#they are the weirdest family i love them so much
natelia-aldelliz · 2 years
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1 : Soap never had any idea that woman wanted him carnally, he's not the most observant on that front (he never noticed Ghost flirting with him and thought his love was one-sided for the longest time, but tbf Ghost was also very discreet about it)
2 : He sewed the hat, eyepatch and hook himself, because he's the best uncle and then got distracted as he was wrapping it up, so now he's watching a tutorial on youtube about how to build a voice box. Honestly how hard could it be, he builds explosive devices as a hobby (listen, Price doesn't have to know)
3 : He is out to his family, but doesn't want his mum to know he has a boyfriend because he knows she'll insist on meeting him and welcoming him to the family and making a big deal out of this, and he knows that Ghost isn't ready for that.
4 : Christmas is obviously a very hard time for Ghost, but he is very very in love with Soap and some days still can't believe that it's mutual, but then his Johnny does something like that and his head gets quieter while he's melting a bit.
5 : For the people that didn't see my other post : the bird is a Caique parrot, and they're supposedly very energetic, a bit loud, medium sized, unintelligible, very friendly to what they consider their family, adventurous and danger prone, with an explosive personality and a hate of boredom, so basically the adhd bird.
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xcziel · 2 years
#this year is just the weirdest christmas vibe i've ever had goning on#i have all the stuff for a hallmark-y christmas: it's cold for once on christmas eve! i have a kitchen and a bare tree#but family is overworked and stressed and and i'm sick and worn out from retail so no visiting or sharing baking#so no reason to bake or decorate - even though i fully have the ability! the things are sitting out i am looking at them#but i just want to bury in the bed and read sad or schmoopy fanfic instead#i just can't get in the mood and it's so disappointing bc i remember loving having like#christmas music on and singing along and baking and i never could do much in my apartment bc of it being so small etc#and now i have a full big kitchen counter and could have the tree i always wanted and play christmas cartoons loudly#and it wouldn't bother anyone and there's lights up in the neighborhood i could go see but#i'm just so exhausted and generally discouraged and it's the MOST first world of situations but i may never get#another chance to have a christmas like this and who knows where/how i'll be next year ...#maybe it's really just the not being able to bake - like i don't even really feel like it but i still get sudden impulses#and it's like nope no family to cart tins of cookies to - can't take them or cake to work bc don't want to risk people getting sick#tempted to just force myself into christmas spirit but then the apathy just rolls back over me#i'm so worried about my bil and sister who are stressed bc if medication shortages#and all y'all who are suffering power outages and winter weather onslaught and stressful weekend plan changes#and seasonal overwork and all that entails i'm worried for you also and wishing for everything to be better and go well for you#it just feels like everyone's having an anxious exhsusting holiday season this year and i would like so much better for us#than just 'making it through'#ugh now i'm making myself sappy and teary again#whatever - anybody bothering to read this just know i wish you warmth happiness and joy however they may come to you#hug your loved ones if you can love on your pets eat something for a treat and look at some pretty lights this evening#i maybe am gonna light some candles and put on music and see if my sis wants to call or facetime later#but first my rx are finally filled so i have to go fetch them#happy holidays whoever reads this - mutuals i love you and wish you the best may your evening be merry and bright#or at least warm!
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ssszlami · 10 months
i love nightmare time
what if tarzan was a sleazy con-man
family gets perceived so much that they try to kill each other
the weirdest paulkins fanfiction au you've ever read
eldritch god decides to fuck with one guy in particular for funsies
local man fucks his car
magical autistic child suffers through The Horrors
grown-up heather chandler with daddy issues and homophobic theatre kid battle it out for the chance to get vored
evil weed birds
people keep fucking in sex-repulsed asexual's home and then being surprised when he kills them
store owner discovers the dangers of rich people
the ring but with music and like 1000x more angst
child fighting ring gets hijacked by the hivemind
what a beautiful series
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astrow1zar6 · 9 months
Astro Observations-014
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If you wanna date someone who’s basically impossible to get to know date a Scorpio moon. I find they really don’t trust anyone. Not even close friends that have known them for years. Any sign of betrayal even if it’s small will cause this sign to never tell you certain things again. You guys need to realize not everyone is trying to hurt you.
A lot of Scorpio Venus’s/mars grew up seeing a lot of jealousy & manipulation from relationship’s (mostly from family) they normally pick up from this and carries it to their relationships.
Libra placements will flirt with people they have no interest in for attention. They break a lot of hearts. They act like they aren’t aware they do it but they definitely are. Y’all can’t mess with ppls feeling like that 😕
Aquarius sun women are either really popular and social or really outcasted and antisocial
Aquarius moons can be really mean when people become too emotional around them. I believe tho ironically this is the most emotional Aquarius placement. They hate dealing with others emotions because their emotions are so deep themselves that dealing with other’s problems can become too overwhelming.
Pisces risings are so secretive about their romantic relationships (Libra in 8th house) most people never know who they’re dating or talking too. They prefer a private love life.
Aquarius Venus’s are fashion icons. They can make some of the weirdest pieces look so expensive
Sagittarius and Geminis are the most compatible pair of opposites imo. I’ve seen these signs stay together for soooo long
Leo moons have the least confidence out of all the leo placements I noticed. They are really sensitive and the smallest ounce of disapproval can break these people. Be gentle with them plz🥺
Virgo suns all look so clean, they also smell like heaven too (ESPECIALLY with a Leo Venus) they all give princess vibes.
People with a 12th house taurus value stability sooo much but can never seem to settle their restless nature. This is one of their biggest challenges (cuz of their Gemini rising)
Whatever element you lack in your chart you’re more likely to find people that have that element. Ex: if you lack water placements, you’ll be more attracted to water dominants because they give you what you lack in a way.
Capricorn risings usually hate their smiles, even if there’s nothing wrong with it. A lot feel like their smile ruins their face.
When you have a lot of 12th house placements people normally make assumptions about you that aren’t even close to who you actually are.
Pisces men are the most confusing in a relationship you never know if they actually like you or not. They are so charming and lovey but deep down it feels kinda fake?
Taurus mars work the best when they are working with their hands or they’re working in nature
Virgo mercury’s are amazing writers and usually love reading. Many can be successful novelists.
I feel like the least compatible compatible signs are Taurus and Virgo. I’ve seen the spark die so quick in these relationships and they normally stay together because it “works” practically. But I notice they get more irritated with each-other as time goes.
I notice men that have a lot of kids from different women have a Jupiter in their 5th house. Or just a lot of 5th house placements.
Venus in 5th housers tend to have more girls than boys. Their first child was probably a girl. Also indicates very attractive children.
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lovebugism · 4 months
oh my god absolutely feral for the cynical prompt list PLEASE!!! maybe like bad at feelings/grumpy!r x steve with these vibes?:
• "you.. LIKE ME???" "i'm a little wary but so far, yes."
• "you're my favorite person. i didn't know you could have those."
• i love the idea that although they're cynical they would simultaneously not care to admit it ^ like "okay, yeah, i fell in love. so what???? people fall in puddles, and pools, and you know, other things!!! don't hold this against me!"
or literally anything from that list like i just know you’d eat
hope you like it angel xoxo — you tell steve you love him for the first time in front of all your friends who didn't even know you were dating (grumpy!r, fluff, 1.3k)
Eddie drops off a few Hellfire stragglers at Family Video after a lengthy campaign, you among them. Robin watches you file in with a freckled chin nestled in her palm. “Stevie! Your children are here!” she singsongs in the otherwise empty store, flipping unenthusiastically through an old magazine.
Dustin and Lucas grumble under their breaths about being called children, though you think they’re still very much deserving of the term. Eddie, meanwhile, crosses his leather-clad arms over his chest. “You know I’m older than him, right?” he monotones with squinted eyes. “So that’s, like, scientifically impossible.”
You deadpan from beside him, somehow more stoic than the raucously dressed metalhead. “And also, I’m dating him,” you frown. “So that’d be, like, extra weird.”
Everyone looks at you like you’ve grown two heads, then. Like you’ve just said something awful. 
Steve’s presence saves you, but only for a moment. He comes out from the back wearing a stupid grin on his scruffy face. “Hey, babe,” he greets you first, with a wide hand spread warmly over your back. 
When he ducks down for a fleeting kiss, you can taste the Cheetos he’d been snacking on and the wintergreen gum he’d just plucked into his mouth. The concoction is strange. Maddening, still.
All of your friends leer at you for several long moments. They gape at the two of you in horror, as though there was some kind of truth in what Robin had just announced moments ago — as though you and Steve shouldn’t be kissing at all.
“Wait,” Lucas mumbles, filling the heavy silence. His face twists in confusion a second later. “What?”
Eddie’s pale face contorts in something short offense, like you’ve betrayed him somehow. You sort of did, in a way. You’re Hellfire’s prettiest, grumpiest, weirdest member — you’re not supposed to be dating Steve The Hair Harrington. It goes against, like, every unwritten rule in the handbook. 
“Is this why you wanted me to drop you off here?” he questions, palpably heartbroken. “So you two could— suck face?”
You shrug, emotionless. “Sorta.”
“We have a date tonight,” Steve announces with a proud smile. He squeezes gently at your shoulder, then cowers at the glare you give him. He clears his throat and corrects himself. “Not date.”
You’ve noticed his very strange tendency to call any time you spend together a date. You don’t like that. It makes you feel it’s some kind of appointment you have to book with him — an engagement you have to put too much effort into. Sometimes, you don’t want to go on a date. You just want to sleep over at his place, steal one of his shirts, and raid his kitchen in your underwear. 
Eddie does everything but pout. “But I thought… I thought we came here to bother Steve until he let us take something home for free?” he confesses in a quiet voice.
“We can still do that if you want.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same,” he frowns.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Robin shouts, abandoning her magazine and waving her hands in front of her face. “How did I not know about this?”
Steve bounces his shoulder, jostling the nametag pinned to his chest. “You don’t know everything about me, Buckley,” he sasses.
“So… you like him?” she presses, pointing to you and then the boy beside you. “You like Steve? Steve Harrington?”
You swallow hard and hope you don’t look as anxious as you feel. You shrug to feign an air of nonchalance. “I’m still a little wary about it, but, yeah… So far, anyway.”
Dustin’s senses return to him, then. He shakes his curly head in disbelief. “That is just… confounding,” he mumbles to himself.
“And how long has this been going on, exactly?” Robin squints.
“Couple months, I guess,” you monotone.
Steve has a much different, much more enthusiastic answer. 
“Well, if we’re going by the first time I knew she liked me, it’s been five months. But if we’re going by the first time we kissed, it’s been four,” he rambles with his honey eyes flitted to the ceiling. “But if we’re going by the first time she actually admitted she liked me, it’s been… A wonderful six days.”
He flashes you a grin, which you meet with a hardened scowl. “Shut up…” you grumble, but don’t push him away when he cuddles you closer to his side.
“You? And Steve Harrington?” Eddie gapes. “You’re kissing?”
Steve scoffs. “Well, we’re dating Munson. So obviously we’re kissing. Among other things…”
You dig an elbow into his ribs to shove him away. “Do you have a death wish?” you spit, eyes narrowed and bitter, while the boy just chuckles to himself.
“It’s just… weird,” Dustin remarks.
“But, like, a good weird,” Lucas nods. “Like a solar eclipse, sort of weird.”
“Or, like, that one in a billion chance of atoms aligning and your hand going directly through a solid object, sort of weird,” the curly-haired boy adds, punctuating his sentence by slapping the front counter. His palm collides with the hard surface with a resounding thud.
“What did you think was gonna happen?” Steve monotones when Dustin winces.
“Well, impossible things happen all the time, Steve. Including now.”
You start to choke on the attention. The stares are borderline suffocating. A bunch of wide-eyed gazes holding yours until you feel like you can hardly breathe. 
“What’s the big deal?” you blurt before you mean to. “We fell in love. Who cares? Dustin fell into a puddle earlier today— how’s that any different? People fall all the time.”
Dustin’s eyes narrow. “I thought we agreed not to bring that up.”
“Wait…” Steve mumbles, pink lips quirked in a crooked smile. His chocolate gaze glimmers with hope and confusion, eyes darting back and forth between yours. “You’re… You’re in love with me?”
“Yeah?” you shrug, trying not to cower at the way he looks at you. “So what?”
His grin widens. It takes everything in him not to kiss the life out of you then. He settles for a warm squeeze at your shoulder for now. “Nothing. Nothing, I just— I love you back. That’s all.”
The honeyed moment is ended bitterly by the sound of Eddie’s fake gagging. Robin gripes beneath the horrid noise, “You guys are gross…”
Lucas smiles. “I think it’s sweet.”
“Only ‘cause you’re more lovesick than these two idiots,” Eddie scoffs. He saunters away from you and takes the two Hellfire boys by the shoulder, leading them inevitably to the Sci-Fi section. Robin has no choice but to fix her frowning face and smile when a customer walks in.
With the crowd freshly dispersed, and the attention no longer on the two of you, you look up at Steve with a softer look than you’re used to. “Why did you look so shocked?” you murmur, eyes all squishy around the edges. “When I told you that I— that I loved you or whatever.”
“I wasn’t shocked,” Steve laughs and turns to face you fully. “I just… wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.”
You squint. “So you were shocked?”
“…I guess so. Yeah.”
“Well— you’re like— my favorite person or whatever,” you stumble over your words, finding it suddenly very difficult to meet his gaze. You gesture wildly with anxious hands. “And I didn’t even know you could have one of those, so… By that logic, I figured I must be in love with you.”
Steve grins, maybe bigger than he realizes. It’s all plush and pink and petaled, dripping with an adoration you’re not sure you deserve. “Well, by that logic, I must be in love with you, too, then, huh?”
“Guess so…” you grumble under your breath.
Steve smiles at the distant look of disgust scrunching your pretty face. “You’re so cute…” he mumbles under his breath, pressing a kiss to your pout before you can blink.
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kirqro · 5 months
୨୧ ‘ loser els !
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warnings || none !
{ just random head canons of my lil loser :( }
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* loser!ellie ‘ who’s room is decked out in posters and random drawings she did ( SOME OF UU !! )
* loser!ellie ‘ who said score and pumped her fist in the air after kissing you for the first time
* loser!ellie ‘ who brings you up no matter the topic of the conversation
“ Oh ya my girlfriend said the same thing..!” “My girl hates .. “
“ Yk my girlfriend and I …”
* loser!ellie ‘ who has you scattered around all over her car and room !
Polaroids of the two of you guys kissing In her dashboard
Your rubber bands over her gear shift
Your clothes in her laundry basket
Your hair brush on her desk
*loser!ellie ‘ who’s palms are always sweaty and think she’s hot shit when she rests her hand on your thigh..
girl if u don’t get ur clammy aa hands OFF ..
*loser!ellie ‘ who randomly squeezes your cheeks together
*loser!ellie ‘ who puts her arm out for you to take when you guys walk together and gets genuinely upset when you don’t hold onto her arm ..
*loser!ellie ‘ who watches instagram reels and laughs her ass off
she sends you them when you’re right next to her and waits for your reaction
*loser!ellie ‘ who accidentally calls you bro , brother , and dude WAY TO MUCH. But gets mad when you do it to her :(
“Bro guess what Dina just told me”
“What did she tell you BRO.”
“BRO? WHA. oh!.. I’m sorry my perfect Angel baby cakes please”
*loser!ellie ‘ who has the weirdest nicknames for you.. girl has once called you acorn and didn’t know why you side eyed her for it after it left her lips
*loser!ellie ‘ who thinks you are the prettiest person ever on the planet earth .
Sometimes you can catch her staring at you with pure love in her eyes .
*loser!ellie ‘ who is so baby girl and wouldn’t hurt a fly!! ( she is a mass murderer .. )
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Hii bbys !! This is my first official post :))
I had sm fun writing theses about our silly lil els ! Soo maybe part 2??
Constructive criticism is appreciated but PLSS be nice ..!
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daily click for Palestine !!
- from the river to the sea Palestine WILL be free 🍉
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five-bi-five-mind · 6 months
Could you please do a part 2 for New Additions where there is more smut that actually results in a baby (or twins because it runs in the family). I feel like Wanda would be obsessed with the idea that the reader is carrying their child! And you could pick the gender. (I would love to see the Twins reaction to finding out that their gonna have a sibling)?
Another New Addition
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff & Smut
Words: 5.6k+
Summary: It finally happened, you were pregnant and growing your family that you now shared with Wanda. However, pregnancy was a little rough on you. Wanting to take care of you, and also absolutely adoring the way you were glowing from being pregnant with her child, Wanda had a plan. She was going to pamper you all night long.
Warnings: lots of pregnancy talk; pregnancy sex I guess? Bathtub sex, clit play, nipple play, top!Wanda but she's topping from the bottom lol, bottom!r, strap-on (r receiving); enchanted strap, cum-filled strap, strap riding, thigh riding, aftercare
A/N: this isn’t quite what the prompt is asking for but… still gonna use it to post this part two. Also, full disclosure I’m not sure what a power bottom is so can someone please tell me if that’s how I wrote Wanda to fix my warnings lol
New Addition (Part 1)
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This whole pregnancy thing wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Then again, you knew it wasn’t going to be some magical journey that television loves to tell you it is.
One might think, though, if this pregnancy was happening because of your magical soon-to-be wife then it wouldn’t be so difficult sometimes. It wasn’t always awful, but you also were barely four months pregnant and already feeling ready for this kid to come out. There was still a long way to go and today was a particularly hard day for you.
What people don’t really talk about, outside of morning sickness, in this part of a pregnancy are the other random symptoms. For instance, you were just sore all time, in random places. Your back would ache, or your whole body, or sometimes just your legs. It depended on the day. And the hormones raging through your body right now… God, those fucking hormones caused the weirdest shifts in your mood. You cried at everything.
It was a little humiliating when you’d sit down and watch a silly Pixar movie with the boys and end up sobbing your eyes out at every happy ending. The boys, being as sweet and perfect as always, would wrap their little arms around you and tell you everything was already right. They had no way of understanding that it was just your body wreaking havoc on your emotions. What was worse was the more they tried to console you, the sweeter you found it, and the harder you cried. 
It was always Wanda who would end the tears. Seeing her children wrapped around either side of you, she just somehow knew that was making it harder for you to stop. She’d always say just the right thing to calm her boys’ sweet, but protective nature towards you. 
“She’s okay, my loves,” Wanda would coo at them. “But I can take good care of her now, hm?” It always seemed like it was that promise of care that would reassure them you’d be okay if they untangled themselves from you. And each time, Wanda would take your hand and pull you out of the living room and into your now shared bedroom to get you ready for much needed rest. 
That’s another thing people don’t tell you. With all the emotions and changes running rampant in your body you’re just tired all the time. You honestly felt a little guilty with how often you’d take midday naps or go to bed early. Your days were filled with family time with the boys and Wanda if she wasn’t busy. But after these afternoons, you’d be drained. There wasn’t much alone time left for you to give Wanda the attention you worried she was missing.
And she was missing this attention, but she also knew it was temporary. What you were doing for her, carrying her child, was so much more important than a temporary shortage of your attention. Plus, she had her moments with you. Currently, her favorite thing was waking up next to you and sneaking her hands under your shirt to press to your stomach. You had just started showing, even though it wasn’t too much yet. It was still enough for Wanda to be able to feel the difference. Most mornings you’d wake up to her fingertips tracing over your belly, or pressed flat trying to feel a kick. You told her multiple times it was too early for that, but Wanda wasn’t going to miss the opportunity if it were to come soon. 
Even though Wanda cherished these moments of being close to you, she still craved certain other moments of intimacy. It wasn’t like the two of you completely stopped, though. The frequency was just… less. Especially since you started to show. Part of you was a little self conscious about it, even though Wanda continuously reminded you of how beautiful you were each and every day. Part of it was also because your body was just changing and you genuinely were a little more tired lately. It wasn’t that you were avoiding or rejecting Wanda exactly, things were just a bit different now. Wanda understood, she really did. But still, this change in frequency didn’t go unnoticed by her. 
So when a week went by and you two hadn’t really done more than spoon in bed and kiss each other here and there, Wanda was getting a little pent up. Not only that, but the way you just utterly glowed from being pregnant with her child, it was doing something to Wanda that she didn’t expect. She hated that she felt so desperate to have you, especially when she knew this week you had been struggling with some rough pregnancy symptoms, but she just really couldn’t help it. Of course, she would never make you take care of this problem for her or make you feel bad if you said no, but she really really didn’t want you to say no. So, she came up with a little plan. One that made sure you knew you were loved and cared for, while also getting opportunities to be closer to you and touch you in a way she hadn’t all week. 
Wanda had asked you to drop the boys off at a friend’s for the night, claiming she had forgotten something she needed to take care of right away. You, being the kind soul that Wanda knows and loves, gladly said yes and even offered to take them to buy snacks for their big sleepover with their friend. Grateful for more time to prepare and just out of the sheer love she had for you and the way you loved her boys, Wanda made sure to use the extra time to her advantage. 
She was setting up the finishing touches when she heard the front door open and close. An eager grin spread across her face as she heard you call for her and that’s when she knew she needed to wrap up. With a snap of her fingers, candles lit all across the room and she took a moment to soak in what she had done. As she looked around the room, her smile grew. Everything was perfect. There was no doubt in Wanda’s mind that you were going to love it.
After one more quick check that everything was in place, she finally went downstairs to greet you. The minute her eyes fell on your bright smile she couldn’t help herself, she hurried down the stairs to wrap you up into her arms. 
“You’re back!” She exclaimed between kisses she showered across your cheeks. You giggled and wrapped your arms around her waist as she kept kissing you. 
“I was only gone for less than two hours,” you laughed and brushed your nose against hers. “We could’ve waited so you could join us.” 
“Hm, I know,” Wanda pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “But then I wouldn’t have had time to prepare your surprise.” 
“Surprise?” You pulled back to look at Wanda and the way you gave her such a curious, yet excited look, had her heart melting. 
She pulled you in again for another kiss, this one slightly longer and lingering. “Mhm,” she mumbled against your lips. “I’ve spent a lot of time planning tonight.” 
“Oh?” You tried to pull back from the kiss to question her again, but Wanda leaned back in, capturing your lips one more time. “Wanda,” you giggled against her lips as you tried yet again to pull back. “Do I get to see this surprise?”
“Hm?” Wanda blinked, already getting carried away just from kissing you. “Oh, yes! Sorry…” she gave you a sheepish smile and slid her hand into yours. Without hesitation, you let her lead you back upstairs to the bedroom. 
The whole time you followed her, you looked all over, trying to catch a glimpse of this surprise. Wanda looked back at you for a moment as you kept scanning the bedroom, and couldn’t help but smile at how adorable you were being. She shook her head, sometimes your excitement matched her boys. It’s no wonder you three clicked instantly. 
“So…” You were still looking around the bedroom. “Where’s this surprise?” 
“In the bathroom.” Wanda pointed to the door. “Go see for yourself.” 
The confusion in your eyes grew, but you eagerly made your way to the bathroom. Wanda had let you go, no longer guiding you as she watched you reach for the door. She walked up behind you as you opened it and you let out a surprised gasp.
“Wow…” You took in the sight before you. Candles filled the bathroom, leaving you both in a soft muted light. The tub was filled and full of bubbles. Sprinkled in and around the tub were rose petals. It looked like a stereotypical scene out of a romcom. Wanda pulled out her phone for a moment to press a button and suddenly, soft instrumental music filled the room. 
“Do you like it?” Wanda’s arms came to wrap around you from behind. Her lips placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder. “I know this week hasn’t been easy for you. So, I wanted to give you the most relaxing night I possibly can,” Wanda kissed your shoulder again. “And to show just how much I love you.” Her lips pressed to your neck before her hand reached up to turn your head so she could meet your lips. 
“I really like it,” you whispered into the kiss. “And I love you.” 
Wanda stepped back and began to undress. Even after being with her for a while, you still couldn’t help but feel a little flustered from seeing her naked form. She was almost completely undressed and you still just couldn’t take your eyes off her breathtaking form. It wasn’t until she caught you staring and threw a wink your way that you felt your face flush and you instantly turned your attention to your own clothes. 
When the final piece of clothing came off, that was when you realized Wanda had moved closer to you. Her hands reached out and her finger tips traced along the sides of your stomach before she pulled your naked body into hers. Her eyes sparkled as she looked down between you two and at the small baby bump that was starting to show. In her mind, it blew her away just how lucky she was that you were actually willing to do this for her, for the two of you, for the family you now shared with her. There was nothing more beautiful than watching you carry her child. Seeing this physical reminder of that just made her want to worship you for how gorgeous you looked. You, on the other hand, felt slightly self conscious about these small changes. While the fact that you were actually starting to show made it feel more real that your family was growing, you still were unsure of how Wanda felt about these changes to your body. Wanda could sense that unsureness that you had too. But tonight, she hoped she would help put that self-consciousness at ease. 
Wanda’s hand went to cup your cheek. Her loving eyes stared back at you for a moment. Her thumb brushed against your cheek gently and she gave you a soft smile. “You are so,” her voice was thick with emotion as she spoke, “so beautiful.”
You didn’t say anything. Instead, you turned your head to press a kiss to her palm, before moving to press your forehead to hers for a moment. A soft whisper of “I love you” was exchanged between the two of you before Wanda’s hand slipped back into yours and led you to the bath.
Her hand stayed in yours, steadying you even if you didn’t necessarily need it, as you stepped in. The water was the perfect temperature and you had a feeling that was just another magical perk of being with Wanda. When you had eased in and sat down, Wanda motioned for you to sit up and move to the middle so that she could step in and sit behind you. With her legs around either side of you and her arms wrapping around your waist under the water to pull you closer, you ended up with your back completely pressed against Wanda’s bare front. 
Wanda’s hands urged you to lean back onto her and when you did, her hands immediately began to trace along just about any part of your body they could reach. “Are you comfortable?” Her voice was barely above a whisper. Your eyes were closed and your head was resting against her. It wasn’t until she asked you again that you realized just how instantly relaxed you really were. 
“Oh, mhm” you sighed happily. “Very comfortable.”
“Good,” She let out a small laugh as her hands kept slowly tracing your bare skin. 
When her fingers brushed against your nipples, the small gasp that left your lips did not go unnoticed by Wanda. That small reaction alone absolutely floored her. She needed to hear you make that sound again. It had only been a week since she last was able to draw a sound like that from you, but to her a week without having you like this was a long time. So, her fingers circled your nipple, this time with more intention. And, just as she hoped, a small gasp left your lips yet again.
You were surprised by just how sensitive you were. One little touch of your nipples and you were already struggling not to whine and moan? Yes, you could be quite vocal and needy when it came to being with Wanda, but it wasn’t usually this easy for her to get a reaction out of you. Although, you were also well aware that it had been a week since you last let Wanda touch you and your hormones were going crazy. Pregnancy really did a lot to a person’s body and one thing you didn’t expect was to be crazy horny more often than you usually are. And with Wanda… that was usually pretty damn often. Except, your insecurities had started to win here and there this week. Plus you really were struggling just a bit more with fatigue and other not-so-fun pregnancy things. So, those things had kept you from actually acting on some of the things your pregnant, hormonal body was screaming at you for. 
But now, Wanda was being so sweet and romantic. All your insecurities melted away with just the way Wanda looked at you before you two even got into the bath. The bath itself was helping too. All the aches in your body felt like they were distant memories the moment your body was engulfed in the warm water. On top of all that, you had the house and Wanda all to yourself. That was a rare luxury with the boys. Not that it stopped you both from just about anything, you just had to learn how to be more discreet. When were you going to have another chance like this, though? Certainly, nights with just you and Wanda in the house would be increasingly rare once the new baby comes.
Wanda’s hands were now fully cupping your breasts. Your eyes were closed and you squirmed in the tub, pressing your legs together as you felt her roll your nipples between her fingers. You were completely aware of the way her bare body felt against your back and that sensation alone was causing the ache between your legs to get worse.
Without even having to ask, Wanda knew to move her hand where you needed it. Even as she played with one of your nipples, while her other hand was busy spreading your legs as best she could in the tub, her touch was still gentle. You felt utter admiration and love in the way she whispered soft praises as her hand finally cupped your pussy under the water. When you felt two of her fingers press ever so gently to your clit, your body tensed for a second and low whine fell from your lips.
“Shh,” Wanda cooed into your ear from behind. “Let me take care of you.”
With your eyes still squeezed shut, you nodded your head and gave in to the feeling of Wanda playing with your clit and switching between both your nipples. 
Your head fell back on Wanda’s bare shoulder as her fingers kept rubbing against your clit. Your eyes were still closed and your lips were parted as small sighs of pleasure kept falling from them. One of your hands had a grip of the edge of the tub, but the other came up to intertwine with Wanda’s as she moved it from your breasts. The whole time Wanda kept steady pressure on your clit, she was also softly whispering even more praises about how good you were doing. How much she loved seeing you like this. How she couldn’t wait to get you out of the tub so she could see you naked and spread open on her bed. 
The feeling of Wanda’s fingers was intoxicating and it only added to everything to feel her wet, naked body against your back too. You were fully leaning into Wanda as she touched you. Your hips were no longer still and were starting to slowly grind up into the way her fingers were working on your clit. The familiar feeling was building inside you and your small sighs turned into louder whines and moans as she kept up with what she was doing to your clit. 
As you felt yourself build up and up, you couldn’t take it anymore and reached behind you for a fist full of Wanda’s hair. Wanda leaned forward just as you tugged her closer and turned your head. When your lips met in a heated kiss that’s when her fingers picked up the pace. She felt your hand squeeze the one that was still intertwined with hers and she knew you were two seconds away from that edge. When she applied more pressure, your body tensed and you let out a final desperate whine against her lips. Your hand squeezed tighter against hers as you came, but she kept a hold of you, letting you ride out your orgasm. 
After a minute your body completely collapsed back into Wanda and her hand moved from between your legs to wrap around your waist and pull you even closer.
“How are you feeling?” Wanda asked after placing a kiss on your shoulder.
“Good…” You were still trying to catch your breath. “Great actually.”
“Yeah?” You felt Wanda smile against your bare skin and you nodded, your body relaxing even more against her. The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, relaxing in the still warm water with Wanda’s arms wrapped around you. After a while, both of you decided to get out.
Wanda, again, made sure to keep you steady as you got out of the bath. With a towel already wrapped around herself, she made sure to wrap you up within a split second of the cold air hitting your wet body. You both smiled and giggled with each other as each of you attempted to dry the other off. 
Neither of you bothered to put clothes of any kind back on when you were both nice and dry. The both of you knew tonight wasn’t quite over yet, and your body still craved way more from Wanda than the one, albeit amazing, orgasm she did give you. 
When you both were done with the bath, Wanda sat you gently on the bed as she began to move the candles from the bathroom to the bedroom, as well as the speaker she had for the instrumental music that was still playing. The romantic mood from the bath you shared was effectively recreated in your shared bedroom and you couldn’t help but smile at Wanda as you watched her fuss over small details. The way she looked, as she made sure the candles were positioned just right, the glow of their flame plus the moonlight coming from the window, was stunning. Wanda always said that you looked like you were glowing, even before you knew you were actually pregnant with her child, but she was glowing too. You made a mental note to tell her more about how beautiful she was, just like she would remind you. 
When the room was finally ready, Wanda walked up to where you sat on the bed and leaned down to kiss you. Your hands immediately grabbed at her bare hips, pulling her closer and parting your lips for her tongue to gently run against your own. The soft sigh she let out as she felt your tongue against hers was intoxicating and it immediately made you want to hear more. However, you also desperately wanted to feel Wanda touch you more, or at least to feel her finally inside you. Rarely did you specifically ask for what you wanted, always struggling with being too shy, but tonight you had something very specific in mind that you think the both of you would enjoy.
Pulling back from the kiss you looked up at Wanda who was looking at you with a blush across her face and lust in her eyes. She knew just by the way you looked at her, that you wanted something. 
“What is it, my love?” She gave you a knowing smile. Excitement grew in her eyes as she watched you struggle to get over your shyness. She loved seeing you communicate what you wanted from her. It was hard to coax out of you, but it was a huge turn on for her when she finally got you to admit it. 
“Would you um…” You bit your lip, feeling your face flush more before you even got the words out. Really you shouldn’t be shy about this anymore, but you couldn’t help it. “Tonight, could we use the…” 
“The what, baby?” Wanda’s eyes sparkled as she watched you struggle to get the word out. She knew exactly what you wanted and she loved when you asked for it. 
“You know what I’m talking about,” you pouted. Wanda was going to give you a harder time, but any time she saw you pout she’d instantly cave. It wasn’t fair really.
“Do I?” She kept teasing, not quite ready to let you off the hook. “You could want a number of things. But I think I do know.” Her grin grew as she watched you squirm. “Is it that you want my cock again?” 
Your face was bright red at this point and despite covering it with your hands, you still nodded. 
Wanda just let out an amused chuckle in response, but you knew by the way she was shifting where she stood that you were going to get exactly what you wanted. “Alright,” Wanda began, “but if you want this, we’re going to go carefully and slowly” 
You nodded eagerly, waiting for Wanda to do her thing and put on the magic toy you both loved so much. “We’ll go carefully,” you agreed, trying to reassure Wanda so she’d make a move.
“And slowly,” she corrected. 
“And slowly,” you nodded again, still eager for Wanda to conjure up the toy.
“And you’re going to ride me.”
“And I’m going to r–” you paused as the words sank in. “Wait what?!”
Wanda gave you a devilish grin. “Yes, you’re going to ride me. Listen, this way you can set the pace and we can make sure nothing gets too out of control.” By nothing, Wanda meant herself. Before you were pregnant, any time she used the enchanted strap-on she created for the two of you, it didn’t take her long to get a little… overly enthusiastic. No matter how many times she’s fucked you with it, she hasn’t gotten used to the fact that she can actually feel herself inside you. Any time you start to get close, a part of her loses it just a little bit, and she struggles with the urge to just fuck you into the mattress. Usually, you have no quarrels about letting her do exactly that, but right now things are different. You were more fragile. She couldn’t risk the safety of you or her unborn child just because she can’t control herself. The best solution, in Wanda’s mind, is to have you in control. Hopefully, it’ll be easier to control her constant need to ruin you when she can feel herself inside you, if you’re using this toy with you in charge. 
“I– Wanda, I haven’t done that before.” To Wanda, you looked so cute when you were nervous like this. Her hands reached to cup your face and you didn’t put up a protest when she pulled you in for a breathtaking kiss. Her tongue immediately licked into your mouth and you moaned against hers as it did. Your hands grabbed at her naked body as she tilted your head back and kissed you harder. Suddenly, she was moving while she was kissing you. Her knees went onto the bed on either side of you and you realized she was straddling your waist.
Your mind short circuited for a minute and your hands grabbed harder at her as she kept kissing you. Her naked body pressed down against yours and for the first time, you felt how wet she was as her pussy pressed to your thigh. You didn’t even care about the whines that were being suppressed by Wanda’s lips as you felt her start to grind down. But all too soon, Wanda broke the kiss. 
“See,” She said breathlessly, “Just do this…” Wanda dragged her body against your thigh again and you groaned at the feeling. All you could think to do was nod as your eyes fell between your bodies to watch the way she was moving. Wanda was breathing hard as she continued to grind slowly against you. “Are you ready to try?” Wanda stilled her movement and you swallowed hard, trying to muster up more courage. You didn’t want her to stop what she was doing, but you also desperately wanted to feel her inside you and that feeling was growing by the second.
“Yes, I’m ready.” You practically sounded like you were pleading with her, even though you were trying to keep your cool.
“Good girl,” Wanda kissed your lips again before crawling off of you. You watched with curiosity as she got comfortable on the bed, leaning herself against the headboard. With another wave of her hand, suddenly the thing you’d been waiting all night for was right in front of you, with the straps already tightly attached to Wanda’s hips. “Now,” Wanda’s eyes were dark and her grin was wide as she looked at you. “Come here.”
You could feel your heart rate pick up just by looking at the sight in front of you. Wanda had her hands folded behind her head as she rested against the headboard. Her legs were spread and in between them was the crimson strap-on you loved so much, even if you still weren’t quite used to the size. To ride it seemed daunting, but as Wanda waited for you with a hungry look in your eye, it was all you wanted to do. 
With a little bit of hesitation, you crawled to where she was on the bed. “Take it slowly,” she instructed as you began to mount her. Her hands moved from behind her head to rest on your hips. You felt her gently guiding you so that you were steady as you started to line her strap up with your entrance. 
“That’s it,” she practically groaned as she felt your wetness against her enchanted toy. 
“Fuck…” you muttered under your breath as you started to slowly lower yourself onto it. The size was still hard to take, but as it stretched your walls it still felt incredibly good. 
When you were finally all the way down, your thighs flush with Wanda’s hips, her hands tightened their grip on you. You didn’t move for a minute, just watching in awe as Wanda clearly reacted to the feeling of being inside you. Her breathing picked up and her eyes grew darker as she looked back at you. Eventually, you experimentally picked yourself up only slightly and then ground back down onto her cock. The movement was not lost on Wanda; her nails immediately dug into your skin when she felt it. 
With a sudden burst of confidence, you started to move, rocking your hips against Wanda’s as she sat below you and just let you ride. She felt every single thrust though, and it took every ounce of strength in her not to lose control like she wanted to. Her instincts were screaming at her to just flip you over and fuck you until you had tears in yours eyes. However, she knew that wasn’t a good idea, not when you were more fragile right now. So instead, she held onto you tightly and let you ride her.
As you picked up the pace, Wanda’s head fell back against the headboard. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her lip was between her teeth. She was breathing hard at this point too and you started to notice the way her hips would jump with each time you pressed yourself down hard against her cock. Eventually, you felt her hands tugging at you and you realized it was her way of moving you faster. 
“Fuck baby,” Wanda groaned between pants. “You feel so good.” Her eyes were open again and you couldn’t help the moan that fell from your lips as you kept fucking yourself on top of her. The way she looked right now was a rare sight. Usually, you were too busy getting lost in the way Wanda made you feel to watch her lose control because of you and it was making you even more wet as you rode her.
Wanda could already feel your wetness drip down her cock and onto her bare thighs. That plus the way you let out moan after moan with each time she moved her hips and fucked up inside of you was driving her crazy. She hated to admit it, but she was so fucking close already. She was feeling you squeeze against her cock more and more with each time you practically bounced on top of her. At first, she wanted to make you cum one more time before she came with you, but that wasn’t going to happen. Wanda severely underestimated just how fucking good you’d look fucking yourself on her cock like this. 
Suddenly, as you felt Wanda’s thighs begin to twitch underneath you, she surged up. Her arms came to wrap fully around your waist and her hips began moving up harder and faster into you. Your body immediately fell forward, overwhelmed by how hard her cock was pumping into you. Your eyes closed and your face buried into her neck. Wanda felt your nails scratch at her back as she kept a fast pace, pulling your entire body to fuck yourself faster on her cock. 
“Fuck fuck,” Wanda groaned as she kept pumping her hips up to fuck you harder. “Like that baby, keep riding my cock.” You tried your best to speed up, but at this point Wanda was practically just fucking you onto her cock herself. “I’m gonna cum. Fuck, I’m going to cum inside you.” 
“Please,” you moaned. Your only thoughts now were of how badly you wanted her to cum and how badly you wanted to cum with her. Suddenly, Wanda used all her strength to pump her cock harder up into you a few more times before, finally, you felt her warm cum fill your pussy. With a loud cry, you followed after, coming hard on top of her. She could feel a mix of both your and her cum dripping down the strap and onto her lap.
Eventually, her movements slowed until she felt your body completely relax against hers. Both of you were breathing hard as you tried to come down from your orgasms. Wanda’s hands found their way to your hair, stroking gently while she placed a few light kisses to your shoulder and then your neck up to your jaw.
“How are you feeling?” She mumbled against your skin. 
“Mm, good,” you breathed. “A little worn out.” Usually, you could go a few more times, but you wanted to be honest. Your stamina and energy wasn’t what it used to be and you definitely understood that it was the pregnancy. 
“Why don’t we get you cleaned up?” Wanda kissed your lips briefly before gently moving you up and off her strap. With a flick of her wrist it disappeared from her hips and the both of you looked down. “I think I might need another bath,” she chuckled. 
You looked back up at her sheepishly. “Can I join again?” 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she grinned before hopping up from the bed. Her hand slipped into yours and she helped steady you when you stood up on shaky legs. “Plus, I’m not done spoiling you. I promised the boys I’d take care of you. It was the only way they agreed to go to the sleepover.” 
She stopped for a moment and pressed a hand to your stomach, her eyes shining with so much love as she looked down at your small baby bump. “And you and their new sister deserve the absolute best care in the world.” 
You smiled as you watched Wanda admire you and the changes your body was experiencing. You knew you weren’t just in for a night of love and care from her, but a whole lifetime. Not just from her, but from the whole family you now shared with her.
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magictookourmemories · 2 months
I just finished watching The Umbrella Academy season finale. And rewatched all 3 seasons the past few days. I am so disappointed with this season that I have to express it in some ways.
Okay good things first. I loved seeing all them back together again. I missed Klaus and Ben together even though we didn’t see them together that much this season. I love the chaotic reunion in eps 1 and 2. I like how Ben toned down his a-hole personality, less screaming but Brelly Ben and Sparrow Ben were somehow both there. Luther’s stripper clumsy dancing because he’s so happy he’s not hairy anymore. Viktor going on dates after dates? Klaus still being the weirdest in the fam with his new phobia. Allison less famous but with her Claire. Diego and Lila adulting really hard.
The Jennifer incident finally explained. Did not like the rush love line between her and Ben though. Viktor and Reggie’s car bonding moments just like Klaus and Reggie’s in s3. And Viktor finally confronting old Reggie, one of my fav scenes. I think the diego luther cia story line wasn’t necessary but it was funny. Love the series dumb and dumber.
I wished they explained more about the subway time travel, it looks really promising. I mean how did he figure out how to go back after reading the notebook. What was in the notebook? I wanted to be included in the journey. Instead they focused on Five and Lila being a thing. I can see the actors have chemistry. I loved them in S2 as bickering siblings trying to impress the Handler like she’s their mom. I mean if Lila didn’t have kids with Diego and wasn’t married maybe it was alright. Enemies to lovers trope is classic but not this way. I understand the actor is of legal age now but seriously it was wrong. I actually thought Lila is the Dolores of this stuck in time scenario this season. I don’t know why the writers did this.
Five is my favourite character. He just wanted to go back to his family and retire. Can’t believe they made him ruin another family. Yes, maybe he’s tired of another apocalypse and he just wanted to stay in that house with a glasshouse garden but man not with his brother’s wife. I can’t seem to move past this.
Although the Five Deli scene was cute. Would’ve like more scenes of those. I wonder when Lila shouted it’s over to him, what was he thinking going back to the subway. What would he have done if he didn’t see himself?
And Ben? Ben turned into a giant blob. I cannot believe it. There was no sibling warmth except with Viktor. I can’t believe Klaus didn’t make a fuss about it. He wasn’t even a marigold at the end. Because I counted 7. Or was I too tired?
I wish we can create another timeline with better writing and ending. Maybe if we had 10 episodes it could’ve been better? I don’t know did Netflix ruin this for us?
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rukia-writes · 9 months
hi rukia.
can you do Rangiku kind of reader as Hades and Poseidon s/o, separately of course.
the other is up to you
T/N: Let’s see what I can cook up. 🧑‍🍳 I love Rangiku a lot. Top 3 BLEACH characters
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Tyrant of ocean.
The Most Fearsome God.
Poseidon was that and much more.
A complex individual with his own principles and beliefs.
Poseidon also wasn’t much of a talker, he spoke only when necessity or when something was out of line.
However, not many people knew it but he did like talking. Rather, with someone. (Name), his beloved who was the opposite of him in every way and yet somehow the two clicked.
(Name) could be lazy, Poseidon had his days but he liked doing stuff.
Poseidon liked modesty, (Name) was a beauty with loved showing her body and curves getting the attention of other gods.
(Name) has an easy-going and free-spirited personality, Posieodn was the exact opposite.
The biggest contrast between the two that people noticed was that (Name) liked wearing human clothing and Poseidon always found that the hardest to tolerate about her as he considered human nothing but filth.
Yet, the two clicked.
“Human clothes again? You should take that filth off.”
“But I like it, the fashion those are developing is slick and stylish. If you want me to take off these clothes you’ll have to do it yourself.”
No shyness or shame.
Poseidon sighed in response while she enjoying teasing Poseidon smiled as the other gods found their conversation “entertaining” as the cleared their throats changing the subject.
Zeus called the two the weirdest soulmates ever.
Before the two became an item (Name) was arguably the most beautiful goddess in Valhalla. Hades had a saying about her,” A voluptuous beauty with an adult charm in Valhalla. With her broad-minded personality, the chances of men in Valhalla who say no to her... simply do not exist."
Even Poseidon.
(Name) had a habit of whenever she felt like drinking, she would find free people and then invite them to come out with her, and then has them treat her to drinks, so that she wouldn't have to spend any money. Drinking buddies were many but she enjoyed Hades and Poseidon as drinking buddies.
Why Poseidon? People didn’t know.
Poseidon didn’t know. Unlike his brother, Poseidon wouldn’t talk much.
So, Poseidon came to the conclusion that (Name) was using for free drinks and while this could have been true…he didn’t care if it was.
Because he liked her company and he had more than enough money that he didn’t seem to mind.
That’s how it started.
From drinking buddies to lovers.
“Please, don’t tell me you brought that human shit.”
“Listen, listen. This is really good, top notch.”
“You said that last time. It was disappointing to say the least.”
“No, no. Not this one. Here, here. Just close your eyes, tip it back and swallow. It’s really good…See! That’s good right?!”
(Name) gracefully got the tyrant of the seas to drink the alcohol from the human world, only for Poseidon to say it was worse than the last one. Which made the two go back and forth that they had “bad taste” in alcohol.
Although, the next day (Name) was in for a real treat when Proteus invited her to Poseidon’s palace. In the dining room was a small bottle of wine, two wine glasses with Poseidon already at the table.
“Sit. I have somethings I wanted to discuss.”
Poseidon didn’t have to repeat himself as (Name) sat infront of him with a happy smile on her face while Proteus opened the wine bottle.
The two discussed politics and seemingly family problems.
Seemed like Poseidon when he had a few drinks would talk about family a bit.
(Name) mentioned that the wine was exceptionally great and took the bottle wanting to know where Poseidon got it from. Sure, (Name) had a few drinks but the wine wasn’t necessarily strong that she couldn’t recall what wine was what.
“What is this, Poseidon?”
“Wine from those humans. It’s called “Beaujolais nouveau” apparently.”
“…You like human wine-oh my god.”
Smiling in a teasing manner while Poseidon simply shrugged his shoulders, simply saying, “It’s not bad.”
“Not bad you say, and yet you took it. Why?”
“…You enjoy teasing me don’t you?”
“I’m just wondering why we are enjoying human wine, since you called it gross yesterday.”
Cold blue eyes saw how much his visitor was liking this situation, of course she was. A quick sigh and Poseidon poured her another drink and then himself.
“Shut up and drink.”
The two clinked their glasses together and enjoyed a night of drinking and talking.
Poseidon loved those moments.
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“That’s my seat.”
The unknown god that was seated next to his drinking buddy quickly got up from the seat as the king Helheim, not only being one the most respected gods but also feared wanted his seat beside (Name).
The gods were having a party, a reason didn’t have to be, and Hades managed to arrive just in time knowing (Name) was already partaking in the wine with a few unknown gods wanting her attention.
Something Hades didn’t like.
“Why is it whenever I leave you alone there’s always a no name god wanting your affection?”
“I honestly, didn’t notice him there. I think you scared him.”
Hades sat down beside (Name) and like any gentleman poured her a drink and then himself, sighing in a tired smile.
“Oh no, how dare I?”
“Protective. Now drink and tell me about why you’re visiting the human world for clothes.”
Hades didn’t have big disdain for humans like his brother Poseidon, (Name)’s other drinking buddy. While she had many drinking buddies Hades and Poseidon seemed to be her favorite.
(Name) also had a habit of going to the human world for clothes, sometimes the clothes were modest and sometimes they were a bit revealing.
Hades didn’t mind either.
(Name) was a rather beautiful goddess arguably the most beautiful goddess in Valhalla. She wasn’t above using her charms to get what she wanted which could be drinks, so she didn’t have to pay, or getting support on anything she wanted.
“They are comfortable. The humans aren’t all bad, great fashion sense. However, your brother thinks otherwise.”
“Of course he does. Especially, since you gave him that wine from the human world.”
“It was great! You had to admit it was great!”
(Name) seemed to already be a bit tipsy as she gently shook Hades shoulder trying to get Hades agree with her. Drinking from his wine glass, Hades eyes quickly, very quickly, glanced at down her shirt to admire those beautiful breasts.
Hades didn’t have to quickly look in honesty as (Name) and himself were close and (Name) liked it when he gave her compliments on her body or how she dressed.
“Whatever you say. I’m not arguing with you.”
“Good! I was hoping you would let me see your Bident.”
Hades kindly chocked on the wine he was drinking as a easy going and kindly flirty (Name) patted the top of his head with a teasing smile. A smile, Hades came to love just as much as the smile that was charming.
“You can’t see my bident. Are you insane?”
“Aw, come on! Just for a little while~”
Slightly giving Hades a peek down the split shirt, which Hades already took a quick peek at, but Hades quickly played coy. Saying that he couldn’t be swayed. Even when, (Name) tried again Hades still said no. As the night went on and the two talked, as though the two were the only ones there, and had some more drinks for the night.
“I don’t like cold men, Hades.”
“Then why are you friends with Thor?”
“He has good company! Just because he doesn’t talk to you doesn’t mean he doesn’t talk. Don’t laugh! It isn’t funny.”
Hades had to laugh.
Imagining the indifferent and cold Norse talking and keeping good company seemed a bit out there to think about. While laughing (Name) kindly shook him trying get Hades to take her seriously, it didn’t work.
But that was Hades way of flirting; teasing.
The two liked to tease each other whether the two were together personally or on the phone.
“You’re still on that?”
Days later, Hades was sitting on his chair in his king’s chambers reading a book while on the phone with his favorite drinking buddy; beautiful drinking buddy.
“If you won’t let me see your bident. At least name an attack after me. Shows that you love me~”
“What makes you think I love you?”
Hades had a smile on his face as he awaited (Name)’s answer, on the other end (Name) was back in the human world. Shopping no doubt.
“Poseidon told me.”
“Are you calling your brother a liar? Shame on you~”
Smirking Hades found (Name)’s teasing and charming, that’s what he loved about her. That and how he could just be himself around her.
“I’m not calling my brother a liar. Just my favorite drinking buddy.”
“I’m hurt! Just for that you and I are no longer friends.”
Playing hurt (Name) knew Hades would reply back with something just as sly or funny and he did as he clutched his hand over his heart and pretended to be hurt.
“Oh no! Whatever will I do? My one and only friend is gone. I enjoyed placing my head on your lap. Looks like I’ll to find another place for my head to rest.”
“It’s not too late to apologize.”
“Good night, (Name). I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Hades.”
The two said good bye and ended their call, Hades had to admit he must have had it bad if he found her saying bye to him was sexy.
(Name) was truly beautiful goddess inside and out.
Hades had a saying about her;
“A voluptuous beauty with an adult charm in Valhalla. With her broad-minded personality, the chances of men in Valhalla who say no to her... simply do not exist."
Her beauty alone was what made gods trip over their own feet, except for Hades. Hades didn’t seem to let her beauty rule his desire, it was in truth that her personality that he loved.
Her teasing.
The way he could talk to her about anything, as he laid his head on his lap and she gave him sound advice. The way she waved and smiled at him would make him a liar if he said he didn’t feel his heart skip a beat.
Jealous? Protective? Hades wasn’t sure.
All he knew was he didn’t like certain gods coming around, not everyone has a warm agenda. Hades had to keep an eye out for her.
As the years passed, it wasn’t a secret that Hades and (Name) were close. A few gods and goddess became jealous of the two good looking, close friends, but it didn’t matter to them as the two just became closer and closer.
“Where are you two going?”
“Where does it look like we’re going?”
Poseidon caught his brother and (Name) at the gate that went to the world of the living both were dressed for the beach. Hades was carrying all the equipment, no doubt (Name) asked him to do so.
“You have a domain to run, you know.”
“Yeah, but if he stay cooped up in Helheim all the time he’s going to age faster than Zeus.”
“Helheim can’t be left unattended.”
“Beelzebub is taking command.”
Poseidon heard (Name)’s stance on taking Hades with her to the beach and while he hoped he could get some sense into Hades it was too late, (Name) already had her claws in him. Gently grabbing Poseidon’s well toned arm (Name) tried to convince Poseidon to join them.
(Name) was the only one in Valhalla who could hug Poseidon’s arm and get away with it.
Poseidon declined to go and instead told his brother not to be gone too long. Hades promised he would be gone two hours tops…
Hades and (Name) were gone the entire day.
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dejabooooo · 8 months
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The Anti-Pines family is utterly fascinating. We have the blueprint for an entire pseudo canon AU, and remarkably I have seen little input from the fandom in regards to it. I can’t imagine why because there is SO MUCH TO WORK WITH HERE.
Anti-Waddles being as nefarious as Anti-Mabel. “The first pig to ever go to jail for armed robbery.” Like 😭😭 imagine waddles standing upright and holding a tommy gun. Imagine no one in the bank their holding up taking them seriously because they’re an adorable little girl and a chubby pig, and mabel threatening to put a bullet between someone’s eyes like “u better cough up the bacon before this bacon smokes u.” I wanna see what other heinous atrocities the cutest crime duo in the multiverse get up to.
You’d think if Anti-Ford represents the opposite of Ford that you’d wind up with someone who is exceptionally normal and uninteresting but NOPE. Anti-Ford is easily the weirdest here. FUCKING??? YOUTUBER??? DJ?? A sixty-something year old man with 200 subscribers who posts about his dubstep set lists daily. Utterly baffling.
Anti-Stan and Anti-Dipper are the most understandable in terms of being complete opposites of their counterparts, but all of this makes me wonder how differently their stories would play out because of this. Anti-Mabel was “chased out of her dimension” for being so evil. How does her family feel about this? Are they trying to get her back? Does this bizarre cast embark on a comical and heartfelt journey to try and bring her home? A journey that ends in an emotional reunion? Perhaps one that Mabel fights as she clings to her indifferent, cold ideology while her family begs her to come home. All of them recollecting her horrible crimes with proportionately little exasperation and an abundance of fondness. Stan recounting when she stole all the money from a fundraiser he’d held so she could instead invest the funds into remodeling their entire house to have a monochrome minimalist decor. Ford reminiscing about the time she tried to use his channel to funnel money into a crypto/nft scheme. Dipper having countless stories. like how happy she’d make him when he’d get to skip school thanks to her (because she burned down the school, multiple times). About how she’d sabotaged pretty much all of his relationships, but it was a good thing in the end because it allowed him to realize that who he always really loved was that dorky socially awkward corduroy girl he hadn’t noticed at first. All of this retrospection from her family chipping away at her hardened heart and- phew, I'm getting carried away, but the possibilities, man! These characters could be so much more than a one time joke.
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There is also the matter of Anti-Bill. “He is very boring.” Shut up??? Speak for urself, schmebulock, he sounds delightful. This is another character I believe you could expand in many interesting ways. I mean think about it, a being possessing the same caliber of bill’s omniscience and using it for good sounds amazing. Knowing all the beauty in all the universes and going out of his way to share it with weary minds through their dreams. Nullifying nightmares. What if he were a healing antidote to the mind, a medicine to bill’s mind unraveling madness? What if they knew each other?
Do you see my (delusional) vision here guys?
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theredcuyo · 3 months
You know those AU/fics where the kids met earlier?, like, Dick is just old enough for Damian to be a baby kind of situation and somehow they all met and get adopted within no time from each other and all that
Well, i think the perfect dynamic for a fic will be this one:
He wasn't happy at first. At all. He went from a life of a single child to older brother of like 4 or 5 now?? In like, less than a year.
He didn't even have time to adjust to Jason before he found little Tim following him around in patrol. Not time to get around that little stalker child before Jason found a lost girl in need of help who couldn't talk. No time to even get a hold of signs when Talia came to drop a baby on Bruce.
The worst part? While he can't get around it, because he's still dealing with his grief, and anger, and why does it seem like B gets tired of his last child every week, where does that leave me, And why do this kids that i barely know look at me with eyes that say they'll follow me to hell and back-
That's the thing, his new sibblings follow him like newborn duckies, they observe and copy, and do everything he does except to leave him alone. And he's not sure how to feel about it.
He's overwhelmed with all the attention, with how this house that used to be silent has become anything but that.
And also, he can't go up to the chandeliers now. The babys try to follow behind him and he knows that non experienced people shouldn't do that. That also sucks.
Wally is making fun of him. That's one sibbling for every time you complained about not having any, he says.
He gets used to them as time goes on tho, he couldn't imagine a day without Jason coming to his room to tell him an over the top sight into the book he mentioned to have to read for class.
He can't imagine not to see tiny Tim bright up every time they see each other in the hallway.
He even forgets to actually talk sometimes instead of signs because Cass just wants to spend so much time with him and they both practice the signs a lot.
Damian is the weirdest baby ever, but he's the only member in the family who doesn't complain about being hugged for long times, at least not yet, so that's cool.
He's just happy to be here.
He didn't knew what exactly a family was, and when he found out there was another kid there, he felt a bit more safe, they could team up if it was necessary to protect themselves against the adults.
The closest thing he had to sibblings before where other kids in the streets that helped each other out, the older kids got jobs at convenience stores and sometimes they'll leave out food for them, you had to protect the youngest.
He was happy to have an older brother, and Dick clearly knew what he was doing, so everything was good.
And then he found Tim inside a trash can when he was allowed in a recon mission. He was so, so tiny, like the other kids he had met, and he knew the little thing needed protection from the world. He also had a camera with pictures of B and Robin, and that was probably important.
But whatever, two sibblings instead of none now had to be a jackpot! He did feel bad sometimes about B getting tired of him because of Tim, but, at the same time, he loved that little gremlin so much he could forget about it.
Until he wasn't so sure when Tim found a lost girl wandering around town. (He isn't Even allowed to go out alone, whats wrong with him?) don't take him wrong, Cass is great, she joins them in pranks and in spying on Dick, but she also doesn't let him forget that she's older than him (just a few months damn it!) but it's just-
She's just so much better than him too. She can't read, he has her on that, but that's all. She's stronger than him (she beated his ass in training at least twice now), she's faster, she doesn't cause problems, She's smarter than him for fucks sake.
So, why-
Why would B still want him around with this kind of upgrade?
It's not like he can ask tho, B is been very busy since that lady came to give him a baby. Literally.
And, sure, Damian is a weird ass baby, the only one he's seen that doesn't cry for most things. But he likes the little guy, he just hopes he'll still be here by the time he learns how to walk.
Tim didn't expect to be caught. He also didn't expect for it to be the new kid who found him, and as if there was anything else to surprise him with, said child auto proclamed himself as his big brother from now on.
He didn't knew if his parents will like that, because the didn't like children, not even him sometimes, but when they came back the next week and the police arrested them for working with black mask and tax evasion they didn't even ask to see him, or tried to when he reached out, so he couldn't ask.
Jason did become his brother tho, when Mr. Wayne adopted him after that, the same Mr. Wayne he knew was Batman. Huh.
Well, anything was better than an empty house, and now Robin was his-
Tim was overjoyed to know this. Everything was nice, Dick was cool, he didn't talk much with them, but he's Robin, nothing's cooler than that.
And Jason does spend time with him, he loves beating his ass in maro kart.
And then he found Cass when he went out to buy a new camera, he wasn't allowed to go out alone, but it wouldn't be for long, they wouldn't notice surely.
They did notice, but the good thing was that it saved him from taking Cass home on his own.
She's nice too. He never had a sister (or brother too) before, but he likes her, she helps him find hide spots around the manor.
Who he doesn't like a bit is the baby. That Demon spawn.
First he appears out of nowhere. Second, he only seems to cry when someone is talking to Tim.
What is wrong with that thing.
He also follows him around for some reason, and grabs his shirt, but if Tim tries to look at him or hold him he cries. Really, what's wrong with this baby?
Like, sure, Bruce did have him by accident, and so did Tim's parents, but the fact that Damian's did want to keep him around and pay attention to him didn't give him any right to be like this.
It's not like he's better than them, B adopted them all out of a sense of duty.
Suddenly, communicating is a thing.
If she has something to say it's that she's happy. She got a baby brother, two actually. And a Big brother. And then a very baby brother.
And a Dad that loves her. And a granpa that feeds her anything she wants except for burgers. But dad buys her a burger in the secret if she tells him.
She likes spying on Big brother. She likes learning to read with baby brother big, and to hide with baby brother tiny.
She likes to stare at very baby brother. He stares back.
So everything is good.
She's happy.
Baby Damian tolerates his family. He let's Dick hug him, and Jason carry him around talking about who knows what until he falls sleep.
And gets into staring contests with Cass.
But the one he really likes is Tim. He likes to have his attention, and he doesn't like when he doesn't have it.
But he also doesn't like to fully have it, he gets overwhelmed.
Basically, baby Damian wants Tim's attention but not too much.
The family also makes a bet on who will make Damian laugh first.
They all lose when it's Tim, even Tim loses because he had all his money on Dick.
Because apparently, his presence comforts him when he misses Talia.
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alottiegoingon · 3 months
hc!baby steps
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sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: where sam takes care of her pregnant girlfriend
warnings: f!reader but no pronouns used, looots of fluff, established relationship, sam and reader live together, overprotective sam, ghostface!sam hcs at the end, mentions of murders and blood but nothing explicit, not proofread
୨୧ sam could not believe when you told her you were pregnant. for the first five seconds she was worrid about money and not being prepared to be a mom but she couldn't be more excited to start a family with you
୨୧ sam would be so careful to not overwhelm you with her protection and anxiety of keeping you safe all the time. she had learned her lesson with tara
୨୧ so, instead of asking you all the time if you were ok, she would stick to you like glue. it was weird to have an extra shadow following you everywhere but you didn't mind it
୨୧ you and sam decided that moving to a safer apartment in new york would be better for the baby. a better neighbourhood with nice schools around. you thought it would be easy, until sam started being a bit too cautious
୨୧ “this one is perfect. there's plenty of natural light," you look around the fourth apartment you visited in that afternoon, hoping that your girlfriend would approve this one. it was the perfect size too
୨୧ too small, too big, too dark, too smelly, noisy neighbours, too far from work. sam could be pretty demanding
୨୧ “it's great, sure,” judging by her voice, you could tell she had found something new to complain about, “but the windows are too big, it could be dangerous," she nods in disapproval, holding tight to your waist as if you were about to fall from the windows even if they were meters away
୨୧ “the baby is not going to be alone, sam. and we can protect the windows and add some nests or baby proof locks” you suggest but she didn’t seem convinced. she would fight the windows if she could!
୨୧ "right. but what if the baby learns how to open them? or what if the safety net is big enough for our baby to go through it?”
୨୧ "is our baby a genius or the ant-man?" the joke relaxes her just enough so you can see a shy smile growing on her lips. “i’m sorry, i just want us to be safe.”
୨୧ “i know, and i’m very grateful for you,” you hold sam’s face, stroking her cheeks, “but i promise that we are going to be safe. i’m okay, the baby is okay and you’re okay. it’s all good.”
୨୧ “i may be worrying too much again,” she admits, leaning into your touch, finally relaxing
୨୧ “just a little, yeah,” giggling, you draw closer to kiss her
୨୧ sam wouldn’t panic over every single thing that happened, at least not out loud, so it was very easy for her to get anxious about her own feelings
୨୧ trying to not make you anxious as well, she would just swallow all of her worries away and hope for the best but you’d always notice how the look in her eyes changed when she’d get nervous
୨୧ “what’s going on, baby?” you’d often comfort her with reassuring words, tender touches and lots of kisses, making sure that sam knew you were completely fine and always by her side
୨୧ sam would be the perfect partner when shopping for baby itens. she’d be sooo happy to pick some adorable baby clothes or whatever you needed and would even try to find matching clothes for you three
୨୧ no matter how many things you had bought, she’d carry all of it and would beg you to not carry any weight or move an extra muscle
୨୧ “give it to me, love, i’ll do it,” sam grabs the water bottle from your empty hands, fighting for her life to open it and carry all off the at least five bags in her arms while doing so
୨୧ “are you sure? cause you already have a lot of-“
୨୧ “it’s fine. i can do it, don’t worry,” she offers you a comforting smile that lasted about a second before going back to duel with the bottle, cursing it while trying to balance the bags
୨୧ you had the weirdest cravings ever and when going out for dinner once, you asked the waitress if they could bring you tuna and ice cream for dessert and it took a weirded out look coming from the woman for sam to intervene
୨୧ “yes, she asked for ice cream and tuna. do you have any?” and she’s all over her like 😡🙄
୨୧ at the supermarket, you were by the sweets section trying to choose a chocolate you liked for a movie night with sam and you gasped when you found your favorite one for sale
୨୧ you were ready to grab one or two when sam showed up with a different cart so full of it that a few ones were about to fall
୨୧ “oh, god,” you mumble, widen eyes incredulously staring at the mountain of candy
୨୧ “i know right? i’m so glad they have your favorite” 😁😁
୨୧ sam would get some good hours of sleep at first but as the baby’s arrival date was getting closer, she would spend almost the entire night just watching you sleep and making sure you were 100% safe and sound
୨୧ sometimes you’d wake up to sam whispering the most adorable shit ever to your belly and calling herself mommy. you were dying there, trying not to bawl your eyes out, but you pretended to be asleep every time, not wanting to interrupt the moment. eventually you’d fall asleep again to the sound of her voice and gentle touches
if ghostface was out there,
୨୧ sam would be extremely overprotective. no going out alone, no talking to any neighbors, no answering phones or getting too close to windows. doors would always be locked. if she could, she would lock you in a tower just like rapunzel
୨୧ sam had to leave for work but leaving you alone was the worst of her nightmares, so she found a way
୨୧ “don’t you think this is a little too much, sam?” you ask, frowning at your girlfriend as she introduces you to a intimidating strong guy wearing a suit. you could swear that he had a gun hidden in there but wouldn’t be surprised if he actually did, sam protectiveness was no joke
୨୧ that was supposed to be your new bodyguard, who would follow you around everywhere. including the shower you were about to take
୨୧ “don’t worry, gorgeous,” she grins, assuring you. “he’ll stay outside”
if sam was ghostface,
୨୧ she would kill everyone that had been rude to you. literally. even the slightest unusual look or barely rude tone would be a great reason for anyone to make it to her list of names
୨୧ if she was ghostface, that waitress that was surprised by your weird tuna-ice cream order would definitely have a surprise visitor waiting for her at home later
୨୧ while shopping for clothes for yourself, a miracle now that everything was about the baby, a woman refused to let you have the last gorgeous dress of your size, even calling you a bitch when all you did was ask her if you could have it
୨୧ sam was furious and you had to hold her back to avoid the other woman to get beaten up and the police to get called
୨୧ the very next morning, you woke up to the news of the same woman found dead in her apartment, her exact face showing up on your tv
୨୧ "what the…" you immediately get up from the couch as you heard the news, looking back at sam who was at the bathroom taking a shower or something. "sam, come here! i think that woman from yesterday got killed.”
୨୧ "really?” she yells from the bathroom, fingers firmly rubbing the blood out of a small cut she had on her cheek, that would later be covered with makeup.
୨୧ "that's awful,” she quickly walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body, stopping right next to you. “i mean, i wouldn’t be surprised if her attitude was what got her killed" she casually comments, eyes attached to the television
୨୧ "sam!" you slap her shoulder and she groans in response. "the woman was killed, don't say that."
୨୧ "you’re right, im sorry," she smiles, reaching her free hand towards you and holding your chin to turn your face to hers so she could place a kiss on your forehead. "it’s a shame she can’t use that dress anymore.”
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froggibus · 3 months
Beach Day - Overwatch Women
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Includes: D.VA, Mercy, Widowmaker, Mei, Kiriko, Brigitte & Junker Queen
Genre: fluff, some crack
Summary: spend a day at the beach w your favorite overwatch lady
CW: lots of sunscreen, mention of skin cancer (Mercy), some suggestive parts but nothing nsfw, drinking & alcohol, mentions of sharks, Kiriko is a brat (affectionate), rare Mitzi appearance
This is part of my Summer Suntacular event, come check it out!
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beach gremlin
she has a giant collection of bathing suits & sunglasses that she never wears from doing brand deals
brings a portable speaker so she can blast her favorite summer tunes (much to the dismay of nearby groups)
you best believe she’s asking you to play mermaids
it is near impossible to get her out of the water or to reapply sunscreen
however PLEASE force her to apply sunscreen or else she’s going to turn into a lobster 
wants to have a contest for EVERYTHING
diving, swimming, sandcastles—everything is a challenge
the kids on the beach love her though & ask for a million pictures
she has a dork ass 2D pool floatie of Tokki that she refuses to swim without
you’ll have to bribe her with ice cream to get her out when it’s time to go
it WILL be a three scoop monstrosity of the weirdest flavour combos—like bubblebum, mint chocolate chip & orange 
she’ll want to have a beach themed movie marathon after but fall asleep twenty minutes into the first movie 
she is the beach volleyball PRO
always says she won’t get sucked into playing but ends up in some tournament (and WINS)
total stickler for sun protection—everyone is reapplying their sunscreen every 90 minutes
“I already put some on, I don’t need it”
“Skin cancer does not care.”
you could swear you’ve heard Baptiste say the same thing…
she’ll apply it for you in all the places you can’t reach though & expects you to do the same 
she has a super cute bikini BUT it’s hidden under board shorts and a rashguard (that she totally pulls off)
packs tons of yummy homemade snacks, sandwiches and enough water bottles for a small family
makes friends with the lifeguards on duty and offers them her water
mostly spends time reading on the towel but if you ask her, she’ll come into the water with you to cool off
longingly sighs and looks at those lounge beach floaties like it’s her long lost lover (please bring one for her next time)
she hates sand getting in her house so you’ll have to shower off as soon as you get back (but don’t worry, she’ll shower with you to make sure you’re extra clean)
she’ll only go if it’s a private beach, or somewhere more lowkey
she has a total soft spot for tropical cocktails served in plastic cups with swirly straws
somehow her cup is always full even when you swear it was empty a second ago
she mostly wants to lay on the sand and sunbathe, maybe listen to some music
she’s not brash enough to bring a speaker so she just listens to it with her headphones
only goes in the water to cool off, or if you ask her to
get her a pool floatie with a cupholder and you could keep her in the water all day
she’s the one on the lounge float that Mercy wanted
somehow her hair and makeup look perfect even when she’s been swimming
talks constantly about Ĉote D’Azur and the gorgeous beaches there
if you splash her at all (not recommended) she WILL retaliate to her fullest extent 
she’d never admit it but she secretly has fun playing in the water with you
promises to take you to the French Riviera next time you have a beach day
nobody deserves a beach day more than her
she’s dragging you down there as soon as the sun rises and not leaving until way past sunset
has a HUGE pouch of different kinds of reef and eco friendly sunscreens that she forces you to apply
brings a book to read while she lounges in the sand and offers to share it with you if you’re bored
has a cute flamingo floatie with a cupholder so she can just drift along the coastline
brings you one of her spare floaties and ties the two of them together so you can float with her
she swears she left Snowball at home but as soon as her soda runs out he shows up with another one
he actually makes a pretty good waiter
even long after the sun goes down, she wants to float with you and relax
“It’s been so long since I’ve been to the beach…thank you.”
no matter how many times you ask her or she promises not to
she WILL pretend to be a shark and almost get the beach closed and you guys kicked off
loves playing in the sand with the kids and helps them build a HUGE sandcastle
gives one (1) kid a piggyback ride through the water and has to spend the next hour giving piggyback rides
she has a cute donut floatie that looks like a bite is missing that she sprawls across
forces you to wear a hat in the sun, which ends up being an extra one of hers
so you’re walking around all day with a fox eared baseball cap on
oh and she’s also pounding back mudslides the whole day, so good luck with that
this mf is so lazy that when she wants another drink she just teleports there and scares everybody around to death
“you’re gonna give someone a heart attack doing that”
“good thing I’m a medic then”
you’re all doomed
INSISTS on bringing Mitzi 
“babe he’s a cat. they don’t like water.”
“yeah but he can just hang out!”
you somehow win the argument by pointing out he doesn’t have swim goggles (however he does have a swimsuit for some reason…)
builds a structurally sound sandcastle that’s over four feet tall with a moat and working sand traps
everyone who walks by is completely awed by her sand guillotine 
accidentally squashes some poor kids sand castle and is DEVASTATED over it
spends an hour with them trying to help them rebuild and buys them ice cream to make up for it
lets you wrap your arms around her neck so she can tow you around through the water
probably makes corny engine noises too
brings sunscreen and a hat but forgets about both of them and burns 
takes you to the shops along the coast and buys you the cutest souvenirs
and of course something for Mitzi
insists on buying the two of you dinner after at some nice restaurant with AC and good seafood
are there even beaches in junkertown/junk city?
crazy good at beach volleyball
hanging out at the beach is not really her thing though—she’d much rather wakeboard or rent a jetski (with your credit card lmfao)
however if that’s not your thing, then she’ll suck it up to spend some time with you
probably swims in her jorts
spends her time swimming laps underwater and trying to scare you by brushing up against your legs
challenges every couple that comes near you guys to a game of chicken
you guys win every single time 
breaks at least 2 sandcastles and doesn’t even notice
brings you food and drinks periodically without you needing to ask
refuses to use sunscreen but somehow doesn’t even burn??
steals borrows someones floatie so she can tow you around on it through the water
“Faster, faster”
“Oh, you’re in for it now”
flips over the floatie with you still on it when she gets bored
but she buys you ice cream to make up for it
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Summer Suntacular | Masterlist | Overwatch Masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Ink Trails- Hongjoong x GN!Reader (Soulmate AU)
Just about everyone has a soulmate, a person they're destined to be with, to go through life with in some capacity. The mark of this? Anything you write on your skin shows up on theirs.
Word Count: 2.4k | Soulmate AU, Banter, Faint Humor | Warnings: a bit of language
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You weren’t a big fan of drawing on yourself. As a child, you were something of a neat freak, washing all the dirt you could off your hands and never wanting to add ammo to the enemy in yours and the sink’s war. Of course, your favorite sheet of temporary tattoos didn’t count as dirt, not when they granted you several days of carrying your favorite character, a little purple penguin, with you. In fact, you practically ignored the rest of the sheet besides a few snowflakes surrounding him, all of which everyone told you were now decorating some other kid, too.
Well, good, you thought, your penguin was the best and they probably loved it, too. Otherwise they couldn’t marry you or whatever soulmates did. Usually it was get married. Maybe you would get married when you grew up. Your grandparents liked being married.
As you grew a bit older, you wrote in school. Sometimes your pen or pencil slipped, skimming your hand with an accidental line. Sometimes your soulmate was clumsy, too, and you watched a pencil trail appear when you didn’t even have one in hand. The weirdest was when you watched a whole shaky ㅎ appear, the circle looking a bit square, then suddenly erasing and being reborn round again.
And then just like that, it was all gone.
It hadn’t really been your habit to write things on yourself like others you knew- it just didn’t come naturally to you when you had paper and, a bit later in life, your phone. Beside that, given the marks of soulmates, any notes you wrote would appear on someone else’s arm, hand, anywhere they could get scolded for if they had strict family or teachers or a barrier to looking presentable at an academic event. It just didn’t seem fair. That was the same reason why, even years after school and becoming an adult, you chose not to get any tattoos. What if your soulmate hated it? Then they get it removed and you lose yours and the cycle goes on like some sort of stupid cartoon sequence of ink and lasers.
Ok, that part maybe not so much, but you knew how personal and controversial tattoos could be, so kinda weird to put one on someone else without their consent. Sorry about the penguin, you supposed all those years later, I was four.
Instead, perhaps preferably, you doodled a lot on paper, keeping at it even when that rude boy Matthew from seventh grade told you your cat looked so bad, it made him think it was a dragon holding a cookie. Such insults would not be taken from the guy who used ‘I don’t like the color red’ as an icebreaker ‘fun fact’…while wearing a red shirt.
Even if you were no artist, improvement naturally came with age and frequency, and you favored keeping your drawings cute anyway. Yet another reason to put them down on paper- pen ink faded from skin, but on paper, it was like a tattoo. Permanent with all your other notebooks of doodles that would have more than covered your body.
Your body, which was semi-frequently decorated anyway, not of your own accord. Your soulmate, likely around your age, had no qualms about use of the forearms as a notepad, so it wasn’t the oddest occurrence by far to wake up with things like ‘7:00 독주회’ or a more frantic ‘ENGLISH TEST 9:00’ scrawled there. Or even once a very unceremoniously written, shaky, clearly hastily added ‘BUMJOONG WAS HERE’ on the back of your hand. That was a fun one to try to explain. It made you wonder sometimes if your soulmate was a less considerate person than you or if you’d simply proven well in your restraint.
You weren’t expecting any answers, or perhaps more questions, to come in the form they all did.
The morning was like any other: it was your day off, time you’d reserved so as to endeavor some shopping. Making yourself a nice breakfast and choosing one of your favorite outfits, you hopped in the shower. Deciding what the heck, it was your day off, you even busted out the new sugar scrub you’d bought as peals of warm, crashing water echoed around you, lathering some exfoliant luxury upon the skin you’d always cared for.
Never once had you expected it to entertain anyone’s notice.
But there it was as you strolled along the concrete of the shopping center’s sidewalk, completely unaware of what was exposed until you ran into a friend, waving and exchanging the platitudes of two meeting after some time.
“Wow, (y/n), what a surprise, I didn’t know you got a tattoo! I thought you didn’t want any!” Your old friend Brian exclaimed with a wide smile, tilting his head. “May I see the whole thing?”
His words rose slowly to your head as you blinked, gears turning. For you had not, in fact, gotten anything of the sort done. Instinctively you held out your hand, assuming your soulmate had scrawled another vague practice reminder on the back of their hand or wrist, but your skin was blank, just a smooth expanse the same tone it always was.
“No, not your hand, silly! There!” Your eyes followed as he pointed down towards the ground, toward…your leg?
Swiveling at the hips, you bent and tugged on any necessary clothing to reveal, sure enough, writing near your ankle. Your chest sunk.
“I didn’t get a tattoo,” you said quietly.
“I didn’t get a tattoo,” you repeated, voice a deadpan.
He pointed, finger rising slowly, almost shakily. “Then what’s-”
“I don’t know. I- I guess my soulmate did it.”
“Your soulmate got a tattoo without asking you?”
“We haven’t met,” you burst out as you raised the fabric around your leg higher, “I guess they don’t care what I think! What’s this even say, anyway?”
Frustration pricked at you at the sheer height of the piece- it wasn’t exactly dainty. Quite a ballsy move, all things considered. Sheesh. Wait, those were wings, huh?
“It says ‘faith’,” Brian supplied, “and I think it’s nice. Could definitely be worse. Could have been a partner’s name or, like, naked Spongebob or something.”
You cocked a brow. “Naked Spongebob?”
“Well, would you want that on your leg?” Brian shot back, crossing his black t-shirted arms.
“No,” you sighed, staring at your new, involuntary body art, “I suppose I would not. Well, you’re right- this is pretty nice. I can live with this. Hopefully it’s not the first one of many, though. My soulmate better leave me some control of my own skin.”
“Yeah, and if they don’t, you’d better give them a piece of your mind.”
A chuckle escaped you. “Yeah, right. I don’t even know where they are.”
“Have you never tried to find out?” Brian’s eyebrows furrowed, eyes narrowing at you like he was asking the dumbest question he’d ever uttered.
And maybe he was. Your chest contracted in realization that you had, in fact, never once considered taking any initiative into finding whoever it was had those recitals or English tests or who you really hoped had the spine to smack Bumjoong one for defacement of property. The person who, by the universe’s decree, was meant to be some miraculous piece of your life forever and you’d just…assumed they’d walk in whenever it was time. All your concern had gone to not bothering their appearance despite their clear lack of regard on the subject.
“Uh, (y/n)?” A hand waved in front of your face. Brian’s. “You’ve gone all spacey on me, what’s wrong?”
“Brian, I might be stupid.”
You descended back to earth, or at least close enough to its gravity, to find the wherewithal to smack his shoulder beneath the momentous echoing of reality throughout your brain.
“Also, I take it then the tattoo on your arm wasn’t your idea either?”
Shopping day over.
Hongjoong couldn’t recognize his own handwriting. Or could he? Had he written that address on the back of his hand? He had to have. Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose. As if his schedule wasn’t busy enough, now here was some other errand he’d forgotten.
Pulling out his phone and typing it into maps, he saw that at least it wasn’t too far away. A reasonable drive, especially for a…tuesday? Oddly specific, but appointments were appointments, he reflected as he swiveled in his leather office chair.
After all, if it wasn’t important, he wouldn’t have written it down so visibly on himself like that. That was a habit he’d largely dropped in adulthood, image of greater concern and regard for mess a bit higher, too. Plus, the only other good it would have served seemed not his lot.
At least a fair number of songs had come from it. Ah, music- the eternal, universal processor. What would he do without it? Music was a way of filling every void-no, scratch that, coming to terms with the existence of voids within oneself- the thing that made him feel complete, or certainly one of them. Jokes had it that music was Hongjoong's soulmate, and while the songwriter didn't appreciate fun being poked at his expense, it was hard to deny the itching grains of truth beneath his skin at the words.
Music-related or not, this short trip was his lot, so why not make the best of it? After all, whoever had organized it picked a pretty nice café as the rendezvous point. Worst case, Hongjoong would at least get a coffee out of it.
You were starting to wonder if nobody would approach you, more singles and even couples getting in line and heading straight for a table or the door than you could count on one hand. In fact, in came someone else right in time with your thoughts, a super hot guy in fact, though he looked confused as hell. His eyes darted back and forth between the chalkboard menu and the industrial-style metal tables as he stood a little bit out of line.
Shit didn’t hit the fan until he pulled his phone out to check it, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. His loose black t-shirt sleeve fell back, revealing a tattoo suspiciously similar to the second one that Brian pointed out on your own body. And that font was very, very unique. And big. And it was on you now.
Moving completely of its own volition, your body peeled from its metal seat and strode right up to him. No thoughts swirled to the surface of your mind even as you reached his side, prompting him to turn on his heels.
The only words your mind could barely form fell out of your lips. "You're the one who gave me these tattoos."
Jumping back, the man gaze at you with saucer-wide eyes, saying nothing as you pulled your own sleeve back to reveal the second and luckily last set of writing Brian had found on your body, this time reading 'No 1 like me', and again showed your ankle.
"I designed that one myself, how could you possibly-" His wide-eyed gape fell slowly into a smile. "I have a soulmate?"
"Yes, of course you do!" You replied, incredulous. "Did you think you didn't?"
"You never wrote anything!" He shot back.
"I was trying not to mess you up!"
"I just..." The man's handsome features fell, first into seeming hurt then just into a pensive look. "For so many years I taught myself to make my own way. Sometimes I was fine with it, sometimes I wasn't."
"No wonder you thought there was no one like you," you said before panicking, thinking better of it, "not that the tattoo isn't cool! And still true. I really like the font, actually? You said you designed at least one of these?"
"Yeah, I knew what I wanted, so I drew up the faith one and..." He tilted his head, sliding his phone from his hand back into his pocket. "wait, do you want to get a table?"
"Only if you buy me a drink," you teased, nodding toward your arm as you got back in line, "you owe me for these."
"I think you owe me for years of radio silence," the man shot back with a smirk, crossing his arms.
Heat crept into your face at the way he fixed the intense look at you, but you refused to back down. "The way you described it sounded like I taught you a valuable lesson."
"Pain can teach lessons."
Ok, you were about spent at that. "Are we really fighting over something as stupid as one free coffee?"
"I mean, fighting wasn't the word I would have used there, but you're right. I've got this one."
"Oh, you two are so cute!" The barista waved her hand as you placed your orders. "I love couples who bicker like old married grandparents! So, what are your names?"
You and your soulmate glanced at each other, your eyes sliding back into those deep, dark, expressive ones you wouldn't mind getting used to. He searched yours, too, and a small smile played on his lips that had you wondering what he was thinking... until you realized it, too.
Maybe you had wildly opposite views over the years on using your body as a notebook, but you two soulmates had the exact same sense of humor.
"We don't know," you both said at the same time.
"I'm Hongjoong," the man in black introduced himself, smiling wickedly now.
"(y/n), nice to meet you," you replied, bowing back to him.
The barista mirrored Hongjoong's initial shock at your confrontation as you both headed to your table, laughing now. Somehow that all came as easily as bickering, all your interactions up to that point having a certain flow you'd never felt before. Placebo effect? Maybe, yet the tug you felt the moment you first saw Hongjoong was yet to fade. It was like those old sayings: it felt like you two were making music.
"Ok, please don't think I'm being rude," Hongjoong's voice cut into your thoughts, "but I'm a songwriter, and I feel like I just have to write down some lyrics right now."
All you could do was just grin at that. Well, shit. Maybe now you really would have to try leaving more of an ink trail.
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astrow1zar6 · 10 months
Sun Sign Observations- 012
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Every Scorpio Sun male I met gives the same vibe as Sasuke from Naruto lol. They all give off this mysterious nonchalant vibe. They come off as very uninterested in others but this is lowkey what draws so many people to them. They are sooo magnetic (especially with libra placements) these guys are very sexy and a lot of ppl obsess over them men and women whether it be good or bad. Also I notice they are quite pessimistic.
I notice Gemini Suns are either so chatty or very mute lol. I feel there’s no in between. I feel like Gemini’s are the introverted of the extroverts. But even the quiet ones are very good conversationalists when you really start to get them going lol. They get the reputation of being flakey and fake but really it’s not the case a lot of the time. Geminis need a lot of mental stimulation, it’s energy is very restless so when things are stable for too long they can become irritated more than most. Bringing in new ideas and social connections help their fast paced minds feel at ease. This however can cause them to be very misunderstood and have a harder time with holding long lasting relationships.
Libra suns are all so naturally pretty (men and women) they are so easy to spot because they all have this conventionally popular look to them. Also the flirt A LOT, a little too much at times. I feel like this sun sign enjoys leading others on more than most. They love attention especially from attractive people. They are so charming and can make you feel so special (even if it’s completely fake). As much as they flirt it’s actually rare they really fall in love but when they do they become so devoted to their partner & very obsessive (especially with Scorpio placements). But overall they are genuinely nice people even if it can be a little fake they try so hard to make people happy and comfortable which is so respectable.
Capricorn sun people I notice find a lot of humor in being mean to people😭 and you never know if they really mean it or not cuz they have such a dry humor (I honestly think most do mean it tho)😂. But their serious tone can be so hilarious. It can come off as intimidating sometimes cuz they can be pretty cutthroat.
Pisces suns will say some of the weirdest most random shit outta nowhere. It can be so funny tho cuz it’s usually so out of context😂 I feel like Pisces are more of oddballs than Aquarius. They have this feral energy they keep hide around these calm sweet auras. But they only show this side to people the trust.
All the Sagittarius suns I met are all surprisingly very emotional people. They normally hide their sensitive souls under this really confident flamboyant carefree mask. But really their huge animated personalities are defenses to hide how vulnerable and scared they really fear. They come off as childish but when they really open up to you they are some of the wisest people you’ll meet. One big thing I respect about this sign to is their inability to discriminate against others, they have such an non judgmental nature about them & are always so open to learn even if it normally goes against what they stand for.
Cancer suns are soooo clingy to their partners. Once they feel they found their soulmate I see a lot kinda isolate themselves and their partner. They can become a little codependent. It’s hard for cancers to feel comfortable around people because of their softer nature. So when they find someone that finally feels like home it’s hard for them to separate themselves.
Taurus suns can be very jealous of others. I honestly think more than Scorpios. A lot I met tend to be very bully like if insecure about themselves. They don’t like when others look better or have more money than them. Most feel like they have to be the best to feel good about themselves and many can find it hard to see the beauty in themselves:( but when healthy these people can be the rock to their families and relationships they are so stable and reliable once they love you they will do anything for you. These people genuinely do have big hearts but their egos can get in the way a lot.
I’m so jealous of Leo Suns, they are just so confident in their authentic selves it’s so admirable. It’s so hard for this sign to feel embarrassment because they love the attention and expression so much. I’d die to have this trait. This is why so many people want to be around them the shine like the Sun 🌞
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Universe Hopping and Reunion Trip Planning
Past, Present, and that of Space
Danny turned his camera off before turning back to the portal he just stepped through. Fry, Leela, Bender, and the Professor stood on the other side of the portal looking around his dimension.
“This definitely isn’t the weirdest thing we’ve done and seen but it's on the list.” Fry said as he leaned forward looking around Danny’s room. “Dude sick ceiling!” Danny laughed, smiling at the red head before nodding.
“I know right! Thanks for helping with my video you guys! It’s gonna be crazy popular. Once I am twenty-one I will definitely drop in to have a night in the space clubs with you all!” Fry laughed, nodding and he pulled his head back through the portal.
“Hell ya! We’ll plan the best night out for you right Bender!” Bender waved his hand after opening a beer and starting to chug it.
“Ya, ya whatever as long as we’re drinking I don’t care.” Danny snorted, rolling his eyes before looking at Leela who just smirked at him.
“Remember what I said, and please don’t share it with them.”Danny said, reaching out and shaking her hand. “They’ll use it willy-nilly, you’ll use it when needed.” Leela nodded as she returned the hand shake.
“Trust me, they won’t know anything. It was nice meeting you Danny, feel free to stop by anytime.” Danny nodded with a grin before they all stepped back waving to each other as Dani closed the portal.
“I’m going to have so much editing to do.” Danny groaned, causing his friends to laugh at him.
“You act like you didn’t fall in love with videography and editing. Sure it will be tedious but at least it isn’t a meeting with the Observants."
Val said, patting his back and Danny couldn’t help but nod. “Now I’m going to go take a shower. I still feel like I’m covered in that Slurm drink Bender poured on me.” Wes laughed before he punched Danny shoulder as Val walked past.
“Come on Danny, I’ll edit the first video you edit the second. Don’t worry I’ve studied how you edit, no one will know the difference. Besides with my curse I’d just have to tell people I had edited it and no one would believe I did.” Danny snorted, shaking his head as he followed Wes up to his room.
“Take the bed Wes.” Danny said place the USB with the first video on it before moving to grab his laptop.
“Danny I can't just take the bed from you I’ll sit in your chair you take…the bed.” Wes slowed his sentence as he turned around to see Danny floating in the air, legs crossed and leaning back slightly. “Oh, I’ll take the bed.” Danny snorted rolling his eyes as Wes set himself up on his bed.
“Alright so Jack and Maddie are Danny's parents, that means Bruce has a connection to them.” Tim said confidently before taking a few bites of his dinner in front of him. “It’s been a long time now but I think we can swing something especially with these coordinates to Amity Park. I was able to hack into the computer of Alicia Burgess and confirm through a few emails that they live in Amity Park.” Bruce nodded as he glanced around the table at his family as he thought on how to go about this.
“The question is how to go about it, I can’t just walk about and say I wanted a reunion. I didn’t even graduate with them.” Tim snorted softly, rolling his eyes as if Bruce was asking a stupid question.
Which in Tim’s eyes he was.
“Of course not, it’ll be you and Harley reaching out. Harely insisted on reaching out and finding two of her old college buddies wanting to have a reunion given their twentieth college reunion passed and neither they nor Harley went. As a celebration of having her sanity nearly fully back she decided she wanted to find them and decided you were going along with her.” Tim smirked, setting his fork down as he leaned back in his seat. “Of course, we couldn’t just let our adoptive dad go off on his own. Brucie would get into a lot of trouble left alone with just Harley. So of course I’ve decided to take my vacation time now and go with, and Jason is currently on his ‘summer break’ since he attends college during the summer. Cass is visiting so she’ll come to enjoy a part of her vacation with us and of course Harley’s fiance Ivy will be coming to meet these old friends!” Everyone looked at Tim as they thought over his plan and Dick was the first to speak up.
“I’m gonna have to be Batman again aren’t I?” Tim nodded, causing him to groan and earn an amused look from Bruce.
“Don’t worry Chum, I won’t leave you with the cowl for long I promise. Or you could go and I could pretend to be Nightwing.”
“NO!” Dick stood up pointing a finger at Bruce with fake over dramatic tears in his eyes. “I had to deal with continuous social media on Nightwing letting himself go the last time you went out as me! Never again!” The table burst into laughter as Bruce covered his face groaning.
“Really Richard?”
“Yes really! You had my criminals crying and thanking the lord when they realized I was actually Nightwing! People were going around saying how happy they were that Twink-wing was back! They were calling me TWINK-WING!!! You’re going on the trip or so help me Bruce, so help me I’ll go over the edge.” Bruce coughed not making eye contact with Dick as he looked at Tim.
“I look forward to our small trip Timmy, thanks for coming along with us.” Tim snorted, nodding as he started eating again. Jason looked around the table at everyone as Dick sat down taking some calling breaths.
“Sooo anyone but me gonna acknowledge it?” He smirked, crossing his arms and leaning back staring at Tim, who tensed eyes narrowing as he looked at Jason. “Okay, okay, I’ll say it. Tammy here is only coming along to see his internet crush.” In seconds Tim was over the table attempting to strangle Jason who grinned, grabbing and tossing him across the room towards the door. He was out of his seat in seconds and a slightly playful fight broke out between the two that had everyone but Bruce and Alfred cheering on either Jason or Tim.
“This will be an eventful trip.” Bruce said as he continued eating, ignoring the fight happening. Alfred said nothing as he watched the two, he could recognize it as a bonding fight over an actual one. So instead of getting on their case he simply watched.
“Toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush?”
“Check, check, and check, honestly Master Bruce are you doubting my ability to sufficiently pack for a two week trip for you all.”
“What no Alfred I'm not I just-”
“He's just paranoid because he is leaving Gotham for longer than a weekend trip and is too hands on to calm down. Resulting in him micromanaging everyone.”
“Ah Richard, do me a favor, take your father off my hands so I may finish my job.” Dick laughed walking into the room grabbing Bruce’s arm.
“Now that I can do without a problem!! Come on B!” Bruce sighed letting Dick lead him out of his room and down to the library. “Stop worrying Alfred will have everything you need. You just need to make sure you have your belt on you.”
“I always have my belt on me.” He grumbled earning an amused look from Dick. “Do you have yours?”
“Of course I do! Do I look like Steph?” Seconds later a book hit him as Steph’s head popped over the edge of the bird nest Bruce had built for him. 
A small smile crossed his face as he looked up at the nest while Steph and Dick bantered back and forth playfully. Looking down from the nest and to Dick, Bruce felt as if he closed his eyes he could remember his little Robin. The boy who insisted to have the nest built so he had somewhere high up to rest and wait for Bruce to get home. He used it anytime he got hurt and put on bed rest, and the rest of his birds followed. It was the first change he had made to Wayne manor, apart from having Alfred remove all of his parents' pictures after their passing. Though those went up soon after Dick joined him, when Dick said the walls were bare Bruce jumped to show off the pictures. He hadn’t realized how much he missed them until then, and the family of three made it a day putting them all up together. Now his family had grown to twelve and their pictures had been added around. Surrounding his parents' photos as if to show off his kids to them.
He blinked when Dick punched his arm slightly gaining his attention. “Caught in memories old man.” He playfully pointed a finger in Bruce’s face, a twinkle in his eye that made Bruce smile softer. “You know you make me feel old when you do that! I’m still young, still beautiful.” He dramatically held his hand to his chest as he said the last sentence. Bruce couldn’t even hold in his laughter after hearing that come from his eldest. 
“Honestly Chum, let an old man remember his little angry filled nine year old who demanded a nest in the library so that he could wait for me to get home when on bed rest.” Dick snorted, looking away with a bashful smile.
“Ya that nest worked out pretty well, it's the perfect meet up spot.” He chuckled, punching Bruce’s shoulder before making his way up to the nest. “Come on B, relax with everyone before you leave.”
“I’m coming Chum.”
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