the-asexuality-blog · 2 years
Hello, everyone!
ETA: if you hate the changes to Tumblr as much as I do, please go here, select “Feedback” from the dropdown menu, and tell @support how you feel and why. Be as detailed as you can. Staff have rolled back unpopular features before when we complained enough. In the meantime, you can get the old dash back by following the instructions on this post.
Now, back to business:
You can call me Moira (She/He/They, whatever). I used to follow @theasexualityblog back in the day, but the Disk Horse drove so many of us away. I want to revive the community. I’m old and tough; the exclusionists can’t do anything that I can’t handle. I don’t have much experience managing a community blog, so anyone’s input is welcome.
For those who want more information on asexuality as an orientation, particularly in the capacity of an educator, visit What Is Asexuality?
For those who are over eighteen years old, please consider also joining Acebook, which is ostensibly a dating site, but I don’t think any of us actually uses it that way.
For those under eighteen, or anyone seeking further categorized information on asexuality, visit the Asexual Visibility and Awareness Network, or their Tumblr page @avenpt
I’ll answer questions to the best of my ability, of course, but those three resources predate me, so make sure to check them out.
This part is probably going to lose me some followers, but I want to make my position clear.
I recently saw an infographic that had an addendum that “acehet” and “arohet” people don’t count as part of the community.
Now, listen: if a trans woman were exclusively attracted to men, would we say she wasn’t part of the community because she’s “basically straight”? Of course not. Not unless she chose to identify that way. Her shared experience of being trans would be, by itself, enough to make her part of the trans community if she wanted to be.
Why should we make different rules for other identities? We are not defined by who our partners are—if we were, every person in the world who is not currently in a relationship would be “basically aroace.”
So-called “acehet” and “arohet” people share our experiences of being aspec, and that by itself is intersection enough to include them in our community if they want to be part of it.
I’m not going to tolerate any form of exclusionism on this blog. We need all the solidarity we can get, especially at times like these, when queer rights are under attack. Labels are for us to adopt for ourselves, not to force upon others. If you disagree with me, well, you’re entitled to have your own opinion, but if you actively try to exclude anyone on claims of their being “basically het,” I don’t care if we’ve known each other for years; I will block you without hesitation.
I block and report all bots, so if you’re new and want to follow this blog, please make a post that says something like “Hi, I’m not a bot, just a lurker” or something to that effect so I’ll know you’re a real person. I assume all empty blogs with no user pic and no posts to be bots.
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Pride on campus!!! Wore my ace shirt and got AN ACE BALLOON SHARK
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aceproblems · 7 years
Would this blog ever consider organising/hosting a buddy programme on here - like, act as a proxy for aces to meet other aces? Or do you know somewhere I can go to do that?:3 I want to meet people like me and form friendships buts it's tricky when we're in the 1% lel
While personally I think that doing something like that would be a bit more than I’m capable of at the moment, I have been an active member of an asexuality chat (formerly on chatzy, currently on discord) for approaching 2 years now. From this I have a multitude of friends who are ace, it has about 500 members as of right now!The chat is available through @theasexualityblog and has a blog for all news related to it at @acespacenewsI’d highly recommend people check it out as I’ve had a great time on it (plus you’ll get to meet me, potentially)
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ineffable-sparrow · 7 years
So I came out as Ace on Facebook and so far I have only had one person respond but what they said means so much to me "I think it's very strong of you to post this. So many people are far too judgemental. It's your life, you should be allowed to lead it however you choose. ❤"
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fuckyeahasexual · 5 years
why isn’t there a whole ass movement with that sentence. “asexuality is”. that’s honestly so powerful
Feels like there’s should be
@theasexualityblog had “Asexual And” to highlight you can be ace and sexually active or ace and whatever you are.
Feels like that in ways. - Rose
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posi-pan · 5 years
hey, sorry to bother and u can ignore if this request is rude. but i was wondering if you or your followers have recommendations for ace/aro/demi positivity account here on tumblr (or twitter). i like posi-pan but i'm having difficulties on finding places like this for my other labels. i'm kinda new here and am trying to find safe spaces/accounts for positivity and stuff. anyways, thanks!
hi! I hope you find something useful or positive in the accounts I could find.
tumblr (not sure how active these accounts are or if they post the type of content you’re looking for. from a quick scroll through, they seem to be entirely or mostly ace/aro/demi focused)
twitter (it’s a bit harder to find accounts on there)
there are definitely more out there, so @ everyone: please feel free to add on! (and if you know of any of these accounts being problematic in some way, please let me know, because that’s something I did not check.)
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aro-aceplace · 6 years
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Asexual? Never Heard of it.
What does Asexual mean?
Asexual is a term to describe the experience of feeling little to no sexual attraction.
Other commonly asked questions:
So you’re celibate?
What’s the difference between asexual and aromantic?
What is the ace-spectrum?  
What identities are on the ace-spectrum?
So you hate sex?
But how can you date someone and be asexual?
Resources for ace-spec folks
Online resources:
The Asexual Visibility and Education Network
Asexuality Archive
Acing History
Asexual Awareness Week
Asexual Agenda
The Asexuality Blog
Dating and social sites/apps:
Spades and Arrows
List of in-person groups
Amelia Ace
Aced it!
The Ace Space
Aces Wild
The Ace Goddess 
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wheel-deal · 6 years
Hello Aces!
In honor of the week I want to do a giveaway. I am going to be giving away 2 copies of Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann. The main character, Alice, is Asexual. I just read the book myself and really really enjoyed it. Its nice to read about a character like me. Representation matters. 
I would like to giveaway 2 books but if the winners chose to instead I can give google play cards or codes if ebooks or audio book are easier.I myself listened to the audio book because reading books is difficult for me. Please please please dont enter this give away if you just want to win giftcards. I am trying to help fellow aces.
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Rules will be posted under the cut, sorry mobile users!
Must me over 18 (or have parents permission to enter giveaway and thus give an address), and willing to give me a mailing address. US Only, again sorry but international shipping keeps going up :(
You do not have to follow me
 Likes count as one entry and Reblogs each count as one entry. You can reblog multiple times but please don’t spam.
No give away blogs
Please have askbox or messages open so i can contact you.
I will randomly pick winners after the deadline and message them, I will not announce who winners are publicly. You will know if you win is you are messaged after. 
Winners will have 48 answers to respond.
Giveaway will end Sunday October 28th Pacific time and I will draw sometime on Monday. 
Good luck all! 
@asexual-society @asexualspectrumspector @asexualspectrumspector @fuckyeahasexual @theasexualityblog @thehumorousace
And I hope you dont mind if i tagged your blog in this, just if you are willing to help spread the word that would be appreciated 
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actuallyasexual · 5 years
I’m currently writing a paper about how politics affect the asexuality community in a positive and/or negative do you know any resources on that? I’m having trouble finding any.
I might be able to help, depending on what specifically you are looking for. There is not an abundance of asexual research, especially asexual research done by people who are actually asexual. There are still ways to explore this topic. You just need to know what to look for.
I’ve written, twice, about how Fox News has approached asexuality in news segments. One, re: a video segment that pathologizes asexual people. Another, re: a news article that asks asexual people to consider the possibility of having a disorder. Politically oriented media can give you some idea of impact.
In the second post linked above, I also discuss other issues of pathologization which links to a lengthy post by @rotten-zucchinis discussing the involvement of the FDA in approving / disapproving flibanserin, a controversial drug meant to “help” women with low sexual desire with pathologizing implications. 
Politics are tied to institutions, including medical institutions. Attitudes towards asexuality often overlap with issues of ableism in politics and the institution of medicine. @anagnori has been doing research in this area (specifically therapy), if you want to broaden your search to how institutions approach asexuality.
@asexualresearch also has various sources to research on asexuality that you can look through. I was going to do the same at @theaceacademic, but I simply do not have the time to dedicate to such a project right now. I’m in graduate school for education, not asexual research.
This article links to a variety of asexual history-oriented blogs, including @historicallyace which may have some sources you can look into regarding perspectives on asexuality that may overlap with politics. I also have a couple articles in my #academia tag which may help you.
There’s a lot of articles archived by @theasexualityblog which overlap with politics. You can see a list organized by topic, here. Politics and asexuality also impact different communities differently. So, you may want to look how asexuality intersects with race, religion, gender, etc.
There are things associated with asexuality that may be examined from a political perspective as well, but people may not use the word “asexual.” For example, living single and single parenthood is a common desire or situation that asexual people may find themselves in which involve political debates.
I hope that helps you get started.
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theultimatea · 6 years
Hi everyone! My name is Brittany, I’m a proud Australian biromantic grey asexual, and I need help.
I’m in my final semester of studying journalism, and for my final assignment, I’m researching asexual and aromantic erasure.
Now I’m looking to interview some other people (preferably people in Australia simply cuz of logistics) who identify with the asexuality and/or aromantic spectra. The assignment specifies that I CAN’T use anonymous sources, so you have to be OK with me using your name.
If you’d be kind enough to help me out with this, or you have any further questions, feel free to send me an ask or DM me. If you cannot, a reblog goes a long way. Thank you all :)
Could I please get a signal boost @fyeahsnowbert @silent-massacre @acesovertwenty @fuckyeahasexual @a-fandom-trashdump @whyarentlemonscalledyellows @theasexualityblog @argolane @slytherinvalues @snowbertlover @melthewriterchickactuallywriting
Thank you guys
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aceofwhump · 5 years
hey just wondering what ace is exactly? Bc I feel like I relate but idk. Thanks!
Hi there! So “ace” is a shortened term for asexual which is a sexual identity that means you don’t experience sexual attraction. It is quite the spectrum though (as any identity can be) and if you are curious to learn more about it I suggest checking out these blogs. I found them very helpful when I started questioning. And of course you are more than welcome to message me if you want to :) Hope this helps!!
@thehumorousace @a-spec-tacular @asexualfacts @asexualityexists @fuckyeahasexual @theasexualityblog
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the-asexuality-blog · 2 years
Hi, person who only arrived on tumblr about a year ago here! This blog seems to have a strong theme of “exclus can’t chase me off” which is great, good for you! I was just wondering if something happened to prompt this? Was this blog shut down by aphobes before? /gen
thanks! :)
Okay, let me take you back about eight years. There was another major asexuality blog, @theasexualityblog, which was a community center on Tumblr. Unfortunately, a lot of exclusionists dogpiled them and other ace blogs to the point where a lot of us went back into the closet. No blame to them. But I suffered four years of nonstop bullying in high school, and as a result, I have skin as thick as a rhino's. I'm a middle-aged Queer, and I can take anything some random strangers on the internet can throw at me. The bottom line is: I want my community back.
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addigni · 6 years
June Pride Month LGBT Special Commission
Hey guys! I was thinking of doing something special for this June since it is Pride month, so in celebration of that I’m opening up special commission for this.
What I’m thinking of doing is a portrait of you (or your friend or loved ones or someone) who falls in the LGBTQ+ community. This could apply to:
an asexual, aromantic, trans, bi, pan, nb person
or lesbian/gay/nb couple or qpp relationships
basically anything that falls under the lgbtqiap+ umbrella
It will be fully Coloured with your matching lgbt+ colour palette as background and it will cost USD $70 for single person portrait or USD $90 for couples
50% of each commission will be donated to The Trevor Project*
*read more info under cut at the bottom of the post :)
If interested, fill in this Google Form  :)
Here are some examples of my work:
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50% of each commission will be donated to The Trevor Project
which means that for each single person portrait, USD$35 is donated to the Trevor Project
Or for each couple portrait, USD$45 is donated to the Trevor Project
if you would like to donate more, you can also do that, the extra profits will be donated to The Trevor Project
only 6 slots available for now
artwork will start around mid-July :)
tagging some people @inevitably-johnlocked @fuckyeahasexual @asexualadvice @asexuals-unite @lgbtco @lgbtgivesmehope @lgbtq-is-okay @gay-ship-ruin-my-life @obsessivelollipoplalala @bi-puns @lgbtposts @cwote @aro-ace-space @ace-aro-fandroid @ace-aro-agen-resource @nonbinarycuties @theasexualityblog
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clotpolesonly · 6 years
rec non-fandom specific blogs 2 follow?
oh boy, haha, i feel like the vast majority of blogs i follow i do for fandom-related stuff. not sure if you’re looking for multifandom blogs (aka ones that aren’t specific to one fandom) or completely nonfandom blogs, but most of what i follow is ace/aro blogs or writing prompt blogs.
so i’m gonna go with those and see what i can dig up in my following list, in case you’re interested:
and that’s all i got! literally everything else is fandom, lol, so this is the sum total of my exist XD if it’s not what you were looking for then ignore this completely
ps i follow too many blogs
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fuckyeahasexual · 6 years
Weekday Pride Themed Events Brainstorming
We’ve had multiple requests to have more themed postivity posts that everyone can take part in and I’m all for it.
# Fyeah Music Monday
Share songs that remind you of your a-spec identity. Doesn’t have to be an aro or ace song just something that means something to you.
# Fyeah Headcanon Tuesday
Read someone in fiction as a-spec? Post about it! This is a day where opinions are king.
# Fyeah Advocacy Wednesday
Tell us about ace/aro advocacy in your lgbtqia+ offline spaces or online! Big or small, from huge gestures to soft moments of solidarity!
# Fyeah Future Thursday
@theasexualityblog and I used to basically joke that all our hate mail would come on Thursday so instead of being a negative how about we mention things we want to see in the future for the community. Anything from better mental and physical healthcare for us, better sex ed, etc.
# Fyeah Art Friday
Couldn’t find the tag/event I wanted but that’s okay tumblr let’s you use multiple tags. So Friday’s would be sharing your writing, art, pride photos, etc. Memes if you find them an art form. It’s basically show and tell say so have at it!
Please leave your thoughts in the comments!
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skater110599 · 6 years
5., 17. and 18.? Happy asexual awareness week!!
Marie!!!! Sorry for the late answer I promise I never forgot about these I probably thought about how I still had to answer these at least once a day since they got to my inbox.
5. Thoughts on the ace umbrella?
This question……. is not very clear.
Idk I support all ace-specs, and I’m so glad that we have these various identities to help put names to our feelings and show us that we’re not alone. All of you ace-specs? Wonderful.
If you had something in mind when you asked this question, let me know and I can answer that lol. I really didn’t know what to write here.
17. Are there any ace blogs you follow?
Yes!! I follow @fuckyeahasexual (posts a lot of defense/discourse, so if that’s not your thing, I don’t really recommend this one), @theasexualityblog (and their podcast @asexualitypodcast), @theautumnace, and @asexualjournal
18. Just answered! This was probably my fav question on that list of asks and I’m glad my friends agree. But since this one is covered, I’m gonna answer two other questions that I like instead:
10. Headcanon any characters as ace?
See when I first thought about this I went oh gosh I’m a bad ace I don’t have any original ace headcanons but then I thought about it and I do have a few. Many of these are very new! As in since reading this question a few weeks ago. And I have bolded just the character names for your benefit bc I can’t just list them I have to put commentary on everything so yeah….. here they are:
probably my favorite common ace headcanon, Charlie Weasley (if you also love this hc, I recommend the song Charlie Weasley by Tonks and the Aurors)
Katniss Everdeen
ace Luna Lovegood makes me happy
my brother actually texted me all of a sudden yesterday and said “AUTUMN. Question. Do you think Newt Scamander might be asexual?” and I can’t believe I never thought about this one, but wow do I support it. Headcanon accepted.
There’s this book series that I read when I was younger and remains one of my favorites, and I completely projected myself onto one of the main characters, so I guess when I think about the character now I can’t really see her as non-ace, because she is basically me? So yeah. Ani from The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale is ace. Also I highly recommend this series, even though it’s middle grade.
@julian-dahl just wrote a great fic about asexual Vilde (that I helped with a little bit) and I love it so much
This may seem weird for non-aces (aces let me know if you relate), but I lowkey think of all characters as ace until it has been shown otherwise. I think it’s because, when I get into the minds of characters, and their feelings, sexual attraction is never there, because I personally don’t know what that’s like. Especially when it comes to ships, in my mind the relationship is basically asexual until the characters become canonically sexually active (which almost always happens so rip to most of my ace headcanons).
Also, all of you reading this, send me your ace headcanons! I love them all.
20. Any ace friends?
Yeah this one is just an excuse for me to talk about how much I love my friends. Two of my close irl friends are ace and I love them both very much. And I also am super lucky to have quite a few online friends who are ace (*cough cough*)
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