#that are 30% smaller than the used to be and taste and look so different
lovecom · 5 months
shrinkflation is so evil but what's more evil is shrinkflation & changing the food recipe
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TW!! 111 harsh wl quotes
nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
eat for the body you want, not the body you have
it may be a difficult process, but quitting won't speed it up
fat lasts longer than flavour
a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips
stop rewarding yourself with food, you're not a dog
30 minute workout, or 30 extra pounds?
whatever your problem may be, the answer is not in the fridge
you can't out exercise a bad diet
an imperfect body reflects and imperfect person
hungry to bed, hungry to rise, makes a girl a smaller size
what you eat in private, you wear in public
suck it up and one day you wont have to suck it in
you get what you work for, not what you wish for
it's better to resist than to regret
if you eat what you've always eaten, you'll weigh what you've always weighed
eat wise to drop a size
junk food you've craved for an hour, or the body you've craved for a lifetime?
every time you feel like giving up, remember why you started
every taste adds to the waist
this month's choices are next month's body
don't stop when it hurts, stop when you're done
summer bodies are made in the winter
if you're tired of starting over, stop giving up
in two weeks you'll feel it. in four weeks you'll see it. in eight weeks you'll hear it
just because you don't read food labels doesn't mean the calories don't exist
if you don't see the calories on the label, you'll see them later on your hips
every time you say "fuck it, i don't care" and eat that cookie, there's a 100% chance you'll care later
your stomach isn't growling, it's applauding
don't stop until you're proud
someone busier than you is running right now
when you lose all excuses, you'll find results
one day or day one
use food as fuel, not therapy
if you can't handle the fat jokes, lose the weight
overeating is always a decision, nobody forces the food into your mouth
suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret
follow your plan, not your mood
do what is right, not what is easy
you can't expect to succeed if you only put in work on the days you feel like it
i'm not starving, i'm perfecting my emptiness
not eating light makes your clothes tight
sacrifice is giving up something good for something better
if it was easy, everybody would be thin
craving is only a feeling
skip dinner, wake up thinner
the difference between want and need is self control
a cat says "meow meow" a dog says "woof woof" a pig says "i'll start tomorrow"
it's easier to workout than to wake up every morning and not like what you see
hunger hurts, but starving works
don't give up what you want the most for what you want in the moment
you've come too far in life to take orders from a cookie
thin is beautiful, even thinner is perfection
a month from now you can either have a month's worth of progress or a month's worth of excuses why you didn't
if you can pinch it, you can lose it
eat to live, don't live to eat
you can never be too rich or too thin
perfection is reached not where there isn't anything to add, but when there isn't anything to take away
respect yourself, put down the fork
when you resist the pain of hungry, it means you're not a slave to your body
every time you say no to food, you say yes to thin
empty is pure, starving is the eure
it's the mind that makes the body
there is no try, there is only DO
pain is temporary, pride is forever
thinner is the winner
if you don't fight for the body you want, don't cry for the body you have
imagine having one life on this earth and you spend it as a fat fuck
would you rather be at the gym covered in sweat, or at the beach covered in clothes?
until you're being accused of having an ed, you have a couple more pounds to lose
"i'm so fat" you say, taking another bite
eating won't kill you, but not eating will make you thin
aren't you tired of making the same excuses over and over again?
i don't even think you need to wear oversized clothes, your amount of body fat is oversizing you enough
you'd look so much prettier 20 pounds lighter
you don't want to embarrass him do you? then lose weight
you already know what it tastes like, so why eat it again?
you're fat. i'd sugarcoat it but then you'd eat that too
you binged? that's ok! somebody has to be the fat friend
if you have a skinny friend just remember, they probably use you as fatspo
skinny privilege is real
your morning skinny is someone else's evening bloat
if you can find the time to eat, you can find the time to workout
food is made to provide you with energy, not to fucking entertain you
if you treat food like an addiction, you're destined to fail
junk food is not a reward, it's a punishment
work out for 1 hour and feel amazing for the next 23 hours
if you're tired of starting over, stop giving up
if you want it, work for it
somebody else's starting weight is your goal weight
stop being jealous of her body and start doing something about yours
the fact that you aren't where you want to be should be motivation enough
it's all fun and games until your jeans don't fit anymore
need motivation? just sit infront of the mirror naked
making excuses burns zero calories
don't let the weekend become your weak end
three months from now you will thank yourself
imagine the weight you are losing is going to the person you hate
do not use your stomach as a trash can
you are what you eat. eat shit. feel shit look shit. or, eat good. feel good. look good
make it happen girl, shock everyone
so you can sit down and still have a flat stomach
losing weight is hard. being fat is hard. choose your hard
no matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you're still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying
a little progress each day adds up to big results
if not now, then when?
you are what you eat, so don't be cheap, fast, easy or fake
look down at your plate and ask, "is this going to make me feel good?"
i am powerful enough to resist temptations
you're not hungry, you're just bored
look in the mirror. that's your competition
this took a long time so please enjoy xx
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vorfreudevortex · 2 months
a portrait of us - eight
a nanami x reader smau
warnings: angst lol, slow burn, swearing, a little ooc, a typo or two
notes: ngl i am starting to hate this story but it's okay!! also I'm drunk but I'm posting this anyways idc. also - written portion - 1.3k words (?!!). i'm finding it impossible to not write long ass parts. also pls feel free to request or ask me anything bc i don't like this smau and need something to distract me in between writing it <3 love u bye
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as the car pulled up to the museum’s front entrance, you shakily smoothed your hair and dress with one hand, the other clutching a crumpled sheet of paper with your speech.
you couldn’t decide which was more pitiful. the frizzy flyaways escaping your hastily curled hair? or the piece of stationary, painstakingly flattened but still creased, one of the thirty-two drafts you’d written, retrieved reluctantly from the hotel floor?
the driver parked as an attendant opened the door, offering a hand to help you out. the museum director approached with a reassuring smile, and a suit probably worth more than thirty of your paintings combined.
the driver parked an attendant opened the car door and offered you a hand to help you out. the director approached you with a comforting smile and a suit that probably cost more than 30 of your paintings combined.
“welcome! how are you feeling?”
“to be honest,” you replied with a nervous smile. "I'm terribly anxious.”
he chuckled, holding the front door open for you. “that’s perfectly natural. don’t worry! the patrons will love you and your work. anyone would be foolish not to.”
“thank you, director…” you murmured, his words doing little to calm your trembling hands.
the head assistant joined your walk to the gallery hall, peppering you with one question after another.
“the catering service has just finished setting up. would you please take a final sample of the gyoza and ohitashi? they don’t look quite the same as they did during the original tasting…”
“we have a very important guest from malaysia… would you like me to introduce you two when she arrives? it would be a shame if you didn’t at least find time to say hello…”
“are you absolutely certain about the painting for the final reveal? i know you said it’s special to you but the other assistants and i agreed that the other one would-”
“alright, that’s enough questions,” the director interjected as you neared the gallery hall. you let out a small breath of relief. you thought you might burst if another word came out of the assistant’s mouth. “please go make sure the waiters have the champagne chilled and poured.”
“thank you,” you whispered to the director as the assistant walked away.
“please, don’t thank me. they can be so overbearing. sometimes, it’s better to just let things flow as life means them to,” he replied with a smile.
“yeah…” you replied, glancing at your paintings, their eyes seemingly judging you.
“i can see you’re terrified, and that’s okay. you’ve never done this on such a big stage before!” he laughed. “but truly, it’s not all that different than a smaller exhibition.”
“i don’t think i deserve to be here.”
���if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be.”
you looked at the director, letting his words calm your nerves a bit. your gaze wandered to one of your paintings, a vibrant reinterpretation of jeanne: spring by édouard manet, now alive with bold reds and yellows. 
it was both different and familiar, evoking nostalgia even in those who knew the original. the abstract strokes depicted a striking dark-skinned woman you had met in the park, with bright orange braids cascading down to her waist, her skin glowing against the polka-dotted umbrella she carried.
upon meeting her, you had eagerly asked to paint her, offering what little savings you had left in return. she had given you a sideways smile and agreed, letting you capture her portrait for free.
over the next week, you posed her in your small apartment, finding moments between both of your busy schedules. when you finally showed her the finished piece, she grinned again and said, “oh sweetie, you’re gonna be big one day.”
though she couldn’t be here in tokyo, her spirit was with you, embodied in the painting with that sideways smile even the umbrella couldn’t overshadow.
your attention shifted from the painting to the other side of the room, where a group was led by itadori yuji and his toothy grin.
“and me! hello?” satoru added playfully.
“of course, you too,” you smiled. “thank you for coming, i'm so thrilled you’re here. you all look amazing!”
“no, you look amazing. and i wouldn’t miss this for the world,” satoru said, hugging you. "onee-san, i want you to meet all my students!”
as he finished introducing you to the first and second years, a warm hand rested on your shoulder. you turned to see an old classmate, now with long hair and a familiar pair of boots.
“shoko ieri, take my shoes off right now!” you laughed, throwing your arms around her.
“um, no way. you never even wore them when you had them,” she teased.
shoko's expression softened as she noticed the tears welling in your eyes. she looked just the same, but you couldn’t help noticing the worry lines between her brown, evident even with her smile.
“i didn’t think i'd see you again,” she said quietly.
“me neither… i'm so-”
“-stop talking,” she interrupted. “we brought gifts for you!”
you let go of shoko while yuji held out a large bouquet of blue and pink daisies.
“oh, stop it!” you exclaimed, taking the flowers. “they’re beautiful. thank you all so much!”
“we’re not done yet! there’s more,” satoru said slyly, holding out a small black box.
your heart nearly stopped when you pried the lid open to reveal a large pearl pendant on a gold chain.
“-there’s more. look under the velvet,” shoko urged. you carefully lifted the padding to reveal a check with the note “a commission for the staff and students” made out for…
“ten million fucking yen?!”
“whoa, language!” satoru laughed. “kids, go run and play or something.”
“shoko, did you know about this?” you panicked as the students filed away with quiet giggles. “i seriously can’t accept this!”
“yes, you will,” shoko retorted, crossing her arms.
“a commission for what?”
“girl, did you even read the check?” satoru huffed playfully. “you’re gonna paint a portrait of the staff and students at jujutsu high. and hopefully, instead of ignoring us, it’ll cover a plane ticket back so you can visit us next year.”
tears welled up in your eyes again, spilling down your cheeks.
“no. seriously. i-no! i can’t accept this! this is an insane amount of money for a commission like that. i'll paint for you guys for free. and you’ll return this necklace because i know you spent too much money on it, too.”
“stop talking and just accept the gift,” shoko urged.
“but i don’t deserve it.”
“now you’re just spouting nonsense,” satoru said as he placed a hand on your shoulder and turned you toward the gallery entrance. he pointed at the large banner bearing your gallery information. “what does that banner say?”
“it says my name,” you sniffled, still clutching the flowers and box.
“no, idiot. i'm talking about the quotes.”
“um…” you blinked away tears. “someone truly exceptional…?”
“a modern-day van gogh…?”
“one more.”
“art that every being should hope to be privileged enough to experience.”
“good job, you can read!” satoru smiled, giving your shoulders a slight shake. “some snobby rich art critics said that about you. now, stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself and make sure everyone has their attention on you tonight.”
“and deposit the check when you get home,” shoko added.
“yes, please deposit the check,” satoru agreed. “if you lose it, i'll be pissed.”
you wrapped your arms around satoru and shoko, squeezing tight in tearful appreciation. they had no idea… the check would cover over a year’s worth of rent, premium canvases, all fine-haired brushes you could ever want, and even a payment on a car. you swore to yourself that you’d pour your soul into painting them a fucking masterpiece.
“now let go,” satoru said, pushing you away. “and go impress all these high-class art people.”
“okay, okay, i'm going!” you smiled with a sniffle.
wiping your tears away, you waved at your classmates as you walked further into the gallery to greet the small crowd that had arrived. sometime during your conversation, your hands must have stopped trembling.
“you’re gonna be just fine,” you thought to yourself with a grin.
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next: part nine
tag list // @bubybubsters @sad-darksoul @corvid007 @kenqki @ikon-teen
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yummilily · 2 months
Pesto Pasta Salad (30 min)
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This is another Lily Classic - one I’ve brought to barbecues countless times and never had to take back any leftovers. It’s the thing a group of guests devours from the same pot at 3 am (perhaps slightly inebriated), because compared to mayo-based salads, this will still be great after hours outside. 
A big pot for the pasta
Bowl large enough to comfortably mix all ingredients
500g pasta (Penne’s my favourite.)
1 jar pesto rosso (190g)
250g tomatoes (Any work, but I prefer smaller ones with less moisture.)
1 jar sun dried tomatoes (about 125g when drained)
125g mozzarella (You can use these little balls if you’re feeling fancy.)
125g arugula (optional)
Boil the pasta. Make sure it’s al dente, don’t let it get too soft.
In the meantime, cut the tomatoes and mozzarella into bite-size pieces. Give the dried tomatoes a chop as well if they’re big. Add to the salad bowl.
Once the pasta is ready, drain and immediately rinse with cold water. You might find this blasphemous, but it will stop the pasta from continuing to cook, ensuring that it doesn’t mush when you toss the salad. (Also, it means you won’t have to wait for it to cool down before continuing.)
Add the pasta and the pesto to the bowl. Mix well until everything is evenly coated in the pesto. Add salt and basil to taste. 
Optional: If you have some especially long, impractical arugula leaves, you can just tear them into smaller pieces before adding them to the salad. 
The salad tastes best after being chilled imo, so if you’re not in a hurry, give it some time in the fridge.
About the rinsing of pasta: I wouldn’t recommend you doing this if you’re making a hot pasta dish, but for our purposes here, it does exactly what it is supposed to. As I mentioned, you won’t end up with overcooked pasta and the individual pieces will be nice and loose, creating a light texture for the salad. I’ve tried this recipe both with and without rinsing and I find that when it comes to how well the pesto sticks to the pasta, there’s no significant difference.
About adding arugula: If you’re preparing this ahead of time, I would recommend adding the arugula only shortly before serving. It just looks nicer than having it sit in there for hours. When I make this salad to just eat by myself at home, I just add a handful on top of every bowl I have.
Speaking of eating this alone: You absolutely can make only half of this recipe if you don’t want to eat pasta salad for 2 days straight. I simply detest having an open jar of pesto sitting in my tiny fridge, so the recipe is catered to using up the entire thing. (And, conveniently, one bag of pasta. The same goes for most other ingredients. No measuring required.)
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Avoiding Amore
Summary: You and Peppino have become good friends over time. If only you both could shove that weird feeling down for good that happens when you hang out sometimes.
Speaking of, you have a new idea to pitch for what to do for this upcoming weekend. You're just going to hang out as friends, nothing weird will happen. 
Contains: Mutually denying feelings for each other! (Leaned more into it with this fic versus Confessions in the Dark),Getting a motel and NOT following the "there's only one bed" trope, Questionable taste in music, a tone deaf duet, Lying to get a discount, Why'd you put that in your mouth?! No angst and a whole lotta feelings you can't (Or, rather, read that as; refuse) to place, kinda suggestive in a couple places but nothing nsft. 
You hum to yourself briefly as you get closer to your destination, the building's name becoming clearly visible. Peppino Pizza. The weekend started tomorrow and since your friend would be off, you had one goal in mind. 
As far as you knew -and of course you'd know- Peppino didn't do much on his weekends off. Mainly the man would keep to himself and stay home. Since you weren't much different, you decided months ago you'd hang out with him on those off days. 
For the most part you both would find something to watch on TV, go to the store to find something to cook together, or sometimes go and hang out with the rest of your friends. On more than one occasion you'd spent the entire day with him. If it'd get too late you'd spend the night at his house, asleep on the couch.
You smiled to yourself, recalling after the third instance of you spending the night, Peppino gave up trying to convince you to let him take the couch and you sleep in his bed. It had even become a frequent enough occurrence where you had started leaving a set of clothes at his place. 
This weekend would be different, however. You were determined to break up the monotony of your days off with a new idea. You smile as you see two familiar people inside the restaurant.
"Oh look Peppino! It's your favorite customer!" Gustavo chimed. 
Peppino quirks an eyebrow at the smaller man. There was that tone he used again. Without fail when ever you would show up Gustavo had a glint to his eyes. His comments seemed innocuous enough but there was a hint of something to them. 
Electing to ignore the comment, Peppino grabs the pizza peel and pulls another pizza out of the oven. 
"Hi Y/N!" Gustavo waves as the door opens and you step inside. 
"Hi Gustavo! Happy Friday!" You return his smile and make your way to the counter. As you hop up onto the nearest stool you pretend you don't see Gustavo swat and mumble something at Peppino. Your eyes cast a sideways glance as he shoots Gustavo an annoyed look. 
"Good afternoon cara mia! How has-a your day been?" Peppino calls over his shoulder as he sets another pizza to the side. 
"It's been alright so far. Just ready for the weekend!" You reply, "Which reminds me, for this weekend, I was wondering if you'd like to do something different"?
You wait for Peppino to turn to face you. In a few quick motions, the pizzas had been boxed and set off to the side. Gustavo stacks the two and quickly is out of sight as Peppino leans against the counter, resting a hand on his chin.
"Like what"?
"Wanna go on a day trip?" You suggest, although a bit tentatively. In hindsight this sounded like a good idea but for some reason you hesitated under his gaze. "I was going to say we go a town over...the one near the bay"? 
The words died in his throat as you both jump at a sharp and sudden bang. Your head jerks to the side, eyes caught on Gustavo who had a tray that had slipped from his grasp. He shoots you both an apologetic look before stooping low to pick it up. 
Peppino clears his throat, "Sure, we can do that-a.." he averts his gaze for a moment, seemingly interested in something on the tiles. "Would 7:30 be a good? I can come pick-a you up".
You make a face, "Make it 8? I wanna sleep in for a little bit". 
He rolls his eyes, "Fine. 8. But don't eat breakfast. We'll stop on the way".
"Ok sounds good"! 
You both chat for a bit longer before you decide to head home. You didn't have to pack much but you'd like to make sure you had time to pick out something nice and comfortable to wear. Unlike last time where you rushed out the door and you were sweating all day and your feet hurt. Turns out a thicker shirt and nice shoes were a bad mix to go on trails with.
Peppino watched as your silhouette faded into the distance. 
"Ooooh what are you guys going to do tomorrow?" Gustavo nudges Peppino in the ribs. Peppino simply stares ahead, a small scowl forming. "A nice time out by the water all day. A nice dinner...maybe later you guys will get a room too an-"
"Stai zitto!" he snaps. "Why-a must you insist there should be something between us? We are just-a spending time together"! 
Gustavo goes silent for a moment, peering at Peppino curiously. "I was going to say get a room and talk or watch TV" Gustavo replies innocently. "What were you thinking"?
Peppino shot him a glare. He knew full well what was being implied and Gustavo knew it too. Gustavo was simply waiting to see how, or what, Peppino would reply back with. Rather than play this game, he stalked off, feeling heat prickle from his neck. 
* * * * *
"If you play-a that 'Insane Clown-a' band, I'ma leaving you in the parking lot when we stop for breakfast." Peppino warned. He was not going to sit through an encore of songs about axes being your "buddy" and "Imma kill you".
"Ok! No problemo!" you reply cheerily, opening the passenger's side and hopping in. 
His eyelids droop, watching you settle into your seat. He followed suit onto his own side. "And no Self-a Indulgence either". 
You give an exasperated whine "Awww why not Pino"?
"No. You're not-a playing that".
You played it. 
Peppino simply shook his head at your antics. Despite his best attempt to look disinterested or annoyed, he wasn't able to stop a small grin from forming.
"Heeey tomorrow," you sang. "Fuck you! And your friend yesterday! 
You sounded terribly off key, though it's not like Peppino could sing much better. He stubbornly ignored the tiny flutter he felt inside his chest at how animated and cheery you were. 
"But you can never catch me because I'm old, I'm bold, I broke that fucking mold..." 
You were generous enough to only play a few additional songs before switching over to the radio. There was a mutual agreement to keep it on the rock station, for the most part. 
Some songs played you recognized, some you hadn't. Some songs you both would sing as a very off-key duet. Honestly anyone that was passing by and catching a glance would think you were both deranged. 
"Well, I'm not paralyzed, but I seem to be struck by you" 
You both had gotten into the songs that had been playing, getting progressively more animated throughout the drive. 
"I wanna make you move because you're standin' still" 
You both briefly glance at each other and grin, bobbing your heads to the beat. 
"If your body matches what your eyes can do-"
The car that had been beside yours suddenly blared its horn. Apparently Peppino had been a little too preoccupied by your duet and had started to accidentally drift into the other lane.
”Shit." he hissed, swerving back into the right lane. He shot the other vehicle a quick apologetic wave. 
After one last song you turn down the volume to where it's barely audible. You lean back in your seat, content with just watching outside as the scenery rolls by. 
You feel your phone buzz. As you fish it from you pocket you stare down at the message.
You roll your eyes at the text. No one can be normal about you both hanging out, can they? 
"What's wrong?" Peppino asks, you shrug. 
"Just Noisette being obnoxious about us being alone together all day". 
He scoffs, flicking on his blinker as the lane began to merge with the next one over. 
The harassment from your friends continuously got on both of your nerves. You're both just friends and that's it. Why did everyone have to try to make it weird? You were about to press send but instead you swipe over your reply and press delete. 
You both drove in silence as the trees of the forest around you blurred past the windows. Peppino's eyes kept flicking to you out of the corner of his peripheral. A small grumble escapes your lips as you sink down into the seat and stare outside. 
* * * * *
You give another small stretch as you step out of the car, your legs had just started to stiffen from the drive. You give a small sigh of relief as you feel your muscles ease up. Peppino jostles the car handle, checking that it had locked. 
There had been few clouds in the sky but the trees offered a pleasant shade from the sun. Taking a deep inhale of fresh air, you broke the silence, "How about we go to the park we seen a few blocks away?" Maybe a walk would be nice while you figured out what to do. 
There had been a few moments where both of you had taken a dirt pathway or simply sat at a nearby bench just to enjoy the greenery and shade. You both had spent a few hours walking through the park, chatting and enjoying each others company before deciding to see what shops were downtown.  
Sounds from the next block over could be heard as you approached a busy looking street. As you round the corner from the main street you find yourselves in the shopping district. Some shops were out in the open with bright canopies shading their table. Others were inside the simple stone buildings with signs and names hanging overhead. Freshly baked sweets wafted in the air and occasionally more savory scents clung nearby. 
As you step deeper into the district the cacophony of voices and various items clanging only grew louder. A sense of unease fell on you as your eyes darted through your surroundings. You never had been a fan crowds like this and were scrambling mentally to find a quieter place. The floral and musky scented candles nearby quickly turned your stomach as you feel your heart beat a bit quicker. 
You startle, whipping your head to the side as you feel a hand wrap around your own. As your about to yank your hand away, your gaze meets Peppino's. Your stress seemed to fade into the background, not gone but muted. He shoots you an apologetic look before slowly pulling his hand away. 
"It's ok cara, I'ma here".
You don't know what possessed you to do it, but your hand found his again as you delicately take it. You smile at him tentatively.
"Do you want to go over there where there's less-a people?" He asks as he closes your hand back into his, but more firmly. 
"That'd be great".
You went through a few local shops and an antique store, looking at nothing in particular. Most of the time wandering about looking at random goods until evening had begun to settle in. 
Not realizing how late it had gotten, you both opted to cut your perusing short to look for somewhere to eat. After coming back from where Peppino had parked, you notice and point out the signs advertising about dining right next to the water. 
As you both were seated you purse your lips, looking across the table at Peppino. He returns your look with a raised eyebrow. 
"You'd rather look at the wall instead of the bay?" you ask incredulously. Peppino simply stares at you. Before he can protest you cut him off, "Nah, sit next to me." You scoot over in the booth, gesturing him to come sit next you. 
His demeanor melts subtly as he moves to sit directly next to you. He feels a pang of...something, as his leg brushes against yours. 
"I think we were outside too long, you look like you got sunburnt." You mumble, looking at his face a little too intently. 
"I-uh, I think that's just the lighting in here Y/N." He waves you off, craning his neck a few inches away. 
You shoot him a dubious squint, glancing down to your arms and hands. They looked unchanged under the light here though. Shrugging it off, you stretch out an arm and grab a menu for the both of you. 
You see a small box at the bottom and shoot Peppino a sly grin and nudge him. His eyes follow to what your finger had been pointing to, only to let out a "Tch". 
Of course.
'Couples Discount Special this week only!' The text read. 
"Is this-a why you wanted to come here?" He rolls his eyes, "To get-a discount meal"?
You huff, taking a sip of your drink. "No, I just happened to read it just now! And lower your voice they might hear us". 
He let out a groan. Though, as he read what the special entailed, it did sound tempting. 
What ever, if life gives you lemons. 
He flinches as you loop your arm through his. 
"What are you doing?" Peppino hissed, feeling your skin stick to his. Suddenly he had become aware of how clammy his own arms were. 
"We're dating remember?" You hiss back at him, though your eyes seemed to take an interest in everything else.
"You don't need-a sell it that hard." He grumbles under his breath, wiping a sweaty hand onto his pants. 
"Have we decided what we're having?" A feminine voice asks, suddenly beside him. 
"Ah. Yes. We were going to have the couples...special".
The server's eyes sparkle as she writes down the order and walks back to the kitchen. 
"You can let-a go now." Peppino casts a sideways glance at you.  
"O-Oh right." You pause, "What if they find out we were lying though? We should at least wait until they give us our food, no take backsies after that".
Peppino opted to look out the window, taking a sharp inhale of air. He clenched his teeth. Mio dios, all this for-a discount. That pang in his chest only seemed to grow the longer you were against him. 
You set down your napkin with a happy hum. Dinner had been perfect; the atmosphere of the small restaurant was relaxing, the food and drinks were delicious, and your company was enjoyable.  
Being back outside into the crisp evening air you noticed there was slight chill to the wind. You decide to trail off from Peppino for a bit to go near the water to take a few pictures.
The sky reflected beautifully on the water now that the sun was setting. A click resounds, signifying a successful capture. As you look further along the horizon, you admire the vibrant shades of pink, purple, and orange painting the sky. You stepped over some rocks, still warm from the sun, and stopped close the water. As close as you dared without risking a slip. You watch the reflection in the currents as the last rays of sunlight bathe the water. The trees around you drowned out the sounds of any nearby traffic. The only things you could hear were the distant chirps of crickets and lapping of the waves.
This trip had been wonderful. You sigh. Even if you were only a few hours from home, coming to this place was exciting and new. You didn't feel suffocated from reminders of your everyday life here. It had been nice to get away from everything you were familiar with. 
Well, almost everything. You were glad Peppino agreed to come with you. Although you would have went by yourself (at some point), you would rather be with him. Sharing moments and days like today were always better with someone. 
As you look back towards the wooden bridge noticing Peppino was off to the side. At that moment found yourself unable to to tear your gaze away. He had his arms resting on the wooden railing as he looked out across the water. The breeze played with his shirt and the light shone gently down on him. 
You take a picture, reminding yourself to show him later. 
Despite taking the picture your eyes remained fixed onto him. He looked nice. You decided that was the word you'd use. 
Peppino stared absently at the line of trees in the distance, lost in thought. Deep down he knew this wasn't a feeling "just friends" had for each other. There was an intense longing for you. A need for you to be closer, to hold you. Sometimes it was almost overwhelming, like earlier when your arm was wrapped around his.
Peppino tried to dismiss that thought, dragging a hand down his face in annoyance. Something about this trip was playing with his head. You weren't doing anything differently and neither was he. So why was he suddenly having these thoughts? 
Truth be told, he would have passing thoughts like this on occasion. Though he waved them off, refusing to entertain them whenever it'd come up. You were friends. That was it.
"Well it's getting late, we should probably get ready to head home." Your voice causes him jump. He blinks as his train of thought dissipated. 
The last light of sunset had faded into the horizon, and the moon was just barely peeking out. Overhead the sky had turned into a deepening indigo as the first few stars were twinkling brightly. 
Peppino nods and you both begin your walk back to the car. 
* * * * * 
The treads on the tire had been shredded. You stare at the damage. "Damn when was the last time you got your tires changed"? 
Peppino shoots you a look before popping open the trunk. "It wasn't like that-a before we left. It must've happened on the way here". 
You poke your head over his side with an annoyed "Well shit."
Peppino sighs as he realizes the spare tire is flat too.
"Do you think we can still drive home"? You follow him back into the car. 
"It's not safe to drive back like this. And it's getting late." He grumbles, hands gripped at the wheel. "Let's call it a night and find a shop around here in the morning". 
Sleeping in the car the whole night didn't sound comfortable. It'd get warm and cramped within a mere hour. You could already feel a kink in your neck at the thought. "We could rent a room at a motel." You suggest, "There has to be one nearby".
A light shade of pink seemingly rushed to his face before he jerked his head to look out the window. 
"I guess we could-a do that".
* * * * * 
A rush of air burst out as you pulled the door open. You let out a satisfied hum as you stepped into the room. The idea of getting a motel room had made you uneasy, as you expected the worst; bugs skittering around, weird smells, and a dingy bathroom that made gas station ones look remarkable in comparison. 
While you didn't want to sleep in the car, you would have, had that been your fate. You were just relieved your worries weren't realized. 
Instead you make your way over to the bed furthest from the window. You pause a moment before nodding, choosing this bed to sleep in tonight. As you turn back to Peppino, you watch him set the room key on the nightstand between the beds. You notice in your peripheral he's taking his shirt off, your eyes dart away.
Instead your attention settles on the dresser against the opposite wall. You never know, you think. Maybe someone left money in it. Or who-knows-how-old cans of beer. It was like a shitty version of Schrodinger's cat. Also known here as Schrodinger's cheap motel dresser. 
You grumble, the first drawer appearing caught on something. What ever it was caught on wasn't going to give, no matter how much fumbling you did. 
"Let me help." you hear Peppino approach from behind. 
As he makes his way to you, his foot catches on something and he stumbles forwards. You let out a sharp gasp as you bring your hands up to try to stop him from falling. Not that you'd be able to do much. You jerk your head to the side instinctively and snap your eyes shut, waiting for the impact. 
But it never came. 
Your eyes flick open, discovering he had managed to catch himself, hands braced against the dresser to either side of you. 
He sighed, looming mere inches over you. "That was close"!
You tentatively lowered your gaze, realizing your hands had still been raised and were touching something. Your eyes widened, face and neck immediately burning at what that something was. 
Your hands had both been pressed against Peppino's bare chest. If he had noticed, Peppino made no move to shy away from your touch. Instead he remained frozen in place, his expression unreadable. His arms remained locked in place, loosely caging your body against his. 
His eyes fixated on you, a look to them you couldn't recognize. Something about his gaze had darkened as you tilted your head up at him. Normally you weren't so self conscious about being this close to him but right now, feeling his breath against your lips-
"I-uhm...Sorry!" You jerk your hands to your side. Why didn't you do that sooner? At an instant that look Peppino had disappeared, and seeming to to realize his position, immediately stepped back.  
You hitch a thumb behind you. "Well. Uh. I'm gonna to go to bed!" you scrambled away and pull off the comforter, crawling under the sheet. Stretching out on your stomach, you bury your face into the pillow. "It's been a long day we should get some rest! Goodnight"!
Peppino straightens and regains his composure. Watching in a daze as you rush to pull the sheet over your entire body, including your head.
"Goodnight". He finally replies, climbing into his own bed. He remained on his back but tilted his head to look at you. After what felt like hours, your form gradually relaxed and muffled snores were eventually heard, signifying you had nodded off. 
Peppino shifted and instead stared up at the ceiling. What just happened? He kept replaying how you looked up at him and didn't move away. Your scent, warm and inviting. How you leaned into his body. 
He couldn't ignore something stirred within him in that moment. There had been a whisper in the back of his mind to pull you against him. 
That's what unsettled him. He had to consciously suppress that urge as he clenched the dresser. Had you not jerked away when you did, Peppino was certain his self-restraint would've snapped.   
* * * * * 
A soft sigh escapes your lips as you roll to your side. You scrunch your face as you feel the light against your eyelids. It was morning, but how early was it? Not that it particularly mattered, you didn't think you'd be able to go back to sleep anyways. Instead you lazily open an eye and stare across at the shape in the other bed.
 Peppino was still asleep, snoring.
Well there was no point in staying in bed, you decide. You inch off the bed, softly stepping across the threshold of the bathroom. 
You splash water onto your face. It felt cool but not really refreshing like you had hoped. You grab the towel nearby and wipe your face. A faint click of the door is heard and you jump at the feeling of arms snaking around your middle.
"Buongiorno cara mia." Peppino mutters, resting his chin against your shoulder.
You twist around in his arms to stare at him, bewildered. Where was this coming from? "Uh...Pino"?
He kept an arm around your waist as he gently cupped your chin and tilted it up. There was that look again from last night. Your eyes remained locked with his, waiting to see what he would do. You attempted to ignore the heat that had started creeping up the back of your neck. 
You felt Peppino's hand drift to fidget with the tips of your hair. 
"I've wanted to do this for a while." He breaths, his forehead gently touching yours. His hand softly caressing the back of your head as he pulls you forward. Your breathing hitches as his lips brush against your own. 
You awake with a start, eyes snapping open and darting about the room. You suck in a deep breath, shocked at what shoved you from your haze of sleep.  
What kind of dream was that? 
You blink again and rub the blurriness away from your vision. Who in the fuck authorized this. You feel an uncomfortable heat spread from your neck to your face and chest as you scan around the dimly lit room.
You felt your jaw tense as you recalled remnants from the dream. You sigh, attempting to think about anything else.   
From the streetlight filtering through the blinds you determined it was still very early. Too early to even think of getting up yet. But how could you go back to sleep aft-
"Sorry, did I wake you?" A voice asked, cutting through your thoughts. Your head snaps towards the voice, realizing Peppino's awake. His silhouette lingering at door frame of the bathroom.
"N-no..." You stutter, rubbing your eyes again. "Just had a bad dream". You couldn't help but peer at him, your breath catching in your throat, leaving you with a sudden tightness in your stomach. At least it was dark enough that Peppino couldn't see your face.  
"Do you need to talk about it, cara mia?" he asks, taking a small step closer to you. 
You flinch. Suddenly aware of something. How often did he call you that? "No!" you snap, shaking your head abruptly. You see him stiffen at your tone and stop, as if in thought. He nods slowly before making his way back into his bed. "If you need to talk I'ma here Y/N." he says quietly. 
In a way you felt bad for replying like that to him, but also how were supposed to explain what you dreamt about? "Thank you Pino." You whisper back. 
* * * * 
You couldn't get back to sleep. For the next two hours you simply stared up at the ceiling wide awake. Thoughts swam in your mind, some of which were very unwelcome ones. As you lie in bed that damn dream kept replaying. 
You could chalk that up to...the third one like this? Unlike the other ones though, this dream was the most vivid.
Could you even call it a dream? 
You frown at your thought. It wasn't really what you'd call a nightmare. Weren't nightmares supposed to be scary? Peppino didn't scare you, obviously. The dream did make you uncomfortable though. He was your friend, of course you'd be uncomfortable at the thought of-
You huff, turning back onto your side and face the wall. In a frustrated motion you jerk the sheet down to your hips. Why was this damn room so warm? You cringe and attempt to shove down another intrusive thought creeping into your head. 
* * * * * 
You stretch your arms out with a groan. Daylight was streaming in much stronger than before. You guess you nodded off at some point after all. 
You reluctantly tilt your head over to Peppino noticing he was already awake and sitting up in bed. His eyes meet yours as you smiled back with a soft “Good morning.”
"Buongiorno. Did you sleep better after...?" He trails off. 
"I did. Sorry if I worried you".
"It's alright Y/N, everyone gets nightmares sometimes." He sighs and stretches, "Some just more than others". 
You wince inwardly, you had forgotten Peppino often woke up from night terrors. 
You ask as you scoot out of bed and make your way over to him. He leaned into your touch as you trailed a hand down his back. "Did...you have a nightmare again, Pino"? You gently stroked his back, attempting to ignore your hand was against his bare skin. The reminder sending another tingle up your back. 
Peppino shrugged. "It's alright. It-a wasn't the worst I've had". He turns to glance up at you, "You should-a get ready to leave".
Your hand stops and you blink, remembering something. "Uh...about last night," His eyes shoot up immediately to meet yours. "Sorry for raising my voice at you, I was still trying to process what woke me up." You give a short chuckle and scratch the back of your neck. 
"Ah". Was all that Peppino replied with, his eyes looking away as if to contemplate something. He shakes his head, seeming to shrug what ever it had been off. "It's ok Y/N. I know how that feels".
As you make your way to the bathroom, you shut the door and turn the lock before directing your attention to the mirror.
You grimace at your reflection. Your hair was a mess and your clothes were wrinkled from sleeping in them. You sigh. It can't be helped. No amount of hand smoothing was going to make your clothes any more presentable. 
The first thing you were going to do once you got back home was take a long shower and properly clean. You didn't even want to think about how bad your breath was either. You cringe, but in the corner of your vision something catches your attention.
Your eyes lower to the bottle of hand soap on the counter. Oh this was a supremely stupid idea wasn't it? But, you pick up the bottle, will it work? There's only one way to find out. You give the bottle a few pumps, thick liquid dripping into your open mouth. 
You instantly regret this decision, sputtering as the the soap coats your tongue before beginning to outright gag. As you attempt to spit it out you wretch the knobs on the sink to get water. You hurriedly cup water into your mouth and spit repeatedly. Unfortunately this created more suds as you swished the liquid around, making you heave. 
"Are you ok!?" You hear Peppino shout from the other side. 
You scramble to unlock the door and he bursts into the room. "What's wrong"?!
"Soap." You choke out through the foamy mixture, doubling over to gag again. Your feel your back sting for a moment as Peppino slaps your back firmly and repeatedly in an attempt to help. 
"Cosa diavolo! Why would-a you put that in your mouth"!
"Mm!" You give one last spit of soapy water into the sink. You took in a deep, shuddering breath. As you clear your throat, you gesture to let him know to stop patting your back.
You turn to look up at him, giving a sheepish grin. "This...might sound stupid but..." You trail off, Peppino gives you a look to go on. 
"I...didn't expect to stay the night here so... I didn't bring toothpaste." You shrink a little into yourself, "So I thought that maybe...soap might...work"? You finish, your voice tapering off. 
Now that you thought about it -Did this idea even involve a single thought in your head? 
Well, you did learn one thing. Watermelon soap does not taste like watermelon. And it was in this moment Peppino also learned you were a dumbass. 
The room went silent as Peppino simply gawked at you. You offer a small half smile in return. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. If he had been about to say something he thought better of it, instead choosing to finish getting ready to leave. 
"Che cazzo." You hear him mutter. 
You turn your attention back to your reflection. A small trail of sudsy saliva had dribbled down your chin onto your shirt. The white of your eyes also had a tint of pink to them now. Somehow you managed to look worse than when you had woken up. The sight almost made you chuckle. Almost.
You groan as you remembered you had to go out in public like this. 
* * * * * 
After getting the tires replaced the drive back home had been uneventful. As he pulled into your driveway to drop you off, you tilt your head towards him. 
"You don't have to leave right now do you? At least come in and use the shower or eat something." You urged. "I can wait to get mine but I do want to brush my teeth". 
"I had-a shower at the motel." He pointed out, but had already shut off the engine. 
"Well a nicer shower. You still have a pair of clothes you left here. After you get out I can make us breakfast..." You glance at the clock on your phone, "Er...brunch"? 
"I'm done!" You call out from the bathroom as you step out, leaving the door open. You make your way to the kitchen feeling much better. 
Peppino walks past you carrying the set of clothes he retrieved from your closet. "I'll wait for you to get out before cooking! So don't take too long, I'm starving!" You call over your shoulder. 
As you wait Peppino to come back out you mentally scold yourself for not asking what he'd like to eat, if anything. Instead you pulled out a chair and took a seat, taking out your phone as you waited. Maybe you should make egg sandwiches? You had ham and bacon in the fridge.
You decide to go through your camera album. Idly you flip through the various pictures you had taken, some dating back months ago. Some of flowers, the occasional sunset, and as you continue swiping, dozens of pictures of you and Peppino, or just Peppino.
You like him. 
A lump forms in your throat. Of course I like him, we wouldn't be together so much if I didn't like him. You argue, continuing to swipe through your album. Anything to try and distract yourself. 
You want to be more than just friends.
You briefly close your eyes, hoping to shut up that nagging voice this way. A futile attempt. The thoughts you had been shoving down for months finally starting to break through the cracks. 
Please shut up. You beg to yourself. Why did this have to come out now? 
Last night flashed through your memories. You wanted to close that gap. That dream you had of him wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a kiss was something you wanted. 
You want him.
There it was. You stare vacantly at your screen, breath caught in your throat. The picture taken from yesterday, the one you had meant to show him.
There it was. You stare vacantly at your screen, breath caught in your throat. The picture taken from yesterday, the one you had meant to show him. 
He looked stunning. Not just nice. He looked handsome. Perfect.
You heard the water stop. Within seconds you jolt to your feet and move to the stove, pretending to look busy. Your body, however, remained motionless.
You heard a door click shut, making you jump, and Peppino appeared in the corner of your vision. 
"Are you sure you're ok?" he asked, stepping closer to your side. "You've been acting off since this-a morning".
You squirm, an uncomfortable knot of tension suddenly appearing in your stomach again. 
"Yeah...I just…” Your voice trailed off. How exactly were you supposed to answer that? You couldn’t tell Peppino how his close proximity made you feel. You knew this discomfort wasn’t going to go away and unfortunately might get worse.
You want him. The voice repeated. 
Your head turned to face him, only to realize that he was watching you, and apparently had been, as he made no move to avert his eyes. 
As you blink your eyes lower to avoid his. You feel your breath come out with a slight shake and you turn away. 
He frowned, nudging you slightly with his shoulder. It was as if he was telling you to go on, but the words were caught in your throat. Even if you wanted to explain, you couldn’t. 
Peppino reached a hand to your shoulder, and you felt him lightly skim over your neck. You shuddered. Gently taking hold of your chin, he turned your face towards him. Your eyes met with his again, half lidded.
"Nnm?" You mumble, confused. 
A look of horror flashed on Peppino's face, realizing what he had been doing and jerked his hand down. 
"I-I should-a go". 
He stepped away from you and hurried to turn and leave. Your feet remain rooted to the floor, but you desperately grabbed for Peppino. Your hand catches his sleeve and you pull at him weakly. His eyes dart back at you anxiously, but a spark of curiosity was in his eyes as well. 
 "Please don't leave." You whisper, barely audible. His face softens as he takes your hand from his shirt and into his own and tentatively takes a step closer. 
His other hand roamed across your back before settling there. When you didn’t push him away, he pulled you closer against him, his hips pressed against your own and his mouth brushed against yours. A burst of heat flared within you and a shiver shot up your spine. Finally, your lips met in the kiss that had been denied to you both the first time. 
Slowly you pulled your hands from his to wrap your arms around his neck. Peppino raised one hand to run it across your cheek before resting it at the back of your head as he deepened the kiss. As his hand tangled itself in your hair, your fingers slid up against his chest, clinging to his shirt for support as your legs buckled. His arm against your back supported your weight as you reclined in his embrace.
You didn't know how much time had passed when he pulled away, dragging at your lower lip gently with his teeth before letting go. When he finally broke the kiss, you were breathing hard and your head was spinning. 
* * * * * 
You stretched languidly, slowly blinking away the haze of sleep. Sunlight softly slipping between the opening in the curtains.
Peppino's chest was pressed against your back, an arm wrapped around your waist. You could feel every steady and slow breath against the back of your neck. It seemed like he was still asleep. As you shift in bed to look at him, Peppino's eyes drift open, he gives you a sleepy grin. 
He leans his head towards yours and you close the distance, pressing your lips to his. It was lingering, almost passionate, but also conveyed a feeling of comfort and trust.
Your lips disconnect and the world fades back into existence. Peppino rests his head on your shoulder and pulls you closer. Your body molding perfectly into he pressed soft kisses against the back of your neck.
Staying in bed with him bit longer wouldn’t hurt. 
💜Thank you everyone that supported and anticipated this one coming out! Pacing in a few places felt off to me but overall I think this one turned out how I hoped it would💜
45 notes · View notes
m1a4life · 3 months
Reasons to drop the weight
1. Look good in every outfit
2. To feel better
3. To be more confident
4. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
5. People will treat you better
6. Brandy Melville will fit perfectly
7. Thigh gap
8. Better levels
9. Exercise will be easier
10. Less judgement
11. No chub rub
12. People will call you skinny and mean it
13. “Workout routine?”
14. “What diet do you do?”
15. Get a faster metabolism
16. More healthy
17. It will build determination
18. Won’t be jealous of other peoples bodies
19. No longer the duff
20. Pretty privilege
21. Get more boys
22. People will be jealous
23. Automatically become more likeable
24. You will loose face fat
25. Share clothes with literally any friend
26. No more love handles
27. Won’t cry about your weight
28. If ever meet celeb crush more chance of getting with them
29. You’ll be happier
30. Smaller portions will be more filling
31. You’ll have skinny people problems
32. People will be able to carry you
33. Ppl wanna be ur friend more
34. No double chin
35. Collarbones
36. No more mewing
37. Not the funny fat friend anymore
38. Stares of adoration or jealousy
39. All fingers fit round wrist
40. Won’t be insecure about weight/body
41. More energy
42. Feel better generally
43. Stronger immune system
44. Won’t fear the scale
45. more clothing options
46. Feel good in bikini
47. Feel more loved & liked
48. Won’t be overlooked
49. Gives a reason to buy more clothes
50. Won’t feel so unlovable
51. Won’t think it’s a joke when someone asks you out
52. Use less products = save money
53. Higher chances with crush
54. Better skin (typically)
55. Be able to fit into smaller spaces
56. Better hiding spots
57. Make things look bigger
58. Feel cute and dainty
59. Be carried easily
60. Don’t have to hide behind a pillow when sitting down on a sofa
61. You’ll look better than your nemesis
62. People will be shocked when you bump into them at Sainsbury’s
63. Better chances with crush
64. After 21 days you won’t crave anything bad that you’ve stopped eating
65. Completely different taste buds
12 notes · View notes
papermachedragons · 1 year
The people have spoken. I have been convinced (narrator: it did not take a lot of convincing) to release the "drunk" merwaine kiss. And now you will find out why i have called it "drunk" kiss. Because it is "drunk"ish. There have been some drinking, but calling it a drunk kiss would greatly exaggerate the levels of drunkenness. And I'm sorry if this is disappointing, but I can't help if my brain has made a connection between "drunk characters in a fic kissing" and "Merlin and gwaine questionably tipsy(???) kiss". The connection has been made, okay, I had no control over it and now I am doomed to think about this fic and this kiss every time I stumble upon drunk/tipsy kissing in fics and now you will, too! Hurray!
Anyway, here it is. The "drunk-but-not-really-i-just-used-that-word-because-it-gets-my-point-across-faster-than-tipsy" merwaine kiss excerpt from a 30+k fic. Fair warning, it will be out of context and so some sentences will not make sense, but just gloss over that for now and pretend it makes perfect sense. What's that? Out of context? Never heard of her. Look at all this context. Wow. Never have I seen so much in-context as I have right here, right now. I am just blown away by all of this context.
Btw the title for my wip document is Gwaine's Soliloquy. Because I'm the kind of person who listens to musicals and i like to amuse myself with my wip titles.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this 7+k excerpt.
I will not be held responsible if this excerpt ends up different in the actual fic once I finish it and post it on ao3
The banquet hall was simple, but elegant. Rows of wide, red fabric hung from the walls with slimmer fabric of gold looped in front of them, creating graceful arches of red and gold between sections of the walls, draped from post to post. Light from nearby candles caught upon the arches making the fabric ripple softly and look more like surfaces of a body of water than fabric. Flames from torches along the walls, candles down the tables and on candelabras threw a softened, steady and warm glow all through the banquet hall. Everything was awash by golden light, even the walls might as well have been bedecked in jewellery and rhinestones, for how they glowed, as if imitating the nobles inhabiting them.
Gwaine was not entirely sure why they were having a feast, this time. It seemed they were having one every few weeks and no one ever really knew why, or maybe they did and Gwaine just decided to never listen when they mentioned the reason, simply glad he could sit down with good food, good drink and surrounded by most of his friends. It was fine, though. The reason for these things were usually a stone throw away from horse shit, so Gwaine was fine saluting his drink to the air and making up some cheer in his head, instead. It was way funnier that way and he liked to see how elaborate he could make it, before he gave himself away. A game he always introduced to Elyan and Percival once they were tipsy enough to go along with it. Leon liked to pretend he was above that kind of stuff and always shot them glares, whenever their giggles betrayed them, like he was trying to cross-bow them in the middle of Arthur's speech, but once or twice he definitely whispered his own contributions to the game into his cup, so Gwaine knew it was all a lie.
The feast itself was extravagant and delicious as usual and Gwaine enjoyed himself sampling every bit of it he could get his hands on. Including a piece or two from Elyan's plate, when he was looking the other way. That did mean he lost his newly filled drink to the other man later, though.
Across the room, out of the way and up against the wall, a table stood, presenting a smaller, less extravagant buffet of most the same foods to the servants. It was a thing Gwen had talked Arthur into doing, a way for servants to mingle and have a little taste of the festivities they worked so hard for, without having to eat it cold and congealed in the kitchens long after the feast was over and the food passed the appetising stage of their lifespan. It was not that Arthur had to be convinced by her, only that he had never thought of it before or considered feasts from a servants perspective. So now they got their own little buffet. And smaller cups for drinks on occasions such as Samhain, but only on feasts of special celebration.
Knowing there was no desserts to be found on there, no matter the occasion, Gwaine — when Merlin dropped down in the space between him and Percival to fill his drink and whisper a snarky comment in his ear — slipped him a honey cake. Delight swirled through him, as Merlin startled to a stop, looked down at his little gift, then grinned blindingly bright at him, as he stepped away and disappeared once more.
This feast there were no drinks to be had for the servants. But halfway through the feasts, Gwaine did see Gwen take a hold of her goblet, half-full with raspberry cordial, bring it down and under the table, where she slipped it backwards, hiding it in the shadow of the table and the volume of her skirt — all the while she never once looked away from the two lords she held conversation with, her gaze steady and her smile amiable. Grinning from the shadows behind the two monarchs, Merlin stepped forward, slipped it from her fingers and retreated to the shadows behind the two chairs to drink the offering. Once done, he slipped it back into Gwen's hand, unseen and unnoticed, as he filled up Arthur's goblet. By the table perpendicular to theirs, Gwaine caught Merlin eye, grinned and lifted his own drink, tipping a small salute towards him. Merlin rolled his eyes, but stepped back into the shadows with a small grin.
Later, Gwaine saw him nick a sweetmeat from Arthur's plate — despite the sweetmeats at the servants table — and a small handful of raspberries , this one from the servants table, though.
Perhaps it was a little obvious that the one thing Gwaine noticed the most at these feasts was Merlin. Unsurprising, really, but what could he do? Gwaine was but a simple man. A great knight — if he may say so himself — but a simple man, still. And with generous amounts of alcohol at his disposal, he will not be held responsible for where his eyes drifts at feasts. Not even by himself.
Time passed and eventually they drifted from their seats and spread out all across the floor. Drinks and small platters of deserts in hand. Voices filled the great hall in loud, boisterous conversation and laughter. Minstrels on a raised gallery played music and sang, their songs flitting between every conversation with the graceful sweep of birds in flight. Gwaine found himself stood off-centre, leant up against a pillar. A goblet in one hand with Elyan and Kay beside him, their voices flowing in easy conversation all around him. In the middle of one of Kay's repetitive jokes about the knight and the barmaid, Gwaine caught Elyan's gaze and had to restrain a laugh, as the two shared a look, because Kay told the very same joke every time he had more than three cups of mead in him and he was the only one who still found the joke funny.
Lifting his cup, Gwaine hid his grin in his own drink, and cast his eyes about the great hall. Well, he intended to cast his eyes about the room, but predictably, his gaze immediately caught on a figure clad in brown, red and blue at the other end of the hall, hovering against a wall, near Arthur and Gwen, cast in brilliant light from both candle light and torches and for a moment, Gwaine's throat tightened. Eyes wide on the man who seemed swathed in light, as if it might as well have come from the sun itself, embracing him in its grasp; almost caressed by it, as if, even when he was meant to seek the shadows, the light instead searched for him, eager to wash his skin in its touch, making him glow from its presence alone. Then Kay smacked a hand on his shoulder and laughed loud and boisterous, deafening any within five metres reach and Gwaine shook himself out of those thoughts, though he did keep his eyes on Merlin, even as he patted Kay on the shoulder, when he started coughing on his own laughter.
As Elyan said something to him about getting Kay some water, taking the knight by the elbow and leading him to a chair, Gwaine waved the two off distractedly, now caught on the shadows that clung to Merlin like a second skin, despite the light all around him. Tension hung by his eyes in tight lines, and his mouth had lost the smile usually curling it upwards, and instead drooped downwards. Even from a distance, his shoulders looked heavy and caved in, as if weighted down and hunched by an invisible weight, or as if the jug in his hands had gained an impossible weight in the time since the feast began.
Taking a sip of his drink, Gwaine let his gaze wander through the chamber. The Great Hall was less crowded. A few courtiers and knights who had been there earlier were no longer present, thinning out the crowd. Outside the windows the night was dark and entirely black in the glass glinting and gleaming from the candle light. Reflecting pinpricks of shifting sparks of flame back at the courtiers that danced and twirled past them in merriment or walked to and from conversations across the hall.
Decided, Gwaine pushed off his support pillar, slipped his drink onto the tray of a nearby passing servant and made his way across the room with a dopey grin on his face and a wide, sweeping, gesturing wave, as if he had spotted someone at the other end of his gaze, when in reality, his eyes were focused on the flickering flames of a torch on the wall. As he crossed the floor, he made sure to waltz with exaggerated wobbling and stumbling, as if he was a single drop away from drowning in intoxication. One truly hilariously flailing step and Gwaine accidentally fell into one of the other knights. A platter of desserts spilled between them with a loud clatter and a curse. Flailing, Gwaine tucked one foot beneath the other, stumbled and fell, crashing to the ground with a large "Oomph" and the sound of tittering annoyance and laughter breaking out throughout the hall.
Blinking stupidly, as if dazed or dizzy, Gwaine looked up at the ceiling and waited. It took no longer than a single breath.
A warm hand touched his forehead. Skin smooth against Gwaine's, but with calluses and cracked patches of skin scattered all across his palm and fingers, grazing against his skin in a mismatched pinprick that should not have felt the way it did, but it felt so perfectly aligned, Gwaine sighed, even as he laid there, uncomfortable on the floor in his armour. Finally, Gwaine's eyes followed the arm to Merlin's face.
A small frown crinkled his brows, yet laughter bubbled inside his eyes, twinkling down at him. And Gwaine nearly grinned just as dopey up at him, but he made sure to blink owlishly at the man, as he caught sight of a few faces in the empty space by Merlin's shoulders, looking towards them from half a room away, muttering into their cups and scowling with distaste.
"You okay?" Merlin asked.
"I have fallen," Gwaine said dumbly and Merlin's mouth twitched, his lips pressing together from a barely restrained laugh, while his eyes crinkled.
"You have." Deep blue eyes darted back and forth between his, searching even if his tone and expression remained light with humour. "Are you alright?"
"Hmm, remains to be seen," he said, making a thoughtful expression. "Is the chamber still spinning?"
"It never did." Merlin's mouth twitched again.
"Oh, well, in that case." Gwaine closed his eyes and let his expression turn lax, as if going to sleep right then and there.
A small laugh came from above him, but the sound was quickly stifled. "I'm afraid a banquet hall is no place to sleep, sir Gwaine."
"I believe it is. It is rather comfortable from here." He cracked a single eye open, looking up at him.
"Won't be in a few hours when servants start making a racket while cleaning up. Come on," he said, clapping his arm, "on your feet." Then he slipped his arm beneath his and pulled him to his feet. Even as he was hauled upright, Gwaine made sure to wobble precariously, practically hanging on Merlin's arm with all his weight, leaning sideways and swaying all over the place. Truly, the performance of a lifetime. Merlin laughed and tipped him back, catching him around his shoulders, arm beneath his own. Not one to miss an opportunity, Gwaine threw his arm around his shoulders and leant into his side, feeling Merlin's quiet chuckle rumble against him.
Merlin turned him around and began walking, pulling him along. Most courtiers and dinner guests resumed their own conversation and stopped watching Gwaine and the spectacle he put on at every other feast, but he caught a few eyes, glancing their way as they wobbled out of the banquet hall. Half of them amused, tittering with gossip, even as it was happening before their conversation partners' eyes; the other half derisive and sneering, as they often were, when directed at Gwaine outside the training field and tournaments.
Arm in arm, Gwaine and Merlin walked out the Great Hall and its ornately decorated doors. Though it was rather graceless, what, with Gwaine zigzagging every few steps to the door.
"So, my friend, where are we going?" Gwaine asked as they passed the doorway's threshold, perhaps a little louder than necessary, but he really wanted the point to come across tonight; he wanted the gossip mill tomorrow to be full of the knight, who should have drowned his knighthood in mead and red wine by now, and who could not attend a feast without leaving a spectacle in his wake or the smell of vagabondery and incompetence behind himself.
"I've been instructed to take you to your chambers," Merlin huffed, rolling his eyes. "Apparently you can't be trusted on your own."
"How exciting! An adventure! Fit for the greatest knight in Camelot!" Gwaine exclaimed and lifted his free arm in imitation of raising his sword up high.
"And here I thought we've been on enough adventures to last a lifetime."
Shaking his head, Gwaine clicked his tongue. "That's where you go wrong. You can never have enough adventures, my friend."
Merlin grumbled under his breath and Gwaine would swear it sounded something like, he'd like to hear him repeat that when he's got something breathing down his neck. What that something was, Gwaine did not catch, but he swears it sounded close to an overgrown lizard. Admittedly, Gwaine had had some drinks and was a little inebriated, so he was not entirely sure he heard right or if he could trust himself on this one.
They walked for a little while. Moving through corridors of the castle, passing torches burning bright and flickering on the walls, their light warm and golden, as it washed over them in flashes of heat.
When they had passed through a few quiet corridors and walked a few stairs, the noise from the feast far behind them and not a soul near them, Merlin huffed a small laugh. "That tumble was particularly convincing today, I do believe Arthur thinks you drunk enough to destroy a few tapestries and suits of armour, if left to stumble back on your own."
"I haven't the faintest of what you could be insinuating," Gwaine said, tone preposterous and full of disbelief. "I'm as drunk as a barmaid's apron, Merlin, just look at my walk." And indeed, Gwaine had been wobbling along as they walked the hallways, leaning most of his weight into Merlin and his footsteps as unsteady as a boat in a storm at sea.
"Sure you don't." Gwaine could practically hear the roll of his eyes, but he could also hear the smile in his voice so he counted it as a victory. Drawn by his voice, he looked sideways to catch a glimpse of his smile. That was the moment his foot caught on his cloak and he stumbled. Falling, his arm yanked, catching hard and heavy around Merlin. Flailing about, Gwaine hung onto Merlin as he struggled against gravity, hopping to regain his footing.
Muscles straining against him, bulging against Gwaine's flailing body, Merlin strained against his weight and grunted. As Gwaine found his footing again, still walking forward with his arm around Merlin's shoulders, hanging onto him, as if he had never stumbled, he huffed loud and long-suffering. "Gwaine, I know you're not as drunk as you're pretending to be, can you please use your own legs to walk?"
"That wasn't me," he said as a matter of fact, his own feet solidly on the ground again, "it was the damn cloak." In emphasis, he grabbed a hold of the cloak and waved it in front of him.
Tilting his head sideways, Merlin threw him a heavily disbelieving look.
"I swear." Discarding the handful of fabric, he held out his hand. "The damn thing is out to get me." He threw a disgruntled look at the red fabric flapping about his feet with his every, wobbling step. "I think it knows all about my derogatory comments towards nobles."
"I don't think it cares, Gwaine."
"I think it does. It's in league with Uther, I just know it. Made a pact with him before he snuffed it and all."
"Alright, it was the cloak, but can you please just walk."
"I am walking."
"Ah well, since you asked so nicely." Easing his weight off of Merlin, he gained his feet beneath himself and dropped all pretence of stumbling and wobbling along. He kept his arm slung around Merlin's shoulders, though, and could not help but smile like a fool, when Merlin's arm also did not move from around his back. "But only because I like you best," he added, throwing him a winning grin and ruffling a hand through his hair.
"Yes, I'm sure you would have been a menace to anyone else forced to walk you to bed." Merlin rolled his eyes and swatted his hand away. As he did, Gwaine hooked a finger around his, brought his hand closer and smacked a kiss right onto his knuckles, because he thought it was a great idea and why not, they were alone walking through these deserted hallways and corridors. Might as well, you know.
Merlin let him kiss his knuckles, then brought his hand back to himself, huffing quietly under his breath. Probably used to his antics.
Gwaine took no heed of it and bumped his hip into his. "Well, that's half the fun of having a reputation such as myself," he said.
"What's the other half?" He crooked an eyebrow at him. Smile quirked and humoured.
Looking sideways and catching his eyes, Gwaine wiggled his eyebrows and grinned mischievously. "Hearing everyone slip me their secrets, because they think I'm too drunk to ever understand or remember them, when I have in fact, not a single drop of alcohol in my blood."
"Not one drop," Merlin repeated mockingly. "Now I know you're telling tall tales."
"Alright, but one mug of mead is far from the ten others usually think I'm deep in."
"True." Merlin allowed with a tilt of his head. "If that's what you're doing, when you're making spectacles of yourself, you must have enough gossip and secrets in that head to compete with the maids."
"Please," Gwaine scoffed and swatted a hand through the air, "they wish they knew half the secrets I do."
"I'm sure," he said, laughter bubbling in his voice and from his shoulders. It did not last long. Merlin fell quiet. And for a while, they continued to walk in silence. The air around them heavier than before, though Gwaine had no idea from where it came.
As he walked, Merlin kept his head down. Every few steps, Gwaine cast glances towards him, and though his face was cast in shadows with the occasional torch and candle light catching upon his high cheekbones and the planes of his face, it was not the shadows that kept him locked up. No. The expression he wore was lost to Gwaine, no matter the shadows or light that fell onto his face. The walls around them seemed to stretch the echo of their tapping footsteps and shifting fabric of Gwaine's cloak occasionally grazing the floor, unrecognisable.
Eventually, Merlin's shoulders shifted underneath Gwaine's arm, rising and falling with a heavy breath. "Aren't you tired of it, Gwaine?" he sighed, his voice tinged heavy and exhausted. Glancing sideways at him, Gwaine caught the heavy and tired expression pulling at his features, almost dragging them, now that he had raised his chin up, freeing his face from most of the shadows. Merlin still did not look towards him, keeping his head faced determinedly forward and his eyes fixed straight ahead. "Tired of pretending and putting up a front?"
"Hmm, not really," Gwaine said, a light frown appearing on his brow at the weight in Merlin's voice. "I know the people who can't be bothered to look past it don't matter, and it serves me well enough to be overlooked as the drunken knight no one takes seriously."
"Why do you do it?" his tone was still far too heavy and tired. A state Gwaine was becoming more and more familiar with, the more time that passed; a state it seemed Merlin fell further and further into it the more time passed since Lancelot's death. No matter how much he tried to hide it. Chest twinging with a deep ache — like a mirror of the pit pulling at Merlin, reached for him just by hearing its presence in Merlin's voice — Gwaine tightened his arm around him, as if trying to pull him away from that heavy pit that pulled at him. And Merlin added, still with a soul-deep exhaustion beyond comprehension, "Why do you pretend that you're a scoundrel and a drunkard?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Gwaine answered, voice soft and gentle, "why do you let people think you're a fool?"
Merlin huffed, jostling him and pulling his arm further around his shoulder, as if Gwaine was still stumbling around in a drunkard's shoes. "It's better that way," he mumbled, glancing down and away.
Gwaine looked sideways, directly into the side of his head, no matter Merlin was resolutely looking the other way. "For who?" he asked.
Merlin did not reply.
They continued in silence. Occasionally, Gwaine's eyes would stray to the man beside him. The wall opposite the windows carried the occasional torch, flickering with softly crackling flames, casting a warm, yellow light upon him and the corridor they walked. Silver moonlight fell in through every window they passed and with the golden, flickering light from torches, a kaleidoscope of shifting silver and golden light fell all over Merlin's pale skin, touching him with an ever-shifting ethereal glow, casting him in fey-like quality, as if he had stepped out of the stories of fey-kind and other unearthly beings, only to walk in companionable pace with Gwaine on a moonlit night, several floors away from a revelry filled banquet hall.
What he saw, underneath the touch of flickering flame and the silver moon, Gwaine did not know how to name. It was an expression he did not often see there, as Merlin more often than not, either wore smiles (though these could be argued against, as they did not always reach his eyes, especially these days) or frantic energy throwing his features into such movement, the nature of them could not be determined in the brief glimpses that Gwaine could catch of Merlin in these instances, before he was gone again; the echo of his voice hanging like a trail left behind him, as the only evidence he had ever been there. It was like trying to catch the wind in his hands, or the reflection of stars in a lake; as soon as he cupped his hands around it and tried to hold onto it or bring it closer, it was gone, slipped from between his fingers, no matter how hard he tried to keep it there. But that was its nature. Who was he to keep it there? And really, he did not want to keep Merlin from flitting all over the place — frantic or otherwise — he simply wanted to join him in it, or to let him know that Gwaine would remain standing where he was, so he always knew he was there to return to, whenever he got a moment to breathe and needed a place to rest.
Tonight, the shadows from Merlin's heavy and tired question did not seem to want to leave him. So Gwaine did the only reasonable thing he could do. And that was act the fool, so he did not have to.
Groaning loudly and letting his own weight drag, hanging onto Merlin, he started to lean to the side, stupid and tipsy once more. "Hang on, hang on," he said, dragging his words in simple slur and stumbling over his feet, reaching for the wall, "stop here for a bit." He stumbled to the side, pulling them towards the wall.
"Gwaine, what?" Merlin huffed, not without some amusement, feet shuffling across the floor as he was pulled along by Gwaine's arm around his back.
"I like this wall," he said, turning to lean up against the cold stone and resting against it. Arm eased halfway off Merlin's shoulder.
"It's just a wall." He remained a few steps away from him, their arms still raised and held out, holding onto each other by just their shoulders and arms, the best they could with the space between them, since Merlin seemed adamant to say standing on his own two feet.
"Yeah, and I like it." Though he might not have been half as drunk as he pretended to be, he had still had enough to drink to be considered a small hazard, his veins and stomach buzzing pleasantly with alcohol. Thanks to his years of travel and gallivanting, he had far too much experience with drinking to be more than tipsy by the drinks he had had, but it was a pleasant buzz in his stomach and a lightness in the space between his ears. Also, his skin was a little too hot. Like he had been lying out in the hot summer sun for hours and the gambesome beneath his chainmaille was really starting to heat up uncomfortably against him. Not nearly enough to act the way he had in the Great Hall upon exiting or the way he was now, as if seeking shelter against unsteady legs through the wall. But if he did not like the look on Merlin's face and was rather desperate to see it vanish, then that was his business and his business alone. And the ceiling above him for which he sought aid in its cracks and shadows. But otherwise, his business alone.
Merlin huffed and rolled his eyes, but the corners of his lips twitched and as Gwaine tugged on his arm in response, he allowed him to pull him the rest of the way to the wall with him, sliding his arm back around his shoulders. Pressing them up against one another. Hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder, Merlin's arm around his shoulder and Gwaine's around his back. 
For a short while, they just stood there, leant up against the wall and tipped slightly towards each other.
Then, Gwaine turned his head and looked at him. Merlin's eyes were already fixed on him. There was a quizzical pull on his brow, a quirked eyebrow that Gwaine did not understand, though a pleased upturn of his mouth told him it was not anything bad. He wondered at the question, though. Until he realised he had his hand buried in the nape of Merlin's hair, carding his fingers through the strands.
But Merlin had not moved away and he was smiling so Gwaine kept doing it.
It was nice. His hair was lovely against his fingers, a little coarse and wavy, and nicer than Gwaine had ever imagined.
Merlin's eyes flickered down to his lips. Such an action usually made Gwaine smirk, but this was Merlin and Merlin had always been different. Where other people's gaze to his lips brought a satisfied feeling, Merlin's gaze lit a warmth in his stomach and made his heart hammer against his chest.
With a sharp intake of breath, Merlin jerked his head away. Sticking it and his gaze straight forward, his jaw set and resolute.
Gwaine kept staring at him. The buzz in his stomach turned sour and wobbly. All wrong. Swallowing the sour taste, it moved quickly down his throat and joined the twisting wobble in his stomach, to stew there like one of Gaius' infamous, foul potions.
Lips pulling up, he tried for a smile. "I still owe you for making sure I had that week of light training, you know," he said lightly, banishing the feeling all together in favour of something far lighter.
"Is that so?" A smile curled lopsided from Merlin's lips. Head tipped back, leant against the wall, he let his head turn along the wall, tilting it to look at Gwaine with a quirked eyebrow and knowing eyes that gleamed with humour.
"It is so," Gwaine declared, nodding and held a hand to his chest. "And a great favour it was, I ended up missing out on several long runs in full armour and you know how I hate that."
"I do know."
"So, you can see I cannot possibly let it pass without making my gratitude known." Eyes crinkling, his smile stretched into something knowing, as it was apparently not enough for his eyes to hold it. Ignoring it, Gwaine raised his free hand and tapped a finger against his chin, acting so very oblivious to the light in Merlin's blue eyes. "Now, what did I say when you first spoke of it?" He tapped a few more times, then lifted his finger high. "Ah," he said, "I remember now. I do believe, I said I would be grateful enough to press a kiss to thine lips." Grinning, he patted himself down, clearly so very oblivious and innocent to the twist forming on Merlin's lips. "And I do reckon I no longer smell of dirt and horse."
"Are you sure about that?" Grinning lopsided, Merlin arched an eyebrow at him, pointed and so very knowing.
"A scoundrel and drunkard I may be, but I am no pigsty."
"Are you trying to come onto me, sir Gwaine?" The eyebrow rose further. It was remarkable, really. Perhaps, he had learned more than a physician's art from Gaius.
"I am trying to make a heartfelt expression of gratitude." Gwaine put his hand on his chest, expression affronted and tone even more so.
Smiling still, he rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, your intentions are completely altruistic and innocent, right?" voice dripping sardonically and sarcastically.
"Merlin, I am most wounded you would disbelieve me so." Hand on his chest, sounding as playfully hurt and good-humoured as he could, his words were met with a loud snort, Merlin's face twisting in humoured disbelief. "Unbelievable." Gwaine threw his hand into the air. "You try to be nice and make a gesture of— of grati—" as he fumbled for his words, Merlin stepped away from the wall and came to stand in front of him, clamping a hand on top of his mouth, shutting him up. Palm pressing into his lips and fingers on his cheek. The last word caught in his palm and Gwaine's still moving lips brushed against his skin. Though his mouth stilled at the loss of his words, the drag of his lips against Merlin's hand made his lips feel tingle and prickle softly. Forcefully tearing his own eyes away from Merlin's lips and wishing he could move his lips again, this time to press a proper kiss into the palm covering it and hovering so enticingly near, the warmth of it emanating from it towards his lips, Gwaine looked into blue eyes, above which eyebrows were quirked, half-pointedly, half-humorously.
"Gwaine?" Gwaine raised his eyebrows in answer. "You are not very believable."
"I believe I am," he said, voice muffled behind Merlin's hand. Every word causing his lips to catch on Merlin's palm, brushing against his skin.
"Uh huh," Merlin nodded, taking a step closer, his hand still on his mouth, body just barely up against his own, it made Gwaine's heart hiccup inside of his chest, despite the armour he wore that separated them, "a kiss just for gratitude?" his voice lowered, turning almost to a whisper in the small space between them.
"Exactly. Just gratitude..." the words blew softly from his mouth, carried on a mere whispering breath, nearly getting lost in Merlin's skin, so very faint it trailed off into nothing.
"What's a kiss between friends?" Merlin whispered, closer still, then slid his hand away from his mouth, brushing it away across his cheek and down his throat, touching it to his neck instead. Palm warm against his skin where it cupped the nape of his neck. His breath blew across his lips, a small gust of air, before his lips came upon his.
Their lips slotted together. Warm and soft and firm and everything Gwaine had ever wanted. They sealed together, the softest of breaths blowing from Merlin's lungs to his own. Gwaine swept his arm around Merlin's back, drawing him closer still and Merlin went, leaning into him, heedless of the chainmaille that met him. Body crowding against his, firm and solid and warm where his armour did not reach, his presence flooded his senses. Floating like a small aura around him and the whole world became Merlin and Merlin alone.
Grateful he was not forced to wear his gloves to feasts, Gwaine pressed his palms flat against Merlin's back. Even through the chainmaille and gambeson underneath it, Gwaine felt Merlin's body firm and solid against him, his very presence setting his nerves alight, as if he was being seared into his very flesh and bones, through his kiss alone.
With a soft sound, the kiss broke, but their bodies did not. They remained pressed up against his other, chest moving up and down as they heaved quietly for air.
Sighing softly, Merlin tipped his head forward and leaned his forehead into his, eyes never once straying from Gwaine's. There was a look in his eyes, something Gwaine could not decipher.
"What?" he asked quietly, voice rumbling.
Merlin shook his head and did not say a word. His hand lifted from his neck, only to land higher up. Fingers lifted and touched his cheek, flicking lightly over his skin. And still he just stared into his eyes. Gaze unfathomable and so very deep, Gwaine could have been drowning in the ocean for all he knew.
After a moment of just staring wordlessly at him, Merlin tipped his head and caught his lips in another kiss. This one soft and tender, leaving Gwaine no less breathless than the heated one from before.
The kiss was endless and impossibly short; the blink of an eye and the passing on an eternity.
Far away a door slammed and laughter drifted down their corridor, breaking through the air all around them, louder than it actually was.
Merlin eased his lips away from his, tipping his forehead forward and pressing it against Gwaine's, more pointed than before, like leaning all of his weight into him from that point alone. Every breath fell from his lips and fanned across Gwaine's tender mouth, gusting across his wet lips in puffs of air, shooting small tingles through them with his every exhalation.
"Has your need for gratitude been satisfied?" he asked impossibly soft.
"It has," the words were a faint whisper, rasping from his mouth.
Easing away from him, Merlin went to step away, but Gwaine caught him before he could slip too far.
"Walk me to my room still?" Gwaine was not drunk, they were both well aware of this, but Merlin still slipped his arm beneath his again, wrapping it around his back, as Gwaine in turn eased his arm around his shoulders; any chance at feeling Merlin's body against his own, he would take. And they started walking once more.
A corridor later, Gwaine asked, "Are you needed later tonight?"
"No, Gwen said they were good for the rest of the night and she would help Arthur out of his armour. She also threatened me with bodily harm, if she saw me again before tomorrow."
"That's good, then."
The rest of the walk to Gwaine's chamber was in comfortable silence. Even if Gwaine's lips never did stop tingling with intense awareness of just how close Merlin's lips had been.
As soon as they were inside Gwaine's chambers, the door closed firmly behind them, Merlin stepped away, out of his arm and went to lit a few candles.
Gwaine went to take his armour off, grumbling a small curse under his breath about having to dress up in fucking armour of all things, whenever there was a feast or banquet. Just as he grasped onto the chainmaille to pull it off, warm hands descended on him once more, falling onto his own and stopping him in his tracks.
"Merlin, you don't have to do that." He paused, turned his head and looked over his shoulder at him. "You're not my servant and gods know you do it for Arthur often enough. When you're not working, you're not working and I'm not gonna ask you to."
"And if I'm offering?"
"I'm still not asking," he said resolutely. Merlin did enough running around for them, in his opinion. He had asked him here as his friend, not as a servant.
Smiling, Merlin quirked an eyebrow. "And I'm offering as your friend." The smile turned crooked and mischievous.  "Besides, I thought you were supposed to be too drunk to take care of yourself?"
"In that case, knock yourself out." Together they lifted the heavy chainmaille off him. While Gwaine untied the padded gambeson and slipped it off his shoulders, Merlin stepped off to the side and draped the chainmaille over the wooden frame it hung on, when not in use. When the gambeson was off, Merlin reached for it as well, and hung it in its place, too.
Gwaine smiled warmly at him, then sat on the edge of his bed and pulled off his boots. Shrugged out of his breeches and his tunic, throwing them into a laundry basket by the wardrobe. He cast a glance at Merlin and found his eyes stuck to his exposed chest. He almost stayed where he was, but he remembered the way Merlin had pulled away from him, when he had treated the cut on his thigh and he did not want him to pull away again or leave. It was a miracle he had not done so after the kiss, after all, there was no reason to test the fates even further.
Boots set off to the side, Gwaine let himself fall into bed with a large sigh.
Merlin went around blowing out the few candles he had lit, and brought a second to the table by the side of his bed, placing it beside the candle already burning there.
Wiggling around, Gwaine drew the blanket around himself. As the side of the bed, Merlin looked down at him with exasperated fondness. There was a conflict in his eyes, a frown that crossed his brow, but then he leaned down and pressed a kiss to Gwaine's forehead. Hand sweeping up and sweeping his hair away and back over his head.
As he straightened back up, Gwaine's arm shot out and he grabbed onto his arm, halting him still bent forward. Merlin's eyes darted to his, his eyebrows lifting upwards on his brow.
"You can stay here and sleep tonight?" he offered, voice soft and warm. "I know you're dead on your feet. You've been up working since dawn and not had a break to rest since the feast began. There's a long way to that tower on tired legs."
"I think I can manage," he said with a smile and humour dancing in his eyes.
"I haven't mentioned the best part yet," Gwaine said and patted the bed. "This bed is the best quality Camelot — nay all five kingdoms — has to offer. It's all sort of soft and lovely and warm. Particularly wonderful after a hard day's work." Merlin's smile twitched into a smirk and there was that knowing look in his eyes again. "I promise I will keep my hands to myself." He held up his free hand in surrender, still afraid of letting go of Merlin's arm, in case it allowed him to slip out of his chamber before Gwaine could even blink.
"You really don't have to, Gwaine. My bed is fine. At least I have a bed and not just a wooden floor."
"That's not exactly a comforting comparison, my friend." Looking up at him, he gave him an imploring look. One he knew was far softer than he intended it to be. "Merlin, you work twice as hard and nearly twice as long as the rest of us and by the end of the day you have to return to a small, hard cot in a cold room." At that Merlin's lips twitched, but he said nothing. "I just want you to have a nice rest in a comfortable bed for once. Honest." Finally, Merlin's smile softened, as did the look in his eyes. And Gwaine could not help but smile warmly at him; the smile he knew he never gave anyone else; the smile only Merlin could pull from him. He patted the bed again. "See? Nice and soft. Here—" finally, he let go of his arm, only to turn around in bed, turning his back to him and moving more towards the other side, leaving an empty space for him, before him where he stood hunched over "—I'll even turn my back."
"You don't have to do that."
"I sleep better on my side anyway." Not true, he could sleep comfortably no matter where or when, but he also knew it would be harder to not reach for Merlin, if he could see him. And if having his back turned made Merlin comfortable enough to take him up on his offer, then Gwaine would happily lie on his side and stare at a wall all night.
There was a small pause, then the bed dipped. Fabric rustled and dropped to the floor. Boots thunked on wooden floorboards, as they were set aside. Then, the blankets were being pulled at and Merlin slipped into bed beside him.
"Oh, that's almost as nice as Arthur's."
Gwaine huffed a chuckle, turning his head more towards the ceiling and him. "And you know this how?"
"I may have taken a nap in it while he was busy elsewhere once or twice."
"Hah! I knew it! No way you wouldn't, you sneaky bastard."
"But don't tell him," there was laughter in his voice as he spoke, "it's been a while since I've seen the stocks, and I rather like keeping our relationship as acquaintances."
"My lips are sealed." There was the sound of a harsh blow and the soft, gentle glow of the candles on the small table on Merlin's side of the bed went out, putting the chamber into complete darkness and a small smell of smoke curling in the air.
Gwaine waited a little while, eyes looking out at the shadows encompassing his chambers and the space between bed and wall. "Comfortable?"
"Yes, I am," Merlin said, soft and gentle. "Thank you."
"All you have to do is ask, Merlin, you know," his own voice was low, soft in the quiet chamber.
Two fingers grazed his shoulders. But only for a moment, hardly more than a breath, then they were gone. Their touch lingered like ghosts against his skin. Tingling his skin with their ghostly presence. "Thank you," this too was a ghost, spoken so softly it almost vanished in the space between them.
"Of course," he said. 
Then, "Goodnight, Gwaine."
"Night, Merlin."
Gwaine fell asleep with Merlin's shoulder pressing against him, the rounded curve of it and part of his arm along his back. Warmth from his body spreading from every point they touched.
Gwaine did not once reach for him or even turn around to look. Despite the ache in his arms and the tender throbbing of his heart to reach out and draw him near and hold him close. Even looking felt wrong. Forbidden. No matter how knowing Merlin's eyes had been, as he had asked for a kiss, this was too far. A line he would not cross.
He had been honest.
He only wanted Merlin to get some well-deserved rest. Even if that did benefit Gwaine as well, by letting him sense Merlin's body, soft and resting and warm, right beside his own. A comfort to carry him through the night. A knowledge that he was okay in this moment.
In the morning when he woke up, Merlin was gone.
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jades-typurriter · 1 year
Tell us more about Fiora and Heather!!
even though fiora is kind of the main character of "Shear Bliss" (NSFW Warning!) we kind of have to start with heather because they are, contrary to appearances, the older of the two of them by FAR
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heather's original refs, designed and drawn by @sacrednanners on twitter!
theyre actually significantly older than fiora. like, by several millennia.
they were actually born on one of the smaller islands in the mediterrannean about 3200 years ago, a period during which, according to greek mythology, the gods were still directly fucking with people all the time. according to Oedipus Rex, the gods stopped doing that after looking at the colossal mess they made in the events of that play (+ the trojan war), so if i wanted to be able to point at the existence of magic in greek mythology instead of coming up with my own magic system, i had to pick a date from before then (more specifically, its the estimate i saw for the setting of The Odyssey, and Circe was a direct inspiration for their character, so thats what i went with :) )
after picking up their tricks, they started traveling from island to island and city-state to city-state, using their magic to trick people into believing they were a minor deity or nature spirit of some kind. as it turns out, that sort of thing is a good way to land "guest of honor" status at those old greek festivals (and also lots of offerings of food!) they picked up their taste for being pampered and adored there, and once they had run out of places to keep up the con had their fill of greek life, they also toured lower egypt, doing much the same, and then so on and so forth in other places
they've maintained their youth for so long using their magic (which is, in turn, maintained with all the worship they used to collect with the "lesser divinity" scam). nowadays, they get all the attention they need through less direct means than showing up to a rager in person: a VERY strong digital presence. in addition to modeling work, they run a highly successful instagram and are a popular livestreamer, bringing in a comfortable amount of money from donations, sponsorships, etc. (that said, they still fuckin love a good rager).
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fiora's original reference, also by @sacrednanners, and the first panel of the sequence from Shear Bliss, by my bestie @mae-lizzowski
fiora, on the other hand, is totally mortal and also (apart from working in and around hollywood) totally normal. she was born in a rural community, moved out to work as a tailor, and through a combination of factors (working hard in a decade where that made a difference, having a steady supply of any colored thread she could need immediately on-hand to rapidly iterate on a client's request, and some lucky connections) was able to build up enough savings and reputation to set up her own boutique.
she met heather through her work, when they were working their way up to their current popularity (which, to be fair, wasn't much of a long process; in fact, it was suspiciously quick) and heather wanted to go straight to the big names to get some nice clothes for themself. for as obnoxious as they can be as a customer, they're good at telling where exactly The Line is, and they don't cross it with fiora. with that absolute minimum of respect met, enough reoccurring business between the two of them led them to develop a rapport---while the streaming gig is relatively new, heather's been one of fiora's most reliable customers for going on 30 years! even if she can't stand them sometimes, thats plenty long to get used to somebody.
her wool, pivotal to her work though it is, is also fairly normal. no magic involved, just a quirk of her genes. both of her parents had white wool, and even her son doesn't share the mutation!
(her son florence is his own character btw, as opposed to like an off-screen piece of characterization for fiora. imagine being raised by both a hardass like fiora and a diva like heather. imagine this kid just turning 20 and not only breaking into the fashion business as well, but rubbing elbows with celebrities and going to parties and shit. hes such a menace and i love him)
anyway ty for letting me ramble about the two of them ily bestie
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irismfrost · 2 months
July 22 - Chengchi (ZhengDa) University, Taipei Zoo, and YaoYue (Maokong) Teahouse 
Today, we had quite a busy day. We started our day bright and early at 9:20am with the second best university in Taiwan (with the first being the government-funded National Taiwan University). We visited the international student dorm and the library there. The dorms are single rooms with their own bathroom, balcony, bedding, and mini-fridge, all things that don't come with a typical dorm in the US. They have a nice common area with a large fridge/freezer. The Dah Hsian Seetoo Library on campus was built in 2019 and is a beautiful building. Each floor is tiered and is very open. They have areas to watch tv and movies, designated group and solo study areas, and so many books. They have a super cool "maker area" with a 3D printer, wood laser engraving station and a heat press. They also had a fire coffee shop next to the library and I had caramel chiffon cake. They added a bunch of toppings too - very light and airy cake and the toppings were also very light. 
Our next stop was the Taipei Zoo. They have a very cute panda and they put treats out so that it would show itself to all of the people. Its enclosure was a little sad but most of the other animals had some great space compared to other zoos. We were there for 3 hours and I still didn't get to see everything. 
Our last stop was the Taiwanese tea house. We had some jasmine tea. Our amazing tour guide, Peter, performed the tea ceremony for our table. It is a very complicated process and taken very seriously. You put the tea leaves in the ceramic pot and then fill up the pot with hot water all the way to the top and put the lid on. At this point the pot is overflowed. Then, you pour out the liquid into a special ceramic cup. You pour the tea you just made from that ceramic cup onto the pot you just emptied the tea from (lid is on the pot). The pot is sitting on a plate with holes in it so the tea water just drains. The pot is also ceramic so the wetness just absorbs. Then, you fill up the pot again with regular water, wait 30 seconds, and pour the new tea into the ceramic cup. This is the tea you drink. You pour the tea into "aroma" cups which look like little shot glasses. You don't drink out of this cup, but instead have a little cup that looks like a mini tea cup without the handle. You put that cup upside down on top of the aroma cup and then flip it. So now the tea is in the tasting cup and you are holding an empty aroma cup. You twist the aroma cup in your hands (I think this part is optional) and smell it. Then you drink the tea. Very complicated. 
The dorms at Chengchi University had some nice amenities that I did not experience in my at a UF dorm. The balcony and private bathroom is awesome. I haven't had a bathroom that connects to my room in 3 years and that would just be super nice to have. The pastries here are not as sweet as the US. The ice cream on the other hand has some crazy added sugars. I keep getting mango flavored things and it tastes like sugar with a little mango. The caramel chiffon cake wasn't very sweet though, more fluffy and mild than a typical US cake which I think is a little denser/richer and sweeter. 
Out of all the zoos in the world, I think the one in Taipei that I visited today was probably one of the most humane. The panda enclosure was a little smaller and less open than the others, but overall I was impressed. Most of the enclosures just had a tiny fence around them and the animals had space. I felt really bad for some of them though because they looked uncomfortably hot. It is the same temperature here as Florida but more humid. Every day I am shiny from sweat. 
The tea ceremony was interesting. It's all about disconnecting and enjoying something simple in the moment by focusing on the process of making tea. It is very complicated and I'm sure there are different variations. I think I may have to get myself a tea set. Maybe I I can disconnect from the world and find some in we peace once or twice a year. Who knows?
I also did laundry again today, as well be heading to Yilan tomorrow and I'd love to have some fresh clothes for that. The laundry lady was there again today! This time I went with some other people from the trip and she was showing us her exercises. People here are really into calisthenics. I saw some people to tai chi in the mornings here, and this lady literally just straightens her body and holds it for like 3 minutes. Literally just presses herself up against a wall, calves raised, hands above her head all in a straight line and holds it. And apparently you can do the same thing without the wall and just go from normal standing to the straight up position like 300 times. I may have to try it and just see how I feel after. She's an interesting lady; I'll miss her for sure.
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whiskeysmulti · 8 months
((Time for another drabble for- Gokudera again kekek! This time it’s for the TYL line, but not the Tsu-chan verse. Thought it would be fun to show some contrast between the two different TYL verses. As usual, do with this as you please 8) ))
Haru wakes up in the morning and checks the time on the clock. It was time to get up and get the day started. Slowly, she tries to slip herself out of Gokudera’s hold as to not wake him- but he’s usually quite the light sleeper that it was truly a lost cause.
See? He wakes up anyways, and Haru can see how tired he was, not that it was a surprise. He’d been really busy as of late, so being exhausted right now was an understatement. Haru had always found it endearing (and sad) that if she tried to get out of bed he’d wake up and ask her where she was going.
It was endearing in the sense that he worried about her and always wanted to make sure she’d be safe, but it was also sad that his rest could get disturbed simply by her wanting to get some water or something.
“Hayato, I’m just going to get breakfast started. Go back to sleep, okay?” She gives him a quick peck on the lips, “I’ll wake you up later when it’s ready, so get more rest.” Heaven knew that he needed all the sleep he could get.
Rolling out of bed, she makes sure the covers are righted properly to he wouldn’t get cold. Haru still wasn’t much of a morning person, but she was diligent enough to kick herself out of bed if she had tasks to complete.
With one big stretch, she’s at least somewhat ready to get her day started. She doesn’t waste time in leaving the room to allow Gokudera to fall back to sleep. She closes the door to their bedroom so he shouldn’t be as affected by the sounds of her cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
While she loved wearing some of Gokudera’s old shirts that he’d grown out of, the sleeves were too long, so they’d always get in the way. She liked to muse to herself that those were some of the perks of being much shorter than him, she could take anything he’d grown out of and wear it for herself.
Is it sad that even the clothes he used to wear when he was 18 are too long on her? Yes. Was it a bit depressing that his old dress shirts were practically a dress on her smaller frame? Also yes. Was it a cute look though, especially with the bear sleeves? Yes.
Rolling up the sleeves of the over-sized dress shirt she was wearing so they wouldn’t get in her way, she started to pull out ingredients from the fridge. She was going to start with the Tamagoyaki, because it was fine for that to cool down. Miso soup was easy enough to reheat, so she could work on that next.
The cucumber salad would pair nicely with the salmon. It tastes the best if you let it marinate in the sauce for about 30 minutes, so she’d work on that when she gets the salmon started. The filets have been marinating overnight. “Hm… what other greens to add in… ah, wakame salad sounds good.”
She could have everything finished slightly under an hour if she worked efficiently, but… she looks at the clock hanging on the wall. “Let’s take a leisurely pace today.” She’ll give Gokudrea more time to rest.
Practiced with her skills in the kitchen, she was making use of the downtime between dishes to clean. Sometimes, if Gokudera wasn’t so exhausted, he’d have followed her out of the bedroom to give her company as she made them breakfast. It was nice having a conversation partner as she worked in the kitchen.
They’d usually start things off with some kind of caffeinated beverage, in the form of tea or coffee. She personally was more partial to tea, but it was probably due to Gokudera’s influence that she started to appreciate a brewed cup of coffee.
It was fascinating the way the Italians took their coffee seriously. Cappuccinos were only in the morning hours, and not in the afternoon times, and certainly not as a dessert after dinner.
Seeing as she’d told Gokudera to go back to sleep, she didn’t brew any coffee for herself yet. It just didn’t feel right to drink coffee without him partaking in a cup himself by her side. Just something about it felt scandalous to her, as silly as it sounded.
When all the dishes were coming together, Haru got started on the coffee, intending to pour two cups of cappuccino. One for herself, and one for Gokudera. She timed it well, so that when she finished setting the table, the coffee was ready to be poured into two matching cups. The foamed milk wouldn’t take much extra time to prepare.
Pouring the foamed milk on top, she brings out a stencil from one of the drawers. Of course, she’s going to dust some cocoa powder in the shape of a heart on top.
With two cups in hand, she comes into the bedroom and sets the cups down on the nearby nightstand. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she lightly nudges him. “Hayato, time to wake up. I have a cappuccino here for you.”
She shows him the cup, “see the cocoa powder heart? It’s because today is Valentine’s day.” It won’t add to much to the flavor as it’s just sitting atop of milk foam. Simple and not too sweet.
There wasn’t a big need to be over the top with Valentine’s day when you’ve been with someone for so long. They both were assured with the relationship they had with each other,  and they didn’t need to use a little holiday as an excuse to be sweet with one another.
“If you don’t have a lot going on today, we can spent the rest of the day just relaxing.” She’s always making sure he’s getting rest and eating plenty. It was one of the many ways she showed him how much she loved him by taking good care of him.
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Valentine's Day asks 2023- accepting!
Slowly he stirred. 'hmm?' Green eyes fluttered open as he immediately noted that soft, warm weight he'd been wrapped around like a child cuddling a plush toy, had been torn away from him. Haru was awake. However this time he didn't even have to ask where she was going, to the kitchen to start breakfast. He didn't have to worry, she was actually the more skilled one in the kitchen than him. Without Haru's culinary skills he'd be living on cup ramen again.
However going back to sleep wasn't easy without her there. He'd gotten used to holding her and he was a light sleeper often anyway. However for her sake he'd try. He reached for the cappuccino and sat up when she mentioned it to him. He sipped it, smiling, and noted the heart was cute. It was kind of heart warming that Haru had been looking into how to make specific things for him. He held the cup feeling the warmth between his hands. Another few sips and he dug into the cucumber salad. It was still crisp and fresh, a little kick from the vinegar and some crunch from the cucumber being freshly cut, it was very light and refreshing. A few bites of the salmon went in and another sip of the cappuccino and he finally spoke. He wasn't scheduled to work yet and would only have to leave in an emergency. He leaned over and kissed her before eating more. "I love you Haru, happy Valentine's Day, and I'm free today as far as I know."
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requestomaestro · 2 years
Pedro Pascal's characters doing grocery shopping
Francisco Morales
Has a shopping list but the items are often doodled and difficult to decipher
Also has a plan and a precise order in which he gets the items so he doesn’t spend too much time in the grocery shop
Tries to make his shopping in the morning when there are fewer people 
Frankie is often tempted to go to the sweets aisle and get himself something bitter-sweet but very rarely actually puts something in the basket
Feels uncomfortable when someone sees him with a trolley full of beers which he buys for a night in with Benny, Will, and Santi
Actually prefers to go shopping in the farmers market but doesn’t have the time to do it every weekend
Din Djarin
That man is on a mission. His shopping list is as thoughtful as his travel plans
Always takes a trolley, no matter how big his list is because it’s easier to make a way in the crowd
Secretly hates older ladies who walk slowly in the store
Sound like an "in and out" type of guy, right? He wishes! He has to take Grogu with him which makes grocery shopping thousand times more difficult
Grogu always tries to use his powers to get something he wants from the shelf but that doesn’t work because Din immediately notices when something that isn't on the list gets in the trolley
Every time they pass the sweets aisle Grogu makes a joyful noise. Din just says,, No” and keeps on walking no matter the fuss from the child. However, sometimes he gets something for Grogu from the shelf next to the checkout
Very often has to wait to pay because the lady at the checkout is too busy playing with Grogu
Javier Peńa
His most often bought item are cigarettes but he prefers to buy them in a smaller shop next to his workplace
Hasn’t bought a vegetable in weeks but will spend 20 minutes choosing the best quality meat available (and within his budget)
His refrigerator is full of frozen food, has a few favorite types which he gets every time he goes grocery shopping 
If he sees someone from work in the shop, goes the other way and pretends to look at an item in the next aisle
Flirts with young cashiers who once in a while give him a discount
Buys whisky way too often but doesn’t care that the cashier is looking at him with a suspicious look
Maxwell Lord
If he has money he’s like a kid in the candy store. Loves sweets and buys a lot of them to stack (but eats everything in less than a week)
If not he becomes a coupon master and buys mostly breadsticks with different dips
His gulity pleasure: buying cheap wines with expensiv looking bottles
Has the superpower to sense free samples. Takes two of them, for himself and his imaginary wife
Smiles when he sees condoms by the cash register
Never uses self-service checkout
Javi Gutierez
Doesn’t like grocery shopping. Usually, Maria does it
The only exception is buying wine and cereal
Spends at least 30 minutes looking at bottles labels, and won’t buy anything that says,,2 for 5$”
Has a ranking of his favorite cereals and never buys just one box. Imidietly puts a box of cereal into the basket if there's a cool toy (imagine a Nic Cage cereal, he would buy every box from at least 5 stores)
Often has to ask for help to find an item but is incredibly nice to the staff
Has an unusual talent to tell just from the taste if a tomato was bought in the grocery shop or taken from a garden on his island
If no one is looking he rides the trolley
Pero Tovar
Just like Javier Peńa mostly buys meat. That’s all he needs to be happy and not hungry
Never skips a free sample but doesn’t talk to the staff and leaves as soon as a sample is in his hand
Rarely leaves the store without some kind of alcohol
Can’t use a self-service checkout, they make him furious
Doesn't take trolleys or baskets. Believes that he can carry everything in his arms (he can’t and drops items often)
Jack Daniels
Never makes a grocery list
Doesn't have time to cook, buys pre-prepared meals. His favorite is lasagne
Never leaves without a six-pack of beers (gets whisky from work)
Will talk and flirt with the lady giving samples 
Trolleys annoy him, most of the time he chooses baskets
Has a loyalty card but always forgets to show it to the cashier
90% of the time will take a pack of gum from the shelf next to the checkout
Oberyn Martel
He actually likes doing grocery shopping but only if someone prepares a list for him
Spends most of his time choosing the best-quality fruits
If he walks by an alcohol ally will definitely stop to look at champagne. If there’s a,, 2 for 5$" sale he takes 4 bottles.
Starts a conversation with somebody who buys the same item as he
Often buys condoms from the shelf next to the checkout
Has a loyalty card and is proud of it
Dieter Bravo
He doesn’t go grocery shopping. He eats on the set or gets a KitKat (which magically comes back the next day)
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queen-mihai · 9 months
Aight it's recipe time again yall.
This time we makin' brussels sprouts
If you a professional chef and you got a million better ways to make this, that's fine. I ain't no chef, I'm just tryna show people how I do it so they don't think it's so scary.
Aight let's go
So you take your bag of sprouts, right? I think the bag I had was half a pound.
First off, you get'chu a cast iron frying pan if you got one or can get your hands on one. Heat that bitch up and melt some butter on it. How much? *SOME* Mfer. We ain't making pastries. We go off the vibe in this bitch.
So you put some butter on the pan and wait for it to melt. You should have a thin layer across the bottom of the pan. Once that's done you dump all them damn sprouts in there.
Next you find your salt. Put a couple pinches in there and make sure you sprinkle it all over the place. Act like salt bae I don't care. Don't none of this matter so you might as well have fun with it.
Next you wanna get some seasonings. Whatever you got laying around is probably fine. You don't wanna put too much. If you got "everything but the bagel" or some other similar type of seasoning, that's actually pretty good, and then you don’t have to find a bunch of other stuff.
OK, so now this is the most important part. You need two things, if you can handle them. Something SWEET. and something SPICY.
Now I like to use maple syrup and chili oil. But it basically don't matter. If you gotta use something like sugar, make sure you add some more oil or butter or something to keep the sprouts from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Now you got all that done, you stir them bitches around. Then cover the pan and stir again maybe every 30 seconds or a minute or so until they start to look different. A little smaller, a little softer. Different than when they were raw. That's how you tell they're almost done.
At the last minute, you uncover the pan and let some of that moisture escape. That'll make your sprouts a tiny bit crispy and then you're done.
The sweet and the spice will offset the natural bitter taste of the sprouts and the rest of the seasonings will just make them taste good as fuck. Put that alongside some rice or something and come find me when it's time to cook again.
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This is what mine ended up looking like
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pikky126 · 2 years
popin’ cookin’ tanoshii hamburger by kracie
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[image description: a green and blue box for a candy that is labeled “Popin’Cookin’“ in big letters, followed by subtitles in japanese and english that say “tanoshii Hamburger”. the box shows two hamburger candies, a glass cup of soda, and a pile of french fry candies covered in candy ketchup. two cute cartoon ducks are featured on the box.]
we’ve often looked at these in videos and on stores online and wondered what they were like, and eventually finally found one at our local supermarket. we made it and it was lots of fun.
we’ve never done anything like this before, and the amount of steps required was surprising. you take several packets of powders and shape them in little plastic containers that it comes with. here’s an example from their website. (the “cup” referred to here is a very small plastic cup, much smaller than any of the other pieces. it does not refer to the common unit of measurement.)
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[image description: six pictures are shown, the first shows an irregularly shaped disposable plastic piece with a ridged bottom, filled with a yellow substance that is being added by a pink plastic spoon. a red text bubble next to the image reads “1cup full”, directing how much water to add. the second image shows a cartoon hand flattening the yellow substance, and the third shows it being cut into slices with a greenish-blue plastic knife. the bottom three images are similar, with a more square shaped plastic piece filled with a ball of brown substance, also being added by the pink spoon. this one says “4cup full” in a red text bubble. the next image shows the now rounded ball being split into two balls, and the third shows the cartoon hand pressing them flat into two round plastic pieces, to shape hamburger buns.]
there were six different packets, each a different color, which were all used in various ways to create buns, patties, french fries, cheese, ketchup, and soda candies. i had to cut a sheet of plastic into several pieces to make the individual cups needed. putting it together was very fun. it reminded me of the craft projects chloe and jasper used to do at the library, and the cards we would make for birthdays. it was very “hands on” and nice. each piece of the meal needed to cure for a while, with the patty requiring ten minutes to set.
most pieces became rigid dry things, that were then cut up, but a great big surprise came in the hamburger patty. when i finally opened it up it turned out to be gelatin! no wonder it took so long to cure. i was so delighted to see it be so different that truthfully, much of my enjoyment came just from the patty itself.
another time i was delighted like this was when making the soda. the soda is prepared differently, being a separate plastic cup that you simply fill with water and add the pouch. i was so excited to pour it in and see that it was actually carbonated. i think it was made similarly to “pop rocks” candies, which allowed it to be very similar in texture and sound to proper cola. it also tasted just like it! we have not had any cola for a very long time, because we’re so sensitive to caffeine, and this was such a nice treat.
putting it together took a while, i think around 30 minutes. it would probably be a lot faster if you paid closer attention, and were a bit faster to work than i was.
each piece smelled amazing as it was being prepared, also. they all came in a different flavor. the fries were pineapple flavored, the ketchup was strawberry, the patty chocolate, the cheese banana, and the bun orange.
the actual flavor of the candy was a bit of a different story. the textures for the candies were... odd. and you will notice that these are all vastly different flavors, especially with one of them being chocolate, a more savory flavor. they were also all very different textures. putting them all together into one burger was... very not good, truthfully. no part of this tasted particularly good (except for the soda, and the ketchup, which were delicious) and the experience of eating it was altogether somewhat unpleasant. especially with the dry bun, and the wet gelatin patty making a very discordant sensory experience.
another thing that surprised me about the actual experience of eating it was how much candy it resulted in. as i said, many of these became pretty firm candies, which also made them somewhat dense. we ate each burger in about three bites, and each one seemed to fill our mouth and require a bit of chewing like real food. it wasn’t filling by any rate, but it was definitely more substantial than an average candy.
this candy toy however also produced quite a lot of waste packaging. with each powder being stored separately, and the need for the rigid plastic molds, it created a large handful of trash (which neatly fit into the cardboard box provided with it, at least.) the one thing that was not trash was the disposable utensils
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[image description: a pink spoon and a green knife on a white background. they are both disposable plastic, with the spoon on the left, and the knife on the right. the knife has a somewhat unique shape, with the blade taking up two thirds of its length, and having a smaller handle.]
these utensils are very nice to me, and are something i will cherish for a long time. their colors are delightful, and they’re such a nice size. the spoon is three inches and one quarter (8.5mm) and the knife is four inches and one quarter (approximately 11mm)
i like the knife’s shape, as well. due to its small size and i suppose, the same need for a blade length, it ends up looking like one of the swords in the games my friends play, like guild wars 2.
altogether this was incredibly fun and rewarding. the act of eating it was not very pleasant, but the smell, look, and fun task of making it was nice. due to the lack of tastiness, and the amount of waste it produces, i think this will only be a once in a while kind of treat, but it was very nice nonetheless.
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[image description: a paper plate with the completed product on it. a small pile of french fry candies covered in candy ketchup sits in the foreground, behind it are two hamburger candies, one with two patties and one with one patty. both have a slice of cheese candy, and a bit of ketchup candy. to the left is a miniature cup filled with cola, and to the right is the aforementioned plastic knife.]
ours did not turn out especially pretty, but i do not think that matters much. it was a very nice experience to make it.
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umichenginabroad · 2 months
Week 8: Que Viva San Fermin
I don’t know if I mentioned it earlier but I started training for a marathon. San Sebastian is a beautiful city to run in and running with my friends here has been a really enjoyable experience. We’re really starting to build on our distances and man is it hurting. But shared trauma is the best way to bond with people right.
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Work has slowed down a bit. We’re struggling to make more significant progress and our final report is coming up soon so we’re gonna pivot to writing that.
I had a really fun weekend though! Saturday we were taken on an excursion to a vineyard. We had a tour of the vineyard and then a wine tasting. Wine was good but the lady kinda lost me when she said she smelled notes of toasted bread and butter in a white wine. Here’s a pic I took.
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After that I ran 9 miles with my buddies and went out for dinner. They had a burger competition in the Real Sociedad stadium. Burger places from all around Spain come to compete. We bought 4 different ones and split them to see which one was best. The one I picked definitely won :). It was really cool to be in the stadium.
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Sunday we ran with the bulls! We took a 5 am bus to get there at 6am in order to get into the track on time to run. We stood there on the street for an hour and a half waiting to start. At 7:30 they squished us all towards the start and began to check people. They have to make sure people aren’t drunk or carrying something they shouldn’t, like backpacks and cameras. At 7:45 they let us advance to about halfway to the stadium. The wait was killing us, it was almost worse than the run. The nerves were kicking in and we really just wanted to start. At 7:55 they let us set up wherever on the track we wanted. We decided to set up close to the stadium so we only had to run the minimal amount possible. 
At 8:00 we heard the first rocket, which meant they let the bulls loose. The “valientes” (brave people), as they call them for their ironic lack of courage, started running into the stadium right away but we waited until we saw the bulls. People started running around us and so did we. It’s hard to conceptualize how fast these 1000 lb beasts are until they’re running past you. I look back and someone got sent airborn by a bull. I don’t think I’ve ever been as terrified as in that instant, thinking I’m next. I turn forward and book it as fast as I can, even having to jump over someone who fell and make it into the stadium unscathed. After that we had an hour of watching people try to dodge smaller bulls inside the stadium. We saw people jump over bulls, get hit and come back for more, and one complete knockout. Here are the pictures.
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That's me on the left with the grey pants looking back
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Riky, Jayashree, and I waiting for the run to start
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Riky’s aftermath
Overall a great experience but I will never do that again haha. We got back in the afternoon and had the pleasure of watching Spain win the Eurocopa. Viva España!!
Mateo Jimenez
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering in San Sebastian, Spain
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fuzzykidkid · 6 months
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Title: The Descent from the Cross 
Artist: Adriaen Isenbrandt 
Date: c 1525 
Medium: oil on panel 
Adriaen Isenbrandt used oil to create this artwork The Descent from the Cross. It is 24 by 30 inches, so it appears as a medium-sized portrait on the wall. Isenbrandt uses neutral and warm colors to create this beautiful scene which includes colors from red, different shades of browns for the people and their clothes, blue for the sky, to cloudy gray, black for some of the women’s clothes, and white to make the main spotlight on Jesus; he also uses some green for the grass. This artwork was created in the time of rebirth for many artists including Isenbrandt, so it contains 2 of the imaginary triangles that many artists added to their artwork. One triangle can be seen starting from the bottom of Mary’s dress to the left, going up to Jesus’ arm down to the end of Joseph’s coat. Lastly, the main triangle is formed by the cross and ladder. The background is beautiful showing us the landscape in Jerusalem that has shapes of rectangular buildings, many mountains some pointy and some just rounded with a sky filled with plenty of clouds. Then there is the main scenery which is the eight figures that include Jesus being carried and the wooden cross, the wooden ladder, and some skulls on the ground. The whole artwork is asymmetrical, but these figures add balance to the art. The four figures to the left and the four to the right grab attention; it makes you look at both ends of the portrait from left to right. There is proportion in the way Jesus was made slightly smaller than the figures carrying him. The contrast appears in Jesus’ body where he is also lighter, and the figures appear to be wearing darker clothing. There is variety in Isenbrandt’s artwork from the background to the people, to the colors and the shapes. He uses the background to create different shapes in mountains and buildings. The differently shaped clouds grab the attention of the viewer making him or her want to see how Jerusalem looked to the people back then. There is also variety in the people from the different clothes and colors as well as their unique styles.  
The Descent from the Cross by Isenbrandt makes me feel as if I were present that day. The emotions people felt that day can be portrayed by this artwork. You can see the sadness of Mary, the grief and pain the others surrounding him felt. I can’t imagine losing a son and seeing him up on that cross experiencing the pain he felt all to save other human beings. These feelings come from guilt that as we all continue to live our lives there was once a man who died for us. As many of us believe in different powers or gods, it brings us all together in a way because we all believe in something to continue to have hope to move forward. Religious or not, the story is still tragic if you think about it in a nonreligious way.   
The Descent from the Cross is a Renaissance painting that was repainted in Isenbrandt’s own style, “he was not very inventive or innovative” based on Veronique Van Passel’s article. Gerard David drew it first, calling his painting the disposition. The copy was all the same, “however, Isenbrant has added his own characteristic touches: the cluster of piled-up, vertical mountains, the high horizon line, and the peculiar clouds, some of which look like popcorn balls!” He enhances the background showing how beautiful nature is and adding emotion by painting the cloudy sky, showing us the mountains, buildings, and houses adding a Renaissance touch. Isenbrandt’s taste was more religious, and he liked to add buildings and warm colors, especially red to his works. According to Passel, “at least once Isenbrandt repainted works by a painter from another town to suit the local taste.” When Gerard David painted his piece, he wanted to provoke emotions in the viewer, and when Isenbrandt repainted it in his own style he not only added emotion to this religious story, but he also added nature and the beauty of the town and people. He made his piece of history land in a museum where everyone will always see the rebirth of great artists including himself.   
 The importance of The Descent from the Cross was for Isenbrandt to help us always remember this religious story and to feel the emotions just by seeing it. This is Christ dying for sinners, “So the painting gives us this moving, visual display of Christ’s torment, & the symbolism tells the viewer that redemption is central to Christianity as well as the thinking of the time.” This artwork tells a story once made in the years when artwork was inspired by spirituality. I chose this because I saw Christ being carried by these figures and it made me think about myself standing right in front of the painting that day. In that instance, I was alive, healthy, strong, and was it all because of him? The moment I saw this painting, I knew it was the one I wanted to write about because I am a believer. This Renaissance painting fits perfectly in the era where classy Italian art is shown through the figures and the landscape as well as in the emotional aspect. With the literal rebirth of Isenbrandt’s painting, we will always be able to see a piece of ancient history. 
Passel, V. V., (2003). Isenbrandt [Isenbrant; Ysebaert; Ysenbrand; Ysenbrandt], Adriaen. https://doi.org/10.1093/gao/9781884446054.article.T041688  
The Descent from the Cross. Retrieved March 21, 2024, from The descent from the cross (ringlingdocents.org) 
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goldenslowpoke · 1 year
Okay so I don't usually infodump on here often. I know people don't follow me for my personal issues. Actually I don't know why most of you follow me.
But man I'm really down in it right now and I don't wanna get "whiny" on Discord so you all get to hear about my fear of rejection and how it, and the general online community I run with these days, has me feeling like I'm spinning my wheels and.... dare I say increasingly a failure?
This one's long but I'm not gonna edit it down for your sake so read it if you want or pass it if you don't. Might sneak something in the middle of it just for funsies.
Believe it or not I'm staring at the Keep Reading line because I don't freaking know where to start here there's just so much.
I guess let's start with I'm one of the moderators for a fairly niche but also fairly robust RPing Discord. I'm also the oldest active user there at 30 (and soon to be a half).
It's a server that's still recruiting fresh-faced 18 year olds so that's a 12 year age gap my friends. Which was never really an issue for me until my mother died earlier this year and now I'm trying to balance working 24-29 hours a week plus doing all the work of maintaining a house alone. In short, they're full of youthful energy and half the time I just want to sleep.
Which is where we circle back to the RPing Discord part of it. It's an RP Discord, we do big group RPs. Which used to be fun for me back when I worked 20-24 hours a week and lived with my mother, also when those RPs averaged like.... 10-12 people in them. These days they average 16-18 people in them and I have it feels like half the time to pay attention to them.
So you know, obvious answer is "well just step back from that big stuff. Keep moderating but start trying to do smaller group stuff." Which ordinarily would be the right answer but I have a problem. I'm... weird by their standards. In more than just my availability. I'm a not-yet-outed mtf (listen that's an entirely different longpost I could make about my fears over not passing the public perception test) and girl lover, this is a server that is still probably 75% ftms and gay men (of bara/dilf taste).
You can psychoanalyze me all you want on this one but I want to do stuff like Magical Girls or even just Anime Slice of Life, but I know there's no real market for it there. I've tried floating some of my ideas out before but usually it's struck down as on the lighter end being "too niche" or on the harder end I've actually gotten an "Ew why would people want to do something like that?" There's a few folks who I think would like it, but they are like me either too busy to notice or too new to know me well enough.
I've tried other Discord communities but they're all either skewed too young or too fucking weird even for me (I'm making a side blog for some of the absolute trash I've found on this hunt don't worry). I've poked around Roll20 and Reddit but honestly those sites scare the shit out of me with their applications and such. Look, my tabletop experience is about 6 sessions of Monsterhearts (before timezones doomed the group) and a session 0 of D&D (honestly it just wasn't that fun of a setup). Not to mention R20 and Reddit are just flooded with 5E games (thanks Critical Role, Honor Among Thieves, and Baldur's Gate 3...).
So instead of getting a chance to fuck around and find out, I'm stuck watching a bunch of college students with more free time than me spin big group RPs out of control faster than my head can keep up, so I lose the plot, and then limp out of the room feeling like a failure and a bad moderator. And also posting a long "get it off my chest" post on Tumblr about it.
That's it, there's no great resolution here. I literally just needed to say this stuff before it turned into what it usually does for me which is envy and hatred.
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