#the Triwizard cup
slayingqueenchal · 2 years
Daft | Fred Weasley x harrystwinsister!y/n
Warning : none, fluff, Fred being Fred, confession, year four GOF
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"Evening, sweetheart" Fred sat next to you on the common room. "Hello, Freddie" You sighed. "Why so sad, y/n" He looked to your eyes. "Nothing" You could've said something else. "You're a bad liar y/n, why" You knew Fred was staring, but you looked down.
"Someone? , love" He asks. "Yes, Freddie, it's someone" You admitted. "Who is it? " Fred asks. "No one, but, I fancy him, but he only sees me as a friend" You said. It was him self, you were telling him about himself. "Oh, the guy must be a daft, then" He stuttered, Fred Weasley never stutters. "He is a daft, Fred, why are you a daft? " The last few words slipped out of your mouth.
"What? " He said, shocked. "See, you only see me as a friend, Fred, and we probably wouldn't even be friends after this conversation" You 'proved' you self.
"Y/n..i don't see you only as a friend, y/n, hell, I fancy you" He looked down. "What? " You looked at him again.
"I sort of fell for you in my third year, I know it's messed up, but I did, that moment when you sat next to me, thought it'll go away, but it didn't, but, if you fell uncomfortable or-" You cut him off, kissing him. He kissed you back. It was soft, but when you pulled away, you felt eyes on you.
Harry, Hermione, and Ron, shocked but, harry and Ron was flabbergasted. "I'm sorry! Uhm harry I swear I'm sor! " Harry then told him "if you must, then".
Hermione was already smiling, so as Harry but Ron was still shocked.
"So... The yule ball is coming" Fred proposed, you knew what he was going to say and you answered "yes, Fred, I'd love to go with you" While smiling.
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iconicstoner · 1 year
a light in the darkness
gn!reader x cedric diggory
words: 1126
summary: In an AU where Cedric survives the Triwizard tournament, but has trauma from it, y/n has to help him through a panic attack caused by his claustrophobia.
a/n: mentions what happened to Cedric in the maze in detail, mentions claustrophobia, and implied panic attack
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Cedric would never be the same after the Triwizard Tournament.
Not everything had changed. He was still the same loyal and compassionate boy you’d always loved, but he would never be as carefree as he once was. Slowly, his hair had been growing out; nothing major, but just enough to cover his eyes. His sleep pattern was in a downward spiral too. Almost every night, he had grim nightmares about what happened during the tournament, and it caused him to fall asleep in his classes often. He confessed to you the terrifying memories he had from the maze. You could remember in great detail when he told you about the suffocating tunnels of ivy that surrounded him as he tried to move through the maze, making it almost impossible to breathe. The experience was suffocating. He was even more scared by the overgrown roots that wrapped around him and attempted to carry him away from the cup. He clawed at them, screaming in terror for help, but nothing he could do on his own would fight them off. Now, if he got his shoe caught on something as simple as his shoelace, it would make him turn ghostly pale, getting flashbacks to the moment he could’ve lost his life.
Despite what he went through, he kept exceptional grades and still had his friends. For him, maintaining his grades wasn’t a surprise. Not only were his professors very understanding, but studying was one of the few things he could do without ever having to think about what happened that day. He was much more surprised to discover that his friends still loved him, and that he was still as popular as always. He thought his friends would be disappointed in him, but like the incredible friends they were, they adored him just as much, and respected him for the hardship he went through. More than anything, he was glad you still loved him, even if he would never be exactly the same.
However, attention and popularity were no longer what made him feel whole. When people circled him to talk to him, it often scared him. After what happened in the maze, Cedric had intense claustrophobia, and even standing in a crowded room could set him off.
After every dark thing that happened, the only real thing he could find solace in was you, his beloved support system. You knew this, and made it a point to check on him daily, especially if he didn’t talk to you for a day. That’s how you knew when it was a dreadful day for him.
Today was different. Classes were over for the day, and you hadn’t seen him once. You thought maybe it was just a coincidence you didn’t see him in the halls, but when he didn’t show up to your shared History of Magic class, you grew worried. You’d asked around about him for what felt like hours, and eventually one of his friends told you they’d seen Cedric go to his dormitory.
You contemplated what could’ve happened as you entered the Hufflepuff common room. The smell of sweets wafted through the air, and the syrupy scent filled your nose. Usually, you loved to admire the soft yellow furniture and warm lighting, but today you went straight for the boys' dorm. You pushed open the ancient creaky oak door to Cedric’s dorm, and the scene felt all too familiar to you. Before the tournament, Cedric often invited you over, but that was becoming rare as time went on. You knew he still loved you, but it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to reach out to anyone, even just to chat.
You opened the door to find Cedric on the wood floor, sitting next to his bed, with his knees to his chest. You rushed over, quickly closed the door behind you, and sat with him.
For a while, he didn’t say anything, he just softly cried. His cheeks were red, and his breathing was shallow. His favorite gold Hufflepuff sweater had droplets of water across the front from his salty tears. You wanted to engulf him in your arms, but you knew he needed his space.
“I can’t believe what I did,” he finally said, breaking the silence. The tears in his throat were audible and heartbreaking. “A group of people tried talking to me, and I just snapped,” he’s barely able to choke out the words as he begins to sob into your shoulder.
“I know Ced, it’s okay,” you say as you brush your fingers through his soft overgrown honey hair.
“I just snapped,” he says between sobs. “They were all standing so close, and I couldn’t breathe, and all I could think about was that stupid maze.” The words leave his mouth in a quick spiral, and once they’re out he grabs you like if he doesn’t, you’ll vanish. “I shouted at them,” he says, sounding dejected. Even if those students never remembered it, he was too sweet not to blame himself.
“Cedric Diggory,” you say in a strong, but concerned tone, “no one is mad at you. The people here are considerate enough to understand what you went through, and if they can’t understand it, then maybe they deserve to be yelled at.” He doesn’t respond to you, but he holds on to you a little tighter, and presses his face into your neck. His warm, soft lips meet your skin and plant a small kiss on you, and you can feel his wet, tear-stained cheeks brush against you. “Why don’t we get you some food? You’ll feel much better,” you earnestly suggest. He moves away from your neck, keeping a firm grip on your body. Despite his disheveled appearance, he sends you a grin that makes you feel like the sun has just come out after a long winter. He nods his head in agreement and stands up with you. You watch as he fixes his hair, and changes his clothes to go down to the great hall with you. When his shirt is off, you see his sculpted, toned body, and you can’t help but giggle. He blushes, and a soft shade of pink takes over his face. He sends you a wink and quickly puts on another shirt. It seemed like Hufflepuff’s golden boy was making a return.
Once you’re out of the Hufflepuff common room he takes you by the hand and twirls you around, pulling you into him with a soft smile. Your hands connect, as if they were made to hold each other, and he traces his thumb in circles on your hand.
“You are the light of my life,” he whispers into your ear, and it’s like you can hear the smile in his voice.
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I would have LOVED for Harry’s reaction to that last scrap of paper coming out of the Goblet of Fire to be like “Fuck…” bc he had to have known that it was gonna be him. Given his current track record?? He honestly should’ve expected to be called first tbh.
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wwemcumuscleslover · 11 months
Reblog this if in the Goblet of Fire, you have a Crush on Victor Krum
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This is the Actor Stanislav yanevski nowadays, pretty handsome, right?!!!
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l-lenny · 1 year
Dumb Krum … I love you too!
Viktor Krum x Malfoy! Fem! Reader & Fred Weasley x Malfoy! Fem! Reader
Summary: Attending Durmstrang might be the best thing that ever happened to you. You are doing amazing academically, you have friends and even first crush. That is until you went with him to Hogwarts for the Triwizard tournament when things got more complicated.
PART 7 REUPLOAD (longer version)
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lavendarhearts · 1 year
Can I just say? Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom are every stereotype of Hufflepuffs when Cedric Diggory and Tonks are what being a hufflepuff actually is. Luna is overly nice at time and Neville is a plant lover and to a lot of people, that is all Hufflepuffs are. In reality, they are just like Tonks and Cedric. Cedric is the one that got chosen to participate in the Tournament, not Harry. Harry only got in because the cup was tricked. And Tonks is an amazing auror without being rude or strict. They have their own personalities even when they are being defined by their house traits. Even Cedric's friends are seen making fun of Harry with the "Potter Stinks" badges. Ravenclaws are often seen as smart and only smart. Neither Ravenclaw nor Hufflepuff are getting much representation solely because Gryffindor is the 'best house' and Slytherin is the 'evil house'. I'm so sick of the movie fans not seeing that these four houses are so much more than just their house traits and what people think they are. Just because a lot of dark wizards end up in Slytherin doesn't mean that all Slytherins are evil. there are so much misunderstood Slytherins and dark wizards that belong in another house. Gryffindors are seen as the main characters because of Harry's pov. I mean, just look at Narcissa. She is a Slytherin but she is also a mother that would do anything for her son. She even lied to a mind reading dark lord. Regulus Black and Draco Malfoy are living proof that Slytherins are misunderstood and they only become death eaters because their parents force them to. Hermione, despit being the smartest one, was put in Gryffindor, not Ravenclaw. While the hat did want to put her in Ravenclaw, it settled on Gryffindor because it made her go much farther. Being smart, being kind, being brave, and being ambitious does not confine you to one house.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk(this rant got off topic FAST)
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ultraviolet-x · 1 year
Ladies and Gentlemen, your new Triwizard Champion
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 10
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕸𝖞 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖍 𝖜𝖆𝖘 twisting and turning at dinner. Snape had been. . . well I didn't really know what emotion had played out on his face. He'd kind've frozen, and then of course, I'd said there was nothing we could do about it if it was already hoodwinked and he turned kind've purple. Perhaps it was a medical condition. Shock could do that to people. Or maybe he just cared about me. . . no, I'm sure that wasn't the reason. Shock, definitely shock.
The other students were excited, talking about the possible house champions. I mean, if Cedric did get it and I was the second, well it was a double Hufflepuff win which would be nice. I wondered who the others were and why I had seen only my name coming out of the goblet. It was a bit funny, I'd never really seen a vision where I was involved. I only assumed that was because I saw the visions from my point of view.
The Halloween feast was just as good as yesterdays, but not as many people seemed to have enjoyed it. Maybe because two feasts in a row is not as good as one feast every couple of months. The Bulgarians seemed to enjoy themselves though. A few boys were sitting with Krum and I today. I didn't speak much, mostly listening to everything they had to say. Some of the stuff they talked about was fascinating enough that I momentarily forgot about the Cup.
Ron had asked me to get a signed autograph from Krum but I figured he could get it himself if he really, really wanted it.
When Dumbledore stood up, the Great Hall got silent very quickly. I looked up at the teachers table. Madam Maxime and Karkaroff were both tense. Karkaroff's eyes met mine- or maybe they were looking at the students behind me, I wasn't sure. Ludo looked extremely excited and was winking at various students in the crowd though I noticed he particularly avoided the Gryffindor table. Mr. Crouch had a stoic face on an looked utterly bored. I met Snape's eyes. I held them for a second before looking away. He looked how I felt- sick.
"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision. I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called," and here Dumbledore's eyes briefly flickered over to mine. So Snape had told him- good, "I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber where they will be receiving their first instructions." Dumbledore motioned to a door behind the staff table.
He took out his wand and waved it. All the candles that floated in the air were extinguished and so were the flames in the lanterns on the walls. Only the candles in the pumpkins stayed lit. The Goblet of Fire was almost painful to look at- the blue white flames were extremely bright. My stomach grew even more nervous and I thought that I might just throw up.
I counted down the seconds in my head and when I reached 0, the flames inside the goblet turned red. Sparks began to fly from it and a tongue of flame shot into the air, a piece of parchment fluttered out of it. The whole room gasped but my mouth wouldn't open. I think it was glued shut. Despite being fairly certain my name would come out last- my stomach turned.
"The Champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore read. The Bulgarians cheered and I turned and looked at him and said, "Congratulations." with as big of a smile as I could manage. He smiled back and got up and slouched to the door that Dumbledore had indicated. Everyone could hear Karkaroff shouting, "Bravo Viktor! Knew you had it in you!"
The clapping and chatting died down and everyone's focus was on the Goblet once again. It turned red and shot up another flame and a second piece of parchment- a frilly thing, all folded up like a circular fan- came down and Dumbledore reached up and grabbed it.
"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore announced. She didn't get as much applause from her own group. In fact, many of the girls burst into tears except those from Ombrelune who stared stoically ahead. Fleur Delacour was a girl who looked like a Veela. Her long silvery hair was nearly as long as mine, all the way down to her butt, which she shook as she walked up the aisle between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.
When she went through the door, everyone stopped cheering immediately. The excitement could be tasted in the air and I wished that I could enjoy it. A third parchment slip shot up into the air and Dumbledore shot his hand up to grab it. A pause and then, "The Hogwarts Champion, is Cedric Diggory."
I managed to forget about the fourth slip as I joined in cheering for Cedric with everyone else. I jumped to my feet with the others, screaming. The only slight difference between my screams and the others screams were they were happy, I sounded a bit panicked. Cedric grinned at me as he passed by and headed off toward the chamber behind the teacher's table.
"Excellent!" Dumbledore shouted, trying to keep things normal though his eyes flickered to me once again. I had already sat back down, staring at the table, trying not to be sick. Could I be wrong? I'd been wrong about other things before. . . the polecat, for instance. . . and Hermione's badges. . . but wrong about something this big? I put a hand over my mouth, leaning on my elbow. I was going to be sick. . . I was going to be horribly sick.
"Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute-" And then he stopped talking as the goblet's fire turned red again, sending up another piece of parchment. The whole room gasped.
Dumbledore reached up and grabbed it, looking at me again. I found it difficult to swallow. He opened his mouth to read- what I supposed was my name- and then closed it, frowning. I felt hope come. Was there no name on it? That was the best case scenario. I found I was half-risen from my seat and then he said, "Harry Potter."
I sat back down heavily, stunned. I had been wrong again? My hands trembled and I placed them on the table, trying to take deep breaths to calm myself. What was happening? Were my visions slipping? Why was I seeing things only halfway? What was wrong with me!?
Professor McGonagall had gotten to her feet to speak to Professor Dumbledore. I glanced over at the Gryffindor table and saw Harry was saying something to Hermione and Ron. But his words didn't seem to register with them.
"Harry Potter! Harry! Up here, if you please!"
Hermione pushed Harry. Harry got to his feet, walking slowly up between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables. He reached Dumbledore who, unsmiling, said, "Through the door, Harry." He looked at me again.
Harry went through the door and then I got up, and sprinted to the top of the stairs. Professor McGonagall made to move as though to stop me but Dumbledore touched her arm and I went past them. People started to murmur and I sprinted down the corridor.
Harry was standing to the side while Cedric, Krum, and Fleur all stood in front of the fireplace, looking at him.
"What is it? Do zey want us back in ze Hall?" Fleur was asking.
"No." I said as Harry just shook his head. Harry looked at me. "Elizabeth, what's happening?" He asked me in a strange voice.
"I don't know." I said, panicking. "I didn't foresee it."
Cedric had turned at the sound of my voice but didn't ask anything as Ludo Bagman came into the room.
"Extraordinary! Absolutely Extraordinary! Gentlemen. . . lady, may I introduce- incredibly though it may seem- the fourth Triwizard champion?" Bagman said, having taken Harry's arm, and led him to the fireplace. Viktor Krum straightened up at these words, his face darkening. Cedric looked from Bagman, to Harry, to me, trying to find something out. Fleur however, tossed her hair and said, "Oh, vairy funny joke, Meester Bagman."
"Joke? No, no, not at all! Harry's name just came out of the Goblet of Fire!" Ludo said and he sounded positively joyful about it. I thought I might be sick again and Harry looked the same way.
"But evidently zair 'as been a mistake, 'E cannot compete. 'E is too young."
"Well. . . it is amazing. But as you know, the age restriction was only imposed this year as an extra safety measure. And as his name's come out of the goblet. . . I mean, I don't think there can be any ducking out at this stage. . . It's down in the rules, you're obliged. . . Harry will just have to do the best he-"
The door opened again and Harry and I turned to look to see who was coming. It was Dumbledore followed by Mr. Crouch, Karkaroff, Madam Maxime, McGonagall and Snape.
"Madam Maxime!" Fleur said at once. "Zey are saying zat zis little boy is to compete also!"
Through my fear, confusion, and shame I snorted in annoyance. Little boy? Would I have been little girl? My stomach did another turn and I sat down and put my head on my knees before I passed out. I really shouldn't have been taking this so hard, but contestants had died in the past. Part of me wondered if I was glad it wasn't me, or if I wished it was me so that it wouldn't be Harry. Strange though- I was so excited for Cedric.
"What is ze meaning of zis, Dumbly-dorr." She said impatiently.
"I'd rather like to know that myself, Dumbledore." I heard Karkaroff saying. He sounded close by to me. "Two Hogwarts champions? I don't remember anyone telling me the host school is allowed two champions- or have I not read the rules carefully enough?" He gave a short laugh.
"But Harry's not competing under Hogwarts." I managed to say, looking up. "It's impossible for the Goblet to pick two from any one place. Whoever put Harry's name in the Goblet put him down under a different school."
Everyone was silent for a moment and then Karkaroff said, "That as it may be, we were under the impression that the Age Line was to keep out younger contestants, Dumbledore. Otherwise, we would, of course, have brought along a wider selection of candidates from our own schools."
"It's not one's fault but Potters, Karkaroff. Don't go blaming Dumbledore for Potter's determination to break rules. He has been crossing lines ever since he arrived here-" Snape said softly, his black eyes alight with mischief. I glared at him.
"Thank you Severus." Dumbledore said firmly and it was hard not to grin. Professor Dumbledore looked from me, to Harry and asked very calmly, "Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Harry?" he asked.
'No." Harry said.
"Did you ask an older student to put it into the Goblet of fire for you?"
"No." Harry said again.
"Ah, but of course 'e is lying!" Madam Maxime announced.
"No he isn't." I snapped.
"I don't know how you would know that." Karkaroff asked, looking at me sharply. "Unless you've been with him every moment of the day?"
I blushed. I certainly wasn't going to tell the foreigners about my vi-
"Oh, but of course!" Bagman said excitedly. He was so excited I was surprised when he didn't clap his hands together with joy. "You would've seen it through your visions if Harry had put his name in the cup."
I closed my eyes. Lovely- now they knew. "Right." I said bitterly. "And I didn't."
Madam Maxime didn't seem to care about my visions, but Karkaroff was giving me a calculated look now. Lovely. I looked over at the other Professors and saw that both Snape and Dumbledore were giving Karkaroff a guarded look now.
"Dumbly-dorr must 'ave made a mistake wiz ze line." Madam Maxime was saying.
"It is possible, of course." Dumbledore said mildly, looking away from Karkaroff who was still looking at me.
"Dumbledore, you know perfectly well you did not make a mistake! Really, what nonsense! Harry could not have crossed the line himself, and as Professor Dumbledore believes that he did not persuade an older student to do it for him, I'm sure that should be good enough for everybody else!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, throwing a nasty look at Professor Snape.
"Well he didn't put it in." I muttered, but quietly because no one seemed to be listening to my opinions anyways. I was peering into the future again, trying to see what I'd missed the first time. It was strange. . . the names were coming so easily now. . . there was Harry's name on the slip of paper. . .why had I seen something different before?
"Mr. Crouch. . . Mr. Bagman." Karkaroff said slowly. "You are our-er- objective judges. Surely you will agree that this is most irregular?"
Bagman was wiping his face with a handkerchief, looking the most excited out of anyone in this room. I licked my lips and stood up. I had a mind to leave but Dumbledore said softly, "Miss Kane. . ." I stood next to Harry instead, glaring at the floor.
Mr. Crouch spoke curtly. "We must follow the rules, and the rules state clearly that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the tournament."
He looked over at me and we kept eye contact while a majority of the rest of the conversation took place.
"Well, Barty knows the rule book back to front." Bagman said as though that was the end of the discussion.
Had Voldemort already visited his house? Had the visit not happened? I didn't really know any of the details- they were hazy. What was he thinking about, looking at me. Still, neither of us looked away from each other.
"I insist upon resubmitting the names of the rest of my students." His stupid smile was gone. "You will set up the Goblet of Fire once more, and we will continue adding names until each school has two champions. It's only fair, Dumbledore."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.
"But Karkaroff, it doesn't work like that. The Goblet of Fire's just gone out- it won't reignite until the start of the next tournament-"
"-In which Durmstrang will most certainly not be competing! After all our meeting and negotiations and compromises, I little expected something of this nature to occur! I have half a mind to leave now!"
"Empty threat, Karkaroff. They've all got to compete. Binding magical contract, like Dumbledore said. Convenient, eh?" Uncle Moody said, having just entered the room.
Staring into Barty Crouch's eyes was like having a silent conversation. It felt like he was trying to tell me something and I wasn't grasping it. But now, at Moody's entrance, we held eyes for another second and then he looked away, stepping back into the shadows again. I looked at where Uncle Moody had just walked in.
"Convenient? I'm afraid I don't understand you, Moody." Karkaroff said in fake disdain.
"Don't you? It's very simple, Karkaroff. Someone put Potter's name in that goblet knowing he'd have to compete if it came out."
"Evidently, someone 'oo whished to give 'Ogwarts two bites of ze apple!" Madam Maxime cried out.
"I quite agree, Madam Maxime." Karkaroff said, bowing to her. "I shall be lodging complaints with the Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards-"
"If anyone's got reason to complain, it's Potter. But. . . funny thing. . . I don't hear him saying a word. . ." Moody growled at Karkaroff.
"Why should 'e complain? 'E 'as ze chance to compete 'asn't 'e? We 'ave all been 'oping to be chosen for weeks and weeks! Ze honor for our schools! A thousand Galleons in prize money- zis is a chance many would die for!"
"Maybe someone's hoping Potter is going to die for it." Moody said with a growl.
There was silence, a tense one, and then I gasped. Everyone's eyes shot to me and Professor McGonagall said, "Miss Kane, perhaps you should sit down before you pass out."
I did feel horrible, realizing what I'd just realized. "I think I'm going to be sick." I muttered and I ran from the room. I sprinted to the bathroom, the farthest from the Great Hall as I could get, and went inside, locking myself in a stall.
Of course! Hadn't Voldemort said that Bertha Jorkins had given him good information? Being in the ministry meant that she would've known about the Tournament. But how had he gotten here? I supposed it was possible that Pettigrew could have come in rat form. . . but Voldemort didn't trust him enough to leave by himself. . . nor was Voldemort in the position to be alone. Voldemort also had said he needed another servant. Who was it? Karkaroff? He was the only possible explanation. . . maybe Madam Maxime? I highly doubted it.
Thinking of how Voldemort had killed Bertha Jorkins and now Harry might die made me lurch over the toilet and throw up. I'd lost my parents. I couldn't lose Harry too. And with my visions being unreliable, how was I to keep him from dying?
"Miss Kane?" Professor McGonagall's voice rang out through the bathroom some minutes later. "Are you in here?"
"Yeah." I croaked. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.
"Professor Dumbledore wants to talk to you." She said, sounding sympathetic.
"Sure." I muttered. I waited a few more seconds to make sure I wasn't going to throw up and then got up, flushed, and left the bathroom with her.
"Are you alright?" She asked, concerned.
I nearly nodded yes and then shook my head. "Harry's in danger. I hope Dumbledore doesn't let him compete."
She didn't answer and I knew she didn't want to be the one to tell me that he had to compete. I knew it already, but still. . .
Dumbledore was waiting in his office with Uncle Moody standing on the right side of the room, leaning on his cane. Snape was on the left side of the room, standing erect, with crossed arms. Professor McGonagall stayed near me, though she left me a little room.
"Are you feeling better Miss Kane?" Dumbledore asked kindly. He was standing behind his desk, looking preoccupied.
"Not really." I said weakly. "But I know I owe an explanation."
"Perhaps you could explain what upset you so greatly?" Dumbledore said, peering over his half-moon glasses.
I nodded and told him about the dream I had over the summer. I included every detail possible from how the room looked, to who was in the room, and every word that was said. I had thought about it so much, I had memorized every detail. About their mentioning the Quidditch World Cup, Wormtail offering to use a different wizard or witch, Voldemort's instance on using Harry, Bertha Jorkins, Voldemort's need for another helper. . . but I paused about them mentioning me.
Dumbledore seemed to notice my hesitancy. "Go on. Every detail is important."
So I reluctantly told him what was said about me. Snape's hands balled up into fists when I got to the part of Voldemort wanting to use me for my visions. McGonagall had her mouth over her hand. Uncle Moody leaned forward on his walking stick, something foreign behind his eyes. And then I finished up with the Muggle man coming into the room and Voldemort killing him.
"Why haven't you told the Ministry about Bertha Jorkins?" Snape asked quickly.
I rubbed my head in frustration. "Because this was a dream." I emphasized. "This wasn't a vision. Besides, Fudge wouldn't believe me last year about Sirius Black, so why would he believe me about Voldemort rising again using Peter Pettigrew- who Fudge believes to be dead? And besides," I added on hotly. "My visions haven't been entirely reliable this year, have they? Who can say if the dream even took place?"
"What was the Muggle man's name?" Dumbledore asked curiously.
I racked my brain for that information. "I don't think it was ever said."
Dumbledore rummaged in his desk for a moment and tossed me a newspaper and said, "Was that him?"
I read the headline: Frank Bryce found Murdered in the Old Riddle House
Riddle house. I snorted. That was hilarious. There was a picture of the man and I recognized him immediately. I tossed the newspaper back to him, "That's him, yes."
Dumbledore nodded, "I thought so."
"You have a lot more faith in my visions than I do." I snapped. Then I sucked in air because I shouldn't be mad at Dumbledore. It wasn't his fault that my visions were wacked.
Dumbledore looked at me in mild surprise, "You've always been right before."
"Exactly!" I said, exasperated. "And I've never slipped up more in my entire life! I'm foreseeing things and they aren't happening! There's something wrong with me and I don't think you should be relying on me until I figure out why I'm all messed up!"
"Your visions don't define you." Professor McGonagall said sharply.
"Maybe not." I vented. "but they're just about the only reason I ever end up here anyways so when I don't have anything to share, I'm pretty useless."
Snape's face was a strange shade of red. I wasn't sure what he was mad about, but I didn't really want to find out.
"I've known you for a long time, before I knew about your visions." Uncle Moody said, leaning on his walking stick. "Even as a kid, your insight's always been good. I trust that."
I blushed slightly, a bit pleased, but kept my face stoic. "Can I go?" I muttered.
"Of course. I'm sure Mr. Diggory is looking for you to celebrate." Dumbledore said, a bit bemused. "Oh, one last thing."
"Yes?" I asked, trying not to sound exasperated.
"Is there something about Barty Crouch that you wish to tell me about?" Dumbledore asked.
I was so glad I didn't blush and I said, "Nothing at all."
Dumbledore nodded once and then said, "You may go."
I left without looking at anyone and hurried from the room. But I couldn't bring myself to go to the Hufflepuff common room. Instead, I hurried to the entrance hall and slipped out through the doors. I walked down to the lake, and walked away from the Durmstrang ship. I didn't like Karkaroff.
I took my shoes off, putting my feet in the water and then sitting down on the gravel and rocks. I stared out at the lake. A bunch of flashes of visions burst into my mind suddenly.
"Get out of my head!" I shouted, pressing my hands to the side of my head. Then, putting my head on my knees, I started to cry.
I couldn't help it- really. I had tried to hold things in for too long. I hadn't want to cry in front of dad so I'd bottled everything up. I hadn't cried for a long time and it was a bit of relief to let go of all my feelings.
I sobbed into my knees, trying to keep quiet. Then I felt arms slip around my shoulders, pulling me into a sort of awkward hug. I wasn't sure who it was until I felt the long hair against my neck. Snape.
I put a hand on his arm, pulling it closer. I was being so stupid, I knew, but I needed this sort of closeness.
"You're not useless you know." Snape said, his chin resting on my head.
I hiccupped. I didn't want to cry in front of him either. I quickly bottled the tears, wiping them off my face with my sleeve. "Sorry." I said.
"I don't want you to apologize." He muttered, "and you don't have to stop crying either."
"I hate when people watch me cry." I muttered.
"Technically, I can't see you anyways." Snape said lightly and I laughed. It was a hoarse laugh, but it was a laugh.
"Thanks." I said, feeling better. "You didn't have to follow me, you know. I'm not running away or anything."
At first, I thought he wasn't going to answer and then he said, "You should stay away from the Durmstrang ship. Karkaroff..."
"He wants to use my for my visions too?" I asked bitterly. "I figured as much."
"Something like that." Snape muttered.
I noticed that with his chin on my head and his arms around my shoulders, he was hugging me a bit like how dad might've held me as a little girl.
I turned around, burying my head into his shoulder. He rearranged his arms and I felt much better. This was a different type of hold.
I wasn't sure how long it was before I said, "I should go to the common room. Maybe they've stopped celebrating."
"You hate celebrations?" Snape asked, sounding amused.
"No, not usually. Only because I want to go to bed but its' Cedric, you know? And since we're close I have to stay up."
"You could. . ." He started and then stopped and quickly said, "never mind."
"What?" I asked, interested and sat up, looking into his eyes. I was aware that we were very close, though it was dark.
"It's nothing." He said huskily, moving to get up.
"Well now you have to tell me." I said, teasingly, getting up as well.
"I was going to offer my office, the way I did in first year when Quirrell. . ." he drifted off again. "But you're right, I reckon they've stopped celebrating."
My cheeks were burning and I was glad it was so dark out. "I'll take up your offer anyways."
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 up, I tried to figure out where I was, staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. Of course, Professor Snape's office. I quickly rolled out of bed, pulling on my robes and shoes. I made the bed quickly and noticed that he was still sleeping on the floor, snoring.
My heart thudded in my chest and I froze. His silky black hair was swept across his face. He looked peaceful. He never looked like that when he was awake. I crept over to where he was and moved the hair out of his face. His hair was so soft. I touched his lips with one finger lightly. His snoring stopped and started up again, giving me a heart attack.
I reckoned he was awake. So, I bent down, brushed my lips against his cheek and whispered in his ear, "Thank you."
Then I stood and walked calmly out of the room. But once I closed the door behind me, I felt giddy and I left the classroom in great spirits.
I met Hermione coming out of the Great Hall. She had a stack of toast in a napkin, butter running through each piece onto the next.
"I'm going to get Harry, want to come?" She asked.
I nodded. I followed her up to the Gryffindor common room. The portrait opened before we even reached it and Harry came out and looked at us for a moment. "Hello, I brought you this... Want to go for a walk?" Hermione asked.
"Good idea." Harry said gratefully and then looked at me as we started walking and said, "Are you feeling better?"
I nodded. "I didn't want to compete in the Triwizard Tournament and when I had a vision my name was going to come out, I just didn't feel good. The pressure in there was just a little too much. Dumbledore's letting you compete?"
Harry nodded. As we were outside now, walking around the lake, eating, Harry told Hermione what had happened and caught me up with the other parts after I left.
"Well, of course I knew you hadn't entered yourself. The look on your face when Dumbledore read out your name! But the question is, who did put it in? Because Moody's right, Harry. . . I don't think any student could have done it. . . they'd never be able to fool the Goblet, or get over Dumbledore's-"
"Have you seen Ron?" Harry asked suddenly.
"Erm. . . yes. . . he was at breakfast." Hermione said after some hesitation.
"Does he still think I entered myself?" Harry asked.
"Well. . . no, I don't think so. . . not really." Hermione said a bit awkwardly.
"He's jealous." I piped up.
"Jealous? Jealous of what? He wants to make a prat of himself in front of the whole school, does he?" Harry asked incredulously.
"Look." Hermione said patiently, "it's always you who gets all the attention, you know it is. I know it's not your fault, I know you don't ask for it. . . but- well- you know, Ron's got all these brothers to compete against at home, and you're his best friend, and you're really famous- he's always shunted to one side whenever people see you, and he puts up with it, and he never mentions it, but I suppose this is just one time too many. . ."
"Great, Really great. Tell him from me I'll swap any time he wants. Tell him from me he's welcome to it. . . People gawping at my forehead everywhere I go. . ."
"I'm not telling him anything." Hermione said shortly. "Tell him yourself. It's the only way to sort this out."
"I'm not running around after him trying to make him grow up! Maybe he'll believe I'm not enjoying myself once I've got my neck broken or-" Harry said loudly.
"That's not funny." I snapped at him.
"That's not funny at all." Hermione agreed anxiously. "Harry, I've been thinking- you know what we've got to do, don't you? Straight away, the moment we get back tot he castle?"
"Yeah, give Ron a good kick up the ass?"
"Write to Sirius. You've got to tell him what's happened. He asked you to keep him posted on everything that's going on at Hogwarts. . . It's almost as if he expected something like this to happen. I brought some parchment and a quill out with me-" Hermione looked at me and I nodded.
"I know what the letter says." I said. Or at least, I hoped that it did.
"Come off it." Harry said, looking at us like we were crazy. "He came back to the country just because my scar twinged. He'll probably come bursting right into the castle if I tell him someone's entered me in the Triwizard Tournament-"
"He'll find out anyways." I said. "It'll be in the Daily Prophet by tomorrow." (I hoped). "He'd rather hear from you anyways."
I summoned my letters to Sirius and Dad from the castle as we walked up to the Owlery. They came shooting out the door and into my hand. "We'll send Sadie. She can mail my letter to Sirius and yours since you can't use Hedwig. I'll use Hedwig to send a letter to Dad."
Dear Sirius, You told me to keep you posted on what's happening at Hogwarts, so here goes- I don't know if you've heard, but the Triwizard Tournament's happening this year and on Saturday night I got picked as a fourth champion. I don't know who put my name in the Goblet of Fire, because I didn't. The other Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory, from Hufflepuff. Elizabeth's pleased. Elizabeth and Hermione say hello. Hope you're okay, and Buckbeak -Harry
"Finished," He said and I took his letter and gave him the one I had written to dad. "Give that to Hedwig." I repeated as Hedwig flew down from the rafters.
"This is for Professor Lupin." he told Hedwig as he tied the letter to her leg. I worked on Sirius' letters with Sadie.
I petted her wings and let her out. "I ought to go find Cedric and congratulate him." I told the others. I hugged Harry tightly. "You're going to be fine, you know." I said reassuringly. "The other students aren't going to be happy and I'm sorry you'll have to put up with it, but Hermione and I'll be here." I promised.
"Thanks Elizabeth." Harry said with a tight smile.
𝕴 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 𝕮𝖊𝖉𝖗𝖎𝖈 with some of his buddies in the library. I decided I wouldn't say anything because I didn't particularly like his friends. Cedric spotted me and jumped up and came over quickly. "There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere." he said.
"Congratulations." I said. "I'm really happy you got it."
"Walk with me." Cedric said, jerking his head out the library door. I followed behind him silently, a bit confused. "Are you okay?" He asked in concern as we were by ourselves. "You seemed really distressed about everything."
I sighed, running my hair through my knotted hair. "Yeah, I know. It's just. . ." I hesitated and then said, "When I had my visions, I-er- saw my name coming out of the Cup. And since I hadn't put my name in and I didn't want to compete in the first place, I was feeling horrible. But Harry's name came out and he didn't put his name in and when Professor Moody said maybe someone was trying to kill him well. . . I just got really upset."
"He really didn't put his name in the Goblet?" Cedric asked incredulously.
I nodded, "No one knows how his name was put into the Goblet. It's scary, really."
Cedric nodded, "Who put his name in it then?"
I shook my head, "I don't know. And that worries me. If I didn't seem something important, what else am I missing then?"
Cedric put an arm around my shoulder, "You shouldn't worry so much about those visions you know. They don't define you."
"McGonagall said something like that." I said. "But I still feel useless when I'm blind."
Cedric shook his head. "Get something to eat, alright? I know you didn't come back last night and you probably didn't eat breakfast."
I grinned reluctantly. "Sorry about not coming to the celebration."
Cedric waved his hand, "I don't care, Elizabeth. I just want you to be okay, alright?"
I nodded, "I'll go get something to eat.
Cedric hesitated, and then leaned in and kissed my cheek, "you do that." Then he walked back to the library. With burning cheeks, I headed to the Great Hall.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖋𝖊𝖜 days were hard on Harry. Only the Gryffindors were being kind to him. Everywhere he went, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Slytherins all hating on him. I got very frustrated with the Hufflepuffs who kept persuading me to stop being friends with Harry.
I'd been minding my business too, which made it even more frustrating. Cedric had been in the corner, talking to a huge group of people. Cedric was extremely popular and was usually always seen in a group of girls and boys. I'd been in the opposing corner, working on my homework. I still had a lot to do and I was rushing to get it done on time.
I didn't even realize that the girl was talking to me at first. She'd called "Hey!" And I didn't look up because I was trying to figure out what the Rune translation was. Then she called "Hey future-see-er." And I looked up.
"What?" I asked curtly. I hated being yanked out of homework reveries. When you have the flow, you have the flow. When you're interrupted, your thoughts stop and the essay is just harder to write when you eventually get back to it.
"Don't you like Cedric?" She asked and Cedric looked at her, frowning.
"Of course, I do." I said, trying to figure out why she might be asking about it. Half the girls were jealous about our close relationship.
"Then why are you still friends with Harry?" She asked defiantly.
I narrowed my eyes, "Why should I drop my friendship with him?" I asked harshly.
"Cause he's an attention-seeking git." Someone else said, laughing.
I slammed my books that I was holding down on the table so that I could shove them into my shoulder bag and said, "I can be friends with whoever the hell I want. I can support Cedric and Harry at the same time and if you all weren't such dunderheads, you'd be able to do that too."
Then I swept angrily out of the common room to go study in the Forbidden forest.
And then of course, there were the stupid Slytherins. I was passing through the hallway in the dungeon and saw the Gryffindors and Slytherins were lined up outside the Potions classroom. The Slytherins were howling with laughter and flashed their new badges to POTTER STINKS.
"Oh very funny. Really witty." Hermione said sarcastically.
"Want one, Granger. I've got loads. But don't touch my hand, now. I've just washed it, you see; don't want a Mudblood sliming it up." Draco said.
Harry and I had our wands out before anyone else could've blinked. I was feeling very angry right now and Draco was the perfect target.
"Harry!" Hermione said, not noticing me. No one seemed to notice I was there, their eyes were all on Draco and Harry. Good, I had a clear shot now.
"Go on, then, Potter. Moody's not here to look after you now- do it, if you've got the guts!" Draco said, his eyes glinting.
"Furnunculus!" Harry yelled.
"Densaugeo!" Malfoy screamed.
"Ebulblio!" I shouted.
Harry's spell hit Goyle in the face, Malfoy's hit Hermione, and mine hit Malfoy. Goyle bellowed as boils sprang up on his face. Hermione's teeth started to grow, and Malfoy was trapped in a transparent bubble. Crabbe lunged at me, knocking me to the ground. I guess he didn't like using his wand.
"And what is all this noise about?" A soft, deadly voice, said down the corridor as Crabbe punched me in the face. I kneed him in the groin, getting him hard, satisfyingly.
Snape grabbed the back of Crabbe's collar, hauling him to his feet. I got up to my feet on my own, blood dripping from my nose.
"Hospital wing." He said, pointing to Goyle, "Hospital wing." He said, pointing to Hermione. They both went off in the same direction. He took out his wand and undid the spell I'd done on Malfoy. "Get to class Kane." Snape said, then bent down and said, "Come back after class."
I headed off to charms wondering what he could possibly want now.
𝕴 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖔𝖓 the office door of the Potions classroom because he wasn't in the classroom. "Come in." He said in an ice cold voice.
I entered hesitantly. Why was he angry with me? Sure, I'd trapped Draco in a bubble and made sure Crabbe wasn't having children anytime soon but still. . . it's not like I'd been in the wrong.
He had his back to me, working at his private desk and said, "Sit." The only thing to sit down on was the bed.
"What do you want?" I muttered, staring at my feet. My nose was still hurting and I closed my eyes and pressed on it. It burned and hurt even more. Maybe it was broken.
His fingers touched my chin and he pulled my head up so he could see my face. "Episkey."
My nose snapped and I yelped in pain and shouted, "What was that for!"
But the pain in my nose was fading. Snape actually smiled and then said, "You could just thank me."
I rolled my eyes. "Thank you."
I was briefly aware that his fingers were still on my chin and I reached up and touched his hand. We were still for a moment and then I drew away and said, "Really, thank you." I was blushing bright red, looking down, trying not to smile.
"I-I should- should go." I stumbled over my words and turned and nearly ran into the door and then ran from the room.
I was sure that if I had another meeting like that, I might actually kiss him.
And I wasn't sure how he'd react about that!
𝕴 𝖜𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝖔𝖚𝖙 a letter to dad that night.
Dear Dad, The Daily Prophet's probably made a piece about it already, I reckon it'll be horrible too. It's going to paint Harry as such a lonely little boy which he isn't. I reckon he didn't say anything that the paper printed he said. Rubbish really, I don't know why you waste money on it. I'm feeling a bit off, I think that's simply because I don't understand why my visions are all wrong. I didn't tell you this yet but I had seen my name coming out of the Cup. Of course, then it was Harry's name but I don't know how I could've made such a mistake! Anyways, I reckon the first task ought to be dragons. You know, perfectly safe. I have to say I'm really glad my name wasn't shot out of the cup. I don't think I could handle it, considering I don't know how reliable my visions are. Of course then, I do suppose that I'd have a better reckoning than the others since I have an idea. Sorry, I'm complaining a lot. Magic school isn't as fun as I wish it was. I feel that every year, Harry's got some sort of hate coming towards him and I feel that I get some of the hate too, simply for being his friend. Especially this year, good lord. I wished the hat just put me in danger in Gryffindor. It's like I have to decide between Cedric and Harry and I can't because I love them both, you know? Anyways, I'll try to be more positive next time. I'm not really down. I've heard from Sirius a couple times and I know where he's staying so maybe I'll pay a visit. But Snape's always following me around. He thinks I'm in danger from the Durmstrangs. I don't know, maybe he's right. I don't understand his attitude towards me at all! He likes me a lot, I feel, and that in itself is confusing because he really ought to hate me. He hates Gryffindors and he fully well knows that's where I was supposed to end up. And he even likes me more than the Slytherins! Oh well, I hope you're doing alright. I miss you a lot, wish you were teaching this year. I've got Snape teaching me how to make Wolfsbane potion during our private lessons so maybe I'll be able to get my hands on some at some point. Not sure how I'll get it to you yet but I'll figure it out. I love you so much dad. -Elizabeth
I waited for it to dry, making sure no one was reading over my shoulder, and then I rolled it up and went up to the Owlery. Neither Hedwig or Sadie were back yet and with Ron's permission, I used Pig to send the letter to Dad.
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hollowwrites · 1 year
Part 2
Ominis x MC
Summary - Trope, Trope, Trope…Did someone say Tri-wizard Cup? Of course you did!! Sebastian expresses his want to compete. Ominis and Eve think it’s a stupid idea…obviously.
Again feel free to swap Evelyn with MC or Y/N
Warnings - None just a continuation of before, all characters aged up 18+
Word Count - 1260
Before Ominis could understand where he was, Why he was asleep in the common room or when Evelyn had gotten back, he had to contend with those exact same questions from Sebastian. When he had awoken he had found him, rather smugly, drinking his coffee sat next to him. He’d obviously made many lude jokes about sleeping with Evelyn and how fun their night must have been to not even make it to the dorms, but Ominis just shrugged them off, worried if he dwelled on thoughts like that for long he would turn pinker than Amortentia. He turned his attention to Evelyn.
She seemed just so peaceful lying in his lap. Ominis thought it would be a crime to move her, It was still early and exceptionally selfish on his behalf to wake her. He’d been awake for a few minutes now and was listening to Sebastian prattle on about…something. He wasn’t entirely sure. He was busy playing with Evelyn’s hair, the texture was so satisfying, and changed everyday. Straight, smooth, shaggy, up, down, her hair was never the same twice in a row…
“Are you even listening to me?!” Sebastian barked, his temper flaring as it was known to do
“Not really, no” Ominis replied, idly running the same lock of hair through his fingers over and over.
“You’re honestly impossible you know that right?” He dramatically slammed back into the sofa they shared
“Be careful!” He snapped “You’ll wake her”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, and took a sip from his mug. All of Sebastian’s dramatic displays must have stirred her, because Ominis felt her shift in his lap. Her hands padded around in confusion as to where she lay.
“Morning” Sebastian noticed her stirring and grabbed her by the ankles, yanking her legs up and onto his lap as he shuffled closer to them both.
“Merlin!” She jumped “What is wrong with you Sebastian?!” She hissed trying to keep a straight face
“What time did you get in last night?” Sebastian probed hoping for more details than Ominis was letting on
“About midnight why does it-“
“Tsk tsk Miss Hollow, breaking the rules. Whoever taught you that?”
“I wonder” she retorted “I was under professor instructions so actually, Mr Sallow, you’re the only filthy stop out here” she smiled picking her self up off Ominis and throwing her arms around his neck. “I’ve missed you Seb”
“Aw” he gushed “I’ve missed you too…ANYWAY…” he picked Evelyn up off of him like she was nothing and put her beside Ominis. She giggled as she was thrown back down onto the sofa.
Nothing pained Ominis more than the sounds of Evelyn happy…when he hadn’t caused it. He knew it was a horrible thing to think, but listening to Sebastian’s sounds of exertion and her gleeful giggles, it allowed his mind to wander. What was he doing? Was she sat on his lap? Was there something going on between the two of them that was unspoken and he just didn’t know? Did he prod her? Tickle her? Was it playful? Flirty? Did he…kiss her?
Merlin, he could not handle having her one second and her gone the next.
She is not yours he reminded himself you do not have her
As intuitive as a Legilimens, Evelyn always seemed to know when the littlest of things bothered him. He appreciated her soothing presence and this time it presented itself as a calming hand upon his thigh. She tapped him as though to say; You’re okay, and he simply…was. Truly magic.
“Evelyn, you are forgiven for not knowing this but Ominis you’ve just been moping about for weeks this shouldn’t be new information to you” Sebastian started, Ominis rolled his eyes he knew exactly what was going to come out of his mouth.
The Tri Wizard Tournament
“The Tri Wizard Tournament!” Sebastian continued “It’s here. In our last year. I think it’s a sign, truly”
“That’s wonderful” Evelyn said blankly “Quick, Ominis, tell me why I should care” Sebastian fell to his knees
“She’s muggle-born remember, she doesn’t know what that is” Ominis stifled a laugh
“It’s a grand tournament held by different wizarding schools each time and this time it’s at Hogwarts” he started, hands moving excitedly through the air as he painted a picture with words “Each school has a champion and they compete in different challenges throughout the school year. Whoever wins gets eternal glory for their school and a tasty amount of galleons for their trouble” his arms were wide as he bowed to an imaginary audience
“I take it you want to compete then?” Evelyn asked amused by his display
“I entered yesterday”
“You what?!” Ominis stood “Are you truly that stupid Sebastian”
“What’s the problem?” Evelyn asked confused
“He’s failing to point out how dangerous these ‘challenges’ are. People have died competing in the Tri Wizard Tournament. Its been officially cancelled numerous times and it keeps getting dragged back out of the mud”
“People have died playing Quidditch but you don’t shout at Imelda every time she grabs her broom”
“That’s different and you know it stop being so facetious”
“It’s not, Evelyn please” he clasped his hands together begging
“He might not get picked?” She offered unable to see any way out of this conversation. She shuffled her feet trying to distract her from yet another argument between the boys. Luckily it seemed to calm Ominis to some degree
“I suppose not. I just wish you’d have said something before hand…I…I don’t know. I’m going to freshen up, I didn’t exactly get the greatest nights sleep” Ominis said flatly before grabbing his wand and leaving.
Evelyn looked defeated. Had she disturbed him last night? He could have left her on that sofa, she wouldn’t have minded. But she should’ve known he wouldn’t do anything so ungentlemanly. She should have insisted they go to bed. She should have-
“Don’t worry, he’s not talking about you” Sebastian offered, downing the last of his coffee and summoning another pot to their table. She glanced around the common room suddenly feeling very exposed. First night back and she’s already involved in some Sallow / Gaunt drama.
“It’s just us” Sebastian answered “No one has seen you sleeping with Ominis” he mocked “no one will know. Not that everyone here doesn’t already think there’s something going on between you two” he took another sip of his fresh coffee
“Stop that!” She batted at his arm
“Ow!! Stop what?”
“Stop answering questions before I’ve asked them” she said weakly unable to pinpoint why she was angry. Too much information had been thrown at her within the first half an hour of her being awake. Luckily, Sebastian took no notice of her tantrum and instead pulled her in for a sideways hug. She curled up into a ball in the crook of his arm, hugging her legs as her head flopped on his shoulder.
“Answer me, honestly Sebastian, how dangerous is this tournament”
“It’s…” he sighed “on a scale of Summoners Court to Defeating Ranrok…it teeters closer to Ranrok” her head snapped back up at him. He offered her a cheesy smile with hopes of conveying how unbothered he was
“Are you serious? Sebastian you have to start looking out for yourself.”
“Look, I understand the risks but honestly…” he shrugged “I know you’re not going to let anything bad happen to me. Any of you. You, Ominis, Imelda, even Garreth would try something to help me out” he grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly “I know I can do this”
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the-merchant00 · 1 year
Chapter 9: So...woet happened?
New Chapter alert!
Wednesday gets a glimpse of what happened to Enid.
Bianca ain't happy one bit about her new bestie getting shot.
Captain has a plan. An absurd plan, but still one.
Two souls finally meet face to face.
AO3 Link: A Poe Cup Worth Cheering For
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aesthetic--mood · 2 years
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Cedric Diggory Aesthetic
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maliefizz · 1 year
If a Triwizard tournament took place in the Marauders era, who would've been the Hogwarts champion out of the people we know?
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eclipzeluv · 1 year
The night turned dark / g.w
summary: the night of june 24, 1995 wasn’t an easy one to handle with the death of cedric diggory. flashing forward to may 2, 1998– your feelings of loss were finally put together for george, where he understood to the fullest.
universe: harry potter
pairing: mention of fred x reader (platonic) mention of george x reader (unknown) mention of reader x cedric (siblings)
warnings: mentions of death, feeling lost. wanting to die, hopelessness.
a/n: this is my first time back on tumblr writing, especially in the harry potter fandom! <3 i’m just getting back into writing, i apologize if this is rough, or bad.
i plan to possibly make another part between y/n and fred a month or two after cedrics death
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May 2, 1998.
Hogwarts School of Wizardry. The battle of Hogwarts.
I understand now. I understand the loss that was felt June 24th, 1995.
I understand you.
June 24, 1995
The Triwizard Tournament, final task.
The final task didn’t end how we all assumed it would have. Fleur and Krum were back, but Cedric and Harry were no where in sight. They should have been back by now.
Me and Freddie expected to lift Harry up in our arms by now, loud cheers.
What was taking them so long? That’s the question that has been asked for as long as forty-five minutes now. Should someone go in there? A search party?
You were in front of me, during such event. I saw you. You were faced away from me looking forward, but your body language was something that didn’t go unnoticed by me.
The knowledge of your brother not being back, it worried you.
What happened.. It happened suddenly. Cheers and applauding from all around. Harry and Cedric were back, Hogwarts was thrilled.
You were relieved for a moment, the breath you let out, showing your relief. You were close to running down those bleachers,
If I were to guess, you were about ready to prance your brother and smack him for worrying you, but pulling him in a strong hug.
That was until you heard Harry’s screams and wails. In that moment, you lost yourself.
In that moment, you froze. You knew what had happened before everyone else bothered to quiet down their roars of excitement. Or maybe you had a hunch, not wanting it to be true.
In that moment, whispering started down below. Frantic whispers. Hushed, but loud.
“Keep everybody in their seats. A boy has just been killed. The body must be moved.”
You made your way down to the scene, away from the bleacher seat you had once been in, in-front of me. Your father too made way over to the scene as he saw you move quickly. The both of you wondering what possibly could’ve happened inside of that maze.
“He's back! Voldemort's back. Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there!”
It was in that moment that Harry’s wails were muffled by your screams of horror as you saw your brother’s body before you.
It was in that moment, you fell to your knees, your sobs taking away any air within your throat as you tried to gasp for air.
It was in that moment..
“That’s my son!”
“That’s my boy!”
The world turned quiet for you.
That was the moment, where everyone was crowded around your brothers body. In shock watching as you cried, watching as you held your head over Cedric’s chest just as Harry was. Clutching onto him, not wanting to ever let go.
Wishing such an event wasn’t true.
There was nothing more I wanted to do in that moment than to take you away. Take this sight away from you.
Take you away as Mad-Eye did Harry.
I didn’t know you then, but oh how i knew you didn’t need this happening to you.
I felt for you.
May 2, 1998.
Hogwarts School of Wizardry. The Battle of Hogwarts.
I understand how you felt that night Y/N.
I understand your wails, your tears, your cries. It’s how I feel right now, as I look at my twins lifeless body in front of me.
I want to die Y/N. I know you’ve felt like this too, when Cedric died. It’s taking everything in me to not leave and do such a thing right now.
You’re sat across from me, on the opposite side of his body. In silence, tears spewing down your cheeks in silence. This sucks for you too, but worse for me.. as messed up as it sounds. But we understand another.
On that fateful night of June, you lost your brother. Your best friend.
On this fateful night of May, you’ve lost Fred. Fred, who filled the gap in your heart when you were at your worst.
Fred, who was the closest thing to a brother you had. The one who you found brotherly love in for the past three years.
Fred, the one who saved your life the day you were about to give up.
On this fateful night, me. Who lost the one thing that made me, me. My other half. My best friend.
I look up to take a glance at you, a moment our eyes locking.
“You look like hell…” is all you could manage to get out from the break of your voice.
“I’ve just gotten back.” Is what I managed to choke out to you as you leaned your forehead down against Fred’s. Trying not to lose my composure, trying to hold on in this silence.
I understand you. I think I always did.
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beonyour-way · 2 years
“… so I’ll stay half away, and i’ll guess that it’ll do.” (Novo Amor- Haven)
[Cedric is eager to put himself in danger and there is a need to save him, whatever it means.
Dumbledore's announcement of the Triwizard Tournament is taken from the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I took the last name Scamander for the character knowing very well it comes from Fantastic Beasts.
Also English is not my native language so if there is something wrong I apologize. Don't hesitate to let me know how I can improve myself!]
7600 words.
The weirdest dreams are always the one that stay in mind for a long time. I always had much trouble to wake up. The comfort of my bed and the sheets are a torture to leave. Instead, I turned around, trying to hide my face from the light that was shining bright. Usually, the curtains are always closed. I was forced to open my eyes when I heard noises from other people. How are there people in my bedroom? I opened my eyes instantly, straightened myself up and looked around. The look on my face must have betrayed my feelings when two pairs of eyes looked at me in dismay. 
“What’s happening? Why aren’t you awake and ready to go! There is an announcement today, hurry up!” 
I must admit that my first reaction would have been to scream at the girl if I was not astonished by the fashion of the surroundings. The walls, made up from stone, gave to the room a cold atmosphere that made it even less possible for me to get up from my bed. My fingers tightened around the sheets as I sighed. I have been pretty much awake and trying to fall back asleep seemed impossible as someone had thrown an outfit directly at my face. I wasn't in the mood of fighting back and so I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I put the skirt reluctantly as I usually preferred to go with a jogging… but I didn't even know what I was doing there and didn't want to raise suspicions. I went with the shirt and there I was, ready. I followed the group of girls that was talking to each other. Their pace was pretty slow which was an advantage as I was tired and still trying to understand what was happening. I forced myself to mind their conversation as I looked around to see, with amazement, how beautiful the room was. There were green garments everywhere, with snakes around them. This, was the moment where I understood where I was: in a dream, at Hogwarts. It could have been a nightmare, but it would depend on what would happen next. 
I pinched myself to wake up but felt nothing but a painful darting. I sighed once again as I understood that there was nothing much to do except following the girls. The main mission was not to figure it all out but to not lose myself. The corridors were numerous and there were way too many doors for me to dare leaving the girls from more than an inch. I struggled to recognize anything. I had to admit that I had the most disastrous sense of direction in the world. It didn't matter much which world we were in.
When we arrived at the common room, I recognized it without much trouble. The four tables aligned with beautiful china and plenty of food made me forget the harsh morning I had had. I was quite surprised to see that I was not much traumatized with my not being in my own world. I could do with it as long as the food was good enough. My only question was to know why my dream was starting with me being a Slytherin and not having the opportunity to have the Sorting Hat in my head having a debate with itself to know whether I was a good or bad girl. I guessed that there was not much to say about that. However, no one was eating and I allowed myself to look around me. I could see Draco Malfoy speaking with his “friends”, if one could call this friendship, and I realized that I was now in a world where I knew what had happened before and what could - or would - happen next. I could not prevent myself from opening my mouth as the realization came through my brain. I wanted to scream and run away to warn people but I didn’t really want to look like a crazy woman that could go next in the psychiatric ward next to Neville’s parents.
How could I think such things? That is horrible and I was not supposed to know about that! Maybe I really am a Slytherin after all…
As I turned my head to look around me and catch a glimpse of Potter, my eyes fell on my best friend who was there - I was not at all surprised, she was almost always present in all my dreams or nightmares. I tried to wave my hand at her but I saw her busy with Fred and George. I didn't know which one exactly but I knew that she could tell the difference. After all, she had studied them very well in reality, so it wasn't surprising to see that even in my dreams she seemed quite fond of them. She seemed to see me too and waved at me, so I smiled at her. I knew from the look she gave me that she had understood what I wanted to say.
The meal had not started yet but Dumbledore was coming to talk to all the students. I didn't really know why but I straightened up and looked at him with attention. There were people who were very impressive just because of the way they looked and behaved. I can tell you that it applied to Dumbledore as well as… Severus Snape that was sitting and looking pissed off at everyone. Now that I knew what I knew about him I couldn't help but understand him. 
“Attention, please. This year Hogwarts will host a legendary event: the Triwizard Tournament. During which time a single student gets to represent his or her school in a series of magical contests.”
I guessed that the schools had been introduced before because I could see the students already sitting at a table and I did not regret having missed their little play of introduction. I was very glad, in fact, to not have witnessed the stupid dance and fight moves of them. When I come to think of it, I was really being judgemental that day, I should have shut my mind.
“One last thing: Eternal glory… is what awaits the student who wins The Triwizard Tournament. But to earn it, that student must survive three tasks. Three, extremely dangerous tasks.”
I looked around and met the eyes of Cedric Diggory -which I had hated by the way-, his death had been so stupid that I had never been able to recover. Sordid -or courageous- was his death that I had never been able to ease the anger that had risen in me as Dumbledore continued to speak about the three tasks. To see the stupid smile of his starting to spread across his lips, my blood had started to run though my veins at such a high speed that I had wanted nothing more but to hit him with the glass that was in front of me. That’s only when the meal had started that I realized I could do something about it.
Indeed, I was here and I knew everything that would happen. I could use that in my advantage to save his life. That would be a sort of bonus…
 I definitely am a Slytherin. 
The meal had been done and to my own surprise, I didn't even remember what I had just eaten. I was just profoundly excited - as well as afraid - so I ran up to my best friend. I grabbed her hand and took her with me to… somewhere in the castle not too far from the common room so that we would not be lost.
“Okay, first of all, how? How are we here, how I am able to feel you touch me like in real life?” 
Okay…This question from her was not what I was expecting but I guess I could do with it. 
For now. 
“I was never the clever one when it comes to paranormal or weird experiences to begin with. I didn’t even know where we were until I was in the dining room or whatever the name of this room is. However, bro, are we really here? Are we really in this story? Are we not dreaming? I pinched myself earlier and I didn’t wake up. And what are you doing as a Gryffindor? I though you were Ravenclaw?” 
“I am! I am a Ravenclaw! At least I believe I am…” I laughed, saying that she looked like Ron Weasley. 
“My main mission is not to get out of here, not before we save Cedric’s arse. Don’t ask me why Dana, I want to answer that it will ease the rage I feel every time we watch the movie… you know… the one where he dies.” I struggled to remember the title every time but I can’t even think more than a few seconds before Dana answered back. 
“Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Laisa.” She corrected me. “The movie’s title is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” 
I smiled at her. “Great, I am so happy to hear the title that I will forget in about two minutes. However, help me.” 
She rolled her eyes at me before sighing. “I don’t think we can. Think about it calmly. We do not have many options.” She sighed. “We cannot tell anyone. What if they don’t believe us? Then, we will never be able to do anything. But if we tried to change something, what would be the consequences?” 
She was right. She was always right. I rolled my eyes as I looked around and witnessed Cedric being surrounded by a lot of people, asking his opinions about the tournament. Hearing him getting excited about it made me forget about Dana’s speech. 
“Think about it… We cannot let him die that stupidly. I’m sorry but I can’t and I don’t even know why. But my main mission is to make him change his mind. I don’t have to say that I know the future. I just have to be… persuasive.” 
Dana looked at me with a smile she couldn’t hide. “I don’t understand your obsession with him. He’s a Hufflepuff.” She marked a pause as I look at her for a long time, waiting for her to say what she wanted to say. “Be kind, and maybe it could work.”
“I was thinking more of threatening him but I will make an effort. Just for you my dear Gryffindor.” 
I hadn't done much the first day. First of all because how was I supposed to approach Golden Boy if he was always surrounded by groupies? And even if I was in this world, truth was I didn't have a wand. Or I hadn't exactly searched after it to be honest. I didn't know about magic and I wasn't in the mood of learning it for one reason: I didn't want to blow up this castle. The classes weren't exactly my cup of tea as I just listened. I thought I would like Potion classes since Severus Snape was my favourite character but it appeared that Potion was like cooking classes and I still hated everything that had to do with cooking. We didn't have access to DADA classes as well but I didn't really mind it, as long as I wasn't missing Remus Lupin's boggarts class. (One could argue that I had Daddy issues but I wouldn't engage in this conversation, nice try.)
The previous day was smoother than the one before. First, I wasn't startled of waking up in an unknown place. Second of all, I went to eat breakfast and on my way I met with Cedric. Who was quite surprised of me talking to him. I could understand : I had appeared yesterday and no one seemed to care about it but he did. Asking me questions about my name and my grade. Thank God, Dana was there with me to answer the last one because I didn't even know. However, "however" was - and still is - my favorite word.
Real however this time, we talked about spells and his position as prefect. Which I completely forgot and don’t really care about if I have to be honest. My main preoccupation at that time was the tournament and I stopped their conversation. 
“Do you want to take part in the tournament? I heard it’s very dangerous.” 
His smile said everything and I rolled my eyes before he could even answer. 
“That is such a bad decision… especially for a Hufflepuff. I don’t mean that to be mean. I mean… you guys are supposed to be like, sane and take decisions that make sense.”
“I am not sure, but I am eager to take on a challenge and prove myself for once. »
I scoffed at him and Dana put her hands on my arm. “She doesn’t mean no harm but we don’t really understand this passion that you have about doing something that is so dangerous.” 
“It is not about fame or being recognized by others; it is more about a personal challenge that I want to achieve by my own efforts alone.”
“Bro you will need Pot-” Dana’s hand ended up on my mouth and Cedric looked at us terribly confused.
“She thinks you don’t need to do that, you already proved yourself with your grades, your position as a Prefect and how perfect you are.” I took off her hand. 
“I would never say that but let’s pretend I did.” 
He laughed, not at us, with us. Minus me because I was not in the mood of laughing. I already knew he wouldn’t change his mind with this brief exchange with two unknown girls. 
“It is very kind of you to worry about me but… I really need to do that.” And with that, he left. 
“I can swear to God, you won’t.” 
The next days were very boring in terms of my mission. I didn’t get to talk to him, I didn’t really want to to be honest. I heard he put his name in the Goblet and everyone was cheering and for a short amount of time, I thought that maybe dying for this dream was worthy for him. And then I remembered that he only died because his stupid ass wanted to be courageous and, to be honest, he shouldn’t have to be. I think I was growing fond of him and the image he wanted to show off. This act is already brave enough. But was it really worthy of disappearing from everyone’s life? 
I didn’t have to mind much longer since Diggory was in front of me with a big smile. 
“I put my name in the Goblet. Now, I just have to let fate acts in my favour… or not.” 
“I heard about that. Everyone’s happy about it which makes it quite sad if you want my opinion.” His furrowed brows made me continue. “No one seems to care about the danger that you are taking to prove yourself. I am not sure one needs to do all that to prove something. It just screams insecurity to me.” 
“I do not really understand what you want to say. We do not know each other.” 
“I know we don’t. That’s not really the point of this conversation isn’t it? You want everyone to be happy about your participation? For what? Fame? Sorry I’m not buying it. I don’t even believe that someone as thoughtful as you would do something that stupid.” 
“You don’t have to be despising at people who wants to achieve something.” 
I smiled, on the verge of laughing. “I don’t have to achieve anything. Existing is enough already. You should think about that. I am not risking my life for something stupid such as “eternal glory” that won’t be helpful in times of crisis. What is glory in a world as dangerous as the one you’re living in? You should take off your name as long as it’s still possible.” 
“We can’t. The only way for me to not participate is to be disqualified.”
And at this, I rise and got closer to him. 
“Good luck, then.” 
If I can be honest. This piece of information he gave at the end was what I wanted. I didn’t know how to cast a spell and I didn’t even know where my wand was. Or if had a wand at all. But now, I just needed to disqualify him. The main question was how? And for that, I needed Dana. In front of the Gryffindor’s door I was waiting for someone to come out or in so they could tell Dana that I needed here because apparently we didn’t have phones in this beautifully scary world. 
“Are you looking for Dana?” 
I turned around and looked high up to see a ginger head, and my smile became wider. I was going to play it cool - for Dana’s sake. He didn’t need to know that we were crazy human blood people who knew the future. 
“Were you with her?” I winked at him and his smile widened as well. 
“Nop, Fred is, but I don’t know where they could be.” 
“Just kiddin’. She is in there, I’ll look for her. If you see George, tell him I’m waitin’ for him, I need his brain.”
“Bro aren’t you Geor- ok nevermind I will. I guess this is another thing I’ll never know.” 
Two minutes later Dana was out and we went to the library to discuss, which was not my best idea. How are we supposed to whisper while talking about saving a life that didn’t wanted to be saved? 
“Is there something in the books or the movies about disqualification for the Triwizard tournament?” 
“Not that I can remember of, and I do remember very well.”
“Bro he didn’t lie to me, he’s a Hufflepuff. Whatever that means.”
“I’m not saying he did but that you will have to find out. And you can’t ask him more about it because he’s not stupid at all. He may already have suspicions.” 
I looked at her with an inquiring look. 
“No… I don’t really think so, I just wanted to put us in the mood for the next step of the mission.”
“Okay, however suspicious or not, he doesn’t deserve to die.” 
She looked at me with a smile I didn’t quite like. “That stupidly I mean.” 
“Yeah, of course.” 
The thing was, I thought I had time to put up with a plan to know more about the disqualification thing that Cedric brought up to me but, he came to us with a huge smile, announcing that the names would be given to us in two days and it made me instantly forget about Fred and George looking like my grandpa. He must have noticed because his smile started to fade away as well. Not a minute later, we found ourselves in the corridor, speaking for him, arguing for me. 
“You don’t really have to be upset, it’s not you that is endangered.” 
“Yeah I know that because I use my brain before taking any decisions. Of course I wouldn’t put my name in the Goblet because there are so many things more important than a stupid tournament which gives you nothing but “eternal glory” from people who already wished they were you. ” 
“But my father is very happy about my participation and it is something I wanted to do for as long as I can remember.” 
“Don’t talk about family pressure will you? Dead, there is no pressure left at all.” For once it seems that perfect Diggory was breaking as he eyebrows frowned not from incomprehension or disbelief but anger. And that, my friends, is very attractive, even though it’s not the moment to focus on that. 
“I won’t die! I know what I am doing, I’m not stupid! I know-” I stopped him putting my hand on his mouth.
“Diggory you must breathe before getting angry. This is not something you can do by yourself only. These three tasks are dangerous and if Dumbledore insisted on that part it means that they are, indeed, dangerous. And what I understand from this kind of danger is that it’s deadly.” 
“It won’t be.” 
“I think that you don’t know about that. I’m quite sure of it, it will. I can’t say much more about that, but I wouldn’t be that worried if it was something that could be done as a team.”
“No, you can’t do that either, if you put your name with someone else’s name it means that you’re disqualified.”
Do you know how hard it is not to smile and scream from excitement when the piece of information that was missing is offered to you on a silver platter? Because I don’t know how I was still able to control myself and not to laugh at his face. I wanted to hug him for how helpful he was without even knowing it. 
“Yo that’s… a shame, really.” 
I felt his discomfort in this conversation and decided to cut it short. I had better things to do. For both of us.
“I have to go by the way, hm… Let’s say, that we’ll see each other after the name’s announcement. Whether it will be to celebrate or grieve.”
He smiled. “I don’t think we will react the same to news.”
“No, we won’t.” 
Few hours passed before I was in the corridors, at night, lost. Completely, okay, in my defence I don’t understand this castle. The stairs are moving and you have to think about balance and the place you want to go. That’s not easy to do both at the same time. And then, the corridors, you have to be careful of not getting noticed by the professors. I wouldn’t mind having the Marauder’s Map. I didn’t think of asking about it because we have to be careful not betraying our knowledge about the future. And who am I to know about this map? Except being the best friend of George’s future girlfriend? 
In front of the Goblet, I felt quite uneasy. There was so many names in it and so many lives put in danger for what seems to be futile. I cannot explain how angry it made me, to know that there were people who couldn’t be saved. I cannot explain how angry I was to save Cedric’s life and condemned another one to die. But I didn’t know that for sure. 
And what needs to be done, needs to be done. 
So I did. I went in front of the Goblet and wrote my last name next to Cedric’s and put it in the Goblet. I didn’t think it would react that way. I should think before doing things. I’m not much better than Cedric on this one. There was a terrible shaking coming from inside the Goblet and in the air, a dashboard with my name and Cedric’s being written and crossed, in red. I guessed that my plan was taking a turn that would put me in a terrible position. 
The next morning I spent hours thinking about whether I should say to Cedric what I did or wait like the coward I was for Dumbledore to reveal his disqualification. Mine was not very important for this tournament was absolutely nothing to me. Nothing. 
Time was passing very slowly, as if the torture should continue. The price to pay is nothing, but it will not be just it. Tomorrow, I would taste the most disagreeable feelings that I could imagine. Cedric’s smile and certitude seem to bragged at me like I was destroying his trust - that I didn’t earn yet - and his future. This would be what everyone will think, but I will make him avoid his death. I didn’t know what would await him from now but this was how it should be anyway. 
I don’t want to say I’m regretting my choices. But the fear which was growing in me was destructive. And maybe it was not fear but… culpability. 
 I didn’t follow anyone and wasn’t paying more attention to class. The only thing I could focus on was the little voice inside my head trying to find solutions while I was not even able to move a finger. My breath was very short and I was frantic. I looked everywhere around me and it seemed like everyone knew already. 
That’s when I realized I didn’t know anything except the future. I was not even in the present that I was already trying to compromise the future. Maybe Dana was right and changing the future was anything but a bad move. I didn’t take time to make acquaintance with anyone. I didn’t even take time to know Cedric. I didn’t appreciate my surroundings, the castle was full of beautiful places that I only glanced at in a hurry. There was nothing that could be done and time was a valuable thing that couldn’t be brought back. I winced at these thoughts and took my head between my hands. The few hours that were left before the dinner should be used to make up for these regrets but I couldn’t move. I felt someone sitting next to myself and I couldn’t find the strength to look at him. Because I already knew it was him and how could I looked at him in the eyes and pretend I didn’t do anything? How could I do that when I know that tomorrow my mistakes will be exposed to everyone? 
“Are you okay? I tried to come talk to you today but you avoided everyone. Is everything fine?” 
I winced a second time. 
“I’m fine.”
He laughed a little before getting back to his senses. 
“Usually, when you’re fine you’re using your time to lecture myself about how stupidly dangerous I am. I must admit this is the first time I encounter this type of reproaches.” 
“Did you change your mind?” 
“Not at all. I just want to make sure you’re okay before heading to my dorm. And to reassure you about how determinate I am to enjoy this adventure whether it is meant to be or not. I would gladly participate but I will also enjoy being a spectator. If the last option is what happen, I would be happy to go with you.” He smiled at me, and I could swear on my own life that it was the most sincere and beautiful smile I have ever seen. I looked at him and didn’t know what I was feeling anymore. 
While looking at him I could surrender myself to whatever fate was awaiting me, if it meant that he could live. I was at fault, but was it that bad to save a life? Wouldn’t I be able to explain myself later? 
“I don’t think you will but maybe we could spend some time together before going to dinner? You will have plenty of time to appreciate your dorm, even though I doubt it being better that my dorm.” 
“Slytherins, when will you stop being so proud?”
“I guess it’s in our nature.”
The hours were spent walking around the castle, admitting to him that I had never visited the castle alone. He laughed at me, in his own kind way, before making me a personal visit. And the more the minutes passed, the more the regrets were aching my pounding heart. I tried to convince myself that I did what was best. 
“We shouldn’t be late for dinner tonight Laisa, I heard that Dumbledore will announce the name of the participants tonight. I don’t know what happened but my curiosity is awake.”
And all of the good memories that I was trying to make to bear with my mischievous actions disappeared in seconds. Cedric must have noticed it because he looked worried and got closer to my face. 
“Are you okay? I can take you to the infirmary if you need it. I don’t mind being late after all.”
“I’m…” My voice was shaking and I had to take a deep breath to speak again. “I think you should go, I will follow you okay? I need to breathe one second. Not from you, but I feel like…”
No time to explain myself, that his hand took mine and he took me to the dining room and I could already feel all the looks on me. They must already know, Dumbledore’s look is very harsh - I can sense it. 
“Okay, keep your fingers crossed for me!”
His smile was so bright and while he started to get away I was only able to whisper to him how sorry I was before heading to my place. I was looking at my feet while everyone was waiting for Dumbledore to start his speech. The only thing I could hear was my beating heart which was trying to get out of my chest. My throat was so tight that I couldn’t even swallow anything. I lost track of time but I could hear the impatience of my comrades intensify as Dumbledore was asking - then screaming - for complete silence. How horrendous I felt, my thoughts were going so fast I couldn’t follow them all. I could hear myself insulting myself for what I did. I was a bad person, a traitor, mean, horrible, hopeless and I disregarded the feeling of the only person that was concerned. 
“… I must admit that this is not how I imagined starting the annunciation of the participants for the Triwizard Tournament… It is not the first time it happened, but the second, and I am very disappointed to say that there was an attempt of treachery.”
I could hear the dramatic breathtaking gasps of the classmates. I rolled my eyes. No need to add on the drama that was taking place. 
“Yesterday night, there was a paper with two names written on it. Which makes two disqualified people that are out of this Tournament before the selection. Cedric Diggory and Laisa Scamander. I want you to come to my office after dinner to explain yourselves. The punishment for disregarding the rules will be decided upon the explanations you will be able to give.”
I couldn’t even manage to look up at Cedric for I could feel all the gazes at me. But his gaze was piercing through my heart. The selection was done and Potter’s name was called. It was enough to distract others from my person. But not all of them. I decided to leave the place to join Dumbledore’s office entrance. I sat there for long minutes before I heard footsteps coming my way. Cedric’s face was red with anger and I have never seen him like that. I must admit that I had never imagined him this way. And this time… it was not sexy but very impressive.  
“So this is why you acted weird all day right? Was it fun to destroy the dream I have? Why did you do that? And do not pretend it was for my safety! You’re just like the others, you were not ambitious enough to let people do it and you took your revenge on me! That is so filthy and so low, even for someone like you.”
All his speech about how bad I was, I completely dozed off as I was so tired of this day which was long enough already. I knew he would say all this stuff. We didn’t really  know each other and I couldn’t say the truth. He would think of me as a crazy girl. I would rather be the bad one.  
“I will explain myself to Dumbledore. Only to him.”
His frustration seemed to reach its maximal level as he looked at me with disgust. 
“You’re a manipulative person, pretending to care to ruin the person. Not important enough to make your own choices.”
“I still don’t give a damn about this tournament Cedric and-”
I was stopped by Dumbledore’s look as he activates the entrance of his office. I must admit I would have been very happy to witness this beautiful entrance if it was under other circumstances. Both of us followed the headmaster silently. I was looking at my feet while Cedric was looking ahead. 
“Would you explain to me how this happened? Who wrote the paper with the two names on it? And why?”
Cedric stayed silent, but not me. I wanted to hide under my sheets as soon as possible. 
“I did. I was scared for his safety so I decided to put him out of qualification to be sure he would be safe and sound. I can say more things, but not in front of him.”
“I don’t really knew you miss… Scavander. But for a Slytherin you seem more than willing to prove yourself tonight. Why didn’t you come sooner before breaking the rules that are established for so long that it can be remembered?”
I winced. “I didn’t think of that. It may be the pride of doing something by myself for once.” At least I knew well about the Slytherins and I might be able to use that for my advantage.
Cedric stayed silence the whole meeting. He was excused after some time. At least, he wouldn’t have any punishment. It was a miserable way or repaying for my action, but for now I couldn’t do more. Once he was gone, I got closer to Dumbledore and explained to him the whole situation. How I knew about Potter and for what would happen next. He seemed reluctant to hear for my explanations but he asked for it. He called for Mrs Trewlaney and she arrived very quickly. I had to explain myself all over again and I couldn’t prevent myself from thinking how cute and kind she looked while hearing my stories very quietly. She seemed rather excited in the end and she asked me to sit and think about all I said. She only touched my arms for a few seconds before gasping and talking very quickly. Even Dumbledore couldn’t comprehend everything she said, but the look in his eyes made me realized that he started to believe everything I said. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell anything sooner but I don’t know what the consequences of all this could be. If I tell you and we change things, what can happen?”
“My dear student, changing the future is not a good thing at all I must say. It will be devastating. It must not be done.” 
“But we absolutely can’t let Cedric participate at this Tournament! Knowing the ending would be the same as killing him, I can’t let that happen! Not everything must be done around Potter! I don’t say that because I’m a Slytherin and Draco Malfoy always despise Potter’s presence. I’m just saying that Cedric doesn’t deserve to die. He’s very kind, there must something we can do to save his life without impacting the future too much.”
Mrs Trewlaney’s voice took over, very slowly. “I think that Cedric’s life would be impacted by such a change of plan. Won’t you mind taking care of him knowing that the future won’t be a walk in the park?”
“I won’t!” 
I must say that this answer left my mouth before I could even proceed all the pieces of information that I had gathered these last few minutes. 
“I almost risked everything to make sure he won’t be able to take part in this tournament. I won’t mind having to look after him even though I doubt he will let me do that.”
Dumbledore didn’t say anything during the whole time, but I was ready to face him if he was thinking about letting Cedric having his heroic moment later on. He wouldn’t let Potter do that if he was aware he would die. 
“We cannot change the future. But as miss Scamander said it, we cannot let Cedric participate in this tournament. I must discuss it with the other professors. As for now, I won’t tell anyone what you said to me. Mrs Trewlaney will do the same. But for this to stay a secret, I need to put a punishment in place. Therefore, I want you to listen to me carefully. I will take 200 points from Slytherin. And you will have to undergo the Sorting Hat again. I do not think you fit in Slytherin, there must have been a mistake. For now, you can dismiss.”
I left the office completely defeated. Two. Hundred. Points. That will be the death of me.  
I had to go back to the common room where dinner was done but most of the students were still there. At Dumbledore’s announcement of the Slytherin’s loss of 200 points, Draco Malfoy almost passed out from his anger, but only after screaming “My father will hear about this” about two hundred times. I thought it would be harder than that but most of the students were mostly interested in going back to their dorms. I looked at the Hufflepuff’s table but couldn’t find Cedric who must have been wandering around the castle as his Prefect’s duty was not done yet. I sighed and sat at a chair and let Dumbledore put the Sorting Hat on my head. I can say one thing for sure : having a thing speaking at you and judging your personality is not very agreeable. 
“I do believe that your place at Slytherin must be very convenient. It seems you’re sly enough and you do not care about breaking rules as long as you get your own way. But the reasons of doing so are benevolent. Too benevolent as you are ready to sacrifice yourself for the well-being of others… Should I put you in Gryffindors? You seem to show qualities such as bravery and strength. But you could also find your way in the Hufflepuffs…”
“Bro at this point I am everything and everyone.”
“… But quite indelicate when it comes to following the rules. Your rebellious behaviour can make you achieve great things… but it can make you become destructive if it does not follow your wishes…”
I rolled my eyes at this - way too long - speech. I just wanted to get away from here to find Cedric and apologise to him. I should be able to explain myself but as long as Dumbledore’s approval is not given to me, I won’t do such a thing. I have to find another way to make it up to him. 
“But you are also able to show remorse… This have to be a quite harsh decision… but you should be moved to Gryffindor.”
I was thinking about so many possibilities to redeem myself but hearing the name of Gryffindor made me forget about all of it. I looked angry at the hat in my head as if it could see my face. 
“I would rather die a Hufflepuff than being a Gryffindor!” As I bursted it all out, I’ve noticed many pairs of eyes looking at me. “No offense to the Hufflepuffs…”
“Hufflepuff it will be.”
I let out a cry of relief as I didn’t hear Gryffindor but realised my fate as Dumbledore took the hat off my head, much to his satisfaction. My eyes were wide opened as I tried to explain to him that it was so unnecessary to change me from the Slytherins as I did what was best. But the look on his face made me realise I shouldn’t get too comfortable in here, people were still there and I had to be discreet if I wanted our plan to go well. Cedric’s sake should come first. 
The next hour was the worst as I had to take all my things to adventure myself to the Hufflepuff dorm. I must admit that their dorm is the best, very cosy and warm, a huge contrast with the first dorm I had known. Moving my things was the easiest thing as I didn’t have much. 
“Welcome here, we’re glad to have you around… as long as you don’t cause us to lose 200 points!”
I felt quite tensed until the blond girl laughed at my face in this weirdly kind way. I let a smile makes its way across my lips before heading to the room my bed was. I left it right away, hoping to find Cedric somewhere. I thought I had my chances because he was unaware of my fate after he left Dumbledore’s office. I didn’t find him in the Hufflepuff’s room but as I was making my way out I caught sight of him and made my way towards him, very quietly so that he wouldn’t be able to avoid me. But he must have had a sixth sense because he started walking away from me before I could even say something. The only thing I could be proud of was how stubborn I was. 
“I really need to talk to you Cedric. It’s very important.”
“I have nothing to say and no will to listen to your nonsense. Dumbledore and the others must have felt compassion towards you but I am not ready to hear anything from you… yet.”
The fact that he was still able, in his fierce anger, to envisage a possibility of letting me explain myself was enough to make my heart melt at such benevolence. Was this humanly possible? In his weakness, I was able to see his strength taking over the rest. 
“I am so sorry. I thought of saving you and I ignored how it would impact you. But I did it with the best intentions I could have!”
He turned around and looked at me with feelings that were mixed between anger and disappointment. How harsh this look was knowing that he had all the rights to feel that way towards me. I had to accept that he needed space and time. As long as he wasn’t putting himself in danger, I had nothing else to do other than waiting for him to be ready to hear what I had to say. 
I left and two weeks passed before I would caught him looking at me. At first I thought he was looking at something behind or next to me. But the more it happened and the more I thought about how it could be his way to letting me know he was ready for me to make the first move. And I was craving for that, waiting was not - and still isn’t - the best thing I do. One night, I joined him before he could go to his dorm. He didn’t walk faster but didn’t talk to me either. I looked at him and caught his gaze. 
“Are you ready to listen to what I have to say?”
“I have questions before we talk about what you did to me.”
“Go ahead. I am willing to answer all the questions you can have in mind.”
“Rather being a Hufflepuff than dying a Gryffindor huh? I didn’t think you were that dramatic.” He laughed and I surprised myself thinking how I missed it. “I was very surprised with my friends when they told me that you would become part of our House. Is this the real punishment?”
“I have all the Slytherins ready to catch a spell against me at anytime for having them losing 200 points. Draco Malfoy is surely ranting about me to his father, and planing on getting rid of me as soon as he will see me wandering around all alone. I don’t really think that the Hufflepuff is a bad thing, next to all that.”
“It seems that you need protection. I guess you know better than me about danger now.” I sighed at this indirect attack. He was very clever, I couldn’t deny it, and he was also very blunt. Too bad for him, it was also my cup of tea.  
“I learned very well from you.”
“Touché.” He stopped himself to look at me. “What happened?”
“The Sorting Hat had troubles finding my real house and then I got-” 
He stopped me, shaking his head as I looked at him wondering what was his problem. 
“I was thinking more about you explaining to me why you did what you did. Other than the protection scheme.”
“I have not much more to say to be honest. It started with you being infatuated with putting your life in danger and me getting worried as the days passed. I thought about making you change your mind but you’re so stubborn it made me crazy.. I did a bad thing but I have to be honest: I don’t regret it. I feel like I saved your life and if you want to be mad at me for that, then so be it.”
“I am mad because you disregarded my wishes. I thought you were too concerned with me. We barely knew each other. We still don’t.” I winced at this fact being spoken out loud. But he was right. “But I guess I understand. I thought a lot about it and I know that you didn’t do it for your own sake. I tried thinking in reverse and if someone I liked was putting themselves in danger, I would probably risk everything in order to save them.” 
“Because when you put yourself in my position your only thought was : she must like me?”
“Is this all you remembered from all I said?”
“I don’t understand if you’re still willing to be mad at me or if you’re willing to let me learn more about you. Just so I can figure it all out.”
“What do you mean?” 
“I want to know if I made the right choice.”
He laughed and started to walk again. “You really like me do you?”
I couldn’t answer to this question. Not because I didn’t know about how I felt, but because my pride didn’t disappear the night I was made a Hufflepuff. 
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If you want a mix between Harry Potter and Wenclair and a Triwizard Tournament, including backstory then I have a deal-breaker for you
It's also because I've been writing it for nearly 7 months and I'm starting to write it again xx
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l-lenny · 1 year
Dumb Krum! … I love you too
Viktor Krum x Malfoy!Fem!reader, Fred Weasley x Malfoy!Fem!Reader
Part 3/??
TW: English is not my native language
Malfoy reader, not accurate to the books or movie The Goblet of fire, no voldy au
The 3 days on the sea was brutal to say at least. Karakoff made you practice the entrance over and over again. The boat rocked and you kept falling. The headmaster was not pleased to see that. Most of the way he scolded you for your mistakes and made you practice most of the time. In the night of the first week of early September you reached Hogwarts. Your boat made it to shore of the black lake and finally you made it to solid ground. “At this point I only travel with floo powder” you muttered. When the Hogwarts students gathered in the great hall you have heard the headmaster Dumbledore begin his speech. His voice was much more polite. “I would like to make an announcement.” Filtch was seen to go straight to the headmaster and said something to him. Dumbledore just nodded and continued his speech. “This castle will not only be your home for this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen to host the legendary Triwizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know: the Triwizard tournament brings together three schools for the series of magical concerts. For each school a two students will be selected to compete. Let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone with your partner. And trust me when I say these contents are not for the faint hearted.” His voice was getting meeker by the end. Then on the happier note Dumbledore said “But more of that later!” He made a smile and said in happy voice”For now please join me in welcoming the lovely students of the Beauxbatons academy of magic and their headmistress Madame Maxine!” In that instance the Beauxbatons students made an entrance. They were light on their feet and with such grace they floated into the great hall. With coordinated movements they made a beautiful dance. So elegant and so peaceful. Their uniforms making their appearance more enchanting. Butterflies flew through the great hall and made a faint shimmer. Hogwarts students stared in awe. You patiently waited with your schoolmates. Karakoff muttered something under his breath and when Dumbledore ended greeting with Madame Maxine he continued this speech. “And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud students of Durmstrang and their headmaster Igor Karakoff.” You remembered the lessons of how to present your school which your headmaster made you repeat all the way here. The boys marched right through. Confidence, fierce, dominance. Their staff rhythmically banging in the stone ground. Sparks flew from the staffs and the boys made their part of the choreography. You waited with the head master and waited for your que. He send you one last look as if saying “don’t disappoint me” and when the guys suddenly dropped on the floor making sort of stair formation you ran up. When you swiftly got on Viktors shoulders he jumper with you. Making sort of trampoline for you so you could easily make a double flip and land perfectly in front of the headmaster of Hogwarts. Your hair in a perfect sleek ponytail swayed behind you and you heard collective gasp. And when all of you were back on your feet you blow out your magic trick with Viktor. A fire snake and bird were formed in the air and dissolved right when the headmaster Karakoff was near them. “Albus!” Said you headmaster rather affectionately. Dumbledore opening his arms “Igor!” They hugged and loud cheer was heard through great hall. Beauxbatons students and your school mates remained standing. The blue uniforms in elegant stance and the brown coats in powerful formation. When Albus said you would be sitting at slytherin table you looked at Draco. He give you a shocked look. You set down and as if on que your brother was on your side. “How you never said you will be here! Father didn’t tell me about this! Nor did you.” Oh so he was angry. You rolled your eyes and started eating. Unbeknownst to you you caught attention of certain redhead you saw once so many years ago.
“It her-“ said Fred to his brother eyes glued to you. George looked at you and frowned “Mate, she is a Malfoy?” Ron gushed in the conversation “shes probably worse then her little brother, she goes to Durmstrang.” Fred had remembered you. For all those years he never forgot your smile. You were his first crush. The kind you trough about from time to time. Although he had a reputation as a player he never forgot your smile. He said to himself that he could at least talk to you more.
On the other side of the great hall you finished eating and when you got up most of the students from your school finished as well. You were always lectured to eat quickly and spend time in dueling room or by studies. As you walked of one of the teachers appeared almost out of think air. You knew him. He was professor Snape. A great friend of Narcissa and Draco’s godfather. “You will be staying in the slytherin common rooms.” He said lazily. After giving you a quick toor around the castle he said how to enter the common rooms and living chambers. The most disappointing part if someone asked for your opinion. “And miss Malfoy will be with the girls.” He pointed to the other corridor. “Lame” you said and parted ways. When you discovered that you had a room for yourself and it was bigger then you were used to in Durmstrang your opinion slightly changed. It was a shame that Viktor could not visited and vice versa but what could you do. You rested for a while looking at the place. Not feeling tired yet you decided to take a walk.
Leaving your room you went past some slytherin students and sneaked past the door into the darkness of the corridors. Roaming around you bumped into someone. “Oh! Didn’t see you there! My apologies” you said. Why you were so formal all of sudden? When you looked up you saw two tall redheads. “Oh no worries.” Said one of them. Redheads, identical twins. It reminded you of someone. Maybe your father told you? Or was it your mother. Honestly after attending Durmstrang your knowledge of the wizards and witches in Scotland and England worsened. “I am Y/n” you said smiling at them. “Y/n Malfoy” you added. The twins shared a look before saying “we know” in unison. And as if lightbulb went on you remembered the name “oh! Are you Weasleys?” They looked confused about your tone. It was happy? Chipper? The closer to wall rolled his eyes and started “yeah the great blood traitors go ahead in your Malfoy way and laugh your arse off” well rude. You were shocked at his behavior. “My Malfoy way? …Okay what has my little brother have been doing here to say this?” Maybe your theory about Draco being spoiled brat was true. And maybe you know all along you just didn’t wanted to admit it. The twins stared at you in shock. “Look I have no idea what my brother has said or did but I am not him” you said, honestly kinda pissed that they would judge you based on somebody else. “Look George I think she-“ started one and the closer one to the wall finished his sentence “-might be as annoying as her brother.” Oh now you wanted to show this duffus some piece of your mind. Before you could even say something the bloke continued “what are you gonna do? Tell your daddy on us?” You burst out laughing. The guys stared at you in confusion again. “Why would I do that when I am capable to defend my own image?” You said and in a swift second the redhead was levitating upside-down. “Wanna join him?” You asked sweetly the other guy. “What? How did you- No!” He said surprised. The one levitating in the air was trying to find his wand but it was on the floor you grabbed it before his brother got a chance to. “Try and catch me” you said passing by and running down the hallway laughing. You pulled the same trick as Patrick in you second year. Only the one levitating wasn’t you now but the tall boy. You heard a thud and fast footsteps in the corridor behind you. Quickly casting an silent illusion spell you pretend to fall on the floor and with “oh no!” You showed them Georges broken wand. They were fuming in that instance. “You little-“ One of them marched forward and when he grabbed the wand the wand disappeared. “What?” They both asked. You were laughing so loud. You must say. This was pretty funny when you weren’t on the receiving end. Pulling out George’s wand you returned it still laughing. “And imagine what fun would it be if I was actually trying and meaning to hurt you.” You said lowly. George and Fred were in shock. A Malfoy who is a good sport about something and she get jokes and pranks up her sleeves. “So assuming you still have big grudge against me I would never eat food in the school if I were you” you said seriously and they both gulped. “I don’t” said Fred. “We actually have met before.” He said and his brother looked a bit annoyed. “Really?” You said curious. “I was about to go to my first year with George here and I held you with a book I believe it was something about dark magic” he remembered that little detail? You actually remembered the incident. “Oh you were my knight in shining armor then!” You said stars in your eyes. Fred nodded sheepishly “yeah. Um I am Fred by the way!” He extended his hand an you took it. Smiling you repeated “Y/n Malfoy” and cheekily added “the pleasure is all yours” you both laughed while George fake gaged. “Anyway since you managed to prank us I feel like I might have made a mistake. So George!” He extended his hand as well. You took it and smiled. “Anyway what we’re you doing earlier? It will be past curfew soon” said Fred.
You shook your head “I wanted to tire myself out before tomorrow. Didn’t want to sleep yet” It was funny how few minutes ago you three were fighting. But this was your magical power how it seemed. Almost everybody from your friend group started talking to you like this. George looked at his muggle watch and panicked “If you really want to tire yourself out you can start by running away from Filtch!” Fred then added “if he catches you it’s a detention or worse mopping floors with him!” You rolled your eyes. “Well nice talking with ya lass but we gotta go!” Said George. “Hope to see you soon love” said Fred and they both ran muttering something about still rading the supply cabinet. Shaking your head you headed back to your room. Feeling a bit more tired than you expected. You saw Viktor in the common room and his enormous swarm of friends. There was unexpected heavy feeling in your stomach at that sight. Shrugging it off you went to bed.
The next morning you attended all you classes you met with Viktor in the great hall. when you arrived at the there was a big fireblue cup. The Triwizard cup. Many students were intensely watching someone. You and Viktor got closer to see the Weasley twins drink some potion and hopped in the circle. All students cheered when suddenly they were knocked out of the circle. White grey beard and ridiculous hairdos. You started laughing while everyone was doing the same. “Aww someone isn’t old enough yet? Being a little bearded baby?” You said laughing and they scattered. After that fiasco you and Viktor went to the cup and putted your names in. High-fiving leaving the circle and walking around you chatted for a while. You wanted to go out for some fresh air and Viktor wanted to grab his coat in his room first promising he will catch up. When you were out of the castle you went to the black lake watching the waves. The feeling from yesterday settling in your heart again. As if something might’ve happened. Meanwhile Viktor passed library he spotted one girl with wild hair. She almost dropped some books while opening the door. Viktor being the gentleman he is he helped her with it. He pushed the door for her and introduced himself. She kinda reminded him of someone and his chest felt very warm with that familiar feeling. He helped the girl, who introduced herself as Hermione with the books to the gryffindor tower.
You were passing rocks waiting for Vik you were starting to get worried. What is taking him so long? You were about to get back when one of the Weasley twins appeared beside you. “Hey there!” You looked at him. Spark in his eyes. “Fred right?” You asked. He happily nodded. “Yes the more handsome twin.” You giggled and decided to chat with him for a bit. Before Viktor would come. “The better Malfoy” he comments and continued “what brings you here?” You looked at the lake and sighed. “I wanted some fresh air and Vik was supposed to go with me I wanted spend some time with my best friend since we kinda didn’t have time to do that since we arrived . But he forgot his jacket. So I am waiting.” You looked at Fred. But the look on his face as if something is wrong was very visible. “Well umm I think he got a change of plans.” Fred looked at you. “He and Hermione went to the Gryffindor tower together.” Said the redhead. You looked at him confused. Surely he wouldn’t forget about you right? He was your best friend, your support in dark times, he was the one thing that was right in your life, he was the one who … you have secretly fancied. The truth hit you like a ton of bricks. You were unsure if be happy for him to finally get a girl, to be jealous, to be sad or enraged. While your thoughts were everywhere and nowhere Fred started simple conversation. Helping you to temporarily forget about everything. Laughing and having such a good time you chatted for hours. That’s how another incredible friendship was born. When Fred went with you to the slytherin common room he said last goodbye and with a smile he happily trotted away. Chuckling you went in the common room. Seeing Viktor talking with some of your schoolmates. “It is really strange to see you two apart” commented Vasil, one of your classmates. “Talking about me behind my back?” You said beside his ear making him jump. “Y/n Merlin’s bread!” You chuckled and looked at Viktor who gave you an apologetic look. Choosing to be the supportive best friend you tried to hide your sadness and disappointment. When you all went to bed that night you were restless.
The first thing in the morning was breakfast and choosing the champions. Making yourself comfortable between your schoolmates you were waiting for Dumbledore, Madame Maxine and Karakoff. Rita Skeeter and the press arrived so early in the morning to document everything. “Good morning dear students” said Dumbledore making his way to the little podium with the other headmasters in tow. “Now we shall begin choosing the champions for the Triwizard tournament.” When he said that the age circle around the cup dissolved and one name was pulled from the cup. “Fleur Delacour” he said and cheer erupted from the Beauxbatons seating area. The said girl came forward and stand next to Dumbledore. “And the champions partner is” he read the note “Anne Nimfix” and another cheer was heard. The girls hugged each other and waited. “Cedric Diggory” Albus said and almost all of the girls in the Hogwarts screamed. The hufflepuff stood beside Dumbledore, waiting for his partner. “Marian Edgecombe” the ravenclaws were cheering and whistling. “And the champions of Durmstrang-“ you instinctively held your breath. Viktor reached out for your hand but decided against it in the last minute. “Viktor Krum” loud screaming was heard from almost all the girls. He smiled at you, before going back to his poker face. Standing beside Diggory he waited for his partner to be called. Was he hoping it was you? Did you still wanted to be you? “Y/n Malfoy!” Said Dumbledore. You stared at shock while you were surrounded by chanting of your schoolmates. “Malfoy! Malfoy! Malfoy!” You went to stand beside Viktor. Rita hurriedly sending a photograph to take a picture.
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