#they’re so sibling coded and I miss them already
beetlerings · 8 months
Waiting for all the non patreoners to catch up before I post suckening 5 art so here’s some riptide
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They are siblings ❤️
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I feel like Himbo/Bimbo!Granger reader constantly gets stuck or lost in hogwarts secret rooms and passages. Room of requirement, accidentally found. Kitchens? Who knows how they got there. Sometimes, our golden trio or Draco notice reader hasn't shown up to class, leading to group manhunts to find out wherever the hell they went.
You know damn well when Harry gets his hands on the Marauders Map it’s main use will be to find exactly where Himbo/Bimbo!Granger!Reader is. I imagine the first time the Reader stepped foot in Hogwarts they had already gotten themself lost, they’re like the human equivalent of Trevor the toad (it doesn’t help either that more often than not Himbo/Bimbo!Granger and Trevor are always found together).
The first time the Reader gets themself lost or misplaced, Hermione has a complete panic attack. Like, they were just here and now they’re fucking gone. Hermione herself would have the entire castle flipped upside down looking for her twin. Harry and Ron wouldn’t be able to calm her, hell they’re just as panicked as she is. The only one who could really reign Hermione in would be Professor McGonagall, and even she has her own anxieties about Himbo/Bimbo!Granger missing. Honestly, the whole school would be freaking out, the only calm and collected one out of the lot would be Dumbledore. Once the Reader is finally found safe and sound you can bet a plethora of tracking charms will be put on them. Not only that but the Reader wouldn’t be allowed to ever be unsupervised again, especially after having the exact same thing happen a few more times even with the tracking charms in place. Hermione would make it even more of a habit then before to hold her sibling’s hand everywhere they went, and if Hermione isn’t there then someone else will be holding the Reader’s hand in her place.
You can’t tell me that after the first few times Himbo/Bimbo!Granger!Reader disappeared randomly there wouldn’t be a special school code for them. Also, I have no doubt that at least half of the times the Reader got lost or trapped somewhere was because of Peeves, they just take his word so easily and more times then not he’s completely fucking with them.
I feel like one of the places the Reader would get lost in the most would be the dungeons and Draco always happens upon them. It’s not like he has his own tracking charm on them too or something like that, that would be ridiculous. Except that’s exactly what it is, he has to know where they are too after all.
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sadesluvr · 8 months
Hiii!! When you feel like it could you write some michael afton relationship hc's? Would be nice to have him back a little🤗 Have a great day or night whenever you're reading this and take your time🫶
A/N: TYYY Nonnie for this sweet ask, I really do miss him :') This ask made me so nostalgic for TNP....Love you and thanks for the kind message!!🥰
Some of these are fem! Reader coded, but mostly gender neutral. One mention of drug (weed) use. Based in the 80’s, like game lore:
When you first start dating, he hides you from his family, only ever telling Henry about you. He hates his dad, and although he isn’t ashamed of you he doesn’t want to show you off to Elizabeth and Evan just in case they get too attached (mommy issues…)
Tells Henry everything - the good, the bad (his worries, not yours), the in between…He’s basically Mike’s advisor at this point and poor Henry is clueless
Michael is definitely hot headed and arrogant at times, so he’s going to flaunt you around school (insecurities be damned).
LOVES walking/biking with you EVERYWHERE, and often gets lost whilst spending time with you. He once forgot to open the front door (he wasn’t even HOME) from Liz and Evan when they came off the schoolbus….Not a great day in the Afton household after that
Doodling on your skin with his pens, pretending to tatt you up
Doodling on EVERYTHING you own, and zoning out in class whilst he draws you on his assignments
Doesn’t have a lot of money, but is very scrappy and can still show you a good time on dates. He might be banned from certain outlets, but it's worth it
Makes the most of carnivals/fairs!! They’re cheap and once he’s taken his siblings (if Henry hasn’t already), will treat you. He’ll pay for all the rides, wins you toys and buys you food :3
Sneaking out to meet him, or him coming through your window because your parents “don’t agree” with his lifestyle. Those are the times he wants to spend the night, just laying with you on your bed until you fall asleep. He can’t stay because his siblings need him :’( 
Isn’t the greatest at physical affection, but lets his guard down when he’s high. It’s then when he’s at his most vulnerable (he sometimes cries) and is open for a cuddle
Can be a bit of a perv, especially when sneaking through your window or being alone in a car, but it’s all funny. He’ll never force you to do anything, but he’ll make a lot of dirty jokes and innuendos
Sharing his Walkman with you is his ultimate act of love. Don’t take it lightly
SO protective of you, it’s insane. He’s gotten into verbal and physical fights with anyone disrespects you, and detentions won’t stop him
Patching up his wounds, either from the fights he’s gotten into or just general reckless shit. He pretends that he’s a tough guy but he really isn’t
He lets you experiment with his hair - just as long as you don’t shave it all off. He may never forgive you....
Exploiting the pizzeria’s benefits, whenever and wherever he can. He’ll spend hours trying to impress you in the arcade (free tokens), and gives you unlimited pizza as long as his dad doesn’t clock on
Feeling like a tiny family if and when he decides to introduce you to Elizabeth and Evan. Whether you last as a couple or not, you make them all happy and he doesn’t want to lose that
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stevie-petey · 5 months
okay firstly, goodmorning to me. woke up to chapter 2 and i can say my day is officially made !!
alright. hopper and bug. i absolutely can't wait for their dynamic and their relationship im sure you have a lot in store for them (im praying it be angst). they're just so father-daughter coded i LOVE them.
im like 95% sure you may switch the stobin bathroom scene to it being directed towards bug than steve or SOMETHING like that because im sensing jealousy from robin when stug were holding hands :3 robin & bug are absolute cuties though !
im so happy you try to include every dynamic possible with bug. that one little scene with the kids was hilarious and her interactions with will are just SO CUTE. (petition for you to include more will and bug scenes because i love love love them)
her being so kind to billy after what he did to her :( bug is a literal gem dude. GIMME SOME HURT/COMFORT DUDE WE NEED MORE ANGST !!!!!! (given there's already mild angst with stug (not really though) but some SERIOUS angst (praying it's there's in the future chapters))
as for her and steve. oh my GOD. SUCH IDIOTS ISTG. ESPECIALLY STEVE LIKE DUDE JUST ASK HER OUT ALREADY YALL ARE CUDDLING AND GIVING EACHOTHER NECK KISSES NO ONE IS MORE STUPIDER THAN YOU !!!!!!! like you won't imagine the number of times ive screamed to my stupid phone "JUST KISS ALREADY JESUS CHRIST" i can't believe this is gonna go on for the entire season, you really know how to make us lose it.
the lack of jonathan is being noted, m.
and lastly, bug & dusty, ultimate cutie pies <3 i missed them so much, would love to see a code blue between them later this season :)))) favourite siblings truly
thank you for your service :*
what i CAN say is the breakup scene was so fun to write lmao like imagine just following the girls u babysit and then suddenly ur in a weird breakup showdown id die laughing tbh
steve and bug ,,,, yeaaaah its gonna be this way until about episode 6 ,,,, sorry my loves <3 they’re just traumatized idiots smh
and the lack of jon 🤭 just waaaaaait
so so so happy you loved the chapter <333
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emeraldspiral · 2 years
Thinking about Nightwing/Batgirl vs Nightwing/Starfire and my hot take is that Dick and Kory should be endgame because Dick and Babarba is kind of incestuous.
Not in the sense of it being “icky”, but in the sense of it not allowing the Bat-family to grow and branch out and limiting it’s genetic diversity, in a manner of speaking.
Like, there’s already so many Batman proteges all trading around the same three or four code names. Poor Tim even had Stephanie and Damian calling themselves “Robin” when he wasn’t even dead or retired from the role. Stephanie had to go back to being “Spoiler” so Barbara could be Batgirl again. Jason tried to be Nightwing when the writers were just considering killing Dick off and then a bunch of randos tried to make it a collective moniker for a team. Dick left Gotham and became Nightwing to get out of Batman’s shadow but then he ends up having to take on the role of Batman while he’s Comic Book Dead. He’s supposed to live in Bludhaven but he’s constantly getting dragged back to Gotham to help Batman with one thing or another. The Batman writers even made Dick break-up with Starfire because him being preoccupied with the Teen Titans meant he wasn’t available for them to use in Batman stories, which kinda misses the entire point of having him outgrow the sidekick role and leave Batman in the first place.
So I feel like if you have Dick and Barbara get together, it’s just continuing to tie Dick down to the Bat-family and preventing him from spreading his wings. You know if they have kids together someday the boy(s) are gonna be another Robin/Nightwing/Batman and the girl(s) are gonna be another Batgirl/Batwoman/Oracle and they’re always going to be defined as Batman’s grandkids, Batman’s proteges, his successors, his legacy.
With Dick and Kory you don’t have to keep up the perpetual cycle of Batman getting a new protege who looks up to him at first and then eventually figures out how miserable he is and how poorly he’s coping with his trauma and realizes that they don’t want to be like him. You can tell new stories that go beyond the scope of Gotham. You can have stories that deal with the ramifications of Dick marrying an alien princess and technically being the prince consort of Tamaran and their kids being heir to the throne. You could do something really interesting with the idea of them having a biracial child and wanting them to be connected to the cultures of both parents’ home planets. Even if the kid does end up becoming another Batman protege, at least they’d be bringing something new to the table by being the first Bat-kid with actual superpowers.
I also think it’d be more interesting for Barbara to get a love-interest outside the Bat-family as well. Maybe even follow Dick’s lead and retire from the Batgirl role, pass it back to Stephanie or Cass or some new girl and either go back to being Oracle or get a brand new identity and venture off to a new city. Go solo and do her own thing her own way, not as a Batman sidekick.
Actually, you know if she did go solo and got her very own rogues gallery that would open up opportunities for her to have some sexual tension with a hot villain. Bruce has Talia and Selina. Terry had Ace. Nightwing has basically every woman good or evil. Let Barbara have something special with a hot bad boy.
I don’t dislike Dick/Barbara as ship, but I think there’s something kind of sweet and wholesome about them just being two people who used to date and are now best friends who love each other like siblings and I think it’s better for both characters if it stays that way.
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transboysokka · 10 months
chris watches twilight for the first time
omg this blueish filter is wild is this like a Pacific Northwest thing
that girl is not tan enough to be from arizona
also I’m getting big gay energy from her so idk how this movie is gonna be like. plausible.
if the dad wasn’t a cop I’d definitely smash
do u guys remember though when they used to cast ACTUAL teenagers for teen roles? refreshing
wow this guy in the cowboy hat has MAJOR swag
oh nooo Taylor Lautner I grew up with him and he sucked (real)
idk why ppl always shat on kstew being like inexpressive in this??? seems fine??
all these vampire siblings date each other?? lolololol
so far this seems like a fun little teen drama idk. it’s so blue though
Edwards stare is so intense I KNOW rpat had a great time with this lolol
Lolllll imagine seeing someone try to switch classes to avoid u but u don’t even know them??
the daughter-distant father awkwardness is v nice, v realistic
ugh this dad is so hot
Does Edward have RED eyes girl that sounds like a red flag get away
Ok this soundtrack sucks
Wait so his eyes change? Why?
wow he stopped a bread van for her w his muscles how romanticccc
also how small is this school like how does everyone know her?
vampire doctor creeps me out
lol his name is carlisle what a square
taking bets at how soon he tells her he’s a vampire it’s probably pretty soon I’m gonna say like around the one hour mark
girl is she having sex dreams about him
God Edward really is so creepy eh
Lautner’s Michigan accent is sooo bad in this omggg I can’t
are these new vampires?? the whole eating people thing really disrupts the tone of the story
So gay of bella not to care about the dress shopping. And also just skipping prom lol
Edward just following her everywhere RUN GIRL
“I should make sure Bella gets something to eat” most awkward and obvious way to ask for a date
So she’s def a vegetarian and he def doesn’t eat people food
We’re like 40 minutes in and he’s already telling her lol
Anyway why can’t he read her mind is this like a soulmate thing
This is soooo fanfictiony lmao
So she finds out he can read minds and just lets it go lol
Edward is such a dumbass though she figured him out so easy lolllll
And now she’s having vampire sex dreams lmaoooo this movie is great
Oh here it comes the “I know what you are” “say it” lol I only know this scene bc it’s from a meme or something
lmao this speed animation
is he about to sparkle
god they’re both crazy girl why are you so into him and Edward why are you so obsessed w her
ok yeah some of these lines suck
First of all these kids are missing class and for what
Second of all I cannot IMAGINE being a teenage straight girl seeing this for the first time when it comes out and basing my ENTIRE personality on this shitty ass self-insert fanfic ass plot
Girl how the hell can you be in love with him already
That’s so high school, they’re only walking together and people somehow know they’re together?
oh wow so the doctor turns these kids to stop them from dying that’s neat
I used to live only off tofu and I was very satisfied thank u very much
Wow he’s special about reading minds that’s convenient
He’s such a kid w her that’s not what I was expecting but I like it
They’re making Italian food for her bc her name is Bella lmfao
WOW anger issues much
He doesn’t sleep, he doesn’t stop going to school, he doesn’t eat, terrible existence
Was that the author in the diner
there are so many problems here lol
Dad just messing w his gun at the kitchen table, so cop coded
So American coded actually lol
Wait Edward is gonna meet him w the gun there lmao
Vampire baseball lolllll
This is just one big incest nerd family
They could have tried a little harder w the cgi for such a big budget?? This looks like the CW. Feels like it too actually
FRENCH bad guy vampires??
These stakes seem suddenly way too high??
Don’t break the hot dads heart nooooo
This really does feel like the CW though
Yeah no Rosalie is right why does that family care about Bella so much like she’s a high school girlfriend not a wife lmao
I think I’m dumb but I don’t entirely understand what’s happening here like did Bella go back to Arizona?? Why did she have to go so far to get away from this guy
FUCK is he gonna run all the way to Arizona now lol
I just don’t know how things got so suddenly so dramatic like can’t this James guy just let it go why is he going to so much effort this just all seems so silly
Wow Black Swan
yeah again idk why everyone was hating on kstew’s performance in this, it’s good
How did Edward get there so fast is there like some portal between Arizona and Washington isn’t that like a 1-2 day drive?
This is a fancy ass ballet studio btw
Yeah this fight scene sucks
So Mufasa coded “Remember who you are”
What is happening to Bella now she doesn’t turn until the last book right? (I’ve never read it idk)
Why did that guy have venom?????
Wow finally creepy Edward gets what he wanted and can drink her up…… he ain’t gonna stop
Oh I get it he stops w the power of love. Okay. Whatever.
This SONG sucks
“You lost a lot of blood” yeah THANKS Edward
Oh god the old ass cellphones. Throwback.
Not sure why she’d need oxygen w the injuries she had tbh am I missing something or is it for drama
“You’re in here bc of me” damn straight
Go to Jacksonville Bella (I know she won’t)
Don’t be a baby about it Bella????
Oh fuck is she going to prom? THATS not gonna create School Drama at all…
“Alice lent me the dress” yeah you’re too gay to own any
I know it’s bc of my issues w lautner as a person but I hate Jacob and I ALSO hate that lautner claims to have “distant” indigenous heritage bc that is another thing that he didn’t have when we were kids so why is he playing this guy
“Should we dance?” “You’re serious?” Bro you came to prom together wtf did u think u we’re gonna do
All the music in this movie sucks ass
I don’t usually advocate for this with vampire stuff but I’d have less of a problem with the creepiness of this relationship if he DID turn her
If MY bf was a vampire I wouldn’t want to be human either wtf
Okay yeah I mean that movie was whatever. Glad I understand the pop culture references now I guess
Oh no oh wait oh god I gotta watch the rest of these movies now don’t I…. Please tell me they get better
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 days
LMAOOO unhinged aiku just like revived me I fr laughed so hard reading all of his comments we love insane aiku but it’s ok I think Nikoaiku (Aiku? Niku? Funny bc niku means meat) is my new favorite unexpected duo I can’t wait to see more Niko sidekick action (although hes arguably doing more than Aiku LMFAO)
WAIT SO REAL LMAOO major monogram and carl dynamics so true
But LMAOAO I NOTICED THST I was like wait double fb mention reader and Niko distant acquaintances??? That was so funny LMAO STOP THE KARASU HOMEWRECKER ALLEGATIONS (I almost forgot that’s the plot for his oaeu I’m gonna eat that up though)
BAROU REP SO TRUE reading your fics is like waiting to watch the next episode of a really good kdrama even without the romantic plot I was already crying just reading the Ubers being goofy
Typing pokemon names actually has me dissolving the amount of times I try to fix a name for it to continue correct has me losing my mind but wtv!!! HAIKU LMAOO that’s giving the exact opposite vibes of aiku in generally baron Barou is also really funny
Also Karasu corvisquire kinda real that’s so funny it’s the hair and feathers I tell you
Ok I’m gonna start merging asks in the next round so your inbox isn’t overflowing LMAO
- Karasu anon
insane aiku my beloved…this is a 19 year old trapped in a facility with a bunch of insane 15-18 year olds no WONDER he’s losing it he should be at the club 😭 nikoaiku my number one duo fr the way in aiku’s pov they’re sibling coded but to niko it’s giving relatively chill manager + underpaid employee HAHAH
the way reader and her bestie were essentially slandering niko’s dad is so funny LMAOAOA they’re all facebook connected ig 😭⁉️ YESSSS KARASU NUMBER ONE HOMEWRECKER him going to aiku for tips on how to destroy a relationship is so funny to me (also for karasu’s and reo’s versions i think the second pov will actually be them instead of aiku since aiku himself isn’t doing major money moves he’s just providing brief advice or [in reo’s case] making offhanded comments that lead to existential crises) the way his mind IMMEDIATELY jumped to aiku ngl otoya would’ve been just as good of a pick but maybe the thought of asking otoya for advice gave him hives KFFJSJSJ
OMG KDRAMA COMPARISON I’M SO FLATTERED oaeu does give kdrama/romcom vibes though so i’m glad that that comes through in the actual writing!! i feel like the barou version was def lighter on the romance and heavy on the ubers dynamic but it was honestly so funny (to me) that it was worth it imo 😭
POKÉMON NAMES MAKE ME CRASH OUT FR but yeahhh i was like uh maybe professor aiku gives haiku?? otherwise the vibes are not quite correct there (although the barou + baron comparison does fit)
karasu and corvisquire fit too well LMAOOO the side profiles are exactly the same and the way his smirk looks like a beak too 😭 he’s so silly…my cutie bird coded bf i love him
DW my inbox is already insane atm (i literally have 20 asks of just requests + 1k event entries and that doesn’t count people randomly dropping in) feel free to send as much as you want 😄 nothing can make it worse atp LMAOAOA i don’t think i’ll be able to open requests back up for a WHILE because i have sm to work on rip the thought of having reqs open during bllk season 2…you will be missed…
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snicketsquadron · 1 year
Witness to Departures
Jacques believed one should bring three gifts to a baby’s first birthday celebration: something practical (an unseemly amount of diapers), a favorite childhood book for the baby (Pippi Longstocking) and something for the parents to remind them of their own existence as adults and sentient beings in the post-baby haze (Samuel Beckett’s Molloy).
When he arrived, Beatrice was seated in the back yard, infant son on her lap, surrounded by a gaggle of cooing friends. Little two year old Violet toddled around, gently shepherded by the watchful eyes of her mother and the guests. She seemed to be fascinated by the screws holding the lawn furniture together, poking at them with pudgy toddler fingers.
Bertrand met Jacques at the back porch with a handshake, clap on the back and a smile. 
“Good to see you” Jacques began. 
“You, too. I take it you’re here representing the Snicket delegation? I bet Beatrice it would only be you.” 
“I’m sure my siblings would be here if they could. Kit’s preoccupied in Tunis and...well, no one knows about Lemony.”
Bertrand let out a little sigh. Both men leaned on the porch railing, standing side by side, looking at the guests rather than each other. “I know your siblings, Jacques. You don’t have to lie on their behalf. Even if they were both in the city, Lemony couldn’t stand to see Beatrice, and Kit’s indignant that we’re leaving VFD. ...We do think he’s alive” Bertrand added a little more gently. “We almost named Violet ‘Lemony’. But once Klaus was born there were enough rumors...we don’t know for sure. If I knew anything for sure I would have told you already. But we believe he’s alive, for what it’s worth.”
“Hope is worth a great deal. And Lemony still thinks the world of you. He can be happy for you both and sad for himself at the same time. The same goes for Kit’s anger. That’s the troublesome part- it’s because they love you both that they feel hurt.”
“But not you? You’re not here to try to talk us back into the fold?”
“You know I take the ‘voluntary’ part of VFD very seriously, Bert. I’ll miss your work, and your presence. But I’m grateful that you two left, because it means you had a choice. Many of our enemies don’t.”
“But?” Bertrand prompted, a wry tone sneaking into the word. 
“But it doesn’t have to be either-or. You know you could do both. Plenty of volunteers have taken parental leave until their children are old enough. The Quagmires had triplets last year- they’re not going deep-sea diving anytime soon but they can still coordinate correspondence. My parents-”
And you Snickets are so well-adjusted Betrand thinks. But what he says aloud is “You mean ‘until their children are recruited’. You’re telling me we can do both as if that’s some novel idea instead of the status quo that’s been expected of volunteers for decades. As if we didn’t try.” Violet had probably overheard some VFD coded phrases in her scant two years, though Bertrand hoped she would forget them as she grew older. “And if it was just me and Bea, we’d still be in the mountains. The entire point is the children. The neophyte system was falling apart when we were in it, Jacques, and it’s only gotten worse. And even if it was in perfect working order...it feels like fattening a cow for the slaughterhouse. I’m not raising my children just for them to be snatched away as soon as they can walk and talk.” 
“Shouldn’t that be up to them?”
“Jacques!” the anger in Bert’s tone was more than a hint.
“I mean it. Like I said, I take the voluntary aspect very seriously, and that goes both ways. If you get to choose to leave, they get to choose to join. The neophyte fostering system is a mess, and you know I never liked the tattoos. I’ll respect your wishes. I can promise I won’t be standing out of your windows making wolf noises. But I know you and B, and I’ve seen your library. Any children raised in this household are going to be well-read, clever, and kind. They will be a force for justice and nobility in the world, even if they never learn a single code.”
“Being well-read and noble isn’t the same as being a member of VFD.”
“We’ll have to disagree on that. It’s the only part that matters. The rest is affectation.”
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boypussydilf · 1 year
BMT (bacon mettuce tomato) from that ask game forrrrrr..... persona AND sgt frog. double whammy
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
in persona … i would most likely never have thought of sumitaba in my life if not for the fandom. they r just neat. uhhhhhh. lets see surely theres some pair of sgt frog characters i never wouldve considered interacting or smth if not for some external influence. Most notably kurudoro i probably wouldnt habe really thought about them if not for the fandom either but its hard to remember, but let’s also give a shout out to some pairs ive seen interacting One Time- i THINK i saw one (1) piece of ship fanart of bariri and keroro? if im remembering correctly? And also hark ! to the fanart of dororo and putata interacting. iirc. rich kid swag
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
EVERY character I LOVE friendship 😌😊☺️🍃🌱💅❤️😌🤭🍀🌸⭐️🌈✨😚 ok im done now. Anyway for real though I would like to be friends with all of the phantom thieves we would be besties . but i wanna hang out w yusuke and futaba especially. but like, separately. the violence when they are combined is funny but would be too intense for me. Also, Eikichi Persona 2. And maybe Maya Persona 2 we wouldn’t necessarily be close friends but she’s nice.
if dororo n koyuki were real we would be best friends “u n dororo n koyuki or me n u” yes. i would enjoy hanging out with fuyuki as well.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Ok well first of all lists of immutable autistic & trans headcanons as long as my arm for both series, but we already know that very well. Other than that uh ….. really die hard thoughts …. akira & futaba are siblings its simply a fact. also that fanart where sumi runs into akechi post p5r and shes the only one who knows hes alive for a while and its kinda just Them is like 85% canon in my brain. Also there is no world post-p5 where akira doesn’t become like… protests georg. if you have an Adult Akira Kurusu concept and hes anything other than not only willing to punch dudes in the face to try and get things to change but actually Actively Doing the closest things to that he can manage: you are just wrong.
sgt frog headcanons that r Just Canon to me …….. Aside frm the list of whos autistic keroro Super Has ADHD but that really kind of is just canon. not on purpose but no one in the history of mankind has adhd coded a frog harder than this. There’s not much else I can think of this is the worst thing to ever happen to me 😔 I could reiterate my trans headcanons in great detail but we’d be here all night and the Sgt Frog 10 Years Later au in my brain is still only half-formed (its my job, my DUTY, with everything i like to imagine what the characters are like a while post-canon, especially if theres kids who can grow up or other clear room for further life development, but also there’s a lot of factors to consider to figure details out.) So I’m just gonna end by talking about Kururu’s older siblings because we as a people need to talk more about them. I think that personality wise they’re both like. somewhere in between kururu and saburo. They like to Cause Problems On Purpose more than saburo who mostly just Doesn’t Prevent problems but not as much as kururu whod probably blow up a galaxy if it was funny enough, but they’re also like, Outwardly Nice, less like kururu and more like saburo. Theyre sooo good at acting friendly and sweet and normal that you can miss how extremely petty and selfish they’re being and all the problems they are causing. This is just based on 1 clip in the anime where shipepe sends keroro a card for new years or something like that? and part of it goes kinda like “Just a funny thing…. you know what that happens to remind me of? That time I bought you ramen in elementary school…. I still remember exactly how much money you owe me <3” anyway tbats what they’re like to me.
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lovelessdagger · 1 year
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The Fall of the Jedi | Chapter Five: Considering The After and Without
Pairing: Hunter x OFC
Rating: Mature
Summary: “If not a Jedi, who are you?” Yoda asks. She shrugs. “Myself.” He looks at her with that hard quizzical stare often reserved for younglings or rebelling Padawan learners. She is both under his watch. “And who is that?”
Slow Burn, Canon Divergence
WARNINGS: Explicit Language. Sith Nonsense. Religion.
Words: 4.5K
Masterlist | Daybreak Masterlist | AO3 | Prev | Next
“You have a mother,” Anakin tells Odella, two days after the Battle of Geonosis. For the first time in six years, she is without Elenia Tarré, and it’s news she’d rather not hear. She, along with some other Padawans have been allowed a day of ‘solace and reflection’ for the Masters they have lost. 
Mourning is not the Jedi way.
Anakin lays beside her on her bed, arms crossed behind his head. Odella mimics.
“What?” She asks.
“I met her while I was away in Naboo. I met your whole family, actually. They’re great friends with Padmé—Senator Amidala’s family. We had tea.”
Her only reaction is a blink.
“It’s a little insane,” he continues, taking no notice to her. “You have six sisters and four bothers. The eldest are already married with children.”
“I have ten siblings?”
“You’re the youngest.” He shrugs. “Did you know Thoren is the name of your mother? She says it’s tradition for the women to carry it. ” It’s possible she could get a word in if he’d take a breath between his own. “You look just like her,” Anakin says. “Your mother. All your sisters too.” He turns on his side. “Your mom said Thorens have strong genetics. It’s like you’re those clones we fought with.”
“Did they…” Odella hesitates. This wouldn’t count as breaking Code, would it? She’s only curious, and young, she can’t know better. “Ask of me?”
“It’s all they wanted to know,” he laughs. “Your father was delighted to hear we’re friends, and that you’re doing so well. I told them all how wonderful you are. Your parents were eager, your siblings less so but still intrigued. They’re very proud of you Del, and they can’t wait to meet you.”
“Meet me?”
“I told them we would try to visit again soon.”
Her tan skin pales, a subtle frown gracing her features. “Ani, why would you say that? I can’t meet them.”
“Sure you can,” he says. “We can. Padmé has a property on the lakes that we stayed at. You and I can go and maybe she will too, and—and you’ll meet them all and you’ll finally have a family again.”
“I don’t need a family,” Odella says.
“Everyone needs a family.”
“I don’t.”
He frowns, and as a nervous habit, tugs on his Padawan braid. “I thought you’d be excited. To have a mother again.”
“I don’t want to talk about her.”
“All I’m saying is,” he moves onto his elbows, looking down, “I lost my mother, and you lost yours. You’re getting another chance at one, why not take it?”
“Because I am a Jedi.” She turns away, he flips her back by her shoulder. “Or I plan to be.”
“Don’t you ever want more than this life?” Anakin asks, complete with earnest. “Haven’t you wondered of all the things you’re missing out on because of the Order?”
“On occasion, yes,” she admits, whispered. “But that does not mean I should act on it.”
“Why not?”
“It is not the Jedi way.”
“And you must always live in accordance to the rules of the Jedi?”
“Yes,” she groans, exasperated. “That’s kind of the whole point of the thing.”
Anakin settles into a similar frown, sitting up fully. “I believe we have choice.”
“We do,” Odella agrees. “You can either be a Jedi and follow the rules, or you can not, and not.” 
“And would it be so bad to not be a Jedi? Do you hate the idea so much?
“If I am not a Jedi, I am no one. I am nothing. I have no value.”
“Don’t say that. Of course you do. You mean a great deal to a lot of people, including me. Jedi or not.”
Odella looks up. “Would you ever not be a Jedi?”
Anakin says nothing at first, but he cracks his back like that were the intention all along. “No,” he says. “I don’t think I’m allowed to leave.”
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It’s a far grander home than Odella imagined. The architecture is different than the rest of Theed. Distinct, tall, looking as if it were made of pure white marble. Eight slender columns in the front, four on each side, a door in the middle. It’s something of a mix between the buildings of ancient philosophers of the Outer worlds and a mock of a church.
HOUSE OF THOREN lays adorned gold on a black plaque at the base of its foundation.
She could walk in, couldn’t she? If it were indeed a desire. It is her right to enter a family of mirrors she does not recognize. Would they give her a seat at dinner? A room? How well could she fit into a family built in opulence and material?
“They’re artists,” Anakin told her. “Best of Naboo. Painters, sculptures, dressmakers, musicians, anything. Padmé says you’re one of Theed’s oldest families. They’re part of the reason artistry is held so high.”
She doesn’t expect to feel anything from being here. A sense of belonging, family, desire to know. And she doesn’t. All it is, is a house, a very beautiful house, but a house. A home to twelve.
What’s worst about it all is that she can’t feel upset over not feeling upset.
She shouldn’t be here, noon has only just passed on Coruscant while Naboo enters evening. Few lights are visible from the outside, and she is only one of many gathered in the yard for admiration.
Though the prospect of being a tourist attraction isn’t the most appealing, it does help her in not looking like a criminal.
“You’d probably be a singer, no… a dancer. No, singer, both,” Anakin said. “Or politics. You’re always the odd one out.”
“Look at these lilies,” an older woman beside her gasps, leaning down to the garden bed. She touches orange petal and follows to the red tulips beside. “Oh and the hyacinths, what a gorgeous yellow.” She looks to Odella, the only one giving her attention, and grins. “They say there’s a flower planted for each daughter. The sons have statues around Theed.” Her attention then turns to the rest, gently running her fingers on their petals.
“Zantedeschia, petunia, and iberis,” Odella lists, pointing. The woman spares her a look, and she blushes under the mask covering her face. “I… garden. Too.”
“Ah,” she quips, moving along with her cane.
“Wait,” Odella jumps, “There are only six varieties. I heard they have seven daughters. Don’t they have seven? A Jedi… person.”
A spindly finger raises, pointing at the top of the steps. In a single pot sits an orange flower, as deep as the burning of flame and sunset.
“Orchids,” Odella says.
“I’m sure you know they require great care. They’re difficult, and quite easy to kill. For it’s protection, it sits high above the rest.” She hums a chuckle of sorts. “Befitting for a Jedi, no? Better than us all.”
Odella frowns, head cocked. “I’m certain she wouldn’t see herself that way. The Jedi are humble people.”
“Are they?”
“Then why are they paraded as war heroes?”
“I’m not sure its their choice, the Republic they—” she stops short, clearing her throat. “The people need something to believe in, and lightsabers photograph well.” A sentiment repeated from the Chancellor.
When the war began, every Jedi from as young as new Padawans to as old as Yoda, were photographed and given Republic issued IDs. A handful were selected for advertisements, propaganda posts to the Republic. Odella was chosen for her connection to Palpatine’s homeworld.
“A favor, to your family,” he told her. 
Dressed up by a team of people she didn’t know, she was posed with the title of Naboo Knight circulating while they unraveled her Padawan braid.
The knighting ceremony was the next day, they all said it would come out anyways and she was saved the trouble of a cut. She was the only Jedi without a piece of themself to hold.
“If they do not have choice,” the woman says, “What hope does that give the rest?”
Odella cannot offer further thought or conversation befitting to her role of a Jedi, undercover or not. So she doesn’t, and walks away tugging the hood to shadow her eyes.
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The snow on Kaller is the fresh kind, pillowy instead of ice. The boots of Clone Force 99 sink four inches deep, Wreckers six. The woods are never ending, Tech leading the group with his head stuck in his nav system.
“I thought you were a map,” Echo says to Hunter. “Can’t you figure out where we’re going?”
“Better to let Tech figure it out,” he says. “Before he complains he could have done it anyways.”
“Oh.” Echo nods.
“Hunter doesn’t want to stick his hand in the snow,” Crosshair calls over his shoulder, in front of the pair with Wrecker.
Hunter coughs. “That too.”
“It bothers his precious nerves.”
“Oh,” Echo repeats, less understanding than before.
“Shut up Crosshair,” Hunter says.
“Do you have to touch the ground?” Echo asks. “I thought it just,” he motions, “Happened.”
“Connecting to the core makes it easier,” Hunter explains. “I can figure out exact locations, distance, roadblocks. If I don’t it’s more like…” he trails off, sparing a smirk and a glare. “Echoes.”
“Besides, there aren’t large sources of electricity here.”
“What does that matter?”
“If whoever we’re helping were under a mass attack, I’d get a feel for the clankers,” he shrugs, “We’re in no rush.”
“It should still be a priority—“
“Echo,” Hunter interrupts. “I get that you’re still new to the group, but you gotta realize we don’t work like or with the regs for a reason. The rules, the protocol,” he waves his hand, “It doesn’t mean much here.”
Echo stops for a moment, his permanent frown deepening. “I’m a reg.”
“Were,” Tech quips from the front. “It’s debatable whether you’re much of a man at all anymore.” He looks over his shoulder. “Do not be discouraged, ultimately it is for the best.”
“How so?”
“You’re far more useful in your current state than you ever were as a reg.”
Crosshair snorts. “That’s still in the air.”
“Shove it Cross,” Hunter says. “Echo’s fitting right in. He’s one of us now, we gotta give him a little credit, it’s not easy changing teams.” He leans over to Echo. “Don’t worry about him, he mocks because he cares.”
“I do not,” Crosshair mutters.
A pelt of snow hits the back of his head, knocking it forward. The iciness of its chill melts down his neck, into the collar of his blacks. He turns sharp, a glare to match. Wrecker stands to the left as the source, tossing a snowball in his hands.
His cackle is a barrel, huge form doubling over. “You should see your face Cross!” He mocks his brothers expression, over-exaggerated face pinched in, jaw dropped.
A mocked face which soon gets hit with its own ball of snow.
Chaos breaks loose in the woods, each member brought into the fight on account of Wreckers aim being considerably worse than Crosshairs. The bigger one forms a sphere the size of their heads. He carries it above his own, stomps leaving deep prints in the snow.
“Wrecker!” Tech calls from his position on the ground, having slipped in attempt to stand. His arms shield his face, cowering away.
“Shouldn’t you stop that?” Echo pants. He at least had the foresight of putting on his helmet before joining in. Unlike Hunter, whose newly wet hair sticks to his face. He doesn’t seem to mind much.
His head waves from his to side, puffing air. “Wrecker!” He calls, gaining attention. “Make sure his data pad isn’t on ‘em. Don’t wanna ruin it.”
“Oh,” Wrecker gruff. “Good call Sarge.”
“No need,” Crosshair speaks from their lineup. He waves the technology with a grin. “It’s in safe hands.”
Tech looks over with fallen jaw, eyes bulged out. “Have I ever mentioned how I love you all?”
“Not particularly,” Echo says.
Hunter shrugs, and waves. “Fire away, Wrecker.”
Hunter leads the group again, a pissy Tech refusing to ‘aid you neanderthals any more’. Sometimes he could be more dramatic than Crosshair, it was honestly impressive. Or it would be if it didn’t mean Hunter had to plunge his hand into the snow.
“Hey Sarge?” Wrecker asks.
“Now that Dooku is dead, shouldn’t the war be over?”
“No,” Tech answers, the first he’s spoken since the hike began. “There is still General Grievous as he’s taken control of the Separatist militia.”
“Right,” Hunter nods, “Even after that—“
“The Republic will need to discuss deals of diplomacy with the Separatist planets.”
“Yeah and—“
“And, there will no doubt be remnant supporters, extremists guerrillas in need of handling. On paper, the war will end. In reality, it may take many more months until the Separatists are defeated entirely.”
Hunter sighs. “What he said.”
“What happens to us?” Wrecker asks.
Hunter looks to Tech who shrugs, and sighs again. “We’ll get sent to deals with those extremists.”
“And after that?”
“Like when there’s no more Seps. Then what?”
The group settles into this forced silence, crunching footsteps their only sound. It’s a prospect no clone likes to imagine to great extent. The After.
When the war is won and the people free. When the Jedi return to whatever it is they did before this whole mess started on Geonosis. Hunter was only eighteen when the war began, nine years out of the growth tube. This moment, this war, it’s all he and all his brothers have been groomed to know. 
Without it, what are they?
Men sure, clones, defects specifically. Though, Tech might be right, they’re objectively more useful than the regs. Surely the Republic will find some use for them. But then they’d be separated, for the first time in their lives…
He’s heard regs talk about it before, what they plan to do. Most have some idea of settling in groups in the Outer Rim, keeping to their own. The idiots—in his own opinion—have thought up fantasies of starting a family. Finding a nice girl or guy or whoever, having the whole married life, kids.
Yeah right.
The only one with those chances is Cut, and he’s already achieved it. The children aren’t even of his own, which is better for everyone in the long run. Clones are infertile, a specific choice of the Kaminoans. The last thing anyone needs is millions of the same men breeding the galaxy.
Talk about a disaster.
As for Hunter… He tries not to dwell on the subject of The After. He’ll stay with this brothers for as long as he can, forget about everyone, everything else.
“We’ll make our own way,” Hunter decides aloud. “Stick together.”
It gives no one comfort, but he isn’t sure if he was trying to.
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“Hey! Hey!” A young boy runs to Clone Force 99, wearing a brown hooded robe and a mix of neutral colored dress under that. He waves frantic, a single distinct braid of brown hair waving with it.
“We’re fighting for him?” Wrecker mumbles.
“He clearly is a Padawan,” Tech says. “I’m certain the Jedi Master is close by.”
“Hey, I’m talking to you!” The boy stops in front of the group, hunched over and panting. “You’re the reinforcements aren’t you? Where’s the rest of your people?”
Crosshair snorts. “We’re all you’re getting kid.” Hunter shoves him in the stomach.
“I’m not a kid,” he retorts. “I’m Caleb. Caleb Dume.”
Hunter crouches slightly, giving a nod. “Good to meet you, Commander Dume,” he points to himself, then the others, “I’m Hunter, that’s Crosshair, Tech, Echo, and the giant’s Wrecker.”
Wrecker is the only one to wave.
“You guys are clones?” Caleb asks. “You don’t look like clones.”
“We get that a lot,” Hunter says. “Where’s your Master?”
Caleb point to where he came. “She’s with Capitan Grey—“
“We’re helping Grey?” Wrecker groans. “C’mon!”
“Can it Wrecker,” Hunter says. “Go on Commander.”
“We’re surrounded by B1s, I barely made it out. We were told there’d be more of you.”
“Don’t sweat it, we’re all you need,” Hunter stands, putting his helmet on. The rest of the group mimics. “Just lead the way, and we’ll clear it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Sure we’re sure.” He shrugs and looks back at the squad. “Bad Batch, it’s time to get to work.”
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“I’m sorry, citizen. These matters are for the council to discuss.”
“I understand.”
“…Ahsoka. More to say, have you? A message for Skywalker, perhaps?”
“No, Master. Thank you. I’ll tell him myself when I see him.”
“May the Force be with you, Padawan… Appear you may, Odella.”
“I’m glad to see Ahsoka looks well,”  Odella says, turning on the holoprojector in her palm. “You know, her outfit looks to be inspired by Mandalorian—“
“Have you entered the home of Palpatine?” Mace asks, reappearing.
She swallows collecting spit, and nods. “I have.”
“And surveillance—“
“Is a nonissue. There’s no electricity in the entire place,” she motions behind her, “I had to come outside just for a signal.”
“And security?”
“Thought I was Talia, fixing up some… painting, I don’t know. Point is, he let me right in.”
“Good. As soon as you learn anything you call this channel immediately,” Mace says.
“I understand… Master, if I may ask one question—“
“I have to go. I will be awaiting your call.”
 He leaves just like that.
“Of course,” Odella sighs. “I should—“
“Odella,” Yoda interrupts. “What have you, to say?”
Her smile is close lipped, mimicking a straight line. “It’s nothing, Master.”
Yoda hums, shaky blue hologram nodding. “Lie, a Jedi does not.”
“It’s a good thing I’m not a Jedi right now,” Odella says, soft like the wind. She wipes her clean hands over the dark linen of her pants. Gloves bulge untouched in her pocket. Quinlan always said those with their skill should have them on at all times, a preventative measure of sorts.
He never wore his own.
“If not a Jedi, who are you?” Yoda asks.
She shrugs. “Myself.”
He looks at her with that hard quizzical stare often reserved for younglings or rebelling Padawan learners. She is both under his watch.
“And who is that?”
Odella remains mute, she doesn’t know.
If she is not a Jedi, she is no one. It may be for the best.
“Apparently I am my estranged sister Talia,” she cracks, forcing a full smile, teeth and all. “She’s a painter, not a Jedi.”
He grants her no relief of amusement.
She looks to the sky, the sun is due to set soon. “I should retreat inside before I gain suspicion. I’m sure your attention needed on Kashyyyk as well.”
Yoda sighs. She carries less pride from it than before. “Rasie you well Master Tarré did. Better than I. Separate you and her, never I should have done. Alive she still may be. Different you would be as well.”
She frowns, a line showing between her brows. “Do you not like how I am?”
He avoids a direct answer. “A strong Jedi you are, and belief in the Force you have. It is belief, respect for yourself you have not. Failed you in this manner, I have.”
“How would you rather I be? Like Elenia?”
“No,” he answers without thought. “Like yourself.”
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Palpatine’s home resembles more of a decrepit palace than any other functional living space. Everything is a mix of dark grays and blacks with ostentatious accents of gold. Furniture is limited, a single chaise lounge of red velvet by an unlit fireplace. Odella walks with a small lantern given to her by the guards.
Paintings are large and scattered on the walls. Landscapes at night, wilted flowers, abstract splatterings Odella could never derive meaning from. She steps to the one closest to eye level, a delicate white writing of Talia Thoren painted in the corner.
She’s very talented, Odella decides internally. She herself was never very good in such creation. Though, she supposes she might have gotten a legitimate chance to explore if younglings were permitted arts and crafts past the age of four.
Talia must be close to her in birth order if the guards so easily allowed her entry. Or Odella looks far older than a twenty year old girl. She’d rather not ruminate on this option. Anakin did say the eldest of her family have settled with marriage and children—that she’d certainly prefer to not project on herself—perhaps Talia joined the lot of them.
I can’t believe I’m an aunt, Odella thinks. All the announcements and milestones she must have missed. Twelve different people with her blood, attending each others weddings, caring for another in sickness, playing pretend as children, ranting about the hardships of life as adults. She doesn’t believe any of them think of her, she hasn’t thought of them after all.
Maybe when this is all said and done, she’ll return to the home. Properly introduce herself, allow her parents to know of the young woman she’s become. That the Naboo Knight is more than an outdated promotional photo. That she has interests and passions and beliefs. She can meet her brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews if they’re around. The children would certainly be excited to meet a real Jedi, they always are.
It’s best she does none of this. In case they say she’s not met any expectations. Better to stay a fantasy.
Odella follows the wall further into the palace, feet clacking against marble. She has nothing but the Force to guide, but it’s yet to lead her astray so far, so she holds no worry. Her shadow stretches from the lanterns illumination of sunlight gold, turning her body long.
She steps into his office, a sharp contrast from the rest of the home. The lantern hangs on a hook by the doorway. It’s a cluttered space with knick knacks and bookshelves, actual paper thrown about, cobwebs in the corners. The room lacks windows and any other means of ventilation, a stuffy dusty mess.
“Palpatine is always so put together,” she mutters to herself. Everyone must have their secrets.
Going through it all in a regular means would take all night at the least, and if she’s being honest none of it looks all that important. Drafts of bills from his time as senator, personal finances, books on history, more paintings from Talia.
Odella hasn’t had many interactions with Sith, but surely they aren’t this boring.
“That’s why what we do is so cool,” she hears Quinlan say to her. One of his first lessons to their ability. “Everyone else sees what’s right there right now. We see how it used to be, what it means.”
She wants to call him a bastard, but her tongue feels heavy like cement.
Running her hands across the bookshelf, she pulls on various ones, hoping for a trigger. Nothing. She moves to the desk, searching under for a similar solution. Again she is empty handed.
No memories come either.
Huffing, she looks up and follows the light of the lantern. It hits the wall behind her, shining on another painting. This a portrait of Palpatine, dressed in his typical Chancellor garb. The white signature of her sisters stands prominent in the corner. So it was made recently, unremarkable if not for the fact that the Chancellor rarely visited Naboo. What with the war and all. It’s a wonderful likeness, if it were commissioned surely he could have it shipped to Coruscant. Not trapped in this decadent cell.
The shadow of the light begins above his eyes, his visible skin ghostly below it, the smile haunting. It hangs above the mantel of another fireplace, unlit candelabras on either side. This small slat is the cleanest portion of the whole room. Odella runs her finger along the dark wood, picking up no dust.
She grabs the lantern and a random note from the ground. Something about the pay schedule of the guards from seven cycles ago.
Putting the paper on fire, she quickly lights each candlestick and blows out the paper. The floor rumbles under her, and she leans against the desk, a swift panic. Planetary shockwaves never showed up in her research.
The fireplace lowers into the ground, candles now stood as spikes. A deep tunnel appears in its place, cement walls curved at the top. 
Grabbing the lantern again, Odella leans into the hole, seeing nothing but the abyss. Does this warrant a call to the Council? Most likely not. Mace would say she’s wasting time. For all she knows every politician has a secret backroom. The Temple has its fair share of tunnels and underground roadways after all. Palpatine is an esteemed man, if he had to make a quick escape this would be it.
A chill comes from the inside, prickling her tan skin. She feels a pull in her chest, her feet stepping forward without her brain realizing it.
Odella follows the path until she comes to a set of stairs, carefully stepping down. They’re steep, giving her issues with balance. Palpatine is healthy for his age but she’s a Jedi struggling on the endeavor. When was the last time he could do this? Before she was born certainly.
She comes into a much smaller room, matching the plainness of the home above. It’s all cement, she calls out to the void to hear an echo of herself in return. The lantern does nothing here, so it’s set down. From her hip and under her cape, Odella grabs a hilt of her sabers. Purple light fills the room, and she has to hold it an arms length away to avoid being blinded. 
The floor is smeared in deep red paint—or she assumes—circles and scribbled illegible aurabesh all alone it and its walls. Pedestals stand scattered, ancient artifacts on display. Books, weapons, metal made masks.
“Put your gloves on during creepy investigations,” she hears from Quinlan. “You don’t wanna touch the wrong thing and get sent into shock. Believe me.”
Spite enters her soul. Fuck him.
“Right then,” Odella says to herself. “Let’s get to work.”
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A cruel fact of psychometry: It was never meant for dealing with Sith. Memories and emotions are meant to be pleasant and kind, not rotten and cruel. And so, it is by then a similar truth that memories and emotions are more often than not just that. Rotten and cruel. 
She’s undone by a single touch to a scroll, the farthest thing in the room, not even getting a chance to open it. Everything is a momentum of flashes from decades ago. Palpatine, a figure of shadow, ritual candles, red plasma light.
Ultimately, the gloves wouldn’t have done much but lessen the torture. The dark side penetrates however it can into the soul.
The pain is unlike one she’s ever felt before. Her entire body is captive to a chill, to nails in skin and crippling agony. As she falls unconscious, splayed across the concrete floor, her head slams against the stone. Her lightsaber throws itself out of her hand, rolling across the room with its violet hum. Her spotted white vision fades to black with only one final thought:
Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord.
Chancellor Palpatine is… Darth Sidious.
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2 notes · View notes
gxtzeizm · 2 years
Yes Harry Potter it’s the best, I’m actually re reading the chamber of secrets
Oh god yes!! The whole drama when it’s not race weekend it’s always amazing! Like Charles it’s single! I usually don’t care about their personal life. But it was funny to see all the drama at Twitter and TikTok about it
At first I didn’t block anyone but then I had to, it’s pretty sad how people talk about the drivers and their family :( I feel it more about Lewis and Max last year, it was horrible… I hope it doesn’t repite next year since both are amazing
I’m so glad your having some days off, enjoy it, it’s always good be back home and spend some family time, it’s the same for me actually, I’m spending more time with my family, my mother like Korean dramas, she stole my Netflix account and now it’s all about it, I’ve seen some and they’re really good, lol, which one it’s your fav??
I recently watched bullet train and I’m a little obsessed with Aaron Johnson 😍 it may like you
So, tell me about your fav subject?? And idk your fav food? Also, what do you think about the World Cup right now?
-Your secret Santa 🎅🏼
Hiiiiii my dear secret santa <333
well first of all i wish you're having fun re-read the chamber of secrets ☺️.and let me being honest with you, i'm actually not having the hp books yet and i'm planning to get the whole series soon (well you guess it...i'm more to hp movie than the hp books...but i guess both of them are equaly great).
and i agree with you tho about the non-race weekend drama literally. well i'm also not really get into deeper to Charles' breakup tbh, not wanting to invade his personal matters tho. but yeah, somehow it's hilarious tho seeing those on tiktok yet maybe some of it might be a...little cringey for me (oh i'm not really look into twitter if i'm being honest with you). but yeah, for me it's impossible that there'll zero drama next year but i hope it's not that kind of worse tho.
well thanks a lot my dear, i'm having a enjoyable week-off here. even though there will be lots of mid-semester tests and assignments starting next week 😭😭, i need to get prepared and do some revisions literally.
that's really cool that your mom loves to watch korean shows <333. and your situation is almost as same as mine but it's me who using my dad's netflix account (as well as my siblings).
well currently, i'm about to watch 20th century girl (it's actually a netflix originated korean movie) right after the tests. it's such a great movie i'm not gonna lie. although the 1st half of movie is kinda typical high school love vibes, but the last half....just get prepared with the tissues (yeah i've already know the spoilers tho i'm not sorry for this).
there's another few which are weak class heros and revenge of others. idk but i realized that both of it are literally having almost the same genre (high school, revenge etc. etc.). but i might watching weak class heros first since the other one is only available in disney+ right now and i'm not subscribing yet.
omg you had watched bullet train...i'm not watching it yet 😭😭. actually i was planning to watch it in cinemas months ago with my family but somehow there were other movies that we wanted to watch first....now it's too late tho.
hmmm...speaking of my fav subject, i'm still sticking on mathematics i guess...idk but the one during my high school days i guess, when i'm always priotise my maths work rather that other subjects literally. i know it might surprising you but it's satisfying me everytime i "break the code (solutions and answers)".
i'm so fall in love with pasta especially aglio olio pasta (idk if i spell it right). idk but every week i won't miss buying those in my food arcade in my campus after class <33.
i'm still not believe it that morocco managed to get into quarter finals i also feel so proud of them <333. and that's the reason why i'm rooting for them right now to win this wc (i know it's a bit difficult by looking at the opponent but anything will be happen am i right). and i guess i'm also rooting for croatia as well just to make it realistic.
i hope you're having an enjoyable day bestie <333
0 notes
read-write-thrive · 2 years
I do not know anything about stranger things volume 4 beyond what I have spoiled for myself on social media and I don’t know shit about DND as a whole but I am in LOVE with the Eddie as Kas theory (I think it’s too smart for the Duffer brothers but alas) and I’m just wondering; are we still going with Vecna traps Eddie’s consciousness in his sword, which then eventually leads to Eddie killing Vecna? Bc personally I think it would be more interesting if other characters were involved in the telepathic sword that turns the tide
Specifically, we know that Vecna has Max’s consciousness, hence the fear that she’ll ever wake up, so I think she’s the obvious choice to be the player to turn the tide. Originally I was wondering is it should be Will, because I also love the idea of a Will villain arc in s5 and I think they’re building to something like it with all the Vecna/Will parallels (plus we know Will has some ingrained connection with the Upside Down at this point, but I don’t think it’s been explained well). But maybe instead we see a parallel of Eddie/Will as Eddie’s literally lost his way and Will is losing his all due to Vecna at the same time. Then I think it would make an interesting parallel to have Max/Eleven be their guides back on the right path; Max’s fury against Vecna fuelling the shell that is Eddie versus (inverting how emotionally driven these characters have been previously) while Eleven and Will are forced to confront their emotional sides (particularly regarding Mike and his treatment of each of them, but also their sibling dynamic and their parents and coming back to Hawkins and all of that) and end up leaning on each other, even as Will is pulled towards Vecna-like darkness (and Eleven is still trying to figure literally everything in her life out, so I think it would be fascinating character growth for her to become a moral compass considering she’s literally killed people).
Not to mention, when the big final battle happens, now you have teams on both sides where there’s a leading team against Vecna on both fronts, including Eddie & Max stabbing in the back while Will and Jane/Eleven (I have no idea what she is being called in canon at this point so apologies) being the main offensive coming from the right side up, of course also while backed by their army of allies. This way, it’s pretty much (if not definitely) the first time we see our entire cast of characters banding together in one United goal, rather than being spread across multiple plot lines around the world. I also think this would crack the coming of age code of “you have to let me be me” as now that Hopper and Joyce are fully back in the picture, I can definitely see them being more protective of Will and Eleven especially, so those family/character dynamics would be interesting to see play out over the season. I also feel this allows the kids as a whole to take a more prominent role in the ending, which parallels well with how integral they were in season 1 (not that they weren’t in later seasons, but I think the teens/well now young adults often overshadowed them).
Anyways, these were just some thoughts of mine regarding a show I still haven’t watched but continue to follow online anyway. Apologies if this has already been talked about and I missed it, but I’d be interested to see if these ramblings inspire anyone who actually knows what they’re talking about when it comes to Stranger Things (and if so please tag me!!)
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januarymoreau · 3 years
alright so I know literally no one cares about this but it’s my social media I’m doing what I want /lh
I’ve been seeing a lot of slander about justin russo on the internet lately and I’m currently hyperfixated on wizards of waverly place so here’s why justin is an awesome character/doesn’t deserve the hate he gets
He’s kind and treats those he loves well. Justin is canonically really good at comforting people. Although he argues with Alex a lot, at the end of the day, he’s also her older brother and genuinely cares about her. When Professor Crumbs threatens to take Alex’s magic away because she doesn’t turn her report card in, Justin says that Crumbs will also have to take his magic away. Justin is ultimately selfless. We see again and again the sacrifices he makes for Alex and I think we mainly see his kindness in that relationship. Despite that, I think he’s also notably kind to Juliet. When he finds out that he made the mistake of reporting Juliet and her parents, he instantly tries to fix it. Not only does he try to fix it, but he puts his job as Monster Hunter in jeopardy for Juliet and her parents - her parents haven’t even been that nice to him. Justin is ultimately selfless and at the end of the day, he sacrifices himself or what he wants for others. When Rosie turns back into a good angel, instead of selfishly continuing to date her and keeping her in the mortal world (which he could have done - she literally offers to stay with him), he gives her up because he realizes the world needs a guardian angel more than he needs a girlfriend. Even though it hurts because he loved her, he gives her up. There’s no “award” for doing this - he won’t move up a level in the wizard competition, he really won’t get any recognition for giving Rosie up. He doesn’t even get any recognition for turning the moral compass back to good. He does it because it’s the right thing to do. Although later I’ll argue that Justin is constantly seeking validation, I also think that the heroic/good things he does are often done with no expectation of being praised for it. He does them because he has a strong sense of morals. He’s also kind to Harper, Zeke, his parents, and even Max, who people rarely ever show kindness to in the show.
He’s in touch with his emotions. When the show starts, Justin is very against anything that will show him as feminine or emotional. In fact, he even says he’s allergic to emotions (or something like that) to cover for the fact that he’s crying over his missing dog. As the show goes on, we see Justin start to embrace and accept his emotions more and to lose touch with his toxic masculinity. I think dating Juliet changed him in a lot of ways (making him more relaxed, etc), and I think one was encouraging him to be more emotional. After Wizards vs. Vampires, Justin is pretty emotional and open about his emotions in the show. He’s even open with talking about them. In the movie, he opens up to Alex about how he feels like Jerry & Theresa wouldn’t love him as much if he were less “perfect,” which brings me to my next point.
At the end of the day, Justin is a sad character. I know it’s a kid’s show but they really do cover a lot of issues so bear w me. I’m hyperfixated and I like to over analyze shows so I’ve thought about this a lot. Justin is the oldest, which means he already deals with pressure to be perfect. Then, add in the fact that his parents are constantly describing him as the “perfect child” and putting him on a pedestal, while pitting the kids against each other as a result of the wizard culture bc of the family competition (I love Jerry & Theresa but they’re not perfect). He’s also a high achiever and we know he puts extreme pressure on himself to do well - they always make a joke about it but it’s actually quite sad. He literally feels poorly about himself when he gets a B and bases his entire self worth on his grades and skills as a wizard. In fact, in the movie he voices doubt about whether or not he’s good at anything other than magic. I have a few things I want to say about all of this. First of all, I think Justin is constantly seeking validation. I think as the oldest and “best” child, he feels the need to be perfect all the time, but he also does many of the things he does because he just wants validation. When Harper decides to run a marathon, Justin does too, and sadly his accomplishment of finishing it is overshadowed by Harper “winning.” I also think Justin feels threatened by the success of others because he thinks it invalidates his. When he opens up to Alex in the movie, he says that he’s jealous of her because it seems like everything comes naturally to her. Justin feels as if his parents loving his siblings takes away from their love from his. It’s irrational, but very real. Which brings me to my next point - Justin has generalized anxiety disorder. It makes sense - the overthinking, the outbursts he has (Alex refers to it as a conniption once) of panic or frustration, the overachieving, etc. As someone who probably has autism, I also think he’s autistic (which would explain his troubles with tone, struggle making friends, obsessions with things like Captain Jim Bob Sherwood and science, being better w robots than people, and so much more).
Ultimately, Justin has a strong moral backbone. Although he’s a stickler for the rules and this oftentimes leads him to do bad things initially, he always does the right thing in the end. For example, when Justin and Alex go to court and Justin duplicates himself to be his lawyer, his lawyer ultimately proves that Justin is guilty; he even says something along the lines of “We’re Justin Russo. We always do what’s moral and just.” Justin has a strong sense of justice (which could also be from being autistic but I could do a whole other post about neurodivergency coding in WOWP and Disney & Nick shows overall bc there’s a ton of coding) and does what he thinks is right, most of the time. Sure, sometimes he does bad things, but he’s also a teenager at the end of the day and he’s highly competitive.
Finally, Justin Russo is super progressive - in fact, he’s probably the most progressive characters of the show. He acknowledges climate change and actively tries to create a solution for it. In fact, for his science fair project he makes a water powered engine, which would reduce carbon emissions. He also wears a shirt at one point that says “Make art not war.” I will admit that his biases against the werewolf he dated were problematic, but he clearly grew from that because he never held any of that against Mason. He’s also into science and is a nerd and although this is a stereotype, most young people who are into science and are nerds are progressive. I’m pretty sure he also is well aware of current events and would probably read the newspaper. Also I myself headcanon Justin as trans and bi (again could make another post about characters in wowp that are queer)
Little note even tho probably no one will see this - this is all just for fun. If you disagree with anything I said, just say it politely hahsh. Also please don’t make fun of me for this WOWP is a huge hyperfixation and comfort thing for me rn and I just wanted to make a silly little post where I analyze one of my comfort characters. Also I kin Justin so pls don’t like hate on him in the comments.
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
Sick day headcannons!!!!!!!
Hell yeah, I do have a post on this already (linked here) but sick day headcanons are some of my favs so let’s do some more! (Just btw there will be some repeats but that just means I rlly like that headcanon)
Dick: Oh no, god no!
Wally: What’s wrong?!
Dick: I’m dying!
Wally, suspicious: Okay…
Dick: Please Wally this is serious, I need help!
Wally, deciding to take Dick seriously: Okay, what’s wrong? What do you need?
Dick: Just a coffin. Made of maple- no oak! And roses, preferably white, oh or blue! With baby’s breath. And-
Wally: Dick, what’s wrong?!
Dick: I burnt the roof of my mouth.
Wally leaves.
A good rule of thumb for Dick is the more dramatic he is the less serious the situation. The less dramatic he is the more serious the situation.
He will go into work with a cold and complain the entire day.
If he has something serious that’s contagious he’ll call in sick but just say it’s a slight stomach bug.
If it’s not contagious he will act like everything is completely fine.
One time he did this after getting an injury on patrol and ended up passing out and spending that night and the next day in the ICU.
He has become a bit more responsible over the years, mainly bc he thinks it’s adorable how sweet and cuddly Damian gets.
His favorite sick day activity is eating junk food and watching rom coms under a fuzzy blanket .
Dick: Please go to bed!
Babs: I am, I am, just one more line of code.
Dick: You’ve said that for the last three hours!
Babs tries to relax when sick but she has trouble actually taking a step back to rest.
Most of the time she’ll take a nightquil then get distracted by something and ends up falling asleep in front of her screen.
Usually Cass or Steph will come over and take care of her.
Steph always makes the best comfort food. And usually Cass will tuck Babs into bed.
Babs loves dozing on the couch to the sound of Cass and Steph laughing in the kitchen as they make her soup.
If Cass and Steph can’t come over she loves talking to them over discord while eating take out. Usually she and Cass just listen to Steph babble or she watches on of them stream something.
She also usually ends up falling asleep.
Bruce: Are you sick?
Jason: I’m legally dead.
Bruce: That doesn’t-
Jason: So,legally, no. I am not sick.
Jason will forever and always argue that he can’t get sick since he already died.
When he was little he was rarely able to get extra rest when he was sick. Because when he was really little he wanted to go to school to avoid Willis. After Catherine died he was too busy just trying to survive to focus on being healthy.
But when Catherine was alive and Willis was away Jason would stay home from school, and if Catherine was sober she would read to him and sing lullabies. This only happened like twice but Jason cherishes those memories of Catherine.
As a kid if he was ever sent home for being sick he’d get in huge trouble with Willis.
After being adopted the first time he was sent home with a fever he begged Alfred not to tell Bruce and hid in his closet until he stopped crying being sad. Alfred sat by the closet door with soup, a grilled cheese, and tea, reading The Princess Bride aloud until Jason came out. It took two hours.
Jason’s favorite sick day activity is drinking tea and rereading The Princess Bride (with the movie playing quietly in the background) while wearing his Wonder Woman hoodie.
Steph: Cass why are you patrolling while sick?!
Cass shrugs.
Steph, with a sigh: You’re allowed to take a sick day, okay?
Cass looks unsure but nods.
Steph: C’mon, let’s get you a bath and fuzzy blankets.
Cass forgets that she’s not just a weapon/tool. She forgets that she’s allowed to rest when sick.
Because of this she will keep going no matter what and tends to view ‘taking a sick day’ as a failure.
Steph, Tim, and Babs have been working on this with her. She’s improved a lot now that Tim lost his spleen and gets sick easily.
Now usually Steph cooks for her while Babs lays with her.
Cass isn’t against taking medicine but she never feels like the situation is severe enough to require medication. So someone in the fam has to convince her to take her meds.
She becomes extremely cuddly when sick and will cling to anyone near her.
Her favorite sick day activity is watching old horror movies with Steph or Babs.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m- I have a fever of 104, I should rest.
Stephs mom is a doctor, so she’s used to being told “it’s just a cold, you’re fine”.
Usually she keeps going until she can’t then sleeps for like three days.
But it’s less out of stubbornness and more out of habit. So if someone tells her to rest she’s immediately like “okay!” and takes the sick day.
Babs always calls or comes over to check on her every day that she’s sick.
Cass has been learning how to cook and loves making Steph food when she’s sick.
Tim used to come over but now he always calls.
Stephs favorite sick day activity is sleeping with an ice pack or heating pad, depending on the sickness, with a giant cup of ginger ale and Cass curled up beside her.
Jason: Tim, are you sick?
Tim, tiredly staring at case files: No I-
Tim is interrupted by a violent coughing fit.
Tim: Oh, I guess I am?
Growing up Tim loved getting sick because it meant the house keeper would come over and take care of him and he might even get a hug.
But she stopped coming over when Tim was ten, his parents thought he was old enough to handle being sick on his own.
Sick days in the manor were a shock to him because he was rarely alone, there was always one family member by his side.
Now that he’s immunocompromised he’s always surrounded by people, he pretends to get annoyed with it but really he loves how much they care.
Dick always sings Romani lullabies and runs his fingers through Tim’s hair. Jason, Duke, and Steph will cook for him. Damian stay by his side and bring him tea. Babs will play video games with him. And Cass does a bit of everything, at least everything other than sing to him.
The family also takes Tim getting sick very seriously so if they here one cough he’s immediately being interrogated and getting his temperature checked.
Tim’s favorite sick day activity is laying under a weighted blanket with a cup of tea and playing video games with Babs, Steph, Duke, and Cass.
Dick, knocking on Duke’s door: Hey bud, why are you still in bed? I thought we were training together?
Duke: Sorry, I forgot to cancel. I’m sick and don’t think I can handle training today.
Dick: You’re sick?!
Duke: Yeah, but don’t worry I’ve been disinfecting and cleaning so no one else should get sick.
Dick: I’m not worried about getting sick, I’m worried about you!
Duke: …oh, okay.
Growing up sick days were spent at home either resting alone or with one of his parents.
He had to do some fending for himself (like cleaning and making food when his parents weren’t home with him) but nothing extreme or unexpected. So, overall he had pretty normal sick days.
After he parents went missing he was so focused on getting them back and saving them that he never stopped to rest when sick.
Now as a member of the Wayne family his sick days are always spent with someone by his side, at least they are if he tells the family he’s sick.
He’s gotten in trouble several times for not telling Alfred/the family that’s he’s sick. Not because he puts Tim at risk, he like all the family is very cautious about that, but because everyone worries about him and wants to help take care of him.
After several lectures from Alfred he’s finally getting better about telling the family when he’s sick.
His favorite sick day activity is reading Jason’s copy of The Princess Bride while having a bowl of Alfred’s chicken noodle soup.
Jason: Are you sick?
Damian: N-
Damian sneezes like a kitten.
Damian: No.
Cass, smiling: Sick baby brother, cute sneeze.
Damian tries to be offended but ends up having a sneezing fit.
Steph: That’s so adorable!!
Damian has the most adorable sneezes. He literally sounds like a kitten and the entire family and hero community finds it adorable. Damian hates it.
He used to try and pretend he wasn’t sick and just work through it.
Then he sneezes in front of Harley and Ivy and they cooed over him for an hour.
Now he grumpily secluded himself in his room when sick.
Usually the family will check on him and find that Jon flew over and they’re cuddling on his bed watching cartoons.
When Damian’s sick he really craves spicy food. Like everything he eats he’ll add hot sauce or pepper to. His food is so spicy that only Cass can handle it, like it makes ghost peppers look like child’s play.
His favorite sick day activity is drinking masala chai under one of Tim’s fuzzy blankets while wearing Dick’s old hoodies and surrounding himself with various soft things he stole from his siblings. This is preferably done while eating spicy tomato or lentil soup and watching cartoons with Jon.
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y0itsbri · 3 years
Falling for You
ballet au one-shot for @gallavichthings 's a.u.gust
summary: dance instructor mickey! ian keeps messing up the lifts with the dancers, and mickey cannot have his girls injured because of this himbo, even if he is hot. he makes ian stay after class to practice on him -- and he swears there's no ulterior motives. but they're so close and his hands are all over him and he can feel his breath and it is so unprofessional but fuck it.
words: 2k
Mickey had a new guy in his class that wasn't doing... well... by any standards. Alright, the dude sucked. Mickey had been a ballet instructor for several years and not once has he met a dancer as uncoordinated and unbalanced as Ian fucking Gallagher.
Somehow, Ian had managed to not only rip the ballet barre off of the goddamn wall in his attempt at a grand plie, fallen flat on his face after pas de chat gone wrong, but he also managed to launch his fellow ballerinas onto the floor instead of the air.
He was a disaster.
Mickey had better shit to do with his time at the studio than patch up his dancers, and studio, after Gallagher's classes. Svetlana's father would have his ass if she got injured on his watch. And Ian being the only guy in their class, there was no way for him not to share the front-and-center spotlight with Svetlana.
Yeah, Mickey wasn't letting Ian any-fucking-where near Svet if he could help it. At least in his current state. Dude was a piece of work.
Mickey figured he would be a lot more upset about all this if Ian's apologetic puppy dog eyes weren't so goddamn convincing.
Fucking Gallagher.
"Ayo, Mands! Come help me with this!" Mickey called, echoing in the studio, now nearly empty besides the Milkovich siblings and a six-foot-tall ginger man looking both utterly clueless and utterly terrified. Mickey was utterly hopeless.
Mandy popped in the doorframe, sliding her shoes on but leaving them untied.
"Can't! I got actual shit to do! I don't live and breathe the studio like your sorry ass. No offense, Ian, my brother is great, please stay. Full offense, Mickey, get a fucking life!"
Mickey was left speechless and slightly embarrassed by Mandy's outburst and only managed to flip her off before she was out the door.
"Charming sister you got there," Ian let a quiet laugh slip before schooling his expression at Mickey's lack of amusement.
Mickey sighed and rubbed his hands down the length of his face for a moment. Ian and Mickey held eye contact a bit longer before Mickey abruptly straightened up and clapped his hands together. The noise startled Ian from his own amused trance.
"Alright, Clifford, how do you feel about private lessons for a little bit until you're not tripping over your own feet?"
Ian stepped forward to argue, but, proving Mickey's point, stumbled over the shoes on the floor in front of him. He didn't miss the way that Mickey's mouth quirked up on the side.
"Can't afford extra classes," Ian shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.
"It's on me," Mickey swiped his top lip. He didn't miss the way that Ian's gaze lingered on his mouth,"Kinda need you..." really want you, "to, uh, look good..." as if he doesn't already, fucking red-headed alien-looking motherfucker, "on the floor..." of my bedroom, goddamn it, Mick, get it together! "the, uh, dance floor."
Ian paused, considering the way that Mickey was stumbling over his words in a way that one might call endearing, another might call the-worst-fucking-experience-of-his-life.
"I'll do it."
Do me. Seriously, go drink some water, oh my god.
Mickey literally took a sip from his water bottle, hoping that it would at least calm his nerves. He was a professional!
He crossed his arms over his chest. "You free after class?" A pause, "To work on some skills, I mean."
"It's a date," Ian smirked, leaning down to pick up his shoes from the ground in front of him. By the time he was upright again, Mickey had already started walking away, but the blush on his cheeks and the back of his neck could be spotted from a mile away. He was utterly fucked.
Mickey yawned and got up from his stretching position on the floor. He walked over to the stereo, systematically knocking his dancer's feet on his way over until they were all turned out and pointed.
"No Orange Boy today?" Svetlana asked, meeting Mickey's eyes with a challenging stare.
Mickey ignored the chorus of "He's so hot!" "Have you seen his arms?" and "Ian's the nicest!" from the rest of the girls.
Svetlana raised her eyebrow in question and Mickey's defenses flew out the window. This goddamn power dynamic was going to be the death of him.
"I put him on private lessons until he's no longer a disruption to the class," he shrugged.
"Aww," one brunette pouted.
"Disruption to class or disruption to tiny bulge in your pants?" Svetlana smirked, earning some scandalized gasps from the other dancers.
Mickey flipped her off, "The fucker made me take out a greater insurance policy with all his accidents, don't be fucking absurd."
A blonde nodded understandingly from the back of the class, "My ankle is still a little funky from the last lift we tried."
Mickey held his arms out in a display of I-told-you-so and Svetlana rolled her eyes.
"Great!" Mickey clapped his hands together, earning the full attention of his class as they hurried to their feet, "Now that all the hot drama is outta the air, let's do a quick warm up combo across the floor. Chasse step pas de bourree double pirouette step arabesque, in 5, 6, 7, 8..."
Ian had been waiting outside the studio for the last ten minutes of class, more-so watching his instructor shift around than paying attention to what the dancers were actually doing. That's probably what got him into his current predicament, and he couldn't decide whether that was a curse or a blessing. Mickey's arms flexed as he pointed across the room to call out someone's weak spot.
Yup, it was a blessing.
Oh shit, Mickey was looking his way. Was this a double sided mirror? No, of course not. Why would there be a double sided mirror? Oh, Mickey was definitely staring at him. Fuck. Wait, did he just wink? No way, he must've just blinked. With one eye. Yeah, totally normal. Nothing to overthink, Ian.
Get it together!
Mickey dismissed his class five minutes early and it had nothing to do with the Jolly Ginger Giant standing outside his studio.
While most of his dancers wordlessly accepted the easy out, Svetlana stayed back to taunt. "Have fun with private lessons," she sneered, jerking off an invisible cock.
"Choke on it," Mickey retorted tossing her warm-up jacket at her face, which she swiftly caught.
Svetlana turned and made a show of looking Ian up and down, his cheeks turning pink under her intense gaze. She faced Mickey head on, "You will be vegetable stew by the time this man is done with you."
The fuck does that mean?
Sometimes Mickey thought that Svetlana spoke in riddles just to mess with him. He blamed it on the Russian accent, never mind he was part Ukrainian himself. The languages were similar, but not identical, fuck you very much.
But, damn, forget that, Gallagher looked good. He was wearing his usual white tank top and grey sweatpants, but Mickey never got the opportunity to openly ogle in class. Not that that was what he was doing now.
Ian returned the long look appreciatively before stepping closer and Mickey snapped back into professionalism, well as far as professionalism goes, Milkovich-style.
He turned his back on the bane of his pathetic existence and snapped a quick but polite, "Get your shoes on and we can get started."
"Oh, right."
That seemed to be enough to get the gears in Ian's head going again as he dropped his bag to the floor, echoing in the truly empty studio, and dropping down onto the floor himself to secure his ballet shoes, which may as well be clown shoes for as big as his feet were. Mickey fit into the same brand as the girls, but he had to order special for Gallagher.
"Thanks for doing this, Mickey."
Mickey. The way that this man said his name was making him feel all sorts of flustered that he would most definitely deny.
"Mandy said you don't usually make exceptions."
"Gotta catch you up to speed or you're gonna be dancing with the 5 year-olds, man."
Ian tilted his head considering.
Mickey frowned, "Don't do it."
Ian smirked and Mickey had to look away as a grin and blush creeped up on his own face.
"Alright, so we'll start you off with the basics."
Mickey went through their normal class routine, but broke it down slowly, pausing to explain certain positions in details he couldn't afford to spend time with in class, specifically how not to fall. It should have been fairly obvious in his opinion, but Ian still managed somehow. The first few times, he was on the floor before Mickey even knew he was going down.
But the third, Mickey made a mistake. Mickey instinctively reached out to catch him.
As soon as he realized where his hands were, he pulled them off like he'd been burned, which he may have well been. He pulled his gaze to his feet, studying the floor while he composed himself.
"Mickey," Ian waited until he looked up, and then he spoke so quietly, "You can touch me."
And what made things worse was that Ian's dazzling eyes left little to the imagination. They both knew where this was going, and the moment was too intense too quick. The longer their eyes held, the hotter Mickey felt his neck grow.
"Ya know," Ian stepped closer. "To fix my positions..."
Mickey swallowed, "Uh, I think we're done for today."
He regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. He never meant them to begin with. But if Ian stayed any longer, Mickey was going to climb him like a tree and that really wasn't under his personal code of professionalism, no matter how loose those terms may be to begin with. It was getting late anyways, he reasoned with himself.
"What about the lifts? That's the important part, right?" Ian questioned, eyes pleading like he would die without this one skill being taught to him by his oh-so-unprofessional instructor.
Mickey sighed. Ya know what? Fuck it.
Mickey sauntered over to Ian, pressed his back to Ian's front, and grabbed one of Ian's massive hands and placed it on his own waist.
Ian gave an experimental squeeze and Mickey softened in his grip.
"We're not doing the lift are we?" Ian murmured breathily, hot air making the hairs on the back of Mickey's neck tingle.
"What do you think, Firecrotch?" Mickey pushed his weight back into Ian's chest, which would be the second mistake of the day.
Ian toppled over backwards, landing with a painful sounding thud and sending Mickey down on top of him before he rolled off the the side with a groan.
Ian started laughing and Mickey was concerned. Was this idiot actually fucking concussed this time? He wasn't sure how he would explain this to his insurance company.
Mickey straddled Ian's lap, gently slapping his face, "Are you good, man? Alive?"
"Never better." Ian was still smiling like an absolute goof.
Mickey raised an eyebrow in concern.
"Seriously, I just can't play things cool," Ian raised his hips to grind against Mickey's ass, "Obviously."
"You're an idiot," Mickey rolled his eyes, and all Ian could do was grin and reach up towards Mickey's neck, pulling his down until their lips almost touched, sharing breaths and excitement.
"Maybe," another breath, "But I still got you to fall for me."
It was Mickey's turn to laugh, more of a raspy exhale than anything. His "fuck you" was almost lost between them as they fell together at last.
(side note: this was the lift that they were going to do, so i feel like the hand on the waist makes sense -- gotta have a visual lmao)
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obeymeluv · 4 years
The Bros as Dads
PSA: The boys would be very attractive dads (emotionally and physically). That is all.
Note: the headcanon also includes genders for the kids. I can see some of them having sons, and others having daughters. And, obviously, everyone is older (20′s-ish).
Takes a while to process the news. It’s kind of a big thing. His love life was something of a roller coaster (or nonexistent) until you. The ‘L’ word was a hurdle, now there’s a B word and a P word?!
When his brain realizes what you’ve said or if you show him some proof, the pride takes over FULL SWING (you can feel it explode in him, like his aura) and he purrs
You are truly his stars, his moon, and the heavens he so dearly misses
There’s this raw, vulnerable love in Lucifer’s eyes and it pretty much awes everyone because he’s usually so proper and reserved
The memories are old and dusty but Lucifer’s parenting instincts are strong
A type-A, fussy person. You may have 7 months left before you give birth, but the house will be spotless and perfectly proofed before you hit bed rest
Piles of parenting books suddenly sprout around the house. No one’s sure where they came from or how there’s even that many WRITTEN about parenting.
You and the child become his world. You’re his kryptonite, the only thing to convince him away from long hours or break him out of sour moods
Lucifer is very stressed, more than he thought he’d be, because you’re carrying his child and he worries for your health.
He’s with you every step of the way, from appointments to birth
He’d absolutely drop everything to tend to your needs, or appoint one of the brothers if he couldn’t.
Likes to busy himself with making a nursery and is actually good at themes/interior decorating
Has a tiny desk built in his study. The child won’t be able to join him for a while, but the idea of his tiny joy working on something beside him warms his heart
Hunts down obscure herbs and items from folklore that are supposed to bless pregnancies or benefit the unborn. Turns out he’s really nervous and superstitious.
Lucifer is the worst when it comes to shopping because his pride outweighs his logical restraint. If he convinces himself IN THE SLIGHTEST that his child would look good in something or the nursery could really use an item, it’s coming to the House of Lamentation
He ugly cries when he realizes you’re having a girl because he feels like Lilith has been given back to him.
Refuses to name his child Lilith because of everything that happened. Can’t settle for anything close to her name or any nicknames they gave her.
Makes you a sleeping space in his study. Loves to take breaks to watch you sleep. Unintentionally takes a break to kiss your stomach and talk to the baby.
Firm believer in ‘in the belly’ enrichment so you’ll have music playing and Lucifer will read to them all the time.
If the baby’s not with you, she’s with him. Lucifer has definitely shown up to a meeting with Lord Diavolo with his baby in a chest carrier. The meeting went flat because Diavolo wanted to play with the baby.
He’s the type of dad that demands total silence when the baby’s sleeping. Might have tied up some of his brothers to achieve it.
He’s not a total hard-ass (this kid has made a sucker out of him, okay?) but his kid will definitely have manners and knows to help clean up.
The type to take naps with his kid. He’ll get up at 2 in the morning and climb into their crib if they’re fussy.
Lucifer spent so much of his life being the primary caretaker for his bros that he forgets he’s not alone this time. When you push him back down so he can sleep, and tend to your daughter, his heart almost bursts with love.
On the fence about another child. The kid’s going to have pride in spades and he thinks a sibling will humble them (and make them less lonely). He’s also afraid of that prideful wrath and doesn’t want two prideful little demons always fighting
Isn’t the best with dressing up his kid but likes to give them fancy shoes. The shoes are always on point even if the rest of the outfit is a disaster.
Is 100% ready to receive any and everything “#1 Dad” because he IS, DAMN IT. He’ll use it regularly, too.
He’s freaking out hardcore (”You sure? Really, really sure? Maybe you just have gas or something. Y-yeah!”)
Doesn’t believe it until he sees a test. Promptly faints. Dead-ass faints as soon as he sees it.
Kind of remembers it when he wakes up, and you have to remind him again.
This time he’s pretty excited because THE GREAT MAMMON will be having a child. WHAT A GIFT, RIGHT? THE BEST GIFT!
All the magazines are snapping up this gossip and, for once in his life, he puts the earnings away. Kid has a nice fund going before they’re even born.
His schedule is 50% work, 50% family because YOUR MAIN MAN HAS TO BE THERE. Work just pays the bills and pads the nursery account, okay?
The Devildom has something similar to a baby shower and Mammon puts all KINDS of high-dollar shit on there. His baby’s going to be stylin’, okay?
Some crying in front of others, but an entirely different kind of crying behind closed doors. Vulnerable, grateful crying about being loved and having a tiny someone who will love him, too
Pays someone to explain baby stuff to him. How to change them, feed them, what type of breathing you should be doing. It surprised his bros because Lucifer could just give him that info. The fact that Mammon paid for it means he’s pretty serious about learning.
Gets tons of free maternity photos because all his magazines want the scoop. He gets to pamper you and see you all dressed up and beautiful and EVERY magazine has a shot of him crying like a proud sap.
Mammon hoards all of those pictures. Has a pile of them in his room, totally separate from everything else.
Has a lot of nervous energy and can get frustrated with all the baby books, so he distracts himself with scrap-booking. Surprisingly good at it.
Mammon thinks you’re just the most beautiful thing ever. He loves taking pictures of you. Wants the kid to have no doubts about how much he loves them and their parent.
He’s so lovesick. When you sleep or hug your belly or just touch it he melts.
Stacks Grimm on your belly when you sleep. Thinks it’s fun. Likes to record how big the towers get.
Not the best at getting up for your random-hour cravings and has definitely made you cry with his bluntness. When he’s more awake he’ll apologize and you guys will work it out.
When he finds out he’s having a little boy, the bros throw a party. Mammon gets semi-drunk and has a huge, ass-chewing lecture about how the bros made him feel for centuries and how they better not say ANYTHING like that to his kid.
You shot down any and all attempts to name the kid anything money related.
Almost passed out when you had the baby.
Cried when he first held him. Calls him Mamm-mini.
Totally planning the baby’s first photo shoot. Has people on standby to make matching outfits.
He now has a partner in crime and the kid can charm the pants off of anyone!
Mammon is 100% devoted to this kid and he secretly hopes he’s the favorite parent.
Lives for any second of bonding he can get. NEEDS IT TO LIVE. 100% a sappy dad.
The most supportive dad, always saying nice things because he knows people didn’t always say nice things about him.
Brain stops working. You almost think you’ve given him a heart attack
Levi feels you take the controller from his hand and instantly has to fill it with something else, taking yours. He looks at you and asks you again if you’re sure.
He can see it in your eyes and he just crows. He doesn’t know if he’s excited or scared but he made the noise.
Worries A LOT about the idea of becoming a father. Can gross otakus be good fathers? How does he dad?
Gets pre-stressed about social interactions. Kids have to go to school and have play-dates and Levi’s going to have to talk to people...ugh! Gross!
Definitely has a few break-downs (feelings of inadequacy, etc.) before Lucifer or Satan comfort him. He’s better than he thinks, just insecure. Everyone learns as they go. They have classes (”They’re like cheat codes, Levi.”) and it makes him feel better
His gaming friends send their congratulations and he gets lots of themed blankets and onesies.
Wants you to have a water birth because the water is his child’s calling. Really attached to the idea.
He’s constantly looking up guides to baby-proofing, double- and triple-checking safety specs of anything before buying it.
Spends HOURS scouring Akuzon, comparing brands, and reading reviews for everything.
Akuzon noticed he was buying lots of baby books and looking at baby-related things so they sent him a onesie.
You get a lovely beach/water-themed maternity shoot and Levi is so love-struck he gets a nosebleed. Once he’s cleaned up it makes a darling photo shoot.  
Has already made lists of anime for the kid to watch. Some are his favorite, some are for the lessons and moments that stuck with him
Asmo messaged TSL on the down-low and Levi got some quality kid-sized merch.
Tries to get you to name the baby Henry if it’s a boy. When he finds out it’s a girl, he pushes for Henrietta.
Reads TSL to the baby and plays ocean sounds.
As you get further along in your pregnancy, he buys a fridge for his room and stocks it with your favorite cold stuff. Any snack foods are just added to his stash.
You are absolutely worshipped. Craving something? Akuzon has it and the fastest pig is on it’s way. Your feet hurt? Try a water bath!
You’re his Player 2 now and forever (always have been), and he’s keeping you in perfect health.
Probably keeps a video journal for the kid or of the two of you during your pregnancy. Big on preserving stuff digitally.
Probably makes a game for his kid just because. They’ll be able to play it when they’re older.
Bought a ton of Magical Girl-style hairbows and things for when their hair grows in. His daughter’s a fucking princess, okay?
Belphegor bought the baby a goldfish onesie and Levi loves it to pieces.
Bought the baby a seashell bassinet and rocks them to sleep with his tail.
Levi has a bad sleep schedule and wakes easily, so he’s usually the first one to get up and handle the baby.
He has this complex about being a good dad. People can call him a weird, gross otaku but they’re ALSO going to mention how good of a dad he is!
Super affectionate with his kid in a quiet, whispering, mumbling way. Just thinks they’re the best thing.
Having a daughter really makes him rethink some of the ways he viewed anime characters and made him super critical. If his daughter ends up liking anime he’ll make it very clear what he thinks and how she shouldn’t let other people treat her like an object. 
His demon form gets triggered REALLY EASILY if his bros hold her for too long. THAT’S HIS BABY, THANK YOU!
Secretly hoped to be a father one day. Wanted to prove so badly that he could be one, and move past the constant fear of his temper looming over him. He didn’t want wrath to be his only legacy.
Can’t manage more than a genuine smile and a lilting laugh when you tell him, but he’s literally almost sick with joy. He’s just not the type to jump from the rooftops or anything
Asmodeus and Mammon convince him into drinking because he needs to let loose and really show it!
Satan ends up drunk-stumbling to Lucifer and plunking his head into his chest and crying. He’s crying because he’s happy and mumbling something about ‘granddad’. When his tears dry he’s happy as can be, smugly calls Lucifer an ‘old fuck’ and promptly throws up.
They’re past most of their bad blood but even Lucifer wasn’t surprised Satan never got EVERYTHING out of his system. A lot of his childhood memories are tainted with pure wrath instead of coming into his cardinal sin through some other mean. Or naturally, like puberty.
Between his personal research and Lucifer’s expertise, the baby-proofing is totally covered.
His book binges are strictly about pregnancies, suspicions, rituals, parenting, and anything he can think of that has to do with kids.
He’s big on teas and brews that are supposed to help with pregnancies and pains. Uses his many connections to get ingredients for said teas
Reads the classics and big epics to his unborn child.
Buys you some Hellcats for protection. They’re fiercely loyal, so he’ll know you’re safe.
He’d be the type to nag you about your diet, but not to be mean. He’d support it with this absolute WALL of evidence that turns into a lecture that could last for hours.
Has to fight the Hellcats to sit next to you or touch your belly a lot more than he thought he would. He’d never say it out loud, but he’s starting to hate the cats (he doesn’t mean it though).
Starts cleaning up his book piles a lot more. The baby would get hurt if the stacks fell on them. His room becomes virtually spotless.
You pick books to read together. You end up reading Satan to sleep, too. He keeps a hand on your belly.
Gets nervous about you wanting to go out, and basically tries to keep you in the House of Lamentation. Relents a little because hormones make you scary. He was basically afraid of nothing because the walks were fine.
You like to sit in the Devildom gardens and he thinks you look picturesque and wonderful. It takes his breath away.
Asmodeus is your personal photographer because Satan doesn’t think anyone else will do you justice.
Finds out you’re having boy-girl twins and totally shuts down. What does he say? How does he respond? BELPHIE OR BEEL WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE TWINS! WHY HIM?!
Lucifer is BEYOND amused. This is definitely payback for everything Satan did in his childhood (so the saying goes).
It doesn’t bother him as much when he starts buying smart little cardigans, button-ups, ribbons, and bowties. He’s actually quite happy.
The Hellcats act weird and tip him off to your contractions before your water breaks. Satan gets you to the hospital and helps you give birth. The twins grow to look more like him than you, but if someone mistakes you for the nanny or says something derogatory, he’s pulling two ferocious kids off an idiot
Satan was afraid he’d be a short fuse, but he becomes the parent that explains everything to death (for better or worse). The kids will get a lecture when they’re bad, when the ask ‘why’ to something, he’ll explain why he gave the punishment he did, and be very clear with anything.
Quickly falls in love with the idea of you being pregnant. It’s the best! Proof of his truest love, the thing that makes his heart beat!
He loved you to pieces before you were pregnant, and loves you even more now (if that’s possible).
Always wants to be with you, smothering your belly with kisses and touches and looking at it like it’s the next greatest love of his life
Takes names very seriously. “My child is a gift unto this world. People will know their name, so it has to be a good one!”
Gets really wrapped up in decor and aesthetic. He’d be a one-man force for all of it if you didn’t tell him to stop and breathe! Asmodeus just has lots of ideas, okay?
Has a really hard time understanding the value of baby-proofing until Satan smushes a few of his lipsticks in his hand and knocks around some finishing powder (”Now imagine that. All the time. With anything you love.”). 
Hires someone to baby-proof the room because that’s just not his thing. He’ll handle securing the valuables, okay?
Constantly reading about beauty rituals and things to do for his pregnant wife. She’s doing something really hard and deserves to be pampered!
You’ll constantly be pampered or trying ‘this and that’ because he read it was good for the baby. Good for beauty, good for health, etc.
Has a pretty decent diet, himself, and keeps you on yours.
You definitely have pregnancy sex a few times. Anything he can do to help you out, you know?
Asmodeus ADORES watching you grow round with his child and LIVES for helping you take care of yourself. He’ll let you lounge in his fantastic tub and has no issues sitting on the floor and doing your toes
Picks out all your outfits. Wants you to look your best! Don’t worry, you’ll be comfy!
When he finds out you’re having a girl he cries. A lot.
SO MANY BABY UPDATE BROADCASTS ON DEVILGRAM! There is an official ‘baby watch’. It’s trending more than you thought it would.
Takes TONS of videos.
His baby is easily the most fashionable child in all of Devildom.
Takes really candid, private photos that have a lot of sentimental value. A lot of your pregnancy photos are you looking comfy in bed or sitting at a vanity in breezy clothes as he does your makeup.
The type of dad to sit down in the middle of the store to play with toys (are they good enough for his kid? Like, really?). Must feel everything before he buys it. If he doesn’t like how it feels, he won’t buy it.
You end up giving birth earlier than planned and Asmo almost throws up because birth doesn’t look like he thought it would
Super nervous during your pregnancy because you’re in pain and there’s lots of noises.
Busies himself doing your makeup because that’s the only way he can handle the situation. You’re holding his tail and he SWEARS you’re going to break it off!
The bros help deliver his little angel and Asmo is SMITTEN. ABSOLUTELY SMITTEN.
Holding his baby 24/7.
Loses sleep just because he watches them sleep. Sometimes he loses sleep for real because DAMN, babies don’t sleep a lot, do they?
It’s really hard to adjust to and he’s surprised his skin isn’t god-awful.
Doesn’t regret a thing, fawning over their tiny nails and little curls, and OMG EVERYTHING! Cries a lot because they’re just perfect
His wardrobe reflects his dad status but he still looks like a DILF. You can give him the most classic dad attire and it just looks good on him.
He’s excited about your pregnancy. Boy honestly tried for it, you know? Studied positions and everything.
Beelzebub has so much love and the idea of holding a tiny someone just warms his heart
Everything kid-related is totally foreign to him except for how to act with them. He and Belphie were the youngest so he was used to being taken care of until he got old enough to climb and eat on his own.
The type of guy to need explicit, step-by-step instructions on EVERYTHING. He doesn’t have a brain for it like Satan or Lucifer, so he needs help
Seriously. Give him a checklist for baby-proofing and he’ll get it done.
Gets pretty down about not being able to cuddle and snuggle like normal, but he’ll look into safe ways to do so.
Has special snuggles with the baby. Kisses your belly and rubs it. Talks to your baby like the little demon it is (even if it doesn’t have a name yet).
Lives for the times you talk to the baby, talk yourself out of bed, or how you absently talk to your belly throughout the day.
Works out to deal with stress and nerves, but also because he wants to be a good, strong dad
The doctors give him a list of exercises you can do and he does them with you
Can’t really take the nutrition advice seriously. He eats pretty much everything and you probably will, too.
When people ask him about your pregnancy, he uses very inclusive language (”We’re expecting, etc.”)
You make mini-dates out of your late-night cravings. Beel is totally in love with it.
Beelzebub becomes your food finder. There’s been times where you look at him so cutely, so imploringly, and all you can manage is ‘spicy and crunchy’. He’ll find you something, don’t worry! He’s an expert!
Big on massages and cuddling. Likes to cup his hands over your belly and trace it.
The type of dad to gain weight with you as your pregnancy moves along. Becomes soft, strong dad.
Finds out you’re having twin boys and has the happiest crying session ever. Belphie is the first to know and all Beel can say is ‘Just like us!’ as he nearly crushes his twin to death.
Likes to dress them in cute and comfy clothes. Animal onesies? Yes!
At some point yours twins are going to look like hotdogs and hamburgers. There’s no shortage of food costumes thanks to Levi, Asmo, and Beel.
Suspicious about baby food, bugs Satan about how nutritious it is, and tries all of it just to be sure.
Some of their teething toys look like real food. Beelzebub ate one on accident.
Is a perfect gentle giant. Afraid of hurting them, for they are tiny and precious, but gets over that pretty quickly.
Always wants to cuddle and hold them. You have to make him leave them alone to sleep. Gets kind of sad when they’re napping because he can’t make faces at them or hear them laugh. Right back to his usual self when they wake up, though.
You best believe they learn their alphabet by studying food. Beelzebub will stand in the kitchen and dig through the pantry until he finds things that match the letters of the alphabet 
He’s kind of surprised you ended up pregnant because the sex is usually lazy and casual. Yes, he has the moments where it’s pretty hardcore, but...wow. For some reason, he just didn’t see you getting pregnant.
Secretly hopes you have more than one kid. Something in him would just be happy if there’s more than one kid. You think it comes from the time he spent alone in the attic but never say it.
Sleeps a lot more. Not out of avoidance or anything, but because naps will be rare in the future. He likes to think he’s stockpiling sleep.
Makes sure you’re comfy at all times.
Would love for you to sleep and be cozy but apparently that’s not healthy for humans, so he takes easy walks around the house and keeps you semi-active.
He’ll give you his cow pillow to use as a back pillow. It’s his way of letting the baby use it until he can share it with them.
Listens to a lot of audiotapes about parenting. Looks at books, too, but does better with audio. 
Reads a new bedtime story to your kid every night.
Sometimes you guys sleep in the star room so he can talk to them about constellations. They can’t see anything, of course, but he still goes into detail.
Isn’t much of a picture person and doesn’t see the point in taking maternity pictures. It’s actually because Belphie has a photographic memory so he remembers everything.
The bros force him into taking maternity pictures.
The type to journal everything. He writes a big-ass, super-detailed diary for the baby.
Is kind of worried about his temperament, so he’ll take some classes on how to handle stress and stuff before the babies arrive
Becomes King of Lists. There’s lists for everything. Lists help. Lists are good.
When he finds out you’re having triplets (a boy and two girls), he doesn’t know how to react. You saw him smile though. It doesn’t sink in until you’re hugging him. “I’m never sleeping again,” he realizes with absolute terror.
Beelzebub is super excited. “That’s twins plus a bonus!”
Very snobby about the nursery decor. Also very tactile like Asmodeus. If it doesn’t feel good, it’s not going in the nursery.
Wants a barn-themed nursery (to include as many cow-related things as possible)
You get the comfiest PJs.
With three kids, he lives by embroidery. He has to have a way to tell them apart, after all (the girls, at least).
Can’t hoard the babies but wants to. Hates that he doesn’t have enough arms to hold them all at the same time.
Is very interested by their tendency to hold each other and nap together. Finds it super adorable.
Makes a super-sized crib he can climb in and sleep with them. It’s basically a Belphie-sized bed with little attachments his kids sleep in. Separates them all just enough so he doesn’t worry about hurting them, but there’s still contact
Thanks whatever god exists that they mostly stay on a schedule together. Makes it stressful for changing diapers, but very fun to feed them.
Almost dies laughing when Lucifer holds them for the first time because one vomited on him, the other sneezed in his face, and one pooped so much it got on his pants leg.
Lulls them to sleep with his happy purr, and gets woken up from a dead sleep by pure love when they make the sound back. Suddenly there’s three chirpy purrs rolling against him and he’s in love.
Proud they love their mama so much (to the point of being TOTAL mama’s kids), but also kind of relieved he can breathe.
The three trade off occasionally when they realize he’s free real estate and come to him for snuggles. They all love him so he doesn’t mind.
This house supports cuddle piles! Belphie got them hooked on group naps for a young age and they sleep together now. 
Hope you liked it :)
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