#the great seven AU
the-broken-truth · 2 months
Yuu - Child of the Great Seven [6]: The Sorcerer of the Sands in Scarabia
Summary: The Sorcerer of the Sands ventures to Scarabia with his Precious Diamond. Will he be pleased or will the residents of Scarabia learn the wrath of a Scornful Father?
Note: Yuu also calls The Sorcerer of the Sands 'Baba'.
[Scarabia - The Common Room]
[The Sorcerer of the Sands peered down at the Scarabia Students before him with his hand firm upon the neck of his Serpent Staff, its' ruby eyes glowing dangerously as his scowl remained firm on his face. He remained silent before turning his gaze to Jamil, silently giving him the command to introduce him to the members of the dorm trembling within their flesh; the command was recieved as Jamil bowed his head and turned to the members he once enslaved for his personal vendetta. Yuu, dressed in fine garbs mirroring their Father's, stood beside him with their hands behind their back; showing the stature of the Sorcerer's Spawn.]
Jamil: Members of Scarabia. Today is a glorious day for us as our own deity, The Sorcerer of the Sands, stands before us! (Notices everyone's shocked expression before he continues) However, that is not the only incredible thing to have happened. It has been discovered that Yuu, The Prefect of Ramshackle whom we believed to be magicless, is none other than the offspring of not only the Sorcerer of the Sands, but the entrety of the Great Seven. Kneel before their greatness. (Turns to The Sorcerer & Yuu before kneeling with his head down)
[The Sorcerer and Yuu watched at the entirety of Scarabia's Dorm kneeled without question and remained as still as golden statues before the Sorcerer lifted his free hand, motioning it to instruct them to rise, which they did.]
Sorcerer of the Sands (Looks at Jamil): They respond well to your commands, Viper. Well done.
Jamil: Thank you, My Sorcerer.
Yuu: Jamil, you don't need to be so stiff around my father, ya know...
Sorcerer of the Sands: It's only normal for mortals to be 'stiff' around the presence of their deity, My Desert Flower. Since you are not used to being divine, you are not used to this reaction.
Yuu (Looks off): I suppose you are right, Baba.
Sorcerer of the Sands: Of course I am correct, Dear Diamond. I am the wisest of your lineage.
Yuu: Does that mean you've beaten Dad at Chess?
Sorcerer of the Sands (Exhales): I have explained this before: Just as he cannot best me in Mancala, I cannot best him in Chess. We all hour our strong suits, Child.
Yuu: Understood, Baba.
Sorcerer of the Sands: Now, onto business. (Taps the end of his staff on the ground 2 times) Jamil Viper.
Jamil: Yes, My Sorcerer?
Sorcerer of the Sands: For the duration of my stay here, you shall be my personal vassel. You shall answer to and take commands from none other than myself and my child. Is that understood?
Jamil (Bows his head): Your wish is my command, My Sorcerer.
Sorcerer of the Sands: Kalim Al-Asim.
Kalim (Stiffens): Yes, Your Sorcererness?!
Yuu (Snickering): 'Sorcererness'?
Sorcerer of the Sands (Frowns at Kalim): That is not my proper title, nor is that a proper title at all, Kalim Al-Asim. How are you Housewarden of Scarabia when you lack common knowledge such as this? (Exhales) Regardless, I shall give you 5 Servants to cater to your needs while Jamil Viper is under my command during my stay. You shall not ask anything of him. Understood?
Kalim: But, sir...!
Sorcerer of the Sands: UnderSTOOD, AL-ASIM?!
[The Force in his voice caused the dorm to shake slightly.]
Kalim: Y...Yes, My Sorcerer... (Bows his head)
Sorcerer of the Sands (Exhales and straightens his posture): Good.
[The Sorcerer of the Sands would then tap his staff 5 times on the floor: 5 Servants appear before him with their heads bowed.]
Servant 1: You called upon us, Master?
Sorcerer of the Sands: I did. (Points at Kalim) You 5 shall tend to the needs and demands of this...boy for the duration of my stay in Scaraba. Jamil Viper shall be my personal vassel. Understood?
Servant 2: Your wish is our will, Master.
Sorcerer of the Sands: Good. Now, Viper, Yuu, come along.
Jamil: Yes, My Sorcerer.
Yuu: Yes, Father.
[The Sorcerer turned and walked away with Jamil and Yuu following close behind him until they reached a room; The Sorcerer used his magic to alter the room as a pocket dimension of one of the rooms in his Palace in the other realm. The Sorcerer would sit on a cushion near the table where a Mancala board was waiting.]
Sorcerer of th Sands: Jamil Viper, sit across from me. You shall play a few rounds of Mancala with me. My Child, take your place next to me.
Jamil: Yes, My Sorcerer. (Taks his seat)
Yuu: Yes, Baba. (Takes their seat)
Sorcerer of the Sands (Makes his move on the Mancala Board): I am quite displeased with how Scarabia is being ran, Viper.
Jamil: How so, Sir? If it was what Housewarden Kalim said, I apologize on his...
Sorcerer of the Sands (Holds his hand up to silence Jamil): You shall not apologize for his idiocy for you are not responsible for it. What has angered me so is that Al-Asim holds the position of Housewarden while you, who clearly holds more power and respect in this dorm, are merely his vice.
Jamil: There is nothing I can do about that, Sir.
Sorcerer of the Sands: And yet, you attempted to change that.
Jamil: ?!
Sorcerer of the Sands: Oh, yes. I am well aware of your attempted coup on Scarabia, Jamil Viper. I keep a closer eye on my child than one would think.
Jamil (Fear laced in his voice): Sir, I was...
Sorcerer of the Sands: Do not apologize to me, Boy. I understand your reason behind it and I do not frown upon it.
Jamil: You... You do not?
Sorcerer of the Sands: Of course, I don't. You, young man, are a true genius. Using your Unique Magic to turn the once kind Housewarden nto a tyrant while making yourself look like the savior that Scarabia needed ws quite clever. You would have suceeded if not for 2 Factors: My Child & The Sea Witch's Dorm Members.
Jamil: I was not aware that Yuu was your offspring, Sir.
Sorcerer of the Sands: But, surely, you knew something was different about them. How else could a 'Magicless' Prefect defeat countless Overblots?
Jamil: I suspected as much, but had no concrete evidence.
Sorcerer of the Sands (Chuckles): My Child is a true serpent, making you think you are safe before snatching you in their fangs. Honestly, if not for their interest in the Housewarden of Savanaclaw, I could see both of you as a powerful couple... Unless, you managed to convince my child that you have more to offer than Leona Kingscholar.
Yuu (Blushing): Baba!
Jamil: Sir... What could I offer? I am a servant while Leona Kingsholar is royalty? While he is merely a second prince, he still holds an edge of me.
Sorcerer of the Sands: I am willing to change that.
Jamil (Raises an eyebrow): How so, Sir?
Sorcerer of the Sands: Gain the favor of my child and I shall personally see to your liberation. Make my child happy and I shall grant you 3 Things: Freedom, An Estate, and Endless Wealth. In exchange, I shall gain a promising mage as a son in law and powerful grandchildren.
Yuu (Turning red): Baba! I already like someone!
Sorcerer of the Sands: It's never too late to change your mind, My Flower.
Yuu: BABA!
Sorcerer of the Sand: Oh, alright. We shall speak on this matter on a later day.
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scumvillainess · 3 months
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yeah, qijiu should reconcile with each other in the stupidest way possible, it’s what they deserve.
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jacks347 · 4 months
I have fluffy brainrot so y'all get a treat in what high school tropes I think fit the Escaped romances
Crow and Raven - Transfer student and hesitant assigned helper (heartbreak comes not from death but from him moving back across the world)
Ivan and Raven - Delinquent and tutor (Paloma is his niece rather than daughter, Michelle is still his bitchy ex)
Jean and Intern - Student council president and vice president (Bing and Boom are class representatives that stress Jean out)
Alfonso and Guest - Uptight Catholic boy and chill party girl (Alfonso having a heart attack as he sneaks out for the first time while Guest is like "lol just jump down you dork")
Jager and Schafer - Tenured professor and new teacher (not teacher and student, that's illegal ya nasties)
Benji and Future Wife - "Cutest Couple" superlative (no I will not elaborate)
Ash and Dennys - Detention buddies ("What are you in for this week?" "I set the chemistry lab on fire" "...nice")
Yes I do have more of these if y'all wanna see my ideas for GB, Redacted, or Nomad
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LMAOO imagine one of the boys wants to date ?yuu and like the great 7 chime in "hes not good enuff 4 u". like i think that would be so funny
Honestly, most of the great seven are 50/50 about the idea of getting involved with Yuu's love life. 'This seems like it could be entertaining to watch' is the general attitude
The only two who are actively objecting are Hades and Scar.
Hades because "He has the backbone of an eclair." [about Idia]
Scar because "Do not marry into royalty, do not marry into royalty, DO NOT MARRY INTO-" [about both Leona and Malleus, but also Kalim a little bit]
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bhpop · 10 months
Here's the audio version lol, ignore the timing please.
{This one's honestly better, the audio makes it funnier.}
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amarizuu · 11 months
What the little minions of the Great Seven call Yuu: Most names I use are gender-neutral terms for both ladies and gentlemen.
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The White Rabbit: “Young Majesty, please take your time, we both have enough time to get there!” The little rabbit reminded Yuu again, running up to them with a red clock in hand.
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Duval: “Hello there little Master, do you wish for my assistance with a few matters troubling you?” A tall man asked Yuu as they gave him a reassuring smile, seeing how Yuu was tired from the training.
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Jetsam: “Little human, where are you going now?"
Flotsam: “Can we come~ it’s boring doing nothing!”
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Pain: “My lord I suggest that we should triple their suffering for what they have done to you!”
Panic:  “Yes, I agree with Pain, my lord!”
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Mirror: “Your Highness, do you wish to know the truth of lies?”
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Iago: “Hey little Yuu! Wanna come flying with me, haha-- what? No, I won't drop you again-- I swear this time!"
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And yeah, these are the titles the little minions call Yuu besides their names, though Lago didn't really have a name for them, he just likes to call them little despite the fact Yuu is bigger than him.
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orginllazyblog · 11 months
Where Are You?
Summary: Yuu stopped showing up in the HoM mainly because of the canon story still processing. This took place before and during Book 7.
Note: Gender-neutral Yuu (can use your Yuu oc for this)
It has been an exhausting day in school for Yuu. They just dealt with Idia's and Ortho's overblot a few weeks ago, and now Yuu has started to gain awareness. They notice how each overblot resembles the Great Seven's by the vivid dreams they are having, and now worrying for the next one. 
"*Sigh* I need to get ready for work. Just need to rest for a while before dinner." 
As minutes went by, Grim woke up Yuu to remind them that it's about to be dinner time, well, mainly to remind them of his tuna. Yuu couldn't blame Grim for this one, he did get kidnapped and probably never eaten his favorite food. 
"Sure, Grim. Let's go to Mr. Sam's shop. Maybe get more than three this time."
"Fnagh? You will?"
"Yes, I have been saving up from my job. Remember?"
"Oh yeah."
"Well then, let's go in a hurry as I have to go to work in about an hour."
In the House of Mouse, Yuu serves the food to the great sevens as they are the only waiter who wasn't afraid of them. Also the fact they can handle it. Yuu also knows about their evil deeds from their vivid dreams, but after dealing with the OB boys, they kind of got used to them and see the similarities between them. 
After their work hours, they are on their break so they went to the seven's table to chat with them.
"So Yuu, how's your day in Night Raven College?" (QoH)
"Busy as the upcoming exams are coming next month." 
"If you need help, you can ask one of your classmates. Why not ask Azul? I'm sure he'll help you without paying any debt." (Ursula)
"I'm pretty sure they'll ask Riddle as they are not what they call "shady" Ursula." (QoH)
"Aren't you forgetting that Leona is wiser than those two. He's even older than those brats." (Scar)
'Oh boy, here we go.' 
"Oh wait! I forgot to mention that I won't be able to come back to work."
"So when will you be back from your exams?" (EQ)
"I would say about a week or two. I'm not sure how long it'll take considering it's a different school system from my home world, but I know it won't take long."
During the conversation, Yuu didn't bring up another overblot incident, which happened to be the shroud brothers. They didn't want to make them worried, but Yuu still needs to tell them about their vivid dreams and know the truth about them. They just need to wait until the time is right. 
After hours pass, the clubhouse is about to close. Yuu farewell to the great sevens and the other disney characters as they left. Mickey congrat them and gave them their paycheck of 5,000 thuamarks. 
"Thank you, Mickey."
"No problem, Yuu."
"By the way Mickey, I won't be able to work in the next couple of weeks. I have an upcoming exam so I would need time to study and a small break as well."
"Oh okay, thank you for reminding me, Yuu. Remember to take it easy. I'll have to tell the other staff about it."
"No worries, I also told the great sevens about it. I'm sure the rest will understand my situation."
"Okie dokie! Good night, Yuu." 
Little does Yuu know this might be the last time they see the rest of the disney characters again.
After a couple of weeks, Mickey and the staff were able to work knowing Yuu is busy with their education. There was some mischief going around, but it was only from Pete, and one of the great seven's shows up one time only. So far, everything seems normal. Nothing can go wrong… right?
It's been about a month, and the whole House of Mouse Club was panicking. Yuu should have been done with the exams. Where are they? Did something happen to them? 
Of course it wouldn't make sense, Yuu wouldn't just quit their job as they need money to buy their needs or send a message to Mickey or anyone to let them know. 
Even the great seven's were wondering what happened to them. Someone like Maleficent, who has access to travel to Twisted Wonderland world only to find out she can't.
 As if there is a barrier that she can't enter. That's when things are going downhill.
Mickey and his friends try to calm everyone down, but nothing seems to work. Until the lights went dim, the front stage, the screen went black. Then the loading screen started, which is not just any loading screen but the twisted wonderland loading screen. Everyone then quieted down as they sat down at their table as they watched how book 7 started.
* half an hour later…
With all there is, the screen went black again. With half of them, questions to what just happened and the sleeping beauty cast, now know what's going to happen next. 
Then again, 2 months later, the theater screen went black and the twst loading screen play. Now playing Book 7, chapter 2. 
"Hey Mal, do you know what's going on?" (Hades)
"How I'm I supposed to know? I can't enter Twisted Wonderland because the canon story is happening so I can't interfere." (Maleficent) 
"But do you know what will happen? This is where he will began to overblot." (Jafar) 
"Let's just watch it. There's no way my descendant won't-" (Maleficent)
*Malleus OB by end*
"..." (Maleficent) 
"You were saying~?" (Scar)
"Shut up." (Maleficent)
Knowing there's like 5 chapters in Book 7, I have no clue for how long will I continue writing. So I just stop at where chpater 2
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lisaas2418 · 4 months
Hot take: the First year squad (including Ortho) becoming the Disney equivalent of a nuke
Why? Cause all you gotta do is drop them somewhere bored and unsupervised and something will end up exploding and/or on fire
Picture this: great 7 huddled over a table in a secret meeting.
"This is too much for our forces. Deploy the first years."
1 hour later: explosion in the distance
Yes.....thats all I say just yes.
And when they got too much out of control, just send their housewardens or Yuu after them and all is well.
Also happy pride month everybody!
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writing-heiress · 5 months
War Against the Seven AU: New Target
Context: The Seven (now disguised as students) are introduced to the housewardens. They each sent them a shock via touch to figure out their magical prowess.
Maleficent: … *starts laughing like a mad woman*
Hades: Uhh…Mal? You good?
Maleficent: *keeps on laughing* Oh, I’m more than good. I’m elated!
QoH: Because of that Grimoire girl?
Jafar: I did notice she pulled away from you. Did she feel your shock?
Maleficent: She did. But not before I discovered something interesting.
Scar: What?
Crowley: …
Maleficent: *turns to Crowley* Crowley, tell us. Did you know that Miss Grimoire possesses Wild Magic?
The Seven: *look at Crowley*
Crowley: I…
Grimhilde: Crowley.
Crowley: *gulps* Yes, I did know.
Grimhilde: And the species?
Crowley: Miss Grimoire’s part demon…
Hades: *laughs* Well I’ll be damned. And here we thought Mal’s baby dragon would be powerful.
Ursula: I’m already interested in learning more about her while staying here?
Grimhilde: Crowley, dear. Let us peek at Miss Grimoire’s file, if you mind.
@adrianasunderworld @marrondrawsalot @mangacupcake @queen-of-twisted @childofwitches @liviavanrouge @abyssthing198 @lovelybuefood @yukii0nna @yumeko2sevilla @the-weirdos-mind @tragedytells-tales
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radioroxx · 14 days
Do you think Bonnie would ever try to teach Siffrin how to cook during that AU?
oohh i did not think of this,, but i like it enough that i think i will incorporate it lol!!
mostly likely sometime during act 3. siffrin whos more focused on figuring out more from the king, the country, juggling watching over bonnie- vs bonnie who. honestly? is bored. of the loops. and thats fair that makes sense (i do imagine they have a frustrated breakdown about it at some point by the way, just being Tired and Mad and wanting to Leave but not being able to and it all spills out at once. more detail on that another time though). that is to say bonnie is more eager to be running around trying new things than siffrin is
“new things” includinggg some of the stuff i mentioned in this post, like new recipes, or maybe talking to other people in dormont, whatever they can just to do something new. (in this au, bonnie would be much more focused on those smaller option tasks from act 3- like finding the cursing of chateau book for the fan, helping out the stylish one, etc. siffrin helps when they ask them to, but again. more focused on the king).
that is to say- yes!! i think bonnie suggests teaching him to cook at some point. maybe as repayment for them training them how to fight, maybe just for the fun of it, but! they do! this is also the point bonnie discovers loop cant eat when they try to bring them snacks. ohhh well
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kanerallels · 6 months
I know if no one else got me, the Sabezra fandom got me
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the-broken-truth · 8 months
Yuu - Child of the Great Seven [3]: The Queen of Hearts in Heartslabyul
Broken: Welcome back. Time for the Great Seven to venture to their Respective Dorms. Let us see how the Queen of Hearts reacts to how Riddle Rosehearts manages the Heartslabyul Dormitory.
[When Riddle asked the Students of Heartslabyul to gather in the foyer, they were confused when their Dorm Warden explained that they would be entertaining and serving a very special guest for a week; everyone was confused, but that confusion turned into shock when their eyes landed upon the Queen of Hearts standing between Riddle and Yuu, who stood there with their hands in their pockets; thinking about how Grim wanted to remain in Ramshackle to absorb the fact his 'henchman' was actually the Offspring of the Twisted Wonderland's Gods.]
Riddle (Clearing his throat): I am sure you are all very confused and on edge at the moment, but there is no reason to panic. Allow me to explain: Earlier today, the Great Seven arrived at our school to see their child, who was revealed to be Yuu, The Prefect of Ramshackle.
Yuu (Waves their hand): Hello, All. Good to see you again.
Ace: Wait... Yuu is the Child of the Great Seven?! I thought they were magicless and came from another world!
Yuu (Scratches the back of their head with a small chuckle): Well, I was kinda telling the truth: I was born in another dimension and I lived my life in another world, but I have always known who I was and where I came from. As for my magic... (Holds up their hand - revealing the ring) I wear this ring to conceal my magic because it's...stronger than average magic and I didn't want to hurt the people I came to care about.
Deuce: That is...a lot of information to process.
Cater: So... My Best Friend is the Child of the Queen of Hearts?
Ace (Glares at Cater): Your best friend?! Yuu is my best friend!
Deuce: Both of you are wrong, I am the one Yuu considers to be their best friend.
Trey: I am pretty sure that I am the one who holds that title.
Riddle (Glares at the 4 of them): Be quiet! This is not the time for your bickering!
Yuu (Walks over to Riddle and places a tender hand on his shoulder): Riddle, remember what we talked about.
Riddle: A True Leader has a cool and collected head; going off at the slightest thing is the sign of a tyrant. (Inhales then Exhales) Sorry, Yuu.
Yuu (Smiles at him): It's okay, Riddle; you're still learning, but you are getting better.
Queen of Hearts (Smiling): Your calming nature really seems to aid even the most stressed souls, My Little Heart.
Yuu: Thanks, Mum.
Queen of Hearts (Looking towards the Heartslabyul Students): As Dorm Leader Rosehearts explained, I shall remain here for one week while myself and the rest of the Great Seven spend time with our child at Night Raven. Yuu shall not be attending classes or attending the Headmaster's Whims; this is the week that they are going to relax.
Yuu (Looks at the Heartslabyul Students): There is also something else I would like to ask: Please, do not change your opinion of me or call me by unnecessary honorifics. I am still Yuu Arisugawa - Prefect of Ramshackle and Friend of Night Raven. Please, know that I am still concerned about all of your well-being.
[All the Heartslabyul Students watch Yuu, but all they can see is the blinding light of Yuu's Positive Personality shining behind them like a divine halo.] Heartslabyul Students & Riddle (Thinking in Unison): 'THEY ARE A LITERAL ANGEL! WE ARE NOT WORTHY!'
Queen of Hearts (Smiling at Yuu): It would seem you have captured the hearts of those in this dormitory, My Little Heart; I expect nothing less of you. Before I am given a tour of the dormitory and shown where I shall be resting my head, I would be ever so grateful if you were to make yourself presentable to the people of this dorm.
Yuu (Looks at the Queen of Hearts): You want me to don your colors, don't you, Mum?
Queen of Hearts (Smiles): I would be pleased if you did this for me, Little Heart.
Yuu: Very well. Your wish is my command, Mum.
[Yuu lifts their right hand and snaps: a flutter of rose petals seems to appear out of nowhere and spin around Yuu in a cyclone formation. The cyclone continues to flow around the Prefect until they snap again, causing the petals to scatter away from them and reveal their new appearance. Yuu is now dressed in a Heartslabyul-like outfit with a crown befitting royalty. There is a small red heart marking under their eye and a sea of crimson highlights in their coal-colored hair. Yuu moves their hand down and a scepter of hearts appears in their hand.]
Queen of Hearts: Oh! A splendid display of grace, My Little Heart! You seem to have placed your friends in a trance with your elegance.
Yuu: Your kind words please me, Mum.
[After taking a while to admire Yuu's New Appearnce & the Queen of Hearts, Riddle and Trey give the Queen of Hearts a proper tour of Heasrtlabyul Dorm as well as a glourious room where she will be straying for the duration of the time she is there to spend with Yuu. Once everything is said and done, Yuu proposes a tea party in the Rose Maze Garden. The Queen of Hearts agerly agree...before asking Yuu what day of the month it is, to Yuu states that is the 5th Day of the Month.]
Rule 25 of the Queen of Hearts' Court: There must always be a tea party on the 5th day of every month.
[The Queen of Hearts & Riddle sit at a grand decorated table in the middle of the Rose Maze as Yuu stands beside their Mum with their hands behind their back as Trey comes over to them with a fresh pot of tea and tray of strawberry tarts. Trey pours the tea while Yuu presents the tarts to Riddle and the Queen of Hearts before the two of them bow their heads and step away from the table before returning to their original posts.]
Queen of Hearts (Lifting her teacup to her lips): Now, Riddle Dear, I have witnessed a great number of things since the moment my Precious Yuu entered this world. I must say, I am rather pleased that you have taken the Mantle of Dorm Warden of Heartslabyul and you have enforced all 810 of the Rules of My Court; it pleases me greatly, Riddle Rosehearts.
Riddle (Bowing his head): Thank you, My Queen.
Queen of Hearts (Sips her tea and places her cup back on the saucer): However... Just as have seen the good things that have happened in this dorm, I have also seen the bad. Such as your Overblot Episode, Young Riddle.
[Riddle, Ace, Deuce, and Trey seem to stiffen up when the Queen of Hearts brings up the Overblot, but Yuu seems rather calm as they stand by their Mum.]
Queen of Heart: For the Dorm Warden of Heartslabyul Dorm to Overblot in such a way, destroying my garden, and threatening the lives of those in his court in the Name of his Queen's Rules are both admirable but it broke my heart to see you committing such atrocities. If I were not so understanding, it would be Off with Your Head, Riddle Roseheart.
[Riddle trembling in his seat.]
Queen of Hearts: However... I could not bring myself to do something like that to a soul that has suffered so much already.
[The Queen of Hearts reaches across the table and places a tender hand on Riddle's Head, gently caressing his red hair with sadness in her eyes.]
Riddle (Looks at the Queen of Hearts with wide eyes): My Queen?
Queen of Hearts: Through your Overblot & combat with my Little Heart, I have seen the life you lived and I am even more heartbroken at the way you have suffered, more than I am when a member of my court breaks one of my rules. To have a tyrant of a mother that would sculpt your life just as your own has would have broken the strongest of souls, but you have lasted for so long; I respect your strong spirit. That is why I would like to ask something of you, Riddle Rosehearts.
Riddle: Anything, My Queen.
Queen of Hearts: Ease up a bit. I am not saying that you should not enforce my rules, but I am asking that you be more lenient with the more uncommon rules of my court. When a rule is broken, find more appropriate punishments to fit the crimes instead of collaring someone and making their head roll. Consult with your Vice Dorm Warden to find proper solutions. Understood?
Riddle and Trey: Yes, My Queen.
Queen of Hearts (Leans back in her seat with a smile on her face): Perfect. Now, that is out of the way, we can speak to about more...pressing issues. Ace Trappola. Deuce Spade. Present yourselves to your queen at once!
[Ace and Deuce were trembling as they presented themselves before the Queen of Hearts. However, the Queen collared them and forced them to sit on their calves with their hands on their knees and heads down. She then started lecturing them about their disrespectful behavior towards Riddle and their constant rule-breaking spree. The lecture went on for two hours. Meanwhile, Yuu was being questioned by Riddle and Trey about their abilities as the offspring of the Queen of Hearts, and whether they would like to create their own set of rules to be enforced in Heartslabyul. (@sakurakudo - Thank you!!!).]
[When night falls, Yuu walks out of the Heartslabyul Dormitory with their hands in their pockets as they near the mirror when they are suddenly stopped as Riddle runs out to them with a pastry box in his hands.]
Riddle (Stopping in front of Yuu, bows his head to them, and presents the box): Please, accept this for coming to Heartslabyul.
Yuu (Looks at RIddle): Riddle, lift your head and look me in my eyes.
[Riddle slowly lifts his head and looks into Yuu's shining eyes - they seem upset with his display of respect. Before Riddle can ask what is what, Yuu opens their mouth to speak.]
Yuu: Riddle, do you remember when I first came here? You thought I was a rule breaker and you have collared me a few times. You overblotted and I had to save you, however, it was through all of that we were able to become friends. I am grateful that we are friends and I want to remain friends, I don't want you to change how you act around me just because the Queen of Hearts happens to be my Mum. Never bow your head to me again and embrace me as the first you have known me to be. Please.
Riddle: I... I understand. Sorry, Yuu. (Smiles at them)
Yuu (Smiling at Riddle): It's okay, Riddle. (Looks at the box in Riddle's Hands) What do we have here?
Riddle: The Queen of Hearts told us that you really liked Strawberry Cheesecake and Trey wanted to make you one since you don't really eat anything during the Tea Parties. Please, accept this.
Yuu (Takes the box): Thank you, Riddle, I shall enjoy this. I better get back to Ramshackle before Grim gets too bored. See you later, Riddle. (Turns and walks away)
Riddle: Please, come visit whenever you want! You are always welcome to Heartslabyul, Yuu!
[Yuu looked back at Riddle with a smile before walking through the mirror to return to the Hall of Mirrors; since there was no mirror that was linked to Ramshackle, Yuu used their power to teleport to their proper dorm, where Grim pounced on them the moment they entered the door and demanded scratches and cheesecake.]
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aesteriya · 2 years
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Babe what's wrong you've barely touched your Minions: The Rise of Gru Happy Meal™ ???
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yuumcbr · 1 month
Quais são as suas AU's favoritas de Twisted Wonderland?
Como todo fandom, Twisted Wonderland tem inúmeros AUs. Entre eles, há alguns que gosto bastante.
O objetivo desse post é compartilhar minhas AUs favoritas e com sorte conhecer outras através de outras pessoas. Em hipótese alguma causar conflitos ou confusão.
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Para começar, gosto bastante de universos onde o protagonista da história é um personagem secundário da história que está tentando não se envolver ou viver uma vida cotidiana.
A maioria dessas histórias, eu encontrei na AO3, como por exemplo:
Nesta fic, um garoto do nosso mundo vai para um corpo de um garoto de Octavinelle que suicidou. Agora ele tenta se adaptar com sua nova rotina em uma escola de magia, sem chamar atenção (ele chama muita atenção).
Já nesta aqui, o protagonista reencarna como um homem-fera-coelho e cresce em uma loja de relógios. O objetivo de Bunny (apelido do protagonista) é criar uma maneira para voltar para seu mundo.
Com o passar do tempo, ele entra em RSA,mas é expulso e se matricula em NRC.
Aqui somos apresentados ao um garoto que tinha uma irmã apaixonada por um jogo Otome chamado Twisted Wonderland. Um dia, ele acorda como Raphael, um garoto que implicava com Yuu (o protagonista do jogo, não da história).
Mas algo acontece, ele é capaz de ver o nível de amor do personagem por Yuu.
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Outra tipo de AU que eu sou apaixonada, são os universos que se passam no mundo moderno, ou seja, o nosso. E Yuu conhece aos poucos outros personagens.
Alguns exemplos dessa AU são:
Nessa AU, Yuu é um bruxo capaz de ver demônios e que trabalha com um médium charlatão (Fellow).
Aos poucos, Yuu conhece inúmeros demônios que desejam fechar um contrato com ele e ficar com sua alma.
Esse aqui, Yuu trabalha em um loja de Donetsk e seus clientes são bem, diferentes...
Yuu aos poucos é introduzido ao mundo magia de garotas mágicas (que são na verdade, os garotos de TWST), aparentemente as pessoas não conseguem ver certas coisas ao redor, mas Yuu descobre ser uma exceção.
E isso chama bastante atenção.
Aqui é um mundo de heróis e vilões, Yuu é um estudante que adotou um monstro gato/ tanuki que quer ser o maior vilão de todos.
A cidade de Yuu é dividida em facções, e às vezes ele trabalha na loja do Sr. S que fica em uma zona neutra.
Aos poucos, Yuu e Grim se vêem indiretamente conhecendo e criando laços com pessoas que não deveriam.
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A próxima AU é um crossover criado por duas pessoas, está AU se passa após todos se formarem em NRC, Yuu está estudando em uma faculdade de História e seus amigos conseguiram seus próprios empregos.
Porém a mais no fundo do que o visto na superfície, TWST x SAW Au.
Como disse antes, a AU foi criada por duas pessoas. Enquanto @kimium mostra a visão de Yuu sobre seus amigos e cotidiano na faculdade de história, @m34gs mostra os personagens arquitetando assassinatos e seu passado onde foram presos em um plano de alguém.
Você pode achar mais informações nos tumblrs deles.
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A próxima é a Sete Grandes AU de @amarizuu , nesse universo, Yuu consegue conversar com os 7 Grandes na sua cabeça.
Isso torna as interações com outros personagens muito interessantes, já que Yuu os escuta 24 horas por dia. Eles dão opiniões e discutem na cabeça de Yuu.
Yuu passou por muita coisa antes de ir para NRC, sendo manipulado e tratado como uma arma, pelo menos agora ele pode ser tratado como um adolescente normal (na medida do possível, já que estamos falando dos alunos de NRC).
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Outra AU que amo muito é Deity AU ou God AU, no Tumblr ela foi criada por @ceruleancattail e no AO3 você pode achar a série de "twisted_wonderland_shenanigans" com esse link:
Gosto muito dessa AU, para resumir, os personagens de TWST são deuses que interagem com o mundo humano ou um humano específico.
Também é possível encontrar outras histórias dessa AU no Tumblr.
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Agora Android AU, essa AU também é de @ceruleancattail .
Yuu é um mecânico que sempre adorou desmontar e montar as coisas, sua curiosidade de saber como cada coisa funciona o tornou um grande profissional.
Na AU, Yuu conserta robôs (que seriam os personagens) e os trata como qualquer outra pessoa, e não apenas como máquinas.
Isso faz que os androids não queiram voltar para seus proprietários que o tratam como máquinas e ficar com Yuu para sempre.
Há um toque de Yandere nas histórias, mas nada muito forte ou explícito.
As histórias da AU variam bastante, mas são muito legais.
Você também pode achar algumas históriasdessa AU pelo tumblr.
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Acho que citei maioria, não consigo me lembrar exatamente de cada uma.
Mas agora chega a parte divertida, quais são as AUs de TWST que vocês mais gostam?
Isso não é uma pergunta retórica, eu realmente gostaria de conhecer mais AUs e é sempre divertido interagir com outras pessoas do fandom.
Ps: Caso você seja dono de uma das Aus e histórias acima e gostaria que tirasse ou adiciona-se algo, por favor me comunique.
E caso não tenha gostado de te marcar, também me avise.
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? Yuu: Mother am I ugly?
Queen Of Hearts: Of course not, I'm looking at you right now and you're the most beautiful little creature in the world.
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? Yuu: Baba am I ugly?
Ja'far: Very much
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bhpop · 9 months
For the feedback I received and research I did before making this here's the version of Yuu in a Chinese hanfu, it's more based on modern hanfus I was able to find and be more capable of referencing.
{Again if there's anything wrong or incorrect about the design please let me know as I would like to make this as accurate as possible even if it's biased off a more modern hanfu.}
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I was originally going to draw Yuu in Mulan's hanfu for fun {the one she wore when getting ready to meet the matchmaker since I love that scene and the song so much} but I also wanted to give Yuu a different design and challenge myself a bit.
Anyways here's the final result and again feel free to give corrections on the outfit.
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