#they teamed up on a patrol. and also the panel of him where he's like having comics mcdonalds and smiling while drinking his sodie pop.
thedevotionaltour · 4 months
personally i like to envision a time where matt tries to be a dick and rags on foggy for his snacks and foggy just shoots back asking matt what's with the large coke sitting on his desk then. that's the second large coke i've seen grace your desk this week. and it's not even a bottle you got at the store that's a cup. that's a large cup. should i mention the can in the garbage too. and matt shuts up from there for the afternoon.
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weenwrites · 7 months
love 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 LOVE your writing! You’re one of, like, three authors I can actually identify. (I don’t pay attention to who writes what nor do I remember, but you write so well that from rereads and new reads I recognize you).
When you feel up to it, can you do TFP Smokey, OP, and Ratchet with an s/o (cargo plane alt, big bot, like Stratosphere) crashing like Smokey did and the surprise reunion? Aaaand maybe other misc reactions of such a big bot?
✎ A/N: Aa thank you so much for your kind words!! :D Also I could've sworn I did a reuniting with S/O on earth thing with Optimus and Ratchet before, so I leaned more towards reactions about having a massive S/O instead.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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When the two of you first met, he was in complete and total awe at your sheer gargantuan size. In fact, the way he gawked at you the whole time he was passing by, may have caught your attention and saved him from bumping straight into a glass panel that two bots were moving, and if that wasn't the case, then ah well.
Anyway, back before the war grew so hectic, he was proud to have a partner as cool as you, and every time the random person he was talking with would comment about you, he'd casually just slip in a "yeah, that's my partner" with the most love-struck look on his face.
There's no place in the world where he wouldn't recognize you right off the bat. Aside from your size being your most defining trait, he'd recognize your color scheme, alt-mode, and voice anywhere, no matter what was going on. And the moment you crash-landed right in front of him, he was so confident that he knew you well enough to tell you apart from any phony.
Of course the rest of the team were immediately going at him, telling him that it's not that easy to tell their real friends apart from the spies, but when he's proven right that it is indeed you, he never lets them live it down and now all they want is for him to shut up about it.
As badly as he wants to share a habsuite with you, the chances are that you are waaay too big to fit in any rooms. The largest room that could possibly fit you is the training room, but even then you dwarf it easily (and also they need to use that...). Once you get your own room, however, he spends much more time with you in there than he does in his own habsuite.
He brags about you quite a lot to the rest of the team and says things like "did you know that my s/o—" or "oh hey! y/n used to enjoy doing that before the war—" and at this point they're all fed up with how lovesick he is. They would shove him off on patrol with you to take care of the problem. Even Arcee's started teasing you, about all these things that Smokescreen's said, and honestly it'll get so embarrassing that you'll probably ask him to stop at some point.
He's very eager to fight along side you, and keeps encouraging you to go out with him into battle. He'll paint vivid pictures of your shared glory—just imagine, the moment you step onto the field you'll completely level the cons to ashes! They won't ever know what hit them!
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If you met sometime before the war, when he was still an archivist, then he'd frequently go out to visit you since you were probably too big to be walking around the Iacon Hall of Records. Flying with you was one of his favorite past times after any long and difficult shifts. Unfortunately the two of you don't get to enjoy that once peaceful feeling of flying together when the war started. Flying lost its relaxing touch and soon became more stressful and frightening, as the fear of being shot out of the sky became more prevalent in both your lives.
Soon enough, the fear of losing one another had became something so horrifically possible, and the next second it became real, and the rest became history that passed in several long, agonizing years.
As opposed to expressing joy and relief to seeing you again—well, he partly was—he was initially skeptical that it was truly you. The team had been tricked by a decepticon spy before, who's to say it won't happen again? Yet the moment you confirm your identity, he allows his cold, distant front to drop, and he sincerely welcomes you back.
Though he didn't express any enthusiasm outright upon seeing you again, he makes his feelings clearer once the two of you are away from prying eyes. And as you catch up, it's not hard to miss how the war has made him jaded and weary, yet you don't have to look too far to see glimpses of how he was before.
He tries to situate a nice comfortable living space for you—preferably somewhere that's within the base, but since you're too big to fit in any of the current rooms they have, the best they'd have is probably someplace outside. And if this is sometime after the base was destroyed, then unfortunately the best he could do for you was get the biggest hangar they have on base to house you in your alt-mode.
But then there comes the problems with energon rations... Your massive size and your altmode automatically constitutes an equally large portion of energon is required for you to function, and with the team's unfortunate shortage and size, it's difficult to obtain enough energon to keep everyone functioning... Yet perhaps now with your assistance, it may be easier to obtain enough energon to supply the entire team.
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Even before the war, he was no stranger to loss. There have been patients who he couldn't save and the war only increased that amount ten-fold, yet the feeling never ceased in it's capacity to tear him apart from the inside. A lot of horrible things have happened to him, but the moment he lost you took the cake for the "worst thing that's ever happened". And in that moment, it was as if things were as painful and horrible as possible, it couldn't get any worse and it would never get better again.
And yet that moment eventually passed, as all things do. Though the tears shed have long since dried, and the loud, echoing sobs have grown quiet, that absence always stuck with him. He doesn't think of it as much as he used to, he's far too occupied with his own work to mourn, but it's still there.
Beholding you was like beholding a ghost, and he couldn't really believe that you were standing right there in front of him. He's nigh speechless, but somehow he manages to get himself together to say your name at the very least. He's quick to run a general check-up, and your massive size doesn't slow his work in the slightest.
As much as he'd prefer to have you live within the base, the place is already pretty crowded as is, and with someone your size packed in with the rest of the bunch, he wouldn't be surprised if the number of accidents around the base would skyrocket tenfold. Of course he doesn't mean any offense to you, it's just that there's no space for you. Their current base is so ridiculously minuscule in comparison to the buildings back on cybertron that it feels like they're living in a cardboard box that the U.S. government kicked over to them. While it's certainly far from ideal, he still has to make do, so he'll try to help think of something to improve your living conditions.
Sure, the thought that someone could get hurt on a mission is something that weighs on his mind every single time, but for some reason whenever you're deployed, that anxiety of his worsens ten-fold. It may be because you're partners, but from a medical standpoint, if you were to get hurt, you could leave a massive crater in the team's resources. Not only could you easily wipe out what little energon they have, but the team doesn't have the proper resources to patch up any major injuries, and the last thing he wants right now is to be forced to say goodbye to you permanently.
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lunar-rcp · 6 months
could you do something with Roy being cared for by Poli. I don’t mind it being anything, I just want my favorite character to be comforted—Kidshowsarecool
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Putting out your flames of emotions
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# . . ! tags; fluff/angst (mostly on roy's part, though)
Having achieved his dream of being a recuse member, he already had his life set in stone. Saving others from unfortunate incidents.
However, the firetruck never could save himself at times. (Which was, mostly.)
And today was one of those days.
Roy sighed wearily, his gaze saddening as he closed the electrical panel after inspecting it thoroughly at Mr.Builders place. Today was quite the exhausting day, even the overworking fire truck could admit that to himself. It was one of those days where he just wanted to quit and imagine himself laying onto his bed, happy to even hear his own thoughts.
But, he couldn't. He had to please others around him, that was the goal he set for himself.
“Roy!” Mr.Builder yelled with glee as he approached the firetruck, quickly making Roy snap out of his carousel of thoughts.
“O-Oh! Erm, ah-..” Roy fiddled with his fingers, desperately trying to compose himself as quickly as possible. He couldn't just show off this state to anyone. Even his own rescue team. The firetruck despised it when anyone would worry about him. He was fine. 
Well, he thought he was fine.
“..Yes?” Which was what he managed to mutter out, cringing at his own answer. His eyebrows furrowing, pondering as to why he just didn't feel his best.
“Seems like you've finished ya work here? Well, that's great! Oh, and also–” Mr.Builder suddenly tilted his head, taking notice of how dull the firetrucks expression was. “Hey, Roy? What's with the long face? Is your day not going swell?..” Mr.Builder spoke with a concerned tone. In response, Roy shook his hands frantically.
“Oh, nono! Don't worry, don't worry! I'm just fine!”
Roy gulped. He just lied. But, he didn't want to worry anyone about his day.
His day contained of bratty children screaming at the firetruck, all because he was concerned for their safety. He also had to set out many fires, having to face families look at their now charred houses.
..But he couldn't tell Mr.Builder that.
“Ya sure? Well, can't be helped! I'm just a big worrywart, aha.” Mr.Builder scratched his head, chuckling. “As I was sayin’, could ya check out some fallen signs in the mountains? Me and my team jus’ don't have the time with the new construction.” 
He didn't want to. But, what could he say? He'd rather toss his emotions into a bottle and ship it overseas than to face a disappointed citizen's face. “Oh, of course Mr.Builder. I'll get on to it.” Roy spoke with a quiet soft sigh, saying his goodbyes and transforming into his vehicle form to drive off to the mountains. 
. . .
The police car was patrolling the road to the mountains, humming softly along with the whimsical tunes of birds chirping. 
Poli stopped his humming when he spotted quite the familiar red silhouette from the distance, it wouldn't take a genius to find out who that red paint belonged to.
“Roy! Hey, Roy!”
Roy stopped in his tracks. He knew Poli too well; and so did Poli. It would take a matter of seconds for the police car to find out that something wasn't right.
‘Pretend you didn't see him, pretend you didn't see him..’ Roy talked to himself in a whispered tone, swiftly turning around and driving the other way. To which leaving the police car puzzled.
“Huh? What's going on?” Poli raised an eyebrow, this wasn't like Roy. Concerned, Poli started to drive towards Roy's direction.
“Roy! C'mon, what's up?” Ack. That concerned tone left a bitter taste in Roy's mouth and heart. The guilt started to settle in, and so were emotions that started to bubble.
“..D-Don't..-” Roy swallowed his stutters, his voice obviously cracking. This only added to Poli's concerns. “Don't worry, I'm, u-uh.. fine.” The guilt at last has come up to the surface as his eyes were pricked with bubbles of tears. Roy refused to face Poli, not in this way. He needed to escape the situation. “U-Uhm, gotta go. See you.” The firetruck started to drive away, his tears already spilling on his frame.
“..Roy? Wait, no! Roy!” Before Roy could react, Poli sped right in front of him. No surprise for the fastest car in Broomstown. “Roy, you're acting off. Please tell me wha-” Poli stopped his rambles of questions to a halt when he saw tears bubbling in the beady eyes of the firetruck. “Oh, Roy..” Poli sighed sadly, driving closer next to his best friend, touching his tire against his.
And that was the final arrow to break the bottle of emotions as Roy started to sob. The guilt completely ate his composure away. “I'm- I..! S-So..” Roy choked on his words, only to be interrupted by his sobs.
“Shh,” Poli shushed the firetruck, softly rubbing against his tire. “It will be okay. Just spill it all out, friend.” 
. . .
After Roy finally had calmed down from this aching moment, the two had transformed and were sitting on the hills of Galaxy hill, admiring the view while Roy had finally talked out his problems.
“Ah, so that's what happened.” Poli sighed with a hint of frustration. Those damn kids.. He'll be sure to speak to their parents after this ordeal. “Thank you for telling me, Roy. But you could have told me sooner.” 
“I'm sorry..” Roy looked down to his hands. “I just, don't want to worry anyone. Everyone always has this image of me being the strongest, and I just have to keep to that expected image of theirs.”
“Not true, I don't.”
“What?” Roy was rather surprised by this answer, his mouth slightly open.
“Sure, you're the strongest and can lift an entire boulder with ease. But that doesn't mean you always have to throw your feelings way like nothing. I care about you, Roy. And so does the entire team as well. We all care about you.” Poli smiled at him, a glint of appreciation in his eyes. Roy has always protected the town with such care.
And now it was his turn to take care of Roy.
Roy's mouth was about to open to say something, but he was met by an embrace from the police car.
“P-Poli, I..” A tear formed in his eye. But this was a happy one. “Thank you, Poli.” Roy hugged him back tightly, finally finding his usual warm smile plastered on his face.
“Roy, I'll be there for you, whenever and wherever.
Word count: 1090 !
wow, this was an emotional one shot. thank you for the ask !
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angellbarnes · 3 years
Forgotten Love - part three: lions and tigers and secrets, oh my
series summary: You’re new to the Avengers. In joining the team, there’s a lot that no one yet knows about you. And there’s some unusual tension between you and a certain brunet. Under a pseudonym and with completely fresh start, and background, you hope for a chance at a new life. A better life. But how long will it last before someone figures out the life you’ve hidden away?
chapter summary: Quite some first mission. And some close calls, too.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
words: 1.9k
warnings: only killing those hydra goons
A/N: Ooooh I’m actually really happy with this chapter. Hope you all like! As always, likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciated☺️
series masterlist
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The jet speeds off to an unknown location. FRIDAY is left in charge, of course. Everyone else either sits at the sides or is preparing for when you land. You get up from your seat and walk to the middle of the jet, where Tony, Steve and Nat are all looking at a hologram of some sort of concrete building.
“Hydra base.” Nat states.
“We’ve gained intel to a specific experiment they’ve got going on. They’ve been trying to recreate more of the supersoldier serum. We can’t let that happen.” Steve informs you, in his patriotic, ‘I’m Captain America’ voice he likes to use.
“Fury’s informed us that they may be closer to recreating it than we thought. He’s picked up some new radiation that’s coming from this building.” Your gaze falls from Steve back down to the hologram. With a flick of his fingers it spins, giving you a 360 view of the place. The sight makes you feel uneasy, in a way unknown to the team.
“If you haven’t guessed already, our job is to get rid of whoever and whatever is causing this.” Tony adds. “We take out the bad guys, steal their shit, and boom. Avengers win.”
“Always so serious.” Nat jokes. You smile at her and head to the weapons area, grabbing a few knives and a handgun, and slotting them into various places on your suit. Bucky is also there, picking a few similar knives but a much larger gun.
“This is your first mission, right?” He asks, not even glancing at you. You think for a moment, not quite sure how to answer.
“Yeah. It’s my first.”
“Don’t sweat it. We’ll be in and out in no time. It usually goes according to plan.” He finally looks at you, smirking, and gives you a wink as he walks away, leaving you with more conflicting feelings.
“5 minutes to landing.” FRIDAY announces.
“We’ll head down now to scope out the area.” Rhodey says. The back of the jet opens and he heads off in his War Machine suit, followed by Sam, followed by Tony using his nanotech and jumping out before he’s fully suited.
“Looks like you’re rubbing off on him.” You hear Bucky say to Steve.
The jet lands in the clearing of a nearby forest, leaving the rest of you to venture through it to the base, undetected under the cover of the night.
“Ready?” Steve asks as you head out.
“So ready.” You reply.
You, Nat, Steve and Bucky all head through the trees and it’s not long before you reach the large, grey building. As you approach the facility, you would have guessed it was abandoned by now if it wasn’t for what Fury had reported.
“Emily, we’ll head through the front and you boys can go around the back.” Nat orders.
“Yes ma’am.” Steve salutes her with a smirk and you head off in your different directions.
You and Nat find a small side door where the front of the building is and to your surprise, it’s unlocked. Both of your guns are up at the ready as you sneak down the eerie corridor. Only dim ceiling lights cast any glow amidst the darkness, the kind that are always flickering in horror movies. You come up to a split in the corridor and push Nat up against the wall with you when you sense an unwanted presence.
You close your eyes, concentrating on the way this person is moving. Though the footsteps are inaudible, you can feel it: the vibrations through the floor, of a male, walking with the rhythm of a robot. Patrolling the grounds. The vibrations get stronger as he nears. When he reaches the corner is when you pounce, catching him in a headlock and choking him silently unconscious, until he falls limp in your arms. You snap his neck. One swift motion and you lay him down on the ground, letting the logo on his uniform get to you more than it should have.
“Damn, Quinn, you sure have some surprising moves up your sleeve, don’t you?” Nat comments, stepping over the agent’s body. “A force to be reckoned with.”
“Buck, come on.” Steve picks up a jog as the pair head through from the opposite side of the premises, but Bucky is still looking over his shoulder every 2 seconds.
“Sorry.” He mumbles, and picks up his pace to match Steve’s.
They head further into the maze and, after taking out a few HYDRA heads, they find themselves in a corridor with a single door on the left hand side, reading ‘WS room 1’
“Winter Soldier.” Bucky speaks softly. “That’s what it stands for. Winter Soldier.” He takes a stammered breath. “This is one of the places they tortured me.”
Steve pays his friend a sympathetic glance. Bucky halfheartedly smiles but resolves to staring at the floor. He walks up to the door and takes a look through the small square window. Through it, there’s a small room, encased by glass, with computers and other equipment as such. Ready to make notes. Observations. Beyond that is a larger room with a stand consisting of various panels and buttons and a lever, which is attached to the large-framed chair beside it. The mere sight of it causes Bucky’s skin to crawl with the pain of the past. It almost makes him jump when Steve places a hand on his shoulder, signalling the time to head off again.
“Uh, guys, you might wanna check this out.” Tony’s voice crackles through the coms. “Get to where I am right the fuck now.”
You and Nat start running down the halls now, checking Tony’s location using the new tracking device he installed into everyone’s suits. Taking out numerous faceless HYDRA agents on the way, you make it to a door, a huge metal door, where two agents lay dead either side. Bucky and Steve arrive just as you do.
Steve opens the door.
With a loud creak, a blue glow emits from within the room, and standing in the middle is Tony, surrounded by viles and viles and bottles and machines. Paperwork is piled up messily throughout the place. You all head inside, slowly making your way around, taking notice of all the colours in various glass beakers, tubes and containers, some smoking, some not. Glancing at all the scribbles on the paper scattered around, and on the walls, it’s clear that this is the testing room for their serum. And by the look of the fridge in the corner, filled with bright blue viles, they succeeded.
“Wait, have they already figured it out?” Steve questions.
“No!” Bucky slams his fist on the table, angered by the despairing truth.
“They did it. They actually did it. And God knows how long they’ve had this. For all we know, there could be dozens of newly created supersoldiers walking among us.” Tony says, taking out a vile and holding it up to the light. You take a sharp inhale and turn away from the rest of the group, suddenly feeling light-headed. As you focus your breath and lean against the workspace, you also focus on the paperwork in front of you. It’s a file. Your soul leaves your body as you stare at the black folder, a blood red HYDRA logo stamped to the front. Underneath, some writing:
‘CONFIDENTIAL - SS test subjects 1-12’
SS. Supersoldier.
You hesitantly open it. Nameless faces are enclosed, reduced to nothing but numbers. All have red stamps over their files, labelling ‘FAILED’ in red. Every one is the same; a face, a name, ‘FAILED’.
Until you reach number 12.
You slam the file shut and jolt back upright.
“Emily? You okay?” Nat asks. You spin to face everyone, who now looks slightly concerned by your sudden outburst. You release the breath you were holding in.
“Yeah. Sorry. Seeing this just makes me so angry, you know? How they just want to create monsters with this stuff. No matter the cost.”
“Tell me about it.” Bucky comments. Everyone gets back to what they were doing before.
You sigh in relief, as if you were expecting them not to believe you. You discreetly slide page 9 out of the folder and fold it up small enough to fit into a pocket in your suit.
“This seems too easy.” Bucky says, as he looks over a page of scribbled formulae. You all gather round and look through what seems to be the final renditions of their recreated serum. As you read through, trying to make sense of the cacography, an overwhelming sense washes over you. You shut your eyes, trying to focus the feeling, pinpoint the source of it.
“Guys,” You open your eyes wide. “we need to get out of here. Right now. It’s everywhere. Let’s go, come on!” You yell at everyone as you feel the heat rise beneath you. You run, and the others follow. Nat grabs a load of HYDRA’s work, taking whatever looks important enough, and heads out with the rest of you.
You make it out of the building and keep running towards the forest. Rhodey and Sam meet you from where they were on lookout outside.
“Get down!” You shout, and everyone covers.
The facility is blown to smithereens, the sound of it erupting through the dawn’s serenity. Bright orange fills the sky, melting into the sunrise.
“Let’s get the hell out of here.” Sam urges, to which everyone gets up and heads back, exhausted, to the quinjet.
You let yourself fall onto a seat, leaning your head back against the wall and releasing a long-awaited breath.
“Thank God we have you on our team, Quinn, otherwise we would have been barbecued.”
“Glad to be here, Stark.” You manage to push yourself up, gathering with everyone around the table, where the team is examining what Nat managed to pick up. You scan what’s in front, and your heart falters.
“Where did you get that?”
“Grabbed it on the way out.” She replies. “Looked important.”
“Well, yeah, files with huge capitals that say ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ usually are.” Sam remarks.
You’re tense the whole flight back, biting your nails and lip as you all go through the papers. And when you land, you’re the first one off the jet.
“How did it go?” Wanda asks when you’re back in the compound.
“You want the good news or bad news first?” Tony pours himself a drink.
“Tony, it’s like 7AM.” Steve states.
“Well done, Cap. You can tell the time.” Tony carries on pouring and takes a large swig, holding his glass up to Steve as he swallows.
You rush to your room in silence before anyone starts recounting the mission and passing round that file.
You shut and lock your door, sliding down it and letting your face fall into your hands. You reach for the piece of paper you took and unfold it. You can hardly bear to look at it, feeling sick to your stomach. You barely recognise yourself.
“Did they all make it out?”
“And her?”
“She’s with them now.”
“We will have her back. She can’t hide from us. Number 12 will be back with us soon.”
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Hiya there!!
9 and 27 for the Writers Ask Game!~
9.     Current WIP
Technically, I have two current WIPs: To Play the Game (an epic fantasy) and Wanderthought (a contemporary fantasy with travel between worlds). However I have put those off for a bit because of the immediate gratification of snippets, which in that case, my WIPs are most of my masterlist 😅
27.  Favourite line/scene
I have too many favorites, (to keep it limited I'll stick to tumble snippets) but I was particularly proud of this line from Static, because it captured what the impression I wanted to give of Villain so well.
“You're crazy," Sidekick said, looking down at her the way everyone looked at her. Like a weevil in a cereal box, like a putrid beetle covered in ants, like roadkill that's been around too long, ceasing to be sad and becoming more of a bother.
I also really enjoyed writing this scene for Too Tall because I love stronger characters getting chewed out by weaker characters (sorry it's a little longer)
Hayes turned on his heel abruptly, tipping his chin straight back to make scathing eye contact. “I’m sorry, but are you actually taking this seriously?”
Unai blanched a little at the daggers in his stare before straightening her spine with a proud roll of her shoulders that emphasized her height. “I take every assignment seriously.”
“Then perhaps you could quit ogling me for two seconds and contribute something useful.”
Unai opened and closed her mouth a couple times. “I haven’t been og–
The human rose up on his toes, thrusting out his chest and sizing her up despite being eye level with her bottom rib. "I might be human, and I might be little, pathetic, and weak compared to you, but I’m also the commander of this station. You work for me. Everything you do, every little decision you make, will be done because I allow it. This isn’t your show. Now, I have gratefully accepted Ke'tukar’s aid, but I will not hesitate to seek elsewhere if I feel this coalition is lacking.”
A shock ran up Unai’s legs. If she failed Ke'tukar outside of battle, she would be stripped of all ranks and titles. The shame alone would be worse than death. “I don’t think it will come to that, Commander. I assure you–”
“What assurance can I feel from one-sided respect? We’re both highly ranked officials, but I have been fighting for your attention since your arrived. A real partnership begins with honesty and trust. So were you ogling me or weren’t you?”
Unai swallowed hard. “I…I was…”
“Thank you for your honesty. Moving on.” Hayes dropped back on his heels and spun back around into his brusque walk. “Thoughts on security, Captain Unai?”
“We should set up a flight team that patrols the outside of the station. That way you can pinpoint when and where the intruders are trying to enter. In case intruders are looked over or happen to make a breach, there should be soldiers on all levels. However, we’ll keep them out of uniform so that your civilians don’t get uneasy. We should also stagger your security with mine. They know we’re here to help, so too many wandering Ke'turians would be suspicious.”
Hayes nodded. “Why don’t we draft a schedule this evening?”
“Of course, the sooner the better. May I see the observatory, next? An open hole in the station is our weakest point, and I’d like a clearer idea on how to deal with it.”
Hayes motioned to one of the lifts. “This way.”
Unai fought the urge to watch him as he stretched his arm above his head for the top button, instead gazing around at the lift’s chrome paneling. She’d pushed all signs of agitation from her voice and expression, but she couldn’t hide it from herself. Her knees were weak and her blood full of electricity. She had to fight a stubborn shiver threatening to run down her spine. This was what people meant about humans. Until ten seconds ago, she couldn’t imagine anything cowering to such a small being, and yet he’d barked her into submission in less time than it took her to lineup her troops.
She needed to know more about him. But perhaps with a little more subtlety.
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backburnerdio · 2 years
Hi Dio! I hope you're doing well! I'm having some choosing stress bc some of your chapters sounds honestly hilarious, but I'm also way too curious about the more angsty sounding ones😶🤭 I'm dying to know what happens in Ives in his Feels! And and! Come back to me BrightEyes sounds like something my soul just *needs*🥺 (think I have a fav?🤭)
Hey Sleepy! I'm doing pretty well, thank you! I know you've been busy, but I hope you're doing well too! Thanks for the ask! (And I love to hear you have a fav –Ives is probably my fav too🤫)
Come Back to me BrightEyes
Ok, don't hate me, but I think I want to post this in its entirety. But this takes place after Ives is infected. Ryker goes to check up on him and more or less gets pulled into an experiment to try and help him out. But here's a peek!
“What, you want me to talk to him?”
“Just in general. If he’s going to recognize anyone’s voice, I have a theory it would be yours.”
“S-sure. You know, if you think it would help.” Ryker shuffled with what to do with his hands, finally deciding on his pockets.
“I hope that it does. If we’re able to bring IV5 stable, we may gain answers on how to stop and reverse the BIOSerker virus.” Yew scanned his palm on the door. Ryker couldn’t help but lean as it opened, trying to peek inside. “You don’t have to worry, his systems are quarantined so he isn’t any danger.”
It wasn’t the possibility Ives was still berserk Ryker worried about. He simply had never done well when visiting those in hospitals. Something changed once a person was admitted. But Ives didn't look like a patient. He looked like a cadaver.
Laid on a metal table, Ives was expressionless and heavy. From the neck down he was fitted in a compression suit, a panel on the side of his neck open where a number of lines entered and exited, to and from panels on the wall. Each was a 3D tile filled with the violet-black substance of TLN.
Reluctantly Ryker followed Dr. Yew in, standing beside the table.
Ives in his Feels
On to sweeter stuff! Ives does get to spend some time on Ryker's squad after things have calmed down. And with Beau working with Garnet, well, that means Ryker needs a new partner!
“So, you really want to come back to patrol?” Ryker asked as they coasted to a red light. “You didn’t just, you know, do this because of me? The whole Godhead thing?”
“That’s exactly why I’ve come back,” Ives continued scanning traffic, “for you. You’re the reason I want to be here.”
“It’s what you call a funny story. Something had always been off with my systems after transferring to Royston’s breaching team. I thought because they were new processes. That it would take time to adjust. But I never did. I just didn’t realize it until the patch with Beau.”
Ryker glanced at him, hated to go at the green light and interrupt him. Ives was never one to talk that much. Certainly not about himself. Ryker worried the simple action of getting the car going would snub him from explaining.
“That’s when it all hit me,” Ives went on. “I almost sent myself in for repairs because it was just so much.” He pulled his hands into his lap, holding one another while looking straight ahead. He wasn’t scanning anymore. “Everything I was missing. Stored up, set aside. And it was clear that failure to adjust wasn’t a change or new programming, it was a lack of something. A lack of you.”
Stealing another glance, Ryker stuttered a double-take when he noticed Ives was staring at him now. His blue eyes watered, threatening to spill.
“I missed you,” his whisper sent chills across Ryker’s arms, down his spine. Checking traffic to slow at the next red light, Ryker reached to take one of Ives’ hands, surprised when he grasped it in turn. “You’re all I could think of, and when I got back you were gone and I was terrified.” Tears rolled down his face, one and another.
“Ives,” Ryker shook his head, feeling as if he’d swallowed his tongue, leaning across the console to thumb away tears. “I’m sorry, Bright Eyes.”
“I’m not mad,” Ives said, sitting up straighter and blinking more tears from his eyes. “I’m not mad at you, please don’t apologize.”
“I know you’re not mad at me, but you’re upset. You’re hurt.”
“I’m something,” he admitted, looking at his lap. The light changed and Ryker drove them on, not letting go of Ives’ hand. “I don’t care what anyone tells me, I don’t ever want to go back to a breaching team.”
“You won’t,” Ryker lifted Ives hand to press kiss his knuckles. “I promise, you won't."
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A Rebel's Destiny - Chapter One : The Great Escape
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Imprisoned in an imperial labour camp on an unnamed prison-planet in the Unknown Regions of Space, you decide to escape with help from two brothers. Not only do you piss the imperials off, but you also steal something that could be very valuable.
Pairing : Cassian Andor x reader
Main Masterlist - Series Masterlist
Warnings : mild violence, some swearing, a little angst.
Word Count : 4000 words (exactly)
Sweat dripped down your forehead as you finished one of the trillions of circuit boards produced by the labour camp you was imprisoned in. The warehouse was stifling hot. There was no air conditioning and the thousands of bodies working hard did not help to reduce the humid atmosphere. The sounds of banging and welding made a horrible din that never stopped, even as you lay in your cot at night among ten others in what could only be described as a prison cell.
The inmates were under constant scrutiny of the KX security droids as they patrolled the warehouse. Occasionally, a shout could be heard as a droid punished an inmate if it viewed their work unsatisfactory. You had been at the end of that electric shocking staff once or twice. It was a rather unpleasant experience that left you both numb and in agonizing pain.
During the time spent in the prison-come-factory, you had spoken to many of the inmates, many of whom had spent several years there, even before the prison became a labour camp. Ocat Fuli, a middle-aged yellow twi’lek, and Toc Fuli, his younger brother, had spent nearly a decade surviving this place. The brothers were complete opposites, where Ocat was calm with a paternal attitude, Toc was, for lacking a better word, insane. You got to know Ocat as he was, he was your work neighbour and slept in the same cell as you. The prison did not separate the inmates by gender, especially since some species imprisoned do not conform to the old-fashioned concept of two genders, humans included. Besides, the imperialists who ran the place did not give a bantha’s crap about the inmates’ comfort.
During the day, you would stay at your respective stations, only mildly conversing during your daily 20-minute break at lunchtime. Ocat was very kind, he helped you adjust during the first few days of your sentence. He had introduced his brother Toc at the end of your first day. The twi’lek exuded chaotic energy, and it often caused him to be in trouble, much to the chagrin of his older brother. Although, he found himself frequently having his break-time reduced or even removed altogether, his trouble-making was never for no reason.
On one occasion, a fellow inmate had planned to quietly celebrate their birthday. Upon finding out, Toc made it his mission that Jula Visz, a young human woman he had taken a liking to, would have the best birthday possible, despite the circumstances. He had stolen extra dessert from the canteen to give to her, and encouraged the other inmates to loudly sing whilst on the way back to the cells. However, as the droids were distracted by the cacophony of off-key singing. Toc took the opportunity to high-jack one of the control panels used by the droids to communicate through-out the base. In doing so, he cut out the power to the communicators, preventing the droids from calling back-up or sounding the alarm. What started off as jovial singing turned into a riot that was forcibly brought under control, but during the commotion, Jula had disappeared. No one knows whether she escaped or was recaptured, either way she was never seen again.
Of course, Toc, being the optimistic, believes she escaped and insisted as such. Much to Ocat’s dismay, word had got back to the imperials that he had orchestrated the uprising. They isolated him for several months, hoping it would bring the Twi’lek to submission. If anything, it had hardened his resolve to be a pain in the backside to all imperials.
It had now been several months since you first arrived at the stupid prison planet. You had quickly realized that your work wasn’t just meaningless labour. The Imperials were building something and using prisoners as slaves. As to what they were building? Only the maker knows. But, you knew that when it comes to the Empire, it is never something good. After hearing Toc’s story one evening, you and your cellmates had formed a plan, and today was the excellent opportunity to set it in motion.
As the prison was transformed into the warehouse, the two brothers, along with the other veteran prisoners, became familiar with the layout. Ocat had known about some repairs being made to the outer shell of the base as the hull had a gaping hole from the last Barri attack, comprising the main route you usually took back to your cell. The planet’s atmosphere was too thin for most beings to survive without a spacesuit, but not for the Barri. The giant worm-like creatures were native to the planet and were mostly known for hitching rides on asteroids, hence their ability to survive with little to no oxygen. The creatures secrete an acidic substance to digest the asteroid they’ve hijacked. The individuals who are left on the planet are juveniles, nowhere near the size they can grow to be. Their acid, however, is just as potent as the adults’ and they regularly attacked the factory, attracted to the harsh vibrations and bright fog lights.
A loud siren rang, signalling the end of your shift. All the inmates stepped away from their stations, creating lines that would then form long queues so that they can be herded back to their cells by the security droids. You did the same as Ocat stood next to you, Toc was a few places ahead of you in the queue.
A stormtrooper stood at the start and end of the line. The front trooper barked an order before beginning to march away, with the line soon following. As expected, rather than your usual path to the prison cell, the droids were taking the line through a different passage to avoid the repair team. As you continued walking, the line progressed through the base and headed close to the side hangar, as the repair team blocked the main hangar. The plan you, Toc, Ocat and the other bunkmates had spent organizing since the Barri attack was finally going to happen. Once you approached a crossroad, Ocat signalled to his brother, who responded with a small nod. As planned, Toc began to sing:
“Droids preyed on the innocents, the sick, and the old
Mechanical murder, a murder most cold”
The closest KX droid turned to Toc at the sound of his out-of-tune voice.
“It made no difference what flag our foes flew
For Cham rallied our forces, charging boldly anew”
“Prisoner! Cease from singing or face punishment”, demanded the droid, but Toc ignored it.
Toc had begun to sing the Ballad of Cham Syndulla. Ocat had told the story several times about the brave Twi’lek, Cham Syndulla, who led a group of freedom fighters to combat against the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the subjugation of the people of Ryloth. The song had been written to honour the Twi’lek and had been taught to your cellmates by the brothers. You and Ocat joined in, and soon enough so did your cellmates :
“Our brothers have fallen, tread upon by steel feet
We buried their bodies, we tasted defeat”
As the noise of the singing grew, the more confused members of the line started to join in as well. Even though many of them didn’t know the song, they understood the meaning and as planned, a riot was beginning to stir. Noticing the rowdiness of the inmates, the security droids lit their shocking rods and threatened to punish if the inmates did not calm down. The droids efforts in frightening them to submission were in vain.
“Though we have been pushed back, our resistance won't fall
We're twice again in might, with headtails to the wall!”
We will continue the fight, with blasters and knives
With teeth bared and fists balled, we fight for our lives
Cham will free Ryloth, our home soil we hold dear
He will bring us our victory and teach droids how to fear!”
Suddenly, the power to the section they were currently in cut out. The only visibility came from the blinking blood-red emergency lights that made the corridor seem dark and ominous, especially with the warning siren that followed. Whilst the KX security droids were preoccupied with the inmates singing, Toc had taken the opportunity, as planned, to unscrew a hatch covering an electricity distribution board thanks to the screwdriver he stole from his workstation. Thankfully, they don’t search the inmates until they reach the cells.
Once darkness fell, all hell broke loose. Some inmates took advantage and began attacking the droids. You and Ocat did the same. You grabbed the hilt of the KX droid who had threatened Toc and slammed the end into its chest, causing an electrical surge to run through the droid, hopefully frying it in the process. The electric pulse caused the droid to lash out, violently throwing you against the wall and causing you to bang the back of your head from the force. You slumped to the floor as the world seemed to spin, and a nauseous feeling washed over you. The noise of the fighting sounded muffled and your vision blurred. Among the stifled commotion, you heard a more distinct shout, although you still couldn’t quite make out who it was until they crouched down next to you: “Ai’Jou! Are you alright !?”
Ocat had shoved through the crowd upon seeing you being tossed aside. Breathing heavily from having the air knocked out of you, you tried to focus on him.
“I’m fine”, you attempted to wave him off. The loud sound of the ongoing riot making your head ache even worse.
“Are you sure, Ai’Jou?” He gently titled your head to look in your slightly dazed eyes. He noticed something went at the back of your head. You hissed in pain as he gently pressed there, discovering a slowly bleeding wound:
“You are definitely not okay”
“I’m fine, we have to stick to the plan. This is the only chance we have”, you insisted.
Ocat wasn’t convinced, but he knew you were right, once the imperials figure out what the plan is, they weren’t likely to survive being caught. He gently helped you to your feet, using both hands to grip your arm as you stood. You were still dizzy from hitting your head, but the blurriness had eased, as well as the nausea. Once he thought you weren’t going to immediately collapse as soon as he let go, he picked up the discarded shocking stick and handed it back to you before picking up his own stolen weapon. You and Ocat shove through the crowd and breakthrough to an unguarded corridor. After having spotted you and his brother, Toc followed closely behind. The first phase of the plan was success.
You quietly rush down a set of corridors, pressing against the wall to avoid detection from troops heading back towards the uprising. Just as Toc went to take another turn, something in your gut told you to hold him back. You grabbed the back of his prisoner’s uniform and tug him into through the closest door that was luckily unlocked. Ocat quickly followed. Just as you all entered the room and pressed yourself against the inside wall next to the open door, stormtroopers turn down the passage you were just in. The quick movement had caused your head to spin again, and you screwed your face up, closed your eyes and gripped your deactivated staff tightly, willing the lightheadedness to go away. The three of you held your breath as the troopers jogged past. The clanking of their amour and their heavy footsteps fading away as they disappeared down the hallway.
“Woah guys, look at this”. Toc’s whisper caught your attention, and you opened your eyes to look at what he was referring to. He was stood over by a sleek black desk, with his attention being drawn by what was on a slightly transparent standing screen on the desk. You moved away from the wall to see what he was referring to. The file on the screen looked very official, the title ‘Project Mark Omega’ was written in a large font next to the imperial logo and a stamp marked ‘Confidential’. Whoever owns this office clearly left in a hurry, probably in reaction to the trouble your fellow inmates were causing. You watched as Toc began messing with the computer, pressing seemingly random buttons.
“What are you doing ?”, you asked. He smirked when a small data chip exited the machine.
“Well, whatever this is looks important. If we ever manage to pull our plan off, what an even better way to piss the imperials off than stealing a little intel too.” You huffed a laugh at Toc whilst grabbing the data chip and stashing it away in one of your uniform’s pockets.
“Come on, let’s go”, Ocat urged, leaning against the wall near the door and becoming more on edge the longer you three stayed in the office. He checked the hall for the all-clear before all three of you left.
The three of you continued on your path until you walked through into another a corridor that opened up to a larger passage with the right wall being replaced by transparisteel overlooking the side hangar. You looked through the transparent wall to see rows of stormtroopers standing to attention. The sight made you nervous, and you hope that what you had planned was going to work. As the low-level nausea came back, you stumbled slightly. Ocat grabbed onto your arm to stop you from falling over. He looked at you with concern.
“I’m not entirely convinced you are well, Muchi.”, remarked Toc.
“I agree. You did hit your head hard. I believe you have a concussion”
You waved them both off as the queasiness relented, and it no longer felt like you were being spun around in a TIE-fighter by an overzealous pilot. Ocat reluctantly let go of you, but kept his arms hovering over you in case you collapsed.
“I know, but we can’t stop to rest just yet, Ocat”, you insisted. He let out a sigh before lowering his arms and moved on towards a closed large metal double door that seemed to be protected by a hand scanner. Toc rubbed his hands together in excitement as he prepared his small kit to hack through the door’s security. You and Ocat stood in front of the door, stolen shocking sticks at the ready for whatever might be on the other side.
As the door slide open, the two stormtroopers who were standing guard on the other side turned around. Ocat quickly jabbed the trooper in front, hitting them in the space between their helmet and their breast-plate. The trooper dropped their weapon as the electricity immobilized them, and they fell to the floor, either unconscious or dead.
You weren’t so lucky, as your head injury had made you more sluggish than usual. As you aimed for the neck, the trooper was faster and knocked your weapon out of your hands. Left without a weapon, you grabbed at the trooper’s blaster, trying to prevent them from aiming. Ocat was about to help you, but whilst locked in a grappling hold, you hooked your left ankle around the trooper’s leg and forcefully pushed them, causing the trooper to lose their balance. As they fell backwards, their grip on the weapon loosened. You took advantage and ripped the blaster from their hands before firmly slamming it into their helmet. Ocat quickly followed the attack by jabbing the trooper with his stick, thoroughly making sure that the trooper stayed down.
Whilst you and Ocat were tackling the troopers, Toc had moved forward through the double doors and into a rather dark room where three officers were sat in front of multiple screens and a complicated panel covered in buttons and levers. Thanks to Ocat’s knowledge of the base, the three of you had managed to find the side hangar’s control room which, due to the repairs, was currently being used as the main control.
The three officers had turned around at the sound of the fighting and drew their blasters once they realized they were under attack. You surprised yourself how swiftly shot them with the trooper’s blaster, despite the fogginess in your head that didn’t seem to want to clear. Toc, impressed with your sharp shooting, hastily closed the control room doors before joining you at the control panel. In front of you were several screens displaying the different areas of the base. On one of them, you could see the original corridor where you, Toc and Ocat had begun the revolt. Remains of the KX droids that were attacked littered the hall, but they were also some victims. As you had left the fray, some inmates had done the same, attacking troopers and droids as they go, others hadn’t managed to escape. You watched as a group of inmates were made to kneel, hands on their head in surrender as stormtroopers had them surrounded. An officer stood with them, looking down at them and seeming a bit too happy with herself.
“We have to hurry”, Ocat stressed, looking just as tense as you were feeling at the scene. You nodded to him before all three of you sat in the seats that were once occupied by the officers. You knew exactly what to do as Toc gave instructions on what buttons to press. Section by section, all the cell doors were opened and the emergency shutdown that was initiated in an attempt to control the uprising was turned off. The haunting imperial alarm sounded as inmates fled from their cells and began to overwhelm many of the droids or troops they came across. You all cheered and whooped, high-fiving each other in celebration. Toc grabbed the microphone :
“Ladies, Gentlemen and every being in between, the base is ours!”
Upon Toc’s announcement, you saw as inmates cheered as the troopers and officer’s fled. His announcement wasn’t exactly true, but it did the trick as some of the inmates flooded the corridor where your fellow workmates were kneeling. The officer stood terrified as the troopers failed to control the incoming crowd. The kneeling prisoners became emboldened and joined the attack. Having seen this, you looked at Toc, grinning wildly, before you all left the control-room and headed down a flight of stairs down to the hangar.
The hangar had become mostly empty, the troopers that were originally there had left at the imperial alarm you triggered by releasing all the prisoners. Within the hangar stood several ships, mainly Lambda-class shuttles, often used as both cargo and troop transportation, and more basic cargo shuttles. You cautiously made your way into the spacedock still aware that more troopers might come. Suddenly, a shout was heard along with the clanking of stormtrooper armour. A small group of prisoners had also made their way into the hangar, with stormtroopers hot on their tail as they fired at them.
“This way!”, shouted Toc as he gestured to a small cargo shuttle. The three of you dashed towards it, dodging rogue blaster bolts. You screamed as a bolt flew past your head, barely missing you. Toc made it to the shuttle first and immediately started on hijacking the security system. He let a shout of victory as the shuttle door lowered and the three of you rushed inside to escape the blaster fire. Once inside, you and Ocat sit in the piloting chairs. The engine rumbled as you, rather roughly, began to take off. More stormtroopers had entered the hangar, but it was too late as they continued to fire at the shuttles leaving the base.
Leaving the prisoner planet once and for all, you prepared the ship for the jump to hyperspace.
“The Gordian Reach?”, Ocat questioned as he noticed the coordinates you set in the computer.
“Trust me”, you replied, before pulling down a lever. You felt the shift in gravity as the ship sped up, and you jumped to hyperspace. As the blurred blue light of hyperspace flew past the cockpit, you released a heavy sigh, letting go off the tension that had been building up.
“We did it”, said Toc, almost in disbelief.
“Yes we did”
You grinned at Ocat’s reply. Your plan had succeeded, not only had you escaped that hellhole, you three had stolen confidential information AND help other prisoners escape too.
“So … Now, what we do ?”, questioned Toc.
“Well. I suggest we find some supplies and plan from there. Ai’Jou, you set the coordinates for a sector in the Outer rim, perhaps there is a space station there.”
“Actually, I have a better idea. I have, um, some … special friends in the sector who can definitely help us out.”
“Special Friends?”, questioned Ocat, a little dubious about you meant by friends.
You winced at the pain in the back of your head before you could reply, and Ocat immediately became more concerned about you.
“We need to check that head injury of yours, no excuses”
“I’ll go look for a medkit”
“Thank you, Nerra.”
You knew there was no getting out of it when Ocat went it to what you like to call ‘Dad mode’. As Toc disappeared from the cockpit, Ocat made you turn your chair to face him. “Follow my finger”. You did what you was told as Ocat held up a finger and moved it from left to right.
Toc reappeared and made you jump slightly as he gently placed a cold bacta patch to your wound.
“I think we should all rest, you especially Ai’Jou. We should be arriving in the sector in a few hours. You can explain your excellent plan then.”
The shuttle you had stolen was small, probably only used to ferry small cargo or a small group of people. Ocat had decided to take the first shift of piloting the ship, while you and Toc laid on the hard benches that lined the side walls of the craft, using the emergency blankets in the medkit to keep warm. You slowed your breath as the sound of hyperspace lulled you to sleep, and your headache subsided thanks to the bacta. The next thing you know, you were gently woken by Toc as he had swapped places with Ocat a few hours ago, and you were now dropping out of hyperspace. You groggily rubbed your eyes as you sat up. You no longer felt any dizziness or nausea, and your headache had lessened considerably. As you sat, Toc checked on your wound.
“Looking good, muchi”, he cheekily reported. “We’ve arrived, so now’s the time for you to contact these special friends of yours”
You smirked at his attitude and made to stand. Toc made sure that you were stable as you stood up and headed to the cockpit, where Ocat was sat in the pilot’s seat. You sat down next to him as the brothers watched you expectantly. Without another word, you opened up the ship’s communications line :
“Calling all rebel Alliance vessels. This is Ferox, I have escaped the imperial prison on an unknown planet along with two others. During my escape, I have obtained information that may have some importance.”
“Rebel Alliance!”, exclaimed Toc, “They’re your ‘Special friends!? Why didn’t you tell us that you were some badass rebel fighter or spy?!”
You smirked at the surprise on their faces, “I would have been a terrible spy if I had told you”
Suddenly, a crackly sound came through the comms:
“Hello? Come in Ferox? This is red flight squadron leader, do you copy?”
“I hear you loud and clear, red flight squadron leader”
“Excellent! We’re glad to hear you from you again, Ferox. We’ve transferred your ship’s code, and you’ve been granted permission to land”
“Copy that, squadron leader. Over and out”
At the end of the squadron leader’s transmission, a series of coordinates and a code appear through the comms. You knew exactly where they were to land.
Next Chapter
Notes :
Translations from Twi’leki :
Ai’jou = informal term used for young, Muchi = friend, Nerra = brother
I did not write the Ballad of Cham Syndulla, the song appears in a webcomic written by Pablo Hidalgo and I found it thanks to www.starwars.fandom.com
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robiinjason · 4 years
Toma! What do you think would’ve happened to Jason if Ethiopia had never happened? Do you think he would’ve grown up and become some other hero? Also, do you think Tim would still join the family?
Oh that’s an interesting question!!
From an out-of-universe perspective it’s harder to tell, since even before the vote writer Jim Starlin already disliked Robin as a concept - and since Jason was Robin at the time, he got sidelined from stories and Starlin was weirdly eager to kill him off. And even in the alternate DITF ending where he’d have lived, Jason would have ended up in a coma and likely sidelined for a while.
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SO i’m gonna stick with a in-universe perspective on what i think Could happen or what would have been fun to see if Jason hadn’t died imo! (under a read more bc i get sidetracked and talk a lot)
I think there’s still a chance there might have been some conflict in Bruce and Jason’s relationship, since previously to Ethiopia Jason was acting out and being overly reckless (which was noted as out of the norm and a possible response to trauma by Bruce and Alfred) and the Garzonas Incident had also happened a little before that. 
Ideally, Bruce’d be able to step up as a parent and deal with this tactfully, helping Jason through it (which he made an attempt by taking Jason off active duty as robin, though it didn’t quite work), and despite roadbocks they’d remain with a bond strong as ever. But even if worse came to worst and they couldn’t see eye to eye, ending up with a rift between them, I doubt their relationship’d end up near Red Hood levels of shaken and damaged.
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To the second question, yeah! Imo Red Hood was a result of the very specific set of the circumstances of his death and ressurection, so I think he would’ve come up with a very different new hero identity upon outgrowing Robin assuming he remained in the hero business.
And yeah, I think Tim would still join the family! Or at least I like to think so anyway. It likely would’ve played out differently and Tim might’ve not been the one to make the first move (since what led to him first reaching out to them was the way Bruce was acting in the aftermath of Jason’s death and believing Batman having a Robin once more could help), but maybe they’d still meet during a patrol or a fancy event. 
Or upon the Drakes’ accident, assuming it still played out the same, Bruce would step up to support the neighbor kid while trying to keep his identity secret, being none the wiser that Tim knows everything about Batman. That’s a really fun concept actually.
Since Jason would still be Robin, it’s likely that Tim wouldn’t have a hero identity right away. He’d probably remain as the civilian friend-neighbor who happens to know their identities, gets caught up in their bat-shenanigans and looks up to Dick and Jason.
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But despite not going into the field to fight, I think he could develop an interest in the detective-ing aspect and help with that in a support role, and maybe tag along with Jason in his solo missions even though he’s not supposed to. Jason could eventually pass on Robin to him upon going to colege! 
Another concept I Love is a Robin Jason, civilian Tim and Spoiler Steph trio. It sounds like it could be SO much fun I adore this idea (i have an art wip for it actually. i’ll get around to finishing it one day). I also feel like Tim and Steph might have a better relationship in this situation since the tim-knows-steph's-secret-identity-but-she-doesn't-know-his aspect from canon would be absent, and as a regular kid I don’t think Tim would have the condescending attitude Robin Tim has towards her at times.
Back to Jason, something I would’ve LOVED to see is more of him interacting and teaming up with Dick. Their interactions before his death were very limited but we know for a fact they went to a ski trip together off-panel at some point, so i don’t think it’s far-fetched to assume they hung out more often than canon shows. Given that Dick and Bruce weren’t at the best of terms when Jason was Robin, I think it would be fun to see them sneak around Bruce, or Jason turning to Dick when he’s mad at Bruce.
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This IS the dynamic duo i want. DC give us an entire series of Discowing and Little Wing i’m begging you
and LASTLY I think it’d be so much fun if Jason had gotten to interact more with heroes his age. His friendship and teamup with Eddie was sweet and him joining the Titans as the Smaller Robin was a fun time, and it would’ve been great if he eventually grew up to start his own Junior Titans team or something. I’m not very familiar with what other heroes his age could be a part of something like this other than Eddie (and maybe even Steph?), but I’ve heard of characters like Kyle Rayner and Rose Wilson mentioned for this purpose! 
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caitsyoi · 3 years
I made a post about the Seraphites, so now I want to make one about the WLF. This post is mostly about the WLF's home base, aka the stadium and the area immediately around it. I've included some of my favorite pictures, and my thoughts and observations about where they live and their culture.
Under the cut again to keep things nice and clean.
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I gotta say, this blew my mind when I first saw this as Abby. The WLF really have their shit together. Multiple power sources, a bunch of the resources FEDRA left behind, and multiple food sources. The field has cattle, sheep, and chickens plus some farming. On the steps they have even more areas for farming. They have a way to collect water, and even people to design and string up their logo everywhere.
It makes sense, supposedly thousands of people live here (you can't see it unless except via glitch, but there is also baseball stadium immediately next to this that they might also occupy).
We only see where Abby and other soldiers (perhaps squad leaders?) live. They have a pretty cushy life, two per luxury box (the rooms NFL teams overcharge for that run along the upper level of stadiums). Mel also mentions a special area for young families, I wouldn't be surprised if these areas were further divided. Perhaps there is also housing for larger families and single people who aren't soldiers or squad leaders. I very much wonder if those who join the military get better housing than those that work as farmers (or dishwashers, teachers, laundry washers, cooks, etc.). As mentioned earlier, Abby and Manny live in a luxury box, and there are 112 of those in the stadium this is based on. That's housing for 224 people, if they all live like the people in Abby's hallway. That would mean there has to be more housing in other parts of the stadium.
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This stadium was once used by FEDRA, and you can see the concrete barriers they left behind along the edge of the field. They have to have more cattle than this, to feed all the people that supposedly live under the WLF. There is farmland around the stadium (more on that later), so maybe they mostly let them graze out there, then move some in when they plan on slaughtering them soon.
I love that they have wind turbines AND solar panels. You can see the influence that the Fireflies had on Issac and the WLF, they really focus on stability and restoring what was lost (at least when it comes to comfort). So they have electricity, sustainable food sources (and multiple kinds too), and a way to collect water (you can't see it in this shot, but they use a system similar to Jackson's, just on a much wider scale).
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They teach a curriculum similar to what was taught to kids before the outbreak. We only see two classrooms, but from what I can tell they try to give the gives the type of education they could have received in the old days (as best they can, at least). Both the teachers you see are pretty young, which makes me wonder who taught them.
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Most of the kinds you see in class are pretty young, like less than 10. These look a little order (they are outside the stadium in the market area, which I will talk about more a little later). I wonder how long WLF children are required to attend school (I think I saw a sign for 1st through 6th grade, so at least that?). I imagine they get a basic education with some broad looks into various topics, and maybe the ones most apt for study are selected to do specialized careers like teaching or meteorology. Other children are probably pushed into farming or the military portion of the WLF. Regardless of what they study, they probably also get a heavy dose of WLF propaganda. That aligns with how gung-ho many of them are to fight.
I wonder if military service is compulsory, like everyone has has to do at least so much time and then they can do other things if they want. Or maybe they make it so you don't have to fight if you don't want to, but those that do get better perks.
Most of the WLF you see appear to be in their 20's or 30's, or at least the fighters. That would mean they have spent most (if not all) of their lives under military rule, and they would have a special allegiance to the WLF since they manage things so much better than FEDRA did. Plus, you know, all that propaganda. I imagine they are told a lot about how the WLF is restoring society and how the WLF saved them from FEDRA/Scars/infected.
Sorta related, I thought of an WLF AU. Ellie grows up in Seattle under the WLF, perhaps with Riley and Dina and the other characters from canon. So many interesting things can be done with this, but that's for another post maybe.
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This is one the cafeteria's the WLF use. I believe this is one of a few, although this is the only one you see. There is also a butcher and small market for clothing and items here too. They prepare food here, but I think the majority of cooking is done in an area set up for it in the stands.
They have posted meal times for groups A-F, and separate meal times for children and the late night patrol. So maybe this is the only cafeteria? Each end is blocked off, so maybe they use some of the corridor that circles the stadium for more living quarters.
This is also community space where they can play games, chat, or read. There also seems to be a mix of soldiers and other workers eating together, as well as young families (there is at least 1 or 2 women with young babies in here).
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This little detail was super cute to me, but it also tells you a lot about WLF society. Everyone has a job to do, there is a role and place for everyone to contribute.
I'll talk more about this in another post (titled "It's Silly to Call a Post-apocalyptic Group 'Fascists', but Still the WLF Is Pretty Messed Up"), but an important thing to remember about the WLF is that everything comes down to Issac. He has the final say on everything, he makes all the major decisions, he picks squad leaders, he decides who needs to be punished, he's basically the Supreme Leader. Issac has been shown to be somewhat progressive with some things (you can follow whatever religion you want or none at all in the WLF, the WLF has no problem with LGBTQ people, you can get medical waivers for military duty, they provide support for pregnant women and parents, etc.), and in other ways he is very much the opposite (he punishes anyone who disagrees with him - this could be a relatively light punishment of a crappy assignment or it could be a beating, then there's the whole attempted genocide thing). Anyway, my point is that there are good things about the WLF, but also there is a serious darkside.
Anyway, when I saw this lady and her baby I immediately thought of Dina doing this with JJ while she gardens.
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I absolutely loveeeee this little detail. A mural for the fallen. This really reminds me of some stuff you could see today, just replace the wolf with an eagle and make the uniforms camo.
There are 46ish names on this wall, so I wonder if it is continuously updated or if there are multiple murals, because they definitely have lost more people than that over the years. Also, there are about 150 people at the FOB (the amount of bodies at the FOB, yes I counted) that will need to be added. Maybe the war with the Seraphites just really exploded in the last few weeks (or maybe longer) leading up to Ellie's arrival.
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I love that you can pause during the ride with Abby, Mel, and Manny to look around the outside of the stadium. Immediately outside there are train tracks and what appears to be a large market running along side of it. This is on the west side of the stadium, I believe. A major highway intersection is also nearby.
The market has all sorts of goods, food, gas, clothing, cleaning products, TVs and other electronics, records, and even more. I wonder if this is some sort of intake area for any goods they bring back to the base. But who runs these little shops? From some notes you can find we know their economy runs on trade, so how does this work?
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Once you get past the market area, you see a pretty vast section of farmland. I loved this shot because it also shows one of their rain water storage areas. They mark this water as to be used only for irrigation, so they must use something else for people to drink and bathe with. Or maybe they just filter some water for people to use, and the rest goes to the plants.
In the background you can see the wall and a guard tower. There is a larger wall (like much larger, I'm talking maybe 5 stories) around the QZ, and a smaller one that runs around the stadium.
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This is labeled "Checkpoint #4", so I'm not sure if that means there are other gates, but this is the only one we see in game.
The wall is pretty thick, and you can see these guard towers spaced out all alongside it (much like in Jackson). Once you leave the walls you are immediately surrounded by the wasteland that is post-apocalyptic Seattle.
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kiragecko · 3 years
DC Sidekick Age References
Here’s a dump of all the references I’ve found. Know I’m missing a lot, and quite a few were found on other sites that didn’t give me the most precise info.
If you know of anything else, can correct a mistake you see, or want to discuss comic book aging - please send me an ask, message, or reblog!
?? - means I don’t know where the info is from, “quotes” are direct copies of the wording in the comic
?? Parents died when Bruce was 8
Detective Comics #27 (May 1939) – Batman introduced
Detective Comics #38 (Apr 1940)  – Dick is (8 when parents killed/9 when Robin) 12 when he becomes Robin, it's Bruce's 3rd year as Batman
More Fun Comics 73 (Nov 1941) – Green Arrow Introduced
1962 - JLA formed
1964 – Dick teams up with Wally and Garth
Teen Titans 1 (Jan-Feb 1966) – Teen Titans form, Donna is introduced (all 5 are 14ish?)
Detective 359 (Jan 1967) – Babs introduced, has PhD, has graduated
Batman #217 (Dec 1969) – Dick graduates high school, enrolls in University (starts 3 months later)
1971 - Roy discovered using drugs by Ollie and Hal in a drug den (he was trading arrows for drugs), retcon has Wally and Dick discovering him at tower and making him promise to get help
Justice League 116 (Mar-Apr 1975) Charley Parker is 16
Batman Family 10 (Mar-Apr 1977) – Dick is teenager, Babs is 25
Teen Titans 53 (Feb 1978) – Dick, Wally, Donna, Vic all started college at same time
DC Special Series: The Flash Spectacular (May 1978) – Wally graduates high school
New Teen Titans 1 (Nov 1980) – Raven forms New Titans, Gar is 16 during run
New Teen Titans 2 (Dec 1980) – Slade meets team, Grant dies
1981 - Dick drops out of university after 1 semester, he never really was interested
New Teen Titans 20 (June 1982) – Vic turns 19, Donna already is
Tales of the New Teen Titans 2 (July 1982) – Raven turned 18 just before forming Titans
Batman #357 (Mar 1983) – Jason’s first appearance
Detective Comics #526 (May 1983) – Bruce adopts Jason, Dick is there and approving
New Teen Titans 34 (Aug 1983) – Terra turns 16
Batman #368 (Feb 1984) – Dick gives Jason the Robin costume, Jason becomes Robin
Blue Devil(84) – Eddie is 11/12
Tales of the Teen Titans (May 1984) – Joey introduced, Author describes him as 17?
New Teen Titans #39 (Feb 1984) – Dick stops being Robin, Wally quits being a superhero/the team
Tales of the Teen Titans 50 (Feb 1985) – Terry and Donna's wedding (she got married while 19)
New Teen Titans 10 (July 1985) – Kole says she's at least 18
Crisis on Infinite Earths 7 (Oct 1985) – Supergirl dies in Superman’s arms after mostly destroying the Anti-Monitor, who has to flee reality
New Teen Titans 18 (Mar 1986) – Dick turns 20 (“Dick Grayson celebrates his birthday away from home with a traditional Tamaranean feast.” (While sulking because Kory got space-married))
New Teen Titans 20 (May 1986) – Roy locates baby Lian, Terry Long is 29
?? Roy is 22(when he gets Lian)
Batman #404 - Batman Year One (Feb 1987) – Bruce is 25, spent 12 years training, became Batman at 26, Barbara Gordon is pregnant, her and Jim move to Gotham
Detective Comics #571 (Feb 1987) – we see Bruce’s fear gas induced vision of Jason’s tombstone (birth: 1974 – death: 1986, so he’d be 12)
Secret Origins 13 (April 87) – 15 years ago, it was Dick’s 5th birthday. Soon after tenth birthday, parents are killed. [Set during New TT 18])
Batman #409 (July 1987) – Jason becomes Robin (In Detective Comics, Jason has been Robin the whole time, but is still being wwritten with Pre-Crisis personality)
Flash 1 (June 1987) – Wally turns 20
New Teen Titans Ann 3 (Nov 1987) – Danny Chase is 13 and introduced
Batman #416 (Feb 1988) – Dick in Gotham, meets the new Robin on patrol. Confronts Bruce later, says he was ‘fired’ less than a year ago (since then he was briefly in college), makes Bruce admit he missed him. Dick finds Jason again, expose the drug dealers, and Dick gives Jason his old costume (symbolically, since Jason already has one) and a phone number, Dick was Robin for 6 years
Batman #427 (Winter 1988) – Jason dies
Batman #436, Batman: Year Three (Aug 1989) – 2 years since Dick stopped being Bruce’s sidekick (When he became Nightwing? Or when he quit?), parents died 10 years earlier
Batman #441, A Lonely Place of Dying (Nov 1989) – Tim 13, was 7 when Dick’s parents died
Robin #1 (Jan 1991) – Tim debuts as Robin
New Titans 84 (March 1992) – Joey dies
Deathstroke, the Terminator #15 (Oct 1992) – Rose introduced
Team Titans 3 (Nov 1992) – Robert Long is born
Adventures of Superman 500 (June 1993) – Kon appears and escapes from Cadmus with Newboy Legion, John Henry Irons first appearance, Eradicator and Cyborg Superman also appear for first time
Batman: BTAS: Robin’s Reckoning (1993) - 'Richard 'Dick' Grayson: Age 10'
Detective Comics 668 (Nov 1993) – Tim gets license (because dad is disabled) even though he hasn’t turned 16 yet, gets beat up by Jean-Paul
Flash 92 (July 1994) – Bart aged to 14
?? Shortly after Knight’s End – Tim is 15 and in the 10th grade
Flash 0 (Oct 1994) – Wally is 23
Damage 1(94) – Grant is 16
Deathstroke, The Terminator Annual 4 (Aug 1995) – Rose is 14, “What would that do to a kid? A fourteen-year-old girl whose father is an assassin she’s never met?”
Wonder Woman 105(95) – Cassie is 14
Tempest 1(96) – Garth spends many months in other dimension
Aquaman 20 (May 1996) – Garth aged 3-4 years in other dimension, now older than other Titans
Teen Titans 1 (Oct 1996) – Argent, Risk, Joto, Prysm all turn 16(they were conceived by seed things on same day)
Superboy Annual 2 – to Kon: “Happy birthday, Kid - - number one in a long successful series, we hope.” “He will effectively remain sixteen years old - - forever!”
Green Lantern 82(97) – Robert Long is 3
Wonder Woman 121(97) – Terry and Robert die
Secret Origins Giant 1(98) – Bart is “Three. Fifteen. Depends.”, “you’re almost 15, Tim.”
Titans 5(99) – Donna is 23
Titans(99) – Lian is 4
Sins of Youth(99) – Kon 16, aging normally again
Aquaman 63 (Jan 2000) – Future Garth tells granddaughter Donna about Cerdian being born (think this is his weird birth issue)
Wonder Woman Secret Files (2002) – „Wonder Girl is a precocious outgoing 15-year-old named Cassandra „Cassie“ Sandsmark.“
Bruce Wayne: Murderer (2002) – Oracle says Tim is 15
Batgirl #37 (April 2003) – “Cain said ... today was ... my birthday.”
Batgirl #39 (June 2003) – “I see an eighteen-year-old girl, who’s out of her depth.” (Babs about Cass)
Robin #116 (Sept 2003) – Dana: “Oh, I’m so glad we’ll all be together on Thursday ... !” Tim: “Why? What’s Thursday?” Jack: “Yeah. What’s Thursday?” Dana: “Wait a minute – seriously? Tim: “Yeah. Tell. Us.” Dana: “It’s nothing – never mind. Just leave your schedules open for a nice family dinner.”| Jack: “Dana, what’s – “ Dana: “Shh! Thursday ...  the 19th of July ... ?” Jack: “Um ... oh! Right!” | Steph: “So – Thursday!! Are you excited? Got any ideas for it, yet? ... Tim ... ?” [Tim is asleep.] | [Ives and Steph come over, with pizza that says “Happy B-Day Tim.”] Ives: “Sixteen spankings – get that boy up!!” | Dana says: “I remember when I was in 11th grade.” | he also gets the first ‘clue’ for Bruce’s ‘birthday present.’
Teen Titans 1 (Nov 2003) – Gar is 19, Is this Joey’s return?? (He’s puppeting Slade)
Teen Titans ½ (2004) – Rose’s early years, with a ‘6 years ago’ flashback, she was raised in a brothel her mom ran, tutored, never allowed the outside world, but had relationships with kids her age
Detective Comics #790 (Mar 2004) – Jason’s 18th birthday “he would have been 18 today”
Teen Titans 8 (April 2004) – Raven looks 'barely older' than Cassie
TEEN TITANS #1/2 [2004]: The flashback panels totally sync up with my age theories; Flash to 10 years ago: Dick Grayson’s parents die. Flash to 6 years ago: Rose Wilson is schooled at home by her mother, Lili. Flash to 5 years ago: Ravager I is killed. Flash to 3 years ago: Slade is forced to kill Jericho. Flash to 2 years ago: Cadmus attempts to clone Superman. Flash to 18 months ago: Rose deals with the death of her mother. Flash to one week ago: Bart Allen is shot by Slade.
Identity Crisis 4 (Dec 2004) –(Tim still 16)
Green Arrow 47(05) – Mia is 17
Return of Donna Troy 3(05) – Cassie barely 16
Nightwing: Year One(05) – Dick is 26
Batgirl #65 (Aug 2005) – Cass decides to figure out if Shiva is her mom, Jason and Cass roughly the same age
Flash(05/06) – Wally is 26
?? Robin #136 – Tim still 16 ???
Detective Comics #868 (Oct 2010)– Kate is 32 years old??
One Year Later(Mar 06)
Flash 1(06) – Bart 4 years older(20?)
Blue Beetle 2 (June 2006) – Find out Jaime was in space/a pocket dimension for One Year Later
?? Just prior to 52 (July 2006-July 2007)– told Tim is 17 (long before he’s also  17 in Red Robin, 52 is 1 year long)
Teen Titans 42 (Feb 2007) – Eddie is 17
Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds 3-4 (Apr-June 2009) – Bart and Kon back, same as when died
Batman 677 (July 2008) – Batman over 30
Batman: Battle for the Cowl (May-July 2009) – Damian is 10, Ends with Dick and Damian becoming Batman and Robin
Brave & The Bold 2 (May 2007) – Kara is 17, “You have food in the refrigerator older than her, Hal. Who are you, Ollie? No bad thoughts. She’s seventeen.”
Batgirl #1 (Oct 2009) – Steph starting college
Batgirl #7 (Apr 2010) - Damian is "what happens when you work with a 10-year-old."
Red Robin #12 (July 2010) – Tim spent “a few months” looking for evidence before returning to Gotham, becomes emancipated minor
Detective Comics #871 (Jan 2011)– Mention that Dick and Babs went to prom together
Red Robin #25 (Sept 2011) – Tim “and you are only 17”
The Batman Files (Oct 2014) – Jason was 15 at death (seen on death certificate)
?? Rebirth Young Justice series – Cassie: “didn’t mean to end up back in high school feeling - - like I did back when I went to high school.” Later, she says she’s in Metropolis “Working. Going to school in the fall.” So she’s probably starting college.
?? Bart in some Rebirth comic: “Am I six? Am I nineteen? That’s a really freaky thing, right?”
?? At some point: Donna says shes a little older than Kyle
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crimson-dxwn · 4 years
AT ODDS 6 (Kal Skirata x F!OC)
Summary: Tea gets spilled at Kyrimorut. Ordo gets involved. Ori makes a choice and a new enemy.
Warnings: Mando profanity, pregnancy, SPOILERS for Republic Commando books (all but the last one), medical shit, surgery, fucking SADS
As always, so many thanks to @detroitbydark who lets me screech about my weird fic and Kal and Ori! Also this is barely edited be kind, I’m on my psych rotation and barely scraping by. 
Kal realizes he’s slipped the figurine into the pocket of his bodysuit semi-consciously in his hasty retreat from the apartment. Knotted Jonah wood whittled smooth forms two stylized figures, one large and one small, their hands joined between them. 
He barely registers the ride back home and comming Mij. They need a plan, and they need one fast if they are going to find her. He knows little about how the Empire treats their prisoners compared to the late Republic, but he isn’t about to have any illusions of honor or fair play. After all, he doesn’t play fair himself. But there’s a hydrospanner thrown into the mix. What he doesn’t know is how the Imps treat prisoners with … unique health conditions. Or if they even give half a bantha’s shebs. Odds are they send men and women alike to those osik’la camps he’s gotten word of. Yeah, the Empire was equal opportunity like that. 
If Mereel can’t slice into the system remotely, they were going to have to do an old-fashioned infiltration. He’d ask his ad’ike if they were up to task, there’s no way he could ask to put them in danger, not after the entirety of their lives being war. It hurts him to even think about asking. But he has to do this, even if it’s just his sorry shebs. 
He tries to put on a good Sabaac face when he’s back in the karyai, discreetly gathering up all the surplus weapons they have that he finds might be useful for an infiltration into a heavily armed and fortified position. 
Mereel of course, catches on within minutes. 
“You’re going to find her,” Mereel interrupts. Kal yanks his head up out of the gun locker to look at his son. “And you didn’t even think to ask for backup?”
His son’s tone is accusing, edging on hurt. That he did not expect.
“It’s my fuckup, son,” he replies, “I’m the one who needs to fix it. I can’t ask you to do this.”
“What’s so special about this doctor?” Mereel slams the door of the locker shut. It’s obvious his ad’ika is protective. They all are. 
“She delivered your ba’vodu’ad, Mereel. I’m pretty sure she saved Parja’s life.” Kal says, keeping his eyes on his work, cleaning the weapons, arranging the ammo he needs. Sharpening his father’s three-sided knife. 
“And that’s enough to go up against the Empire? ”
He’s going to have to spit it out. Mereel is looking at him expectantly, sure that he’s going to change his mind, see reason. 
“She’s pregnant, son.” Mereel, who has been away for the events of the last few months, just stares back at him in a puzzled fashion, brows slightly furrowed. Looking at him like he’s lost his damn mind. Maybe he has. 
“It’s yours, isn’t it?”
In comes a second voice, and the accusatory tone startles him enough that, when added to his baseline urgency and anxiety, causes his hand to slip and nick itself as he sharpens his knife. 
“Osik,” he hisses, holding pressure to the cut as blood wells, looking up to the figure in the doorway. Ordo. Mereel stares at his brother, unsure whether he is joking. Kal sighs. He should know better, trying to keep things from them. The last time he was successful at that was when they were four. 
“Does it matter?” 
“Maybe,” Ordo replies, just this edge of indignant, “is she carrying my vod?” 
A strange and protective piece of him flares at Ordo’s tone and Kal stands, still holding the cloth to his cut hand. 
“Most likely.”
“Then we need to get her back.” Ordo meets his eye finally and Kal nods, satisfied, and starts gathering ammo from the safes. This time Mereel moves to help, still in a rare state of stunned silence. 
By the time they’ve gathered what they need and loaded it into aayhan, Mereel has a willing team assembled and what they know of the building schematics up on a datapad in the karyai. Fortunately for them, the team won’t be breaking into any prison blocks, which are bound to be heavily guarded. 
“All we have to do is get into the information security room that houses the main terminal,” Mereel starts confidently. “We can stay far away from the security blocks and the bucketheads.” 
“Though it would be fun to bust some vode out of there,” Scorch adds. 
“Not our mission,” says Mereel, regret plain in his voice, “we’ll have to get them another time.” The realization that they were leaving prisoners at the mercy of the empire sobers the group even more. It was becoming more and more apparent that more planning was needed before they could root out the Empire on Mandalore. Meanwhile, Kal had set Uthan to the task of trying desperately to make their own homebrew vaccine. 
It’s been many many years since he’s fastroped. Lately, he has been finding that it’s been years since he’s done many things. Fastroping, underwater diving...fathering kriffing kids. He swallows, hard and regroups himself. Every single one of them needs to be focused if they’re gonna pull this job off. 
Yes, he’s fast roped before. But he’s never liked it. Where his sons get twitchy when confined to tight spaces, he finds himself sweating more than usual under his beskar the more stories they climb. Right now, they’re about ten stories up, far above the sensors of the garrison and way above his tolerance for heights. They have about a minute to pull this off before the Imps realize this transport is lingering too long in their airspace. 
Mereel, Sev, Scorch, and Kal are in Aayhan, hovering silently above the Keldabe imperial garrison in the inky black late summer night. The humidity sticks his tactical garments to his skin, making it itch and crawl in addition to his surging adrenaline. That was one thing that never changed, no matter how old he got, no matter how many missions he’s finished - that nauseating spike of pure fear and bliss. 
He gives the signal to move move move and soon he’s roping down, strong north Mandalorian wind whipping around him, soaking through his underlayer. The four of them land silently on the roof of the compound, and Scorch starts laying a strip charge along the floor to create a hole leading below, straight into the admin offices. Four sets of Mando armor gleam lowly in the moonlight. It’s a perfect night for an op like this, whipping wind obscuring any slight noise they did make and the faint whine of aayhan’s engines. The charges detonate with a controlled bang and flash of bright light that briefly blinds his HUD. Kal switches to night vision.
*His child*. It’s barely a concrete concept in his mind yet, but an instinctual piece of him knows the truth. The timing is too perfect for him to be wrong. The way Orla had looked at him in the med center…
The stakes are too high to fail, and distracting thoughts get men killed. Mereel leads the way through the door, rifle at the ready, and Kal banishes his musings to the back of his mind, pushed away by a fresh rush of adrenaline. It’s a stealth mission, and they navigate by night vision, as silently as their boots will allow. 
They stalk through dark quiet hallways lined with innocuous office doors until they reach the end, what is presumably the CO’s office, with its durasteel double doors and obviously larger size. 
Mereel starts in on slicing the door panel while Sev shoots out the camera in the hallway corner while the rest of them listen for any approaching patrols. It was only a matter of time before someone noticed they were there, whether it was the hole in the roof or the blacked out camera. The double doors open quietly and they head inside. Vau’s boys guard the door while he and Mereel crowd the desk in the middle of the room. 
“I need a few minutes to get into this,” Mereel says, eyes locked onto the screen before him. One of his slicing tools is between his teeth.
“You’ll get it, son. We’ll take care of anything that tries to get in our way.” 
So far it looks like no one has noticed them. The imps must really be confident in the plan to neutralize Mandalore with so few guards and patrols. Sweat drops trickle down the back of his neck and into his bodysuit.
Mereel studies the datapad stripping the system for a few more moments and turns it towards Kal. There’s a concerned look stretched across his handsome face. Together the watch the recorded scene on the screen before them. 
There’s Orla, still in her work clothes, talking with an Imp who’s behind this very desk, flanked by two stormtroopers. He knows those gestures - she’s spitting mad, barely containing the fury that was directed toward the man behind the desk. Without audio he can only guess as to the contents of their conversation. The Imp behind the desk gives a short reply and nods curtly to the right-hand trooper who, without hesitation, raises his blaster rifle and cracks her across the face with the butt end. She doesn’t even see it coming. Even in the shades of blue from the holoprojector the blood is obvious, trickling down the side of her face. 
Kal is livid, trembling so finely it’s barely visible, and he almost forgets where they are for a moment. Deep in enemy territory, with hostiles incoming any minute. 
Mereel makes a disgusted noise from deep in his chest as they watch her be pushed to the ground. They follow the video feed where she’s led to a cell. His breath catches. There’s a chance she’s still here. His hope is tempered, however, when an alarm starts to sound from within the garrison. A patrol must have finally found their breach point.
“Sarge?” warns a voice from outside the door. It’s Sev, by the gravelly tone. 
“Almost finished,” he shouts, over the screeching din. Mereel continues to work furiously, his bulk hunched over the console. He’s able to parse through incredible amounts of data with immense precision; Kal can practically feel the concentration rolling off him. 
“Wait,” Mereel says. Kal looks over at the screen. They’re centered on a video feed again, this time outside. The sheer amount of prisoners in line for the transport is shocking enough, but the fact that none of them are in armor is even more appalling. The Imps are slowly stripping their culture away, plate by plate. 
“She’s not on the manifest for this transport, even though the records say she leaves.” 
It doesn’t make sense. Unless… Kal knows Mereel must be thinking the same as him. Judging by the brutality of the footage they’ve watched, the stories from around the planet, he wouldn’t put it past the Empire to take care of a pesky problem in the easiest way they knew how. It wasn’t something that supposedly peaceful, orderly governments liked to keep records of. His dread and guilt intensifies, leadening his limbs already weighed down by heavy beskar. 
He chokes the words out. He has to know. “Is there any footage of…” Kal can’t bring himself to say them. It doesn’t need to be said, Mereel knows what he’s looking for. He’s been in a war zone long enough to know that armies aren’t sentimental. 
“No, no footage. Just them leading her away.” The alarm continues to blare. It could be minutes, seconds before they have to blast their way out. 
Kal steels himself to watch. It’s his fault, he reminds himself again. Two more fresh marks in his ledger. His arm reaches automatically to his son’s to steady himself. He feels Mereel’s slump ever so slightly, whether it’s in relief or defeat, he can’t tell. 
“I have what I need,” he says, “time to go. Debrief can wait for later.” Distant footsteps start to echo towards them, modulated shouts following close behind. They were about to be grossly outnumbered, by the sound of it. Kal shoves his helmet back on, heading through the doorway and signaling Sev and Scorch to follow. 
They wind through the garrison, avoiding both patrols and squads of stormtroopers sweeping the building. It’s laughably easy compared some of the other heists they’ve pulled - except he speaks too soon. As they make their way out of the back door of the garrison onto the Keldabe streets, one squad catches up to them. Ordo has aayhan back at Kyrimorut - earlier they had decided it was too risky for the four of them to fly home and possibly expose the homestead. So instead their plan was to run the winding streets and strategically borrow a transport. The problem is that Kal is pushing sixty and the other men are - physiologically at least - still in their early twenties. They’re a lot kriffing faster than him, even with his ankle fixed. 
The streets and alleys twist and turn, switching from ancient cobbles to smooth duracrete without warning. Easy enough to get lost if you’re a local, they are impossible to navigate as aruettiise. Soon the four are panting, ducked into an alcove off a cobbled alley. Finally, it seems they’ve dodged the patrol. Only time will tell if they were recognized. Kal finds he doesn’t much mind if they know his face. In fact, he hopes they do. He wants to meet that garrison officer. 
Imperial Rehabilitation Center
Weeks later
19 BBY
Life isn’t all doom and gloom. They are kept...occupied. Like rats in a maze. Ori shares a bunk with another Mandalorian, the only other there. Taren is a kid really, small and slight except for her distended belly. It’s obvious she’s used to wearing armor by the way she walks, how upright she holds herself, arms swaying slightly away from her body. And how she closes in on herself when she realizes it’s not there, when it’s nighttime in their room and thinks Ori can’t hear her sob breathlessly into her pillow every night. 
It’s almost childish, the way they’re herded from room to room. Chaperoned and on a schedule, like one would handle a naughty child needing extra discipline. It was how she imagines Coruscanti boarding schools some of her medical school classmates attended - polished stone floors and crisp uniforms, all strict routines and synchronized repetition. It’s meant to numb the mind, making days run into weeks. She suspects they’re kept intentionally disoriented. After all, most of them are still political prisoners, and many she’s found have important connections on their respective homeworlds. 
They’re at lunch, scattered around their assigned tables. Generously, they are allowed to converse during meals, though their seats remain assigned. The ‘rehab center’ has proven to be much more expansive than she expected - some rooms are swallowingly large, like the one she is in now, and some are as small as a broom closet, connected by narrow winding hallways. The building itself could have been any number of things in a past life - a school, factory, or prison. She supposes it doesn’t matter much now. Today there’s a newcomer, sitting quiet and sullen at a back table with the Corellians. Time would tell if she was one of them or if she hailed from a different world. 
An arm jostles her, hitting her square in the ribs. It successfully knocks her out of her analysis of the newcomer. 
“-did you hear what I just said?” Taren says, mouth full of tasteless nutritional paste. It’s far from delicious, but you ate what they give out and she is hungry *all the time* nowadays. A fleck lands on Ori’s face and she wipes it away with a raised eyebrow.
“Sorry, al’verde.” Commander. Her eyes roll automatically. She knows she doesn’t deserve the title. Discreetly, Ori shushes the younger woman - they’re lucky the stormtroopers here don’t understand Mando’a. 
They put together kit for new stormtroopers, morning and night. It’s another endurable humiliation. She stabs at the cubes bitterly with her spoon, scattering crumbs across the table. They’re not allowed forks or knives, not after Taren’s first week. A tiny smile flits across her face as she thinks on the memory. 
 Ori feels like a geriatric compared to the spry warrior, though they’re less than ten years apart in age. She’s seen things in that time, lost people, buried dreams. Though Taren is looking older and older by the day, cooped up in this place. 
“Theera is gone,” Taren says, “she wasn’t at breakfast either.” 
Looking around and finding no sign of the woman, Ori hums an agreement. She’ll be gone for good soon, and her baby as well. Every time someone delivers it sends a sense of unshakeable dread down her spine and into the pit of her stomach. All of them are marching slowly towards that finish line. 
The artificial hierarchy into which they are forced has made the two Mandalorians de facto leaders, despite Ori being one of the newer inmates and to cement her as *alverde*; her medical expertise makes her invaluable. 
The room hushes as Dr. Loesch sweeps down to the cafeteria, all business in crisp grey scrubs, so confident in his admiration. He insists they call him ‘Doctor L’ like he’s a popular lecturer at a university. He’s the worst kind of hut’uun, just as bad as the rest of the Imps she’s met here. Loesch is in charge of their medical care, all 100-some of them, including herself. Loesch towers over most of them, even herself. 
As a physician, Ori is personally insulted at his complacency, the fact that he is perfectly content in his post and cemented in his belief that what he was doing is just, his complicity. She stabs at her cubes some more to try and make herself feel better. 
As a woman, she’s decidedly less surprised. Men like him are everywhere, tall and handsome, handed success on a silver platter, born into families of privilege and power. Taking and taking with no thought of the carnage they leave behind. 
He saunters his way over to their table and sits with a charming smile. 
“Beviin,” he starts, “I heard through the gossip chain that you were an obstetrician before you came here?”
It’s physically painful to keep her retort in hand. She’s been here long enough to see women sent to solitary. And to see them come back, changed indefinitely. 
“Mmm,” she mumbles affirmatively through a mouthful of cubes. She swallows. “Yes.” Keep it simple, that’s easy enough. 
He smiles sardonically. “How ironic,” he adds, obviously pleased with the revelation. Expectantly, he looks around the table to gauge his joke, and they catch on, laughing softly, nervously, afraid of what might happen if they don’t. Even Ori joins in, the butt of the low blow, though her simmering rage ratchets up another level.
They finish the rest of their lunch largely in silence and Loesch pulls her away when she files out with the others. 
“Ms. Beviin,” he says conspiratorially, “I know it must be difficult for you to be here.” 
The man over her, face too close for comfort, his voice deep and low. Alarm fills her as the other people in the room dwindle until it’s just the two of them and the scattered troopers on the upper level. All Ori can think about is where the nearest exit is located when she realizes he’s still speaking to her. 
“...what do you think?” He waits patiently, a benevolent expression in his face. He blinks too little, she thinks, and his eyes are devoid of expression, shining with an amused sort of malevolence. They’re a strange shade of brown...no, green? The little noise he makes in the back of his throat brings her back to their conversation.
“Ah...sure?” she replies weakly, stunned and frozen.
“That’ll be nice for the other inmates,” he says. Incredibly white, straight teeth flash as he smiles down at her. “I think it will give them comfort to have you there. I’ll have the guards collect you when it’s time.” 
Three nurses eye her from across the suite. They wear sweet matching hospital uniforms, in the same soft fabric as hers except in a delicate petal pink. With a pang, she misses her fellow nurses and doctors on Mandalore. Who knows how many had fallen ill? Been arrested? The way they clustered in a little group reminded her of her schoolmates, when they found out she didn’t like fighting, whispering rumors from across the room. That she thought she was better than them, that weird girl who was more concerned with grades than winning fights and impressing boys. Now they stand across the room from her like a little bunch of flowers in their coordinated outfits, identical and perfect. She’s an other in their world, someone to be feared and hated, pitied at best. 
Orla stands awkwardly, waiting for the show to start when her stomach flips. The scrub top she has on stretches across her middle awkwardly, pulling at the seams and the soft shoes that cover her feet are obscured by her bump. The strange sensation returns, a little differently this time, just the barest flutter, deeper down than that nervous feeling. Her baby. She lays a gentle palm over the swell, as discreetly as she can, still feeling the scrutinizing looks of the women across the room.
Another nurse wheels a bed into the room, complete with Theera shivering atop it, her hair and gown drenched in sweat. Orla rushes to the head of the bed as she’s prepped for the operation. Theera is dazed, too exhausted to make much sense of anything right now, glassy eyes focused on the ceiling. She smoothes back the sweaty hair from Theera’s forehead. 
“Hey cyar’ika. It’s Ori,” she says softly. The woman’s eyes focus a little, just enough to meet hers. She bumps their foreheads together. It was as much to comfort herself as much as the other woman. Non-mandos typically didn’t understand the meaning behind the gesture. She can’t squeeze her hand like she wants to - it’s being hooked up to IV tubing.
“I’m cold,” she mumbles. Some of it is adrenaline, some from fear, and the rest from the icy operating room temperature to keep the surgeons comfortable. Drenched as she is, it’s no wonder Theera is shivering. 
Ori asks the wary tech for a warm blanket, terrified of overstepping and getting her shebs kicked out of the operating room. She’s promptly ignored in favor of his work. Dr. Loesch enters the room and the nurses titter around him while he ensures everything is prepped to his liking. Ori settles for as much skin to skin contact as she can get with Theera, trying to warm her, mumbling comforting nonsense into her ear as Loesch starts to work. A warming bassinet waits ominously against the wall for its prize. 
A thin cry interrupts their mumbling and Theera’s eyes sharpen at the noise. Loesch holds the little thing over the curtain separating them indulgently, just for a moment. A boy, he says, and she and Theera find themselves mesmerized by the bloody little thing and his tiny squished face and flailing arms, already so angry at the world. He’s held up for a second, allowing Theera a cursory glance and then whisked away by the nurses to the bassinet. His mother is still paralyzed on the table and it makes it all the more unjust that she isn’t even allowed to touch her son, see him up close. The nurses at the bassinet laugh and coo, oblivious to Theera, who starts weeping pitifully. Fat tears slide down the side of her face, wetting the starched white sheet beneath her head.
Ori is in the middle of the absolute emotional chaos around her. Theera crying, Dr. Loesch talking with his assistant about weekend plans, and the nurses with the baby, who have turned back at the sound of crying to glare at them judgementally. She can practically hear them now. Serves her right, their looks say. She deserves it. The rage congeals around Ori, settling itself in her throat. This feeling is exactly what had put her in this place to begin with and she knows she has to control it, use it somehow. She watches them place a little bracelet around the infant’s ankle and scan it into a datapad. They don’t bother with Theera. It dawns on her then that if she’s lucky - incredibly lucky - she can use the Empire’s obsession with order against them. 
She makes her way over to the bassinet under the ruse of joining the indulgent cooing that is going on, trying not to throw elbows before she’s kicked out of the room. The little boy’s leg is caught for a heel stick an she gets her chance. The number on the leg band is just visible, only for a second. She sends a prayer up to the Manda that she gets it right. 
@clonewarslover55 @simping-for-fives @808tsuika @jedi-mando @cherry-cokes-world @nelba @fractiouskat @passionofthesith 
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It was May, 2012. Inside a gloomy, oak panelled courtroom in the Royal Courts of Justice in London, a group of bewigged British and Malaysian lawyers confronted a legal team from the British Foreign and Commonwealth office in front of a panel of judges. Led by John Halford of the Bindmans law firm and Dato Quek Ngee Meng, the legal team was in court to argue the case for a public enquiry into what they called “a grotesque, on-going injustice” committed decades earlier in British Malaya. This was the period of the ‘Emergency’: a war without a name fought in the Malayan jungles against communist insurgents who wanted an immediate end to British rule.
On the other side of the court sat lawyers for the defendants, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. In that rather claustrophobic courtroom, British justice was being asked to make a judgement about history and moral responsibility.
For me as an historian and journalist, it was a highly charged moment. As they spoke, the words of the lawyers seemed to evoke the restless spirits of 24 Chinese workers shot dead in December, 1948 by British soldiers on a plantation close to the Malayan village of Batang Kali.
Just one man was left alive. His name was Chong Hong and he was in his 20s at the time. He had fainted in terror and the British soldiers left him for dead. By 2012, Chong Hong was long dead. But a handful of eye-witnesses remained alive. Loh Ah Choy, just seven when the soldiers rampaged through the plantation; Tham Yong, aged 17. In Court 3 that day in 2012, three of the villagers – now in their late 60s and 70s, who had long ago watched the slaughter of their menfolk – sat apprehensive and rather frail beside their lawyers. I talked briefly to Loh Ah Choy during a break in court proceedings. After so many years, there was still pain in her eyes as she talked about the men who had died.
The ‘Batang Kali massacre’ has sometimes – and not entirely accurately – been called ‘Britain’s My Lai’: referring to a Vietnam War atrocity when ‘Charlie Company’, led by Lt. William Calley, murdered hundreds of unarmed civilians on March 16th, 1968.
Since the killings, successive British governments refused to hold a public enquiry into what had taken place and why the men were killed. At the time, it was claimed that the victims were ‘bandits’. This was baseless. No apology was, it seems, considered by the British. For decades, the relatives of the dead men like Tham Yong and Loh Ah Choy kept their silence. They had been left destitute after the killings – and survival had more meaning to them than a search for justice.
In the end, the legal case failed. The lawyers’ arguments were rejected by the UK Supreme Court in 2015 – but for the British establishment, the Court’s judgement made uncomfortable reading. For Lord Kerr, one of the court’s justices said the “overwhelming preponderance of currently available evidence” showed “wholly innocent men were mercilessly murdered and the failure of the authorities of this state to conduct an effective inquiry into their deaths.” The problem for the Court was time. The killings may have been unlawful, Lord Neuberger concluded, but they occurred more than 10 years before the critical date when the right of petition to the Strasbourg court of human rights was recognised by the UK and created a duty to investigate.
The lawyers generated a great deal of new historically valuable information – not only about what happened in Batang Kali, but about how and why a ‘very British cover up’ was maintained for so long.It was thanks to the efforts of the legal teams that we now know what happened on that day in British Malaya. There is now no dispute that on December 11th, 1948 a 14-man patrol from the 7th Platoon, G Company, 2nd Battalion Scots Guards, led by two lance-sergeants, Charles Douglas and Thomas Hughes, entered Batang Kali where they encountered 50 or so unarmed villagers.
The tiny settlement was part of the Sungei Remok rubber estate in the state of Selangor, which at the time was a British protectorate. By the time the platoon left the village the following day, 24 men had been shot dead. The first report of the killings in the Singapore-based Straits Times sounded a shrill note of triumph: ‘Police, Bandits kill 28 [sic] bandits in day … Biggest Success for Forces since Emergency Started’. It would not take long for the official story to unravel. ‘Good news’ like the Batang Kali operation was in short supply at the end of the first year of the Emergency. The roots of the conflict go back to the Japanese occupation of Malaya and Singapore, which began in February 1942. The traumatic loss of Singapore to a grossly underrated Asian foe shamed and humiliated the British and led many Asians to reassess their former masters.
In the first months of the occupation the Japanese slaughtered many thousands of Chinese civilians in Singapore and across Malaya. Japan had been waging a brutal war in mainland China since 1937 and alleged that the Chinese in Malaya were a security risk. Many young Chinese fled into the dense Malayan jungle, where they began to organise guerrilla units to fight back against the Japanese. The Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA) was dominated by the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) and by the end of the war was backed by the British ‘Force 136’, a branch of the Special Operations Executive. After the Japanese surrender in 1945 the British honoured the MPAJA , awarding its future leader Chin Peng an OBE.
As India moved towards independence the chronically indebted postwar British government clung onto Malaya, with its valuable tin and rubber resources. Although the returning colonial power signalled that independence was on the agenda, it seemed to both a new generation of Malay nationalists and the Communists that it was ‘colonial business as usual’.
This was intolerable. The MPAJA now became the vanguard of anti-British resistance, as the Malayan National Liberation Army (MNLA), turning their British-supplied guns on the returned colonial authorities. The MNLA was backed by a secret army of supporters known as the Min Yuen (People’s Movement). MNLA fighters depended on the Min Yuen and Chinese villagers, willing or unwilling, for essential supplies. This was the background to the events that unfolded in December 1948. It explains why, to begin with, the British could claim that shooting Chinese civilians on a rubber plantation was a ‘success’: in the eyes of British troops, any Chinese-Malayan villager might be a ‘bandit’ – and so ‘fair game’.
The ‘successful operation’ story crumbled rapidly. A few of the surviving villagers told their story to Li Chen, the Chinese consul-general, who held a press conference on December 21st. The following day the British owner of the Sungei Remok Estate, Thomas Menzies, who had serious clout in the British estate-owners’ community and was dismayed by the loss of 24 workers, publicly stated that his men had a long record of good conduct. By December 24th the Straits Times was calling for a public enquiry.
At the end of January the British Communist MP Philip Piratin demanded that Arthur Creech-Jones, the colonial secretary, explain the actions of the Scots Guards. Creech-Jones replied that an “enquiry by the civil authorities” had concluded that “had the security forces not opened fire, the suspect Chinese would have made good an escape, which had obviously been pre-arranged”. Creech-Jones’ ‘enquiry’ into a “necessary but nasty operation” quashed the debate about the killing.
But then there was an unexpected turn of events. In December 1969, a former National Serviceman called William Cootes confessed his role in the killings to a journalist from the People, then a British Sunday newspaper. Cootes said he was motivated by the furore unleashed by US journalist Seymour Hersh’s revelations about the My Lai massacre the previous year. The scandal provoked a debate about whether British troops would have been capable of committing such an atrocity. Public opinion resisted such slurs, but Cootes knew better. He had been one of the 14 Scots Guardsmen who had entered Batang Kali.
Cootes claimed that his commanding officer, George Ramsay, had briefed his men that they were going to a village and would “wipe out anybody they found there.” Other former members of the platoon also came forward and backed up Cootes’ allegations. Alan Tuppen testified that: “He [Ramsay] said we were to go out on patrol and that our objective would be to wipe out a particular village and everyone in it because, he said, they were either terrorists themselves or were helping terrorists in that area.”
Tuppen provided shocking new detail about the killings: “Instinctively, we started firing … at the villagers in front of us. The villagers began to fall. One man with bullets in him kept crawling … He was finally killed when a bullet went through his head.” Yet another former guardsman, Victor Remedios, testified that after the platoon returned to base “we were told by a sergeant that if anyone said anything we could get 14 or 15 years in prison.” No one had been shot trying to escape.
In the aftermath of the People story and the media storm that had followed on February 13th, 1970 Denis Healey, the secretary of state for defence, referred the matter to the director of public prosecutions (DPP). At the end of the month, DPP lawyers recommended further enquiries to be conducted by the Metropolitan Police – much to the dismay, as we learnt in court, of the Foreign Office.
All the former members of the Scots Guards platoon who had testified to the People were interviewed again under caution. Plans were made for the British police team to fly to Kuala Lumpur to continue with their enquiries. Then on June 18th, 1970 the Labour government was ousted by the Conservatives – and just weeks later the Batang Kali enquiry was stopped with a view “to uphold the good name of the army.”
The long battle for a public enquiry after determined efforts by the survivors’ legal team collapsed. This legal battle is unlikely to be joined again. Nevertheless, the UK Supreme Court was minded that the killings were unlawful and that “wholly innocent men were mercilessly murdered”. There was another disappointment for historians. When the UK National Archives announced a release of secret colonial papers in 2012, many of us rushed to Kew hoping that some of the reports made just after the killings had survived. There was bad news: it turned out that when the British pulled out of Malaya in 1957, any incriminating evidence about the events of December, 1948 had been destroyed.
For historians of the British Empire and the traumatic process of decolonisation that followed the Second World War, the discovery of new information about the tragedy that unfolded in Batang Kali casts new light on the longest war fought by British troops in the 20th Century, the Malayan Emergency – and the counter- insurgency techniques developed in Southeast Asia that influenced American strategy in Vietnam and impact bitterly contested campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan today.
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 15
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Woooo! Behold, the reignition of Magic and Miracles and BEYOND.
So, in case anyone was wondering, why yes, yes this does come from personal experience. Being in a high speed car accident SUCKS. Being careflighted from the scene and having all your clothes cut off of you, SUCKS. Having a tube crammed down your throat and being put on a breathing machine SUPER SUCKS especially when your brain wakes up and you're screaming at your body to breathe AND IT WON'T FUCKING LISTEN, SSSSUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKSSS. Having your mother, who you love dearly and your world would fall apart if anything ever happened to her be in the passenger seat with you in said accident OH MY GOD, IT SUPER DUPER SUCKS and she was just as scared and freaked out about me as I was about her. And yes my mother's ribs were broken and it took her forever to recover. Because usually if your arm is broken, you put it into a cast and you don't use it or touch it, it's fine. But your RIBS? You need to breathe! Constantly. There is no putting it into a cast and not moving, you need them to move so you can keep breathing! And it FUCKING HURTS.
Also, there is a nod to canon FFXV Kingsglaive in this too.
@the-immortal-marshal this is for you. This is your chapter. If you had not shown me the ways of the angst and I had not gone through what I have, this chapter may have never been written because I couldn't write it from experience. So, to balance all of the previous sweetness, here is- the angst, the hurt, the sorrow, the fear, the terror, the anguish and all of the wonderful- put your stomach in a knot anxiety. Enjoy.
Magic and Miracles and Beyond
Chapter 15
Two weeks later-
“Ok, we’re on our way to pick up Grandma Edie and then we’ll meet you there ok? Love you, bye.” Selena informed Ravus as she and her mom Sabrina were on their way to pick up Edith to take them to the florist to pick out flowers for Selena’s wedding and just as they were about to go through an intersection for a green light, two cars, a red brand new charger and a brand new black camaro, who had been racing each other, driven by the now graduated William Ronchester, aka Billy, the former captain of Niflheim Academy's football team and one of his former teammates- Chad Frawns, as the cars ran the red light and t-boned them, hitting the passenger side of the car where Selena was sitting and crashed their vehicle into the cars on the other side of them and thus into the cars that were starting to come in from the other side, so that it involved the already ten lanes of traffic, two lanes of traffic plus a turn lane in each direction, in the impact and carnage, Sabrina’s car got crumpled and overturned, pinning Sabrina and Selena between several other cars and upside down.
“Selena!” Ravus yelled into the phone when he heard the crash and her blood curdling scream through the phone and then the call dropped and when Ravus tried calling her back, it went straight to voicemail before he got on the app that showed where they were and rushed to his mom’s office from his own.
“Mom! Selena just crashed!” Ravus boomed as he came into his mother’s office before Sylva’s eyes went wide.
“I have to call you back.” She said into her phone as she quickly got up.
“Where? Where did Selena crash?” Sylva asked.
“At Kilgore and Stadium.” Ravus answered as his heart was pounding in his ears.
“Ok, ok, get down to the emergency room, I’ll dispatch an ambulance.” Sylva assured her son as she hit the speed dial on her phone and did just that as Ravus nodded and turned and hurried out and called Gladio.
“Please tell me you are out on patrol.” Ravus pleaded with Gladio.
“Yeah, why?”
“How close are you to Kilgore and Stadium, Selena just wrecked, she’s with her mom.” Ravus answered as he practically willed the elevator to get to the ground level as fast as it could.
“We can be there in about seven minutes.” Gladio told him.
“Dad, Selena and her mom just wrecked. We got to go make sure they’re ok. Kilgore and Stadium.” Gladio repeated to his father.
“On it.” Clarus nodded and put the sirens on and just then, a call came in about the crash over the radio before other first responders got called in as Sylva quickly got rooms ordered and readied for Selena and her mom and whoever else was in the crash as Ravus called Dorian. “Dorian, Selena and Sabrina just crashed.” Ravus informed his soon to be father in law.
“I know, I just got the call from Sabrina, they got t-boned, two knuckleheads were racing each other and ran the red light. They’re alive, I don’t know how ok they are though. I’m on my way there now, call Nyx for me, I gotta drive.” Dorian requested as he hastily left work to go there.
“Will do.” Ravus answered before he called Nyx.
“Nyx, your mom and your sister just got into a car accident. Your dad said he got off the phone with your mom so they’re both alive, I just don’t know how hurt they are.” Ravus informed Nyx.
“Where?” Nyx asked.
“Stadium and Kilgore.” Ravus answered.
“I can be there in five.” Nyx said since that was closest to his work.
“Stacy! My mom and Selena were in a car accident, I gotta go!” Nyx hollered as he literally dropped what he was doing and made a run for the back door as Libertus picked up the dishes Nyx was about to finish before Nyx had dropped them and finished them and put them out before he quickly called Crowe to let her know what had happened since it was her day off.
Ravus finally got down to the ER and logged in to see which room Selena would be going into as he could see that his mom had already registered her to a room before he heard the code, it was an accident that involved several vehicles, one was overturned and first responders were on scene as many others were rushing in as dozens of ambulances were sent into the scene.
Ravus knew from the descriptions that the red overturned vehicle- was Sabrina’s before Sylva appeared in the ER only a few moments after Ravus did as she walked them to the nurses’ station.
“Sabrina’s car is overturned.” Ravus revealed to her as Luche came only a moment later.
“I’m so sorry Rae, hopefully they’re both ok.” Luche offered as Sylva nodded as she gently moved Ravus from the computer as she quickly got in there and made more arrangements in the computer and Ravus was too sick with fright to take notice of what was happening as Luche just put his arm around Ravus’ shoulder in an effort to comfort him. Remembering how sick with worry he was when Ada had been kidnapped before Sylva put them into the room Selena would be going into to get out of the nurse’s and doctor’s way in the nurses station.
Meanwhile Tredd had suited up and came with the other firefighters to the scene since his firehouse was only a few minutes away and his stomach dropped when he recognized Sabrina’s car and he was the first one off the truck as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him over to Sabrina’s car and recognized Sabrina as the airbags were deflating and hanging down as he cut them out so he could see them easier as Selena had passed out, her limbs had gone limp as her right arm hung down, clearly broken and mangled as her left arm hung as well while her legs were pinned inside the crumpled footwell, her promise ring and engagement rings sliding off her fingers and dropping to the broken glass that covered the mangled ceiling of the car as blood started dripping from all of Selena’s right side since she was the passenger seat.
“Get her out, get her out!” Sabrina screamed as she tried to reach over to touch Selena’s left arm to make sure she was still alive because upon impact, Selena had instantly screamed and when the car came to a stop, Selena had lost her phone in the wreck but Sabrina’s was still in it’s holder on the crumpled dash which allowed Sabrina to call Dorian but after that first scream, Selena went deathly quiet and Sabrina had feared for the worst and was screaming her head off for help. Tredd cut Sabrina out of the car and with herculean strength pulled her out and into the arms of the other EMT’s who had come to her aid before other’s came as Tredd crawled into the space where Sabrina had been to get to Selena.
“Selena!” Tredd yelled, hoping to get a response.
“Jaws of life! I need the jaws of life!” Tredd called as he tried to make sure she was still alive and felt some relief when she was at least breathing and had a pulse but he could see the blood seeping into her clothes as Selena's body simply hung there from the seatbelt.
“Come on Selena, you gotta stay with me, come on baby girl, pull through.” Tredd tried to coach as his fellow firefighters came with the jaws of life and crowbars to untangle the crumpled door and side panels to get her out as Sabrina was loaded into an ambulance and immediately taken to the hospital as Tredd held Selena's neck in place and kept his fingers on thumbs on her pulse to make sure her heart was still beating.
“The car is starting to smoke! It’s gonna catch fire! We gotta get her out!” His captain hollered as the others worked on breaking her out and what felt like hours but was in reality only minutes- they got the door and body panel off before Tredd let go of her neck as an EMT secured it with a C-collar and flipped onto his back to catch Selena once her seatbelt was cut as paramedics and Gladio came over to help get her out of the carnage and onto a stretcher before she was rushed to another waiting ambulance as Tredd had rolled over and noticed her rings and quickly picked them up and pocketed them and got out of there just as the car then caught fire just as Nyx ran to the scene.
“Selena!” Nyx hollered as he ran towards them.
“That’s her brother, let him through.” Gladio and Tredd told the paramedics who let him approach.
“Selena?” Nyx asked as he grabbed her hand and squeezed but she didn’t squeeze back as Selena was strapped into the stretcher.
“She’s not responsive, I got a pulse and breathing but it’s shallow and awfully quick and she’s unconscious.” Tredd reported to the EMT’s as Gladio, Clarus and him ran with the stretcher and EMT”s.
“And these came off of her.” Tredd said as he gave Nyx the rings as Nyx simply grabbed them and put them into his own pocket before he got in the ambulence with Selena as Dorian had already gotten into Sabrina's ambulence with her as Libertus got off work and drove Crowe to the scene to pick up Nyx's truck and take it to the hospital.
“We’ll clear a path.” Clarus offered as he and Gladio left with Selena’s ambulance as the others who had come and gotten their charges from the accidents as Tredd then took care of putting Sabrina’s car fire out before he tried to salvage what he could from it, like their purses and other personal affects and sent them with Crowe and Libertus who came shortly after Selena left as Tredd told them what he found when he got there before he got called back to help with the others who had gotten invovled in the crash.
Meanwhile on the way to the hospital, Gladio called Ravus back.
“Ok, Tredd got to them first, he got Sabrina out of the car and helped pry Selena out of it. The fire department had to use the jaws of life to get her out before the car caught fire. Ravus, she’s...she’s not responsive. She’s barely breathing and has a weak pulse and she’s bleeding, a lot, Nyx is following us to the hospital. Right now we’re leading the way to you.” Gladio gravely informed him as his own tears flooded his vision as emotion choked his voice, never wanting to find his friends like this.
Ravus simply closed his eyes and winced as tears continued to stream down his face as his heart dropped and gut knotted up anxiously as he sat down in the room that Selena would be taken to once she got there as Sylva was still orchestrating all the surgery rooms if there needed to be any surgery for Sabrina or Selena as she also pulled all available nurses into the E.R. because she needed all hands on deck for the sudden influx of patients.
Sabrina was brought in first as her clothes were cut off of her as she was checked over before Sylva managed to squeeze into the room as Sabrina answered the nurses and doctor’s questions as best she could as they checked her over.
“Has anyone heard anything about my daughter? She was with me in the crash, she wasn’t responsive when I left.” Sabrina asked as tears streamed down her cheeks from inside the C-collar neck brace.
“Sabrina, she’s on her way here, Tredd pulled her out of that wreckage himself, she’s alive, she’s coming straight here, right now, just focus on your own recovery. I swear on my life we will do whatever it takes to make sure she’ll pull through.” Sylva offered as she came into view from Sabrina’s head and held her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Thank you Sylva.” Sabrina thanked her before a roar of medics barking codes at the nurses was heard. “That’s her, I gotta go.” Sylva said as she quickly slipped out of receiving room into the others and simply stood on the wall and listened closely and watched as Selena was also cut out of her clothes, quickly intubated and rushed into a CT scan as she followed and Sylva’s heart was in her throat when she saw the blood pooling into Selena’s brain and had to cover her mouth to keep herself from crying out as Selena was then rushed into surgery as Sylva herself got prepped for surgery too and made sure she had multiple teams working on Selena as Sylva was silently praying like her life depended on for Selena to pull through as she did her best to kick into doctor mode since she had more than enough adrenaline pumping through her body and mind to do so.
Crowe and Libertus came and gave Ravus Selena's purse before going to Dorian to deliver his wife's purse as well as her phone that had been on the dash before they returned to Selena's room as they, Luche, Ravus, Nyx and Luna all crowded around the computer in Selena’s room as Ravus cradled Selena’s bloodied and scratched and damaged rings in his hands as Selena's purse was between his feet as Nyx had handed them to him before Pelna, Yasmine and Stella came rushing in, Yasmine, putting her own medical coat on since she was in the doctorate program already as she, Luna and Stella poured over the medical jargon.
“I got a call from Pashmina who heard from Gladio that Selena’s in the OR.” Yasmine explained before she got around to the computer to see everything.
“Fuck!” Yasmine cursed as she read through it.
“Everyone start praying, Selena will need a miracle. She has a brain bleed, but they're trying to relieve it by going in through her arteries and pulling the blood out that way, instead of cutting her head open, a brain bleed that means blood is rushing into her skull and putting pressure on the brain, if they don’t relieve the pressure, either artillary or otherwise, she’ll either be a vegetable or could very well die. Her seventh through twelfth ribs broke and they punctured her lungs and her liver, that’s why she can’t hardly breathe and she’s inundated and she’s bleeding internally because of the punctured liver and the broken ribs punctured her side, so she’s bleeding externally and internally. But good news is her spine doesn’t seem to be damaged, so far, so yay on the paraplegia and possible quadrapalegic, we’re still waiting to see if her legs are broken or not but her right forearm is definitely broken in two places, both the radius and the ulna, compound fractures but her top priority is that brain bleed and punctured liver and lungs.” Yasmine offered as the rest of them simply wept and prayed because there was nothing else for them to do.
Selena was having the most peculiar dream, she was on a beach as she saw a really blonde guy painting a picture as two little blonde kids played in the sand, making a sandcastle with their mom but they either didn’t see her or were ignoring her.
“Selena,” the guy called her over as he smiled and waived her over. He looked familiar. Almost like a cross between Ravus and his uncle Vincent.
“Well hello there, it’s a pleasure to meet you, sit and rest a while.” He invited as he gestured to the sunchair next to him in the sheltered cabana after they shook hands.
“Your artwork is beautiful.” She praised as she saw it.
“Why thank you, no matter how many times I’ve repainted this picture, it’s never quite perfect.” He mused as he looked from the picture to the scene he was trying to paint.
“Repainted it?” Selena felt compelled to ask.
“Yup. I’ve repainted this picture many times, in more styles than I can count. But I always come back to this one, trying to make it look as real as I can, like a photograph. Like Paul Cezanne, painting his favorite mountain over and over again, trying to get it perfect.” He mused with a soft chuckle.
“Why this one?” Selena asked.
“Because this is one of my favorite memories. Ravus and Lunafreya aren’t arguing or fighting over anything, they’re getting along wonderfully. Sylva is happy and fully immersed into motherhood, the one thing she feels in her heart she was meant to do but her body wouldn’t agree. And she isn’t being pulled in a thousand and one directions, by her work, by her parents, or anything else. She’s simply present and enjoying the moment without having to always figure out and plan for the future. She always looks so young and her energy is equally so, but her soul is quite old, all the worry taxes her quite a bit. But she’ll always be my ray of sunshine.” He praised as he watched his family fondly, trying to make sure he got the hue of their blond hair just right as he mixed white with yellow with a pinch of gold and tan.
“Ravus and Lunafreya?” Selena repeated as she looked from the painting to the little kids and looked closer at them as she tilted her head and recognized them as children.
Suddenly her body felt really warm like it was getting sunburnt as the air got super hot and it was hard to breathe before the cabana stretched over both of them even more as the warmth and burning abated and it felt easier to breathe before pain started to seep into her body as she started to rock and clutch her middle like she had been kicked by a horse or something. Selena wanted to scream but she couldn’t.
“Selena, just breathe, just focus on my voice and the sound of the ocean, it’ll be ok.” He urged before the pain started to slip away again as she felt her body relax again before she noticed a strange bird nearby- chirping a beeping sound. It was kind of annoying but Selena was just grateful she wasn’t in so much pain now.
“Here, now you try.” He insisted as he handed her a canvas as a easel seemed to appear out of nowhere before helping her set up her own palette, sharing all of his paints and getting her set up before she started painting her own picture of them but one moment she could see Sylva, Ravus and Lunafreya as she looked from them to the canvas and, the next when she looked up, she could see Ravus only as an adult now, as he helped three kids build a sandcastle, two little girls, both as blonde and fair as he was, the eldest girl was only 5 or six, the other was only two, then a little boy, who looked to be about 4. He had her darker complexion and brown hair and was just darling as he was carefully sorting through all the seashells, organizing them according to size and kind while the youngest was simply squishing the soft sand between her chubby little fingers over and over again and giggling at the texture while the oldest worked most diligently with Ravus about setting up the base of the sandcastle as she pushed the sand into the bucket and drenching it and making sure the sand was dense and as solid as it could be before she dumped it very carefully where Ravus had directed to her as Selena just watched on happily before she felt a strange yet familiar weight in her abdomen as she laid back into the sunchair and noticed she was pregnant and watched as her feet were impossibly swollen as she simply resigned to enjoy the scene as she sipped on a refreshing but non alcoholic drink as she watched Ravus under his own big umbrella to shield himself and the kids from the scorching sun as it was now the artist in her cabana, the art supplies and canvases now long gone.
“Now, isn’t that a sight you wish you could make last forever?” The artist asked her as he watched the scene with happiness, pride and fondness with a bittersweetness in his eyes.
“Yes.” Selena answered happily.
“Now all you have to do is hang on, just hold onto life as hard as you can. Pain is coming, but you can endure it. If only to enjoy this. You’ll get there, you just got to endure the pain.” He advised her as Selena once again felt pain wrack her body and it felt like she couldn’t hardly breathe.
“Wait for the air, it’ll come, remember, three taps, they mean “I love you”, three squeezes, you can do it, three squeezes.” He urged her as he turned to her and held her left hand and squeezed three times before Selena mirrored the motion as air finally got pushed into her lungs as she breathed in as deep as she could before it was gone again, like it was being sucked out of her a moment later.
“Just wait, it’ll come right back. Just keep your eyes on them, just focus on them , your family, they're worth living and surviving for. The air will come. Just hold onto them. Don’t lose your focus. You have to get through the nightmare before you can make this dream a reality. You can do it Selena, I have faith in you, I’m so proud of you and I am so grateful and thankful for you to come into my family’s lives, you’ll be ok, it’s not time for you to leave them yet, not for a good, long while. Remember, I love you- three squeezes, one, two, three, three taps, one- two- three.” He insisted as he did it again as she did it back.
“Just don’t let go.” He repeated before Selena could hear yelling and machines and the beach started to fade to black as she tried to hold onto him.
“Selena, come on, pull through. You can do it.” The artist’s voice morphed into Sylva’s voice.
Sylva had been talking to Selena, begging her to pull through as she held Selena’s hand as she watched her face before Selena’s hand squeezed her hand back in a pattern of threes as Sylva’s eyes went wide as tears continued to flood her vision as a hopeful smile soon threatened to bloom as Sylva squeezed back three times, like all the times she and Victor would squeeze and tap each other in their way to say ‘I love you’ back when they first met and because Sylva had never heard ‘I love you’ spoken to her often, she had a hard time saying the words so Victor and her worked out that three squeezes, three taps, meant “I love you”. She knew Ravus knew about this, she just felt that he must have told her about this as she hopefully returned the three squeezes before Selena did it back again, over and over again back and forth.
“Atta girl Selena! You’re doing great! We’re almost done, hang on! Just hang on a little longer. You can do it!” Sylva encouraged as she kept squeezing back three times as much as she could.
“Just keep squeezing my hand, let me know you’re still there Sweetheart, listen to my voice, you’re on a breathing machine, just wait for the machine Darling, the air will come.” Sylva coached as she noticed Selena struggle to breathe on the monitors as Sylva and Selena just kept squeezing back and forth as Sylva cried tears of happiness and relief that Selena wasn’t lost mentally. Everything else could be fixed as the doctors were setting her right arm back into place as the surgeons were stitching up her sides from setting her ribs back into place and fixing her punctured liver and lung as it was a miracle that her legs were not also broken. She was almost done with surgery and Sylva had been praying the whole time for Selena to pull through and it seems her prayers had been answered.
Once the surgeries were done, Sylva noticed Selena was crying from her eyes and when she was unplugged from the breathing machine, she started gasping for air, trying to catch her breath.
“She’s breathing on her own, just let her catch her breath.” Sylva ordered.
“We’re done Selena, the surgery is done, we’re going to the room now.” Sylva told Selena as she kept a firm hold of her hand and wouldn’t let go as they kept squeezing three times back and forth.
Selena was brought back to her ICU room in the Emergency room where Ravus and Luna and everyone else was eagerly awaiting them.
“She’s ok, she’s tapping!” Sylva announced happily through her own tears when she saw them as Selena was put into place in the room.
“Tapping?” Ravus and everyone else repeated.
“Ravus you did so good by telling Selena about the tapping and squeezing in threes to say ‘I love you’ the way your father and I used to all the time when you were growing up, Selena was able to squeeze that over and over and over throughout the surgery. She’s there, we didn’t lose her. She’ll be ok.” Sylva announced as Ravus just stared at his mother in confused shock.
“Mom...I never told her about that…” Ravus confessed as Sylva let go of Selena’s hand so that Ravus could hold her hand so Sylva could get changed out of the special operating room scrubs before Selena grasped Ravus’ hand and squeezed three times before he squeezed back in kind before he completely broke down in tears by the bed as they kept doing that back and forth.
“Well then did you?” Sylva turned to Luna who shook her head no.
“I completely forgot about it, I never told her either.” Luna professed as she looked to Nyx.
“I’ve never heard of it either. Dad?” Nyx turned to his dad as everyone else looked at each other in surprise but everyone was at a loss because they had never heard of that kind of thing either.
“No, we don’t have anything like that in our family either.” Dorian shook his head no.
“But she’s squeezing it over and over like her life depends on it.” Ravus confessed before he let Dorian feel it and return it then Nyx got to then Luna got to also, all of them crying tears of happiness to feel it though.
“Maybe she’s trying to say ‘I’m still here’. Three words, ‘I’m still here’.” Regis offered.
“Oh, maybe.” Sylva allowed as she frowned.
“Selena, can you open your eyes?” Dorian asked as he reached out and wiped the tears from her eyes from the other side of her but all Selena did was scrunch her eyes shut as she continued in her labored breathing. It hurt so bad to breathe but her lungs and her body were screaming for air.
“Hey, it’s a response.” Sylva allowed as Ravus got Selena’s hand again and squeezed three times again as Selena’s toes then started tapping together like she was standing up and tapping her foot, three times.
“Yay! Her legs still work!” Dorian cheered.
“And it’s still in threes, ‘I’m still here’.” Regis insisted as he clasped Ravus’ shoulder because Regis had surprisingly been the one to offer the most comfort and support to Ravus through all of this because Regis had been through the same thing several years earlier before Dorian left to tell Sabrina the news that Selena was ok, and asked if Sabrina knew about the tapping or squeezing three times thing and Sabrina as well as everyone else was also at a loss to explain it but Sabrina was relieved to know that she had not lost her daughter and was grateful Selena made it through surgery and was still alive as she was in the next room over as her parents and siblings had come to the hospital and were currently in her room and none of them could come up with a solution either before Selena stopped squeezing and instead tried to sit up before Ravus and Sylva gently tried to push her back down.
“Selena, you’ve been in a really bad car accident, you’re in a neck brace and we need to keep you as flat as we can to make sure your spine is ok. Your right arm is broken and in a cast right now which is why you can’t move it. You also broke some ribs, they hit your lungs and your liver so that’s why your right side probably hurts as bad as it does and we had to intubate you because your ribs hit your lungs, that’s why you can’t talk. But we’re so happy that you’re alive.” Sylva informed her as Selena tried to chew on the tube itself before she got a good bite on it and just kept crying but she was able to lift her left hand as everyone turned their attention to her hand as she held up her index finger to indicate 1 then made a fist.
“One squeeze?” Ravus asked as Selena signed ‘yes’.
“One squeeze means yes?” Ravus asked as Selena signed yes again before she then held up her index and middle finger to indicate two then made a motion of two squeezes and signed in ASL ‘no’.
“Two squeezes say no?” Ravus continued before Selena signed yes again as she felt the strength in her arm start to zap but she needed to get this last bit across if it was the last thing she could do. So then she held up three fingers and slowly spelled ‘I L U’.
“Three means I love you?” Ravus asked as he smiled through his tears before he wiped his falling tears off her face before Selena reached for his hand before she found it and gave one squeeze and then three more squeezes before she gave him a pained smile.
“So it does mean I love you!” Sylva beamed.
“Are you in pain?” Ravus asked and he got one squeeze.
“How much more pain killers can we give her?” Ravus asked as Sylva came over to check Selena’s eyes for a concussion and saw the signs of a small one.
“Her left pupil is larger than her right which is a sign of a concussion.” Sylva realized before she lowered the lights in the room so that they weren’t blinding Selena before she ordered more pain meds before she went and got them herself from the ER pharmacy and came back and administered them herself as Selena took a deep, and steadier breath and began to breathe easier before she squeezed Ravus’ hand four times.
“Is four times ‘thank you’?” Ravus guessed before Selena squeezed one more time as a ghost of a smile spread on her face as she tried to blink away her own tears before she signed ‘mom’.
“Your mom is ok, she’s banged up but not nearly as bad as you Sweetie, she’s in the next room.” Dorian answered before Selena signed ‘ok’.
“Thank the heavens for ASL.” Luna murmured as she wiped her relieved tears from her own eyes as she and Nyx held each other tightly as Gladio and everyone else nodded and murmured their agreement to that before the surgeons made back into the room and gave the family updates on what they found and what they did and about how long it would take for her to heal as Selena raised her hand and pointed to the tube and made a motion to pull it out over and over again.
“How about we move her to a room and make sure she stays stabilized and then we get the tube out.” The surgeons advised.
“On it.” Sylva answered before she had the nurses help get Selena prepped for moving as Sylva also ordered for Sabrina to moved to a room too before they all followed Sylva who moved Selena’s bed herself to the elevators and up to the VIP rooms of the hospital before in a few moments, Sabrina was moved in right next door.
And thankfully once Selena moved and was stabilized and all the results came back that her spine had not been damaged and she could sit up, they sat her up and took off the C- collar and made her comfortable before Sylva helped remove the breathing tube.
“Now, very little, slow sips of water.” Sylva urged as she disposed of the tube as Ravus handed her a little cup of water so Selena could drink some.
“Thank you.” Selena thanked him as she squeezed his other hand three times which brought a little wry grin to his lips as he squeezed back three times. This was going to be their new little thing.
“Tea.” Selena requested as she winced as the way the ice cold water assaulted her throat.
“On it.” Luna practically lept from her spot on a sofa and immediately went to the cafe on that level and got four cups of hot water and two of every kind of tea they had before she came back and listed them off before Selena chose one before Luna got that going for her before Tredd came in since Stella had been texting him updates ever since she had come in with Yasmine, Tredd still in his work uniform and not looking cleaned up at all, but he was clearly still anxious and worried even though he had gotten several texts from everyone about the update throughout the rest of his shift as he was so relieved and grateful that Selena made it through while Billy and Patrick were still downstairs in the ER getting attended to as he handed Selena her phone which had actually been ejected from the car itself upon impact but thanks to it's protective case, which had taken a beating, the phone was still functional.
"Thank you for saving my life." Selena thanked Tredd as the two hugged.
"Are you kidding, the shit Ravus would give me if you had died on my watch? He would harrass me and make me pay- eye for an eye and all that shit. You would haunt me yourself from beyond the grave, I have bad enough karma as it is, I don't need any more." Tredd tried to tease and play off as he wiped his relieved tears from his eyes but his happy and relieved smile still showed how deeply he still cared.
"But you're welcome." Tredd offered lowly.
"But don't you do it ever again, I don't have that much good luck to doll out to just anyone and everyone, you got L-U-C-K-Y, lucky girl." Tredd added as Selena just snorted a laugh because actually laughing would hurt too much as she gave him a grateful and appreciative smile before Luna came over with Selena's tea.
“Thank you.” Selena managed to whisper to Luna with a grateful smile once the tea was given her as she took a sip of it with her left hand since her right was still laying on her in a cast and a sling.
“So we have some updates.” Gladio came back into the room with his dad.
“William Ronchester, aka Billy, the former captain of Niflheim Academy's football team and one of his former teammates- Chad Frawns, who just graduated in May, were the drivers of the cars that smashed into you, they were racing each other and ran the red, we have them on the cameras from the intersection, going at least 80 in a 35.” Gladio reported.
“Fucking Nifs!” Nyx, Luche, Ada, Tredd, Crowe and Libertus all growled as Craig just shook his head and groaned in frustration.
“Of course they were, Chad and Billy were always doing stupid shit like that, it’s always a pissing contest between those two.” Craig offered up.
“So that’s two attempts on the Ulrics by the Niflheim football team, by the same people, by the same, exact fucking people, great.” Luna grumbled angrily as she and Nyx had flashbacks to when that football team was hired to have it out for him.
“But the important part is both of them lived through it. As long as Selena doesn’t get any complications from any of her surgeries, she should make a full recovery.” Sylva consoled.
“Well is it too early to start pressing charges?” Ravus asked as Gladio and Clarus grinned wryly.
“No it’s not.” Clarus answered before he got Selena’s statement to add it to Sabrina’s and once it was clear that Selena was going to be ok, Nyx went back and spent more time with his mom as Dorian had done the same as they hung out as Gladio and Clarus went back downstairs to check up on everyone involved in the wreck as the other officers were at the other hospitals where the other patients had been taken to and finished the rest of their jobs as well as inform Billy’s family as well as Chad’s family of who they hit as Clarus and Gladio saw the color drain from their family’s faces as their eyes go as wide as saucers.
Ravus was adamant that he wasn’t leaving Selena’s side as Luche simply went to Ravus’ office and packed what he could from Ravus’ office so that Ravus would have some of what he needed there before Luche left and he and Ada went to Ravus’ and Selena’s apartment to get what Selena and Ravus would need for staying in the hospital for at least a few weeks and simply got their dogs and brought them to their own yard. Sasha being all too happy to play with her siblings Kona and Kahlua while Bunny simply laid down forlornly.
“Mommy’s ok. I promise, she’ll be home soon.” Luche offered to Bunny as he pet her affectionately as Duchess simply took command of the tallest level of Luche and Ada’s cat tower as Luche pet Duchess affectionately in turn before Ada went through her own tea collection to get what she thought Selena would like and once they were ready they went back to the hospital just as Sylva had ordered dinner for everyone who was left as Selena very slowly ate the soft foods that the hospital prepared for her as Sylva made sure that her pain medication was always given on time so that she wasn’t in too much pain in any one time and was of course administered the best pain medicine available.
When it was late and after everyone but Nyx and Luna went home to rest and Ravus was getting ready for bed himself, Sylva made one last check up to see if Selena needed anything before Selena simply reached out and gave Sylva’s hand three squeezes sleepily but smiled sweetly nonetheless, despite her pain and exhaustion.
“Where did you learn that?” Sylva asked curiously.
“When I was in surgery, I think I was dreaming, or in a coma, or something. I was on a beach. I was in the picture that’s in our living room. Only, it wasn’t finished yet. I saw you playing with Ravus and Luna, only they were little. And..this artist, he looked like he was a cross between Ravus and Vincent, he was painting the picture, he asked me to sit and paint with him. He said that it was his favorite painting, that he had repainted it over and over and over again, trying to get it perfect, trying to make it look as real as a picture. He said it was his favorite memory because Luna and Ravus weren’t fighting and you were there and not being pulled in a thousand directions at once, and that you just got to enjoy the moment with your kids and being a mom. He said that you were an old soul from worrying about everything all the time. But that you were always his ray of sunshine. I think my imagination built Victor. He’s the one who held my hand and told me that pain was coming but that I could endure it. He held my hand and said that three taps and three squeezes meant ‘I love you’ and we just were squeezing it back and forth and then his voice morphed into yours in surgery.” Selena confessed as Sylva, Ravus and Luna were utterly sobbing.
“That’s nothing short of a miracle.” Lunafreya cried as she soaked up her renewed tears.
“I don’t think it was your imagination. I’m pretty sure you met him in the afterlife, he always told me that- that was one picture that he would give anything to redo and repaint over and over again because it was the perfect moment and he wanted it to last forever and he was sure that he could get it perfect eventually.” Sylva revealed as she sobbed before she held Selena.
“We’re so happy you lived and you made it through Darling.” Sylva cried into Selena’s shoulder.
“Ditto, I would have lost my mind if I lost my best friend.” Luna confessed as she hugged Selena next before Nyx came over and hugged her tight before they bid her goodnight and left Ravus and Selena in peace before saying goodnight to Sabrina and Dorian who were in the next room over.
Ravus waited until it was just himself and Selena before he slipped Selena’s rings back on her hands.
“They fell off in the accident. Tredd picked them up and saved them from the wreck.” Ravus told her.
“Only Stella and your mom could have seen the great man underneath the asshole, turns out he was exactly who was needed in that moment, I owe him big.” Selena noted as she looked at her rings affectionately.
“We both do.” Ravus had to admit. “He saved your life today, I never would have thought that he of all people would have been the life saving type.” Ravus admitted.
“But he was a natural wasn’t he? From what Gladio said he saw, Tredd knew exactly what to do and how to do it and do it in the nick of time. Another moment later and I would have been toast, literally. The car caught fire for crying out loud. For as much as Tredd is a pyromaniac, being a firefighter is strangely a perfect fit and he’s a natural.” Selena murmured tiredly, but fondly all the same.
“He told my mom that he wants to become a paramedic too after what happened today.” Ravus informed her.
“He’d be good at that too. Nyx isn’t the only one with a hero complex apparently.” Selena nodded as Ravus nodded his agreement to that too.
“There was something more to my “run in” with your dad though.” Selena said as Ravus sat on the bed next to hers.
“Oh?” Ravus asked.
“When he gave me my own canvas and invited me to paint with him, I looked at the scene of you and Luna and your mom on the beach to the canvas and began filling in where the sea met the sand and when I looked back up, I saw you with not one, or two, but three children, our children while I was pregnant with number four.” Selena revealed as Ravus’ tears came flooding back to his eyes as his smile was heartbreakingly beautiful.
“Really?” Ravus asked.
“Yup, two little girls, the oldest was five or six, the younger girl was only one and a half, maybe two, the middle, was a boy, he must have been only four or so. The girls were just as fair and blonde as you are and so precious and beautiful, the boy took after me and was quite handsome himself. You were all under a big umbrella so none of you would burn, you were all building a sandcastle, the oldest was doing most of the work, gathering all the sand into the various buckets, getting them wet then draining them before turning them over in the right spot, the boy was organizing seashells and the youngest was just squishing the sand between her chubby little hands. Your dad told me that he was grateful and thankful for me becoming a part of your family’s lives and that it wasn’t my time to leave yet and that he was proud, and happy and that- that moment, with you and our kids on the beach- that was going to be my ‘want to last forever’ moment. And that I could get there as long as I held onto life as hard as I could and warned me that the pain was coming, but that I could endure it. I just had to hold on and keep tapping three times, I love you, over and over and he held my hand and we did it back and forth as long as we could before things faded to black and his voice morphed into your mom’s in the surgery room.” Selena revealed as she held Ravus’ hand and squeezed it three times as he returned it over and over again as Ravus knelt down next to the bed with Selena’s left hand in both of his as he pressed his forehead to her hand and continued to cry and mentally offer thanks for the miracle as his faith in God began to flicker back to life.
“Then that’s what will happen. It’s worth waiting for.” Ravus insisted as he lifted his head and kissed her hand as firm as he dared.
“It will be.” Selena repeated as she was fighting sleep.
“Get some sleep, you need it Darling.” Ravus encouraged before Ravus to get into bed himself, reaching out and still grasping her left hand and giving it three little squeezes as she gave three little squeezes back before the two finally fell asleep.
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FebuWhump Day 1, Alt 2:  “I Can’t Lose You Too”
Also on AO3
Peter watches Mr. Stark get hit on the news and not get up, which brings up old fears.
Peter watched the small battle from his living room. He itched to be out there with the Avengers but his arm was still healing from an incident during the previous night's patrol, which would hinder the team more than it would help. He understood that he needed to take a break to heal but was still disappointed, small fights like these were the only ones that the Avengers would call him out to help.
Everything was going fine, the random villain of the week losing, until a blast hit the Iron Man suit. The news camera zoomed in to where the suit laid still a couple of yards back from where it was standing mere seconds ago. After a couple more seconds go by with no moving the camera focuses back on the fight, the team filled with renewed vigor after their teammate's fall.
Unable to see Mr. Stark from the angle the camera's at, Peter tunes into the news anchor's voice saying that the fallen Avenger has yet to move and starts to panic. He grabs his phone, keys, and wallet and runs out the door.
Tony groans, while the blast that hit him didn't pierce the armor, it sure did knock him around. After he gets his bearings back he notices that it also knocked the power from the suit.
He sighs, magic is the  worst . While he is physically able to move slightly in the suit, anything he'd be able to do would be useless because he wouldn't be able to get it upright again so he could shuffle to safety. It takes him a minute but he activates the emergency panel in his gauntlet that slightly releases the suit and lets him move his arm more to get the emergency latches that'll get him out of a dead suit.
He knows that it's not the best idea to get out of the suit so close to the battle, but when has he ever had a good idea. Besides, he figures that the others should have enough of a handle on things for him to get to safety. Hell, he's surprised that they haven't already finished things off. It's not like this amateur wizard is anything special, they're getting sloppy.
Sure enough, by the time he unlatches everything to open the suit and sit up, Cap and Barton are already jogging towards him. The others appear to be watching over the immobile wizard and talking to the SHIELD agents that just got there. The two get to his side quickly and Tony takes Cap's offered hand. He waves off the worried questions and stretches his arms to loosen up, getting out of a dead suit is never fun.
He smirks and turns to their resident archer, "I understand Cap's concern, but to what do I owe the pleasure, Birdbrain."
Barton glares, "Just making sure your brains weren't scrambled, Tin Can."
Tony smiles and winks, "All good here, Sweetheart, but if you're so concerned maybe you should check for yourself."
Barton's lips twitch in a small smile but Cap interrupts the possible answer, "Tony, you're getting checked out before you hide in your lab." Seeing the protest on Tony's face he frowns, "That was a bad hit, I don't care if you think you're fine. You're getting checked out."
Tony rolls his eyes, "Fine, oh Captain my Captain. Beats helping with cleanup." He turns back to Barton with a smirk, "Maybe later then, Birdbrain."
Barton huffs a laugh and rolls his eyes, checking Tony over one more time before turning and walking towards Nat. Steve gives him a stern glance before promising to make sure his suit is returned to the tower.
With that, Tony pulls his phone out to call Happy for a ride as he walks toward the street.
Peter paces the penthouse living room's floor. FRIDAY updated him to tell him that Mr. Stark was alright and getting checked over by medical but he couldn't stop worrying. He hasn't seen Mr. Stark get hit like that since he's met him, sure he's gotten hit pretty badly sometimes but not so bad that he doesn't get up.
His thoughts swirl in his head as he tries to stay calm. This is his third father figure, and yes he can now admit that to himself. Only himself. He can't handle another one getting hurt.
God, if only he hadn't gotten hurt yesterday he could've been there. He could've helped the team and maybe then Mr. Stark wouldn't've gotten hurt. He's so stuck in his head that he doesn't register FRIDAY telling him that Mr. Stark is on his way up and keeps pacing. The only thing that pulls him out is the sound of the elevator arriving.
And there he is, looking perfectly fine but who knows what injuries may be underneath his clothes.
Mr. Stark smiles at him, "Hey, Underoos, FRIDAY said you were here waiting for me. Sorry, you couldn't come, but-" He gets cut off when Peter barrels into him and wraps his arms around the kid.
Relief fills Peter as he's held by Mr. Stark. He's all right. He's here, holding him, his chest rising and damaged heart beating its unusual rhythm. It hits him so hard that some tears fall onto his mentor's shoulder.
Tony feels the tears dampen his shirt and holds Peter tighter, "I'm okay, Pete, just got knocked around a bit."
"You didn't get up," comes the muffled reply. "You didn't get up and I didn't know if you were okay. I didn't know if you  were  going to get up. I can't," he lets out a sob, "I-I-"
Mr. Stark rubs his back and consoles him, "I know, Pete, but it's okay,  I'm  okay. I need you to take a deep breath for me okay? Just to calm down a little. Follow my breaths." Peter nods into the older man's shoulder and shakily breaths with him, the familiar smell of the other man helping calm him down. "Better?"
Peter nods but doesn't let go. The tears have stopped and his breaths have calmed enough for him to finish what he was trying to say before, "I can't lose you too."
Tony's heart breaks when he hears Peter's words. He's so young, too young to have lost so many people.
"I'm not going anywhere, Pete. I'm staying right here with you."
Peter smiles faintly when he hears his father figure's words. He knows that it isn't a promise he can't keep, not with the life they live, but it's a nice thought.
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Mominette: Auld Lang Syne
Happy New Year! Have some angst!
After Red Arrow’s explanation of being the mole and what happened to the League, Conner’s thoughts immediately went to Ladybug and Chat Noir. They weren’t technically with the League, but they were still known figures who had interactions with them. It was fully possible the Light may have targeted them as well. Especially considering the matter of Ladybug being Superboy’s other parent had become known to members of the League.
Mom could be in danger.
Despite his friends’ warnings and insistence that they at least go with them, Conner took off to Paris alone. He hadn’t even made it to the Bakery before he was blindsided by waves of distress from his siblings.
Please no.
He wasted no time with the front door and just jumped to Marinette’s center window. She always kept it unlocked and this time was no different. Sure enough, he looked through the glass to see a clearly agitated Chat Noir talking to someone unseen. But no sign of Mom or the Dolls.
Please. Please no.
Chat snapped to alertness when Conner entered, only to relax once he recognized him.
“Superboy.” He sounded eerily calm. Conner was immediately unsettled by the other male’s presentation and use of his official hero name.
But if he was taken over...
He nodded in greeting.
“Chat Noir. Where is Mom?”
The other hero hesitated. Waiting for something. Despite himself, Chat’s eyes slowly slid to something beyond Conner. The clone tensed, preparing for an ambush. Hearing a shuffling from behind, he spun around.
Minimice. Tons of them. Some hiding. Some pressed up against wall enough that he hadn’t seen them when he first entered. All of them watching him warily.
Several squeaked.
A good many nodded to Chat.
But none hissed.
And Chat Noir...Adrien seemed to slump in relief. “They didn’t get you then?”
And behind Chat, a worried Tikki came out of hiding, floating forward and looking happy to see him.
And Conner released the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “No. They tried but we received warning just in time.”
“Good. That...that’s good.” Adrien smiled, clearly anxious and worried but happy for whatever small fortune they could get.
Several of the Minimice moved forward, hugging Conner’s legs to either give or receive comfort. But the rest seemed to vanish from sight as they returned to hiding. They were getting rather good at that. He couldn’t even see them.
“What happened?” Conner demanded. “Where’s Mom?”
Adrien gestured to the bed. A quick scan showed she was laying on the bed as herself. As Marinette. She seemed all right. Unconscious but uninjured. Chaton and Littlebug were both with her. Curled at her sides. For comfort? They hadn’t even reacted to his entry. And they seemed to be...doing something?
He looked to the blond for an explanation.
Adrien ran a hand through his hair. “We were patrolling. Then one of the League showed up, Green Arrow, I think? He asked Ladybug to go with him, saying it was urgent. She hesitated. Something was off but we didn’t know what. Then suddenly Flash was behind her and she fell to her knees. He put something on her, some kind of chip? The next thing I knew, she was attacking me.” He let out a breath, almost a laugh like he couldn’t believe it.
“It’s a Starro-tech control chip. The Light is using it to control the entire Justice League.” Conner explained.
“Nice to know they wouldn’t be this way normally, at least.” Adrien said, still sounding slightly bitter. Conner couldn’t blame him. He certainly didn’t want to have to fight Mom either. And he knew that Adrien love her greatly.
Mom had told him of several instances where Chat had been controlled or manipulated by the enemy to fight her. How hard it had been. This had to have been a first for Adrien to be on the receiving end. Chat was usually the one taking the blows for Ladybug to protect her from things like this. It was clearly killing him inside to have the roles reversed this way.
“They would have gotten me if not for Minimouse being with us at the time. She multiplied and drove off the two from the League, though she hasn’t been able to calm down enough to reform since. Though that may be the better choice right now. With her helping me, we were able to knock Mari out.”
There was a growl at that. Conner started when he realized it was coming from himself as well as Chaton.
Adrien rubbed his head. “I know. I’m sorry. But it was the only way to keep them from taking her.”
A whine from the bed before Chaton returned to focusing on Marinette.
“We were able to force her to detransform, but Tikki said we have to keep her like this until whatever’s happening is over.”
Conner glanced back to the bed, concerned. “She still has the chip?”
Chat’s ears lowered. “I can’t Cataclysm it without risking Marinette.”
“We’re going to face the League. The Team is, I mean.” Conner stated. “They’re making something to counter the chips and free everyone. Once we do, we’ll free Mom, as well.”
Chat frowned. “Are you sure about this? Your team is good but this is the entire Justice League. Can you really take on all of them?”
Conner nodded, resolution clear. “We have to. It’s down to us.”
“I see.”
There was a pause.
“Then I wish you luck.”
And Chat backed away.
“Hang on! You can come with us!” Conner exclaimed. “We could use everyone.”
But Chat shook his head. “I need to stay here. To keep watch over her and Paris. The Dolls are also helping me. We’ll keep her safe until you can fix things.”
The black-suited man walked away from Conner and moving towards the strange phonograph Mom kept in her room but never used.
It felt...strange...the amount of faith Adrien was putting in him. No reluctance. no hesitance. He didn’t just believe Conner could succeed, he WANTED to believe in him.
Conner started in surprise as Adrien returned, phonograph in hand. A strange smile lighting up his face.
“That doesn’t mean we can’t help you another way.”
Adrien tapped a side panel, revealing a set of buttons. With a couple presses, something clicked and the phonograph moved. But not to play music. Instead it opened. And inside revealed...
Conner gasped.
It was the Miracle Box. Mom’s Miracle Box.
“Conner Kent Dupain-Cheng.” Adrien intoned. “You’re Ladybug’s son not only by blood but in every way that matters. If there was anyone she would trust with this, it would be you.”
“But...is it really okay?” Conner asked.
He...he wasn’t ready. Mom had let him use a Miraculous now and again. Sometimes for fun or training. More often out of need. And she always seemed to know the exact one to draw upon for any situation.
To have that choice suddenly in his hands.
To be trusted with this responsibility...
Adrien smiled.
“Mari and I have talked about this. Contingencies and all.” He shrugged. “But one thing was clear.”
Adrien held out his fist to Conner.
“If you ever needed it...”
His hand opened.
Two red and black earrings sat in the palm of his hand.
“She wanted it to be available to you.”
For a moment, Conner forgot how to breathe.
Superman’s sigil was something he’d had to take for himself.
Luthor’s heritage was something he’d had to reject.
But Ladybug...while she had supported him...even let him use other Miraculous...he’d had thoughts at times but never considered taking on her role.
He hadn't thought she would give it to him.
To be honest, given the nature of the Miraculous only having one user at a time, it wasn’t something he’d thought could be done.
Touching the earrings. Being given her earrings...
This was a legacy in his hands. And it was being passed down to him.
Something swelled in his chest. If the situation weren’t so dire, he may have allowed more time to process it all. But the League was still in danger. Mom was still in danger.
Mom, who trusted him even if she wasn't there to see him.
He took the earrings.
There was a giggle.
Tikki floated before him.
“Hello, Conner. My name is Tikki, the kwami of the Ladybug Miraculous.”
He blinked, somewhat confused. “But I already know who you are. We’ve met. I’ve fed you cookies.”
She just giggled and held out her little arm to him. “It’s our first meeting as partners. We have to make it official!”
He smiled.
“Hello. Tikki.”
And took her arm with his fingers.
“My name is Conner, Ladybug’s son.”
A portal opened in their hideout. The Team was wary, but being aware of the Miraculous (and due to Ladybug’s tendency to use this method of travel to meet them or bring gifts for Conner), they were prepared to see Conner come out of the portal.
They were not prepared, however, for his new look.
He’d often worn red and black, with the black being the more prominent and the red in the form of Superman’s insignia.
Now he was wearing a somewhat armor-like red suit with black spots. Black boots and gloves. A spotted mask. And what they had thought looked like a cape on the back that upon closer inspection appeared more like a shell.
Or wings.
Kid Flash whistled, impressed. “Showing off whose kid you really are. Not like we didn’t already know.”
Artemis nudged him. Hard.
“Hey guys.” Conner greeted.
He held up the Box for them to see.
“Mom and Dad can’t come. But they gave us something to help.”
He set the Box on the table. With a tap, it opened, revealing several pieces of jewelry.
“So...what’s your favorite animal?”
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robobirdie · 3 years
Two more part one bonus stories
While doing some reworking to the story I came up with these two fun little side stories. The first is a flushed out account of an event mentioned in the chapter The Merchants Tale. It is titled Maze of Chaos. The other is the knights encounters during their turn partaking in the trials for the tribunal.
Also for those interested I have also starting uploading my story here https://archiveofourown.org/works/34894561 .
Maze of Chaos While I had it the part didn't fit in the main story so I set it aside instead just mentioning it and now flushing it out in the main story but kept it as a side story. Its a fun little adventure of the knights and ninja trying to work together during a training session against the beasts and constructs of the wastes.
“Why are we having to join in this training?” Ava wondered as she and Robin held a shield and training swords standing back to back feeling anxious in a maze of stone walls far too tall to see over even when standing on someone else’s shoulders which Jay had tried to do at the start. The maze had been decorated and filled with natural elements like rocks, boulders, dead trees, some live trees and shrubs like Brightwood Cypress and Chokeweed along with debris like sticks, fungi including glowing and large ones like Swamp Beacon Pods and Fiery Glowstalks, and vines all of which they were allowed to use to try and protect themselves or hide behind. The knights and ninja had been dumped into the arena along with a bunch of creatures and constructs for a training session. To make it worse some of the panels on the arenas dome had been opened to let in a fog that was outside making visibility low in some spots and making it a little chilly and damp in the arena. They had all been paired up into groups of two or three and separated throughout the maze. Those that put them there had led them in blindfolded than left them randomly throughout the ring so they had no clue where they were. They had been given a map of the layout of the maze but the map had no indications of which way was what on the map added with the fact none of them had any way of knowing where they had been placed or where the exit to the maze was the map was of little help. Their objective was to try and work together without being able to see each other or their enemies. Tafari was testing them on their skills and ability to work as a team. They could communicate through their communicators’ things like warnings and directional aids but were not supposed to interact with anyone not placed in their grouping physically. They had to use stealth, their skills and senses to try and make it out of the maze which was proving more difficult than they expected. The arena was giving off a signal jamming all technological means of navigation leaving even Zane unable to navigate their way around the place.
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“Because apparently even in this Ash Strider vehicle we won’t be safe,” Robin expressed as they looked around hoping something wasn’t nearby.
“What I’d like to know is why was I stuck with the kids?” Kai wondered sticking close to a wall to peak around a corner to see if anything was coming at them Ava and Robin sticking close to him.
“Great it’s too foggy to see anything,” Kai noted and on a hunch he threw a fireball into the fog to see if it would reveal any shadows. The kids didn’t think what he did was a good idea but Kai did it anyway. The fire let him make out the silhouette of something large in the fog before it rushed out at them, a Kwaliit.
“One of those beetle armoured lizards and it looks mad, run!” Kai exclaimed and the three took off running as the creature chased after them. Not too far away Clay and Lloyd who had been paired up and just managed to dodge the sights of some hyenoids who had been programmed to patrol an area were making their way through the maze. They came to sit with their backs against a wall by a corner.
“Fear-bricant, it seems unaware of us,” Clay noted taking a peak around the corner to see the creature with its back to them investigating some oil drums that had been placed in the area it was standing and Lloyd stated, “that’s not good. My weapon has no effect on it and they are extremely difficult to sneak around.”
“Not to mention very fierce in battle. Maybe there is some other way around it?” Clay wondered not wanting to get into a fight with this creature as he and Lloyd looked over their map.
“Not unless we want to turn back and take some alternate routes,” Lloyd noted. While they tried to figure out what they were going to do not far away Aaron was trying to lead Jay through the maze. He was upset he was not allowed to use his shield to see above the walls but wasn’t going to let it interfere with the task. It had been going well so far however Jay had slowly been getting more anxious as they travelled through the maze getting more talkative and jumpy as time went on. Jays jumpy and babbling nature was getting on Aarons nerves as he was trying to get the task done correctly and the more anxious Jay became the less effective and co-operative he was becoming. Aaron was also not a fan of Jays skittish behaviour and loud babbly nature.
“Dude I thought ninja were supposed to be masters of stealth how’d you ever become a ninja?” Aaron wondered as they tried to hide against a wall but some dirt dropping off the wall onto his shoulder had made Jay jump yet again and loudly state, “what was that?!”
“How is saying things like ‘sneaky’ and ‘sneak-itty sneak’ while sneaking stealthy?” Jay objected being loud and Aaron quietly countered peaking around the corner to note a Parrot-Cruncher munching on a bush that had been placed in the maze for it on the path ahead of them, “come on its fun besides I’m being super duper quiet about it; You man are being awfully loud and freaking out over the littlest least scary things.”
“Freaking out! I’m not freaking out, I’m being cautious. The things they trapped us in here with have deadly venoms, carry nasty diseases and can slice us in half in seconds. I think I have the right to be worried. What about you, how can you not be even a tiny bit scared of what we might run into? Is there something wrong with your brain or are you under some sort of curse? It’s like you have no fear! How is that possible?!” The Parrot Cruncher was quick to pick up Jays babbling and turned to look in their direction. It wasted no time in rushing over to confront them. Because he had been quite and observant Aaron noted the creature coming. Thinking quickly before it rounded the corner Aaron hopped onto his shield and hovered a few feet above the ground so he was out of the creatures way yet not high enough to disobey the rules of the training.  
“Since this one’s your fault it’s all on you bro,” he stated as he got on his shield and Jay expressed, “wait what are you doing?!” When the creature rounded the corner it instantly saw Jay and began to chase him. Jay tried to deter the creatures charge as it chased him by shocking it but it was too fast and agile and dodged his attack instead causing his lightening to hit and shock Aaron who fell off his shield to land winded and stunned on the ground. He lay there dazed for a few minutes before getting back up while the creature continued to chase Jay who didn’t want to get in a direct fight with the creature scared of getting poisoned through the maze. Once up Aaron tried stealthily to find his partner who he could hear screaming and yelling at the creature as it chased him through the maze. While he searched Nya noted nearby where she was with Macy and Lance, “sounds like Jays gotten into trouble.” They had stopped by a cross roads trying to determine where they should go next.
“I thought ninja were supposed to be stealthy,” Lance noted as they could hear Jays faint panicking in the maze and Nya stated un-amused, “he can be stealthy; he’s just also high sprung with anxiety issues. Not a good combo in certain situations.”
“So how do we get out of here?” Lance asked keeping an eye on the fog that filled the path ahead of them on the four way intersection they had found themselves lost at while Nya and Macy looked over the map.
“Well I think if we take the road on the right it might take us in the right path,” Nya hypothesized and Macy added turning the map, “or is it the one on the left? Why’d they have to make this so confusing?”
“It would have been nice for them to at least let us have a compass,” Nya noted. While the two tried to get their bearings Lance noted something coming from the passage ahead of them through the dense misty fog headed towards them.
“Uh ladies I think we’re about to have some company,” Lance called. The girls looked up just in time to join Lance in dodging a stampede of four Kaguars as they ran through the maze away from what sounded like fighting in the fog.
“Who do you think set them off?” Macy wondered as the three got up. Seconds later Ava and Robin came running out of the fog followed shortly by Kai who tripped and fell before quickly getting up to follow the kids. The three looked roughed up, startled, Kai and Ava were missing their swords and Robins sword was broken in half.
“Should have guessed you’d get into trouble brother,” Nya expressed un-amused as the three came up to their group.
“Yha now’s not the time for chatting,” Kai blurted as the three stopped to catch their breaths and Macy asked, “what happened to you three and where’s your weapons?”
“Mine and Kais are stuck in the surprisingly thick hide of a Kwaliit which chased us into the Kaguars who then chased us into…” Ava began and Robin finished looking back at the fog terrified, “… that!” They turned to look to see a Mire-lion with the other half of Robins sword stuck in its left shoulder rush out of the fog behind them. It paused for a moment to assess their group before slowly stalking towards them.
“Oh come on why don’t you follow those tusked cow things the Kaguars? Aren’t they your prey?!” Kai moaned tired of being chased. Thinking quickly Nya grabbed a stick that lay on the ground and demanded to Kai to light it on fire.
“Why? You want it to have some ambiance while it eats us!” Lance argued before Macy noted, “those things can see heat, fire might confuse it.” Kai lit the stick on fire and quickly threw it at the creature where it bounced off its hide and landed on the ground next to it. The creature watched it land where the moist air quickly caused the fire to die and the creature to lose interest.
“You should have thrown it down one of the other halls so we could use the fog as a disguise not at it,” Nya argued and Kai defended himself, “excuse me but it’s a little hard to think when things have been chasing you trying to kill you for the past ten to twenty minutes!” The Mire-lion looked back at them seeming to laugh at them for a second before charging after them splitting them back up. Nya, Macy and Lance rushed off down the left passage while Kai, Ava and Robin headed up the right passage followed by the Mire-lion. Towards the opposite end of the maze to them Cole, Axl and Zane were sticking close to the walls trying to navigate their way out without getting seen.
“So he can talk to these other metal creatures through his mind?” Axl wondered intrigued. He along with the other knights had become quite impressed at some of Zanes skills and how human like he was while they had been working together. He was much more complex and special than the Squirebots they were used to.
“Yha, you’d be amazed at what he can do,” Cole noted before Zane stated, “I can only communicate with them if they let me. Those here have been commanded not to co-operate with me so will not commune. I can however still pick up their signatures and I can sense a few are nearby.” The three were stopped by a three way crossroads hugging close to the wall to stay hidden.
“When you say nearby how close are we talking?” Cole wondered.
“Around this corner, I think it is a Venom-fang fabricant. Odd I can only sense one,” Zane noted and Axl wondered, “why is that odd?”
"Venom-fangs are pack animals, true they will go on their own at times but during these training sessions they usually stick close to others of their kind even the fabricant versions share this trait. It gives them an advantage in both offense and defence and they know this. Despite several having been let into the ring this one is alone. It does not seem right,” Zane stated and Cole offered, “maybe it just wanted some time on its own. If any of its pack members are like Jay or Kai I could understand why it would want some time to itself.”
“True I could see that,” Zane stated in agreement before expressing getting anxious, “it is making its way towards us, we should act quickly.”
“Alright, it’s just one of them and three of us I think we can take it. We don’t need to hurt it just scare it. There is three of us and one of it that should be enough to scare it,” Cole planned and they agreed. The three wasted no time in rushing around the corner ready for a fight; Zane even threw one of his shurikans at the wall hoping to scare the fabricant. After their initial charge they paused confused. Zane was confused most of all. There was nothing in the passage in front of them.
“But I could sense it here?! What is with this place? It’s messing with my head!” Zane stated frustrated at how these wastes were messing with him and Cole offered, “maybe they have some sort of invisibility or camouflaging abilities?”
“No they are not built or programmed for such abilities…” Zane began frustrated before Axl drew their attention to the passage behind them, “Uh guys I think they tricked us.” Two Venom-fang fabricants and three regular Venom-fangs were stalking towards them from behind some debris in the passage behind them.
“I see them but I cannot sense them! Wait now I can sense them… they tricked me!” Zane expressed surprised as the creatures prepared for an attack. The lead fabricant lunged at Zane knocking him over and pinned him down attempting to bite him but Zane shoved his shurikan in the creatures mouth to keep it from biting as these creatures venoms could affect him. Cole and Axl went to aid him but were set upon by the others forcing them into combat. While they worked to fight themselves free Clay and Lloyd continued trying to find their way out nearby having decided not to risk attack from the Fear-bricant and headed the opposite way. As they made their way through the maze they bumped into Aaron who still hadn’t found Jay who he could no longer hear yelling making him wonder what had happened and confused on where to go and what to do. He was guessing he might as well continue the session on his own.
“Well it’s good to see others aren’t running around like headless chickens. You haven’t seen Mr. Jabber-mouth have you?” Aaron stated and Lloyd inquired annoyed, “what happened?”
“He kept talking and angered a Parrot cruncher who chased him. I tried to follow but he shocked me instead of the creature and just kept running,” Aaron explained and Lloyd stated, “yep sounds like Jay.”
“He has some serious anxiety issues,” Clay noted before they were surprised by Jay running past them yelling at them to run as he passed. They were confused until they looked to see what Jay was running from and it sent them running after him.
“What’d you do to tick off the Fear-bricant!” Lloyd exclaimed as they tried to keep ahead of the Fear-bricant as it charged after them angered.
“Despite their robotics they’re apparently not as easily shocked by electricity as robots, I think it’s because of the organic parts,” Jay fretted as they ran around a corner to try and get away from the creature. The Fear-bricant attempted to follow but was not as agile and smashed into the wall falling over and knocking down part of the wall with it. Despite the creatures fumble they continued to run not wanting to let the creature have a chance to catch up with them. They continued to run until Jay ran into Kai as Kai, Ava and Robin ran towards them trying to escape the hyenoids and a Scimitar Sphere who stopped some distance from them wondering if they should attack their groups or not.          
“I see you guys haven’t been having a good time,” Aaron noted as Clay helped Kai to his feet while Lloyd helped Jay to his feet.
“So much running! “ Robin gasped and Kai muttered, “just one thing after the other! Hit them with fire and it just angers them more and when you stick your weapons in them your weapons get stuck in their skin leaving you without a means of defence. Trust me you don’t want to try hand to hand combat with a lot of these things even those droids. They like to bite!”
“You know what also likes to bite?” Aaron questioned nervously looking in the direction they had come from.
“What?” Jay asked and Aaron proclaimed pointing at what he was looking at, “that! Run!” The Fear-bricant was still following them determined to catch up to them. They wasted no time in rushing away from it. The hyenoids and sphere stepped aside letting them pass not caring to attack and let the Fear-bricant by as it rushed after them. In their hurry to get away they ran into Zane, Cole and Axl who had just managed to escape the Venom-fangs having been roughed up by the creatures. All three had been bitten and were starting to hallucinate from the venom; even Zane was affected by the venom. They all collapsed into a pile when Aaron, Kai, Lloyd, Clay, Robin and Ava ran into Cole, Axl and Zane who were just walking around sore and confused without their weapons.
“Who let chickens into the ring?” Cole wondered after they were run into and Zane pondered, “Chickens no they are skeevers.”
“What are you guys seeing? They’re goblins,” Axl expressed as they all slowly and stiffly got up.
“What are you guys talking about?” Jay babbled and Cole responded surprised, “that’s so weird this chicken sounds just like Jay!”
“Are you calling me a chicken!” Jay became defensive.
“I don’t think he is. Look at their eyes and the glowing bites on them. They’ve been bit by Venom-fangs,” Clay noted drawing attention to the yellowish green glow to their wide rarely blinking eyes and the various bite marks on their bodies. The three were clearly out of it hallucinating and not fully aware of their surroundings.
“This isn’t good,” Lloyd noted and Aaron stated, “don’t worry bro I’m pretty sure they have anti-venom shots waiting for us when this is over.”
“I have no doubt of that; it’s just we can’t leave them alone in this state though they’ll just wander into trouble getting more hurt,” Lloyd stated as Jay tried to get his attention panicking. The Fear-bricant was still stalking towards them.
“No wait you’re right there is a chicken, a really big one and it looks mad!” Axl expressed getting anxious drawing every ones attention to the Fear-bricant. All but Zane took off to escape the construct. Zane just stood confused muttering, “why is everyone running? It is just a pigeon?”
“No Zane my metal skin bro that’s a Fear-bricant not a pigeon!” Aaron stated rushing back on his hover shield to grab Zane and put him on the shield with him so they could catch up with the others. As they ran from the Fear-bricant they ended up trapped by the Fear-bricant in a dead end.
“Looks like we’ll have to fight this thing after all,” Clay proclaimed as the creature trapped them. Lloyd and Kai blasted the creature with their powers in an attempt to scare it off but the fire had no effect on it and it seemed to absorb Lloyds powers sending waves of green energy over its hide as it seemed pleased with the energy boost. It then thrust its head up from below at them. All but Axl, Cole and Zane dodged the attack. The three were caught off guard and sent up and over the wall out of the ring. When they landed on the other side Tafari came over the PA to state, “you three failed.” As the Fear-bricant began attacking the others Aaron took a couple shots at it from on his hover shield. His bolts stuck in its skin while bouncing off its metal parts making the others have to dodge his shots as well. The Fear-bricant seemed to not have much of a care for his attacks as it turned around to snap Aaron entirely up in its jaws before throwing him out of the ring. He landed near the other three who were being seen to by arena staff on his back dazed and winded proclaiming ‘wipe out’ as he landed before his shield bounced off him winding him. After Aaron got flung out Jay tried shocking the fabricant again drawing its attention to Jay. It wasted no time in clamping its jaws on Jay putting his top half in its mouth to pick him up and start shaking him. Terrified he was going to get eaten Jay in a hurry shocked the creature hitting it in its metal lower jaw with as much power as he could muster. Upon getting shocked the creature flung Jay out of the ring tossing him near the others already outside. The creature seemed a little stunned from the shocking giving those still in the ring a chance to escape. They quickly snuck around it and ran away from the creature. They continued to run until they ran into Nya, Macy and Lance who were running from the Kwaliit which stopped when it saw it was now greatly outnumbered. It hung back for a few seconds before rushing back the way it had come struggling to turn its large rigid armoured form around in the narrow passage.
“Finally we can stop running,” Lance expressed trying to catch his breath as they all got back up only for Lloyd to proclaim, “no we can’t!” The Fear-bricant was still following them forcing them to take off or risk getting attacked. They were all getting tired from running allowing the creature to catch up with them. Knowing they couldn’t keep running they stopped to face the construct.
“Maybe we can try driving it away,” Clay proclaimed as they turned to face the Fear-bricant. Nya, Kai and Lloyd hit the construct in its face with their powers. The fire and water created steam and when combined with Lloyds energy powers gave the creature a surprise causing it to forcefully jerk its head to one side where it impacted into the wall smashing through it creating an opening to the outside of the ring in the wall. Ava and Robin wasted no time in rushing out of the ring through the hole followed by Lance who was too scared of the creature to try and fight it. Tafari wasted no time in proclaiming the three had failed since they had not followed the rules to find their way out of the maze.  
“I don’t care, as long as I’m alive!” Lance proclaimed while the others continued to battle the Fear-bricant. Kai attempted to use Spinjitsu to startle the creature and while it was confused at first it soon wasted no time in swinging its head sideways at Kai hitting him and flinging him into the wall knocking him out where Tafari then proclaimed, “fire ninja is out.” The creature continued after the others no longer interested in Kai now that he was out.
“Well one good thing it doesn’t look like it wants to hurt us just make us loose,” Lloyd noted as it left Kai, a now very easy target for it, alone and came at them. Clay went to swipe at its snout with his sword but the creature dodged him to then grab his weapon in its jaws. It ripped the sword from Clays hands and threw it behind itself. As it went to try and bite Macy she swung her mace to smack its head away while Clay rushed around it to retrieve his sword. In retaliation it grabbed Macys mace with its mouth and since she didn’t let go pulled her off the ground with it before she could react. It then swung her into Lloyd letting go of her and her mace as it did it sending the two flying some feet away knocking both out leading Tafari to proclaim both were out. This left Nya and Clay as the only ones left in the challenge. From behind Clay climbed onto the creatures back as Nya fought it keeping its attention. Clay managed to make it onto the creatures shoulders before it reacted to his presence and it began trying to grab him with its jaws turning in a circle as it snapped at him. In its attempts to catch Clay as it turned its tail whipped around smacking Nya into the wall winding her and leaving her sitting on the ground stunned where Tafari proclaimed she was out. Clay tried to cling on as much as he could but he lost his sword as the creature moved around before fully losing his grip and sent flying as the fabricant shoved itself into the wall to dislodge him breaking the wall and sending both Clay and debris flying out of the ring. He landed stunned and winded on the ground as Tafari declared, “and you’re out. That’s everyone.”
With the session over now that everyone was out the Fear-bricant wandered off having no interest in anyone as the arena staff came to tend to the knights and ninja.
“Well you all could clearly use more practice against the many creatures and the Scimitar Constructs of the wastes but I can tell you one thing. You work quite well together. You have no problems with co-operating. Teamwork is defiantly not a problem for you guys just the wastes inhabitants,” Hassiri proclaimed coming into the ring to check on them. The arena staff had dragged and placed all the knights and ninja together so others could dismantle the maze and take the combatants back to the holding pens. Before being taken back to the pens the hyenoids made a point to stop by them and laugh at their failure. They were all ruffed up and sore while Kai, Lloyd and Macy were still unconscious. Cole and Axl were given anti-venom shots and being kept an eye on while still hallucinating. None of them were paying attention to Zane so Robin and Ava came to keep an eye on him while he was under the venoms effects till Nya and Jay could help repair damages he had received from the scuffle and the venom wore off.
“Don’t take this beating too hard outlanders. Not many pass this test and by far your attempt has been the best we’ve seen in a long time. I think with a little more practise and some more experience with the denizens of the wastes I think you’ll stand a chance out there well maybe not against Ashers or the Stag but most denizens of the wastes I think so,” Hassiri proclaimed.
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Trials of a Knight Takes place prior to the chapter Melodic Mine. This is some of what the knights went through for their trials for the tribunal.
“Anyone else have some seriously wacked out and far unpleasant dreams last night?” Aaron inquired as the knights roamed around outside the city looking for ingredients for Mystaras part of the trial.
“You had them too?” Axl noted and Macy stated, “yha according to Chodala that sometimes happens after Sheoths trial so we shouldn’t be too worried about it despite how unnerving it could be.”
“That whip-orella has nothing on this Sheoth when it comes to striking fear,” Aaron commented and Clay stated, “hopefully the next trials aren’t so unnerving.” While they were not receiving as much hatred from the towns people as the ninja the knights had noted they were not well liked either and some of them worried this hatred could cause trouble for them on their mission. Feeling he could trust him Clay had talked to Hassiri about it. Hassiri had both offered and strongly warned against a set of trials they could perform to improve the towns relation to them. After some deliberating they had all agreed to partaking in the trials. They had not expected much from it and thought it would be easy; after facing their fears and so called inner madness in Sheoths trial the day before they had a feeling they might have gotten themselves into something more complicated than what they had been ready for. The knights had gotten quite roughed up, disturbed and shaken by Sheoths trial facing a strange twisted version of themselves that wielded their own fears, doubts and worries against them. It could even morph itself into forms of others who would have an impact on their mental states or morph their form into corrupted versions of themselves to mess with their minds and it could affect their environment to terrorize them. It had attacked Clays fears of failing as a knight, his fear of snakes and it revealed to him a fear he hadn’t realised was there of succumbing to darkness and bringing harm to others. It plagued Macy with her fears of being seen as nothing but a princess and brought to the surface her fears of the damage these monsters could do to her home and family. Nearly fearless Aaron was forced to face his fears of nothing as in having nothing to do and the related fear of the unknown. It had also surfaced a fear he hadn’t realised he had that he could end up going crazy losing his mind possibly by succumbing to the effects of this realm or his fearless actions causing him to catch some curse from these lands making him dangerous to others which could also lead him to be turned into a monster. Axls fears to hunger and fear of being eaten by a monster which he had received from their fight with the stone colossus were joined by a fear of not being strong enough to protect and save others especially his friends. Along with his fear of not being recognized or popular, being seen as a nobody, Lance found this thing showed him a fear he didn’t realise he had of failing at being a team mate and letting the others fall to harm. The ordeal had shaken all of them up even largely fearless Aaron had been terribly shaken by the trial; as a testimony to how shaken it had made him after getting out of the room incredibly pale Aaron did as he usually did when super scared and passed out. Even though the first trial had shaken them leaving them with quite a few nicks and bruises and leaving some of them notably Lance questioning if they should continue they were going to continue not willing to give up and feeling this could prove their intent to aid the people of this realm. The knights were on the second trial. They had already collected a few items and were looking for a cave to find some of the bone spiders. They were following a dirt road through a semi open woodland that a local farmer had told them lead to a mine. They were hoping to find some of these spiders in the mine. While they had dressed like civilians to try and avoid unwanted attention and appear friendlier to the locals while they wandered they had brought along their shields and weapons not wanting to be left unarmed in this strange place. Even though they were not partaking in the trial Robin and Ava came along for support and brought along Merlok on Robins mini-trex for aid. They also didn’t wish to leave him alone in the town. They had seen how the townspeople had some strange fears towards technology and how badly they treated Zane, a being made of technology, so didn’t want to risk anyone finding Merlok worried what they might do to him. The Mini-trex was also proving useful for carrying the items they collected.
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“You know I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the stuff we need for this potion for purchase in town so why do we have to wander around out here?” Lance expressed displeased with the smell and coolness of the air. While there was a warm breeze to the air it was still chilly and while overcast the clouds were light and not too dense preventing it from getting too dark. Some of the glowing fungi native to the region that grew here and there also helped light things up. There luckily didn’t seem to be much wind keeping the ash from blowing and no ash was falling from the sky.
“The rules say we have to collect them ourselves and we are going to follow the rules not cut corners. I will have to agree though that it seems odd you have to wander out into dangerous territory when things are available in the safety of town,” Clay noted.
“That is a bit odd,” Macy agreed and Aaron speculated, “maybe it’s to get you out and see the landscape?”
“Maybe, at least we don’t have to collect the venom from those Venom-fang creatures,” Axl said and Macy added, “thank goodness Hassiri has a friend that can get us that stuff. I’d hate to have to milk one of those things for its venom.” As they approached where the mine was they noted one folk, an ungulate folk with what they guessed was a painted on marking of a skull on his face and in worn leather armour, leaning with their arms crossed against a crude lamppost that sat at the intersection of the road and the path that led off it to the mine through a wooded area. They guessed he was a guard even though he looked a little unpleasant to be a part of any law enforcement. He looked more like a ruffian than an officer.
“Where do you fetchers think you’re going?” the folk inquired as they approached.
“We were just going to take a look into the mine to see if we can find some bone spiders,” Clay stated and Macy added noting that might seem a strange request, “it’s for a task we’re working on.”
“Oh really, well the mine is not seeing visitors at this time,” the folk stated and Clay offered, “we won’t take long. If we could just speak with someone in charge maybe we could come to some sort of arrangement?”
“hmm… I guess I could see if the supervisor has time to chat. Wait here while I go talk to him,” the folk stated a hint of a growl to his last few words. He then turned round and headed down the path to the mine. They obeyed and stood waiting for the folk to return.
“Anyone else getting a strange feeling that something’s not right?” Axl wondered after a few minutes of waiting.
“Kind of; my minds felt weirdly foggy the past hour though so it’s a little hard to tell if something is wrong or if I’m just feeling things. I think the fogginess is from a real bad sleep last night,” Aaron noted and Lance added, “don’t know but after this I’m taking a shower with that special soap. I think this ash is starting to give me a rash, I’ve been feeling itchy all day.”
“There does seem to be a strange and unpleasant energy here. I would have to pin it as a dark magic yet I do not see anything that could be giving off the energy unless it is something in the mine itself,” Merlok stated from the Mini-trex.
“Why would miners be using dark magic?” Robin wondered and Clay suggested feeling uneasy though unsure why, “maybe we shouldn’t wait for that folk to return. Maybe we should scout out this mine instead and see what is going on.” The others were in agreement. All were getting an uneasy feeling. They hid themselves in the woods and shortly after the folk returned with several others who were all well armed looking ready for a fight.
“I left those fetchers here; look around they couldn’t have gotten far,” the folk declared as they began to look around.
“Yha I don’t think they’re going to invite us in for a little chat,” Aaron quietly commented before they headed off. They snuck through the woods following the road but making sure they couldn’t be easily seen. When they reached the mine they remained hidden to observe the situation and quickly got the feeling these weren’t the miners they could see working here. The folk were all dressed with crude and worn leather and steel armours. There were a few folks in commoners gear who had strange bracers on their wrists which were working the mine and moving supplies. If these commoners paused in their work they were whipped at by the armoured folks. They guessed those were the actual miners.  
“Looks like some bandits have overtaken the mine,” Axl stated as they looked at the scene.
“What should we do?” Macy wondered and Lance offered, “we could move on and let the town guard know of the situation.”
“Or we could deal with them ourselves,” Clay offered looking over what they had to work with. There were a few buildings most of which were likely the lodgings for the workers, a possible storage structure and a few old stone watchtowers around the edges to the clearing for the mine. Everyone appeared to be outside and only a few were on the watchtowers. Most were making sure the workers were working. The amount of these bandits looked awfully small to have taken over the mine.
“Really we have no armour and we’re supposed to be collected strange plants,” Lance countered and Macy noted, “these are just thugs not monsters it shouldn’t take much to take them out. Besides we still have our weapons and shields.”
“That’s good enough for me. Also they didn’t say we couldn’t get into a fight if we have to,” Aaron agreed and Clay added, “besides it would be going against the knights code for us to do nothing.” After a moment’s thought they all came to an agreement and prepped for an attack.
“Hey you thugs why don’t you work the mines yourself,” Clay called out as he, Macy, Axl, Aaron and Lance came out of hiding to confront the bandits. Upon hearing those words the bandits stopped what they were doing and turned to look at them. The bandits wasted no time in attacking them while the workers hung back and cowered. Just as they suspected the bandits were no match for them and they quickly took them out. They didn’t need any Nexo Powers or special moves to take them out. It seemed too easy a fight. Once the bandits were beaten Aaron, Axl and Lance tied up the bandits so law enforcers could come and take them away while Clay, Macy, Ava and Robin used some keys they found to remove the bracers from the people.
“They shouldn’t be bothering you anymore,” Clay declared and Macy added as they freed people, “you should maybe think of getting some guards for this place.”
“We did have guards,” one of the folk declared and Lance pointed out coming over to the others, “they must have been some pretty terrible guards if bandits got the better of them.”
“You have to get out of here while you still can,” one of the miners fretted as the knights congregated together near the miners. For a reason they could not understand the miners still seemed terrified despite the bandits being taken care of and getting freed.
“We’ll be on our way soon we’ll clear out any bandits still in the mine then we just have to get some spiders for a task we’re working on then we’ll be on our way,” Macy explained while Ava noted looking over the mining camp, “for a mine there is an awfully large number of bones here.” They hadn’t really taken note of it before but there did seem to be a great deal of bones lying about and tucked away next to buildings or partially hidden by barrels, crates, baskets and sacks.
“That is odd,” Clay stated and Lance offered, “maybe this mine has a tomb hidden inside and they had to move the bones out here for some dashing movie inspiring archaeologist to study.”
“I wish it was that, I’d even wish for a cursed tomb but it’s worse than that,” the one miner moaned and Aaron wondered, “what would be worse for miners than finding a cursed tomb?” As the knights talked the bones began to move!
“What’s going on?!” Robin worried as they noted the bones moving as they came together to form skeletons and a few of the Shambles creatures. The knights stood on guard prepping for an attack as the skeletons took shape.
“I don’t know but this stinks of necromancy and I don’t like it,” Clay declared before a voice declared, “well, well, well what do we have here. You’re not the false dragons but my friends in the Ashers would love to see you taken out too.” Looking to where the voice came from they saw an un-dead looking cat folk coming out of the mine dressed in black with a sickly rot brown green iridescent to it robes. By the looks they were guessing this was a necromancer.
“I see those worthless mercenaries I hired were no match for you. Let’s then see how you do against my armies of the un-dead,” the necromancer proclaimed sending its minions after them as it summoned zombie like beings of both human, serpentine and bestial origins. The knights were quick to take up the defensive while Ava, Robin and Merlok on the Mini-trex took the miners into the storage building for safety. While the skeletons were easy to take out collapsing with only a few hits they became a nuisance as the necromancer kept rising them making the task of destroying the Zombie like beings and shambles tougher than it should have been. To aid them in battle they tried to call up a Nexo Power but no matter how hard Ava and Merlok tried they couldn’t get the powers to work.
“What’s going on… it’s like something’s blocking the signal,” Ava noted trying to work out the problem on her tablet while Robin helped keep back the un-dead with some of the miners using tools like shovels, pickaxes and hammers to beat them back.
“Keep trying to work it out and we’ll keep going the best we can with what we’ve got,” Macy stated as they fought the un-dead. With their Nexo Powers not working they decided to try out the Spinjitsu they had been learning from the ninja. This was going to be their first try of the skill in actual combat. Clay and Macy had no problem successfully performing the move and found it very useful to clear away some of the crowd of un-dead around them. While he performed it successfully Aaron got a bit dizzy using Spinjitsu but it worked quite well for him and he didn’t mind the mild dizziness. Axl ended up taking a piece out of one of the watchtowers when he accidently hit it while performing the move but it worked out as the broken pieces landed atop a few of the zombie beings taking them out. Lance lost a bit of control when he performed Spinjitsu and smacked into two of the skeletons knocking both them and himself into some crates obliterating the skeletons. While they fought the un-dead back Ava and Merlok continued trying to figure out what was blocking the Nexo powers.
“Let me try something,” Clay stated using his magic powers to blast away some of the un-dead. He was able to use the powers with no problems further confusing everyone.
“How come the powers work out there and not in here?” Ava wondered from their place in the storage shack and one of the miners proposed, “maybe it’s this stuff.” The folk pulled out a shard of a strange metallic stone material from one of the crates the bandits had been making them move.
“What is that stuff?” Robin wondered and another miner replied, “Cursed stone. It’s why the necromancer came here. We knew the stuff was here but had no care for it. We’re here for the Blood-iron and obsidian not that stuff. The necromancer and its friends the Ashers want that stuff.”
“Why do they want this cursed stone?” Merlok inquired and Robin remembered, “Isn’t that the stuff that blocks the ninja’s powers?”
“It can also block good magics like our Nexo powers and enhance dark magics like necromancy. That’s why the Nexo downloads aren’t working. We need to get away from that stuff,” Ava noted. Now with the problem figured out they knew what to do. Robin and Ava worked on getting Merlok some distance from the shed away from this cursed stone while the others continued to fight.
“So we got a magician here let’s see then how you do with this,” the necromancer declared after seeing Clay use magic. It muttered an incantation summoning a strange and large, nearly nine foot tall, harpy like being. It had an un-dead appearance with the skull of a raven for a head icy violet glowing orbs in its eye sockets, sickly looking grey skin covering most of its body, its fingers and lower foot of its birdlike hind legs were bony and ragged black feathers coating its neck and sparse patches on the rest of its body. It wore a black hooded tattered robe decorated with shiny metal bits and bobs, the skulls of small animals and its own feathers. It had large rough ragged feathered crow wings coming out of its back and wielded a hand scythe. They had seen this creature in the guide book; a Noctern Crow a monster from the void. The creature roared at them before launching an attack the necromancer giving off a dark laugh as the creature with little effort bested the Knights. It swiped its scythe and hit Macy and Lance knocking them into some barrels, it picked up Clay and tossed him into the wall of one of the watchtowers where he bounced off it and landed on the ground below winded before Axl landed on him getting the same treatment by the creature. Aaron thought he could out move the creature on his hover shield but the creature was quick to outthink him and tackled him off his shield smashing both through one of the lodges’ roofs to crash into the lodges floor. As the creature got off Aaron and prepared to take off Aaron noted while winded and a bit dazed the Noctern Crow paused for a few seconds seeming to be stumped by a large floor mirror in the room. It tilted its head as it looked at its reflection. It looked to be confused by this reflection. It gave the reflection a few pecks and once seeing it couldn’t get to this other Noctern Crow it appeared to get mad at its reflection. It yelled at the mirror and launched an attack at it smashing the reflective surface into pieces. Once the mirror was destroyed it got back up and flew to perch on the peak of the lodges’ roof giving off a deep gruff unnerving laugh like cawing in display.
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“We’re defiantly going to need a Nexo Power for this thing,” Clay declared as they all got up to continue the fight. Now with the Noctern Crow at its side the necromancer didn’t seem to care much about its other un-dead minions and didn’t re raise many of them when the knights took them out.
“We’re working on it,” Ava stated as she, Merlok and Robin took shelter by the one lodge while the others continued the fight.
“Uh, uh, uh let’s not have the little ones help out shall we,” the Necromancer proclaimed sending some of the skeletons and zombies at Ava, Robin and Merlok forcing them to defend themselves with whatever they could find. Clay wasted no time in coming over to aid them so Ava and Merlok could focus on getting them a power while the others continued to fight the Noctern Crow. Now that they were away from the Cursed stone they were able to get a Nexo Power. With their power they were able to take out the remaining skeletons, shambles and zombies with little effort. It did give them a boost in combating the Noctern Crow but the creature was much tougher and it seemed to understand their intent and was making it very difficult for them to hit it. It was keeping to the air swooping down at them for its attacks. Not even Aaron could hit it as it brought out a ward anytime he tried to shoot it blocking all his attacks.
“Can this thing sit still!” Macy growled as the Noctern Crow thwarted their attacks yet again. While they were occupied on the Noctern Crow the necromancer collected as many crates of the cursed stone it could onto a cart which it summoned two zombie Kaguars to pull. Clay was quick to take note of the necromancers’ attempts to escape and rushed over to stop it. The necromancer pulled out a staff and entered combat with Clay using its weapon and a variety of spells.
“It would sure be cool to have elemental powers, I’m betting it would make this so much easier,” Lance complained and Macy stated, “it would be cool but we don’t. We have to work with what we’ve got.”
“I got an idea keep it busy,” Aaron declared noting Clay fighting the necromancer. He rushed back into the lodge coming back out shortly with a large broken piece of a mirror. Getting on his hover shield he positioned himself between the Noctern Crow and the necromancer.
“Hey big birdy look what I got, the mystery shiny that steals your looks,” Aaron called out to the creature. It looked back at him and hesitated looking at the mirror piece as Aaron fidgeted with it hoping to catch the creatures reflection in a way it could see it. When the creature roared at him he knew he had caught its attention and didn’t hesitate to rush over to the necromancer the creature giving chase.
“Clay look out,” Macy called alerting Clay to the approaching Noctern Crow. He dove out of the way as Aaron rushed past tossing the piece of mirror at the necromancer who caught it and looked at it confused to mutter, “what is this for?” Before it could react the Noctern Crow ploughed rate into it knocking both into and smashing through the cart. The impact knocked the necromancer unconscious while the Noctern Crow lay dazed atop it. Before it could get up Aaron hit the Noctern Crow with a few bolts from his crossbow banishing it back to wherever it had been summoned from. With the miners aid they tied up the necromancer with the mercenaries and contacted the guard to come get them as soon as possible. They hung around till the guards arrived to take the criminals away seeing to that the mine was safe and free of necromancers and mercenaries and that the ones they had captured were unable to escape. The miners were thankful for their help. Once the guards arrived they collected the spiders and headed on their way to complete the trial.
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For the final part of the trial the knights had to make a potion to destroy un-dead beings. They spent the afternoon doing this even though Lance was not happy with having to make it himself. He wanted to have a shower to get rid of the smell of ash they had picked up from wandering outside. Axl, Clay and Macy made the potion well and so did Aaron even though he had been tempted to mess around with it to make one that would cause the Shambles they were testing them on to explode when he hit it. Lances was okay but it only killed half the Shambles knocking its top part off and leaving the legs and hips to walk around aimlessly. Even though he had failed at the potion Lance still managed to pass with the rest of them. After the trial it was explained to them that the potion part was not that important. The important part had been the adventuring where you were to aid those that needed it. This fact had both surprised and confused them. Had the confrontation they faced been set up? It had felt too real to be fake. How would they know they would encounter those needing aid? When they voiced their confusions to the ones overseeing the trials they were simply told that the universe works in mysterious ways and little else.
After they had completed Mystaras trial the knights met the ninja in the scholars’ center’s main room for dinner. The ninja had been in training with Tafari all day and gotten roughed up from their training. They were all sitting around the large table in the center of the room. It was just them there with the people who lived and worked there spending time elsewhere in the city. Nya and Macy were sitting across from each other at the one end of the table where they were going over which moves were best to take out a winged enemy. Jay sat next to Nya with Kai next to him and Lance who was in a robe and his hair in a towel as he had just got out of the shower sat across from them. Kai was inquiring to Lance if the special soap Hassiri had told them about to get rid of some of the effects and the smell of the ash actually worked. He was planning on using it later and wanted to know if it was worth using it. Lance believed it worked. At the one end of the table Merlok on the Mini-trex was parked where the Robo-bill Mzark took great interest in inspecting him with his organic counterpart Ghidorah. Clay sat next to Lance with Lloyd across from him next to Kai. Zane sat across from Aaron who was helping him perfect the disguised persona the ninja had come up with for Zane to use with his commoners clothes and cloaking ability to help hide him from the highly judging people of the town. Robin sat next to Zane wedged between him and Lloyd eager to observe and learn more about him which was making Zane who was trying to ignore Robin who was making him uncomfortable. Ava sat between Clay and Aaron and though she was equally curious in Zane as Robin she was being more reserved in her curiosity so she didn’t make Zane uncomfortable. Cole sat next to Zane at the end of the table with Axl across from him. The two were having an arm wrestling competition trying to see who was stronger. To keep them focussed and efficient Lloyd was keeping the ninja on a schedule which their mentor Wu had them on. This included chores including who made dinner. It was Cole and Jays night to make dinner. Clay was impressed that the ninja kept to a schedule and even though they had a tendency to goof off quite a bit could take their responsibilities seriously. What the two made looked pretty decent even though it was made from materials found in these cursed wastes including meat from Kaguars and a strange breed of poultry farmed in the wastes, some of the strange fungi and some of the weird fruits and veg farmed in the area. The two had not been to keen on working with the stuff but it was all they could find in this place.
“If anyone gets sick its Coles fault,” Jay had been quick to blurt out when they put things out making them all a little hesitant to try things.
“Hey I was trying to do my best,” Cole defended himself and Macy stated, “I’m pretty sure it will be fine.”
“Though if it can make even Zane sick then you know it’s bad,” Kai debated to which Cole defended, “like some of your cooking? I’ve been trying to get better besides half the blame should go to Jay. He was afraid to touch half the stuff in the kitchen.”
“They had a cabinet filled with live bugs, bugs! Not for decoration or study either but for eating! Not to mention who wants something grown in the ashy soil of a cursed volcano?” Jay exclaimed and Aaron noted, “well I guess they have adventurist tastes here.”
“We’ll be fine,” Clay stated trying to stop the bickering. Most of them started eating though Jay was a little hesitant throwing a few scraps on the floor for the Tree-bill Ghidorah who was hanging with his pal Mzark under the table looking for scraps to see if anything happened to the creature before starting when the creature appeared to be fine. While they were eating they continued talking with each other.
“What were you guys doing all day? We didn’t see you for any of the training,” Lloyd who sat across from Clay wondered.
“Oh, Hassiri wanted us to help him with something… hey this Astara lady what is she supposed to be exactly?” Clay inquired. The knights were hesitant to let the ninja know of the trials wary of what they might do with these trials. Given some of their attitudes they were sure it might not be a wise idea for the ninja to partake in the trials. The ninja were not the most level headed people and even though the knights knew they weren’t entirely level headed either with their powers the ninja were more dangerous if something went wrong. They had no doubts the ninja would do good with Mystaras trial but it would probably be Sheoth and Astara who was also known as Whetu trials that would be the problem. They had a feeling Jay would snap from Sheoths trial, the same trial might enrage Kai and Nya along with having a bad effect on Lloyd and Cole and they had a fear the Stag might take Astaras trial which involved spending a night alone in the woods to capture Zane causing problems for their quest. Since they had the trial for this Whetu the next day and Lloyds mother was an archaeologist so likely knew something about the mythology surrounding this being who was known through each of the realms as the same kind of entity despite having slightly different names Clay wanted to know more about this entity thinking it could help them better understand what to expect. They had already been surprised by Sheoths and Mystaras trials so he wanted to be better prepared for this one.
“Not much other than she is said to be a powerful spirit. She has associations with the sky and is said to be a guardian spirit of sorts. My mother could tell you more,” Lloyd stated sounding a bit preoccupied looking at an empty plate setting he had next to him that Clay guessed was meant for his mother but she was not there.
“Where is she?” Clay inquired and Lloyd replied, “she’s not joining us. She wanted to stay at the library here looking up more on this Forbidden City and the realms mythology.”
“Is something wrong?” Clay wondered noting Lloyd appeared to be and sounded upset. After a moment’s pause Lloyd responded, “I don’t like it when she goes off on her own here. It’s clear the people don’t really like us. So far no one’s tried to directly hurt us; I think a fear of our powers is keeping us safe but my mother…”
“You’re worried about her aren’t you,” Macy noted and Lloyd regaled, “there’s nothing to stop someone from hurting her when we’re not around. It’s hard to trust the people here with the way they react to us.”
“Why don’t you tell her about your worries maybe suggest she doesn’t go anywhere without someone to protect her; if it can’t be one of you guys I’m pretty sure Hassiri would be willing to offer his aid. We could even help you out if you want,” Clay suggested and Lloyd noted, “but she’s my mother; it would be wrong for me to tell her what to do.”
“It would be for her safety though,” Macy noted and Lloyd admitted, “I know but still it would feel wrong to do so.”
“One of us could talk to her for you if you want,” Nya offered and Clay opted, “if you want I could talk to her for you.”
“You could do that for me, that’d be great…” Lloyd began before they noted Robin whose talking was starting to get louder as he got more passionate in his questioning of Zane.
“Can you eat whatever you want and it doesn’t hurt you or do something’s mess with your systems? Does that Scimitar oil work? What does it do for you? Does it taste the way it smells? Does it work better than normal oil for you? How do you use oils and keep your clothes from getting stained?” Robin was questioning Zane who was getting more and more uncomfortable with the kids questioning and trying to figure out some way to politely tell him he didn’t wish to answer the kids questions at that time.
“Do you think you could also have a word with Robin; he’s been making Zane uncomfortable. Zane already has enough problems from the people here and from this Stag being he doesn’t need more things making him feel worse,” Lloyd proposed and Clay agreed, “yha I’ll have a word with him. He’s just very fascinated by your friend.”
“That reminds me Hassiri has us doing some… survival practise; tomorrow night in the woods outside town. We’ll be gone all night. Do you think you could take care of Robin and Ava and keep Merlok safe till we’re back. We’re not getting the same hatred as you but the towns people don’t like us much either so we can’t trust them. Luckily it doesn’t appear anyone’s discovered Merlok yet but it’s only a matter of time before they do and we don’t know what they’ll do,” Macy inquired.
“Sure we can do that,” Lloyd agreed and Kai wondered, “do you think Hassiri will make us do the same survival practise as you cause if he does I’m pretty sure Jay will go into a panic attack.”
“Possibly, you’ll just have to see,” Clay responded him and Macy looking warily at each other.  
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The knights had set out early in the day for Astaras trial choosing to stay not too far from each other in the woods north of town not far from a sizable lake. Even though some of them were not too pleased with the rules, largely Lance, Clay made sure everyone was following the rules before they left. They couldn’t bring any technology not even their shields nor could they bring any weapons. They couldn’t even wear their armour as it went against the defenceless state they were supposed to be in so had to go in civilian clothes. They had chosen the areas they were going to try and make for before leaving deciding they should stick close to each other in case something happened out there. They had their sites set up by sundown and were enjoying their evening. Clay had chosen a site in the woods that was closely packed with trees to give him some defence, Aaron had chosen a spot by what looked to have once been a scimitar folk outpost but was now a small ruin by the lake, Macy had chosen a location not far from the lake by the ruins of an old farmstead that had become overgrown, Axl had chosen a site at the base of a cliff while Lance who was entirely against this rugged activity chose a high spot under some cedars and redwoods where there was not too much undergrowth hoping it would keep him clean and keep the bugs away.
“Okay knights with the sun now set this will be our last communication for the night. Only if it is a dire emergency can we contact each other,” Clay expressed to the others through the communicators they had brought with them in case they ran into trouble.
“Loud and clear,” Macy stated and Aaron agreed, “Gotcha Clay man.”
“Alright,” Axl confirmed and Lance added, “I guess.” With their last confirmation Clay put another log on his campfire before going to check on some early alert traps he had set up in the brush around his site using some string with a few cans and bones. He had the traps strung between some of the trees around his site. For a reason he couldn’t understand ever since entering the woods he got an unnerving feeling that something dark was in these woods but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was. The feeling had gotten even worse as the sunlight had disappeared and he almost felt like he was being watched putting him on edge. Even though they had to be unarmed Clay felt wrong to be defenceless and the unnerving feelings just strengthened this feeling so he had set up early warnings and had put aside a few sticks he could use in place of an actual weapon. Seeing his warning traps were secure he headed back to his site and picked up a stick to practice some fighting moves to try and relax. As he practiced he thought he heard one of his traps go off. He wasted no time heading over to inspect it. There appeared to be nothing there and the trap hadn’t been triggered or broken. There was some footprints coming up to then heading back into the woods in the dirt by the traps but they were clearly animal and not humanoid. He didn’t know enough about the inhabitants of these woods so decided to look up the footprints in the guide book they had been given which he had brought along to see what creature likely made them. By the size of the prints it looked to be a rather large beast. As he turned to head to his tent where the book was located a faint noise somewhere in the woods caught his attention. It sounded like talking. Curious he slowly snuck through the brush following the sound. As he approached the voices he crouched down behind a bush to see a small group of Ashers prepping some weapons for an attack.
“Why are we bothering to do this?” one of them complained.
“Because these foolish knights put themselves in the prime opportunity for us to catch them; none of those false dragons nearby, all alone with no weapons or shields this will be easy. We catch them not only will that be one less threat for us but one of the sorcerers can corrupt them so they will serve us and lead the false dragons straight to us. Then nothing will stand in our way,” another of the Ashers declared worrying Clay. They were in danger! He wanted to succeed in these trials. Like the others he wanted to prove to the people they were there to help them. He also secretly wanted to see if these entities the trial was for would accept them as protectors for their realm. If they were in danger however the trials would not be worth it especially if it caused problems for their mission or caused one of them to get hurt or worse. He prepared to head back to his site to warn the others before seeing a creature rush out of the woods at the Ashers. Curious to what the creature was doing he hesitated on leaving to watch. Clay recognised the creature as a Kaiju a strange clawed member of the hoofed mammal family. It stopped its charge a short distance from the Ashers its head low and swaying back and forth to show off its horns to the Ashers. It was clearly mad at their presence.
“You think you scare us? We’ll turn you into a barbequed Kaiju before you could even reach us,” one of the Ashers boasted before one of its pals was hit by something that froze it solid crumbling it to a frosted pile of Ash. Turning to see what was attacking them the Ashers looked to see a group of Scimitar Samurai come out of the brush to confront them. The samurai spoke something in what Clay guessed was the Scimitar tongue before stating, “you scum know you are not supposed to be here. These woods belong to our master.”
“Ah the spawn of that daemon deer; we got here first! These pathetic knights and those lowly false dragons are ours and there’s nothing you can do about it,” one of the Ashers proclaimed and one of the Samurai growled, “we will just have to see about that.” The two groups then started an attack on each other just as Clay felt something grab his ankle and half carried half drag him back through the woods towards his site.
“Whoever you are I will not go quietly!” Clay proclaimed trying to break free before looking at what had caught him only to be surprised to find the Kaiju which he had not noticed head off into the woods once the Samurai had showed up. It was holding onto his one foot with its mouth as it dragged him back to his site. Once back it dropped him by his campfire.
“Well I guess I could thank you for getting me back here but I must be on my way. We are in danger out here and I must warn the others,” Clay declared getting up and trying to contact someone through the communicators. He couldn’t reach anyone, there was nothing but static.
“This isn’t good. The Stags minions must be blocking signals. I’ll have to reach the others on foot then hopefully before any of them get attacked,” he proclaimed lighting a lantern he had and putting out his fire with some dirt. He went to rush off into the woods to get the others but felt something grab the back of his shirt and pull him back making him stumble in the opposite direction. Turning to see what had pulled him confused he saw the Kaiju blocking his way.
“Excuse me but I must be on my way,” he told the creature trying to get around the creature which kept blocking him every time he tried to get around it confusing him. Why was it blocking his way? Was this some sort of game for it or was it doing this for a purpose? If it was on purpose than why? Was it trying to keep him in his site? If so why?
“Look if this is some sort of game I don’t have time for this. I need to reach my friends before one of us gets hurt or worse now please stand aside to let me pass,” he told the creature trying to get past it but it refused to let him pass. Thinking quickly he went to use his magic to temporarily stun the creature with a bright flash of light but he was stumped when he failed in using the power.
“What? Why didn’t that work?” he wondered before the creature knocked him over onto his back. The creatures’ actions stunned and confused him but what it did next was even more confusing. It plopped itself down on top of him pinning him down and preventing him from being able to move. He struggled to get out from under the creature. It was heavy and refused to get off him.
“Okay is this some sort of joke? If so it’s not funny? I don’t have time to play I need to warn the others of the dangers out here,” he commented during his struggles before noting something around the creatures neck. It was hidden by the thick neck fur. He was able to move enough to reach out and get a hold of the object around the creatures neck to look at what it was. It looked like a collar with some sort of rock or mineral pieces studding it. The material looked like Cursed Stone. Why was the creature wearing a collar studded with a material that could block elemental powers and good magic’s? There was no way that was normal. That stood to reason then that this was no normal creature.
“The Cursed stone around your neck blocks magic; who put this on you? Is this some sort of trap!? Who are you working for?” Clay thought aloud as the creature pawed his hand off the collar and pinned him down so he could barely move.
“This isn’t funny! Whoever your working for I won’t let them take me without a fight now let me up!” Clay demanded struggling to get out from under the creature which refused to let him up…
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“Take this and that, you won’t get the best of me,” Macy proclaimed practicing some fighting skills on a tree with a stick. After setting up her site she was taking some time for practise before bed. So far everything seemed quite. Since setting up her site she had been getting feelings like she was being watched putting her on edge. She had heard what sounded like something moving through the woods nearby a few times but since she couldn’t see anything and nothing had tried attacking her she guessed it along with the feelings she was getting were possibly from wild animals. She had placed her site somewhat hidden inside the ruins of what looked to have been a farmhouse long ago but was now just a collection of crumbling walls hoping it could help hide her presence in the area. After a bit of practise she began to head back to check on her campfire. It was getting low. She put a few sticks on the fire and adjusted it to keep it going. As she worked with the fire she noticed something next to the one crumbling wall nearby partially hidden by foliage. It was something shiny and highly reflective like metal. Though it could just be an old stove or heater she wanted to make sure it wasn’t something living like a Scimitar Construct. She didn’t recall seeing something there earlier further making her believe it wasn’t just some random item. The only reason she had suddenly noticed it was the light from her fire was reflecting off it. Taking the stick she had been practising with she slowly approached the object and gave it a good whack.
“What is this?” she wondered as she hit it. It was solid not hollow and didn’t move. When she hit it whatever it was made a noise and began to rise. Startled she fell back and watched as a Slothdillo reared up onto two legs its back to her before it turned around to face her its arms spread to the side showing off its large scythe like clawed forearms in display.
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realise you were a creature. I saw something that looked like metal… like your claws? That’s not normal is it?” Macy mentioned getting up and noting the creatures claws looked to be made of some sort of polished bronzed metal. It roared at her before getting back down on all fours to just look at her. With it on all fours she could see not just the claws but the back armour and the armoured pads on the hands also appeared to be made of metal. She was confused. Why did a wild animal have metal built into its body? Despite her surprise the creature seemed rather relaxed and unfazed by her actions. It looked her over then at her site before it lumbered off towards her fire stopping to look it over.
“Well you don’t seem too bothered by my hit… are you going to hang with me for a while?” she wondered as the creature plopped down by her fire. It lay in a loaf like position like a cat and closed its eyes while keeping its head up. It seemed relaxed enjoying the fires warmth and smell.
“Hmm… you seem oddly tame for a wild animal,” Macy noted as she approached the fire keeping an eye on the creature. She came to stand across from it at the fire. The creature was unbothered by her prescence and eerily relaxed.
“Metal built into your body, very tame… you’re not a wild animal are you?” Macy thought aloud looking over the creature, “maybe your from some sort of wildlife rescue… something looks oddly familiar about that metal though.” She slowly approached the Slothdillo so she didn’t startle it to get a better look at the metal. Along with its polished bronzish color there were distinctive decorative markings on the plates and claw bases. They looked awfully familiar. On a hunch she retrieved the guide book they had been given which she had brought with her. She checked a few of the pages to confirm her thoughts.
“You’re not just some animal… you’re a minion to the Stag!” she gasped the creature opening one eye to peak at her. She dropped the book and picked up the stick she had been playing with to hold it offensivly at the creature.
“Why are you here? You’re a minion to the Stag what are you doing here what do you want from me?” she questioned the creature but it simply closed its eyes and ignored her.
“Not talking eh. Hmm… we’re not droids so what would the Stag want from us? Or is it just me your after? One of you hacked the Fortrex shortly after we got here; what had you been looking for? Were you looking for information? If so then what were you looking for? What if you found out that I am the heir to the kingdom of Knightonia… does that daemon that leads you want me as a puppet? A pawn to claim my fathers kingdom? If that’s the case than let me tell you now I won’t let that happen. I won’t go easily. You’re probably waiting for me to fall asleep so you can take me unaware and drag me to your master well I won’t let that happen! You watch, I’ll stay up all night if I have to so you can’t win and if more of your pals show up I’ll teach them not too mess with a Nexo Knight!” Macy thought aloud challenging the creature who was unbothered by her words continuing to relax by the fire, “I should let the others know of this. Maybe we shouldn’t be alone tonight.” She attempted to contact the others through her communicator but for some reason she couldn’t reach anyone. There was nothing but static putting her on edge.
“I can’t reach anyone… is this the doing of your pals. There’s more of them here aren’t there? You’re not the only one here are you. There’s probably more of your pals hiding around here. They can probably hear me can’t they” she noted before proclaiming aloud, “you hear that you metal monsters I know you’re there and I ain’t going to let you take me without a fight so if you’re going to do something do it now I dare you!” She paused and listened for a few minutes expecting something to come out of the woods at her but to her surprise and worry nothing came. She looked around but couldn’t see or hear anything. It was all quite and calm.
“I’m not going to let my guard down as for you,” she stated looking at the Slothdillo who was completely relaxed and unfazed not caring to listen to her, “I’ve got my eyes on you.”…
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“This place looks so rad. I wonder what cool things are in here?” Aaron wondered pushing open the door to the Scymer ruin he was camping by to explore inside it carrying a lantern to help him see in its dim interior. Despite looking abandoned the place was relatively clean and up kept though there were some notable damages. There were some sounds which sounded like machinery working deeper in the ruins and steam passing through pipes on the walls. It sounded like the place was still active despite the ruin appearing abandoned.
“Odd seems like this place is still active but it doesn’t look like anyone is here,” he noted looking around. The door entered into a foyer with a hall that led in and down through the structure. Not much was in the foyer. A few cracks in the ceiling let in some light and debris from outside with some fungi growing on these debris piles. Following the hall Aaron was surprised to note this place was bigger than it appeared outside. The hall had a gradual incline downwards as it curved down to a large room beneath it. Just as he took a step into the rooms entrance Aaron heard a click noise. He started to look around confused at what had made the noise before something slammed into him from behind bowling him towards the center of the room. Confused and a bit stunned he looked back at where he had been standing to see three large metal blades swing down from the ceiling through where he had been standing before pulling back up to rest against the wall above the entrance. In the entrance way there were a few stone tiles on the ground that were sliding back up into place having sunk a few centimetres into the floor and were edged with a bronze metal. Pressure plates, he must have stepped on them without realising they were there.
“Whoa I nearly got sliced up like a loaf of bread! What saved me?” he noted. He could feel whatever had hit him was still sitting on his back. Looking on his back he could see a Skeever with glowing green eyes, a decorative polished bronze like metal plate on its forehead and polished bronze metal claws. It was crouched on his back looking at him. Despite having a bold aggressive reputation the creature was actually rather calm and seemed quite chill as it just looked at him.
“Hello, I guess I’m to thank you for saving me from being sliced up,” he commented to the creature as it hopped off him and he got up, “guess I should be more careful here huh. Seems this place is not as abandoned as it appears.” The Skeever walked over to his lantern which he had dropped to pick it up while he looked around at the room around him. It brought the item back to him.
“Why thank you my little scavenging bro. Are you some ones escaped pet or something? A release from some high tech wildlife rescue or something? It’s not usually normal to see creatures wearing metal… I wonder what this place was and who’s still using it? An owner of yours perhaps?” Aaron wondered looking around while the skeever came to sit beside him. There were tables with random items around the room along with some shelves holding some books, some chests and trunks and some barrels and crates of Scimitar make. At the opposite end of the room from the entrance was another hall which looked to head deeper but it was closed off by some metal barred gates. He went over and investigated the gates trying to push them open but they didn’t budge. He looked around to see if there was a switch, lever or other device to operate the doors but there was nothing on either side of the gate. The gate itself didn’t budge an inch when he pushed on it making him feel it might be immovable possibly permanently sealing off the pass but he couldn’t say for sure.
“Hmm… I wonder where that goes?” he wondered looking through the bars trying to get a glimpse of what was down the hall. It was dark and he couldn’t see too far down the hall. For a few seconds he thought he could see possible figures moving in the dark unnerving him. He hoped it was just the light playing tricks on him but he could not be entirely sure. He took a few steps back from the gate nervously muttering, “maybe it’s a good thing the gate can’t be opened. Don’t want whatever’s down there to make its way out here. That could lead down to this Blackreach place. The place sounds cool but I’d rather explore it when I have my shield and bow. A lot of things said to be down there I don’t think I’d fare too well with if I got into trouble with one and had to combat them with bare hands.” The skeever just listened and followed him around as he looked around the room. He put his lantern on one of the tables and checked out some of the items on it. There was one of the Scimitar desk lamps sitting on the table which he tried to get working but it wouldn’t turn on. Other than the table he stood at he could see not much else in the room. Mainly the table, a metal chair which was tipped over not far from the desk, a few worn and ragged Scimitar rugs, some barrels and crates of Scimitar make and some books and other scholarly items on the table. Other than the books there was not much else of note in the room. Curious he inspected the books. They were all written in this Scimitars tongue so he had no clue what any of them said. Oddly for an abandoned place the books and scrolls showed no signs of decay, the room was also surprisingly clean and up kept. As he looked the books over he noted their paper didn’t seem to be true paper. There was a strange sheen to it and it had slight hints of a metallic smell.
“This is so weird. It looks like paper; it moves like paper, it doesn’t rip though and it smells a bit like metal… is this paper or metal? Maybe some weird paper metal hybrid perhaps or is it something else. I’ve never seen anything like it,” he noted fiddling with one of the books, “I wonder what these things say? I bet my cyber bro Zane could read it.” As he inspected the items on the table he noted a strange one with a metal frame holding a slightly blue tinted glass like material in it. There were holders for ones hands on the sides and what he guessed was the top a strange decorative piece with a circular lens like piece on the top.
“Hmm, I wonder what this is?” he pondered looking it over. He was suddenly surprised as the lens looking piece emitted a light as it seemed to scan his eyes and face for a few seconds surprising him. He tossed it onto the table and jumped back in surprise the device landing on a book. After a minute to recompose himself and his eyes recovered from the devices light he noted in the glass piece words written in a language he could understand. The skeever hopped onto the table and watched as he slowly picked it up and moved it over a few of the books. Anytime he placed the glass over the foreign writing words he could understand appeared on the glass.
“What is this thing? It’s like some sort of translator device… this is so wicked,” he noted checking out the books around him. One caught his attention. It was called “On the Ancestor Scrolls”. He opened it up and checked it out. It was a thesis on theses artefacts’ they had heard of. A lot of it he didn’t fully understand as it got pretty deep and metaphysical much of which just confused him but one thing caught his attention. Several prophecies said to have come from these items were included in the book along with studies into what they could mean. Two of these so called prophecies caught his attention. He read them aloud as he looked over them trying to understand what they could mean. One read: When serpents rise and make the realm quake; When realms of souls fall to slayers of oni and stone giants wake and walk to end the nights; When dragons and knights of masters fail scions of Ash and chaos shall awake; As walls of realms begin to crumble allowing realms to mix and mingle; Realms must turn to knight of powers and dragons of whirlwinds for escape; But all must fall for darkness to awake and the dawns of light to re-awake. The other read: His defeat was merely a delay; after the oni would fall the dragons would fail. When their wings are clipped and they have fallen to shadow the border between realms shall weaken and fall and darkness shall come. Realms once light and familiar shall be covered in shadows, shadows that are in plain view yet hidden consuming the world in darkness. There is only one this darkness fears; one of its own. But to gain this darkness and for the realms to be saved knights must fall to ash and shadow and dragons must enter the tower of first light and fall to its darkness in order for realms to see the light.
He was not sure what these prophecies meant or if there was any truth to them but he didn’t like the sounds of them. Their words sent shivers up his spine and he had a nagging feeling that they and the ninja were somehow involved in these and possibly not in a good way. Despite listing them the book gave very little into the meaning of the prophecies and whoever wrote this book had no clue what they could mean. The skeever didn’t seem to care about the book or what it said just sitting there staring at him as he looked it over.
“I don’t like the sounds of these…” he began to speak before hearing something on the other side of the gate. He looked but couldn’t see anything. He started to get a very unnerving and uneasy feeling that something dark was nearby and watching him. He looked around hesitant to move but couldn’t see anything.
“Do you think places like this could be haunted?” Aaron wondered getting anxious, the skeever looked around with him appearing to be nervous as well. There were a few more noises which sounded like someone was moving around somewhere down in the dark of the gated hall drawing him back to it. He got close to it and positioned his lantern to try and light up as much of the hall as he could. There didn’t seem to be much in the hall. From what he could see it was pretty empty with just a few worn and tattered rugs and tapestries placed in it. At one point he thought he could see the shadowy moving figures again and possibly a faint glow somewhere deep in the tunnels darkness but he wasn’t sure. Were his eyes just playing tricks on him or was there something down there. If so what? He had a feeling he probably didn’t want to find out. He was starting to get the feeling he wasn’t alone in this place and it put him on edge.
“You know it’s getting late and I think I’ve seen enough of this place I should probably retire for the night; grab a snack, light the fire and chill in my tent you know,” Aaron mumbled. He picked up the strange device and the book with the prophecy thinking the others should see it and that Merlok might better understand the texts and could offer some insight for them. He cautiously made his way out of the room making sure to not step on the pressure plates again. He kept taking glimpses back behind him as he left worried something might be following him. As he left the skeever followed him sticking close to him as he made his way back to his site looking to be equally nervous. He didn’t mind the skeever tagging along. From the feelings he was getting and the fact this place might not be entirely abandoned he didn’t want to be alone so felt comforted by the creatures presence…
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Ever since getting his site set up Axl had noted something seemed odd. He had thought he had heard something roaming about in the woods but could never find what it was. He sat by his fire playing his lute trying to copy some of the songs he had heard being played in Balmora to pass the time. He was finding it hard to relax getting the uneasy feeling he was being watched and feeling pretty sure something was nearby. Over the past few minutes he had picked up on something odd. Whenever he stopped playing his lute something in the bushes would make a noise. It was quite and not aggressive but strange. It sounded like a bear but there were hints of raccoon to it. Trying to figure out where the noise was coming from to possibly see what was making it he got up and continuing to play searched around the brush near his site. He would pause every few seconds to listen for the sound. He soon pinned it down to some bushes at the edge of the site he had chosen. He paused playing while looking into the bush to see if he could see what had been making the noise. Whatever it was made the noise again and he could see something was in the bush but couldn’t get a clear view of it. He went to move some of the bushes branches to get a better look at this creature. The moment his hand touched the bush he was surprised by something large that jumped from the bush to knock him over and pin him down. It was a large bear like creature, the Bearcoon. It looked him in the eyes growling for a second before relaxing and backing off him letting him get up. The creature sat back across from him just watching him. Axl was unsure what to do. The creature was looking at him like it was expecting something. Thinking it over he picked up his lute and played it a bit. The creature made a move like it was pleased and mimicked clapping of its forepaws.
“You like music huh… sorry if I startled you. I didn’t expect an animal would hang this close to camp,” Axl stated to the creature before noting something strange to the creature. Its claws and part of its lower jaw were made of a polished bronze like metal. Everything else though seemed normal confusing him.
“You have metal built into you. That’s strange, are you one of these half metal creatures, what were they called fabricants right. But then that would mean you’re probably in league with this Stag entity. Why are you here? Are you out on duty for your master or just wandering around?” Axl wondered. The creature just looked at him seeming to be upset that he had stopped playing his instrument. It made some noises to voice its displeasure and to keep it from attacking he continued to play while talking to it. If this thing was one of the Stags minions it didn’t fit the descriptions they had heard of for these entities that they would attack anyone on site and seeked to tear them apart no matter what. It also didn’t have the appearance of one under the influence of the Stag which they had seen before in the ring in Balmora.
“Like music huh… you know you don’t seem too bad,” Axl noted observing the creature, “from what the people say they make you sound like monsters. You seem just like a normal animal even though you have metal built into you.” A noise off in the distance caught their attentions and startled them. It was not the nicest of sounds sounding like something unpleasant possibly unnatural screaming or calling in the distance.
“What do you think that was?” Axl wondered startled as spooked the Bearcoon got up and came to sit against him looking nervously into the woods in the direction of the sound.
“Hmm for a minion to a monster you’re not very monstrous you just seem like a normal animal… a very timid normal animal,” he noted…
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“A night without technology how primitive! Why do we have to do this in such a primitive way? Honestly what’s to do out here without technology; get bit by bugs? Good thing I brought this along,” Lance noted pulling out his phone which he had snuck out with himself and fiddling with it to take a few selfies, “dang it no signal out here. How do people live like this?” Seeing he couldn’t access any social media he decided to play a game on his phone. He sat on a log by the campfire he had made to play with his phone. As he played every now and then he heard strange noises coming from the brush around him. Sounded like something moving around in the bushes near him.
“Whatever you are I’ll let you know I’m a Richman and you don’t mess with a Richman,” he called out to whatever was making the noise starting to get unnerved by it but trying to hide his nerves in his voice. With his words whatever was making the noise went quiet. He looked around but couldn’t see anything so went back to playing on his phone. After a short time he got the odd sensation of something watching him putting him on edge. He looked up to where he felt the glare was coming from to be startled by seeing a strange creature, a Parrot-cruncher, sitting rate next to him looking directly at him. He fell off the log he had been sitting on in surprise but the creature was un-phased. It just continued to stare strait at him with its parrot like face giving off a noise that sounded like it was amused.
“Whoa when did you get there? What are you? Wait your one of those parrot reptile creatures aren’t you. What are you doing here?” he fumbled getting up and cleaning himself off the creature just watching him.
“Wow your oddly friendly for a wild animal… mind if I take a few selfies. The others won’t believe this,” he questioned before taking a few selfies with the creature which seemed oddly chill with what he was doing. After he was done he looked at the photos he had took and became aware of something strange. He looked from the images he took to the creature to confirm what he was seeing. The creature had a bronze colored metal plate forming a sort of armoured breast plate built into its chest and the horns and spikes of its head were made from a similar metal.
“Weird why would a wild animal have metal built into it? Maybe you’re not so wild after all…” he noted looking at the images of the creature before his phone was suddenly knocked from his hand by the creatures one paw.
“Hey what was that for?” he wondered going to pick up his phone. Before he could reach it however the creature put itself over the phone and lay atop it.
“Is this some sort of game for you cause I’m not interested in playing now give me my phone back,” he expressed attempting to put his hand under the creature to move it or at least be able to pull his phone out from under it. As his hand touched the creature he felt a strange tingling in it that moved up his arm a bit before his hand and two thirds of his arm went numb and limp.
“What the… oh wait you have some sort of venom don’t you? Where’s that book?” Lance commented nervous and worried about what had happened to his arm taking a few steps back from the creature. Using his non paralyzed arm he pulled the guide book they had been given out of his pack and sat on the log to set it on his lap so he could look through it. He knew these things were poisonous he just wasn’t sure how bad an effect it was. It would not be good for him to be poisoned by a strange creature out here.
“Has the venom on its pelt… touching it will cause paralysis and numbing to contact area… only lasts a few hours thank goodness. It would be rather hard to do knight stuff if I can’t move my one arm,” Lance noted looking at his paralyzed arm before looking back to the creature, “guess I can’t touch you. Maybe if I ask nicely would you let me have my phone back? I’ll let you watch while I’m playing.” The creature didn’t seem to be listening to anything he was saying. It just looked at him seeming to be amused.
“Guess you’re not going to give it back are you? Would I even be able to get it back? Would the venom on you get on the phone? Maybe I could use my blanket to pick it up oh but then I might not be able to use my blanket and its rather chilly out here, probably going to get colder too,” Lance babbled, “if I can’t use my phone what am I to do… read this book like some sort of scholar?” The creature just lay watching him. He sat in silence for a while wondering what to do.
“This is so boring… so do you have a name? You look like a girl, can I say that, and with those almost golden pieces it makes you look very pretty,” he stated to the creature disliking the silence and unable to do much especially since he couldn’t move his one arm. The creature looked pleased by his comment.
“Can I call you Polly you know cause you look like a parrot,” he stated and the creature didn’t seem bothered by his comment. He continued to talk to the creature which seemed to be enjoying his company…  
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Throughout the night the knights strange visitors continued to hang with them. The Kaiju refused to get up and let Clay up despite his struggling. He continued to try and break free getting nowhere but tired from the ordeal. He was not sure when but eventually his tired struggling led him to fall asleep with the creature still on him. Macy refused to go to sleep with the Slothdillo in her site worried its allies, minions to the Stag, where probably somewhere nearby. She sat at her fire staring it down intending to stay up and on guard all night no matter how tired she got. Without knowing it she eventually fell asleep still sitting up by her fire. The Skeever had followed Aaron back to his site and continued to hang with him. He had a strong suspicion with its metal adornments it was likely an ally to the Stag but for a reason he could not fully understand Aaron felt the creature was just there to hang with him and offered no threats. Why it was with him he couldn’t quite figure out but he was pleased to have its company.  Aaron couldn’t exactly pinpoint why but he a bad feeling he wasn’t entirely alone and it was not just from the creepy state of the ruins he got the feeling. It came from the entire woodland around his site. He had a feeling whatever was out there might be out to get him and not in a good way. The Skeever brought him some comfort and made him feel a bit safer. He hung out and played with the creature till he went to bed where the creature followed to curl up like a cat next to him in his tent. Worried something might try and take it from him Aaron held the book and strange device close to himself as he slept. He had a strong and unnerving feeling something was in the ruins near his site and it might want the item and book back but he didn’t want to give it back. He wanted the others to see what he had found from so he kept them close and hopefully safe. The Bearcoon continued to hang with Axl and sat with him at his campfire. He continued to entertain it with some music and found that the creature really enjoyed roasted marshmallows. The two were made nervous a few times through the night as they could hear strange sounds emanating from the woods around them. They didn’t like the options of what could be making the sounds, either droids in service to the Stag or Ashers though given the Bearcoons metal additions linking it as an ally to the Stag he had a feeling it was more likely the Ashers they were hearing. When he went to bed the Bearcoon followed and slept outside the entrance. Lance continued chatting with the creature for some time before deciding to retire for the night. By the time he went to bed he was starting to get some feeling back in his arm and could move it a bit more. The creature remained in his site laying on his phone the whole time to sleep by the dying fire.
In the morning when they awoke they each had a token for Astara in their one hand and their critter pals were gone. Clay was shocked and confused to find himself having been crudely tucked in bed in his tent. He was confused and worried how he had gotten there; he was pretty sure the creature had been the one to tuck him in. He searched his site but found no evidence that anything other than the creature had been there during the night. No footprints and his traps had not been set off. Not liking the possibilities and worried something might have done something to him he quickly packed up his site wanting to get out of there and have Merlok check him over to make sure he hadn’t gotten corrupted by anything. Macy was also shocked and surprised to find herself in bed in her tent. She was worried about what had occurred while she slept but found no evidence anything other than this creature had been in her site. She packed up and left as quickly as she could not wanting to hang around the place for much longer. Aaron was a little upset his creature pal was gone but didn’t let it get to him too much. To his surprise he still had the book and device clutched close to himself in the morning. Curious he tried to enter the Scymer ruin again but found the door was now oddly locked. Axl was also a little upset to find the creature gone but didn’t let it get to him either. When Lance got up the venoms effects had worn off and he quickly went to retrieve his phone. He was surprised to find it had been put back in his pack and was clean. He was confused how it got there and how it had gotten cleaned but he was pleased to still have his photos. They all packed up and headed back as soon as they could.
“Once we get back I think we should all be checked over by Merlok first thing,” Clay declared as they gathered with each other and Macy agreed, “Sounds like a good idea. Something strange was going on last night and I don’t like the possibilities.”
“What about these things Aaron found they seem very creepy,” Axl wondered and Clay stated, “I’m not sure. We’ll let Merlok know about them and see what he thinks. Other than that there is not much else we can do about them.”
“What about the ninja, should we tell them about it?” Aaron wondered and Macy suggested, “I don’t think it would be wise to mention any of it to them…”
“Yha especially that Jay, he gets overly paranoid by the simplest things,” Lance noted and Clay declared, “Even though these so called prophecies could involve them I think you’re right. It might not be a good idea to let them know of this. I don’t think they would take it too well. They’re stressed enough as is and I don’t think any of them would take to well to these.”
“Yha some of them didn’t take to well to that one the people in town mentioned,” Aaron noted and Clay agreed, “indeed; I think I’m with them on this though. If that prophecy holds even a bit of truth to it then it doesn’t bode well for this place and possibly us as well.”
“Yha and these ones don’t sound like they mean well for us either,” Aaron agreed looking at the book he had found feeling unnerved.
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To find previous and later chapters look here: https://robobirdie.tumblr.com/archive
You can also find a copy of the story written here https://archiveofourown.org/works/34894561/chapters/86888878 and here https://www.wattpad.com/1087355671-ninjago-the-oni-scrolls-foreword-important-info You can also find images pertaining to the story here: https://www.deviantart.com/nerdy-hyena/gallery/72478681/story-project
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