back starting to collect the scattered flowers into one of the less damaged box.
Happy watched as the little girl asked for help, and seeing Katherine starting to gather the scattered flowers into one of the less damaged boxes.
He stepped forward, feeling the need to help after causing such a mess. Happy moved with a surprising gentleness as he collected the delicate petals.
The others also joined in, their rough exterior contradicting their careful handling of the flowers. Opie helped separate the still-intact plants from the damaged ones, while Tig and Chibs gathered the more salvageable blossoms.
Soon, the mess was cleared, and the club members stood around the now semi-organized boxes of flowers, looking a bit out of their element in the flower-filled environment.
Katherine's giggle caught Happys attention he noticed it was directed at him.
"What are you laughing at girl?" He gruffly asked.
"Sorry its just...erm..here let me just..." She reaches over and plucks a bright yellow daisy which somehow latched onto one of his patches.
Happy froze, his rough exterior cracking for a moment as he watched Katherine reach over and pluck the daisy from his patch. He hadn't even realized it had landed there, blending almost perfectly with his dark clothing.
"Uh, thanks," he mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed at the unexpected move. "I'm not exactly the flower type, you know."
"Well I better head back to my booth before the kids start a revolt." Katherine says starting to reach for some of the boxes but the guys step in picking them up first Happy a little quicker than the others.
"Aye lead the way love well offer back up if the little shits decide to act up" Chibs heartily stated.
Katherine smiled gratefully as the Sons picked up the boxes, led by Happy. They followed her back to the flower crown booth, their presence overshadowing the delicate and peaceful atmosphere.
When they arrived, the children looked up in awe at the intimidating bikers carrying colorful boxes of flowers. Some looked a bit intimidated, but others seemed excited to have the tough bikers join the activity.
One little girl hands Opie her crown "can u fix this for me please? It keeps falling apart"
"Erm I don't know but I can try..."
"Thankyou" the girl answers cheerily
Eventually all the members start helping making the crowns some enjoying it not that they would ever admit it though
Happy chuckled as he observed the club members struggling with the flower crowns. It was a sight to see them, these tough bikers usually found in a bar or boxing ring, now carefully weaving daisies and baby's breath into delicate works of art. Opie in particular looked like he was enjoying himself way too much, while Chibs kept grumbling about "girly crap".
None of them noticed some of the parent approaching worriedly seeing their little kids surrounded by the bikers. They were fine with them being around but they didn't like the idea of them being around their kids.
As the parents started approaching, concern etched on their faces, Happy caught sight of them. He knew what they were thinking, that he and the other bikers were a threat to the little ones. Even though they were very wrong, all of them would jump in front of bullets for any kid, but he understood the club has brought alot of trouble to Charming.
The atmosphere changed as the parents started to pull their kids away. Happy felt a pang of frustration, knowing that their reputation was working against them. He looked over at Katherine, noticing her crestfallen expression as the booth once filled with laughter and joy was now deserted.
The other members also noticed the parents' reaction, their faces falling as the children were being taken away. They all knew how they appeared to outsiders, with their tattoos, rugged appearance, and overall intimidating aura. It stung a bit, but they were used to it.
Chibs approached Katherine, trying to offer some solace.
"Hey, don't worry about it, sweetheart. They're just scared of what they don't understand."
"Yeah, believe me, I know being the daughter to the scary biker gang president. I'm used to it, dont worry," she replies, trying to sound indifferent, but everyone at the table hears the sadness hidden in her words.
The guys exchanged glances, understanding the underlying pain in her voice. They knew all too well that their lifestyle had consequences, and in this case, it was affecting the daughter of their president.
Happy clenched his jaw, feeling a mix of frustration and guilt. He looked at Katherine, her dejected expression tugging at his heart.
After a long pause Katherine clears her thoat and speaks up "...would you guys mind helping me tidy up may as well start packing up now"
The guys started to slowly pack away the booth she spent days preparing and planning for the kids
"Hey er what's this flower called again?" Juice asked picking up the closest flower to him trying to distract her
Katherine looked up from packing away some supplies and observed Juice holding the flower. She chuckled, appreciative of his attempt to distract her.
"That's a snapdragon," she replied with a small smile. "It's known for its unique shape that resembles a dragon's head. You see, the flower opens and closes its mouth as it dries." she replies a spark of joy returning to her eyes talking about her favourite subject.
"Really?..huh cool. Does it have a meaning like the different roses do?" Juice asked inspecting the plant closer.
Katherine nodded, appreciating his interest. "Yes, it does. Snapdragons represent grace, strength, and resilience. They are often used to signify hidden feelings and can be given to someone as a way of saying "I'll try to understand your unspoken thoughts and desires."
"Really this wee flower says all that?" Chibbs adds catching onto Juice's idea.
Katherine giggles, nodding her head in affirmation "Yes, it does. Each flower has its own language, so to speak, like a secret code that florists use to convey emotions and messages. Snapdragons, with their unique shape and symbolic meaning, are one of my personal favourites."
Happy listened in, finding himself actually interested in the conversation. He knew about the language of flowers to some extent, but listening to Katherine talk about it with such passion and knowledge was captivating. He found himself admiring her even more, impressed by her unexpected depth.
The Sons finished packing away the last of the booth's items, the once vibrant display now packed into neat boxes. Though he wasn't one for sentimentality, Happy couldn't help but feel a bit sad that all her work had been for nothing. He caught Katherine looking at the now empty space, holding onto one of the crowns a kid left behind, her eyes filled with a mixture of resignation and disappointment.
He stepped closer to Katherine, feeling the need to say something, anything to lift her spirits.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I am sure those kids had fun while it lasted." He tried to sound casual, but his gruff voice betrayed a hint of concern for her well-being. His eyes caught sight of the flower crown she held, and he added "At least got that as a memento, right?"
"Yeah..I guess but they were made to be worn...and this one got left"
Happy nodded slowly, understanding her point. The flower crowns were supposed to be worn with joy, not left behind like discarded toys.
He paused, thinking for a moment, then an idea came to him. With a sly grin, he extended his hand out to her.
"Here, give it to me."
Katherine eyed him with curiosity but handed over the flower crown, wondering what he was planning. She watched as he took it in his hands, his rough fingers gently holding the delicate petals. He placed the crown on his head, a comical sight that contradicted his intimidating appearance.
"flowers suit you" she giggled
"Hey no fair I want one I thought they were just for the kids" Tig whines. "Here give it to me it will suit me better it's wasted on you" Tig goes to reach for the crown.
Happy swats Tig's hand away, a smirk on his face.
"Back off, man. I look good in it."
He retorted, adjusting the flower crown on his head, enjoying the ridiculousness of the situation. The other members snickered at the sight.
Clay and Gemma approach, only to find Happy and Tig locked in a comical struggle over a flower crown. Their faces were caught somewhere between disbelief, amusement, and annoyance.
The other members tried to hold back their laughter, but the sight of their tough as nails friends bickering over a flower crown was too much. A chorus of snickers and chuckles echoed around them.
"Hey don't break it...Tiggy I can make your own one what ever colors you want there is no need to fight over it" Kathrine says in-between laughter
Happy and Tig were broken out of their bickering by Katherine's offer. They both turned to her sheepishly, embarrassed by their childish behaviour. Tig scratched the back of his neck, trying to act nonchalant.
"Uh yeah, okay fine." He grumbled, secretly relieved to get his own flower crown.
"Oh I want one too with lots of yellow" juice chimes in.
"Well hell I'll have one" Chibbs adds "you got any blue and white ones left??" He asks opening the boxes looking for the flowers he wants.
"You want them now?" Kathrine asks thinking they weren't being serious
"Well yeah...wouldn't want these flowers to go to waste" Tig says nonchalantly
Katherine laughs at the unexpected turnaround, still wrapping her head around the fact that tough bikers were now requesting flower crowns like giddy schoolchildren.
"Alright, alright, I'll make all of you a flower crown," she agrees, unable to suppress her amusement.
Happy stands there, flower crown still perched on his head, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement on his face. The other club members, meanwhile, eagerly wait for their crowns to be made.
They all sat in the grass watching her weave the flowers and listing off all their meanings Opie left and returned with his kids and Donna, who looked on with a mix of curiosity and surprise at the scene unfolding. Opie, ever the peacemaker, felt that this was an opportunity to show Donna and the kids a different side of the club.
Katherine continued weaving the flower crowns, listening to the bikers' requests for different colors and flowers.
Soon they all wore crowns except her even her Dad took one after hearing about her booth being deserted.
Happy was sat on the edge of the group, awkwardly attempting to weave the flowers together. His large fingers were far from delicate, and the petals kept slipping from his grasp. He muttered curses under his breath as his attempts looked more like a tangled mess rather than a flower crown he wanted to make for her as she was kind enough to make ones for all of them but he could give her this it looked like shit compared to her ones.
The other members glanced over at him from time to time, enjoying the sight of happy struggling with the flower crown. they whispered and chuckled amongst themselves at the sight of their friend, known for being rough around the edges, attempting to make something so fragile.
Happy grumbled at the snickers and comments coming from the other members, his face growing slightly red with embarrassment. He knew he looked silly, trying to make a flower crown when his hands were better suited to wielding a wrench or a gun. Still, he persisted, determined to create something somewhat presentable for her.
Though he was trying his best the result was somewhat pathetic the flowers were clumsily woven together, the petals sticking out in strange directions. He looked at the other members' crowns, neatly woven and vibrant, then down at his messy attempt. He knew it was nothing compared to her artistry, but it was the best he could do given his limited skills.
Finally, he finished tying the messy crown together. It looked a bit lopsided and rough around the edges, but he was oddly proud of himself. As he looked up at the others, he braced himself for the playful banter and mockery that was sure to come.
Happy muttered to himself, trying to rationalize his actions. he told himself he was only doing this to make up for ruining her flower booth, nothing more. He clenched the flower crown in his hands, feeling foolish and out of place surrounded by colorful petals and laughter.
He looked over at her, seeing her chatting and laughing with the other club members as she continued making the flower crowns. The sight stirred something in him he couldn't quite understand. he couldn't deny the pang of guilt he felt seeing her joyous expression, knowing that he played a part in ruining her day.
Well it's now or never he wasn't sure how to go about giving her his attempt at a flower crown, he's never given none before so isn't sure what to do so decides to just reach over from behind her and place it on her head.
Happy swallowed, taking a deep breath as he mustered up his courage. He reached out from behind, gently placing the flower crown on her head. He held his breath, waiting anxiously for her reaction, hoping she wouldn't laugh at his pathetic attempt.
She turned her head, surprised to feel the weight of the flowers being placed on her head. She looked back at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement, a soft smile on her lips. She could tell he was feeling a bit embarrassed, and reached up to adjust the flower crown, feeling the soft petals against her finger tips.
Happy watched her touch the flower crown he made, noticing the way she gently adjusted the messy petals into place. He scratched the back of his neck nervously, waiting for her to say something, anything. But all she did was smile at him, her eyes sparkling with an emotion he couldn't quite place.
The other Sons chuckled at the scene in front of them, unable to resist teasing Happy about his sudden burst of chivalry. Tig whistled approvingly, while Opie and Chibbs exchanged knowing glances.
Happy shot a glare at his fellow Sons, silently warning them not to say anything. He knew they were itching to tease him about his flower crown gift, but he wasn't in the mood for their jokes. He focused his attention back on her, watching her admiring the flower crown he made, hoping she didn't find it too pathetic.
She caught him watching her, and turned to face him fully. Her eyes met his, and she smiled, a genuine smile that made her eyes sparkle and dimple her cheeks. She looked down at the flower crown, feeling the messy petals against her skin, then looked back up at him, her eyes softened, and said softly
"Thank you, its beautiful." Sensing his awkwardness about it she decided to leave it at that and turned back joining in on the conversation again.
Happy's heart skipped a beat at her words. He hadn't expected such a genuine thank you, especially since the flower crown he made looked far from perfect. He nodded stiffly, his usual gruff demeanor replaced by a sense of vulnerability.
He sat back down next to Chibs, trying to hide his relief and elation over her kind words. The other Sons couldn't hide their amusement, but for once they refrained from their usual jokes and instead gave him approving grins.
The evening carried on, and Happy found himself stealing glances at her from time to time, seeing her interacting with the other club members, her smiles and laughter lighting up the gathering. He felt an unfamiliar pang in his chest, a mix of pride and protectiveness seeing her fitting in with them, even if she was surrounded by rough-around- the-edge bikers.
If you want to read more of my OC Katherine and her time with the club click here
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Tags: @darqchilddaydreamz @ravennaortiz
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117 notes · View notes
thehighpriestess1 · 1 year
August : Epilogue
Masterlist ✨ Ask Box
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You pace around the room drawing in quick breaths as you wait for your husband to get home. Technically he is hom. Just working from his office on the other side of the Gojo estate. You fidget with your ring thinking about his reaction. He was not going to like this surprise. You were sure of it. He would accept it because it made you happy but there was going to be a whole lot of whining and pouting. 
You looked over at your barely one year old son who was playing on your bed and occasionally looking at you with his wide blue eyes. You looked at the box near the foot of the bed and sighed. He would just have to live with it. 
"I'm home". Gojo declared as he walked through the door. He smiled and walked over to you immediately wrapping you in his arms. You tiptoed and pecked his lips gently. "Hey". 
"How was your day?". Gojo asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed and leaning back to kiss Keisuke. 
"Good. How was yours?".
"Good". Gojo said, loosening his tie. 
You stood in front of him playing with your ring. 
"Is everything okay?".
"Yes!". You said too soon. 
Gojo hummed and studied your face. You knew you'd be busted soon so you rolled your eyes and decided to go for it. 
"I have something to tell you".
Gojo smirked. "I knew it!".
"Just hear me out".
Gojo held your hand and brought you forward to sit on his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and played with his hair. "I was gardening today and I…found something…".
Gojo frowned. "What did you find?".
You bit your lip nervously. "Before I tell you, you have to promise me that you will not say no".
"How can I ever say no to you?".
You smiled widely. "Really?".
"Yes ma'am. Your wish is my command".
You got off his lap and brought the cardboard box. "I found him playing in the garden and I tried to look for his mother but I couldn't so I have decided to keep him and his name is Miso!". You spoke in one breath.
Gojo looked at you and then at the lidded box. He gently picked up the lips of the box and saw a white kitten sleeping inside. As if on cue, Miso woke up and purred at Gojo.
"It's a …cat". He said, looking at you.
You kept the box down gently and took Miso in your arms. "Isn't he adorable! He's so cute and soft and warm! Just look at him!". 
Gojo stood up and looked at the kitten in your arms. Miso had one blue eye and one slightly green eye. "No …no no no. We are not keeping him".
You had expected this. "But why not?! He's so cute and I love him".
Gojo stepped back and pointed at miso. "Exactly ! You love him! I'm already sharing your love and cuddles with our son and now ….this. No. You want something small, warm arm and soft? I'll give you another kid! But not ….this".
"His name is Miso and I am keeping him". You asserted and gently kissed the top of Miso's head".
Gojo pouted and looked around baffled. "Okay…what about Keisuke? What if he is allergic to cats?".
You shook your head and smiled. "He's not. We had a cat at the farm and it would often cuddle next to Keisuke".
"Y/n!!!". Gojo whined.
"Satoru!!!". You mimicked his tone.
"What about me? I don't want to share you!". 
"You won't have to! I promise you that you'll get extra love if you let me keep him". 
Gojo looked at the kitten and then at you. You looked happy. "You promise?".
"I promise!". 
Gojo sighed reluctantly and reminded himself to ask for details before promising you anything. He watched you pepper kisses over the kitten that he was sure you had given a bath to. Lucky cat. 
It had been two days since Miso joined the family. It was a tough adjustment for Gojo. Miso caught him by surprise many times as she walked in and out of rooms. He even tried to bribe Miso with catnip so that it would go back to where it came from but Miso just stared at him with wide blue green eyes. 
Gojo tapped the edge of the pen on his lower lip as he watched you play with Miso on the leather couch of his office. You had brought lunch for him, like countless other times, but this time, instead of sitting on his lap and asking about the day you were petting that white devil. He swirled his seat and walked around the table picking up his bento box and sat opposite to you. 
"Satoru, your food will go cold". You smiled at him but continued to pet Miso.
"I don't want to eat". He said, letting his chopsticks clank on the table. 
"Why not? Do you not like it?". You frowned as you stared at the bento. "You didn't even open it".
"You said I won't have to share you". Gojo said, staring at Miso and folding his arms over his chest.
Of course. Your other baby needed his time. You gently put Miso on the couch and walked around the table to sit next to your biggest baby. "Happy now?".
"No". Gojo said, trying hard to retain his pout. 
You pecked his lips once, "Now?".
Gojo shook his head. 
You pecked his lips again, "Now?". 
Gojo stared at you. Bold of you to assume that you could melt him with two tiny pecks when he saw you give thousands to a …cat! 
He hooked his arm under your waist and pulled you on his lap in one swift motion.  "Now ..you may try to make it up to me". He whispered against your lips letting you know what he wanted. 
You smiled and pulled him into a kiss. Gojo's hand settled on your waist and he squeezed your butt letting you know that he wanted more. You gasped for air as Gojo trailed kisses down your jawline. 
"Satoru … you…have work".
"Mmmhmmm and whose fault is it that I don't get my time with my wife?".  Gojo looked at your lips and smirked. 
"I give you time". You said, caressing his cheeks. "I make lunch for you. I kiss you good morning..".
Gojo pouted. "I want more". Gojo leaned for another kiss but his phone rang. He groaned and buried his face in your neck as he pulled you closer. "I hate this!".
You chuckled and kissed the side of his head. "How about you focus on work and I'll see you in the evening?". Gojo's arms dropped by his side and you got off his lap to get his phone. 
"It's Nanami". You said and handed him the phone. 
Gojo stopped out to talk to Nanami while you sat on the couch with Miso. 
"I'll have to go to the office for a while". Gojo said as he grabbed his coat from the stand. 
"What about your lunch?". 
Gojo looked at you apologetically. "Sorry love, it seems urgent".
"Okay…". Gojo kissed you on your forehead and headed out. 
You watched him walk out and put Miso down to grab the bento box and keep it in the bag.  
Miso had a mind of his own and trotted towards Gojo's desk. 
"Miso! Let's go!". You ran after the little cotton ball as it disappeared behind the desk. 
You got down to peep under the desk and found Miso sitting inside a cardboard box full of papers. You sighed and balanced yourself on your heels and pulled the box out. 
"Come on now, let's go!". You tried to pick him up but it clearly didn't want to get off the stack of papers. You tried again with both of your hands but Miso slid out of your hand and jumped on the edge of the box toppling the box and scattering the papers on the floor.
"Oh, look what you've done". You groaned and decided that it's better to gather the mess before catching Miso. You picked up papers after papers and began keeping them inside. You hoped that these were not arranged in any way as you had no idea how to order them. You grabbed a handful of papers to keep in the box but something felt off. You shook the papers and an envelope fell on your lap. You would have kept it back but your name in the center of the white cover caught your eye.
You stared at the envelope for a few seconds, the last time you sneaked around in Gojo's office, things didn't go well. But this one says "for y/n" so it must be for you. But why didn't Gojo give you the letter if it was for you? Who wrote to you? You flipped the envelope and opened the seal. Fuck it, you thought to yourself. You took the contents and kept the envelope in the box. Your jaw dropped when you saw the letter. You were sure it was Gojo's handwriting. You turned the page in your hand and your eyes caught the small text on the bottom right of the page. 'Forever yours, Satoru'. 
Satoru? Why did he write you a letter? When did he write you a letter? You crossed your legs and saw down with your back pressed to the table.
My Y/n,
If you're reading this then it's already too late. Too late for me to come home. Too late for me to apologize.  Too late to tell you all those things I wanted to tell you. 
Maybe you have seen the video by now, if you haven't then please please trust me when I say this, I didn't kill Hiro. I never wanted to Kill Hiro. I just wanted to know where you were. I was scared that Naoya had done something to you and when Hiro told me that you were gone I couldn't think straight. I felt like my life had ended with yours. I searched for you for the entire night, to get some clue that you were still alive, that you survived it all but all I found was the ring. Your last remnant. For one whole year I believed you to be gone. I couldn't tell one day apart from another. At some point I thought it would be better to join you on the other side. But now I am glad that I lived. You gave me the happiness of a lifetime in this one month. I would always be grateful to you for that. 
About Yuri, I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. That video, I have no recollection of it. But I promise you that I didn't do it. I can't think of any other woman who is not you. I know it must be hard for you to believe me but please trust me one last time. I feel disgusted at myself for even letting something like that happen, I am ashamed to face you. But please, I beg of you to trust me.  I'm sorry for hurting you like this, Please forgive me one last time.
I hope you weren't scared when you found out about everything. I wished to be there for you when you opened your eyes but fate has played a cruel joke on us again. But don't you worry about anything. Suguru and Kento will handle everything. You don't have to stay at this estate if you don't want to. You are free to choose any place where you want to raise our son. You and Keisuke will always be protected. You have no reason to believe me on that after all I promised to keep you safe and now you're hurt. I'm sorry I failed to be a good husband to you and I am sorry I failed to be a good father to Keisuke. But please, consider this as my last wish, tell Keisuke about me as he grows up. I want to be remembered by him. I want him to know that I might not be a good father but I loved him for every second since I saw him. I wish I had more time with him, I would have loved to reach him so many things. 
Y/n, I hope you know that I have alway loved you. I have loved you for every second of every day since I met you. You deserved to have a happy family life. You deserved to be safe and carefree. But I got too selfish and dragged you into my cursed life. Please forgive me. You have given me the best days of my life and showed me what it means to truly be alive. There is no life for me without you. Just know that even as I take my last breath I would only be thinking about you. My love. My wife. My y/n.
I know you must be thinking that why did I do all of this? Why couldn't I just show the video to you? It was not that simple. You hide your pain but I see it. I see the fear in your eyes hidden by love. I see how even when you're mad at home you hardly show it because a part of you is scared of getting hurt. I wish you would have fought with me for coming home late, for leaving the towel on the bed, for not holding you enough when you wanted it. But that's not you, you don't fight with me. You suffered in silence and I didn't even have enough time to mend all my mistakes. 
Please don't hold grudges against anyone and start a new life. Get married again. Fall in love again. See the world. But please, always remember me.
I am sorry to leave you alone, I wish I could stay with you and grow old with you. But I'll wait for you on the other side. Maybe in the next life, I'll bump into you again at the bus stop, ask for your name, show up at the park, do everything right this time. I'll always love you. I'll always look over you and Keisuke. Promise me that when we meet in the next life you'll fight with me over the smallest of things. I will bring you flowers and give my sincerest apology then you'll smile in your anger and I'd know that I have your heart again. 
P.s : I know you're hurting. But please stay strong. You can get through this. We can get this. I love you..
Forever yours,
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you finished reading the letter. You tried to hold it in but soon you were sobbing into your hand. Why did he write this? Was he going to …? No…Satoru would never do that. Did he know the risk of confronting Yuri? Why did he go then? Why? You understood that Satoru wrote the letter in case something happened to him. This was his final goodbye. You swallowed painfully as you kept the letter back in the envelope with shaky hands. You picked up Miso and your bag and walked out of the office with your head down.
Did he really think he failed as a husband and that he was not a good father? What kind of inner demons was he fighting with? Yet he puts on a brave face for you and Keisuke every single day. You wished you could scream at him right now, tell him that he didn't fail as a husband. He didn't fail as a father. He was perfect in every way. You took a deep breath as you reached your room and saw Keisuke playing with his new nanny, Mirei. She was older than you and Gojo and you were sure she was also prepared to fight if needed. 
"Are you alright?". She asked as she watched you keep the bag on the ground. 
"Yeah. I am".
As promised, Gojo came home an hour before dinner. He walked in the kitchen first knowing well that that's where he'll find you. He wrapped his arms around your waist like he usually does and gave you a gentle squeeze to let you know he was here. 
"Welcome home". You said sweetly as you stirred the pasta. 
"You're making pasta?".
"What's special today?".
You looked up at him and winked, "Making my third baby feel special".
Gojo raised a brow at you,"Third baby? Darling I'm your first baby!".
You chuckled and turned the flame to low and turned around to finally return his hug. "How was work?".
"Did you eat anything all day?".
Satoru remained silent and groaned in the crook of your neck. 
"Missed me?". You asked playfully.
"A lot". Gojo whispered between the two of you and bent down to press a chaste kiss on your lips.
Keisuke babbled in his seat, drawing Gojo's attention to him. "I'm telling you, he doesn't want me near you". Gojo said as he walked over and picked him up. "Why don't you want me to kiss your mum? You know that's how you were made!". 
"Satoru!". You hit his arm gently. "He's a kid!".
"Exactly! He won't remember! You won't remember would you? Would you?". Gojo tickled Keisuke and the kitchen was filled with giggles. 
You walked towards them and leaned your head on his arm. "Why don't you bathe him and put him to bed today? I'll set the table". 
Gojo studies your face, it wasn't an unusual request but he had a feeling about this. 
"Everything alright?".
"Can you take tomorrow off?". You asked as you watched Gojo keenly.
Gojo kept his fork in the plate and stared blankly at you. "I can. Why?". 
"Do you remember the first movie we watched together?".
Gojo bit his lip and nodded his head. "I do. House of horror. Who goes for a horror movie as their first date?".
"Didn't you go to watch the second part with your fiance?" You teased him, reminding him of the time you bumped into him at the theaters.
Gojo sighed and took your hand in his. "How can I forget you? You were sitting right next to me".
You chuckled and shook your head. "The third part is releasing tomorrow and I got us the tickets. I spoke to Shoko and she was way too excited to look after Keisuke".
Gojo smiled fondly at you. "Alright. I'd be happy to go with you".
"Just promise not to corner me in the bathroom this time".
"That….I cannot promise!". 
Gojo watched you laugh under the dim light of the dining room. He didn't know what was more intoxicating, the wine in his glass or the sound of your laughter. He could drown in both. This was the first time you had asked him to take a day off and though he didn't show it he was filled with a surge of happiness and excitement. 
"Why are you smiling?".  You asked, watching him curiously.
Gojo shrugged his shoulders and rested his chin on his palm. "You asked me to take the day off". 
You smiled, pretending that it was one of his sweet nothings but you knew it was more than that. Now you knew that he had been waiting for this moment. Often hinting it in the morning under the playful whining of not wanting to go to work. He wanted you to deman him for yourself. He wanted you to want him. 
"How about you take a week off then?". You asked, sipping the last of your drinks.
"Okay". Gojo agreed, maintaining the same smile. 
You and Gojo spent the day walking around the mall, playing games in the arcade, watching the disappointing third part of the movie and discussing it over pizza and ice cream. The two of you had been through hell and back, you were married, had a kid together and yet today you felt like you were best friends in love. You saw the side of Gojo that you fell in love with. The playful, annoying, always ready with a comeback side of Gojo that made you laugh till your stomach hurt. 
Something healed inside Gojo as well.he knew that this was going to be one of those days that he would remember for the rest of his life. This was the y/n that he had been missing all this time. The one who scolded him for spilling chocolate ice cream on her white dress, the one who swung his arm with hers as you walked, the one who talked about the miniscule things with so much passion that one would think the balance of the world relied on the flavor of an ice cream. The one with whom he would share a different coloured popsicle and then check the color of your tongue. His best friend for life. His love.
You fell asleep on the car ride home with balloons tied to your wrist. It was Gojo's way of spotting you in the crowd and he knew that as soon as you reached home you would be tying the balloons to Keisuke's crib . The giant stuffed tiger that Gojo had won for you was resting on your lap, the bubble gun that you wanted so badly was now in his pocket and he knew Keisuke was going to enjoy it just as much as you do.Like mother like son.Life was good, he thought to himself as he saw people walk outside. He didn't envy them anymore. He felt grateful and lucky. 
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maidragoste · 2 years
Aegon II Targaryen x Sister!Reader
Summary: Neither Aegon nor you are happy in your marriage. But after a talk things change.
Tw: incest and there are mentions of sex but it is not descriptive.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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Once again Aegon had arrived at his chambers drunk and as before you helped him take off his shoes and put on his nightgown. You were tired of this routine, if it weren't for the fact that you were ashamed of your husband's state, you would call the maids so that they will take care of undressing him. Besides, you didn't want to hear him flirting with a maid. It was bad enough knowing that he had just returned from Flea Bottom.
"I didn't want to marry you"
You felt anger bubble up in your body as you watched Aegon cry. You hated your parents for forcing you to marry a capricious child. Because Aegon wasn't a man to you, he was still the same teenager who only knew how to get drunk, complain, and whimper for attention. In the past, you had felt sorry for how he seemed desperate for a little love from your mother. You had wanted to be a good wife, to show him that it was enough for you, but he kept embarrassing you by sleeping with servants and whores, so the pity you felt disappeared and turned into resentment. You didn't expect Aegon to love you, and you didn't love him that way either, but you did expect him to respect you. You were sure that even Larys Strong would make a better husband than your brother.
Damn the Targaryens and their stupid tradition.
"I didn't want to marry you either" you replied scathingly "Do you really think I would choose you among all men?" You balled your hands into fists trying to stifle your anger "I married you only out of duty. You are not the only unhappy one in this marriage But at least I tried, I did my part to make it not so miserable."
Aegon knew it was true. It wasn't your fault he's such an idiot. Before the engagement the two got along well, he could remember how you laughed at his jokes and how you always helped him when he got into trouble. But after he found out you were getting married he started ignoring you and the jokes stopped being funny because he kept making fun of you and complaining about you.
He felt guilty thinking about the number of times he'd turned down spending time with you just to go to Flea Bottom. He specifically remembered an occasion when you had prepared a picnic in the gardens just for the two of you, how you used to do when you were kids. He remembered the disappointment on your face when he told you he'd be busy. Now that he thought about it, after that you never invited him to spend time with you again.
"Who would you choose?" asked the prince curiously.
"If you could have chosen who to marry, who would you have chosen?"
"Jacaerys" you answered only because you were sure that tomorrow I would not remember anything from this conversation. He never seemed to remember what they talked about when he was drunk.
But you were wrong, Aegon remembered everything so the next time Rhaenyra and his nephews came to King's Landing he watched carefully how you acted around Jacaerys. You seemed more relaxed around him, your smile seemed more natural, your laughter did not stop ringing in the room and Aegon was sure that the two of you would have danced all night together if it weren't for Baela Velaryon asking to dance with her fiancée. You sat down next to your husband again, you made an effort to put on a mask so as not to show your sadness, but Aegon noticed. Then he made a decision, perhaps you two would never love each other like a normal marriage but he would make an effort, you had done your part and now it was his turn to do it for both of you. He didn't want you to be miserable. He knew that if he worked hard could both become happy.
Aegon got up from the table drawing everyone's attention, they were already prepared to hear him say something stupid. But instead
"Would you dance with me?" he asked, offering his hand, catching you off guard. The surprise in your eyes made Aegon wonder when you two last danced together.
"Of course" you took his hand and let him guide you to the track.
Aegon linked his arm through yours. "I remember you liked this song when we were kids," he said as they circled.
"I didn't think you'd remember" you admitted not knowing how to feel.
“Oh, impossible to forget. Whenever they played this song you forced Aemond or me to dance with you” he said with a small smile at the memory “I even remember that at a party the musicians repeated the song three times”
"Don't make me remember, it's embarrassing" you felt your cheeks heat up "They only stopped because mother told them to stop or they wouldn't play again for the rest of their lives"
“I think it was cute. You always got happy every time you heard it."
That was the beginning of Aegon's change. In the days that followed he stopped going to the flea bed and flirting with the maids instead, he started spending more time with you. Some days he would invite you to fly with him and Sunfyre through King's Landing, the both always compete for who could fly the fastest. On other days you two walked through the gardens or he joined your embroidery while he made you laugh by telling you the latest gossip he had found out. Even so, he kept drinking, but you didn't seem bothered by it and also he didn't seem to need it as much as before. Family gatherings weren't so terrible anymore now that he could be distracted by you. And sex was no longer an uncomfortable act, it was no longer about duty and looking for children to continue the bloodline. No, now it's fun and passionate. You two were discovering each other's bodies, discovering that the other liked it. Damn, how he loved the sweet sounds you made when he ate your pussy. He also loved how you rode him. Now both always broke their fast late because neither of them wanted to get out of bed.
Things were really going well until Jacaerys and Baela's wedding came around. Aegon feared to see sadness and longing in your eyes again when you saw Jacaerys. Now that his feelings were deeper, it would hurt him a lot to see how you kept yearning for his niece. So he was relieved when he found neither sadness nor longing in your eyes. What's more, your attention was completely focused on him. You noticed that he was somewhat tense so you began to criticize the clothing of some of the guests, making him laugh. Then you took him out to dance and while they were spinning you told him that you were expecting your first child. Aegon was so happy that he picked you up and started spinning around, not caring about attracting attention.
It had definitely been worth the effort, he thought.
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kodathings · 4 months
𝑅𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠
Aeri Uchinaga x gn!reader
No warnings
Gender: Cute and cliché
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"It's raining" Aeri continues to watch the rain falling gently on the bedroom window and completely forgets about the drawing they are watching together. You came to your girlfriend's house to hang out with her after the two long weeks she spent working. You decided to watch anime (she forced you) and here we are, a rainy night.
The sky is starless, complete darkness, the moon hidden between the clouds the same way you are almost hidden under the thick blanket. It's really comfortable to stay like this, your girlfriend's body being used as a pillow and you like a koala in a tree holding on just enough to make sure you're safe (Even though they aren't the smartest).
"Good for me" Your voice is muffled by the covers making Aeri smile and laugh at the way you are, she thinks it's cute how you were so good. "You're sleepy, aren't you?" her fingers run through your hair so gently it makes you close your eyes "Yes...It's so warm" "I know, you're holding on to me"
Well, you didn't intend to let her go anytime soon and that's an obvious fact even to her. The rain was heavy with some lightning and thunder that didn't bother you or Giselle, who was distracted from watching an episode of 'Toro inoue' something that you thought was too childish, but who are you to judge?
Aeri continued to watch the rain slowly calm down making her harmless to anyone. Aeri has an idea and it portends good things. "Are you still awake?" the voice in the angel whispered in your ear and you opened your eyes, so willing that it seemed like you won in a bet "uh? Yes, yes i am" scratched his eyes but didn't move from position
She laughed and turned to what she had been thinking "I have an idea" he commented happily and took the computer off his lap to get up, which made you groan in redemption "Why don't we kiss in the rain?".
Her eyes opened a little more following wherever she was going "That's cliché, we're not in a romance movie" "But I want to do it...come on, it doesn't look so bad!" She poked your head hoping you would get out of bed and go with her to the garden, but you don't move.
"Please! Don't be bad"
"Let me rest"
"No, just get up and come with me” She grabbed your arm and tried to pull you off the bed but all she did was nothing. Then she had another idea and started to infest your face with kisses until she climbed on top of you and continued leaving her lipstick on your skin like a removable tattoo.
A smile invaded and you started to laugh amusedly when she started tickling you and moved a little away from your face with a smile, and what a charming smile. "Hey, stop!" "Only if we leave now"
You quickly agreed and she kissed your forehead once again ensuring you were rewarded for going with her. You finally got up and she led you out of her room and into the garden. The grass was wet and you were barefoot, a great, horrible combination, but Giselle didn't care.
The rain wasn't as heavy as before, but it was enough that two of my clothes started to get wet along with my hair. "If I catch a cold, it's your fault, Uchinaga Aeri" you mumble and she just smiles at the bad mood that consumed you just because you were out of bed "Stop being petty, It'll just be a cold and we'll be together" she pulled you to the middle of the garden and wrapped her arms around your shoulder to pull you close.
"That's why we should go back inside, I really don't feel like-" Your girlfriend's soft lips shut you up before you started your annoying lecture. She held you close, her lips placed on hers and then began a soft and sweet dance.His arms held her around the waist but it was more like a hug that kept the lost heat close.
You felt like he was in a romantic film where the protagonist kisses his beloved in the rain. Well, couples rarely do that these days so you should take advantage of it, something you didn't even think of doing before. His hair was completely wet, his clothes were soaked and his feet were dirty with money and mud. Do you mind? No!
When she pulled away, she knew you liked it and she knew she shut you up for a long time until you both got sick afterwards "was it bad?"
"No...But we should go back inside, it's starting to rain a lot" you pointed at the house but I'm still fascinated by the way it looked in the rain. Completely attractive. Aeri smiled and gave you one last kiss before pulling you into the house.
In the end you were the only one who got a cold and, unfortunately, she had to listen to your complaints.
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jmdbjk · 3 months
The Drama. It's Jimin.
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We don't know yet how Jimin will tie together that sheet of music La Lettra (The Letter), containing the music of The Truth Untold and the Legend of the Smeraldo flower in this album but he's named the album MUSE.
The Truth Untold lyrics
You know that I can’t Show you ME Give you ME I can’t show you my miserable self, so, yet again, I wear a mask and go to meet you But I still want you
A flower that looks like you bloomed in the garden of loneliness I wanted to give it to you after taking off this silly mask But I know that I can’t never ever do so
And the story it is based on, The legend of 'Smeraldo' about a flower created just for the girl the man couldn't reveal himself to.
Here is an excerpt from this link:
The man wanted to help the girl. He wanted to teach her every method of growing flowers he knew, he wanted to teach her how to grow beautiful flowers. But he couldn’t come forward to the girl. She would be scared of him, she wouldn’t love his grotesque appearance. In the end, the only thing he could do was to grow and take care of the flowers so she could keep coming to his garden.
The vibe of The Truth Untold is yearning, desperation, unfulfilled and unrequited love due to one's own inner turmoil holding them back.
The gist of the Legend of the Smeraldo is that you cannot remain withdrawn if you are to achieve the thing you desire most. If you wait too long it will be too late. You must overcome the negative perceptions of yourself in order to reach for the thing you desire.
"Muse" can mean what Jimin is to others and what Army is to Jimin, but Jimin's muse is most likely an element of his inner persona that he keeps to himself, that he draws on for his creativity.
It could also be the stage, the desire to visually express his creativity. I have heard music artists claim their muse or mistress is the stage, they cannot stay away from it, their passion, their obsession, their life's blood and breath to the point everything else is secondary.
The definition for the word muse is:
a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.
Muse is also related to Greek mythology. From wikipedia:
The Muses are the inspirational goddesses of literature, science, and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge embodied in the poetry, lyric songs, and myths that were related orally for centuries in ancient Greek culture.
Where have we seen this inspiration before in Jimin's creativity? I wrote about his Artemis/Apollo concept for his photo folio here.
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I know too often Jimin is reduced down to his visuals and his singing...he is a walking melody-maker after all. But he's much deeper than that. He is well-read, he excels at math and science, he understands the human condition better than anyone else around him.
Perhaps in this project, he will explore something that expresses these concepts more deeply.
Motifs he's using in the album's concepts:
Blooming: ME
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Serenade: US
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A field of flowers, not just any flower, a simple small white flower. Thousands of them. Do the flowers represent us?
I wonder what the blurred out center image of the album covers will reveal.
In his Sept. 1 live last year, among the things he spoke about (besides his Jungkookie's birthday) Jimin told us he was doing things differently, like starting from scratch.
During this live, commenters kept asking about his beat up knuckles and he said just wait and we will find out. He also showed us his workout room in his house.
He also showed us his solar system mood light casting images across the ceiling of his bedroom. He says he falls asleep with it on.
Yet he's an expert at talking to us for a great length of time without really telling us anything. Masterful in fact. He rarely reveals anything personal. We were astonished when he walked through his own home and showed us various rooms in it.
But he wasn't always like this. Whatever circumstances, whether it be outside forces or his own inner growth and maturity, he's changed over the years. He's an expert at hiding parts of himself and his life from us.
How difficult is it for any of us to be our REAL selves in front of anyone? How many of us hide the fact we are Army from our friends, family and co-workers? How many of us behave a certain way in certain situations in order to hide what we perceive are our weaknesses? How many of us are reluctant to speak out, even about frivolous things or dress a certain way or avoid wearing certain colors because what people might think or perceive about us?
Now imagine that you make your living by putting yourself on stage and in front of cameras for millions of prying eyes.
I do think Jimin loves the drama of it all, the mystique. I believe Jimin loves sensuality and provocation. And I think he loves creating visual expressions of all of it.
Many of us share the same inner muse but few of us possess the tools like Jimin does to express these inner musings outwardly. But if we did too, could we? Do we have the fortitude to put ourselves out there? Sure, it's easy to say "if I had a body like Jimin's I would walk around naked all the time." Would you really? Would you really invite the eyes to look and pry and critique? Would you welcome the amount of judgement that would take place? Because it never stops at just one thing. Offering yourself up invites judgement about everything, even things you don't have any control over, from the shape of your fingers to the tone of your voice.
Over the years, Jimin has shown how self-critical he is, constantly wanting to improve himself, always seeming determined to take it to the next level. Determined to show us another side of himself. Brave enough to keep revealing what he draws from his own muse.
MusE... blooming... ME
mUSe... serenade... US
Jimin's blooming and in this record, he will serenade us with his love. He really didn't want to leave us. Perhaps he felt he was just hitting his stride. I felt it.
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delulustateofmind · 4 months
Forged in Fire: A New World pt2
A/n: this can be read by itself but here is the link to part one in case you would like more context. It is loosely inspired by 'I stole the male lead's first night' I wrote this because I could not for the life of me sleep, so if there's errors then I apologize, also my requests are open!
Summary: You wake up in a strange place :) Azriel x Reader
Warnings: Mostly crack, Angry!Azriel, lots of cursing
WC: 3.1k
Taglist: @kksbookstuff
You had failed to realize some rather... critical things that had led up to this moment.
For one, you couldn’t read the Prythian language, though you could speak it. Then there was your complete lack of understanding regarding the social caste system and etiquette. And, of course, visiting that suspicious fortune teller at the Renaissance fair three weeks ago—an absolute steal at five dollars—had somehow landed you in this otherworldly situation.
It was your third day in the Night Court. You sat by the garden, surrounded by beautiful flowers and basking in the sunshine. But the serene setting did nothing to calm the storm of your thoughts, especially with the absolutely terrifying shadowsinger sitting next to you. You tried not to lust over him, but Azriel was a sight to behold. The book did not do him justice, nor did the fanart. In person, this male was an absolute lethal god—lean muscles, absolute slut hips, and an ass that could stop traffic. You tried not to drool as you sipped your tea at the table, attempting to focus on the floral beauty around you. Azriel was reading reports, occasionally sending glares your way.
You knew he hated the Vanserras, and he probably didn’t enjoy this babysitting duty when he could be spending time with Elain or doing spy things. Until he finally spoke.
“What the actual fuck, Y/n?” His cold tone sent a shiver down your spine. You gulped the sip of tea you’d just taken, staring into his golden eyes that seemed like shards of ice. What did you do?
You just stared at him. How could you respond to that? How could you respond to the cold, golden gaze he was sending your way, or the way he kept playing with the ring on his... wedding finger?
Fae don’t do human weddings.
“Wait, you’re married?” you stuttered out, looking at him with wide eyes. He scoffed, smirking at your shock.
“Yeah, to you. We got married right before the war, in a private ceremony. We’re mates, for fuck’s sake.” Azriel was furious. He stood up, his wings flaring out in anger. His shadows twirled around your wrists, locking you onto the chair as he moved closer to you.
“How utterly convenient you lost your memory, you have a heart condition that you never told me about, and I don’t know the fact that you visited a witch right before our ceremony?” His tone was dangerously low, like the calm before a storm. He wasn’t yelling—no, that would draw attention. His words were like shards of ice, cutting through the air with a menacing chill.
“How come you didn’t say anything? I mean, I arrived like three days ago,” you said, trying to sound casual. Maybe you could play this off. Everyone here thinks you have amnesia, that you are definitely not from another world and have entered the world of a popular fae smut series. You got this.
Okay, maybe you don’t got this, as Azriel moved closer to you, tilting your chin up to look at him as he gazed down at you. You were honestly surprised you hadn’t pissed yourself yet. They don’t call him the spymaster for no reason. “What was I supposed to say?” he started, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I haven’t told my family that I was mated to a maid for the Vanserra family, who now turns out to be their sister.” Whoever’s body you had just taken over, can have their body back and deal with this mess.
You pleaded to yourself mentally as he continued. “You’re just so full of surprises. Honestly, it’s really my fault, to begin with,” Azriel said with a bitter laugh. “I mean, I should have investigated my mate, but I figured, no, my mate wouldn’t lie to me and then after the war not talk to me for three weeks because she nearly died at Autumn’s camp, which I didn’t even know you were there.” Oh, he was mad. Heated. The absolute rambling this male was doing—fuck, you should pay for his therapy for all of this.
“I’m sorry that I don’t remember you,” you began, feeling a strange tug in your heart—was that the mating bond? Perhaps mentioning it would make the lethal predator before you less mad. “I still feel the bond, though,” you whispered, pulling Azriel from his heated rage fit.
Azriel’s eyes flickered with something you couldn’t quite place, a mixture of anger and pain. “I just wish... you would have told me all of these things, that you would have prepared me for all of this,” he began, waving his hands as if showcasing the whole mess. “Rhysand knows we’re mates. I told him when you arrived.” Azriel scoffed, his bitterness evident. “I was surprised when it was you, standing there looking so shy, the way you bowed your head towards us. A Vanserra would never do that. That was the first sign that I knew you actually had lost your memories. That you were different.”
The rambling seemed to continue.
Azriel ran a hand through his dark hair, frustration evident in every movement. “You think I haven’t been trying to figure this out? Trying to understand why my mate would forget me? Why she would hide things from me? This isn’t just about the past three days. This is about trust. About knowing that my mate, my partner, would keep secrets that could get her killed.”
“I never wanted to hide anything from you,” you said softly, feeling the weight of his words. “I don’t know why this happened, but I’m here now. And I’ll do whatever it takes to make it right.”
Azriel’s expression softened slightly, the anger in his eyes dimming but not disappearing. “You have no idea how much I want to believe you,” he said, his voice low and filled with an emotion that made your heart ache. “But it’s going to take more than words. We’ll start with that witch, and we’ll go from there. But until then, no more secrets. No more lies. Agreed?”
“Agreed,” you replied, feeling the gravity of the situation settle heavily on your shoulders. You were in over your head, if you had to the chance to talk to whoever’s body you took over. You were going to scream and shout at them for this. 
Azriel’s wings folded back slightly, and he released your wrists from the shadows, though the wariness didn’t leave his eyes. “We need to talk to that witch, one of the spies said they found the location” 
You nodded as he took your hand in his, his wedding ring brushing against you. A reminder that you were not the one he fell in love with. Within moments shadows surrounded the two of you, as you appeared in front of a shop with a cauldron shaped sign and an old oak door. A sign that said ‘Come in: We can change your life! No Refunds!” hung on the door. 
Azriel gave you a look that said ‘Really? You went here of all places for magic’ he pushed open the door for you, you trailed behind. What was peculiar was that the lady looked exactly like the lady from the renaissance festival. 
The witch’s eyes flicked up as you entered, her lips curling into a knowing smile. “Ah, welcome back, dear,” she said, her voice smooth, like an eerie melody. “I see my spell worked.” 
Azriel gave you a confused look as you pulled him outside with you. “We will be right back,” you said to the witch before bringing Azriel outside. “Okay, you said no secrets, right?” The male simply nodded with a confused expression. You continued, your voice hesitant as you looked around to make sure nobody was walking the empty street. “I am not from this world. I am from a modern world where you and your family are a part of a hit faerie smut series.” You said it so bluntly that you didn’t notice the way his face looked. The look was unreadable.
“You’re saying that I am a book character?” he stated. You knew you sounded crazy and were praying that Azriel was not going to send you straight to the dungeons.
You nodded, feeling a sense of desperation. “Yes, and I don’t know how I got here. I visited a fortune teller at a Renaissance fair, and the next thing I knew, I was here, in this body, with no memories of this world.”
Azriel's expression shifted from confusion to something more guarded. “And you expect me to believe this? That my entire life, my family, everything I know is just... fiction in your world?”
“I know it sounds insane,” you pleaded, “but it's the truth. I’m not trying to deceive you. I just want to figure out how to fix this, how to make things right.”
He took a deep breath, his golden eyes searching your face for any sign of deceit. “If what you're saying is true, then this witch is our best chance at getting answers. But if you’re lying...”
“I’m not,” you interrupted. “I swear, Azriel. I want to find out what happened just as much as you do.”
He held your gaze for a long moment before nodding curtly. “Fine. Let’s see what she has to say.”
You both re-entered the shop, the witch’s eyes gleaming with interest. “Had to have a little chat, did you?” she asked, amusement in her tone.
“Yes,” Azriel said, his voice cold and authoritative. “And now we need answers. She claims she’s from another world, one where our lives are just stories. Can you confirm this?”
The witch’s smile widened. “Ah, yes. A classic case of cross-reality displacement. Rare, but not unheard of. The spell I cast was meant to fulfill her old self’s deepest desire, and it seems that desire was to escape her mundane life and find herself in a world of magic and adventure.”
“Old self?” you asked, your voice tinged with urgency.
The witch shrugged delicately. “The actual Vanserra. When I spoke to you, she had already set the spell in motion. It was only a matter of time for you both to flip-flop.” She said this in an amused tone, showcasing with her hands. “Your souls were swapped. Thankfully, you both existed in two different universes. At least you still look like yourself!” She laughed and muttered under her breath, “That’s not always the case.”
Azriel’s grip on your hand tightened, his expression darkening. “So you’re saying the Vanserra soul is now in another world?”
“Precisely, a human world to be exact,” the witch replied, still smiling. “Two souls, two worlds. It’s a perfect balance, really.”
You felt a wave of panic rising. “How do we reverse it?”
The witch’s eyes gleamed with a mix of pity and amusement. She moved to a back room behind a tacky purple curtain. “Now let’s check on the actual Vanserra using this doll.” She returned, holding up a rather awful sewing job of a cat with two buttons of separate sizes for eyes. “Ah, just as I thought, the Vanserra accepted the swap. You see, when she came in here, she would claim she was bored of this life. Bored of the mundane. She wanted a life of change, so I gave her your world. It’s more human, so of course, a shorter life span, but your world is rather peaceful.”
Azriel’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean she accepted the swap? And what does that mean for Y/n?”
The witch shrugged delicately. “It means that once one soul accepts the swap, the other must accept as well. The balance must be maintained. The Vanserra is content in your world, living a new life, free from the burdens she faced here. She has accepted her new reality.”
The witch handed you the poorly sewn cat doll. “You could always communicate with her via your dreams. Given the situation, she hasn't reached out, perhaps hoping you would accept this world. To do this, you must sleep with this cat.” She gave you a look that said, 'You want my help or not, kid?' You stayed silent as you accepted the creepy, poorly sewn cat doll.
Azriel eyed the doll skeptically, then asked, “So she can talk to her in this dream state, but if the other has accepted, what does that do?”
The witch shrugged. “Provides closure, knowing that you are stuck in this world. You said you wanted adventure, right, kid? Well, here it is.” She gestured grandly with her hands.
You began, your tone edged with annoyance. “I wanted adventure as in, I don’t know, changing my degree or winning the lottery. Not my soul being transported to another world.” You gestured to Azriel. “Let’s say I do accept this role. What do I have to do?”
The witch hummed thoughtfully. “You must do five cartwheels, a handstand while saying ‘I choose this life,’ and then your soul will be sealed, and both eyes on the cat will match.”
Azriel gave her a look of utter disbelief before turning to you. “Can you even do a cartwheel?”
You nodded confidently, flexing your non-existent muscles at him. “Absolutely. I’m practically a gymnast,” you said, trying to lighten the mood.
The witch clapped her hands. “Wonderful! Now, if you’re ready, you can begin. The sooner you accept, the sooner you can start living your new life fully.”
Azriel rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed but resigned. After the witch had swindled the two of you out of two hundred gold, he kept your hand in his as he winnowed you both to the Healer’s cottage.
“We’re going to bed and getting this whole thing situated,” he muttered under his breath, guiding you down the hallway to your bedroom.
“What do you mean ‘we’?” you began, but he interrupted, “I am going to sleep next to you to make sure that you are safe and sound.” The look he gave you was one of ‘Don’t test my patience.’
As you both lay in bed, you stared at the ceiling, trying your best to sleep but unable to quiet your mind. The song lyrics of Kendrick Lamar’s "Certified Lover Boy, Certified Pedophile" played on repeat in your head. Azriel, too, was wide awake, his presence a mixture of comfort and tension.
Slowly, sleep began to take you. You found yourself being led by a black cat into the dreamscape.
In the dreamscape, you met someone who could have been your twin, except she had the most perfect posture known to man, the exclusive Vanserra glare, and was wearing a ballgown.
“So, you’re the one who took my spot?” she said, looking you up and down. Surprisingly, you were wearing modern clothes in the dreamscape.
You nodded. She continued, “Your world is... perfect. I mean, I don’t have to worry about beasts or my abusive father. I have my own apartment, music that can play at my fingertips. Your world may not have magic, but it is... magical.” She sounded amazed by your everyday life, one that now seemed mundane to you, having always wished for fantasy and adventure.
“But you hurt your mate,” you stated angrily, remembering the pained look on Azriel’s face when he learned that the real Vanserra had accepted her life in a human world, that this world was not enough for her.
The Vanserra’s eyes softened with a hint of regret. “I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I was just so desperate to escape. My life here was a constant battle, a fight for survival. I didn’t realize how much pain I would cause him... or you.”
“You could have at least tried to work things out,” you countered, your voice trembling with emotion. “Azriel is suffering because of this. He loves you—loved you—and now he’s trying to figure out what to do with me, someone who’s not even from his world.”
She looked away, guilt evident in her expression. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about the consequences. I was selfish. But I can’t go back now. I don’t want to go back. Your world is everything I dreamed of.”
“And what am I supposed to do?” you asked, feeling a mix of anger and helplessness. “I’m stuck here, in a world I don’t understand, with a mate who’s heartbroken and confused.”
The Vanserra met your gaze, a newfound determination in her eyes. “You have to make this life your own. Embrace it, as hard as it may be. Azriel deserves happiness, and if I can’t give it to him, then maybe you can.”
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the ritual. “I guess this is it,” you said, looking around the dreamscape one last time before focusing on the task at hand.
One cartwheel. You felt the shift in the air, the magic beginning to weave around you.
Two cartwheels. Your movements became more confident, your resolve strengthening.
Three cartwheels. The world around you seemed to blur, the dreamscape fading into the background.
Four cartwheels. The energy of the ritual thrummed through you, a pulsing beat that matched the rhythm of your heart.
Five cartwheels. As you landed, you transitioned into a handstand, your voice steady as you declared, “I choose this life.”
The Vanserra twin gave you a smile, a mixture of relief and encouragement in her eyes. “Good luck, Y/n,” she said softly, her form beginning to dissolve as the dreamscape faded completely.
When you woke up, you surprisingly had tears in your eyes. Azriel was already awake, gently stroking the hair out of your face. The poorly sewn cat doll was clutched in your hands, and its once mismatched eyes now both gleamed evenly.
“Are you okay?” Azriel asked, his voice soft and filled with concern. His touch was tender, a stark contrast to the intimidating persona he often projected.
You nodded, still processing the weight of what had happened. “I... I talked to her. The real Vanserra. She’s happy in my world. She’s not coming back.”
Azriel’s expression was a mix of emotions—relief, sadness, and something else you couldn’t quite place. “So, this is really happening,” he murmured, his thumb brushing away a stray tear from your cheek. “You’re here to stay.”
You nodded again, feeling the truth of it settle deep within you. “Yes. I’ve accepted this life. I’m going to try and make it work. For both of us.”
He sighed, a sound that was half-resignation, half-hope. “Then we’ll figure this out together.”
You looked into his eyes, feeling the bond between you grow stronger with every passing moment. “We will,” you agreed, a sense of determination filling you.
Azriel pulled you into his arms, holding you close. “Welcome home, Y/n,” he whispered, his breath warm against your ear.
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deadlymistletoe · 1 year
Pairing: Thranduil x F!Reader
Request: Anonymous asked: could you write something angsty with thranduil where reader is an elf in his kingdom but they've been friends for a long time and she loves him but never told him cuz she values thier friendship and thinks shes unworthy of him and she's starting to get sick and poisoned from holding the feelings in and he's getting really concerned thinking she might be dying 
A/N: Thank you so much for giving me my first request! I hope I did your idea justice! Sorry it took so long, I wrote most of it before getting writer's block and taking a break before going back to heavily edit it and changing quite a few paragraphs.
Genre: Angst/Romance
Description: Over the years you’d managed to fall in love with your childhood friend, and kept your feelings hidden, terrified of ruining your friendship, but now years of hiding your feelings are catching up to you, making you unwell.
Warnings: None?
Word count: 1408
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You had always been close to Thranduil, since birth, practically. Your mother, a trusted elleth who dealt with the important archives in the palace library, had helped tutor Thrandiuil in subjects such as history, and geography at his mother’s request. And seeing as you were too young to be left to your own devices, and your mother already taught you, you became a class of two with the Greenwood Prince. 
It was safe to say not many others could say they’d been as close to the Prince as you were. And they definitely couldn’t say they knew him as well as you. 
As years passed and you got older, you and Thranduil only got closer. You snuck out together, you hid from your parents together, you laughed and played together. You cried together. 
You couldn’t say exactly when it was that your feelings for the Prince changed. Maybe it was when he made you a picnic to have on the balcony to cheer you up after some of the other young elves played a prank on you. Or maybe it was when he held you when you cried at the news of your mother’s death. Maybe it was when he spoke so eagerly on what he’d learnt on his trip to Lorien and you could only focus on the way his eyes lit up.
Maybe it was everything together. The only thing you knew was that you were steadily falling for the Prince.
But after a night spent lying awake, mulling it over, you realized that Thranduil could never know of your feelings.
Thranduil had only ever thought of you as a friend and you had no intentions of ruining that friendship. Even if he did feel the same, there was too much of a risk that it wouldn’t work out and your relationship would never be the same again.
Besides, Thranduil needed someone worthy of him, who could rule beside him when the time came - not an archivist who’d never dealt with politics in her life - not someone like you.
So you buried your feelings as you continued your mother’s work in the library, drawing away from Thranduil ever so slightly.
By the time Thranduil had been crowned King after his fathers death, (a very hard time in which you’d spent hours holding the devastated blond - even more so after his mother left to sail not long after, only waiting long enough to see Orpher laid to rest in the garden and Thranduil take the crown) you’d mastered hiding your feelings, and as the days grew darker and Greenwood slowly transformed into Mirkwood you continued to hide them. 
And it was hard.
And as the days grew colder you could feel the years of holding yourself back, attempting to force yourself not to love him, catching up to you.
You tried to ignore it, pulling away from Thranduil, burying yourself in work, and brushing off any concerns your fellow elves may have with a breezy answer of how the cold must be affecting you.
It was a flimsy excuse, and you knew it. After all, elfs didn’t get sick from the cold like humans did. But it seemed to do the trick for a while at least.
Over the next month, you ignored the way your heart ached as you slowly felt yourself deteriorating. You ate less, forced smiles when you had to, cried yourself to sleep when no one was around to see. 
Your glow was fading.
And Thranduil knew it too. After all, despite the way you’d seemed to pull away from him over the past few years, he was still your best friend, and he could tell that you were hurting, and ill, and who knows what else.
At first, he’d tried to casually bring the topic of you up with your friends, and it eventually came back to him that you were saying it was because of the cold.
The cold didn't affect elves. But other things could… An unusual panic seemed to take over him as his mind ran over the few illnesses that could affect elves. What if you were dying? Was that why you were pulling away from him? You didn’t want him to know?
And so Thranduil left his study with a stubborn resolve to find out exactly what was happening to you.
You looked up from the book you had sitting open in front of you as you stared into space when the library door was opened with enough force that it banged off the wall behind it and the reason your heart was aching stood in front of you, looking far from impressed.
Thranduil was clearly far from happy as he scanned you up and down. His eyes were cold but you could see the concern, a bit of anger and something else you couldn’t make out mixed in.
You furrowed your brows as he stood there in silence. You had to say something, but you couldn’t say his name. It was too hard to be so informal when you weren’t being informal in the way your heart wanted.
“My lord?”
That did it.
“Don’t call me that!” The blond seemed pained by the title as he rebuked you. “After all this time, you're going to start calling me ‘My lord?’”
You didn’t get a chance to say anything as he plowed on. “I don’t know what’s happening, I don’t know why you're pulling away from me, or why you look like you're about to pass out and not wake up!”
You blinked as Thranduil listed off things you’d thought you’d been able to keep hidden from him. Your attention went back to the king as he finished his torrent of words with a sentence, a word, that snapped you out of your daze. “But I need to know, you need to tell me, because I'm your friend, and you’re supposed to be able to come to me when you’re not okay.”
You let your book fall to the floor as you stood up, an unusual display of violence towards a book on your half, and tried to blink back the tears that had begun to push forward. 
Unbeknownst to Thranduil, he had just put your problem into words, but it was too late to leave and pretend his words hadn’t just unintentionally broken your heart into pieces.
Suddenly you didn’t care if he knew. You didn’t care if the whole world knew. After all, he was the one who had said you needed to tell him.
Your heart pushed the rational part of your mind aside as your emotions reared up, ready to make you say words you might live to regret.
You couldn’t stop the words from spilling out, tears finally falling as you finally spoke of your problems to the one who had unintentionally caused them.
“Well that’s just it, isn’t it? I’m your friend, and that’s all I ever will be, although I'd wager not at all after this, when my heart yearns for more, and has done so for longer than you can imagine!”
You ignored the blonde’s shocked expression as the words kept tumbling out.
“You are my problem! You who could never love me the way I love you!”
You broke off as your brain finally caught up to what you were saying, tears still falling from your eyes.
You let out a sob as you realized you’d done what you’d feared, ruining your friendship forever and pushed past Thranduil, who was still frozen in shock at your outburst, and made for the door, fully prepared to gather you things and leave, when a firm hand wrapped around your arm, stopping you from leaving the room.
You shut your eyes in shame as you felt him turn you to face him, a gentle hand lifting your chin, you his breath brushing against your ear as he spoke in a low voice. “My dear Y/N, you have never been more wrong in your life.”
And his lips pressed firmly against yours, one hand still holding your chin, the other on your arm.
And as you melted into the kiss, your mind finally catching up with what was happening, a final tear, this time of relief and happiness fell.
What tomorrow would bring, it didn’t matter. You were content in the moment, and things could only get better with Thranduil by your side, not only as a friend, but as a lover.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Studio Time With The Triple Threat Harlows
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Gif by @harlowgifs
Synopsis: The triplets want to spend more time with daddy and he knows just want to do to keep them entertained
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: anon who wanted dad!Jack content 😌
First Babies of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You looked down to see that Ivy had gotten away from you once again and simply sighed. This had been happening since this morning with her wanting to be around Jack, but he was in the studio busy downstairs.
Every time she wandered off, you found her at the door to the studio trying to reach the handle and simply brought her back upstairs, but not before letting her say hi to her dad. 
This time as you made your way downstairs you once again found her in front of the door trying to reach up to grab the handle when you picked her up from behind and made her laugh.
"My big girl has got to stop running away from me!"
"But I wanna say hi to daddy."
"Okay bug and then we're going to eat something."
"Chicken nuggies?"
"Sure if that's what you want." You said while putting her down.
"Go ahead and knock and wait for daddy to say it's okay to come in."
She knocked three times while shouting "Daddy!? Can I come in?"
Jack laughed to himself as he heard his oldest outside of the door for the fiftieth time today and got up to open the door to see her looking up at him with those big blue eyes that resembled his as she had her arms out for him to pick her up. As you mouthed 'I'm sorry' to him but he simply waved it off.
"Hi daddy! I miss you."
"Hi gorgeous girl. I missed you too. And of course I missed my beautiful wife also." Jack said as he picked her up and she simply started playing with his KY necklace as he leaned over to kiss the top of her head before leaning down to kiss your cheek.
"You eat chicken nuggies with me?" Ivy asked with hope apparent in her voice.
"I don't know yet sweetheart. Daddy has a lot of work to do."
"But daddy take a break?"
Just then you heard two more sets of little footsteps as Autumn and Axel ran full speed into Jack grabbing one leg each.
"As you can tell you've been missed all day." You said.
"Well then I guess I could take a small break." He answered as Ivy clapped her hands in excitement.
"Then let's eat dinner. Ax, Autumn let go of daddy so he can walk." Axel reluctantly pulled away and you had to pry Autumn off of him in order for him to be able to move.
All of you made your way upstairs and Axel volunteered to help you set the table.
You handed him napkins not wanting for him to start running around with sharp objects because that child could turn a spoon into a weapon.
The Triplets got chicken nuggets per their request while you and Jack had chicken and dumplings which your mother had helped you make earlier in the day.
Once everyone was finished and the table was clear, Jack got up from the table and Ivy went to follow him.
"Daddy? I come with you?"
"Ivy, daddy has a lot of work to do." You answered but once Jack saw the pout on her face, he didn't want for her to be upset.
"Bug, if you do you have to be really quiet for me. Do you think you can do that?"
"Wait, I wanna go too!" Axel exclaimed while chewing on the cookie that you gave him.
"Ax, don't talk with your mouth full." Jack answered while looking over at him.
"Me three!"
"Okay since all of you want to go, I need all three of you to be really quiet and draw daddy a few pictures. How does that sound?"
All three eagerly nodded their heads as they ran off into the direction of where you kept all of the art supplies and was jumping up to reach them and failing miserably.
"Wait for mommy to get it for you so you don't get hurt."
You took down a few pieces of paper for each of them along with crayons as all five of you went downstairs to the studio with Ivy leading the way. Jack had to open the door for her but once she did, she ran inside and found a comfy spot in the corner as her siblings joined her. You handed them the pieces of paper and crayons so that they could draw their pictures as you went to go sit on the couch next to them, but you quickly heard Jack’s protest.
"Can I have my wife over here with me, please?" Jack asked with a pout on his face and you quickly got up in order to sit next to him, but he gestured for you to sit on his lap instead. 
"Are you going to be able to focus with me sitting on your lap?" You asked as you sat down with him immediately putting his hands around your waist and kissing you.
"I always can whether you're riding me or not and I want you to ride me so this will give me more motivation to hurry up and finish so we can get to it." 
All you did was roll your eyes in response while laughing.
"And besides I want your opinion on a few things and they look to be occupied." He answered while peering over at the triplets. 
"Okay let's hear it."
"And be honest with me. If it's trash then tell me."
"As you wish. But, I'm sure that it’s not."
"But if you hurt my feelings, I expect head before I go to sleep."
"Jackman, just play me the song please. And you never have to ask since I was going to do that anyway. I knew you wouldn't behave with me sitting on your lap."
"I am behaving!"
A little while later, Ivy got up and made her way over to the both of you to say that she was bored and needed something else to do.
 "Daddy, can you play with me now?"
"Not right now. Did you draw me a picture?"
"I drew you four." She answered while holding up her fingers.
"It's almost time for you to go to sleep anyway." You told her and she immediately crossed her arms.
"But I'm not sleepy!"
"Wait, I have an idea. Ax, Autumn come here." Jack said and they stopped coloring to come over to him.
"Do you three want to make a song for daddy?"
"YES!" All three of them exclaimed and you couldn’t help but to smile.
"Okay listen closely." Jack started to say to explain to them how this would work as best he could so they could understand and once he was done they were excited.
"Mommy is going to go in the booth with the three of you to do it, okay?"
"Can my part be about chicken nuggies?" Ivy asked and Jack simply shrugged.
"Whatever you want, princess. Are you three ready?"
They eagerly nodded as you took Ivy in the booth first and placed the headphones on her and sat her on the stool so that she could reach the microphone.
Jack started to play the track and you tapped Ivy's shoulder to tell her to start.
"I like eating chicken nuggies and playing with Ax and Autumn. I love my mommy and daddy. Okay, I'm done." Ivy said while taking off the headphones and hopping down from the stool and you and Jack couldn't help but to laugh.
"Ax, you ready?"
He immediately ran over to where you were and sat down on the stool as you put the headphones on and it looked as if he was thinking.
"You ready for daddy to play the song?"
"Yes, I have an idea now."
Once Jack heard that Axel was ready, he pressed play on the track and you soon heard Axel's voice. 
"Daddy is mad because I'm mommy's favorite boy. The end."
It took everything in you not to bust out laughing while Jack simply rolled his eyes as Axel smiled at him.
"I love you daddy!" Ax exclaimed as he came out the booth and went to sit in his lap.
"I'm starting to think that you don't, but okay. I'll let it slide this time."
"Okay, Autumn. It's your turn."
"My mommy and daddy can rap better than anybody and I'm next."
"Hmm, valid points were made, Autumn. Good job." Jack said as he high five her when she came out of the booth.
"Daddy, is the song good enough for us to get a Grammy?" She asked while looking up at him.
"Let me work my magic and it just might."
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