#that i've fought this guy and there's nothing more evil than that
itachi86 · 2 years
that damon klaus teamup gave me life
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*Please note the use of guy yuri is in reference to the Doctor and the Master presenting as men most of the time, I'm not trying to erase that all Time Lords are canonically genderfluid.
Propaganda for Hualian: "Xie Lian is a god and Hua Cheng is his devoted believer, which is very yuri. They've also been separated for 800 years, which is very yuri too. Oh and they've been through The Horrors! With one of them forced to helplessly watch as the other suffered unimaginable pain! Now that's extremely yuri of them, if magical girl animes are to be believed..."
"What's more yuri than 800 years of devotion? Nothing that's what! Ghosts usually move on and disappear after a century of so, Hua Cheng is fueled by love so strong he very literally crawled out of hell, became a Ghost King, fought and defeated 33 gods and searched for his love for centuries until they were finally able to meet again. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are so yuri there's an entire section of the fandom that just draws/writes them as women, not too weird since being separated and then connected by fate to ultimately defeat a really powerful evil god together is sapphic culture"
For Thoschei: "i. why great
They are each other's narrative foils. They are archenemies. They were childhood friends. They might not have been married, but they are divorced. They call themselves best enemies. They are the "i can fix them"/"i can make them worse" duo. They've proposed to each other (to rule/travel across the universe together), but each declined the offer from the other. They've kissed. They've killed each other. They've killed for each other (the first to do so was the Doctor who is the protagonist and the hero, but this fact was revealed in an audio drama, not in the TV show). The universe's too small for both of them. "The cosmos without the Doctor scarcely bears thinking about" is a real quote from one of the episodes from the 1980s. They are war criminals. The Master commits atrocities to attract the Doctor's attention and admits it. They are not able to get rid of each other for good, nor they really want to. One of the showrunners literally spent the BBC's money to make his E2L I Can't Decide fanvid for them and make it a part of an episode.
ii. why guy:
They'd been in male bodies for more than 40 years…
iii. why yuri
…until one of them regenerated into a woman. After some time, the other did so too. Sadly, they haven't interacted in their female bodies on screen, but the fandom makes do with fan content.
in conclusion: this is The guy yuri if i've ever seen one"
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amewinterswriting · 6 months
So, I've been playing the remaster of Baten Kaitos lately and for a JRPG of it's time (2003, originally) I'm actually quite amazed by how the narrative subtext frames disability. Major spoilers after the read more, and I will explain everything so you should understand even if you know nothing about the game.
In the world of Baten Kaitos, islands are kept aloft in the sky and the people live on them because of a disaster that poisoned the earth. Most of these people have wings on their back that they can make appear and disappear at will. They are referred to as 'Wings of the Heart' and their appearance is unique to each person, symbolizing their hopes and dreams and personalities. The people of the Empire do not have wings (? or perhaps choose not to use them, according to the prequel) but compensate with mechanical 'winglets'. It's also worth mentioning that the Empire is a major antagonistic force for about half the game, so even though there are friendly characters who come from the Empire, the association of no natural wings is predominantly 'evil'.
The protagonist only has one natural wing, and a prosthetic wing to compensate. It is shown that he has faced prejudice because of this - people treating him with suspicion and hatred because if his wings are deformed, it follows that his 'heart'/soul must be deformed as well.
In fact, this is a major motivation for him deceiving the rest of the party and the player themselves, aligning himself with the evil god we were trying to prevent from being resurrected the whole game. His 'payment' is a second, natural wing to match his existing one.
The plot then follows a secondary protagonist who eventually manages to confront him with a magical artifact that disrupts the evil god's power for long enough that he can choose a different path. And he does so, physically ripping off the wing he was 'gifted' and returning to the good guys and using his prosthetic (which the second protagonist had kept safe for him in the hope that he would one day rejoin them and he might need it).
While I have a lot of criticism for some elements of that plot (the one-winged protagonist should definitely have had more of a 'redemption' arc after deceiving the whole party and the player in a way that nearly destroys the entire world, but five minutes after he's rejoined the party it is almost as if it never happened), it is interesting that a game of this age does address the fantasy of 'what if I could just be magically fixed' and reject it. It actively frames the use of the prosthetic (something crafted for him with love and care from his family, later protected and cared for by the party in the hope that he'd come back to them) as something positive and better than a magical cure for him.
It's definitely not a perfect story (I would have loved to see some kind of connection between the party members - even at the end of the game, it does feel a lot like a group of strangers just happened to be going the same way and tagged along with each other), and I can't bring myself to decide whether the 'prosthetic' plotline is helped or hindered by the idea the the prosthetic is not a physical inconvenience in any way (never seems to need maintenance and works just as well as a natural wing, even adjusting as the protagonist grows) and only a social one (characters comment on it, some in negative ways and he admits he's faced that kind of prejudice his whole life). On the one hand, it's nice that he only actually faces any problems because of other people - it's a fantasy story, why shouldn't his inventor grandfather be able to make the perfect prosthetic for him? On the other hand, not having any physical ramifications (that the player is aware of) really does make his flip flop to the darkside and back for an hour seem a little cheap. Like, you've been bullied a bit, that sucks, it's still not worth screwing everyone else over, including all the people who have actively fought beside you to prevent the very thing you're doing?
But overall, the handling of his disability and the fact that the game doesn't just hand him a magical 'cure' as his happy ending? That feels pretty good to me.
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emptykhr · 10 months
Twisted wonderland as lana del rey songs
Riddle ( Wildflower Wildfire)
im sorry but THIS SONG ITS SO HIM honestly is most because him relatioship with his mother
the part where lana sang about her mother in the hospital. SO HIM
either, all the stuff about flowers warm and things like that remind of him!!
Here's the deal My father never stepped in when his wife would rage at me So I ended up awkward, but sweet Later then, hospitals, stand still on my feet Comfortably numb, but with lithium came poetry
Trey (Chemtrails over the country club)
So, trey and cottc, the same vibe.
yknow, all the peace and normal life stuff in the lyrics reminds me trey plot
im truly can see trey playing this song with his wife in a beutiful afternoon.
Washing my hair, doing my laundry Late night TV, I want you only Like when we were kids Under chemtrails in country clubs It's never too late, baby So don't give up
Cater (beautiful people, beutiful problems)
I gonna be honest, lust for life its so cater vibes!!
i confess that was hard to think in a song who matche cater plot, cause i wanna something kinda pop bu it still about him second face
The i just came bpbp.
We get so tired and we complain 'Bout how it's hard to live It's more than just a video game
Ace (Diet mountain dew)
Ace has to be born to die and i fight with u if you disagree.
to be honestly this song is how i feel about ace
Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
Deuce (How to disappear)
well, in the lyrics lana sang abou that guy who lost in himself and fight every night
and we know that deuce is a ex deliquent
and idk, this song is sweet like deuce mas match with him a lot
just read the lyric and you will understand
Joe met me down at the training yard Got cuts on his face 'cause he fought too hard I know he's in over his head But I love that man like nobody can He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again I watched the guys getting high as they fight For the things that they hold dear To forget the things they fear
Leona (Norman fucking rockwell)
guys, nfr its SO LEONA
the part where "goddam man child' yknow? period.
You guys can say "but leona is more ultraviolence" MY ASS
nfr king i said so its true.
Goddamn, man-child You fucked me so good that I almost said: I love you You're fun, and you're wild But you don't know the half of the shit that you put me through Your poetry's bad, and you blame the news But I can't change that, and I can't change your mood Ah-ah
Ruggie (god know i tried)
Now we have a honeymoon dude!!!
nothing to say, the song say itself
i even need to explain?
Sometimes, I wake up in the morning To red, blue and yellow lights On Monday, they destroyed me But by Friday, I'm revived
Jack (wild ate heart)
Jack my baby.
this song. jack. the same.
its just what how a imagine jack
I left Calabasas, escaped all the ashes Ran into the dark And it made me wild, wild, wild at heart The cameras have flashes, they cause the car crashes But I'm not a star
Azul (money power glory)
I kinda always think in azul when mpg starts to play.
could be million dollar man tho but mpg is better
the chore is him.
I want money, power and glory I want money, and all your power, all your glory Alleluia! I wanna take you for all that you got Alleluia! I'm gonna take them for all that they got
Jade (old money)
omg my ultraviolence guy is here!!!
he SO lana del rey vinyl
old money makes my cry everytime
My father's love was always strong My mother's glamour lives on and on Yet still inside, I felt alone For reasons unknown to me
flyod (doin time)
fuck even THE SAME MBTI
yeah he´s a bitch and we love it!!
Evil, I've come to tell you that she's evil, most definitely Evil, ornery, scandalous and evil, most definitely The tension, it's getting hotter I'd like to hold her head underwater (Summertime) (Ah, ah, ah)
so, english its not my first language so you probably will found mistakes. maybe i do a second part
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reunionatdawn · 4 months
My Analysis of the Best Paired Endings in 3H (Part 9: Caspar/Petra)
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Catherine: When I told you I would cut down children with no hesitation, you looked disgusted. I take it that's the part you're struggling to accept? Caspar: Pretty much. I don't think I'd be able to do it, even if that meant disobeying orders.
Caspar and Ferdinand are the two most difficult students to recruit outside of their home routes because they can only get C-Support with Byleth before the time-skip. And this corresponds to how difficult it is for them to leave the Empire from an emotional standpoint. They can't even be recruited in Hopes. Caspar wasn't sure when to obey orders or act on his own morality. He got reprimanded for doing so in his C-Support with Byleth, and that single incident had a huge impact on his development.
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Shez: You're taking this awfully well. Weren't you and Caspar childhood friends? Linhardt: Yes, but that is of little consequence now. He is not fighting for honor or any greater purpose. War is just his way of life, and he doesn't have the slightest intention of dying or losing.
Caspar has never known any other way of life but fighting and making a name for himself on the battlefield.
Caspar: Something is kinda bothering me. I was talking to someone the other day about how I want to distinguish myself in battle, and they said that meant I wanted the war to go on forever. Of course, I told them they were nuts… Then I actually started thinking about it. About what I'll be doing when the war ends, I mean. About what I'll even…be. Ferdinand: I do not think you have cause to worry. We may not know what the future holds, but you are delivering great results as a leader. Surely you will be held in esteem for such? Caspar: Sure, but doesn't that just mean my life is about nothing but fighting? I'm not a guy like you who's good at pretty much everything, so… Ha! Listen to me. I can't remember the last time I got in my own head like this.
He was more introspective about his circumstances in Hopes. But that only reinforced how unhappy he was with his way of life. It wasn't fulfilling for him to live only for war, but he had no real sense of identity other than as a warrior.
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Caspar: Oh. Hey, Professor. I was just reading this letter from my father. Do you know him? He's a pretty big deal in the Empire. He only writes to ask how my training's going, or how many monsters I've killed. Stuff like that.
Caspar had a strong desire to punish evil in the world, but he possessed a very black-and-white sense of morality. That simplistic view of good and evil probably came from his father, the famous warlord Count Bergliez.
Caspar: My father was responsible for a lot of what happened to the Dagdans! Shamir: Are you responsible for your father's actions? Caspar: Well, no…but kinda? I know I wasn't there, but I gotta—
It is much easier to invade and conquer when you convince yourself that the enemy is evil.
Caspar: After we cross the Great Bridge of Myrddin, we'll be in my father's territory. We actually crossed it five years ago for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. Remember? Ugh! This is terrifying! What am I gonna do? I gotta get a grip… Byleth: Don't worry, I'll arrange for your funeral. Caspar: You think we'll meet him on the battlefield and he'll kill me? The front lines cover a long stretch of land, you know! We might not even run into him!
Caspar was also terrified of his father. He didn't like the sound of thunder because it reminded him of his father yelling at him when he screwed up.
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Caspar: All right! Off to the Kingdom's capital we go! What's the matter? Should I not be excited? I can't help it. Everyone's gotta have something to look forward to!
I was really struck by Caspar's demeanor in CF. He only ever focused on taking out whatever enemies he was ordered to and barely had anything else to say.
Caspar: It's so awful to see the Kingdom capital go up in flames, but at least we made it this far!
He fought alongside the Death Knight and invaded other nations without question. It was as though Count Bergliez was hovering over his shoulder the entire time.
Catherine: You have a strong sense of justice. You have clearly defined ideals. But that's not an asset on the battlefield. Ideals slow you down. They cause inner conflict.
It was truly sad because that wasn't who he was. He had his own ideals and criticized Catherine for submitting her sense of justice to another person. It made me realize that CF!Caspar couldn't do anything else but focus on fighting because otherwise the inner conflict would have destroyed him.
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Caspar: I think… I can't deny who I am. I know you were right five years ago when you told me not to chase after that suspicious guy… But I still can't get over the possibility that he might have hurt those kids. I would have regretted not stopping him for the rest of my life. There's no way I could forgive myself. It sounds awful to say, but the safety of those kids is more important to me than the knights we lost.
His character arc was about realizing that it's okay not to follow orders and that he should live according to his own sense of justice.
Caspar: I've been wandering on my own for five years. I won't go back to that house or my father, that's for sure!
And leaving his father was necessary for him to do so.
Caspar: We weren't related by blood, but Randolph was still my uncle… Seeing him end up that way was… Never mind. It's nothing. Byleth: That's how it goes with war. Caspar: This wasn't just about war. It was a grudge. Or are you gonna tell me you're on Dimitri's side? I'm sure he never trusted me, being born in the Empire and all.
Like Ferdinand, Caspar can only access his Paralogue—where he can confront the "evil" Death Knight—if he defects from the Empire. The game incentivizes you to recruit him in AM, too. Not only does he share his Paralogue with Mercedes, but doing so in AM unlocks an additional scene for her to say goodbye to Emile. I'd argue that he has the best arc in AM due to his connection to Randolph. It was important for him to see the war from the side from the Empire's victims, so that he could have his worldview challenged.
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Petra: It feels like…a knife against my throat. That I am making my grandfather obey the Empire. Because I am a hostage, it is not an option to be giving up. I must be fighting and winning and staying alive. I must do anything to be making life better for Brigid. To be making Brigid and the Empire stand as equals. That is what my people are wanting from me…and what my grandfather, the king of Brigid, is wanting! Byleth: And what do you want? Petra: My want? I…I am not knowing of that. The wants of my people are something I have power to achieve. Their wants are my own.
As a political hostage to the Empire, Petra fought extremely hard to survive, not for herself, but so that Brigid could live independently and stand as equals with the Empire. But when Byleth asked her what she wanted, she didn't even know. She needed to figure out what she wanted for herself, not just what other people wanted.
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Ferdinand: Do you not want to go back to your homeland? Petra: I do have the hope of returning one day, but Fódlan is also like a homeland to me now. I came to Fódlan nine years ago. I have been living half of my life here. My family is living in Brigid, but in Fódlan, I have new family and new friends.
So, what did Petra want? Well, she wanted to return home, but she also wanted to stay connected to her new family, and to use their political connections to improve relations with Brigid and Fódlan.
Petra: When this war is finished, I am wishing for you to be seeing my homeland. Dorothea: You…you are? Oh my. I'd love to, Petra. As soon as the fighting is done, I'd like nothing more than to see Brigid with you.
She wanted to bring her friends back home with her to visit. Whether you go for their romantic paired ending or are content to leave them as friends, her Support with Dorothea showed how important it was for her to maintain permanent connections with her classmates.
Petra: I am not having an obligation. I will only be marrying if I find a good person.
And she also wanted a husband from Fódlan.
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Petra: My father was killed. By the Empire. By your father. And so I will be impaling you on this blade to be satisfying a deep wish of mine. Caspar: A deep wish… What are you talking about?! Petra: I am talking about my wish. Of course…I am also having another wish. An even deeper wish. I wish for you and I to keep being friends. To keep fighting and surviving together.
Petra had one other deeply held wish. She wanted to kill Count Bergliez. She always bottled up her true feelings and never expressed what she really thought. She was always gung-ho about fighting and said war fed her body and mind. She may have acted like she was fine with her situation, but she was really not. She didn't want to kill people in the name of the Empire that invaded Brigid and killed her father, and she had a lot of rage underneath her calm surface.
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Caspar: Well, I guess even a queen can't push her feeling down forever. I can't imagine what it must've been like to go through what you did. But I think I can still relate. Petra: Umm… Caspar: Hey, here's an idea. From now on, take it out on me. Petra: No. This is silliness. There is no point in killing you. Caspar: I'm not talking about killing, Petra. What I want you to do is unload on me! Tell me off! Just talk to me about whatever it is you're feeling. If all your hate becomes too much, dump it on me. If you wanna hit something, I'm your guy. I just want us to keep being friends, alright?
Caspar was the only character she ever showed that side of herself to. In Hopes, she wanted to kill him, but he offered for her to take her pain out on him. He was the one person she could talk to and be open and honest with because he was the same. And Petra was more raw and emotionally vulnerable with him than anyone else.
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Petra & Caspar Petra returned to her homeland of Brigid, and inherited the throne from her grandfather. As ruler, she declared independence from Fódlan, and renegotiated Brigid's diplomatic ties to Fódlan and Dagda on more equal terms. At every step along the way, she was accompanied and supported by her husband, Caspar, who had left Fódlan behind to be with her. It is said that the people of Brigid were initially suspicious of the union, due to Caspar's relation to a nemesis of their homeland, but that his tireless efforts on Brigid's behalf endeared them to him over time. It certainly helped that he made the queen very happy.
Petra didn't have an obligation to get married. She just wanted someone to share all of her heart with. Caspar was never particularly envious of his brother, and he always liked hard work. So, working tirelessly for Brigid is a better way to live than inheriting his father's position and becoming the new Minister of Military Affairs.
I don't think the writers necessarily pushed for either Caspar or Petra to be paired with anyone in particular. Many of their paired endings work just as fine. Still, the Caspar/Petra ending is one where Petra can have everything she wants, including someone who she can be truly open and honest with. And it is the only one where Caspar can directly address the damage caused by his imperialist father. So, I consider it the best one for them.
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By far the biggest Zutara crime is acting like Katara would want to be Fire Lady or live in the Fire Nation at all
I've seen some Zutara fans trying to "correct" that by making Zuko move to the south pole with her. Zuko!
The guy who spent years trying to go back to the Fire Nation. The guy who turned against his uncle to be able to go back home. The guy who explicitly said he was trying to save his country by joining the Avatar. The guy who choose, of all the possible options, to hide with his friends in his family's old beach house. The guy who fought his sister, and nearly died, for the crown, throne, and title of Fire Lord.
THAT Zuko is going to just pack his things and willingly move some other place permanently? No fucking way. There is exactly zero chance of that ever happening. He never stopped seeing his nation as his home, and that's where he belongs.
And like you said, why the fuck would KATARA ever want to move to the Fire Nation? Sure, she helped the people who needed her help - but like she said, it was because she would never turn her back on anyone who needs her. She has no connection to the people of the Fire Nation, never felt part of them or expressed any desire for that to change, and for many years the only role they had in her mind was as the evil, heartless monsters who destroyed her village and killed her mother.
Hakoda, Sokka and Gran-Gran are her family. She loves them and she once explicitly said "The Fire Nation can't separate our family again." She wanted to help Jet free people, and she inspired Haru and the captured earthbenders to fight to take back their villages. She was excited at the thought of learning about her culture from Hama. She was happy when Pakku said it was time for the Northern Tribe to help rebuild the South. That sounds like someone who wants to go home and make it better than it was when she was growing up, not like someone who wants to leave it - especially not for the nation that destroyed it.
This is how incompatible Zuko and Katara are: the things they want in life are so different that there is no way they would live in the same country. And I'm supposed to believe these two would not only try giving this a shot, but would actually end up married? I'm sorry, but that is even more unrealistic than people bending the elements and someone surviving being frozen in an iceberg for 100 years.
From what I've seen, Zutara shippers seem to believe that Katara would have a better future by essentially being a queen - but when exactly did she ever say she wanted that? She is a fighter and a healer. She wants to help and protect people, yes, but she never seemed to want any kind of political power for her own gain.
They want her to have hope for a better life, and something that can actually give her said life, which is completely fine. But being Fire Lady would not give her that, because that title means nothing to her. It'd give her powers she didn't ask for, over people she doesn't feel a real connection with, and it would demand her to leave her family and tribe. This wouldn't make her happy, and there's no way she'd choose that for herself.
You know who DID give her hope for a happier future? Who she had faith in before she ever met him AND before she even connected the dots on who he was? The guy she reminded us of every single episode and who succeeded in giving her the better world she dreamed of?
Aang. The guy she ended up with.
It's almost like, despite the flaws in the writting of their romance, Kataang was endgame from the start, and that decision actually made narrative sense even when the execution could have been handled better because these characters are obviously meant to be together AND are compatible.
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you know who we need to hold israel (defence forces and govt) accountable to do better for? the people. israel. who are more than a genocidal, lying government. yes the apartheid state has been around less than a century. but jews have been around for millennia. descendants of abraham, isaac and jacob have been around for millennia. legend has it the name of israel and 'israelites' as a synonym for 'hebrews' and 'jews' ever since this guy called jacob fought God like 4, 5 thousand years ago. imagine what our ancestors would think. these fathers (and mothers, do i need to talk about sarah and rebekah and rachel and leah?) of israelis and (many) palestinians and other europeans like myself with vaguely jewish descent. don't they deserve to have their name taken back from being something that's used as a force of evil? what about citizens convinced that yes, this is bad, they just want the 'war' to be over but think 'free palestine' means their own death and displacement because that's what they've been told? because after 70 years that's the only thing they can imagine is being called for, because it's what their government, if they were palestine, would do? don't they deserve to have a vision of peace that's beyond their wildest imaginings?
such a power-hungry murder-hungry leadership is never elected through the choice of empowered people. humans are better than that. the only way to have something like this kind of pass is to invoke so much fear and so much misinformation that people think it's the best of bad options. that it somehow represents their interest. a whole nation doesn't want this. no nation of people is bad. only the (numerical) minority who are in power are. most people are just scared. and when you're scared, you tend to be misinformed. easy victims of misinformation. it's hard to be the bigger person and to stand up against something wrong when all you're fed is fear. and yet. someone has to. can't we help out with that?
you know, there's some people in Australia who think if our Indigenous people get their way, all people of European and Asian and African and American and wherever else descent will be kicked out or subjugated somehow. treated the way colonisers treated them for centuries. i've met Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander activists who tirelessly spend their time saying this isn't true, they only want peace and reconciliation. they only want to be equal and recognised as such. they shouldn't have to say this. it should be obvious. why do (usually white) people believe this? because it's what colonisers would do. get revenge. it's what the West, largely, would do. somehow deep down even if we don't admit it we know we've been in the wrong. we know justice means to some extent suffering for what our ancestors did. we want that suffering to be minimal. it looks bad from an ethics standpoint. terrible, even. but we as humans are wired neurobiologically to defend our own safety. it's what keeps us safe and allows us to persist as a species.
so the number one way to convince someone to override someone else's right to that is to make them believe that someone else's right to exist somehow conflicts with theirs. this is never true. it's just a question of logistics. but if your government is set on killing people, it's going to do all it can to make sure you don't revolt and stop it. it's going to minimise its crimes over the years. do you know how easy it is to normalise the mistreatment of another people group until it's hard to notice up close? think of how we've discussed systemic racism. think of, if you're a white person, how in 2020 when we were all at home and you had nothing to do but be on the internet, you realised how you've benefitted from it, without ever wanting for anyone to get hurt or have it harder than you did. just by simply existing in a system designed to favour you, preferably without you ever noticing and therefore going and dismantling it.
yes this genocide is bloody and violent. yes it shocks those who were already horrified at one, two, three, or even a hundred Black murders by those meant to protect us. human life is precious. black lives matter. indigenous lives matter. palestinian lives matter. we know that deep within ourselves, we know that we're one humanity. fear and division don't help anyone. but peace can't be false, no one can be one with their oppressor. palestine needs to be free. don't you remember the story of joseph, favoured by his father, oppressed by his brothers, separated from them for decades and when they reunited, wanting only to be equal to them even after saving their lives and holding a powerful political position? hierarchies get us nowhere. all they do is disempower. feminism is meant to help men, too. it always has been. men, who have a right to be raised as more than oppressors. israelis, who have a right to a proper informed decision not to be complicit in a genocide too. who have a right to a vision of harmony. in Australia we celebrate harmony day on the 21st of march. it's coming up in a few weeks. many different cultures living together. and yet. it's true no colonisers are innocent. it's true many of us aussies are living off the benefits of our ancestors who were that. we're not quite innocent either. but if we left, where would we go? many of us don't have a homeland anymore, or we have so many that we can never truly belong in any of them. and i know it's not the same. our genocide isn't happening now, at least not at the same rate, despite the disparity in health outcomes and incarceration and the occasional murder. most of us aren't doing the murdering and actually want to do better. i don't know what it's like to be living as an israeli in 2024.
but i do look to the west and i see the conditional help they gave to construct israel after the war. to build something that in the wake of another genocide, is told that their empowerment depends on the same power structures that hurt them to begin with and with no power of their own, the west would give it to them in exchange for the power to build them into a military monster and it's easy to forget how to be kind. it doesn't mean you're innocent. but when you have millions of people being funneled down this path--I think we've seen this before. we know that not all germans believed hitler's beliefs or supported him, and those who did, it was largely out of fear for their own lives and holding misinformation about what he was actually getting up to. because germans are not bad people. misguided means that with guidance to do better, they will do better. this is the same for israelis. for jews, because many identify with both. jews aren't bad people! yet some of us were raised to believe so. some of us don't realise how normalised that belief was but when christianity has gotten to run the path it has for the last century or more, had people within it be misguided by the same ideas that tell them to disagree with someone is for them to be a threat to your life, those with more power are going to be the voices we hear and it's going to be polarising. we're going to pick up some harmful beliefs and it's up to us in our relative safety all over the world to be the ones to unpack them.
isn't it easy to, if you believe jews to be monsters, when you offer them 'help' with something, to only imagine the help they want is help to be what you believe they are? isn't it easy to raise to power the few who actually do live out this stereotype? until all the good people, the majority of them, with all their traditions and customs that deserve to be respected and celebrated and allowed to exist and do good, are so suppressed we wonder if they're even there anymore? isn't this a self fulfilling prophecy? this is how you villainise someone. and if you're usamerica right now (again, i'm not referring to you, the people. i know that most of you don't want this) and to a lesser extent other western countries, some greedy self-interest to provide someone you already believe to be no better than this with the means to behave in ways you would never be caught doing (but it's just far away enough that people might not draw the link, and it retains your fragile sense of power) crops up and all of a sudden this is the status quo. all of a sudden this is how the momentum is going, and to stop what you're doing will cause chaos but nothing is as bad as continuing. but you're not ready for the chaos. because you're going to lose the power you have which was never yours to hold to begin with.
free palestine, free the world, meet the needs of the people. create a world where israelis and usamericans and westerners in general aren't automatically complicit in genocide unless we stand against it. create a world where israelis are free to be good because we're not backing them into a corner of propaganda believing this is who they are and they are no better than that, so they better allow their government to do this in order that they survive. believe that jews can be good. it's about time. believe that usamericans can be good too but that we need to unpack the power dynamics of the world and work at unraveling the threads of colonialism and healing the hurt to the nations. many of us have generational trauma due to it and will continue to do so. make the economic argument if you have to, for we know the price of mental health care now in 2024 and we know how to sustain the capacity of our healthcare systems, not max them out. we need a lot of trauma informed care. and that means that we can learn to process what we've been through and not turn around and let out that repressed hurt to hurt someone else, someone we believe will hurt us and maybe isn't quite human. chances are they're just as human as anyone. sometimes trauma gives you paranoia, even if it's your ancestors' and not yours. the holocaust is still a living memory for many today. through years when mental health care was stigmatised, its need never went away. hurt simply festered. we've got the resources to do better now and the very first step is a ceasefire. followed by a vision. of harmony where no one's rights are taken away, where everyone has the right to a feeling of autonomy but theirs doesn't take that right away from anyone else. it is possible but we're going to have to think differently. we're going to have to see people as people rather than perpetrators of sins that often aren't theirs specifically but belong to those associated with them willingly or unwillingly. we're going to have to realise that being capable of doing better isn't the same as being completely innocent, and in that raising the moral bar higher than we can handle simply removes the hope that we desperately need: that misguided and scared people who don't stand up to Every Wrong Thing can do better. that they need investment, not villainisation, especially if they've been victims of oppression themselves in the past--we can't sweep this under the rug. we ourselves are them. and we have to believe we can do better too.
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riddlerosehearts · 3 months
decided i'm going to start posting my thoughts on baldur's gate 3 every so often as i make my way through the game, because it'd be nice to have some of this stuff about first playthrough written down somewhere! my tav is a half-high elf bard named elenion (he/they) who's neutral good-aligned, and despite being a bard he's very reserved and is always feigning self-confidence. also, he's a college of lore bard who honestly would've fit the sage background pretty well but i went ahead and gave him entertainer instead lol. i guess that actually gives me the opportunity to see more of the inspiration goals by not having the same background as gale! anyway though, here's a few thoughts about what i've done while still being very early in act 1:
at the point i'm at in the story right now, i was supposed to go look for halsin, but instead i decided to finally find karlach. i feel like i probably should've gotten her sooner, but once i got to the grove i didn't wanna venture too far from the main objectives--and the grove is where you recruit wyll and learn about karlach in the first place.
however, halsin sounds very wise and capable so i guess he can handle himself while he waits, and the mindflayer tadpole symptoms aren't progressing like they're supposed to, so why not just go off and act like we've got all the time in the world! maybe elenion is just easily distracted. they did waste quite a bit of time earlier when they found alfira and felt compelled to help her finish her song. and speaking of, i was not expecting such a beautiful cutscene for that?! or for the squirrels we talked to using speak with animals to be so mean and hate her song 😭 but i hope we get to see alfira again and that nothing bad happens to her, and i hope i don't eventually regret saying that!
also, wyll did say karlach is a danger to the entire sword coast, which makes hunting her down sound pretty important... and elenion has an interest in history so they recognized the phrase "advocatus diaboli" and were able to mention the blood war when wyll first talked about her. so maybe they're also interested in seeing if they can get a devil who fought in the blood war and is now wandering the material plane to answer a few questions before taking her down. anyway, point is we're leaving the druids and our quest for a cure hanging to go hunt a devil.
took me a bit to find her despite wyll's quest leading you to her, though. i have a horrible sense of direction, which i guess is okay because my horrible sense of direction did lead me to accidentally find scratch and now we have a dog!
eventually i did get to karlach, and elenion's mind connected to hers and gave him a much closer look at who karlach is and what she's doing here than he expected. naturally he convinced wyll to stand down because karlach does not seem evil. and then he tried to ask karlach some of the questions he had in mind back at camp, but she won't reveal anything until we hunt down the paladins that are still hunting her. understandable, i guess. i like her though! i should try and make sure to get her earlier on my next playthrough.
encountered mizora for the first time when i rested at camp, and i'm very intrigued by what's going on with wyll and i actually have been since way before i played the game and found out he was a fabled hero who was also a warlock. which is why i also think it's a huge shame that from what i've heard at least, he was given a lot less content for his quest and his romance than the other companions were.
wandered around the world a bit more and ended up freeing a poor guy who was being spun around on a windmill by goblins. then i got the scene with gale where he teaches you how to channel the weave, and it not only had bard-specific dialogue options but also had an option that specifically reflected my character's proficiency in history, which was all really neat to see. god, there must be an insane amount of different dialogue branches in this game. love that there was also an option to be like "yeah that was neat, but i could've done it myself lol" since a bard is already a spellcaster.
the range of these particular dialogue options is killing me LMAO
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i had high enough approval with gale to trigger a very obviously romantic scene and then the game is literally like "okay, so do you want to kiss him or do you want his severed head on a spike" 😭 like wtf do you THINK?! i can't even imagine how i'd roleplay a character who would be cruel enough to get this far and lead gale on so much before picking to project an image of his head on a spike directly into his mind. and yet i am so curious about what happens if you do--but not curious enough to reload and try to find out. mostly because i cannot bring myself to be mean to gale.
anyway, i picked the romantic walk option. i thought elenion would consider the kiss thing to be a bit too forward. but that was such a sweet scene and i love flustered gale gets when he realizes how you feel about him. going into this game i really thought i'd wanna try for astarion or shadowheart's romances first, and i do like them a lot and want to keep learning more about both of them, but gale surprised me with how much i already liked him from his introduction. he's just really charming and funny and also fits well with the character i made, so i will definitely keep progressing his romance.
aaand i've been progressing a bit slowly because of irl stuff but everything about this game is so good that i wish i'd picked it up sooner! i've been spoiled on quite a bit of things about the story already, but there's also a lot that i haven't been spoiled on and i can't wait to experience all of it anyway.
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munizfr · 11 months
Mainly a Ratchet Character Study but also: Parallel between the Ineffable Husbands and Transformers Dratchet (mostly IDW)
Obligatory Spoiler Warning: just don't read unless you've finished or heard about the last 15 mins of Good Omens S2E6 bc the spoilers (yes, the same moment you keep seeing everywhere) are there but honestly it's not descriptive enough imho.
Short ver. is at the bottom since this is pretty lengthy <3
Ratchet Character Study
The end of Good Omens S2E6 reminded me of Ratchet and Drift/Deadlock from Transformers for some reason. I think it's bc I've accepted the fanon idea (a lot of what's below is fanon/HCs, some canon to it though, but reader discretion and all that) of Deadlock likely offering Ratchet the chance to run away during the war (perhaps after realizing Megatron was starting to lose it and the Con cause was not the same one he initially fought for/corruption, conquering, domination, lunacy, etc.) with the promise of *them* and security with Ratchet no longer having to deal with the stresses that being the Autobot CMO carried and the damage that no doubt did to Ratchet's psyche and over-well being over the millennia. Esp. since Ratchet was so idealistic and bright before the war, and while still opinionated and fierce, was a youthful "party animal" with plenty of optimism, determined to do anything he could to see his hopes of a peaceful Cybertronian society through.
All Ratchet seems to want is the best for his planet, the best for other mecha, hence why I've always believed that Ratchet is a "people person" (further backed up by his past as the "party ambulance" ;D). He just has all his walls up 24/7 (sarcasm/sardonicism, gruffness, anger, etc.) to protect this soft, emotional part of himself, similar to how he keeps his walls up so that he can compartmentalize and perform his job efficiently as CMO even when surrounded by tragedy. He's a "people person" with a job that revolves around death. That shit definitely took a toll, but I don't believe it ever broke him necessarily. And Drift/Deadlock, so afraid of the war actually breaking Ratchet, wanted to do everything in his power to protect him from the war. The possibility of Deadlock presenting this offer, to me, sounds absolutely plausible.
When offered the chance to "run away", of course Ratchet declines, stating he knows his place and that is wherever he can decidedly do the most good and help the most mecha. Even though he'd love nothing more than to be free from the pressure and, most importantly, be with Drift/Deadlock instead of sneaking around throughout the war and having their relationship be so ethically complex. Ratchet understanding why Drift did what he did in becoming a 'Con and everything else, understanding that even though Deadlock went against Ratchet's code of morals, Deadlock was inevitable given Drift's beginnings in the Dead End. Hence why later in LL Ratchet seems to "blame himself" for how Drift became Deadlock, because Ratchet may believe that he should've "saved" or "fixed" Drift.
Then again, Ratchet knows the complexity of that, knows that it isn't "that simple" and that converting/ensuring Drift as an Autobot wasn't much better than having Drift become a Decepticon because, realistically, Autobots were doing things nearly just as bad. Of course, as the war went on it became clear that Megatron was going off the deep end and the Autobots truly did become the "Good Guys", if one could even call it that. Really, they were the lesser of two evils, or the arch-nemesis of the Decepticons that put a stop to their wrong-doings, but regardless, the Autobots themselves were far from innocent. Esp. from other civilizations/planets' perspectives.
When the Decepticons began, it was mainly in an effort to change Cybertronian society for the better, to gain equality for all Cybertronian mecha and get rid of the corrupt government and caste system, and I believe Ratchet (esp. seeing the corruption from the medical malpractice POV) low-key sided with them when this was their original goal. Drift/Deadlock is what makes Ratchet truly acknowledge this millennia after the war (either during the LL which it is hinted at or sometime before then during the war they may have had disagreements about this), but he'd known it deep down since the beginning.
Ratchet mostly went with the Autobots because of his own personal ties (friends like Orion Pax), his position in said hierarchy (he was the chief of medicine for descendants of the Prime and really, would Pit mecha really be accepting of the Senate's CMO in their ranks?), and as seen in the IDW comics, various other reasons.
In the end, Ratchet practically stumbled into becoming an Autobot. He really didn't want to be with any faction, but as an Autobot he believed he could do more good, esp. since he tended to end up helping both sides' soldiers anyways. Being an Autobot just meant he had access to better supplies/tech/etc.
I also personally believe Ratchet was too proud of a mech to admit this to Drift/Deadlock's face until the LL. Admitting that Ratchet was originally on the wrong side, helping the wrong side, this whole time would be a blow to his own mental, it would (and does) cripple him with guilt. Again, all of this is just my personal head cannons and fanon ideas that I've seen, but I like to imagine this is pretty generally accepted.
I feel like younger Ratchet is torn between sides. Having started clinics for the "lower class" mecha in areas like the Dead End, providing care free of charge to those who couldn't afford it as long as they promised to change themselves for the better, conveys to me that Ratchet was empathetic to the struggles of lower class mecha, despite starting off as a forged medic and becoming the Chief Medical Officer for the Senate. Yes, Ratchet started off and lived a comparatively privileged life, but he has never turned a blind eye to any other mech's struggles and does his best to understand it regardless. Ratchet's "golden spark" so-to-speak is something I believe Drift sees and cherishes, and thus it's what Deadlock wishes to protect. The Prime's doctor willingly decided to save the life of a drug addict grifter in the Dead-End and continued to see value in and, most importantly, care for Drift's life, even after Drift became Deadlock and turned to a life of killing mecha that Ratchet may have considered friends/allies/etc. I full-heartedly believe that Ratchet still looked after/patched up Deadlock even though he was with the 'Cons, esp. since I believe Deadlock kept watch after Ratchet even though he was with the 'Bots. Regardless of their conflicting morals, these two never stopped looking after and caring for one another.
I can see their "argument" or discussion over this proposal going so many ways, but ultimately, as with a certain Angel and Demon, Drift/Deadlock wanted them to become their own "side" and Ratchet, for a multitude of reasons (pride/empathy/guilt/loyalty/desire to help or "savior complex" depending how you see it/arrogance/etc.) decided to stick with the life he hates. He despises the war, the life-loss, the pain, the pointless-ness of it all (aren't they all Cybertronian in the end?), but Ratchet is an emotional mech deep-down and because of his complex feelings and morality, he turns down Deadlock's offer.
The Parallel:
As with a certain Angel, Ratchet can't just sit on the sidelines and do nothing, he has to help. As CMO and a close friend of Optimus, Ratchet is shown to have a lot of push/pull on Autobot command and their decisions and not always but often in various comics/shows/media, we see Ratchet propose the more compassionate and ethical, while still cruelly (realistically) logical, decisions.
Like Aziraphale, Ratchet believes that by being in a position of power/control/leadership and by being a determined son of a bitch, he can "save [their race/people/planet/universe/the balance/etc.]" for a lack of better terms. They put aside their own happiness/freedom/peace/etc., no matter the repercussions for them or those in their personal lives, to make the decisions and take the actions that they believe will do the universe, as a whole, the most good. That's really all they want.
Short Ver.
Aziraphale still believes that there can be good and that Heaven can be "fixed", and additionally, having Crowley back with him on Heaven's side would make *them* and everything else so much easier. Easier to protect Crowley, easier for Crowley to be happy because Aziraphale himself would also be safer, everything would be better if Aziraphale could "fix" things and the balance. Make Heaven "good" again and Hell "bad" once more, un-blur the lines, despite Crowley knowing it was never like that to begin with ("I think I understand a lot more than you do"). Additionally, all the trauma and manipulation that Aziraphale has experienced in Heaven no doubt plays a role in all of this.
Aziraphale only wants to do the right thing, but his headspace and how he decides to go about it are just so seriously warped by both himself and from his experiences of being an Archangel of Heaven.
Ratchet just wants the war to end. For the fighting to stop and there to be some peace. He still believes, despite everything he's witnessed and been through, that the war can end. He continues to hope. Ratchet, despite how gruff and jagged his exterior may become, no matter how cynical and pessimistic he acts, still has a spark of gold deep down. He still wants to do good and he believes that there can be good again, even though Deadlock knows that there was never any good to begin with. Why save Cybertronian society and the way things used to be if they were never any good before? Moreso, why save Cybertronians when they were never any good before? Shit's always been fucked up and messy, where does this bleeding hearted CMO get off in trying to save all of them?
He gets off nowhere but he's still going to try regardless because it's worth it. Cybertron, Cybertronians, mecha, are still worth saving. If Ratchet is anything, it is stubborn and after everything he's been through, he'll be damned if he gave up now.
Side Note: I still believe there was a miracle in Aziraphale's coffee ;) but in case there's not take this comparison I randomly drew from the S2 finale <3
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quanblovk · 2 years
The greatest warrior in the galaxy goes shopping with the shadow of the greatest swordsman.
▪︎Chapter 1: A mysterious encounter!
▪︎Chapter 2: Shadow Cashier Dee's fate.
▪︎Chapter 3: A new friend or foe?
▪︎Chapter 4: Shopping spree!
Throughout Dark Meta Knight's life, he had never experienced anything like this before. Nobody had ever held his hand and invited him to go shopping with them...up until now.
-reccomended reading music-
Dark Meta Knight was lost in thought, there was just too many things to consider ever since his realization earlier. Galacta Knight was the key to the completion of his project and he needed to play his cards right. Even if that includes temporarily masquerading as Meta Knight's brother and going on this shopping trip with him. Usually this would annoy him but strangely, it didn't. Rather, it was amusing to see how the temporal warrior acted towards him, not to mention those snacks look awfully delicious...was pocky supposed to have that many flavors?
And was he still holding hands with Galacta Knight the entire time? The dark knight looked down and confirmed his suspicion then quietly pulled his arm away. He still wasn't used to such physical affection, it made him.....recall too many unnecessary memories.
"So, if you don't mind me intruding on your personal business, what happened between you and your brother?"
"We had a fight, that's all."
Maybe it was a mistake to lie about this matter, but it was much more convenient than explaining how he was Meta Knight's mirror counterpart. That would've made things too complicated and wasted too much of his time.
"So...physical or verbal?"
"Oh...were you mad at him?" Galacta Knight asks as he comedically pushes as much pocky into the red basket as he could. Dark Meta Knight just stares, choosing to not question the other's actions.
"I-....I don't..know."
"...was he mad at you?"
"Definitely." The knight scoffs.
"Hm, that's unusual. I've never heard of Meta Knight being so angry. There's still so many things about that guy that I don't know...*sigh*."
Meta Knight.........When they first met, what was he truly feeling? It had been so long since they fought, so it was hard to recall. The feeling of immense bloodlust was clear but...was he angry at Meta Knight? Did he really hate him that badly? Despite him enjoying picking fights with his counterpart, he never felt it as something truly malicious. When Dark Mind ordered him to "get rid" of Meta Knight, the dark knight merely followed it just to fight him. Once he had his fill, he would kick his counterpart into some random mirror and shatter it to please his "boss". Indeed, they had a fight. But it was more of a mock battle than anything. Not to mention Dark Meta Knight wasn't fully conscious back then. When Dark Mind's influence corrupted the mirror, its residents were nothing but a husk of their former selves, including the knight himself. Their souls were replaced with fragments of his evil, completely transforming their original function. Instead of good wishes and dreams, they'd reflect the most awful, vile features of their counterparts. They could only act based off what consists of their personality traits, unable to truly think of themselves. To think....he and his crew nearly didn't suffer the same fate and was somehow kept conscious enough to do Dark Mind's bidding-
"Hello? Earth to....oh right, you never told me your name."
And he lost his train of thought.
"...just call me Dark Meta Knight, that's what everyone does."
"Hmmmm...you have to stand up for yourself, you know?"
Galacta Knight picks up the basket and turns to the dark knight, giving him a sympathetic look. This heavily confused him, why is he looking at him with those eyes? What's wrong with that nickname? Was it too blunt?
"I mean, if you let everyone think you're just his shadow, wouldn't that make you sad?"
""Dark Meta Knight", I don't like that name."
The warrior huffs and crosses his arms in a rather silly manner. Was he....pouting?
"It just implies that you're some evil twin, that you're just the complete opposite of Meta Knight."
"It won't affect me. So, I don't care."
"But I do. It's cruel."
"But It also doesn't concern you. Or...does it?" He raises an eyebrow at Galacta Knight, wondering if his nickname somehow was related to something he didn't know about.
"Of course it doesn't but...I don't want to call you that. It's degrading."
"Well maybe I deserve it. You just met me, there's a lot you don't know about me as well. I could've done terrible, evil things that a hero like you would despise. You said there was gossip about me, right? What if i did things much worse than what they speak of me?"
"Well, I also don't know if what you're saying is true so... we're even. Heh."
He groans at this warrior's attitude towards him. How could he trust him so bindly? Why was he doing this? Question for later, he should just follow along and try to think of ways to rope the conversation into the jamba hearts.
-POV change: Galacta Knight-
As the two talked, they walked down many different asiles, almost covering the whole shop. This was intentional on Galacta Knight's part, as he wanted to spend as much time with Meta Knight's "brother" as possible. This mysterious stranger, claiming to be his twin. The temporal warrior heard many stories about him, especially from the Meta-Knights.
"Dark Meta Knight!!! That fiend!!"
"How dare he hurt our boss?!"
"That coward ambushed him too!! Doesn't he have any honor?! Yet that bastard calls himself a knight!!"
Galacta Knight could only stare far into the distance while standing on a canon placed considerably elevated platform, looking cool as they continued their chatter on the Halberd's dock.....ah...when were they going to leave? He really wants to stop standing there....it's actually pretty uncomfortable to balance on these sabatons, you know? Please leave.....leave already...........hey....don't stare at him like that. Do they want him to voice his opinion on this..."Dark Meta Knight"?
"What do you think, sir Galacta Knight? He's the worst, right?!"
Aaaaaaaaahhh please stop...please.....maybe he'll just say something really cool and fly off. Yeah, he'll do that.
"Mm, i haven't met him. So i cannot say for sure. It's rather rude to judge others based on gossip."
YES YES HE SAID IT! HE CAN LEAVE!!! Unfurling his wings, he quickly spreads them out, sending out impressively strong winds onto the dumbfounded Meta-knights and bails out. Another victory for the galactic warrior!
...but he really did mean those words.
So he was going to try to get to know this knight as much as he could.
"You buy an awful lot of food..."
"Of course! It takes a lot to sustain this strong body of mine, i assume the same goes for you?"
"...Yes, that is true. Usually I would need to consume a considerable amount of food. But maxim tomatoes make up for it."
"Hm? Oh, those tomatoes? Mm, i can see. They can give you as much nutrition was 2 meals would. It is truly mystery. I also eat a few when i'm in a hurry. Usually it takes me quite a while to finish my meals."
"Really? How long does an average meal take for you?"
"About 2 hours."
"I- that's.....VERY long."
"Mhm, you have to savour each and every piece you consume. Its the joy of eating! In fact, it's one of the reasons why i bother to liv-!.....nevermind."
Probably shouldn't bring that up.
"Why? It'd all be digested anyways. It shouldn't matter how the food tastes. As long as it's edible and has enough nutrients to mantain your health."
"Hey, you wouldn't be saying that if you ate something REALLY good. Just think, what's the best thing you've eaten?"
"........maxim tomato soup cans."
"See? Th-....wait, just tomato soup? I mean, it tastes good but......the cans?"
".........I come from a place where all the best quality products were hogged by a selfish monarch. All the best chefs and cooks were forced to work for him, so I never got to experience something that had really "taste". Maxim tomato soup is the only item that had the best nutrious value. So by default, it is much better than anything else that was in store."
[-music stop-]
How dare......how dare he- how dare that selfish monarch hog all the good food! No wonder "Dark" looks so grumpy. It's because he never got to experience the pleasures of eating good food! This made the warrior extremely livid. He could never forgive that tyranical brute for causing so much suffering to his subjects.
It was unforgivable.
"Galacta Knight?"
-POV change-
Dark Meta Knight noticed a horrific change in the atmosphere. His nerves were on edge once again....did he somehow infuriate the temporal warrior? Cautiously, he took a step back, unconsciously hovering his hand above the handle of his sword. Galacta Knight's eyes were bloodshot, his entire body tensed up.
He approaches closer to Dark Meta Knight, only adding more to his caution and anxiety. Things weren't looking good at all-
"What are you doing all of the sudden? HEY-!"
Galacta Knight's hands suddenly grabbed onto his shoulders, completely surpassing his guard. This was the first time the dark knight ever let out a yelp, it was extremely humiliating. But now wasn't the time to think about that- now he couldn't draw his sword properly, he was left completely vulnerable-
"This....this is....UNFORGIVABLE!! How could that FIEND do that to his subjects?! How could you bear through it?! I understand...I understand completely. The suffering you had to go through..."
[-music start-]
Soft sniffles and hiccups came through the warrior's mask...w-was he crying? This is getting more ridiculous by the minute- why would he have such- SYMPATHY for him!? It was unbearable to think that such a warrior like Galacta Knight would cry for him just because good tasing food wasn't availible for him!
"Y-you.....*sniff*....never even got to taste the wonderous foods in this galaxy...*sob*...such a cruel fate.."
The dark knight spits out, aggresively shrugging his pauldrons to get Galacta Knight's hands off. His eyes widen in anger and confusion, looking straight at the other knight with mixed feelings.
"What does it matter?! It's just food for nova's sake! I simply cannot understand you."
Galacta Knight quickly wipes his eyes and immediately stopped shedding tears. His mood took a complete 180° turn.
"I'll show you.... All this food I bought, we'll eat it together once we're done shopping."
"You never got to eat anything better than maxim tomatoes right?"
"That can't be good for you, eating too much of one thing is never good for your health, even I know that!"
"I can't stand the thought that you never got to eat spicy curry...or wagyu steak...or coffee cake or other amazing foods!"
"So much joy and wonder from just one bite alone, you must experience it. It's a must!"
Why does he CARE. Why does it MATTER SO MUCH TO HIM?! Dark Meta Knight........he didn't know....he couldn't figure out why...so he chose to stay silent, no matter how worked up he was. Getting information on the jamba hearts still remained his top priority, why did he get so....frustrated earlier? It shouldn't matter, all he had to do was to follow along. Yet....this....this bird brain- had to- No, he needed to keep his composure.
The dark knight takes a deep breath and calms down before facing Galacta Knight again.
The warrior's face immediately lit up, he was back to his cheerful self a few moments ago.
"You can count on me, I won't let you down."
Confidence was clear through the astral's words, as if he was sure to blow the dark knight mind away with a few snacks and sandwiches he's never tasted before. This entire ordeal was ridiculous and yet...the way the warrior looks at him somehow managed to give a part of him hope.
Hope for something new.
[-new music-]
".....don't disapppoint me..."
"Hm? What was that?"
"Well alright, let us resume our little shopping trip." He lightly chuckles as he playfully nudges the other's elbow. Dark Meta Knight could only sigh in defeat once again and walks along Galacta Knight as they continue shopping.
Some time pass and they finally check out. At the counter, the two knights were met with the tired eyes of a waddle dee and one of them instantly recognized who it was.
Dark Meta Knight could only pull his cape higher. Trying desperately to blend in Galcta Knight's side to be insignificant enough to not be noticed much. This was...very awkward.
As the cashier scans the products, all the stuff they brought flood into a star cut dimensional portal at the end of the counter's conveyor belt. It was rather interesting to see. His cape also had the same function, but its storage was rather too limited to contain that much...
"That'll be........1000 coins, sir. Gee, you really bought a lot. Stocking up for the apocolypse?"
Galacta Knight only tilts his head lower in response, he would look cold but it was infinitely better than small talk, something he wasn't the greatest at.
"Not much of a talker huh? I get it, talking tires me out too sometimes."
Oh thank void Galacta Knight finished paying- he really didn't wish to face Cashier Dee any longer. The knight had to pratically bury himself in the soft feathers of Galacta Knight's wings. It was....rather pleasant actually. But now they had to leave, immediately.
As they head to the entrance, Galacta Knight returns the red shopping basket.
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"What are you doing?"
"Returning the...basket?"
"You're supposed to return those?"
"...yeah? It's for the other customers to use once you're done."
"But then how would you hold your purchased items?"
"Usually you're given a bag to put your stuff in so you wouldn't need it."
"Hm, I see."
The two quickly stepped out. The purple astral took flight first and gestured the other to follow suit. Together, they flew across the skies peanut plains and reached a rather high cliffside near a forest. It was small, but big enough to support the both of them. The view provided by the cliff's height was enough to encompass the entire town, giving them something pleasant to watch as they feast upon the mountain of food products.
Galacta Knight finds a suitable place for the to sit on and lightly dusts off the rocks and other various things in the way for Dark Meta Knight to sit besides him. He comfortably opens his cape and takes a seat, leaning backwards towards the warrior's angelic wings behind him. In response, it spreads out even further and gently wrap itself against Dark Meta Knight. He immediately notices this and gets extremely flustered, but decides not to do anything about it for now.
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"I can't believe i'm doing this..."
"Here, let's start off with the fruit sandwiches."
Dark Meta Knight still couldn't believe that he agreed to all of his just for information he won't even obtain for sure today. However....he never ate a fruit sandwich before. Were they supposed to be sweet as well? As Galacta Knight hands out a sandwich for him, he hestitantly reaches out and takes ahold of the product. Then, the temproral warrior takes off his mask as Dark Meta Knight holds the sandwich.
The other knight was taken aback on how quickly he ate the sandwich despite emphasizing the importance of savouring food earlier. Nevermind that, he tore open the package and carefully examined the sandwich. It looked...appetising. The strawberries were evenly spread out across the cream, the bread felt soft and cold...
Then...a bite.
It's......this flavor...but it's just a fruit sandwich?! How...how does it taste so...good?!
The sweetness of the whip cream combined with the plain soft bread play so well together...along with the sour, juicy strawberry! The abudance of flavours flew right into his mouth with just one bite-
"So? How does it taste?"
He reluctantly turned around to face the dumbest face ever, smiling smugly at him. Dark Meta Knight growls and glares at the warrior, not wanting to admit defeat.
"....it's alright."
"Come on, I saw your eyes when you took that bite! Those were the shining pupils of someone who've just eaten something so good that they could never experience taste the same again." He huffs and smirks at the dark knight, satisfied that Meta Knight's brother was proven wrong about food.
"Fine, you were....right." He says through clenched teeth, squeezing the sandwich's strawberries out. It was truly ridiculous that such a simple item could completely change his view on something. But....it wasn't something to get so worked up about. He released his grip on the poor fruit sando and quickly eats it, enjoying its deliciousness once more. Galacta Knight gleefully watches him eat, glad that he gets to see a different side to this mysterious stranger.
"Galacta Knight."
"Back at the store, I yelled at you right? I'm...sorry."
"Ah?? Hey! What are you apologizing for? Its fine. I know you meant no harm."
This feeling of guilt, he hasn't felt it for such a long time. The dimensional mirror's recovery must be going smoothly if he's starting to feel so many different emotions now. Anger, confusion, happiness and guilt.....it made him feel....
"Hey, where do you come from? I'll come by and visit. Maybe kick your king's ass too."
A snicker escapes from him, which quickly escalates into a short laugh.
"You wish to fight my king? How ridiculous...you're ridiculous. Hmph."
"Hey, i'm serious! I'm a hero, I need to save all that good food from his evil clutches! *snicker*"
Dark Meta Knight only laughed harder, barely managing to properly form his words. "Haahaah..If you're so serious, then why are you laughing?!"
"I don't know!!" The knight's laughter was too contagious, Galacta Knight couldn't help but join in! They were both laughing messes in just a few seconds, barely holding it in.
"How are you even going to do it anyways you big buffoon?!"
"I'll just- *pffft*- break in and punch him real hard!!"
Oh god they're laughing even harder, Dark Meta Knight started to feel abit scared now, but the thought of that giant whining penguin being PUNCHED was just too golden-!
This knightmare carried on for a few minutes until the laughter died down. They both looked at each other, seeing their smiling faces. Dark Meta Knight immediately realized what expression he was making and quickly went back turned around, which only amused Galacta Knight even more. Some time passes and Dark Meta Knight has his fill, the food they bought- well...Galacta Knight bought....were all incredibly flavorful. He decided that it was time to leave.
"Thank you for the food. I shall take my leave now."
"Mm, see you later. Ah wait I never got to know your real na-!!"
And just like that, he pulled up his cape and disappeared into a mirror, leaving Galacta Knight there alone.
"-me.......well. Alright then! May we meet at the hands of fate since you also never told me where you lived...*sigh*"
Just like that, their little "date" ended. Will Galacta Knight ever meet Meta Knight's edgy brother again? Will he get to beat up his king as well? Those were the questions left unanswered to our dear galactic warrior.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
10 - Another Vampire Hunter
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Part 11
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus
Moaning in pain I blinked my eyes opened slowly looking around the room seeing I'm in a storage building. I try to move forward only getting pulled back to see metal chains tightly around my wrists and ankles where I stand on my feet. My hair falling in front of of my eyes hearing someone entering the room recognizing its the guy Conor who drugged me with something at the bar. "What are you going to do to me. I'm not a vampire...I'm human." I croaked out feeling my heart racing inside my chest when he pulled out a wooden stake from inside his jacket.
At this point I thought this town didn't have anymore hunters since Alaric was killed after Esther turned him into an original. Conor uses the tip of the stake to raise my chin so I was looking into his eyes. "Oh I know you're human doll. But there's something special about you. At least that's what I've heard from the people in this town. They say you're the connection to the first family of vampires..." He moves the stake back about to shove it inside my chest where I clutched my eyes closed but someone grabbed his arm shoving him onto the ground.
"Nobody hurts my mate." Klaus threatened flashing his golden hybrid eyes gripping Connors hand. He yanked the stake from his hands tossing it over his shoulder into Damon's hands as he slowly walks forward to stand beside him.
Conor yanked his hand free from his grasp only to trip over a wire getting arrows shot into his body holding him down on his knees in front of me. Damon smirked holding the stake in his hands. "You didn't expect me to use your own trap against you did you. Well now you know how it feels."
"You two are gonna kill me anyway." Conor scoffed as I locked eyes with Klaus who wears a black jacket with a grey sweatshirt underneath it while he tries to pull the arrows out.
Klaus intertwined his hands together smiling an evil look. "Well, let's not be too hasty. I feel like we're just getting to know each other."
"Start with the basics. Where are you from? What do you know? Maybe you can cue me in on this greater evil, because I've fought this guy, and there's nothing more evil than that." Damon taunts pointing to Klaus. "And what's a guy like you wanting to kill a human anyway?"
Klaus clutched his hands into fists." Yeah, truth be told, I'm as evil as it gets." He bared his teeth pointing his index finger at me. "That's a good question, mate. You've made one mistake that you will suffer for by taking her. I've been around a long time and never thought a vampire hunter would go after a human."
"I'm not telling you anything. You think if you kill me, it's gonna be over? There's another waiting to take my place!" Conor scoffed reaching down and holding a stake behind his back that I noticed.
"See, this is what I like to hear... Vague threats, ominous prophecies, disappearing tattoos." Damon clapped his hands together trailing off in thought.
Knitting my brows together I try and snap the chains again which only results in cutting my skin drawing some blood. "Damon, what are you talking about?"
"What do you mean, "tattoos"?" Klaus raised a brow confused as well.
"Don't bother. You can't see the damn thing." He scoffed rolling his eyes vamping over to me grabbing a hold of one of the chains breaking it then doing the same to the rest.
Klaus bends down looking Conor in the eye. "There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?"
Connor tries to stake him with the one behind his back but he snagged his wrist faster than he expected. "Nice try, but I'm faster than your average vampire." He smirked down to the vampire hunter seeing something on the stake. "You're one of the five..."
"The what?" Damon and I asked together taking our eyes off the hunter.
"I'm faster than the average hunter." Conor spoke pulling a wire near a tank quickly then stabbing me in the stomach with a stake making me collapse into someone's arms getting vamped out of the room before an explosion goes off.
Burying my face into the person's chest I grunted in pain feeling the weapon still sticking inside my stomach. Klaus gently laid me down on the bed in his room groaning too. He grips his stomach in the same place I do in the moment. Lifting my hand up I saw it covered in blood making me start going into a panic attack. "Klaus take it out - get it - out please!" Pressing my head back against the pillows moaning.
"Easy Maddie...1...2..." He lifted me up to sit wrapping his hand around the stake yanking it out before saying the number three. I cry like a child clutching the fabric of his shirt staining it with blood still feeling pain in my gut. He runs his left hand through my hair tilting my chin up with his thumb. He bites into his other wrist making it start dripping blood holding it out to me with concerned blue eyes. "Drink love. It'll heal you, I promise."
Wrapping my hand around his wrist I drank the blood trying to not throw up at the awful tattoos. He slowly helps me lay down seeing would slowly healing over. He pushes hair from my face as I let my eyes fall closed feeling exhausted from the incident. "Did you hurt Kol...he didn't mean to Nik?"
"Rest esay sweetheart. He's not laying in a box daggered. I knew you wouldn't like to feel his suffering." He replied kissing my forehead slowly walking out of the room seeing Elijah standing in the doorway. "Take care of her while I go deal with our hunter. He still owes me an explanation as to why he took our mate!"
Why do you think the hunter came after Maddie????
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ughohyoumadeafunny · 2 months
Let's fix : Transformers: EarthSpark
So I've watched a bit of Earthspark. And the only thing I enjoyed about it was the Terrans. It's good to finally get new bots while seeing the ones we recognize. The thing I hate about it is obviously that they made Megatron a good guy, they did try their best to make him redeemed, but it just didn't click. If it was a different Decepticon and they worked on the story a bit longer, maybe it could have worked.
I also wasn't a fan of the family in it. I think it could have worked if it was just the boy and his mom, and I would try and not make it one of those films, i would actually try and do something original with it, add lore to what happened to the dad.
As for G.H.O.S.T., I would replace them with N.E.S.T. (you're welcome og fans). And here is the focus I want. I want to not only focus on the generation that never experienced the war, but also on the generation that has, and still fears its return. How does Optimus cope with the loss of someone who was once a friend? How does bumble bee live now the war is over? How do some of the Autobots and humans cope and honor those they lost? How will they teach the new generation about the past? With just their story? With just the tales of the Autobots being the heroes they were told about? Or will they tell them how it all began?
How once upon a time on a planet two friends who were like brothers had the same vision of freedom and equality? How one was a gladiator, one a scholar, one who knew of nothing but fighting, wanted to do anything to eradicate corruption, became the corrupted he fought against, and the other the chosen one to stop him.
How even some of the Decepticons wanted to overthrow Megatron? How even some Autobots question Optimus Prime? Transformers isn't just a story about robots in disguise, it's also a story about war story, how it affects people, changes people, brings worlds together and apart, and tests what kind of person we are. It also shows that Autobots and deceptions aren't just good guys and bad guys.
The Decepticons had a good reason to take Earth's energy, their home, and people were on the brink of dying, I'm sure we humans would have done the same if we were in that desperate of a situation.
The Autobots aren't perfect soldiers either, they even at some points expose their identity or accidentally hurt someone. They even sometimes let their egos get in the way of logic and reason.
This should be the focus of Earthspark, what should we believe? What should we follow? Are all Decepticons the evil greedy monsters we were told in the cartoons and comics? Are Autobots the noble warriors that keep us safe? Or is it more than meets the eye?
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Darkness Reborn ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Final Chapter Finale (2/10)
King Boo : So...As a favor of letting Truth win it all, congratulations, Maka Albarn! You, your friends and lovers, and your family for unveiling the truth, you have won the ultimate case to let truth win it! You have shown truth to everyone!
[3 Black Noises : Revival - Kenichi Tokoi]
Dr. Stein (?) : Sorry to break it to ya, kid. It turns out the mentor you call him Dr. Stein has been killed by me and I had wear this disguise trick you into believing that you caused a mess on our nation. You are really are a fool to Shinra's Kind. But thanks to your help, we knew that syringing the Kishin wasn't a Kishin, it was just a heartless created by the original who was killed after Demon Vibe was controlling his mind, heart, and soul. That's why he plunged into the so-called madness that nothing more than an influence to get the heartlesses' attention. Without the plans of giving birth to a new lord, we the people of the Dark Inky power will have New York and it's people shall fall before, a new lord that is the son of Bendy. I call him Jr. First, I though Crona would be a great use to use the power of ink within, but it turns out that he was an experiment for a child of a bunch filthy witches that you fought them as arch enemies or the ones they call their selves the gorgon sisters.
King Boo : What are you saying, bub?
Dr. Stein (?) : What I'm saying according to the data, Inky Albarn's son, Inky Jr, believed that the evil witches named the Gorgon Sisters were a trio of criminals who wanted to their jealousy to go against the Kusakabe and the Kasugatani Family trees! That's why Shotaro the Dokeshi or Shinigami has got Ashley's people involved as the ones they call their selves the enemies, being a bunch of foolish scapegoats thanks to the Seeker of Darkness, Ansem.
Maka : What? You mean the Shotaro the Dokeshi had this planned from the beginning, just to ovethrow Witchkind because of Jealousy and then the author would just go and lie to our faces!? I was right back in the 06, our author is a weirdo and a complete idiot!
Dr. Stein (?) : [chukcles] Oh, Maka Albarn! Congratulations on getting it this far! You finally showed your true purpose and seek into the powers of truth itself! Now that Truth has finally won victorious over the lying, our plans of giving birth to a new lord will be the exact moment that you and to those you loved will suffer the same fate as Drew was! But don't worry, Joey Draw has a relative of his own, and her name is Audrey Drew, a woman that is part of the drew family.
Maka : What kind of anime/manga teacher are you, Dr.Stein!
Dr.Stein (?) : Oh, you'll find out that I am not your teacher or a meister at all, just a man from New York that will make Inky Albarn giving birth to her own child, the new lord named Bendy Jr.
All : Maka!
Maka : You guys!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Maka! Mamimi Saemjima's newspapers were telling us the truth! That man over there is not the meister teacher Dr. Stein, that's not what you think he is!
Dr. Stein (?) : Grim Reaper of Sonic's World, you're too late! I've already achieved my plans now and they are completed!
Moirai : Don't you get it? The body and corpse of the real Dr. Stein was founded at Tokyo, and it is confirmed that he has been murdered for being a communist, over a year. I didn't realize that Marie Mjolnir's contact with the real one was cut off from the rest of her support. But Mrs. Mjolnir said that a man black figure with the mask of a cartoon demon murdered him with an axe on his back before law enforcements have arrived.
Maka : So if the real Franken Stein is dead then who is this we know and love that is actually a mad person to summon a demon?
Moirai : Listen, Maka. The man who was part of Soul World Story, you've been working with a man from 70 years ago!
Maka : 70 years ago!? [To Dr. Stein] Wait a second, you're not Dr. Stein you're...
Dr. Stein (?) : Me! You two-timing twit! (takes of his disguise to revel himself to the group as Sammy Lawrence)
Tsubaki : Hold the phone, you're that guy who is responsible for Black Blood.
King Boo : Why I don't believe it! It's that guy from the 1930s, Sammy Lawrence!
Maka : Sammy Lawrence!? But you're supposed to be dead, how the...?
Sammy Lawrence : You finally served Shinra Kusakabe your purpose on being the hero of Ohkubo's crazy stories and I might knew that you were the spawns of the devil that has been under his influence. You have been bamboozled by a man from Brooklyn. It's not Black Blood at all. It's the blood of the royal Ink Demon Bloodline. That Crona Kid you've always been obsessed with, was nothing but a tool to the heartless.
[Devil's Descent - Yutaka Minobe]
Maka : (gasped in shock, realizing that she has been fooled the entire time) No! No! You...You deceived us all! You tricked me! I've wasted my entire life, you fool! Why didn't you tell me that Crona was one of your creations to destroy the world! I thought I gave my heart to Crona! But I was wrong, all wrong! I'm nothing but a liar, I led my everyone astray from truth! How can you not be so sure!
Sammy Lawrence : You don't remember? You already have a lover named Makoto Asagiri, you are his soulmate, and more importantly, you are part of an alien race called the Phantonians. You thought that you tools of the Devil thinking you defeated with useless gift called courage, didn't you?
Tsubaki : So, how did you know that her courage was a useless gift from Kirby?
Soul : Tsubaki!
Sammy Lawrence : Because her son told me everything, Ninja girl! I knew that defeating a god with courage you said, Maka and that nightmaren named Nights got it from the Pink Demon! Only it's because Kirby was the one who defeated Cosmic Horror, you've been battling cosmic horror the entire time and you couldn't see it from the eyes of truth! Although, Kirby wanted to know that why did he used all of that useless courage to defeat Cosmic Horror. He wanted to know the truth that how did he gifted that courage to you, no matter how painful that will it be.
King Boo : That courage of their's does not have to do with killing a god. The only way to kill a God is to defeat with Valor, the same thing as Courage and Bravery. Ohkubo made Maka's character development as a hero has became overdeveloped to much, it's because of the influence from Mr. Shinra Kusakabe. That's why she wanted the world her "useless" courage.
Maka : I'll kill you...I'll kill you...*DBZ SFX : Electricity cracking*
King Boo : Not good!
Maka : (screams furiously) I'LL KILL YOUUUUUU!
Inky Jr : Will you shut up abou it!? I've had it up with you being a hero with all that courage and bravery! But no, you defeated a God with Valor!
Maka : (gags) L...Long time no see...Jr.
Sammy Lawrence : You have returned after all these years!
Inky Jr : Mother. It's good to see you again.
Inky Albarn : My son!
Inky Jr : That's right fools! I am son of the king of all Ink Demons, Bendy!
[voices of Bloo saying "Bendy did it"]
Maka : B-B-B-Bendy!?
[The Extra Zone - Hideki Naganuma]
~ 107th Scene : Bloodline of the Toons ~
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milkytheholy1 · 2 years
hello, hope you are well! i absolutely love your writing and was wondering if you could do a rottmnt leo x fem!reader? maybe something along the lines of reader goes with the brothers on a mission and ends up getting injured and leo freaks out. like readers not dying or anything but he thinks they are and is like “no don’t die i love you too much” or something lol. (sorry if this is confusing, it was just a random idea i had, obviously you don’t have to do it!!
A/N: Orderrrrrr uuuuuuuuuup!
Tmnt masterlist. Ultimate masterlist. Apocalyptic love series.
I'm Not Dead, Idiot!
The building was overall quiet, not a sound, not even a rat could be heard. The moonlight helped illuminate the dark crevices of the alleys, but not enough to showcase the full evil that lurked there. You were beside's Donnie, perched next to his hovering form as he kept his eyes locked on the docks.
The salty sea smell tingled your nose, the smell of fish rotting your senses. The other three boys were on the ground, slinking around every corner, on a mission to track down two criminals who escaped from jail a few months back; they were last spotted at the zoo around the same time the turtles fought with Draxum.
"Any word from them yet, Don?" you whispered, even if you were high up you were still cautious not to make a sound. Donnie only shushed you in response, staying quiet for a few seconds longer before replying, "No, but I can see them and they're-" he cut himself off, scrambling to grab the walkie talkie "-WOULD YOU DUMB DUMBS STOP FEEDING THE PIGEONS AND GET BACK TO THE MISSION!!!"
You followed his eyes, squinting into the distance to see three forms squabbling and waving their hands in shock. Donnie coughed beside you, returning back to a much softer voice, "I knew I should have gone, alas, my allergy to shellfish." though he didn't seem to care too much.
A voice muttered from the walkie talkie, you could recognise it deep within your sleep: Leo.
"Heeey, D, can you pass the talkie over to my lovely lady, please?" God he was such a suck-up. Donnie sighed, but reluctantly did as told and handed it over to you.
"This is yellow sparrow over to blue hawk, what can I do you for?" you muttered the code names off by heart, knowing it would bring a smile to the red-eared slider's face. He seemed to swoon on the other end, though it was hushed by Raph, "Yellow sparrow this is blue hawk coming in, you didn't say over, over."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, "This is yellow sparrow to blue hawk, what can I do you for? Over." You could hear Donnie give out another sigh, his brows furrowing deeper than you had ever seen them. The walkie talkie crackled to life once more, "This is blue hawk to yellow-"
"OH FOR THE LOVE OF- give me that!" Donnie snatched the talkie from your hand, "Pleeeeease tell me you guys are doing something productive, I don't know about you, but hanging out at the docks at 1am isn't how I like to roll."
"Oh please, you've been in weirder places at 1am." Leo smirked, you didn't need to see him to know he was doing it. As you continued to banter through the walkie talkie with Leo, once wrestling it back from Donatello, you grew more nervous for the boys down below.
"Relaaaaaax babe, we've got it all under controlled, over."
"I know but, it's been awfully quiet on your end. I've seen more action from the pigeons than you guys have. What if the rumour was fake, what if those guys aren't even in that place to begin with, over."
The line went quiet for a moment, dead static in the air. This caught the attention of Donnie who came to stand beside you, both of you leaning in closer to the talkie, "Er, blue hawk, you still there? Over."
You began to panic, "Leo, are you guys okay? Seriously this isn't funny, Leo!" Still no sound came through, Donnie got his bo out, ready to jump into action. That was until the walkie talkie sprung to life, blasting out loud laughter from all three turtles, "Y-you didn't say over, over." Leo mused.
He turned to Raph and Mikey, both keeling over on the floor crying with laughter. It was Leo's idea, they were allowed to have fun on a mission every once in a while and when a mission was as boring as this, they were practically encouraged to cause a little mischief.
"I-I don't know, maybe that was a little harsh, (Y/N) did seem pretty worried." Mikey reminded him, winding down from his laughing fit. Leo turned to him with a pout, "Ahem, I didn't see you telling me to stop." Mikey stayed silent at that.
Raph continued to walk around the warehouse they had found themselves in, all the rumours and witness statements had led them to this place by the docks. Yet, all they could find were a few empty cans of beans and empty bottles of juice.
"I'm startin' to think this place was a bust. Tell (Y/N) we're comin' back up, I don't care what Donnie says about the mission, I'm just tired." Raph moaned, kicking one of the cans of beans to the other side of the room. Leo saluted his leader and once again clicked on the walkie talkie, "Yellow sparrow this is blue hawk, we'll be coming back to your position, over."
"Very funny (Y/N), over."
"(Y/N)?" Leo questioned, suddenly becoming more panicked. Raph sighed, "She's probably just getting back at you for earlier, betcha it was Donnie's idea."
No, it couldn't have been that, Leo's pranked you many times before and you've never had a reaction like this. Maybe Raph was right, maybe it was Donnie's idea. But Leo likes to think the moment he sounded worried you would have answered back.
"C'mon guys, we have to go check on them." Leo dashed out of the warehouse quicker than he's ever run before, constantly talking through the walkie talkie but getting no reply. His speed picked up, leaving his brothers behind as he ran straight for the building he'd left you on with his dorky brother.
The moment he got there he searched for you, eyes wide when he caught your groan. You were standing by Donnie, rubbing your elbow while Donnie wrapped a bandage around your head. Leo rushed to you in an instant, wrapping you in his arms and lifting you from the ground, "Oh my god, (Y/N)! I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. If I hadn't left you, you wouldn't be dying. I'm so sorry-"
"Leo, I'm not dying." you kept telling him but the words wouldn't sink in, his grip on you kept tightening to the point where you thought that you might actually be dying. Leo kept apologising over and over again, professing his love to you over and over again, never giving you a chance to butt in.
His face was smushed against your chest, although there were no tears his breathing had picked up, “No, don’t die I love you too much!” he heaved out. Donnie came to inspect the scene, motioning for Raph to split you both apart before you passed out due to lack of air.
"She isn't dying numb-nuts, she just has a cut on her forehead and a bruised elbow. Although with the way you were squeezing her diaphragm she would've passed out in 15 more seconds."
You were panting, finally allowing fresh air into your system, even if it did smell like fish. Mikey came to stand by your side, with Leo quickly pulling you against him, finally giving you a once over "Sooo, you're not dying?"
"No, dummy." you laughed, rubbing your palm against his cheek. Leo beamed, lost staring into your eyes, god, you were so beautiful.
"So what happened to you guys?" Mikey asked, breaking the lovey-dovey atmosphere between you and Leo. Donnie tapped his fingers rapidly against his tech brace before a holographic image popped up.
"Two criminals, known on the streets as Bebop and Rocksteady or as they're actually called, Anton Zeck Rocksteady and Ivan Steranko. The two were believed to be hiding out in the warehouse down by the docks, but apparently, they must have heard something or someONE-" he glared at Leo, who shrugged nonchalantly in response.
"And they fled the scene, from what I could gather while they were trying to punch me: they saw us up here, thought we were the cops - which I would like to point out is highly preposterous, I mean, what police establishment would allow a mutant turtle and a teenager into their leagues?"
"Donnie, just get on with it."
"Oh yes, right, they beat us up then left. End of story." he deadpanned, going back to tapping on the tech brace. Mikey frowned, rubbing his arms together, "Man, I'm really sorry we couldn't help you guys. But I can't believe they got away again, maybe we're not so good at this hero stuff."
"Nah, I wouldn't say that, I think you guys were doing pretty good before these dolts came along. It's just gonna take a little time to catch them is all." You cuddled further into Leo, "I wouldn't want anyone else protecting New York City." You looked up to him, already catching his eyes.
They seemed to twinkle under the night sky, full of love and hope for the future. Leo leaned down and pressed a kiss against your lips, his brothers screaming out in disgust. Pulling apart Leo rolled his eyes with a smirk, "Okay, shows over, let's go home; I'm starvin'!"
"Ooh, how about we place an order at Hueso's," you asked, mouth already watering at the thought of a pizza. Leo pulled you closer, "Babe, it's like you read my mind."
And with that, and one angry phone call from Hueso later, you and the rest of the Hamato family were back in the sewers, enjoying your pizza and being with each other. Leo hadn't let you out of his grasp the entire night, he was just happy you weren't dying; besides, he thought the bandage look on you was hot.
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balillee · 3 years
tommy's character gets far too much shit.
hi tumblr. i'm gonna need a few bitches to spread this post everywhere, essentially because i want someone, or just tommy really, to see it. so if you really want, you can screenshot it and post it on twitter, reddit, link it everywhere - go absolutely buck wild. i know he reads the VODS comments a lot, but they're chock full of people just insulting him, his character, his writing and everything about his story in the dream smp simply because they don't understand it and because they refuse to acknowledge his character's perspective (mainly because they only care about the pig). reading that many critical comments on something you've created can only make you feel worse about it eventually, and in light of all the awful techno apologist takes on his character, i wanted to basically just word vomit about how wonderfully crafted c!tommy is, as well as compile some other tumblr posts about his character.
there is a massive fuckin community of people who enjoy the character of tommy, because the character is incredible. i myself have made post after post after post commenting on and analysing tommy's character because i find that there's so much to pick apart. but that enthusiasm for his character only seems to be found on tumblr. reddit and twitter seem to hate his character, the VODS seem to be filled with comments from people who only care about techno's perspective (and treat techno as a reliable narrator, which, is the furthest thing from the truth - that guy lies through his teeth all the time), and the smp wiki is a hellscape of godawful takes and mistruths, not even on just tommy's character.
c!tommy is brilliantly acted and brilliantly written, and almost everything he does is either justifiable or has been rectified or admitted as a mistake. you can clearly make connections as to where he got his conclusions from. you feel what his character experiences, as a member of the audience, vividly.
if you look in the more objective sense, c!tommy, and this is especially in the context of him being the youngest character, is a scapegoat. people claim he's awful and destructive when in reality he's a lot less destructive than most characters on the server. a moment that comes to mind is where he diverts schlatt and quackity's attention from pogtopia by breaking part of the flag in manberg, and then replacing it so as to buy tubbo some time - he literally monologues after it about how he doesn't want to destroy but instead rebuild, and how he feels as if nobody else seems to understand that.
his arc in season two was incredible. it was very character driven, and it gave a spotlight to his motivations. at the start we see him in new l'manberg, and he's enjoying his time there, he's skeptical of his friend's presidency, but his main goal is to get back the discs so that he can stop dream and eliminate that threat. he made one screw up that didn't even matter to george, and he paid for it tenfold, even after dream had spent a while with puffy griefing the server and framing it on tommy - what tommy and ranboo did was convinient. then, in exile, we see c!tommy straight up get abused. he's gaslit and conditioned into being c!dream's friend, and in his brain he teaches himself that those acts of abuse are moments of bonding, and it eventually brings him to the point of wanting to end his own life - he's been torn away from his friends and his support system, and nobody will visit him consistently anymore because they only showed him pity, and all he had left was dream, who had hurt him.
but he doesn't die there, because while he didn't understand the full gravity of it back then like he does now, he recognises that dying isn't an escape, and he can beat dream, even if he doesn't know how. so this is where he goes to techno's place, and here's where the fandom starts to misinterpret the situation wildly.
it's the problem similar to when your parents tell you that they're owed something back because you put a roof over their head, despite that being Not How It Works. techno took tommy in and severely mistreated him emotionally. sure, and i understand this, c!techno is a bad communicator who isn't really that empathetic to anyone who isn't phil or wilbur, but that doesn't excuse the blatant lying to c!tommy's face, the guilt tripping, the friendship buying and the degrading. the day before the festival, tommy finally does something violent in his interrogation of fundy, and only then does techno tell him,,,,
that tommy's not equal to him, that techno doesn't respect him all that much, and that they're not friends.
from techno's perspective, and at the time, this was viewed as a positive development in their relationship. oh, he's starting to warm up to tommy! this friendship could really blossom!
no. from a more objective standpoint, what techno has just said to tommy is : 'i respect you only a little bit more now, because while you're starting to act more like me, you're still annoying and a burden.'
and i haven't even touched on the whole 'erasing the words 'Destroy L'manberg' from techno's to-do list' thing, because that instantly refutes the point of 'techno was upfront with his intentions the whole time' - because he wasn't! he may have said it the first time, but you also know what else he did? he repeatedly told tommy that they'd 'air the details out later' whenever the discs were brought up, and from a tommy viewer's perspective at the time, it was framed as if techno was no longer going to do that.
and i also haven't dared touch the 'i would have fought them all for you', because that's major guilt tripping if ever i've seen it.
so, the day of the festival comes, and here's where c!techno and his apologists completely misread c!tommy's thought process, and why he makes the decision he does.
tommy instantly regrets valuing the discs over tubbo, and it's framed as the culmination of tommy having become all the people he said he would never want to be like. and what does he immediately do? he tells tubbo to give up the disc, and he sides with tubbo. he puts his value in his friends, and, by proxy, l'manberg. and when he betrays techno, he tells him 'i'm sorry'.
from a more objective standpoint, tommy's time with techno is him valuing the discs over almost anything else. so, in leaving techno to be with tubbo again, he is valuing people above the discs. so when, on doomsday, techno says his 'discs aren't people' line, what he doesn't realise is that he himself fueled tommy's valuing of discs above people when attempting to fuel tommy's vengeance against tubbo and l'manberg. techno doesn't realise that he was an unhealthy presence for tommy, and an even worse influence.
what techno also doesn't seem to understand is that tommy never hated tubbo or l'manberg - tommy recognises, now at least, that his exile wasn't a product of tubbo, but a product of dream's manipulation, likely in part because at the time, especially with dream lying about tommy blowing up the community house, tommy was the only one who could see it because he had experienced it firsthand. so when techno sides with dream, it's like kicking tommy in the teeth.
and i want to mention that betraying someone doesn't necessarily make the person who was betrayed good, or in the right, or even justified, because tommy was entirely justified to leave techno. you know who else was betrayed? schlatt. but i don't see many schlatt apologists around angry at quackity for joining the rebellion.
tommy stole the axe of peace? good. it was a moment of tommy defining his self-worth, instead of having it defined by others. gone is the age of c!techno belittling him and deciding how much c!tommy should be respected. NEXT!
here's a moment i wanted to talk about that will forever be funny to me.
'i am a person.'
techno's very famous line from doomsday. techno says to tommy that discs aren't people, and that tommy should value people, despite not understanding that by leaving techno, he did just that. and what does tommy say in return, which has been omitted from every c!tommy-critical analysis, and every animatic?
'yes you are, but so are we.'
an acknowledgement of techno's hurt, to which tommy has already apologised for. a statement that says 'your hurt does not excuse, nor justify, the hurt you have inflicted onto us.' an acknowledgement that tommy has already learnt the lesson techno seems to be trying to 'teach' him. but you can't teach him anything by destroying.
c!tommy has had almost everything he has ever owned or built either taken from him or destroyed. ranboo even points out that the only two things of tommy's left standing are his house and his hotel, and if i'm honest, his house is dissheveled. it's a labyrinth of terror due only to how many times it's been torn apart. l'manberg being blown up didn't teach anyone anything about anarchy, or about valuing people over possessions. logstedshire being blown up didn't teach tommy to be obedient.
i could honestly ramble for ages about how nuanced tommy's character is and how much depth and complexity there is to his character's process and his relationship with others, but more than that, c!tommy is forgiving. he invites almost everyone who hates him to the grand opening of his hotel - if that isn't an indicator that he just wants friends, and not to be treated like the embodiment of evil, then i don't know what is. he holds grudges, but he doesn't really actively hate anyone, other than c!dream. but, we'll let him. c!dream deserves nothing but to be pummeled into the floor.
tommy doesn't spoonfeed his character nuance, and he doesn't really spell it out for his audience. he'll mention things like trauma and triggers in passing, but a lot of analysis on his motivations has to be picked up from what is said in passing or from what can be seen in between the lines.
i'd be here for hours if i were to talk about everything i love about c!tommy, because honestly he's one of my favourite characters, and there are so many angles you can look at his character from in terms of his age, his relationships with others, his motivations, his personality, his character arcs etc etc. so instead of doing that, i'm going to compile some much more specific analysis posts below to skim through because they highlight so many good aspects of his character.
^^ A thread about the 'yes you are, but so are we' line.
^^ About how shit the VODS comments are.
^^ A comment on how c!Tommy is actually pretty peaceful, and is actually less destructive than most characters on the server.
^^ Possibly the best c!Tommy analysis thread I've ever seen in relation to his trauma, which gives multiple perspectives.
^^ About how c!Tommy is treated as a scapegoat, and how, from an objective standpoint, he is no more violent than any other character, it's just that the little violence that is committed is blown far out of proportion.
^^ Tumblr user flypaw being a bad bitch, as per usual.
^^ c!Tommy being incredibly intelligent, and talking about wanting to rebuild and not destroy. A very underrated monologue of his.
^^ Something short about c!Tommy and c!Wilbur's relationship in Pogtopia.
^^ Less about c!Tommy, more a meta on L'Manberg. Really interesting to think about.
^^ A take on Doomsday.
I'll add some more posts in a reblog in the notes, but if anyone's post(s) is on this and they want me to take it off, let me know and I'll do that for you! Feel free to add your own banger c!Tommy takes or ones that you've found.
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howlingday · 2 years
Jaune Arc is a descendant from a long line of Slayers. A finely skilled specimen with a strong sense of justice and honor. Women love him, men want to be him, monsters fear him, monster girls are conflicted.
Tales of Remnant
Setting - In their quest to cross Remnant to find the Relics and the Maidens, Team RWBY happen upon the sleepy farm village of Ansel, where one of the last remaining Slayer families, members of a bloodline who first fought back against the first witch and her evil monsters. Unfortunately, the young man they meet isn't interested in their party.
Ruby: Excuse me, are you Jaune Arc?
Jaune: Yeah, that's me. Can I help you?
Ruby: We're an adventuring party, and we thought-
Jaune: Stop. No.
Ruby: Huh? But we didn't even ask you anything!
Jaune: You were going to ask me to join your party so I can help you on your quest, just because I'm an Arc, one of the few Slayer families left in the world. Am I right?
Blake: Does it happen a lot?
Jaune: More times than I'd like. I've been on a few, but I'm always kicked after the first mission. I either turn out to be too weak, too annoying, or too cowardly to help in a fight.
Ruby: Well, we won't kick you off of our team!
Jaune: That's what the last team said.
Ruby: Well, we're not the last team!
Jaune: Last team said that, too, and the team before them.
Yang: I guess you don't want to go on an adventure.
Jaune: No. If you're looking for someone to join your party, you'll have to find someone else. Try asking around. Anyone's got to be better than me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have chores to do. (Walks away)
Ruby: Man, and I was hoping to have a Slayer on the team!
Weiss: You just learned what a Slayer is.
Ruby: So? It doesn't make me want to team up with him any less!
Blake: We'll ask around. Maybe someone has a way to convince him to team up with us.
Yang: Let's try the inn first.
Jaune: H-Hey! Wait up!
Yang: Huh? What are you doing here?
Jaune: (Huffs) I... I wanna... Hoo, boy! Ahem! I want to join your party. Just for a little bit!
Weiss: What changed your mind?
Jaune: Everyone has been pushing me since you came to town, and my dad convinced me to help you guys out. He says it will be good to get out and be a part of something bigger, and prove myself.
Blake: So you're going to join us because your dad said so?
Jaune: ...I wouldn't say it like that.
Weiss: But that is what happened.
Ruby: Well, it doesn't matter to me! You're now a member of our team! Welcome to Team RWBY!
Jaune: I give this team two weeks before you're all sick of me.
Weiss: Well, I'm already annoyed by that mopey attitude.
Jaune: One down, three to go.
Name - Jaune Arc
Weapon Style - Sword and Shield
Element - Light (+10% Against Dark, -10% Against Earth)
Skill - Slayer (Deals +10% Against Non-Humans)
Bio - Newbie Knave ("Fresh off the farm, Scared easily by loud noises")
Jaune: Yikes! Who the heck is that, and why is she controlling that monster?!
Ruby: That's Cinder. She attacked our home in Patch. She's looking for the Fall Maiden.
Jaune: What have I gotten myself into?
C R A C K!.
Cinder: You won't get away this time, girls!
Ruby: Yes, we will, and we'll stop you!
Cinder: No, you won't, because your adventure ends here!
Jaune: Uh, is it too late to run away now?
Yang: Chickening out already, Jaune?
Jaune: No, no, I just, uh, wanted to be sure if we needed to actually fight.
Weiss: Yes, we do!
Jaune: Uh, alright, well, here goes nothing!
Jaune: Listen, we're all really tired. Can you tell us how to get to the hotel, Miss...?
Pyrrha: You... You don't know who I am?
Jaune: Oh, sorry! Should I?
Pyrrha: No! Not at all! Come inside with me. I'd gladly shelter you all in this rain.
Jaune: Wow, this place is huge!
Pyrrha: Thank you. I'm glad you like it. Please, stay as long as you'd like. I'll be back with some towels. (Walks away)
Jaune: She seems nice.
Weiss: I can't believe we met Pyrrha Nikos!
Ruby: Right?! She's a legend!
Yang: Relax, Rubes. Remember, she's just a normal girl like us.
Weiss: Normal girl?! She's the Champion of Mistral! We need her on our team!
Yang: Hey, now, take it easy, Ice Queen. I just said Pyrrha was a normal girl. Sure, she's the best fighter of our generation, but she's still human.
Blake: Though her assistance would greatly aid in our quest for the Maidens.
Weiss: Well, we'll ask her, then, and if she says no, which she won't, we'll be supportive of her decision.
Jaune: Just like with me?
Weiss: Huh?
Jaune: I said no, but you girls just hounded me even harder.
Weiss: Hmph! And like you can do any better?
Jaune: I can.
Pyrrha: (Returns with towels) I'm back! What are we talking about?
Jaune: Do you want to join our party? We're on a quest to save the world.
Pyrrha: Huh?!
Weiss: You idiot! That was too direct!
Jaune: Huh?
Weiss: She's the Champion, but she's still a woman! You have to consider her feelings!
Jaune: I didn't know she was a champion; I just asked her the same way you asked me.
Weiss: You idiot! Now she'll never say-
Pyrrha: Yes.
Weiss: Huh?!
Pyrrha: Yes, I will join your party.
Jaune: Oh, really? Great!
Yang: You feelin' salty, Weissy?
Yang: Oh, yeah. You are salty.
Pyrrha: So, you're a Slayer?
Jaune: My family is. Me? I'm nobody.
Pyrrha: That's not true. You're somebody to me.
Jaune: Thanks, Pyrrha, but it doesn't change the fact I'm still me. I'm nothing like my ancestors.
Pyrrha: What have your ancestors done?
Jaune: Dad is a Beast-Slayer. He fought a huge bear with his own two hands, then killed it after it turned into a Mega-Bear. It's actually how he met Mom.
Pyrrha: I see. Are there any Dragon-Slayers?
Jaune: My great grandfather killed a dragon attacking his village.
Pyrrha: Demon-Slayers?
Jaune: My great great grandmother saved the world killing one.
Pyrrha: I see. (Scoots closer) Jaune, I want you to hear something, but I don't want you to panic, or say anything to anyone about this.
Jaune: Uh, okay?
Pyrrha: Here. (Takes his head, Places against her chest) Do you hear my heartbeat?
Jaune: (Closes his eyes) Yeah... It sounds... Fast... Really fast... No, wait... (Pulls away) You have two hearts. You're not humsn, are you?
Pyrrha: No, I'm not human, or half-human, like your friend, Blake. I was born a monster, and I've managed to keep up my appearance long enough to fool everyone else.
Jaune: No one else knows?
Pyrrha: (Shakes her head) No, you're the only one.
Jaune: (Stands up) W-We have to tell the others!
Pyrrha: (Pulls his hands down) Tomorrow. Tonight, (Hugs Jaune) I just want to enjoy this.
Jaune: Do you... hate that I'm a Slayer?
Pyrrha: I can smell the monster blood on your hands, but I don't think... No, I know you aren't the kind of person to kill someone without a just cause. If there is blood is on your hands, it must have been self-defense. But... Do you hate me? Or hate that I lied?
Jaune: (Shakes his head, Hugs her back) You didn't know us. Humans and monsters have been killing each other for hundreds of years. It's kinda expected we're going to be a little scared of each other because of it. I know you better now, so I know you won't hurt me.
Pyrrha: (Smiles) Thank you.
Blake: (Watching the whole thing, Smiling, Walks away)
Bio - Only Human ("Born to and raised by humans, Empathetic to all creatures")
Pyrrha: (Doubles over in pain, Groans)
Jaune: Everyone, please! She doesn't mean any harm!
Mob: Kill her!
Mob: She took Pyrrha Nikos' place!
Mob: Make her pay!
Cinder: Behold, everyone! As the shattered moon becomes whole once more, so too will her true form as a monster be revealed!
Ruby: This is bad! If any more people gather, it'll be impossible to escape without a fight.
Yang: I say we give it to them. If they want to hurt one of our friends, I saw we hurt them back!
Nora: Yeah! Take them all on!
Ren: Getting into a fight will only make things worse. We have to think this through.
Blake: We need a plan to keep the mob away. Something to keep them from getting closer.
Weiss: Cinder is rallying the people against her. Once Pyrrha transforms, there's no telling what will happen, but we don't need to guess what Cinder will try.
Pyrrha: (10 ft tall, Fully-armored werewolf)
Jaune: Pyrrha! Can you hear me?!
Pyrrha: (Breathes heavily, Looks down at Jaune)
Jaune: It's me! Jaune! Don't worry! We're going to help you!
Mob: (Screams)
Mob: It's a monster! She's actually a monster!
Mob: Kill it before it kills us!
Pyrrha: J... aune....
Jaune: Yeah! It's me, Pyrrha! We're all here for you! (Gets slowly closer, Hands extended) Me, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Ren, Nora... All of us...
Pyrrha: (Reaching towards him) Jau... ne... (Shot with an arrow, Reels in pain)
Jaune: No!
Pyrrha: NO! (Swipes at Jaune) NO! NO! NO! (Scratches at the burning pain, Roars)
Ruby: Jaune! Are you okay?!
Jaune: Forget about me! What about Pyrrha?!
Blake: ...We have to protect the townspeople.
Jaune: Blake?!
Blake: We won't kill her, but we need to weaken her. We'll draw her attention, and make sure she isn't going to attack anyone except us.
Weiss: Half of us will engage her, the other will rout the town away from the fighting.
Nora: And we'll smash Cinder while we're at it, too!
Yang: Save the town first. Then we'll slug it out against the real monster!
Jaune: (Nods) I'm not leaving Pyrrha's side. I think I can calm her down.
Ruby: Then you're on team "Stop Pyrrha." Who else is in? Remember, once this fight starts, it'll be too late to change tactics. Are you guys ready?
Pyrrha: (Human, Panting)
Jaune: (Holding Pyrrha's head in his lap) Are you okay?
Pyrrha: (Weakly smiles, Touches his face) Jaune...
Cinder: (On a distant rooftop) How sweet... (Draws back on her bow) Time to end this.
Pyrrha: Thank you. (Tears roll down her face) Thank you so much for helping me...
Jaune: Of course I helped you! We're friends, right?
Pyrrha: (Nods) And... I love you- (Gasps, Sees arrow in her chest)
Jaune: (Reels, Holds her hands as she claws his cheek) NO! NONONONO! PYRRHA!
Pyrrha: (Hands fall, Eyes dim)
Jaune: (Holding her hands, Sobs) PYRRHA! PYRRHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Bio - Battle-Scarred ("Battle-tested warrior, Broken-hearted friend")
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