#the glasses are full dad mode
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vitiateoriginator · 10 months
Today has not been good :'3
#slept like shit#woke up at 5am from a nightmare of my datemate dying and then was stuck awake for an extra hour and a half after the fact from emotions#hit my head against my datemate's when I went to seek comfort (hurt myself in the process. luckily I took all the damage datemate was fine)#saw my dad's shitty fucking sister at the pizzarea right next door to where I live (we are no contact for very obvious reasons)#ran out of the pizzeria even tho my datemate and I had planned to eat there then proceeded to have a panic attack after going outside#my datemate and I then went to walk thru the neighborhood as quickly and as far from where we actually live as possible in case#she tried to follow us#while doing so my sis sent a condescending message telling me my datemate is an ass because he supposedly had an attitude with my mom before#we left. my sis just misinterpreted his tone. but my datemate saw the text and it pissed him off because my sis always does this shit#overracts or reads into what he says even when he doesn't mean any harm#so then he started talking about being done with it and wanting to leave. reminder I was still having a panic attack and in full flight mode#so hearing him talking about leaving made me spiral and I walked away from him and went really far in another direction while crying#and then we started fighting over telegram after I didn't answer his ph9ne call (it was an accident tho#I was trying to check my phone to se if he'd messaged me but as I pressed my power button he started calling n it turned my screen off#instead of on like I wanted)#we did make up tho its all good we went hoke together and cuddled it out#but while doing so I misplaced my glasses. I have absolutely no idea where in my apartment they are. I've checked everywhere#last place I saw them was on the bed. but we checked behind everything and under the bed. they are MIA#so yeah thats my day so far#sucks#Im exhausted#I might call out of work tomorrow but idk. I doubt I actually will#but after today I feel like I need a day off from my day off lol#sam's rants about life
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auggieblogs · 6 months
"I'm not even drunk" | OP81
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of being drunk?
Author's note: Hiiii, beautiful people. I hope everyone is doing good. This one shot is inspired by a tiktok I watched recently. It was very cute and I hated it so much (I was jealous). Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. Happy reading:))
―୨୧⋆ ˚masterlist
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It was your 21st birthday, and Las Vegas was the chosen destination for the celebration. Oscar, your boyfriend, planned the entire trip, determined to make it the most memorable birthday you'd ever experience. Initially hesitant about the idea, it took a considerable amount of persuasion, involving nearly the entire Formula 1 grid, especially Max, to get you on board. The Formula 1 drivers were on a break, and they were ready to party.
The night kicked off with Lando popping champagne during the cake-cutting ceremony. You were handed a glass, and with a cheeky grin, Lando said, "Cheers to being legal everywhere now! Except maybe on Mars." You felt the bubbles tickling your nose as you laughed with joy.
But then came the tequila shots with Max and Checo, and suddenly, sophistication was replaced with the burning sensation of regret and lime wedges.
By the end of the night, you were on a first-name basis with every type of alcohol, and Oscar gave you that "we're going to need a mop later" look.
Oscar, being the responsible partner he was, barely had a drink. He watched over you, wanting you to enjoy the night to the fullest.
As the night ramped up, you were on the verge of climbing onto the pool table, ready to deliver a speech that probably would've made Shakespeare question his career choices. Oscar intervened just in time, gently pulling you down with a, "Let's get back to the room, baby. I think you've had enough." You, however, were convinced the party had just begun. "No, Oscar, the night is still young," you slurred.
"But love, you'll be exhausted tomorrow, and the hangover won't be fun," Oscar reasoned, successfully convincing you to return to the hotel room.
Eventually, Oscar managed to coax you into a cab, where you continued to babble about how you weren't even drunk and thanking him for the incredible night. Your words were a bit of a jumble, but Oscar simply smiled, appreciating your genuine happiness. He sat next to you, nodding along with a patient smile, occasionally muttering an "Oh, really?" or a "That's amazing" to keep you going.
Upon reaching the hotel, you clung to Oscar like a drunken sloth. In the elevator, you gave him a squinty-eyed grin, saying, "I'm not even drunk, Oscar!"
He shot back, "Really? What's with the wobbly legs then?"
"You, baby," you replied with a wink, your laughter echoing off the elevator walls. Oscar just chuckled, probably wondering if he should get you a helmet.
Exiting the elevator, Oscar tried reasoning with you, "You're wasted, love." You straightened up with all the dignity of a penguin trying to impersonate a giraffe. "I'm as sober as a cat in a cucumber garden!"
Back in front of your hotel room, Oscar, in full dad mode, hands on hips, challenged you, "Prove it! Show me you're not drunk."
"Oh, I'll prove it," you announced, pulling out your phone to make a phone call to Lando. "He'll tell you I'm as sober as a... a really sober thing!"
When Lando answered, you shouted into the phone, "Lando, tell Oscar I'm not drunk!" Lando's laughter erupted from the speaker, "Yeah, you're definitely drunk, you muppet."
You rolled your eyes and handed the phone to Oscar, pouting, "He's the drunk one, not me!"
Determined to seal the deal, you declared, "I can tap dance to prove I'm not drunk!" And without waiting for a response, you started a wobbly tap dance routine in the hallway ( which was more like a human interpretation of a malfunctioning robot than a dance).
Oscar doubled over with laughter catching you just as you lost your balance. "Alright, alright, you've made your point!"
As you both stumbled into the hotel room, still giggling, you managed to blurt out, "Best birthday ever," before collapsing onto the bed. Oscar, smiling like a lovestruck puppy, joined you on the bed, engulfing you in the biggest bear hug and said "Happy birthday, love. You're never drinking again."
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Cod Sex Bot Au - Random Blurbs
Requested: Yes [Hi! Just found out about your blog and I think I just bingeread almost all of your fics, your writing is actually really captivant ! Especially your "CoD sex bots au". Can we please PLEASE have a part 3 ? Maybe more of Price, Gaz, Roach and Rudy? DONT FORGET TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND DRINK WATER!!!]
Warnings: Abundant Fluff
A/N: I didn’t really know what to do so I just did some random little blurbs
Price huffs as his glowing eyes meticulously scan over your messy room, mechanical pupils narrowing at your back as you remain happily oblivious, too focused on your game to even notice his presence. Not until his hands were on the back of your gaming chair, dragging it back a bit before promptly yanking away your controller and headset then scooping you out of the chair, heading towards the living room.
“Hey! Wait! I wasn’t finished!” You yelp, trying to wiggle away to no avail, his metal arms tight around you, keeping you nice and secure. “Damn it! You’re a bot, I’m pretty sure you can’t just manhandle me like this!”
“You are now.” He says, kicking the door to your room shut behind him, using his connection to your advanced home system to lock it behind him, on the off chance you actually managed to sneak away from him. “You’re eating something, something that doesn’t come out of a snack bag, then you’re showering and going to bed. It’s almost midnight.” He tells you sternly.
“You’re not my dad.”
“No, but I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to call me Daddy.”
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Gaz’s eyes watch you carefully as you mix whatever it was that was in the pot, his curiosity peaked but you wouldn’t let him even glimpse into it. Said it was a surprise. And he didn’t want to ruin all your hard work so he obliged, not that it wasn’t frustrating though. He wasn’t ever very patient.
But he’s pretty sure that it’s worth it when you sit him down, your smile all big and happy as you set a plate full of steaming hot food in front of him, eagerly awaiting for him to dig in and give his opinion.
“It’s delicious!” He tells you happily, his own smile just as bright and full of life.
You looked so happy at his statement that he just couldn’t bring himself to tell you that he didn’t actually have any taste sensors, and he swears to take the secret to his robot grave.
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Roach stares down at you as you lay on the floor, your eyes unfocused and seemingly looking at nothing in particular. He poked your cheek to try and get a reaction out of you and it seemed to work as you scrunch your nose up cutely.
“What are you doing?” He asks you, his hands slow and unsure. He wasn’t supposed to ask questions but….he just couldn’t help himself when it came to you. He wanted to know more about you, about what went on in your mind.
“Staring into the void, wondering when it will swallow me whole and relinquish me from all of life’s burdens.” You say, rather nonchalantly. It made him chuckle and he shook his head at you.
“But I’d be lonely if you went to the void.” He signs, his eyes soft despite being made of metal and glass. “Don’t leave me behind.”
“Don’t worry, Roach. You can come with me. It’s you and me against the world.” You say, and his fans kick into high gear as his face reddens, system overheating.
He was….happy.
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Rudy grumbles when you turn away from him in your sleep, rolling onto your belly, spread out like a starfish. He peeked his eyes open, night vision mode taking over his eyeballs. He frowned, wondering what awoke him from his powered down mode.
He turned to you, a bit pouty when he saw how far away you were. Sure, he wasn’t the most comfortable thing to lay on, being made of metal and all, but he liked it when you cuddled up to him.
His hand reaches out, touching your cheek gently, amazed by how you lean into his touch, into his warmth. He’d never been more glad to be built with lifelike heating systems.
He brings you closer to him again, his arms wrapping around you to keep you from getting away again, his cheek brushing against your neck before kissing it lovingly. He was glad that he was yours.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
First time Iris stays over the whole night with Jake, and he’s trying to figure out all the ways to make it happen again. Maybe he brings her breakfast in bed?
I feel like Jake & Iris experience a lot of first together. But especially the whole next morning after the first full night together after they become ‘exclusive’ I.R.I.S Masterlist Here.
Warnings: Smut! Jake Seresin x F!mitchell!reader. Undisclosed age gap.
After about a two hour debate, a solid rebuttal and a flawless conclusion as to why you should be let into the TopGun program again, Beau Simpson ultimately caved and gave you one final shot. He gave you one chance to prove that you could keep a lid on your temper, you’d admit that you knew you had to work on that. Guess hot headed egos ran in the family. But you made sure not to leave until you’d heard that Cyclone would take back the command he’d given to have your points pulled. He did, internal investigation be damned. 
“The only reason I mouthed off in the first place was because you held a gun to my back, sir—“ You explained as Cyclone looked at you with an expressionless face. “You know I’m better than those guys, who my dad is shouldn’t mean shit—it’s not like he helped me get here?” You couldn’t have said anything more perfect, Cyclone raised a single brow your way, you were right. Pete Mitchell had never offered you a helping hand your entire career. “Fuck Bradshaw got more of a handout than I did! He’s a gold star! That’s nepotism too and Goose isn’t even around!” It was a dog shot, but in your case you needed every ounce of leverage. 
“Okay, okay—I hear what you're saying, Lieutenant, I’ll expunge the record.” Tickled pink, you beamed, ecstatic you’d been able to plead your case and enter back into the program. “You Mitchell’s age me ten years every month I swear—“ 
“I still don’t think I should have to suppress myself because of what those idiots think of me. You would survive through this knowing one day your rage would truly be witnessed by the men who poisoned you with it in the first place. “But I’ll do it if that’ll appease them—“ 
“They’re a sensitive bunch I’ve noticed.” Cyclone smirked for a millisecond of time as you sat across from him at his desk—looking all kinds of like your father. Just a little scarier and a lot more unpredictable. “But it’s more to keep you in check than anything else, I’ll scratch your back and keep any allegations of nepotism off your back if you scratch mine and keep your nose clean and out of trouble, understood?” 
It was game time. You were back in business and you were heading back to Jakes to celebrate such a victorious moment. Because fucking a superior officer didn’t correlate with keeping your nose clean and out of trouble did it? 
“In abundance, Sir, you have my word.” But first? It was off to the Hard Deck. 
“I’mnothometonight—“ You practically said it without so much as a second in between words. It all came out against your dads cheek in one single moment as you kissed him goodbye and headed towards the front door with a bag full of stuff slung over your shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” 
“Woah woah?” Pete frowned as he looked up from his book, perched on his favourite recliner enjoying a good cup of tea. He was in full relaxation mode. “Where are you off to?” You’d prepared for this moment, you knew there was a chance Mav would ask you where you were going. So you’d already come up with a cover story to get you out of the house. 
“My friends in town, Lily? She got a hotel room up at the gorge.” 
“You didn’t tell her she could just stay here?” 
“What? And have you all up in my business?” You groaned. “I’m not sixteen anymore dad, I’m an adult—I’ve got my work gear with me so I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Pete just looked at you over the top of his reading glasses, something was up, something was incredibly up here and he knew better than to trust your word. Why? Because you were his damn daughter. 
“Alright well just don’t go crazy, you fly a multi million dollar fighter jet for a living—keep your wits about yourself on a Wednesday night, kid.” You couldn’t have rolled your eyes harder if you wanted to as you grabbed your keys from the key bowl near the front door. 
“Bye dad, love ya guts.” You chuckled to yourself as you left, did you feel bad about lying to Mav? Not entirely. It was for his own good. The poor guy would have a heart attack if he knew what you were up to and who you were doing. 
But did you feel any ounce of regret? No—because Jake Seresin was the perfect amount of thrill, the perfect high, the perfect rush to any thrill seeker. And you were addicted. 
Jake knew you were coming over so he did his best to freshen up the place. That’s not to say his house wasn't clean–because it was. But he lit a candle and fluffed the pillows on the lounge and spent a little longer than he would ever like to admit researching what was the correct way for toilet paper to roll. Over and under he still didn't know. He went under. 
“I parked down the street–” You made sure to tell Jake as he opened the door for you. “Mav grilled me pretty hard when I told him I was heading out for the night so I thought it was probably a good idea.” 
“Hi to you too Iris.” Jake chuckled as you walked on it. 
“Hi Hangman–” You cooed. Turning on your heels as you dropped your bag off your shoulder.” You look. Good.” 
“Oh I am good Iris–” Jake smirked wildly as he backed you up against the wall in the entryway. Leaning on the cream painted dividing wall with his hands on either side of you, trapping you there against him. “I'm very good, but I'm even better now that you’re here.” Jake maintained his gaze as you drank in the sight of him, dropping your hands to play at the waistband of his sweatpants. Exposing the elastic band of his boxer briefs. “It's good to see you.” It was a nod to Jake's declaration that he was officially seeing someone, Hangman was off the market and very much invested in the entanglement he had going on with none other than Pete Mitchell's incredibly hot headed and beautiful daughter. 
“You just saw me when I demolished you at pool.” 
“Ah, ah, correct yourself there Iris, you mean when I let you demolish me at pool.” 
“Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night there deadman–” Jake was the one who leaned in first, connecting his lips with yours in a fever dream kiss. His hands made quick work to cup your cheeks, spreading your legs further apart with his foot against yours. “Jake–” You moaned into his mouth as one of his hands came down to find its way into your sweat pants. Both wearing grey, just in different fonts. 
“I wanna try something, but you gotta trust me.” Jake had a wicked glare in his eyes as he ducked his hand into your pants. The gentle motion he used to spread your lips apart and find the sweet, sweet spot that needed all his attention made you forget how to breathe. “Do you trust me Iris?” Jake asked as he slowly but surely worked the pads of two of his digits against your sensitive bundle of nerves. “Come on baby, tell me you trust me?” 
“I trust you–” You sighed out, rolling your hips as Jake used his fingers to expertly guide you towards your first orgasm. You weren't there yet, you weren't even close. But you were going to be very soon if Jake kept going exactly how he was. “Fuck, yes, I trust you–” 
It was all Jake needed as he pulled his hand out from your pants and scooped you up. With a gasp you wrapped your legs around Jake's waist as he connected his lips to your once more and walked you to the living room. His bedroom was too far away, he needed you now and the lounge would just have to do. As he dropped you down carefully, Jake stood over you. He said one word that made you soak your panties right through, but it wasn't like you were going to need them anyway. 
“Strip–” You didn’t hesitate as you saluted your Lieutenant Commander almost seductively. 
“Yes sir.” 
In a needy and almost giddy fashion, both you and Jake stripped down, articles of clothing were discarded in not so respectable piles on the floor before Jake was hovering over you, his forearms on either side of your head as he kissed up and down the expanse of your next, leading down to your exposed chest to take you nipples in his mouth one by one. 
“God your tits are perfect, you’re perfect baby.” Jake mumbled as he looked up at you looking down at him with your tit in his mouth. It was truly a sight that made you feral. “Now I'm usually one for foreplay, you know me, but we’re gonna do things a little differently tonight.” Jake stated a matter of factly as he sat back and pumped himself a few times, just thinking about what he was about to do. He needed to confirm his suspicion because the unknown was killing him. “I know you're ready for me though–” It was true, you were, and as Jake jerked himself off, you reached out to help guide him down between your legs. 
“Need you, now.” Slowly, inch by inch, Jake buried himself inside you. Watching as your jaw slacked and your eye rolled as you stretched and welcomed him to the hilt. “Ohh yess–” 
“Fuck you’re so perfect, such a perfect cunt Iris.'' Jake made sure to kiss the pulse point at the juncture of your neck as he throbbed away inside you. Staying still for a second before he began to rock his hips. “Holy shit so good–”
“Love your cock so fucking much–ahh!” It felt so good to be so full, but this wasn't what Jake needed to do. He needed to call someone, he needed to fuck you while he called someone to see if he had really formulated a connection, if the idea of really loosing every he had got him off to a new extreme. Jake had called it the Mitchell effect, and he was as deep inside it as he could get. “What are you doing?” 
Jake reached out to the coffee table, not once slowly his thrust as he grabbed his phone. 
“Shhh–” Jake manoeuvred the two of you into a different position, he made it all look so easy with strong arms encapsulating you and putting you wherever he wanted, wherever he needed you. Where he wanted you was on his lap, warming his cock as you slowly rode his shaft, still with a curious expression on your face as Jake pressed the name in his phone that sent your blood pressure skyrocketing when he turned the phone around to show you who he was calling. 
“Oh my god! Jake no what are you—!” Within seconds of your heart sinking into your stomach Jake sat forward to press a palm against your mouth. With wide eyes and a soft moan you looked at him as if he were crazy. He was, he was crazy because he was with you. 
“Shhh, don’t let daddy know you're riding me baby.” Jake's phone rang once, twice, three times on loud speaker. “You wouldn’t want Mav finding out his daughter is a little whore now would you?” It made your core tighten around Jake's cock as he thrust into you. Keeping a hand over your mouth and squishing your nose. “Would you?” Jake was waiting for you to give him a response, you nodded softly as the fourth ring rang out and your dads voice came through the phone. 
“Hangman—“ Pete’s voice was gruff as he answered the phone. “What’s up man? Is everything okay?” 
“Hey Mav—“ Jake replied as casually as he could as he fucked up into your tight little pussy, your arousal dripping down his shaft like to tomorrow as he kept a palm pressed harshly over your mouth. “Yeah nah everything’s good, I was just ringing to see if Iris had any luck with Cyclone today?” It was a question Jake could have asked you, it was a question he could have asked you at the Hard Deck even—or asked Pete! But he wanted to wait, wait until you were riding his cock. “I didn’t get a chance to catch you.” 
Jake placed his phone down beside him on the lounge as he pulled you forward against his chest, reminding you to keep quiet before he pulled his hand away from your mouth. Mouthing a silent ‘keep quiet’ your way before he took your arms and wrapped them behind your back. 
“Yeah, yeah she said he’s gonna give her another chance, so long as she keeps a lid on your attitude and doesn’t get into any mischief.” Mav laughed to himself all the while Jake placed his feet firmly on the ground as he held your hip with your hand and your forearms behind your back with the other and fucked up into you. Deep and harsh. 
“Oh yeah that’s real good isn’t it.” Jake smirked as he buried himself inside you. “She’s a good kid man, didn’t deserve that—“ 
Against Jake shoulder you sunk your teeth into golden skin to stop yourself from singing out in utter euphoria. This was wrong, so fucking wrong yet you felt like every nerve ending in your body had been set alight. Jake could feel you tightening around him, your velvet walls took him in without mercy and threatened to keep his length hostage. 
“She is, just do me a favour and don’t give her any special treatment?” Mav added. “People know you’re like family, just like Rooster, if she slips up you pull her up no questions no hesitation.” 
“You have my word Mav, no special treatment for little miss Mitchell.” Jake could feel his orgasm barreling towards him as he let go of your arms and let you sit up. Gripping your hips as tight as he could as he lifted his own and fucked harder and deeper and faster into you as you threw your head back and cupped at your own mouth to stop yourself from screaming. “Anyway, I gotta go, I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, Seeya tomorrow Jake, have a good night.” Mav signed off as Jake hung up with the single press of a button. The moment you knew the call was over you cried out into the heavens above. 
“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!” You hissed as you and Jake toppled from the lounge to the floor. “Ahh god I’m gonna cum, fuck!!!” You cried as Jake fell on top of you. Wrapping you in his arms as he continued to fuck you with force. He was so close. 
Damn—his suspension was true. He had formed a connection. Fuck. 
“I’m so fucking close, I’m gonna fill this little cunt of yours baby.” Jake babbled to himself as he reached between the two of you, rubbing small circles around your throbbing bundle of nerves. “Cum for me Iris, cum with me, cum on my cock beautiful I know you want to.” 
“Jake! Fuck yes yes don’t stop!” It was nearly overwhelming but you were there. You got there in the end and with a moan that could have only escaped from God's golden gates, you came as hard as you ever had as Jake spilled himself inside you. “Ahhhh god yes!!” 
“Fuck my life I’m screwed—“ Jake sighed and he buried his head in your chest. Kissing along the curves of your swollen breasts. “I’m so fucking done for.” 
“Jake?” You sighed, both panting heavily as you came down from your respective highs. 
“Yeah babe?” Jake looked at you, with golden hair clinging to his forehead and sweat coating his body, making him glistening in the dim light of his living room. 
“You have three seconds to get off me before I fucking kill you for that.” 
When you woke up in Jake’s bed to see he wasn't there, wrapped in the mess of tangled sheets next to you. Your heart sank for a brief second. The slight nervousness was quickly replaced by reassurance and the smell of bacon and eggs and what could only be the undeniable notes of burnt raisin toast. You weren't alone–Jake was just in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. 
He’d never cooked breakfast for anyone the morning after, because you were the first woman he’d ever wanted to cook breakfast for the morning after and he wanted to do it over and over and over again. 
“Mornin–” You mumbled as you rubbed your eyes and padded into the kitchen. One of Jake's crew neck jumpers had become your attire of choice. It smelt like him in all the best ways. Notes of creamy vanilla and aged bourbon from his time at the Hard Deck, fresh ripe pear and hints of beautiful freesia coated the fibres of the navy crew–his scent of choice for cologne. 
“Hi–” Jake sent you a smile when he caught sight of you. Bed hair looking all kinds of messed up and unruly, no makeup–although you never really wore much to begin with. His jumper adorning your body just barely covering your ass. The sleeves were a little long on you which made it even easier for the fabric to just encompass you. “You sleep well?” 
“You run hot like a furnace.'' Jake chuckled softly as you came to wrap your arms around his mid second from behind, pressing your cheek into the warmth of his exposed back. “But I quite liked it.” A comfortable silence fell between the two of you as the sound of bacon sizzling away in the frying pan babbled away. “You make enough for two?” 
“I didn't know how you liked your eggs so I just guessed.” There was a soft hume creeping across the apples of Jake's cheeks as he felt you unwrap your arms from his mid second. “Hope over easy is alright, and there's coffee in the pot.” 
“Man of my dreams.” You sighed as you padded over to the coffee pot, working to pour yourself some liquid energy into the mug Jake had gotten out for you. “You treat all hookups with this kinda bed and breakfast service?” There had been a definite shift in your dynamic with Jake recently. Things were becoming real, serious, all consuming and suddenly it wasn't just sex. There were feelings here, real and raw emotions the two of you didn't exactly know how to navigate. 
But there was no harm in being honest. 
“Uh, no–actually.” Jake turned to face you, a pair of tongs in his hand as the other came up to rub the back of his head nervously. “I actually haven't cooked breakfast for someone before, you know, after–” 
“Oh.” You caught what Jake was trying to imply. “I'm uh, honoured then, I guess.” As you took a sip of the coffee you'd just poured yourself and held the warm mug in the palms of your hands. You sauntered back over to where Jake stood with his low hanging sweatpants and his morning wood bulging through. “I'm very honoured actually, so much so I might just go back to bed with this amazing coffee and settle back in and wait–” 
“Wait for what exactly?” Jake questioned as he dipped down to take your lips hostage with his for a fleeting moment. Pulling you closer by the small of your back. 
“For you to bring me breakfast in bed.” You smirked, walking two of your fingers up the expanse of Jake's chest. “I'm still a little tired from last night, Lieutenant Commander–” Jake felt his heart skip a beat as you kissed him, he felt his whole world shift when you swiped your tongue across his lip to gain access to his mouth. He let you in with ease as he followed your lead and deepened the kiss. Only to feel you pull away seconds later. “Breakfast in bed, you me?” It was an open invite for Jake to join you, the corners of his lips curled into a cheshire cat grin as he nodded. 
You really had become someone of import to Jake. Your weren’t just Mavs daughter anymore. You weren’t just Mavs daughter that Jake was messing around with. You were exclusive, dating, you were officially unofficial because no one knew. So as you smiled up at Jake, wearing his crew neck in his kitchen drinking coffee from his mug? He thought maybe you were worth all the risks that came along with being with you.
Because being with you made Jake Seresin feel more alive than flying ever had.
“Give me five minutes and it's a date.” 
“Good Morning aviators, this is your captain speaking–” Maverick had somewhat coined this Basic fighter manoeuvres speech since he'd first done it with the dagger squad who were all now his friends and respected colleagues, some as it would turn out, were a hell of a lot closer to family than he thought. “Welcome to basic fighter manoeuvres–as briefed earlier, today's exercise is dogfighting.” If there was one thing about your dad you did admire, it was his ability to seamlessly and effortlessly get under your skin without even trying. “Guns only–no missiles.” He knew you were out for blood, he knew you were set on seeking revenge and this was his way of promptly and professionally telling you to pull your head in before he smacked it off your shoulders. “We do not go below the hard deck of five thousand feet, working as a team, you have to shoot me and Lieutenant Commander Seresin down, or else.” 
“Or else what, Sir?” P:E smirked into the comms as you rolled your eyes. You knew, it was kinda a drag that you knew your dad like the back of your own hand. You were one in the same. You knew because well, if it was you in Pete Mitchell's shoes you'd be just as cocky, if not worse. 
“Or else we shoot back–” Jake's voice came in hot and strong through the comms and the thought of taking him down a peg in such an exercise that could see you back in the game if you did had your whole pussy throbbing as your grip tightened around your throttle. “If we shoot either one of you down, you both lose.” Putting Jake Seresin in his place in the sky was your number one priority, especially after the stunt he pulled last night calling your dad. 
“This guy needs an ego check.” Back on land in the rec room, Bradley Bradshaw had never experienced a case of deja vu harder in his life as Rebound rolled his eyes and puffed his chest. “We’ll see to that, won’t we boys?” 
“Hangman, for a while there fellas, was the only aviator on active duty with a confirmed air to air kill.” Rooster didn't even look up from the written assessments he was grading on what it means to be a good TopGun pilot. He could tell right from the get go whose response he was reading before he even looked at the name. “He’ll be sure to make you work for it today, you can count on that.” 
“Did anyone notice Iris was back in Normex this morning?” Lieutenant Davie ‘Trash’ White asked as he stuffed his face with a protein bar he’d just brought from the vending machine, he always needed something in his stomach before a flight. Something small and light and that would keep him full for a while because he wasn't gonna wanna eat for some time after landing. “Didn't take daddy dearest long at all to step in and pull the ‘But she's my daughter’ card on Cyclone.” Bradley's ears grew hot as he tried to mind his business. He couldn't help but to listen as the guys who all sat around waiting for their turn ragged on you. All taking turns obliterating your self worth, your value. “The fucks that about? I thought she quit the program after Hangman dragged her into Cyclones office for a double-teamed spanking?”
“She's wasting her time, as if the Admirals would allow a Mitchell to take TopGun, they barely let Mav himself back on sight after his stint.” Coen ‘Rebound” Rhodes smirked to himself as he flipped through one of the old aviation textbooks on the bookshelf. “I would've just taken the spanking.” Rooster, as professional as he was, was a prankster, a grade A shit stirrer just like his dad had been. He’d brought the nerf gun to piss of Coyote but in all honesty, the childrens toy that say in the bottom drawer of the study desk he was currently sitting at came in handy right about now as he pulled it out, loaded it silently and sent a single bullet flying into the middle of Coens big ass forehead. “Aye! What was that for?” 
“I found out how you got your callsign the other day, just how the hell you ended up here really makes me question the state of the US Navy.” The group of aviators all chuckled and laughed at Braldey Bradshaw's comment that made Rebound go silent. “I’m sure you’re all aware of what Iris stands for, don't let her out of your sight because the second you do it's over for you lot and me and all the other guys around here don't need your poor performances to prove that she's already a shoo in for this, despite your ugly ass tactics to get her to bail on herself.” 
“You know. I don’t think I like what you're insinuating there Rooster—“ Coen snarked as he stood his ground with his arms crossed over his chest. Fanboy was only just now coming in to gather the next group ready for preflight. “Sounds an awful lot like you're defending someone who you see as a sister to me?” Everyone went silent as Rebound thought he’d gained the upper hand, he hadn’t. There was an awful lot Bradley Bradshaw could put up with in life, but listening to people degrade his family, the small select few he had left, was not something he could tolerate in a professional or personal environment. 
“You won’t like the foot that’ll go up your ass in three point five seconds if you don’t act your rank, Lieutenant.” Bradley fired another nerf bullet Rebounds way as he smirked and watched the sorry excuse of an aviator duck for cover. “Sit down and shut up before I report you for misconduct.” 
“Ill take him off your hands, Rooster–” Mickey chuckled. “You too krod.” Spell it backwards and you'll understand why Levi ‘Krod’ Henderson was such a huge dork. “Up in twenty, on my time so move it or lose it lads.” Mickey sent Rooster a nod that asked if he was good. Bradley nodded back, explaining in a single motion that he was in fact, okay. 
Just don't ask him to tell you that he knew for a fact Pete had pulled your name from the TopGun poll of potential candidates on at least three separate occasions because he knew that you'd get coined as the nepotism baby like no other person. Did Rooster agree with Mavs tactics, no– he didn't. But much like his own struggles with Mav pulling his papers for the Naval Academy, he grew to understand the motive behind his actions. 
He just wanted to protect his daughter. 
“What was that about?” Mickey asked as he walked over to where Bradley sat, watching as he stretched his arms above his head and let out a groan. Dropping his weapon in the process.
“Oh I don’t even know at this point, Iris has me all kinds of worked up as of late.” Bradley tried to shrug it off. “She doesn’t make it easy to defend her when she’s fucking around with Hangman and mouthing off to admrials and—“ 
“Woah woah woah, back up, Iris and Jake?” Mickey leaned over the desk Bradley was sitting at. “The hell are you talking about Rooster?” Bradley hadn’t even noticed what he’d said before it was too late to take it back. He looked at Fanboy like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Fanboy you can’t tell a soul!” Rooster hissed as he stood, looking around the now empty rec room as he ran his hands through his hair. “Fucking hell and for the love of everything that’s good in this world don’t tell Mav!” 
“Tell Mav what!? I don’t even know what you mean by Iris and Jake!” Mickey shouted through gritted teeth, he could already feel himself burning up. His Abuela would kill him if she knew he was harbouring secret scandals like this. “Are they sleeping together?” 
“Worse—“ Bradley sighed. “They’re dating.” 
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daigina-3 · 2 years
Steve comes home to a sacrificial ritual being set up in his living room.
Or that’s what it looks like.
He kicks the door closed and chucks his keys and wallet in the little bowl by the door like always, pushes his glasses up- they always slip down when he fiddles with the lock- and rounds the corner to head for the kitchen via the living room.
Except there’s a bunch of candles, a mix of black and cream colors, set up in the living room. Most are in plastic candelabras- bought from the DollarTree, maybe- and a big black blanket is spread in the center of the room, the couches pushed back from their usual center placement.
“What the fuck?” Steve calls, knowing exactly who’s going to answer because only one person could have done this-
“Steve!” Eddie rounds the corner from the other hall, his arms full. “You’re home early.”
“Uh- yeah-“ Eddie side steps past him, sparing a quick kiss on the cheek, which Steve returns, confused. “Are we.. sacrificing something? Or is this like a dark-themed romantic surprise because you know how I feel about wax-“
Eddie laughs and starts laying the things in his arms down on the blanket, forming a perfect semi-circle on the floor in the center of the room. A little plastic axe, a fake plastic branch, a mini ukelele, a toy sword, among others.
“No, definitely not-“
Steve cuts him off and, realizing something is missing, whips his head around in minor panic. “Where’s-“
“Heeeeeere she comes!” A voice calls from the same hall Eddie appeared from a moment ago and Steve recognizes the voice before he sees who it is, heart unclenching from his momentary panic. He’s relieved to see Gareth- a chubby little baby in his hands, held high above his head like he’s Rafiki taking Simba to Pride Rock. “The lady of the hour!”
Behind Gareth, shuffling and staring up at the baby he’s holding aloft are Dustin, Will, and Jeff, looking like occultists following their sacred baby-leader to the altar.
“Hi Gareth- hi guys,” Steve pushes down crazy helicopter dad mode and reaches up. When she sees Steve, Sam’s eyes light up with recognition- a smile breaks out on her round little face, all dribble and just one or two teeth that recently started coming in. She screeches in excitement m and reaches back to Steve with her tiny, tiny little hands- tiny little hands that might as well have Steve’s heart in a vice grip.
“Hi hi hi, Sammy,” Steve coos, taking the squealing, arm flailing ball of excitement from Gareth’s hands.
Steve will literally never get tired of how excited she is to see him, how even when he goes for a two minute bathroom break Sam screeches at the sight of him returning- will wiggle out of Eddie’s arms or bang on her high chair until Steve picks her up.
(Much to his husbands dismay- Eddie jokes that he’s nothing but a source of bottles to Sam and while they both know that’s not actually true… Steve can’t help feeling a little itty bitty bit smug when she kicks her way out of Eddie’s grip and reaches for his nose or glasses to tug on in delight).
Steve settles the smiley little butterball on his hip, rubbing little circles on her side as she grabs at the collar of his t-shirt. It only takes a couple seconds for Eddie to drift toward them both, attaching himself with an arm around Steve’s waist and Sam tucked between them.
Steve leans into the warmth of Eddie and the way he’s wedging Sam close to them both.
Around them, Gareth and Jeff light the candles around the room while Will and Dustin find a spot to set up Will’s phone.
It dawns on Steve- “Oh! Is this the Gundam and Gadgets thing for Sam’s first birthday?”
Eddie can’t hold back his laugh and he knocks Steve’s head gently with his own. “You know it’s Dungeons and Dragons, you old coot,” he says lightly, his breath tickling Steve’s cheek.
Steve smirks. He knows, but he likes to hear Eddie’s exasperated laughter when he calls Orcs “Shrek guys” or asks if the scores work like golf. He bonks Eddie’s head back lightly.
Eddie had mentioned it- said he’d seen a thing online but Steve had imagined picking papers out of a hat or something, maybe spinning a wheel.
Eddie twists a finger in Sam’s curls, his mouth pursed. “Paper in a hat? That would hardly be appropriate for such a tremendous occasion.”
Sam slaps at Eddie’s finger, grabbing it and yanking it down to her mouth. Eddie lets her slobber on it with the indifference of a man who’s had way, way worse than baby slobber on his hands.
“Our little Samwise is choosing her class- her lifelong craft that she’ll work to perfect. You can’t choose that with paper.”
Steve glances up from where he’s watching Sam gnaw on Eddie with her little ridiculously tiny hands wrapped around his. He knows the rings are non-toxic, made Eddie get them all checked, but still wonders if the metal is good for her teething gums.
“Isn’t that right, Sammy-fries?,” Eddie wiggles the baby- still gumming on his finger- into his arms. “This way she gets to choose what she gravitat- OW, fff-“
“Language,” Steve chides.
“-forks, Sammy, those teeth are deadly! Jesus, what’re you gonna do when you have a full set?” Eddie shakes his hand, inspecting his finger where two little red indents mark where Sam had bitten down. Hard.
She never touches her expensive doctor recommended teething rings, but biting on hands and fingers til they bleed? Her specialty.
Sam giggles as Eddie shows her his boo-boo and pretends to be fatally wounded.
“Candles are all done,” Jeff announces. “And Erica texted. She wants us to Skype her in after.
“Oh- Lucas and Mike made us promise to record it, too,” Will finally steps back from where he and Dustin have carefully propped the phone against a teddy bear elevated by books on a side table, looking like it could fall any second and angled perfectly at where Eddie is setting Sam down, equidistant on the blanket from each of the symbols surrounding her.
Steve recognizes some of the things- the sword is probably fighter, the little branch is probably meant to be a mage staff? Or maybe the other magic class, Druid? There might be more classes that use staffs or branches though. The ukelele is easy, that one’s a bard- Steve knows it’s Eddie’s favorite class- and a few other things that are obviously to do with fighting or something but he can’t really tell what’s meant to symbolize what.
Behind him, Gareth dims the lights just a little and saddles up next to Steve “This is gonna be so fuckin-“
“-Language!” Chorus Will and Dustin at the same time-
“Sorry- fricken awesome.”
The excitement among all the guys is palpable and Steve finds himself getting wrapped up in it too- they’re all sitting down around the special little blanket, Dustin and Jeff leaning across Will to make bets (Jeff’s money is on fighter but Dustin’s heart is set on Rogue) and Eddie sets Sam up, smoothing her hair down and gently explaining to her the sacred ritual they’ve set up for her. She barely understands much more than “yes” “no” or “dinner” but she looks up at Eddie with the biggest, most interested eyes a baby can have. Steve gets it- that’s probably how he looks at Eddie too, most of the time. Wide-eyed and love-struck.
A little ‘ping’ sounds softly as Dustin hits record on the phone and Eddie holds Sam up.
“Today,” he says like he’s making a speech to a crowd of several hundred rather than a living room of five dudes and a baby, “marks a special day in the young life of Samantha Munson-Harrington. Also known as Sam, Sammy, Spammy, Samwise, Samfries or Spud. She has reached the end of her first calendar year and it is time to choose the path down which she will walk for the years to come.”
He sets her down carefully equidistant from all of the symbols and scoots back among light cheers from the guys- including Steve, who gives a little ‘woo!’
“Aaah-oo,” Sam claps.
The guys start beckoning Sam this way or that- Gareth trying to get her attention towards the little axe and Will tapping the floor in front of the little play sword.
After a lot of looking around the room at all the crazy grown adults yelling at her, Sam surveys the items in front of her. Gareth’s little calls of “over here! Sam! Sam-erino, look at the cute little deadly weapon!” get more insistent and Will’s tapping is almost drowned out by Dustin making weird bird noises, as though cawing like a raven is gonna do anything but weird the kid out.
Finally, she crawls forward and reaches out her hand-
She grabs the ukelele.
Everyone goes wild.
Steve laughs at the way they all cheer anyway, even though Sam didn’t choose what they wanted, and Eddie scoops her up with the ukelele in hand, smothering her plump little cheeks with kisses.
“A bard,” Dustin bounces from where he sits cross cross applesauce. “She’s a little bard!”
They Skype Erica in- after, of course, they spend some time passing the baby around so they each get their turn cooing and snuggling their new little bard. Jeff holds Sam and plucks the ukelele in her arms, making her eyes go wide at the sound it makes. They laugh as she searches for what made the noise and aww appropriately as she discovers that instruments make sounds, slapping her little fingers against the strings with Jeff’s help.
Erica’s busy with her life as a new lawyer, as always, but never too busy for Hellfire. She answers on the second ring.
“Okay, nerds, I have a case in about fifteen so don’t waste my time-“
“Bard!” Eddie announces, holding Sam up to the phone so Erica can see her. She still hasn’t let go of the ukelele- it has, as all things must inevitably, ended up in her mouth. She’s chewing on the frets and smiling at the phone like she knows the camera’s on her.
(She always smiles for the camera. She’s a little show-boater like that.)
Erica makes a couple snarky comments about how she knew Dustin’s as gonna lose their bet- which, not surprising; they always have some kind of bet going and Dustin’s always losing- and she blows Sam a few kisses before she has to head out.
Will sends the video off to the group chat Hellfire has and spends the next few minutes laughing over Lucas and Dustins responses.
Sam ends up in Steve’s lap, doing her new little tick where she stands and bounces up and down. Steve keeps his hands on her arms for support and showers her with little kisses every few minutes- both as a little congratulations and because he can’t help it.
Jeff breaks out the beers. Eddie takes up the little ukelele, which definitely still has some Sam-spit on it- and plays a couple songs. He starts with her current favorite- one he and Steve play around the house for her to make her smile.
“I wanna rock n’ roll all night, and party every day-“
Sam goes nuts, squealing and dancing until she falls back into Steve’s lap and gets up to do it again.
The guys join in- all six of them singing (at different stages of off-key) to this bright little light, the center of Steve and Eddie’s whole world, of all of their worlds, really, who’s pulled them all in and made their lives a little warmer. Made their rag-tag family a little bigger.
“Happy birthday, Sam.” Steve whispers into her curls. “Little bard baby.”
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #1
Heyy, this is my first A.O. so I hope it isn’t too bad!😅
• Fire mercuries & Water mercuries are such a chaotic combo lmao!
• Cancer and Pisces Venuses together can make for an emotionally manipulative couple, especially if there's harsh aspects with inner planets.
• Leo mars looove taking selfies, photos, videos of EVERYTHING lmao they can even go as far as staging scenarios, but hey at least you can look back on those memories.
• Pisces sun Libra moons are such softies! Especially if they have a Pisces stellium!
• Leo moons can care so much about their appearance and what others think of them. Some of them have mother's with Libra placements, especially Libra moons.
• Aquarius moons may not be emotionally close with their mothers but have a best friends type relationship with their moms.
• Gemini moon moms might force their child into growing up via maturity while Virgo moon moms might force their child into growing up via emotional and sometimes physical distance.
• Underdeveloped Leo moons with Cancer risings can be so immature and ultra sensitive at times.
• Gemini risings tend to literally live with their head in the clouds. More prone to being taken advantage of by their friends or being hated on for their playful childlike mannerisms.
• Sun-Jupiter people can just be so full energy? Probably that one person that you might not see that often but when you do they always seem to be in a good mood. They're also the type to keep things optimistic even at the worst of times.
• Aries moons with Libra risings never really express their anger out in the open, they’re more likely to express it through passive aggression. If they have an Aquarius mars then they can explode unexpectedly.
• People love to associate Pisces placements with feet and foot fetishes but why is that more of an Aquarius mars thing though? Like I have seen several Aquarius mars men be into foot kinks.
• Checking the ascendant of your ascendant persona chart is essencial! Because whyy is it so accurate? My mom's natal rising is Cancer but her ASC PC rising is Aries and that is soo much more accurate! She also has a thing for dyeing her hair red all the time lol.
• Sag stelliums can be so nonchalant, funny and agressive. Like they will literally threaten you out the blue but 5 minutes later you’ll both be laughing at some crazy life story they just told.
• Libra risings can be the biggest gossips along with Gemini risings.
• Cancer risings, what is it with being on defence mode all the time? Especially if there's fire in the chart. Definitely gives off kill or be killed vibes.
• Capricorn moons and Aquarius moons vibe so well together. Literally me & my sister have these placements so we just click lol.
• Taurus stelliums can be soo possessive especially Sun/moon. But they're also charismatic and love to spoil their loved ones.
• Capricorn suns with water moons are literally the sweetest! Although with Scorpio moon they might be more reserved, they are literally so sweet and caring just more in a low-key way. And if they like you? They’re the biggest softies.
• Taurus suns with Libra moons can be so self conflicted at times, especially if they have water risings. They can also be kind of bipolar but they're sweet people. Another down side could be lack of self esteem, depression or suicidal thoughts. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not the end of the world and there’ll be better days babes. <3
• Fire moons (not all) tend to have kids later in life. Either that or they’re absent in their kids’ lives.
• They also tend to be put on pedestal by their children and seen as very fun parents.
• Water suns tend to idolize their dads when they’re little but as they grow up either they experience a traumatic situation involving him or they realize their dad built to their trauma in some way. And so their rose colored glasses come off. • Air risings tend to be the spitting image of their fathers. With their mother’s tempers and slight mannerisms.
• Capricorn/Aquarius in big 6 can indicate being the oldest sibling. • Libra risings are so adorable, like they will literally ask their best friend for their opinion on almost everything. Even for the slightest things. Then again almost all Libra placements are like that.
• Libra placements 🤝 asking for others’ advice, agreeing with it, then doing the complete opposite.
• Aquarius mercuries can be so logical but at the same time can say the weirdest shit ever.
• Sag mercuries can say the most out of pocket stuff and still think it’s normal.🤪
• Gemini moons/Gemini risings 🤝 talking about feelings instead of openly expressing them.
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luci-luck · 2 months
Tumblr media
Earth “ponies” go first! MASSIVE autism dump comin’ atcha live
TW: ableism , grief , parental death (just in case the tags failed)
This is more so for me but I still wanted to share 🫶
Sandstone (Pinkie):
- b i g puppy energy
- Built for work but prefers to play
- Has crystal pony genes but depression makes them subdued. Can only go full crystal mode in a moment of pure and raw jubilation.
- after constantly being told who she’s supposed to be, they rejected the idea of labels entirely
- no labels for gender or sexuality means loving Pinkie does not impact your sexuality score!
- (intersex is not about gender but biological sex. That being said many intersex people use intergender as their gender as it relates to their experience as an intersex person.)
- deals with internalized ableism due to conservative fillyhood environment. Feels bad when they need to ask for help/support. Got herself an unofficial certificate in psychology so he can be his own therapist (it doesn’t work out)
- Parents would totally support the pony version of Autism Speaks just saying. Pinkie’s dad thinks neurodivergency is curable with hard work and the right attitude whilst her mom mourns the loss of her son after the diagnosis.
- ADHD makes xeir rejection sensitivity off the charts
- Internal battery runs on the company of others so can’t ever live alone.
- Had problems with food insecurity
- Relies on sugar as a steady supply of dopamine
- Can have moments of poor motor control. Clumsy
- Eyesight is bad but doesn’t wear glasses. Afraid that ponies will start thinking he is smart and they will expect even more from him. (In human world she wears contacts)
- Feels embarrassed being high support needs and just wants to be treated like everybody else. Hates when xer parents call her “special”
- Also hates being infantilized but is not confident in their decision making
- Xe is a sensory seeker unlike the rest of their family who are all sensory avoiders. Sisters compromise and try to meet his needs. Pinkie in turn tries to be mindful of their touch aversion but finds it hard sometimes. “Everypony’s just so scoop-able!”
- Trained Gummy to “stay”. Is very proud of his emotional support gator
- Is incredibly strong for her size
- feels like she has to constantly prove herself worthy of taking over the farm. Has gotten into arguments with Big Mac about overexerting herself
- Is a hinny (donkey mom and stallion dad) (ofc hinnies are supposed to have tails more like horse but I love the lion tail on AJ so 💁‍♀️) (I said mule in ALT text because most people don’t know what a hinny is)
- Because of this, she is more calm under pressure and thinks more logically
- has major depression from grief and ptsd (duh)
- Isn’t used to being in a stress free environment so she creates the stress
- Likes running the apple stand but certain families trigger her
- Obsessed with anything from the past generation. A time when her parents were young and happy
- Can be a bit insensitive to other’s problems and wants them to “put on their big girl pants” like she had to.
- Feels like she has to fill in the roles her parents used to do. Especially so Applebloom and Granny don’t have to stress over as many things.
- Was in the process of cutting her mane when she remembered that AB liked to braid it so she stopped half way.
- Is the mom of the friend group. Makes sure everyone’s needs are met before tending to her own. (Which is bad btw)
- Has problems with insomnia but getting better.
- Struggles with OCD and will repeat unnecessary tasks if she believes it will help protect her family
- Has an emotional support dog named Winona who also reminds AJ to take breaks 🐕‍🦺
- Sees no point in getting her chronic pain checked out. Will hopefully change her mind in the future. Wears leg braces to ease the soreness.
- Got diagnosed later on. Grief masked her autistic traits.
- Also has a hard time asking for help but has gotten better after she found out that Applebloom has been internalizing that mindset. She must lead by example
- Stick around long enough and she’ll happily invite you over with a hot cup of cider 🍺
- (Other people tend to fall in love while getting to know someone. Demiromantics however need to get to know the person first and then develop romantic feelings later)
- Thought she wasn’t capable of developing crushes until she got to know Coloratura.
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avatar-anna · 9 months
What are youngdad! H and the kids doing in break
Harry, Y/n, and the kiddos are in full school mode
Harry helps get everyone ready for school: making lunches, setting out clothes for the younger kids, making breakfast for everyone and getting everyone in the car.
Y/n takes the kids to school and Harry stays with GiGi and Natalia and gets them all fed and dressed. He watches cartoons with them and plays with their toys, etc.
Sometimes Y/n goes to work (once upon a time I mentioned very briefly that she took up styling hair), it's really the only time she gets to work and Harry encourages her to do her thing when he's home.
So Harry takes care of the babies while Y/n is at work. Some days he visits with the Natalia on his hip and Geneva holding his hand and they have lunch together, other days he makes baked goods for the school's bake sale—never store bought because Harry was a baker for goodness sake. He takes the girls shopping and to the park and takes care of pickup from school and goes on even more shopping trips and trips to the park and to get food because even though he packed the best lunch a dad could pack, Collette is still hungry.
Then it's time to get Simone, Collette, and the twins ready for after school activities—Collette goes to dance, Simone has volleyball practice, the twins go to soccer practice, and Natalia and GiGi have toddler classes. This is a divide and conquer type situation, and it leaves Harry and Y/n exhausted by the end of the night.
Everyone comes together at the end of the day for dinner. Most days it's something that Harry or Y/n picked up between practices, but sometimes one of them makes dinner. Everyone sits around the dinner table, talking over each other about their day and what they got up to. Harry feeds Natalia from her high chair while Y/n makes sure Jules and Geneva keep from making a big mess with their dinner.
Sometimes they share looks over the tops of their kids' heads at the madness, but they know they'll recap all of it over a glass of wine later, once homework is completed and everyone is tucked in bed and fast asleep.
Bedtime is also a divide and conquer situation. Brushing teeth and showers and bubble baths and affirmations and getting bags packed for the next day all needs to be done. On non-school nights, the whole family will pile onto the couch or Harry and Y/n's big bed to watch a movie together, which usually ends up with half their children sleeping in bed with them. On school nights, Y/n reads to Collette and Simone while Harry sings the twins to sleep and vice versa.
Then when it's all over, Harry and Y/n collapse on their bed, exhausted by a full day of parenting. Harry pulls Y/n into his lap and clinks his wine glass against hers before asking about her day. Then they fall asleep watching some show they've been binge watching but keep having to re-watch because they keep sleeping through episodes.
It's crazy and exhausting and some nights Harry feels delirious by the end of it. But he loves it, and he loves raising his family with Y/n and being home and feeling normal. It's a different kind of adventure, but one that he doesn't love any less.
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bettyfrommars · 20 days
S1 * 💗
Pretty please
Melll I'm so happy to see you in my asks you don't even know
Your Person is Hybrid Steve, your Place is a Concert Venue, and your Thing is Dealer's Choice, so I will give you Farrah Fawcett Hairspray
word count: 830
Steve is mostly just a vampire in this, a few visceral visions of gore, blood, drinking blood, allusions to tracking someone down and killing them. Hybrid Steve is a complicated boy, his primal urges take him to dark places every so often (babe I had no idea it would go this way 💀)
"Let me see," you pulled Steve aside, ushering him closer to the bathroom of the hotel room. "It needs more...fluff."
You fingered the wave of a curl that bounced on his forehead, smoothing down his mutton chop sideburns with a satisfied hum.
"I look stupid," he mumbled, running a hand over the buttons of the loud Hawaiian print shirt you'd bought for him. It was an especially sultry night in Vegas, and he also had on a pair of chinos that hugged his ass just right. "I'm dressed like my dad."
"Close your eyes," you held a hand over his face while you sprayed his coif thoroughly with his favorite brand of hairspray, bursts of aerosol puffing everywhere. Once it was set to perfection, you adjusted the collar of his shirt, fingering the tuft of chest hair that was visible there.
"Do I look okay?" You stepped back, twirling to give him the full view.
"You always look good," he mumbled again, turning to give his reflection a dirty look in the hallway mirror, scratching the stubble on his jaw. "You really like it when I wolf out like this?"
You lifted your eyebrows a few times in eager approval.
"Good thing Eddie's not here, I'd never live this shirt down."
"Type O before we go?" There was a martini glass full of plasma on the counter, and you handed it to him before gulping the last bit of your wine. The Flamingo Hotel had an entire wing of the establishment dedicated to their vampire clientele, right down to the automatic blackout curtains and bottles of freshly extracted blood. Your boyfriend liked to drink his out of a cocktail glass, pinky out, because he was fancy like that.
Steve Harrington, the most reluctant vampire you'd ever met.
He took three big swallows, finishing the entire thing before setting the glass back down. "I'm not wearing flip flops like a dork."
"Your converse are right over there," you busied yourself with making sure you had everything you needed in your bag.
Once he had his shoes on, you handed him the spare key. "Keep this on the chain around your neck? In case you go into beast mode and I lose you."
"Beast mode" otherwise known as Steve changing into his hybrid wolf form and losing all control, hadn't happened in months, not since he'd done the arduous work of trying to control it. He'd made friends with the monster, as his therapist would say.
You preferred to feed him from your own vein, but that was another trigger, it tended to flip some animalistic switch inside of him. Once he began to change into the beast, there was no going back.
By the time you made it to the venue to see a world-famous vampire Elvis impersonator on foot, Steve was sweaty and grouchy. You were about to get seated at the designated red velvet booth you'd bought tickets for, when a big man going the other way bumped into Steve, knocking him in the shoulder so hard he stumbled to the side.
"Watch where you're going, Fanger," the other man hissed, continuing on his way. The term Fanger was a derogatory word for vampire used mostly by right wing extremists who didn't think they should be allowed in polite society, or even be allowed to exist, for that matter.
"The fuck did you say?" Steve's normally chocolate eyes glowed amber gold, and his fangs ejected. You stopped to grab his face in both of your hands, forcing him to look at you.
"Baby, breathe," you coaxed, shuffling closer. "Not tonight, Stevie, you promised."
His breaths were coming out forceful, like a bull about to charge, nostrils flaring. You held his face with all of your strength until you saw his eyes melt from tiger yellow back to brown suede again.
"Sorry," he huffed, pulling his fangs in, trying to avert his gaze, slightly embarrassed that such a small thing could rile him up and flush all the personal development he'd done down the toilet.
He'd hold your hand and watch Vampire Elvis jive around the stage in his bedazzled jumpsuits and he'd enjoy it. He'd try not to think about how good it would feel to rip that dude's body apart limb by limb, to drink from his bloody head like a cup. A smile quivered at the corner of his mouth as he thought about how horrible the screams would be while he shredded that knucklefuck with his bare hands.
You squeezed his knee, leaning in while the performance was going on. "That's the first time I've seen you smile all night."
Steve leaned into the grin letting his teeth show. He wanted to put you at ease and make you proud. He'd never loved anyone like you before and he'd do anything to keep you.
He'd track that guy later, while you were asleep, and then everyone would be happy.
Except for knucklefuck, of course. He'd be dead.
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blackpatrxnum · 9 days
(too many) thoughts and headcanons on life post mockingjay for hayffie and everlark
- it's just pure fluff with some hurt/comfort thrown in there, whoopsie -
Haymitch becoming Katniss' caretaker is so beautiful, I truly see him keeping sober after the war - maybe he bingedrank once back at twelve because the old demons are hard to chase away, but the next day when he sees Katniss depressed he realises he is far more useful sober. He had to take care of her, he still had a purpose. He is slowly helping her get better, maybe accompanying her to the woods for the first few times. He's just there
And even though Peeta goes back home, moves in with her, loves her, keeps the nightmares at bay... Haymitch keeps coming back, keeps making dinner for them, keeps going on walks, teasing, fussing a bit (it seems like he's learnt a lot from effie)
One time, when Peeta and Katniss both have influenza, Haymitch goes full doctor/dad mode - and for the first time, a highly feverish Katniss calls him dad. I'd see Haymitch stopping whatever he was doing for a sec and fight back at smile and then giving Katniss a kiss on her forehead and telling her a less charged version of stay alive.
Eventually, I think that Effie would come to 12. She'd move into Haymitch's house and at first, that feat would bring Katniss and Haymitch even closer. Effie was everywhere, she nagged and she prodded, she got on his nerves. So Haymitch sometimes runs away to Katniss' house, he took solace in the other's kindred spirit. They'd have a laugh, she'd let him bitch about her. She liked Effie but she didn't know her well enough yet. I think in these instances Peeta would be either at the Bakery or he just knew to let them have their time, he saw what they were to each other, how important they were for the other's well being.
But then, during the last months leading up to Prim's death anniversary, right around the time Katniss starts closing in on herself, getting broodier - moodier. Haymitch and Effie's relationship changes, after months of living together, learning their tricks and ticks; they fall in love, properly, absolutely. Haymitch gets lost on the high of the honeymoon stage. It also serves as a bit of a coping mechanism to keep the nightmares and horror from the war at bay.
It's not that he ignores Katniss, or Peeta for that matter. He's just... less aware, looks at everything with rose coloured glasses. After a long time, they are fine, content. The past is past.
Katniss feels like Effie is EVERYWHERE. She's the only one out of the three victors that isn't as happy with her presence. Effie loves Katniss, she considers Katniss as hers but Katniss isn't there... yet. (I feel like this would steem from her own relationship with her biological parents' - her dad left, he couldn't help it, he died but he always took care of her and her family, he taught her how to survive / SEE THE PARALLELISM WITH HAYMITCH TELLING KATNISS TO STAY ALIVE / but her mum... she abandoned her, from a young age, Katniss had to make do, she put bread on the table, she protected Aster and Prim, and her mom at the end, once again, CHOSE to leave her behind)
So yeah, Katniss is naturally wary of Effie, pair that with her Capitol self and it could be a recipe for disaster. At some point, they'd have a row - she says stuff that hurts Effie to her core - and Haymitch hates that. He tries to mediate but he gets "scalded". Katniss starts to avoid them, him. She gets worse. The demons are louder than ever.
And Haymitch two weeks into it, finally has to take matters into his own hands. They fight like they've never done before. Katniss yelling "You're not my dad" stops them in their tracks, 'cause at some point Haymitch really forgot. He just thought they didn't do the mushy shit and say it, there was no need for more acknowledgement after that feverish night. She was his to protect, she was his to care for, she was his to love.
It'd hurt him more than he'd let on.
They'd sulk, for a bit. Haymitch would storm out, but he'd also be the one to patch them up. I think they'd talk. It would go well, even though they're not such open books. They'd compromise. They'd acknowledge in the open air what they meant for the other. They'd move on. I think this would be the point when they start working on the Tributes book; because Katniss needs to do something with all the grief inside her. The woods and the happy family was not cutting it anymore.
And the four of them would sometimes get better, other times' they'd get worse. But they're always there for each other, like proper family. After sometime Katniss would leave behind the flight/fight mode. And yeah, life goes on.
I see her relationship with Effie getting better, to the point that sometimes she goes to her instead of Haymitch for stuff. Because she knows she won't leave. She learns to accept her flaws, she learns to love her happier and more optimistic demeanor. Effie also lets Katniss see, finally, the other side to her - the more human, vulnerable side that only Haymitch was privy to. Peeta's always seen through the cracks tho, so it doesn't surprise him as much. Peeta does know he's hers. Katniss learns to see herself as hers too.
And Peeta's and Katniss' wedding comes. They're forced to make a bigger spectacle than what they wanted to. Mama Effie and Papa Haymitch come to the rescue and fight to get them as much privacy as they can. Effie plans the whole thing to their liking.
I think she'd insist on adding a bit of Capitol tradition to it: the bride and the groom spending the night before the wedding apart. At first Effie would spend the night at Peeta's and Katniss' house, to keep him company in case he has an episode. And Katniss would go to Hayffie's. But Peeta makes a funny comment "It's not like you and Effie are getting married too, there's no need to make you suffer through the night alone" and Haymitch...just gets this little twinkle in his eyes. They accept with the promise that if Peeta has any troubles he'd come to them. So Katniss is the one that spends the night at Hayffie's.
They'd have a mostly quiet night in, Effie has more outward nerves than anyone else. The next day, Effie wakes Katniss up with her "big big day". But in a flurry she's gone to Peeta's, to make sure he gets dressed and is right on schedule. It also gives Katniss and Haymitch a bit of space to sneak out to the comfort of the woods for a bit. They make sure to come back before Effie catches them. She comes back to help Katniss get ready, she's teary eyed. Haymitch too, when he sees Katniss coming down the stairs. She looks soft, beautiful.
Effie leaves with Peeta, 10 minutes before them. Haymitch is in charge of getting Katniss to the justice building, that's when she asks him to give her away. And he does. The whole thing is perfect.
After an evening of partying, they bid their farewells. And go to have their private toasting. Peeta and Katniss want this part to be just theirs.
It's winter so at Effie's and Haymitch's the fire is roaring too. And she gets... curious; she's never been privy to that part of twelve customs so Haymitch takes the hands on approach and shows her how it's done. Effie understands what he's doing halfway through, Haymitch can see the recognition in her eyes. The slight stopping, the widening and surprise in her gaze. But she lets him go on, doesn't stop him even when he leaves enough space for her to make a run for it during the last part. He says wife, she says husband and she kisses him with all her fervor. All the love she has for him, all the love she's kept from him during their time as escort and victor.
She still makes him promise they'll have a proper party after a year.
They don't tell the kids what they've done tho. That ceremony is only theirs too.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 1 year
Little Hawk
Pairing(s): Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
Summary: When a wounded Kate shows up at your bedroom window, you patch her up.
Word Count: 1,439
Warnings: Mentions of blood & injury
Author’s Note: This is inspired by the scene from The Amazing Spider-Man!
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You sat propped up against your headboard with your new favorite book in hand. Your eyes scanned along the pages when you heard multiple knocks against your bedroom window.
Your attention immediately shifted to the curtains covering the window, eyebrows furrowing at the thought of someone knocking on your window this late at night, let alone your bedroom window which is on the second story of your house.
You closed your book and set it on the nightstand, swinging your legs over your bed to stand up and walk towards the window. Pulling back the curtains, your heart nearly jumped out of your chest when you saw Kate crouched down on the roof of the first floor.
She wore a small smile on her face as she gazed at you through the glass. You quickly unlocked the window and opened it to let her inside.
"Katie, it's almost ten o'clock. What're you doing here?" you asked.
She set her bow and arrows down and leaned against the wall, "What? Am I not allowed to come see my princess?" Kate joked, clutching her side with a wince when she chucked.
"That's not what I meant. It's just late, I thought that you were out on a mission with Clint." you said as you closed the window and shut the curtains.
"Yeah, I was. Until he sent me home." she mumbled the last part.
You giggled, "What did you do this time that made him go all dad mode on you?"
When you turned around your eyes momentarily widened. Now that Kate was in light of your dimly lit room instead of the darkness outside, you could see the cuts and bruises along her face.
Your eyes dropped to her hand that was holding her side where you could see a blood stain before looking back up at her, "Jesus, Kate. What happened?" you questioned with a worried tone, rushing over to her.
You moved her hand away from her side so you could see the rip in her purple suit, and the wound that laid there.
"I'm fine, it's just a scratch. You should see the other guy." Kate weakly responded in a miserably failed attempt at reassuring you.
"Just a scratch?" you repeated in disbelief, "Scratches don't look this bad and leave you out of breath, Katie."
Your hands moved up to cup her cheeks, eyes scanning the cuts and bruises that littered her face. Her hands gripped at your waist as support to keep herself standing, "It's okay, I'm okay, I just need to sit down." she said.
You helped her over to your bed and she flopped down onto it, "You stay here. I don't think my parents would approve of you showing up here this late, especially in this condition. I'm going to go get some stuff to clean you up." you told her before making your way to your door.
"Don't be gone too long or else I'll miss you!" she called out and you sent her a grin just as you walked out of the room.
When you returned your hands were full with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a couple of towels, and a first aid kit. You set the stuff down on the bed before sitting on the edge of it next to Kate.
"You might wanna..." your gaze flickered from her eyes to her suit as you went through the contents of the first aid kit.
"Ah I see what you're doing." Kate smirked, looking you up and down before peeling off her suit just enough for you to see the wound on her side, leaving her top half in just a sports bra.
You playfully rolled your eyes, "Get your mind out of the gutter and sit up." you said, making both of you lightly laugh.
Kate sat up against the headboard while you poured some hydrogen peroxide onto one of the towels.
You adjusted yourself so you could examine her wound before looking up at her, "Do you want something to bite down on? This is gonna hurt." you asked with concerned eyes.
She shook her head, "I'll be fine. I can deal with it." Kate responded.
You could tell she was just trying to impress you by the tone of her voice and the way she was visibly flexing her muscles, making her biceps and toned stomach more prominent.
"Okay, then shhh because I don't need my parents coming in here. My dad already thinks you need psychiatric help." you said and she slightly frowned.
You giggled as she started defending herself, but you interrupted her before she could go any further, "On one, okay?" you spoke, referring to the hydrogen peroxide damp towel in your hand.
Kate nodded her head, "M'kay." she said with a deep breath.
"Three...two..." you skipped one and pressed the towel against her wound. She winced and squeezed her eyes shut while biting her lip at the painful sting, "Fuck." she quietly cursed.
"Sorry," you meekly apologized.
"You skipped one." Kate spoke in a strained tone.
You slowly wiped the towel against her wound, "I had too. It was gonna hurt more if you were expecting it, and you don't want this thing to get infected. " you explained.
"Yeah, yeah." she said, somewhat relaxing as she got used to the stinging sensation.
Kate admired your concentrated face while you focused on cleaning her wound. The warm light from the dimly lit lamp on the nightstand highlighted your face, a few strands of hair came loose from your claw clip and fell in front of it, framing it.
She started to smile at the sight until she read your expression more, noticing that something had captured your thoughts, "What's wrong?" she asked.
You hummed, looking up at her with furrowed eyebrows to try and play it off.
"Don't do that, baby, I can practically read you like a book. What's going on in that pretty little mind if yours?" she spoke gently.
You thought for a few more moments, keeping yourself occupied with continuing your motions while you contemplated telling her what's been haunting you. But when you sniffled and just shook your head, Kate became more concerned.
"Hey, hey," she spoke, moving closer to you to cup your cheeks so she could look at you, "What's got you so upset, princess? Why are you crying?" she said gently, her eyes gazing into your own.
Your irises glazed over as you whispered, "Everyday for as long as I can remember my father has left every morning and he's put a badge on his chest, and strapped a gun to his hip..."
You stopped for a few long seconds to look between both of her eyes, "...and everyday for as long as I can remember I haven't known if he was gonna make it home." your voice wavered as you spoke the last word.
Kate brushed her thumbs along your cheekbones and tucked a few strands of hair behind your ears, "I've got you." she softly repeated that phrase to you multiple times, "I've got you."
You dropped your forehead onto her shoulder as she cupped the back of your head with her hand.
"Whenever you leave for a mission the whole time I'm worried about how badly injured you'll be when you finally come back to me... if you come back to me." you murmured.
She quickly lifted your head to gaze into your sad eyes, "Hey, don't think like that, baby"
"I'm sorry, I can't help it."
Kate dropped her forehead onto yours, "I'll always come back to you. I don't care how tired I am, or how late it is, or what your dad may think about me being here, I will always come back to you. I give you my word on that."
"You promise?"
She nodded her head, "And I'll never break it. The day that I do I'll have Clint bring me to you and you can unleash all the anger you may have—"
Kate cut herself off as she started to laugh when you giggled at her words.
"You might not wanna do that. I won't just be mad, I'll be pissed." you said as you laughed with her.
As you calmed down Kate slowly leaned in and put her lips on yours, kissing you ever-so passionately. There was no rush to it, she just wanted you to feel how much she loved you.
"Easy, little hawk." you whispered against her lips.
Kate chucked, "What did you just call me?" she said before putting her lips back on yours and pulling you onto her lap.
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fenixfoxtrot510 · 2 years
Kay, but like.... Brucie Wayne being protected by his children.
As Brucie he can't be anything but a well meaning idiot so his children occasionally step in when anyone tries to take advantage of him.
Not all the time. Not when it's funny to see how he'll find a way to get out of a situation without being suspicious. Or when he's looking like he's in the mood to troll people for fun.
But when he's got a nasty headache from a concussion they'll help. When people annoy them personally, they will be petty and step in. When it's objectively more funny for them to get involved they will for the lolz.
Cass will ask Brucie if the two of them can leave a function early if she sees Bruce isn't feeling up to dealing with high society parasites. Brucie could never ignore his precious princess if she claims to feel tired. He's the definition of a doting father. They always get an "Awwww!💖" when Brucie gives Cassie his coat while saying goodbye and asks her if she wants to stop for ice cream on the way home when walking away.
When gold diggers young enough to be one of Brucie's kids start eying him, Damian will cut them off from even reaching Bruce and snottily criticize them for being unfit to act as a romantic partner for his father. Then inform them to come back in 20 years if they ever learn the difference between a child and a chihuahua. Some walk away in a huff. Others will actually start an argument with a honest to god 13 year old child in the middle of a charity gala for a children's hospital. Soon as Brucie comes over to meet Dami's "new friends," Damian is in full Angel Mode aside from the mimed death threats from behind his Dad's back. The young women go as sour as expired milk when Brucie seems to mistake them for Damian's school friends.
Dick notices someone trying to spike Bruce's drink? Dickie is doing a backflip off a chandelier and stumbling the landing just enough to knock the glass and spill it over the person spiking it. Brucie is in full concerned Dad mode, making sure he isn't hurt. Dickie is apologizing for the spill. Slipping a tracker on the would be kidnapper while trying to dry off their suit jacket with a hankie. Both Brucie and Dick insist that they will pay for the dry cleaning. Then Dick offers to show off some magic tricks and accidentally makes their "aspirin" disappear.
Tim steams rolls into undercover reporters that crash galas and pins them into polite conversation about stocks, often dragging them to meet other people to get a more in depth perspective on some economic subject so they have zero opportunities to snoop. Sometimes he will do the same with reporters that were actually invited. Clark is never amused by Bruce sicking Tim on him when he's trying to discreetly apologize to him for messing up one of Bruce's undercover operations or lecture him about how dangerous it is to work undercover without backup or even just a heads up.
When business men approach Brucie to make a shady deal Jason will smile pleasantly and nod along side with Brucie. Shoot a text to one of the other kids. When Brucie steps away to take a call, Jason gives a short list of the most illegal shit the person was involved in; what exposing it could do to their business, their reputation, and to their livelihood. Goes over how he could go on all night about their other deals but Heaven Forbid the wrong person overhears and exposes everything, then wraps up with a vague threat about some friends he has underground if they get any ideas. When Brucie comes back after helping Damian fix his tie, they politely excuse themselves to leave the party. Brucie & Jason are concerned about how pale and clammy they seem to be all of a sudden and offer to find a doctor. Jason is in full Theater Kid Mode and thriving. It's dangerous to leave if they feel sick. What if someone tries to mug them in the parking lot? What if their driver was attacked and swapped out for someone looking to kidnap them? What if they are sick because the kidnappers already slipped them something in the fancy lil finger sandwiches! This is Gotham! They should stay a little longer until it either passes or they can get a hold of a safe driver that can escort them home! Brucie absolutely has to agree with his son! Almost all of his kids were kidnapped at one point or another and its always the worst, he was sick with worry everytime and terrified they'd get hurt! He couldn't bare the thought of any other family going through that!
Everyone knows that Brucie loves his children and will do anything to make sure they are happy and healthy. Everyone also knows that Brucie's kids love their dad just as much.
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evansbby · 1 year
Steve makes sure that Omega doesn't burn herself when she's cooking for him. Like yeah he's a typical strict alpha who wants her to cook and clean, but he also knows that she's just a little baby who can easily get hurt. Him sitting in the living room and watching tv while drinking beer, but from the corner of his eyes he's also watching her, making sure that she doesn't get hurt, doesn't accidentally burn herself or bump into shelfs. He's also very much staring at the way she's only in his hoodie and her little baby ass is peeking out. Also!!! Steve purposely hiding the spices/plates/literally anything in the top shelf where omega can't reach!!! So he's watching her as she's struggling to take out the glass from the top shelf. She's standing on her tippy toes, arms stretched and little huffs leaving her. Her baby ass is full on display for Stevie's hungry eyes. But she's just tooo short. But then Steve finally decides to help when he sees that she's about the climb up on the counter or some shit. He comes up behind her, his beefy chest against her back as he presses her against the counter and breathes in her scent. She sooooo much smaller than him. Steve will all be like, "You should ask Alpha for help, you're just a tiny little baby" etc. While Omega is all shy and blushing. Yk he does the typical move where he grabs something from a higher shelf while his back pressing agaisnt omega. Then they fuck on the kitchen counter! But steve makes sure to turn of the stove, so not to her his baby.!!!
Also we're pretending that Sam and Bucky are not home lmao.
Oooh I can totally imagine Steve pretending to watch the football game on TV when in reality his gaze keeps shifting to omega in the kitchen (she’s cooking him a special game night dinner 😌) Omega is happy and calm bc Sam and Bucky are away on some guys’ trip to Utah or something (Steve didn’t go bc he said he had to help his dad with some work but actually he didn’t want to be away from his omega for that long). Anyways, so omega is all calm and in her element, cooking and listening to music and only wearing Steve’s football jersey and Steve just can’t get his eyes off of her!
And I can imagine omega climbing up on the counter to grab something from the top cabinet and Steve goes all macho-alpha- protective mode like, “What the hell are you doing? Get down from there, you’ll hurt yourself.” And he grabs her and lifts her off the counter and she’s like 😳😳😳 and Steve’s like, “Don’t ever do dumb shit like that again. You could’ve fallen and got hurt.” And omega’s like, “but I always do that.” And Steve’s like, “You’re just a baby, next time you need to get something from the top cabinet, you call me, okay?” And she’s like “…..okay!😳😳” and then Steve starts noticing the stove and how hot the oven is and how dangerous the kitchen is for his baby omega so he starts babying her a lotttt and not letting her down, he just holds her in his lap and tells her, “that’s enough cooking. I’ll order something for us.” And omega’s like, “but Steve! I always cook, and I’m not a baby!” And Steve’s like 😏😏😏😏 “you ARE just a baby omega” and then he gets turned on and fucks her on the kitchen counter the end
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idontknowreallywhy · 7 months
Estera Ch 7 - Gull
(Prologue, Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6)
(Sofasurf’s Recrudescence which is the foundation for all of this)
Scott paces, Virgil paints, John panics…
Another little warning for things discussed but not actually happening here. Some of Scott’s pondering is based on either my own experience or that of friends… sorry if it therefore seems ‘out of voice’ for him, but it’s where I think he lands at this point in the story.
The Sunday morning sun peeked cautiously over the horizon and cast a burnt orange glow over the water as Scott paced the length of the balcony again and again. He barely noticed the changing light, his focus on wrestling his own mind into submission… with minimal success.
He wanted to run. Run until he was too exhausted to think. That would help him get out of this spiral. But he knew he’d never back get past the puppy pile he’d managed to sneak away from when he awoke suddenly desperate to see the sky. He paused and pressed his face against the glass to see them still peaceful, all in wildly different sleeping positions and, he smiled affectionately, probably making the full range of amusing sleep-noises between them.
He’d not get away with opening the door again, not now the dawn chorus had started, someone would wake. And they needed their sleep. Fine. He was trapped here for the time being.
Unless he climbed down…
He peered over the railing down at the pool deck.
No, he couldn’t run if he broke a leg. And his brothers would probably panic and assume he’d been trying something silly. Sillier than climbing down a cliff face merely because he needed to adrenaline-burn some thoughts from his mind without an audience.
Predictably they were very worried about that. John had asked him outright last night if there was any ideation - a form of words that sounded very much like Patricia in risk-management mode. Of course she’d probably had a word.
He knew why he was asking, but it was hard not to shrug it off as a non-issue. Sure, he could admit wasn’t in a great place right now… but as he told her at the start of every session when the question came - his protective factors were rock solid. And they were the brothers he was responsible for. He wasn’t ever going to deliberately do anything to hurt them, they’d suffered enough loss.
As much as he wished his family had been left with somebody more… well… Everything… Scott was what they were stuck with and despite the darker thoughts he knew logically that he was better than nothing. He knew he couldn’t knowingly leave them with all the burdens his father had left him with. One of the more frequent questions he’d yelled at the horizon from the privacy of the far side of the island was why on Earth Dad had saddled him with so much ADMIN?
A gull screeched at him in agreement.
A wry smile. He could sort the admin. He was good for something at least. And, for whatever reason, they did love him, he knew that. They kept going out of their way to demonstrate it.
And Dad had had flaws, hadn’t he? More apparent in retrospect… but Scott still loved and missed him… so it stood to reason the others might miss Scott if he was gone.
No, no silliness.
Whether he’d ever be any real use again though…
He watched the bird wheel overhead and his heart sank. No flight for him for a while. If One was needed, Alan would pilot her. He’d made the decision before poor Virgil had been forced to. His brother had been through enough dealing with Scott’s mess and selfishness recently. He seemed exhausted, he felt a stabbing guilt, and John was little better.
The pacing recommenced.
In retrospect, switching off the comm for the flight home had been unwise. But he’d felt it best that the full range of military-schooled curse words he’d yelled into the void of One’s cockpit did not end up on the official record and could not be overheard by impressionable younger brothers. It had made sense at the time. But yeah, they’d assumed the worst and… he cringed… Virgil and John seemed to have been really freaked out by something else that he needed to get to the bottom of.
Yet another thing to fix. Typical Scott Tracy, number one impulsive idiot - why think it through beforehand when you can overthink it one hundred times after the event?
The seabird suddenly nosedived to plunge into the water. He stopped to watch. It emerged empty-beaked and Scott felt a twinge of sympathy. Better luck next time little friend. The hill seemed to shrug it off, flew out of sight and the useful distraction was lost.
His mind swerved unavoidably back to yesterday and the relentless back and forth began again.
She stared up at him, again, pale-faced and wide-eyed, clear as the fists he clenched in front of him, closer than his own skin.
It had to be her. He knew it was her and she’d known him. But what if it wasn’t? What if she had merely been one of the many other rescuees over the years? His reaction would have seemed so weird and inappropriate. There might be a complaint.
But what if it was her? That was worse? It was definitely worse. He felt sick as he realised he’d grabbed her by the shoulders in much that same way as that monster in the square had when… when…
Maybe it wasn’t her. Maybe he hadn’t recovered as well as he thought. He was just seeing her in the faces of random people. That had happened before, when he first got back he passed her on the street several times a day, she was serving behind every counter, brought the mail to their door…
Could it have been though?
It was. He knew it was as sure as he could be sure of anything. He’d seen her so many times, particularly recently when he’d been sick.
Before the sickness, he’d contained it all fairly well during waking hours. There were certain odd triggers he struggled to counter. The slightly blood-like scent of rusted iron for example, thankfully not a common building material these days, but when they encountered it at close range… for a few moments he’d be back there crouching behind the rubble, the fence pole in his hand resting slightly on the side of his face as he watched her defy the soldiers.
But the nights… So many nights he’d shouted again and again for her to run but the sound wouldn’t come out… or if it did, it was rasping and painful and too slow. Too slow. She had waited too long. He strained and struggled against the unrelenting arms holding him back as the thug with the combat knife barked an instruction, then turned and gave chase.
She hadn’t got far enough away, he’d known that truth for ten years.
He’d failed.
Then there’d been pain and darkness.
He’d regained consciousness in the tiny cell and the pain and darkness had only intensified… he squeezed his fists and eyes closed and sang the names of his brothers to himself under his breath. He didn’t need to go there.
That Place didn’t hold him anymore.
SHE did, though.
She was watching every time he failed to save another person. All the times he wasn’t quick enough or strong enough, he had apologised to the ghost of her over and over and over.
If she was alive…
If she WAS alive… it changed everything.
He had to know for sure.
He turned his back to the sun and gazed up at the fading morning star for a long moment. Then tapped his comm and whispered quietly “EOS? Can you do me a favour?”
It had been a quiet couple of days.
Alan and Kayo had completed one rescue in orbit and the rest of them had sat in the lounge assisting on comms. Scott had been a little quieter than usual, deferring to John on a couple of points where usually Virgil might have expected him to be more decisive, but it WAS a space rescue and that wasn’t entirely unheard of. Scott had never been space’s biggest fan.
Other than that they’d all done their own thing, mostly within reasonably close proximity to their oldest brother because, at least for Virgil, it was difficult to actually let him out of his sight. So he’d played piano, painted on the mezzanine, baked a couple of apple pies. Normal things he’d normally be in the communal area to do and not suspicious at all.
Scott himself was sorting some TI paperwork and, at one point, handwriting the little cards they tried to send to young rescuees within two weeks of the event in which they were involved. Many were drafted by a special department at TI, the actual Tracy involved usually just adding a signature or, in Virgil’s case, a tiny doodle. But Scott did like to make them more personal when he had the time so the only unusual thing was that it wasn’t being done at 2am the night before their posting deadline.
When a quick count had revealed 11 cards rather than 10 stood up to dry, Virgil had wandered past and casually queried it - they didn’t usually include the adults after all. Scott silently handed him the extra card which appeared to be addressed to “Alex’s Awesome Right Shoe” at which point the younger brother concluded that whatever the story was behind that, it could wait for when Scott was ready to tell.
Along with all the rest. Hopefully.
He’d even gone to bed at a reasonable hour which was rather more odd. Virgil felt slightly uncomfortable asking EOS to confirm he was actually in bed… like she was some kind of high tech baby monitor… but her assurance meant he felt able to retire to his studio to work on a project too messy for the lounge.
Shortly before midnight Virgil was clearing up in his studio when John popped up on looking serious but not in the usual way.
“Evening John, what’s up? Do we have a situation?”
His brother cleared his throat and appeared uncertain of what he was about to say.
“Virgil, Scott asked EOS to hack a couple of… databases.”
Virgil frowned and turned off the tap, spinning to face John’s hologram with paintbrushes still dripping, “What databases? Whose databases?”
John’s eye twitched. “The UK Home Office and the GDF War Archives.”
Virgil cursed as one of his more delicate brushes snapped in his fist.
“And… did she?”
“Of course she did, he’s the Commander. Honestly, Virgil, I’m beginning to think she listens to him more than to me. She’s certainly been chatting away on his direct line fairly frequently. Apparently he’s been answering some of her ‘modern historical and anthropological questions’” John’s use of air quotes somehow conveyed deep unease. “I have instructed her not to annoy him but he hasn’t complained. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she’d gone soft on him since he was sick.”
“Well it’s better that they get along, I suppose. But John, what are they up to? Why?!”
“She said she was instructed not to reveal the details but has interpreted that instruction to mean she can tell me the basics without detail. She’s quite proud of how quickly she got through their firewalls.”
John paused.
“Virgil, maybe you should put those down?”
He looked down at the expensive brushes he’d been mangling and flung them into the sink.
“When was this?”
“Yesterday morning, apparently. Has he been working on Tracy Industries material ALL day today?”
“Yes. At least… I assumed so? I try not to get involved unless it’s R&D. All I did was check in and remind him to go to bed at a sensible time. From what I could tell then it was mostly spreadsheets on screen. Didn’t he have a budget thing to approve?”
“No. That was last week. I’ll see if I can find out what documents he was looking at but...” John coughed awkwardly at this point and Virgil looked at him quizzically until he continued “I haven’t currently got EOS’s help because she’s powered herself down for what she called “essential self care and maintenance” so with one thing and another it might take me a little while. Could you go and check on him?”
Virgil wiped his hands on his jeans and sprinted from the room.
He paused and listened at his brothers’ door. Gentle snoring floated through the wood and Virgil’s frown deepened. His brother didn’t tend to snore unless he was sick? He pushed open the door and found himself unsurprised to find the room empty, his brothers’ comms unit carefully located in the centre of the un-slept-in bed and a sound effects track playing on loop. He swiped it off in frustration and was lifting his arm to call John when his brother popped up in a state of extreme agitation: “Tracy Two has just taken off. Comms are inactive.”
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storeboughtbrand · 2 years
TGM: Writing Prompt - “Don’t lose that loving feeling”
Timeframe: Can happen before or After the Mission.
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Maverick gets triggered into a flashback or state just like Cougar was back with the MiG during a training exercise with the younger pilots (for more angst, Rooster accidentally causes it, but he doesn’t know he does), and the kids can’t break him out of it. 
Cyclone and Warlock order the pilots to land because they’ve never seen Maverick like this before and don’t know what he’ll do. 
The kids disobey the orders and refuse to land, choosing to stay on his wing just as Mav did for Cougar, even as their fuel levels start to get low. 
As the fuel gauge continues to lower, Rooster becomes terrified that his anger-filled belief that Mav would one-day burn-in and no one would mourn him is about to come true right in front of his eyes. He tries to remain calm though he starts to beg Mav to snap out of it, unconsciously calling him Dad. 
It doesn’t work, and the kids have no choice but to turn back to the base. Cyclone tells the kids that they already have rescue helicopters on the way. But Rooster knows that there isn’t much they can do. They need Mav to land the plane or eject. 
A mixture of Bob, Phoenix, and Hangman convince Rooster that he has to land, and he does so reluctantly, but then out of nowhere, he punches full throttle back towards the base, muttering come on, come on faster.
Phoenix, Bob, and Hangman go after him, shouting for him to slow down and asking him what he’s doing. But Rooster doesn’t answer, and he’s too focused on what could be the one person that could break Mav out of it. 
Rooster returns to the base and throws himself out of his F-18. He plows through the group that has congregated on the Tarmac, running to the break room as fast as he can. The group follows after him. 
He throws his shoulder into the door with enough for that it cracks the plasti-glass. He runs around the break room trying to find something, getting more frantic when he can’t find it.
Rooster, what the hell are you- M-my phone, I need my phone! W-where’s my fucking PHONE!?
Someone spots it on a chair and tosses it toward him. He grabs the phone and unlocks it, moving his thumb as fast as he can to input the phone number he knows by heart just as he knows Mav’s. 
Come on, Come on, please, please, pick up, pick UP! He needs you
After two rings, the phone is picked up, and Rooster starts begging the person on the phone to help Mav, and I don’t know what to do. He won’t hear me. 
He starts running towards the control tower, still on the phone, where Cyclone and Warlock are still trying to get Mav to land. 
The kids try to calm Rooster down and breathe, though they are confused at who this person on the phone that could save Mav but are just as hopeful as Rooster. 
He bursts into the Control Room, startling everyone there. Mav’s labored breathing and manic muttering can be heard from the speakers. 
Cyclone demands to know what the hell Bradshaw is doing, but Rooster ignores him in favor of snatching the radio mic from him. 
He puts his phone on speaker mode and puts it right next to the mic, demanding everyone to shut up! 
Then, through the phone, they can hear the slightly raspy but strong voice of Admiral Kazansky. 
Mav? Sweetheart, you there? 
There’s a tense moment of confusion and fear when Mav doesn’t respond, but then, in a small voice that sounds too distant from reality, he whispers - Ice? 
Yeah, I’m here, baby, but where are you? I-I’m, I’m…th-the ocean, the MiGs.  Do you see the ocean, love? Do you see the MiGs? N-No, but can’t see behind me, G-Goose, talk to me….Goose, why won’t you talk to me? Shhh, shhh, it’s okay, Mav; I’m right here. Can you follow my voice? N-No, altitude dropping, Goose, I pinned forward, I can’t reach the ejection handle-  -Mav, no, try to focus on me, find your way back to me- -you need to punch us out, eject, eject, eject, EJECT, EJECT, WATCH THE CAN- You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips….
Mav’s frantic cries are interrupted by Admiral Kazansky starting to sing softly, to everyone’s shock. But it seems to make Mav pause, his voice teetering off into labored and pained breathing. 
And there’s no tenderness like before in your fingertips….  You're trying hard not to show it, but baby, oh ba-by, I know it….
The admiral pauses as if waiting for Mav to complete the lyric. 
Come on, Mav, you know it. Baby, I know it….. Y-You’ve los-st that loving feeling. 
Kazansky joins in, softly leading Mav. Woah, that loving feeling…You’ve lost that loving feeling, and now it’s gone, gone, gone, woo-ooo. 
Kazansky pauses and then sings in a firm tone, putting some of his admiral tone - So bring back that loving feeling, wooo, bring back that loving feeling, please, baby, bring back that loving feeling before it’s gone, gone, gone…… 
As his voice trails off, the younger pilots hear Mav’s voice is less labored, more stable. 
Ice?  Yeah, I’m right here. I’m waiting for you back on the ground, so it’s time to come back down. It would be best if you landed that plane. …..oh shit, fuck.
Either Mav makes it back to the base before he runs out of fuel, or he has to eject. Either way, he’s rushed into the medical bay before anyone can see him except for Cyclone and Warlock. 
Ice stays on the phone with Bradley, comforting him and keeping him from going into a panic attack. He tells Bradley he’s on his way and needs to hang up to get into the helicopter. Bradley doesn’t want him to go, and someone gently coaxes him to allow the admiral to hang up and that the man is on his way. 
The admiral asks who is there now with Bradley, and the kids respond. 
Ice asks them to watch over Bradley for him, and the others swear not to leave his side, and nothing will happen to him under their watch, Sir. 
He hangs up, and the baby pilots rally to huddle around Rooster, practically snarling at anyone who tries to get near him or tells him he can’t see Mav yet. They camp out in the waiting room, and no one dares to enter.
Cyclone appears at the door later, and the group tenses up for a verbal fight, but the air boss softly nods and tells them to eat and hydrate. 
I cannot tell you anything other than that Maverick will be okay. We’ll have to wait for his emergency contact to arrive.
Ice arrives hours later, running into the Medbay looking haggard in a ruffled uniform. He finds Bradley in the middle of the pilot pile, and the others don’t know if they should stand at attention because that would mean moving away from Rooster. But Ice tells them not to, and he draws Rooster into his arms. Rooster starts to cry, and he hugs the life out of Ice, afraid to let him go. He starts to apologize, but Ice softly chides him to stop, kissing his forehead. 
He thanks the pilots and tells them they should go rest, but the pilots straight-up tell the Commander of the Pacific Fleet that he can go fuck himself if he thinks he can make them leave. 
Ice freezes in place, and the other pilots pale, realizing what they’ve done, but still, they refuse to leave Rooster and Mav. 
To their shock, the man starts laughing so hard that tears begin to well up in his eyes. He wipes a tear from his eye, muttering oh boy, the guys aren’t going to let us live this down. 
The others don’t know what he means, but Rooster does, and he blushes, turning to hide his face in Ice’s shoulder. 
Well then lieutenants, let me see if Mav’s awake, and then I’ll let you guys into his room. The captain is a very stubborn man, and he hates to sit still in the hospital.
Ice doesn’t have to elaborate further as he sees all the pilots straighten up as if they were receiving orders and looking at him with laser focus. 
Ice basically uses the baby pilots to make sure Mav stays in his bed and listens to all the doctors. He’s reluctant to leave the room as some of the kids start to sleep on the floor to block the door, and he doesn’t want to step on them accidentally. Ice finds they are quite effective act keeping his husband out of trouble:
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One night, Ice sings You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling as a lullaby to put Mav to sleep, and the kids fall asleep too. 
Basically, Ice and Mav both regain their adopted son and acquire 11 new kids. Angst and reconciliation happen, and feelings are finally talked about. Iceman becomes Icedad. Viper drops by to see his pseudo-son and sees the pilots surround Mav and is just like-  
Viper: Son, when I mentioned that one time that it would be nice to have more grandkids, I meant one or two. I did not MEAN an entire squadron………so kids, who here wants to learn how to gamble?
Bonus: the boys try to visit Mav in the hospital with Ice’s clearance, but he forgets to mention the kids.  Slider: All right, he might be asleep, so let me peek in and see. *opens the door, 12 pairs of eyes turn in unison towards the door, and multiple hisses are heard.  Slider: slowly closes the door and turns around Wolf: So, is he asleep?  Slider: …..yep. 
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