#they're having this conversation outside the shock shop
rxmqnova · 8 months
Hey! Just a cute one, Nat has Liho.
Yn joined the Avengers and she has a cat too, a orange one(Liho is a black one) [so for all I saw on tiktoks or Twitter is like the oranges one can be more affectionate I don't know if that is true or not.]
So Yn's cat(you can write a name) always was near Liho but It was a surprise for Natt that her cat wanted another cat around her.
Wanda being the good friend she is, she talked to Nat saying that the relationship between the cats reminds her of her and Yn, being so differents but they were perfect for each other. So you know, yn and Nat watched a bit the cats and then Nat told her about it and asked her on a date.
Different, but perfect
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NO ONE'S POV "Look at that Foxy, now we're officially Avengers" Y/N says excitedly, petting her cat behind ears.
She's finally moved to the Avengers compound today and is more than excited to start her new life as an Avenger. It has always been her dream to become one of the Avengers and be able to help other people. And it's finally happening.
Y/N watches with a smile as her cat walks over to her new friend Liho, a black cat that belongs to Natasha. It's kinda funny how Foxy and Liho are similar to their owners.
Liho is more of a loner, she doesn't really like anyone besides Natasha. Most of the time the cat is somewhere out of sight and alone. Kinda like Natasha. The redhead joins the team if she needs to, but she's happier in the gym on in her room where she has time to think and has no one around.
On the other hand, Foxy is such a friendly cat who loves human touch and is more than happy when someone's petting her. Y/N is also very friendly, loves to be around people and her absolute favorite thing is cuddling.
Who would say that absolute opposites like Liho and Foxy could be such good friends. But you know what they say… opposites attract.
"Oh, there you are. I've heard you also have a cat, so I just wanted to tell you that Liho's not really fr…" Natasha stops when she sees her cat happily playing with Y/N's.
"I think they like each other actually" Y/N smiles, glancing at Natasha before looking back at the two happy cats.
A little shocked Natasha sits down on the ground next to the newest Avenger, watching their cats play. What shocks her even more is that both cats make their way over to Y/N, wanting her to pet them which Y/N happily does.
Over the weeks Y/N's spent on the compound, Liho's behavior towards Foxy hasn't been the only surprise.
Liho grew to like the new Avenger quite a lot. And to be honest, Natasha did too. She often finds herself thinking about Y/N or finding every opportunity to spend time with her.
Anything like this has never happened to Natasha before and she has no idea what to do. If she should just admit how she feels, or if she shouldn't say anything? What if Y/N doesn't feel the same?
Of course, Y/N does. She loves spending time with the redhead. But she is absolutely clueless and doesn't see the way Natasha looks at her. She's noticed Natasha's nicer to her than she is to the others, but she thinks it's just because she's new here.
"I don't know, Wanda. We're completely different. I don't even think she feels the same way" Natasha sighs, taking a sip from her coffee.
The redhead's currently in the kitchen, talking to Wanda who's the only one who knows about Natasha's feeling for the newest Avenger. Everyone else is either somewhere around the compound or somewhere outside. Y/N went out shopping this morning, so Natasha doesn't have to be worried she would hear her conversation with Wanda.
"Look at it from a different point of view. Look at Liho and Foxy. They're so different and yet they won't make a single step without each other" Wanda starts, pointing at the two cats that are walking around together. "Just like you and Y/N. You two might be different, but you are perfect for each other"
"But what if you're wrong? And she's just being friendly?" Natasha asks unsure, making Wanda roll her eyes playfully.
"Nat, I see the way she looks at you. She definitely likes you. Just ask her out and you'll see I'm right" Wanda says confidently.
"Hey, guys! What are you up to?" Y/N smiles brightly, stepping into the kitchen with a few bags, some filled with clothes and some filled with food.
"Hi there. We're just talking. But you seem like you had a successful shopping day. What you got?" Wanda asks with a smile.
"Well, I got some clothes. I especially love the cute dress I got. And I stopped for groceries, cause the fridge is nearly empty… again" Y/N says. "Oh, and I got some treats for the cats" She smiles, taking out the cat treats and showing it to both girls. "Foxy and Liho are gonna love it!"
"I'm sure they will, детка" Natasha chuckles at Y/N's excitement, watching as Y/N's cheeks turn red on the name she called her. (baby)
"Well, I'll go to give them some" Y/N informs, quickly walking over to the cats and petting both behind ears, hoping Natasha hasn't noticed anything.
"Well, I guess I'll leave you two here. Go get her" Wanda says just for Natasha to hear, winking at her before turning around and walking out of the room.
Natasha takes a deep breath before standing up and walking over to Y/N and the cats, taking a seat next to the girl.
They just watch their cats for a bit, eventually petting them behind ears until Natasha finally gets the courage and starts speaking.
"Wanda thinks the cats are like us" The redhead blurts out on which Y/N tilts her head in confusion.
"Well… I mean, kinda I guess" Y/N shrugs, not understanding Natasha's point.
"What I meant to say is that they're completely different, but they're such good friends" Natasha explains, receiving a hum in response. "Just like us… Y/N, I don't know how people do it. I'm trying to tell you I like you" Natasha sighs. She's never confessed her feelings to anyone and it seems harder than she thought.
"Y-you do?"
"Yes. I… I was hoping that maybe you would go out with me? Like a date?" Natasha asks nervously, waiting for an answer.
Y/N opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. She's been imagining this moment for so long and now when it's finally here, she's too shocked it's actually happening.
"I'm sorry, just forget I asked" Natasha says after no response from Y/N, bringing her back to reality.
"No, no. I-I like you too. I would love to go on a date with you, Nat" Y/N quicky catches Natasha's hand, stopping her from standing up.
"Really?" Natasha better asks to make sure, receiving a warm smile and a nod back.
"Of course, going on a date with you would make me the happiest girl on the entire world"
Natasha Romanoff masterlist
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poppy-metal · 3 months
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hnngnngnggggnnn Patrick being a spoiled little rich boy <3
need to be his sugar baby :( getting to lounge around his mansion and use his black card at any shops you want as long as your mouth or pussy or ass are available to him whenever he wants :((
his little free use girlfriend who he parades around at important events in skimpy dresses that make people stare at you in shock, all so he has easier access to lift up your skirt or tug down the top and reveal your tits if the whim arises :((((
need to be rich!patrick zweigs bratty sugar baby. need to be his little mistress because he never separated from his family and grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth and became pro at tennis and became like all the other boring fucking older men at his fathers country club he swore he'd never be. need him to hate his life and how easy everything was to obtain and how his marriage is loveless and she doesn't even put out and his kids are rich little brats he can't connect with because they're little ipad kids, absolute demons, they wont go outside with him they dont wanna learn to play tennis or any sport or run around and make stick and dirt soup like he did when he was a kid and life is so fucking boring everything is in grays - until he meets you.
at a bar one night. its not the first time hes cheated on his wife - but it might be the first time he's fallen in love. he sees you and wants to fuck you immediately. already decides he'll have your panties around one ankle while he shoves a tongue up your cunt in the bathroom stall - he buys you a drink and you let him. you're sweet and flirty and you draw him in like a bee to a pretty flower - he's subconsciously leaning in, eyes can't stop dropping to your lips.
things take a turn though when you get up to leave and he blinks because he didn't mean to get swept up in the conversation - chases after you to try again - to take you back to a hotel or even in the back of his car - but you tell him no.
he just looks at you. confused. hard. "no." he repeats. rolls it around in his head. foreign. hasn't heard it much before. it sounds sweet coming from your lips.
"you're not fucking me." you tell him simply.
that shouldn't turn him on but it does. he's not stupid. you were attracted to him. he'd seen the way you looked at him - bitten your lip. he knows he's not projecting, because even now you're smiling as you say it.
he rubs a thumb over his bottom lip as he checks you over. strappy heels, but cheap. tight little bodysuit, but not designer. flashy purse but he knows the diamonds on it are fake.
"you in college?"
you smooth a hand down your hair. "sophomore year."
he nods, leans against the brick building of the bar. fishes in his coat pocket for his packet of cigarettes. "what're you studying?" he flips the box open, slides a cig out - brings it to his lips.
you eye him curiously as he roots for his lighter next - trying and failing to ignore the heat in your belly at how good this man looks leaning against something with a cigarette dangling from his lips.
"we already did the small talk, dude. you're not getting any."
he ignores that. lights his cigarette and inhales. he likes that you're obviously irritated but you dont move away. he blows smoke through his nose. says again, "what're you studying."
you huff. roll your eyes. he watches you calmly, taking drags his cig. in the cool night air you can't tell the exact shade of his eyes, but you think they're green. everything about him screams money and dominance.
you cross your arms. "law." short but simple.
he nods like that makes sense, flicks ash.
"that's good." he says it in a way that sounds like he means it but also could be condescending and you dont know why that makes you swallow deeply. "expensive, though."
you narrow your eyes.
"you think im poor?"
usually someone would fumble after being called out like that but patrick just smiles in a way that says he knows you are -
"i know you're not rich."
you bristle. that hurts. you don't know why. who wants to look rich, anyway. fucking snobs. but still, its embarrassing to be told the distinction in class is obvious to someone else who's far far above you. you can already tell the watch hes wearing costs more than the apartment you can barely afford.
"thanks for the unasked for observation, dickhead." you yank your purse strap higher on your shoulder, make to turn away. "I'd say its been pleasant but well, it hasn't. so."
you make it a couple steps before he calls out -
"I'll pay it."
you're alot of things. you're haughty and stubborn and yeah, not rich. you're also down on your luck and struggling and drowning in so many things in the moment - barely being able to afford your own fucking beer at this point when what you wanted to accomplish in life would take thousands, thousands of dollars. so hearing the word 'pay'. well, yeah. it makes you turn around to face the guy.
"you'll what?"
he knows you heard. it was cute how you perked right up.
"I'll pay it." he gestures towards you. "all of it - your semester. your tuition. textbooks. whatever else you need."
you gawk at him.
the thing is. he's attractive. alarmingly so. disarmingly really. he's tall and broad and he dresses well. he has that perfectly styled hair and deep rich man scent that makes your mouth water. a beautiful face with a rouge kind of touch. you'd have fucked a man like him under any normal circumstance, but given the way your life is going at the moment - you haven't the time to waste on pretty men with big dicks.
probably. he probably has a big dick.
"you're fucking kidding me."
"nah." he licks his bottom lip. takes another drag. flicks more ash to the pavement. he looks at you like he's already imagining you naked in front of him. "I'm good for it."
"well duh." you look him up and down. "you look like you just stepped out of a magazine for mens wealth or whatever. why the fuck are you offering? you expect me to suck your dick for it or something?"
you say the last part sarcastically, rolling your eyes - but patrick just looks at you seriously. sucks the humor right from your bones when he says - "yeah, i do."
two things happen in your body.
firstly, you stiffen. the urge to slap him for being so derogatory making your fingers twitch at your sides. your face burns.
secondly and most apparently, your cunt throbs. your nipples tighten. you inhale sharply in a way patrick notices. smirks at.
you blink at him several times.
"i can't believe you just seriously said that to me." you say it kind of breathlessly. you really can't believe it though.
"should i be more clear?" he takes one step towards you. "i want to fuck you - you want to fuck me, but you won't do it for free. I'm offering to pay you for it."
"i - im not a whore."
the grin patrick gives you makes a tremble shoot through your whole body. you feel it in your toes.
"you sure about that?"
you really should slap him.
you dont.
you fumble, "you're married." you'd spotted the ring at the bar earlier. it hadn't been the reason you turned him down initially, but still.
"you dont care about that."
"you cant just...... buy whatever you want. im a person."
he nods. he's done with his cigarette so be crushes it beneath his boot. "give me your hand." he just takes it anyway. you watch dumbly as he gets a pen from his pocket - how many things did he have in his fucking pocket? - bites the cap off, and brings the tip to your palm. "this is the number for my personal phone."
of course he had multiple phones. he doesn't let go of your hand when he's done writing. rubs his thumb into the pulse point at your wrist.
"when you change your mind -" when not if. "- i want you to call me."
you go to pull your hand away, but patrick squeezes it.
"one more thing."
he's close enough the spicy mint scent of him fills your nose. he dips his head so he's closer to your ear, you feel the stubble on his chin graze your cheek -
"when you let me fuck you - you will be a cheap whore. you'll let me do what I want to you. and i know its not because of the money. but i understand what its like to need something to let yourself have something else." he turns his head. kisses your cheek. "don't take too long to call, though. I'm not a patient man."
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
Hiii!! I’m absolutely in love with the way you write kiyoomi :) he’s literally perfect. If you have time, I would love a scenario where his partner meets the black jackals for the first time!! Whether it’s accidental or on purpose is up to you :)
but he was so much fun (and he had such weird friends!)
cw/tags: gn!reader, swearing, mentions of cooking and eating, domestic omi crumbs, established relationship and pet names (love, baby), pure jackals crack
note: hi love!!! this prompt is so funny omg i'm obsessed. hope you like it!!! i got extremely carried away
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated :)
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"i'm-" he starts, huffing out an irritated breath and setting his knife on the cutting board, gripping the edges of the countertop. you turn to look at him from your spot at the stove, tapping the wooden spoon against the edge of the pot and placing it in the spoon rest. you check the vegetable prep over his shoulder and find neat piles of cut carrots, cauliflower, and potatoes. it didn't seem like anything was wrong with his knife skills, so it perplexed you why he was suddenly having trouble expressing his thoughts. "i'm having..."
"you're having?" you wipe your hands on a kitchen towel and gently turn him to face you, snaking your arms around his neck while his hands find their natural place on your hips. your thumb absentmindedly brushes over his moles, right above his furrowed eyebrows of annoyance.
"doubts," he says uncertainly, glancing at the dining table set for four more than its usual two occupants. the corner of his mouth juts to the side in obvious discontent, even though he was trying not to dampen your excitement for formally meeting his friends. not that he would ever call them that, at least not in this lifetime.
"how so, baby?"
"they can be a little...hard to handle," he mutters. "you know them. you've seen it," he says, voice strained and it makes you chuckle at the memory of the first time you actually met his friends.
kiyoomi wishes that it didn't happen that way at least twice a day. it was partially your fault, overestimating your ability to find him in the back halls of the msby gym facilities after only a few months of dating. after turning yourself around about four different times and unable to retrace your steps, you settled for walking in the direction of a nearby conversation. you ended up, however, steering a wrong turn into the men's locker room, yelping in surprise when you were met with three bare chests, none of which belonged to your boyfriend. apologizing profusely and briskly walking away, you were fleeing too quickly to hear the three players equally as alarmed.
it was like a scene from a cartoon; you could vaguely make out the sound of things being thrown like shirts, water bottles, and flailing limbs. there were hushed whispers of holy shit, someone just walked in here and they're so pretty and put some fucking clothes on, shoyo, that's indecency. you make the executive decision to just wait for him outside, but before you leave, your boyfriend's voice rings loud and clear from around the corner.
"what the hell are you guys freaking out about?"
"omi, dude. you just missed them."
"missed who?"
"there was this really pretty person that walked in! they were wearing the same zip-up that you were wearing yesterday, isn't that neat?" your attention darts down to the jacket that was very much kiyoomi's and definitely not yours, your face warming from pure embarrassment. "maybe you could ask them if they shop there frequently; i think they'd be your type."
"since when did sakusa have a type?"
"hey, wait! where are you going?" is the last question you hear before your boyfriend comes barreling around the corner in nothing but shower shoes and sweatpants and looking just as bewildered as you and the three guys in the locker room. after a palpable moment of shocked silence, you both word-vomit at the same time.
"you're wearing my jacket."
"why are you shirtless?!"
"you're wearing my jacket." his voice drops in volume to a yelled whisper, his hand pulling you further down the hallway and away from the locker room despite his lack of clothes. a few of the gym staff eye you in confusion and you give them a weak smile, fighting the urge to stare at the muscle rippling across kiyoomi's body. "you're wearing my jacket," he repeats for the third time, as if it was taking several tries for his brain to compute the information in front of him.
"that's your main concern?!"
"no, shit, no," he shakes his head, regaining his composure after his mind short-circuited. "my main concern is you running into the three stupidest members of my team without me there-"
"and while they were shirtless," you add and his nose scrunches in pure distaste. "wait, why don't you want me to meet them without you there?"
"because they're stupid and-and i love you and they're-and they're stupid," he stammers, visibly flustered in a way that you'd never seen him before. it sets your face on fire, hearing how easily he said he loved you when you'd never said it to each other up until that point. the same realization must hit him at the same time and he pinches the bridge of his nose in defeat, sighing through his nose. "i just said i love you."
"you just said you love me," you echo, a delirious smile widening on your mouth as you peel his fingers away from his face and lace them into yours. "you just said you love me."
"he just said he loves them!" a very eavesdropping-sounding whisper comes from behind the wall and you both flinch. like a straw breaking a camel's back, kiyoomi's face contorted into a vengeful scowl. he composed himself for a moment, promising you he'd be right back, and then stomping around the corner where you heard receding screams of terror.
that was five months ago, and you finally convinced kiyoomi to let you meet his friends formally, along with atsumu's brother who was bringing more food to help you feed four pro athletes.
"i've seen a lot more than just them being stupid," you remind him, giggling when his face turns a light shade of pink. "and, i think it's endearing how much they care for you. i know you won't admit it, but i know you care about them, too." he gazes at you so softly that it makes you melt a little. i'm gonna marry you, one day, he thinks. "now, i promise i won't be deterred by their idiocy, so let me get back to cooking, okay?"
"okay," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "i love you. a lot."
"i love you even more, omi."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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dee-morris · 7 months
Finally We're Going to Talk About Crowley
I really do love them equally but you wouldn't know it from my posting history because I constantly feel the need to ride to Aziraphale's defense every other week.
Anyway we talk incessantly about Aziraphale's behavior in the last scenes of season two for obvious reasons, but I think Crowley also needs some deconstructing. His behavior is less shocking; he appears to be reacting to Aziraphale more than taking the reins of the narrative himself. But there are a few key moments I want to look at more closely.
The first thing I thought of was how nonchalant he appeared to be about his only friend going off to have a private conversation with a powerful angel who clearly loathes the sight of him. "Go ahead, the day can't get any weirder" YES IT CAN YES IT CAN but anyway, I was deeply mistaken.
The second they're out of sight he jumps to his feet and stares out the window after them, then he starts to pace around the bookshop. He stops dead when he sees Muriel and goes back to nonchalant mode. "They'll be back soon."
(In the tone, imo, of a parent waiting for their kid to come back from a date and it's past curfew and they're not answering their cell.)
And then--he immediately tries to get rid of Muriel. Who doesn't want to leave, bc "The Metatron might need me!" And you can see the "oh my sweet summer child" expression cross Crowley's face. He's still his usual casual demonic No Fucks Given self on the outside, but he doubles down on getting Muriel out of the shop.
I don't want to spit in anyone's crepes with this next bit, but I don't think the "us time" portion of this conversation was intended to be romantic. I hypothesize that Crowley had just about made up his mind to have an honest conversation with Aziraphale about his Fall and whatever tf he's got going on with the Metabitch. And the "extremely alcoholic breakfast" was what he needed to get through the conversation.
I'm wandering into the realm of speculation at this point, but I think my hypotheses are based on canon events. Crowley does not talk about his Fall with Aziraphale and discourages any mention of his angel identity. That could just be a trauma response, but you don't see the same reticence when it comes up in conversation with Beelz or Muriel or even Jim. I think he's been protecting Aziraphale from something all this time, maybe for his own safety or maybe because he doesn't want Azi to lose faith in heaven/God. The way he tries to send Muriel away makes me think it's a physical safety thing.
But then Metacunt shows up in the flesh and Crowley goes, Yeah it's time to have The Talk.
So then what changed?
This next extrapolation is a bit tenuous so feel free to disagree, but I don't think Crowley was as lost in the woods as he seemed to be. Crowley is impulsive and emotional, but he's not stupid. My friend leaves with the most dangerous angel I know and comes back acting weird. We are not getting that breakfast at the Ritz, are we?
I think the confession and the kiss were sincere, but I also think they had a purpose. I think he was trying to snap Aziraphale out of whatever was making him act like a marionette on crack. But, "It's too late. It's always too late."
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a hike with your angel
aziraphale x reader
requested by: anonymous
summary: aziraphale takes you on a hike to tell you something special
warnings: just fluff
a/n: i've had this done for a while and just... didn't post it for some reason. hopefully it's good :)
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when aziraphale invited you to go out, you were excited. while it was normal for the two of you to go out, it just never ceased to bring happiness to you. whether it was sitting silently in his shop listening to music, or going out for a meal, you loved it.
it was a passing suggestion in the quiet of the shop as you read a book.
"do you enjoy hikes, y/n?"
you looked up to him, "if there's something to look forward to at the end, yes."
he nodded to himself, and that was the end of that conversation.
maggie had suggested to him the idea of a nice picnic when he approached her with the question of how to confess his feelings, and he decided that she knew what she was talking about.
after a few days of planning, he showed up at the door of your quaint home. you were confused to see him, as you usually met him at his shop midday. "angel, what are you doing here?"
you had adopted the nickname for him when you heard crowley speak it, not knowing the meaning behind it until they told you later of their identities.
"well, i thought that we could go on a hike," he tells you, "i found a nice trail just outside of town, and crowley was kind enough to lend me his car."
you glanced out onto the street and saw that the car was indeed there. "well, that sounds like a lovely idea."
about a half hour later, you're going down a trail in the park, weaving through trees and listening to the sounds of the birds chirping and a creek flowing to the side.
"it's beautiful out here" you hum, admiring the greenery and wildlife.
"it truly is," aziraphale smiles, thinking of what lies ahead.
when you get to a clearing, you notice a blanket laying on the ground amongst the grass and flowers, a basket resting on top.
"ah, here we are," you're surprised when aziraphale walks toward it.
"did you set this up?" you question, a small grin spreading across your face.
he looks back at you as he opens the basket, "why of course" he smiles," you said you enjoy hikes if there's something to look forward to."
you admire the set up. it's like something you'd see in a movie. a red gingham blanket, a wicker basket- and he pulls out a bouquet of flowers.
"these are for you." he holds it out to you and you swear your heart is beating out of your chest as you take them.
"they're beautiful," you whisper softly as you admire it. all of your favorite flowers are presented in a magnificent arrangement.
nervously, he folds his hands together. "i actually have to tell you something-" he clears his throat, "something important."
you gently place the flowers down, "what is it?"
"well, you see…" he tries to remember the speech he prepared, the one he recited in his head the whole hike here like a mantra. apparently, he didn't recite it quite enough, because it just wasn't there anymore. "i… well, we've been friends for quite some time and…"
as he struggles for words, you hope that what he's trying to say is what you've been wanting to say for a long time.
instead of allowing him to continue the struggle. of formulating words, you gently cradle his face in your hands and kiss him.
every single feeling you've had for this angel is poured out through one action, and your heart is racing. what if you read into this wrong?
when you pull away, you look into his eyes, looking for any indication of what his reaction to what you just did was.
they were wide and for a moment you worried you had sent him into shock. until he finally spoke.
"i suppose that's a good way to say it."
you chuckle, "oh thank god that's what you were getting at. i was worried for a moment."
he smiles, "yes. i like you, y/n."
is your heart soaring? it certainly feels like it right now. "good. that would have been embarrassing if you didn't."
laughing lightly, he gently cradles your face in his hands to place another gentle kiss to your lips.
good omens: @chewbrry @cool-iguana aziraphale: none yet
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occasionalsnippets · 1 year
alternate mc and their counterpart's shenanigans in mandela county
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[tw for suicide mention because mandela. Pt 1, Pt. 2]
The first thing you do is guide your other self to the washroom to clean up. It's an easy task but you're pretty sure that other you is still in shock so they only numbly nod and follow your instructions.
As they do that, you pick up the gun you had thrown away and tuck it away in your jacket. They might need it later but you aren't so hasty as to give it back to them right away. They might try to shoot themselves again or shoot you, neither of which was preferable.
You think other you might stay in the shower for long enough for you to make food so you head to the kitchen to get started. There wasn't much left in the fridge given that other you had stayed inside for the last few days and you didn't want to go grocery shopping for them. Thankfully, there was still enough to make a meal.
Just as you finish plating the food, you hear the shower turn off. With any luck, the two of you would be able to hold an actual conversation.
You sit in the shower for much longer than you actually need.
It feels like a bad dream. If you stepped outside, would the Alternate still be out there? You didn't know what to do now. Were you already dead?
Eventually, you exit, finally cleaned up. You look into the mirror and find that although there are signs of exhaustion, you still look the same as before. You look like yourself. You look like your Alternate. It makes you want to pluck your eyes out.
There's food set on the table when you head to the dining table. Your Alternate is in the kitchen washing the dishes. They smile when they see you.
"Take a seat," they say.
You sit. Robotically, you begin eating. The food tastes like something you'd make yourself. The Alternate takes the empty seat across from you and eats as well. You could almost delude yourself into believing they're merely a friend who's come over to visit.
"So-" The Alternate claps their hands together. "I'm sure you have some questions."
An understatement but yes.
"Ask away."
"What do you want with me," you ask immediately. Best to get the most important question out of the way first. You weren't safe yet even if this Alternate doesn't seem to act the same as others do. You're already breaking every guideline by communicating with them.
They hum and set down their food. "Curiosity, I guess?"
You flinch because it sounds exactly like something you would say in that situation. They catch your movements and tilt their head in amusement.
"You understand," they state simply, "since we're the same."
"The same...?"
"I can't really tell you more but Mandela is interesting enough for me to stick around for a bit. It's not like there's anything here that can kill me anyways."
Not you or any other Alternates is implied.
"But… there's not enough room for the both of us," you recite, remembering the words from a broadcast.
The Alternate blinks slowly, unnatural eyes staring at you.
“There’s always enough room for the both of us,” they correct. "It isn't as if anyone in Mandela County is going to ask too many questions if we show up at the same time. I don't look like I've been photoshop liquify tooled."
And the words they say are true. They look perfectly normal, move in natural ways and speak clearly. Aside from the unsettling feeling of their eyes, they're so very human. Human enough to make you wonder if Alternates weren’t public knowledge, would you have even suspected anything?
You don't know.
And it scares you.
You don't recall ever being this conflicted when you were younger. You finish eating as you watch the other you struggle to understand your words. They're good but not as good as you were at masking emotions or reading people. It comes with experience.
They don't look like they have any more questions at the moment so you move on with what should be done next.
"You have work, don't you? You'll have to go back to it at some point."
There is no longer an active threat so they'll have to move on with their life eventually.
"And you? What will you do?" Other you eyes you distrustfully.
"I'll just be around," you answer vaguely since you aren't quite sure yourself. "Oh and don't worry about other Alternates. Alternates don't interact with each other that often unless it's something personal."
They could figure out the implications themselves. For now, since you were done eating, you went to the kitchen to clean up. Then, you headed to the front door.
"Leaving?" other you asks.
"Mhm." You twist the lock. "There's somewhere I want to visit. See you later."
You step out the door and leave them behind.
If they say anything, you don't linger long enough to hear it.
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bleachanimefan1 · 1 month
Desert Flower Part 36
A Day in the Leaf Village,
The next day, Yuri decided to go grab something to eat at Ichiraku ramen. Once she reached the shop, Yuri was surprised as she saw Kankuro standing around outside. He appeared to be lost in his thoughts and didn't even notice her when she came over.
"Hello? Anyone in there? Yoo Hoo!" Yuri waved her hand in front of the shinobi's face, startling Kankuro.
"Where'd you come from!?"
"I was going to grab a bit to eat when I saw you standing out here." Yuri told him. Then she heard Kankuro sigh.
"Hey, is there anything wrong? What's with the sigh?"
Kankuro narrowed his eyes at her. "It's none of your business."
"So, why are you still here in the Leaf? The festival's over." Yuri wondered.
"Temari thought it would be a good idea to stay a few days in the Leaf." Kankuro told her. Yuri's eyes widen a little. So, Gaara's here as well.
"Hmm...How about a bite?" Yuri offered. "My treat. But the next one is on you." Kankuro blinked at her, confused.
"Let's go to Ichiraku's. You can tell me what's wrong." She told him and pulled Kankuro by his arm.
"H-Hey! Wait!" Kankuro protested as he was dragged inside. The two sat down and ordered some ramen.
"Are you this overly friendly with other people, too?" Kankuro asked her.
"I guess so. I mean we're friends, aren't we?" Yuri told him. "It's common sense to help someone in trouble, right?"
"Actually, I wish I could be as outgoing as you." Kankuro murmured. (If only I could talk to him like this...) Yuri blinked and looked at him, surprised, thinking to herself. Why is he being so nice?
"Uh, thank you?" she smiled. "Well, I usually just try to think of what to say before I say it." 
"Think about what to say?" Kankuro questioned. Yuri nodded.
"Yeah, you know. Ask them how their day went, maybe certain hobbies they're interested in, or something they like to talk about or places they like to go to." She told him.
"So those are the main steps when talking to someone?" Kankuro asked. Yuri stared at him. Steps? Oh boy...This might be a little hard.
"It can be like that. Just look at them straight in the eye and say what you have to say. Just be honest. Otherwise, the conversation doesn't go anywhere." She told him.
"Heh. I get it." Kankuro smiled. (Next time I see him, I gotta look him straight in the eye.)
Yuri's eyes widened and she looked at Kankuro. Did she hear that right?
"Did you say something?"
"Nah, it's nothing." Kankuro shook his head. "But there is another thing I'd like to ask you."
"Okay, what is it?" Yuri asked.
"Let's say a guy likes this person but they can't exactly talk together-"
"Are you trying to say that you like Yukina?" she smirked. Kankuro sputtered, looking at her in shock.
"How did you know that I was talking about her!?" he stammered.
"I've seen the way you look at her. And I know that she seems to like you as well." Yuri told him. Kankuro's eyes widen a little.
"Really? Who would've guessed."
"Just do exactly what I've told you about talking to people. If you want to ask her out, I'm fine with that. But I only have one thing to ask of you when you do." Yuri told him.
"What's that?" Kankuro questioned.
"Don't make her cry. If you do, I'm going to make you pay." Yuri threatened. Kankuro stared at her, slightly scared, and nodded slowly.
"Good!" Yuri smiled and went back to eating her ramen, finishing it off. "Well, I'm full." she sighed, happily. Just as she was about to pay for the ramen, Kankuro stopped her.
"I'll pay for them." He told her.
"Are you sure? I mean, I can-" She stammered then Kankuro cut her off.
"I insist. And I like you to have this too." He told her and handed Yuri a small wooden practice puppet. Yuri blinked, staring at it.
"Uh, thanks." She smiled. "But why are you being so nice all of a sudden?"
"No special reason. I-I just happened to have this with me." Kankuro stammered. "Anyway, thanks for the chat." And Kankuro vanished, disappearing in a cloud of smoke, leaving Yuri still confused.
"Weird." Yuri murmured to herself. "But he does seem a lot happier now."
Yuri left the shop, deciding to roam around the village a little. Then she saw Temari standing in front of a shop. "Hey! Temari!" Yuri shouted, waving, and walked over to her. "What are you doing?"
"Well, I heard the dumplings are to die for here, so..."
"Do you want to try them? Let's go in!" Yuri smiled.
"Hey! I didn't say I was ready to eat, did I?"
"Come on!" Yuri pulled her along, dragging Temari into the shop. They ordered some food and went back outside and sat down on some benches, waiting for their order. A waitress came out carrying a tray of steamed dumplings. Temari and Yuri both sat, eating their dumplings together, quietly. Yuri glanced over to Temari to see her eating another one. Then another. And another. "Pretty good, am I right?"
Temari continued to eat her dumplings quietly.
"You're being a lot quieter than usual. Are they not good?" Yuri asked her.
"No. I was just enjoying the flavor." Temari told her.
"Leaf Village dumplings are the best of the best!" Yuri smiled.
"I'm not sure why you're so personally proud, but Heehee...I really like this place." Temari smiled.
"That's great. It's nice being able to talk to you like this. Maybe you'll come by more! Gaara and Kankuro, too!" Yuri told her.
"The Amaguriama is great. I'll definitely be back." Temari told her.
"And I did run into Kankuro on my way here." Yuri told her.
"Was he nice to you?" Temari asked.
"Yeah, he was acting a little strange. But it's all good. He admitted that he liked Yukina, well, more like I figured it out from him." She told Temari. Temari spit out her drink and looked at Yuri in shock.
"You're kidding!" 
Yuri smiled. "It's true."
"Aw, that's nice. My little brother likes someone. That's definitely going to be fun to tease him about." Temari smiled. Then Yuri saw Temari ordering another plate of dumplings.
"You're ordering some more?" Yuri asked, surprised.
"I'm getting some for Gaara and Kankuro." Temari spoke.
"Huh...I never thought those two have a sweet tooth." Yuri replied.
"Congratulations!" A woman shouted.
Both Yuri and Temari blinked, a little surprised and looked at the shopkeeper, wondering what she meant.
"You are the 10,000th customer to set foot in our shop! Allow me to present you with this wonderful prize!" The woman smiled and handed Temari a teakettle with a Shukaku design on it. Temari stared at it.
"And as a bonus, feel free to eat as many dumplings as you like!" And the woman walked away. Temari stared in shock.
"I can take the teakettle if you don't want it. My mom's a big collector." Yuri told her. Temari handed her the teakettle.
"Thank you." She smiled.
"Want to order some more dumplings?" Yuri asked her.
"Of course!" Temari nodded. Temari and Yuri both ordered many dumplings.
"I don't think I can eat any more. I'll explode." Yuri sighed. Temari laughed.
"Ha, is that all you can handle?" She spoke and continued to happily eat her dumplings until she was finished. She packed up the remaining ones. "I guess I better take them their dumplings now. Anyway, I'm off. See ya later."
"Bye!" Yuri nodded.
It was evening as the sun was starting to go down. Yuri was heading back to her house as she jumped from roof to roof on the other buildings. As she leaped to into the air, Yuri's eye widened when she saw Gaara standing by himself, with his arms crossed, on a tall platform. He seemed to be lost in thought, taking in the scenery around him.
"Hey, Gaara!" Yuri called out to him. Gaara looked up and saw Yuri coming down and landed beside him. "What are you doing up here?"
"I don't get out to this village too often, so I'm having a look around." Gaara told her.
"I can give you a tour if you want. I know the best spot in the village! Naruto showed me when I first came here." Yuri smiled. Gaara nodded. Yuri took him up to the Hokage stone faces and the two sat down, seeing the entire village in front of them. Yuri turned to look at him, seeing Gaara, silently looking.
"What do you think? You can see the whole village from up here!" she told him. Gaara stayed silent, taking it all in. More minutes went by and neither of them said a word. Yuri glanced over at Gaara in worry. Why was he so quiet? Does he not like it?
"The Hidden Leaf Village is a nice place. There's so much to take in." Gaara spoke, softly. Yuri blinked in surprise.
"Yes, it is, isn't it." She smiled, laughing a little.
"Hey!" Gaara and Yuri both saw Naruto jumping up towards them and he landed down a few feet from them.
"Hey, Gaara! Yuri! What are you two doing up here?" Naruto asked, walking over to them.
"Naruto." Gaara greeted him.
"I was showing Gaara the-" Yuri spoke before Naruto interrupted her.
"Are you two on a date?" He smirked. Both Yuri and Gaara's eyes widened.
"No! I was just showing Gaara the village!" Yuri told Naruto.
"Oh! Heheh, how about I take you both for some good food?" Naruto asked them.
"Good food?" Gaara asked.
"I'm a little full but I'll come." Yuri replied. Naruto took Gaara and Yuri to Ichiraku's. He ordered some ramen for himself and Gaara.
"Well, pretty good, huh?" Naruto smiled.
"It's...tasty." Gaara spoke, softly. Naruto giggled.
"Hehehe! See, I told you so!" Then he looked at Teuchi, the ramen shopkeeper. "Hey! You're a genius as always! Great ramen!"
"Glad to hear that. How about another bowl on the house?" He asked them.
"Wahoo! You're the man!" Naruto grinned.
"I guess, I can order one." Yuri spoke, ordering some. "Then I'll take some home for my parents and Yukina." The three ate their ramen together. Gaara sighed.
"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Naruto asked him. Gaara shook his head.
"No." He spoke and thought to himself. Someday I'll be more like you. They finished their ramen and stepped outside the shop. Yuri carried a small take out bag of ramen, for her parents and Yukina.
"Well, we had our ramen, now what?" Naruto asked them.
"I'm a little tired. I'm going to head back. It's starting to get late." Yuri told them. 
"Oh, okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow!" Naruto smiled. Yuri waved Naruto and Gaara goodbye and went back home. She walked inside to find her father passed out on the couch and her mom and Yukina in the kitchen, starting to make some dinner.
"I brought some take out. If you want any." Yuri told them and set the food down on the table. Her father immediately got up when he smelled the ramen and started rummaging in the bag, pulling out a box.
"Oh, but I made a nice healthier dinner to eat." Yuri's mom sighed. Yukina began to dig in, taking out a box, eating as as well.
"Why not have both?" Yuri asked, walking upstairs to her room.
"You're not going to have any?" Her mom asked.
"I've eaten enough for today. If I eat any more, I'm going to burst." Yuri told her.
As Yuri walked into her room, she noticed something different. She walked over to the window and opened it to see a plant sitting outside. It was a small cactus with a small red flower blooming on it. Yuri picked up, admiring it. 
Who could have left it here? 
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forensicated · 6 months
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 232
At the end of the last episode there was an explosion at the Lord Banbury pub where the summer party is being held. Most of the Sun Hill staff are able to make their way outside on their own feet, some with light injuries and most just shocked or coughing from the smoke. Gina looks for Adam but noone has seen him come out yet. There's secondary bangs inside the building from the structure being unstable and Gina quickly calls for a fire officer to come assess the situation. Tony can't wait and runs back in to find Adam and get him out before the building collapses. There's a further collapse that blocks the exit but Tony manages to kick the fire escape doors open and carries an unconcious Adam out over his shoulder.
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Unknown to everyone except Gina, Adam has been receiving racist hate mail for quite some time through the internal mail. Back at the station and unaware of what has happened, Rob slips an envelope into Adam's pigeon hole whilst wearing a glove.
The pub is sealed off and SO13 are called to attend. Sam suggests a gas leak but Gina says none of the witnesses or officers mention smelling gas. She did spot Wayne Radford driving away when she arrived however. Instantly Rob is riled. "It could be a bomb!" Jack tells him not to get ahead of himself and to go make himself useful.
The latest news is that Adam is critical and Gina heads to her car to go and be with him at the hospital. Jonathan arrives, having rushed to the scene. Gina is still obviously in shock and worried about Adam but assures Jonathan she's OK and that it would take more than an explosion to get rid of her. Jonathan hugs her and says their last few conversations had been snapping and things could have ended so differently. He offers to go with her but she assures him she'll be ok and doesn't know how long she'll be so she'll call him when leaving.
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Back at the station, Jack has found the note in Adam's internal mail and has started to think that he could have been targeted by a racist. Rob says he was sent one too and that it has to be Wayne Radford, panicking when Jack won't be swayed.
Gina is still sat at Adam's bedside when Neil comes to see how he is doing. It still doesn't look good as he's inhaled so much smoke. [Out of interest, they're saying it doesn't look good. but noone appears to have contacted his wife. It's Gina who's at his bedside for hours. This is all of a day after she called him out for being jealous she was seeing Jonathan too...] The next 24 hours are critical.
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The next morning Adam starts to come round with Gina at his bedside. Jonathan is worried as he hasn't heard from Gina. It's early days but the signs are good. Jack tells uniform that the explosion was caused by a bomb and that Adam received a racist hate note.
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Rob and Terry look into The Radford's involvement in the potential planting of the bomb. Rob watches the CCTV from a furniture shop across the road. Wayne arrives 2 minutes before and carries a parcel from the boot in the direction of the pub. Wayne gets back into his car seconds after the explosion and drives off. When spoken to, Wayne tells them that he was dropping off a birthday cake at Mario's, the bistro around the corner from the pub for a surprise party. Before they can leave the Radfords, it appears as though the 'bomber' may have struck again. Jerome Taylor, a local black councillor, reports he has been beaten up, told to leave Sun Hill and that he's been receiving hate mail. Rob doesn't look all that convinced, not least because it's been him and Taylor sending Adam the hate mail. He's horrified to hear about the bombing and Adam being hurt however - aware that if the notes are discovered to have come from him and Rob it makes them the most likely suspects.
Adam recounts what he remembers to Gina though it isn't especially helpful. He tells her that Denise has already asked him to leave Sun Hill over the hate mail. Gina admits he gave even her quite a scare and made her wonder if it was worth it. Adam tells her that she'll never walk away from the job as she has 'copper' coursing through her veins. She just smiles and says she's going to make times for other things - relationships for one.
Adam: "You mean Jonathan. For you to even be considering resigning there must be love in the air." Gina: "Oh give over!" Adam: "It's nothing to be ashamed of. You should tell him how you feel." Gina: "It's not me is it... all that lovey dovey stuff." Adam: "So you do love him then." Gina: "Something like that." Adam: "You can go out into the streets, take on dangerous criminals but when it comes to the man you love, you can't say three little words"
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Jonathan and Gina finally catch up where she apologises for not ringing. Gina spots Lance before she can take Jonathan to her office to tell him something special and asks him to wait a moment. Tony has told Gina that Lance is struggling after he was unable to go help Tony get Adam out the pub and she goes to speak to him to make sure he's alright. Now Lance has gotten his phone and jacket back from Gina he's rather concerned by some messages that he has received. One in particular asks him to meet him by the gents toilets in the pub - where the bomb was - sent moments before it exploded.
Gina finally gets chance to speak to Jonathan. She wants to tell him that she's fallen in love with him and wants to prioritise their relationship, but unfortunately Jonathan is fed up of playing second best to the job. He speaks over her and tells her he thinks it's best to split up. "It's not that I don't love you, Gina. I'm sure I always will but I can't be in a relationship where I'm playing second fiddle." "But that's what I was going to say to you!" "Being a copper is what you are. It wouldn't be fair for me to try and change it, you'd only resent me for it anyway. It's time to call it a day." The barriers come slamming down again and Gina turns her back on him. "You know it's for you too... it's best all round." Instead of replying and telling him the truth - that she wanted to make more time for them and loves him - she shuts down and literally turns her back on him rather than let him see the truth, tears pricking her eyes.
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She also turns down an invite from the relief to go out for a drink, still sounding rather choked ad she does.
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asteriaspirit · 8 months
Hunter, Hunter
The door to Blue Moon Books and Metaphysical Sundries opens with a bang. Partly from the rain that comes down in sheets of freezing water outside, partly from the wind that screams along with the storm. And partly from the massive individual stepping over the threshold and shaking himself free of the cold droplets that cling to his hoodie.
“Welcome to Blue Moon Books...” comes Asteria's welcoming chirp as she rounds the corner from one of the massive bookcases. “Oh.”
“Are you Asteria?” he asks, his deep baritone skittering across the floor to bury itself in her ears.
Asteria blinks up at him before a frown tugs at the corners of her mouth, her arms crossing over her chest, obscuring the logo of her bookstore scrawled across the navy shirt. “Depends on who's asking,” she tells him. “And what they want with her.”
The man steps forward, further into the warm interior of the store, the door finally closing behind him with a click. Asteria holds her ground even as she tips her head back to look up at him. His massive stature dwarfs her by comparison and if he were to become violent with her, there'd be little she could do to stop him. Especially not this far away from the full moon.
“Heard there was a werewolf in the area,” he grunts and goosebumps flicker across Asteria's exposed arms. “Some of the town's folk seem to think she might be it.”
“Yeah, well, they don't know what they're talking about,” she snaps, her tone too defensive for the conversation they were having.
He notices it, one eyebrow arching up in question. His massive hands go to the zipper of his hoodie and he begins to slowly tug it down. “That so?”
“They're always talking,” she tells him, golden eyes flicking from his face to the descending zipper and then back up again. “Gossip. It has as much currency here in the valley as actual money does.”
“Folks I talked to seem to think it's more than gossip...”
Asteria's arms uncross from her chest and instead hang at her sides while her shoulders jerk upward in a shrug. “Dunno what to tell you. It's not true.”
He snorts and the sound makes the thin hairs on the back of her neck lift. She barely stifles the urge to bare her teeth at him.
“...I think you're lying, little wolf.”
At this, Asteria takes a step back and her nostrils flare unconsciously. He shrugs out of his hoodie and turns to hang it on the coat rack next to the door. His garb is as modern as hers; a brown tee-shirt stretched across his chest and navy jeans contoured to his thick thighs and legs. If there wasn't a werewolf in the valley before, there had to be one now. There was no other explanation for his proportions.
He turns back to her and Asteria swallows with a nervous chuckle and a shake of her head.
“You've...got the wrong girl,” she tells him while holding her hands up, palms facing him. “This my bookstore. That's it.”
“A werewolf owning a bookstore, huh?” he asks while stepping forward, his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. It doesn't make him look any less intimidating. “Usually it's a factory or a meat packing plant. Maybe even a butcher's shop. First time one's owned a bookstore...”
“I'm not—”
“Those pretty words sound good to my ears, but you can't fool my nose, Asteria. Your scent is all over this village. Even out to that house at the edge of the woods.”
A chill settles over her as her eyes widen in shock.
“You've...been to my house?”
He shrugs, but the smirk remains on his lips.
“What do you want?” she hisses when she realizes that he won't answer her question.
“Not much,” he tells her while taking another step forward, forcing her to take one step back, always keep distance between them. “Just wanna talk.”
“About what?” she growls at him. “I don't have anything to talk to you about.”
“I find that hard to believe—”
“Well, believe it buddy,” she counters, “I run a book store, I live at the edge of the forest, you can...smell...dogs or some shit, which has nothing to do with me.”
He grins at her and another chill clambers down her spine. Epinephrine begins to flood her system and her brain weighs the option of fighting him versus running from him.
There was no where to go, her bookstore being a small two-story place that was more cozy than commercial. Escaping into the storm outside was asking for misfortune to run her down in the middle of the street. But raising her fists against him, biting into his flesh and tearing out bleeding chunks while in this form?
And completely impossible.
She attempts to exhale the tight band of fear that has begun wrapping itself around her lungs.
“How about you...just buy a book and get the fuck out of here?”
“Without having my chat with you?” He tsks and shakes his head, his long strides eating up more space between them, space which Asteria remains intent on keeping. “I don't think so.”
“Then what—”
“You have these little tables and chairs in the corners of your establishment,” he tells her, his head jutting to one such table to his left. “Sit with me. You got coffee?”
“I have tea and water,” she tells him with a frown even as her eyes dart in the direction he indicated. “For paying customers.”
He chuckles. “I'll pay for your company,” he murmurs and Asteria doesn't miss the double entendre, a blush rising to her cheeks and tinting them pink.
“That's not—I'm not—you can't—”
“And a book,” he continues. “Got anything on shamanism? Specifically, working with animal totems and spirits?”
Asteria blinks, completely caught off guard by his request and he uses that moment to close the distance between them. His shadow stretches over her and he finds that the top of her head barely reaches his shoulders.
“You're so small for one of my kind,” he mutters to himself.
“I do have books on shamanism,” Asteria tells him, either not catching or refusing to acknowledge his words. “And books on working with animal guides.”
“Really?” he asks, also surprised.
“Yeah. And books about achieving the optimal meditative state with specific plants in order to talk and deal with those guides.” This time, Asteria snorts and shakes her head, a little of the tension she carried before leaking out of her. “They're soooo worried about a werewolf being in the valley, but not about a witch in their midst.”
“You're also a witch?”
She glares up at him, the muscle in her jaw bulging as she grits her teeth together.
“I'm not anything,” she tells him, forcefully. “Just a...bookstore owner. That's it.”
“Uh huh,” he says with a nod. He turns and angles toward the table he mentioned. “Tea, talk, one of those books about animal guides, and let's see what you are in about an hour. How's that?”
Rolling her eyes, Asteria lets out a long sigh but still turns to gather what he asked for.
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goodmorrowing · 8 months
I'm here bestie 😂 i thought you'd like a break since you've been engaged too... Congratulations btw
So here it goes
Jamie, her 2yr old daughter(let's call her betty) and their golden retriever dog (let's call him Bruno) continue to live their lives after being separated from her wife due to a very tragic incident. Betty suffers from chronic asthama, right after her birth and doctors just advise Jamie to take care of her until she grows older and that the asthama would eventually resolve by itself. Jamie is a very popular and a well known florist in the country and she makes lots of money so betty has access to pretty much everything, except a mother (Well, jamie is a mother too, but you know what i mean). Jamie always reads stories to betty that doesn't include a mom and Betty always keeps asking Jamie about her mom, how she was, how she looked and Jamie, most of the time, answers the questions indifferently, tells her that she doesn't have any photos of her mom or brushes them off altogether. But one day, betty becomes too stubborn and asks Jamie to tell the story of her mom, or else she won't take medication. Jamie convinces betty that it was too late and time for bed and promises her that she would tell her about her mom the next day. The next day comes, betty patiently waits for Jamie to tell her mom all day long, even in the shop she reminds Jamie of what she has promised to her while Jamie feeds her lunch and Jamie doesn't respond. After going home, betty becomes restless and keeps asking Jamie about her mom and Jamie loses her cool, snaps on her and betty goes to bed with silent cries. The next day, when Jamie wakes up, she doesn't find betty beside her and Bruno as well. She checks the entire house, doesn't find them anywhere. She calls Owen, Hannah, everyone in the shop if they have seen her but doesn't receive any helpful information. She takes her car and starts searching for them in the area and then she gets a call. She answers it, and it's a man on the other side, informing Jamie about the whereabouts of betty. He tells her that she's in a certain cafe with his fiance. She thanks the man and rushes to the cafe. When she reaches the entrance, she sees betty and bruno sitting with a woman, both betty and the woman laughing and having a pleasant conversation. She goes to the table and looks at the woman to thank her and she becomes shell shocked. She forgets to speak. And then the woman introduces herself to Jamie "Hi, I'm Dani".
Twist in the tale - Dani is Jamie's wife. They had been married for 4 years before having Betty and after they had Betty, she was seriously ill and was hospitalized right after her birth for a very long time. This made Dani go into depression and then one night, while Jamie was driving them home after leaving Betty at the hospital with Owen and Hannah, Dani says "We shouldn't have had a baby. I should've listened to you. It's my fault and I know you blame me for this". Jamie turns just for a second to look at Dani and provide reassurance and then BAM, a truck hits them from behind. Jamie hits her head to the steering wheel, while Dani suffers a severe head injury as falls out of the car by breaking the front glass of the car. They're immediately taken to the hospital. While Jamie recovers soon as she faces minor injuries, Dani, on the other hand, goes into a minor coma and when she wakes up, she doesn't have any memory of the past 6 years of her life. Jamie informs Karen about the incident and when Karen visits Dani at the hospital, she lies to Jamie that Dani had told her the day before the accident that she wasn't happy with her and had wanted a divorce from her. So Jamie, though it's breaking her heart, decides to not interfere in her life anymore. She takes one last look at Dani from outside the ICU and leaves the hospital, with baby Betty, after finally being discharged on the day Dani has no memory of their existence.
Present day scenario - Dani is engaged to Eddie and has absolutely no memory of her marriage with Jamie. She meets Betty outside the cafe, when Bruno runs towards her and sees betty chasing Bruno. (Bruno remembers Dani and that's the reason he runs towards her as soon as he sees her). She's with Eddie and when Dani talks to betty, she tells that she ran away from home because she was angry at her mum but now was lost. So Eddie, who was with Dani at that time, calls Jamie and informs her of the location and leaves as he has some meeting to attend to. Dani feels a strong connection with Betty and she sits with her inside the cafe and they engage in a nice conversation. Betty tells Dani everything, everything in detail, about her life, about Jamie, about why she ran away from home, so much detail that had she known Jamie's credit card's credentials, she would've told her that as well. When Dani sees Jamie, she feels like she had seen her before but can't really remember her. She anyway introduces herself to Jamie and listens to Jamie and Betty's conversation. When betty stubbornly asks Jamie then and there to tell her the story of her mom, Dani intervenes and says "Keep your promises, Jamie. She's your daughter". Jamie, obviously, gives in and starts to tell the story of them and Betty interrupts "Mumma, what does momma look like? I want to imagine a face in the story" Jamie hesitates telling and then Dani says "You can imagine me, sweetie"
Jamie narrates their entire story, but makes a change in the end, telling betty that her mom had died in an accident. Dani has tears in her eyes at the end as she feels it's too personal. She feels as if she's gone through the entire thing.
And the story goes from there. Betty and Dani become good friends. Dani having flashes of the events of the past 6 years of her life vaguely and eventually develops her feelings for Jamie AGAIN and breaks up with Eddie. Slowly but surely, Dani gets her memory back after getting the right treatment (which she keeps a secret from Jamie). And then comes the climax when they have a huge fight where Dani says "So you'll leave me?"
Jamie - "You lost your memory, Dani. You forgot me, you forgot your daughter, what was I supposed to do?"
Dani - "Be there and help me get my memory back"
Jamie - "You weren't happy with me. You wanted a divorce from me"
Dani - "Did I tell you that?"
Jamie - "......."
Dani - "TELL ME"
Jamie - "Your mom told me"
Dani - "You think I'll talk to my mom about wanting a divorce before talking to you about it?"
Jamie - "......i-i don't know...things weren't very smooth between us after betty was born and-"
Dani - "And what? You thought I'd leave you?"
Jamie - "You hadn't spoken to me for a month, Dani, what was i supposed to think?"
Dani's face softens and reaches for Jamie. Jamie tries to move away but Dani pulls her closer by her shirt
Dani - "I'm here now" she whispers
Jamie - "for how long?"
Dani - "Until you drive properly and not cause any accidents" she jokes
Jamie - she laughs but she still feels guilty about what happened "I'm sorry. I probably deserved it"
Dani - "Jamie, look at me, it was an accident. That's it"
Jamie - "I still can't believe you got your memories back"
Dani - "I know MEAT"
Jamie - "......................wh-what?"
Dani - "Yeah. Do you still have it?" Nudges her shoulder
Jamie - "No"
Dani - Gasps "Why?"
Jamie - "what do you mean why. You weren't there anymore"
Dani - " well, I'm back and you should get a new one"
Jamie - chuckles "alright"
And they make up, make out 🌚 and Betty now has a mum and a mommy ☺️
BESTIE ⁉️ i'm being so serious right now, are you a writer? have you ever considered being a writer? please become a writer and write this i will be your BIGGEST FAN. i would be honored to take on this idea but honestly i think you have it NAILED and holyyyy fuckkkkk the amount of gasps and giggles and tears i just shed. please write this i will be ALL OVER IT (i am already ALL OVER IT) and genuinely this is gripping! it's emotional! it's tumultuous! AHH!!! i love this, i love you! please let me know if you're going to write this (so i can back off and let you and be your #1 fan because ?!!! oh my GOODNESS) because. i am actually shaken right now.
0 notes
fr3akinthecorner · 10 months
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Hey what's going on with you? I saw a dick! For the first time! Just kidding my friend made a really shocking joke so who the hell are u? I've never heard of you I want to talk about Egypt well an Egyptian boy named surf is trying to fuck me but other than that I know nothing about Egypt surf?! The guy people call god ... He's bullied me before I'm sure that we've talked before he needs to stay away from me! Why did u tell him to do that? I didn't babydoll he's just protective of me so how can I get an Egyptian boy to talk to me? Join a group home and get stalked by the Russian Mafia and the row hahaha no way!! I guess I'll have to do it the hard way and talk to his picture like u do but how will you know if he's Egyptian?? I can just tell god they're so sexy I know girl! Why haven't you had sex with him yet? The way you talk is very strange do u not read books anymore or something? Yes I quit to become a writer ii love both! Hey well maybe some of my friends can get surf off of my back after this talk now that I know he's Egyptian your playlists are very interesting Emily rose chan don't get too bored just being a normal girl u need your daddy I just date around it's not right but I can't help it I do too but you're a muse to a very powerful man it's very different so u go to the park often? Outside? No I don't well you should it'll do your body good and organize outings with your friends like shopping trips! But read about science and literature most of all u can't learn everything from your daddy Nostradamus has said my education is done there's nothing I can do and I have no other desire than to write your a very interesting muse id like to talk to you again when your Filipina powers are working again we can get much work done Emily believe me it will be worth your wait the suicide boys are interesting guys id like to go to their comic book can you ask them for me? No bitch! Well then this conversation is over bye Emily and fix your keypad
0 notes
coolgirl32 · 1 year
Prince Ryan x My OC Jacqulyn
It was a beautiful morning in a art studio apartment in Chicago lived a golden blonde heritage guy named Ryan as he got up he went to the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast then he went to the bathroom took a shower brushed his teeth went back to his room got dressed for the day and feed his pet chameleon named Priscilla he loved his pet chameleon ever since he was a young boy as he begin today by reading his books painting something some fruit in a bowl doing his art and going outside to the flea market to sell some art to get some rent money his art shop was very busy customers coming in and coming out with his art and some art supplies till came in a young beautiful woman who was about the same age as Ryan she came in to get some art supplies to do some art art pencils has Ryan looked at her he saw that she was very beautiful really brown hair beautiful blue eyes snow white skin and a very beautiful smile as Ryan looked at her with a smile on his face he felt his heartbeat really fast he has never felt like this before with any girl so when he introduced himself to her she smiled and introduced herself to him she said her name was Jacqulyn they had a nice conversation Ryan asked Jacqulyn if she would like to have some Chicago style pizza and she said yes at lunch time they both enjoyed themselves by eating Chicago style pizza and drinking soda Ryan asked where is she from she told him that she is from Mississippi Ryan then asked what's it like there Jacqulyn was really honest with him about Mississippi the food the lights the good and the bad about Mississippi so is the day almost finished crying closed up his art shop made a lot of money and made a new friend months went on and Ryan and Jacqulyn started dating they love to read each other's books watch movies together and even love doing art together and talk about what they're going to do in the future Weeks later Ryan bought a beautiful engagement ring to propose to his girlfriend he had everything planned that night he got on one knee and asked Jacqulyn to marry him she said yes the immediately told everyone they knew and loved their friends their family about the engagement they both plan the wedding on what to wear with the venue was going to look like and what food to bring when the wedding came everything was very wonderful and beautiful including the bride herself Ryan and Jacqulyn said their vows they kissed they had fun at the wedding party and Jacqulyn through the bouquet of flowers to the person who is going to get married it was one of her bridesmaids and she was very happy that she caught the bouquet all the other bridesmaids were a bit jealous but they were happy for her but the bridesmaid didn't know was that her boyfriend was on his knee when she looked at him she was shocked and she was smiling when he asked her to marry him she said yes everybody was so happy but when Ryan and Jacqulyn left to go on the honeymoon they went to the mountains and a wonderful beautiful cozy cabin stay on their honeymoon they had loads of fun especially painting wonderful views while they were hiking they saw amazing deer beautiful landscapes they even watch shooting stars the next morning Jacqulyn woke up feeling really sick she went to the bathroom to puke Ryan was very worried about his wife he asked her if she wants to go to the doctor she said yes as they we're at the doctors office the doctor said that they were going to have a baby they were both very excited about it but also very nervous when they told their family and friends everybody was so happy for them 7 months later they had a baby shower play games open present there was diapers rattles cradles baby onesies
9 months later
Jacqulyn gave birth to twins a boy and a girl they named their son and daughter Eugene and rosebud they raised their children very well they taught them right from wrong they also made sure that their kids went to a good school years later Eugene and rosebud grew up went to college and found Love on their own rosebud met a really cute guy from Starbucks who was also at the same college as she was while Eugene found a really sweet girl at a party he was at in college has even years went by rosebud married her boyfriend and Eugene married his girlfriend Eugene and his wife had kids and rosebud and her husband had kids as well their kids all grew up and they all lived happily ever after the end
Hi I hope everybody likes this anyway that's 12 down and three to go I hope everybody's having a wonderful day also after I'm done with these tails I'm going to do a hc about who these princes represent I hope everybody's safe bye
0 notes
sharkaiju · 2 years
Mack: I think we're gonna die, Chief.
Chief: We're all gonna die, Mack.
Mack: No, I mean soon.
Chief: So did I.
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
❝ 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 ❤ .ᐟ ❞ The dorm Celebrates your birthday, which somehow ends with an unexpected confession..
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The workers at Monstro lounge paced back and forth, preparing for the event they had planned a month prior. It was obvious to the others, just how much the tweels and Azul cared for y/n.
As they set up the last of the decorations, they heard people making their way to the door.
Azul carefully opened the door, to reveal a perfect set-up, the entire Monstro Lounge was decorated, with all your favorite foods on display, the door opened to cheers from fellow Octavinelle members, and your friends.
You were shocked and taken aback, you didn't expect the trio to prepare a party for you but the surprise was appreciated.
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AZUL prepared for this event ages ago, predicting all the ways everything could go wrong. However he had not predicted and or prepared for you, being dragged off by your friends. He couldn't find time talking to you!!
Azul checked his watch, realizing he only had an hour to finish up with his plans, Azul made his way towards you and it took all his courage to stay composed. "Y/n, mind sparing me a few."
Azul and you sat beside each other, now outside.. Azul coughed a few times, most likely trying to regain his posture and courage from before. "Hey.. um, I got you this" the flustered man said, handing you something. "O-open it!"
Azul hadn't got a single hint of what you may have liked for your birthday, he kept putting off holding full on conversations with you, simply small talk here and there, yet somehow managed to become friends with you.
However, when shopping for a gift, Azul came across a beautiful pair of Octopus earrings, the colour matched his eyes, and embarrassingly enough. A small sense of possession came over him.
Y/n was about to leave, when Azul blurted out his feelings, sure it wasn't the fairytale confession he planned, but the clock struck 12 as he partially yelled the words "I love you" to the perfect.
The flustered man stood they're as he awaited a response, the perfect didn't miss a chance, a small chuckle escaped them "Could you say that again?"
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Y/n was talking to Ace, when someone patted them on the back.. It was JADE, the eel asked them if they had some time, before casually dragging them out of the main area.
The perfect was taken aback by the action, it was uncommon for Jade to be so.. err... forceful? When they had reached an appropriate area, Jade apologized for his rude and abrupt actions. Only then did you notice the light blush on his face. You were about to make a comment on it but Jade stopped you in your tracks.
"I.." he paused, trying to recollect his composure, and for a second you could see the hesitation in his eye’s, this was new to him, he had never confessed to someone about his feelings before, this was surprising to him.
"You..?" the perfect teased, making it worse for the man to get his feelings across. "I like you" his voice was a bit above a whisper, and for a man as feared as he was, the sight was adorable. You'd be an idiot not to accept.
The new couple sat down on the bench, it was the last few minutes before your birthday ends, "Oh, I forgot to give this to you." He hands you a beautifully decorated box, inside was a handmade handkerchief. The needlework displayed an eel, wrapping itself around a hand. Presumably your hand...
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FLOYD didn't bother asking permission for his little shrimpy, he just grabbed your hand and dragged you out. Floyd did make sure his grip was loose and that he wasn't forcing you to move, but you were used to this now. Following him to where he led, he probably had something to tell you, small or big.
After dragging you to god knows where Floyd handed you something, it was wrapped up in a cute blue cloth, opening it you found a collection of decorative shells!! "I collected them for ya..."
Before you could reply Floyd abruptly and very casually says "Cuz I like ya"
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation from me.
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years
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➣ warnings: yakuza boss!toji fushiguro x black coded reader, mentions of sex, mentions of sex work, profanity, gang violence, yakuza au, baby!megumi,
➣ chapter summary: y/n goes grocery shopping with geto & gojo revealing more and more about toji's branch.
➣ tags: @ihateliyah @galaxness @ceeriusly-dumb @stephanythedramaqueen @maydayaisha @littlemochi @babe-im-bi @todo7roki @thicksimpx @whatdidhesayyyy @hellavile @protectpancakes @dazaisfavgf @etaerealboy @tojiswhore1 @bbgiirrll @justtoblivious2u @aasouthteranoswife
[ masterlist + previous ]
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YOU FIDDLED WITH THE ENDS OF YOUR DRESS as you were sitting outside the office door, Toji was in a meeting with the other members discussing your father. You didn't want to be a burden than you already were, so you didn't understand the sudden meeting to discuss your father. Perhaps it was the fact that another yakuza got a hold of your father. Maybe your father owed them money also. It wouldn't shock you. You just felt a knot twist inside your stomach due to the fact that you wondered what exactly was your dad doing with this money? He no longer was providing funds for your life so why was he asking people in the yakuza for money.
Your head leaned back to be met with the wall, your eyes closing as you let your breath go back to normal. You found yourself holding your breath in to avoid having a panic attack or freaking out. A perfect day of shopping turned shitty because of your father's crimes. As the door was pushed open, you saw the men exit one by one and last was Toji. He stared at you, "I'm off to this meeting, please don't leave the house." Toji said to you.
"Wait, what about my father?" You asked as you followed behind him.
"I'll be sure to bring him up at the meeting to see if any of the other yakuza branches have him. But, if another yakuza have him he must owe them money also." Toji explained as you walked by his side. "Which means if they can't get the money out of him, they're coming for you next. We don't even know if that small conversation you had with him could have helped whoever has him track you," Toji explained as he let out a sigh.
His dark-colored eyes staring down at you. "Just don't leave the house. I'm leaving Gojo and Geto here with you and Megumi okay?" He says staring at you.
"Okay." You simply said as you watch him walk by you with Nanami and some other men and sooner leave the house.
You would let out a sigh before your feet were guiding you to the living room after hearing the bickering between Geto and Gojo. When you walked into the living room, Geto was holding Megumi and trying to move away from Gojo. "He likes me better so please let us be." He said as he finally plopped down on the couch.
"He likes me better, do I need to remind you I was the one-"
"Who transported his mother to the hospital so she could have him. You don't let us fucking forget." Geto uttered as his large hands covered Megumi's tiny ears muffling him out from hearing him cuss as if Megumi could even understand him.
You let out a chuckle at the sight as you finally joined them in the living room. When Megumi saw you, his little arms reached out for you. "Well, looks like he likes her better than both of us." Gojo pointed out as he sat down flipping through the channels on the flat screen tv that was mounted on the wall.
"That's only because she has boobs." Geto kissed his teeth playfully rolling his eyes at you as you collected Megumi from his arms.
You held Megumi close to your chest as you were rocking him. His head instantly lay on your chest before Geto pointed at you and laughed. "I told you," he said before his eyes went to texting on his phone.
"Megumi's mom, what happened to her?" You questioned as you wiggled your way in between the two men on the couch. They instantly grew quiet before Gojo cleared his throat to talk.
"She passed away giving birth to the little guy in your arms," He answered. "But don't tell Toji, we told you. He doesn't really talk about it like that," Gojo explained.
"We? I didn't tell her. You did." Geto pointed out, his finger pointing at Gojo who rolled his eyes. "No one ever brings it up," He soon adds. "It's kinda an unspoken rule to not bring it up. Toji told her she died and kept it at that, didn't he?" He asked.
You would only nod as you were holding Megumi. "Kept it short and changed the subject," You responded as you looked at the two guys.
"And let's change the subject now, I'm starving. Suguru, go out and get us food!" He whined as he grabbed the television remote to turn on the tv.
"No, we can't leave the house. Go eat something that's in the kitchen." Geto responded.
"There's nothing there, you know Toji always orders out or eats at some fancy restaurant," Gojo sighed.
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as you stood up. You held Megumi on your waist, feeling the little baby kicking his feet and babbling your ear off with the most adorable baby noises. You didn't even fully see the house you were currently living in. Other than your room and the living room, you should have given yourself a tour. When you entered the kitchen, you were completely breathless. It felt like one of those nicely built kitchens on those home improvement shows. The stainless steel fridge with a touch screen on it to the dual fuel stainless steel stove. However, it felt so empty. Like no one bothered to step inside it for months. You walked further into the kitchen instantly going to the fridge to open it. It wasn't much in the fridge other stuff that obviously was meant for Megumi. "When was the last time he's been grocery shopping?" You asked as your eyes looked at Megumi who would only let out another baby noise.
"As I said, he's always ordering out or going out to eat. He only gets stuff for Megumi." Gojo answered as he joined you in the kitchen. He hutches over the kitchen island that was in the center of the kitchen.
"Let's go grocery shopping." You said as you looked at him. "I can't be living here and not have food in the fridge," You said.
"He specifically told us to not leave the house," Geto said as he entered the kitchen. "What's not clicking in both of your heads?" He asked as he tapped at his own head.
"He won't know we left the house unless you guys tell," You explained. "Megumi and I will be keeping our mouths shut," You add.
Gojo face lit up in excitement as he would look at you. "I'll get my car keys, you grab Megumi's jacket and car seat."
"Got it!" You simply said as you would leave the kitchen. You stopped at Geto who was pinching at the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Are you coming with us?" You asked.
"I don't really have a choice, just give me Megumi and go get his stuff," Geto says as he extended his arms to hold Megumi.
You gave him a smile and Megumi before skipping out of the kitchen to not only change into something more comfortable other than the dress you had on, but also Megumi's stuff. You had grabbed his jacket, diaper bag, and car seat. When you came back downstairs, the trio was waiting for you. You stepped into the living room with the things you needed, handing Megumi's jacket to Geto to put on him. As you walked towards the door, you grabbed the spare key out of the jar near the door and the three of you left.
"If he gets upset, I will take the blame." You said out loud as you walked towards Gojo's car.
"No, we can't have that," Geto said. "We'll take the blame." He said.
"No, it was my idea. I'll take the blame. Plus, as I said; I can't live in a home with no food and not be able to cook home cook meals," You said as you watched Geto securely put Megumi in the backseat of Gojo's car.
The car ride to the nearest grocery store was short and subtle. You knew Toji was a busy man, but you didn't understand why it seemed like the kitchen has been untouched for months. It made you question, just how did he cope with the loss of Megumi's mom. When you three entered the grocery store, Geto was pushing around the cart while Gojo was holding a curious Megumi who was taking in his newer surroundings. You would begin to put fruits and vegetables in the cart, glancing down at your iPhone at the little list you made on your way here.
"How long have you two worked with Toji?" You asked as you leaned over looking at the different variations of meat before eventually choosing different ones.
"For a while. It's a couple of us that's been working with him and just worked our way up," Geto answered as he was pushing the cart.
"I can tell. He seems to put all his trust into you guys." You answered. "Especially considering he's much older than you guys," You responded.
"I guess, you could say that. He gave us a chance." Geto answered. "We all started somewhere and Toji was there to give us a chance," He explained.
You two walked side by side down the aisle where baby food was at. You went to go place some baby food in the cart, but Geto stopped you. You noticed that his arm brushed against yours as he's grabbing a different one. "Megumi hates that one," he commented at the one that was in your hand.
Your lips formed a perfect 'o' shape before putting back what you had. You had picked up some baby snacks that Megumi would eat and placed them in the cart. "What do you mean about he gave you guys a chance?" You asked. Now it was your time to push the cart.
"Well, Gojo actually is next in line to run his family branch—" You interrupted Geto's words.
"Really?" You questioned in disbelief.
"Yes. His family has a lot of influence business-wise. His mother just doesn't think he's ready just yet, so here he is working for Toji who reports to his mother about his improvement and such." Geto answered.
You were taken back by this before you glanced around. You were so into talking with Geto, that you didn't even notice Gojo or Megumi was nowhere in your sight. You knew Megumi was safe with Gojo, but your heart still quickened at the sight that Megumi wasn't near you. "Where did he go with Megumi?"
Geto let out a sigh before he's grabbing the end of the cart and dragged it to another aisle. You weren't too far behind Geto who turned into the aisle filled with snacks and sweets. You could hear Megumi's joyful noises as Gojo was holding him as he was looking at different snacks. "Y/N, could you get me these?" He yelled loudly as ever.
"You're the gangsta here, I should be asking you to get the groceries for me." You responded as you walked towards him. He didn't even wait for your response before dropping it in the cart. "I think we have everything for now."
"Yeah, let's go. We need to get back home before Toji does," Geto reminded as he looked at his watch for the time.
"To check out we go!" Gojo exclaimed as he would pick up another thing and throw it in the cart.
When you were done grocery shopping, you made your way back to Toji's house. While Geto and Gojo grabbed the grocery bags, you grabbed Megumi's car seat and was carrying him to the house. You went through your purse searching for the key, but the front door tugged open with a quickness. The look from Toji was filled with relief, but you could tell he was upset.
"Before you get down their throats, just letting you know that it was my idea. I saw your fridge was pretty empty—" Your words were cut off quickly by Toji.
"I told you to stay here. This could have waited." Toji said as you followed him into the house. "What if somebody was waiting outside the gate for you three?" He asked. His eyes then went to Geto and Gojo who were avoiding even glancing in Toji's direction.
"And you two should know better than to let her influence your decision," Toji firmly stated as he's taking Megumi's car seat out of your head and walked away without another word.
You watched as he disappeared upstairs and you turned to look at the two men behind you with an apologetic look. "We'll put the stuff away and head out," Geto said. "Just give the man his space." He stared at you noticing the look of interest on your face. "You're about to go talk to him aren't you?"
"Yes." You said as you twirled around to follow behind Toji. "He can't stay mad at me forever," You added.
"We'll lock up before we leave. We won't see you until next week though," Gojo reminded.
"Next week? Where are you guys going?" You stopped in your tracks and turned back around to look between the two.
"It's a secret. We just have to handle some business for Toji," Geto answered. He noticed the look on your face before walking towards the kitchen with the groceries. "Do not pester us anymore about it." He said.
Your lips parted to interject, but nothing came out as you admitted to defeat. You turned around to climb the stairs to find Toji, and when you made it to the second level of the luxury home you could hear the sound of the bathtub running in one of the bathrooms. When you walked towards the bathroom, the door was slightly cracked.
The thing is, you were an extremely confident woman. You held your head up high in a workplace filled with snakes every night when you had to work. You let words of passion sting your tongue just to get extra money from the men who would gladly be your footstool. But here you were swooning over Toji's words as you were eavesdropping.
"Did you at least have fun with the three stooges tonight?" He cooed at Megumi.
Your heart softened at the sound of Megumi's faint laugh before you're eventually knocking on the door and coming into the bathroom. You saw Toji kneeled down in front of the bathtub with the little baby bathing seat in it while he was giving Megumi a bath. You joined Toji, kneeling next to the tub as Megumi was enjoying the bits of bubbles that were in the small baby tub.
"What if you guys got hurt?" Toji asked as he glanced over at you. You still could sense that he was upset by his body language and when your eyes met his, you could see the disappointment.
"I'm sorry," You said as leaned against the tub. Your eyes stared at Megumi who was kicking his little feet enjoying the small bits of water that were in the pastel-colored baby tub. "I noticed it wasn't any food in your fridge and then Gojo and Geto explained that you hardly use the kitchen."
Toji's eyes that once were looking at you closely quickly drifted away to continue the task of washing up Megumi. "I'm hardly home, so it's no point." He uttered before he was back washing Megumi.
"But I'm living here now," You pointed out.
On some evenings when you worked—the one thing about your apartment was that it felt like a home. You found yourself swinging around a shiny silver pole every night, but other than the number of yen bills you collected, you adored coming to the comfort of your own home. Even though Toji's mansion was huge enough to house not only house a couple of his men, it still didn't feel like home. Perhaps, it did before the despairing death of Megumi's mom.
"And?" Toji questioned as he would glance over at you.
It took you a while to notice that he was staring past you at the baby towel behind you which you grabbed to give to him. "I can't live in a home that doesn't feel like home." You shrugged your shoulders carelessly. "As corny as it sound, but I like to cook warm meals on my nights off  and just enjoy the space I live in. I don't know, I guess you can say that my old place was like my comfort zone. I forget all about my occupation when I'm home."
"I want to be able to do that here considering the tasks you'll be giving me and the fact that my father could be held hostage by someone dangerous." You sighed. "But I'm sorry, I should have came to you first. I could have gotten Megumi hurt and that's something I do not want to do."
You watched as Toji's lips parted to speak, but he soon closed them before collecting Megumi from the baby bathtub and leaving the bathroom. You stood up off your knees to follow behind him. "It's okay," Toji said as he waltz into Megumi's room.
For some reason, you felt like it wasn't okay. You sense that he was building up a wall around himself. "Why do I feel like it's not?"
You watched as he gently placed Megumi down on the changing table. You never noticed that Toji did everything pertaining to Megumi in such a routine manner. Despite running one of the largest crime organizations, he still remembered the routine of bathing and dressing his son. From using a specific lotion for Megumi's skin to only putting him in a cute grey-colored onesie just in case the little guy got hot. He was a wonderful father even though his duties as the head of a yakuza was slowly tugging him away.
"Nevermind, let's just leave it at that. I'm going to go shower," You sighed as you walked out the room.
Toji didn't say anything. Megumi's room grew quiet with only the sound of Megumi's babbles bouncing off the walls. You were forced to walk towards your room with your own thoughts, most of them involving the man you were in debt to. Toji Fushiguro.
You spent two hours in your room buying attire for work. You had showered and changed into a black and white-colored silk pajama set. Even when the hot water clashed against your smooth skin, you still couldn't stop thinking about Toji. Behind your closed door, you could hear shuffling back and forth, assuming he was on his way to bed but Megumi woke up. You clicked on the television that was mounted on the wall, thinking your favorite guilty pleasure reality tv show would ease your mind. Which it was a poor attempt to not think about Toji until you could hear your stomach growl in hunger.
You looked at the time on your phone, you didn't even notice how late it got after taking your shower and taking comfort in your room. Toji and Megumi were probably sleeping. If you wanted to make a safe trip to the kitchen—you would have to be quiet as ever. Swinging your legs over the edge of the queen-sized bed and sliding your feet into the soft pastel purple slippers. You opened your door slowly before making your way down the hall, being sure to tip toe as light as a feather to prevent any unnecessary noise.
When you finally made it downstairs, you walked into the kitchen and nearly jumped seeing Toji's big stature sitting on one of the stools that were aligned to the miniature bar top connected to the kitchen island. Chopsticks in hand as he was eating a bowl of Ramen. A pack of ramen you had just brought from the grocery store earlier. Your stomach screamed for you to eat something before you're going to the fridge to grab a bottle of water and you reached in the cabinets to the best of your ability to grab a granola bar. You still could feel some form of tension between yourself and Toji and you decided to just give him his space.
"I don't want to get attached to you, you know?"
You turned around slowly to look at him. Your back is pressed against the counter before you're walking toward him. You hopped on the counter near him waiting for him to say more considering the words he just said left you speechless. Tearing the wrapper of the granola bar open and taking a bite from it. You couldn't figure out if the knots forming in your stomach were due to hunger or you being nervous. The lingering thought of Gojo and Geto talking about his past wife ran in your mind like a professional track star.
"I already have the horrendous thought of possibly leaving Megumi in this world without both his mother and father in my mind constantly. I don't think I can handle leaving you alone too." He admitted.
Your throat went dry. Your mind went blank. Your words were trapped in your throat. "Then we shouldn't get attached to each other. After all, I'm just paying off my debt." You said.
You watched as Toji's expression changed before he's letting a rough chuckle escape his mouth. He's sliding the bowl of ramen towards you, "Then you eat up because you have another task tomorrow." He took the granola out of your hand and took a bite of it and stood up off the stool.
As you grabbed the chopsticks, your eyes watched Toji walk towards the exit of the kitchen. You couldn't help but let your eyes linger on his broad shoulders. Or the way his pecs were nicely noticeable in the white wife-beater he had on. Your teeth bit at your lip watching it, now regretting the words you told him two minutes away. How could you not get attached to the Toji Fushiguro? He was rich, an amazing father, caring, the way he looked at you, and you could go on (without mentioning the rich & nice body part more than once).
Your devious thoughts were interrupted when Toji turned around to look at you. The granola bar that once was in your hand in between his teeth as he let his fingers glide through his hair. Even such a small task like this caused his muscles to pulse. He swallowed the bite of the granola bar he took and begin to speak.
"Because I need you to seduce my cousin for me."
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wandaromanova · 3 years
Comfort Zone
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: like… two swear words
A/N: hello! wow, it’s been a minute since i’ve posted, huh? truthfully, i started this fic weeks ago and added in a request i received at that time. i’m really rusty, so sorry if this fic isn’t up to par, but it’s great to be back. happy reading <3
anon requested: For the fluff requests. How about Nat x reader where r didn't get a jacket when they went outside and now they're cold and try to hide it but nat can see it so she gives r her jacket and says something things like "See I was right. It's cold you should've brought a jacket or a scarf or anything" while putting her jacket on r <333
Summary: Natasha had never strayed away from her comfort zone, that was, until she met Y/N L/N.
Word Count: 2.6K | navigation
please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work. reblogs, likes, and comments are always welcome. <3
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Dating a former spy and current Avenger definitely had its perks, the biggest one being how attentive and caring your girlfriend tended to be. For the past two years, you’ve been in a serious relationship with the infamous Natasha Romanoff.
You were an intern at Stark Industries, working alongside Tony Stark himself in his lavish lab. You assisted the billionaire with various projects, the most notable task being the numerous upgrades to the Iron Man suit. 
You were a bit of a genius yourself, having graduated from MIT just like Tony had.
Considering the fact that his lab happened to be located in the basement of the Avengers Tower, you got to see earth’s mightiest heroes on a daily basis. You had grown close to the team. You got especially close to the redheaded Russian.
It seemed as though every time you were in the lab, Natasha would pay a visit. At the time, you assumed she was there to converse with Tony, or perhaps she really had an interest in the technological processes it took to amp up the Iron Man suit. But you were very naive, to say the least.
To be fair, Natasha was very good at faking interest. The way she spoke with such grace, following along with your explanations and asking insightful questions, it was a really applaudable act she put on. So, after months of working in the tower, you were shocked when the redhead asked you out on a date.
You had gone through every conversation and interaction you had with Natasha, trying to pinpoint any instance where she had signaled or hinter to her attraction toward you, but you came up blank. Of course, you shouldn’t have been surprised; being discrete was part of her profession after all. 
Looking back, you couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. You’ll never forget the way your cheeks flushed red as Natasha smirked at you, finding delight and humor in your flustered state. However, despite the humiliation, you wouldn’t change a single detail about your relationship with the spy.
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
Natasha, despite what she may think, was an amazing partner. She never failed to remember things about you, that oftentimes, you don’t even remember telling her yourself.
Comment on something cute that caught your eye at the mall? You’d come home from work the very next day, to your girlfriend with the aforementioned item in hand. She’d hold it out to you with a small, shy smile on her face.
“You said you liked it when we were out shopping yesterday, so I got it for you.” 
You smile widely, a small chuckle falling past your lips as you approach her, taking the item out of her hand, and placing it down. Natasha let out a small gasp as you pulled her body flush against your own, arms wrapped securely around her waist.
“You didn’t have to do that for me, baby. But thank you.” You press your lips against hers, and Natasha doesn’t hesitate to reciprocate the action. Her arms instinctively wrap around your neck, nails gently caressing your skin. 
“Yeah, I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. I literally had to fight a snobby teenager to get it since it was the last one.” Natasha spoke, her words muffled as her lips ghosted over your own. 
However, you immediately pull back with wide eyes.
“You fought a teenager?” You tried and failed to hide the humor behind your voice. 
“Well, I mean I didn’t actually fight her, but I was pretty damn close. Even after I told her I was an Avenger, she still didn’t back down.” Natasha groaned out and you couldn’t contain yourself. You burst out in laughter at her words, emerald eyes glaring at you. 
“You seriously pulled the ‘I’m an Avenger’ card? Oh my god, that is too good.” You laughed even harder when your girlfriend slightly shoved you away from her, the smallest hint of a smile on her lips.
“Shut up! I wanted to get it for you and I did what I had to do.” A pout made its way to the redhead’s lips and your laughter slowly died down. You pulled her back into you, smiling when she didn’t try to move away, but instead, shoved her face into the crook of your neck.
“Well, now I appreciate the gift even more.”
“You better… I looked like such an asshole.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
One time, you had asked Natasha to stop by the store after work to pick up some shampoo.
Normally, you went out and did the shopping for household necessities, but you had been busier than usual that week. It was a fairly simple request; just grab some shampoo. 
But in all the years you’ve known the assassin, you learned that simplicity wasn’t her forte.
You were in the kitchen, quietly humming to yourself as relaxing music played in the background. You absolutely loved to cook, even more so when it was for your girlfriend.
However, your private moment was interrupted by your ringtone echoing throughout the space.
You lowered the heat on the stove, snatching your phone from the counter beside you, and smiled when Natasha’s name flashed across the screen. As soon as you answered, the sounds of shuffling and a small sigh met your ear.
‘Hey sweetheart, what’s up?” You asked casually, holding the phone between your ear and shoulder, deciding to continue cooking.
“Hi, I’m at the store right now and I need your help,” Natasha spoke with slight concern, and your eyebrows furrowed with worry. “What did you need help with? Is everything alright?” You stirred the steaming pot of food in front of you, when Natasha let out a hum.
“Did you want coconut or cherry blossom shampoo?” 
The seriousness in Natasha’s voice nearly made you laugh, but you held back your laughter and responded.
“That’s what you need help with? You made it sound like someone was dying.” You shook your head in amusement, even if the redhead couldn’t see it. 
“That didn’t answer my question, babe. Coconut or cherry blossom?” You let out a small giggle, unable to hold it back any longer when your girlfriend was being unintentionally funny.
“It really doesn’t matter, Nat. Just get whatever.” You answered her question, but Natasha wasn’t finished.
“What brand did you want?” Natasha’s confusion was evident in her tone of voice. You let out a small, amused sigh as you poured some paprika into the pot.
“The one we always get is fine, Natty.” There was a small pause and you assumed the redhead had asked everything she needed to, however, she spoke again before you had the chance to say anything.
“What kind did you want? They all say different things…” Natasha trailed off and you couldn’t help but smile at the sound.
You always loved her voice. There was something so comforting about her sultry tone that made you feel at home, especially when she’d hum random songs around the house.
Your thoughts were cut off when Nat’s voice rang through the speaker.
“There’s scalp care, keratin smooth, detox and nour- god! Who knew there were so many types of shampoo? It’s just shampoo, for fuck’s sake!”
Nat let out an exasperated groan and you wholeheartedly laughed this time around.
“Honey, you can pick anything! As long as it does the job, it’s alright.”  Silence filled the call once more before Natasha responded. “Uh, okay I’ll just get scalp care because I know how sensitive your skin can be.” 
You smiled widely when she said that. The way she paid such attention to the smallest details about you and kept them in mind despite the situation was heartwarming. She always had your best interest at heart, even while completing the simplest of tasks.
“Okay, thank you baby, but remind me never to send you out shopping again.” You chuckled, turning the stove off, feeling satisfied with what you had made. Natasha let out an audible sigh of relief.
“Yeah, please don’t make me do this again. It’s awful.” Movement could be heard on the other side of the phone, a muffled ‘excuse me’ followed shortly after.
“Okay, I secured the bubbles. Did you need anything else?” Natasha jokingly put on her ‘mission’ voice that you always made fun of her for.
“Nope. Now, hurry home, loser. Dinner’s ready.” 
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
As someone who has seen all kinds of action throughout her life, Natasha was no stranger to anything when it came to her work life. 
Even as an Avenger, each mission seemed to be the exact same, with small differentiations. She always knew what to expect. Each objective was the same; take down the enemies and avoid civilian casualties.
There was never an instance where she had been fearful or nervous… until she met you. Natasha would step out of her comfort zone for you, something she never had to do before. This fact became evident to you the hour before Natasha met your parents.
“What should I wear? I have the black dress I wore on our first date, that should be good right?” Natasha panicked, frantically pushing around the clothes hanging in her closet. 
“No, it’s too revealing. I can’t wear that, shit.” The redhead cursed to herself under her breath. You laughed, the bed creaking beneath you as you stood up.
“Baby, it just has a lower neckline. It’s perfectly fine.” You spoke softly, walking toward your girlfriend and wrapping your arms around her from behind.
“Yeah but it shows skin, Y/N/N. What if your parents think it isn’t appropriate. What if they think I’m not good enough for you?” 
Natasha’s insecurity showed and it made your heart ache. You were the first serious relationship Natasha has ever had.
Her previous lovers failed to understand her, resulting in premature breakups. However, you knew the Russian better than she knew herself at times, and that made this occasion even more important.
You spun the redhead around to face you, her front pushed up against yours, as green eyes bored into yours.
“Natty, the only person who can determine whether or not you’re good for me… is me.” You met Natasha’s unwavering gaze that held uncertainty and fear behind them.
“And I happen to know for a fact that you’re perfect for me. No one is better for me than you.”
At your words of reassurance, Nat’s eye softened as she let out a small, shaky breath. She tilted her head slightly forward and connected your foreheads, kissing the tip of your nose gently before nudging it with her own.
“But… for the record, I definitely wouldn’t mind you wearing that dress. It’ll give me something to look at over lunch.”
Natasha slapped your face gently as she snorted, shaking her head at you with a loving smile spreading across her face that only you had the privilege to witness.
“Not a chance.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
Spontaneity was one concept that Natasha never participated in. Her whole life had revolved around thought-out words and calculated moves. Her ability to assess situations was unparalleled. She mastered the art of anticipation, being able to see things coming from a mile away. 
You, however, were the exact opposite. Despite being in a career field that required lots of methodical and analytical tasks, you were a very laid-back person. Your carefree nature was one of the many reasons why Nat fell in love with you. 
And, knowing how much you love unpremeditated moments, she’d take you out on random dates, one in particular that you, nor her, would ever forget.
There was a common misconception about New York, it was the city that people with big dreams and ideas commuted to.
The media would talk about the beauty of the city lights and the bustling liveliness that never faltered. And although those things were true, living there was a completely different story. It was almost always raining, the temperature always cold.
When Natasha proposed to go out for dinner, she told you to bring your jacket, but you insisted that you’d be fine, which you definitely were not. 
The meal itself had gone smoothly, conversing with the redhead over a glass of wine, leaning over the table as she held out a spoonful of her food to try.
At one point in the night, you both burst out in laughter when a waitress accidentally tripped over the leg of a chair, spilling water all over the ground. Of course, you had asked if he was alright when your giggling subsided.
When the night was over, the two of you walked home, to ‘take the scenic route,’ as your girlfriend had suggested. It would have been an idyllic experience if you weren’t absolutely freezing. 
You unlaced your hand from Natasha’s, quickly shoving both of your hands into your jeans pockets. You tried to fight back the shivers that threatened to flow across your body. You tried to hide how cold you were, but of course, Nat saw right through it. 
Natasha suddenly stopped in her tracks, confusion was written across your face as you stopped too and looked at her. “You’re cold.” Nat stated matter of factly and you immediately shook your head. 
“Am not.” 
“You’re shivering.” 
“No. I'm just… shaking with excitement because the food was amazing.” 
Natasha rolled her eyes at your antics. “I told you to bring your jacket or at least a scarf. You’re so damn stubborn.” She spoke with a faux annoyed expression, swiftly taking off her jacket and draping the material over your shoulders. 
“Well… the jacket and scarf would have thrown off my aesthetic.” Natasha laughed at your words, and you couldn’t help but smile proudly, glad to evoke the sound from her.
She looked incredible as always, eyes shining as the glow of the streetlight above the two of you cascaded onto her smooth skin. 
“Your aesthetic? What exactly were you going for, huh? The Ice Age?”
Nat laughed uncontrollably at her own joke as she put her arm around your shoulders. You let out a small huff, a pout making its way to your lips as you discreetly pushed your side further into her own, seeking out her warmth as you continued walking together.
“I hate you so much.” You grumbled out. “No, you don’t.” Natasha spoke confidently. You hummed as if you were thinking about what she said, before responding. “Yeah, you’re right, I guess.”
“When am I not?” Nat asked sassily and you rolled your eyes at her. “I think you’re hanging around Tony too much, his ego is rubbing off on you.” You commented and Nat snorted at your words.
A beat of silence passed, the only sound that could be heard were your footsteps against the pavement and the rustling of the wind. “What would I do without you?” You asked softly, a feeling of sentiment washing over you like a tidal wave. 
“Freeze to death, apparently.” Natasha replied nonchalantly. And just like that, the cute moment you were trying to start was ruined, not that you were complaining though.
You playfully hit Nat on the shoulder as your combined laughter filled the night air, unable to contain yourselves. The assassin placed a soft kiss on your temple, the warmth of her jacket and body against yours pulling you into a serene state. 
The remainder of the journey was quiet, and you couldn’t help but appreciate the moment and all the others you shared with your girlfriend. You knew that you could overcome any obstacle life threw at you, as long as she was right by your side.
ㅤNatasha stepped out of her comfort zone for you; ㅤㅤ while you found yours in the form of her.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
taglist: @perfectromanoff @aliancvnas @marvelwomenslut @chaekhan @rvselie @imasimpfornatashamaximoff @natashaswifey @prentisshoe @mcubreakdown101 @yeetus-thyself @multiyfandomgirl40 @007giu @weelight @scotts-orange-slices @puppy-danvers2016 @acertainredhead @jdougl-love @lynxwhispurrs @mindofwesley @lostandsearching @tquick99 @rachel14617 @illloveyou @thewidowsghost @uraveragelonelygay @wandasgirlfriend @sapphic-stress @suki-is-a-queen @xxromanoffxx @b-5by5 @hagridsmomma @blurryylines @yeeterthekeeper @maximoff-jp @midnight-lestrange @tomatonugget @mrs-avenger3000 @wandadarlingg @wandanatblogs @nooshe @simpfornatasharomanoff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @grxvitye @thelastavenger-3000 @hunka-hulka-burnin-fudge @lightsaberfights @catasha @maxioofs
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