#they do SKA because of course they do
one-silly-cart00nist · 8 months
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oncillabrigade · 4 months
The Bats all have personalized ring tones for one another, but everyone has both a civilian and a Bat ring tone. The civilian ones are chaos, with everyone choosing whatever they want for their various family members and friends. BUT! Everyone has a single Bat tone that all other team members use for them.
The catch? Bruce forbid them from choosing their own Bat ring tones because he proposed this plan back in Dick's Robin days and he IMMEDIATELY picked "Toxic." The choice was not well received.
Bruce: Dick, I will not be alerted to the fact that you're in danger by some Britney Spears song.
Dick: First of all, it is not some Britney song, it is the Britney song. That song finally won her a Grammy.
Bruce: *sighs*
Dick: Second of all, it won't tell you when I'm in danger... it'll tell you when Robin is.
Bruce: I'm taking the Walkman out of the Robin kit.
Dick: *offended gasp*
(Yes, Dick is old enough for a Walkman. No, you will not change my mind. Yes, the Tim-and-on siblings all find that hilarious. Yes, Jason has to be VERY careful not to mention that he borrowed that Walkman for years because he was uncomfortable taking expensive electronics out and about with him.)
Dick then proposes a slew of other songs for the whole team to use, all of which are pop culture references, e.g. the Scrubs theme because they're not Superman and also they're a dysfunctional family of coworkers; the theme from the Godfather because "let's be honest, B, we are basically our own mafia"; "Where is My Mind" by the Pixies because lol identity shenanigans, etc. The list is endless. Bruce spends weeks groaning every time his son texts him.
Eventually, they compromise on the version of "The Entertainer" from The Sting because they're hiding in plain sight to enact a mission defending good people in a hard world. Bruce, Dick, and Alfred are all so pleased with this that they each take a different section of the song as their ring tone.
Then Barbara becomes Batgirl, so she gets a section... and then Jason becomes Robin and gets one, too... and then Tim, then Steph, and then Cass is taken in, and... uh oh. That's a lot of people for one song.
But it's family tradition! They can't stop now. That would be so unfair to the new kids, B!
So they start using alternate arrangements of the song. Bruce has mellowed slightly on the "no choosing your own" thing. As long as it's a version of "The Entertainer" (within reason) he'll allow it.
Tim retroactively changes his ring tone to a weird groove-ska arrangement Bart randomly sent him on YouTube because have you met Tim Drake? Of course he went for hilarious obscurity. (Bruce grits his teeth and approves it after lots of prompting from Dick and Alfred). Steph makes it her mission to find a weirder one (Bruce agrees because he's too tired to deal with accusations of favoritism).
Cass creates her own arrangement on theremin because apparently she knows how to play the theremin. No one is sure why. Upon inquiry, she just says, "spooky noises are fun," but does not elaborate further even when she's asked to do so. A Batgirl's gotta have her secrets—Babs taught her that.
When Jason starts working with his family again, he pays an aspiring music producer within Red Hood's ranks to create a minor key remix of the original Robin II ring tone. His siblings (minus Cass) are VERY jealous he has his own personalized arrangement. Dick, Tim, and Steph end up paying this goon who owns Garage Band to do ones for them, too. Duke does the same when he joins the team.
Meanwhile, in a fit of little brotherly pique, Damian steals Tim's original ring tone. He hopes to rub salt in the Robin replacement wounds. He fails! Tim finds it beyond funny that Damian's ring tone is groove-ska. So Damian quietly pays the amateur producer to make him one that's cooler than Tim's. He pays a ludicrous amount, though, because Steph paid for one cooler than Jason's and Tim paid for one cooler than Steph's.
(Dick wanted one cooler than Jason's too, but he had $63.02 in his bank account at the time and Bruce flat out refused to use the Batbudget on "a super cool ring tone that's better than Jay's." Eventually, Dick just paid himself for an averagely cool one. In installments.)
At this point, the Bats have single-handedly given this fledgling producer enough money to quit being a goon and start an indie music studio. His first customers are mostly superheroes from out of town who like what the Bats have going on and want their own team ring tones. Harley and Ivy get in on that action, too.
Then, as word spreads, every local crook/henchperson with a side band (there are many) flocks to the studio to have their stuff produced by one of their own. Gotham rogues suddenly have an unemployment problem, while the city finds itself with a flourishing indie music scene that puts Metropolis' to shame. The entire state of New Jersey is celebrating the dual victory.
Dick has never been so glad someone doesn't like Britney Spears' magnum opus.
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chemblrish · 27 days
Maria Skłodowska-Curie. That's it, that's the post.
As per my poll, here's a post on MSC!
This post began as a bit of a messy thing. I wanted to write about MSC because she was a brilliant Polish woman who became one of the most important scientists of modern chemistry and physics and I, as a Polish woman and a science major, admire her greatly. But the whole thing was vague and lacked direction. I received some kindly advice though and decided to focus on this: what was Maria like? Everybody knows she had an exceptional mind, that she had close ties with Paris, that she discovered radium and polonium, that she received the Nobel prize twice… But did you know she was said to have “serious, gray eyes” or that her initial plan was to spend her life working as a teacher or that she loved her homeland deeply? Underneath her doubtlessly exceptional achievements she was a person, and I’d love to take a look at that.
Maria Skłodowska ("skwo-DOV-ska") was born on 7 November 1867 in Warsaw under Russian occupation. Her father was a mathematics and physics teacher, so it may seem natural that little Maria took an interest in science, but as a child she was a phenomenal student in general, no matter the subject; she read a lot of books, and she learnt to read very early. She was considered very gifted. 
Her family wasn’t rich by any means. Maria’s father – a Polish man, a school teacher under the tzar’s merciless reign – knew very well he couldn’t afford to give all his children the education he wanted for them, not to mention neither Maria nor her older sister Bronia were allowed to attend university in occupied Poland. Making their dreams come true – studying at the Sorbonne – depended on the money they didn’t have.
At 17 Maria made a decision: she was going to work as a teacher while Bronia pursued medicine in Paris with the help of the money earned by Maria. After Bronia’s graduation they would switch: Bronia was going to work as a doctor while Maria attended university.
It was by no means an easy task. During the following years Maria had to withstand not only immensely hard work and a longing for learning, but also unfair employers, lack of respect, and heartbreak. But she persisted. She was 24 when finally she was able to pack up and take the train to Paris.
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Soon after taking up her studies at the Sorbonne did Maria realize how far behind the other students she was: they were able to pursue an official education in a free country, something she’d never gotten to experience before. She had been an excellent student back in Poland, a fluent French speaker, but now it turned out her knowledge was lacking. Obviously, this couldn’t discourage her. Bronia’s husband Kazimierz wrote in a letter to her father that Maria would spend entire days at her university, only coming home in the evening. She worked admirably hard to catch up. And she was happy: at long last she could study science and mathematics in depth, the way she had longed to do for so many years.
Of course, money never stopped being an issue. Even with her father’s and sister’s help, she was still poor. She definitely wasn’t eating enough. In winter, she was cold. Other than that, she mostly gave up on her colleagues, refused to waste her time on “insignificant” things: that is, everything but studying, unfolding the secrets of chemistry and physics, practicing her laboratory skills. She was living and breathing science.
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Pierre Curie was older, an exceptional physicist, charming and calm, still unmarried at 35 – he wouldn’t love a woman who couldn’t be first and foremost his intellectual partner. But Maria wasn’t looking for love and she certainly wasn’t looking for a marriage. She had a degree in physics, was on her way to get a degree in mathematics as well, all the while working on the magnetism of steel. And indeed, when they met through a professor who thought Pierre might be of help to young Maria, it was mostly curiosity, mutual respect, and primarily a great scientific interest that bloomed between them and brought them closer together.
Maria didn’t give in easily. All along her plan had been to earn her degrees and return to Warsaw, to her elderly father, and remain working as a teacher for the rest of her life. But there’s no doubt that when she eventually agreed to marry Pierre, it was out of genuine, deep love. They had a sincere, precious connection, both emotional and intellectual.
Did you know Maria and Pierre loved to travel the countryside on their bikes? They did. It’s how they spent most of their time together after their wedding. And not for a moment did they forget about their shared passion for science – they discussed it even during their travels. They lived together and they worked together. Their first child Irène – future Nobel prize winner as well! – was born in September 1897, Ève – their younger daughter – seven years later.
Pierre’s family adored Maria, Maria’s family loved Pierre. The two of them would frequently visit Pierre’s parents and they continued their biking trips, but other than that their life was utterly devoted to science. I know, it sounds like I’m exaggerating, but it’s true. Along with the fact they always had very little money, work was all they had.
Radium appeared in Maria’s life when she was working on her doctorate. Her laboratory was cold, damp, and badly equipped, but it seems to me Maria’s determination was inexhaustible. She began by studying uranium, but she soon figured out she had to include other elements in her research as well in order to solve the mystery at hand. It was only after a year of this work that Maria realized she might have discovered an element previously unknown.
Pierre was interested in Maria’s research before, but – save from the occasional advice as an older and more experienced scientist – he mostly left her to do her own thing while he focused on his crystals. At this point however, he was so intrigued he abandoned his research to work with Maria on her project. In 1898 (two years into Maria’s PhD work!) they published a paper together – in it they announced the discovery of a new element: polonium, named after Maria’s beloved homeland. Later that year, they did the same for radium. They coined the term “radioactivity”.
Maria kept a meticulous journal, not only for her laboratory work. She was carefully tracking their spending as well as Irène’s development, the way she learnt to walk and speak and play with their cat.
And so, her life continued: filthy, hard work in the infamous shed, a ton of an ore for less than a gram of product (!), countless papers published with her dearest husband, watching their daughter grow, earning her doctorate degree; then, in 1903, her first Nobel prize (along with her husband and Henri Becquerel).
The Nobel prize brought Maria and Pierre fame – and it was a tragedy. For them, at least. Modest and humble as they were, they couldn’t stand the journalists almost storming their garden, going as far as “describing [their] black and white cat [in the newspapers]” as Pierre said in a letter to a friend. I allowed myself to translate a piece of a letter that Maria sent to her brother in 1904 amid the post-Nobel craze, as it’s both sad and hilarious:
“I wish you health [for your name-day], well-being for all of your family, and for you never to experience the sort of correspondence and assault that we are now subjected to. Ever since that accursed Nobel prize we’ve been unable to do anything, and I’m beginning to ask myself if the money we received will be of any consolation, as, after all, the people who sell me meat, coal, sugar, etc. are richer than me yet they do not experience such sorrows. […] and yesterday some American wrote to me, asking for permission to name a race horse after me.”
Maria’s life took a truly sharp turn when Pierre died in an accident in 1906. Despite the tragedy that irreparably crushed her heart, she never ceased her work. She became a professor, organized classes for her and her friends’ kids, ran the Radium Institute, continued her research, received her second Nobel prize. During World War I it was her mobile X-ray machines that saved countless lives: she was active and involved, operating the machines with her older daughter and teaching others how to do it.
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She lived long enough to see her dear, beloved Poland become an independent country once more. To the very end she remained humble and uninterested in fame, hardworking and dedicated entirely to science.
I based this post mostly on Madame Curie by her daughter Ève which I highly recommend!
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genz420 · 5 months
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What kind of Music do they Listen to 🎵 🎧
Masterlist | Rules
Content: Headcanons
Warning: None
Pairing(s): None
Character(s): Percy, Jason, Frank, Leo, Nico, Annabeth, Piper
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Percy Jackson
Let’s be realistic here 
Percy is a kid from New York
I know nothing about New York expect it was stolen from my ancestors and that it had some crazy shit happening in the 70s  
And whatever was in Hamilton 
I feel like Percy would listen to a mix of rap and mainstream music 
He would listen to Kendrick Lamar, Lil Mabu, Eminem, Kanye (I know he’s a weird and bad guy), and Tyler, the Cartor
He thinks he can rap
He can not 
But will try for anyone who lets him
Jason Grace
2000s white girl songs
Rihanna, Fergie, Kesha, you know the classics 
Who doesn’t love that genre of white girl music 
It happy and classic
But also a huge fan of the Fleet Foxes
And that of course means he loves father john misty and Lana Del rey
Frank Zhang 
I just know Frank listens to Canadian artists 
Like everything from Nickelback to The Tragically Hip
But also bands like Mother Mother
And the Weekend 
And Drake 
And Justin Bieber
But his music taste isn’t limited to Canadian classics 
He loves ambiance music/Brown noise 
Sometimes, he just wants to listen to nothing but something 
Leo Valdez
Not like “I hate my wife” Country 
Let’s not forget Leo is from Taxes
He obviously loves the classic like Marty Robbins
But I see him listening to Zach Bryne, Dolly Parton, and Carrie Underwood
You can’t convenience me that he doesn’t love the song “Before He Cheats” 
That shit was blasting when Argo II was being built
He gets into the music 
Like screams it while it plays
Doesn’t matter if he is with other people 
I also get the vibe he would listen to some Spanish artists 
Like oldies.  Stuff his grandfather and mother would have listened to 
Because the people you grow up with influence your music 
Artist like: Chavela Vargas, Jeanette, and Eydi Gormé
Nico Di Angelo
Old man Nico would listen to Italian music 
But as he gets older I see him listening to artists like Radiohead or The Smiths 
Because he is a bit of a sad boy 
Maybe even some more modern Italian musicians like Fiordaliso or 
Would also get into Ska Music 
Specially 2 tone Ska
I see him liking The Specials, Prince Buster, and Madness
He would also love Amy Winehouse 
Annabeth Chase
Movie/TV soundtracks 
Loves the song where it’s all instrumental 
I think she would be a huge fan of Bear McCreary, Ramin Djawadi, and Hans Zimmer
She wouldn’t even watch the show the songs are in 
She just enjoys the sound of music
When she does eventually watch movies, you know the Prince of Egypt soundtrack took her out 
Piper Mclean
I think she would be a HUGE Dido, Kate Bush, Cranberries fan
Would also be the type to have their music influenced by Tiktok 
Nothing wrong with that
It happens to me 
The top song is Grafton Street by Dido
Loves Fleetwood Mac
And Florance & the Mechian
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shefaniquotes · 6 months
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“I knew who No Doubt was and Gwen Stefani but only the big hits, you know.”
Vocal Point with Martina McBride, October 2019
“Some songs are so big, I don't care if you live in the jungle, you're aware of [them]. Me being a country artist from the middle of nowhere, their music was big, you know, and so it’s like of course I knew those songs and loved them. But I didn’t know who sang them.”
“Two months ago, ‘Hey Baby’ came on the radio and Gwen said something like, ‘Oh, that’s wild. I haven’t heard that in a while.’ And she said, ‘You know, we won a Grammy for this song.’ And I said, ‘That’s y’all? That’s you?’ Because I literally thought that was like TLC. And Gwen’s so sweet, she goes, ‘Yeah, I guess I can see where you would think that.’”
97.1 AMP, May 2016 (see also)
Carson: “Do you know what ska music is?”
Blake: “I do now. And it’s like a - It’s not reggae but it’s a little bit reggae and rock mixed with some horns and you gotta have a - You must have a hot girl singing lead. You know, one of those things.”
97.1 AMP, May 2016
“This is the artist canvas wall here at the Forum, and I was just walking around looking. There’s some really cool bands. […] Look here, there’s No Doubt. I like those guys a lot — one of them a lot.”
Forum in Los Angeles, March 2016
“The ‘Tragic Kingdom’ album has sold more albums than all three of us combined our entire careers. That one album, incredible.”
The Voice, September 2019
Blake: “We are not actually ‘Doing It To Country Songs’ anymore. Well, we are doing it to other music.”
Carson: “Right, No Doubt songs.”
Blake: “Yeah.”
AMP 97.1, April 2017
Q: “Do you know ‘Trapped in a Box’, Blake?”
Blake: “I do. I know that song. Have you ever seen the video? It’s like a homemade video that their dad shot. It’s pretty interesting.”
Entertainment Tonight, May 2018
“One of the many musical moments you have introduced me to over the years – ‘Oi To The World’. The first time I ever saw this, I thought, ‘Oh, wow, they misprinted the title of the song, they left out the ‘J’. What the heck.’ It’s so fun, though.”
Apple Music with Love podcast, November 2021 (x)
“My favorite Gwen Stefani song – I think I gotta go with ‘Underneath It All’. I love that song. I think it’s such a cool record.”
People Magazine, November 2017 (x)
Blake on No Doubt, various sources
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cedarnommer · 6 months
Queer music with trans undertones.
That's a topic that I've only breached recently. Call me a little baby queer, but I never knew the wealth of cool music done by very cool people before this. There's a wide range of genres and different types of lyrics to go along with it. In this post, I'll focus down on music that I personally like. It may not be for you and that's perfectly understandable.
Glass Beach is a very cool band and their first album, while unrefined, has 2 songs in particular which I'm obsessed with.
Bedroom community is such a fun song and really holds true to much of my life experiences throughout my life. Because I live in an environment that does its best to isolate queer folk, that meant that the only way I could explore my gender identity and my sexual preferences was through the internet. And while not the point of the song, the song really gets me pumped up to be an annoying blasphemous little gremlin to all the nasty christo-fasc out there.
This song brings me to tears every time. The lyrics are just insanely personal and I think many trans femmes could connect with this song. Being misgendered by your peers and especially your family. Needing a desperate escape. Tackling with adulthood. The little holiday feeling of getting your HRT. It's much. It's so much. I'm bursting into tears even as I type this out. This song is so powerful. I can't help it! It's a song about me! Just for me and me alone! It's so personal aa!
While this song doesn't bring the same reaction from me, the lyrics and the melody is so melancholic and it's such a wonderful song. One of their later and more "mature" works as a band. It's great.
Now I'll do some randomly assorted different artists. I haven't explored their music as deeply as Plastic Beach. But these songs are a highlight for me. And I'm usually a really chaotic listener anyway.
This song is simple but it rocks. While I'm a gender conforming and very woman identifying trans femme, I'm also aware of the absurdity of the gender binary. And I think that even someone like me is inherently confusing and terrifying to the social systems that uphold this nonsensical binary. This song is a good way to remind ourselves how absurd and pointless our divide between "males" and "females" is not based around chromosomes or other confused markers but purely on cultural indicators of identity.
This song's lyrics are wonderful. It kind of reflects my recent posts on Tumblr and my frustration on weirdo internet people obsessed with my genitals and being creeps. Because bigotry is creepy and weird. The chorus of this song is especially really good and I find myself humming it along sometimes.
I'm not into ska, but I really enjoy this song in particular from this genre. The lyrics are fun and the theme of breaking apart and mixing gender identities is fun. It's a fun song. Because once gender stops being used as an authoritarian tool to enforce a binary, it can be fun finding the way to express yourself.
This is some of the stuff I've discovered recently. I think the main reason I'm making this post is a bit more of a serious and grim topic that I've touched upon a bit. I live in the Balkans and I live in a city that's infamous for street fights and toxic masculinity. You can imagine that being a trans femme, even if I pass well, still sets me up for a bunch of dangers. My country's politicians are conservative enough to the point that any idea of rights to LGBT folk isn't even considered, with concepts of queerness being considered a "threat" to the "traditional" family structure. Of course, all of this is a bunch of nonsense.
But it means that spaces for queer people are difficult to find. Apparently people congregate on Facebook, but Facebook where I live at is essentially Twitter. I'm not interested in torturing myself with that. That's left me feeling very isolated. I've recently actually tried to join some local Discord servers, but they were overwhelmingly dominated by cis gay men that seem to only be interested in sex. That's just not for me.
I think listening to music like this helps me feel less alone and more hopeful for the future. If anyone out there is dealing with the same loneliness I am, please find music that reflects your feelings. You'll feel a bit better about the world, knowing that you're not alone and your ideas aren't as foreign as you think.
You're wonderful.
You're valid.
And you're rad as heck.
Queer, trans, non-binary, non-conforming and any fun mixture of sexual orientation. You're the best!
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 02/03/2024
One-Winged DJ
Season 7 Featured on: The Year of Grand Dad Sound Selection [Side A]
Ripped by duuzu, digboye, COCONABE, l4ureleye, Netyasha Roozi, Jiko Music Performed by Chase Beck
You may have noticed that I try to keep an air of suspense when doing posts on the King for Another Day tournament such as Thank You, Everybody!. That is, of course, to not spoil the victor of Season 4 Episode 1's year-defining event - but at this point, it's a bit of a fruitless endeavor to try and uphold. Because DJ Professor K's victory celebrations haven't just been contained to his awarded day-long takeover during Season 4 Episode 2 - the takeover that gave us incredible rips like AIN'T NOTHIN' LIKE A CHUNKY BEAT, 88811, Ska Cha Cha (Rotten Mix) at an absolute breakneck pace during the SiIvaSummer All-Star Festival. Because during that takeover, a new flame was kindled - a flame by the name of Jet Set Radio Evolution.
Hideki Naganuma's style of sample-filled funk music is DJ Professor K's headlining ripping source, the one most closely associated with the game that the character originates from. Yet its a style that can be expressed in so many ways, not needing to be derivative of any prior existing songs from the two Jet Set Radio games - September, for instance, is able to sound authentically Naganuma-esque whilst being built off of a song as far away from his style as possible. Jet Set Radio Evolution, then, is an entirely made-up game - its name and logo deriving from a declined proof-of-concept, but its "soundtrack" completely made up by the SiIvaGunner team. This is far from the first fake game on the channel, and not the first one to be done without much of a shred of irony (Kirby Rip Attack is due for coverage on here) - but, notably, its a fake game born specifically to keep DJ Professor K's impact on the channel alive in the Seasons past his takeover. And, well, it took a few Seasons, but during Season 7, the team started going truly ham in utilizing its true potential.
There are a number of these Jet Set Radio Evolution rips I want to cover on here, both ones from DJ Professor K's takeover and from its revitalized usage during Season 7 - but to me, it was One-Winged DJ that really showed just how much flexibility rippers have with Naganuma's style of music. One-Winged Angel has long been seen as a sort of legendary track to rip due just how extensive of a song it is, a song that has a distinctly menacing feel to it that I can't imagine is easy to translate into a rip. Rips like One Winged PSYcho - V​.​S. Sepsyrop feel like absolutely herculean endeavors, and during Season 7 in particular we saw an absolute tidal wave of rips using it, as if it were just any other meme source in the channel's backlog and not this legendary 7-minute long work of art. Hen'yoku no Piraman was the first of these I covered, and while One-Winged DJ is likely far from the last, it still manages to feel like it sticks out from the crowd in just how dense of a sound it has - likely a result of how many people contributed to its creation.
There's the obvious highlight, of course: Chase Beck, the voice of DJ Professor K himself, returns to the role with new lines to supplement the original choir in latin of the original song, and it immediately gives the rip a charm to it, especially all these years after the original event and after Chase Beck's last "needed" performance as the character had long since passed. Before that even gets to kick in, though, its hard not to notice just how many different parts of Jet Set Radio's soundtracks are utilized right from the beginning: a bassline and voicelines echoing That's Enough, samples and pacing from Sneakman, the interlude's melody broken by the noise and chaos of The Concept of Love, and all throughout using small little sound effects and one-second samples from all over the games' soundscapes.
This is the kind of rip I could sit here and dissect for pages on end, yet I believe the point has been made abundantly clear already. In a Season already FILLED with celebration of every part of SiIvaGunner's life, One-Winged DJ is an absolute flex of a celebration, reminding us all of why DJ Professor K truly earned his win whilst showing just how much there is to still be done within the ever-appealing Naganuma style. I'm beyond proud of the rippers involved in how this rip turned out, and hope that the Jet Set Radio Evolution rips continue to impress into Season 8.
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yoonlattesworld · 2 years
Main masterlist
Yoongi masterlist
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Soft boyfriend yoongi x mute reader
💌synopsis: in all those months of dating, you were never the one who initiated any physical contact. But when you did,he also heard your voice for the first time. And he would do anything to keep hearing it.
Genre/warnings: soft yoongi, boyfriend yoongi, past abuse and trauma, mute reader,emotional yoongi, kisses, first i love yous,angst
Taglist (open)♡ @bunnyrhe @rosquilleta @raineandskye @shymagda-7 @creatorspalace @yoonaasa @iheartsvt @xmochiloverx @kyojuro-ska @meow-min @kissme-ornot @wobblewobble822 @kookieaddicted96
Author's pov
You sighed pulling the fluffy blanket around you tighter and took a sip of your hot chocolate smiling softly as you watched the snow falling and disappearing on the ground. You were sitting on the arm chair in front of the big window in your living room watching the first snow of the season falling. But soon your smile turned into a frown when you noticed there was no hot chocolate left in your cup amd just as you went to stand up to make another cup for yourself, a hand on your shoulder stopped you. You jumped slightly and looked behind you with wide eyes which softened when you saw him standing there with a cup in this hand "did i scared you?" He mumbled, his voice raspy as he took your empty cup and replaced it with the one he bought. You smiled softly as he kissed your forehead and wrapped the blanket around you properly when it slipped down because of your movement. You shaked your head and smiled looking at the cup and then at him. Silently thanking him because your hands were full so you couldn't sign it. He still understood you. He always does. He smiled with his eyes softening as he took you in. Looking so soft and tiny under the huge blanket and he knows you're wearing his hoodie underneath. He stared at you for a moment as you took a sip, relaxing as he rubbed your back. But as he noticed you still shivering, he sighed mumbling "you shouldn't sit here for so long angel. You'll catch a cold"
You shaked your head with a pout causing him to chuckle and your cheeks warmed up at the beautiful sound. You looked at the snow again before looking at him causing him to shake his head "no you're not going out there doll. It's cold. C'mon let's take a nap?" You sighed pouting even more but your eyes betrayed you as they started getting heavier and a yawn escaped your lips causing him to smile, Chuckling raspily. Taking your cup from your hand you looked at him confused as he placed it on the side table before bending down slightly. But the moment his arms went to wrap around your form, a harsh flinch racked your body causing him to freeze for a moment as you pushed yourself in the chair, looking down. His lips parted and his jaw clenched as he looked down, so you wouldn't see the hurt in his eyes and took a step back. Of course he wasn't mad at you. He would never be. But he was mad no furious at the people who made you this way. The people who were supposed to care for you after your parents died.
He still remembers how you used to flinch around him and make yourself smaller in the beginning of your relationship. And just when he hopes that things are starting to get better...
You have no idea how much he yearns to hear your voice. How much he yearns for your touch. But he'll wait. He will wait as long as you want him to. Just so he could maybe one day hear you laugh without a care in the world. He learned sign language for you. So you could talk to him freely without having to write everything. And at that time you were so happy. It was the first time someone did this for you. At that time you told him everything. How you were used to get abused, how you were never allowed to speak. So eventually you stopped using your voice when you were at the young age of 13.
He knows everything and he'll always be patient with you. But sometimes it gets so hard. It's hurts him so fucking much to see the girl he loves getting scared of him. But he knows that he has to be strong for you. Because he knows that he's not just talking to the 24 year of y/n. But the 13 years old y/n too.
So taking a shaky breath, he looked up and felt his heart clench painfully when he saw you looking at him with teary eyes and wobbly lips. 'I'm so sorry' you signed hastily as a tear left your eyes which he immediately wanted to wipe. But he clenched his hand and crouched down in front of you, slowly taking your hand and sighing in relief when you didn't jump away. "It's okay doll. It's fine" he murmured wiping your tear, his eyes getting misty when you leaned against his touch 'i'm sorry' you held his hand, hugging it to your chest to which he shaked his head, signing back 'it's okay' 'you are not mad?' You sniffled and he shaked his head smiling softly "never" he rasped out. And you were silent for a moment making him worry but his eyes widened when you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his neck and fully leaned against his firm chest. A shaky breath left his lips and he wrapped his arms around your waist, hoisting you up with him effortlessly as you wrapped your legs around his waist. His hold around you was tight and secure as he pressed a soft kiss on your neck and closed the bedroom door with his leg. You sighed as he laid you down gently and kissed your forehead , lingering for moment before pulling back.
You watched as he laid besides you and pulled the covers over your body. He rubbed your cheek softly and you held his hand again, causing him to smile softly as your eyes started dropping.
You were pulled back into conciousness when you felt his hand slipping from your hold and opened your eyes to see him turning on his back in his sleep. You watched him for a moment. Just admiring his soft face with his hair falling over his face. His lips parted as soft breathes puffed out. Tentatively, you moved a little closer, stopping for a moment to see if he's moving. When you were sure he was still asleep, you moved close to him until your chest was pressed against his arm. You bite your bottom lip and placed a gentle hand on his chest, feeling the outline of the necklace you gave him. You smiled softly. He has been wearing the necklace since you gave it to him. It must have been almost 8 months since then.
Looking at his face,you felt your heartbeat increasing as your gaze fell on his lips. Looking at him one last time to make sure he's asleep, you leaned down slowly, your hand softly cupping his cheek as you pressed your lips on his in a gentle kiss. Your eyes closed at the feeling as you pulled back slightly, "i-i love you yoongi" your voice came out whispered and small as you cleared your throat wanting to say it more clearly. But as you went to pull back,your eyes widened and you gapsed when his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you on top of him as you looked at him shyly and slight embarrassed. But your gaze softened when you saw the shine in his eyes "one more" he begged looking at you with desperate eyes as your hands gripped his t shirt and you took a deep breath before leaning down and pressing your lips on his again. Only this time,he kissed you back, his one hand still holding your waist and another one cupping your jaw as you curled up in his chest. He gasped softly as he pulled back, fresh tears filling his eyes when you whispered "i-i love you" looking at him with innocence and purity in your eyes. He placed an arm over his eyes to hide his tears but you held his arm whispering "don't h-hide please" and a sob left his lips as you pulled his arm back and wrapped your arms around his neck. He buried his face in your neck and his arms wrapped around you tightly as if he never wants to let you go. You felt your own eyes getting teary when you felt the wetness on your neck as he held you desperately whispering "i love you too angel. I love you so fucking much. You're so fucking perfect i love you-" he choked up hugging you tighter and you rubbed his back whispering "I'm here yoongi" he pulled back, his eyes staring in your own for a moment before he mumbled "say my name" "yoongi " you whispered shyly and he leaned his head against yours. He wanted to say so many things. Tell you how fucking happy he was, how beautiful you sounded but he couldn't find the right words to say it. So he spoke with his actions.
He kissed you again. This time more desperately as he poured all his love in the kiss hoping you understand what he was trying to say. And of course you did.
Small gasps and whimpers of his name left your lips as he made love to you. Holding you securely. You felt so safe in his arms as low growls and moans of your name left his lips. Praising you. Worshipping you. But most of all, he let you know how much he loves you.
Your love for him was pure and innocent. And he would do anything to protect it.
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doubledyke · 8 months
what kinda music would the eds like?
oh dude
you'll be shocked to learn that all their tastes are based on my own.
to me eddy is a big Music Enjoyer™ and i think he goes through phases, but his overall taste is expansive. he's is obviously into disco - abba, sylvester, bee gees, EWF, kool and the gang, barry white. i see him enjoying old funk/soul/r&b - bootsy collins, the gap band, chaka khan, curtis mayfield, patrice rushen. pop/country oldies - nancy sinatra, dusty springfield, patsy cline, brenda lee, peggy lee, loretta lynn. 40s, 50s & 60s girl groups cuz that's what his mom likes- andrews sisters, mcguire sisters, ronettes, marvelettes, etc. 80s dance - the egyptian lover, pretty tony, debbie deb, newcleus, loose ends, madonna. 90s house and dance - crystal waters, la bouche, lisa stansfield, robin s, real mccoy. other 90s pop - aaliyah, britney, sugar ray, backstreet boys, nsync, aqua, smash mouth ace of base, TLC, destiny's child. a touch of ska with sublime, 311. other random stuff - fatboy slim, louis prima, azalea banks, limp bikit, shaggy, dua lipa (gay), the prodigy. there's so much more honestly but basically anything i like is what eddy likes 😳 he's like the catch all haha.
edd also loves music but i tend to think of stuff that reminds me of him vs. what he would actually listen to. crystal castles to me is edd music because i'm gay and emo but i don't think he'd really listen to them outside of the gothedd au that exists only in my head lmao. things i do think he'd listen to include kraftwerk, aphex twin, boards of canada, daft punk, massive attack, agnes obel, avalanches, burial. most of which he discovers through eddy of course. some outliers might be tool, muse, enya, anita baker (don't ask ok). there's other stuff i'm sure but that's probably enough for now.
ed is harder for me to nail down cuz i see him as mostly a rock/metal fan and even though i grew up listening to it, i've never gone super deep into the genre tbh. his favorite bands are primus and death grips. others would be alice in chains, nirvana, SOAD, melvins, butthole surfers, smashing pumpkins, black sabbath, metallica, rob zombie/white zombie. he might be into other 80s metal, black metal, sludge metal. none of which are anything i listen to so i couldn't tell ya what artists.
BUT other folks have made some great playlists for ed and the eds in general which i'll link here.
@mkorpse13's ed playlist
@mysticbeaver's ed and eddy playlists
@owmylasagna-blog's playlists for all the eds
@fish-bowl-2 has a great playlist for general eene vibes as well
my playlists for all three are here. not super long but i might add to them at some point.
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nevertheless-moving · 9 months
i very much enjoyed the eventual explanation for Vin's Whole Deal but i also spent a good chunk of book one and two, (and maybe also more than a few idle moments in book three) waiting for a reveal that she was also a feruchemist. Just. There were so many parallels between her and the lord ruler, you know??
just thinking about the au...
a nice alternate explanation to her unnatural-even-for-a-mistborn grace, strength and power, just a bit better than she should be, and has such wild swings of fortune during a few of her fights because she's unconsciously storing up than releasing corresponding powers in her internal flakes.
of course it's taking her so long to realize - no one wears actual amounts of metal, so she's constantly burning her stores before they get large enough to be noticeable.
she was able to sense sazed's feruchemical store when she burnt it why would that be an allomantic ability i'm still kindof mad we didn't see her even TRY feruchemy anyway au
sazed teaching her...bonding moments...family...
funny moments where sazed and kelsier get weirdly competitive over who's got dibs on the daughter-he-never-thought-he'd-have
I am a SUCKER for zero-dads to multiple dad's trope...
(and thinking about how there HAD to be some feruchemy in the ska population, since the terris people weren't always so separate from the general population)
in addition to noblewoman, thief, mistborn, ska urchin - here's ANOTHER burden, ANOTHER heritage, ANOTHER identity - some pressure to be a Keeper, at least store the books, even if you do nothing else -
imagining reen as a feruchemist, constantly running from town to town because for some reason him, totally ska him, he can do things, things like a misting, but even more obvious, and allomantic vials just make him sick
unconscious feruchemy leading to mental instability (her mother). What happens when you store memories or mental attributes , but never get them back? you're just losing time and strength and willpower to the metal in your groundwater...and it's gone, passed through your body unless you happen to be an allomancer who can burn it back...
duralium-esque shenanigans during book two trying out the lord ruler's youth combo and accidentally making herself into a child. it's resolved eventually but there should have been AT LEAST a few chapters of 11 year old Vin mowing down assassins
infinite free health combo (somehow? i don't quite understand the mechanic, perhaps it's revealed somewhere else in sanderson books. is it just storing up health? seems like getting flayed would fuck that up. look, we know the lord ruler figured it out, since it's part of his whole Canon that he can't die, a Lot of people have tried)
ANYWAY I am also a fan of "unkillable" character trope where person starts getting too reckless during fights while enemies panic and their loved one's look on in horror because they're still getting hurt
All of the above does NOT help with the whole worshiping thing
staying awake for WAY too long with bronze earring...come on sanderson i know my girl was double deity op but consider if she was even MORE
...if it turns out there's an annotation in one of these books that she was actually a feruchemist but it never came up i don't know if i'd be more angry or more vindicated...if there is...okay people can spoil this one (1) thing...
aaah alas - it could have been so sick - feruchemist mistborn fight scene my beloved who shall never be...unless...
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mossmutant · 6 months
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Fanart I did of MC Bat Commander and Oderus Urungus
If there’s one band who can kick GWAR’s ass, and has done so canonically, it’s The Aquabats!
If there’s something I’m very obsessed with, it’s the GWAR vs. The Aquabats radioplay from the Ska Parade Radio back in the late 90s. It’s no secret/surprise that I’m a fan of GWAR…and now of course of The Aquabats, and it was all because of this LOL. Many fellow Aquabats fans already know, but I actually got into them because of GWAR and based my fan character around the radioplay. When I first listened to it back in November, I immediately took interest in the ‘Bats and got so hooked on them, haha. I started this artwork back in December, and I slowly worked on it here and there until today when I finished it…but regardless of how long it took to complete I just HAD to do fan art! And it’s nice to finally have done artwork of my favs together…I also have some more in WIP too!
Anywayyysss, blah blah blah. Yadda yadda, ppbbbbbttt!! Thanks for reading, stay rad folks.
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communitycatboy · 5 months
5 songs I'm into right now
I was tagged by @ffxivlilmeowmeow! thank you for the tag I love talking about all my lil gremlin music tastes
1 - White tears fake queers (Feat. Rat Queen, Dirty Dirty, Slow Elk, & Razor Clam) - Danny Denial
(107) Danny Denial - White tears fake queers (Ft. Rat Queen, Dirty Dirty, Slow Elk & Razor Clam) (2 of 7) - YouTube
I like a lot of angry sounding queer punk music, mostly cause that's what I normally listen to while biking. But also every "Angry queer punk" I've met is just like me; very calm, happy and bright. so I guess it's just what we do?
2 - Escape the City (Ska cover) - Skatune network, JER
Escape from the City (Sonic Adventure 2) SKA-PUNK COVER (youtube.com)
what can I say, sonic adventure 2 battle on the gamecube was a big part of my young life. To then have someone I deeply respect cover it in such a fun way? golden. (Also Skatune network and JER specifically do amazing work and you should definitely listen to them).
3 - Santé - Stromae
Stromae - Santé (Official Video) (youtube.com)
I lowkey love french music, the language is so musical tbh and I wish I had more opportunity to speak it. Alas I will satisfy myself with music and books and occasionally video games. Also Stromae is GNC af.
4 - This life I have - The Wrecks
(107) The Wrecks - This Life I Have (Lyric Video) - YouTube
this is a fun song for me because I started listening to it after leaving a really bad ex. I still haven't reclaimed a lot of the things I loved while we were together and so this song hurts kind of a lot. But I still enjoy it a lot a lot
5 - The Exorcist - CALYPSO
The Exorcist (youtube.com)
this song hits most of the things I am starting to really like in music; electronically altered vocals, a bit of showtune, a lot of punk lyrics, some dance beats. its just great honestly.
Honourable mention: Phantasm - Jack the stripper
(107) PHANTASM - YouTube
still rotating that one lyric in my head ad infinitum.
This was fun! I hope everyone finds something to enjoy in this list! I will tag: @captainqster and @scholarlostintime but don't feel any pressure to do so of course!
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baekgutingz · 1 year
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Warmth in the Cold Ice — #SUNSUN
TAGS: fluff, sfw, stablished relationship, sunoo and sunghoon as boyfriends.
It’s cold.
But the coldness never bothered Sunghoon when it should because he’s only wearing a black shirt with a super thin fabric; while his boyfriend tries to stand up in the middle of the ice skating rink they’re in.
“Hey, stop staring at me and help me get up,” Sunoo said with a pout, sulking as his boyfriend Sunghoon laughed at him when he fell ass flat at the rink for god knows how many times now.
A warm smile escaped from Sunghoon’s lips while he approached the younger. Sunoo’s slightly kicking his feet, murmuring words the older cannot quite hear. And when Sunghoon reached the younger’s moping small figure in the middle of the place, the slight smile on his lips grew bigger, and he felt the warmth inside his chest spread like wildfire, making his heartache, but it aches; in a good way.
“I told you to be patient. You need to be patient, love.” the older uttered as he cupped the younger’s cheeks and placed a feather-like kiss on his nose.
“All I have to do was to fucking balance, Hoon. I’m so stupid. Why do you make it seem so easy to skate."
“You’re exaggerating, Love,” Sunghoon said, then put a peck on the younger’s lips, making Sunoo frown.
the younger said, rolling his eyes in annoyance, making the taller laugh.
“Hey, I’m not. How often did I tell you that skating is hard?” Sunoo slowly got up as Sunghoon helped him. The taller snakes his arms on the younger’s slender waist and acts as his boyfriend’s support, preventing him from falling.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you. You make it look like it’s easy as walking. You twirled 30 times in front of me and went to hug me. Acting as if nothing happened while you giggly hugged me.” Sunghoon’s laughter boomed inside the place because of what his boyfriend had said, emphasizing the last sentence.
“You’re exaggerating, Love,” Sunghoon said, then put a peck on the younger’s lips, making Sunoo frown.
“No, I am not,” Sunghoon released his grip on the young man's waist. He let go of him and ensured Sunoo stood properly and well-balanced before walking in front of his boyfriend with a sweet smile.
“Alright, I’ll teach you again how to balance, baby,” Sunghoon uttered and caressed the younger’s crown, putting the fringe of the smaller’s hair behind his ears.
Sunghoon gave his boyfriend one last peck on the lips and started demonstrating what stance Sunoo should take and what the younger should do to maintain his balance and skate properly.
As Sunoo slowly copies how Sunghoon moves, he also lets go of his boyfriend’s hand that is guiding him and preventing him from falling.
“Babe, you can let go of my hand now,” Sunoo whispers almost inaudibly. The latter hums in response and lets go of Sunoo’s hand.
It felt cold— letting go of his boyfriend’s warm hand made Sunghoon feel the cold air the place was giving, but the smile started to draw on his boyfriend’s face when Sunoo took his first stride on the rink without falling made Sunghoon’s inside warm— making it feel like he’s basking in the sun's heat in the morning.
The first few skate of Sunoo’s feet at the rink, he was wary. He was scared even though he knew that he was only copying what Sunghoon had shown him. Sunoo was scared because he wanted to make his boyfriend proud by letting him see that he was learning what his lover’s second most loved (of course, he’s the first Sunghoon loves) thing to do in this world. But the moment he felt that he was slowly but surely gliding his feet on the ice without falling, a warm feeling enveloped his chest as he searched for the brown orbs that had been staring at him adoringly.
Sunghoon smiled widely at the younger, took his phone out of his pocket, and opened its camera. He started recording Sunoo’s every skate towards him with that beautiful smile etched on his boyfriend’s face.
The younger’s eyes form into crescent because of his joy. His cheeks are puffy and red as he skates toward his lover— that’s happily recording him, waiting at the other side of the rink.
When Sunoo reached where his boyfriend was waiting, the lad greeted him with a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead.
“Lovey, I made it.” the younger stated happily. He kissed Sunghoon’s cheeks, buried his face in his boyfriend’s chest, and hugged the older tightly.
Sunghoon chuckles and states, “More than great, my pretty ice fairy. I’m so proud of you.”
A smile broke out on the younger’s face as he kissed the lad again. But this time, it wasn’t a peck. It was a long passionate kiss, not giving a damn about what other people might think. Sunghoon slowly smiles in between the kiss.
He pulled the smaller one closer to him and deepened their kiss, and as they pulled away from each other, the warmth inside Sunghoon’s chest stayed.
It’s cold.
But even though it’s cold, it doesn’t bother Sunghoon. It doesn’t bother him because Sunoo’s there to keep him warm— that warmth from loving the younger was enough to keep him warm.
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trivialbob · 1 year
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This morning I woke up at the insane time of 3:15 AM. Shockingly, I felt well rested. I read in bed for a while, finally finishing a book the library automatically renewed twice. I did not care for the ending. It seemed like the author looked at his watch or calendar and realized there's a deadline, so time to cram a lot of action and resolution into nine pages and call it done.
Then I got up and started laundry. I like doing laundry. That's why my wife doesn't care what I spend on a washer and dryer. She's relieved of laundry duty.
Of course I don't waste money on some machine that gives me a choice of chimes to signal the end of the cycle. I have a solid, practical washer/dryer combo. If they were cars they'd be Toyota Camrys, the XLE trim level, and probably with the V6.
After brewing and ingesting a fair amount of coffee I washed all the bedding in the house. Sunrise today was 6:56 AM. Any awake neighbors might have laughed at me because I was hanging sheets, a blanket, and a quilt on my clothesline two hours before the darkness left. Even the bats likely thought I was crazy.
When it finally got light outside I took the dogs to the airport dog park. Plane-watching sucked. We saw some other Aussies, which always makes me smile.'
When Ella, Oliver, and Sulley were tired I brought them home, Then I got my Surly Cross Check out for a ride. I did a ten mile loop around the three Minneapolis lakes I enjoy being at. The weather was perfect.
Later, grocery shopping followed by making the beds and cleaning around the house.
Sulley still had energy. He's a year-and-a-half old. Ella is 12 and Oliver is 10. It really pissed off the older dogs when I took only Sulley for a walk around Lake Harriet. The other two would have been too exhausted to complete the 2.8 mile loop, though Ella would have liked a swim.
Now I think I understand why Sulley did poorly in obedience school. He's rarely on a leash. Between our fenced-in back yard and the mostly fenced-in dog park, that boy isn't used to having a leash on except to go from the car to the park gate or when he's in a brewery.
At the lake the first ten minutes were awkward as he and I figured out leash protocol. Then it got easy. He was very well behaved. Now I'm starting to think of trying another obedience class, after I take him on more leashed long walks.
Top picture is a view of Bde Maka Ska from a bike path. That's the Dakota name that replaced Lake Calhoun as the lake's current name. The second picture is the trolley car that runs from Lake Harriet to Bde Maka Ska. The operator rang a bell to warn Sulley and me to not attempt to cross the street as the trolley approached. It was kind of cute.
Now I'm going to eat a Jimmy John's sub and watch the final season of Succession. I don't like waiting week by week for new episodes. I waited for some time and now I can binge watch it.
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beanieman · 1 year
hi! idk if you already talked about this but do you perhaps have any headcanons about shin's (and maybe other characters') music taste? really curious about that
Sara Chidouin - Sara likes indie rock, folk rock, and indie music. She's a Mitski girl and loves The Lumineers. Though she also loves cheesy pop songs that would borderline embarrass her if anyone found out she listened to them.
Joe Tazuna - Joe loves KPOP! He's a big fan of "BTS", "Blackpink", and "Day6." The more upbeat the song the more he's into it generally, though he's the type who can list at least a few songs he likes out of most genres. So a song having a more slow or sad tone wouldn't be a dealer breaker for him.
More Undercut
Gin Ibushi - Gin likes theme songs from TV shows. They're catchy and scratch his brain in just the right way, and he often hums them to himself during school hours. He also likes pop, rock, and instrumentals.
Keiji Shinogi - Keiji is a blues man. He loves the sound as it does something to his emotions that's indescribable. In his opinion it's best listened to while sitting on a park bench watching the world pass by. He also likes country and pop.
Alice Yabusame - Alice loves rock, of course, since it reminds him of his sibling bond. Yet, he has a soft spot for songs from musicals and a not so hidden love of ska.
Reko Yabusame - To no surprise Reko loves rock! She's the type of person to spend hours on YouTube looking for a good rock cover of her favorite songs of other genres. She also has a soft spot for gothic tunes and more unique sounds that most people wouldn't find beauty in listening to.
Nao Egokoro - Nao has a highly specific indie taste that could come straight from the "Life Is Strange" soundtrack. All of the music she really likes is perfect for staring at the celling and contemplating life, and this does not register with her as she'll give you music recommendations with a big cheery grin.
Kazumi Mishima - Mishima likes instrumentals. He often puts them on in the background and listens to them while he grades papers or makes some nice afternoon tea. Generally he likes the softer ones the best, but every now and then he'll look for something that sounds more epic.
Q-taro Burgerberg - He has a not so secret love of country music that he tries to hide, but most people assume that's his favorite genre immediately because of how he's dressed. He's big on banjos. He also likes R&B.
Kai Satou - Kai likes orchestra music. Anything with a ton of instruments that sounds like it could be in the background of a heavily dramatic soap opera is his favorite. He likes pop as well.
Kanna Kizuchi - Kanna loves love songs. As long as the main theme of the lyrics are about platonic or romantic love she can listen to any genre and find enjoyment. Though she also likes chiptune.
Shin Tsukimi - Shin listens to a lot of chiptune. It makes him feel like a cool computer hacker from the moves, even though he'd never admit to that. He's also the type to listen to video game/tv/movie soundtracks non stop. Though he also likes indie music and anything by Mitski.
Ranmaru Kageyama - Ranmaru's big into synthwave. He tends to listen to it while he studies or is drifting off the sleep at night. He also likes indie and blues.
Naomichi Kurumada - Naomichi loves pop rock. It's the one genre that always makes him super excited to work out. His favorite songs have an upbeat tempo and usually he's not big on songs that have a slow melody.
Anzu Kinashi - Anzu likes jazz. She loves the upbeat tone and trumpets mixed with fast paced piano. If she had background music she'd want to have a lot of trumpets for sure.
Mai Tsurugi - She unironically loves ragtime music. She has it on all the time in the background of her bakery. Though she also likes country music about women getting revenge and fun upbeat pop songs.
Shunsuke Hayasaka - He likes both classic and upbeat pop music. This post is making me realize how many YTTD characters I fully believe love pop. That or I'm projecting real hard.
Hinako Mishuku - Hinako likes heavy metal. The louder and more intense the better. Also Vocaloid.
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slickshoesareyoucrazy · 7 months
A little over a week ago I made a post here about sobbing crying because I couldn't text A when I was nervous, and everything was hard.
Well today I'm not crying, but I'm going to make another one about not being able to text him about good stuff. I'm just going to write what id have texted him here without context and exposition, so it won't mean anything to anyone but me here. But I want to tell someone, so here we go.
J and the Boy and I went to see D's daughter play basketball in the high school district tournament tonight. Holy shit, man, she's so good. She won the division 1 award for Ms. Hustle. I know that's not surprising really, because she's D's daughter and all but still. Awesome.
B was there too, and D's wife and both D's son and B's son. Our family sat in between D and B and we got commentary and play-by-play in stereo and it was hilarious. They played our old high school, and the head girls' coach now dressed up like he would be on TV for the NCAA tournament or something and D and B would not let it go. "Look at Coach over here, taking it serious with his vest and tie and his church shoes on." 😂😂😂😂😂
Our old high school's band straight up played Cherry Poppin' Daddies' Zoot Suit Riot. The whole song. Made me think about you big time. Swing at the high school game. If they start playing ska I'm gonna die. 😂😂😂
D's daughter's team was up 30 at halftime. They put the JV kids in the whole second half and still extended the lead. So of course then D and B were loud and vocal at the opposing coach to let the bench kids play. "Come on, Coach! Let 'em get a little court time. Rest the starters. At least let 'em take the workout shirts off!" (Dude, he didn't let the bench kids play even down 40+ with 2 minutes to go. WTF?!)
D's son stood up and applauded his sister until she was totally off the court and D and his wife both filmed him doing it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥹 J and I told the Boy, "See? Every parent does it." The Boy said, "That still doesn't make me like it." 😂😂😂❤️
Tonight was a really good night, man. And I'm a little weepy about shit now but I'm not really sad. I'm just thinking that I literally had all of my most favorite people around me tonight except you. I wish you were there.
But you were sort of there, weren't you? Zoot Suit Riot? Really? 😂😂😂😂😂 That fucking song will be in my head all night now. (For real if a high school band plays Adam Ant's Goody Two Shoes or Reel Big Fish's Sell Out or a They Might Be Giants song with a bunch of horn in it at a game before this season is over, I'm just assuming that's definitely you at the game with us.)
Still miss you all the time. But tonight was good. So I'm telling you about it. ❤️
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