#the other is the world’s best detective
seiya-starsniper · 2 days
So I've been plonking away at a new WIP that I started for @dbdcentral's Dead Boy Detectives Appreciation Week and I....am not going to have it finished before the event ends 😅😅😅
However, @five-and-dimes tagged me in the last line tag game again, and I do have a part of the fic I'm pretty proud of so far, so I'm going to share it!
This fic is meant to fill the Day 2 Prompt: Alternate Universe. The basic premise here is that while on a case, Charles gets hit by a weird spell that causes him to wake up in an alternate universe where he and Edwin are alive, human, and living together as young adults and not teenagers. Oh, and they're also together together, and Charles is...much more into it than he thought he would be 🤭
“Good morning sleepyhead,” Edwin greets, holding out a mug to him. “Coffee?” Charles takes the cup, immediately places it down on the counter, and wraps his arm around Edwin’s waist, pulling him in for a kiss.  He likes kissing Edwin, Charles decides. Edwin’s mouth fits perfectly against his, soft and plush and warm. Edwin also tends to sigh every time their lips touch, like he’s surrendering complete control of the kiss, of himself, entirely to Charles. It’s a dizzying feeling, to be trusted so completely like this. They’d always trusted each other implicitly, in every way that mattered, but this vulnerability, this devotion, is something else entirely. “What’s gotten into you?” Edwin laughs when they pull apart. “You’re acting like we just started dating yesterday.” “Maybe I’m being nostalgic,” Charles whispers against his best friend’s mouth, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as well. He nuzzles his nose into Edwin’s, then steals another kiss. “Maybe I want to reignite that initial spark in our relationship.” “Oh please, like the spark ever went out,” Edwin replies, rolling his eyes fondly. “You’ve never been able to keep your hands off me.” “And I’m not about to start,” Charles grins, before he kisses Edwin again. Edwin lets out a surprised mmph! but otherwise does not protest to being kissed senseless once more. Breakfast and coffee can wait, Charles thinks. Nothing else more important than this.   There’s a small part of Charles that feels guilty about wanting to do this, about wanting to step into a life that did not belong to him. This was not his Edwin that he was kissing, and he was not this world’s Charles. Charles knows that if he immerses himself too much in this world, it will be that much harder for him to get out, for his Edwin to find the right spell or magic to get Charles back to his own world. If he isn't careful, Charles could even get stuck here permanently, and never be able to go back.  …But surely a few stolen kisses couldn’t hurt?
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Request: Imagine when morarity yandere was looking for reader because today was the day they were going to kidnap them, however no matter where they look they couldn't find reader, it was like they disappeared without a trace. So yandere decides to look for them, but it takes months, when they finally find reader apparently they were already kidnaped by another yandere who knew about the other yandere's obsession so they kidnapped reader and disappeared so yandere wouldn't find reader. How'd they react?
This is for Sherlock Holmes.
William James Moriarty is here
Yandere Sherlock Holmes
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Sherlock would find out very quickly that you were missing.
Actually, it would be thanks to your parents.
You just suddenly disappeared and that's why your parents wanted to find you.
And who better to find people than the world's best master detective?
They certainly wouldn't be aware of Shelrock yandere tendencies.
This would be a really good thing for him.
Sherlock would gladly accept the offer.
You had to be found.
Sherlock couldn't think straight without you.
And he certainly wouldn't enjoy discovering his own vulnerability.
You had to be found as quickly as possible.
That would take some time.
It feels like every day that he can't find you, he's going a little more crazy.
It would be three whole months before he found you.
Sherlock would celebrate every tidbit of information he found.
Now there was a possibility that he would get you back.
It wouldn't take long for him to find out everything he could about the person who kidnapped you.
Sherlock would have you back.
That person would go to jail.
Everyone would be happy right?
Well at least for now
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lover-lyn · 2 days
Ranpo my beloved <3
gn!reader, no pronouns or pet names used
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Space girl
Space Girl, I saw a lunar eclipse
Looked like how I feel 'bout your lips
Space Girl, the only way that we'd end
Was if you were sucked into a black hole
But I'd still spend my days dreaming 'bout you
Frances forever↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺
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Coworker!Ranpo who already knows that your in love with him, he's the world's best detective so of course he figured it out before your attraction to him even began
Coworker!Ranpo who uses this knowledge to mess with you, sending you mixed messages and keeping you on your toes
Coworker!Ranpo who continously drops you hints that he reciprocates your feelings, insisting that you be the one escorting him to and from crime scenes, taking the time to actually explain how he solved a case to you and occasionally letting you have a taste of his snacks
Coworker!Ranpo who makes sure to always check on you, asking how your mission went even if he already knows the answer
Coworker!Ranpo who takes any chance he has to show off in front of you, this is also why he likes dragging you with him to crime scenes most
Coworker!Ranpo who would not hesitate to call you a dumbass, a fool, an idiot or anything of the sort but makes sure to turn it down. Where he would usually tell someone their stupid and insult them unprovoked he'd just tell you that your wrong
Coworker!Ranpo who always knows what to get you, whether that be for a holiday or simply becaus he was feeling particularly generous that day
Coworker!Ranpo who will never let you work in peace, constantly pulling you away from your desk and demanding to get him snacks and entertain him
Coworker!Ranpo who corners you one day and tells you how stupid it is that despite being aware your feeling and his reciprocation to them you still don't make a move
Coworker!Ranpo who decides that if you still won't do anything he will
Coworker!Ranpo who pulls you by your shirt and locks your lips together
Lover!Ranpo who's not very affectionate, don't expect him to tell you that he love you every minute of the day, he's in a relationship with you and in his eyes that's more than enough proof that he loves you, he doesn't need to say it out loud
Lover!Ranpo who's the world's best detective but can't seem to understand why people cheat, he's a firm beleiver that you shouldn't be in a relationship with someone unless you're absolutely sure that you love them and want to spend the rest of your life with them, so you don't have to worry about him, there's no way he'd even think about dishonoring the most basic agreement of your relationship like that
Lover!Ranpo who starts entrusting you with his cases, he doesn't need the help but he's just too lazy to actually put in the effort, your smart enough to figure it out on your own right?
Lover!Ranpo who talks a lot, during the night when the two of you are the most vulnerable he talks about any and everything that comes to mind. He knows you don't mind but he's not the best with flowery words so he opts to showing you that he appreciates you and all that you do by trusting you, he trusts you and tells you to trust him. he talks, you listen. You talk, he listens. That's the way it works
Lover!Ranpo who admires you, he doesn't say it but he shows it. He values your words, normally he doesn't listen to others, their talk doesn't benefit him so just doesn't pay attention to them yet he hangs on to your every word. He values your opinion and that's more respect than he shows anyone
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purpleangiie · 2 days
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OK first of all:
I love how Bruce knows Dick's still in love with Babs and "the thing with the alien won't last", not only because he's the world greatest detective (well, not as great as Tim anyway), but because he knows is son better than anyone else, he knows what is going through his head, even when Dick himself doesn't really know and is confused about what he feels. Of course he'd never tell Dick, but he already knows how it's gonna end and just wait to see how it all unfolds.
I feel like Dick would 100% confide in Bruce about his relationships! Obviously, Bruce would listen in silence – smiling or frowning at times – and rarely give feedback, but he loves listening to Dick talking about his feelings and asking him suggestions. Also, Dick is the only one to be this open with Bruce – and they both know. The other kids, for a reson or another, have some sort of "distance" from Bruce – of course they consider him as a father, but due to respect (Tim), past (Jay), personality (Damian), ecc... they don't feel like sharing that much about their personal life or struggles with him (not that the Batfamily's members are really keen on asking for help anyway, but you got what I mean). Dick, on the other hand, feels enough comfortable with him (I mean, he's known him for twenty years!) to ramble and vent about anything whenever they have some spare time together: they're on a stakeout? Perfect time to ask Bruce if he knows any fancy restaurants where he could take Kori (or Babs, your choice) out to dinner that weekend. They're waiting for the results of some analysis? Time to bring up that he and Wally had an argument the other day, something silly, sure, but they haven't talked since and he should probably call him back, he's his best friend after all – and he misses him. They're driving back home after a mission? Nothing as the Batmobile's dim quietness to talk about how it's going with the Titans, their latest mission and the hardships he has to face as their leader.
Just talk with Bruce about anything, have a chat with him as you would with a friend because he knows Bruce will always be there for him (for all of them obviously), ready to listen and support him as a father does with his son.
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Day 4 - DBDA Week
Day 4 of Dead Boy Detectives Appreciation Week: 10th-16th June by @dbdcentral
Prompt: Reunion
Relationships: Edwin Payne&Charles Rowland&Crystal Palace&Niko Sasaki
Tags: Post-canon, Paranormal Activities
TW: None
“Crystal, we have to tell you something,” Charles started one day out of the blue.
He looked giddy, mischievous, the expression you would find on a kid about to confess that they stole one of your freshly-baked biscuits. And while that in itself wouldn’t be such an unexpected image, what made the entire thing almost unreal - assuming a world like ‘real’ could even be applied to a psychic, living with ghosts, solving supernatural crimes - was that behind him, Edwin was wearing a matching grin.
Crystal raised a questioning brow as a form of reply, she had no idea where the conversation could possibly be going.
“Ok, so, you know we are ghosts, right?” Charles rambled.
Luckily, before Crystal could make a sarcastic remark, or curse at him, Edwin had mercy on them both and took the lead of the conversation:
“We have this little tradition. Every Halloween we go to a Haunted House in the countryside, where people pretend to be detectives of the occult, with useless equipment, and we… Well, there’s no other way to say it, we tease them a little.”
“You- what?” Crystal was having trouble reconciling the image she had of the other two with this new information. It probably struck her for the first time since she met them, that they were just two kids, trying their best in this cruel world they had been ripped out from too soon. Her gaze softened. “Why didn’t I know anything about this?”
“It’s your first Halloween with us, isn’t it?” Charles said, sounding a lot more like his usual, confident self.
“We used to have quite the nice reviews on the newspapers,” Edwin continued. “Then, they stopped writing those, but people still visit the house and they have a lot of fun when something actually happens.”
Crystal fished her phone out of her jacket’s pocket and looked at Maps for a while, searching for ‘haunted houses’ until she found it. 
“Is this the place?” She asked, turning the phone to Edwin so he could watch the screen.
“Yes, it is!” He said. Crystal had never seen him this excited before.
“Wow, this has so many reviews, I wonder why I had never heard about it. They love it.”
Charles preened. “Of course they do, we are professionals.”
Taking the phone back to read some more comments, Crystal had to laugh. It was probably the only self-indulgent thing they had allowed themselves all those years. One well-deserved night of fun without witches, or demons, or Death. She just felt a bit sad that she couldn’t join them.
As if reading her mind, Charles said:
“We were thinking that you could dress up as one of those ‘detectives’, so you could come with us, if you’d like?”
The outfit the three of them had put together was absolutely ridiculous. Crystal had a big yellow jacket with a stylized ghost on one arm, thermal goggles perched on top of her head, and a backpack with something similar to a vacuum cleaner attached to its side.
“Am I supposed to, like, capture the ghosts?” She said, while looking at herself in the mirror.
Edwin snickered. Full-on snickers. “Of course you know that it would be impossible, right?”
“But they like to think they can. You will blend in perfectly,” Charles finished for him. They were still doing that thing where they looked like they shared two halves of the same brain, but in that moment it was less like the usual dead married couple on acid, and more like two twelve-year-olds trying to pull a prank on their parents.
“Ok, I’m ready then,” Crystal nodded, unable to hide the fond smile in time before they could see it.
Crystal found out there was an actual tour bus taking people to the Haunted House and she managed to secure herself a ticket. It was painted in black and decorated with neon green and splashes of fake blood, and it was filled with similarly dressed people, carrying all sorts of weird equipment on them. Some people had laptops, others had devices that looked like small radios, and others that didn’t look like anything she had seen before.
Absolutely none of them had any drop of actual arcane energy.
When the bus started its way up the hill where the house stood, everyone went silent, anxiety and anticipation both equally filled the air. It required an extreme amount of self-control for Crystal not to burst out laughing, knowing that the very ghosts who supposedly haunted the house were riding on that same bus, elbowing one another and giggling, while making a list of what to do this time to scare-but-not-too-much the visitors.
It was a very run-of-the-mill paranormal experience, when compared to the much weirder and scarier things Crystal had already seen in her life. But Charles and Edwin were right, people absolutely loved it. Everyone took their time to set up their equipment and the ghosts patiently waited before starting to open some windows, slam doors, make pieces of paper fly. Crystal would lie if she didn’t admit that it was fun.
Until a second bus arrived, and time stopped. She couldn’t focus on anything else, other than the buzzing sound in her mind, her gaze fixed intently on the people entering the house. Or, more accurately, on the person.
“Niko,” she breathed out, running towards the white-haired girl like her life depended on it.
“Crystal! You’re really here!” Niko said, with tears forming in her eyes as she returned the hug and squeezed Crystal tight.
A few seconds later, she felt four other arms wrap around the two of them, followed by a lot of loud complaints from the people that came with the second bus that the haunting had stopped too soon and they wanted a refund.
When they separated, all four of them had matching glistening eyes.
“I came back to the mortal plane thanks to my sprites,” Niko explained. “I didn’t know how to find you, but then I remembered Edwin mentioning this Halloween tradition. So I thought it was my best chance. I am really glad you are actually here.”
“And she forced us to wear these ridiculous outfits too, which, for the record, should be a crime,” someone said from behind her.
“You tell them, Litty.” 
Crystal looked closely, and she recognized the faces of the two people, except in her memory they were a lot smaller.
“I don’t know what happened to them,” said Niko with a shrug, ignoring the former-sprites comments.
“We’ll start researching The Case Of The Grown Sprites first thing tomorrow,” interjected Edwin, taking Niko’s hand and motioning for the door. “For now, let’s go home, tell us everything.”
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candle-cloud · 7 months
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I couldn’t figure out how to draw shinigami Chris behind Alejandro, but I imagine that Chris would be Ryu in this au. He’s definitely the type to drop a death note just for funsies
EDIT: @kitonish drew Chris as Ryu!! Go check it out!
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dead boy detectives is the perfect cure for a broken heart
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kismet-cat · 8 days
You ever think about how Yomiel's ten year hell (Alone, noticed by no one except his only friend, unable to make any significant mark on the world) is how Sissel spent his entire life?
Because I do, and it fucks me up a normal amount (lying).
(i didn't think i'd have a lot to say in response to this but then i did. oops.)
man... sissel. he really thought his whole life that he was helpless to meaningfully help the one person he cared about... the same way missile->ray felt in that og timeline. because they were pets, little animals, in a human world. because there was a communication barrier, a gap of understanding, that they couldn't cross.
(sissel is able to save the day, get the help he needs, when he and everyone around him assume him to be human. and sissel listens to ray the second time around because ray has disguised himself and learned to play the part of the wisened mentor.)
it's not just the pets who feel helpless, though. like you said, yomiel feels entirely cut off from the world; more a ghost, a shadow, than a person. jowd sees himself as being at the mercy of fate because of the bad karma he gained from the life he "stole". and his choice to "confess" leaves all his loved ones feeling helpless as they struggle to uncover the truth and save him from his "fate", no one of them having all the pieces to solve the puzzle.
for as comedic and fun as ghost trick's regular tone is, it's also a story filled with tragedy and despair. and in the face of such circumstances, it's easy to blame it all on higher powers, on fate. to deny, renounce, what agency you actually have.
but, see, that's the trick -- none of the characters in ghost trick are powerless or insignificant (none of the main cast, for sure). their faith, their compassion, their efforts, matter.
you won't always be able to save the ones you love. not on your own. but that doesn't mean they can't be saved. because you're never entirely on your own. not forever. if you keep trying, if you can hold on long enough... even the impossible can happen.
ultimately, the only thing that's "fated" in ghost trick is that these people are connected to each other. the nature of those connections — the details of the events that bring them together — can change.
tragedy is not inevitable. it's man (and animal)–made. and so, too, are happy endings.
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aftout · 1 year
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sandwichhour on Tumblr dot com did this cute little relationship chart thing with their gothic lit babes that had silly quotes on it and I fucking LOVE silly quotes. So I went up to them and went hooh hello could I maybe do something like that with JD? And they said yeaas. So I went yippee!!
Before remembering that there are SEVEN of these guys and EIGHT designs. Making the lines SO CLUTTERED meaning I had to make EIGHT ALTERNATIVE SAVES. And my arm hurts and I’ll hate it in the morning .
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maskyartist · 1 year
add this to the list of goofy ass personal aus for me and me alone
au where everythings the same but Ozpin's blind thats all
#masky says#again its called SELF indulgence for a reason#im simple i like blind characters who use their blindness to their advantage#ozpin wouldnt be able to rely on ozymandias or any other past lives for sight since they'd need to use HIS body's senses to detect anything#no one can see. its a new experience for almost ever life i'd imagine#but ozpin's grown up without his sight so he knows how to navigate the scary world#hes not totally blind. he can see...vague shapes. very vague.#but thats it.#long memory works as a normal cane and ur usual blind cane#hes memorized beacon's halls along with the usual rush of students and which way they'd come and go to classes so he doesnt get lost in the#-rush if hes ever goin from one place to another alone#glynda usually sticks by his side to act as his guide if hes goin somewhere super crowded#tho i mostly like it cause the vibe of ozpin bein one of those characters who keeps their eyes closed all the time is a VIBE#hes still a top huntsman. hes still the headmaster. hes still one of ozma's many lives#but hes blind. thats all that changes and it changes nothing and also everything#qrow acting as a seeing eye bird when ozpin asks for his help#sitting on his shoulder and cawing if oz nearly bumps into a wall or someone#i know its not real evidence but i do like ozpin memorizing the feel of qrow's facial features#the scruff of his beard the way his skin dips in places where scars linger#he likes touching people hes very touchy. its the best way he knows to see in his own personal way#he wouldnt notice ruby's silver eyes. he'd need to be told later. glynda probably mentions it making ozpin interested even further in her-#-progress and acceptance into his academy
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yeonban · 2 months
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I adore how Wammy kids, whether they're trying to succeed L as detectives or go against L as criminals, always end up challenging him for the title of 'the greatest'
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starberrysap · 1 year
i’ve suddenly been struck by the strong need for a benoit blanc batfamily crossover fic
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martyrbat · 2 years
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[ID: Batman flinging himself off a building and grappling through the air. His thought bubbles read, "For years I've hoped Harvey's good side would take over, once and for all... But I've begun to despair that will ever happen... This side of the grave." END ID]
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[ID: Harvey Dent and Batman standing closely together and exchanging a quick talk as Harvey gets arrested by a cop. Batman's back is to the viewer but his head is turnt to look at Harvey. Harvey hesitantly requests, "Batman... Will you tell Gilda... Tell her what I did?" Batman promises, "I will, Harvey. Thank you." Harvey is surprised and asks, "For what?!" Batman tells him, "For giving me hope." END ID]
#you ever think about how people mock batmans belief in rehabilitation being possible and his no kill rule#when its literally something bruce clings to out of love and wanting to see the best for everyone#when literally everyone close to him would be labelled criminal. hell HE is a criminal by all means just his actions reflect HIS moral code#and where HE has to draw that line.#but its hypocritical to place him higher than the same ppl he stops and for him to not give them a chance to redeem themselves/do better#how he clung to that belief of harvey ever getting better and JUST NOW after he threathened babies with a shotgun and kidnapped them#thats what makes him START to doubt if he will. then harvey does the right thing and its that sign. that little spark of hope.#B is the world's greatest detective. hes smart hes intelligent thats literally his thing and how he as a man earned his seat amongst a#league of gods. but he leads so much with his heart and that CHANCE of hope. even if it seems impossible or irrational to try -#if theres even a single possibility? hes going to try. that goes for rehabilitation and for saving people and gotham and 'hopeless' cases#hes always going to try. hes always going to have hope because its what keeps him alive and he cant deny helping others if theres a chance#hope can be such a dangerous thing. but the alternative is ever more so.#bruharvey#bruce wayne#batman#two face#harvey dent#crypt's panels#c: batman: two face strikes twice! | i: 2.2
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soulsbetrayed · 2 years
tag dump: fate
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Danny was enjoying himself. His new haunt was suprisingly spacious and came with lots of charges who needed protection and care.
The old butler guy, Alfred, seemed to at least have an idea of what was going on. He had been making extra food lately and leaving it out for Danny to eat in a secluded area. Danny always made sure to turn the plate invisible and sneak it back to his hidden passage panic room before he started eating.
In return, Danny made sure to do lots of chores around the manor. Intangibility and wind manipulation made dusting super easy if you knew how to use it right.
Danny also took his job as a guardian spirit seriously. He overheard the bats fighting about not wanting to be coddled on patrol and decided it was best to let them handle themselves outside of the manor. Danny himself hated when people stuck thier noses into his business.
Jazz had screwed him over countless times with her good intentions.
But the manor was different. This was his new haunt after his old one kicked him out. This family had invited him in whether they knew it or not. Also, since the Fentons and GIW don't exist in this world, they'd have a hell of a time kicking him out.
It's best not to let it come to that. So Danny had to make these people love him the way Amity Park never did.
The Wayne's however are rather dense. You would think them being the worlds greatest detectives would mean something, but they kept silently blaming each other for things happening around the manor until they couldn't.
A book being put away when they were done with it or their messes being cleaned up when they came back into a room could be easily explained by how many people lived there. The family entering the dining room, discussing what they were going to order for dinner since Alfred was gone for a week only to find a full meal waiting for them on the diner table? They couldn't brush that off.
None of them could cook.
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rapplesart · 24 days
Random fic idea
Tim drake but instead of loosing his spleen he lost part of his leg.
Tim thought it was obvious he was missing his right leg from the knee down. It was a whole leg that was missing after all. Sure he was wearing a prosthetic made by Ra's' best people.
One he painfully earned after that crazy fucker made him fight a bunch of his assassins one legged in order to "proof himself as the true heir of the bat he saw in him" or something. So sure, the leg might be more advanced than most, and it imitated natural steps a lot easier and even made it possible to easily run without switching to a different leg. Truly it was a perfect leg be vigilante with. But he never even bothered to give it human like appearances.
But apparently the Fam didn't notice. When he returned with Bruce everyone was too reliefed to give Tim a closer look and it just never came up afterwards.
Tim thought they just didn't want to ask about it in a weird attempt of being polite or even caring. Bruce surely did enough research on how it happened on his own. The man spend the whole travel back to Gotham with Tim after all. Tim truly believed the world's greatest detective would have noticed his missing leg.
Except he didn't. Not if he interpreted the way they looked so incredibly disturbed by is nonchalant way of handlinh the boiling hot chemicals that landed on his metal leg. He just brushed it off, the battle continued and since nothing seemed to be injured no one pressed him when he said "Must've missed me after all"
Now, how do you deal with a family that didn't notice you're missing a leg? That's right you fuck with them.
First thing he did was buy himself a few more realistic looking prosthetic leg. It had to be custom made to fit his stump so it took a whole but it was a worthwhile investment.
The first one was Jason. Call it a twisted revenge for trying to kill him but Tim just really wanted him to be messed with the most. So one day when he knew it was only Jason and him on patrol he strategically set himself down to fall. Crunching some spaghettis to ass in a sickening way only to stand up and walk away as if nothing ever happened.... With his foot toned the wrong way around. Insisting on nothing being wrong and Jason being delusional whenever the older boy tried to get him to get medical treatment. He switched it up the whole evening, whenever he was out of sight he turned the fool right and wrong. Driving the guy insane.
Jason did not sleep well that night. He was also top weirded out and unsure if what he saw was real to talk about it with anyone else.
Then, he challenged dick to a flexibility contest seeing how far they han bend their knees and feet. Even Mr bones are a social construct gymnast Richard Grayson looked horrified as Tim stood there, food bend almost in half, knee twisted to the impossible and what looked lihe a bend in the middle of his leg. Dick claimed cheating except the thing that greeted him when he demanded Tim to puch up his pant leg to expose his trick was a normal looking leg. The first Robin did lots of stretches in the following weeks. His pride was hurt after all.
Finding a way to mess with Damian was a bit more difficult. The brat still made a bunch of harsh comments again and again and he really wasn't close enough with Tim to be easily gaslit. The kid was a trained assassin and was probably used to a bunch of weird shit considering everything Ra's. So Tim decided he could go a bit more gory on Robin than the others. So one night he sat in front of Damians room, in the dark hallway and waited till one of his pets passed him. Once Alfred the Cat came along he made some louder coping noise that would Definetly make the kid look out to check on his animals. It worked just as planned, Damian peeked out his door to see Tim, crosslegged and barefoot on the floor, seemingly cutting off his toe to feed the cat. In reality it was nothing more than a cat treat and carefully picked, animal safe food coloring.
The kid scremed at him, threatened to stab him, punched him real good for harming his cat and took off with said cat to find Alfred so the older man could check on the poor kitten. Of course not beforeaking sure Tim was in an adequate amount of pain on the floor, with his 'injured' food secured to the floor with another knife. Only to return with a worried Alfred on tow to see Tim, standing two whole bare feet with a confused expression and a bag of cat treats in the hall.
Tim got a broken nose for it but it surely was worth it. Especially once he quietly whispered a 'no one will ever belief you' to the kid in passing. He might have traumatised the boy a little but Tim fought it justified for all the attempted murder he suffered.
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