#they really did go apeshit for this song
dragonkingabc123 · 2 years
Here, moments before getting absolutely DESTROYED and a beer thrown all over me by a mosh pit starting
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hollow-port · 1 year
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Do y’all ever think about how Nina Simone sung “Feeling Good”  to express a particular kind of euphoria: that which comes with liberation from oppression, and then one white boy sung it, and now it’s suddenly a “Villain song.” Cause I do. I do a lot~
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temiizpalace · 10 months
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SUMMARY: while shopping at sam’s store, you saw “just dance” on the shelves! no idea how it got here or how it exists here, but you bought it with no hesitation. you wanted to play, so you invited a friend. how good are they at it?
CHARACTERS: all dorms (+ grim)
GENRE: fluff, but kinda crackfic-ish
WARNINGS: cursing
readers gender is not mentioned, implied to be Yuu
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actually plays correctly, but gets a low score for no reason
he is putting nothing but his blood, sweat, and TEARS into this game right now. okay, that’s an overstatement. but he’s literally doing the best he can and this game is mocking his efforts. what’s he doing wrong?! why is he so bad at this? you’re literally 10x ahead of him. when you both finish playing, he tells you this game is absolutely rigged and that you should return it. when you refuse cause it cost you an arm and a leg (and it could give you a lead home), he sighs and continues to play. sulking and sighing at his low score as you both play.
grim, riddle, deuce, trey, jack, azul, sebek, malleus
plays correctly and gets a high score
he’s actually better than you’d thought he’d be. for playing a game from another world, you’d think it’d take longer for him to understand. respect. for a new player, his score is also higher than you expected. he thinks this game is really fun! you two should play more often together, cause he’s having a blast. it’s that or he just enjoys absolutely destroying you in this game. when you both finish playing, he’s either smirking at your defeat, or smiling and wants to play again. maybe both..
cater, jade, jamil, vil, epel, ortho, silver
literally just jumping around. they don't care about the score
depending on who this is, he’s either kalim, just having fun and enjoys playing a game with you. or the rest, doesn’t give two fucks about the score and is just going apeshit. whoever he is, he’s not paying attention to the screen at all and is just having the most random movements ever. you’re shuffling to the right? well he’s shuffling to the left. are you supposed to jump? well now he’s crouching for some reason.. is this a partner dance? too bad, he’s gone solo. when you both finish playing, he doesn’t even glance at the score and had already selected another song. oh boy..
(his score is still somehow higher than the first category’s..)
grim (sometimes), (kind of) ace, floyd, kalim, rook, lilia
extremely competitive for no reason
while your having fun and enjoying something you’re familiar with, he’s doing his absolute BEST to make sure his score is higher than yours. he wants this victory, and bad. maybe sometimes over-exaggerating his movements to see if his score would go higher. like damn, chill out. this isn’t a world championship just dance game or something.. (maybe it is). when you both finish playing, he’s literally sweating beads. his attention would immediately shift to the score. if he beat you, hooray. now get ready for round 2. if he lost, oh hell no you’re playing again.
grim, ace (competitively jumping around lmao), ruggie, jamil, vil, epel, idia
literally just sitting on the couch throwing around the wii remote
leona would. there’s no denying. he scoffs and asks you why the hell would you put so much energy into this game? for the record, nobody dances like that. how will he benefit from this? hm? exercise? pshh, then he could just go play spelldrive. but if you really wanted him to play, fine. if it gets you off his tail. however if he’s playing, he’s playing his way. while you put your entire soul into the game, he’s resting his ass on the couching while swinging around the wii remote on his wrist. he gets an average score. AVERAGE. what the hell?! if you tried to do that, then let’s say your score was definitely less than average. better luck next time, herbivore.
absolutely destroying you.
he’s just better. he’s already a great dancer, what’d you expect? if you try to beat him, there’s no chance. when you did win, you knew he was just pitying you. he’d smirk after the final scores were revealed and just give you a pat on the back with a “nice try.” alright you little shit you’re going down. you select another song and starting pouring your heart into this. he admires your efforts, so he’ll go easy on you. somehow he still beats you what the fuck.
jamil, vil
bold of you to assume he’s never played
new player? new player? that’s cute. well news flash: he’s already played this game, normie. don’t lie, you were shocked. idia? idia shroud? playing a game that involves needing to move physically? playing a game that doesn’t involve farming or pulling in a gacha? haha inactive idia very funny. anyway, he already knows the ropes. he bought the game when sam kept pushing him to buy it. since he was peer pressured, he bought it. but it wasn’t a loss. ortho told him to be more active so he thought this would be a shortcut. kind of is. when you ask to play, he’s already got it set up. prepare to be outmatched. ends up really tired after playing though.
forgot to use the wrist thing on the wii remote. the remote is either broken or something else is
it flew.
ace, deuce, floyd, kalim, lilia
it doesn’t detect him
child of man, why can’t it detect him? he’s doing everything correctly (after technical difficulties), but it can’t tell he’s there. why? is your game broken? no, you’re score is just fine. is his remote broken? no, you replaced the batteries beforehand. is his controller is connected? yes, yes it is.. so what could it be? you look like you’re having fun though.. so he’ll power through it. (he’s pouting though.. poor tsunotarou 💔)
everything is suddenly on fire
what the fuck how’d this happen.
floyd, rook, lilia
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A/N: hello I’m new to writing on tumblr lmao
hope you can welcome me with open arms (◍•ᴗ•◍)
date written: 11/23/23
© temiizpalce — don’t steal or copy my work!
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omegalomania · 2 years
someone put the full q&a that fall out boy did the other night on youtube and while i'm going thru it for highlights there's this exchange that was WAY too long to bulletpoint so i'm just transcribing the whole thing here. this was mostly just patrick and pete talking to each other but i need to note that andy was grinning SO big the entire time at the side and it killed me dead.
so, the answer they gave when the band was asked about the song that took the longest to complete on "so much (for) stardust":
patrick: probably this song "heaven, iowa." this is the truth...i hated that song. i wrote it, i sent it to pete [...] i send him everything, 'cause i don't like any of it. but i was like "i don't believe in this one, i don't like it," really far into the production.
pete: really pumped me up to hear this song.
patrick: i'm GETTING there, man!
pete: "got an elevator pitch for you, it's a fuckin terrible song, i hate it. lemme know what you think."
patrick: by the way, this exact type of anecdote is why i didn't talk on stage for like 20 years. remember that? so this is true - sorry, this is a side tangent but very true, we were playing a show with this band "killing tree" and i was the only one that had a microphone, naturally, and so i go "here's, uh, here's a new song..." and i don't know i said something silly like, "it took me like five minutes to write it" and i was being self-deprecating or something, and pete was like "well that's the last time you're talking."
pete: that is NOT actually what happened! you did the harry caray -
patrick: it was something - that was the next show!
pete: oh. the harry caray one...
patrick: that was a different one. so then there was another show, 'cause...i am...wont to do impersonations once in a while and there's a guy from chicago, an old broadcaster in chicago called harry caray, and i just did this harry caray impression and a few people laughed and i was like, "oh, yeah!" and i kept doing it. but the thing. the thing IS. this probably lasted -
pete: "i'm gonna do this impression until everybody stops laughing."
patrick: you're gonna like it! no, but um...so i kept doing it and it was probably only about a minute? it felt like 30. so whatever. anyway, um...the song that took the longest was this song, "heaven, iowa." we'd been working on it, and i wasn't really sure of it. every day we'd go in the studio, i'd ask joe to lay any ideas he had on the verse, any atmospheric guitar or synthesizer or something, and i'd lay down all these ideas, and then there was this moment - we recorded in a studio in seattle, and there was this weird synthesizer that i had and somehow that was it. i landed that and the whole thing came together, and now it's one of my favorite songs on the record. but there's some moments in there where it's just my voice and some other things, there's some sparse moments, and i don't like that a lot. i don't like...it's like hearing your voice on an answering machine.
pete, gesturing at the crowd: ask them if they like it.
[crowd promptly goes apeshit and patrick shakes his head and looks down while pete just fucking smirks at him]
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aesterblaster · 7 months
Bad Dogs Can Learn New Tricks
Which Blue Lock Characters Have Gone To Therapy, In My Humble Opinion. (+ Who Desperately Needs To But Hasn't + Who Might In The Future)
Warnings: Some spoilers for way past the U-20 Arc, also not an extensive list of characters, honestly kind of funny. I wasn't trying to be TOO serious
Songs: Falling Behind / Laufey , The Main Character / Will Wood , Nothing's New / Rio Romeo
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Has Gone To Therapy And Loves Their Therapist Gang
-Anri, There is no way she is able to have that much patience and take that much shit from corporate without having a therapist. I think she uses like 1/5th of her paycheck on books about improving your life and stuff like that LMAO. Her therapist is also a woman so it helps her to have someone who understands her frustrations with not really getting credit despite being one of the founders of Blue Lock. Also sometimes she gets worried she's unethical towards the boys so that weighs on her.
-Kenyu, Look it's still in progress ok? He was just starting before he came to Blue Lock. Once he realized he was going to lose his vision he started working with a professional and found it really helpful. In fact they were the one who encouraged him to go after Blue Lock in the first place. One of the reasons he was so quick to say sorry to Isagi is because he has those #coping skills.
-Gagumaru, After having a run in with a bear in the woods he kept having nightmares and his parents made him go to therapy. Well it was kindddd of therapy..it was a hippie who's a family friend. That doesn't mean he doesn't know grounding techniques. He even taught Naruhaya how to calm down from a panic attack once. But yeah, he doesn't really tell people that he went to therapy
-Snuffy, After his best friend's death he went to therapy ASAP. The type to only call his therapist once every 5 months and still have a rock solid relationship with them. His therapist helped him break his womanizing habit and realize that he's enough all on his own. 100% did some soul searching and stepped away from the scene. He also combined the therapist with a personal trainer to really max out his healing process. 100/10 dude for it.
"I Have Gone To Therapy And It Didn't Work" Crew
-Chigiri, Similar to Kenyu, his parents thought he might need some mental health help after the trauma of thinking he'd never be an athlete again. But he was one of those cold shoulder my mom is forcing me to do this cases. He never actually worked through what he might do if this whole thing falls through. Also snarkiness 100, his therapist almost quit because he was so insulting to them. Chigiri just felt ashamed that his parents even thought he should go in the first place and convinced his sister to also beg them to stop taking him lmao.
-Isagi, Okay at some point his parents realize he takes faliure wayyy too hard and tried to get him in therapy. When he talked to the therapist though the dude was like "Yeah, he's just competitive. Nothing wrong here." Alas, he's been masking for so long that he's incapable of revealing his issues to anyone who hasn't known him for 3 years or plays sports with him. Also, he convinced himself he doesn't need it and then idly imagines just going apeshit and killing his enemies to cope with stress...like bro...
-Noa, Why do you think he gets along with Isagi? All jokes aside, his PR people probably asked him to do it and he went and then secretly never went back. It honestly didn't work because he wasn't willing to give it a chance. And still isn't!!!! Would rather backflip off of a yacht than tell someone in a lounge chair about how growing up in intense poverty still haunts him sometimes, makes him question his worth and avoid conflict in day to day life. Sometimes he wonders if one day he'll wake up and find out it was all a dream....But nah he doesn't need therapy!
-Oliver, He was soooo close to actually getting his mental health in check but then his therapist retired. After that he got another really seasoned one and saw the amount of case files in his desk and just felt like a straight up burden. One of those "other people have it worse" and "it is what it is" guys. He's very open about his emotions and feelings so he just talks to his friends when he's really struggling. (Even though Sendou never says the right things-) Like yeah it's their job but why bug these nice people when sex?? Why talk about issues in sessions when he can get drunk or go train for 4 hours??? Riddle him that?
The "I Need Therapy And I Know It" Team
-Ness, He has so many fucking issues. Honestly, despite his devout worship of Kaiser he does realize that his behavior isn't quite healthy or normal. Dude tries to show you a funny video on his phone and all of his ads are for Betterhelp. Genuinely trying to figure out a diagnosis. Yes he has looked up all sorts of personality disorders and no he doesn't think he has any of them (He has at least two). But again, Ness is self aware enough to know that some help or someone to talk to who sees him as an actual human being would be nice.
-Niko, He cannonicaly describes himself as very very introverted and nerdy, also he hides his face. Tell me you were bullied in school or at least had an extremely traumatizing incident without telling me. Kind of never had anyone, just people who hung around because of his soccer skill or avoided him like the plague. He is that guy who will rant about "society" online for hours and fantasize about moving to a different country thinking he'd get better treatment there. Cripplingly lonely and self conscious at the end of the day, in all honesty. Also he genuinely wants a therapist but just can't afford one.
-Hiori, Obviously his parents are the ones who stop him. He tries to go and his mom realizes where he's making her drive him and swerves off. Even when he gets his license, you just know they're tracking everywhere he goes. He doesn't have enough privacy to really get better like that, Hiori has to wait until he moves out. Still genuinely fucked up by the fact that Gagumaru has gotten therapy and he hasn't. Just listens to emo music and plays video games and pretends that that fixes everything. He's totally releasing a top-selling book about his horrible childhood after Blue Lock.
-Bachira, Is he outgoing and silly? Yes. Does he need better coping skills? Also yes. Men will tell you the most horrible and traumatizing childhood memories about getting jumped and then laugh it off, and it's him, Bachira is men. He ties to brush off his trauma with humor but it never really works. He knows that he genuinely needs to talk to someone other than Isagi or his mom about the Monster and how it was by his side for so long. But also never goes through with getting professional help, just thinks about it sometimes.
The "What's Therapy? Fuck You!" Group
-Kaiser, Oh god, don't even suggest it to him. I headcannon that mental illness kind of runs in his family. He's watched family members be taken away for being too out there and openly mentally ill so he has a reason to not trust doctors. Just associates therapy and things like it with abusive institutions. If he told a therapist all of his issues, he'd probably be sent to a psyche ward. Just the threat of being sent there single handedly kept him from killing himself or talking about his feelings when he was younger. He will continue to just be slightly abusive to the people around him thank you very much.
-Ego, Bro's got the government banning him from soccer and you think he's thinking of therapy? When Anri tells him he needs it offhand, he's like, revenge is my therapy. Insane as fuck but thinks that it's a good thing. He is not willing to talk about his issues to anyone, but especially not someone who will write it all down. Genuinely ruined a few relationships in his past because the main people he attracts are the "I Can Fix Him" people and it just never works. Suprisingly unself aware for how much he analyzes others.
-Barou, His main issue is just shame and failed gifted kid syndrome. But as soon as he's back up he's convinced he doesn't need help. Barou suffers from really high highs and really low lows but he also has the mental fortitude to handle it. He is a well adjusted and kind enough person outside of the soccer field so he never considers that he needs therapy. When he feels bad about himself he hits the gym but he's never really opened up to anyone and he sure isn't going to start once he gets more famous. Especially when he's seen as one of the best right now, can't risk his reputation.
-Rin, He's would rather gut himself with a sword than admit that his mental illness doesn't make him a cool loner wolf and just a lonely person who hasn't healed his inner child. Kind of just wants someone to baby him and tell him everything's going to be alright but in the mean time his barriers are up 24/7. He disdains therapy, thinks that he'd just be seen as a pay check and he kind of isn't wrong. Rin would rather pay money for expensive cleats than spend it for someone to suggest him breathing exercises. He also had a traumacore phase, but he'd rather not talk about it.
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 7
Hello! It was a bit of a rough morning for me with the hate I got earlier. Maybe I could have worded it nicer, but I'm tired of gatekeepers that think everything ever has to be canon inspired, but if you have a difference of opinion about what is canon then them you're delusional.
And then my son nearly fainted at his school singing program this afternoon. He got sent home yesterday due to being over emotional at school (couldn't stop crying), but we thought it was just a bad mental health day. Apparently not.
So it was a little hard wanting to post today, even though I have a backlog of 15 chapters across 5 stories because I was feeling overly emotional.
So I hope you enjoy a little bit of sexy times for our boys. I told you I'd bring Eddie back sooner, rather than later.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  
18+ Under the Cut
Eddie was in his room trying to nail down the bridge on a song he was writing when he heard a small scratching noise at the front door. He set his guitar aside and listened closely.
There it was again.
He wasn’t expecting anyone today. He got up warily and was at the door in an instant. He looked through the peephole and huffed out a laugh.
He opened the door and leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed.
“You barely left me last night and you’re already at my door step again?” he teased.
There was that wolfie laugh Eddie adored so much.
“Come on in before the twins next door think you’re a doggy to play with and chase you all over the trailer park.”
Steve laughed again and Eddie shook his head, moving to the side to let his boyfriend in.
Steve shifted back to human and wrapped his arms around Eddie’s neck loosely. “Hey baby.”
Eddie purred. “Hey, sweetheart.”
Even though he knew that Steve being naked wasn’t a sexual thing, it didn’t stop him from grabbing that beautiful bare ass anyway.
He dived into Steve’s lips kissing and licking his way into that perfect mouth.
Steve’s arms tightened around Eddie’s neck, grinding against the hard planes his body. He wrapped his legs around Eddie’s waist and let him carry him into the bedroom.
He kicked the door closed and proceeded to have his wicked way with him.
Once they had come several times and had finally wore themselves out, Eddie rolled over on his back and huffed out a laugh.
“I know you didn’t just come over to fuck,” he said, throwing his arm over his eyes, “so what’s the real reason for the visit?”
Steve laughed. “You are very distracting, you know?”
Eddie grinned. “It’s that ass, baby. I just can’t get enough.”
“That’s fair,” Steve said. He rolled over on his side to look at him. “You know how it was Josh’s first day with the pack?”
Eddie immediately straightened up and looked down at Steve. “Yeah? How did that go?”
“He’s a good kid and I don’t think we’ll have any problem with him,” Steve hummed.
“But...” Eddie asked, tilting his head forward.
Steve sat up and wrapped one arm around his knees. “When you were growing up did you have any days where the teachers would talk about supernatural kind? But not like on days the supernatural kids would be there?”
Eddie sat up too and frowned. He thought hard. “You know, now that you mention it, there were days like that. It was straight up bullshit, so I never really paid attention...” His eyes went wide. “Shit you don’t think that’s why Jason and them went apeshit, do you? The shit they were learning about on moon days?”
Steve bit his lip. “I don’t know. It worries me that they’re getting anything like that at all.”
Eddie nodded. “I don’t know of anyone who’s not supernatural, not anymore.”
Steve lifted his head. “Yes you do. The drummer of your band, what was it called, Carrion Coffin or something?”
“Corroded Coffin,” Eddie gently corrected.
“That’s the one,” Steve said, snapping his fingers. “I know Jeff is a vampire like you and Brian is some other supernatural being...”
“Siren,” Eddie said, rubbing his chin. “I’ve always suspected Gareth might be a supe of some sort, but I could never confirm it.”
“But if he’s still going to school,” Steve said hopefully, “and not allowed to take moon days off due to whatever kind of supe he is, then he might be able to do some recon for us.”
Eddie nodded. “I have band practice tomorrow, I’ll ask. Maybe Brian remembers something, too.”
Steve sagged in relief. “Thanks sweetheart. I appreciate it. If the schools are indoctrinating kids against supes that might explain the rise in hunters over the last few decades.”
“Leading to whatever the hell it was that happened to you...” Eddie said thoughtfully.
“Yeah, because why a cross?” Steve said. “Crosses are vampire lore, not werewolf.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed. “I’ll talk to Wayne about it when he gets home. Maybe he can get more out of Patrick and Jason tomorrow, too.”
“Thanks, Eds,” Steve murmured. “That’s weight off my mind.”
Eddie grinned. “Now where were we?”
Steve laughed and then tackled his boyfriend back to his bed. He straddled Eddie’s waist. “You are insatiable, you know that?”
Eddie snapped his jaws at Steve playfully. “You love it.”
Steve moved up enough so that Eddie’s cock caught on Steve’s taint, causing Eddie to gasp.
“Oh, so that how you want to play it, pretty boy,” he growled, slowly pushing Steve backwards onto his cock until Steve bottomed out.
“Fuck, baby,” Steve whined. “I love the way you fill me.”
Eddie lifted him up and then snapped him back down his cock. “I love the way you look when you’re stuffed with my dick, sweetheart. I love the whimpering mess you become when I fuck you so hard. But you’re on top this time, so show me what you’ve got.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah. I can do that.”
He started off slow, allowing the drag of Eddie’s cock to come almost all the way out before slamming back down onto his hips.
“Like that, Stevie,” Eddie said his voice husky with desire. “Just. Like. That.”
Steve nodded. He kept up the slow pace, grinding up and down, touching his throat, his chest, his stomach, his thighs, everywhere but his cock.
“Fuck, baby,” Eddie cooed. “You putting on a show for me?”
Steve nodded, biting down on his lip. He ran his fingers through his hair and then back down his body.
Eddie was about to explode from the sight alone. His last ounce of control snapped and he flipped them over.
Steve let out a gasp of surprise. “Too much for you, rockstar?”
“Not even close to being enough, sweet cheeks,” he growled and then starting railing him hard and fast.
Soon Steve was spilling on his belly as he watched Eddie chase his own release.
Moments later Eddie was stock still as he filled Steve, his eyelashes fluttered shut and his breath came out in a shuddering sigh.
They were drenched in sweat, Steve was covered in come, and they both panted for breath.
Eddie slipped out and flopped on the bed next to Steve. “Fuck, I think you’ve ruined me for anyone else.”
Steve giggled. “Supernatural sex tends to be better because we have better stamina, strength, and flexibility then humans do.”
Eddie rolled on his side and propped himself up on his elbow. “Despite what this town thinks I was no blushing virgin coming into this relationship, babe. I’ve been with human, siren, and werewolf–” Steve opened his mouth to ask but Eddie held up his hand, “no one you know, I promise. This is at a supernatural bar in Indy. But I have never had sex like when I’m with you. It makes all the noise in my head fade to the background.”
Steve smiled. “I’m glad. And of course I’m completely gone on you, too, you know. I don’t it’s the type of supe you are that makes being with you so easy, the sex so good. It’s you.”
Eddie smiled dopeyly at Steve as he watched his boyfriend get up and head for the showers.
He cleaned up the bed and got dressed again. He was back working on the bridge he was working on before Steve came around, but this time with added clarity.
“Sounding good, Eds,” Steve said when he came back in.
Eddie grinned up at him. “Maybe I should have sex with you every time I’m stumped writing, I mean it about the clearing my head.”
Steve leaned down and gave him a kiss. “I wouldn’t mind.”
Eddie giggled. “Go on, pretty alpha boy. Your pack awaits.”
Steve laughed, skipping away lightly.
He opened the door and then transformed, leaping down the stairs. He tore down the road and Eddie just shook his head fondly as he shut the door behind his boyfriend.
Steve loved his wolf form. It was two-toned unlike most of his pack. The dark brown of his upper pelt and honey color of his muzzle, legs, and belly made him look more like an oversized friendly dog most of the time.
It made it easier to walk the streets of Hawkins without people batting an eye at him.
There were those that recognized him on sight, of course. But they never called him by his name, they always called out, “Sandy!”
Which always made him laugh.
“Hey, Sandy!” Mr Thacher called from his tire shop as Steve loped by.
Steve barked his hello and continued on way.
A little boy spotted him and Steve patiently sat still as he buried his face into Steve’s fur until his dad tugged on his hand to make him come with.
“Not now, Charlie,” his admonished. “You have a dentist appointment.”
Charlie sighed and allowed himself to be led away with a mournful, “Bye puppy.”
He finally got to the mayor’s office and grabbed the robe waiting by the door. He went into the bathroom and came out with the robe wrapped around his naked form.
Lucy, Major Roberts’s secretary, shook her head. “It’s damn shame that Mayor Roberts put that robe there for you.”
Steve laughed. “You just like looking at my ass.”
She pretended to be affronted. “Darling, it’s your thighs!”
Steve laughed again. “Is he able to see me right now?”
She nodded. “I’ll buzz you in.”
“Mr Harrington!” Mayor Roberts greeted, standing up to shake his hand. “What an unexpected pleasure, how can I be of service?”
Steve sat down and told him everything Josh had told him and his discussion with Eddie about the possibility of anti-supernatural rhetoric being taught in the schools.
Mayor Roberts nodded. “I was aware there was extra-curricular subjects being taught on moon days, as the teachers can’t teach their subject to only half their class. But I don’t think I ever thought about what was being taught.”
Steve nodded. “If we can find the source here in Hawkins maybe we can get it changed on a national level.”
“Thereby stopping the rise of hunters in the country,” Mayor Roberts agreed. “I’ll look into it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”
Steve nodded again. “Of course. Thank you for your time.”
They shook hands and Steve was slipping through the door as wolf, the robe carefully carried in his jaw.
Lucy laughed. “Sneak!” she teased.
Steve put the robe back on the hook and looked at her innocently.
Mayor Roberts laughed. “He got you good there, Lucy.”
She shook her head. “Yeah, yeah.”
And with that Steve slipped out of the mayor’s office and back out onto the street.
He shook himself off and the broke into a run. He had a lot to think about but first he had one more stop to make.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @bookbinderbitch @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @redfreckledwolf @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @just-a-tiny-void @potato-of-the-lord @goosesister @tinyplanet95 @anaibis @she-collects-smut @irregular-child
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honoviadakai · 7 months
What you favorite Hazbin hotel song says about you 😈🎶😇
(This list includes songs from the pilot as well as a few others that are not official but are near and dear to the fandom's collective heart)
I’m always chasing rainbows 🌈:
…so how’s your relationship with your parents?
You have a good heart but you’re way too hard on yourself
You don’t always have to be busting your ass off, taking breaks is not a crime
Also failing is not the end of the world
I believe in you, please be kinder to yourself
Inside of every demon is a rainbow 🌈 😈:
Golden retriever energy
You are so sweet but so naive
I honestly feel like if this is your fav song, I could spit in your meal and you'd just smile and get a new plate
It's ok to go apeshit
If you did ever get mad I genuinely feel like you'd be absolutely terrifying
But you're such a sweet person, i can't imagine someone pushing you to that point
Inside of every demon is a lost cause/Alastor's reprise 🎶👿:
You're a cynical bastard and you wear that shit like a badge of honor
You're on the same page as Alastor in terms of redemption being impossible/pointless
If this song is your favorite, you laugh at children when they fall over
very loudly
You're the one in your friend group that everyone has to warn about before introducing you to knew people
You receive the bombastic side eye so often you smile every time it happens
You need a hug
All of the hugs
You're doing your best and I just want you to know I'm proud of you
Vox's Interlude📺🎶:
You like Dubstep
You like Dubstep to a concerning degree
You're also disappointed Vox doesn't have the same voice effect in cannon that he has in the song
You're a Vox simp, but you're really chill about it
Royal Flush🥃♥️♠️♦️♣️:
Hello my fellow Pansexuals and Husk Fans~
If this if your favorite song, you're a Mick Lauer fan and you were sad to hear he wasn't coming back to the official series and it made you even more jaded than you already were(I feel you)
You're also a fan of Johnathan Young and Rock music
You lowkey giggle every time you hear the "every hole is a goal" line
You probably have a sever resting bitch face that scares ppl sometimes, but deep down you're a softy
A jaded softy, but a softy
Radio Play📻🎶:
Hello Alastor fans that lament the recasting of Edward Bosco
Hello Black Gyrph0n fans that think he's not receiving enough recognition
How deep in the financial debt hole are you because of your love of Alastor and new found desire to have a retro 30's aesthetic once this song dropped?
You have good taste in music but I feel like you'd say out of pocket shit on accident
You probably know how to do the Charleston pretty well and that's pretty cool
Redemption arc🙏🎶:
Hello my depressed gifted child burnouts and Elise Lovelock fans
You're a girlboss, you really are, but I need you to take more breaks and drink more water
You strike me as someone who takes the phrase "act your wage" as a suggestion at best
If over thinking was an Olympic sport, you'd win gold, silver ans bronze
stop trying to carrying other people's baggage on top of your own, that's not building character, its building more work for your therapist
Assuming you've even allowed yourself to see one!
You're unhinged
like Niffty levels unhinged
but you have good taste in music
You're also a very vocal Alastor fan
You need to be watched 24/7 because you strike me as someone who'd commit war crimes for fun
Eyes on me📺🥲:
You like Techno a normal amount
you're probably a Bo Burnham fan
You also give the vibe that you like anime like Evangalion
as well as the vibe of hiding behind a chill facade even though you're kinda depressed
you also give the impression that you're into enemies to lovers and once sided pining in romance
You ship Vox x Alastor in a wholesome way and you're foaming at the mouth for their backstory
You hate Val(as you should)
Change the order 👑🪽:
You lament that Lucifer doesn't have a British accent
You HEAVILY lament Lucifer not being a heartless asshole
You oh so desperately wanna see Lucifer and Lilith in their prime/as a united power couple
You have slight daddy issues
You're also probably someone who grew up with some religious trauma
You're in your villain arc but it's mostly yo protect yourself
i highly suggest getting a dog, a rubber duck collection and a therapist
Get hooked🚬🦋:
Your search history is not suitable for human eyes
You definitely have daddy issues
You desperately wanna see Val on the poles
You're fun at partied but you cannot be left unsupervised under any circumstances
You radiate bad bitch energy but I feel like you'd apologize to a kindly janitor if you had to walk on a floor they just finished mopping
You can run in heels and I respect that immensely
Smile like you mean it😁🦌:
I get it! You love Alastor! Please lower your voice a tad friend!
It's concerning how quick you'd sell your soul to this man
You like jazz unironically(nice)
You wanna experience one of Al's radio shows
...I'm not entirely sure if you wanna hear it or be the victim...and that deeply concerns me
Use me up🕷️🥲:
You wanna see Angle Dust fuck shit up(same)
You don't make friends easily but you're the loyalest son of a bitch anyone could ever have and more people need to recognize that
You probably had a really rough childhood
You give ppl middle fingers and sass the way Oprah gave out cars back in the day
You just want a hug, someone to say they're proud of you(I'm proud of you friend) and a month long nap
We're sure to drown🐈‍⬛🥃🥺:
Hello again my fellow Pansexuals and Husk fans
Specifically the ones with severe depression, trust issues and think mixing Tequila and monster energy drinks will help with the abandonment issues
yeah, i see you, put the bottle down mf
get therapy, this a threat
You're so cynical that even shadow the hedgehog would ask if you're ok
asking for help doesn't make you weak fam, i get where your coming from but you need a good plucking you prickly cactus
oddly enough, you give the best advice to the few friends you keep in your circle but take none of your own advice
You listen to country rock with lyrics so sad that everyone in the car with you immediately get concerned
definitely a cat person
You either wanna be stepped on or do the stepping on
You probably watched Black Lagoon and loved Revy
If you don't know what I'm talking about, look her up, that's your type
Low key probably a pyromaniac
You're that one friend that's ALWAYS ready to punch your friend's ex's in the face
Honestly, I feel like you're scrappy enough to fist fight god with the confidence of someone who thinks they have a shot at winning
My machine 🐍 ⚙️:
You were really excited to see Pentious be one of the show's antagonists
You're still a little bitter about not getting your mad scientist, steam punk, snake man
You did love his War General outfit though
You probably really like shows like Arcane
You really wanted 'Enemies to lovers' CherriSnake or platonic/rivals CherriSnake
You probably have reptile as a pet
most likely a snake
Happy day in hell🎶🎤:
You're a basic Broadway bitch but your optimism is a tad infectious so I'll let it slide
You're a tad too optimistic though
Like, to a concerning degree
Someone could punch you and you'd ask them if they were ok despite having a split lip
you're definitely a workaholic
take that PTO sweetie, work will be there when you come back
Hell is forever😇😈:
you either really like Alex Brightman or you LOVE villains
you also love rock
You kicked your feet like a love sick when Adam did the guitar solo bit
Probably a fan of bands like Skillet
You have religious trauma but your coping mechanism is to crack jokes about it
some of them are probably inappropriate
Stayed gone📺🦌:
You ship Vox x Alastor a "normal" amount
You'd sell your soul for Vox and Al to have more duets together
You're probably a Vox simp
If you're not, its cuz you're an Al simp
You giggled at "That's the tea"
You also drooled at Al's demon form towards the end of the song
It starts with sorry🐍🥹:
friend, you are way too forgiving
someone could steal your life's savings and I feel like you'd just let them have it because "they probably need it more"
You were very proud of Pentious
You radiate chihuahua energy
You are 5'2 or smaller and 90 lbs soaking wet
someone need to make sure you don't run these streets lawless
don't get me wrong
You are absolutely a bad bitch that serves cunt like a 5 star restaurant serves gourmet steak
but you're gonna say the wrong thing to the wrong person one day
you cannot afford to fuck around and find out when they're over 5'9 my friend, sit down please
Whatever it takes🦋🩰:
you're the eldest child of your family aren't you
You don't need to prioritize everyone before yourself!
Love yourself first damn it!
You probably like Milfs or goths
You also probably wish Zestial had more songs
I have a feeling your favorite Disney movie is Encanto...
Holy fuck you need a hug
You're either a survivor of some kind or life has just been kicking you in the balls for no god damn reason
Come here, I'm adopting you and making sure you're actually happy
You're low key an amazing dancer
literally one of the best people to be friends with
Loser Baby🐈‍⬛🕷️:
hello my fellow queers, Keith David fans, Blake Roman fans and Huskerdust shippers
You are a connoisseur of slow burn romance
You're probably a depressed hopeless romantic
friend, if you want the Husker to your dust...the loser to your baby...you gotta talk to people...
go touch grass
you're that one friend who bullies your bestie but that's cuz that your guy's love language
If anyone messed with your bestie, you'd fight that person to the death the way Husk and Angel did to those loan sharks
Hell's greatest dad🪽🦌:
You either beef with ppl for fun or you're a very flamboyant theater kid
Its probably both tbh
You probably fell in love with the blonde short king after this song
You ship Radioapple
you want a sitcom ft Radioapple and you'd sell your soul to get it
Your fav Disney movie is probably Aladdin
You totally play "HaHA! Fuck you..." on repeat
More than anything🪽😭:
So how's your relationship with your dad...
You cried so hard to this song that it scared you
grab the tissues, get your coziest blanket and go get your favorite treat
and some therapy
Welcome to Heaven😇🎶:
Emily is your favorite character
Your gaydar was going off when St. Peter started existing
Your a chill person
A little too chill though…
You might still be an active member of your community
Ya might wanna consider reducing your hours, there is such a thing as too much loyalty
Treat yourself to a vacation
You didn't know😧🪽:
Hello fellow black sheep of the family with severe religious trauma
You freaked the fuck out when the “If Hell is forever then Heaven must be a lie” line dropped
You felt so vindicated after this song and honestly, same
You LOVED Emily by the end of this song
Out for love 💗 🩰:
You like MILFs
You want Carmilla to kick/step on you
You’re either a magical girl fan, a fan of Latin music or both
You cheered so hard for Vaggie at the end you definitely got a noise complaint 🤣
Ready for this🎤⚔️:
You have anxiety
Your favorite character is probably Charlie
Your favorite movie is probably Marry Poppins or something in the same time period/genre
You’ve dealt with Karen’s before and watching Susan become tolerable was so satisfying for you
You want Alastor and Rosie to adopt you
More than anything(reprise):
You're the poster child of sappy hopeless romantics
You cried a little from joy here
You’re definitely not straight
You want this moment, go get yourself a Vaggie cuz you’re definitely gonna be the Charlie of the relationship
You're the ultimate theater kid
This song hit all the sweet spots in your depressed brain for you
Let’s be honest, your favorite part of the song was either the Vees or Alastor
It’d your favorite part was with the Vees, your a huge chaos gremlin
You cannot be trusted with information but you’re very fun at parties
If your favorite part was Alastor’s part, get therapy
If you related to that part on a spiritual level, you mask so hard I’d believe you if you said you were born wearing a mask
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teafromthemicrowave · 1 month
I don't know how to say it without going even more apeshit than I already did in the tags of my reblog but your New York Polycule band AU is the most beautiful thing I've seen in my entire life and I could probably write an entire essay about it if I were more coherent (redhead/auburn Noel my beloved, romantic goth Oscar my beloved, Jarthur matching earrings my beloveds, Arthur's funky little glasses my beloveds, the comour scheme my beloved, the album/tour name my beloved, the composition my beloved, casual hanging out doodles my beloveds, everything about this entire concept my beloved) but I'm not so just rest assured that if you ever find yourself in peril, I will come to your aid with a sword in hand ready to fight in your name because you've singlehandedly mashed together so many of my favourite things and made the result so beautiful that my serotonin receptors have been making me run up and down the stairs for the past while to walk off the happy zoomies. They a look perfect. They all look so perfect and also exactly how I imagine them (long black hair John, curly hair Oscar, blond Arthur, redhead/auburn Noel. I love your brain so much. And you made them GOTH. And you made them GENDER. and you made Noel LIKE METAL. I know I already said they all look perfect but they literally look so perfect - god, that hat you gave Oscar is so good, it's so him, I love it so much.
I'm not actually a goth in the traditional sense (I don't listen to goth music unless you count Aurelio Voltaire and apparently some early Nightwish - im more of a folk-rock-punk-metal girlie) but I like to wear a lot of black and yeah I'm still some flavour of alt (the ideal gender presentation is an androgynous renfaire attendee dipped in a bucket of black paint) so seeing my blorbos like this just. Made me so ridiculously happy you have no idea. Your brain was so smart and sexy and correct for coming up with this idea. It's what they deserve. They deserve to look good and play music and straddle each other while they do each other's eyeliner and all the good stuff. I cannot wait for that playlist you mentioned.
FIRST OF ALL thank you SO much for that ask I am grinning so hard rn OHHH
I literally have so much lore to share and a fic to write, this will be a lot but I NEED TO DO THIS FOR GODS SAKE
And yeah, next to goth I also love the metal punk emo rock stuff, so BESTIE YEHAWW
projecting onto characters is my fav thing to do, that's why this au exists :D AND ITS AWESOME I CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY WITH IT
And funfact! The tour name "alternate ending" is based on the same-named song by Woods of Ypres!! REALLY RECOMMED IT (the singer sounds like John too giggles cutely)
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spider-man-199999 · 1 year
This was written as a request from the lovely @bitchyycapricorn
I'm reposting it.
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pairing: MCU!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader;
word count: 5k
summary: Your best friend - Peter Parker, died in a tragic accident over a year ago. Suddnely a portal opens and you see his face again. But he is not exactly the same, neither are your feelings for him.
warnings: mentions of sex
A/n: I made the reader “glitch” because she’s in the wrong universe but the glitching isn’t a physical thing that happens to her, I wanted to explore it as a more of a mental issue. She’s experiencing severe memory loss and deja-vu’s simultaneously, which is the primary reason for them to try and fix things. Also in this universe Peter is a single Pringle to make it easier on me plot wise.
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505 by Arctic Monkeys was blasting through your headphones while your feet rested on your desk. You were bobbing your head to the beat, playing your imaginary guitar.
"In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side. With your hands between your thighs" you sang softly to the song, eyes closed. 
You didn't notice the soft sparkles forming next to you as the song continued.
"But I crumble completely when you cry. It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye" you sang at the top of your lungs, when wind blew next to you, bright light finally capturing your attention. 
You turned your head towards the light. There he was, Peter Parker, looking at you from the other side of what looked like a portal. Peter Parker? Your best friend, who died almost a year ago, was looking at you in confusion, in what seemed like a lab, along with some other people around him. The shock was so big that it made you fall backwards with your entire chair flipping. You were too captivated by the sight to even think straight. You thought you had lost him forever, you grieved him. You saw his body in the coffin, you cried your eyes out for months. And now he was standing in front of you. You got up, staring back at him with the same amount of confusion that was written all over his face. The headphones were off of your head now, but the music was still softly playing. You couldn't help it, the second you were convinced this wasn't a dream by pinching yourself, you practically jumped on top of him, hugging him as tightly as you could.  
The portal behind you closed as you sobbed into his chest. Peter held you in his arms, looking at the other Peters for help. 
"What do I do?" he mouthed while he desperately looked at them for help.
"Comfort her, you idiot!" Peter 2 mouthed back. 
Peter 3 was recreating a hug and a pat on the head on an imaginary person, showing him what to do.
"I thought you were dead!" you cried. "No, you were dead! I saw you dead!"
Peter hugged you tighter, his hand patting your head. They all waited for you to calm down. You did, eventually, and finally let go of him. So many questions were running through your head, you didn't even know where to start. How was he alive? Where the hell had he been all this time? Who were these people? You were about to start asking but he beat you to it. 
"I don't want you to freak out." he started, looking at the other Peters for support. They both nodded, like you were about to go apeshit on them any second now. "But I'm not your Peter."
You looked at him confused, then looked over at the other two. All three of them were actually in spidersuits. Now that he mentioned it, he really did not look exactly like the Peter you knew. For the most part, he did, but this version of him in front of you was slightly taller, no more than an inch, his hair was curlier and lighter in color. You looked at the two others next, taking a deep breath. You had been through enough Spider-man shit to know something extremely weird and beyond your comprehension was happening right now. So, you closed your eyes for a moment to take in this new information, exhaling afterwards.
"Okay. Please explain what's going on then." you said as calmly as possible, noticing as the tension from the bodies of all three of them literally evaporated. 
And they went on, explaining the multiverse, the spell, their mission to cure the villains and change their faith. You nodded as you listened, trying to understand as much as you could. The Spider-man world has always been crazy and being his best friend was never easy, things like this used to happen all of the time. It wasn't long before you had your A game on to help all of them with their mission.
The more time you spent with Peter 1, the more obvious it was becoming that he wasn't your Peter. Sure, they looked almost identical, which you found a bit weird now that you had seen the other Peters and how they looked nothing like each other. 
Turned out you didn't really exist in the universe you were in now, nothing close to you was present in Peter's life. Your name was unfamiliar, your parents didn't exist either. After a few long conversations, all of you came to the conclusion that you were something like what MJ was to him here.
Back to Peter, he was nothing like the best friend you had before. Most of the time it felt like you were standing in front of a stranger that you knew perfectly. You could finish all of his sentences, you could list all his favourite foods, the Star Wars movies he liked from most to least. You could vividly remember the sound of his heartbeat, you could remember his scent. You knew everything about how his Spider suit worked, you even used to modify the code for your Peter back in the day. You could even guess all of his passwords, which made all of the Peters terrified of you, since somehow you guessed all of them. Four universes apart and the guy somehow still wasn't creative enough to think of something different from "Stromtrooper99".  All of this was overwhelming, to say the least. It made you miss your Peter more than you thought you could. Especially Peter 1. He was making it exceptionally hard for you, conflicting even. You could see your Peter in him, but something more as well. You could never in a million years see your Peter in a light different from being your best friend. But the case wasn't the same with Peter 1. The way he spoke, the way he carried himself, the way he smiled at you and treated you. It made your heart skip a beat. And he knew that. He knew it so well. His spider powers were way more enhanced than what you knew they were, he could physically hear your heartbeat skip when he was near. He could hear how fast it would start beating when he would place a hand on your shoulder, or when he got too close to you. It amused him, this effect he had on you. He knew this whole spell situation was a mess and it was no time to be a hormonal teenager and have crushes left and right but he couldn't help it, neither could you. 
The realization of your crush on him hit you one night when you were working with the other Peters on a cure for the Green Goblin. Since your Peter tragically lost his life in a fight with the Green Goblin, it was important to you to prevent that for any other Spider-man you could. Peter 2 was working on something in the lab and Peter 3 was concentrated on something of his own when you walked in. Peter 1 sitting down and playing on his phone. 
"Are the big boys not letting you play with them?" you asked in a baby voice as you placed your jacket down on a chair next to Peter 1. He smiled at you, pausing the Packman game on his phone.
"They said they got it covered." he replied, standing up. 
You looked over at Peter 2, scanned the chemicals around him and looked around the room suspiciously. It felt oddly familiar, like you had already lived through his exact same moment before. Your Peter was dedicated to the mission of the cure as well, he had all of the same ingredients that were laying around here, but his experiment failed badly. Driven by something that you couldn't even explain, you grabbed all of the safety glasses you could get your hands to and started placing them on everyone in the room. There were only the four of you so it wasn't hard. The last one was Peter 2, who was just finishing up his "cure". You put the glasses on his eyes and took a step back before the mixture in his tube exploded all over him, spraying everyone in the room. After the explosion, which everyone took very lightly, all heads turned to you. 
"How did you know?" all three of them asked in sync, putting you under the spotlight. 
"I really don't know-" you said, just as confused as they were. Their spider-sense should have tingled, but it didn't. And somehow you knew when exactly this was going to happen. 
"I think my Peter tried that before, I think it ended like this. I don't remember clearly."
"Did he succeed?" Peter 2 asked 
"He did." 
"Do you think you can remember this formula?"
You nodded. Wiping off the purplish goo that was on your glasses from the mild explosion earlier and stood in front of the table. You placed your hands on it, looking at the chemicals that were in front of you. Peter was the genius one out of the two of you. He was both the brain and the muscle, you were the support system. But when it came to this formula, he just didn't let you not participate for some reason. And he was apparently rightfully doing so, because people needed you now. This situation really brought back painful memories for you, the smell of chemicals, the sounds of sizzling, the colors. This was the last thing you ever did together with your best friend. The last conversation you ever had with him. The last time you saw him smile as he finally succeeded. A ball was forming in your throat as you stirred the mixture, waiting for it to get thick enough. You noticed the tears rolling down your cheeks as the liquidy white mixture in the tube got thicker with every stir. Peter would have been so proud of you if he could see you now, he would have said something stupid like "Okay, show-off, remember I taught you how to do that." with his arms crossed in front of his chest, but in reality he would have been proud of you. It was hard for you to do this without him, you never imagined you'd ever have to. Your hands were shaking lightly when you added the last ingredient, stirring it up until it turned a dark purple color. You placed the tube down, looking up at the worried expressions in front of you. 
"I'm done."
"Okay, show-off." Peter 1 said and smiled at you. 
That was the moment that made you realize that you actually felt something different for him. Most of the time you were really trying to gain your best friend back, you were clinging onto him because he reminded you of your Peter. But he was so much... more. He was the same and yet so different. He was nicer, more considerate, more caring. Your Peter wanted to save the Green Goblin because the person behind the mask was his friend, he wanted his friend back. This Peter wanted to save the Goblin because he believed people could change for good. He believed in the light and goodness of people, in second chances, in selflessly helping others. He believed he could alter the fate of the damned and give them a better future. Your Peter wasn't like that, he could never be like that. 
You brushed the tears from your eyes as he walked over to hug you. The four of you fist-bumped each other and shared a small celebration before you continued to work on other things. 
A gentle kiss on the forehead. That was all it took for you to melt like butter in his arms. He held you tightly, both of you standing alone on a rooftop in the middle of New York. 
"You did so well today." he whispered to you as he held you. "It must have been so hard for you." 
All you could do was nod to his words, hiding your face in his neck while you held back the tears. He knew the story, you had to tell him all about how your best friend died in front of your eyes, killed by the Green Goblin who had lost his mind. How he surrendered just so he could inject the cure in the Green Goblin as he tackled him with his final blow. How it wasn't supposed to end like this, and how it did. Your memories were flashing back in front of your eyes like a horror movie screening, and you just weren't allowed to leave the cinema. Thankfully Peter was there to bail you out the second you were done with recreating the cure. And now he was calmly holding you while you were trying your hardest not to fall apart. 
"Thank you." you mumbled to him, looking up at him.
He smiled encouragingly at you, his hand petting your hair. 
"No, thank you. All of us would have ended up blind if you didn't finish the cure." 
"No, your superhuman healing would have prevented that."
''It doesn't mean it hurts any less.''
"I actually thought it did, I wouldn't survive a building falling on top of me, but you would. Theoretically, if we experience the same amount of pain, how can you push through it and not die? Doesn't make much sense."
"You're totally ruining the script in my head right now..."
"Oh, you had a script? And for what?" you laughed
"Well, you were supposed to ask me "Does it hurt now?" and I was going to say "The only thing that hurts right now is my lips because they're not kissing yours" and then we were going to kiss and fall in love and-"
"Does it hurt right now?" you interrupted him, your heart beating so loud in your chest that you weren't sure you heard his script to begin with.
"Does it hurt... now?" you asked, even more anxious this time, almost convinced you actually got it wrong. He made an oh sound, nodding his head.
"The only thing that hurts right now is my lips because they're not kissing yours" he replied, leaning in closer to you and placing his lips gently on yours.
You stopped breathing for a second before kissing him back. It felt wonderful, magical even, the gentle movement of his soft lips on yours, his hot breath on your skin. His hands were on your arms, stroking them for comfort while your hands were on his back, holding him. You never thought you could enjoy a kiss as much as you did this one. It was almost painful when it ended. He smiled at you, pulling you in the tightest hug he had ever given you afterwards.
Peter just had to brag about this to the others. He told everyone how in love he was with you. He felt so unbelievably proud not only for pulling a girl way out of his league, but having what he calls "ïnterdimentional rizz". You stopped counting the eyerolls after they got to 30. Of course you found it cute how he was so happy and excited about the two of you kissing, but this was raising so many questions. You felt like you wanted to enjoy it but you really couldn't, your mind was constantly jumping to different thoughts about you eventually going back to your own dimension. You kept having deja-vus all of the time, and some things seemed like they were slipping your mind . 
You tried ignoring it the best you could, but it got to a point where it couldn't really be ignored anymore. 
All of you were finishing up on the action plan on how to cure everyone. The whole group was in the lab, discussing it. You were sitting on the table, Peter standing between your legs, his back pressed to your chest. You had rested your head on his shoulder while all of them talked.
"Don't the two of you think it's kind of weird to be having this conversation in this position?" Peter 3 asked, looking at the two of you. 
"It's not like I haven't been between her legs before" Peter joked, making you look at him confused.
"No, you haven't."
He looked back at you, just as confused.
"Well I did fuck you hard enough to make forget your own name last night but forgetting the whole thing? That’s some next level fucking" he continued joking. 
You didn't really get the joke but still laughed. 
"Pete, what are you talking about? I wasn't with you last night, I was helping Ned here to modify your Spidersuit ai" you shook your head with a smile.
"Y/N, that was 3 days ago." Ned said.
"Wait so you actually don't remember us doing it?" Peter moved from his position, turning around to face you. He looked devastated and upset, slightly worried too. 
"I- " you managed to say but stopped, looking down at your feet. You didn't know what to say to make things better, he was probably feeling terrible about this already, you felt like you were the villain for not remembering the last 3 days of your life.
You didn't remember your first time with Peter. How much worse could it get?
"She's glitching." Dr. Strange said, looking at you from the back of the room. "You can tell the future too, can't you?"
You nodded, looking over at him. This meeting was the first time you have ever met the wizard and he scared you. He was very cranky and looked annoyed all of the time. He rarely spoke, unless he wanted to argue with someone. Strange walked over to Peter, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
"We need to wrap this thing up and get everyone back to their home." He told him. 
"What? No, no, we can't just send her back!"
"We have to, she's already glitching, the longer she stays here, the worse it will get." 
You looked over at Peter, tears welling up in his eyes. He looked at you too, helpless and desperate. He immediately hugged you, kissing your forehead. 
"I'm going to figure this out, I promise." he whispered in your ear.
You hugged him tightly, kissing his shoulder. 
"I want you to not die tonight, promise me that, we'll figure out the rest."
"I'm not going anywhere."
The fight was finally over. Everyone was beat up and hurt, but it was over. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Thankfully no one died. Biggest mistake being the portal that Ned opened up not closing. You knew it was going to happen because of your glitching and tried to handle the situation as best as possible. Fighting a giant lizard with bare hands wasn’t the best idea, but there wasn’t much you could really do anyway. Peter came to the rescue, thankfully. After everything died down and all of you were left in the ruins of battle, you felt like you could finally breathe again. Peter hugged you, his blood getting all over your clothes. You cried into his chest. He kept his promise, he didn’t die in the fight. His lips kissed your forehead, brushing your tears from your eyes. 
“Are you hurt?” he asked, letting go of you. His hands were holding your shoulders as he lowered himself to be on your eye level.
He looked you up and down, making sure you really weren’t hurt. You were shaking your head “no” while he did that. 
Strange was finishing up the spell, which meant you were about to go home soon. 
“Pete..” you started, looking around as the portals started opening up around you. 
“No, don’t say it.” he interrupted you, tears welling up in his eyes.
Your heart was breaking from seeing him so torn up. You put your hands on his cheeks, cupping his face, placing a soft peck on his lips. 
“We’ll find a way.” you mumbled, your foreheads pressed against one another. He nodded, hugging you tightly again. 
“We have to, you don’t remember us having sex! We have to do it again!”
The two of you laughed, sharing a sweet kiss after that. A portal leading to your bedroom opened up close to the both of you. You saw your desk, the chair that had fallen over all this time ago. The two of you looked at it. 
“I’ll see you on the other side, Spider-man.” you told him with a smile, letting go of the hug so you could step into your room again. You held onto his hand for as long as you could, looking back at him.
He looked so broken and scared, the tears were rolling down his cheek, his hair was a mess, his costume was ruined and covered in blood and dirt. You fought back the tears yourself, smiling the whole time. A smile that was meant to comfort him and encourage him, to tell him that everything is going to be okay. You stepped into the portal, finally letting go of his hand as the portal was no longer big enough for your hands to be through it. And he was gone. With the snap of a finger, he was gone. You dropped on your knees, finally allowing yourself to cry as the realization hit you, you had lost Peter Parker not once, but twice in the span of a year. 
You took off the glasses as you finally finished the spider-shaped gadget you were assembling. It was a new type of spider suit that you were developing in your free time. 
After you had to go back to your own reality, you decided to pay Peter’s grave a visit. You sat there for hours, telling him everything about your multiverse adventure with the other Peters. You were sure he was turning in his grave because of how cool this story was and how he didn’t get to be a part of it. Weeks passed by and it was time to move on with your normal life, but you just couldn’t. So, you decided to major in quantum physics and spent every waking hour on studying and theorizing about the multiverse. If magic could make interdimensional travel real, then sciency could too. And since your reality had a living Tony Stark, you actually caught his attention with some science work of yours that got published. You were so dedicated to your studies that in the few months you spent on your research, you managed to have a breakthrough big enough to change the course of the science field altogether. Your secret was that you actually did already travel into another dimension, you just had to figure out the math. 
Tony was so impressed by your work and your genius that he actually offered you a job. You accepted, he had enough resources to fund your projects and actually help you with opening up a portal. And now you were stuck in the Avengers compound, developing a new spider suit. You took one of the old unfinished suits your Peter had, doing the final work on it. The suit used inflatable technology and you had to put the metal spider in the center of your chest and press it, after that the suit would just wrap around your body perfectly. It was mostly made of fabric, but it had a bulletproof shield that would activate if the built-in ai detected any kind of danger. It was lightweight so that it wouldn’t stop Spider-man from his acrobatic moves or slow him down in any way. Once you were done with the suit, it was game on. Why were you developing a spider suit? To send to Peter. With all of the Stark money, you were actually able to build a device that theoretically could open portals to other dimensions. After a few calculations were made, you thought you found the exact coordinates to the dimension you wanted to see. Since experimenting with animals and humans was cruel in your mind, you were just going to open a portal, throw the spider suit in and pray that you got the right Peter. 
The device you developed looked like a bracelet. It was chunkier than you wanted it to but the parts were too big to make it look elegant. In reality it probably looked more like a smartwatch than a bracelet. You typed in the coordinates on the touchscreen and prayed that it would work. The device buzzed softly on your wrist, lasers coming out from the side and drew a circle next to you, opening a portal. You took a deep breath as you stared at the room that was in front of you. It was small, untidy, and looked nothing like Peter’s old room. Was that his dorm? Or his new apartment? Did you mix the coordinates up? There was no one there, just an empty room staring back at you. You looked around it, analyzing the scene in front. A pile of dirty clothes in the corner, flannels and sweaters. Looked like Peter’s style. A picture of May was on the desk, next to some bottles of web fluid. Bingo. It really looked like it was the place he was currently at. You took the metal spider that was sitting on the table and a sticky note. 
“I’ll make it back to you. Have fun with this gift, can’t wait to hear back from you :) - Y\N”
You stuck the note to the metal spider and tossed it on the desk next to his web fluids without touching the portal. The suit seemed to have made it through with no problems. Good. Amazing even. One step closer to seeing him.
Peter tossed his backpack on the bed as he walked into his room. He took the flannel off too, throwing himself face first and hiding his face in the pillow. He was tired, so tired, and alone. Deciding to go to uni didn’t seem like the brightest idea now that he was alone and broke. Working, studying and being Spider-man on top of that, was draining all of his energy. He turned his head to the side, looking at the mess on the desk as something shiny caught his eye. He lifted his upper body up, looking closer at the thing. It had a note stuck to it. Did someone break in? He walked over to the desk, reading the note.
“I’ll make it back to you. Have fun with this gift, can’t wait to hear back from you :) -Y\N”
Underneath the note was the Spider-man logo made out of metal. He looked closer at it, turning it around, feeling the weight of it in his hands. What was that? He was confused, so confused. How did you even manage to send this thing to him? He put it on his chest, looking at himself in the mirror. The thing stuck to his chest and started glowing on the sides. He looked at it, pressing it gently with his finger. The spider suit that you made wrapped perfectly around him in the matter of seconds. 
“Wooow.” he said as he looked at himself in the mirror. 
The ai immediately turned on. 
“Initiating “Welcome” protocol.” It spoke in his ear, playing a video on his built-in vr glasses. 
It was a video of you that played.  
“Hi Pete.” you said with a smile. 
“Omg, Hi! Hey, how? ”
“Before you start trying to have a conversation with me, this is a prerecorded video. I can’t hear you.”
“So, if you’re seeing this, that means that this thing worked!” you showed your wrist to the camera, letting him see the device on it. “This is an interdimensional portal opener. I’m still working on the name. It’s in early testing, I’m not sure it’s safe to go through the portals it creates yet, that’s why I sent this suit as a test. It has a turn-on system that is supposed to alert me when the suit is working. If I get the signal, I’ll try to open up a new portal so we can try to talk. I’ll see you soon.”
The video ended, leaving Peter speechless. He was so amazed that you managed to do all of this, to create this suit and send it through the multiverse to him. You weren’t joking when you said you would find a way. He had never felt more in love with you than he did at this moment.
“Okay, let’s check this baby out while we wait then.”
“Initiating “test” protocol.”
The device on your wrist started buzzing, making you look at it. The image of the spider-man logo appeared on the screen, which meant that the suit was turned on. When the screen finally loaded, you could see Peter’s stats on the screen. You could monitor his heartbeat, his blood oxygen, his blood pressure. Everything seemed normal. You hooked the device to your laptop, getting a better view of the statistics you were getting. You could even log into the camera and see what he was seeing in real time. So it worked. You could see him swinging around the city. 
“Oh Pete.” your vision getting blurry from the tears. You made it. Somehow you really managed to make it. 
You picked your phone up, dialing Tony. 
“It worked.” you sobbed as soon as you heard his voice on the other side. 
“I’ll be right there.” 
10 minutes later Tony walked in the lab, rushing to you. He looked at the screen, seeing that Peter was now sat on the edge of a tower, swinging his legs in the air. The two of you hugged in celebration. 
“Did you try contacting him?” 
“No, not yet, I think I’ll wait for him to get home.”
“Okay, but no sex on the first date!”
“I’m not going through the portal yet, I’m not sure it’s safe.”
“Good, have fun just talking.”
Not long after Tony left, Peter was back at his small messy apartment. You put in the coordinates again, waiting for him to turn the suit off before you opened the portal. 
You finally saw him, standing in the middle of his room with the metal spider in his hand. He looked a bit startled when the portal opened up, smiling as he saw you standing on the other side. He walked up closer. All he wanted was to hug you. 
“No, no, no, no, stop!” you said. He froze on the spot. “You can’t go through yet, I’m not sure it’s safe.”
“But… the suit?”
“The suit isn’t a living organism.”
“I’m willing to risk it.”
“I’m not. I’ll close the portal before you even try!”
“Okay then what is the point of opening it then?”
“I’m still running stability tests, here.” You tossed a second device for him. He caught it, looking at it before he put it on his wrist. “I’ll send the coordinates to my dimension in a few days to see if you can open a portal too.”
“Why not just test that now?”
“I said I’m still running tests Pete! Wait just a little longer!”
A few weeks later you were finally ready to actually go through the portal. You didn’t know if you should alert him first or just go for it and surprise him. The surprise sounded way better. You opened up a portal to his room. It was 2 pm, he wasn’t home yet. You went through the portal and closed it behind you, looking around his room. It was so odd to be there again, yet it made you so happy. You were smiling the whole time while you looked around. It felt a bit invasive, plus you hadn’t spoken to him the last few days, but you didn’t really have a plan here. You just wanted to be with him as soon as possible. You sat on the bed, checking the watch to see if he was using the suit. He wasn’t, which meant you had no way of tracking where he was or what he was doing. You didn’t really have to wait long, the door unlocked around 30 minutes later, a very tired Peter walking in the room. You smiled so wide it was actually hurting you. He tossed his backpack towards the bed, practically throwing it at you and knocking you back. Now it really did hurt, not only from the smiling. 
“Ouch.” you said. 
Peter finally looked at you, making  two big steps towards you and taking the backpack off.
“I’m so sorry.” 
You were laying on your back, looking at him. 
“Surprise?” you said, getting up on your elbows. 
He wasn’t really sure how to react to this, he wanted to hug you but laying on top of you was potentially going to crush you, so it wasn’t an option. He grabbed your hand and pulled you up on your feet, hugging you. It seemed like you weighed nothing to him, he did it so effortlessly. You hugged him back, trying to remember as much as you could from this moment. 
“I can’t believe you’re finally here.”
“Me neither, all it took of me was to become one of the most respected physicists in the world and joining the Avengers.” 
“I’m glad you did, I really am.”
You looked up at him, holding his face. 
“Did you grow? You seem taller.”
“I don’t think I did.”
“Doesn’t matter.” 
You got on your tiptoes and pulled him in, crashing your lips on his. He held your waist, pulling you closer. You opened your mouth, letting him slide his tongue in. You were running your hands all over his body, his chest, his arms, his back. He moved the two of you towards the bed, sitting down and pulling you on top of him. His hands moved to your but, squeezing it slightly.
“Maybe you should remind me about the first time this happened.” you mumbled against his lips.
He smiled, pressing a kiss on your forehead. 
“Oh, I’ll make sure you remember this one!”
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boogeyalltheway · 9 months
Sanders Sides Character Recaps and Fortune Telling, what fun
let me start by saying I have suddenly been thrown back on the Fander train without my consent and this is the result of that. its a doozy, but if anyone wishes to discuss further id be delighted. so:
Virgil: came a long way, accepting being accepted, he's still dealing with the guilt of his past i spose. getting more familiar with everyone, him and logan are cute (platonically). Of course as Anxiety, he still struggles with lying (because we get nervous when we think about getting found out) and intrusive thoughts (what if im a bad person) but as a person(?) hes learning to come to terms with that, well on his way with a few crises coming his way, theres that whole thing with saying Paranoid to him, hope we face that. I see self discovery and good things coming his way, a win for all you virgil fans!
Roman: clearly, getting pretty emotionally beat, yknow, sides with Janus to be shot down, goes against Janus to be shot down again, significantly lacking in wins recently, you wonder abt his self esteem. Still doing his job great, which seems to be the only thing hes got going for him which is concerning. in the You vs Yourself vid hes very unsure about his moral views because he recognizes hes not Morality and when he proposes arguments they are based on endgoal, just like hes usually been as Passion, creativity, career drive, you might say? I dont see his arc being addressed in his near future, but I'm sure it will come to that. I see dark times before his good times roll, hang in there Roman fans, he'll get his moment.
Patton: Hes really been going through it, hasnt he. I mean, recently he just found out there was so much more complications to his job that he wasnt prepared to handle and to be faced with it all at once must be really challenging, especially when everyone is expecting results from him and he doesnt even know what to do and theyre all judging his decisions when hes just trying his best with all these new factors to consider with his job as Morality. Its easier for him to come to terms with Janus as deceit than Remus because he can easily see how lying can be good (even though he knows its also not a lot of the time) but he still doesnt really know how Intrusive Thoughts are helpful to Thomas or good in any way. I see in his future, job related anxiety and insecurity. It will be adressed, and its also good he was allowed his breakdown early (You vs Yourself, you can tell I really like this episode despite a severe lack of Virgil and Remus)
Logan: Well. we all know how this is going, I mean, hes the talk of the town lately! As a Logan fan, I can attest to the fact that he did used to be more lighthearted and smile more and I can also attest to the fact that Thomas is very aware of his development as a character and I don't think he'll let yall down. just, what I can glean from his videos. we're all waiting for him to go apeshit, and I with you, and i do think its coming very soon guys, hold on to your proverbial hats! I do enjoy that hes clearly indifferent to the new additions and not thrown off like the others. due to the fact that he is Logic. Id also like to point out that logic can be wrong and everyones logic is different. even if its less so compared to how anxiety is. so. logic is still susceptible to human whims. anyway theres been plenty going aorund abt ignoring logan and the orange side, and I'm always up for discussion on any of these guys. Hes really been just going ham into his job, huh? search for purpose, hmmm? ponder on that morsel. more alcohol in his life as well, an interesting observation.
Janus: oh, the snakey boi. How hes grown. he does a lot of drinking too. what for, I wonder. I do think the preposition to his song reveals a lot, like how Patton is talking to him more, how he knows truths and knows that some need to be hidden and its healthy to lie sometimes even when you know its a lie. Hes confident in himself and his abilities and knows when the criticism is ignorance vs actual criticism, which is why he values Logan's perspective on his arguments and brushes off Roman's jabs to his ego. Hes safely on the ride, and I dont see any heavy existential crises or anything in his near future, as in, he (and Remus, I'll talk about it later) will probably be the only mentally stable ones as the Light Sides are having their purposes reevaluated. Confidence is surprisingly key. who'da thunk it?
Remus: My favourite rat man. True to his name, hes very intrusive, and I admire his determination in his fight for acknowledgement. I think it will serve him well, the "face it bluntly hands on" tactic compared to Janus, who understands where he stands in the others' eyes and will slowly but surely snake his way (see what i did there?) to the table. Remus, and I love it about him, is just running forward to acceptance MACE ABLAZING and I hope it takes him good places. the WTIT ep was very revealing. his confidence in himself, like Janus's, will carry them through the generally rough patch that I predict is coming their way. i do think he is salty abt being ignored, which I interpret as the biggest difference between him and Janus (who might also be, but I dont really see it? I might also be in denial cuz this theory is really working for me) and Remus is wounded by it and trying to hide the fact that hes salty with his craziness and randomness that no one understands. its why he feels mor menacing than Janus. who knows, Janus might be just as peeved but hiding it better? settled himself in for the long game?
both dark sides certainly seem bent (and betting) on getting Logan to lose his marbles, but idk whether thats for Logans good or so the Reasonable Light Side (tm) will see what its like? and by proxy everyone else...? the tail end of the theory is escaping me now. its also 5 am.
Cant wait to see how the orange side manifests, wont that just be plenty of fun for all?
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meowzahzzz · 2 years
bowser headcanons ft. evil gn reader  ( ♡ )
last one went rly well and i wanted to do something fun...... i did a bit of a redeeming thing for bowser in the previous one, but what if ur both fucked up and evil. couple goals. that one evil love song from phineas and ferb
there’s no fancy, elaborate way to say it: you are bowser’s soulmate.
would he be willing to give up (mostly) his life of evil for his partner? of course.
but a partner who ENCOURAGES it? you’re never getting rid of him.
you and bowser’s first scheme is to make it seem as though you’ve been kidnapped and you’re just a poor damsel, needing to be rescued.
mario, obviously, takes the bait, only to find out it was an elaborate trap.
instead of finding you in a cell, he finds himself in one.
this sparks the other characters like luigi and peach to try and save mario, but with you and bowser as their foes, it’s certainly no easy task.
oh man, the bonding time you two will have tormenting mario together ♡
if you’re more of the manipulative, strategist kind of evil (as opposed to bowser’s menacing strength and brute force approach), he definitely appreciates your efforts. even if he doesn’t really... understand them like you do.
bowser is the figurehead, so to speak, but he’s more than happy to give you the credit you deserve when you start making plans.
bowser finds it especially maniacal if, before tricking mario into getting captured, you try and befriend the pesky plumbers and the princess.
you create this facade of being a nice person, and then BOOM! they all see you for the evil genius you are.
or if you’re the same kind of “big tough guy” evil like bowser, you two will get along even more than before.
it makes things harder for kamek, as he needs to corral both of you into doing your evil deeds as planned instead of destroying whatever’s in your path.
but who cares? it’s fun!
either way, bowser is as happy as can be.
and you’re a great influence on the koopalings.
i imagine it’s like the addams family where the koopalings try to murder each other and rather than trying to stop them, you help them along.
you see iggy chasing after lemmy with a flail and you stop him in his tracks.
“is that for your brother?” you ask scoldingly.
you take the flail from him and instead hand him a machete that’s even bigger than him.
life continues as normal ♡
and this is definitely you reading stories to the koopalings LMAO
you are the morticia to bowser’s gomez.
if you thought this king worshipped you before, he’s practically kissing the ground you walk on.
there’s nothing more beautiful (and hot) to him than you being as malicious and evil as possible.
you’ll catch him giving you heart eyes as you torment some poor, innocent toads.
of course you two are to marry immediately. this is TRUE LOVE.
for the reception, you’ll rain on the mushroom kingdom’s parade and cause some chaos.
and for the honeymoon, you’ll invade another kingdom and make it your vacation resort.
the servants and soldiers of bowser’s army see you the same way they do bowser: terrifying.
you might be more approachable in comparison, but with the way you have bowser wrapped around your finger?
you could sic bowser after anyone and he’d leave them looking like a torn-up ragdoll.
speaking of which, he’s very protective.
he understands you’re very capable, he has no doubts.
but he very much wants to prove to you and the entire world that he values and worships you.
and that means he’s not gonna let some jerk try and mess with you.
or, in most cases, have anyone even slightly inconvenience you.
you usually have to keep him on a metaphorical leash (though i don’t think he’d entirely object to an actual one wink) but sometimes it’s fun to let him go apeshit on a poor, random person just because you can.
if you’re comfortable with PDA, bowser is going to be all over you.
to him, you are his king/queen, and everyone should see how lucky he is to have you.
it’s like he’s bragging.
very smugly smiling as he stands next to you like “yeah that’s right THEY’RE with ME and not you 😈”
and he loves if you initiate it too, hanging off of his arm, or even small things like going to touch his shoulder or arm in reassurance.
no defeat ever puts a wedge between the two of you.
if anything, it brings you closer together with the growing hatred of those damn mario brothers.
you two are MADE for each other. no doubt about it.
and everyone would be so happy for you, if you two weren’t trying to destroy their lives with the power of your love.
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beatcroc · 6 months
Okay I finally generated an ask for you!!!!
What is your favourite genre of music? Or if you don't know how to categorize the music you listen to (like me), what is your favourite song? Or band? Or album? Something like that.
ohhhhh #1 question i am categorically incapable of being normal about <3
i typically just define my favorite music as "loud" or "aggressive" or "abrasive" bc most stuff that fits those descriptors will be in my faves regardless of the genre.
a more specific answer is that there are 3 main things i've noticed that will typically make me go apeshit without fail and they are: 1. hardstyle/gabber/industrial hardcore- sorta basskick 2. sickass metal guitar shredding 3. huge dramatic grandiose orchestral
if something has 1 of these i will probably like it, if it has 2 it will be a top fave, and all 3.... well i have yet to find it yet but im sure i will Ascend. here are examples of said top fave combos.
laur covers hardstyle+orchestral and i Cannot Get Enough of his shit man it goes so fucking crazy hard
metal+orchestral is unquestionably ruled by nightwish, but theyre not on bandcamp and i dont feel like finding other links so this one goes to the still-very-fucking-awesome runner-up, POWERWOLF
riikira and rabbitjunk hit metal+hardstyle, though it's less strictly hardstyle and more just general hardcore* electronica. if its got crazy amens its enough who cares. i put the ones that use actual kicks for the sake of illustrating the point here but these tracks are both pretty far from my faves from each lmao *hardcore referring to hardcore [edm] in this case, even though the genre these belong to is called "digital hardcore", which instead refers to hardcore [punk]. it's a mess out here. did you know theres two completely different things called doomcore where one is derived from metal and the other is derived from hardcore. and you never know which itsd going to be when you click on something in the doomcore tag. im dying squirtle
anyway on the other side of the hardstyle+metal combo is kobaryo [with his alias blaxervant], who's much more about the hardcore side of things and just has the metal as flair, but it is still: the best shit ever
laur also on occasion hits this side of hardstyle+metal becaue he just likes using whatever the fuck instruments
there are of course many other things i love a lot, primary examples being ambient/atmospheric, folk, and anything with a lot of Texture. im not gonna get into all that but i do have an extended list of faves/recs from the last time i was asked about this and went insane abt it. it took forever to make and my actual recs are not entirely the same as my Faves so im putting it on here too.
Tumblr media
i keep these curated to the top of my bandcamp profile so they're the first things that display there. it's a bit old by now and some have since been shuffled out, but it's still like 80% accurate.
as for the actual recs: the angel's message is there because it's my fave brand of intense and chaotic stuff and want it to kill you full force. it already has some tracks up there so im not re-linking it
this one i recommend just because i think it's really interesting and out there and i'm curious what other people think of this sort of stuff. it's also the prime example of what i mean when i talk about Textures in music.
wolfgun is an actual rec for being genuinely just really good music. probably the most objectively cool/platonically enjoyable thing in my library
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justa-moth · 11 months
general funny theatre moments:
alright so first thing i wanna say is that there were several moments where the theatre LOST THEIR SHIT
the first moment was when matpat. basically you here his voice before you see him, and the SECOND his face was showed everyone was just yelling "OH MY GOD HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD" and then he said the "its just a theory" line is everyone lost it again JHKFSD
and then the second moment was when they played the FUCKING LIVING TOMBSTONE FNAF SONG. LIKE THE SONG
also during the scene where the babysitter gets bit
when she was investigating freddys teeth
my brother joking leaned over and was like "was that the bite of 87 :OOOOOO"
Positives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like this is the first time in canon material we really see them delving more into the fact that they really are just lost and scared Dead Children
like the fact that they showed how they truly were just robo children, like building a huge blanket fort, tickling abby, the fact that they brought up how the ghosts understand pictures more, like the end scene where mike is like "show them what really happened" and abby draws a little crayon scene of afton killing the kids
like in alot of fanon stuff people love going into that
but this is the first time in canon shit that we see them just. being kids
and i thought that was genuinely so fucking cool
like the blanket fort scene was honestly adorable, if a little out of place
ik some people were a little on edge with fucking PEETA MELLARK being mike
but MAN did he pop his pussy during this movie omfg
abby and the freddy ghost kid were WONDERFUL
plus matthew lillard obviously played insane Very Well
where like it kept showing up in places and then mike would just like turn it around and put it in timeout
the part where the main guy watches them on the cams and sees bonnie and chica just chillin by the vent
and then chica just leeaaaannsssssss down and puts cupcake in the vent
and then just both just >:( at the camera
AND THE RED EYES !!!!!!!!!!!
VERY mild negatives
i only really have two Actual gripes with certain choices
the anti-climatic springlock scene, and the choice to make vanessa the afton and not mike
like for the springlock failure scene, in all iterations of it, its always an instant thing
like in that one minigame scene, you hear them creak for a sec, and then they ALL chomp at once and he screams
but in the movie it was just kinda gradual which ig they had to do??
like how all the major death scenes were either off screen or like,,,,, shadows
which ig i understand bc they didnt wanna make it too exclusive by going all the way to r rated
but yeah in like all iterations of the springlock failure scene its always smth wet triggers in, and then bam they all go off, like theres springlocks EVERYWHERE like those fuckers puncture EVERYTHING
i mean we get like some close ups of them cutting into his stomach but like
still wouldve liked a more Instantaneous springlock scene
my only other real gripe with it was the choice to make vanessa the afton and not mike
really the choice to include her at All was odd to me like ever since the cast list came out
like just,,,,,,, chronologically why is she here (but hey when has fnaf ever liked its timelines
the choice to COMPLETELY change mikes story by giving him the like dead little brother and alive little sister and like
someone actually pointed out a really good point where it was like
why did afton kidnap a kid from some random ass family at a campsite????
like the whole point was that stealing kids from the pizzeria was convenient, so why go all the way out to some forest in nebraska to kill a kid
but back to vanessa, like i understand how in the books there was the vanessa a., so obviously everyone thought that stood for afton, and even when she was in security breach people thought she was an afton
i just think the choice to make Her aftons kid, and make MIKE FUCKIGN SCHMIDT have zero relation to him was just Very Odd
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omegalomania · 2 years
some kind soul uploaded the full q&a that fall out boy did the other night! here is a highlights reel of things that grabbed me while i was watching for those who don't have time to watch:
they have a rapport with the interviewer and have hung out with him a bunch. patrick says they spent like 30 minutes making fun of couches last they hung out lmao
pete describes working with neal avron as being held like an enchanted forest creature with him standing inches from pete's face and saying "what. are. the songs. about." and pete going "oh my god he's looking into my fucking soul rn"
when asked what their favorite meal is, andy says "mom's spaghetti" and doesn't elaborate, patrick says "sushi" and doesn't elaborate. pete says that he's like the joker and he's a simple man and today he had a full english breakfast and he didn't know what to do with half the stuff that showed up.
pete talks about discussing the name of "the beatles" with elliot ingham (their photographer) and says he finally understood that their name was a pun. he says about this "i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed" and doesn't realize he's referencing a meme. the crowd immediately fills him in that it's a lyric by smash mouth. andy clowns on him for this right after: "he's NOT the sharpest tool in the shed"
the host says that pete seems very intellectual. pete says "i PROMISE you that's not true."
when asked about formative musical influences andy and patrick both cite familiar names (andy namedrops drummers for bands like slayer and metallica, patrick says his dad being a folk singer was a huge influence and the 1989 danny elfman batman score). pete says joy division but says he's a visual person and most of his influences are movies.
there's a moment where patrick and pete banter and pete points at the host and says "he just told me i'm smart, i'm trying to live up to it!!" and patrick says in this very small high pitched voice "please be nice to pete!"
anyway pete says his biggest influences are "all the twilight movies except for the one where they introduce [i have no idea what he says here because the crowd promptly goes apeshit]" and also lego batman.
for newer artists patrick says he really likes the new zulu record and the new incendiary song. he says he also likes MSPAINT, alvvays, and another band i couldn't catch the name of
pete says he likes all of patrick's recommendations and says he also likes games we play. andy doesn't give any artists but says patrick gave a "great list" because he's VERY jet-lagged. he's keeping it together as best as he can tho lmao
when asked about if they would ever do a fashion runway show like they did in 2013, patrick says he was embarrassingly short for the whole thing. "i'm at like, bellybutton level." so he says he doubts they would ever be invited back to do something similar "unless they want a bunch of hobbits"
someone asks about producing and patrick gets really in depth with what producing is like and uses "from under the cork tree" as an example - "nobody puts baby in the corner" was barely adjusted from demo form but "sugar we're goin down" had totally different verses at first until they got better direction from the producer.
when asked about what their favorite video to film was, pete says youngblood chronicles WASN'T a lot of fun to make because it was like 9 months with fake blood in your hair and clothes that haven't been washed oNCE. he also didn't love doing the prosthetics for "love from the other side"
the host asks if they've seen the last of us and pete says yes but points at andy and says "he hasn't seen the last episode though so no spoilers!!!" which i thought was very sweet. he then follows that up with "just watch the fuckin episode so we can talk about it!"
patrick and andy said they shot a music video recently that was a "blast" but it's not out yet. pete calls it "very fun, very funny." the crowd starts cheering and patrick hastily says "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT! you're under NO obligation to like it! but if you do then that's good :)"
patrick says one of the best parts of being in a band is that they all have imposter syndrome but in different ways so they can build up each other's ideas even if they don't believe in their own.....
pete's very nervous about the lyrics to this album cause he's not sure they'll be relatable since he has a lot of "insane fears day to day about not existing." he went to a lot of places that were terrifying to him and he was like "should i talk about this to my therapist" but his therapist said "put this in your lyrics"
"heaven, iowa" was the song that took the longest to come together on this record. this is followed by a rly long anecdote from patrick that im putting in another post cause it honestly made me howl.
when asked about who they'd most like to collaborate with, andy without hesitation says "ourselves" and nothing else. pete says he wanted a kid cudi feature on the album but it didn't work out since he was either busy or ghosted them fldjflkdf
when asked what song are they tired of playing that they can't cut from the setlist and they DON'T want to answer. patrick says some songs have really high notes that are demanding physically for him but that's as specific as he gets lol
pete's like "well we've got this punk song we end all our shows with from one of our earlier albums and it gets very chaotic and sometimes it's a bit of a fancy crowd of people who are like 'i like centuries, i like some of their other songs....i write sins...' and before we start the song i'm like. oh god this is gonna be bad."
when asked about the songwriting process, patrick says: "pete sends me lyrics, i mine them for stuff i like, and....i hate starting answers like this i feel like i've been saying this all MONTH. so i have ADHD - " [crowd fucking goes wild]
when asked about which projects they're proudest of outside of fall out boy, patrick turns to andy and says "andy is very quiet about being in like thirty bands" but andy says he's proud of "all of it"
patrick remarks that he's heard some love for soul punk but is also super grateful he gets to do film and tv scoring now too! he says he likes that when he's talking to people and they ask what he does and if they don't know bands or anything he can say he likes scoring for film and tv and their eyes glaze over and there are no follow-up questions LMAO??
pete is proudest of the bands on his record label!
for favorite songs on the new record, patrick says he likes "what a time to be alive" and says the lyrics are "so tremendously pete"
pete likes "baby annihilation"
when asked about the most difficult song to play live, patrick said headfirst slide wasn't really that difficult even though he expected it to be. he says a lot of songs on mania were very challenging to play live, like young and menace. pete says "what a catch, donnie" was very hard for his "little brain" to play
at the end pete shouts out the host for being fantastic since they've hung out like 3 times now and he thinks he's a great dude to hang out with. andy inexplicably follows this up with "you look like a DAMN fine cup of coffee" and doesn't elaborate but patrick thinks that's his way of saying thank you too
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fucktheark · 1 year
(some) creepypasta/marble hornets music hcs :)
these are mostly from my own playlist they aren't accurate at all this is just 4 funsies lololol
also i highly doubt anyone will even see this post but if u do drop a song rec plz im struggling finding new music </3
tim (specifically him cs masky is too busy going apeshit 4 music)
old man music but like cool old man music (this is just what my father listens to LOL)
thinks he's got peak taste and snickers at everybody else's song choices
breathe - pink floyd
pet sematary - ramones
the chain - fleetwood mac
aerials - soad
lover, you should've come over - jeff buckley
i pulled this out of my ass tbh but imagine 80s fan brian
kinda likes lil peep but would never tell a soul cs he thinks he's too old for it
doesn't rly share his music with anyone bcs he's afraid they're not gonna clown him for it
she's in parties - bauhaus
the brightside - lil peep
the ghost in you - psychedelic furs
messages - a flock of seagulls
hotel california - the eagles (cz y not)
i never rly obsessed over her so this is js based on the vibes i get from the art i've seen of her (so pretty bruh)
echolalia - faetooth
nine while nine - sisters of mercy
closet - fleshwater
engine no. 9 - deftones
frigid and spellbound - spectral wound
no way totally unexpected music
i think eventually she grew out of screamo and scene but never rly let emo go entirely
acid - ghost town
get away with murder - jeffree star (yikes)
what you need - bmth
freaxx - brokencyde (she's been in love with this album since it came out)
vampires will never hurt you - mcr
i like think that after what he did to his family he just kinda checked out from earth and stopped keeping up with most pop culture, so he's still listening to the same music he did back then.
peak edgy middle schooler vibes
never tires of his playlist
every now and again he comes across something new and gets obsessed with it immediately and probably forever
yen - slipknot
makedamnsure - taking back sunday
don't go - bmth
tourniquet - marilyn manson
crewcabanger - chelsea grin
still enjoys twiztid even after the beef but secretly because it makes him feel like a poser
also likes jeff buckley but feels kinda cringe for it
the stalker - icp
house of mirrors - icp
my 1st time - dark lotus
2nd hand smoke - twiztid
grace - jeff buckley
same reasoning as jane i know like nothing about this dude and even less about sully so i'm not even gonna attempt .
i fw his vibe tho
eye - smashing pumpkins
the man who sold the world - nirvana
heaven - talking heads
the sickness - imminence (he's gotta be a lil emo come on)
siamese twins - the cure
eyeless jack
this one is kinda hard tbh but considering his hypersensitivity to sound, i feel like he wouldn't enjoy anything too noisy
likes songs with a lot of bass because he can feel the bass reverberating through his body when he wears headphones
soft/airy vocals!!!! he hates screaming
doesn't rly stick with a specific genre just whatever makes his ears tingle lol
a forest - the cure
dark stone - holy fawn
hide and seek #1 - plastic tree
the thing - pixies
collabo - june freedom
bitch spends so much time on the internet he discovers new music every day
listens to everything but tries to flex the really obscure shit he finds in the depths of youtube (he wants to be cool but it's kind of pathetic.)
his playlist is MASSIVE and a mess, he usually has to skip through half of it before finding something he actually likes
i don't know why but he'd be into haunted mound
plays the majora's mask soundtrack when he can't think of anything to listen to
husqrider - turnabout
fentanylism - opiated devilsperm
starting over - lsd and the search for god
gou zin zan goku - deviloof
ugliest - $uicideboy$
laughing jack
he's old af and probably doesn't get modern music tbh
classical music it is
and opera
i'm not gonna make a whole playlist but he really loves erlkönig because of the story lol
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repldemiurge · 1 month
I went to a few concerts this summer season (though not nearly as many as my partner) and I never take pictures at them, but today since it was an outdoor lawn venue I found it easier and got a pic of each band
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Unearth was fine. Generally the highest praise I can give a -core band unless they later go on to have a more interesting career (a la BTBAM or TDEP) I think them being slightly older than most bands in that scene helps a lot? It gave them more of just a melodic thrash vibe that they then still botched with knuckle-dragging breakdowns, in case you forgot they were a metalcore band and started to enjoy them. And yet, I might try a couple albums
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Then Kerry King came on. Who the fuck cares.
(Forming your own shitass slayer wannabe band when slayer reformed without you after 5 years because you're too much of a fucking tool is. Sad.)
The only track the crowd got into was Raining Blood. Lol.
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Mastodon did all of Leviathan, and like. It's Leviathan it's good what do you want. Honestly, the biggest downside to this was that they played Blood and Thunder to open the night, when by rights that is a made-to-be-an-encore song. Instead we got More Than I Could Chew and Steambreather. Idk I just. Still hate those last two albums. They teased that a new record will be out 2025 and my God I hope they decide to quit it with the fucking hard rock crap.
Then Brann came out after and told a very cute story about the first time he saw Leviathan on sale at best buy, good fodder for a 20th anniversary show like this.
OH they also played Circle of Cysquatch and had a tokusatsu. This thing was pretty cool.
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Then Lamb of God closed doing all of Ashes of the Wake. I had really only heard Redneck, Laid to Rest, and Grace by these guys, on account of the rock I live under. (And Grace only because of the girl who did a hurdy gurdy cover of it. And that's the track I like the most!)
I. Get why they occupy the position that they do. Solid blend of existing hardcore and metal styles while never adventuring into anything *too* experimental or niche. Really solid technique and fantastic stage presence from their front man. Kinda sad I didn't see them before Chris Adler left? I've had respect for him as a drummer for a long time. Overall, good album and solid live performance. I think I liked the first half a fair bit more than the back half, but the instrumental title track near the end was a standout. Did a little bit of moshing during Redneck because I wanted to have a *little* fun tonight, and I knew people would go apeshit for it. Uh, moshing on an angled lawn in the dark is a, *different* fuckin experience than on a venue floor lol. Only stayed for like half the song I guess.
Then I ate a hot dog and chili. Good night.
Anyways what's up with all these tours of bands playing entire albums now? I feel like this wasn't a thing 10 years ago. Maybe it's just that we're hitting a lot of anniversaries for 00s prog-metal boom albums and they want to show their Concept Vision in Full, but I feel like I'm seeing non-progressive bands (Lamb of God???) do it as well, so.
It's not even a bad trend per se, it's just one that feels kinda weird to me. I'm not the world's biggest showgoer though, maybe this has been a thing for a long time and I just never picked up on it.
I should listen to Slaughtersun by Dawn again (Good Black Metal bands do north American tours and stop in Detroit 2025 pleaseeeeeeee)
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