#the girls being a giant cuddle pile in the bed
glittercleric · 10 months
I wish I could either draw or had the money to commission people because there's so many scenes from Voidsong that I'd like to have art of
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mazikeenhyde · 21 days
Oh Baby... Pain is Pleasure - Part 5
Y/W/N – Your Wrestling Name 
Y/W/N/F – Your Wrestling Name Finisher
Word Count - Just under 4k
TAG LIST - @babybatlover @p0is0nl0ve @babiidee28 @darlingnikkisixx @commandershepardofthedas
Oh Baby…Pain is Pleasure – Part 5
For once, it seemed as though fate was on my side, as not long after Damian had demanded an explanation the heavens opened above. Torrential rain poured from the sky and pretty soon the garden had become a makeshift swimming pool. 
By now the clocks had chimed well past 2am and we were nearing  the witching hour. Damian and I quickly scurried through the patio doors; our clothing soaked from a brief encounter with mother nature. Damian locked the backdoors shut and turned to face me as he began to undress himself. 
“Quickly” he demanded as his eyes scanned over my body, “Strip.” 
I turned my head and raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback by this statement. I mean, I wasn’t about to turn down this handsome devil , if he wanted to fuck me on the breakfast bar then I was all in! Round two Papi?!  Let’s go! 
“Don’t get too excited” He stated plainly,  “I don’t want you catching a cold! WrestleMania is just around the corner, now come on Mi Vida, get those wet clothes off” He stepped forward, now undressed into just his sweatpants. He put his arms to my sides and began helping peel off the wet pyjama vest top I was wearing. Damian stared down, hesitant for a moment and stuck in a trance as my bare chest was exposed, my tits sat perked and patient in the cold waiting for his warm hands. I glanced up, trying to catch his eyeline as I raised one hand to the back of his neck, brushing my fingers across his cheek. 
Damian smirked at me and leant down to whisper in my ear, “Nice try” He laughed gently under his breath before placing one hand on my shoulder, turning me round on the spot and slapping my ass, pushing me forward towards the hallway. 
“Go get some dry clothes on and come back down, I’m not done with you Y/N. We NEED to talk about this, you can’t run away from it forever.” He was stern, not like my usual loveable giant who didn’t need asking twice for an opportunity to shag. 
I held back the desperation to roll my eyes in frustration with him and instead smiled, before taking full advantage of the opportunity at hand. 
Slowly making my way up the stairs, I sneaked my way back into our bedroom to see Finn, Rhea & Dom all fast asleep together. Rhea & Dom were cuddled up in a messy pile of loose fitted pajamas and sprawled out limbs, whilst Finn had rolled away to face the opposite direction with his right arm outstretched. Bending down I grabbed his t-shirt from yesterday off the floor and disposed of my wet pajama shorts in the corner before sneaking under the covers to wrap myself in his arms. 
Finn took a sleepy deep breath, his eyes remained shut as he nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck and smiled before settling himself back into the pillow, clutching tightly to my waist as he rolled me over so he could take on being the big spoon. 
“Love ya lass” he whispered in a hush tone before falling asleep, gripping me into a tight cuddle. 
“Love you, Finn.” I hummed softly and closed my eyes. I knew it was unfair to leave Damian downstairs, but he’d soon figure out I wasn’t coming back down and head upstairs to bed himself… wouldn’t he? 
It didn’t take me long to doze off, Finns warm embrace was ever a calming one. I just hoped come morning, Damian would let this whole thing blow over. Either that or I could escape to the gym before he could interrogate me again. 
The Following Morning - 6:45am 
I fluttered my eyelids open to a rustling coming from behind me, Finns arms still wrapped tightly around my waist, he too had managed to open one eye in an equally confused daze. We both lifted our heads slightly and peeked over his shoulder to spot a large bundle shuffling around under the covers, muffled giggles escaped, and light moans were hard to miss. 
Finn scoffed in amusement before turning his head round and using his hand, he spun my neck to face back to its original direction as well, both of us resting our sleepy forms back into the pillows. He leant into my neck and nibbled the edge of my ear whispering in a hushed tone. 
“Once you win that title, I’m gonna do a hell of a lot more than surprise you with an early morning breakfast in bed…. You know how I love to eat out first thing” His beard tickled my cheeks as he laid kisses down my neck. But it was hard not to get distracted by the raucous love birds behind us and their morning antics. So throwing the covers off and behind us I signaled for Finn to follow me out the room.
“Come on baby, let’s leave them to it, we can go rustle up some breakfast for us all before I hit the gym. You wanna train together again?” I asked Finn as we headed out into the landing. 
He smirked holding my hand as he followed me out, slapping me on the backside as we went. 
“Ill never turn down a good ol’sweat session with you doll” he grinned as I let go of his hand and raced down the stairs, Finn hot on my tail and pinching my hips as we laughed. 
It was only then, as I turned the corner into the kitchen, like reality had delivered a painful slap across the face; I froze on the spot. Finn, who ran straight into the back of me looked on, confused at the sight of Damian sat on the edge of the breakfast bar, staring at the pair of us. 
“Good nights sleep?” He questioned, a little sarcastically as his voice aimed directly at me, ready to take that kill shot. 
“Shit, D-Damian? But I thought? You weren’t… in bed with Dom & Rhea?” I asked him, both confused and guilt ridden that he must have stayed downstairs all night by himself. 
“Dam? Love, why didn’t you come to bed? Is something wrong?” Finn sounded concerned as he let go of my hips and stepped out from behind me taking a couple steps towards Damian, tilting his head to one side, questioning the man. 
Damian didn’t break eye contact with me as I stood frozen on the spot, my breathing had shallowed out to the point of being nonexistent. He raised his eyebrows at me expecting a response… but all I could do was stare forward, lightly shaking my head ‘no’ in the hopes he would listen to my silent pleas. 
‘Hey Finn…” Damian cleared his voice whilst keeping his eyes fixated on mine. 
“Y/N sucked my dick last night.” 
I had no words. 
My face just held that look of complete bewilderment and incomprehension at his childish behavior. The devil on my shoulder cursing the dickhead who didn’t seem to mind breaking those rules himself at the time.  
Finn’s head snapped around almost instantly as the sounds of rushed footsteps came down the stairs and up behind me, Dominick & Rhea had now also appeared. Their hair matched in a post sex matted mess, with Dom’s pajama bottoms missing, stood in only his boxers and Rhea adorning Damian’s oversized ‘ALL RISE’ training t-shirt.
“Guys? What is it? What’s wrong?” Rhea questioned, sensing the tension in the room, “Bunny?”.
“You did what…?” Finn was furious as he glared at me, but it was that silent anger, the one that felt more like disappointment than just being upset. 
I still didn’t move, I couldn’t break the stare I had on Damian, I couldn’t believe he had thrown me under the bus. 
Last time I let him finish in my mouth… 
Ok that’s a lie. 
But I made my point clear to my inner sex demon that was currently envisioning a complete anger fueled, pre-breakfast orgy between us all on the kitchen worktops. Cursing each other’s names in breathy moans, fucking out our frustrations as the pancakes & waffles would be left burning with orgasms taking precedent.
“You. Sucked. His. Cock. Last. Night. Y/n?” Finn questioned me again, his eyes burning a hole into my soul as he paused on every word, but still, I didn’t answer. 
“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH” Dom was quick to jump on the hype train before Rhea elbowed him in the ribs to shut him up, but it only lasted for a second before he was back at it. 
“Yourrrr in troubleeee” he sung, teasing me as I turned to look at him. 
“Dominick, I swear, I will put you across my knee right her” Rhea warned him as the little shit finally shut his mouth up. 
“Jealous it wasn’t yours?” I spat out sarcastically at Dominick who was half hiding behind Rhea for personal protection. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head before turning back only to notice that Damian had stood up. He walked towards me slowly before leaning down into my face;
“I told you Mi Vida, no secrets” he winked seductively at me before addressing Dom & Rhea, who had made their way over to stand by the sofas.  
“Morning you two, have fun this morning?” Damian smirked pointing down to Dom’s crotch and the black lipstick marks that had been left behind by Rhea. Dom’s cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as he grabbed a pillow of the couch and held it over, to cover his remaining dignity. 
“Y/N!” Finn shouted, making us all jump as he shoved past Damian and closed the space between myself and him. His face was inches from mine now, his finger pointed up close making me feel like a little kid again.  
“One rule, one fucking rule. No distractions! It’s not a complicated rule, it’s not difficult to follow, it’s…” Finn tried to justify before I screamed back in his face, interrupting him. 
“BUT IT IS!” I shouted, I instantly regretted cutting him off, but fuck it I had done it now. 
In for a penny in for a pound and all that. 
“It’s pretty fucking hard to follow when you are all getting off with each other, shagging in the same bed as me when I wake up or leaving me out when you all take joint showers. Christ, it’s not like you even try to hide it!” My heart was racing as I argued my case, though it fell on deaf ears as Finns eyes seemed to just look through me. As if I wasn’t really there. 
My eyes filled with tears as I turned to make a break for it up the stairs. 
“STOP.” Damian’s voice bellowed into the room, Dom jumped so badly he dropped the pillow, and Rhea turned her head to look at him and rolled her eyes. 
“Such a bottom Dom, jeez.” She spoke, Dominick looking equally embarrassed and content with the statement. For once, it wasn’t him that was in trouble. 
I turned back around, rubbing my eyes clear and trying to hold myself together, trying to stay strong so they didn’t see me as some weak girl who felt like she was falling apart. 
Damian pulled my phone from his pocket and snapped his fingers at Rhea & Dom to take a seat on the sofa, then signaling to Finn to take a seat as well. 
Finn didn’t seem best pleased by this, but Damian reassured him they would deal with the whole rule breaking scenario later. This was more important. Damian then dragged the chair from the dining table that he had been leaning against over and took a seat, placing my phone on the coffee table in front of us all. 
“Y/n, despite you sneaking off last night, I haven’t forgotten. I spent all night by myself down here thinking about it. Y/n, I’m sorry Mi Amor, but this needs addressing. Because  this relationship” Damian pointed to each of us.
“It is built on trust, there are no secrets. There should be no secrets. I couldn’t keep what happened last night from Finn, because that would be wrong. I was wrong for allowing it to happen, and I understand why you are upset. Now we can discuss the ‘no distractions’ rule later, so that you don’t feel so frustrated or singled out by it. Right guys?” Damian looked to each of the group, all nodding in unison, Finn a little reluctant at first but you could see he was starting to feel bad for me as well. 
“But… Y/n. You are hiding something, last night you said…” Damian continued but I interrupted before he could finish. 
“I said I’m not the person you think I am” My voice was shaking, full of fear and anxiety. This was it. They were going to find out the truth. 
“Bunny? What do you mean?” Rhea’s face was terrified, she had that look of wanting to run up and embrace me in a full-on chokehold hug. How I would have loved nothing more than for Rhea and the others to hold me tight and wish the rest of the world away. 
My eyes couldn’t hold back the emotional barriers anymore as the tears flooded down my cheeks, my breath catching in my throat as my heart felt like it was breaking. 
“Please… Please… Please I’m begging you. Please, if you love me, if you truly… love me. You will let, this, go.” I sniffled and sobbed as Finn went to stand but Damian rested a hand on his thigh, motioning for him to sit back down. 
“I don’t wanna lose you…” I cried as my hands began to tremble and my legs turned to jelly. 
“Mi Vida, it’s time.” Damian offered a gentle lifeline as he held out a hand to me so I could sit on his knee, but I declined. Pulling myself together I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a deep breathe. 
“Okay…” I whispered as my lips quivered and I fought of the tears that wanted to carry on. 
“Before… Before I… I wasn’t…. Before I…” stuttering every syllable, I knew getting the words out was going to be harder than I had expected. Though I never thought I’d be in this situation to begin with, let alone practice or plan for. I thought I could hide this forever; I thought I would take this to the grave. 
Damian, Rhea, Finn and Dom all sat focused solely on me as I stood in front of them, my entire body was trembling. The room felt as though it was expanding at a thousand paces a second whilst simultaneously closing in all at once. Drowning in the single spotlight of attention, I knew there was no escaping it now. Those skeletons in my closet, they were coming back from the dead. Arising from the deepest depths for which I had buried them, the haunting of my soul was coming back, its vengeance had begun. 
Every action has its consequences. 
I took one final deep breath and locked eyes with Damian before looking to the floor, fixating on a single carpet thread. If I was going to tell my secrets, I wasn’t going to look them directly in the eye. I couldn’t bare to see the love start to fade away from them. 
“When I told you, I’m not the person you think I am, well that’s only half true. The y/n you know now, that’s me. That is the y/n I want to be. I want to be this y/n, I want to live in this life, I want to live with all of you in this little world we have…” My voice choked on the last word as I prepared myself for what was coming. Rhea had her hands to her face, her tears matched mine as it broke her heart to see her girl so visibly upset. 
“But the y/n that I was, the y/n that haunts my dreams, the y/n that left scars across my skin from a war I had no business being a part of. The y/n that destroyed an entire world in a single second through arrogance… she made a deal with the Wyatts to save herself from the darkness. And now…” I looked up to the heavens as I broke down in a cascading river of tears. 
“Even though he has gone, my time is up. My payment is due, and I am so, so sorry. But I cannot protect you from them. Not if I stay. Howdy has my secrets, he knows everything. I foolishly thought that when… that when…” I paused and signaled a cross to the heavens. 
“When the last firefly went out, I would escape, and my deal would turn to dust. He was never a fiend; he was my friend. He was a good person, but like me, he was stuck living the wrong life. People judged before they truly knew who he could be. That kind of judgment can create a monster, the devil himself was born from injustice. He helped those who were lost, offered them sanctuary in his world. But Howdy, Howdy took that world and destroyed it, trapped all of us inside that godforsaken fun house and burnt it to the ground. He manipulates the vulnerable and feeds upon the weak, his family will stop at nothing to destroy… everything.”
I looked up from the floor to see them all staring back at me, was it shock? Was it confusion? Was it fear? We would soon know, because here it is. 
“Before I came up to the main roster, before I signed with WWE, I was a rookie. Like everyone else I was barely surviving on the indie scene. I was doing stupid things, taking stupid risks and, Ha! Well my safety wasn’t exactly paramount. I drank… a lot, all the time. I swallowed anything anyone offered, took anything just to get high and feel something. Death matches, TLC'S, Street fights, it didn't matter because the pain fed my empty soul. I didn’t wrestle under Y/W/N at the time… I was in a duo.” I paused for a second, taking another breath. 
“With Liv… I wrestled under ‘Missy’, get it? Miss-y? Sounds like Miss. E, add LIV and… L.I.V.E = EVIL, ‘Live to be Evil’” 
I swallowed, knowing the words I was going to speak could never be taken back. 
“She was like me, lost little kids living in a world that was far to big and full of way to many temptations… We had a match, a death match. Neither of us were in a state to compete but, well we didn’t care. It was against these two girls who, well we knew them, we had history. One of them had accidentally fucked up a spot a long time before and I had broken my ankle. To say I went into that match with a taste for revenge was an understatement.” 
The entire room was silent, you could barley hear Dom, Damien, Finn or Rhea take a breath. 
“We didn’t just take the win that night, it was never going to get to the showcase. In my mind, all i could see was spite and an opportunity for revenge. During the pre match training session… we ended that girl’s career. I won’t say how, I don’t wanna relive that moment any more than I have to in my nightmares. But I spent a lot longer than 5 minutes behind bars… Dom.” I was still crying; I was trying not to look at them all and their disappointment.  
“I was spiteful, I was full of hatred and dependent on a high I could never fulfil. I was using other peoples pain and suffering in place of the lack of my own. The fiend offered us a deal, a way out, a way to survive. A firefly’s devotion runs far deeper than the loyalty in blood alone. He buried the past so no one would ever know. That match wasn’t public, the records were sealed, the girl was paid off and kept silent forever. Liv and I agreed to the deal, to repay our debts through sacrifice. Before… before he left this world, Liv was granted her freedom from the fiend, but I was still a lost soul.” 
I looked up to each of them, tears filled their eyes. 
“That was, until I met you. All of you. You all taught me to be the person I am now. This y/n, this is me, this is the me I want to be. But Howdy, he lives for revenge. He revoked Live freedom and, and now he has named my sacrifice… my championship” 
“NO! Fuck that! No” Finn stood to his feet; his anger was fueling his inner fire. 
“I don’t have a choice, Finn! If I don’t hold up to my deal, this… us…it’s all over! Everything will come out and they will take me down. You will all drown with me, and I can’t do that to you! I love you all too much” my voice was shaking. 
They all rushed to me, embracing me in a tight hug. 
“Bunny…” Rhea grabbed my face pulling me in close as the others released me from the hug. “They won’t get anywhere near you, not while you have us” 
"Mi Amor, your past... your past and your secrets. Your struggles, your problems, your pain and your strifes. They do not have to be yours alone, we are a family." Damians voice offered a reassuring tone, filled with love.
"Do or Die, Lass. We aren't going anywhere. And we will never stop loving you" Finn took my hand in his, squeezing it tightly.
“Hey guys?” Dom questioned as they all turned, looking over to the young semi naked lad. “I think, I think I have an idea.” 
An all too familiar piano key played out to the arena as smoke filled the walkway and a single spotlight lit up the ring. The entire audience had fallen silent in apprehension. 
An illuminated doorway flew open from the top of the walkway and out from the smoke filled darkness, emerged the silhouette’s of the Wyatts. Uncle Howdy pacing forward at the front, swinging the famous lantern and cackling to himself as his family lurked close behind. Their sheer presence dominating the world in its own glory.  
Howdy stopped abruptly as Abby the witch slunk out from behind him when they reached the edge of the ring. She eerily crept her way through the ropes, launching the ‘Money in the Bank’ briefcase to the referee who looked balls out terrified to be there. At this point, he had given up on the idea of ever witnessing a 'clean' match.
Facedown in the Centre of the ring lay a crumpled mess of myself, barely able to make out more than a foot in front of your face... you would never of known. They didn't know.
Dakota Kai seemed to have vanished and it was now just us. Y/W/N vs The Witch.
Samantha Irvin anxiously announced to the stadium that, much to the disappearance of Dakota, this was now a triple threat match for the Women’s world Championship. 
Looking around the walkways, the crowd, even the exit doors... there was no sign of anyone.
I was all alone in this. 
The bell rang and crawling her way forward Abby grabbed a fist full of hair dragging up the face of…. well, It wasn’t me.
It was a mannequin, dressed in matching ring attire.
She spun herself around to look at Howdy whose face displayed a monstrous scowl. 
Suddenly, echoing through the stadium three loud bangs on a door could be heard. Seconds later they repeated once again. 
The Wyatts all turned to face their entrance way, the grand wooden door having closed behind them. Someone was here, someone was knocking, someone had come calling. 
With a microphone in hand, my voice boomed throughout the stadium. 
“HOWDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I Shouted at the top of my lungs. 
“Let. Me. In”
To. Be. Continued. 
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moonshine999 · 1 year
The Greens during Autumn
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Putting on a coat and going on a long walk to be amongst the chatter and happiness of the town 
Being tired and taking the longest hot shower 
Recording every special moment with an outdated phone (Daeron insists she buy a new one while Aemond argues it looks “vintage”) 
Having every family dinner be accompanied by a cliche autumn scented candle 
Knitting light blue  matching scarves for herself ,Helaena and Jaehaera 
Owning too many cardigans and sweaters
Making hot chocolate (with extra marshmallows ofc) 
Getting dried leaves stuck in her hair (and not noticing them until the twins start laughing and simultaneously each pick a leaf out ) 
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Autumn means begging his wife for more cuddles because he’s cold (he refuses to sleep with a shirt on.) 
Taking the kids to a pumpkin patch and getting unnecessarily competitive with Jaehaerys on who can carve a scarier face (he gives in and lets him win at the end) 
Watching horror movies after putting the kids to bed 
Going apple picking with his mom 
Jumping in a pile of leaves just for the heck of it 
Wrapping one of his scarves around sunfyre before taking him on a walk or a hike with him
Visiting different wineries 
Serenading his wife , guitar in hand , while on the family road trip 
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Baking anything and everything from cinnamon rolls to apple pies to chocolate chip cookies 
Readjusting the entire house before Halloween (I can imagine it will look so fucking adorable and cozy. Plus the kids help make the decorations) 
Owning too many pairs of warm knit socks with bug themed patterns 
Arranging for picnic dates in their backyard 
Playing piano when she feels it’s quiet enough (dreamfyre is curled up on top of the piano, either observing or falling asleep to the music)
Drinking too much coffee (mother of three, wife of thousands, girl has her work cut out for her)
Embroidering flowers and the butterflies that fly around her garden 
Nearly always wrapped in something or the other (a giant blanket, a scarf, her mother’s old cardigan, her husband’s arms, the list goes on)
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Reading thrillers during cold evenings
Thrifting everything 
Playing chess, going on morning runs and solving complicated puzzles with Criston
Having an entire 5 hour playlist for this season and this season alone
Writing down special moments sitting beneath falling leaves
Declaring that there is no such thing as too much caramel because he refuses to accept he has a problem 
Trying the crochet patterns Helaena taught him 
Long coats, sweater vests, crew necks and flannels (in short, autumn fashion GOD)
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whoronoa · 3 months
I’m going to drop a warm and fuzzy on you but like imagine being ACTUAL friends with Ateez and how cute it would be.
More specifically San. As a certified plushy girl I know he would have the best bed to cuddle in if a break or nap was needed. He probably would let you hide some in his room for extra comfort. Now hear me out:
Finding out you liked plushies San would absentmindedly get you them any time he saw a cute one. Which was a lot. Any time he walked past one in the store he’d think about it for a second before deciding you needed it. The boys would groan(probably Mingi) saying that you had too many as is. Yunho would likely encourage it because it would make San and you happy.
The first gift was a bit awkward. You really don’t know what to do but accept it gratefully. However the need to repay him would gnaw at you until you found yourself back at their apartment a few days later with a gift of your own. Maybe it would be a matching one if San made a comment about how he liked it. Maybe a completely different one that reminded you of him. Either way San is quick to accept your gift hugging it for the remainder of the day(and night).
It becomes a bit. You guys can’t help it. It gets so bad that the two of you start confusing the plushies and can’t really say what one belongs to who. There is a point where Yunho walks into San’s room as the two of you bicker over ownership. The giant doesn’t even knock just pushes the door open more before dropping another five plushies to the pile at your feet. He blinks at you and San in dismay, the two of you to focused on figuring out which one of you really owned the puppy squishmellow that looked a bit too much like the giant watching you. Maybe that’s why San and you weren’t willing to give up.
When Yunho realizes that both of you are too stubborn for your own good he takes that plushy and several others to his room. You don’t catch much of what he says but his words spark an idea worse than the plushy exchange. Now you’ve two decided to share custody over the puppy that Yunho stole (San snuck it back a few days later) and few others. The two of you constantly swapping plushies because it’s “their dads” week. Yunho finds it endearing until “his” plushy collection starts to rival yours and San’s. He thinks about drawing a line and setting boundaries but immediately dismisses it when he finds you and San napping in his bed with “his” plushies. Most of the boys aren’t bothered by it, in fact they find it endearing. Except for maybe Mingi on certain days if you catch him at the wrong time he gets a bit pouty about it- but that’s a story for another day
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lilypadlys · 10 months
Domestic December Day 8 - Comfort During a Storm
Aurora and Phantom experience their first thunderstorm topside.
Prompt list by comp-lady. See prompt list here
Thunderstorms and cuddle piles below the cut or on AO3
A storm has been brewing all day. Aurora, being partly air, can sense the tension in the atmosphere. It’s like an itch just under her skin. Something is on the way. Now dark clouds and fierce winds foretell the storm’s arrival and it looks like it's going to be a big one.
So far in her brief time topside, Aurora has only experienced rain a couple times. The other ghoulettes took her outside with them the first time it rained after her summoning. At first she watched suspiciously from underneath an awning as the ghoulettes ran about in the sprinkle. It was just a light gentle rain, softly dampening the earth with a fine mist. Mist herself even joined the girls that day, briefly dropping her stoic demeanor and smiling openly as she let the rain wash over her skin.
Slowly but surely, they coaxed her out from under the cover. She had squealed a little when the first cool drops hit her face. Quickly though, she began to dance and twirl around, her air and water elements having a field day with all the energy in the air. After that she began to be the first to run outside whenever light drops began to smatter the windows.
Now though, she sits by a window and pouts. The other had held her back as she prepared to race outside. They said that a thunderstorm was on the horizon and that it was dangerous. When she asked why, they tried to explain lightning and thunder to her, but she didn’t really understand. Still, she heeded their warnings and resolved to just watch the rain from here. Until the first arc of lightning flashed across the sky.
She marveled, eyes huge, as the sudden flash sliced the sky in half. She could almost feel the electricity in the air. She pressed closer to the window, watching for another, when instead she was greeted by a cacophonous boom of thunder. The window rattled with it and the wind picked up even more.
Aurora recoiled in shock, her poor sensitive ears unprepared for the noise. She shrunk back from the window in apprehension, barely having time to recover when a second flash lit the sky. This time, when the foundation shaking thunder sounded, she decided she’d had enough and bravely ran to hide. She scurried down the hall and nearly ran into Phantom.
“Hey Ant. You okay?” He had a worried expression on his face and he kept looking behind him. Another crash of thunder gave her her answer as they both jumped and the quintessence ghoul yelped in fright.
“It’s scary.” He mumbled embarrassedly.
“Yeah. I’m scared too.” She admitted. “What should we do?”
“Maybe go find the others?”
“Okay do you know where-” Aurora is cut off by another boom of thunder, managing to be the loudest yet. “On second thought…”
“Yeah, let's stay here.”
The two of them huddle right there in the hall; wrapped into a tight ball of ghoul on the floor under a side table. That’s how Mountain finds them, curled up so snug it's unclear where one ends and the other starts, and flinching as one every time the thunder sounds.
“There you two are.” Mountain sighs in relief. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere. C’mon. We’ll head to my room and get you two settled. It’s going to be alright.”
Nervously, Aurora and Phantom disentangle themselves and follow the gentle giant to his room. He has the lights dimmed, lit by lamps and the fire. The blinds are closed and the window blocked with a thick quilt to block the light and muffle some of the sound. His bed is a nest of blankets and furs. Mountain flops on the bed first and allows the two smaller ghouls to curl on either side. He sends a quick text to the group chat before wrapping his arms around both of them and cooing softly.
Mountain: I found Bug and Rory. Got them in my room.
Cumulus: Oh thank Satan. I’m on the way.
Swiss: I’ll bring Bug’s headphones. Does Rory want ear plugs?
Cumulus: I’ll bring some just in case.
Cumulus and Swiss arrive quickly, Phantom’s noise canceling headphones and ear plugs in tow. Phantom makes grabby hands for his headphones and visibly relaxes once they cover his ears. Cumulus holds the ear plugs out to Aurora.
“Hey sweetheart. Want ear plugs? They’ll help with the noise.” She points to her own set in emphasis.
Aurora nods and accepts them. “Thank you.” She instantly feels a little better, the soft foam blocking the worst of the noise.
Cumulus and Swiss curl up on Aurora and Phantom’s other sides; Mountain’s bed fortunately being big enough to allow five ghouls to fit at once. They begin to soothe their respective ghouls and soon enough everyone is purring up a storm of their own. Even when the worst of the storm blows through, the thunder gone and leaving only the pelting rain, the ghouls stay there curled up. Only once Phantom and Aurora feel sure that the thunder poses no further threat do they both remove their hearing protection and relax fully.
“Sorry about all that.” Cumulus murmurs. “We meant to find you sooner but the storm came quicker than we thought.”
“Yeah,” Swiss nods. “We got caught halfway across the ministry and then couldn’t find you.”
“It'ssokay.” Phantom mumbles sleepily, snuggling closer into Mountain and Swiss.
“Yeah. I’m okay now.” Aurora agrees, only slightly more lucid.
“Looks like it’s nap time now.” Swiss grins. Mountain is already snoring, able to sleep through a hurricane if he wanted. The other four settle back down and join him in sleep.
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He Wants It...No..He Needs It.
‘‘Today is Not My Fucking Day’‘
Dew Angrily Mutters To Himself As He Throws And Kicks Stuff Around His Room Almost Breaking Some of Things He Holds Dearly To His Fiery Heart. Any Day He Would Be Careful Trying not to Break Anything In His Path But After The Day He Had Today He Doesn’t Care and Is At His Limit.
Even Waking Up In The Morning, He Felt It  Was Going to Bad Today But He Didn’t Expect How it’ll Go For Him Leading Him To Where He Is Now.
From Stepping On A Thumbtack To Being Electrocuted By A Loose Wire In Band Practice, Being Teased By Swiss, It Shouldn’t Have Bothered him But it Did. Getting His Pants Caught In the Door, Being Chewed Out By Imperator For One Thing That Wasn’t Even His fault. Anything That Should Have Gone Right Today Went So Utterly Bad For Him As More Terrible Yet Utterly Humiliatingly Things Happen As Well.
In His Violent Anger,  He Plops Down In the Mess He Created During His Massive Meltdown Rocking Himself Back And Forth Pressuring Himself To Calm Down But That’s Not Even Helping As The Thoughts In His Own Mind Start to Bother Him.
Not Even Safe From His Mind Today Too.
He’s Looks Anywhere Trying to Make His Mind off Track But Looking At Mess He created, There Piling In Fast.
‘‘Couldn’t Even Do It Right’‘
‘‘That Was Surrrre Electrifying Dew, Watcha Trying To do?’‘ Become A Glitch, Hehhehe.’‘
Dew Covers Himself With His Hands, Starting To Shake As He Rocks and Back Forth Faster Breaking Down More Little By Little Causing His Room To Heat Up.
‘‘You Sure Aren’t A Water Ghoul?’‘ 
‘‘You Still Have The Blue Eye There.’‘
‘‘Ghoul Stop Being Useless and Get Back To Work.’‘
‘‘Look All I Am Saying is That Aether Doesn’t Deserve To Be With a Ghoul Like You.’‘
The Room Heats Up, Nails Digging Into To His Skin
‘‘Why Would I Spend A Night With Dew, I’m Pretty Sure He’s Terrible In Bed.’‘
Nails Digging In More Starting to Bleed As Well.
‘‘You Look Awful Today’‘
‘‘I’m Sorry If I Sound Mean But I Think You were Better Looking As a Water Ghoul Without The Afflictions’‘
‘‘Hey Weren’t You The Ghoul Ifri-
He slams The Back of His Head Against The Floor Just Try Somethin, Anything To Make It Not Caring If it Hurts Himself. Looking Up Directly At The Ceiling While Laying Spread Out On The Floors. His Disastrous Thoughts Stopping As The Pain Inflicted He Did Him Self Cease.
‘‘Well That Helped...’‘ He Mumbled Staring up At The Ceiling, Feeling Headache Coming Now. Making Him Whimper. He Side Eyes Taking In The Destruction Of His Room That Was Once Tidy And Cleaned Up Now A Crappy Room, Objects On the Ground Luckily Not Broken, A Hole In The Hall, The Mirror Shattered In Many Pieces. His Bed All Ruined And Bunch Other Things He did Around Him Starting To Bother Him Even More Than Before.
The Heat In The Room Has Died Down As He Tries Not Make Himself More Frustrated and Upset Not Wanting To Look Even More Pathetic Than He Is Now. A Few Minutes Pass By Consisting Of Teeth Grinding Against Each Other and Tail Thumping Against the Floor While Dew Attempts To Figure out What To do To Make Stop Feelin Like This. Want The Day To Be Over, Wanting to Fall Asleep Not Worrying About Tomorrow, Wanting To Be Cuddled and Possibly Intimate with...Someone.
Wanting to Let Go From The Day He Had Today.
To Be Embraced, Kissed, Pressed Up Against Someone As They Make Him Come Undone As They Grant Him The Pleasure He Needs. To Be In Someone’s As They Praise Him And Call Him The Most Sweetest Yet Things A Few Ghouls Had Called Him When Being Intimate.
He Wants it....No.. 
He Goes Over What Ghouls He needs to Let Go With:
Aether? No He’s Out Today With Copia.
Swiss? Not After The Thing He Said Today.
Rain? Maybe But No He Spending Time With The Girls Teaching Them His New Water Techniques From A Old Book He read From. He Doesn’t Want To Interrupt Them.
That Only Leave One Person, The Gentle Yet Tall Giant Named Mountain. He Isn’t Busy Today, Mountain Been Checking On Him to Make Sure He’s Alright When Something Had Happened Today, Glancing at Dewdrop Not Noticing The Looks Dew Gives Him Back After. Appreciating the Help Dew Provides When Attending The Green House or Helping Dew Back When He Gets in trouble or Sometimes Being Bratty To Surprise Dew More. 
Dew Purrs At the Thought Of Mountain Being Bratty, Always Managing To Learn How Or What Makes Mountain Do The Things He Strangely Does In This Confusing All But Fascinating World Everything Revolves Around Of. He Hopes When He See’s Mountain He Just Doesn’t Start Bawling His Eyes, Not Wanting To Look More Worse Now Also Thinking That Mountain Might Say Something Will Make The Day Even More Worse.
‘’Breaths in, Breaths Out’’
‘’I Can Do This.’’ Dewdrop Sighs, Getting Up From Hard Floor Heading Straight Outside Leaving His Door Wide Opened, Not Caring About The State of His Room or Worrying If Someone See’s It, No the Only Thing On His Mind is
Letting Go...With Mountain By His Side Tonight.
He Marches Thru The Halls Of The Abbey, Glad No Sibling Or Ghoul Around To See The Fire Ghoul March like He’s On Mission Judging By The Way He Walks and Looks. It’s Long Way To Mountain’s Room Due to All New Things Put In Place By There Clergy, Mountain Decided To Move Rooms Due to The Lack Of Space and Of Course His Height Gaining a Bigger Bedroom In The Process That’ll Seem Fit For A King Or Queen. 
Things are Going Smoothly For the Fire Ghoul as He Gets Closer To Destination But Alas His Thoughts Are Going After Him Again.
Thoughts Becoming Stronger As he Practically Sprints Just to Get Away, His Mind Torturing, Running Even Faster Feeling His Lungs Burn Not Stopping For A Quick Break While His Own Mind Consumes Him Like A Prisoner. He Runs and Runs, Legs Hurting, Headache Pounding More, More Out of Breath, Holding on to His Goal Of Letting Go.
He Makes it.
Landing Directly In Front of Mountain’s Door, Heavy Breathing, All Sweaty, Lung Burnings. Taking The Quick Breaks He Needs In Order for this Work. He Lifts Himself Up Using The Big Pot of Flowers Right Beside Him. Standing Up, Breathing Slowly But Heavily Now He Looks Up At Door now. Too Tired Or Exhausted He’s About to Knock But One Of His Thoughts Interrupts Him.
‘‘Is This A Mistake?’‘
‘‘What If He Laughs?’‘
‘‘You Don’t Ne-’‘
‘‘Fuck it.’‘ Dewdrop Says as He Knocks On The Door Ignoring His Trouble Some Thoughts With His Horn Too Exhausted to Use His Hands From The Long Run He Just Did. He Hears Movement Coming From the Room, Drawers Being and Items Being Placed Down.
‘‘Dammit, Bus-’‘ Dew Almost Says Before Mountain Opens The Door Wearing A Fluffy Blue Robe With A Green And Red Tint Mixed In, His Hair Up In A Bun, Skin Looking Radiant As Ever. Mountain Is Like  A  Angel Who’’ll  Protect You From The Dangers If Needed.
‘‘Hello Droplet, Nice To See You.’‘ Dew Stiffens At The Old Nickname He Hadn’t Heard In A Very Long Time. He Hopes Mountain Didn’t See That But He Did.
‘‘What’s Wrong?” Mountain Questioned as He Looks At the Fire Ghoul. The Fire Ghoul Starts to Tremble As He can Feel His eyes Start to Water.
‘‘Did Your Day Ge-OOOF!’‘ Dewdrop Immediately Goes Into Mountain’s Chest Starting To Ramble And Bawl His eyes at How Everything Went Wrong and How His Mind Won’t Stop Torturing Him. Hugging Mountain Tighter, Getting His Robe Wet his Tears Crying Harder. Mountain Rubs Dew’s Head, Hugging Him letting Him Let All Out, Rubbing His Back soothingly.
‘‘i-m so-sorry’‘
‘‘Sorry, For What My Dear’‘
‘‘C-’’sniffles-Coming Here Cryi-’‘
‘‘It’s okay To Cry Dew, Let it Out.’‘
He Looks Up At Mountain, Eyes Red And Puffy he Cries More, Mountain Picks Him Up and Carries Him Shutting The Door So They Can Have Privacy.
Mountain Goes Directly to The Edge Of His Bed, Almost Placing the Distraught Ghoul Down But is Quickly Stopped By Dew Pleas.
‘‘Don’t Put M-m-Me Down Plz...’‘
‘‘Let Me Be Just Be In Your Arms...’‘
Mountain Lets Him Stay in His Arms, Sitting Down On The Edge Holding The Weeping Fire Ghoul While Moments of Sniffling and Bawling Happens.
Few Moments Go By and Dewdrop No Tears Left to Cry is Laying On Mountain’s Thigh While Mountain Pets His Head Softly Feeling Content Now And Mind A Bit Clearer Now Than Before. Mountain Rubs His Back Again Softly to Help Him a Bit. 
‘‘Better?’‘ Mountain Asked, Looking Down At Dew. 
‘‘A Little.’‘ Dew Mutters, Not Wanting to Move At this Moment’‘
They Go Like For A Few More Minutes, Dewdrop is Feeling More and More Better.
‘‘How Bad Was It Today?’‘
‘‘That Bad, Huh?’‘
Dewdrop Nods, Not Wanting To Speak, His Throat Raw From His Breakdown.
‘‘What Do You Need Me To Do, Dear Ember?
Moments Of Silence Pass
Dewdrop Looks Up at Mountain All Lovingly 
He Speaks
‘‘I Want You To Make Me Let go.’‘
‘‘In Your Own Way Please...’‘
Clothes Are Scattered In Matter Of Seconds, Laying On The Floor, Dewdrop Lays Bare On His Back On The Bed. Mountain Preparin Him and Himself Knowing How This Night Will go. He Doesn’t Teases Him Like He Usually Does Or Roughs Him Up, He Kisses the Tender Spots, The Scars, Feeling The Fur Against Him. Clicking there Horns Together, Tails Intertwining.
Mountain Goes Thru The Gentle Foreplay To Make This Experience More Better and Gentle as He too Wants To Let Go With Dew.
‘‘Lights On Or Off?’‘ 
‘‘Anything Else, Ember?’‘
Mountain’s On Top Looking Directly Down Dew’s Flushed Face.
‘‘Your Sure?’‘
‘‘I’m Sure...Please...’‘
‘‘What, Sweetie?’‘
‘’Make Love to Me’’
Mountain Leans Down Kissing Dew, Embracing Him as He Pushes in gently.
He Cradles Dew’s Head In His Arms.
‘’I’ll Love Too, My..
‘’Fire Lily’’.
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softmafia · 3 years
Can i request adult trio with fem s/o who is bold when they do the deed but turning into a blushing mess once they finish, she even can't look in their eyes
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Rosy Cheeks
Warnings: fem y/n, nsfw
A/n: Thanks for the request anon!! Illumi and Chrollo gif credits to @/hisogami!!
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♥️ 𝕳𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖐𝖆 𝕸𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖜♥️
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Y/n was so bold teasing Hisoka like that, he got so excited that he couldn’t hold himself back from dragging her into the storage closet behind them and raw-dog her. He noticed her cute little red face grow even reader as his thrusts became more strong and firm.
After the deed was done, he was proud of himself for turning Y/n into a flustered little mess of lust. He felt the same orgasmic rush he would feel after a good battle, except this time it was much stronger.. and more lustful, his little girl looked so broken.
He definitely noticed her blush, and how she wouldn’t even look him in the eye due to how flustered she really was. It was entertaining for the man, her current state was a real boost to his ego.
Hisoka wasn’t confronting at all.. he grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look at him, he admired her red face and teary eyes, and along with how roughly he was squeezing her cheeks together, her puckered lips just made the little picture of her all the more satisfying. “Ooh~? You were so confident before~?” He snickered evilly, “What happened to that little minx earlier hm~?”
When he was finished, they just left the closet and resumed their day like normal, as if nothing happened. But Y/n’s face was still red, and Hisoka would constantly give her flirtatious winks and smirks.
📍 𝕴𝖑𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖎 𝖅𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖞𝖈𝖐📍
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When Y/n began to touch Illumi’s thigh so confidently at the dinner table, with his family, he was the first one to be flustered. Well.. more frustrated than flustered actually, his family had very conservative standards, and if they saw Y/n touching up on their son like this.. he wouldn’t be allowed to see her ever again!!
But Y/n was persistent, and she was getting even more handsy every second Illumi tried to ignore her advances.
Eventually, the assassin excused himself and dragged his fiancé to their bedroom, locking the door, only to slam her against it and fuck her senseless. He firmly cupped a hand over her mouth, pressing his palm against her lips tightly so her loud noises wouldn’t be able to be heard by his overbearing family. Plus, he still had younger siblings who did not need to hear what was happening.
When he was done, he gently placed Y/n on the floor, and helped her to the bed due to the fact her legs were shaking, and she could barely stand, he held her on his lap and cooed soft, sweet nothings to her. When she was too flustered and blushy to even look at him, he thought he did something wrong.
“Did I go too far..?” He would ask, turning Y/n around, and only lifting her chin up in a gentle manner. After that, he ran her a bath and dipped himself in it inside of her, softly washing off their sweaty bodies and cuddling her in the water as they pruned, “Don’t be embarrassed.. I think you took me very well.”
🕷 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖑𝖋𝖊𝖗🕷
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“Y/n.. please, the troupe will be here any moment..” Chrollo sighed, raking a hand through his slicked back hair. Y/n had been constantly coming onto him all day, it’s not like he didn’t enjoy it, and it was mostly his fault.. he got very into it and mayyybeee encouraged her behavior just a tad bit.
There was so much sexual tension between the two of them, as Chrollo spoke to the spiders, his voice cracked slightly due to how Y/n was subtly grabbing his crotch. He thanked the gods that his crotch area was being covered by a massive pile of rubble. Although he was pretty sure Feitan saw what was happening from where he was sitting.. thankfully, the guy didn’t care too much to say anything.
After the spiders had left to go and follow the orders they were given, Chrollo pushed Y/n back to lay her against one of the giant rocks, he tsked at her and gave her a few firm spankings to show his disapproval. Her yelps and pleasured pleads sent him over the edge, and he was plowing into her like no tomorrow. His pelvis slapped against her ass, making it bounce back onto him each time he brought himself into her.
They went at it for hours, his hair fell flat against his forehead, hair gel practically mixed with sweat at this point. Chrollo came deep inside of Y/n, filling her up with his thick, salty nectar. His lips were parted, letting out soft pants as he slowly pulled his thick cock out of her still clenching hole. He looked at her, covering her face with her little hands, her hair, just hiding herself from him.
But Chrollo pushed her hands away, trying to get a look at her face, but she just turned her head away and whimpered. He frowned and leaned forward, kissing all over her cheek, and the side of her head, “Hey.. hey, it’s alright.. you did good.” He spoke softly, “You did good~”
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okaminagihime · 3 years
Aight so after ch.322 have we considered:
1-A Cuddle Pile
They get Midoriya back to the dorms. They clean him up, set up his room, feed him, bring him some tea, and leave him to go to sleep. He’s been quiet the whole time.
But who’s going to watch him? He might bolt.
Aoyama has volunteered to watch the balcony. They’re outside his door debating if someone should stay in with him or just man the hallway. Should they do shifts?
Then up struts Bakugou, re-treated and freshly bandaged. No one even questions him when he mutters “I got this” and just goes in. There’s some talking and then silence.
First ones to go check on them in a couple hours is the Bakusquad (mostly b/c they have no concept of personal space). Kirishima and Kaminari go first to find Midoriya passed out with puffy red eyes on Bakugou’s chest, clinging to him.
He’d been crying. HARD.
Bakugou had been dozing, but eyes them the SECOND they walk in. After the “what the hell are you doing in here?” and the shushing, they settle down around the room. Bakugou takes the opportunity to shimmy out from under Midoriya to use the bathroom. His “idiots” can watch him for a minute or 2 right?
He comes back and they have IMMEDIATELY taken Bakugou’s spot. He whisper screams at them to get the hell OFF they’re going to wake him up and they’re just like. “No.”
They argue that Bakugou is hogging Midoriya, and it’s their turn. He argues with them, insisting that there are no such things as “Cuddle Turns” and he’s going to bbq them if they don’t move in 3 seconds. After a bunch of shuffling and elbows and face shoving, Bakugou’s wedged himself back into his spot with Midoriya hugging him again.
So they’re like “fine. Then we’re cuddling the both of you now” and proceed to do so, much to Bakugou’s irritation. Then in come Mina and Sero to grab the other two, b/c they figured they were being annoying.
But then they see the start of the cuddle pile.
Well who are THEY to refuse a good Cuddle Pile? And a Midoriya Cuddle Pile to boot! So into the pile they go!
Next is Aoyama, who hears all the movement and whisper yelling from the other room. He comes in through the balcony and doesn’t even question it, just joins the pile.
One by one, the entirety of 1-A starts trickling in to see what the hell was going on and why anyone who went to check on Midoriya just. Didn’t come back.
Hagakure, Oijiro, Tsu, Sato, Shoji, Jirou, Momo, Koda, even Tokoyami.
Uraraka had been on the couch, warring with herself on whether or not to go in and disturb Midoriya. Same with Todoroki and Iida. Mineta was curious, but kind of on the fence too.
Suddenly Todoroki stands up and is like, “that’s it, I’m checking on him”, and Iida initially tries to stop him, insisting Bakugou is watching him and they need to let him rest.
As they go, they hear no one else on the hall. Did they all go back to their rooms? It had been a long day, they were probably tired, right? No news is good news?
Todoroki is the one to knock, quietly opening the door when no one answers. He figured as much.
“Pardon the intru-“ he stops dead, and the other three behind him peek over his shoulders to see what he’s staring at.
The entirety of 1-A is snuggled up in and around Midoriya’s room, ALL asleep, ALL either touching some part of Midoriya or someone who was.
Oijiro was curled up around Kaminari with his tail wrapped around Midoriya’s leg. Tsu and Hagakure were snuggled up on Mina, who was on Midorya’s back (she had been patting it). Jirou and Momo were by Midoriya’s feet, that now suspiciously had fluffy socks on them. Tokoyami was asleep on the floor against the bed with a tiny Dark Shadow resting on Midoriya’s head. Shoji had moved the All Might clock and was sitting on the bed ledge with tentacle ears to listen for any disturbances. Sato was stretched out along the floor. Koda was asleep against the balcony door next to Tokoyami.
Iida was about to say something, but Todoroki moved first, unceremoniously depositing himself in the nearest free space closest to Midoriya, which was by Momo and Jirou. He put Midoriya’s feet in his lap and IMMEDIATELY fell asleep. No questions asked. Uraraka was next, joining the Tsu, Hagakure, Mina pile. Mineta, for once, didn’t go straight for the girl pile. Instead, he climbed up with Shoji, and snuggled into an arm pocket.
Iida was at a loss until he spied Bakugou from under the giant pile of snuggles. The look he gave Iida very clearly said “GET THEM OFF ME, DO SOMETHING”
So Iida smiled and parked himself at the foot of the bed on the floor, and went to sleep as well.
Note: I didn’t mean for this to turn into a fic, but here we are.
For those of you wondering why the Dekusquad didn’t go in first, and that’s b/c I did this more in the order of most tactile to least tactile. The Dekusquad are probably the most worried, but sometimes are too polite when it comes to personal bubbles. They know and trust Bakugou to keep a close eye on him. So they probably were trying to hold back from causing Midoriya any more stress. He was just going to sleep right? And of course they’d be there if anything happens.
But the Bakusquad has almost NO regard to personal boundaries. They can’t if they hang with Bakugou. And it’s all from a loving caring place. They’re just really tactile people, and I love them for it. They’d be the first looking for cuddles. They’re THOSE friends.
So yeah, that’s why 😁.
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ayoitsjupiter · 2 years
Cglre One Shot
Markers, colored pencils, and papers are scattered across the pastel themed room. Many stuffies can be seen resting on the soft bed with one in particular sitting on the floor next to the little one. As I bring them some dinosaur shaped sandwiches and some small candies to snack on, they peer up to me with bright lively eyes. "Thankies mommy!!" they say energetically. I smile down at them sprawled on the floor just drawing away to their heart's content. "Anything for my baby! Let me see your drawing little one?" They hand me the paper filled with messy scribbles and sketches of various cartoon characters. "This is so amazing honey!" I praised. The little one looks up with a toothy grin, "I wuv-"
I groan as I roll over towards my nuisance of a phone, reminded once again that I am still a lonely caregiver. After being in the cglre community as a caregiver for so long, I have grown to want a partner who is a little. A little's love is unlike any other love I have ever experienced. But reality calls and I am still just a student trying to make their way through college. I shuffle out of bed and over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. As I tame my curly dark hair, I peer up to my mirror that mimics my short stature. An insecurity slips through my mind, 'Who would even want a caregiver that's shorter than them.' I shake that thought out of my head as I pick an outfit for the day.
"Yo dude! Do you wanna come hang with some friends of mine?" My roommate calls out. I had always felt like I didn't belong with her group of friends seeing as I am just a quiet nerdy girl and they were a rebellious group of skaters who enjoyed college nightlife a little *too* much. But nevertheless, I came along.
I followed her outside to a car with a slick white exterior and a black racing stripe. As much as I protested, she made me take the front seat which made me extremely anxious due to the sickeningly attractive guy in the driver's seat. He was a stoner, skater, car guy with a stern look etched onto his face and crystal blue eyes that complimented his blonde curls. 'Stop pretending like you have a chance. Besides, its not like he would be open to the cglre community let alone age regress.' I sighed and rested my head onto the car door. The bass boosted rap music blasting throughout the car sent ripples throughout my body as I drift off into a daydream. 'What if the rebellious bad boy was a little? No...that's impossible.'
-time skip 3 hours-
My mind eased as we approached the familiar campus. Hanging out with the rowdy group was fun, but my social battery had ran out. I was ready to get back to my fluffy bed and sleep. "My room?" The attractive blonde called out. All the sudden, any desire to sleep had left my body. I curiously trailed behind the quick paced group. Once we all piled into the small dorm room, I took a second to notice my surroundings. The style was minimalist yet neat. Art work hung along the walls, designer shoes were stacked on display, Hotwheels lined the shelves, stuffies were piled onto the bed- I quickly snap my head back to the large pile of stuffed animals in disbelief. 'Are those...?' My caregiver headspace was starting to creep through my timid act, but no one noticed. I watch as the blonde reached for a large dinosaur plushie. My eyes follow him as he plops onto the floor, giant dinosaur wrapped around his arms.
Chatter fills the room as I watch from a distant chair. Their conversations involved cars, some first person shooter video game, and funny TikToks they found. After an hour, a majority of the group retracted to the comfort of their phones. I glance over to the intimidating boy, expecting to see him on his phone like everyone else, but instead he is sprawled onto the floor with his dinosaur stuffie squeezed into his chest. I stare at his cuddled form in shock. This is the same guy who could beat up anyone who looks at him wrong. His tough guy act seems like a cover for his true self. I recall the dream I had about the little sprawled onto the ground coloring. A smirk begins to form on my face as I connect the dots. 'Aww, so he does have a soft spot~'
Before I can collect my thoughts, everyone starts getting up to leave. I need to know more about this mystery that blondie's hiding. Maybe I could finally get to be with a little and spoil them rotten. Maybe this was my chance. Instead of leaving with the others, I decided to stay behind to talk to him. He gives me a slightly confused look as I stay glued to his desk chair. As the door closes he smiles at me and says, "I don't think we've properly met yet." He holds out his surprisingly soft hand for me to shake. As my hand meets his, my heart skips a beat.
We talk for a while about various things, but one question still remained in my head. 'Could he actually be a little?' His deep tone was cut off by a yawn. A small squeak followed as well as a little nose scrunch which I found adorable. Hearing this made me go deeper into caregiver headspace. This boy was the epitome of cuteness. A red hue rises to his cheeks as I let out a laugh. He starts to apologize profusely, which was completely out of character for him, and was his voice... higher pitched? I reach my hand to cup his face to reassure him. "Hey, don't apologize hun!" My warm smile made him relax and regress even further into littlespace. 'So I was right! He is a little!'
He quickly rushes into a tight hug, seemingly thankful for the caring interaction. "Do you know...?" He looked down towards my small self. I nodded kindly and told him that I was a caregiver. His eyes lit up as he bounced back into my arms. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for someone like you!" I started to blush and started to question if this was a dream too.
I hopped up onto the bed and offered the sleepy little a spot next to me. "We can lay down if you want to little one!" I exclaimed. He cuddles into my side before I get the chance to lay down. "Hey now, you're so eager" I laughed as he let a frustrated puff out of his nose. That mischievous glint in his eyes told me he was just trying to play around. I wrap my arms around him as he lays down onto my chest. I start to hear little coos similar to a baby's as he drifts off to sleep. I smile to myself before closing my eyes as well. 'I finally have a little one to love!'
-This is the story about how my little and I met! He is the best part of my life! I love him so much! ❤️❤️❤️ @little-bunny123 -
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Scooby Doo stuff because I'm sad and they make me feel better
a.k.a. random headcanons I have about the Scooby Gang
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All four of them are in a committed polyamorous relationship
Shaggy is asexual panromantic, Velma is pansexual, Daphne is bisexual, Fred is bisexual, and Scooby is a dog
Shaggy and Daphne like to rock out to punk music together and give each other makeovers
Shaggy is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns OR he’s trans and uses he/him
Fred likes to wear dresses but he’s insecure about it so Daphne and Shaggy take him shopping
Velma will fall asleep in a pile of her textbooks and the other three either cuddle up with her or dig her out and carry her to bed
They all share a one-bedroom apartment which greatly confuses their neighbors who have never heard of polyamory before
Shaggy likes to wear floral dresses and flowercrowns and when he does your job is to tell him he looks pretty
Shaggy also likes lollipops better than any other candy though obviously he also likes all other candy cause that man would eat straight metal let’s be honest
Daphne likes to wear suits and tuxedos and top hats to fancy events and Velma will do her hair for her and Daphne will tell stories while Velma paints her nails and smiles
It’s really easy to make Fred cry so whenever someone insults him in public or makes a homophobic comment Shaggy and Daphne and Velma go crazy on their ass
Velma isn’t crazy about make-up but she still lets Daphne try out new looks on her
When they let Scooby sleep on the bed with them he lies down on their feet and when they wake up they can’t walk for at least a solid hour (extra cuddle time? or a huge inconvenience? you decide)
Daphne and Fred are cat people so whenever they get sad about wanting a cat they go on a date to the nearest Petco and spend some time with some furry feline friends
Velma volunteers at the zoo and once Shaggy came to visit her and got stuck in the gorilla cage somehow, he is now best friends with one of them named Priscilla
Shaggy is autistic and Scooby is his service dog and when he stims in public Fred and Daphne and Velma take extra care to make sure no one stares and that he feels safe and loved and okay
Shaggy doesn’t like sports but he’ll watch them with Fred and Daphne because they both do
Velma sometimes breaks down over really hard tests or problems and Shaggy and Fred will cuddle her until she feels all better while Daphne runs down to the corner store for a few pints of Velma’s favorite ice cream which is brownie fudge peanut butter obviously
When they’re on their constant trips around the world they all sleep on a mattress in the back of the Mystery Machine together
Fred has social anxiety and struggles to make conversation with the new people they meet, he often has nervous breakdowns and panic attacks in the bathroom of wherever they are and Daphne or Shaggy has to go in and calm him down
Daphne doesn’t actually give a shit about gender and doesn’t mind being perceived as a girl but sometimes is referred to by her partners by he/him pronouns or as their boyfriend, Fred and Shaggy in particular love introducing ultra-feminine Daphne as their boyfriend to strangers (Velma enjoys it too, but is shyer when it comes to actually carrying through with it)
Similarly Velma sometimes gets uncomfortable about her femininity (or rather lack thereof) and the gang either refers to her by they/them pronouns or is extra aggressive in calling her “our girl” and “baby girl” and other girl-related nicknames to make her feel better
Fred, Daphne, and Velma have learned over the years that if you call Shaggy “baby boy” it is 100% effective at immediately turning him into a simpering puddle
Shaggy is Wiccan and likes to check out giant books of old folklore and fairytales to pore over at three a.m. under the covers with a flashlight
Daphne is an atheist and gets in fights with racist old men about it
Velma is a Buddhist and meditates on Sunday mornings while the others cook breakfast (waffles for Daphne, pancakes for Shaggy, French toast for Fred, and eggs and sausage for Velma; they all love bacon, obviously)
Fred prays to a new person every day but mostly it’s Santa Claus because look man he just can’t be bothered to care
Shaggy has anxiety and this culminates into severe panic attacks after movies and if they have to walk home at night, Fred holds his hand and Daphne checks the crime stats about the neighborhood they’re in and Velma reads up on anxiety medication and hopes she can get Shaggy to try some pills
Daphne has depression and bipolar disorder and OCD and when she’s manic she cleans everything and when she’s at a low point she just lies in bed all day and watches Legally Blonde and Men In Black III over and over and over again while gorging on caramel chocolates and vanilla smoothies
Velma has Tourette’s and sometimes has tic attacks in public, she gets embarrassed by it so Fred will draw her behind a shelf or under a table and wait until she’s done and then give her a hug so she knows she’s still awesome and loved
Velma and Shaggy really love Star Wars and ship Obikin like fucking hell and will argue about it with Daphne and Fred who prefer Star Trek and ship Spirk like fucking hell
Shaggy and Velma were both born with spinal difficulties and while they’re mostly fine there’s always a cane around for Shaggy (which Daphne decorates with fake gems and stickers and other pretty things) and a wheelchair for Velma (covered in glitter after a trap-gone-wrong with Fred)
They all go to pride together and Shaggy and Daphne and Fred hug like every single person with a “FREE MOM/DAD HUGS” sign that there is, Velma just watches while munching on French fries
Shaggy smokes weed to calm down and he likes to wear beanies and tye-dye just to complete the stoner aesthetic which his partners think is adorable and Scooby most certainly does not (Shaggy forced him to wear a fringey vest once and Scooby hasn’t forgiven him for it since)
They all adore Taylor Swift and regularly blast her albums in the morning and their neighbors all hate them for it
Shaggy has AIDS and is an active part of the movement for better treatment and research surrounding breaking down the stigma of the disease
Shaggy always does high-fives wrong, he constantly over-complicates them or turns them into fistbumps or handholding because he just doesn’t get it
Shaggy is a kindergarten teacher, he works with little kids and always brings Scooby to class, he loves every subject and encourages all of his students to dream big and not be afraid to express who they are, he believes in the importance of kindness and is just absolutely lovely and sweet himself so all of the kids want to follow his example
Fred works for the National Parks Service, he’s met and cuddled a lot of bears, he gets to wear his ascot every day and also a dumb hat, he’ll take his partners on picnic dates at work sometimes, they take Scooby on walks there all the time and Shaggy is known as Fred’s joyfriend because they visit the most out of all of them (Daphne doesn’t like the outdoors and Velma doesn’t like people)
Daphne is a history teacher and soccer coach at the local high school, she’s super sarcastic and most of her male students assume she’s an idiot because of how bubbly she is, she likes tearing them down and turning them into gentlemen, she also likes explaining her three partners to baffled parents on Family Night, sometimes her students will travel over to the elementary school (or the other way around) and will be reading buddies with Shaggy’s kids and Daphne gets to spend the day with her favorite boyfriend which is always lovely (JK, Fred is also her favorite)
Velma is an animal researcher at a local zoo, she gets to hang out with all the animals and has only abused her power once to let Shaggy hug a panda (look, if you had unfettered access to a panda, would you not hug it and not allow your favorite people in the world to hug it? Cause I would), she gives kids tours and unnecessarily detailed descriptions of each animal’s mating rituals, it’s lovely and horrific somehow simultenously
Shaggy is sex-repulsed and the thought of having sex or seeing sex scenes can send him into panic attacks or bad insomniac episodes so Daphne does research before they watch any new movie or TV show and Velma pre-watches the episodes to mark down the timestamps and Fred will mute the TV and hold Shaggy to shield him from the TV while the scene is occurring, assuming they don’t skip it altogether which they usually do (shut up I’m not projecting of course not)
As for pet/nicknames and such, Shaggy is “honey”, Fred is “sweetheart”, Daphne is “babe”, and Velma is “darling”
When they get “married” they all keep their own last names but will sometimes trade with each other’s when they introduce themselves in public (“Hi I’m Shaggy Blake.” “Fred Rogers.” “Daphne Dinkley.” “Velma Jones. Pleased to meet you.” “...oh-kay…”)
Shaggy likes to put on Owl City and dance on Sunday mornings, he took ballet for a couple years and had anorexia, it’s part of the reason he eats so much now, he’s deathly afraid of relapsing
Fred is a terrible dancer, but so is Velma, so they’ll be awkward wallflowers together or they just stand in one place and spin and shuffle and sway awkwardly while Daphne and Shaggy do whole fucking waltzes
Daphne doesn’t like dancing much, but before she met the other three she did have a crush on this one Latina girl in her mathematics college class and she took salsa lessons for two months to try and impress her before learning that the girl didn’t know a single goddamn step of salsa and then being sad
Shaggy was adopted by Indian parents when he was really young and still speaks Hindi with them over the phone, both of his parents take super good care of his three partners and are really accepting and kind and Shaggy always blushes about it because it’s embarrassing but he’s also really proud and grateful for them
Fred has a bunch of freckles from old swimming and surfing competitions he used to be in in the sun and he really likes it when the other three kiss them, so Daphne does it all the time
It really ticks both Daphne and Fred off when strangers assume they’re not with Shaggy or Velma because they think Fred and Daphne are out of their league or some other sort of bullshit because they know Shaggy and Velma are insecure about that sort of thing (also that’s just a really shitty way of thinking) so they’ll often hold either Velma or Shaggy’s hands in public like some sort of rebellious proactive “fuck you”
Shaggy believes in soulmates and thinks that the four of them are, so for his birthday they all get matching flower-and-magnifying-glass tattoos on their ankles so they can pretend/”confirm” that they’re soulmates even if everybody else (and Velma) doesn’t believe it
Shaggy is a poet and a painter, he’s the artsy hippie type, he’s always covered in paint and charcoal and ink and he walks around their apartment barefoot, leaving hand and feetprints everywhere
Fred performs science experiments in his study and volunteers at an animal shelter on the weekends, he especially likes hanging out with the kitties, he’s also a really good baker and wears frilly pink aprons while baking macaroons and chocolate chip cookies
Daphne plays like fifteen different instruments and practices them at all hours of the day and night, she likes to compose new songs and symphonies, she’s created some for them as birthday gifts and they cry every time
Daphne designs and sews and restyles outfits and clothing all the time, she also likes to write video essays about fictional universes and characters and to make music videos using movies and TV shows that she feels fit the song well
Velma loves travelling, so she gets antsy when they stay at home too long, sometimes she’ll go travelling without them and they’ll FaceTime every night and she sends postcards and souvenirs and has learned a billion fucking languages, she’s decided she wants to marry them in the Mayan ruins (it doesn’t work out, but for her birthday one year they do an unofficial five minute joke-fest of a marriage ceremony there)
Velma also really likes photography, sometimes she’ll have them pose in Daphne’s new outfits, she likes to travel out to pretty natural places and take pictures but only while absolutely dripping in bugspray, Daphne and Fred and Shaggy are always willing to be her models and come with her, Scooby will too but he has to be bribed with Scooby Snacks, Fred is always super sweet and helpful whenever her camera equipment breaks down or she gets frustrated
They all enjoy reading murder mysteries (they kind of have their own little book club) and discussing who they think did it (they don’t always agree at first, but they all figure it out within the first fifty pages, usually)
Shaggy likes to put braids and beads in his hair, often one color for each of them: green for himself, blue for Fred, orange for Velma, purple for Daphne, and gold for Scooby; he always looks very pretty
They decide to have four kids, one for each of them biologically
Shaggy has a sweet blonde child named Summer, she’s got blue eyes and the kindest smile you ever did see, she adores confetti and bright colors and the sun and she can eat Shaggy under the table, and she never lets go of his hand
Fred’s is named Autumn, she’s got soft brown hair and a freckled face and bright amber eyes, she loves warm colors and horses and exploring the outdoors, she’s sassy as fuck and they love her
Daphne has Winter, he’s got soft brown skin and long black hair in beautiful braids, he likes birds and he’s quiet and insightful, he’s an artist and hates wearing shoes and has an odd but endearing obsession with Edgar Allan Poe, there are always feathers or flowers in his hair and they love him for it
Velma has Spring, and he’s a quiet but mischievous and dangerous boy with brown hair and greyish blue eyes, he likes playing with insects and watching nature documentaries, he’s careful and calculating and writes creepy poetry on their walls, they’re kind of scared of him but hey if the Mystery Gang ends up spinning out their own criminal not gonna lie they’re probably gonna be kinda proud
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Can u do general headcanons abt dating the Mikaelsons XD like cute things through the relationship
Yes let's make this all kinds of fluff
Warnings: None just only fluff and the Mikaelsons being
A/N: I added my poor baby Finn. I still wish the writers would have treated him better. Also gotten carried away with this
Elijah has and will buy out a book store for Y/N all because she didn't have a book she wanted
Spa day with Rebekah, the girls will kick the boys out of the compound Keelin is still getting use to it
Finn as thing were he won't let Y/N get things off high shelves. Either he gets it for her or holds her up to get it
Kol leaves fuzzy socks for Y/N on her bed when it starts to get colder
Klaus likes napping with Y/N in the sun Elijah often finds them on the floor somewhere or outside
Kol and Y/N will talk to one another in morse code making Klaus learn it out of spite
Finn and Y/N sneaks out of compound on the first of autumn for cute little cozy dates
Knitting yes it is Y/N favorite thing to do with Elijah
Both Rebekah and Y/N buying different types of sweaters for Finn, Y/N does it out of love and Rebekah does it because she doesn't want him to dress dull
"To be fair I told Kol to get a ladder, Elijah." "And I told you darling it is faster if I climb the tree to decorate it."
Keelin walking in to find Y/N sleeping on Finn or Elijah to which they make her be quite about it
Klaus sitting in Y/N's room in the morning drawing her because the woman never sits still
"Finn, baby, I can just get a foot stool." "No. Not safe. Now do want me to get it or hold you up?"
Kol has and will tackle Y/N and Rebekah to drag them to watch a scary movie because he knows they'll get scared and he gets cuddles
Y/N has stole at least one sweater from each of the boys to which they now fight who's sweater she wears if she is cold
Finn and Elijah loves cupping Y/N's face for kissing her
Elijah loves taking Y/N dancing as it became their thing
Klaus enjoying teaching Y/N how paint only to lead to cute little paint fights
Finn enjoys playing the violin for Y/N and sometimes Elijah joins in playing piano
Rebekah and Y/N both plays Animal Crossing together while Finn just likes watching having the human in his lap
Kol has and will just picked up Y/N to take her on surprised dates
Y/N sneaking in Klaus's or Elijah's bed during winter because they are like furnaces
Finn likes reading to her and Hope so no one is surprise to find one or both of the girls asleep on the vampire
Y/N baking for them Kol enjoys her cookies, Rebekah loves her cakes, Klaus enjoys her macaron, Elijah has a soft spot for scones and Finn enjoys her sweet breads
Elijah just adores cooking for Y/N and Rebekah
Finn has and will come running to Y/N if she screams about a spider and then kill it
Kol made the mistake of scaring Y/N by jumping out of her closet, Kol still can't believe just how fast Finn ran in hearing her scream
That last one or two of them can be found cuddling Y/N on a rainy day
Rebekah taking Y/N shopping it could be for clothes or food, Beka doesn't care has long she can be with Y/N
Klaus surprisly loves decorating Christmas trees with Y/N as he finds it soothing listening to her humm Christmas songs
Elijah loves it when Y/N picks out his suits or ties his tie
Kol or Rebekah staying close to Y/N when the Mikaelsons are throwing parties
Y/N loves taking Finn out to autumn festivals and it became their thing
On the hand Elijah gets to take Y/N out to Christmas festivals
Rebekah and Kol adores it when Y/N peppers their faces with kisses
While Finn adores Y/N's forehead kisses and Klaus gets kisses on the nose
Elijah and Finn has a nervous tick of lacing their fingers with Y/N's wh ed n they aren't comfortable with a situation
Both Kol and Rebekah cling to Y/N when they are uncomfortable while Klaus holds her while growling
"Just let us game, Elijah!" "You and Y/N need to eat Rebekah."
Finn buying Rebekah and Y/N giant stuffed animals, Y/N favorite is the giant red panda he got her
Both Klaus and Kol has a thing of surprising Y/N eith her favorite flowers
Y/N and Finn has a herbs garden where they grew herbs for Freya with a few berries bushes and tea leaves
Elijah walking up finding Y/N asleep on him if she couldn't sleep
If Finn or Elijah are asleep on the couch Y/N and others will and has dog pile on them
Klaus has and will climb into Y/N's bed if he has nightmares as her touch soothes him
The same goes for Finn so Y/N just let's them and doesn't say a word
Nice relaxing movie nights
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Soft Nessian cuddles/slice of life? �� writers choice for universe ❤️
See now that writers choice of universe was dangerous because it got me thinking about a comment from one of my faves- @talkfantasytome on Going For Gold asking for more of a certain day. I won’t call this canon for that fic because I don’t think Nesta was quite at this point then in the story, but I’m writing the Drabble I would’ve put in that chapter if Nesta were more of a soft girl.
No worries if you don’t read GFG, this can be read alone. Context is simply: Olympic Village AU, Cassian just won a gold medal and Nesta just realized she’s in love with him. He’s been in love with her for some time now, obviously.
It was annoying, quite frankly. This feeling. Like her heart was trying to pry her rib bones apart and offer itself raw and unprotected to the giant teddy bear of a man in front of her.
Nesta was an elite athlete. Her heart rate was so low most of the time that she barely registered it was in her chest. Which… maybe that was a metaphor, but Nesta didn’t have time to care about metaphors right now because as previously stated, her heart was pounding.
And it just got worse. As everyone piled on to congratulate Cassian. As she saw his face splashed across her news app. As she waited, patiently, for them to be alone. She was feeling unsettled and apparently now when she was feeling unsettled she wanted to be near him. Which was ridiculous. And inconvenient as hell.
It took approximately four hundred years before they were back in his bed. Where they’d joked that morning about him leaving her there because he loved to see her all warm and cozied up in his covers.
Nesta said nothing. Only took his hand and pulled him into his own bed. Sat cross legged with her spine against his pillows and motioned for him to do the same.
Cassian knew something was up, but he just smirked a little and joined her. Mimicking the position so that his knees knocked against hers.
“No.” Nesta shook her head. “Nope. I can’t look at you while I say this. Ugh!” Nesta humphed herself out of the bed and pointed at her vacated spot. “Up there.”
“Bossy,” Cassian grinned, settling himself against the headboard. “I could get into that.”
Nesta just rolled her eyes. Crawled back into the bed like some stupid pathetic love sick kitten and laid her back against his chest. Pulled his legs apart so she could sit in between them and lulled her head back onto his broad chest. Cassian, the unreasonable pillar of perfection that he was, instantly rested his chin on her head and wrapped both of his massive arms tight around her waist.
Her only consolation was that his heart was also racing where she could feel it beating against her back.
“Congratulations.” She said quietly.
“This… this is supposed to be about you. And I know that. And the rest of the day can be. You made it about me when I won my medals, but first we have to talk. Because I have a problem.”
His whole body stiffened against hers. “Ok?”
“My problem is that I don’t do this. And I’ve told you that. And you’ve been patient and sweet and understanding. You haven’t pushed me at all. Which is a part of my problem.”
“You want me to push you?”
“I want you to be less perfect,” Nesta grumbled. “Because when you do things like wrap your arms around me at night and tell me I’m beautiful and that you don’t even care when I’m being a massive bitch. When you do things like let me drag you around a museum for hours and point at me in a crowd the second after you win a gold medal I… I start to get feelings. Feelings that I don’t understand.”
Cassian’s chest rumbled with laughter against Nesta’s back.
“Don’t mock me!”
“I’m not.” Cassian assured her with a kiss to the top of her head. “Why don’t you finish and then let me know when it’s my turn.” He said it casually, but his legs moved to tangle with hers and his arms tightened until she wasn’t sure if she was keeping herself together or he was doing it for her.
“Ok. You make me want things, Cassian. Things that I never knew I could even want. I knew I could want sex and physical touch and maybe even love in some weird way, but I never… you make me want to prance through the street like an idiot holding your hand. You make me want to visit the Eiffel Tower and drink too much wine in a candlelit restaurant. You make me want a life that I… I’m so afraid I’m not capable of. You make me want a little house on a cul de sac. You make me think about what a person who was half me and half you might look like. You just… you make me want things, Cassian. And I don’t know how to have those things.”
“My turn?”
“Your turn.”
Cassian grasped his hands around her waist and easily flipped Nesta around, her legs spreading around his hips and her arms going around his neck until she was hanging onto him like a baby koala bear. It was disgusting. And everything she had ever wanted.
His hand rubbed idle circles along the small of her back. “I love you.” He’d said those words for the first time that morning and he thought it was a mistake, but it wasn’t. It couldn’t be. “I’ve wanted those things since the second I saw you, Nesta. Every minute with you is like being a person I don’t recognize. I’m a wrestler! And you make me this gooey, marshmallowy, puddle of puppy dog eyes and searing touches. The games aren’t even over yet but if you want to see the Eiffel Tower then let’s go. If you want to see the pyramids or the Congo or go white water rafting down the damn Nile then let’s go. You and me. Whatever you want.”
Cassian’s shirt was damp. Not a lot, just a little puddle where Nesta let out a few silent tears. “You can have anything you want. Anything. You are extraordinary and I know you’re scared. I’m scared too, but I’m also sure. Sure of us and the future and what we can do with it. I’m sure about you, Nesta.”
“I’m so scared to be apart after this,” she admitted.
“I’m not.” Cassian held her closer. “We could be in different dimensions, different universes, and I would still love you. I’m not afraid of the distance, but… why don’t you come with me?”
“What?” Nesta blinked up at him, blue-grey eyes wide and bleary.
“After the games. Come with me to England. You need to figure stuff out for you and Feyre’s move and I’ll be there for months on this project… come with me.”
Nesta smiled, but Cassian couldn’t see it. Because she lurched forward and smiled against his lips. “Yes,” she whispered between earth shattering kisses. “Let’s do it. Let’s be together. Let’s… want.”
“No,” Cassian smirked, “let’s have.”
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quartzwriting · 4 years
Green and Gold
Pairing: Doctor Strange X Fem!Reader
Description: During a visit to Asgard, Stephen is protective over you since Loki always seems to not be able to take his eyes off you. 
Warnings: Non
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Originally posted to Quotev / I like this one :3
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
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The frantic rainbow lights disappeared and you stumbled to get your balance on the solid ground that you were thrown on. Stephen was there to help steady you, at hand at your waist with the other at the ready to prevent you from falling over. You wondered why you all could not just travel here through a slingring portal. But Thor insisted you take the Bifrost. To 'get the experience' he had said before he called for it. The knowing smirk on Stephen's face in that moment told you that you might regret this.
In little time you found yourself in Asgard.
Stephen would come here occasionally to discuss relations between mystical threats and threats to the realms. You came along this time. You wanted to see Asgard, Thor wanted you to come along, but Stephen was hesitant to let you come. He told you that someone needed to watch over the Sanctum while he was gone, you made Wong do it instead. He said Asgardian magic is hard to understand, you reminded him that you were advanced now in your mystical studies that you could keep up. He said that it would only be a night or two, you said that you did not want him to leave you for a night or two.
You won and had convinced him. So now you were at the entrance of Asgard, having just experienced being magically thrown across the universe with possible whiplash and your lunch threatening to come up.
Thor, holding his beloved hammer in one hand, looked over at you. "What did you think, Lady (Y/N)?"
"I think I'm gonna be sick." You mumbled.
Stephen patted you on the back, "You'll be alright." There was a slightly amused tone in his voice and that gave you a sudden urge to kick him in the shins.
You had ended up in the middle of a room that was golden and shaped like a dome. There were circular patterns on the walls and in the centre golden steps that lead to a little pedestal that held a sword. Someone was holding that sword, and you were introduced to Heimdall who was the protector of the Bifrost. He bowed to you like you were important and you returned with a bow of your head. Just outside the room, you could see the bridge sparkling with the same rainbow colours as the way you had gotten here. Beyond the long bridge was the castle in the distance.
Thor gestured for you to follow him, so you fell into step beside Stephen as you exited the small structure. You were now walking on the Bifrost bridge. The view you saw before you was absolutely breathtaking. The glittering bridge was just the beginning. Underneath it was a roaring river of clear water. The palace was beautiful, the structure standing as tall as the mountains in its background. The buildings of the surrounding city were sparkling everywhere. You have seen so much since becoming a sorcerer, but this was something else.
Stephen saw the smile on your face and the look of awe in your eyes. This made him smile, and he was suddenly glad he brought you here. He always loved showing you new things, fueling your curiosity and experiencing new things with you. But there was a little worry in the back of his mind that would not go away.
There was one reason, above all others, that Stephen did not want to bring you along.
Loki would be here.
He hated the way he looked at you. He hated his very being because of it. And the knowledge that you and him would be in the same place made his blood boil. Ever since that time Loki showed his face in New York and he had to take him to prevent him from doing anything, and he looked at you up and down like that, he disliked the god so much. And he was so nice to you, and you were nice to him. Whenever Stephen went to Asgard and ran into Loki, he would ask about you. Stephen did not like it.
But your reaction to the city and planet, and you had just gotten here, made the worry go away a little. He would be by your side anyways, to keep Loki away if he was going to try anything. He would throw the cloak around your shoulders to have it hide you away if he needed to. But at the moment he focused on being with you for your first impressions of Asgaurd and not worry too much.
You were awoken by a light touch and someone softly shaking you awake. The sleepiness was not shaken however, you groaning in protest as you cuddled up even more into the covers of the soft, silken sheets and thick comforter.
There was a chuckle and you new who it was from the deep tone. You lazily opened your eyes and saw Stephen looking down at you, already dressed and seeming wide awake. The sun was shining through the large window with the beautiful view of Asgard. It looked like the world was awake, but you were not ready to drag yourself out of bed.
"I have the first meeting this morning. Thought maybe you would want to come along but looks like you don't want to get out of bed."
You simply let out another sleepy groan.
Then you did a double take, noticing what he was wearing.
He had on his Cloak of Levitation, but underneath that was something different. He had swapped out his regular blue robes for an Asgardian version. It was made in a different style, but it still resembled his old robes. The blue was more rich in its colour, more royal and regal looking. The wrappings were lined with a golden fabric on the edges, it went really well with his signature red and blue. It was a very stark contrast between the one you were used to seeing him wear verse this new one. But you loved it. Seeing all the beautiful clothing everyone wore here made you happy, and seeing a piece like that on Stephen was astonishing.
"You like it?" He caught you staring.
"I love it," You said groggily but happily, running a hand through your hair and sitting up in the bed.
Straightening the cloak over his shoulders, he leaned over and kissed you on your forehead. "I should head to the meeting now. We'll be done before lunch." With that he left your shared guest room, closing the large door behind him.
You wanted to fall back asleep, but it did not overtake you. It was one of those moments where you just laid there cause you were already awaken. But you wanted to sleep. But you couldn't. So you stared out the window, looking out at the pretty mountain peaks and wondering what that first meeting was about. You also wondered about the other things you were going to do while on this foreign planet. Tour of the scenery, trying more of that delicious food (you were dying over it last night at dinner), learning about its history. Maybe you would learn a little Asgardian magic while you were here. The idea of that gave you a little excitement.
A little while later, while you were lost in a daydream, there was a knock on your door. You got up and grabbed a silk robe that was on a chair by your bedside. "Come in," You said, wrapping and tying the robe over yourself. Two women came through the door, maids of the castle you assumed.
One was holding a pile of neatly folded up fabric in her hands. You got excited.
The two introduced themselves and said that Frigga sent them to wake you and get you ready for breakfast. Since the meeting was going on between Odin, Stephen, Thor, and a few others, Frigga decided to have a little breakfast gathering for you. The women were so sweet, making small talk and asking you about Midgard as they prepared you a hot bath and did your hair in a fancy braid down your back that resembled a French braid.
The moment you were anticipating soon came, and they helped you get dressed.
The dress you were presented with was a deep forest green with golden embellishments. Silk fabric sat in long layers down the skirt, trailing out longer at the back. The neckline did not dive too deep down your chest, just enough for subtlety. The  short sleeves clung to the sides of your upper arms, shoulders exposed above the folded layers. The gold piece wrapped around your waist as a belt helped bring out the details. The length slightly dragged on the floor, looking elegant and glittering in the sunlight. You felt like an Asgardian princess wearing it.
It reminded you of someone. Then you wondered who had picked it...
One of the girls topped off your look with a golden pin in your hair, shaped like a flourishing lily tucked above your right ear. The two admired their work and you thanked them from the bottom of your heart. The girl you saw in the mirror was so different then yourself. You saw an Asgardian goddess, not a sorcerer.
You asked them for directions after thanking them a second time, knowing you would get lost in the giant palace. They told you where to go, curtsying to you as a goodbye. You did it back, pulling up the fabric of your dress to feel a little more into it. With one last look in the mirror, and pulling your shoulders back, you made your way out of your guest room and down the correct hallway.
You were directed to a drawing room that was down a tall staircase and a few doors to your left. There was a guard in front of the wooden door, but upon seeing you he bowed and held it open for you. The room inside was not too large, but the big open window gave the impression that it was. Decorated just as nicely as the rest of the place, this room was no exception to the royal aspect and medieval aesthetic to the palace. There were a few comfy chairs surrounding a low table, where Frigga greeted you with a warm smile.
Sitting in the seat beside her was Loki. You had not seen him yesterday when you had arrived. This made you wonder why he had not said hello to you then along with everyone else. He also was not at dinner last night. Weird. He held a tea cup in one hand as he leaned back in his chair, cradling its saucer in the other hand. Seeing Loki sipping tea from a pretty cup with his pinky finger jutting out was a different sight, a contrast to his darker persona you knew was hidden beneath.
You hugged Frigga, which she insisted on, and you sat down with them. You all chatted over breakfast and you sparking up conversation with Loki was a little awkward at first, but once you opened up a little it flowed easily. The tea was amazing and the little pastries laid out on nice platters were absolutely delicious. Frigga asked about your magic skills, and you both began to exchange stories about magic. You had a great time and you were glad you got out of bed for this. Soon Frigga had some business to take care of and had to cut this little gathering short.
When you left Loki caught up with you in the hallway.
"It has been a while since we have seen each other, Lady (Y/N)."
A lot of the people here were calling you that. And people you did not even know knew your name, which always kind of threw you off for a second or two. That told you that you were known here, from either Thor or Stephen talking. The whole 'Lady' thing was out of respect you assumed, and you did not mind.
"It has." You replied as you both walked down the hall together, "It was nice to see you again, Loki."
"How are you liking it here?" He asked with a smile.
"I love it!" You beamed, "It's beautiful, the food is amazing," You then gestured down to the dress you were wearing, "and the clothes are stunning."
He chuckled, "Green looks good on you."
"Easy for you to say, it's your favorite."
"No no," He sputtered, and you thought he looked a little...flustered? "You genuinely look beautiful in green."
A little heat ran up to your cheeks. "Oh, thanks."
There was a balcony up ahead where you saw sunlight streaming in. You picked up your pace to go look out of it, Loki right behind you. It was overlooking the back of the castle, where you could see a beautiful garden down below, before the landscape stretched out into more of the city and the mountains beyond.
For a second or two you wondered what was past those peaks. If the planet simply stopped there, or if there were forests or towns or lakes or anything else that you wanted to discover. This whole place was full of beauty and the idea that there was a possibility for more was just a little overwhelming. But you loved it.
"I'm happy you like my home." Loki leaned on the railing, looking out at the city with you. "Although it was not always considered my home."
"What do you mean?" You asked. You noticed a sadness in his eyes now.
"You know my history."
At that moment you realized what that sadness was. Probably memories flashing through his mind. You did know his history. Lied to all his life, being overcome by the sadness and anger and wrath and desire for revenge. You knew what that lead to, the New York event and everything that came with and after that. Right now, he was allowed freedom back in his home for 'rehabilitation' of sorts, offered a second chance. Not knowing what that was like, you could not relate, but you knew he had gone through pain. It was even painful to see it in his eyes.
"So do you consider it home again?" It was all you could think of to say.
He shook his head in a light nod after a second to think, the look on his features exchanged for one with a small smile. A weird thought crossed your mind, you had not seen Loki smile this much before.
The two of you stood there looking out at the city below, watching the people of Asgard go about their days. It was a calm silence that fell, not a line of tension or heavy weight of awkwardness at all. Just a calm.
"Hey," Loki said out of nowhere, and you turned your head to look at him as he spoke up, "your outfit is missing something."
You raised an eyebrow at him, coming off as almost sarcastic. "Oh?"
A smirk sneaked up on his face and you knew he was going to do something. You braced yourself for whatever it might be, good or bad or a mix of both. With a flicker of green magic, an object materialized in his hands. It was his helmet, shining gold with the curved horns. It was so polished that you could see your reflection in it.
Then he was holding it out to you.
"Oh no, I couldn't."
Loki cocked his head to the side and shrugged with a smile, again with the smiling, "Why not?"
A pause, you did not say anything because you had nothing to say. Something about it was very tempting, but it also felt forbidden. Like if you were to put it on you would be overcome by some spell or just a wave of emotion. Or just the thought of wearing something that was considered 'crown-like', because you were not royalty or a goddess or someone with high power. But it was all calling your name, with a glint of gold.
"I insist." Loki added.
After another moment's pause, you let him put the helmet into your hands. It was lighter than you expected it to be, with pure gold usually being heavy. Probably not made of pure gold then. Just a trick of the eye.
Without waiting anymore, you slowly rested the helmet on your head. Right away you noticed it was a little big on you. It was not made to fit your head, obviously, but you felt something while wearing it. Maybe honour, or pride. Or maybe just pure 'slyness', the same energy that Loki often channeled.
"Looks good." Loki beamed.
"I'm dressed like you," You snapped jokingly, "that's why you think I look good."
He laughed and you did too. Maybe I should wear more green, you told yourself.  
As you both continued to watch the city below and make small talk, from down the hall you could hear footsteps. Maybe guards or other people of the palace, you presumed. But as they approached, they got louder. And they got quicker. Heavy boots, you deduced. But suddenly they stopped.
"Nice view."
You nearly jumped out of your skin as Stephen had suddenly appeared right beside you. So those were his footsteps. You had not expected him to be out of the meeting for another while, but there he was. Him and that damn short-range teleportation spell he just loved to use for some reason. There were too many instances of him appearing out of nowhere back home and it resulted to you being more jumpy nowadays. He had positioned himself between you and Loki you noticed. Loki looked just as surprised as you were, the trickster being tricked.
"Where did you come from?" Loki scowled
"Down the hall." He answered blankly. You stiffed a laugh at his demeanor, sly and confident, when realization hit you that those were aspects of his jealous and protective side coming out. Oh boy, here we go...
"I'm surprised you're out of bed," Stephen looked down at you with a raised eyebrow, which made you chuckle. You saw a tiny twitch in the corner of his eye, and something told you that it had something to do with the god opposite you and the headpiece you were now wearing.
Stephen reached forward and gently lifted the gold helmet off your head, care in his eyes and shaking fingers. Once it was off, he (not so subtly) aggressively threw it at Loki's chest who stumbled to catch it, all trace of gentleness gone. Loki gave him a mock offended look, but Stephen's own hard expression was not phased. Your eyes quickly darted between the two, seeing the tension that had now thickened the air.
"Should't you be at a meeting with Odin?" Loki said. You noticed he did not say my father.
"Oh we finished early," Stephen replied in a light tone, trying to one-up the god while bringing out his ego's confidence. "we're having another one this evening however."
Loki looked like he did not know what to do, which made an amused smile spread across the sorcerer's face. Then he straight up asked, monotone voice dropping to sound flat and serious, "Why was she wearing your helmet?"
"Because...it matches her outfit?" The god struggled to find and answer only to come up with a question instead.
"Yea, sure." Stephen mumbled, "Wonder where she got that outfit."
"Some palace maids dressed me," You chimed in, but it felt like you were invisible at the moment. There was too much testosterone in the air that was covering your existence, which made you roll your eyes.
"Green and gold are nice colours." Loki said while trying to sound convincing and innocent.
"Coincidence she's wearing them?" Stephen shot back, suspicious.
"I had nothing to do with it, Strange."
"Oh sure."
"Oh my god." You slumped against the railing and rested your face in your hands. The two went on to snap at each other and argue for a little, but it felt like an eternity. after a period of you just standing there listening helplessly, the heat started to die down.
"If you'll excuse me, Sorcerer Supreme," Loki enunciated Stephen's title like it was a forbidden word, "I should be headed to attend some business."
He tried to walk off but Stephen cut him off, "Oh what kind of business do you have to do?"
"Business that does not require a mere mortal sorcerer to stick his clever nose into!"
"Well, it looked like it was no more important then taking my girl somewhere to be alone with!" The low rumble in his voice made it a little more threatening.
With that, Loki rolled his eyes so hard it looked like it hurt. And he walked away without another word, flipping his helmet over in his hands before jabbing it on his head with visible frustration.
"Well that was a show." You said, having stood there watching the whole thing like it was a theater drama.
Stephen shrugged, "I try my best."
You laughed, "Your jealousy gets to your head."
His facial expression recoiled, "Do you enjoy my jealousy? Do you enjoy his company?"
Your jaw dropped for a second in offence, "God no, why would I enjoy making you upset?" At that you shrugged, "Although it can be amusing."
You felt a pinch on your arm which made you let out a sound of distress. Stephen chuckled, and wrapped an arm around you lovingly as you leaned against the balcony railing together.
"He was just trying to be nice, Stephen."
"I don't think he can be 'nice',"
"He was nice at breakfast,"
"You had breakfast with him?"
"I was with Frigga. He just so happened to be there."
"Okay fine."
You laughed and he gently kissed the top of your head. After a moment of quiet and peace, you felt his softly shaking hand fiddle with the sleeve of your dress, "You look very beautiful."
Blushing, you looked up at him with admiring eyes. His expression mirrored yours. He was still wearing the new robes you last saw him in, the gold linings glittering in the Asgardian sunlight. You were about to say the same thing he said to you, when his expression changed. It was his thinking face.
Stephen must have realized something as raised an eyebrow, "There's magic in your dress."
Before you could react, Stephen waved his hand in a quick motion. Suddenly, green waves of energy flowed out of the fabric of your clothes. But they soon changed to orange sparks, Asgardian magic to Earth sorcerer magic. As they flowed over you, the colour of your dress changed. The green was replaced with blue and the gold was replaced with red. There was still a little gold here and there, lining the edges in a familiar way.
"I knew it. He must have tampered with it." Stephen grumbled.
Now your dress mimicked the colours of Stephen's clothes, their original colours. You laughed a little, the person who made your clothes thought they were clever. But also Loki thought he was clever to change it to his colours. You wondered when and why he did that, but you shrugged it off and instead admired the dress in this new perspective.  
"That's better." Stephen said, a little proud of himself for some reason.
"I like this more." You giggled.
"Me too."
The dress felt lighter and the fabric shined a little more. It was made for you, perfectly tailored to your body and with the perfect colours to match. It was perfect. And it reminded you of him so it made it all the more special. If they would not let you keep it, then you are just going to bring it home with you anyways.
"Well since the meeting was cut off early, lunch is not for another half an hour or so. What should we do till then?"
"Well~" You drew out, a smile creeping up your face, "I was looking at the gardens from here and I wouldn't mind going to see them."
Stephen smiled. He offered his elbow to you, "Then do you care for romantic stroll, Lady (Y/N)?" He put on his best English accent (which was surprisingly flawless), his naturally low voice making it all the more amusing.
With a giggle, you took his arm. Together you made your way through the castle in a swish of red and blue fabrics.
"Although," Stephen started as you both made your way down the last set of stairs that lead to the ground floor, "you did look good in the green. Even though I hate to admit it."
"Hate to admit it?" You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Well it was Loki's trickery, but you look good regardless. As always."
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Can I request how the feral boys would ask you/ what they would do for your first time sleeping over as their girlfriend? That sounds weird but I hope you know what I mean lol. I love your writing by the way!
hi friend , and thank u ! i appreciate it <3 this is a super cute idea and i had a lot of fun writing it ,,,,, im so soft for them i can't . xoxoxoxoxo , starlight
AYO LOOK AT THESE : the smallest bit of smut but overall fluff ! soft feral boys content , come get yall juice
reblogs are always appreciated !!! <3
wouldn’t be planned tbh , you’d been at his place all day and you’re both too tired to drive
you’d start to call an uber and clay would turn your phone over
“you could… stay here, if you want?”
it was a no brainer
of course you’d stay with him
clay would be so excited , smiling through his sleepy haze
he’d finally get up from his computer just to shower you with kisses all over your face
he’d tackle you back onto his bed , his soft , silly kisses turning into lingering, hard kisses
all teeth and tongue and his hands all over you
he’d get one of his legs between yours, shuddering at the way you’d whine into his mouth
his hands would make their way down to your hips
he’d grind your hips down on him , your sleepiness only making you more sensitive
you bet your ass that he’d make you cum just from grinding on his thigh
he lives in a constant state of horny™ even when he’s tired
clay would be so cocky at how he’d made you finish , doing virtually nothing
but he would go so soft at the way you were exhausted after that , yawning and rubbing your eyes
‘baby’ , ‘love’ , ‘pretty girl’
so affectionate 
you could’ve fallen asleep just like that but clay makes you get up and change
“baby , you don't want to sleep in your clothes” 
“sleep in mine instead”
you would just grumble back at him until he would physically lift you out of bed
clay would help you out of your clothes 
he’d put you in his sweats and a giant dream hoodie
just incase sap walked in for some reason
doesn't want him seeing any of the goods™
he’d carry you to the bathroom and find an extra toothbrush
clay would absolutely try to talk to you while brushing his teeth and the two of you would laugh s o hard at each other trying to talk with mouths full of toothpaste
again , he would pick you up and carry you back to his bed , shutting the door behind the two of you
“don't you want to say goodnight to sap?” “no :)”
the two of you would fall onto his bed and be asleep within 10 minutes , completely tangled in each other
he talks in his sleep
but you snore
so its even
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
soft george my beloved
he’d probably plan your guys first ‘sleepover’
he would want to make it special , and definitely do something memorable
george would bring it up to you like a week before
he’d practically invite you like it was a birthday party :,)
i can't
he’d make reservations for a nice dinner before and get all dressed up
george would pick you up and hold your hand on the console
he’d open all the doors for you 
he'd pull out your c h a i r
yall would definitely be cracking jokes all throughout dinner in the middle of this fancy restaurant
george would ABSOLUTELY knock his silverware off the table at some point
you would have to fight to not spit your drink out , laughing so hard
he’d skip on desert at the restaurant and take you to dairy queen or something
it would be the two of you in your fancy attire , sitting outside some tiny ice cream parlor
looking at eachother like you were the only two people on earth
yall are in L O V E 
once you two got home george would carry your overnight bag in 
he would change immediately 
bc he h8’s fancy clothes 
but wanted to dress up for you 
after you guys changed into pajamas , you’d stay up talking for hours
he’d tell you stories of him and all the feral boys
you’d tell him stupid things you did as a kid
the two of you would want to make the most of the extended time you had together and stay up until like 2 in the morning
george’s voice would get all low and raspy from talking for so long
you’d fall asleep on the couch together when you physically couldn’t hold your eyes open anymore
george would wake up when the sun started shining through the blinds
he would carry you up to his bed 
then promptly fall back asleep with you in his arms
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
snapmap my love .
this man doesn’t plan shi t
it would be very spur of the moment , the two of you laughing at some joke that he made when he’d grab your hand suddenly v serious
“will you sleep with me tonight?”
he’d look so earnest while asking that and you would BURST into laughter
it would take nick a hot sec to realise what he’d said and once he did . he would simply . disintegrate .
he would be so dramatic about it too
“i was trying to be romantic ! stop laughing at me !”
and you would just sit there , laughing so hard that you couldn’t produce noise anymore , just silent wheezes
you would start to cry and nick would pOUT
you would just nod , literally unable to produce words
but sap would brighten up at that
“so you’ll stay the night?”
once you got control of yourself , the two of you continued on doing what you were doing
it was like a normal day other than the fact that it ,,,, wouldn’t end
you two watched movies and played minecraft all day , being lazy together
you’d doordash dinner or order pizza or something so you didn’t have to leave the house
he’d have to stream and you would just chill , eating pizza in bed
once it became apparent that the stream was gonna last longer than planned , you would quietly come up behind him and drop a kiss on his cheek
he’d grin at you but be confused ???
you’d text him so your voice wouldn’t pop up on stream
‘gonna take a shower / keep myself busy’
he’d text back a single ‘👍🏼’
sapnap texts like a dad and NO ONE can tell me otherwise
you’d shower and get dressed , then wander down to the kitchen trying to find something to do
scavenger hunt™ for cookie ingredients
you’d bake his favorite and surprise him with a warm cookie im s o f t
the SMILE that would cross his face my god
he would feel so loved
he’d mute stream to thank you, putting his hands around your waist and burying his face into your stomach
you k n o w he’d find some way to end stream early after that , wanting to be with you
the two of you would finish off all the cookies , watching scary movies together
he’d hold you when you jump at all the spooky shit
you’d do the same for him bc sap is baby
chat . i'm kinda scared . lowkey .
you were both half asleep by the time you made your way back up to his room
you’d be lights out the minute your head hit the pillows 
and he’d be big spoon
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
karl would probably ask you that day , texting you before you’d even come over to ask if you would stay the night
you two had technically slept over before , but never at karl’s place (usually pulling all nighters with the feral boys on stream or with the beast crew)
you can not tell me . that karl . would not build a fort . with you .
and he would 100% go all out with it
he’d get lights to string up on the inside (the twinkle ones for sure)
he would get a fuckton of pillows and the softest blankets he can find and pile them in
karl would essentially make a nest for the two of you
you’d spend the first hour alone sharing soft kisses and cuddling so close that you weren't sure where you ended and karl began
he’d hold you , letting you lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat
you’d talk about everything and nothing at all , just wanting to hear each other’s voices
until someone’s stomach growled
he’d laugh until he couldn't breathe 
you had tears rolling down your face , your stomach hurting from the giggles 
he’d either take you to get food before or doordash your favorite
because neither of you can cook blESS
you’d pick out cute , matching pajamas for your first official night together
he’d end up giving you his clothes to sleep in 
because he likes you wearing his stuff 
and it's more comfortable than your fancy pajamas
he’d cover his eyes and face a blanket/wall while you were changing
the only time either of you would leave the fort would be for more snacks or to go to the bathroom
karl would bring his laptop in and turn in a movie as you two were settling in for the night 
(some super dumb kids movie) 
(my brain immediately went to the lorax) 
(i’ll see myself out)
and he’d stay awake until you fell asleep, your face buried into his t-shirt
it made his heart so full that you felt safe enough to fall asleep with him
he’d play with your hair and trace over your features as soft as possible
because you're just so beautiful when you’re asleep ??
karl murmurs how much he loves you , everything that he loves about you while he knows you can't hear it
he’d drift off with you still in his arms, his lips pressed to the top of your head in a sweet, gentle kiss
and the two of you would stay like that the entire night , keeping each other warm
im so soft for him
can u tell
karl jacobs my love
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
everyone writes big q as a stupid dumb dummy
and while he can be that at some times
this man would be so fucking thoughtful ??? when it came to his girl ?????
you literally can't tell me otherwise .
much like gogy he would plan something special
but like
he can COOK yall
he’d make you a nice ass dinner
and set up a picnic in the backyard 
he’d light candles and make it all fancy
literally it would be a scene out of a movie
once you finished eating dinner the two of you would watch the sunset
he’d play guitar and sING FOR YOU
you’d stay outside soaking in the heat even after the sun had gone down
stargazing for as long as you could
alex would put his arm around you and have you lay on his chest
you’d listen to his heartbeat while you pointed out the big dipper
he’d make up his own constellations aljidhkuvgfhadj
you two would only go inside because you were being eaten alive by mosquitos
one of you would play music off your phone and yall would slow dance in the kitchen
he would repeatedly tell you how much he loved you , pressing tender kisses to your neck , your jaw
until a fucking ad would play
and alex would just lose his shit
he would laugh so hard he’d ipad kid cough
then you would simply ascend
the two of you would be laying on the kitchen floor absolutely D Y I N G of laughter
you’d stay there for a while , trying to recover
by the time you did , your ribs were sore from all the giggles
alex would pick you up and throw you over his shoulder , walking you up to bed
he’d suplex you onto the mattress
the two of you are children around each other tbh
that would lead to a wrestling match
until you’d found your way onto his lap , pinning him by his wrists
w h e w
the way that man would kiss you after that ? bye im gone
lets just say by the time he was finished you would both be exhausted
he’d tell you how pretty you were , how good you did
the two of you would fall asleep with tangled limbs , half kissing
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thedetectivesystem · 3 years
I loved reading your Comfort Headcanons with Near post. I don't have a specific question but would love to see if you had anything else to add to that post ☺️
thank you ! i have many to add !
Near and Mello share the same taste in music, which surprised them both.
Matt calls Rester a dilf, despite him having no children.
Their conversations are either flat out abnormal, or long talks that can go on for hours about certain subjects or debates.
Oddly, the subject of marriage never pops up until Near brings it up. “Do you think we will all get married someday?”
The room went silent for a few moments, until Mello brings up that polygamy isn’t legal.
To which Near responds, “L can make it legal.” As if they had the power to change one law entirely.
The SPK members dislike it when Mello and Near overwork themselves, no matter how much they complain how they can stay up for days, they are pulled over Rester’s shoulders and off to bed.
They had to custom make a bed so they could all fit, and a much bigger room.
They also have their own individual rooms for when they need to be alone, as they understand needing time to yourself.
Matt’s favorite memory was when he won Near a giant stuffed animal in a Japanese crane game machine. He will never forget the look of excitement on Near’s face.
Matt actually has his own favorite memories of each of his partners.
Mello likes watching those cheesy romance films with Matt.
Near enjoys being picked up, he signals this by giving grabby hands towards any lovers that are nearby.
They all feel giddy inside when introducing each other as “my boyfriends.” or “my girlfriend.”
On one case, Mello and Halle had to go undercover as husband and wife.
Near gets made fun of (by Mello and Matt) for burying his head in Halle’s chest when given the chance.
Near demands being in the middle of cuddle piles, he also refuses to sleep on the edge of the bed.
They do have terms of endearment.
Mello usually uses the default “baby.” but Near gets “cotton ball.”
Matt will use all and any that his mind comes up with, Mello once got red faced and chewed Matt out for calling him “baby girl.”
Rester uses sweet terms, he’s also a bit older than the rest so he can come off as a bit old fashioned.
Halle likes to use “honey,” and “sweetheart.”
Gevanni has his own special terms for each of them.
Near doesn’t really use any, but he will address Mello as “Miha.” Sometimes.
Before their relationship with Mello and Matt, Near addressed Halle as his girlfriend and that sent Mello through a loop of shock, mixed emotions, and “how the hell did Near of all people get laid.”
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mediocre--writing · 3 years
hiiiiiii :D
i’m going to give you both a harringrove and a kegboys thing
harringrove: the mindflayer didn’t kill billy and billy spent months recovering. when he was let out he didn’t speak to people. but steve was the only one capable of holding onto the patience enough for billy to eventually start talking to him. billy gets a job at a slow business convenient store/gas station. and steve meets him to have lunch together outside in the back every day.
kegboys: steve had a pine tree at the front of his house with a yellow ribbon for barb. and one year billy cuts it down without knowing about its significance. steve eventually finds out what happened and tommy had to take him to the other room before telling billy what he’d done. they spend the day making steve feel better by getting a brand new tree and retying a ribbon even bigger than before.
oooooh these are both so good.
Harringrove: I think that, especially after Steve's whole fiasco with the Russians, he doesn't mind the quietness that comes with Billy. Doesn't mind waiting for him to speak because Steve himself does't really know what he would even say.
Steve's parents, after his 18th birthday, pretty much never came home. They had like seven other houses elsewhere and Steve was his own functioning adult, so they, frankly, didn't give two shits. So Billy stays with him. Plus, Steve's got no job after the mall burned down and his parents are still paying for the house and everything, it's not like it's much of an issue.
They bond in a silent way. Billy can't talk. Like physically, for the first three-ish months, can't get his voice to come out in any understandable fashion, as having a tentacle forced down his throat pretty much ripped at every bit of skin there.
But they communicate. Steve is used to his lonely life in a mansion and just appreciates another body being there that makes it not so lonely.
They function around each other. Whoever gets up first makes the coffee, whoever goes to sleep last turns the main lights off. Whoever opens the clean dishwasher has to empty it and whoever tracks the most snowy footprints in has to mop next.
The first time Billy really talks to Steve is after a nightmare. But not from Billy (he's become really good at controlling how loud his whimpers and crying can get, even asleep [fuk u neil🖕]). Steve is pretty much screaming bloody murder in his sleep and Billy can barely get up the tall staircase as it is, but mixed with sleep and his rush, he slips a few times trying to get to Steve, thinking something is really wrong.
By the time he bursts into Steve’s room, Steve is sitting straight up in bed staring at the blurry light while trying to catch his breath. Billy cautiously walks up to him, flips on a lamp light so there wouldn’t be any in-the-dark scares for Steve, and sits across from him on the edge of the bed. 
Steve ultimately just collapses into Billy’s chest and sobs and sobs and sobs until he’s got it all out and the only thing that can be heard are Steve’s unsteady breaths and Billy’s reassurances. It’s the softest Steve thinks he’s ever heard Billy speak to anyone. 
Steve starts sleeping in the guest room downstairs with Billy after another incident when he starts screaming occurs because it wears Billy down a lot to battle the stairs (his muscles are worn thin and he has very little strength these days). Steve stirs in his sleep but hasn’t panicked like that since he started cuddling with Billy. 
Joyce eventually pulls some strings and gets Billy a job at Melvald's (small town business start picking up after Starcourt burning down) where he can just sit in a chair at the front and check people out. Occasionally she’ll have him stock small things like keychains or the snacks at checkout. 
Steve visits most days during Billy’s break time. Brings take out from Benny’s or leftovers that Mrs. Henderson insisted on dropping off every other week because the boys “needed good, homemade food that they wouldn’t make for themselves.” 
Billy has never felt more taken care of in his life and enjoys the gentle breeze when he and Steve chat behind Melvald’s and eat, sharing what’s happened during the few hours they’d spent apart or discussing what their weekend plans would be. Maybe what they were hungry for for dinner that night. 
One day, when they’re eating a tuna casserole straight out of the Tupperware Mrs. Henderson had put it in, a stray cat comes and kneads gently at Billy’s thigh, over his jeans, and he puts a bit of the casserole on a napkin for the small kitty. 
It becomes a routine and eventually he brings out a can of cat food from the store to feed the cat when he takes his breaks. They call her Melly (after Melvald’s, of course) and eventually she finds a way to sneak into the Camaro and becomes a full-fledged, sassy, rude house cat that has to sleep in the bed with the boys every night or she will scream her little cat scream and scratch at the door until they let her in. 
Kegboys: (ok I tweaked this just a tad bc I couldn’t find a reason for billy to just chop down a random tree) Steve planted the tree after she’d passed away. He didn’t know how to feel about it. He felt awful, of course. He goaded her into drinking with them just because he wanted Nancy and look where that got him. He basically killed a girl and he lost his girlfriend.
He plants this tree, it’s thin and just taller than he is, but every year, after winter ends and plants bloom again, he ties a beautiful yellow bow around the thickest branch near the trunk. He looks at it every morning through the window, the small pine tree at the end of the driveway. 
Only Tommy was there that night, the night a few weeks after it had all “ended” (the first time) and Steve breaks down. Sobs like he never has before, talking in fragmented sentences about how he’s to blame, he killed Barb out of teenage ignorance and because he wanted to have sex with Nancy Wheeler. What a fuckin’ waste. 
Tommy is actually the one who suggests they plant the tree in the first place, a life now gone for a life yet to live. Steve takes care of that tree like if it died, he would too. 
Steve ties a ribbon on it the first year. Tommy adds a second the next year. 
Nobody else really cares. It’s a tree, not a giant portrait of the girl, for crying out loud. Nobody says anything about the bow that gets put on the tree because nobody would put together that the tree represented Barb, it’s just a tree to everyone else. 
Billy wasn’t around for the beginning. He knew that a girl close to Nancy and Steve had died, sure, but he hadn’t known that it was in Steve’s pool and he never knew about the pine tree that grew at the top of the driveway. 
There was a storm, a big one right at the tail end of summer, one that ripped up plants and trees and shingles off of houses, flooded the ditches and low points in the town. 
Billy takes it upon himself to try and fix the Harrington’s trashed yard once the storms let up. He rakes away all the pine straw that had descended and piles up all the large branches and debris. There’s a tree, the pine tree that usually stands tall at the end of the driveway, that was severed at the base, only a mere three or four feet still protruding from the ground, the rest split and resting, half connected, on the ground. 
Billy breaks off the part that was already off, puts it in the pile with the rest of the debris. 
The stump stays at the end of the driveway and Billy goes inside, walks up to Steve and Tommy in the living room after washing his hands and grabbing some water. Tells them that he straightened up the yard. 
“And that tree at the end was broken, so I picked off the part left hanging and put it on the fire pile. I figure we can find something else to plant in it later this week or--”
He’s cut off by Steve jumping off the couch and running out of the front door. He stands a few feet away from the stump left over and falls, bare knees hitting the still damp and muddy ground as he shows no other reaction. 
Tommy’s right behind him, holds his shoulders from behind as he stares at the tree. Billy, from behind Tommy, doesn’t ask a question but stares confusedly at the boys who seem distraught by the disappearance of a seemingly meaningless tree. 
Gentle coaxing, “C’mon, Steve. It’s alright, it’ll grow back and we can buy more ribbon, I promise, but you have to come inside, you’re all muddy,” from Tommy convinced Steve to come inside. 
With no care for how his mother would react to her perfectly white rug being ruined by the dirt, Steve trudges through and eventually lays on the couch, cradling a pillow to his chest while Tommy promises to make him something warm to drink. 
He beckons Billy into the kitchen with him as he puts the kettle on the burner, enough water for all three of them to have tea, and turns to Billy. 
“Why’s he so upset about a tree?” Billy didn’t mean for it to sound harsh or inconsiderate, he was just curious why Steve seemed so distraught over a pine tree that was nowhere near as tall as the ones that were around the house. 
“Ok, so, you know Barb, the girl that died here?”
“She died here!?”
“You didn’t know?”
“Well nobody talks about it, how was I supposed to know?” 
“You should--Nevermind, anyway, she died here because of the whole other-world-monster-guy and Steve blamed himself for it, for, like, ever,” Tommy rested his elbows on the counter, “So, when he finally told me about it, we wanted to do something for her, like a memorial thing, anyway, we decided on a tree and he always ties the yellow ribbon around it and he takes care of it like it’s a child, but it’s gone so--”
“--He feels like he let her die again. Like it was his fault,” Billy concludes. 
“Yeah,” Tommy assures before turning to the cupboards and pulling down three mugs, pouring the hot water in before placing tea bags in each. 
“I mean, is there anything we can do? I feel awful, but the tree was already snapped, I couldn’t have like mended it or anything. I swear it wasn’t intentional,”
“You wouldn’t have known, it’s not your fault. I think Steve just feel a little out of his own mind at the moment, like he lost the hold he had on her. I really don’t know,”
Billy and Tommy stayed on the couch with Steve that day, they just rested and drank tea, listen to soft music on the radio, and took care of the droopy brunet. 
They didn’t replace the tree. They let the old one stay and made sure to take excellent care of it. They’d tie three ribbons on the tree every year, made sure they were tied tightly, the tree growing faster and more prosperous than before, and Steve was better. 
He realized that sometimes you have to get cut down before you can really unveil your true potential, that a little extra love can do wonders. 
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