#they all answer 'no' when you ask if they're the leader and then all proceed to act like leaders
finncakes · 2 years
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leader trio that all refuses that they are the leaders but still take charge in every conversation and plan
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kalims · 2 years
‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "i kinda wanna throw my phone across the room 'cause all I see are girls too good to be true"
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jealousy, jealousy,
I reckon yuu has atleast some people admiring them for their 'heroic' acts for each dorms, ironically enough
characters. riddle, leona, azul, kalim, vil, idia, malleus.
includes. gn!reader, flowers aren't limited to girls.
cw. each has a student from their dorm/another liking reader, book 5 spoilers? kinda.
note. this was supposed to be for celebrating 4k and originally I had a fic that I was supposed to publish but I got really busy w/ school and stuff so I supposed I'll just drop this 😚 I'm also sick btw *cries
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if someone asked you; "what do you think the students see you as?" you'd probably answer, "a wannabe I guess." technically you were sure that you were right about your guess. if there's anything that you'd know about a school that worships villians is that they'd hate someone whose the polar opposite.
which is you, with you basically 'saving' the dorm leaders and all. atleast the person in question didn't seem to pick at you for helping them and not going like 'I don't need your help.'
which is also why you're.. shocked to say the least when some random student you can't say that looks familiar hands you a bouquet of flowers, clearly flushing at your stare. you notice a white envelope tucked into the variety of flowers as well as a box of chocolates.
funnily enough you wondered if twisted wonderland celebrated valentines day on a different month.
albeit the possibly hundred other gazes from the other people. why'd they have to do this in the cafeteria exactly? it would've saved you the trouble if they did it on a more private scale.
you can only smile at them politely. honesty feeling a mixture of embarrassment and shyness cause you've never received such a bold confession yourself. "thank you?" you feel a little bad when they deflate at your short answer to their gifts but nevertheless pleased.
"you're welcome. I tried to pick out the flowers for someone as special as you but it can't compare." they absent-mindedly state. you can't hide the grin on your face, you just met this person and they're already flattering you. it feels nice to be appreciated.
kinda cringe but you take it back this person is really cool.
— riddle rosehearts
bystander number 1. who wants to collar that person by anger, along with jealousy then proceed to stomp away. riddle would actually do that but only when you're not around cause you'd probably not be too happy if he punishes your 'friend' and he wants you to see him as the 😇 reliable young lad everyone loves.
suddenly had the will to impress you and one upped everything the other person did. so they got a 49 on the magical analysis test? that's too bad, riddle got 50. get on his level. so they answer correctly only when called? well riddle's voluntarily raising his hand and getting them all correct. oh they can cook?
oh well. he can do everything else better else than cooking so it doesn't really matter. you'd be a fool to choose someone else over him. but he supposes its part of the charm, infatuatingly enough.
— leona kingscholar
bystander number 2 who either just doesn't care or is secretly really mad. knowing leona it's probably the latter because it's leona and if there's something he hates it's probably getting upped by some random person whom he's clearly better than. you must be really blind if you have the audacity to ramble about said person to him.
went really grumpy for the span of days to weeks. ruggie literally would do anything you ask if it meant that leona's gonna be to his old self, lazy sure but he didn't used to place this much work on him!
your fault or not you'd probably also get affected by his drastic change of attitude. bro literally ignored you as well as everyone else, reverting to his mean self but treating you with more bitterness. it's probably not your fault but he doesn't regret a thing because you actually look upset when he pays you no mind. so you do feel something for him 😒😏. flashbacks to kaeya
— azul ashengrotto
bystander number 3. who's borderlining between wanting to get depressed then crawl in his octo pot to cry and absolutely ruining everything this random cheap made. I mean, really? those aren't even your favorite flowers! where did they get them, at the nearest dollar store? if he were them he'd give you the most expensive flowers you'd ever lay your eyes on!
and that's what he does actually; literally showed up on your doorstep with a handsome smile and gave you the most prettiest flowers you've seen yet. consider yourself charmed! bro literally made you forget about that other person for days until you saw them like a month later which is kinda bizarre..
the twins don't let you know that azul put them up on a 'job' to keep em' away. but it does use for good blackmail material against the jealous octopus.
— kalim al asim
bystander number 4. legit doesn't get jealous. kalim literally is just happy that you have admirers like him because you deserve it! he'd be more upset if you didn't have admirers honestly. okay but lowkey though, he isn't trying to compete at all but you receive a large bouquet, definitely much grander than the one you received and a heartfelt letter tucked into it.
how was that person supposed to win you over when kalim does it better?? ok but this is like the jamil situation in book 5 LOL.
if he actually somehow gets jealous he feels bad because he knows he'll do it better ( not condescending /gen ) so he just resorts to trying to win your affection and forgets about not trying then completely overshadowed the other person's previous attempts. bro only spared a 'I feel bad' look then smiling again because yay! you like him better now :)
— vil schoenheit
bystander number 5. AKA, the one who knows he'll do better and actually does do it better ( condescending ). vil doesn't even bother doing anything cause he trusts you enough to make the.. correct, choice. you do know that he's one of the most sought off person in the world, right? you'd be a fool to not see that.
okay but maybe he is a little paranoid that you actually will choose them so he actually does put in effort..
I mean nearly everyone is scared terrified of rook right? what's one more person to the count? he totally does not purposely send out rook to stalk them so he can expose them on social media .. or make him stall them somewhere so he has the chance to whisk you away and you losing the ability to see them for this day.. oh well, it's better to just spend it with vil since you're free anyways..
— idia shroud
bystander number 6 who was there but actually not there..? physically not present but he was there, somehow.. *looks at camera in the far, FAR corner of the ceiling*. idia doesn't know whether to start crying because you actually looked happy with their CRINGE. confession.. the crying is a more intense period than azul's btw.
or.. actually there's no or, that's just what he's gonna do. close his electronic device, crawl into his bed and cry into his body pillow. fear not. little brother ortho to the rescue! ortho actually suggested destroying any evidence of a 'disappearance' if that poor soul just happened to not be present for years but idia quickly shot that idea down, he actually pondered on agreeing but no way he's gonna let them win by that!
hijacks all their phones, PC's, whatever other stuff so that it's completely off, no other person can fix it besides him. and he's definitely not gonna do that so the person ghosts you for weeks, so you get mad and ghost them irl.. wow his masterplan actually worked. no ortho pls don't force me to 'comfort' them..
— malleus draconia
bystander number 7 who genuinely doesn't see the appeal of this basic little b— human :). like? hello?? he's right here, open your eyes child of man. no need to tolerate the pathetic display they just did that doesn't live up to your very existence, they might as well compare you to gravel on the floor from how poor they executed their weird analogy.
he could legit go on and on about every single feature you have, your eyes, mouth, face, shape.. he would present you a microsoft presentation for it if you ask and it literally is godly description type of thing. you could finish listening to one of them and you'd be in TEARS ☠.
bros so sentimental. he thanks lilia for the advice of microsoft presentation because you now look completely convinced. malleus has the pride to spare the other person a smirk when your attention is fully on him :D.
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whateverisbeautiful · 4 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#15: I'm Gonna See/You Ready? (S5E11)
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Ok, one last tie. 🤗 The Distance is one of the goated Richonne pre-canon episodes. I always enjoy this one for showing all throuhgout why Rick and Michonne are the most dynamic duo. They lead so well together as partners, parents, and as two people who genuinely care about each other. The episode has several great Richonne moments, but two specific ones get a tie for 15th place on this list because they're both really special...
(Also honorable mention to their scene at the top of this ep when they give married vibes as Michonne lets Rick know her look was not a "let's attack that man" look lol. I always love that Michonne knows her look at Rick might have played a part in him punching Aaron and that Rick has this brief entranced look at Michonne like he's making a mental note to get better at reading her looks. 😋)
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Rick and Michonne were undeniably partners and co-leaders during this whole episode. And after Michonne makes the call and tells the group they're going to Alexandria, Rick co-signs and they share this look in the barn that suggests 'we should talk privately' - which leads to their lovely top 15 moment alone outside.
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Their private moment outside the barn begins when Michonne approaches Rick, who is working on a car. He's immediately getting this Alexandria plan in motion because when Michonne convinces him of something, his mind is genuinely made up to do what she thinks is best. #RealOne.
I love how the first thing Rick says is stuff about the plan, showing he’s really up for this and not at all upset about Michonne taking charge of the group. In fact, Rick seemed somewhat alleviated (and low-key turned on lol) by Michonne taking the initiative earlier in the barn. Then he voices that he wants Michonne to be with him when driving with Aaron cuz of course. 🧲
Rick mentions how Carl and Judith are safer in the RV, and this just tells you loud and clear that they’re the parents. That was evident when Michonne mentioned not wanting to pass up a place for Judith to live in this ep and then with Rick talking about the kids here. Look at this beautiful mom and dad, y’all. 🥰
Michonne is silent hearing Rick say this, and I will forever love that Rick notices the silence, looks up at her, and so sweetly asks, “You okay?” Like she always matters to him and even after trusting her instinct over his own with the plan, he still wants to check in on her and ensure she’s good with everything.
Michonne knows she can be candid with Rick, so she asks if he was for real when saying they’re going. It’s sweet cuz right here she gets to learn just how much Rick continually trusts her and will follow her lead.
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And then Rick stands up and assuredly says they’re going. Michonne wants to confirm that they’re going no matter what it takes, and what proceeds to me has always felt like this moment of Rick really letting Michonne into the thought process he often has as a leader because he officially knows that she's his co-leader now.
So he shares this important insight and leader perspective with her and does it by asking good questions rather than just outright stating it, which is great and effective. I really like the dialogue in this scene.
Rick asks her what she heard outside the gates of Woodbury and Terminus, and Michonne answers "Nothing" both times, quickly getting and respecting where Rick is going with this. Their communication is just A1, even when they have a few different feelings about things.
Rick tells her how sometime tonight without seeing inside the walls he’s going to have to decide whether to bring his family in. I love the way he emphasizes 'family' when he says this. The best family man on TV. 🙌🏽 And I love that Michonne is included in that family that he’s so passionately talking about.
And again, I talk a lot about how Rick looks at Michonne throughout the series cuz I adore it, and he’s super attentive to her in this scene - but y’all, the way Michonne looks at Rick is also just so passionate and filled with love and respect. They both have this arresting effect on each other, and I’m beyond here for it. 
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Then I love this part where Rick says Aaron asked him what it would take to believe his offer is real, and he admits, “Truth is, I’m not sure if anything could convince me to go in there…but I’m gonna see. I’m gonna see.”  Tell me this scene is not giving romantic. ❤️‍🔥 The way he pauses and leans toward her as he says he’s going to see. He looks right into her eyes as he softly repeats, "I’m gonna see." It’s for her, y’all. 🥰
The reason I love this scene is because Rick is pretty much saying that there’s only one thing that could really get him to take this kind of a leap...and it’s her.
What would it take for him to believe it’s real? Michonne. What could convince him to go in there? Michonne. Why is he going to see? Michonne. Of course, he wants a great place for his family to call home too. But at this point, Rick doesn’t seem to trust that Aaron’s story is even legit, so he really is taking this big leap because he is willing to trust Michonne’s gut even over his own. 
It’s a big deal and this scene was just a beautiful exchange between them that really further watered the seed for how Rick and Michonne will continue to operate as leaders and sounding boards for each other.
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Richonne was just in their bubble the whole episode, and I know as a newcomer Aaron had to be looking at the rest of team family like...
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And then there isn’t a better way to end this Rick and Michonne-centered episode than with this moment right here. 😍 One of my all-time favorite endings to a TWD ep.
I love that the very first scene at Alexandria is one between the two who will lead this place. Rick and Michonne pull up to the gate and sit side by side in the car outside the place tf will call home for the next 6 seasons, the place where they will build their life as husband and wife and expand their family.
But without knowing just how much this community is going to work out for them, right now in this 5.11 moment, they're just preparing to take a huge leap of faith to try and make yet another community work after experiencing many a fallen community.
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Just from the jump, I’ve always loved that Rick and Michonne were in this car with their kids while the rest of TF was in the RV. It’s already setting them up as this inner family unit. Like there's found family among the whole group which is a beautiful thing - but then there's immediate family which for Rick is the three people in this car with him.
In this car are the people Rick feels most fiercely protective of which is why he wants the three of them with him as they approach this unknown territory.
Also I know Richonne didn’t become canon until they entered those Alexandria gates but, truly, in this moment they were already a couple. It was so clear, and it was only a matter of time before they called it what it was. 
They pull up to the spot, and Andy just does incredible acting with his eyes alone as his face softens upon hearing kids playing on the other side of the wall. 👏🏽 Andy really should have won every award for his acting throughout the series, but especially for his work in season 5.
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Something subtle I’ve always loved about this moment is the fact that Rick is already looking at Michonne once the car stops. I used to think it was her putting her hand on his that grabbed his attention. But no. Even before then, in this extremely stressful moment for Rick where he has to fight to put his PTSD and paranoia aside and bravely go and see for the sake of his family - what does he do?...he looks to Michonne. 😊
She led him here. And he needs her reassurance right now. After all, pretty much the only reason he’s outside these gates right now is because of her.
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Rick’s the leader who often has to put his own fear aside for the sake of his people, but here he can be a guy who's anxious and needs some reassurance cuz what they’re about to do is risky.
And because Michonne is his elegant and calming soulmate she gives him such precious reassurance when she takes his hand and smiles and asks, “You ready?” 😊
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I appreciate that she asks him the question and how it’s also this motivational encouragement. And I love that this is Michonne's first time initiating this type of physical contact with him. That touch alone shows they’ve come a long way and she has come to trust and feel comfortable with Rick so much since her "don’t you ever touch me again" days in season 3.
And the smile and everything just feels like that attraction, that “something more,” that magnetic connection between them is slowly but surely becoming fully realized. The way she does this just communicates loud and clear that these two are in it together. Whatever’s on the other side of that ASZ gate - and I do mean whatever it may be - Rick and Michonne are going to get through it and ultimately come out stronger and closer than ever because they have each other to guide them. 
Another poetic element of this to me is that Michonne knows what it's like to walk up to a fence and not know exactly what you're going to find on the other side. That was her experience arriving at the prison in season 3.
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But by showing up at those prison gates, she found something more valuable than gold - she found her family and the love of her life. The leap Michonne took to show up to a new place more than paid off.
And now here she is, side by side with Rick this time, and facing a new gate. And she's able to instill hope that this gate too can have good on the other side. 👌🏽
Also, it hit me that yes this is a shining moment of Michonne’s calming presence in Rick’s life - But Rick’s words also have an impact on Michonne too.
In that “I’m gonna see” scene, Rick tells Michonne how not hearing silence outside a community doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe. So when they’re outside Alexandria, the fact that they hear children laughing and playing is a sign for not just Rick but Michonne too that this is different from those other places. I feel like she's recalling his words at this moment and finding comfort in them.
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And to make even more of a connection, Michonne knows how reassuring it can be to see kids in the community cuz when she showed up at the prison, I truly believe that Carl and Judith being there and cared for by all the adults in the group is a factor in helping her know this place was more genuine than others.
Her conversation with Rick and the valuable insights he imparted helps her to feel more confident about getting out of this car and taking on this community. And she’s able to transfer that energy to Rick like only she can. 
After receiving the calming reassurance from Michonne, which always resonates with him, Rick then nods and gets out and goes to grab Judith and takes this huge game-changing step to enter this new community.
The power and love between Rick and Michonne is what got them here. Richonne is what got the entire group to their new home. And I love that in that sedan was the greatest family the show has seen. And once they entered those gates they’d only become more and more of a family. 👌🏽
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In retrospect, I love this closing 5.11 scene for being the moment Alexandria got their king and queen. 👑 Those two upgraded the heck out of this place over the course of the seasons, to where it became a community that really thrived.
Don’t get me wrong, Alexandria threw them some obstacles when they first arrived, but they overcame them because when Rick and Michonne are united, this power couple can rise above anything. 
These two tied scenes show the way that Rick and Michonne are truly co-leaders and partners who care so much about each other as human beings and are in it together always. And I love that these scenes served as this reminder that Rick and Michonne are only growing closer and have something special between them that will flourish even more once they take the leap. 😌
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akingofcarvenstone · 9 months
How do you or would you headcannon Bilbo and Thorin accidentally proposing or getting engaged and how would they proceed when they find out or the other accepts the proposal?
I'm so sorry for not noticing this ask sooner, but thank you! I rarely check this blog since I mostly stay on my main blog. And tbh it's been sooo long since I've been invested the fandom, so I'm not sure this answer will be the best thing I've come up with. I'm gonna need a refresher on Hobbit/LotR lore after this 😅
Well, to me, an accidental bagginshield proposal would occur one of two ways:
1) let's say that in dwarven culture (headcanon), giving your intended a great gift like a family heirloom or something personalized, would be a form of proposal.
Thorin giving Bilbo the mithril mail could have been his proposal, and while the other dwarves and Gandalf understand the meaning, Bilbo doesn't and no one tells him bc to everyone it just seems obvious. Everyone starts treating him with the same regard that they do with Thorin, their leader, and Bilbo notices the change in demeanor and asks either Bofur, Balin, or even Gandalf about it and they're like "Mr. Baggins, didn't you know? Thorin proposed to you, you are his consort! Congrats on being the only one to get through his rock solid heart!" And then he says something like, "I'm sorry, what?! What do you mean I'm his consort?!" "Don't you remember, when Thorin gave you the mithril vest? In our culture, giving a fine gift like that to your intended is a proposal! And you accepted his gift, so you sealed the deal." And Bilbo tries to tell them that he didn't know, that this is a mistake. But when he's asked whether he would like to return the gift and end the proposal, he can't do it, he doesn't want to, so he just goes on with the knowledge that he's the King's consort. Thorin would be so pleased that now he can be touchy feely with Bilbo, and it wouldn't really be much of a change from what they were like before, but now everyone knows and accepts. (And if you want the angst feelings, the scene at the end where he tells Balin what he feels about Thorin after he dies hits harder.)
2) if Bilbo proposes: like I said, I need a refresher on the lore so if there's a canon explanation for a Hobbit form of proposal or anything, just excuse me and let's pretend.
So, hobbits really love food and simple living and comforts, right? But that's not really possible when they're on a long journey, so Bilbo has to make do with what he has. Maybe they're short on their food supplies one day, and Bilbo has some food from back home that he packed and it's wrapped in a nice package, and he was saving it for himself, but offers it to Thorin and Co. And we all know Hobbits love to eat, and they eat a lot, so a few rolls of bread is like a snack to them, whereas for others it's a full meal, so the dwarves think he has a feast and is enough to feed them all for the night. Bilbo unintentionally proposed to Thorin by giving him a gift of a homemade 'meal' in a nice package, as is the custom (headcanon), and for a moment Bilbo forgets about it and just feels good for providing his friends with some food. Later that night, Gandalf reminds him, teasing him, about his proposal and Bilbo blushes and coughs nervously, saying he didn't mean to, but luckily, neither Thorin nor the other dwarves know about it so he thinks he's safe. But, Kili and Fili, sneaky little guys, were eavesdropping on their 'private' conversation and rush to let Thorin and everyone know about the meaning of Bilbo's gesture. Thorin scolds them for being nosy and that they probably heard wrong anyway, but the next day Thorin asks Gandalf and he confirms. Thorin says nothing but now that he knows, he allows himself to get physically and emotionally closer to Bilbo and from there, they kinda just live as a couple and no one questions it, they're happy for them!
It's been so long, but this is bringing back my bagginshield feels from back in the day 🥰
If anyone wants to write a fic or draw something inspired by this, you're welcome to do so, just let me know!
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Would love to hear about your DnD chara and her drenched-papersack of a man 👀
HELLO ok i'm back at my computer so i can ANSWER
ok SO
we're playing Curse of Strahd and i have made myself a sorcerer by the name of Asta Lathan, follower of Lathander. and now she's taking up every spare inch of room in my brain. it started in May (more on that later) but now she's a permanent resident
she's a village girl. raised by her grandparents alongside her cousin Cedric. more than your typical adventurer, she's a figure from an adventurer's backstory. she's the apothecary of her village/town, and she never planned to leave. she planned to start a family, find an apprentice, and pass on the apothecary when she was growing old, just like it was passed to her. her cousin Cedric, with the more traumatic loss of his parents and his four years of age on her and the charming demeanor, he's the adventurer. he goes off on these adventures and writes letters home, that they all treasure, and when he comes home (he always comes home), he regales them with stories
you know how he always comes home? one time, he doesn't. Asta studies his last letter. he mentioned a land, Barovia. and so Asta packs and says her goodbyes and sets out to retrieve her cousin, wherever he may be.
when she gets there, she meets with perils but she also meets her beloved party. then proceeds to have the weirdest eleven days ever and baby they're only gonna get weirder
remember how i mentioned May? well, in irl May, we played a session where we went up against creatures we later learned were Night Hags, or the Coven, or whatever we call them. the entire party was incapacitated/outside, except for Asta. so their leader closed in and offered a deal. if Asta agreed to become one of them and to return in ten years' time to learn their ways, they would set her and her friends free (i think they even healed them)
did i mention we fought the Coven because they ate people? yea
what other choice could she make? she took the bargain. she was human before. now she's... well, she doesn't know. her skin is blue and her eyes yellow and branches/thorns grow out of her head
and the bargain is the gift that keeps on giving in terms of roleplay bc it has made some interactions VERY juicy
and now to her wet paper bag of a man!!! who is not actually her man at all. not yet anyway, if i can help it
his name is Vasili and he's an NPC who is awkward and capable and has a horse and says the wrong thing a lot of the time. he's so swagless. it's been around a day since we've met him and he hasn't given a genuine smile once. he feels so guilty for everything, even things that aren't his fault. his face fell when he told Asta her cousin went to Strahd's castle weeks ago and he hasn't heard from him since. he held her upright as she sobbed. he told her she didn't have to eat dinner with him, she didn't mean it. she took it bc she was heartbroken but she did mean it. currently scheming how to tell him that no, she DID mean it, she was just sad (DM and I have a plan)
oh yea she ran into him again in a big battle, demanded his horse (and cursed at him), then they rode the horse together and she called him "baby" and asked him to dinner. that's the prelude to the previous paragraph
he's apparently an accountant
i've been thinking about him so much that it's ridiculous
so. yea.
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I think it would be interesting if you'd made an au where the dolls see that they have also wronged Lou and should of given him a 2nd chance. So they now try to earn his trust. From styling his hair to how it originally was and giving him more comfortable clothing to trying to talk to him more. But it's very hard to do so because the former leader is now depressed, anxious, and jumpy. He closes himself off and vows to never trust any doll ever again.
And maybe another au where Lou is very smart and manipulative and everything goes his way.
Btw I love your fics, I've searched everywhere to find good Lou angst and you make my day. Thank you for keeping the fandom alive.
Awww, you're so sweet! I'm glad you enjoy the stories! I've also heard you've found my friend @natalie-the-writer 's account. Her stories are absolutely AMAZING! She has such amazing attention to detail and can make any scene feel so real in your imagination. If you haven't already, I HIGHLY recommend reading through all of her stories on her profile. They're awesome!
And since I've gotten an ask similar to the latter portion of your ask, this one will revolve around the former prompt. Brace yourself, this will be longer (for the first time in forever XD).
The dolls prided themselves in how fluidly everything seemed to be running at the Institute. It was like Ox had said: they didn't need Lou. From an outside perspective, everything seemed to be going about splendidly. More importantly, everyone was happy.
Moxy hummed a made-up tune to herself as she walked down the winding sidewalks of the villa. Dolls -- with happy smiles, she was pleased to note -- waved and offered their own greetings as they swept by each other. She found her best friend, Mandy, and hopped in front of the doll's path with an enlightened expression. "Hey, Mandy!"
"Hi," the female offered a small smile of her own. "Have you seen Nolan anywhere? I haven't been able to find him."
Nolan. Did she know a Nolan? There were so many dolls that it was difficult to remember all of their names. Mandy must have caught on to her perplexed face because she soon elaborated. "Has the sign around his neck? Brown hair? Green and purple eyes? Kinda tall?"
For such a specific description, Moxy would've thought herself to be quick with a revelation. Unfortunately, that description didn't fit any of the dolls she had grown to be close friends with in the past few months. "Mmm, sorry. I don't think I know a Nolan." She admitted guiltily. "But!" She swung a short leg out to proceed in the direction Mandy had been going in, "I can help you find him!" Then she would know who Nolan was and all would be splendid again.
Mandy accepted the offer silently and walked in what seemed to be an aimless direction. However, she had a specific destination in mind. Nolan had mentioned a few times in conversation about a certain doll that she'd rather not bring up in front of...well, anyone else. So, unbeknownst to Moxy, Mandy had them set toward the old wooden shed near the back of the Institute. Now that she dwelled on it, they hadn't seen Lou in quite some time.
Her theory proved fruitful when she recognized the brunette outside of the abandoned shed. Abandoned to others, not to Lou. Moxy's pace slowed down to a stop even as Mandy proceeded on. "The shed? Why would Nolan be here?" Her question wasn't answered. Mandy didn't really have a sound answer to it either.
Nolan had made his vigil just outside the closed door. He sat on the ground, knees drawn to his chest to rest his head on, and back pressed against the door. There was a plate of food set beside him. Mandy's footsteps caught his attention before he could say anything. Quickly, he put a finger to his mouth to warn her to be quiet. His eyes went to Moxy as she finally walked closer. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked, keeping his voice just above a whisper.
"Looking for you," Mandy answered. "What are you doing here?"
Nolan cast a short glance at the plate of food beside him. It had grown cold, now. "No reason. Maybe I like the peace and quiet." Mandy shook her head and sat down on the other side of the plate. She tapped a piece of bacon experimentally.
"I'm guessing this wasn't for you." Nolan didn't respond. "How many days has it been?"
"Five. Six, if you count today." Nolan sighed.
"What are we counting?" Moxy tilted her head at them.
The Pretty Dolls exchanged glances. Mandy spoke. "How many days it's been since Lou came out of the shed."
"He hasn't been cleaning?" Moxy looked taken aback.
"You haven't noticed he hasn't been around?" Nolan's eyes went a little hard at that. It was the closest to a glare Mandy had seen him pull off. Moxy stuttered out an excuse of some sort, but he brushed it off. "You two can go. He doesn't like having so many people around. It's just been me for the past week."
"How did you know he was locked up in the shed?" Moxy asked. Had she missed a sign or something? Were the other dolls talking about him? She hadn't heard a single mention of the blond since his downfall.
Nolan visibly refrained from rolling his eyes. Instead, he flicked at an imaginary piece of lint on his knee. "Well, he doesn't exactly have the looks to blend into the background. He stands out pretty well on his own." There was an audible bite to his tone that Mandy silently acknowledged and Moxy took no note of. "I came here the first day I noticed he was missing. The door's been locked and he put a tarp over the window to keep from anyone looking inside."
"Maybe he's plotting something," Moxy brought a hand to her chin in thought.
The brunette tried not to bristle at that comment. He closed his eyes, eyebrow raised indignantly. "Like I said, you two can leave. I've managed to get him to unlock the door and I don't need anyone undoing all that progress."
"If the door is unlocked, why don't you just go in?" Mandy blinked up at the potential entryway.
"Because I want him to be the one to open the door. This is the only place he can go without being pushed around by the other dolls -- in case you haven't noticed that either." Nolan sent a look over to Moxy. She shrunk a bit under the tone. "This is his safe place now, and I don't want to intrude on it. If I'm going to make any progress, I need him to be the one to let me in."
Moxy drummed her fingers against her side, eyeing the door that could easily be walked through. "You make it sound like he's scared or something. I'm sure he's just sitting in there pouting and refusing to carry out his punishment." Nolan's jaw clenched, but he kept his mouth shut lest any harsh words are said by him. "Let's just go in there and tell him to get back to work." She stepped up and turned the knob before Nolan or Mandy could stop her.
A concentrated form of light entered the dark room. It revealed the particles of dust floating aimlessly in the air. She waved off a few visible ones and noticed the small figure hunched in the corner of the room near the door. She had been about to say something but stopped short when she realized something was off.
Lou didn't move at all from his position despite her bombarding him. He had been seated similarly to Nolan: legs were drawn up to his chest tightly, feet angled inward, arms wrapped around them, and head resting on his knees. She couldn't see his face with the mess of tangled, blond hair draping over his arm. He seemed to have his head laying to the side, facing away from her.
Before Moxy could take a step toward him, Nolan startled her by appearing in front of her path. "You need to get out. He doesn't want to be around anyone. Especially you."
Moxy was taken aback. "Wh--What did I do?"
"Is that a serious question?" Nolan finally let himself bristle as he glared down at her.
Mandy pulled on the pink doll's arm. "Moxy, let's leave. Nolan can handle it from here."
"Handle what?" A new voice sounded behind them. Ox tilted his head at the group from outside the shed. "What are ya'll doin' here? And where's Lou been? I ain't seen 'im in almost a week."
"Huh," Nolan couldn't help but comment wryly as he looked down at Moxy again, "even Ox noticed." Moxy merely shrunk in more guilt. Perhaps she had been a little too blinded by all the smiles and positivity of the other dolls that she neglected to check in on Lou.
Ox ignored the two and stepped inside, seeing the ex-leader curled up in the corner. "Lou? What's wrong?" Nolan couldn't get a word out to tell him to step back before the bunny was in front of the doll. Ox put a paw on Lou's head to try and brush away the hair, but Lou flinched away. "Lou, talk to me."
"He doesn't want to talk," Nolan clarified sharply. "And you guys are making it worse by invading his space."
"I agree," Mandy tugged harder on Moxy's arm. "So, let's give Lou some space, Moxy." The pink doll finally relented and walked out with the Pretty Doll.
Ox didn't move from his spot. He watched Lou's hands clutch at his pants tighter. Was...he really upsetting Lou just by being here? The thought sent a sharp pain through his chest. Nolan's gaze prompted him to finally stand and part ways. He sent one last look to the doll in the corner before walking out of the shed. Nolan made a step toward the doorway until he heard rhythmic tapping from where Lou was. He paused and listened.
Nolan abandoned the doorway and kneeled in front of Lou. His hand was leaning against the side of the building, tapping. Lou still didn't look up. Nolan pulled out his phone and hit the record. "One more time, Lou, please?"
The message was translated on the phone. Nolan had first heard the organized tapping a few days ago when Lou was aware of his vigil. It initially sounded like a song that Lou was tapping to the beat of, but the repetition of the taps didn't follow along to a song. It was morse code. Nolan didn't know how or when Lou had learned the cryptic language, but the translator on his phone helped them communicate. Nolan read the result:
Just to be sure. "You want me to stay?"
A second of silence.
Nolan knew that one due to their limited "conversations" between the door. It was 'yes'.
"Okay," Nolan kept his voice soft. "Give me a minute to get them to leave." He stood and leaned out of the doorway. The others were waiting for him. "You guys go on. He wants me to stay."
"He talked to you?" Ox's ears perked up in hope.
"Sorta kinda," Nolan teetered his head with a short glance to Lou in the corner. "I'll text when I'm headed back into town. It might be a while, though, so don't wait up on me."
They hesitated to move, especially Ox. It took some coaxing from Mandy to get him to relent and walk away. Nolan didn't move from the doorway until they had walked far enough from the shed. Satisfied, he closed the door and immersed the shed back into an opaque darkness. He silently sat next to Lou in the same position he'd been in outside. No words were spoken.
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vro0m · 1 year
vro0m’s rewatch - 144/310
2014 Japanese GP
Warning : this is the race during which Jules Bianchi's ultimately fatal accident occurred.
Here are some important points before you proceed :
I put a clear warning in the review to indicate when the accident happens, so if you want to read what happened in the race before that and then stop, you can.
There are obviously no gifs of the accident, of the crash site, of the ambulance, or anything like that.
There are written descriptions of what happened in the broadcast as in all my race reviews (i.e. the events, the comments, etc.) but there is no description of the crash itself, which btw was thankfully not shown in the broadcast, or anything graphic.
At the end of this review, after another clear warning, I explained what happened during the crash (still no graphic description but a medical explanation of the injury Jules sustained), the events that occurred after it until his death, and the consequences it had on the sport
Read at your own discretion.
It's raining (as we know). 
Seb has announced that he will leave Redbull. Horner has kinda said he will go to Ferrari but it's not actually been announced yet. Eddie Jordan isn't sure it's a good move because he says that Ferrari is in turmoil with changing personnel and no clear leader (I can't believe nothing has changed in 8 fucking years, that says a lot about how bad the situation is). Seb says it's tough to go but he wants to do something new and it felt like the right time. He says he's not running away because things are difficult. 
Quali report. Lewis crashed in practice but the car was repaired in time for quali. Seb couldn't do better than 9th. Daniel outqualified him again but he's only 6th. Massa struggled all weekend but ended in 4th while Valtteri is 3rd. Lewis gave his all but it's Nico on pole this time. 
There's a whole segment about how the weather is gonna affect the race, it's really eerie. 
In an interview Nico says about Lewis that their relationship is neutral at the moment but he has no doubt there are other hard times ahead given their current battle for the title. 
Perez goes off while heading to the grid. The conditions are really really bad. There's no apparent damage to the car though. 
It's gonna be a safety car start. It's really raining very very hard. I honestly can't wait for this review to be over, ngl. I'm very apprehensive. I'm gonna check on what lap the accident happened to brace myself. 
And they're racing going. 
Remember : no formation lap when they start under safety car. Bono tells Lewis it's much wetter than when he got to the grid as it rained even more heavily while they were on the grid waiting for the start. He's told to be careful. He answers that the safety car needs to go faster. The drivers are complaining that their brakes are cold. It's lap 2 under the safety car and there's already one spin, from Ericsson. He's pushed back by the marshals and then spins back around and goes again. Lewis asks Bono to make sure Nico doesn't do any dramatic stop because he can't see him. They're literally metres from one another, that's how bad the visibility is. And yep. Red flag. 
Weirdly the SC brings them into the pits rather than back to the grid. They line up behind it in the pit lane. All the little tents are put up. 
10mn warning. 
And here they go again, under safety car. 
And Alonso DNFs. Stopped on the track. Out of the car. Oof the crane comes out. I know it's not now but fuck.
On the replay we see his car simply stopped. 
Both Lewis and Daniel report the track is drying up well and suggest they should be able to race soon. A couple of laps later, Lewis : "Charlie, the track is fine. We've already done two more laps already. The track is good." Then a little while later he adds it's almost good enough for inters now. Jenson agrees it's pretty much inters now. And the safety car is gonna come in at the end of lap 9. No need to update you on the order as nothing as changed, obviously. 
Lap 10. They're racing now. And here you go. First Jenson and Maldonado pit. And then a couple of laps later it's Bottas, Daniel, Magnussen, Raikkonen, Kvyat, Perez, it's chaos. Then Massa and Seb a lap later. Oof it was close in the exit lane… oh. It's weirdly Jules Bianchi P3 then, as he hasn't stopped yet. Nico is called in. It's a very quick 2.6 stop. Bianchi pits. The gaps are unbelievable. Lewis is 22 seconds ahead of Nico which makes sense given the pit stop but Nico is still 13 seconds ahead of Jenson who's now P3. Lewis pits. 2.8. Here's Nico in the straight… he's just 1.8 ahead. Seb overtakes Massa for P5 and here comes Daniel, they're wheel to wheel but Massa has the pace to match him! He keeps him behind, beautiful driving. Lewis is gaining on Nico. A lap later, Daniel has overtaken Massa and Seb overtakes Valtteri for P4. It's another Williams - RedBull sandwich but it's still a Williams RedBull sandwich. And then Daniel overtakes Valtteri as well. 
It's lap 20. Bono tells Lewis the forecast says no rain to the end of the race but low certainty. He's now just a second behind Nico. Then it's still Jenson, 18 seconds down, and Seb, 13 seconds further, with Daniel not far behind him in P5. Then as we've mentioned Valtteri and Massa, Hulkenberg, Raikkonen and P10 goes to Kvyat. 3 laps later Lewis can't seem to close that gap for good. Oh he's actually losing on him now. Mmh. Oh and that's a botched pitstop for Ferrari. Raikkonen stays in his box for 11.1 seconds. On lap 25, DRS is enabled. That puts Lewis very close to Nico, close enough to attack, but the grip still isn't good. Phewww that's close racing in bad visibility, Lewis be careful please. They're half a second apart. Ooh no Lewis slips around and goes wide! Caught it but it's scary scary. It doesn't matter, he's back 0.4 behind Nico immediately and "ROUND THE OUTSIDE GOES LEWIS HAMILTON, INTO THE LEAD GOES LEWIS HAMILTON!" 
Lap 30. Seb pits. Lewis is already 3.6 seconds in the lead. 3.9. 4.4. Unbelievable. He's so fast! Jenson pits from P3. It's not a good one. Seb is ahead. 20 laps to go now, although of course they never reached the end of these laps. Nico is called in. Somehow he pits first? He's out behind Daniel in P3. Magnussen spun but carried on. Lewis says his tyres are okay. He pits not long after though. Out in P2, 3.8 seconds ahead of Nico. We hear it's starting to rain again in the pitlane. We're getting close. Magnussen unlapped himself from Daniel in a very daring way but they managed not to touch so hats off to them because it was extremely close. Daniel pits. The drivers are starting to struggle with grip again. We see replays of Magnussen and JEV going wide. I'm getting really nervous for what's to come. At the front, Lewis is flying 8 seconds ahead of Nico, with Seb P3, and Jenson split the Redbulls. Seb goes wide too. Bottas pits from P6. Bono : "Caution turn one, some cars running wide." Lewis : "It is raining more." Bono : "So we need to keep these tyres in as good a state as we can. This rain looks like it may build."
It’s lap 40. Lewis sets the fastest lap. The conditions are visibly worsening but Daniel still attacks Jenson for P4. He overtakes him. But Jenson overtakes him back. I'm stressed. It's dark and foggy now. Lap 41. Lewis is over 10 seconds in the lead. We can barely see anything from the TV broadcast, I don't want to imagine what it's like inside the cars. Hindsight is 20/20 but it's insane to let them race like this. DRS is disabled. Lewis : "It's raining more. Seems like it's getting heavier and heavier." Bono : "Yes copy that Lewis that's what we see. Seems like it's just getting heavier. OK Lewis you're still the fastest man out there, so just keep it on the black stuff." Daniel attacks Jenson again but he can't get ahead. Lap 42. Magnussen gets on the full wets. Daniel overtakes Jenson.
Warning : this is when the accident happens
Yellow flags. Sutil is in the barriers. The marshals are busy around him. He gets out. Lap 43. Ahhh my heart is beating out of my chest. The crane Jules Bianchi is gonna crash into is out now. Sutil's car is hooked on it. For some reason a marshal in a tower right behind it is waving a green flag? Lap 44. There's a safety car coming out as we see Lewis slow down. The medical car is also deployed. The journalists don't know what's happening, they thought Lewis had an issue. They wonder if Sutil is okay. Oh I'm so glad we didn't see it live, I was worried they would just show it. Tbh, they didn't really care about that for most of my rewatch, they just showed crashes as they happened. They must have known immediately it was bad. A lot of teams get ready for pit stops. We see the medical car parked next to the crane but we don't see Jules' car. Lap 45. As we see that, Brundle and Crofty start to understand something bad has happened. They go very quiet. The pit stops keep going. I wonder what the drivers saw as they went past the accident. The visibility is so, so bad. Ted is also wondering what happened, if there was an issue with the marshals there. Someone says they're seeing the doctor and a stretcher being used, but they still don't know for who it is. They say they see Adrian Sutil and it doesn't seem to be for him then. They think it's for a marshal. I'm nauseous. Brundle says "there's not another car in there is it?" and Crofty answers "well I just wondered because…" and then he exclaims a little "there's a Marussia there!" and then "Jules Bianchi is out of this race and I've just seen a piece of Marussia body work as confirmation there… uh… that it is Bianchi in that incident." Thankfully we still don't see anything. Crofty wonders if Bianchi went off as Sutil went off or if he hit the car afterwards. "Did he… has he hit the truck?" says Brundle. There's an ambulance on the track now. We see the Marussia team, they're obviously very very concerned. It's lap 46. It's really inexplicable that they kept all the others going around next to that accident this whole time. You're calling for an ambulance, you know it's bad. Stop the race. We get a race control announcement that there's an ambulance on track at turn 15. Hulkenberg has stopped at the end of the pitlane. This area of the track is incredibly foggy. Red flag on lap 47.
We don't know it quite yet but it's the end of the race. Lewis wins, Nico P2, Seb P3. None of that matters. 
The cars are back in the pitlane. We hear sirens. We hear from Ted. He speaks in a hushed hurried voice. He sprinted down the pitlane to talk to the Marussia team and he's out of breath. He says Bianchi's manager and engineer are trying to get to the medical centre but they haven't been allowed in. They didn't hear anything on the radio from Jules, he says. He says they asked if he was okay and they didn't hear back. He adds that it doesn't mean anything but he's letting us know that's the information he's received. We're informed the race won't be resumed. Ted says the medical centre is in complete chaos, the FIA press delegate having to force open the doors to let Jules' team members in. (Why would you do that, why wouldn't you think there's a reason why they're kept out?) "This is… very irregular," he says. He's still out of breath but also from the start you could hear the terrible concern in his voice. He knows, he truly knows it's bad. He says he doesn't really know what's going on and has never seen anything like it. The team is really keen to get some information. He asks if we know if the ambulance has taken Jules to the medical centre yet. Brundle says they haven't seen it yet. As he says that, Ted says he's just now seeing the ambulance come down the pitlane. They're describing its path. Ted says there's chaos and confusion and disorder at the medical centre. He speaks very gravely. He says the team members have now been allowed in the medical centre. We see Lewis out of his car walking down the pitlane. He taps his team members shoulders but does not celebrate. He does not take off his helmet. I wonder what they were told, there's nothing on the race transcript. I wonder if they knew something really bad had happened. Niki shakes his hand, Toto stops him to tell him something in his ear through his helmet. I wonder if he tells him there's been an accident. Crofty says he indeed thinks he's explaining what's happening. 
They're in the cool down room now. Lewis and Nico shake hands briefly. Oh. Nico is talking with Herbie Blash and another man and Herbie makes a gesture, with his right fist hitting the flat of his left hand. It makes me sick. Nico comes back into the room. He stands really close to Lewis and whispers something to him, he looks emotional.
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Lewis looks up and says "Bianchi?". Nico nods. It's really sinking in for everybody now. Seb is still not there. Lewis stays back to the camera. He signs himself discreetly.
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He heads out of the room as well and joins the officials, with Nico on his heels. Herbie closes the door on them briefly after, and they head back in. It's lasting very long. They both half smile to the camera at two different points in time but you can tell they're worried. Nico in particular looks genuinely distraught. Lewis is hiding still, away from the camera. Seb finally gets there. Shakes Nico's hand, says something to him with a very serious face. He's not smiling either. He looks very concerned as well. He sighs. He waits for Lewis to turn to him, they shake hands as well, with a nod that says "we both know".
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Cut to Horner in the pitlane waiting for the podium under an umbrella. He truly looks aghast as well. The atmosphere is eerie. It's very quiet out there. Ted describes it as "stasis". He says he's had to tell a couple of teams himself what they thought had happened. 
They come out for the podium with very low-key body language. Very minimal applause. The announcer says it's time for the champagne. They look at each other.
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There's no music. Oh here it comes. Eesh. They clink their bottles and drink. Nobody sprays champagne.
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The faces in the crowd are sombre. They pose for the picture. 
It's Nigel Mansell doing the interviews on the podium. Lewis says it's been a very difficult weekend, very tricky conditions. "We hope that Bianchi is okay." They talk about his very good pace and him getting into a groove at some point. It's completely silent. No cheer, no shouting, no whistling, nothing. Not even a whisper. It feels extremely strange. 
Nico says it's been a great weekend for the team, he says the fans have been spectacular. Congrats to Lewis. "Of course with my thoughts at the moment I'm with our colleague Jules, because appar– well, the team's quite serious so I really wish him all the best." Nigel says that we all do and we unfortunately don't have any news at the moment. 
Seb says it was incredibly tricky but good fun, concentration was high. He got lucky getting up here because they just pitted at the right time. Great race and they had great pace at some points as well, "and last but not least best wishes to Bianchi obviously…" 
Nigel keeps interrupting them all it's extremely annoying he didn't listen to one word they said. At the end he says again "wishes to Bianchi and our thoughts are with him". And Lewis says "arigatō gozaimasu". 
Warning : further information on the accident and its consequences
All that follows is a description of what happened during the accident (no graphic details but there’s a medical explanation of the injury he sustained), what happened after that, and the consequences Jules’ death had on the sport
Jules’ car hit the rear of the crane so hard that Sutil’s car, which was still suspended from it, fell back down. According to calculations from the FIA’s world accident database, the impact took place 2.61 seconds after Jules lost control of his car, at a speed of 123 km/h and at its maximum, it generated a force of 254G. As we know from the broadcast, Jules was unconscious. He was treated at the crash site then transported to the track’s medical centre, then by ambulance with police escort to the hospital. They couldn’t use the helicopter because of the weather conditions. The Marussia CEO visited him in the hospital, as well as the team principal John Booth who stayed there even after the next GP. Ferrari’s team principal Marco Mattiacci (as it was revealed the day after the accident, Jules was supposed to become Ferrari’s 3rd driver in 2015) and Felipe Massa also went to see him.
His parents got there the next day and were joined 3 days later by his siblings as well as Lorenzo Leclerc (Charles’ older brother), his best friend. Gerard Saillant, the president of the FIA Medical Commission also came to Japan, as well as the professor Alessandro Frati, a neurosurgeon from Rome, who was called there by Ferrari. A statement indicated that Jules suffered a diffuse axonal injury. It means he had widespread injuries in his brain. It’s similar to what occurs in shaken baby syndrome. It usually causes coma and 90% of patients with severe DAI do not regain consciousness, those who do have severe impairments. For this reason, the first update the family gave stated that he was in a “desperate” condition. Doctors said it would be a miracle if he survived. While in Japan, Jules was on a ventilator. One month after that, he was taken out of his artificial coma and started breathing on his own. He was then brought back to France, to be closer to his family. In July, however, his father said the lack of progress since the accident made them lose their optimism. 4 days later, on July 17, 9 months after the accident, Jules Bianchi passed away. A lot of drivers attended his funeral service in Nice. 
The circumstances of the accident were investigated by the FIA and prompted changes in security measures, such as research on closed cockpit concepts, the introduction of the virtual safety car system, and changes in times at which races could take place as to avoid sunsets and visibility problems.
RIP Jules Bianchi
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 6 months
Alpha's Addiction - Chapter 6a
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*Warning Adult Content*
Journey - Part 1 - Kao
I scramble for my knife, searching for a few seconds before I realize they must have taken it.
Which makes sense if they're choosing to hold us captive.
But we are not tied up... I hear his heavy footsteps... I know they're his, how can I not when the closer he gets to the tent the butterflies in my stomach feel like they'll fly up my throat.
Curse it. It's not by my choice.
Just this stupid mate bond.
I quickly lie back beside Oliver, pretending to be asleep.
Perhaps he will proceed with less caution if he thinks I'm still out and I'll be able to make a move.
I hear the fabric pulling back.
"Ah. You are awake," his deep voice startles me.
Fuck. Of course.
I should've known tricking him would be harder than that.
I sit up, glaring at him.
"Whatever you plan to do to us, I promise it will not end well for you."
"Do to you? Why make it sound like that?"
He raises an eyebrow.
"Because that's how you Alphas work. Y-you always act on your selfish desires."
"If the selfish desire is to keep my mate and his pup safe, then yes. I do act on that."
I scoff.
"Don't you sugarcoat it, dickhead. I'm not an idiot. So, what? Do you plan on keeping me captive until I go along with this mate shit? It won't work. I'll never submit to you."
He's quiet for a moment, studying me.
He still gives nothing away by his expression and it's absolutely infuriating.
"I do not wish to force you into anything. But.. There are rogues in these woods. Predators. You are easy targets, an Omega and a pup. I cannot let you leave my protection."
"Fuck you. We're not easy target."
"You are covered in bruises. You collapsed, bleeding in my arms. Am I supposed to believe those injuries did not come from an assailant?"
"I... I am fine. He's dead."
"It does not change the fact that there are others out there who will hurt you."
"So assuming every damn wolf in these woods is out to get us... how can I trust you?"
"I am your mate," he replies, like it's the most explanatory reason in the world as to why I should let my guard down.
Fat chance.
"First of all, no. No. We're not..."
"Deny what you will. The evidence is what you feel in your chest, as I do in mine. Your wolf longs for me, does it not?"
My cheeks flush in embarrassment, annoyed by the fact that he's right.
Not that I'd ever admit it.
"I feel nothing for you," I snap.
He goes quiet. He looks hurt. Hah.
I can't imagine why.
He barely knows me.
Why would what I think of him matter?
He could just snatch up another Omega, if he wanted.
An Omega far more suited for him than me.
And it's not like an Omega reciprocating affection has ever been necessary.
He can take what he wants, like all the others do.
Still, I feel the need to justify myself, for some reason.
But no words come to my tongue.
Instead, I give him a withering glare, wrapping my arms around Oliver protectively.
His eyes are icy, boring through my soul.
I've definitely angered him.
"Will you tell me your name, at least?" he asks, any warmth gone from his tone.
I stubbornly look away, refusing to answer.
He huffs in displeasure, before retreating.
"Fine then. You are not to leave. Do not even think of running."
Then he roughly throws the tent open and storms off.
I make a rude gesture in the direction he left in, gritting my teeth.
Fuck this guy.
A while later, the female Alpha I know as Lonnie comes to our tent.
She's got pale, ivory skin and large black eyes, making her look insect-like.
Her hair is dark brown, cut short.
I regard her with suspicion.
"I'm only here to tell you that we're heading back to the pack now."
"The pack?" I ask, looking to the recently awakened Oliver who still looks half asleep.
Poor baby.
He must've been so tired.
"Yes. Our pack. The Nightshade Pack. Cyrus, your mate, is our Alpha. He's needed back at home."
I quickly process the information.
So he's their leader.
Which means I've run from one crazy Alpha of a pack who forced me to be his mate to another who actually is my mate and also seems to want to force me to go along with it.
Or at least hold me captive.
'He's no different from Zacan'.
My wolf bristles at the statement, not liking what I'm suggesting.
"Chop chop. We're leaving within the hour," she urges, then leaves before I can make a retort.
I sigh, putting my face in my hands.
What can I do?
They'll catch us if we try to escape.
And even if we do manage, where will we go?
I tried to follow the North Star and look where that's gotten me.
I have to accept I have no talent for navigation.
Oliver and I may end up alone and lost in the woods, starving.
I can't risk that.
I make a decision there and then.
We will go with these wolves.
For now.
If they can provide food and shelter, I can't pass that up.
Moon Goddess knows Oliver needs it.
He looks more exhausted than I do, and he's not even the one with multiple injuries.
"Are we gonna go with them, Mama?" he asks in a small voice.
"Yes," I reply, hoping my voice doesn't waver.
"But do not tell them where we came from. Nothing. We cannot risk rumors spreading and getting back to Zacan. He'd find us."
Oliver nods solemnly.
He's always listened well.
I hear his stomach growl just then and know I must find food.
Even if it means leaving the tent I've been treating as my safe haven from the world and situation, stirring outside.
I tentatively take Oliver out, holding him on my hip as he rests against my shoulder.
He's gotten so big, man.
My arms already feel like they're going to fall off.
But I ignore the strain of my muscles, walking over to where an unfamiliar alpha stands.
"Excuse me? He's hungry," I tell him, causing him to whip around in surprise.
He must be Xavier.
The one Lonnie was talking to earlier.
He looks opposite of her.
He's brown, like me but about two shades darker.
His eyes can only be described as a mix between yellow and orange, like a sunset.
He has long dreadlocks tied up in a semi-knot on his head, some of the longer strands trailing down his back.
"You have such light footsteps," he remarks, eyes wide as he surveys me and my son.
"He's hungry," I repeat.
"Yes," he bows his head.
"I will fetch him food right away, Luna."
The title catches me off guard.
"You're mistaken," I say, narrowing my eyes at him.
"That is not what I am."
He looks confused for a moment, before bowing his head again.
"My apologies."
Then he walks over to the fire, getting the food where it sits in a lidded pot beside it.
Cyrus won't leave me alone.
Although we do not speak to each other, he refuses to move from my side as we travel through the forest.
Cyrus, Lonnie and Xavier are all transformed into their wolves, while Oliver and I remain in human form.
Oliver doesn't even know how to transform yet.
And me... well I've barely transformed since I got pregnant with him.
Once Omegas were deemed 'of age' we weren't allowed outside much, which is the only place our wolves could run free.
On my other side Xavier flanks Oliver and I and Lonnie walks behind us.
We're completely surrounded.
I wonder if it's for our protection or so we don't make a run for it.
Maybe both.
I've been concealing my injured ankle, doing my best to hide the ache that smarts my leg with every step.
But it only gets worse as we go on, the pain increasing until it feels like a knife tearing through my ligaments.
I feel annoyed that I haven't healed yet.
But then again, Omegas heal slower.
Abruptly, I stumble to the ground, cursing as I let out a whine at the hurt.
Immediately, Cyrus stops, looking to me with urgency.
I can't walk. I'm weak, dehydrated, exhausted beyond belief.
I can't go on.
I really can't.
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 9 months
The Consort - Chapter 5 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Well that's... intrusive."
I can't think of a better word to say.
It's hard enough being in Brayden's presence.
Knowing he can sense my every emotion just from the smell of my blood makes it so much worse.
Brayden's lips twitch in amusement.
My eyes catch on his exposed fangs, both of which have retracted quite a bit.
Then my gaze shifts to his narrow face and blood-stained lips.
As if reading my thoughts, his tongue swipes away the remnant blood.
I watch the movement like it's happening in slow motion, salivating for a piece of him.
Warmth radiates through my cheeks.
How embarrassing.
Can he sense the emotions I'm having now?
Does he know they're about him?
Brayden leans back and casually spreads his arms out across the back of the chair.
He doesn't nod or tell me I can but he doesn't tell me I can't either.
So I proceed.
"What's going on?" I ask quietly.
I point a thumb towards the direction of the window.
"Out there?"
"Vampires are dangerous. You should know that by now."
"Yeah but... what I saw out there. That was different. They looked hungry. It's like they haven't eaten in months."
Brayden stares at me.
The color in his eyes have dampened to a reddish brown.
He tightens and loosens his jaw while he debates how to answer me.
"Astute observation," he finally says. "
And an accurate one."
So they are hungry.
I wonder if curiosity is an emotion he can smell in my blood too.
I wipe my hands down the length of my shorts and venture to ask another.
"But it says in the Agreement that all vampires are assigned a consort. If they all have one, why are they so hungry?"
My vampire tilts his head to the side, studying me.
It's a speculative gaze, one that makes me think he's debating whether or not I know the answer to my own question.
After a moment of unbearable silence, Brayden's voice lowers.
"They're revolting."
"Your kind."
My jaw slackens.
"It's only just begun but it will get worse," he continues.
"They are heading anti-vampire groups. They're trying to override the Agreement, claiming it's some form of punishment or unjust treatment."
"So they're just... withholding their blood?"
"They can't be forced to give their blood," Brayden answers, quoting the phrase with his slender fingers.
"At least, that's what they're saying."
Is it true?
Leo's never mentioned anything like this before.
He teaches a class dealing a lot with the history of vampires.
Does he know about this?
Of course he does.
He has to.
So why hasn't he trusted me with it?
I chew on my newly healing bottom lip.
There hasn't been a revolt or an uprising in centuries.
The Agreement was created so both species could live peacefully among one another.
It's not ideal but it works.
The last time the humans revolted was an awful time in our human history.
They thought they could overrun the vampires.
But what they had in numbers they lacked in just about everything else... strength, agility, speed and patience.
So many human lives were lost and a lot of blood was spilled.
Pun intended.
If it weren't for a handful of pacifist vampires who were willing to come to a compromise, there'd be no humans left.
"And the vampires we saw... they're fighting back?"
Brayden snorts in derision.
"Hardly. Our council is aware of the issue and their stance is to remain passive while we try to work out the problem with your leaders. Meanwhile, vampires are starving every day. And it doesn't help when someone like you comes along."
I frown.
"A human?"
"No. A human is one thing. But you're a human who's scent is..."
He stops himself mid-sentence.
His lips clamp shut and he swallows down whatever words he was going to say.
"What about my scent?" I press.
Brayden shakes his head.
Then he continues, sidestepping my question without a second thought.
"I've never seen my kind so hungry. Some are even resorting to animals."
He shudders at the thought.
Such a thing is a humiliating means for the vampire population to stay fed.
They're essentially lowering their standards to consume the same food source as humans.
It's below them, similar to humans eating dog food.
"I'm sorry."
Brayden tilts his chin in surprise.
I'm apologizing for my own kind, after all... apologizing for mankind standing up for themselves.
I shouldn't be apologizing. I should be helping the cause.
My vampire's look of surprise morphs into confusion.
And then anger.
"Don't mistake our passivity for weakness," Bogdan warns.
"We're simply trying to keep as much of our food supply as available as possible."
I shake my head.
"I wasn't trying to say that. I just... I don't know why they're doing this when it's worked just fine for so long."
His strong shoulders shrug stiffly.
"They forget how dangerous we are."
He's quiet for a moment.
Then his eyes flicker to meet mine.
A hint of bright red stirs in them again.
He ate only minutes ago and already his hunger is returning.
"Have you forgotten?"
Beads of cold sweat break across my skin being under his probing gaze.
Am I afraid of vampires?
Hell yes.
In fact, if it wasn't for Brayden, I'm sure I'd be dead ten times over at the hands of all those vampires swarming around my car earlier.
"No, I haven't," I answer truthfully.
"Good. Because they don't think like you do, human. They'll kill you without thinking. They don't care. They see you as food. Nothing more."
They're all words I've heard before.
Most of the time they're said by teachers but a few times my friends have said them too.
Hearing them from an actual vampire makes it more real, more menacing.
"Is that true for you, too?" I ask suddenly.
"Would you do all those things?"
Brayden laughs quietly under his breath, shaking his head slowly from side to side.
"Yes. Without question."
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aio-rya · 3 years
Summary — Chapter 6 Part 1
The kidnapping of the Dorm Leaders
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Vil: 「Certified as an emergency situation, I response! Under my authority as Pomfiore Dorm Leader, I allow the use of attack magic against intruders!」
Kalim: 「Scarabia takes the same position as Pomefiore, get ready!」
Jamil: 「Hah!」
Kalim: 「First graders, stay backwards. Heartslabyul, contact the Dorm Leader!」
In this first stage, we can appreciate the sudden change in the atmosphere at Ramshackle Dorm; just a few seconds before, we were discussing with Vil how he planned to make it up for the VDC incident in this, the last meeting of the NRC Tribe. Next moment we were all startled by the sudden clatters outside the building before STYX dammed androids destroyed the magic barrier and broke inside, destroying the effort of our little lounge; with a smoke bomb and electric shock waves, they took an unconscious Vil and Jamil —or as they called them, Subject E & D...
Ace: 「..... Couldn't...」
Rook & Kalim: 「Eh ?」
Ace: 「Dorm Leader Ri...ddle... I tried to contact him but I couldn't, he never answered.」
Kalim: 「..... Impossible !」
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Riddle: 「Under my authority as Pomfiore Dorm Leader, I allow the use of attack magic against intruders. Everybody, get ready.」
Silver & Sebek: 「Understood!」
Riddle: 「Gaaghh—ah... My body feels... Lighter...」
???: 「Visual confirmation. Subject A was inmobilized, proceed to capture.」
???: 「The subject is moving again! Opposing violent resistance! All unites retreat!」
Riddle: 「To leap on me like that... You have guts. I'm going to slit all of your heads together!」
???: 「Subject completely silent. Collecting Subject A. Return to headquarters.」
In this second stage, they get to the Horseback Riding Club in the middle of their preparations, almost midday and there are many students gathered there when the sudden noise alerts Riddle as he recalls the barrier has been broken. He asks who the unexpected visitors are and if they are there for a visit under the rules of NRC. By not receiving an answer, he allows the use of magic in defense of the students but they're soon overcome by the armor, which Sebek realises is magic-repellent. Riddle struggles to their first attempt of putting him unconscious and ignites a fire surrounding him just to be beaten by a shock wave similar to the one that took down Vil and Jamil.
Sebek: 「What do you think you're doing!? Where are you taking Riddle-senpai!? WAIT! ..... Ah!」
Silver: 「Sebek, look at the sky. Those look exactly like the ones who took Riddle away, they seem to be flying around the school in squads. Their target seemed to be Riddle since the beginning.」
Sebek: 「..... True. Since they looked at him, they called senpai as "subject". From that point on, they didn't even seemed to notice our existence...」
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Leona: 「Those marks on their suits are... No. I surrender. Here's my Magic Pen. Take it.」
Ruggie: 「What!? But there are only 3 opponents, you could defeat them easily!」
Leona: 「The armor they're hiding behind of is not a mere thick layer. It is a Magical-Defense Plate.」
Ruggie: 「Magical-Defense Plate... It's a sort of material that repels magic, isn't it the one that magical police uniforms are made of!?」
Leona: 「Don't you think is weird either?」
Ruggie: 「I get it. So you find useless using magic with a local restraint.」
Leona: 「I've seen the marks on their suits several times back at the Royal Palace. They must be "ferryman".」
Ruggie: 「Ferryman...?」
For the third stage, they break into the Greenhouse just when Ruggie was looking for Leona by orders of professor Trein. They wake up the young Prince and he immediately surrenders without putting a fight, for amazement of Ruggie and every player; he recognises the Kharon symbol on the armors and whispers to Ruggie why he did it. Then, Subject B aka Leona Kingscholar opposes no resistance as they take him away, leaving Ruggie as the one in charge with the concern of not being able to come back now that he has been taken by the hands of the Ferryman squad.
Leona: 「..... It's fine. Just put your tail between your legs and be quiet.」
???: 「...... Confirmed as a magic tool certified by Night Raven College. Confirmation, Subject B non-resistive detention. Please, come with us.」
Leona: 「Fine. May I ask for a polite way of escort? You see, I'm actually a delicate Prince. I don't get well along rough treatment.
Ruggie, I leave Savanaclaw to you until I come back. ...... If I can come back.」
Ruggie: Wha... Ah ? Leona-saaaan!
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???: 「Subject C has been visually identified.」
???: 「Idia Shroud. Magical Humanoid ORTHO. Identified at the same point.」
Azul: 「I think it's too late. First grades, evacuate the building now! Under my authority as Octavinelle Dorm Leader, I allow...」
Idia: 「Stop, Azul-san. Please, do not resist. Be quiet. This is the special security team, "Kharon".」
For our last stage, Ortho calculates the landing of three unidentified objects in the classroom where the Boardgames Club was having their activities, he gives the order to evacuate and is about to give the order of attack, in his very own words as the Dorm Leaders must join forces to defend the College during an outside attack but Idia stops him and helps the Kharon Corps take over Azul, who is horrified by finding out Idia may be involved on whatever was happening. Then, they inform Idia he must be going with them.
Idia: 「A special magic guard team owned by S.T.Y.X, Kharon. Let go of the Magic Pen by the time being, hands behind your head.」
Ortho: 「I recommend to follow my brother's behaviour recommendations. Azul Ashengrotto chances of getting injured are reduced about 87%.」
Go visit the original artist on twitter!
And I'm still crying, I mean, I'm just incredibly excited. I have mixed feelings about this.
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secret-engima · 2 years
Hatake!Cor: just when does he drop into Kakashi's lap? *How* does he drop into Kakashi's lap and how did Danzo find/steal Cor in the first place? Also, what are everyone else's reactions to Kakashi having a genius child just as if not more feral than he was? Hell, how does everyone else even find out that Kakashi now has a kid? Because like, I'm imagining possible scenarios and they're ALL glorious chaos.
YES THIS WAS THE MISSING ASK. Thank you for resending it.
Anyway- okay so according to my garbled pile of notes, Cor was the result of 19 yr old Kakashi having a one night stand with a native Konoha prostitute, who knows why. Either trying to see if that version of "stress relief" that his comrades talk about actually helps, or maybe on a bet or maybe he was drunk for once and his group thought it would be funny to hook him up with someone. EITHER WAY. It happened. A baby happened. And since the prostitute knew the baby was a ninja baby, there's probably a protocol against getting rid of the child because of potential Bloodline stuff. I can see Konoha having rules in place for that as well as like- special funds to pay off ladies in that profession who have a ninja kid, even if the ninja parent refuses to accept the kid into their family. There's probably a bonus fee for if the kid is from a dying out bloodline like the Hatake.
And *naturally* Danzo has his greedy little paws in the hospital, specifically the maternity ward, just for the occasions that something like this happens and an unaccounted for child of a strong bloodline shows up (who wants to guess how many main clan bloodlines he has in Root specifically because of this shadow program he snuck by under Sarutobi's nose. Answer; a lot.). So when a Clearly Hatake Baby shows up in the ward with a mother who is looking to take her Baby Fee and leave, he easily has his agents in the hospital pay her off and send her on her way (and lbr probably arrange an accident for her later so she can't tell anyone) and snap up the baby to be raised in a Root approved location. Like that orphanage that Danzo canonically yoinked kids out of whenever he wanted or something, to be disappeared into Roots actual ranks when Cor was all of 3.
KAKASHI ON THE OTHER HAND does not realize he has a child until after Nyx finds out about Danzo and proceeds to furiously rip out the entire operation by the roots (heh). I have ... yet to pick when in the timeline that happens specifically but I'm thinking sometime *after* that bridge mission (Kenchi Bridge? Tenchi Bridge???) and *before* the start of the Pain arc. Also possibly before the whole Asuma arc that I haven't decided what to do with yet. So Cor is gonna be- 11? 10-11? When he gets dropped into Kakashi's awareness.
I am also majorly tempted to see if I can slip in a few accidental encounters/sightings between them over the timeskip but we will see.
Also the thing you need to know about Cor is he is not only Feral but Smart (which is a given) and probably Kakashi's first proper introduction to the concept of having a child is going to be right on the heels of his student killing a village Elder in Glorious Battle and uprooting (heh) the organization that Sarutobi was supposed to have dealt with after the whole thing with Tenzo. So he's already reeling and stressed. And then it turns out that literally everyone in Root who is 20 and under is actually loyal to this Root *kid* who managed to sneak and plot and snitch their devotion right out from under Danzo's nose in a long term plan to free everyone that Nyx accidentally blew out of the water. Just- a significant chunk of Danzo's shadow army is actually loyal to and being run by a child and congrats Kakashi. That child is yours.
Your unknown feral Hatake son is technically the new leader of Root. He was smart enough to achieve that under Danzo's nose, he has absolutely no ties or loyalty to Konoha outside a tenuous one with Nyxsuke for killing Danzo (and being a fellow reincarnation), and he is now 100% legally your problem- says Tsunade, probably, as she chucks that specific result of the blood test every Root member is going through at Kakashi's head.
Kakashi has no idea how to parent. As far as Cor is concerned that's fine because he doesn't want a parent. The verbal declaration of this opinion however does not help Kakashi, but instead sends him into a deeper crisis over the concept of trying to parent a Definitely Traumatized Genius and oh my word Minato-Sensei he owes you so many apologies for putting up with small Kakashi.
So while Kakashi probably has a meltdown or five and Nyx bemusedly tries to help the man win a modicum of respect from Cor, Imma try to speculate on some of the other ninja's reactions to Cor's existence. They probably learn of Cor's existence through the gossip mill for the most part? Kakashi's closer friends like Gai learn because he has a meltdown nearby over the confirmed blood test. But the general reactions I'm seeing are:
Reaction 1 is probably: He has a what.
Reaction 2, upon actually seeing this tiny 10-11 year old gruffly bossing around other traumatized child soldiers and traumatized adult ninja like he's a mini Hokage and/or glaring down a regular Konoha nin like they're idiots: Oh yeah I can definitely see it now.
Reaction 3, upon facing down Cor's wrath after trying to meddle in the affairs of the newly unearthed Root and/or the Hatake family situation is: help this one is even more feral than the adult Hatake. We take everything about Kakashi back, this is so much worse.
Unless you are Gai. In which case your reaction is Overflowing Youthful Tears that successfully send Cor fleeing for the hills in confusion and much Hugging of Rival in Congratulations For His Genius Child.
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Name one thing you dislike about each dorm leader, I’m curious 👀
Anon, I'm bemused that you would ask this because frankly, my opinions are a bit harsh when it comes to this. 🤡It's an interesting question nonetheless, so I'll answer this.
However, I will put this under a read more because of multiple reasons. Vil's part does toe on religion, particularly Catholicism, so don't say I didn't warn you. If you're also sensitive to hearing negative opinions on your favorite character(s), please scroll past this as well or at least scroll past the part about your favorite(s). Furthermore, Riddle's part will contain manga spoilers and Kalim's part will contain the current event spoilers, so I suggest to proceed with caution or scroll past if you don't wish to be spoiled.
Riddle Rosehearts
Initially, I never had much qualms about Riddle. Of course, his way of ruling isn't exactly the best, but he makes up for it by being an excellent student who's willing to help others who struggle with their studies.
However, when the manga came out, that's when I felt anger at Riddle.
What happens in the manga is that Ace and Deuce do go to the Dwarf Mines to find the magic gem to fix the chandelier that they broke, basically like how the prologue went. Meanwhile, Crowley summons Riddle into his office to inform him of the chandelier fiasco and that Ace and Deuce are doing their punishment, which sets off the dorm leader's anger.
While Ace and Deuce are trying to get the magic gem and fighting off the OB Monster that still got up despite their well-coordinated attack, Riddle comes in and deals with the monster. The reason for his (and Trey & Cater's) sudden arrival is because Ace and Deuce disobeyed a Heartslabyul rule.
This part here set me off because in the game, it was established that while Riddle was particular with the Laws of the Queen of Hearts, it was also established that he deeply respects the rules of the school and general conduct. You'd think that Riddle would leave Ace and Deuce alone to carry out their punishment for causing property damage, which should be not only be part of a rule of the school but also general conduct.
But in the manga, he did not care about the fact that Ace and Deuce were doing what the Headmaster told them to do. He punished them and brought them back to Heartslabyul, even though they're going to be expelled anyway if they don't return with the magic gem.
I understand that this is the main flaw that Riddle has in this arc, and it's meant to be shown that this is horrible behavior because this is a story about villains after all. But nevertheless, it angered me how Riddle had blatant disregard for the fact that Ace and Deuce had to disobey a Heartslabyul rule that they never even knew about because it's their first day in school because they had to do something that someone of higher authority told them to do. Furthermore, Riddle was informed already about this.
Obviously, Riddle's tyranny is something that's not the most appealing, but the fact that he disregards any context about the situation that caused the "guilty party" to break the rules is something I do not like about him. I'm just glad that (in the game at least), he does learn how to manage that.
Leona Kingscholar
I think I mentioned this a few times because I did mention that Leona is my least favorite character. Over time, my feelings in regards to him have softened because it's fun to watch him roast and get roasted back. Plus, as a theorist and a writer, I find that his character is so fun to explore.
The thing with Leona is that I dislike that he's an asshole but a lazy one at that. He'd insult or blame others, but he himself lives such a slothful life. It makes me feel like he's not qualified to say such rude comments. In fairness, he's one of the most intelligent characters in the game, so I suppose he's qualified to make some comments? But if he's going to comment on something like people not listening in class, that's where it gets annoying because this guy skips class and repeated a year twice. Even Lilia pointed this out in chapter 2.
Another thing I find frustrating is that he wastes his potential, but in all honesty, I can't blame him. In fact, a good part of this frustration is also anger at myself because I do see that kind of behavior in myself. I know that I can do more than what I can do, but I have no motivation to do it. It doesn't help that I've said my own fair share of arrogant comments that can come off as mean, so really, who am I to judge him? Nevertheless, however, that sort of thing turns me off from Leona.
Azul Ashengrotto
Okay, I'm not going to lie, a part of me feels like anon asked this question just to know if there's anything about Azul that I dislike. Some of my friends are also curious to know about this too, so here's my answer.
Not going to lie, I'd love to answer something like "he didn't come to me in gacha and made me spend so much for him" or "he's too perfect, that's what I don't like about him", but a) I want to be fair, and b) if I set aside my bias for him, there is something about Azul's character that I don't like.
Funnily enough, the things that I don't like about Leona are things that I really like about Azul, and I'm mentioning this because I normally stray away from rude characters. Azul does have a rude undertone in his language, but I'd say it's more haughty and condescending. The difference between him and Leona, however, is that I feel like Azul is more qualified to roast people? He works hard to get to where he is – and he's still working hard until now – and because of that hard work, he has high grades and a successful business. I wouldn't condone that rudeness, but if he does poke at people's incompetence or intelligence, it seems more justified.
No, what I dislike most about Azul is that he's not an honest person. I deeply value honesty, so when Azul does lie about things, it personally irks me because I just want to not have to do a lot of digging just to know if someone is honest with their words. What makes this even worse is that Azul is horribly good at lying. God knows how many times I got bamboozled because of his words. 🤡
This is especially both hilarious and frustrating when I make theories about him. Every time I try to think of some theory about him, there's always that inner voice in my head that goes, "But what if he's not being completely honest?" and I feel like I got myself into some 4D chess game.
Let's take chapter 4–30 for example. When Jamil wanted to use his It's A Deal to gather people's secrets again, Azul answered that he remembers all the secrets of those who signed his contracts, including Crowley's. And I'd love to think that what he's saying is legit, but what if he's also bluffing to make Jamil reveal more of his true intentions? Azul was conscious during the hypnosis, since he was trying to let it control him enough that his eyes will turn red but also not enough that he can still use Bind the Heart against it. He even remembers the comment Jamil said to him about him underestimating Jamil (and even says it back to him).
This dislike is most prominent when I try to think of theories about him or dissect his character, but it does go against my personal values as well. Aside from that, I still stan him because I am a clown.
Kalim Al-Asim
Not going to lie, this is kind of hard as well because Kalim is genuinely a nice person, and everyone believes he's such a ray of sunshine. But okay, I have to go out and say that there is something that does annoy me a bit.
Mostly, what irks me about Kalim is his disregard for Jamil's feelings. It amazes me how he believes Jamil could just prepare a banquet in less than 3 days so often. Really, I appreciate that he wants to help Jamil, but he could at least do that by not making Jamil do things that are nearly impossible to do. For example, the frequent banquets and parties aren't necessary. Even in the current event, Jamil is already expressing how he can't look out for 6 more people, but Kalim ignores that and invites MC, Grim, Cater, Trey, and Malleus to the fireworks festival. It's probably the rich person mentality, but nonetheless, I wish Kalim had more consideration for Jamil.
I may also be projecting because my family likes making me do things for them when they don't want to, so I kind of know how Jamil feels. 😂
Aside from that, though, I don't really have much problems with Kalim. He's still kind, maybe a bit callous with his word choice, and he's evidently maturing in the main story.
Vil Schoenheit
Alright... this one is going to be a bit controversial as this may go into my experiences as a Catholic growing up. Before I go into this, I want to put a disclaimer that not all Catholics are mean or whatever, but rather, these are my experiences growing up.
Vil is in my top 5, alright. He isn't a total asshole like other students in the school, and in fact, he's a pretty honest guy. His hard work is really admirable, and his principles are noble. Throughout the hype of chapter 5, I had defended his actions because it is understandable that the industry that he's in is pretty harsh, hence his behavior. Despite that, however, there is one part in chapter 5 that angered me the most in the story.
In chapter 5, Vil often scolds Epel for not understanding that cuteness and strength have their equal levels of power and that there's no such thing as gender in dance and performance. And okay, Vil is right. He does need to correct Epel's frankly toxic views on masculinity because being cute isn't any worse than being strong nor is dance supposed to be gender-assigned.
What makes me angry about this is that he imparts this knowledge in a way that is oppressive. He just tells Epel to do what he is told to do or think what he should think without really giving a reason why or a good way to understand those ideologies. I acknowledge that Epel was not only rude to him on the first day of school, he also picked a fight– Vil's actions of putting him in place are justified. And I also acknowledge that sometimes, you may need to push those kinds of ideas onto someone for their betterment.
But in this case, Vil never really tried to understand Epel's side of things? He tells him this and that or to do this and that without really letting Epel understand why, nor did he ever try to understand where Epel is coming from and why he has that sort of mindset on gender. Which, well, he thankfully does later on.
The part that makes me the maddest is that Vil goes as far as to say things like, "If you don't understand this, then how can you beat Neige?" It makes it blatantly obvious that he's thrusting all his stress and frustrations onto Epel just so he can have a chance of beating his long-standing rival. I understand that he is that frustrated about always being in Neige's shadow and that he may as well do anything just to get the spotlight he wants, but nevertheless, it rubs me the wrong way that he made Epel enter a competition that he never volunteered for and then use him as a way of beating Neige.
As to why this connects with Catholicism, it's the kind of behavior I've witnessed growing up, from my schooling to my own home. I remember being told to quit Pokemon, a game that I loved, just because it's called "Pocket Monsters" in Japan and it sounds like something from the Devil. I remember being told that abortion is bad just because it goes against God's teachings or that the LGBT+ is bad for the same reason. And I've seen how other Catholics would push these ideologies onto others in such a way that it makes people seem like the bad guy for opposing them. It's why this sort of thing with Vil angers me. I've seen this behavior many times, and it really sucks.
Idia Shroud
Okay, I also mentioned not liking Idia more than once on this blog, but my feelings have softened over time, especially knowing that he is a mood.
Still, I also don't like his rudeness because he says things that he has no courage to say in front of people's faces. This is seen in his robe story, where Riddle tells him to go out and help with the entrance ceremony. Idia criticizes him just because the door is closed, which means he doesn't have to see Riddle's face. I'm not saying I'm a saint because believe me, I have said my own things about others behind their backs (really, who hasn't, even if it's just a vent?), but if Idia's always going to be like that, I'm turned off by it.
Well, he did criticize people in Ghost Marriage because there was a part where he criticizes everyone for failing to set him free. It actually made me angry at him because man, they're trying, and Eliza is intentionally finding a way to reject all of them. And it doesn't help that he ends up begging for help again to the people he just got angry at. 💀
Malleus Draconia
Okay, I've mentioned that I dislike Malleus also, but his case is special. It's less that he did something that caused me to be angry at him, but more of the fandom ruined my perception of him.
To start things off, Malleus personally never really intrigued me from the start. His character is interesting to explore, I'll give you that, but I guess because of the lack of lore that we have on him right now, there's nothing much about him that I particularly like.
But as time went on, I began to grow really weary of Malleus because people always insisted that Malleus and Yuu are meant to be an endgame ship or that they're canon, when there's more indication that romance can't happen between the two of them. As a ship, I don't mind it, but when people go to the point of saying they were canon (and not jokingly, by the way), it really made me dislike not only the ship but Malleus as well.
This kind of hatred really soured myself, so much so that I have made people uncomfortable with my dislike towards Malleus and the ship. I'm still working on fixing this so that I don't hurt people anymore, and my opinion on Malleus has softened too, but even so, I can't really look at Malleus the same way anymore. Until chapter 7 comes, my opinion on Malleus may be more or less stagnant.
Final Thoughts
In the end, these are only part of my opinions on the characters. Even if I do have my least favorites, I can't say now that I hate anybody in Twst. Everyone is really interesting in their own way because there's so much depth to each and every character. They have flaws, but that's a part of being a person, and I like that these flaws are presented in such a way that they can also be turned to strengths.
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atinysunbaby · 3 years
hii if your requests are still open can you make a reaction with ateez? their s/o is an English teacher and what would be their reaction? thank you!!
I'm so sorry it took so long🙏💕
⏳Ateez finding out you're a teacher⏳
Warning : Suggestive
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💖Park Seonghwa💖
You're currently correcting your students' exams. You're at your desk in your room and you let out sighs, disappointed by all the wrong answers on the papers.
You thought you were teaching those kids right, but you weren't apparently. Seonghwa enters your room after hearing you cursing over and over from frustration.
He has a confused expression on his face, starting to frown when he sees all the papers laid on your desk.
"Y/N baby what's all this?" He asks in a small voice. You turn around, suddenly overwhelmed from all the time you spent sitting there and correcting.
Seeing you so frustrated with tears threatening to spill from your eyes, your pretty boyfriend takes you in his arms, forbidding you to keep doing whatever you're doing and relax.
He brings you to the couch and makes you a cup of your favorite drink, he also wraps a blanket around your body. He joins you, sitting next to you.
He patiently waits for you to start speaking, stroking your hair and smiling fondly at your cute pouty face.
After a few minutes, you tell him everything and his reactions is so funny you burst out laughing.
He closes his mouth and blinks repeatedly before realising you kept this a secret for so long. He huffs sassily. "Why didn't you tell me you're a teacher. That's so fucking hot!"
You were about to explain yourself, but hearing those words spilling from his mouth you gasp loudly. "What- Seonghwa!!"
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💙Kim Hongjoong💙
Actually, him and the group are at the school you're teaching. They're gonna surprise the students and perform a few songs for them.
Hongjoong has no idea of you being a teacher and he didn't tell you what he'd be doing today. So the both of you are completely clueless about the awkward meeting you'll have later on.
You're in your class and speaking about an important exam that'll take place next week. You hear sighs and complains, but you're only doing your job and can't feel bad about that.
You're about to proceed your explanations, but you're cut off by the door opening. The principal walks in, motioning you to come closer. You do so and he explains about the group that'll make their entrance in a few seconds.
You just nod, a bit flustered from the interruption. You go sit in your chair still confused, but you wait for them to enter. When they finally do, your eyes widen. You stop breathing for a second and the boy you're watching mirrors your expression.
He chockes on his spit, San slaps him a few times on his back and smirks when he finds out the reason of his leader's sudden flustered state.
Let's say you and Hongjoong never hid something like that from each other again, not wanting to have another weird moment like that one.
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💛Jeong Yunho💛
Yunho secretly wants you to be a teacher, he kind of has a thing for that. It just would make you even more attractive in his eyes. The fact that you could be strict and confident, not taking anyone's shit.
He had doubts about you teaching, seeing you writing so often and being so tired when you came back home. He one day, forced you to tell him about your job. He wanted to know so bad, but when you actually confessed that you were in fact a teacher, he was the happiest puppy on earth.
But he never told you about his huge admiration and his attraction towards you and your job. It just happened that one day, you came home to hear him speaking on the phone.
"Yeah, I know.. God what am I gonna do! Ugh it's just so hot- she's so hot- What? NO!! I'm not going to tell her! Are you crazy man? If she finds out she'll never let me hear the end of it!"
"Yunho?" Your voice makes him throw his phone away, looking at you Iike he just got caught doing something illegal. You giggle at his reaction.
"I sure hope you were talking about me puppy~" He blushes and hides his face from you, flustered by your confidence. He always wanted you to speak to him that way and hearing you call him that, makes his heart beat way too fast.
You both had a lot of fun when Yunho confessed about some fantasies of his. Let's just say, he wasn't the only one having those thoughts.
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💜Kang Yeosang💜
You told Yeosang about your job when you both met. He asked you question after question and always was so happy to hear your answers.
With time, he only became more interested in you. Now, he's really proud to tell people that his girlfriend is a teacher. He even asks you sometimes to teach him a few things, he listens to you with so much attention.
Since he knows a lot about the subject you're teaching from the lessons you taught him, he helps you with your papers when you need help. He stays with you till late at night when you're too busy, making sure you aren't overworking yourself.
He comes at school to give you lunches and eats with you from time to time. He secretly waits for you in his car and calls you when you're done with a class. He surprises you when you least expect it, like when you're busy on your computer or with documents.
But what he loves the most, is when he comes to your office and you both makeout or have sex. It makes him so exited to know he's with you, a teacher, breaking rules and could be caught anytime.
There was one time, that you almost were. Another teacher knocked on the door and you told him he could enter when Yeosang was hidden under your desk. He made sure it was difficult enough for you to talk with the man in front of you.
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🖤Choi San🖤
San doesn't believe you. The moment the words leave your mouth, he just laughs. But from the serious look on your face, he starts to slowly believe that you are, in fact a teacher.
To be sure though, he demands that you bring him to the school you're teaching. You agree, only after asking your boss if it was alright to take your boyfriend when you'll have a day off.
You both enter the hallway, the school is quiet because all the students are in class. You lead the way to your office, San following you like a lost puppy.
His eyes are round and they sprinkle with love when a kid walks out of class and screams your name, so happy to see you. It makes San's heart swell from the cuteness, he never imagined that you'd be so good with kids.
Then you arrive at the door of your office, you tell San to open it. He looks at you, doubtful. But when you smile sweetly at him and nod, he doesn't hesitate and enter.
You walk in and watch his reaction, he seems cautious still. Until you go sit on your desk and wink at him. He shyly looks away and keep analyzing everything.
"Everything fits your personality so well. It's like this room is made for you" He turns to you with the biggest smile and you can't help but chuckle. You stand up and make your way to him, pecking his lips. "Told you I really am a teacher~"
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💚Song Mingi💚
Asks you to help him with something and it actually happens to be the subject you're teaching in school. When you tell him that, he takes some time to process it. When he finally does, he watches you with amazement.
"Wow seriously?" You nod shyly and he just gasp happily. "My girlfriend's a teacher! That's so- Oh I gotta call the boys and tell them!"
You watch him, amusement clearly written on your face. He always is so cute and it makes you love him even more everyday. You wait for him to be done bragging about you on the phone. You also have to confirm to the guys that it is indeed true because they didn't believe Mingi.
When he hangs up, you kiss him. He giggles and you tell him that you'll help him now. You both work for hours, because after being finished with helping him you both start working on your papers.
Mingi falls asleep on your lap after a while, you were writing while playing with his hair with your free hand. It quickly becomes your thing, working while playing with his hair or cuddling. He sometimes even helps you too.
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❤Jung Wooyoung❤
"Miss Y/N ugh?" Wooyoung says smirking. You just told him you're a teacher and the first thing he decides to do is tease you. You roll your eyes at him and are about to leave, but he grabs your hips and makes you sit on his laps.
You giggle and try to get away from his grip, but the more you wiggle and the more he tighten his hold on you. "Baby stop moving and let me cuddle you~" He whines cutely and that makes your body relax against him.
"You're so cute babe~" You coo and squeeze his cheek making him frown and try to move his face away. He ends up laughing, not being able to hide it anymore.
"So.. why did you become a teacher?" He asks you many questions to which you answer. It takes him a while to finally let go of you, needing to feel you against him.
You fall asleep on his shoulder and Wooyoung plays with your fingers. He watches you with love and admiration. "I love you so much~" He whispers sweetly.
Now, everytime you come home from work, he tells you to go lie down while he preapres dinner and do some chores. When he's done, he goes to see you in your room.
He kisses you on the head and wakes you up with a massage. He never will admit it, but since you told him about your job, he can't help but to take care of you. He wants to see you well rested.
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🧡Choi Jongho🧡
"What really?" He smiles and immediately asks you to teach him what you usually do at school. He wants to know everything about your job, because he's interested in everything you do.
"Shit! I gotta go- I got a meeting!" Jongho pouts watching you rush to take your bag and put on your coat, but he knows you don't have a choice.
You kiss him quickly, but Jongho doesn't let you pull away. He brings your face to his once again and kisses you deeper. You smile, but frown when your phone rings. You answer, getting off' Jongho's laps. "Hello?"
Jongho sighs in relief when you announce that the meeting is canceled. "Then we can cuddle and you can tell me more about school?"
He asks you with a teasing tone, you nod nonetheless taking his hand in yours and bringing him to the couch. You both watch a movie while talking about your jobs.
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nunchucksnun · 2 years
It's perfectly if you can't answer this, but how DO Sanford and Deimos learn to work together? Sorry, but you've already gotten me invested with nothing but 3 pages.
Hi! Thank you for the ask! (tugs you down into the pool of headcanons and proceeds to drown you in them)
I feel like in order to become a good team, Sanford and Deimos gotta overcome their personal hang-ups, most of which stem from the fact that they both never worked closely with another person like that :D
Deimos had worked alone ever since he dissented, so he sees the upper hand's sudden decision to assign a partner to him as a sign of distrust in his ability to deliver good results on his own. Or even maybe, a sign of distrust in his loyalty to SQ🤔. Which is of course, all in Deimos's head, but it makes him unreasonably antagonistic toward Sanford (whether Deimos realizes that or not).
In Sanford's case, he is used to working in teams, but in large, 10+ member teams, where personal communication is kind of spread out. (I headcanon that because of his MPN lines suggesting that's he's an ex-soldier?)
And now he's thrown to work in a pair, and it's like. Suddenly your team narrows down to one person. How do you treat them? As a partner? As a soldier? I feel like Sanford is still warming up to this concept :D He just doesn't know how to handle his new teammate and Deimos isn't exactly making it easy for him either.
Added to that, I also think that Sanford kinda defaults himself to be the "leader" of the team. He thinks he's always right when it comes to strategic decisions even when he's wrong, which makes Deimos roll his eyes from time to time :D
Kinda like that!
I think they will learn to work together by getting to know each other better. Like Doc said, it's not that they're incompatible, they just need more time
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fablesofkitkat · 3 years
pov: you spend monsoon afternoons with Shigaraki
alt. title: can the world cease to exist? pt.3
part 1
warning: self-destructive thoughts (PROCEED WITH CAUTION)
disclaimer: this fic does not intend to glamorize depression
Your escape was my house, Yours fell apart
- Bülow
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Shigaraki has a room located at the pub's upstairs. This hideout is basically where he lives. All-For-One, his mentor of sorts, could keep him near but he preferred the hideout, it was the most freedom he was allowed to have.
So... you ended up hanging out in his room. It was a weird thought. A ridiculous one. You can't remember the last time you sat in the same space with someone. Because you kept thinking about it. The reason why.
For a while, you and Shigaraki kept silence. You lied down sideways on the carpeted floor, and sees some unwashed clothes strewn underneath his bed. "Why am I here again?" You ask.
"Because you can't die before I destroy this world." He answers, and then picks up his gameboy.
Odd. He should have enough money to buy modern games but he's playing a gameboy. "Why do you want to destroy the world?"
"'Cause I hate it."
"Huh, but how are you going to live if the world's gone?"
He snaps, "I'm going to destroy the world by erasing the heroes!"
You hummed, meeting his glare over his gameboy. "How'd you know it's gonna get better?"
Shigaraki giggles. "Better?" He laughed at the absurdity. "I'll eradicate the heroes because they're unreliable!"
Silence again.
"There once was a pale man who was very lonely," You start.  "All things must meet this man; so they shunned him. He took an axe and split himself in two. So he'd always have a friend."
The decay quirk user frowned, "What does that got to do with what we were talking about?"
You chuckled. "It doesn't. I just wanted to break the silence. But if you want to get back to the topic... What will you do with the power vacuum?"
"Yeah, the power vacuum theory: whenever one power disappears, many will scramble to rush in to take its place." You explained. "Heroes are powerful; when they're gone, another kind of them will take over. And another kind of villains will replace you and your group."
"...i only care about eradicating heroes." He says after a few beats of silence.
You couldn't help but laugh. "Meaning... you don't know. Man, I sure hope your group's leader knows what they're doing."
Another round of silence and you fiddled with the knots on your hoodie.
"... you're scared, aren't you?" Shigaraki nonchantly asks, still concentrating in playing his game.
You stare at him, observing his greasy grayish-blue hair. There were wrinkles around his eyes akin to old people and his lips are chapped. He was also wearing a thumb sleeve on both hands.
"The thing about wanting to die, Mr. I'll-Kill-All-Heroes, is that I don't care. Sure, you're dangerous and might stab me any moment but ehh I welcome it."
"I won't stab you when with just a touch from me, you'll rot in seconds." He drawls a bored tone.
"Ooh, so that's what the thumb sleeves are for. So that your gameboy won't disintegrate." You start to grin.
"How observant."
"Hey, after you destroy the world and I still don't want to live, I'll need you to use your quirk on me."
Shigaraki tilts his head in contemplation. "Start calling my name and you have a deal."
"You know what I get it. Why you..." You trail off, waving your hand at the empty air between you and Shigaraki. "I met them: your colleagues. Some of them. You take in outcasts. You're a typical male lead in a manga who's a yakuza but has a soft spot for strays, and then one day your heroine will witness you feeding a stray cat and she'll fall for you."
"I do not take in str–" Shigaraki paused and mulled it over. "They are!"
It made him laugh. Weeks come and go since this... friendship began. There were times he goes AWOL on you, probably league missions, and when he came back he'd toss a rock at your window. Sometimes breaking them. You two were lying down on his floor, your back against him, you vaguely hear the bgm of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town from his gameboy.
"Harvest Moon? Really?" You ask, but you were amused. It hit you. It felt foreign.
"It's a good game." He replied simply.
"It's an otome game!" You say in a very judging tone.
The rain kept pouring against his window, the muffled sounds of thunderclaps can be heard from time to time.
"You should choose Ellie. She's best wife." You nudge him with the back of your elbow.
He humms and kept playing while you watch the drops trail down the glass of his window. "One day you're going to snap."
You stilled, curling yourself in a ball. He knew. He saw the bruises on your stomach.
"Is that the reason why?"
"No." You sucked in a shaky breath. "It's because I don't want to be a coward."
"Then, go ahead and snap." He says. The sound of him tapping the controls on his gameboy and the sound of the rain sooths you. "I take in strays."
"My... brother hits me. Used to." You start.
He makes a sound with his throat, acknowledging you. You thought it was going to be difficult but with his back against you and in the darkness of his room, somehow it felt safe. Being with the most wanted man made you feel it was okay to be vulnerable. As messed up as that sounds.
"He was only strong at home, he hit me but outside he acted so subservient." You chuckled darkly. "I called him a coward. Until one day, he didn't wake up. There was a letter for me saying he wasn't a coward. He was getting bullied at school, and he vented his rage to me. That was the cycle."
You hear him breathe deeply. "So that's why..."
"Do you understand? I can't be a coward."
The hours went by with you two just listening to each other breathe. In and out. In. Out. The overwhelming guilt consumed you once again and you tried to control the sobs.
"I talked to the doctor. You're gonna get a turtle." A Nomu one.
You burst out laughing, still tears streamed down your face. That came out of nowhere. You barely notice that the sounds from his gameboy is gone. You hear him turning to your side and you had a vague premonition that if you turned and face him, it was going to derail your plans. You can still stop it. But you turned to face him, because the void inside you lets you keep the sliver of happiness, lets it stay when you laughed a few moments ago.
His movements are slow and labored. "Come here." He reaches towards you, cupping your face in his hands wearing thumb sleeves. Shigaraki leans in. Yours and his mouth meet. His lips are chapped and swollen, and he tasted like sour gummies. Although clumsy, the kiss is soft and light and perfect.
"You're going to talk to me," he whispers. "Every little thing that goes inside your head. Every single dark thought. It's mine. They're mine."
Because this world has the penchant of taking away what's his. So if every negative thing inside your head becomes his, it'll get taken away. Soon. That's how he's going to save you.
part 2 <previous next> part 4
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jinnwenhe · 4 years
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regarding romance!
Used artwork credits
It started as the cliché love story about falling in love with your very own bestfriend
Which, actually turned out great??
His Zacian/Zamazenta loves you as much as it's trainer does, and is willing to protect you from anything
Probably because it observed Hop being protective over you, and proceeding to do the same
Sure it might took a toll on him when you defeated him on the championship semi-finals, but he wanted you to be happy more than anything
He's such a sweetheart even if he doesn't show it much
The type to appreciate small little things, especially when it comes from you
"Let's camp together!!"
You camped together
He got chased by a wild steelix whilst trying to gather data for his research later
His Zamazenta/Zacian was busy playing with your own legendary
*from the distance* "GAH! HELP!"
You ran after him and calmed down the wild steelix
Then you walked to him and checked if he got any wounds or scratches, which leads you to cupping his face gently with a worried look on your face
Hop's blushing
He's freaking out inside
You didn't notice the tint of blush dusting his cheeks,which gradually reddens with each second that passes
"im okay, dont worry" he tried his best reassuring you
Even though he's blushing, he proceeded to press his forehead gently against yours, closing his eyes and smiling
oh no he's cute
You're blushing
haha blushy reader
You let him do his thing, its somewhat calming
He's warmm
His hands are calloused, different from yours; you just remembered this when he placed his hand on top of yours while you were checking for his wounds from before
This just shows how much he's been working off to reach the champion title
And yet he's completely alright with you taking the spotlight
After all, you're his shining star
And he wouldn't have it in any other way
You let him borrow your champion cape
And he lets you borrow his labcoat
It fits just right with you! And it got his scent, which calms you down whenever you're feeling anxious
When you wear his labcoat, you're 1000000000% irresistible to his eyes
"Don't be so adorableee" he said as he pulled you into a hug and burying his face in your neck
You only laughed softly at his reaction. He was blushing too,,,
You often waited for him to finish his lab work, even if it's until late hours
He's a really hard worker, no wonder he stayed until late
"Im sorry for making you wait"
He looks exhausted, but tried his best to pull a bright smile, not wanting to worry you
You only gave him a warm hug, which surprised him at first before he hugs you back and proceed to walk you to your house
💓💓💓 < your heart
Comfort time
There's usually some jerks who'd tease you for being the champion, or flirt with you in an impolite way
If Hop caught on to this, he would politely ask them to leave
If they still dont understand, his legendary comes out of his pokeball and growl at them
He'd ask them one more time to stop bothering you, but this time, with a menacing smile that says "stay here any longer and you wont get to see another daylight"
Then he'd check up on you, asking if you're alright, if they did anything to you or whatnot
Hed wrap his arms around your waist and drape his labcoat over you, because he knows his labcoat always manages to calm you down
"It's okay, you're okay, everything is alright now, c'mere"
You let him hug you as you feel safe around him, and you two stayed in that position until you feel alright again
He's not the best at showing affection but at least he tries
You help him come out with quizzes for his gym challenge
And sometimes joke about the poses he makes when practicing
Sometimes, he gets reminded that you're the champion of Galar and he's way out of your trainer level
Which actually motivates him to become the strongest gym leader there is by pushing past his limits
"I'll show you how strong fairy types can be"
He said to himself as he was thinking about you
People kept misunderstanding fairy types after all, and thats a big mistake
You appreciate his efforts in maxing out his strength, and you show it by coming to his fairy stadium whenever he battles a challenger
You texted him "good luck, I'll be cheering 4 u!❤️❤️👍" before his matches start
And you looked at his direction after sending the message
He has just gotten your message, and opened it
Which leads to him blushing furiously as he covers his face with one of his hands
He took a deep breath and tried to regain his composure, only to fail miserably when he saw you looking at his direction with pure ambition and determined eyes as you grinned happily
All that i could say is, he's red as a beet
He wont lose this match, not when you're watching him.
He puts extra effort when you're watching his match, and made sure not to slip up. It'd be embarrassing if he did.
Opal notices this and only smiled seeing her successor acting out of his place whenever you're around
Opal knows something that you dont, and that's Bede's feelings for you
After his match ended, his Hatterene walked towards your direction, pulling you into a tight hug
You were surprised, but apparently Hatterene has grown to like you ever since she first met you
And when you look at Bede's direction, he was looking away with his arms crossed infront of his chest, visibly drowning in embarassment
,,,you wondered, is Bede projecting on his Hatterene or what,
Yes, yes he is
So you asked him if he also wants a hug, which of course he answered with "Why would i want a hug from someone like you? That'd be an insult to me"
You let go of Hatterene and hugged him anyways
He flinched when you hugged him, not knowing where to put his hands and just let them stay still in a defensive pose
Hatterene watched with a smile from behind you, seeing her master in such a flustered state was truly something new for the Pokemon
Not long after, Bede finally let his arms wrap around your waist, giving in to his subconscious and just hug you
he wanted to hug you anyways so thats a win win situation
You were actually surprised when he hugged you back
He smells nice!! Like perfume?? Cologne?? Floral scent
His Hatterene decided to join in and wrapped her arm around you both, making you all hug even more tightly
Bede cant handle this well.
No, not at all.
His face was really red and its hot— in all honesty, its cute, but he was burning
"Why do you have to embarrass me like this?"
You buried your face in his neck, which startled him as he couldn't think at all
He feels nice and soft, so you're not planning to let go any sooner, likewise with Hatterene.
Bede's mind: ASDFGHJKL????—GODDAMMI—
His true nature would come out when you're not feeling yourself or when people would makw you feel like shit
His face shows concern, but it still his usual look of coldness— however, his actions are warm despite his cold features
He'd let you wear his coat as he battles anyone who dared to hurt you
"Are you alright now..?"
He cupped your face and made you look at his face, swiping off the tears that stained your face with his thumbs delicately
He hated seeing you cry, and he'll try better next time to make sure you didn't cry
He's kind at all but sometimes he's just... "???????"
Training!! Dates!!
More like battle tower dates because he really admires your strength as a champion
Occasionally, he'd visit your house and check up on you, wondering if you're free for the day for "quality time"
At first, he was surprised to see one of the legendaries answering the door for you
And he couldn't resist to ruffle it's hair
your legendary on the other hand was kind of irritated by it
So it let out a displeased howl
Which leads you to come down stairs and see who is it
He looked up and greet you with a goofy grin as your legendary returned to your side, walking with you
He treats you like a gentleman, and sometimes is very strict with your training regimen
In which you usually whine about because you're the current champion and you have no business listening to him
But he'd swoon you with lovely words
And you would easily fall for it
you hate this
You hate him
No you dont
You love him, you could never hate a goofball like him anyways
Hey did i ever mention Leon's sense of direction is shitty
You went on a date in Wyndon a couple of times and he still gets lost everytime
"Ah!! Hey—....."
"Im lost again aren't i?"
He tried to find his way back to you but got surrounded by paparazzis
Even if he's not the current champion
You saved his butt since he couldn't say no to the people and his fans
He said thank you and hugged you, lifting you up to the air before pulling you close to him
This only made you laugh softly as you hugged him back, letting your fingers comb his thick lavender like hair
His body is warm and comforting, you really like his cuddles and hugs
He came into your house one time when you didn't answer his calls or messages, only to find you drown in your anxiety and self loathing
He pulled you in his arms and let you cry on his shoulder until you're all done and alright again
He'd draw circles over your back and tell you reassuring words— tell you that you're more than enough and he's grateful to have you here, alive and well
Your Zacian/Zamazenta got out of it's pokeball and helped you in calming you down too by giving you small licks on your knee
It'd whine whenever you're sad and climb onto your bed, nudging your arm afterwards as if it's asking what's wrong
You're lucky to have them both whenever you need them the most, and they're lucky to have you
Raihan 🐲
It's finally the Character y'all been waitin for, dragon boi coming through
Okay serious talk here— Raihan is TALL
His hoodies makes you look smaller than you already are
You tried copying his "Gaooo~" pose a couple of times while wearing his hoodie
Its cutest thing he has ever seen his entire life
It makes him melt everytime
Okay aside from that, he's gentle and laid back, even if his personality is quite the opposite when he's on battle
Don't forget his fangs, never forget his fangs
You're actually curious about his fangs since the first day you saw him
And he lets you touch it whenever you like
Youre still curious, because what the hell, its so cool
The first day you saw him after defeating him in a match and gain your gym badge, he immediately took an interest in you and your strength
"Hey Challenger!"
He called you before you tried to take your leave, gaining your attention
He then asked you if you want to practice with him next time, and have a rematch when you've become the champion
You agreed and exchanged numbers
What can i say, he spams you like?????? A lot
And casually sends you pictures of him and his duraludon
You love his dragons, especially flygon
Flygon loves you too, and one time it wanted to come with you
Raihan lets you keep his Flygon and you send him pictures of you with it
He sends emotes of duraludon crying, wanting to join you and your fun trip with Flygon to grab the Champion title
After you took the Champion title, Raihan greeted you with a big hug
And you hug him back with no hesitation
"Congratulations, may i have a selfie with the new Champion?"
He asked in a teasing manner, letting you down on your feet as you nodded
You took a selfie selfwith him numerous times before he posted it to his social media
He captioned 'First person to get a selfie with the new Champion'
He took pride in that, and some of his fans were jealous that you managed to get a selfie with him
From that day onwards, he'd have casual selfies with you, sometimes hilarious one and sometimes its just for showing off
You didn't mind it really, he's a celebrity anyways, so you understand why he does that
"Hey.. do stars have feelings"
It was three am what the fuck Raihan
You squinted at your screen seeing his message
"Why in the Galar would you be awake, dear Dragon tamer?"
You answered him
And immediately he answered "oh? The Champion is awake?"
You guys didn't sleep afterwards and was sending streaks of blurry selfies
It was fun and helped you cheer up
You got some of his blurry pics that he captioned "party rock in the house" when clearly its just him and his pokemons
What a goofball pt.2
You love him anyways shut up
Haha smol reader pt.2
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