#they arnt the most human-like
snifflingsneefler · 5 months
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average t4t cat couple
(base under the cut)
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dunmeshi-darlings · 2 months
Can we get the reader being flirted with/ seduced by Laios possessed by the winged lion? Maybe he knows y/n has a crush on Laios, or has some other motive?
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"there you are..my darling Y/N" It spoke in his voice...but it was not him. It Had his body...but it was not him. it smiled at you with his face...but it was not him. Laios touden stared at you, his eyes transfixed on you, But what you stared at was not laios touden...It was that thing
You tell the being that you wont fall for its lies, that you KNOW it isnt laios. It chuckles, Its the same chuckle you had heard time and time before..a chuckle that had made you smile and chuckle in return, a sound that usually fills you with a warmth in your chest...but not now, now it filled you with an ice cold dread. "ah but is that not what you most desire? To have him call you his darling? ah, love and hunger...the two oldest of humanities desires."
The way it accentuates the word "Desire" made your skin crawl, its words felt so wrong and the fact it was in HIS voice made you all the more sicker....but something in you squirmed because it wasnt lying..it spoke the truth.
"I see your doubts, i speak the truth. i know of you and your kind and of your desires, is it so wrong to wish to be loved? love can start wars, it can end wars...love can topple kingdoms. Out of all the desires i have tasted in my time...love is perhaps the most delicious of them all, such a sweet intoxicating flavor...and i feel like yours would be the most delicious of meals ive had in centuries." The being spoke, slowly making its way towards you and taking one of your hands in his. You had longed to hold his hands like this, to hold it like a lovers. But this was not what you wanted, it felt wrong and yet it felt so right, it felt liberating and freeing. It felt intoxicating, like a deep wine you know you arnt allowed to have. You can only stare at him...it...whatever stood before you.
"In all my years ive experienced your world, i will admit you are a dazzling creation, Perhaps even more delicious than desire itself. I can see what laios sees in you, oh yes indeed...he has desires for you as well. I can feel them now, as i look at you i can feel the desires stirring within this form. And your desires are even stronger than his...come now dear, join me, join him. Be one together and indulge your desires, the three of us can make SUCH beautiful desires. I know just how much you wish for it, hoping for it every day, dreaming of being together...embrace your dreams my darling, embrace your desires. Do you not wish to follow your dreams? would you turn down that which you have always wanted?" the demon says, slowly pulling you into a soft hug. Your body freezes up, your mind reeling and fighting itself. You know this isnt laios, you know this is that thing...but would it be so wrong to welcome this? After all it may be a delusion, but if a delusion is inseparable from the real then does it truly matter? Would you truly turn away that which you have wanted for so...so..so long...what would should you do?
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Batfam X One Piece Crossover AU
Someone mentioned this sort of au and I went Insane a bit ^-^' hope you guys enjoy!
Okay so a Batfam in the One Piece world au and how I think it would work/go;
I imagine the Batfam were whammied into an entirely new dimension while on patrol so we have the full costumed roster (but not the full extended clan cuz that's so many people lol) so we have Bruce/Batman, Dick/Nightwing, Jason/Red Hood, Tim/Red Robbin, Damian/Robin, Cass/Black Bat, Stephanie/Batgirl (you can pry Steph still being batgirl out of my cold dead hands), and Duke/Signal.
The First thing they do is figure out where they are, an island in something called the ___ blue (idk which they should be in lol, but it's best if they start in a blue I think), and are very obviously not in their world. (I'm gonna say for the sake of Plot either One Piece doesn't exist in their world or none of them have watched/read it because that would be too easy lol)
Ofc the second thing they do is try to find a way home and gather info but uh, they quickly realize this world doesn't have the best tech around to build something to take them home, and places/people they can get to would be either hard to find or in a place that's very dangerous to get to (Vegapunk is their best bet but... not really an option for right away due to mentioned reasons).
They think of asking this "World Government" for help for all of two seconds, before finding out how fucking awful and corrupt the whole system this world has and nixes that idea right in the bud. They're Vigilantes for a reason, after all, and know corruption in governments very well. So honestly, their best bet is either trying to go along and find someone that can help and materials, or waiting for their people from their world to come and get them.
(SO much more under cut im sorry Brain went Brrr)
Tbh it must be so wild to be in this world too tho, for some many reasons. It's close enough, but then you factor in all the different races and species, and how the world is set up. Add the fact most of it not as advanced as their world, except in some places which it is? And how half their technology runs on... snails?????? What a baffling world. Also, people can have powers and are gained from something called Devil Fruits which give you powers in exchange that the sea can and will kill you, except for some races have natural powers due to their biology.
They decide pretty quickly in world of water to not eat the Devil Fruits. Also keep an eye on Duke because his powers, while not too flashy, arnt a devil fruit, and they have no way to explain how he has them, and how he can manipulate both light and shadows.
Its probs also so jarring because like, in their world, they are used to being the peak of what humans can do. They keep up with metas and aliens and are cosidered among the best of the best for a reason, and while they often have to compensate with gear and tech, at the end of the day they can only go so far as humans.
However, it's different in this world. Clearly even though there are humans, their biological standards are different then their Earth, and even just humans without powers can go far beyond their own norm if they train and work hard enough for it.
The Batfam could easily handle the Blue's pirates and marines, and probs all cannon fodder marines, and while I think they could deal with a good chunk if not most people in Paradise baring the strongest in the first half of the grand line, there's no way they could deal with the New World even with their best gear and in peak condition for them. Which sucks because their best bets are likely in that Sea.
Idk where I'd see them, my heart wants them to be pirates of their own little run pirate crew, but I could easily see them being picked up by a canon crew or turning Revolutionaries in exchange for getting help find a way home, or pirates with connections to Revs. The only thing I can't see is them as Marines, as stated a few paragraphs above, lol, but also I figure they run into the law and go fuck you guys and what you stand for and end up with bounties so they are wanted anyways. But either way they are gonna be progressing and trying to find a way home while getting stronger.
I imagine Haki is the first thing they really try to get down after leanring about it. Idk how they managed to find out about it either in the blues or so early in the grand line, but they are expert information gatherers so they do and immediately try to learn it (either tracking someone down who knows it or how to unlock it, or finding adequate documentation in how to do it) and get to work. It's their best chances in getting a leg up in this world.
And they do unlock it! They're pretty much all geniuses, and they already have experience learning weird skills and manipulating their mental will (they can block out telepaths and have strong willpower in general against mind control canonically), so learning to manifest it into Observation and Armament Haki is less about how hard it is and more just if they can (After all they aren't from this world) and how to apply it. Thankfully, it seems they can.
Duke's Observation makes his future vision so much more powerful, so much he actually has adverse effects to it at first before he gets used to it. Observation is great, just helps what they already natrually know but Armament is very much beloved, instant armor that helps you hit harder even against normal people, let alone devil fruit users!! They are big fans.
Conquerors Haki off the table rn because A.) they don't know if they have it and B.) Who or whatever they learned Haki from didn't explain it or have it to explain so that's put to the side for now, but I'm unsure who, if any of them, have it. Maybe Bruce and Jason, and maybe Damian? I feel?? I could also see Dick unlocking his use of it in a fit of protective rage? Im largely Unsure.
I also think it would be neat if the longer they are here, their bodies adapt to this world more and more until they start being able to past their peak of what they could do before and just... keep going. It varies from each batfam member how they feel on their biology changing over time, but they can't do more than just accept it. At least it will help them survive.
Also, they have to adapt in more ways than one. They arrive and their best gear, fully stocked and mostly undamaged, but the longer they are here the more they run out of supplies and things wear down so they have to figure out how to get/make more or alternate for something better. Batarangs thankfully, while having to be made of a different material, can be made from any island with a good blacksmith who's willing to let them use their forges to make them themselves (cuz having to commission them would take money they don't actually have)
Their suits thankfully are fine and reinforced, but over time they're gonna have to likely find a fabric that could replace the stuff their suits are made of or just switch to diffrent outfits inspired by their suits. Dick's Escrima Sticks can't be charged, so they end up not electrified until they find a way to do it later. Jason's guns inevitably run out of ammo then even if he makes his own, they get just damaged so he's forced to switch to the local pirate guns, thankfully not all are just flintlocks.
Damian's sword is apparently very high grade here and is very smug about it, though annoyed other "Swordsmen" keep wanting to know more about his blade and where he learned to use his "weird style". Tim gets a boa staff that has the ends tipped in sea stone.
Their styles also adapt over time. I have this vision of Dick getting his hands on these boots, probs with Dial technology, that let him jump higher and bounce off of walls if he times it right. Jason with Dial guns. They start picking up the 6 powers as well, not all, but Geppo and Soru become very heavily utilized. I think one of them should end up with Voice of all Things, either Cass or Duke, because it's fun lol.
Im... unsure about devilfruits, but I think it would be intrestin to explore if somone ate one, likely out of despration or having little choice. Unsure who or what fruit but just would be neat i think, expecially dealin with the side effects. Tho Dick with a Wind Logia or a winged Zoan of sorts sounds SO interesting. (Can you tell who my favorite batfam memeber is? ^-^')
As for Ponyglaph Runes, Bruce and Tim def find out about it and try their best to tackle it, but It's REALLY hard to learn an entirely different language with unfamiliar sentence structure when you have absolutely no keys or references to work with. They learn of Nico Robin, and aren't stupid so figure it's likely an awful cover-up or more to the story, and decide to lowkey make it one of their goals to track her or any other knowledge on how to learn it down. If they get even a bare hint of a clue on how to translate, I'm sure they'd figure it out over time, but Robin is their best bet.
They find out about Whitebeard, and they are quietly glad Bruce's adoption problem isn't that bad but think its funny. Dick is beloved by all and makes enough friends and allies to rival Luffy's charisma, it's a skill man. I can't decide if their Epithets in this world are just their Vigilante names, and they stay masked, or they get knew Epithets and decide there's no point in hiding, or a mix of both but yee.
The OP world either speaks "Common" they can all magically speak now with some diffrent launages in diff parts of the world, OR Japanese, which some of them know and have to teach the others, OR a weird mix of English and Japanese. There's a point in time that people think Damian is Nico Robin's child or sibling because of the Robin thing, and he's a little demon child. Or hell they still do, and he's very livid while Robin is both amused but also scared for this child who is being tied to her.
They still dont kill for the most part, baring Jason, but some of them are pushed into it and they have to figure out what that means for them and what it means moving fowrard with their no kill policy. Some do better with it, some dont. Bruce still hasnt and wont kill, same with Cass, and Damian decides he doesnt want to but will if absolutly no other choice is offered, thankfully they havnt let him had to make this choice yet. (I just have so much thoughts about a assassin raised child deciding they dont want their hands more red now they have the choice).
One or more of them should end up pulled into the War at Marineford and Ace should be saved because I will try to fit a Ace Lives plot into everything lol
Overall I think if this was a fanfic the plot would be a lot of exploring the differences in their worlds, how they adapt and overcome, and trying to find a way home while also coming to like this world and overturning corruption and fucking over the government. I think them with the Strawhats or another crew would be fun, either as allies or joined idk, but I think with them as their own crew would be cool as well. If they join or ally with a crew Bruce lowkey adopts everyone, and he's given SO much shit for it but christ so many of them have such sad backstories and he wants to help
I think in the end they should get to find their way home and like no time has passed, but they're so changed, and arguably considered powered now because lol, but find a way to go back and visit safely.
Sorry for the word vomit but man im in love with this idea. Feel free to comment or send Asks with questions or comments about the au! Please Reblog, and not just like, as they do nothing <3
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Please share this to new members of the tickle community and also minors or vulnerable people!
Whether your on the sfw side or the nsfw side it's any decent human being would treat others with respect.
Respect is not:
Disregarding peoples boundaries for own personal gain
Making people uncomfortable
Treating people like they arnt other humans on the other side of the screen
If a person ever makes you feel uncomfortable call them out and if they disregard your feelings report and block them!
Most anons are fantastic lovely people but some people abuse it and use it to write horrific messages to blogs! You can still block and report anonymous users
There has been a certain anon going around various blogs saying "sfw tickle enjoyers just havnt had a sexual awakening" which is false so look out for this idiot.
Some brand new accounts are either brand new users, burner accounts or bots
If you are a new user:
Change your pfp
Add something to your bio
And post something that identifies you as a human
Remember the people here are still strangers! don't give out personal details like address and bank details.
If you arrange to meet ask for confirmation of the persons identity for example video calling them. Pick a public location and if you can bring a friend along.
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There’s something in the way that the birds of the Bad Boys die to fall damage.
Joel dies on a bridge building up, arrow killing him as his body is thrown into the space blow but he’s dead far before he ever hits the ground or water. 
But Grian and Jimmy? There’s something in the way most Avian hybrids die of is Kinetic energy. You would think fall damage at first, but no. Avians who go to fast or dont land right or not in enough time. Hitting Glass windows they cant see or looking away for just a second and going head-first into a tree or a house or a mountain they swear wasn't there before. Its the norm for them to die this way.
No, Fall Damage is so rare for the average Avian, but why? 
Becuase Avians are not made to fall. They arnt not meant to be bound or grounded or have their wings tucked away, and so their wings and their avian instincts that come with them often kick in even when they arnt fully conscious of it. 
Unless, unless of course the Avian has been injured or had their wings/flight locked away for whatever reason. Then the cause of death is almost Always Fall damage. 
Its in the way Jimmy over balances as he pushes the minecart just a wee bit too hard, expecting it to have more give, and he falls into open air. His hands scramble for a waterbucket or a pearl or something but his mind and body arnt really in it becuase his instincts kick in as his back spasms and his wings flare but they do not extend out and catch the wind to stop his descent like they should, they cant.
So he falls, a victims to his instincts as the very things meant to keep him safe cause his death and his scream is a canary song when it leaves his mouth.
And Grian dies a similar death in the same way.
He’s moving too fast to really focus and when his foot simply is too close to the edge, he slips right off and tumbles downwards. And really, it shouldn't be a issue becuase the ground is mostly water under the path he was bounding across but as he instinctually tries to spread his wings, they hang limp and unmoving other then a single twitch. 
His mind stalls at the lack of action and he doesn't even register he’s falling towards the only patch of land under him until he hits it and the realization of how he just lost sets in, hollow becuase he didn't have much to loose anymore anyway and yet it feels like more like he Failed. 
Neither take it well, feeling how silly it is. Avians, dying to falling? Its ridiculous. But really what do they expect? Its easier to remember to be more human, to not fall to those instincts in a game like this when you team with humans and other non-bird folk.
But two Avians in a team was always going to make them forget the limitations they set on themselves. Sure Joel was there but he was sometimes as animalistic as them, not enough to mirror off of with the other avian fueling each other and it was easy to forget when he kept pace with them easily and never blinked as they acted as avians do. 
But it was their undoing becuase a grounded bird of flight is a dead bird, one way or another, and so is the Avian who forgets this.
And they forgot that.
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princess-ibri · 9 months
I know there's a lot of talk about Disney princess' hanging out, but I was wondering what villains you think would get along with each other, and also what hench people, for reasons that are beyond me I'm absolutely taken with the idea of Iago and Creeper interacting.
Ok! Took a bit but I think I figured out how they’d all line up
So Queen Grimhilde, Maleficent and Lady Tremaine I think would actually all get a long. Not really friends but they do respect each other’s power (and pettiness against young innocent girls) and I can see them being allied in any sort of dark plans.
( Maleficent’s definitely the most powerful but she can respect a woman with power as long as they’re not going up against her. And Lady Tremaine if we include Cinderella 3 actually also has a pretty powerful dark magic ability once you get a wand in her hand so I think she fits here as well)
After them there’s the group I actually think would have fun together though they’d also totally all be down to stab eachother in the back if needed and they all know it:
Ursula, Yzma, Jafar, Dr Facilier, and sometimes Hades. He wants to be the Boss since he’s a god so he has a harder time working together but they all have the same sort of ‘wealing dealing having fun while ruining lives energy’ and I think they’d have terrible evil fun
Gothel, Cruella and Madame Medusa I can kinda see in this too. They’re looked down on by the others as they don’t have magic (or arnt very good at it in Gothel’s case) and they’re all so self obsessed they don’t play well together but they gravitate together because of this?
The Queen of Hearts finds Madam Mim hilarious and Mim likes her manic energy and the Morva witches sometimes hangout with them too when they deign to hangout with anyone besides themselves.
Hook and Long John obviously bond over being pirates though they have very different views on children—though John kinda gives leeway for going after an immortal kid who cuts your hand off
Rourke, Clayton , Radcliffe and Sykes all get drinks together sometimes though they’re not really friends as each thinks they’re secretly better then all the others—Gaston sometimes gets in on the group to talk guns and the army and making shady deals to get what you want but his running egotistical dialogue usually gets him booted out after a while
That’s when he usually gets taken aside for more drinks by Mcleach who also tries to talk to Clayton and non half drunk Gaston about hunting but Clayton thinks he’s a low class tramp and doesn’t give him the time of day and sober Gaston finds his lizard creepy.
The only person who actually likes Mcleach’s company is Alameda Slim, (the only fun part of that aweful cow movie) and Mcleach is the only one who likes his yodeling
The Horned King is above anything so mundane as friendship with any of these petty sorcerers and wouldn’t deign to hangout with mere witch women, let alone human mortals, so he just molders somewhere. Sometimes he’ll speak with the Coachman as a fellow demon.
Frollo also sees himself as above everyone else for a mirad of reasons and so keeps to himself—though he usually does end up glaring (ogling) various of the witches. Gothel and him would honestly probably get along great if he could get over the witch thing. They have similar parenting styles.
Edgar and Amos Slade, despite being very different types of men bond over being the only actually normal sane-ish people in the villain pub and hating animals
(And Scar, Shere Khan, and Ratigan are all in the back hanging out as well—the first two probably try and eat Ratigan at some point)
Per the sidekicks, I offer this video, to which I would add Mr Snoops but is honestly how I see them all getting along:
Edit: Oh Yeah Hans!
Ummmm honestly I think Hans (pre my Frozen 3 storyline where he learns the follies of making shady deals with spooky magic users) also thinks he’s above the rest of the villains being a prince and all but he definitely tries to get in good with any and all of them he thinks could help him get him power and honor and such. I think Gaston actually likes him tbh, the rest of them either think he’s fake and look down on him for it or think he’s fake and can admire his initiative/ acting skills
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kaluawoo · 3 months
Yeah I think they definitely killed people, I just think they arnt as murderous as the beginning of the manga might've tried to imply if that makes sense?
Also that mission for lawless didn't seem like a kill mission more like a capture mission
Murderous, no (most of them, anyway), but still a big difference.
Like, what I meant was, for many people, it's a huge hurdle to full on hurt anyone, let alone kill. Of course some people can do it with no problem or else the world would be a lot better, but... I did swordfighting as a hobby for a while, and there was some self defense and hand to hand in there, too, and the thing my trainer had to tell us the most often was to hit harder.
Those were dull swords and we were wearing padding/protective gear. Sure there were some bruises, but we all knew there would be and went there knowingly and willingly, and a lot of us were still hesitant.
If Otogiri and Sakuya are anything to go by, most of Tsubaki's Subclass, as a human, would have also been... Hesitant, to seriously harm anyone, but by the time we meet them, that's no concern - Sure Lawless was a capture mission, but reasonable to assume it'd become a full blown fight. And somehow, those kids went from "Probably could not even try to defend themselves" to "Could seriously harm someone else even if they start the fight".
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hard--headed--woman · 6 months
people are extremely self-centered and dumb as hell. If you are not a homosexual in any way shape or form then you are not a part of the gay community. it's that fuckn simple. these weird ass people need to fuckn accept that they are straight and just leave us the fuck alone. we don't give a fuck if you have special spicy kinky preferences while being a heterosexual, we don't care if you dress differently or don't like to hold hands or kiss with someone unless it's under "special circumstances" which is usually just common sense basic ass mood shifts or just common sense basics ass getting to know someone better and you cant understand how ok that is to have boundaries, and we don't care if other people consider you weird and annoying for any of it. that's your own damn problem. maybe stop making things that arnt really that much of a big deal to the average regular population such a big fuckn annoying ass deal. And most especially, stop leeching onto and making the homosexuals, an actual marginalized communities, fuckn problem. we are not a fuckn weird and awkward kids fuckn cringe ass glee club, we are literally just gay and want to be treated like human beings. We created a whole community for ourselves to thrive and be safe within this straight world as homosexuals, not for any idiot who feels left out during dodgeball because people cant stand how annoying you fuckn are. leave homosexuals the fuck alone with your straight and unnecessarily convoluted ass (we just want to feel special and "oppressed") bullshit. for fucks sake it's literally that simple, not hard to grasp, so fuckn clear.
you dropped this -> 👑
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
I think it's a pretty safe bet that if someone has a symbol meant to represent male in their bio, that person most likely uses he/him pronouns. And even if someone doesn't have pronouns in their bio, you can do the bare minimum of... you know... ASKING?!?! Like, it's not that hard to pop into someone's asks and be like, "Hey homie, what pronouns you use?" Even if you downright hate someone's guts, the bare minimum of human decency you can show that person is to ask for pronouns if you arnt sure.
Asking me's always an option!
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imber-rose · 4 months
GtWAC day 15: share some LORE
I was buzzing over this one and decided I’d like to share about my fae species from my “Realm of Sollus” worldbuilding project.
Now obviously fae are nothing new but I do think every author/artist who uses them adds their own flavor and this is mine!
Firstly there are 7 fae courts in Sollus: Solfae, Lunfae, Florfae, Cavfae, Nixfae, Aquafae & Aracfae
Each court has their own strengths and niches, for instance the Solfae are wonderful glass workers while the Lunfae are renowned for their medicine
A court is headed by a queen, the queen is empathically linked to her court allowing her to understand how the overall morale is doing.
In my world this is the lifecycle of a fae
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When a fae dies they are buried, generally in special gardens, over the body plants will sprout. When the flowers bloom they’ll have eggs in them! The eggs are then taken into the hive where they’ll hatch into grubs. Grubs then grow into fledglings. Fledglings reach maturity as fully adult fae at 100 years of age. You can equate the first 100 years of a faes life to the first 20 of a humans. When the fae dies the cycles starts again.
This process only differs for the Aracfae who arnt quite the same as their cousins and instead of hatching into grubs they look much more like, well, spiderlings! They also tend to mature faster and become self reliant by their fledgling stage. This is due to the Aracfae being far more predatory in nature than other fae (they are not opposed even to eating their cousins)
The fae have three forms: Fae, Elven & Wild
The fae firm is their natural state and normally fae stay in this state their entire lives!
The Elven form is a larger more humanoid looking form they generally change into in order to interact and trade with the other species of Sollus
And the wild form is actually something that’s been lost and most fae can’t do it, it’s more of a myth, a form shaped from a moment of intense emotion
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If anyone’s curious to know more I do think about these guys like… a lot… they live rent free in my noggin… so feel free to send me some asks!
And if you want to know what court you’d be in I did an event a while ago and I made a quizz for it so uhhh… here! You can learn more about each court as well 8)
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starredeclipse · 2 months
Big Top AU bits of lore
I’m posting facts about this smiling critters AU as I go. So here’s the facts we got so far:
In this smiling critters AU, the smiling critters are “Werewolves” in a sense, basically humans that have a specific gene that once one has reached maturity they can turn. For some it’s temporary, for others it’s permanent. The permanent have a difficulty finding their place in society so most join The Big Top Carnival Circus. This is the smiling critters origins in the AU, those affected continue to have there humanity while the animal they become arnt always real or a wolf, so the term WereAnimals has been easily adapted into modern definition. 
Most who change permanently tend to take on a new name, this isn’t so much to hide their past identity but more as to make a new one since their old self and life are no longer. Most names tend to be simple but a few have chosen a more interesting name path. 
Maturity as it is called in that world typically happens when a person becomes 18 “Aka officially a adult” BUT for some people this transformation can happen later in life or even early in life making “label it with a number” not entirely accurate.
I based the “maturity” around the individual itself instead of really age. For example there are kids born into families where they basically have to fend for themselves in reality. These cute “mini adults” forces a kid to mature a lot faster, even more if they have to care for younger siblings, this would cause this still child to change into a WereAnimal as they matured early.
Now that you know the basics, the rest will fall into place. Let’s take a look at some brief character facts:
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Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy help operate the many games The Big Top provides, Huggy has many cousins that also work at the many games.
Huggy’s cousins can be called upon to be clowns during certain shows
Huggy’s Cousins by name + colors + Height: Short:
Red: Velvet Heart: female Green: Grasshopper: male Yellow: Bright: Male Orange: Orange Pop: male Purple: Lavender: female White: Snowflake: female
There names also reflect what kind of clothes they wear because the cousins like to stay themed since it’s pretty fun for them.
The cousins are based off the mini huggys, I just added a few and put more colors, for instance this is snowflake: here are some stuff about her:
Huggys Cousins don’t only dress up as additional clowns, each cousin has their own talents. For Snowflake, her main talent her voice.
Some circuses will have singing acts, usually ones where they claim to have real life mermaids sing the audience a little tune. Here at the Big Top Snowflake fills this role, she knows many songs and her voice is enchanting. During her time to shine she gets to put on her favorite dress that she only wears during this performance, Catnap has been working on making her new dresses the more her acts are requested. Catnap fears her current dress will get warn down plus the audience loves seeing them in many different types of outfits.
Snowflake is sweet and keeps a calm mind, she doesn’t mind the spotlight.
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kaidacresto · 6 months
Iv been meaning to post these, but since people are getting interested in my freaks we might as well do it now >:]
Is a perfectionist and overachiever. She was a golden child and constantly had high goals before but NOW in the circus, there isnt really much to be perfect at. She has a lot of pempt up energy because of it and whener theres a game they want to be the best and win at it
Is terrified of abstracting (for obvious reasons). She keeps her mind sharp in hopes to avoid it by doing puzzles and shit.
A BULLY HATER!! HATES BULLIES!!! Can and will beat ur ass if you’re being an asshole, since there arnt any real consequences in the circus she’s just going ham on people she doesn’t like
“It is what it is” mindset GRINDD
Doesn’t think about things deeply. Doesn’t want to for simplicity’s sake and not to go insane aswell. If she dislikes you it’s on a surface level. She doesn’t care if you have deeper feelings or whatever she goes off of surface level shit
dances when she’s nervous, it calms her down! As a human she used to be one but broke her leg in an accident, she retained feelings of joy from dancing in the circus so she does it all the time. main form of dance is Ballet, but she does also enjoy waltz and tap dance
doesn’t mind listening to people ramble or doing chores or anything, keeps her occupied! She likes being busy, it’s her natural state of being.
attempts to keep everyone together, even at his own expense. Acting as a “lighting rod” for peoples anger or pranks. He often ignores his own discomforts due to all of it
Being the most animalistic of the characters, buddy is STRUGGLING; Very dehumanizing even more so than the other people. At least Jax and Gangle are bipedal (and can move their LIMBS). Its also a reason he hates being ridden, it feels e x t r a dehumanizing. Annd it’s also just straight up annoying most of the time (looking at you JAX.)
his life before thr circus wasnt thst great. He obviously doesn’t remember anything specific, but he remebers how it felt. So when he showed up here it was almost relieving after he got used to the choas. Despite kinda. everything. he enjoys the circus
A very hopeful fella! Believes the best in everyone, even if its difficult to see (LOOKING AT YOU J A X.) got that optimistic mindset, got that sunshine and rainbows magic baby
type of guy to burst into tears if put on the spot what they want to eat
And heights! For quick reference, Bronko is a little shorter than Kinger (but since he floats he looks taller), and Wasser is slightly shorter than Pomni
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Oracle Uthorim is a bit more wild than his other counterparts. He is this ethereal godlike being who kept very much to himself. He has seen the way humanity deals with the unknown, the scary, the supernatural. He kept a small shop in a small town in Maine. Which is where he was captured in the first place. The day went on quietly as he tended to his customers, a cup of tea here, a small herbal remedy there. It was when a Stanger walked through his doors that his world flipped upside down. A man in plain winter clothing who asked one to many questions. Now Uthorim knew these government types most of them arnt as clever or covert as they'd like to think. In his mind he avoided suspicion. The front of his store becoming a fireball as he cleaned up showed how wrong he was. The element of surprise was the only way they could take Uthorim, although their losses were heavy.
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sojrner-fishsticcc · 1 year
loona pm retexture!
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hey! so uh remember when i said i was gonna release loona soon. lol. i made her abt a month ago, so i feel weird releasing her without updating her textures cos the old texture method looks. Bad. and i decided to work on a retexture. turns out me from two months ago is a complete fuckin moron so i had to spend two days untangling all the spaghetti in her, but bcos of that the hair is getting a total redesign! a few other parts got minor tweaks but the hair is the most major redesign. this is what it looks like right now! its unfinished, the final colors may be tweaked (they arnt 100 percent accurate but ahhh theyre so pretty) also it has assymetrical uv stuff but ive just made it uv as a first pass. ill tweak it later.
also im planning on making the whole imp crew! loona, blitz, moxxie, and millie and i rlly want to sell them as a collective bundle. and hey, mayb in the future making some outfit alts (loonas red dress looks really cool! or maybe even her human form but fuck maybe not cos that hair looks hard) and some more chars! stolas and octavia would be fun to model, id like to mess with some birb legs.
so yah! look out for more helluva work in the future cos omg its so cool! (also i gotta actually put my prefabs together for sale! theyll be up soon i promise!)
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electricfied-wolf · 6 months
very few wooden cabooses' are used or made today, CB could have been around the yard for a long time, might even have been shipped in with momma or poppa, or just after them, if he's been participating in race like this for a long time, did he start helping others cheat to help insure HIS engines arnt hurt? and then get caught in a cycle using the favors he's earned to help keep momma/poppa in working condiction?
Oh yeah, C.B. is indeed an older model. I stand by the idea that Dustin is just a bit older, but they're both actually rather aged rolling stock. Technology advances quick and while being humanoid robots with thoughts and emotions saved the skins of most rolling stock, there's always going to be ones that don't make the cut. Diesels and electrics have both been around for quite a long time, it's not that they just suddenly showed up one day, but rather that the humans realized these other engines were more efficient. Faster. Stronger even.
And C.B. would notice that. He'd feel afraid for Momma and Poppa and when Rusty entered the scene he felt afraid for him...but those feelings turned around. C.B. realized that the two older steamers were well liked, and Rusty might just get a pass...but what about C.B. himself? If his company decided he was no longer useful he'd like be done for. And desire to survive turned into slipping by engines in other yards and talking things up with them when he'd be brought along on freight runs. If it wasn't engines, he was passing the word along to humans who would promise his safety.
Getting an offer from Greaseball shook C.B., this is a beloved and incredibly widely respected Union Pacific locomotive who has been dominating the racing industry. The kind of locomotive that would turn C.B. in for his crimes. But Greaseball didn't do that, instead he came to C.B. and asked him for help, and he promised that in return he'd have the caboose's back. He'd get the company to take C.B. in the very likely event that he was cast to the side. And how can a little wooden caboose refuse such an offer?
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mcythottakes · 1 year
I know its been a bit iv been into other fandoms lmao but iv noticed somthing every time I make or relog a post explaining that, no, in fact the CC’s are NOT their c!characters/personas (SHOCKING! I know) and they dont get to dictate how we write these characters in fandom spaces as long as not actually about the CC’S, which yes includes shipping.
And every time without fail people go “Ah yes I agree! Unless the CC has said its against their boundaries/unless its romantic ofc”
The CC’s are NOT the ones being written about!! They never get to dictate fandom spaces. I still cant believe that I could write a gore filled, horror hurt no comfort story about the ocs, or hell even the cc’s, being savagely murdered and tortured without ANYONE EVEN BLINKING, and yet people “Draw the Line” at me going ”Oh these two characters have alot of chemistry in the roleplay. I want them to kiss.” and declare me an awful or gross human being??
If you can accept that “Hey in this story this character is a god, this one is a Mob hybrid player, and oh also magic is real and these three are siblings” and know that oh obviously this is about the character the cc’s portray, then you can just leave us alone about shipping.
“But OP!" I hear you say, “The CC’s said they dont wanna be shipped!”
Let me ask you, in most questions about shipping, did people every clarify they wanted to know if they should specially ship their character and not them, or did most shipping questions go “Hi can we ask your boundaries on shipping” or “Hi is it okay if we ship you lol” or something along the lines? Becuase I can guarantee that if I was asked that question Id assume you were talkin about me and Id also say no.
Obviously though, if the fandom work/ship is actually about CC then no you shouldn't ship if they say they are uncomfy with it. There’s a difference between a character portrayed who doesn't have actual feelings vs an actual person who doesn't want to be shipped. Then obviously respect their boundaries and dont ship!! And if you come across people who do ship CCs? Still just block and move on, I can promise they will not change their minds 95% of the time. 
And for the few cc’s that did actually get asked to clarify they were talkin about their characters? Iv said it before and Ill say it again, CC’s do not get to dictate fandom spaces whatsoever, they never have, just like other fandoms dont let source material dictate these spaces either. Yes sometimes something they say can be taken into account but at the end of the day, people who do fandom works get to do what we want. CC’s are honestly more authors/actors of the characters they portray, specially in roleplay circumstances like DSMP.
Becuase if your gonna try and get permission for stuff like that, we might as well ask them permission if hey can we torture your character, hey can we make your character die to motivate another character, hey can we do this or that or this please?.... Do you realize how stupid that sounds? Would you sit and go ask the cc if this is okay before making any fandom works? No? Then neither should we about shipping.
Honestly dont try to bug CC’s about shipping characters and try and look for permission, you dont need it and most of the time CC’s just want to be left out of it or just not know as long as its not shoved in their faces.
If your worried about a CC coming across said shipping, then let me tell you something; Fandom spaces have ALWAYS been for the fans. If they come into fandom spaces and areas, and they see something they dont wanna? That's on them. Specially if its been fully labeled and tagged properly, they fucked around and found out. 
“What if they stumble across it on accident before they knew or didn't understand or, the horror, someone forgot to label something properly?”
GUESS WHAT! CC’s arnt your UwU babies who will break into little pieces when they find out their characters are being shipped. Maybe they wont like it but they’re big boys and girls and others, they can handle it themselves. I promise you they dont need you trying to speak for them, and I can also promise they’d be hella more disappointed in you harassing folks, specially if you send death threats over something harmless as shipping fictional people.
And honestly, if you dont like the idea of shipping even though its pretty established by now we arnt talking about the cc’s? THEN THATS FINE! You have every right to, hell I'm not even a huge shipper myself! I just think its cute sometimes and ill reblog it or read something with it if its intriguing enough.
And even more so, you have the ability to block! Block shipping tags and people who ship and move the fuck on, its not that hard. At this point people are pretty good at making sure shipping stays out of the main tag and has its own tags for it, so if your seeing it enough to bitch about it, it means you either followed someone who ships and that's on you, or you went searching to bitch about which is honestly a bit pathetic.
Leave people alone, make use of the block blog and block tag options, and thank you for coming to my ted talk.
And remember at the end of the day all fandom works are fiction and should not be intended, nor expected to be reflected irl.  
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