#they are villains and their actions can’t be excused
merwgue · 2 days
Rhysand’s treatment of Nesta is a direct parallel to the abusive behavior we saw with Tamlin, yet it’s often excused or even praised by the fandom. When Rhysand locked Nesta up in the House of Wind, cut her off from the outside world, and isolated her under the guise of “helping” her, it was eerily similar to what Tamlin did to Feyre in A Court of Mist and Fury. But instead of the outrage that followed Tamlin’s actions, Rhysand’s behavior is viewed as justifiable, as though trauma gives him a free pass. It doesn't.
Let’s break it down: Rhysand threatened to send Nesta to the human lands, essentially exiling her to a place she had no ties to and would be utterly alone. This wasn’t a mere threat—it was emotional blackmail, an effort to bend her to his will. Then he locked her up in the House of Wind. Nesta, a woman already struggling with mental health issues, was physically isolated from the world and people she could turn to. This type of confinement is abuse. Tamlin did the same to Feyre, locking her away in the Spring Court, and we all saw how that broke her spirit. But when Rhysand did it to Nesta, it was somehow considered necessary? It’s hypocrisy at its finest.
What makes it even worse is that Rhysand’s abuse of Nesta escalates in HOFAS (A Court of Frost and Starlight). When Bryce Quinlan steals the Trove from Nesta, Rhysand completely loses control. His power flares, and he starts breaking tables, throwing a tantrum like a man unhinged. It’s the same explosive behavior Tamlin displayed, the same violent outbursts that were condemned. Even Ember Quinlan, who witnesses this scene, is reminded of her own abuser. Rhysand’s lack of control is terrifying, and yet the narrative glosses over it. A High Lord, someone with immense power, should not be this unstable, especially when it comes to matters of family. If Rhysand can’t handle these personal situations without lashing out in violence, what kind of ruler is he really?
And let’s not forget that Rhysand threatened to execute Nesta. In HOFAS, his rage toward her reaches such a boiling point that he seriously considers taking her life. This is supposed to be the same man who prides himself on offering “freedom” and “choice,” yet he’s perfectly willing to control, confine, and even kill a woman who defies him. How is this any different from Tamlin’s overprotective, suffocating behavior toward Feyre? The answer is: it isn’t.
Rhysand’s relationship with Nesta isn’t just abusive, it’s hypocritical. He uses the same tactics that he once condemned Tamlin for—alienation, threats, isolation, and intimidation. The difference is, the narrative excuses it because Rhysand is supposedly a “better” man. But if we look at his actions, especially in HOFAS, they tell a different story. His anger, his need for control, and his willingness to use violence to enforce his will all point to a man who is just as dangerous as the villains the story seeks to overthrow.
It’s clear that Rhysand’s behavior toward Nesta is abusive, both physically and emotionally. The fact that he explodes in rage when Bryce takes the Trove from her, breaking tables and creating a scene of chaos, is just another example of how unstable and dangerous he truly is. If this is how he treats someone close to him, how does he treat his subjects? His people? What happens when someone else steps out of line or defies him?
The truth is, Rhysand’s so-called “freedom” is conditional. He offers choice and liberty, but only to those who fall in line. To those who don’t—whether it’s Tamlin, Nesta, or anyone else—he responds with violence, manipulation, and control. And the fact that his behavior is excused within the story, while Tamlin’s is vilified, shows just how deep the double standard runs.
Rhysand may be the High Lord of the Night Court, but his actions prove that he’s no better than the man he claims to despise. His treatment of Nesta is just another example of his abusive tendencies, and the way he handles conflict—whether with family or enemies—shows just how unfit he is to lead. A ruler who responds to defiance with threats, isolation, and violence is no ruler at all. He’s a tyrant, plain and simple.
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demigodofhoolemere · 4 months
Me through most of Boom: Wow, this is a really solid dramatic episode.
Me when Moffat needlessly sprinkles in anti-faith sentiments without specifying that it’s blind faith in bad things that the Doctor doesn’t like, which makes it come off like the Doctor is just against religion generally:
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#doctor who#dw critical#spoilers#dw spoilers#i get it edgelord you don’t care for religion. you don’t have to alienate religious members of the audience.#i at least appreciated that the doctor agreed with splice that gone and dead are different things and told her to keep the faith#but like. he immediately thereafter still tells mundy that he doesn’t like faith and spent the whole episode disparaging it.#which just feels so wrong for a show that’s supposed to be open minded about the beliefs and cultures all across the universe#i hate when writers gratuitously make the doctor take a hard and broad stance on something that he would NOT#reminds me of s8 when twelve suddenly hated all soldiers#as if some of his closest friends haven’t been soldiers? brigadier? benton and yates? sara?#big difference between corrupt military and literally every soldier#the same way there is a big difference between a corrupt religious organization or individuals who use religion as an excuse for cruelty#and like. ALL faith and the idea of having a faith that you live by whatsoever.#just because his comments were aimed at something corrupt doesn’t mean they weren’t WAY too sweeping as if he meant it on the whole#i definitely enjoyed the bulk of the episode but that just felt like it was done in bad faith and made me uncomfortable#and i just read moffat’s comment on the thoughts and prayers thing and UGH#i get why there are circumstances in which that can feel hollow — usually if it’s coming from a corporation that could actually do somethin#but can we not villainize all the normal people who genuinely mean that with love?#people who often CAN’T do anything but say prayers for you?#that IS a legitimate response and a legitimate action#someone can’t physically aid you but cares to take the time to talk to the God of the universe about you and your need and plead for you#don’t tell me that isn’t love or that it’s not really doing anything#sometimes that’s all you CAN do and it’s more than people give it credit for#blatant disregard and willful misunderstanding of faith like this just rub me wrong#it’s painting with a broad brush and it’s close minded#and yes i’m gonna post this. i’m feeling controversial.#my love/aggravation relationship with moffat continues#in the wise words of kira nerys. if you don’t have faith you can’t understand it and if you do then no explanation is necessary.
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killerpancakeburger · 7 months
Bluebeard's wife
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SUMMARY: On a visit to your boyfriend, you end up having to deal with a creep on base, but Soap and Ghost's methods of resolving your problem are... far more drastic than yours.
PAIRING: Soap x f!Reader (and BFF!Ghost)
TAGS: Dark content, Badass!Reader, Established relationship, Dark! a bit yandere! Soap, Dark! a bit yandere! Ghost.
WARNINGS: Canon violence, blood mention, sexual harassment, insults. Soap and Ghost are acting creepy but not towards Reader.
WORDS COUNT: 1,1k words.
A/N: Was thinking about how high the risks of sexual assault are in the military for women + about how much the Task Force could get away with (Soap's mohawk is NOT standard issue lol), but it turned out kinda dark. Not my usual kind of content. This is my first time writting those characters, pls be indulgent.
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Your elbow connects with the man’s nose with a satisfying crack.
Immediately he howls, pressing his broken nose with one hand, blood dripping between his fingers.
“FUCK! What the fuck! You broke my nose, you crazy bitch!”
This. This is why you didn’t want to meet the Task Force on base. There was always one brainless fucker who didn’t get the memo that, no, despite having breasts, you weren’t here as a comfort woman.
The private is glaring at you with a hatred as deep as it is sudden, one that screams murder.
The only good side of the situation is, with how loud he’s being, you won’t even need to call for help. Already most of the soldiers nearby are staring at you, muttering among themselves. Not that you can’t beat this guy up on your own, but the military tends to frown upon civilians roughing up their members, you learned it at your expense quite early. On the other hand, soldiers settling accounts between each other was… well, not exactly authorized, but it was way less trouble for you.
He grabs you by the collar, his rage only exacerbated by your composure. The action stains your clothing with his blood. You mentally grimace. You’re no stranger to blood, but the idea of this repulsive individual’s bodily fluids being anywhere on your person is disgusting. 
“Are you listening, you dumb bitch!? I’m gonna fucking kill-”
The venom-filled verbal onslaught stops dead as a hand takes hold of your assailant’s wrist.
“Now, now, at ease, soldier. Ya making a spectacle of yourself.”
The thickly accented voice of your boyfriend sends a wave of warmth in your chest. 
Your harasser hesitates a second too long, so Soap makes the decision for him, tightening his grasp until the soldier winces, and finally takes the hint, letting you go and taking a few steps backward. Johnny immediately positions himself between the two of you, shielding you.
He’s been smiling the whole time, but it’s the kind of dangerous smile you wear when you’re about to give an asshole a righteous beating.
The private looks partially sheepish, but not defeated, indignation burning in his eyes. He lets loose a torrent of justifications and excuses, actively painting you as the villain, not caring if he contradicts himself in the process. You don’t pay attention to the details of his speech. It’s always the same “she was asking for it” kind of diatribe. The fact that he sincerely believes that there’s a chance that Soap will take his side instead of yours is laughable, but not surprising. 
You wonder how long this will go on, until the private notices something next to you, and all blood seems to desert his face as his voice deserts his vocal cords. 
You turn your head and, to no surprise to you, Ghost is there. He stands so close to you that your arms are almost touching. Clothed entirely in black, which brings out the white skull on his mask, his presence is as menacing as ever; all he needs to do is scowl at lesser soldiers to make them cower in fear. He doesn’t look back at you, but his support for you is so obvious through the rest of his behavior that he doesn’t need to.
Soap takes advantage of the newfound silence to turn to you.
“Ya good, yeah?” He asks, cradling your cheek tenderly, and stroking your cheekbone with his thumb. 
The question is futile - if you were hurt, he would have noticed right away. But it’s still cute to see.
“Yeah. Not a scratch.” you smile.
“That’s my girl”, he smiles back. “So, what the bloody hell happened here?”
You glance at the private behind him. He’s shaking, and the look he sends you back is begging for mercy. Remembering the first words he addressed to you earlier, you realize you’re all out of mercy for today. Thus, with a sadistic little smile, you recount the events.
“This man came to me complaining that I was unfairly privileging Sergeant Mctavish and that he wanted his turn. Then when I explained that I wasn’t some kind of free-for-all buffet, he took it the wrong way and put his hands on me. That’s when I exploded his nose.”
By the time you finish your explanation, Soap’s expression has darkened considerably.
“I see.” is all that leaves his mouth. Anyone familiar with him would know that for him to start talking by monosyllables like Ghost, something must be very wrong.
Pivoting again, he faces the private and, as the latter opens his mouth to plead for forgiveness, punches him right in the face. Blood gushes, drops of it landing on his face. You mentally count until three, one for every blow, and when Soap still doesn’t stop punching, you frown, disturbed and worried by his conduct. He’s never been one to remain impassive in the face of injustice, easily riled-up even in critical situations and despite his superiors’ orders, but you’ve never seen him go this far. 
You’re about to intervene when Ghost beats you to it, putting a hand on his sergeant’s shoulder. That’s right. Ghost, the voice of reason, the paragon of self-control, their cold-hearted leader, will fix everything.
However when you hear the next words that leave his mouth, it’s like the world tilted on its axis.
“Not out in the open, Johnny.”
The words are whispered low enough that only Soap and you would have heard. They send a cold shiver down your spine. Rattled and unsettled in a way that they never made you feel before, you contemplate the situation in silent incredulity.
“Aye, L.T.”, replies Soap with an abnormally monotonous tone.
Before you can ask what the fuck is happening, he proceeds to punch the soldier so hard in the stomach that the latter collapses without a sound, except for the muffled noise of someone winded. The scene makes you increasingly uncomfortable. You feel like Bluebeard's newest wife, having stumbled upon the one room you were forbidden from entering, having witnessed something you weren't supposed to see, and now you can never go back to how things were before.
You counted on Soap and Ghost’s intervention, sure, but you expected them to put an end to the fight, maybe intimidate the guy a little, and ultimately end things here. You didn’t expect… whatever this is.
Staring in shock at the two Special Forces, you shake your head to get a grip and come closer.
“Alright guys, I think he’s had enough-”
Ghost interrupts you with a hand on your shoulder. The Ghost touching two people in less than five minutes? Yes, something’s seriously wrong. Looking at him, you try to convey urgency with your gaze…
“Simon, this isn’t-” 
…but his next words make you lose hope of winning this argument.
“Easy there, love. Johnny’s takin’ care of it, ya don’t need to worry ‘bout a thing.”
The next thing you know, he presses a hand against your lower back, making you leave the premises, completely ignoring the way you stare at him in utter disbelief… and growing apprehension. 
He had never called you “love” before.
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gangplanksorenji · 8 months
Kinknuary Day 19: Overstimulation
Pairing: (G)I-DLE Miyeon x Male Reader
Word Count: 4,411
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“Tone it down, dadd—oh…”
If only these people knew what’s with Miyeon right now—well, it doesn’t matter because you’re the only one who’ll get to know what lies beneath her.
It’s not even surprising and more than a being less of an expectation—Miyeon’s as just as naughty as you remember and it’s within your accord to punish her or make her life a living hell.
“You show up like this, then you’ll face the consequences.” You grit your teeth as every word is villainous, willing to break her demeanor into a whimpering mess until she can’t contain it anymore. You play with the buttons on the remote as clenched her thighs from time to time, feeling such rage of pleasure that’s becoming too much but you didn’t care—you will make her learn a lesson, no matter if it’s going to be just exclusively the both of you or in a public restaurant and guess what, it’s only getting started.
“P-Please, daddy—hngg, ahh—no, please t-tone it down…”
You scowl at her in aims to intimidate her, making her feel a bit of regret yet at the same time, she’s loving this as much as you do but Miyeon knows to herself that she doesn’t want to end up in a filthy predicament in a public place.
“You did this to yourself, Miyeon—” You can hear small whimpers as the vibration gets worse with your own control, as with that, she’s just fighting the urge to erotically moan as she’s feeling too much pleasure right now that can’t eat her food right. “—then deal with it.”
You could sense how she’s getting drenched right now and how needy she is because of your actions—you like the sight of this, her pretty, submissive face begging for you to stop is just a sight to behold and to be treasured. Of course, you won’t give her even an ounce of mercy as her pleas just fuels the fire inside you to further tease her.
And so, you did.
Her hands shiver once you’ve increased the intensity of the toy shoved up in her ass, and with that, she can’t fight the feeling of such euphoric essence and let out almost-inaudible moans that could possibly turn on any other men that could lie an ear to hear it. With her iron wall still standing strong, she manages to still fight it yet it’s impossible to ignore the gratification it gives her—it’s clear that she’ll soon collapse and you’ll like to make it evident, probably leaving a mark of her own juices onto the restaurant’s sofa as you smirk while getting such spoonful of your food because of your evil plan.
You won’t give her some time to breathe as you play within little-to-no vibrations up the maximum one at random intervals and with that, it’s all converging to what you had in plan as Miyeon lets out such ragged breaths with the pleasure running down her veins. With her begs for you, you absolutely dismissed any chance of being merciful to this greedy slut—you will always learn your lesson for not falling for her tricks anymore, and let her taste her own medicine.
You’ll live her up to that epitome of an oxymoron—make her life miserable yet pleasurable, at the same time.
“Excuse me, waiter—can you please come here for a second?” You then call the gentleman just feet away from you as you want something that will satisfy your needs and probably, even Miyeon’s. You then reach for the menu beside you as your eyes scout all over the beautiful pictures of food and labels, deciding on what dessert you may want to call this a day. “Can I get uhm… your signature chocolate cake, just a single slice and oh, what’s yours, Miyeon?”
Of course, you’ll make the pleasure-ridden girl fight for her dignity for her own chances of survival and to further test her, when she’s ordering, you’ve set the vibration meter to the maximum as it goes well according to plain—Miyeon herself is visibly struggling but manages to pounce her way through her struggles, her demeanor full of sophistication and class (maybe add a little stutters but didn’t do the trick) as the waiter didn’t even suspect of anything that may feel off. As soon as the waiter said that he will be back for your orders, Miyeon’s breath of relief can be seen evident as she manages to battle with the pleasure that can ruin everything, glaring at you because of it.
“Daddy—w-why when I’m o-ordering—hng, just why?”
“Don’t you like the risk, Miyeon?” You bat out such venom-laced words, your tone sinister as you intimidate her with your own control. “Like I said earlier, you’ve got yourself into this now bear with it.”
You then continued to tease, marking her to be still on the verge of letting her profanities be released from its concealment and you will make her punished for this.
It’s only getting started and this will be such an interesting bit if she’ll manage to stay sturdy with her faulty demeanor…
“B-But why at the r-restaurant, daddy? I was on the verge of cumming too, but just why??”
There she goes with her own frustrated remarks—well, just so you know that you expected this long ago, knowing how your teases earlier can make her feisty because she’s on the verge of a possible predicament, which you may find hilarious.
Just for context, Miyeon love going out with you with an added twist, making it kinkier for herself and you, knowing that she trusts you, decided for you to control the buttplug inside her in times where it’ll be safe and you know you’re not a merciful guy when bestowed a tool for punishment. Well, maybe she wouldn’t take this chance again as you took it for granted but here’s the thing—you’re always in control and things go onto your own accord and you’re just utilizing and testing her for your amusement and her torment.
Of course, deep inside her, she’s not tormented at all and rather even loved the way you played with her, dangling off to the edge of the cliff, affording risks that would’ve gone wrong if speculated but the both of you didn’t, so with the given conclusion, it was just right to do such things for both delighted emotions.
“Don’t lie to me—you loved this shit, Miyeon, you always do.”  You snap her into the reality of things, making her eyes open to swerve out to the lane of hypocrisy and make her face that she loved this—you can see it in her, those glowing orbs filled with lust and temptation, it’s all in her.
“I did but—not t-there, daddy! What if the waiter suspected something?” No one suspected anything, not even a single hint of evidence was seen.
“What if someone found out about this and made fun of me?” Chances are slim to none about that; there’s no way on earth that they’ll know Miyeon has a vibrating buttplug up in her ass.
“What if they smelled something off on the couch?” Maybe they may but it wouldn’t be obvious, and there’s nothing they can do about it as it already happens—nonetheless, they won’t even speculate a thing.
Maybe it’s just Miyeon becoming embarrassed and overthinking things that shouldn’t be—you know how uneasy and how these things can’t easily brush off her mind. Reassuring her, you told her that legitimately, nothing is left behind and there’s no way she should be embarrassed, but rather find it rather an opportunity to test her will and her mental strength to endure her own idea.
“Now you made me really horny, daddy—then do something about it…”
You sigh deeply, knowing the inevitable will soon come for another filthy climax between the both of you yet of course, you need to tame her down to the passenger seat as you have business of keeping eyes and your attention averted all towards the road and you’ll sure make her needs completely fulfilled.
“When we get home, Miyeon. I’m going to fucking ruin that tight hole of yours and of course, you.”
When the night settles, everything falls dark, onto the lustful abyss of no-return and the both of you would absolutely indulge onto your deepest desires, no matter what may happen. Maybe, no one can stop the both of you unless yourselves and to further seal the debauchery, the both of you settled onto your deepest, lustful hunger between both parties, lips clashing together like you’ve been deprived of each other’s tastes for epochs.
“You definitely improved, Miyeon…”
“Learned from the best.” Miyeon smiles at you, feeling proud with what you’ve created her to be as you further indulge onto the kiss again, locking tongues and dominating each other with aims for the other to fall in submissive yet that won’t you—it’ll be Miyeon. Soon enough, oxygen will be the ones to be blamed as you pull yourself out of the embrace of her soft, luscious lips and with the tension in the air rising until it’s damned to be in that elevation of lust. Miyeon, with her patience growing low, proposes her long-awaited needs for you as you took this as her vulnerable spot as everytime she pleads for something, she ends up falling submissive and you’ll do that again for like, a hundredth time. With the prey latching onto the trap of its feral predator, you caught it and seized that opportunity as didn’t even bother escaping but rather, submerging onto her needs.
“You want that, Miyeon?” She yelps with your proactive attempts to further make her succumb onto the pleasure, playing with the controls of the remote as her thighs quiver as soon as it vibrates around her prostate. “Now strip for me, Miyeon—better do it quickly since you’ve made the feeling mutual since the beginning.” And she would be glad to start you off with her to blame as the first one. No hesitation can be seen from her face as she strips her clothing whilst visibly struggling due to the intense gratification coursing down her veins caused by the vibrating buttplug that’s up in her ass.
It didn’t really take that long to undress herself because of how easy it can be undone and how skilled she is, fulfilling your needs of a sight of her perfect, impeccable body. You’re not going to lie, that outfit of Miyeon is simply elegant and simple that you don’t want her to strip it away but it must be done, knowing how it’s way better when those are on the floor, and her scrumptious, naked body is all on your sight. With her last defense down on her body, your eyes lit as you’re allured with the incredible sight of her tight body—her perky breasts, slender waist, breedable hips, supple butt and as the cherry on top, her succulent, dripping pussy—and swiftly approached her, before grabbing her wrists and pinned her down to the bed with not much effort because of your strength.
“You wanted this so bad, hm, Miyeon?” Your fingers then trace towards the porcelain skin of her body, up to neck then down to her nether regions in which she can’t help but let out such sultry moans as the pleasure is starting to get more intense because of your actions. 
Again, you’re a man of your word—not merciful; selfish with your own needs and what comply with those? To stimulate her further than what she can take and you’ll let her achieve that in no time.
Well, there’s already that mind-boggling headstart with the buttplug’s constant vibrations that sends multiple magnitudes of pleasure throughout her body and with your hands constantly caressing and fondling what skin you may find to further send her your regards of affections, she can’t help but just submit onto your control and continues to voice out the intense feeling of gratification.
“Oh—ohh, r-right there, daddy—ahh, t-that feels so g-good!” Miyeon mewls in pleasure as you continue swiping your fingers onto her clit and fondling her perky breasts, aiming for her to reach an incredible sensation of delight even without a deep penetration. Miyeon knows how your fingers can make her cum inevitably hard and you’re probably on the right track with that—you know deep inside that she likes it so much but you won’t get her into that high that easily.
Now, coursing your way onto the delectable treat that no dessert can’t top off, you latch your lips onto those succulent pussy of hers and gave it multiple pecks before letting your tongue do the action, the final enemy raging its way onto nearing Miyeon’s high and even though she wants to fight the urge, she can’t as there’s too much that’s happening that she can’t think straight—all she can do is moan and call out your name, too drowned in the sea of pleasure with no aims of going back up.
The inevitable mellifluous nectar runs down like rivulets onto your tongue, lapping every drop and savoring it as you hum insatisfaction, further stimulating her as you get onto the remote again and play with the controls of the buttplug. You can hear the constant buzzing sound of it as you voraciously eat Miyeon and it further adds to the filthy essence the both of you are exuding, as well as Miyeon’s angelic cacophony of moans. It repeats all in a cycle: caress her waist, lap your tongue against her lower lips, stimulate her clit with fingers, play with the controls, and so on until she becomes a whimpering mess. Her juices constantly flow freely down your mouth, your chin and some of the ungrateful ones messing up the bed sheets and the sullied sight of this while eating her out should be treasured, unlocking another filthy memory.
Of course, this would be her Achilles’ heel—your tongue, that pink-fleshed culprit is the bane of her tough will as it always sends her defenses crumbling down into a state of complete eradication, leaving her vulnerable for more tricks up your sleeve.
And just like that, in less than approximately four minutes—maybe it’s just your gut feeling knowing the nigh-accuracy of the time—she’s going to be achieve one of her long-awaited highs after being edged by you for so long as she continues to voice out how near she is.
“Oh n-no—I’m n-not gonna hold on for so l-long!” Or will she?
It’s within your own accord, your own regulations—no needs will be attended first unless it’s you; you’re to only one who gets to an orgasmic trance first before Miyeon, and that, she would’ve known that before she clouded her mind with pleasure (saying if she can even think straight because of the utmost gratification).
“Daddy!! Why’d y-you stop??” Miyeon whines, responsively because of your actions ceased to deny her high, which made her a little frustrated because of an enormous spike suddenly meeting the trenches of the lowest points possible. You smirk in delight because of your sinister advances, turning off the vibration and pulling your tongue and your mouth out of her sweetness and this, is just the beginning of the show you’re directing—of course you’re the director, the obvious control over her is a strong evidence, piece beautifully for the best, erotic output.
“It’s time for the main event, Miyeon, that’s why.” You rose up from your previous kneeling position as you quickly stripped your clothing, wanting to be equally as naked as the beautiful goddess in front of you. It didn’t take that long for your clothes to be deemed useless on the floor as you fondled her perky breasts, letting out another series of angelic moans that will make any man submerge onto their needs and to totally ruin the girl in front of them.
Well, you’re on the verge of that, and you’ll make this worth both of your time.
 “You know how badly you made daddy horny, right?” Miyeon nods as she looks at your eyes, endeared by the affection you’ve bestowed on her as her eyes glint with lust and anticipation, fully-invested into what you may have in store for her. Her hands immediately coursed its way onto your muscular arms, giving herself a leverage for the pleasure she’s been fighting since the beginning and now with your rock-hard shaft finally adding to the play, it’s time to make this a tale for more years to come.
Well, yes, in that context because you’ll treasure this moment until the end of time, because every session with Miyeon is just peak-class and ecstasy. Your cock then runs onto her lower lips, teasing it as well as setting the buttplug onto a moderate vibration, aiming to fully stimulate her before the main event. Growing yourself impatient as your needs are becoming too much for you to bear, you won’t help yourself but sink into your lustful desires.
“Then you’ll get what you want, Miyeon…” You didn’t give her some time to comprehend what’s happening and further lock onto the lustful fate of yours, plunging your entire length deep inside her and immediately picking up a moderate pace for the both of you to savor and relish. She cries in your own control over her, being too stimulated with your masterclass as everything is just overflowing her needs—the constant fondling of her mounds, your lips latching onto her neck and collarbones from time to time, the buttplug vibrating to massage her prostate and further turn her on and the constant ramming of your length inside her, hitting every spot that it made her almost scream every time your head hits her womb. 
This almost feels like a fever dream and somehow, way more enchanting than your past sessions—maybe it’s because of her added quality of moans, voiced by the toy that she has up her ass since earlier and the sight of her erotic, lewd face making such expressions of lust makes everything go higher than your expectations. You won’t dare to complain but rather, indulge onto a better pace as you grip her hips harshly, further pounding her into the mattress with a newly profound pace that’s maybe able to break the speed you’re hips was expecting to muster—such breakneck velocity was caused by your own need to sully her, and you would to end her up into that kind of a mess, a disheveled, ruined mess of a goddess.
Also, it’s always such a pleasurable and an addicting act to be inside Miyeon of all times, disregarding such intimate and anticipating foreplay because of her utter tightness that makes you love her even more. The way those velvety walls clench around your rapidly-thrusting shaft is such an elevating experience of delight and lust that you can’t ask for more, and rather, you’d love to make it frequent. Frequency is an understatement, because it has been always the case in every thrust you do but you wanted more, so, you gave her barrages of spanks as every time you do it, you can feel her walls inevitably clenching and making the session hotter and maybe even more pleasurable to be true.
“Fuck m-me harder—ahh, daddy—ohh, please!!”
“Of course I will, Miyeon—” You grip her hips like it’s about to get bruised as you lean down closer towards her ear, and whisper, “—I’m going to fill up this slutty pussy, up to the hilt.”
Given your words of fulfillment, you double the efforts your hips can maintain and fucked her like an animal, and like how she deserves it. Of course, your hips won’t be the ones only doing the work to stimulate her, as you set the maximum vibration of the buttplug as well as your hands caressing every inch of her body as much as possible. Her senses are now at her all-time high, having the most gratification she’ve felt all throughout the year and it’s just enchanting to feel how everything may seem surreal but it isn’t—it may elevate more than reality itself but everything is real, and with all of that pleasure coursing down her veins, the inevitable wouldn’t take long to introduce itself.
“I’m s-so close, daddy—gahh, please l-let me cum, please! Oh, please, dadd—oh fuck, please!” Constant pleads can be heard ringing around your ear the further you fuck her into oblivion. Now just being able to utter the same words and phrases as your cock made her thinking limited because of being clouded with sex, you wouldn’t want to hear her redundant pleas and would rather fulfill her needs and to make her a whimpering mess.
“You really want to cum on my cock, Miyeon?” A simple question, but bound to break such barriers of hesitance and can portrays thousands of emotions of lust and without even thinking about it, Miyeon nodded at you as she continues to repetitively moan in need and with her juices constantly leaking out on you like a broken faucet, you know it’s time for her anticipated orgasm. “Then cum on my cock, you gorgeous slut—”
And she did, instantly. Her face exudes such epitome of lust and eroticism that you can’t define the beauty beneath it—it’s just the paramount of it as she’s in pure ecstasy, and maybe even you. You pull out of her tightness as she sprays her treasured nectar all over the vicinity: your cock, your pelvis, onto the bed sheets and some, landing onto the dark, marble floor. When she’s still on her high, you brush your cockhead onto her pulsating lips as every inch was blessed by her juices and once her orgasm has subsided, Miyeon herself insisted to even finish it all inside her, to the point where nothing will be wasted and can’t go back, only indulge yourself into the filthiness that the both of you dived into.
“Fuck m-me hard, d-daddy—please, fuck me hard—oh god, fuck!!”
She doesn’t need to tell you about your harshness and your rapid pace as you read her mind and immediately, does so as you repeatedly gave the fastest thrusts your hips can muster, wrecking and ruining her tight cunt like you have something to prove her—you’ve already proved yourself to her ages ago, and maybe, this will just another rough treatment of pounding her until she can only think about you and your throbbing length.
Knowing that the inevitable will soon come on your side as you can feel it running down your loins, the familiar tingle signaling the near coming of your orgasm and it wouldn’t take long before you submerge onto it. Wanting Miyeon to achieve her high again—she’s also getting close because of too much stimulation because of your actions and the constant pulsations, clenching and her utter wetness are such evidences to know how near she is to achieve that high—you work onto fondling her perky mounds and latched your lips onto her taut buds, kissing and pecking it in order to make her brain go haywire and with her profanities being constantly voiced out, you know it’s going to be near and this would be the paramount of the show.
“God—are you g-going to cum again, Miyeon?”
“Yes, d-daddy! Please c-cum inside me too—I k-know—gahh, y-you want to—fuck, please, d-daddy!!”
Not going to hold anything just to savor the feeling, you will embrace the inevitable as you bury your entire length in her, filling her up to the hilt as you fall onto your deepest desires, shooting your treasured seed deep inside of her as you fill every inch of her velvety walls full of your cream. The both of your groan in every spurt you deposit inside her pussy, letting both of you exchange such lustful plethoras of sinful compliments towards each other as she holds your arms and smiles at you, loving how this moment is being unveiled into a messy one and will end up on that note too.
After exchanging breaths and beautiful smiles laced with bliss, the both of you shared an intimate kiss as both your lips embraced with aims to show the utmost affection and love between the both of you. Even with the differences and being bugbears, the both of you still show how much you love each other and it’s all pristine and genuine. You deepen the kiss as your primal instincts kick in but it wasn’t nearly aggressive, but rather full of your intimacy and passion towards each other and with your length gradually getting flaccid, you pull out to her only to be met with a view of her folds full of your semen, creaming her beautifully as some of it are seeping out and staining the sheets underneath.
“You c-came so much daddy—filled me up so well…” Miyeon voiced out enervated, and you, smiling with the fact that she always loves being filled up by you and how your loads are consistently making her feel the utmost serendipity inside her.
“Of course—” You caress her cheek and fix her disheveled hair, then smile gleefully at her as you feel the utmost affections towards right now that you want to give her anything in this world. “—all of that because I love you…”
Miyeon blushes from that thought and knows it’s all genuine because within the refulgence of your eyes, it shows how much she means to you. Miyeon then catches you off-guard with a kiss on the lips as she voiced out her exhaustion and drowsiness. “I love you t-too, daddy but, can we please sleep and cuddle tonight? I feel sleepy right now…”
“If that’s what my baby wants, then why not?” You then laid down beside her, and pulled her into an embrace as you didn’t even bother to do anything rather than feeling the warmness of her body complimenting yours.
“Don’t you wanna shower, daddy?”
“Maybe later, Miyeon but for now…” You caressed her cheeks again, stroked her hair and continued, “Let’s just feel each other—cuddle each other, alright?”
With the softness in your heart, you made everything end on a good note as you can already feel Miyeon sleeping onto your chest, her impeccable features all in your sight as all you can feel is how much you adore her and not so long after, you feel yourself succumbing onto your drowsiness as this marks as the end of another spectacular day, maybe hoping for an energizer once the both of you wake up… or maybe even more than that…
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ahhhwomen · 4 months
The calm before the storm.
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Vampire Empire
Part 7.1
Pairing: DarkVamp!Wanda Maximoff x DarkVamp!Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
A/N: Well... here it is. I changed the graphic parts, but it's still violent. This was supposed to be a hurt/comfort chapter, but it just turned into hurt, so I divided the chapter into two, this is the hurt part... and I will try my very best to make the next one a comfort... Writer block hit me like a truck with this one so please excuse bad writing...
AU Warnings: Human pets, abuse, violence, possessiveness, probably incorrect vampire lore, angst, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, kitten play (?), also this is not a Carol positive fic (I have nothing against her, but I needed a villain), death  Minors DNI 18+
Word Count: 3k
CHAPTER WARNINGS: Extreme violence, slightly explicit violence, talk of torture, scars, violence against a child
(26 hours before the slaughter)
“Come on pretty girl, I know you can do it, keep your head above the water baby.” Gentle hands try to coax you, pushing against the back of your neck in an attempt to force your muscles into action.
It’s strange, the only other times you have been in the bath is when they were drowning you, perhaps you enjoy this more. It’s hard to tell, you can’t feel much of anything anymore.
Her grip loosens for a moment and your head lolls to the side, foamy bubbles collide with your left ear, the earlobe barely having made contact with the hot water before soft hands return with full force to catch you.
“Hmph.” A frustrated sigh gets drowned out by the insistent buzzing inside your mind. The sound consumes you from the inside, eating away any emotion that slipped past the initial reaping.
A creak slices through the still air as Natasha grits her teeth together, white bone clumsily gliding against itself, barely missing the inside of her cheek. She has been hunched over for the better part of half an hour, but she can do nothing but uncomfortably shift the pressure from one knee to the other, her hands occupied with you.
Wanda had insisted they set you into a routine. So, every night Natasha was tasked with bathing you, though you weren’t making it easy for her.
As her rolled-up sleeve dips into the water for the fourth time while she adjusts, Natasha debates yet again if she should call on Wanda for help, but as her eyes drift over your empty ones, she thinks better of it.
Guilt eats her alive as she works on finishing up your bath and tucking you in.
Three days ago (96 hours before the slaughter):
A wet washcloth is continuously dragged across your forehead as Wanda wipes the sweat away, her fingers follow the path of the moist trail as she feels your temperature and sighs in relief.
After two intense nights, your fever finally broke, but you had yet to wake up. She is just about to tuck you back in when her wife’s voice rings through the spacious room.
“How is she doing?”
Natasha leans against the doorframe while she watches her wife care for you. The wood digs into her shoulder blade, but she ignores it in favor of keeping her distance. As much as the younger redhead craved to be near you, she was cautious to interact with you when Wanda was there.
After the fever gave them quite a scare the day before, Natasha came just as close to losing her life as you. Wanda had fallen asleep with you clutched in her grip after an hour of settling your shaking frame from a nightmare. After a while, Natasha attempted to remove you from Wanda’s possession.
She was merely concerned about Wanda’s heated body irritating your flushed skin, but after almost losing an eye to a sleep-deprived redhead, she left the primal care to her other half.
Wanda hums, her fingers stroking your hair delicately as she kneels beside the plush guestroom bed. As she rakes through them, your hair strands lay clumped together, loosening them strand by strand she soothes herself.
“She needs a bath,” her fingers move from your hair to your face, gently tracing your features. When the pad of her pointer hits a sensitive spot beneath your jaw, you let out a breathy giggle in your sleep, and Wanda can’t help the lift of her lips into a pleased grin.
However, her smile is quickly wiped away as a familiar jingle of metal rattles against your throat as you shift in your slumber.
Natasha hummed her agreement, unaware of her wife’s fleeting attention.
The layers of filth that covered you had to be weeks, if not months, in the making. She was aware that you got a weekly hose down by the shelter, but depending on when Carol loaned you out, you could very easily have missed it.
“Should I get one started?”
With a huff, Wanda nods slowly. Her irritation radiates off of her as she looks you over.
Natasha tilts her head, at her wife’s strange reaction, her shirt gliding against her cheek. “Is there an issue?”
The older redhead looks down for a moment. The sheer uncomfortableness that settles within her very bones is not without reason. Her skin is cold with prickles and goosebumps. Perhaps it’s a ridiculous reaction, but the significance of what she is about to do is crucial to you, she knows that.
However, as the filth and stench of a certain blondie coats itself around the stark leather surrounding your neck, she knows it needs to be done.
She needs to remove your collar.
“Her collar. It needs to be removed.” The words are sneered, almost growled, as Wanda wills the uncertain into existence.
Natasha stiffens, her clothes which were perfectly fine a moment ago now feel disgusting against her soft skin, every stitch piecing it all together feel wrong and patchy.
A collar is a safety net in the power dynamic between a vampire and a pet. It’s always been a part of vampire tradition that the collar is a reminder of good faith. Removing the collar, without the owner’s specific request, means punishment.
If you wake up without your collar, you will never forgive them.
“I will do it.” With her head hung low, Natasha closes the distance between herself and you, crouching down beside her wife. Her knees creak as she sinks into position, her hands reaching toward you.
The sorrow that builds and sinks within her is laughable. They barley know you, and you definitely don’t know them, yet the pull between yourself and them is undeniable. In a lifetime of grief, Natasha was hoping it could symbolize a new beginning, a lifeline of sorts.
Perhaps it wasn’t meant to be.
Just as her fingers struggle against the metal clasp, smaller, softer hands glide over her own and hold them gently.
“No.” The clan leader sighs out calmly.  
Natasha furrows her brows in confusion.
“No. I need to do this.” With a sad smile, Wanda removes her wife’s hands and holds them to her lips, “She likes you.” It was the simplified truth.
To be frank, Wanda scares you, she can tell by the way you never find peace around her, even while you are asleep. You wouldn’t trust either of them when you wake, but at the very least she could lessen the burden that will lay on her wife’s shoulders.
With her tail tucked between her legs, the younger girl nods silently and raises herself into a standing position. The loose thread beside her zipper takes over all of Natasha’s attention, she refuses to watch.
Wanda removes your collar in an almost medical procedure, leaning slightly over your tiny frame surrounded by plush pillows and warm blankets, she finds the point of no return and she places her fingers lightly against your skin as her fingers work on opening the clasp.
She knows immediately.
As soon as the back of her ring finger touches your neck.
She knows she will beat Carol Danvers until she is unrecognizable.
The leather feels rough and scratchy as she clutches it in her grip while looking you over.
“So that’s why she is leased,” Wanda mumbles in a monotone voice.
That finally catches Natasha’s attention again. With a curious glance over Wanda’s shoulder, Natasha falls void of any emotion but one. Pure, unfiltered, hatred.
Back in the day, rouge vampires had a specific way of marking their property.
They called it The Noose of Misery. A name bound in irony, a mockery, as they scarcely felt sorry for this sort of thing.
It was deemed a form of entertainment.
The noose of misery; was to slit your victim’s throat repeatedly, leaving gruesome slashes through thin skin. The first slice was always the same, they would cut the vocal cords. It wasn’t precise, nor pretty, it was merely a rouge slash against vulnerable anatomy.
Due to this, they would often miss their target.
Which would prompt them to hold down their victims until they were satisfied, it wasn’t hard to tell when they succeeded as their victims would fall silent. Or a form of silence as they attempt to refrain from drowning in their own bodily fluids.
The vampires found it most entertaining when their prey ran around like headless chickens, choking and gurgling on their blood, trying their best to scream for help.
Despite the intensity of this game, their food would rarely pass away from it.
A vampire’s blood has a certain healing ability, and contrary to popular belief, drinking the blood of a vampire does not turn you into one. Only a clan leader could sire a new vamp.
So, the youngsters would often find new and innovative ways to watch their victim suffer, and only when the life seeped out of their eyes like the blood did their body, then and only then would the vampires slash their wrists and force it down their preys partially slit throats.
However, even with its healing ability, the blood of a vampire is considered poison. The pain that would sear through you after consumption has often been compared to being burned alive.
That never stopped them.
The ritual would be repeated until the owner was satisfied. Then the last round of slashes would be healed with a singular drop of blood, enough to keep them hanging on by a thread, but no more than that.
When the nasty gashes healed to raised scars, it would be proof of ownership.
In 1898, The Noose of Misery was banned across all clans.
Wanda Maximoff made sure of it.
Yet, there were always those select few that never listened.
Given the scarring, you couldn’t have been older than nine.
There is an audible *click* as two sets of sharpened canines force themselves present as the two redheads look down at the horror.
There was a difference with yours; the first slash was precise and professional, cut right through the vocal cords. It was a given who ordered it to be done, but it was clear she was not the one to do it.
Or rather, she was not the one to do the first slice.
That also explained why you were a less permanent commitment to the shelter. It must have taken place during the trial.
There is a trial period when it comes to buying pets. Some test them for a week, others for a year, it all depends on the customer and how much money they are willing to pay. If they deem the pet unfit, they can return them for half price.
However, shelters and kennels alike have a strict policy against marking their brand. If the pet is marked before being sold, the responsible party is banned from buying said pet, and they have to pay a heavy compensation.
That whore must have paid half a fortune to make up for what she did to you.
Leased pets are damaged goods.
They will never be bought.
Anger crawls like ants within the older redhead.
“And so, the war begins.”
Her expression is blank as she speaks clearly. The anger within her digs in deeper until it mends with her very being. She means every word of it.
Just as the last syllable was worded out, Wanda looked down to see your scared eyes staring right back at her.
There is no telling how long you have been awake while Wanda was preoccupied with staring down at the scars, willing them to dissipate before her very eyes.
With a sigh, Wanda pats your head one last time before you cower away from her touch.
It hurt, but she knew what would happen once your only line of defense was taken away from you. The redhead stares down at the collar held firmly within her hands. She wished she was stronger, that she could return it to you and pretend as if she never knew.
But as you both glue your eyes to leather almost as old as you, the ants turn into giants, a soundly crack can be heard as the dirty material is ripped into pieces right before you.
And with it, you too fall into a disarray of pieces that will never fit back together.
That collar was all you had.
It was all you were.
Without it…
You are nothing.
Nothing but hers.
“Romanoff.” A chill runs down Natasha’s spine at the tone of her wife’s calling.
“Contact the Thor clan and inform them that they have 96 hours to give over Carol Danvers or I will kill them all.”
The command was said so bluntly Natasha could hardly believe her ears. But as she looks over to Wanda’s hunched frame, her nose snarled and her eyes a dangerous glowing red, she breaks out of her trance and excuses herself.
She can comfort you later, but there won’t be a later if she does not obey her wife.
Current time (24 hours before the slaughter):
Wanda has woken up screaming in terror many times in her lifetime. It’s not easy to live as long as she has, to see what she has seen. The same horror burdens Natasha.
So, the older redhead has lost count of the timeless times her slowly beating heart has broken at the sight of her wife crying and screaming in her sleep.
There was nothing more painful.
Or so she thought.
What she could never imagine was how it would make her feel to watch someone attempt to sob their long overdue sorrows, only for them to flail and choke against their own vocal cords silently. Nothing but weak gasps and hoars coughs, the sound itself making her wince in pity.
Breathing through her nose slowly, Wanda has to close her eyes to collect herself before turning toward her wife, who carries an expression not far from her own. With her lip peeled back and her eyes narrowed, Natasha cringes at the sound of your tiny frame fighting the bedsheets.
As her eyes glue themselves to the nanny cam, she set up on their bedside table, Wanda thinks of what limb to start with.
Carol seems awfully attached to those claws of hers…
She is quickly brought back to the present time when a loud gasp emits from the speakers, followed by a heavy thud as you fall off the king-sized bed.
Wanda is on her feet and halfway down the hallway before Natasha can get a word out.
You saw more of the ceiling that night than you did the floor.
Your hands swipe against empty air. The sounds around you are like a cold hollow inside an unexplored cave. Nothing but echoes of lies surround you as you desperately try to grasp the situation in a literal sense. Like a zombie, you growl and groan as your hands seek the source of your misery.
You can’t see her. With your neck split in half, you would have to use both hands to hold your head up.
However, it doesn’t hurt.
Not yet.
So, you fight.
You are far shorter than them, Master is almost double your height, and the other lady isn’t much shorter. If you could just get closer, your hardened hands may be able to grasp them and beg for forgiveness. You can’t really talk though…
The side of your vision darkens as the blood gushes and pools beneath your feet. You can’t see it, but you feel it, it’s like ice pouring down your body.
Streams like rivers, split and thicken into canals, as they cascade down your stomach and glide down your thighs.
Like a switch-
A sneaking wave hits you, suddenly the adrenaline is gone, and the crash is horrendous.
Your knees crash into the floor, your body following behind shortly. The weight of your own body fights against you as you attempt to push yourself upward. With your hands grasping and slipping against amber liquid, your elbows give out under the pressure, and you fall into a heap.
Cracks of a weak child’s bones bounce off the wall as you lay defeated.
Soon, your mind and body become self-aware of your soon-to-be decapitated head, and you can do nothing but gasp and flop like a fish out of water.
It’s really scary.
The small hands of a nine-year-old child claw and paw at the cold floor as two adult women watch for the fourth time that night as a young pet watches Death seek her out.
They break your jaw open, then a wrist is forced into your mouth.
You are scared.
The blood hurts.
It hurts a lot.
On the other side of town (96 hours before the slaughter):
Carol learned at a very young age that vampires like Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff think they are invisible. And they were, not a single creature, human, vampire, or otherwise, ever came close to breaking them.
Weren’t you just full of surprises.
A puff of smoke surrounds the blond woman as she leans against the truck. With one leg crossed over the other, her pants rustle against each other as she swishes lightly to one side.
Men and women alike continue to shout and argue in the back as they finish loading up their gear.
Just as she flicks the cigarette to the ground and her boot crunches it against the pavement, her phone chimes.
You have 96 hours to give yourself over to the Maximoff clan or I will personally slaughter your entire hometown. Including your fucking childhood dog.
Read 2:13 am
Rolling her eyes, a chuckle builds up within her.
God, you really are full of surprises.
“You ready boss?” A gruff man in his late thirties asks her as she walks over to the back of the truck.
Throwing in her own bag she nods. “Lead the way.”
21 hours. 54 near deaths. 198 slashes. 32 scars.
Nine years old.
(This chapter really wasn't written well, I'm sorry.)
@thinking1bee, @tobiaslut, @esmeseasle, @skittlebum, @tia-thesimp, @maximilfsworld, @leenasayeed, @scarlethexelove, @itsalwaysskorpioszn, @observeowl, @tekanparadiae, @adelareys, @anqyuicka, @ichala, @thalia-is-not-ok, @lovelyy-moonlight, @wandamaximoff-simp, @opossumking03, @confidant-thoughts, @delivery-bird, @esouliie, @geydumbbetch, @dorabledewdroop, @mousetheorist, @herwagonempathkid, @mommysfavouritegirl, @auroraromaximoff, @roman0ffsheart, @morganna-la-faye, @kaosrsing, @marvelwomenarehot0, @lizzieswife101, @og-kxsh-420, @chibilauren, @sgm616, @cyber-juipter, @falloutboy-lover, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx, @likefirenrain, @cole2907, @rahhhha, @taliiiaasteria, @dehydratedcoffeeaddict, @viktoriaromanovaa, @julz2000, @ahintofchaos, @consti-ss, @broimjustadepressedlesbian, @rowiebear, @crispychaosmaker, @mary-20, @romanoff101, @alexawynters, @dinno-nuggets, @riddlesknot
(Does it work when I tag yall like this?)
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tmblrofshame · 1 month
everyone needs to stop framing bill cipher as this flat static character that has no significant backstory because it’s pissing me off
due to the release of the book of bill AND the website unlocking new lore, we know that bill literally massacred his whole race/world in an attempt to liberate them through chaos as they denied his ability to see the third dimension
he spent his whole life up until that point being the only one to see the stars (that’s kind of fascinating if you ask me)
ALSO don’t forget that bill is a liar! so many people are jumping to conclusions and deciding that because bill said that he doesn’t care about what happened to euclydia, then he doesn’t care. don’t take his statements at face value because he’s fooling you too!
you have to look at the context and his actions. not only is bill lying to you (the reader) he is lying to himself! the example I’m thinking off is in the book of bill he talks about his childhood and describes how everyone loved him when we know that’s not true (because what he could see was illegal and taboo) after that, when he talks about the massacre everything gets blurry and he can’t fully describe it.
bill is lying to himself to soften the blows of reality. when people like time baby or his therapist try to ask him anything related to his past he clams up and won’t say a word.
he is lying to himself just like he lied to ford, just like he lied to dipper, just like he lied to mabel, and just like he’s lying to the reader.
he is constantly putting himself on a pedestal and convincing people that he’s the greatest! when he knows there’s something wrong and can’t even remember through all the lies he’s created!!!
this is not me saying that he’s an excusable villain (because he’s absolutely not) but me saying that he’s an multi-faceted character that people keep writing off as simple.
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kiss-me-muchoo · 8 months
𝐈𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 || 𝐄𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐜 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_ have you seen the MV of wildest dreams? If not… you play the romantic interest of Enzo’s character in a movie and the sparks begin behind cameras too. But he turns you down and finally sees you years after that, realizing he missed you and now he’s jealous.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠_ age gap, angst, fluff, Enzo is a little bit of an asshole, Enzo’s ex is NOT specified, okay? Definitely not trying to imply anything by that, Spanglish, ANGST AGAIN. We have a Mexican carne asada here y soporten. BIEN CRINGE ESTA MADRE
𝐀/𝐍_ people from Uruguay and Argentina can correct me all they want about the accent, please start listening Cedar, then Widest Dreams for this… BOTH SONGS IN MY PLAYLIST FOR ENZO.
♪ ♫ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝟒 𝐄𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐜 ✰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 (+fics here)
Your character was close to his. They were lovers. So you had to spend a fair amount of time with him consequently. Enzo was a humble and kind man. He was so random and yet so peaceful. Which facilitated the connection.
In the beginning, you thought it was weird that the production of The Society of the Snow had decided to keep more than 50% of the cast for a short film that would promote the movie and create speculation. You didn’t say no because it meant flying to the shores of Spain and enjoying more time with the boys.
So you give in, you take the director’s advice to stick to Enzo and build a connection.
He’s older than you, more mature, more experienced in many ways, but yet you seem to be able to make him laugh.
“Tenés que estar bromeando,” he says laughing.
“No es joda, de verdad me multaron y se hizo un desmadre” you explain giggling, drinking at your water bottle.
Both of you are having a little moment on the beach. It was warm, and it was a free day. The rest of the boys decided to spend the afternoon playing video games and you were not willing to melt watching a TV.
“Recuérdame jamás salir con vos” you roll your eyes.
“Ay vete a la verga, todos saben que soy el alma de las reuniones y fiestas” he shrugged, eating from his sandwich and smiling.
“Si, tenés razón quizá”
“¿Quizá? No, no mientas, Enzo” finally, he laughs loudly.
“Bueno está bien, lo acepto”
“Así me gusta, obediente, mi niño” he blushed. And it made you blush too.
The sound of the waves swiftly colliding makes you feel at peace. It’s been great so far. Filming an action short film, playing the damsel in danger who turns out to be the villain, and having lots of fun with your workmates.
“¿No extrañas tu hogar?” he asks, and you sigh, looking at the sea.
“Trato de no pensar en eso. Dependo mucho de casa, de mi familia. Me cuesta el cambio, pero me adapto rápido” he nods, smiling, and you hate to admit you like how good he looks with his hair slightly shorter.
“Eso es bueno… adaptarse. Aunque cueste… creo que al final es bonito el cambio” you start laughing. Because you remember his Instagram captions and the pauses he always wrote. But he’s think that you are also very pretty, not only the change he mentioned before.
“Si, es bonito el cambio” You keep laughing, and he shouldn’t be smiling so much at you. But you were so funny, you always had something to share and talk about. Enzo was very close about sharing things about him. But with you, he could make an excuse.
So you also stare at him, and you feel your heart start beating faster.
You can’t fall in love with him. But you’re miserably failing.
You look at yourself in the mirror. Your character had a disguise moment, where she had to pretend to be a dancer to get information. So there you are in a bejeweled attire with feathers.
“No mames, qué buena me veo,” you say laughing. Loving how your waist looks and how your hair looks so fluffy. The costume department did an outstanding job of making you look hot
“Como que si… ¿eh?” The annoying twink of Juani had to be there.
“Ponme la de perdió este culo de la Bad Gyal, por favor” Juani starts cackling, already filming you for some random tweet.
“Pero si vos tuviste un ex hace siglos, ya no queda” you roll your eyes, checking on the glitter decorating your eyes.
“Ay, pero no por eso, Juani. Nomás por mamona lo digo” There’s a knock on the door and you turn to see who’s standing there.
“¿Y esa diosa?” You blush, smiling at Fran being the person who knocked at the door before.
“¿Dónde que no la veo?” Of course, Juani had to be an idiot and ruin the moment, but soon he blows you a kiss.
“No es cierto, linda” You roll your eyes and turn back to see Fran giggling. You give him a sweet smile and scratch the back of your neck. He helps you get your robe so you won’t have to cross the whole building with your exhibitionist outfit.
“Tenés escena conmigo” Fran says offering you his arm, which you gladly take.
“Adiós, naco perdedor,” you say to Juani, who starts laughing loudly. As you start walking with Fran across the hallways of the building, you start feeling your heart beat faster. You were going to have a heated scene with Enzo, which made you cringe a lot. First, you appear with Fran’s character in the club which ends with your character tangling up with Enzo.
“¿Nerviosa?” You shake your head, sighing.
“I don’t know…Digo, no lo sé” he nods, as you two walk out of the building to get going towards the set. The shores of Spain were beautiful, Cádiz was warm and it suited your overwhelmed mood.
“Va a estar bien. Que igual si no, nos vamos a dar la vuelta en la noche” that immediately makes you smile. You nod, hugging him.
“Eso me encantaría mucho, Fran” You are on set now. There’s no way back, and when you turn back, you see Enzo, and he’s already looking at you.
You blush, and offer him a little smile before turning away so rapidly. The whole action is watched by Fran and he has his own opinion.
“Has pasado mucho tiempo con Enzo…¿No crees?” You shrug, greeting the makeup staff who are going to retouch your look.
“Teníamos que conocernos a fondo para que esto resultara” he nods again.
“Creo que si se ha dado lo de la conexión” it was weird, because you knew it was true. you had developed a special connection with Enzo. Hours spent talking and having long walks across the beach. The days you decided to cook for the boys and he always was the first to arrive and try to help you set up everything.
“Si se diera la oportunidad… ¿Te quedarías con él?” His question makes you wonder. It took you aback, and while you have full trust in Fran, you don’t know what to answer.
Well, you do know what to answer… but you are afraid to admit it.
“Si… aveces siento que si es con él, Fran. Me hace muy feliz… pero, no creo que Enzo sienta lo mismo” you confess. He smiles, taking your hand.
“Tenés que decirle. Se llevan un par de años, pero… se ven tan bien juntos” he says looking at Enzo.
“De verdad… ¿Tú crees?”
“Es que ve cómo te mira, y/n” In disguise, you turn to your side, and you confirm Enzo is still looking at you.
“Decíle… anda” you smile, a warm feeling growing in your heart. You feel loved, you feel like it might be meant to be. So you plan something.
“Hay que hacer una carnita asada” Fran laughs.
“Pero vos le pones mucho al asado. Jamás había visto uno así” you laugh. Since your type of asado was a northern Mexican carne asada. They all believed it was a great change of style of cooking.
“No lo niegues, Fran. Mi asado es grandioso” he tries to deny it but at the end, he smiles nodding.
“Ey… ¿estás lista, linda?” Enzo asks, appearing with a gorgeous smile. He was wearing a dark suit, his hair looked amazing, very hot.
“Creo que si…” you let him know. After some brief exchange of words with the production, you take your position along with Fran to start filming. And you never miss the way Enzo was looking at you.
Maybe he felt the same.
You started the carne asada before taking a shower and getting ready. Now, everything was ready. The big patio that connected the apartment complex was decorated with a table that Juani and Matias helped you set, with chips, salsas, guacamole, beans, and agua de tamarindo that you had to mix with some alcohol.
Everyone is having fun, and you have helped to serve the food to everyone with Blas. It seemed to be going well, you have a sundress and sneakers on the feeling of the alcohol has you tipsy and you can’t wait to make yourself some tacos with the asado.
You feel someone hug you from behind, and when you turn back, you end up caged around Enzo’s arms.
“Hey… you made it!” You cheer after seeing him, trying to ignore the blush on your cheeks. You hoped nobody had seen the interaction. Or else they would start with cheesy rumors.
“No me lo perdería” you smile, offering him a glass of agua de tamarindo.
“Hice verduras asadas y queso fundido para ti” he wanted to hug you so tightly again after hearing you say that. You had thought about him and cooked specifically for him. Enzo had been in some dilemma, where he questioned if you could be the one. Although, he still had many obstacles to get to you. And he didn’t know yet that those obstacles would draw him apart from you.
“Ehh.. y/n linda, ¿hay más mas cubiertos?” Agustin asks you suddenly.
“Creo que hay servilletas y popotes en el cuarto de lavar. Voy a ver” you say laughing.
“Te acompaño…” says Enzo, which makes you blush again.
Both of you walk inside the building, and the laundry room is very near, so in less than a minute he opens the door to let you in. With the distance, you finally are able to distinguish the song playing on the patio. You hum along trátame suavemente playing in the background.
No quiero soñar mil veces las mismas cosas
Ni contemplarlas sabiamente
Quiero que me trates suavemente
Enzo can’t help but think you look so adorable. He remembers the way he had to touch you for the scene earlier. Half of him hated himself for feeling that way about you, and the other half questioned if it could possibly be correct.
“Enzo… no alcanzo las servilletas” When he turns back, he sees you trying to climb the washing machine to open the drawers.
“Así no, chiquita.” He laughs and stops you, making you sit on top of the washing machine while he grabs the bag with napkins and straws inside.
“Ay, si… humillame pues” you complain crossing your arms. He drops de bag beside you, and then gives you a silly smirk, which makes you laugh.
“Nada de eso, sis vos sos bien linda así” You cross your arms, avoiding his eyes. This was the closest you’d been around him. It feels alright like having him close to you was normal. Making you realize, you could get used to his aura being so damn close to you.
I like him…
“¿Tú crees?” You let yourself play a little dumb, pretending innocence. And you have the excuse of being under the effects of alcohol.
Te comportas de acuerdo
Con lo que te dicta, cada momento
Y esta inconstancia, no es algo heroico
Es más bien algo enfermo…
you keep humming the song as you try to keep the conversation normal with the man.
“Si… muy linda vos” The outrageous side of you let your arms get tangled around his neck. And it caught him by surprise but he let himself feel the moment. He shyly placed his hands on your hips, and you squirmed.
“¿Qué estamos haciendo?” He asks, accepting that he was getting lost in your eyes.
“No sé” you admit, feeling how his chest was touching yours.
“Bésame, Enzo…” you close your eyes, and seconds later, you know he’s kissing you. Your fingers trace his hair and it’s so soft that it makes him groan in pleasure.
You let his hands caress the plush skin of your hips and legs as you keep pushing him towards you.
This is it, you are falling in love with him.
It’s one of the last days of filming, but for the past two weeks, you have been spending a sickening time with Enzo. He spent two nights with you, he even agreed to go out to the city just for you. You could say the feeling of falling in love was growing very rapidly.
He made you feel safe and every smile he offered was enough relief for your days. He held your hand once while walking through the crowded streets to not lose you and it felt right.
And you hadn’t seen him in two days because he had different scenes to film.
Until now, where your character holds hands with him as she confesses she’s the villain. You feel the air shift, you feel the distance he’s making and you wonder if it was because of the scene or if he was actually being cold to you. The setting is on one hill with a gorgeous sunset in the background, making the scene very dramatic and tragic for the romantic partners.
“Dime que me amas y me entregaré. Por favor…” your character says. Enzo looks at you, and the look he exchanges with you is sad, making you confused on camera.
“Yo te amo, pero sabes que no podemos estar juntos” his character had to say. And for some reason, you felt like Enzo was actually saying that to you.
“CORTE!” The director said. Everything keeps going on. But for you time stops. You look at him, hoping to find some sense of tranquility. That nothing had changed.
Slowly, Enzo dropped your hand and after a brief look… he walked away.
You spend the afternoon collecting shells. You are confused and slightly sad because filming is coming to an end. You don’t know if Enzo actually wanted to give it a try on distance. Because after the kiss on the carne asada, none of you had given status to the relationship.
But it’s not necessary to keep thinking about it, because you see him walking towards you, and your immediate reaction is to offer him a smile.
“Ey.. te perdiste todo el día” you try to sound calm.
“Estaba ocupado.” He says with both hands inside his hoodie. His hair looks disheveled and he seems tired.
“Volví a hablar con ella” There’s no need to address it, you know who he meant, his ex-girlfriend. You don’t say a word, opting for hearing him before talking.
“Hablamos mucho. Quedamos de vernos cuando vuelva a Uruguay” you gulp, each word hurting you more.
“¿Entendés, verdad? Vos sos más joven que yo, somos de lados muy distintos… no iba a funcionar” your eyes get watered immediately. Rage invading you and sadness flooding you.
“Decí algo, por favor. No quiero lastimarte…” you laugh, shaking your head. There are some seconds of silence. You need to choose the right words.
“Alguna vez me miraste, sonreíste y pensaste que… tal vez, ¿tal vez pudo haber sido conmigo?” He sighs, looking away, at the sea.
The longer he remains quiet, the more you have the answer. He never felt the same as you, but he never tried to stop you either. He played along.
You just start walking away, hand on an extremely tight grip, the shells and sand irritating the skin on your palm.
“Nunca quise hacerte daño” he yells as you have walked a fair amount of steps away.
“Si nunca sentiste algo por mi, nunca debiste haberme dejado encariñarme contigo.” He lowers his gaze and you feel even more enraged.
“No puedes ni levantar la cabeza. Fucking shame on you…” you spit with disappointment.
“Y jamás debí haber aceptado conocerte tanto” you finally say. Walking away at once and fighting the tears as you try to pass the boys who are playing video games again.
“Ey… ¿estás bien?” Juani asks and you nod, but he follows and once his hand touches yours, you can’t help but collide on his chest, letting the tears fly away silently. Juani doesn’t say anything, not yet, he just hugs you tightly.
The next afternoon, Enzo goes to find you in your room, but he’s surprised by the fact that you’re gone.
“Filmó su última escena y se ha ido a casa” Santi told him.
“¿Cómo?” Enzo is in shock, he just sighs, closing his eyes.
“Se quiso ir antes…”
“Le dijo… muchas cosas a Juani y a Fran” Santi adds, and Enzo can tell what had happened. And of course, he accepted being guilty.
“Necesito hablar con ellos” and with that he lefts.
But the talk didn’t help a lot. He just realized you were gone by the time he was able to be alone in his room again. Enzo was confused and tired and he also just wanted to go home. But as he understands you’re gone and he won’t see you in a long time, he feels a little lost. And empty…
A lot of things change. You grow, you forget, you change. You go back to your normal life, college goes great, and everything is normal until it’s time to give a promotion to the movie and the short film. You kept a lot of contact with Fran, Juani, and Matias, but it won't be the same as if you didn't end up on good terms with Enzo.
About him, you learned he didn't make it with his ex-girlfriend. He was single and apparently good. You don’t hate him, but there’s a lot of resentment. And as the premiere was around the corner, rumors had appeared on the surface of social media. Rumors of you and Enzo, and all the drama. You didn't pay attention to those, but you were expecting at least one question regarding the issue in the upcoming interviews.
You were offered to be dressed by some perfect designer who had similar ideas to you. He made a silk dress in a champagne color for you. With tiny crystal beats and a gorgeous skirt. You loved the dress, it suited you so well too.
So at the beginning of the night, you don’t think about anything but making a good impression on the cameras. All that mattered was the promotion of the movie.
As soon as you arrive at the gala, you start shivering because of your nervousness about seeing your friends again. You were the last one to arrive so you weren’t able to greet them.
And that’s when you see Enzo. He seems fine, in a completely dark suit and his stupid perfect hair. When he finds your sweet eyes, his heart beats faster, you look so perfect. Your hair, your brows, your eyes, the pink lips, everything seemed to make you look so perfect. And he can tell you look older, your childish and plush cheeks are gone, and your short hair too. He remembers all the good memories he made with you and he feels sadness taking over. He missed you so bad after going back home. And he wasn’t able to hear anything from you because he didn’t dare to ask Juani or Fran for example.
“Te ves preciosa,” says Agustin hugging you. You smile at him and thank him. All the boys want to greet you and all is being recorded. The only one you don’t greet is Enzo, who stays afar posing for the cameras. Until most of the photographers keep asking to take a picture of you and the man who broke your heart.
“No te acerques si no querés” Juani advises you, whispering in your eye. You sigh, looking at how Enzo is getting closer.
“Creo que ya no tengo de otra…” you whisper back, pretending to have a big and honest smile on your face.
Enzo exchanged looks with you, and he was able to sense how awkward you were feeling, which didn’t soothe him. So he pretended to place his hand on your back but he never touched you, and you didn’t even glare at him a second the flash hit your face. You ignore the growing pain of having him so close but being so far away at the same time.
They want you to do a little interview with him. So you get close to the cameras to answer some questions.
“Entonces y/n… ¿qué crees que fue lo mejor de grabar el largometraje?” You giggle, easy question.
“Definitivamente que pude volver a estar con los chicos. Fue mas sencillo y podíamos divertirnos con mayor libertad” the woman nods, assuring that she was recording your answer.
“Y Enzo… ¿fue difícil grabar estando en una relación?” You know he didn’t like the question, and you suddenly felt worse or awkward.
“Eh… no. La verdad es que llevo rato soltero.”
“¿Hay alguien que podría llevarte a dejar de estarlo?” He laughs and you just want to run away. You really don’t care, and you don’t want to know the answer.
“Hubo una chica con la que estuve en Cádiz hace casi dos años. Nos la pasamos muy bien y las cosas no se dieron, mi culpa. Me gustaría hacer las cosas bien por ella…” it must be you, and it can’t be. You don’t believe him, you just turn around and look for any of your friends. So when you see Matias making you a sign to join im, you take the opportunity.
“Me llaman por acá. Un gusto, y gracias…” you thank the woman with a smile and leave quickly, knowing Enzo has eyes set on your back.
You won’t cry, but you can’t help but feel so weird about everything. You had been great without him. Seeing him back made you go back to that summer in Cadiz and how great it was your life at the time. But that is gone, and so are the memories you made with him.
Everyone knows you disappeared after the projection of the movie and the short film. You don’t like feeling his eyes across the dark room. You can’t rest knowing the party that followed the projections was going to be very painful. By showing clips of the behind-the-scenes, everyone saying words to each other. You are not in the mood for that. And it’s all because of him. Because he had to be an asshole and not think clearly. You couldn’t even call yourself stupid because he gave all the green lights that actually looked like green flags.
And as you question everything in pajamas, looking at the open balcony of your hotel room with red swollen eyes when there’s a knock.
You drag your feet to the door, and once you open it, he’s there.
The suit is still on, but he has a specific gesture on his face.
People often said looks said more than words, and Enzo was the perfect example.
You tilt your head, reading his face. His face says that he’s sorry, he feels sad, and he’s desperate to have you back. And he frowns after seeing your sad face. Your red eyes and look that said how confused and hurt you were.
So both of you stare for a little longer, literally glorifying each other faces. Remembering the soft touches, all the things you talked together. How happy you made each other.
“Podemos arreglarlo…” he finally says.
And slowly both of you smile, sad and broken smiles.
You open your arms and he immediately goes to hug you. His hands find their way to your waist, his face hidden in the warmth of your neck.
“Tú recuerdo jamás me dejó” and you smile again, closing your eyes, letting your face get comfortable on his chest, letting more tears fall.
“Si es contigo…Siempre fue contigo” he admits, knowing he’ll never let you go again.
update agosto 2024: JAJAJAJAJ que mamadas escribía, aún amo a Enzo y no me arrepiento de nada pero qué mamada JAJAJAJJAAJ
Antes de que me digan que que pendeja esta la y/n por perdonarlo tan fácil, pues en mi cabeza cuando Enzo la fue a ver a su cuarto fue como muy fuerte. De esos momentos donde la tension es mas fuerte y no se necesitan tantas palabras para saber que la persona está literalmente a tus rodillas suplicando so…
I already have an idea for a new fic with Enzo that it’s going to be AHHHHH. hint? Everyone loves you, that’s it
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strangererotica · 4 months
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Devil Worshipping Cultists Steve & Eddie x Virgin Sacrifice Fem!Reader
ADVISORY: This story contains dark content. Relevant tags are posted below the cut. Proceed only if you’re comfortable consuming content with intense themes and violent imagery. The canon is essentially flipped upside down (no pun intended) with Eddie and Steve behaving as villains in this story.
Eddie and Steve are the villains this story. They are depicted as the kind of devil-worshiping deviants the people of Hawkins accuse Eddie of being. In this story, ‘Hellfire,’ lives up to its name, with Eddie and Steve as a pair of friends who use their ‘devotion,’ to Satan as an excuse to carry out sinister actions.
Additional content warnings: words like bitch and cunt are used as insults against reader. Reader is touched against her will and a knife appears briefly. Reader’s virginity is mocked, as well as her desire to abstain from sex. She is threatened with assault. Misogyny, men being bastards, religious themes (Satan, a church, devil worship). And in the end, the bastards pay…
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Eddie Munson’s eyes lick over you sinisterly. “She’s pretty and she’s a virgin?” he huffs, obviously pleased with your ‘credentials.’ “Looks like you hit the jackpot with this one, Steve.”
You hear Steve Harrington, your ‘boyfriend,’ chuckle softly behind you. You’re tempted to turn and face him, but you refuse. He has betrayed you, completely. After three months of dating who you thought was a normal, nice young man, Steve allowed his true personality to emerge. He and his twisted friend Eddie have brought you to a remote location against your will…an abandoned, decaying church. You can’t say for certain what their plans for you are, but it’s obvious they intend to harm you.
Eddie slides a fingertip under your chin, tilting your face upward. Dying sunlight streams through a window on the ceiling. Its rose-tinted glass casts a haunting glow over the room. “See that?” Eddie asks, pointing to the window. “Up there? That’s the only way out of this room-.” He glances mischievously at Steve. “-For her, anyway,” he laughs, then to you, “So unless you’ve got a set of wings I don’t know about...” Eddie moves behind you and abruptly tugs the collar of your shirt downward, splitting the fabric down your back. “…Nope, no wings,” he confirms. Eddie’s eyes feel like snakes slithering over your exposed skin. “…I guess that means you’re dying tonight,” he concludes.
As quickly as it appeared, Eddie’s dark expression turns crudely joyful, a maniacal laughter bursting from inside him. “M’just fucking with you, sweetheart!” he clarifies, but it does nothing to tame the tension in the room. “Something in you is going to die tonight,” Eddie adds, his voice a taunting lilt. “That much is true…”
Steve’s hands close over your shoulders, a familiar touch that had once felt protective. Now, you realize that every gesture of softness, every gentle word from him, has been a lie. Steve’s voice is chillingly calm as he explains: “Your innocence is dying, tonight.” You force yourself to willingly look at Steve. His hazel eyes are filled with a false sincerity. He never cared for you, at all.
Assuming you don’t understand what’s being implied, Eddie chimes in. “We’re taking your virginity tonight, (y/n).” You shake your head at Steve, whose flat expression betrays any sense of remorse. “Why?” you ask, your voice breaking. “Is this because I made you wait?? Because I’m saving that experience…having sex…for my wedding night??”
Eddie laughs out loud at your words; he finds your standards of morality equal parts hilarious and pathetic.
“Christ, Steve!” he chortles. “Where’d you find this one? Behind a pulpit??”
“Trust me (y/n),” Steve tells you. “Eddie and I aren’t doing this because you wouldn’t sleep with me the whole time we were dating. I could have taken what I wanted from you anytime during those three months.” Steve’s lips pout down at you; he’s mocking you now, just like Eddie. “Besides,” Steve continues. “It’s not like I wasn’t fucking around with other bitches the whole time, (y/n). Girls who didn’t have one damn problem spreading their legs for me…”
Eddie slaps Steve’s back in a toxic, macho sort of congratulation. “That’s my boy,” he sings. “Now, let’s get to the best part, Steve.”
Eddie reaches for the front of your shirt and yanks it down, revealing your breasts blooming over a push-up bra. “Well how about that??” he balks. “What kind of virgin wears sexy shit like that under her clothes?”
You glare at Eddie. “Believe it or not, women wear clothes for themselves,” you bite back. “Not everything’s for men and especially not you, asshole!”
Eddie shudders, pretending to be intimidated. “My apologies, y-your highness, your l-ladyship,” he stutters, holding his palms in front of him in surrender. “You got me. I’ll change my ways, I swear.”
Eddie’s open hands close suddenly over your breasts, clutching them firmly, pulling a shocked gasp from your lips. “…But not today,” he grins smugly, continuing to grope you. “Now tell me, did Stevie here at least make it to second base?”
Steve blows a drawn-out raspberry. “Not a chance,” he jeers. “This bitch is as uptight as they come. Barely let me put my tongue in her fuckin’ mouth.” Steve cups your cheek in his hand, making you flinch. “Isn’t that right, baby?” he murmurs, closing the space between you, the tip of his nose nuzzling yours. “You and those fucking standards of yours…But I guess in the end, all your stupid morals made you the best sacrifice of all…”
You lurch back from Steve, right into Eddie’s arms, unfortunately. He spins you around to face him, a sadistic glimmer in his eyes when he speaks. “That’s right (y/n), we’re sacrificing your purity tonight,” Eddie explains. “And the fact that you’re a goody-two shoes little cunt actually makes it all the better.”
“What are you talking about?” you snap. “Sacrificing my purity? Who the hell talks like that? Fucking weirdos-”
“DON’T-,” Eddie shouts, shoving a finger at you. “-DISRESPECT…the RITUAL.” His eyes are like fire; Eddie is seething. “DON’T-disrespect-HIM…”
The sunlight has faded completely by this point. The only illumination in the room is coming from Eddie’s lighter, a thin flame twitching in his unsteady grip.
You stare stone-faced at Steve, your Judas Iscariot, your betrayer, the man whose lies outshine even his beauty. The window blinks above you, lightning flashing nearby.
“Satan,” Steve utters in a low, reverent tone. As if on cue in a cheesy horror movie, thunder rumbles outside the church.
You roll your eyes at Steve, earning you an even harsher glare from Eddie. “Satan?” you parrot back at Steve. “As in, the Devil? Are you serious?”
“-Is this fucking serious enough for you?” Eddie shouts. He pulls a pocket knife from his pants and juts its tip against your throat. “This is how it has to happen. We prayed to Satan, and He told us.”
“Told you what?” you sneer. “That if you fucked a virgin in the sanctuary of an old church, the Devil will give you magic powers or something? You really believe in that kind of shit?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, tugging your arm towards him. “Because it’s real. And you’re about to find out how real it is.”
He yanks you by the wrist, ordering you onto the ground . A bolt of lightning crackles outside, close enough that it makes Steve and Eddie jump. The brief pulse of light illuminates the three of you, and maybe Eddie’s imagining it, but he could swear your eyes look…different. Darker, somehow.
He assumes it’s just a shadow, a trick of the light, and tries to ignore it. Steve pulls at your arm again, trying to force you onto the floor. But you won’t budge. He can’t understand how you’re fighting him; he’s clearly stronger than you are. Thunder shakes the ground beneath your feet, a low hum bellowing from below as if the earth itself is groaning.
“You hear that?” Eddie asks excitedly, his pulse racing. “It’s Him, Steve. It’s fucking Him!”
Wind whips around the old church, its wooden beams creaking like tired bones. Eddie’s lighter begins to flicker in and out; he curses and smacks it against his palm, trying again.
When the flame ignites, its amber glow illuminates only Steve and Eddie’s faces. You appear to have vanished.
“Where the fuck did she go?? She was right-”
“-Well you were the one holding her fucking arm, Steve-how should I-.”
“HEY!” you call from behind the pulpit. Both men whip their bodies to face you, another burst of lightning revealing their wide eyes gazing up at yours.
“H-how did you do that?” Steve asks, his voice wavering. Eddie shakes the bewilderment from his mind, now even more determined to see his plan through. “You little bitch,” he growls. “I don’t know how you did that, how you got up there that fast, but you’re still ours, and we’re still in control!”
Eddie starts for the podium, but finds himself frozen, unable to move an inch. His eyes go wide as saucers, fear washing over his face.
“You both look so small from up here,” you tell them, leaning over the pulpit, your breasts pressed against it. “Small and weak. Pathetic, actually.”
Eddie smacks Steve’s shoulder, telling him to grab you; but try as he might, Steve is frozen in place as well.
The glow from Eddie’s lighter flicks in and out as his hand shakes uncontrollably. “What the hell is this?” Steve asks in a small, timid voice. But Eddie has no answer to give him.
“All those hours the two of you spent praying,” you speculate, getting high on their fear. “I wonder who you were actually praying to? Because it certainly wasn’t me…”
Steve’s jaw goes slack, sweat dripping from his hairline. Eddie wants to know…has to know, if what you’re implying is true. “L…Lord,” he begins tentatively, his voice trembling. “I had no idea-we-had no idea, it was You-.”
“SILENCE,” you order, and Eddie’s lips seal shut. “Bow to your Master, if it’s Satan you praise. Or can you not bring yourself to kneel at the feet of a woman?” A dry laughter rumbles from your chest, filling the room with heat, rattling the church’s bony frame.
Steve and Eddie tremble beneath you. Lightning strikes above the church; you watch its glare in the ceiling window, how it floods the terrified faces of the men at your feet. A tall tree beside the church is struck; it catches fire immediately.
“You bastards would need a taste of Hell, to understand how sick you are,” you tell Steve and Eddie. “Therefore, it’s what I’ll give you.”
The tree collapses against the roof of the church, setting it ablaze. Eddie and Steve whirl their heads to see it, but their feet are still stuck in place.
You remain calm, as if the decrepit old building isn’t going up like a box of matchsticks around you. “Legend says,” you preach to the men. “That the Devil wears a suit and tie…” You lean forward against the pulpit, your black eyes glaring down at them. “…But sometimes, She wears a push-up bra…”
A beam of rotting wood detaches from the ceiling, falling directly in front of Steve and Eddie, blowing dust and smoke into their eyes. As they cough and sputter and try to make out the shape of you behind the pulpit, they realize you’ve vanished. Panic seizes them both as flames draw closer and closer to the place their feet are locked, immovable. Sweat pours down their faces, eyes wide with tears that evaporate as soon as they form. The heat is suffocating, clogging their throats, smoke filling their lungs to bursting…
…And just as the first touch of fire licks at their skin, it STOPS.
Eddie and Steve are laying in the field outside the church, their backs burning, bits of clothing singed off around them. They gulp the fresh air into their mouths, weeping tears that can finally fall, drinking in the rain as it begins to cascade above them.
They watch the church, as the last of its pillars and beams are consumed by fire, brought down to its foundation. Rain puts out the flames remaining, as darkness swallows the area once more. Smoke rises like a prayer to Heaven, along with the tearful utterances of two men forever changed in one night, asking God to forgive them, two sinners grateful to still be breathing…
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coralinnii · 1 year
I have a request for the villainess AU. For Ace and Deuce, what if it was a love triangle between the MC? I just can’t imagine them being separated because them fighting over the Mc is much funnier!
❋ Being Reincarnated into a New World as the Bad Guy ❋
↳ Love Triangle scenario(?)
feat: Ace and Deuce
genre: humour, budding romance, friends-to-something more?
note: part of the “Reincarnated into a New World as the Bad Guy” series or the Villain/ess au, part of the 2.7k followers event, references to other villain/ess au works (specifically Riddle ver.), Ace + Deuce + reader are old enough to drink, no pronouns used with reader, minor mention of death
I don’t usually do the love triangle trope because real life ones hurt alot and it brings up some bad memories, but I’ll consider it for this, just for y’all~ I genuinely tried but rather than a love triangle, I may have accidentally created a… (seriously was not my intention)
Villain/ess au Series Masterlist
2.7K Followers Writing Event
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Before the oath of the sword, the three of you made an oath of your own. One of unquestioned trust and camaraderie. No matter where the string of fate would take either of you, the promise made one drunken night between you, Ace, and Deuce was stronger.
That night was fuelled with unrestrained emotions, with shouting and tears, most coming from you. Especially when you awoke one day with strange visions flooded your dreams, vivid images that spoke of a horrible future for you.
Memories of a strange novel, one that eerily resembles your current world down to each royal family member and even your friends’ lives. But while a hero’s glory awaits your dearest ones, you were left as a tragic minor antagonist.
A mere childhood friend of Ace and Deuce, you became jealous of a former baron’s daughter suddenly turned Queen when she grew close to your friends as her knight escorts. You turned to petty acts in response, spewing nasty rumours among the townfolks of the new Queen but like an angelic protagonist, she revealed your misdeeds but forgave you for your childish taunts. Nevertheless, you lost the respect of your only friends and you were left behind.
But despite the Queen’s pardon, King Riddle heard of your disgraceful behaviour against his beloved and called for your immediate execution, which became the final push for Ace and Deuce to join in the Queen’s rebellion against her own tyrannical husband. Because that’s all you were, a mere catalyst for the story to continue on.
You couldn’t imagine yourself turning into a cliche bully and admittedly, the idea of your untimely demise left you shaking in fear on occasion. But the worst of your premonitory dreams was the predicted end of your friendship.
The looks of disgust and disappointment that painted Ace’s and Deuce’s face seared into your mind, your heart shattering like glass at their wishes to never see you again. The fear of abandonment stings you like a crack in your heart which never healed, it scared you to the point that the moment you saw them happily enjoying the night, you drunkenly cried out.
“I love you so much, please don’t leave me.”
Unceremoniously, your body slumped onto the tavern’s table as you blacked out into an alcoholic slumber. How evil of you, conveniently unable to explain what you meant by your slurred confession, or to whom you were referring to.
Ace and Deuce were visibly distracted during their knight training the morning after, one of the few times that they must separate from you. Your words looping over and over in their heads like an endless echo. Your voice pleaded so sincerely with tears cascading down your cheeks.
“What should we do, Ace?” Deuce broke the awkward silence during their water break, finally taking a step to mention the elephant in the room. Your words that resembled a wistful confession struck him with worry (and a hint of budding hope). But unlike him, Ace was quick to look for possible excuses for your actions.
“Don’t be dumb. It was probably just the alcohol talking. Don’t you remember how much we all drank?” The reddish hue of Ace’s cheeks however betrayed his true emotions. In truth, he was just as frazzled by your words as Deuce was. He kept trying to convince himself that you meant nothing by it, to not get his hopes up. But the little devil on his shoulder whispers in his ear, “but what if you did mean something by it?”
Since then, you felt that your time spent with the duo increased since your last outing. Instead of staying back in the knight’s barracks right after training, Ace and Deuce visited your hometown more often that was not the most convenient travel destination. You felt at least one pair of eyes, either sea blue or rose red or both, watching you before turning away when you tried to catch their gaze.
But it seems that some people did noticed something different with the two young men, specifically their family. Deuce’s mother would smile knowingly at you whenever you drop by to offer some assistance in her business, occasionally mentioning how much her son has grown. Funnily enough, Ace’s older brother mentioned something similar about the redhead, though it was more laced with a teasing tone than one of filial affection.
But you weren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. You enjoyed the frequent visits of your best friends, especially knowing they will be even busier when the announcement of a new royal member would take your precious moments with them. Rumours were spread about the town of a mysterious figure locked in a tower which were not part of your memories, but your wary heart kept you mindful of the possible news regarding the imperial family.
Your worries intensified when Ace and Deuce announced their new task once dawn breaks, they were to escort the newest addition to the royal family back to the palace. In an attempt to quell your unease, you made an embarrassing request.
“You want to do what?” A bright red hue on Deuce’s face heavily contrasted with his raven blue hair, but you were no position to tease him as you could assume that your embarrassed complexion was no better. “Y-You mean…you…and us…”
The three of you lost track of time chatting and goofing off in your quarters and didn’t realize how the sun has long gone to rest for the night. Instead of returning to their own home, you asked if the two knights were willing to stay over the night, like in your younger days. Back when you three were more used to wooden swords than ones of steel, when your only worry was if your parents were going to cook your favourites that night.
Back when you three shared the same bed together.
“It’s not that crazy of a request…” you pouted but you supposed it was rather absurd to ask your friends, who old enough to be considered men, something so childish. Perhaps those carefree days are truly long gone.
“I’m not opposed to it” Ace gave his signature cheeky smile as he naturally wrapped his arm around your shoulder, slightly leaning his weight onto you. “If you just can’t help but miss our company, we can have a good ol’ slumber party. Just like old times~”
You’re starting to reconsider your request.
But Ace wasn’t done. “Well, it’s not exactly like old times. We’re definitely bigger than back when we were kids”
The redhead was obviously right. The three of you were nothing like the tiny versions of you in the past, and your best friends have certainly bulked up since they started their journey into knighthood. You tried your best but you couldn’t help but gaze in appreciation of the hard work the two of them did to build the stamina and muscles to protect their kingdom, respectfully of course.
“I doubt that all three of us can fit on your teeny little bed.” the scarlet-eyed knight exaggerated his point by squinting his fingers to describe your bed. “I guess Deucey’s just gonna have to go home for tonight.”
“Hey, wait a minute! Why me?!” Deuce snapped out from his flustered daze to glare at Ace, pulling his shaggy-haired companion by the neck of his shirt. “Who are you to tell me what to do?”
Ace remained unperturbed, too used to the blunette’s burst of anger “It’s nothing personal, buddy. But you grind your teeth real loud at night. How is any of us gonna get any sleep?”
“Well you’re a pain to wake up in the morning!” Deuce angrily countered. “Don’t make it our problem to get your ass up tomorrow.”
You watched your best friends bicker and argue, as if you didn’t already know of their terrible sleeping habits. Sure, Deuce grinds his teeth but you always tried to gently soothe his jaw hoping to relax him. Ace may sleep like the dead but his cute little pout every time he finally wakes up makes the effort all worth it to you.
They were idiots, but they were your idiots.
“Will you both stop fighting already?” Ace and Deuce immediately paused as your voice caught their attention, like it always does. “No one’s gotta leave. My bed is not that small, you know?”
To prove your point, you took each of the boy’s hand and led them without issue. For someone as tall and built as them, they were so easy to pull and push as you please. Carefully, you pressed your hands against their chest to push them backwards onto your bed. You then crawled onto the bed yourself between Ace and Deuce, the men automatically shifting their bodies to make space for you.
Satisfied, you laid onto your back and you took the hand of both men, each of your hand snuggly holding their warm, calloused ones. You smiled brightly at the fuzzy feelings of nostalgia bubbling in you, pressing your joining hands to your chest, atop of your beating heart.
“See, no one needs to leave.” your bright eyes looked up to your favourite people, cheeky joy evident in your gaze.
A rare occurrence, the two chatty troublemakers were left speechless. In their defence, they were too busy trying to contain the burst of happiness in their hearts to reply back to you, barely pushing the redness of their cheeks at bay.
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autolenaphilia · 8 months
Some thoughts on The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
I found out about The Coffin of Andy and Leyley from an ”antiship” blog that I was on solely to block, because these people are always violent callout culture transmisogynists. Them getting very upset about this game having incest in it piqued my interest. The art looked interesting, and if these people hate it, it can’t be all bad.
(Case in point about the transmisogyny, from my understanding some people tried to dox the pseudonymous and secretive developer of this game, Nemlei. And the motivation was to prove the doxxer’s suspicion that Nemlei is a trans woman, because “only a trans woman could create such degeneracy.”)
Sure enough, TCOAAL is actually a nuanced and well-written psychological dark comedy /horror game. This is going to be more of a preliminary analysis than a review so full spoilers beyond this point. It’s by necessity preliminary since the game isn’t finished yet. My review is: go buy it if you are a fellow sicko who enjoys interesting stories about cannibalism and incest and like visual novels.
TCOAAL uses a trick from more transgressive forms of horror fiction, where the protagonists are not the heroes, but the villains, and the story is from their perspective. Andrew and Ashley Graves are murderers who kill people, sacrifice their souls to demons and cannibalize their bodies. They would be the villains of a more conventional horror story, their crimes investigated and thwarted by some heroic detective perhaps. But in this type of story, you are denied the comfort of heroes, or even innocent victims as you watch the protagonists twisted psychology lead them to commit terrible deeds.
The tone of the story mostly isn’t really horror, but very dark comedy, kinda Jhonen Vasquez-ish. The horrors are portrayed with a gleeful flippant tone, and cute appealing art. The tone mirrors how especially Ashley feels about her crimes. The game’s tone gets serious sometimes, going for straight horror occasionally, acknowledging how heartbreaking yet insane the Graves situation is, but there is a deep vein of the blackest humor.
Andrew and Ashley
Andy and Leyley themselves have this co-dependent toxic abusive sibling dynamic. Ashley is emotionally abusive, extremely possessive and manipulative towards Andrew. But her beloved Andy is the only person she actually cares about, and the rest she is able to kill with gleeful abandon in her heart.
Yet Andrew is not purely a victim. I’m going to talk at length about him, because the gap between how he describes himself and what the game shows is fascinating. I’m not the first to point this out. And it even extends to the game’s promotional material, like this official art on the game’s steam page is actually subverted by the game itself.
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His character is not "doormat extraordinaire" who just "exists", the words "very not good, in fact very bad" apply to him too.
He is a victim, and loves to point at times how exploited, manipulated and abused he is by Ashley and he’s of course right. But he also uses that as an excuse for the horrific violence he commits, that he is just a doormat has been manipulated and corrupted by Ashley. “I was just being manipulated by Ashley to do it” is his variation on the old Nuremberg defense for his crimes. He has no sense of personal responsibility, no understanding that even if someone else tells you to do it, you are still responsible for your actions.
And the game itself proves that “it’s all Ashley” is not really true. A lot of the violence and murder are definitely on Andrew’s own initiative. He is violent towards Ashley too, the abuse is reciprocal. And he like Ashley doesn’t care much about other people. He gets distraught about killing people, but if you follow his dialogue, he is mostly freaked out about the consequences for himself. He is dependent on Ashley as someone who he can lay all the responsibility and blame for his own actions for. And of course, there is genuine affection there, because things are complex. He was parentified to take care of Ashley as a child and still has the drive to be her caretaker and protector.
It’s a fascinating pair of characters, and an interesting dynamic to observe.
“Der Mensch lebt nur von Missetat allein”
And the game’s writing is smart enough to have them not be an individualized evil, that came out of nowhere. Andrew and Ashley are the products of a neglectful and cold parents. Their mother made Andrew the favorite, but basically in order to parentize him to take care of his younger sister. And their dad can’t even remember the names of his kids. Not that the cycle of abuse starts with the parents, the mother had Andrew and Ashley when she was 15 and 17 respectively. But that doesn’t excuse how they ultimately, sell their kids’s lives for money to an organ harvesting scheme. This scheme is strongly implied to be part of an hilariously over-the-top soda company, toxisoda (it’s implied their soda is literally made from humans, so the company is doing the same thing that Ashley and Andy does, but on an industrial scale).
This is the situation that pushes Andy and Ashley to become evil murder-cannibals horror movie villains they become. They are deliberately being starved to death, and decide human meat is preferable to that. And the point here is obvious. To quote Brecht, “Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral” or in english translation “Food is the first thing. Morals follow on.” Andy and Ashley are bad people who kill and eat other people, but they are the product of an evil society. A family system where children are property of their parents to be abused and sold. And ultimately a capitalist system which kills people to feed others, a societal and systematic version of what Andew’s and Ashley does. They literally become cannibals to escape becoming literally or essentially cannibalized themselves by the capitalist system. Capitalism is a system which works on prey and predator dynamics, and they just fought to became predator instead of prey. To further quote the same song by Brecht, in capitalism, “Der Mensch lebt nur von Missetat allein” or in english “mankind is kept alive by bestial acts.” And in that broader view, Andrew and Ashley’s small-scale evil is dwarfed by the system they are born into.
It’s with all this context the game’s treatment of incest must be understood. It’s a horror game, about two siblings with a fucked-up abusive relationship. Of course there is incest, it’s far from being the worst thing these two do. The game only gets more explicit about incest in one optional ending, but it’s there explicitly and subtextually from the very start. Ashley jokes about it repeatedly, it’s there in the possessive jealousy Ashley feels for any of Andrew’s girlfriends, it’s implied in the casual physical intimacy of the siblings. Like it’s very obvious that their fucked-up but close relationship can lead there right from the beginning of episode 1. It’s a very natural conclusion to their dynamic. And the characters know it, Ashley definitely knows it, and their own mother accuses them of it. Andrew denies his mother’s accusation of fucking Ashley, and he’s probably not lying at that moment, but his relationship with Ashley leading there make perfect sense and he is not just capable of admitting that. Anyone who claims to have played this game and then claims be shocked that there is an optional incestous ending can’t have been paying much attention. This is the incest cannibalism game.
The Graves siblings are heading towards committing more murder as long as they stay alive, and incest is a minor sin for them. And probably not even the unhealthiest way for their relationship to develop. It definitely won’t fix them, but I doubt it will make things much worse.
And condemning the game morally is just absurd. This is a horror game, and you are outraged about the incest and not the murder-cannibalism? The Graves siblings relationship is not portrayed as healthy and the incest is part of that.
In fact the game portrays this double-standard in the actual story. It’s the possibility of her kids committing incest that finally makes Mamma Graves admit she is “the worst mother ever”, and not the whole selling the lives of her kids for money thing.
Sure, there is a fair argument to make that the incest is romanticized and fetishized. Ashley and Andrew are certainly drawn as attractive, and even the abusive elements can be part of the fetish. But the thing is, Ashley and Andrew are not real people, it’s fiction, it’s not real incest, so if people get off to it, I have no reason to see it as a problem.
The antiship blogger was actually especially angery about this official art from a devlog and honestly after playing the game, it kinda sums up my feelings about the incest controversy:
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@my-nitpicking-self asked me to talk about this post so here we are!
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yes, they are similar indeed. when i first started watching arcane, i immediately got catra flashbacks from jinx because of how similar they are.
scapegoat child? ✅
abandonment issues? ✅
toxic codependent relationship with their sister? ✅
implied mental health issues? ✅
bodycount by the hundreds? ✅
the only difference between that 1. jinx doesn’t get into an incestuous relationship with her sister and 2. the show doesn’t justify her behavior.
jinx is written to be a sympathetic character who only became a villain because of circumstances and to her credit, she was a lot nicer as a child, unlike catra. but her actions still aren’t glorified by the narrative.
arcane is a show where pretty much all of the characters are morally grey to some extent, and everything is shown as is. so jinx can’t exactly be labelled as a villain but she is definitely an antagonist, and a dangerous one at that. vi believes that she can save her sister but at no point does she or anyone else act like jinx never did anything wrong.
arcane succeeded in making jinx a tragic villain because they knew better than to make her out to be a poor little girl whose actions were all justified. she very clearly had mental health issues (and it was better portrayed than catra’s mental health, in my opinion) but that doesn’t excuse her murdering people left and right.
s2 hasn’t come out yet but i’m already pretty sure that jinx won’t be redeemed. and it’s better that way. don’t get me wrong, i don’t think any character is irredeemable and jinx definitely deserves a happy ending and therapy, but it would narratively make more sense for her to stay an antagonist. not to mention, i don’t think there would be enough episodes for a satisfying redemption arc and i hope to god that the writers don’t make the same mistake as spop.
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what I meant by my post about the boys not appreciating Yuu enough is about the trauma they inflicted on them and the lack of compensation we get because trauma=not guilty.
We just let them get away scott free without them facing serious consequences and get little to nothing in return. I got inspired by this post https://rose-tea-and-strawberries.tumblr.com/post/720285231576465408/justiceforyuu
So what are your thoughts on this?
[Referencing this post!]
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Mmm… 🤔 While I do think the post linked is an interesting read (and OP does make valid points), I think a lot of it goes back to the nature of TWST’s design vs what the individual desires. It’s very easy to self-insert (meaning everyone’s mileage with the characters and plot will vary greatly), and with it being a mobile gacha game, there are definitely some limitations and design philosophies that must be adhered to in order to keep content flowing and thus keep the game profitable.
However, I don’t agree with some of the points suggested (whether by OP or by Anon), particularly that TWST presents “trauma = not guilty” and that Yuu should somehow be “compensated” or given something in return for the troubles they went through. To the former point, I completely agree that the boys’ punishments are far too light for what they’ve done (in OB form). As for their behavior pre-OB (which is, admittedly, still shitty)… I mean, we came into this game knowing the characters are twisted from villains, of all things. We shouldn’t be expecting them to be Super Nice and Empathetic to begin with, no? (So of course Riddle will be insulting Yuu’s background and lineage, Trey’s a bystander, etc.) It doesn’t excuse the behavior of course (it’s still objectively bad), but I thought we came into TWST expecting it??? Like it’s a major part of the draw…
I also believe TWST does a decent job at explaining the OB boys’ trauma while not excusing them because of their trauma; funnily enough, a major theme in book 1 was Riddle being held accountable for his actions for once. (This isn’t limited to just his OB behavior, but rather extends to prior; he was clearly harming his own dorm members well before Yuu got involved with Heartslabyul.) The OB boys were eventually punished for their actions, but because the sentences are relatively light, that’s perhaps where the “trauma = not guilty” perception of the fandom comes from. As I said before though, I think this can easily be attributed to TWST being constrained by the mobile game format (ie it has to be snappy); the light novel is able to expand on the consequences in greater detail.
The game devs likely don’t want to linger on how badly the OB boys truly acted because that could hamper their bottom line (ie endearing the characters to us enough so we sympathize with them and spend money). If they keep demonizing the boys or continuously bring up their literal murder attempts when they were fully lucid and aware of themselves (Leona almost sanding Ruggie, Vil trying to poison Neige), it looks “too” bad on the characters’ part. We also can’t haul the boys off to serious rehabilitation facilities because they need to be physically present to return for the subsequent book—and, of course. You can say “they didn’t get punished severely enough”, sure. But what exactly would that “more severe punishment” being called for entail, especially without disrupting the current story’s flow and not harming the OB boys further in the process? There are practical real world game design and business reasons for this.
To address the Yuu should somehow be “compensated” part, well… I’m not entirely sure if I understand it?? Thinking about it logically, what “compensation” are we looking for? Firstly, no compensation, in my opinion, is worth the anguish that “earned” it in the first place. Compensation will never make up for the mental scars 😔 Secondly, it implies that people are “owed” something for the general bad attitudes they’re given on a daily basis, which is not in any way how real interactions work. Some people will just be assholes to you, and we have to deal with it and move on. In the cases of the OBs and some events (like being kidnapped and basically held hostage in book 4), yes, those are much more serious and should be treated as such. But again, what exactly are we looking for here as “proper” compensation? Is acknowledging one’s faults and mistakes, and saying sorry for it and working toward being “better” not enough? What about the money Vil gives in book 5; is that also not enough? Where do we draw the line? When is it finally “enough” compensation? It’s so poorly defined and there’s no “blanket” compensation that would satisfy everyone and anyone 💦 I would personally be happy just knowing that the other person is aware they’ve done wrong and are taking that vital first step to changing. That’s very difficult to do, especially considering the pride of the average NRC student, so I commend them for at least doing that.
TWST’s story isn’t one that focuses on condemning people for their flaws and errors, but giving them a chance to recognize their wrongs and to grow from them. Its story promotes restorative justice over punitive justice. Overly punishing measures and reparations have proven to not smooth over “bad behavior” in real life; it’s something people need to consciously and actively work toward, so of course it’s going to be a hard process.
The reaction(s) Yuu has to the events going on around them are only as serious as individual fan interpretation makes them out to be. Official depictions thus far (manga, game, light novel) have not strongly indicated that Yuu has had any extremely adverse thoughts or feelings regarding the treatment they’ve experienced at the hands of their peers or any stress related to not being returned home. It’s also not clear (especially in the game) just how much physical involvement Yuu has in battles. Because TWST itself does not frame or portray these events as having super serious impacts on Yuu, that also informs the fans that absorb this content (so they, in turn, will usually also not take the story’s impact on Yuu all that seriously).
The interactive medium of the game (which is the main form people absorb TWST content by) plays such a crucial role in how Yuu is portrayed. Because Yuu is so inherently tied to being the player’s avatar/self-insert, there are limitations to the overt nastiness Yuu takes and their involvement. The manga and the light novel feature new versions of Yuu, yes, but these interpretations are wholly separate from Yuu (the game one). The manga and light novel Yuus can be treated as their own characters and not self insert vehicles, therefore there is a degree of separation between the player and the manga and light novel Yuus. This is why the manga Yuus are more shown to be more active in the story (most notably getting involved in battles). This is why the light novel Yuu is shown receiving more bullying (from mob students) than is depicted in the game. The manga and light novel are NOT interactive mediums, and they don’t have to worry about potentially alienating or offending players who self insert as the game Yuu. Game Yuu is intentionally kept vague for this reason; we aren’t necessarily meant to interpret that game Yuu gets as involved or is treated as harshly as what other mediums depict.
I really don’t think we (the audience) are meant to interpret most of the things (game) Yuu experiences as being deeply traumatic or scarring. In most instances, Yuu is either ignored or they act very nonchalant about what’s happening (groaning or joking about how “oh, not this again!”). The worst injury I can recall Yuu ever getting is when Grim scratches them at the end of book 5. They barely even ever bring up going home or the worry of not being able to get home (not counting very early and very late in the main story when it is plot relevant, or the occasional event story to shoehorn Yuu’s presence in). The game in particular glosses over any potential negative ramifications on Yuu’s part because endearing the boys (who often are Not Nice) to the player is an important component of the gacha model. You can’t have the players despising the characters because that doesn’t encourage spending money to roll for them on banners or to throw money at merch.
I also want to add that many people make Yuusonas to have fun and to escape into a magical world (which is likely reflected in the nonchalance Yuu demonstrates toward going home for most of the story); it’s far more common to see these lighthearted takes because I can’t imagine many people want to self-insert being deeply traumatized by the same magical boys they’re likely big fans of. If you personally want to make or to see a Yuu that becomes traumatized and jaded from what happens during their time in Twisted Wonderland, then yeah! Go for it! All the more power to you. Just remember that this isn’t a universal take.
All of that being said, we come back to something I’ve said time and time again: since Yuu is such a blank slate, you get out of it what you put into it. This means every person’s individual interpretation of the events and how Yuu engages with and reacts to those events may differ wildly. It’s all in good fun, just try to be cognizant of canon vs fanon, as well as others (who may have very different interpretations of the same events and characters).
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slayfics · 1 month
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Kai comes to your house.
1.3k words
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Kai watched as you quickly fumbled around your apartment, gathering items to stuff into a backpack for him.
He knew he didn’t deserve your kindness. He didn’t deserve anything you did for him. He risked your hero status by showing up at your apartment, yet you still took him in. He remembered his panicked state during another prison break that was orchestrated by some up-and-coming villain.
How far was he supposed to go with no arms? All the escaped villains took off, not caring about anyone else.
He had nowhere else to go. The only place that stood out in his mind as a beacon of hope was your apartment.
You were a popular hero now though, would you turn him in?
He decided it was worth the risk.
He’ll never forget the expression on your face when you opened the door to him. Wide eyes, those same flushed cheeks. You yanked him inside.
You didn’t turn him in.
“What the fuck are you doing here Kai?!” You yelled.
“Another prison break, I’m sure you heard,” he answered. Standing pathetically in your apartment. Unused sleeves dangling from his prison uniform.
“SO YOU CAME HERE?! To a fucking hero’s apartment!!” You scolded him. “I should turn you in!”
“Will you?” He asked.
You swallowed, expression of fury fading, you sighed. “You can’t stay here,” you decided.
“That’s fine I didn’t intend to for long,” he stated.
But looking him over once more, you felt your heart squeeze. Where else was he supposed to go? All his comrades were dead. All bridges burned. No arms to even feed himself or wipe his own ass.
“Let’s get you cleaned up at least,” you decided, noticing the dirt and grim he acquired from his journey.
“You’re an angel,” he cooed.
You cleaned him up. Bathed him, fed him, and helped him shave the stumble he had acquired in prison. Somehow you even persuaded your way into getting prosthetic arms for him. Making up some lie to one of the support manufacturers for heroes.
You stuffed face masks, and mini sanitizers into the backpack. Taking care of even his mysophobia, he found himself wishing he didn’t have to leave.
Those words you spoke to him so long ago haunt him now. “You’re a handsome man, if you had made different decisions, I wonder how different our lives would be.”
He had plenty of time to ponder it in Tartarus. If he had made different decisions, he would have been able to have a proper relationship with you. His boss wouldn't despise him, Eri would be untraumatized.
You spoke bringing him out of his daydreams, “Promise me you’ll do something good with your ambitions Kai. You’re smart. You could really make a difference in the world if you have pure intentions this time.”
“I don’t have any grand ambitions anymore,” he answered, the heaviness of his words seemed to weigh the whole room down. It was heartbreaking seeing him this way. Once so powerful and sure of his actions. Now just a hollow shell of what used to be a strong man.
“Just… don’t make me regret this. If you do I promise I’ll hunt you down,” you said again, trying to separate yourself from your growing feelings. The words “stay for just one more night,” daring to leave your lips.
Kai struggled to put one of the face masks you gave him on. His new prosthetic hands were clumsy and slow.
It was common for heroes to lose limbs in fights. So- making an excuse to get prosthetics to show your interns the severity of injuries they could get in fights had no one batting an eye. The downside is they weren’t perfectly made for Kai. Whereas a hero would have had personalized prosthetics, Kai got whatever was lying around the shop. Even still, he knew he’d never be able to repay you.
You stalked around the apartment for anything else he might need, unconsciously delaying the time before your final goodbye. "Do you- want gloves?" You asked, maybe a dumb question but with his heavy aversion to germs, you weren't sure.
Kai just gave a pitiful shrug. Highlighting again the fact that he was no longer the same man.
You decided to stuff disposable gloves in the bag just in case.
"Look everyone is going to be looking for you and- you aren't exactly hard to spot so... be careful. Get out of Japan if you can," You suggested to him, bringing the backpack over to him. "There's money and extra clothes in here too, I'm sure you can figure something out from here."
"I know a simple thank you is little to repay what you've done and risked for me. But it's all I have right now," he said grabbing the backpack from you and wrestling it on awkwardly.
The sight only further tugged on your sympathy. Fleeting thoughts of leaving with him ran across your mind. If only for a brief moment to imagine the fantasy.
Even through all the things he had done, it felt wrong sending him out on his own, as he gathered the shattered pieces of himself and re-learned how to navigate his new situation.
Yet that was the reality. You couldn't throw away all your hard work to become a hero just to vanish off with a washed-up villain. It was an alluring fantasy, but that's all it was.
The painful truth was this was going to be the last time you'd cross paths with Kai. That's what had to happen for you both to avoid any consequences.
Kai stood up and stalked to your door, knowing he had long overstayed his welcome. Every second spent in your apartment was a risk for you both. It would only take one unexpected visit from a neighbor or friend, to send him back to Tartus and who knows what punishments you'd face for harboring a fugitive.
"Repay me by doing good this time," you said following him to the door.
It was the dead of night, the perfect time for him to take off and make his next move. You wanted to ask where he was going, what was he going to do? But- it was better that you didn't know in the event that any heroes came questioning. Or any late-night fantasies of following after him got too strong.
Kai turned to you, back towards the door, "Guess this is goodbye then."
You nodded, the two of you standing in the awkward tension of the moment. It was an unnatural goodbye. How many people say goodbye with such an absolute of never seeing each other again. See you later, not even an option on this table. It was heavy. You knew you shouldn't be so saddened to watch the villain go, but logic put up a little fight against your heavy heart.
"Alright," Kai finally mumbled, breaking the tension, and turning around to open the apartment door.
"Wait!" you blurted out, pulling him back. Tearing the mask off his face you pressed your lips to his. A wince shot through him before he gave in allowing his longing emotions to outweigh his disdain for germs.
Cheeks flushed; eyes wide at your emotional goodbye.
"Sorry," you apologized placing the mask back on his face. "Just... thought we should have a proper goodbye."
Kai smiled, the first smile you'd seen since before he was arrested, "Don't apologize, if anyone could get away with that, it's you. Take care of yourself," he spoke before finally leaving your apartment.
Thinking it too risky to watch him go, you shut your door. Nerves buzzing with conflicting feelings. A symphony of screams going off in your head. Some telling you to run after him, some scolding you for even thinking about it.
In the end, you stood cationic at the door. Never deciding how to feel.
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sinners: @mintsbubbletea @lalachanya @unofficialmuilover @starieq @that-one-fangirl69 @pinkpurpledreams
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“you’ve bewitched me, doll”
Summary: you have the same powers as Wanda but your powers are darker. You were a villain and you fought the avenger but eventually, they helped u get rid of the dark magic and u became one of them. You are reading their minds in secret but there’s only one mind that revolved around you only, which is Bucky’s. you keep teasing each other and playing mind games until one day you get into action.
Characters: Bucky Barnes (the white wolf) X female reader
Warnings: Smut, M masturbation, mind reading, witches, unprotected sex, overstimulation, praise, teasing, multiple orgasms, creampie, almost getting caught, mind games, begging, & lots of +18 explicit smut, Y/N's pov in the middle.
Word count: +3k
A/N: this is my first time writing smut ever + English isn’t my first language so excuse me if I misspelled anything lol
P.S: Y/N is such a girlboss! + This takes place before Wanda vision and MOM! (aka Wanda didn’t get hold of the darkhold yet but Y/N did)
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You were laying in your bed in your room in the compound watching your favorite TV show, your teammates were all on a mission except for you, Bucky, Sam, and Yelena. Sam and Yelena were in the gym training for their next mission. You and Bucky only shared a wall as your rooms were next to each other. You were just laying there remembering it all, how you became the most wicked witch ever, you even almost overpowered the scarlet witch herself as you locked yourself away for a year with the dark hold learning all its secrets and spells. Your brain brought you back to the events in New York and your infamous fight with Doctor Strange and how you almost wiped him and all the Avengers out from the face of the earth but that broken small little girl inside of you stopped you before it was too late, instead, you just asked for help and they were kind enough to put all your broken pieces back together and help you.
Strange took the dark hold and hid it away from the entire world that even he, can’t even have it. You were relieved by this thought as you can’t forget all the dark awful places this cursed book took you and how it almost made you go insane. Even though, it was the reason behind all your powers and knowledge of magic. Suddenly, you got snapped out of your thoughts by the random thoughts of your next-door neighbor.
The winter soldier himself, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you don’t find him hot, you had that secret crush on him since the first time you laid eyes on him which was when he tried to stop you from crashing Sam to death when they were fighting you. You knew that some part in your dark-tinted heart wanted Bucky to hold you down and fuck all the darkness out of you. You giggled at that dirty thought and went back to exploring Bucky’s thoughts.
You kept it a secret from everyone that you can read all of their minds but you couldn’t help it, it was a new environment for you and these guys were supposed to be your enemies so you felt like you had to, just to prepared for any kind of betrayal, as you promised yourself no mistakes like that again. You will not trust anyone again. But these guys made it different for you, they showed you what true family is. Especially Bucky. As you’re in his mind now, there’s an old song from whichever decade he’s from playing in his mind as he’s polishing and cleaning his metal arm. He’s so focused and you decided to play with him for a bit.
Bucky was obsessed with you and you knew it, you loved it, you even touched yourself to the thought of it. When you started getting used to them and getting close to them after they adopted you in the compound, Bucky kept picturing you in your underwear after he saw you this one morning by accident only in your bra and panties. He noticed for the first time how absolutely hot you are and how you were definitely his type. From this moment on, he started to notice you more, even though he hid it so well but you were in his mind and you knew it.
You knew how any sound from you made him obsess over you for hours so you got out of bed and searched for that song that keeps playing in his head and you played it, knowing it will get a surprising reaction out of him.
And it did. He looked over to your shared wall and smirked, and you felt that smirk. But what you didn’t know, is that Bucky knows you’re in his head. He noticed it first when he pictured you wearing skinny leather pants that hugs your ass cheeks perfectly and saw you wearing them the very next day. At this moment, he knew it was too perfect to be just a coincidence. He wanted to test this theory of his more, as he kept picturing you and thinking of you in certain places and wearing certain clothes and him knowing your playful teasing nature, you entertained every thought and idea of his and served it to him on a golden platter. He kind of liked how you keep reading his mind, this is why he kept seeing you and imagining you in very sexual scenarios and kept fantasizing about you. He knew you loved it.
You both kept playing these mind games for a while now and keep hearing each other masturbating at the thought of you two together in one bed. He knew you loved the idea of him masturbating and touching himself to you while moaning your name, and you did the same to him. Even the rest of the team noticed that heavy sexual tension between you two whenever you are all gathered for a meeting or a house party.
Bucky knew you were playing with him the moment you played that song, this is why he smirked. “you want a reaction doll, you’ll get one” he said to himself while he adjusted his metal arm on his torso again and laid in bed thinking about dressing you slowly while his hands are between your thighs teasing your entrance and you’re moaning his name in his ear and him burying his head in your neck biting and kissing your sweet spot. You, being in his head, seeing him doing this to you made you breathe heavily and feel your cunt gets hotter and wetter. You sat in bed in silence and paused the song which made him smirk and grin more in the other room, knowing what his thoughts did to you.
Bucky couldn’t actually handle more of these mind games and wanted to taste you so badly, he was really desperate for the real thing more and needed you. He thought that if he kept that “let’s try the real thing” thought in his mind, you’d cave and ask him to fuck you. But you didn’t, which made him more craving and weaker for you. But you couldn’t help it, teasing is actually one of your kinks. Now, you can read in his mind that he’s tired of fucking himself to the thought of you and he wanted to actually do it. You actually thought of just going to his room and burying yourself in his bed, giving him permission to do anything to you but you didn’t really have the guts to do it. You were not the begging type. But little did you know, he was.
You heard him get out of bed and get out of his room, with one thought only in his mind. You. Fucking you, licking you, tasting you, burying his cock inside of you. Your heart started to beat a little faster as you heard him knocking on your door, you walked to your bedroom door slowly as you kept seeing what he was going to do to you for the rest of the day as it keeps playing in his head. You opened the door and saw heavy-breathing shirtless Bucky standing in front of you with nothing but lust in his eyes. “Aren’t you tired of these mind games yet, doll?” he said as he got closer to you that you can feel his hot heavy breaths on your forehead and you looked up to him and smirked. “Gosh, you’re killing me.” He said while moving closer making you step back and he kept moving forward until he was inside your room. He closed your bedroom door with his metal hand without breaking eye contact with you.
“What are you talking about, Barnes?” you said while trying to hide that smirk on your face as you got him where exactly you wanted.
“No, Y/N, don’t play dumb. I know you’re in my head and you can see what I’m thinking about” he licked his lips while looking at yours. “I know you love it, don’t lie to me doll” A shadow of a smirk formed on his lips which made you more turned on than ever. “I can smell the throbbing heat between your thighs baby, please don’t lie to me” Your heart kept beating more and your breaths became heavier.
“What do you want, Barnes?” you wanted to tease more and be more playful with him since you knew, this turned him on too.
“I wanna fuck you, Y/L/N. I wanna feel your body on mine. I wanna feel your wet throbbing cunt hugging my dick while it’s buried inside you.” He kept staring at your body like a prey and he’s the predator, you still can read his mind and what’s going on in his head, is a literal porno starring you, and him. He’s not lying when he said these things, you can see him actually doing it. “I know you want it too, kitten, please let me fuck you.” He did something, you weren’t expecting at all. He dropped to his knees in front of you. Lust is the only thing you can see in his eyes, and you love it. “You’ve bewitched me doll, all I want is you. Please let me at least touch you.” He made such an accusation of you bewitching him, in fact, you didn’t do anything at all, you just woke up one morning and saw him fucking you raw in his dreams out of nowhere. Jesus, this man will be the end of you as you are of him.
you moved closer and placed your left hand on his shoulder and your right hand on his head, playing with his hair, he looked up at you as he was still on his knees wearing nothing but gray sweat shorts. “Only with one condition, Barnes,” you said while pulling his hair a bit. He didn’t break eye contact and opened his mouth a little. “It has to be good” he smiled and grabbed your thighs from behind while lifting you up. “You’re in good hands doll, be sure of that” he chuckled while throwing you on the bed.
Y/N's POV:
He threw himself on me but being careful not to crash me, he started kissing me heavily as our tongues kept fighting for dominance. He obviously won this fight then he started taking my shirt and my shorts off. He broke the make-out to get a good look at my body as he ripped my bra off. He bit his lower lip hard when he saw my breasts and my hard nipples. “Just how I imagined them” he smirked while moving down to kiss and suck them and he put my life nipple in his mouth sucking and biting it and the other one is in between his fingers. I moaned hard and kept pulling and tangling his dark brown hair in my hands.
“You taste so good doll, fuck” he said between breaths then he pulled himself up to my neck and buried himself in it. Kissing and biting on my sweet spot while leaving his marks all over me. His fingers started to trace the line of my panties as he proceeded to take them off. I kept moaning in need of any attention to my lower area as it was soaked wet and needed any kind of ease. “Just say what you want doll, I can feel your heat against me,” he said while moving his hand down on my bed till it reached my swollen clit. I moaned loudly at his touch. “I know you need me, babe. I wanna hear you begging” he said while rubbing circles on my clit making me moan and scream louder. He wants me to beg just like I made him beg to fuck me.
“Know your place, Barnes, you’re the one who begged me in the beginning,” I said between moans, trying my hardest to sound confident and well put. He chuckled and looked at me “Still won’t cave Y/L/N. Fine. We’ll do it this time your way.” he said while taking off his sweat shorts and boxers and running his hard dick on my entrance, teasing. “But I promise you, next time, you’ll be the one begging on her knees, kukolka” God, I love when he throws Russian words like that. He noticed my reaction to this Russian word as I moaned at the sound of it and opened my legs more for him. He smirked and held my legs and wrapped them around his waist while adjusting himself at my entrance. “Я собираюсь трахнуть тебя так сильно. что ты не сможешь ходить несколько дней.” He said while pushing his full length inside me as I screamed his name so loud, he even put his hand on my mouth. His Russian accent, his full length inside my wet cunt, his groans in my ear, his messy hair, his slight beard tingling my neck, his neck kisses, all of these things happening at the same time making me lose my mind. If I’m not losing it from the dark hold, then I’ll lose it because of Bucky Barnes. He’s my karma.
He kept thrusting slowly at first, trying to adjust himself inside me while stretching my insides and making me get adjusted to his length. I don’t know if I should focus more on how our bodies are connected or on how he just told me he’d fuck me so hard that I won’t be able to walk for days in Russian. Gosh, I didn’t know how much I needed him until now. “You don’t know how much I’ve been dreaming of this moment, babydoll,” he said between his groans while thrusting slowly and making eye contact. “I know Bucky, I know” I moaned while he kept thrusting as he locked our lips together. This kiss felt different than the ones before, this one felt more passionate and genuine, and it wasn’t lustful. He broke the kiss while looking me in the eyes “I’m still a man of my word Y/N, try to be quiet sweetheart.” He said while holding both of my hands with his right hand and lifting them above my head.
Next thing I know, with my hands tied together with his right hand and his metal left hand around my throat, his pace and thrusts grew faster and harder as it felt like he was on a time mission and he have to finish the job fast. I can’t put my mind around how I am such a moaning mess right now. With this fast pace and hard thrusts, his lengths kept hitting my g spot rapidly and I felt the knot in my stomach kept tightening and getting closer on edge. Another person’s thoughts broke mine and Bucky’s moans as I felt a presence on the same floor getting closer to my room. My eyes widened and I stopped Bucky quickly by flipping us over so now I’m on top and he’s on bed. He held my waist as his penis is still buried inside me and I placed my finger on my mouth singling him to keep quiet. He nodded, knowing that I’m hearing someone.
Using my power, I locked the door quietly and put a force of magic around the room that would soundproof it. Bucky watched me sitting on him moving my hands and using my magic to make sure we don’t get caught which made him grin and lick his lips. When I gave the look that ‘we’re good now’. He pulled me closer “You are a fucking goddess and I’m so lucky to get to be inside you.” He whispered in my ear while playing with my dark hair and pulling it down to my shoulders and back. “You’re so beautiful Y/N” he pulled me into another passionate kiss and unconsciously I started to grind my hips on him as if he will still inside me. We moaned in each other’s mouths, never breaking the kiss. I hate how we were almost close to releasing and got interrupted by stupid Sam as he was looking for Bucky. Little does he know, his best friend Bucky is under the witch who almost killed him, begging her to let him fuck her.
Bucky held me waist so tight stopping me from grinding on him as he continued fucking me so hard. He kept thrusting so fast inside me, never breaking eye contact. He was still underneath me, holding me in place, thrusting his dick in and out of me like I’m just a sex doll he was playing with, which turned me more on. He’s so good. He makes me feel so good. I can’t even feel myself or how loud I am now as I’m so high on the feeling of him hitting my g spot, making me vibrate and shake so hard. He knew I was coming and I knew he knew so I didn’t have to tell him. He pulled me closer so now my chest is touching his and his hands are now holding my butt cheeks and he didn’t stop thrusting hard. I buried my head in his neck. Can’t stop moaning. “That’s it, baby, that’s it doll. Cream me. Cream my cock.” His words were just what I needed at that moment to push me off the edge. I let go and came all over his cock. I can feel the heat of my cum dripping down on his cock and his inner thighs and staining the bed sheets underneath us and yet, he never stopped fucking me or thrusting hard. Making me feel overstimulated that I can’t stop cumming. “Good girl. You’re such a good girl Y/N. fuck-aghhh I’m cumm-mm”
I felt a striking hot liquid burst inside me that made me scream out his name loudly as it hit my sensitive g spot which did not help my cumming to stop. He kept thrusting until he stopped cumming but I didn’t, which made me so weak that I can’t stop screaming or moaning. It felt so good. He felt so good. I hadn’t had like this before. This is the first time someone made me feel that good or made me cum this hard. The thought and the feeling of it made me want more. Made me want him more.
He stopped thrusting and moved his hands away, resting them on the bed as it must’ve been sore. Our chests are against each other breathing hard and heavy, our bodies are still connected down there with our mixed cum covering his cock and filling my cunt. I got up slowly and was going to get off of him but did it slowly as my insides are still sensitive and any move could cause another burst out of me. “No no no no no. Come here” he pulled me down on his cock again making me moan and flipping me over so now he was on top again. “Please, doll, not yet. You fit me so good, I don’t wanna leave you yet” he said while burying his cock inside me more making me squirm beneath him.
I would be lying if I said that I don’t feel fulfilled with him inside me like that. I know I’d hate the emptiness I’ll feel when he pulls it out. But I have to stay safe. “Sorry babe, safety first,” I said while kissing him on his lips. He whined and pulled it out and yes, I do hate the emptiness. I pouted at him. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s your call not mine” he smirked then held my shirt from the ground and cleaned me up before I went to the bathroom to pee and clean myself with water. I finished and stood at the bathroom door looking at Bucky while he was laying there on my bed, naked, looking at me, smiling, looking so hot and fucked out. I smiled widely at how I’d always wanted to see him like that since the first day I laid my eyes on him. Fuck, I think I’m in love. And by running through his mind, I think he is too.
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aratedfreyjablog · 4 months
There is no such thing as “Good Guy”
A concept that makes WHB “charming” and appreciative is how there’s no true villain or hero. The line that defines evil and good, despite there being angels, dragons, demons, and humans, is nonexistent.
Disclaimer: Spoilers for Chapter 5, Events, Gamigin, and Lucifer!
We are put under an illusion such a line exists when we see the human MC get attacked by Gabriel, only to be saved by Satan. From that point on and all the way to Chapter 4, everything seems to be set in stone that the villains are the angels, whose goal is practically to assert their race as the only living race as a mean to receive all of “God’s” love since they are jealous that they aren’t the ONLY race to receive his love. This includes the whole issue of them targeting the MC as they are the descendent of the sole human who received most of “God’s” love (i.eSolomon). Hence, the MC and us, the players, are put under the impression that devils are victims since they are trying to protect their homes while owing them a debt for saving (reviving) Minhyeok. 
Chapter 5, however, shows us that this isn’t the case and the situation wasn’t that simple. Though we learn of how the angels used to run a lab to experiment on a large population of devils, including Leviathan and Orias, the devils weren’t completely innocent. When discussing as to why the Seed of Knowledge would be in Tartaros, we learn of how said country used to do just the same as the angels where the devils of Tartaros had previously ran a lab and experimented on angels before Mammon, himself, destroyed it due to the experimentation posing as a threat to his people.  
We also see from the two events, Requiem of the Survivors and the Life Investigation of Leraye, how Orias attempts to take Leviathan’s life just so he could consume Leviathan’s soul and obtain long-lasting youth while Astaroth is found by Sitri coming back from the human world after corrupting and ruining the life of a human. We would think the devils wouldn’t be like this as they are introduced as more of a pure and innocent existence especially when, according to Solomon and other devils, they can’t even lie. Based on these events and from seeing in Chapter 5 how the devils of Hades are able to lie, that’s not the actual truth.
If anything, it can be argued their nature and cruelty is almost closed to the angels. The few things that doesn’t make the devils from being on the same level as them is how they don’t intend to assert their race and commit genocide for said goal but exhibit consideration and sympathy towards their fellow and other races. From The Two Stars event, Gamigin’s comic, and Lucifer’s comic, we see how the devils show kindness even towards angels and dragons where the original Gamigin gives his life up to save dragon Gamigin while Satan’s camp and Satan, himself, show neutrality to Lucifer when he first arrived in Hell and takes down his fellow angels. In addition to this, the devils of Paradise Lost choose to follow Lucifer and acknowledge him as their king and “hyung” despite him being an angel. 
All of this being said, there’s no “good guy” or “bad guy” in WHB. Instead, we see how war brings out both the good and bad sides of all beings that justifies reasoning for certain actions but not excusing them.  There’s also emphasis that the POV of the MC can’t be completely relied on due to bias where they are mostly interacting with the devils on a normal and mutual basis. The concept of moral-grayness makes the overall story all more intriguing as more lore is revealed through interactions between MC -to- characters and characters-to-characters. 
Hopefully PB will drop more content soon so we could learn more about the story and characters!
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ieatstarsforaliving · 11 months
The Set-Up for Chapter 4 (3)
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Summary: Hazel is really bad at lying. Especially to you.
Pairing: Spider-Woman!Hazel Callahan x Classmate!Reader
Warnings: Mature language, use of (Y/N), mentions of violence and death, I don't know what else honestly it's like 2 AM
Word Count: 4244
Note: I know it's been a while, my bad- turns out this whole university thing actually needs my time and effort to pass or something idk. Anyways, this chapter is lowkey kind of boring cause it's the set-up for the fun upcoming action-filled bloody chapters so just bear with me. But since I was gone for a while this is extra long... at least for me. Next fic is chapter 2 of The Grief We're Given so enjoy the lighthearted fic for now... also am lazy so this is unedited LMAO so it might be bad idc - Bia <3
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“(Y/N), I know this may come off as a shock, but I love you too much to hide it from you anymore. I’m actually… the Spider-Woman!” 
PJ dramatically pulled off the red mask from her face, striking a pose, earning a laugh from Hazel. 
The trio were putting away the equipment they used for the Fight club after all the other members had left the gym— and by that it meant Josie and Hazel were putting away equipments while PJ thought it was a fun idea to dig through Hazel’s backpack to pull out her Spider-Woman mask, put it on, and start doing cartwheels and other nonsense around the gym floor. 
“Okay, why don’t you actually help us clean up, PJ,” Josie complained, folding up the floor mats, “Instead of blowing Hazel’s cover?” 
“Fine,” PJ rolled her eyes before throwing the mask back to Hazel, who caught it reflexively just as it was about to hit her face. “But even if anyone saw me with the mask, it’s not like they would believe any of us losers could possibly be the amazing Spider-Woman.”
PJ threw a playful grin at Hazel who folded the mask and hid it in her backpack. PJ had been begging her to reveal her superhero identity for a while, saying that it would raise all of their social levels right to the top. Josie, in reverse, begged Hazel not to reveal her identity, especially given the risks involved. 
“But what if you just told (Y/N)? Then, she’ll fall in love with you, then automatically she’ll hang out with us more, and by association she’ll bring Isabel and Brittany with her!” PJ argued, still unwilling to drop the topic. 
“Yeah, and then the next villain that wants to kill Hazel will take the people she loves as hostage,” Josie warned. “In fact– I know we’ve been doing the self-defense club for a while and it’s been going pretty well so far, but Hazel has exposed herself way too much.” 
PJ groaned, indicating her impatience with Josie’s cautious approach. “Okay what part of this is too much? All Hazel’s doing is lightly punching and kicking a bunch of girls.” 
“Was it the backflip?” Hazel chimed in. 
“Yes, it was the backflip!” Josie blurted. “And we can’t keep saying ‘there’s all sorts of people who teach you stuff in juvie’ as an excuse anymore.” 
“But the club is working!” PJ insisted, flailing her arms towards the gym. “Girls are actually acknowledging us in the hallways, I’ve gotten 3 high fives just this afternoon, and girls– the hot ones know our names. And also Female solidarity and whatever. The club is working!”
“I know. I feel like if we keep it up, you guys might actually be able to take down some crime in the area.” 
“No, if we keep it up we can put our fingers inside of each other, grow up, Hazel.” 
Josie crossed her arms. “Whatever. It’s your call.” 
“I do feel like people are liking more than just the hitting and the tackling part of the club.”
The club had moved onto catfights on the gym floor, and it was no secret to Hazel that she always looked forward to these training sessions, particularly when it came to her interactions with you. All the punching, kicking, and rolling around the floor was more than what Hazel believed she deserved, but she couldn’t help but crave a deeper connection with you. And the weekly lunch meetings to make the ‘women murdered in history’ project weren’t exactly enough to get to know each other. 
PJ shrugged. “Yeah, I know, we’re empowering them. Duh.”
“No, I mean, seriously, to have a safe space like this, it means a lot to people, and I think if we took some time to spend a meeting and actually get to know these girls, like, it would be really important instead of just…” Hazel pictured the time you were on top of her, pinning her down with your feeble strength, bodies pressed close– so close– as you grappled each other on the floor, listening to the chants and cheers of the girls circling around. Her voice trailed off. “...sweating on them.”
PJ and Josie paused, then looked at each other with an incredulous smile. 
“Hazel, that is… genuinely a brilliant idea.” 
“I love talking about my trauma.”
Hazel squinted. “That’s not really–”
“-I literally jack off after every single therapy session. It just makes girls weirdly horny.”
Josie shook her head. “Don’t say ‘girls’. It’s just you.” 
“Okay!” Hazel interrupted, fearing someone walking in midst of the conversation that turned weird thanks to PJ, as always. “I’ll just email the group about our next meeting.” 
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You walked into the gym with an excited grin. Fight club was the one thing you looked forward to in school nowadays— it was the only place you felt truly safe and comfortable, with only girl members (minus Mr. G, but he was an ally) who cheered you on with every weak punch that you threw. 
Hazel noticed you walking in and waved to you, and you noticed that the format of the club had changed today. Everyone was sitting in a circle, like one of those sharing sessions in kindergarten times. You joined the circle in between Krystal and Hazel, who grinned like an idiot when you sat beside her. 
“What’s going on?” You whispered to her, but Josie answered your question.
“So, we know that this club has been a place where we can feel empowered physically, but we also thought it could be a safe space and a place where we can open up and talk about our feelings.” 
You nodded along as the girls began to talk about themselves— Sylvie with her stepdad, Stella with her stalker, and Brittany with her jewelry business— and you realized that although you had been fighting each other for a while, you never knew that much about the girls. You listened tentatively to each of their stories, but to your honesty, you were quite distracted by your project partner, who kept opening her mouth, then closed them continuously. She seemed to be contemplating whether or not to open up. Your curiosity piqued, and when your eyes met with her’s, you encouraged her with a supportive look. 
Hazel smiled at your aid. She didn’t really know how to talk about the biggest secret that she held about her superpower, but your expression was so supporting– too supporting, that she found herself speaking out. 
“Well, ever since…” Hazel began, her mind racing to find the right words.
I’ve been bitten by a radioactive spider, 
“...My parent’s divorce,” 
I’ve been doing this, like, superhero stuff after school. I don’t even know if I’m doing this right, you know?
“My mom’s been doing this, like, mid-life crisis. I don’t know how that’s sitting with me, you know?”
And it’s just me swinging through buildings and beating criminals up and handing them over to the police who hate me because I’m a faceless vigilante but the entire neighborhood depends on me because some of these criminals are genuinely insane. I’ve broken bones, I’ve fallen through roofs, I got impaled once, that was fun— and it just feels so incredibly amazing but so burdening, all the same time. 
“And it's been really really dark.”
She took a glance at you, who was nodding through her words, returning her gaze with tender understanding. 
“This has just been really meaningful to me to, like, get to know some new people-”
“-Who actually wants to, like, get to know me.”
You felt a surge of empathy for Hazel. You could hear the vulnerability shining through her words— it must have been hard to find good friends after experiencing such hardship. You couldn’t help but come to admire her even more. 
You raised your hand. “And I just wanted to say that I think it’s very hard to find a good and safe community in school for girls, and I’m really grateful to Hazel for founding this club,” You gushed. “It's really brave of you— and your friends— to take your past and turn it into something so amazing for us. So, thank you.” 
Hazel grinned like an idiot, fidgeting with her hair as her face burned up.
“Get a room, you two,” PJ intervened with a smirk. “But seriously, I just want to circle back to what Brittany was saying–”
“-I would like to go next, if that’s okay.” Josie raised her hand. 
PJ was obviously discontented, but Josie started anyway. 
“I don’t really like talking about juvie and everything that happened over the summer, um, you know, we get a lot of props or whatever cause people think it's so badass, But, really wasn’t. I mean, unless you consider getting hazed horrifically every single night, like, badass. I mean, obviously, you know, we had to survive the tributes, and you know, I did have to, like, fight people basically every single night. People were betting on us and we were given shivs and rusty pocket knives and splintered wood and, um, pipes as well.”
Hazel furrowed her eyebrows. No one’s going to believe this, She thought, turning to look at Isabel— 
–Who had the most distressed look on her face? 
Oh, Hazel blinked, shocked that Josie’s improvised monologue is working. There were almost tears glistening in Isabel’s eyes. She assumed Isabel to be the only one, then she turned to look at you— and your hand was on your mouth, eyes filled with woe. 
“And we had to just like, fight people, sometimes to the death,” Josie added.
Hazel frowned. This wasn’t good.
Josie continued.
“And I still hear their screams at night and that guilt probably will, like, always shackle me forever. And sometimes people still try to attack us in the streets for revenge, or try to blackmail us into doing bad things with them, but I realize now, I don’t have to be that person anymore. We don’t have to be like that anymore. We don’t have to just let things happen to us. Because of you guys. And I am just really grateful for what the club has become and… just especially, you know, from where we started and, uh…” 
Hazel’s eyes were leaping out of her face as she gestured to Josie to tone it down. She frantically shook her head, indicating that Josie’s speech had much more effect than she thought it would.
“Yeah, sorry,” Josie caught on, ending her facade quickly. “I feel like I kinda killed the vibe. I’ve never really, I guess, said that to anyone before, sorry.”
There was a silence that Hazel felt the need to break. This was bad– she knew Josie liked talking about her trauma, but she didn't expect Josie to make up the most devastating, hunger-games type of trauma in front of you. 
“But juvie also wasn’t that bad,” Hazel blurted. “I mean it’s probably way less scary than adult prison, and it really builds character–” 
You turned to look at Hazel who was rambling about the positive effects of juvie. Your heart broke at the sight of panic on her face– how harsh were the conditions of juvie that Hazel felt the need to protect her trauma? 
Josie cut in. “Yeah, okay, people wanna wrap up maybe or…” 
“I’m going through a divorce.” 
Everyone turned to Mr. G. 
“Whoo! That shit felt good to say.” Mr. G beamed, his leg stretched out as a free spirit. “Whoo, I tell y’all. Men… men need therapy.” 
Josie stood up. “Yeah… I think that’s a good place to maybe wrap up.” 
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“What was that?” Hazel asked. 
Josie shrugged, putting on her jacket. “I don’t… I don’t really–”
“-I mean, you were just bullshitting from A to Z with no breaks in between. I didn’t know you were such an actress, Josie.” PJ laughed, playfully shoving Josie’s shoulder. “You should think about that, for your future career.” 
Hazel did not laugh. “Josie, you were the one who told me not to be ‘too much.’” 
“I don’t think it was too much. I think it was the exact amount of oomph we needed as a group.” PJ grabbed her shoes from the floor. “It made us look vulnerable but also tough.” 
“I don’t think (Y/N) was thinking that.” 
“Okay, How do you know what (Y/N) was thinking?” 
“I don’t, but I could see her–” 
“-Maybe she’ll tell you herself,” PJ said, pointing behind Hazel. 
Hazel spun around to see you walking towards her. She immediately straightened herself, touching up her hair as you waved to her. 
Hazel gulped in response. 
“So, I was wondering if you wanted to finish the project today?” You asked, giving a shrug. “If you’re not busy. I know you’re always kind of busy and that’s why we just always did our project during lunch, but–” 
“-I’m not busy!” Hazel exclaimed, before mentally slapping herself for being too eager. “I mean, today sounds good. Today is perfect.” 
“Okay!” It was your turn to be eager, giving a nod before pointing to the girls locker room. “I’ll just get my bag, and I’ll be right back.”
As you slipped into the locker room, PJ and Josie slid towards Hazel with a curious look. 
“It didn’t look like she was angry,” PJ commented with a grin. “So, in conclusion, today was a huge success. Do you guys want to get chicken on a stick to celebrate?”
“I… I think I’m hanging out with (Y/N).” Hazel gaped, as if she couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. She was going to hang out with you. Today. Outside of school. 
“Right now?” 
“Right now!” Hazel gasped. “Oh my god, I don’t know why I said yes, I have to go and patrol the neighborhood–”
“-Ugh, Hazel!” PJ groaned, grabbing Hazel by the shoulders. “That’s literally all you do. You go to school, you come to the fight club, then you patrol the neighborhood. That’s all you do.”
“But—” Hazel sputtered. “-Crime–”
“-Hazel, Crime has been pretty low recently. The world isn’t going to burn down just because you miss patrol for a single day,” PJ countered, as if speaking to a child. “Do you trust me? It’s all about faith. That’s all it is. Leap of faith, Hazel. Leap of faith. Trust me when I say the police can deal with all the petty crimes. Go and enjoy yourself, finish your project, and remember to use protection.” 
Hazel’s cheeks grew hot as she opened her mouth to counter PJ— just as you approached the trio with your bag. 
“Hey, Hazel. Ready to go?” 
Hazel buffered, her mind still on the sexual innuendo. She couldn’t help but think about certain activities when you stood there with your signature smile, earning a cackle from PJ. 
“Sorry, we were just talking about juvie trauma and shit. She’s all yours.” PJ earnestly pushed Hazel towards you. “See you guys tomorrow!” 
PJ skipped out of the gym, followed by Josie who gave Hazel a thumbs-up. Hazel responded to Josie with a nod. PJ was right– it was just for a day. Just one day off to hang out with you– which was the dream– and tomorrow, she would patrol twice as hard to make it up. 
“Sorry, I just was thinking about-” Hazel faltered. “-things.” 
Hazel felt the room get hotter. “It’s fine. Not really important.”  
“Alright. So, where do you want to go?” You asked. 
Hazel thought about what PJ had said. 
Leap of faith, was it?
And she took the leap. 
“Do you want to come over to my place?” 
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By 8PM, the two of you found yourself in Hazel’s room, caught in a fit of laughter. Pizza and snacks were strewn across her bed, and music played out from her laptop as you wrapped up the project— a lego diorama with a bunch of famous murdered women. It was quite inappropriate but also incredibly creative, and the ridiculousness of it all had you two in stitches. 
“I bet you 5 dollars that Mr. G doesn’t even have an actual degree,” You joked, adding a lego version of Casey Becker to the diorama. “He just showed up one day, and Principal Meyers desperately needed more teachers.” 
“And ever since the club, he’s just been handing out As to every single girl,” Hazel laughed, causing you to fall into a fit of giggles as well. She lived for your laughter, thanking PJ and Josie in her head for convincing her to skip patrol for the day. 
“Okay, I think we’re almost done. Just have to add the blood.” You grabbed the bottle of red paint and dropped some on your fingertip, then dabbed it around the lego characters’ bodies to create the ‘murder’ effect. 
In the process, you somehow managed to smudge some on your cheek, which didn’t go unnoticed by Hazel who had made a habit of staring at you all the time. 
“Oh, you got some on your…” Hazel tried, pointing to your face. 
You blinked, eyes focusing on her face as you registered her words. You chuckled in embarrassment, trying to find the paint on your cheeks and obviously failing. 
“Can I…?” Hazel breathed, and you tilted your head, allowing her to wipe away the streak of paint with her thumb. Her fingers moved delicately across your cheek, her eyes locked onto your’s. You could feel the warmth of her hand on your skin, and you melted against it. Hazel’s touch lingered on your cheek for a moment longer than necessary, and Hazel realized only after she had savored the view for a while.
She pulled away, breaking your gaze with a sheepish smile. Your cheeks were tinted with a soft blush, and you muttered a word of thanks before finishing off the project with distractingly loud heartbeats. 
The two of you stared at the finalized diorama in proud silence, taking in the project in its glory. It was messy and odd, but it was still illustrious. 
“Well, I guess we’re finished!” You clapped your hands to commemorate the ending of you and Hazel’s homework. 
“It’s been fun working with you,” Hazel replied, a little disappointed that this was the end of the project. What excuse did she have to hang out with you now?
You cocked your head. “Oh, don’t act like this is the last time we’re ever going to hang out together.”
“Of course!” You grinned. “With Mr. G’s class, lunch, and the self-defense club, I’m going to be with you all the time. You might even get sick of me at some point.” 
I’m not sure that’s possible, Hazel thought to herself, really pleased that she had secured friendship with you. 
“Speaking of the self-defense club, I’m really glad that you invited me,” You continued, wiping your red hands with a nearby paper towel. “I was being honest during the sharing circle. I’m really grateful for you.” 
Hazel softened at your words. 
“And I hope your mom gets better with her mid-life crisis,” You added.
“Thank you.” Although you had complimented her, Hazel couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty about the sharing circle. She was lying to you– continuously. Was that a good base for a relationship? Not that you two had a relationship. Not that she didn’t want one. “Listen– what Josie said about juvie today, I think I have to clarify some things.” 
You shook your head. You had purposefully left out that subject not to trigger her– and you didn’t want to make it feel like she owed you her history. “Oh, Hazel, you don’t need to explain anything to me. I get that it’s a hard subject to talk about, and I just want you to know that I’m here if you need anything.” 
Hazel hesitated. She supposed if you didn’t really want to hear the explanation, she could keep her secret—
“-I mean what you went through was brutal and inhumane,” You continued.
Hazel’s guilt suffocated her. 
“But you endured through it. You’re so brave. And so strong and just… honest. Like I can tell that everything that you do is genuine. You make me feel like I can be strong too—”
“-Okay, I need to tell you something,” Hazel interrupted. She couldn’t handle it anymore— but she knew she couldn’t tell you the whole truth. She took a deep breath before continuing. “There are some things happening in my life right now that I can’t really… talk about. But I want to. But I can’t. It’s for your safety and I shouldn’t even be mentioning that but… you really matter to me.” 
Oh my god, I can’t believe I said that. 
Hazel swallowed hard and gazed at you for a reaction. 
“I do?” You peered back at Hazel’s reddened face. She nodded in response and it was your turn to be flustered, not knowing what to say. 
“And I… I want to be honest with you,” Hazel pressed on. “I can’t tell you the whole truth. But I—” 
“-Dispatch, we have a 10-90 in progress at the bank downtown. Requesting immediate backup and EMT support.”
Shit shit shit. 
Hazel quickly grabbed her laptop, which she had rigged to eavesdrop on police communications. She forgot that it automatically turned on after school. Why did it have to be now, of all fucking times?
“Was that the police?” You asked, confused. 
Hazel shook her head frantically. “No, I just– it’s just another, uhm, project that I’m working on, it’s fine–”
“-Copy that. Units en route. Proceed with caution.” 
“We have eyes on the suspects, attempting to establish a perimeter.” 
“10-4, be advised, we’ve informed EMTs, and SWAT is en route. Keep us updated.”
Hazel hastily began typing, searching up the latest updates on the current news of the town. She managed to find the location of the bank robbery— which had everything Hazel feared for. Armed robbers, high-tech weaponry, and injured police officers.  
“Fuck, I knew I shouldn’t have skipped today,” Hazel muttered under her breath. 
You paused. “Skip what?”
“I—” Hazel swallowed, inner conflict evident as she spoke. “-I think I have to go.”
“Go?” You paused. “Hazel, what is going on?”
Hazel didn’t answer. Instead, she stood up and grabbed her phone and her backpack, briskly heading towards the door. But you were faster, quickly running and positioning yourself in the path to block her way. 
“I think I know what’s going on,” you claimed, your voice low and heavy. 
Hazel froze. Oh no. You knew. You knew? How did you know? Had she been so obvious? Was it the back flip?
“(Y/N), I can explain–”
“-This is related to juvie, isn’t it?” 
Hazel blinked.
She stared at you, who looked incredibly serious, with lips pursed tight in worry. Hazel shook her head frantically. She wanted to kick PJ for even coming up with that excuse– now it was getting all tangled up with you and her hero work. 
“No! It has nothing to do with juvie,” Hazel assured, trying to get past you.
“You don’t have to lie to me, Hazel.” 
Hazel furrowed her eyebrows. 
I kind of do. 
You understood her expression as guilt. “And obviously I don’t understand fully what’s going on but if what Josie said was true and some things are happening with the people you messed with from juvie, then, I want to help you.”
You stepped closer and took her hand, holding it tight with genuinity. 
“Hazel, I care about you.”
Hazel released her breath. 
If you had said that in any other context, Hazel would have kissed you right there and then. Your hands felt so warm, so gentle– a bit shaky, as if you were afraid of what she would do if you let go. And your unwavering eyes– upset eyes that made it seem like her worries belonged to you too— And it took everything in Hazel to swallow back her words, gently guiding you to her bed and sitting you down. 
For a moment, you thought she would stay. 
But Hazel pulled away from you.. 
“I’ll be back soon, okay? Just please, stay here, and I’ll be back,” Hazel whispered. “I promise.” 
And after a regretful look, she was gone. 
“Hazel—” You called after her. “Hazel!” 
Your mind began to race– where was she going? All you remembered from the police transmissions was something about the bank and the SWAT team. You reached for your phone, searching up the local news. It wasn’t hard to find articles related to the current conflict— 
Masked Robbers Employ High-Tech Arsenal in Bank Heist, Defying Police Response
Bank Heist Nightmare Unfolds; Thieves Utilize Cutting-Edge Tech
Bank Robbery in Progress: Impossible to Arrest, Police Say
Police Overwhelmed in Ongoing Standoff at 1st Street National Trust Bank
This was bad. Bank robbery? High-Tech Arsenal? It sounded dangerous– more than whatever Hazel could handle, no matter how strong she was during the self-defense club. What was she going to do with these criminals? Did she owe them something? She was always writing stuff in her notebook— did it have anything to do with this? 
You ignored the questions stemming from your fear– you didn’t have time to think. Hazel was out there— and she was very clearly heading to an angry, dangerous scene. 
But Hazel was just a girl. 
And you had to protect her.
You had to save Hazel Callahan.
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