#they get hit with some super powerful looking attack and maybe they cough up some blood or wtv but they just keep going!
sometimesrosy · 2 years
The 100 Rewatch 2023 Live blog 1.10
I am become death
go me. i literally did this while the lasagne was in the oven. you would be surprised at how much you can get done while the oven is doing its job.
anyway. i hope these liveblogs aren't too long for y'all but i guess no one has to read them if they are. after the jump
Ooh. Dead body parts. Yikes. first shot
A crater and burning ship. Finn is trying to protect Clarke from being out here, and Raven is like, her mom was here. She's looking for awswers.
Bellamy blames Finn for the grounders coming. Finn blames him for bringing guns. Ravne says if he didn't we'd all be dead. Raven finds hydrozine. Is that a real thing or a sff fuel? Energy sources in sff are cool. Want a magic powered ship? Just make up an energy source. Wait maybe hydrazine is real i really don't know.
OH LOOK baby Harper who is crushing on Jasper, who is pretendign to be a great warrior. Monty is like let us have this. The geeks.
All the delinquents are getting trigger happy. OHHH. It's MURPHY i forgot about that. Poor guy got tortured worse than Lincoln.
Bellamy wants to kill him for coming back. We hanged him we banished him and now we're gonna kill him. Clarke thinks Finn is right.
His fingenails were torn off. Murphy told them EVERYTHING.
Aww baby harper in her head band. Flattering Jasper. Wants to come by his tent after shift and Jasper is too busy for her. WTF. Loser. Monty can't believe it. Then Jasper calls her "low hanging fruit." Gotta say that was one of the things made me not like Jasper.
Jasper tells him Octavia isn't into him. And then Jasper says he's jealous that people think he's cool and then kicks him out of his damn tent. Jasper. You prick. This rewatch is solidifying my least favorite characters.
Clarke and Raven trying to listen to the Ark but there's NO SIGNAL whatsoever. Raven trying to make nice, apologize for her mom. And then Clarke's eyes start bleeding. Oh now Conor is coughing and bleeding. Now the other kid. Racen figures out that it's a plague from bringing murphy in. So goes to Murphy whose puking and asks him how he escaped. They let him go.
Bellamy stay back. Biological warfare. Grounders retaliation.
Murphy was the weapon.
Nice twist.
Bellamy is being a dick again. He grows so much in the whole show. But he's not there yet. Finn is still trying to hit on her and she's like don't touch me. You'll get sick. One of the kids dies though. I wonder why he couldn't survive. THat was quick.
Quarantine everyone who had contact with Murphy. Octavia gets quarantines and B flips out. But we know she doesn't get sick. Not everyone does. She's looking through Lincoln's notebook. Bellamy blames Lincoln. Oh wait another mark for her boyfriend's book. No that's literal. The hatch marks crossed out.
Oh right, she quarantines O and tells b that it will keep her from sneaking out then turns around and tells her to sneak out again. He sent the flower to tell her to get out of there, she saw it right before she found the kid his people sent to kill them. They use the virus to soften the battlefield. THey attack at first light. The grounders think he's a traitor now because of her. He's way to old for her. Wow I can't get off that. But Lincoln is leaving to go east to the sea. She wants to warn her people but tells him to wait for her. She's coming with him.
More light Bellarke flirting. He figures out that O is not in the dropship because Clarke sent her to see Lincoln for a cure. He's SUPER pissed. Bellamy needs some chamomile tea. Chill man. Oh Fox goes down and then pukes in people's faces and all the kids are pulling guns. Panic in the camp.
Clarke brings out a gun and shoots at the sky. Gives one of her Clarke speeches. Someone points a gun at her and B snags it and smacks the kid down. Clarke falls and Finn runs to catch him. Raven is like "Finn don't touch her," and then looks so sad.
O tells them there is no cure. But it doesn't kill. ANd the grounders are attacking at first light. Bearer of bad news.
B asks Raven how many bullets she can make by first light. Murphy offers Clarke his hammock. Murphy is helping care for the ill.
Clarke tells Finn to take the healthy and leave camp. "IF you think I could do that, you don't know me very well." She says "I know you...." so sweet. Blergh.
Oh now Jasper has Harper's back? Finn realizes they can blow up the bridge to delay the attack because the illness is short lived. B thinks the bridge is too strong to survive an attack. "It won't survive me," Raven says and then heads to the wreckage in her spacesuit to collect hydrazine.
Bellamy doesn't look well. Raven shows her little bomb. Hyrdazine in a jelly jar surrounds it by gunpowder.
B is like Which one of you plants the bomb and Finn and Raven pause a LONG pause before he says he'll do it.
Oop. Bellamy's nose is bleeding. Finnn Who else can take the shot.
I appreciate the concern. B heads off and asks Jasper to take the shot. "If you miss if that bridge doesn't blow we're all dead."
"Why me?" The only one not sick.
Bellamy colapses and tells J to stay back and make the shot.
Murphy takes care of Conor and Murphy says they're all good. "I put the rope around your neck why are you helping me?" Bygones. You little liar. He's going to smother you in your sleep.
B comes in and tells O he's scared. She says she won't let anything happen to him. "That's what I said to you the day you were born." THere are SO MANY good things in this show and they drop them all to cause pain and trauma.
Finn realizes that Raven is planting the bomb herself.
Jasper asks him if he wants to come and Monty says "why don't you ask your new friends."
Raven in the woods delivering bombs. Trips. The jar is not broken but Raven's nose starts bleeding.
Murphy caring for B and B won't let him. Makes threats. Dumbass. Clarke comes over "hey i got this one." "you feeling better?" yeah. "S'good." The flirting is getting deeper. Questions the trusting Murphy. She believes in second chances. THey worry about the bomb on the bridge and if it's going to work and she says she'll get everyone inside.
Raven woozy at the bridge. small bridge. i dont' believe not having that bridge would actually stop them. We hear war drums.
"We're running towards the war drums? I hate this plan." Jasper has some good lines.
R sets the bomb. Finn yells for Raven. Grounders look like monsters (urukai to be specific) running through the woods. Raven is crawling to get away from the bomb not very far, and picks up her gun. She'll blow herself up.
Finn runs up and carries her away. Helps her run He can't carry her.
Jasper is pointing his gun as the warriors are marauding through the forest. He misses. Now it's a misfire.
Monty runs up with a gun. "Last time was a fluke. I panicked."
Monty So what you still made the shot right? Hands him the gun. You got this. Three rounds.
Misses the first.
"Did you not hear me say you got this?"
Gets the next shot.
B and C see the mushroom cloud from camp. "I am become death. Destroyer of worlds."
Oppenheimer the man who built...
I know who Oppenheimer is. The flirt game builds.
Lincoln drew a mushroom cloud on the cave walls. "There is so much you don't understand. The mountain men they'll come and they'll kill us all."
The real enemy and the're playing stupid games with a bunch of kids.
O gives Lincoln his journal back. She's not coming with him. Youll die here.
Maybe. They're my people.
AGAIN why did we lose this goddamned theme?
Harper sees Jasper and Monty and O returning victorious. And Raven and Finn. Clarke is jealous. WHy clakre why?
Clarke nods at Murphy in thanks. He smiles and nods back sneaky bastard.
Raven says Finn saved his life. I woldn't have to if you didn't take the bomb
"You hesitated. When B asked who would take the bomb, you hesitated. You didn't hesitate when Clarke was falling."
"Raven I love you."
"Not the way I want to be loved." AGAIN. What HAPPENED TO THAT THEME? She had the worst love interests. Actually I liked the next one. But the actor was bad. And he would have died in season 3 any way
B comes to Clarke looking at the graves. B wants to talk about Murphy. The mountain men are pissed. She wants to pardon Murphy. "It's hard running things." 14 dead.
Cut to Murphy in the quiet dropship. SUffocates Conor. The little bastard.
But they did. THey really did. He is an AWFUL character in s 1 though. Complex but awful. He makes a really good badguy. 4`11
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shiftynightshade · 3 years
“He’s so young. Too young to be in a suit like that.”
Tony glanced at Steve and Natasha’s expressions, faces scrunched up in some mixture of discomfort and anger. It was understandable, really. The kid was on the younger side, though they could not tell much considering under his helmet was a yellow domino mask.
The kid was shifting in his seat, hands cuffed to the metal table in front of him and super-power inhibitor collar clasped around his neck. They had gathered on the other side of the glass, uneasily staring at the child who happened to be decked out in a very high-tech suit. Nat uncrossed her arms to run one hand through her hair. “Why is a kid with superpowers and a suit that advanced doing trapezing around New York?”
Steve shrugged helplessly, eyeing the teen through the glass as if it held all the answers. It kinda did, in a way.
“Fury’s on his way.”
Clint shuffled to stand between Tony and Nat, face drawn with the same discomfort whenever he dealt with kids in bad situations. Steve gave a small huff, setting his shield down and striding through the door into the interrogation room. The kid looked up when Steve entered the room, eyeing him as if he was an unknown variant on a battlefield; an enemy.
Steve settled in the metal chair opposite the kid, leaning forward in his seat to stare directly into his masked eyes. “Hey son, can I get you anything? Water perhaps?” He didn’t respond, opting to stare Steve down. After a small bout of tense silence, he shook his head. “No thanks.”
God this kid was young.
His voice was smoother than expected, but still held the hint of youth to it that Tony often heard from Peter. Tony couldn’t see Steve’s face, but based on Nat’s pinched expression, his was probably similar.
“So, what were you doing running around New York like that?”
The kid smirked. “Like what? Sir.”
Steve sighed and ran a hand through his short hair, clearly caught off guard. “You know,” He waved a hand helplessly in the air. “In armour that very few places make, and I highly doubt someone of your age could afford such equipment.”
The kid mere shrugged with that infuriating smirk still plastered on his face. “But here we are.” He said carelessly. “Cuffed to a table in the Avengers Tower for no discernible reason, one might say that this was a biased arrest.”
Steve spluttered, leaning back in his seat as if the Hulk had slapped him. “I beg your pardon!?”
“Well, I wasn’t disturbing the peace, I wasn’t attacking anyone. So I don’t see the reason for my detainment.”
“We had determined you as a possible threat because of your super powers and the fact that you were participating in vigilante acts, which is illegal son.”
Tony had expected the kids smirk to slip, for him to collapse into a mess of tears and discomfort, which was definitely overdue. The kid hadn’t even looked at them like they had saved the world, no hero worship, no stumbling in his words. It was like he didn’t care that they were heroes!
The kid hummed. “Well you are right about me being a vigilante.”
Steve leaned forward again. “Son, vigilantism and trying to be a hero is extremely dangerous. This is no world for someone as young and inexperienced as you.” He said gently.
The kid snorted. “Look here Mr. Rogers. I don’t think you lot know this, but I know what I’m doing, believe it or not. Frankly, I’ve been doing this whole business longer than you Avengers have been together as a single team.”
Steve stared for a moment before sighing in defeat. He turned slightly in his seat to look at them with a pleading expression. Tony looked at Bruce and the two SHIELD agents before shrugging and walking over to the door, his suit whirring with every movement. He opened the door and stepped into the bright room, eyes immediately locking onto the kids suit; it was such high quality that Tony wanted to steal it and pick it apart until he knew about ever Knut and bolt within the metal.
Tony put on his suavest voice and sauntered over to stand next to Steve.
“Hey kid, this is what’s gonna happen. You are gonna give us your name, age and we will let you go. How about that?”
Tony expected that that would make the kid cave. Whenever he used that voice, he got whatever he wanted. It would obviously work on a wannabe Avenger. Right?
The kid tilted his head to the side for a moment. “Mmm, you can call me Signal.” He settled on, leaning back in his chair ever so slightly. Tony huffed. This was getting old. “One, you didn’t give us your age and two, I really doubt that your real name is Signal.”
‘Signal’ smiled serenely, smugness rolling off him in waves with an air of superiority that pissed Tony off. “Sorry, no names in the field and I’m turning seventeen in a few months.”
Tony blinked. This kid was sixteen. What the fuck.
Steve threw his hands up. “That’s beside the point! You’re not an adult, so you shouldn’t be running around playing hero!”
Signal scowled, his easy-going expression melting into something colder, more dangerous. “Oh? And what is the definition of hero, Mr Rogers? Someone who does everything they can to protect those who cannot protect themselves? Or someone who only saves the world and doesn’t bother with the daily crime that litters the streets?”
He leaned forward in his seat. “Tell me then, what is your definition of hero? Because last time I checked, which was this morning mind you, the Avengers are very diverse when it comes to their backgrounds.” He tilted his head briefly at Tony. “A former weapons manufacturer who now works to better the earth.”
“Maybe a hero is someone like Natasha Romanoff, a redeemed Black Widow from the Red Room, who joined SHIELD after encountering Clint Barton who was sent to kill her for being a Russian spy, only to instead become friends with her. Is that it? Two assassin’s, one from the Red room and one from the circus?”
Signals voice and gaze didn’t waver once.
Tony and Bruce shared a glance before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him firmly. The lock buzzed. Natasha looked pale, her face was blank and she had rested her weight against the wall with Clint beside her. Tony opened his mouth, only for Banner to open the door and motion them out into the hall. “Fury’s here.”
Tony groaned but followed the doctor anyways. Director Pirate himself was exiting the elevator when they followed Bruce, his dark coat fluttering with every movement. “Who the hell did you capture off the streets?” Was his greeting.
Clint shrugged. “No idea, some kind of vigilante with super-powers. He definitely needs to be in SHIELDS systems though.” At Fury’s questioning look, Clint frowned. “He knows about the Red Room and how I met Nat.”
Fury scowled. “How the fuck would they know that!?”
They all piled back into the room, Signal still perched calmly in his seat, staring right back at them through the glass. Fury frowned and looked the the ‘vigilante’, only for his eye to widen and whirl on the spot to glare at them.
“You captured one of the Bats! Are you lot crazy!?”
Tony raised an eyebrow. “Bats?” He asked incredulously.
“Yes! The Bats! His name is Signal isn’t it?”
At Steve’s nod, Fury groaned. “Great…. just great. “You lot managed to nab the Bat’s favourite.”
Tony slapped a hand to his forehead, wincing when the metal hit his skin. “Can you please tell us what the hell you’re yabbering on about Fury?”
Fury planted a hand on his hip. “The Bats are Gotham’s protectors. Simply put they’re a clan of vigilante’s that stop crime and deal with corruption. That person right there. Signal?” He pointed to Signal. “Is Gotham’s daytime guardian. You see Bat’s doesn’t like Meta humans in his city, bar Signal. The other work in the shadows, Signal works in the light.”
Fury pursed his lips. “Signal is considered the Bat clan’s guiding light, he’s the cities beacon of hope.”
The sound of metal clinking against metal drew their attention back to Signal, only to see an empty chair and a set of cuffs next to the repression collar. “What the-“
Then there were alarms blaring, Jarvis’s voice nearly swallowed by the noise. “Sir there are three confirmed intruders in the entertainment room, two unknown, one identified as the prisoner.”
That had them flying from the room, into the common area with their weapons at the ready, only for a sharp ninja star shaped like a god-dammed bat fly past and imbed itself in the wall beside them.
“I wouldn’t take another step if I were you.”
Tony stared at the the figure standing in front of them with a gaping expression. He had a full bodysuit of Kevlar equipped and a bo staff pointed threateningly at them. Another on dressed in traffic light colours of all things was standing protectively in front of Signal with a katana in hand.
“H-how the hell did you guys get here? Who are you guys?”
The small kid scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Amateurs.” He muttered. The kid with the staff narrowed his eyes briefly. “I’m Red Robin.” He said curtly.
“We’ll be taking our leave now. Director Fury.” He nodded at Fury. “Please be careful with your heroes, if something like this happens again Batman will not be pleased.” At Fury’s nod, Red Robin slammed a pellet into the ground causing smoke to erupt and fill the room.
They all coughed when they inhaled the smoke, and when it cleared after a few seconds, the three were nowhere, no evidence indicating they existed.
“Soooooo, guess we’re avoiding Gotham now?”
Extra: Damian kicked his legs back and forth and he sipped his milkshake, the familiar smog of Gotham's nightlife sitting heavily in the air. "So," he began. "How'd you end up tangling with the Avengers?"
Duke snorted from beside him. "They saw me use my powers alone and pegged me for an amateur hero." He made a face that made Tim giggle.
Damian scoffed. "Please, you? an amateur? That's like saying my Grandfather doesn't have a school-girl crush on Drake over there." Tim gagged. "Really Robin? Did you have to make me think of that?" Duke laughed. "If we have to live with that fact so do you."
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five-rivers · 3 years
Danger First
Chapter 10
@pocketramblr :)
One day - and not even a whole day, because of travel time and Inko wanted Izuku home for dinner- simply wasn't enough time to master a quirk. Although he could turn Float on and off, now. So, they made plans to come back next week, and the next, up until the sports festival. Which. Wow. Really was only two weeks away.
Izuku had never realized how close to the beginning of the school year it was.
He was going to die.
"You're not going to die," said Mr. Yagi. "I'm not going to say the sports festival isn't important, because it is, it's one of the best ways to make professional connections for students, but not doing well isn't the end of the world, especially not in your first year. No one expects you to be perfectly polished."
"But," said Izuku, "I'm supposed to be the next you! I've got to stand out, right?"
Mr. Yagi looked very guilty. "I... may have given you that impression when we were first training, yes. But, since then, with all my research into the past holders... few of them were popular, flashy heroes. If you want to walk the same path as me, that's great. But you don't have to. Even I didn't really start that chapter of my life until after college."
Izuku looked down at his hands, letting silence fill the space between them as he contemplated Mr. Yagi's words. "This isn't about me manifesting One for All differently, is it?"
"What? No, no of course not, my boy. I mean, it certainly helped me come to this conclusion, I wouldn't have done so much research without it! But I certainly hope I would have come to the same conclusion eventually, even so."
"Okay..." said Izuku, still dubious.
"I mean it," protested Mr. Yagi. "Most of my work is essentially underground, you know. There's a reason the battle trial was what it was."
"H-huh? You? Underground? But you're so recognizable!"
"Am I? I firmly believe in bringing all my resources to bear in the fight against evil! Ha ha!"
His laugh devolved into a cough, and he fumbled for a handkerchief. But he recovered quickly enough.
"I guess that makes sense," said Izuku, cautiously, once he thought Mr. Yagi wasn't going to start coughing again.
"You didn't think I stayed number one by popularity alone, did you?"
"I- the formulas the Hero Commission uses to determine rankings are secret, and it only includes spotlight heroes, so when I extrapolated the hero billboard rankings, yes, I assigned a high weight to popularity. There were always some discrepancies between my predictions and the end results, but I figured I missed some events, or the commission assigned them different values…"
"That's quite impressive, my boy. But, though popularity is a factor, the HPSC does take unpublicized fights and rescues into account. Assuming you report them…"
That was the second time Mr. Yagi had mentioned not telling the commission something.
"Do you, um, do you do that a lot? Not tell the commission things, I mean."
"Eh? No, no, I try to stay up on my paperwork. I get a lot of help from Naomasa, though. Some heroes, especially independent ones, without an agency, do have trouble keeping up, sometimes."
"It's just… the other day you said something about not telling the commission about All for One."
"Ah," said Mr. Yagi. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "You're quite right. How should I put this… The HPSC knows All for One exists, and I have made them generally aware of his modern exploits. I haven't told them about his ability to give quirks, though they may know through other avenues, there are certain battles I've had with him that I haven't told them about, and they do not know about One for All."
“Why not?”
“Villains aren’t the only ones who seek power,” said Mr. Yagi. “The HPSC provides a vital service, and I think what one does matters more than why one does it, but… it is my observation that many of the people there are more concerned with personal power than doing the right thing. And positions of power and authority tend to draw in those who would abuse those things."
"Even heroics?"
"Especially heroics. The HPSC Ethics Review Board is supposed to stop that, but no system is perfect." He shook himself. "But look at me! I was trying to give you a pep talk, not saddle you with doubts about the government!"
Izuku laughed, nervously. "I mean, you've definitely distracted me from the sports festival…"
“Yes. The sports festival. Don’t worry about making a big spotlight combat debut. If you want to focus on rescue, or investigation, or the underground, I’ll support you all the way.” He paused. “You do need combat, though, because, because of-”
“All for One?”
“Yes, exactly. All for One.”
“Way to kill the mood, guys,” said Banjo.
“I think the mood was thoroughly dead already,” said Yoichi.
“Unlike your brother,” said En. “Ninth’s father.”
“Come on, it was just a little omission of information. It wasn’t even a lie!”
“It was definitely a lie. You’re so lucky that my relief about you not being a pedophile eclipsed my righteous fury regarding your mendacity.”
“You know, the fact that you’re delivering that completely deadpan gives me doubts about the fury part.”
“I’m mad at you.”
“You love me.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t be mad at you.”
“Hey, hey, wait a minute,” said Nana, making a ‘T’ shape with her hands. “Time out. Ninth’s father is All for One.”
“Yes,” said Yoichi, hanging his head, “I thought that had been established.”
“So, are we… What Toshinori is saying is completely valid, by the way… but, are we expecting this kid to fight his father? Is that a thing we’re doing?”
“Uh,” said Yoichi, “in our defense, we did think he was dead.”
“Maybe Eighth will get ‘im before Ninth has to deal with it,” suggested Banjo. “He’s got to have a better chance of that, now what with Fa Jin and all.” He paused. “But, you know what would give Ninth an even better chance, if he does have to fight his deadbeat dad-”
“He’s not a deadbeat,” interrupted Hikage.
“Calling him a deadbeat would imply that he is neither supporting the Midoriyas financially nor regularly in contact with them. He is on both counts.”
“What?” squealed Bango.
“Did you miss his phone call with his father immediately following his return home after the USJ attack?”
“Oh,” said Yoichi, “no, I was very aware of my brother’s evil, evil voice. It’s just that these guys were too focused on scolding me to listen to anything I had to say. I still can’t believe he sent someone like that to attack his own son’s class.”
“Didn’t he, like, kill you?” asked En.
“No, my death was largely unrelated. You’ve got to remember, I was a chronically ill fugitive from the law with no money. Who told you that he killed me?”
Everyone looked at their immediate predecessor. Yoichi tracked the path back to Third, who had gone very stiff.
“What the heck, Third? You were there when I died. Why would you tell Hikage that?”
Third did not answer.
“Actually, what did he tell you, Hikage?
“Oh, it was very moving and heroic. It happened while you were saving a busload of metahuman orphans. You sacrificed yourself to let them get away from All for One. I even cried a little.”
“Is it weird that I’m now disappointed in myself for not dying like that?”
“Very,” said Nana.
“What were we talking about before this?” asked En.
“I have no idea,” said Banjo.
Izuku delayed going to class, nervous about everyone's reactions to his quirk. It wasn't that he thought they'd reject him, but more that he had no answers for the inevitable questions.
But he also didn't want to be late.
"Todoroki was so cool!" Hagakure exclaimed as he opened the classroom door. "He was all like, blam, bam, swish! And- and he checked whether or not I was there first, before attacking, which was super cool of him."
Todoroki's expression was halfway between 'statue' and 'help, I've been hit by a truck.' "Cool?"
"Very cool."
"You've grown since the first day, kero."
"Ah! Midoriya!"
All heads turned towards him. In the next second, he was hugged by several people, which was more friendly skin contact than he'd had since… ever, probably.
"Eep," he said.
"We were so worried about you," said Uraraka. "We made a group chat, after, but since you were unconscious…"
"Hm," said Monoma, "your quirk still is definitely a stockpile…"
"Monoma!" shouted Iida. "Did you join this hug just to copy quirks?"
"And what of it?"
"But speaking of quirks," said Jiro, "you can fly now? We kind of went along with it at the time, but that's kind of different from a sensory quirk."
"I know," said Izuku, "and I have no explanation."
"Maybe your quirk stockpiles danger," said Monoma, contemplatively. He rubbed his chin with one finger. "That could be why you can sense danger- you're stockpiling it. Then, when the danger gets over a certain threshold, you can release it as flight… why are you all looking at me like that?"
"Oh, nothing," drawled Kaminari. "Just that you're more thoughtful than you look, pretty boy."
"I don't want to hear that from you."
"Th-thank you, Monoma! I'll have to mention it when I go to quirk counseling next."
Which may or may not be this afternoon, depending on how Mr. Aizawa felt and- His head snapped to the door. "Mr. Aizawa's coming!"
They all rushed to their seats. The door creaked open.
"Oh my gosh, he's a mummy."
"What is it, Midoriya?"
They were having a bit of a break during English while Present Mic cycled them through for short sessions with Hound Dog.
"I didn't have a chance to ask you earlier, but how's your brother?"
“He’s alright! It’s the first really major injury of his career, so he’s going to take it easy for the rest of the month, to make sure his engines heal properly. He’d prefer not to of course, but, ah, there is a silver lining.”
“That’s good,” said Izuku, encouragingly.
“I really shouldn’t be happy about it,” said Iida, rubbing the back of his neck, “but he’ll be able to come see me during the sports festival, and he probably would have been too busy if he were active.”
“I think it’s okay to be happy about good things, even if they happen because of bad things,” said Izuku. “It isn’t like we can go back and make the bad things not happen, after all…”
“That’s very true, Midoriya! What a mature way of thinking about things.”
Izuku didn’t know about that, but he was willing to take the compliment.
“Midoriya,” said Shouta, who was absolutely and unquestionably recovered enough to teach. Even if he had zoned out in the corner of the room in his sleeping bag all morning rather than trekking back to the teacher’s lounge… or teaching any of his other classes… shut up. “What are you doing at the window?”
“O-oh. Mr. Aizawa. I didn’t know you were awake?”
It was, maybe, a little unfair to single Midoriya out like that, since the entire class was standing by the window, and the way Uraraka, Sero, and Midoriya were closest to it, with Monoma a close fourth, was concerning, but Midoriya was the first one Shouta saw, and the one most likely to to cave and tell him what was going on.
“R-right. Well, going out the door seems a little unpleasant today, so we thought we’d switch it up?”
What did that even mean?
“We were going to bring you with us, of course,” continued Midoriya.
What did that even mean?
“Out the window.”
“Um. Yes.”
“What kind of unpleasant are we talking about?”
“Battle trial unpleasant?”
Shouta groaned and hauled himself up, walking over to the door. He looked out the window and made note of all the students from other classes standing out there, circling like sharks. Great. Maybe they needed to have an assembly about respecting boundaries or whatever, especially if the people whose boundaries were being crossed were potentially traumatized.
Something to bring up at the next staff meeting he attended. Which… would probably not be soon.
He opened the door.
(“A mummy,” whispered someone.)
(First his kids, then these kids… he wasn’t that wrapped up.)
(Was he?)
“What are you all doing here?” he asked, voice rasping rather more than he wanted it to.
The students didn’t seem inclined to answer. Someone did mutter something about the sports festival, but it was far from the complete answer that Aizawa wanted.
“Right. Whatever. Scoping out the competition is one thing, but you are aware that class 1-A is recovering from a traumatic experience. And you’re blocking traffic. Clear off.”
The crowd slowly dispersed. Shouta sighed. He knew this would only be the first of many such incidents. He made a note to talk to Nemuri about whether or not she’d be willing to donate some of her class time to talk about public relations.
“You know,” said Nemuri, “if you actually rested, Recovery Girl would be able to heal you.”
“I know nothing of the sort,” said Shouta, glaring at his desk in the staff room. “I’m forgetting something.”
All Might walked in. “Er, young Aizawa,” he said. He paused for a painfully long, awkward moment. “Are you still meeting with young Midoriya today?”
Did Izuku expect Mr. Aizawa to come to their meeting? No. The man had casts on all of his limbs. But, he hadn’t cancelled it either. So, better safe than sorry, right?
But it had been a while, now. Izuku could probably safely assume he wasn't coming after a half hour. He got up, packed his bags, and reached out for the door handle-
Only to freeze as Mr. Aizawa yanked it open and pulled Mr. Yagi into the classroom after him.
Izuku scurried back to his seat.
"Nothing physical today," croaked Mr. Aizawa. "We're going to figure out your quirk."
“O-okay,” said Izuku.
Aizawa collapsed into the seat behind the teacher's desk. “To be short, this quirk, One for All or whatever, is complete nonsense.”
“Uh,” said Mr. Yagi. “Sorry?”
“Sorry,” whispered Izuku.
“You should be. Not you, Midoriya. You’re fine.”
“Right. So. You’ve got two quirks right now. Danger Sense and Float. Unless something else showed up over the weekend?”
“No, it’s, um, it is just those two right now.”
“And you’ll most likely get Smokescreen, Blackwhip, and that strength enhancement eventually. Plus two mystery quirks.”
“That is what I’ve been able to find out,” said Mr. Yagi.
“So, we have to figure out some way to get all those under a coherent umbrella that can account for the mystery quirks, and before the sports festival, so the evil immortal supervillain doesn’t notice that you have quirks just like a bunch of people he had personal beef with.”
Mr. Yagi cursed in English. “I hadn’t thought about that.”
“Yeah, I wonder what else you haven’t thought about. Maybe this year I can get Nezu to take my suggestion about doing hero names before the sports festival seriously. You know we’ve had people stalk students before because for some godforsaken reason we use their real names? I need a drink.”
“Ah, water?”
“Young Aizawa, you’re a teacher…”
“A career choice I question daily. Midoriya, do you have any thoughts about how to make your quirk make sense in a way that won’t get you killed or abducted by the HPSC?”
“I- Does that happen?” despite his conversation with Mr. Yagi over the weekend, he still had generally positive thoughts about the hero commission.
“I have no idea. Wouldn’t put it past them.”
“Well, um, I was talking to Monoma earlier, and he said something about stockpiling danger, and how it might let out the stockpile as the energy necessary to levitate- which, really, would be a fascinating quirk if it did work that way- but I thought it might also work for Smokescreen and the strength enhancement? I mean, general responses to danger are fight, flight, or hide, so the strength enhancement is fight, Float is flight, and Smokescreen would be hide…”
“That might work. What about Blackwhip.”
“Yeah, that one has kind of stumped me.”
“Blackwhip sure is a problem,” agreed Mr. Aizawa.
The ghosts started laughing. “You’re a problem, Banjo,” chortled Nana.
“Come on, guys, that isn’t funny!”
"It is! It's hilarious!"
"They were just talking about All for One tracking the kid down and killing him!"
The mood sobered quickly.
"Considering that he is Ninth's father," said Hikage, "I suspect it's far too late for that."
"Yeah," said Yoichi. "But, just to be safe, and in case there are other weirdos out there, new rule: no giving him new quirks in public. Not that we can do anything about when he eventually manifests the stockpile…"
"What if he's going to die?" asked Hikage, raising his hand.
"He already got your quirk, why do you care?"
"We'd like to hear it," said Banjo, somewhat forcefully.
"Well, if he looks like he's going to die, do whatever you can to stop that from happening, I guess. But chucking a quirk he doesn't know how to use isn't always going to be the beat answer."
"Wait," said Nana. "Hold up a second. A few days ago we were talking about the potential for multiple quirk brain damage, weren't we?"
"Oh, good catch," said Yoichi. "I guess I forgot to mention it, which means Nana is the only one I'd trust babysitting my nephew in the event a quirk rewound him to elementary school age-"
"That is a suspiciously specific scenario," said En.
"-and all the rest of you are fired. You didn't even question giving him more quirks? Really?"
Hikage raised his hand. "I assumed you had discovered that Ninth had a constitution capable of handling multiple quirks, similar to yourself and your brother."
"That is true. Okay, Hikage would be another exception, but he's disqualified from babysitting for other reasons."
"That's fair."
"So we need something that can do all that, and has tentacles," said Izuku, squeezing his bottom lip in thought.
"Yeah," said Mr. Aizawa. "Honestly, even really dumb ideas would be welcome right now."
"Why are you looking at me?" asked Mr. Yagi.
"You know why."
There was only one creature Izuku could think of that could do all the things Izuku one day might be able to while maintaining room for the two mystery quirks. "Cthulhu."
Mr. Yagi looked mildly scandalized at the suggestion.
"Nah, it'd have to be something like eldritch. Cthulhu's trademarked in Japan, and that can give you aboveground types trouble."
"What is it a trademark for?" asked Mr. Yagi.
"Ask Midnight. I don't want to talk about it."
"Ah," said Mr. Yagi.
"The problem with that is that you currently have no justification to call it that. Now if you already had Smokescreen…"
The adults looked at him.
"... I don't think it's going to just show up like that," said Izuku.
"Why not?" asked Banjo, staring at En. "They practically asked you for it."
"Well, first off, I live for drama, so jot that down."
"Huh? What about me?" asked Yoichi.
"Nothing, it was just an idiom. Second…"
"...Right," said Aizawa. “For now, then, we’ll have to give it a temporary name, because it’s starting to get to the point in time where it’ll actually be illegal for you to not register it.” He shuffled his casts. “Yagi, start filling out those forms with what he can do currently. Midoriya, make sure you check him when he’s done. For now, we’ve got to come up with a name.”
“Um,” said Izuku. “Float’s the only one that’s really visible, so I could just call it Float?”
“Vetoed. You aren’t picking a name that the immortal supervillain knows.”
“He did seem to only refer to people by quirks unless he really hated them,” said Mr. Yagi. “Except his brother, who he always called ‘my foolish brother.’”
“Focus on the paperwork.”
“And he called himself by his quirk name as well,” mused Izuku. “Do you think it was a side effect? Quirks have document impact on people’s personalities-”
“R-right. Um. Feather Fall? No, that’s part of a game. Flight Reflex?”
“Good enough for now,” said Aizawa. “Flight Reflex it is.”
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Summary: People think you talk too much so you fall silent.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Avengers x Reader (platonic)
Characters: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers
Warnings: angst, self-doubts, the reader used to talk too much and now she’s silent, mentions of torture/imprisonment/experiments, comforting, fluff
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“Does she always have to talk so much? I can’t believe someone can hold a speech over pancakes. Is she never tired of hearing her own voice?” Standing in the doorframe of the common room you clasp one hand over your mouth.
You believed Bucky enjoyed your conversations. Since he moved in two months ago you tried to be a friend, a companion he can talk to when Steve is not around.
Never in your worst nightmares would you have imagined Bucky could be annoyed by your small talk.
“Listen, Buck. She likes to talk about a things, maybe explains too much but that’s part of her personality.” Clint chuckles at Sam's words.
“You mean she can chew your ear off about her latest shopping trip.”
“Barton, that’s not funny. Y/N tried to explain how credit cards and electronic article surveillance work to him. Last time he went shopping he got lost, didn’t know how to pay.” Sam throws in. “Maybe it was a long conversation, but Y/N meant well.”
“I know, Sam.” Clint sighs. “Sometimes she just won’t stop. I had to fake to go to the restrooms last time.”
“Guys, seriously. Stop talking shit! Y/N is not talking too much. Only as men tend to only grunt or throw ten words per day at each other doesn’t mean a girl talks too much.”
Natasha slams her fist onto the kitchen counter. “She’s kind, nice, and smart. All Y/N tried was to help Barnes.”
“Exactly.” Wanda purses her lips, glaring at Clint. She’s challenging the archer. Daring him to say another word about you. “Now back to breakfast. Who’s on duty?”
No one recognized you entered and left the room after Wanda started to make breakfast for everyone…
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“Did you finish the latest report?” Tony’s question brings you out of your thoughts. He’s looking at you, assuming you will tell him every little detail but all you do is nod before you hand him a manila folder. “No explanations?”
“We were all there, I wrote nothing not everyone witnessed. Report ending.” Steve cocks a brow at your short answer. Usually, you mention details but today, you barely spoke twenty words.
Natasha watches you cautiously while Clint leans back, enjoying you didn’t ask questions or explained things he already knew.
“Okay. Great, Y/N. Next point, our yearly charity gala is due in a week. I hope everyone bought a nice dress and for gents, a nice suit.” All eyes land on you.
Normally you describe your new dress, the shoes, even your hairstyle, but again, you simply nod.
“Got a dress. Mission accomplished.” Now Wanda searches your face but you block her powers, giving her a shake of your head. “If that’s all, I got places to be.”
“Don’t we have another report from you and …” Tony trails off when you get up. “Y/N?”
“Everything you need to know is in the folder. If you have questions, ask Jarvis.” Taken aback Tony nods, glancing at the folder you push against his chest.
“Something wrong, darling?” Giving Tony a cracked smile you shake your head.
He doesn’t need to know what you heard. You know, as the person bringing you into the team, Tony sees you as his little sister and would do anything to make you feel comfortable.
“I am great, Tons, don’t worry. I’ll check on a few files at my office if you need anything.” When you walk toward the door you feel eight pairs of eyes follow you. “I won’t make it to the movie night, though. Have fun.”
You are gone before Tony can ask you again if anything is wrong. “What was that? Usually, she won’t go without explaining every detail.” Tony’s eyes meet Steve’s but he’s as clueless as Tony.
“I don’t know. I was on a mission with Bruce and Maria.” Steve looks around the room, tries to make out if anyone knows anything. “Anyone knows what’s wrong with Y/N?”
“I got no clue, Steve. A few days ago, we talked for hours but over the last days Y/N barely said ten words. Her answers are always short, precise.” Natasha looks at Wanda who tries to avoid eye contact.
“Wanda?” Sam’s brows furrow when the redhead tries to sneak out of the room. “What do you know?”
“I know nothing, I swear. I…I recognized Y/N is different for a few days and tried to look into her…head.” Shrugging Wanda tries to explain why she wanted to break her own rule to never read her teammate's minds.
“She blocked me for the first time during our meeting. All I could see or rather feel was hurting and then she pushed me out.”
“Crap, Cap. Any ideas?” Steve sighs when everyone looks at him.
“Not to rhyme badly would be a start, Sam.” Sam glares at Clint who tried to lighten the mood with a joke. “Sorry, go ahead…”
“I will try to talk to Y/N. Something must be wrong as she’s always bubbly and friendly. Today, Y/N was a different person and I do not like it one bit.” Tony exclaims. “Maybe Barnes could talk to her? She seems to like him.”
“Me?” Bucky coughs, tries to not get involved in anything involving conversations. “Why? I am not good at talking to people. Steve is your man.”
“Buck, she talked to you for hours. Y/N tried to make you feel welcome and help you at the same time. I know she sometimes talks a bit too much but…”
Natasha gasps at Steve’s words. Her eyes meet Wanda’s and they suddenly know why you refuse to talk to your friends.
“Fuck…fuck…fuck, Sam!” Now Sam slams his fist onto the table, glaring at Clint.
“She heard what you said that morning! This is your fucking fault, Barnes!” Raising his hands in surrender Clint tries to stay out of the conflict.
“Don’t act innocently, Barton! You said she talks too much!” Wanda grabs Clint’s ear, tugging harshly. “You’ll apologize, both!”
“You said what and she heard…” Steve clears his throat before he gets up to glare at his friend.
“I know you are not much of a talker Buck, but she tries so hard to talk to you. Y/N only offered her friendship and you just messed everything up.”
“Let me talk to her, Capsicle. I don’t think she wants to see Barton or Barnes for a while. At least around me, she can talk as much as she wants to.” Tony sighs deeply. “Do you know why she’s talking so much?”
“No.” Bucky snaps at Tony. “As she likes to do so?”
“I found her, in a cell during a mission years ago. Our fine government wanted to create a super-soldier like Steve and you. They took blood samples, DNA. All this time, she was not allowed to talk or ask questions. If she did, they hurt her.”
Bucky feels like someone just pushed a knife into his guts.
“They electrocuted her, hit her, did awful things. When I found her, she wouldn’t talk. I thought she’s mute. It took months before I heard the first word leave her lips. I nearly got a heart attack when she called my name.”
“I…” Jumping up, nearly breaking his chair Bucky stumbles toward the door. “I got to talk to her. I need to apologize and all…”
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“Doll?” Bucky enters your office. Head hung low, eyes not daring to meet yours he sighs deeply. “’m so sorry, darling.”
“Can I help you with anything, Sergeant?” Your eyes are glued to your monitor when Bucky walks toward your desk.
Normally you would jump up, drag him toward the cozy couch in the corner and tell him about your day, or ask him about his.
“I came to apologize for what I said. I…I am so sorry, Y/N.” When you meet his gaze Bucky can see your red eyes. You must’ve cried the whole time you spend in your office. “You can talk as much as you want to, doll.”
“I will shorten my conversations from now on. It’s unnecessary to tell you about my day, clothes, or stupid cat videos on YouTube. I know that.” Bucky grasps for your hand, kissing it repeatedly.
One moment he kisses the back of your hand and the next he picks you up to carry you toward the couch, making you yelp.
“No…no, doll. I like those videos. That one with the cat hunting the hedgehog was hilarious. That furry guy even tried to jump on the hedgehogs back.”
Giggling you look at Bucky. “Tell me about the next thing I should check on YouTube.”
“Dude, there was this guy, taping his eyebrows and then…” Looking at you in his arms Bucky hums while you tell him about the guy ruining his eyebrows.
“So, that poor guy has no eyebrows. Tragic.” You snicker at Bucky’s words before you hide your face in his chest.
“What about new cat videos or, this is even more important, tell me about the dress you’ll wear to the charity event.”
“It’s a black Chanel dress, backless and I like it. Don’t tell anyone, but it’s second-hand.” Whispering the words, you poke your finger into Bucky’s chest. “Swear to not tell anyone.”
“I’ll swear to not tell anyone if you agree to be my plus one. I need someone to save me from anyone asking me how it was to be the winter soldier.” Your hand gently pats his cheek, caress the scruffy skin before you move closer to press a soft kiss to his chin.
“Doll, if you tried to kiss me, mission failed, but points for trying. Let me show you how it’s done.” Stunned you feel Bucky’s lips on yours.
He swipes his tongue over the roof of your mouth, and you giggle again. “No laughing! That was a perfect kiss!”
“It was an eight, Bucky but we can try again.” He smirks before his lips are back on yours. This time he devours your mouth and you need to break the kiss to breathe.
“Better. I would say eight point five this time. We are getting closer, Barnes. How about we practice some more?”
“Will you forgive me for being a douche? I want you to talk as much as you want to. Maybe we can go to my room and talk some more.” There is a cheeky smile on his lips when you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Only talking, Sergeant Barnes. I am a good girl…”
“Yeah?” His breathing quickens when you look up at him in awe. “I will make it up to you. Every stupid word I said, doll.
How about we have our private movie night at my room and you can tell me anything about the movie before we even watched it.”
“Please, never be silent again, Y/N. I hate silence when it involves you not talking.”
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Snuggled into a warm blanket. Your head resting onto Bucky’s chest you snore lightly. You didn’t make it through the movie before you fell asleep.
The room is silent. You are not talking but right now, Bucky’s heart swells as you repeatedly muttered his name in your sleep.
“Love you too, doll…”
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narrators-journal · 3 years
warning: Light depictions of violence, Aku really admires Atsushi’s tiger (idk if it comes off as super sexual, so idk might be a bit monster-fucker-y) Nothing sexual or vulgar, just him being super into watching Atsushi kill.
edit: Had to fix some glaring formatting issues, also just editted some of the choppier bits of the text :D
Akutagawa had no clue why he was out looking for a pissy tiger gijinka at 10 pm, but he was. He wasn't super thrilled about it, to say the least. However, Dazai had called and explained that Atsushi had apparently had an awful day at work or something and then changed into a weretiger in the evening, and the bandaged ADA agent wasn't sure if that was intentional or because of the full moon, so it was now up to Aku to go find the weretiger and bring him back to his apartment before he could cause any trouble.
Any good mafia member would've told the traitorous sociopath to go fuck himself with a cactus, but some weird urge had led the goth to agree to return Atsushi home for his old mentor. Had him receiving the crybaby's address from his mentor and heading out into the darkness.
It wasn't that he still wanted acknowledgment, he'd gotten his praise and acknowledgment a few weeks before. So while he still highly respected Dazai, he wasn't out clicking his tongue into alleyways and lifting himself onto rooftops at such a late hour for his praise. It definitely wasn't out of concern for Jinko, he could care less if the brainless house cat got hit by a car or stuck up a telephone pole. No, what had Akutagawa out near the hellish docks was a lingering sense of curiosity. He couldn't exactly place what he was curious about that exact moment, but he was intrigued. So, he poked around until he finally spotted a familiar flick of white and black disappearing around the corner in the slums.
When he spotted the first signs of Atsushi, Akutagawa dropped to a crouch and crept forward until he could look around the wall to see a dimly glowing white tiger nosing through a trash bag he seemed interested in. With him distracted, Aku took the chance to move towards him, bringing Rashoumon to life once he was close enough. Either the energy or the light near-instantly drew the predator's eye, but either way, he was now staring into the golden eyes of Atsushi Nakajima, or, more so, his tiger.
In that dangerous, uneasy situation, it finally clicked. He'd wanted to see this. Atsushi's full tiger form. That's why he'd agreed to go hunting for him upon Dazai's request. Not only that but staring into those predatory eyes brought a new sensation through his body. Awe.
        "Jinko," He said, doing his best to sound calm while he internally battled a storm of fear, awe, and honest wonder. "Can you understand me?" He asked it nonchalantly, his grey eyes just staying glued to the tiger's golden gaze as he circled to face the vampire of a man properly. With no answer, obviously, Aku took a deep breath to steel his nerves before trying to reason with the creature again, "Listen, I know we don't get along, you annoy the shit out of me, I'm sure you dislike me just as much. But, Dazai sent me to try and return you home, so can you please cooperate?" He asked, but the answer he got was a pretty huffy tail lash and the creature walking past him and across the street to dig through more trash. And for a moment, Akutagawa was nearly mesmerized, forgetting what he was going to say. The hunter's movements revealed the powerful muscles just beneath its snowy, striped fur, it knocked home just how dangerous this car-sized cat could be. He hasn't attacked me though, the mafioso realized, normally Jinko would maul me on sight, but his tiger isn't. Not even a growl. The realization almost made a sense of honor well up in his chest as he followed the giant cat to the next bag of garbage he seemed intent on investigating.
For a bit, the goth trailed after the large predator, his original task abandoned, mesmerized by the sight of it moving so quietly despite its lethal claws and hulking, muscular form. However, his observations were interrupted when a realization hit him like a brick to the face, Of course! He's hungry! No wonder he's been digging through stray garbage bags and whatnot, he's probably looking for meat! He slapped his hand over his face at how obvious that had been, then, he whistled to the massive feline, coughing a few times before he spoke again,           "Would you like to actually hunt, Jinko?" The snowy ears of the creature perked at the mention of hunting, perhaps he can understand me to some extent, the thought was swiftly shelved for later though, he had mentioned hunting, he had no time to ponder how conscious his nemesis was as a likely impatient and hungry tiger. "If you follow me, I can take you to someone you can hunt," he offered, once again looking into the yellow eyes of the beast, almost able to see him contemplating his offer before he suddenly moved forward.
Akutagawa's first thought was that the car-sized feline was going to eat him instead, but no. In reality, Atsushi simply headbutted him in the chest, sending him sliding on his back across the pavement, coughing and wheezing from the air leaving his weak lungs so suddenly.             "J-Jinko!" he snapped between coughs, glowing red in his annoyance, but instead of being even slightly intimidated or on-edge from the show of hostility, Atsushi just continued to headbutt or nose him, pushing him along the pavement until the choking mafioso finally managed to put his hand on the cat's striped, moon-silver forehead, Holy shit, you're so soft, and shove him back enough to let him get back to his feet. "What are you doing Jinko? Don't nuzzle up to me just because I offered you food, dumbass!" he snarled, keeping his pale hand on the cat's head as he glared at him.
The two stood there for a moment, Akutagawa's glow intensifying when Atsushi pushed against his hand and made him step back to avoid tumbling over again, all the while the choppy-haired vampire was trying to decipher what the weretiger might be doing this for. It's not likely that he wishes to eat me. If he did, he would've pounced as soon as I was on the ground...That also means he's not looking for a fight. Could it be his way of thanking me for offering to take him to hunt? Is he just trying to NUZZLE me?? His cheeks heated like stovetop burners at the thought of the elegant predator showing him, his most hated rival, affection of all things. He could handle the tiger trying to maul him, half expected it honestly, but he didn't know how to feel about Atsushi nuzzling up to him as a thank you or otherwise.
It was only when he gave another attempt at a nudge that Akutagawa got the message at long last.           "Oh! You're wanting me to take you there!" He rolled his dark gray eyes at that and pushed himself away from the weretiger, turning around with a huff and starting to lead the way. This also gave his pale cheeks the time to return to normal in the cool night air, though his heart couldn't seem to stay at a steady, calm pace. It kept jumping and thumping unpredictably with the excitement of maybe seeing Atsushi on a proper hunt.
It was sure to be a fascinating sight, to see the massive feline crouched, creeping up on an unsuspecting victim, to see his muscles bunch with so much power just before lunging at the prey. He was excited at the thought of seeing the weretiger's lethal talons tear into a person, and his jaws crunch down mercilessly on his victim's bones. The sheer power of it. The fact that he had fought someone who could tap into that primal potential. He'd looked into such an animal's eyes, he'd seen the human intelligence mingling seamlessly with the animalistic cunning. Atsushi's razor-sharp fangs had been mere inches from such a vital part of his body, and yet he'd done no malicious harm. No, not a scratch. Aku couldn't place the feeling of awe and nebulous adrenaline-pumping thrill he got from it. From being so close to a beast who could end him without hesitation or issue, and yet he hadn't. All of that strength was so beautifully control-
The goth's thoughts were interrupted by another headbutt, this time to his spine, sending him sprawling onto the pavement with an indignant squawk.           "Jinko! Wha- Are you trying to get me to speed up, or fucking kill me?!" He snapped, scrambling to his feet with a small cough and a tidal wave of humiliation for the noise he'd made on his way down, but his only response was another nudge from the beast, one he swatted away. "Oh no! I am not jogging or running ahead of you! Quit acting like an impatient toddler," he scolded, dusting himself off while the tiger huffed like said impatient toddler.
With his own grumpy huff, he continued, leading Atsushi out of the slums and into the nicer parts of town. It wasn't the rich end of Yokohama, where the homes were capped with long driveways and wrought-iron fences or had names for addresses, but it wasn't the slums. The neighborhood they ended up in, while sparse of people on the sidewalk and road, thrummed with life within the safety of the nightclubs and bars that were scattered about. It was somewhere near the outskirts of town without being too far, around there Akutagawa would find the mafia's casino and the one rival casino whose owner was as equally a customer of the mafia as much as a rival.           "Alright, you stay here for a moment. I've got to go find your food. Don't worry, they aren't good, innocent people, so you shouldn't feel a lick of shame for eating them." He promised Atsushi, now standing a few buildings down in a wide alleyway from the rival casino. "You eat the men in suits to your heart's content, in return, I'll destroy the street security cameras." The creature made a noise he assumed was agreement, so he left him in the alleyway and began prowling the street, taking out cameras as he went until he'd not only left the whole street defenseless but also found the owner of the second gambling hall.
Once he'd located the man and his goons relaxing at an outside table, smoking and drinking their booze in front of the closed shop, he used a ribbon of his coat to slither over and knick the owner with the sharpened cloth, slipping away before he realized it was more than a simple bug bite or accidental scratch. With the fresh blood now on his coat, he slunk back to Atsushi, letting the striped hunter sniff the strip of cloth thoroughly before he hoisted himself onto the roof with Rashoumon.
From his vantage point on the rooftops, the wheezy goth could follow the weretiger as he prowled down the street, following the scent of blood until he too spotted the prey at the cafe table and fell into a hunter's crouch. The goth repressed his coughing and wheezing as much as possible, paused with the cat, his grey eyes fixated on the silent animal as he inched closer to the men.
It amazed Aku that neither the owner nor his goons noticed the rabbit-soft white-and-black fur of the weretiger, part of him wanted them to spot the beast before he pounced, just so he could watch them run and panic and really see Atsushi chase down his prey. Sadly, by the time the small group had finally realized they were being stalked, it was too late. Atsushi was already on them, tearing them apart, his powerful jaws turning their muscles to pulled pork in seconds, his talons tearing into them like a hot knife through butter. They tried to run, but they didn't get far before each one was picked off with one swipe of the dark claws, or powerful jaws of the predator.
Akutagawa watched the scene from the safety of the rooftop, his heart racing with excitement, his breath quickening as he grinned like a lunatic. Not even his subsequent coughing fit could ruin the absolute thrill that zipped through his blood at the sight of such a gorgeous, efficient predator crunching on bones like they were nothing, his white fur now stained a lovely shade of red. It took a moment for him to come back from that high and realize that his lightheadedness and shortness of breath had gone from pure elation to an issue, so he had to swiftly fish his inhaler out of his pocket and pull from it, hoping it was enough to open his airways so he would avoid the hospital. He was not keen on having to explain to a doctor what exactly had gotten him so hyper.
Thankfully for the pale mafioso, his inhaler worked. So, after a moment to catch his breath and regain his composure, he brought Rashoumon to life and used it to lower himself down to the pavement again, a safe distance from Atsushi, who was contently tearing the mafia's rivals apart and devouring their flesh. With one final calming breath, he slowly walked over to the beast, not getting a glance as he approached until he was beside the car-sized feline while he chomped at a bone until it splintered.
Once he was sure Atsushi wasn't interested in him, Akutagawa crouched down and gently, tentatively put a hand against his side, feeling the soft, silky, striped fur and perfectly honed muscles just beneath his pale fingertips.          "I can see why Dazai chose you...over me..." he muttered quietly, his eyes glued to the tiger's mouth, admiring his fangs as they worked at the bones and meat of the casino owner, "You are far beyond my power level. So much more controlled, so much stronger, so much more capable than I'll ever be." It hurt to voice these shameful realizations, but for some reason, Aku felt like he wouldn't be judged by the beast, even if it did understand his words, it wouldn't shame him for his admitting to his faults.
So, he just sat beside the tiger, running his hand over the beast's side, shoulder, even along its back, from snout to as far as he could reach behind him. Just taking everything about him in. The car-sized feline didn't seem to care at all, unbothered by the admiring pets, or when Aku grabbed his back paw to flex his toes and unsheath his talons. Some part of the mafioso still reminded him, He could still eat you next, but it did nothing to dissuade the child-like curiosity that fuelled his exploration of every deadly part of the animal, from tracing his muscles, to bringing out his bloodied talons, all while Atsushi ate his fill of his prey until nothing remained save for their shredded clothing.
The pale man simply gathered those up and ran a hand through his chopped up hair,             "I guess I should take you back to your apartment now before dawn comes." he mused, judging that they had about an hour or two before the sun rose and Atsushi likely changed back to his more pathetic, weak form. Aku looked at the weretiger, watching as the beast licked his chops and shook himself off, then turned with a sigh to head to the address Dazai had given him. Atsushi followed without complaint, padding alongside the goth, much more content, it seemed.
Once Atsushi was safely back in his own home, and the clothing was burnt and disposed of, Aku went home to his personal apartment, flopping onto the bed with a half groan, half sigh. Now that he wasn't running on thrills and curiosity, he was exhausted. His only thought before passing out was Never telling anyone of this.
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight
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The End is Nigh
Davenport, Iowa
We begin this episode with Pestilence paying an ailing woman a visit. He’s riddled her with more diseases than she can handle. What an experiment!
One Day Earlier
At Bobby’s, Sam’s getting an earful from Dean about his plan to say yes to Lucifer. Dean gets a call from Cas. Dean wants to know where he is --they all thought he was dead. He’s in a hospital. He’s not one for conversation at the moment, but does tell Dean that he just woke up in the hospital. Dean tells him their next step: get Pestilence. 
For Hospital Bed Science:
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Cas groans in pain and tells Dean he can’t fly anywhere. He’s thirsty, and his head aches, and he has a bug bite, and he’s all so very... Dean finishes his thought with, “human”. Cas needs money for pain meds and travel expenses. 
Also, he stops Dean from hanging up and says that he owes him an apology. “You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be,” he confesses. Dean’s awkward about such a solemn apology. I’m soft about how soft this moment is. 
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The brothers head out to scope out the convalescent home where Pestilence chills. They knock out the security guard to watch video footage of the place. 
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Eventually Sam notices the camera flickering with one person. They head out to find him. 
As Pestilence is taking care of Cold Open Celeste, a demon comes in to warn him about the Winchesters. He’s upset over what they did to his brothers, and wants revenge. The demon reminds him he’s not supposed to hurt “the vessels”. He doesn’t care and starts hurting everyone in the building. 
Sam and Dean start coughing, and struggle to keep walking. They both collapse outside Pestilence’s door. They’re now riddled with disease, just like Celeste. While the boys struggle on the ground, Pestilence gets to monologue a bit about the frailty of humans. 
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Enter one VERY human-like angel. Yeah, poor Cas is just as affected as the Winchesters. Pestilence laughs, “There's not a speck of angel in you, is there?” Cas then lunges at him, and cuts his ring finger right off. “Maybe just a speck.” Oh Cas, you badass. Never change. 
The demon attacks, and he knifes her. Pestilence disappears, but not before ominously stating, “It’s too late.” 
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And now they have three rings. 
At Bobby’s, Dean asks for some good news. Bobby tells them that Chicago is about to get hit with the storm of the millennium. Three million people are going to die. 
GOOD NEWS, Bobby! Or as Cas deadpans, “I don’t understand your definition of ‘good news’.” 
Bobby points out that Death will be there. They still need his ring. 
Sam wonders how Bobby knows all this. Enter Crowley. 
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Bobby admits to selling his soul to Crowley. Dean demands that Crowley give it back. Sam wonders if Bobby had to kiss him. Bobby denies it --but Crowley’s got proof. Of course. 
Crowley won’t give back Bobby’s soul as insurance that the Winchesters won’t kill him. I mean, I kind of have to side with Crowley here. He’s being REALLY generous even considering giving back Bobby’s soul. Bobby sold it fair and square. He’s getting information from Crowley in return. 
Later, by the Impala, Dean and Sam talk. Sam admits that he has his doubts about his plan as much as the rest of them. “You, Bobby, Cas...I'm the least of any of you.” Like, OUCH, Samuel. We deep dive into Dean’s self-worth issues on the regular, but let’s just pause and reflect on the younger sibling right now. 
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Sam’s all they got though, so they have to try. 
Crowley interrupts the broment with news about the world. It seems that Pestilence was spreading Swine Flu, and Sam’s old buddy Brady’s company was cranking out the vaccine --only it was full of Croatoan virus not a cure. If this vaccine is distributed nationwide, it’ll all be over.
Cas and Bobby pack up the van. Cas is...moody. He mourns the loss of his angelic might. The only thing he has available to him now...is a shotgun. (Starts humming) Bobby tells him to quit whining and load the truck. 
The teams finish packing for their respective hunts. Sam waxes nostalgically about the simpler days of hunting monsters. Dean doesn’t think it was ever simple. Crowley interrupts and presents Dean with Death’s own scythe (in travel-sized form). 
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Crowley urges Bobby to stand up and get ready to fight. He reveals that he inserted a little healing clause into Bobby’s soul deal that healed Bobby’s paralysis. Bobby stands up triumphantly. 
Later, Sam, Bobby, and Cas drive towards the Croatoan virus operation. Cas reflects on Sam’s idea to toss himself into the pit along with Lucifer. He thinks it’s a solid plan. 
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Cas passes along some new intel about the archangel prize fight: Michael has taken Adam as a vessel. He warns Sam that failing to control Lucifer means that the apocalypse will happen, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Oh, and “there’s also the demon blood…” Sam will have to drink gallons of blood in order to be strong enough to contain Lucifer. BLEGH.
The next morning, they lurk at the distribution facility. A truck tries to leave and Cas takes out the driver and jams the gate controls. Sam and Bobby head into the warehouse, only to find that the demons have already infected some of the workers with Croatoan. Sam races off into the warehouse to save (uninfected) civilians. 
Dean and Crowley enjoy their first date, tracking Death to a little warehouse.
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There’s a lovely clip where Crowley mentions that the area is swarming with reapers, and we get a reveal…
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Crowley zaps into the warehouse, discovers that Death isn’t there, then meets Dean outside again. He suggests hightailing it out of Chicago and waiting for the next doomed city in order to find Death. That’s not good enough, though. Dean wants to find a way to save people, even if they can’t track down the Horseman. While Dean despairs, Crowley peers into a little pizza place and then heads back to Dean. He found Death! With his work done and not even a high five to show for it, Crowley zaps out of there.
Back at the warehouse, Sam’s finishes evacuating the uninfected civilians. Just as they think they’re home free, Sam gets attacked and Bobby’s gun jams. Enter Castiel, who shoots Sam’s attacker and says, “Actually these things can be useful.” 
For Angel with a Shotgun Science:
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Dean creeps through the pizza parlor, which is full of dead patrons and waitstaff. Death’s scythe heats up in his hand and, agonized by the red hot handle, Dean drops it. The next thing he knows, his Death super-weapon is safely by Death’s side. 
Death sits at a table savoring a piece of pizza, and invites Dean to join him.
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Dean wants to know if he’s about to die, but Death informs him that he has other plans for him. Death quietly reminds Dean that he’s as old and vast as the universe. No biggie though. Dean’s a bacterium, practically, but it’s fine. Death serves Dean a slice of pizza and I desperately long for some good Chicago deep dish. 
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Death says that he’s as old as God, and maybe older. “At the end, I’ll reap him too.” (And while I appreciate that they didn’t kill Chuck in the traditional stabby manner, I’ll always mourn that we didn’t get to see this line fulfilled in one of the finale’s endless montage sequences, and that Billie didn’t survive to do the job.) (Boris, huddled in the corner: Death didn’t reap Chuck because he won, and the story isn’t over yet...)
Anyway, Dean’s appropriately awed by Death’s power. “This is way above my pay grade,” Dean mutters. Death reveals that he’s been waiting for Dean to catch up to him - Lucifer’s spell has prevented him from directly seeking out the Winchesters. “I’m more powerful than you can process, and I’m enslaved to a bratty child having a tantrum,” Death spits. Preach! Death proposes depowering Lucifer’s Death weapon. He’ll hand Dean his ring willingly.
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“What about Chicago?” Dean asks, ever the hunter.
Oh, Chicago can survive. Death likes the pizza. He hands Dean his ring and tells him that he has to do whatever it takes to trap Lucifer. “You’re going to let your brother jump right into that fiery pit. Now, do I have your word?” Dean takes the ring as Death issues one final warning. “You know you can’t cheat Death.”
Back at Bobby’s, Dean looks at the rings. They’ve got all four of them and together, they form into a magic little bundle of rings. Bobby finds Dean for a little heart to heart. 
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Dean reveals that he lied to Death - he’s not okay with Sam tossing himself into the pit. However, Bobby thinks that Death may be right about Sam’s plan being their best option. Bobby watched Sam save all the civilians in the factory before they blew it up, and he thinks that Sam can handle it. “Sam will beat the Devil, or die trying. That’s the best we could ask for. What exactly are you afraid of? Losing? Or losing your brother?”
O, Quotes:
I don't understand your definition of good news
We'll catch Death in the next doomed city
Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky. This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that's barely out of its diapers. I'm old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Animal Strain again, turning Fushimi into a cute red panda (but he's tones of blue instead of that ruddy red color)
Imagine him looking kinda like a red panda that rolled around in blue paint and it's very distinctive and maybe a little weird but the squad feels like isn't he sort of looking like our mascot this way. Like imagine Fushimi gets hit by the Strain power and turned into a cute fuzzy red panda and the minute the alphabet boys see him they are all just frozen because he is so cute and they want to hug him, but on the other hand no one really knows if red pandas are dangerous at all and could he scratch us to death if we try to hug him. Fushimi's just sitting there on the ground and maybe he pads right over to where one of his knives is lying and he picks it up in his small red panda paws. He's just sitting there playing with the knife and the alphabet boys are like 'should we try to stop him, what if he hurts himself?' but then at the same time no one knows if trying to stop him will get them stabbed.
In the end maybe Akiyama is finally able to coax Fushimi into the vans, where Fushimi just sits in the middle of the van looking gloomy but also incredibly adorable. As soon as they get back to headquarters Awashima probably just grabs him and hugs him before they can even tell her that this is Fushimi-san, she just couldn't resist the living stuffed animal in front of her. Fushipanda freezes and then tries to escape her grasp but Awashima's cuddling him too tightly, one of the alphabet boys coughs and is like 'Lieutenant...that's Fushimi-san...'.Awashima pauses and then gathers herself as she stops hugging him (but still keeps him in her arms) as she's like '...I see.' Fushimi's a little dizzy from lack of oxygen due to Awashima's super hug and is therefore suprisingly docile when he's delivered to Munakata.
In short order Munakata has some young trees delivered to his office for Fushimi to play in and is very proud of his adorable third in command. Imagine at some point there's like a situation and Munakata has to go out into the field, he doesn't want to leave Fushimi back at headquarters so this ends up with Munakata going into battle with Fushimi like climbing up on his shoulders the whole time. Somehow Munakata remains standing straight and regal even with this red panda clambering around on him and he looks kinda like a magical girl with his own furry mascot (also imagine then Fushimi ends up chasing down some criminals while this is going on and now there's a rumor amongst the criminal element of Shizume City, about how Scepter 4 has trained their own attack panda and that little asshole is vicious).
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hela-avenger · 4 years
To the Stars Who Listen- Part 1
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1090
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: Starting off with a bang! I keep getting ideas for future scenes and I really need to reel myself back in before I make another super long series. Tags are open!
The opportunity that Loki had been anticipating for finally arrives a few months later. 
It was late one night. 
Screams filled the silent tower that woke everyone up. He watched as Thor and the Rogers stormed down the halls towards the medical bay. Loki took his time getting out of bed. Not too concerned over whatever hero found themselves in distress. He strolled down the empty halls towards the sound of the commotion. 
Loki might not care who was gravely injured, but he was curious. 
Especially as he rounded the corner and found you in the center of it all. 
Tony and Bruce had been thrown across the room. Thor and Rogers were currently attempting to keep you restrained while Natasha tried to inject you with a tranquilizer. 
Screams tore through your throat and he wondered what madness had come to find you if you, a mere mortal, needed the strongest beings on this earth to hold you down.
“Nat, inject her already!” Tony barks at her as he tried to regain his bearings. 
“I’m trying!” she shouts back. “She keeps thrashing around.” 
A dark laugh escapes your mouth as you look down at the Widow. 
“Roses are red. Your hands are too. How many people have been killed by you?” 
Natasha tenses at your taunt but she remains focused on her task. 
“Y/N,” Steve calls out to you. “This isn’t you.” 
“Eenie Meenie Miney Mo,” you snap at him next. “Ask for a dance and then don’t show.” 
Steve’s eyes flash with pain. His hold on you must have loosened as you find a chance to slip out of his grip and shove him away as if he weighed nothing. He flies through the air, crashing against tables and equipment before finally hitting the wall. 
You quickly groan in pain in response. Eyes sealing tightly as your body stopped resisting. 
“I’m sorry,” you cry out sounding like your normal self now. “I’m so sorry.” 
Tears rolled down your eyes and you looked up at Natasha.
“Do it,” you grit out. “Do it now!” 
Natasha doesn’t hesitate and takes advantage of this small window of your clarity to stab the needle into your neck. 
You let out a sigh of relief as your eyes fluttered closed, your entire body relaxing. You no longer resisted as you were lulled into sleep by the toxin that flooded into your veins. 
“What the hell happened?” Tony coughs out as he uses the wall to help himself up. He shuffles towards the captain and offers him a hand to help him up. “What the hell did you do?”
“We were doing recon work at the museum,” Natasha explains to him. “It was meant to be simple, but then they unloaded this crate. The readings of it were off the charts so Y/N and I decided it wouldn’t hurt to get a little closer. It seems she got too close.” 
“What was it?” Bruce asks as he brushes the debris off his hair. 
“A book,” the Widow answers. “A green burst of energy blasted her and she got knocked out momentarily. I thought she was fine when she walked it off but once we got here she started to act out.” 
“A green burst?” Loki asks, finally making himself known. He stepped out of the shadows he hid in and looked at Y/N in concern. 
“Brother,” Thor greets in surprise. “I didn’t realize you were here.” 
Loki ignores him and looks at Natasha. 
“Are you certain?” he asks her. “A green burst?”
Natasha hesitates to respond but nods.
“Then she’s lucky she’s alive,” Loki murmurs as his stare landed on you. “She should be quite dead.” 
“What are you talking about Rudolph?” Tony exclaims. 
Ignoring the name-calling, Loki glanced at your sleeping face. You looked soft and quite vulnerable asleep. His hand rests on your chin and he sighs when he recognizes the power that has decided to reside in you.
“If what you said is true then that book you found must have been one of mine,” Loki explains. “A relic I thought I destroyed long ago. It seems it survived and encased a bit of my power.” 
“You’re saying this is your fault?” Tony asks. 
“No,” Loki answers with a glare. “I had no hand in this. The book should have been left alone had your little mortal agent hadn’t gotten so curious.” 
“We weren’t trying to find it,” Natasha snaps at him. “A terrorist cell recently encountered the book. Maybe we got lucky that Y/N got zapped with whatever power it held than if they would.” 
“Are you sure about that?” Banner asks nervously. “She was spouting off some rude comments before she resisted enough to get injected with the tranquilizer. Stuff that… that I didn’t even think she knew.”
“She pinpointed your insecurities right?” Loki asks them. “Used them against you?” 
They all nod. 
“The Book of Veritas,” Loki sighs.
“Loki, what does that mean?” Thor asks him.
“The Book of Truths.” 
“You tried… You tried to destroy the truth?” Tony asks with a chuckle. 
“In some manner, yes,” Loki answers with a shrug. “God of Lies remember? The Book of Truths can be used against me so I sought to destroy the thing. It seems it didn’t work.” 
“If whatever power that book held survived even your attacks, what does that mean for Y/N?” Natasha asks in concern. 
“It means she’s somehow survived a deadly burst of power,” Loki states. “One that focuses highly on the truth and if our young Y/N is now the host of it… well, the power will grow as time goes on and most likely burn out her frail mortal body.”
“Are you saying she’s going to die?” Steve asks. 
“Yes, a torturous and gruesome long death.” 
Loki notices the shared look of concern between them. He allows a dramatic second of silence before speaking up once more.
“Unless of course, I help her.” 
“Brother this is not the time for jokes,” Thor states.
“Why would I joke about such a thing?” Loki asks with a small grin. “It’s a life or death situation.” 
“Just talk,” Natasha snaps at the Trickster. “Tell us how you’re going to fix this.” 
Loki’s grin grows wider as he crosses his arms in defiance. 
“I believe this is the beginning of a bigger conversation, agents,” Loki tells them. “For in order to acquire my help to save your little friend, I will need something in return.” 
Steve looked over at everyone and sighed. 
“What do you want?”
“My freedom.”
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen​ @is-it-madness​ @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @moonlightprime​ 
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow​ @oddly-drawn-muse​ @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-njorddottir @aoirohi​ @defunctcherrybomb​ @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals​
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie​ @moonlightprime​ @badhollandfluff​
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fandomwriterstuff · 3 years
Traumtänzer (Pt. 9)
Part 8
Part 10
German Translation:
Du sprichst Deutsch - You speak German? Ja - Yes
“ I think we should talk about what Nagel said,” you had a feeling Helmut was speaking Sokovian to butter you up.
You shook your head resolutely, keeping quiet as you stared unblinkingly at your book.
“ I think it’s important that we do,” he insisted, closing his own book and clasping his hands in his lap.
“ He was lying,” you mumbled, still fruitlessly trying to focus on your book.
“ I don’t think he was, Maus,” Helmut sighed, and tried to make eye contact, but you were being stubborn. “ Look at me, Y/N,” he was speaking softly, almost gently, but you didn’t look over until his fingers gripped your chin and turned your head.
“ He can’t have been telling the truth. I would have known if they’d given me the serum,” the topic had you on the verge of tears, but Helmut didn’t let up.
“ And if he was telling the truth? Let’s look at your wounds, shall we?” You blanched. You’d forgotten about the wounds, they didn’t hurt anymore. You pulled down the blanket to expose your thighs and, lo and behold, all that was left was a shiny pink scar and some already dissolving stitches. You gulped.
“ I’ve always had Wolverine-like healing. I just heal fast,” your mouth was dry, but Helmut raised an eyebrow.
“ How do you know about Wolverine?”
“How do you?” You countered.
“ I make it my place to know about powerful mutants,” he shrugged.
“ I met him once when he was in a fight in Berlin. He got a bullet to the skull and it just… popped out and healed,” you shuddered at the mental image.
“ So, what you’re telling me then is that you’re not a super soldier, but a mutant?” he was pushing your buttons, but you wouldn’t get angry.
“ No, I’m not a mutant. But I’m also not a super soldier. I just heal fast,” you were resolute, and Helmut sighed.
“ Come with me,” he held out his hand as he stood, and you took it hesitantly. After throwing some sleeping pants on, Helmut ushered you out of the room and into the great room where the other two men were entertaining themselves.
“We’re going to prove that Maus is not a super soldier,” Helmut announced to the room, and you let go of his hand, backing up and shaking your head. “What, you don’t want to prove that you’re just a regular human?”
“I don’t hate the idea of knowing if you’re a super soldier or not,” Sam commented, and you narrowed your eyes at him. “What? It would be good to have another super soldier with combat training on our side.”
“Fine,” you grumbled. “So, how are we going to do this?”
“You’re going to punch James,” Helmut said matter-of-factly, but you balked at the thought of punching one of your allies. “Fine with me,” James sighed and rolled his shoulders back. “Come at me, kid,” he smirked a little as he stood. You looked back and forth between Helmut and James.
“ Mein Gott, what have I gotten myself into?” you sighed and approached James, who was standing rather relaxed for someone who was about to get hit.
You took on an attacking stance and bounced on the balls of your feet, your limited combat training coming back in pieces.
“If I break my hand, I’m going to kill you,” you directed that at Helmut, who chuckled. Apparently, he was confident you were super strong.
You threw a punch at James, who caught it in his flesh hand.
“You’re not even trying,” James raised an eyebrow. “My grandma hits harder.”
You frowned, rude.
You pulled your arms in, close to your torso, and threw a one-two combo at him, with a little more force.
“I really think it would just be best if you put all of your force behind it. Or else we’ll never know,” James spoke with a smile on his face, though you didn’t share his positive sentiment.
“I feel very weird attacking a man who isn’t attacking me back,” you finally said, and James smirked.
“I can fix that,” he said right before he threw a punch at you, which you thankfully dodged.
“Hey!” you exclaimed, backing up a step as he came at you with another punch. “Rude!” You shouted as he kept throwing punches at you with his flesh arm, always keeping the metal one away from you.
This time, when you dodged his punch, you used your momentum to throw one back at him, which he easily dodged. Fine, you supposed you were just going to spar now. It was a lot of dodging, none of your hits ever met his flesh, but you had a feeling he was having too much fun because he actually surprised you with a punch from his left hand. You knew you weren’t going to be able to dodge it, so you braced yourself and shot out your flat palm and - honestly it was maybe the coolest thing you’ve ever done - you caught his metal fist in your own small hand. There was only a little movement as you adjusted for the weight of his punch.
He gawked at you.
You stared at him with wide eyes.
Everything was quiet.
“Please tell me that was a full-force punch because that was the coolest thing I’ve seen since Spiderman,” Sam finally interrupted, and you let out a nervous giggle.
“Hit me,” James was all serious now. He had put a lot of force behind that punch, and you caught his metal arm with little to no effort.
“I don’t want to hit you,” you countered, and he took on a defensive stance.
“I’m not going to dodge. I want you to hit me in the stomach.”
You bit your lip. You supposed this was all fun and games to them, but it would seriously wreak havoc on your mental state.
You paused, and then with all of the force you could muster, you hit the former Winter Soldier in the stomach. He had rock solid abs, and it hurt, but you were pretty sure it hurt him more than it hurt you because he grunted and stumbled back into the wall behind him.
“Jesus Christ,” he coughed, trying to get his diaphragm to work again after being smashed with a tiny fist.
You froze up, your knees locked and brain whirring a million miles a minute. What if you were a super soldier? What did that mean for you?
“Very interesting,” Helmut commented, and you whirled around to point a finger at him.
“This was your idea,” you accused him, but he stayed infuriatingly calm and raised his hands up in the air placatingly.
“Aren’t you glad you know? You just nearly knocked the Winter Soldier off his feet with one hit,” he looked impressed, but you were sure he was conflicted. He was against super soldiers.
“I think it’s time for us to go look in the city for clues on Karli. Maus would you like to stay here?” Sam finally broke your angry silence and you nodded, you needed some alone time. Maybe you’d be able to sleep.
They left and for a while, you just stood still, unable to move. Finally though, you retreated to the bedroom for a nap. This time when the forest appeared to you, you just wandered amongst the puddles, not going into any of them, and you enjoyed a dreamless sleep.
By the time you woke, the men were still out, so you dressed in some jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt to wander outside and find them.
Unfortunately, you weren’t the only one looking for them.
“Hey,” you greeted as you walked up behind the trio, but there was another voice talking over you. An American.
“Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit,” he spat the words, and you stayed behind Helmut as a man in stars and stripes approached.
“Ugh, how’d you find us now?” James asked, and you couldn’t help but ask the same question. You’d stayed under the radar… Unless the men had caused a scene while you were sleeping.
“Come on,” another American spoke this time. “You really think two Avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention?” Okay, that was valid.
“No more keeping us in the dark,” the first man added. “You can start by telling us why you broke him out of prison,” he pointed at Helmut. “And who the hell that is,” this time he pointed at you, and you tried to shield yourself from his view. You were already in a bit of a frazzled mental state, you did not want to deal with this.
“He did that himself technically,” James muttered, and you had to hold back a giggle.
“Oh this better be an unbelievable explanation,” the man shouted, and you were getting tired of him raising his voice.
“Take it easy before it gets weird,” Sam tried to diffuse the situation.
“Who’s this?” the blonde man finally spoke in a regular voice and you stepped out from behind Helmut.
“I go by Maus ,” you started. “I owed Steven Rogers a favor, so I’m helping his friends,” your accented English gave him pause.
“How did you know him?” The other American asked and you winced.
“He sort of destroyed my country,” you shrugged. “But he helped me out afterwards. It evens out I guess,” he chuckled at your answer.
“I know where Karli is,” Helmut interjected and you cut your eyes to him. What? When had he figured that out?
He started walking and the men started their pissing contest, or you supposed it was just a heated conversation, so you followed behind. It would be a long day.
“I’m Lemar,” the second man walked beside you as the others argued.
“Nice to meet you, Lemar,” you responded, eyes wandering around the beautiful city.
“You’re from Sokovia, then?” You nodded. “Not much of a talker, are you?” “I’ve had quite a long few days,” you chuckled and finally looked over at him. He was handsome, probably around your age. “And my English is very out of practice.”
He nodded understandingly.
“I took French and German in high school, but I’m not very good at them,” he commented.
“ Du sprichst Deutsch? ” You asked with a smile, and he returned it.
“ Ja, ” he responded, though you could tell it took him a bit to think up the word.
“I live in Berlin,” you explained. “So I’ve been getting better at German. Having the Baron around is nice though because I haven’t spoken Sokovian in years,” you sighed sadly and Lemar nodded.
“I could see that being nice, even though he is a fugitive and a criminal,” you nodded sagely. What he would think if he had known the situations you’d gotten into with the Baron.
You tuned back into the conversation when Helmut gestured to his ‘associate,’ a little girl waiting for them up ahead. You sighed, you had a very bad feeling about this.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 4 years
Extra Part 1
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U.A. a school for students to learn how to become the best Pro-Hero. When young Y/n Midoriya returns from her traveling to be accepted through recommendation. What awaits her when she meet the explosive blonde Katsuki Bakugo
Words- 1136
Katsuki Bakugo x Midoriya!Reader, Izuku Midoriya x Cousin!Reader
Series Masterlist
It was a normal day in the homeroom of class 1-A, most of the students sat around to finish up work or just hang out. Deku was sitting next to Ida writing stuff down as Ida frantically explaining something that Deku really wasn’t focusing on. Some of the girls were sitting on the desk chatting along with some of the other guys there.
“Hey has anyone seen Mr. Aizawa he hasn’t shown up?” Oraraka asked the students and they all shook their heads.
“Even Todoroki isn’t here yet.” Hagakure added. The students questioned when class was gonna start when Kaminari and Mineta came busting into the classroom
“Guys you gotta come to the TDL. Some girl is fighting Todoroki and she is kicking his ass.” Kaminari exclaimed motioning for everyone to follow him and Mineta.
“You gotta come, she's totally badass and super hot.” Mineta drools over the girl. 
“Gross Mineta.” Uraraka shudders at Mineta being a perv.
“Come on, let's goo.” Kaminari started ushering people out of the class
“Well she must have some skills to be able to keep up with Todoroki.” Ida pointed out as most people got followed them.
Ashido squeals, capping her hands “Ooo a girl, maybe she’s staying with us.” Deku nodded, grabbing his notebook
“I wonder what her quirk is to be able to stand up to Todoroki.” Surprising Kirishima was able to drag Bakugo
“Eh she’s just some extra.”
When the group made it to the Gamma Gym they saw Mr. Aizawa and All-Might watching the two students fight. Ice was beginning shot everywhere with fire as well as Todoroki tried keeping up with her as she danced around the room dodging each of Todoroki’s attacks.
“She has good reflexes Ribbit.” Asui pointed out as everyone watched in awe as she got punches and kicks on Todoroki before getting pushed back by some ice. 
“Is her quirk reflex?” Jiro questioned.
The students watched her trying to figure out what her quirk was. Deku tried figuring out who this girl was but it was unclear to see her face with how much she was moving. Todoroki waved his right arm sending shards of ice towards the girl at hurtling speed that everyone knew they couldn’t dodge. The girl stood her ground not moving and held her hands up and the ice froze inches from her face. The ice was covered in a red haze along with her hands, making Todoroki and the rest of the student’s jaw drop.
“Holy shit!” One of the students yelled. She raised her hands and flung her hands towards Todoroki and the ice came towards him. He quickly melted the ice with his left side, she created a ball of energy and threw it towards Todoroki who is now going on the defensive. Todoroki flew back hitting one of the walls. Walking up to him, the red haze surrounding her hands and Todoroki had flames coming from his arms. Before either of them could attack again the haze and flames disappeared making them both look and see Mr. Aziawa using his quirk. 
“The match is over for you both.” He called out blinking, ending his quirk. The students began talking now that the fight was over
“Did you see that.” Sero said. 
“That was amazing.” Another said, 
“Her quirk was so cool!” Uraraka said in awe. Deku watched as the girl walk over to Todoroki and shake his hand and they began talking to each other as they walked up to the rest of the group.
“Midoriya.” Mr. Aziawa called out making both the girl and Deku lookup, the girl fixed her hair and Deku say who it was.
“Y/n?” Deku called out making the girl look over to him and the rest of the students looked at them.
“Izuku?” You replied. You smiled rushing over to him, throwing your arms around him.
“Oh my god, how are you.” Deku smiled pulling away
“I’m good! Look at you, not that small kid anymore” You laughed
“Yeah, not quirkless anymore.” Deku added. A cough caused you both to turn to the other students to watch you two.
“Umm Deku how do you know her?” Uraraka asked, pointing at you two.
“Oh yeah,” Deku nodded “This is my cousin.”
“COUSIN!” They yelled,
“You never told us you had a cousin!” Ashido exclaimed.
“Well I mean I thought it wasn’t important.” Deku waved his hands frantically  
“Her quirk is quite impressive.” Ida pointed out making you blush.
“Ignore her quirk. She’s hot!” Mineta yelled trying to get close to you but was pushed back by Jiro.
“Ignore him, That was awesome, why weren’t you at the entrance exam?” Uraraka questioned,
“Well my parents and I used to live in Europe before we moved here and I joined through recommendation.” You explained as everyone was watching in awe. 
“Midoriya.” Mr. Aizawa walked over to the group making you all turn to him “Your quirk is very impressive but you are holding back.” He said, making your head bow down upset in yourself.
“You have great skills that will make you a great Pro.” All Might complimented you making you smile.
“Thank you, All Might, Mr. Aizawa” You bowed to them
“Y/n here will be part of your class, I hope you show her respect as she is now one of your classmates.” Mr. Aizawa said to the students who nodded then he dismissed you all.
“So UA guess your dream is coming true huh.” You nudged Deku who blushed 
“Yeah, um this is two of my closest friends here, Tenya Ida and Ochaco Uraraka.” Deku pointed to the two who gave you a smile and wave
“Yeah I saw you guys on Tv during the Sports Festival. Your quirks are so awesome.” You said making Ida smile in pride and Uraraka blush.
“It’s so nice to meet you, I never knew Deku had a cousin.” Ida shook your hand. 
You punch Deku in the arm “I guess I wasn’t that important to talk about huh.” You tease making him wave his arms and frantically explain that it wasn’t that. 
“Eh, just some extra. You just have some borrowed power like Deku.” Bakugo mumbled, sending a glare at you and Deku.
You turned and looked at the blonde, “Katsuki Bakugo, I thought you were relevant,” You shrugged, “Guess we were both wrong.” Someone choked on their spit at the insult towards Bakugo 
“I like her.” Kirishima chuckled 
“WHAT DID YOU SAY I’LL KILL YOU.” Bakugo tried lunging towards you only to be pulled back by Kirishima. 
“Ok how about we head back to the class.” Ida stepped between the two of you. Kirishima pulls Bakugo away and out of the gym and you look over at Deku and his friends.
“Great first day of UA right.” You smirk.
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jauneda1 · 3 years
The New War AU part 2
Classes and combat training
(Jaune's mind)
"Professor Port's classes where one of the best classes to attend, you get to kill Grimm of a low level and show off new skills. The only down side is he talks entirely to fucking much."
Professor Port: Blah blah blah blah
(Jaune's mind)
"Fucking hell this is boring. When the hell our we gonna get to kill some Grimm. He didn't even ask us to take notes he's just talking and gloating about how he done this and that. Not to mention he keeps gawking at Yang. Oh and I swear to God if he winks at her again I'm gonna shove that mustache up his ass. Haa calm down Jaune... Yang... Why did you say no?
Two days ago on the Rooftop
Yang: Jaune... I love you, You know that right?
Jaune: Yes and I love you two that's why I want to make this permanent. We've been off and on for so much but really I don't think I'm complete without you.
Yang: Jaune you are absolutely fine without me. I know remembering Ricky is hard for you but I'll always be there for you.
Back In Ports Class
Jaune is just sitting there unaware that Port chose him for today's bout.
(Jaune's mind)
" Why are women so confusing, this is why we keep breaking up I don't understand her and maybe I should work more on that or..."
Professor Port: Mr.Arc first please remove your hood. Second I have chosen you for today's unarmed Grimm battle training.
Jaune Arc: Okay sir... Wait did you say unarmed?
On The Combat Floor
Jaune Arc: Why do I have to be unarmed again?
Professor Port: As a Huntsman Mr.Arc you must always be ready for any situation. Like if an Ursa major where to knock your sword away-
Jaune Arc: I would have my shield.
Professor Port: But you have nothing, besides in my days I could take on 10 Ursa with my bare hands.
Professor Port winked in Yang's direction which resorted in Yang feeling embarrassed and disgusted.
(Jaune Arc)
That bastard did it again I don't care what he sends at me I'm gonna beat it into the fucking ground.
Professor Port: Now Mr.Arc your opponent will be a Ursa Major.
Jaune Arc: 😂😂😂
Jaune rushed forward with aura infused in his legs. A few people where surprised and thrown of when they heard him laugh. But Jaune cared not as he slid past the Ursa and with his momentum spun around. Putting his hands on the ground and putting aura into his hands and grip latching onto the floor and gaining a good base. He then kicked the Ursa in the leg shattering the bone and destroying everything beneath the skin. Jaune then backflipped out of the overhead swipe the Ursa threw out of pain. Jaune saw his opening again rushing forward and tackled it but the Ursa stood strong until. Jaune with his hands still wrapped around the Ursa spinning around now behind the Ursa Jaune lifted with his back and legs aura coursing throughout his body giving off a blue highlight. All the while Jaune is building up his to release his semblance.
With a loud smash and to the amazement of the entire class with the exception of Yang and Ruby Jaune German suplexed the Ursa Rolling over with the momentum of the suplex and lifting the Ursa up. With the same strength now doubled he shifts his weight to now Jaune is lifting up and about to slam the Ursa into the ground with his one arm. This feat of strength from this tall and scraggly looking man. Shook everyone in the room even Professor Port. Jaune standing only 5 feet from the Ursa began to speak since he's been silent since the beginning of the battle.
Jaune Arc: 😂😂😂 An Ursa Major 😂😂😂 it's like throwing around a bag of potatoes. GET UP AND ACT LIKE THC KILLING MACHINE YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE! I've seen the battle scar's on you. You've been through a lot now come at me everything you've got Beasty.
The room was quite till the Ursa rushed at Jaune with a mighty roar even without one of it's legs and with one slash Jaune was sent back like 2 or 3 feet. The Ursa if it could look it would. Now Jaune's 2nd favorite hoodie was slashed through but that wasn't nothing compared to what everyone was paying attention to even Yang and Ruby where surprised by the secret semblance he had been hiding from everyone. Jaune's body was surrounded with auric blue Flame and there are blue lines spider webbing out from a bright blue light where his heart should be and Jaune's eyes are bright blue.
Jaune Arc: Okay my turn
Jaune then tore off the shredded hoodie revealing that he is a hell of lot more ripped and muscular then he may seem. With one burst of speed and Jaune was now holding the Ursa in a bear hug and with a mighty roar Jaune's eyes mouth expunging blue flames.
With that Jaune Arc let out a self detonation the explosion was controlled. To the eyes of everyone there they saw a orb of pure blue flame and the feeling of an explosive going off in front of them. All that was left was a decent size crater and Jaune Arc standing there with obvious exhaustion.
Jaune Arc: Cough... Did I past?
Lunch Room
Yang:😭😭😭 Then he yelled out this phrase like he was a super hero
Ruby:😭😭😭 He did something similar back in Signal right lol.
Jaune: Yeah yeah laugh it up. Ow my body really hurts, that's the first time I've tried releasing full power.
Weiss: Wait you've never used it before?
Jaune: Nope I still have some of it built up inside me. I'm going to probably have to go burn it off. I felt the size of the explosion it would of wiped out the entire classroom so I pulled more then half of it back into my body.
Nora: The was so cool though, I almost couldn't help but jump from excitement the way you moved so fast.
Ren: You where extremely focused in that fight it was like you where in the zone.
Nora: That is the power of a high grade. I didn't think much about power difference but you even said you got some energy stored up. Btw you need to let me see the explosion at full power and when you burn off the rest later.
Jaune: Sure
Nora: So your basically your in beatable you use a sword and shield and your semblance is basically a walking explosion with a smoking hot btw.
Jaune: Thank you
Ren: Nora.
Nora: Sorry sorry. So how does it work?
Jaune: Well... It's like a strength storing semblance. I store up kinetic energy from successful attack my targets or receiving damage. I can't do anything with it till I've hit critical mass which is when my heart starts to burn bright through my chest. Then I can use that explosion.
Yang: Bahamet Detonation😂😂😂
Jaune: Yes Yang Bahamet Detonation. I can control the output and size of the explosion. But if I wanted I'm pretty sure I can store even more. But that cause great harm to me I actually had a burn scar over my heart on my chest due to me trying to store copious amounts of energy... I guess it's really good for groups of enemies.
(Jaune's Mind)
"Fuck my body is hurting I should of condensed the size of the explosion and let it all out. But I've never done that I have a lot of aura but I don't think I would survive that it already hurt to do what I did in class."
Jaune: Hey guys I would love to stay and chat but I need to go burn off the energy left. If anyone wants to see the explosion follow me.
Nora: Oh definitely me.
Blake: Should be fun
Ruby: yay
That's a wrap for part 2
Character analysis
Jaune Arc: Age 18, Huntsman classification, High Grade, Battle classification, Vanguard, the vanguard classification is a hybrid between oppressor and tank with they're oppressing attacks keeping they're targets at bay an they're tank like strength they can keep multiple targets on edge and defeat them single handedly.
Semblance: Kinetic energy store and dispersal, Jaune stores up kinetic energy from combat and can release it with enough output to cause a devastating explosion that can reduce anything in the blast radius except Jaune to atoms.
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birdwonder · 5 years
Bucci Gang | Body Swap Headcanons
|| i’m just chilling w/ my phone right now and im choosing to do my next request later today so for now super lame pt 5 headcanons inspired by the body swap fiasco but like ... let’s say it was a different stand that did it and no one died/is missing.
WARNING — fem s/o ! it’s not too sexual but sorta ? in a comedic way more than spicy. i guess also pt 5 spoilers too ! 
Bucci Gang | Body Swap Headcanons
Bruno Bucciarati
- When Bruno had stopped stumbling and was no longer disorientated from the enemy’s attack, he was certainly confused as to why no extreme damage had come to him. He was really counting on the sensation of a thousand stab wounds to cover him like a sheet and yet, he felt perfectly fine. Glancing down, he still wanted to check for any externel injuries but his plan was quickly halted when he saw clothing and hands that certainly didn’t belong to him.
- “What... What is this?!” He’s nothing if not confused, much smaller than his own hands patting all around his body until they paused at his ( if he could say that ) chest. In seconds, his face blew into a bright red colour as soon as the realisation of him being in a woman’s body hit. With his clever perception, Bruno had also come to recognise that the clothing he was adorned in was strikingly similar to [F/N]’s, meaning one thing ...
- “Bruno Bucciarati, what the hell are you doing?!” 
God, it gave the man whiplash to see his own face scruched up with anger while his body marched towards him. The small pink tint on his own face had confused him however, if that was you then maybe you were just embarrassed of him being in your body or vice versa? Now that he thought about it, he really hoped you hadn’t done anything scandulous as him, not that he suspected you would.
- When you suddenly slapped Bruno’s, or your’s really, hands away from their position, he was quick to understand your fury. He had just technically groped you in a way. “Wait, wait, it’s not as it seems! I’m sorry, [F/N]—”
- After a rushed explanation and excuse for his actions, and a what his theory of the stand’s power was, the two of you agreed that you should start to look for the enemy and get back to your own bodies soon for both of your sakes. Bruno did appreciate the soft comfort he had to grip on temporarily though.
Leone Abbachio
- The drastic change in perspective that Abbachio had five minutes ago to now left him horribly bewildered. Why was everything so much taller now ? He was certain that he wasn’t lying nor sitting down.
- All he could do was confusingly turn around and look up at everything around him to try and figure out what was happening. Was he shrinking? That was a possible answer but why wasn’t he going down any more?
- The answer to his dilemma was clear when you, in his body, approached him frantically, hands gripping his shoulders and having to lean down so that you could both be face to face, inches away from each other. Had your minds not been switched, Abbachio was sure that he would have been a little more flustered than he was dumbfounded. “Abbachio, look at us! Our minds ... they’ve been swapped and I’m— I’m- so tall, holy shit.”
- Poor Abbachio had to watch you do what he had done earlier, looking around the whole area with wide eyes and total shock. You just couldn’t believe how different things looked! Oh, was this how Abbachio saw you? Jeez, maybe you should be more careful with how you part your hair if he can see too much of it.
- His jaw dropped when you started to check him out, pulling at the strings connecting his v-line while peering down to see his chest and stomach. You let out a low whistle, clearly impressed by what you were seeing, “damn your physique is good. I didn’t know you worked out, Abba!” Please kill him now before the embarrassment does first. Again, if your minds had not been swapped then he would be relishing in your praise but it was incredibly hard, and annoying.
- “Stop that, damn it!” He yelled at you, his shame worsening when he realised that his tone didn’t come off nearly as scary as it did when he was in his own body, in fact you were even laughing a little at him. Well, if you wanted to play it like that... Abbachio moved his hands to have one placed on your body’s backside and another on your breast, his anger momentarily diminishing when he squeezed both. Fuck they were soft—
- “Oh hell no!” You cried, now as equally as bashful as Abbachio was. Sure you got a little bit too curious but you weren’t touching his body up! With a huff, you mimicked his move to the extent that you placed both hands on his ass, suddenly pausing when you came into contact with it. “SIR, wHERE IS YOUR ASS?”
Pannacotta Fugo
- He’s fucking dying on the inside; he can’t do this. Someone please take him out of his misery because he can not handle being in the body of the girl he was  super into.
- Fugo  in all honesty didn’t try anything funny while in your body but the shame of it was too much. On one hand, he was grateful that it gave him a chance to admire the cute little imperfections you had such a scars and small spots on your arms that he hadn’t notice from his usual distance from you, while on the other he was afraid to be stuck like this forever.
- When he finally found you, the idea of you also looking over his body, as he had done with your’s to a respectable extent, flustered him greatly and he struggled to get any words out at first, “we should, uh, really find that enemy stand user. ahem.”
- “Yeah! You’re super cute and all, Panni, but I really want to be back in my own body, it’s more comfortable for me! Plus, your fashion style isn’t really my go to.” You laughed softly at your last comment, taking hold of Fugo’s hand to guide the two of you into a rough guess of a direction to where the enemy stand user could be. Meanwhile, the ‘cute’ comment replayed a thousand times like a broken record in Fugo’s mind, both a faint blush and smile taking over him as he nodded and followed your lead.
- When Mista or Narancia asked him afterwards if he had done any ‘research’ while in your body, he threatened to kill them both as he tried to stab both with cutlery. During that, you were covering your face and internally screaming at the idea of Fugo seeing the more private side of you, especially when you would rather show him on your own accord.
Narancia Ghirga
- Since the situation was a lot less life threatening than the Chariot Requiem one, Narancia was a lot more comedical about it. Sticking his temporary body’s hip out, he placed a hand upon it while another weaved it’s fingers through the hair that could only be called your’s. Narancia batted his eyes exaggeratedly while placing on a high pitch voice, poorly impersonating you.
- “Ooh, Mr Narancia! Please, take me!” He mockingly begged, strutting towards you that in a fashion that made you want to burst out laughing and shrivel up in shame since it was your body that was looking absolutely ridiculous. Wrapping his arms around your neck, it allowed you to notice the height difference that he had to see on a day to day basis but that was hardly a main thought when he started to rub his cheek against your’s. “You’re just so studly and handsome, my body just needs your touch!”
- After a pregnant pause, the two of you erupted into laughter, wheezing and coughing as though you were being choked out. If the stand who had done this to you both wanted you dead, then it was certainly working seeing as you were both soon to die of laughter. Wiping a tear away, your giggles died out and you gently whacked Narancia over the head, which would have been a regret for future you if it was any tougher. “You’re so silly, Narancia, we should be looking for the stand user not messing about!”
- “Yeah, yeah, I know,” he whined, still having to force a few laughs down. “I think my impression of you was pretty good though, right?” He jokingly winked at you only for his expression to falter to surprise when you sent a more flirtatious one back, stroking his cheek faintly while you walked past him to start your search.
- “Oh, it was brilliant, you know what I want so well!~”
Guido Mista
- His actions were incredibly similar to when he realised that he was in Trish’s body, when he instinctively placed his gun into where the front of his pants would be only to realise that it didn’t rest upon his crotch just quite the same.
- After frantically groping at the soft breasts he had seemingly grown and complaining that he was missing the best part of himself, Mista noticed that his own face was looking at him distraught and embarrassed. “Mista... You’re in my body. [F/N]’s.”
- Mista apologised quickly once you said that, now understanding the situation. You both had swapped bodies! How could he have not noticed? Especially when it was your body, something which he had discreetly checked out a few times before, since well c’mon. You were like a goddess. 
Speaking of, Mista was sure this was actually a Heaven of some sorts since he had full control over what he did with your body, which was kind of exciting! At least, it would be if you weren’t there to judge his movements. 
- “Ugh, Mista you stink,” you complained, raising an arm to your nose to take a whiff only to gag instinctively at the scent that violated your senses. Seriously, who wears a cashmere sweater with a wool hat in Italy? The amount he sweats must be ungodly! The hat was seriously starting to get itchy too, leaving you no choice but to take it off dramatically with a cry from Mista.
- “Hey, I’m not that bad!” The gunslinger argued, snatching the hat from your grasp so he could reach up and force it back onto his hair, hiding the thick curls that had momentarily escaped from their woollen captivity. Scoffing, you turned your nose up and looked to the side, refusing to look at him, “it is and you know it. If we’re stuck like this all day then I’m seriously going to have a shower for you.”
- Mista smirked at that. It was a weird look to see on yourself but it still made you fluster at your own words and his overactive imagination. “Oh? I mean, if you wanted to see my body that bad then you could just ask, babe. I wouldn’t mind showing you,” he cooed, snickering when you shoved his face away with a ‘shut up!’
Giorno Giovana 
- Giorno was massively taken back when the situation the both of you were in were clear. He was in your body and you in his. This stand ability ... seemed so incredibly useless. Granted, it left the two of your flabbergasted and frantic for a while but in the end you both adjusted pretty well to the change and were read to take down the stand user.
- You were a little curious though, reaching up to play with the buns in Giorno’s hair and stroking a finger over the lady bugs on his attire. Not to mention is ‘boob window’ as you jokingly called it, much to his dismay. “You’re pretty brave to wear something like this, Giorno,” you told him, glancing into a nearby shop window to look yourself over, even secretly admiring the blond’s good looks. How could he look so good and not even act like a primadonna? “Plus, you make it look good.”
- Giorno hummed in response, arms wrapped over his chest as he stood a feet or two away from you while still being able to side glance the window to see his own reflection. He was certainly flattered by your praise and could easily repay it tenfold seeing as he thought you were stunning both physically and as a person, yet his mind was too focused on finding the enemy. “Mh, grazi, you could make it look good too,” he murmured, not really thinking too hard over his words since he didn’t think it was the time.
- “I would?” You choked out, wheezing a little at what he had said. Wearing an outfit like his in your actual body would give you a very ‘out there’ look, one you’re not sure you could even wear in public. “I mean, I’m glad you think so but I didn’t take you the type to say something so bold so suddenly, Giorno...!”
- That pulled him from his thoughts. “Hm? What do you mean, I just meant you could look good in anything, I mean,” he then made a gesture to the reflection in the window, smiling softly, “I’m not blind, I stand by what I meant.”
- Gulping, you nodded slowly, averting your eyes from his since you were certain he would be able to notice a blush on his own face. “Oh I see, it’s just I thought you meant you wanted me to have the boob window look too,” you laughed, nervously scratching your cheek. 
- “Oh, no, no! I didn’t mean- Well, I’m not saying it’d be a bad look on you but I just meant-” Giorno, a typically well composed person, was stuttering like crazy, unable to even look at you much like you. Really, the both of you were messes.
- “It’s fine, it’s fine. Let’s just get going, yeah?” You reassured, placing a hand onto Giorno’s or uh, your’s shoulder. Nodding, he smiled and agreed, “we should before the user escapes, and you know if I’m right, they must be somewhere around...”
Trish Una
- Trish was just as shocked as you were when she realised what was going on! You both had a screaming session until one of you calmed down, taming the other’s screams until the two of you caught your breathes. 
- “How -?! Did that guy from earlier do this?!” Trish panicked, looking up at your desperately with your own eyes, which was little off putting at first since it was so weird but you looked past it and shrugged. “I mean, that’s the only thing that makes sense, right? Right now we should really be looking for him to swap back.”
- “Yeah, you’re right,” she nodded before immediately marching off to find the stand user, you quickly catching up to her and walking along side her. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Trish spoke up suddenly, your head turning to the side to realise that her hands were moving up and down your hips while her eyes were glued onto your body. 
- “Woah [F/N], you look great! I mean, your hips are so nice and you work these clothes so well!” Her praise made you chuckle a little, the flattery warming your heart. Looking down at yourself, you already knew Trish looked amazing so repaying the compliment was no feat. 
- “Thanks hon, you’re beautiful yourself, y’know? I mean, you’re so slender and pretty after all.” Trish blushed at your words, gently slapping your arm while giggling like a teenage school girl. “Oh stop, I don’t need you to be nice back, I just wanted to tell you what’s been on my mind for ages now!”
- “Is that so?” You asked, surprised that Trish thought so highly of you and even thinking that you were hearing things for a second. Honestly, you were pretty sure you were going to go have a heart attack from how quick your heart was beating - to be praised by someone so pretty, sweet and loveable was something you couldn’t fathom yet it was still happening. “Well I’ve always thought you were pretty anyways, not to forget amazingly kind and badass for sticking through all of this!”
- From there, the two of you spent the rest of your search praising each other and by the time you found the stand user, your bond had grown strong enough to land an amazingly co-ordinated attack, to which you both returned to praising each other over.
- Once you met up with the rest of the Bucci gang, the rest of the boys were pretty much ignored for the day as the two of you either held hands or linked arms together while chatting about similar interests and making plans to one day go shopping or to a cafe together once everything was over. Narancia was allowed to join in every now and then though, to which Mista complained over. 
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Dark Fic Recs
@rhodee asked me for some dark fic recs and since this is one of my favorite tropes, I know quite some. I wanna make clear from the beginning that those are dark fics. Means stories with fucked up/morally dubious/voilent content. And not salty “Team Cap was mean to me, so I become evil now” kind of fics. If you’re interested in the latter, I am the wrong person to ask.
Some of them are much darker than the others, but you should read for each one carefully the tags and/or the Author’s Note, since some have special twists in the end that aren’t mentioned in the tags.
Basically: know your limits.
Dark!Tony fics (my personal preference)
Faster, Colder, Sharper by Penned (WinterIron)
Tony is kidnapped by Hydra. When the team gets him back, he has changed far more than they suspect. More than even the surface shows.
Bucky though, he notices it all.  
A de-aged Tony fic with Bucky as a caretaker... of sorts.
Radioactive by Valmasy (WinterIron, Series)
The pain is all-encompassing. It’s all he can think about. It’s all he feels. It’s all he breathes. It’s all he lives. Like a barbed net, its sharpness swallows him whole, over and over and over. Tony’s mind tries to hide, tries to save itself, but the pain finds him even then. It burns away at his resistance until all he is crumbles, until he’s nothing but ash and dust.
Attack dog by salytierra (Stony)
Steve doesn't swim in self-delusion. He knows that he is sick and that his owner is even worse. He is aware of it every time he rips some nameless guy’s throat out and feels the crunch of bones under his fingers. He is aware of it every time the rush of adrenaline at seeing life slip away from a stranger’s eyes hits him and gets him bothered and panting in ways that have nothing to do with physical exhaustion.
But it  feels so good…
His owner’s approach is less personal. His shots fall clean and take out several foes at a time, his figure elegant and so graceful he looks like a god among savages. He is power incarnated, cold and burning like a sun at the same time… and Steve tries not to focus on him when they are fighting together, least his knees go weak and his technique falters. It’s fine though. They will go home afterwards and his owner will fuck him on the hard floor, with most of their gear still on and a vicious grip in his hair.
Anatomy of a Moral Man by ShyOwl (Stony, WIP)
At a young age Tony understood he was not meant to be a hero and the world, he believes, is far better for it. With his rule now set in stone, his life is finally settling down. That is until something was found buried underneath the ice.
Tony may not be a hero but that did not stop him from falling in love with one.
In Restless Dreams by charocalwinter (WinterIron, WIP)
When he discovers what he believes to be the truth about his parents’ recent deaths, a powerful and morally ambiguous Tony Stark sets out to get his revenge on Steve Rogers. How does Bucky Barnes fit into this feud and why isn't anybody giving him a pair of socks?
“It isn’t often that Tony Stark finds himself unsure of anything, but this situation has him doubting his every thought, his every move … with Rogers comes James, and that boy is muddling Tony’s mind.” ~ interrupted excerpt from ch 4.
A Pound of Flesh by jellybeanforest (Stony)
To save Bucky, Steve volunteers to work off his debt to the Carbonell crime family. Unfortunately, he is unsuited for the role of enforcer, unable to beat and murder those in the same position as Bucky. He is brought before the mob boss, Tony Stark, who demands his pound of flesh in the wake of Steve’s failure. But upon seeing the attractive blond, Tony proposes alternative employment, one that won’t require him to harm others: Becoming his kept man.
“This isn’t an offer I make often, so you should be flattered – count yourself lucky, even – that I am extending you this rare opportunity.”
“To be raped repeatedly?”
“To have a second chance to work off your debts after you failed so spectacularly the first time. But I don’t have to. I could just use these knives I’ve brought along, carve up that pretty face of yours like a Thankgiving turkey, which would be a shame, really. Then I suppose I’d have to pay a visit to your little friend. This entire exercise has been a waste of my valuable time… perhaps I’ll take an arm for my trouble,” he muses. “So, tell me, Rogers, is Barnes right- or left-handed?”
It’s an offer Steve can’t refuse.
Take Away (everything I am) by salytierra (WinterIron)
“Everyone I kill deserves to die.”
“True. But try to explain that to Captain Justice and Faith.” He takes a gulp of the scotch right out of the bottle and flops down on Tony’s lap, straddling his hips. “He cares too much. You and I? – We do what needs to be done.”
Tony circles his waist with both arms and pulls him closer, opening his mouth when Barnes offers him the bottle and swallowing the bitter liquid dry.
“Nobody ever believed I was able to care. So why should I?”
“Coming from somebody who is expected and probably should care more but doesn’t really give a fuck? – I’ll drink to that.”
Operant Conditioning by dracusfyre (WinterIron, Series)
In which Tony is HYDRA and Bucky’s handler.
in another country (people die) by pprfaith (FrostIron)
“The world is not your playground, Stark!” Fury yells at him one time, after he maybe brings down a building or two and Tony just laughs because, seriously, yes it is. 
on the bleeding edge by esama (Pepperony, WIP, abandoned (still good tho))
Tony Stark goes back in time and becomes a super villain. 
Almost Perfect by One and Five Nines (Obani) (Stony, Comic)
A powerful enemy invades from an alternate reality, but the only thing he really seems interested in is Steve Rogers
Eventually by One and Five Nines (Obani) (Stony, Comic, WIP)
Tony is godking of the wasteland. Steve is not.
Victim!Tony fics
Deliver Us by romanoff (FrostIron)
Loki comes back for revenge. Tony Stark is his captive.
“Why,” he tries, voice failing “do you want me.” He coughs into the ash.
“A king needs an advisor. A king needs concubines. A conquering king must learn the ways of the natives or risk expulsion,” he wipes blood from the sceptre with the end of his coat “and I’m rather fond of you, I think. Even in the face of death you use your wit, you charm with your tongue. It reminds me of myself, maybe, one or two millennia ago.”
Terms & Conditions by Penned (WinterIron)
Tony Stark is desperate and trusts too easily. Bucky Barnes takes advantage of that.
A mob AU with no powers, featuring a very dark, very off-kilter Bucky.
(reverse) Kidnapping by AngeNoir (WinterIron)
Tony Stark is wallowing. He has a right to - he's just finished the funeral preparations for his parents in New York. He didn't expect them to live forever, but still...
And then he falls asleep from his bender.
And wakes up in a nightmare.
(Is it a nightmare?)
Anything (and Everything) - remix by Penned (WinterIron)
The Soldier will do anything to make Tony happy, with or without his explicit consent.
Heavily inspired by Shi_Toyu's  IronWinter Holiday Exchange fic "Anything." This is a much darker version of that story.
like flowers soaked in monochrome by deathsweetqueen (Stony)
Steve Rogers woke up to a world where everyone he loved and knew had forged on without him. But this world, it's nothing like he's used. It wants something brutal from him, something unforgiving. There are so many compromises to make. There are too many monsters behind kind smiles.
But if it means keeping Tony safe, if it means protecting him, he's willing to do whatever it takes.
He can't be soft.
After all, the weak are meat; the strong do eat.
Sins of Omission by Kiyaar (Stony, WIP (tbh I still haven’t started reading this story, but the tags and summary sound perfect!))
A Post-Civil War, Pre-Secret Invasion AU where Steve is dead, Tony's a mess, and everything sucks.
In which Tony deals poorly with Steve's death, falls off the wagon, sees ghosts, and misses a lot.
Oh, and the Skrulls are about to invade.
That’s it. Read all warnings carefully and enjoy!
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teamsarawatshusband · 4 years
Word Of Honor - 1st watch insta thoughts - Episode 5
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
FYI (If you haven't read the previous summaries): Smirky Xing = Wen Ke Xing, Baby Xu = Zhou Xu/alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy, pleated skirt soldier boss guy = shen something, 5th brother from 5 Lakes
But let’s get started with Episode 5:
Okay, pleated skirt soldier boss guy chases the grandparents away and then wants to take the two mini wangjis with him. But the tree undies master guy isn't having any of it. So pleated skirt soldier boss guy isn't on anybody’s side. I see.
And there is another mention of 5 lakes abusing their power. Ominous.
The kids even wanna stay with tree guy. Must be bad.
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Oooooh, pleated skirt soldier boss guy is indeed after the glazed armor.
Oh, uncle Zhao and his peeps and everybody come to the rescue.
And uncle Zhao respects tree guy's wish to keep the wangjis. Is he genuinely a nice guy or just worried about everybody around, including Baby Xu and Smirky Xing and the kid?
Ooooh, super pretty scenery. Why can't we all live in places like that?
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Wheee, they get to feast with the family. And Smirky Xing is reciting poetry again. Everybody likes him it seems.
LOL, Smirky Xing is trying to feed Baby Xu. Who must get headaches from all the eye rolling.
Yo, what's up with tree undies master guy, why is he coughing?
Wait, are the little Wangjis also the kids of some 5 lakes brother? (Sorry, random thoughts about how things piece together, and lots of confusion)
Somebody's shouting for help. What's happening?
Young leader of something something, it was gone too fast. He'll be called magenta leader guy, if he ends up important. Ah, wait, he's from Broken Sword Manor. Have we been there before? I forgot.
Oh and he's chased by a ghost. And there's the smiley potato things flying in again. So the red masked ghost gang?
Oh, okay both magenta leader of broken sword manor guy and tree undies master guy vanish in the fog.
Pleated skirt soldier boss guy acts like an ass around the kid, encouraging him to drink along while drunk himself. What a jerk.
Uncle Zhao saves him and sends both to bed - individually i mean, obviously - , and seems genuinely nice, but I don't trust him still.
Whoa, pleated skirt soldier boss jerk guy is awake and just pretended! Even more of a jerk. What is he up to?
Oh, Baby Xu spots him and follows. Thank goodness, somebody needs to keep an eye on the mean guys.
There's some masked dark figure fighting with pleated skirt soldier boss jerk guy.
Something is going on at the main gate, and everybody runs there. Except maybe Smirky Xing, he's just cautious in general.
Oh no, somebody hung tree undies master guy outside the main gate. And it's raining smiley potatoes. Baby Xu is watching and they're all suspecting some happy ghost, because there's a batman-joker smile carved into the dead guys' faces. And happy ghost is apparently one of the masked ghost gang, which makes sense, because of the potato smiley paper crafts.
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Oh, now they're worried about the kid. Was it a trap?
No, he's with Smirky Xing and Baby Xu. How did Baby Xu get back there so fast?
Okay, Smirky Xing says some masked ghost guys were going after the kid but were bad fighters and he instantly chased them away. But can that be trusted? If he himself is nuts guy, they wouldn't fight him, would they? But then again... if he were one of them, why would he spare the kid? None of this makes sense.
Okay, magenta leader guy isn't dead yet. He's in some bed, and somebody is lying in bed with him. Some woman. Who is she? Oh, she says she's a ghost. Wait, does he know her? So has she REALLY died, like a dead ghost, not one of those living ghosts?
Dude, stop begging, if she IS a ghost, she's not gonna let you go, you fool.
Oh, ghost girl channels her inner Arya Stark and drops her face for effect.
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And magenta leader guy faints like a good damsel in distress.
Wait, she has a face again, but a different one (I think, not entirely sure) and she's one of the ten devils of ghost valley. A beauty ghost. Yeah, she's really pretty alright. And she's got a ton of friends with her.
Okay, what are they going to do with the unconscious guy? Kill him? They're just sharing make-up tips so far.
Baby Xu is trying to say goodbye to the kid. Aww, but the kid is gonna miss his dads. :(
There's a  flashback to some kid crying. There was also a name but I have no idea who he is. Was it Baby Xu?
Baby Xu sees a rooftop and flies up, I have no idea why. Was there something suspcious about the building? Huh?
Oh, somebody's pissed because their glazed armor got stolen. Ah it's pleated skirt soldier boss jerk guy and uncle Zhao who's not pissed just sad. Ohhh, so the ghost guys just wanted to steal the glazed armor and anything else was a decoy. I see.
Ahhhh, Baby Xu is on top of the roof, removing the tiles and listening in on their conversation, right when they say no outsider could know anything. Wow, they sure have a foolproof system.
Ok, 5 brothers of 5 lakes kept the 5 pieces of glazed armor? That does make sense.
Wait, why is nobody confused about pleated skirt soldier boss jerk guy being awake and sober all of a sudden????? Had uncle Zhao known that he was only pretending?
Man, that guy is made of pure anger and insults. If he dies at some point, he's probably gonna explode like a pinata hit by a dozen sticks at once, just because all the anger needs to get out first.
Ok, mad respect for uncle Zhao, because he is indeed a good guy it seems. He is capable of feeling guilt, and he doesn't want anything to do with the glazed armor anyway.
Okay, pleated skirt soldier boss jerk guy from now on will be called a-hole guy. Because, if the shoe fits...
BabyXu sees Smirky Xing flying away and is confused as to how he could also eavesdrop without being noticed by Baby Xu. I mean, that was Smirky Xing, wasn't it?
Oh, smirklord flying over the tree tops.
Yeah, Baby Xu, I wanna know too what Smirky Xing is up to.
Aww, "our little cheng ling". Smirky Xing is already feeling their dad status.
Oooooooh, Smirky Xing saved Baby Xu from the spiderweb wire stuff.
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Okay, some ghost talk, I have no clue what's going on. lol
I'm focusing on the important details. Like Smirky Xing fishing for info on Baby Xu's virginity.
Wait, who's bleeding from above?
Ah, there's the sleeve cutting. Yes. Nice.
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Oh the dead guy in the tree is the son of uncle Zhao? Wait, was he fighting with the dark masked guy? Not a-hole guy? Did I get them confused? I am so unable to understand anything, lol. I hate being faceblind. Somebody please let me know in the comments who did what while the manor was under attack.
Okay, dark masked guy's face is also shown and Bab Xu drops a name. I have no idea who that was, nor do I recognize the face. I'm so bad at this. Help?
WTH is "iron hook"??? Is that some special martial arts technique that only a few people can do?
Now they're speaking in riddles about animals. Owls, cicadas, yellow sparrows, praying mantisses. I have no idea what's happening. But it seems to be some sort of flirting.
Ok, now Smirky Xing says he's afraid of ghosts. I'm not sure if I believe that. He’s kinda looking a lot like nuts guy, after all, who is part of the ghost gang himself.
Oh, sure. When you're afraid of ghosts and more people dying... just go into the coffin house, because that makes so much sense.
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Ooooh, Baby Xu saved Smirky Xing from the spider web stuff this time. Niiiiice.
Aww, they're asking each other who they are. So... does that mean Baby Xu is interested after all? Hehe
Smirky Xing answers that he's a good person. Yeah, like that's not the exact thing a bad guy would say. Not suspicious at all.
Why are there paper animals all over the place anyway? Can anybody tell me?
Also, who lit the incense sticks?
Why are they splitting up? That's how you end up dead in a horror movie, wth???
Wait, what? That's Smirky Xing's dad? His dad looks the same age as him? Is he hallucinating?
Whoa, why is it day time? Ohhh, blurred vision. Definitely something shady going on.
Baby Xu is hallucinating people too, I think. Leader of Four Season's Manor. Is that his dad? Zi Shu, wait, was that Baby Xu's real name?
Anyway, dad guy is doing an Anna impression and asking Elsa Xu to build a snowman.
Oh, Baby Xu saw through the hallucination. Got out of it by cutting himself. He really is into pain, isn't he?
Eww, zombie guys. What did I say about horror movies? But, nice make-up!
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Oh no, Smirky Xing is still stuck in the visions.
And, more fabric is cut off. Baby Xu really doesn't like blood. Smirky Xing was not wrong.
HOLY SHIT! Smirky Xing called Baby Xu by his real name while hallucinating. So they DO know each other!!! :O
And THAT'S when they end the episode??? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, okay. I'm calm.
So, what have I learned: 5 lakes alliance can't be trusted. A-hole guy is a complete jerk. AND SMIRKY XING KNEW BABY XU WHEN HE WAS A KID!!! Also, side note, I miss my purple queen :(
Goals for the next episodes: Find out how they know each other!!! Also, why doesn't Baby Xu recognize Smirky Xing? Is he also disguised? I still need to work on the name chart thing, because there's new characters showing up in every episode and I'm so lost.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Episode 28~ Well, I heard this season’s supposedly got 60 episodes total (don’t quote me, that may be wrong) so we’re almost at the halfway point... I’m gonna wait till episode 30 to talk about that though.
This episode I actually rather liked, even though absolutely NOTHING happens other than the important things at the very beginning and the very end. That’s becoming a pattern this season - lots of nothing sandwiched in between hints of big dramatic things to come. Eh. But yeah, I liked it anyway :P for a few reasons that are probably not that objective. It’s not the kind of episode that’s gonna make you want to rewatch though.
Cap of the week!
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Look we all know Jou is exactly the kind of 12 year old who folds his clothes neatly even when lost in a mysterious parallel world. Also he brought more textbooks (social studies and Japanese). Aka more ammo for Mimi
More below:
Last week we ended with Patamon evolving to Angemon in what was a pretty anticlimactic moment, despite a big villain being there and a cliffhanger ending. Seemed like a waste after all we went through just to get him.
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However, I do think the beginning of episode 28 makes up for it somewhat. Angemon gets to show off how Very Very Cool he is, but it’s also made clear that he’s not up to full strength. Seeing him throw all his effort into the battle to save them even though it’s clear he won’t win was actually pretty great.
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More typhoon winds throwing everyone back XD they must have so many bruises
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Poor Takeru gets thrown back all by his lonesome
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So last episode, I said I thought Darknightmon was gonna go for Hikari and was surprised and somewhat relieved when he stayed interested in Takeru/Angemon. Um... I guess that was a red herring x’D he’s after Hikari after all.
He literally says “I have no use for you” to Angemon LOL sick burn my dude
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Hikari: “There is a new cutest child.”
Takeru: “Um, actually the phrase is ‘smallest child’.“
Hikari: “No. Cutest child. Do not interrupt my moment, impertinent one.”
Grogu: “Did someone say ‘cutest child’?”
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Angemon’s peeved that Hikari stole the spotlight so he immediately jumps into the way and prevents Darknightmon from grabbing her.
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Angemon: “No one treats ME like some washed up has-been!”
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But as hard as he tries, Angemon just hasn’t recovered enough. It probably took all the energy Patamon had stored up just to evolve. His wings lengthen and release into millions of shining feathers, and both he and Darknightmon de-evolve.
I really did kind of enjoy this battle! Seeing Takeru be all strong and heroic, and the desperation with which Angemon tries to protect him... me likey.
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Next it’s a nod to 99 series! D-D-Digimon!
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Yamato screams like he’s at the dentist’s.
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There’s lots of freaky black lightning that rains down seeming to give dark energy and empower random Digimon who get hit by it. Just to ensure our heroes don’t get to waste time on any more “breaks”
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A single feather floats down where Taichi lands and dissolves. I am not sure what happened to it, if it did anything or if it was what protected them until this point...
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Taichi and Hikari wake up and discover they are alone. So last week I thought they’d get swept off into pairs... I didn’t even consider that they’d each wind up alone. Mixed feelings! On the one hand, seeing each kid interact with their partner and their partner only was one of the good things about this episode (except it wasn’t always true, which I’ll get to in a minute). On the other hand, my fears last week were that whoever ended up with Taichi would be overshadowed by him. Turns out, if no one’s with him but Hikari, that means all the plot stuff is with them and the others have nothing in particular to do. -_-; At least not this week. My hope is that it’s coming (and there were a few promising hints this episode so), but next week’s trailer looks pretty Taichi-centric too..
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Taichi: “Can I help it if I’m so charming cool awesome and dare I say it adorable”
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The impact of everyone being “alone” is cut short by the fact that they can all still communicate via digivice. I would be fine with that, except for what I said earlier - they wind up spending too much time talking to each other instead of their partners. Particularly the ones who like to Plan Things. Eh.
Yamato tells Taichi to protect Hikari, doesn’t even mention that he’s sadly separated from Takeru at this point ;_; He knows Takeru’s okay though because Takeru is also communicating by digivice.
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Sora: “Hello yes, it’s in my contract that I get to be awesome X number of times per episode, and I have doubts that you are making your quota.”
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I love how Tentomon’s job is basically Koushirou’s secretary x’D “Put my calls on speakerphone Margaret” “Yes Mr Izumi”
The partners really are suited to each other... Koushirou gets a secretary, Jou gets a mom, Mimi gets a gal pal, Yamato gets a therapist, Sora gets a sister, Taichi gets a... preschool child who eats paste... -.-’
takeru and hikari don’t count because they’re Special and their main attribute is Cute
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All the kids have ended up alone except for super-charged monsters who want to eat them. Palmon hoists Mimi up a very sheer rock trying to escape Golemon who is not great at climbing but doesn’t seem to know that
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Meanwhile Jou... is like “Ohh yeah, you guys have it so rough, I’m trying my hardest too, keep fighting the good fight y’all”
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He’s relaxing in the hot springs and freaking studying.
Gomamon’s unusually fine with it though. Because he gets to swim. He says “Let’s invite the others here.” They’re both like YEAH THIS IS WHAT I CALL A VACATION
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It’s all fun and games until the hairy guy with the tattoos and veiny arms sharing your hot spring starts staring at your ding-a-ling. Uhhhhhhh.
he does make the “Nanimono?” joke so all is well lol
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No matter what form he takes, Patamon is always an Angel 👼
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Takeru is alone but he has Patamon... but Patamon is...
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... ADORABLE... and conked out. Takeru’s so proud of him though, look at that smile *sniff*
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Taichi remembers to ask Koushirou how conditions are back at home. This kid is too organized.
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Koushirou: “News and variety shows continue as normal even though the world’s ending.”
I’m not going to get into everything he says but it’s pretty much more of the same regarding the power influx from the human world to the digital world and the way the Zurumon’s attacks are wreaking havoc with electronics...
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Taichi almost says “You’re so sugoi!” Almost. He’s grateful anyway. *chews on those Taishiro breadcrumbs till they’re broken down to atoms*
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Then... Hikari’s acting strange!
Agumon: “What are you looking at?”
Hikari: “I don’t know.”
Taichi: “You don’t know but you’re looking at it?”
Hikari: “It kind of looks like Steve Buscemi... it’s hard to tell”
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Taichi’s not too wigged out by freaky Hikari because he’s lived with her all his life, and she’s always been a freak.
Baby Hikari: “Shteeve... bushemiii....”
Agumon: “Your sister’s weird.”
Taichi: “Yeah but she’s MY weird sister.”
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Yamato is fighting, of course. He stops for a moment to be impressed by how well Takeru’s handling himself. Garurumon points it out. I suppose it’s simply time to accept that this season Yamato is just not the disaster boy he was in 99 x’D
Now have some gratuitous adorable Patabutt images.
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Patabutt patabutt pata pata butt butt
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Um... is it just me or is Patamon kinda... oversized all of a sudden lol...
Takeru: “Did you eat all of my candy stash again?”
Patamon: “I just can’t seem to quit”
Takeru: “That’s it we’re getting you into rehab”
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Patamon tries to fly but just can’t ;____; poor baby is totally wiped out. Takeru takes a long time to catch on to that. I REALLY HOPE THIS GOES SOMEWHERE, like Takeru has to protect Patamon instead of the reverse etc... pleeeeease don’t just leave this where it is writers!! The potential for cute is endlessssss
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On the matter of Things That Are Not Cute... -.-;
Jou: “Please stop looking at my junk”
Nanimon: “Stop looking at mine”
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Mimi is much more useful! She discovers a shiny rock!
This rock... could be the raw material for their Crests!!! Squeee~!! I mean, it’s about time something about that came up, assuming it’s still a thing. (Since they already seem to have their Crests loaded in their Digivices and got to Perfect level without any talk of values and personal strengths, I don’t know how much of the old Crest legacy remains in this season.) I, uh, did the same thing in my fanfic so I guess I’m just biased... These could totally be Evil Rubies Of Darkness and Terror but I’d rather have Crests :p Of course I would have expected Mimi to find green stones in that case sooo... maybe not.
Anyway she and Palmon are suitably distracted from running from Golemon and go mining instead. I’m sure that will not cause any problems.
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We swing back to Taichi and Hikari, who are being approached by a big scary monster...
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Taichi: “Watch my Tarzan impression.”
Hikari: “Nooo! I don’t want to be Jane!”
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Fortunately Agumon evolves just to catch them in midair x’D Now is not the time for impressions, Taichi, seriously.
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They are attacked by Volcdramon, which is a dumbass name.
Taichi: “Velcromon the Velcro Digimon?”
Voldramon: “what NO i am Volcdramon-”
Hikari: “Voltronmon? Voldemortmon?”
Voldramon: *sniveling* “why does this happen EVERY time i JUST want to be one of the cool guys youre all such BULLIES”
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MetalGreymon and Volcdramon face off, but something’s not right! Much like... the Digimon in the last episode whose name I already forgot *cough*, Volcdramon seems able to absorb other Digimon’s power. This presents a problem because last time it took all of them shooting into its mouth together to overload it so they could win. MetalGreymon is having a hard time on his own as Volcdramon just absorbs all his attacks.
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Hikari prays to Jesus to save them. Digimon is approved for Christian families 👼👼👼
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ugggghhh I love them
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Taichi promises Hikari everything will be okay. His back-and-forth with MetalGreymon here is kind of cool. Every time MetalGreymon takes a hit, Taichi’s encouragement and coaching?? I guess keeps frustration at bay.
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Buuut eventually they’re both feeling pretty desperate :P It was hard for me to take this battle seriously since, after all we’ve seen MetalGreymon capable of, it seems weird that he should be struggling this much. But obviously they don’t just want to make him invincible. And this problem makes sense: the ability of Digimon to absorb attacks and turn them into energy is definitely a new problem.
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The question is, how do we solve it?
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Apparently it helps if you have a little sister who’s some kind of super battery.
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Taichi: “Nothing shocks me anymore with Hikari. She could announce she’s been Beyonce this whole time and I would believe it”
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WarGreymon appears (again) as his goldeny vision self, defeats Volcdramon, then promptly de-evolves back to Agumon.
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So the question is, why is this happening... From earlier episodes we know Agumon & co are some group of legendary warriors who have had their memories tampered with (??) to some extent (because they do still know each other, or at least Agumon and Gabumon remember knowing each other). Omegamon’s a given for that of course so I suppose that’s why. Hikari seems to be the key to unlocking the legendary warriors, maybe with Takeru. That’s my guess. Of course, Tailmon’s probably already in the bad guys’ clutches, much like Patamon was. I hope she’s still working for them. I want more double agent fun times. Also ANGST
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Hikari: “Thank you, Agumon-” *disappears*
Taichi: “GEEZ I can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t even breathe without something bad happening anymore, like excuse me for BLINKING”
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Yeah so... Skullknightmon appears and abducts Hikari like it’s nothing xD
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Skullknightmon: “What’s under arm number two? Iiiiit’s your sister!”
Taichi: “Aw damn, I wanted the sports car”
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Taichi quickly gives chase. I assume Agumon’s pretty exhausted after that and probably can’t evolve now. Bad timing. Oooor maybe this is all how Skullknightmon planned it...
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Then... the unthinkable! Hikari looks at her brother rushing desperately to save her... and turns away!
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Taichi is SHOCKED! Le GASP!
Taichi: “But but but I’m the MAIN CHARACTER”
Hikari: “Not anymore bitch it’s my show now”
Yeah okay jokes aside! This bit was AWESOME. Like, I’m sure it’s obvious that she can tell the voice that “called” her to the digital world is with Skullnightmon. Or at least, her heart’s telling her she has to go with him in order to meet that person (Tailmon, duh). I’ll be surprised if that’s not what’s going on. But... to so coldly just turn her back on her brother... I mean, maybe she also thinks she’s protecting him... but SHE JUST GOT HERE... holy crap...
To think we spent so long theorizing that Takeru would be the one abducted but no it’s Hikari... In retrospect should have been obvious. She’s 1) a girl and therefore a damsel, and 2) the one who was abducted in 99 xP
But I really like her semi-willingly going off with Skullnightmon. Much better than just screaming as she’s whisked away King Kong-style. In 99 she also got abducted voluntarily (I mean, it was coercion, so... that’s not voluntary, but you know what I mean). So they kept that in this season and I like it.
That’s it for this week’s episode! So the bits that I liked were the individual moments with the kids and their partners, of which we had more than usual but still not nearly enough. Nowhere near. In the end it was still a Taichi episode.
As a Taichi fan... it’s not like I’m ever sad that he gets more focus. But I love ALL the kids and they’re NOT getting development. We do keep getting hints about them but it’s so, so, so slow. To be fair, it’s not like we know THAT much about Taichi either. He gets so much focus because he’s always fighting. This season doesn’t seem concerned with personality and character bits like the 99 one, and I am gonna compare them for that. Because I think that was the heart of the 99 show. Without it, it’s missing something. I keep hoping it’ll come back, we keep getting those hints and special moments here and there, but the plot is such a distraction... if it was like a really good plot maybe I’d care less but...
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Next week...  as far as I can see, it’s another Taichi episode xP But I do think they’ll do the same as this episode and intersperse Taichi’s battle with what’s going on with the others too. If that’s how they do it, I won’t mind. It might even be better. Fine, Taichi can fight, as long as the others are showing us more about themselves and getting other things done in the meantime. Mimi and Jou both look promising. Takeru too. Sora and Yamato, not sure..
Koushirou better not just sit at his computer the whole time -___-
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Le owch.
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Taichi: “Look being the main character’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I have three concussions and six broken bones. Also I can’t feel my toes anymore”
hang in there bud im cheering for ya
22 notes · View notes
some-dr-writings · 4 years
Gundham Tanaka x Reader One-shot: First Date
Winter always had this captivating beauty about it. A lonely kind of beauty, so distant yet distinct. Nothing was quite like just looking out the window at the snowy mountain forest off in the horizon. Winter break had come and most life fled from the place, returning to their families or simply hid in their dens, like you. With a mostly empty cup of hot coco in hand you looked out that open window as if in a daze. A breeze flew past making the sharp contrast between the cool it brought and the hot cup more apparent. Without realizing it you pulled the mug just a bit closer to your chest, wishing for more of that warmth.
Taking a sip from it, something caught your gaze. Out in the white that distinctive berry purple scarf and long black coat leaped out, like adding a drop of lemon juice to a mild milk tea. “Ice Lord Tanaka, returning to the dorms already?” It was odd for the man to be returning to the dorms in the morning hours. It always took so much time and effort to properly tend to his creatures that he hardly had time for much else. “Ah, so the watcher of endless shadows has risen to search this low domain for a change. The demon beasts have taken to laying dormant in the new creeping polar environs that all but consumed this land.” “Huh, I guess you don’t have much to do with most of them hibernating.” Gundham simply nodded drawing your attention to his scarf. There was no movement whatsoever. “Even the Dark Devas?” “Indeed, they have too.”
“Hey, Dark Lord, want some hot coco?” “Hmm, I see no reason to decline such an offer.”
Gundham leaned against the wall beside your window as you prepared him a drink. At first glance not many would assume the Super High School Breeder and Super High School Level Astronomer would be friends but you two were. You both were very introverted, not finding much stimulation from being with too many others or in loud situations, you two kept to yourselves. Ironically that’s likely what magnetized you to one another. You didn’t need to talk to enjoy the other’s company. There was no need to fill the air with meaningless noise. You never had ‘how’s the weather’ kind of conversations, when you spoke there was always a specific purpose behind it.
Funny thing, the first time you two met you never spoke. You had set up your telescope and were star gazing when you heard an owl. Not thinking much of it you looked though that telescope, having an uncharacteristically difficult time finding Saturn. Moments later you heard some rustling. Finally taking a look behind yourself you saw a man you’d come to learn was called Gundham, wearing a big, thick glove with an owl perched on it. Minding your own business, you went about readjusting your telescope. And there you two stood, Gundham tending to the owl and you internally cheering having finally found that planet. Hearing another hoot, you were surprised it was so close. The man was beside you and the owl perched on his arm kept looking at you. Cautiously the bird was held out to you. Confused yet intrigued you gently held up a hand and pet the bird on the head with the back of your fingers. It’s feathers seemed to fluff out making the creature look even softer than it actually was. Gundham’s eyes slightly widened in surprise seeing the creature’s reaction before pulling his arm back. Facing out into the distance Gundham then threw up his arm, sending the owl flying, never to be seen again. Reaching into a small bag you had beside you, you pulled out a pair of binoculars and passed them to Gundham so he could watch it leave just a few moments longer, even in the far distance. After some time of looking through it, Gundham passed the binoculars back to you. Placing them away you took a few steps back and gestured to the telescope. After a moment of hesitation Gundham looked through it. Much time was spent showing him a few more planets a couple of stars. Soon though you and Gundham parted ways the same way you met. Wordlessly as you looked to the sky and he the horizon.
“So, what are you going to do now?” “That, in fact, was what I was pondering myself till you summoned me.” “Huh… Well, if you have nothing better to do, why don’t we go on a date?” Suddenly loud stifled coughing erupted from Gundham as his entire face flushed such a velvety rose pink. Perhaps you should not have asked that as he was mid-sip. When his coughing fit was over you simply passed him a handful of napkins in case he splashed hot coco on himself in the momentary chaos. “You okay there, buddy?” “I, t-the Supreme Overlord of Ice, am fine! I am unflappable!” “Uh-huh, suuuuure.” “Don’t take such a dry tone with me!” “Okay, okay. Sorry.” A light chuckle bubbled up from deep in your chest seeing a light steam radiate off the Dark Lord’s still flushed face. “But, seriously though. Let’s go on a date. It seems neither of us have anything better to do today, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t mind the idea of being partners. You’re my closest friend, we get along great, any good romantic relationship needs a stable base, I can’t see a more stable base than being good friends, and you’re cute. But if you don’t want to that’s A-Okay.” “Seeker of the Void, you should not speak of partaking in courting rituals so lightly! You do realize you are speaking with the one who shall soon rule this world, Gundham Tanaka, the Overlord of Ice!” “Yeah, I realize that.” Gundham simply stared at you, his mind momentarily blanking. “C-courting me shall be no easy task! Do you truly wish to even attempt such an endeavor?” “Well, if the date doesn’t go well or feels like every other time we hang out, we can just pretend this never happened.” “No. If you’ve the courage to face me and say such things you shall not yield! Prepare you soul for the clash of a lifetime! If you’ve the power to see through your words and fight to the end, I shall await for your challenge at the gates of this confined land.” With that said he placed his mug on the windowsill and walked away.
“… huh.” After placing the mugs on the small coffee table in your room you shut the window… A bright red dusted your cheeks as the situation really sunk in. Flopping onto your bed you buried your face into a pillow. Yes, you had a crush on the Dark Lord for a long time, but you didn’t think he’d accept! You were just saying it casually to test the waters! Oh, curse how you always got so fixated on things and just can’t let go! You weren’t mentally prepared to already be doing this! You didn’t even have a plan! What were you going to do!? A movie? Shopping? What!? What do people do on dates anyway!? You never dated before, the only things you knew about dating were the little you heard from your classmates and the romantic subplots you’ve seen on T.V. shows and movies!
The icy wind blew past causing Gundham to tug even more at his scarf.  A tinge of pink still softly dusted his cheeks since that proposal was made. A ‘date’… Even just merely thinking of that simple word forced his heart to pitter-patter faster and faster. How pitiful that a mere word could draw such a reaction from him. He was Gundham Tanaka and…. and… a-and… he had no idea what he was doing! But it was fine, it was going to be just fine. He was just going to hang out with you! It was fine! Right!? Maybe!? Like, sure, Gundham often found himself wishing you were by his side almost all the time, and the thought of going on simple little adventures like a date were all he dreamed of as of late, so doing for real should be fine, right!? He was getting the chance to do something he wanted! “BE STILL MY FLUTTERING HEART!” Who was he kidding, he was an absolute mess.
The sound of speeding foot falls crunching against snow rang out as you raced towards the breeder. “H-hey, Tanaka. So, is there anything you want to do?” “… You are the one who initiated this, I assumed you would have provided the ideas. Though, your consideration for my thoughts are appreciated.” “Well, if you don’t have any, I was thinking we could go for a walk at a park, maybe go shopping and watch a movie, take a nap, whatever we feel like really, oh and if we’re somehow lucky enough and the weather clears up, we could see a comet tonight! It’ll be extra gorgeous since it’s winter! In winter there’s less moisture in the air so the sky is more crisp and clear than at any other time! Though there are often clouds obscuring the view in this area so, it’ll be a gamble if we get to see much in the first place.” “Ah, go with our instincts and let the universe decide our fate, you’re saying. Very well then! I shall follow your lead.” “Alright, I guess we’ll just start walking and see where out feet take us!”
The pair of you walked in a comforting silence with your cheeks still red, but from the cold or your welling up feelings, neither of you knew. Having gotten to a park you found your gaze wandering around, lingering on the bare, spindly trees and that wavering gray lake. Glancing up at the sky you realized just how dark those clouds above were. Perhaps it would snow soon. The wind quickly picked up, constantly swirling and dancing about you two. It even threw up the long ends of Gundham’s scarf, whipping it around causing a crisp, sharp snap sound to occasionally ring out. With the noise neither of you noticed the similar clicking sounds that began to surround you till something hard hit your head. “Ouch! Wait, hail this time of year, or is it graupel?” All too quickly those ice chunks came raining down faster and faster as the wind grew more violent. “Or would this be sleet? Maybe we should ask a meteorologist. Is there a Super High School Level one at the school? But they’d li-” “Seeker of the Void, it matters not what it’s called. These are small, hard, painful attacks from the heavens. We must escape!” “Ah, you’re right! We can figure that out later!”
As you two ran with your arms covering your head, you raced to the small temple just ahead. “Well… at least we have shelter.” Gundham didn’t respond, just stoically looked out at the precipitation. “… Maybe going on a date today wasn’t the best idea. At least we got some exercise out of this.” You wanted to try seeing the bright side of this, but you could only find that one reason with your usual pragmatic approach. As you were searching through your coat pockets for your phone to look up if a Meteorologist went to Hope’s Peak, you suddenly heard foot falls. “Huh? Wa- Tanaka! Where are you going!?” “Wait here!” Gundham ran and slipped through the wind and hail not looking back. “… Tanaka you idiot! You’re just going to get hurt! What are you even doing!?” Seeing his form retreat off into the distance, a sigh escaped your lips. As much as you wished to chase after him, he specifically told you to stay put, so he clearly had some plan, but a plan for what? All you could do at this point was simply wait for him.
And so, you waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Perhaps it was your unsteady mind making the time feel like it was ticking away at such a slow pace, perhaps he truly was taking so long, but that time waiting for him to return felt like a thousand days. It was certainly not helped by you constantly looking down the white covered path the man had left on, but you couldn’t get yourself to do anything else, you were much too antsy. Then finally you saw a figure. Not even giving it a second thought you raced to it. Surely enough it was- “Tanaka!” You managed to stop yourself in time to keep from crashing into him. Absolutely out of breath, Gundham rested his hand on his slightly bent knee trying to catch his breath. His scarf hung loosely around his neck. “A. There is no Super High School Level Meteorologist. B. Were you running this whole time!? In THIS wind!” It was then you suddenly noticed what Gundham held towards you. “I-I have procured the best charm I could find in the cl-closest marketplace.” “An umbrella! Thank you Tanaka. Though, we could have just stayed at the temple for a while. You didn’t have to go to this much trouble. You must have gotten pelted by the hail or whatever this is. It must have hurt.” Straightening himself out, he looked you directly in the eyes. “I am the Overlord of Ice; these mere pellets can do no such harm to me! I was the only one who could salvage this date. Even if the heavens try to disrupt this union, this ritual, no such thing as fate shall stand in my way!” The softest, most tender of smiles formed on those lips of yours even in that harsh wind, sent the Ice Lord’s heart a flight faster than the flutter of a butterfly’s wing. “… o-oh. Thank you, that’s so sweet.” “S-sweet!?” As you took a step closer, he could feel his entire face igniting in that familiar heat. How were you able to do this to him without even trying?
Wanting to just momentarily hide away to compose himself he tugged up on his scarf. Just as he did so, more wind came thrashing about, stealing the garment. “Your scarf!” You immediately chased after it, leaving Gundham to run after you, desperately holding the umbrella just out far enough to cover you. Zipping from left to right to any direction it was thrown higher and higher. “I think it’s gone into the street!” “Void Seeker! You don-” “Rental bikes!” Dashing out of the park you smashed some yen haphazardly into the slot and took out a bike. You were already riding away when Gundham managed to hop on the bike stand pegs on the back wheel before you left without him. Gripping your shoulder for balance he used his other hand to hold the clear umbrella before you, acting like a windshield of sorts.
You certainly never thought you’d ever find yourself peddling on a bike so fervently in a storm before but here you were, fighting against the wind, suddenly swerving around the few cars that passed your way, making sharp turns when your balance was tossed off, desperate not to crash! The ice certainly didn’t make things any easier, causing the ground to be slippery and bumpy at the same time making control almost near impossible. Despite Gundham’s best efforts those ice chunks crashed into you, and even almost into your eyes at times.
Sliding down a steep hill you had to take your feet off the pedals fearing the overwhelming speed would break your knees. Everything was but a blur as you zipped down faster and faster. “Wait!” You looked over your shoulder to see Gundham, hoping being just a bit closer would make your voice a little more clear even in the thundering clicks and howls. “We might be fast enough now!” “What!?” “Tanaka get your scarf! It might be our only chance!” Understanding, he gave you a firm nod. You tried keeping the bike steady for Gundham, who had to stand on his tiptoes reaching out as far as he could. It seemed each time the scarf was within reach it slipped from his fingers. Every single time! “Tanaka!” You were already speeding all too closely to the bottom of the hill, and you had to make a sharp turn.
With a groan you slowly pushed yourself off the ground. “Y/N!” “Huh? Who is-… Tanaka?” He was absolutely unrecognizable. Never before had you seen him so close to you. Never before had you seen him look so worried, scared even. Never before had you heard him call you by your first name. “Where are you hurt? How are you feeling? Do I need to summon healers?” “Did you get your scarf.” “… Seeker of the Void! Now is not the time to fret over such things! What is most important is your wel-” “I see it, your scarf!” You hopped to your feet, quickly racing to it before it got uncaught in the fallen, dented bike. “I got it!” Immediately Gundham was at by your side, dropping the broken umbrella. “You appear well enough.” “Ah! Sorry! I just wanted to get it before it was blown away again. As for me… very sore, maybe some bruising, but nothing bad. I think I more rolled than crashed. What about you?” “Heh, a pitiable attack such as that is no match for me!” “Good!”
A deep sigh escaped you as you picked up the bike. “That was certainly more than enough excitement for a week.” “Let us take shelter there for the time being.” He pointed toward a little café nearby. “What about the bike? I don’t think we can take in it in with us.” “Leave it out here. Look around, other than us no others dare to brave this treacherous terrain. Though should our transport be taken, I’ll pay the price, this is done on my suggestion after all.” Though a little hesitant you decided to go along with that plan.
Stepping into the café was like entering another world. So peaceful, so calm, it was absolutely lovely! When you and Gundham sat down you realized just how exhausted you felt. You simply let yourself sink into the seat. “… Maybe I should have thought this out more. It was awfully spur of the moment asking you out.” You looked out the window to the chaos that dwelled outside. “It was cloudy, I should have had the forethought to check the weather at least.” “Seeker of the Void.” “I mean, I was actually awake in the day and not napping to go stargazing tonight because I knew the weather wasn’t good.” “Void Seeker.” “Maybe I-”
Your thoughts suddenly came to a halt feeling your foot being nudged. “Huh?” Gundham sat there with his arms folded. His gaze seemed to bore holes into your figure, focusing solely on you. “The past matters not. You may dwell on possibilities all you like, but that will not change it.” “Yeah, you’re right. We’ve just got to make the most of this moment, right?” “Exactly.” Seeing that small kind smile curl on his lips set your mind at ease. It was then you remembered something. “Oh, and since in this moment we’re inside I can give your scarf back without it blowing away!” Not wanting to accidentally touch Gundham, knowing he didn’t like contact, you opted to place the garment on the table and slide it to him. “I thank you.”
After that not much was said. You two just enjoyed the quiet. This was just what you needed. Yes, the other patrons were a bit too noisy for either of your liking, but it was nice getting to rest after the hectic time before… It wasn’t that bad in the café either. The floor and walls were soft, light tan, wooden boards, and the furniture were a wooden dark reddish-brown. It was all so mild and warm. The other patrons mostly kept to themselves. The sounds of the creaking of wooden seats, the light thuds of foot falls against the wooden floorboard, the clinking of silverware, and the soft playing of piano music filled the air. The food was good too. The flavors like the café were mild, but comforting. Could use a little something to make it pop, but you were an astronomer, not a food critic, so you didn’t care all too much. It still tasted good.
Soon the music had changed. Still piano, but it was up-beat or at least faster paced. Jazz perhaps? Whatever genre it was, it got your foot tapping to the beat. It was a rather catchy tune too. “Hmm?” Then something got caught under your toes. Wanting to continue your tapping you decided to nudge whatever the object was out of the way. Instead it lightly nudged back? You nudged it with your other foot, which was immediately tapped against by something else. Looking up to the man who sat across from you, you saw he had his eyes closed and arms crossed. Curiously, you lightly kicked forward getting caught on something. A small huff escaped Gundham before you felt the bottom of your foot being lightly pushed back.  
Continuing to tap, nudge, kick, and push one another you were desperately trying and failing to hide your ever-growing enormous grin as Gundham looked to be perfectly stoic and composed, not even flinching. You were now determined to get him to crack. You couldn’t be the only one smiling like a little child. As you were pondering on what to do, your foot slipped when pushing back, kicking the leg of the table sending all the silverware clattering for a moment. Without thinking you clamped your hands over your mouth, not wanting to burst out into nervous laughter and drawing more attention your way. At least you got a reaction from Gundham, who genuinely looked surprised. “Geez, Tanaka. You need to be more careful; we were almost caught.” You spoke just under your breath, not wanting others to hear. “Me? What could you possibly mean? You’re the one who kicked the table.” “You’re the one who started this.” “I, Gundham Tanaka, the Overlord of Ice, would never kick off such a childish game.” “’kick off’?” You desperately tried stifling you giggle hearing the Great and Mighty Gundham Tanaka of all people make a pun. In your little fit of laughter, you missed the tinge of pink which dusted his cheeks and his gentle smile which stretched from ear to ear.
Neither of you were willing to give up your little game, you both wanted to get the last hit in and be the winner. As the game continued you got lost in your own world, all composure thrown out the window, both giggling messes. Your fun was soon interrupted though as an employee came telling you, you were starting to disturb the other customers and that you had spent far too much time loitering around, not having ordered anything else in over an hour. Gundham abruptly stood from his seat, slapping some money onto the table. “You mortal believe you can tell me, the Overlord of Ice what to do!? Though bold you are quite foolish. Come my companion! Let us take flight as to not allow these fiends to humiliate themselves further!” He then gently tugged on your coat. “… Sure, but I must add, you’re really freaking cute Tanaka.” “Cute!? P-preposterous!” Then you zipped past him, lightly kicking his foot. “You fiend! You managed to pull off such trickery! Not that it will matter for long though, for I shall be the winner!” He swiftly made chase after you out of the café.
You ran up and down the streets with the bike in hand trying to avoid Gundham’s attacks while hitting back with your own counters. Only the laughter you two shared could be heard in the calm desolate white world. It was gently carried along by the breeze ushering the peace that now existed. You noticed a glint in the Ice Lord’s eyes, as smirk formed on his lips. Suddenly white ice was kicked up distracting you from your advance and you were counter attacked! Loud, cheerful laughter erupted from deep within Gundham, and continued to do so as he spoke. “Oh dear, sweet, Seeker of the Void! You are in my domain now! There is no hope of your winning this match, for I am Gundham Tanaka, the Overlord of Ice!” “Ha! I bet you can’t get the last hit before we get to the park!” “Hah! I’d like to see you even attempt such a feat!”
The closer the two of you neared the park the more heated the battle became. You felt your heart pounding as you ran. You got the last hit, you just needed to keep dodging and you’d win! Though constantly running and laughing was not a good combination, you were so lightheaded you were likely a little delirious. Gundham was in the same position believing he was winning. Whatever the case was, neither of you could care at this point it was too fun. After placing the bike back in the rack, you leaned against it, trying to catch your breath. “Oh boy, I-I’m exhausted.” “Hmph, t-though you spend your life still and gazing, you put up quite a fight!” “Well, I guess that’s what you get for hiking up mountain peaks for the best view!”
As you made sure the bike was properly secure, Gundham’s gaze shifted towards the heavens. “Void Seeker, do you believe the winds shall grant us a clear view of you comet?” “… You remembered that? I just mentioned it off hand, didn’t I? Or did I start rambling again?” “That matters not, you spoke of it, and it’s your passion. I would never forget.” Your eyes sparkled with delight. “Well, the sky is starting to clear up so there might be a chance! Though obviously checking the weather report is the best, but I’ve found that so often it can be wrong that I just use it as more of a guideline. At this point I just go with my instinct and knowledge of the weather since I have to deal with it so much, I’ve learned a thing or two about how it works, and I think… I think we might have a chance!” “So, we are too rest now?” “Yeah! If we wanna stay up all night stargazing we’re gonna have to sleep now! Aw, I hope this works out!” Giddily you skipped into the park, twirling and spinning around as you took out your phone, setting an alarm.
“This looks like a good napping spot!” Kicking your feet up, you fell onto the ground. “Out here and not the dorms? I assumed you’d wish to quickly collect your tools.” “We’ll have enough time to get to the dorms later! Right now, I’m tired from all that running so we’ll just nap here!” Not questioning your reasoning, Gundham simply shrugged his shoulders and fell onto the ground beside you. Curling up into your coat and closing your eyes you swiftly fell asleep, just barely registering the single light nudge against your foot.
With a yawn and a stretch, you awoke to that dreaded, awful, blaring siren. “… not a cloud.” Gundham slowly sat up, grunting as he tried rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. Standing up you lightly nudged Gundham’s foot. “We need to get going if we wanna get the shopping done and get back to the school by night fall.” “Shopping?” “Yeah! We’re going to get hungry staying up all night.”
There was a spring in your step as you merrily walked along the sidewalk, occasionally playfully kicking at your companion’s feet to which he’d return the favor. The sun had yet to set but it was close to doing so. You watched as each of your breaths froze in the air before dissipating into mist and gently swirling away on the wind. The soft crunching of the ice beneath one’s footfalls was absolutely delightful on the ear.
Quickly you spotted that small neon sign flash on in the distance. Your pace slightly quickened, daydreaming of the delightful treats that awaited you and your companion inside. Arriving at the tiny convenience store you went straight to a specific aisle. “Hey, Tanaka pick out whatever you want, alright? I’ll pay!” Then you zipped around already knowing what you wanted. The elderly man behind the counter smiled and lightly waved as you passed by for a moment. “Ah, Y/N going out on another trip?” “Nope! Staying at school this time. Sorry I won’t be buying as much because of that.” “Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll be fine. You’re not my only customer you know. Now, who’s this fellow here?” “He’s my date.” “Oh, a date. I see I see. Wait… is this the great Gundham Tanaka I’ve heard so much about?” You froze for a moment feeling a blush cover your entire face. “Y-yeah. And I haven’t talked about him that much!” The man chuckled seeing Gundham’s cheeks flair up. “Ah, youth.”
The place was filled with brands and treats Gundham didn’t recognize. All the packaging was quite colorful too, a stark contrast from the simple, calm store. He meandered around looking for some treat as you chatted away with the man behind the counter about the comet tonight. Soon something caught the Ice Lord’s attention. It was but a plain blue box, a single side was see-though allowing one to spot the dull gold orb inside. “Chocolate Orange” was all that was written on the lid. After taking a few more moments to see if anything else caught his fancy he made his way for the counter, sliding the box to you.
“Huh? Aren’t you going to scan the items?” The man lightly shook his head. “You finally gained the courage to ask the young man out. I’m not going to have you worry over payment.” “What? No! I have to give you something!” “Alright, alright. Take your friend out on an out of town date some time and buy some extra treats for the road. Now get going, I’m sure there’s more exciting things to do on a date than speaking with an old man.” He laughed once more seeing how you and Gundham so easily blushed at his comments.
“Sorry about Mr. Sato. He’s a good acquaintance of mine who I end up rambling to when I go to his store. It’s always my last stop before I go on any trip stargazing, his place has the best snacks that can last for a long time!” The sun was just beginning to set, casting orange, purple, red, and yellow hues across the sky. “So, what did you get? Something new to try or an old favorite?” “Something new. Should the mere thought be tantalizing enough we could try it now.” “Oh, good idea! We can see if it’s good or not now and not have to deal with it later when the comet arrives if it’s not.”
Quickly sifting through the small paper bag, you took out the small box and held it out to Gundham. “Oh! Uh… Should I place it on the ground, or…” Your words trailed off seeing Gundham hesitantly hold up his bandaged hand. Ever so gently he took the box, his fingers brushing against yours. You swore your heart skipped a beat in that moment. Playing footsies was one thing it wasn’t really touching, but this… Neither of you spoke of it, there was no need. Words simply would have muddled the message that simple act conveyed. A simple act that meant everything to you. Getting so absorbed in the moment you almost didn’t notice how the now empty box was held out to you. “o-oh, Oh!” With a shaky hand you took the box back.
You watched as Gundham simply held the orb for a moment. The sun was directly behind him, casting his figure in a bright glow, simultaneously as a long dark shadow trailed from him. Unwrapping the gold foil from the treat, the chocolate inside was revealed. The chocolate was clearly cut into many pieces yet, still held it’s shape. After a moment of struggle Gundham managed to snap an orange segment shaped slice out… Then he held it out to you in his open bandaged palm. You heard your heart pound in your ears. Your mind sputtered to a stop just staring at that hand. All you could do was keep walking. Hesitantly that hand loosely closed and retracted, falling to Gundham’s side. You were suddenly snapped back to your senses when you felt something shaking beside your hand. Still trembling it slid into your open palm. As your fingers curled around the slice your hands parted.
The milk chocolate was mild with an orange zing that spread through the entire thing.
Gundham stood before your dorm room as you came out with your disassembled telescope in it’s case. The pair of you quickly climbed your way up to the rooftop of the dormitory. Once there you set about preparing and reassembling the telescope. You then spread out a blanket and laid atop it, simply waiting for the show to begin. After an hour or so of occasionally nudging the other’s feet with your own it finally happened. A streak cut through the sky quickly dissipating. Then another, and another till those streaks filled the sky. Confused, Gundham turned to you. “Do you know how the phenomena of meteor showers or shooting stars happen? Most often they occur when a comet passes by. The comet leaves a lot of stuff behind in it’s travels, that stuff getting pulled in by a planet’s gravity. As it enters the atmosphere, it burns up, disintegrating before it even gets to make impact, that’s why it’s so bright.”
Your eyes always seemed to be fixed on the sky, it was rarer your gaze shifted to anywhere else. Gundham used to wonder why that was. Was there something up there you longed for that was out of reach here? Did you just like marveling at it’s beauty? Quickly after meeting you, he stopped questioning it. It didn’t matter really. It just meant that if you even did pay attention to anything else, it must have been quite special indeed. So, when you turned to glance at him, to him, the world stopped. Being with such a person, a person who only dedicated their time to things they cared about and nothing else. It made him feel like he meant absolutely everything… that must have been why the simple word ‘date’ could send his heart aflight. It was because YOU said it. You asked him, not the other way around. You really wanted to be with him.
You shivered as that cold wind brushed past. As you hugged yourself you noticed Gundham had scooted closer to you. Undoing his scarf, he rewrapped it around himself but with only one end, the other was gently placed atop your shoulders. A content sigh slipped from his chapped lips seeing you so tenderly wrap the garment around yourself.
Though that night felt to be an eternity the sun still rose. Neither of you dared move as it climbed higher and higher into that brightening sky. Gundham tried stifling it, but you still caught the yawn that managed to escape him. You gently tugged on the scarf, signaling Gundham to stand up. You slowly set to disassembling the telescope, collecting your trash and rolling up the blanket. The whole time you were tied close to one another, not willing to loosen the scarf even a little.
All to soon you found yourselves standing before your room. Gently you untied the scarf. “… Void Seeker. I… I wish to continue this ritual. This ‘date’ was but the first step after all. So… would you have me? To keep close…” He feared his heart was going to burst from his chest as he spoke. He found he couldn’t look you in the eyes. “… Want to stay up all night for New Year’s Eve and day, but that’s a few days from now… Well, it’ll take a day to readjust our sleeping schedule. I’ll be up for being awake in the day, day after tomorrow!” “Y-yes! Certainly! A-and I, Gundham Tanaka, shall plan the date this time! Come and reunite with me at the same place and time from our date yesterday!” His strangely excited yet nervous laughter filled the air as he practically sprinted away.
Dashing into his room he slammed the door shut. He took deep breaths trying to steady his racing heart. Leaning against the wall he slid down, just letting gravity take him. Lightly chuckling, he smiled, it sinking in that he got another date! Wait- were you two going steady now? Were you partners!? Then that familiar pitter patter of feet filled the air. “My Devas, you’ve awakened!... You sensed the Void Searcher’s presence on me, no doubt…” The four hamsters quickly, yet sleepily scurried towards Gundham. “Y-yes……… I- N-NO THEY ARE NOT MY MATE, WE’RE STILL COURTING!... well… not at the moment, I believe? M-maybe…” Of all beings, Gundham never thought his loyal Devas would be teasing him about his crush… or would it be his partner? He burrowed his face into his scarf, desperate to hide… The scarf you also wore… So much for trying to slow his heart! “It seems these affections for Y/N will be the end of me.” Hugging the scarf close, he smiled, day dreaming of what to do on your next date.
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