#they cant keep getting away with it </3 </3 </3 /j
ozlices · 9 months
THEY LET RUI GROW TALLER?????????? HES ALREADY A GODDAMN TREE AND THE TALLEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME................. they're fueling his power trip
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4ggravation · 1 year
reminder that cy yu's cover of peaches from the mario movie where he's in character as cyno and the lyrics are rewritten to fit cynari is dropping this sunday
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dr-spectre · 1 month
I saw this really great thread on twitter by Grungygrim and it definitely highlights my thoughts and frustrations with the story of these games and the Splatoon fandom as a whole. (be forewarned, i get really tilted in this blog post fyi.)
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I made a blog post about 2 weeks ago where i said that i was happy that the narrative online that "Callie is an idiot who got kidnapped and then brainwashed/mind controlled against her consent" is going away. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to retract a lot of the stuff i said. I'm still seeing, TILL THIS DAY THAT NARRATIVE ONLINE! IM STILL SEEING SO MUCH MISINFORMATION AND IT MAKES ME REALLYYYY ANGRYYYY!!! As a big fan of Callie, people completely outright ignoring her character arc THAT WAS SET UP SINCE SPLATOON 1 BY THE WAY!!! and not even bothering to look at outside sources for more information and lore genuinely pisses me the fuck off to no end.
No, hypnosis is NOT MIND CONTROL/BRAINWASHING! I DONT WANNA KEEP REPEATING IT! YOU CAN LOOK IT UP! if a person is genuinely uncomfortable and doesn't wish to take the suggestions to heart while hypnotized, THEY WONT DO SO! THEY STILL HAVE CONTROL! Yes, Marie did say "kidnapped" in some of her dialogue, but from her perspective, OF COURSE SHE'S GONNA THINK CALLIE GOT KIDNAPPED! She's known to worry about Callie all the time and ruminate about her, of course she's gonna think of the worst case scenario, doesn't mean she's right though. Was Octavio still in the wrong for hypnotizing Callie in the first place and allowing her to bring out her darker traits more easily? YEAH! NO SHIT! HE'S A BAD DUDE! Not a totally evil person but he has made some awful decisions out of desperation for his people. Why do you think he was so quick to help out the New Squidbeak Splatoon in the finale of Splatoon 3? His people got turned into fluffy monsters by a giant bear, he's all about helping his people.
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Hell look at how Callie acts while under the Hypnoshades, she decorates Octo Canyon and her peppy and energetic self is still in tact even during the final boss, she's just more mean and violent. Callie was in an emotional and mentally unwell situation due to her overworking herself and being incredibly lonely as her relationship with Marie was damaged overtime. Callie accepted the suggestions of DJ Octavio and heard him out, AS SAID BY HER FROM THE RELATIONSHIP CHART! She wasn't forced into anything. She didn't suffer "sexual abuse" from Octavio by being forced into skippy clothing as some psychos say online, if she didn't want to wear that outfit she wouldn't cause hypnosis is NOT MIND CONTROL!! I hate having to repeat this over and over again, i hate how the developers basically rushed and ruined this interesting villain arc with stupid shades, only to try and hastily fix it later with an obscure post about A GOD DAMN RELATIONSHIP CHART THAT PEOPLE EITHER DONT KNOW ABOUT OR DONT CARE TO LOOK AT BECAUSE THEY SEE SPLATOON AS SOMETHING FOR KIDS AND TO NOT GIVE ANY CARE TOWARDS!!!!!!!!
I made a god damn giant blog explaining Callie in Splatoon 2 because i felt so frustrated about how my favorite character in the series was being treated and i tried to salvage the story that the writers tried to make. The way that people made her situation worse by saying she got kidnapped and forcibly ""mind controlled/brainwashed"" actually gave me chest pain, thinking about that kind of scenario for Callie actually hurts me... Heck i cant even listen to the Splatoon 2 stage music or final boss music because hearing her reversed vocals makes me feel uncomfortable due to the misinformation online. I hated all the misinformation and i wanted it to stop. HELL EVEN IN GIANT TIMELINE VIDEOS WHERE PEOPLE DO TONS OF RESEARCH THEY STILL GET IT WRONG!! UGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess it'll still be the common and popular notion that Callie is an idiot that got kidnapped and then ""mind controlled"" by some shades... oh well... ugh...
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I'm sorry if I'm coming off as really angry, i am. It's just, my brain is really hyperfixated on this squid and she means a lot to me. Seeing the way the fandom as well as the writers treat her makes me really mad. I hope i can find some peeps who feel the same way as i do. Misinformation is so frustrating man... i dont even wanna get into the Octarians because that's a whole other can of worms... anyways im done ranting. have a good night or good morning wherever you live y'all.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Hii! Idk if you've ever done something similar, but what do you think about TADC x Skater! Reader? Like, Reader always have their skates on, like it's a part of their digital costume or smth. And i really mean ALWAYS. Someone spilled water on the floor? Reader slips down. They go on an adventure and a part of the floor is inclined? (Like a hill for example) There goes reader down the hill. I think it would be pretty funny lol
Btw, i really love your page, keep it up and don't overwork yourself
TADC cast x rollerskater!reader
Anon I am so so so sorry !! I dont know if I personally got jumbled up or my inbox has been wonky silly goofy or I just got thrown off because of so many people sending stuff in, but I also missed this as well as some other requests 😭😭
This one may be a little short since I've never skated <\3
Written this as more platonic leaning !
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Probably poofs himself his own rollerskates, literally the only time you see him on the ground and it's so weird to look at. You guys both slip and fall because bubble wiped themselves across the floor or something
Obviously leads to bubble getting popped
Honestly seeing caine struggle to keep steady while using the rollerskates is... very funny.. look at his lil legs wobble (tell anyone and he will tilt the ground of the next IHA)
Honestly she would probably slip on the floor too if its wet or has marbles. She looks like she would comically fall over, with her legs flinging straight up into the air before plopping down
Looks at you confused as you visibly try to calculate how fast this one little slope will make you go, she probably forgets you have skater feet in the beginning
Subconsciously tries to grab and stop you when you start rolling, but because shes so small you just drag her with you
Theres that squeaky noise as shes being dragged across the floor
Yk the sound
Throws marbles on the floor as well as other things that can make you stumble or slip... probably soaps up the floor.. thank god hes just a circus rmemeber and not like, a ringmaster... this dude would tolt the floor in so many different angles just to fuck with you... thankfully, he cant do that!
Though in another timeline... perhaps you werent so lucky...
Not much to be said here, with the bit with zooble in the pilot (the arm thing), jax is more than ready to use peoples unique digital qualities to please him or mess with them, and you being his friend only makes you slightly less likely to be messed with
Keeps a hand on your shoulder when she notices the floor is tilted, tends to walk with you while holding your shoulder still. She can only imagine what it's like to be s victim of slopes.. it would drive her nuts.. as long as shes around shes going to do her damndest to make sure you dont roll away or slip... unless jax literally throws marbles in front of you two at the very last second because who can predict that..?
In any case where theres an IHA with a DEEP slope I think she just might resort to carrying you so you dont go FLYING down
Okay you guys might not have the same issues but they can relate to you in the jax department, with him using your qualities to his advantage. Its absolute hell.. I think it would be this shared thing that leads to you guys building a relationship in the first place
That one meme where it's two people at the bar and they overhear each other saying "I hate (x)" then they start making out
Thats you guys ranting about the bunny/j
Offered you some parts before realizing that you cant swap out your limbs like they can
"Ah, bummer"
Has probably asked you why you dont just take them off when you vent to him about jax putting marbles on the floor. Kind of sounds like when people say shit such as "oh you're depressed? Just cheer up!" But like, kinger says it in a genuinely.. not malicious or tone deaf way.. like I dontt think he knows, or perhaps he thinks you're like zooble with detachable limbs and you have another pair of feet hanging around somewhere
Gives a soft "oh.. " when you demonstrate that they are attatched to you
Offers to let you strap pillows to yourself to soften any blows when you fall, let's you have his softest and thickest pillows... what do you mean it throws off your balance...?
You have probably accidentally rammed into her after misjudging how steep a hill on the ground was
Good news! She stopped your momentum!
Bad news, shes all tangled up in your skates (owie!) And her comedy mask is broken (oh no!)
Please be careful getting her out. We don't want her ribbons to tear or get damaged, we cant have our girl start fraying!
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stillfrownyclownlol · 3 months
@moonbiine got me with the Aiden bug
I thought a lot about how to start this and none of them were good so, here's this;
Frowny's Thesis on Aiden Clark having Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) based on the DSM-5 criteria, living with people with BPD (hi dad!), being...me!, and general vibes.
What is BPD?
Borderline Personality Disorder is defined by a prolonged disturbance of function marked by depth and variability of mood, pattern of unstable personal relationships, unstable self-image, marked impulsivity, and other symptoms. They can manifest in very different ways (the way it appears between my dad and my grandma for example is not the same), but generally includes this.
1. Fear of Abandonment
Nobody wants to be left behind, that's a given, but for people with BPD this fear can spiral into a paranoid phobia that impacts all their personal relationships. Because BPD is influenced by environmental factors, this often stems from children being abandoned in their youth (ex. My father was the child of a teen pregnancy and his parents couldn't care for him for the first few years of his life, letting him be raised by his grandparents. I also grew up alternatively without my mom and withouty my dad, and once for a time with neither of them)
It's been shown to us before that Aiden's parents are often absent from the house, for even months at a time. He seems very used to this and it's likely he grew up very isolated or passed around between different relatives. And I do think this shows in his attachment style; he is a very clingy and sort of "decides" to hyperfixate on a certain person (Ash *coughs*) in the hopes that they'll become friends, and he does this very quickly. Already so scared of losing Ash on that roof even tho he's only known her for like 3 months at this point. He really can't bear the thought of her not being with him.
On the subject of Ash he's idolized her sooooo bad she's so screwed. Pls the Angelic lighting filter he puts on her?? SHE CANT SAVE YOU AIDEN. YOU HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF. (But i get it its hard) Ties back into how people with BPD see the world in strict black and white, he can't see Ash's flaws and that's how he defends her so much, she's literally like a savior to him and here comes the disciple complex.
He's been forced to move so many times, he's probably made friends who just couldn't keep up the effort of maintaining a long distance friendship and ghosted him, or even him doing the opposite, pushing people away just to avoid the sting of abandonment again. They can't hurt you if you hurt them first.
2. Unstable self-image.
He bleaches his hair end of story /j
No but really, tell me Aiden doesn't put up a persona- he's gone through the phases from quiet gifted kid to an impulsive extroverted mischievous mess. Don't you just look at him and feel the self-hatred coming off in waves?? Dyeing his hair, getting contacts, the ever present grin that must be painful at this point, it's like he can't...look at himself. Like he doesn't want to look at himself.
He can't even face his own problems; he literally paints a clown face on himself after dying cuz he doesn't want to process his feelings about it lol 🫠
Like genuinely, how exactly does Aiden want to be perceived? What is the point of this facade? For himself? For other people? I think he's just trying to shut away his past and start fresh without having to confront it, but...when the root is rotten, nothing healthy can grow, so he needs to get to the source of his issues.
3. Anger regulation problems
Unpopular opinion probably but he seems so angry to me. It's definitely WAY more present in the early chapters like when he goes tf off on Tyler, he was barely controlling himself there asdfghjkl- but I think it manifests more in him attacking the phantoms, it's obviously an adrenaline thing for him but I think he's taking out a lot of anger at the same time too. Even if some of this anger is coming from a righteous place; the desire to protect his loved ones (which ties into the abandonment too, you are still abandoned even when it wasn't their choice), because peope with BPD see the world as smth very...dangerous, I guess is the word? Even if maybe that doesn't apply to themselves
(Fastpass spoilers)
He's also not above taking his anger out on humans either considering he was about to take Alex's eyes out with that paintbrush and was gonna choke the life outta them-
4. Consistent feelings of sadness/worthlessness.
5. Self-injury, suicidal behaviour, suicidal ideation.
Aiden do be a sadboi even with all the smiley faces on his clothes. I think this is probably smth that was way worse when he was younger that led to that depression where he was locked in his room eating junk food and disassociating, and while he's probably coping with it differently it's still smth he struggles with. I mean shiiiiiit, because of his impulsiveness he does kinda cause problems but God he feels SOOOO goddamn bad about it lahdlsj, he was so guilty about the Ash situation, he probably beat himself up so much about that-
Emotions are very extreme, it's 'similar' to bipolar disorder with manic and depressive episodes, except they happen at a much quicker scale (in the same day for ex.) which seems to me how Aiden only lets himself experience positive emotions even tho he's in a deeply stressful situation (even tho there's good parts too like his friends) because he just can't handle having to fully experience those negative emotions.
Check, check, check! Aiden has zero self preservation instincts, he throws himself off walls, gets up close and personal with phantoms that could easily kill him, actually didn't give a fuck about dying?? Actually ENJOYED IT? But didn't wanna do it again because his Favourite person was worried about him and the absolute high of that feeling completely beat out anything else?? Okay man, we get it, you're living for somebody else at this point-
People with BPD suffer from chronic feelings of emptiness and pain is the best kind of distraction for Aiden (cue: him slamming his forehead on the table because he's bored)
6. Impulsive behaviors (aka a bunch of shit which can be summed up as addictions)
Well, for starters, he's an absolute adrenaline junkie, because he feels so constantly empty Aiden wants something to make him feel alive. And adrenaline is the flawless, biological, factual answer to this. Ergo all his octane hobbies and impulsive behaviors. Ties back into his obsessiveness, which, don't get me wrong this doesn't make him a bad guy or anything, we all get a little obsessed with things sometimes, that's just things humans do- but when you have bpd, it's very...difficult to just STAY happy, like an addiction, when the high wears off, they're empty again.
Maybe a bit of a stretch, but considering all the Ramen packets in his room when he was younger I wouldn't be surprised if he had some sort of ED or binge eats (Same bestie.)
Also for sure a reckless driver I'm 99% sure he crashed all those go-karts he drived before.
I don't really know where I'm going with this. It's hard to live with somebody who has BPD, it's hard to live with it yourself, it's hard to see other people go through it even when it's hurting yourself. I hate pushing people away, but you get so caught up in your own thoughts, and it just...happens...and when it's done...you really regret it, but it's too late...and you just wonder if things are better like this, being alone and not hurting anybody anymore, cuz they're certainly happy on their own
I don't think anybody who has bpd is automatically a bad person, they just have things harder than normal. People with BPD....they can be amazing artists, or good with animals, or really very kind. They have very big hearts, thats why they feel so deeply. And I think Aiden is a good person, because he has so much love to give, but has never been given an outlet to express that properly, but you can see him making great strides in learning how, with the help of his friends 🧡
Might edit this later when I get my thoughts more clear it's midnight here lol
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gorygurl · 1 year
smoking weed with the proxies headcanons !! (๑´ㅂ`๑)
notes: first blog post !! ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎⊹ i hope you all enjoy my content, and i cant wait to keep sharing my work with you all !!
warnings/disclaimers: drug use, implied romantic relationships/feelings.
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toby !!
toby mellows out like nothing you've ever seen when he's high, truly.
doesn't take him too long to get high; after a few good puffs and a few good coughs, he's usually already past a buzz.
toby talks a lot when he's high and honestly prefers when whoever he's with does the same.
considering how talkative and "in your face" he usually is, it's a comfortable middle ground for him when he's high.
can't usually reach it when he's sober.
he's never one to turn down a smoke. ever.
hence why you two smoke so often in the first place.
blows his own hit into your mouth all the time.
(you taught him that)
gets the munchies soo bad.
you and him go back to the mansion with pink, half-lidded eyes and start opening kitchen cabinets every other day.
instead of asking to wake and bake with you, he's more inclined to go smoke in the dead of night.
he's woken you up oh so many times to smoke at 4am.
to be fair, a lot of the time, it's after a mission. so regardless, you groggily point to your tray and pj's, to which he brings both to you in bed :).
everything is terribly funny to you two when you guys are high.
everyone in the mansion can smell and hear you two.
hoodie !!
if any of the proxies smoke, it's hoodie.
and if any of them were to have weed on them, it's hoodie.
token stoner of the proxies, truly.
isn't a lightweight solely based on experience.
you'll have to roll a couple when you smoke with hoodie.
enough to make sure you two are high and a couple more just to push the envelope.
more of a listener than a talker when he smokes.
he'll nod through puffs and give you small noises of affirmations as you speak, but isn't inclined to go on his own tangents.
knows enough spots to take you to a new one every day if he so pleased.
will always laugh a little harder at your jokes.
you two always find an excuse to sneak away and smoke one together.
so much that it's practically a form of quality time for guys now.
sparks you up whenever he can. it's one of his biggest forms of flattery <3.
exceedingly knowledgeable on strains, so both of you tend to talk about what you like to smoke.
masky !!
masky doesn't smoke too often, to be quite honest.
but fuck does he have a high tolerance.
unlike toby, he's relatively far from being a lightweight.
it takes him about 3 or 4 joints to ease into a really good high.
he honestly runs hoodie for his money. he could smoke him out without even realizing it.
so, of course, you were absolutely fucking appalled when you went to roll another after having just smoked 3 back to back with him.
he admires that you try and keep up, though.
while he doesn't prefer to dominate the conversation when he's smoking, he definitely likes to talk.
loves smoking early in the morning. tempt him with a cup of coffee and a j, and he's aaaall yours.
he always lets you finish whatever is left, out of both courtesy and affection.
masky likes the intimacy of having his own spots, but he's taken you with him plenty of times, as you've done with him.
prefers sativa.
(it's the easiest way for him to be high on a mission.)
after almost every mission, you two will trail off into the woods, one of you already pulling out a lighter.
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after my last alicissa fanart my head has birthed a whole medieval au. allow me to show you bc i need to share.
alice has been training to become a knight for years, and now that she’s 21 she has almost finished her training. as a “senior knight”, one of her duties is to keep watch on younger trainees, in her case, james and sirius (thank god she has frank, another soon-to-be knight, helping her). since they are roomates, only these three boys know that she’s actually not a man (women weren’t allowed in the knights bc medieval times yknow), and eventually they’ve become friends.
and as her friends, they deserve to know about the beautiful woman she’s met in the forbidden forest.
in the neighbouring kingdom, narcissa is aching. one of her sisters ran away from their family, and the other has been married off. her only company is her younger cousin, who’s still suffering his older brother’s disappearance, that left him alone and with the weight of being the future heir on his shoulders.
being her only family left, she tells him about her meeting with a charming woman in armour in the forbidden forest.
chaos ensues. drama starts. the good shi 👌
and there will be a part 2 where i explain what is sirius’ deal with this “bastard thief”
A: companions, i think i’ve found the most beautiful damsel in the world <3
S: WHO?!
F: this is new
A: i do not know her name, but merlin, that won’t stop me from meeting her again <3
A: forbidden forest, near the border
J: sirius, we’re going there tomorrow
S: i CANT i have that bastard thief to catch!
A: you’re not going anywhere, you’re too young
J: i’m only three years younger than you and frank!
A: and how old does that make you?
J: …almost 18!
A: almost old enough!
N: oh regulus, i think i’ve found it
R: found what?
N: …the reason andy left
R: …
N: i could never do that, though. as royals, our fates were decided the day we were born- i guess i’ll just pretend, for a while
R: what are you doing here?
J: asked the suspicious, hooded fella before pulling out a dagger-
R: answer me. and stop squinting.
J: i’m not squint-
J: i’m looking for my mentor.
R: merlin, you’re blind! how did you become a knight?
J: im still a trainee?
R: i’ll stalk my cousin tomorrow. follow me.
J: …i fear i’ll get stabbed
R: not like you could see it coming
J: rude.
S: bastard thief…
Rem: they look nothing like us, i’m almost offended
M: my face is on a poster, that’s enough for me <3
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mugzymiik · 5 months
my tpc headcanons bc why not :D
[last updated: may 14, 2024]
main chars:
trans FtM
he and Lythorus have absolutely been down bad for each other in the past but they never brought it up at all (until really recently now they kis!!!! they kiss!!!!! they kissy k)
REALLY likes cats
has a pretty good tolerance to the cold. all cubes do (in my headcanons anyway) but his is especially great
used to have really bad control over his strength (he and Lythorus HAVE had a pillow fight in the way past and Lyth got smacked into the wall on complete accident)
back when he and Lythorus started dating he tried to rest his head on top of Lythorus's as a way of affection and he proceeded to get stabbed by the spike
has a really deep voice. but at the same time he somehow also sounds like a really tired teenager who works retail
has a british accent
also knows a frightening amount of very unsettling fun facts
shes the tallest out of the non-monster caretakers (so herself, Iris and Cube). why? fuck you. fuck you is why /HEVJ/VSILLY
he "talks with his hands" >:] i stole this hc from a friend btw/hj/lhj (hi Tea /silly)
he and Ketches are close friends i also stole this hc :3
likes to follow people around!!! and also doesnt like being left alone for long periods of time
eepy lil guy :D
Tsavorite and him are each other's impulse control. ofc its mostly Orange whos keeping Tsavorite from walking straight into a landmine (/j ofc) but they keep each other out of trouble (most of the time at least)
if bored enough but not eepy enough to take a nap or smth he CAN AND WILL end up somewhere thatll have everyone wondering "HOW DID HE GET THERE-"
genderfluid and uses any pronouns. :3c he? yes! they? yes! she? yes! literally any neopronoun(s)? HELL YEAH!!!
also has a british accent
constantly compares Orange to an actual orange (teasingly ofc)
very alert, but "backwards". like. he'll be able to notice a cool beetle from 5 feet away but wouldnt be able to tell you where Orange headed off to despite being right next to him just a few seconds ago
shows affection thru hugs and pokes. basically just. physical touch
adding onto the last one!!! if he cant be physically affectionate they will just give random ass gifts :D
knows a lot abt physical weapons to the point where its honestly a littol unnerving because hOW DOES HE KNOW ABT ALL THIS-
the shortest out of all the Heroes once theyre all matured. and theyre so pissed abt it to this day /silly
actually really likes horror elements in media
can hold intense eye contact for extended periods of time without blinking (and has intimidated multiple people with it on complete accident)
can and will fistfight someone over chicken nuggets btw
HATES the snow. and all the other Heroes tease them (/aff) abt it ever since they all found out bc "we thought you loved EVERYTHING"
owns a shitton of pins i dont take criticism on this one sorry /vlh
does NOT care for formalities. like. at all. like say if he met a "King Guy" he wouldnt say "King Guy" hed just say "Guy"
knows Spanish and PSL (Paradisian Sign Language). this is a hill i will die on/j
has bit Tsavorite multiple times for holding him BUT Tsav didnt really care so he eventually just got used to it and now theyre besties :)
tall. tall fuck. everyones confused asf bc hes not physically related to Pyrare so he couldnt get those kinda """genes""" but hes still REALLY fuckin tall (when matured ofc)
does NOT like water AT ALL (self-projection beam GO/j)
VERY SNAKE-LIKE!!! he can hiss. he has fangs. and hes more sensitive to chilly weather and the cold than most other shapes
despite his sensitivity to cold weather he does love snow
whenever hes nervous and/or anxious he just starts singing random songs but in a purposely bad way (haha what do uou Mean im self projecting um)
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has multiple songs pirated on herself. i do not take criticism/j
tall for an unmatured hero :3c
gets attached to people very very easily, but mostly people who show her even just an ounce of kindness :(
whenever she's trying to "hide something", she uses very detailed language,,for example, if she did something like sneaking out or smth she'd say "greetings" instead of just "hi" or "hello"
"lags" more whenever its hot out
being ANYWHERE around her at ANY point in time is a BIG fuckin risk because she can play Never Gonna Give You Up/Whistle/that stickbug gif on herself on command /SILLY
i dont have any for her as of rn D:
really likes chicken nuggets. its really random but she LOVES chicken nuggets
is CONSTANTLY called short by Purpex and Marcle + everybody in all the other groups (teasingly ofc)
Round <3
is absolutely dating Circumsphere
bisexual and also polyamorous :D if he was given the choice between getting his dead wife back or staying with Circumsphere he would choose both with ZERO hesitation
i dont have any rn :[
danimal cannon:
very strong for a pentagon (once when she n Hexagram were younger she hit him and he had a big ass bruise for a few days)
has a very bad obsession with vikings, which is why his corrupt form has a "viking"-ish look
i got none rn :<
big giant circles:
doesnt swear very often so when he does its a shock to everyone/lhj
a big softie! to those he deeply cares abt tho
he has to be gentle whenever he hugs someone bc hes gonna break someones back someday if he isnt/lhj
IS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF CIRCUMUSCLE SWEARING-WISE if she is given a single chance to say Fuck she WILL absolutely take it with zero hesitation at all/lhj
they and Circumuscle have an "older brother + younger sibling" dynamic
has a british accent as well
i dont got any for her either D:
very distractible
also said in Cube's section; he and Cube were absolutely down bad for each other in the past but never actually acknowledged it (untill recently now they smooch)
aquatic flower (explained further in the world-wise "shape related" section)
has a VERY bad fear of insects
hes 6ft. and he and Cube have a running joke with this using his name as a measurement. something's exactly 12ft tall? its 2 Lythoruses tall actually/j/lhj
nonbinary!!! and uses he/she/they pronouns :D
he and Ketches r like,,partners. take that in any way possible
has the ability to form a body beneath her, buuuut she prefers to fly
a sweetheart through and through. but when/if they do decide to get silly and start teasing people sometimes he accidentally takes it way too far
absolutely has a "pirate" accent r u kidding me/lhj
also has the ability to form a body like Heli
is an uncle figure to Gold
can honk. not like a duck i mean like a boat. "WOOAOAOAOAORRRR" <- that kinda honk
he can purr. i dont take criticism sorry/hj/lhj
he and Barracuda were gay as FUCK i will DIE on this hill istg/lhj
took guitar classes before he and Cuda went pinksauced
left a seat in the tower's "main room" just in memory of Barracuda. little does he actually know--/lhj
is actually a ghost rn!! after Dub escaped from the seal he just roams around the tower and also occasionally chills next to Dub (even if Dub cant see him at all + has no idea he's even there)
he and Lycanthropy have BEEF for some godforesaken reason
Cube HAS tried to stick up to him once in the dreamscape(??? is that whats its called???) but Cubic IMMEDIATELY shot him down using a threat against Cyan
idk rn D:
his spikes are different from other flowers'; most flower's spikes are pretty sharp, but his never sharpened from childhood, and thus are a little "dull-ended"
idk for her either rn
manipulative as FUCK. the only person he hasnt ever lied to is Circumcannon
speaking of which. he and Circumcannon still kiss/lhj
no ideas,,again😭😭😭
same as all the others
the only thing keeping he and Cubic from fistfighting each other every time they see each other is that they both know that 1) Dub WILL somehow find out and WILL get their asses and 2) Cubic is strong enough to actually kill Lycanthropy if they fight too hard. and Cubic doesnt wanna fling himself into boiling hot water (not literally ofc) + Lycanthropy doesnt wanna die to THIS bitch's hand
a lot of the other corrupted flowers see him as a "general"/"commander" due to Lythorus being leader of the (uncorrupted at least) flowers
should NOT be trusted with any kind of powertools ever
he can go fuckin insane on the drums
pretty close friends with Macabre
would absolutely dj in his spare time
world-wise hcs:
shape related:
spheres are the speediest out of all the shapes
cubes have a natural resistance to the cold
some flowers have the ability to live entirely underwater, its kinda like a "subtype" for them; theyre often referred to as "aquatic flowers"
flowers have fangs :3c chompers even!!!
spheres are the most likely out of any other shape "species" to be able to grow hair
flowers are naturally tall as shit!!!
flowers' spikes arent as "sharp" when theyre young- they "sharpen up" quite a bit as they get older, though
adding onto the last one, aquatic flowers' spikes are a little more on the duller side
other/unrelated to anything else:
some shapes dont have a "combat ability"
all of the group members of a certain area have meetups sometimes, and occasionally ALL of the groups meet up as a whole (pretty rare considering the size of Paradise, but it still happens at times!)
all the heroes have an odd obsession with going in and out of windows instead of doors. there could be an open door right next to a window and any one of them would still open the window and go right out of it
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ultra-raging-ghost · 18 days
Cucuhalo headcannons in these trying times please?
Guys i miss cucuhalo </3 guys its missing cucuhalo hours guys </3 guys </3
For halloween cucurucho dresses up as a devil and bad dresses up as a white bear à la mean girls style
Bad makes cucurucho try all his horrific food.... cucurucho cant help but like it, not because its good but because he cant stop smiling
Cucurucho gets his revenge though, he gets bad to dress up real cute and do photo shoots and shit <3 he loves when bbh dresses up
Bad shows up to cucuruchos office and just sits in there all day bugging him when hes bored, of course this also includes harassing the workers when they go in the office which cucurucho enjoys infinitely more and encourages him to do
While cucuruchos working, bad will chew and smack gum and get right up behind cucuruchos ears so hes forced to listen to it because bads a little shit and finds it funny and sexy to annoy him until he gets the gvn out, the gvn doesnt always stop bad though jilhkgv
I like to think that cucuruchos always liked bad's eyes, but it became especially more evident post-reset, and would go out of his way to meet bad in dimmer settings just to watch them glow
In my mind, cucurucho is like the easter bunny from animal crossing and has a zipper in the back, and if bad were able to, he would unzip it and put his bare hands on whatevers under there after holding a bunch of ice just to watch him jump (i like to think he does this to foolish too LMAO)(doesnt work as well on skeppy 😔)
During bads vulture arc i like to think cucurucho was keeping tabs on him very closely... not out of too much concern (lie) but mostly because the federation have some kind of relationship with bad (cucuruchos his sugar daddy ofc they have a relationship/j) and are interested in his death cycle, possibly planning on trying to recreate it
they kiss like this:
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or this:
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(i think this is the og meme?? 😭 its SO funny to me, bad would be the one on the right but when it backfires hed just panic, lick cucuruchos face and run away acting like that was the plan the whole time and you cannot tell me im wrong)
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yunomagic · 2 years
Sonic Wachowski Angst Headcanons (cuz im evil 😈)
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OKAY so ever since i watched these movies i cant get this little blue blur out of my brain and hes literally one of my favorite characters now and shares one of the highest spots on my kin and comfort character list- and just like all the spots on my kin and comfort character list, i cook up a bunch of angsty headcanons mainly to self project and also cuz this character should suffer (/j) all that aside tho [ dumps a bunch of angst headcanons onto this sweet blue hedgie ]
Sonic eats A LOT of food when he’s stressed, mainly savory or sweet things
He fantasizes being in comic book / fantasy worlds to cope or when things get too hard for him
Sonic kins Luz Noceda from The Owl House and Sayaka Miki from Madoka Magica
Sonic has generalized anxiety, cognitive distortions, abandonment issues and people pleasing behavior
He would be the type to cry about past things he feels guilty for at 2 AM and wake up in the morning like nothing happened
He often forgets to open up to his family because he’s used to keeping his emotions to himself and crying on his own for years
Sonic struggles to keep relationships stable because he’s never been in a real family before
^^^ Therefore he attempts to seek validation by doing grand gestures and by trying to fulfill the role of being a superhero
He apologizes way too much whenever he thinks he did something wrong, its almost like an instinct
He’s afraid he’ll accidentally push away his relationship with his parents and his brothers because he believes he may be a danger to all of them
During a spike of anxiety, Sonic will either be holding back the urge to cry or throw up
Sonic pretends to be confident and act like he’s the best when he actually feel’s like he’s the worst
^^^ He has a hard time valuing himself because he thinks it’s selfish
Sonic self projects onto his favorite characters to cope (sounds familiar huh /hj)
Sonic makes diary entries in the form of videos because he’d rather articulate his thoughts in the form of talking rather than writing
He almost thinks he doesn’t deserve the affection he gets from his family, even though he’s been craving for it since forever
For a long time he avoided calling Maddie, “Mom” because of his past trauma with Longclaw
Hes quick to blame himself for things that arent his fault (past self blame with Longclaw’s death lead to that)
Sonic is selfless to the point where he thinks about sacrificing himself for the ones he cares about
Sonic has a mental breakdown playlist on Spotify
And thats all of it I think??? I just saw the little hedgehog and blasted him with the self projection beam. Sorry little buddy. Thanks for reading these btw!! Hope you enjoyed them <3
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Sick Day Magic
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It may come as a shock to some that I am, in fact, a human being and not a 500 year old oak tree with internet access. /j
Being human, and actually being alive, means you will get sick! Exploring biology for my biomed degree has taught me a lot of things about virus's, bacteria, and how exactly they work! For example: All living things can be effected by virus's, they are nanometers big for that reason, and not much is known about their origins here on earth which is really cool! With that said, every living thing gets sick, and with that we can pair magic to help us through our sick days!
I know I am, simply because I am writing to you now while on sick leave from all 3 of my jobs. Currently the summer flu has hit our home really hard, so lets talk about recovery!
Obvious disclaimer before getting started: Doctors, medical professionals, and health organizations are here to help you. This post is not to discourage you from using modern medicine, or seeing a doctor when you need one. I actually am very much against using spiritual bypassing to discredit medical research, especially as someone who is entering the medical field. If you are sick it is always important to speak with your doctor before trying any holistic remedies, especially if you are on medications that can conflict with herbal supplements. Know the warning signs for when symptoms escalate. This post is mainly about illnesses that can be treated at home and go away within a couple days or weeks (cold, flu, etc)
Lets get started!
How do living things get sick?
To keep this as simple as possible, living beings get sick from small organisms in a couple different classifications. You have virus's, bacteria, fungi, or parasites, and they all have one goal: to use your body as a host! Some things cant reproduce on their own like virus's so they hijack your cells, some things feed off of you and your daily body functions like parasites! In all, we are exposed to all sorts of pathogens, and our body will react with the nasty symptoms like fevers, chills, coughing, vomiting, and more because your body is trying to fight off all the pathogens using your body to reproduce. There are some circumstances where medical intervention is required however, for things like the common cold, flu, and sore throat you can find remedies over the counter!
All living things get sick, including tree's, seals, and even grasses. These pathogens are really good at evolving with us!
What did people do historically?
Before the introduction of germ theory in the 1860's, and the introduction of modern medicine in the 19th century cultures all around the world were still evolving to combat common sicknesses! From medieval Europe using cupping and leaches which assisted in medical standards and theories, to indigenous tribes using the herbs around them to pave the way for medications, cultures all over the world had their own tips and tricks for staying healthy!
In general most cultures followed a 3 way system, prevention, coping, and resistance, where methods were followed to assist in times of sickness. Often times they had distinct prayers and rituals, and would combine it with local remedies and folklore to help the general population.
Later on, herbs would pave the way for medicine as scientists discovered exactly what about an herb could help someone and isolate it into a pill, salve, or tincture!
What is some illness prevention magic?
When getting vaccinated create a prayer or chant to not only take your mind off it, but also for a metaphysical boost
leave offerings to gods of health during cold and flu season by your front door, and leave offerings to spring gods during pollen season by windows
have fire tonic, elderberry syrup, and lions main mushroom tinctures prepared (reminder: always consult a doctor)
Keep crystals like jade, green aventurine, and carnelian by your bed for health
Keep fresh flowers in the home, as scents can represent healing
Visualize sickness being repelled away from you as you practice hygiene
keep sigils in your shoes to 'draw illness back to the earth'
Mundanely make sure you are also having regular checkups (if you cant afford to see a doctor regularly, see what option you have for free clinics, or public health options like medicaid in the US), going to see your dentist because the teeth has a lot to do with health, and practicing good health habits can all be really helpful with preventing illness
What is some illness coping magic?
When sick, keep lavender and chamomile under your pillow as a sleep aid
Contrary to popular belief: Don't burn incense when you have a stuffy nose because the smoke will irritate your nose, instead use a humidifier and optionally put essential oils in it for drainage
take healing spiritual showers
create soft broths, and plain foods using kitchen magic and infusing it with intentions
Optionally if you are having trouble eating because of vomiting or fever, enchant your water bottle with healing energy with even just a simple chant
Put cold or hot compress on pressure points, optionally while you rest research what those pressure points symbolize and how you can translate that into your healing rituals from bed
visualize a healing green or blue light enveloping places that may hurt like joints or the head
Listen to gentle music or healing subliminal during naps to draw out illnesses
enchant your tissue box so every tissue you use is one less you have to use later
create a salve using willow or birch bark, camphor, mint, and chamomile for a soothing joint pain relief
Enchant medications with chants or sigils on the bottle
Mundanely, we see a lot of spiritual hacks, don't put garlic in your nose (The only reason you think it works is because it irritates your nose lining creating mucus), don't use elderberry (It puts your immune system in over drive when you are already sick and actually hinders the healing process), its better to limit herbal and holistic approaches other than things that are rich in things your body needs like fruits, veggies, and electrolytes!
Recovery goes into this much like prevention, our bodies begin to process and understand the invaders making it less likely for you to get infected by the same problem again, however as mutations grow, make sure you are taking care of yourself!
Spiritually, your body is a temple, and its the only one you have, love it and it will love you back, take care of it and it will take care of you back. As a human being I recognize the struggle that concept can be. Its easy for someone to say "just sleep lmao" without having insomnia for example. In general, finding a routine that works for you, your body, and your mind is very important! You are a spiritual being, but you are also human! Don't let people try to sell you the idea that modern medicine is out trying to hurt you, because there are people out there like me who will stand for making the medical field a safer and better place! Don't let people try to sell you the idea that your sickness is because of "bad karma" or that your "low vibes" or something silly like that because the truth is, you get sick because you are alive. Cherish being alive in all of its forms.
Fair winds friends!
And remember, if you took nothing away from this I will say it again, Cherish being alive in all of its forms.
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because i cant stop thinking about it and i think it was your blog where i saw the idea most, but thoughts on jace joining the sophomore year quest:
he's obviously there to hinder them as long as possible so that arianwen can do her stuff. they're so <3 to me i can't *not* include them in any jace-related storyline anymore
porter then has to go w/ the ratgrinders himself, which is a whole different story lol
also gilear doesn't go with them. something, something only needing one aguefort staff member per quest. and jace is the smarter choice
jace is absolutly dying on the van-boat. he gives such "i need to drive so i can be in control" energy. especially post-shatterstar.
jace at the golden gardens <3 he's so glad they're spending so much time here on leviathan he can finally fucking relax
post-shatterstar, jace cares too much about arianwen and doesn't want to sleep w/ garthy o'brien and he's already in a precarious situation w/ porter.
jace befriending sandra-lynn faeth. they're going to be messy bitches together. if jace can't sleep w/ garthy, sandra-lynn still will
jace wanting to protect adaine bc she's arianwen's daughter still, even if she doesn't know that she's trying to stop her mother.
and jace fighting like hell to keep adaine away from the elves who want to take adaine away and being *devestated* when they take her. he wants to be her dad *so bad* but she's off sacrificing herself.
jace hoping he can kill angwyn so he can *finally* have more of arianwen's attention. and him *really* wanting to kill angwyn after seeing what he's done to his daughters.
jace loving and hating kei lumenera. it's such a fallinel thing and i think jace just really hates fallinel and the traditional high elven things. he's such a material girl to me.
he also dislikes all of leviathan other than the golden gardens. he's such a solesian <3 <3 <3
jace in arborly and having to watch the fucking shrimp party antics.
jace lying about not having plane shift (or he doesn't know plane shift bc why would he be leaving this plane of existence when this plane has all that he needs?) and having them take longer and longer to buy arianwen time.
jace, who feels guilty about sending aelwyn off with her mother when she deserves to rest. jace, knowing that he was supposed to be going into the forest but kalina *likes* where he is, what situation he's wrapped himself up in. and now he's *porters* and porter wants him to trail along the bad kids and see if they're the threat that may come up
i think porter knows that the bad kids are the ones that would end up coming after them, since no other party is giving this much effort. but with how distracted and wild they usually are, i think porter discredits them. especially after gorgug multiclasses into artificing.
jace, who has kalina in his ear all of the time, who is so amused by all of this and is driving a wedge further and further between arianwen and jace, because he is not Cassandra's anymore, he is Porter's
jace in hell. it's too hot and humid and it's messing with his hair
Jace having to fight penelope!!! even though she is in hell and actively trying to get revenge, that was his student!!! probably one of his best students!!!
jace and bill. consider? /j
jace in the nightmare forest? jace turned into a puppet by kalina??? jace who is forced to hunt adaine and hurt her even though she's so much like arianwen it hurts and he never wants to do that.
kalina who taunts him about it. kalina who asks him if adaine will want her to be her new dad after *attacking* her? kalina who uses him like he's her favoritest little mouse.
and jace, who eventually comes to and sees arianwen once again, but she's been corrupted. jace, who sees his beloved attack her children, casts *power word pain* on adaine without remorse. jace, who's illusion of arianwen cracks and he tries to patch it together by saying she's under the influence of the crown and that he has to stop her in order to save her, that something went wrong, but,,,
did it?
and then kristen, who jace had practically forgotted was here, decides to ressurect cassandra herself, twisting her into someone different than what jace was sworn on, but his goddess is back!
except, she's being tied to a sophomore he knows is currently failing her cleric classes. except he can't worship her because he's tied to porter. except, she's punishing her own, true devoted worshipper Arianwen.
and kalina is destroyed and jace is happy for a moment, until he sees what's become and how he couldn't have ever won in this scenario.
and as they gather their bearings for one last night in the golden gardens, aelwyn asks how long he was with her mother, because aelwyn *knows* that he was the caster arianwen was planning on taking. and aelwyn *knows* that he's wrapped up in something greater than him
something, something jace and aelwyn parallel about always following the wrong person bc you care about someone who doesn't care about you the same way.
and jace who wants to be there for her, because now she has no parents (he's still reeling from the thought of adaine killing her father with a single punch), but jace knowing that if he gets any closer, porter will want to infect them as well.
and aelwyn goes on to find kipperlilly copperkettle, working for her to keep an eye on jace. and jace having to do sophomore year now w/ rival groups both considering him a mentor and how he doesn't want to betray either of them, but knows he will.
Oooph, absolutely nothing to add. At this point, whatever the fuck went on in the Mountains of Chaos in the original time line probably hurt a whole lot less than this
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
hiii could i get J, P, Q an U for Slender? thanks! and i hope your day is going really well >_<
More Fluff Alphabet /w Slenderman but these letters!
my days been pretty okay! slow, but not terrible :O gonna be slow from tomorrow until next saturday so i might promote requests being open ponders not proof read!! though to be fair i dont. think i proof read any of my stuff
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he can get rather possessive in general when it comes to you or his proxies so uh
don't like, try to make him jealous on purpose, it doesn't end well for anyone involved. actually don't try to tick off forest demons in general
i know i keep saying stuff like "oh god forbid someone make you uncomfortable" in these but like. slenderman is still this huge powerful creature, i know my interpretation on him is a bit silly n different but he still has roots in the 2010s fandom interpretation, you know?
there will be... a mess... is what im saying
in the case that someone is being weird with you, he's less jealous and more angry, though, of course not angry at you
though there will be hard boundaries set in place if you try to rile him up on purpose, he doesnt want to waste his time on someone whos going to toy with him like that. both in a "hey thats not really cool or healthy of you to do to me or our relationship" and also "im fucking slenderman im a old ass powerful demon, who do you think you are?"
he calls you; love, darling, my dear
he likes being called; really anything under the sun, because as long as its something coming from your mouth hes pleased, because it ultimately means hes yours and youre his
for more context see this post! dives into lore stuff for my au/hcs but it'll help add context to this segment!:
hope the link copied well enough </3 if not you can find it on my blog, titled "all entwined in one web" or something along those lines
some variant of "why do you stay"
you could have decided to be with literally anyone else, but you chose a solitary self loathing demon who eats people in order to survive, created for the sole purpose to cause issues and harm to humanity
on one hand he wants you to stick around and keep him company; but on the other hand he wants you as far away from him as possible so you can go out and live your own life without being in danger or having to put up with his whole deal
please give him lots of reassurance, its going to take a lot for him to stop asking those kinds of questions; assuming he stops asking at all
i feel like him being upset is similar to the jealousy part of this post, but just more. broad. like hes not going to take shit if youre going to try to upset him on purpose
hes more patient if its accidental, though. diving into a previous fluff alphabet, if its an accident and something that can be helped in terms of future instances hes likely to work through it with you. he knows his time with you is short, if his partner is a mortal, and he doesnt want to waste that time
soft slenderman my beloved, let this man have complex emotions and desires and whatnot
kinda just. vanishes when he gets real upset, though, since he cant control his anger that well and generally just doesnt want you to see him like that- best way to help him like that is to just give him time
if youre the one upset hes going to listen to you, if you need someone to talk to. man of few words, advice can go fifty fifty
either gives good advice or not good advice; and thats on him being around for a long time but not really spending a lot of that time you know... interacting with others in a meaningful way
bonus if you still live at your place he's going to do a bunch of your chores for you. in. varying degrees of success, similar reasoning as above since he doesnt really have a home of his own to do like. dishes or laundry at. still bouncing between if im going to have the mansion be a part of this au of mine or not, and if so, how its going to tie in to everything
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clockmax · 1 year
Could I get some dating/fucking Lyle Wainfleet headcanons? Or even the nsfw alphabet for him? I love him sm💙
Lyle Wainfleet - NSFW Alphabet
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A/N: course bb <3 hope you enjoy this ❤️ funny story I was talking to my mutual about making a whole request information page when this popped in 😭
WARNINGS - not proofread, smut. Descriptions of cum, missionary position, mentions of punishment, praise, mentions of throat fucking, breeding, cockwarming, Masturbationen, mentions of a vibratory, mentions of semi-Public sex,cunnilingus, teasing, I think that’s it
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Deff pampers you. Immediate cuddles and lovey dovey. Always checking in after to make sure you’re not hurt or anything. Lyle would reassure you did well, that you felt amazing and what not. Probably making sone jokes to have you laugh a lil too <3
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: I wanna take a spin and say his neck or his face. Cant pick. I have no idea but I’d feel like he’s a neck/face kinda dude
Yours: everything. Simply can’t pick one. He loves your body and pretty much cherishes it whenever he can. Lyle just loves everything about you
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Wanna go off the deep end and say it’s a lil watery but still thick. Probably a sweet salty taste but not salty salty yk. Probably warm, enough to give you some last pleasure after he comes
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He really really wants to fuck your throat. He won’t say but Lyle most definitely wants to hold your head in place while he uses your throat. He wants to know how warm it would feel, how your cheeks suck him in, your teary eyes as you feel him hit deep in your mouth. I’d let him use my throat any day
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He had some expired r back at earth that stuck with him when he became an avatar, nothing too experienced though. He definitely improved his style of sex n stuff when he started dating you
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Strikes me as the “legs up missionary” person. He just wants to see every facial expression you make while he buries deep I to your walls
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think he’d be more serious during sex but a little goofy after.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think he’s a pretty well groomed dude. I mean he’s probably got a few stray ones but majority of the time he keeps it nice.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Deff focused on you mostly unless it’s a punishment kinda thing. He’ll praise you and make sure you’re getting the upmost pleasure while knowing he loves you
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Lyle doesn’t Jack off often, he’d rather have sex with you but let’s say he’s away or something, Lyle would deff do it to the memory of you around him, your Mia a, your touches, anything about you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding. Cant tell me otherwise
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Lyle seems more of a private person so the bedroom, but if you’re feeling risky he’ll be willing to do something semi-public
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. The way your hips away when you walk, your eyes, your perfect breasts, just you alone has him popping a hard one.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Probably like nasty nasty stuff (ifykyk) just grosses him out
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving! He loves the way you taste, your thighs squishing around him while he had you come undone on his tongue.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Normally he’s be slow but still rough, unless you pushed him off or disobeyed him you are fucked (literally. Will not be walking for the next MONTH.)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Lyle doesn’t really like quickies. He likes To drag it out, see you orgasm and lust over pleasure then a five minute done kinda thing.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes! He’d be willing to try different things with you. He’d take a risk with you sometimes, try a new position. New style, new link, that stuff.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
I wanna say he could probably last 3 rounds maybe inside of you, he just can’t get enough of how you feel
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Probably not, I mean he might put you on a vibrator until you’re begging for him as a punishment but not really
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s a teaser. If he’s feeling like a ass he’ll edge you, or maybe whisper into your ear at random points if the day until you can’t hold back anymore.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Definitely a groaner and moaner. I ❤️ myself a good loud man
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He probably cockwarm after sex cause he’s tryna keep it snug in you
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
good 10-12 inches, maybe 2-4 fir girth. Light blue with a darkened tip. Deff a stretch to get in
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Probably high but not too high. He loves sex with you but not the type of dude to have it like 25/8
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Maybe a few minutes after you, just making sure you’re all snug
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nishimae · 5 months
fics i love !
⋆⸜ ⚘ ⸝⋆ .* ⚘ ⋆*⋆⸜ ⚘ ⸝⋆ .* ⚘ ⋆*⋆⸜ ⚘ ⸝⋆ .* ⚘ ⋆*
"cake for breakfast?"
2. "swim chick, land boy."
3. "duolingo date."
4. "nothing i'd change about you"
5. "pov riki broke his arm"
6. "the wait time"
7. "kissing i hope they caught us"
8. "1:00 a.m."
9. "late night visits"
10. "bf headcanons"
11. "moment of appreciation"
12. "what are we?"
13. "more riki bf headcanons"
14. "i can't resist you, you know that"
15. "don't give me that look"
16. "riki 'best friend' texts"
17. "riki boyfriend texts"
18. "more riki bf texts lmao"
19. "first snow first love"
20. "bsfs2luvrs"
21. "mornings with you"
22. "sunset on the beach"
23. "may i have this dance?"
24. "even more riki bf texts"
25. "help more bf texts"
26. "dance the night away"
27. "win or lose"
28. 3:46am
29. 6:11pm
30. boyfie hcs
"nnn" (smut)
2. more jake smut womp womp
3. wow even more
4. "lets together bath"
5. "breakfast in bed"
6. "princess treatment"
7. "hot things jake does"
8. literally my fav whoops
9. this is humiliating
10. i was on the HUNT!
11. oh my god more??
12. "can i kiss you?"
13. "two best friends in a room"
14. aftercare
"ballad of a homeschooled girl"
2. lol just my comment
3. "you're so obsessed with me"
4. "come to bed"
5. "do you regret last night?"
6. "eyes on me"
7. "keep kissing me like that and i'll marry you"
8. "stamina"
9. "silent"
10. "cashier heeseung"
11. "shower"
1. xmas
2. sub
3. hsd
ot7/hyung line/maknae line
"christmas cliches with enha"
2. "enha when ur drunk"
3. "trying to dom hyung line"
4. "things enha does"
5. "dualities with enha"
6. "asking enha for a kiss"
7. "waking up enha with a kiss"
8. "enha getting jealous"
9. "enha love languages"
10. "when their significant other falls asleep"
11. "borrowing enha's clothes"
12. "enha taking care of sick s/o"
13. "hyung line nnn"
14. "hyung line teasing you"
15. "too big for you - hyung line"
16. "making out with enha"
17. "when enha cant stop kissing you"
18. "not together, not friends - ot7"
19. "three of us - heejek"
20. "hyung line fav positions"
21. "enha + cuddles"
22. "perv hyung line"
23. "refusing kisses from enha"
24. "more enha taking care of s/o"
25. mtl spit. bye typing these out is so humbling
26. mtl j off
27. safe word
28. aftercare
29. inexperienced
30. mtl corruption
31. good cook
32. finding you asleep
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bluiex · 1 year
I finished part 3 of the limited life mafia au “scene” I was working on. This time with less pining and some violence.
Grian stares at the rival gang through his dark shades, showing no emotion. Him and Joel fixed their glasses just before this meeting. He doesn’t recognize any of these people, probably a new gang. It makes sense now why Cleo wanted them to come, it can save a hassle if there’s enough of them here. It doesn’t take long upon meeting her for people to fear Cleo, but it’s a good insurance policy to give them numbers if they’re too cocky.
Grian definitely considers himself lucky to have become some form of allies to them. It doesn’t completely make them safe, but it definitely stops them from being an immediate target. He’ll probably remember the first time Scar appeared at their bakery for the rest of his life.
Grian stiffens when he hears Cleo’s voice turn low, a deadly calm in their tone, “this is just a civil discussion.” The underlying threat of how they can make it not is clear to Grian. It makes him nervous even if he won’t be the target of her wrath.
“Of course,” the other leader replies, seeming unfazed. Well, seems like this will only end one way. Grian tightens his grip on his TnT and lighter, ready to pull them out a moments notice.
Cleo casts a brief glance back at them, a signal, before facing the other gang again, “so let’s keep it as such.”
The other smirks, “I’d agree, but I think you should be taken down from your high horse.”
This time they all tense, even Scar and Bdubs. Cleo, however, seems unaffected, “what does that mean?” A chill goes down Grian’s spine at her words.
“It’s simple,” is all he says before snapping his fingers. All six of them take cover as the other gang unleashes fire.
Grian quickly takes out his TnT and lights it, throwing them out from where he’s taken cover. The gunfire stopping is accompanied by panicked shouts. He covers his ears to block out the sound of the explosives going off. The moment they do he pulls out his gun and peers over. Unsurprisingly, Cleo is already looking out and returning fire. Grian gets a few shots off on his own, but they’re already fleeing.
They all only step out of cover when everything falls completely silent. Grian approaches and nudges one of the bodies on the ground, they’re already dead. A quick glance around reveals how the leader and his presumed right hand man are completely gone.
Grian turns around to look back at everyone else to see Scar staring at him, who quickly turns around to face Cleo again. He shrugs it off and approaches her as well. There’s a frown on their face. “Mom?” Scar cautiously tries.
“They’ll get what’s coming to them,” she replies, eyes narrowed, “don’t you worry.”
A dazzling smile crosses his face, “of course, I wasn’t worried.”
Grian chooses not to point out how he can see the worry in his eyes, mostly out of fear of his own life, “think they’re going to try to pose a problem?”
“They can try all they like,” they reply, “they lack the strength that we have.”
Grian nods, knowing what she means, the trust the other members have are based more on fear than respect, which doesn’t make it trust. “What’s the plan?” Joel asks, careful.
“Wait to see if they do want to try anything,” Cleo answers, confident. “We’ll get in contact with you once we hear anything, I assume you’ll do the same.”
It wasn’t a question, but Joel answers anyways, “of course.”
Grian takes that as the sign it is that Cleo wants them to leave, he nods, “we’ll keep an ear out.”
Scar gives them a slight bow, staring closer to Grian then the other Bad Boys, “I’ll see you again shortly.”
Grian fights to keep the blush down, nodding slightly. The three of them make their leave soon after. Jimmy elbows him the moment they’re out of sight, a knowing look in his eyes. Grian shoves him away, scoffing.
BOOOO LESS PINING /j/j/j YEAAAAH GUN FIGHT LETS GOOO- dude this is so good.. Grian cant help but blush around Scar- esp if he looks like that, bowing and prob giving Grian an smirk
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