#they all came from different teams and now they’re A FAMILY
emuchipmunk · 6 months
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32 | Seattle Kraken x Chasing You - Patrick Droney
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A Rarity
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You have a rare genetic code called heterochromia. You have two different colored eyes that you have tried to suppress ever since you got seriously bullied in middle school. Just when you're about to present a case, you find your contact case is missing.
Square Filled: friends with benefits (2022) for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Today is the day you start your new job as the team’s liaison. You’ve always been part of this since JJ was the main person to deal with it. However, she’s been promoted to profiler which means all the slack now falls on your shoulders. You love interacting with families and comforting them when they most need it.
This is the first case when it’s just going to be you, so you’re kind of nervous about it. Before going into the briefing room, you decide to touch up on your makeup and hair as if you’re going in front of millions on the TV to present the case. You take out your contacts and leave them to rehydrate on your desk while you go to the bathroom to fix your makeup.
Once you’re done, you make sure not to look into anyone’s eyes as you make your way back to your desk. The first thing you do is put away your makeup. The second thing you do is grab your contacts to put them back in but they’re not where you left them.
“Shit,” you curse and go through your entire desk. “No, this isn’t happening.”
You’re panicking at the thought of not having your contacts. You don’t need them to see, in fact, you have 20/20 vision. No, you use them only for color because you have a rare thing called heterochromia. Your right eye is bright blue and your left is bright green. You were born with two different eye colors. No one in your family has this genetic but you, so you have no idea where it came from.
Ever since you were enrolled in school, you were bullied for your eyes. It didn’t start getting bad until middle school when kids were more focused on appearances than learning and making friends. Kids in elementary school actually found them to be cool but only because they were little kids who didn’t know any better.
Your peers made you hate this part of you even though you can’t do anything about it. As soon as you started high school, you begged your mom to get you colored contacts. You’ve been wearing them ever since even into your adult years. You choose a natural blue to make yourself look more normal. Had you not had those, you would for sure get bullied even worse than in middle school.
The longer you went wearing them the more people thought your eyes were just one color. No one at work knows about this or so you thought. The only person who might know about this is Spencer but that’s only because you two have been friends with benefits for quite some time now. It helps to have one to work off the stress from work. Plus, he’s an amazing lover so there’s a plus.
You two aren’t dating just fucking a lot.
While he was getting ready this morning at your place, you were in the bathroom rushing to do your makeup. You hadn’t put your contacts in just yet so if he were to walk in the bathroom, he’d see your eyes for what they truly are. He was getting ready and peeked through the open door to see if you were close to being done when he saw the beauty in your eyes. He didn’t say anything about it so as not to embarrass you.
He walks into the bullpen from the break room to see you panicking.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Where are my contacts? I just had them on my desk.”
“I didn’t know you wore contacts,” he lied. You refuse to look at him without them in. “I’m sure it’ll be alright. You have glasses, right?”
“Yes, but--”
“But what? What’s the problem?”
“Never mind,” you groan and continue looking for them.
“Hey, look at me.” When you don’t, he sets his coffee down on the desk and grabs your chin gently. He makes you look at him but you close your eyes so he doesn’t see their colors. “Open your eyes.”
“No,” you shake your head.
“Darling, open your eyes,” he says gently.
He would be the person to find out eventually. You sigh and open your eyes to show him the rarity you have. Now that he gets to see them up close, he’s falling more in love with you. You might not have feelings for him but he certainly has them for you. He only keeps you as a fuck buddy because if he were to tell you the truth, he might lose you.
“What beautiful eyes you have.”
“They’re ugly,” you sigh and pull away from him.
“Who told you that?”
“Everyone I’ve ever known,” you scoff. You look at your watch and notice the time. “Shit, I have to give the case out.”
“No one is going to notice.”
“Are you kidding me? They’re so bright. They stand out.”
“Fine, if they make comments, I’ll handle it.”
You have no choice but to go in there without your contacts. You sigh and grab your things before heading to the briefing room with Spencer. Everyone is already in there waiting so you immediately get started. As you’re talking, you notice Spencer watching you with a smile on his face.
“You’re beautiful,” he mouths to you.
Your cheeks heat up but you don’t let it show how happy he makes you. The briefing only lasts thirty minutes before Hotch announces wheels up. When everyone is packing up to get out of there, you notice something sticking out of Spencer’s back pocket. 
Your contact case. You want to be mad at him for taking it but maybe it’s time to let your rarity shine.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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imaginaryf1shots · 26 days
Miami Baby | Lando Norris
WC: 1.8K
Lando x reader
Summery: It’s always been a when not an if, who knew that in his 110s race Lando will win his first race in Formula 1
Warnings: None, FLUFF
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The Miami heat is in full effect. Coming from Amsterdam to the US, you felt it the difference. The sun was high, and the music was on for what seemed like the whole weekend. For once, it seemed calmer in the garage. But alas it’s not your first race to attend, and not your last either. You’ve been Lando's girlfriend since you were both 16. You’ve literally been with him through it all. Your relationship has gone through so much, you were public before Lando got into F1, and as he got popular the comments against you worsened, so you’ve gone private, it affected your relationship but you’ve survived it. You’ve gone to uni, which made it harder to see Lando, especially when he moved to Monaco, but the moment you graduated and through covid, you were right there with him. You’re now public again, older, wiser, and with thicker skin. You’re at most races to cheer for Lando, and you make it a point to be at the ones none of his family could attend.
The weekend has been hard on your boyfriend, he did well in the sprint quali, only to get knocked out in the sprint in the first lap, and then set the fastest laps but in the wrong qualifying sessions. Starting P5 wasn’t bad, but Lando was hoping for better, especially with all the upgrades his car had.
You’re watching from the garage with Bianca and some other Mclaren crew, it’s lap 33, and there’s a safety car. He dropped to P6 but is now leading the race. Your nerves were through the roof, anxiety spiking with each lap. Until the safety car was called in, you and everyone at Mclaren were on the edge of your seats as Lando broke away from the rest of the grip. You’re expecting Max to attack straight away, but Charles was on his back, and Lando was pulling away, setting the fastest lap after the fastest lap.
”Oh my god.” You muttered, hand to your mouth, Bianca was grinning as she gave you a side hug. You don’t know if you blinked or breathed for the last 10 laps, praying for another safety car not to make an appearance. During the last lap, you already had tears gathered in your eyes, holding hands with Bianca and the other crew. The moment he crossed the finish line, you let the tears flow, Bianca was the first to pull you in for a hug.
“Thank you to the team, to mum and dad, and a big fat thank you to my amazing girlfriend. Thank you for sticking with me.”
The camera flashed to you, with tears running down your face and a hand pressed to your mouth as you heard his voice through the radio.
You were crying. Thankfully, you had waterproof makeup on, or you would’ve looked like a raccoon. The Mclaren team is Lando’s only team. They’re like family, and you’ve been around Lando enough to be considered as a part of the family as well. They were hugging you and congratulating you as if you were the one driving.
Zak gave you the biggest bear hug. “I knew he could do it.” He told you, holding your shoulders.
“Thank you for believing in him.” You said, patting your tears away.
”Thank you for being there for him.” Zak gave you another hug, and you moved, no, scratched that, you ran like your life depended on it, with the Mclaren team to Parc Ferme and behind the fence to wait for your man in papaya. You saw Andrea, and the man gave you a big hug as well. You both congratulated the other. Everyone’s emotions were high, and the happiness and relief were overwhelming.
You watched as drivers came up to your boyfriend and congratulated him, before Lando put his helmet on the ground and ran to the team, they pulled him up for a crowd surf and threw him up a few times. The moment they placed him on the ground, Zak pulled him for a hug.
Then Lando saw you, tears were in your eyes again, and they gathered in Lando’s. He took the two steps it took to reach you, held your face in his hand, and pushed his lips against you before you could utter a single word. It wasn’t the most romantic kiss you’ve had, but it was a kiss that just conveyed your emotions. You were saying congratulations, and he was saying thank you. The team was cheering around you, Lando pulled back just enough to see you. His arms moved to your waist, and from how he was pulling you, you knew that he wished you were on the other side of the barrier pressed up against him.
”Congratulations Lan, I’m so proud of you.” You mutter and smile. The longer you look at each other, the more emotional you get.
”Thank you… for everything, I love you.” Lando said a tear leaves his eye, and you wipe it away.
”I love you too, now go, they’re waiting for you.” Lando places a kiss on your forehead before he turns to finish his duties.
Watching Lando on the top step is a core memory that was just created and one you will hold close to your heart forever. Going into this weekend, Lando was optimistic. The break you guys had over the last week was a great one, despite Lando cutting his nose with a glass. The team screamed for him, and you screamed right with them. The tears were gone for a moment, and a smile was etched onto your face. You had your phone up as you captured him being drowned in champagne.
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You called Cisca the moment he walked off the podium. It took her mere seconds to answer, both of you screaming. “ HE WON! CISCA, OH MY GOD!”
”I can’t believe it, finally, it’s been long overdue.” You talked to his sisters and his dad, as you were making your way back to Mclaren where Lando will be heading next for a moment before he’ll have to head to do his media duties.
You were looking at a video one of the media team took of Lando when you heard cheering, meaning Lando was making his way to the garage. Seeing him before he saw you, you couldn’t help it. You’ve both dreamt of this moment for a very long time. You ran, you ran towards him, and Lando just saw you and opened his arms. Before you jump in them, your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands on your thighs.
”Baby.” Lando muttered. He kissed your cheek. “Oh god love, I can’t believe it, it feels surreal.” His voice was soft and full of emotions in your ear.
”You did it, you’re a race winner.” You say back and kiss his neck, Lando sat you back on your feet.
“We did it, we won.” Lando’s eyes were only on you, and yours only on him, the camera filming their moment ignored and going unnoticed by you.
”Yes, the team has bee-“
”No, me and you, you’re a part of me love, we did it, we won.” You pressed a teary kiss to his cheek before you shared another hug.
Lando managed to talk to his parents before he was rushed for media. Then there was, debrief and many pictures and celebrations with the trophy. The champagne, the champagne bottle was passed around for the team to take a sip before Lando took it and took a big swing once more, and gave you a cheeky smile before he shook the bottle and you’re surprised there’s still enough for it to spray on you, the team cheers again, and Lando pulls you for a side hug. From that moment Lando had you by his side the rest of the day. You were there when he changed, when he went into the stadium for more photos and videos, you were there when he was talking to his friends and other drivers about the possibility of you staying another night to celebrate. You were there though it all, just like you’ve always been. Just like you will always be. Who knows maybe Lando’s next win won’t be on the track and it will be archived with a simple ‘yes’.
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The night came to an end with you and Lando after a shared shower in bed, you in his arms as he held you close. You were only dressed in one of his shirts and panties while he slept in his boxers. You’re both too tired and achy to move but still full of excitement and happiness to fall asleep.
“I’m afraid this is all a dream.” Lando told you in the dim light, the cosiness of the room and the darkness left you both feeling like anything you will say will just disappear, you both talk about everything, you’re not the type to hide anything but the atmosphere around you made it extra easy.
”You better believe it’s a reality, Mr. Lando Norris, Formula 1 Race Winner.” You say and poke his side making him squirm a little you giggle at his movement before you both settle down again. “I’m so happy I was there to see you win, this is the happiest I’ve ever been and the proudest I could be.”
”It’s all thanks to you, love.” Lando kisses your forehead and pulls you closer, you tangle your legs in his.
”I did nothing but let you fly me everywhere and let you take care of me.” You mumble, you’re not insecure, you’re not mad, you’ve come to accept it. Lando has so much money, more than he could ever spend on himself and he loves pampering you and having you by his side. Besides you may be young but you’ve talked about your future a lot through the years, and you both know you’ll end up married at one point, so what difference does it make if he took care of you now or after you have the same last name.
”Don’t sell yourself too short, and don’t talk bad about my girlfriend.” Lando teased you with a smile that you shared. “We’ve been together for a 8 years and I’ve known you for 10, you’ve had my bad through it all, I remember you fighting and shouting at that one guy that pushed me off the track back in F3 and then you’d alway tweet and curse the interviewers whenever they bothered me or if a driver said something about me, and… and you’ve always been so understanding and you’ve helped me when I’m feeling down and when I’m mad you don’t take it personally and-and-and I just- I’m just so thankful and so incredibly in love with you.”
”Way to make a girl cry, again.” You say and roll over to get the box of tissues from the bedside table. “My god, Lan, I love you so freaking much it hurts.”
”I know, and I’m so lucky to have you.”
”I’m the lucky one.”
”Now, now love, whatever the race winner says goes.”
”Huh, I think I like Lando No-wins more than Lando Now-wins more.”
“That’s not nice.”
”I love you.”
”And, I love you.”
@gnatthefly . @mochimommy2002 . @llando4norris . @mrswolffs-blog
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mossfrg · 1 year
Jersey Gotham
Okay as someone born and raised in Jersey, I feel like we as a fandom are missing out on truly Jersey-ified Gotham. Like, c’mon, Jersey Girl Brucie Wayne??? So here I am to present a list of things I need more of because god damn it make Batfam— mostly Bruce, Jason, Tim, Steph, and Duke— Jersey (all based on my own personal experiences/real things that have happened to me):
Bruce cannot pump his own gas. He just. Doesn’t know how to. It’s not like a rich person thing, he just never learned cause he’s from fucking Jersey and never leaves Gotham. Jason didn’t know how and Talía lost her shit “How??? You are child superhero??? Who died and spontaneously came back??? But you can’t pump gas??” Tim kinda knows cause of Titans but again, he never really had to. (There’s a Twitter threaded dedicated to the Wayne family titled “is this rich or Jersey”). Steph and Duke can but they both pretend not too.
There have been fist fights over whether it’s pork roll or taylor ham. Jason and Bruce are very adamantly pork roll like the good Southern Jersey boys they are— it’s the one thing they can agree in most days— but Tim is taylor ham. Steph and Duke, despite being South Jersey, like to cause chaos and flip sides constantly. Dick, Damian, and Cass couldn’t care less.
The Absolute Hatred of New York/NYC. Doesn’t matter which kid it is, Bruce (and Alfred) got them all on board with this. Don’t even get them started on the Statue of Liberty; it’s a Wayne family tradition to try and buy it from NY because technically it’s more in NJ than NY and it’s closer too. They’ve yet to be successful but Bruce has hope for when it’s Damian’s turn.
And bc of this hatred of NYC comes the support of Philly!! None of them are super big sport fans, but they do cheer for Eagles, 76ers, and Union. Bruce, thanks to Alfred, is a big fan of soccer (“it’s football, master Bruce, I didn’t raise you in a barn”), and is a member of the Sons of Ben. He can be found in the River End of the stadium with Jason cheering for Union at pretty much every home game. There are multiple videos of Brucie Wayne and Jason Wayne screaming at refs, launching fireworks off the roof, and cursing out opposing teams’ players. Duke and Tim can be found 76ers games, while Steph frequents Eagles games.
Accents. Pls for the love of god give those boys (and Steph) accents. They are from New Fucking Jersey. They say “cawfee” and “tawlk.” They pronounce 0% of their t’s in the middle of words— kitten is ki’en, Trenton is tren’in. Jason and Steph drop letters when they gets pissed, Bruce slurs words, Duke and Tim drop passive-aggressive “y’all’s” to piss people off.
Driving. Now it’s not that they’re shit drivers, it’s that everyone else is a shit driver, and it’s not helped that majority of them learned to drive in the Batmobile. Steph has a loudspeaker on her car and frequently yells “fucking Pennsylvania turn your goddamn blinker on!” while driving. Bruce has a room in the manor dedicated to his speeding tickets. Tim as gotten into multiple fists fights at lights because people were driving slow in the fast lane. Jason is infamous for doing the Jersey Slide.
Jason, Tim, and Steph have gotten mugged before. They talked their way out of it and gave tips to the mugger. Bruce has kicked a rabid raccoon while walking home before because what else was he supposed to do? Duke has ordered a “pork roll egg and cheese on an everything” before in Not-Jersey and cried because they don’t have it. Several foreign benefactors of WE have asked for translators at meetings with Brucie cause Brucie’s accent is so thick and exaggerated. IN CONCLUSION: making Batfam (and gotham) Jersey is funny as hell and presents so many good opportunities. Make Batfam Jersey! (again these are all just my personal experiences, big state yada yada, different experiences, blah blah idgaf I jsut need batfam fist fighting over pork roll)
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boldlyvoid · 5 months
Dear Santa
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Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Summary: Jack's wishlist this year only consists of one thing. He wants Y/N to be his step-mom.
A/N: Continuation of Waiting Rooms, set a year later
Warnings: slight angst trying to get Jack to share what he wants for Christmas, Haley and reader are friends, getting engaged
Word Count: 2.8K
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Rosie is about to turn 1. 
JJ and Will are having a big birthday bash at their place, 2 weeks before her actual birthday because being a Christmas baby is hard. Gift-giving becomes a chore, they feel overlooked as they get older, and holiday fatigue makes people not really want to add another thing to their plate. But the BAU loved any excuse to party and to spoil their godchildren— even if it wasn’t on paper like Aaron was, every single member on the team loved JJ’s children as if they were their own. 
 And Aaron’s girlfriend is invited to the party, too. 
Everyone knows her, she’s been around a lot and Aaron loves her dearly. Even Haley likes her, invited her to the wedding back in September and everything, which came in handy when they had to take Jack home for the night to give the happy couple some alone time. Aaron had him for 2 weeks during the honeymoon, and while he was at work, Y/N basically moved into his place to take care of Jack in his absence, which Haley was only okay with because Y/N had a degree in education and was trusted with 20 plus kids every day for years. They got on well, Jack loved talking to her and playing with her, he asked to call her at night when he had weekends with Aaron and she wasn’t over… and then she moved in. Jack was over the moon. 
It’s been a month now, playing family is so much easier when Y/N doesn’t have to leave ever. His house is her house and his son is her favourite little guy in the world… but he’s acting different. 
There are 2 weeks until Christmas and even Haley can’t get him to make a wish list. Well, he’s made one. He’s sent it to Santa, but he wouldn’t let her see it. So, you know, she can’t buy him anything in the name of Santa. It’s stressing them out, they have no idea why he’s being so secretive this year. 
They pick him up from Haley’s for the birthday party, he loves any excuse to spend time with Henry and Haley begs Aaron to try and get him to talk. To anyone. Someone on the team has to be able to crack what’s going on and get him to share what he wants. In exact specifics because if he doesn’t get what he wants on Christmas morning, there’s going to be hell to pay. 
He runs off to see Henry the second they’re inside, Aaron and Y/N put the gifts in the pile and head into the kitchen to give hugs and handshakes to all their friends. Y/N hugs Penelope and JJ and she takes little Rosie into her arms for a hug and kisses the side of her head, making Aaron swoon. “I can’t believe you’re so big!” She teases, brushing her nose against Rosie’s hair. 
“I know,” JJ sighs, shaking her head. “I wish I could keep them this tiny forever…” 
“Me too,” Aaron agrees. Looking off into the other room where the kids are all playing and making noise. “Things are easier when they’re 1.” 
“I don’t know,” Will shrugs. “I think 4 is treating Henry well.” 
“Has he told you what he wants for Christmas?” Y/N asks right away. 
They both nod, “why?” JJ asks. 
“Jack won’t tell us,” Aaron complains. “He made his letter, didn’t let me or Haley look and then mailed it away when he met Santa at the mall… we have no idea what he wants and he won’t tell us.” 
“Well, last year his Christmas was a lot to take,” Derek reminds them. “His mom getting engaged so soon after your divorce is going to stick out to him… his whole world changed last Christmas.” 
“Do you think maybe he asked Santa to bring you two together again?” Penelope asks, hesitant but onto something.
Aaron shakes his head, “no, he loves Scott. Talks very highly about him and their time together on weekdays.” 
“Hm,” Emily hums. “You want one of us to talk to him?” 
“I’m not sure,” Aaron’s honest. “Maybe Spencer, or Y/N even… I don’t want him to think he’s in trouble for not talking to us about his Wishlist.”
“I’ll do it,” Y/N volunteers, handing Rosie over to Aaron so he can have a snuggle with his god-daughter. “I’ll ask Henry too, just to cover my bases. Get them talking, see what’s up.” 
“Thank you,” Aaron leans in and presses a kiss to her lips while Rosie clings to him. 
They watch her leave and as soon as the coast is clear everyone's vibe switches. “So…” Derek is the first to tease him.
“When are you going to have another one?” Emily continues. 
Aaron shakes his head with a blush. Rosie is snuggled into his chest, head on his shoulder, he leans his cheek against her head and holds her close. She’s always loved him, she finds him calming and it’s probably because he’s so stern and has his emotions under control… also because he’s family. He was the 4th person to hold her in her entire life and he loved her because he loved her mother so much. 
“When she asks,” he’s honest.
“Oooo,” JJ teases with a smirk. “I’m surprised she hasn’t asked with how often she sees you with babies now.” 
“I know,” he sighs. “I think she wants to be married before she has kids. She’s traditional, I can’t blame her…” 
“So when are you going to ask?” Penelope asks, desperate to know. 
He shrugs, “We haven’t talked about it. It’s only been a year, we just moved in together, and we’d have to plan it all around her teaching schedule. There’s a lot to consider. I want to make sure she’s okay with my schedule, the long hours and the not being around— I mean, she’s good with Jack, she spends time with him when we get called out and she hasn’t said she has a problem with it but—
“but it’s happened to you once before,” JJ understands. 
He nods, “I love her too much to lose her too.” 
They all understand that. 
“She’s had time to run,” Emily adds. “If she didn’t like your job or the hours or missing you as much as I’m sure she does— she would’ve left already. She’s not the kind of woman to push her feelings down and just coast. She says what she feels and gets what she wants and what she wants is you and the life you’re building and the family you’ve welcomed her into.” 
His heart swells, “I hope so.” 
She plays with them for a bit, driving cars around a town printed on a carpet and making all the automobile noises with a smile. She loved this little boy so much, he was the best thing to come into her life since his dad. 
“Did you guys ask for more cars for Christmas?” She pries. 
Henry nods, but jack doesn’t say anything. He keeps driving, avoiding the question. 
“What else did you ask for Henry?” 
“Don’t tell her!” Jack cuts him off. “If you say it out loud it doesn’t come true.” 
“What?” She asks, almost laughing but she holds back. “Who told you that?” 
“No one…” he shakes his head, looking like he’s thinking hard.
“Then why do you think it works like that?”
“It’s like birthday wishes,” he explains. 
“What did you wish for on your birthday last year?” She asks, trying to figure out if he got it or not, to see if that’s why he thinks this. 
“The Spider-Man Hot Wheels track,” he explains. 
“And did you tell anyone?” She asks, he shakes his head. “And you got it?” 
“I did…” 
“What about Christmas last year? Did you tell anyone what you wanted?” 
“I made a list but… what I wanted most I told Santa and then it happened,” he whispers. “For mommy to get married to Scott.” 
“Oh,” her heart swells. “Oh, Jack. You know, that’s just because you told Santa and he can make things come true, but sometimes Santa can’t get all your gifts and he’ll reach out to your mommy and daddy and say hey, the 3rd thing on Jack's list I couldn’t make at my factory so you can get that for him. But Santa can’t talk to your mom or dad about presents unless you do too… he can’t tell your secrets.” 
“Oh,” he thinks hard about it. “I didn’t think about that.” 
“Yeah, when I was little we didn’t have a chimney so my dad actually had to wait up for Santa and let him into the house,” she explains the old lie her parents used to tell her. “They became good friends and Santa was always so happy to hear they got me the things he couldn’t make.” 
“I only put one thing on my list,” he frowns, scared now that he won’t get anything if it doesn’t come true. 
He starts to cry and she pulls him right into her lap, cradling him, “Oh, buddy it's okay. We can make a second list, explain everything to Santa and send it tonight, he’ll get it in time.” 
“You think?” He asks, looking up at her with those big hotchner brown eyes. 
She nods, “Come on, let’s go ask Aunty JJ if she has some paper.” 
They get up off the carpet and she carries him into the kitchen again, they get paper and a pencil and they sit down at the kitchen table together with Aaron standing over his shoulder. He puts down a couple things he’s seen on commercials between TV shows and things he’s seen in the store with his mom and she looks up at Aaron who smiles. He can get these things, there’s still lots of time to make sure his Christmas is good. 
But she wanted to know what his big present was… she needed to tell Aaron everything and they needed to work it out. They can’t ruin the magic of Christmas for him because this year his big wish doesn’t come true.
At home that night, they sit in bed and she tells him everything and his heart breaks a bit. “He has 1 wish and we have no idea what it is.” 
“I know,” she leans back against the pillows, just as panicked as he is. “Is there any way you can contact the mall and find out what Santa was working on that day and maybe, just maybe he remembers what Jack said?” 
“I can try… but I might just have Haley and Scott sit him down and have him watch Here Comes Santa Clause, make sure he has the real story and knows that it’s not like a birthday wish. Saying it doesn’t stop it from coming true,” Aaron explains. “I need him to have a good Christmas with us this year.” 
“He will,” she assures, cuddling into his side. She places her hand on his chest and he wraps his arm around her so she can get closer. “We all will.”
Aaron goes off on another case just before Christmas, Y/N spends the night before Jack’s arrival for his week at their house, wrapping presents. They’ve managed to get him everything he asked for. They split the list in half, Haley got him a bunch, they got him the rest and then they all threw in some practice things from themselves. 
Haley had dropped off her Santa gifts early, they’re hidden up in the attic so he can’t find them before Christmas morning. He’s going to be one spoiled boy… 
Aarons is still not back when Jack gets there. He’s so close to finishing the case, he should be home in a day. Till then, she’s more than happy to spend some one-on-one time with Jack. 
He runs upstairs to his room to put his bag away and Y/N gets a few minutes alone with Haley, “has he said anything?” 
She smirks, nodding, “he did…” 
She lights right up, “what? Can we get it in time?” 
“He wants you to be his step-mommy,” Haley whispers, stepping into her space and rubbing her arm. “So unless you want Aaron to be the one to propose, you should get a ring.” 
She’s in a state of shock for a while, Jack goes to bed after dinner and she just sits in the living room with her drink and the TV on low and she stares off. She has no idea what to do. Does she tell Aaron? Do they talk about it? Should they get rings together and make a plan? She could just get a ring and ask him? But does she get a ring for herself or for him? Would he even want a ring or would he maybe like a watch?” 
There’s a million things buzzing around her head and then the lock clicks over. The door opens and Aaron’s briefcase hits the floor before it closes. 
“Hey,” he smiles as he sees her. “You’re still up?” 
“What time is it?” She asks, having genuinely no idea. 
“Close to midnight… are you okay?” 
“Hm? Oh yeah,” she shakes her thoughts away and gets up to give him his big home-coming hug. 
She wraps herself around him, breathes him in and settles against his body. His big hands on her back, the warmth of his chest, the feeling of his lips on her forehead… it all feels like home. He’s her home. 
“I love you,” she whispers against his chest. 
He cups her face and pulls her attention up to his eyes. “I love you, sweetheart.” 
“Haley cracked the code,” she breaks down, it all falls out as she looks at him. He’s so soft, he’s so good to her… she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. “Jack wants us to get married too. He wants a stepmom and a stepdad. He wants two complete families at both his houses and I don’t blame him.” 
Aaron’s face lights right up, “he said that? Really?” 
She nods, “Last year he got a stepdad, this year he wants me to join the family…” 
“Do you want to?” He asks, making sure they’re on the same page. 
She nods, letting it all out, “I love you so much Aaron, there is nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you and that beautiful boy upstairs.” 
“What kind of ring do you want?” 
When Christmas morning rolled around, Jack was surprised to see the mountain of presents under the tree. They let him go crazy, opening everything with his name on the tag while Aaron picked up the wrapping paper and put it in a plastic garbage bag. 
Y/N sat back, enjoying the show and taking photos to share with Haley later. 
Everything he wanted is there in front of him, already assembled and batteries put in them. He gets an apple and some candy in his stalking as well as a toothbrush that has the spider-man theme song built in for 2 minutes of optimal brushing. He gets some fun bath soaps and new crayons and a bunch of socks and underwear. It’s a perfect Christmas. 
But there is still 1 more gift. 
“Hey Jack, what’s that?” Aaron points to the tree. A small, little box is wrapped up and placed on a branch. “Did you miss one?” 
He wanders up to the tree and takes the box in his hands. “There’s no name?” 
“Huh,” Y/N pretends to be shocked. “You can open it, maybe you can figure out who it’s for?” 
He carefully peels the wrapping off and notices it's a velvet box. He opens it up like a book and then gasps when he notices it’s a ring. “Dad?” 
“That’s not for me,” he smiles. “Santa must've known I wanted to ask her... can you help me?” 
His face lights right up and he brings it over to Y/N. She hadn’t seen the ring yet, it was a surprise but in the style she explained. He sits down next to her and watches her take it out of the box. “Is this for me?” 
“Will you marry my dad?” he asks, eyes gleaming with the reflection of the Christmas tree lights. 
She tears up, she knew this would be emotional but hearing him say that… makes her heart grow 10 times its size. She nods, “Of course I will, I love him so much.” 
Aaron joins them, kneeling in front of her. He takes the ring from her hand, “I love you,” he reminds her as he slips it onto her ring finger. “I always will.” 
She pulls him up for a kiss and holds him close and Jack takes the initiative to join, getting between them, he snuggles in close. Happier than ever that his Christmas wish came true for a second year in a row. 
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General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @buckleyhans @mrs-ssa-hotch @ssavanessa22
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half-bakedboy · 2 months
for the buck/tommy prompts — “you’re an idiot.” “yeah, but i’m *your* idiot.”
A few months into dating, Evan asks Tommy to a family dinner at Sergeant Grant and Captain Nash’s house. Tommy’s never been nervous when meeting a significant other’s family or friends, but he sure as Hell is terrified to meet Evan’s pseudo-parents. 
You know, the ones Tommy hijacked his own helicopter for because they saved an entire ship of people from being murdered by pirates, blown up, and drowned in the middle of the ocean where they’d probably never be found?
It didn’t matter that he had met them before. How is he supposed to feel normal about meeting two people like that? 
“I can practically hear you spiraling, and I feel like that’s supposed to be my job,” Evan interrupts his, well, spiraling. Tommy turns toward him from the driver’s seat with furrowed eyebrows. 
“I’m meeting your entire family together for the first time. How is this about you again?” Tommy asks. Evan must know he means well because there’s a soft smile on his face and he reaches out to grab Tommy’s hand. If he was a lesser man, they might have been shaking. He feels like he might start when Evan’s face turns more serious. 
“You know I haven’t had the best track record with women…” Evan begins.
Tommy can’t help but interrupt. “Good thing I’m not a woman…”
“Not a woman, I know,” Evan finishes the inside joke with him. He’s running his thumb in soft circles over the back of Tommy’s hand, spelling out words Tommy wishes he could decipher. “You’re different in more ways than that, though.” 
Tommy doesn’t speak even though Evan expects it if the long pause he allows says anything. 
“You might not be part of the 118 right now, but you’re as good as family. You’ve worked side-by-side with Hen and Chim, you were part of the first team that Cap led in L.A., and your friendship with Eddie has only grown since we got together.” Evan sighs. “I’ve always been terrified of not being enough so I’ve pushed people like you away. People who I respect, who I envy, who I wish I could be like so that they can’t replace me.” 
“No one can replace you, Evan,” Tommy inserts, even though he knows he doesn’t have to. Evan knows that, but Tommy will never stop reminding him. 
“No, they can’t,” Evan says confidently. Tommy squeezes his hand with pride. “But that makes this—us—all the more serious to me. You’re sticking around for as long as we’ll have each other, and probably after that.” Evan takes a deep breath and, with vulnerability bursting out of his blue eyes, says, “I guess, this is my way of saying that I want you in this family whether you’re with me or not.” 
Tommy practically melts at the words. It’s what he’s wanted since he first hopped in that helicopter, since before his friendship with Eddie or his relationship with Evan. He’s missed Hen and Howie, and he wants to laugh with their wives about stories from their pasts. He wants to get to know the first Captain he met who deserved to be in his position, and say thank you to the first cop to shake his hand when he finally—and accidentally—came out in a fit of frustration. 
Evan knows exactly how much the sentiment means to him, and to hear him say it out loud, makes emotion swell up in his throat. He knows it’s too soon to talk about forever, but he’s never felt something so close. 
“Plus, if they’re your family, too, they can’t be mad at me for not telling them I was bringing you because the invite was implied.” 
With the moment thoroughly broken, Evan jumps out of the car and runs around to open Tommy’s door. Tommy sighs as he exits, but reaches out to hold Evan’s hand anyways.
“You’re an idiot,” Tommy mutters with a shake of his head. 
There’s so much fondness in the words, that he might as well have said I love you. 
Evan’s grin barely falters, and he kisses Tommy’s cheek quickly but firmly. “Yeah, but I’m your idiot.” 
It’s not an I love you, too but one day, Tommy thinks it might be. 
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matan4il · 1 year
Buddie 612 meta
I don’t think we’ve had this much fodder with such few scenes in a long time, and I am LIVING!
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Okay, so first of all I have to mention the parallel between 217, when the team was coming in, one by one, to see the suspended Bobby, and this ep, with everyone dropping by one at a time to be there for the recovering Buck. The similarity is of course in the found family connection. In both cases we see the importance of the absent member of the team through these visits. The difference is in the way the team came to Bobby because they need him to be there for them as their captain and friend even when he’s not on the job. But in Buck’s case, they don’t need anything. They’re coming by because they want to be there for him when he needs his team members and friends. Buck’s parents needed a reason to love him. Buck’s found family in this ep is loving him anyway. ~~
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I’m gonna scream about the couch in a second, but I have to admit that while I was watching the ep, the moment that REALLY had my eyes shoot wide open and my breaths go into hyperventilation is when Maddie reads the note saying Buck has gone out. Because as soon as it was made clear Buck had chosen to escape his apartment and all of his visitors, I knew where he was headed. First off, the very fact that everyone else came to him, while Eddie was the one person Buck chose to go to already had me biting my fists. Once more, like in so many other cases (for example, when the lightning hit and Eddie was filmed differently to everyone else in the 118, or the way he was the only absent person in Buck’s dream and the only one Buck remembered without needing a physical object to jog his memory), Eddie is singled out as having a unique space in Buck’s life that no one else occupies. And of course there is this domestic quality and element of choosing each other as we see them repeatedly opening the door for and to get to the other one. ~~
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But just think of the meaning! This man puppy, who only ever wanted to be loved and who’s being showered with attention and care, is absolutely restless because he’s having a hard time and feels like he has to pretend with the people he loves the most, and therefore he’s failing to fall asleep on his own couch. He seeks comfort in a connection that’s even deeper than the people who have been to see him, where he can really be himself without pretense. And that’s what’s insane, because he was visited among others by Maddie and Hen, his loving blood and adoptive big sisters. NO ONE can claim that his r/s with them is anything other than deep, and yet when he needed something more, when he needed an escape, when he needed a place where he could simply rest and be himself, he went to Eddie’s. This isn’t just Buck standing in Eddie’s kitchen declaring, “I’m not really a guest” in 311. This is him being more of a guest in his own apartment than in Eddie’s house. This is him being home and safe and able to JUST BE in Eddie’s space.
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This is Buck beginning his healing by sleeping on the SAME couch where Eddie did in 514, connecting their healing in a parallel that is going to make me tear my own hair out. Which actually connects us back to 407, when Buddie talk about Buck’s need for his loft to be his safe space. Now it’s canon that this desired safe space is Eddie’s home, and I will chew through every piece of glass out there before I calm down from this. Once again, there are opposite sex canon couples on TV who never get this level of soulmate development! ~~
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Oh, I also found it very interesting that Buck tells Maddie about his list he goes through every time he wakes up, to make sure he’s not in the coma world. We didn’t see him going through those steps when he woke up on Eddie’s couch. Remember how I said Eddie had to be absent in the dream world or Buck might not have made it out of there? Well, this ep adds to that. By virtue of being the only one who’s fully absent, it means Eddie is the one person whose very presence is a cue for Buck that he’s in the real world and safe, the only one who, by simply being there, negates the need for a list. I AM MELTING. (my gif, please excuse the awfulness) ~~
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Speaking of soulmates bonding, I have to point out the opposite sex soulmates we do have in this very ep. Bobby confesses that Athena is it for him because she makes him feel like he’s standing on solid ground, she helps him be himself by finding again a piece of him.
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We also see her becoming a part of his healing process when he allows her to come to his AA meeting. This is exactly what we see Buddie going through in 612! Eddie is Buck’s solid ground, the person he can count on and who can provide him with rest (that’s what solid ground represents), who allows him to simply be himself, and Eddie is also a part of the healing process that Buck allows him into by seeking out Eddie, and by opening up to him when Eddie asks him to, after finally getting some rest on the couch... ~~
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That brings me to the couch because that in itself is just... Wow, this show really hates my nails and wants me to chew on them fully, I see how it is. Let’s not forget for how long the couch metaphor has been with us! Once Taylor and Buck discussed their couches situation when she was moving in with him in 513, and it was clear there was an incompatibility issue because she was bringing in a couch while he already had one (meaning they had already failed to communicate about this pretty basic point), it was clear they’d have to choose only one and dispose of the other. Very tellingly Taylor doesn’t really leave room for choice, so Buck (who only asked her to move in out of guilt) gave up his for hers. That’s the start of the couch being a metaphor for his romantic relationships, and I can’t believe it started a whole season before this ep! And then when Taylor moved out in 518, he was left with none? But that wasn’t unhinged enough for our show, so they brought it into an even greater focus with the lasagna scene in 601, when it was made even clearer that the “right couch” for Buck is about his romantic partner, that he’s aware of that significance, and that he admitted to it IN EDDIE’S PRESENCE. I can’t believe Buck fell asleep like that on Eddie’s couch, when they BOTH KNOW what the couch means. This is the most naked two men have ever been with each other on a TV show without taking their clothes off! Then Buck’s parents get him a couch he doesn’t want, one that’s all wrong for him, one he didn’t get to CHOOSE, so unsurprisingly he can’t sleep on it. That would have been a lot already, but then this ep turns around and SLAMS US IN THE FACE with Eddie’s couch being the right one for Buck to fall asleep on and to do so effortlessly! Two seconds on it, and Buck was out. That’s okay, 911, I just have to work a double shift while I’m sick today, I didn’t need to also have my sanity. You absolutely can have everything left of it. (my gif, please excuse it) ~~
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I know it’ll sound dumb, but I was happy crying over the beers in Eddie’s fridge and the zoomed in shot we got of them. Look, it’s their thing, right? We’ve seen the two of them sipping on beers together in the iconic 309 kitchen scene (NGL, the oral sex scene in my Blue Against Blue fic was inspired by this), and it’s been a repeated theme, so when I saw Eddie had no less than 6 beers easily accessible in the top shelf of his fridge, chilling away, it screamed “This is my Buck stash” to me.
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I will forever be a mess that Eddie Diaz, tough war veteran, actually has a supply of beers ready in his fridge for whenever soft man puppy Evan Buckley drops by unannounced. Can you imagine when Eddie goes grocery shopping and he probably smiles softly to himself when he buys his Buck beers? These two are so domestic and in love and equally soft about each other, it’s gross. And by gross I mean I love it, please gimme more. ~~
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Oh, but the domesticity just keeps leveling up in this ep! Because then Buck wakes up and makes his way to the kitchen, where he just… lets Eddie take care of him by serving water. And it’s so tender and husbandy, and affectionate, and connects so perfectly to Eddie asking Buck to share with him. Because Buck wouldn’t let others fuss over him, but he lets his hubby take care of him. And he doesn’t tell others, even ones who are significant people in his life, where he’s really at, but he will share everything with Eddie. Not to mention that it doesn’t take much to get him to open up. All Eddie has to do is ask, and despite Buck’s initial announcement not to, he just goes right ahead and spills. I am inhaling and exhaling into the palms of my hands.
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Of course, tucked in there is also Buck asking Eddie about the shooting. We all remember Buddie holding eye contact through that and Eddie reaching out to him, right? Or everything that transpired between them in the ambulance, all of it so romantically coded... This scene tells us that Eddie doesn’t remember those bits. I find it interesting to consider that maybe Eddie really doesn’t. That maybe the reason he hasn’t figured out yet how he feels for Buck is because he blanked out on the way he turned to Buck during the most intense moments of his life, and the ones he thought were his last. ~~
I mentioned during the hiatus in replies to asks I got that I suspected just like the distance between Buddie in 5a served to bring them closer together in 5b as Buck helped Eddie with his healing, the same structure was being followed in s6, just in the reverse, where Eddie will eventually help Buck. You can’t imagine how deep and meaningful I find it, that the show has actually structured these two seasons as counter paralleling each other, and showing Buddie as being a vital part of this mutual healing, so I tried to demonstrate that with this gifset. ~~
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Last one! The cardiologist. Look, I already mentioned in my previous weekly meta that the heart theme started with Eddie, and then it was expanded to Buck. I find it insane that the show really hammered it home by having the same cardiologist be the doctor for both men, and that while she’s at it, she hints to both that their issues are not purely physical. How long before the metaphor-loving Buck catches on? IDK, but every single choice about this ep feels incredibly deliberate, when so much is condensed into so few scenes.
(my weekly meta posts) (my Buddie gifs) (all of my content)
~~ I can’t explain how much I’m asking of the amazing @whosoldherout​ for the gif requests, and the results are always so stunning, I’m deeply grateful!
~~ My tag list will follow in the reblog, please let me know if you wanna be added/removed here. Thank you in advance for any reblog and like! I’m sick and took three different medications to be semi-functional, so I really hope you’ll like this. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you did! xoxox
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cheemscakecat · 5 months
Bucket Scene Analysis pt. 1
So I’m revisiting the Bucket Scene from Expiration Date, and I noticed some things. Spy’s feelings got really hurt, but the other Mercenaries didn’t mean to seriously upset him. Let’s go over their POV first.
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Engineer and Medic are doing more experiments on the teleporter, so they aren’t present for the bucket scene. They’ll be trying to figure out a way to stop the tumors for the next three days instead of accepting the team’s deaths.
Soldier is too dumb to understand what’s going on, and Pyro presumably isn’t aware enough of his surroundings.
Demoman comes from a family with really disturbing traditions; they let him live as an orphan and only revealed themselves after he killed his adoptive family in an explosion… Because he was showing his skill. He’s actually expected to lose his sight entirely like his parents. Out of anybody there who knows what’s happening, he’s the most unbothered by them dying because of that twisted heritage.
Sniper calls his parents every week, and I’m sure he’s told them/about to tell them what’s happening. But he also has a plan to kill everyone he meets, so even if he is bothered by the fact that he’ll die, he’s not going to make the others privy.
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Heavy has been responsible for his three sisters and his mother since he was a child. Around them, he’d be a bit more open and accept their hand on his shoulder.. But not Spy. Around co-workers, Heavy’d rather think on what’s happening and be left to those thoughts. Besides that, he already provided a secluded cabin in Siberia for his family to keep them safe, so if he dies at work he’ll be at peace knowing they’re ok.
I very much get the vibe that Spy never puts his hand on the others like this, and that’s why Heavy hit him with that Side-eye Claire face.
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Now Scout? He’s an interesting case because he’s about to humiliate Spy with the fake cards, but in terms of them dying in three days:
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“Ve have three days to live!”
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It’s subtle, but he looks like he might cry. Not in front of them, but still. And that tracks, because he and Spy are the most sensitive members of the team. You can look at Spy’s reaction behind Medic, and it becomes more obvious.
But Jeremy wasn’t raised by Spy.
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He was raised by his mother [who’s doing her best] and seven older brothers who are terrible role models. I have no doubt that his brothers were involved in petty street crime and gangs when they were younger, even if some came to their senses as adults. And gangs are not well known for emotional stability.
Scout grew up around seven guys that wanted to be “hard” and ignored their emotional needs/daddy issues… As the youngest and the most sensitive one. I imagine that crying and showing that something is getting to you was met with mockery. And being labeled a weakling. So Scout did his best to stop showing that “weakness”.
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Now he’s graduated from the criminal fights his brothers used to get into, and joined a group of mercenaries. Since he looked up to his brothers and grew up imbedded in their worldview, he seeks approval from the other Mercenaries in the same way. That’s why he chooses to mock Spy instead of asking for the last wishes. It makes him look unbothered and he can call Spy the weak one instead of being cruelly labeled himself.
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But RED team doesn’t operate like Scout’s siblings or a gang. They’re all individuals that specialize in a certain area of mercenary work, who could leave for a different team or independent work if they weren’t happy on the team. [Provided they don’t release any information that the Administrator wants hidden, or rebel against her.]
So when Scout pranks Spy, they aren’t seeing his as a weakling; it’s not even crossing their minds. They’re smiling because Scout seems happy despite impending doom. And why shouldn’t they be glad that he’s having a good time of it? Beats being dejected and since he’s the youngest, they’re more worried about his well-being.
What’s interesting is that Heavy seems to sense that Spy is upset, because his smile noticeably fades when he looks up. But I still don’t think he realizes how much this prank and the teams’ indifference hurt Spy.
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tsimvkas · 2 months
A/N: this is a bit different than what i usually write but idk just felt like writing it :) let me know what do you think about it, please? 🤧
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Mason felt a weight on his back whilst a much heavier weight left his shoulders.
For months now he had been wishing, chasing, this moment. The moment his foot would put the ball on the net for the first time with United’s shirt.
He had left Chelsea already not too healthy. He has been through that injury, healed from it just to play for a few times before getting injured again.
So he has been through it again, even slower this time. Feeling lonely, not being able to train with his teammates, spending the whole day at the CT, not having the time or the mentality to enjoy his own company anymore.
He felt useless, the thought that bringing him to Manchester was like throwing money down the drain. He regretted it, during certain moments. Leaving his club, his family, his comfort zone. He cried a lot, trying to put all those emotions out somehow and focus on what he needed.
And slowly, he was back. Rehab sessions were getting less frequent. Gym sessions alone turned into gym sessions with Luke and Casemiro, where he could use the time together to share his thought and his struggles with older and wiser men, telling how worried he were that everyone was wrong — that he wasn’t going to be United’s starboy.
One day, training alone turned into training with the squad again. He started to hear the words “soon”, “you’re almost ready”, “I’m excited to see you on the pitch”. The last one came from Erik, and Mason felt his heart beating faster, the urge to giggle like a little kid. He never told his friends that he locked himself in the first restroom he could find, punching the air in an attempt to not explode with happiness.
When the time finally came, he knew he wouldn’t start a game. Especially not such an important game, like facing Liverpool was.
But the fact he was on the bench? Was enough. Enough to send his mum lots of messages, to ask if his dad would watch the game and to send Summer silly pictures, only to receive more silly pictures of hers.
He wasn’t expecting to be subbed on, not on his very first game back, but the fact that Ten Hag trusted him when the team needed the most only showed him how doubting himself these past months were silly of him; he’s so good, his manager couldn’t wait to have him as an option.
So he did his best with the minutes he had been given, and even though he didn’t play a whole game, he knows he’s as responsible for United’s win as the others. That night he screamed all the frustration, doubts and anger out. That scream, a mix of feelings, was a simple remark that Mason Mount was back.
Now, only at his second game post injury and being subbed in only at 80’, Mason could choose to be frustrated that he has only a few minutes to play, but he chooses to focus on what he can do in a few minutes instead.
Letting his skills guide him, that’s how he managed to score a goal none of his teammates couldn’t find during the past 96 minutes of the game. A goal that was reserved for him only.
When Mason slid on the pitch, hand proudly hitting the badge on his chest, he felt his worries disappear for a moment. He felt light and calm, his grin growing by the seconds.
When Casemiro enjoyed him, Mason let his body fall on the grass, his teammate weighing up on him. He’s sure nothing can beat the feeling of all of them coming to him, kneeling so they could look at his face and show him that they’re a team.
That when one of them achieves something, they all achieve something together.
Even though United and Mason haven’t won that game, in that night he won something not more important, but maybe more valuable — his confidence.
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janeyseymour · 2 months
Hey so I was wondering if you could do a fic about a Melissa X daughter reader where we start working at the school and nobody catches on that we are Melissa’s daughter and the keep putting the pieces together until they finally get it. Maybe something like where Janine and Jacob go to Melissa’s house for cooking lessons and we are just like there and that’s how they find out. Or alternative idea where we are Melissa’s daughter and we start dating someone from Abbott like Ava or Janine and how that would play out. Sorry that’s a lot. Thanks
Relatively Related
written in the midst of the week before spring break and hoping that it isn't absolute trash :)
WC: ~2.5k
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Growing up with Melissa Schemmenti for a mother, you saw what it was like being a teacher. You grew up hearing the horror stories that came with being a teacher in a center city school in Philadelphia, and you knew the horrors of growing up in a different part of Philly and going to that neighborhood school. While she didn’t much mind what you did with your life, she had always thought you would be a good teacher. And when you decided to go to college for education at West Chester University, she knew Abbott would take you in a heartbeat. It didn’t even matter that you were her daughter and she was quite the accredited teacher- West Chester’s name had enough to secure you a job anywhere in Philly that you wanted. You had vehemently denied working at her home away from home for quite some time, and yet here you were, with a bit of nudging from your mother, interviewing to become the new third grade teacher at Abbott Elementary. 
“C’mon, hun,” she had sighed over dinner a few weeks ago. “I think if you would give it a shot, you would like it… I know Abbott ain’t no suburban school, but it’s a hell of a lot better than some of the places you’ve applied.”
“I just don’t want people thinking I got the job because you’re my mom,” you tell her truthfully through a mouthful of ziti.
“Y/N, if you wanted the job, I could get it for you without an interview.”
“Isn’t that essentially what would happen if I applied and checked off that I have family within the district?”you challenge as you raise a brow.
She rolls her eyes. “You act like they actually look at resumes. Please, they’ll take pretty much anyone who has a pulse and a certification… how you think I got stuck with Darlene as a part of my team?”
“I guess.”
“And besides, you have your father’s last name… how are they gonna know you’re my daughter if you don’t have my last name?”
You have to admit, she’s right. So you send in your resume. And two days later, you receive an email saying that they’d like to see you for an interview. 
Your interview is practically a joke, and you’re offered a job on the spot. That night, Melissa and her work wife Barbara take you out for dinner.
“To Abbott’s newest member of the team,” Barbara makes a toast to you. “May it take you far in life.”
That was three years ago, and since then a lot has changed. A new principal has come in, there’s been a massive turnover in teachers, and you find yourself as a first grade teacher now. The only thing that hasn’t changed? The only one who knows you’re true identity at the school besides you and your mother is that Melissa Schemmenti is your mother. 
This year, a few new teachers start: Jacob Hill as the eighth grade social studies teacher, and Janine Teagues as the other second grade teacher.
And as much as your mother loves to rip on new coworkers of yours, you find yourself quite drawn to both of them. Sure, they’re a little nosey and love to hear all of the new gossip and find all of the deep secrets that are hidden in the walls of this old bomb shelter turned elementary school, but you like them. They haven’t found you out, not that you or Melissa really care, but it’s quite nice to have that little bubble around the two of you. 
They’ve come close though. Like the time that it came about that you share a name with Melissa’s daughter- who at this point they’re starting to believe doesn’t exist with the lack of pictures or stories.
“I’m telling you, I have a daughter,” Melissa rolls her eyes as she taps away at her phone. “I’m texting her right now.”
That is true- she is indeed texting you. Sure, she’s just texting you to tell you that you need to pick up lentils on the way home, but she isn’t lying to them.
“Show us.”
The redhead rolls her eyes, but she shows the two of them your conversation. “See? I’m just telling her she needs to pick up lentils if she wants me to make dinner tonight.”
Jacob’s brow raises as he catches the name at the top of the screen. “That’s odd… your daughter shares the same name with Y/N!”
“Well that would make sense,” your mother sighs, and you know she’s about to just out the two of you.
“It’s not like my name’s uncommon,” you jump in quietly. “I mean… really. Y/N. Not the most unique name in the world.”
Barbara raises a brow in your direction, and you give her a pleading look. “She’s right,” is all your mother’s work wife says. 
That seems to stop the conversation for now, but the adrenaline rushing through your bones doesn’t quit until you safely pull into your driveway that day- lentils in hand.
“I’m home, Ma,” you call as you open the front door. Her head pokes out from the kitchen. “And yes I got the lentils.”
“Good,” is all she says before heading back into the kitchen. You follow in her direction and set them next to her before picking up the glass of wine she’s already poured for you and sipping on it.
“Aye,” she clicks her tongue. “No hello? No ‘how was your day?’”
“I saw your forty minutes ago,” you snort.
“An’ a lot coulda happened in forty minutes,” she replies. When you raise your brow at her, she sighs. “Okay, so in that forty minutes I drove home, changed into my lounge clothes, and started dinner… but I was also thinkin’-”
“That’s dangerous,” you quip. At the look she gives you, you raise your hands in surrender. You might be a grown woman, but Melissa Schemmenti was still your mother. 
“I was thinkin’… you reacted kinda weird when I went to say that you were my daughter.”
You shrug. “I just don’t see why it’s anyone’s business but ours.”
“There’s gotta be more to it than that, hun,” she says as she stirs in the lentils.
“Jus’ don’t want anyone thinkin’ I’m some sorta nepo baby,” you sigh. “I got this job on my own, an’ I don’t need shit from the Abbott crew.”
“They ain’t gonna give you shit, ‘specially once they know you’re mine, and I know a guy,” she laughs,
“Little do they know, half the time, I’m your guy,” you tease her.
“Well, if that’s what it is, that’s fine. I won’t say nothin’.”
“Thanks Ma,” you smile as you kiss her cheek. “I got some grading to do, so if you have anything that needs graded, just put it next to my stack.”
As time goes on, the group starts to catch on a bit more… like:
The fact that you’re just as good a cook as your mother. You’re always bringing in new things in your Tupperware containers- that just so happen to match Melissa’s… because they came from the same house. You quickly cover that one up with a roll of your eyes and a, “So we both shop at Marshalls, the containers ain’t that special.”
Or when you manage to get pink eye from one of your kids, and Janine notices that you have the same emerald eyes as your mother. “Green eyes aren’t as rare as you think, Janine,” you huff as you grab your lunch from the fridge before leaving for the day.
There’s the instance where you’re getting fiercely protective of your students as one of the teachers from Addington makes their way over to flaunt the fact that they have more resources down the street, and you fold your arms over your chest and square up with the woman in true Schemmenti fashion. That time, Gregory takes notice, but he’s new at this point, and you just roll your eyes as you storm away down to your mother’s room to rant. 
But no one ever really finds out. Not until…
“Kid, I’m having some people over for dinner tonight,” your mother tells you. “You joining?”
“Nah, I have some grading and prepping to get done tonight if I can,” you say. “But can you save me a bowl?”
“For a price,” she smirks.
“Hand me your spelling tests I know you’ve been stalling on grading,” you chuckle. She just points to her bag, and you go and pull them out before heading up to your room. “Have fun with your friends tonight. Love you, Ma.”
“Love you too, you little shit,” she calls back lovingly.
You’ve spent hours grading papers, and now you’re pouring over your lesson plans for the next week. You realize that you should probably do a craft that has to do with the upcoming holidays, and you find a few cute ones online. You know that you and your mother have a plethora of crafting supplies in the basement- you just don’t know what of. So, you start to make your way down the steps when you hear two very familiar voices: Jacob’s and Janine’s.
Knowing though that if you don’t go and look in the basement now, you never will and will just end up buying all new supplies and adding to the ridiculous amount of pipe cleaners and glitter glue you have stashed away.
You make your way through the kitchen. The three of them seem to be deep in a cooking lesson while also snacking on a few of the things your mother had already whipped up and don’t have a clue you’re walking through.
“You need any crafting supplies while I head down and see what we have?” you casually ask your mother as you pass.
You stop to watch as your two coworkers’ heads whip around in a near comical unison, mouths dropped in shock.
“Hey,” you give a half-committed wave. 
“What are you doing here?” Janine asks.
You furrow a brow and fold your arms over your chest. “I live here?”
“You live with Melissa?” Jacob gasps.
“Yeah? She’s my mom?”
“She’s your-“ Janine points a finger at you before turning around and looking at Melissa. “You’re her-”
“I told you guys I had a daughter, that she wasn’t fake,” your mom smirks. “You believe me now?”
“How did we never know?!” Jacob admonishes.
“Well, for starters: I don’t have the Schemmenti last name. Secondly, who’s business is it to know who my mother is?” you quip. “You know how private the Schemmenti family can be.”
They both look beyond shocked. “Well, why don’t you join us?”
“I really do have to go check for pipe cleaners and paper plates, and I know how to cook,” you laugh. “But I’ll see y’all tomorrow.”
You head down the steps, and you hear your mother call, “The big jawns!”
“That’s what I figured, Ma!”
“What the hell?” Jacob whips around to your mother, and you laugh because you know she’s about to get grilled on the fact that you were indeed her ‘secret’ daughter.
You find what you need before heading back up the steps and for your room. “Have a good night y’all!”
The next morning, you’re sitting in the lounge sipping your coffee and sulking over the fact that you forgot your lunch on the counter this morning. Luckily for you, your mother brings it with her when she sees that you left it on the counter. She slips it into the staff fridge before sending you a text that it’s there. She preps her coffee and settles in next to you to grade a few more papers before everyone else stars trickling in to watch the news.
“Uh, hello?” Jacob questions when he walks in and everyone else is here now too. “Are we not going to talk about this?”
“Talk about what?” you and your mother ask at the same time.
“You two!” He gestures wildly between the two of you. “That you guys are related!”
“You two are related?” Gregory asks with a brow lifted.
“Uh, yeah!” Janine tells him.
“How do you know?”
“She told us last night when she called Melissa ‘Ma’!”
“Why didn’t any of us know this?” Jacob continues on.
“Know what?” Ava asks as she comes waltzing into the lounge to grab a coffee.
“That Melissa is Y/N’s mother!”
“I knew,” Barb states with a smirk on her face.
“Oh, damn! I was starting to think Melissa being a milf was just a rumor. I am happy to find out that it is entirely the truth,” the principal grins. “Greg, grab me a tea bag so I can sip on this tea!”
“There isn’t any tea, Ava,” you roll your eyes. “Yes, Melissa is my mom, but it really ain’t that big a deal.”
“Oh, it definitely is! Why were you so secretive about it?! Hmm?” Jacob asks as he sits next to you.
You shimmy away from him just slightly with a huff. “Because nobody needs to know a Schemmenti’s business except a Schemmenti. And, I didn’t want nobody thinking I got this job because of who I’m related to.”
“Y/N, please. You’re good at what you do, hun! You could get this job without the Schemmenti name, and you did!” Your mother cuts in and jostles you slightly.
“I also didn’t want to hear you-“ you look to Ava. “-calling my mother a milf more than I already do.”
“She is! And now that I see the two of you next to each other, I definitely see where your future is heading too!”
“Ava!” You, your mother, and the rest of the group scold.
The principal just shrugs. “Jus’ sayin’ the truth. Bye, y’all.”
Once she’s gone, you’re bombarded with questions. What’s it like having Melissa for a mother? Is your father really as bad as your mother makes him out to be? What was it like growing up? If you saw the horrors of Abbott, why did you work here? What were you like as a child?
“Enough,” you finally groan. “This is why I didn’t want people knowin’. I may be Melissa’s daughter, but-”
“Isn’t it weird calling your mom by her first name?” Jacob cuts you off.
“I’ve been yelling her first name since I was fourteen and realized she didn’t always respond to Mom or Ma, but always Melissa,” you reveal. “Now: she may be my mom, but I’m still a damn good teacher who got this position on my own volition. And y’all better stop asking these questions, or I know a guy.”
“And I’m the guy,” you mother states proudly, a proud grin on her face.
“No you ain’t. Uncle Vin is my guy.”
“While we’re at it,” Melissa sighs. “Stop asking me to get weed from my guy and just ask Y/N instead. She’s my guy for that.”
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silkjade · 2 years
genshin men as wedding dates (3)
It’s wedding season and you’ve got a large one coming up. But it’s not just any wedding, it’s a family wedding meaning…extended relatives. Are you going to brave the night out on your own or are you rsvping with a plus one?
Featuring— Alhaitham, Cyno, Tighnari, Kaveh, Dainsleif, Dottore (edit** written before kaveh release)
gn!reader, modern au, mentions of alcohol, mostly platonic but implied romantic feelings
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (here)
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there has to be some sort of trade-off; his time is precious so there's got to be something in it for him. luckily for you, who's one of the few people he considers a close friend, it's just some random errand he doesn't want to run
he’s a mediocre date; follows your lead and is just kind of a wallflower honestly. will make polite conversation but only if someone talks to him first
drinks just enough to loosen up but not enough to get sloppy, and definitely still sober enough to read the book he brought. you leave him be, but you’re still going to go have a good time at this reception
yikes someone from the groom's guest list comes sidling up, hoping to shoot their shot with the handsome stranger sitting alone. of course he gets annoyed; not only was this person disrupting him but wasn’t it obvious he came with you?
wait where are you
he finds you on the dance floor with… someone else??… which is fair since he's here as a friend, but he strides up to you anyway and does not hesitate to interrupt
"thanks for keeping my date entertained but I'll take it from here" and then he leads you away to a different corner of the dance floor
did not think this all the way through because now he’s dancing with you but it’s just so…… robotic. he tries, he really does, but that doesn’t stop the secondhand embarrassment from anyone who happens to see him. you don’t mind though, you think it’s cute
"finally haitham, I've been waiting for you all night!" and then you kiss him on the cheek
perhaps it was a combination of the lighting effects and the alcohol, but you don't notice the blush on his face
events like these aren’t really his vibe but you catch him in a good mood after you 'laugh' at one of his jokes
seems like a very intimidating guest at first and that’s not the impression he wants to give to your family, so he brought his joke book! chooses to tell one at your table during dinner and the silence after he explains the whole thing is truly deafening
he tries again but says "how about this one; y/n thought it was hilarious." so now you have to fake laugh and elbow the cousin sitting next to you to laugh as well
one of the uncles from the table next to yours actually overheard and leaned back in his chair to tell him it was hilarious so that’s a win
when you get overwhelmed by relatives asking you when you're getting married, he steps in to help you but accidentally says,
"we'll take the step when we're ready"
wait what
mans is a mess trying to fix the situation and you've never seen him like this so now you have to save him by laughing it off and dragging him away
he plays genius invokation tcg with some of your teen relatives; they were losing though, so they distract him by saying "heard the next wedding's you and y/n" and it works
he gets really awkward around you after that and you have to reassure him that it’s fine, no big deal! you even joke that if fake dating tonight would get all the annoying aunties and uncles off your back, then sure let’s do it
he’d never tell you, at least not anytime soon, but it doesn’t sit right with him to hear you say ‘fake dating’
if you’re not bringing a bag/clutch/purse/whatever, then he will and he has everything: antacids, aspirins, bandaids, safety pins, an epipen, etc
wow this venue decorated the place with such nice plants, a shame they’re not for anyone to take home. good thing no one noticed him take clippings to propagate
it's great to have him on your team because he is very good at all the physical wedding games like cornhole, ring toss, etc. you don't win anything except bragging rights but at a family wedding? sure, you'll take it
doesn’t smile in any group photos; only smiles in photos of just the two of you and selfies that you take on your phone, even though he pretends to be over it
is not nice to your offensive relatives; super passive aggressive with lots of backhanded comments. he'll make some snide remarks under his breath but everyone thinks he's joking. finds out one of your uncles is a flat earther, and takes it personally
complains about the music and how it's too loud but doesn't do anything about it, so you take him outside for a stroll in the little botanical garden
despite the nice, peaceful atmosphere of the garden, you guys do eventually have to regroup with everyone else gathered out on the lawn to watch fireworks and tighnari is doing is absolute best to stall
"....eh, we can see just fine from here, no?" he says as he pulls you down next to him onto the bench he's sitting on. if he plays his next cards right, maybe... you'll even rest your head on his shoulder?
he asks you if he can come as your date to the wedding because he loves these sorts of events and you agree because it’s always a fun time with kaveh
neither of you want to be dd so somehow… somehow he ropes his ‘annoying roommate’ into driving you two there and back
makes sure both of you are dressed to the 9's; maybe he wants to upstage the wedding party because he arrives in a satin suit and his shirt is unbuttoned dangerously low. some poor relative has to take a million photos of the two of you until he likes it, and then some more ‘just in case’
shows off some of his architectural work from his phone; even gets a few inquiries from your rich relatives for future jobs. networking king
once it hits cocktail hour, you’re taking a shot together. his arm is around your waist and that’s where it stays the entire time you guys are mingling with others
drinks a little too much and gossips about your family a little too loud though, so you've gotta reel him in even though you're not too far behind
drags you onto the dance floor and is a fun, but messy, dancer. you guys are in almost all the candid shots the photographer takes
on the drive back his roommate makes an extremely sharp turn and you find yourself thrown into kaveh. physics, am I right. you’re apologizing profusely even though he insists it’s fine and that you should, in fact, just stay in that position, your body against his
throws up in the car after you get dropped off and the next morning you wake up to a slew of messages from him complaining about how his roommate is so cruel for making him clean his car at 7am with zero regard for his hangover
he agrees to go but panics the week of and keeps asking you if you're sure you want to take him as your date even though it's been rsvp'd for ages
maybe not the most fun date, but overall not a bad date
offers you an arm when you two go somewhere together, holds your hand through a crowd, pulls your chair out for you during the reception, etc
brought you one of every dessert from the buffet and risked looking like an absolute glutton because
“you said to bring you a dessert, but didn’t specify which one”
he’s very sweet to the older guests; they are swooning and keeps winking and telling you he's a keeper. you don’t have the heart to tell them you’re not even dating
gives random unsolicited advice and it’s always a hit or miss
he is so awkward in the photobooth because he doesn’t know what to do? it takes 4 photos in one strip and he looks the same in 3 of them. finally on the last one you do the thing where you lift up the corners of his mouth so he’s at least smiling
keeps his copy in his wallet for a long time, maybe even forever who knows
you never thought him to be a dancer so you’re a little surprised when he asks you to slow dance; even more so at the fact that he is very good at it??
you follow his lead, and dancing with dainsleif is honestly such a tender moment. if not for the color of your clothing, people might have mistaken you two as the newly weds, what with the way he’s looking at you while you rest your head against his chest
you see him crack a sliver of a smile when you catch the bouquet and you think that he’s just happy you won. but he knows full well what it insinuates especially when everyone’s clapping him on the back in congratulations
you only ask him if he's your absolute last option because why in your right mind would you take dottore as your date to a family wedding. he only agrees to go as 'an experiment'
pick out his outfit please lest he wear one of his funky little suits
introduces himself as dr. and he's so dramatic about it so a lot of people are fawning over him; you suppose all families love a doctor but only you know that he's technically not even legally allowed to practice medicine
scowls behind you when an old family friend starts talking to you for a bit too long. excuses himself to socialize with said friend, but then you wonder why hardly anyone else approaches you the rest of the night
insists on you wearing his suit jacket because he doesn't want you to 'catch a cold'
he makes the 7-year old flower girl cry at the reception but the thing is, he wasn't even trying? everything he says sounds vaguely threatening and kids are just terrified of him
so first of all he makes it very clear that he's doing this for you okay; he will make it up to you by doing some simple science party tricks for the kids
.... except he way overdoes it and sets off a mentos/soda rocket into the ceiling
and he’s not even sorry; he’s actually proud of that little demonstration like ‘go little rockstar.’ you’re forced to leave early in shame
he does go down as a family urban legend though because aunties will say "if you don't behave, the scary doctor will come get you!”
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With so many new characters, I feel like part 3 has been long overdue!
© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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daemonmage · 3 months
A Stupid Batfam AU
Jason’s and Bruce’s rocky relationship is actually a pr move to make sure the rest of the batfam doesn’t get attacked by reporters and gcpd.
Essentially Red Hood, while liked by the Crime Alley citizens and other citizens as well, has a pretty bad reputation with a lot of the rest of the city. The GCPD hate him for his overt violence and the head incident. The Media hates him cause he’s what they all feared Batman would become and are constantly creating news stories on him. A lot of the other citizens are just scared of him cause sometimes his temper gets out of control. It’s not the best reputation.
Bruce and Jason have long since talked and settled their differences. Well, it’s more of a “I don’t approve of your methods but I will acknowledge you as a person who wants to help, but I will still dislike the guns. Also I missed you” from Bruce and “I’m not happy with a lot of your decisions but I also understand why you came to those decisions. I’m still mad but I now know that you missed me and I missed you too” from Jason. They’re better than they were originally and honestly that’s all they could hope for. Jason visits the manor more and is having fun being brothers to Dick and Tim.
Here’s the thing though… his reputation as Red Hood may have accidentally spread to the other Bats. A few team ups here and there (and the red bat on his chest) have made everyone assume that Batman is now working with Red Hood, a known crime lord. The media and GCPD were on them like flies on shit. Jim tries to calm down the gcpd with mixed results, but he can’t stop the media from blowing this out of proportion. It’s like the news channels from Dark Knight Returns, but worse.
Jason, who just got his family back, is fucking pissed. Jason is also dramatic as hell. Bruce was willing to just deal with this, but Tim is too new at this to be caught in the crossfire. Bruce was just gonna bench him out of fear until things calm down (he’s dealt with this before) but Jason brings up his plan to Bruce. Bruce isn’t as dramatic as Jason, however he is still absolutely dramatic. He agrees. So begins an epic fight between two ideals that ends two vigilantes at each other’s throats constantly.
Red Hood and Batman fight any time they are together, Red Hood is arrested by Batman on multiple occasions, and Red Hood always escapes leaving terrifying threats spray painted where the bat can see. (Jason and Bruce give each others shit for the pot shots they take and Bruce compliments Jason’s form when he gets a good hit in, Bruce gives Jason a heads up to the easier ways to get out of a police car and Jason ignores him going for the most dramatic ways, Bruce complains that the code Jason uses for his threats are obvious and he can just ask Alfred himself for cookies, why does Bruce have to be the middle man.)
The super hero community doesn’t really know this (cause they can be pretty bad actors at times, says Bruce) tis can cause problems. Superman and Green Arrow capturing Red Hood. Batman had to pull the “he’s Gotham’s problem give him to me,” which led to a hour of arguing to get Jason back. Tim’s friend have Red Hood on their hit list for what Hood did to Robin (Tim is over it but he does use this as a way to get back at his brother when he pisses him off) and Red Hood has to be on the Villain List to sell the act, so every hero ever knows the Red Hood is a villain. This leads to chaos.
There are still rough moments where Bruce and Jason still fight, but it’s better. Jason gets to hang out and play games with Tim. He plans overly dramatic fights with Dick (with full plot cause these two are so extra.) He helps Alfred in the kitchen again talking about books they’ve both read. He and Bruce talk again, they talk about their fears and what they’ve missed. It’s better, and that’s all that really matters.
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pixiesfz · 5 months
okay so this idea is a bit out there but you know that girl on tik tok who has the woso wall and talks about all the drama in woso.She also has a wall trying to figure out if Lucy and keira are dating or ona and Lucy so I think it could be cute if you made a fic about that girl making a wall about if reader and jessie are together or if they’re dating different players and then them finding out about it and stuff.Idk I just made that up in my head so you don’t have to do it it’s just an idea 😘
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on the wall j.f
plot: your sister sends you a tik tok that has you and your secret girlfriend having a serious conversation
warning: that crazy tik tok lady
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It was a Tuesday afternoon when your sister sent you a link, you had just returned from your trip to Canada where Jessie took you to meet her friends and family and you couldn’t have been happier.
devils spawn: little sis…
y/n: what is it Katie?
devils spawn: you’ve made it to the wall
y/n: huh?
devils spawn: *insert link*
You furrowed your eyebrows as the link took you into tik tok, a video that already had over 65,000 likes.
“Now Tom” a woman’s voice started as she pointed at a wall, your eyes shot up at the amount of pictures of your sister and her current girlfriend and also ex girlfriend as well as other soccer players such as Lucy and Keira.
Then you saw what she was pointing at a picture of you that was next to a picture of Jessie.
You I paused the video and watched along.
“Now the McCabe sisters did not go home for their Christmas holidays this year” she stated as you looked at recent pictures from your trips to Canada and Ireland.
“Now this is y/n Mccabe, Katie’s younger sister, we’ve mentioned her a couple of times when she posted pictures of her, Katie and Caitlin” and you thought back to that post that was a couple months ago.
How long has this been going on? You thought.
“Now I haven’t put it on the board yet because their wasn’t enough evidence but it is rumoured that y/n is dating a Canadian soccer player Jessie playing who plays for Chelsea, a rival of Arsenal.
“Why would she date the enemy” the guy asked and the woman looked at him “because that’s a cool love story Tom” she rebutted.
“Well anyways, it’s confirmed that y/n dated Georgia Stanway when she was on a loan at man city” she said and pointed to an old photo of you and Georgia when you played for the team “broke up when Georgia went to Germany, we don’t know if Jessie has dated anyone other than the fact that some Chelsea fans thinks that her and team mate Niamh Charles could be an item as they are very close” she pointed at photos of both Jessie and Niamh which you paused the video to laugh at the conspiracy of her girlfriend and her bestfriend.
“But y/n was seen spending Christmas at Canada which is where Jessie is from but this isn’t the only time they’ve been caught together, at the World Cup Jessie was seen watching the Ireland vs. Australia game with an Ireland top on, very similiar to Caitlin” she rambled on “I don’t have a good enough photo of that” she muttered “then there’s also a group of pictures online that looks like a double date between the two couples” she pointed at two photos that were stuck next to each other, one with Caitlin and Katie and one with you and Jessie, though you had posted the photo months apart it was clear it was the same place.
Your mouth kept on dropping as the girl talked about instances where it could’ve been possible that you and Jessie were a thing.
When Jessie came back from training you shoved the phone into her face “watch” you demanded and say her down.
You watched her reactions as she furrowed her brows “what the heck?” She asked as you nodded “how did they know about that?” She asked when the woman talked about Jessie at your game “apparently people are more observant then we think” you told her and she glued her eyes back onto the phone.
“Remember this Tom cause I don’t think this will be the last time we talk about this couple” the woman stated before the video ended.
Jessie turned to you.
“That was the second weirdest thing I’ve seen today” she said and you furrowed your brows “then what’s the first?” You asked “well Erin showed me a video-“ “I already don’t want to know” you shut her mouth and she laughed.
“How did you find that?” Jessie asked “Katie sent it to me. They’ve been doing videos on her and Caitlin and Ruesha for a while now” you said as you scrolled through the account.
“It’s a little bit weird but expected” Jessie said and you turned to her “how so expected?” You asked and she shrugged “I mean I don’t extremely like it but women’s football is now getting more hype and I guess more fans”
You nodded at your girlfriend “I don’t like how people are caring more about our love life’s then our talent, I bet this woman doesn’t even know what position we play” you said and Jessie took your phone out of your hand.
“Should we just tell people we’re dating to make them stop making assumptions then?” Jessie asked and you looked to the wall “I don’t know” you said “I guess I’m just trying to get used to it all” you shrugged.
Jessie reached her arms around you and pulled you into a hug which you accepted “well you have me and I’ll help you get used to it all” she said and kissed you on the forehead, you smiled before pushing bf her off “have a shower you smell” you told her and she laughed.
“Well you just hugged me so I guess we both need a shower”.
You ended up getting used to the videos people made about you and Jessie, finding some of them funny and even entertaining some of it.
You commented on the wall girls tik tok once asking Tom to blink twice if he needed help and the media went crazy for it.
You and Jessie did eventually open up to the public about your relationship, posting a photo of you at a Chelsea dinner with Jessie’s hand on your thigh as you kissed her cheek.
‘she may look happy here but we made a bet that she would wear my Arsenal kit if we won the derby so @_jessflem you ready?’ Was your caption.
You were so overwhelmed by the amount of love and craziness that happened under the post you left your phone for the day whilst Jessie read out the comments begging for the photos of Jessie in the kit.
Jessie reposted the post adding a message saying that nobody would ever see the photos of her in your kit.
“That wasn’t as hard as we thought” Jessie said as she pulled you into her chest that night and kissed you goodnight
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glitteredrry · 1 year
5 ways harry mentions you on stage
summary: Being Mrs.Styles has it’s perks, but nothing will ever beat when your husband takes time out of his show to shout you out in some way.
warning: all fluff and happiness. small mention of alcoholic beverages.
wc: 1k
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1. pointing or blowing a kiss at you
One of the reasons you fell in love with Harry was because of the little things he has done for you since the beginning. When you both started dating of course the world didn’t know, you just seemed like a friend of someone on his team joining the show, that all changed when fans kept questioning who he was blowing a kiss to at each show. By compiling different tour dates videos, fans noticed that he would blow a kiss or point to the side of the stage during specific parts of songs. It wasn’t at each tour date, only when you could attend. Eventually, they matched the air kiss to the face, and the internet went wild because of you. Immediately you were known as Harry Styles' mystery woman. Fast forward five years later, and both of you were still melting the internets’ hearts, only now you were his wife. Love on tour was a whole new ballpark compared to his first tour. He was breaking records left and right, and entertaining anywhere from 17,000 to 80,000 people a night; no matter how big the arena or stadium was he made sure that you knew he was thinking of you. It didn’t matter what kind of day the both of you had,  he would never stop showing you that small piece of affection.
2. mimicking your dance moves
Now you know that you’re not the best dancer in the world, but you’re not the popstar of you two. You sure act like it though. Your dance moves are not planned or practical, when you attend the shows you go to support your husband and enjoy yourself. When you’re in the family section sometimes you just really get into the music and start dancing with not a care in the world. Oh, but when Harry notices you, he begins to mock your dance moves until you or the fans pick up what he is doing. He’s not doing it with any malicious intent, or to make you uncomfortable. He genuinely loves to see you dance, he also loves your dance moves because it's so unique. He doesn’t know how to explain it, he loved getting to dance with you in a room full of people. The cameras from fans all bounce between you two and your interaction. In Harry fashion, once you notice you get embarrassed shooing him away, and with a giggle, he is running off to the other side of the stage.
3. “what are we drinking tonight?”
On occasion, before he starts to read the many signs across the rooms held up by his lovely fans, he asks you a question first. What are we drinking tonight? Harry knew that you weren't much of a drinker, and the only time you drank was when he performed. You would sometimes have an alcoholic drink, other times it would just be some water. He would joke and say ‘that’s right honey, treat your body with kindness.’ You knew that he wasn’t serious, but on the nights that you would happen to have something alcoholic, he would be shocked and scream it throughout the arena, ‘tequila! save some for me, love.’ He then reads fans’ signs leaving you with a smile. You loved him more than words could explain.
4. straight up calling you out
During a show, he loved to call you out by name. One of the ways that he did it was through a fan's sign. He would tell a small anecdote about your relationship and people would eat it up each time. For example, a poster would read ‘the love of my life broke up with me, what do I do?’ Harry would pause sympathizing with the fan because one time the love of his life broke up with him. “If they’re the love of your life then they will always find their way back to you. The love of my life broke up with me once. Now, she’s my wife.” The whole crowd would cheer because both of you made sure to be private about your relationship. Then sometimes it would be a silly sign like ‘came here for Y/N but you’re cool too.’ Harry would end up acting like a complete narcissist, “I believe the name of the tour is Harry Styles love on tour, not Y/N Styles. It’s my show, come for me and only me!” The crowd would burst out in laughter causing you to blow kisses to the audience. “Look you guys are making my wife conceited.” You would mouth sorry to him with a smile on your face, laughing at all the reactions across the room. “Alright, we are changing the name to Y/N Styles love on tour. Happy wife, happy life.”  
5. flowers
This gesture was something that was private between you two. Each time Harry would catch a bouquet of flowers he would quietly hold it up in the air, notifying you he caught some for you. He placed it somewhere safe on stage where it would remain intact. Each flower that ended up being on stage went to you. Flowers were dedicated to you. Fans of course didn’t know this, because he would give them to you after shows. How did this all start you may ask? When you started dating Harry you were at a more difficult time in your life. He happened to fall into your life when you were in your last year of college. You couldn’t make it to each show, but when you did Harry was appreciative of the sacrifice that you were making to be there. He cherished that you treated him as a priority and never made him feel guilty for taking that extra stretch for him. To show you his appreciation, on your one-year anniversary; He surprised you with a gift that at first you didn’t really understand, but he explained. It was a cluster of different pressed, preserved flowers. Once he explained that each flower represented all the shows you attended. You broke down in tears, and knew that you would be marrying him. Now that you were married, he would always and forever dedicate flowers to you.
another little 12am blurb i thought of. i hoped you enjoyed. 💌
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weird-is-life · 7 months
Ooh maybe Aaron x sunshine!reader?? When he finally introduced you to the team, they’re a little surprised at how happy you are, but overall just glad that you make Aaron so happy and make him motivated to actually come home at reasonable times? :,) or maybe reader makes the team little bracelets/keychains for the first meeting too LOL
Hii lovely, ty for the request🥰! Hope this is okay, fluff, (0.8k)
The team noticed that something about Hotch has changed and they noticed it sooner then later.
He leaves the work earlier (still very late, but at least a bit earlier). He looks more relaxed, no tensed shoulders in sight anymore and more importantly, he looks so so happy.
So it's honestly no surprise, that the team guesses the obvious and makes Aaron invite you for a dinner night at Rossi's.
So he does, which leads you to stepping in front of Dave's door nervously as you wait for him to open the door. You are dressed in very radiant colours, that are in big contrast with Aaron's black suit, even if you've tried your best to match with him tonight.
"It's okay, they're going to love you," Aaron reassures you, when he notices your nerves. He squeezes your hand that's in his in reassurance and gives it a quick kiss.
And right as he does that, the door opens revealing Dave there.
"Hi," you immediately greet him, your nervousness not preventing you from smiling at him.
"Hey you two, we were wondering,  when would you finally show up," he teases you for coming late. It's your fault you guys came late, because you couldn't decide what to wear, you wanted to make a good first impression and Aaron sweet as always gave you all the time you needed.
"Come on in, don't want you guys to freeze to death out here," Dave ushers you inside before you can even introduce yourself to him.
But that thought is gone the minute you take a step inside, because suddenly there's people introducing themselves to you from every direction.
Even if it's a lot to take it, your smile never drops as you greet everybody.
"Oh," you say after you've been introduced, "I forgot something in the car, I'll be right back." And just like that you are out of there, but the happy mood, that you've brought with you, lingers in the room even without you.
All eyes move from you to Aaron and he raises his brows in question at it, "what?" He asks, almost annoyed.
"Hotch, where have you found her? She's like a literal ray of sunshine-" Penelope starts.
"Or more like how did you manage to make her go on a date with you?" Derek pokes fun at him, but to be honest, everybody has the same questionon mind.
"Well, she was the one to ask me on a date and I couldn't no, even if I wanted to, which I didn't," Aaron replies, like it's no big deal.
"What? She asked your grumpy ass out?" Derek's eyes go wide. He would have never guessed that you, the sweetest person he's just met, asked Hotch out. Aaron just glares at him, but doesn't manage to respond, because you are back.
"I've brought you guys this," you pull a big box filled with all different kind of cookies out of the bag. The team quickly notices, that in the box are everybody's favourite cookies.
And if they thought they liked you before, now, they adore you like three times more.
"Wait, are those-"
"Yes, I hope, I did them right. I had to use some online recipes, so I'm not sure they'll taste good-" you start rambling, cheeks going a little red. You've asked Aaron shyly about team's favourite cookies the minute he invited you to this dinner.
"Are you kidding? These are great, can you come to dinner every time from now on? Oh my gosh," Penelope squeals and she grabs your arm with a 'come on, we've got a lot to talk about' and drags you towards the other girls.
You chat happily with them the whole evening, while Aaron looks lovesick at you the whole time and every now and then you look at him and grin big at him. Clearly enjoying yourself and seeing you this content with his closest friends, basically his family, makes Aaron's heart go crazy.
"She's very lovely, Aaron. I'm so happy for you guys. You deserve this, " Dave whispers to him, sometime during the dinner, " it's clear that she makes you happy. Try not to mess it up."
"I won't," he replies with a certainty, Aaron will try to do everything he can to make this work, because he doesn't think he can remember being this happy ever. And he doesn't think he would ever feel happiness again if you and him didn't work out. You are it for him, he knows that.
"Good. " Dave pats him on the back.
You two are the first ones to leave, because you are tying to make sure Aaron sleeps properly. And when the team hears this explanation from you, they almost melt from the cuteness of you two.
And when they see the smile painting Aaron's face as he leads you towards the car, they know Aaron is a goner for you, which they can't blame him for.
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pepsiboyy · 14 days
idk if you take fic requests! but maybe a fic based off of Greek God by Conan Gray. like Matt or Chris pretend they don’t like yn where they’re around their sport (whatever sport, you choose!) friends. they all have a really high ego and are cocky. but there’s a tension between M/C and yn bc they used to be friends until M/C got popular but yn didn’t so now they’re not friends cuz M/C let his popularity status get to him. but they sometimes speak on the down low (M/C doesn’t wanna be seen talking to yn) they’re families are family friends which is why they’re technically forced to still talk every once in a while. but eventually the tension gets too intense, and well, M/C can’t handle it anymore and it ends up turning into a childhood friends to enemies to lovers type story 🤭 ALSO, YN STANDS HER GROUND AND DOESNT LET M/C GET HER THAT EASILY, SHES NOT JUST GONNA FALL FOR HIM INSTANTLY CUZ HE FINALLY STARTS PAYING ATTENTION TO HER!! thanks!!
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pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: just read the request :p warnings: cursing, mentioned of alcohol, being drunk, use of y/n lol, angst (resolved sorta) a/n: THANK U SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST!!! i hope it's what you were looking for, i spent a lot of time trying to make this work :") thank you so much for the request!!
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i stood at the edge of the ice rink, my hands clasping together with high hopes.
i came to cheer on matt and chris, with nick seated beside me as he scrolled through instagram and snacked on some chips that he brought.
nick was my best friend, without a doubt. i told him everything. matt was one of my comfort friends. someone i didn't talk to as often as nick, but enough to where i feel fully comfortable talking to him about whatever may happen. chris, on the other hand...
chris was chris.
it was hard to describe the dynamic the two of us shared.
chris and i actually used to be closer than me and nick, or anyone, honestly.
he would pick me up when i fell, give me some of his snacks and even a sip of his pepsi if i wanted. he would reassure me when i felt low, and even put me in my place if he knew i was out of line.
before we knew it, high school rolled around. freshman year was relatively normal, sophomore year too.
junior year he started making newer friends, but he also had a different lunch period from the rest of us. i'd only really see him when matt gave me rides home.
senior year rolled around, and chris was a changed person. ever since he made it to the varsity hockey team with his new friends, he changed. he claims it's because we "grew apart" but we didn't. he goes out of his way to make me look bad in front of his friends, or even act like he has no idea who i am. it kind of made me feel stupid.
matt being on varsity with him didn't help his case at all, either.
so, when i came to watch them play, nick would sit with me and i would cheer on them both, even if chris pretended to hate me.
so, here i am. standing at the edge of the rink with nick, who was now standing beside me as we watched the two we knew and loved. matt effortlessly weaving past a defender, sending the puck flying towards chris, who sent it into the goal and made it.
the sound of skates cutting through ice was sharp in my ears, and the bright arena lights cast a glow over everyone while each and every cheer echoed in the cold air.
i remember when we all used to skate together freshman year here, the arena empty and our arms all linked together because i couldn't skate for the life of me, on matter how bad i tried.
those days felt like a lifetime ago now.
you had all grown a lot since then.
apart, apparently.
"hey, y/n, what are you doin' here?" a boy from the team questioned, skating to the glass with a cocky grin. "came to see the champ?" he asked, referring to chris.
i rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, allowing my eyes to trail elsewhere. "just here to support my friends." i mumbled.
chris glanced over, his expression neutral, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes - guilt, maybe, or recognition of the unspoken tension between them. before i could look away, he turned back to his friends, laughing at some joke i couldn't hear.
i sighed and took a seat beside nick again, letting out a soft hum as i did. the familiar sting of hurt and anger was beginning to get to me.
the memory of chris and i being inseparable, chris changing, chris making fun of me to his friends, all of it. it hurt. popularity inflated his ego, and i always refused to be an admirer in his little fan club.
after the game, i found myself lingering near the exit of the rink. i typically waited for the crowd to die and the traffic to slow down before leaving. it was too busy for me.
the locker room door swung open, and out poured the hockey team that was riding out the high of their win. chris was among them, laughing loudly and tossing his hockey stick over his shoulder. we met eyes for a moment, and his smile seemed to falter. until he leaned to a friend of his and nudged them, mumbling something to make them both laugh.
"hey, y/n!" chris called out. "didn't think you'd stick around here. still obsessed with me or what?"
i stared at chris with a deadpanned expression. "stop getting me to stroke your ego, christopher." i bit back, trying to keep my voice steady.
this shit was annoying, really.
chris's friends snickered, and he shrugged it off, turning away as if i were nothing more than an afterthought to him. "whatever. let's get out of here."
the group moved past me, their laughter seeming to echo in the hallway. i felt a lump form in my throat, but i refused to let anyone see me get upset over something to miniscule.
i knew this version of chris was a facade, but that didn't really make it hurt any less. the boy i once loved and cared for deeply was now buried under layers of arrogance and bravado, and i wasn't about to let him off the hook so easily.
the crowd began to die down, so i gathered myself and pushed out of the door, making my way towards my car.
as i walked towards the car, i saw chris again, this time with his brothers as they leaned against their minivan and talked about the game together.
for a moment, chris looked up, and our eyes met. there was a flicker of something in his gaze - regret, maybe, or a silent apology - but it vanished as quickly as it appeared.
he mumbled something to his brothers before he kicked off and made his way towards me.
"need a ride home? matt can take you." his tone was casual, but strained.
i stared at chris for a moment in disbelief, before quickly shaking my head and sighing. "no thanks. i can manage."
chris opened his mouth as if to say something, but then closed it, looking away. the silence between us stretched, and it filled with all the things left unsaid.
and with that, i turned on my heel and began walking home.
saturday. the days where the sturniolo household invited me for dinner were so much fun, genuinely. they were an amazing family. and chris typically acted normal around her when she was invited over.
i pulled into the driveway of their home, smiling softly to myself as i turned the music down. i pulled down the mirror and fixed my hand, humming to myself before taking my keys.
i was wearing something pretty cozy, just a crewneck and some bleached jeans and converse. they were like my second family, no need to get fancy.
i knocked on the door, where matt answered and pulled me into a hug of greeting. "hi, y/n," he breathed and smiled softly before leading me further into their home, where i was met with nick, marylou, their mother, and jimmy, their father.
"where's chris?" i questioned, the words falling from my lips faster than i could stop them.
nick exchanged a look with matt before he shrugged. "not sure, he just said he was going to some hockey party for their win last night."
i scoffed and nodded, taking a seat in my usual spot between nick and marylou.
the empty chair across from me was honestly quite intimidating. more than it would have been if chris were there.
chris was always the one with crazy stories and conversation topics.
we sat in a comfortable silence, though, which i'm sure nick and matt enjoyed as they listen to chris every day of their lives.
"you're still goin' to their hockey games and cheerin' em on?"
marylou questioned, and i turned to her and smiled. "yeah, they're really great, actually." i smiled softly, and marylou nodded.
"i know chris has been on a bit of an ego train, i hope he's still been kind to you guys." jimmy mumbled softly.
i swallowed and rubbed the back of my head. "yeah, he's been great, actually." i lied.
nick and matt stared at me, but decided not to question it before continuing their meal.
but then my phone began to ring, and everyone's attention shifted to me.
"i'm so sorry," i quickly mumbled as i removed it from my pocket and immediately felt every bit of air in my lungs leave.
why is chris calling me?
i rose to my feet and held up a finger, chuckling nervously. "i'm gonna take this," i mumbled quickly.
i made my way down the hall and to the front room. "hello?" i questioned softly.
"y/n/n," chris slurred on the other end. "i- i'm at a party, and.." he trailed off before giggling to himself, "i might.. need a ride home," he mumbled.
i sighed, rubbing my temple in annoyance. "where are you?"
chris mumbled an address, hardly coherent. "can you... can you come get me? please?"
i sighed to myself. "why can't you get matt or nick or something?"
"they'll get pissed," he stated, a little clearer than the rest of his sentences. "i don't want them to worry about me." chris struggled to get the word worry out of his system, making me crack a slight smile.
"fine," i stated as i fixed myself, "stay put. i'll be there soon."
i hung up the phone and made my way back to the dining room, where everyone collectively turned to me.
"everything alright?" nick asked, and i quickly nodded.
"everything's good, i do have to go, though. i'm so sorry you guys. i'll make it up to you?" i smiled. "i just, um.. have to run."
they all exchanged looks before nodding and bidding me farewell, nick walking me out.
i sat in my car and typed the address into my phone, rubbing my forehead.
i didn't enjoy parties. they were loud, sweaty, gross and full of annoying ass kids. usually.
and as i pulled up, it was just that. a typical high school party scene - loud music, teenagers spilling out onto the lawn, and the faint smell of alcohol and weed in the air. i found chris on the footsteps, his head buried in his hands. i quickly made my way towards him after parking and kneeled down in front of him.
"come on, let's get you home." i said, helping him to his feet.
chris leaned on my heavily as we made our way to my car. i buckled him in and got into the driver's sear, the tension between us palpable in the confined space. as i drove, chris mumbled some incoherent words, his head lolling against the window.
"y/n," he suddenly said, his voice clearer but thick with emotion. "i'm sorry."
i glanced at him, eyebrows raised. "for what?"
"for everything," he continued, his eyes half-closed. "for being an ass. for ignoring you. for... for all of it."
i took a deep breath as i felt a mixture of sadness and anger bubbling within me. i gripped the steering wheel tighter, unsure of how to respond. "you're drunk, chris. you don't know what you're saying."
"no," chris insisted, reaching out and touching my arm. "i do, i've been a jerk. i miss you. i miss us."
i pulled into my own driveway, knowing chris wouldn't want to see his family like this. i would just take his phone and send them a text saying he was with a friend tonight or something.
i turned off the engine and took a deep breath. "let's get you inside."
chris stumbled out of the car, leaning on me for support the whole way to the door. i fished for my keys and unlocked the door, quickly guiding him to my living room couch.
as i laid a blanket over him, he grabbed my hand as his eyes locked with mine.
"i still care about you, y/n. i always have."
my heart pounded, but i forced a laugh, trying to deflect the intensity of the moment. "sleep it off, chris. we'll talk in the morning, okay?"
i brushed a few loose strands from his forehead and stood up, turning off the light and going to my room. my mind raced with conflicting emotions.
part of me wanted to believe his drunken confession, but another part of me was still so angry. still hurt by the way he had treated me. as i laid in bed and stared at my ceiling, i couldn't shake the feeling that things between us were far from over. and that this was just the beginning of a much more complicated story.
the sizzling of the bacon on the oven was comforting, in a way. i had an airpod in, playing some softer, but upbeat music to get me up and going for the long, long day ahead.
i turned my head upon hearing some shuffling in the kitchen, meeting eyes with chris. "morning," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"morning," i replied, placing a plate of food with bacon, eggs and sausage onto the counter in front of him. "eat up. you'll feel better."
he sat down and started eating, occasionally glancing at me as i cleaned up the kitchen. after a few minutes of awkward silence, he looked at me. "look, about last night.."
i crossed my arms and leaned against the counter. "what about it?"
chris looked down at his plate, poking at his eggs. "i meant what i said, you know. but i was drunk, and.. and maybe it didn't come out right-"
"maybe?" i questioned, my voice sharp. "you've been treating me like i don't exist for months, chris. one drunken apology doesn't fix that."
he winced at my words, but nodded. "i know, i've been an idiot. i got caught up in... everything. the team, the popularity. but that's no excuse."
"no, it's not." i stated, my anger beginning to bubble to the surface. "you think you can just waltz back into my life with a half-assed apology and everything will be fine? it doesn't work that way." i spat.
chris stood up, stepping closer. "i'm not asking for everything to be fine overnight. i'm asking for a chance to make things right."
i shook my hear, my eyes flashing with frustration. "do you even realize how much you hurt me? how it felt to be ignored, to be treated like i was nothing?"
"i do now," he said quietly. "and i'm sorry. truly. i want to make it up to you, if you'd let me."
i looked up at him, searching his eyes for any sign of insincerity. he seemed genuine, his usual bravado stripped away, leaving only the boy she used to know.
"i don't know if i can trust you," i admitted, my voice softer now.
chris reached out and took my hand in his. "i get that. and i will do whatever it takes to earn your trust back."
he pulled me into a tight hug, where i gently hugged his waist and took in his scent.
i missed this.
"just one date. give me a chance?" chris mumbled, the smile audible in his tone.
i hesitated, my mind racing. part of me wanted to say no, to protect myself from his bullshit. but another part of me remembered all of the good times.
"one date," i finally stated, my voice firm. "but this doesn't mean i'm just forgiving you, chris. you have a lot to prove."
he nodded quickly, his lips curving into a smile. "i promise i won't let you down."
i pulled away from his embrace and smiled at him before turning to the sink and doing the dishes. "you better now."
as i did the dishes, i felt a glimmer of hope mixed with lingering doubt. chris had a long way to go to earn the trust i had for him back, but for the first time in months, she felt like maybe, just maybe, things could change.
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