#they're even almost birthday twins come on
Is Chris being slutty because it's Libra season? Is that it? I hope Jeonghan doesn't betray me.
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ffsg0jo · 5 months
tw: grief, death, illness, and angst - i wrote this in like half an hour and i was really in my feels, so pls excuse me if it's bad
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uncle sukuna, who's been in and out of jail, is always seemingly in trouble with the law and couldn't give two shits about it. ever since leaving home and his twin brother behind, he's only lived for himself and himself only. he'd be damned if he lets anyone change that.
he receives a voicemail from his brother one day, telling him he's had a little baby boy called yuuji. jin wants to put everything in the past behind them and would love for his brother to meet his precious son. sukuna only scoffs and deletes the voicemail almost immediately.
it's only when jin texts him a video of yuuji (who he's surprised to see almost looks exactly like him, minus all the tattoos) 8 months later babbling what could be interpreted as "papa", does he falter. the kid's adorable, but sukuna isn't ready to face his brother just yet.
many more months go by, and jin seems to have taken the hint. except he gets sent another video, this time on his birthday. he clicks on the video, unable to resist and its yuuji, wobbling on two legs, clapping his hands, and singing his own version of happy birthday (??). he's gotten so much bigger and looks so much like his father.
the only word sukuna recognises from yuujis incoherent nonsense is 'kuna', and his heart softens. he messages back a "cute." and leaves it at that. jin sees the message and doesn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.
jin messages him again a week later, only this time sukuna's heart drops. kaori's dead, and her funeral's next week. he's only met her twice, but she was good for his brother, and she was always good to him too.
he sees his brother for the first time in years at the funeral. jin's hair is a mess, his face unshaven and sunken in; grief seemed to have aged him 10 more years. sukuna's many things, a bad brother included, but something in him breaks when he sees yuuji screaming in his father's arms, not understanding where his mum's gone.
he doesn't know why, but he walks up to jin and offers to take yuuji instead. the toddler immediately calms down in his hold, now more confused as to why there's a man that looks exactly like his dad but with sharpie all over him. jin breaks down, stammering out a thank you, and excuses himself, leaving sukuna alone with his nephew. he'll hunt down his brother later, but for now, he'll keep the brat occupied so his dad can grieve.
sukuna hears from his dad that jin's fallen ill months later. he's speaks to his brother more often now and has even met up with both him and yuuji a couple of times. but jin's never mentioned being sick. he's been looking worse, for sure, but he just put it down to being a single father to an energetic toddler.
he moves in with them the next week. jin keeps getting worse and even little yuuji's noticed.
sukuna tries his best. he really does. he's not been there for jin previously, but he makes sure he's there now when it matters. it's all new to him, caring for people. he tries to cook the most nutritious meals for jin, making sure they're yuuji friendly too. he makes sure the house is always clean, even though yuuji's making a mess every 10 minutes. he changes diapers (both yuuji's and jin's), bathes them both, and tucks them both into bed. he even reads yuuji a bedtime story just to maintain normacly even though he hasnt read since he was a child.
he checks up on jin, constantly seeing if he's feeling okay and gives him his medicine. he holds onto jin with the utmost care (almost carrying him) when they go to visit kaori's grave or when yuuji insists on both of them coming to the park with him. when jin can't sleep at night due to being in excruciating pain, he's there. by his side and holding him. he's never been this affectionate, but he's also never had a dying brother before.
it's still not enough, though. the last couple of days were the hardest, and even yuuji knew enough to be on his best behaviour.
sukuna silently sobs into his pillow at night, when the whole world's asleep. he's filled with regret and hatred for himself, but he knows it's too late now. he tells his brother he loves him and that he promises to take care of yuuji no matter what. jin only smiles, his eyes shining with unshed tears, and tries to kiss his cheek as a thank you, and i love you too.
jin died with one arm holding yuuji, the other holding sukuna's, and his wife's name on his tongue.
sukuna was left all alone, once again. except this time, he had no brother to give yuuji back to. as he promised jin, the stars as his witness, he'd do anything for yuuji and to keep him safe.
his life was no longer his own. he had his nephew to think about.
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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dumbbitchgalore · 25 days
can we please get girl!dad price 😩
Got a few asks like this so imma just condense them into one.
Girldad!Price is an absolute menace to society but a damn teddy bear to his daughters.
Headcanon him to have three daughters aged 17 and 11 year old twins.
Absolutely lets them do whatever as kids:
Twins used to draw on the walls with crayons and the older sister would get worried and guilty so she'd srub the walls even though Price doesn't really care who would rather have them up on the walls
Price joins in on the girls' tea parties
Oldest had a phase of doing everyone's hair and makeup so she'd always practice on John first before doing in on others because John is her mistakes dummy
When home from deplyment, he'd take his daughters on bike rides around the house and take them to parks as well in the afternoon
Can never say so, comes home from a shopping trip with the girls holding bags upon bags as they almost topple over
Buys all her girls cars when they're old enough to drive. 4X4, 6 cylinder SUVs because they're more 'reliable' than those 'cheap hatchbacks and sedans' 'my girls aren't gonna drive in a car that can break down in two days'
Takes her girls' car to the mechanic cause he knows that they'll be scammed if they go by themselves.
Never fails to cry when his daughters pass a milestone: birthdays, graduations, weddings, first jobs, etc
Overall, John Price is a girl dad through and through and will do everything to his very best to give his daughters the best life possible. He is only human and does stuff up occassionally but never lets his girls stay mad for too long, always making it up to them.
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sinofthesloth · 10 months
Different Animals, Different Boys
SYNOPSIS: How do the House Wardens deal with their significant others odd pets?
♥ sfw, gn! reader, quick story, all house wardens ( almost forget Vil originally ) ♥
Riddle - Ferret
"Will it be like treating the hedgehogs?" Try to compare the treatment of a ferret to how he and the dorm care for the hedgehogs on campus.
Since you are the ferret's owner, he will expect you to know how to take care of him, but Riddle will look things up to make sure he, and you, are doing it properly. also look forward to him looming over your shoulder to see how to do whatever it is you are doing for its care.
"The internet says they smell. Why do you have an animal that smells?"
Refuses to let anyone near your pet if you leave him in charge of him for a little bit. He is worried Ace or Deuce will do something stupid and hurt the poor animal.
Will let the ferret run around in his dorm room while he watches it. He will also study as the baby sits in his lap napping as does so.
You brought the ferret dressed up to an un-birthday party, and he is now a required guest. Riddle will also buy him different outfits so he fits the theme.
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Leona - House cat
Will take naps together, but will throw a fit if the cat gets there first. The cat will also throw a fit if Leona gets there first. Most of the time you have to separate the two by placing one of them into a different sunspot.
Has and will continue to take photos of the cat and place text of it. It's his way of getting revenge when he is the one that is being dragged into another sunspot.
All three of you will lay together when the two of them actually behave. Leona on the bottom, the cat on top, and you sandwiched in between the two of them.
They both do get zoomies at the same time of the night. Leona will get up to grab a snack or start death scrolling on tiktok or just walk the halls of the dorm. The cat knows every time he gets up and will follow Leona up and down those halls. Leona won't say anything, but he enjoys the quiet company.
If you have to leave the cat in the dorms while you deal with Ace and Deuce's bullshit, he will kidnap the cat. That's how he knows for a fact that you will come visit him.
Grim hates sharing the dorm with a non-magical cat and will help Leona steal him.
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Azul - Rabbit
Does not enjoy how chaotic this thing is and tries to make you leave both of them at the dorms. You refuse to leave them alone with Grim for a night, so when he wants a sleepover, it's you and the boys.
Tires to make the twins take care of them when he wants to spend time with you without having to worry about them chewing things up in his room.
Has bought your boys toy and equipment in hopes that they will calm down by running off the energy they have. Also will buy them treats, but will not tell you since he doesn't want you to know he likes them. Sometimes. He just wants to make sure they like him.
Extremely surprised how long their tails truly are. Will look things up just to see if they're true with your bunnies.
When you are arguing, he will pick them up and hold them both in front of his chest and say, "Really? In front of our sons?" Just to make you embarrassed by the implications. It almost never works, but seeing him hold them so close to himself is adorable and will comment about making another one with him.
Will end up with both of them on his chest/stomach by the end of the night while you use his shoulder as a pillow.
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Kalim - Snake
He was interested in the snake but was worried it was venimus and Jamil refused to let him anywhere near it.
If the snake is out of the cage, Kalim is somewhere watching, wanting to play with it. If you let him, make sure Jamil is busy. You don't want him on your ass.
Finds it cute when they bury themselves in the sand within their containment.
He will buy the snake a larger Tank and even allows you to bring it with you when you come over to spend the night.
Loves putting little hats on your snake and seeing them stand. Finds it adorable when the baby girl crawls into your textbooks to make you take a break
Refuses to be in the room during feeding time for the snake. He will wait outside with the door closed. He will ask you to make sure she has fully digested her meal before coming back inside the room
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Vil - rat
when you told him you owned a rat, he laughed an told you it was impolite to call whatever you had as a rat. "I'm sure she looks beautiful." "She is beautiful. A beautiful rat."
Rook lost it at Vil's face once he saw the animal was a literal rat. "I was thinking you meant like a.. ratty dog. or something. I didn't expect a uh actual rat." "I told you she was a rat." He was very surprised to say the least.
Tries to be supportive since he knows rats are actually clean animals, but just the thought of something with thumbs running up his arms makes his skin crawl.
Will not hold her if his skin has the chance to touch her. Will wear gloves with a long sleeve turtleneck. If you dress up the rat, it will be better since it won't be direct skin to skin contact.
Will watch her eat since he thinks it's cute to watch her hands cup the meal. Just make sure you have hand sanitizer at the ready.
He will also smile and laugh watching you fight her over your food if she is out of the cage while you snack. Once he gets used to seeing her and being around her more often, he might just surprise himself by grabbing her once he sees that you are losing to a literal rat. "Never thought I'd see a rat beat my sweet potato, but they do eat anything."
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Idia - Mop dog
Trips over him constantly
you know the white dog in Ariel? Same dog.
Found it hilarious when the dog followed you into the janitors closet and sat in the mop bucket.
Started dying with laughter when the dog started whining that you didn't push him around in the bucket.
The dog napped a lot at his feed while he games.
You joking put a tray on his head with one of Idia's gamer's drink, and pointed to Idia, and the dog brought it to him. You did make him give him a treat for helping.
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Malleus - Bearded dragon
Definitely thought it was going to be much bigger.
Also tried to speak to them in his native tongue to find out that it does understand.
He refuses to keep him in the cage. "There is no need for my future son to be held captive in a glass cage, Y/N."
Makes him multiple little paper outfits.
Made him try on wings and he almost refused to let Malleus or you remove them.
"Look Y/N! He is smiling at me! He loves me."
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glorious-imagines · 5 months
Don't Wanna Be Torn
1 2 3 4
Jason lay on his bed, staring at his stained ceiling as he tossed a stress ball. He hadn't gone to see Isabel or the twins. Not yet. Not when he had Gabby's words swirling in his head like a maelstrom. Not when he had to make another choice that would shake his foundations. In hindsight, he should've thought about the first foundation-shaking choice more deeply. He probably would've been able to still be happy with Y/n.
Y/n... Not a day had gone by that she wasn't on his mind. The true object of his affection. He missed the catch, and the plushy ball landed on his face with a soft thunk. A light huff escaped his nostrils, and he just laid there, eyes closed. Basking in the silence. Images of Y/n flashed in his mind. His heart is aching for her. 
When the image of her laughing with Conner shot forth, his lids opened abruptly. Of course. Even in his own mind, there is no peace. He should be used to that by now. His mind has never been a place of comfort. Y/n probably wouldn't be happy if he came running back to her. Uprooting the work she's taken to heal her hurt. He wouldn't forgive himself, either.
He sat up, the stress ball rolling down his face as he did so. He stared at it for a moment. It was a stupid gift from Roy. He'd gotten it at the at the last minute for one of his birthdays. Jason hardly celebrates such a day. But this stupid two-dollar toy from a nearby gift store was all that remained. He didn't fully understand why, but he cherished the ball. When Roy gave it to him, he said, don't forget to think about you. Jason had since taken it everywhere.
He stuffed it in his pocket with a centering huff. "Time to face the music." He wasn't at all enthusiastic about what he was going to do. But almost thirty minutes later, he was outside Isabel's hospital room.
He takes a breath. And another. The haze in his mind cleared, but his heart seemed to constrict. His hands were getting clammy as he reached to open the door. He swallowed when he saw Isabel sitting between the twins incubators.
Isabel's face lights up when she notices him. "Jay! Hi, I didn't think you were coming."
He grabbed the nearest chair and dragged it to the foot of her bed. "Hey, Isabel. How are you? You feeling okay after everything?"
"Yeah, it was a surprise, but myself and our babies are fine." She took a sip of the little orange juice cup.
He nods with a barely noticeable, somber smile on his face. "Good, I'm glad." 
Silence quickly invades the room. It steals the air of normalcy and creates a smog of tension. Isabel's eyes seem to be trained on her juice cup. Jason's were fixed on her. 
And they stay like that for what feels like hours to Isabel. She huffs in annoyance and looks back at him. Her face is scrounged in an awkward mix of apprehension and annoyance. "She told you, right? Gabby? About that guy?"
Jason snorts and grabs one of her juice cups, poking a straw into the top before taking a drink. Isabel watches with a growing pit in her stomach. 
"I don't wanna cause you too much stress, so I'll get to the point." He started when she finished the small drink and placed it back on the table. "I know they're not mine."
"I think you've said more than enough these past months. It is absolutely shit that you derailed the trajectory of my life to make me play father to someone else's kids.
"Jason, please--"
"Not done." He levels his oceanic blues into her, through her. "I was prepared to marry her. She was it for me. And you stole that life from me." 
To her, he is scarily calm. He should be yelling. Yelling would be less stressful. Even if it woke the twins, she would prefer his anger to... whatever the hell he was giving her. If the twins suddenly woke, they would have no choice but to end this conversation.
"I will never forgive you for that. It hurt me, but more importantly, it hurt Y/n. And she deserves so much more." He could feel the heat of his pain welling up. He took a deep breath. "I'm not upset about that guy. I never said we were official. From the start, I was only here for the twins. I would've helped, Isabel. You were my friend. I would've helped if you asked."
"Were?" She involuntarily questions.
"After all this, there's no way we can maintain the relationship we once had."
The tears pooling in her sapphires spilled over. "Jason, please, I'm sorry."
He stands and stretches. "M'gonna call in some favors. Get you set for when you leave."
"If you need anything for the twins, and I doubt you will, you have my number. But only for the twins. I won't respond to anything else, and if you try to trick me, I'll cut you off completely." He opens the door and says, "Goodbye, Isabel."
At the gala, Conner let Y/n know what he'd said to Jason. He described it as childish and stupid, and he was very sorry. And he dropped to his knees and begged her not to ghost him or something.
It was super embarrassing, but also incredibly hilarious. Such a huge guy was on his knees, begging for forgiveness, and putting on such a show. She laughed, genuinely and heartily as she pulled him up. She gave him another shot, but he had to work double time if he wanted her to be with him. He was more than happy to agree, of course.
From then on, he'd been attached at the hip to her. She didn't mind; she liked having him work so hard for her. She wished Jason had done the same. They wouldn't be in the mess they currently find themselves.
Not that she actually knew what he was going through. She just knew that chick would be a hand full. If she wasn't pregnant, she'd have hit her. And she definitely would've deserved it.
Thinking about her made Y/n's blood boil. So she stopped. And maybe that's what she's needed all along. To just stop. Though her heart aches for Jason, his sense of responsibility takes him elsewhere. And even if he were to come back...
The thought of leaving Conner pulled her full lips down and made her stomach swirl in the worst way. He felt comforting and warm. A feeling that wasn't new to her but was severely missed. Like he was hot tea on a bitterly cold night.
She looked up from idly circling her martini glass rim. "Hm?"
"You okay? Seem a bit lost."
"Just a bit of thinking."
"Not about boys. Pleeaase not about boys," Shana whined childishly.
Y/n puckered her lips, her head turning up a bit and away, her eyes going back to her friend like a puppy that made a mess of the trash. Shana chuckled and elbowed her lightly. "Because of course you are," she said, rolling her eyes. "So, what's the problem this time?"
Y/n shrugs, taking a sip of her martini. "There isn't one. I think I'm finally moving on from Jason."
Shana's eyes narrowed suspiciously, and her lips pursed. "Yeah, alright."
"I'm serious. No gotcha's. But listen, I have a question."
"What would you say if I said I was thinking about moving to Metropolis?"
Shana's eyes go wide, completely confounded, as she stares into Y/n's soul. "Perdeste a cabeça?! You didn't even move on Jason this fast! Did that super freak brainwash you?" Shana snatches her head up and examines it with her magic.
Y/n shoves her off. "Shana, girl, I love you, but if you ever put your hands on me like that again, I'ma forget you my best friend." 
Shana is still looking at her as if she's hiding something, to which Y/n rolls her eyes. "I'm not going for Conner, fucking duh."
"Then why?"
"I may or may not have been aiming for a spot on the Justice League for the past few years."
Shana freezes for a moment, scrutinizing her for a moment. After a minute, she snorts and then bursts into laughter. "You're kidding, right?"
Y/n's lip quirks up in a frown, and she plucks her on the forehead. "Here I was talking about something other than the men in my life, and here you are being an ass."
"Ow, okay," Shana says, rubbing the spot where she plucked. "Sorry, geez."
"Anyway, Superman and a few others wanna hold interviews, and they want me to do some kinda trial run in Metropolis."
"Why? You're great at what you do."
"Yes, but am I JL great? That's what they wanna find out. Besides, I never planned on staying in Gotham for so long. I think my true calling is Manhattan, anyway."
"Why am I just finding out about this anyway?
"Because you have close relations with the Batfamily."
"Batfamily? What the fuck? Where did that BS name come from?"
It was Y/n's turn to scrutinize Shana. "Batfamily? You not bouta tell me you've never heard that before."
"Should I have?"
"Literally everyone says it."
"No, they don't."
"Yes, they do."
"Nuh uh."
"Yuh huh."
"Nuh uh."
"I'm not doing this with your ass right now." She downs the rest of her drink and gathers her things. "Pay for this martini, and I swear I'll spot you later."
"We both know that's a lie, but sure, get outta here. Amo-te, desarrumado." They kiss each other on the cheeks, and Y/n departs.
As Y/n is walking to her apartment, she has the misfortune of running into a couple of low-level criminals trying to steal a car. 
"You know, I don't think that's yours."
"And I think you'd best move along." He pulls a gun on her, but she is unphased by it. "Less you wanna be a victim to this crime."
"I bet you thought you ate that one." The criminals look up just as a figure falls from the sky and lands on one of them.
Y/n knew that physique well. It used to embrace her while she cooked breakfast at three in the morning. Shield her from the demons that plagued her in the dark. That voice that whispered sweet nothings when he thought she was sleeping. That voice that chortled mockingly at something that she hadn't meant as a joke, but she joined in the mirth. And when those eyes landed on her, she could feel the moment he first told her, I love you.
And just for a moment, she wanted to run into his arms and say it back. Just for a moment, she wanted nothing more than to feel all those things again.
"Can we talk?"
"I really don't want to do that."
"Please, Y/n?" 
She had to look away from him. The slight tremble in his tone as he pleaded, the glossy bit of hope that seemed to fill his eyes overwhelmed her. Even with his mask on, she still knew him so well.
She crossed her arms tightly over her abdomen, her hands cradling her biceps protectively. She huffs and does nothing else, but Jason quickly deals with the criminals and calls the police. 
She follows him to his motorcycle, where he puts her helmet on her, making sure it's secure. She wraps her arms around his midsection, and he pats her hands twice. The whole exchange is silent, and the ride follows suit. As well as the climb to the roof of the clock tower, where Jason walks behind her, ready to catch her.
Both hearts hammer in their chests. Both minds fuzzy and anxious. Hands fiddling with each other.
Above them, the stars twinkle and glitter. Their own conversations endless. She wondered what they spoke of. If the language they used ever became a hindrance to them. 
Jason took a seat just a bit behind her. His arms were propped up on his knees as he gazed at her. He swallowed, and his mouth opened, but nothing came out. His teeth clenched and his jaw set, his brows furrowing while he scrutinized the way her eyes shimmered in the moonlight. 
"Just like stars." He murmured abruptly.
And when she turned those eyes on him, he felt his breath catch. The world seemed to slow along with his heart. A wave of serenity washed over him.
"Your eyes. They always remind me of stars."
Warmth fills her face, and her nose tingles. "O-oh, I-- th-thank you." Just as her words her heart stutters. Because, of course, he can make her feel just like a schoolgirl confessing to her crush.
"I miss you, Y/n." He closes his eyes, a soft sigh escaping his lips and a weight lifting from his shoulders. "I miss you so damn much."
She bites her bottom lip to keep from saying it back. She takes a deep breath through her nostrils and blinks away tears. A war started in her the moment she saw him. And she was determined not to succumb to it.
She looks away. Back out at the plagued city below. "You wanted to talk. So talk."
His head hangs, a tired breath escaping his lips. "The kids turned out to not be mine.
Her heart picks up pace, and her head whips back around to him. Brows slowly knit together, her bottom lip quivering with her shakey breath. "Kids?"
He explains everything that's led up to this moment. "I won't pretend I'm not entirely hurt and disappointed by this. I just—I want you back. I was an idiot to ever leave you." 
He lets his words sink in a bit, and they do sink in. They permeate and invade. She feels... dizzy? Dazed? Her mind is fuzzy, and her loud heart is beating her ears. And his words--.
Gently, his hands cupped her face, soft like petals to his touch. His eyes, intense, warm, and focused drink in her own, uneasy, anticipating, and longing. His lips quirked up slightly on the right, strained and bittersweet. He brought her forehead down to his lips, planting a lingering kiss, then pulled her into an encompassing embrace.
"I'm sorry... I can't seem to stay away from you."
And she was sorry, too. She didn't want him to stay away. Fuck.
damn part 5. I remember when I said this would be no more than 5 parts... welp
Tags: @b4tm4nn @iyuuii @jaguarthecat @rhyanna6012
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reikorun · 7 months
KlubOutside Q&A 401-500 [Translation]
Translated by @reikorun
I'd like to ask you a question about BTW! Given that "Bruno" means "bull" (*buru = bull in Japanese) and the crest which represents "The Inks" is also reminiscent of Taurus, are you perhaps using the zodiac constellations as a reference for the names of characters?
No, that's not the inspiration. I didn't even consider the "bull" in "Bruno"…. Now that you've brought it up, it does appear as though I used that as source material, LOL.
It is said that the Gotei 13 constitutes just under 3000 people, but with this many Shinigami, is it possible that this can result in Zanpakutō with the same names? Also, will it ever have the same name as a Zanpakutō that existed in the past?
No two Zanpakutō can ever hold the same name in the same era. It may, however, share the same name as a Zanpakutō from the past.
What is the name of Ryūken's mother?
I have passed on background details to anime staff so depending on the composition of the story, it may appear in the anime.
Do you have a favorite character among the Dragon Quest heroines? I like Jessica.
I guess the childhood friend from Dragon Quest 4….
I have a question. Is the horizontal line running across Hisagi's nose a tattoo or tape…? In the anime, it was drawn to look very tape-like, but the one Kubo-sensei drew in color on the cover of the novel, for instance, is expressed with the same coloring as his "69" tattoo, so personally I assumed the anime turned it into something that was tape-like for a certain reason, but is it in fact a tattoo?
Did it really end up looking like tape…? It's a tattoo.
What is your favorite traditional Japanese sweet? Alternatively maybe I can ask, do you prefer sweet or salty?
I like sweet foods more, and I like almost all traditional Japanese confectionery made with Tsubuan (*chunky sweet red bean paste).
Will Ichika's Zanpakutō turn out to be Mirokumaru, the same one owned by Senna?
That won't happen. They're two different people and Mirokumaru isn't a name I came up with.
The certificate of residence bonus was wonderful! I'm a huge fan of the actual contents of course, but the red seal which secured the envelope and the "KOS" design representing the name of this fanclub is so cool. 
This was Ishino-san's design proposal. Isn't it great?
About the Shiba siblings and Ichigo, are they cousins?
That's how it is.
The Granz brothers share the same birthday, height and weight, but are they considered twins?
They are.
What kind of dog is Uni-chan?
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I would like to learn more about the mechanics of Shunpo. Unlike teleportation, if you come under attack while moving, will the attack successfully land?
If it can keep up with the movement speed, the attack will land.
In volumes 15 and 32, Hitsugaya Tōshirō is seen making fun of Hinamori, calling her "bedwetter Momo", I believe this indicates that he's old enough to remember Hinamori from her early childhood. In the general overview of the Gotei 13 from "KaraBuri+", it's mentioned that his current concerns include the sluggish rate of his growth. Furthermore, in volume 26, Hinamori says "I don't need to be given advice about growing by Hitsugaya-kun!!" Judging by this, it seems that Hitsugaya has been experiencing a longer period of halted physical growth compared to others, however is it possible that he is older than Hinamori?
He's older.
I like the atmosphere of Soul Society's architecture. Are there any places you used as reference?
Other than Louis Kahn and Oscar Niemeyer which I mentioned in a previous Q&A, I like Brutalist architecture and have been aided by, or rather, influenced by the Royal National Theater in England, Corbusier's chapel in Ronchamp and the Trinity Church in Vienna to name just a few. Additionally, I also like the residence of Luis Barragán.
In chapter 302 of volume 34, "Pride on the Blade",  specifically on the double page spread where Byakuya says "because you aimed your blade at my pride", Rukia is drawn pressing a sword against her own neck through Zommari's ability. However, Rukia is seen clasping Senbonzakura rather than her own sword, a fact that has no direct relevance to the contents of the main storyline. Did Kubo-sensei draw it that way because you wanted to convey something? 
I commented on this at the BLEACH exhibition.
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Since assuming the role of Captain, did none of Rukia's comrades tease her by calling her "Captain Abarai"? I'm curious if she's being called "Captain" in the first place, considering that the nickname "Kuchiki" has become commonplace among those around her. 
Shunsui immediately began addressing her as "Captain", so calling her by the title of “Captain” very quickly caught on among everyone else. Shunsui has always been the type that would make an effort to immediately call a newly appointed Captain by their title and help them get used to the new environment quickly.
Sensei, is there a character from BLEACH that you would like to see made into a figurine, or do you have a favorite among those that already exist?
I think it would be great if a figurine of a scantily clad female character was released. If they have big boobs then anyone will do.
The following information has been recorded on Wikipedia regarding Ichigo's Zangetsu after the conclusion of the series:
"On top of being able to fight by choosing between single blade style and dual blade style while in Shikai (through changes to Reiatsu), while in Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu can be used in either a katana state (a combination of Tensa Zangetsu from the beginning and middle stages of the series), or in a large sword state (after special training with Urahara Kisuke and Hyōsube Ichibē of the Zero Division respectively)." Is this accurate?
Let's refer to official source material, not the wiki.
In the scene where Kenpachi meets Yachiru, Zaraki asks her "where did you come from?" Yachiru touches Zaraki's Zanpakutō, was this foreshadowing that Yachiru = Nozarashi?
Since I've already talked about Yachiru here, I can give you an answer: yes, you are correct.
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Regarding the advertising slogans on the character cover art at the time of the Jump magazine publication, in addition to the catchphrases which accompanied the Captain & Vice-Captain cover art illustrations that were printed in the art book "All Colour But The Black" and the Jump special issues, are they created by Kubo-sensei rather than the editor? Are there also any other slogans devised by Kubo-sensei that were not included in said cases?
My editor writes all the slogans. The editor who did the work around the Captain and Vice Captain title pages, is Nakano-san who is currently the editor-in-chief of Jump.
Please tell us the gender of both Senjumaru and Nianzol.
Senjumaru is a woman and Nianzol is a man.
Where in the body is the location of the "Saketsu" and "Hakusui", often referred to as "the heart of a Shinigami"?
In the context of acupuncture points, I imagine that the Saketsu is the equivalent of "Jade Hall", and Hakusui is around the "Heavenly Pivot". ×[1]
What was the most stressful event in your life?
I guess it was when I first appeared on stage at Jump Festa. It was before the series had an anime adaptation, so there were only three of us: myself, my editor, and the female host, it was tough. I think it was at this time that I did my first ever autograph session.
If anything, it always bothered me to no end that there was a certain air about the BLEACH anime where it appears to be trying to make it look as though Ichigo and Rukia were in love with each other. How much did you tell the anime staff about your vision for the final landing spot of the original work?
I didn't tell them anything because no one asked me about it. Before the anime aired I was only told “the entirety of the Soul Society arc should be covered in one year”, so I thought "oh, the anime will end in a year." I can't remember very well whether or not the anime tried to turn Ichigo and Rukia into lovers.
Akon's skin tone is painted in a different color between the Thousand-Year Blood War arc color pages and KaraBuri, is this something intentional? I remember his complexion being quiet pale, so it caught me by surprise to see him painted with some color in his cheeks in the Thousand-Year Blood War. 
At the beginning of TYBW, I used a color that gave him a bit more of a typical human complexion as it creates a contrast with Mayuri. Was the color choice really that dark…?
Has Kubo-sensei checked the lines in the English-language edition of BLEACH? Are the nuances and so on reflected in the English translation?
I like the English language, but it's not like I can read it so I don't check them.
Please tell us the intonation of the name "Kazui"! 
It's the same as the intonation of "atsugi" (*Japanese for warm clothes). The same with "kabuki" (*eccentric), or "kasumi" (*haze).
Who is your favorite member among the Bambies?
I like all the Bambies.
Is Byakuya affectionate towards Ichika?
Very much so.
Is the entire 5th Division barracks overflowing with items of Hirako Shinji's leisurely pursuits?
At present, It is being extensively renovated to suit Hirako's tastes.
A question regarding Findorr. During his conversation with Hisagi, the way in which there is a repeated exchange of questions and answers, until finally Findorr makes a serious attempt at his life after an incorrect answer is given, in addition to Pinza Aguda, it reminded me of the Yōkai Kanibōzu. I was wondering if that's where sensei also developed his ideas from.
When I looked it up, it turned out there is indeed such a Yōkai! That wasn't the source of my inspiration, but I love Yōkai so I'm glad to have learned about one I had no idea existed.
I love BLEACH so much that I want a T-Point card or some other kind of point redemption card with a BLEACH design on it! Where can I ask to have my suggestion considered!?
This question was sent before the art exhibition, but I'm glad to say the cards were made available!
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All four of the Seireimon Gatekeepers have gigantic bodies, but I wonder if they have increased in size naturally or if they are using a kind of enhancement drug or something in order to serve as Gatekeepers.
Being a Gatekeeper of the Seireimon is an occupation only held by those who possess a huge physique on an exceptional scale.
Ichigo's occupation was revealed to be a translator, but what languages does he translate?
He does English to Japanese translation.
If Shinigami had a driver's license, who would you say is the best driver and who is the worst?
I suppose it depends on what measure of skill we use, but if we're talking about safe driving, then it's Isane, if it's about mastery, then it's Kisuke, as for those who are bad at driving… I get the feeling that a lot of them would be quite bad…. Kenpachi would probably crash first….
I think the Espada, Nnoitra Gilga, is an Arrancar who embodies an abundance of praying mantis elements, both in terms of his Zanpakutō name and its release call, but also in terms of his personality which appears to fit the idiom "praying mantis's axe" (*courageous but doomed resistance). The other day, a program called "Amazing Insects!" featuring Kagawa Teruyuki-san was being rebroadcast on TV, and I learned about a praying mantis called "Peruvian shield mantis" which is characterized by its round thorax. Is this praying mantis the original motif for the round part of his clothes behind his head?
When I searched it up, it really did resemble Nnoitra! Interesting way of looking at things but it's just a coincidence. 
It seems that Yammy's Fracción Kukkapūro was left in the spot where Yammy died, but was he safe when the Quincy launched their assault in the final arc? 
He's safe. Well, to be honest, if you had asked me this before I got my dog Uni, I would probably have said that he's dead…. But now, I can no longer bear to watch any form of entertainment where an animal dies, so Kukkapūro is fine.
The 'Shop' has goods such as T-shirts and art boards, but are there any plans to add a wider variety of other merchandise in the future? (Acrylic stands, for example.) Personally, I really want Yuyu-chan merch…!
There were quite a few acrylic stands released at the exhibition…. But it's true there aren't many Yuyu goods so I'll let my editor know! 
Sensei, although you draw BLEACH as a battle-themed manga, do you always bear in mind that it also has aspects of horror manga while writing it? I ask this question because I read the new one-shot and it reminded me of the consistent presence of horror elements which has been there since the beginning and that made me curious.
Wherever it was that I felt "it might be more interesting if it was slightly scary here", I would go ahead and draw it with a slight touch of eeriness. Though, I don't have any particular intention of drawing manga in a horror-like style. I'm not good with scary stuff. I can't handle scary stories or movies at all, but I'm fine with the ones I've drawn myself. 
Within the story of BLEACH, multiple anesthetic drugs were presented such as Shinten, Gaten and Hōten, but are drugs like Gaten and Hōten effective even on people with high Reiatsu?
That's correct. Out of those Shinten is the weakest, followed by Gaten, then Hōten which has the strongest effect and can even come to take effect on individuals who possess a powerful Reiatsu. 
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Kubo-sensei, do you use BLEACH LINE stamps?
Deciding whether or not to use stamps from one's own work is a matter that varies among artists, but I'm the type who's too embarrassed to use them. My editor and my friends often use BLEACH stamps.
Did Kubo-sensei come up with the novel titles, like "The Honey Dish Rhapsody" and "Can't Fear Your Own World"? I'm especially interested in the "knot" from the title "We Do knot ALWAYS LOVE You" because it reminds me of Yumichika's line "it's much harder to tie than to untie."
"Can't ~" was suggested by Narita-san and I gave it the okay, the rest are titles I came up with. The "knot" from "We Do knot~" as you correctly pointed out, was extracted from Yumichika's line.
Sensei, does Orihime still work at the bakery? Or has she become a housewife and is occupied with raising her child?
By the time of the one-shot, Kazui has grown somewhat and Ichigo also has a job that allows him to stay at home a fair amount, so she works part-time at the bakery every now and then.
Do you have a favorite novel?
The first time I spontaneously thought "I love this~" was when I read Revolution No. 3 by Kaneshiro Kazuki.
I'd like to hear which character's lines gave you the most trouble to create so far.
I don't remember which lines gave me the most trouble because it's not the spoken lines that stand out but rather the plain explanatory narration.
What exactly did sensei do in order to improve his drawing skills? Did you do things like drawing rough construction lines, or did you try copying your favorite pictures?
Of course I tried drawing by imitating my favorite manga, but it was never something good enough to be called a 'copy'. I still don't know the proper way to draw construction lines.
When did Ichigo get his hair cut short? Was it Yuzu-chan who cut it for him at the time as well?
I haven't decided on when exactly he got it shortened, but after graduating from high school, Ichigo used to go to an ordinary hair salon. At the badgering of Yuzu who became a hairdresser, Ichigo now goes to the beauty salon where Yuzu works.  
The subtitles of chapter 129 and chapter 130, which were included in volume 15 of BLEACH, were titled "Etude of Transcendent Technique" when they were published in Jump magazine. Does Hinamori Momo's theme music comprise of "glass elevator", which was unveiled on the JET special website, in addition to the fourth étude "Mazeppa"? 
That is a title dedicated to Ichigo's training. When putting the chapters into a tankōbon, I thought the main focus here should be Hinamori, so I changed the title in that direction. Wow, I never would have guessed that I'd receive a question about the subtitles at the time they were being published in the magazine.
What kind of pen nib do you use when composing your manga with traditional art mediums?
A Zebra G pen. I only use this one type.
The front cover of volume 70 features Haschwalt, but why is the illustration different when the book jacket is removed? Is this something sensei intended? I was curious because the book jacket of the other volumes was the same as the inner cover illustrations. I mean, his expression on the book jacket looks like a cold stare, but when you remove it, you can see a little light in his eyes and his expression is also somewhat melancholic…. To go further, in the opening poem, his eyes are closed. When you follow that sequence, like the fluctuations in the emotional state of Haschwalt himself, you're left with an indescribable feeling. I was observing, thinking how amazing it was that the sequence of facial expressions synchronized with the opening poem!
The variations are intentional.
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What day of the week is Kubo-sensei's favorite day on Love It!?
If I had to choose one, then it's probably Wednesday. (*Love it! is a variety show in Japan.)
Is the reason why Nemu's breasts have gotten so big a side effect of changes in Kubo-sensei's art style throughout the series? Or is it because Nemu has developed? Or perhaps Kubo-sensei finds it more fun to draw them bigger?
Huh, are they that different? It was always my intention to draw them large from the very beginning. 
Is the necklace worn by Ricky in BAD SHIELD UNITED the same one Rachel wore?
That's correct. Huh, I get questions like this too!?
Are the settings etc. of this recent one-shot and the Hell Verse movie treated as parallel?
It's separate from the movie.
There was an event called "Bankai Battle" in the BLEACH mobile game, was Kubo-sensei involved?
I'm not involved, but I'm aware that the swimsuit illustrations were erotic, so I want a book with all the swimsuit art collected inside.
I love Kitarō as much as I love Bleach, so I get excited every time Kubo-sensei talks about it. I love Mizuki Shigeru-sensei's manga of course, but I also love the Kitarō anime, has Kubo-sensei ever watched it? I like the sense of distance between Yōkai and humans in the second season (70's).
I've only watched the third season. (It's not that I dislike the others.) In the third season, there was a guest appearance by an original character known as Yumeko-chan, so it appears to be an unconventional choice among fans, but I like her. The rendering style for Kitarō is completely different from the original work (like his hair type), but when I was in elementary school, I used to draw Kitarō in both the style of the anime and the original work.
In chapter 477, Rukia jumps out to protect Ichigo from Tsukishima, however her facial expression appears to be one of surprise, so I was considering if it was actually Riruka controlling her body. Whose intention was it truly, Rukia's or Riruka's? 
It's Riruka’s.
I would like to know if there are any painters that Kubo-sensei likes or any that have influenced him. Thank you.
My favorite painter, or perhaps I should say, my favorite painting is 'Flowers In a Vase' by Édouard Manet (or more accurately, it's something like 'Carnations and Clematis in a Crystal Vase'). When I was a student, I tore out a calendar page which had that picture printed on it and pasted it to the wall of my room.
I was convinced that Ichigo would become a doctor, but I am surprised to find out that he became a translator. I would like to know what led Ichigo to becoming a translator. 
It's because he had an interest in connecting two worlds.
Is Yokochin doing well? I'm worried that he may be involved in some high-priced reselling or something shady like that.
It really seems like that would be the case, huh?
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Were Szayelaporro and Yylfordt actually brothers during their time as humans? I think it's an exceedingly rare occurrence for both brothers to Hollowfy after death and also become an Arrancar, but I wonder if there was some common trigger? I have been curious about the pair for a long time, so I would like it if you could tell me.
The two of them were too similar at their core, so they were met with the same fate.
This is a question regarding Yayahara Yuyu. It seems like she's obsessed with gyaru style due to Lisa's influence, but what was her appearance like before that?
She wasn't a gyaru back then, but I might draw what she used to look like someday so I'll keep quiet for now.
Where is Nelliel's Hollow hole located?
In the heart.
In the one-shot, Rukia referred to Orihime by her first name, but how does Orihime address Rukia?
She calls her "Rukia-chan".
I want to know why Yoruichi-san can take on the form of a black cat. It seems possible to interpret it as the form of Yoruichi-san being sealed into a different one, that of a black cat, however it also appears to be fundamentally different to Hadō and Bakudō. Is it a power that diverges from Kidō? Or perhaps it's some kind of technology belonging to Urahara-san?
It's the Shihōin bloodline. Sometimes, individuals who can transform into the shape of an animal emerge from within the Shihōin clan. 
I frequently use LINE stamps from BLEACH and BTW! I would like BLEACH and BTW LINE themes too, are there any plans of this kind for the future?
I haven't heard about any such plans, but I'll let my editor know!
It appears that Ryūken is a surgeon, but what department has Uryū been working in since becoming a doctor? 
He is currently assigned to the pediatric department because he is popular with children.
I would definitely love to see replica Zanpakutō being made into merch. Whether it's a full scale model, or around the size of a pencil, I'd like to make a collection either way. What do you think?
I feel like there were keychains out there in the past…. I'll try to pass that on to my editor. 
In the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, when they gathered energy as part of the world distortion repair team, and in the novel CFYOW, after the battle with Tsunayashiro and company had concluded, Hiyori came to the Soul Society in a normal manner. Does that mean the other Visoreds who remained at their base of operations are able to travel back and forth between Soul Society and the Human World like normal now? Are they opening the Senkaimon by themselves? I assume if they don't have a Hell Butterfly, they'd be sent through the Dangai…. I'm curious what their relationship with Soul Society is like after the battle with Aizen had come to an end.
At present, the Visored are being lent passes that can substitute for a Hell Butterfly.
I've always been super curious about this, but are all Shinigami's underwear loincloths? Is it different for female Shinigami, or people like Sasakibe-san who likes Western culture, or Ichigo who is a substitute Shinigami?
Excluding those who are extremely picky about it, It's a basic loincloth for both men and women.
Are Aizen-sama's glasses just for show? Personally, I thought that he wore them to make his face look gentle, but I would like to know the reason behind why he wore glasses if there is one. 
You're exactly right. He wore them in order to give his face a softer look.
Just like with Isshin's Engetsu and Ichigo's Zangetsu, when there is a parent-child relationship, will the names and properties of a Zanpakutō be similar?
Not limited to parent and child, similarities can sometimes occur among blood relatives.
When Ichigo addresses members of the Gotei 13, regardless of their rank, he either drops the honorifics in their name, or attaches the polite suffix '-san', like "Byakuya" versus "Rangiku-san" for instance. Does he have some kind of criteria? I can understand dropping honorifics if it's an opponent he once fought or something, but for example, when he interacts with Tōshirō for the first time in the story (with the Hitsugaya advance party), Ichigo was already calling him just "Tōshirō!", so that got me curious.
I wonder what it is… I get the feeling that Ichigo drops honorifics for guys who, in his mind, are classed as "youngsters"….
I love the Lost Agent arc. Roughly how old is Ginjo, and how exactly did he become a substitute Shinigami? 
How he became a substitute Shinigami is a secret, but his human age is 28 years old.
Gerard's Schrift is M: The Miracle, and his ability involved "the gigantification of any body part which had damage incurred upon it and then strengthening it." When Gerard was sliced in half by Zaraki Kenpachi's Bankai, something resembling a Quincy cross emerged from his head. Was that something akin to Gerard's core and if it had been destroyed, would Gerard have been defeated?
If it were destroyed, he would have been defeated. As long as something is capable of destroying it.
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In the PV for the Thousand-Year Blood War arc anime, was it Kubo-sensei himself who drew the "Thousand-Year Blood War arc" lettering which appears in the logo?
It was the designer. That lettering is great, isn't it? 
I have a question about the Central 46. They are said to be composed of forty sages and six judges gathered from all over Soul Society, but what is the recruitment criteria like? Is there some kind of training school, like the ones in the Human World? Also, as far as I can see from the illustrations in the manga, they appear to be wearing clothes which are similar in appearance to Shihakushō, so I wonder if they are also classified as Shinigami?
They are Shinigami.
Since Yachiru, Nemu and Unohana-san are no longer here, what happened with regard to the personnel of the Shinigami Women's Association?
When it comes to Nemu at least, Hachigō has already become a member.
If there are any recently released games that you highly recommend, please tell me about it.
By the time this is posted, I plan to be hooked on the new Zelda game.
Painted on Lilynette's mask, there is something resembling the flame insignia found in the BLEACH title logo, is there any reason why that flame mark is on Lilynette's mask?
The one on Lilynette's mask is her Estigma. ×[2]
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Dokugamine Riruka from 12 years later looks so pretty. What is her current occupation?
She started up her own brand and works as a designer.
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It is mentioned that Captain Unohana sensed something strange about Captain Aizen's corpse. Is it a result of the fact that she had slashed too many people in the past, that she felt something was wrong from the sensation of cutting (or perhaps slashing) during the autopsy? Also, was this one depiction that hinted at her past as Yachiru who is known for slaying an excessive amount of people?
It is because she has seen too many corpses, both in the past and present. I guess It's a hint if we can call it that? 
Does the Soul King have a name?
He does. It may be revealed depending on the current flow of events in the anime.
In the anime, the color of Ukitake's eyes were brown, however in sensei's color illustrations, his eyes are painted green on several occasions. Which is correct?
They are green.
When Grand Fisher confronted Isshin in his Shinigami form, he made a statement along the lines of "Kurosaki Ichigo is a Shinketsu (*true blood)", but what exactly did he mean by "Shinketsu". My prediction is that the word refers to a being who happens to possess all the elements of "Shinigami, Quincy, Hollow and human", or perhaps a being born between a Quincy and a Shinigami. 
"Shinketsu" refers to a Shinigami who was born from a Shinigami, not an individual from Rukongai who became one.
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I like Hisagi and always look forward to seeing his Zanpakutō in action ever since its first appearance, but the phrase "a shape that reaps life" appealed to me so much that Kazeshini became my favorite Zanpakutō. Hisagi exudes a strong impression of a character who is often toyed with, so I recall being very happy because he was surprisingly cool. Nevertheless, it's because my mental image of Hisagi was just as the aforementioned, that I also remember being taken by surprise after seeing Kazeshini. There are some characters whom I think have a Zanpakutō that is different to their image, and some characters whom I think have a Zanpakutō which suit them perfectly. So, I'm curious whether sensei creates a character first and then thinks about their Zanpakutō, or if it's the other way around.
Off the top of my head, they come after the character. The same goes for Hisagi, of course.
I quite like Kurumadani Zennosuke, but I haven't seen much merchandise featuring him…. Even after I tried searching, I could only find one card from BLEACH Soul Card Battle… I'd like to see any kind of Zennosuke merch released even if it's just a sticker. My dream is to buy Kurumadani Zennosuke merch someday. Also, Kubo-sensei, what kind of goods do you think you can commercialize with Kurumadani Zennosuke? If you don't mind, please tell me.  
It won't be profitable because you're gonna be the only one buying it, you know? Come to think of it, I feel like there wasn't any original artwork made for Kurumadani at the exhibition either….
This is a question regarding Ōetsu's line, "I know the whereabouts of every Asauchi" which appears in volume 59. I considered that perhaps this so-called "whereabouts" has three components:
1. Physical location ①
2. Physical location ②
3. Psychological & spiritual location 
First of all, "1. physical location ①" is the storehouse where the Asauchi are kept, which will be distributed to those who will soon enter the Shin'ō Academy and become Shinigami or members of other organizations. Even in this case, it certainly would be surprising for Ichigo, but I don't think it's something to be that boastful about. This is because it is (most likely) a teacher from the Shin'ō Academy who takes out Asauchi from the storehouse and then distributes them, so it's not Ōetsu's privilege.
Next, "2. physical location ②" means that, similar to GPS, he can perceive the current location of all Zanpakutō which have been released from their Asauchi. 
Finally, "3. Psychological & spiritual location" is the key point where Shinigami who possess Asauchi liberate their Asauchi. I believe there is a standard which dictates how far a Shinigami needs to go before they are able to release it, and I wonder if Ōetsu knows what that standard is for all Shinigami. Knowing the key point for the release criterion of all Shinigami extending from Soul Society let alone to the various locations in the Human World is truly an extraordinary feat which deserves to be called 'god-like'.
It's not the best idea to base things on personal impressions, so I would appreciate your opinion or answer regarding this analysis.
What Ōetsu meant is that he knows "who owns the Asauchi and what kind of state it is in" so no. 3 is the closest.
When Ikkaku was 3rd seat and Yumichika was 5th seat, did anyone occupy the 4th seat in Squad 11?
No one did.
What is your favorite drink at Starbucks? (Including any limited-time items from the past.)
It's Adzuki Frappuccino.
In the story of Isshin and Masaki-san's chance encounter, we observed an injury, received from a Hollow, which had undergone treatment. But, I wonder if it involves the Kishi being treated directly, or if the soul is treated after being extracted from the Kishi, or perhaps the soul is treated directly through the Kishi? Which one is it? Since Shinigami do not harbor Kishi in the first place, they only have a method of treatment for the soul, and since the Quincy are living human beings, I think it was necessary to establish a treatment method that directly affects the soul through the Kishi.
There are Quincy who treat only the Kishi, and there are Quincy who have the ability to treat even Reishi alongside the Kishi. 
The art exhibition was so amazing! I would like to know about three characters in particular who appeared in the exhibition illustrations. Is the man wearing glasses next to Ikumi-san her husband?? Is the boy in the suit next to Nelliel Shishigawara-kun?? I also want to know about the pink-haired woman to the upper left of Uryū. It took me 20 odd hours to put the puzzle together, but I finished it without incident so now it's displayed in my room!
The pink haired woman is Riruka. You are correct about the other two.
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It's something I noticed when looking at the newly drawn illustrations made for the art exhibition, but has Kubo-sensei never drawn Harribel outside of her Espada look (such as in a swimsuit)? I wound up paralyzed after seeing all the different versions in Brave Souls. There are swimsuits for Nelliel and Riruka, but now that I think about it… I started to wonder about something. Is the reason why there were few opportunities to draw Harribel, because it's difficult to integrate her with other characters?
It doesn't seem like Harribel would be willing to wear a swimsuit, does it?
The back of Kisuke's haori from volumes 2 to 5 has a circle with the character "喜" (*ki from "Kisuke") within it, but it disappears from volume 6 onwards. Does this design change have any significance? Or does Kisuke wear two types of haori that he made himself?
I got rid of it because it was too tedious to draw, but maybe I should just pretend that he has two? Well, from a design perspective, I prefer for it to be simple without that particular aspect to it.
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What will happen to the returned Zanpakutō of Shinigami who have left their position in the Gotei 13? Will Ōetsu turn them into Asauchi again?
After being stored for a fixed period of time, they are returned to Ōetsu and made into Asauchi again. The length of this "fixed period" depends on the owner.
Captain Hitsugaya and Vice-Captain Hinamori are childhood friends, but are these two neighbors? Or did they live in the same house? 
The same neighborhood.
When a child is born among inhabitants of Soul Society, does that soul belong to someone who died in the Human World? Or, is it that inhabitants who died in the Human World are mixed together with inhabitants of Soul Society who were born and raised there?
All newly born children are inhabitants of Soul Society.
If the poison of Kamishini no Yari were to be injected into Nakk Le Vaar, without anything being injected into him beforehand, would he die? Or will he endure? 
If he is injected with the poison without ever having come into contact with Gin (his Reiatsu) at all, then he will die.
Is there even the slightest possibility that Luppi could be a girl? When I first saw Luppi I thought "she's super cute"…. So I was shocked to hear a male voice actor perform the role in the anime. Up until then, I had been calling him "Luppi-chan".
Even if there isn't the slightest chance, please keep calling him "Luppi-chan".
Towards the end of Volume 55, Mayuri remarks towards the Captain Commander: "that time, 1000 years ago, you failed to kill that man", but the words "that time" suggests that Mayuri also happened to be present on that occasion. Do his words actually carry this nuance?
Mayuri found out about it in the course of researching other things. He was not actually present.
Translation Footnotes:
×1. "Jade Hall" is located on the sternum mid-line. "Heavenly Pivot" is located at the level of the navel.
×2. “Estigma” (mask crest) is a term which appears in the Masked character book, page 246: “A pattern marked on an Arrancar's face, possibly as a remnant of their mask. It is unique to each individual and can also appear when they activate Resurrección.”
82 notes · View notes
mpregfantasies · 6 months
The Visit
I got out of my rideshare as best as I could, feeling nervous. Since I had been away at college it had been almost eight months since I had seen my neighbors who had been fixtures in my life since my parents had passed away right after my 18th birthday.
But I needed their help, so I slowly approached their front door and knocked. They knew I was coming as I had texted them, so they opened it quickly.
"Cam, it's so good to see you..." Carol said, taking my hand to welcome me in as Ed grabbed my suitcase. They were only 10 years older than me, but had helped me so much. I tried so hard to maintain proper posture, but by the time I was in the middle of the living room sweat had beaded on my red face.
"What's the matter?" Ed looked concerned.
"He must be burning up in that sweatshirt- let me get that for you..." They both helped me as I struggled out of it, though until they got it all the way off, they were clearly confused as to why.
Then, as they put the sweatshirt on the couch, I stood topless in their living room, my massive pregnant belly on display. Carol gasped, and Ed could only stare.
"Eight months... With twins..." I said, finally able to spread my legs and put my hands on my back to help keep my bump up.
"Oh my goodness... You're huge..." Carol murmured, already running her hands up and down the side of it. "Sit down, take that weight off your hips..."
They both guided me to the couch so I didn't just fall on it. Sitting down made me look even bigger, and a soft noise escaped my lips as Carol's hand moved to the front and drifted across my navel. It had been popped out for weeks, just as swollen as the rest of me.
"Is that better?" Ed asked softly, sitting down next to me.
"Your poor tummy..." Carol continued touching me, now tracing my countless stretchmarks. "Here, let me..." And then she was off towards the back of the house. Ed helped me pull my shorts down to expose my underbelly, and gently pushed my legs apart to make more room.
"Never thought I'd see someone this pregnant, son..." Ed's large hand barely covered the side of my belly as he started to touch it. "Look at you..." One finger moved to run across my dark linea nigra.
"I feel massive..." I said, trying to shift myself to get more comfortable. "And I still have a month left..."
"You might not make it, you look like you're about to pop..." One of the babies began to move, and I groaned. "And they're kicking hard..."
Carol returned, holding a tube of lotion and sitting against one arm of the couch. "Come on, sit with your back to me." I did so, watching my belly shift to tower above me like a mountain.
"This should help you..." Ed came to kneel between my legs, eager to watch Carol work.
Carol squeezed some of the lotion into her hands and began to work it into the stretched skin of my pregnant belly.
"I can't believe the size of this baby bump..." Carol was almost in awe as she rubbed it. "How do you feel?"
"Pregnant..." I shifted, trying to open my legs wider. One of the babies had been slowly beginning to drop, pressing against my hips and slotting into my pelvis, only making me waddle more.
But a very handsome someone mistook my shifting for something else...
Ed slowly pulled my shorts down further, something I did not complain about at all, grinning back up at me. "Well... What do we have here?"
15 reblogs for part two~
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lazyneonrabbitt · 11 months
Could I possibly request a Gallzatto x Reader about the trio planning their girls first birthday?
The planning would be absolute chaos. Also I hate planning so I hope I did this justice!!
The three of you sat around the coffee table, debating about the upcoming birthday of your twin daughters.
By now all you had agreed on was the dlower theme to match their names. One wanted a big party, the other something small, and the last really wanted to go to bed since it was 1AM already and you weren't a single step closer to completing this planner.
"Can we puhleeease just decide on the cake and call it a day? I need sleep, I have work tomorrow.." You whined at them and dropped your head onto your crossed arms.
"Seriously if you don't decide right now I'm calling Marcus and do it myself."
"Chocolate cake, obviously."
"Vanilla, for sure."
"Alright screw this. I'm off to bed." You grabbed your mug and brought it to the sink before going past the table again to kiss both boys goodnight and head off. "Goodnight you two."
A defeated sigh left Lip's lips. "I don't get why she's so moody about all of this." He looked over the list of things that still needed to be decided on with multiple scribbled notes at the sides.
"The girls' birthday is nice, but you're forgetting that day was a nightmare come true for their mom." Carmen's comment had Lip take back his complaint, he felt bad remembering how you'd wake up crying night after night in the first weeks after the babies were born.
"How about half chocolate half vanilla for the cake?" Lip had taken a new piece of paper and scribbled a wonky looking cake shape, splitinto two half circles with one end saying 'vanilla' and 'chocolate' on the other. He kept writing on each side, ending with the girls' names on either side and their favorite color decorations written down as well. He turned the paper and slid it over to Carmy to inspect.
"Yeah, looks good to me. We'll ask momma tomorrow." Carmy took your list and checked off the cake bit. They moved on to the next box: drinks. A small 'alcohol?' Next to it as a means to ask the boys later. "I know I can keep my hands off it now. I'm in a good place"
So they agree on a small 'yes' next to your question, count how many people gou plan to invite and write down the amount of drinks to order for the bigger and smaller guest amount options.
A little "run by mom" note next to it in a bright color.
"Do we get their flowers for decoration?"
"What snacks are we getting? And, buying or preparing them ourselves?"
The questions that come along with your written list each took a short while to answer now that they each finally set aside the ideal birthdays they had in mind and listened to what the other had to bring to the table. They know they're stubborn and have butt heads from time to time. Hell, it led to you leaving them to figuring this out on their own just now.
"We should get momma something too."
They discussed some more before calling it a night and going to sleep.
The next morning you wormed yourself out from between them and out of bed to head to work. Your morning routine was a simple one with Rose and Lily being the easiest kids ever when it came to breakfast. You woke, fed and burped each one before putting them back to bed and gurning the volume on the baby monitor all the way up so your boys would wake up if the girls got fussy.
On your way past the dinner table you found almost the entire birthday planned out from decorations to guest lists and drinks. You only had time for a quick glance so leaving a little "let's look after dinner" note was your final action before heading out.
Together you gave everything a once-over and settled on all the details fairly quickly that evening and the party was better than expected with so many lovely gifts from both Carmy's and Lip's families. Flower themed cake and little cupcakes were available as your little girls were pampered and smothered with cuddles and kisses from everyone.
After the party was over and the girls were asleep you happily cleaned up together and went off to bed. The boys wanted to have one last smoke before joining you and came in with a small box wrapped in a little bow.
"We know today is our baby girls' day," Lip started as he sat down on one side of the bed.
"But you deserve something special too." Carmy added as he sat down on the opposite side and handed you the small box.
Opening the box you couldn't keep your eyes off the thin gold chain with an engraved heart shaped pendant on it.
The front read 'Momma' in a beatiful cursive lettering, and the back had both Lip and Carmy's full names on them.
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todayimfour · 1 year
Raggedy Ann and Andy's First Slumber Party
A Raggedy Ann and Andy age regression fanfic by me!
Let me know if I should add trigger warnings! I'm not used to posting my writing
Marcella is invited to a slumber party at her classmate's house to celebrate a set of twins' birthdays. She brings Ann and Andy to play/sleep with cuz it's her first sleepover. Ann is super excited but Andy hasn't been out of the house besides they're adventures in the deep dark woods so he's a bit nervous. He'd never admit it to anyone but Ann tho.
The first few hours of the sleepover went by quickly, Marcella set them both up at her sleeping bag by her pillow and went off to play with the other kids outside. This gave the two twin dollies a chance to meet the other kid's stuffed friends. They met a huge stuffed moose named Sammy, a plush cockatiel named Charlie who spoke in squeeks, a small cat full of plastic pellets named Fiona, and a stuffed dog named Frenchie. Ann was having such a great time meeting these new friends, Andy was doing his best to be friendly but he was having a hard time acclimating to the new environment. Something about this whole outing made his stuffing turn, he decided he would stick close to Ann. Purely so he could protect her if something happened, or at least, that's what he told himself.
After supper and cake all the kids rushed into the bedroom to grab their respective toys and bring them all to the birthday twin's shared playroom. It was a large bright room seemingly split through the middle between the two twins. One side felt similar to the nursery back home and the other was decorated with superheroes, zombies, even wrestlers. 'Great more toys to meet!' the ragdoll twins both thought with very different sentiments.
It was all going fine as the children played. Marcella was playing with the twin dollies, having a pretty fun time until one of the boys took Andy from Marcella's hand. It took all his effort not to come to life and rush back to his kid and sister. He was brought to the boyish side of the play room. There was almost a conflict between the children but then a woman came in to say it was time for a movie. The boy holding him tossed him back to Marcella and dashed out the door in a rush to find the best spot for movie watching, much of the other children followed suit. Marcella gave Andy a big hug before setting him down next to Ann and leaving the room. Once every toy was sure that no one would be coming back to the playroom the toys came to life once more.
"Oh Andy! Are you okay?" Ann exclaimed as she hugged her brother and checked a few of his more fragile stitches. Andy was struggling internally, it felt like this slumber party was only going to get worse and all he really wanted was for Ann to cuddle him and tell him it'll be okay. That they would be home soon. But he couldn't admit that out loud, not with all these new toys around that could judge him for being 'too soft'. Before he could get a word out to his sister a teddy bear approached the twin dollies. Andy stood behind his sister and held onto the loose sleeve of her dress.
"Looks like you got snagged by Michal, are you alright? No stitches popped" the bear asked kindly, "My name is Freddy, welcome to the play room! I'm sorry some of our kids play a bit rough" The bear, Freddy, seemed friendly. Andy nodded.
"That's one way to put it, who just grabs a toy out of another kid's hands at this age?" Andy asked halfheartedly. "Anyways I'm fine, thanks." Andy looks away, he didn't want to make nice with Freddy- or any of these other toys- he wanted to go home. Ann could sense the tension building in her brother and tried her best to keep the peace.
"oh- Andrew" she jabs playfully "Don't mind him, he's just grumpy. My name is Ann, it's nice to meet you Freddy! Your playroom is so nice! Much bigger than Marcella's nursery back home!" She and Freddy shook hands and began talking about... something. Andy wasn't paying attention. He decided he didn't want to be a part of this conversation anymore and walked off. He found a spot next to some building blocks that looked nice and sat down to settle himself.
He didn't like any of this, that much was obvious. He could feel a fuzziness creeping up in the corners of him mind, his regression. He really didn't want to do that here, not around toys he didn't know. Just the thought of it upset him. But he also thought about what Ann said, was he really being that grumpy? Was that his only two options? Grumpy or regressing? No, he needed to make some friends. He could have a good time here, just look at how great Ann is at making new friends! He decided, the next toy he sees he will try to befriend.
Not two seconds later an action figure came out of nowhere, crashing through the small tower made of blocks he was sitting by. He was a bit shorter than Andy was and he had a wrestling outfit on. 'oh sweet! a boys toy I could be friends with!' Andy puffed up his chest as he waited for the wrestler to get up and out of the tower's remains.
"that was wicked!!!" The action figure pops up yelling, facing a whole group of other figures. The wrestler ran back to the group and Andy followed.
"Hey guys, I'm Andy!" He put on a smile and held out his hand for a handshake like he's seen his sister do thousands of times before. The figures seemed to not notice him so he cleared his throat of any loose stuffing and tried again. "Hey guys, that was super cool! What games do you like to play?" A few of the plastic toys gave Andy the side eye and the toy in the middle of the crowd, a slightly taller toy with a removable biker helmet and molded on leather jacket and ripped jeans, approached Andy like he was bothered by having to look at the ragdoll.
"What do you want, Plush-Boy? We're busy." The dude said. "The tea party is that way, Doll" he pointed to where Ann and a group of other toys were playing a bored game. Andy was confused but tried his best to put on a genuine smile and he held out his hand again for a handshake.
"My name's Andy, what are you busy with? Maybe I could lend a hand?" The biker looked at Andy's hand and shook it. His mates behind him seemed surprised at this.
"No. You can't. You're far too soft for our stunts. You'll pop a stitch. Now get out of here and go back to the girls toy side." He said as if he were talking about something as mundane as the weather. The other figure behind him snickered and chuckled as they watched Andrew stammering.
"Hey- wait a minute! I'm no girls toy! I can do anything you guys can and probably better too." Andy defended himself, he didn't like being considered weak. Especially not by these... these hoodlums!
"Sure mate, you'll notice though.. none of us are wearing lipstick and mascara." The biker pointed out the stitching on Andy's face that looked like make-up. His goonies behind him were agreeing and exchanging high-fives as they laughed at the ragdoll. Before they could say anything else to him, Andy ran away.
He ran to his sister who was playing a board game, snakes and ladders, one of his favorites. He didn't ask to play though, he sat silently next to Ann and resigned himself to watching her play. He could still hear them across the room, he's sure if he looked they'd be laughing and pointing at him. It took all of his strength not to cry. He dug around in his overalls pocket for his paper flower, something that always made him feel less alone, upon finding it he put it safely in his lap. He smoothed out some of the crinkles in the petals, smiling sadly and humming quietly to himself. He hummed the song he and Ann always sung when one or both of them were feeling down, Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers. He was thankful for the ambient noise of the room so no one else could hear him. Or at least that's what he thought.
He was so deep in his own world he got startled when he felt Ann's arm wrap around his shoulders in a side-hug. After the initial scare he melted into his sister's embrace, leaning his head against her and closing his eyes. She leaned her head atop of his and they stayed like that until it was Ann's turn to play. She had to scoot forwards a bit and played one handed as she held Andy's hand. Andy paid more attention to the board and saw that the moose they met earlier had just won. They were all chatting and setting up for another round. As they were all ready to start Ann looked at him holding the two dice.
"Do you want to roll for me Andy? I could use some good luck," She asked with her perpetually kind smile. Andy nodded excitedly and rolled them, then Ann moved their piece. As the game went on it became more obvious to Ann that her brother had regressed, she wondered if he even realized it. Soon they were reaching the end of the game, it was what could be their last turn. Ann had to suppress a giggle when she saw just how seriously Andy was taking it. He shook the dice with both his hands before dropping them on the board, leaning in close to read what the numbers were. Three and five. Everyone else who saw had already put together the simple addition but waited for Andy. He counted the dots on the dice carefully. Eight.
"Annie!!! It's eight!! That's what we needed right?!" He spoke louder than he meant to in his excitement. Everyone at that board knew it was but we're playing like they didn't know so Andy could figure it out.
"Oh well, I just don't know Andy. Let's check!" So the two of them counted each pace with the player piece. The look on Andy's face when he realized they'd won was priceless. He was smiling ear to ear and got a few kind words from the other toys playing. He looked back at his big sister and she ruffled his hair through his hat. "See Andy? I knew you'd be good luck!" The boy beamed with pride, maybe this slumber party wasn't as bad as he thought!
I enjoyed writing this and I am inexperienced at writing so call me out if you find it necessary
If you know me IRL the stuffies that are named are mine, some of them are also my roommates
I really just wanted an excuse to write some hurt comfort, sue me.
If I find inspiration I might write more :)
I friggin love these guys :)))))
Tag list take two! (Thank you to everyone who liked or commented or reblogged my original post, it kept me motivated to write past what I originally thought I would!)
@grauntiemotersblog <= my roomie/bestie/spouse
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charmwasjess · 6 months
This unstable spring weather is reminding me of when I was a teenager, I had a massive, irrational phobia of tornadoes, despite growing up in an area with little to no chance of them. It was so bad that my mom took me to a psychologist because I'd do irrational things like hide in the bathtub instead of going to school if there was any chance of severe weather. It didn't help. Every time the sky got dark, I'd get that weird, frantic, achy-itchy feeling.
And then, one day, I'm sixteen, working my first job at a coffee shop and I get a panicked call from my boss. I look out the window and almost comically, like it showed up just for me, to make some point, there's this beautiful white tornado dancing right towards us. I remember thinking it looked like the skinny part of an hour glass. It's true what they say about them appearing to hold still when they're heading for you, so I got a very good look at it. The trees were bending flat to the ground and the double doors of the shop were getting sucked open. Me and the other teenaged employee crowded the kids (we were also an ice cream shop, there was a birthday going on) into the center room, and we sang "happy birthday" over and over again to drown out the sound of it hitting the building. We were okay, but it took off several adjacent roofs and smashed up cars in the parking lot.
This was a weird way to start loving tornadoes. (cut for weather geekery)
They are like dreams - for all the data, we know relatively little about why they happen. We can see their ingredients: moisture, atmospheric instability, wind sheer, but sometimes all those pieces are in place and a tornado won't form. In fact, most often, it doesn't. They're still rare. The language we use to talk about them endlessly fascinates me: they are born out of thunderstorms called super cells, which have a 'lifecycle.' One thunderstorm can birth a single tornado, or many that live and die along the greater lifespan of the thunderstorm. The way they multiply is fascinating, one tornado can be circled by wispy, smaller, satellite tornadoes, or more rarely, two full-sized tornadoes side by side, a pair of twins. A group of tornados is a "family."
They come in all shapes and sizes. Mine was a skinny rope funnel, and a relatively weak example - F1 on the scale. The 1925 Tri-State tornado, F5, the strongest on the scale, was the longest recorded tornado in history with a 219-mile track. Part of the danger of that storm was that nobody even realized it was a tornado until it was right on top of them because it was so huge: it was said to look like a red, boiling fog from horizon to horizon because it was rain-wrapped, and had sucked up a lot of red river mud. Water tornadoes and fire tornadoes are both a thing.
They behave inconsistently too. The El Reno tornado that killed the storm chaser and scientist Tim Samaras in 2013 is often personified as evil, a storm set out to kill storm chasers, because it seemed to behave with particular, intentional nastiness. In 30 seconds, it went from a small tornado to a 2.6 mile wedge. It's hard to even imagine the scale of something like that: someone observing from a safe distance miles away is suddenly inside the literal tornado within less than a minute. Most tornadoes move in a more or less straight trajectory - this one repeatedly changed directions. But this is just another example of how even when scientists know how tornadoes generally behave, we're still figuring them out.
Of course, all of this is not about overly romanticizing a phenomenon that kills a ton of people each year, a fact that is only going to get worse with climate change. And certainly research funding and money for early warning systems or national weather services being less prioritized in the politicization of climate change.
I still have tornado nightmares a lot. I had one last night, which is I guess why I'm still thinking about the shapes. It's always the same: I'm standing in a house, usually my childhood home, and there are families of tornadoes that go right past it, but never hit. I still think they're so interesting. And it's funny the way anxiety can turn into fascination under the right circumstances.
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ctwinsduo · 2 months
Any Twinsduo headcanons? (I'm a simple guy ok-)
*cracks knuckles* - Personally I like twinsduo as biological twins and not, but for the purpose of my whack ass Wilbur species HCs I'll say they'd be adoptive siblings. But they are the same age and have the same birthday, which is why they're twins (according to Wilbur) - However if twinsduo were to be biologically related, Wilbur would be the one with the unnatural hair color (dyed brown) because it's funny - In theory Wilbur adopted Techno more than Phil did. She got lost in the nether only to come back to Phil with a little piglin trailing behind her, I like to think she pulled a "Can we keep him? 🥺" And the rest is history - Wilbur is genderqueer and Techno is agender, whenever it comes up Wilbur claims they "took all of the gender in the womb" (Which, as Techno always points out, is not even remotely the case) - Piglins display affection via light headbutts (more like a forehead tap than anything) keyword: light, young piglins often have to learn to rein in their enthusiasm a little bit, even moreso with other species. Point being, Techno has absolutely accidentally broken Wilbur's nose at least once with a head bonk when they were little - Both Wilbur and Techno have the capacity to infodump but usually Techno is the one doing most of the listening (half-listening more often than not but shhhh) Techno usually waits until Wilbur tires himself out to ramble, when they were kids Wilbur would fall asleep to Techno's ramblings before bed. Sometimes Techno would ramble to help Wilbur fall asleep during pogtopia - They get into debates fairly regularly about political theory. People think they're arguing (and they are) but they're usually having fun, though they rarely if ever come to any sort of actual understanding on account of how stubborn they both are /lh - When they do argue they're known to quickly devolve into roughhousing (at least when their arguments are more lighthearted) Techno almost always beats Wilbur's ass but Wilbur can never pass up the challenge - Wilbur gained a fondness for poetry from Techno (I like to think Techno enjoys writing in his spare time :3) - Techno was selectively mute for awhile there when he was small, Wilbur picked up sign to speak with him better. They still sign to eachother from time to time (partially for the secrecy and partially because Wilbur's hearing isn't too good from the explosions)
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writingrapscallion · 8 months
Twin Switcheroo
I'm sure this has been done before, but lately I've been imagining an AU where, instead of Grunkle Stan being the one to meet the twins in Gravity Falls, it's Ford.
It all starts years ago, when Stan breaks Ford's perpetual motion machine. Rather than hide what he did, Stan comes clean to Ford and the two manage to fix the machine, leading to them becoming closer. However, Stan still feels a bit betrayed when Ford leaves to go to West Coast Tech.
A few years later, things are much the same as in canon. Ford graduates with honors (as well as three doctorates) and receives a large research grant for a project of his choice. In this universe, McGucket went to West Coast Tech, so he's still friends with Ford. Stan has still become a con artist and is actually in a pretty bad situation, facing potential charges for his illegal activity. However, Stan gets a call from Ford promising to make all his legal problems disappear if he comes to work as Ford's lab assistant in his investigations of a strange town: Gravity Falls.
When Ford realizes the strangeness of Gravity Falls, he decides he needs people he can trust to help him (and he wouldn't mind having some muscle to help him with the more dangerous problems). And so, along with his old friend McGucket, he decides to ask Stan for help since in this universe they're on much better terms.
Stan quickly accepts. It feels almost too good to be true: he and his brother can finally have the adventure that they always wanted. Sure, the cryptids of Gravity Falls are often dangerous and always disturbing, but at least he's with his brother. Unfortunately, much like in canon, thinks start to go wrong.
Ford makes his deal with Bill and creates the portal. McGucket is sucked into it and goes insane, abandoning the project. Stan begins to notice that Ford is becoming more and more erratic and disturbed, and can't understand why his brother doesn't seem to trust him. Things come to a head when Ford tells Stan to leave, and take the journal as far away as possible. Understandably, Stan freaks out.
His relationship with his brother was better than in canon, but Stan still felt abandoned when Ford left for college. With Ford gone, he'd been reduced to a petty grifter, without a home or family. The past few months have been the best of his life: he has a home, plenty of adventure, and, most important of all, his brother besides him. But now Ford wants him to leave.
The two start to fight and, suddenly, the portal switches on! Except in this universe, it's not Ford who's pulled in, but Stan. Ford is devastating, realizing what he's done to his brother, and does everything in his power to try and bring him back, but unfortunately, Ford already hid two of the three journals in places even he isn't able to reach (perhaps he even wiped his memory to prevent Bill somehow forcing him to retrieve them) and without Bill's insight, he has no clue how to reactivate the portal.
Timeskip to the present day. Ford has a reputation as a brilliant but reclusive scientist. His contributions to Physics and other fields of science have allowed him to win multiple Nobel Prizes and many other awards. However, he doesn't seem to care about any of this (he states to Dipper at one point he only publishes his results to ensure a steady supply of grant money).
Ford is kind but distant with his family. He's never met Mabel or Dipper before the start of the series, but he has written to them and sends them presents for their birthdays. Dipper idolizes his uncle, and is a lot more interested in science than in the original series as a result of his aspiratons to be like his Grunkle. His correspondence with his Grunkle is overly formal and often includes stuff like descriptions of science fair projects and requests to work as a lab assistant for his Grunkle (requests that are gently denied). Ford considers Dipper to be a promising young scientist. Meanwhile, Mabel being Mabel sends him stuff like videos of herself sticking gummy worms up her nose. Ford is mildly confused but very fond of his grand-niece.
The series starts when Mabel and Dipper are sent to spend the summer at their Grunke's place. They are both very excited to meet him (Dipper a bit more than Mabel due to his hero worship of Ford). Ford is happy to see them too, and gets along well with the pair when he's with them. However, he spends most of the day in his laboratory, working on unknown experiments, and leaves the kids to play around town. Ford often sends his two lab assistants, Soos and Wendy to look after the pair. Soos and Wendy are much the same as in the actual show— although Ford could probably hire anyone he wants to work in his lab since he's a famous scientist, he doesn't want to involve anyone outside of the town for fear of attracting unwanted attention to his real work.
A few days into his time in Gravity Falls, Dipper discovers the journal hidden near the metal tree. In this universe, the journal's slightly different. Each of Ford's three lab assistant wrote their own journal, marked with their own symbol (it wouldn't be much of a mystery who wrote them if the journal had Ford's six fingers on the cover). The first book, still owned by Ford, has the standard six fingered hand and is written by him. The second one, which has fallen into Gideon's possession, is written by McGucket and has a symbol based on his glasses on the cover. Finally, the journal Dipper finds is marked with the same symbol as Grunkle Stan's fez.
The contents of the Journal are a bit different than the original. Although Stan does write about their supernatural encounters, his style is far more informal than his brother's, often making jokes or mocking comments about the creatures they encounter. Occasionally, Ford takes over to write a section when Stan can't be serious, so the journals a mix of the two of their writing. Stan jokingly refers to his brother as "Mr. Scientist" throughout the Journal, unintentionally concealing the fact that Ford's the main researcher.
A few hours after finding the Journal, Dipper speaks to Ford, suspecting that the old man is Mr. Scientist (although he doesn't mention the Journal, only his knowledge of supernatural occurences in Gravity Falls, so Ford doesn't know he has it). However, Ford feigns disbelief in the supernatural, hoping to prevent his nephew from diving too deep into the secrets of Gravity Falls.
Although Ford's performance successfully convinces Dipper that he's not the Author (AKA Mr. Scientist), Dipper is not deterred in the slightest by his Grunkle's skepticism and instead takes it as a challenge. To prove his credentials as a scientist, he's going to prove his Grunkle wrong, face down the supernatural, and bring back evidence (cue two seasons of Phineas and Ferb style antics where the evidence disappears as soon as he tries to show it to Ford).
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I really loved that Marauders Dark Academia post <333 I was wondering if you have any other Indian James Potter headcanons? About him or his family etc
Ohhhhh i have sO. MANY.
He does that thing where you slurp chai, click your tongue and say 'haaaaa!' Sirius and Remus give him so much shit for it for the first couple months, but then they start doing it and Peter finds it annoying and suddenly everyone in Gryffindor is being subjected to extremely exaggerated 'haaaaa!'s
He absolutely loathes it when people say British food tastes good. He gets into so many arguments with Peter about it because "come on, mate, that's the sweetest chai my mother makes, she's even skipped the ginger, how do you find it spicy?* "It has cinnamon, Jamie." "Cinnamon is fucking sweet, you little—"
He's obsessed with literature and poetry. Like, even obsessed is a mild word. People think Remus is the type to read books but no, wolf boy over there wouldn't touch a book if he didn't abso-fucking-lutely need to. James is the real bookworm— he got it from his Baba, who waxed poetic about Rabindranath Thakur and Vivekananda and Ghalib and Faiz Ahmad Faiz and told James that their writing was amazing and then there's this little boy reading under his covers with a little ball of not-so-accidentally conjured light which is how he gets his glasses before he even goes to Hogwarts.
He's three quarters Desi. His mother was from India, and his father was half Indian, because James' paternal grandmother was also from India. Specifically, both women were from pureblood Maratha lines.
He does the head movements. All the head movements. Sirius picks it up after spending literally all their time together, and Remus and Peter laugh themselves sick about it so many times, oh my gods.
Sirius learns Marathi, Hindi and Urdu from James' parents in secret and surprises James during the holidays after sixth year because he has the proper accent down and everything. James cries (but he won't admit it)
The Potter family, except James' paternal uncle Charlus and his wife Dorea, live in India till right before his 11th birthday, when the Indo Pak war breaks out. Then they move to England.
James has so. Many. Cousins. He can't remember the names of half of them and he hates how the atyas and the maushis and the mamis pull his cheeks when he visits the country, but he puts up with it because family is important to him. Also he loves playing with the toddlers and babies, they're fucking cute.
Loves kajal so much it's borderline unhealthy. There will always. Always. Be a line of black under his eyes, winging out slightly at the outer corners. Sometimes, when he's feeling himself, he will draw the wing out to a dramatic, bold style that makes the light brown of his eyes look so much more beautiful (Lily drives herself crazy over it).
Absolute pants at waltzing. He loves the music, sure (he can play almost every sheet of piano music he can find on the first try bc baby boi is a Pureblood brat /affectionate/), but he hates the dance style. He'd much rather wrap his ankles with ghungroo and dip his fingers into alta dye, because bharatnatyam is the ultimate dance form and you are wrong if you have any other opinion.
He was really good friends with the Patil twins' parents and family. They would get together to talk shit about the gore loka and Sirius would get mock annoyed that James almost never took him because "Jamie we're practically married already what the fuck mate"
He's really fucking good at maths and arithmancy, and he really fucking hates it. Stupid numbers and their stupid calculations kashyasathi kartoy mi he kay upayog tari ahe ka hyacha (marathi— why am I doing this is this even of any use) but he has a point to prove to snivellus and fuck if he isn't proving it. It also helps that his mother made him complete all fourteen levels of abacus (seven basic and seven advanced) by the time he was fourteen.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
So This Is Love
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: this came to me in a fever dream
Summary: A Beach Day [1.5k]
Warnings: time jump kinda (Sam is 17 and the girls are 13), me giving Dina and Jesse last names (Caradonna and Pierce) because Neil Druckman couldn’t, Lucy is Tommy and Maria’s daughter 🥸, family life, fluff
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If there's one thing you've realized about your family, it's that they love nothing more than a beach day. Sam will almost immediately ask when you're going to the beach when temperatures get past the eighties. His follow-up question is always, "And can Penelope's family come with us?" Because it can never just be a Miller beach day, it has to be a Miller-Hernandez-Garcia-Long-Caradonna-Pierce beach day. As the kids have gotten older and your lives more hectic, it's nice to have a chance to get away every once in a while. Sarah, Ethan, and Isaac will drive in from Sacramento, and Ellie, Dina, Jesse, and JJ will meet you guys there since they don't live far from you, Joel, and the kids. Joel and Ryan inevitably become pack mules because they refuse to let you or Carolina carry anything, and you've both learned not to argue with them. 
That's what today has consisted of. You, Sarah, Carolina, and Maria sit in the sand as you watch your husbands unload beach chairs, towels, coolers, sand castle molds, and more. It took Sam all of ten seconds to break into Fun Uncle Mode and start a game of football with Isaac and JJ, Penelope, and Lucy joining the boys. Elizabeth, Victoria, Sophia, and Violet sit in a circle with supplies to make bracelets and whatever books they're reading at their feet, gossiping just out of earshot of their uncool parents. Ellie, Dina, and Jesse have given up on arguing with Joel about helping to unpack and have settled on wading through the water, splashing each other when they're not looking. They make a sweet little family. Unconventional, sure, but loving and amazing, nevertheless.
Once the Hernandez-Miller-Long boys unload all their stuff, they join the football game Sam started, in which nobody keeps score because they're all laughing too hard. It's fun to watch Joel and Tommy play on separate teams, the sibling rivalry coming out just enough to entertain you and Maria. You would think Joel would slow down or get tired faster than he used to, but something about the summer sunshine makes him twenty-five years old again. He goes from playing football and playfully tackling Isaac to teaching JJ how to surf, holding his hands as they stand on the board together, to bounding over to Ellie in the waves, picking her up, and throwing her in the water. "Mom!" She complains when she breaches the surface with a big smile. She laughs when you throw up your hands to let her know you can't control him. 
All the moms end up running around with sunscreen, water, and snacks to make sure nobody gets neglected, no matter who they actually belong to. You once joked with Carolina that, at this point, you basically have a commune of parents who take care of all the kids. Jesse will send birthday cards and money to the twins on their birthday. When Elizabeth got too drunk at a college party, she called you instead of her parents. Not because she didn't trust them but because she knew you'd pick up the phone even though it was two in the morning. And when Sarah gave birth to Isaac, you, Lucia, Maria, Carolina, Ellie, and Dina descended upon her home to take care of the laundry and dishes, prepare food, and ensure Sarah and Ethan slept. It's like having a huge family without the drama or strained relationships. 
After Joel has all but run himself ragged and the sun is casting purple and golden rays across the sky, he pulls you onto his lap, and you sit with him as you watch your kids. Ellie, Dina, Jesse, and JJ sit nearby, munching on sandwiches and listening to JJ's latest science fair project about space. Sarah and Ethan build sand castles with Isaac, and Ryan, Carolina, and Victoria nap together in a too-small beach chair. The only ones still up and being rowdy are Sam, Penny, and the twins. Sam is trying to teach Penny how to throw a baseball, and the twins are surfing along the coastline. The sound of the waves and the heat from Joel's body makes you sleepy as you rest against his chest, his hand drawing patterns into your thigh. 
"D'you have fun today?" He asks quietly as he kisses your temple. 
"I always have fun at the beach with you."
"Cheesy," he shakes his head, and you slap his chest. "You can't even get mad at me 'cause you know that was cheesy."
"You married me for my cheesiness."
"No, I married you for the money. Obviously." He says, and you laugh. Penelope and Sam's laughter overlaps yours, and you both turn to see them leaning against each other with big smiles. Sam's eyes twinkle familiarly in the sunset as he looks at Penny again, holding up his baseball.
"Be serious about this! When I go pro, you're gonna be the one to throw out the first pitch!" He urges, and she rolls her eyes.
"If you go pro, you'll have much bigger things to worry about than me throwing out the first pitch." She teases, and he raises his eyebrows, hiding the baseball behind his back and stepping into her. You'd have to be fucking blind not to see the way they flirt with each other. 
"Oh, yeah? Like what?" 
"Like controlling your roid rage."
"I'll have you know I've never done steroids in my life!"
"You're still young, Miller. I give it three years."
"You think that little of me?" He asks and collapses to the sand dramatically when she nods. You laugh, and Joel adjusts so your ear is by his mouth.
"They remind me of us." He whispers, and you furrow your brows as you face him. He smiles sleepily and reaches out to push your hair out of your face.
"How so?" 
"Other than the fact she just called him 'Miller,'" he says, and you smile. "'M not sure. He just... seems lighter around her. And they're always together. They have their own little language and dynamic. Not to mention, anyone with eyes in a twenty-mile radius can see how hopelessly in love he is with that girl."
"I thought you married me for my money."
"I mean, that was a plus, but I married you 'cause I couldn't imagine spendin' another moment without you as my partner and 'cause I wanted to be with you every day," he says as he kisses your jaw. "'Cause I was and still am hopelessly in love with you." You take a deep breath as you wrap your arm around his shoulders and lean back to look at him in all his sunburnt nose, heavy, happy-eyed glory. 
He's aged in the years since you've been together. His hair is a little more gray than brown, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes have deepened through late-night feeds, early-morning school drop-offs, tours, movies, albums, everything. You've aged too. You're not the same twenty-something you were when you met Joel, but you love this version of yourself. You love this version of your marriage and family and can't wait to see what joy the next version will bring you. You lean down and kiss him. He tastes like sea salt and beer and him. His beard scratches your face, but his hands on your skin are soft and heavy. You remember an old song from the original Cinderella film. She hums it after meeting her Prince Charming and goes home utterly in love with him. You swear, if this moment were a shot from a movie, that song would play over this moment.
"Cheesy." You mumble against his lips.
"Oh, that was cheesy?" He asks, and you hum. In one movement, he secures you in his arms and stands. You squeal and hold onto him for dear life as he starts walking through the sand. "I'll show you cheesy." 
"Joel!" You yell as he walks into the cold water and dunks the both of you under within two seconds. You don't see or hear it happen through the salt water in your eyes and your laughter, but your family rushes into the water after you—all of them. Ryan picks up Carolina, Ethan picks up Sarah, Jesse, and Dina work together to grab Ellie, and Sam picks up Penny, and they all run into the water. The kids follow suit, and before you realize it, all your favorite people are in the water with you, laughing and smiling as they cling to each other amidst the waves. Sophia jumps on Joel's back, and he goes underwater with all three of you as the sun sets overhead and the moon slowly appears over the cliffs. You're shaking from the cold and clinging to Joel, but you can't stop smiling. There's no place you'd rather be than here, freezing in the water with your family as the sun sets on another perfect Miller-Hernandez-Garcia-Long-Caradonna-Pierce beach day.
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lbova · 2 months
My Rodney x Cappy Headcanons
Hi y'all! It's been a little while. I just wanted to thank you all for reading my last two Rodney x Cappy fanfics. I didn't think anyone would care lol. Since you guys loved my fanfics, I decided to share my Headcanons with you guys, so hope you enjoy!
Rodney Headcanons:
He is pansexual and transgender
His birthday is March 31 (His birthday is based off of Ewan McGregor's birthday)
His favorite color is sky blue
His cousins Jeffery and Veronica are twins and are about ten years older than him
His parents almost considered having another child, but Rodney didn't want any siblings
He has watched the ENTIRE Bigweld Show and it's reruns at least 7 times in his childhood
He wore Veronica's pink chest piece all throughout his four years of high school
He had never dated anyone in school. Cappy is the first robot he has ever been in a relationship with
After he became CEO of Bigweld Industries, he upgraded himself just a little bit. He didn't change too much, he only replaced his "springy" legs and torso with more athletic looking components
He often visits Aunt Fanny's house to hangout with Fender and the rusties when he wasn't working
He sleeps for at least 4 hours a day, if he's lucky
He might not look like it, but he's very ticklish, even if you were to slightly tap his shoulders
His favorite rock bands are System Of A Down and Judas Priest
He loves watching Stars Wars (I think you can guess why lmao)
He doesn't like to admit, but he loves musicals
Cappy Headcanons
She is bisexual
Her birthday is September 17
Her favorite color is jade green
She is one year younger than Rodney
Her father is a vacuum cleaner with arms and her mother has a radio for a head
She did ballet in elementary and middle school
She was in a computer club in highschool
She and Loretta went to the same high school
She has been in 4 relationships before Rodney
She almost had a high school sweetheart in her 4th relationship, but he ghosted her a few weeks before graduation
As soon as she graduated, she moved out of her parents house and found a decent apartment to live in
She started working at Bigweld Industries a few weeks before Ratchet took control
Her favorite singer is Selena Gomez
She loves watching The Lord of the Rings
Rodney X Cappy Headcanons
Rodney was the first to confess his feelings for Cappy
They started dating a week after the events of the movie
Rodney loves to play with Cappy's hair whenever he got the chance
Cappy loves physical attention. She hugs Rodney at least 5 times or more a day
Rodney loves holding hands with Cappy. It's one of his comforting feelings
Cappy would sometimes force Rodney to watch horror movies with her. Rodney does NOT like horror movies
They like going out on afternoon walks if they both had the day off
Well that about does it. Remember, they're just MY Headcanons. You don't have to like them. I just really love these two silly bots! New Rodney x Cappy fanfic coming soon! 😉
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
May i request rottmnt of little sister reader who gives her brothers things she knows they wished to had.
Like she knows mikey wanted that famous rare cooking book that got sold out years ago and she comes up to him saying " hey mikey, close your eyes and give me your hands, i swear it's not a prank! " and when she gives him he gets so shocked he almost cry and scream at the same time.
She do the same with her 3 older brothers because she loves going so far to make them happy.
( in case you couldn't find a thing that may make the brothers so happy may i suggest; a poster of leo with lou outfit back when he was fighting in BNC, for Donnie a rare computer chip, and for raph she sew a ghost bear - she hates him btw - teddy bear big size for raph).
If this request is too much then please ignore it.
Gifting the Boys Presents
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RotTMNT + gn!reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing
A/N: I had a better idea for Donnie :] Requests are closing on the 20th, get your requests in before then!
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Donnie & Leo (cause twins)
The twins' birthdays were coming up.
You were so worried about what to get them, especially Donnie
Donnie was hard to shop for
So... You went to Draxum to see if he could help you get what you needed for the purple turtle
You had managed to snag Leo's, it was a custom order
Draxum managed to get you what you needed for Donnie too
Now all that was left was to wrap them
"Happy birthday to yoooooooooouuuuu!"
The twins blew out the candles on their cake
Leo wrapped his arm around Donnie, a bright smile on his face
The cake was amazing, like always
"Time for presents!"
The 2 other boys gave them their gifts, birthday boys showing their appreciation
"Alright, Bee, it's your turn!"
You hand Leo his present first, placing it gently in his hands
"Oh my god..."
Leo unrolls the poster, showing him beating the Battle Nexus in his Lou Jitsu outfit
"Wow, Bee... I... I don't have the words..."
You dropped Donnie's in his lap, he winced
"What the hell..."
He unwrapped it, leaving a thick box with Uranium inside
"I had to ask Draxum for help, but I managed to get you 7 kilograms... I know it's not much..." I learned that 7kg of Uranium weighs 16lbs....
"This was more than I wanted! Thank you."
Leo and Donnie hug you so tight, you almost can't breathe.
You finally found it
Chef Rupert Swaggert's cookbook
Mikey had been wanting it for years, but never managed to get his hands on it
Plus, the one you found was signed!
Yes, Meatsweats was a villain who had tried to eat your brothers, but it was still something Mikey wanted
Afterall he was a huge Condescending Kitchen fan
"Hey, Mike? I have a present for you."
"What? It's not even my birthday."
"I know... I just found this and it made me think of you."
Mikey comes over and you hand him your hurriedly wrapped present
"Oh, there's something even better."
"What could possibly be better than this?"
You flip the cover open, showing Mikey Rupert Swaggert's signature
"Thank you so much! I-I don't really even know how to thank you!"
He picks you up, squeezing you
When he sets you back down, you see tears in his eyes
At least they're happy tears
You knew you weren't supposed to be top-side, but Raph was upset and you wanted to help
You wanted to cheer your eldest brother up
Maybe you could grab his favorite pizza or maybe get him a cool new bear
You passed by a thrift store when you saw it
A Ghostbear teddy that had sold out long before you were born
Yes... You hated Ghostbear, but this was the perfect thing to cheer Raph up
You went in and bought it before racing back home
"Raph! Close your eyes and hold your hands out."
"Dandy, I'm not in the mood."
"Please? It's not a prank, I promise."
Eventually he complies, he can't say no to you afterall
You set the stuffy in his giant palms
He opened his eyes and stared at the toy
"Is... Is this the Ghostbear plushy that was sold out like... 15 years ago?"
"Yeah. I found it, I thought it would cheer you up."
Raph pulled you into his lap, tears in his eyes
"Thank you. I really needed this."
The rest of the night, you 2 sat comfortably, Raph's chin resting on your head
He told you stories about your brothers before you came around
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