#the tails are super fragile and I hate them
bobthedragon · 2 years
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zani and I have been making halloween chocolates, which is starting to be a yearly thing, I guess! I didn’t get a lot of pics of all of the things we made, but this was my first attempt at piebald markings on our mice molds \o/
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thateldribitch · 2 years
Y’know, stress can do a lot of terrible, terrible things to the body--a thought that had me in a chokehold since last night, and now has gripped me this morning until I put it to words. This happens basically right after Sins of the Father. I wasn't planning on making anything super connected, so don't expect that--but this idea just made sense.
This Yandere Wukong belongs to @lopsushi ! Sorry for all the pings, I just get so inspired by high emotion so XDD Here you go!
This story is also now on AO3, if you want all the disconnected yandere ramblings so far!
There are many kinds of love.
So what does a parental yandere look like?
He isn’t waking up.
The dark room smells of fever sweat. Little breaths puff out of a shivering body. So fragile. So small. Mortal. Mortal, with every beat of a fragile heart. Mortal, with every rattling breath, his lungs knocking against his rib cage, a patter-pitter-patter-rasp. 
And yet….
And yet.
Wukong can’t leave the doorway. He’s stone again. A guardian statue. Staring within. A pile of blankets makes a makeshift nest. It can be better. He can curl up with his mate, around their cub, tails all in a family knot, hold them close, hold them tight. No one can hurt them. Not when he’s there. But a disease can’t be torn apart, sinew by sinew, atom by atom. Painfully. Slowly. But bloodlust won’t make that little body stop shaking…. It’s a noise from his mate that finally spurs him to move. Some sort of murmur, a whimper, he doesn’t know. It’s small. Too small for his Starlight.
And he’s by his mate’s side. 
Macaque half-hangs off the cushioned bed, one hand curled around their cub’s. Their cub. Their cub. His mate. His. Carefully, he scoops Mac into his arms—one arm under his knees, another cradles his head. So small and light and precious and warm. Beautiful, even with his messy fur…. And the tear tracks carving across those fiery facial markings. But despite his efforts, his Starlight’s always been a light sleeper. It takes so little to make those beautiful eyes twitch awake. “Mmn, Wukong?” 
“Shhhh….” He nuzzles into that soft juncture of Mac’s throat, letting out a half-purr. He can’t manage anything full-bodied and reassuring. Something his mate must need. Gods, those dark circles beneath his eyes…. Wukong despises the worry his darling must feel. “...I’m just moving you to our room.”
“...Don’t…. I-I need—” Macaque squirms, uselessly. Wukong is stronger…. And those struggles are so weak. Has Mac eaten? Has he drank? It’s been hours. Or an eternity. Wukong doesn’t know, the moment MK got sick, Mac… Mac didn’t want him in the room. And he appreciates those protective instincts for their cub, he does, it’s adorable and amazing and it makes him love Mac more! But…. It’s torture watching him fall apart to try and keep MK… healthy. And he’s watched. Of course he has. Mac just… didn’t let him past the doorway, beyond his silent vigil, his burning red eyes.
“Starlight, you’re exhausted. Rest.” He tries to insist.
“I-I need to be with him.” Those struggles increase. It’s gone from weak twitching to desperate flailing, and Wukong usually hates when Mac tries to get away from him. But he’s not. Not really. Every movement is a surge towards their cub. “Please. Wukong. Let… Let me stay.”
He hesitates. Fuck, does he hesitate. He’s torn apart by two instincts, to ensure the health of his mate and to ensure that his cub is taken care of. We don’t need to. We can always have another. Something dark purrs in the back of his mind. We can even make it painless. It’s something with sweet, poisonous claws. The same loving claws that hold Macaque so tight to his heart. The same claws that curl through his Darling’s fur. His claws. His love. Curling around Macaque, cradling him close, cradling him close to his heart—
“Monkie King!” A sunshine smile. 
Wukong settles Mac into MK’s bed. He tears a fistful of hairs from his head, heedless of the pain. The pain is nothing, a fly bite. His hairs poof into blankets. The softest, warmest blankets that he adds to the nest, piling Mac in, wrapping them up, curling around them, his mate, his cub, tangled together in a comforting pile of heart beat and breath and fur. Soft. Warm. His. 
A cough makes him flinch.
“Why isn’t he better?” Wukong’s voice cracks under the weight of his worry, as he skims his fingers over that burning forehead. “It’s…. It’s been—”
“A week, Wukong. It’s been a week.” Macaque speaks, but his eyes are closed when the Monkey King looks over. He’s struggling to keep awake. His hearing isn’t as good as his darling’s, but Wukong can hear those measured breaths. Counted breaths. Trying to stay conscious. But those eyelids are too heavy. Mac can’t even keep his eyes open.
“Too long.” His tail thumps against the bed. Once, twice. “He was fine. I don’t understand. Food, toys, clothes, games, everything he could want a-and—all the best things. He shouldn’t be sick, he— he was fine.”
“...He wasn’t.” It’s a weak murmur. Mac’s breaths even out before he can retort. Wukong’s lips pinch. By now, their cub should see. Right? MK needs to know that this is his home. That Wukong is his father and Mac is his mother. He should know that by now. Why…? Why can’t he see that?
Minutes. Hours. Time blurs. A hitch of breath breaks him out of his meditation—trance? Whatever. He doesn’t care. Hope leaps in his chest. His son’s fingers twitch! MK. MK! He wants to scoop him into his arms and nuzzle his cheeks and groom his messy, messy bed hair and…. MK’s eyes open. Brown. Blurry. But open. Open and— and not bright, dull with the fever. But open. Finally open.... “...Hey, Son.” Wukong doesn’t miss the way MK flinches, as he rubs his forehead. He massages his temples. Wukong gets headaches there, sometimes. He hopes it makes him feel better. It will. “...How are you feeling?”
“...Leave.” MK’s eyes slide shut. It’s almost like the mere word is an effort. And so raspy, dry, such a dry throat. He needs water. Ice water with lemon and mint and money and food, good, refreshing fruits and rest and—
“What?” The word finally catches up to the King.
“Why… Why are you even… here?” MK blearily turns his head away. It must be the fever. It must be the fever.
“I-I– because you’ve been sick.” So sick. Unconscious for a week, making both of them worry, he’d scold MK but it’s not his fault. “I’ve been so worried—”
“Don’t,” MK grates out. It’s almost a growl. And his little baby fangs flash. Wukong wants better water for him, but he settles with the cup he left for Macaque. It’s untouched. His mate needs water too, he’s immortal but he doesn’t need to suffer and….
“Don’t what?” Lightly, he scoops a hand under MK’s head. Carefully tilts it forward, so he can press the cup to his lips. Drink. Drink. Why is he still trying to turn away? He has to be thirsty, he must be thirsty. Insistently, he presses the cup a little harder. It forces MK’s lips open, and he has to drink. Wukong doesn’t waterboard him, but it’s a damn near thing. His son gets a few mouthfuls before he violently jerks his head away, but. Wukong will take it. He’ll take it. It’s better than nothing… for now.
“You don’t…. Stop. Stop acting like you still… c-care.” Tears. MK. Is crying. Why? No, he needs that water, don’t cry, he doesn’t need to cry. Wukong’s claws are so gentle as he thumbs away the tears. “Y-You don’t care. You never did. You don’t love me. This isn’t….” 
“...You think I don’t love you?” Horror trembles through Wukong’s voice. How? How could he not… see he did? What did he do wrong? 
“...You hurt me.” MK murmurs, his eyes dizzily skimming the ceiling. Everywhere but him. Wukong desperately searches his mind for an answer. The transformation? It was necessary. MK’s life span isn’t their own. Or, wasn’t. Being a celestial monkey will extend that, at least until he’s either willing ready to learn Taoism or he can get another method to make sure their cub stays with them forever. And— And it’s hard to get into heaven, for him, right now. He can’t get a peach or a pill or wine. He can’t…. He can’t make sure death won’t claim his little cub. “You lied to me.”
“When?” Wukong stares at MK, uncomprehending. When did he lie? Images spiral.
A boy clinging to a ceiling. Eyes shining as they alight on his staff, despite his fear of the demons plotting below. The boy sees the staff and wants it, so he’ll have it. Wukong, from the moment he sees him, is ready to give those shining eyes the world. Wukong knows. He knows, in that moment, that this boy is his. He starts with giving him his staff.
A successor, who braved demons and volcanoes and the ocean itself, to try and bring his staff to him. Who he watches, every step of the way. He can’t step in, not yet. Not yet. He needs to see what the boy can do, he wants to see what the boy can do. Pride fills him at every little victory. He can’t tear his eyes away from any fight. As a butterfly, a hawk, a fly, he follows the boy through his first, small journey. Baby steps. It’s like watching a baby take his first steps. 
A baby who throws himself at his feet when he loses the staff. Who shines with the King’s encouragement, with the mere belief that of course he can get the staff back. Because he’s perfect. He’s the perfect successor. A ball of sunshine and laughs and he’s just like him. Before the Journey. Mischief, happiness, a little Wukong. His. His little Wukong, from the moment he sees him.
A little Wukong, who he can’t hold the hand of every step of the way, but he can offer encouragement. He can limit his powers, help him control them to fight demons in a weather tower, train him to use his staff, and then—then it gets better. MK finds his darling. He gets his mate, he gets his son, and he takes them home. Where they belong. His family, his perfect little family.
Just as Macaque became irreplaceable to him, so did MK.
No one else could be his cub.
He doesn’t want anyone else.
“MK. Not just anyone could be my cub, my successor. I love you. So much. I….” It’s a different love than his love for Mac. Obviously. His cub is something precious that he needs to protect, hold, teach. To show how to groom and forage and do all the things he learned to do. Gentler. No filet. A gentle hand and an occasional scolding word, but never… to hurt. A sunshine smile that makes his insides feel so soft and makes him want to hug the little one so close. And there’s clouds over that smile, but they’ll part eventually. MK made his life so bright, so bright, when all he had was darkness and lost his mate and— MK brought his darling back to him. He took his staff, he learned from him, and he’s just as much Wukong’s as Macaque is. His love for them is as deep as the ocean, deeper, extending beneath the Earth’s crust and boiling in the lava at its center.
There’s no way to put it into words.
Maybe that’s why those eyes stay so… disbelieving.
“...Liar.” It’s the fever talking. It must be the fever talking…. But what can he— MK. Breathing. He’s not breathing. Why is he not breathing? No. Nonononononono— N O. Wukong pulls his staff from his ear. It goes from a needle to a pole in mere moments. Bloodlust. Anger. The desire to rip and tear and—his smile widens, more fangs than anything else. So the Ten Kings think they can take his son, do they?
He’ll burn their kingdom to the ground.
And t h e n—he’ll tear MK’s name out of the Book of Death.
Is MK technically dead? Nooooot exactly, but also yes? Do you really think Wukong will let him stay dead? N o p e. Anyway this wasn't supposed to end like that, but y'know, I kinda love the imagery.
Feast upon the angst, my children.
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bittcnneck · 8 months
NEW MUSE! WARNING‼️‼️:sexual assult, pedophilia, Eating disorder, animal abuse, child abuse, cannibalism, human organs and stalking is mentioned in this characters introduction story. Be warned.
also, spoilers for Laceys flash games. I Went into detail because they all play a part in her personality and backstory.
ᵠHow do I meet the strangest men?
They always seem to find me...
Remember that time way back when I...
Kissed a guy who 🅐︎🅣︎🅔︎ his women friends...
Now only dogs will follow me..
..ƃuᴉʍolloɟ ǝɥ sᴉ...?ᵠ
name: Lacey Ghosttundra
age: 19
ethnicity: Brazillian
fandom: laceys flash games
Sexuality: hypersexual bisexual
occupation: Chef in her own restaurant
Personality: Lacey is a kind and sympathetic girl. She is very timid when meeting new people, and introverted at the start, but she can get quite extroverted as time goes on. Because of everything that happens to her, she has a very, very hard time trusting people. Especially men. She is unfortunately sort of.. sexist. She does not think women are better than men, she likes to believe in equality, but at the end of the day, men have always hurt her. She has been assaulted and lied to too many times to not have a negative view on them. If your muse is a girl, she is a lot more likely to trust them, as she feels safer. She loves physical touch, but can only let people she trusts show her affection in that way. Her love language is usually acts of service, as she loves making people proud. She is quite the people pleaser, she loves compliments, words of affirmation is the love language she likes to receive the most. She has a bad relationship with failure. She hates failing. She hates being a disappointment, as she often sees herself that way. She always tries to do her best. She often acts "silly" as a way to disguise everything that happened to her. She would hate to trauma dump or make her problem others problem. It is hard to get her to open up about her past. But she sees nightmares almost every night. She is very anxious and pessimistic, almost always assuming the worst, because the worst always happens to her. She over thinks quite often. But she is a very nice girl overall. She loves to help people and share her things. Despite being a chef and loving to cook, she has an eating disorder, which is why she is super skinny and fragile. She is very weak, and she often eats a meal once a day and spends rest of the day either snacking on something small or just starving.
story: Lacey has never had a good day in her life. Ever. And as the creator said, she never will. She has been physically abused her whole life by her family, and sexually abused by her uncle in a young age. There is not exactly a story about her. Or well, her backround. So I'm writing from what I have observed. In the game Laceys wardrobe, she has a stalker who watches her in picnic, watches her get dressed up after a creepy phone call, and also sends her a heart box full of human organs. Lacey begs the player to not make her go outside. Player has no choice but to do so. Lacey gets sexually assulted, chopped, then eaten by the stalker. In laceys diner, after you fail to make the food on time two times, in the third time.. things get scary. There are ingredients such as used condoms, cigarette butts, dead cockroaches, pornograhy, and also... her dead uncle. She force feeds them to the costumers. the diner closes due to health code violations. Next thing we see, lacey is lying dead on the street. And yes, she did it herself.
in laceys pet shop, things are a lot more complicated. She does WHATEVER. Her costumer wants, going as far as to cutting off a bunnys ears and tail because she was requested to do so. Some weird things happen, i'll skip a little. Next thing we see is a few pigs eating flowers. the pigs represent her family. the flowers? the fact that she got deflowered when she was so little. She sits in a cage. She talks about getting a cat. then images of a puppy pops up with the sentance "you can hurt me all you'd want but weren't allowed to take it from me", indicating her uncle killed her dog.
Lacey is immortal. At least, my version of her. It is sort of like Kenny from south park. There are 3 animations of Lacey, and all of them ends up in her death. But these deaths never get mentioned in other episodes. So my interpretation is: she is cursed by God. That is why everything terrible always happens to her. She can not die, and is forced to live through this terrible life. When she dies, she wakes up the next morning in her bed, as if it was all a dream. But even though she is immortal, she can still very well feel pain, and she often still feels what she felt when she died after waking up. Lasts a few minutes.
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argumentalist · 3 months
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I built a JGSDF Type 07-III Tank Prototype Nacchin this week.
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This was my first kit from Kotobukiya - an adorable little cat-like robot tank thing.
It's a surprisingly thick box with lots of plastic in it. Several runners in just a couple different colors of plastic. A surprisingly large amount of ABS plastic, which meant I had to be somewhat careful about the paints and solvents I used.
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The kit included waterslide decals, which are always a nice addition.
I kind of hate applying waterslide decals... They're so finnicky and difficult to get just right. But they always look nice when you're done.
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Of course the decals need to be protected once they're applied - they're fragile and easily damaged. In the past I've just brushed-on some topcoat over the decals themselves... But this time around I wanted to try hitting the whole model with a matte topcoat.
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This was my first time topcoating an entire gunpla-ish model. And, unfortunately, this kit suffered for my ignorance.
I used some Testors Dullcote on the first pass, and that didn't play nicely with the pour-type Gundam Marker panel-liners I'd used. You can see where that blurred and ran.
I used Mr. Super Clear Matt on the second batch... Which seemed to work better... But it's still not perfect. You can still see some blurring on the panel-liner.
I'm not sure if I need different topcoat, or different panel-liners, or a different process... But what I'm doing right now just isn't working great.
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Once everything was topcoated and dried I re-assembled the kit and started to pose it... Only to break a bit in the left arm. The topcoat had tightened all the joints - one of them maybe a little too much.
So I had to carefully glue that tiny little bit back together. And then, just to be safe, I sanded several of the joints to make sure they could move without breaking.
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And there it is!
Assembled, decaled, topcoated, broken, fixed, re-assembled, and posed.
I really like the design of this kit. I like the vaguely catlike aesthetic for this chonky tankbot. The tiny little pawlike feet on it. The tail. The different, expressive eyeplates. I just wish it was a little more sturdy and poseable. As it is, I'm afraid to do much with it.
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cacao-snorter · 4 months
creepypasta headcanons!1!1!!1
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Aight here are some creepypasta headcanons cuz im bored
-his tentacles are furry and look like really long cat tails and get puffy and zig zaggy when he’s mad. -He is a father figure to the proxies but not a super good one and typically ends up seeming like an evil boss when he wants to appear as a father figure.
-There are two computers in the whole mansion that are old but work enough to search the internet and play minecraft
-Slenderman usually doesn’t leave the proxies alone when he’s going out for awhile because the one time he did, Jeff and Ben downloaded 69 bites of gay old man 🌽 on his computer and then Clockwork shat on it after. He cried when he got home.
Jeff The Killer
-I headcanon he’s vegan bc he loves animals
-absolute baby with fragile ‘masculinity’
-his friends joke about him being a republican hillbilly because he’s southern. (actually has a very slight accent too.)
-He’s friends with Nina despite knowing that she has a crush on him. He doesn’t mind. -he makes really gay jokes with ben
-Showers like once a month and smells bad. -I headcanon that he’s asexual and fairly androgynous. Doesn’t really know what he’s romantically attracted to, nor does he care.
-Wants to be friends with Jane again but knows he can’t.
-he was high on pain killers when he killed his family and Jane’s family in the same night and continued killing because he thought there would be no going back and now is afraid of drugs.
-edgy 15 year old with offensive tumblr humor
-Toby jokes about him being fat
-His favorite song is sweet dreams.
-was actually friends with Randy, Keith, and Troy. But a massive argument caused them to stop being friends and led to the whole incident.
Ben Drowned
-Doesn’t shower
-100% gay
-Can control the power in the mansion and make the lights turn off or something.
-Surpringly good with technology and doxxes people when he’s mad. He also jokingly threatened to leak Liu’s address which scared Liu half to death.
-Has a best friend trolling trio with Jeff and EJ
-His room smells bad
-owns a worn out gaming chair
Eyeless Jack
-Doesn’t actually like eating kidneys, Chernobog just makes him, but sometimes he fools Chernobog by eating kidney beans
-Gets weirded out when somebody calls him the “son of Chernobog” because he thinks it’s weird and too fancy.
-Listens to rap music
-Tried to become a rapper and used garbage YouTube beats, he made five songs that were all about fingering Otis (Bloody Painter). He also sampled an audio of Jeffrey beatboxing sweet dreams in the background of one of his songs. This same song had kazoo in the bridge
-ex zalgo goon but nobody knows but Slenderman and he’s too scared of what everyone would think if they knew.
-Extremely insecure about his face and always has his mask on. Only people who’ve seen are Jeff and Slenderman.
Ticci Toby
-Asshole with hatchets -joked about being flat earth but now thinks he might actually be flat earth
-besties with Clockwork
-Hates waffles. He hates them so much, he went into a gas station at 9pm, shoplifted a box of frozen waffles, threw them at a group of middle schoolers, and popped a cap in the cashier’s ass when he tried to stop Toby. He actually got his face on the news for this. One time, Lazari poured syrup in the vents and the mansion smelled like waffles for a whole week, Toby had constant headaches while throwing up and crying because he thought the mansion smelled so bad.
-Very quiet and always cooperative, so he’s like Slenderman’s favorite.
-bullies jeff for apparently being fat.
-literally doesn’t sleep
-Around most people he’s his canon self, that is very cold and quiet. Around his friends he’s more fanon Toby, annoying, immature, and has a weird sense of humor.
-encouraged Jeff to go full hillbilly mode and run over Offenderman with a truck.
-smells like cat pee and butter
-Always has an attitude and mad about something.
Bloody Painter
-Listened to all 5 of EJ’s soundtracks. Has the kazoo one on his Spotify playlist.
-Comes off as smart but says the dumbest thing every now and then.
-Scared of potatoes. He thinks they crawl around his room at night.
-Had the weird ice cream cut in middle school.
-Doesn’t wash his hands
-has a very stylish pixie cut.
-people often look at her clock eye to check the time.
-makes up things to be mad about
-has a Barbie doll that Sally gave her that was naked, bald, and didn’t have arms. She twisted its legs backwards and gave it prosthetic tampon arms so that it could sit on her nightstand on all fours. His name is Hector.
-shat on Slenderman’s computer
-besties with Toby. They were actually a couple once but then Clockwork found out she was lesbian and they broke it off. Now they’re best friends and both assholes and say the meanest things to each other as jokes.
-Has freckles all over her face. Like literally everywhere.
-Has vine humor
Nina The Killer
-absolute scene queen
-Jazmin Bean listener
-Has more anger issues than Jeff
-Didn’t kill her family. It was her bullies who killed her family.
-Toby hit her with a shoe and then chased her around the mansion to hit her with the shoe more.
-“I’m not like other girls” mindset.
-actually very sweet when she’s not mad
-dyes the streak in her hair a different color every month
(Part 2?)
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
Cassandra Cain Merchandise
Have a craving for official Cass merch? 
Action figures? Statues? Mini figs? T-Shirts? Beach Blanket? 
Yes that latter was a thing.
Here’s all the known Cass merch! 
Action Figures
 DC Direct (remember them?) made two Cass figures. One in their “First Appearance” line which is based on the Damion Scott design of Cass:
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The other was in the “JLA Classified” line (sadly this was the last known action figure of Cass made back in 2011):
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This one feels like it was inspired from Ed McGuinness design of her in Batman/Superman #5.
Mattel made one Cass Batgirl figure that was released prior to their DC Universe line (but they would use the action figure buck when they would release a Babs Batgirl figure for this line). 
Cass was in one of the “final” waves of their DC Super Heroes line (because of this she’s a rare figure):
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Unfortunately, as of 2023 both the Mattel and JLA Classified figures run just over $100. You might be able to find the First Appearance figure at a good price, but I’ve seen it usually go for around $80. 
Once again DC Direct made two Cass statues. The first was based on Damion Scott’s design of the character:
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This particular statue usually runs for just over $100. Thankfully it hasn’t broken the bank unlike other Cass merch released by DC Direct. This one was  “Ame Con” line and Cass got a statue near the tail end of it:
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So originally, this was meant to come with an additional unmasked head that you could switch. But the higher ups said no to the additional tooling cost.
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You can view the designer of the statue’s unmasked head here. Sadly, this is probably one of the most expensive items of Cass merch out there. Currently this statue goes for over $200. 
If you’re looking for something smaller Eaglemoss released TWO mini statues of Cass for their DC line and a Batman chess set. 
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These should only cost up to $30 at most (there’s a $24 listing for Black Bat and $22 with Batgirl). Just a word of warning the Black Bat one is notorious to have  a fragile head and is likely to come loose. 
Finally there is this from statue from Kotobukiya: 
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This one is $35 last I checked. Sadly I don’t own this particular statue but I’ve been told the plastic has warped a little compared to the others (it is an old statue) and the pieces don’t fit very reliably anymore.
It’s why I hesitated to go nab one myself due to a friend’s problems with this particular one.
If statues and huge figures of Cassandra are too big, well. Cass has also gotten a few little figures as well released of her. Six miniatures for games, one MINIMATES figure, and two figures for Imaginext. 
There's also a custom Lego Cass out there on eBay as well but-- it isn't really official.
The Minimates Batgirl figure currently goes for $30 alone (it had a mini Bat-plane with it). But you have two looks you can give this Batgirl unmasked and masked:
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Imagninext released two Cass figures. The first is as Black Bat:
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Two years ago they then released a Burnside Batgirl with Cass color scheme giving us the other figure:
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This figure is a little more “rare” and can run you up to $15 as of 2023.
 The miniature game HeroClix has released FOUR Cass minis. Two based on Batgirl:
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Then one each on her identities as Black Bat and Orphan:
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Monolith has Cass (as Orphan) in the Gotham City: Chronicles Batman Board Game (season 1 base game). 
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Season 3 of the game gave us her as Batgirl:
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This version was available last year during the Season 3 Kickstarter. Currently, Orphan goes for $10 on eBay. 
Love it or hate it. Funko made a Harley Quinn & the Birds of Prey Funko Pop of Cass (based from the movie):
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She’s currently $30 as of 2023. 
Knight Games has a Cass miniature in their Batman: Heirs of the Cowl expansion for their Escape from Arkham Asylum Board game.
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This hasn’t been released yet but there was a Kickstarter for it late last year.
Cass has three official t-shirts at the DC Shop (thanks to AAPI). One based on Audrey Mok’s AAPI variant cover for Batgirls:
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Jen Bartel’s Nightwing AAPI variant also has Cass on it:
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Of course, there’s also DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1 Jim Lee cover that has Cass front and center:
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Sadly, I cannot find this shirt anywhere but it was made two years ago. It might be still on the DC Shop but I can’t find it currently. 
Beach Towel
Yes, Cass had a beach towel based on James Jean Batgirl Vol. 1 #45 cover:
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Sadly I cannot find this beach towel as listing for it stopped around mid 2010s. Speaking of James Jean though...
Officially, James Jean has all of his Batgirl covers as prints avaiable if you purchase the DC Poster Portfolio: James Jean:
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As of 2023 this is going as cheaply for $19.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
I'm glad the 2nd's quirk is kinda "tame", being it acceleration... transmission... something with speed (from what I know from leaks).
For one, had it been like something a little more "overpowered", be honest, people would complain about Hori making an ass pull or "Oh, Deku is being OP again 🙄." If the 2nd's quirk turns about to be something so outrageous and over the top, people would complain because it wasn't what they want and that it's "too powerful" of a quirk. Now that we know what it is, or at least have a clue, people are upset or just not impressed because it's just speeding up things. Pick and choose, damn it.
On that note, OFA is pretty tamed.
At first, it may seem that OFA is like super duper powerful. But separate the quirks. They're pretty "basic".
You have speed, you just float, you can sense danger so it's just reflexes, Blackwhip is just a magic whip, you can poof smoke, and passing down power? That has been done.
Again, pretty tame but I think to me what makes OFA special is the creavity of how the quirks are used. That's another detail people seem to forget about this series. People have quirks that range from being "weak", "basic" or "over powered". But really... that is just a matter of opinion.
What makes a quirk powerful is how the user puts their time into perfecting and strengthening it.
Take Ojiro for example. In and out of universe, his quirk isn't flashy or considered "powerful" because it's just a tail. However, that would be the view of people who lack the creativity and drive or just places themselves on a high horse.
Ojiro may have a tail, but yet he got into the hero course and has held his own, whether it's a fight he lost or won. He trained, put in the effort.
Compare it to let's say Dabi's quirk, Tail seems basic and weak, right?
Oh, but Dabi's quirk is just as basic as Tail. It's just fire. As if we haven't seen fire users before. It's not brand new. It only seems so powerful because Dabi had made it so.
Same for Todoroki who has fire and ice. Basic. He had to train them, too.
Again, people, it just takes how creative an user is with their quirk and the amount of effort they put into their quirks.
I think my problem with this fandom and quirks is that when it comes to Deku it seems to be a problem for him to be "OP" because he has mastered the quirks in such a short time. Which again is so stupid to complain about. Just my opinion. Again, he and his classmates is fighting in a WAR. HE DOES NOT HAVE THE TIME TO TAKE FOREVER TO MASTER QUIRKS.
Also, about the 2nd's quirk, it just makes sense to me. Acceleration isn't a surprise because MIDORIYA HAS BEEN USING SPEED THIS WHOLE TIME. That could have been a damn clue!
You know what, I hate how "powerful" is tossed around in this fandom. In any fandom. "Powerful" seems to only apply to characters who look the part. What about the characters who actually make an impact on other characters? Characters who put others before themselves? Characters who actually develop over time? Characters who forge relationships through compassion?
Hell, how about actions?
What about if a character manages to break through to another character? Isn't that a powerful action? Or does "powerful" actions only are when one character physically beats another character in a fist fight?
People think "powerful" and probably think AFO. Well, to me he's actually just a weak minded, arrogant man who just takes, takes, takes from people. Compare to Midoriya and 1A, he's fragile to me. He hasn't done anything but showcase just how much of an egotistical monster he is.
It's not like he put his life on the line multiple times. Or had to go through vigorous training in a matter of months to stop a big bad. Or cut off his own leg to keep going for his students. Or sacrificed himself. Or broken rules to help someone in trouble. Or stood in front of a crowd of people to defend a friend.
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yuyuonabeat · 2 years
~~~~~NO BOYS PT:1~~~~~
Pairings:bff!Heeseung x f!reader
Genre: hybrid. Smut. fluff. angst.
Word count: 1,123
Warnings: some cursing, a few pet names here and there, topic of food. Mentions of TxT members. Might add smut in upcoming parts.
A/N: This is part one of this ff. Please lmk if I should make more of ENHA related ffs<3.
“Behave. I’ll be home by 6am on the dot. Remember NO BOYS INSIDE YOUR ROOM.”- said your brother Soobin as he waved goodbye whit his big long floppy ears up as he’s always been so overprotective of you.
You can’t really blame him, he’s your big rabbit older brother after all. And the fact that you have 12 male friends, always activates his overprotective side.
You are all one big friend group. But even still, sometimes you guys forget and get a little too comfortable and close with some of them.
Like with your deer hybrid bff Lee Heeseung who you call “Bambi”. He’s handsome charming points are enough for Soobin to worry about.
Or perhaps maybe the many times you go out with your squirrel bff Kang Taehyun for 3am walks around the park.
You always say you don’t have a favorite, but Bambi and Fluffy Tail are definitely the two you mostly hang out with.
But then there’s Mr.Bear, aka Choi Beomgyu, aka the L.O.Y.L. You two have been dating each other for exactly 4 months now. And although everything with Mr.Pretty Lashes has been a fairy tale, he’s asked for some time alone so he can heal his mental state. Beomgyu has been dealing with fragile mental health and self hate for some time now. And although you all have offered to help him or get him professional help, he always rejects and prefers alone time.
////Going back to the present////
Soobin has a date night with a girl he’s been interested in from school. Now you’re left alone with the tall deer who’s looking for snacks in your kitchen.
You told Soobin you had a sleepover with Seung, and he did have a date planned so he just shrugged the thought of his little sister having a boy with her all alone the whole night and went to his date. Finally letting you breathe for once.
Heeseung sat on your couch in the living room of your house as he was drinking his favorite strawberry milk. You two were planning on a marathon of Stranger Things whole 4 seasons since you two go nuts for the show.
Like the big fans you were. You two had matching baggy sweaters with the words “Stranger Things” printed on it. Looking at the ethereal tall deer who had his antlers adorned with Christmas lights to have the ST theme from when Will disappeared and his mom, Joyce hung up the lights on the wall.
They even switched colors. Your eyes were glowing full of love in “awe” at the adorable view in front of you. Seung was super desperate to watch ST Season 4 with his favorite white rabbit, aka you.
He looks over to you and notices you’re staring at him in “awe”. His eyes dilate whenever he sees you. He can’t deny it. You’re extremely attractive. Even so that all your friends are super whipped over you. Always complimenting you on how cute and pretty you are and how your pinkish floppy long ears are your charming point.
You can barely breathe since the guys are always asking you out to the park, the movies, the aquarium, Ice cream walks around town and more. But you never mind. You love and enjoy their company.
“Yah, Floppy Ears, you’re staring.”- Seung says as he flashes you a warm smile.
“Oh. S-Sorry. I-I uh, should we start the marathon?” - you say as you start to get shy.
He pats down the side of the couch next to him for you to sit. You immediately go and do so.
“Did I just stutter?”- you ask yourself. Nothing much weird but still off.
As you start watching Season 4 you notice the atmosphere around you become warmer and warmer now hotter and hotter. You see from the corner of you left eye, that Heeseung is smiling at the TV. His doe like eyes dilated and glazed. They were shining more than ever.
A few minutes go by and you start to lose focus of the TV screens. All your senses going to Heeseung’s breathing and heart beat that now was driving you insane. Even your legs are triggered making you squeeze them shut to stop whatever it is that you’re feeling as Seung’s cologne is the only scent in the whole room now. Sweat now forming on your forehead and sweaty palms.
Your heartbeat raising like a race you have to win in order to succeed or you’ll be doomed. You wipe off your forehead with your sleeve. Heeseung notices your actions and chuckles.
You immediately look at his eyes that are now almost completely black from how dilated his pupils were. A little caught off guard you gasped and sat straight.
He notices and looks at you with concern. His eyebrows frowned as he’s confused by the actions of his rabbit friend next to him.
“Writing duty calls!!”- you said to him as you stood up from the couch and ran near the stairs to go to your room upstairs.
“But we’re only on episode 5, Y/N!!” - Heeseung said as he whined at your urgency to write when you’ve both been waiting for Season 4 to be out for so long.
“Yes, Lee Heeseung, but if I don’t write this down I’ll forget about it fast. Give me a second, Bambi. I’ll be quick, babe.” - he rolls his eyes and pouts at you.
You go up the stairs to your room, leaving the poor deer in the living room who now happens to realize you just called him ‘babe’. He shrugs it as you sometimes are a bit flirty.
You close your door and lock it.
“Babe?! Y/N, what’s wrong with you!?”
You ask yourself with your hands on your head as the word ‘babe’ keeps repeating in your head reminding you the sudden pet name you just gave your friend downstairs.
You start to freak out suddenly realizing you’ve been acting weird since Soobin left.
“Why am I sweating? Why is my heart raising?” You try to calm down. Maybe worried that you’re starting to catch feelings for Heeseung.
“What NO! It can’t be that. He’s my friend and he’s even slept on my bed next to me. Why am I feeling like this now!?”
You feel bad, wrong and guilty. You have a boyfriend, Beomgyu. And you also lied to Heeseung by saying ‘you have to write something’. You just needed some time alone to stop this sudden wrong feelings.
“What should I do? Maybe I can tell him I feel sick and need to be alone? No! He’s been waiting too long for this day with me. I can’t just bail out on him like that.”
////To be continued////
A/N: Please lmk if you like this. Ep. 2 will be up tomorrow or soon. Thanks for reading this <3!!
Honestly I’m not sure whether I should make/upload pt.2 of this since it’s completely gone to shits due to my lack of thinking. The fact this ff was from something I actually had dreamt of is also very much the reason why I’m unsure whether I should continue or not..
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💌: What's their love language? Is it the same as yours?
🥧: If you had to choose only one, what would you say it's your favorite thing about them?
🕯️: Is there anything they don't like about themselves that you really really love?
(Any F/O! ^^)
To give Stolas (from Helluva Boss) some love too, I’ll write for both of them since it’s just the two currently. Stolas is a friend, Aary is my s/o
My self-insert goes by Meg
💌: What's their love language? Is it the same as yours?
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A mix of words of affection with Meg and acts of service/gift giving, as well as some forms of physical affection. He never lies, so when he says something and it isn’t super cryptic or vague, you know exactly what he’s saying. And he’s known for his wish granting…even if it isn’t entirely benevolent. But with his inner circle of friends/family and with Meg, it’s genuine when he does something or gives something.
As for physical touch, Meg has boundaries on where she’s comfortable with unexpected touches, and he knows them. Mostly he just brushes his hand along her arm or hand while passing as a greeting, or brushes her hair out of her face if there’s a moment for it. Otherwise he makes sure she’s okay to be touched (cuddled or even just hugged)
As for Meg, yeah she shares some of those. Words of affection and acts of service are my love languages mostly…the latter far more than the former with me.
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(this is platonic affection here) When he and Meg first became friends he had a learning curve when it comes to affection…humans are kind of fragile compared to demons. But touch isn’t his biggest love language with friends, anyway. The most he does there is a hand on the shoulder or if taking a picture together, a hug.
That said, his main act of affection is gift giving. He’s a rich prince in Hell, so he can afford to splurge and gift things to his friend(s?). Actually Meg is his only friend after the one day with Blitzo when Stolas was a kid…so he is still learning how to be a proper friend. The thing he knows to do is give gifts and pay up IOU’s (or try to anyway…) Meg does appreciate and accept what he gives her…but she has tried on several occasions to reassure him that he doesn’t HAVE to give her a gift every time they meet up. He’s still learning, but he’s getting better.
🥧: If you had to choose only one, what would you say it's your favorite thing about them?
If I had to choose just one…it’s that he’s incredibly loyal and kind to those he lets in his heart. Considering the way he presents himself, you would not know this by looking at him and knowing him only by his source so far…but he feels deeply, and he loves deeply as well.
His passion for the things and people he cares about. You can really tell what he’s invested in/passionate about just by watching him interact with it or them.
(Physically…I love all of him, but his tail is really cute. lol I like that the animators even have it flick or swish at points. It’s pretty subtle and it isn’t a big thing, but it happens.
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That or the eyes, because I love how when he feels strong emotion white dots appear and act like pupils. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s a cool feature.)
🕯️: Is there anything they don't like about themselves that you really really love?
He doesn’t like that he feels so deeply and is effected so much by things. It’s something out of his control and he hates losing that control. But I love this about him not because I enjoy that he hurts so bad…but because he cares so much. You don’t get emotional over the things you don’t care about…and while it isn’t always positive, it shows he isn’t cold and unfeeling. He’s the opposite, and it is rarely about small things that he feels this deeply on.
(That or his eyes. They’re not supposed to look like they do with the dark sclera…but I think they’re beautiful, and are my favorite physical feature of his.)
He hates that he’s so…non-confrontational and thinks that makes him weak. He feels like a coward and pathetic as his (hopefully now ex) wife says he is. Meg doesn’t think so. She thinks he’s stronger than he realizes, because restraint is a strength, and it’s fueled by his love for his daughter. That isn’t pathetic or weak…but that’s the perspective of a (supposed) mortal, who is from a different culture and setting.
(I don’t know what else he hates about himself though…I do know he’s depressed and lonely in canon, but I don’t know if there’s been anything about him he hates unless he comes to believe/believed the verbal abuse his wife said on him before “the incident”.)
♡ ask game: f/o and s/i ♡
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
Title: But first they must Catch you - First Chapter | Prologue
Concept: Can Izuku Midoriya become a hero even though he’s seen as just a fragile rabbit. Bunny!Izuku verse but taken seriously as if in the MHA canon. While also sprinkling dfo. This chapter a set up.
Warnings: Bullying, Prejudice against Heteromorph, Children are mean to those different especially in Aldera. Mild but not severe Injuries.
Not all Men are created equal.
Come can move mountains. Some can become mountains, they can breath under water, or do multiple things.
But if you look different it doesn’t matter what you do. You will never be a part of the masses.
“You can’t run forever Deku!” A familiar voice rang behind him as Izuku regretted his life choices.
His shoes have since been thrown off they only hindered him. His rabbit feet hitting the concrete as he jumps up as high as he could onto the fence.
Climb- Climb-!
His hands reach up but his arms were so much weaker then his legs as tries to pull himself over. Only to feel something grab his tail after hearing a blast.
“EEEEEeeee-!” A loud rabbit like screech escaped before he was yanked down right onto the floor. Obviously they didn’t catch him as he fell onto his back the pain just from his tail being yanked made him freeze up.
“First you try to show off during gym then you run off like a coward. You got a LOT of nerve,” Bakugou sneered, referring to how in gym he used his quirk to jump even farther Normal then Bakugou.
Apparently many considered his natural leg strength using his quirk thus ‘cheating’ as no one is allowed to use their quirk. The very idea that Kacchan lost to a cheater seemed to send him in a rage and now was out for blood. All because Izuku tried to be brave enough to TRY in one thing he might be good at.
“Have you been holding out? Did it make you feel good to make me look like an idiot you flea brained rabbit!” He sneers if he has been younger then Izuku is sure would have blasted him. But after realized fur burns marks can’t be hidden he improvises.
“I-I wasn’t trying to make you look like an idiot,” he squeaks only to feel him step on his ear earning a strangled cry. Clearly that was the wrong answer and he shut right up.
“It doesn’t mean shit. You are nothing more then a weak ass Deku. So don’t you dare fucking think you won it was a damn fluke. As I caught you easily,” he growls as sparks showed in his hands making the threat clear.
Stay out of his way or else.
Stepping off his ear it seemed Bakugou was satisfied at his trembling state. He wasn’t going to argue with him on it just shaking a bit as waited for the male to leave.
My name is Izuku Midoriya, I’m 14 years old and I’m the only heteromorph in my school. In a world full of super powers.
And what did I get? It’s literally a weak Rabbit.
“Ugggh, why couldn’t I have been something like a tiger or something not small prey animal related,” he covers his face as whines once the teen was gone. His leg twitches from agitation before he sits up and moves a hand to his injured ear.
There was blood.
“For someone trying to be a hero he toes the line a lot. He should know rabbit ears are fragile…..” he speaks but in a sense he was used to pain. Though he deflated looking at the space between his furry legs.
It wasn’t like he was naked. He was forced into a uniform, forced to even wear shoes as it wouldn’t be fair. It hurt.
While If he was pant-less it wasn’t like anyone would see anything really his fur was thick. But he isn’t about to find out if he won’t get in jail for public indecency even if the heat kills him.
His tail at least was free courtesy of his mom and dad taking him to a tailor. Downside there have been people who tried to touch without permission.
“I hate this uniform I could have outrun them…” he mutters as he picks up the stuff that fell out of his backpack. He hears the sound of something like a sonic boom and looks up.
Hoping he can see if it was All Might. All he got was trickle of rain….
Hhe should hurry home even if wanted to go back for his shoes it was too late.
The school is likely closed by now so will just have a to get home without them. The concrete was weird on his feet but he didn’t have paw pads despite popular belief. Just fur so it didn’t bother him too much as it allowed him to run on hot or cold without a sound.
Lot of good that does me when most clothing aren’t made with a rabbit bottom in mind.
To know your own quirk and yet can’t use it to its full potential. Being a Hero was both a dream and a goal to escape the confines of these restrictions. He could be like All Might or the new up and coming hero Mirko!
She was a rabbit based quirk too though hers are less Physical like his it was still the same.
It’s what gave him hope for the future. Despite the bleeding ear he is having right now.
Aw crap he can’t go home like this.
Mom will flip and ask who did it and if lies she would figure it out. Iif tells the truth Bakugou might get in serious trouble and life ruined this time. That damn idiot-!
“Uggghhh what am I supposed to do,” he groans and looks around before going into a public bathroom. Sure it cost a bit to get access but he can’t go home like this. Even if Bakugou deserves it he doesn’t want him to lose his chance for real.
It would feel like cheating if can’t even compete.
“Ok water, soap, bandages and napkins,” he whispers to himself as goes to clean his ear. Feeling the way it stings making him flinch as tries to make sure it looks presentable.
At least if covered can lie and say accidentally got caught in something. That was believable right?
His tail twitches just a hint before he stomps his foot feeling frustrated. Wondering why Kacchan can be such an idiot sometimes and if wanted to lose his chance of being a hero.
“Ok it’s fine. I’ll just…. Sneak into my room. Yeah that works fine,” Izuku sighs as goes to leave the room feeling pretty good. Holding his head up as tries to ignore the have the bandage made his ear droop from the added weight.
He wasn’t the best at first aid but he is still figuring it out. But it was passable and the rain seemed to have pass by.
“Mom I’m home-!” He calls out as entered his home out of habit. Which he instantly regretted as his mom pokes her head out of the kitchen.
“Izuku there you are! You’ve been worrying me half to death!”
His mom looked at him angry almost flabbergasted that he was so late. Only for her eyes to widen when sees his bandages ear.
“Oh no- Izuku what happened to your ear?” There was a sense of dread in her voice as the if realizing what has happened. He gives a sheepish smile as tries to not seem bothered even if the pain lingered along with the threat.
“It’s nothing I just got it slammed in something and had to have the nurse take care of it,” that was a believable lie right?
Inko did not look convinced if anything she looked more worried. The silence grew as she processed his words then slowly began to speak, “Izuku-“
He isn’t ready to see her pity him again.
“I’m fine! Don’t worry I got home work to do just make me a plate and leave at the door,” he speaks firmly as goes to walk pass his home red from embarrassment.
“Wait Izuku-!” she called out but he was already in his room throwing himself onto the bed. The sound of his mother grew quiet. Likely she understood at the moment he wasn’t feeling like talking.
Already he was stripping out of his uniform to go into the shower. Needing a deep clean after being grabbed and stomped in. Though he pauses as he looks at himself in the mirror.
The hero in his head never did match the hero he sees in his reflection. Dark green fur covered his legs that bend in the way rabbits do. His feet covered in fur with claws, and down his spine to where meets the fur was a cottontail. Green on top and white on the bottom.
His hands move up the side of his head through his hair before settling to the top. Where two rabbit ears laid one damaged by the assault a hint crooked but easy to fix. His hand instinctively flattens them against his head before sights.
“You got this. You can still be a cool hero,” he whispers to himself as clenches his fist. His words felt hollow but he says them.
Because this was his story and even if no one believed in him as long as he keeps trying then he can become a hero.
{ Authors Note; Everyone has their Izuku has a quirk or villain or whatever but no one ever tries to take a serious Izuku has a heteromorph/animal quirk. Mostly the bunny quirk it used for fun or less savory things. Which has it own struggles and prejudice as implied in the canon series. With Spinner and other heteromorph that aren’t heroes.
So I decided to take it into my own hands though this is more of a prologue since no hero or anything happens. I thought it be good to show Izuku backstory just a hint rather then implying it by going right to the good parts.
So hope you like it! I’ll likely post a more polished one on Archive if Our Own, but this is definitely something I been wanting to write for a while~
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rinwellisathing · 28 days
It's A Thankless Job: Part 7
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The restful days spent in the park and relaxing with time off from work had done well for Jaina. She was on a rare streak of good days rather than bad and for that, she was grateful. Karlach was out leading a physical therapy session at the gym and Scratch and Nibble were sleeping soundly in the living room, giving her and Wyll some time to themselves. Her hands explored his sculpted chest eagerly, enjoying the feeling of the muscles beneath his smooth flesh. His body was so warm, not quite as warm as Karlach's, but far warmer than her own, and the slickness of his sweat added a surprisingly pleasant sensation. Her legs were currently wrapped around his hips as his smooth, gentle thrusts pistoned deep into her tight slit. Her tail entwined lovingly with his as she leaned up, pressing their foreheads together with a blissful smile. “I love you” She breathed, before pressing her lips to his. He smiled into the kiss, arms wrapped protectively around her shoulders, cradling her body to his as his pace quicked. “I love you too.” He replied before kissing her again, deeply, hungrily, as he buried his cock inside her fully, feeling her clench around him as they released together. They laid there a while, cuddled close together, curled up protectively around eachother, eyes drifting closed as sleep claimed them on their lazy afternoon together. By the time Karlach returned, smiling fondly and chuckling as she pulled a blanket up over them, they were fast asleep. It didn't bother her when they spent time alone together, after all, she had the same opportunities with each of them and then there were the times all three of them spent together. She had to admit to herself, however, that she felt she'd been a little unfair to Jaina since her illness had gotten worse. She thought back to when they were first together, when she and Jaina had time together while Wyll was at work or simply not in the mood and excused himself to watch something in the other room or go for a walk, the sex had been wild, intense, eager and playful. The doublesided toy the two fondly referred to as 'The Narwhal Horn' with its spiraling pattern came to mind. But lately, she'd been nervous, cautious, always afraid to go too hard and cause Jaina to faint or worsen her symptoms. She knew the other woman was disappointed that things had changed and she knew Jaina hated to be treated like a fragile doll, but she was so afraid of hurting her. The partners before Jaina and Wyll haunted her, the ones from before she'd gotten help after the medical trial...She could remember the burning flesh, the cries of pain, she never wanted to hurt Jaina or Wyll like that.
She was pulled from those thoughts by a pair of cool, smooth hands pressing over her eyes and a sweet little kiss on her neck. “Guess who?” Karlach grinned and took Jaina's hand in hers, bringing it to her lips. “Hey, you. Had fun while I was out?” “I did.” She replied. “But, with all the rest and recuperation so to speak, I could be ready for more.” Her tone was hopeful, coy and playful. Karlach smiled sadly, squeezing her lover's hand gently. “Yeah, I'm just not in the mood right now, y'know? Still a bit sore from the class and all. Wanna watch a movie instead?” To Jaina's credit, she hid her disappointment well and simply smiled and nodded. “Yeah. So...are we thinking horror? Rom Com? There's that new super hero one too...Or, you know me, I'm always up for anything with pirates!” “If only there were a rom com about zombie pirates, then we wouldn't need to choose, right?” Karlach chuckled with a somewhat cheesy grin. “That's an amazing idea, we should be making movies.” Jaina shoved her shoulder playfully with a little laugh.
The two cuddled on the couch, Jaina's arms around Karlach's waist, while Karlach draped her arm over Jaina's shoulder. Jaina's pale head rested against Karlach's chest, purring like a contented kitten as she enjoyed the warmth and the gentle glow. --- The next day, Jaina and Karlach both returned to work, but Wyll still had some time off the chief had insisted he take. The old man was very strict about the matter, one couldn't save lives while suffering from burnout and caring for others started with caring for one's self. But with that said, Wyll wasn't sure what to do with himself with this much time on his hands. He preferred to be busy. After his walk with Nibbles and Scratch, he laid back on the couch, a re-run of Tavern Terrors on in the background, the stocky halfling monologuing to the camera about the state of the walk in freezer at some gaudy place in Neverwinter. He was only half listening as he noticed a card on the coffee table, picking it up and looking it over. Kroger's number greeted him from the other side and he wondered briefly if he should give it a try, turning the card between his fingers as he thought. Finally, he took out his phone and made the call, waiting anxiously as it rang. After about three rings, a voice picked up.
“Ghustil Kroger here.” “Hey, ah...this is Wyll Ravengard, we met doing that safety assembly at the school and then you helped my partner?” Wyll smiled. “Oh, yes. It's good to hear from you. Has Miss Thalassia been well since her visit?” Kroger asked, his voice even and calm. “She has. Thank you for your help. I think the rest has been good for her.” Wyll replied, his tone warm and grateful. “Listen, I was actually calling to see if you had some free time today, maybe you'd like to grab a coffee or something?” Kroger was quiet a moment as though taken aback. “A social call?” He was quiet again, but his tone didn't sound displeased, rather more surprised. Finally he responded, a hint of shyness in his otherwise unflinching tone. “Yes, that would be...nice. Around noon?” “Sounds great.” Wyll beamed. --- When Wyll walked into the coffee shop, he found Kroger already sitting at a table with two comfortable chairs in a pleasantly lit spot near the window. A mug of black coffee with just a bit of cream and sugar sat in front of him and Wyll noticed there was also a mug in front of the empty seat, as he sat down, the smell of caramel and espresso filled his nose. “I told the barista I was waiting for you, he knew your order automatically. He also refused payment.” Kroger remarked with a small smile. “So, we spoke already about Miss Thalassia, but how are you doing? Being a caregiver can be trying even for someone you love.” “I'm alright all things considered.” Wyll shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. The temperature was perfect. How could Kroger have been certain enough he'd arrive on time to be confident putting in the order. The Githyanki nodded, eyes closing gently for a moment as he savored a slow sip of his coffee. “Mm...So my assessment of you is fairly accurate. Punctual, considerate of others to a fault, and a pillar of the community. Good. I was afraid my ability to read people would be useless outside of a Creche.” “That's what your people call their compounds, right?” Wyll asked, looking the other man over curiously. He felt his face flush a little, was he really so easy to read? Then was Kroger already aware of his attraction to him?
“Yes, exactly. The one my sisters and I came from was fairly typical, which is to say firmly under the thumb of our religious leader. I have to admit, I like your societies better. What Istik lack in a sense of structure, you make up for with variety and, surprisingly enough, the way your people care for eachother.” He mused, looking around with a small, appreciative smile on his thin lips. “It might not seem that way all the time, but the simple fact I was able to set up my clinic and garner the support I have is proof enough to me that maybe you all have the right idea.” Wyll nodded his approval. “I think you're right, that's why I love this city...By and large it is full of good people who will do the right thing when it comes down to it, I truly believe that.”
Kroger inclined his head and took another sip of his coffee before looking up to gaze appreciatively at the other man. Handsome, good-hearted, and likely in need of some care himself. The Githyanki hesitated for just a moment and then, he dared to bring up the topic he had wanted to since they'd agreed to meet today. “You know, what you and your partners have is such a special thing. You all genuinely seem to care for each other. It seems like a wonderful thing to experience.” Wyll cocked his head curiously. “You're not in a relationship yourself, Kroger?” It was surprising, the man was a doctor and looked more like one who had stepped out of a soap opera with his well styled dusty blonde hair and those impossible to ignore green eyes. “No, I'm afraid not. I had....trouble...connecting with others back at the Creche and when my sisters and I came here, I was very focused on my work, there just wasn't any time.” Kroger admitted, stirring absently at his coffee as he looked out the window a moment. Wyll cleared his throat and took a quick sip of his drink before responding. “Well, I mean if it isn't too forward of me to offer, we could certainly meet up again, and this time for an actual date if you like. I just have to clear it with Jaina and Karlach, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.”
Kroger's eyes widened and his smile brightened, sharp, perfectly white teeth glinting in the light of the coffee shop, it was an awkward smile, but a genuine one. “Really? Well, of course I understand we would need their permission first, but yes, I would like that.” He beamed. --- “The doctor? He was pretty handsome.” Jaina giggled when Wyll brought up the subject at dinner the following night. “Not to mention, he seemed nice.” “Well, I certainly don't have any objections. He seems like a good guy to have around and if you get along well, who knows?” Karlach nodded. “Besides, it's not like he doesn't know about me and Jaina, so that's already a plus, no awkward explanations and judgments and all that.” “Thanks, you two.” Wyll smiled gratefully as he stood up to clear their plates. “Wonderful meal as always, Karlach.” “You know I save my best work for you guys.” She winked as she scraped some scraps of bacon and chicken onto two small plates and set them on the floor for Scratch and Nibbles. “So, it sounds like maybe we should plan a date too, Karlach, you know, so Wyll doesn't feel too bad about leaving us home.” Jaina gave a teasing little grin. “We could see that new monster movie and check out the book store.” She batted her eyelashes playfully. Karlach folded her arms across her chest and gave a mock-chastising look. “Jaina, NO! Bad! You have a backlog of books a mile long.” “Oh come on, reading is good for you. Wyll, back me up!” Jaina pouted, her stormy blue eyes shifting back and forth between her partners.
“I'm afraid I've got to agree with Karlach on this one, my love. If we have to buy one more bookshelf, they're going to start blocking windows and doors.” Wyll laughed as he scrubbed deftly at a plate before carefully placing it in the drying rack.
“Besides, you literally work in a library. You know you're also allowed to borrow the books, not just your customers, right?” Karlach added as though she'd only just thought of it. “Alright, alright, what if I promise not to buy anything but coffee....and maybe a scented candle.” Jaina offered. “Well, if that's...” Karlach trailed off as she looked at her phone for a moment, a small notification ping sounding. “.....Oh fuck...” Her expression soured, her grip on her phone tightening. “Karlach?” Jaina cocked her head to one side, concern crossing her face. “No fucking way...he can't....he wouldn't....” She was shaking a bit now. Wyll fully abandoned the dishes, walking over slowly and cautiously. He could see Karlach was distressed, something had gone beyond souring the mood and had sent her into a spiral, he could only guess it was something to do with her trauma, from the way it had immediately sent her into a panic. “Can you take a few deep breaths for me, love?” Jaina gently brushed her fingers across Karlach's hand, when Karlach didn't push her away, she gently gripped her hands in hers, fingertips massaging her wrists soothingly. She could feel the warmth of Karlach's skin growing.
“Look.” Karlach pulled one hand free of Jaina's and held up her phone. An image on a social media feed, Jaina and Wyll recognized it as some model Karlach liked, even to the point of moderating some of his pages sometimes. He was some edgy young guy, around Jaina's age probably, another tiefling. 'XxPreciousLittleBhaalBabexX: Glamming it up at some hoity toity gala nonsense. Look at me dating 'above my station' and all that!' The picture that accompanied the post was a tiefling boy in his early twenties with a pretty face marked with black tattoos and a burn scar across it. He was dressed in a finely tailored black suit with red skulls embroidered on the lapels, his silver hair slicked back and his eyes lined heavily with black makeup. He wore fine silver jewelry but what had set Karlach off was the man whose arm he was clinging to with the hand that he wasn't using to snap the selfie. He was in his 30's or 40's with light brown skin and dark tousled hair. He wore a fine black suit with gold filigree embroidered on it and his dark emerald, almost black eyes gazed smugly out at the viewer. Enver Gortash. “Oh shit....Karlach, I'm so sorry...” Jaina bit her lip, one hand going immediately to her mouth. “Maybe he doesn't know what that guy is really like?” Wyll offered. “I mean, nothing against his work, but models and influencers aren't generally very focused on politics.” “Yeah...maybe he doesn't...” Karlach breathed heavily, slowly lowering herself back into her chair, trying to keep herself calm. “But do I tell him? I'm not exactly close with the guy, just a big fan...He might get pissed at me...But fucking hell, how can I not, though? That guy ruined my fucking life and now he just gets to waltz around going to fancy fucking parties, running for office, and dating someone way out of his league. It's bullshit!” “If people knew what he was really like, all the garbage he has his hands in, they wouldn't vote for him.” Jaina pointed out. “Or if someone people could really trust were to run against him....” “But right now he's running unopposed....Ulder Ravengard just straight up stepped down.” Karlach sighed, resting her head on her palms and scowling.
“Well, people liked him, though I really can't fathom how considering his absolutely appalling treatment of his own family...” Jaina began. “Jaina, enough...We agreed not to talk about that...” Wyll tensed, looking away as his hand went to Scratch's ear, gently massaging the velvety soft fur for comfort as the dog gave an appreciative sigh and leaned into the touch. “Sorry....I just can't believe...” She stopped herself with a deep breath and a nod. “Okay, I'll drop it.”
The mood for the evening had taken a somber turn. Jaina excused herself to go and resume the book she'd been reading, fixing herself a cup of mint tea and cocooning herself in the ocean colored blanket her mother had crocheted for her last winter. She curled up on the couch, with a softly spoken cantrip, lit her scented candle, and disappeared into the world of her story. Karlach disappeared into the guest room where her workout equipment was after popping in her earbuds and opening a fairly loud playlist to drown out the world. Wyll could hear the shifting and clanging of weights as Karlach lost herself in her routine. Wyll looked back to the sink. The dishes could soak a bit longer, he needed some air. “Well, come on boys, looks like you'll get a bonus walk tonight.” He smiled softly at Scratch and Nibble, the dog jumping to attention, tail wagging in excitement. Nibble waddled over to the shelf by the door and collected the leashes in his beak, bringing them over and dropping them at Wyll's feet before plopping down in front of him and gazing up at him with those huge, luminous eyes.
0 notes
mystical-lemonade · 2 years
Imagine a smol s/o with smol baby hands with the first years 🥰 (yes this is a request thank you)
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 570
Pairings: Ace Trappola x gn!reader, Deuce Spade x gn!reader, Jack Howl x gn!reader, Epel Felmier x gn!reader, Sebek Zigvolt x gn!reader
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Ace absolutely adores that his significant other’s hands are smaller than his
It gives him such an ego boost.
As the younger brother Ace is used to being pushed around by his older and more physically capable brother
So he loves that with his significant other being so much smaller Ace finally has the strength advantage
It also means that Ace would be relentless in teasing his significant other about their stature
It makes him feel like he has to protect his significant other all the time
Honestly it’s a little obnoxious at times
Smack him a little to get him to stop once it inevitably becomes too much
It’s how he learns to keep in his lane
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Hand holding is a constant with Deuce and a smaller significant other
Nothing makes Deuce happier than getting to intertwine his fingers with his so’s
Especially since his fingers wrap so far around their hand
Overall Deuce doesn’t really notice or care about his significant other’s stature
He just isn’t the type to focus on a person’s physical appearance
Deuce has personal experience that how people look doesn’t necessarily reflect what kind of person they are
He’d be happy to help if his significant other needed help reaching something
But other than that Deuce is far more focused on your heart than your hands or height
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Jack is well aware of his size and strength compared to his significant other’s
He is a large young man even among his fellow beast men
So having a small significant other means that he would instinctually treat them like glass
Completely and irrationally afraid of accidentally squishing them if he isn’t constantly looking down.
Is his fear irrational? Absolutely it is
But that’s not going to stop Jack from holding your hand everywhere you go
Would stand guard, protectively growling at anyone who approaches when they’re hanging out in Savannaclaw
If you manage to convince Jack to cuddle with you, his tail would be wagging so fast it creates a breeze
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As a considerably petite young man Epel would love and absolutely loathe his partner also being small
He loves it because he wants nothing more than to be the big strong manly man type that protects people from danger
On the other hand he hates that people comment on how small his significant other’s hands are
Because Epel’s hands are just about the same size has his significant other’s
So that tends to make him a bit upset when people comment on it
Epel would very much enjoy giving hugs, but he would avoid doing so in crowded areas
Less chance for Vil or Rook to see him and make infuriating comments
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Sebek is a bit of a bastard when it comes to having a significant other
He is notorious for being a little snobby when it comes to the people around him
So having a significant other that is significantly smaller than him would just amplify that
He has good intentions when he tells them that they shouldn’t try and pick up large or heavy objects
But in Sebek’s eyes, small means super fragile and weak
He would publicly and loudly chastise his significant other when they try to participate in sports during PE
Sebek really wants his significant other to remain happy and healthy so he tends to fuss
But like everything Sebek does, he goes a little overboard with it
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I hope you all enjoy the post! The first years are simultaneously fun and stressful to write. They are truly pure chaos
If you’d like to see more from me check out the previous wishes or make a wish yourself
Sincerely, Jupiter
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mammons-headcanons · 3 years
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Toddler!MC HCS
Summery: Someone (Solomon) turns MC into a toddler on accident! How do the brothers react?
He’s happy to be placed on doing activities with you, he can’t wait to show you TSL all over again-
Wait.. OH NO!! You’re too little! It may scare you!
So he does what any TSL super fan would do and makes his own toddler adaptations of TSL that he can read to you
“Don’t worry mc, I won’t let you become a normie.”
Since you run off a lot and he hates to run he wraps his tail around your back pack or your belt loop
You essentially have your own backpack leash except Levi himself is the leash
Finally he has someone to wear all the kid sized merch that doesn’t fit him!!
Almost plays dress up with you more than Asmo does
Levi is very careful to make sure all his fragile things are up and away out of your sight and reach, he knows you don’t know any better and doesn’t wanna make you feel bad about it
One day he notices you in his tub bed, moving your hands around and making noises.
“Mc..? What are you doing..?”
He realizes that to you his tub probably looks a bit like a car so he’ll climb in behind you and pretend it’s a car.
He didn’t think he’d get this into kids anime but sometimes he’s even more into the shows than you are
If you fall asleep in his bed he just melts, he’s jealous of his body pillow.. he wants to cuddle mc and keep them warm!
“My little Henry…”
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nightcolorz · 3 years
Random Gotham Rogues Headcanons
(In honor of all the wonderful people who wanted more after my last post, yes I see y’all)
*Jonathan has a huge sweet tooth, the poor bastard didn’t try sugar until he was like 12 and eats candy like it’s his last meal.
*He’ll forget he needs food to live for way too long and eat a gallon of ice cream or some shit that’ll give any sensible man heart palpitations and just be like “😐👍”.
*Selina tells the newer rogues she was raised by cats to freak them out, Jervis still believes her. (Tbf, Selina does walk around with a cat tail on hissing at people and purring on their laps, I don’t blame him).
*Edward has a tiktok account that he made to fule his own ego, he’s a fragile little shit, literally all of his hate comments have video responses (as you can imagine, Edward gets A LOT of hate comments).
*One time a teenager called Edward “submissive and breedable” and he was too baffled to make a clap back.
*The Rogues have a surprising amount of stans. Ivy’s fan base consists mostly of lowly simps, Joker gets stopped on the street daily by greasy redditors and zealous scene kids.
*No one likes Joker, he thinks it’s because he’s “Batman’s favorite” (it’s not).
*For a while Joker has been insistent that he fucked Bruce Wayne once at one of his many parties, no one believes him except for Harvey (begrudgingly).
*He says it’s “Perfectly in character for Bruce” as much as he may hate it.
*Selina denies everything.
*Oswald and Jonathan share solidarity as “the weird bird people”. At first Oswald was a little put off that Jonathan only held knowledge of crows but soon got over that when he realized that now he had an excuse to infodump on someone who might actually be interested.
*Every time Jonathan visits Oswald’s aviary to pick up Nightmare and Craw Oswald jumps at the opportunity to talk about his numerous birds in excess, Jonathan’s a surprisingly good listener.
*Despite Edward and Joker’s long term rivalry Edward has remained relatively civil when faced with Joker’s constant egging on. That is until one iconic day in Arkham Asylum when Edward beat the absolute, ever loving shit out of Joker in the cafeteria. To this day no one knows what exactly got him to snap, not even Joker.
*Harley keeps a scrapbook about all her misadventures + friendships as a rogue, she has a habit of taking pictures of the others at the most inappropriate times (during a heist, while being beaten to a crisp by Batman, ex).
*One time Harley asked Batman to pose for a picture to put in her scrapbook, he obliged to everyone’s surprise.
*Edward is wholly insistent that he doesn’t belong in Arkham, and is convinced he’s completely sane. He’s weirdly obsessed with the fact that Oswald is sane “as well” and will make unprompted snide remarks like: “Blackgate sounds terrific, unfortunately I’ve been misplaced among MORONS, it’s a shame that the system is too incompetent to properly judge my un-categorizable psyche.”
*Oswald usually responds with a simple “🙂👍” or “ok” to avoid conflict, disagreeing with Edward could be catastrophic.
*Art therapy is an occupational hazard for all the Arkham staff. (Seriously, who thought giving super villains an outlet to express themselves was a good idea).
*Edward can’t draw so he spends his time harshly criticizing the other rogues art, that’s caused more than a few fights. The one time Edward’s ever actually done art in art therapy was when he drew a green triangle and explained in complex detail how he colored it to perfection.
*Jonathan is no longer allowed to share his art with the group before having it reviewed by a staff member after emotionally scarring a few patients. He’s one of the few rogues who presents his art every time, just to see the disturbed looks on the others faces when he explains whatever twisted art piece he came up with this time.
*Jervis is probably the most dedicated artist of the bunch, he‘s not allowed to make himself any hats (for obvious reasons) but he’s still a very skilled seamstress and has a very interesting art style (Jervis tries not to draw anything explicitly linked to Alice in Wonderland in fear of getting repercussions, as rogues often do when they engage with their ‘personas’).
*Harvey isn’t very technically skilled in drawing, but Harv usually spices their art up enough to make it interesting. Their drawings are always two themed, as expected. One time Edward criticized a painting of theirs for being “too unrealistic” and Harv had to manually restrain himself from kicking Edward in the teeth.
*Victor can’t draw either, but he writes pretty good poetry. His writing is excessively melodramatic and flowery, and his themes even more so. Half of the presentation period is spent listening to Victor muse about the meaning of life or some shit, his poems are VERY long.
*Waylon and Ivy are the obligatory pretentious painters, both have a fondness for flowers (for very separate reasons). The two will often compare their paintings and wax poetics about the beauty of nature or some bullshit before never speaking again. That’s one of the positives of Art therapy, it brings rogues together who would otherwise not grant each other a passing glance.
*Group therapy is just as (if not more) atrocious than Art therapy.
*The only one who ever talks is Joker (and sometimes Harley, but way less).
*Joker is the embodiment of an irl troll, he does a much better job at getting responses from the other rogues in therapy than the therapists ever could (usually hostile responses but still).
*Occasionally a new and bright eyed therapist will try and coax childhood memories out of the rogues, it never ends well (usually with the rogue or the therapist in hysterics).
*The majority of the Arkham staff are either terribly unqualified or terrible period.
*Music Meister lived with Edward for a short while after escaping Arkham together but he was promptly kicked out because he wouldn’t stop singing.
*Selina and Ivy had a huge argument once because Selina’s cats nibbled on Ivy’s plants.
Okay this post is all ready super long so I’m gonna end it here, as I said last time I can always make more if you guys like these (I’m not running out of headcanons anytime soon!)
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i-need-air · 3 years
Hey it's me again ❤️
I'm just gonna whisper something in your mind (is that even possible?)
Having a baby with Hybrid Katsuki.
Just that. Imagine girl. Perfection.
Ok, real talk here. Every time I see a request from you I uwu a little bit bc I know for a fact whatever you're requesting will make me get so immersed and involved and I'm gonna 💕💞AAAAAA💕💞 while writing AND [lemmecatchmybreath] it happened once again skdjdkfkf Hope you enjoy and sorry it took longer than normal~
Word count: 1.8k
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× listen 🥺 I already started and I'm melting, ok?
× when he finds out you're having a smol baby together?
× he freezes and looks at you in a whole different light
× if you're getting pregnant, he will definitely smell the change in your scent and will know even before you do; he'd be instantly by your side with a bewitched expression on his face, taking your cheeks into his palms to just soak everything in yet he's shaking slightly
× and even if you adopt [hopefully a smol hybrid], something deep inside of Katsuki, burried and long forgotten surfaces
× this is the life he always wanted, he always craved even in his darker moments
× this happiness, this fulfillment, this joy
× I absolutely believe he will diligently read and learn everything about the baby to come; will educate himself like no other, deciding to be the very best father he could ever be
× his life was rough and he was stolen away from his biological family, he will now have a chance to have his own and he will not fail you or the baby
× when you hold the little bundle of sunshine in your hands, head down admiring the beauty of a new life, he will stand there, again in shock, again soaking this moment in... so beautiful, so perfect
× will he ever tell you that? of course not; angry ass wild pomeranian—
× but his face gives him away every single time and when you tilt yourself to hand him his new son or daughter, he falls in love for the second time in his life;
× he burries his nose in the soft and fragile skin of the baby's head and breathes in, his instinct kicking in to defend, protect, care, look out for...
× watch carefully because once the baby makes a noise, he'll still, unsure of what to do, but smile so softly as the baby coos in his arms securely; that right there is the best image you can have of soft Katsuki.
× the first few weeks are actually horrible, sorry to break it to everyone aksjskdj not because he doesn't know what to do or does not want to help; on the contrary, he is so incredibly attentive but he also recites the books he learned by memory at this point and it's getting absolutely infuriating;
× although understand him, please; he wants to prove he's a good dad 🥺 except you wanna smack him bc he scoffs if you suggest something he isn't sure about.
× you will find him standing by the baby's crib as it sleeps; he's just???? making sure this is not a dream????? don't question anything though
× can we hc Bakugou with a daughter too? [ already established in the Hybrid!Kiri hcs that Kiri'd have daughter bUT i just really really like beefy men with tiny daughters;;; my heartttt;;; ]
× his little angel, no discussion, no argument, his daughter can do NO WRONG!
× he's very down to earth though, don't get me wrong, he just absolutely adores spoiling her
× speaks softly into her ear, the lowest you'd hear from him
× gruff, raspy, gutural voice ofter overused to scream now low and soft as he holds her into his chest; doesn't do baby-voices or anything like that, but calls her his angel then smirks at you if you're watching;;; then starts softly complaining and bitching about you to the baby 💀 all while rubbing her back
× omfg his hand is as big as her tiny back; guys, call an ambulance, I'm—
× Katsuki would be the type of little shit to pull what I just said then grab you and glue you to his chest too; he'd look down at you both, eyes shining in such adoration he'd take your breath away just before he continues his ranting about you;
× once the baby starts being more interactive, her giggles specially the ones induced by her daddy will make him melt; absolute diminute baby with a small wiggling tail clapping her chubby hands at her dad? his eyes would widen suddently, ears snapping high in surprise and he's taken back by the emotions overtaking him
× he's gone, man; she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger and you can't do anything about it
× instantly acts all in denial if someone is around though; scoffs to hide is obvious smile, placing a palm on his mouth to further block it out and tickles her with the other, earning another fit of giggles
× please, don't tell him his whole tail is waving from side to side
× the only clear giveaway apart from his ears and it's;;; a d o r a b l e;;;
× specially when your daughter also starts wagging her tail in response whenever he does it;
× "Hey, come see what the dumbass is doing!" or "Look at what she did" while showing you a video; proud pappa 🥺
× we're bringing back Proud Bakugou bc hIS DAUGHTER iS tHe BeSt; no, seriously, his kid is the mf best in the world and he will start this presentation with—
× now sit down with me and accept this: the baby; yes, your sweet daughter; mhm, that adorable screeching angel; mhm;;; she'll talk so early it's disturbing.
× at 6 months or so she's already saying mamma, dadda, kitty, woof-woof
× seriously terrifying how sharp she is and how she cannot shut up; for the love of gOd, Katsuki, this is all your fault... it doesn't matter, he just smirks as he has another reason to brag to anyone about his child
× did that street vendor look at him funny? "I'M GONNA FUCKING TELL YOU ABOUT MY DAUGHTER—"
× super-protective of her and fucking hates with a burning passion if anyone dares to do that thing where they match up babies saying "Maybe they'll get married when they grow up"
× hands down, no filter, he just looks deep down in whoever had the audacity and says "Like fucking shit they'd deserve her."
× drag him away before he throws fists
× he will definitely if you don't drag him away and you know it, they know it, the baby knows it and cheers for pappa, the whole world knows it at this point and they're buying tickets to watch the shitshow
× chest carrier and walks around with the kid like a boss
× man has shit to do, don't even dare to judge him;
× handles fits really well, he's impressive to say at least
× she's spoiled, yes and always has new toys, coloring books, whatever she wants but the moment she throws fits, he puts his foot down
× baby would be smol angery bb all adorable in all her Bakugou genetics anger and he'd just stare, tapping his foot
× literally waits in place until she calms and looks up at him with big, round eyes, puffy red cheeks and ears lowered
× mission accomplished; he nods then picks her up;
× and you're there amazed??????
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" lil shit still has a foul mouth tho, but make him get just as pouty and embarrassed as the child in his arms by saying something cheesy like "How amazing you are as a dad 💕"
× all rainbows and unicorns until she starts repeating insults and fr tho, Katsu almost shits his pants, fearing your reaction. Will, hands down, chill out with the insults even if he meant no damage with them; he has this unreadable expression on, a mix of shame and fluster, dread too? he's sorry, ok????
× loves, loves, loves cooking for you both and once the kiddo has her own special chair to sit at the dining table together, that's when he sees it: his dream
× you, wiping some food off her cheek with a loving expression, talking about your day casually, baby giggling while she moves her face away playfully; he loves you both so much.
× has these rare moments where, at the end of the day once you're settled in bed, he'd hug you tight and thank you in his mind for... for this... all of it...
× once she starts walking they're both a disaster
× seriously, do not expect the household to be silent ever again [ well, that dream was gone long ago anyway lol ]
× "Where the fuck do you think you're goin'?"
× rapid giggle running around from place to place
× "Oh, for fucks—"
× "Katsuki." you only need to say, catching him in his insults
× 😳 ... "Kid, come back, we're goin' to the park." Skdjkdfkl
× sudden adorable tiny fast steps approach him bc they're going for walkies!
× he is very careful with her and teaches her about stranger danger; also teaches her how to growl and even if her attempt is a total failure, small rawr leaving her lips, he's like "Yes. Good job. Now give it more heart."
× he growls as an example
× she growls back, sounding like a cute lil pup 🥺💕
× as she grows up, she obviously acts more like her father yet he knows when to stop the bad behaviors and it only takes a warning growl from him to get her to cease
× yet somehow you're the strict parent at the end of the day??????? tf????????? who made the rules??????
× starts calling her brat, squirt, lil shit 💕lovingly💕
× "your child" if she did something bad
× "Your fucking child kicked the ball into the vase and broke it." Aha, nice one, Katsuki. Good job.
× not to brag but her puppy eyes don't work on him but yours do; the problem is her puppy eyes do work on you bc she's the light of your life so if she wants something; she'll puppy-eye you knowing you'll get it for her bc daddy loves you very much 💕💞
× literally evil mastermind; didn't I tell you she's sharp? pft, she's playing you both so hard
× every day he comes back from work she runs to him at the door, tail wiggling happily behind her as she stretches her arms to be picked up and he always does, without a doubt, then proceeds to kiss the top of her head
× come out to greet him too? the whole loving routine is his absolute thing and wants to see you, have you kiss his cheek; he complains but adores it soooooo much!
× you have a family night; BONDING WITH MOODY POMERANIANS. Yes, plural, and it sounds perfect~
× even if it's just one of those animated movies he hates so much, he'll watch through all of it and make sarcastic comments just to make you both laugh; will grin satisfied asf if he manages to do so bc he's the best.
× will definitely want another kid, so how about maybe a boy??? hmm???
× asks you if you're up for the idea and if you agree, he'll roll his eyes and crack his shoulders, acting so very uninterested and purely exhausted yet his smirk would give him away:
× "Knew you'd torture me with another devil"
× throw him out, istg— 💀
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Actual NSFW headcanons for the demon brothers (part 3)
Hey!!! As promised this is part 3 of the actual NSFW headcanons, I’ll probably take a break from making more part in this series simply because I’m running out of ideas 😅  It’s definitely not over, just until I can get forward into the game. I have more stuff coming out soon so keep an eye out!
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I said it once, and I’ll say it again: Levi has two dicks
He also has a split tongue
Even tho Beel is quite muscular his body is not like a body builder type, he has the soft healthy muscles that are soft to cuddle
This is basically because he doesn’t starve or cut fats out of his diet (clearly)
Belphie’s everything is super soft and silky, his hair, his skin, his voice… he is just a soft boi all around
Lucifer has two scars underneath his shoulders blades, they’re very thing but raised. He is quite self-conscious of them and that’s why he never takes his shirt off
The first time Lucifer had sex with MC he kept his shirt on, he just let them unbutton it
Satan is quite muscular in his arms and upper body, but has a teeny tiny tummy that is super nice to lay on 
Asmo’s body is the least toned one out of all the brother, he is soft all around the edges
It makes him self-conscious and that is why he is always trying to lose weight but is just how his body is shaped
I headcanon the brothers to have a different anatomy when they are in their demon form versus their human form
In their human form their dick are just very big but resemble a normal human one
But when they are transformed… it's a different story
Think bad dragon dildos
Mammon has a nice round butt and really nice thighs
They can have sex in their human form, but their demon form comes out sometimes with really strong emotions
So it’s not weird for them to turn mid-sex
Yes MC freaked out the first time it happened, but now they know its normal, and it means they are enjoying themselves a lot
I stated that Levi likes fucking people with his tail, and Satan loves the idea, but is afraid of doing it with MC
He knows the shape of his tail is hard to take in and out, and he doesn’t want to hurt MC
Belphie and Asmo are the least muscular ones out of all of them, but Belphie has more of a tummy than Asmo does because he loves sweets and doesn’t exercise much 
Levi has a six-pack, and is quite toned because he swims around a lot with Henry 2.0
Beel has the biggest dick out of all of them
Asmo has the smallest, but it still is bigger than an average human one
He is also the one that doesn’t need his dick (or just touch) to make someone cum
He has the prettiest dick tho
They all have very sensitive spots all over their bodies but the common ones for all of them are the horns
They all like their hair played with because of that reason
Letting someone touch their horns, even though it feels amazing, it's a very intimate thing, so they don’t just let anybody do it
When in his demon form, Lucifer wraps his wings against his partner, sort of making a cocoon for the both of them during sex
A big turn on for Mammon is to have his thighs touched, all MC has to do is put their hand on his knee, and he almost comes undone right then and there
Even though Beel’s wings look very fragile they are quite strong, he loves having them stroked and touched during sex, it’s one of the easier ways to make him cum fast
The most experienced in bed besides Asmo is Lucifer because believe or not he is the one that communicates the best in bed (I’ll expand on this soon!)
The brother with the most people thirsting after them is Beel, and then Mammon
Asmo hates this and has thrown full-on tantrums over it
Asmo likes snooping inside his brothers rooms in case he catches them with something raunchy
He has caught Satan with an erotic book, Levi’s stash of hentai, Mammon’s nudes (that are mostly blurry because it was taken under the influence), Belphie’s ropes…
Beel sometimes pops a boner while training with his teammates
Mammon strips when he is drunk, he has been found streaking more than once after a party, both in the Devildom and in the human realm
When they were angels they still engaged in sexual encounter and intercourse, they just felt guilty after doing it
Asmo was the less promiscuous when they were in the celestial realm, Beel and Belphie where the most behind everyone’s backs (mostly Belphie)
Satan has had the least amount of partners out of all of them, not because he can not find them but more because he likes time by himself
Lilith was very easily impressionable and not afraid to get into trouble that’s why her and Belphie where the ones that were around humans the most, making them to be the ones that had more sex with humans that any of the others
Actually only them had sex with humans prior to becoming a demon
The first person that Lucifer had a sexual attraction to was Michael, it never amounted to anything even though Michael was more than willing
Levi really likes when people play with his tail, even mindlessly while they are doing something else. It doesn’t even have to be in a sexual way, he definitely doesn’t mind if it is… but you know
Mammon loves getting attention from MC, any way he can get it is good, he wants to have their hands on his body constantly
Asmo’s weak spot is his lower back, the most innocent touch there makes him weak in the knees, and he will exaggerate the emotion 10/10 just so he can get the other person to hold him
Belphie sleep talks a lot, he does things in general while asleep, but he fantasizes a lot out loud without knowing it
Beel knows it and has a field trip when he catches him at night, it's good that Belphie responds to his questions rather coherently
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