#the ancient and noble house of Black
ourloveisforthelovely · 8 months
Running from the Daylight (oneshot)
Regulus Black AU
Request: @iluvthe-marauders HI LOVELYYY, HAVENT HAD TUMBLR IN AGESSSSS. Dont know if you remember but i was the one who asked for different harry potter characters and wanted to ask if you'd do a regulus oneshot. where y/n is a halfblood (Remus’ sister) and they run away together?
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: T
Song in Chapter: Running from the Daylight by Concrete Castles
Now it's do or die, runnin' from the daylight. Have we had enough? What have we become? Nowhere left to hide. Runnin' from the daylight…Runnin' from the daylight
You stood in the mid-morning sun at the farmer’s marker simply enjoying the spring day. Winter had been hard. It was too long and cold with too many losses for your side. Now the promise of a “fresh” spring brought you fresh hope that The Order would somehow have a lot more “wins.”
“Y/n, what do you think of this?”
Your thoughts were interrupted by Sirius’ happy giggling. Turning, you met your best friend’s gaze as he held up what looked like a stuffed cat in a dress. Raising an eyebrow, you shook your head with an annoyed chuckle. It didn’t matter what was going on in the world…Sirius knew how to make you laugh.
“I’ll miss him.”
The thought hit you like a hex to the stomach. You forced a smile so Sirius wouldn’t suspect anything was up. You took a deep breath Sirius occupied himself with bothering Remus. Staring at your older your heart ached a little more.
He will be fine. Sirius will look after him.
It was only a few short hours before your life changed forever. You had made plans to run away with Regulus. The two of you would run away from everything and start a new life. A new life together…just the two of you in some quaint little country cottage where all of the horrors of “the real world” would forever evaporate. It would be just Regulus and yourself, living the life of a happy couple.
Your heart smiled thinking about your “secret” boyfriend. For two years, you had been dating Regulus in private. Secret dating was what it had to be. You were a half-blood and that would never be good enough for the Blacks. Walburga would have a massive fit if she found out that her baby boy was dating a half-blood. Never, in any universe, would you be good enough for Regulus (in his parent's eyes.). If they knew about Remus’ “furry little problem” the “you’re not good enough” view would only be magnified.
If they only knew that I saved him. I am the one who put the light back behind his eyes.
You thought with a smile. If it hadn’t been for you Regulus would have put a fork in a toaster. He told you this himself one night after making love. That conversation itself was one that made you want to get Regulus away even more. You wanted to make sure that another cold frown would never pass over his gorgeous face again.
We will be a cute little married couple. We can get a cat and do all of the mundane things that we never thought would happen.
You smiled at the thought. For the first time in your life, you weren’t craving action or adventure. Instead, you were craving the normally boring slow life that your parents had.
When you had brought up the idea of running away, Regulus had been all for it. He was ready to walk away from the Death Eaters and Lord Voledmort. Regulus no longer cared about his family’s name. Being a member of the House of Black no longer had the “ring” to it that it once did. Regulus was, instead, ready to have that normal boring life where the two of you were just people….just people. It wouldn't matter that he was a pure-blood or you were a half-blood. Instead, Regulus would be the husband who would bring in the newspaper in the mornings while you made coffee.
“I wonder what they are doing at the lowly farmer’s market?”
Remus’ voice pulled you from your thoughts. Looking up, you froze seeing Regulus and Walburga across the next aisle.
“Mum probably got word that she can find weird shit to feel her house with. I should take her that cat.”
Sirius added as your eyes met Regulus’. He gave you a slight smile as your hand reached up to touch the emerald necklace that he had given you.
“Forget the cat, Sirius. The woman is bad news.”
Remus added, nervously. He didn’t have any love lost for Walburga. In fact, Remus was banking on the old bitch dying sooner rather than later. After Walburga nearly killed Sirius, Remus had no use for her. Remus was ready to kick in the door to Grimmauld Place and off the lot of the monsters within.
“Reggie is looking good though.”
Sirius commented sadly. The tone in Siruis’ voice told you everything that you already knew. Sirius missed Regulus.
“He will be fine. He’s a smart boy. I’m sure that he will see the things that you saw eventually.”
You commented, hoping to bring Sirius some comfort. You were the one that Sirius told his worries about Regulus too.
“I’m afraid he will end up like the lot of them. I don’t want to see the boy that I know become a monster.”
Those words replayed in your head over and over as you looked at Regulus again. You wished nothing more than to be able to tell Sirius that you were going to save Regulus. It would be you that took him away and Sirius would have nothing to worry about. Maybe in time, you could invite Sirius and Remus to your new home. You could show them that they had nothing to worry about.
“Yes, he does. Sirius, it will be fine. Regulus is a smart boy.”
Sirius sighed and wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Yes, he is. One can only hope that he will see reason. Come on, let's get back to the house and fix that soup.”
The rest of the afternoon and evening passed slowly. At 10 pm you were due to meet Regulus at the train station. The two of you would take the last night train to your predetermined destination. All that you had to do was wait for Sirius and Remus to act like the little old couple and go to bed.
Around 7 pm, Sirius stretched and stood up. He gave you a smile before looking at his lover.
“There is a new movie playing down at the muggle Cinema. How about we go catch a movie? James and Lily are up for it?”
Remus nodded in agreement. He was all up for an evening out. Most nights were busy with order stuff. The thought of “getting out of the house” acting as if things were normal sounded absolutely amazing.
“Great idea. Y/n, are you coming?”
You shook your head.
“As much as I would love to, I have a bit of a headache and want to call it an early night. Tell James and Lily that I love them.”
Remus slowly got up to find his abandoned jumper. Your comment didn’t raise any red flags for him.
“We will. Would you like us to bring you anything home?”
You shook your head before standing up.
“No, I’m fine. Thank you though.”
You went to Remus and wrapped your arms around him. The realization that this would be the last hug that you gave your brother for some time hit hard. Remus seemed a little surprised at first but hugged you back.
“That’s a nice hug. I’m only going to the movies.”
He commented as you went to Sirius and did the same thing. Sirius, meanwhile, hugged you back just as dramatically.
“I know but I made a goal to never let either of you leave without hugging you. Both of you know how crazy the times are and what if something happens and I don’t hug you before you go?”
Remus gave you that comforting older brother expression as Sirius hugged you again.
“Y/n, everything will be okay. I know it doesn’t feel that way now but in time everything will be fine.”
You nodded as Sirius sauntered off to pull on his leather jacket.
“Remus is right, love. It won’t be long until we grill old lord Voldy’s head or shove it on a stick. We will look back on all of this and laugh.”
Sirius and Remus had been gone for half an hour when there was a quiet knock on the door. You stood up and opened it, relieved to see Regulus on the other side.
You said softly before wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Regulus carefully walked the two of you into the house..
“Are dumb and dumber gone?”
You nodded.
“They went to a movie. What are you doing here early? Not that I’m not super happy to see you…I have been thinking about you since this morning.”
Regulus gently shoved you against the door before pressing himself against you. You sighed happily as he tilted your head to the side and began peppering your neck with kisses.
“Have you now? What a coincidence because I have been thinking about you nonstop. Your pretty face is always on my mind. I couldn’t wait to get my arms around you. Seeing you at that market and not being able to get to you…”
You placed a hand on his mouth.
“If your bitchy mother wasn’t there and I wouldn’t have to mop the floor with her face I would have snogged you right there on the spot.”
Regulus chuckled. He had grown used to your “I’m going to snog you in any place that I want” comments.
“She would have died with a heart attack…not that I would be complaining.”
Regulus murmured before glancing over his shoulder. Even though you said that Remus and Sirius were gone, Regulus still felt the need to check. The last thing that he wanted was for either man to catch the two of you snogging by the door. If they walked in and heard everything, it would ruin the plan of running away.
Regulus had worked too hard to have his plan ruined now. Over the past few weeks, he had been securing the two of you a safe life in a little Swiss village far away from the wizarding world both of you knew. Regulus had been in contact with his uncle Alphard Black and discussed an escape plan.
Alphard offered his summer home in Switzerland as a home for the two of you while Regulus (little by little) emptied his Gringotts bank. Regulus wanted to make damn sure that the two of you would never want for anything. Would both of you be gone from England forever? Regulus didn’t know. For now, however, Regulus had to plan as if returning home would never happen.
“Are you ready to go?”
Regulus asked, pulling himself from his thoughts. You nodded and picked up a small bag. Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“One bag?”
You shook your head.
“No, I used an extension charm. I have everything that we could need in here.”
Regulus smirked.
“Why am I not surprised? Are you still wanting to go? I know how close you are to your brother and my brother…”
You pressed your lips to Regulus’ again.
“Of course, I want to go. I left Remus and Sirius a letter. I’m sure they will be upset but in time, they will understand. I want nothing more than to share a life with the man that I love.”
A small smile played at Regulus’ lips as he reached for your coat.
“You always know what to say. Now let's get out of here before we start fucking on the couch.”
You slipped on your coat and picked up the small bag. Looking around the house, you took a moment to be thankful for your friends and family. You had never been much of the praying type but for once you prayed that sooner or later fate would bring all of you back together. Maybe in time, your friends would understand why you were taking this action and would forgive you.
It's the things that we do for love…
@geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @fific7 @dumbbunnys-safes @siriuslyceleste @ad-astra-again @justfinishthis @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @readtomeregulus @regulusblackswhorecrux @i-love-scott-mccall @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @s-we-e-t-t-ea @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @millies0bsimp @stelleduarte @dumybitch @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @bennyberry @f4iryluvy @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @padf00ts-l0ver @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @playmore-zeppelin @authoressskr @emiwrites3reads @rogue-nyx88 @coffeeaddictednymph @knight-of-gleefulness @shaylybaby2032 @livshifts @ell0ra-br3kk3r
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black-occamy · 10 months
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Kingsley pushed the charred remains of the paper with his shoe.
“Who gave him fire to burn it?” He asked, unsure if he wanted to hear the answer. The wizard named Bob twiddled his fingers for a moment, seemingly too embarrassed to answer.
“Well, sir, we think he used a wandless spell on it,” he finally admitted.
“A spell.”
“That’s right, sir.”
“A wandless spell,” Kingsley repeated with amusement.
“Yes, sir. We checked, his wand is still in the storage and no one is missing theirs.”
Most wizards and witches would lose their ability to perform any kind of magic after a couple of weeks in the dementor's presence. If they were ever going to cast spells again, they had to go through a special recovery program. It was true for the jailers as well, which was why the job was as well-paid as it was dangerous.
“Cell door was locked,” Kingsley said, partially to himself. “No other prisoner is missing. No signs of break in or out. And no visitors to the island, save for the minister three weeks ago.”
“That would be about right, Mr Shacklebolt, sir.”
“Then how, in Merlin’s name, did Sirius Black escape?”
"The Black Occamy" chapter 1 on AO3
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outromoony · 1 month
Regulus Sirius
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whysosiriushuh · 3 months
Bellatrix: we once told Reg a watermelon was gonna grow in his stomach and I kid you not, he looked at us straight in the eyes and said, "Nope, because there's no sunlight so you're wrong and education has failed you."
Sirius: That little freak was five at the time
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starlittragedies · 9 days
a lot of people tended to say that sirius and regulus looked alike, but the marauders and their friends never quite believed it. they looked much to different with one brother being so expressive with his facial features and the other wearing a mask that never slips.
it wasn’t until one day when barty had managed to convince regulus to pull a cute little joke on evan which then led to evan chasing them down the halls of hogwarts with nothing but murder on his mind. while running they managed to run into the posse of gryffindors as well as dorcas who was with them, and while passing, the group (bar dorcas) had to do a double take because the boy that had just passed them with a mischievous smile plastered on his face looked just like sirius.
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nicolillies · 13 days
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regulus arcturus black 💫
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auntiejohn · 18 days
I think people that say that sirius completely hated regulus are only children because if you have a sibling, especially a younger sibling you would understand more that sibling relationships are so complicated and idk about anyone else but I truly don't think I could ever hate my baby sister
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dorlilymylovesss · 15 days
Regulus is very spoiled
Sirius and Andromeda, who carry him around and buy him whatever he wants, Narcissa, who lets him borrow books from her personal library even though no one else is usually allowed to touch them.
belatrix, who teaches him to play the piano and shows him her soft side, which she rarely shows.
Regulus is their favorite, so he's grown up to be a bratty, hard-to-please guy
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kingstarkingslay · 2 months
“ everybody has a gay cousin ”
That’s right, I’m looking at you The Most Noble and Ancient House of Black
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The Words "Best Friends" Become Redefined (one shot)
Regulus Black AU
Summary: You had been Regulus' friend since childhood and now his mistress. The war had changed many things, Regulus among them. Now its time to decide if you should put your self-worth over missing someone who was gone.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M
Song in Chapter: Fast Car by Tracy Chapman 
You lay in satin sheets watching Regulus dress. The clock on the wall read 11:30 pm. As usual, Regulus was done in less than an hour. It seemed, lately, that when the two of you met up for sex it wasn’t lasting as long as the time before that. Every time it seemed once Regulus got what he came for he was done. That was it, goodbye the end
Taking a breath, you looked back to your friend, lover, whatever Regulus was to you. Your heart ached as your eyes reached the dark mark on his arm. Regulus’s choices that been the frequent topic of all of the arguments that the two of you had. Had someone told you a year ago that this would be the predicament that you would find yourself in, you would have punched them. Never in a million years would you ever think that your best friend…the best friend that you had since 1st year…the man that you loved would ever be one of them. Yet, here he was and here you were trudging along after him.
You weren’t completely sure where the lines between friendship and lovers had blurred. Sleeping with Regulus had started months maybe a year ago. Sex was all that it was. Regulus had never once made a mention of making things official. He never even said anything romantic to you unless it was about how tight you were or how perfect your tits were.
Yet another thing that I never thought would happen with Regulus…
Regulus acting like you were some common piece of ass was something that never crossed your mind. When you began sleeping with Regulus, it was to provide him comfort. If you were comforting him, he wasn’t chasing someone else for comfort. You were providing him with what he needed and maybe, just maybe, he would reward you with what you wanted the most.
Keep dreaming. He would never date a Lupin in the open.
You frowned at the thought. Was there something wrong with your family? No, not in your eyes. In Walburga and Orion’s eyes, however, you were trash.
“Stop looking so god damn depressed, will you? It makes me wonder why I bother coming to see you.”
You looked up at Regulus’ harsh words. That’s another thing. Regulus was nothing like himself. He wasn’t your funny, thoughtfully caring best friend. Now he was cold, cruel, and hurtful. Yet again, you wondered why you trudged after him begging for a moment of his time. Were you afraid to let him go? Yes. You could easily admit that. Even with his cruel words and volatile temper, you weren’t prepared to let him go…at least not yet.
“I’m sorry, Regulus. This war…everything is so messed up. Can’t you stay tonight? It's late and we haven’t gotten to spend much time together in a long while.”
You said, before letting the sheets drop from your chest. Maybe seeing your bare breasts would be enough to appease the beast within Regulus. You were, after all, the one who comforted him when he needed it.
“I don’t have the time. Nothing is messed up. The dark lord will win soon enough. You need to stop being such a whining wimp.”
Pressing your lips together, you took a few moments before speaking.
“Is all that you have to say to me negativity? Is nothing that I do, outside of bed good enough for you?”
Regulus finished buttoning up his shirt. He knew that he was being cruel to you but did nothing to stop it. In Regulus’ mind, if he kept you pushed away he was keeping you safe. You wouldn’t be seeing the horrible things that he was doing or what his family really was. What he didn’t see was the foundation of your relationship beginning to crack and fracture.
“I’ll say anything to get a piece of your ass.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Is falling in love so bad? You make it sound so dreadful.”
Regulus moved to fix his bed-ravaged curls.
“Love isn’t real, Y/n. It's some made up emotion to woo silly little girls. Besides why waste your time? It’s shit. I don’t want someone whining after me wanting things that I don’t want. It sounds like a nightmare. Waking up to the same blasted person day after day…listening to them bitch because you don’t live up to some fairy tale being that one’s mind created. I would rather off myself.”
Had Regulus been paying attention to you at all; he would have seen how your hopeful expression fell to sadness.
“I thought that you loved me once upon a time.”
Regulus chuckled before turning to look at you.
“Poor little princess. I suggest getting over yourself or I’ll find another girl to keep me company. While whoever she would be wouldn’t please me as you do…it would be nice not to listen to your whining.”
You stood up and began searching for your own clothes. If this was how Regulus wanted things to be then you would just go home. You would go back home to your own friends. Sirius, Remus, James, and Lily never treated you like this. You weren’t just an option to them. They didn’t threaten to replace you when you were sad or questioning your worth. No, not your friends. They would instead go out of their way to make sure that you knew how much you were valued.
“Do whatever you wish then.”
You replied. Regulus tugged on his wool coat bore, again, rolling his eyes.
“Y/n, if I didn’t care about you then I wouldn’t be fucking you bare risking everything just to be close to you. Lucky for us, you're the smart one that thinks to use birth control potions…we would be really fucked.”
You turned to look at Regulus one last time. Something told you that this would be the last time that you saw him. This would be the last time that you lay in bed savoring how he made you feel. This. Was. It.
“So lucky for me to go home with your come dripping down my thighs. Goodbye, Regulus.”
You walked from the hotel room without another word. When Regulus didn’t come after you, that spoke volumes.
This was it.
For the next few weeks, you avoided Regulus like the plague. He had been sending owls requesting to see you. In Regulus, mind everything was fine. The words exchanged at the last meeting clearly meant nothing and you would be ready to entertain him as soon as he was free.
You never responded. With each owl’s arrival came a letter with cold scathing words, insults, and whatever Regulus thought would con you into seeing him. You had nearly given in when he sent a letter along with an emerald bracelet.
Now he thinks bribing me will work.
You thought before tying the little box back to the owl’s leg and returning the gift to its sender. Had it been a few weeks ago, you would have been thrilled with the bracelet. This was Regulus showing some emotion other than only an interest in sex. Now, however, you wanted no part of it.
That was the one emotion that you had. Your heart did ache for Regulus. It ached for your Regulus…your best friend. This new one sucked. You craved your best friend…the best friend that you would probably never see again.
“Hey girl, hey.”
Sirius’ voice pulled you from your thoughts. You looked up from the owl that was now flying away as Sirius came in and sat down.
“Hey boy, hey.”
You replied, earning a smile from your friend. Sirius put his feet up on the table. The two of you knew that Remus would have a fit if he saw Sirius with his feet on the table but he wasn’t there.
“Now that is a greeting. So, I was coming to see if you wanted to come out to the pub? Remus, James, and Lily will meet us there. It will kind of be like old times before the world went to shite.”
You leaned back into the sofa before nodding. Going out sounded nice. Seeing your friends was just what you needed.
“That sounds great. I need a drink and some shitty bar music.”
Sirius smacked his hands together before standing up.
“Let's go!”
Half an hour later, you sat in between James and Remus while Sirius was having way too much fun listening to Bon Jovi. Taking a drink of the fire whiskey that Remus put in front of you, you slowly were beginning to feel like your old self.
“This is some good stuff.”
Remus commented downing the rest of his drink and signaling for another. You turned to your older brother and smiled.
“Shame on you for encouraging your baby sister to drink booze.”
Remus chuckled.
“We can all have crazy nights every once and a while. Besides, I think we all need it.”
You couldn’t agree more. In the past month, the order had suffered some big setbacks. Dorcas and Marlene both had died while the Longbottoms were now out of their mind courtesy of Bellatrix. All in all, it had been the biggest shittiest month of your life. Losing friends and your lover definitely topped most of the other bad things that you had been through.
“I can drink to that.”
You said while Remus downed his other drink. Sirius sauntered over and held his hand out to you.
“Are you proposing to me or something? If you are, you have the wrong Lupin. My brother is off looking for another drink.”
Sirius snorted. You couldn’t help but feel some joy at the smile on his face. It seemed like it had been forever since Sirius smiled last. You hadn’t realized just how much you had missed his shitty jokes and weird humor until it wasn’t there every day.
“I know which Lupin you are, sugar bean. I am merely requesting that you dance with me because no one else will.”
James helped you stand up and shoved you toward Sirius.
“Go dance with him before he asks me to. I’m too drunk and will fuck up his nice shoes.”
You stuck your tongue out at James before going out with Sirius as a slower song came on. Wrapping your arms around Sirius’ shoulders, you lay your head against his chest.
He feels like Regulus.
That thought alone made your heart freeze. You hadn’t realized just how much Sirius reminded you of Regulus. He held you the same, had the same cologne…and the song on the radio playing definitely didn’t help… Oh, god…
So I remember when we were driving, driving in your car, speeding so fast it felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us and your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder. And I-I had a feeling that I belonged. I-I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You didn’t say anything but you were two seconds short of having the biggest panic attack of your life. Thankfully, Sirius’ voice stopped you.
“He’s an idiot.”
You asked, looking up at your new best friend curiously. Sirius raised an eyebrow.
“My brother. He’s an idiot for treating you like trash and letting you walk away. You were the best thing that has ever happened to him and he blew it. It was all him not you.”
Your eyes widened. Sirius knew…SIRIUS FUCKING KNEW!
“I feel like it was all my fault in some way. I miss him, Sirius. I miss him so badly.”
Sirius was frowning as he tucked your head under his chin.
“I know, kid. I miss him too.”
You were quiet for a few moments as you fought the tears that were beginning to stream down your face.
“Don’t tell Remus. Please don’t tell him…or the others. I’m not ready for them to know.”
Sirius was quiet a moment as his eyes locked on Regulus across the room. His younger brother was watching them with a death glare on his face. If Regulus started throwing hexes, Sirius wouldn’t at all be surprised. Sirius gave Regulus one final glare as Regulus turned and walked out of the bar in a furious huff.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t heard anything from you.”
Sirius replied. You didn’t need to know that Regulus was there. In Sirius’ mind, all that you needed to know was your friends had your back and always would.
@amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @georgeweasleydumbhoe @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @darkenwolfie @ell0ra-br3kk3r @livshifts @stelleduarte @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @daddyslittlevillain @rogue-nyx88 @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @f4iryluvy @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @buttercup-beeee @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @quinis @yousmellllikecaca @mentally-unstable-hoe @criminalyetminimal @haroldpotterson @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @rubyroscoe1 @rubyroscoe1 @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @marichromatic @dumybitch @lostarc24 @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @un-lovesherself @melaninnbarbie @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @shaylybaby2032 @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @untoldshortsofthefandoms @shitfaceddaniel-blog @li0nh34rt @tas898 @deanwherescas @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @mycuddlycorner
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yourgalgremlin · 5 months
Fleamont Potter who makes a plan the day he takes in Sirius Black as his own son in 1975.
Fleamont Potter who waits until James makes Regulus his son-in-law to make a heartwarming “father-of-both-grooms” speech at their wedding reception.
Fleamont Potter who leaves said wedding reception to go find Orion Black in his swanky members-only billiards hall—saying:
“Hello, my name is Fleamont Potter. You abused my kids, Sirius & Regulus. They’re fine now, but the same can’t be said for you.”
& then breaks Orion’s kneecap in with his own pool cue.
[The vision]
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popcornhee · 11 months
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"Why did you burn that letter..."
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 months
waiter: Kids under 5 and cops eat for free
Sirius: *nudging a 6 years old Nymphadora*
Her: I’m police
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theprongspotter · 15 days
Regulus: Shut the door when you leave my room.
Sirius: Okay.
Sirius: *sprints out of Regulus’ room, leaving the door wide open*
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lilyofthevalleyys · 11 months
Sirius at an award show: First of all, I would like to thank Regulus, my brother, for telling me I wasn’t going to win so don’t bother to prepare a speech. From the bottom of my heart, most sincerely, fuck you Reg.
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doodlemcjazzhands · 5 months
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She's a little crunchy, but here's the full portrait with Sirius :)
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